Как пишется джек пак

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Хотя Ким Чен Ын мучает своих людей возгласами об уничтожении

«Although Kim Jong-un rallies his people»with cries for the destruction

Спасибо за что что пришли ко мне, президент Ким Чен Ын.

Thank you for joining me, President Kim Jong-un.

Ким Чен Ын хочет смягчить отношения между Севером и Югом.

I think Kim Jong Un ease the relationship between the North and the South.

«Ким Чен Ын, лучший лидер…»

Ким Чен Ын не появлялся публично в течение шести недель в сентябре и октябре 2014 года.

Kim Jong-un did not appear in public for six weeks in September and October 2014.

В 2009 году в отчётах говорилось, что Ким Чен Ын был диабетиком и страдал гипертонией.

In 2009, reports suggested that Kim Jong-un was a diabetic and suffered from hypertension.

В этот период положение с правами человека и гуманитарная ситуация в стране продолжали ухудшаться, а Ким Чен Ын стал преемником своего отца на посту высшего руководителя страны.

During that period, the human rights and humanitarian situation continued to deteriorate in the country, and Kim Jong-Un succeeded his father as the new leader of the country.

В апреле 2012 года появились новые документы, свидетельствующие о том, что Ким Чен Ын проживал в Швейцарии с 1991 или 1992 года.

In April 2012, new documents came to light indicating that Kim Jong-un had lived in Switzerland since 1991 or 1992, earlier than previously thought.

Это будет только в 2012 году, когда Ким Чен Ын назвал службу стратегическими ракетными войсками в своем юбилейном обращении, посвященном столетию со дня рождения Ким Ир Сена.

It would be only in 2012 when Kim Jong-un referred to the service as the Strategic Rocket Forces during his commemorative address honoring the centennial year of Kim Il-sung’s birth.

В первый день нового 2016 года в своей речи Ким Чен Ын предупредил, что провокации «вторгающихся чужаков» будут встречены «священной войной правосудия».

In a New Year’s Day speech, Kim Jong-un warned that provocation from «invasive outsiders» would be met with a «holy war of justice».

[25] «Ким Чен Ын фотографируется с теми, кто внес вклад в успешный запуск спутника», 30 декабря 2012 года.

[26] «Kim Jong-Un has photo session with those who contributed to successful satellite launch», KCNA, 30 December 2012.

Согласно докладу по обзору финансирования, озаглавленному «Обзор потребностей и помощи: Корейская Народно-Демократическая Республика, 2012 год», Ким Чен Ын проявляет намерение продолжать политический курс своего отца Ким Чен Ира.

According to the United Nations overview funding report entitled «Overview of needs and assistance: the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, 2012», Kim Jong Un has indicated his intention to pursue the policies implemented by his father, Kim Jong Il.

После того как 17 декабря 2011 года Ким Чен Ын сменил своего отца на посту руководителя страны, не было никаких признаков какого-либо улучшения бедственного положения в области прав человека в стране или изменения ее подхода к взаимодействию с правозащитными механизмами Организации Объединенных Наций.

There were no indications of any improvement in the dismal human rights record of the country after Kim Jong Un succeeded his father on 17 December 2011, or in its approach to engaging with the United Nations human rights mechanisms.

В декабре 2015 года северокорейский лидер Ким Чен Ын заявил, что страна имеет потенциал для создания водородной бомбы, устройства значительно большей мощности, чем обычная атомная бомба, использованная в предыдущих испытаниях.

In December 2015 North Korean supreme leader Kim Jong-un suggested that the country had the capacity to launch a hydrogen bomb, a device of considerably more power than conventional atomic bombs used in previous tests.

26 февраля 2013 года Ким Чен Ын встретился с Деннисом Родманом, в результате чего многие репортеры предполагают что Родман был первым американцем, которого встретил Ким.

On 26 February 2013, Kim Jong-un met Dennis Rodman, which led many reporters to speculate that Rodman was the first American that Kim had met.

Ким Чен Ын инспектирует «Ынха-З» с Пак То Чхуном (справа)

Kim Jong-Un inspecting the Unha-3 with Pak To-Chun (right) and

С тех пор, как Ким Чен Ын пришел к власти в декабре 2011 года, Северная Корея пыталась запустить почти в три раза больше баллистических ракет, чем за все время правления его отца, Ким Чен Ира.

Since Kim Jong-un came to power in December 2011, North Korea has attempted to launch nearly three times as many ballistic missiles as during the entire reign of his father, Kim Jong-il.

[19] Другим чиновником, который сопровождал Ким Чен Ына, является Чан Сон Тхэк, заместитель Председателя Комиссии национальной обороны. «Ким Чен Ын наблюдает за процессами запуска спутника», ЦТАК, 13 декабря 2012 года.

[20] The other official who accompanied Kim Jong-Un was Jang Song-Thaek, Vice-Chairman of the National Defence Commission. «Kim Jong-Un observes satellite launch processes», KCNA, 13 December 2012.

Лидер Северной Кореи Ким Чен Ын заявил, что «постоянные провокационные военные маневры США и Южной Кореи в Желтом море представляют угрозу не только миру и стабильности КНДР, но и всей Северо-Восточной Азии».

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un said that «the U.S. and South Korea’s permanent provocative military maneuvers in the Yellow Sea constitute a threat not only to peace and stability in North Korea, but also in the entire North East Asia.»

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 47. Точных совпадений: 47. Затраченное время: 48 мс


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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200


Правильное написание слова — пак

Ударение и произношение — пак

Значение слова -многолетний полярный лед

Выберите, на какой слог падает ударение в слове — АЛКОГОЛЬ?

Слово состоит из букв:

Похожие слова:


Рифма к слову пак

колпак, фрак, признак, чудак, дурак, итак, знак, тесак, собак, весельчак, эдак, кушак, писак, кулак, мак, лак, натощак, бивак, бивуак, русак, завтрак, как, казак, так, брак, никак, этак, табак, пруссак, атак, кабак, мрак

Толкование слова. Правильное произношение слова. Значение слова.

пака — существительное, родительный п., муж. p., ед. ч.

Часть речи: существительное

Единственное число Множественное число


















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The Jack Pack was a group of kids meal characters used by Jack in the Box in the 1990s.

Unlike the Jack in the Box Bunch, which mostly featured human characters, members of the Jack Pack are all anthropomorphic food items.

Various toys featuring the Jack Pack characters were produced, including bendable figurines, finger puppets, pogs, and jigsaw puzzles.

«The Junior Jack Pack» featured the same characters as toddlers, for merchandise aimed at younger children.

«The Jack Pack» was later used as the name of Jack in the Box’s app-exclusive loyalty program, launched in August 2021.[1]


  • Jumbo Jack
  • Ollie O. Ring
  • Edgar E. Eggroll
  • Sly Fry
  • Betty Burger



A «Jack Blaster» featuring the Jack Pack.


Jack Pack finger puppets.


The Junior Jack Pack.



Jack Pack jigsaw puzzles.


The back of a Jack Pack jigsaw puzzle.


  1. Jack in the Box Launches New Loyalty Program. QSR Magazine. August 6, 2021.


The Jack Pack was a group of kids meal characters used by Jack in the Box in the 1990s.

Unlike the Jack in the Box Bunch, which mostly featured human characters, members of the Jack Pack are all anthropomorphic food items.

Various toys featuring the Jack Pack characters were produced, including bendable figurines, finger puppets, pogs, and jigsaw puzzles.

«The Junior Jack Pack» featured the same characters as toddlers, for merchandise aimed at younger children.

«The Jack Pack» was later used as the name of Jack in the Box’s app-exclusive loyalty program, launched in August 2021.[1]


  • Jumbo Jack
  • Ollie O. Ring
  • Edgar E. Eggroll
  • Sly Fry
  • Betty Burger



A «Jack Blaster» featuring the Jack Pack.


Jack Pack finger puppets.


The Junior Jack Pack.



Jack Pack jigsaw puzzles.


