Как пишется букинг на английском

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заказ, продажа билетов


- заказ
- продажа билетов
- кино заключение контракта на прокат кинофильма
- запись геодезических наблюдений

Мои примеры


booking / box / ticket office — билетная касса  
cancel a booking — отменять заказ  
confirm a booking — подтверждать броню  
advance booking fare — тариф при предварительном бронировании  
booking office — билетная касса  
booking time — время приема заказа  
booking attendee list — зарегистрировавший список участников; регистрация списка участников  
booking-on — регистрация заказа на исполнение; заказ на исполнение  
booking period — период букировки  
booking priorities — приоритеты регистрации  

Примеры с переводом

I made a booking for two double rooms.

Я забронировал два двухместных номера.

If you cancel your booking, there will be a small charge.

Если вы аннулируете бронирование, с вас будет взиматься небольшая плата.

Complete the booking form on the opposite page.

Заполните форму заказа, расположенную на обратной стороне страницы.

Please indicate your preference on the booking form.

Просьба указать ваши предпочтения на бланке заказа.

The Booking Office is open 15 minutes before the departure of each train.

Билетная касса открывается за 15 минут перед отправлением каждого поезда.

The booking will be made on receipt of a deposit.

Бронирование будет осуществлено при получении депозита.

I am writing to confirm a booking for a single room for the night of 6 June.

Я пишу, чтобы подтвердить бронирование одноместного номера на вечер шестого июня.

All booking is done by the band’s manager.

Всё бронирование осуществляется администратором группы.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

There was a mix-up over the hotel booking.

There’s a 50 pence booking charge for each ticket.

Your booking will automatically lapse unless you confirm it.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

book  — книга, книжка, журнал, том, заказывать, книжный
booked  — заказанный, занятый
bookless  — необразованный, не имеющий книг
booker  — бухгалтер

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): booking
мн. ч.(plural): bookings

  • 1

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > booking

  • 2
    booking on

    Англо-русский словарь промышленной и научной лексики > booking on

  • 3
    Booking Actors And Models

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Booking Actors And Models

  • 4
    Booking Fees

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Booking Fees

  • 5
    Booking note

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Booking note

  • 6
    Booking, Billing, Backlog

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Booking, Billing, Backlog

  • 7
    booking note

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > booking note

  • 8
    booking assignment

    Англо-русский словарь промышленной и научной лексики > booking assignment

  • 9
    booking off

    Англо-русский словарь промышленной и научной лексики > booking off

  • 10
    booking traffic

    Англо-русский словарь промышленной и научной лексики > booking traffic

  • 11
    Advance Booking Charter

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Advance Booking Charter

  • 12
    Film Booking Office of America

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Film Booking Office of America

  • 13
    Integrated Booking System

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Integrated Booking System

  • 14
    Quoting Booking And Tracking

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Quoting Booking And Tracking

  • 15
    Reservations/Booking Designator

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Reservations/Booking Designator

  • 16
    Web Room Booking System

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Web Room Booking System

  • 17
    military export cargo offering and booking office

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > military export cargo offering and booking office

  • 18
    advance booking charter

    Англо-русский словарь промышленной и научной лексики > advance booking charter

  • 19
    job time booking

    Англо-русский словарь промышленной и научной лексики > job time booking

  • 20
    trunk call booking

    Англо-русский словарь промышленной и научной лексики > trunk call booking


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

  • booking — book‧ing [ˈbʊkɪŋ] noun [countable] TRAVEL an arrangement in which a place on a plane, in a hotel, restaurant etc is kept for a customer who will arrive later; = RESERVATION: • There s a problem over a double booking (= one where two people have… …   Financial and business terms

  • booking — book·ing n: a procedure at a jail or police station following an arrest in which information about the arrest (as the time, the name of the arrested person, and the crime for which the arrest was made) is entered in the police register ◇ The… …   Law dictionary

