Как пишется букингемский дворец


Букинге́мский дворе́ц, (в Лондоне)

Рядом по алфавиту:

буквосочета́ние , -я
бу́квочка , -и, р. мн. -чек
бу́кер , -а (лицо)
Бу́кер , -а (Букеровская премия, разг.)
Бу́керовская пре́мия
буке́т , -а
буке́тец , -тца, тв. -тцем, р. мн. -тцев
буке́тик , -а
букети́рованный , кр. ф. -ан, -ана
букети́ровать(ся) , -рую, -рует(ся)
букетиро́вка , -и
буке́тище , -а, мн. -а и -и, -ищ, м.
бу́ки , нескл., с. (название буквы)
бу́кинг-но́та , -ы
Букинге́мский дворе́ц , (в Лондоне)
букини́ст , -а
букини́ст-антиква́р , букини́ста-антиква́ра
букини́стика , -и
буки́рование , -я
бу́ккер , -а (орудие)
букле́ , неизм. и нескл., с.
букле́т , -а
букле́тик , -а
букле́шный , (от букле́)
бу́кли , -ей, ед. бу́кля, -и
букли́рованный , кр. ф. -ан, -ана
букме́кер , -а

Известный всему миру Букингемский дворец является официальной лондонской резиденцией английской королевы — Ее величества Елизаветы II.


Запись относится к месту: Лондон

Букингемский дворец — это не просто главный дворец страны, не только место работы королевы, где вот уже в течение более сорока лет она исполняет обязанности главы Британского государства и Содружества наций, верховного главнокомандующего вооруженными силами и светской главы англиканской церкви. Прежде всего — это место жительства английской королевы и ее семьи.


Дворец расположен напротив улицы Пэлл-Мэлл и Грин-парка с беломраморным с позолотой памятником королеве Виктории. Когда монарх находится во дворце, над крышей дворца развевается королевский штандарт.


Букингемской дворец — это маленький город со своим отделением полиции, двумя почтовыми офисами, госпиталем, баром, 2-мя спортивными клубами, дискотекой, кинотеатром и бассейном. Во дворце около 600 комнат и около трёх миль красных ковровых дорожек. Два человека работают полный рабочий день, что бы следить за 300 часами дворца. Обслуживающий персонал этого “городка” составляет около 700 человек. Задачи обслуживающего персонала разнообразны: от содержания дворца до организации банкетов для глав других государств послов и церемонии награждения.

Buckingham Palace and the Victoria Memorial

Первоначально Букингемский дворец был известен как Бакингем-хаус и строился для герцога Букингемского. Он был приобретён королём Георгом III в 1762 в качестве будущей частной резиденции монарха. В течение последующих 75 лет архитекторы Джон Нэш и Эдвард Блор (автор Алупкинского дворца), взяв за основу Бакингем-хаус, построили ещё три подобных здания. Все вместе образуют в плане квадрат, в центре которого — большой внутренний двор.


Дворец был официально объявлен главной резиденцией британских монархов при вступлении на престол королевы Виктории в 1837 году. В её правление были сделаны последние большие дополнения, постройка ещё одного флигеля и перенесение бывшего парадного входа, Мраморной арки, на нынешнее место возле Ораторского уголка в Гайд-парке. Перед дворцовыми воротами стоит монумент в честь королевы Виктории.


Стоимость строительства Букингемского дворца достигла 700 000 фунтов за счет использованию таких излишеств, как 500 блоков каррарского мрамора с прожилками. К 1853 году было закончено самое просторное и богато отделанное помещение дворца — бальный зал. Король Эдуард VII родился в этом дворце в 1841 году и здесь же умер в 1910 году.


Несмотря на роскошество апартаментов дворца, где хранится множество фамильных драгоценностей, не все жившие в нем были счастливы. В своих воспоминаниях герцог Виндзорский писал, что огромный дворец “со своими большими залами и бесконечными коридорами казался наполненным запахом плесени, который я до сих пор чувствую всякий раз, когда вхожу в него”.


Первоначальный георгианский интерьер включал искусственный мрамор и синий и розовый ляпис. Король Эдуард VII сильно переделал его в стиле французской Belle ?poque в кремовые и золотые тона. Многие маленькие приёмные покои были обставлены в китайском стиле мебелью из королевского павильона в Брайтоне и из Карлтон-хауса.


В настоящее время дворец включает в себя 775 комнат, занимает территорию 20 гектаров, из них 17 гектаров — сад. Сады Букингемского дворца — самые большие частные сады в Лондоне, первоначально были разбиты великим Ланселотом Брауном, но позднее переделены Вильямом Эйлтоном и Джоном Нэшем. Большой искусственный пруд был закончен в 1828 году.


Во дворце располагается художественное собрание королевы с работами Рембрандта, Рубенса и др. В коллекции находятся также французский севрский фарфор, французская и английская мебель. Дворец имеет бассейн, почту, а также собственный кинотеатр. На два летних месяца (август и сентябрь) королева покидает Букингемский дворец. В эти месяцы парадные покои дворца открыты для посетителей.


Дворец охраняет Придворный дивизион, состоящий из полка гвардейской пехоты и Королевского конно-гвардейского полка. Каждый день в 11:30 с апреля по август (в остальные месяцы — через день) проходит церемония смены караула. Это едва ли не самая знаменитая церемония в Лондоне; она привлекает множество туристов.


Летом Букингемский дворец посещают около 30.000 гостей, которые принимают участие в приёмах в королевском саду, где есть озеро и водопады. Картину естественной природы дополняют птицы фламинго, покой которых не нарушают даже королевские вертолёты, кружащие над садом. Отсюда начинаются многие королевские церемонии, например Государственное открытие сессий парламента осенью или церемония в честь дня рождения Королевы в июне. Королевские конюшни с лошадьми, попонами, с великолепной государственной каретой, расписанной итальянским художником Чиприани, и более современными экипажами и автомашинами также открыты для публики.


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Букинге́мский дворе́ц (англ. Buckingham Palace [ˈbʌkɪŋəm ˈpælɪs]) — официальная лондонская резиденция королевы Великобритании Елизаветы II[1]. Расположен напротив улицы Мэлл и Грин-парка с беломраморным и позолоченным памятником королеве Виктории. Когда монарх находится во дворце, над крышей дворца развевается королевский штандарт[2].

История[править | править код]

Первоначально Букингемский дворец был известен как Букингем-хаус и строился для Джона Шеффилда, 1-го герцога Бекингемского и Норменби (с 1703 года). Он был приобретён королём Георгом III в 1762 в качестве будущей частной резиденции монарха (официальная резиденция Сент-Джеймсский дворец перестала устраивать его и величиной, и отделкой). В течение последующих 75 лет архитекторы Джон Нэш и Эдвард Блор (автор Алупкинского дворца), взяв за основу Букингем-хаус, построили ещё три подобных здания. Все вместе образуют в плане квадрат, в центре которого — большой внутренний двор.

Дворец был официально объявлен главной резиденцией британских монархов при вступлении на престол королевы Виктории в 1837 году[1]. В её правление были сделаны последние большие дополнения, постройка ещё одного флигеля и перенесение бывшего парадного входа, Мраморной арки, на нынешнее место возле Ораторского уголка в Гайд-парке. Перед дворцовыми воротами стоит памятник в честь королевы Виктории. Стоимость строительства достигла 700 000 фунтов за счёт использования таких излишеств, как 500 блоков каррарского мрамора с прожилками.

Как правильно пишется букингемский дворец

К 1853 году было закончено самое просторное и богато отделанное помещение дворца — бальный зал, длина которого составляет 36 метров, а ширина — 18 метров. Он был построен по указанию королевы Виктории и впервые использован в 1856 году для приёма в честь окончания Крымской войны. Сын и наследник Виктории, Эдуард VII, родился в 1841 году в этом дворце и здесь же скончался в 1910 году.

Несмотря на роскошество апартаментов дворца, где хранится множество фамильных драгоценностей, не все жившие в нём были счастливы. В своих воспоминаниях герцог Виндзорский писал, что огромный дворец «со своими большими залами и бесконечными коридорами казался наполненным запахом плесени, который я до сих пор чувствую всякий раз, когда вхожу в него». Нет единого мнения и по поводу архитектурных достоинств дворца. Например, газета The Guardian назвала дворец одним из самых уродливых сооружений мира[3].

Интерьеры и особенности[править | править код]

Первоначальный георгианский интерьер включал искусственный мрамор и синий и розовый ляпис. Король Эдуард VII сильно переделал его в стиле французской Belle Époque в кремовые и золотые тона. Многие маленькие приёмные покои были обставлены в китайском стиле мебелью из королевского павильона в Брайтоне и из Карлтон-хауса.

В настоящее время дворец включает в себя 775 комнат. Из них 19 являются государственными комнатами, 52 королевские и для гостей, 188 для персонала, 92 офиса, 72 ванных комнаты[1]. Занимает территорию 20 гектаров, из них 17 гектаров — сад. Сады Букингемского дворца — самые большие частные сады в Лондоне, первоначально были разбиты Ланселотом Брауном, но позднее переделаны Вильямом Эйлтоном и Джоном Нэшем. Большой искусственный пруд был закончен в 1828 году.

Как правильно пишется букингемский дворец

Во дворце располагается художественное собрание королевы с работами Рембрандта, Рубенса и др. В коллекции находятся также французский севрский фарфор, французская и английская мебель. Дворец имеет бассейн, почту, а также собственный кинотеатр. На два месяца (август и сентябрь) королева покидает Букингемский дворец. В эти месяцы парадные покои дворца открыты для посетителей.

В 2009 году в ответ на запрос королевы к правительству о выделении дополнительных средств на ремонт дворца группа парламентариев предложила для возмещения дополнительных 4 млн фунтов открывать дворец для посещения больше чем на 60 дней в году, даже когда члены королевской семьи находятся в резиденции[4].

В ноябре 2015 года было объявлено, что столовая дворца закрыта на шестимесячный ремонт из-за проблем с потолком[5].

Туризм[править | править код]

Дворец охраняет Придворная дивизия, состоящая из полка гвардейской пехоты и Королевского конно-гвардейского полка. Каждый день в 11:30 с апреля по август (в остальные месяцы — через день) проходит церемония смены караула. Это едва ли не самая знаменитая церемония в Лондоне; она привлекает множество туристов.

Летом дворец посещают около 50 000 гостей[1], которые принимают участие в приёмах в королевском саду, где есть озеро и водопады. Картину естественной природы дополняют фламинго, покой которых не нарушают даже королевские вертолёты, кружащие над садом.

Примечания[править | править код]

Литература[править | править код]

  • Jones, Nigel R. Architecture of England, Scotland, and Wales (англ.). — Greenwood Publishing Group, 2005. — ISBN 978-0-313-31850-4.
  • King, Greg. Twilight of Splendor: The Court of Queen Victoria During Her Diamond Jubilee Year (англ.). — John Wiley & Sons, 2007. — ISBN 978-0-470-04439-1.
  • Peacocke, M. D. The Story of Buckingham Palace (неопр.). — London: Odhams Press  (англ.) (рус., 1951.
  • Rappaport, Helen. Queen Victoria: A Biographical Companion (неопр.). — ABC-CLIO, 2003. — ISBN 978-1-85109-355-7.

Ссылки[править | править код]

  • Букингемский дворец — официальная страница
  • Account of Buckingham Palace, with prints of Arlington House and Buckingham House from Old and New London (1878) (англ.)
  • Account of the acquisition of the Manor of Ebury from Survey of London (1977) (англ.)
  • The State Rooms, Buckingham Palace at the Royal Collection Trust (англ.)

Я слышала, Букингемский дворец необычайно хорош.

Вестминстерское аббатство, гигантское колесо обозрения, Букингемский дворец.

– Конечно, Букингемский дворец под боком. Говорят, по утрам отсюда слышен цокот копыт лошадей из дворца. Это так?

Ассоциации к слову «дворец&raquo

Синонимы к слову «дворец&raquo

Цитаты из русской классики со словосочетанием «букингемский дворец»

  • — А затем, что без того, — говорит, — по дворцу не пойдешь.
  • Однажды, солдату, стоявшему в карауле при Летнем дворце, явился в сиянии юноша и сказал оторопевшему часовому, что он, архангел Михаил, приказывает ему идти к императору и сказать, чтобы на месте этого старого Летнего дворца был построен храм во имя архистратига Михаила.
  • Бросились смотреть в дела и в списки, — но в делах ничего не записано. Стали того, другого спрашивать, — никто ничего не знает. Но, по счастью, донской казак Платов был еще жив и даже все еще на своей досадной укушетке лежал и трубку курил. Он как услыхал, что во дворце такое беспокойство, сейчас с укушетки поднялся, трубку бросил и явился к государю во всех орденах. Государь говорит:
  • (все
    цитаты из русской классики)

Значение слова «дворец&raquo

  • ДВОРЕ́Ц, —рца́, м. 1. Здание, являющееся жилищем, постоянным местопребыванием царствующей особы, главы государства, а также членов царствующей семьи. (Малый академический словарь, МАС)

    Все значения слова ДВОРЕЦ

Афоризмы русских писателей со словом «дворец&raquo

  • Природа — не сырье для цивилизации, а прекрасный солнечный дворец, в который человек должен своим трудом, волей, разумом вносить усовершенствования и изменения.
  • Мы построим вам дворцы большие,
    милые красавицы России.
    Мы о вас напишем сочиненья,
    полные любви и удивленья.
  • Народ поднял верховный жезел,
    Как государь идет по улицам.
    Народ восстал, как раньше грезил.
    Дворец, как Цезарь раненый, сутулится.
  • (все афоризмы русских писателей)

Букингемский дворецБукингемский дворец (англ. Buckingham Palace) — офи перевод - Букингемский дворецБукингемский дворец (англ. Buckingham Palace) — офи английский как сказать

Букингемский дворец

Букингемский дворец (англ. Buckingham Palace) — официальная лондонская резиденция британских монархов и самый большой действующий королевский дворец в мире. В настоящее время это резиденция королевы Елизаветы II.

Первоначально Букингемский дворец был известен как дом Букингэма, построенный для герцога Букингемского в 1703 году. Он был приобретён королём Георгом III в 1762 для его частной резиденции (Сент-Джеймский дворец перестал устраивать его и величиной, и отделкой). В течение последующих 75 лет архитекторы Джон Нэш и Эдвард Блор (автор Алупкинского дворца) построили три флигеля вокруг центрального двора.

Дворец был официально объявлен главной резиденцией британских монархов при вступлении на престол королевы Виктории в 1837 году. В её правление были сделаны последние большие дополнения, постройка ещё одного флигеля и перенесение бывшего парадного входа, Мраморной Арки (Marble Arch), на нынешнее место возле Ораторского уголка в Гайд-парке. Перед дворцовыми воротами стоит монумент в честь королевы Виктории.

Первоначальный георгианский интерьер включал искусственный мрамор и синий и розовый ляпис. Король Эдуард VII сильно переделал его в стиле французской Belle ?poque в кремовые и золотые тона. Многие маленькие приёмные покои были обставлены в китайском стиле мебелью из королевского дворца в Брайтоне и из дворца Карлтон-Хаус.

Сады Букингемского дворца — самые большие частные сады в Лондоне, первоначально созданы Lancelot «Capability» Brown и позднее переделены Вилльямом Эйлтоном и Джоном Нэшем. Большой искусственный пруд был закончен в 1828 году.
Здание Парламента

В Вестминстерском дворце, одном из самых знаменитых зданий мира, размещается парламент Великобритании: палата лордов и палата общин.
Первый дворец был построен для короля Эдуарда Исповедника, вступившего на престол в 1042 году. Сорок пять лет спустя Вильгельм Руфус, сын Вильгельма Завоевателя, велел построить Вестминстер-холл — самый изысканный зал в Европе, где в 1099 году был устроен пир.
В XIII веке Генрих III пристроил расписную палату, и во время его правления был созван первый парламент (от французского глагола «parler»- говорить). В 1265 году сюда были приглашены рыцари из графств и представители разных городов. Через 30 лет парламент стал более демократичным, так как его члены уже не назначались, а выбирались.
С 1550 года заседания палаты общин и палаты лордов по-отдельности проходили в богато украшенной часовне св. Стефана. В это время великолепие Вестминстер-Холла было дополнено удивительно красивым балочным перекрытием из резной древесины дуба. Когда в 1660 году на престол взошел Карл II, череп Оливера Кромвеля был повешен на пике, установленной на крыше, где и оставался в течение 25 лет.
В XIX веке основной проблемой стал рост населения. Планы перестройки города пришлось ускорить после того, как однажды ночью небо над Лондоном озарилось неистовым пламенем пожара. Вестминстерский дворец был охвачен огнем в 1834 году. Его восстановление поручили сэру Чарльзу Бэрри, что он и сделал в великолепном готическом стиле с помощью Августа Пугина, выполнившего живописное убранство. Часовня святого Стефана была переименована в Холл святого Стефана. Это широкий коридор с картинами, мраморными скульптурами и латунным указателем на том месте, где раньше стояло кресло спикера.
Склеп и Вестминстер-холл сохранились, однако смежная с ними палата общин была снова разрушена во время второй мировой войны. По традиции каждый гражданин Великобритании имеет право быть принятым членом парламента своего округа. Такие встречи проходят в центральном лобби. Во время заседаний парламента гражданам разрешается следить за дебатами с галереи для публики. Даже королева не может нарушить парламентских традиций. Во время государственного открытия сессий парламента она должна восседать на троне в палате лордов, в то время как премьер-министр и члены кабинета входят из палаты общин. Этот обычай восходит к эпохе Карла I, который ворвался в парламент, требуя ареста 5 его членов. Но эта попытка закончилась неудачей.


Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]


Buckingham Palace

Buckingham Palace (Engl. Buckingham Palace) is the official London residence of British monarchs and the largest existing Royal Palace in the world. Currently, it is the residence of Queen Elizabeth II.

