Как пишется джолин куджо на английском

ВНИМАНИЕ, СПОЙЛЕРЫ: Статья содержит детали сюжета 6 части.


Для схожего персонажа см. Спойлеры к 6 частиАйрин

Ну и ну (やれやれだわ Yare Yare Dawa)

Джолин Куджо (空条 徐倫 Kūjō Jorī?) является протагонистом шестой части серии Невероятные приключения ДжоДжо, Каменный океан и шестой ДжоДжо в серии. Она дочь американки и Джотаро Куджо, протагониста Крестоносцев звёздной пыли.

Подставленная за убийство в нетрезвом видеW, Джолин отправляется в тюрьму Green Dolphin Street, где она расследует дело и сражается с самым доверенным учеником ДИО, отцом Энрико Пуччи. Во время пребывания в тюрьме, Джолин пробуждает свой стенд — Stone Free, работающего на основе струн.


Jolyne Fullbody.png

Джолин — молодая женщина выше среднего роста и стройного или спортивного телосложения.

Её волосы уложены в два «слоя»: Тёмное основание, включающее два больших пучка на макушке и короткий хвостик, спускающийся по шее; верхний слой окрашен или осветлён, закручен в косы, которые обвивают два пучка, соединяясь с короткой длиной сзади, и челку, обрамляющую её лицо.

Как и у всех других членов семьи Джостар, у Джолин есть небольшое родимое пятно в форме звезды на задней части левого плеча, ближе к шее. У неё также есть изображение крыльев бабочки, вытатуированное на верхней части левого предплечья, наложенное на направленный вниз кинжал, который также изображен на груди её нарядов.

Изображение Джолин в Части 6 переходит от стройного и гладкого телосложения к более динамичному и атлетичному. Одновременно она работает с несколькими преимущественно тёмными нарядами, для которых характерен принт, напоминающий паутину.

Цветовые схемы

Серия известна своей склонностью постоянно менять цвета, поэтому информация данная ниже может или не может быть частью канона.

Кожа (Светлая кожа, жёлто-зелёная помада)
(Черные с синими бликами, жёлто-зелёная коса и чёлка)
(Синий костюм с белым паутинным узором, жёлто-зелёнными аксессуарами и розовым символом бабочки.)
(Светлая кожа, оливковая помада и тени для век)
Волосы (Зелёные с светлой косой и челкой)
(Темно-зелёный костюм с паутинным узором, ярко-зеленые аксессуары.)
Символ бабочки
(Голубая и синяя бабочка, жёлтые детали, розовые и пурпурные контуры)
Кожа (Светлая кожа, лаймовая помада)
(Чёрные с голубыми бликами, лаймовая коса и чёлка)
(Небесно-голубой костюм с белым паутинным узором, лаймовые аксессуары и пурпурный символ бабочки.)
Кожа (Светлая кожа, бронзовая помада)
Волосы (Чёрные со светлой косой и чёлкой)
(Чёрный костюм с розовым паутинным узором, бронзовые аксессуары и фиолетовый символ бабочки.)

Джолин, взлетай до небес вместе с GUCCI

В ван-шоте, Джолин появляется в разных костюмах. В основном она носит белое льняное пальто с замысловатым цветочным узором и соответствующий шарф. Под пальто на Джолин надето платье, которое также меняется без причины: первый вариант — чёрное с тем же цветочным узором, второй — белое платье.

Джолин также носит по порядку: розовый костюм из трех частей с босоножками на платформе с шипами и замысловатым ожерельем, простое желтое платье с замысловатыми украшениями из цветов и фруктов в области плеч и коричневое платье с соответствующим кожаным поясом.

В ван-шоте, волосы Джолин постоянно изображаются зелёными со светлыми прядями.


Несмотря на их трудные отношения, Джотаро и Джолин дорожили друг другом

Легкомысленная, резкая и раздражительная со старшими, Джолин в свои юношеские годы считалась преступником и безнадёжным делом. Холодная с Джотаро из-за отсутствия в её жизни, она несколько раз пыталась привлечь внимание своего отца, совершая многочисленные незначительные преступления, и несколько раз отправлялась в тюрьму за них. Из-за отсутствия её отца, Джолин, как говорили, зависела от привязанности и одобрения окружающих,[11] и она была готова взять на себя вину в аварии Ромео, в результате чего её приговорили к 15 годам лишения свободы.[4]

После того, как Джотаро рассказал о своей любви к ней, Джолин заметно повзрослела, стала более смелой и уверенной в себе. «Оживление» Джотаро, который впал в кому из-за Whitesnake, похитившего его стенд и память, становится её приоритетом.[12]

Тёмная Решимость Джолин

Джолин сохраняет свою конфронтационную позицию на протяжении всей истории. Как бывшей правонарушительнице, проживающей в тюрьме строгого режима, Джолин пришлось ужесточиться и быть особенно грубой. Её редкие взаимодействия со злодеями являются либо непристойными насмешками, либо угрозами смерти, зная, насколько подлыми могут быть большинство из них. Она также выступает за агрессивное самоутверждение, особенно в тюрьме: Однажды она сказала Ф.Ф. жестоко противостоять заключенной, которая встала в очередь за покупкой обеда.[13] Джолин особенно жестока в своих поединках; она использовала режущую способность своей струны, чтобы ранить своих противников, например, отрубая уши и ногти.[14] Джолин обычно не стремится убивать и даже сказала, что не хочет, чтобы Эрмес стала убийцей.[15] Однако она с готовностью применяет смертоносную силу против своего врага Энрико Пуччи, поскольку он был единственным врагом, о котором она прямо сказала, что убьет его.[16]

Джолин также мстительна и отплачивает в десятикратном размере за любое зло, совершенное против неё, в частности, косвенно отрезала язык Ромео за предательство[17] и заставила своего продажного адвоката разбить свою машину.[9] Более того, Джолин до сих пор держит небольшую обиду на Гвесс, своего первого врага, и не хочет иметь с ней ничего общего, несмотря на то, что та старается вести себя при Джолин прилично. В юмористическом плане Джолин сохранила неприязнь к аллигаторам вообще после того, как Limp Bizkit оживили одного из них, напавшего на неё, и в качестве мести она весело швырнула что-то в голову другого аллигатора.[18]

Окровавленная Джолин гордо заявляет о своей победе

Джолин обладает сильной решимостью, проходя через несколько сражений и вдохновляя своих компаньонов. Узнав о плане ДИО, Джолин гордилась своей линией и решила продолжить усилия отца по устранению угрозы, оставленной ДИО. Джолин стойко переносит трудности, с которыми она сталкивается, и преследует свою цель, игнорируя страдания и возможные риски. Например, когда её перевели в камеру строгого режима, Джолин лишь на мгновение взволновали ужасные условия содержания в камере (на подносе с едой были насекомые), а также издевательства других заключенных в камере, и она быстро выдержала испытание.[19] Её решимость настолько велика, что она готова была потерять конечность или даже свою жизнь, чтобы победить своего врага и спасти своих товарищей, особенно распространенная в ней склонность, которая привела к её жертве ради того, чтобы Эмпорио ушёл от Пуччи.[10] Один из хороших примеров силы её решимости — когда она подожгла себя, чтобы выиграть достаточно времени для нападения на Рикиэля, не обращая внимания на риск для себя, поскольку её тело состояло из нитей.[20] Тем не менее, Джолин однажды выразила сомнения в своем желании остановить Пуччи после смерти Уэзер Репорта и второго побега священника.[21]

Традиционно для её родословной, Джолин имеет благородные нравы и ценит свою семью и друзей. Она самоотверженно сделает всё, что в её силах, чтобы помочь своим спутникам и случайным жертвам, когда-то помогая заключенному, подвергшемуся жестокому обращению, забрать украденные деньги у её мучителей.[22] Джолин готова верить в добро в людях, что привело к доле предательств, но и привело к её дружбе с Ф.Ф..[23] Джолин особенно мила с Эмпорио, её настоящим первым союзником в Green Dolphin Street, и, несмотря на то, что она была врагом, она не хотела убивать Зелёного Ребёнка. Основной мотивацией Джолин для расследования дела Whitesnake была её любовь к отцу, и Пуччи воспользовался этой любовью, чтобы сбежать от неё, когда он бросил ДИСК памяти Джотаро внутрь умирающего Анасуя, поставив её перед трудным выбором и заставив попытаться спасти память отца.[24]

Джолин смеётся над странными пальцами Ф.Ф.

Вне боя Джолин ведёт себя как обычная молодая девушка, если не подросток: тусуется со своими друзьями и старается развлечься, насколько это можно, в тюрьме, так как она также веселая. Джолин однажды играла в мяч с Ф.Ф. и Эрмес,[25] и проколола пупок в изоляции.[26] В отличие от своего отца, Джолин довольно экстравертна и легко выражает свои чувства другим. Она общительная женщина и может легко общаться со своими сокамерниками, прося объяснений о плюсах и минусах Green Dolphin Street.

Дразнит охранников

Джолин известна тем, что она была несколько развратной, первой и единственной из ДжоДжо, которая признается в мастурбации,[27] и бесцеремонно комментирует, что способность улиток совмещаться с чем-либо делает её слегка ревнивой.[28] Джолин также упоминает, что ей нужно помочиться во время драки с другим человеком (мужчиной). Она ужасно стесняется говорить об этом публично, и, когда её застаёт охранник, Джолин была взволнована и глубоко огорчена.[27]



Stone Free

Stone Free даёт Джолин способность распутывать части своего тела в нити. Это делает стенд очень универсальным, позволяя ей подслушивать разговоры, а также убегать и прятаться, распутывая части себя в струну.

Собрав нить, Джолин может материализовать Stone Free, частично или полностью. Stone Free — это гуманоидный стенд, который по физическим характеристикам сопоставим с самыми сильными стендами, с рангом А в разрушительной силе, выносливости и потенциале развития.

В отличие от остальных членов своей семьи, Джолин пробудила свой стенд после того, как её порезал амулет (позже выяснилось, что это замаскированный каменный наконечник стрелы, создающий Стенд), подаренный ей отцом.



Разложение в струны

Личные умения

Боевая стойка Джолин

  • Интеллект: Главное достоинство Джолин — её воображение. Универсальная сила её стенда позволяет ей использовать широкий спектр приемов, которые она применяет. Например, когда Пуччи использовал C-Moon, чтобы перевернуть тело Джолин, она использовала Stone Free, чтобы создать «ленту МёбиусаW«, сделав её фактически неуязвимой для его силы.[29]

Как и любой другой Джостар, Джолин особенно искусна в использовании всего, что представляется в её распоряжении, в том числе окружающей среды и силы противника. Быстрое мышление Джолин позволяет ей одерживать верх над врагами.

Джолин сочетает свою тактику с высоким уровнем безрассудства, часто подвергая себя опасности, чтобы удивить врагов неожиданным ходом. Особая природа её силы, тем не менее, гарантирует, что она может избежать некоторых повреждений, которые обычные пользователи стенда не могут рисковать в драке.

Интеллект Джолин в некоторой степени интуитивный, так как она часто списывает некоторые свои приемы на глупое везение,[30] хоть это правильная интерпретация ее действий.

  • Рукопашный бой: Она также показала, что способна защитить себя, что можно увидеть во всех подробностях в борьбе с офицером Уэствудом. У нее обширные знания по самообороне, которые она демонстрирует на протяжении всей части, в частности, против Пуччи.



Главы в порядке появления персонажа

  • Часть 6

  • Часть 7

  • Спин-Офф

  • SO Глава 1: Каменный Океан, Часть 1
  • SO Глава 2: Каменный Океан, Часть 2
  • SO Глава 3: Каменный Океан, Часть 3
  • SO Глава 4: Заключённая FE40536: Джолин Куджо, Часть 1
  • SO Глава 5: Заключённая FE40536: Джолин Куджо, Часть 2
  • SO Глава 6: Заключённая FE40536: Джолин Куджо, Часть 3
  • SO Глава 7: Goo Goo Dolls
  • SO Глава 8: Stone Free, Часть 1
  • SO Глава 9: Stone Free, Часть 2
  • SO Глава 10: Тюрьма «Green Dolphin Street»
  • SO Глава 11: Посетитель, Часть 1
  • SO Глава 12: Посетитель, Часть 2
  • SO Глава 13: Посетитель, Часть 3
  • SO Глава 14: Посетитель, Часть 4
  • SO Глава 15: Посетитель, Часть 5
  • SO Глава 16: Посетитель, Часть 6
  • SO Глава 17: Посетитель, Часть 7
  • SO Глава 18: Посетитель, Часть 8
  • SO Глава 19: Посетитель, Часть 9
  • SO Глава 20: Узница Любви
  • SO Глава 21: Стикеры Эрмес, Часть 1 (Упоминание)
  • SO Глава 22: Стикеры Эрмес, Часть 2 (Обложка)
  • SO Глава 26: Нас шестеро!, Часть 1
  • SO Глава 27: Нас шестеро!, Часть 2
  • SO Глава 28: Нас шестеро!, Часть 3
  • SO Глава 29: Нас шестеро!, Часть 4
  • SO Глава 30: Нас шестеро!, Часть 5
  • SO Глава 31: Foo Fighters, Часть 1
  • SO Глава 32: Foo Fighters, Часть 2
  • SO Глава 33: Foo Fighters, Часть 3
  • SO Глава 34: Коллектор Marilyn Manson, Часть 1
  • SO Глава 35: Коллектор Marilyn Manson, Часть 2
  • SO Глава 36: Коллектор Marilyn Manson, Часть 3
  • SO Глава 37: Коллектор Marilyn Manson, Часть 4
  • SO Глава 38: Коллектор Marilyn Manson, Часть 5
  • SO Глава 39: Коллектор Marilyn Manson, Часть 6
  • SO Глава 40: Операция «Savage Garden» (Бегом в тюремный двор!), Часть 1
  • SO Глава 41: Операция «Savage Garden», Часть 2
  • SO Глава 42: Операция «Savage Garden», Часть 3
  • SO Глава 43: Операция «Savage Garden», Часть 4
  • SO Глава 44: Операция «Savage Garden», Часть 5
  • SO Глава 45: Операция «Savage Garden», Часть 6
  • SO Глава 46: Операция «Savage Garden», Часть 7
  • SO Глава 47: Операция «Savage Garden», Часть 8
  • SO Глава 48: Штормовое предупреждение, Часть 1
  • SO Глава 49: Штормовое предупреждение, Часть 2
  • SO Глава 50: Штормовое предупреждение, Часть 3
  • SO Глава 51: Поцелуй любви и мести, Часть 1
  • SO Глава 52: Поцелуй любви и мести, Часть 2
  • SO Глава 53: Поцелуй любви и мести, Часть 3
  • SO Глава 54: Поцелуй любви и мести, Часть 4
  • SO Глава 55: Поцелуй любви и мести, Часть 5
  • SO Глава 56: Поцелуй любви и мести, Часть 6
  • SO Глава 57: Поцелуй любви и мести, Часть 7
  • SO Глава 58: Карцер повышенной изоляции
  • SO Глава 59: Имя ему Анасуй
  • SO Глава 60: Тайна охранника Уэствуда, Часть 1
  • SO Глава 61: Тайна охранника Уэствуда, Часть 2
  • SO Глава 62: Тайна охранника Уэствуда, Часть 3
  • SO Глава 63: Тайна охранника Уэствуда, Часть 4
  • SO Глава 64: Тайна охранника Уэствуда, Часть 5
  • SO Глава 65: Тайна охранника Уэствуда, Часть 6
  • SO Глава 66: Тайна охранника Уэствуда, Часть 7
  • SO Глава 67: Гори, Dragon’s Dream, Часть 1
  • SO Глава 68: Гори, Dragon’s Dream, Часть 2
  • SO Глава 69: Гори, Dragon’s Dream, Часть 3
  • SO Глава 70: Гори, Dragon’s Dream, Часть 4
  • SO Глава 71: Гори, Dragon’s Dream, Часть 5
  • SO Глава 72: Гори, Foo Fighters
  • SO Глава 73: Гори, Dragon’s Dream, Часть 6
  • SO Глава 74: Гори, Dragon’s Dream, Часть 7
  • SO Глава 75: Отец: Джотаро Куджо, Дочь: Джолин Куджо
  • SO Глава 76: Рождение «Зелёного», Часть 1
  • SO Глава 77: Рождение «Зелёного», Часть 2
  • SO Глава 78: Встречайте Yo-Yo Ma!, Часть 1
  • SO Глава 79: Встречайте Yo-Yo Ma!, Часть 2
  • SO Глава 80: Встречайте Yo-Yo Ma!, Часть 3
  • SO Глава 81: Встречайте Yo-Yo Ma!, Часть 4
  • SO Глава 82: Встречайте Yo-Yo Ma!, Часть 5
  • SO Глава 83: F.F. — Свидетельница, Часть 1
  • SO Глава 84: F.F. — Свидетельница, Часть 2 (Упоминание)
  • SO Глава 85: Пробуждение, Часть 1
  • SO Глава 86: Пробуждение, Часть 2
  • SO Глава 87: Пробуждение, Часть 3
  • SO Глава 88: Пробуждение, Часть 4
  • SO Глава 89: Whitesnake — Преследователь, Часть 1
  • SO Глава 91: Whitesnake — Преследователь, Часть 3 (Упоминание)
  • SO Глава 92: Whitesnake — Преследователь, Часть 4
  • SO Глава 93: Whitesnake — Преследователь, Часть 5
  • SO Глава 94: Время небес
  • SO Глава 95: Новолуние! Обновление священника
  • SO Глава 96: Jail House Lock!, Часть 1
  • SO Глава 97: Jail House Lock!, Часть 2
  • SO Глава 98: Jail House Lock!, Часть 3
  • SO Глава 99: Jail House Lock!, Часть 4
  • SO Глава 100: Jail House Lock!, Часть 5
  • SO Глава 101: Jail House Lock!, Часть 6
  • SO Глава 102: Побег…
  • SO Глава 103: Трое в больнице (Упоминание)
  • SO Глава 104: Bohemian Rhapsody, Часть 1 (Упоминание)
  • SO Глава 105: Bohemian Rhapsody, Часть 2 (Упоминание)
  • SO Глава 106: Bohemian Rhapsody, Часть 3 (Упоминание)
  • SO Глава 108: Bohemian Rhapsody, Часть 5 (Упоминание)
  • SO Глава 111: Давно не виделись, Ромео
  • SO Глава 112: Sky High, Часть 1
  • SO Глава 113: Sky High, Часть 2
  • SO Глава 114: Sky High, Часть 3
  • SO Глава 115: Sky High, Часть 4
  • SO Глава 116: Sky High, Часть 5
  • SO Глава 117: Sky High, Часть 6
  • SO Глава 118: Три дня до Новолуния
  • SO Глава 119: Under World, Часть 1
  • SO Глава 120: Under World, Часть 2
  • SO Глава 121: Under World, Часть 3
  • SO Глава 122: Under World, Часть 4
  • SO Глава 123: Under World, Часть 5
  • SO Глава 124: Under World, Часть 6
  • SO Глава 125: Heavy Weather, Часть 1
  • SO Глава 126: Heavy Weather, Часть 2
  • SO Глава 127: Heavy Weather, Часть 3 (Обложка)
  • SO Глава 130: Heavy Weather, Часть 6
  • SO Глава 131: Heavy Weather, Часть 7
  • SO Глава 132: Heavy Weather, Часть 8
  • SO Глава 134: Heavy Weather, Часть 10
  • SO Глава 136: Heavy Weather, Часть 12
  • SO Глава 137: Heavy Weather, Часть 13
  • SO Глава 138: Прибытие на мыс Канаверал
  • SO Глава 139: Гравитация Новолуния, Часть 1
  • SO Глава 140: Гравитация Новолуния, Часть 2
  • SO Глава 141: C-Moon, Часть 1
  • SO Глава 142: C-Moon, Часть 2
  • SO Глава 143: C-Moon, Часть 3
  • SO Глава 144: C-Moon, Часть 4
  • SO Глава 145: C-Moon, Часть 5
  • SO Глава 146: C-Moon, Часть 6
  • SO Глава 147: C-Moon, Часть 7
  • SO Глава 148: C-Moon, Часть 8
  • SO Глава 149: Made in Heaven, Часть 1
  • SO Глава 150: Made in Heaven, Часть 2
  • SO Глава 151: Made in Heaven, Часть 3
  • SO Глава 152: Made in Heaven, Часть 4
  • SO Глава 153: Made in Heaven, Часть 5
  • SO Глава 154: Made in Heaven, Часть 6
  • SO Глава 155: Made in Heaven, Часть 7 (Смерть)
  • SO Глава 157: Made in Heaven, Часть 9 (Упоминание)
  • SO Глава 158: Как прекрасен этот мир… (Упоминание)
  • SBR Глава Экстра 3: Глава о Стендах (Упоминание)
  • Джолин, взлетай до небес вместе с GUCCI
  • Fujiko’s Bizarre Worldly Wisdom -Whitesnake’s Miscalculation-

Эпизоды в порядке появления персонажа

  • Часть 6

  • SO Эпизод 1: Каменный океан
  • SO Эпизод 2: Stone Free
  • SO Эпизод 3: Посетитель, Часть 1
  • SO Эпизод 4: Посетитель, Часть 2
  • SO Эпизод 5: Узница любви
  • SO Эпизод 6: Стикер Эрмес
  • SO Эпизод 7: Нас шестеро!
  • SO Эпизод 8: Foo Fighters
  • SO Эпизод 9: Marilyn Manson, Коллектор
  • SO Эпизод 10: Стратегия Savage Garden (Отправляйтесь во двор!), Часть 1
  • SO Эпизод 11: Стратегия Savage Garden (Отправляйтесь во двор!), Часть 2
  • SO Эпизод 12: Предупреждение о проливном ливне

Создание и Развитие

По словам Хидето Азумы, редактора Араки на момент создания Каменного океана, он просил, чтобы персонаж Джолин был мужчиной, поскольку Weekly Shonen Jump был журналом для мальчиков-подростков. Однако Араки настоял на том, чтобы Джолин была женского пола, сказав, что тот факт, что читатели не примут женщину-протагониста, является именно той причиной, по которой Джолин должна быть женщиной.[31]

Араки создал Джолин в надежде «загладить вину» за свою предыдущую (и, по его мнению, неудачную) попытку создания женщины-протагониста. Помимо того, что она представляет собой интересный контраст с большинством сёнэн-комиксов, он считает её «настоящей женщиной», которой так не хватает в этом жанре. Поворот ролей между ней и её отцом был придуман для того, чтобы её персонаж вышел за рамки типичных архетипов, встречающихся в японской фантастике.[32]


Ай Файруз, актриса озвучивания Джолин Куджо в аниме, была очарована главной героиней со второго класса средней школы.[33] Характер Джолин — это то, что помогало ей сохранять оптимизм во время поиска работы или работы, и вдохновило её мечту поучаствовать в аниме-адаптации манги и начать карьеру актёра озвучивания. В интервью 2019 года Файруз заявила, что не смогла бы сыграть Джолин, но с удовольствием сыграла бы персонажа второго плана, как Фу Файтерс.[34]

Файруз также делает голосовое камео во всех трёх эпизодах второго сезона ТВ-дорамы Так говорил Кишибе Рохан.

