Как пишется боди камера

Перевод по словам

body [noun]

noun: тело, корпус, кузов, организация, труп, туловище, масса, плоть, человек, основная часть

verb: воплощать, придавать форму

  • racing body — гоночный кузов
  • body central bearing — пятник вагона
  • bury the body — закапывать тело
  • body veil — завеса тело
  • independent expert body — независимый экспертный орган
  • body of individuals — Тело лиц
  • rule-making body — правотворческий `орган
  • body integration — интеграция тела
  • each treaty body — каждый договорный орган
  • normal body temperature — нормальная температура тела

camera [noun]

noun: камера, фотокамера, фотоаппарат, кинокамера, киноаппарат, фотографический аппарат, сводчатое покрытие, кабинет судьи, полость, сводчатое помещение

  • camera position — положение камеры
  • reducing camera — микрофильмирующий аппарат
  • camera not included — камера не включена
  • lights, camera, action — Свет, камера, мотор
  • every camera — каждая камера
  • camera installation — установка камеры
  • swivel camera — поворотная камера
  • stationary camera — стационарные камеры
  • dynamic camera — динамическая камера
  • set your camera — установить камеру

Предложения с «body camera»

The manufacturer found a faulty sensor in Officer Taylor’s body camera.

Производитель нашел неисправный сенсор на нательной камере офицера Тэйлора.

Amazon offered to connect Washington County with other Amazon government customers interested in Rekognition and a body camera manufacturer.

Amazon предложила соединить округ Вашингтон с другими государственными заказчиками Amazon, заинтересованными в Rekognition, и производителем камер для тела.

Specifically, it could automate the identification and tracking of anyone, particularly in the context of potential police body camera integration.

В частности, он мог бы автоматизировать идентификацию и отслеживание любого человека, особенно в контексте потенциальной интеграции полицейских камер.

Police body camera footage showed that when she came to her window to observe police outside her home, Officer Aaron Dean shot through it and killed her.

Запись с камеры наблюдения показала, что когда она подошла к окну, чтобы наблюдать за полицейскими снаружи своего дома, офицер Аарон Дин выстрелил в него и убил ее.

Based on footage from his body camera which captured the shooting, a warrant was issued for his arrest.

На основании видеозаписи с камеры его тела, запечатлевшей съемку, был выдан ордер на его арест.

Amazon offered to connect Washington County with other Amazon government customers interested in Rekognition and a body camera manufacturer.

Amazon предложила соединить округ Вашингтон с другими государственными заказчиками Amazon, заинтересованными в Rekognition, и производителем камер для тела.

I got out my camera, a ruler, and photocopies of Waddell’s body diagrams.

Я достала свой фотоаппарат, линейку и фотокопии диаграмм тела Уоддела.

So, as we know from the live stream, the assailant, likely a male with significant upper-body strength, pistol-whipped O.G., then smashed the camera, ending the stream.

Как мы знаем, из прямой трансляции нападавший, скорее всего мужчина с серьёзно накаченным торсом, врезал пистолетом Оу.Джи. разбивает камеру, заканчивая тем самым стрим.

The camera could get to places in rebecca’s body that previous workups couldn’t have seen.

Камера могла бы попасть в те части тела Ребекки, при прошлом обследовании недоступные.

The eye is the most confined space in the body, which means the camera’s probably 3 to 4 millimeters long and difficult to see without a microscopic lens.

Глаз — один из самых скрытых наружных органов, это значит, что камера имеет размер порядка 3х4 миллиметра, и её трудно увидеть иначе как через объектив микроскопа.

The body in the apartment was geno murelli, Camera operator for the show.

Тело в квартире было опознано как Джино Морелли, телеоператор с шоу.

On modern cameras, especially when aperture is set on the camera body, f-number is often divided more finely than steps of one stop.

На современных камерах, особенно когда диафрагма установлена на корпусе камеры, f — число часто делится более тонко, чем шаги одной остановки.

They are provided with rough cross-body satchels containing a personal diary/camera—for use when the camera crew is not there at night—and a map.

Они снабжены грубыми поперечными сумками, содержащими личный дневник/камеру—для использования, когда съемочная группа не находится там ночью — и карту.

Camera and body tracking systems transferred Vikander’s performance to the CGI robot’s movements.

Камеры и системы слежения за телом передали работу Викандера движениям робота CGI.

The viewfinder was normally a parallel sight within or on top of the camera body.

Видоискатель, как правило, параллельного визирования в пределах или на верхней части корпуса камеры.

They soon find the dead body of Dane’s friend Gomez in a tree, as well as Dane’s camera, which depicts him being attacked by something.

Вскоре они находят на дереве мертвое тело друга Дэйна Гомеса, а также камеру Дэйна, которая изображает, как на него что — то нападает.

In 1987, this sensor was integrated with a Canon F-1 film SLR body at the Kodak Federal Systems Division to create an early DSLR camera.

В 1987 году этот датчик был интегрирован с корпусом Canon F — 1 film SLR в подразделении Kodak Federal Systems для создания ранней зеркальной камеры.

The digital back monitored the camera body battery current to sync the image sensor exposure to the film body shutter.

Цифровая задняя панель контролировала ток батареи корпуса камеры, чтобы синхронизировать экспозицию датчика изображения с затвором корпуса пленки.

The cavity of her mouth became the camera body and her lips became the camera aperture and shutter.

Полость ее рта стала корпусом камеры, а губы — диафрагмой и затвором камеры.

The camera work was deliberately careful to never show the body itself, while documenting the procedure, birds, and tools.

Работа с камерой была намеренно осторожной, чтобы никогда не показывать само тело, документируя процедуру, птиц и инструменты.

In the postcards, members of the lynch mob or crowd can be seen posing in front of the body, one of them holding a portable camera.

Как и в предыдущих веб — сериях, ищущих бой, цель этой серии состоит в том, чтобы Уайт искал таланты для UFC.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

нательной камеры

камеры тела

нательная камера

«As I told you, we took some of the body camera‘s footage,» Edmonson said.

«Как я уже говорил, мы просмотрели запись нательной камеры», — сказал Эдмундсон.

Edmonson said police interviewed witnesses and reviewed «disturbing» body camera footage prior to seeking an arrest warrant from a judge.

Эдмундсон также сообщил, что полиция опросила свидетелей и просмотрела «пугающую» запись нательной камеры перед тем, как просить судью выдать ордеры на арест подозреваемых.

Neely’s attorney, Melissa Morris says she wants to receive body camera footage to see how these actions came about.

Адвокат Нили, Мелисса Моррис, говорит, что хочет получить кадры с камеры тела, чтобы увидеть, как происходили эти действия.

Morris says that she plans to take action, including a possible march Sept. 15 through the streets of Galveston, if the police department «doesn’t give us transparency»-i.e., the body camera footage to see how this whole fiasco came about.

Моррис говорит, что она планирует принять меры, включая возможный марш 15 сентября по улицам Галвестона, если полицейское управление «не дает нам прозрачности», то есть кадры с камеры тела, чтобы увидеть, как произошло все это фиаско.

NEW YORK — Starting this month, if you get stopped by a police officer in New York City and are not arrested, you may be handed a business card that will explain how to request officers’ body camera footage of the stop.

Начиная с мая, если вас в Нью-Йорке остановит полицейский, но не арестует, вам вручат объяснение, как запросить кадры с нательной камеры копа.

Body camera police can be used by hackers and criminals

Следующая Нательные камеры полиции могут использоваться хакерами и преступниками

Body camera footage is just one of the many things that must and will be reviewed and investigated.

Сообщение об избирательной кампании всего лишь одно из многих, которые им нужно обработать и передать.

Turn in your body camera and then get out of here.

Сдай свою камеру и уходи отсюда.

I see your big ol’ gun, but no body camera.

Старый добрый ствол вижу, а камеру нет.

This wasn’t a body camera that captured what was happening.

Это не фотоаппарат, который запечатлевает происходящее.

Unsurprisingly, the latest AI advancement in body camera technology comes no closer to increasing police accountability or officer transparency.

Неудивительно, что последние достижения ИИ в технологии телекамер не приближаются к повышению ответственности полиции или прозрачности сотрудников.

The incident was reportedly caught on the officer’s body camera, but the footage has not yet been released.

Сообщается, что происшествие было записано на нательную камеру полицейского, однако кадры пока не публиковались в Сети.

It is quite natural that the body camera, especially used for security purposes, must be weather resistant and withstand certain shock loads.

Вполне естественно, что нательная камера, особенно используемая в охранных целях, должна быть устойчива к погодным воздействиям и выдерживать определённые ударные нагрузки.

Johnson is expected to begin wearing a body camera while on patrol next week, and his command staff is expected to follow suit.

Джонсон планирует начать носить камеру во время патрулирования на следующей неделе, и его команда, как ожидается, последует этому примеру.

In a separate incident last month, Jacobs filmed himself with a body camera standing alone on the Dam.

В отдельном инциденте в прошлом месяце Джейкобс снимал сам себя нательной камерой, стоя один на площади Дам.

We’re all so worried about police brutality, maybe we ought to put a body camera on Supergirl.

Мы все обеспокоены жестокостью полицейских, может нам стоить повесить камеру на Супергерл.

The manufacturer found a faulty sensor in Officer Taylor’s body camera.

Производитель нашел неисправный сенсор на нательной камере офицера Тэйлора.

And did you turn on your body camera when you entered?

Вы включили камеру, когда вошли туда?

«Join with us in our campaign to ensure that every police officer working the streets in this country wears a body camera,» the statement continues.

«Присоединяйтесь к нашей кампании, чтобы убедиться, что каждый работающий на улице полицейский, носит камеру«, — говорится в заявлении семьи Браунов.

Also, the smart clip will have his body camera, which under normal pairing with Your gadget, you can remove everything that happens around like record mode, and in the mode on-line.

Также, смарт-клипсы будут иметь в своей комплектации видеокамеры, которые при обычном сопряжении с Вашим гаджетом, могут снимать всё происходящее кругом как режиме записи, так и в режиме on-line.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 31. Точных совпадений: 31. Затраченное время: 59 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

This article is about body cameras used by law enforcement. For wearable recording device, see Body camera. For the 2020 film, see Body Cam (film).

A police officer wearing a body camera on their uniform

In policing equipment, a body camera or wearable camera, also known as body-worn video (BWV), body-worn camera (BWC), or bodycam, is a wearable audio, video, or photographic recording system used by police to record events in which law enforcement officers are involved, from the perspective of the officer wearing it. They are typically worn on the torso of the body, pinned on the officer’s uniform. Police body cameras are often similar to body cameras used by civilians, firefighters, or the military, but are designed to address specific requirements related to law enforcement. Body cameras were first worn by police in the United Kingdom in 2005, and have since been adopted by numerous police forces worldwide.



An example of a modern body camera designed for police use

Body cameras are used by law enforcement to record their interactions with the public, or gather video evidence at crime scenes. There are numerous suppliers across the globe. Current body cameras are much lighter and smaller than the first experiments with wearable cameras as early as the late 1990s. There are several types of body cameras made by different manufacturers. Each camera basically serves the same purpose, yet some function in slightly different ways than others or have to be worn in a specific way. Some are meant to be mounted on the chest or shoulder, while others are attached to glasses or may be worn in a function similar to a headband or on a helmet.

The various needs and budgets of police departments have led to a wide range of body camera equipment to be offered in recent years. Body camera manufacturers have constantly looked for technical innovations to improve their products. Many body cameras offer specific features like HD quality, infrared, night vision, fisheye lenses, or varying degrees of view.[1] Other features specific to law enforcement are implemented in the hardware to integrate the bodycameras with other devices or wearables. Another example are automatic triggers that start the recording when the officer starts a specific procedure, for instance when a fire-arm or taser is pulled from a holster, when a siren is activated or when the car door opens.

Ever since body cameras were first worn by police officers, there has been a debate over whether capabilities that make the camera superior to that of the officer’s eyes should be allowed. For instance, infra-red recordings could in hind-sight clearly show that a suspect did or did not carry a gun in his hand, but the officer at the scene may not have been able to see this. This type of issue forces companies to choose whether they want to incorporate ‘super human’ features into their products, or not.[2] HD video quality, for instance, no doubt improves usability of recordings as evidence, but at the same time increases file size, which in turn leads to an increase in bandwidth requirements for data transfer and storage capacity. At present, HD quality is the industries’ standard, but until roughly 2016 that was not the case even though the technology was widely available in other devices.[3][1]

Another important feature in law-enforcement is buffering: the option to let a body camera ‘pre-record’. The bodycam can record continuously and store the most recent for instance thirty seconds. If the officer presses the record-switch, the preceding thirty seconds of recording will be kept. If he does not, the recording will be deleted after thirty seconds have passed on a ‘first in, first out’ basis. The ability to buffer enables officers to retain video of everything that occurred prior to the moment the record switch was pressed. This buffered video and audio may provide more context to an incident.[1]

Another very useful feature that is included when using body cameras is how long they are able to record for, body cameras are able too record for up to 12 hours. This is a very important feature because if a law enforcement officer turns on their body camera at the beginning of their shift and forgets to turn it off, they are able to still get all of the footage for the whole shift since the body camera will record their whole shift without any problems.


Bodycams in docking stations during charging of batteries and uploading of recordings

Other features are constantly being trialed and implemented into the cameras and the data-storage process, such as cloud storage. Axon offers the possibility of sharing footage outside the police department, for instance with district attorneys or other prosecutors or the courts.[4][5]

Algorithms can be helpful in sifting through the recorded data that can quickly become overwhelming. Video content analysis, such as facial recognition or automatic indexing of recordings to simplify searching of the data, can help to reduce the time needed to find relevant fragments.


The device and storage are important and often require specific adaptation to make the technology suitable for law enforcement. But another important aspect of bodycams are the policies that shape the way officers use the bodycams. Three main questions are important:

  1. Who wears the bodycam? This can be an individual voluntary choice or a collective mandatory requirement. Not all officers have this option.
  2. What has to be recorded? Officers can have discretion to turn the bodycam on or off as they see fit or they can be guided through protocols.
  3. Who has access to the recordings? Access to the recordings determines to a large extent whether police officers will embrace the technology or not. Important questions in this domain are whether supervisors can access the footage and whether the recordings are public records or not. The rules that determine who has access, influence the willingness of officers to comply to the rules concerning wearing of bodycams and the on/off instructions. Important in this respect is whether the software automatically logs who has accessed the footage and whether any editing has been done.

English language countries[edit]


The number of body-worn cameras in use by the police of Australia is growing increasingly prevalent in parallel with other countries. The first bodycams or ‘cop-cams’ were trialed in Western Australia in 2007. Victoria has been trialing body-worn cameras since 2012, and in 2015 the NSW police announced they had invested $4 million in rolling out body-worn cameras to frontline police officers. Queensland police have had the cameras in operation for some time, and have already collected 155,000 hours worth of footage. According to research being conducted in 2016 ‘the use of body-worn cameras has now gathered traction in most Australian states and territories’.[6] Despite the increasing prevalence of the devices, some Australian commentators have expressed privacy concerns.[7]


Some police services in Canada such as the Calgary Police Service have outfitted all front-line officers with body-worn video systems since 2019.[8] Police unions in Canada have been opposed to body-worn video systems, citing privacy and cost concerns[citation needed]. In 2015, several city police units, including those in Winnipeg[9] and Montreal[10] announced plans to experiment with the technology. The Toronto Police Service started a pilot in 2014 with the technology during a year-long study of body-worn cameras. In total, 100 officers were using the technology from May 2015 thru May 2016.[11] The evaluation report concluded that support for the body cameras was strong and increased during the pilot. There were technical issues, for instance with battery life, camera mounting, docking, recharging, ability to classify, ease of review and other issues. Administrative responsibilities associated with the body cameras resulted in significant commitment of time by officers that then was not available to spend on other duties.[citation needed] In September 2016, the Toronto police wanted to put out a call for proposals from suppliers.[12]


The Singapore Police Force announced in January 2015 that officers stationed at its Neighbourhood Police Centres will be issued body cameras with those located at Bukit Merah West.[13] Officers stationed at Ang Mo Kio North, Bedok South, Bukit Merah East, Jurong West and Toa Payoh in June 2015 with the entire island covered by June 2016.[13] The Reveal RS3-SX body camera is issued to the SPF.[14]

The SPF mentioned that strict safeguard are in place with video footage to be deleted 31 days after they’re shot unless they’re needed in an active case.[15] Officers are allowed to deactivate the cameras at their discretion according to the situation, such as cases of encountering sexual assault victims.[15]

United Kingdom[edit]

First tests 2005[edit]

Body worn cameras being trialled by officers in Wolverhampton and Birmingham

Body-worn video cameras received wide media coverage because of the first testing of body-worn cameras in the United Kingdom in 2005. The test was begun on a small-scale by Devon and Cornwall Police.[16] In 2006, the first significant deployments of body worn video at the national level were undertaken by the Police Standards Unit (PSU) as part of the Domestic Violence Enforcement Campaign (DVEC). The basic command units equipped with the head cameras recorded everything that happened during an incident from the time of arrival which led to the «preservation of good-quality first disclosure evidence from the victim». The evidence gathered was deemed especially useful in the way of supporting prosecutions if the victim was reluctant to give evidence or press charges.