Buckingham Palace Originally was known as Buckingham House, built for the Duke of Buckingham in 1703. It was purchased by King George III in 1762 for his private residence (St. James Palace ceased to hold it and the size, and trim). Over the next 75 years by architects John Nash and Edward Blore (author of the alupka Palace) built three wings around a central courtyard.

The Palace was officially announced as the main residence of British monarchs on the throne accession of Queen Victoria in 1837. In her reign was the last great additions, the construction of one more of the wing and moving the former main entrance, Marble Arch (Marble Arch), to its present location near the speakers ‘ corner in Hyde Park. In front of the Palace gate, stands a monument in honour of Queen Victoria.

The original Georgian Interior included artificial marble and blue and pink Lapis. King Edward VII greatly redid it in the style of the French Belle? poque in cream and gold tones. Many smaller reception rooms are furnished in the Chinese style furniture from the Royal Palace at Brighton and from Carlton House Palace.

Gardens of Buckingham Palace is the largest private garden in London originally created by Lancelot «Capability» Brown and later peredeleny Vill′âmom Èjltonom and John Nash. A large artificial lake was completed in 1828.

The building of the Parliament in the Palace of Westminster, one of the most famous buildings in the world, is the Parliament of the United Kingdom: the House of Lords and House of Commons.
The first Palace was built for King Edward the Confessor, who assumed the throne in 1042. Forty-five years later, William Rufus, the son of William the Conqueror, ordered to build Westminster Hall-the most exquisite room in Europe, where in the year 1099 was a feast.
Henry III in the 13th century painted Chamber, propped the and during his reign the first Parliament was held (from the French verb parler «-speak). In 1265, the Knights were invited here from representatives of various cities and counties. After 30 years, the Parliament has become more democratic, because its members are not appointed and selected.
From 1550, the proceedings in the House of Commons and the House of Lords took place separately in the ornate Chapel of St. Stefan. At this time the splendor of Westminster-Hall was supplemented by a beautiful beamed ceiling of carved oak wood. In 1660, Charles II ascended to the throne, the skull of Oliver Cromwell was hanged at the peak, installed on the roof, where he remained for 25 years.
In the 19th century, the main problem was the growth of the population. The city had to speed up restructuring plans after how one night sky over London has lit up a furious flame of fire. The Palace of Westminster was engulfed in flames in 1834. It was Sir Charles Barry, which he did in a magnificent Gothic style by August, the spectacular decoration of Nadezhda Pugina. St. Stephen’s Chapel was renamed the Hall of St. Stephen. This is a wide corridor with paintings, marble statues and brass pointer at the spot where formerly stood a Chair speaker.
Crypt and Westminster Hall survived, However, adjacent to the House of Commons was again destroyed during the second world war. By tradition, each British citizen has the right to be accepted as a member of Parliament in their constituency. Such meetings are held in the lobby. During the meetings of the Parliament, citizens are allowed to follow the debate from the Gallery to the public. Even the Queen could not disrupt parliamentary traditions. During the State opening of Parliament sessions it should sit on the throne in the House of Lords, while the Prime Minister and members of the Cabinet are from the House of Commons. This custom dates back to the era of Charles I, who broke into the Parliament, demanding the arrest of 5 of its members. But this attempt failed.

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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]


Buckingham Palace Buckingham Palace (born Buckingham Palace) — the official London residence of British monarchs and the largest active royal palace in the world. Currently, it is the residence of Queen Elizabeth II. Buckingham Palace was originally known as Buckingham House, built for the Duke of Buckingham in 1703. It was purchased by King George III in 1762 for his private residence (St James’s Palace ceased to hold it and the value and trim). Over the next 75 years, architects John Nash and Edward Blore (author Alupka Palace) built three wings around a central courtyard. Palace was officially declared the main residence of British monarchs during the enthronement of Queen Victoria in 1837. In her reign were made ​​last great additions build another lodge, and transfer of the former main entrance, Marble Arch (Marble Arch), to its current location near the Oratory Corner in Hyde Park. Before the gates of the palace stands a monument in honor of Queen Victoria. Original Georgian interior included artificial marble and blue and pink lapis. King Edward VII greatly altered it in the style of the French Belle? Poque in cream and gold. Many smaller reception rooms are furnished in the Chinese style furniture from the royal palace in Brighton and from Carlton House Palace. Gardens Buckingham Palace — the largest private gardens in London, originally created Lancelot «Capability» Brown and later redivision Eyltonom by William and John Nash. Large artificial lake was completed in 1828. Houses of Parliament at Westminster, one of the most famous buildings in the world, placed the British Parliament: the House of Lords and House of Commons. first palace was built for King Edward the Confessor, came to the throne in 1042. Forty-five years later, William Rufus, son of William the Conqueror, ordered to build Westminster Hall — the most elegant room in Europe, where in 1099 he was made ​​a feast. In the XIII century, Henry III added a painted chamber, and during his reign first Parliament was held ( from the French verb «parler» — to speak). In 1265 here were invited to the Knights of the counties and representatives of different cities. After 30 years, Parliament has become more democratic, since its members are not appointed and chosen. Since 1550 the House of Commons and House of Lords individually held in the ornate chapel of St.. Stephen. At this time, the splendor of Westminster Hall was completed amazingly beautiful beamed ceiling of carved oak. When in 1660, ascended to the throne Charles II, the skull of Oliver Cromwell was hanged at the peak, installed on the roof, where he remained for 25 years. In the XIX century the main problem was the growth of the population. Plans to rebuild the city had to speed after one night sky over London lit flames raging fire. Palace of Westminster was engulfed in flames in 1834. His recovery instructed Sir Charles Barry, which he did in a magnificent Gothic style through August Pugin who performed the picturesque decoration. Chapel of St. Stephen was renamed St. Stephen’s Hall. This is a wide corridor with paintings, marble sculptures and brass pointer to the place where once stood the chair of the speaker. Chapel and Westminster Hall survived, but adjacent to them, the House of Commons was again destroyed during the Second World War. By tradition, every British citizen has the right to be accepted by a member of parliament of his district. Such meetings are held in the main lobby. During parliamentary sessions citizens are allowed to follow the debate from the public gallery. Even the Queen can not break the parliamentary traditions. During the state opening of the sessions of the Parliament, it should sit on the throne in the House of Lords, while the prime minister and cabinet members come in from the House of Commons. This custom dates back to the era of Charles I, who broke into the parliament, demanding the arrest of five of its members. But this attempt failed.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]


Buckingham Palace Buckingham palace

(engl. Buckingham Palace) is the official London residence British monarchs and the largest valid the royal palace in the world.Currently, it is the residence of Elizabeth II. Originally lord Buckingham palace was known as the house Букингэма, built for duke Buckingham in 1703 year.It was purchased by King George III in 1762 for his private residence (St James Park palace no longer belongs to it, and value, and finish).During the subsequent 75 years architects John Nash and Edward Bloor St. (the author Art print on canvas — agniart.ru) built three still no heating around a central courtyard.

The palace was officially declared as the main residence with British monarchs when entry to the throne Queen Victoria in 1837. In the past the board had been made large additions,The building is still no heating and transferring the former hotel entrance, Marble Arch (starred restaurant), at the current location near village corner in Hyde Park. Before the premier catering » — gates is the monument to honor Queen Victoria.Lord the initial georgian Townhouse interior included artificial marble and blue and pink delightful. King Edward VII is the martingale style French Belle ?pоque in cream and gold colors.Many are small reception chambers have been furnished in chinese style furniture from the royal palace in Brighton and the palace of Carlton House. Lord Gardens Buckingham Palace — the largest private gardens in London,Originally established are cozy «capability» Brown and later переделены Вилльямом Эилтоном and John Nash. A large artificial pond was completed in 1828.
Parliament Building

at Westminster Palace,One of the most famous buildings, houses the parliament Britain: the house of lords and the house of commons.
The First palace was built for the king Edward confessor, which came to the throne in 1042.Forty-five years later, Wilhelm by Rufus, son of Wilhelm conquerer, told to build a Westminster-hall — the most exquisite room in Europe, where, in 1099, had been given a feast.
IN THE XIII century Heinrich III canal Griboyedova side house masters are readily combining both techniques,And during his reign the first parliament was held (from the French verb «pаrler»- to talk). In 1265, the knights were invited from the counties and the representatives of the different cities.30 Years parliament has become more democratic, as its members have been appointed, and had been chosen.
IN 1550, a meeting of the house of commons and house of Lords in the separately took place in richly decorated chapel. Stefan.At this time the excitement Westminster Hall was completed surprisingly beautiful bar graph overlap of carving wood oak wood. When, in 1660, the Holy See tossed Karl II, skull Oliver busy Cromwell was hanged at the peak,Installed on the roof, where, and has remained in the 25 years.
IN THE NINETEENTH century the main problem was population growth. Plans for restructuring the city had to accelerate after theAs one night sky over London озарилось passionate flame fire. Westminster Palace was engulfed in flames in 1834. His recovery instructed Sir Charles Barry,That he and made a magnificent gothic style using the August Пугина logged beautiful interiors. The Chapel of St. Stephen was renamed the Hall of St. Stephen. This is a wide corridor with paintings,Marble sculptures and a brass pointer to the place, where previously called chair speaker.
Charnel House and Westminster-hall survived,However, related to the house of commons was again destroyed during the second world war. The tradition each British citizen has the right to be accepted as a member of parliament of the district.Such meetings are taking place in the main lobby. During the meetings of parliament citizens are allowed to monitor the debate with galleries to the public. Even the queen may not disrupt parliamentary tradition.At the time of the opening of the session of Parliament it should sit in the reign in the house of lords, while the prime minister and the members of the cabinet is composed of the house of commons. This custom dates back to the era Charles I,Who broke into the parliament, demanding arrest 5 of its members. But the attempt was unsuccessful.

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Морфемный разбор слова:

Однокоренные слова к слову:

букингемский дворец

1 Букингемский дворец

2 Букингемский дворец

3 букингемский дворец

4 Букингемский дворец

5 Букингемский дворец

См. также в других словарях:

БУКИНГЕМСКИЙ ДВОРЕЦ — (Buckingham Palace), официальная резиденция британских монархов. Расположен в Лондоне (см. ЛОНДОН (Великобритания)) (Соединенное Королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии (см. ВЕЛИКОБРИТАНИЯ (государство))). Является самым большим… … Энциклопедический словарь

Букингемский дворец — Координаты: 51°30′03″ с. ш. 0°08′31″ з. д. / 51.500833° с. ш. 0.141944° з. д. … Википедия

Букингемский дворец — (Buckingham Palace)Buckingham Palace, лондонская резиденция королей Великобритании начиная с 1837г.; Б. д. прилегает к Сент Джеймс парку в Вестминстере. Он был выстроен для герцога Букингемского в начале 18в.; в 1761г. дворец был куплен королем… … Страны мира. Словарь

Букингемский дворец — Букинг емский двор ец (в Лондоне) … Русский орфографический словарь

Дворец Линлитгоу — (англ. Linlithgow Palace) находи … Википедия

Дворец Хэмптон-корт — Въезд во дворец Тюдоров (нач. XVI в.) Хэмптон Корт (Hampton Court) бывшая загородная резиденция английских королей, расположенная на берегу Темзы в лондонском предместье Ричмонд на Темзе. Дворец был заложен в 1514 г. всемогущим кардиналом Волси,… … Википедия

Дворец Ламбет — Вид дворцового ансамбля с противоположного берега Темзы. Ламбетский дворец (англ. Lambeth Palace) лондонская резиденция архиепископа Кентерберийского, расположенная на южном берегу Темзы, в районе Ламбет. Участок на другом берегу от Вестминстера… … Википедия

Букингэмский дворец — Координаты: 51°30′03″ с. ш. 0°08′31″ з. д. / 51.500833° с. ш … Википедия

Сент-Джеймсский дворец — Достопримечательность Сент Джеймсский дворец St. James’s Palace … Википедия

Кенсингтонский дворец — Памятник королеве Виктории в Кенсингтонском саду перед дворцом. Кенсингтонский дворец (Kensington Palace) небольшой и нарочито скромный дворе … Википедия

Сент-Джеймский дворец — Дворцовый портал XVI в. Сент Джеймсский дворец (англ. St. James’s Palace) один из старейших в Лондоне. Находится на улице Пэлл Мэлл к северу от одноимённого парка. Построен на месте средневекового лепрозория св. Иакова (Джеймса) из красного… … Википедия


Buckingham Palace – Букингемский дворец

Дорогой ученик! В этом материале подготовлен рассказ про Букингемский дворец. Под английским текстом есть перевод на русский язык.

Buckingham Palace is the London residence and administrative headquarters of the monarch of the United Kingdom.

Located in the City of Westminster, the palace is often at the centre of state occasions and royal hospitality. The palace has 775 rooms and the largest private garden in London.

Buckingham Palace finally became the principal royal residence in 1837, on the accession of Queen Victoria, who was the first monarch to reside there; her predecessor William IV had died before its completion.

Every year, over 50,000 invited guests are entertained at garden parties, receptions, and banquets. Garden parties are held in the summer, usually in July.

The forecourt of Buckingham Palace is used for Changing of the Guard, a major ceremony and tourist attraction (daily from April to July; every other day in other months).

Букингемский дворец является лондонской резиденцией и административной штаб-квартирой монарха Соединенного Королевства.

Расположенный в Вестминстере, дворец часто служит центром государственных мероприятий и королевского гостеприимства. Во дворце 775 комнат, а также самый большой частный сад в Лондоне.

Букингемский дворец стал главной королевской резиденцией в 1837 году после вступления на престол королевы Виктории, которая была первым монархом, проживающим там; ее предшественник Уильям IV умер до завершения строительства.

Каждый год более 50 000 приглашенных гостей отдыхают на вечеринках в саду, приемах и банкетах. Вечеринки в саду проводятся летом, обычно в июле.

Передний двор Букингемского дворца используется для смены караула – главной церемонии и туристической достопримечательности (ежедневно с апреля по июль; через день в другие месяцы).


Buckingham palace – исторические факты на английском языке

Одна из самых зна­ме­ни­тых досто­при­ме­ча­тель­но­стей Лон­до­на – это Букин­гем­ский дво­рец (Buckingham palace). Суще­ству­ет мно­го исто­ри­че­ских собы­тий свя­зан­ных с этим местом и инте­рес­ных фак­тов, кото­рые вас уди­вят. Пред­ла­га­ем позна­ко­мить­ся с ними на англий­ском язы­ке, при необ­хо­ди­мо­сти читай­те перевод.

Сочинение о buckingham palace

Вариант 1

Buckingham Palace has served as the official London residence of the UK’s sovereigns since 1837 and today is the administrative headquarters of the Monarch. Despite being the place where many official events are held, the State Rooms at Buckingham Palace are also open to visitors every summer. The Queen and the Royal Family stay at the Palace on weekdays.

They have rooms on the first floor of the north wing. When the Queen is staying the Royal Standard flag is flown above the central balcony. The Queen has an office where she usually works. Prince Charles has his own office and library there.

However before becoming the administrative headquarters of the Monarch Buckingham House was bought by George III in 1761 for his wife. It was used as a family house and almost all George III’s children were born there. The court functions at that time were held in St.James Palace that was situated close to Buckingham House.

George IV, the son of George III, decided to reconstruct the House and transform it into a palace. John Nash selected as an architect retained the main block but added a new suite of rooms. Those rooms are now known as State and semi-State Rooms and they remain unchanged since Nash’s time.

Today Bukingham Palace is a working building where official meetings, royal events and different ceremonies take place. Each year the Palace is visited by more than 50.000 people who come to the State bacnquets, lunches and dinners.


Букин­гем­ский Дво­рец явля­ет­ся офи­ци­аль­ной рези­ден­ци­ей пра­ви­тель­ства Объ­еди­нен­но­го Коро­лев­ства с 1837 года, а сего­дня это еще и адми­ни­стра­тив­ный орган управ­ле­ния монар­ха. Несмот­ря на то, что во Двор­це про­во­дят­ся мно­гие офи­ци­аль­ные меро­при­я­тия, залы для при­е­мов и цере­мо­ний Букин­гем­ско­го Двор­ца откры­ты для посе­ти­те­лей каж­дое лето.

Коро­ле­ва и Коро­лев­ская семья про­во­дят во Двор­це буд­ние дни. Их ком­на­ты рас­по­ло­же­ны на пер­вом эта­же север­но­го кры­ла зда­ния. Когда коро­ле­ва нахо­дит­ся в Букин­гем­ском Двор­це, над цен­траль­ным бал­ко­ном раз­ве­ва­ет­ся флаг монар­ха Вели­ко­бри­та­нии. У коро­ле­вы есть свой каби­нет, где она обыч­но рабо­та­ет. У прин­ца Чарль­за так­же есть там свой каби­нет и библиотека.

Одна­ко, преж­де чем стать адми­ни­стра­тив­ным орга­ном управ­ле­ния монар­ха, Бакин­гем-хаус был куп­лен Геор­гом III в 1761 году для жены. Он исполь­зо­вал­ся как дом для семьи пра­ви­те­ля, там роди­лись почти все его дети. Прав­ле­ние в то вре­мя осу­ществ­ля­лось во двор­це Сэнт-Джэймс, кото­рый нахо­дил­ся рядом с Букин­гем­ским Дворцом.

Георг IV, сын Геор­га III, решил пере­де­лать дом и пре­вра­тить его во дво­рец. Джон Нэш, выбран­ный архи­тек­то­ром, сохра­нил основ­ную часть зда­ния, но доба­вил ряд новых ком­нат, кото­рые сего­дня извест­ны как парад­ные и полу парад­ные ком­на­ты. Они оста­лись неиз­мен­ны со вре­мен Нэша.

На сего­дняш­ний день Букин­гем­ский Дво­рец – дей­ству­ю­щее зда­ние, где про­хо­дят офи­ци­аль­ные встре­чи, коро­лев­ские меро­при­я­тия и цере­мо­нии. Каж­дый год Дво­рец посе­ща­ет более 50.000 людей, кото­рые при­хо­дят на госу­дар­ствен­ные бан­ке­ты, лан­чи и ужины.

Вариант 2

Buckingham Palace is the London residence and administrative headquarters of the monarch of the United Kingdom.