The back of a Jack Pack jigsaw puzzle.


  1. Jack in the Box Launches New Loyalty Program. QSR Magazine. August 6, 2021.

This article is about jet or rocket-powered flying devices. For other uses, see Jetpack (disambiguation).

A jet pack, rocket belt, or rocket pack is a device worn on the back which uses jets of gas or liquid to propel the wearer through the air. The concept has been present in science fiction for almost a century and became widespread in the 1960s. Real jet packs have been developed using a variety of mechanisms, but their uses are much more limited than their factual counterparts because of the simple parts of the Earth’s atmosphere, gravity, the low energy density of extream fuels, and the human body not being suited to flight, and they are principally used for stunts. A practical use for the jet pack has been in extra-vehicular activities for astronauts because of the weightlessness and lack of friction-creating atmosphere in orbit. The term jet suit is used for a system incorporating a jet pack and associated jets attached to the arms to increase manoeuvrability (e.g. the Daedalus Flight Pack).


In the most general terms, a jet pack is a wearable device which allows the user to fly by providing thrust. With the exception of use in a microgravity environment, this thrust must be upwards so as to overcome the force of gravity, and must be enough to overcome the weight of the user, the jet pack itself and its fuel. This necessarily requires the jet pack to continually push mass in a downwards direction.[1]

While some designs have power and/or mass supplied from an external, ground-based source, untethered flight requires all of a flight’s fuel to be carried within the pack. This results in problems relating to the overall mass ratio, which limits the maximum flight time to a few minutes, rather than the sustained flight envisaged in science fiction.[1]

Liquid-fuelled rocket pack[edit]

Andreyev: oxygen-and-methane, with wings[edit]

The first pack design was developed in 1919 by the Russian inventor Alexander Andreev. The project was well regarded by Nikolai Rynin and technology historians Yu. V. Biryukov and S. V. Golotyuk. Later it was issued a patent but apparently was not built or tested. It was oxygen-and-methane-powered (likeliest a rocket) with wings each roughly 1 m (3 feet) long.[2]

Hydrogen peroxide-powered rocket packs[edit]

A hydrogen peroxide-powered engine is based on the decomposition reaction of hydrogen peroxide. Nearly pure (90% in the Bell Rocket Belt) hydrogen peroxide is used. Pure hydrogen peroxide is relatively stable, but in contact with a catalyst (for example, silver) it decomposes into a mixture of superheated steam and oxygen in less than 1/10 millisecond, increasing in volume 5,000 times: 2 H2O2 → 2 H2O + O2. The reaction is exothermic, i.e., accompanied by the liberation of much heat (about 2,500 kJ/kg [5,800 BTU/lb]), forming in this case a steam-gas mixture at 740 °C [1,360 °F]. This hot gas is used exclusively as the reaction mass and is fed directly to one or more jet nozzles.

The great disadvantage is the limited operating time. The jet of steam and oxygen can provide significant thrust from advanced rockets, but the jet has a relatively low exhaust velocity and hence a poor specific impulse. Currently, such rocket belts can only fly for about 30 seconds (because of the limited amount of fuel the user can carry unassisted).

A more conventional bipropellant could more than double the specific impulse. However, although the exhaust gases from the peroxide-based engine are very hot, they are still significantly cooler than those generated by alternative propellants. Using a peroxide-based propellant greatly reduces the risk of a fire/explosion which would cause severe injury to the operator.

In contrast to, for example, turbojet engines, which mainly expel atmospheric air to produce thrust, rocket packs are far simpler to build than devices using turbojets. The classical rocket pack construction of Wendell Moore can be made under workshop conditions, given good engineering training and a high level of tool-making craftsmanship.

The main disadvantages of this type of rocket pack are:

  • Short duration of flight (a maximum of around 30 seconds).
  • The high expense of the peroxide propellant.
  • The inherent dangers of flying below minimum parachute altitude, and hence without any safety equipment to protect the operator if there is an accident or malfunction.
  • Safely learning how to fly it, given that there are no dual-control training versions.
  • The sheer difficulty of manually flying such a device.

These circumstances limit the sphere of the application of rocket packs to very spectacular public demonstration flights, i.e., stunts; for example, a flight was arranged in the course of the opening ceremony of the 1984 Summer Olympic Games in Los Angeles, USA.[3]

Justin Capra’s flying backpack[edit]

Justin Capră claimed that he invented a «flying rucksack» (Romanian: rucsac zburator) in 1956[4] in Romania, and, without arousing any apparent interest, informed the American Embassy of his idea. In 1962 a backpack was created at Bell Laboratories, following Justin Capră’s prototype. The backpack is now displayed in a museum where it is kept safe.[citation needed]

Jump Belt[edit]

In 1958, Garry Burdett and Alexander Bohr, Thiokol Corporation engineers, created a Jump Belt which they named Project Grasshopper. Thrust was created by high-pressure compressed nitrogen. Two small nozzles were affixed to the belt and directed vertically downward. The wearer of the belt could open a valve, letting out nitrogen from the gas cylinder through the nozzles, which tossed him upward to a height of 7 m (23 ft). While leaning forward, it was possible with the aid of the jump belt’s thrust to run at 45 to 50 km/h (28 to 31 mph). Later, Burdett and Bohr tested a hydrogen peroxide-powered version. The jump belt was demonstrated by a serviceman in action,[citation needed] but as no financing was forthcoming, there was no further testing.


In 1959 Aerojet General Corporation won a U.S. Army contract to devise a jet pack or rocket pack. At the start of 1960 Richard Peoples made his first tethered flight with his Aeropack.

U.S. Army interest[edit]

The military did not lose interest in this type of flight vehicle. Transport studies of the U.S. Army Transportation Research Command (TRECOM) determined that personal jet devices could have diverse uses: for reconnaissance, crossing rivers, amphibious landing, accessing steep mountain slopes, overcoming minefields, tactical maneuvering, etc. The concept was named «Small Rocket Lift Device», SRLD.

Within the framework of this concept the administration concluded a big contract with the Aerojet General company in 1959 to research the possibility of designing an SRLD suitable for army purposes. Aerojet came to the conclusion that the version with the engine running on hydrogen peroxide was most suitable. However, it soon became known to the military that engineer Wendell F. Moore of the Bell Aerosystems company had for several years been carrying out experiments to make a personal jet device. After becoming acquainted with his work, servicemen during August 1960 decided to commission Bell Aerosystems with developing an SRLD. Wendell Moore was appointed chief project engineer.

Bell Textron Rocket Belt[edit]

In 1960, the Bell Rocketbelt was presented to the public. The jet of gas was provided by a hydrogen peroxide-powered rocket, but the jet could also be powered by a turbojet engine, a ducted fan, or other kinds of rockets powered by solid fuel, liquid fuel or compressed gas (usually nitrogen).

This is the oldest known type of jet pack or rocket pack. One Bell Rocket Belt is on display at the Smithsonian Institution’s National Air and Space Museum annex, the Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center, located near Dulles Airport.

RB-2000 Rocket Belt[edit]

This was a successor to the Bell Rocket Belt.[5]

Bell Pogo[edit]

The Bell Pogo was a small rocket-powered platform that two people could ride on. Its design used features from the Bell Rocket Belt.