Plymouth study 2007[edit]

This led the Home Office to publish a report stating that «evidence gathering using this equipment has the potential radically to enhance the police performance at the scene of a wide range of incidents».[17] In the same report, the Home Office concluded that body worn camera system used in Devon and Cornwall had «the ability to significantly improve the quality of the evidence provided by police officers at incidents». However, mostly due to the limitations of the then available technology, it was also recommended that police forces should await the completion of successful trials and projects to re-evaluate the technology before investing in cameras. By July 2007, the Home Office was beginning to encourage the emerging industry and published another document entitled «Guidance for the Police use of Body Worn Cameras». The report was based on the first national pilot of BWV conducted in Plymouth. Tony McNulty MP, Minister of State for Security, Counter-Terrorism and Police wrote a foreword that held BWV in a promising light: «The use of body-worn video has the potential to improve significantly the quality of evidence provided by police officers…video recording from the scene of an incident will capture compelling evidence…that could never be captured in written statements.» Despite being hailed as a tool to enhance the quality of evidence, the focus was beginning to shift away from exclusively benefiting prosecutions. The Home Office highlighted that BWV also had the significant potential to «prevent and deter crime». In addition, the final report on the National Pilot for BWV announced that complaints against the officers wearing the cameras had been reduced to zero and time spent on paperwork had been reduced by 22.4%, which led to a 9.2% increase in officer time spent on patrol («50 minutes of a 9-hour shift»).

Over 40 UK police areas with BWV in 2010[edit]

Following the national pilot, BWV began to gain some traction in the UK and, by 2008, Hampshire Police began to use the technology in parts of the Isle of Wight and the mainland. These were the first steps that paved the way for Chief Constable Andy Marsh becoming the national lead for BWV. Pioneers of BWV in the UK began to drive the need to review the legislation surrounding the use of the equipment. In 2009 the Security Industry Authority concluded that a CCTV license could be extended to cover the use of a body camera. The summary stated that a CCTV license was required to review footage from a body camera and that a door supervision or security guard license was required to operate a body camera if security activities were also being performed.

In 2010, 5  years after the first BWV venture, over 40 UK police areas were using body cameras to varying degrees. Grampian Police were one such force that initiated a trial in July 2010 which paved the way for the Paisley and Aberdeen body wore video project in 2011. The project was considered a huge success and it was identified that the benefits saved an estimated minimum of £400,000 per year due to the following:

  • Increase public reassurance;
  • Reduce fear of crime in local communities;
  • Increase early guilty pleas;
  • Resolve complaints about the police or wardens more quickly;
  • Reduce assaults on officers.

The concluding sections of the report on the Paisley and Aberdeen project turned the attention to the digital, back-end solutions for BWV. Now that the benefits of using body cameras were being realized, the implications on the digital infrastructure were being called into question. The report suggested providing «robust central IT support» to have established the processes behind information gathering and monitoring.

Code of Practice surveillance cameras[edit]

In 2013 the Home Office released an updated code of practice for surveillance cameras, in which Principle 8 included the use of body cameras, stating: «Surveillance camera system operators should consider any approved operational, technical and competency standards relevant to a system and its purpose and work to meet and maintain those standards». 2013 also saw the start of Operation Hyperion, a Hampshire Police initiative on the Isle of Wight that equipped every frontline police officer with a personal issue body worn camera, the biggest project of its kind at the time. Sergeant Steve Goodier oversaw the project and was adamant that the project would drive legislative changes to free up further uses for body worn cameras. He said «I strongly believe we could make some small changes to legislation that can have a big impact on officers: «PACE was written in 1984 at a time when BWV was not around…We want to get the legislation changed so that BWV could replace the need for handwritten statements from officers when it is likely that an early guilty plea would be entered at court or that the incident could be dealt with a caution or community resolution.»


PCSO in London (UK) with bodycam

In 2014, the Metropolitan Police Service began a 12 month trial in ten London boroughs, testing the impact of Body Worn Video on complaints, stop and search and criminal justice outcomes for violent offenses. Following the trial, the decision was made to issue body cameras to all officers who have regular engagement with the public. Other officers will be able to access cameras on an ‘as needed’ basis. A total of 22,000 cameras will be issued.[18]

Northern Ireland[edit]

In 2016, the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) formally introduced Body Worn Video technology commencing with Derry City and Strabane District, with Belfast becoming the second District to introduce the technology.[19] A pilot Body Worn Video camera scheme was run during 2014/15, which illustrated the benefits of Body Worn Video. On that basis a business case was submitted to the Department of Justice and funding was secured to purchase Body Worn Video technology for officers across the service. In 2017, the Northern Ireland Prison Service implemented Body Worn Video, following the success of the PSNI deployment.[20]

Devon and Cornwall[edit]

In September 2018, Devon and Cornwall Police announced their intention to begin outfitting officers with body worn cameras.[21] The force was the first to trial BWV in the UK in 2005.[16] The project was launched alongside Dorset Police.[22] The cameras will be switched on by officers to record specific incidents including performing arrests, searches, stopping motor vehicles for any reason, and during violent incidents or where domestic abuse or modern slavery are suspected.[23]

United States[edit]

Body camera worn by policeman of North Charleston, South Carolina

Law and policies[edit]

In 2012, the National Institute of Justice at the United States Department of Justice issued a primer regarding laws, policies, practices, and technology for local police departments to consider.[24]

Following The Law Enforcement Officer-Worn Body Camera Act (eff. 1-1-16), the state of Illinois became one of the first states to have a comprehensive set of rules for police departments in regards to body camera usage.[25] The Chicago Police Department as well as the mayor of the city, Rahm Emanuel, have been vocal about their plan to enact a body-worn camera expansion that would equip police officers by the end of 2017. The goal of this plan, as well as the hiring of more officers, is to improve public trust in the law, expand transparency, and halt the climbing number of homicides.[26][27] Springfield Police Department (Illinois) has also been among the local departments that have expanded the use of body worn cameras despite the Springfield Police Chief Kenny Winslow stating that «there are still problems with the state body camera law, and many departments in Illinois aren’t adopting the cameras as a result».[28] One of those departments is the Minooka Police Department that discontinued the use of body cameras because they felt overburdened by administrative responsibilities.[29][30] The considerable cost of cameras and the support of related technology is another factor limiting the speed of their adoption. In New York City, for example, initial purchase of body-worn cameras could cost up to $31 million. However, proponents hypothesized that body-worn cameras would save money by reducing lawsuits targeted towards the police force and by aiding in the dismissal of court cases with digital evidence provided by the recorded footage of the body-worn cameras.[31]

On December 1, 2014, President Barack Obama «proposed reimbursing communities half the cost of buying cameras and storing video—a plan that would require Congress to authorize $75 million over three years to help purchase 50,000 recording devices».[32] He also asked Congress for a $263 million package overall to deal with community policing initiatives that would provide a 50 percent federal match for local police departments to purchase body cameras and to store them.[33] With the push from then President Barack Obama to “expand funding and training to law enforcement agencies through community policing initiatives”, the United States Department of Justice announced in May 2015 that they would grant 73 out of the 285 awards requested for a total of 20 million dollars.[34] This allowed for the purchase and distribution of 21,000 cameras to be placed in active duty. A National Institute of Justice report found this in regards to responding police agencies: «In a sample of police departments surveyed in 2013, approximately 75 percent of them reported that they did not use body-worn cameras».[35] A November 2014 survey of police departments serving the 100 most populous cities, Vocativ found that «41 cities use body cams on some of their officers, 25 have plans to implement body cams and 30 cities do not use or plan to use cams at this time».[36]

Investigations have shown that although in many states the usage of body worn cameras is mandatory, there are instances where some officers have failed to adhere to the law. From 2015 until 2017, there have been nationally recognized scenarios of fatal shootings in San Francisco, Alabama, Washington D.C., and Los Angeles in which the officer was wearing a body camera, but did not activate it during the incident.[37] The Los Angeles Police Department is one of the first to publicly discuss solutions as to how they will try to fix this problem. Small reminders such as stickers in the station and cars are meant to remind officers to use this technology. In addition, Los Angeles Police Department is testing new technology that would activate the cameras at the same time as the officer turns on their emergency lights. The LAPD has also been working with the body camera manufacturer it uses, Taser International, to increase a buffer that saves video from 30 seconds before and after the camera is turned on and off.[37]

Study results[edit]

Studies have produced mixed findings on the impact of body-worn cameras and the effect these have on police, civilian, or suspect behavior. Early reports touting the benefits of police body cameras were based on limited research of small groups of police officers in a short period of time. In recent years, more robust research became available.

1) ‘Yes: they work’ — the Rialto and Orlando studies[edit]

An impact assessment, based on 54 Rialto police officers wearing body cameras showed that civilian complaints against officers dropped by 88% and «use of force» dropped by 59%.[31] Another report that studied the effects of body-worn cameras for 46 officers of the Orlando Police Department over one year[38] concluded that for officers wearing the body cameras, use-of-force incidents dropped by 53%, civilian complaints dropped by 65%, two in three officers who wore the cameras said they’d want to continue wearing them in the future and that it made them «better officers».[38] Other studies produced similar results. For instance, an analysis by the San Antonio Express-News of San Antonio law enforcement’s use of body-worn cameras found that incidents where police used force and formal misconduct complaints decreased significantly. Scholars of crime were unsure to what extent body-worn cameras played a role in these declines, but noted that the results were consistent with trends in other cities were cameras had been introduced.[39]

2) ‘No: they don’t’ — the Washington study[edit]

As more studies in more police departments were performed, the evidence became more mixed. One of the most robust studies was done among thousands of Washington, D.C. officers, led by David Yokum at the Lab@DC, a team of scientists embedded in D.C. government, and Anita Ravishankar at D.C.’s Metropolitan Police Department (M.P.D.). The evaluation found no effect on use-of-force by officers or on the number of complaints by civilians.[40][41] The researchers concluded that police officers equipped with body cameras used force and confronted civilians in a similar manner compared with officers without body cameras: “This is the most important empirical study on the impact of police body-worn cameras to date. … These results suggest we should recalibrate our expectations” of cameras’ ability to make a “large-scale behavioral change in policing, particularly in contexts similar to Washington, D.C.». The study not only presents statistical analyses, but also provides qualitative research and analysis to shed light on the controversies surrounding the cameras. According to the study, several factors could explain why the cameras did not change the behavior of the police — even though there was a high level of compliance to the rules governing the activation of the cameras: desensitization to the cameras and the fact that police officers already performed better due to an increase in monitoring of their actions before the introduction of the cameras. A third possibility was that officers without cameras acted similar to officers with cameras, because they were aware of their colleagues who did wear these devices.[41]
Since the Washington-study, several others have been published that concluded the body cameras did not live up to — perhaps too high — expectations. The meta-evaluation cited below contains information on all studies if they met the methodological quality requirements.

3) ‘It depends’ — meta-evaluations[edit]

In reviewing the existing research on police body-worn cameras in 2017, University of Virginia economist Jennifer Doleac noted that the existing research was mixed as to whether the cameras reduce the use of force by police officers or increase the communities’ trust in police.[1][42] But a reduction in complaints against police using excessive force does not necessarily mean there are fewer cases of misconduct, it could mean that people are just not speaking up or the body camera was not turned on and the footage cannot be investigated. More time and research was expected to allow a more precise answer to whether or not body worn cameras improve officer conduct.[43] As more empirical evidence became available, the importance of differences in local contexts and policies was revealed. The level of discretion that officers have in the activation of the body cameras has, for instance, been suggested as one of the deciding characteristics in any body camera policy and therefore in the results that can be expected. Unintended outcomes can even be the result from increased transparency due to over-deterrence: officers who know they are being recorded, will only do the minimum required. These officers will also tend to do everything by the book, reluctant to apply discretion.[44][45]


Police unions in several U.S. cities, such as New York City (the Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association, which represents part of the NYPD),[46] Las Vegas,[47] and Jersey City, New Jersey,[48] and St. Louis, Missouri,[49] expressed doubts or opposition to body cameras. Specifically, union officials expressed concerns about possible distraction and safety issues, and questioned «whether all the footage filmed by body cameras will be accessible via public-records requests, whether victims of domestic violence will be hesitant to call police if they know they will be filmed and whether paying for the cameras and maintenance will lead to cuts elsewhere in the police budget».[48] Others have worried about a «gotcha discipline».[49] Some unions have argued that it was «mandatory» for police departments to include provisions about body-worn cameras in union contracts because it would be a «clear change in working conditions» as well as something that could «impact an officer’s safety».[47]

Civil liberties[edit]

The NAACP National Board of Directors has endorsed the use of policy-based automatic body-worn camera solutions for use by law enforcement.[50] The American Civil Liberties Union is an organization that has been a major proponent of body cameras on officers, but only in certain situations.[51] The ACLU has advocated body camera use for both police departments and U.S. Customs and Border Protection,[52] granted that safeguards are in place to protect the privacy of both officers and civilians.[53] However, they have opposed the use of such camera systems for parking enforcement officers, fire marshals, building inspectors, or other code enforcement officers.[54] The questions raised by the ACLU and others fuel the most heated debate on body-worn cameras. Others, such as Black Lives Matter, have released specific policy solutions to tackle the issue of police violence and escalation that include body cameras for police, limited use of force, and demilitarization of the police are a few of the ten crucial policies listed in Campaign Zero.[55][56]

Other countries[edit]


Urban Management Officer with Body worn Camera

The use of body-worn cameras by law enforcement offers potential advantages in keeping officers safe, enabling situational awareness, improving community relations and accountability, and providing evidence for trials. A legislation regarding body-worn camera has been enacted by the Ministry of Public Security, making the body-worn camera standard and mandatory policing equipment for law enforcement agencies in China.[57]

Two million police officers are being equipped with this camera in China.[citation needed]

Hong Kong

The police in Hong Kong has been experimenting with body cameras since 2013. Based on positive findings from an (unpublished) evaluation, the decision was taken to supply all front-line officers with a bodycam.[58]


The police in Denmark has been credited in English media as the first police force to use body cameras, even before the English pilots of 2007 were initiated.[59][60] In 2017, the Minister of Justice has equipped security personnel in detention centers with body cameras.[61]


Pilot project 2015[edit]

In Finland, a pilot with body cameras was started in 2015. Thirty cameras were used by the Helsinki Police Department to help the police in maintaining public order. It was hoped that body cameras might prevent crime and disorder. Furthermore, it was expected that the cameras could at the same time improve the way the police worked. The cameras were meant to be used in specific settings and only in public places. Filming inside homes would only be allowed as part of a criminal investigation. The data were to be encrypted and could only be accessed with specific software, according to the police. It was expected that most recordings would be deleted right after each shift, because of the need for privacy protection.[62]


According to a report from 2017 by a working-group, the pilot justified the national roll-out of bodycams in Finland. The report concluded that police officers’ safety improved, reduced resistance to the police and better protected police. During the experiment in Helsinki, the report noted, behaviour of citizens improved when people see that the situation is being recorded. The introduction could be based on current legislation, but an additional legal framework would be needed regulating recording and storage of recordings. Filming inside homes is not generally allowed. The cameras could be available at the end of 2018, after the necessary training and purchases. The Federation of Police Officers wants provisions to make sure that human errors will not be problematic for officers wearing cameras. The question is whether police can erase recordings when they want to. According to the working group, this is no different from the handling of other police documentation. During the pilot, the recordings were stored for 24 hours and then wiped, unless a criminal offence was recorded. The working group recommended to extend that period to 96 hours.[63]

Plans for national roll-out in 2018[edit]

In early 2018, some 30 cameras were in use at Helsinki police department on a trial basis. The National Police Board recommended in April 2018 to issue all police officers on patrol with cameras. The ambition is to make the procurements in 2018. The two main reasons are to improve officers’ safety by reducing confrontations with members of the public and to make recordings that can be used as evidence.[64]

Other Law enforcement agencies

Finnish parking inspectors from Vaasa, Jyväskylä, and Kotka[65] have been using bodycams since the spring of 2021[66] and have reported fewer threatening incidents since they began wearing body cameras on their uniforms.


French law enforcement has been experimenting with bodycams — called ‘caméra-piéton’ or ‘pedestrian cameras’ in French — since 2013, but possibly even before then.


National and municipal police have also been outfitted with body cameras, starting with 2 000 cameras in 2017, after experimentation during the previous years.[67] This number of cameras has been expanded and 10 400 additional cameras are being rolled out in what has been called a ‘massive deployment’.[68] Nearly 400 municipalities applied for permission to use bodycams in the pilot that was conducted in 2017 and 2018. These communities ranged in size from 1 500 inhabitants like Collias to 100 000+ cities like Marseille and Nice.