  • Booking — may refer to:* Booking (comics) , a Korean comics anthology magazine published by Haksan * Booking (professional wrestling), the laying out of the plot before a professional wrestling match * An accounting system a.k.a. double entry bookkeeping… …   Wikipedia

  • booking — /ˈbukin(g), ingl. ˈbukɪŋ/ [vc. ingl., dal v. to book «prenotare, riservare»] s. m. inv. prenotazione …   Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione

  • booking — m DEFINICIJA v. buking …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • booking — [n] engagement gig, performance date, play date, tour date; concept 384 …   New thesaurus

  • booking — [book′iŋ] n. an engagement, as for a lecture or concert …   English World dictionary

  • booking — noun 1 (esp. BrE) arrangement that you make in advance to buy a ticket, etc. ADJECTIVE ▪ advance, early ▪ late ▪ priority ▪ double (= two bookings for the same time) …   Collocations dictionary

  • booking — book|ing S3 [ˈbukıŋ] n 1.) an arrangement to travel by train, use a hotel room etc at a particular time in the future →↑reservation ▪ bookings on cruise ships ▪ I made a booking for two double rooms. ▪ I m calling to confirm my booking (=say… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • booking — n. (esp. BE) 1) to make a booking 2) to cancel a booking * * * [ bʊkɪŋ] (esp. BE) t. to make a booking to cancel a booking …   Combinatory dictionary

  • booking */*/ — UK [ˈbʊkɪŋ] / US noun [countable] Word forms booking : singular booking plural bookings 1) tourism an arrangement to buy a travel ticket, stay in a hotel room etc at a later date Holiday bookings are up 20% on last year. make a booking: You can… …   English dictionary

Предложения со словом «booking»

But booking tickets in summer is a problem.

Но заказать билеты летом — тоже проблема.

So before booking a hotel, you’d better learn some facts about it in the net or from your friends for sure.

Поэтому, прежде чем бронировать отель, вам лучше узнать некоторые факты о нем в сети или от ваших друзей.

Turning down conventional modeling jobs, booking sleazy gigs at private parties…

Отрицание привычной работы модели, участие в сомнительных мероприятиях на частных вечеринках…

The kid owes me for a booking I did.

Он должен мне за заказ,который я делала.

Shamron had taken the precaution of booking a quiet corner table at Green’s restaurant in Duke Street.

Шамрон заранее позаботился о том, чтобы зарезервировать тихий угловой столик в ресторане Грина на Дьюк — стрит.

We’re supposed to be in Philly, but Jimmy over here punched the booking agent in the neck.

Мы должны быть в Филадельфии, но Джимми здесь ударил агента по бронированию в шею.

You still have a human being in charge of booking tennis courts?

У вас по — прежнему есть человек, занимающийся бронированием теннисных кортов?

Just a little token from the booking agency of the Williamsburg Music Hall, which is the location of our second gig!

Просто переговорил с арендодателями концертного зала Уилльямсбурга, в котором пройдёт наш второй концерт!

They probably took her to District Six for booking .

Они, скорее всего, повезли её оформлять в 6 участок.

I’m booking a spa day for me and Stacy.

Я бронирую день — спа для нас со Стэйси.

Thanks to Bethany for making the booking process very easy.

Спасибо Бетани за то, что она сделала процесс бронирования таким простым.

Once you have received your booking confirmation, please contact the hotel directly in order to confirm that the hotel can meet your request.

Как только Вы получите подтверждение Вашего бронирования , пожалуйста, обратитесь напрямую в отель, чтобы подтвердить, что отель сможет выполнить Ваш запрос.

We’re supposed to be in Philly, but Jimmy over here punched the booking agent in the neck.

Мы должны быть в Филадельфии, но Джимми здесь ударил агента по бронированию в шею.

A warm welcome meets our guests, just fill in and send the booking form, or request the price with all the questions you may have.

Теплый прием ожидает наших гостей. Заполните и отправьте форму бронирования или запросите цену со всеми возникшими у Вас вопросами.

After entering your e-ticket code or booking code and flight number, your personal details will appear on the screen.

