Как пишется диабло на английском

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    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Диабло

  • 2
    юбочная пулька для духового ружья типа Диабло

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > юбочная пулька для духового ружья типа Диабло

См. также в других словарях:

  • Диабло — (англ. Diablo): Диабло (Калифорния)  Diablo, CA. Диабло (Вашингтон)  Diablo, WA. Персоналии Диабло Коди (англ. Diablo Cody), Брук Бьюзи Хант (англ. Brook Busey Hunt, 1978)  американская сценаристка. См. также… …   Википедия

  • Диабло 2 — Diablo II Разработчик Blizzard North Издатель Blizzard Entertainment Дата выпуска 29 июня 2000 …   Википедия

  • Диабло Коуди — Диабло Коди Диабло Коди (англ. Diablo Cody, настоящее имя англ. Brook Busey Hunt, род. 14 июня 1978, Чикаго, Иллинойс) американская сценаристка. Диабло Коди получила известность в качестве стриптизёрши в Миннеаполисе, о чём она откровенно… …   Википедия

  • Диабло Коди — Для термина «Диабло» см. другие значения. Диабло Коди Diablo Cody …   Википедия

  • ДИАБЛО — (исп. Diablo, дьявол) название ветра Санта Ана в сев. Калифорнии. Дует из каньонов в горном массиве Diablo, скорость может превышать 30 м/с. Развивается при наличии области высокого давления в Неваде и более низкого давления на побережье …   Словарь ветров

  • Коди, Диабло — Диабло Коди Диабло Коди (англ. Diablo Cody, настоящее имя англ. Brook Busey Hunt, род. 14 июня 1978, Чикаго, Иллинойс) американская сценаристка. Диабло Коди получила известность в качестве стриптизёрши в Миннеаполисе, о чём она откровенно… …   Википедия

  • Рио-Диабло (фильм) — Фильм РусНаз = Рио диабло ОригНаз = Rio Diablo Изображение = Жанр = вестерн Режиссёр = Актёры = imdb id = 0107964 Время = 92 мин. Страна = США Продюсер = Сценарист = Композитор = Оператор = Компания = Бюджет = Год = 1993«Рио диабло»… …   Википедия

  • Diablo (Диабло) — «Diablo» («Диабло») подводная лодка (США) Тип: подводная лодка (США). Водоизмещение: 1890/2467 тонн. Силовая установка: двухвальная, дизеля/электродвигатели. Вооружение: два 150 мм (5,9 ) орудия, десять 533 мм (21 ) торпедных аппаратов. Спущена… …   Энциклопедия кораблей

  • Diablo (серия игр) — У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Diablo. Diablo  серия Hack and slash, выпускаемая компанией Blizzard Entertainment. По состоянию на 28 июня 2008, игры серии были проданы в количестве 18,5 миллионов копий по всему миру.[1]… …   Википедия

  • Diablo II — У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Diablo. Diablo II Обложка диска «Diablo II» Разработчик Blizzard North …   Википедия

  • Куб Хорадрика — Diablo II Разработчик Blizzard North Издатель Blizzard Entertainment Дата выпуска 29 июня 2000 …   Википедия

 14.08.2019     Комментарии к записи Как правильно пишется хундай или Хендай | Hyundai отключены

как пишется хендай или хундай

Согласно правилам чтения в итальянском языке, если после «g» стоит «h», то оно читается как «Г». Однако в России настолько распространено неверное произношение «Ламборджини», что даже система автопоиска Google выдает именно.

как пишется хендай или хундай

Но если сказать Lamborghini привычным способом итальянцу, на вас посмотрят как на идиота, нанесшего серьезное оскорбление. Правильная русская транслитерация этого слова — «хёндэ» с ударением на последний слог. В российской рекламе название деликатно стараются не произносить, ограничиваясь лишь англоязычным написанием, хотя на официальном сайте компании используется написание «Хендэ».

Не «Хюндай», а «Хёндэ». Как правильно называть автобренды по-русски

В народе же корейского автопроизводителя именуют и «Хёндай», и «Хюндай», и «Хундай». Подобные сложности с прочтением Hyundai встречаются и в других странах.

как пишется хендай или хундай

Как Sunday». Под конец прошлого века южнокорейские компании начали бодро и уверенно выходить на мировой рынок, бомбя планету стиральными машинками, видеомагнитофонами и автомобилями.

как пишется хендай или хундай

Сейчас главное не запутайтесь: Холодович сотоварищи предлагал систему для передачи более-менее точного произношения корейских слов на русском. А вот система, как пишется хендай или хундай для английского языка, была заточена под передачу написания корейского слова, побуквенно, — алфавит-то, как мы уже говорили в самом начале, в корейском языке есть!

То есть для английского языка просто взяли и транслитерировали корейское название, одну букву за другой, и получили слово Hyundai.

как пишется хендай или хундай

Вот только читается оно не так, как пишется. Более подробно объяснит наш сегодняшний эксперт, переводчик и журналист Алена Пакер. Неправильное произношение пошло, как ни странно, от самой компании, когда она пришла на российский рынок.

как пишется хендай или хундай

Таким образом сегодня мы имеем «Хёндай», а не «Хёндэ». Алёна Пакер, переводчик, журналист Теория заговоров: Нечто очень отдаленно похожее можно найти и в русском языке чтобы было проще понимать логику: Еще более удачный пример — французский язык со всеми его «Пежо» и » Рено «.

Ну а дальше все просто: Затем слово ушло в народ и укоренилось в разных вариантах — и «Хундай», и как пишется хендай или хундай. То есть сочетание букв yu еще вызывало сомнения, а вот с конечными ai, казалось, все очевидно. Весь этот кавардак с транслитерацией — тема отдельного сложного разговора.

Chon, Jeon, Jeong, Joong, Cheong. Кстати, о проекте «Анненг Хёндэ», про который упоминает Алёна.

Как пишется слово — хендай

Вот небольшой видеоролик, в котором корейские студенты общаются с прохожими и учат всех подряд правильно произносить слово Hyundai. Чтобы вы окончательно запутались, события развиваются в Турции, закадровый голос комментирует происходящее на экране по-турецки.

как пишется хендай или хундай

Но без паники! Просто перемотайте на 11 секунду — там начинается самое главное. На этот раз мнение специалистов совпало с позицией представительства: Итак, надеемся, что мы не испортили вам пятничный вечер своими филологическими выкрутасами.

В любом случае, главный вывод прост:

Англо-русские и русско-английские словари и энциклопедии. English-Russian and Russian-English dictionaries and translations

Англо-русский перевод DIABLO


English-Russian dictionary.

     Англо-Русский словарь.





На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

Мейджор волшебник 66 уровня в Диабло 3.

Major is a Level 66 Wizard in Diablo III.

Диабло, пора идти на красную дорожку.

Diablo, it’s time to hit the red carpet.

Прямо сейчас к нам присоединилась оскароносная Диабло Коди.

Right now, being joined by oscar winner diablo cody.

Дайте мне сэндвич Диабло, и Доктор Пеппер.

Let me have a diablo sandwich, a Dr Pepper.

Дос-Риос — дом второго Эль Диабло.

Dos Rios, home of the second El Diablo.

Сениор Диабло и его зомби друг, Пепито.

Senor Diablo and his zombie friend, Pepito.

Воскресенье, не пропустите Ель Диабло.

Sunday, don’t miss el Diablo.

А Ель Диабло сорвиголова… он знает, как саботировать трюк, чтоб всё выглядело похожим на аварию.

And El Diablo is a daredevil… So he would know how to sabotage the stunts to make it look like an accident.

Ель Диабло выступал на ярмарке до Датча

El Diablo performed at the fair the night before Dutch.

Комментарий разработчиков: Диабло, как ни странно, имеет один из самых низких показателей побед в игре.

Developer Comment: Diablo, surprisingly, is one of the lowest winning Heroes in the game.

Принцип действия дополнен: накопив максимальное количество зарядов, Диабло наносит 15 ед. урона врагам поблизости.

Additional functionality: When at maximum stacks, Diablo deals 15 damage to nearby enemies.

Он был вновь возвращён к жизни Диабло и был остановлен Пимом в качестве Голиафа.

He was restored to life again by Diablo and was defeated by Pym as Goliath and escaped.

Позже Шэрон присоединилась к Фантастической четвёрке, вместе с которой она сражалась с Диабло.

Sharon later joined the Fantastic Four, and alongside the Fantastic Four she battled Diablo.

Также Заппа сделала плащ для Диабло Коди.

She also made a cape for Diablo Cody.

Подозреваемы, Диабло, не подходит по профилю.

This suspect diablo doesn’t fit the profile.

Где мы можем найти этого Ель Диабло?

Where do we find this El Diablo?