Other organisations[edit]

In 2018, the senate approved plans to experiment with bodycams in fire fighting and in detention centers.[69] Other organisations that use these small wearable cameras are the national organisation for rail transport (SNCF), but also regional public transport for Paris (RATP).[70] In 2019, public transport company Kéolis, introduced body cameras for its security staff on trams and buses in the city of Brest.[71]


The body cameras in France are intended to de-escalate interventions and reassure the security forces. Formally, according to the 2016 law, that was extended in 2018 for use of bodycams by municipal police officers, the goals of the cameras are:

  1. prevention of incidents during interventions by the police or the military (gendarmerie nationale);
  2. detection of violations of the law and the prosecution of the suspects by collecting evidence;
  3. training and education of officers

Legal framework[edit]

The legal framework has been determined by a law of June 3, 2016, by the national committee on information and freedoms (Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés — CNIL). Their opinion is that because of the elevated risks created by surveillance of persons and personal life that could result from the use of these cameras, a specific legal framework was needed. Separate laws have been developed for national police and gendarmerie[72] and for municipal police[73] — the latter being adopted by parliament in 2018.[74] Recordings have to be retained for at least six months.[75] Specific legislation has also been developed for law enforcement in sectors such as rail transportation and regional public transport for Paris. One of the key components of the law in France is that officers are not allowed to review the recordings. However, the bodycams acquired offered this option and would have to be replaced with different type progressively, but not before the end of 2017 — according to the source quoted in the article.[75]

Identity checks[edit]

One of the main reasons for the national police, gendarmerie and municipal police to start using bodycams is the systematic recording of identity checks in public places. Starting in March 2017, the police and gendarmerie in 23 prioritised security zones (‘zones de securité priorities), including Paris, Marseille, Nice, Toulouse and Lyon, had to record each identity check. Up to 2013, the decision to start a recording was discretionary, but after 2017 recording of these checks was supposed to become the rule. According to a critical article, this requirement was not fulfilled, given the fact that there were 2 500 bodycams available for the total of around 245 000 officers in the country. Some controversy surrounded the introduction because of a statement in the Senate by ministre de l’intérieur, Bruno le Roux, that recording would be triggered automatically — a statement that later had to be revoked because it proved to be incorrect.[75] The report describing the results of the experiment was not published, but a spokesperson of the National Police told a reporter that the cameras increase the legitimacy of officers, pacify difficult situations and offer the possibility to record the specifics of each intervention, in this case identity checks.[68]

Future developments[edit]

The Mayor of the city of Nice has asked the Minister of the Interior to rewrite the legal framework to include live streaming of bodycam-footage. This would enable supervision centers to not only watch regular CCTV-cameras but also body cameras. Included in the request was the suggestion to enable these centers to distribute the footage to the devices in police vehicles. The national privacy watchdog, CNIL, has called for a democratic debate to define appropriate frameworks and to strike a balance between security and the rights and freedoms of everyone.[68]


Bodycam used by the Magdeburg Police (Germany)

Reasons for bodycams[edit]

In some parts of Germany, some state police services have used body-worn video systems since 2013[76] and the number of states (German: Land or Länder) where police use bodycams has increased ever since.[77] The reason for the introduction of these cameras in Germany has overwhelmingly been to protect police against assaults from suspects. The second reason is the ability to reconstruct events and to use the recording as evidence.[78] A third reason has been the fact that civilians are filming the police and that the police wants to add their own recordings to what they perceive as selective filming by civilians. As Rüdiger Seidenspinner, the president of the union of policemen for the State of Baden-Württemberg, explained: «The reason is simple: our colleagues have had enough in this era of smartphones of being filmed only when they intervene. What caused the intervention, what actions, insults etc. took place does not seem to concern anyone. Furthermore, we will not use the BodyCam in all situations, but only for specific deployments and especially in areas with high levels of crime».[79] According to a representative sample of 1,200 citizens from Germany in 2015, a majority of 71% is in favour of body cameras and 20% is opposed to the technology.[80]

Länder with bodycams[edit]

Detailed information is available on the use of body cameras in five Länder. In State of Hesse, the police were the first force in Germany to use body cams in May 2013. According to official registrations, the resistance (Widerstand) to police decreased from 40 to 25 and only one of the policemen wearing a body camera was wounded, compared to nine colleagues without camera.[81] Following the pilot, the number of bodycams acquired went up from the original 13 to 72 in total, also meant for other areas in Hesse.[82][83] The success of the pilot inspired many other German cities and the Federal Police to start using body cameras as well. Police services from Hungary, Switzerland, and Austria were interested as well and asked the German police for information.[82]

In the State of Rhineland-Palatinate body cams are in use since July 2015 in the cities of Mainz and Koblenz to reduce violence towards the police and to collect footage that can be used as evidence. The costs of these body cams was 18.500 euro.[84] Based on the positive experiences, eighty more bodycams have been acquired to be deployed in more areas in these two cities. In Hamburg, one of five members in each team that surveils during weekends is equipped with a bodycam since June 2015. These cameras can be pointed in different directions by manually operated remote control.[85] Since 2016, the Bavarian State Police has been testing bodycams in Munich, Augsburg and Rosenheim. The cameras have to be activated in critical situations and at dangerous locations, for instance in nightlife entertainment areas where fighting is a common occurrence.[86] In Baden-Württemberg, bodycams are deployed in Stuttgart, Mannheim and Freiburg since 2016.[87] The aim here is to test the bodycams during one year with the purpose of reducing violence against the police.[88] Since late 2022 Berlin’s police have implemented a pilot program with bodycams.[89]

Federal police[edit]

Starting in February 2016, the Federal Police began testing bodycams at train stations in Berlin, Cologne, Düsseldorf and Munich.[90][91] In early 2017, the Bundestag agreed with government plans to introduce bodycams to protect officers.[92]

Legal issues[edit]

All Länder in the country use bodycams, but there are substantial differences in the legal framework. Some have explicitly created a legal basis (Hesse, Hamburg, Saarland, Bremen, Baden-Württemberg), some are still working on it and in the meantime fall back on existing norms (North Rhine-Westphalia, Lower Saxony, pilot projects in Bavaria, Rhineland-Palatinate, Saxony-Anhalt, Federal Police). Still others have no concrete plans for legal adaptations (Berlin, Brandenburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein and Thuringia).[78]


Milan and Turin 2015 and 2017[edit]

In the cities of Milan and Turin, police forces have started experimenting on a small scale with bodycams. One of the first projects started in 2015 in Turin where police used the bodycams for their own protection during protests.[93] Starting in May 2017, ten bodycams were being trialled by the police forces of Turin and Milan to be used in high-risk operations and use-of-force incidents. Part of the trial was to connect the live streams of the cameras to the control-room of the police. The bodycams for these pilots were supplied free of charge by a manufacturer for a period of three months. Based on the experiences during the trials, a decision would have to be reached whether to supply all front-line officers with bodycams.[94] The price for fifty bodycams in Milan was 215,000 euros.[95]

Rome 2017[edit]

Police officers in Rome have not yet been equipped with bodycams. However, in October 2017, the secretary of the union Sulpl Roma, announced that police officers who ask for them will receive a bodycam before the end of the year 2017. The reason would be two-fold: to modernise the officers’ equipment and to settle disputes with drivers who disagree with police, for instance over a fine or the cause of an accident.[95]


The privacy law governing the use of bodycams by police in Italy is the law that protects personal data. According to a spokesperson of the police in Rome the law allows for the creation of video recordings of police interventions, provided the footage is used only for the reconstruction of police activity. The fact that other people including innocent by-standers could be recognised by their faces or voices does not mean the recording can not be used for legitimate purposes.[95]


Japanese law enforcements has been experimenting with bodycams since 2022, but possibly even before then.


In order to quickly and accurately share the situation at the scene of an incident, Aichi Prefectural Police have introduced a system that automatically transmits video footage of police officers at the scene of an incident to the prefectural police headquarters in real time. This is the first time in Japan that a system capable of automatic filming and distribution has been used, and the prefectural police hope it will lead to the early resolution of incidents and ensure the safety of victims. The system was developed independently by the prefectural police and was introduced in March. When a police officer arrives at the scene, he or she uses a small camera on his or her mobile phone attached to his or her right breast. When the officer operates the radio, the camera is automatically activated and starts recording video, and the video and sound are transmitted to headquarters and the relevant department at each police station. According to the prefectural police, the cameras are worn by all police officers working at the 384 police stations in the prefecture. Until now, the situation at the scene of an incident has been communicated verbally over the radio, but from now on, detailed information on the scene of an incident, as well as the physique and clothing of the suspicious person the police officer confronts, can be instantly shared in the form of video images from the moment the radio is used. In radio communication only, it was sometimes time-consuming to ascertain information, as it was necessary to repeatedly confirm the facts between the police officer on the scene and the person in charge of the communication command. The introduction of the system is expected to shorten the time from the moment an incident is detected to the time the police are dispatched to the scene, and the chief of the Communications Command Section of the prefectural police, Mr Defining Sugiyama, said: ‘Initial response is extremely important for the early arrest of suspects and the safety of victims. We hope to enhance our response capability and protect the safety of the community by utilising the system».[96]

Other organisations[edit]

In December 2022, JR-EAST station staff to be equipped with body cameras in order to deal incidents with passengers.[97][98]



the Netherlands national police with bodycams

Public transport officer in Amsterdam with bodycam

The first body worn video used by the Dutch police were portable videocameras used by the mounted riot-police in 1997.[99] The first experiments with more modern bodycams date back to 2008 and were all small-scale technical tests. After four large-scale experiments from 2009 through 2011, the conclusion was that bodycams did not reduce violence and aggression against the police, largely due to technical problems with recordings and ‘wearability’ of the equipment.[100] The Department of Justice concluded that bodycams were not ready to be ‘rolled out’ on the national level. Regional police forces continued experimenting with bodycams. In 2011, according to a survey by one of the major suppliers of body worn video cameras in the Netherlands, 17 of the 25 regionale police forces were using bodycams in 2011.[101]

In 2015, the Dutch National Police published their plans to integrate more ‘sensing’ capabilities into routine police work. This plan focused on CCTV, automatic number plate recognition and bodycams.[102] Thirty experiments were conducted with body cameras to determine whether the technology should become part of the standard equipment of all police officers. The biggest experiment was done in Amsterdam where one hundred bodycams were tested for 12 months by 1,500 officers. The trial was monitored and independently evaluated, according to the highest possible methodological standard: a randomised controlled trial. Violence and aggression towards police officers were reduced significantly.[103][104] Based on these positive findings, the management of the National Police in 2019 decided to roll-out 2,000 bodycams to all front-line police units in the country.[105] Results from a 2022 research report[106] show that 86% of police officers find that the bodycams have (a lot) of added value to their work, with officers also feeling safer on duty while carrying bodycams. The research report further found that the bodycams have added value for investigations, training, and evaluation.

Other law enforcement with bodycams[edit]

Other organizations besides the police use bodycams, mainly local law enforcement officers employed by municipalities. All local ‘handhavers’ or city wardens in Amsterdam and Rotterdam wear bodycams, in addition to over thirty smaller cities. Other organisations use body cameras including public transport, security professionals, ambulances and fire-fighters.[107]


By 2020, different police departments in Pakistan were either planning to or has already started using body cams in a bid to maintain accountability. The Islamabad Capital City Police Department was the first to use body cams in field and had plans to acquire and equip more body cams for police officials manning the different checkpoints around the city as well as those police officials who go for snap checkings.[108]

Karachi Police was planning to induct body cams for its officials as the city sees more violence in the shape of street crimes than any other city in Pakistan. Apart from the police, Islamabad traffic police and National Highway and Motorway Police too are either planning or have already started using body cams.


Russian law enforcements has been experimenting with bodycams since 2016, but possibly even before then.


a «DOZOR» body cam used by the Russian police officers

According to Russian Internal Affairs Ministry the end of the 2016 all traffic police officers in Moscow will receive body cameras, which are attached to their clothes and work continuously. In some regions, such devices designed to eradicate corruption in the ranks of traffic police officers, are also purchased by other law enforcement agencies, but in limited quantities — for testing. Total equipping to all Russian police officers with body cameras was scheduled to completed by 2017.[109]



Swedish police have used body cameras, for instance at large football games and demonstrations. According to a spokesperson for the Swedish Police in 2015, body cameras would not become standard equipment for police officers. They would be used for special purposes because there was no need to record all interactions. «We are not in the same situation as the police in the US who need to document everything in order to maintain credibility».[110] Early trials with body cameras have been carried out in Gothenburg and Södertälje in 2017. Many other Swedish police regions expressed interest in using body cameras.[111] The police in Stockholm have piloted body cameras in 2018 and 2019. In total, 300 body cameras were used in three parts of Stockholm to prevent violence against police officers. The Swedish Crime Prevention Council (Brottsförebyggande rådet — Brå) evaluated the pilot.[112] The evaluation revealed that the body cameras had the intended effects, but on a relatively modest scale. Certain types of violence decreased: harassment and violence using weapons. Sexual intimidation of female officers was reduced too. The sense of security improved, according to interviews with officers: people ‘guard their tongue’. Physical violence has not decreased in the same amount. According to the police, this type of violence is perpetrated by people who are either drunk or mentally troubled. Their behaviour is not adjusted when they realise they are being filmed. Footage has rarely been used as evidence in courts: overall, 178 recordings were pulled for prosecution and conviction. In roughly half of these cases, the footage was used as evidence, but in the other half the decision was made to not submit the recording as evidence. Another conclusion is that the level of activation of bodycams varied from one officer to the next. There was a lack of clear instructions and guidelines on which situations needed to be recorded. The researchers believe that the bodycams could lead to more positive outcomes if a better strategy for the deployment of the bodycams would be developed and implemented.

Other law enforcement[edit]

The Swedish army in Afghanistan has used helmet cameras, according to this article from 2015.[113] In 2016, train hosts in Gothenburg and West Sweden started testing bodycams. They were only allowed to turn on the cameras if a passenger became violent or threatened to use violence.[114] Public transport in Stockholm, Storstockholms Lokaltrafik, started using body cameras in 2018. Security guards were the first to start using these cameras and ticket controllers followed in December 2018. The cameras are used in order to improve the safety of staff. Additionally, the cameras can be used to make a recording of travellers without a valid ticket. By filming them, the identity of the person in question can be verified even if they used someone else’s identity during the check.[110]

United Arab Emirates[edit]

Following a successful six month pilot scheme, the Dubai Police Force decided to adopt body worn video technology in 2015. Speaking to the media at the time, Gen Al Muzeina flagged-up the value of footage from these cameras. He said that this evidence could, potentially, be used where there are objections to traffic offences or a failure by officers to meet acceptable standards.[115] The Abu Dhabi Police also confirmed in the same year that – following two years of trials – it would be rolling out body worn video cameras to patrol officers.[116]

Impact studies[edit]

In 2019, a team of researchers published the most comprehensive overview to date of the impact of BWCs. They based their overview on seventy empirical studies, most from U.S. jurisdictions (74%). The study reports on officer behavior, officer perceptions, citizen behavior, citizen perceptions, police investigations, and police organizations.[117]
Subsequent analysis of the research affirms their mixed findings about BWCs’ effectiveness and draws attention to how the design of many evaluations fails to account for local contextual considerations or citizen perspectives, particularly among groups that disproportionately experience police violence.[118]

Officer behavior[edit]

Impact on officer behavior is measured by complaints, use of force reports, arrests/citations or proactive behaviors. This is one of the greatest expectations of BWCs by civilians: that these cameras can change police officer behavior. Studies in this area (22 studies looked at complaints) have mostly shown that officers wearing BWCs receive fewer complaints than do those that are not wearing the cameras. The more important concern for police agencies and researchers is why complaints decline. It may be because of a change in officer behavior. But it may also be a more complex story involving reduction of frivolous, malicious or unfounded complaints because civilians change their behavior. The number of complaints as a measure of officer behavior may itself be problematic: they are rare and only reflect exceptional occurrences, not the everyday officer interactions with the public.

Use of force (16 studies) went down according to five of the rigorous impact studies. Four other studies, however, showed no statistically significant effects. The level of discretion officers have may explain these differences, one team of researchers suggested. As with complaints, use of force is rare and may not be the best measure of the impact of BWCs on police officer behavior. Other studies look at arrests and citation behaviors (fourteen studies showed ‘no clear patterns’) or on proactivity (six studies: ‘results not definitive’). The question whether BWCs impact on disparate outcomes in policing has yet to be tackled.

Officer attitudes about BWCs[edit]

At least 32 [119][120][121] studies focused on officer attitudes about cameras. First of all, the authors describe the methodological challenges of many of these studies. Despite those issues and despite mixed findings, one consistent theme is that once officers start using cameras, they feel positive or become more positive about BWCs.

Civilian behavior[edit]

At least 16 studies were aimed at examining the Impact of BWCs on civilian behavior. This can be measured by compliance with the police, willingness to call the police, willingness to cooperate in investigations or crime and disorder when an officer is present. The results were varied and some aspects have not been studied at all, for instance the concern that BWCs may reduce people’s willingness to call the police due to worries about personal privacy.

Civilian perceptions[edit]

Sixteen studies looked at civilian attitudes about BWCs. This can be measured by looking at satisfaction with specific officer encounters or satisfaction with police more broadly, attitudes related to privacy and impact on fear of crime and safety. Civilians often have high expectations: police will be more accountable and civilian confidence in the police will increase. This can depend however on certain backgrounds (age, race, prior experiences). BWCs seem not to remedy the disparates between the legitimacy afforded to the police by various groups. Results from studies looking at broad satisfaction and privacy concerns are unclear. The few studies that looked at fear showed that civilians who know they are being recorded express strong agreement that BWCs make them feel safer and more confident in the police.

Police investigations[edit]

This aspect consists of criminal investigations, crime resolution, intelligence gathering or court proceedings and outcomes. Prosecutors rarely bring cases against the police and it remains to be seen whether this will change much as a result of BWCs. Empirical results are hard to find. Three studies (all from the UK) revealed positive outcomes: officers can pursue prosecution even without victim cooperation and cases may more likely be charged.

Police organizations[edit]

This is about training, policies, accountability, supervision et cetera. It is the least researched area, with some exceptions.[122] Technologies often have unintended consequences on police. Much more research is needed to understand whether BWC footage can help officers to learn skills better and whether that in turn has an impact on their actual behaviour. BWCs can — in theory — strengthen the accountability structure in an organisation, but perhaps not if existing accountability mechanisms in the agency are weak. BWCs for instance will unlikely improve mentorship or supervision in an agency that does not value such mentorship or supervision.

Footage access[edit]

According to Harlan Yu, executive director from Upturn, police body cameras are best embedded in a broader change in culture and legal framework. In particular, the public’s ability to access the body camera footage is currently still an issue which affects usefulness of police body camera’s against police brutality.[123][124][125]

Privacy concerns[edit]

As with all forms of surveillance, bodycams highlight issues of privacy. There is concern about the privacy of the people being filmed (suspects, victims, witnesses) but also about that of the officers wearing the cameras or the officers whose actions are recorded by their colleagues.


With 88% of Americans[126] and 95% of Dutch people[127] supporting body cameras on police officers, there is strong public support for this technology. However, it is important to note that not all civilians are necessarily aware of the presence of bodycams. A study in Milwaukee revealed that awareness of the bodycams was comparatively low in the first year following implementation (36%) but increased after two more years (76%).[128] In that study, respondents were asked whether they thought bodycams would improve relationships between the police and community members: 84 percent (strongly) agreed. An even larger proportion, 87 percent, (strongly) agreed that Body-Worn Cameras would hold Milwaukee police officers accountable for their behaviors. These percentages hardly changed in the three years following introduction, which suggests that opinions such as these are independent of awareness of bodycams. According to findings in criminology, body-worn cameras have been shown to improve citizens’ reactions to police encounters.

