Как пишется джин на корейском


Сценическое имя: Джин / 진 / Jin
Настоящее имя: Ким Сок Джин / 김석진 / Kim Seok Jin
Позиция в группе: Вокалист, лицо группы
Дата рождения: 4 декабря 1992
Родной город: Аньян
Рост: 179 см
Вес: 60 кг
Группа крови: O
Прозвища: Розовая Принцесса, Принцесса Джин
Семья: родители, старший брат
Знак Зодиака: Стрелец

Сильно ошибся во время первого выступления на M! Countdown. Я впервые надел оборудование для микрофона и вышел на сцену с ним, прикрепленным к моим штанам, но они получились очень тяжелыми. В выступлении с “We are Bulletproof Pt.2” есть часть, когда мы прыгаем вниз, но когда я сделал это, мои штаны спустились вплоть до бедер (смеется). Я быстро поднял их, но они опять спали после второго прыжка. Кроме обычного приема пищи, я также люблю просматривать фотографии и рецепты. Но когда я готовлю, реакция участников не так хороша, потому что моя еда однообразна по вкусу. Даже если я изменю порядок добавления ингредиентов, результаты всё те же. Всё из-за того, что мы придерживаемся плана диеты, и единственный возможный рацион — куриная грудка, лук, паприка и рис. (Чимин: «Однажды мы в прямом смысле нанизали куриное мясо и лук на палочки для еды и пожарили, но всё это подгорело»). Так как я плох в готовке, я хочу жениться на ком-то, кто лучше меня по этой части. Я никогда даже не думал жениться на девушке, которая готовит хуже меня. Я ем все полезные для здоровья продукты, которые увижу. Но я не ем чужое. Я был последним, кто переехал в общежитие, поэтому поначалу мне было тяжело адаптироваться. Я не живу в чрезвычайной чистоте, и я не прибираюсь все время, но думаю, что каждый должен сам убирать со стола после еды или класть белье в соответствующую корзину, но только Джей-Хоуп и Шуга делают так. После того, как они оставили беспорядок после себя, я подумал: «Ах, смогу ли я жить здесь?» и начал убираться. (Шуга: «Всё наладилось после того, как уборщица стала приходить в наше общежитие»). Однажды, после школы, я пришел в комнату для практики и обнаружил там нового друга. Внезапно он подошел ко мне и начал танцевать и тереться об меня своим телом [как странно звучит лол] (смеется). Этим пареньком был Ви. (Ви: «Я не горел желанием танцевать, просто другой стажер-хён сказал мне: «Самый старший хён скоро придет сюда. Продемонстрируй свое очарование. Сделай первое впечатление таким, что он запомнит надолго». Как только Джин-хён вошел, я смутился, поэтому танцевал, продолжая смотреть вниз. Хён стоял с пустым взглядом и, наконец, сказал: «Иди, танцуй впереди, вон там»). Я подумал: «Что творится с этим ребенком?». Но всё же это удивительно. Сперва я не знал, но после того, как немного пожил с ним, я понял, что у нас есть много общих хобби. Когда я за компьютером, Ви подходит и спрашивает: «Хён, тебе тоже это интересно?». И когда он занимается чем-то, я так же удивляюсь. С тех пор я осознал: «Хоть этот ребенок и 4Д, он обычный человек, который разделяет мои интересы». Мне нравится играть в Super Mario и Maple Story. Я начал играть в Super Mario, когда мне было пять лет, а в Maple Story — в седьмом классе, и до сих пор преданно увлекаюсь этими играми. Я чувствую себя в своей тарелке, когда вижу персонажи Super Mario, да и монстры в Maple Story очень милые.

Любимая еда: лобстеры, мясо, нэнмён, курица, жирная пища.
Любимый цвет: розовый.
Любимые вещи: фигурки Maple Story, фигурки Super Mario, Nintendo.
Идеальный тип: Девушка, которая сможет стать хорошей женой, хорошо готовит, привлекательная.
Привычки: когда я голоден, у меня дергается левый глаз.
Слово, которое меня описывает: Хидетоши из Doraemon. Ви считает, что он похож на меня внешне.
Пример для подражания: T.O.P сонбэ из Big Bang.
Через 10 лет я буду: сержантом Ким Сок Джином ㅠ.ㅠ И когда Bangtan станут успешны, я стану Джином, которым будет гордиться мама.

1. Джин немного знает китайский и английский.
2. Джин близок с Ви.
3. Джин был примерным и тихим студентом, ни с кем не разговаривал и ел в полном одиночестве.
4. Джин любит готовить и делает это очень хорошо.
5. Джин сказал, что никому из мемберов не нравится то, что он готовит, потому что, по их словам, еда получается пресная.
6. Любимый репер Джина – Kanye West.
7. Джин хорошо общается с Хёсаном (Кидо/Kidoh), бывшим участником Bangtan, который сейчас является стажером Stardom и состоит в ToppDogg.
8. Джин очень следит за своей внешностью.
9. Фанаты прозвали его Розовой Принцессой, потому что он любит розовый цвет.
10. Любит собак и щеночков.
11. Любимая цифра – 4.
12. Сказал, что похож на Хидетоши из Doraemon (потому что Ви считает, что Джин похож на него внешне).

BangTan| Bulletproof Boy Scouts| BTS | 방탄소년단©

Ким Сокджин (김석진) известен под своим сценическим псевдонимом Джин(진) — южнокорейский певец. Он является одним из вокалистов и визуалистов в BTS.


Ким Сокджин родился 4 декабря 1992 года в городе Квачхон, провинция Кенгидо, Южная Корея. Его семья состоит из матери, отца и старшего брата.

В то время как в средней школе Ким был разведан на улице южнокорейским агентством K-pop SM Entertainment, но он отклонил предложение в то время.[1] Первоначально он намеревался стать актёром, посещая университет Конкук и получив степень в области искусства и актёрского мастерства 22 февраля 2017 года. В настоящее время он учится в аспирантуре Ханьянского Киберуниверситета, изучая не только музыку.


В 2018 году он был признан 11-м самым известным кумиром в Южной Корее, по данным, собранным аналитической компанией Gallup Korea.

Личная жизнь[]

С 2019 года он живет в Ханнам-дон, Сеул, Южная Корея. В 2018 году Джин приобрел роскошную квартиру в Южной Корее стоимостью 1,7 миллиона долларов.[2] Несмотря на владение квартирой, он продолжает жить с членами BTS в Ханнам-дон. Кроме того, он и его старший брат открыли ресторан в японском стиле в Сеуле под названием Ossu Seiromushi в 2018 году.



Джангу (짱구)


Оденг (오뎅)


Эомук (어묵)


Гукмул (국물)


  • Когда голоден, у него дёргается левый глаз.
  • Пример для подражания: TOP из Big Bang.  
  • Идеальный тип девушки: привлекательная девушка, которая сможет стать хорошей женой, хорошо готовит.
  • Любимая еда: лобстеры, мясо, нэнмён, курица, жирная пища.
  • Любимые вещи: фигурки Maple Story, Super Mario, Nintendo.
  • Любимый цвет — розовый.
  • Джина прозвали «Розовой Принцессой«, потому что он сказал в одном из интервью, что любит розовый цвет.  
  • Он вкусно готовит и любит готовить для других мембэров.  
  • Любит делать эгьё.  
  • Любит очень собак (особенно сходит с ума от щенят).
  • Любимое число 4.  
  • Джин хочет украсть пресс Чимина.  
  • Однажды он пришел в комнату для практики и увидел незнакомца (Ви). Внезапно Ви подошёл к Джину и стал танцевать вокруг него.  
  • Обожает, когда ЧонГукки делает эгьё для него.  
  • Встает раньше всех участников.  
  • Когда был моложе, мечтал стать детективом. Сам удивляется как он стал певцом, ведь главная мечта его подросткового периода жизни — это стать самым крутым детективом в Сеуле и вообще по всей Корее.  
  • Шуга признался, что будь Джин девушкой, он бы на нём женился. Джин очень хозяйственный и вкусно готовит. 
  • Успел получить водительские права. 


  1. Лучший и самый неудачный случай кастинга кумира SM Entertainment
  2. Джин покупает новые роскошные апартаменты $1,7 миллиона в наличных

I can see others, but not myself if I’ve grown from all this experience, that’s because my guys were there to push me ahead.

–Jin, 2017.11.03, Macau.

Kim Seok-jin (김석진), better known by the mononym Jin (진), is a South Korean singer-songwriter and record producer under Big Hit Music. He is a member in the boy group BTS, and has the positions of vocalist and visual.

As a solo artist, he has released three self-composed digital singles, «이 밤 (Tonight)» in 2019, «Abyss» in 2020 and «슈퍼 참치 (Super Tuna)» in 2021. He then made his official solo debut with his first single album «The Astronaut» on October 28, 2022.


2011–2013: Pre-debut

Around April or May of 2011, Jin was street-casted by Big Hit Entertainment casting agent when he was on his way to the university.[17]

On July 26, 2011, Jin appeared as extra on TEEN TOP’s «No more perfume on you» music video.[18] On April 11, 2012, he appeared as the groom on 2AM’s «電話に出ない君に (Denwa ni Denai Kimi ni)» music video.[19] On June 24, 2012, he appeared as servant on Jo Kwon’s «I’m Da One» music video.[20]

2013: BTS

He debuted as a member of BTS on June 12, 2013 with the group’s first single album 2 COOL 4 SKOOL.