После ввода кода Вашего электронного билета или кода бронирования и номера рейса на экране появляются Ваши личные данные.

To cancel the reservation is necessary to send us email or fax. In the event of a cancellation the booking deposit are non-refundable.

Отмену резервании можно провести отравив на адрес отеля заказное письмо, факс или электронную почту.

I put a non-refundable deposit on that band to keep Barney and Robin from booking them.

Я внес безвозвратный задаток за эту группу чтобы Барни и Робин ее не взяли.

Early booking in of expectant mothers who receive medical examinations to detect anaemia and other nutritional deficiencies;.

своевременная регистрация беременных, которые проходят медицинское обследование на предмет выявления малокровия и других отклонений, связанных с дефицитом питательных веществ;.

The person booking the holiday declares to accept all terms and conditions stated here above and commits also the persons stated on the booking form.

Резервирующее лицо обязуется уважать все условия контракта и гарантирует такое же уважение со стороны всех лиц, указанных в его контракте.

We are happy to carry wheelchairs free of charge, but we would ask you to reserve this additional service when you book in step two of the online booking process.

Перевозку инвалидных колясок мы осуществляем бесплатно, однако просим забронировать эту дополнительную услугу на втором шаге бронирования авиабилета в режиме онлайн.

Guest of the hotel can use the following services: a hairdresser’s, booking office services, business centre or meeting room services, a caf? and a lobby-bar.

В гостинице можно воспользоваться услугами парикмахерской, билетных касс, бизнес — центра, конференц — зала, комнаты переговоров, а также посетить кафе и лобби — бар.

You and your employees collect bonus points for every corporate flight with Austrian Airlines or another participating airline in selected booking classes.

Зарегистрировавшись в программе SACP у Вас появится превосходная возможность сократить расходы на служебные коммандировки. Принцип прост: Вы и Ваши коллеги собираете на рейсах Austrian Airlines и авиакомпаний — партнеров по программе SACP ценные баллы, а мы предлагаем Вам привлекательные премии.

Booking our hotel accommodation in Bayswater near Kensington Gardens, London, England UK is easy to do by booking online or booking by telephone.

Заказать номер в отеле Лондона в районе Бэйсвотер недалеко от парка Кенсингтон Гарденс, Лондон, Великобритания. очень легко — как через Интернет, так и по телефону.

Booking exchange gains or losses may also be caused by revaluation of the items of the balance sheet in foreign currencies.

Учетные выгоды или потери в связи с обменным курсом могут также обусловливаться ревальвацией статей балансового отчета в иностранных валютах.

These regulations do not differentiate between realized and mere booking gains or losses.

В этом положении не проводится различия между реализованными и чисто учетными выгодами или потерями.

Early booking offer: — 15 % discount for all bookings made and paid before 31 March 2010! — 10 % discount for all bookings more…

Расположение: Апартамент Сирена расположен в роскошном жилом комплексе закрытого типа в селе Приселци, всего в 10 км от центра еще…

Espo, did Gage get transferred to central booking yet?

Эспо, Гейджа ещё не перевели в центральное?

Please enter either your credit card number or your Miles & More number or your E-Ticket number or your booking code.

Пожалуйста, введите либо номер Вашей кредитной карты, либо номер Miles & More, либо номер электронного билета, либо код бронирования .

In the example above where booking requests could be scheduled only during working hours and have a maximum duration of 9 hours, run the following command to verify the new values.

В примере выше, где запросы на бронирование можно спланировать только в рабочее время, а их максимальная продолжительность составляет 9 часов, выполните следующую команду для проверки новых значений.

Aides to O?Malley are seeking help from his court to implement and then monitor procedural changes at Central Booking , and made sharp criticisms of state public safety officials.

Помощники О’Марлей ищут помощи в суде чтобы организовать и следить за изменениями в процессах в Cental Booking , а так они сильно критикуют чиновников государственных надзорных служб.

According to the conventional view, helicopter money is newly printed cash that the central bank doles out, without booking corresponding assets or claims on its balance sheet.