Powerhouse Productions Rocketbelt[edit]

Rocketbelt pilot Dan Schlund at the 2007 Rose Parade

More commonly known as «The Rocketman», Powerhouse Productions, owned and operated by Kinnie Gibson, manufactures the 30-second flying Rocketbelt (June 1994) and organizes Rocketbelt performances. Since 1983 Powerhouse Productions has performed show flights in over 40 countries such as the Carnival in Rio de Janeiro, Super Bowls, the Rose Parade, Daytona 500, and the Michael Jackson Dangerous World Tour, as well as many television shows including Walker, Texas Ranger, The Fall Guy and NCIS. Powerhouse Rocketbelt pilots include stuntman Kinnie Gibson and Dan Schlund.[6]

Jetpack International[edit]

Jetpack International made three types of wingless jet packs:

Name Max flight time Max distance Max speed Max height Max pilot weight Fuel Engine type Fuel capacity Price
Jet Pack H2O2 23 seconds 152 m (499 ft) 112 km/h (70 mph) 37 m (121 ft) 81 kg (179 lb) hydrogen peroxide rocket 22 L (4.8 imp gal; 5.8 US gal) Not for sale
Jet Pack H2O2-Z 33 seconds 457 m (1,499 ft) 124 km/h (77 mph) 76 m (249 ft) 81 kg (179 lb) hydrogen peroxide rocket 30 L (6.6 imp gal; 7.9 US gal) Not for sale
Jet pack T-73 ~9 minutes[citation needed] c. 18 km (11 mi) ~134 km/h (83 mph) ~76 m (249 ft) 81 kg (179 lb) Jet-A fuel T-73 jet engine 19 L (4.2 imp gal; 5.0 US gal) $200,000

A Jet Pack H2O2 was flown for 34 seconds in Central Park on the 9 April 2007 episode of the Today Show and sold for $150,000. As of January 2009 their H2O2 jet packs are for demonstration only, not for sale.[7] Details of the likely consumer model «Falcon» were scheduled for an official announcement on May 1, 2012, but the company is currently behind schedule.[8]

Current technology[edit]

At the TechCrunch Disrupt conference in 2014, Astro Teller, head of Google X (Google’s research laboratory), said they investigated jet packs but found them too inefficient to be practical, with fuel consumption as high as 940 L/100 km (14 mpg‑US), and were as loud as a motorcycle, so they decided not to pursue developing them.[9][10]

In recent years, the rocket pack has become popular among enthusiasts, and some have built them for themselves. The pack’s basic construction is rather simple, but its flying capability depends on two key parts: the gas generator, and the thrust control valve. The rocket packs being built today are largely based on the research and inventions of Wendell Moore at Bell Helicopter.

One of the largest stumbling blocks that would-be rocket pack builders have faced is the difficulty of obtaining concentrated hydrogen peroxide, which is no longer produced by many chemical companies. The few companies that produce high-concentration hydrogen peroxide only sell to large corporations or governments, forcing some amateurs and professionals to set up their own hydrogen peroxide distillation installations. High-concentration hydrogen peroxide for rocket belts was produced by Peroxide Propulsion (Gothenburg, Sweden) from 2004 to 2010,[11] but after a serious accident Peroxide Propulsion stopped making it.[9][failed verification]

Turbojet packs[edit]

Packs with a turbojet engine are fueled with traditional kerosene-based jet fuel. They have higher efficiency, greater height and a duration of flight of many minutes, but they are complex in construction and very expensive. Only one working model of this pack was made; it underwent flight tests in the 1960s and at present it no longer flies.
Jet packs and rocket packs have much better flight time on a tankful of fuel if they have wings like an aeroplane’s.

Bell Jet Flying Belt: wingless[edit]

In 1965 Bell Aerosystems concluded a new contract with the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) to develop a jet pack with a turbojet engine. This project was called the «Jet Flying Belt», or simply the «Jet Belt». Wendell Moore and John K. Hulbert, a specialist in gas turbines, worked to design a new turbojet pack. Williams Research Corporation (now Williams International) in Walled Lake, Michigan, designed and built a new turbojet engine to Bell’s specifications in 1969. It was called the WR19, had a rated thrust of 1,900 newtons (430 lbf) and weighed 31 kg (68 lb). The Jet Belt first flew free on 7 April 1969 at the Niagara Falls Municipal Airport. Pilot Robert Courter flew about 100 m (330 ft) in a circle at an altitude of 7 m (23 ft), reaching a speed of 45 km/h (28 mph). The following flights were longer, up to 5 minutes. Theoretically, this new pack could fly for 25 minutes at velocities up to 135 km/h (84 mph).

In spite of successful tests, the U.S. Army lost interest. The pack was complex to maintain and too heavy. Landing with its weight on their back was hazardous to the pilot, and catastrophic loss of a turbine blade could have been lethal.

Thus, the Bell Jet Flying Belt remained an experimental model. On 29 May 1969, Wendell Moore died of complications from a heart attack he had suffered six months earlier, and work on the turbojet pack was ended. Bell sold the sole version of the «Bell pack», together with the patents and technical documentation, to Williams Research Corporation. This pack is now in the Williams International company museum.

The «Jet Belt» used a small turbofan engine which was mounted vertically, with its air intake downward. Intake air was divided into two flows. One flow went into the combustion chamber, the other flow bypassed the engine, then mixed with the hot turbine gases, cooling them and protecting the pilot from the high temperatures generated. In the upper part of the engine the exhaust was divided and entered two pipes which led to jet nozzles. The construction of the nozzles made it possible to move the jet to any side. Kerosene fuel was stored in tanks beside the engine. Control of the turbojet pack was similar to the rocket pack, but the pilot could not tilt the entire engine. Maneuvering was by deflecting the nozzles. By inclining levers, the pilot could move the jets of both nozzles forward, back, or sideways. The pilot rotated left/right by turning the left handle. The right handle governed the engine thrust. The jet engine was started with the aid of a powder cartridge. While testing this starter, a mobile starter on a special cart was used. There were instruments to control the power of the engine, and a portable radio to connect and transmit telemetry data to ground-based engineers. On top of the pack was a standard auxiliary landing parachute; it was effective only when opened at altitudes above 20 m (66 ft). This engine was later the basis for the propulsion units of Tomahawk and other cruise missiles.

Visa Parviainen’s jet-assisted wingsuit[edit]

On 25 October 2005 in Lahti, Finland, Visa Parviainen jumped from a hot air balloon in a wingsuit with two small turbojet jet engines attached to his feet. Each turbojet provided approximately 160 N (16 kgf) of thrust and ran on kerosene (Jet A-1) fuel. Parviainen apparently achieved approximately 30 seconds of horizontal flight with no noticeable loss of altitude.[12][13]

Yves Rossy’s jet wingpack[edit]

Rossy’s wing showing the four purple and silver jet-engines mounted close to the centre

Swiss ex-military and commercial pilot Yves Rossy developed and built a winged pack with rigid aeroplane-type carbon-fiber wings spanning about 2.4 m (8 ft) and four small kerosene-burning Jetcat P400 jet engines underneath; these engines are large versions of a type designed for model aeroplanes.[14] He wears a heat-resistant suit similar to that of a firefighter or racing driver to protect him from the hot jet exhaust.[15][16] Similarly, to further protect the wearer, the engines are modified by adding a carbon fiber heat shield extending the jet nozzle around the exhaust tail.

Rossy claims to be «the first person to gain altitude and maintain a stable horizontal flight thanks to aerodynamic carbon foldable wings», which are folded by hinges at their midpoint. After being lifted to altitude by a plane, he ignites the engines just before he exits the plane with the wings folded. The wings unfold while in free-fall, and he then can fly horizontally for several minutes, landing with the help of a parachute.[17] He achieves true controlled flight using his body and a hand throttle to maneuver; jet wingsuits use small turbojets, but differ from other aircraft in that the fuselage and flight control surfaces consist of a human.[18][19]

The system is said by Rossy to be highly responsive and reactive in flight, to the point where he needs to closely control his head, arm and leg movements to avoid an uncontrolled spin. The engines on the wing must be aligned precisely during set-up, also to prevent instability. An electronic starter system ensures that all four engines ignite simultaneously. In the event of a spin, the wing unit can be detached from the pilot, and pilot and wing unit descend to Earth separately, each with a parachute.