Public image


In December 2018, Jin donated various suppliers to the Korean Animal Welfare Association to celebrate his birthday, purchasing food, blankets, and dishes for the organization. That same day, he donated 321 kilograms of food to the Korea Animal Rights Advocates (KARA), another Korean animal welfare non-profit.[21]

Since May 2018, Jin has been a monthly donor to UNICEF Korea, requesting that his donations be private at the time. They were eventually publicized following his induction into the UNICEF Honors Club in May 2019 for donating over ₩100 million (about US$84,000).[22]


To be added

Boy Group Member Brand Reputation Rankings

Year Month
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12
2022[23] #4 #5 #10 #5 #7 #7 #6 #6 #5 #7 #1 #6

Personal life


In 2011, Jin was the first student from his year in the acting academy to enroll in the Konkuk University as he was accepted on an early admission to both of the best acting universities in Korea — Konkuk and Sejong.[24][25] Jin graduated from Konkuk University with a major in Film Studies on February 22, 2017.[17][26] On March 2017, Jin enrolled at Hanyang Cyber University.[27]


On December 25, 2021, Big Hit Music announced that Jin and RM were diagnosed with COVID-19 on the evening of the same day. Jin was exhibiting mild symptoms including light fever, and is undergoing self-treatment at home.[28] On January 4, 2022, Big Hit Music inform that BTS members RM and Jin have made full recoveries from COVID-19, and their quarantines have concluded.[29]

On March 19, 2022, Big Hit Music announced that after injuring his left index finger during his daily activities, Jin had undergone surgery to repair a damaged tendon in the finger the day prior. According to the agency, Jin’s surgery went well, but he will temporarily be resting in order to focus on making a full recovery. Jin will also be wearing a cast on his finger for the time being.[30]

Military service

On October 17, 2022, Big Hit Music announced that Jin applied for the termination of his enlistment postponement and will soon start his military service.[31] On November 24, 2022, it was reported that Jin will be enlisting on December 13, 2022.[32] On December 13, 2022, Jin officially enlisted as an active-duty soldier, reportedly entering the 5th Infantry Division recruit training center in Yeoncheon County of Gyeonggi Province.[33]

He is expected to be discharged on June 12, 2024.[34]


See also: BTS Discography

Single albums

  • «The Astronaut» (2022)

Digital singles

  • «이 밤 (Tonight)» (2019)
  • «Abyss» (2020)
  • «슈퍼 참치 (Super Tuna)» (2021)


  • Benny Blanco — «Bad Decisions» (with Jung Kook, Jimin, V and Snoop Dogg) (credited as BTS) (2022)


  • «죽어도 너야 (It’s Definitely You)» from «Hwarang OST Part.2» (with V) (2016)
  • «Dream Glow» from «BTS World OST Part.1« (with Jimin, Jung Kook and Charli XCX) (credited as BTS) (2019)
  • «Yours» from «Jirisan OST Part.4» (2021)

Solo songs credited as BTS

See also unit songs credited under BTS: Units

  • «Awake» from WINGS (2016)
  • «Epiphany» from LOVE YOURSELF 結 ‘Answer’ (2018)
  • «Moon» from MAP OF THE SOUL : 7 (2020)
  • «Epiphany (Jin Demo Ver.)» from Proof (2022)

Unofficial songs

See also: Unofficial songs

Original songs

  • «Outro: Propose (Extended Ver.)» (with Jung Kook, Jimin and V) (2014)
  • «Converse High» (with RM and j-hope) (2015)
  • «Acoustic Medley» (with Jimin and V) (2016)
  • «Muster» (with j-hope and V) (2016)
  • «Awake (Christmas Ver.)» (2016)
  • «So Far Away» (with SUGA and Jung Kook) (2017)

Adapted songs

  • «흔한 연습생의 크리스마스 Full ver. (A Typical Trainee’s Christmas Full Ver.)» (with RM, SUGA, Jimin, V and Jung Kook) (credited as Jin, Rap Monster, SUGA & more) (2013)
  • «학교의눈물 (School Of Tears)» (with RM and SUGA) (credited as BTS) (2013)
  • «어른아이 (Adult Child)» (with RM and SUGA) (credited as BTS) (2013)
  • «흔한 아이돌의 크리스마스 (A Typical Idol’s Christmas)» (with SUGA, j-hope, Jimin and V) (credited as BTS) (2013)

Cover songs

  • «엄마 (Mom)» (2015)
  • «난 너를 사랑해 (I Love You)» (2015)
  • «何如歌 (하여가) (Hayeoga)» (with Seo Taiji and Jimin) (2017)
  • «가을 우체국 앞에서 (In Front of the Post Office in Autumn)» (2018)
  • «Feliz Navidad» (with j-hope) (2019)



Year Title Role Notes
2018 Burn The Stage: The Movie Himself Screening in select global theatres
2019 BTS World Tour: Love Yourself in Seoul
Bring The Soul: The Movie
2020 Break The Silence: The Movie
2022 BTS Permission to Dance on Stage — Seoul Live broadcast and screening in select global theatres
BTS Permission to Dance on Stage — LA Disney+ release
Coldplay: Music of the Spheres: Live Broadcast from Buenos Aires Guest; Live broadcast and screening in select global theatres
2023 BTS: Yet To Come in Cinemas Screening in select Theatres

Variety shows

Year Title Network Notes
2016 아이돌요리왕 (Idol Chef King) SBS Contestant (Ep.1)
2017 정글의 법칙 (Law of the Jungle) Cast member (Eps.247–251)
백종원의 3대 천왕 (Baek Jong-won’s Top 3 Chef King) Guest with j-hope (Ep.67)
안녕하세요 (Hello Counselor) KBS2 Guest with Jimin (Ep.316)
한끼줍쇼 (Let’s Eat Dinner Together) JTBC Guest with Jung Kook (Ep.50)
냉장고를 부탁해 (Please Take Care of My Refrigerator) Guest with Jimin (Eps.152–153)
2022 출근용사 김석진 (Mapler Kim Seokjin) YouTube Cast member (Eps.1–2)
차린건 쥐뿔도 없지만 (Nothing Much Prepared) Guest (Ep.13)
런닝맨 (Running Man) SBS Guest (Ep.627)
할명수 (Hal Myung-soo) YouTube Guest (Ep.103)
취중진담 (Jin’s Traditional Alcohol Journey) Cast member (Eps.1–4)
2023 j-hope IN THE BOX Disney+ Guest

Music shows

Year Title Network Notes
2016 인기가요 (Inkigayo) SBS Special host with RM, Lovelyz’s Mijoo
and Lovelyz’s Kei (Ep.863)
엠카운트다운 (M Countdown) Mnet Special host with Jimin (Ep.497)
2017 KBS 가요대축제 (KBS Song Festival) KBS2 Host with EXO’s Chanyeol, Red Velvet’s Irene
and Twice’s Sana (Part 1)
2018 뮤직뱅크 (Music Bank) Special host with LABOUM’s Solbin (Ep.932)
KBS 가요대축제 (KBS Song Festival) Host with EXO’s Chanyeol and Twice’s Dahyun

Music videos

Year Title Role Notes
2011 «향수뿌리지마 (No more perfume on you)» Extra Pre-debut, TEEN TOP’s music video
2012 «電話に出ない君に (Denwa ni Denai Kimi ni)» Groom Pre-debut, 2AM’s music video
«I’m Da One» Servant Pre-debut, Jo Kwon’s music video
2020 «대취타 (Daechwita)» Villager Cameo, Agust D’s music video
2022 «The Astronaut» Himself Music video for solo debut


Year Title Role Notes
2016 «Awake» Kim Seok-jin WINGS Short Film #7, BU content certified
2018 «Epiphany» LOVE YOURSELF 結 ‘Answer’ comeback trailer, BU content certified


Concerts participation

  • Coldplay’s MUSIC of the SPHERES World Tour in Buenos Aires (Guest; October 28, 2022)


On February 17, 2013, Etude House posted Jin’s pictures promoting their products.[35] On November 9, 2022, Ottogi revealed that they have selected Jin as their new brand ambassador.[36]

  • Etude House (2013)
  • Jin Ramen (2022–present)


  • Me, Myself, and Jin ‘Sea of JIN island’ (2022)

Producing and writing credits

◯ = Participates as writing/composer/producer, ✖ = Not participated as writing/composer/producer,
W = Writing, C = Composer, P = Producer, R. = Reference

Artist Album Song W C P R.
BTS 2 COOL 4 SKOOL «Outro: Circle Room Cypher» [37]
Unofficial song «Outro: Propose (Extended Ver.)» [38]
화양연화 Pt.1 «흥탄소년단 (Boyz with Fun)» [39]
«Outro: Love is Not Over» [40]
화양연화 Young Forever «Love Is Not Over (Full Length Edition)» [41]
WINGS «Awake» [42]
Jin Unofficial song «Awake (Christmas Ver.)» [43]
BTS YOU NEVER WALK ALONE «봄날 (Spring Day)» [44]
Jin Digital single «이 밤 (Tonight)» [45]
BTS MAP OF THE SOUL : 7 «Moon» [46]
Unofficial song «In the SOOP» [47]
BE «Skit» [48]
«Stay» [49]
Jin Digital singles «Abyss» [50]
«슈퍼 참치 (Super Tuna)» [51]
BTS Proof «흥탄소년단 (Boyz with Fun) (Demo Ver.)» [52]
«Epiphany (Jin Demo Ver.)» [52]
Jin «The Astronaut» [53]

Awards and nominations

Award Year Category Recipient Result
Asian Academy Creative Awards 2022 Best Theme Song or Title Theme «Yours» Nominated
Asian Pop Music Awards 2021 Best Film and Television Song (Overseas) Nominated
Circle Chart Music Awards 2022 Artist of the Year – Digital Music (October) «The Astronaut» Nominated
Artist of the Year (Physical Album – Fourth Quarter) Nominated
The Fact Music Awards 2022 Fan N Star Choice Award – Individual Jin Won
Most Voted Artist – Individual Nominated
2023 Best Music (Winter) «The Astronaut» Pending
Hanteo Music Awards 2023 Global Artist (Africa) Jin Won
Melon Music Awards 2017 Best OST «죽어도 너야 (It’s Definitely You)» (with V) Nominated
Seoul Music Awards 2023 Bonsang Award «The Astronaut» Nominated
K-wave Award Jin Nominated
Popularity Award Nominated
Top Ten Awards 2022 The Best Artist of K-Drama OST in the World Won