Согласно общепринятой точке зрения, «вертолетные деньги» – это свежеотпечатанные наличные, которые центральный банк просто раздает, без бронирования соответствующих активов или претензий на своем балансе.

I suppose if you’re having problems getting a booking in a restaurant or something, that might be worth using it.

Ну, может быть, если возникнет проблема с заказом места в ресторане, например, тогда стоит воспользоваться.

Save for an overabundance of immediate championship rematches, the UFC does a good job weighing credentials and entertainment value in booking its main events.

Если забыть о избытке ответных матчей, можно сказать, что UFC провел отличную работу по подготовке к чемпионату, на котором есть все — и авторитет звезд, и яркий элемент развлечений.

In part, this refers to online booking services for airline tickets and hotels.

В частности, речь идет об услугах онлайн — бронирования авиабилетов и отелей.

Use this section to view or change how the equipment mailbox handles reservation requests and to define who can accept or decline booking requests if it isn’t done automatically.

В этом разделе можно просмотреть или изменить то, как почтовый ящик оборудования обрабатывает запросы на резервирование и определить, кто может принять или отклонить запросы, если это не будет сделано автоматически.

Note: MyTime and HomeAdvisor are the only third-party booking systems we support at this time.

Примечание: MyTime или HomeAdvisor — единственные сторонние системы бронирования , которые мы сейчас поддерживаем.

In the days of fixed commissions, investment banks could make a comfortable living booking stock trades.

Во времена фиксированных комиссий, инвестиционные банки имели возможность получать весьма удовлетворительный доход, занимаясь торговлей акциями.

Learn how to create equipment mailboxes, configure booking and scheduling options, and manage other mailbox properties.

Узнайте, как создавать почтовые ящики оборудования, управлять их свойствами, а также настраивать параметры резервирования и планирования.

I will be booking a ticket in the morning.

Утром я забронирую билет на самолет.

The hackers again hit Ukraine’s railway company, this time knocking out its online booking system for days, right in the midst of the holiday travel season.

Хакеры снова нанесли удар по украинской железнодорожной компании, на несколько дней отключив ее онлайновую систему бронирования . Сделали они это как раз посреди сезона отпусков.

A room mailbox has an email address so it can receive booking requests.

У почтового ящика помещения есть адрес электронной почты для получения запросов на резервирование.

When you add the Book Now button to your Page, you can link it to your booking system.

При добавлении кнопки Забронировать на свою Страницу вы можете связать ее со своей системой управления рабочим временем.

Okay, book Expo. The Palmer is gonna try and grab the late booking

Хорошо, забронируй Экспо. Палмер попытается сделать это в последний момент…

‘Thank you for booking your holo-call with Morpeth Jet…’ Ha!

Спасибо за заказ вашего голографического звонка с Морпетом Джет…. Ха!

I considered booking you in the room adjoining theirs but I thought that might be a bit over the top.

Я хотел забронировать тебе номер по соседству с ними, но решил, что это будет… немного слишком.

He’s a time-waster and he’ll never make a booking .

Он расхититель времени и он никогда не сделает заказ.

It’s very kind of you, said Miss Marple gratefully. I’ll go and telephone to the hotel to cancel my booking .

Вы очень добры, — повторила мисс Марпл. — Тогда я позвоню в гостиницу и сниму заказ. — Она вышла из комнаты.

Cutter said it’d be all right till we get another booking .

Каттер мне разрешил, пока не найдем другой заказ.

She’s had four client meetings this week, and not one has resulted in a booking .

По ее словам, на этой неделе у нее было 4 такие встречи. Но ни одна из них не закончилась заказом.

Normally, I do the booking , but obviously he must’ve booked some passengers on his own.

Обычно, я занимался заказами, но очевидно, он сам брал заказы на перевозку пассажиров.

Tell them their booking cannot be taken.

Скажите, их заказ не может быть принят.

The call code, destroying her cell, booking a fake trip to Copenhagen.