Since 2007, Rossy has conducted some of his flight tests from a private airfield, Skydive Empuriabrava, in Empuriabrava (Girona, Costa Brava), Spain.[20][21] Rossy’s jet pack was exhibited on 18 April 2008 on the opening day of the 35th Exhibition of Inventions at Geneva.[22] Rossy and his sponsors spent over $190,000 to build the device.[23] His first successful trial flight was on 24 June 2004 near Geneva, Switzerland. Rossy has made more than 30 powered flights since. In November 2006 he flew with a later version of his jet pack.[citation needed] On 14 May 2008 he made a successful 6-minute flight from the town of Bex near Lake Geneva. He exited a Pilatus Porter at 2,300 m (7,500 ft) with his jet pack. It was the first public demonstration before the world’s press. He made effortless loops from one side of the Rhone valley to the other and rose 790 m (2,600 ft).

It has been claimed that the military was impressed and asked for prototypes for the powered wings, but that Rossy kindly refused the request stating that the device was only intended for aviation enthusiasts.[24][25][26]

On 26 September 2008, Rossy successfully flew across the English Channel from Calais, France, to Dover, England, in 9 minutes, 7 seconds.[27] His speed reached 300 km/h (190 mph) during the crossing[28] and was 200 km/h (120 mph) when he deployed the parachute.[29] Since then he has—in several flights—managed to fly in a formation with three military jets and cross the Grand Canyon, but he failed to fly across the Strait of Gibraltar—he made an emergency landing in the water.

Rossy appeared in a February 2012 episode of Top Gear (S18 E5) where he raced against a Skoda rally car driven by Toni Gardemeister with Richard Hammond as a passenger. The race started with the rally car launching down the rally course while Rossy and his support helicopter climbed to reach altitude, upon which he dropped and ignited his engines and followed the course to race the car. Periodical smoke dashes (such as those used by sky-writers or air force display teams) were used to track his progress. In the onboard footage of Rossy flying the tight and twisty course, one can see how he uses his body parts as control surfaces to perform various maneuvers.

On 13 October 2015 a show flight was performed in Dubai. Two jet packs operated by Rossy and Vince Reffet flew in formation with an Airbus A380 jetliner.[30]

Troy Hartman: jet pack and parafoil[edit]

In 2008 Troy Hartman started designing a wingless jet pack with two turbojet motors strapped to his back;[31] later he added a parafoil as a wing.

Fritz Unger: jet pack with rigid wings[edit]

As of 2013 Fritz Unger in Germany is developing a jet pack called Skyflash with rigid wings about 3.4 m (11 ft) wingspan and two turbojets designed to run on diesel fuel.[32][33] It is designed for takeoff from the ground using four undercarriage wheels on the front of his chest and abdomen.

JetPack Aviation: wingless jet pack[edit]

On 3 November 2015, Jetpack Aviation[34] demonstrated the JB-9[35] in Upper New York Bay in front of the Statue of Liberty. The JB-9 carries 4.5 kilograms (10 lb) of kerosene fuel that burns through two vectored thrust AMT Nike jet engines[36][37] at a rate of 3.8 litres (1 US gallon) per minute for up to ten minutes of flying time, depending on pilot weight. Weight of fuel is a consideration, but it is reported to start with 150 m (500 ft) per minute climb rate that doubles as the fuel burns off. While this model has been limited to 102 km/h (55 knots), the prototype of the JB-10 is reported to fly at over 200 km/h (110 kn).

This is a true jet pack: a backpack that provides jet-powered flight. Most of the volume is the fuel tank, with twin turbine jet engines gimbal-mounted on each side. The control system is identical to the Bell Rocket Belt: tilting the handgrips vectors the thrust – left-right & forward-back – by moving the engines; twisting left hand moves two nozzle skirts for yaw; twisting the right hand counterclockwise increases throttle. Jetpack Aviation was started by Australian businessman David Mayman with the technical knowhow coming from Nelson Tyler,[38] prolific inventor of helicopter-mounted camera stabilizers and one of the engineers that worked on the Bell Rocketbelt that was used in the 1984 Olympics.[39]

The company now makes two Jetpack models, the JB-10 and the JB-11. They are similar to the JB-9, with upgraded electronics. They both use kerosene/diesel turbojet engines. The JB-10 is designed with two large 200 lb. thrust engines and is described as having an 8 minute flight time, while the slightly-longer duration JB-11 has a 10 minute flight time and uses eight smaller 90 lb. thrust engines. Jetpack Aviation[40]

Flyboard Air[edit]

Flyboard Air, invented by Franky Zapata, allows flight up to 3,000 metres (10,000 ft) and can reach 150 km/h (93 mph). It also has 10 minutes autonomy.[41] Zapata participated with his invention during the 2019 Bastille Day military parade. Three weeks later, he crossed the English Channel with his device in 22 minutes, including a shipboard refueling midway.[42]

Daedalus Flight Pack[edit]

This particular innovation saw two jets attached to the back of an exoskeleton, worn by the operator. At the same time, two additional jets were added to the arms, and could be moved with the arms to control movement. It was devised by Richard Browning of Gravity Industries.[43] In September 2020 it was reported that the Great North Air Ambulance (GNAA) service was considering using this jet suit to enable paramedics to reach casualties in the mountainous Lake District,[44] and by March 2022 the operational director of the GNAA, Andy Mawson, had been trained to fly and the service hoped to start using jet suits in summer 2022.[45]



Rocket packs can be useful for spacewalks. While near Earth a jet pack has to produce a g-force of at least 1 g (a smaller g-force, providing only some deviation from free fall is of little use here), for excursions outside a free falling spaceship, a small g-force providing a small deviation from free fall is quite useful. Hence much less delta-v is consumed per unit time, and not during the whole EVA. With only small amounts of thrust needed, safety and temperature are much more manageable than in the atmosphere in Earth’s gravity field.

Nevertheless, it is currently worn to be used only in case of emergency: the Simplified Aid For EVA Rescue (SAFER).

Hydrojet packs[edit]

A Flyboard with its distinctive configuration of having the nozzles located below the pilot’s feet

The 21st century has seen a new approach to jet packs where water is used as a high-density propulsion fluid. This requires a very large mass of fluid that makes a self-contained jet pack infeasible. Instead, this approach separates the engine, fuel and fluid supply from the pilot’s flying apparatus, using a long flexible hose to feed the water to the jet nozzle pack attached to the pilot’s body. These inventions are known as «hydro jet packs», and successful designs have used jetski technology as the powerplant operating in a body of water (an ocean, lake, or pool) to provide the needed propulsion. Several hydro jet pack approaches have been successfully tested and put into production. Flow rate can be controlled by a throttle operator on the jetski, or by the pilot using a remote actuator.

Another significant difference with hydro jet packs is that they can be operated below the surface as well as above it. As of 2013, many hydro jet pack rental businesses are operating in various locations around the world.


The JetLev was the first hydroflight jet pack on the market, and its makers were awarded the first patents, in 2008, for hydro jet packs. The JetLev has the appearance of a typical jet pack, with two nozzles on a backpack propelling the rider upwards. It just has an umbilicus to the powering jetski that provides the water for the thrust used.[46][47][48]


A Flyboard has water jets under each of the pilot’s feet. An optional feature is a lower-thrust water jet for each arm for greater control. The powerplant is a regular jetski. Development for this approach was started in the spring of 2011.[49]


Firefighters in some parts of the world use jet packs which help them to fight fires close to the sea or a water body. The jet packs use water and there is no need for a fire truck or water tank.[50]

Home-made versions[edit]

Episode 32 of MythBusters investigates the urban legend of an affordable jet pack or rocket pack that can be built from plans purchased on the Internet. Extensive modifications were made by the MythBusters team due to vagueness in the plans and because of the infeasibility of the specified engine mounting system. The jet pack produced by MythBusters had two ducted fans powered by ultralight-type piston engines. (Fans[who?] complained that the use of piston engines destroyed the whole idea of the pack’s being truly based on jets, by which, presumably, they meant self-contained gas turbines.) They found it was not powerful enough to lift a person off the ground, and was expensive to build. The plans specified a Rotax 503 ultralight engine, but they intended to use the more powerful and lighter Rotax 583 engine before a similar lighter unnamed engine was substituted.[51]

In fiction[edit]

The concept of jet packs appeared in popular culture, particularly science fiction, long before the technology became practical. Perhaps the first appearance was in pulp magazines. The 1896 novel The Country of the Pointed Firs mentions a «fog-shaped» man hovering low with a «the look of a pack on his back» who «flittered away out o’ sight like a leaf the wind takes with it».[52] The 1928 cover of Amazing Stories featured a man flying with a jet pack.