  • He is the oldest member of BTS.
  • He is 30 years old in the US age and 32 years old in the Korean age.
  • He is BTS’ official visual.
  • His Zodiac sign is Sagittarius.
  • He has his own mukbang show called Eat Jin. In the show he only eats but does not talk much about the food beyond stating the dish’s name. Sometimes, the other members of BTS join him: Jung Kook, Jimin, or Suga, his former roommate.
  • He is close friends with VIXX’s Ken, B1A4’s Sandeul, KNK’s Seungjun, Sleepy, Jee Seok Jin, Lee Yi Kyung and Yoo Seung Ho.[54][55][56][57][58][59][60]
  • He can rip open bags of Chips with his feet.[61]
  • He is part of a group chat named «92 clubs» with MAMAMOO’s Moon Byul, EXID’s Hani, B1A4’s Sandeul, Baro, and VIXX’s Ken.[62]
  • He is part of a gaming crew named «We’re The Strongest Idols» with B.A.P’s Youngjae, BTOB’s Eunkwang, VIXX’s Ken and Wanna One’s Jihoon. [63]
  • He knows how to play the guitar and piano.[64]
  • According to the other members, he is a great cook.
  • He can speak Korean, some Japanese, English, and Chinese.
  • He has been to Australia in the past as an exchange student.
  • He has improved both his dancing and singing impressively since BTS’ debut.
  • He is referred to as ‘Worldwide Handsome’ by both ARMYs and himself.[5]
  • What he likes most about himself is his face.[65]
  • According to RM, he and j-hope are the most cowards members of the group.[66]
  • His guilty pleasure is eating three steaks.[67]
  • In an interview was asked who is the Hollywood crush (actress) and he answers the actor, Brad Pitt.[68]
  • He said wants to collaborate with Shawn Mendes.[69]
  • His favorite hobbies include cooking, eating, dolls, telling dad jokes, blowing air kisses, playing video games, snowboarding, looking at photographs and recipes, taking polaroids, and taking care of his pets.
  • He feels uncomfortable being called feminine names by fans. Particularly, «Mom», «Eomma», and «Princess».
  • In early years when he dances, he was told that he looked like a traffic police (교통 경찰)
  • His personality is always recognized as caring, humble and funny.
  • A professional plastic surgery doctor stated that Jin’s face was a ‘perfect face’- his eyes, nose, mouth, ears, everything in the right place, with the right shape and the right type of face.
  • Even though Jin majored in filming (took classes in acting), he was asked to learn dancing and singing to be a part of BTS. Despite having no knowledge in either of these areas, Jin worked very hard and is highly appreciated for his visual and talent. People always know him as a good-looking man, but he also has a soft, warm, really nice and amazing voice. His dancing continues to improve as he works hard and practices with the other members and individually.
  • He was roommates with SUGA. When BTS changed roommates, Jin and SUGA stayed together. SUGA stated that he ‘couldn’t have a more perfect roommate’. They are currently no longer roommates in the new dorm they live in.
  • On Idol King Of Cooking, Jin was supposed to go to the final round. However, due to their conflicting schedules, someone else took his spot in the finals.
  • During earlier eras, he was nicknamed Ctrl + V because he was the only one who was able to control Taehyung (V).
  • The best way to make Jin feel despair is to take away his food and his Nintendo.
  • His favorite color was pink. In a 2017 interview, he stated that it is now blue.
  • His favorite number is 4. In Army 5th Kit, he stated that his new favorite number is 2.
  • His favorite foods are lobster, meat, naengmyeon(Korean noodle dish), chicken, hamburgers, pizza, and all types of greasy junk food.
  • He likes anime, Disney princesses, MapleStory and Super Mario action figures, and Nintendo games.
  • He is known as worldwide handsome, and being the worldwide cutie guy as he introduced himself on the Ellen Show in 2018.
  • He has a habit of blinking his left eye when he’s hungry.
  • He is able to do The Exorcist‘s «spider-walk» (walking with his waist bent).
  • He describes himself as Hidetoshi Dekisugi from Doraemon.
  • His ideal type is someone who will be a good wife, good at cooking, and is nice.
  • In ten years, he wants to be Sergeant Kim Seok-jin in the Bangtan A.R.M.Y. After that, he wants to be a man that mothers would like watching on TV.
  • He once made seaweed soup for j-hope, who became speechless since he thought it tasted like his mom’s soup.
  • He always goes to the gym with Jung Kook.
  • According to the other members, he has the best body and face in the group.
  • He is in charge of the kitchen and cleaning up the dorms.
  • He has a driver’s license.
  • When he eats, he has a habit of smelling it first.
  • He rarely uses wooden chopsticks— he always carries his own because he doesn’t like the smell of the wooden chopsticks.
  • He’s bad at lying.
  • He can’t watch horror movies.
  • As a child, he wanted to be a detective.
  • V described him as a Crane (두루미).
  • He wakes up two hours earlier than the other members.
  • The Chinese A.R.M.Y fans stated that Jin sounded the most Chinese out of the Bangtan Boys when they spoke Chinese.
  • He has recently revealed to have two flying squirrels as well, along with his Sugar Gliders, however he has not formally posted about them on any social media.
  • He chose V as the member he is closest to.
  • He wants his first child to be a girl and second to be a boy. He wants to give a noona (male’s term of addressing for an older female in Korea) for his son because a noona will give him pocket money as his hyung (older brother) always took his pocket money.
  • He named his future children— the girl to be Yu-sun (유선) and the boy to be Yu-bi (유비).
  • He is the first K-pop idol to get 100 million hearts on V-live during his birthday live on 2017.
  • He likes to blow flying kisses to ARMY.
  • His motto in life is: «Let’s live freely.«
  • Jin has very broad shoulders, measuring at 60cm (23in) in width.
  • ARMYs tweeted the hashtag #WorldwideHandsomeDay and #겨울에_태어나_아름다운_석진 (means Beautiful Seokjin born in winter) for his birthday last 2017.
  • Jin’s favorite weather is Spring sunlight.
  • Jin also enjoys looking at photographs and recipes.
  • Jin started Super Mario when he was five years old and MapleStory in seven grade and still faithfully play them. He think Super Mario characters and the monsters in MapleStory are extremely cute.
  • Jin made a big mistake during their first performance at M!Countdown. His pants went down all the way to his thighs, and he cried after the stage ended.
  • Jin has crooked fingers.
  • Jin is really confident with others and can communicate well now, but previously, he stated he had very low self esteem and that A.R.M.Y’s and the rest of BTS helped him to overcome it.
  • Jin was an MC for the MAMA awards in 2017 alongside EXO’s Chanyeol and Red Velvet’s Irene.
  • Jin always wins staring contests.
  • Jin, Jung Kook, and Jimin drink together occasionally.
  • Jin’s BT21 character is a white alpaca wearing a red neckerchief named RJ.
  • Jin is very athletic, his sports are snowboarding, golf; he can also do wake-boarding, tennis, surfing, scuba diving and a lot more.
  • Jin’s favorite animal is an alpaca.
  • Jin’s laugh is very distinctive and is known as the ‘Windshield Wiper’ laugh (i.e the sound of when glass/windows are being wiped clean.)
  • Besides from j-hope, Jin is the second member who gets scared very easily.
  • When Jin is embarrassed or mad his ears will turn red.
  • Jin’s favorite hair color is pink. (Buzzfeed Puppy interview 2018)
  • Jin is the second most popular member in BTS in Korea now (2018) for his outstanding visuals.
  • Jin has prescription glasses but rarely wears them as they make him feel insecure. He prefers to wear contact lenses instead, but his eyes get easily irritated from wearing them.
  • Jin is the strongest member in BTS with Jung Kook being the second. (Jin is the only member who can lift and support Jung Kook’s weight despite Jung Kook being the heaviest.)
  • Jin, along with Jung Kook, Jimin, and V were voted as one of the Asian Heartthrobs of 2018, earning him a spot at #46.
  • Jin, along with Jung Kook, and V were voted as 100 Most Handsome Men of 2018[70], earning him a spot at #17.
  • Jin cut his jeans on camera once because they were “too long.”
  • Jin uses a pink keyboard to play computer games.
  • If he was a girl, he said he would date Jimin because he is shy and someone like Jimin would help him open up and be social.
  • Jin’s Spotify playlist is called: Jin’s GA CHI DEUL EUL LAE?
  • Other members said that Jin has the longest legs in BTS.
  • Jin and Jung Kook bicker a lot. A taxi driver once thought that Jung Kook and Jin are twins because of their non-stop bickering.
  • Jin said that looking at bugs isn’t scary, but if they get on his body, that’s really scary.
  • Jin dieted for a year, eating only chicken breasts.
  • Jin used to work at a strawberry farm.
  • He was named one of the idols that had a «Funny And Surprising Way» of getting casted.[71]
  • Has a total of 2 ear piercings. (2 on the left)
  • During BTS’ trainee days, Jin used to take Jung Kook to school everyday and invite Jung Kook over to his family’s house to have dinner with his family.



Wiki-wordmark.png To view the Jin gallery, click here.