Как только Ель Диабло начинает делать немного шума и он знает я ухожу

As soon as El Diablo starts making some noise and he knows I’m legit…

Вероятно сумасшедший фанат скинул Ель Диабло с дороги… на выставке и он вывихнул плечо

Apparently some crazy fan ran El Diablo off the road… at the classic bike show and he injured his shoulder.

Диабло хватает цель и швыряет ее оземь позади себя, нанося ей 73 ед. урона и оглушая на 0.25 сек.

Grabs the target and slams it behind Diablo, dealing 73 damage and Stunning for 0.25 seconds.

В 2006 году Диабло вошёл в британский чарт UK top 3 с музыкальным хитом «Exceeder».

In 2006, Diablo was licensed to the UK top 3 chart hit «Exceeder» by Mason.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 72. Точных совпадений: 72. Затраченное время: 46 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200



Транскрипция и произношение



Транскрипция и произношение слова «diablo» в британском и американском вариантах. Подробный перевод и примеры.

  • 1

    Персональный Сократ > diablo

  • 2


    3) урод, страшилище

    5) текст. щипальный волчок

    6) тех. медведка, тележка для перевозки грузов


    dar (echar, mandar) al diablo — послать к чёрту

    ¿cómo diablos…?, ¿qué diablos…? — да как же…?

    el diablo que… — ни один чёрт…

    ¡diablo(s)! — чёрт возьми!

    ¡al diablo (con…)!, ¡a todos los diablos (con…)! — к чёрту!

    ¡qué diablos! — чёрт возьми

    cuando el diablo no tiene qué hacer, con el rabo mata moscas посл. ≈≈ чем бы дитя ни тешилось, лишь бы не плакало

    БИРС > diablo

  • 3


    1) чёрт, бес, дьявол, злой дух

    2) хитрец; пройдоха, проныра

    3) урод, страшилище



    щипальный волчок



    медведка, тележка для перевозки грузов

    — haber una de todos los diablos
    — tener el diablo en el cuerpo


    dar (echar, mandar) al diablo — послать к чёрту

    ¿cómo diablos…?, ¿qué diablos…? — да как же…?

    el diablo que… — ни один чёрт…

    ¡diablo(s)! — чёрт возьми!

    ¡al diablo (con…)!, ¡a todos los diablos (con…)! — к чёрту!

    ¡qué diablos! — чёрт возьми

    cuando el diablo no tiene qué hacer, con el rabo mata moscas посл. ≈≈ чем бы дитя ни тешилось, лишь бы не плакало

    ya que me (te ) lleve el diablo que sea en coche погов. ≈≈ семь бед — один ответ

    Universal diccionario español-ruso > diablo

  • 4

    Diccionario Español-Ruso de Uso Moderno > diablo

  • 5




    теле́га для перево́зки брёвен



    теле́жка для перево́зки тяжёлых гру́зов


    cuando el diablo no tiene quehacer, desbarata la casa y la vuelve a hacer Кол. — беси́ться с жи́ру, занима́ться пустяка́ми

    Diccionario español-ruso. América Latina > diablo

  • 6

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > diablo

  • 7

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Diablo

  • 8

    Англо-русский дорожно-транспортный словарь > Diablo

  • 9

    Англо-русский универсальный дополнительный практический переводческий словарь И. Мостицкого > diablo

  • 10

    Универсальный немецко-русский словарь > Diablo

  • 11




    бес, дьявол, урод, хитрый человек, чесальная машина, безобразный человек, злой человек, чёрт



    рельсогибочный пресс, устройство для взрыва нитроглицерина

    Испанско-русский универсальный словарь > diablo

  • 12



    ни хрена себе!, чёрт возьми!

    Испанско-русский универсальный словарь > ¡diablo!

  • 13

    Deutsch-Russische Wörterbuch von Kraftfahrzeugen > Diablo

  • 14

    Diccionario Politécnica español-ruso > diablo

  • 15

    чёрт, дьявол

    Эсперанто-русский словарь > diablo

  • 16

    Pol. diabel, Fre. diable, Lat. diabolus

    Etymological dictionary of the esperanto language > diablo

  • 17

    Верхнелужицко-русский словарь > diablo

  • 18

    Словарь корней и производных форм языка Эсперанто с переводом на русский язык > diablo

  • 19

    English-Russian base dictionary > diablo

  • 20

    English-Russian dictionary of electronics > diablo


  • Следующая →
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  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

  • Diablo II — cover art Developer(s) Blizzard North Publisher(s) …   Wikipedia

  • Diablo II — Éditeur AN : Blizzard Entertainment EU  …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Diablo 3 — Diablo Diablo Logo Entwickler: Blizzard North Verleger …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • diablo — (Del lat. diabŏlus, y este del gr. διάβολος). 1. m. En la tradición judeocristiana, cada uno de los ángeles rebelados contra Dios y arrojados por Él al abismo. 2. Príncipe de esos ángeles, que representa el espíritu del mal. El [m6]diablo. 3.… …   Diccionario de la lengua española

  • Diablo II — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Diablo II Desarrolladora(s) Blizzard North Distribuidora(s) Blizzard Entertainment, Sierra Entertainment Fecha(s) de lanzamiento …   Wikipedia Español

  • Diablo 2 — Diablo II Entwickler: Blizzard North Verleger: Blizzard Entertainment Publikation: 29. Juni 2000 …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Diablo 2 — Diablo II Diablo II Éditeur Blizzard Entertainment Développeur Blizzard North[1] …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Diablo 3 — Diablo III Diablo III Éditeur Activision Blizzard …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Diablo II — Entwickler …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • diablo — sustantivo masculino 1. Demonio: Le tentó el diablo. 2. Persona traviesa y revoltosa, especialmente un niño: Es un auténtico diablo este chico, es incapaz de estarse quieto. 3. Persona astuta y hábil en sus actividades: Ten cuidado, que es un… …   Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española

  • Diablo — may refer to: Devil, a supernatural entity believed in many religions and cultures to be the personification of evil and the enemy of God and humankind Diablos, an international motorcycle club associated with criminal activities Lamborghini… …   Wikipedia

Бесплатный переводчик онлайн с английского на русский

Хотите общаться в чатах с собеседниками со всего мира, понимать, о чем поет Билли Айлиш, читать английские сайты на русском? PROMT.One мгновенно переведет ваш текст с английского на русский и еще на 20+ языков.

Точный перевод с транскрипцией

С помощью PROMT.One наслаждайтесь точным переводом с английского на русский, а для слов и фраз смотрите английскую транскрипцию, произношение и варианты переводов с примерами употребления в разных контекстах. Бесплатный онлайн-переводчик PROMT.One — достойная альтернатива Google Translate и другим сервисам, предоставляющим перевод с английского на русский и с русского на английский.

Нужно больше языков?

PROMT.One бесплатно переводит онлайн с английского на азербайджанский, арабский, греческий, иврит, испанский, итальянский, казахский, китайский, корейский, немецкий, португальский, татарский, турецкий, туркменский, узбекский, украинский, финский, французский, эстонский и японский.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


The site was formerly known as the Canyon Diablo Crater, and fragments of the meteorite are officially called the Canyon Diablo Meteorite.

Место было прежде известно как Каньон Диабло Крейтер, и фрагменты метеорита официально называют метеоритом Каньона Диабло.

He tweeted — I guess I can confirm I am indeed in final talks to write and show-run the new DIABLO animated series for Activision and Netflix.

Он написал в твиттере: «Скорей всего я уже могу потвердеть, что я участвую в финальных переговорах по написанию первого сценария для анимационной серии Diablo на Netflix.

I guess I can confirm I am indeed in final talks to write and show-run the new DIABLO animated series for Activision and Netflix.

Думаю, теперь я могу подтвердить, что и впрямь нахожусь на финальной стадии переговоров по поводу анимационного шоу Diablo для Netflix и Activision.

Swedish avant-garde rock band DIABLO SWING ORCHESTRA has issued the following update

Шведские авангард-рокеры DIABLO SWING ORCHESTRA опубликовали следующее сообщение

Maximum race speed reached by Pirelli DIABLO Supercorsa SC tyres in Supersport race: 258.9 km/h, by Sheridan Morais (Kallio Racing) at 15th lap.

Максимальная скорость гонки, достигнутая в классе «Суперспорт» на шинах Pirelli DIABLO Supercorsa SC: 258,9 км/ч, гонщик Шеридан Морейс (Kallio Racing) на 15-м круге.

Each customer can get a choice of one of the gifts — DIABLO 3 Guest key (ru) or StarCraft Guest key (ru).

Каждый покупатель может получить на выбор один из подарков — DIABLO 3 Гостевой ключ или StarCraft Гостевой ключ (для русской версии игры)!

You’re reviewing:EL DIABLO

Блог пользователя: El Diablo

DIABLO 3 — the DeviL is back

Diablo III — Дьявол возвращается.