Facial recognition[edit]

One possibility is that a police officer wearing this technology could become a ‘roving surveillance camera’.[129] If the bodycams are equipped with biometric facial recognition technology, this could have a major impact on people’s everyday lives, depending on the reliability of the technology to prevent false positives (those that are mistaken for a person on a list of suspects, for instance). Furthermore, cameras equipped with facial recognition technology heighten worries over “secret surveillance at a distance”.[130] Information about civilian whereabouts can consistently be tracked if they appear in public and it happens without their knowledge. There are more concerns about the advancement of these facial recognition technologies in body cams and the lack of government regulation over them. Particular concerns have been noted with respect to the use of cameras equipped with facial recognition at public protests. It has been suggested that such camera use may «chill» rights of free speech and association.[131]

Looking at the United States in particular, there are 117 million Americans in the FBI’s shared database according to the Georgetown Report.[130] People can become fearful of the police’s ability to identify them in public and gather information about where they’ve been and where they might be going. In the US, there is no federal law in place that directly protects Americans when it comes to the use of facial recognition technology. Only the states of Illinois and Texas have regulations, “that require(s) an individual to give consent for their biometrics to be used, protecting its application in a system that it was not originally intended for”.


In the context of recording, the biggest issues arise from whether consent from parties involved is required before starting a recording.[132] The nature of police work has officers interacting with civilians and suspects during their most vulnerable moments,[133] such as those in the hospital, or domestic violence cases. There is also a threat of people not coming forward with tips for fear of being recorded. In terms of the police officer’s private contexts, they may forget to turn off cameras in the bathroom or in private conversations. These situations should be considered as the technology is developed further and the use of it is becoming more saturated. In the U.S. federal and individual states have varying statutes regarding consent laws.[133]

Search and seizure[edit]

Another major concern that has arisen since the implementation of police body cameras is how these technologies will affect the privacy rights of individuals in regards to search and seizure laws. The 1967 Supreme Court case Katz v. United States determined that “there need not be a physical or technical trespass to constitute a search or seizure deserving of constitutional protection.”[134] Extraction of sensitive information from individuals through electronic transmission is deemed to be unconstitutional under the Fourth Amendment. Police body camera recordings conducted on private property without a warrant or probable cause are expected to violate the individual search and seizure rights of the property owner. Video recordings conducted in public spaces aren’t generally subject to Fourth Amendment protections under the “plain view” doctrine developed by the Supreme Court.[134] In these circumstances an officer can record an individual and their actions as long as they are in public spaces. Many other nations have their own search and seizure laws that have specific implications associated with the use of body cameras worn on police officers.



Body cameras require sizeable investments. In 2012, the price of the camera itself was between $120 and $1,000, according to a market survey by the United States Department of Justice in which seven suppliers were compared.[135] A more recent market survey in 2016, describing 66 body cameras of 38 different vendors, showed that the average price (or actually: the average manufacturer’s suggested retail prices) was $570, with a minimum of $199 and a maximum of $2,000.[136] In 2017, based on information from 45 police forces in the United Kingdom, research showed that nearly 48,000 body cameras had been purchased and that £22,703,235 had been spent on the cameras.[137] Dividing this total by the number of cameras gives an estimate of the average costs per camera: £474. The minimum was £348 for the Police Service of Northern Ireland and the maximum was £705 for the Metropolitan Police Service. These differences may be partly attributable to the fact that some forces have included more types of costs than other forces.

In any case, the camera itself is just the start of the expenses. Police departments also have to run software and store data for all the cameras which can add up quickly.[138] Other costs include maintenance, training and evaluations. In addition, several indirect costs will be incurred by bodycams, for instance, the hours police and others in the criminal justice system spend on managing, reviewing and using the recordings for prosecution or other purposes such as internal reviews, handling of complaints or education. These ‘hidden’ costs are difficult to quantify, but by looking into total cost of ownership, some indication can be given of the percentage of costs is associated with the body cameras themselves or other expenses:

  • The New South Wales Police Force in Australia produced 930 terabytes of recorded video each year with 350 bodycams. The costs involved in storing and managing the data was estimated at 6.5 million Australian dollars each year. The body cams were bought for less than 10% of that amount.[99]
  • The Los Angeles Police Department (United States) acquired 7,000 cameras in 2016 for an amount of $57.6 million. At an estimated price of $570 per camera, the costs of the cameras would be around $4 million, which is 7% of the total amount. The other costs involve replacement equipment and digital storage of the recordings.[139]
  • Police in Denver, Colorado (United States) bought 800 body cams and storage servers for the amount of $6.1 million. The price of the body cams was estimated to be 8% of that amount, the other 92% was spent on storage of recordings and management and maintenance of the body cams. The costs involved in reviewing, editing and submitting recorded video or the training of personnel were not included.[140]
  • Rochester Police Department (NY, United States) purchased 550 cameras in January 2016 and from July 2016 to March 2017, successfully deploy 500 cameras to all patrol Lieutenants, Sergeants and Officers. Additional information on the full deployment can be found here. The Rochester Institute of Technology provides a full report of the program here.
  • The Sacramento Police Department (California, United States) purchased 890 cameras for all patrol staff under a five-year, $4 million agreement. Storage on an ongoing basis was expected to cost about $1 million per year. The city would also hire three full-time police employees to handle technology issues, including editing of video.[141]
  • The Houston Police Department (Texas, United States) estimated that the total cost of about 4,100 cameras was $3.4 million for the equipment and an expected $8 million over five years to buy servers and other equipment to store video collected by the cameras, plus staffing costs.[142]
  • Toronto Police Services concluded that the major challenge associated with any adoption of body-worn cameras is the cost. Staffing, technology and storage requirements would be about $20 million in the first year of implementation, with a total 5-year estimated cost of roughly $51 million, not including costs for integration of records management and video asset management systems. The most expensive component would be storage of recordings reaching nearly 5 petabytes in five years[143]

Costs and benefits[edit]

All costs and benefits, including indirect costs and benefits, have to be weighed against each other in a cost-benefit analysis, to be able to judge whether body cameras lead to a positive or negative business case. The police in Kent, United Kingdom, predicted a positive business case within two years after their investment of £1.8 million in body cameras, purely because of a reduction in the number of complaints.[144]

Manufacturers and suppliers[edit]

In a 2012 market survey by the U.S. Department of Justice, eight companies producing body cameras were compared: Taser International, VisioLogix, StalkerVUE, Scorpion, FirstVU, Wolfcom, MuviView and Panasonic.[135] In 2014, the three top companies that had been producing body cameras throughout the United States were Taser International, VieVu, and Digital Ally.[1] In 2016, a market survey described 66 body worn video cameras produced by 38 different vendors.[136]

See also[edit]

  • Helmet camera
  • Sousveillance


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  120. ^ Jennings, Wesley G.; Fridell, Lorie A.; Lynch, Mathew D. (November 2014). «Cops and cameras: Officer perceptions of the use of body-worn cameras in law enforcement». Journal of Criminal Justice. 42 (6): 549–556. doi:10.1016/j.jcrimjus.2014.09.008.
  121. ^ Goetschel, Max; Peha, Jon M. (December 2017). «Police Perceptions of Body-Worn Cameras». American Journal of Criminal Justice. 42 (4): 698–726. doi:10.1007/s12103-017-9415-5. ISSN 1066-2316.
  122. ^ Murphy, Julian R. (June 19, 2019). «Is It Recording?—Racial Bias, Police Accountability, and the Body-Worn Camera Activation Policies of the Ten Largest Metropolitan Police Departments in the USA». Columbia Journal of Race and Law. 9 (2018).
  123. ^ Body camera’s haven’t stopped police brutality. Here’s why
  124. ^ Why Police Body Cameras Haven’t Stopped Police Brutality
  125. ^ Police body cameras don’t tell the whole story
  126. ^ Edwards-Levy, Ariel (April 16, 2015). «There’s Near-Universal Support For One Police Reform Proposal». The Huffington Post. Retrieved March 3, 2017.
  127. ^ CapGemini (2017). «Trends in Veiligheid». Trends in Veiligheid. Archived from the original on October 27, 2017. Retrieved October 26, 2017.
  128. ^ «Community Views of Milwaukee’s Police Body-Worn Camera Program». Urban Institute. August 22, 2018. Retrieved August 29, 2018.
  129. ^ Tilley, Aaron. «Artificial Intelligence Is Coming To Police Bodycams, Raising Privacy Concerns». Forbes. Retrieved March 3, 2017.
  130. ^ a b «‘Invisible’ facial recognition technology raises privacy concerns». NBC News. Retrieved November 10, 2017.
  131. ^ Julian Redmond Murphy, «Chilling: The Constitutional Implications of Body-Worn Cameras and Facial Recognition Technology at Public Protests» (2018) 75 Washington & Lee Law Review Online 1 https://scholarlycommons.law.wlu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1104&context=wlulr-online
  132. ^ «Recording Phone Calls and Conversations | Digital Media Law Project». www.dmlp.org. Retrieved March 3, 2017.
  133. ^ a b «Police Perspective: The Pros & Cons of Police Body Cameras». www.rasmussen.edu. Retrieved April 16, 2017.
  134. ^ a b Nielsen, Erik. «Fourth Amendment Implications of Police-Worn Body Cameras» (PDF). St. Mary’s Law Journal. 48.
  135. ^ a b National Institute of Justice U.S. Department of Justice (2012). A Primer on Body Worn Cameras for Law Enforcement (PDF) (Report). Retrieved March 4, 2017.
  136. ^ a b Hung, Vivian; Babin, Steven (2016). «A Market Survey on Body Worn Camera Technologies» (PDF). Laurel, Maryland: Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory. Retrieved March 5, 2017.
  137. ^ Smile you’re on body worn camera Part II — Police; The use of body worn cameras by UK police forces (PDF). Big Brother Watch. 2017. Archived from the original (PDF) on August 15, 2017. Retrieved August 21, 2017.
  138. ^ «How Police Body Cameras Work». HowStuffWorks. June 12, 2015. Retrieved March 3, 2017.
  139. ^ Mather, Kate; Zahniser, David (June 21, 2016). «Deal to spend $57.6 million on LAPD body cameras clears key hurdle». Los Angeles Times. Retrieved March 13, 2017.
  140. ^ Gaub; et al. (2016). «Officer Perceptions of Body-Worn Cameras Before and After Deployment: A Study of Three Departments». Police Quarterly. 19 (3): 275–302. doi:10.1177/1098611116653398. S2CID 4943048.
  141. ^ Chabria, Anita; Chavez, Nashelly (March 7, 2017). «Sacramento police will put body cameras on all patrol officers by September». The Sacramento Bee. Retrieved March 8, 2017.
  142. ^ Morris, Mike; Kragie, Andrew (March 1, 2017). «City pauses police body camera rollout over battery questions». Chron. Retrieved March 13, 2017.
  143. ^ Toronto Police Service (2016). Body-Worn Cameras; a report on the findings of the pilot project to test the value and feasibility of body-worn cameras for police officers in Toronto (PDF).
  144. ^ «1.8 million body cam rollout will pay for itself». Police Oracle. September 24, 2015. Retrieved March 1, 2017.

142. https://www.lenslock.com/post/are-police-body-cameras-always-on

External links[edit]

  • Williams, Timothy, James Thomas, Samuel Jacoby and Damien Cave, «Police Body Cameras: What Do You See?». The New York Times, updated April 1, 2016. Interactive; video.
  • ‘Body-worn cameras’, U.S. Department of Justice, National Institute of Justice, Office of Justice Programs. Website search on term.

This article is about body cameras used by law enforcement. For wearable recording device, see Body camera. For the 2020 film, see Body Cam (film).

A police officer wearing a body camera on their uniform

In policing equipment, a body camera or wearable camera, also known as body-worn video (BWV), body-worn camera (BWC), or bodycam, is a wearable audio, video, or photographic recording system used by police to record events in which law enforcement officers are involved, from the perspective of the officer wearing it. They are typically worn on the torso of the body, pinned on the officer’s uniform. Police body cameras are often similar to body cameras used by civilians, firefighters, or the military, but are designed to address specific requirements related to law enforcement. Body cameras were first worn by police in the United Kingdom in 2005, and have since been adopted by numerous police forces worldwide.



An example of a modern body camera designed for police use

Body cameras are used by law enforcement to record their interactions with the public, or gather video evidence at crime scenes. There are numerous suppliers across the globe. Current body cameras are much lighter and smaller than the first experiments with wearable cameras as early as the late 1990s. There are several types of body cameras made by different manufacturers. Each camera basically serves the same purpose, yet some function in slightly different ways than others or have to be worn in a specific way. Some are meant to be mounted on the chest or shoulder, while others are attached to glasses or may be worn in a function similar to a headband or on a helmet.

The various needs and budgets of police departments have led to a wide range of body camera equipment to be offered in recent years. Body camera manufacturers have constantly looked for technical innovations to improve their products. Many body cameras offer specific features like HD quality, infrared, night vision, fisheye lenses, or varying degrees of view.[1] Other features specific to law enforcement are implemented in the hardware to integrate the bodycameras with other devices or wearables. Another example are automatic triggers that start the recording when the officer starts a specific procedure, for instance when a fire-arm or taser is pulled from a holster, when a siren is activated or when the car door opens.

Ever since body cameras were first worn by police officers, there has been a debate over whether capabilities that make the camera superior to that of the officer’s eyes should be allowed. For instance, infra-red recordings could in hind-sight clearly show that a suspect did or did not carry a gun in his hand, but the officer at the scene may not have been able to see this. This type of issue forces companies to choose whether they want to incorporate ‘super human’ features into their products, or not.[2] HD video quality, for instance, no doubt improves usability of recordings as evidence, but at the same time increases file size, which in turn leads to an increase in bandwidth requirements for data transfer and storage capacity. At present, HD quality is the industries’ standard, but until roughly 2016 that was not the case even though the technology was widely available in other devices.[3][1]

Another important feature in law-enforcement is buffering: the option to let a body camera ‘pre-record’. The bodycam can record continuously and store the most recent for instance thirty seconds. If the officer presses the record-switch, the preceding thirty seconds of recording will be kept. If he does not, the recording will be deleted after thirty seconds have passed on a ‘first in, first out’ basis. The ability to buffer enables officers to retain video of everything that occurred prior to the moment the record switch was pressed. This buffered video and audio may provide more context to an incident.[1]

Another very useful feature that is included when using body cameras is how long they are able to record for, body cameras are able too record for up to 12 hours. This is a very important feature because if a law enforcement officer turns on their body camera at the beginning of their shift and forgets to turn it off, they are able to still get all of the footage for the whole shift since the body camera will record their whole shift without any problems.


Bodycams in docking stations during charging of batteries and uploading of recordings

Other features are constantly being trialed and implemented into the cameras and the data-storage process, such as cloud storage. Axon offers the possibility of sharing footage outside the police department, for instance with district attorneys or other prosecutors or the courts.[4][5]

Algorithms can be helpful in sifting through the recorded data that can quickly become overwhelming. Video content analysis, such as facial recognition or automatic indexing of recordings to simplify searching of the data, can help to reduce the time needed to find relevant fragments.


The device and storage are important and often require specific adaptation to make the technology suitable for law enforcement. But another important aspect of bodycams are the policies that shape the way officers use the bodycams. Three main questions are important:

  1. Who wears the bodycam? This can be an individual voluntary choice or a collective mandatory requirement. Not all officers have this option.
  2. What has to be recorded? Officers can have discretion to turn the bodycam on or off as they see fit or they can be guided through protocols.
  3. Who has access to the recordings? Access to the recordings determines to a large extent whether police officers will embrace the technology or not. Important questions in this domain are whether supervisors can access the footage and whether the recordings are public records or not. The rules that determine who has access, influence the willingness of officers to comply to the rules concerning wearing of bodycams and the on/off instructions. Important in this respect is whether the software automatically logs who has accessed the footage and whether any editing has been done.

English language countries[edit]


The number of body-worn cameras in use by the police of Australia is growing increasingly prevalent in parallel with other countries. The first bodycams or ‘cop-cams’ were trialed in Western Australia in 2007. Victoria has been trialing body-worn cameras since 2012, and in 2015 the NSW police announced they had invested $4 million in rolling out body-worn cameras to frontline police officers. Queensland police have had the cameras in operation for some time, and have already collected 155,000 hours worth of footage. According to research being conducted in 2016 ‘the use of body-worn cameras has now gathered traction in most Australian states and territories’.[6] Despite the increasing prevalence of the devices, some Australian commentators have expressed privacy concerns.[7]


Some police services in Canada such as the Calgary Police Service have outfitted all front-line officers with body-worn video systems since 2019.[8] Police unions in Canada have been opposed to body-worn video systems, citing privacy and cost concerns[citation needed]. In 2015, several city police units, including those in Winnipeg[9] and Montreal[10] announced plans to experiment with the technology. The Toronto Police Service started a pilot in 2014 with the technology during a year-long study of body-worn cameras. In total, 100 officers were using the technology from May 2015 thru May 2016.[11] The evaluation report concluded that support for the body cameras was strong and increased during the pilot. There were technical issues, for instance with battery life, camera mounting, docking, recharging, ability to classify, ease of review and other issues. Administrative responsibilities associated with the body cameras resulted in significant commitment of time by officers that then was not available to spend on other duties.[citation needed] In September 2016, the Toronto police wanted to put out a call for proposals from suppliers.[12]


The Singapore Police Force announced in January 2015 that officers stationed at its Neighbourhood Police Centres will be issued body cameras with those located at Bukit Merah West.[13] Officers stationed at Ang Mo Kio North, Bedok South, Bukit Merah East, Jurong West and Toa Payoh in June 2015 with the entire island covered by June 2016.[13] The Reveal RS3-SX body camera is issued to the SPF.[14]

The SPF mentioned that strict safeguard are in place with video footage to be deleted 31 days after they’re shot unless they’re needed in an active case.[15] Officers are allowed to deactivate the cameras at their discretion according to the situation, such as cases of encountering sexual assault victims.[15]

United Kingdom[edit]

First tests 2005[edit]

Body worn cameras being trialled by officers in Wolverhampton and Birmingham

Body-worn video cameras received wide media coverage because of the first testing of body-worn cameras in the United Kingdom in 2005. The test was begun on a small-scale by Devon and Cornwall Police.[16] In 2006, the first significant deployments of body worn video at the national level were undertaken by the Police Standards Unit (PSU) as part of the Domestic Violence Enforcement Campaign (DVEC). The basic command units equipped with the head cameras recorded everything that happened during an incident from the time of arrival which led to the «preservation of good-quality first disclosure evidence from the victim». The evidence gathered was deemed especially useful in the way of supporting prosecutions if the victim was reluctant to give evidence or press charges.