Video Gallery

진 (Jin) 'The Astronaut' Official MV

진 (Jin) ‘The Astronaut’ Official MV

BTS (방탄소년단) LOVE YOURSELF 結 Answer 'Epiphany' Comeback Trailer

BTS (방탄소년단) LOVE YOURSELF 結 Answer ‘Epiphany’ Comeback Trailer

방탄소년단 (BTS) WINGS Short Film 7 AWAKE

방탄소년단 (BTS) WINGS Short Film 7 AWAKE


  1. «Jin was the member behind the “Ahjae” nickname, which he says comes from the fact that he likes to crack dad jokes and acts very much like an “ahjae.”»from Soompi
  2. Netizens go crazy over BTS Jin’s stunning visuals
  3. «In Japan, Jin became known as the “Flying Kiss Guy” for his continued flying kisses – a habit of his turned into a beloved fan favorite experience (it’s like… when he steals an ARMY bomb during a show, but even more often)». from Koreaboo
  4. Jin Goes Viral As The Hot “Third One From The Left” During The Billboard Awards
  5. 5.0 5.1 BTS’s Jin Shares The Origins Of His “Worldwide Handsome” Title
  6. «Jin’s brilliant visuals have done him well once again with BTS’s release of new concept photos for their upcoming trilogy “movie poster” releases». from Koreaboo
  7. «[…] it comes as no surprise to fans that Jin trended yet again a few days ago for another new nickname». from Koreaboo
  8. BTS Jin has a new nickname: “it’s-him-again guy (또얘남)”
  9. K-Netizens Give BTS’ Jin Another Nickname, Calls Him ‘Manner-dol’
  10. BTS’s Jin Trends Among Locals As “The Guy With The Pink Mic” On MTV Unplugged
  11. Jin’s profile on BTS Official Website
  12. V LIVE: 석진아 생일축하해 (26:52)
  13. @thv on Instagram (November 9, 2022)
  14. Jin’s profile BTS Official Fanclub Japan
  15. Facebook: Jin’s Self-written Profile (June 10, 2017)
  16. YouTube: BTS (방탄소년단) MBTI Lab 1
  17. 17.0 17.1 Soompi: BTS Celebrates Jin’s Graduation From University
  18. YouTube: [HD MV] No more perfume on you(향수뿌리지마)
  19. Koreaboo: Netizens Spot Predebut BTS’s Jin In These Music Videos
  20. YouTube: [JoKwon] I’m Da One M/V
  21. Soompi: BTS’s Jin Makes Meaningful Donation To Celebrate His Birthday
  22. Soompi: BTS’s Jin Becomes Member Of UNICEF’s Honors Club For His Generous Donations
  23. 2022 Boy Group Member Brand Reputation Rankings:
    • Soompi: January Boy Group Member Brand Reputation Rankings Announced
    • Soompi: February Boy Group Member Brand Reputation Rankings Announced
    • Soompi: March Boy Group Member Brand Reputation Rankings Announced
    • Soompi: April Boy Group Member Brand Reputation Rankings Announced
    • Soompi: May Boy Group Member Brand Reputation Rankings Announced
    • Soompi: June Boy Group Member Brand Reputation Rankings Announced
    • Soompi: July Boy Group Member Brand Reputation Rankings Announced
    • Soompi: August Boy Group Member Brand Reputation Rankings Announced
    • Soompi: September Boy Group Member Brand Reputation Rankings Announced
    • Soompi: October Boy Group Member Brand Reputation Rankings Announced
    • Soompi: November Boy Group Member Brand Reputation Rankings Announced
    • Soompi: December Boy Group Member Brand Reputation Rankings Announced

  24. AllKpop: BTS’s Jin gets praised by his acting teacher from Konkuk University
  25. BTS 2019 Season’s Greetings — Making DVD
  26. Soompi: 5 BTS Members Enroll In MBA Program At Hanyang Cyber University
  27. Soompi: BTS’s Jin Enters Graduate School At Hanyang Cyber University
  28. Soompi: BTS’s RM And Jin Diagnosed With COVID-19
  29. Soompi: Update: BTS’ Suga, RM, And Jin Recover From COVID-19
  30. Soompi: BTS’s Jin Revealed To Be Recovering From Surgery
  31. Soompi: BTS Officially Announces Plans For Military Enlistment Starting With Jin
  32. Soompi: BTS’s Jin Reported To Enlist In December + BIGHIT Briefly Comments
  33. Soompi: BTS Sends Off Jin As He Enlists In The Military
  34. Manila Bulletin: BTS’ Jin enters army training camp to start military service: See you in 2024!
  35. @etudeplay on Twitter (February 17, 2013)
  36. Korea JoongAng Daily: BTS’s Jin is the new face of local instant noodle brand Jin Ramen
  37. Information of the Song «Outro: Circle Room Cypher» on Melon
  38. Fan Update Video (1:05) – via YouTube.
  39. Information of the Song «Boyz with Fun» on Melon
  40. Information of the Song «Outro: Love is Not Over» on Melon
  41. Information of the Song «Love is Not Over (Full Length Edition)» on Melon
  42. Information of the Song «Awake» on Melon
  43. Awake (christmas ver) by Jin of BTS on Soundcloud
  44. REPLAY BTS ‘YOU NEVER WALK ALONE’ Preview SHOW (7:40) – via V Live.
  45. 이 밤 by JIN of BTS on Soundcloud
  46. Information of the Song «Moon» on Melon
  47. Korean Music Copyright Association (KOMCA). Enter «IN THE SOOP» or «100003014323» in the field «Title and/or Alternative title» and hit enter.
  48. Information of the Song «Skit» on Melon
  49. Information of the Song «Stay» on Melon
  50. Abyss by Jin of BTS on Soundcloud
  51. Super Tuna by Jin of BTS on Soundcloud
  52. 52.0 52.1 @BIGHIT_MUSIC on Twitter: #BTS #방탄소년단 #BTS_Proof Tracklist CD 3 (May 10, 2022)
  53. @BIGHIT_MUSIC on Twitter: ‘The Astronaut’ Poster
  54. VIXX’s Ken And BTS’s Jin Enjoy A Chuseok Feast Together
  55. B1A4’s Sandeul Talks About How BTS’s Jin Shocked Him The Second Time They Met
  56. KNK’s Seungjun Shows His Friendship With BTS’s Jin Is Still Going Strong
  57. Sleepy Shares Sweet Conversation With BTS’s Jin
  58. Ji Suk Jin Shares Chat History With BTS’s Jin To Prove Their Friendship On “Radio Star”
  59. Lee Yi Kyung Tells Story Of Friendship With BTS’s Jin
  60. BTS’s Jin Shows Support For Yoo Seung Ho And His Drama “Memorist”
  61. BTS’s Jin Shows Off Talent Of Ripping Open Bags Of Chips With His Feet
  62. MAMAMOO’s Moon Byul talks about the ’92 club’ with BTS’ Jin, EXID’s Hani, B1A4’s Sandeul, and more
  63. «The gaming group, which is named ‘We’re the Strongest Idol’ consists of members B.A.P Youngjae, BTS Jin, BTOB Eunkwang & VIXX Ken, and recently, they added Park Jihoon». from KpopViral
  64. «[…] Jin’s been known to sit down and pull out the guitar every now and then during live events and videos». from Billboard
  65. BTS Answers Fans’ Most Asked Questions (0:56) – via YouTube.
  66. Flinch w/ BTS (1:16) – via YouTube.
  67. BTS Reveal Their Favorite Movie, Guilty Pleasure & More | Billboard (1:23) – via YouTube.
  68. BTS Discusses Their Intensely Loyal Fans & Celeb Crushes! | Access Hollywood (1:48) – via YouTube.
  69. ON With Mario Lopez — BTS (3:44) – via YouTube.
  70. 100 Most Handsome Men of 2018
  71. [1]


  1. Madhyung (맏형; Translation: Eldest) + Maknae (막내; Translation: Youngest)
  2. Jin (진) + Alpaca (알파카)
  3. Legendary + Jin
  4. Amazing + Jin
  5. Seokjin (석진) + Hamchi (햄찌; Translation: Cute Hamster)
  6. Hamchi (햄찌; Translation: Cute Hamster) + Jin (진)
  7. Translation: Old Fashioned Man
  8. Translation: Car Door Guy
  9. A person on Weibo uploaded 9 animated gifs of BTS giving their acceptance speech at MAMA 2018, the nickname was given because everyone asked who the 5th person in the blue dress was. (P for Photo)


I can see others, but not myself if I’ve grown from all this experience, that’s because my guys were there to push me ahead.

–Jin, 2017.11.03, Macau.

Kim Seok-jin (김석진), better known by the mononym Jin (진), is a South Korean singer-songwriter and record producer under Big Hit Music. He is a member in the boy group BTS, and has the positions of vocalist and visual.

As a solo artist, he has released three self-composed digital singles, «이 밤 (Tonight)» in 2019, «Abyss» in 2020 and «슈퍼 참치 (Super Tuna)» in 2021. He then made his official solo debut with his first single album «The Astronaut» on October 28, 2022.


2011–2013: Pre-debut

Around April or May of 2011, Jin was street-casted by Big Hit Entertainment casting agent when he was on his way to the university.[17]

On July 26, 2011, Jin appeared as extra on TEEN TOP’s «No more perfume on you» music video.[18] On April 11, 2012, he appeared as the groom on 2AM’s «電話に出ない君に (Denwa ni Denai Kimi ni)» music video.[19] On June 24, 2012, he appeared as servant on Jo Kwon’s «I’m Da One» music video.[20]

2013: BTS

He debuted as a member of BTS on June 12, 2013 with the group’s first single album 2 COOL 4 SKOOL.