Located in the City of Westminster, the palace is often at the centre of state occasions and royal hospitality. The palace has 775 rooms, and the garden is the largest private garden in London.

Buckingham Palace finally became the principal royal residence in 1837, on the accession of Queen Victoria, who was the first monarch to reside there; her predecessor William IV had died before its completion.

Every year, over 50,000 invited guests are entertained at garden parties, receptions, and banquets. Garden parties are held in the summer, usually in July.

The forecourt of Buckingham Palace is used for Changing of the Guard, a major ceremony and tourist attraction (daily from April to July; every other day in other months).


Букин­гем­ский дво­рец явля­ет­ся лон­дон­ской рези­ден­ци­ей и адми­ни­стра­тив­ной штаб-квар­ти­рой монар­ха Соеди­нен­но­го Королевства.

Рас­по­ло­жен­ный в Вест­мин­сте­ре, дво­рец часто слу­жит цен­тром госу­дар­ствен­ных меро­при­я­тий и коро­лев­ско­го госте­при­им­ства. Во двор­це 775 ком­нат, а так­же самый боль­шой част­ный сад в Лондоне.

Букин­гем­ский дво­рец стал глав­ной коро­лев­ской рези­ден­ци­ей в 1837 году после вступ­ле­ния на пре­стол коро­ле­вы Вик­то­рии, кото­рая была пер­вым монар­хом, про­жи­ва­ю­щим там; ее пред­ше­ствен­ник Уильям IV умер до завер­ше­ния строительства.

Каж­дый год более 50 000 при­гла­шен­ных гостей отды­ха­ют на вече­рин­ках в саду, при­е­мах и бан­ке­тах. Вече­рин­ки в саду про­во­дят­ся летом, обыч­но в июле.

Перед­ний двор Букин­гем­ско­го двор­ца исполь­зу­ет­ся для сме­ны кара­у­ла – глав­ной цере­мо­нии и тури­сти­че­ской досто­при­ме­ча­тель­но­сти (еже­днев­но с апре­ля по июль; через день в дру­гие месяцы).

Вариант 3

So many unusual and beautiful places are in the world. I would like to see some of them, but most of all I would like to visit Great Britain. I think all people who study English at school or university dream about visiting this country.

Just imagine London Bridge, Westminster Abbey and of course Buckingham palace.

Buckingham Palace is official residence of British monarchs. Nowadays queen Elizabeth II lives there. Near this building you can find a monument of queen Victory.

The style of this building is neoclassical architecture. William Wild was the author of that great building. The Buckingham Palace was built in 1703.

The story of this building is very long and interesting. In the beginning it was not supposed to be for monarchs, but only for dukes. Later on queen Victory liked that place a lot, she made some changes there and became the owner.

There are many pictures in internet. I can look at them every day, but I am sure that in reality it’s much more bigger and more beautiful.

The tourists can come inside, but they are not allowed to walk around the whole palace. You just need to check the schedule and prepare your photo camera.

At school we used to study some things about London and Buckingham Palace, I watched different programs, but I would prefer to see it in reality.

Every year thousands of tourists come to visit London and Buckingham Palace is a place number one to see. I hope one day I will travel to Great Britain and I will see the most popular places in London.


Так мно­го необыч­ных и кра­си­вых мест в мире. Я бы очень хоте­ла пови­дать их одна­жды, но боль­ше все­го я меч­таю посе­тить Вели­ко­бри­та­нию. Я думаю, люди, кото­рые изу­ча­ют англий­ский в шко­ле и уни­вер­си­те­те, про­сто меч­та­ют посе­тить эту чудес­ную страну.

Толь­ко пред­ставь­те Лон­дон­ский мост, Вест­мин­стер­ское аббат­ство и конеч­но же, Букин­гем­ский дворец.

Букин­гем­ский дво­рец – офи­ци­аль­ная рези­ден­ция бри­тан­ских монар­хов. Сего­дня там живет Ели­за­ве­та II. Воз­ле это­го зда­ния вы може­те уви­деть памят­ник коро­ле­ве Вик­то­рии. Соору­же­ние выпол­не­но в сти­ле нео­клас­си­циз­ма. Уильям Уальд явля­ет­ся авто­ром это­го зда­ния. А постро­е­но оно было в 1703 году.

Исто­рия его доста­точ­но длин­ная и инте­рес­ная. Вна­ча­ле оно не пред­на­зна­ча­лось для монар­хов, а было постро­е­но для гер­цо­га. Поз­же оно так при­гля­ну­лась коро­ле­ве Вик­то­рии, что она внес­ла туда неко­то­рые изме­не­ния и ста­ла владелицей.

В интер­не­те есть мно­го фото­гра­фий это­го чудес­но­го места. Я могу про­смат­ри­вать их каж­дый день, но уве­ре­на, что оно гораз­до боль­ше и красивее.

Тури­сты могут загля­нуть вовнутрь, но по все­му двор­цу про­гу­лять­ся нель­зя. Нуж­но толь­ко про­ве­рить рас­пи­са­ние посе­ще­ния и при­го­то­вить фотокамеру.

В шко­ле мы изу­ча­ли кое-что о Лон­доне и Букин­гем­ском двор­це, я смот­ре­ла теле­пе­ре­да­чи, но все же хочу посмот­реть на него вжи­вую. Каж­дый год тыся­чи тури­стов посе­ща­ют Лон­дон и Букин­гем­ский дво­рец – это топо­вое место, кото­рое каж­дый хочет уви­деть. Наде­юсь, одна­жды я побы­ваю в Вели­ко­бри­та­нии и уви­жу самые попу­ляр­ные места Лондона.

Выражения и фразы по теме


Букингемский дворецБукингемский дво

Букингемский дворец (англ. Buckingham Palace) — официальная лондонская резиденция британских монархов и самый большой действующий королевский дворец в мире. В настоящее время это резиденция королевы Елизаветы II.

Первоначально Букингемский дворец был известен как дом Букингэма, построенный для герцога Букингемского в 1703 году. Он был приобретён королём Георгом III в 1762 для его частной резиденции (Сент-Джеймский дворец перестал устраивать его и величиной, и отделкой). В течение последующих 75 лет архитекторы Джон Нэш и Эдвард Блор (автор Алупкинского дворца) построили три флигеля вокруг центрального двора.

Дворец был официально объявлен главной резиденцией британских монархов при вступлении на престол королевы Виктории в 1837 году. В её правление были сделаны последние большие дополнения, постройка ещё одного флигеля и перенесение бывшего парадного входа, Мраморной Арки (Marble Arch), на нынешнее место возле Ораторского уголка в Гайд-парке. Перед дворцовыми воротами стоит монумент в честь королевы Виктории.

Сады Букингемского дворца — самые большие частные сады в Лондоне, первоначально созданы Lancelot «Capability» Brown и позднее переделены Вилльямом Эйлтоном и Джоном Нэшем. Большой искусственный пруд был закончен в 1828 году.
Здание Парламента

Buckingham Palace (Engl. Buckingham Palace) is the official London residence of British monarchs and the largest existing Royal Palace in the world. Currently, it is the residence of Queen Elizabeth II.

Buckingham Palace Originally was known as Buckingham House, built for the Duke of Buckingham in 1703. It was purchased by King George III in 1762 for his private residence (St. James Palace ceased to hold it and the size, and trim). Over the next 75 years by architects John Nash and Edward Blore (author of the alupka Palace) built three wings around a central courtyard.

The Palace was officially announced as the main residence of British monarchs on the throne accession of Queen Victoria in 1837. In her reign was the last great additions, the construction of one more of the wing and moving the former main entrance, Marble Arch (Marble Arch), to its present location near the speakers ‘ corner in Hyde Park. In front of the Palace gate, stands a monument in honour of Queen Victoria.

The original Georgian Interior included artificial marble and blue and pink Lapis. King Edward VII greatly redid it in the style of the French Belle? poque in cream and gold tones. Many smaller reception rooms are furnished in the Chinese style furniture from the Royal Palace at Brighton and from Carlton House Palace.

Gardens of Buckingham Palace is the largest private garden in London originally created by Lancelot «Capability» Brown and later peredeleny Vill′âmom Èjltonom and John Nash. A large artificial lake was completed in 1828.

The building of the Parliament in the Palace of Westminster, one of the most famous buildings in the world, is the Parliament of the United Kingdom: the House of Lords and House of Commons.
The first Palace was built for King Edward the Confessor, who assumed the throne in 1042. Forty-five years later, William Rufus, the son of William the Conqueror, ordered to build Westminster Hall-the most exquisite room in Europe, where in the year 1099 was a feast.
Henry III in the 13th century painted Chamber, propped the and during his reign the first Parliament was held (from the French verb parler «-speak). In 1265, the Knights were invited here from representatives of various cities and counties. After 30 years, the Parliament has become more democratic, because its members are not appointed and selected.
From 1550, the proceedings in the House of Commons and the House of Lords took place separately in the ornate Chapel of St. Stefan. At this time the splendor of Westminster-Hall was supplemented by a beautiful beamed ceiling of carved oak wood. In 1660, Charles II ascended to the throne, the skull of Oliver Cromwell was hanged at the peak, installed on the roof, where he remained for 25 years.
In the 19th century, the main problem was the growth of the population. The city had to speed up restructuring plans after how one night sky over London has lit up a furious flame of fire. The Palace of Westminster was engulfed in flames in 1834. It was Sir Charles Barry, which he did in a magnificent Gothic style by August, the spectacular decoration of Nadezhda Pugina. St. Stephen’s Chapel was renamed the Hall of St. Stephen. This is a wide corridor with paintings, marble statues and brass pointer at the spot where formerly stood a Chair speaker.
Crypt and Westminster Hall survived, However, adjacent to the House of Commons was again destroyed during the second world war. By tradition, each British citizen has the right to be accepted as a member of Parliament in their constituency. Such meetings are held in the lobby. During the meetings of the Parliament, citizens are allowed to follow the debate from the Gallery to the public. Even the Queen could not disrupt parliamentary traditions. During the State opening of Parliament sessions it should sit on the throne in the House of Lords, while the Prime Minister and members of the Cabinet are from the House of Commons. This custom dates back to the era of Charles I, who broke into the Parliament, demanding the arrest of 5 of its members. But this attempt failed.


Buckingham Palace — топик по английскому

Buckingham Palace has served as the official London residence of the UK’s sovereigns since 1837 and today is the administrative headquarters of the Monarch. Despite being the place where many official events are held, the State Rooms at Buckingham Palace are also open to visitors every summer.

The Queen and the Royal Family stay at the Palace on weekdays. They have rooms on the first floor of the north wing. When the Queen is staying the Royal Standard flag is flown above the central balcony. The Queen has an office where she usually works. Prince Charles has his own office and library there.

However before becoming the administrative headquarters of the Monarch Buckingham House was bought by George III in 1761 for his wife. It was used as a family house and almost all George III’s children were born there. The court functions at that time were held in St.James Palace that was situated close to Buckingham House.

George IV, the son of George III, decided to reconstruct the House and transform it into a palace. John Nash selected as an architect retained the main block but added a new suite of rooms. Those rooms are now known as State and semi-State Rooms and they remain unchanged since Nash’s time.

Today Bukingham Palace is a working building where official meetings, royal events and different ceremonies take place. Each year the Palace is visited by more than 50.000 people who come to the State bacnquets, lunches and dinners.


Букингемский Дворец является официальной резиденцией правительства Объединенного Королевства с 1837 года, а сегодня это еще и административный орган управления монарха. Несмотря на то, что во Дворце проводятся многие официальные мероприятия, залы для приемов и церемоний Букингемского Дворца открыты для посетителей каждое лето.

Королева и Королевская семья проводят во Дворце будние дни. Их комнаты расположены на первом этаже северного крыла здания. Когда королева находится в Букингемском Дворце, над центральным балконом развевается флаг монарха Великобритании. У королевы есть свой кабинет, где она обычно работает. У принца Чарльза также есть там свой кабинет и библиотека.

Однако, прежде чем стать административным органом управления монарха, Бакингем-хаус был куплен Георгом III в 1761 году для жены. Он использовался как дом для семьи правителя, там родились почти все его дети. Правление в то время осуществлялось во дворце Сэнт-Джэймс, который находился рядом с Букингемским Дворцом.

Георг IV, сын Георга III, решил переделать дом и превратить его во дворец. Джон Нэш, выбранный архитектором, сохранил основную часть здания, но добавил ряд новых комнат, которые сегодня известны как парадные и полу парадные комнаты. Они остались неизменны со времен Нэша.

На сегодняшний день Букингемский Дворец – действующее здание, где проходят официальные встречи, королевские мероприятия и церемонии. Каждый год Дворец посещает более 50.000 людей, которые приходят на государственные банкеты, ланчи и ужины.

Выражения и фразы по теме:

Official residence – официальная резиденция

Administrative headquarters – административный орган управления

Suite of rooms – анфилада/ряд комнат

To hold a meeting/event – проводить мероприятие/собрание


Теперь вы знаете какие однокоренные слова подходят к слову Как пишется букингемский дворец на английском, а так же какой у него корень, приставка, суффикс и окончание. Вы можете дополнить список однокоренных слов к слову «Как пишется букингемский дворец на английском», предложив свой вариант в комментариях ниже, а также выразить свое несогласие проведенным с морфемным разбором.

Coordinates: 51°30′3″N 0°8′31″W / 51.50083°N 0.14194°W

Aerial view of the palace with crowds outside celebrating Elizabeth II's official 90th birthday

Aerial view of Buckingham Palace during Queen Elizabeth II’s official 90th birthday celebrations in 2016. The principal façade, the East Front, was originally completed in 1850, and was remodelled in 1913 by Aston Webb.

Buckingham Palace ()[1] is a London royal residence and the administrative headquarters of the monarch of the United Kingdom.[a][2] Located in the City of Westminster, the palace is often at the centre of state occasions and royal hospitality. It has been a focal point for the British people at times of national rejoicing and mourning.

Originally known as Buckingham House, the building at the core of today’s palace was a large townhouse built for the Duke of Buckingham in 1703 on a site that had been in private ownership for at least 150 years. It was acquired by King George III in 1761 as a private residence for Queen Charlotte and became known as The Queen’s House. During the 19th century it was enlarged by architects John Nash and Edward Blore, who constructed three wings around a central courtyard. Buckingham Palace became the London residence of the British monarch on the accession of Queen Victoria in 1837.

The last major structural additions were made in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, including the East Front, which contains the well-known balcony on which the royal family traditionally appears to greet crowds. A German bomb destroyed the palace chapel during the Second World War; the Queen’s Gallery was built on the site and opened to the public in 1962 to exhibit works of art from the Royal Collection.

The original early-19th-century interior designs, many of which survive, include widespread use of brightly coloured scagliola and blue and pink lapis, on the advice of Sir Charles Long. King Edward VII oversaw a partial redecoration in a Belle Époque cream and gold colour scheme. Many smaller reception rooms are furnished in the Chinese regency style with furniture and fittings brought from the Royal Pavilion at Brighton and from Carlton House. The palace has 775 rooms, and the garden is the largest private garden in London. The state rooms, used for official and state entertaining, are open to the public each year for most of August and September and on some days in winter and spring.



In the Middle Ages, the site of the future palace formed part of the Manor of Ebury (also called Eia). The marshy ground was watered by the river Tyburn, which still flows below the courtyard and south wing of the palace.[3] Where the river was fordable (at Cow Ford), the village of Eye Cross grew. Ownership of the site changed hands many times; owners included Edward the Confessor and Edith of Wessex in late Saxon times, and, after the Norman Conquest, William the Conqueror. William gave the site to Geoffrey de Mandeville, who bequeathed it to the monks of Westminster Abbey.[b]

In 1531, Henry VIII acquired the Hospital of St James, which became St James’s Palace,[4] from Eton College, and in 1536 he took the Manor of Ebury from Westminster Abbey.[5] These transfers brought the site of Buckingham Palace back into royal hands for the first time since William the Conqueror had given it away almost 500 years earlier.[6] Various owners leased it from royal landlords, and the freehold was the subject of frenzied speculation during the 17th century. By then, the old village of Eye Cross had long since fallen into decay, and the area was mostly wasteland.[7] Needing money, James VI and I sold off part of the Crown freehold but retained part of the site on which he established a four-acre (1.6 ha) mulberry garden for the production of silk. (This is at the north-west corner of today’s palace.)[8] Clement Walker in Anarchia Anglicana (1649) refers to «new-erected sodoms and spintries at the Mulberry Garden at S. James’s»; this suggests it may have been a place of debauchery. Eventually, in the late 17th century, the freehold was inherited from the property tycoon Sir Hugh Audley by the great heiress Mary Davies.[c]

First houses on the site (1624–1761)[edit]

Buckingham House, c. 1710

Possibly the first house erected within the site was that of Sir William Blake, around 1624.[9] The next owner was Lord Goring, who from 1633 extended Blake’s house, which came to be known as Goring House, and developed much of today’s garden, then known as Goring Great Garden.[10][11] He did not, however, obtain the freehold interest in the mulberry garden. Unbeknown to Goring, in 1640 the document «failed to pass the Great Seal before Charles I fled London, which it needed to do for legal execution».[12] It was this critical omission that would help the British royal family regain the freehold under George III.[13] When the improvident Goring defaulted on his rents,[14] Henry Bennet, 1st Earl of Arlington was able to purchase the lease of Goring House and he was occupying it when it burned down in 1674,[11] following which he constructed Arlington House on the site—the location of the southern wing of today’s palace—the next year.[11] In 1698, John Sheffield acquired the lease. He later became the first Duke of Buckingham and Normanby.[15] Buckingham House was built for Sheffield in 1703 to the design of William Winde. The style chosen was of a large, three-floored central block with two smaller flanking service wings.[16] It was eventually sold by Buckingham’s illegitimate son, Sir Charles Sheffield, in 1761[17] to George III for £21,000.[18][d] Sheffield’s leasehold on the mulberry garden site, the freehold of which was still owned by the royal family, was due to expire in 1774.[19]

From Queen’s House to palace (1761–1837)[edit]

Under the new royal ownership, the building was originally intended as a private retreat for Queen Charlotte, and was accordingly known as The Queen’s House. Remodelling of the structure began in 1762.[20] In 1775, an Act of Parliament settled the property on Queen Charlotte, in exchange for her rights to nearby Somerset House,[21][e] and 14 of her 15 children were born there. Some furnishings were transferred from Carlton House and others had been bought in France after the French Revolution[22] of 1789. While St James’s Palace remained the official and ceremonial royal residence,[21] the name «Buckingham-palace» was used from at least 1791.[23] After his accession to the throne in 1820, George IV continued the renovation intending to create a small, comfortable home. However, in 1826, while the work was in progress, the King decided to modify the house into a palace with the help of his architect John Nash.[24] The external façade was designed, keeping in mind the French neoclassical influence preferred by George IV. The cost of the renovations grew dramatically, and by 1829 the extravagance of Nash’s designs resulted in his removal as the architect. On the death of George IV in 1830, his younger brother William IV hired Edward Blore to finish the work.[25][26] William never moved into the palace. After the Palace of Westminster was destroyed by fire in 1834, he offered to convert Buckingham Palace into a new Houses of Parliament, but his offer was declined.[27]

Queen Victoria (1837–1901)[edit]

The palace c. 1837, depicting Marble Arch, a ceremonial entrance. It was moved to make way for the east wing in 1847.