Кира Баклэнд — актриса озвучивания Джолин Куджо в аниме на английском языке. Озвучить Джолин было её 8-летней мечтой,[35] и она всегда хотела озвучить Джостара. Баклэнд также считает, что Джолин — сильный, хорошо прописанный, нюансированный и интересный персонаж.[36]


В опросе, посвященном Дню Святого Валентина 2020 года в официальном приложении, Джолин Куджо заняла первое место в номинации «Персонажи, которым я бы хотел подарить шоколад», набрав 4489 голосов.


  1. SO Глава 6: Заключённая FE40536: Джолин Куджо, Часть 3 / SO Эпизод 2: Stone Free — Гвесс поёт имя Джолин аналогично тексту песни
  2. SO Глава 6: Заключённая FE40536: Джолин Куджо, Часть 3
  3. SO Глава 51: Поцелуй любви и мести, Часть 1
  4. 4,0 4,1 4,2 SO Глава 2: Каменный Океан, Часть 2
  5. SO Глава 4: Заключённая FE40536: Джолин Куджо, Часть 1
  6. SO Глава 21: Стикеры Эрмес, Часть 1 (15 лет плюс ещё 5 лет за попытку побега)
  7. 7,0 7,1 SO Глава 10: Тюрьма «Green Dolphin Street», изначально 174 см
  8. SO Глава 63: Тайна охранника Уэствуда, Часть 4
  9. 9,0 9,1 SO Глава 3: Каменный Океан, Часть 3
  10. 10,0 10,1 SO Глава 155: Made in Heaven, Часть 7, стр. 16-17
  11. SO Глава 75: Отец: Джотаро Куджо, Дочь: Джолин Куджо, стр, 16
  12. SO Глава 20: Узница Любви, стр. 17
  13. SO Глава 51: Поцелуй любви и мести, Часть 1, стр. 2
  14. SO Глава 64: Тайна охранника Уэствуда, Часть 5, стр. 18
  15. SO Глава 52: Поцелуй любви и мести, Часть 2, стр. 6
  16. SO Глава 93: Whitesnake — Преследователь, Часть 5, стр. 9
  17. SO Глава 111: Давно не виделись, Ромео, стр. 15
  18. SO Глава 138: Прибытие на мыс Канаверал
  19. SO Глава 58: Карцер повышенной изоляции, стр. 8-9
  20. SO Глава 116: Sky High, Часть 5
  21. SO Глава 138: Прибытие на мыс Канаверал
  22. SO Глава 10: Тюрьма «Green Dolphin Street»
  23. SO Глава 33: Foo Fighters, Часть 3, стр. 8
  24. SO Глава 95: Новолуние! Обновление священника
  25. SO Глава 34: Коллектор Marilyn Manson, Часть 1, стр. 9
  26. SO Глава 96: Jail House Lock!, Часть 1, стр. 12
  27. 27,0 27,1 SO Глава 1: Каменный Океан, Часть 1, стр. 6
  28. SO Глава 130: Heavy Weather, Часть 6, стр. 15
  29. SO Глава 146: C-Moon, Часть 6, стр. 17
  30. SO Глава 113: Sky High, Часть 2, стр. 17
  31. JOJOVELLER: История (2013)
  32. Интервью:Eureka (Ноябрь 2007)
  33. Интервью с Файруз Ай | JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure STONE OCEAN
  34. Seiyuu+ #228 – Oshibudo: Fairouz Ai
  35. Баклэнд, Кира (Декабрь 1, 2021). Twitter | Объявление роли в английском дубляже SO
  36. JoJo’s Bizarre Encyclopedia (Декабрь 2021)


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jolyne Cujoh
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure character
Jolyne Cujoh.png

Jolyne Cujoh as illustrated by Hirohiko Araki and digitally colored by Shueisha

First appearance JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure chapter 595 «Stone Ocean, Part 1» (2000)
Last appearance JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure chapter 748 «Made in Heaven, Part 6» (2003)
Created by Hirohiko Araki
Voiced by Japanese
Miyuki Sawashiro (All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven)
Fairouz Ai (2021-present)
Kira Buckland
In-universe information
Nickname JoJo
Family Jotaro Kujo (father)
Nationality American
Stand Stone Free

Jolyne Cujoh (Japanese: 空条 徐倫, Hepburn: Kūjō Jorīn) is a fictional character in the Japanese manga series JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, written and illustrated by Hirohiko Araki. The main protagonist of the series’ sixth story arc, Stone Ocean, Jolyne is falsely accused of murder by Dio’s most loyal friend, Enrico Pucci, and sentenced to 15 years in prison. Eventually, from a pendant given to her by her father, Jotaro Kujo, she got her Stand, Stone Free (ストーン・フリー, Sutōn Furī),[a] which allows her the ability to unravel her body into string. Originally having a strained relationship with him due to his long absence from the majority of her life, she vows to stay in prison in order to save her father and recruited a group of Stand users to help her in her quest to save Jotaro and defeat Pucci.

Araki created Jolyne as he felt that it is necessary of the series to have a female protagonist despite the editorial backlash and believes that the change of perspective towards female characters gives him a chance to show that they’re able to fight. Jolyne was initially voiced by Miyuki Sawashiro in JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle and JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of Heaven before being cast in the anime adaptation by Fairouz Ai in Japanese onwards and Kira Buckland in English. Reception of Jolyne has been positive, with many critics praising her complex characterization and development from being a flawed person to becoming a strong-willed character.

Creation and development[edit]

Araki discusses that during the creation of Gorgeous Irene, which features a female protagonist, he felt that a female protagonist wouldn’t do well with readers and ended up cancelling it.[1] Araki’s editor during Stone Oceans publication, Hideto Azuma, suggested that Jolyne should be a man as they could lose the interest of readers. Araki refused, explaining that that reasoning is why Jolyne should be a woman.[2] He believes that the change of perspective as time goes forward allows him to create a female protagonist allowed to fight and be placed in painful situations.[1][3] He also felt that Jotaro being saved by his daughter shows her internal growth.[1] In creating Jolyne’s theme, Yugo Kanno explains that since she is the first female protagonist he composed for, he wanted to harmonize her femininity and powerfulness and finds it challenging.[4]

In JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle and JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of Heaven, Jolyne was voiced by Miyuki Sawashiro.[5] When the anime adaptation of Stone Ocean was announced, she is voiced by Fairouz Ai.[6][7] Fairouz first encountered the series during her high school years when she encountered the many notable catchphrases on a video-sharing platform. Curious, she ended up mistakenly buying Stone Ocean, believing it was the first part before finding out Phantom Blood‘s existence. She subsequently became a fan of the series and Jolyne Cujoh, referring to the character as her favorite of the series.[8] During her audition, she was nervous and crying, believing she didn’t show all of her capabilities. The staff surprised her by letting her come with the staff the only people in the room and reciting the lines where she was told she got the role.[9] She was directed to portray Jolyne the way she would be Jotaro’s daughter and finds it difficult that she was too determined that her voice became rigid. She was also conscious of portraying the character’s determination of saving Jotaro.[8] Fairouz had been told by the director that Jolyne’s voice would have to be stronger after episode 13, causing her to re-read the manga to be prepared. She also wanted to make sure that Jolyne doesn’t sound as cool and low-pitch as Jotaro, wanting to make the character distinct vocally.[10] Fairouz initially finds it difficult to scream out Jolyne’s «Oras», thus she sought out Daisuke Ono, who gave her multiple advices on how to act it out. She reflected on how she had the lowest roles out of the cast and wants to use Jolyne as an opportunity of her career’s growth. Though she felt she couldn’t hear it clearly, she had been told by the staff she was getting better at it.[11]

For the English dub of the anime, Kira Buckland portayed the character.[12] She expressed her disbelief and cried when hearing her voice as Jolyne. She had practiced screaming Jolyne’s cries of «Ora», and watched timecodes and cues in the animation to know when to stop. She views Jolyne as «a very strong, well-written, nuanced and interesting character».[13]


In Stone Ocean[edit]

Jolyne Cujoh and her boyfriend, Romeo Jisso, run over a bystander and she gets falsely accused of the incident after Romeo convinces her to hide the incident and uses her as bait. On her way to Green Dolphin Street Prison, she got a pendant from her father, Jotaro, and pricks herself with it.,[14] gaining her Stand she later names Stone Free[15] She is visited by her father,[16] who later reveals the incident is a devise to frame her from one of Dio’s followers and attempts to help her to escape.[17] However, a Stand known as Whitesnake steals Jotaro’s memories and Stand as DISCs, making him comatose.[18] Realizing the extent of how much her father loved her and his desire to keep her safe, she vows to stay in order to save his life and find the person who is Whitesnake’s user.[19] She is then joined by fellow Stand users Emporio Alniño, Ermes Costello, Foo Fighters, Weather Report, and Narciso Anasui.

Tagging along with Weather Report,[20] she goes on a mission to retrieve Star Platinum’s disc and gives it to the Speedwagon Foundation’s messenger pigeon for his recovery, succeeding after tricking Whitesnake.[21] Jolyne gets herself send to the Ultra Security House Unit to find Dio’s bone,[22] forced to fight against a couple of Stand users.[23][24][25] She and Narciso found the Green Baby, formed after Dio’s plan in the diary has enacted and chased it to make sure it wouldn’t meet Enrico Pucci.[26] Finally encountering Pucci, she fought him and forced to make a choice to continue fighting him or retrieving Jotaro’s memory DISC.[27] She chooses the latter, enabling Pucci to fuse with the Green Baby.[28] After Pucci’s escape, Jolyne and Emporio fight against Miu Miu and along with Ermes, escape the prison.[29][30] With Foo Fighters and Weather Report dead during the journey[28][31] and Jotaro Kujo joining the team, they unsuccessfully fight Pucci in Cape Carneval, who finally evolves his Stand to Made in Heaven.[32] He uses his new power accelerate time around the world in order to create a new universe in his and Dio’s image.[33][34] With Pucci killing everyone except Jolyne and Emporio,[34] she knows that Pucci could sense her thanks to him having the Joestar birthmark, she sacrifices herself for Emporio’s life.[35]

As Emporio finally kills Pucci after the latter stops completely resetting the universe to kill Emporio, a new universe is created where Pucci doesn’t exist. Emporio meets the new versions of his friends, including Jolyne, now named Irene (アイリン, Airin), who is considering getting engaged to Anasui’s counterpart, Annakiss, and asks her universe’s version of Jotaro for his approval.[36]

In other media[edit]

Jolyne appears as a playable character for JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle,[37] its remake JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle R,[38] JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of Heaven[39] and JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Last Survivor.[40] Jolyne is one of the playable characters of Monster Strike with a limited starter pack with her and Jotaro as one character from July 15 to August 2, 2022[41] and Puzzle & Dragons in collaborations of the anime and the game’s 10th anniversaries from December 26, 2022 to January 9, 2023.[42][43]


Jolyne’s complexity and character development has been praised by critics. Caitlin Moore of Anime News Network enjoys the appearance of a female JoJo and praises Jolyne’s multiple states of emotions without coming across as contradictory and how she and Erina Pendleton show similar development as they are forced to toughen up in their given situations.[44] The reviewer states that every time Jolyne’s leitmotif kicks in, it «creates a beautiful sense of recognition, both for her impending victory and a sense that she truly is a continuation of the Joestar line we’ve been following for generations.» In Moore’s review on Anime Feminist, she sees Jolyne as relatable, due to showing a lot of vulnerability and having potential for growth, but believes that due to Jolyne being the series’ first female protagonist, her lack of control of her power during the first episode isn’t a great look.[45] She states Jolyne’s scene of being caught masturbated as being liberating as she only feels ashamed of being caught in the act and being assertive of her own sexuality.

Jose Arroyo of The Review Geek appreciates her similarities with Joseph Joestar and Jotaro Kujo in personality and abandoning her childlike characteristics during her confrontation with Jotaro.[46] Sebastian Stoddard of Anime News Network believes Jolyne to be a well-written protagonist due to being written like a shounen protagonist and that Araki’s choice of writing her that way makes her just as dynamic as the male shounen protagonists.[2] Alastair Johns of Comic Book Resources sees Jolyne’s impression of being a hot-blooded teenager to be a subversion thanks to becoming a cautious and exploitative person.[47] Francesco Cacciatore of Screen Rant highlights that her flaws make her the best protagonist of the series, noting how her introduction of hiding Romeo’s involvement and framing her makes her still guilty, compared to how the previous Joestars would have responded to the situation. The reviewer sees her journey as her redemption and how she evolves into a person worthy of bearing the Joestar bloodline. He concluded that they are what makes her more human-like compared to the rest of the protagonists of the series while still having the Joestar spirit.[48] Cold Cobra of Anime UK News notes how Jolyne is introduced as a meek person before gradually becoming more confident and used to her harsh situation, making her a fun character to cheer for.[49] Luke Maguire of FictionTalk sees her as a strong female lead not because of her strength, but because of how her character is developed and finds how she uses her Stand ability creatively as brilliant.[50]

Britanny Vincent of IGN comments that Stone Free is an intriguing change from the stands of the previous Joestars due to her ability to turn into string serves for intriguing combat and creative uses and how it only makes Jolyne an empowering female character.[51]

The focus between the daughter and father relationship between Jolyne and Jotaro Kujo has been thoroughly discussed. Toussaint Egan of Polygon notes how Jotaro and Jolyne are not that different from each other in their respective parts and how his cold personality and parental abandonment made her resent him.[52] The reviewer highlights how in comparison to other parts, Jotaro and Jolyne have to work together and bring up the pain Jotaro had bought into her and sees her desire to save him as a dramatic turning point, as despite how badly damaged their relationship is, both of them clearly loved each other and has a chance to mend it. Jose Arroyo of The Review Geek in the review of the first batch dislikes how quickly how quickly their relationship has resolved as he believes there are barely any emotional moments between the two that is deserving of Jolyne’s forgiveness and it ends up being rushed and unearned.[46] Thus, in his review of the second batch, he praises the handling her newfound appreciation towards Jotaro better as it includes a heartfelt moment between the two.[53] Jose Arroyo’s review during the third batch expresses happiness of Jotaro and Jolyne’s reunion and Jotaro witnessing her maturity and showcasing his pride.[54] Kambole Campbell of Thrillist notes how Jotaro’s personality in what makes him cool in Stardust Crusaders is instead deconstructed with Jolyne seeing him as an uncaring father and that is what makes it intriguing and similar to the other relationships throughout the Joestar family.[55] Suzail Ahmad of Game Rant believes that Jotaro’s sacrifice leads her to make better decisions, giving her the chance to save him.[56]

In a survey held in the 30th anniversary exhibition, Hirohiko Araki JoJo Exhibition: Ripples of Adventure, Jolyne’s hairstyle is ranked as the one voters want to try most.[57]


  1. ^ «Stone Ocean» in official English releases.


  1. ^ a b c Valentine, Evan (December 7, 2021). «JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure’s Creator Dishes His Inspiration for Jolyne». Comic Book. Archived from the original on November 26, 2022. Retrieved November 30, 2022.
  2. ^ a b Stoddard, Sebastian (August 31, 2021). «Why Stone Ocean Could Be the Most Important Part of Jojo Yet». Anime News Network. Archived from the original on October 31, 2022. Retrieved November 30, 2022.
  3. ^ «荒木飛呂彦インタビュー! JOJO30年のヒロインの裏側». SPUR (in Japanese). September 9, 2019. Archived from the original on October 20, 2022. Retrieved October 20, 2022.
  4. ^ Valdez, Nick (December 4, 2021). «JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Composer Breaks Down Challenges For Stone Ocean’s Themes». Comic Book. Archived from the original on December 6, 2021. Retrieved November 26, 2022.
  5. ^ «Miyuki Sawashiro». Behind The Voice Actors. Retrieved October 19, 2022. Check mark indicates role has been confirmed using screenshots of closing credits and other reliable sources.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: postscript (link)
  6. ^ Hodgkins, Crystalyn. «JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Part 6: Stone Ocean Manga Gets Anime Starring Ai Fairouz». Anime News Network. Archived from the original on April 8, 2021.
  7. ^ «『ジョジョ』第6部『ストーンオーシャン』がアニメ化決定。空条徐倫の声優はファイルーズあいん». Famitsu (in Japanese). April 4, 2021. Archived from the original on April 22, 2021. Retrieved October 20, 2022.
  8. ^ a b «『ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 ストーンオーシャン』ファイルーズあいさんが出会いの重力を心と身体で感じる「ジョジョという作品に惹かれるのは、運命だった」». animate Times (in Japanese). December 11, 2021. Archived from the original on August 3, 2022. Retrieved February 5, 2023.
  9. ^ «Jolyne Cujoh’s VA Fairouz Ai reveals details on her audition, her love for Jojo, favorite scenes & more». grape Japan. January 11, 2022. Archived from the original on January 23, 2022. Retrieved October 19, 2022.
  10. ^ «TVアニメ『ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 ストーンオーシャン』空条徐倫役・ファイルーズあいさんインタビュー|「高潔だからブランドが似合うんだ!」徐倫から学んだファッションセンスと思い出». animate Times (in Japanese). October 12, 2022. Archived from the original on October 30, 2022. Retrieved February 5, 2023.
  11. ^ «『ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 ストーンオーシャン』ファイルーズあいさんが出会いの重力を心と身体で感じる「ジョジョという作品に惹かれるのは、運命だった」». animate Times (in Japanese). December 11, 2021. Archived from the original on October 31, 2022. Retrieved February 5, 2023.
  12. ^ Simons, Roxy (December 2, 2021). «Who Stars in the Voice Cast of ‘JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stone Ocean’?». Newsweek. Archived from the original on December 30, 2021. Retrieved October 20, 2022.
  13. ^ Vish (December 16, 2021). «An Exclusive Interview with Jolyne Voice Actress, Kira Buckland!». JoJo’s Bizarre Encyclopedia. Archived from the original on January 1, 2022. Retrieved October 20, 2022.
  14. ^ Hirohiko, Araki (May 3, 2000). «Stone Ocean, Part 1». Stone Ocean (in Japanese). Vol. 1. Japan: Shueisha. ISBN 978-4-08-872866-7.
  15. ^ Hirohiko, Araki (August 4, 2000). «Stone Free, Part 2». Stone Ocean (in Japanese). Vol. 2. Japan: Shueisha. ISBN 978-4-08-872899-5.
  16. ^ Hirohiko, Araki (August 4, 2000). «The Visitor, Part 1». Stone Ocean (in Japanese). Vol. 2. Japan: Shueisha. ISBN 978-4-08-872899-5.
  17. ^ Hirohiko, Araki (August 4, 2000). «The Visitor, Part 2». Stone Ocean (in Japanese). Vol. 2. Japan: Shueisha. ISBN 978-4-08-872899-5.
  18. ^ Hirohiko, Araki (October 4, 2000). «The Visitor, Part 9». Stone Ocean (in Japanese). Vol. 3. Japan: Shueisha. ISBN 978-4-08-873027-1.
  19. ^ Hirohiko, Araki (October 4, 2000). «Prisoner of Love». Stone Ocean (in Japanese). Vol. 3. Japan: Shueisha. ISBN 978-4-08-873027-1.
  20. ^ Hirohiko, Araki (February 2, 2001). «Operation Savage Garden (Head to the Courtyard!), Part 1». Stone Ocean (in Japanese). Vol. 5. Japan: Shueisha. ISBN 978-4-08-873077-6.
  21. ^ Hirohiko, Araki (April 4, 2001). «Torrential Downpour Warning, Part 3». Stone Ocean (in Japanese). Vol. 6. Japan: Shueisha. ISBN 978-4-08-873077-6.
  22. ^ Hirohiko, Araki (June 4, 2001). «Ultra Security House Unit». Stone Ocean (in Japanese). Vol. 7. Japan: Shueisha. ISBN 978-4-08-873126-1.
  23. ^ Hirohiko, Araki (June 4, 2001). «The Secret of Guard Westwood, Part 2». Stone Ocean (in Japanese). Vol. 7. Japan: Shueisha. ISBN 978-4-08-873126-1.
  24. ^ Hirohiko, Araki (September 4, 2001). «Enter the Dragon’s Dream, Part 1». Stone Ocean (in Japanese). Vol. 8. Japan: Shueisha. ISBN 978-4-08-873160-5.
  25. ^ Hirohiko, Araki (November 2, 2001). «Yo-Yo Ma Is Coming!, Part 2». Stone Ocean (in Japanese). Vol. 10. Japan: Shueisha. ISBN 978-4-08-873183-4.
  26. ^ Hirohiko, Araki (February 4, 2002). «Awaken, Part 2». Stone Ocean (in Japanese). Vol. 10. Japan: Shueisha. ISBN 978-4-08-873225-1.
  27. ^ Hirohiko, Araki (April 4, 2002). «Whitesnake — The Pursuer, Part 5». Stone Ocean (in Japanese). Vol. 11. Japan: Shueisha. ISBN 978-4-08-873250-3.
  28. ^ a b Hirohiko, Araki (April 4, 2002). «New Moon! New Priest». Stone Ocean (in Japanese). Vol. 11. Japan: Shueisha. ISBN 978-4-08-873250-3.
  29. ^ Hirohiko, Araki (April 4, 2002). «Jail House Lock!, Part 2». Stone Ocean (in Japanese). Vol. 11. Japan: Shueisha. ISBN 978-4-08-873250-3.
  30. ^ Hirohiko, Araki (July 4, 2002). «Jailbreak…». Stone Ocean (in Japanese). Vol. 12. Japan: Shueisha. ISBN 978-4-08-873284-8.
  31. ^ Hirohiko, Araki (April 4, 2003). «Heavy Weather, Part 13». Stone Ocean (in Japanese). Vol. 16. Japan: Shueisha. ISBN 978-4-08-873410-1.
  32. ^ Hirohiko, Araki (July 4, 2003). «C-Moon, Part 8». Stone Ocean (in Japanese). Vol. 17. Japan: Shueisha. ISBN 978-4-08-873483-5.
  33. ^ Hirohiko, Araki (July 4, 2003). «Made in Heaven, Part 1». Stone Ocean (in Japanese). Vol. 17. Japan: Shueisha. ISBN 978-4-08-873483-5.
  34. ^ a b Hirohiko, Araki (July 4, 2003). «Made in Heaven, Part 3». Stone Ocean (in Japanese). Vol. 17. Japan: Shueisha. ISBN 978-4-08-873483-5.
  35. ^ Hirohiko, Araki (July 4, 2003). «Made in Heaven, Part 7». Stone Ocean (in Japanese). Vol. 17. Japan: Shueisha. ISBN 978-4-08-873483-5.
  36. ^ Hirohiko, Araki (July 4, 2003). «What A Wonderful World». Stone Ocean (in Japanese). Vol. 17. Japan: Shueisha. ISBN 978-4-08-873483-5.
  37. ^ Egan, Loo (September 21, 2012). «Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle PS3’s Cast Revealed». Anime News Network. Archived from the original on January 26, 2021. Retrieved January 8, 2023.
  38. ^ Romano, Sal (May 26, 2022). «JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle R launches September 2». Gematsu. Archived from the original on June 1, 2022. Retrieved November 19, 2022.
  39. ^ Romano, Sal (September 15, 2015). «JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of Heaven adds Jolyne, Ermes, Weather Report, and Pucci». Gematsu. Archived from the original on September 20, 2021. Retrieved November 19, 2022.
  40. ^ Lu, Stephanie (February 19, 2022). «Jolyne Strings Up Opponents in JJBA: Last Survivor». Siliconera. Archived from the original on August 12, 2022. Retrieved January 6, 2022.
  41. ^ «【追加情報:7/28】アニメ「ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 ストーンオーシャン」とのコラボが7/15(金)正午より開催!空条徐倫、空条承太郎などのコラボキャラクターがモンストに登場». Monster Strike (in Japanese). July 10, 2022. Retrieved October 20, 2022.
  42. ^ Wilson, Adele (December 23, 2022). «Puzzle & Dragons Will Hold a JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Event». Siliconera. Archived from the original on December 30, 2022. Retrieved January 6, 2023.
  43. ^ Vish (December 21, 2022). «Puzzle & Dragons Collaborates with JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure». JoJo’s Bizarre Encyclopedia. Archived from the original on December 25, 2022. Retrieved January 6, 2023.
  44. ^ Moore, Caitlin (September 14, 2022). «Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stone Ocean 1-24». Anime News Network. Archived from the original on October 5, 2022. Retrieved October 20, 2022.
  45. ^ Moore, Caitlin (December 4, 2021). «Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stone Ocean – Episodes 1-2». Anime Feminist. Archived from the original on December 5, 2021. Retrieved November 26, 2022.
  46. ^ a b Arroyo, Jose (June 29, 2022). «Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stone Ocean Part 1 Review – A Bizarre Adventure Behind Closed Doors». Archived from the original on December 9, 2022. Retrieved January 6, 2023.
  47. ^ Johns, Alastair (September 8, 2022). «JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: What Makes Jolyne Cujoh the Perfect Prison Protagonist». Comic Book Resources. Archived from the original on October 1, 2022. Retrieved October 20, 2022.
  48. ^ Cacciatore, Francesco (December 14, 2021). «Jolyne’s Flaws Make Her JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure’s Best Protagonist». Screen Rant. Archived from the original on October 11, 2022. Retrieved October 21, 2022.
  49. ^ Cobra, Cold (December 17, 2021). «JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stone Ocean Episodes 1 – 12 Review». Anime UK News. Archived from the original on August 16, 2022. Retrieved October 21, 2022.
  50. ^ Maguire, Luke (January 30, 2022). «JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Stone Ocean -Thoughts So Far». FictionTalk. Archived from the original on May 18, 2022. Retrieved November 26, 2022.
  51. ^ Vincent, Britanny (2 December 2021). «JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stone Ocean Part 1 Review». IGN. Archived from the original on January 22, 2022. Retrieved October 20, 2022.
  52. ^ Egan, Toussaint (December 2, 2021). «JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stone Ocean puts the Joestars’ legacy of bad dads front and center». Polygon. Archived from the original on January 28, 2022. Retrieved October 20, 2022.
  53. ^ Arroyo, Jose (September 9, 2022). «Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stone Ocean Part 2 Review – A brutal & bizarre follow-up to an imprisoned adventure». The Review Geek. Archived from the original on September 11, 2022. Retrieved October 20, 2022.
  54. ^ Arroyo, Jose (December 9, 2022). «Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stone Ocean Part 3 Review – A bittersweet finale full of countless thrills». The Review Geek. Archived from the original on December 9, 2022. Retrieved December 9, 2022.
  55. ^ Campbell, Kambole (December 7, 2021). «‘JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure’ Returns with the Long-Awaited ‘Stone Ocean’«. Thrillist. Archived from the original on May 4, 2022. Retrieved October 21, 2022.
  56. ^ Ahmad, Suzail (May 22, 2022). «JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: 8 Characters That Change The Most Throughout The Anime». Game Rant. Archived from the original on July 20, 2022. Retrieved October 29, 2022.
  57. ^ Sherman, Jennifer (August 17, 2018). «JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Exhibit’s Survey Reveals Fan Demographics». Anime News Network. Archived from the original on December 7, 2021. Retrieved January 16, 2023.