Код вызова, уничтожение телефона, бронирование ложного билета в Копенгаген.

Well, we’re pretty much all set, except for booking a performer, but Laura is close, personal friends with Drew Lachey…

Ну,мы почти подготовлены,за исключением бронирования исполнителя, но Лора очень близкая подруга с Дрю Лише…

We’re supposed to be in Philly, but Jimmy over here punched the booking agent in the neck.

Мы должны быть в Филадельфии, но Джимми здесь ударил агента по бронированию в шею.

Booking sheet lists a slip down in Honolulu Harbor.

Список листов бронирования пристани в гавани Гонолулу.

Just talking to me about booking tickets to (inaudible).

Просто разговаривали о бронировании билетов в Аррубу.

And I was just checking for discounts, and I found this booking

Я искала скидки, и нашла эту бронь…

If you want the space, it’s 9,000, and I would need 4,500 to hold the booking .

Если хотите место, с вас 9 штук, и половину за бронь.

I make an Internet booking weeks ago.

Я делать бронь в Интернете.

You’re booking a trip to Costa Rica.

Бронируешь тур в Коста Рику.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Booking.com logo.svg
Booking.com screenshot.jpg
Type of business Subsidiary

Type of site

Travel and accommodation services
Available in 43 languages
Founded 1996; 27 years ago
Enschede, Netherlands
Headquarters Amsterdam, Netherlands
Area served Global
Owner Booking Holdings
CEO Glenn Fogel
Key people Glenn Fogel (CEO)
Parent Booking Holdings
Subsidiaries Booking.com Consulting Services Pte. Ltd.
URL www.booking.com
Commercial Yes
Registration Optional
Launched 1996; 27 years ago
Current status Online

Booking.com screenshot.jpg

Booking.com’s head office in Amsterdam

Booking.com, headquartered in Amsterdam, is one of the largest online travel agencies. It is a subsidiary of Booking Holdings.[1]


In 1996, Geert-Jan Bruinsma, a student at Universiteit Twente, founded Bookings.nl.[2][3][4]

In 2000, Booking.com was formed when Bookings.nl, merged with Bookings Online, founded by Sicco and Alec Behrens, Marijn Muyser and Bas Lemmens, which operated as Bookings.org. The name and URL were changed to Booking.com and Stef Noorden was appointed as its CEO.

In July 2005, the company was acquired by Priceline Group (now called Booking Holdings) for $133 million, and was merged with ActiveHotels.com, a European online hotel reservation company, purchased by Priceline Group for $161 million in September 2004.[5]

In 2006, Active Hotels Limited changed its name to Booking.com Limited.[6] The integrations of Booking.com and Active Hotels helped its parent company improve its financial position from a loss of $19 million in 2002 to $1.1 billion in profit in 2011. The acquisition of Booking.com was praised by some social media as “the best acquisition in Internet history” since no other acquisition in the digital travel market had been shown to be as profitable.[7]

In November 2010, the company launched a mobile app for the iPad and in February 2011, it launched a mobile app for Android .[8]

In April 2012, the company launched the first global last-minute hotel app, ‘Booking.com Tonight’, designed for iPhone and iPod Touch.[9] The app became available for Windows 8 in October 2012.[10] The iPhone app was updated with a new function called Passbook that same month.[11] The Kindle Fire app became available for download in December 2012.[12]

Management history[edit]

Darren Huston was appointed chief executive officer of Booking.com in September 2011,[13] and also served as president and chief executive officer of Booking Holdings from 1 January 2014[14] until his resignation on 28 April 2016 after his extramarital affair with another employee was revealed.[15][16] Gillian Tans was then appointed CEO.[17] Tans resigned in 2019, after which Glenn Fogel became CEO.[18]

Advertising history[edit]

In January 2013, Booking.com’s first brand campaign, ‘Booking.yeah’, created by Wieden+Kennedy, an advertising agency, was launched online and aired on television networks in the U.S. market.[19] In 2014, the company launched its first advertising campaigns in Canada, the U.K., and Germany. [20][21][22][23]