The original Diablo came out in 1996.

Напомним, что оригинальная Diablo была выпущена в 1996 году.

The first game I played online was Diablo.

Первой из их игр, в которые мне удалось поиграть, была Diablo.

Diablo 3 is still extremely popular.

В настоящее время Diablo 3 пользуется огромной популярностью.

Exit Diablo 3 has not yet appointed.

Дата выхода Diablo 3 до сих пор не может быть названа.

Diablo 3 is the exact opposite.

Diablo 3, очевидно, принимает противоположный подход.

Expansion requires base game Diablo 2 to play.

Является дополнением к игре Diablo 2 и требует её наличия.

The biggest of those being Diablo 3.

И одной из самых популярных из них на данный момент является Diablo 3.

Diablo 3 is actually better on console.

Я думаю, что Diablo 3 подходит для консолей.

I think we’ve evidenced this greatly with products like Diablo 3.

Я думаю, что мы доказали это поддержкой многих наших продуктов, в том числе и Diablo 3.

Players are required to always be online when playing Diablo 3.

Отдельно Майк решил поговорить о необходимости быть постоянно подключенным к интернету, чтобы играть в Diablo 3.

Diablo 3 can only be played online.

Итак, играть в Diablo III можно будет только онлайн.

Diablo II’s secret cow level.

В Diablo II, коровий уровень был сделан секретным.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 1828. Точных совпадений: 1828. Затраченное время: 80 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Diablo logo.jpg

Original Diablo logo

Genre(s) Action role-playing, Hack and slash
  • Blizzard Entertainment
  • NetEase Games
  • Blizzard Entertainment
  • Sierra Entertainment
Creator(s) David Brevik[1]
Platform(s) Microsoft Windows, Classic Mac OS, macOS, PlayStation, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, Android, iOS
First release Diablo
January 3, 1997
Latest release Diablo Immortal
June 2, 2022

Diablo is an action role-playing dungeon crawler video game series developed by Blizzard North and continued by Blizzard Entertainment after the North studio shutdown in 2005. The series is made up of three core games: Diablo, Diablo II, and Diablo III. Expansions include the third-party published Hellfire, which follows the first game, Lord of Destruction, published by Blizzard and released after the second game, and Reaper of Souls, which follows the third game. Additional content is provided through story elements explored in other media forms. Diablo IV was announced at BlizzCon 2019.

The series is set in the dark fantasy world of Sanctuary, and its characters are primarily humans, angels, and various classes of demons and monsters. The first three games in the series take place in similar geographic areas, with several common areas including the town of Tristram and the region around Mount Arreat. Other notable settings include the High Heavens and the Burning Hells, two separate realms with ties to Sanctuary. The series primarily focuses on the ongoing conflict between the humans living in Sanctuary and the demon hordes who are led by Diablo, the series’ overarching antagonist. The humans are occasionally aided by angels, notably the Archangel Tyrael.

The video game series’ popularity and success has resulted in the publishing of several books relevant to the Diablo setting, covering a wide range of timelines of the universe.[2] There are also comics that explore various stories within the world of Sanctuary.

As of May 30, 2012, the series has sold over 24.8 million copies worldwide.[3][4]


Promotional artwork released by Blizzard Entertainment, which depicts one incarnation of the franchise’s titular villain.

The universe of Diablo is divided into three realms: the High Heavens, the Burning Hells, and the human world of Sanctuary. Ever since their creation, the angels of the High Heavens and the demons of the Burning Hells have been at war with one another. Sanctuary was created by rebel angels and demons tired of the war, with their first children being dubbed Nephalem. The descendants of the Nephalem are humanity, and become a focal point for both angels and demons who wish to influence them for their own goals due to sharing angelic and demonic heritage.[5]

The series’ title character and main antagonist is Diablo, the Lord of Terror. According to the backstory and lore provided by Blizzard Entertainment, Diablo functions as one of the seven Great Evils presiding over the Burning Hells. Diablo eventually becomes the Prime Evil after absorbing the six other Great Evils, including his two brothers: Baal, the Lord of Destruction, and Mephisto, the Lord of Hatred.[6] Two key characters who oppose Diablo in the series are Deckard Cain, an elderly scholar and the last descendant of the original Horadrim who serves as the core narrator of lore in the first three Diablo games,[7][8] and Tyrael, a member of the High Heavens’ ruling Angiris Council who is sympathetic to humanity.[5][9]

Due to the ending of Diablo 2 and the events of Diablo 3, some humans begin awakening their Nephalem heritage.[5] This awakening allows them to challenge the final Evils and eventually Diablo himself, after he manipulates events to become the Prime Evil. Though initially imprisoned, Diablo escapes and the Nephalem are perceived as a threat due to felling both angels and demons.[10]


Release timeline

1997 Diablo
Diablo: Hellfire
2000 Diablo II
2001 Diablo II: Lord of Destruction
2012 Diablo III
2014 Diablo III: Reaper of Souls
2017 Diablo III: Rise of the Necromancer
2021 Diablo II: Resurrected
2022 Diablo Immortal
2023 Diablo IV


The setting of Diablo is the town of Tristram, the de facto capital of the Kingdom of Khanduras on the world of Sanctuary. The actual fighting takes place beneath the town in a maze of dungeons, catacombs, and caves that lead into the depths of Hell.

The plot of Diablo centers around a player character undertaking a series of quests to free Tristram from Hell-spawned evil, descending through twelve levels of dungeons into Hell itself (the final four levels), where the player battles the title character, Diablo, Lord of Terror — one of the seven «Evils», demon lords who once ruled Hell.

Diablo offers three character classes and the Hellfire expansion offers three more. Players can play as Warriors, Rogues (archers), or Sorcerers. Each class has its own place in the game’s history, and all three classes make appearances as non-player characters in the sequel. All three classes have the same general skills and access to the same spells. Each of them has a class-specific skill (Item Repair, Trap Disarm, and Staff Recharge, respectively) that has as many drawbacks as benefits, except for Trap Disarm.


Hellfire offers an additional character class: the Monk, in addition to two hidden character classes: the Barbarian and the Bard. The Monk fights best with staves or his bare hands and gains bonuses from wearing light or no armor. The Barbarian can wield two handed axes with only one hand but is entirely unable to cast spells throughout most of the game. The Bard is a character with relatively balanced statistics who can wield two single-handed weapons simultaneously. The Barbarian and the Bard can only be played using a file tweak, as they were unfinished. They utilize the art of the Warrior and Rogue, respectively, and have no lore. Additional quests and multiplayer capabilities (although not over Battle.net) are also unlockable through this simple tweak.

Hellfire added two new dungeon environments on top of the four in the original Diablo: the Nest and the Crypt. Each of these environments contains various new monsters to fight, but they contain no random quests or bosses and the generated levels contain no shrines or libraries. The final boss of Hellfire, Na-Krul, is found in the last level of the Sacred Crypt.

Hellfires development was done by Synergistic Software with help from Blizzard and published by Sierra.

Diablo II[edit]

At the end of the first game, a warrior tried to contain Diablo’s soul within himself. The warrior was unable to do so, and, by the beginning of Diablo II, The Lord of Terror had taken control of the warrior’s body and begun the process of freeing his two brothers, Mephisto and Baal. Players can choose from five distinct characters (seven when including the expansion) to control in their quest and explore the world of Sanctuary through four acts. At the end of each of the four acts, players face different devils, with Diablo at the end of the game.

The character classes in particular were received much better than the previous game’s. Unlike its predecessor, Diablo II provides an explanation for each character class to pursue Diablo:

  • The oracles of the Amazons foretold that the final battle when mankind would at last be free of angelic and demonic manipulation was at hand.
  • The Barbarians also expect a «final battle», in which they would be key players in deciding the fate of the world.
  • The Necromancers determine that the Evils have grown too powerful and thus ally themselves with the forces of Light to restore balance to the world.
  • The Paladins, wracked with guilt over their actions during the Inquisition, seek justice upon Mephisto, the true cause of the bloody crusade.
  • The Sorceresses join the battle with their mighty spells to stop the corruption of magic by the Evils.

Characters from the previous game are also present in Diablo II. The Rogues (as NPCs) are the hostesses of the player during Act I, and Sorcerers are seen regularly in Acts II and III. Unlike the original, each character has three distinct sets of skills/spells that they can use in the game. Several of the characters can also conjure magical minions, such as a Valkyrie (Amazon) or Skeletons and Golems (Necromancer). All players also have the option to hire a Rogue (Act I), a Warrior (Act II), or an Iron Wolf (a type of melee Sorcerer, Act III) to accompany them and help slay monsters. These «hirelings» have a few of their own skills and can be a great benefit to the player.