Public image


In December 2018, Jin donated various suppliers to the Korean Animal Welfare Association to celebrate his birthday, purchasing food, blankets, and dishes for the organization. That same day, he donated 321 kilograms of food to the Korea Animal Rights Advocates (KARA), another Korean animal welfare non-profit.[21]

Since May 2018, Jin has been a monthly donor to UNICEF Korea, requesting that his donations be private at the time. They were eventually publicized following his induction into the UNICEF Honors Club in May 2019 for donating over ₩100 million (about US$84,000).[22]


To be added

Boy Group Member Brand Reputation Rankings

Year Month
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12
2022[23] #4 #5 #10 #5 #7 #7 #6 #6 #5 #7 #1 #6

Personal life


In 2011, Jin was the first student from his year in the acting academy to enroll in the Konkuk University as he was accepted on an early admission to both of the best acting universities in Korea — Konkuk and Sejong.[24][25] Jin graduated from Konkuk University with a major in Film Studies on February 22, 2017.[17][26] On March 2017, Jin enrolled at Hanyang Cyber University.[27]


On December 25, 2021, Big Hit Music announced that Jin and RM were diagnosed with COVID-19 on the evening of the same day. Jin was exhibiting mild symptoms including light fever, and is undergoing self-treatment at home.[28] On January 4, 2022, Big Hit Music inform that BTS members RM and Jin have made full recoveries from COVID-19, and their quarantines have concluded.[29]

On March 19, 2022, Big Hit Music announced that after injuring his left index finger during his daily activities, Jin had undergone surgery to repair a damaged tendon in the finger the day prior. According to the agency, Jin’s surgery went well, but he will temporarily be resting in order to focus on making a full recovery. Jin will also be wearing a cast on his finger for the time being.[30]

Military service

On October 17, 2022, Big Hit Music announced that Jin applied for the termination of his enlistment postponement and will soon start his military service.[31] On November 24, 2022, it was reported that Jin will be enlisting on December 13, 2022.[32] On December 13, 2022, Jin officially enlisted as an active-duty soldier, reportedly entering the 5th Infantry Division recruit training center in Yeoncheon County of Gyeonggi Province.[33]

He is expected to be discharged on June 12, 2024.[34]


See also: BTS Discography

Single albums

  • «The Astronaut» (2022)

Digital singles

  • «이 밤 (Tonight)» (2019)
  • «Abyss» (2020)
  • «슈퍼 참치 (Super Tuna)» (2021)


  • Benny Blanco — «Bad Decisions» (with Jung Kook, Jimin, V and Snoop Dogg) (credited as BTS) (2022)


  • «죽어도 너야 (It’s Definitely You)» from «Hwarang OST Part.2» (with V) (2016)
  • «Dream Glow» from «BTS World OST Part.1« (with Jimin, Jung Kook and Charli XCX) (credited as BTS) (2019)
  • «Yours» from «Jirisan OST Part.4» (2021)

Solo songs credited as BTS

See also unit songs credited under BTS: Units

  • «Awake» from WINGS (2016)
  • «Epiphany» from LOVE YOURSELF 結 ‘Answer’ (2018)
  • «Moon» from MAP OF THE SOUL : 7 (2020)
  • «Epiphany (Jin Demo Ver.)» from Proof (2022)

Unofficial songs

See also: Unofficial songs

Original songs

  • «Outro: Propose (Extended Ver.)» (with Jung Kook, Jimin and V) (2014)
  • «Converse High» (with RM and j-hope) (2015)
  • «Acoustic Medley» (with Jimin and V) (2016)
  • «Muster» (with j-hope and V) (2016)
  • «Awake (Christmas Ver.)» (2016)
  • «So Far Away» (with SUGA and Jung Kook) (2017)

Adapted songs

  • «흔한 연습생의 크리스마스 Full ver. (A Typical Trainee’s Christmas Full Ver.)» (with RM, SUGA, Jimin, V and Jung Kook) (credited as Jin, Rap Monster, SUGA & more) (2013)
  • «학교의눈물 (School Of Tears)» (with RM and SUGA) (credited as BTS) (2013)
  • «어른아이 (Adult Child)» (with RM and SUGA) (credited as BTS) (2013)
  • «흔한 아이돌의 크리스마스 (A Typical Idol’s Christmas)» (with SUGA, j-hope, Jimin and V) (credited as BTS) (2013)

Cover songs

  • «엄마 (Mom)» (2015)
  • «난 너를 사랑해 (I Love You)» (2015)
  • «何如歌 (하여가) (Hayeoga)» (with Seo Taiji and Jimin) (2017)
  • «가을 우체국 앞에서 (In Front of the Post Office in Autumn)» (2018)
  • «Feliz Navidad» (with j-hope) (2019)



Year Title Role Notes
2018 Burn The Stage: The Movie Himself Screening in select global theatres
2019 BTS World Tour: Love Yourself in Seoul
Bring The Soul: The Movie
2020 Break The Silence: The Movie
2022 BTS Permission to Dance on Stage — Seoul Live broadcast and screening in select global theatres
BTS Permission to Dance on Stage — LA Disney+ release
Coldplay: Music of the Spheres: Live Broadcast from Buenos Aires Guest; Live broadcast and screening in select global theatres
2023 BTS: Yet To Come in Cinemas Screening in select Theatres

Variety shows

Year Title Network Notes
2016 아이돌요리왕 (Idol Chef King) SBS Contestant (Ep.1)
2017 정글의 법칙 (Law of the Jungle) Cast member (Eps.247–251)
백종원의 3대 천왕 (Baek Jong-won’s Top 3 Chef King) Guest with j-hope (Ep.67)
안녕하세요 (Hello Counselor) KBS2 Guest with Jimin (Ep.316)
한끼줍쇼 (Let’s Eat Dinner Together) JTBC Guest with Jung Kook (Ep.50)
냉장고를 부탁해 (Please Take Care of My Refrigerator) Guest with Jimin (Eps.152–153)
2022 출근용사 김석진 (Mapler Kim Seokjin) YouTube Cast member (Eps.1–2)
차린건 쥐뿔도 없지만 (Nothing Much Prepared) Guest (Ep.13)
런닝맨 (Running Man) SBS Guest (Ep.627)
할명수 (Hal Myung-soo) YouTube Guest (Ep.103)
취중진담 (Jin’s Traditional Alcohol Journey) Cast member (Eps.1–4)
2023 j-hope IN THE BOX Disney+ Guest

Music shows

Year Title Network Notes
2016 인기가요 (Inkigayo) SBS Special host with RM, Lovelyz’s Mijoo
and Lovelyz’s Kei (Ep.863)
엠카운트다운 (M Countdown) Mnet Special host with Jimin (Ep.497)
2017 KBS 가요대축제 (KBS Song Festival) KBS2 Host with EXO’s Chanyeol, Red Velvet’s Irene
and Twice’s Sana (Part 1)
2018 뮤직뱅크 (Music Bank) Special host with LABOUM’s Solbin (Ep.932)
KBS 가요대축제 (KBS Song Festival) Host with EXO’s Chanyeol and Twice’s Dahyun

Music videos

Year Title Role Notes
2011 «향수뿌리지마 (No more perfume on you)» Extra Pre-debut, TEEN TOP’s music video
2012 «電話に出ない君に (Denwa ni Denai Kimi ni)» Groom Pre-debut, 2AM’s music video
«I’m Da One» Servant Pre-debut, Jo Kwon’s music video
2020 «대취타 (Daechwita)» Villager Cameo, Agust D’s music video
2022 «The Astronaut» Himself Music video for solo debut


Year Title Role Notes
2016 «Awake» Kim Seok-jin WINGS Short Film #7, BU content certified
2018 «Epiphany» LOVE YOURSELF 結 ‘Answer’ comeback trailer, BU content certified


Concerts participation

  • Coldplay’s MUSIC of the SPHERES World Tour in Buenos Aires (Guest; October 28, 2022)


On February 17, 2013, Etude House posted Jin’s pictures promoting their products.[35] On November 9, 2022, Ottogi revealed that they have selected Jin as their new brand ambassador.[36]

  • Etude House (2013)
  • Jin Ramen (2022–present)


  • Me, Myself, and Jin ‘Sea of JIN island’ (2022)

Producing and writing credits

◯ = Participates as writing/composer/producer, ✖ = Not participated as writing/composer/producer,
W = Writing, C = Composer, P = Producer, R. = Reference

Artist Album Song W C P R.
BTS 2 COOL 4 SKOOL «Outro: Circle Room Cypher» [37]
Unofficial song «Outro: Propose (Extended Ver.)» [38]
화양연화 Pt.1 «흥탄소년단 (Boyz with Fun)» [39]
«Outro: Love is Not Over» [40]
화양연화 Young Forever «Love Is Not Over (Full Length Edition)» [41]
WINGS «Awake» [42]
Jin Unofficial song «Awake (Christmas Ver.)» [43]
BTS YOU NEVER WALK ALONE «봄날 (Spring Day)» [44]
Jin Digital single «이 밤 (Tonight)» [45]
BTS MAP OF THE SOUL : 7 «Moon» [46]
Unofficial song «In the SOOP» [47]
BE «Skit» [48]
«Stay» [49]
Jin Digital singles «Abyss» [50]
«슈퍼 참치 (Super Tuna)» [51]
BTS Proof «흥탄소년단 (Boyz with Fun) (Demo Ver.)» [52]
«Epiphany (Jin Demo Ver.)» [52]
Jin «The Astronaut» [53]

Awards and nominations

Award Year Category Recipient Result
Asian Academy Creative Awards 2022 Best Theme Song or Title Theme «Yours» Nominated
Asian Pop Music Awards 2021 Best Film and Television Song (Overseas) Nominated
Circle Chart Music Awards 2022 Artist of the Year – Digital Music (October) «The Astronaut» Nominated
Artist of the Year (Physical Album – Fourth Quarter) Nominated
The Fact Music Awards 2022 Fan N Star Choice Award – Individual Jin Won
Most Voted Artist – Individual Nominated
2023 Best Music (Winter) «The Astronaut» Pending
Hanteo Music Awards 2023 Global Artist (Africa) Jin Won
Melon Music Awards 2017 Best OST «죽어도 너야 (It’s Definitely You)» (with V) Nominated
Seoul Music Awards 2023 Bonsang Award «The Astronaut» Nominated
K-wave Award Jin Nominated
Popularity Award Nominated
Top Ten Awards 2022 The Best Artist of K-Drama OST in the World Won