When Republic Pictures planned to produce a superhero serial using its renowned «flying man» scenes as used in The Adventures of Captain Marvel, the character of Captain Marvel was tied up in litigation with the owners of the character of Superman. For its postwar superhero serial, Republic used a jet pack in King of the Rocket Men. The same stock special effects were used in other serials.

While several science fiction novels from the 1950s featured jet packs, it was not until the Bell Rocket Belt in the 1960s that the jet pack caught the imagination of the mainstream. Bell’s demonstration flights in the U.S. and other countries created significant public enthusiasm.

Jet packs were featured in two episodes («Turu the Terrible» and «The Invisible Monster»), of the original Jonny Quest (1964-1965) animated television series, and are seen at the end of the closing credits.[53]

In 1965 a Bell Rocket Belt appeared in the James Bond movie Thunderball when James Bond played by Sean Connery used a jet pack in the pre-title sequence to escape the villains and rendezvous with his French contact. The pack was piloted by Gordon Yaeger and Bill Suitor.

In the Irwin Allen television series Lost in Space (1965-1968), a jet pack was used by members of the Jupiter 2 expedition on several occasions.

In 1966 the plot of the 21st book in the Rick Brant series titled Rocket Jumper was based on a hydrogen peroxide fueled jet pack. The book included a relatively detailed description of the design including the use of a platinum-metal screen catalyst.

The 1976 television series Ark II featured a jet pack called the Jet Jumper.

In the Star Wars original trilogy, the bounty hunter Boba Fett used a jet pack. In the prequel trilogy, Jango Fett also used a jet pack. The Mandalorian TV series from 2019 has multiple characters using jetpacks, as do various comics, video games, and other television shows in the franchise.

In the 1982-1995 comics book series, The Rocketeer, the protagonist, Cliff Secord, acquires a stolen military jet pack and uses it to become the eponymous superhero. It was later adapted into a motion picture in 1991.

In 1988 Cinemaware created the Amiga computer game Rocket Ranger which was ported to several other platforms of the era and in 1991 and 1992 Malibu Comics published a Rocket Ranger comic series closely based on the computer game.

The 95 mm (3.75-inch) G.I. Joe action figure launch in 1982 included the JUMP (Jet Mobile Propulsion Unit) jet pack as an accessory.[54] It was also featured prominently in the related G.I. Joe comic book series and cartoon.

Jet packs have been used by the title characters in several episodes of SWAT Kats cartoon series (1993–1994).[55]

In the Toy Story franchise introduced in 1995, Buzz Lightyear uses a jet pack (which is made of plastic).

In the 1997 video game Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back, the titular character Crash operates a jet pack in two main levels: «Rock It» and «Pack Attack». He also uses the jet pack in the final boss fight against Dr. Neo Cortex.

Super Mario Sunshine for the Nintendo GameCube, features Mario with an autonomous, water-powered jet pack named the Flash Liquidizing Ultra Dousing Device (or, F.L.U.D.D.) as a key element of navigation throughout the game; in addition to its default «hover nozzle», which allows the titular character to change trajectory or hover in mid-air, it can be upgraded/customized to allow Mario to make an immediate jump boost (the «rocket nozzle»), or allow Mario to increase his speed exponentially while running or swimming (the «turbo nozzle»). The device has also appeared in various remakes and/or ports of the game, as well as in brief cameos or references in other Nintendo and Mario games.

Jet packs appear in the popular video game Halo: Reach The jet pack also appears in the 2012 video game Halo 4, developed by 343 Industries.

Jet packs also appeared in other video games, including Duke Nukem 3D, Jetpack Joyride, BloodRayne (worn by Nazi troopers), Tribes, Giants: Citizen Kabuto, Armed and Dangerous, and the Pilotwings series, in which it is referred to as a «Rocket Belt». It is also accessible in the video game Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. Fallout 4 also has a jet pack power armor feature. Grand Theft Auto Online added a jet pack called «Thruster» as a usable vehicle in a content update on December 12, 2017.[56] Rocketeer is an Allied flying infantry unit in Red Alert 2.

Many science fiction movies have included jet packs, most notably, The Rocketeer, Minority Report, Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow, and Tomorrowland.

Running since 2013, Adventures in Jetpacks is a semi-regularly updated webcomic in which the cast of characters make regular use of jet packs.[57]

See also[edit]

  • Backpack helicopter
  • History of the jet engine
  • Jetpack man
  • Martin Jetpack, despite its name, was a backpack helicopter
  • Space Ranger (device) advertised in Popular Science 1970s
  • Wingsuit flying