Lord of Destruction[edit]

Blizzard released Diablo II: Lord of Destruction on June 29, 2001. In the expansion, set after the events of Diablo II, players seek to destroy Diablo’s brother, Baal. The expansion includes a new act, new items, and two new character classes:

  • The Druids are descended from the Barbarians and have come out of hiding in preparation for the final battle between mankind and the Evils.
  • The Assassins have policed the mage-clans for centuries. Now, with news that Terror and Destruction (Diablo and Baal) roam free, the Assassins unleash their fury on Hell itself.

Barbarians can also be hired in the new Act. The summoned units of the expansion characters are called «minions». Hirelings can be resurrected in Lord of Destruction and can be equipped with armor and weapons.

Diablo II: Resurrected[edit]

Diablo II: Resurrected, a remaster of Diablo II which also includes the Lord of Destruction expansion, was released in 2021 for Windows, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X and Series S, and Nintendo Switch and will support cross-progression between the different platforms.[11] The remaster includes updated graphics and rerendering of the game’s cutscenes, and does not change any of its item systems or game balance[citation needed].

Diablo III[edit]

Diablo III was announced at the Blizzard Worldwide Invitational on June 28, 2008. Diablo III takes place 20 years after Diablo II.[12]

Five character classes are present in Diablo III:

The only directly returning class is the Barbarian. The Barbarians have a variety of revamped skills at their disposal based on the use of their incredible physical prowess. The Barbarian is able to Whirlwind through crowds, cleave through swarms, leap across crags, and crush opponents upon landing.[13]

The Witch Doctor is a new character reminiscent of the Diablo II Necromancer, but with skills more traditionally associated with voodoo culture. The Witch Doctor has the ability to summon monsters, cast curses, harvest souls, and hurl poisons and explosives at enemies.[14]

The Wizard is a version of the Sorceress from Diablo II or the Sorcerer from Diablo, though it is much more than a mere elementalist. The Wizard’s abilities range from shooting lightning, fire, and ice at their enemies to slowing time and teleporting around enemies and through walls.[15]

The Monk is a melee attacker, using martial arts to cripple foes, resist damage, deflect projectiles, attack with blinding speed, and land explosive killing blows.[16]

The Demon Hunter is a ranged rogue class. It was the last class to be introduced, and specializes in ranged attacks, setting traps for enemies, and evasion skills.[17]

The combat system was redone as well. Instead of the previous skill selection system used in Diablo II there is an action bar at the bottom of the screen. This change replaces the area where the potion-belt used to be in Diablo II. For the first time in the series, players are able to choose the gender of their characters upon creation. The gender of the characters affects only visuals and voices. Diablo IIIs release date was announced on March 15, 2012, and the game was released worldwide on May 15, 2012.

Reaper of Souls[edit]

Diablo III: Reaper of Souls is an expansion pack for Diablo III. It was revealed at Gamescom 2013.[18] It was developed for the PC and Mac versions of Diablo III and released on March 25, 2014, for those platforms. Reaper of Souls has been ported to the PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One consoles. The Diablo III expansion includes a new character class, the Crusader, similar in style to the Paladin from Diablo II.[19]

Rise of the Necromancer[edit]

Diablo III: Rise of the Necromancer is a second expansion for Diablo III. It was announced at BlizzCon 2016.[20] It was released for the PC, Mac, and console versions of Diablo III on June 27, 2017.[21] It introduces the Necromancer class, which prefers to strike from a distance, unleashing destruction from afar. The skeletal undead under their command overwhelm enemies before they have a chance to strike, and the horrific curses the necromancers employ cripple even the most resistant of demons. Necromancers can use their throngs of undead to create diversions, or to simply open a path for their master to escape to safety.[22]

Diablo Immortal[edit]

Diablo Immortal is the fourth installment in the Diablo franchise, released as an MMO ARPG for iOS and Android by Blizzard Entertainment and NetEase. It was announced during BlizzCon 2018 and released on June 2, 2022. It takes place in between the events of Diablo II: Lord of Destruction and Diablo III.[23] Diablo Immortal was met with a negative reception from fans upon announcement for its creation as a mobile game,[24][25][26] and upon its release for the use of microtransactions.[27][28][29][30]

Diablo IV[edit]

A fourth title in the series was announced at BlizzCon 2019.

Cancelled projects[edit]

Diablo Junior[edit]

Diablo Junior was the working title for a cancelled single-player-only prequel to the original game. It started development after the release of Diablo II and was intended to be released on Game Boy Color and/or Game Boy Advance. It was planned to be released in three different cartridges in the style of the Pokémon games, each featuring a different class from original Diablo (warrior, rogue or sorcerer). The project was eventually scrapped due to high production costs.[31]

Project Hades[edit]

After the release of Reaper of Souls, a development team led by Josh Mosqueira began work on a game that would be similar to Dark Souls, code-named Hades. The project was developed from 2014 to 2016 and featured an increase in difficulty and an over-the-shoulder, third-person perspective, rather than the isometric style of previous Diablo titles. The cancellation of Hades coincided with Mosqueira leaving Blizzard.[32]


The origin of the first Diablo came from David Brevik while at Condor Games around 1994. Brevik was heavily inspired by the roguelike genre with turn-based combat, but with simplified role-playing game elements and a more expansive loot system.[33][34] The name Diablo was based on Mount Diablo, which was where Brevik lived when he conceived the game idea.[34] Condor was working alongside Blizzard Entertainment at the time on a separate title. Blizzard offered to help develop Brevik’s idea as it shared concepts with their recent Warcraft: Orcs & Humans, but strongly urged that they convert the game from turn-based to real-time combat, as well as later urging the including of multiplayer over their new Battle.net service. Over the course of development, Blizzard acquired Condor Games, with Condor, located in San Mateo, California, becoming Blizzard North while Blizzard’s main offices in Irvine, California became Blizzard South. Diablo was released in January 1997.[34]

Diablo was a top selling game in 1997 with over a million copies sold that year,[35] leading Blizzard to announce its sequel, Diablo II. The sequel, while retaining much of the same gameplay as the original title, used very little of the original code, and had no formal design approach.[36] Released in June 2000, Diablo II sold over 2 million copies within a month and a half of release,[37] and reached four million a year later.[38]

Work on Diablo III started in 2001 at Blizzard North, but around 2003, several key figures from Blizzard North, include Brevik and the studio’s founders, Max and Erich Schaefer, left the company over a dispute with Vivendi Games, the parent of Blizzard Entertainment.[39] While the remaining staff of Blizzard North continued to work on their version of Diablo III, Blizzard closed down the studio in August 2005 and scrapped most of the work on the existing Diablo III title and restarted its development within its own teams. Even after restarting development, Diablo III had a protracted development, but eventually was released in May 2012. Its initial launch was met with some criticism for changes from the prior Diablo formula, as well as requiring players to be connected to the Internet to play, but over ongoing patches and updates, Blizzard has been said to have improved the game from this initial take.[40]


Maps for the in-game world are randomly generated in each Diablo game, which increases the replayability. Due to its procedurally generated maps and hack and slash» nature, Diablo shares some similar mechanics as early roguelike games, though with real-time gameplay, graphics, and sound. It was in fact originally conceived and pitched to Blizzard as what amounted to a graphical roguelike.[41] The adventurer being based in a town above the dungeon and being able to use «scrolls of town portal» is a specific influence from Moria.[41] The gameplay loop for Diablo games relies on a constant search for better weapons and armor, known as loot. Items are randomly generated and usually have many attributes assigned to them. As a video game series which developed around point and click gameplay mechanics, the mouse is traditionally used for moving and using abilities in PC versions of Diablo video games.

Other media[edit]



Tales of Sanctuary by Phil Amara, Dave Land, and Francisco Ruiz Velasco is a comic book released on November 9, 2001, by Dark Horse Comics. It features three stories:

  • Rage is about Azgar, a Druid in his struggle against Baal’s minions.
  • The Hand of Naz is about Renit the Dark Stalker, a Barbarian who allies with the Necromancer Cairo to find the titular artifact.
  • Hatred’s Bride is about Hale, a Paladin who saves a girl, Bay, from demons and seeks to protect her.