Plymouth study 2007[edit]

This led the Home Office to publish a report stating that «evidence gathering using this equipment has the potential radically to enhance the police performance at the scene of a wide range of incidents».[17] In the same report, the Home Office concluded that body worn camera system used in Devon and Cornwall had «the ability to significantly improve the quality of the evidence provided by police officers at incidents». However, mostly due to the limitations of the then available technology, it was also recommended that police forces should await the completion of successful trials and projects to re-evaluate the technology before investing in cameras. By July 2007, the Home Office was beginning to encourage the emerging industry and published another document entitled «Guidance for the Police use of Body Worn Cameras». The report was based on the first national pilot of BWV conducted in Plymouth. Tony McNulty MP, Minister of State for Security, Counter-Terrorism and Police wrote a foreword that held BWV in a promising light: «The use of body-worn video has the potential to improve significantly the quality of evidence provided by police officers…video recording from the scene of an incident will capture compelling evidence…that could never be captured in written statements.» Despite being hailed as a tool to enhance the quality of evidence, the focus was beginning to shift away from exclusively benefiting prosecutions. The Home Office highlighted that BWV also had the significant potential to «prevent and deter crime». In addition, the final report on the National Pilot for BWV announced that complaints against the officers wearing the cameras had been reduced to zero and time spent on paperwork had been reduced by 22.4%, which led to a 9.2% increase in officer time spent on patrol («50 minutes of a 9-hour shift»).

Over 40 UK police areas with BWV in 2010[edit]

Following the national pilot, BWV began to gain some traction in the UK and, by 2008, Hampshire Police began to use the technology in parts of the Isle of Wight and the mainland. These were the first steps that paved the way for Chief Constable Andy Marsh becoming the national lead for BWV. Pioneers of BWV in the UK began to drive the need to review the legislation surrounding the use of the equipment. In 2009 the Security Industry Authority concluded that a CCTV license could be extended to cover the use of a body camera. The summary stated that a CCTV license was required to review footage from a body camera and that a door supervision or security guard license was required to operate a body camera if security activities were also being performed.

In 2010, 5  years after the first BWV venture, over 40 UK police areas were using body cameras to varying degrees. Grampian Police were one such force that initiated a trial in July 2010 which paved the way for the Paisley and Aberdeen body wore video project in 2011. The project was considered a huge success and it was identified that the benefits saved an estimated minimum of £400,000 per year due to the following:

  • Increase public reassurance;
  • Reduce fear of crime in local communities;
  • Increase early guilty pleas;
  • Resolve complaints about the police or wardens more quickly;
  • Reduce assaults on officers.

The concluding sections of the report on the Paisley and Aberdeen project turned the attention to the digital, back-end solutions for BWV. Now that the benefits of using body cameras were being realized, the implications on the digital infrastructure were being called into question. The report suggested providing «robust central IT support» to have established the processes behind information gathering and monitoring.

Code of Practice surveillance cameras[edit]

In 2013 the Home Office released an updated code of practice for surveillance cameras, in which Principle 8 included the use of body cameras, stating: «Surveillance camera system operators should consider any approved operational, technical and competency standards relevant to a system and its purpose and work to meet and maintain those standards». 2013 also saw the start of Operation Hyperion, a Hampshire Police initiative on the Isle of Wight that equipped every frontline police officer with a personal issue body worn camera, the biggest project of its kind at the time. Sergeant Steve Goodier oversaw the project and was adamant that the project would drive legislative changes to free up further uses for body worn cameras. He said «I strongly believe we could make some small changes to legislation that can have a big impact on officers: «PACE was written in 1984 at a time when BWV was not around…We want to get the legislation changed so that BWV could replace the need for handwritten statements from officers when it is likely that an early guilty plea would be entered at court or that the incident could be dealt with a caution or community resolution.»


PCSO in London (UK) with bodycam

In 2014, the Metropolitan Police Service began a 12 month trial in ten London boroughs, testing the impact of Body Worn Video on complaints, stop and search and criminal justice outcomes for violent offenses. Following the trial, the decision was made to issue body cameras to all officers who have regular engagement with the public. Other officers will be able to access cameras on an ‘as needed’ basis. A total of 22,000 cameras will be issued.[18]

Northern Ireland[edit]

In 2016, the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) formally introduced Body Worn Video technology commencing with Derry City and Strabane District, with Belfast becoming the second District to introduce the technology.[19] A pilot Body Worn Video camera scheme was run during 2014/15, which illustrated the benefits of Body Worn Video. On that basis a business case was submitted to the Department of Justice and funding was secured to purchase Body Worn Video technology for officers across the service. In 2017, the Northern Ireland Prison Service implemented Body Worn Video, following the success of the PSNI deployment.[20]

Devon and Cornwall[edit]

In September 2018, Devon and Cornwall Police announced their intention to begin outfitting officers with body worn cameras.[21] The force was the first to trial BWV in the UK in 2005.[16] The project was launched alongside Dorset Police.[22] The cameras will be switched on by officers to record specific incidents including performing arrests, searches, stopping motor vehicles for any reason, and during violent incidents or where domestic abuse or modern slavery are suspected.[23]

United States[edit]

Body camera worn by policeman of North Charleston, South Carolina

Law and policies[edit]

In 2012, the National Institute of Justice at the United States Department of Justice issued a primer regarding laws, policies, practices, and technology for local police departments to consider.[24]

Following The Law Enforcement Officer-Worn Body Camera Act (eff. 1-1-16), the state of Illinois became one of the first states to have a comprehensive set of rules for police departments in regards to body camera usage.[25] The Chicago Police Department as well as the mayor of the city, Rahm Emanuel, have been vocal about their plan to enact a body-worn camera expansion that would equip police officers by the end of 2017. The goal of this plan, as well as the hiring of more officers, is to improve public trust in the law, expand transparency, and halt the climbing number of homicides.[26][27] Springfield Police Department (Illinois) has also been among the local departments that have expanded the use of body worn cameras despite the Springfield Police Chief Kenny Winslow stating that «there are still problems with the state body camera law, and many departments in Illinois aren’t adopting the cameras as a result».[28] One of those departments is the Minooka Police Department that discontinued the use of body cameras because they felt overburdened by administrative responsibilities.[29][30] The considerable cost of cameras and the support of related technology is another factor limiting the speed of their adoption. In New York City, for example, initial purchase of body-worn cameras could cost up to $31 million. However, proponents hypothesized that body-worn cameras would save money by reducing lawsuits targeted towards the police force and by aiding in the dismissal of court cases with digital evidence provided by the recorded footage of the body-worn cameras.[31]

On December 1, 2014, President Barack Obama «proposed reimbursing communities half the cost of buying cameras and storing video—a plan that would require Congress to authorize $75 million over three years to help purchase 50,000 recording devices».[32] He also asked Congress for a $263 million package overall to deal with community policing initiatives that would provide a 50 percent federal match for local police departments to purchase body cameras and to store them.[33] With the push from then President Barack Obama to “expand funding and training to law enforcement agencies through community policing initiatives”, the United States Department of Justice announced in May 2015 that they would grant 73 out of the 285 awards requested for a total of 20 million dollars.[34] This allowed for the purchase and distribution of 21,000 cameras to be placed in active duty. A National Institute of Justice report found this in regards to responding police agencies: «In a sample of police departments surveyed in 2013, approximately 75 percent of them reported that they did not use body-worn cameras».[35] A November 2014 survey of police departments serving the 100 most populous cities, Vocativ found that «41 cities use body cams on some of their officers, 25 have plans to implement body cams and 30 cities do not use or plan to use cams at this time».[36]

Investigations have shown that although in many states the usage of body worn cameras is mandatory, there are instances where some officers have failed to adhere to the law. From 2015 until 2017, there have been nationally recognized scenarios of fatal shootings in San Francisco, Alabama, Washington D.C., and Los Angeles in which the officer was wearing a body camera, but did not activate it during the incident.[37] The Los Angeles Police Department is one of the first to publicly discuss solutions as to how they will try to fix this problem. Small reminders such as stickers in the station and cars are meant to remind officers to use this technology. In addition, Los Angeles Police Department is testing new technology that would activate the cameras at the same time as the officer turns on their emergency lights. The LAPD has also been working with the body camera manufacturer it uses, Taser International, to increase a buffer that saves video from 30 seconds before and after the camera is turned on and off.[37]

Study results[edit]

Studies have produced mixed findings on the impact of body-worn cameras and the effect these have on police, civilian, or suspect behavior. Early reports touting the benefits of police body cameras were based on limited research of small groups of police officers in a short period of time. In recent years, more robust research became available.

1) ‘Yes: they work’ — the Rialto and Orlando studies[edit]

An impact assessment, based on 54 Rialto police officers wearing body cameras showed that civilian complaints against officers dropped by 88% and «use of force» dropped by 59%.[31] Another report that studied the effects of body-worn cameras for 46 officers of the Orlando Police Department over one year[38] concluded that for officers wearing the body cameras, use-of-force incidents dropped by 53%, civilian complaints dropped by 65%, two in three officers who wore the cameras said they’d want to continue wearing them in the future and that it made them «better officers».[38] Other studies produced similar results. For instance, an analysis by the San Antonio Express-News of San Antonio law enforcement’s use of body-worn cameras found that incidents where police used force and formal misconduct complaints decreased significantly. Scholars of crime were unsure to what extent body-worn cameras played a role in these declines, but noted that the results were consistent with trends in other cities were cameras had been introduced.[39]

2) ‘No: they don’t’ — the Washington study[edit]

As more studies in more police departments were performed, the evidence became more mixed. One of the most robust studies was done among thousands of Washington, D.C. officers, led by David Yokum at the Lab@DC, a team of scientists embedded in D.C. government, and Anita Ravishankar at D.C.’s Metropolitan Police Department (M.P.D.). The evaluation found no effect on use-of-force by officers or on the number of complaints by civilians.[40][41] The researchers concluded that police officers equipped with body cameras used force and confronted civilians in a similar manner compared with officers without body cameras: “This is the most important empirical study on the impact of police body-worn cameras to date. … These results suggest we should recalibrate our expectations” of cameras’ ability to make a “large-scale behavioral change in policing, particularly in contexts similar to Washington, D.C.». The study not only presents statistical analyses, but also provides qualitative research and analysis to shed light on the controversies surrounding the cameras. According to the study, several factors could explain why the cameras did not change the behavior of the police — even though there was a high level of compliance to the rules governing the activation of the cameras: desensitization to the cameras and the fact that police officers already performed better due to an increase in monitoring of their actions before the introduction of the cameras. A third possibility was that officers without cameras acted similar to officers with cameras, because they were aware of their colleagues who did wear these devices.[41]
Since the Washington-study, several others have been published that concluded the body cameras did not live up to — perhaps too high — expectations. The meta-evaluation cited below contains information on all studies if they met the methodological quality requirements.

3) ‘It depends’ — meta-evaluations[edit]

In reviewing the existing research on police body-worn cameras in 2017, University of Virginia economist Jennifer Doleac noted that the existing research was mixed as to whether the cameras reduce the use of force by police officers or increase the communities’ trust in police.[1][42] But a reduction in complaints against police using excessive force does not necessarily mean there are fewer cases of misconduct, it could mean that people are just not speaking up or the body camera was not turned on and the footage cannot be investigated. More time and research was expected to allow a more precise answer to whether or not body worn cameras improve officer conduct.[43] As more empirical evidence became available, the importance of differences in local contexts and policies was revealed. The level of discretion that officers have in the activation of the body cameras has, for instance, been suggested as one of the deciding characteristics in any body camera policy and therefore in the results that can be expected. Unintended outcomes can even be the result from increased transparency due to over-deterrence: officers who know they are being recorded, will only do the minimum required. These officers will also tend to do everything by the book, reluctant to apply discretion.[44][45]


Police unions in several U.S. cities, such as New York City (the Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association, which represents part of the NYPD),[46] Las Vegas,[47] and Jersey City, New Jersey,[48] and St. Louis, Missouri,[49] expressed doubts or opposition to body cameras. Specifically, union officials expressed concerns about possible distraction and safety issues, and questioned «whether all the footage filmed by body cameras will be accessible via public-records requests, whether victims of domestic violence will be hesitant to call police if they know they will be filmed and whether paying for the cameras and maintenance will lead to cuts elsewhere in the police budget».[48] Others have worried about a «gotcha discipline».[49] Some unions have argued that it was «mandatory» for police departments to include provisions about body-worn cameras in union contracts because it would be a «clear change in working conditions» as well as something that could «impact an officer’s safety».[47]

Civil liberties[edit]

The NAACP National Board of Directors has endorsed the use of policy-based automatic body-worn camera solutions for use by law enforcement.[50] The American Civil Liberties Union is an organization that has been a major proponent of body cameras on officers, but only in certain situations.[51] The ACLU has advocated body camera use for both police departments and U.S. Customs and Border Protection,[52] granted that safeguards are in place to protect the privacy of both officers and civilians.[53] However, they have opposed the use of such camera systems for parking enforcement officers, fire marshals, building inspectors, or other code enforcement officers.[54] The questions raised by the ACLU and others fuel the most heated debate on body-worn cameras. Others, such as Black Lives Matter, have released specific policy solutions to tackle the issue of police violence and escalation that include body cameras for police, limited use of force, and demilitarization of the police are a few of the ten crucial policies listed in Campaign Zero.[55][56]

Other countries[edit]


Urban Management Officer with Body worn Camera

The use of body-worn cameras by law enforcement offers potential advantages in keeping officers safe, enabling situational awareness, improving community relations and accountability, and providing evidence for trials. A legislation regarding body-worn camera has been enacted by the Ministry of Public Security, making the body-worn camera standard and mandatory policing equipment for law enforcement agencies in China.[57]

Two million police officers are being equipped with this camera in China.[citation needed]

Hong Kong

The police in Hong Kong has been experimenting with body cameras since 2013. Based on positive findings from an (unpublished) evaluation, the decision was taken to supply all front-line officers with a bodycam.[58]


The police in Denmark has been credited in English media as the first police force to use body cameras, even before the English pilots of 2007 were initiated.[59][60] In 2017, the Minister of Justice has equipped security personnel in detention centers with body cameras.[61]


Pilot project 2015[edit]

In Finland, a pilot with body cameras was started in 2015. Thirty cameras were used by the Helsinki Police Department to help the police in maintaining public order. It was hoped that body cameras might prevent crime and disorder. Furthermore, it was expected that the cameras could at the same time improve the way the police worked. The cameras were meant to be used in specific settings and only in public places. Filming inside homes would only be allowed as part of a criminal investigation. The data were to be encrypted and could only be accessed with specific software, according to the police. It was expected that most recordings would be deleted right after each shift, because of the need for privacy protection.[62]


According to a report from 2017 by a working-group, the pilot justified the national roll-out of bodycams in Finland. The report concluded that police officers’ safety improved, reduced resistance to the police and better protected police. During the experiment in Helsinki, the report noted, behaviour of citizens improved when people see that the situation is being recorded. The introduction could be based on current legislation, but an additional legal framework would be needed regulating recording and storage of recordings. Filming inside homes is not generally allowed. The cameras could be available at the end of 2018, after the necessary training and purchases. The Federation of Police Officers wants provisions to make sure that human errors will not be problematic for officers wearing cameras. The question is whether police can erase recordings when they want to. According to the working group, this is no different from the handling of other police documentation. During the pilot, the recordings were stored for 24 hours and then wiped, unless a criminal offence was recorded. The working group recommended to extend that period to 96 hours.[63]

Plans for national roll-out in 2018[edit]

In early 2018, some 30 cameras were in use at Helsinki police department on a trial basis. The National Police Board recommended in April 2018 to issue all police officers on patrol with cameras. The ambition is to make the procurements in 2018. The two main reasons are to improve officers’ safety by reducing confrontations with members of the public and to make recordings that can be used as evidence.[64]

Other Law enforcement agencies

Finnish parking inspectors from Vaasa, Jyväskylä, and Kotka[65] have been using bodycams since the spring of 2021[66] and have reported fewer threatening incidents since they began wearing body cameras on their uniforms.


French law enforcement has been experimenting with bodycams — called ‘caméra-piéton’ or ‘pedestrian cameras’ in French — since 2013, but possibly even before then.


National and municipal police have also been outfitted with body cameras, starting with 2 000 cameras in 2017, after experimentation during the previous years.[67] This number of cameras has been expanded and 10 400 additional cameras are being rolled out in what has been called a ‘massive deployment’.[68] Nearly 400 municipalities applied for permission to use bodycams in the pilot that was conducted in 2017 and 2018. These communities ranged in size from 1 500 inhabitants like Collias to 100 000+ cities like Marseille and Nice.