  1. ^ a b Burnett, Dean (23 September 2014). «Jetpacks: here’s why you don’t have one | Dean Burnett». the Guardian. Retrieved 9 March 2018.
  2. ^ Montandon, Mac (2008-10-28). Jetpack Dreams: One Man’s Up and Down (but Mostly Down) Search for the Greatest Invention That Never Was. Da Capo Press. ISBN 9780786726745. Around this time, a Russian fellow identifying himself as A. Andreev filed a patent for an oxygen- and methane-fueled flying device that could be worn on the back, with roughly three-foot wings extending to either side of the hopeful pilot… «This is the first device of its kind that had any engineering detail at all,»…
  3. ^ «Rocketman William Suitor recalls 1984 LA Olympics flight». BBC News. 2012-07-29. Retrieved 2020-10-03.
  4. ^ «Romanian who claimed to invent world’s first jetpack dies». CTV News. 20 January 2015. Retrieved 20 January 2015.
  5. ^ «RB 2000».
  6. ^ Spreadbury, William. «Rocketman — Best exhibition Jetpack».
  7. ^ JET P.I. — Jetpack International — Home of the Go Fast JetPack Archived 2008-07-30 at the Wayback Machine
  8. ^ JET P.I. Equipment Archived 2008-07-30 at the Wayback Machine
  9. ^ a b «Google X head: Sorry, world, no Google jetpacks for you».
  10. ^ Mack, Eric. «Four Crazy Google X Projects That Failed». Forbes.
  11. ^ «Peroxide Propulsion :: Peroxide Propulsion».
  12. ^ Birdman, Inc. / Oy
  13. ^ «First jet powered Birdman flight : Skydiving Articles — Dropzone.com».
  14. ^ JetCat Germany, JetCat USA subsidiary
  15. ^ Frank Jordans, AP (May 14, 2008). «Rocket man flies on jet-powered wings», NBC News.
  16. ^ «Swiss man soars above Alps with jet-powered wing — Yahoo! News». Archived from the original on 2008-05-17. Retrieved 2008-05-15.
  17. ^ Yves Rossy The Swiss Jet Man-English Text under ‘More info’ on YouTube
  18. ^ «‘Jetman’ Yves Rossy Shows Us How to Fly His Carbon Fiber Jet Wing». Wired. 31 July 2013. Archived from the original on 2 January 2017. Retrieved 1 August 2017. the subtle body movements he uses to maintain flight – and perform his loops, rolls, and other maneuvers – mimics a bird of prey. all of the flight control is done with body movement. There are no ailerons or other flight control surfaces.
  19. ^ «Transcript of «Fly with the Jetman»«. TED (conference). July 2011. Retrieved 1 August 2017. The wing has no steering controls, no flaps, no rudder. Yves uses his body to steer the wing. He’s acting as a human fuselage
  20. ^ «Yves Rossy, «Jet Man», l’home a reacció». TV3 Catalonia. 25 October 2007. Archived from the original on 16 May 2016. Retrieved 28 August 2014.
  21. ^ «Entrevistamos a Yves Rossy, el hombre pájaro en Skydive Empuriabrava». Vanity Fair. 22 July 2015. Retrieved 28 August 2015.
  22. ^ Photo from Getty Images by AFP/Getty Images — Daylife Archived 2008-06-01 at the Wayback Machine at www.daylife.com
  23. ^ Jordans, Frank (14 May 2008). «Swiss man soars above Alps with jet-powered wing (AP)». USA.
  24. ^ «Swiss man soars above Alps with jet-powered wing». Archived from the original on May 19, 2008.
  25. ^ «Rocketman flies in the skies». BBC News. 2008-05-15. Retrieved 2008-08-05.
  26. ^ Goldsmith, Samuel (15 May 2008). «Switzerland’s New Air Force». nypost.com.
  27. ^ «Pilot completes jetpack challenge». BBC. 26 September 2008.
  28. ^ Jordans, Frank. «Rocket man flies on jet-powered wings. Former fighter pilot reaches 186 miles an hour during first public flight». NBC News.
  29. ^ McSmith, Andy (27 September 2008). «To infinity… or just Dover?: Jetman crosses the English Channel». Independent. London. Archived from the original on 2022-06-08.
  30. ^ Watch Jetpack-Wearing Daredevils Zoom Past a Jumbo Jet (Video); livescience.com; accessed November 2015.
  31. ^ «Jetpack — Troy Hartman».
  32. ^ «Skyflash, the Personal Jetpack That Needs a Runway and a Death Wish».
  33. ^ «Skyflash: Jetman-like wings designed to allow ground take off». 23 February 2013.
  34. ^ «JetPack Aviation — The Worlds First True Jetpack».
  35. ^ «JB-9 — JetPack Aviation». Archived from the original on 2015-11-07.
  36. ^ «David Mayman flying the Nike powered Jetpack at the London Royal Docks, Oct 5th 2016». AMT Netherlands.
  37. ^ «We were promised jetpacks» (PDF). Wall Street Journal. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2016-11-27. Retrieved 2016-11-26.
  38. ^ «Tyler Camera Systems, Camera Mounts».
  39. ^ «JB-9 jetpack makes spectacular debut flying around Statue of Liberty». 9 November 2015.
  40. ^ «Jetpacks».
  41. ^ «Flyboard Air». Zapata Racing. Archived from the original on 2016-05-29.
  42. ^ Perraudin, Frances (2019-08-04). «Franky Zapata crosses Channel by hoverboard at second attempt». The Guardian. Retrieved 2019-08-04.
  43. ^ Fabio, Adam «Daedalus Jet Suit Takes To The Skies» hackaday.com http://hackaday.com/2017/04/13/daedalus-jet-suit-takes-to-the-skies/
  44. ^ Parveen, Nazia (29 September 2020). «Jet suit paramedic takes Lake District test flight». The Guardian. Retrieved 30 September 2020.
  45. ^ «Lake District: Jet suit paramedics ready for summer lift-off». BBC News. 26 March 2022. Retrieved 28 March 2022.
  46. ^ Katie Morell (23 May 2013). «Raymond Li of Jetlev: How James Bond Inspired Him to Invent a Jet Pack». American Express.
  47. ^ «Zapata Industries Announces the Acquisition and Consolidation of Hydro-Flight Intellectual Property Rights in the US and Abroad». Marketwired. 17 August 2016.
  48. ^ Blaine Jeffery (14 September 2016). «Hydrofight [sic] Sports». H2RO Magazine.
  49. ^ «HISTORY | | Zapata RacingZapata Racing». Archived from the original on 2013-08-06. Retrieved 2013-08-14.
  50. ^ Archived at Ghostarchive and the Wayback Machine: «Dubai firefighters launch water jetpack». YouTube.
  51. ^ Annotated Mythbusters: Episode 32: Jetpack, Pyramid power at kwc.org
  52. ^ «The Country of the Pointed Firs». Retrieved 31 March 2019.
  53. ^ «Classic Jonny Quest Hardware (specifically Aircraft: Portable Rocket Packs)». Retrieved 1 December 2014.
  54. ^ «Jump Jet Mobile Propulsion Unit». Retrieved 16 September 2016.
  55. ^ «Screenshots from Episode «When Strikes Mutilor» (specifically 016167)». Archived from the original on 18 February 2014. Retrieved 21 January 2014.
  56. ^ «GTA Online’s Doomsday Heists Takes Players Inside Mount Chilliad (With Jetpacks) | Kotaku Australia». Kotaku.com.au. 2017-12-11. Retrieved 2018-08-04.
  57. ^ «Adventures in Jetpacks — Adventures in Trebuchets #1». www.adventuresinjetpacks.co.uk. Retrieved 2019-04-01.

External links[edit]

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Jet packs.

Look up jet pack in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.

  • Popular Mechanics comparison of the TAM Rocket Belt and Jetpack International’s Jet Pack H2O2
  • Jetpack Aviation (JB-9 jetpack)
  • YouTube video

Реактивный ранец Мерр-Сонн JT-12

Реактивный ранец (англ. Jetpack) — личное воздушное транспортное средство, использовавшееся по всей галактике. Ранец придавал большую манёвренность в воздухе на личный риск пользователя.


Реактивный ранец Бобы Фетта

Реактивный ранец обычно надевали на спину, а управляли им с помощью наручного устройства или голосовыми командами, посылавшимися через визор или шлем. Для запуска в миниатюрных турбинах реактивного ранца смешивались топливо и воздух. Затем в системе впуска смесь топлива и воздуха воспламенялась, обеспечивая тягу, необходимую, чтобы поднять владельца в воздух. Было рискованно использовать реактивный ранец в условиях атмосфер с низким или высоким давлением, а также при отсутствии атмосферах, так как ранцу для тяги нужны были атмосферные газы. Запуск большинства реактивных ранцев сопровождался облаком выхлопа, что было удобно для быстрого бегства под прикрытием дымовой завесы.

Во время полёта сопла направляли газовые струи в нужную сторону, что позволяло регулировать направление перемещения. Тем временем гиростабилизатор уравновешивал вращение ранца. Реактивный ранец считался непрактичным для повседневного использования: несмотря на подвижность, которую обеспечивал ранец, он весил около тридцати килограмм, так как в большинстве моделей было достаточно топлива для совершения двадцати толчков. Обычно, репульсорный рюкзак был более удобной альтернативой.

Известные применения

Ищейка Силы Зеш с реактивными ранцами

Реактивные ранцы были одними из старейших из известных транспортных средств и появились гораздо раньше основания Галактической Республики. Известно, что до вторжения в систему Тайтон их применяли как в Бесконечной Империи, так и представители Ордена дже’дайи. Из этого можно сделать выводы, что реактивные ранцы могли появиться ещё до Прибытия То Йоров на Тайтон.

Во время Первой битвы на Джеонозисе рик чуть не растоптал мандалорского охотника за головами Джанго Фетта и повредил его реактивный ранец JT-12 производства компании Мерр-Сонн. После того, как Джанго убил рика, Мэйс Винду атаковал мандалорца. Джанго в последний момент хотел активировать ранец и увернуться от удара, но он не воспламенился. Винду быстро обезглавил легендарного охотника за головами.

Члены Дозора Смерти используют свои реактивные ранцы

Реактивный ранец Z-6 производства Mitrinomon Transports был ещё одной распространённой моделью, которую использовали как Джанго, так и Боба Фетты. Ранец Бобы был комбинацией ракетной установки и устройства для полёта. Как выяснилось, ранец Бобы был не очень надёжным: когда полуслепой Хан Соло случайно нанёс по нему удар на Татуине во время Битвы над Большой ямой Каркуна, повреждённый ранец отправил Фетта по спиральной траектории в пасть сарлакку (хотя позже и помог ему спастись оттуда).