In November 2011, DC Comics started producing a five-issue miniseries (Diablo III: Sword of Justice) by
Aaron Williams with art and covers by Joseph LaCroix.[42][43]


Action figures for the Barbarian character class, the Unraveller monster, and the Diablo character were sold in Blizzard’s online store and at retailers to complement the release of Diablo II.[44]

An 18-inch collectible statue of Diablo III‘s Barbarian class has been produced for sale by Sideshow Collectibles.[45]

Crossover appearances[edit]

Heroes of the Storm[edit]

In 2015, Blizzard released Heroes of the Storm, a crossover multiplayer online battle arena video game, in which players can control over 15 characters from the Diablo universe as playable heroes. All character classes from Diablo III, popular classes from Diablo II,[46] as well as notable characters from the franchise, including Deckard Cain, Diablo, Malthael, Mephisto, and Tyrael are represented within the game.[47] Heroes of the Storm features two Diablo-themed battlegrounds, Battlefield of Eternity and Infernal Shrines.[48][49] Various soundtracks from Diablo franchise, such as Jungle (Act III) and Ancients from Diablo II, and Reaper of Souls from Diablo III, are present as background music in the game.[50]

World of Warcraft[edit]

Characters from the series have also appeared in World of Warcraft, a massively multiplayer online role-playing game created and developed by Blizzard set in the Warcraft universe, usually as Easter egg references or in-game «pet» companions. Examples include miniature versions of Diablo and Tyrael, a flying mount usable by the player character called Tyrael’s Charger,[51] and a
composite character named Murkablo.[52]


The games in the Diablo series on all release platforms have received generally favorable reviews from critics. Both Diablo and Diablo II are considered by multiple reputable video game journalists or magazines to be among the best video games of all time. Each entry in the series have been financial successes. Diablo II sold 4 million copies in the year it was released. Diablo III sold 3.5 million copies in the first day and 6.3 million copies in the first week.[71] Another 1.2 million copies were given to subscribers to Blizzard’s Annual Pass service. The Diablo III release was the fastest-selling PC game of all time.[72]

The title character of the franchise has been well received as its overarching antagonist. Time magazine named Diablo the second most influential video game character of all time, calling the character «gaming’s archetypal foozle, an illimitable damage sponge into which players pour a game’s worth of tactical preparation, informed by scrupulous looting, savvy inventory juggling and ability streamlining».[73] Diablo placed #44 on a list of top 50 video game villains featured by Guinness World Records in 2013.[74] GamePro ranked Diablo #14 on its list of the most diabolical video game villains of all time, noting that he «corrupts the soul of the hero of Diablo I in order to reincarnate in Diablo II«.[75]IGN ranked Diablo 74th in their list of «Top 100 Video Game Villains»,[76] as well as their pick for the third best Blizzard character in a list published in 2017.[77] Complex staff ranked Diablo 7th in their list of the 50 coolest video game villains of all time, describing the character as the «epitome of all evil comes in the form of a giant red behemoth that resembles the classic image of Satan as portrayed in most Judeo-Christian imagery, and he’s one bad muh.»[78]

Other recurring characters in the series, such as Deckard Cain and Tyrael, have also been positively received. In 2016, Glixel staff ranked Tyrael the 39th most iconic video game character of the 21st century, and his unwavering opposition against the Prime Evils after they have been unwittingly released to be the character’s most «iconic moment».[79]

Legal issues[edit]

In May 2021, Blizzard Entertainment commenced legal proceedings against Fox Media in a dispute over the trademark rights for the name «Diablo». Fox sought to register the name «Diablo» with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office in an apparent effort to market merchandise relating to a character of the same name from the adult animated sitcom HouseBroken, which premiered on May 31, 2021. Blizzard’s legal representatives sought to block Fox’s application and argued in their filing that Fox’s use of the term «Diablo» for the HouseBroken character is “likely to cause confusion or mistake or to deceive”.[80]


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  64. ^ «Diablo III: Eternal Collection for Switch Reviews». Metacritic. CBS Interactive. Retrieved July 27, 2019.
  65. ^ «Diablo II: Resurrected Critic Reviews for Switch». Metacritic. Retrieved December 11, 2021.
  66. ^ «Diablo II: Resurrected Critic Reviews for PC». Metacritic. Archived from the original on September 28, 2021. Retrieved October 27, 2021.
  67. ^ «Diablo II: Resurrected Critic Reviews for PlayStation 5». Metacritic. Archived from the original on September 28, 2021. Retrieved October 13, 2021.
  68. ^ «Diablo II: Resurrected Critic Reviews for Xbox Series X». Metacritic. Retrieved November 9, 2021.
  69. ^ «Diablo Immortal for iPhone/iPad Reviews». Metacritic. Retrieved June 16, 2022.
  70. ^ «Diablo Immortal for PC Reviews». Metacritic. Retrieved June 16, 2022.
  71. ^ «Diablo III sales pass 3.5M copies in 1st day». BusinessWeek. The Associated Press. May 23, 2012. Retrieved November 4, 2013.
  72. ^ Graziano, Dan (May 23, 2012). «Diablo III becomes the fastest-selling PC game of all time». BGR. Retrieved November 4, 2013.
  73. ^ Lisa Eadicicco; Alex Fitzpatrick; Matt Peckham (June 30, 2017). «The 15 Most Influential Video Game Characters of All Time». Time. Retrieved May 25, 2021.
  74. ^ Scott Nichols (January 24, 2013). «Guinness World Records counts down top 50 video game villains». Digital Spy. Retrieved October 18, 2020.
  75. ^ GamePro (April 2, 2008). «47 Most Diabolical Video-Game Villains of All Time». PC World. Retrieved October 18, 2020.
  76. ^ [1] Archived April 8, 2012, at the Wayback Machine
  77. ^ «Top 25 Best Blizzard Characters — IGN». November 3, 2017 – via www.ign.com.
  78. ^ Graziano, Dan (November 1, 2012). «The 50 Coolest Video Game Villains of All Time». Complex. Retrieved October 18, 2020.
  79. ^ «50 Most Iconic Video Game Characters of the 21st Century». Glixel. November 18, 2016. Archived from the original on November 23, 2016. Retrieved November 17, 2021.
  80. ^ Ian Boudreau (May 1, 2018). «Diablo character sparks a trademark fight between Blizzard and Fox». PCGamesN. Retrieved December 15, 2020.

External links[edit]

Wikiquote has quotations related to Diablo.

  • Diablo series at Curlie
Diablo logo.jpg

Original Diablo logo

Genre(s) Action role-playing, Hack and slash
  • Blizzard Entertainment
  • NetEase Games
  • Blizzard Entertainment
  • Sierra Entertainment
Creator(s) David Brevik[1]
Platform(s) Microsoft Windows, Classic Mac OS, macOS, PlayStation, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, Android, iOS
First release Diablo
January 3, 1997
Latest release Diablo Immortal
June 2, 2022

Diablo is an action role-playing dungeon crawler video game series developed by Blizzard North and continued by Blizzard Entertainment after the North studio shutdown in 2005. The series is made up of three core games: Diablo, Diablo II, and Diablo III. Expansions include the third-party published Hellfire, which follows the first game, Lord of Destruction, published by Blizzard and released after the second game, and Reaper of Souls, which follows the third game. Additional content is provided through story elements explored in other media forms. Diablo IV was announced at BlizzCon 2019.

The series is set in the dark fantasy world of Sanctuary, and its characters are primarily humans, angels, and various classes of demons and monsters. The first three games in the series take place in similar geographic areas, with several common areas including the town of Tristram and the region around Mount Arreat. Other notable settings include the High Heavens and the Burning Hells, two separate realms with ties to Sanctuary. The series primarily focuses on the ongoing conflict between the humans living in Sanctuary and the demon hordes who are led by Diablo, the series’ overarching antagonist. The humans are occasionally aided by angels, notably the Archangel Tyrael.

The video game series’ popularity and success has resulted in the publishing of several books relevant to the Diablo setting, covering a wide range of timelines of the universe.[2] There are also comics that explore various stories within the world of Sanctuary.

As of May 30, 2012, the series has sold over 24.8 million copies worldwide.[3][4]


Promotional artwork released by Blizzard Entertainment, which depicts one incarnation of the franchise’s titular villain.

The universe of Diablo is divided into three realms: the High Heavens, the Burning Hells, and the human world of Sanctuary. Ever since their creation, the angels of the High Heavens and the demons of the Burning Hells have been at war with one another. Sanctuary was created by rebel angels and demons tired of the war, with their first children being dubbed Nephalem. The descendants of the Nephalem are humanity, and become a focal point for both angels and demons who wish to influence them for their own goals due to sharing angelic and demonic heritage.[5]

The series’ title character and main antagonist is Diablo, the Lord of Terror. According to the backstory and lore provided by Blizzard Entertainment, Diablo functions as one of the seven Great Evils presiding over the Burning Hells. Diablo eventually becomes the Prime Evil after absorbing the six other Great Evils, including his two brothers: Baal, the Lord of Destruction, and Mephisto, the Lord of Hatred.[6] Two key characters who oppose Diablo in the series are Deckard Cain, an elderly scholar and the last descendant of the original Horadrim who serves as the core narrator of lore in the first three Diablo games,[7][8] and Tyrael, a member of the High Heavens’ ruling Angiris Council who is sympathetic to humanity.[5][9]

Due to the ending of Diablo 2 and the events of Diablo 3, some humans begin awakening their Nephalem heritage.[5] This awakening allows them to challenge the final Evils and eventually Diablo himself, after he manipulates events to become the Prime Evil. Though initially imprisoned, Diablo escapes and the Nephalem are perceived as a threat due to felling both angels and demons.[10]


Release timeline

1997 Diablo
Diablo: Hellfire
2000 Diablo II
2001 Diablo II: Lord of Destruction
2012 Diablo III
2014 Diablo III: Reaper of Souls
2017 Diablo III: Rise of the Necromancer
2021 Diablo II: Resurrected
2022 Diablo Immortal
2023 Diablo IV


The setting of Diablo is the town of Tristram, the de facto capital of the Kingdom of Khanduras on the world of Sanctuary. The actual fighting takes place beneath the town in a maze of dungeons, catacombs, and caves that lead into the depths of Hell.