For a similar character, see Part 6 SpoilersIrene

Gimme a break… (やれやれだわYare Yare Dawa)

Jolyne Cujoh (空条 徐倫 Kūjō Jorīn) is the main protagonist of the sixth part of the JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure series, Stone Ocean, and the sixth JoJo of the series. She is the daughter of Jotaro Kujo, the protagonist of Stardust Crusaders, and an American woman.

Framed for a DUI murder, Jolyne is sent to Green Dolphin Street Prison, where she investigates and battles DIO’s most trusted disciple, Father Enrico Pucci. Initially an ordinary girl, Jolyne quickly awakens her string-based Stand, Stone Free, during her time in jail.


Jolyne is a young woman of above-average height and a slim to athletic build.

Bold-eyed, she wears her hair in two «layers»: A dark base including two large buns atop her head and a short length going down her neck; above which, lightly dyed or bleached, she keeps a plait or braid that winds around both buns, joining in a short length at back, and bangs that frame her face.

Like all other members of the Joestar family, Jolyne has a small, star-shaped birthmark on the rear of her left shoulder, close to her neck. She also has an image of butterfly wings tattooed on the top of her left forearm, superimposed with a downward-pointing dagger, which also appears on the chest of her outfits.

Jolyne’s depiction in Part 6 transitions from a slim and smooth build to a somewhat more dynamic and athletic one. Simultaneously, she works through several primarily dark outfits, characterized by a spiderweb-like print.

Color Schemes

The series is known for alternating colors between media, the information presented below may or may not be canon.


(Fair, chartreuse lipstick and nails, maroon birthmark)


(Black with blue highlights and chartreuse braid and bangs)


(Blue suit with white spiderweb pattern, chartreuse accessories, and pink butterfly crest.)

First Coat

(Turquoise with white lettering, light gold button)

Second Coat

(Gray with white lettering and underside, silver button)

Final Outfit’s Accessories

(Chartreuse belts with a blue buckle, blue armlet with with gold studs and gray cape with white underside.)


(Fair, olive lipstick and eyeshadow, light green nails and pink birthmark.)


(Green with blonde braid and bangs, light green hairband)


(Dark aquamarine suit with beige spiderweb pattern, orange accessories.)

Butterfly Symbol

(Blue and teal butterfly with bright orange details, pink and indigo outlines)

First Coat

(Turquoise with white lettering, silver button)

Second Coat

(Dark gray with white lettering and underside, silver button)

Final Outfit’s Accessories

(Orange belts with a gold buckle, dark aquamarine armlet with with gold studs and dark gray cape with white underside.)

Skin(Fair, lime lipstick and birthmark)


(Black with sky blue highlights and lime braid and bangs)


(Sky Blue suit with white spiderweb pattern, lime and gold accessories, and magenta butterfly crest.)

Skin(Fair, bronze lipstick, lime birthmark)


(Black with blonde braid and bangs, emerald green hairband)


(Black suit with pink spiderweb pattern, bronze accessories, and purple butterfly crest.)


Jolyne’s Outfits

Chapters: 1 — 2 (Flashback)
Episodes: 1 (Flashback)

A halter top that exposes her midriff, has a heart shaped hole below her neck, and is covered with several smaller decorative holes. Along with shin-high boots, she wears a long mesh skirt with her underwear visible through its holes.

Chapters: 1 — 2
Episodes: 1

A short skirt, shin-high boots, and a halter top that exposes her midriff. On her chest is a large heart-shaped piece with a butterfly emblem on top, in the same style as her tattoo. Her top has two lengths of cloth on each side attaching it to her skirt, like suspenders.

Chapters: 3 — 47
Episodes: 2 — 11

Similar to her previous outfit, except it has pants with boots attached and a prison jacket. The jacket is short, covering her lower back to the hip area. Worn during her first week in prison.

Her previous outfit but with a longer, slightly darker jacket (matching Jotaro’s coat’s length). There is a «JO» accessory on top of her pants.

Chapters: 75 (Flashback)
Episodes: 3 (Flashback)

A leotard with camouflage pants, a butterfly on her chest, and a bracelet on her right hand. She also has a star over her left eye and long, loose hair in the back. Her left arm is not tattooed yet.

A shredded muscle shirt with two mini-belts over the rib area (one belt by the end), a cloth armlet on her forearm, and her navel ring. Another belt is around her waist with a long cape attached to the back. The accessory on her belt has a different design, but it also says «JO» like the previous one.[11]

Jolyne, Fly High with GUCCI

In the one-shot, Jolyne makes an appearance in many different outfits. She mainly wears a white linen peacoat with an elaborate flower motif with a matching scarf. Underneath the jacket, Jolyne wears a dress that also changes for no reason, the first version being black with the same flower motif, the second being a white gown.

Jolyne also wears in order: a three-piece pink suit with spiked platform sandals and an elaborate necklace, a simple yellow dress with intricate flower and fruit decorations on the shoulder area, and a brown dress with a matching leather belt.

In the one-shot, Jolyne’s hair is consistently portrayed as green with blonde strands of hair.


SPOILER WARNING: Part 6 spoiler details may follow.

Two men look out through the same bars, one sees the wall and the other, stars… Which one I am? […] Of course I’ll see the stars… until I see my father, I want to keep on looking at the stars. (『ひとりの囚人は壁を見ていた』……『もうひとりの囚人は鉄格子からのぞく星を見ていた』あたしはどっちだ? […] もちろんあたしは星を見るわ…父に会うまで……星の光を見ていたいHitori no shūjin wa kabe o miteita, mō hitori no shūjin wa tetsugōshi kara nozoku hoshi o miteita, atashi wa dotchi da? […[ mochiron atashi wa hoshi o miru wa, chichi ni au made hoshi no hikari o miteitai)

—Jolyne’s strong resolve to save her father’s life

Despite their rocky relationship, Jotaro and Jolyne cherished each other

Flighty, abrupt, and snappy with her elders, Jolyne during her adolescence would undoubtedly be considered a delinquent and a lost cause. Bitter at Jotaro for being absent from her life, she tried multiple times to catch her father’s attention by committing various minor crimes and was arrested several times as a result. Because of her father’s absence, Jolyne was said to be dependent on the affection and approval of those around her,[12] and she was ready to cover Romeo’s accident, resulting in her being sentenced to 15 years in prison for it.[3]

After acquiring her Stand and being told by Jotaro of his love for her, Jolyne noticeably matures, becoming more courageous and confident. «Reviving» Jotaro, who fell into a coma due to Whitesnake stealing his Stand and memory, turns into her first priority.[13]

Jolyne retains her confrontational attitude throughout the story. A former delinquent living in a maximum-security prison, Jolyne had to toughen up and can be especially rude, frequently taunting her enemies. She also advocates aggressively asserting herself, especially in prison, and once told F.F. to violently confront an inmate who cut in the queue for buying their lunch.[14] Jolyne is particularly violent in her fights; she’s used the cutting ability of her string to gruesomely wound her opponents, severing ears and nails,[15] for instance. Jolyne usually doesn’t seek to kill and even said that she didn’t want Ermes to become a murderer.[16] However, she readily uses lethal force against her archenemy Enrico Pucci, as he was the one enemy she explicitly said she would kill.[17]

Jolyne also has a vindictive side and repays tenfold any wrong committed against her, notably indirectly cutting Romeo’s tongue for betraying her[18] and forcing her crooked attorney to crash his car.[8] Moreover, Jolyne still holds a slight grudge against Gwess, her first enemy, and wants nothing to do with her despite the latter’s effort to behave in front of Jolyne. More humorously, Jolyne kept a grudge against alligators in general after Limp Bizkit revived one that attacked her, and she had fun tossing something at another alligator’s head as a form of revenge.[19]

A bloodied Jolyne proudly declares her victory

Jolyne possesses a fierce determination, carrying her through several battles and inspiring her companions. After learning of DIO’s plan, Jolyne took pride in her lineage and opted to continue Jotaro’s effort to seal the menace that DIO had left behind. Jolyne stoically endures the hardships she faces and carries on her goal, disregarding the suffering and possible risks. For instance, when she was brought to the maximum-security ward, Jolyne was only momentarily disturbed by the horrible living conditions of the cell (the food tray was covered in insects) along with the harassment of the other inmates in the ward and quickly soldiered on through the ordeal.[20] Her determination is so great that she was willing to lose life or limb to defeat her enemy and save her comrades, an inclination so strong that it culminated in her sacrifice to keep Emporio away from Pucci.[9] One good example of the strength of her determination is when she set herself on fire to buy enough time to attack Rikiel, ignoring the risk taken to herself since her body was made of string.[21] Even still, Jolyne once expressed her doubts about her desire to stop Pucci after Weather Report’s death and the priest’s second escape.[19]

Common in her lineage, Jolyne has righteous morals and treasures her family and friends. She would selflessly do everything in her power to help her companions and random victimized people, once helping a mistreated prisoner to take back stolen money from her tormentors.[22] Jolyne is willing to believe in the good in people, which resulted in a share of betrayals, but also earned her F.F.’s friendship.[23] Jolyne is especially sweet to Emporio, her real first ally in Green Dolphin Street, and despite its status as an enemy, she didn’t want to kill the Green Baby. Jolyne’s primary motivation for investigating Whitesnake was her love for her father, though Pucci exploited this affection to escape her when he tossed Jotaro’s memory disc inside of a dying Anasui, putting her through a difficult choice and forcing her to try to save her father’s memory.[24]

Jolyne makes fun of F.F.’s weird toes

Outside of combat, Jolyne behaves like an average young woman, if not a teenage girl, hanging out with her friends and occupying herself the best she can in prison, as she is also fun-loving. Jolyne notably played ball with F.F. and Ermes,[25] additionally making herself a navel ring while in isolation.[26] Unlike her father, Jolyne is fairly extroverted and easily expresses her feelings to others. She is an inherently social woman and can converse with her fellow prisoners easily, asking for explanations about the ins and outs of Green Dolphin Street.

Jolyne is notable for being somewhat libertine, being the first and only JoJo to admit to masturbating[27] and offhandedly commenting that a snails’ ability to copulate with anything makes her slightly jealous.[28] Despite this, she is horribly embarrassed to talk about masturbation in public and having been caught in the act by a guard left her both flustered and deeply mortified.[27] She was also shown to be deeply embarrassed while mentioning to Weather Report that she needed to urinate in the middle of a fight.



Main article: Stone Free

Stone Free grants Jolyne the ability to unravel parts of her body into a string. This makes it a very versatile Stand, enabling her to listen in on communications as well as escape and hide by unraveling parts of herself into string.

When she assembles the string, Jolyne can properly materialize Stone Free, partially or entirely. Stone Free is a humanoid Stand which has comparable physical prowess to the strongest Stands, with rankings of A in Destructive Power, Stamina, and Developmental Potential.

Unlike the rest of her family, Jolyne has awakened her Stand from being cut by an amulet (later revealed to be a Stand-creating stone arrowhead in disguise) given to her by her father.



String Decomposition

Personal Skills

  • Intelligence: Jolyne’s greatest asset is her imagination. The versatile power of her Stand allows her a wide range of moves which she extensively uses. For example, when Pucci used C-MOON to invert Jolyne’s body, she used Stone Free to create a «Möbius Strip» rendering her effectively invulnerable to its power.[29]

True to any other Joestar, Jolyne is particularly adept at using whatever presents itself to her advantage, among others the environment and the enemy’s power. Jolyne’s quick thinking has allowed her to prevail against enemies.

Jolyne combines her tactics with a high level of recklessness, often endangering herself to surprise enemies with an unanticipated move. The particular nature of her power nonetheless assures that she can shrug off some of the damage ordinary Stand users cannot risk in a fight. 

Jolyne’s intelligence is intuitive to a degree, as she often shrugs off some of her moves as dumb luck,[30] although it is a valid interpretation of her actions.

  • Hand to Hand Combat: She has also shown to be capable of defending herself, seen in full detail against Officer Westwood. She has extensive knowledge of self-defense, which she demonstrates throughout the series, notably against Pucci.



Jolyne telling Jotaro off

  • Jotaro Kujo: Her distant and near-fatherless childhood bore a tinge of loneliness in her, at times resenting him but also wanting his affection. Her relationship with Jotaro is challenging at first, not really fitting the typical father-daughter mold. When Jolyne was fourteen, she was wrongfully accused of pickpocketing. Panicked, she stole a car, sloppily tried to make an escape from the authorities, and was arrested soon afterward. Jolyne anticipated that Jotaro would pay her bail, but was sorely disappointed when she overheard her mother’s frantic and unsuccessful pleas with him on the phone. Her father’s absence following this led to her teenage years of delinquency (she later reflects that these events were a desperate call for attention). During Jolyne’s imprisonment, Jotaro visited her in an effort to break her out. Angered that he would come out of the blue to see her after years of absence, Jolyne blew up at him, citing his inattentive behavior and his divorce. However, after risking life and limb to get Jolyne out as well as losing his Stand in the process, Jolyne broke down and got Jotaro to safety, sacrificing her own freedom and vowing to get his Stand back. As time passed, Jolyne came to respect her father more and idolized him somewhat, adapting his trademark «Yare yare daze» into a more feminine «Yare yare dawa«. When Jotaro returns later, both father and daughter show considerable care to one another, each in their own way.
  • Mother: Jolyne’s mother rarely appears and is hardly talked about. It’s assumed that she loves Jolyne very much and dotes on her in Jotaro’s absence, as she was the only known person to be allowed to call Jolyne «JoJo».


  • Ermes Costello: Ermes is possibly the first true friend that Jolyne encounters in her life when they meet and bond in jail. Her relationship with Ermes resembles that of Jotaro’s relationship with Jean Pierre Polnareff. Jolyne and Ermes see each other as worthy allies and friends, and because of their similar temper, get along well and kill time together. She has fought alongside Jolyne against many powerful enemies like Sports Maxx, Rikiel, & Donatello Versus.
  • Emporio Alnino: Emporio’s relationship with Jolyne is somewhat similar to her ancestor Jonathan Joestar to Poco, as Jolyne treats Emporio like a little brother and trustworthy ally, while Emporio is inspired by her courage and determination. Jolyne saves him from many dangerous situations and eventually sacrifices herself so than he may live, trusting that Emporio will defeat Pucci. Emporio’s relationship with Jolyne extends to Irene as well.
  • Foo Fighters: Foo Fighters initially met Jolyne as enemies. However, Jolyne spares Foo Fighters; grateful to Jolyne, they become an ally. Jolyne treats Foo Fighters with respect and is very friendly with them, and noting their naïveté, is protective toward them. Foo Fighters, nicknamed F.F. by Jolyne, is inspired by her determination, and cherishes the memories they have of her. They are ultimately willing to put themself in danger and even sacrifice themself to save Jolyne’s life.
  • Romeo Jisso: Before Jolyne’s growth as a person, she and Romeo were in a relationship; with Jolyne being particularly affectionate and meek and Romeo trying to keep some distance, as he was suspicious of her past as a possible gang member. Their relationship ended when Romeo framed her for his manslaughter with aggravating circumstance, landing her in prison for a crime she didn’t commit. After she escapes from prison, Jolyne pays him a visit and he weeps for forgiveness. Romeo shows genuine repentance and actually helps her, but while Jolyne doesn’t show any lingering anger, she takes the occasion to damage his tongue to silence him.
  • Weather Report: When they first met, Jolyne was flabbergasted by Weather’s eccentric behavior. However, during the fight against Lang Rangler, both eventually see each other as allies, and trust each other. Anasui suspects Weather as a rival love interest to Jolyne and becomes jealous when Jolyne and Weather hug. Jolyne grows to care deeply about Weather to the point of being distraught at Weather’s death.
  • Narciso Anasui: Though Anasui fell in love with Jolyne at first sight, the feeling wasn’t mutual; Jolyne was not really sure what to think of him and isn’t really interested in him, either. Often times she would be oblivious to his advances. He would sometimes try to seduce her in underhanded ways, such as asking F.F. to trip her down the stairs so he could romantically catch her or prompting a French kiss from a temporary-mute Jolyne, resulting in him getting punched in the jaw. Even so, he’s truly devoted to her and will do everything in his power to keep her from being distressed. He has risked his life for her on more than one occasion and turns murderous when Jolyne is severely hurt. Eventually, during the final confrontation at Cape Canaveral, Jolyne motivates Anasui by telling him that he can ask for her hand in marriage after they survive. At the end of Stone Ocean, Jolyne and Anasui’s counterparts Irene and Anakiss want to marry each other.


  • Enrico Pucci: Pucci only saw Jolyne as bait at first in order to get to Jotaro, but as she proved to be a persistent threat to his scheme while finding her father’s Stand and memory disks, Pucci threaded carefully around her. Unaware of his involvement at first, Jolyne treated the priest with respect. They became enemies right away once she was informed that Whitesnake was Pucci’s Stand and was eager to take his life. Jolyne became more than determined in stopping him and putting an end to his plans but her efforts would soon be fatal while she almost fell to Pucci’s newly evolved C-MOON and would finally fall to his Made In Heaven while protecting Emporio, but has managed to cut the right side of his eye before dying.
  • Donatello Versus: Due to his alliance with Pucci, Donatello and Jolyne were enemies. An additional reason for their antagonism would be that Jolyne’s father destroyed Donatello’s father. Unbeknownst to either of them since Donatello was conceived when Dio possessed Jonathan’s body Donatello is actually Jolyne’s distant uncle.
  • Johngalli A.: As the man who got her framed for murder, Jolyne and Johngalli A. were enemies. Johngalli A. attempted to murder Jolyne and Jotaro to avenge DIO but failed. As payback, Jolyne pummeled Johngalli A. as the sniper realized that Jolyne was more resourceful than she looked and inherited Jotaro’s blood.
  • Gwess: Jolyne’s cellmate during her time at Green Dolphin. Jolyne tossing her pendant away inadvertently caused the chain of events that let Gwess gain her Stand power. Gwess originally used her powers to bully Jolyne by shrinking her, but after Jolyne beat her she acted like her subordinate, advising Jolyne during her early days in prison and being somewhat afraid of her. Jolyne still had an arm-length relationship with Gwess but nonetheless tolerated her afterward.
  • Miuccia Miuller: Miu is an assassin sent by Pucci to make sure Jolyne doesn’t interfere with his plans. Miu manipulated Jolyne into forgetting her goals and friends. After Jolyne remembered them, she beat up Miu and used her to escape the prison.

