Sokrat personal > боинг
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Боинг
Новый русско-английский словарь > боинг
Русско-английский большой базовый словарь > боинг
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Боинг-747
Боинг B-17 Летающая крепость (Flying Fortress)
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Боинг B-17 Летающая крепость (Flying Fortress)
Боинг Компани
General subject: The Boeing Company, The Boeing Company
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Боинг Компани
Боинг Компани (авиакомпания США)
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Боинг Компани (авиакомпания США)
Боинг B-17 Летающая крепость
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Боинг B-17 Летающая крепость
Научно-исследовательские лаборатории авиационной корпорации Боинг
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Научно-исследовательские лаборатории авиационной корпорации Боинг
аналоговая вычислительная машина фирмы Боинг
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > аналоговая вычислительная машина фирмы Боинг
блок согласования средств обнаружения самолётов фирмы Боинг
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > блок согласования средств обнаружения самолётов фирмы Боинг
коррелятор фирмы Боинг для сканирования района цели
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > коррелятор фирмы Боинг для сканирования района цели
лаборатория фирмы Боинг по изучению воздействия радиоактивного излучения
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > лаборатория фирмы Боинг по изучению воздействия радиоактивного излучения
организация формы Боинг по разработке военных самолётов
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > организация формы Боинг по разработке военных самолётов
компания Боинг
Русско-английский глоссарий по космической технике > компания Боинг
стандарт на чертежные работы компании Боинг
Русско-английский глоссарий по космической технике > стандарт на чертежные работы компании Боинг
система электронных средств связи компании Боинг
Русско-английский глоссарий по космической технике > система электронных средств связи компании Боинг
система поддержки электронных устройств и компьютеров в компании Боинг
Русско-английский глоссарий по космической технике > система поддержки электронных устройств и компьютеров в компании Боинг
группа по информации и средствам поддержки компании Боинг
Русско-английский глоссарий по космической технике > группа по информации и средствам поддержки компании Боинг
См. также в других словарях:
Боинг — (Boeing Co.) одна из крупнейших фирм авиаракетно космической промышленности США. Ведёт качало от основанной в 1916 У. Боингом фирмы «Боинг эрплейн» (Boeing Airplane Co.). современное название с 1961. Имеет отделения гражданских самолётов, военных … Энциклопедия техники
Боинг — Боинг, Уильям Эдуард Уильям Боинг (слева) и Фредерик Рентчлер, 1929 год Уильям Эдвард Боинг (англ. William Edward Boeing; 1 октября 1881(18811001), Детр … Википедия
БОИНГ — общее название самолетов американской фирмы Боинг . Среди них пассажирский самолет Боинг 747 300 (выпускается с 1983). Перевозит до 660 пассажиров на расстояние до 13500 км со скоростью до 940 км/ч. Взлетная масса ок. 380 т … Большой Энциклопедический словарь
боинг — сущ., кол во синонимов: 2 • компания (88) • самолет (97) Словарь синонимов ASIS. В.Н. Тришин. 2013 … Словарь синонимов
«Боинг» — Рис. 1. Пассажирский самолёт Боинг 247. «Боинг» (Boeing Co.) — одна из крупнейших фирм авиаракетно космической промышленности США. Ведёт начало от основанной в 1916 У. Боингом фирмы «Боинг эрплейн» (Boeing Airplane Co.). современное название … Энциклопедия «Авиация»
«Боинг» — Рис. 1. Пассажирский самолёт Боинг 247. «Боинг» (Boeing Co.) — одна из крупнейших фирм авиаракетно космической промышленности США. Ведёт начало от основанной в 1916 У. Боингом фирмы «Боинг эрплейн» (Boeing Airplane Co.). современное название … Энциклопедия «Авиация»
«Боинг» — Рис. 1. Пассажирский самолёт Боинг 247. «Боинг» (Boeing Co.) — одна из крупнейших фирм авиаракетно космической промышленности США. Ведёт начало от основанной в 1916 У. Боингом фирмы «Боинг эрплейн» (Boeing Airplane Co.). современное название … Энциклопедия «Авиация»
«Боинг» — Рис. 1. Пассажирский самолёт Боинг 247. «Боинг» (Boeing Co.) — одна из крупнейших фирм авиаракетно космической промышленности США. Ведёт начало от основанной в 1916 У. Боингом фирмы «Боинг эрплейн» (Boeing Airplane Co.). современное название … Энциклопедия «Авиация»
Боинг У. Э. — Уильям Боинг (слева) и Фредерик Рентчлер, 1929 год Уильям Эдвард Боинг (англ. William Edward Boeing; 1 октября 1881(18811001) 28 сентября 1956) американский самолётостроитель, основатель американской авиастроительной компании The Boeing… … Википедия
Боинг У. — Уильям Боинг (слева) и Фредерик Рентчлер, 1929 год Уильям Эдвард Боинг (англ. William Edward Boeing; 1 октября 1881(18811001) 28 сентября 1956) американский самолётостроитель, основатель американской авиастроительной компании The Boeing… … Википедия
Боинг — название американского авиационного и ракетострои тельного концерна, а также марка изготовляемых этим концерном самолетов; по имени У. Боинга. Уильям Боинг William Boeing (1881–1956) американский авиаконструктор и промышленник. Закончив Йельский… … Судьба эпонимов. Словарь-справочник
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использование регионального широкофюзеляжного самолета («Боинг 757-200»);
A regional wide-bodied aircraft (Boeing 757-200);
использование регионального широкофюзеляжного самолета («Боинг 757-200»);
A regional wide-bodied aircraft (Boeing 757-200);
Словосочетания (10)
- боинг — 377 — Boeing 377
- боинг — 707 — Boeing 707
- боинг — 717 — Boeing 717
- боинг — 727 — Boeing 727
- боинг — 737 — Boeing 737
- боинг — 747 — Boeing 747
- боинг — 757 — Boeing 757
- боинг — 767 — Boeing 767
- боинг — 777 — Boeing 777
- боинг — 787 — Boeing 787
использование регионального широкофюзеляжного самолета («Боинг 757-200»);
A regional wide-bodied aircraft (Boeing 757-200);
Первые самолеты были сделаны из дерева, но Боинг 747 нет.
The early aeroplanes were made from wood but the Boeing 747 isn’t.
Америка хотела бы, чтобы Европа выбрала самолет компании Боинг или Локхид.
America would like Europe to opt for an aircraft built by Boeing and Lockheed Martin.
запуск «Дримлайнера», пассажирского самолета компании Боинг, и трагическую смерть руководителя компании Apple Стива Джобса.
the launch of Boeing‘s Dreamliner passenger jet and the tragic death of Apple’s Steve Jobs.
Представитель компании Боинг Роберт Вилланьёва согласился, что многие цели полёта были достигнуты, но не назвал запуск успешным.
A Boeing spokesman, Robert Villanueva, agreed that many flight objectives were achieved, but did not call the launch a success.
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Боинг — перевод на английский
А сейчас, я сижу в боинге, рядом с этим старым дубом, которого ни ветер, ни буря не могли бы испугать или побеспокоить.
And now, I sit in a Boeing, next to an old tree that no wind or tempest would frighten or affect.
Если поторопитесь, то успеете на ближайщий Боинг.
If you hurry, you have time at your nearest Boeing.
Напомните мне послать благодарственное письмо мистеру Боингу.
Remind me to send a thank-you note to Mr. Boeing.
Я не могу достать Вам Боинг за одну минуту.
I can’t have a boeing in a few minutes.
Там Вас будет ждать Боинг, полностью готовый к отправке.
«Where a boeing and its crew are waiting, ready to take off. »
Показать ещё примеры для «boeing»…
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«Бо́инг», -а (марка самолета) и бо́инг, -а (самолет)
Рядом по алфавиту:
«Бо́инг» , -а (марка самолета) и бо́инг, -а (самолет)
божи́ться , божу́сь, божи́тся
Бо́жия , (Бо́жья) Ма́терь
божни́ца , -ы, тв. -ей
божо́к , божка́
божоле́ , нескл., с. (вино)
Бо́жьей ми́лостью , (от Бога)
бо́жья коро́вка
бо́зах , -а (порода овец)
Бо́зе , нескл., м.: га́з Бо́зе, статистика Бо́зе – Эйнште́йна, конденса́ция Бо́зе – Эйнште́йна
бо́зе-га́з , -а
бо́зе-жи́дкость , -и
бо́зе-части́ца , -ы, тв. -ей
бо́зе-эйнште́йновский , (от Бо́зе и Эйнште́йн)
бозо́н , -а
бой , бо́я, предл. в бою́, мн. бои́, боёв (сражение)
бой , бо́я, мн. бо́и, бо́ев (мальчик-слуга)
бой-ба́ба , -ы
бой-де́вка , -и, р. мн. -вок
бо́йга , -и
бо́йи , бо́йев (племенная группа, ист.)