The plot of Diablo centers around a player character undertaking a series of quests to free Tristram from Hell-spawned evil, descending through twelve levels of dungeons into Hell itself (the final four levels), where the player battles the title character, Diablo, Lord of Terror — one of the seven «Evils», demon lords who once ruled Hell.

Diablo offers three character classes and the Hellfire expansion offers three more. Players can play as Warriors, Rogues (archers), or Sorcerers. Each class has its own place in the game’s history, and all three classes make appearances as non-player characters in the sequel. All three classes have the same general skills and access to the same spells. Each of them has a class-specific skill (Item Repair, Trap Disarm, and Staff Recharge, respectively) that has as many drawbacks as benefits, except for Trap Disarm.


Hellfire offers an additional character class: the Monk, in addition to two hidden character classes: the Barbarian and the Bard. The Monk fights best with staves or his bare hands and gains bonuses from wearing light or no armor. The Barbarian can wield two handed axes with only one hand but is entirely unable to cast spells throughout most of the game. The Bard is a character with relatively balanced statistics who can wield two single-handed weapons simultaneously. The Barbarian and the Bard can only be played using a file tweak, as they were unfinished. They utilize the art of the Warrior and Rogue, respectively, and have no lore. Additional quests and multiplayer capabilities (although not over Battle.net) are also unlockable through this simple tweak.

Hellfire added two new dungeon environments on top of the four in the original Diablo: the Nest and the Crypt. Each of these environments contains various new monsters to fight, but they contain no random quests or bosses and the generated levels contain no shrines or libraries. The final boss of Hellfire, Na-Krul, is found in the last level of the Sacred Crypt.

Hellfires development was done by Synergistic Software with help from Blizzard and published by Sierra.

Diablo II[edit]

At the end of the first game, a warrior tried to contain Diablo’s soul within himself. The warrior was unable to do so, and, by the beginning of Diablo II, The Lord of Terror had taken control of the warrior’s body and begun the process of freeing his two brothers, Mephisto and Baal. Players can choose from five distinct characters (seven when including the expansion) to control in their quest and explore the world of Sanctuary through four acts. At the end of each of the four acts, players face different devils, with Diablo at the end of the game.

The character classes in particular were received much better than the previous game’s. Unlike its predecessor, Diablo II provides an explanation for each character class to pursue Diablo:

  • The oracles of the Amazons foretold that the final battle when mankind would at last be free of angelic and demonic manipulation was at hand.
  • The Barbarians also expect a «final battle», in which they would be key players in deciding the fate of the world.
  • The Necromancers determine that the Evils have grown too powerful and thus ally themselves with the forces of Light to restore balance to the world.
  • The Paladins, wracked with guilt over their actions during the Inquisition, seek justice upon Mephisto, the true cause of the bloody crusade.
  • The Sorceresses join the battle with their mighty spells to stop the corruption of magic by the Evils.

Characters from the previous game are also present in Diablo II. The Rogues (as NPCs) are the hostesses of the player during Act I, and Sorcerers are seen regularly in Acts II and III. Unlike the original, each character has three distinct sets of skills/spells that they can use in the game. Several of the characters can also conjure magical minions, such as a Valkyrie (Amazon) or Skeletons and Golems (Necromancer). All players also have the option to hire a Rogue (Act I), a Warrior (Act II), or an Iron Wolf (a type of melee Sorcerer, Act III) to accompany them and help slay monsters. These «hirelings» have a few of their own skills and can be a great benefit to the player.

Lord of Destruction[edit]

Blizzard released Diablo II: Lord of Destruction on June 29, 2001. In the expansion, set after the events of Diablo II, players seek to destroy Diablo’s brother, Baal. The expansion includes a new act, new items, and two new character classes:

  • The Druids are descended from the Barbarians and have come out of hiding in preparation for the final battle between mankind and the Evils.
  • The Assassins have policed the mage-clans for centuries. Now, with news that Terror and Destruction (Diablo and Baal) roam free, the Assassins unleash their fury on Hell itself.

Barbarians can also be hired in the new Act. The summoned units of the expansion characters are called «minions». Hirelings can be resurrected in Lord of Destruction and can be equipped with armor and weapons.

Diablo II: Resurrected[edit]

Diablo II: Resurrected, a remaster of Diablo II which also includes the Lord of Destruction expansion, was released in 2021 for Windows, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X and Series S, and Nintendo Switch and will support cross-progression between the different platforms.[11] The remaster includes updated graphics and rerendering of the game’s cutscenes, and does not change any of its item systems or game balance[citation needed].

Diablo III[edit]

Diablo III was announced at the Blizzard Worldwide Invitational on June 28, 2008. Diablo III takes place 20 years after Diablo II.[12]

Five character classes are present in Diablo III:

The only directly returning class is the Barbarian. The Barbarians have a variety of revamped skills at their disposal based on the use of their incredible physical prowess. The Barbarian is able to Whirlwind through crowds, cleave through swarms, leap across crags, and crush opponents upon landing.[13]

The Witch Doctor is a new character reminiscent of the Diablo II Necromancer, but with skills more traditionally associated with voodoo culture. The Witch Doctor has the ability to summon monsters, cast curses, harvest souls, and hurl poisons and explosives at enemies.[14]

The Wizard is a version of the Sorceress from Diablo II or the Sorcerer from Diablo, though it is much more than a mere elementalist. The Wizard’s abilities range from shooting lightning, fire, and ice at their enemies to slowing time and teleporting around enemies and through walls.[15]

The Monk is a melee attacker, using martial arts to cripple foes, resist damage, deflect projectiles, attack with blinding speed, and land explosive killing blows.[16]

The Demon Hunter is a ranged rogue class. It was the last class to be introduced, and specializes in ranged attacks, setting traps for enemies, and evasion skills.[17]

The combat system was redone as well. Instead of the previous skill selection system used in Diablo II there is an action bar at the bottom of the screen. This change replaces the area where the potion-belt used to be in Diablo II. For the first time in the series, players are able to choose the gender of their characters upon creation. The gender of the characters affects only visuals and voices. Diablo IIIs release date was announced on March 15, 2012, and the game was released worldwide on May 15, 2012.

Reaper of Souls[edit]

Diablo III: Reaper of Souls is an expansion pack for Diablo III. It was revealed at Gamescom 2013.[18] It was developed for the PC and Mac versions of Diablo III and released on March 25, 2014, for those platforms. Reaper of Souls has been ported to the PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One consoles. The Diablo III expansion includes a new character class, the Crusader, similar in style to the Paladin from Diablo II.[19]

Rise of the Necromancer[edit]

Diablo III: Rise of the Necromancer is a second expansion for Diablo III. It was announced at BlizzCon 2016.[20] It was released for the PC, Mac, and console versions of Diablo III on June 27, 2017.[21] It introduces the Necromancer class, which prefers to strike from a distance, unleashing destruction from afar. The skeletal undead under their command overwhelm enemies before they have a chance to strike, and the horrific curses the necromancers employ cripple even the most resistant of demons. Necromancers can use their throngs of undead to create diversions, or to simply open a path for their master to escape to safety.[22]

Diablo Immortal[edit]

Diablo Immortal is the fourth installment in the Diablo franchise, released as an MMO ARPG for iOS and Android by Blizzard Entertainment and NetEase. It was announced during BlizzCon 2018 and released on June 2, 2022. It takes place in between the events of Diablo II: Lord of Destruction and Diablo III.[23] Diablo Immortal was met with a negative reception from fans upon announcement for its creation as a mobile game,[24][25][26] and upon its release for the use of microtransactions.[27][28][29][30]

Diablo IV[edit]

A fourth title in the series was announced at BlizzCon 2019.