Chapters / Episodes

Book Icon.png Manga Appearances

Chapters in order of appearance

  • SO Chapter 1: Stone Ocean, Part 1
  • SO Chapter 2: Stone Ocean, Part 2
  • SO Chapter 3: Stone Ocean, Part 3
  • SO Chapter 4: Prisoner FE40536: Jolyne Cujoh, Part 1
  • SO Chapter 5: Prisoner FE40536: Jolyne Cujoh, Part 2
  • SO Chapter 6: Prisoner FE40536: Jolyne Cujoh, Part 3
  • SO Chapter 7: Goo Goo Dolls
  • SO Chapter 8: Stone Free, Part 1
  • SO Chapter 9: Stone Free, Part 2
  • SO Chapter 10: Green Dolphin Street Prison
  • SO Chapter 11: The Visitor, Part 1
  • SO Chapter 12: The Visitor, Part 2
  • SO Chapter 13: The Visitor, Part 3
  • SO Chapter 14: The Visitor, Part 4
  • SO Chapter 15: The Visitor, Part 5
  • SO Chapter 16: The Visitor, Part 6
  • SO Chapter 17: The Visitor, Part 7
  • SO Chapter 18: The Visitor, Part 8
  • SO Chapter 19: The Visitor, Part 9
  • SO Chapter 20: Prisoner of Love
  • SO Chapter 21: Ermes’s Sticker, Part 1 (Mentioned only)
  • SO Chapter 22: Ermes’s Sticker, Part 2 (Cover only)
  • SO Chapter 24: Ermes’s Sticker, Part 4 (Mentioned only)
  • SO Chapter 25: Ermes’s Sticker, Part 5 (Mentioned only)
  • SO Chapter 26: There’s Six of Us!, Part 1
  • SO Chapter 27: There’s Six of Us!, Part 2
  • SO Chapter 28: There’s Six of Us!, Part 3
  • SO Chapter 29: There’s Six of Us!, Part 4
  • SO Chapter 30: There’s Six of Us!, Part 5
  • SO Chapter 31: Foo Fighters, Part 1
  • SO Chapter 32: Foo Fighters, Part 2
  • SO Chapter 33: Foo Fighters, Part 3
  • SO Chapter 34: Marilyn Manson, the Debt Collector, Part 1
  • SO Chapter 35: Marilyn Manson, the Debt Collector, Part 2
  • SO Chapter 36: Marilyn Manson, the Debt Collector, Part 3
  • SO Chapter 37: Marilyn Manson, the Debt Collector, Part 4
  • SO Chapter 38: Marilyn Manson, the Debt Collector, Part 5
  • SO Chapter 39: Marilyn Manson, the Debt Collector, Part 6
  • SO Chapter 40: Operation Savage Garden (Head to the Courtyard!), Part 1
  • SO Chapter 41: Operation Savage Garden, Part 2
  • SO Chapter 42: Operation Savage Garden, Part 3
  • SO Chapter 43: Operation Savage Garden, Part 4
  • SO Chapter 44: Operation Savage Garden, Part 5
  • SO Chapter 45: Operation Savage Garden, Part 6
  • SO Chapter 46: Operation Savage Garden, Part 7
  • SO Chapter 47: Operation Savage Garden, Part 8
  • SO Chapter 48: Torrential Downpour Warning, Part 1
  • SO Chapter 49: Torrential Downpour Warning, Part 2
  • SO Chapter 50: Torrential Downpour Warning, Part 3
  • SO Chapter 51: Kiss of Love and Revenge, Part 1
  • SO Chapter 52: Kiss of Love and Revenge, Part 2
  • SO Chapter 53: Kiss of Love and Revenge, Part 3
  • SO Chapter 54: Kiss of Love and Revenge, Part 4
  • SO Chapter 55: Kiss of Love and Revenge, Part 5
  • SO Chapter 56: Kiss of Love and Revenge, Part 6
  • SO Chapter 57: Kiss of Love and Revenge, Part 7
  • SO Chapter 58: Ultra Security House Unit
  • SO Chapter 59: His Name Is Anasui
  • SO Chapter 60: The Secret of Guard Westwood, Part 1
  • SO Chapter 61: The Secret of Guard Westwood, Part 2
  • SO Chapter 62: The Secret of Guard Westwood, Part 3
  • SO Chapter 63: The Secret of Guard Westwood, Part 4
  • SO Chapter 64: The Secret of Guard Westwood, Part 5
  • SO Chapter 65: The Secret of Guard Westwood, Part 6
  • SO Chapter 66: The Secret of Guard Westwood, Part 7
  • SO Chapter 67: Enter the Dragon’s Dream, Part 1
  • SO Chapter 68: Enter the Dragon’s Dream, Part 2
  • SO Chapter 69: Enter the Dragon’s Dream, Part 3
  • SO Chapter 70: Enter the Dragon’s Dream, Part 4
  • SO Chapter 71: Enter the Dragon’s Dream, Part 5
  • SO Chapter 72: Enter the Foo Fighters
  • SO Chapter 73: Enter the Dragon’s Dream, Part 6
  • SO Chapter 74: Enter the Dragon’s Dream, Part 7
  • SO Chapter 75: Father: Jotaro Kujo, Daughter: Jolyne Cujoh
  • SO Chapter 76: Birth of the «Green», Part 1
  • SO Chapter 77: Birth of the «Green», Part 2
  • SO Chapter 78: Yo-Yo Ma Is Coming!, Part 1
  • SO Chapter 79: Yo-Yo Ma Is Coming!, Part 2
  • SO Chapter 80: Yo-Yo Ma Is Coming!, Part 3
  • SO Chapter 81: Yo-Yo Ma Is Coming!, Part 4
  • SO Chapter 82: Yo-Yo Ma Is Coming!, Part 5
  • SO Chapter 83: F.F. — The Witness, Part 1
  • SO Chapter 84: F.F. — The Witness, Part 2 (Mentioned only)
  • SO Chapter 85: AWAKEN, Part 1
  • SO Chapter 86: AWAKEN, Part 2
  • SO Chapter 87: AWAKEN, Part 3
  • SO Chapter 88: AWAKEN, Part 4
  • SO Chapter 89: Whitesnake — The Pursuer, Part 1
  • SO Chapter 90: Whitesnake — The Pursuer, Part 2 (Mentioned only)
  • SO Chapter 91: Whitesnake — The Pursuer, Part 3 (Mentioned only)
  • SO Chapter 92: Whitesnake — The Pursuer, Part 4
  • SO Chapter 93: Whitesnake — The Pursuer, Part 5
  • SO Chapter 94: Time for Heaven
  • SO Chapter 95: New Moon! New Priest
  • SO Chapter 96: Jail House Lock!, Part 1
  • SO Chapter 97: Jail House Lock!, Part 2
  • SO Chapter 98: Jail House Lock!, Part 3
  • SO Chapter 99: Jail House Lock!, Part 4
  • SO Chapter 100: Jail House Lock!, Part 5
  • SO Chapter 101: Jail House Lock!, Part 6
  • SO Chapter 102: Jailbreak…
  • SO Chapter 103: Three Men in the Hospital (Mentioned only)
  • SO Chapter 104: Bohemian Rhapsody, Part 1 (Mentioned only)
  • SO Chapter 105: Bohemian Rhapsody, Part 2 (Mentioned only)
  • SO Chapter 106: Bohemian Rhapsody, Part 3 (Mentioned only)
  • SO Chapter 108: Bohemian Rhapsody, Part 5 (Mentioned only)
  • SO Chapter 111: Long Time No See, Romeo (Flashback)
  • SO Chapter 112: Sky High, Part 1 (Flashback)
  • SO Chapter 113: Sky High, Part 2 (Flashback)
  • SO Chapter 114: Sky High, Part 3 (Flashback)
  • SO Chapter 115: Sky High, Part 4 (Flashback)
  • SO Chapter 116: Sky High, Part 5 (Flashback)
  • SO Chapter 117: Sky High, Part 6 (Flashback)
  • SO Chapter 118: Time for Heaven: Three Days Until the New Moon
  • SO Chapter 119: Under World, Part 1
  • SO Chapter 120: Under World, Part 2
  • SO Chapter 121: Under World, Part 3
  • SO Chapter 122: Under World, Part 4
  • SO Chapter 123: Under World, Part 5
  • SO Chapter 124: Under World, Part 6
  • SO Chapter 125: Heavy Weather, Part 1
  • SO Chapter 126: Heavy Weather, Part 2
  • SO Chapter 127: Heavy Weather, Part 3 (Cover only)
  • SO Chapter 130: Heavy Weather, Part 6
  • SO Chapter 131: Heavy Weather, Part 7
  • SO Chapter 132: Heavy Weather, Part 8
  • SO Chapter 134: Heavy Weather, Part 10
  • SO Chapter 136: Heavy Weather, Part 12
  • SO Chapter 137: Heavy Weather, Part 13
  • SO Chapter 138: At Cape Canaveral
  • SO Chapter 139: Gravity of the New Moon, Part 1
  • SO Chapter 140: Gravity of the New Moon, Part 2
  • SO Chapter 141: C-MOON, Part 1
  • SO Chapter 142: C-MOON, Part 2
  • SO Chapter 143: C-MOON, Part 3
  • SO Chapter 144: C-MOON, Part 4
  • SO Chapter 145: C-MOON, Part 5
  • SO Chapter 146: C-MOON, Part 6
  • SO Chapter 147: C-MOON, Part 7
  • SO Chapter 148: C-MOON, Part 8
  • SO Chapter 149: Made in Heaven, Part 1
  • SO Chapter 150: Made in Heaven, Part 2
  • SO Chapter 151: Made in Heaven, Part 3
  • SO Chapter 152: Made in Heaven, Part 4
  • SO Chapter 153: Made in Heaven, Part 5
  • SO Chapter 154: Made in Heaven, Part 6
  • SO Chapter 155: Made in Heaven, Part 7 (Death)
  • SO Chapter 157: Made in Heaven, Part 9 (Mentioned only)
  • SO Chapter 158: What a Wonderful World (Mentioned only)
  • SBR Extra Chapter 3: Untitled Stand Chapter (Mentioned only)
  • Jolyne, Fly High with GUCCI
  • Fujiko’s Bizarre Worldly Wisdom -Whitesnake’s Miscalculation-

TV Icon.png Anime Appearances

Episodes in order of appearance

  • SO Episode 1: Stone Ocean
  • SO Episode 2: Stone Free
  • SO Episode 3: The Visitor, Part 1
  • SO Episode 4: The Visitor, Part 2
  • SO Episode 5: Prisoner of Love
  • SO Episode 6: Ermes’s Sticker
  • SO Episode 7: There’s Six of Us!
  • SO Episode 8: Foo Fighters
  • SO Episode 9: Marilyn Manson, the Debt Collector
  • SO Episode 10: Operation Savage Garden (Head to the Courtyard!), Part 1
  • SO Episode 11: Operation Savage Garden (Head to the Courtyard!), Part 2
  • SO Episode 12: Torrential Downpour Warning
  • SO Episode 13: Kiss of Love and Revenge, Part 1
  • SO Episode 14: Kiss of Love and Revenge, Part 2
  • SO Episode 15: Ultra Security House Unit
  • SO Episode 16: The Secret of Guard Westwood
  • SO Episode 17: Enter the Dragon’s Dream
  • SO Episode 18: Enter the Foo Fighters
  • SO Episode 19: Birth of the «Green»
  • SO Episode 20: F.F. — The Witness
  • SO Episode 21: AWAKEN
  • SO Episode 22: Time for Heaven! New Moon! New Priest!
  • SO Episode 23: Jail House Lock!
  • SO Episode 24: Jailbreak…
  • SO Episode 25: Bohemian Rhapsody, Part 1
  • SO Episode 26: Bohemian Rhapsody, Part 2
  • SO Episode 27: Sky High
  • SO Episode 28: Time For Heaven: Three Days Until the New Moon
  • SO Episode 29: Under World
  • SO Episode 30: Heavy Weather, Part 1
  • SO Episode 31: Heavy Weather, Part 2
  • SO Episode 32: Heavy Weather, Part 3
  • SO Episode 33: Gravity of the New Moon
  • SO Episode 34: C-MOON, Part 1
  • SO Episode 35: C-MOON, Part 2
  • SO Episode 36: Made in Heaven, Part 1
  • SO Episode 37: Made in Heaven, Part 2 (Death)
  • SO Episode 38: What a Wonderful World (Mentioned only)


Quote.png Quotes

  • I’m innocent. What do you think about that? Do you believe me? (「無実」よ…って言ったらどうする?あんた信じる?`Mujitsu’ yo tte ittara dō suru? Anta shinjiru?)

  • Well… It’s, uh… um… It starts with an M… Mas… um… mastur… uh… bation… (つまり…だからその…マで始まる言葉で……マ…マス……そのマスタ~~つまり…………ベ~~~ション……………をよ……Tsumari… dakara sono… ma de hajimaru kotoba de…… ma… masu…… sono masuta tsumari………… be shon…………… o yo……)

  • Sometimes you can come to love things you used to hate. (最初ヤな事って後でケッコーくせになるのよSaisho ya na koto tte ato de kekkou kuse ni naru no yo)

  • Should I get down on all fours? Or should I lie on my back? How about a mix of both? (よつんばいでいいですか? 仰向けにありますか? それともブリッジするとか…Yo tsunbai de ii desu ka? Aomuke ni arimasu ka? Soretomo burijjisuru toka…)

  • I don’t yet have the range or nearly enough strength, but I can’t wait 15 whole years for our paths to cross again! (今は手の届く距離ではないし…力もぜんぜんないけれど…15年なんて待ってられない!必ず会いに行くIma wa te no todoku kyori de wa nai shi… chikara mo zenzen nai keredo… Jūgo nen nante matterarenai! Kanarazu ai ni iku)

  • Pass this to him, too. Feeling comfy? But you will keep sweating. Now… and forever. (彼にも伝えて。快適?でも汗はかき続ける。今も…これからもずっと。Kare ni mo tsutaete. Kaiteki? Demo ase wa kaki tsudzukeru. Ima mo… kore kara mo zutto.)

  • My energy’s clumped up! When lines gather and clump up, they become three-dimensional! (あたしのェネルきーの…『固まり』線か集まって固まれば『立体』になるッ!この概念!!Atashi no xeneru ki — no `katamarisen ka atsumatte katamareba rittai ni naru! Kono gainen!!’)

  • Gimme a break, Gwess. You said everything has a name, right? Then I’ll give my power a name too. Stone Free. I’m going to free myself from this stone ocean… Did you hear me? Stone Free… That’s its name! Ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora (やれやれだわ…グェスあんた何でも名前はあるって言ったわよねあたしも名前をつけるわ「ストーン・フリー」あたしは…この「石の海」から自由になる 聞こえた?「ストーン・フリー」よ…これが名前オラオラオラオラオラオラオラオラYareyare da wa… Gwesu anta nani demo namae wa aru tte itta wa yo ne atashi mo namae o tsukeru wa `Suto-n furi-‘ atashi wa kono `ishi no umi’ kara jiyū ni naru kikoeta? `Suto-n furi-‘ yo kore ga namae. Ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora)

  • If there’s a hierarchy in this prison, then I’ll obey it… but I’m the one who’ll give out the orders. (この刑務所で上下関係があるというならそれに従うわ……ただし命令するのはあたしKono keimusho de jōge kankei ga aru to iu nara soreni shitagau wa…… Tadashi meireisuru no wa atashi.)

  • You’ve got some nerve, coming in here and acting like my father! Get the hell ouuuut!! (のこのこ父親面して 来てんじゃあねェ─────ッ!!Nokonoko chichioya menshitekite n jā nexe!!)

  • I’m going back inside. I’m going to defeat Johngalli A. before he shoots that kid. (たし中に戻るわあの子をアツが撃つ前に あたしがジョンガリ・Aを倒すTashichū ni modoru wa ano ko o atsu ga utsu mae ni atashi ga Jon Gari A o taosu)

  • I was just looking to see what the best angle for pounding you would be… I think my favorite… was when your chin was aiming a little more to the right. Ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora!! (捨てろとは一言も言ってないわ……角度を見ていただけだもの一番たたき込みやすいあなたの体の角度を……気に入るのは……もう少しアゴが右向いてくれた時だけオラオラオラオラオラオラオラオラSutero to wa hitokoto mo ittenai wa…… kakudo o miteita dake da mono ichiban tatakikomi yasui anata no karada no kakudo o…… kiniiru no wa…… mōsukoshi ago ga migi muitekureta toki dake. Ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora)

  • The killer went back inside the jail on purpose! He won’t come out again… because he’s someone who belongs inside! That’s why I’m going back inside! (「犯人」は牢獄の方向にわぎわざ戻って「犯人」は外へは出ない………刑務所の中にずっといる誰かという事よッ!`Hannin’ wa rōgoku no hōkō ni wa giwaza modotte `hannin’ wa soto e wa denai……… keimusho no nakani zutto iru dare ka toiu koto yo!)

  • Are you saying that I’m cheating? But I don’t see the collector anywhere! It’s because I definitely just caught it with my hands. And, that rewinding time is 10 seconds… the clock is now reset! Just enough time for me to beat your ass… (イカサマだとでも?だがおまえの「取り立て人」は現れないようだな!あたしは今まぎれもなく「手」キャッチしたんだからな……そして時間は 残り10秒『リセット』された!!おまえをブちのあす時間がなIka sama da to demo? Da ga omae no `toritatejin’ wa arawarenai yō da na! Atashi wa ima magire mo naku `shu’ kyatchishita n da kara na soshite jikan wa nokori 10 byō `risetto’ sareta!! Omae o bu chino asu jikan ga na)

  • How many throws do you want to bet on, huh? 100 throws, was it? No, it was 1000 throws!!! Ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora!!!!

  • Using force… I guess I’ll have to get used to it.

  • I… I don’t know why this happened so suddenly. But, uh, you could know, it could happen to anyone! Even the pope probably doesn’t have control over this! You know, there’s that thing «number 1» and «number 2», has to do with bowel movements, the one that starts with a «p»!!! I might do it in my pants!

  • You should have just released [the zero-gravity zone] when I told you to… You could have gotten away before, using this burst of air when Stone Free and I were farther away from you… This rush of air is blowing you towards me!!!!! Ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora!!!!!

  • Just say «Don’t cut me, bitch!!!»

  • The one thing I can’t do here… is wear my mental strength away, build unnecessary stress! It’ll also wear me down physically… I, in this ultra security punishment ward! Have a mission that I have to fulfill! I have to see it through… to do that… I can’t wear myself down for stupid reasons!

  • Two men look out through the same bars, one sees the wall and the other, stars… Which one I am? […] Of course I’ll see the stars… until I see my father, I want to keep on looking at the stars.

  • I never thought that I would find you like this!… There are three things I need to take from you! My father’s memory! The disc that you just took from F.F., and your life!

  • Is this your first time being cuffed? I’ve been cuffed every day since I came here, just as you fucking planned…

  • I am Jolyne Cujoh! I have to seal whatever the priest just obtained!

  • If the world was coming to an end, I’ve already decided that chocolate would be the last thing I ever eat!

  • I’m already prepared for anything that could happen. Even more than when I was here…

  • Something like burning my own body…! Compared to everything else I’ve gone though…! If this is what I need to do to get to the priest, it’s absolutely nothing!!

  • Emporio! Right now, Ermes is in a plane that’s going to crash! The plane is in a big hole in the floor of the hospital! I’m flying a fighter jet or something! It’s gonna crash, too! Find a way to get us out!

  • An organism that can mate with anything it encounters… I’m kinda jealous. I mean… no, NO! It’s just gross!

  • Come on, Father Pucci… Stone Free!

  • … Is this a dream? Is it real? The unicorn was hiding in the pattern of mom’s scarf… Yes… This is a dream, but it’s an important dream. I’m sure my mother’s clothes made me see it. It’s planted new hope in me. This dream is a message. It’s also power.

Creation and Development

Stone Ocean announcement page

The idea of a female JoJo protagonist was something that Araki had wanted to do since Part 5, with the main protagonist Giorno Giovanna.[31] Araki had previously written a female protagonist for his older series, Gorgeous Irene, however, he decided against it doing it again as he felt that female leads never worked out well for him,[32] and that it was too hard to get away with depicting violence against women in a shonen manga at the time.[33] This was also the reason why not many female characters were featured until later in the series,[32] as he thought the idea of drawing a girl getting beat up was far too cruel.[33] During Part 5, Araki said that he still had plans for a female protagonist, but couldn’t promise that the protagonist of his next work would be a woman.[32]

For Part 6, Araki finally thought it was time that he could properly draw a tough female protagonist, and so decided to make the main character Jolyne Cujoh, the daughter of Jotaro Kujo.[33] According to Hideto Azuma, Araki’s editor at the time, he had requested that Jolyne’s character was to be a man as Weekly Shonen Jump was a magazine for young teen boys. However, Araki insisted on Jolyne’s gender, saying that the fact that readers wouldn’t accept a female lead was exactly the reason why Jolyne had to be a woman.[31] The role reversal between her and her father was devised for her character to go beyond the typical archetypes found in Japanese fiction.[34]

Since Jolyne was to be a JoJo protagonist, Araki wanted her to be tough enough to not get disheartened even if she got punched in the face.[35] A lot of scenarios that a JoJo protagonist would have to overcome, like crawling through a ditch or falling from the top of a building with their legs wide open, also proved quite challenging for a woman.[35] However, Araki thought that this difference would be interesting to depict.[35] Furthermore, he wanted Jolyne to be someone with great humanity, like the Virgin Mary. For this reason, he felt that he had to make the protagonist a woman.[35]


  • In a 2020 Valentine’s Day poll in the official app, Jolyne Cujoh won first place for «characters I’d like to give me chocolate», having 4,489 votes.