In 2016, Booking.com and its affiliates spent $3.5 billion in pay-per-click advertising and were the largest spenders on advertising in the Travel & Tourism category.[24]

Controversies and criticism[edit]

Anti-competitive allegations by OFT[edit]

In September 2012, the United Kingdom’s competition authority, the Office of Fair Trading (OFT), issued a statement of objections against Booking.com, Expedia, and IHG Army Hotels alleging that Booking.com and Expedia had entered into separate arrangements with IHG which restricted the online travel agent’s ability to discount the price of room only hotel accommodation. Booking.com, Expedia and IHG proposed the OFT to change their restrictions. The OFT accepted the proposal, but it was later rejected by higher authority at a tribunal.[25][26]

Leaks of customer data[edit]

In November 2014, it was revealed that criminals were able to obtain customer details from the website. Booking.com said it was countering the fraudsters and refunding customers from the UK, US, France, Italy, the UAE, and Portugal, all of which had been affected. Since the fraud, Booking.com has made changes so data can only be accessed from a computer linked to the hotel’s server. Its teams have also worked to «takedown» dozens of phishing sites, as well as working with some banks to freeze the money mule bank accounts.[27]

The website was again targeted by hackers in June 2018.[28]

Brand hijacking accusations by German hotelier[edit]

In February 2015, an open letter published by German hotelier Marco Nussbaum, co-founder and CEO of the «prizeotel» budget-design hotel brand, was highly critical of Booking.com’s «brand hijacking» activity in which the company bids significant sums of money to be the top listing on Google Search for several hotel brands.[29]

Prohibitions against offering lower rates[edit]

In April 2015, French, Swedish and Italian competition authorities accepted a proposal by Booking.com to drop its «rate parity» clause and thereby allow competitor travel agents to offer lower hotel prices than Booking.com.[30] Booking.com further agreed to extend and apply its proposal across all EU states.[31] Hotels are still prevented from discounting prices directly on their own websites.[32]

Allegations of market dominance[edit]

In April 2015, the European Union warned that Booking.com is one of several internet firms that may have reached market dominance beyond the point of no return.[33]

Violations of Turkish competition law[edit]

In March 2017, a Turkish court halted activities of Booking.com in Turkey due to a violation of Turkish competition law in a case filed by the Turkish Association of Travel Agents (TÜRSAB). The ruling blocked the website in Turkey; however, website and application can be used from foreign countries to make reservations for hotels in Turkey.[34][35]

Charging commissions on prices including VAT[edit]

In July 2019, luxury-hotel chain Aldemar, invoking «practices [by Booking.com] that go against the laws of the market,» terminated its participation in Booking’s offerings. The Greek Hotels Association denounced the practice of Bookings.com of charging its percentage fee on the VAT-inclusive full-room price. The company responded that according to the terms of its bilateral agreements with hotels «everywhere,» each party to such an agreement is free to walk away from it.[36][37]

Inclusion of listing in Israeli settlements[edit]

On February 12, 2020, the company was included on a list of companies operating in West Bank settlements involved in activities that «raised particular human rights concerns» published by the United Nations Human Rights Council. The company was categorized under «the provision of services and utilities supporting the maintenance and existence of settlements».[38][39] The international community considers Israeli settlements built on land occupied by Israel to be in violation of international law.[40][41][42]

In September 2022, the company added a warning to its listings in Israeli settlements, although the language was toned down at the request of the Israeli government.[43]

European Commission criticism of manipulative sale techniques[edit]

In 2019, following dialogue with the European Commission and national consumer (CPC) authorities, Booking.com committed to ensuring that marketing statements regarding; time-limited offers, the amount of rooms available to book, price comparisons, and the type of vendor offering the accommodation was made clearer to consumers. Changes were also made to make sure that sponsored listings were flagged and that the total price was presented to consumers.[44]

Eligibility of registration of trademark[edit]