Cancelled projects[edit]

Diablo Junior[edit]

Diablo Junior was the working title for a cancelled single-player-only prequel to the original game. It started development after the release of Diablo II and was intended to be released on Game Boy Color and/or Game Boy Advance. It was planned to be released in three different cartridges in the style of the Pokémon games, each featuring a different class from original Diablo (warrior, rogue or sorcerer). The project was eventually scrapped due to high production costs.[31]

Project Hades[edit]

After the release of Reaper of Souls, a development team led by Josh Mosqueira began work on a game that would be similar to Dark Souls, code-named Hades. The project was developed from 2014 to 2016 and featured an increase in difficulty and an over-the-shoulder, third-person perspective, rather than the isometric style of previous Diablo titles. The cancellation of Hades coincided with Mosqueira leaving Blizzard.[32]


The origin of the first Diablo came from David Brevik while at Condor Games around 1994. Brevik was heavily inspired by the roguelike genre with turn-based combat, but with simplified role-playing game elements and a more expansive loot system.[33][34] The name Diablo was based on Mount Diablo, which was where Brevik lived when he conceived the game idea.[34] Condor was working alongside Blizzard Entertainment at the time on a separate title. Blizzard offered to help develop Brevik’s idea as it shared concepts with their recent Warcraft: Orcs & Humans, but strongly urged that they convert the game from turn-based to real-time combat, as well as later urging the including of multiplayer over their new Battle.net service. Over the course of development, Blizzard acquired Condor Games, with Condor, located in San Mateo, California, becoming Blizzard North while Blizzard’s main offices in Irvine, California became Blizzard South. Diablo was released in January 1997.[34]

Diablo was a top selling game in 1997 with over a million copies sold that year,[35] leading Blizzard to announce its sequel, Diablo II. The sequel, while retaining much of the same gameplay as the original title, used very little of the original code, and had no formal design approach.[36] Released in June 2000, Diablo II sold over 2 million copies within a month and a half of release,[37] and reached four million a year later.[38]

Work on Diablo III started in 2001 at Blizzard North, but around 2003, several key figures from Blizzard North, include Brevik and the studio’s founders, Max and Erich Schaefer, left the company over a dispute with Vivendi Games, the parent of Blizzard Entertainment.[39] While the remaining staff of Blizzard North continued to work on their version of Diablo III, Blizzard closed down the studio in August 2005 and scrapped most of the work on the existing Diablo III title and restarted its development within its own teams. Even after restarting development, Diablo III had a protracted development, but eventually was released in May 2012. Its initial launch was met with some criticism for changes from the prior Diablo formula, as well as requiring players to be connected to the Internet to play, but over ongoing patches and updates, Blizzard has been said to have improved the game from this initial take.[40]


Maps for the in-game world are randomly generated in each Diablo game, which increases the replayability. Due to its procedurally generated maps and hack and slash» nature, Diablo shares some similar mechanics as early roguelike games, though with real-time gameplay, graphics, and sound. It was in fact originally conceived and pitched to Blizzard as what amounted to a graphical roguelike.[41] The adventurer being based in a town above the dungeon and being able to use «scrolls of town portal» is a specific influence from Moria.[41] The gameplay loop for Diablo games relies on a constant search for better weapons and armor, known as loot. Items are randomly generated and usually have many attributes assigned to them. As a video game series which developed around point and click gameplay mechanics, the mouse is traditionally used for moving and using abilities in PC versions of Diablo video games.

Other media[edit]



Tales of Sanctuary by Phil Amara, Dave Land, and Francisco Ruiz Velasco is a comic book released on November 9, 2001, by Dark Horse Comics. It features three stories:

  • Rage is about Azgar, a Druid in his struggle against Baal’s minions.
  • The Hand of Naz is about Renit the Dark Stalker, a Barbarian who allies with the Necromancer Cairo to find the titular artifact.
  • Hatred’s Bride is about Hale, a Paladin who saves a girl, Bay, from demons and seeks to protect her.

In November 2011, DC Comics started producing a five-issue miniseries (Diablo III: Sword of Justice) by
Aaron Williams with art and covers by Joseph LaCroix.[42][43]


Action figures for the Barbarian character class, the Unraveller monster, and the Diablo character were sold in Blizzard’s online store and at retailers to complement the release of Diablo II.[44]

An 18-inch collectible statue of Diablo III‘s Barbarian class has been produced for sale by Sideshow Collectibles.[45]

Crossover appearances[edit]

Heroes of the Storm[edit]

In 2015, Blizzard released Heroes of the Storm, a crossover multiplayer online battle arena video game, in which players can control over 15 characters from the Diablo universe as playable heroes. All character classes from Diablo III, popular classes from Diablo II,[46] as well as notable characters from the franchise, including Deckard Cain, Diablo, Malthael, Mephisto, and Tyrael are represented within the game.[47] Heroes of the Storm features two Diablo-themed battlegrounds, Battlefield of Eternity and Infernal Shrines.[48][49] Various soundtracks from Diablo franchise, such as Jungle (Act III) and Ancients from Diablo II, and Reaper of Souls from Diablo III, are present as background music in the game.[50]

World of Warcraft[edit]

Characters from the series have also appeared in World of Warcraft, a massively multiplayer online role-playing game created and developed by Blizzard set in the Warcraft universe, usually as Easter egg references or in-game «pet» companions. Examples include miniature versions of Diablo and Tyrael, a flying mount usable by the player character called Tyrael’s Charger,[51] and a
composite character named Murkablo.[52]


The games in the Diablo series on all release platforms have received generally favorable reviews from critics. Both Diablo and Diablo II are considered by multiple reputable video game journalists or magazines to be among the best video games of all time. Each entry in the series have been financial successes. Diablo II sold 4 million copies in the year it was released. Diablo III sold 3.5 million copies in the first day and 6.3 million copies in the first week.[71] Another 1.2 million copies were given to subscribers to Blizzard’s Annual Pass service. The Diablo III release was the fastest-selling PC game of all time.[72]

The title character of the franchise has been well received as its overarching antagonist. Time magazine named Diablo the second most influential video game character of all time, calling the character «gaming’s archetypal foozle, an illimitable damage sponge into which players pour a game’s worth of tactical preparation, informed by scrupulous looting, savvy inventory juggling and ability streamlining».[73] Diablo placed #44 on a list of top 50 video game villains featured by Guinness World Records in 2013.[74] GamePro ranked Diablo #14 on its list of the most diabolical video game villains of all time, noting that he «corrupts the soul of the hero of Diablo I in order to reincarnate in Diablo II«.[75]IGN ranked Diablo 74th in their list of «Top 100 Video Game Villains»,[76] as well as their pick for the third best Blizzard character in a list published in 2017.[77] Complex staff ranked Diablo 7th in their list of the 50 coolest video game villains of all time, describing the character as the «epitome of all evil comes in the form of a giant red behemoth that resembles the classic image of Satan as portrayed in most Judeo-Christian imagery, and he’s one bad muh.»[78]

Other recurring characters in the series, such as Deckard Cain and Tyrael, have also been positively received. In 2016, Glixel staff ranked Tyrael the 39th most iconic video game character of the 21st century, and his unwavering opposition against the Prime Evils after they have been unwittingly released to be the character’s most «iconic moment».[79]

Legal issues[edit]

In May 2021, Blizzard Entertainment commenced legal proceedings against Fox Media in a dispute over the trademark rights for the name «Diablo». Fox sought to register the name «Diablo» with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office in an apparent effort to market merchandise relating to a character of the same name from the adult animated sitcom HouseBroken, which premiered on May 31, 2021. Blizzard’s legal representatives sought to block Fox’s application and argued in their filing that Fox’s use of the term «Diablo» for the HouseBroken character is “likely to cause confusion or mistake or to deceive”.[80]