  1. SO Chapter 6: Prisoner FE40536: Jolyne Cujoh, Part 3 / SO Episode 2: Stone Free — Gwess sings Jolyne’s name similarly to the song’s lyrics
  2. SO Chapter 51: Kiss of Love and Revenge, Part 1
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 SO Chapter 2: Stone Ocean, Part 2
  4. SO Chapter 4: Prisoner FE40536: Jolyne Cujoh, Part 1
  5. SO Chapter 21: Ermes’s Sticker, Part 1 (15 years plus an additional 5 years for prison break)
  6. 6.0 6.1 SO Chapter 10: Green Dolphin Street Prison (Originally 174 cm (5 ft 9 in))
  7. SO Chapter 63: The Secret of Guard Westwood, Part 4
  8. 8.0 8.1 SO Chapter 3: Stone Ocean, Part 3
  9. 9.0 9.1 SO Chapter 155: Made in Heaven, Part 7, p.16-17
  10. SO Chapter 6: Prisoner FE40536: Jolyne Cujoh, Part 3
  11. SO Chapter 118 Tailpiece
  12. SO Chapter 75: Father: Jotaro Kujo, Daughter: Jolyne Cujoh, p.16
  13. SO Chapter 20: Prisoner of Love, p.17
  14. SO Chapter 51: Kiss of Love and Revenge, Part 1, p,2
  15. SO Chapter 64: The Secret of Guard Westwood, Part 5, p2,1
  16. SO Chapter 52: Kiss of Love and Revenge, Part 2, p.6
  17. SO Chapter 93: Whitesnake — The Pursuer, Part 5, p.9
  18. SO Chapter 111: Long Time No See, Romeo, p.15
  19. 19.0 19.1 SO Chapter 138: At Cape Canaveral
  20. SO Chapter 58: Ultra Security House Unit, p.8-9
  21. SO Chapter 116: Sky High, Part 5
  22. SO Chapter 10: Green Dolphin Street Prison
  23. SO Chapter 33: Foo Fighters, Part 3, p.8
  24. SO Chapter 95: New Moon! New Priest
  25. SO Chapter 34: Marilyn Manson, the Debt Collector, Part 1, p.9
  26. SO Chapter 96: Jail House Lock!, Part 1, p.12
  27. 27.0 27.1 SO Chapter 1: Stone Ocean, Part 1, p.6
  28. SO Chapter 130: Heavy Weather, Part 6, p.15
  29. SO Chapter 146: C-MOON, Part 6, p.17
  30. SO Chapter 117: Sky High, Part 6, p.13
  31. 31.0 31.1 JOJOVELLER History book
  32. 32.0 32.1 32.2 Kappa Magazine (December 1996)
  33. 33.0 33.1 33.2 SPUR Magazine (August 2018)
  34. Eureka (November 2007)
  35. 35.0 35.1 35.2 35.3 SO Volume 1 Author’s Note

Site Navigation

For a similar character, see Part 6 SpoilersIrene

Gimme a break… (やれやれだわYare Yare Dawa)

Jolyne Cujoh (空条 徐倫 Kūjō Jorīn) is the main protagonist of the sixth part of the JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure series, Stone Ocean, and the sixth JoJo of the series. She is the daughter of Jotaro Kujo, the protagonist of Stardust Crusaders, and an American woman.

Framed for a DUI murder, Jolyne is sent to Green Dolphin Street Prison, where she investigates and battles DIO’s most trusted disciple, Father Enrico Pucci. Initially an ordinary girl, Jolyne quickly awakens her string-based Stand, Stone Free, during her time in jail.


Jolyne is a young woman of above-average height and a slim to athletic build.

Bold-eyed, she wears her hair in two «layers»: A dark base including two large buns atop her head and a short length going down her neck; above which, lightly dyed or bleached, she keeps a plait or braid that winds around both buns, joining in a short length at back, and bangs that frame her face.

Like all other members of the Joestar family, Jolyne has a small, star-shaped birthmark on the rear of her left shoulder, close to her neck. She also has an image of butterfly wings tattooed on the top of her left forearm, superimposed with a downward-pointing dagger, which also appears on the chest of her outfits.

Jolyne’s depiction in Part 6 transitions from a slim and smooth build to a somewhat more dynamic and athletic one. Simultaneously, she works through several primarily dark outfits, characterized by a spiderweb-like print.

Color Schemes

The series is known for alternating colors between media, the information presented below may or may not be canon.


(Fair, chartreuse lipstick and nails, maroon birthmark)


(Black with blue highlights and chartreuse braid and bangs)


(Blue suit with white spiderweb pattern, chartreuse accessories, and pink butterfly crest.)

First Coat

(Turquoise with white lettering, light gold button)

Second Coat

(Gray with white lettering and underside, silver button)

Final Outfit’s Accessories

(Chartreuse belts with a blue buckle, blue armlet with with gold studs and gray cape with white underside.)


(Fair, olive lipstick and eyeshadow, light green nails and pink birthmark.)


(Green with blonde braid and bangs, light green hairband)


(Dark aquamarine suit with beige spiderweb pattern, orange accessories.)

Butterfly Symbol

(Blue and teal butterfly with bright orange details, pink and indigo outlines)

First Coat

(Turquoise with white lettering, silver button)

Second Coat

(Dark gray with white lettering and underside, silver button)

Final Outfit’s Accessories

(Orange belts with a gold buckle, dark aquamarine armlet with with gold studs and dark gray cape with white underside.)

Skin(Fair, lime lipstick and birthmark)


(Black with sky blue highlights and lime braid and bangs)


(Sky Blue suit with white spiderweb pattern, lime and gold accessories, and magenta butterfly crest.)

Skin(Fair, bronze lipstick, lime birthmark)


(Black with blonde braid and bangs, emerald green hairband)


(Black suit with pink spiderweb pattern, bronze accessories, and purple butterfly crest.)


Jolyne’s Outfits

Chapters: 1 — 2 (Flashback)
Episodes: 1 (Flashback)

A halter top that exposes her midriff, has a heart shaped hole below her neck, and is covered with several smaller decorative holes. Along with shin-high boots, she wears a long mesh skirt with her underwear visible through its holes.

Chapters: 1 — 2
Episodes: 1

A short skirt, shin-high boots, and a halter top that exposes her midriff. On her chest is a large heart-shaped piece with a butterfly emblem on top, in the same style as her tattoo. Her top has two lengths of cloth on each side attaching it to her skirt, like suspenders.

Chapters: 3 — 47
Episodes: 2 — 11

Similar to her previous outfit, except it has pants with boots attached and a prison jacket. The jacket is short, covering her lower back to the hip area. Worn during her first week in prison.

Her previous outfit but with a longer, slightly darker jacket (matching Jotaro’s coat’s length). There is a «JO» accessory on top of her pants.

Chapters: 75 (Flashback)
Episodes: 3 (Flashback)

A leotard with camouflage pants, a butterfly on her chest, and a bracelet on her right hand. She also has a star over her left eye and long, loose hair in the back. Her left arm is not tattooed yet.

A shredded muscle shirt with two mini-belts over the rib area (one belt by the end), a cloth armlet on her forearm, and her navel ring. Another belt is around her waist with a long cape attached to the back. The accessory on her belt has a different design, but it also says «JO» like the previous one.[11]

Jolyne, Fly High with GUCCI

In the one-shot, Jolyne makes an appearance in many different outfits. She mainly wears a white linen peacoat with an elaborate flower motif with a matching scarf. Underneath the jacket, Jolyne wears a dress that also changes for no reason, the first version being black with the same flower motif, the second being a white gown.

Jolyne also wears in order: a three-piece pink suit with spiked platform sandals and an elaborate necklace, a simple yellow dress with intricate flower and fruit decorations on the shoulder area, and a brown dress with a matching leather belt.

In the one-shot, Jolyne’s hair is consistently portrayed as green with blonde strands of hair.


SPOILER WARNING: Part 6 spoiler details may follow.

Two men look out through the same bars, one sees the wall and the other, stars… Which one I am? […] Of course I’ll see the stars… until I see my father, I want to keep on looking at the stars. (『ひとりの囚人は壁を見ていた』……『もうひとりの囚人は鉄格子からのぞく星を見ていた』あたしはどっちだ? […] もちろんあたしは星を見るわ…父に会うまで……星の光を見ていたいHitori no shūjin wa kabe o miteita, mō hitori no shūjin wa tetsugōshi kara nozoku hoshi o miteita, atashi wa dotchi da? […[ mochiron atashi wa hoshi o miru wa, chichi ni au made hoshi no hikari o miteitai)

—Jolyne’s strong resolve to save her father’s life

Despite their rocky relationship, Jotaro and Jolyne cherished each other

Flighty, abrupt, and snappy with her elders, Jolyne during her adolescence would undoubtedly be considered a delinquent and a lost cause. Bitter at Jotaro for being absent from her life, she tried multiple times to catch her father’s attention by committing various minor crimes and was arrested several times as a result. Because of her father’s absence, Jolyne was said to be dependent on the affection and approval of those around her,[12] and she was ready to cover Romeo’s accident, resulting in her being sentenced to 15 years in prison for it.[3]

After acquiring her Stand and being told by Jotaro of his love for her, Jolyne noticeably matures, becoming more courageous and confident. «Reviving» Jotaro, who fell into a coma due to Whitesnake stealing his Stand and memory, turns into her first priority.[13]

Jolyne retains her confrontational attitude throughout the story. A former delinquent living in a maximum-security prison, Jolyne had to toughen up and can be especially rude, frequently taunting her enemies. She also advocates aggressively asserting herself, especially in prison, and once told F.F. to violently confront an inmate who cut in the queue for buying their lunch.[14] Jolyne is particularly violent in her fights; she’s used the cutting ability of her string to gruesomely wound her opponents, severing ears and nails,[15] for instance. Jolyne usually doesn’t seek to kill and even said that she didn’t want Ermes to become a murderer.[16] However, she readily uses lethal force against her archenemy Enrico Pucci, as he was the one enemy she explicitly said she would kill.[17]

Jolyne also has a vindictive side and repays tenfold any wrong committed against her, notably indirectly cutting Romeo’s tongue for betraying her[18] and forcing her crooked attorney to crash his car.[8] Moreover, Jolyne still holds a slight grudge against Gwess, her first enemy, and wants nothing to do with her despite the latter’s effort to behave in front of Jolyne. More humorously, Jolyne kept a grudge against alligators in general after Limp Bizkit revived one that attacked her, and she had fun tossing something at another alligator’s head as a form of revenge.[19]

A bloodied Jolyne proudly declares her victory

Jolyne possesses a fierce determination, carrying her through several battles and inspiring her companions. After learning of DIO’s plan, Jolyne took pride in her lineage and opted to continue Jotaro’s effort to seal the menace that DIO had left behind. Jolyne stoically endures the hardships she faces and carries on her goal, disregarding the suffering and possible risks. For instance, when she was brought to the maximum-security ward, Jolyne was only momentarily disturbed by the horrible living conditions of the cell (the food tray was covered in insects) along with the harassment of the other inmates in the ward and quickly soldiered on through the ordeal.[20] Her determination is so great that she was willing to lose life or limb to defeat her enemy and save her comrades, an inclination so strong that it culminated in her sacrifice to keep Emporio away from Pucci.[9] One good example of the strength of her determination is when she set herself on fire to buy enough time to attack Rikiel, ignoring the risk taken to herself since her body was made of string.[21] Even still, Jolyne once expressed her doubts about her desire to stop Pucci after Weather Report’s death and the priest’s second escape.[19]

Common in her lineage, Jolyne has righteous morals and treasures her family and friends. She would selflessly do everything in her power to help her companions and random victimized people, once helping a mistreated prisoner to take back stolen money from her tormentors.[22] Jolyne is willing to believe in the good in people, which resulted in a share of betrayals, but also earned her F.F.’s friendship.[23] Jolyne is especially sweet to Emporio, her real first ally in Green Dolphin Street, and despite its status as an enemy, she didn’t want to kill the Green Baby. Jolyne’s primary motivation for investigating Whitesnake was her love for her father, though Pucci exploited this affection to escape her when he tossed Jotaro’s memory disc inside of a dying Anasui, putting her through a difficult choice and forcing her to try to save her father’s memory.[24]

Jolyne makes fun of F.F.’s weird toes

Outside of combat, Jolyne behaves like an average young woman, if not a teenage girl, hanging out with her friends and occupying herself the best she can in prison, as she is also fun-loving. Jolyne notably played ball with F.F. and Ermes,[25] additionally making herself a navel ring while in isolation.[26] Unlike her father, Jolyne is fairly extroverted and easily expresses her feelings to others. She is an inherently social woman and can converse with her fellow prisoners easily, asking for explanations about the ins and outs of Green Dolphin Street.

Jolyne is notable for being somewhat libertine, being the first and only JoJo to admit to masturbating[27] and offhandedly commenting that a snails’ ability to copulate with anything makes her slightly jealous.[28] Despite this, she is horribly embarrassed to talk about masturbation in public and having been caught in the act by a guard left her both flustered and deeply mortified.[27] She was also shown to be deeply embarrassed while mentioning to Weather Report that she needed to urinate in the middle of a fight.



Main article: Stone Free

Stone Free grants Jolyne the ability to unravel parts of her body into a string. This makes it a very versatile Stand, enabling her to listen in on communications as well as escape and hide by unraveling parts of herself into string.

When she assembles the string, Jolyne can properly materialize Stone Free, partially or entirely. Stone Free is a humanoid Stand which has comparable physical prowess to the strongest Stands, with rankings of A in Destructive Power, Stamina, and Developmental Potential.

Unlike the rest of her family, Jolyne has awakened her Stand from being cut by an amulet (later revealed to be a Stand-creating stone arrowhead in disguise) given to her by her father.



String Decomposition

Personal Skills

  • Intelligence: Jolyne’s greatest asset is her imagination. The versatile power of her Stand allows her a wide range of moves which she extensively uses. For example, when Pucci used C-MOON to invert Jolyne’s body, she used Stone Free to create a «Möbius Strip» rendering her effectively invulnerable to its power.[29]

True to any other Joestar, Jolyne is particularly adept at using whatever presents itself to her advantage, among others the environment and the enemy’s power. Jolyne’s quick thinking has allowed her to prevail against enemies.

Jolyne combines her tactics with a high level of recklessness, often endangering herself to surprise enemies with an unanticipated move. The particular nature of her power nonetheless assures that she can shrug off some of the damage ordinary Stand users cannot risk in a fight. 

Jolyne’s intelligence is intuitive to a degree, as she often shrugs off some of her moves as dumb luck,[30] although it is a valid interpretation of her actions.

  • Hand to Hand Combat: She has also shown to be capable of defending herself, seen in full detail against Officer Westwood. She has extensive knowledge of self-defense, which she demonstrates throughout the series, notably against Pucci.



Jolyne telling Jotaro off

  • Jotaro Kujo: Her distant and near-fatherless childhood bore a tinge of loneliness in her, at times resenting him but also wanting his affection. Her relationship with Jotaro is challenging at first, not really fitting the typical father-daughter mold. When Jolyne was fourteen, she was wrongfully accused of pickpocketing. Panicked, she stole a car, sloppily tried to make an escape from the authorities, and was arrested soon afterward. Jolyne anticipated that Jotaro would pay her bail, but was sorely disappointed when she overheard her mother’s frantic and unsuccessful pleas with him on the phone. Her father’s absence following this led to her teenage years of delinquency (she later reflects that these events were a desperate call for attention). During Jolyne’s imprisonment, Jotaro visited her in an effort to break her out. Angered that he would come out of the blue to see her after years of absence, Jolyne blew up at him, citing his inattentive behavior and his divorce. However, after risking life and limb to get Jolyne out as well as losing his Stand in the process, Jolyne broke down and got Jotaro to safety, sacrificing her own freedom and vowing to get his Stand back. As time passed, Jolyne came to respect her father more and idolized him somewhat, adapting his trademark «Yare yare daze» into a more feminine «Yare yare dawa«. When Jotaro returns later, both father and daughter show considerable care to one another, each in their own way.
  • Mother: Jolyne’s mother rarely appears and is hardly talked about. It’s assumed that she loves Jolyne very much and dotes on her in Jotaro’s absence, as she was the only known person to be allowed to call Jolyne «JoJo».


  • Ermes Costello: Ermes is possibly the first true friend that Jolyne encounters in her life when they meet and bond in jail. Her relationship with Ermes resembles that of Jotaro’s relationship with Jean Pierre Polnareff. Jolyne and Ermes see each other as worthy allies and friends, and because of their similar temper, get along well and kill time together. She has fought alongside Jolyne against many powerful enemies like Sports Maxx, Rikiel, & Donatello Versus.
  • Emporio Alnino: Emporio’s relationship with Jolyne is somewhat similar to her ancestor Jonathan Joestar to Poco, as Jolyne treats Emporio like a little brother and trustworthy ally, while Emporio is inspired by her courage and determination. Jolyne saves him from many dangerous situations and eventually sacrifices herself so than he may live, trusting that Emporio will defeat Pucci. Emporio’s relationship with Jolyne extends to Irene as well.
  • Foo Fighters: Foo Fighters initially met Jolyne as enemies. However, Jolyne spares Foo Fighters; grateful to Jolyne, they become an ally. Jolyne treats Foo Fighters with respect and is very friendly with them, and noting their naïveté, is protective toward them. Foo Fighters, nicknamed F.F. by Jolyne, is inspired by her determination, and cherishes the memories they have of her. They are ultimately willing to put themself in danger and even sacrifice themself to save Jolyne’s life.
  • Romeo Jisso: Before Jolyne’s growth as a person, she and Romeo were in a relationship; with Jolyne being particularly affectionate and meek and Romeo trying to keep some distance, as he was suspicious of her past as a possible gang member. Their relationship ended when Romeo framed her for his manslaughter with aggravating circumstance, landing her in prison for a crime she didn’t commit. After she escapes from prison, Jolyne pays him a visit and he weeps for forgiveness. Romeo shows genuine repentance and actually helps her, but while Jolyne doesn’t show any lingering anger, she takes the occasion to damage his tongue to silence him.
  • Weather Report: When they first met, Jolyne was flabbergasted by Weather’s eccentric behavior. However, during the fight against Lang Rangler, both eventually see each other as allies, and trust each other. Anasui suspects Weather as a rival love interest to Jolyne and becomes jealous when Jolyne and Weather hug. Jolyne grows to care deeply about Weather to the point of being distraught at Weather’s death.
  • Narciso Anasui: Though Anasui fell in love with Jolyne at first sight, the feeling wasn’t mutual; Jolyne was not really sure what to think of him and isn’t really interested in him, either. Often times she would be oblivious to his advances. He would sometimes try to seduce her in underhanded ways, such as asking F.F. to trip her down the stairs so he could romantically catch her or prompting a French kiss from a temporary-mute Jolyne, resulting in him getting punched in the jaw. Even so, he’s truly devoted to her and will do everything in his power to keep her from being distressed. He has risked his life for her on more than one occasion and turns murderous when Jolyne is severely hurt. Eventually, during the final confrontation at Cape Canaveral, Jolyne motivates Anasui by telling him that he can ask for her hand in marriage after they survive. At the end of Stone Ocean, Jolyne and Anasui’s counterparts Irene and Anakiss want to marry each other.


  • Enrico Pucci: Pucci only saw Jolyne as bait at first in order to get to Jotaro, but as she proved to be a persistent threat to his scheme while finding her father’s Stand and memory disks, Pucci threaded carefully around her. Unaware of his involvement at first, Jolyne treated the priest with respect. They became enemies right away once she was informed that Whitesnake was Pucci’s Stand and was eager to take his life. Jolyne became more than determined in stopping him and putting an end to his plans but her efforts would soon be fatal while she almost fell to Pucci’s newly evolved C-MOON and would finally fall to his Made In Heaven while protecting Emporio, but has managed to cut the right side of his eye before dying.
  • Donatello Versus: Due to his alliance with Pucci, Donatello and Jolyne were enemies. An additional reason for their antagonism would be that Jolyne’s father destroyed Donatello’s father. Unbeknownst to either of them since Donatello was conceived when Dio possessed Jonathan’s body Donatello is actually Jolyne’s distant uncle.
  • Johngalli A.: As the man who got her framed for murder, Jolyne and Johngalli A. were enemies. Johngalli A. attempted to murder Jolyne and Jotaro to avenge DIO but failed. As payback, Jolyne pummeled Johngalli A. as the sniper realized that Jolyne was more resourceful than she looked and inherited Jotaro’s blood.
  • Gwess: Jolyne’s cellmate during her time at Green Dolphin. Jolyne tossing her pendant away inadvertently caused the chain of events that let Gwess gain her Stand power. Gwess originally used her powers to bully Jolyne by shrinking her, but after Jolyne beat her she acted like her subordinate, advising Jolyne during her early days in prison and being somewhat afraid of her. Jolyne still had an arm-length relationship with Gwess but nonetheless tolerated her afterward.
  • Miuccia Miuller: Miu is an assassin sent by Pucci to make sure Jolyne doesn’t interfere with his plans. Miu manipulated Jolyne into forgetting her goals and friends. After Jolyne remembered them, she beat up Miu and used her to escape the prison.