бо́йкий , кр. ф. бо́ек, бойка́, бо́йко
бо́йкость , -и
бойко́т , -а
бойкоти́рование , -я
бойкоти́рованный , кр. ф. -ан, -ана
бойкоти́ровать(ся) , -рую(сь), -рует(ся)
бойкоти́ст , -а
бо́йлер , -а
бо́йлерная , -ой
Слова русского языка,
поиск и разбор слов онлайн
- Слова русского языка
- Б
- боинг
Правильно слово пишется: бо́инг
Ударение падает на 1-й слог с буквой о.
Всего в слове 5 букв, 2 гласных, 3 согласных, 2 слога.
Гласные: о, и;
Согласные: б, н, г.
Номера букв в слове
Номера букв в слове «боинг» в прямом и обратном порядке:
- 5
1 - 4
2 - 3
3 - 2
4 - 1
Разбор по составу
Разбор по составу (морфемный разбор) слова боинг делается следующим образом:
Морфемы слова: боинг — корень, нулевое окончание, боинг — основа слова.
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Boeing Building in Chicago |
Formerly |
Type | Public |
Traded as |
Industry |
Founded | July 15, 1916; 106 years ago (as Pacific Aero Products Co.) Seattle, Washington, U.S. |
Founder | William E. Boeing |
Headquarters |
Arlington County, Virginia , U.S. |
Area served |
Worldwide[3]: 1 |
Key people |
Products |
Production output |
Services |
Revenue | |
Operating income |
Net income |
Total assets | |
Total equity | |
Number of employees |
156,000[4] (2022) |
Divisions |
Subsidiaries |
Website | boeing.com |
The Boeing Company () is an American multinational corporation that designs, manufactures, and sells airplanes, rotorcraft, rockets, satellites, telecommunications equipment, and missiles worldwide. The company also provides leasing and product support services. Boeing is among the largest global aerospace manufacturers; it is the third-largest defense contractor in the world based on 2020 revenue,[5] and is the largest exporter in the United States by dollar value.[6] Boeing stock is included in the Dow Jones Industrial Average. Boeing is incorporated in Delaware.[7]
Boeing was founded by William Boeing in Seattle, Washington, on July 15, 1916.[8] The present corporation is the result of the merger of Boeing with McDonnell Douglas on August 1, 1997. Then chairman and CEO of Boeing, Philip M. Condit, assumed those roles in the combined company, while Harry Stonecipher, former CEO of McDonnell Douglas, became president and COO.[8]
The Boeing Company’s corporate headquarters is in Chicago, Illinois as of 2022.[9] In May 2022, the company announced plans to move its headquarters to Arlington, Virginia in the near future.[10] Boeing is organized into four primary divisions: Boeing Commercial Airplanes (BCA); Boeing Defense, Space & Security (BDS); Boeing Global Services; and Boeing Capital. In 2021, Boeing recorded US$ 62.3 billion in sales. Boeing is ranked 54th on the Fortune magazine «Fortune 500» list (2020),[11] and ranked 121st on the «Fortune Global 500» list (2020).[12]
In 2019, Boeing’s global reputation, commercial business, and financial rating suffered after the 737 MAX fleet was grounded worldwide following two fatal crashes in late 2018 and early 2019. In September 2022, Boeing was ordered to pay $200m over charges of misleading investors about safety issues related to these crashes.[13]
The Boeing Company was started in 1916, when American lumber industrialist William E. Boeing founded Aero Products Company in Seattle, Washington. Shortly before doing so, he and Conrad Westervelt created the «B&W» seaplane.[14][15] In 1917, the organization was renamed Boeing Airplane Company, with William Boeing forming Boeing Airplane & Transport Corporation in 1928.[14] In 1929, the company was renamed United Aircraft and Transport Corporation, followed by the acquisition of several aircraft makers such as Avion, Chance Vought, Sikorsky Aviation, Stearman Aircraft, Pratt & Whitney, and Hamilton Metalplane.[2]
In 1931, the group merged its four smaller airlines into United Airlines. In 1934, aircraft manufacturing was required to be separate from air transportation.[16] Therefore, Boeing Airplane Company became one of three major groups to arise from the dissolution of United Aircraft and Transport; the other two entities were United Aircraft (later United Technologies) and United Airlines.[2][16]
In 1960, the company bought Vertol Aircraft Corporation, which at the time, was the biggest independent manufacturer of helicopters.[17] During the 1960s and 1970s, the company diversified into industries such as outer space travel, marine craft, agriculture, energy production and transit systems.[2]
In 1995, Boeing partnered with Russian, Ukrainian, and Anglo-Norwegian organizations to create Sea Launch, a company providing commercial launch services sending satellites to geostationary orbit from floating platforms.[18] In 2000, Boeing acquired the satellite segment of Hughes Electronics.[2][19]
In December 1996, Boeing announced its intention to merge with McDonnell Douglas, and following regulatory approval, this was completed on August 4, 1997.[20] This had been delayed by objections from the European Commission, which ultimately placed three conditions on the merger: termination of exclusivity agreements with three US airlines, separate accounts would be maintained for the McDonnell-Douglas civil aircraft business, and some defense patents were to be made available to competitors.[21] In 2020, Quartz reported that after the merger there was a «clash of corporate cultures, where Boeing’s engineers and McDonnell Douglas’s bean-counters went head-to-head», which the latter won, and that this may have contributed to the events leading up to the 737 Max crash crisis.[22]
The corporate headquarters were moved from Seattle to Chicago in 2001.[23] In 2018, Boeing opened its first factory in Europe at Sheffield, UK, reinforced by a research partnership with The University of Sheffield.[24]
In May 2020, the company cut over 12,000 jobs due to the drop in air travel during the COVID-19 pandemic with plans for a total 10% cut of its workforce or approximately 16,000 positions.[25] In July 2020, Boeing reported a loss of $2.4 billion as a result of the pandemic and the grounding of its 737 MAX aircraft, and that it was in response planning to make more job and production cuts.[26] On August 18, 2020, CEO Dave Calhoun announced further job cuts;[27] on October 28, 2020, nearly 30,000 employees were laid off, as the airplane manufacturer was increasingly losing money due to the COVID-19 pandemic.[28]
The Boeing 777X, the largest capacity twinjet, made its maiden flight on January 25, 2020.[29] Following an incident during flight testing, the estimated first delivery of the aircraft was delayed until 2024.[30]
After two fatal crashes of the Boeing 737 MAX narrow-body passenger airplanes in 2018 and 2019, aviation regulators and airlines around the world grounded all 737 MAX airliners.[31] A total of 387 aircraft were grounded.[32] Boeing’s reputation, business, and financial rating has suffered after these groundings, questioning Boeing’s strategy, governance, and focus on profits and cost efficiency.[33][34][35]
In May 2022, Boeing announced plans to move its global headquarters from Chicago to Arlington, Virginia, a suburb of Washington, D.C. The company said that this decision was made in part due to the region’s «proximity to our customers and stakeholders, and its access to world-class engineering and technical talent.»[10][36]
In February 2023, Boeing announced plans for laying off approximately 2,000 of its workers from finances and human resources.[37]
The corporation’s four main divisions are Boeing Commercial Airplanes (BCA), Boeing Defense, Space & Security (BDS), Boeing Global Services, and Boeing Capital.[38]
Boeing Commercial Airplanes (BCA) builds commercial aircraft including the 737, 747, 767, 777, and 787 along with freighter and business jet variants of most. The division employs nearly 35,000 people, many working at the company’s manufacturing facilities in Everett and Renton, Washington (outside of Seattle), and South Carolina.
Boeing Defense, Space & Security (BDS) builds military aircraft, satellites, spacecraft, and space launch vehicles.
Boeing Global Services provides aftermarket support, such as maintenance and upgrades, to customers who purchase equipment from BCA, BDS, or from other manufacturers.
Boeing Capital provides customers financing for the products and services from the company’s other divisions.