  • He is the oldest member of BTS.
  • He is 30 years old in the US age and 32 years old in the Korean age.
  • He is BTS’ official visual.
  • His Zodiac sign is Sagittarius.
  • He has his own mukbang show called Eat Jin. In the show he only eats but does not talk much about the food beyond stating the dish’s name. Sometimes, the other members of BTS join him: Jung Kook, Jimin, or Suga, his former roommate.
  • He is close friends with VIXX’s Ken, B1A4’s Sandeul, KNK’s Seungjun, Sleepy, Jee Seok Jin, Lee Yi Kyung and Yoo Seung Ho.[54][55][56][57][58][59][60]
  • He can rip open bags of Chips with his feet.[61]
  • He is part of a group chat named «92 clubs» with MAMAMOO’s Moon Byul, EXID’s Hani, B1A4’s Sandeul, Baro, and VIXX’s Ken.[62]
  • He is part of a gaming crew named «We’re The Strongest Idols» with B.A.P’s Youngjae, BTOB’s Eunkwang, VIXX’s Ken and Wanna One’s Jihoon. [63]
  • He knows how to play the guitar and piano.[64]
  • According to the other members, he is a great cook.
  • He can speak Korean, some Japanese, English, and Chinese.
  • He has been to Australia in the past as an exchange student.
  • He has improved both his dancing and singing impressively since BTS’ debut.
  • He is referred to as ‘Worldwide Handsome’ by both ARMYs and himself.[5]
  • What he likes most about himself is his face.[65]
  • According to RM, he and j-hope are the most cowards members of the group.[66]
  • His guilty pleasure is eating three steaks.[67]
  • In an interview was asked who is the Hollywood crush (actress) and he answers the actor, Brad Pitt.[68]
  • He said wants to collaborate with Shawn Mendes.[69]
  • His favorite hobbies include cooking, eating, dolls, telling dad jokes, blowing air kisses, playing video games, snowboarding, looking at photographs and recipes, taking polaroids, and taking care of his pets.
  • He feels uncomfortable being called feminine names by fans. Particularly, «Mom», «Eomma», and «Princess».
  • In early years when he dances, he was told that he looked like a traffic police (교통 경찰)
  • His personality is always recognized as caring, humble and funny.
  • A professional plastic surgery doctor stated that Jin’s face was a ‘perfect face’- his eyes, nose, mouth, ears, everything in the right place, with the right shape and the right type of face.
  • Even though Jin majored in filming (took classes in acting), he was asked to learn dancing and singing to be a part of BTS. Despite having no knowledge in either of these areas, Jin worked very hard and is highly appreciated for his visual and talent. People always know him as a good-looking man, but he also has a soft, warm, really nice and amazing voice. His dancing continues to improve as he works hard and practices with the other members and individually.
  • He was roommates with SUGA. When BTS changed roommates, Jin and SUGA stayed together. SUGA stated that he ‘couldn’t have a more perfect roommate’. They are currently no longer roommates in the new dorm they live in.
  • On Idol King Of Cooking, Jin was supposed to go to the final round. However, due to their conflicting schedules, someone else took his spot in the finals.
  • During earlier eras, he was nicknamed Ctrl + V because he was the only one who was able to control Taehyung (V).
  • The best way to make Jin feel despair is to take away his food and his Nintendo.
  • His favorite color was pink. In a 2017 interview, he stated that it is now blue.
  • His favorite number is 4. In Army 5th Kit, he stated that his new favorite number is 2.
  • His favorite foods are lobster, meat, naengmyeon(Korean noodle dish), chicken, hamburgers, pizza, and all types of greasy junk food.
  • He likes anime, Disney princesses, MapleStory and Super Mario action figures, and Nintendo games.
  • He is known as worldwide handsome, and being the worldwide cutie guy as he introduced himself on the Ellen Show in 2018.
  • He has a habit of blinking his left eye when he’s hungry.
  • He is able to do The Exorcist‘s «spider-walk» (walking with his waist bent).
  • He describes himself as Hidetoshi Dekisugi from Doraemon.
  • His ideal type is someone who will be a good wife, good at cooking, and is nice.
  • In ten years, he wants to be Sergeant Kim Seok-jin in the Bangtan A.R.M.Y. After that, he wants to be a man that mothers would like watching on TV.
  • He once made seaweed soup for j-hope, who became speechless since he thought it tasted like his mom’s soup.
  • He always goes to the gym with Jung Kook.
  • According to the other members, he has the best body and face in the group.
  • He is in charge of the kitchen and cleaning up the dorms.
  • He has a driver’s license.
  • When he eats, he has a habit of smelling it first.
  • He rarely uses wooden chopsticks— he always carries his own because he doesn’t like the smell of the wooden chopsticks.
  • He’s bad at lying.
  • He can’t watch horror movies.
  • As a child, he wanted to be a detective.
  • V described him as a Crane (두루미).
  • He wakes up two hours earlier than the other members.
  • The Chinese A.R.M.Y fans stated that Jin sounded the most Chinese out of the Bangtan Boys when they spoke Chinese.
  • He has recently revealed to have two flying squirrels as well, along with his Sugar Gliders, however he has not formally posted about them on any social media.
  • He chose V as the member he is closest to.
  • He wants his first child to be a girl and second to be a boy. He wants to give a noona (male’s term of addressing for an older female in Korea) for his son because a noona will give him pocket money as his hyung (older brother) always took his pocket money.
  • He named his future children— the girl to be Yu-sun (유선) and the boy to be Yu-bi (유비).
  • He is the first K-pop idol to get 100 million hearts on V-live during his birthday live on 2017.
  • He likes to blow flying kisses to ARMY.
  • His motto in life is: «Let’s live freely.«
  • Jin has very broad shoulders, measuring at 60cm (23in) in width.
  • ARMYs tweeted the hashtag #WorldwideHandsomeDay and #겨울에_태어나_아름다운_석진 (means Beautiful Seokjin born in winter) for his birthday last 2017.
  • Jin’s favorite weather is Spring sunlight.
  • Jin also enjoys looking at photographs and recipes.
  • Jin started Super Mario when he was five years old and MapleStory in seven grade and still faithfully play them. He think Super Mario characters and the monsters in MapleStory are extremely cute.
  • Jin made a big mistake during their first performance at M!Countdown. His pants went down all the way to his thighs, and he cried after the stage ended.
  • Jin has crooked fingers.
  • Jin is really confident with others and can communicate well now, but previously, he stated he had very low self esteem and that A.R.M.Y’s and the rest of BTS helped him to overcome it.
  • Jin was an MC for the MAMA awards in 2017 alongside EXO’s Chanyeol and Red Velvet’s Irene.
  • Jin always wins staring contests.
  • Jin, Jung Kook, and Jimin drink together occasionally.
  • Jin’s BT21 character is a white alpaca wearing a red neckerchief named RJ.
  • Jin is very athletic, his sports are snowboarding, golf; he can also do wake-boarding, tennis, surfing, scuba diving and a lot more.
  • Jin’s favorite animal is an alpaca.
  • Jin’s laugh is very distinctive and is known as the ‘Windshield Wiper’ laugh (i.e the sound of when glass/windows are being wiped clean.)
  • Besides from j-hope, Jin is the second member who gets scared very easily.
  • When Jin is embarrassed or mad his ears will turn red.
  • Jin’s favorite hair color is pink. (Buzzfeed Puppy interview 2018)
  • Jin is the second most popular member in BTS in Korea now (2018) for his outstanding visuals.
  • Jin has prescription glasses but rarely wears them as they make him feel insecure. He prefers to wear contact lenses instead, but his eyes get easily irritated from wearing them.
  • Jin is the strongest member in BTS with Jung Kook being the second. (Jin is the only member who can lift and support Jung Kook’s weight despite Jung Kook being the heaviest.)
  • Jin, along with Jung Kook, Jimin, and V were voted as one of the Asian Heartthrobs of 2018, earning him a spot at #46.
  • Jin, along with Jung Kook, and V were voted as 100 Most Handsome Men of 2018[70], earning him a spot at #17.
  • Jin cut his jeans on camera once because they were “too long.”
  • Jin uses a pink keyboard to play computer games.
  • If he was a girl, he said he would date Jimin because he is shy and someone like Jimin would help him open up and be social.
  • Jin’s Spotify playlist is called: Jin’s GA CHI DEUL EUL LAE?
  • Other members said that Jin has the longest legs in BTS.
  • Jin and Jung Kook bicker a lot. A taxi driver once thought that Jung Kook and Jin are twins because of their non-stop bickering.
  • Jin said that looking at bugs isn’t scary, but if they get on his body, that’s really scary.
  • Jin dieted for a year, eating only chicken breasts.
  • Jin used to work at a strawberry farm.
  • He was named one of the idols that had a «Funny And Surprising Way» of getting casted.[71]
  • Has a total of 2 ear piercings. (2 on the left)
  • During BTS’ trainee days, Jin used to take Jung Kook to school everyday and invite Jung Kook over to his family’s house to have dinner with his family.



Wiki-wordmark.png To view the Jin gallery, click here.