Chapters / Episodes

Book Icon.png Manga Appearances

Chapters in order of appearance

  • SO Chapter 1: Stone Ocean, Part 1
  • SO Chapter 2: Stone Ocean, Part 2
  • SO Chapter 3: Stone Ocean, Part 3
  • SO Chapter 4: Prisoner FE40536: Jolyne Cujoh, Part 1
  • SO Chapter 5: Prisoner FE40536: Jolyne Cujoh, Part 2
  • SO Chapter 6: Prisoner FE40536: Jolyne Cujoh, Part 3
  • SO Chapter 7: Goo Goo Dolls
  • SO Chapter 8: Stone Free, Part 1
  • SO Chapter 9: Stone Free, Part 2
  • SO Chapter 10: Green Dolphin Street Prison
  • SO Chapter 11: The Visitor, Part 1
  • SO Chapter 12: The Visitor, Part 2
  • SO Chapter 13: The Visitor, Part 3
  • SO Chapter 14: The Visitor, Part 4
  • SO Chapter 15: The Visitor, Part 5
  • SO Chapter 16: The Visitor, Part 6
  • SO Chapter 17: The Visitor, Part 7
  • SO Chapter 18: The Visitor, Part 8
  • SO Chapter 19: The Visitor, Part 9
  • SO Chapter 20: Prisoner of Love
  • SO Chapter 21: Ermes’s Sticker, Part 1 (Mentioned only)
  • SO Chapter 22: Ermes’s Sticker, Part 2 (Cover only)
  • SO Chapter 24: Ermes’s Sticker, Part 4 (Mentioned only)
  • SO Chapter 25: Ermes’s Sticker, Part 5 (Mentioned only)
  • SO Chapter 26: There’s Six of Us!, Part 1
  • SO Chapter 27: There’s Six of Us!, Part 2
  • SO Chapter 28: There’s Six of Us!, Part 3
  • SO Chapter 29: There’s Six of Us!, Part 4
  • SO Chapter 30: There’s Six of Us!, Part 5
  • SO Chapter 31: Foo Fighters, Part 1
  • SO Chapter 32: Foo Fighters, Part 2
  • SO Chapter 33: Foo Fighters, Part 3
  • SO Chapter 34: Marilyn Manson, the Debt Collector, Part 1
  • SO Chapter 35: Marilyn Manson, the Debt Collector, Part 2
  • SO Chapter 36: Marilyn Manson, the Debt Collector, Part 3
  • SO Chapter 37: Marilyn Manson, the Debt Collector, Part 4
  • SO Chapter 38: Marilyn Manson, the Debt Collector, Part 5
  • SO Chapter 39: Marilyn Manson, the Debt Collector, Part 6
  • SO Chapter 40: Operation Savage Garden (Head to the Courtyard!), Part 1
  • SO Chapter 41: Operation Savage Garden, Part 2
  • SO Chapter 42: Operation Savage Garden, Part 3
  • SO Chapter 43: Operation Savage Garden, Part 4
  • SO Chapter 44: Operation Savage Garden, Part 5
  • SO Chapter 45: Operation Savage Garden, Part 6
  • SO Chapter 46: Operation Savage Garden, Part 7
  • SO Chapter 47: Operation Savage Garden, Part 8
  • SO Chapter 48: Torrential Downpour Warning, Part 1
  • SO Chapter 49: Torrential Downpour Warning, Part 2
  • SO Chapter 50: Torrential Downpour Warning, Part 3
  • SO Chapter 51: Kiss of Love and Revenge, Part 1
  • SO Chapter 52: Kiss of Love and Revenge, Part 2
  • SO Chapter 53: Kiss of Love and Revenge, Part 3
  • SO Chapter 54: Kiss of Love and Revenge, Part 4
  • SO Chapter 55: Kiss of Love and Revenge, Part 5
  • SO Chapter 56: Kiss of Love and Revenge, Part 6
  • SO Chapter 57: Kiss of Love and Revenge, Part 7
  • SO Chapter 58: Ultra Security House Unit
  • SO Chapter 59: His Name Is Anasui
  • SO Chapter 60: The Secret of Guard Westwood, Part 1
  • SO Chapter 61: The Secret of Guard Westwood, Part 2
  • SO Chapter 62: The Secret of Guard Westwood, Part 3
  • SO Chapter 63: The Secret of Guard Westwood, Part 4
  • SO Chapter 64: The Secret of Guard Westwood, Part 5
  • SO Chapter 65: The Secret of Guard Westwood, Part 6
  • SO Chapter 66: The Secret of Guard Westwood, Part 7
  • SO Chapter 67: Enter the Dragon’s Dream, Part 1
  • SO Chapter 68: Enter the Dragon’s Dream, Part 2
  • SO Chapter 69: Enter the Dragon’s Dream, Part 3
  • SO Chapter 70: Enter the Dragon’s Dream, Part 4
  • SO Chapter 71: Enter the Dragon’s Dream, Part 5
  • SO Chapter 72: Enter the Foo Fighters
  • SO Chapter 73: Enter the Dragon’s Dream, Part 6
  • SO Chapter 74: Enter the Dragon’s Dream, Part 7
  • SO Chapter 75: Father: Jotaro Kujo, Daughter: Jolyne Cujoh
  • SO Chapter 76: Birth of the «Green», Part 1
  • SO Chapter 77: Birth of the «Green», Part 2
  • SO Chapter 78: Yo-Yo Ma Is Coming!, Part 1
  • SO Chapter 79: Yo-Yo Ma Is Coming!, Part 2
  • SO Chapter 80: Yo-Yo Ma Is Coming!, Part 3
  • SO Chapter 81: Yo-Yo Ma Is Coming!, Part 4
  • SO Chapter 82: Yo-Yo Ma Is Coming!, Part 5
  • SO Chapter 83: F.F. — The Witness, Part 1
  • SO Chapter 84: F.F. — The Witness, Part 2 (Mentioned only)
  • SO Chapter 85: AWAKEN, Part 1
  • SO Chapter 86: AWAKEN, Part 2
  • SO Chapter 87: AWAKEN, Part 3
  • SO Chapter 88: AWAKEN, Part 4
  • SO Chapter 89: Whitesnake — The Pursuer, Part 1
  • SO Chapter 90: Whitesnake — The Pursuer, Part 2 (Mentioned only)
  • SO Chapter 91: Whitesnake — The Pursuer, Part 3 (Mentioned only)
  • SO Chapter 92: Whitesnake — The Pursuer, Part 4
  • SO Chapter 93: Whitesnake — The Pursuer, Part 5
  • SO Chapter 94: Time for Heaven
  • SO Chapter 95: New Moon! New Priest
  • SO Chapter 96: Jail House Lock!, Part 1
  • SO Chapter 97: Jail House Lock!, Part 2
  • SO Chapter 98: Jail House Lock!, Part 3
  • SO Chapter 99: Jail House Lock!, Part 4
  • SO Chapter 100: Jail House Lock!, Part 5
  • SO Chapter 101: Jail House Lock!, Part 6
  • SO Chapter 102: Jailbreak…
  • SO Chapter 103: Three Men in the Hospital (Mentioned only)
  • SO Chapter 104: Bohemian Rhapsody, Part 1 (Mentioned only)
  • SO Chapter 105: Bohemian Rhapsody, Part 2 (Mentioned only)
  • SO Chapter 106: Bohemian Rhapsody, Part 3 (Mentioned only)
  • SO Chapter 108: Bohemian Rhapsody, Part 5 (Mentioned only)
  • SO Chapter 111: Long Time No See, Romeo (Flashback)
  • SO Chapter 112: Sky High, Part 1 (Flashback)
  • SO Chapter 113: Sky High, Part 2 (Flashback)
  • SO Chapter 114: Sky High, Part 3 (Flashback)
  • SO Chapter 115: Sky High, Part 4 (Flashback)
  • SO Chapter 116: Sky High, Part 5 (Flashback)
  • SO Chapter 117: Sky High, Part 6 (Flashback)
  • SO Chapter 118: Time for Heaven: Three Days Until the New Moon
  • SO Chapter 119: Under World, Part 1
  • SO Chapter 120: Under World, Part 2
  • SO Chapter 121: Under World, Part 3
  • SO Chapter 122: Under World, Part 4
  • SO Chapter 123: Under World, Part 5
  • SO Chapter 124: Under World, Part 6
  • SO Chapter 125: Heavy Weather, Part 1
  • SO Chapter 126: Heavy Weather, Part 2
  • SO Chapter 127: Heavy Weather, Part 3 (Cover only)
  • SO Chapter 130: Heavy Weather, Part 6
  • SO Chapter 131: Heavy Weather, Part 7
  • SO Chapter 132: Heavy Weather, Part 8
  • SO Chapter 134: Heavy Weather, Part 10
  • SO Chapter 136: Heavy Weather, Part 12
  • SO Chapter 137: Heavy Weather, Part 13
  • SO Chapter 138: At Cape Canaveral
  • SO Chapter 139: Gravity of the New Moon, Part 1
  • SO Chapter 140: Gravity of the New Moon, Part 2
  • SO Chapter 141: C-MOON, Part 1
  • SO Chapter 142: C-MOON, Part 2
  • SO Chapter 143: C-MOON, Part 3
  • SO Chapter 144: C-MOON, Part 4
  • SO Chapter 145: C-MOON, Part 5
  • SO Chapter 146: C-MOON, Part 6
  • SO Chapter 147: C-MOON, Part 7
  • SO Chapter 148: C-MOON, Part 8
  • SO Chapter 149: Made in Heaven, Part 1
  • SO Chapter 150: Made in Heaven, Part 2
  • SO Chapter 151: Made in Heaven, Part 3
  • SO Chapter 152: Made in Heaven, Part 4
  • SO Chapter 153: Made in Heaven, Part 5
  • SO Chapter 154: Made in Heaven, Part 6
  • SO Chapter 155: Made in Heaven, Part 7 (Death)
  • SO Chapter 157: Made in Heaven, Part 9 (Mentioned only)
  • SO Chapter 158: What a Wonderful World (Mentioned only)
  • SBR Extra Chapter 3: Untitled Stand Chapter (Mentioned only)
  • Jolyne, Fly High with GUCCI
  • Fujiko’s Bizarre Worldly Wisdom -Whitesnake’s Miscalculation-

TV Icon.png Anime Appearances

Episodes in order of appearance

  • SO Episode 1: Stone Ocean
  • SO Episode 2: Stone Free
  • SO Episode 3: The Visitor, Part 1
  • SO Episode 4: The Visitor, Part 2
  • SO Episode 5: Prisoner of Love
  • SO Episode 6: Ermes’s Sticker
  • SO Episode 7: There’s Six of Us!
  • SO Episode 8: Foo Fighters
  • SO Episode 9: Marilyn Manson, the Debt Collector
  • SO Episode 10: Operation Savage Garden (Head to the Courtyard!), Part 1
  • SO Episode 11: Operation Savage Garden (Head to the Courtyard!), Part 2
  • SO Episode 12: Torrential Downpour Warning
  • SO Episode 13: Kiss of Love and Revenge, Part 1
  • SO Episode 14: Kiss of Love and Revenge, Part 2
  • SO Episode 15: Ultra Security House Unit
  • SO Episode 16: The Secret of Guard Westwood
  • SO Episode 17: Enter the Dragon’s Dream
  • SO Episode 18: Enter the Foo Fighters
  • SO Episode 19: Birth of the «Green»
  • SO Episode 20: F.F. — The Witness
  • SO Episode 21: AWAKEN
  • SO Episode 22: Time for Heaven! New Moon! New Priest!
  • SO Episode 23: Jail House Lock!
  • SO Episode 24: Jailbreak…
  • SO Episode 25: Bohemian Rhapsody, Part 1
  • SO Episode 26: Bohemian Rhapsody, Part 2
  • SO Episode 27: Sky High
  • SO Episode 28: Time For Heaven: Three Days Until the New Moon
  • SO Episode 29: Under World
  • SO Episode 30: Heavy Weather, Part 1
  • SO Episode 31: Heavy Weather, Part 2
  • SO Episode 32: Heavy Weather, Part 3
  • SO Episode 33: Gravity of the New Moon
  • SO Episode 34: C-MOON, Part 1
  • SO Episode 35: C-MOON, Part 2
  • SO Episode 36: Made in Heaven, Part 1
  • SO Episode 37: Made in Heaven, Part 2 (Death)
  • SO Episode 38: What a Wonderful World (Mentioned only)


Quote.png Quotes

  • I’m innocent. What do you think about that? Do you believe me? (「無実」よ…って言ったらどうする?あんた信じる?`Mujitsu’ yo tte ittara dō suru? Anta shinjiru?)

  • Well… It’s, uh… um… It starts with an M… Mas… um… mastur… uh… bation… (つまり…だからその…マで始まる言葉で……マ…マス……そのマスタ~~つまり…………ベ~~~ション……………をよ……Tsumari… dakara sono… ma de hajimaru kotoba de…… ma… masu…… sono masuta tsumari………… be shon…………… o yo……)

  • Sometimes you can come to love things you used to hate. (最初ヤな事って後でケッコーくせになるのよSaisho ya na koto tte ato de kekkou kuse ni naru no yo)

  • Should I get down on all fours? Or should I lie on my back? How about a mix of both? (よつんばいでいいですか? 仰向けにありますか? それともブリッジするとか…Yo tsunbai de ii desu ka? Aomuke ni arimasu ka? Soretomo burijjisuru toka…)

  • I don’t yet have the range or nearly enough strength, but I can’t wait 15 whole years for our paths to cross again! (今は手の届く距離ではないし…力もぜんぜんないけれど…15年なんて待ってられない!必ず会いに行くIma wa te no todoku kyori de wa nai shi… chikara mo zenzen nai keredo… Jūgo nen nante matterarenai! Kanarazu ai ni iku)

  • Pass this to him, too. Feeling comfy? But you will keep sweating. Now… and forever. (彼にも伝えて。快適?でも汗はかき続ける。今も…これからもずっと。Kare ni mo tsutaete. Kaiteki? Demo ase wa kaki tsudzukeru. Ima mo… kore kara mo zutto.)

  • My energy’s clumped up! When lines gather and clump up, they become three-dimensional! (あたしのェネルきーの…『固まり』線か集まって固まれば『立体』になるッ!この概念!!Atashi no xeneru ki — no `katamarisen ka atsumatte katamareba rittai ni naru! Kono gainen!!’)

  • Gimme a break, Gwess. You said everything has a name, right? Then I’ll give my power a name too. Stone Free. I’m going to free myself from this stone ocean… Did you hear me? Stone Free… That’s its name! Ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora (やれやれだわ…グェスあんた何でも名前はあるって言ったわよねあたしも名前をつけるわ「ストーン・フリー」あたしは…この「石の海」から自由になる 聞こえた?「ストーン・フリー」よ…これが名前オラオラオラオラオラオラオラオラYareyare da wa… Gwesu anta nani demo namae wa aru tte itta wa yo ne atashi mo namae o tsukeru wa `Suto-n furi-‘ atashi wa kono `ishi no umi’ kara jiyū ni naru kikoeta? `Suto-n furi-‘ yo kore ga namae. Ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora)

  • If there’s a hierarchy in this prison, then I’ll obey it… but I’m the one who’ll give out the orders. (この刑務所で上下関係があるというならそれに従うわ……ただし命令するのはあたしKono keimusho de jōge kankei ga aru to iu nara soreni shitagau wa…… Tadashi meireisuru no wa atashi.)

  • You’ve got some nerve, coming in here and acting like my father! Get the hell ouuuut!! (のこのこ父親面して 来てんじゃあねェ─────ッ!!Nokonoko chichioya menshitekite n jā nexe!!)

  • I’m going back inside. I’m going to defeat Johngalli A. before he shoots that kid. (たし中に戻るわあの子をアツが撃つ前に あたしがジョンガリ・Aを倒すTashichū ni modoru wa ano ko o atsu ga utsu mae ni atashi ga Jon Gari A o taosu)

  • I was just looking to see what the best angle for pounding you would be… I think my favorite… was when your chin was aiming a little more to the right. Ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora!! (捨てろとは一言も言ってないわ……角度を見ていただけだもの一番たたき込みやすいあなたの体の角度を……気に入るのは……もう少しアゴが右向いてくれた時だけオラオラオラオラオラオラオラオラSutero to wa hitokoto mo ittenai wa…… kakudo o miteita dake da mono ichiban tatakikomi yasui anata no karada no kakudo o…… kiniiru no wa…… mōsukoshi ago ga migi muitekureta toki dake. Ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora)

  • The killer went back inside the jail on purpose! He won’t come out again… because he’s someone who belongs inside! That’s why I’m going back inside! (「犯人」は牢獄の方向にわぎわざ戻って「犯人」は外へは出ない………刑務所の中にずっといる誰かという事よッ!`Hannin’ wa rōgoku no hōkō ni wa giwaza modotte `hannin’ wa soto e wa denai……… keimusho no nakani zutto iru dare ka toiu koto yo!)

  • Are you saying that I’m cheating? But I don’t see the collector anywhere! It’s because I definitely just caught it with my hands. And, that rewinding time is 10 seconds… the clock is now reset! Just enough time for me to beat your ass… (イカサマだとでも?だがおまえの「取り立て人」は現れないようだな!あたしは今まぎれもなく「手」キャッチしたんだからな……そして時間は 残り10秒『リセット』された!!おまえをブちのあす時間がなIka sama da to demo? Da ga omae no `toritatejin’ wa arawarenai yō da na! Atashi wa ima magire mo naku `shu’ kyatchishita n da kara na soshite jikan wa nokori 10 byō `risetto’ sareta!! Omae o bu chino asu jikan ga na)

  • How many throws do you want to bet on, huh? 100 throws, was it? No, it was 1000 throws!!! Ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora!!!!

  • Using force… I guess I’ll have to get used to it.

  • I… I don’t know why this happened so suddenly. But, uh, you could know, it could happen to anyone! Even the pope probably doesn’t have control over this! You know, there’s that thing «number 1» and «number 2», has to do with bowel movements, the one that starts with a «p»!!! I might do it in my pants!

  • You should have just released [the zero-gravity zone] when I told you to… You could have gotten away before, using this burst of air when Stone Free and I were farther away from you… This rush of air is blowing you towards me!!!!! Ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora!!!!!

  • Just say «Don’t cut me, bitch!!!»

  • The one thing I can’t do here… is wear my mental strength away, build unnecessary stress! It’ll also wear me down physically… I, in this ultra security punishment ward! Have a mission that I have to fulfill! I have to see it through… to do that… I can’t wear myself down for stupid reasons!

  • Two men look out through the same bars, one sees the wall and the other, stars… Which one I am? […] Of course I’ll see the stars… until I see my father, I want to keep on looking at the stars.

  • I never thought that I would find you like this!… There are three things I need to take from you! My father’s memory! The disc that you just took from F.F., and your life!

  • Is this your first time being cuffed? I’ve been cuffed every day since I came here, just as you fucking planned…

  • I am Jolyne Cujoh! I have to seal whatever the priest just obtained!

  • If the world was coming to an end, I’ve already decided that chocolate would be the last thing I ever eat!

  • I’m already prepared for anything that could happen. Even more than when I was here…

  • Something like burning my own body…! Compared to everything else I’ve gone though…! If this is what I need to do to get to the priest, it’s absolutely nothing!!

  • Emporio! Right now, Ermes is in a plane that’s going to crash! The plane is in a big hole in the floor of the hospital! I’m flying a fighter jet or something! It’s gonna crash, too! Find a way to get us out!

  • An organism that can mate with anything it encounters… I’m kinda jealous. I mean… no, NO! It’s just gross!

  • Come on, Father Pucci… Stone Free!

  • … Is this a dream? Is it real? The unicorn was hiding in the pattern of mom’s scarf… Yes… This is a dream, but it’s an important dream. I’m sure my mother’s clothes made me see it. It’s planted new hope in me. This dream is a message. It’s also power.

Creation and Development

Stone Ocean announcement page

The idea of a female JoJo protagonist was something that Araki had wanted to do since Part 5, with the main protagonist Giorno Giovanna.[31] Araki had previously written a female protagonist for his older series, Gorgeous Irene, however, he decided against it doing it again as he felt that female leads never worked out well for him,[32] and that it was too hard to get away with depicting violence against women in a shonen manga at the time.[33] This was also the reason why not many female characters were featured until later in the series,[32] as he thought the idea of drawing a girl getting beat up was far too cruel.[33] During Part 5, Araki said that he still had plans for a female protagonist, but couldn’t promise that the protagonist of his next work would be a woman.[32]

For Part 6, Araki finally thought it was time that he could properly draw a tough female protagonist, and so decided to make the main character Jolyne Cujoh, the daughter of Jotaro Kujo.[33] According to Hideto Azuma, Araki’s editor at the time, he had requested that Jolyne’s character was to be a man as Weekly Shonen Jump was a magazine for young teen boys. However, Araki insisted on Jolyne’s gender, saying that the fact that readers wouldn’t accept a female lead was exactly the reason why Jolyne had to be a woman.[31] The role reversal between her and her father was devised for her character to go beyond the typical archetypes found in Japanese fiction.[34]

Since Jolyne was to be a JoJo protagonist, Araki wanted her to be tough enough to not get disheartened even if she got punched in the face.[35] A lot of scenarios that a JoJo protagonist would have to overcome, like crawling through a ditch or falling from the top of a building with their legs wide open, also proved quite challenging for a woman.[35] However, Araki thought that this difference would be interesting to depict.[35] Furthermore, he wanted Jolyne to be someone with great humanity, like the Virgin Mary. For this reason, he felt that he had to make the protagonist a woman.[35]


  • In a 2020 Valentine’s Day poll in the official app, Jolyne Cujoh won first place for «characters I’d like to give me chocolate», having 4,489 votes.


  1. SO Chapter 6: Prisoner FE40536: Jolyne Cujoh, Part 3 / SO Episode 2: Stone Free — Gwess sings Jolyne’s name similarly to the song’s lyrics
  2. SO Chapter 51: Kiss of Love and Revenge, Part 1
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 SO Chapter 2: Stone Ocean, Part 2
  4. SO Chapter 4: Prisoner FE40536: Jolyne Cujoh, Part 1
  5. SO Chapter 21: Ermes’s Sticker, Part 1 (15 years plus an additional 5 years for prison break)
  6. 6.0 6.1 SO Chapter 10: Green Dolphin Street Prison (Originally 174 cm (5 ft 9 in))
  7. SO Chapter 63: The Secret of Guard Westwood, Part 4
  8. 8.0 8.1 SO Chapter 3: Stone Ocean, Part 3
  9. 9.0 9.1 SO Chapter 155: Made in Heaven, Part 7, p.16-17
  10. SO Chapter 6: Prisoner FE40536: Jolyne Cujoh, Part 3
  11. SO Chapter 118 Tailpiece
  12. SO Chapter 75: Father: Jotaro Kujo, Daughter: Jolyne Cujoh, p.16
  13. SO Chapter 20: Prisoner of Love, p.17
  14. SO Chapter 51: Kiss of Love and Revenge, Part 1, p,2
  15. SO Chapter 64: The Secret of Guard Westwood, Part 5, p2,1
  16. SO Chapter 52: Kiss of Love and Revenge, Part 2, p.6
  17. SO Chapter 93: Whitesnake — The Pursuer, Part 5, p.9
  18. SO Chapter 111: Long Time No See, Romeo, p.15
  19. 19.0 19.1 SO Chapter 138: At Cape Canaveral
  20. SO Chapter 58: Ultra Security House Unit, p.8-9
  21. SO Chapter 116: Sky High, Part 5
  22. SO Chapter 10: Green Dolphin Street Prison
  23. SO Chapter 33: Foo Fighters, Part 3, p.8
  24. SO Chapter 95: New Moon! New Priest
  25. SO Chapter 34: Marilyn Manson, the Debt Collector, Part 1, p.9
  26. SO Chapter 96: Jail House Lock!, Part 1, p.12
  27. 27.0 27.1 SO Chapter 1: Stone Ocean, Part 1, p.6
  28. SO Chapter 130: Heavy Weather, Part 6, p.15
  29. SO Chapter 146: C-MOON, Part 6, p.17
  30. SO Chapter 117: Sky High, Part 6, p.13
  31. 31.0 31.1 JOJOVELLER History book
  32. 32.0 32.1 32.2 Kappa Magazine (December 1996)
  33. 33.0 33.1 33.2 SPUR Magazine (August 2018)
  34. Eureka (November 2007)
  35. 35.0 35.1 35.2 35.3 SO Volume 1 Author’s Note

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For a similar character, see Part 6 SpoilersIrene

Gimme a break… (やれやれだわYare Yare Dawa)

Jolyne Cujoh (空条 徐倫 Kūjō Jorīn) is the main protagonist of the sixth part of the JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure series, Stone Ocean, and the sixth JoJo of the series. She is the daughter of Jotaro Kujo, the protagonist of Stardust Crusaders, and an American woman.

Framed for a DUI murder, Jolyne is sent to Green Dolphin Street Prison, where she investigates and battles DIO’s most trusted disciple, Father Enrico Pucci. Initially an ordinary girl, Jolyne quickly awakens her string-based Stand, Stone Free, during her time in jail.


Jolyne is a young woman of above-average height and a slim to athletic build.

Bold-eyed, she wears her hair in two «layers»: A dark base including two large buns atop her head and a short length going down her neck; above which, lightly dyed or bleached, she keeps a plait or braid that winds around both buns, joining in a short length at back, and bangs that frame her face.