Buckingham Palace became the principal royal residence in 1837, on the accession of Queen Victoria,[28] who was the first monarch to reside there; her predecessor William IV had died before its completion.[29] While the state rooms were a riot of gilt and colour, the necessities of the new palace were somewhat less luxurious. It was reported the chimneys smoked so much that the fires had to be allowed to die down, and consequently the palace was often cold.[30] Ventilation was so bad that the interior smelled, and when it was decided to install gas lamps, there was a serious worry about the build-up of gas on the lower floors. It was also said that the staff were lax and lazy and the palace was dirty.[30] Following the Queen’s marriage in 1840, her husband, Prince Albert, concerned himself with a reorganisation of the household offices and staff, and with addressing the design faults of the palace.[31] By the end of 1840, all the problems had been rectified. However, the builders were to return within a decade.[31]

By 1847, the couple had found the palace too small for court life and their growing family[32] and a new wing, designed by Edward Blore, was built by Thomas Cubitt,[33] enclosing the central quadrangle. The large East Front, facing The Mall, is today the «public face» of Buckingham Palace and contains the balcony from which the royal family acknowledge the crowds on momentous occasions and after the annual Trooping the Colour.[34] The ballroom wing and a further suite of state rooms were also built in this period, designed by Nash’s student Sir James Pennethorne.[35] Before Prince Albert’s death, the palace was frequently the scene of musical entertainments,[36] and the most celebrated contemporary musicians entertained at Buckingham Palace. The composer Felix Mendelssohn is known to have played there on three occasions.[37] Johann Strauss II and his orchestra played there when in England.[38] Under Victoria, Buckingham Palace was frequently the scene of lavish costume balls, in addition to the usual royal ceremonies, investitures and presentations.[39]

Widowed in 1861, the grief-stricken Queen withdrew from public life and left Buckingham Palace to live at Windsor Castle, Balmoral Castle and Osborne House. For many years the palace was seldom used, even neglected. In 1864, a note was found pinned to the fence of Buckingham Palace, saying: «These commanding premises to be let or sold, in consequence of the late occupant’s declining business.»[40] Eventually, public opinion persuaded the Queen to return to London, though even then she preferred to live elsewhere whenever possible. Court functions were still held at Windsor Castle, presided over by the sombre Queen habitually dressed in mourning black, while Buckingham Palace remained shuttered for most of the year.[41]

Early 20th century (1901–1945)[edit]

The east wing public façade, enclosing the courtyard, was built between 1847 and 1850; it was remodelled to its present form in 1913.

In 1901, the new king, Edward VII, began redecorating the palace. The King and his wife, Queen Alexandra, had always been at the forefront of London high society, and their friends, known as «the Marlborough House Set», were considered to be the most eminent and fashionable of the age. Buckingham Palace—the Ballroom, Grand Entrance, Marble Hall, Grand Staircase, vestibules and galleries were redecorated in the Belle Époque cream and gold colour scheme they retain today—once again became a setting for entertaining on a majestic scale but leaving some to feel Edward’s heavy redecorations were at odds with Nash’s original work.[42]

The last major building work took place during the reign of George V when, in 1913, Sir Aston Webb redesigned Blore’s 1850 East Front to resemble in part Giacomo Leoni’s Lyme Park in Cheshire. This new refaced principal façade (of Portland stone) was designed to be the backdrop to the Victoria Memorial, a large memorial statue of Queen Victoria created by sculptor Sir Thomas Brock, erected outside the main gates on a surround constructed by architect Sir Aston Webb.[43] George V, who had succeeded Edward VII in 1910, had a more serious personality than his father; greater emphasis was now placed on official entertainment and royal duties than on lavish parties.[44] He arranged a series of command performances featuring jazz musicians such as the Original Dixieland Jazz Band (1919; the first jazz performance for a head of state), Sidney Bechet and Louis Armstrong (1932), which earned the palace a nomination in 2009 for a (Kind of) Blue Plaque by the Brecon Jazz Festival as one of the venues making the greatest contribution to jazz music in the United Kingdom.[45][46]

During the First World War, which lasted from 1914 until 1918, the palace escaped unscathed. Its more valuable contents were evacuated to Windsor, but the royal family remained in residence. The King imposed rationing at the palace, much to the dismay of his guests and household.[47] To the King’s later regret, David Lloyd George persuaded him to go further and ostentatiously lock the wine cellars and refrain from alcohol, to set a good example to the supposedly inebriated working class. The workers continued to imbibe, and the King was left unhappy at his enforced abstinence.[48]

George V’s wife, Queen Mary, was a connoisseur of the arts and took a keen interest in the Royal Collection of furniture and art, both restoring and adding to it. Queen Mary also had many new fixtures and fittings installed, such as the pair of marble Empire-style chimneypieces by Benjamin Vulliamy, dating from 1810, which the Queen had installed in the ground floor Bow Room, the huge low room at the centre of the garden façade. Queen Mary was also responsible for the decoration of the Blue Drawing Room.[49] This room, 69 feet (21 metres) long, previously known as the South Drawing Room, has a ceiling designed by Nash, coffered with huge gilt console brackets.[50] In 1938, the northwest pavilion, designed by Nash as a conservatory, was converted into a swimming pool.[51]

Second World War[edit]

External video
video icon Buckingham Palace Bombed (1940) – Newsreel of damage to the palace and chapel (1:08)

During the Second World War, which broke out in 1939, the palace was bombed nine times.[52] The most serious and publicised incident destroyed the palace chapel in 1940. This event was shown in cinemas throughout the United Kingdom to show the common suffering of the rich and poor. One bomb fell in the palace quadrangle while George VI and Queen Elizabeth (the future Queen Mother) were in the palace, and many windows were blown in and the chapel destroyed.[53] Wartime coverage of such incidents was severely restricted, however. The King and Queen were filmed inspecting their bombed home; it was at this time the Queen famously declared: «I’m glad we have been bombed. Now I can look the East End in the face».[54] The royal family were seen as sharing their subjects’ hardship, as The Sunday Graphic reported:

By the Editor: The King and Queen have endured the ordeal which has come to their subjects. For the second time a German bomber has tried to bring death and destruction to the home of Their Majesties … When this war is over the common danger which King George and Queen Elizabeth have shared with their people will be a cherished memory and an inspiration through the years.[55]

On 15 September 1940, known as Battle of Britain Day, an RAF pilot, Ray Holmes of No. 504 Squadron RAF rammed a German Dornier Do 17 bomber he believed was going to bomb the Palace. Holmes had run out of ammunition and made the quick decision to ram it. Holmes bailed out and the aircraft crashed into the forecourt of London Victoria station.[56] The bomber’s engine was later exhibited at the Imperial War Museum in London. The British pilot became a King’s Messenger after the war and died at the age of 90 in 2005.[57] On VE Day—8 May 1945—the palace was the centre of British celebrations. The King, the Queen, Princess Elizabeth (the future queen) and Princess Margaret appeared on the balcony, with the palace’s blacked-out windows behind them, to cheers from a vast crowd in The Mall.[58] The damaged Palace was carefully restored after the war by John Mowlem & Co.[59]

Mid 20th century to present day[edit]

Many of the palace’s contents are part of the Royal Collection, held in trust by King Charles III; they can, on occasion, be viewed by the public at the Queen’s Gallery, near the Royal Mews. The purpose-built gallery opened in 1962 and displays a changing selection of items from the collection.[60] It occupies the site of the chapel that was destroyed in the Second World War.[15] The palace was designated a Grade I listed building in 1970.[61] Its state rooms have been open to the public during August and September and on some dates throughout the year since 1993. The money raised in entry fees was originally put towards the rebuilding of Windsor Castle after the 1992 fire devastated many of its staterooms.[62] In the year to 31 March 2017, 580,000 people visited the palace, and 154,000 visited the gallery.[63]

The palace used to racially segregate staff. In 1968, Charles Tryon, 2nd Baron Tryon, acting as treasurer to Queen Elizabeth II, sought to exempt Buckingham Palace from full application of the Race Relations Act 1968.[64][65] He stated that the palace did not hire people of colour for clerical jobs, only as domestic servants. He arranged with Civil servants for an exemption that meant that complaints of racism against the royal household would be sent directly to the Home Secretary and kept out of the legal system.[65]

The palace, like Windsor Castle, is owned by the reigning monarch in right of the Crown. Occupied royal palaces are not part of the Crown Estate,[66] nor are they the monarch’s personal property, unlike Sandringham House and Balmoral Castle.[67] The Government of the United Kingdom is responsible for maintaining the palace in exchange for the profits made by the Crown Estate.[68] In 2015, the State Dining Room was closed for a year and a half because its ceiling had become potentially dangerous.[69] A 10-year schedule of maintenance work, including new plumbing, wiring, boilers and radiators, and the installation of solar panels on the roof, has been estimated to cost £369 million and was approved by the prime minister in November 2016. It will be funded by a temporary increase in the Sovereign Grant paid from the income of the Crown Estate and is intended to extend the building’s working life by at least 50 years.[70][71] In 2017, the House of Commons backed funding for the project by 464 votes to 56.[72]

Buckingham Palace is a symbol and home of the British monarchy, an art gallery and a tourist attraction. Behind the gilded railings and gates that were completed by the Bromsgrove Guild in 1911,[41] lies Webb’s famous façade, which was described in a book published by the Royal Collection Trust as looking «like everybody’s idea of a palace».[41] It has not only been a weekday home of Elizabeth II and Prince Philip but is also the London residence of the Duke of York and the Earl and Countess of Wessex. The palace also houses their offices, as well as those of the Princess Royal and Princess Alexandra, and is the workplace of more than 800 people.[73][74] Charles III lives at Clarence House while restoration work continues, although he conducts official business at Buckingham Palace, including weekly meetings with the Prime Minister.[75] Every year, some 50,000 invited guests are entertained at garden parties, receptions, audiences and banquets. Three garden parties are held in the summer, usually in July.[76] The forecourt of Buckingham Palace is used for the Changing of the Guard, a major ceremony and tourist attraction (daily from April to July; every other day in other months).[77]


Piano nobile of Buckingham Palace. The areas defined by shaded walls represent lower minor wings.

Note: This is an unscaled sketch plan for reference only. Proportions of some rooms may slightly differ in reality.

The front of the palace measures 355 feet (108 m) across, by 390 feet (120 m) deep, by 80 feet (24 m) high and contains over 830,000 square feet (77,000 m2) of floorspace.[78] There are 775 rooms, including 188 staff bedrooms, 92 offices, 78 bathrooms, 52 principal bedrooms and 19 state rooms. It also has a post office, cinema, swimming pool, doctor’s surgery[73] and jeweller’s workshop.[79] The Royal family occupy a small suite of private rooms in the north wing.[80]

Principal rooms[edit]

The principal rooms are contained on the first-floor piano nobile behind the west-facing garden façade at the rear of the palace. The centre of this ornate suite of state rooms is the Music Room, its large bow the dominant feature of the façade. Flanking the Music Room are the Blue and the White Drawing Rooms. At the centre of the suite, serving as a corridor to link the state rooms, is the Picture Gallery, which is top-lit and 55 yards (50 m) long.[81] The Gallery is hung with numerous works including some by Rembrandt, van Dyck, Rubens and Vermeer;[82] other rooms leading from the Picture Gallery are the Throne Room and the Green Drawing Room. The Green Drawing Room serves as a huge anteroom to the Throne Room, and is part of the ceremonial route to the throne from the Guard Room at the top of the Grand Staircase.[81] The Guard Room contains white marble statues of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert, in Roman costume, set in a tribune lined with tapestries. These very formal rooms are used only for ceremonial and official entertaining but are open to the public every summer.[83]

Semi-state apartments[edit]

Directly underneath the state apartments are the less grand semi-state apartments. Opening from the Marble Hall, these rooms are used for less formal entertaining, such as luncheon parties and private audiences. At the centre of this floor is the Bow Room, through which thousands of guests pass annually to the monarch’s garden parties.[84] When paying a state visit to Britain, foreign heads of state are usually entertained by the monarch at Buckingham Palace. They are allocated an extensive suite of rooms known as the Belgian Suite, situated at the foot of the Minister’s Staircase, on the ground floor of the west-facing Garden Wing. Some of the rooms are named and decorated for particular visitors, such as the 1844 Room, decorated in that year for the state visit of Nicholas I of Russia, and the 1855 Room, in honour of the visit of Napoleon III of France.[85] The former is a sitting room that also serves as an audience room and is often used for personal investitures. Narrow corridors link the rooms of the suite, one of them is given extra height and perspective by saucer domes designed by Nash in the style of Soane.[86] A second corridor in the suite has Gothic-influenced cross-over vaulting.[86] The suite was named after Leopold I of Belgium, uncle of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert. In 1936, the suite briefly became the private apartments of the palace when Edward VIII occupied them.[73] The original early-19th-century interior designs, many of which still survive, included widespread use of brightly coloured scagliola and blue and pink lapis, on the advice of Sir Charles Long. Edward VII oversaw a partial redecoration in a Belle Époque cream and gold colour scheme.[87]

East wing[edit]

Elizabeth II’s last appearance on the balcony during Platinum Jubilee celebrations in 2022.

Between 1847 and 1850, when Blore was building the new east wing, the Brighton Pavilion was once again plundered of its fittings. As a result, many of the rooms in the new wing have a distinctly oriental atmosphere. The red and blue Chinese Luncheon Room is made up of parts of the Brighton Banqueting and Music Rooms with a large oriental chimneypiece designed by Robert Jones and sculpted by Richard Westmacott.[88] It was formerly in the Music Room at the Brighton Pavilion.[88] The ornate clock, known as the Kylin Clock, was made in Jingdezhen, Jiangxi Province, China, in the second half of the 18th century; it has a later movement by Benjamin Vulliamy circa 1820.[89] The Yellow Drawing Room has wallpaper supplied in 1817 for the Brighton Saloon, and a chimneypiece which is a European vision of how the Chinese chimney piece may appear. It has nodding mandarins in niches and fearsome winged dragons, designed by Robert Jones.[90]

At the centre of this wing is the famous balcony with the Centre Room behind its glass doors. This is a Chinese-style saloon enhanced by Queen Mary, who, working with the designer Sir Charles Allom, created a more «binding»[91] Chinese theme in the late 1920s, although the lacquer doors were brought from Brighton in 1873. Running the length of the piano nobile of the east wing is the Great Gallery, modestly known as the Principal Corridor, which runs the length of the eastern side of the quadrangle.[92] It has mirrored doors and mirrored cross walls reflecting porcelain pagodas and other oriental furniture from Brighton. The Chinese Luncheon Room and Yellow Drawing Room are situated at each end of this gallery, with the Centre Room in between.[93]

Court ceremonies[edit]

Investitures, which include the conferring of knighthoods by dubbing with a sword, and other awards take place in the palace’s Ballroom, built in 1854. At 120 feet (36.6 m) long, 60 feet (18 m) wide and 45 feet (13.5 m) high,[73] it is the largest room in the palace. It has replaced the throne room in importance and use. During investitures, the King stands on the throne dais beneath a giant, domed velvet canopy, known as a shamiana or a baldachin, that was used at the Delhi Durbar in 1911.[94] A military band plays in the musicians’ gallery as award recipients approach the King and receive their honours, watched by their families and friends.[95]

A state banquet in the Ballroom

State banquets also take place in the Ballroom; these formal dinners are held on the first evening of a state visit by a foreign head of state.[95] On these occasions, for up to 170 guests in formal «white tie and decorations», including tiaras, the dining table is laid with the Grand Service, a collection of silver-gilt plate made in 1811 for the Prince of Wales, later George IV.[96] The largest and most formal reception at Buckingham Palace takes place every November when the King entertains members of the diplomatic corps.[97] On this grand occasion, all the state rooms are in use, as the royal family proceed through them,[98] beginning at the great north doors of the Picture Gallery. As Nash had envisaged, all the large, double-mirrored doors stand open, reflecting the numerous crystal chandeliers and sconces, creating a deliberate optical illusion of space and light.[99]

Smaller ceremonies such as the reception of new ambassadors take place in the «1844 Room». Here too, the King holds small lunch parties, and often meetings of the Privy Council. Larger lunch parties often take place in the curved and domed Music Room or the State Dining Room.[100] Since the bombing of the palace chapel in World War II, royal christenings have sometimes taken place in the Music Room. Queen Elizabeth II’s first three children were all baptised there.[101] On all formal occasions, the ceremonies are attended by the Yeomen of the Guard, in their historic uniforms, and other officers of the court such as the Lord Chamberlain.[100]

Former ceremonial[edit]

Court dress[edit]