Other organisations[edit]

In 2018, the senate approved plans to experiment with bodycams in fire fighting and in detention centers.[69] Other organisations that use these small wearable cameras are the national organisation for rail transport (SNCF), but also regional public transport for Paris (RATP).[70] In 2019, public transport company Kéolis, introduced body cameras for its security staff on trams and buses in the city of Brest.[71]


The body cameras in France are intended to de-escalate interventions and reassure the security forces. Formally, according to the 2016 law, that was extended in 2018 for use of bodycams by municipal police officers, the goals of the cameras are:

  1. prevention of incidents during interventions by the police or the military (gendarmerie nationale);
  2. detection of violations of the law and the prosecution of the suspects by collecting evidence;
  3. training and education of officers

Legal framework[edit]

The legal framework has been determined by a law of June 3, 2016, by the national committee on information and freedoms (Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés — CNIL). Their opinion is that because of the elevated risks created by surveillance of persons and personal life that could result from the use of these cameras, a specific legal framework was needed. Separate laws have been developed for national police and gendarmerie[72] and for municipal police[73] — the latter being adopted by parliament in 2018.[74] Recordings have to be retained for at least six months.[75] Specific legislation has also been developed for law enforcement in sectors such as rail transportation and regional public transport for Paris. One of the key components of the law in France is that officers are not allowed to review the recordings. However, the bodycams acquired offered this option and would have to be replaced with different type progressively, but not before the end of 2017 — according to the source quoted in the article.[75]

Identity checks[edit]

One of the main reasons for the national police, gendarmerie and municipal police to start using bodycams is the systematic recording of identity checks in public places. Starting in March 2017, the police and gendarmerie in 23 prioritised security zones (‘zones de securité priorities), including Paris, Marseille, Nice, Toulouse and Lyon, had to record each identity check. Up to 2013, the decision to start a recording was discretionary, but after 2017 recording of these checks was supposed to become the rule. According to a critical article, this requirement was not fulfilled, given the fact that there were 2 500 bodycams available for the total of around 245 000 officers in the country. Some controversy surrounded the introduction because of a statement in the Senate by ministre de l’intérieur, Bruno le Roux, that recording would be triggered automatically — a statement that later had to be revoked because it proved to be incorrect.[75] The report describing the results of the experiment was not published, but a spokesperson of the National Police told a reporter that the cameras increase the legitimacy of officers, pacify difficult situations and offer the possibility to record the specifics of each intervention, in this case identity checks.[68]

Future developments[edit]

The Mayor of the city of Nice has asked the Minister of the Interior to rewrite the legal framework to include live streaming of bodycam-footage. This would enable supervision centers to not only watch regular CCTV-cameras but also body cameras. Included in the request was the suggestion to enable these centers to distribute the footage to the devices in police vehicles. The national privacy watchdog, CNIL, has called for a democratic debate to define appropriate frameworks and to strike a balance between security and the rights and freedoms of everyone.[68]


Bodycam used by the Magdeburg Police (Germany)

Reasons for bodycams[edit]

In some parts of Germany, some state police services have used body-worn video systems since 2013[76] and the number of states (German: Land or Länder) where police use bodycams has increased ever since.[77] The reason for the introduction of these cameras in Germany has overwhelmingly been to protect police against assaults from suspects. The second reason is the ability to reconstruct events and to use the recording as evidence.[78] A third reason has been the fact that civilians are filming the police and that the police wants to add their own recordings to what they perceive as selective filming by civilians. As Rüdiger Seidenspinner, the president of the union of policemen for the State of Baden-Württemberg, explained: «The reason is simple: our colleagues have had enough in this era of smartphones of being filmed only when they intervene. What caused the intervention, what actions, insults etc. took place does not seem to concern anyone. Furthermore, we will not use the BodyCam in all situations, but only for specific deployments and especially in areas with high levels of crime».[79] According to a representative sample of 1,200 citizens from Germany in 2015, a majority of 71% is in favour of body cameras and 20% is opposed to the technology.[80]

Länder with bodycams[edit]

Detailed information is available on the use of body cameras in five Länder. In State of Hesse, the police were the first force in Germany to use body cams in May 2013. According to official registrations, the resistance (Widerstand) to police decreased from 40 to 25 and only one of the policemen wearing a body camera was wounded, compared to nine colleagues without camera.[81] Following the pilot, the number of bodycams acquired went up from the original 13 to 72 in total, also meant for other areas in Hesse.[82][83] The success of the pilot inspired many other German cities and the Federal Police to start using body cameras as well. Police services from Hungary, Switzerland, and Austria were interested as well and asked the German police for information.[82]

In the State of Rhineland-Palatinate body cams are in use since July 2015 in the cities of Mainz and Koblenz to reduce violence towards the police and to collect footage that can be used as evidence. The costs of these body cams was 18.500 euro.[84] Based on the positive experiences, eighty more bodycams have been acquired to be deployed in more areas in these two cities. In Hamburg, one of five members in each team that surveils during weekends is equipped with a bodycam since June 2015. These cameras can be pointed in different directions by manually operated remote control.[85] Since 2016, the Bavarian State Police has been testing bodycams in Munich, Augsburg and Rosenheim. The cameras have to be activated in critical situations and at dangerous locations, for instance in nightlife entertainment areas where fighting is a common occurrence.[86] In Baden-Württemberg, bodycams are deployed in Stuttgart, Mannheim and Freiburg since 2016.[87] The aim here is to test the bodycams during one year with the purpose of reducing violence against the police.[88] Since late 2022 Berlin’s police have implemented a pilot program with bodycams.[89]

Federal police[edit]

Starting in February 2016, the Federal Police began testing bodycams at train stations in Berlin, Cologne, Düsseldorf and Munich.[90][91] In early 2017, the Bundestag agreed with government plans to introduce bodycams to protect officers.[92]

Legal issues[edit]

All Länder in the country use bodycams, but there are substantial differences in the legal framework. Some have explicitly created a legal basis (Hesse, Hamburg, Saarland, Bremen, Baden-Württemberg), some are still working on it and in the meantime fall back on existing norms (North Rhine-Westphalia, Lower Saxony, pilot projects in Bavaria, Rhineland-Palatinate, Saxony-Anhalt, Federal Police). Still others have no concrete plans for legal adaptations (Berlin, Brandenburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein and Thuringia).[78]


Milan and Turin 2015 and 2017[edit]

In the cities of Milan and Turin, police forces have started experimenting on a small scale with bodycams. One of the first projects started in 2015 in Turin where police used the bodycams for their own protection during protests.[93] Starting in May 2017, ten bodycams were being trialled by the police forces of Turin and Milan to be used in high-risk operations and use-of-force incidents. Part of the trial was to connect the live streams of the cameras to the control-room of the police. The bodycams for these pilots were supplied free of charge by a manufacturer for a period of three months. Based on the experiences during the trials, a decision would have to be reached whether to supply all front-line officers with bodycams.[94] The price for fifty bodycams in Milan was 215,000 euros.[95]

Rome 2017[edit]

Police officers in Rome have not yet been equipped with bodycams. However, in October 2017, the secretary of the union Sulpl Roma, announced that police officers who ask for them will receive a bodycam before the end of the year 2017. The reason would be two-fold: to modernise the officers’ equipment and to settle disputes with drivers who disagree with police, for instance over a fine or the cause of an accident.[95]


The privacy law governing the use of bodycams by police in Italy is the law that protects personal data. According to a spokesperson of the police in Rome the law allows for the creation of video recordings of police interventions, provided the footage is used only for the reconstruction of police activity. The fact that other people including innocent by-standers could be recognised by their faces or voices does not mean the recording can not be used for legitimate purposes.[95]


Japanese law enforcements has been experimenting with bodycams since 2022, but possibly even before then.


In order to quickly and accurately share the situation at the scene of an incident, Aichi Prefectural Police have introduced a system that automatically transmits video footage of police officers at the scene of an incident to the prefectural police headquarters in real time. This is the first time in Japan that a system capable of automatic filming and distribution has been used, and the prefectural police hope it will lead to the early resolution of incidents and ensure the safety of victims. The system was developed independently by the prefectural police and was introduced in March. When a police officer arrives at the scene, he or she uses a small camera on his or her mobile phone attached to his or her right breast. When the officer operates the radio, the camera is automatically activated and starts recording video, and the video and sound are transmitted to headquarters and the relevant department at each police station. According to the prefectural police, the cameras are worn by all police officers working at the 384 police stations in the prefecture. Until now, the situation at the scene of an incident has been communicated verbally over the radio, but from now on, detailed information on the scene of an incident, as well as the physique and clothing of the suspicious person the police officer confronts, can be instantly shared in the form of video images from the moment the radio is used. In radio communication only, it was sometimes time-consuming to ascertain information, as it was necessary to repeatedly confirm the facts between the police officer on the scene and the person in charge of the communication command. The introduction of the system is expected to shorten the time from the moment an incident is detected to the time the police are dispatched to the scene, and the chief of the Communications Command Section of the prefectural police, Mr Defining Sugiyama, said: ‘Initial response is extremely important for the early arrest of suspects and the safety of victims. We hope to enhance our response capability and protect the safety of the community by utilising the system».[96]

Other organisations[edit]

In December 2022, JR-EAST station staff to be equipped with body cameras in order to deal incidents with passengers.[97][98]



the Netherlands national police with bodycams

Public transport officer in Amsterdam with bodycam

The first body worn video used by the Dutch police were portable videocameras used by the mounted riot-police in 1997.[99] The first experiments with more modern bodycams date back to 2008 and were all small-scale technical tests. After four large-scale experiments from 2009 through 2011, the conclusion was that bodycams did not reduce violence and aggression against the police, largely due to technical problems with recordings and ‘wearability’ of the equipment.[100] The Department of Justice concluded that bodycams were not ready to be ‘rolled out’ on the national level. Regional police forces continued experimenting with bodycams. In 2011, according to a survey by one of the major suppliers of body worn video cameras in the Netherlands, 17 of the 25 regionale police forces were using bodycams in 2011.[101]

In 2015, the Dutch National Police published their plans to integrate more ‘sensing’ capabilities into routine police work. This plan focused on CCTV, automatic number plate recognition and bodycams.[102] Thirty experiments were conducted with body cameras to determine whether the technology should become part of the standard equipment of all police officers. The biggest experiment was done in Amsterdam where one hundred bodycams were tested for 12 months by 1,500 officers. The trial was monitored and independently evaluated, according to the highest possible methodological standard: a randomised controlled trial. Violence and aggression towards police officers were reduced significantly.[103][104] Based on these positive findings, the management of the National Police in 2019 decided to roll-out 2,000 bodycams to all front-line police units in the country.[105] Results from a 2022 research report[106] show that 86% of police officers find that the bodycams have (a lot) of added value to their work, with officers also feeling safer on duty while carrying bodycams. The research report further found that the bodycams have added value for investigations, training, and evaluation.

Other law enforcement with bodycams[edit]

Other organizations besides the police use bodycams, mainly local law enforcement officers employed by municipalities. All local ‘handhavers’ or city wardens in Amsterdam and Rotterdam wear bodycams, in addition to over thirty smaller cities. Other organisations use body cameras including public transport, security professionals, ambulances and fire-fighters.[107]


By 2020, different police departments in Pakistan were either planning to or has already started using body cams in a bid to maintain accountability. The Islamabad Capital City Police Department was the first to use body cams in field and had plans to acquire and equip more body cams for police officials manning the different checkpoints around the city as well as those police officials who go for snap checkings.[108]

Karachi Police was planning to induct body cams for its officials as the city sees more violence in the shape of street crimes than any other city in Pakistan. Apart from the police, Islamabad traffic police and National Highway and Motorway Police too are either planning or have already started using body cams.


Russian law enforcements has been experimenting with bodycams since 2016, but possibly even before then.


a «DOZOR» body cam used by the Russian police officers

According to Russian Internal Affairs Ministry the end of the 2016 all traffic police officers in Moscow will receive body cameras, which are attached to their clothes and work continuously. In some regions, such devices designed to eradicate corruption in the ranks of traffic police officers, are also purchased by other law enforcement agencies, but in limited quantities — for testing. Total equipping to all Russian police officers with body cameras was scheduled to completed by 2017.[109]



Swedish police have used body cameras, for instance at large football games and demonstrations. According to a spokesperson for the Swedish Police in 2015, body cameras would not become standard equipment for police officers. They would be used for special purposes because there was no need to record all interactions. «We are not in the same situation as the police in the US who need to document everything in order to maintain credibility».[110] Early trials with body cameras have been carried out in Gothenburg and Södertälje in 2017. Many other Swedish police regions expressed interest in using body cameras.[111] The police in Stockholm have piloted body cameras in 2018 and 2019. In total, 300 body cameras were used in three parts of Stockholm to prevent violence against police officers. The Swedish Crime Prevention Council (Brottsförebyggande rådet — Brå) evaluated the pilot.[112] The evaluation revealed that the body cameras had the intended effects, but on a relatively modest scale. Certain types of violence decreased: harassment and violence using weapons. Sexual intimidation of female officers was reduced too. The sense of security improved, according to interviews with officers: people ‘guard their tongue’. Physical violence has not decreased in the same amount. According to the police, this type of violence is perpetrated by people who are either drunk or mentally troubled. Their behaviour is not adjusted when they realise they are being filmed. Footage has rarely been used as evidence in courts: overall, 178 recordings were pulled for prosecution and conviction. In roughly half of these cases, the footage was used as evidence, but in the other half the decision was made to not submit the recording as evidence. Another conclusion is that the level of activation of bodycams varied from one officer to the next. There was a lack of clear instructions and guidelines on which situations needed to be recorded. The researchers believe that the bodycams could lead to more positive outcomes if a better strategy for the deployment of the bodycams would be developed and implemented.

Other law enforcement[edit]

The Swedish army in Afghanistan has used helmet cameras, according to this article from 2015.[113] In 2016, train hosts in Gothenburg and West Sweden started testing bodycams. They were only allowed to turn on the cameras if a passenger became violent or threatened to use violence.[114] Public transport in Stockholm, Storstockholms Lokaltrafik, started using body cameras in 2018. Security guards were the first to start using these cameras and ticket controllers followed in December 2018. The cameras are used in order to improve the safety of staff. Additionally, the cameras can be used to make a recording of travellers without a valid ticket. By filming them, the identity of the person in question can be verified even if they used someone else’s identity during the check.[110]

United Arab Emirates[edit]

Following a successful six month pilot scheme, the Dubai Police Force decided to adopt body worn video technology in 2015. Speaking to the media at the time, Gen Al Muzeina flagged-up the value of footage from these cameras. He said that this evidence could, potentially, be used where there are objections to traffic offences or a failure by officers to meet acceptable standards.[115] The Abu Dhabi Police also confirmed in the same year that – following two years of trials – it would be rolling out body worn video cameras to patrol officers.[116]

Impact studies[edit]

In 2019, a team of researchers published the most comprehensive overview to date of the impact of BWCs. They based their overview on seventy empirical studies, most from U.S. jurisdictions (74%). The study reports on officer behavior, officer perceptions, citizen behavior, citizen perceptions, police investigations, and police organizations.[117]
Subsequent analysis of the research affirms their mixed findings about BWCs’ effectiveness and draws attention to how the design of many evaluations fails to account for local contextual considerations or citizen perspectives, particularly among groups that disproportionately experience police violence.[118]

Officer behavior[edit]

Impact on officer behavior is measured by complaints, use of force reports, arrests/citations or proactive behaviors. This is one of the greatest expectations of BWCs by civilians: that these cameras can change police officer behavior. Studies in this area (22 studies looked at complaints) have mostly shown that officers wearing BWCs receive fewer complaints than do those that are not wearing the cameras. The more important concern for police agencies and researchers is why complaints decline. It may be because of a change in officer behavior. But it may also be a more complex story involving reduction of frivolous, malicious or unfounded complaints because civilians change their behavior. The number of complaints as a measure of officer behavior may itself be problematic: they are rare and only reflect exceptional occurrences, not the everyday officer interactions with the public.

Use of force (16 studies) went down according to five of the rigorous impact studies. Four other studies, however, showed no statistically significant effects. The level of discretion officers have may explain these differences, one team of researchers suggested. As with complaints, use of force is rare and may not be the best measure of the impact of BWCs on police officer behavior. Other studies look at arrests and citation behaviors (fourteen studies showed ‘no clear patterns’) or on proactivity (six studies: ‘results not definitive’). The question whether BWCs impact on disparate outcomes in policing has yet to be tackled.

Officer attitudes about BWCs[edit]

At least 32 [119][120][121] studies focused on officer attitudes about cameras. First of all, the authors describe the methodological challenges of many of these studies. Despite those issues and despite mixed findings, one consistent theme is that once officers start using cameras, they feel positive or become more positive about BWCs.

Civilian behavior[edit]

At least 16 studies were aimed at examining the Impact of BWCs on civilian behavior. This can be measured by compliance with the police, willingness to call the police, willingness to cooperate in investigations or crime and disorder when an officer is present. The results were varied and some aspects have not been studied at all, for instance the concern that BWCs may reduce people’s willingness to call the police due to worries about personal privacy.

Civilian perceptions[edit]

Sixteen studies looked at civilian attitudes about BWCs. This can be measured by looking at satisfaction with specific officer encounters or satisfaction with police more broadly, attitudes related to privacy and impact on fear of crime and safety. Civilians often have high expectations: police will be more accountable and civilian confidence in the police will increase. This can depend however on certain backgrounds (age, race, prior experiences). BWCs seem not to remedy the disparates between the legitimacy afforded to the police by various groups. Results from studies looking at broad satisfaction and privacy concerns are unclear. The few studies that looked at fear showed that civilians who know they are being recorded express strong agreement that BWCs make them feel safer and more confident in the police.

Police investigations[edit]

This aspect consists of criminal investigations, crime resolution, intelligence gathering or court proceedings and outcomes. Prosecutors rarely bring cases against the police and it remains to be seen whether this will change much as a result of BWCs. Empirical results are hard to find. Three studies (all from the UK) revealed positive outcomes: officers can pursue prosecution even without victim cooperation and cases may more likely be charged.