Environmental record[edit]
In 2006, the UCLA Center for Environmental Risk Reduction released a study showing that Boeing’s Santa Susana Field Laboratory, a site that was a former Rocketdyne test and development site in the Simi Hills of eastern Ventura County in Southern California, had been contaminated by Rocketdyne with toxic and radioactive waste. Boeing agreed to a cleanup agreement with the EPA in 2017.[39] Clean-up studies and lawsuits are in progress.[40]
On July 19, 2022, Boeing announced a renewed partnership with Mitsubishi to innovate carbon-neutral and sustainable solutions.[41]
Jet biofuels[edit]
The airline industry is responsible for about 11% of greenhouse gases emitted by the U.S. transportation sector.[42] Aviation’s share of the greenhouse gas emissions was poised to grow, as air travel increases and ground vehicles use more alternative fuels like ethanol and biodiesel.[42] Boeing estimates that biofuels could reduce flight-related greenhouse-gas emissions by 60 to 80%.[42] The solution blends algae fuels with existing jet fuel.[42]
Boeing executives said the company was collaborating with Brazilian biofuels maker Tecbio, Aquaflow Bionomic of New Zealand, and other fuel developers around the world. As of 2007, Boeing had tested six fuels from these companies, and expected to test 20 fuels «by the time we’re done evaluating them».[42] Boeing also joined other aviation-related members in the Algal Biomass Organization (ABO) in June 2008.[43]
Air New Zealand and Boeing are researching the jatropha plant to see if it is a sustainable alternative to conventional fuel.[44] A two-hour test flight using a 50–50 mixture of the new biofuel with Jet A-1 in a Rolls-Royce RB-211 engine of a 747-400 was completed on December 30, 2008.[45] The engine was then removed to be studied to identify any differences between the Jatropha blend and regular Jet A1. No effects on performances were found.[45]
On August 31, 2010, Boeing worked with the U.S. Air Force to test the Boeing C-17 running on 50% JP-8, 25% Hydro-treated Renewable Jet fuel, and 25% of Fischer–Tropsch fuel with successful results.[46]
Electric propulsion[edit]
For NASA’s N+3 future airliner program, Boeing has determined that hybrid electric engine technology is by far the best choice for its subsonic design. Hybrid electric propulsion has the potential to shorten takeoff distance and reduce noise. Boeing created a team to study electric propulsion in future generation of subsonic commercial aircraft. SUGAR for Subsonic Ultra Green Aircraft Research includes BR&T, Boeing Commercial Airplanes, General Electric, and Georgia Tech. There are five main concepts the team is reviewing. SUGAR-Free and Refined SUGAR, are two concepts based on conventional aircraft similar to the 737. SUGAR High and SUGAR Volt, are both high-span, strut-based wing concepts. The final concept is SUGAR Ray, which is a wing-body hybrid. The SUGAR Volt concept has resulted in a drop in fuel burn by more than 70 percent and a reduction of total energy use by 55 percent. This reduction is the result of adding an electric battery gas turbine hybrid propulsion system.[47]
Political contributions, federal contracts, advocacy[edit]
In 2008 and 2009, Boeing was second on the list of Top 100 US Federal Contractors, with contracts totaling US$22 billion and US$23 billion respectively.[48][49] Between 1995 and early 2021, the company agreed to pay US$4.3 billion to settle 84 instances of misconduct, including US$615 million in 2006 in relation to illegal hiring of government officials and improper use of proprietary information.[50][51][52]
Boeing secured the highest-ever tax breaks at the state level in 2013.[53]
Boeing’s spent US$16.9 million on lobbying expenditures in 2009.[54][55] In the 2008 presidential election, Barack Obama «was by far the biggest recipient of campaign contributions from Boeing employees and executives, hauling in US$197,000 – five times as much as John McCain, and more than the top eight Republicans combined».[56]
Boeing has a corporate citizenship program centered on charitable contributions in five areas: education, health, human services, environment, the arts, culture, and civic engagement.[57][better source needed] In 2011, Boeing spent US$147.3 million in these areas through charitable grants and business sponsorships.[58] In February 2012, Boeing Global Corporate Citizenship partnered with the Insight Labs to develop a new model for foundations to more effectively lead the sectors they serve.[59][better source needed]
The company is a member of the U.S. Global Leadership Coalition, a Washington D.C.-based coalition of more than 400 major companies and NGOs that advocate a larger International Affairs Budget, which funds American diplomatic and development efforts abroad.[60] A series of U.S. diplomatic cables show how U.S. diplomats and senior politicians intervene on behalf of Boeing to help boost the company’s sales.[61]
In 2007 and 2008, the company benefited from over US$10 billion of long-term loan guarantees, helping finance the purchase of their commercial aircraft in countries including Brazil, Canada, Ireland, and the United Arab Emirates, from the Export-Import Bank of the United States, some 65% of the total loan guarantees the bank made in the period.[62]
In December 2011, the non-partisan organization Public Campaign criticized Boeing for spending US$52.29 million on lobbying and not paying taxes during 2008–2010, instead getting US$178 million in tax rebates, despite making a profit of US$9.7 billion, laying off 14,862 workers since 2008, and increasing executive pay by 31% to US$41.9 million in 2010 for its top five executives.[63]
The firm has also been criticized for supplying and profiting from wars, including the war in Yemen where its missiles were found to be used for indiscriminate attacks, killing many civilians.[64][65]
Boeing has been accused of unethical practices (in violation of the Procurement Integrity Act) while attempting to submit a revised bid to NASA for their lunar landing project.[66]
For the fiscal year 2017, Boeing reported earnings of US$8.191 billion, with annual revenue of US$93.392 billion, a 1.25% decline over the previous fiscal cycle. Boeing’s shares traded at over $209 per share, and its market capitalization was valued at over US$206.6 billion.[67]
Year | Revenue in million US$ |
Net earnings/(loss) in mil. US$ |
Price per Share in US$ |
Employees |
2005 | 53,621[68] | 2,572 | 45.42 | |
2006 | 61,530[69] | 2,215 | 59.20 | |
2007 | 66,387[70] | 4,074 | 71.05 | |
2008 | 60,909 | 2,672 | 50.76 | |
2009 | 68,281[71] | 1,312 | 35.73 | |
2010 | 64,306[72] | 3,298 | 53.89 | |
2011 | 68,735[73] | 4,009 | 58.20 | |
2012 | 81,698[74] | 3,900 | 62.65 | |
2013 | 86,623[75] | 4,578 | 90.39 | 168,400 |
2014 | 90,762[76] | 5,440 | 114.72 | 165,500 |
2015 | 96,114[77] | 5,172 | 131.43 | 161,400 |
2016 | 94,571[78] | 4,892 | 125.66 | 150,500 |
2017 | 93,392[79] | 8,191 | 209.85 | 140,800 |
2018 | 101,127[80] | 10,460 | 319.05 | 153,000 |
2019 | 76,559[81] | (636) | 325.76 | |
2020 | 58,158[82] | (11,941) | 311.11[83] | 141,014[84] |
2021 | 62,286[85] | (4,290)[85] | ||
2022 | 66,608[4] | (5,053)[4] | 156,000[4] |
Between 2010 and 2018, Boeing increased its operating cash flow from $3 to $15.3 billion, sustaining its share price, by negotiating advance payments from customers and delaying payments to its suppliers. This strategy is sustainable only as long as orders are good and delivery rates are increasing.[86]
From 2013 to 2019, Boeing spent over $60 billion on dividends and stock buybacks, twice as much as the development costs of the 787.[87]
In 2020, Boeing’s revenue was $11.8 billion as a result of the pandemic slump. Due to higher sales in other divisions and an influx in deliveries of commercial jetliners in 2021, revenue increased by 44%, reaching nearly $17 billion.[88]
Employment numbers[edit]
The company’s employment totals are listed below.