Like all other members of the Joestar family, Jolyne has a small, star-shaped birthmark on the rear of her left shoulder, close to her neck. She also has an image of butterfly wings tattooed on the top of her left forearm, superimposed with a downward-pointing dagger, which also appears on the chest of her outfits.

Jolyne’s depiction in Part 6 transitions from a slim and smooth build to a somewhat more dynamic and athletic one. Simultaneously, she works through several primarily dark outfits, characterized by a spiderweb-like print.

Color Schemes

The series is known for alternating colors between media, the information presented below may or may not be canon.


(Fair, chartreuse lipstick and nails, maroon birthmark)


(Black with blue highlights and chartreuse braid and bangs)


(Blue suit with white spiderweb pattern, chartreuse accessories, and pink butterfly crest.)

First Coat

(Turquoise with white lettering, light gold button)

Second Coat

(Gray with white lettering and underside, silver button)

Final Outfit’s Accessories

(Chartreuse belts with a blue buckle, blue armlet with with gold studs and gray cape with white underside.)


(Fair, olive lipstick and eyeshadow, light green nails and pink birthmark.)


(Green with blonde braid and bangs, light green hairband)


(Dark aquamarine suit with beige spiderweb pattern, orange accessories.)

Butterfly Symbol

(Blue and teal butterfly with bright orange details, pink and indigo outlines)

First Coat

(Turquoise with white lettering, silver button)

Second Coat

(Dark gray with white lettering and underside, silver button)

Final Outfit’s Accessories

(Orange belts with a gold buckle, dark aquamarine armlet with with gold studs and dark gray cape with white underside.)

Skin(Fair, lime lipstick and birthmark)


(Black with sky blue highlights and lime braid and bangs)


(Sky Blue suit with white spiderweb pattern, lime and gold accessories, and magenta butterfly crest.)

Skin(Fair, bronze lipstick, lime birthmark)


(Black with blonde braid and bangs, emerald green hairband)


(Black suit with pink spiderweb pattern, bronze accessories, and purple butterfly crest.)


Jolyne’s Outfits

Chapters: 1 — 2 (Flashback)
Episodes: 1 (Flashback)

A halter top that exposes her midriff, has a heart shaped hole below her neck, and is covered with several smaller decorative holes. Along with shin-high boots, she wears a long mesh skirt with her underwear visible through its holes.

Chapters: 1 — 2
Episodes: 1

A short skirt, shin-high boots, and a halter top that exposes her midriff. On her chest is a large heart-shaped piece with a butterfly emblem on top, in the same style as her tattoo. Her top has two lengths of cloth on each side attaching it to her skirt, like suspenders.

Chapters: 3 — 47
Episodes: 2 — 11

Similar to her previous outfit, except it has pants with boots attached and a prison jacket. The jacket is short, covering her lower back to the hip area. Worn during her first week in prison.

Her previous outfit but with a longer, slightly darker jacket (matching Jotaro’s coat’s length). There is a «JO» accessory on top of her pants.

Chapters: 75 (Flashback)
Episodes: 3 (Flashback)

A leotard with camouflage pants, a butterfly on her chest, and a bracelet on her right hand. She also has a star over her left eye and long, loose hair in the back. Her left arm is not tattooed yet.

A shredded muscle shirt with two mini-belts over the rib area (one belt by the end), a cloth armlet on her forearm, and her navel ring. Another belt is around her waist with a long cape attached to the back. The accessory on her belt has a different design, but it also says «JO» like the previous one.[11]

Jolyne, Fly High with GUCCI

In the one-shot, Jolyne makes an appearance in many different outfits. She mainly wears a white linen peacoat with an elaborate flower motif with a matching scarf. Underneath the jacket, Jolyne wears a dress that also changes for no reason, the first version being black with the same flower motif, the second being a white gown.

Jolyne also wears in order: a three-piece pink suit with spiked platform sandals and an elaborate necklace, a simple yellow dress with intricate flower and fruit decorations on the shoulder area, and a brown dress with a matching leather belt.

In the one-shot, Jolyne’s hair is consistently portrayed as green with blonde strands of hair.


SPOILER WARNING: Part 6 spoiler details may follow.

Two men look out through the same bars, one sees the wall and the other, stars… Which one I am? […] Of course I’ll see the stars… until I see my father, I want to keep on looking at the stars. (『ひとりの囚人は壁を見ていた』……『もうひとりの囚人は鉄格子からのぞく星を見ていた』あたしはどっちだ? […] もちろんあたしは星を見るわ…父に会うまで……星の光を見ていたいHitori no shūjin wa kabe o miteita, mō hitori no shūjin wa tetsugōshi kara nozoku hoshi o miteita, atashi wa dotchi da? […[ mochiron atashi wa hoshi o miru wa, chichi ni au made hoshi no hikari o miteitai)

—Jolyne’s strong resolve to save her father’s life

Despite their rocky relationship, Jotaro and Jolyne cherished each other

Flighty, abrupt, and snappy with her elders, Jolyne during her adolescence would undoubtedly be considered a delinquent and a lost cause. Bitter at Jotaro for being absent from her life, she tried multiple times to catch her father’s attention by committing various minor crimes and was arrested several times as a result. Because of her father’s absence, Jolyne was said to be dependent on the affection and approval of those around her,[12] and she was ready to cover Romeo’s accident, resulting in her being sentenced to 15 years in prison for it.[3]

After acquiring her Stand and being told by Jotaro of his love for her, Jolyne noticeably matures, becoming more courageous and confident. «Reviving» Jotaro, who fell into a coma due to Whitesnake stealing his Stand and memory, turns into her first priority.[13]

Jolyne retains her confrontational attitude throughout the story. A former delinquent living in a maximum-security prison, Jolyne had to toughen up and can be especially rude, frequently taunting her enemies. She also advocates aggressively asserting herself, especially in prison, and once told F.F. to violently confront an inmate who cut in the queue for buying their lunch.[14] Jolyne is particularly violent in her fights; she’s used the cutting ability of her string to gruesomely wound her opponents, severing ears and nails,[15] for instance. Jolyne usually doesn’t seek to kill and even said that she didn’t want Ermes to become a murderer.[16] However, she readily uses lethal force against her archenemy Enrico Pucci, as he was the one enemy she explicitly said she would kill.[17]

Jolyne also has a vindictive side and repays tenfold any wrong committed against her, notably indirectly cutting Romeo’s tongue for betraying her[18] and forcing her crooked attorney to crash his car.[8] Moreover, Jolyne still holds a slight grudge against Gwess, her first enemy, and wants nothing to do with her despite the latter’s effort to behave in front of Jolyne. More humorously, Jolyne kept a grudge against alligators in general after Limp Bizkit revived one that attacked her, and she had fun tossing something at another alligator’s head as a form of revenge.[19]

A bloodied Jolyne proudly declares her victory

Jolyne possesses a fierce determination, carrying her through several battles and inspiring her companions. After learning of DIO’s plan, Jolyne took pride in her lineage and opted to continue Jotaro’s effort to seal the menace that DIO had left behind. Jolyne stoically endures the hardships she faces and carries on her goal, disregarding the suffering and possible risks. For instance, when she was brought to the maximum-security ward, Jolyne was only momentarily disturbed by the horrible living conditions of the cell (the food tray was covered in insects) along with the harassment of the other inmates in the ward and quickly soldiered on through the ordeal.[20] Her determination is so great that she was willing to lose life or limb to defeat her enemy and save her comrades, an inclination so strong that it culminated in her sacrifice to keep Emporio away from Pucci.[9] One good example of the strength of her determination is when she set herself on fire to buy enough time to attack Rikiel, ignoring the risk taken to herself since her body was made of string.[21] Even still, Jolyne once expressed her doubts about her desire to stop Pucci after Weather Report’s death and the priest’s second escape.[19]

Common in her lineage, Jolyne has righteous morals and treasures her family and friends. She would selflessly do everything in her power to help her companions and random victimized people, once helping a mistreated prisoner to take back stolen money from her tormentors.[22] Jolyne is willing to believe in the good in people, which resulted in a share of betrayals, but also earned her F.F.’s friendship.[23] Jolyne is especially sweet to Emporio, her real first ally in Green Dolphin Street, and despite its status as an enemy, she didn’t want to kill the Green Baby. Jolyne’s primary motivation for investigating Whitesnake was her love for her father, though Pucci exploited this affection to escape her when he tossed Jotaro’s memory disc inside of a dying Anasui, putting her through a difficult choice and forcing her to try to save her father’s memory.[24]

Jolyne makes fun of F.F.’s weird toes

Outside of combat, Jolyne behaves like an average young woman, if not a teenage girl, hanging out with her friends and occupying herself the best she can in prison, as she is also fun-loving. Jolyne notably played ball with F.F. and Ermes,[25] additionally making herself a navel ring while in isolation.[26] Unlike her father, Jolyne is fairly extroverted and easily expresses her feelings to others. She is an inherently social woman and can converse with her fellow prisoners easily, asking for explanations about the ins and outs of Green Dolphin Street.

Jolyne is notable for being somewhat libertine, being the first and only JoJo to admit to masturbating[27] and offhandedly commenting that a snails’ ability to copulate with anything makes her slightly jealous.[28] Despite this, she is horribly embarrassed to talk about masturbation in public and having been caught in the act by a guard left her both flustered and deeply mortified.[27] She was also shown to be deeply embarrassed while mentioning to Weather Report that she needed to urinate in the middle of a fight.



Main article: Stone Free

Stone Free grants Jolyne the ability to unravel parts of her body into a string. This makes it a very versatile Stand, enabling her to listen in on communications as well as escape and hide by unraveling parts of herself into string.

When she assembles the string, Jolyne can properly materialize Stone Free, partially or entirely. Stone Free is a humanoid Stand which has comparable physical prowess to the strongest Stands, with rankings of A in Destructive Power, Stamina, and Developmental Potential.

Unlike the rest of her family, Jolyne has awakened her Stand from being cut by an amulet (later revealed to be a Stand-creating stone arrowhead in disguise) given to her by her father.



String Decomposition

Personal Skills

  • Intelligence: Jolyne’s greatest asset is her imagination. The versatile power of her Stand allows her a wide range of moves which she extensively uses. For example, when Pucci used C-MOON to invert Jolyne’s body, she used Stone Free to create a «Möbius Strip» rendering her effectively invulnerable to its power.[29]

True to any other Joestar, Jolyne is particularly adept at using whatever presents itself to her advantage, among others the environment and the enemy’s power. Jolyne’s quick thinking has allowed her to prevail against enemies.

Jolyne combines her tactics with a high level of recklessness, often endangering herself to surprise enemies with an unanticipated move. The particular nature of her power nonetheless assures that she can shrug off some of the damage ordinary Stand users cannot risk in a fight. 

Jolyne’s intelligence is intuitive to a degree, as she often shrugs off some of her moves as dumb luck,[30] although it is a valid interpretation of her actions.

  • Hand to Hand Combat: She has also shown to be capable of defending herself, seen in full detail against Officer Westwood. She has extensive knowledge of self-defense, which she demonstrates throughout the series, notably against Pucci.



Jolyne telling Jotaro off

  • Jotaro Kujo: Her distant and near-fatherless childhood bore a tinge of loneliness in her, at times resenting him but also wanting his affection. Her relationship with Jotaro is challenging at first, not really fitting the typical father-daughter mold. When Jolyne was fourteen, she was wrongfully accused of pickpocketing. Panicked, she stole a car, sloppily tried to make an escape from the authorities, and was arrested soon afterward. Jolyne anticipated that Jotaro would pay her bail, but was sorely disappointed when she overheard her mother’s frantic and unsuccessful pleas with him on the phone. Her father’s absence following this led to her teenage years of delinquency (she later reflects that these events were a desperate call for attention). During Jolyne’s imprisonment, Jotaro visited her in an effort to break her out. Angered that he would come out of the blue to see her after years of absence, Jolyne blew up at him, citing his inattentive behavior and his divorce. However, after risking life and limb to get Jolyne out as well as losing his Stand in the process, Jolyne broke down and got Jotaro to safety, sacrificing her own freedom and vowing to get his Stand back. As time passed, Jolyne came to respect her father more and idolized him somewhat, adapting his trademark «Yare yare daze» into a more feminine «Yare yare dawa«. When Jotaro returns later, both father and daughter show considerable care to one another, each in their own way.
  • Mother: Jolyne’s mother rarely appears and is hardly talked about. It’s assumed that she loves Jolyne very much and dotes on her in Jotaro’s absence, as she was the only known person to be allowed to call Jolyne «JoJo».


  • Ermes Costello: Ermes is possibly the first true friend that Jolyne encounters in her life when they meet and bond in jail. Her relationship with Ermes resembles that of Jotaro’s relationship with Jean Pierre Polnareff. Jolyne and Ermes see each other as worthy allies and friends, and because of their similar temper, get along well and kill time together. She has fought alongside Jolyne against many powerful enemies like Sports Maxx, Rikiel, & Donatello Versus.
  • Emporio Alnino: Emporio’s relationship with Jolyne is somewhat similar to her ancestor Jonathan Joestar to Poco, as Jolyne treats Emporio like a little brother and trustworthy ally, while Emporio is inspired by her courage and determination. Jolyne saves him from many dangerous situations and eventually sacrifices herself so than he may live, trusting that Emporio will defeat Pucci. Emporio’s relationship with Jolyne extends to Irene as well.
  • Foo Fighters: Foo Fighters initially met Jolyne as enemies. However, Jolyne spares Foo Fighters; grateful to Jolyne, they become an ally. Jolyne treats Foo Fighters with respect and is very friendly with them, and noting their naïveté, is protective toward them. Foo Fighters, nicknamed F.F. by Jolyne, is inspired by her determination, and cherishes the memories they have of her. They are ultimately willing to put themself in danger and even sacrifice themself to save Jolyne’s life.
  • Romeo Jisso: Before Jolyne’s growth as a person, she and Romeo were in a relationship; with Jolyne being particularly affectionate and meek and Romeo trying to keep some distance, as he was suspicious of her past as a possible gang member. Their relationship ended when Romeo framed her for his manslaughter with aggravating circumstance, landing her in prison for a crime she didn’t commit. After she escapes from prison, Jolyne pays him a visit and he weeps for forgiveness. Romeo shows genuine repentance and actually helps her, but while Jolyne doesn’t show any lingering anger, she takes the occasion to damage his tongue to silence him.
  • Weather Report: When they first met, Jolyne was flabbergasted by Weather’s eccentric behavior. However, during the fight against Lang Rangler, both eventually see each other as allies, and trust each other. Anasui suspects Weather as a rival love interest to Jolyne and becomes jealous when Jolyne and Weather hug. Jolyne grows to care deeply about Weather to the point of being distraught at Weather’s death.
  • Narciso Anasui: Though Anasui fell in love with Jolyne at first sight, the feeling wasn’t mutual; Jolyne was not really sure what to think of him and isn’t really interested in him, either. Often times she would be oblivious to his advances. He would sometimes try to seduce her in underhanded ways, such as asking F.F. to trip her down the stairs so he could romantically catch her or prompting a French kiss from a temporary-mute Jolyne, resulting in him getting punched in the jaw. Even so, he’s truly devoted to her and will do everything in his power to keep her from being distressed. He has risked his life for her on more than one occasion and turns murderous when Jolyne is severely hurt. Eventually, during the final confrontation at Cape Canaveral, Jolyne motivates Anasui by telling him that he can ask for her hand in marriage after they survive. At the end of Stone Ocean, Jolyne and Anasui’s counterparts Irene and Anakiss want to marry each other.


  • Enrico Pucci: Pucci only saw Jolyne as bait at first in order to get to Jotaro, but as she proved to be a persistent threat to his scheme while finding her father’s Stand and memory disks, Pucci threaded carefully around her. Unaware of his involvement at first, Jolyne treated the priest with respect. They became enemies right away once she was informed that Whitesnake was Pucci’s Stand and was eager to take his life. Jolyne became more than determined in stopping him and putting an end to his plans but her efforts would soon be fatal while she almost fell to Pucci’s newly evolved C-MOON and would finally fall to his Made In Heaven while protecting Emporio, but has managed to cut the right side of his eye before dying.
  • Donatello Versus: Due to his alliance with Pucci, Donatello and Jolyne were enemies. An additional reason for their antagonism would be that Jolyne’s father destroyed Donatello’s father. Unbeknownst to either of them since Donatello was conceived when Dio possessed Jonathan’s body Donatello is actually Jolyne’s distant uncle.
  • Johngalli A.: As the man who got her framed for murder, Jolyne and Johngalli A. were enemies. Johngalli A. attempted to murder Jolyne and Jotaro to avenge DIO but failed. As payback, Jolyne pummeled Johngalli A. as the sniper realized that Jolyne was more resourceful than she looked and inherited Jotaro’s blood.
  • Gwess: Jolyne’s cellmate during her time at Green Dolphin. Jolyne tossing her pendant away inadvertently caused the chain of events that let Gwess gain her Stand power. Gwess originally used her powers to bully Jolyne by shrinking her, but after Jolyne beat her she acted like her subordinate, advising Jolyne during her early days in prison and being somewhat afraid of her. Jolyne still had an arm-length relationship with Gwess but nonetheless tolerated her afterward.
  • Miuccia Miuller: Miu is an assassin sent by Pucci to make sure Jolyne doesn’t interfere with his plans. Miu manipulated Jolyne into forgetting her goals and friends. After Jolyne remembered them, she beat up Miu and used her to escape the prison.

Chapters / Episodes

Book Icon.png Manga Appearances

Chapters in order of appearance

  • SO Chapter 1: Stone Ocean, Part 1
  • SO Chapter 2: Stone Ocean, Part 2
  • SO Chapter 3: Stone Ocean, Part 3
  • SO Chapter 4: Prisoner FE40536: Jolyne Cujoh, Part 1
  • SO Chapter 5: Prisoner FE40536: Jolyne Cujoh, Part 2
  • SO Chapter 6: Prisoner FE40536: Jolyne Cujoh, Part 3
  • SO Chapter 7: Goo Goo Dolls
  • SO Chapter 8: Stone Free, Part 1
  • SO Chapter 9: Stone Free, Part 2
  • SO Chapter 10: Green Dolphin Street Prison
  • SO Chapter 11: The Visitor, Part 1
  • SO Chapter 12: The Visitor, Part 2
  • SO Chapter 13: The Visitor, Part 3
  • SO Chapter 14: The Visitor, Part 4
  • SO Chapter 15: The Visitor, Part 5
  • SO Chapter 16: The Visitor, Part 6
  • SO Chapter 17: The Visitor, Part 7
  • SO Chapter 18: The Visitor, Part 8
  • SO Chapter 19: The Visitor, Part 9
  • SO Chapter 20: Prisoner of Love
  • SO Chapter 21: Ermes’s Sticker, Part 1 (Mentioned only)
  • SO Chapter 22: Ermes’s Sticker, Part 2 (Cover only)
  • SO Chapter 24: Ermes’s Sticker, Part 4 (Mentioned only)
  • SO Chapter 25: Ermes’s Sticker, Part 5 (Mentioned only)
  • SO Chapter 26: There’s Six of Us!, Part 1
  • SO Chapter 27: There’s Six of Us!, Part 2
  • SO Chapter 28: There’s Six of Us!, Part 3
  • SO Chapter 29: There’s Six of Us!, Part 4
  • SO Chapter 30: There’s Six of Us!, Part 5
  • SO Chapter 31: Foo Fighters, Part 1
  • SO Chapter 32: Foo Fighters, Part 2
  • SO Chapter 33: Foo Fighters, Part 3
  • SO Chapter 34: Marilyn Manson, the Debt Collector, Part 1
  • SO Chapter 35: Marilyn Manson, the Debt Collector, Part 2
  • SO Chapter 36: Marilyn Manson, the Debt Collector, Part 3
  • SO Chapter 37: Marilyn Manson, the Debt Collector, Part 4
  • SO Chapter 38: Marilyn Manson, the Debt Collector, Part 5
  • SO Chapter 39: Marilyn Manson, the Debt Collector, Part 6
  • SO Chapter 40: Operation Savage Garden (Head to the Courtyard!), Part 1
  • SO Chapter 41: Operation Savage Garden, Part 2
  • SO Chapter 42: Operation Savage Garden, Part 3
  • SO Chapter 43: Operation Savage Garden, Part 4
  • SO Chapter 44: Operation Savage Garden, Part 5
  • SO Chapter 45: Operation Savage Garden, Part 6
  • SO Chapter 46: Operation Savage Garden, Part 7
  • SO Chapter 47: Operation Savage Garden, Part 8
  • SO Chapter 48: Torrential Downpour Warning, Part 1
  • SO Chapter 49: Torrential Downpour Warning, Part 2
  • SO Chapter 50: Torrential Downpour Warning, Part 3
  • SO Chapter 51: Kiss of Love and Revenge, Part 1
  • SO Chapter 52: Kiss of Love and Revenge, Part 2
  • SO Chapter 53: Kiss of Love and Revenge, Part 3
  • SO Chapter 54: Kiss of Love and Revenge, Part 4
  • SO Chapter 55: Kiss of Love and Revenge, Part 5
  • SO Chapter 56: Kiss of Love and Revenge, Part 6
  • SO Chapter 57: Kiss of Love and Revenge, Part 7
  • SO Chapter 58: Ultra Security House Unit
  • SO Chapter 59: His Name Is Anasui
  • SO Chapter 60: The Secret of Guard Westwood, Part 1
  • SO Chapter 61: The Secret of Guard Westwood, Part 2
  • SO Chapter 62: The Secret of Guard Westwood, Part 3
  • SO Chapter 63: The Secret of Guard Westwood, Part 4
  • SO Chapter 64: The Secret of Guard Westwood, Part 5
  • SO Chapter 65: The Secret of Guard Westwood, Part 6
  • SO Chapter 66: The Secret of Guard Westwood, Part 7
  • SO Chapter 67: Enter the Dragon’s Dream, Part 1
  • SO Chapter 68: Enter the Dragon’s Dream, Part 2
  • SO Chapter 69: Enter the Dragon’s Dream, Part 3
  • SO Chapter 70: Enter the Dragon’s Dream, Part 4
  • SO Chapter 71: Enter the Dragon’s Dream, Part 5
  • SO Chapter 72: Enter the Foo Fighters
  • SO Chapter 73: Enter the Dragon’s Dream, Part 6
  • SO Chapter 74: Enter the Dragon’s Dream, Part 7
  • SO Chapter 75: Father: Jotaro Kujo, Daughter: Jolyne Cujoh
  • SO Chapter 76: Birth of the «Green», Part 1
  • SO Chapter 77: Birth of the «Green», Part 2
  • SO Chapter 78: Yo-Yo Ma Is Coming!, Part 1
  • SO Chapter 79: Yo-Yo Ma Is Coming!, Part 2
  • SO Chapter 80: Yo-Yo Ma Is Coming!, Part 3
  • SO Chapter 81: Yo-Yo Ma Is Coming!, Part 4
  • SO Chapter 82: Yo-Yo Ma Is Coming!, Part 5
  • SO Chapter 83: F.F. — The Witness, Part 1
  • SO Chapter 84: F.F. — The Witness, Part 2 (Mentioned only)
  • SO Chapter 85: AWAKEN, Part 1
  • SO Chapter 86: AWAKEN, Part 2
  • SO Chapter 87: AWAKEN, Part 3
  • SO Chapter 88: AWAKEN, Part 4
  • SO Chapter 89: Whitesnake — The Pursuer, Part 1
  • SO Chapter 90: Whitesnake — The Pursuer, Part 2 (Mentioned only)
  • SO Chapter 91: Whitesnake — The Pursuer, Part 3 (Mentioned only)
  • SO Chapter 92: Whitesnake — The Pursuer, Part 4
  • SO Chapter 93: Whitesnake — The Pursuer, Part 5
  • SO Chapter 94: Time for Heaven
  • SO Chapter 95: New Moon! New Priest
  • SO Chapter 96: Jail House Lock!, Part 1
  • SO Chapter 97: Jail House Lock!, Part 2
  • SO Chapter 98: Jail House Lock!, Part 3
  • SO Chapter 99: Jail House Lock!, Part 4
  • SO Chapter 100: Jail House Lock!, Part 5
  • SO Chapter 101: Jail House Lock!, Part 6
  • SO Chapter 102: Jailbreak…
  • SO Chapter 103: Three Men in the Hospital (Mentioned only)
  • SO Chapter 104: Bohemian Rhapsody, Part 1 (Mentioned only)
  • SO Chapter 105: Bohemian Rhapsody, Part 2 (Mentioned only)
  • SO Chapter 106: Bohemian Rhapsody, Part 3 (Mentioned only)
  • SO Chapter 108: Bohemian Rhapsody, Part 5 (Mentioned only)
  • SO Chapter 111: Long Time No See, Romeo (Flashback)
  • SO Chapter 112: Sky High, Part 1 (Flashback)
  • SO Chapter 113: Sky High, Part 2 (Flashback)
  • SO Chapter 114: Sky High, Part 3 (Flashback)
  • SO Chapter 115: Sky High, Part 4 (Flashback)
  • SO Chapter 116: Sky High, Part 5 (Flashback)
  • SO Chapter 117: Sky High, Part 6 (Flashback)
  • SO Chapter 118: Time for Heaven: Three Days Until the New Moon
  • SO Chapter 119: Under World, Part 1
  • SO Chapter 120: Under World, Part 2
  • SO Chapter 121: Under World, Part 3
  • SO Chapter 122: Under World, Part 4
  • SO Chapter 123: Under World, Part 5
  • SO Chapter 124: Under World, Part 6
  • SO Chapter 125: Heavy Weather, Part 1
  • SO Chapter 126: Heavy Weather, Part 2
  • SO Chapter 127: Heavy Weather, Part 3 (Cover only)
  • SO Chapter 130: Heavy Weather, Part 6
  • SO Chapter 131: Heavy Weather, Part 7
  • SO Chapter 132: Heavy Weather, Part 8
  • SO Chapter 134: Heavy Weather, Part 10
  • SO Chapter 136: Heavy Weather, Part 12
  • SO Chapter 137: Heavy Weather, Part 13
  • SO Chapter 138: At Cape Canaveral
  • SO Chapter 139: Gravity of the New Moon, Part 1
  • SO Chapter 140: Gravity of the New Moon, Part 2
  • SO Chapter 141: C-MOON, Part 1
  • SO Chapter 142: C-MOON, Part 2
  • SO Chapter 143: C-MOON, Part 3
  • SO Chapter 144: C-MOON, Part 4
  • SO Chapter 145: C-MOON, Part 5
  • SO Chapter 146: C-MOON, Part 6
  • SO Chapter 147: C-MOON, Part 7
  • SO Chapter 148: C-MOON, Part 8
  • SO Chapter 149: Made in Heaven, Part 1
  • SO Chapter 150: Made in Heaven, Part 2
  • SO Chapter 151: Made in Heaven, Part 3
  • SO Chapter 152: Made in Heaven, Part 4
  • SO Chapter 153: Made in Heaven, Part 5
  • SO Chapter 154: Made in Heaven, Part 6
  • SO Chapter 155: Made in Heaven, Part 7 (Death)
  • SO Chapter 157: Made in Heaven, Part 9 (Mentioned only)
  • SO Chapter 158: What a Wonderful World (Mentioned only)
  • SBR Extra Chapter 3: Untitled Stand Chapter (Mentioned only)
  • Jolyne, Fly High with GUCCI
  • Fujiko’s Bizarre Worldly Wisdom -Whitesnake’s Miscalculation-