Video Gallery

진 (Jin) 'The Astronaut' Official MV

진 (Jin) ‘The Astronaut’ Official MV

BTS (방탄소년단) LOVE YOURSELF 結 Answer 'Epiphany' Comeback Trailer

BTS (방탄소년단) LOVE YOURSELF 結 Answer ‘Epiphany’ Comeback Trailer

방탄소년단 (BTS) WINGS Short Film 7 AWAKE

방탄소년단 (BTS) WINGS Short Film 7 AWAKE


  1. «Jin was the member behind the “Ahjae” nickname, which he says comes from the fact that he likes to crack dad jokes and acts very much like an “ahjae.”»from Soompi
  2. Netizens go crazy over BTS Jin’s stunning visuals
  3. «In Japan, Jin became known as the “Flying Kiss Guy” for his continued flying kisses – a habit of his turned into a beloved fan favorite experience (it’s like… when he steals an ARMY bomb during a show, but even more often)». from Koreaboo
  4. Jin Goes Viral As The Hot “Third One From The Left” During The Billboard Awards
  5. 5.0 5.1 BTS’s Jin Shares The Origins Of His “Worldwide Handsome” Title
  6. «Jin’s brilliant visuals have done him well once again with BTS’s release of new concept photos for their upcoming trilogy “movie poster” releases». from Koreaboo
  7. «[…] it comes as no surprise to fans that Jin trended yet again a few days ago for another new nickname». from Koreaboo
  8. BTS Jin has a new nickname: “it’s-him-again guy (또얘남)”
  9. K-Netizens Give BTS’ Jin Another Nickname, Calls Him ‘Manner-dol’
  10. BTS’s Jin Trends Among Locals As “The Guy With The Pink Mic” On MTV Unplugged
  11. Jin’s profile on BTS Official Website
  12. V LIVE: 석진아 생일축하해 (26:52)
  13. @thv on Instagram (November 9, 2022)
  14. Jin’s profile BTS Official Fanclub Japan
  15. Facebook: Jin’s Self-written Profile (June 10, 2017)
  16. YouTube: BTS (방탄소년단) MBTI Lab 1
  17. 17.0 17.1 Soompi: BTS Celebrates Jin’s Graduation From University
  18. YouTube: [HD MV] No more perfume on you(향수뿌리지마)
  19. Koreaboo: Netizens Spot Predebut BTS’s Jin In These Music Videos
  20. YouTube: [JoKwon] I’m Da One M/V
  21. Soompi: BTS’s Jin Makes Meaningful Donation To Celebrate His Birthday
  22. Soompi: BTS’s Jin Becomes Member Of UNICEF’s Honors Club For His Generous Donations
  23. 2022 Boy Group Member Brand Reputation Rankings:
    • Soompi: January Boy Group Member Brand Reputation Rankings Announced
    • Soompi: February Boy Group Member Brand Reputation Rankings Announced
    • Soompi: March Boy Group Member Brand Reputation Rankings Announced
    • Soompi: April Boy Group Member Brand Reputation Rankings Announced
    • Soompi: May Boy Group Member Brand Reputation Rankings Announced
    • Soompi: June Boy Group Member Brand Reputation Rankings Announced
    • Soompi: July Boy Group Member Brand Reputation Rankings Announced
    • Soompi: August Boy Group Member Brand Reputation Rankings Announced
    • Soompi: September Boy Group Member Brand Reputation Rankings Announced
    • Soompi: October Boy Group Member Brand Reputation Rankings Announced
    • Soompi: November Boy Group Member Brand Reputation Rankings Announced
    • Soompi: December Boy Group Member Brand Reputation Rankings Announced

  24. AllKpop: BTS’s Jin gets praised by his acting teacher from Konkuk University
  25. BTS 2019 Season’s Greetings — Making DVD
  26. Soompi: 5 BTS Members Enroll In MBA Program At Hanyang Cyber University
  27. Soompi: BTS’s Jin Enters Graduate School At Hanyang Cyber University
  28. Soompi: BTS’s RM And Jin Diagnosed With COVID-19
  29. Soompi: Update: BTS’ Suga, RM, And Jin Recover From COVID-19
  30. Soompi: BTS’s Jin Revealed To Be Recovering From Surgery
  31. Soompi: BTS Officially Announces Plans For Military Enlistment Starting With Jin
  32. Soompi: BTS’s Jin Reported To Enlist In December + BIGHIT Briefly Comments
  33. Soompi: BTS Sends Off Jin As He Enlists In The Military
  34. Manila Bulletin: BTS’ Jin enters army training camp to start military service: See you in 2024!
  35. @etudeplay on Twitter (February 17, 2013)
  36. Korea JoongAng Daily: BTS’s Jin is the new face of local instant noodle brand Jin Ramen
  37. Information of the Song «Outro: Circle Room Cypher» on Melon
  38. Fan Update Video (1:05) – via YouTube.
  39. Information of the Song «Boyz with Fun» on Melon
  40. Information of the Song «Outro: Love is Not Over» on Melon
  41. Information of the Song «Love is Not Over (Full Length Edition)» on Melon
  42. Information of the Song «Awake» on Melon
  43. Awake (christmas ver) by Jin of BTS on Soundcloud
  44. REPLAY BTS ‘YOU NEVER WALK ALONE’ Preview SHOW (7:40) – via V Live.
  45. 이 밤 by JIN of BTS on Soundcloud
  46. Information of the Song «Moon» on Melon
  47. Korean Music Copyright Association (KOMCA). Enter «IN THE SOOP» or «100003014323» in the field «Title and/or Alternative title» and hit enter.
  48. Information of the Song «Skit» on Melon
  49. Information of the Song «Stay» on Melon
  50. Abyss by Jin of BTS on Soundcloud
  51. Super Tuna by Jin of BTS on Soundcloud
  52. 52.0 52.1 @BIGHIT_MUSIC on Twitter: #BTS #방탄소년단 #BTS_Proof Tracklist CD 3 (May 10, 2022)
  53. @BIGHIT_MUSIC on Twitter: ‘The Astronaut’ Poster
  54. VIXX’s Ken And BTS’s Jin Enjoy A Chuseok Feast Together
  55. B1A4’s Sandeul Talks About How BTS’s Jin Shocked Him The Second Time They Met
  56. KNK’s Seungjun Shows His Friendship With BTS’s Jin Is Still Going Strong
  57. Sleepy Shares Sweet Conversation With BTS’s Jin
  58. Ji Suk Jin Shares Chat History With BTS’s Jin To Prove Their Friendship On “Radio Star”
  59. Lee Yi Kyung Tells Story Of Friendship With BTS’s Jin
  60. BTS’s Jin Shows Support For Yoo Seung Ho And His Drama “Memorist”
  61. BTS’s Jin Shows Off Talent Of Ripping Open Bags Of Chips With His Feet
  62. MAMAMOO’s Moon Byul talks about the ’92 club’ with BTS’ Jin, EXID’s Hani, B1A4’s Sandeul, and more
  63. «The gaming group, which is named ‘We’re the Strongest Idol’ consists of members B.A.P Youngjae, BTS Jin, BTOB Eunkwang & VIXX Ken, and recently, they added Park Jihoon». from KpopViral
  64. «[…] Jin’s been known to sit down and pull out the guitar every now and then during live events and videos». from Billboard
  65. BTS Answers Fans’ Most Asked Questions (0:56) – via YouTube.
  66. Flinch w/ BTS (1:16) – via YouTube.
  67. BTS Reveal Their Favorite Movie, Guilty Pleasure & More | Billboard (1:23) – via YouTube.
  68. BTS Discusses Their Intensely Loyal Fans & Celeb Crushes! | Access Hollywood (1:48) – via YouTube.
  69. ON With Mario Lopez — BTS (3:44) – via YouTube.
  70. 100 Most Handsome Men of 2018
  71. [1]


  1. Madhyung (맏형; Translation: Eldest) + Maknae (막내; Translation: Youngest)
  2. Jin (진) + Alpaca (알파카)
  3. Legendary + Jin
  4. Amazing + Jin
  5. Seokjin (석진) + Hamchi (햄찌; Translation: Cute Hamster)
  6. Hamchi (햄찌; Translation: Cute Hamster) + Jin (진)
  7. Translation: Old Fashioned Man
  8. Translation: Car Door Guy
  9. A person on Weibo uploaded 9 animated gifs of BTS giving their acceptance speech at MAMA 2018, the nickname was given because everyone asked who the 5th person in the blue dress was. (P for Photo)


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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Kim Seok-jin

Kim Seokjin at the White House, May 31, 2022.jpg

Kim in May 2022

Born December 4, 1992 (age 30)

Anyang, Gyeonggi Province, South Korea

Other names Jin
Alma mater Konkuk University
  • Singer
  • songwriter
Years active 2013–present
Awards Hwagwan Order of Cultural Merit (2018)
Musical career
  • K-pop
  • pop rock
Instrument(s) Vocals
Labels Big Hit
Member of BTS
Korean name




Revised Romanization Gim Seok(-)jin
McCune–Reischauer Kim Sŏkchin
Signature of BTS' Jin.svg

Kim Seok-jin (Korean: 김석진; born December 4, 1992), also known professionally as Jin, is a South Korean singer, songwriter, and member of the South Korean boy band BTS. Kim has co-written and released three solo tracks with BTS: «Awake» in 2016, «Epiphany» in 2018, and «Moon» in 2020, all of which have charted on South Korea’s Gaon Digital Chart. In 2019, Kim released his first independent song, the digital track «Tonight». He made his official debut as a solo artist in October 2022, with the release of the single «The Astronaut».

Apart from singing, Kim appeared as a host on multiple South Korean music programs from 2016 to 2018. In 2018, he was awarded the fifth-class Hwagwan Order of Cultural Merit by the President of South Korea along with his bandmates for his contributions to Korean culture.