President Nixon with members of the royal family in the ground floor Marble Hall

Formerly, men not wearing military uniform wore knee breeches of 18th-century design. Women’s evening dress included trains and tiaras or feathers in their hair (often both). The dress code governing formal court uniform and dress has progressively relaxed. After the First World War, when Queen Mary wished to follow fashion by raising her skirts a few inches from the ground, she requested a lady-in-waiting to shorten her own skirt first to gauge the King’s reaction. King George V disapproved, so the Queen kept her hemline unfashionably low.[102] Following his accession in 1936, King George VI and Queen Elizabeth allowed the hemline of daytime skirts to rise. Today, there is no official dress code.[73] Most men invited to Buckingham Palace in the daytime choose to wear service uniform or lounge suits;[73] a minority wear morning coats, and in the evening, depending on the formality of the occasion, black tie or white tie.[103]

Court presentation of débutantes[edit]

Débutantes were aristocratic young ladies making their first entrée into society through a presentation to the monarch at court. These occasions, known as «coming out», took place at the palace from the reign of Edward VII. The débutantes entered—wearing full court dress, with three ostrich feathers in their hair—curtsied, performed a backwards walk and a further curtsey, while manoeuvring a dress train of prescribed length. The ceremony, known as an evening court, corresponded to the «court drawing rooms» of Victoria’s reign.[104] After World War II, the ceremony was replaced by less formal afternoon receptions, omitting the requirement of court evening dress.[105] In 1958, Queen Elizabeth II abolished the presentation parties for débutantes,[106] replacing them with Garden Parties,[f] for up to 8,000 invitees in the Garden. They are the largest functions of the year.[108]

Garden and surroundings[edit]

At the rear of the palace is the large and park-like garden, which together with its lake is the largest private garden in London.[109] There, Queen Elizabeth II hosted her annual garden parties each summer and also held large functions to celebrate royal milestones, such as jubilees. It covers 17 ha (42 acres) and includes a helicopter landing area, a lake and a tennis court.[73]

Adjacent to the palace is the Royal Mews, also designed by Nash, where the royal carriages, including the Gold State Coach, are housed. This rococo gilt coach, designed by Sir William Chambers in 1760, has painted panels by G. B. Cipriani. It was first used for the State Opening of Parliament by George III in 1762 and has been used by the monarch for every coronation since George IV. It was last used for the Golden Jubilee of Elizabeth II.[110] Also housed in the mews are the coach horses used at royal ceremonial processions.[111]

The Mall, a ceremonial approach route to the palace, was designed by Sir Aston Webb and completed in 1911 as part of a grand memorial to Queen Victoria. It extends from Admiralty Arch, across St James’s Park to the Victoria Memorial. This route is used by the cavalcades and motorcades of visiting heads of state, and by the royal family on state occasions—such as the annual Trooping the Colour.[112]

The lawn and west façade, faced in Bath stone, of Buckingham Palace

Security breaches[edit]

The boy Jones was an intruder who gained entry to the palace on three occasions between 1838 and 1841.[113][114] At least 12 people have managed to gain unauthorised entry into the palace or its grounds since 1914,[115] including Michael Fagan, who broke into the palace twice in 1982 and entered Queen Elizabeth II’s bedroom on the second occasion. At the time, news media reported that he had a long conversation with her while she waited for security officers to arrive, but in a 2012 interview with The Independent, Fagan said she ran out of the room, and no conversation took place.[116] It was only in 2007 that trespassing on the palace grounds became a specific criminal offence.[117][g]

See also[edit]

  • Flags at Buckingham Palace
  • List of British royal residences
  • King’s Guard


  1. ^ By tradition, the British Royal Court is officially resident at St James’s Palace, which means that, while foreign ambassadors assuming their new position are received by the British sovereign at Buckingham Palace, they are accredited to the «Court of St James’s Palace». This anomaly continues for the sake of tradition, as Buckingham Palace is to all intents and purposes the official residence. See History of St James’s Palace (Official website of the British Monarchy).
  2. ^ The topography of the site and its ownership are dealt with in Wright, chapters 1–4.
  3. ^ Audley and Davies were key figures in the development of Ebury Manor and also the Grosvenor Estate (see dukes of Westminster), which still exists today. They are remembered in the street names North Audley Street, South Audley Street, and Davies Street, all in Mayfair.
  4. ^ The purchase price is given by Wright p. 142 as £28,000.
  5. ^ The tradition persists of foreign ambassadors being formally accredited to «the Court of St James’s», even though it is at Buckingham Palace that they present their credentials and staff to the monarch upon their appointment.
  6. ^ Princess Margaret is reputed to have remarked of the débutante presentations: «We had to put a stop to it, every tart in London was getting in.»[107]
  7. ^ Under section 128(1) of the Serious Organised Crime and Police Act 2005, «A person commits an offence if he enters, or is on, any designated site in England and Wales or Northern Ireland as a trespasser».[118] Buckingham Palace is a designated site under the Serious Organised Crime and Police Act 2005 (Designated Sites under Section 128) Order 2007.[119]


  1. ^ «Buckingham». Collins Dictionary. Archived from the original on 4 March 2021. Retrieved 22 May 2021.
  2. ^ «Buckingham Palace». Royal Household. 12 November 2015. Archived from the original on 9 May 2016. Retrieved 21 April 2016.
  3. ^ Goring, p. 15.
  4. ^ Goring, p. 28.
  5. ^ Goring, p. 18.
  6. ^ «Chapter 1: The Acquisition of the Estate». The Grosvenor Estate in Mayfair. Survey of London. Vol. 39. London County Council. 1977. pp. 1–5. Archived from the original on 13 December 2009. Retrieved 3 February 2009.
  7. ^ Wright, pp. 76–78.
  8. ^ Goring, pp. 31, 36.
  9. ^ Wright, p. 83.
  10. ^ Goring, Chapter V
  11. ^ a b c Harris, p. 21.
  12. ^ Wright, p. 96.
  13. ^ Goring, p. 62.
  14. ^ Goring, p. 58.
  15. ^ a b «Who built Buckingham Palace?». Royal Collection Trust. Archived from the original on 24 June 2017. Retrieved 8 March 2016.
  16. ^ Harris, p. 22.
  17. ^ Robinson, p. 14.
  18. ^ Mackenzie, p. 12 and Nash, p. 18.
  19. ^ Mackenzie, p. 12.
  20. ^ Harris, p. 24.
  21. ^ a b Old and New London. Vol. 4. Cassell, Petter & Galpin. 1878. pp. 61–74. Archived from the original on 8 October 2010. Retrieved 3 February 2009.
  22. ^ Jones, p. 42.
  23. ^ Burke, Edmund, ed. (1791). The Annual Register. p. 8. Retrieved 25 September 2016. Buckingham-palace was the dwelling house of the king.
  24. ^ Harris, pp. 30–31.
  25. ^ Harris, p. 33.
  26. ^ «The Royal Residences > Buckingham Palace > History». www.royal.gov.uk. Archived from the original on 28 March 2010.
  27. ^ Ziegler, Philip (1971). King William IV. Collins. p. 280. ISBN 978-0-00-211934-4.
  28. ^ «The Royal Residences > Buckingham Palace». www.royal.gov.uk. Archived from the original on 27 March 2010.
  29. ^ Hedley, p. 10.
  30. ^ a b Woodham-Smith, p. 249.
  31. ^ a b Rappaport, p. 84.
  32. ^ Harris, de Bellaigue & Miller, p. 33.
  33. ^ Holland & Hannen and Cubitts – The Inception and Development of a Great Building Firm, published 1920, p. 35.
  34. ^ Owens, Ed. «Buckingham Palace’s balcony: a focal point for national celebration». Immediate Media/BBC. Archived from the original on 22 May 2017. Retrieved 12 June 2017.
  35. ^ King, p. 217.
  36. ^ Hedley, p. 19.
  37. ^ Healey, pp. 137–138.
  38. ^ Healey, p. 122.
  39. ^ «Who has lived at Buckingham Palace?». Royal Collection Trust. Archived from the original on 23 June 2017. Retrieved 12 June 2017.
  40. ^ John Gardiner (2006). The Victorians: An Age in Retrospect. A&C Black. p. 142. ISBN 978-1-85285-560-4.
  41. ^ a b c Robinson, p. 9.
  42. ^ Robinson (Page 9) asserts that the decorations, including plaster swags and other decorative motifs, are «finicky» and «at odds with Nash’s original detailing».
  43. ^ Harris, p. 34.
  44. ^ Healey, p. 185.
  45. ^ «Buckingham Palace hits right note with jazz fans». London Evening Standard. 3 August 2009. Archived from the original on 26 April 2010. Retrieved 11 August 2010.
  46. ^ Stephen Bates (3 August 2009). «By royal approval: Buckingham Palace’s place in jazz history». The Guardian. London. Archived from the original on 15 July 2014. Retrieved 11 August 2010.
  47. ^ Rose, Kenneth (1983). King George V. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson. pp. 176–177. ISBN 978-0-297-78245-2.
  48. ^ Rose, pp. 178–179.
  49. ^ Healey pp. 221–222.
  50. ^ Harris, p. 63.
  51. ^ Allison and Riddell, p. 69.
  52. ^ «Letter from Queen Elizabeth to Queen Mary describing the bombing of Buckingham Palace, 13 September 1940». Royal Collection Trust. Archived from the original on 10 April 2016. Retrieved 31 March 2016.
  53. ^ Thornton, Michael (1984). Royal Feud. M. Joseph. p. 216.
  54. ^ Davies, Caroline (12 September 2009). «How the Luftwaffe bombed the palace, in the Queen Mother’s own words». The Guardian. Archived from the original on 17 April 2021. Retrieved 10 March 2021.
  55. ^ The Sunday Graphic, 18 September 1939, p. 1.
  56. ^ Price, Alfred. The Battle of Britain Day, Greenhill Books, London, 1990, pp. 49–50 and Stephen Bungay, The Most Dangerous Enemy: A History of the Battle of Britain. Aurum Press, London, 2000, p. 325.
  57. ^ «Pilot who ‘saved Palace’ honoured». BBC News. 2 November 2005. Archived from the original on 7 December 2008. Retrieved 18 March 2009.
  58. ^ «1945: Rejoicing at end of war in Europe». 8 May 1945. Retrieved 23 February 2023.
  59. ^ «Sir Edgar Beck». The Telegraph. London. 9 August 2000. Archived from the original on 11 January 2022. Retrieved 5 June 2012.
  60. ^ «About the Royal Collection». Royal Collection Trust. Archived from the original on 20 June 2017. Retrieved 8 March 2016.
  61. ^ Historic England. «Buckingham Palace (Grade I) (1239087)». National Heritage List for England. Retrieved 18 November 2016.
  62. ^ «Windsor Castle – five years from disaster to triumph». BBC. 17 November 1997. Archived from the original on 2 April 2012. Retrieved 8 March 2016.
  63. ^ Royal Collection Enterprises Limited (28 September 2017). «Full accounts made up to 31 March 2017». Companies House. p. 3. Archived from the original on 7 February 2018. Retrieved 6 February 2018.
  64. ^ Pegg, David; Evans, Rob (2 June 2021). «Buckingham Palace banned ethnic minorities from office roles, papers reveal». the Guardian. Archived from the original on 10 March 2022. Retrieved 15 March 2022.
  65. ^ a b Vanderhoof, Erin (11 June 2021). «Why the Scandal Around Buckingham Palace’s Racist 1960s Hiring Policy Still Resonates». Vanity Fair. Archived from the original on 23 October 2021. Retrieved 15 March 2022.
  66. ^ House of Commons Treasury Committee (2010). The Management of the Crown Estate: Eighth Report of Session 2009–10. Vol. 1. Stationery Office. p. 30. ISBN 9780215553225. Archived from the original on 29 September 2022. Retrieved 6 February 2021. Windsor Castle is an occupied Royal Palace and therefore not part of the Crown Estate.
  67. ^ «Royal Property». Parliamentary Debates (Hansard). Vol. 252. United Kingdom: House of Commons. 16 January 1995. col. 301W. Archived 25 June 2016 at the Wayback Machine
  68. ^ HM Treasury. «Sovereign Grant Act: frequently asked questions relating to the Act and on general issues». The National Archives. Archived from the original on 29 January 2013. Retrieved 22 May 2016.
  69. ^ Bailey, Martin (23 March 2017). «Emergency repair work to Buckingham Palace’s State Dining Room nears completion». The Art Newspaper. Retrieved 8 March 2021.
  70. ^ Gordon Rayner (18 November 2016). «Queen to remain in residence as Buckingham Palace gets £369m taxpayer-funded facelift to avert ‘catastrophic building failure’«. The Telegraph. Archived from the original on 11 January 2022. Retrieved 18 November 2016.
  71. ^ «Buckingham Palace to get £369m refurbishment». BBC News. 18 November 2016. Archived from the original on 18 November 2016. Retrieved 18 November 2016.
  72. ^ «Buckingham Palace repairs funding approved by MPs». BBC News. 15 March 2017. Archived from the original on 22 November 2018. Retrieved 21 June 2018.
  73. ^ a b c d e f g «40 facts about Buckingham Palace». British Monarchy website. Archived from the original on 4 November 2011.
  74. ^ Hill, Erin (14 March 2019). «Meghan Markle and Prince Harry Have Split Royal Households from Kate Middleton and Prince William». People. Archived from the original on 2 April 2019. Retrieved 14 March 2019.
  75. ^ «King Charles III’s favourite Buckingham Palace childhood feature he’ll be keen to restore». HELLO!. 28 September 2022. Archived from the original on 12 October 2022. Retrieved 12 October 2022.
  76. ^ «About Buckingham Palace». Royal Collection Trust. 8 March 2016. Archived from the original on 2 October 2015. Retrieved 8 March 2016.
  77. ^ «Changing the Guard». Royal Collection Trust. Archived from the original on 24 June 2017. Retrieved 8 March 2016.
  78. ^ «Royal Residences: Buckingham Palace». British Monarchy website. 12 November 2015. Archived from the original on 9 May 2016. Retrieved 28 July 2019.
  79. ^ «Queen honours jeweller with top personal award». Times of Tunbridge Wells. 6 January 2016. Archived from the original on 1 July 2016. Retrieved 2 June 2016.
  80. ^ Packard, Jerrold M. (1982). The Queen and Her Court: A Guide to the British Monarchy Today. Simon & Schuster. p. 48. ISBN 978-0-684-17648-2.
  81. ^ a b Harris, p. 41.
  82. ^ Harris, pp. 78–79 and Healey, pp. 387–388.
  83. ^ «Visit the State Rooms, Buckingham Palace». Royal Collection Trust. Archived from the original on 6 March 2016. Retrieved 7 February 2016.
  84. ^ Harris, p. 40.
  85. ^ Harris, p. 81.
  86. ^ a b Harris, p. 82.
  87. ^ Jones, p. 43.
  88. ^ a b Harris, de Bellaigue & Miller, p. 87.
  89. ^ Harris, de Bellaigue & Miller, p. 135.
  90. ^ Healey, pp. 159–160.
  91. ^ Harris, de Bellaigue & Miller, p. 93.
  92. ^ Harris, de Bellaigue & Miller, p. 91.
  93. ^ John Harris; Geoffrey De Bellaigue; Oliver Millar (1968). Buckingham Palace and its Treasures. Viking Press. p. 90.
  94. ^ Harris, p. 72.
  95. ^ a b Healey, p. 364.
  96. ^ «Royal seal of approval for state banquet exhibition». The Telegraph. London. 25 July 2008. Archived from the original on 11 January 2022. Retrieved 31 January 2016.
  97. ^ Healey, p. 362.
  98. ^ Hedley, p. 16.
  99. ^ Robinson, p. 18.
  100. ^ a b Healey, pp. 363–365.
  101. ^ Robinson, p. 49.
  102. ^ Healey, p. 233, quoting The Memoirs of Mabell, Countess of Airlie, edited and arranged by Jennifer Ellis, London: Hutchinson, 1962.
  103. ^ Anthony Seldon (1999). 10 Downing Street: The Illustrated History. Harper Collins Illustrated. p. 202. ISBN 978-0-00-414073-5.
  104. ^ Peacocke, pp. 178–179, 244–247.
  105. ^ Peacocke, pp. 264–265.
  106. ^ «Mailbox». Royal Insight Magazine. Archived from the original on 23 January 2008. Retrieved 23 January 2008.
  107. ^ Blaikie, Thomas (2002). You look awfully like the Queen. London: Harper Collins. ISBN 978-0-00-714874-5.
  108. ^ Royal Household. «Garden parties: The guests». Official Website of the British Monarchy. Archived from the original on 17 January 2013.
  109. ^ «Buckingham Palace«. Archived from the original on 2 May 2008. Retrieved 3 February 2009. (Museum of London.) Retrieved 2 May 2009.
  110. ^ «Gold State Coach». Royal Collection Trust. Inventory no. 5000048.
  111. ^ «The Royal Residences > The Royal Mews». www.royal.gov.uk. Archived from the original on 10 July 2009.
  112. ^ Nicholson, Louise (1998). London. London: Frances Lincoln. p. 56. ISBN 978-0-7112-1187-2.
  113. ^ Punch, Volume 1: July–December 1841.
  114. ^ Adcock, John (5 October 2008). «Yesterday’s Papers: The Boy Jones». Yesterday’s Papers. Retrieved 23 February 2023.
  115. ^ Tobey, Pam (24 September 2014). «Remember the guy who got into the Queen’s bedroom?». The Washington Post. Archived from the original on 27 December 2015. Retrieved 21 June 2016.
  116. ^ Dugan, Emily (19 February 2012). «Michael Fagan: ‘Her nightie was one of those Liberty prints, down to her knees’«. The Independent on Sunday. Archived from the original on 8 September 2013. Retrieved 4 January 2014.
  117. ^ «Trespass law targets royal sites». BBC News. 24 March 2007. Archived from the original on 21 January 2023. Retrieved 27 February 2016.
  118. ^ «Serious Organised Crime and Police Act 2005». Legislation.gov.uk. 7 January 2005. Archived from the original on 27 August 2017. Retrieved 11 June 2017.
  119. ^ «The Serious Organised Crime and Police Act 2005 (Designated Sites under Section 128) Order 2007». Legislation.gov.uk. 1 June 2007. Archived from the original on 27 August 2017. Retrieved 11 June 2017.