Approximately 1.5% of Boeing employees are in the Technical Fellowship program, a program through which Boeing’s top engineers and scientists set technical direction for the company.[90] The average salary at Boeing is $76,784, reported by former employees.[91]
Corporate governance[edit]
In 2022, Rory Kennedy made a documentary film, Downfall: The Case Against Boeing, streamed by Netflix. She said about the 21st-century history of Boeing «There were many decades when Boeing did extraordinary things by focusing on excellence and safety and ingenuity. Those three virtues were seen as the key to profit. It could work, and beautifully. And then they were taken over by a group that decided Wall Street was the end-all, be-all.»[92]
On May 5, 2022, Boeing announced that it would be moving its headquarters from Chicago to Arlington, Virginia in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area. Additionally, it plans to add a research and technology center in Northern Virginia.[93]
As of 2022, Boeing is headed by a President who also serves as the chief executive officer. The roles of chairman of the board and CEO were separated in October 2019.[94]
Chairman of the Board | |
Name | Background |
Lawrence W. Kellner | Former Chairman and CEO, Continental Airlines, Inc. |
Board of Directors | |
Name | Background |
Robert A. Bradway | Chairman and CEO, Amgen, Inc. |
David L. Calhoun | President and CEO, The Boeing Company |
Lynne M. Doughttie | Former U.S. Chairman and CEO, KPMG |
ADM Edmund P. Giambastiani Jr.(retd) | Former Vice-chairman, U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff
Former Supreme Allied Commander Transformation, NATO |
Lynn J. Good | Chairman, President and CEO, Duke Energy Corporation |
Lt Gen Stayce D. Harris (retd) | Former United Airlines Pilot
Former Inspector General, U.S. Air Force |
Akhil Johri | Former Executive Vice-president and CFO, United Technologies Corporation |
David L. Joyce | Former President and CEO, GE Aviation
Former Vice-chair, General Electric Company |
Steven M. Mollenkopf | Former CEO, Qualcomm Inc. |
ADM John M. Richardson (retd) | Former Chief of Naval Operations, U.S. Navy
Former Director of the Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program, U.S. Navy |
Ronald A. Williams | Former Chairman, President and CEO, Aetna, Inc. |
Past leadership[edit]
Chief Executive Officer | President | Chairman | ||||
N/A | Position not Created | N/A | Position not Created | 1916–1934 | William E. Boeing | |
1922–1925 | Edgar N. Gott[95] | |||||
1926–1933 | Philip G. Johnson | |||||
1933–1939 | Clairmont L. Egtvedt[96] | 1933–1939 | Clairmont L. Egtvedt | |||
1934–1968 | Clairmont L. Egtvedt | |||||
1939–1944 | Philip G. Johnson | 1939–1944 | Philip G. Johnson | |||
1944–1945 | Clairmont L. Egtvedt | 1944–1945 | Clairmont L. Egtvedt | |||
1945–1968 | William M. Allen | 1945–1968 | William M. Allen | |||
1969–1986 | Thornton A. Wilson | 1968–1972 | Thornton A. Wilson | 1968–1972 | William M. Allen | |
1972–1985 | Malcolm T. Stamper | 1972–1987 | Thornton A. Wilson | |||
1985–1996 | Frank Shrontz | |||||
1986–1996 | Frank Shrontz[97] | 1988–1996 | Frank Shrontz | |||
1996–2003 | Philip M. Condit | 1996–1997 | Philip M. Condit | 1997–2003 | Philip M. Condit | |
1997–2005 | Harry C. Stonecipher | |||||
2003–2005 | Harry C. Stonecipher | 2003–2005 | Lewis E. Platt | |||
2005 | James A. Bell (acting) | 2005 | James A. Bell (acting) | |||
2005–2015 | James McNerney | 2005–2013 | James McNerney | 2005–2016 | James McNerney | |
2013–2019 | Dennis Muilenburg[98] | |||||
2015–2019 | Dennis Muilenburg[99] | 2016–2019 | Dennis Muilenburg | |||
2019 | David L. Calhoun | |||||
2020–present | David L. Calhoun | 2020–present | David L. Calhoun | 2019–present | Lawrence W. Kellner |
See also[edit]
- Boeing Everett Factory — main production facility for commercial widebody aircraft
- Competition between Airbus and Boeing
- Future of Flight Aviation Center & Boeing Tour – Corporate public museum
- United Aircraft Corporation
- United States Air Force Plant 42
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- ^ «Boeing Reports Fourth-Quarter Results». MediaRoom. Archived from the original on January 27, 2021. Retrieved January 27, 2021.
- ^ Cameron, Doug (January 27, 2021). «Boeing Reports Record Annual Loss». The Wall Street Journal. ISSN 0099-9660. Archived from the original on January 27, 2021. Retrieved January 27, 2021.
- ^ «Boeing in Brief». Boeing. Archived from the original on January 4, 2022. Retrieved February 13, 2013.
- ^ a b «Boeing Reports Fourth-Quarter Results». Boeing. January 26, 2022. Archived from the original on February 2, 2022. Retrieved February 13, 2013.
- ^ Dominic Gates (February 8, 2019). «For Boeing, juggling cash flow often means «another ‘Houdini moment'»». The Seattle Times. Archived from the original on February 15, 2019. Retrieved February 15, 2019.
- ^ Tkacik, Maureen (September 18, 2019). «Crash Course». The New Republic. ISSN 0028-6583. Archived from the original on September 19, 2019. Retrieved September 19, 2019.
- ^ Josephs, Leslie (July 28, 2021). «Boeing posts surprise profit as aircraft demand rebounds from pandemic slump». CNBC. Archived from the original on January 26, 2022. Retrieved January 26, 2022.
- ^ a b «Boeing: The Boeing Company: General Information». www.boeing.com. Archived from the original on February 18, 2016. Retrieved February 19, 2016.
- ^ «Go To Gang Boeing Frontiers Magazine» (PDF). Archived (PDF) from the original on June 29, 2011. Retrieved May 21, 2011.
- ^ «Top 10 Best Companies for U.S. Veterans: Boeing». Archived from the original on May 30, 2011. Retrieved June 14, 2011.
- ^ Bramesco, Charles (February 22, 2022). «‘All those agencies failed us’: inside the terrifying downfall of Boeing». The Guardian. Archived from the original on February 22, 2022. Retrieved February 22, 2022.
- ^ «Boeing Names Northern Virginia Office Its Global Headquarters; Establishes Research & Technology Hub» (Press release). Boeing. May 5, 2022. Archived from the original on May 5, 2022. Retrieved May 6, 2022.
- ^ «Boeing Board of Directors Separates CEO and Chairman Roles» (Press release). Boeing. October 11, 2021. Archived from the original on October 11, 2019. Retrieved October 11, 2019.
- ^ Edgar N. Gott biography Archived May 11, 2008, at the Wayback Machine, Boeing.
- ^ Clairmont L. Egtvedt biography Archived August 20, 2016, at the Wayback Machine, Boeing.
- ^ Frank Shrontz biography Archived November 3, 2007, at the Wayback Machine, Boeing.
- ^ «Executive Biography of Dennis A. Muilenburg». Boeing. Archived from the original on May 13, 2019. Retrieved June 24, 2015.
- ^ «Boeing Promotes Dennis Muilenburg To Top Job». Forbes. July 23, 2015. Archived from the original on July 29, 2017. Retrieved August 24, 2017.
Further reading[edit]
- Cloud, Dana L. We Are the Union: Democratic Unionism and Dissent at Boeing. Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press, 2011. OCLC 816419078
- Greider, William. One World, Ready or Not: The Manic Logic of Global Capitalism. London: Penguin Press, 1998. OCLC 470412225
- Reed, Polly. Capitalist Family Values: Gender, Work, and Corporate Culture at Boeing. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press, 2015. OCLC 931949091
External links[edit]
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Boeing.
- Official website
- Business data for Boeing Co:
- SEC filings
- Yahoo!
- «Annual Reports Collection». University of Washington. 1948–1984.