Police organizations[edit]

This is about training, policies, accountability, supervision et cetera. It is the least researched area, with some exceptions.[122] Technologies often have unintended consequences on police. Much more research is needed to understand whether BWC footage can help officers to learn skills better and whether that in turn has an impact on their actual behaviour. BWCs can — in theory — strengthen the accountability structure in an organisation, but perhaps not if existing accountability mechanisms in the agency are weak. BWCs for instance will unlikely improve mentorship or supervision in an agency that does not value such mentorship or supervision.

Footage access[edit]

According to Harlan Yu, executive director from Upturn, police body cameras are best embedded in a broader change in culture and legal framework. In particular, the public’s ability to access the body camera footage is currently still an issue which affects usefulness of police body camera’s against police brutality.[123][124][125]

Privacy concerns[edit]

As with all forms of surveillance, bodycams highlight issues of privacy. There is concern about the privacy of the people being filmed (suspects, victims, witnesses) but also about that of the officers wearing the cameras or the officers whose actions are recorded by their colleagues.


With 88% of Americans[126] and 95% of Dutch people[127] supporting body cameras on police officers, there is strong public support for this technology. However, it is important to note that not all civilians are necessarily aware of the presence of bodycams. A study in Milwaukee revealed that awareness of the bodycams was comparatively low in the first year following implementation (36%) but increased after two more years (76%).[128] In that study, respondents were asked whether they thought bodycams would improve relationships between the police and community members: 84 percent (strongly) agreed. An even larger proportion, 87 percent, (strongly) agreed that Body-Worn Cameras would hold Milwaukee police officers accountable for their behaviors. These percentages hardly changed in the three years following introduction, which suggests that opinions such as these are independent of awareness of bodycams. According to findings in criminology, body-worn cameras have been shown to improve citizens’ reactions to police encounters.

Facial recognition[edit]

One possibility is that a police officer wearing this technology could become a ‘roving surveillance camera’.[129] If the bodycams are equipped with biometric facial recognition technology, this could have a major impact on people’s everyday lives, depending on the reliability of the technology to prevent false positives (those that are mistaken for a person on a list of suspects, for instance). Furthermore, cameras equipped with facial recognition technology heighten worries over “secret surveillance at a distance”.[130] Information about civilian whereabouts can consistently be tracked if they appear in public and it happens without their knowledge. There are more concerns about the advancement of these facial recognition technologies in body cams and the lack of government regulation over them. Particular concerns have been noted with respect to the use of cameras equipped with facial recognition at public protests. It has been suggested that such camera use may «chill» rights of free speech and association.[131]

Looking at the United States in particular, there are 117 million Americans in the FBI’s shared database according to the Georgetown Report.[130] People can become fearful of the police’s ability to identify them in public and gather information about where they’ve been and where they might be going. In the US, there is no federal law in place that directly protects Americans when it comes to the use of facial recognition technology. Only the states of Illinois and Texas have regulations, “that require(s) an individual to give consent for their biometrics to be used, protecting its application in a system that it was not originally intended for”.


In the context of recording, the biggest issues arise from whether consent from parties involved is required before starting a recording.[132] The nature of police work has officers interacting with civilians and suspects during their most vulnerable moments,[133] such as those in the hospital, or domestic violence cases. There is also a threat of people not coming forward with tips for fear of being recorded. In terms of the police officer’s private contexts, they may forget to turn off cameras in the bathroom or in private conversations. These situations should be considered as the technology is developed further and the use of it is becoming more saturated. In the U.S. federal and individual states have varying statutes regarding consent laws.[133]

Search and seizure[edit]

Another major concern that has arisen since the implementation of police body cameras is how these technologies will affect the privacy rights of individuals in regards to search and seizure laws. The 1967 Supreme Court case Katz v. United States determined that “there need not be a physical or technical trespass to constitute a search or seizure deserving of constitutional protection.”[134] Extraction of sensitive information from individuals through electronic transmission is deemed to be unconstitutional under the Fourth Amendment. Police body camera recordings conducted on private property without a warrant or probable cause are expected to violate the individual search and seizure rights of the property owner. Video recordings conducted in public spaces aren’t generally subject to Fourth Amendment protections under the “plain view” doctrine developed by the Supreme Court.[134] In these circumstances an officer can record an individual and their actions as long as they are in public spaces. Many other nations have their own search and seizure laws that have specific implications associated with the use of body cameras worn on police officers.



Body cameras require sizeable investments. In 2012, the price of the camera itself was between $120 and $1,000, according to a market survey by the United States Department of Justice in which seven suppliers were compared.[135] A more recent market survey in 2016, describing 66 body cameras of 38 different vendors, showed that the average price (or actually: the average manufacturer’s suggested retail prices) was $570, with a minimum of $199 and a maximum of $2,000.[136] In 2017, based on information from 45 police forces in the United Kingdom, research showed that nearly 48,000 body cameras had been purchased and that £22,703,235 had been spent on the cameras.[137] Dividing this total by the number of cameras gives an estimate of the average costs per camera: £474. The minimum was £348 for the Police Service of Northern Ireland and the maximum was £705 for the Metropolitan Police Service. These differences may be partly attributable to the fact that some forces have included more types of costs than other forces.

In any case, the camera itself is just the start of the expenses. Police departments also have to run software and store data for all the cameras which can add up quickly.[138] Other costs include maintenance, training and evaluations. In addition, several indirect costs will be incurred by bodycams, for instance, the hours police and others in the criminal justice system spend on managing, reviewing and using the recordings for prosecution or other purposes such as internal reviews, handling of complaints or education. These ‘hidden’ costs are difficult to quantify, but by looking into total cost of ownership, some indication can be given of the percentage of costs is associated with the body cameras themselves or other expenses:

  • The New South Wales Police Force in Australia produced 930 terabytes of recorded video each year with 350 bodycams. The costs involved in storing and managing the data was estimated at 6.5 million Australian dollars each year. The body cams were bought for less than 10% of that amount.[99]
  • The Los Angeles Police Department (United States) acquired 7,000 cameras in 2016 for an amount of $57.6 million. At an estimated price of $570 per camera, the costs of the cameras would be around $4 million, which is 7% of the total amount. The other costs involve replacement equipment and digital storage of the recordings.[139]
  • Police in Denver, Colorado (United States) bought 800 body cams and storage servers for the amount of $6.1 million. The price of the body cams was estimated to be 8% of that amount, the other 92% was spent on storage of recordings and management and maintenance of the body cams. The costs involved in reviewing, editing and submitting recorded video or the training of personnel were not included.[140]
  • Rochester Police Department (NY, United States) purchased 550 cameras in January 2016 and from July 2016 to March 2017, successfully deploy 500 cameras to all patrol Lieutenants, Sergeants and Officers. Additional information on the full deployment can be found here. The Rochester Institute of Technology provides a full report of the program here.
  • The Sacramento Police Department (California, United States) purchased 890 cameras for all patrol staff under a five-year, $4 million agreement. Storage on an ongoing basis was expected to cost about $1 million per year. The city would also hire three full-time police employees to handle technology issues, including editing of video.[141]
  • The Houston Police Department (Texas, United States) estimated that the total cost of about 4,100 cameras was $3.4 million for the equipment and an expected $8 million over five years to buy servers and other equipment to store video collected by the cameras, plus staffing costs.[142]
  • Toronto Police Services concluded that the major challenge associated with any adoption of body-worn cameras is the cost. Staffing, technology and storage requirements would be about $20 million in the first year of implementation, with a total 5-year estimated cost of roughly $51 million, not including costs for integration of records management and video asset management systems. The most expensive component would be storage of recordings reaching nearly 5 petabytes in five years[143]

Costs and benefits[edit]

All costs and benefits, including indirect costs and benefits, have to be weighed against each other in a cost-benefit analysis, to be able to judge whether body cameras lead to a positive or negative business case. The police in Kent, United Kingdom, predicted a positive business case within two years after their investment of £1.8 million in body cameras, purely because of a reduction in the number of complaints.[144]

Manufacturers and suppliers[edit]

In a 2012 market survey by the U.S. Department of Justice, eight companies producing body cameras were compared: Taser International, VisioLogix, StalkerVUE, Scorpion, FirstVU, Wolfcom, MuviView and Panasonic.[135] In 2014, the three top companies that had been producing body cameras throughout the United States were Taser International, VieVu, and Digital Ally.[1] In 2016, a market survey described 66 body worn video cameras produced by 38 different vendors.[136]

See also[edit]

  • Helmet camera
  • Sousveillance


  1. ^ a b c d e «How Police Officer Body Cameras Work». Popular Mechanics. December 3, 2014. Retrieved March 3, 2017.
  2. ^ «Digital Partner: Here’s How Police Body Cameras Work — NBC News». NBC News. Retrieved March 3, 2017.
  3. ^ «About Us, Company». www.taser.com. Retrieved March 3, 2017.
  4. ^ Li, Shirley. «The Big Picture: How Do Police Body Cameras Work?». The Atlantic. Retrieved March 5, 2018.
  5. ^ «Digital Partner: Here’s How Police Body Cameras Work». NBC News. Retrieved March 5, 2018.
  6. ^ Taylor, Emmeline. “Lights, Camera, Redaction… Police Body-Worn Cameras; Autonomy, Discretion and Accountability.” Surveillance & Society 14 (2016), https://ojs.library.queensu.ca/index.php/surveillance-and-society/article/view/cdebate3/bc3. (accessed May 6, 2021).
  7. ^ Julian Murphy, «Through a glass, darkly: unanswered questions about police body-worn cameras», Overland (July 28, 2018).
  8. ^ Lucie Edwardson (August 13, 2019). «Calgary police now have 1,150 body-worn cameras on front-line officers». CBC News. Retrieved June 5, 2020.
  9. ^ «Smile, you’re on police camera». winnipegsun. Retrieved December 15, 2022.
  10. ^ Service de police de la Ville de Montréal. «Portable Cameras — Pilot Project For Police Officers». Retrieved January 10, 2022.
  11. ^ «Toronto Police Body Cameras».
  12. ^ «Toronto police want to deploy body-worn cameras service-wide». CBC News. Retrieved April 10, 2017.
  13. ^ a b «Police to start wearing body cameras from Friday». January 29, 2015. Archived from the original on October 23, 2017.
  14. ^ «Singapore Police Introducing Reveal Body Cameras | Reveal». Archived from the original on July 4, 2019.
  15. ^ a b Lim, Joyce (January 29, 2015). «Police to start wearing body cameras from Friday». The Straits Times. Archived from the original on July 21, 2017.
  16. ^ a b «Britain straps video cameras to police helmets». NBC News. Associated Press. July 13, 2007. /
  17. ^ Home Office (October 2006). «Lessons Learned from the Domestic Violence Enforcement Campaigns 2006». Police and Crime Standards Directorate. Retrieved April 15, 2014.
  18. ^ «MPS-BWV-HOME». www.met.police.uk. Retrieved March 17, 2017.
  19. ^ «Belfast City Policing District introduce Body Worn Video Cameras». Retrieved November 16, 2016.
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  26. ^ «Mayor Emanuel and Police Superintendent Escalante Announce Districts for Body-Worn Camera Expansion | Chicago Police Department». home.chicagopolice.org. Retrieved March 16, 2017.
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142. https://www.lenslock.com/post/are-police-body-cameras-always-on

External links[edit]

  • Williams, Timothy, James Thomas, Samuel Jacoby and Damien Cave, «Police Body Cameras: What Do You See?». The New York Times, updated April 1, 2016. Interactive; video.
  • ‘Body-worn cameras’, U.S. Department of Justice, National Institute of Justice, Office of Justice Programs. Website search on term.
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Всплывающее окно в документе

Рис. 1. Всплывающее окно в документе


camera — фотоаппарат

Перевод слова camera

automatic camera — автоматический фотоаппарат
to load a camera — зарядить фотоаппарат
compact camera — небольшой фотоаппарат, мыльница
digital camera — цифровой фотоаппарат

Don’t jump the camera.
Не трясите фотоаппарат.

The camera never lies.
Камера никогда не лжет.

Lights, camera, action!
Свет, камера, мотор!

Интересные факты

В русском языке слово «камера» чаще употребляют применительно к видео-камере. В английском же оно чаще обозначает фотоаппарат.

Схожие слова

cinecamera — кинокамера





На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


Однако Апелляционная камера распорядилась начать процесс заново.

However, the Appeals Chamber has ordered that this trial commence de novo.

По трем решениям Судебная камера разрешила подать апелляции.

Leave to appeal was granted by the Trial Chamber in respect of three decisions.

Вот эта специальная камера снабжена маленьким объективом.

Now, this custom-made camera of mine is outfitted with a small lens.

Отличная Швейцарская камера — конечно стоит.

A fine Swiss camera like that, of course it is.

Ну… камера Грэйди достаточно чистая.

Well… Grady’s cell is pretty clean.

Помимо проектора используются инфракрасный датчик и камера.

In addition to the projector an infrared sensor and a camera are used.

Верхняя камера прибора наполняется индикаторной жидкостью.

The upper chamber of the device is filled with indicator liquid.

Эрик,12-ая камера за моим кабинетом — охранник разговаривает с Абдулом.

Eric, camera 12 outside my office — guard talking to Abdul.

Это дорожная камера в двух кварталах от места похищения Беккет.

This is from a traffic camera two blocks away from where Beckett was taken.

Ладно, камера 4, ведите Джонсона.

All right, Camera 4, stay with Johnson.

Посмотри, что я нашла… камера безопасности.

Well, look what I got — a security camera.

Ваша камера включена, мистер Каннинг.

Слушай, по-моему, нам понадобится четвёртая камера для натурных съёмок.

Listen, I really think we’re going to need a fourth camera for the exteriors.

Значит, эта камера засняла их на выходе.

Okay, so, that camera caught them on the way out.

Бэт засняла камера наблюдения банка за З часа до ее исчезновения.

Beth was caught on a bank surveillance camera 3 hours before she disappeared.

Над той дверью висит камера безопасности.

There’s a security camera above that door.

Брайан, четвертая камера записала ее вчера в гавани.

Brian, camera four picked her up yesterday down at the harbour.

На твоем левом виске волоконно-оптическая камера.

In your left sideburn is a fiber-optic camera.

Здесь должна быть анабиотическая камера для пилота.

There should be a suspended-animation chamber for the pilot right here.

Это дешевая ширпотребовская камера, в номер легко проникнуть.

That’s a cheap consumer camera, access to the suite was easy.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 6669. Точных совпадений: 6669. Затраченное время: 57 мс

камера хранения


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Какой главный инструмент блогера? Правильно, камера. Чтобы получить качественную картинку, которую пользователю захочется смотреть, необходим хороший инструмент. Именно он позволит реализовать все задумки и делать контент, за который не стыдно. Если вы решили серьезно заниматься влогерством, то придется вложить деньги в покупку соответствующей камеры. Для съемки хорошего видео подойдет далеко не любая модель. Мы составили короткое руководство, как выбрать камеру для блога на Youtube и отыскали несколько самых подходящих моделей.Боди камера как пишется

Как выбрать фотоаппарат для видео

Во время выбора камеры ориентируются на такие характеристики:

  1. Тип камеры. Сейчас есть 4 основных типа: экшн, беззеркальные, зеркальные и автоматические компакты. Автоматическими компактами проще пользоваться, но качество съемки у таких камер не на высоте – подойдет для любительского уровня. Экшн камеры необходимы для ведения съемки в движении и экстремальных условиях. Зеркальные камеры позволяют менять объективы, подбирая необходимое фокусное расстояние, светосилу и работая с глубиной резкости. Хорошо показывают себя зеркальные камеры Canon последнего поколения, в то время, как у Nikon с этим все немного сложнее. Беззеркальные камеры со сменными объективами – лучший выбор для съемки качественного видео, причем отличные модели есть и у Canon, и у Nikon, и у Sony с Panasonic и Fujifilm. Собственно, именно беззеркалки и обойдутся вам дороже всего.
  2. Разрешение. Сейчас минимально допустимым стандартом является 1080р (Full HD). Но все же лучше купить модель, поддерживающую стандарт 4К.Боди камера как пишется
  3. Частота кадров. Большая частота требуется только для съемки спортивных соревнований. Для Youtube чаще всего используется частота в 24 и 30 кадров в секунду. Если же вы хотите работать с эффектом замедления, то смотрите в сторону камер, в которых есть режим с 120 к/с или около того.
  4. Автономность. Длительная работа от одной зарядки батареи нужна для блогеров, которые снимают видео за пределами помещений. Конечно, емкая батарея станет преимуществом, но если по остальным параметрам камера идеальная, а аккумулятор не очень, то проблема решается покупкой 2-3 запасных батарей.
  5. Наличие стабилизации. Стабилизация убирает дрожание картинки. Такая функция есть в большинстве современных моделей. Исключение являются только самые недорогие камеры. Стабилизация может быть оптической, электронной и гибридной. Наиболее эффективны гибридная и оптическая. Электронная стабилизация только частично решает проблему.Боди камера как пишется
  6. Качество звука. Для Youtube качество звука играет не меньшую роль, чем видео. Во время покупки важно поинтересоваться качеством записи и наличием возможности подключения внешнего микрофона. Только с ним можно получить идеальное звучание.
  7. Наличие Wi-Fi. Такая функция позволяет сразу выкладывать видео на Youtube. Также через Wi-Fi проще передавать файлы на ПК. Опция актуальна для стримеров и блогеров, которые планируют вести съемку на улице. Для домашнего использования и создания роликов с монтажом модуль не очень актуален.
  8. Кратность зума. От этого показателя зависит то, во сколько раз можно приблизить картинку во время съемки. Зум бывает оптическим и цифровым. Цифровой зум –частый спутник компактных камер, по сути он просто вырезает часть картинки, из-за чего качество падает. Однако даже в компактах сейчас используется и оптический зум, позволяющий приближать картинку без потери качества. Если мы говорим о камерах со сменными объективами, то наличие зума и его кратность определяются объективом. Можно приобрести светосильный фикс-объектив, он позволяет добиться более качественной картинки с приятным боке и малой глубиной резкости, но зумировать придется ногами, т.е. приближать и отдалять камеру от объекта съемки. Зум-объективы в этом плане удобнее, хотя по светосиле никогда не сравнятся с фикс-линзами. Помните, что предел для хорошего зум-объектива – 3-кратный зум. Все, что больше, выдает среднее качество картинки.
  9. Портативность. Для блогера важно поймать момент и мгновенно начать снимать. Сейчас качественное устройство, имеющее высокое разрешение, легко помещается в кармане. Но устройства с более высоким качеством имеют больший размер. Иногда объектив намного больше камеры.
  10. Экран. Встроенный экран бывает очень многофункциональным. Главными параметрами являются поворотно-наклонный и сенсорный дисплей. При помощи первого параметра можно самим создавать ролики, развернув экран на себя. Вторая опция позволяет сфокусироваться на объекте съемки буквально за одно движение.
  11. Количество карт памяти. Если сильно боитесь потерять контент, смотрите в сторону камер с двумя картами памяти – в случае чего у вас всегда будет резервная копия на второй флешке.