Во время Войн клонов реактивные ранцы носили вуки-берсерки, элитные реактивные и пылающие солдаты-клоны, а также клон-командир Коди. Также во время войны ранцы использовали охотники за головами, такие как Кэд Бэйн и Дурдж. Реактивный ранец был вмонтирован в некоторых боевых дроидов и в экзосклет тёмных солдат.


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Известные модели реактивных ранцев

  • Мерр-Сонн JT-12
  • Mitrinomon jetpack thruster
  • Mitrinomon Transports Z-6
  • Nanogar NJP-433


WP favicon.PNG Реактивный ранец в русской Википедии


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Использование реактивного ранца как огнемёта

  • Звёздные войны. Заря джедаев 14: Война Силы, часть 4
  • Звёздные войны. Заря джедаев 15: Война Силы, часть 5
  • Звёздные войны. Рыцари Старой Республики 24: Рыцари страдания, часть 3
  • Звёздные войны. Рыцари Старой Республики 25: Вектор, часть 1
  • Звёздные войны. Рыцари Старой Республики 26: Вектор, часть 2 (только упоминание)
  • Звёздные войны. Рыцари Старой Республики 34: Оправдание, часть 3 (только упоминание)
  • Звёздные войны. Рыцари Старой Республики 37: Мотивы предсказателя, часть 2 (только упоминание)
  • Звёздные войны. Рыцари Старой Республики 42: Маски
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 40: Dueling Ambitions, Part 2
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 41: Dueling Ambitions, Part 3
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 42: Masks
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 44: The Reaping, Part 2
  • Звёздные войны. Рыцари Старой Республики 48: Демон, часть 2 (только упоминание)
  • Надежда
  • Обманутые
  • Звёздные войны. Старая Республика: Обманутые
  • Звёздные войны. Старая Республика: Роковой союз
  • Star Wars: The Old Republic
  • Star Wars: The Old Republic Cartel Market
  • SWInsider.png Последний бой Джейса МалькомаStar Wars Insider 137 (только упоминание)
  • Star Wars: The Old Republic: Rise of the Hutt Cartel
  • Star Wars: The Old Republic: Shadow of Revan
  • Star Wars: The Old Republic: Knights of the Eternal Throne
  • Star Wars: The Old Republic: Onslaught
  • SWTOR mini.png «Красная пелена» на официальном веб-сайте The Old Republic (статья) (сохранённая копия на Archive.org)
  • SWTOR mini.png «Коктейль ярости» на официальном веб-сайте The Old Republic (статья) (сохранённая копия на Archive.org)
  • SWTOR mini.png «Ловушка» на официальном веб-сайте The Old Republic (статья) (сохранённая копия на Archive.org)
  • Star Wars: Battlefront
  • Звёздные войны. Республика 16: Посланники на Маластар, часть 4
  • Скиталец
  • Джанго Фетт: Сезон открыт
  • Star Wars: Bounty Hunter
  • Star Wars: Republic Commando
  • Star Wars: Jango Fett
  • Star Wars: Zam Wesell
  • Боба Фетт: Сражаться, чтобы выжить
  • Звёздные войны. Эпизод II: Атака клонов / комикс / роман / детский роман
  • Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds
  • Star Wars: Battlefront II
  • Boba Fett: Crossfire (только упоминание)
  • Боба Фетт: Загнанный
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  • Star Wars: The Clone Wars Volume 2: Crash Course
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  • Войны клонов: Головоломка
  • Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Republic Heroes
  • Cad Bane: Jedi Hunter
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  • TCW mini logo.jpg «Звёздные войны: Войны клонов» — «Мандалорская герцогиня»
  • TCW mini logo.jpg «Звёздные войны: Войны клонов» — «Цитадель» (только упоминание)
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  • TCW mini logo.jpg «Звёздные войны: Войны клонов» — «Скрытые мотивы»
  • The Drop
  • Республиканские коммандос: Истинное лицо
  • Boba Fett: A New Threat
  • Boba Fett: Pursuit
  • Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron
  • Лабиринт зла
  • Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith game
  • CWACite.png Приказы — Звёздные войны. Войны клонов: Приключения, том 4
  • Последний из джедаев: Миссия отчаяния
  • Последний из джедаев: Тёмное предзнаменование
  • Сила Необузданная роман
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  • Star Wars 36
  • Star Wars 83
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  • Star Wars: Dark Forces
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  • Under a Black Sun
  • The Jewel of Yavin (только упоминание)
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  • SWG logo sm.png Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided
  • WEG icon2.jpg Two for the Price of OneGalaxy Guide 10: Bounty Hunters
  • Dark Knight’s Devilry
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  • WEG icon2.jpg A Most Deadly HuntСправочник по планетам «Теней Империи»
  • Обжигающий песок — Звёздные войны: Истории, часть 4
  • Звёздные войны, выпуск 68: Поиски начинаются
  • Звёздные войны, выпуск 69: Смерть в Городе костей
  • Расплата — Звёздные войны: Истории, часть 18
  • Звёздные войны. Эпизод VI: Возвращение джедая / роман / детский роман
  • Star Wars Chess
  • Такой вот замечательный барв: История Бобы Фетта
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  • Корабль невольников
  • Рисковое дело
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  • SWAJsmall.jpg История СтартёраЗвёздные войны: Журнал приключений, часть 4 (появление в воспоминаниях)
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  • Тёмная империя
  • Тёмная Империя II
  • SWAJsmall.jpg No Disintegrations, PleaseЗвёздные войны: Журнал приключений, часть 14
  • Boba Fett: Agent of Doom
  • Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
  • Боба Фетт: Практик
  • Новый Орден джедаев: Единая Сила
  • Наследие Силы: Кровные узы
  • Наследие Силы: Жертва
  • Судьба джедаев: Бездна

Неканонические появления

  • LEGO Star Wars: The Video Game
  • LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga
  • LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy
  • LEGO Star Wars: Bombad Bounty
  • Звёздные войны. Бесконечности: Империя наносит ответный удар
  • Звёздные войны. Бесконечности: Возвращение джедая
  • Melvin Fett


  • A Guide to the Star Wars Universe
  • Galaxy Guide 1: A New Hope
  • Galaxy Guide 3: The Empire Strikes Back
  • Galaxy Guide 5: Return of the Jedi
  • Cracken’s Rebel Field Guide
  • Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game, Second Edition
  • Star Wars Gamemaster Handbook
  • Galaxy Guide 9: Fragments from the Rim
  • Dark Empire Sourcebook
  • The Movie Trilogy Sourcebook
  • SWAJsmall.jpg Wanted by Cracken (Star Wars Adventure Journal)Звёздные войны: Журнал приключений, часть 1
  • Galaxy Guide 10: Bounty Hunters
  • Star Wars Sourcebook, Second Edition
  • Star Wars Miniatures Battles Companion
  • SWAJsmall.jpg Outlaw Battle ArmorЗвёздные войны: Журнал приключений, часть 3
  • Galladinium’s Fantastic Technology
  • Star Wars Gamemaster Handbook, Second Edition
  • Путеводитель по «Сказаниям о джедаях»
  • Galaxy Guide 2: Yavin and Bespin, Second Edition
  • Galaxy Guide 5: Return of the Jedi, Second Edition
  • Star Wars: The Power of the Force (1995)
  • The Kathol Outback
  • SWAJsmall.jpg ISB InterceptsЗвёздные войны: Журнал приключений, часть 9
  • Tales of the Jedi Companion
  • GalaxyCite.png Boba Fett: Mystery Man in Not-So-Shining Armor — Star Wars Galaxy Magazine 1
  • Galaxy Guide 3: The Empire Strikes Back, Second Edition
  • Live-Action Adventures
  • Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game, Second Edition, Revised and Expanded
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  • Star Wars Gamemaster Screen, Revised
  • Introductory Adventure Game
  • Rules of Engagement: The Rebel SpecForce Handbook
  • Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire Limited Collector’s Edition
  • Gundark’s Fantastic Technology: Personal Gear
  • Star Wars Trilogy Sourcebook, Special Edition
  • SWAJsmall.jpg Tasariq: The Crystal PlanetЗвёздные войны: Журнал приключений, часть 15
  • Boba Fett’s Armor: An Essential Guide to a Walking Weapon
  • WizardsoftheCoast.png «Arms & Equipment Guide Extras!» на Wizards.com (статья, сохранённая копия на Archive.org)
  • WizardsoftheCoast.png «Boba Fett (NJO Era)» на Wizards.com (статья, сохранённая копия на Archive.org)
  • WizardsoftheCoast.png «We Don’t Need That Scum» на Wizards.com (статья, сохранённая копия на Archive.org)
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  • Roleplaying Game: Saga Edition Core Rulebook
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  • Руководство по Войнам клонов
  • Scavenger’s Guide to Droids
  • Справочник по Неизведанным Регионам
  • Star Wars: The Old Republic Explorer’s Guide
  • The Essential Reader’s Companion
  • Star Wars: The Old Republic Encyclopedia
  • Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Core Rulebook
  • Enter the Unknown
  • Star Wars: Sith Wars
  • Suns of Fortune
  • StarWars.com The History of Mandalorian Armor на StarWars.com (статья) (сохранённая копия на Archive.org)
  • Dangerous Covenants
  • StarWars.com Encyclopedia Gauntlet fighter в Encyclopedia (содержание устарело; сохранённая копия на Archive.org)
  • Star Wars: Age of Rebellion Core Rulebook
  • Star Wars: Imperial Handbook: A Commander’s Guide
  • SWTOR mini.png New «Revan Returns» Trailer на официальном веб-сайте The Old Republic (сохранённая копия на Archive.org)
  • SWTOR mini.png Cartel Market Specials: Week of May 29, 2017 на официальном веб-сайте The Old Republic (сохранённая копия на Archive.org) (только изображение)
  • SWTOR mini.png Cartel Market Specials: Week of July 4, 2017 на официальном веб-сайте The Old Republic (сохранённая копия на Archive.org)