Boeing Building in Chicago |
Formerly |
Type | Public |
Traded as |
Industry |
Founded | July 15, 1916; 106 years ago (as Pacific Aero Products Co.) Seattle, Washington, U.S. |
Founder | William E. Boeing |
Headquarters |
Arlington County, Virginia , U.S. |
Area served |
Worldwide[3]: 1 |
Key people |
Products |
Production output |
Services |
Revenue | |
Operating income |
Net income |
Total assets | |
Total equity | |
Number of employees |
156,000[4] (2022) |
Divisions |
Subsidiaries |
Website | boeing.com |
The Boeing Company () is an American multinational corporation that designs, manufactures, and sells airplanes, rotorcraft, rockets, satellites, telecommunications equipment, and missiles worldwide. The company also provides leasing and product support services. Boeing is among the largest global aerospace manufacturers; it is the third-largest defense contractor in the world based on 2020 revenue,[5] and is the largest exporter in the United States by dollar value.[6] Boeing stock is included in the Dow Jones Industrial Average. Boeing is incorporated in Delaware.[7]
Boeing was founded by William Boeing in Seattle, Washington, on July 15, 1916.[8] The present corporation is the result of the merger of Boeing with McDonnell Douglas on August 1, 1997. Then chairman and CEO of Boeing, Philip M. Condit, assumed those roles in the combined company, while Harry Stonecipher, former CEO of McDonnell Douglas, became president and COO.[8]
The Boeing Company’s corporate headquarters is in Chicago, Illinois as of 2022.[9] In May 2022, the company announced plans to move its headquarters to Arlington, Virginia in the near future.[10] Boeing is organized into four primary divisions: Boeing Commercial Airplanes (BCA); Boeing Defense, Space & Security (BDS); Boeing Global Services; and Boeing Capital. In 2021, Boeing recorded US$ 62.3 billion in sales. Boeing is ranked 54th on the Fortune magazine «Fortune 500» list (2020),[11] and ranked 121st on the «Fortune Global 500» list (2020).[12]
In 2019, Boeing’s global reputation, commercial business, and financial rating suffered after the 737 MAX fleet was grounded worldwide following two fatal crashes in late 2018 and early 2019. In September 2022, Boeing was ordered to pay $200m over charges of misleading investors about safety issues related to these crashes.[13]
The Boeing Company was started in 1916, when American lumber industrialist William E. Boeing founded Aero Products Company in Seattle, Washington. Shortly before doing so, he and Conrad Westervelt created the «B&W» seaplane.[14][15] In 1917, the organization was renamed Boeing Airplane Company, with William Boeing forming Boeing Airplane & Transport Corporation in 1928.[14] In 1929, the company was renamed United Aircraft and Transport Corporation, followed by the acquisition of several aircraft makers such as Avion, Chance Vought, Sikorsky Aviation, Stearman Aircraft, Pratt & Whitney, and Hamilton Metalplane.[2]
In 1931, the group merged its four smaller airlines into United Airlines. In 1934, aircraft manufacturing was required to be separate from air transportation.[16] Therefore, Boeing Airplane Company became one of three major groups to arise from the dissolution of United Aircraft and Transport; the other two entities were United Aircraft (later United Technologies) and United Airlines.[2][16]
In 1960, the company bought Vertol Aircraft Corporation, which at the time, was the biggest independent manufacturer of helicopters.[17] During the 1960s and 1970s, the company diversified into industries such as outer space travel, marine craft, agriculture, energy production and transit systems.[2]
In 1995, Boeing partnered with Russian, Ukrainian, and Anglo-Norwegian organizations to create Sea Launch, a company providing commercial launch services sending satellites to geostationary orbit from floating platforms.[18] In 2000, Boeing acquired the satellite segment of Hughes Electronics.[2][19]
In December 1996, Boeing announced its intention to merge with McDonnell Douglas, and following regulatory approval, this was completed on August 4, 1997.[20] This had been delayed by objections from the European Commission, which ultimately placed three conditions on the merger: termination of exclusivity agreements with three US airlines, separate accounts would be maintained for the McDonnell-Douglas civil aircraft business, and some defense patents were to be made available to competitors.[21] In 2020, Quartz reported that after the merger there was a «clash of corporate cultures, where Boeing’s engineers and McDonnell Douglas’s bean-counters went head-to-head», which the latter won, and that this may have contributed to the events leading up to the 737 Max crash crisis.[22]
The corporate headquarters were moved from Seattle to Chicago in 2001.[23] In 2018, Boeing opened its first factory in Europe at Sheffield, UK, reinforced by a research partnership with The University of Sheffield.[24]
In May 2020, the company cut over 12,000 jobs due to the drop in air travel during the COVID-19 pandemic with plans for a total 10% cut of its workforce or approximately 16,000 positions.[25] In July 2020, Boeing reported a loss of $2.4 billion as a result of the pandemic and the grounding of its 737 MAX aircraft, and that it was in response planning to make more job and production cuts.[26] On August 18, 2020, CEO Dave Calhoun announced further job cuts;[27] on October 28, 2020, nearly 30,000 employees were laid off, as the airplane manufacturer was increasingly losing money due to the COVID-19 pandemic.[28]
The Boeing 777X, the largest capacity twinjet, made its maiden flight on January 25, 2020.[29] Following an incident during flight testing, the estimated first delivery of the aircraft was delayed until 2024.[30]
After two fatal crashes of the Boeing 737 MAX narrow-body passenger airplanes in 2018 and 2019, aviation regulators and airlines around the world grounded all 737 MAX airliners.[31] A total of 387 aircraft were grounded.[32] Boeing’s reputation, business, and financial rating has suffered after these groundings, questioning Boeing’s strategy, governance, and focus on profits and cost efficiency.[33][34][35]
In May 2022, Boeing announced plans to move its global headquarters from Chicago to Arlington, Virginia, a suburb of Washington, D.C. The company said that this decision was made in part due to the region’s «proximity to our customers and stakeholders, and its access to world-class engineering and technical talent.»[10][36]
In February 2023, Boeing announced plans for laying off approximately 2,000 of its workers from finances and human resources.[37]
The corporation’s four main divisions are Boeing Commercial Airplanes (BCA), Boeing Defense, Space & Security (BDS), Boeing Global Services, and Boeing Capital.[38]
Boeing Commercial Airplanes (BCA) builds commercial aircraft including the 737, 747, 767, 777, and 787 along with freighter and business jet variants of most. The division employs nearly 35,000 people, many working at the company’s manufacturing facilities in Everett and Renton, Washington (outside of Seattle), and South Carolina.
Boeing Defense, Space & Security (BDS) builds military aircraft, satellites, spacecraft, and space launch vehicles.
Boeing Global Services provides aftermarket support, such as maintenance and upgrades, to customers who purchase equipment from BCA, BDS, or from other manufacturers.
Boeing Capital provides customers financing for the products and services from the company’s other divisions.
Environmental record[edit]
In 2006, the UCLA Center for Environmental Risk Reduction released a study showing that Boeing’s Santa Susana Field Laboratory, a site that was a former Rocketdyne test and development site in the Simi Hills of eastern Ventura County in Southern California, had been contaminated by Rocketdyne with toxic and radioactive waste. Boeing agreed to a cleanup agreement with the EPA in 2017.[39] Clean-up studies and lawsuits are in progress.[40]
On July 19, 2022, Boeing announced a renewed partnership with Mitsubishi to innovate carbon-neutral and sustainable solutions.[41]
Jet biofuels[edit]
The airline industry is responsible for about 11% of greenhouse gases emitted by the U.S. transportation sector.[42] Aviation’s share of the greenhouse gas emissions was poised to grow, as air travel increases and ground vehicles use more alternative fuels like ethanol and biodiesel.[42] Boeing estimates that biofuels could reduce flight-related greenhouse-gas emissions by 60 to 80%.[42] The solution blends algae fuels with existing jet fuel.[42]
Boeing executives said the company was collaborating with Brazilian biofuels maker Tecbio, Aquaflow Bionomic of New Zealand, and other fuel developers around the world. As of 2007, Boeing had tested six fuels from these companies, and expected to test 20 fuels «by the time we’re done evaluating them».[42] Boeing also joined other aviation-related members in the Algal Biomass Organization (ABO) in June 2008.[43]
Air New Zealand and Boeing are researching the jatropha plant to see if it is a sustainable alternative to conventional fuel.[44] A two-hour test flight using a 50–50 mixture of the new biofuel with Jet A-1 in a Rolls-Royce RB-211 engine of a 747-400 was completed on December 30, 2008.[45] The engine was then removed to be studied to identify any differences between the Jatropha blend and regular Jet A1. No effects on performances were found.[45]
On August 31, 2010, Boeing worked with the U.S. Air Force to test the Boeing C-17 running on 50% JP-8, 25% Hydro-treated Renewable Jet fuel, and 25% of Fischer–Tropsch fuel with successful results.[46]
Electric propulsion[edit]