Booking.com attempted to register the term «Booking.com» as a trademark but this application was rejected by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) on the grounds that the trademark sought was rather generic in nature and hence that it could not be registered. The United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit, and finally the Supreme Court of the United States, all held in the case Patent and Trademark Office v. Booking.com B. V. otherwise saying that the term «Booking.com», via the suffix «.com» had created an identity that could be differentiated from the generic verb and hence could be trademarked. The Supreme Court went on to say that later if a site along the lines of «flightbooking.com» came along, Booking.com could not sue the site or prevent them from trademarking the name without proof that said trademark causes potential clientele to be confused between the two.[45]

Criticism over request for Dutch aid during COVID-19 pandemic[edit]

In April 2020, Booking.com drew criticism when it applied for government aid from the Dutch government’s relief program for business affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, while paying billions to shareholders, with $6.3 billion in cash on its balance sheet.[46] In response, on May 22, Booking announced that it would not seek further wage subsidies from the Dutch government, and instead look for long term answers.[47] The company laid off 25% of its global workforce.[48]

Fine for untimely disclosure of data breach[edit]

On April 6, 2021, the Dutch Data Protection Authority (DPA) imposed a €475,000 fine on the company for failing to report the breach within the time frame mandated by the General Data Protection Regulation. Criminals obtained the personal data of over 4,000 customers including the credit card information of almost 300 people.[49]