  • Allison, Ronald; Riddell, Sarah (1991). The Royal Encyclopedia. London: Macmillan. ISBN 0-333-53810-2
  • Blaikie, Thomas (2002). You Look Awfully Like the Queen: Wit and Wisdom from the House of Windsor. London: HarperCollins. ISBN 0-00-714874-7.
  • Goring, O. G. (1937). From Goring House to Buckingham Palace. London: Ivor Nicholson & Watson.
  • Harris, John; de Bellaigue, Geoffrey; & Miller, Oliver (1968). Buckingham Palace. London: Nelson. ISBN 0-17-141011-4.
  • Healey, Edma (1997). The Queen’s House: A Social History of Buckingham Palace. London: Penguin Group. ISBN 0-7181-4089-3.
  • Hedley, Olwen (1971) The Pictorial History of Buckingham Palace. Pitkin, ISBN 0-85372-086-X.
  • Jones, Nigel R. (2005). Architecture of England, Scotland, and Wales. Greenwood Publishing Group. ISBN 978-0-313-31850-4.
  • King, Greg (2007). Twilight of Splendor: The Court of Queen Victoria During Her Diamond Jubilee Year. John Wiley & Sons. ISBN 978-0-470-04439-1.
  • Mackenzie, Compton (1953). The Queen’s House. London: Hutchinson.
  • Nash, Roy (1980). Buckingham Palace: The Place and the People. London: Macdonald Futura. ISBN 0-354-04529-6.
  • Peacocke, M. D. (1951). The Story of Buckingham Palace. London: Odhams Press.
  • Rappaport, Helen (2003). Queen Victoria: A Biographical Companion. ABC-CLIO. ISBN 978-1-85109-355-7.
  • Robinson, John Martin (1999). Buckingham Palace. Published by The Royal Collection, St James’s Palace, London ISBN 1-902163-36-2.
  • Williams, Neville (1971). Royal Homes. The Lutterworth Press. ISBN 0-7188-0803-7.
  • Woodham-Smith, Cecil (1973). Queen Victoria (vol 1) Hamish Hamilton Ltd.
  • Wright, Patricia (1999; first published 1996). The Strange History of Buckingham Palace. Stroud, Gloucs.: Sutton Publishing Ltd. ISBN 0-7509-1283-9.

External links[edit]

  • Buckingham Palace at the Royal Family website
  • Account of Buckingham Palace, with prints of Arlington House and Buckingham House from Old and New London (1878)
  • Account of the acquisition of the Manor of Ebury from Survey of London (1977)
  • The State Rooms, Buckingham Palace at the Royal Collection Trust
  • Geographic data related to Buckingham Palace at OpenStreetMap

Coordinates: 51°30′3″N 0°8′31″W / 51.50083°N 0.14194°W

Aerial view of the palace with crowds outside celebrating Elizabeth II's official 90th birthday

Aerial view of Buckingham Palace during Queen Elizabeth II’s official 90th birthday celebrations in 2016. The principal façade, the East Front, was originally completed in 1850, and was remodelled in 1913 by Aston Webb.

Buckingham Palace ()[1] is a London royal residence and the administrative headquarters of the monarch of the United Kingdom.[a][2] Located in the City of Westminster, the palace is often at the centre of state occasions and royal hospitality. It has been a focal point for the British people at times of national rejoicing and mourning.

Originally known as Buckingham House, the building at the core of today’s palace was a large townhouse built for the Duke of Buckingham in 1703 on a site that had been in private ownership for at least 150 years. It was acquired by King George III in 1761 as a private residence for Queen Charlotte and became known as The Queen’s House. During the 19th century it was enlarged by architects John Nash and Edward Blore, who constructed three wings around a central courtyard. Buckingham Palace became the London residence of the British monarch on the accession of Queen Victoria in 1837.

The last major structural additions were made in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, including the East Front, which contains the well-known balcony on which the royal family traditionally appears to greet crowds. A German bomb destroyed the palace chapel during the Second World War; the Queen’s Gallery was built on the site and opened to the public in 1962 to exhibit works of art from the Royal Collection.

The original early-19th-century interior designs, many of which survive, include widespread use of brightly coloured scagliola and blue and pink lapis, on the advice of Sir Charles Long. King Edward VII oversaw a partial redecoration in a Belle Époque cream and gold colour scheme. Many smaller reception rooms are furnished in the Chinese regency style with furniture and fittings brought from the Royal Pavilion at Brighton and from Carlton House. The palace has 775 rooms, and the garden is the largest private garden in London. The state rooms, used for official and state entertaining, are open to the public each year for most of August and September and on some days in winter and spring.



In the Middle Ages, the site of the future palace formed part of the Manor of Ebury (also called Eia). The marshy ground was watered by the river Tyburn, which still flows below the courtyard and south wing of the palace.[3] Where the river was fordable (at Cow Ford), the village of Eye Cross grew. Ownership of the site changed hands many times; owners included Edward the Confessor and Edith of Wessex in late Saxon times, and, after the Norman Conquest, William the Conqueror. William gave the site to Geoffrey de Mandeville, who bequeathed it to the monks of Westminster Abbey.[b]

In 1531, Henry VIII acquired the Hospital of St James, which became St James’s Palace,[4] from Eton College, and in 1536 he took the Manor of Ebury from Westminster Abbey.[5] These transfers brought the site of Buckingham Palace back into royal hands for the first time since William the Conqueror had given it away almost 500 years earlier.[6] Various owners leased it from royal landlords, and the freehold was the subject of frenzied speculation during the 17th century. By then, the old village of Eye Cross had long since fallen into decay, and the area was mostly wasteland.[7] Needing money, James VI and I sold off part of the Crown freehold but retained part of the site on which he established a four-acre (1.6 ha) mulberry garden for the production of silk. (This is at the north-west corner of today’s palace.)[8] Clement Walker in Anarchia Anglicana (1649) refers to «new-erected sodoms and spintries at the Mulberry Garden at S. James’s»; this suggests it may have been a place of debauchery. Eventually, in the late 17th century, the freehold was inherited from the property tycoon Sir Hugh Audley by the great heiress Mary Davies.[c]

First houses on the site (1624–1761)[edit]

Buckingham House, c. 1710

Possibly the first house erected within the site was that of Sir William Blake, around 1624.[9] The next owner was Lord Goring, who from 1633 extended Blake’s house, which came to be known as Goring House, and developed much of today’s garden, then known as Goring Great Garden.[10][11] He did not, however, obtain the freehold interest in the mulberry garden. Unbeknown to Goring, in 1640 the document «failed to pass the Great Seal before Charles I fled London, which it needed to do for legal execution».[12] It was this critical omission that would help the British royal family regain the freehold under George III.[13] When the improvident Goring defaulted on his rents,[14] Henry Bennet, 1st Earl of Arlington was able to purchase the lease of Goring House and he was occupying it when it burned down in 1674,[11] following which he constructed Arlington House on the site—the location of the southern wing of today’s palace—the next year.[11] In 1698, John Sheffield acquired the lease. He later became the first Duke of Buckingham and Normanby.[15] Buckingham House was built for Sheffield in 1703 to the design of William Winde. The style chosen was of a large, three-floored central block with two smaller flanking service wings.[16] It was eventually sold by Buckingham’s illegitimate son, Sir Charles Sheffield, in 1761[17] to George III for £21,000.[18][d] Sheffield’s leasehold on the mulberry garden site, the freehold of which was still owned by the royal family, was due to expire in 1774.[19]

From Queen’s House to palace (1761–1837)[edit]

Under the new royal ownership, the building was originally intended as a private retreat for Queen Charlotte, and was accordingly known as The Queen’s House. Remodelling of the structure began in 1762.[20] In 1775, an Act of Parliament settled the property on Queen Charlotte, in exchange for her rights to nearby Somerset House,[21][e] and 14 of her 15 children were born there. Some furnishings were transferred from Carlton House and others had been bought in France after the French Revolution[22] of 1789. While St James’s Palace remained the official and ceremonial royal residence,[21] the name «Buckingham-palace» was used from at least 1791.[23] After his accession to the throne in 1820, George IV continued the renovation intending to create a small, comfortable home. However, in 1826, while the work was in progress, the King decided to modify the house into a palace with the help of his architect John Nash.[24] The external façade was designed, keeping in mind the French neoclassical influence preferred by George IV. The cost of the renovations grew dramatically, and by 1829 the extravagance of Nash’s designs resulted in his removal as the architect. On the death of George IV in 1830, his younger brother William IV hired Edward Blore to finish the work.[25][26] William never moved into the palace. After the Palace of Westminster was destroyed by fire in 1834, he offered to convert Buckingham Palace into a new Houses of Parliament, but his offer was declined.[27]

Queen Victoria (1837–1901)[edit]

The palace c. 1837, depicting Marble Arch, a ceremonial entrance. It was moved to make way for the east wing in 1847.

Buckingham Palace became the principal royal residence in 1837, on the accession of Queen Victoria,[28] who was the first monarch to reside there; her predecessor William IV had died before its completion.[29] While the state rooms were a riot of gilt and colour, the necessities of the new palace were somewhat less luxurious. It was reported the chimneys smoked so much that the fires had to be allowed to die down, and consequently the palace was often cold.[30] Ventilation was so bad that the interior smelled, and when it was decided to install gas lamps, there was a serious worry about the build-up of gas on the lower floors. It was also said that the staff were lax and lazy and the palace was dirty.[30] Following the Queen’s marriage in 1840, her husband, Prince Albert, concerned himself with a reorganisation of the household offices and staff, and with addressing the design faults of the palace.[31] By the end of 1840, all the problems had been rectified. However, the builders were to return within a decade.[31]

By 1847, the couple had found the palace too small for court life and their growing family[32] and a new wing, designed by Edward Blore, was built by Thomas Cubitt,[33] enclosing the central quadrangle. The large East Front, facing The Mall, is today the «public face» of Buckingham Palace and contains the balcony from which the royal family acknowledge the crowds on momentous occasions and after the annual Trooping the Colour.[34] The ballroom wing and a further suite of state rooms were also built in this period, designed by Nash’s student Sir James Pennethorne.[35] Before Prince Albert’s death, the palace was frequently the scene of musical entertainments,[36] and the most celebrated contemporary musicians entertained at Buckingham Palace. The composer Felix Mendelssohn is known to have played there on three occasions.[37] Johann Strauss II and his orchestra played there when in England.[38] Under Victoria, Buckingham Palace was frequently the scene of lavish costume balls, in addition to the usual royal ceremonies, investitures and presentations.[39]

Widowed in 1861, the grief-stricken Queen withdrew from public life and left Buckingham Palace to live at Windsor Castle, Balmoral Castle and Osborne House. For many years the palace was seldom used, even neglected. In 1864, a note was found pinned to the fence of Buckingham Palace, saying: «These commanding premises to be let or sold, in consequence of the late occupant’s declining business.»[40] Eventually, public opinion persuaded the Queen to return to London, though even then she preferred to live elsewhere whenever possible. Court functions were still held at Windsor Castle, presided over by the sombre Queen habitually dressed in mourning black, while Buckingham Palace remained shuttered for most of the year.[41]

Early 20th century (1901–1945)[edit]

The east wing public façade, enclosing the courtyard, was built between 1847 and 1850; it was remodelled to its present form in 1913.

In 1901, the new king, Edward VII, began redecorating the palace. The King and his wife, Queen Alexandra, had always been at the forefront of London high society, and their friends, known as «the Marlborough House Set», were considered to be the most eminent and fashionable of the age. Buckingham Palace—the Ballroom, Grand Entrance, Marble Hall, Grand Staircase, vestibules and galleries were redecorated in the Belle Époque cream and gold colour scheme they retain today—once again became a setting for entertaining on a majestic scale but leaving some to feel Edward’s heavy redecorations were at odds with Nash’s original work.[42]

The last major building work took place during the reign of George V when, in 1913, Sir Aston Webb redesigned Blore’s 1850 East Front to resemble in part Giacomo Leoni’s Lyme Park in Cheshire. This new refaced principal façade (of Portland stone) was designed to be the backdrop to the Victoria Memorial, a large memorial statue of Queen Victoria created by sculptor Sir Thomas Brock, erected outside the main gates on a surround constructed by architect Sir Aston Webb.[43] George V, who had succeeded Edward VII in 1910, had a more serious personality than his father; greater emphasis was now placed on official entertainment and royal duties than on lavish parties.[44] He arranged a series of command performances featuring jazz musicians such as the Original Dixieland Jazz Band (1919; the first jazz performance for a head of state), Sidney Bechet and Louis Armstrong (1932), which earned the palace a nomination in 2009 for a (Kind of) Blue Plaque by the Brecon Jazz Festival as one of the venues making the greatest contribution to jazz music in the United Kingdom.[45][46]

During the First World War, which lasted from 1914 until 1918, the palace escaped unscathed. Its more valuable contents were evacuated to Windsor, but the royal family remained in residence. The King imposed rationing at the palace, much to the dismay of his guests and household.[47] To the King’s later regret, David Lloyd George persuaded him to go further and ostentatiously lock the wine cellars and refrain from alcohol, to set a good example to the supposedly inebriated working class. The workers continued to imbibe, and the King was left unhappy at his enforced abstinence.[48]

George V’s wife, Queen Mary, was a connoisseur of the arts and took a keen interest in the Royal Collection of furniture and art, both restoring and adding to it. Queen Mary also had many new fixtures and fittings installed, such as the pair of marble Empire-style chimneypieces by Benjamin Vulliamy, dating from 1810, which the Queen had installed in the ground floor Bow Room, the huge low room at the centre of the garden façade. Queen Mary was also responsible for the decoration of the Blue Drawing Room.[49] This room, 69 feet (21 metres) long, previously known as the South Drawing Room, has a ceiling designed by Nash, coffered with huge gilt console brackets.[50] In 1938, the northwest pavilion, designed by Nash as a conservatory, was converted into a swimming pool.[51]

Second World War[edit]

External video
video icon Buckingham Palace Bombed (1940) – Newsreel of damage to the palace and chapel (1:08)

During the Second World War, which broke out in 1939, the palace was bombed nine times.[52] The most serious and publicised incident destroyed the palace chapel in 1940. This event was shown in cinemas throughout the United Kingdom to show the common suffering of the rich and poor. One bomb fell in the palace quadrangle while George VI and Queen Elizabeth (the future Queen Mother) were in the palace, and many windows were blown in and the chapel destroyed.[53] Wartime coverage of such incidents was severely restricted, however. The King and Queen were filmed inspecting their bombed home; it was at this time the Queen famously declared: «I’m glad we have been bombed. Now I can look the East End in the face».[54] The royal family were seen as sharing their subjects’ hardship, as The Sunday Graphic reported:

By the Editor: The King and Queen have endured the ordeal which has come to their subjects. For the second time a German bomber has tried to bring death and destruction to the home of Their Majesties … When this war is over the common danger which King George and Queen Elizabeth have shared with their people will be a cherished memory and an inspiration through the years.[55]

On 15 September 1940, known as Battle of Britain Day, an RAF pilot, Ray Holmes of No. 504 Squadron RAF rammed a German Dornier Do 17 bomber he believed was going to bomb the Palace. Holmes had run out of ammunition and made the quick decision to ram it. Holmes bailed out and the aircraft crashed into the forecourt of London Victoria station.[56] The bomber’s engine was later exhibited at the Imperial War Museum in London. The British pilot became a King’s Messenger after the war and died at the age of 90 in 2005.[57] On VE Day—8 May 1945—the palace was the centre of British celebrations. The King, the Queen, Princess Elizabeth (the future queen) and Princess Margaret appeared on the balcony, with the palace’s blacked-out windows behind them, to cheers from a vast crowd in The Mall.[58] The damaged Palace was carefully restored after the war by John Mowlem & Co.[59]

Mid 20th century to present day[edit]

Many of the palace’s contents are part of the Royal Collection, held in trust by King Charles III; they can, on occasion, be viewed by the public at the Queen’s Gallery, near the Royal Mews. The purpose-built gallery opened in 1962 and displays a changing selection of items from the collection.[60] It occupies the site of the chapel that was destroyed in the Second World War.[15] The palace was designated a Grade I listed building in 1970.[61] Its state rooms have been open to the public during August and September and on some dates throughout the year since 1993. The money raised in entry fees was originally put towards the rebuilding of Windsor Castle after the 1992 fire devastated many of its staterooms.[62] In the year to 31 March 2017, 580,000 people visited the palace, and 154,000 visited the gallery.[63]

The palace used to racially segregate staff. In 1968, Charles Tryon, 2nd Baron Tryon, acting as treasurer to Queen Elizabeth II, sought to exempt Buckingham Palace from full application of the Race Relations Act 1968.[64][65] He stated that the palace did not hire people of colour for clerical jobs, only as domestic servants. He arranged with Civil servants for an exemption that meant that complaints of racism against the royal household would be sent directly to the Home Secretary and kept out of the legal system.[65]

The palace, like Windsor Castle, is owned by the reigning monarch in right of the Crown. Occupied royal palaces are not part of the Crown Estate,[66] nor are they the monarch’s personal property, unlike Sandringham House and Balmoral Castle.[67] The Government of the United Kingdom is responsible for maintaining the palace in exchange for the profits made by the Crown Estate.[68] In 2015, the State Dining Room was closed for a year and a half because its ceiling had become potentially dangerous.[69] A 10-year schedule of maintenance work, including new plumbing, wiring, boilers and radiators, and the installation of solar panels on the roof, has been estimated to cost £369 million and was approved by the prime minister in November 2016. It will be funded by a temporary increase in the Sovereign Grant paid from the income of the Crown Estate and is intended to extend the building’s working life by at least 50 years.[70][71] In 2017, the House of Commons backed funding for the project by 464 votes to 56.[72]

Buckingham Palace is a symbol and home of the British monarchy, an art gallery and a tourist attraction. Behind the gilded railings and gates that were completed by the Bromsgrove Guild in 1911,[41] lies Webb’s famous façade, which was described in a book published by the Royal Collection Trust as looking «like everybody’s idea of a palace».[41] It has not only been a weekday home of Elizabeth II and Prince Philip but is also the London residence of the Duke of York and the Earl and Countess of Wessex. The palace also houses their offices, as well as those of the Princess Royal and Princess Alexandra, and is the workplace of more than 800 people.[73][74] Charles III lives at Clarence House while restoration work continues, although he conducts official business at Buckingham Palace, including weekly meetings with the Prime Minister.[75] Every year, some 50,000 invited guests are entertained at garden parties, receptions, audiences and banquets. Three garden parties are held in the summer, usually in July.[76] The forecourt of Buckingham Palace is used for the Changing of the Guard, a major ceremony and tourist attraction (daily from April to July; every other day in other months).[77]


Piano nobile of Buckingham Palace. The areas defined by shaded walls represent lower minor wings.