Early life and education

Kim Seok-jin was born on December 4, 1992, in Anyang, Gyeonggi Province, South Korea. [1] His family consists of his mother, father, and older brother.[2] In 2007, he went to a study camp in Australia to learn English.[3]

Kim originally wanted to be a journalist but decided to pursue acting after watching Kim Nam-gil in Queen Seondeok.[4] While in junior high school, he was scouted by South Korean K-pop agency SM Entertainment off the street but rejected the offer at the time.[5] Initially intending to be an actor, Kim attended Konkuk University and graduated with a degree in Film Studies on February 22, 2017.[6] He later enrolled in graduate school at Hanyang Cyber University to pursue studies in areas other than music.[7]


2013–present: BTS

Kim, wearing a formal black suit at an award ceremony

Main article: BTS

Kim was scouted by Big Hit Entertainment for his looks while walking down the street.[8] At the time Kim was studying acting and had no background in music.[9] Subsequently, he auditioned for Big Hit as an actor before becoming an idol trainee.[10] On June 13, 2013, Kim made his debut as one of the four vocalists in BTS with their debut single album 2 Cool 4 Skool.[11] Kim released his first co-produced track, a solo single from the album Wings titled «Awake», in 2016.[9] The song peaked at number 31 on the Gaon Digital Chart and number six on the Billboard World Digital Song Sales chart in the United States.[12][13] In December 2016, he released a Christmas version of «Awake» on SoundCloud.[14]

On August 9, 2018, the second solo by Kim, «Epiphany», was released as a trailer for BTS’ then-upcoming compilation album Love Yourself: Answer. The song was described as a «building pop-rock melody» by Billboard and contains lyrics discussing self-acceptance and self-love.[15] The full version of the song was eventually released as a track on Answer,[16] peaking at number 30 on the Gaon Digital Chart and number four on the US World Digital Song Sales chart.[17][18] In October, he was awarded the fifth-class Hwagwan Order of Cultural Merit by South Korean president Moon Jae-in along with other members of the group.[19]

He released his third solo song with BTS, «Moon», on the 2020 studio album Map of the Soul: 7. Variety writer Jae-Ha Kim described «Moon» as a power pop song addressed to BTS fans.[20] «Moon» peaked at number one on the Gaon Digital Chart and number two on the World Digital Song Sales chart.[21][22]

In July 2021, Kim was appointed Special Presidential Envoy for Future Generations and Culture by President Moon Jae-in, alongside his bandmates, to help «lead the global agenda for future generations, such as sustainable growth» and «expand South Korea’s diplomatic efforts and global standing» in the international community.[23]

2015–present: Solo activities

In 2016, Kim collaborated with bandmate V on the single «It’s Definitely You», released as part of the Hwarang: The Poet Warrior Youth original soundtrack,[24][25] and later received a co-nomination for Best OST at the 2017 Melon Music Awards.[26] In June 2018, Kim featured on an alternate version of «So Far Away», a song from bandmate Suga’s debut mixtape Agust D (2016), alongside bandmate Jungkook, which was released during the band’s fifth anniversary celebrations.[14] Kim’s solo covers include «Mom» by Ra.D, «I Love You» by Mate, and «In Front Of The Post Office In Autumn», originally by Yoon Do-hyun in 1994.[27][28][29] They were released on SoundCloud on May 7, 2015,[30] December 3, 2015,[28] and June 7, 2018,[14] respectively. He has also made several appearances as a co-host for Korean music award shows, such as Music Bank and Inkigayo.[31]

Kim, in a black suit facing towards the camera

On June 4, 2019, Kim released his first independent song «Tonight» via SoundCloud as part of BTS’ sixth anniversary celebrations.[32] The acoustic ballad was composed by Kim and Big Hit record producers Slow Rabbit and Hiss Noise. Written by Kim and bandmate RM,[33] the song’s lyrics are inspired by Kim’s relationship with his pets.[34] The track was met with a generally positive reception, with praise for Kim’s vocals and the song’s calming atmosphere.[35]

Kim released his second solo song «Abyss» via SoundCloud and YouTube on December 3, 2020. An acoustic ballad inspired by his feelings of anxiety, doubt, and burnout, Kim co-wrote and co-composed the track with RM and record producers Bumzu and Pdogg. In a post to the official BTS blog, Kim spoke about his insecurities regarding music and how those darker emotions drove him to write and release the song.[36]

In October 2021, Kim sang the main theme for the TvN drama series Jirisan. Titled «Yours», the single’s release was accompanied by a music video featuring footage from the show.[37][38] On December 4, Kim released the short trot-style song «Super Tuna» via SoundCloud as a gift to fans in celebration of his 29th birthday. It quickly went viral after an accompanying performance video was posted on the BTS YouTube channel that same day.[39] The video ranked first on YouTube’s World Popular Music Video for eight consecutive days and trended in 56 countries, including Korea, Peru, and Singapore. A subsequent dance challenge arose on TikTok, with videos using the sound receiving over 141.8 million cumulative views in 10 days.[40]

In August 2022, Kim collaborated with Nexon as a special game developer for MapleStory. The project was chronicled in the form of a two-episode mini web series, Office Warrior Kim Seok Jin, published to MapleStory Korea’s YouTube channel.[41] On October 21, «Tonight», «Abyss», and «Super Tuna» were made available on streaming services worldwide as official singles under Kim’s name. All three songs subsequently simultaneously occupied the top three of the November 5 issue of the World Digital Song Sales chart, making Kim the third soloist in the history of the chart to do so.[42][43] Kim released his debut solo single «The Astronaut», which he co-wrote with the British rock band Coldplay, and an accompanying music video on October 28.[44] He performed the song live with the band later that same day in Buenos Aires during their Music of the Spheres World Tour; the show was broadcast live to cinemas worldwide in over 70 countries.[45] The single earned Kim his first solo entry on the Billboard Hot 100 at number 51 and his third number one on the World chart.[46]


Kim is a tenor and plays the guitar.[47][48] In the 2019 novel BTS: The Review, members of the Grammy panel praised Kim’s stable breath control and strong falsetto, calling it a «silver voice».[49] Journalist Choi Song-hye of Aju News noted that BTS singles such as «Spring Day» and «Fake Love» displayed Kim’s vocal stability, while the B-side «Jamais Vu» showcased his emotional range.[5] Hong Hye-min of The Korea Times described Kim’s voice as «tender, sorrowful, [and] free-spirited» and considered it to be the «standout element» on the solo ballad «Epiphany».[50] Critic Park Hee-a, discussing «Epiphany», stated that Kim «sings the most sentimental emotions» of the solo tracks on Love Yourself: Answer (2018). In a review of «Fake Love», Park said that Kim’s belting «prove[d] [the song’s] effectiveness».[51]

Public image


In December 2018, Kim donated various supplies to the Korean Animal Welfare Association to celebrate his birthday, purchasing food, blankets, and dishes for the organization.[52] He also donated 321 kilograms of food to the Korea Animal Rights Advocates (KARA), another Korean animal welfare non-profit organization.[53]

Since May 2018, Kim has been a monthly donor to UNICEF Korea, requesting that his donations be kept private at the time. They were eventually publicized following his induction into the UNICEF Honors Club in May 2019 for donating over ₩100 million (about US$84,000).[54]


In 2019, Kim was ranked as the overall 13th most popular idol and sixth among girls aged 13–19 in South Korea, via data collected by analytics company Gallup Korea.[55]

Personal life

As of 2018, Kim lives in Hannam-dong, Seoul, South Korea.[56][57] Additionally, he and his older brother opened a Japanese-style restaurant in Seoul called Ossu Seiromushi in 2018.[58]


In March 2022, Kim injured his left hand and underwent surgery to correct it, following which he abstained from certain performances during BTS’ Permission to Dance on Stage concerts in Las Vegas, withdrew from some group events, and sang while seated for most of the band’s performance at the 64th Annual Grammy Awards.[59][60]

Military service

On October 17, 2022, Big Hit announced that following the release of «The Astronaut» and the completion of its subsequent promotional activities at the end of that month, Kim would begin the enlistment process and carry out his mandatory military service.[61] The singer was previously granted an automatic postponement in 2021 until the end of 2022, following revisions made to the Military Service Act in December 2020. On November 4, 2022, Kim filed paperwork with the Military Manpower Administration (MMA) requesting a termination of the postponement in order to proceed with his conscription.[62][63] He enlisted as an active duty soldier on December 13 at the Yeoncheon army base in the North Gyeonggi Province.[64][65] Following the completion of his basic training with the 5th Infantry Division[64] in January 2023, Kim was appointed as an assistant training instructor with the same division.[66]



Other charted songs

Other songs

Writing credits

All song credits are adapted from the Korea Music Copyright Association’s database, unless otherwise noted.[96]


A headshot of Jin a colorful suit and blonde hair

Kim while filming the «Idol» music video, July 19, 2018.

Trailers and short films

Year Title Length Director(s) Ref.
2016 «Awake #7» 5:19 Yong-seok Choi (Lumpens) [97]
2018 «Epiphany» 4:21 [98]


Web shows

Awards and nominations


  1. ^ a b c Although credited under BTS, the song is a solo by Kim.[93]
  1. ^ «Tonight» did not enter the Billboard Hot 100, but peaked at number 42 on the US Digital Songs Sales chart.[78]
  2. ^ «Abyss» did not enter the Billboard Hot 100, but peaked at number 39 on the US Digital Songs Sales chart.[78]
  3. ^ «Yours» did not enter the UK Singles Chart, but peaked at number 14 on the UK Singles Downloads Chart.[81]
  4. ^ «Yours» did not enter the Billboard Hot 100, but peaked at number 12 on the Bubbling Under Hot 100 chart.[82]
  5. ^ «Super Tuna» did not enter the Billboard Hot 100, but peaked at number 19 on the US Digital Songs Sales chart.[78]


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Слог Jin / 진 / Чин / Джин в корейских именах

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И как пишется на Корейском BTS.

BTS- 방탄소년단

Как пишутся имена BTS на Корейском.-[Biuc] Наверное, вы не раз задавались вопросом, как пишутся имена мемберов BTS на Корейск

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Спасибо большое. Очень интересно было. :+1: :blush:

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