Также необходимо определиться с ценовой категории. Нужно учитывать, что многие модели дополнительно требуют покупки объектива. Также потребуется не самая простая карта памяти. На обычные флеш-карты не записать видео в формате 4К. Для него требуется скорость записи от 80 мегабит в секунду. Карты SDHC (Extended Capacity) используют файловую систему exFAT. На них можно записывать видео в 4К без каких-либо ограничений.

Рейтинг лучших камер для блога на Youtube

Panasonic Lumix GH5

Panasonic Lumix GH5 – беззеркальная камера, сделана она в первую очередь для видеографов и блогеров. Из преимуществ — разрешение 4К (в 4К снимает 60 fps), возможность записывать до 180 fps в разрешении FullHD, два слота для карт памяти, шикарная стабилизация, цветопередача, корпус из прочного магниевого сплава, защита не только от влаги и пыли, но и от холода (до -10 0С). У камеры отличный хват, приличная автономность, хороший встроенный микрофон.

Из минусов отметим цену родной оптики. Например, Panasonic 12-35mm f/2.8 стоит почти, как камера. Матрица здесь не полнокадровая – в два раза кропнутая, но для съемки видео это не такой уж и минус. Профессиональным фотографам камеру рассматривать не советуем. Настроек масса: новичок может запутаться, а профи получит наслаждение. Но при всех этих минусах GH5 даже после выхода GH6 остается лучшей камерой для съемки видео – это как iPhone в мире фотоаппаратов с прицелом на видео.Panasonic Lumix GH5

Основные характеристики:

  • матрица 22 Мп, CMOS, размер 4/3 (17,3* 13,0 мм);
  • стабилизатор – оптический, сдвиг матрицы;
  • максимальное разрешение видео – 4096*2160 (4К);
  • формат записи – AVCHD, MOV, MP4;
  • максимальная частота кадров при съемке видео – 180 к/с (в FullHD);
  • экран – поворотный, сенсорный;
  • тип карт памяти — SDHC, SD, SDXC;
  • модули Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, NFC;
  • микрофонный вход – есть;
  • аккумулятор 1860 мАч (410 фото);
  • вес 725 г (без объектива).
  • цена от 95 000 рублей за body.

Sony Alpha ILCE-6600

Беззеркальный фотоаппарат, имеет просто дикий и точный автофокус. Система стабилизации оптического типа. Она уменьшает дрожание картинки во время съемок без штатива. Прочный корпус имеет защиту от влаги и пыли. В плюсы добавим великолепную автономность, компактность, массу доступных объективов. Блогеры и стримеры называют эту модель одной из лучших камер для видео как за счет качества картинки, так и благодаря удобному экранчику. Важно, что нет ограничений на длительность беспрерывной съемки.

Из минусов не самое понятное и логичное меню. Некоторые жалуются на цветопередачу, но она поддается настройке, да и цветовых профилей масса. Самое обидное – цена родных объективов.Sony Alpha ILCE-6600

Основные характеристики:

  • матрица 25 Мп, CMOS, APS-C (23,5*15,6 мм);
  • стабилизатор – оптический;
  • максимальное разрешение видео – 3840*2160 (4К);
  • максимальная частота кадров при съемке видео – 120 к/с (при FullHD);
  • формат записи видео – AVCHD;
  • экран – поворотный, сенсорный;
  • тип карт памяти — SDHC, SD, SDXC, microSDHC, microSDXC, microSD и др.;
  • микрофонный вход – есть;
  • модули Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, NFС;
  • аккумулятор на 810 фото;
  • вес 503 г (без объектива).
  • цена от 109 000 рублей за body.

Fujifilm X-T4

Камера выдает шикарный цвет, защищена от пыли и влаги, располагает огромным выбором объективов, удобна в управлении. Запись можно вести сразу на две карты памяти. Добавим сюда матричную стабилизацию и, конечно же, просто шикарную картинку – именно за нее многие так любят фотоаппараты Fujifilm. Также пользователи хвалят автофокус и автономность. В плане качества видео это просто блестящая камера.

Внешний вид и эргономика – спорный вопрос. С одной стороны, многим нравится ретро-дизайн, да и множество функциональных кнопок можно настроить под себя. С другой же стороны, некоторые жалуются на непродуманность некоторых крутилок. Главный недостаток – отсутствие зарядного в комплекте.фотоаппарат для съемки видеоFujifilm X-T4

Основные характеристики:

  • матрица 26 Мп, CMOS, APS-C (23,5*15,6 мм);
  • стабилизатор – электронный;
  • максимальное разрешение видео – 3840*2160 (4К);
  • максимальная частота кадров при съемке видео – 240 к/с (при FullHD);
  • формат записи видео – MOV, MP4;
  • экран – поворотный, сенсорный;
  • тип карт памяти — SDHC, SD, SDXC;
  • микрофонный вход – есть;
  • модули Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, NFС;
  • аккумулятор 2200 мАч (на 600 фото);
  • вес 607 г (без объектива).
  • цена от 127 000 рублей за body.

Canon EOS M50

Это беззеркальный фотоаппарат с кропнутой матрицей, который может вести видеосъемку в формате 4К. Модель имеет сенсорный поворотный экран, хорошую цветопередачу, электронную стабилизацию, относительно нешумную матрицу, выход для микрофона. За эти деньги отличная камера, хотя, безусловно, полнокадровые зеркалки типа R и R6 лучше. Для кропнутых беззеркалок Canon мало родных объективов, но при использовании переходника парк оптики сильно расширяется. Отсутствует выход под наушники. Еще одна неприятность – 4К пишется не всем сенсором, т.е. получаем кроп в кропе.Canon EOS M50

Основные характеристики:

  • матрица 25,8 Мп, CMOS, APS-C (22*14,9 мм);
  • стабилизатор – электронный;
  • максимальное разрешение видео – 3840*2160 (4К);
  • максимальная частота кадров при съемке видео – 120 к/с (при HD);
  • экран – поворотный, сенсорный;
  • тип карт памяти — SDHC, SD, SDXC;
  • микрофонный вход – есть;
  • аккумулятор на 305 фото;
  • вес 387 г (без объектива).
  • цена от 44 000 рублей за body.

Sony FDR-AX700

Это не фотоаппарат, а привычная всем видеокамера, и она сочетает в себе удобство использования и профессиональную «начинку». Эта модель может использоваться практически в любом виде съемок, начиная от блогерства и заканчивая репортерской деятельностью. Да, сейчас все чаще для видео-контента используют фотоаппараты, у них и матрица побольше, и объективы получше, но если не хочется тратиться еще и на оптику, то данная модель – прекрасный вариант. Тут вам и 4К-разрешение, и 12-кратный оптический зум, и хороший автоматический режим, и отличная цветопередача, да и оптика неплоха.

Со стабилизацией и звуком все не так хорошо, но использование внешних устройств решает проблему. Зато с автономностью все отлично, и есть возможность использовать две карты памяти.Sony FDR-AX700

Основные характеристики:

  • матрица 14 Мп, CMOS, размер 1 дюйм (13*9 мм);
  • фокусное расстояние — 9.3-111.6 мм (эквивалентно 29 — 348 мм на полном кадре);
  • стабилизатор – оптический;
  • максимальное разрешение видео – 3840*2160 (4К);
  • максимальная частота кадров при съемке видео – 60 к/с;
  • экран – сенсорный, откидной;
  • тип карт памяти — SD, SDHC, SDXC, microSD, MS Duo;
  • модули Wi-Fi, NFC;
  • микрофонный вход – есть;
  • вес 935 г.
  • цена около 125 000 рублей.

Источник информации: Официальный сайт интернет-магазина камер для съемок влога в Youtube.


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body camera

gen. нагрудный видеорегистратор (Баян); нагрудный регистратор (Баян)
police миниатюрная носимая видеокамера (on-officer body camera Val_Ships); нагрудная камера (Баян)
tech. нательная видеокамера (Yanamahan)

body camera: 15 phrases in 5 subjects

Cartography 3
General 2
Makarov 2
Medical 2
Technology 6

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A body camera, bodycam, body worn video (BWV), body-worn camera, or wearable camera is a wearable audio, video, or photographic recording system.

Biker wearing one of the first ‘helmet cams’ ca. 1987

Skydiver with helmet camera

Reporter with camera on helmet to live stream press conferences

Body cameras have a range of uses and designs, of which the best-known use is as a part of policing equipment. Other uses include action cameras for social and recreational (including cycling), within the world of commerce, in healthcare and medical use, in military use, journalism, citizen sousveillance and covert surveillance.

Research on the impact of body-worn cameras in law enforcement shows mixed evidence as to the impact of cameras on the use of force by law enforcement and communities’ trust in police.[1]


Body-worn cameras are often designed to be worn in one of three locations: on the torso, on or built into a helmet, and on or built into glasses. Some feature live streaming capabilities, such as GPS positioning, automatic offload to cloud storage, while others are based on local storage. Some body-worn cameras offer automatic activation of the cameras with the ability to adhere to that agency’s specific body camera recording policies. The National Criminal Justice Technology Research, Test, and Evaluation Center has conducted market surveys on body-worn cameras to assist organizations in purchasing the best camera. The survey discusses device functionality, optics, audio, GPS, and several more categories. These cameras range in price from 200 dollars to 2,000 dollars.[2]


A close up of a body camera not on a body

Law enforcementEdit

Police body camera example

Wearable cameras are used by police and other law enforcement organizations in countries around the world. The cameras are intended to improve interactions between officers and the public. The first generation of ‘modern’ police body cameras was introduced around 2005 in the United Kingdom, followed from 2014 onwards by large-scale implementation in the United States, mainly to increase transparency and police accountability. Early studies showed positive results, but replications have led to mixed findings. Outcomes have been shown to differ depending on the local context and the guidelines regulating activation of the body cams. Challenges include training, privacy, storage and the use of recordings further ‘downstream’ in the judicial system. A systematic review assessed the available evidence on the effect of body-worn cameras in law enforcement on police and citizen behavior. They found that body-worn cameras may not substantially impact officer or citizen behavior and that effects on use of force and arrest activities are inconsistent and non-significant. Research suggests no clear effects of body-worn cameras in terms of citizen behavior such as calls to police and resisting arrest.[3] Subsequent analysis of the research affirms these mixed findings and draws attention to how the design of many evaluations fails to account for local context or citizen perspectives.[4]

Body- worn cameras have become one of the biggest costs for townships, cities, and agencies for police, costing millions of dollars. The main reason for the growth of body-worn cameras is a direct result of the publicizing of events over the past decade, where Caucasian police offers have killed unarmed Black civilians. The main place where body- worn cameras have become more popular, is in low-researched environments, because the main driving reason for BWC becoming so popular was due to public protest. [5]

Body worn cameras by police, was not only a popular development in the United States, but also by those in England and Wales, and there, it’s not a new discovery. The overall outcome and reactions to these cameras have been positive, but there has been no proof of how these BWC have had impacts on the actions and reactions of the police wearing them.[6]


Firefighters use helmet cameras as a tool to assess fires and for communication and training purposes. Cameras in this occupation are often thermal cameras in order to be able to see in darkness and inside smoke-filled buildings. Augmented reality (AR) can be added to accentuate outlines of objects and people.[7]


Body worn video has been suggested and explored in the medical field. Data recorded from wearable cameras can assist in medical research and limit error caused by inaccurate self-reporting of data.[8] It is speculated that under-reporting is common when conducting dietary and nutrition assessments.[9] Research suggests body worn video reduces under-reporting of intake during such assessments.[10] Cameras can [removed the words for example] be used as a memory prosthetic for conditions that affect the memory.[11] In 2013, Google Glass was used to assist in surgery by providing a mostly hands-free way to broadcast and receive consultation from another surgeon.[12] Body cameras were provided to hospital staff by the Cardiff and Vale Health Board in Wales, United Kingdom. The cameras were issued to reduce the likelihood of violent assaults against staff. According to the manager who provides support to staff who have been attacked, the cameras – and especially the audio recording – have been vital for successful prosecutions.[13]

Body cameras can be used to make in impact in the mental health world. While there is only currently minimal evidence on the effects that body cameras have in a mental health setting in reference to violence within patience, the technology points towards lower numbers of complaints from the public that are happening, although the exact evidence isn’t crystal clear.[14]

Military combatEdit

US soldier in Afghanistan with a personal helmet camera, 2010

Body worn cameras, as well as helmet cameras are used in the military.[15] Video can either be stored locally, or streamed back to a command center or military outpost. A notable instance of this was the raid on Osama Bin Laden’s compound, where live video footage of the raid is believed to have been streamed to the White House.[16] In 2013, Royal Marine Alexander Blackman was convicted of murder for killing a captive Taliban insurgent; footage from incident, recorded on a helmet camera, was used in Blackman’s court-martial. The conviction was overturned in 2017 and reduced to manslaughter on the grounds of diminished responsibility with Blackman being released from jail.[17][18] The helmet camera has been the focus of the Discovery Channel series Taking Fire about the 101st Airborne in the Korengal documenting their personal war footage. In 2016 «a camera recovered from the helmet of a dead fighter offers a contrasting picture of chaos and panic in a battle with Kurdish peshmerga.»[19]


Body cameras may be worn by retail workers to deter against abusive or threatening behavior by customers.[20]

Retail workers are looking for ways to solve issues when it comes to dealing with criminal behavior, while also making the staff feel safer and more comfortable when working.[21]

Body cameras have become part of police officers’ everyday uniforms, by police in the United States. They have been initiated to help with regulating and enforcing laws in their everyday work, by recording while they are on their shift.[22]

Privacy concernsEdit

Concerns over privacy have been raised with this technology, most notably in the context of Google Glasses and policing. The advent of large-scale data collection, possibly in combination with facial recognition and other technologies capable of interpreting videos in bulk, means that all cameras, including body worn cameras, could create a means of tracking people anywhere they go. In policing, critics have warned that each police officer could become a «roving surveillance camera»[23] Issues involving privacy concerns continue as new technologies are presented to law enforcement but the government has had ways of masking the technologies from the public and in some cases, even the police.[24] Police will interact with citizens during vulnerable moments,[25] such as in a hospital, or in a domestic violence situation. Concerns have also been raised that this algorithms not only infringe on privacy rights, but could also be ethnically biased.[26] The American Civil Liberties Union,has suggested policies to balance citizen’s rights with the desire for more transparency and accountability.[27]

Discourse of police body camerasEdit

The discussion of police officer wearing body cameras has been a debate for years, as many police officers started wearing body cameras around 2014. Not everyone agrees with the use of body cameras but they have become beneficial in the case of collecting valuable information related to a crime being committed. At the same time, the privacy of citizens can be compromised by body cameras potentially exposing them to unwanted publicity.[28] The accountability of police is increased as they use body cameras to ensure the protection of the public against police misconduct. A further discussion of police body cameras occurs because the improvements need to be done within the law enforcement system that requires police behavior to change. After that, new technologies can be implemented to help increase the accountability of police.[29][30]

See alsoEdit

  • Helmet camera
  • Sousveillance
  • Shooting of Jamarion Robinson
  • Refcam


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  23. ^ Tilley, Aaron. «Artificial Intelligence Is Coming To Police Bodycams, Raising Privacy Concerns». Forbes. Retrieved 2017-03-03.
  24. ^ Manes, Jonathan. «Secrecy and evasion in police surveillance technology». Berkeley Technology Law Journal. 34: 503–566 – via EBSCO.
  25. ^ «Police Perspective: The Pros & Cons of Police Body Cameras». www.rasmussen.edu. Retrieved 2017-04-16.
  26. ^ «How Police Body Cameras Work». HowStuffWorks. 2015-06-12. Retrieved 2017-03-03.
  27. ^ «A Model Act for Regulating the Use of Wearable Body Cameras by Law Enforcement». American Civil Liberties Union. June 2018. Retrieved 2019-05-08.
  28. ^ Bock, Mary Angela (February 2016). «Film the Police! Cop-Watching and Its Embodied Narratives: Film the Police». Journal of Communication. 66 (1): 13–34. doi:10.1111/jcom.12204.
  29. ^ Scheindlin, Shira A. (7 May 2015). «Will the widespread use of body cameras improve police accountability? Yes». Americas Quarterly. 9 (2).
  30. ^ Manning, Peter K. (7 May 2015). «Will the widespread use of body cameras improve police accountability? No». Americas Quarterly. 9 (2).

External linksEdit

  • Tanner, Samuel; Meyer, Michaël (August 2015). «Police work and new ‘security devices’: A tale from the beat». Security Dialogue. 46 (4): 384–400. doi:10.1177/0967010615584256. S2CID 146698520.
  • Williams, Timothy; Thomas, James; Jacoby, Samuel; Cave, Damien (1 April 2016). «Police Body Cameras: What Do You See?». The New York Times.

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