Note: This is an unscaled sketch plan for reference only. Proportions of some rooms may slightly differ in reality.

The front of the palace measures 355 feet (108 m) across, by 390 feet (120 m) deep, by 80 feet (24 m) high and contains over 830,000 square feet (77,000 m2) of floorspace.[78] There are 775 rooms, including 188 staff bedrooms, 92 offices, 78 bathrooms, 52 principal bedrooms and 19 state rooms. It also has a post office, cinema, swimming pool, doctor’s surgery[73] and jeweller’s workshop.[79] The Royal family occupy a small suite of private rooms in the north wing.[80]

Principal rooms[edit]

The principal rooms are contained on the first-floor piano nobile behind the west-facing garden façade at the rear of the palace. The centre of this ornate suite of state rooms is the Music Room, its large bow the dominant feature of the façade. Flanking the Music Room are the Blue and the White Drawing Rooms. At the centre of the suite, serving as a corridor to link the state rooms, is the Picture Gallery, which is top-lit and 55 yards (50 m) long.[81] The Gallery is hung with numerous works including some by Rembrandt, van Dyck, Rubens and Vermeer;[82] other rooms leading from the Picture Gallery are the Throne Room and the Green Drawing Room. The Green Drawing Room serves as a huge anteroom to the Throne Room, and is part of the ceremonial route to the throne from the Guard Room at the top of the Grand Staircase.[81] The Guard Room contains white marble statues of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert, in Roman costume, set in a tribune lined with tapestries. These very formal rooms are used only for ceremonial and official entertaining but are open to the public every summer.[83]

Semi-state apartments[edit]

Directly underneath the state apartments are the less grand semi-state apartments. Opening from the Marble Hall, these rooms are used for less formal entertaining, such as luncheon parties and private audiences. At the centre of this floor is the Bow Room, through which thousands of guests pass annually to the monarch’s garden parties.[84] When paying a state visit to Britain, foreign heads of state are usually entertained by the monarch at Buckingham Palace. They are allocated an extensive suite of rooms known as the Belgian Suite, situated at the foot of the Minister’s Staircase, on the ground floor of the west-facing Garden Wing. Some of the rooms are named and decorated for particular visitors, such as the 1844 Room, decorated in that year for the state visit of Nicholas I of Russia, and the 1855 Room, in honour of the visit of Napoleon III of France.[85] The former is a sitting room that also serves as an audience room and is often used for personal investitures. Narrow corridors link the rooms of the suite, one of them is given extra height and perspective by saucer domes designed by Nash in the style of Soane.[86] A second corridor in the suite has Gothic-influenced cross-over vaulting.[86] The suite was named after Leopold I of Belgium, uncle of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert. In 1936, the suite briefly became the private apartments of the palace when Edward VIII occupied them.[73] The original early-19th-century interior designs, many of which still survive, included widespread use of brightly coloured scagliola and blue and pink lapis, on the advice of Sir Charles Long. Edward VII oversaw a partial redecoration in a Belle Époque cream and gold colour scheme.[87]

East wing[edit]

Elizabeth II’s last appearance on the balcony during Platinum Jubilee celebrations in 2022.

Between 1847 and 1850, when Blore was building the new east wing, the Brighton Pavilion was once again plundered of its fittings. As a result, many of the rooms in the new wing have a distinctly oriental atmosphere. The red and blue Chinese Luncheon Room is made up of parts of the Brighton Banqueting and Music Rooms with a large oriental chimneypiece designed by Robert Jones and sculpted by Richard Westmacott.[88] It was formerly in the Music Room at the Brighton Pavilion.[88] The ornate clock, known as the Kylin Clock, was made in Jingdezhen, Jiangxi Province, China, in the second half of the 18th century; it has a later movement by Benjamin Vulliamy circa 1820.[89] The Yellow Drawing Room has wallpaper supplied in 1817 for the Brighton Saloon, and a chimneypiece which is a European vision of how the Chinese chimney piece may appear. It has nodding mandarins in niches and fearsome winged dragons, designed by Robert Jones.[90]

At the centre of this wing is the famous balcony with the Centre Room behind its glass doors. This is a Chinese-style saloon enhanced by Queen Mary, who, working with the designer Sir Charles Allom, created a more «binding»[91] Chinese theme in the late 1920s, although the lacquer doors were brought from Brighton in 1873. Running the length of the piano nobile of the east wing is the Great Gallery, modestly known as the Principal Corridor, which runs the length of the eastern side of the quadrangle.[92] It has mirrored doors and mirrored cross walls reflecting porcelain pagodas and other oriental furniture from Brighton. The Chinese Luncheon Room and Yellow Drawing Room are situated at each end of this gallery, with the Centre Room in between.[93]

Court ceremonies[edit]

Investitures, which include the conferring of knighthoods by dubbing with a sword, and other awards take place in the palace’s Ballroom, built in 1854. At 120 feet (36.6 m) long, 60 feet (18 m) wide and 45 feet (13.5 m) high,[73] it is the largest room in the palace. It has replaced the throne room in importance and use. During investitures, the King stands on the throne dais beneath a giant, domed velvet canopy, known as a shamiana or a baldachin, that was used at the Delhi Durbar in 1911.[94] A military band plays in the musicians’ gallery as award recipients approach the King and receive their honours, watched by their families and friends.[95]

A state banquet in the Ballroom

State banquets also take place in the Ballroom; these formal dinners are held on the first evening of a state visit by a foreign head of state.[95] On these occasions, for up to 170 guests in formal «white tie and decorations», including tiaras, the dining table is laid with the Grand Service, a collection of silver-gilt plate made in 1811 for the Prince of Wales, later George IV.[96] The largest and most formal reception at Buckingham Palace takes place every November when the King entertains members of the diplomatic corps.[97] On this grand occasion, all the state rooms are in use, as the royal family proceed through them,[98] beginning at the great north doors of the Picture Gallery. As Nash had envisaged, all the large, double-mirrored doors stand open, reflecting the numerous crystal chandeliers and sconces, creating a deliberate optical illusion of space and light.[99]

Smaller ceremonies such as the reception of new ambassadors take place in the «1844 Room». Here too, the King holds small lunch parties, and often meetings of the Privy Council. Larger lunch parties often take place in the curved and domed Music Room or the State Dining Room.[100] Since the bombing of the palace chapel in World War II, royal christenings have sometimes taken place in the Music Room. Queen Elizabeth II’s first three children were all baptised there.[101] On all formal occasions, the ceremonies are attended by the Yeomen of the Guard, in their historic uniforms, and other officers of the court such as the Lord Chamberlain.[100]

Former ceremonial[edit]

Court dress[edit]

President Nixon with members of the royal family in the ground floor Marble Hall

Formerly, men not wearing military uniform wore knee breeches of 18th-century design. Women’s evening dress included trains and tiaras or feathers in their hair (often both). The dress code governing formal court uniform and dress has progressively relaxed. After the First World War, when Queen Mary wished to follow fashion by raising her skirts a few inches from the ground, she requested a lady-in-waiting to shorten her own skirt first to gauge the King’s reaction. King George V disapproved, so the Queen kept her hemline unfashionably low.[102] Following his accession in 1936, King George VI and Queen Elizabeth allowed the hemline of daytime skirts to rise. Today, there is no official dress code.[73] Most men invited to Buckingham Palace in the daytime choose to wear service uniform or lounge suits;[73] a minority wear morning coats, and in the evening, depending on the formality of the occasion, black tie or white tie.[103]

Court presentation of débutantes[edit]

Débutantes were aristocratic young ladies making their first entrée into society through a presentation to the monarch at court. These occasions, known as «coming out», took place at the palace from the reign of Edward VII. The débutantes entered—wearing full court dress, with three ostrich feathers in their hair—curtsied, performed a backwards walk and a further curtsey, while manoeuvring a dress train of prescribed length. The ceremony, known as an evening court, corresponded to the «court drawing rooms» of Victoria’s reign.[104] After World War II, the ceremony was replaced by less formal afternoon receptions, omitting the requirement of court evening dress.[105] In 1958, Queen Elizabeth II abolished the presentation parties for débutantes,[106] replacing them with Garden Parties,[f] for up to 8,000 invitees in the Garden. They are the largest functions of the year.[108]

Garden and surroundings[edit]

At the rear of the palace is the large and park-like garden, which together with its lake is the largest private garden in London.[109] There, Queen Elizabeth II hosted her annual garden parties each summer and also held large functions to celebrate royal milestones, such as jubilees. It covers 17 ha (42 acres) and includes a helicopter landing area, a lake and a tennis court.[73]

Adjacent to the palace is the Royal Mews, also designed by Nash, where the royal carriages, including the Gold State Coach, are housed. This rococo gilt coach, designed by Sir William Chambers in 1760, has painted panels by G. B. Cipriani. It was first used for the State Opening of Parliament by George III in 1762 and has been used by the monarch for every coronation since George IV. It was last used for the Golden Jubilee of Elizabeth II.[110] Also housed in the mews are the coach horses used at royal ceremonial processions.[111]

The Mall, a ceremonial approach route to the palace, was designed by Sir Aston Webb and completed in 1911 as part of a grand memorial to Queen Victoria. It extends from Admiralty Arch, across St James’s Park to the Victoria Memorial. This route is used by the cavalcades and motorcades of visiting heads of state, and by the royal family on state occasions—such as the annual Trooping the Colour.[112]

The lawn and west façade, faced in Bath stone, of Buckingham Palace

Security breaches[edit]

The boy Jones was an intruder who gained entry to the palace on three occasions between 1838 and 1841.[113][114] At least 12 people have managed to gain unauthorised entry into the palace or its grounds since 1914,[115] including Michael Fagan, who broke into the palace twice in 1982 and entered Queen Elizabeth II’s bedroom on the second occasion. At the time, news media reported that he had a long conversation with her while she waited for security officers to arrive, but in a 2012 interview with The Independent, Fagan said she ran out of the room, and no conversation took place.[116] It was only in 2007 that trespassing on the palace grounds became a specific criminal offence.[117][g]

See also[edit]

  • Flags at Buckingham Palace
  • List of British royal residences
  • King’s Guard


  1. ^ By tradition, the British Royal Court is officially resident at St James’s Palace, which means that, while foreign ambassadors assuming their new position are received by the British sovereign at Buckingham Palace, they are accredited to the «Court of St James’s Palace». This anomaly continues for the sake of tradition, as Buckingham Palace is to all intents and purposes the official residence. See History of St James’s Palace (Official website of the British Monarchy).
  2. ^ The topography of the site and its ownership are dealt with in Wright, chapters 1–4.
  3. ^ Audley and Davies were key figures in the development of Ebury Manor and also the Grosvenor Estate (see dukes of Westminster), which still exists today. They are remembered in the street names North Audley Street, South Audley Street, and Davies Street, all in Mayfair.
  4. ^ The purchase price is given by Wright p. 142 as £28,000.
  5. ^ The tradition persists of foreign ambassadors being formally accredited to «the Court of St James’s», even though it is at Buckingham Palace that they present their credentials and staff to the monarch upon their appointment.
  6. ^ Princess Margaret is reputed to have remarked of the débutante presentations: «We had to put a stop to it, every tart in London was getting in.»[107]
  7. ^ Under section 128(1) of the Serious Organised Crime and Police Act 2005, «A person commits an offence if he enters, or is on, any designated site in England and Wales or Northern Ireland as a trespasser».[118] Buckingham Palace is a designated site under the Serious Organised Crime and Police Act 2005 (Designated Sites under Section 128) Order 2007.[119]