For NASA’s N+3 future airliner program, Boeing has determined that hybrid electric engine technology is by far the best choice for its subsonic design. Hybrid electric propulsion has the potential to shorten takeoff distance and reduce noise. Boeing created a team to study electric propulsion in future generation of subsonic commercial aircraft. SUGAR for Subsonic Ultra Green Aircraft Research includes BR&T, Boeing Commercial Airplanes, General Electric, and Georgia Tech. There are five main concepts the team is reviewing. SUGAR-Free and Refined SUGAR, are two concepts based on conventional aircraft similar to the 737. SUGAR High and SUGAR Volt, are both high-span, strut-based wing concepts. The final concept is SUGAR Ray, which is a wing-body hybrid. The SUGAR Volt concept has resulted in a drop in fuel burn by more than 70 percent and a reduction of total energy use by 55 percent. This reduction is the result of adding an electric battery gas turbine hybrid propulsion system.[47]
Political contributions, federal contracts, advocacy[edit]
In 2008 and 2009, Boeing was second on the list of Top 100 US Federal Contractors, with contracts totaling US$22 billion and US$23 billion respectively.[48][49] Between 1995 and early 2021, the company agreed to pay US$4.3 billion to settle 84 instances of misconduct, including US$615 million in 2006 in relation to illegal hiring of government officials and improper use of proprietary information.[50][51][52]
Boeing secured the highest-ever tax breaks at the state level in 2013.[53]
Boeing’s spent US$16.9 million on lobbying expenditures in 2009.[54][55] In the 2008 presidential election, Barack Obama «was by far the biggest recipient of campaign contributions from Boeing employees and executives, hauling in US$197,000 – five times as much as John McCain, and more than the top eight Republicans combined».[56]
Boeing has a corporate citizenship program centered on charitable contributions in five areas: education, health, human services, environment, the arts, culture, and civic engagement.[57][better source needed] In 2011, Boeing spent US$147.3 million in these areas through charitable grants and business sponsorships.[58] In February 2012, Boeing Global Corporate Citizenship partnered with the Insight Labs to develop a new model for foundations to more effectively lead the sectors they serve.[59][better source needed]
The company is a member of the U.S. Global Leadership Coalition, a Washington D.C.-based coalition of more than 400 major companies and NGOs that advocate a larger International Affairs Budget, which funds American diplomatic and development efforts abroad.[60] A series of U.S. diplomatic cables show how U.S. diplomats and senior politicians intervene on behalf of Boeing to help boost the company’s sales.[61]
In 2007 and 2008, the company benefited from over US$10 billion of long-term loan guarantees, helping finance the purchase of their commercial aircraft in countries including Brazil, Canada, Ireland, and the United Arab Emirates, from the Export-Import Bank of the United States, some 65% of the total loan guarantees the bank made in the period.[62]
In December 2011, the non-partisan organization Public Campaign criticized Boeing for spending US$52.29 million on lobbying and not paying taxes during 2008–2010, instead getting US$178 million in tax rebates, despite making a profit of US$9.7 billion, laying off 14,862 workers since 2008, and increasing executive pay by 31% to US$41.9 million in 2010 for its top five executives.[63]
The firm has also been criticized for supplying and profiting from wars, including the war in Yemen where its missiles were found to be used for indiscriminate attacks, killing many civilians.[64][65]
Boeing has been accused of unethical practices (in violation of the Procurement Integrity Act) while attempting to submit a revised bid to NASA for their lunar landing project.[66]
For the fiscal year 2017, Boeing reported earnings of US$8.191 billion, with annual revenue of US$93.392 billion, a 1.25% decline over the previous fiscal cycle. Boeing’s shares traded at over $209 per share, and its market capitalization was valued at over US$206.6 billion.[67]
Year | Revenue in million US$ |
Net earnings/(loss) in mil. US$ |
Price per Share in US$ |
Employees |
2005 | 53,621[68] | 2,572 | 45.42 | |
2006 | 61,530[69] | 2,215 | 59.20 | |
2007 | 66,387[70] | 4,074 | 71.05 | |
2008 | 60,909 | 2,672 | 50.76 | |
2009 | 68,281[71] | 1,312 | 35.73 | |
2010 | 64,306[72] | 3,298 | 53.89 | |
2011 | 68,735[73] | 4,009 | 58.20 | |
2012 | 81,698[74] | 3,900 | 62.65 | |
2013 | 86,623[75] | 4,578 | 90.39 | 168,400 |
2014 | 90,762[76] | 5,440 | 114.72 | 165,500 |
2015 | 96,114[77] | 5,172 | 131.43 | 161,400 |
2016 | 94,571[78] | 4,892 | 125.66 | 150,500 |
2017 | 93,392[79] | 8,191 | 209.85 | 140,800 |
2018 | 101,127[80] | 10,460 | 319.05 | 153,000 |
2019 | 76,559[81] | (636) | 325.76 | |
2020 | 58,158[82] | (11,941) | 311.11[83] | 141,014[84] |
2021 | 62,286[85] | (4,290)[85] | ||
2022 | 66,608[4] | (5,053)[4] | 156,000[4] |
Between 2010 and 2018, Boeing increased its operating cash flow from $3 to $15.3 billion, sustaining its share price, by negotiating advance payments from customers and delaying payments to its suppliers. This strategy is sustainable only as long as orders are good and delivery rates are increasing.[86]
From 2013 to 2019, Boeing spent over $60 billion on dividends and stock buybacks, twice as much as the development costs of the 787.[87]
In 2020, Boeing’s revenue was $11.8 billion as a result of the pandemic slump. Due to higher sales in other divisions and an influx in deliveries of commercial jetliners in 2021, revenue increased by 44%, reaching nearly $17 billion.[88]
Employment numbers[edit]
The company’s employment totals are listed below.
Approximately 1.5% of Boeing employees are in the Technical Fellowship program, a program through which Boeing’s top engineers and scientists set technical direction for the company.[90] The average salary at Boeing is $76,784, reported by former employees.[91]
Corporate governance[edit]
In 2022, Rory Kennedy made a documentary film, Downfall: The Case Against Boeing, streamed by Netflix. She said about the 21st-century history of Boeing «There were many decades when Boeing did extraordinary things by focusing on excellence and safety and ingenuity. Those three virtues were seen as the key to profit. It could work, and beautifully. And then they were taken over by a group that decided Wall Street was the end-all, be-all.»[92]
On May 5, 2022, Boeing announced that it would be moving its headquarters from Chicago to Arlington, Virginia in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area. Additionally, it plans to add a research and technology center in Northern Virginia.[93]
As of 2022, Boeing is headed by a President who also serves as the chief executive officer. The roles of chairman of the board and CEO were separated in October 2019.[94]
Chairman of the Board | |
Name | Background |
Lawrence W. Kellner | Former Chairman and CEO, Continental Airlines, Inc. |
Board of Directors | |
Name | Background |
Robert A. Bradway | Chairman and CEO, Amgen, Inc. |
David L. Calhoun | President and CEO, The Boeing Company |
Lynne M. Doughttie | Former U.S. Chairman and CEO, KPMG |
ADM Edmund P. Giambastiani Jr.(retd) | Former Vice-chairman, U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff
Former Supreme Allied Commander Transformation, NATO |
Lynn J. Good | Chairman, President and CEO, Duke Energy Corporation |
Lt Gen Stayce D. Harris (retd) | Former United Airlines Pilot
Former Inspector General, U.S. Air Force |
Akhil Johri | Former Executive Vice-president and CFO, United Technologies Corporation |
David L. Joyce | Former President and CEO, GE Aviation
Former Vice-chair, General Electric Company |
Steven M. Mollenkopf | Former CEO, Qualcomm Inc. |
ADM John M. Richardson (retd) | Former Chief of Naval Operations, U.S. Navy
Former Director of the Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program, U.S. Navy |
Ronald A. Williams | Former Chairman, President and CEO, Aetna, Inc. |
Past leadership[edit]
Chief Executive Officer | President | Chairman | ||||
N/A | Position not Created | N/A | Position not Created | 1916–1934 | William E. Boeing | |
1922–1925 | Edgar N. Gott[95] | |||||
1926–1933 | Philip G. Johnson | |||||
1933–1939 | Clairmont L. Egtvedt[96] | 1933–1939 | Clairmont L. Egtvedt | |||
1934–1968 | Clairmont L. Egtvedt | |||||
1939–1944 | Philip G. Johnson | 1939–1944 | Philip G. Johnson | |||
1944–1945 | Clairmont L. Egtvedt | 1944–1945 | Clairmont L. Egtvedt | |||
1945–1968 | William M. Allen | 1945–1968 | William M. Allen | |||
1969–1986 | Thornton A. Wilson | 1968–1972 | Thornton A. Wilson | 1968–1972 | William M. Allen | |
1972–1985 | Malcolm T. Stamper | 1972–1987 | Thornton A. Wilson | |||
1985–1996 | Frank Shrontz | |||||
1986–1996 | Frank Shrontz[97] | 1988–1996 | Frank Shrontz | |||
1996–2003 | Philip M. Condit | 1996–1997 | Philip M. Condit | 1997–2003 | Philip M. Condit | |
1997–2005 | Harry C. Stonecipher | |||||
2003–2005 | Harry C. Stonecipher | 2003–2005 | Lewis E. Platt | |||
2005 | James A. Bell (acting) | 2005 | James A. Bell (acting) | |||
2005–2015 | James McNerney | 2005–2013 | James McNerney | 2005–2016 | James McNerney | |
2013–2019 | Dennis Muilenburg[98] | |||||
2015–2019 | Dennis Muilenburg[99] | 2016–2019 | Dennis Muilenburg | |||
2019 | David L. Calhoun | |||||
2020–present | David L. Calhoun | 2020–present | David L. Calhoun | 2019–present | Lawrence W. Kellner |
See also[edit]
- Boeing Everett Factory — main production facility for commercial widebody aircraft
- Competition between Airbus and Boeing
- Future of Flight Aviation Center & Boeing Tour – Corporate public museum
- United Aircraft Corporation
- United States Air Force Plant 42
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- ^ «Go To Gang Boeing Frontiers Magazine» (PDF). Archived (PDF) from the original on June 29, 2011. Retrieved May 21, 2011.
- ^ «Top 10 Best Companies for U.S. Veterans: Boeing». Archived from the original on May 30, 2011. Retrieved June 14, 2011.
- ^ Bramesco, Charles (February 22, 2022). «‘All those agencies failed us’: inside the terrifying downfall of Boeing». The Guardian. Archived from the original on February 22, 2022. Retrieved February 22, 2022.
- ^ «Boeing Names Northern Virginia Office Its Global Headquarters; Establishes Research & Technology Hub» (Press release). Boeing. May 5, 2022. Archived from the original on May 5, 2022. Retrieved May 6, 2022.