  1. ^ Harger, Jim (25 August 2015). «Booking.com signs 10-year lease for its growing global contact center in Wyoming». Advance Publications.
  2. ^ Lightfoot, Ashley (27 September 2022). «How Booking.com Became Travel’s Biggest Brand». Latana.
  3. ^ Schaal, Dennis (2016). «The Definitive oral history of online travel». Skift.
  4. ^ Schaal, Dennis (2018). «The Oral History of Travel’s Greatest Acquisition: Booking.com». Skift.
  5. ^ Schaal, Dennis (25 June 2012). «How Booking.com turned the other OTAs into converts». Skift.
  6. ^ «Active Hotels becomes Booking.com». 19 October 2009. Archived from the original on 31 May 2021.
  7. ^ «Booking.com, the best acquisition in Internet history». Hotel Marketing. 12 September 2012.
  8. ^ Scott, Jennifer (27 February 2013). «Booking.com embraces mobile apps». Computer Weekly.
  9. ^ «Booking.com Launches First Global Last-Minute Hotel App» (Press release). Booking.com. 10 April 2012.
  10. ^ «Booking.com Joins Windows 8 Push with Launch of its First Windows App» (Press release). Booking.com. 29 October 2012.
  11. ^ «Booking.com Enables Passbook on Latest Release of iPhone App» (Press release). Booking.com. 16 October 2012.
  12. ^ «Booking.com Launches Native Kindle Fire App» (Press release). Booking.com. 6 December 2012.
  13. ^ «Darren Huston Named Chief Executive Officer of Booking.com» (Press release). 26 September 2011.
  14. ^ «Darren Huston Named as President and CEO of the Priceline Group» (Press release). Booking.com. 7 November 2013.
  15. ^ WEINSTEIN, BRUCE (2 May 2016). «Here’s the Real Fallout From the Priceline Sex Scandal». Fortune.
  16. ^ «Priceline Group CEO Darren Huston Resigns; Chairman Jeffery H. Boyd Appointed Interim CEO» (Press release). PR Newswire. 28 April 2016.
  17. ^ «GILLIAN TANS APPOINTED CHAIRWOMAN OF BOOKING.COM». Northstar Travel Group. 27 June 2019.
  18. ^ «Booking Management Shakeup Leaves Gillian Tans Out as CEO of Flagship Unit». Skift (Press release). 26 June 2019.
  19. ^ «Booking.com Launches ‘Booking.yeah’, Its First-Ever Brand Campaign, Created for the U.S. market» (Press release). Booking.com. 22 January 2013.
  20. ^ «Booking.com Launches First Canadian Brand Campaign». Booking.com. 22 January 2014.
  21. ^ Swift, James (17 February 2014). «Booking.com launches first UK brand campaign». Campaign.
  22. ^ Davies, Jessica (18 February 2014). «Booking.com launches first UK TV campaign to inspire British travellers». The Drum.
  23. ^ «Booking.com ramps up European push with German branding campaign». Hotel Marketing. 17 July 2014.
  24. ^ «Google can rejoice: Priceline Group spent $3.5 billion on PPC in 2016». Phocuswire. 28 February 2017.
  25. ^ «Skyscanner wins appeal, UK watchdog to rethink OTA hotel rate clubs». Phocuswire. 26 September 2014.
  26. ^ «Investigation into the hotel online booking sector». Office of Fair Trading.
  27. ^ Howard, Bob (7 November 2014). «Scammers target leading online travel agent Booking.com». BBC News.
  28. ^ WHITEHEAD, JOANNA (4 June 2018). «Customers were targeted by phishing emails and instructed to provide payment details». The Independent.
  30. ^ Vidalon, Dominique (21 April 2015). «France, Sweden, Italy accept booking.com antitrust proposals». Reuters.
  31. ^ «DECISION» (PDF). Swedish Competition Authority. 15 April 2015. Archived from the original (PDF) on 18 September 2017. Retrieved 1 May 2015.
  32. ^ «Hoteliers claim Booking.com parity agreement still wrong and anti-competitive». PhocusWire.
  33. ^ Hern, Alex (24 April 2015). «EU warns of ‘point of no return’ if internet firms are not regulated soon». The Guardian.
  34. ^ Solaker, Gulsen (29 March 2017). «Turkish court halts activities of Booking.com over breach of competition law: association». Reuters.
  35. ^ «Turkish travel association seeks to extend Booking.com ban to Airbnb, Expedia, Skyscanner». hurriyetdailynews. 8 August 2018.
  36. ^ Kourlibini, Vicky (19 August 2019). «Συνεχίζεται η κόντρα Βooking-ξενοδόχων για τις τιμές στα δωμάτια» [Bookings and hoteliers’ clash over room prices continues]. Capital magazine (in Greek). Athens, Greece.
  37. ^ Bellos, Helias (3 July 2018). «Στρατηγική συμφωνία Aldemar με HIG Capital στον τουρισμό» [Strategic agreement between Aldemar and HIG Capital on tourism]. Kathimerini (in Greek). Athens, Greece.
  38. ^ «UN rights office issues report on business activities related to settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory». Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. 12 February 2020.
  39. ^ «Database of all business enterprises involved in certain activities relating to Israeli settlements in East Jerusalem and the West Bank (A/HRC/43/71)». ReliefWeb. 14 February 2020.
  40. ^ «S/RES/2334(2016)». United Nations Security Council. 23 December 2016.
  41. ^ «Legal Consequences of the Construction of a Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory» (PDF). International Court of Justice. 9 July 2004.
  42. ^ «Conference of High Contracting Parties to the Fourth Geneva Convention». International Committee of the Red Cross. 5 December 2001.
  43. ^ Alsaafin, Linah (5 October 2022). «Is the Booking.com reversal on Palestine corporate hypocrisy?». Al Jazeera.
  44. ^ «Booking.com commits to align practices presenting offers and prices with EU law following EU action». European Commission (Press release). 20 December 2019.
  45. ^ «Booking.com V. USPTO» (PDF).
  46. ^ «Booking.com’s Call for Help Draws Dutch Outcry, Policy Rethink». Bloomberg News. 24 April 2020.
  47. ^ «Booking.com won’t ask for more wage subsidies, looks to long term answers». www.dutchnews.nl.
  48. ^ «Booking.com to slash workforce 25%, Amsterdam implications unclear». www.dutchnews.nl.
  49. ^ Page, Carly (2 April 2021). «Booking.com Hit With €475,000 GDPR Fine For Late Reporting Of Data Breach». Forbes.

External links[edit]

  • Official website

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