На других языках

Человечество давно мечтает о реактивных ранцах: они часто появляются в кино и компьютерных играх. Но оказывается их можно использовать не только для развлечений или во время погони за злодеем, но и чтобы провести спасательную операцию в горах. «Хайтек» рассказывает, какими бывают реактивные ранцы и куда на них летают.

Читайте «Хайтек» в

Джетпаки могут летать, плавать и делать это даже без ископаемого топлива. Самое главное, что такими разработками уже интересуются не только любители фантастики.

Что такое реактивный ранец?

Это небольшая конструкция с ракетным или реактивным двигателем, человек надевает его на спину и поднимается в воздух. Существует два вида реактивных ранцев или джетпаков.

  • С ракетным двигателем

Это самый популярный вид джетпака. Внутри устройства находится двигатель, в котором сгорает топливо и образуется реактивная струя — она всегда направлена вниз. Еще у устройства есть корсет, баллоны с перекисью водорода и азотом, а также двигатель. Пользователь контролирует направление движения с помощью двух рычагов.

Такие устройства считаются безопасными, но они летают на относительно короткие расстояния. Также для полетов нужен термостойкий костюм, чтобы не получить ожоги от двигателя.

  • С турбореактивным двигателем

Внутри таких джетпаков есть двигатель, в котором химическая энергия топлива преобразуется в кинетическую энергию газовых струй, вытекающих из реактивного сопла. При полете воздух попадает в компрессор, где сжимается и делится на два потока. Первый за счет реакции горения выделяет энергию,  а второй способствует охлаждению двигателя, а также защищает от перегрева и пилота. Также, в отличие от ракетного двигателя, у турбореактивного сопла устроены так, что струю можно направить не только вниз, но и в любую другую сторону.

В роли горючего используют керосин. Обычно такие ранцы набирают бóльшую высоту и дольше держатся в полете. Но есть и свои минусы — это сложная и дорогая конструкция.

Какие бывают реактивные ранцы и для чего их создают?

  • Для работы в открытом космосе

Российские инженеры создали сейферы — так назвали ранцы для полетов в открытом космосе. О них рассказал космонавт Антон Шкаплеров, по его словам, джетпаки планируют использовать во время выхода в открытый космос для перемещения между модулями. Но технические характеристики сейферов, а также информация о том, кто их разработал, не уточняется.

На данный момент космонавты не получили ни одного подобного устройства.

  • Для защиты природы и экономии ресурсов

В 2021 году в Австралии протестировали первый двухвинтовой электрический пилотируемый мультикоптер Сopterpack.

Конструкция состоит из двух роторов, диаметр обоих составляет около 90 см. Они соединяются с помощью трубок из углеродного волокна с жестким каркасом рюкзака. К нему крепятся аккумуляторные батареи и пара плоских подлокотников с ручным управлением.

  • Для коммерческих продаж

В начале сентября 2021 года начались продажи первого реактивного ранца JB-11: две модели уже купили анонимные военные заказчики из Юго-Восточной Азии. Стоимость единицы составляет $400 тыс.

У джетпака есть три небольшие турбины Jetcat с каждой стороны: они расположены за спиной в форме треугольника. Ранец весит 48 кг, поэтому его нельзя просто носить на спине. Максимальная тяга устройства составит 2,34 кН, а максимальная скорость 193 км/ч.

Для перемещений под водой

Да, и такое бывает. Не все джетпаки летают, например, студент из Англии разработал реактивный ранец, чтобы быстро плавать под водой. Его нужно надеть на спину как рюкзак, дальше устройство толкает пользователя вперед при помощи насоса. Большую часть деталей для джетпака напечатали на 3D-принтере.

Внутри ранца есть водяная помпа, которая втягивает воду, а потом выбрасывает ее через сопло в нижней части джетпака. Скорость устройства можно регулировать с помощью контроллера, который соединен с конструкцией по проводу.

  • Для спасения жизней

Британская компания Gravity Industries создала реактивные ранцы Jet Suit. Устройство имеет двигатель мощностью 1 050 лошадиных сил и тягу 144 кг. Дальность полета составляет около 5 км, летное время — около 4 мин. Ранец разгоняется до 80 км/ч и может поднять пилота вертикально на высоту до 3 658 м. Джетпак использовали во время горных спасательных учений НАТО.

Чем опасны реактивные ранцы?

Майор ВВС, мастер спорта по высшему пилотажу на реактивных самолетах Андрей Красноперов заявил, что летать на реактивном ранце выше 1 км — опасно. Помимо отказа двигателя, человек может столкнуться с птицей и нарушить целостность лопастей. Также он может помешать движению самолетов.

Были и полеты, которые закончились трагедией. В декабре 2019 года житель штата Флорида Кельман Ричес погиб во время полета на реактивном ранце. Устройство взорвалось во время работы, а мужчина упал с семиметровой высоты и погиб.

Современные подходы к разработке реактивного ранца, например, упор на экологичность и практичность, могут сделать устройство недорогим и многофункциональным. Джетпаками интересуются военные, спасатели и даже пожарные. Поэтому все идет к тому, что уже скоро вокруг станет больше реактивных ранцев, а мир станет чуть больше похож на тот, который описывали в фантастических рассказах.

Читать далее

НАСА предлагает посмотреть фото, которое «Хаббл» снял в ваш день рождения

Посмотрите, как телескоп «Джеймс Уэбб» выглядит с Земли

«ЭпиВакКорона» — пустышка? Кто пострадал, сколько человек ею привиты и что делать уже вакцинированным

Код на джетпак в ГТА Сан Андреас

Незаменимым средством передвижение в ГТА Сан Андреас является реактивный ранец JetPack. С помощью него можно летать над городом и быстро добираться до нужной точки задания.

Код на джетпак в ГТА Сан Андреас: ROCKETMAN.

Для получения джетпака без использования читов, необходимо купить заброшенный аэропорт и завершить две миссии. После прохождения вы найдете JetPack к кабинете диспетчера. Во время полета можно использовать оружие и стрелять.
Код на джетпак в ГТА Сан Андреас

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