- ^ «Boeing Board of Directors Separates CEO and Chairman Roles» (Press release). Boeing. October 11, 2021. Archived from the original on October 11, 2019. Retrieved October 11, 2019.
- ^ Edgar N. Gott biography Archived May 11, 2008, at the Wayback Machine, Boeing.
- ^ Clairmont L. Egtvedt biography Archived August 20, 2016, at the Wayback Machine, Boeing.
- ^ Frank Shrontz biography Archived November 3, 2007, at the Wayback Machine, Boeing.
- ^ «Executive Biography of Dennis A. Muilenburg». Boeing. Archived from the original on May 13, 2019. Retrieved June 24, 2015.
- ^ «Boeing Promotes Dennis Muilenburg To Top Job». Forbes. July 23, 2015. Archived from the original on July 29, 2017. Retrieved August 24, 2017.
Further reading[edit]
- Cloud, Dana L. We Are the Union: Democratic Unionism and Dissent at Boeing. Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press, 2011. OCLC 816419078
- Greider, William. One World, Ready or Not: The Manic Logic of Global Capitalism. London: Penguin Press, 1998. OCLC 470412225
- Reed, Polly. Capitalist Family Values: Gender, Work, and Corporate Culture at Boeing. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press, 2015. OCLC 931949091
External links[edit]
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Boeing.
- Official website
- Business data for Boeing Co:
- SEC filings
- Yahoo!
- «Annual Reports Collection». University of Washington. 1948–1984.
Предложения со словом «boeing»
Our Boeing 747’s offer our Economy Class passengers a range of top films, popular television series, news and documentaries, all shown on a big screen. |
Новая программа ‘B — wise’, в основном, предназначена для людей, которые летят в деловые поездки из других стран. |
I don’t know where we’re at on capital gains, but I was thinking about Boeing. |
Я не знаю где мы с точки зрения прироста капитала, но я подумал о Боинге . |
Results season is of course in full flow and strong results for Boeing were also matched by a surprise to the upside for Deutsche Bank, he says. |
Сезон отчётности, безусловно, в полном разгаре и публикация сильных результатов Boeing сопровождалась «неожиданным ростом прибыли Deutsche Bank», – сообщает говорит он. |
The new airline leased Boeing aircraft and hired cabin crews without Aeroflot experience, training them overseas. |
Новая компания взяла в оперативный лизинг «Боинги» и наняла экипажи, у которых не было опыта работы в «Аэрофлоте», организовав для них обучение за рубежом. |
Boeing is proposing long-distance flying in seats narrower than regional turbo-props, said Airbus sales chief John Leahy. |
Boeing предлагает дальнемагистральные полеты на сиденьях более узких, чем у региональных турбовинтовых самолетов, — сказал руководитель продаж Airbus Джон Лихи. |
A Boeing spokesman, Robert Villanueva, agreed that many flight objectives were achieved, but did not call the launch a success. |
Представитель компании Боинг Роберт Вилланьёва согласился, что много целей полёта были достигнуты, но не назвал запуск успешным. |
Boeing disputes Airbus’s figures on seat measurements and says it is not up to manufacturers to step into decisions on how airlines balance fares and facilities. |
Boeing оспаривает цифры Airbus по размерам сидений и говорит, что производителям не стоит вмешиваться в решения о том, как авиакомпаниям находить баланс между тарифами и удобствами. |
The 66-foot-wingspan Sea Avenger, as the carrier-compatible version is called, doesn’t have the long lineage of the Northrop and Boeing drones, but it does boast one big advantage. |
Палубный Sea Avenger с размахом крыла в 20 метров не имеет богатой родословной, какой обладают беспилотники Northrop и Boeing, но у него есть одно большое преимущество. |
In terms of its avionics, the PAK-FA is closer to a Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet or F-16E/F Block 60 than an F-22 or F-35. |
В плане авионики ПАК ФА ближе к F/A — 18E/F Super Hornet или к F — 16E/F Block 60, нежели к F — 22 или F — 35. |
Most of the funding is coming from foreign firms like Intel, Boeing, Siemens, and possibly from MIT and Stanford. |
Большую часть финансирования обеспечивают зарубежные фирмы — Intel, Boeing, Siemens, а также, возможно, Массачусетский технологический институт и Стэнфорд. |
Bombardier hopes the CSeries aircraft family can catapult it into the low end of a market now dominated by Boeing and Airbus. |
Компания Bombardier надеется, что семейство самолетов CSeries позволит ей завоевать место в нижнем ценовом сегменте рынка, где сейчас доминируют Boeing и Airbus. |
By comparison, it will cost $58 million per seat to send our astronauts to the Space Station on Boeing’s and SpaceX’s spacecrafts, once they are certified. |
Для сравнения: одно место на борту космического корабля SpaceX компании Boeing при полете на МКС после его сертификации будет стоить 58 миллионов долларов. |
There are many theories about what went wrong, but the airline, Boeing and investigators in Malaysia have so far refused to speculate or offer any insights. |
Существует множество теорий относительно того, что пошло не так во время полета, однако компания Boeing, авиалинии и малазийские следователи пока отказываются от комментариев, предположений и оценок. |
As of Monday, search and rescue teams from nine countries including the United States had not found any trace of the Boeing 777-200 or the 239 people aboard. |
К понедельнику поисково — спасательные команды из девяти стран, включая США, так и не нашли никаких следов лайнера Boeing 777 — 200 и 239 людей, находившихся на его борту. |
Airbus and Boeing do not supply seats but offer a catalogue of suppliers for airlines to choose from. |
Airbus и Boeing не поставляют кресла, но предлагают каталог поставщиков, из которого авиакомпании могут выбирать. |
“I think even an AESA [active electronically scanned array-radar equipped F-15C] Eagle and [Boeing F/A-18E/F] Super Hornet would both have their hands full.” |
— Думаю, для истребителей F — 15C «Eagle» (оснащенного активной фазированной антенной решеткой (AESA)), и F/A — 18E/F «Super Hornet» будет много работы. |
Boeing says its revamped 777X will hold 406 people based on economy seats more than 17 inches wide and set out 10 in each row. |
Boeing утверждает, что ее обновленный 777X будет вмещать 406 человек, исходя из сидений в экономическом классе более 17 дюймов в ширину, размещенных по 10 в каждом ряду. |
Although Boeing offers a more advanced system, called Airplane Health Management, that provides real-time troubleshooting and monitoring of flights, Flight 370 did not use it. |
Boeing предлагает более совершенную систему, носящую название Airplane Health Management, которая в режиме реального времени проводит диагностику неисправностей и следит за полетом. Но на рейсе 370 ее не использовали. |
Undeterred, Boeing quietly used its own funds to redesign, enlarge and improve the X-45. |
Boeing эти трудности не остановили, и компания на собственные средства переработала проект Х — 45, увеличив и усовершенствовав эту машину. |
Boeing maintains a design center in Moscow and also producers parts for Boeing aircraft in the country. |
Boeing имеет конструкторский центр в Москве, а также производит в стране ряд запчастей для своих самолетов. |
A decade ago, Boeing’s X-45A drone battled Northrop Grumman’s X-47A, a smaller version of the X-47B, in a competition to provide the Navy and Air Force with new killer drones. |
Десять лет назад беспилотник X — 45A компании Boeing сражался с машиной X — 47A Northrop Grumman, ставшей уменьшенной версией БПЛА X — 47B. Соперничество велось с целью дать ВМС и ВВС новые ударные беспилотные летательные аппараты. |
In 1958 the Boeing 707 began offering passenger service with a range of 6,250 miles, more than triple the -104’s, and the Soviet Union never really caught up. |
В 1958 году на пассажирских авиалиниях появился Boeing 707 с дальностью полета 10 000 километров, что в три раза превышало показатели 104 — го, и Советскому Союзу так и не удалось догнать его. |
It’s crazy to pay both Boeing and SpaceX to develop a system to take astronauts to the International Space Station. |
Неразумно платить и Boeing, и SpaceX за разработку системы, способной доставить астронавтов на борт Международной космической станции. |
Boeing, General Atomics, Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman all have credible, existing, comprehensive, UCLASS design solutions, the Navy said in its formal announcement. |
У компаний Boeing, General Atomics, Lockheed Martin и Northrop Grumman «имеются надежные, действующие и всесторонние проектные решения по беспилотной разведывательно — ударной воздушной системе палубного базирования», говорится в официальном заявлении военно — морских сил. |
Now they are investigating this Boeing crash in Ukraine. |
Теперь они расследуют это крушение Боинга на Украине. |