  1. ^ «Buckingham». Collins Dictionary. Archived from the original on 4 March 2021. Retrieved 22 May 2021.
  2. ^ «Buckingham Palace». Royal Household. 12 November 2015. Archived from the original on 9 May 2016. Retrieved 21 April 2016.
  3. ^ Goring, p. 15.
  4. ^ Goring, p. 28.
  5. ^ Goring, p. 18.
  6. ^ «Chapter 1: The Acquisition of the Estate». The Grosvenor Estate in Mayfair. Survey of London. Vol. 39. London County Council. 1977. pp. 1–5. Archived from the original on 13 December 2009. Retrieved 3 February 2009.
  7. ^ Wright, pp. 76–78.
  8. ^ Goring, pp. 31, 36.
  9. ^ Wright, p. 83.
  10. ^ Goring, Chapter V
  11. ^ a b c Harris, p. 21.
  12. ^ Wright, p. 96.
  13. ^ Goring, p. 62.
  14. ^ Goring, p. 58.
  15. ^ a b «Who built Buckingham Palace?». Royal Collection Trust. Archived from the original on 24 June 2017. Retrieved 8 March 2016.
  16. ^ Harris, p. 22.
  17. ^ Robinson, p. 14.
  18. ^ Mackenzie, p. 12 and Nash, p. 18.
  19. ^ Mackenzie, p. 12.
  20. ^ Harris, p. 24.
  21. ^ a b Old and New London. Vol. 4. Cassell, Petter & Galpin. 1878. pp. 61–74. Archived from the original on 8 October 2010. Retrieved 3 February 2009.
  22. ^ Jones, p. 42.
  23. ^ Burke, Edmund, ed. (1791). The Annual Register. p. 8. Retrieved 25 September 2016. Buckingham-palace was the dwelling house of the king.
  24. ^ Harris, pp. 30–31.
  25. ^ Harris, p. 33.
  26. ^ «The Royal Residences > Buckingham Palace > History». www.royal.gov.uk. Archived from the original on 28 March 2010.
  27. ^ Ziegler, Philip (1971). King William IV. Collins. p. 280. ISBN 978-0-00-211934-4.
  28. ^ «The Royal Residences > Buckingham Palace». www.royal.gov.uk. Archived from the original on 27 March 2010.
  29. ^ Hedley, p. 10.
  30. ^ a b Woodham-Smith, p. 249.
  31. ^ a b Rappaport, p. 84.
  32. ^ Harris, de Bellaigue & Miller, p. 33.
  33. ^ Holland & Hannen and Cubitts – The Inception and Development of a Great Building Firm, published 1920, p. 35.
  34. ^ Owens, Ed. «Buckingham Palace’s balcony: a focal point for national celebration». Immediate Media/BBC. Archived from the original on 22 May 2017. Retrieved 12 June 2017.
  35. ^ King, p. 217.
  36. ^ Hedley, p. 19.
  37. ^ Healey, pp. 137–138.
  38. ^ Healey, p. 122.
  39. ^ «Who has lived at Buckingham Palace?». Royal Collection Trust. Archived from the original on 23 June 2017. Retrieved 12 June 2017.
  40. ^ John Gardiner (2006). The Victorians: An Age in Retrospect. A&C Black. p. 142. ISBN 978-1-85285-560-4.
  41. ^ a b c Robinson, p. 9.
  42. ^ Robinson (Page 9) asserts that the decorations, including plaster swags and other decorative motifs, are «finicky» and «at odds with Nash’s original detailing».
  43. ^ Harris, p. 34.
  44. ^ Healey, p. 185.
  45. ^ «Buckingham Palace hits right note with jazz fans». London Evening Standard. 3 August 2009. Archived from the original on 26 April 2010. Retrieved 11 August 2010.
  46. ^ Stephen Bates (3 August 2009). «By royal approval: Buckingham Palace’s place in jazz history». The Guardian. London. Archived from the original on 15 July 2014. Retrieved 11 August 2010.
  47. ^ Rose, Kenneth (1983). King George V. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson. pp. 176–177. ISBN 978-0-297-78245-2.
  48. ^ Rose, pp. 178–179.
  49. ^ Healey pp. 221–222.
  50. ^ Harris, p. 63.
  51. ^ Allison and Riddell, p. 69.
  52. ^ «Letter from Queen Elizabeth to Queen Mary describing the bombing of Buckingham Palace, 13 September 1940». Royal Collection Trust. Archived from the original on 10 April 2016. Retrieved 31 March 2016.
  53. ^ Thornton, Michael (1984). Royal Feud. M. Joseph. p. 216.
  54. ^ Davies, Caroline (12 September 2009). «How the Luftwaffe bombed the palace, in the Queen Mother’s own words». The Guardian. Archived from the original on 17 April 2021. Retrieved 10 March 2021.
  55. ^ The Sunday Graphic, 18 September 1939, p. 1.
  56. ^ Price, Alfred. The Battle of Britain Day, Greenhill Books, London, 1990, pp. 49–50 and Stephen Bungay, The Most Dangerous Enemy: A History of the Battle of Britain. Aurum Press, London, 2000, p. 325.
  57. ^ «Pilot who ‘saved Palace’ honoured». BBC News. 2 November 2005. Archived from the original on 7 December 2008. Retrieved 18 March 2009.
  58. ^ «1945: Rejoicing at end of war in Europe». 8 May 1945. Retrieved 23 February 2023.
  59. ^ «Sir Edgar Beck». The Telegraph. London. 9 August 2000. Archived from the original on 11 January 2022. Retrieved 5 June 2012.
  60. ^ «About the Royal Collection». Royal Collection Trust. Archived from the original on 20 June 2017. Retrieved 8 March 2016.
  61. ^ Historic England. «Buckingham Palace (Grade I) (1239087)». National Heritage List for England. Retrieved 18 November 2016.
  62. ^ «Windsor Castle – five years from disaster to triumph». BBC. 17 November 1997. Archived from the original on 2 April 2012. Retrieved 8 March 2016.
  63. ^ Royal Collection Enterprises Limited (28 September 2017). «Full accounts made up to 31 March 2017». Companies House. p. 3. Archived from the original on 7 February 2018. Retrieved 6 February 2018.
  64. ^ Pegg, David; Evans, Rob (2 June 2021). «Buckingham Palace banned ethnic minorities from office roles, papers reveal». the Guardian. Archived from the original on 10 March 2022. Retrieved 15 March 2022.
  65. ^ a b Vanderhoof, Erin (11 June 2021). «Why the Scandal Around Buckingham Palace’s Racist 1960s Hiring Policy Still Resonates». Vanity Fair. Archived from the original on 23 October 2021. Retrieved 15 March 2022.
  66. ^ House of Commons Treasury Committee (2010). The Management of the Crown Estate: Eighth Report of Session 2009–10. Vol. 1. Stationery Office. p. 30. ISBN 9780215553225. Archived from the original on 29 September 2022. Retrieved 6 February 2021. Windsor Castle is an occupied Royal Palace and therefore not part of the Crown Estate.
  67. ^ «Royal Property». Parliamentary Debates (Hansard). Vol. 252. United Kingdom: House of Commons. 16 January 1995. col. 301W. Archived 25 June 2016 at the Wayback Machine
  68. ^ HM Treasury. «Sovereign Grant Act: frequently asked questions relating to the Act and on general issues». The National Archives. Archived from the original on 29 January 2013. Retrieved 22 May 2016.
  69. ^ Bailey, Martin (23 March 2017). «Emergency repair work to Buckingham Palace’s State Dining Room nears completion». The Art Newspaper. Retrieved 8 March 2021.
  70. ^ Gordon Rayner (18 November 2016). «Queen to remain in residence as Buckingham Palace gets £369m taxpayer-funded facelift to avert ‘catastrophic building failure’«. The Telegraph. Archived from the original on 11 January 2022. Retrieved 18 November 2016.
  71. ^ «Buckingham Palace to get £369m refurbishment». BBC News. 18 November 2016. Archived from the original on 18 November 2016. Retrieved 18 November 2016.
  72. ^ «Buckingham Palace repairs funding approved by MPs». BBC News. 15 March 2017. Archived from the original on 22 November 2018. Retrieved 21 June 2018.
  73. ^ a b c d e f g «40 facts about Buckingham Palace». British Monarchy website. Archived from the original on 4 November 2011.
  74. ^ Hill, Erin (14 March 2019). «Meghan Markle and Prince Harry Have Split Royal Households from Kate Middleton and Prince William». People. Archived from the original on 2 April 2019. Retrieved 14 March 2019.
  75. ^ «King Charles III’s favourite Buckingham Palace childhood feature he’ll be keen to restore». HELLO!. 28 September 2022. Archived from the original on 12 October 2022. Retrieved 12 October 2022.
  76. ^ «About Buckingham Palace». Royal Collection Trust. 8 March 2016. Archived from the original on 2 October 2015. Retrieved 8 March 2016.
  77. ^ «Changing the Guard». Royal Collection Trust. Archived from the original on 24 June 2017. Retrieved 8 March 2016.
  78. ^ «Royal Residences: Buckingham Palace». British Monarchy website. 12 November 2015. Archived from the original on 9 May 2016. Retrieved 28 July 2019.
  79. ^ «Queen honours jeweller with top personal award». Times of Tunbridge Wells. 6 January 2016. Archived from the original on 1 July 2016. Retrieved 2 June 2016.
  80. ^ Packard, Jerrold M. (1982). The Queen and Her Court: A Guide to the British Monarchy Today. Simon & Schuster. p. 48. ISBN 978-0-684-17648-2.
  81. ^ a b Harris, p. 41.
  82. ^ Harris, pp. 78–79 and Healey, pp. 387–388.
  83. ^ «Visit the State Rooms, Buckingham Palace». Royal Collection Trust. Archived from the original on 6 March 2016. Retrieved 7 February 2016.
  84. ^ Harris, p. 40.
  85. ^ Harris, p. 81.
  86. ^ a b Harris, p. 82.
  87. ^ Jones, p. 43.
  88. ^ a b Harris, de Bellaigue & Miller, p. 87.
  89. ^ Harris, de Bellaigue & Miller, p. 135.
  90. ^ Healey, pp. 159–160.
  91. ^ Harris, de Bellaigue & Miller, p. 93.
  92. ^ Harris, de Bellaigue & Miller, p. 91.
  93. ^ John Harris; Geoffrey De Bellaigue; Oliver Millar (1968). Buckingham Palace and its Treasures. Viking Press. p. 90.
  94. ^ Harris, p. 72.
  95. ^ a b Healey, p. 364.
  96. ^ «Royal seal of approval for state banquet exhibition». The Telegraph. London. 25 July 2008. Archived from the original on 11 January 2022. Retrieved 31 January 2016.
  97. ^ Healey, p. 362.
  98. ^ Hedley, p. 16.
  99. ^ Robinson, p. 18.
  100. ^ a b Healey, pp. 363–365.
  101. ^ Robinson, p. 49.
  102. ^ Healey, p. 233, quoting The Memoirs of Mabell, Countess of Airlie, edited and arranged by Jennifer Ellis, London: Hutchinson, 1962.
  103. ^ Anthony Seldon (1999). 10 Downing Street: The Illustrated History. Harper Collins Illustrated. p. 202. ISBN 978-0-00-414073-5.
  104. ^ Peacocke, pp. 178–179, 244–247.
  105. ^ Peacocke, pp. 264–265.
  106. ^ «Mailbox». Royal Insight Magazine. Archived from the original on 23 January 2008. Retrieved 23 January 2008.
  107. ^ Blaikie, Thomas (2002). You look awfully like the Queen. London: Harper Collins. ISBN 978-0-00-714874-5.
  108. ^ Royal Household. «Garden parties: The guests». Official Website of the British Monarchy. Archived from the original on 17 January 2013.
  109. ^ «Buckingham Palace«. Archived from the original on 2 May 2008. Retrieved 3 February 2009. (Museum of London.) Retrieved 2 May 2009.
  110. ^ «Gold State Coach». Royal Collection Trust. Inventory no. 5000048.
  111. ^ «The Royal Residences > The Royal Mews». www.royal.gov.uk. Archived from the original on 10 July 2009.
  112. ^ Nicholson, Louise (1998). London. London: Frances Lincoln. p. 56. ISBN 978-0-7112-1187-2.
  113. ^ Punch, Volume 1: July–December 1841.
  114. ^ Adcock, John (5 October 2008). «Yesterday’s Papers: The Boy Jones». Yesterday’s Papers. Retrieved 23 February 2023.
  115. ^ Tobey, Pam (24 September 2014). «Remember the guy who got into the Queen’s bedroom?». The Washington Post. Archived from the original on 27 December 2015. Retrieved 21 June 2016.
  116. ^ Dugan, Emily (19 February 2012). «Michael Fagan: ‘Her nightie was one of those Liberty prints, down to her knees’«. The Independent on Sunday. Archived from the original on 8 September 2013. Retrieved 4 January 2014.
  117. ^ «Trespass law targets royal sites». BBC News. 24 March 2007. Archived from the original on 21 January 2023. Retrieved 27 February 2016.
  118. ^ «Serious Organised Crime and Police Act 2005». Legislation.gov.uk. 7 January 2005. Archived from the original on 27 August 2017. Retrieved 11 June 2017.
  119. ^ «The Serious Organised Crime and Police Act 2005 (Designated Sites under Section 128) Order 2007». Legislation.gov.uk. 1 June 2007. Archived from the original on 27 August 2017. Retrieved 11 June 2017.


  • Allison, Ronald; Riddell, Sarah (1991). The Royal Encyclopedia. London: Macmillan. ISBN 0-333-53810-2
  • Blaikie, Thomas (2002). You Look Awfully Like the Queen: Wit and Wisdom from the House of Windsor. London: HarperCollins. ISBN 0-00-714874-7.
  • Goring, O. G. (1937). From Goring House to Buckingham Palace. London: Ivor Nicholson & Watson.
  • Harris, John; de Bellaigue, Geoffrey; & Miller, Oliver (1968). Buckingham Palace. London: Nelson. ISBN 0-17-141011-4.
  • Healey, Edma (1997). The Queen’s House: A Social History of Buckingham Palace. London: Penguin Group. ISBN 0-7181-4089-3.
  • Hedley, Olwen (1971) The Pictorial History of Buckingham Palace. Pitkin, ISBN 0-85372-086-X.
  • Jones, Nigel R. (2005). Architecture of England, Scotland, and Wales. Greenwood Publishing Group. ISBN 978-0-313-31850-4.
  • King, Greg (2007). Twilight of Splendor: The Court of Queen Victoria During Her Diamond Jubilee Year. John Wiley & Sons. ISBN 978-0-470-04439-1.
  • Mackenzie, Compton (1953). The Queen’s House. London: Hutchinson.
  • Nash, Roy (1980). Buckingham Palace: The Place and the People. London: Macdonald Futura. ISBN 0-354-04529-6.
  • Peacocke, M. D. (1951). The Story of Buckingham Palace. London: Odhams Press.
  • Rappaport, Helen (2003). Queen Victoria: A Biographical Companion. ABC-CLIO. ISBN 978-1-85109-355-7.
  • Robinson, John Martin (1999). Buckingham Palace. Published by The Royal Collection, St James’s Palace, London ISBN 1-902163-36-2.
  • Williams, Neville (1971). Royal Homes. The Lutterworth Press. ISBN 0-7188-0803-7.
  • Woodham-Smith, Cecil (1973). Queen Victoria (vol 1) Hamish Hamilton Ltd.
  • Wright, Patricia (1999; first published 1996). The Strange History of Buckingham Palace. Stroud, Gloucs.: Sutton Publishing Ltd. ISBN 0-7509-1283-9.

External links[edit]

  • Buckingham Palace at the Royal Family website
  • Account of Buckingham Palace, with prints of Arlington House and Buckingham House from Old and New London (1878)
  • Account of the acquisition of the Manor of Ebury from Survey of London (1977)
  • The State Rooms, Buckingham Palace at the Royal Collection Trust
  • Geographic data related to Buckingham Palace at OpenStreetMap

В статье:

  • Произношение слов White house и Buckingham palace.
  • Написание и транскрипция.
  • Использование артиклей со словами «Белый дом» и «Букингемский дворец».
  • Примеры фраз с использованием вышеуказанных слов.

Частый вопрос от новичков: нужен ли артикль со словом «Букингемский дворец», ведь он единственный в своем роде. А как правильно написать «Белый дом», тот, что в Америке — с артиклем или без, ведь он тоже единственный в своем роде? Почему эти два слова по-разному используют артикли?

Английский — уникальный язык, и не смотря на существующие правила грамматики, здесь всегда присутствуют исключения.


Букингемский дворец пишется БЕЗ артикля — Buckingham palace.
Белый дом — пишется С артиклемThe White House.

Почему так?

Сами носители языка объясняют это так:
Использование артиклей с именами и другими собственными существительными является своеобразным и трудно предсказуемым. Истинный ответ таков: «Мы просто так говорим; нет правила, определяющего это».

Произношение — Buckingham palace

Buckingham palace — Букингемский дворец — [ˈbʌkɪŋəmˈpælɪs] — бакинхэм пэлэс.


Buckingham Palace has 775 rooms.
В Букингемском дворце 775 комнат.

More than 50,000 people visit the Palace each year as guests.
Более 50 000 человек посещают дворец каждый год в качестве гостей.

The balcony of Buckingham Palace is one of the most famous in the world.
Балкон Букингемского дворца является одним из самых известных в мире.

Visiting UK is not complete without visiting Buckingham Palace.
Посещение Великобритании не является полным без посещения Букингемского дворца.

Произношение — White House

White House — Белый дом — [waɪt haʊs] — ауйт хауз.


I wish to visit the White House.
Я хочу посетить Белый дом.

Guests will not be allowed to use cell phones inside the White House.
Гостям запрещено пользоваться мобильными телефонами в Белом доме.

On-street parking is not available near the White House.
Рядом с Белым домой нет парковки.

The first president, George Washington, selected the site for the White House in 1791.
Первый президент Джордж Вашингтон выбрал место для Белого дома в 1791 году.

The White House and its surrounding grounds serve as both the home of the President of the United States.
Белый дом и его окрестности служат домом президента Соединенных Штатов.

All White House tours are free of charge.
Все туры в Белый дом бесплатны.

Толковый словарь русского языка. Поиск по слову, типу, синониму, антониму и описанию. Словарь ударений.

букингемский дворец


БУКИНГЕМСКИЙ ДВОРЕЦ — БУКИНГЕ́МСКИЙ ДВОРЕЦ (Buckingham Palace), официальная резиденция британских монархов. Расположен в Лондоне (см. ЛОНДОН (Великобритания)) (Соединенное Королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии (см. ВЕЛИКОБРИТАНИЯ (государство))). Является самым большим действующим королевским дворцом в мире. С 1952 здесь проживает королева Елизавета II (см. ЕЛИЗАВЕТА II).

Первоначальное здание дворца (от которого практически ничего не осталось) было построено для герцога Букингемского в 1703, в честь которого он и получил свое название. Герцогский особняк был приобретен королем Георгом III в 1762 для его частной резиденции. В течение последующих 75 лет под руководством архитекторов Дж. Нэша и Э. Блора дворец был значительно перестроен, к нему построили три флигеля, расположив их вокруг центрального двора. Букингемский дворец стал официальной резиденцией британских монархов только при вступлении на престол королевы Виктории в 1837. При ее правлении были сделаны последние большие дополнения, в том числе постройка еще одного флигеля и перенесение бывшего парадного входа, Мраморной Арки, на нынешнее место возле Ораторского уголка в Гайд-парке.

Первоначальный интерьер был построен на сочетании искусственного мрамора и ляписа (синего и розового). По инициативе короля Эдуарда VII интерьер был значительно переделан (в оформлении преобладают кремовые и золотые тона, многие приемные были обставлены в китайском стиле).

Парк Букингемского дворца — самый большой частный парк в Лондоне, первоначально создан Л. Брауном и позднее переделен У. Эйлтоном и Дж. Нэшем. Создание большого искусственного пруда было закончено в 1828. В настоящее время дворец включает в себя 600 комнат, занимает территорию в 20 гектаров, из которых 17 гектаров — сад.

Во дворце располагается богатая художественная галерея с живописью (в том числе работы Рембрандта, Рубенса) и предметами декоративно-прикладного искусства (французский севрский фарфор, французкая и английская мебель). Во дворце располагаются собственные бассейн, почтовое отделение и кинотеатр. На два месяца (август и сентябрь) британский монарх покидает Букингемский дворец (это время она проводит загородом). В этот период парадные покои дворца открыты для посетителей. Поднятый королевский штандарт над дворцом означает, что в нем в данный момент находится британский монарх.


Букинге́мский дворе́ц (в Лондоне)


букингемский дворец

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    Новый русско-английский словарь > букингемский дворец

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    Дополнительный универсальный русско-английский словарь > Букингемский дворец

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    Букингемский дворец

    Русско-английский словарь по общей лексике > Букингемский дворец

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    Русско-английский большой базовый словарь > дворец

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    Русско-английский словарь по общей лексике > дворец

См. также в других словарях:

  • БУКИНГЕМСКИЙ ДВОРЕЦ — (Buckingham Palace), официальная резиденция британских монархов. Расположен в Лондоне (см. ЛОНДОН (Великобритания)) (Соединенное Королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии (см. ВЕЛИКОБРИТАНИЯ (государство))). Является самым большим… …   Энциклопедический словарь

  • Букингемский дворец — Координаты: 51°30′03″ с. ш. 0°08′31″ з. д. / 51.500833° с. ш. 0.141944° з. д.  …   Википедия

  • Букингемский дворец — (Buckingham Palace)Buckingham Palace, лондонская резиденция королей Великобритании начиная с 1837г.; Б. д. прилегает к Сент Джеймс парку в Вестминстере. Он был выстроен для герцога Букингемского в начале 18в.; в 1761г. дворец был куплен королем… …   Страны мира. Словарь

  • Букингемский дворец — Букинг емский двор ец (в Лондоне) …   Русский орфографический словарь

  • Дворец Линлитгоу — (англ. Linlithgow Palace) находи …   Википедия

  • Дворец Хэмптон-корт — Въезд во дворец Тюдоров (нач. XVI в.) Хэмптон Корт (Hampton Court) бывшая загородная резиденция английских королей, расположенная на берегу Темзы в лондонском предместье Ричмонд на Темзе. Дворец был заложен в 1514 г. всемогущим кардиналом Волси,… …   Википедия

  • Дворец Ламбет — Вид дворцового ансамбля с противоположного берега Темзы. Ламбетский дворец (англ. Lambeth Palace) лондонская резиденция архиепископа Кентерберийского, расположенная на южном берегу Темзы, в районе Ламбет. Участок на другом берегу от Вестминстера… …   Википедия

  • Букингэмский дворец — Координаты: 51°30′03″ с. ш. 0°08′31″ з. д. / 51.500833° с. ш …   Википедия

  • Сент-Джеймсский дворец — Достопримечательность Сент Джеймсский дворец St. James’s Palace …   Википедия

  • Кенсингтонский дворец — Памятник королеве Виктории в Кенсингтонском саду перед дворцом. Кенсингтонский дворец (Kensington Palace) небольшой и нарочито скромный дворе …   Википедия

  • Сент-Джеймский дворец — Дворцовый портал XVI в. Сент Джеймсский дворец (англ. St. James’s Palace)  один из старейших в Лондоне. Находится на улице Пэлл Мэлл к северу от одноимённого парка. Построен на месте средневекового лепрозория св. Иакова (Джеймса) из красного… …   Википедия

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