TV Icon.png Anime Appearances

Episodes in order of appearance

  • SO Episode 1: Stone Ocean
  • SO Episode 2: Stone Free
  • SO Episode 3: The Visitor, Part 1
  • SO Episode 4: The Visitor, Part 2
  • SO Episode 5: Prisoner of Love
  • SO Episode 6: Ermes’s Sticker
  • SO Episode 7: There’s Six of Us!
  • SO Episode 8: Foo Fighters
  • SO Episode 9: Marilyn Manson, the Debt Collector
  • SO Episode 10: Operation Savage Garden (Head to the Courtyard!), Part 1
  • SO Episode 11: Operation Savage Garden (Head to the Courtyard!), Part 2
  • SO Episode 12: Torrential Downpour Warning
  • SO Episode 13: Kiss of Love and Revenge, Part 1
  • SO Episode 14: Kiss of Love and Revenge, Part 2
  • SO Episode 15: Ultra Security House Unit
  • SO Episode 16: The Secret of Guard Westwood
  • SO Episode 17: Enter the Dragon’s Dream
  • SO Episode 18: Enter the Foo Fighters
  • SO Episode 19: Birth of the «Green»
  • SO Episode 20: F.F. — The Witness
  • SO Episode 21: AWAKEN
  • SO Episode 22: Time for Heaven! New Moon! New Priest!
  • SO Episode 23: Jail House Lock!
  • SO Episode 24: Jailbreak…
  • SO Episode 25: Bohemian Rhapsody, Part 1
  • SO Episode 26: Bohemian Rhapsody, Part 2
  • SO Episode 27: Sky High
  • SO Episode 28: Time For Heaven: Three Days Until the New Moon
  • SO Episode 29: Under World
  • SO Episode 30: Heavy Weather, Part 1
  • SO Episode 31: Heavy Weather, Part 2
  • SO Episode 32: Heavy Weather, Part 3
  • SO Episode 33: Gravity of the New Moon
  • SO Episode 34: C-MOON, Part 1
  • SO Episode 35: C-MOON, Part 2
  • SO Episode 36: Made in Heaven, Part 1
  • SO Episode 37: Made in Heaven, Part 2 (Death)
  • SO Episode 38: What a Wonderful World (Mentioned only)


Quote.png Quotes

  • I’m innocent. What do you think about that? Do you believe me? (「無実」よ…って言ったらどうする?あんた信じる?`Mujitsu’ yo tte ittara dō suru? Anta shinjiru?)

  • Well… It’s, uh… um… It starts with an M… Mas… um… mastur… uh… bation… (つまり…だからその…マで始まる言葉で……マ…マス……そのマスタ~~つまり…………ベ~~~ション……………をよ……Tsumari… dakara sono… ma de hajimaru kotoba de…… ma… masu…… sono masuta tsumari………… be shon…………… o yo……)

  • Sometimes you can come to love things you used to hate. (最初ヤな事って後でケッコーくせになるのよSaisho ya na koto tte ato de kekkou kuse ni naru no yo)

  • Should I get down on all fours? Or should I lie on my back? How about a mix of both? (よつんばいでいいですか? 仰向けにありますか? それともブリッジするとか…Yo tsunbai de ii desu ka? Aomuke ni arimasu ka? Soretomo burijjisuru toka…)

  • I don’t yet have the range or nearly enough strength, but I can’t wait 15 whole years for our paths to cross again! (今は手の届く距離ではないし…力もぜんぜんないけれど…15年なんて待ってられない!必ず会いに行くIma wa te no todoku kyori de wa nai shi… chikara mo zenzen nai keredo… Jūgo nen nante matterarenai! Kanarazu ai ni iku)

  • Pass this to him, too. Feeling comfy? But you will keep sweating. Now… and forever. (彼にも伝えて。快適?でも汗はかき続ける。今も…これからもずっと。Kare ni mo tsutaete. Kaiteki? Demo ase wa kaki tsudzukeru. Ima mo… kore kara mo zutto.)

  • My energy’s clumped up! When lines gather and clump up, they become three-dimensional! (あたしのェネルきーの…『固まり』線か集まって固まれば『立体』になるッ!この概念!!Atashi no xeneru ki — no `katamarisen ka atsumatte katamareba rittai ni naru! Kono gainen!!’)

  • Gimme a break, Gwess. You said everything has a name, right? Then I’ll give my power a name too. Stone Free. I’m going to free myself from this stone ocean… Did you hear me? Stone Free… That’s its name! Ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora (やれやれだわ…グェスあんた何でも名前はあるって言ったわよねあたしも名前をつけるわ「ストーン・フリー」あたしは…この「石の海」から自由になる 聞こえた?「ストーン・フリー」よ…これが名前オラオラオラオラオラオラオラオラYareyare da wa… Gwesu anta nani demo namae wa aru tte itta wa yo ne atashi mo namae o tsukeru wa `Suto-n furi-‘ atashi wa kono `ishi no umi’ kara jiyū ni naru kikoeta? `Suto-n furi-‘ yo kore ga namae. Ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora)

  • If there’s a hierarchy in this prison, then I’ll obey it… but I’m the one who’ll give out the orders. (この刑務所で上下関係があるというならそれに従うわ……ただし命令するのはあたしKono keimusho de jōge kankei ga aru to iu nara soreni shitagau wa…… Tadashi meireisuru no wa atashi.)

  • You’ve got some nerve, coming in here and acting like my father! Get the hell ouuuut!! (のこのこ父親面して 来てんじゃあねェ─────ッ!!Nokonoko chichioya menshitekite n jā nexe!!)

  • I’m going back inside. I’m going to defeat Johngalli A. before he shoots that kid. (たし中に戻るわあの子をアツが撃つ前に あたしがジョンガリ・Aを倒すTashichū ni modoru wa ano ko o atsu ga utsu mae ni atashi ga Jon Gari A o taosu)

  • I was just looking to see what the best angle for pounding you would be… I think my favorite… was when your chin was aiming a little more to the right. Ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora!! (捨てろとは一言も言ってないわ……角度を見ていただけだもの一番たたき込みやすいあなたの体の角度を……気に入るのは……もう少しアゴが右向いてくれた時だけオラオラオラオラオラオラオラオラSutero to wa hitokoto mo ittenai wa…… kakudo o miteita dake da mono ichiban tatakikomi yasui anata no karada no kakudo o…… kiniiru no wa…… mōsukoshi ago ga migi muitekureta toki dake. Ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora)

  • The killer went back inside the jail on purpose! He won’t come out again… because he’s someone who belongs inside! That’s why I’m going back inside! (「犯人」は牢獄の方向にわぎわざ戻って「犯人」は外へは出ない………刑務所の中にずっといる誰かという事よッ!`Hannin’ wa rōgoku no hōkō ni wa giwaza modotte `hannin’ wa soto e wa denai……… keimusho no nakani zutto iru dare ka toiu koto yo!)

  • Are you saying that I’m cheating? But I don’t see the collector anywhere! It’s because I definitely just caught it with my hands. And, that rewinding time is 10 seconds… the clock is now reset! Just enough time for me to beat your ass… (イカサマだとでも?だがおまえの「取り立て人」は現れないようだな!あたしは今まぎれもなく「手」キャッチしたんだからな……そして時間は 残り10秒『リセット』された!!おまえをブちのあす時間がなIka sama da to demo? Da ga omae no `toritatejin’ wa arawarenai yō da na! Atashi wa ima magire mo naku `shu’ kyatchishita n da kara na soshite jikan wa nokori 10 byō `risetto’ sareta!! Omae o bu chino asu jikan ga na)

  • How many throws do you want to bet on, huh? 100 throws, was it? No, it was 1000 throws!!! Ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora!!!!

  • Using force… I guess I’ll have to get used to it.

  • I… I don’t know why this happened so suddenly. But, uh, you could know, it could happen to anyone! Even the pope probably doesn’t have control over this! You know, there’s that thing «number 1» and «number 2», has to do with bowel movements, the one that starts with a «p»!!! I might do it in my pants!

  • You should have just released [the zero-gravity zone] when I told you to… You could have gotten away before, using this burst of air when Stone Free and I were farther away from you… This rush of air is blowing you towards me!!!!! Ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora!!!!!

  • Just say «Don’t cut me, bitch!!!»

  • The one thing I can’t do here… is wear my mental strength away, build unnecessary stress! It’ll also wear me down physically… I, in this ultra security punishment ward! Have a mission that I have to fulfill! I have to see it through… to do that… I can’t wear myself down for stupid reasons!

  • Two men look out through the same bars, one sees the wall and the other, stars… Which one I am? […] Of course I’ll see the stars… until I see my father, I want to keep on looking at the stars.

  • I never thought that I would find you like this!… There are three things I need to take from you! My father’s memory! The disc that you just took from F.F., and your life!

  • Is this your first time being cuffed? I’ve been cuffed every day since I came here, just as you fucking planned…

  • I am Jolyne Cujoh! I have to seal whatever the priest just obtained!

  • If the world was coming to an end, I’ve already decided that chocolate would be the last thing I ever eat!

  • I’m already prepared for anything that could happen. Even more than when I was here…

  • Something like burning my own body…! Compared to everything else I’ve gone though…! If this is what I need to do to get to the priest, it’s absolutely nothing!!

  • Emporio! Right now, Ermes is in a plane that’s going to crash! The plane is in a big hole in the floor of the hospital! I’m flying a fighter jet or something! It’s gonna crash, too! Find a way to get us out!

  • An organism that can mate with anything it encounters… I’m kinda jealous. I mean… no, NO! It’s just gross!

  • Come on, Father Pucci… Stone Free!

  • … Is this a dream? Is it real? The unicorn was hiding in the pattern of mom’s scarf… Yes… This is a dream, but it’s an important dream. I’m sure my mother’s clothes made me see it. It’s planted new hope in me. This dream is a message. It’s also power.

Creation and Development

Stone Ocean announcement page

The idea of a female JoJo protagonist was something that Araki had wanted to do since Part 5, with the main protagonist Giorno Giovanna.[31] Araki had previously written a female protagonist for his older series, Gorgeous Irene, however, he decided against it doing it again as he felt that female leads never worked out well for him,[32] and that it was too hard to get away with depicting violence against women in a shonen manga at the time.[33] This was also the reason why not many female characters were featured until later in the series,[32] as he thought the idea of drawing a girl getting beat up was far too cruel.[33] During Part 5, Araki said that he still had plans for a female protagonist, but couldn’t promise that the protagonist of his next work would be a woman.[32]

For Part 6, Araki finally thought it was time that he could properly draw a tough female protagonist, and so decided to make the main character Jolyne Cujoh, the daughter of Jotaro Kujo.[33] According to Hideto Azuma, Araki’s editor at the time, he had requested that Jolyne’s character was to be a man as Weekly Shonen Jump was a magazine for young teen boys. However, Araki insisted on Jolyne’s gender, saying that the fact that readers wouldn’t accept a female lead was exactly the reason why Jolyne had to be a woman.[31] The role reversal between her and her father was devised for her character to go beyond the typical archetypes found in Japanese fiction.[34]

Since Jolyne was to be a JoJo protagonist, Araki wanted her to be tough enough to not get disheartened even if she got punched in the face.[35] A lot of scenarios that a JoJo protagonist would have to overcome, like crawling through a ditch or falling from the top of a building with their legs wide open, also proved quite challenging for a woman.[35] However, Araki thought that this difference would be interesting to depict.[35] Furthermore, he wanted Jolyne to be someone with great humanity, like the Virgin Mary. For this reason, he felt that he had to make the protagonist a woman.[35]


  • In a 2020 Valentine’s Day poll in the official app, Jolyne Cujoh won first place for «characters I’d like to give me chocolate», having 4,489 votes.


  1. SO Chapter 6: Prisoner FE40536: Jolyne Cujoh, Part 3 / SO Episode 2: Stone Free — Gwess sings Jolyne’s name similarly to the song’s lyrics
  2. SO Chapter 51: Kiss of Love and Revenge, Part 1
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 SO Chapter 2: Stone Ocean, Part 2
  4. SO Chapter 4: Prisoner FE40536: Jolyne Cujoh, Part 1
  5. SO Chapter 21: Ermes’s Sticker, Part 1 (15 years plus an additional 5 years for prison break)
  6. 6.0 6.1 SO Chapter 10: Green Dolphin Street Prison (Originally 174 cm (5 ft 9 in))
  7. SO Chapter 63: The Secret of Guard Westwood, Part 4
  8. 8.0 8.1 SO Chapter 3: Stone Ocean, Part 3
  9. 9.0 9.1 SO Chapter 155: Made in Heaven, Part 7, p.16-17
  10. SO Chapter 6: Prisoner FE40536: Jolyne Cujoh, Part 3
  11. SO Chapter 118 Tailpiece
  12. SO Chapter 75: Father: Jotaro Kujo, Daughter: Jolyne Cujoh, p.16
  13. SO Chapter 20: Prisoner of Love, p.17
  14. SO Chapter 51: Kiss of Love and Revenge, Part 1, p,2
  15. SO Chapter 64: The Secret of Guard Westwood, Part 5, p2,1
  16. SO Chapter 52: Kiss of Love and Revenge, Part 2, p.6
  17. SO Chapter 93: Whitesnake — The Pursuer, Part 5, p.9
  18. SO Chapter 111: Long Time No See, Romeo, p.15
  19. 19.0 19.1 SO Chapter 138: At Cape Canaveral
  20. SO Chapter 58: Ultra Security House Unit, p.8-9
  21. SO Chapter 116: Sky High, Part 5
  22. SO Chapter 10: Green Dolphin Street Prison
  23. SO Chapter 33: Foo Fighters, Part 3, p.8
  24. SO Chapter 95: New Moon! New Priest
  25. SO Chapter 34: Marilyn Manson, the Debt Collector, Part 1, p.9
  26. SO Chapter 96: Jail House Lock!, Part 1, p.12
  27. 27.0 27.1 SO Chapter 1: Stone Ocean, Part 1, p.6
  28. SO Chapter 130: Heavy Weather, Part 6, p.15
  29. SO Chapter 146: C-MOON, Part 6, p.17
  30. SO Chapter 117: Sky High, Part 6, p.13
  31. 31.0 31.1 JOJOVELLER History book
  32. 32.0 32.1 32.2 Kappa Magazine (December 1996)
  33. 33.0 33.1 33.2 SPUR Magazine (August 2018)
  34. Eureka (November 2007)
  35. 35.0 35.1 35.2 35.3 SO Volume 1 Author’s Note

Site Navigation

Дочь Джотаро Куджо, главная героиня шестой части манги и единственная главная героиня-женщина в цикле «JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure». Рост — 174 см, вес — 58 кг. Потомок Джонатана Джостара в шестом поколении. Почти всё детство провела в одиночестве, даже когда нуждалась в пристальном внимании. По словам отца Джолин, она — на 1/4 японка, 1/4 американка, 3/8 итальянка и 1/8 англичанка.


В 14 лет её ошибочно приняли за подозреваемую в ограблении, и девушка в страхе угнала байк. Её первый раз отправили в тюрьму для несовершеннолетних. Вскоре мать развелась с отцом Джолин. И Джолин настолько сильно разочаровалась, что вступила в местную банду мотоциклистов, доставляя новые проблемы родственникам. Терпеть не может отца, так как тот почти не появлялся. В 19 лет она покинула банду, но на левой руке оставила татуировку и отправилась на свидание с парнем из богатой семьи по имени Ромео. Отправляясь домой, Ромео врезался в пешехода и убил его. Чтобы скрыть преступление, Ромео и Джолин свалили труп в неизвестное место. Их раскрыли, но Ромео подставил Джолин, перекинув все обвинения с помощью крупной взятки на Джолин. В результате девушка снова попала в тюрьму — Грин Долфин Стрит. Перед отправкой получила от адвоката послание от отца, который оказался стендом, образующий из тела тонкие нити, позволяющие слышать на дальнем расстоянии и оставлять режущие раны. Обладает особой силой и с помощью её может изменять фасон одежды, волос и форму тела. Позже выясняется, что аварию подстроил бывший последователь Дио, который намеревался убить Джолин в тюрьме. Во время боя с Джотаро против Джонгалли у девушки появился шанс сбежать, но она решает остаться, чтобы вернуть «сущность» Джотаро. С помощью Эмпорио у неё это получается. В финальной битве с отцом Пуччи Джолин погибает в основной вселенной, защитив отступление Эмпорио. В альтернативной вселенной без Пуччи она жива и её зовут Айрин.


空条 徐倫


Jolyne Kujo


Джолин (песня Долли Партон)




Stone Free














Тёмно синие и жёлто-зеленые(Манга, ASB)




Джозеф Джостар (прадед)

Сьюзи Кью (прабабушка)

Джоске Хигашиката (двоюродный дед)

Джорно Джованна (Пра-пра-двоюродный дед)

Садао Куджо (дед)

Холи Куджо (бабушка)

(Безымянная) мать

Джотаро Куджо (отец)

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[IC]Jolyne Kujo


[IC]Джолин (песня Долли Партон)


Джолин Куджо — протагонист шестой части «Невероятные приключения ДжоДжо» «Каменный океан». Джолин — единственная женщина «ДжоДжо» на сегодняшний день и дочь Джотаро Куджо.

Внешний вид

Джолин — девушка роста выше среднего и стройного телосложения. Её волосы завязаны в два пучка тёмного цвета, обмотанные двумя косами зеленого цвета. Как и все другие члены семьи Джостар, у Джолин есть маленькая звездчатая родинка на задней части её левого плеча, близко к её шее; и татуировка на верхней части ее левого предплечья изображение крыльев бабочки, наложенное нисходящим кинжалом, который появляется на груди ее нарядов.

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[IC]Jolyne Kujo


[IC]Джолин (песня Долли Партон)



Stone Free — гуманоидный станд с телосложением, похожим на Джолин Куджо. Stone Free позволяет Джолин распутывать свое тело на ленты. Она может сделать лентами около 70% своего тела не причиняя вреда, а также быстро восстанавливать первоначальное тело. Ленты также можно использовать для подслушивания. С помощью своих лент, Джолин может зашивать свои и чужие раны.

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[IC]Jolyne Kujo


[IC]Джолин (песня Долли Партон)


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