In 1944, four American Boeing B-29 Superfortress bombers were forced to make emergency landings at Vladivostok after a raid on Japan. |
В 1944 году четыре американских бомбардировщика В — 29 Superfortress совершили вынужденную посадку во Владивостоке после налета на Японию. |
On the latter front, Mr. Biden will meet with U.S. and Russian businesspeople, bless a large aircraft deal (the sale of Boeing jets to Aeroflot) and visit Skolkovo High Tech Park. |
Также намечено присутствие Байдена на подписании исторического соглашения между компанией Boeing и авиаперевозчиком «Аэрофлот», а еще визит в Кремниевую долину в Сколково. |
Boeing versus Airbus may be the most interesting example. |
Boeing против Airbus может быть наиболее интересным примером. |
The reason Boeing are doing this is to cram more seats in to make their plane more competitive with our products, said Kevin Keniston, head of passenger comfort at Europe’s Airbus. |
Причина, по которой Boeing делает это, состоит в том, чтобы втиснуть больше мест и сделать свой самолет более конкурентоспособным по сравнению с нашими разработками, — сказал Кевин Кенистон, глава отдела комфорта пассажиров Airbus в Европе. |
For Boeing became complacent and forgot that the airline business is a cut-throat world. |
А все потому, что компания Boeing стала самодовольной и позабыла, что воздушный бизнес — мир конкуренции не на жизнь, а на смерть. |
Boeing has been in Russia for decades. |
Boeing работает в России на протяжении десятилетий. |
For example, Apple’s iPhone and Boeing’s latest airplane rely heavily on Japanese-patented innovations. |
Например, iPhone компании Apple и последний самолет Boing сильно зависят от запатентованных японских инноваций. |
Contractors SpaceX and Orbital ATK were selected to transport cargo to the ISS, then, more recently, SpaceX and Boeing were chosen as the carriers for moving crew back and forth. |
Для транспортировки грузов на МКС отобрали компании SpaceX и Orbital ATK, а чуть позже было решено, что SpaceX и Boeing будут перевозить экипажи. |
This one’s a prototype of the Boeing X 33, the pilot continued, but there are dozens of others-the National Aero Space Plane, the Russians have Scramjet, the Brits have HOTOL. |
— Перед вами прототип Боинга Х — 33, — продолжал пилот. — Однако уже сегодня существуют десятки других моделей. У американцев, русских, британцев. |
And the body is made from a revolutionary blend of plastic and carbon, jointly developed by Lamborghini and Boeing. |
И кузов сделан из революционной смеси пластика и карбона, разработано совместно с Ламборджини и Боингом . |
We have a stereo that looks like a Boeing instrument panel… |
У нас стоит стереосистема, похожая на пульт управления Боинга . |
And now, I sit in a Boeing, next to an old tree that no wind or tempest would frighten or affect. |
А сейчас, я сижу в боинге , рядом с этим старым дубом, которого ни ветер, ни буря не могли бы испугать или побеспокоить. |
‘With a carbon fibre hull and a rigid sail as big as the wing ‘on a Boeing 737, it can reach over 30 knots. |
С корпусом из углеволокна и жестким парусом, здоровенным как крыло Боинга 737, эта лодка может делать более 30 узлов |
The Deputy Director of Central Intelligence, chief engineers at Lockheed and Boeing, an official with the Defense Nuclear Agency, and three senior military officers. |
Замдиректора ЦРУ, главные инженеры Локхид и Боинг , сотрудник Агентства ядерной обороны и три старших офицера армии США. |
Ladies and gentlemen, on behalf of Captain Roman Breuer and the entire crew, I want to welcome you on board this Boeing 707 on a direct service to Frankfurt. |
Дамы и господа, от лица каптиана Романа Брюера и всего экипажа хотим поприветствовать вас на борту Боинга 707 выполняющего рейс до Франуфурта. |
All right, give this to Frank, but move the quote from the Boeing spokeswoman up. |
Ладно, отдай это Фрэнку, но подвинь цитату пресс — секретаря Боинга чуть выше. |
Lamborghini worked with scientists at Boeing to develop carbon fiber that they used in the doors, spoilers, mirrors, and trim pieces to keep the weight low. |
Lamborghini работали с учеными из Boeing для разработки углеродного волокна которое они использовали в дверях, спойлерах, зеркалах и отделке частей, чтобы сохранить вес низким. |
He’s nervous to talk to the Boeing people. |
Он устроит разнос людям из Боинга . |
The Boeing 707, the first widely successful commercial jet, was in commercial service for more than 50 years, from 1958 to at least 2013. |
Boeing 707, первый широко успешный коммерческий самолет, находился в коммерческой эксплуатации более 50 лет, с 1958 по по меньшей мере 2013 год. |
The Boeing 707, the first widely successful commercial jet, was in commercial service for more than 50 years, from 1958 to 2010. |
Boeing 707, первый широко успешный коммерческий самолет, находился в коммерческой эксплуатации более 50 лет, с 1958 по 2010 год. |
The Boeing 747 was the world’s biggest passenger aircraft from 1970 until it was surpassed by the Airbus A380 in 2005. |
Boeing 747 был самым большим пассажирским самолетом в мире с 1970 года до тех пор, пока его не обогнал Airbus A380 в 2005 году. |
The final version of the Bat takes its design cues from the Harrier Jump Jet, Bell Boeing V-22 Osprey and the Boeing AH-64 Apache. |
Окончательная версия летучей мыши берет свои проектные сигналы от реактивного самолета Harrier Jump, Bell Boeing V — 22 Osprey и Boeing AH — 64 Apache. |
Two U.S. F-15s escorted an Air China Boeing 747 bound from Beijing to San Francisco onto the airport’s north runway. |
Два американских истребителя F — 15 сопровождали самолет Air China Boeing 747, следовавший из Пекина в Сан — Франциско по Северной взлетно — посадочной полосе аэропорта. |
The Tomcat was retired from the U.S. Navy’s active fleet on 22 September 2006, having been supplanted by the Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet. |
Томкэт был выведен из состава действующего флота ВМС США 22 сентября 2006 года, а его место занял Boeing F/A — 18E/F Super Hornet. |
In another encounter, on 23 April 2014 an Su-27 nearly collided with a United States Air Force Boeing RC-135U over the Sea of Okhotsk. |
В другом столкновении 23 апреля 2014 года самолет Су — 27 чуть не столкнулся с самолетом ВВС США Boeing RC — 135U над Охотским морем. |
The Mercure Hotel in Sydney and Nauru House in Melbourne were sold in 2004 to finance debts and Air Nauru’s only Boeing 737 was repossessed in December 2005. |
Отель Mercure в Сиднее и дом Науру в Мельбурне были проданы в 2004 году для финансирования долгов, а единственный Boeing 737 авиакомпании Air Nauru был возвращен в декабре 2005 года. |
Zarya, built by Boeing and the Russian Space Agency, was launched on a Russian Proton rocket from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan in November 1998. |
Заря, построенная компанией Боинг и Российским космическим агентством, была запущена на российской ракете Протон с космодрома Байконур в Казахстане в ноябре 1998 года. |
Boeing’s fly-by-wire system is used in the Boeing 777, Boeing 787 Dreamliner and Boeing 747-8. |
Система fly — by — wire используется в Boeing 777, Boeing 787 Dreamliner и Boeing 747 — 8. |
The fly-by-wire electronic flight control system of the Boeing 777 differs from the Airbus EFCS. |
Проводная электронная система управления полетом Boeing 777 отличается от EFC Airbus. |
Boeing secondary mode is comparable to the Airbus alternate law, with the PFCs supplying commands to the ACEs. |
Вторичный режим Boeing сравним с альтернативным законом Airbus, когда ПФУ подают команды на асы. |
Bravo November is the original identification code painted on a British Royal Air Force Boeing Chinook HC4 military serial number ZA718. |
Bravo November — это оригинальный идентификационный код, нанесенный на военный серийный номер Boeing Chinook HC4 британских Королевских ВВС ZA718. |
It had the Boeing construction number of B-849 with the RAF airframe number of ZA718 which is still visible at the rear of the aircraft. |
Он имел номер конструкции Boeing B — 849 с номером планера RAF ZA718, который все еще виден в задней части самолета. |
The painting was presented to the Royal Air Force Museum by Sir Michael Jenkins, president of Boeing UK, on 9 December 2004. |
Картина была подарена музею Королевских ВВС сэром Майклом Дженкинсом, президентом компании Boeing UK, 9 декабря 2004 года. |
At the end of 1980, Monarch Airlines took delivery of its first new jet aircraft, a pair of Boeing 737-200 Advanced. |
В конце 1980 года авиакомпания Monarch Airlines приняла на вооружение свой первый новый реактивный самолет, пару усовершенствованных Boeing 737 — 200. |
During 1986, Monarch acquired their first Boeing 737-300 airliner. |
В 1986 году компания Monarch приобрела свой первый авиалайнер Boeing 737 — 300. |