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  60. ^ «Diablo III for PlayStation 3 Reviews». Metacritic. CBS Interactive. Retrieved June 26, 2014.
  61. ^ «Diablo III for Xbox 360 Reviews». Metacritic. CBS Interactive. Retrieved June 26, 2014.
  62. ^ «Diablo III: Ultimate Evil Edition for PlayStation 4 Reviews». Metacritic. CBS Interactive. Retrieved August 19, 2014.
  63. ^ «Diablo III: Ultimate Evil Edition for Xbox One Reviews». Metacritic. CBS Interactive. Retrieved August 19, 2014.
  64. ^ «Diablo III: Eternal Collection for Switch Reviews». Metacritic. CBS Interactive. Retrieved July 27, 2019.
  65. ^ «Diablo II: Resurrected Critic Reviews for Switch». Metacritic. Retrieved December 11, 2021.
  66. ^ «Diablo II: Resurrected Critic Reviews for PC». Metacritic. Archived from the original on September 28, 2021. Retrieved October 27, 2021.
  67. ^ «Diablo II: Resurrected Critic Reviews for PlayStation 5». Metacritic. Archived from the original on September 28, 2021. Retrieved October 13, 2021.
  68. ^ «Diablo II: Resurrected Critic Reviews for Xbox Series X». Metacritic. Retrieved November 9, 2021.
  69. ^ «Diablo Immortal for iPhone/iPad Reviews». Metacritic. Retrieved June 16, 2022.
  70. ^ «Diablo Immortal for PC Reviews». Metacritic. Retrieved June 16, 2022.
  71. ^ «Diablo III sales pass 3.5M copies in 1st day». BusinessWeek. The Associated Press. May 23, 2012. Retrieved November 4, 2013.
  72. ^ Graziano, Dan (May 23, 2012). «Diablo III becomes the fastest-selling PC game of all time». BGR. Retrieved November 4, 2013.
  73. ^ Lisa Eadicicco; Alex Fitzpatrick; Matt Peckham (June 30, 2017). «The 15 Most Influential Video Game Characters of All Time». Time. Retrieved May 25, 2021.
  74. ^ Scott Nichols (January 24, 2013). «Guinness World Records counts down top 50 video game villains». Digital Spy. Retrieved October 18, 2020.
  75. ^ GamePro (April 2, 2008). «47 Most Diabolical Video-Game Villains of All Time». PC World. Retrieved October 18, 2020.
  76. ^ [1] Archived April 8, 2012, at the Wayback Machine
  77. ^ «Top 25 Best Blizzard Characters — IGN». November 3, 2017 – via www.ign.com.
  78. ^ Graziano, Dan (November 1, 2012). «The 50 Coolest Video Game Villains of All Time». Complex. Retrieved October 18, 2020.
  79. ^ «50 Most Iconic Video Game Characters of the 21st Century». Glixel. November 18, 2016. Archived from the original on November 23, 2016. Retrieved November 17, 2021.
  80. ^ Ian Boudreau (May 1, 2018). «Diablo character sparks a trademark fight between Blizzard and Fox». PCGamesN. Retrieved December 15, 2020.

External links[edit]

Wikiquote has quotations related to Diablo.

  • Diablo series at Curlie

Предложения со словом «Diablo»

Chuck has muscles for days, but his conversation is not the stuff of Oscar Wilde, or even Diablo Cody.

У Чака есть сила, но с ним не поговоришь ни об Оскаре Уайлде, ни о Диабло Коди.

What happened to real nicknames like Mad Dog and El Diablo?

Что случилось с крутыми кличками типа Бешеный пёс или Дьявол?

In any event, this demon spoke to him in the Verbis Diablo.

Как бы там ни было, тот демон говорил с ним на вербис дьябло.

They lost Lady Katana, Calypso, Diablo Verde…

Они потеряли Леди Катану, Калипсо, Дьябло Верде…

A bottle of your Vino del Diablo.

Бутылку вашего Vino del Diablo.

The concept of color-coded loot rarity was popularized with the 1996 game Diablo, whose designer, David Brevik, took the idea from the roguelike video game Angband.

Концепция редкостного лота с цветовой кодировкой была популяризирована в 1996 году игрой Diablo, дизайнер которой Дэвид Бревик позаимствовал идею из рогоподобной видеоигры Angband.

Based on this game is a Diablo style role-playing game called Freedroid RPG where several Dalek-like robots appear.

В основе этой игры лежит ролевая игра в стиле Diablo под названием Freedroid RPG, в которой появляется несколько Далекоподобных роботов.

In 1893, Ferdinand Henri Moissan discovered the very rare naturally occurring SiC mineral while examining rock samples found in the Canyon Diablo meteorite in Arizona.

В 1893 году Фердинанд Анри Муассан открыл очень редкий природный минерал SiC, исследуя образцы горных пород, найденных в каньоне Диабло метеорит в Аризоне.

Co-type localities are the Toluca meteorite, Xiquipilco, Mexico and the Canyon Diablo meteorite, Meteor Crater, Coconino County, Arizona, US.

Ко — типичные населенные пункты — метеорит Толука, Ксикипилько, Мексика и метеорит Каньон Диабло, метеоритный кратер, округ Коконино, Аризона, США.

In 1995, Megatech began production of the M12 which was based on the Lamborghini Diablo and was loosely based on the design of the AWX-3.

В 1995 году компания Megatech начала производство M12, который был основан на Lamborghini Diablo и был слабо основан на дизайне AWX — 3.

Reed lent her voice to the video game Diablo III, providing the spine-tingling voice of the witch Adria.

Рид одолжила свой голос для видеоигры Diablo III, предоставив дрожащий голос ведьмы Адрии.

After their relationship started to grow, Millie fired Diablo, stating that she thought he was a distraction for Blanca.

После того, как их отношения начали расти, Милли уволила Диабло, заявив, что считает его отвлекающим фактором для Бланки.

The insemination fails, but Blanca is going to be released early, which would allow her to try again with Diablo in person.

Осеменение не удается, но Бланка собирается выйти на свободу раньше, что позволит ей попробовать еще раз с Диабло лично.

A diablo rojo is usually customized or painted with bright colors, usually depicting famous actors, politicians or singers.

Diablo rojo обычно настраивается или окрашивается в яркие цвета, обычно изображая известных актеров, политиков или певцов.

Lisa has to bring Diablo in to be euthanized if he is the source of the outbreak.

Лиза должна привести Диабло на эвтаназию, если он является источником вспышки.

Lisa selfishly refuses to help Max look for Diablo, who has gone missing.

Лиза эгоистично отказывается помогать Максу искать Диабло, который пропал без вести.

Tests reveal that Diablo is healthy and Belle accidentally got poisoned by Veronica, who used an apple-scented hair gel to make Garnet’s coat shine.

Тесты показывают, что Диабло здоров, а Белль случайно отравилась Вероникой, которая использовала гель для волос с яблочным ароматом, чтобы заставить шерсть гранат сиять.

A device running an online version of the video game Diablo III is an example of hybrid client.

Устройство, работающее под управлением онлайн — версии видеоигры Diablo III, является примером гибридного клиента.

Jennifer’s Body is a 2009 American supernatural horror black comedy film written by Diablo Cody and directed by Karyn Kusama.

Тело Дженнифер — американская сверхъестественная черная комедия ужасов 2009 года, написанная Диабло Коди и режиссером Карин Кусама.

Jennifer’s Body is the follow-up to writer and producer Diablo Cody’s and Jason Reitman’s collaboration efforts on Juno.

Тело Дженнифер — это продолжение совместной работы сценариста и продюсера Диабло Коди и Джейсона Рейтмана над Юноной.

According to the screenwriter, Diablo Cody, the film was marketed all wrong.

По словам сценариста Диабло Коди, фильм был продан совершенно неправильно.

Lonsdaleite was first identified in 1967 from the Canyon Diablo meteorite, where it occurs as microscopic crystals associated with diamond.

Лонсдалеит был впервые идентифицирован в 1967 году из метеорита Каньон Диабло, где он встречается в виде микроскопических кристаллов, связанных с алмазом.

Lana also has a pet rat named Bitey, a lizard named Izzy, and a snake named El Diablo.

У Ланы также есть домашняя крыса по имени Бити, ящерица по имени Иззи и змея по имени Эль Дьябло.

The combat system of the game is fashioned similar to Blizzard’s Diablo series.

Боевая система игры выполнена по образцу серии Diablo от Blizzard.

The site was formerly known as the Canyon Diablo Crater and fragments of the meteorite are officially called the Canyon Diablo Meteorite.

Это место ранее было известно как кратер Каньон Диабло, и фрагменты метеорита официально называются Каньон Диабло метеорит.

They named it the Canyon Diablo crater after Canyon Diablo, Arizona, which was the closest community to the crater in the late 19th century.

Они назвали его кратером Каньон Диабло в честь каньона Диабло, штат Аризона, который был самым близким к кратеру сообществом в конце 19 — го века.

The test shot, Diablo Hawk, was carried out on 13 September 1978 as part of the Operation Cresset series.

Пробный выстрел Диабло Хок был произведен 13 сентября 1978 года в рамках серии операций Крессет.

After the Diablo Hawk failure, Hagelstein reviewed Chapline’s idea and came up with a new concept that should be much more efficient.

После неудачи с Diablo Hawk Хагельштейн пересмотрел идею Чаплина и придумал новую концепцию, которая должна быть гораздо более эффективной.

Daniel Case, EVula, Luna Santin, and Mailer diablo were granted oversight permission.

Дэниел кейс, Эвула, Луна Сантин и Мейлер Диабло получили разрешение на надзор.

He is known for his work in the bands Dia de los Meurtos and Agony and for co-founding the Festival del Diablo in Columbia.

Он известен своей работой в группах Диа — де — лос — Meurtos и агонии и один из основателей фестиваля — дель — Дьябло в Колумбии.

Pinzon continued to co-organize and perform in the Festival del Diablo as recently as 2017.

Пинзон продолжал совместно организовывать и выступать на фестивале del Diablo еще в 2017 году.

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