Как пишется енифер

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When I created Yennefer’s character I wanted Geralt to fully grow, but then I decided to make things complicated. I created a female character who refuses to be a fantasy stereotype. To please the reader.

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— Andrzej Sapkowski

Yennefer of Vengerberg, born on Belleteyn in 1173, was a sorceress who lived in Vengerberg, the capital city of Aedirn. She was Geralt of Rivia’s true love and a mother figure to Ciri, whom she viewed like a daughter to the point that she did everything she could to rescue the girl and keep her from harm.

She helped advise King Demavend of Aedirn (though was never a formal royal advisor), a close friend of Triss Merigold, and the youngest member of the Council of Wizards within the Brotherhood of Sorcerers. After its fall, the Lodge of Sorceresses attempted to recruit her, but they didn’t see eye to eye as the Lodge wanted to advance their own political agenda by using Ciri.


Early life and studying at Aretuza

Born in 1173, Yennefer had a rough childhood from the moment she was born due to her congenital hunchback. Her father immediately detested her due to this deformity and blamed Yennefer’s mother for it, claiming it was through her side, with mages and elven blood, not to mention her having had an abortion before, that caused the deformity. Her mother initially tried to protect Yennefer, believing it was by the will of the gods, but her father still struck Yennefer until one day he left them both for someone else. After this, her mother, upset that her husband had left, also began to beat her own daughter.[1]

At some point, due to her magical potential, she was received in the Aretuza school for sorceresses, where rectoress Tissaia de Vries became her teacher and mother figure. During her training, Yennefer tried to kill herself by cutting both of her wrists, severing her tendons, though she survived. Tissaia claimed that the purposefulness of her attempt was the only thing that prevented her from feeling contempt for her weakness, and continued her training. In accordance with the sorceresses’ tradition, any physical flaw, including her hunchback, was magically removed.[2] Yennefer made friends with her classmate Sabrina Glevissig[3] and eventually passed her training and tests in 1186, at the age of 13, and graduated as a sorceress. Three years later, in 1189, she lost her virginity.[4]

Meeting Geralt

At some point, Yennefer set herself up in the town of Rinde and, ignoring King Heribert’s rules that no magic users could stay in Redania, openly practiced her magic and provided her magical services to clients by staying with Novigrad’s ambassador, Beau Berrant, thus granting her asylum from the law while in the ambassador’s home.

One morning, a witcher intruded on her sleep, revealing himself as Geralt of Rivia and that he needed her assistance in healing his friend, Dandelion, who had been afflicted by a djinn. After an initially rough greeting where Geralt responded sarcastically to her questions, Yennefer agreed to heal the bard, but she secretly made preparations in hopes of capturing the djinn, after Dandelion makes his final wish. When Geralt tried to stop her from using Dandelion, her spell took hold of the witcher, charming him to do her will against those on the town council who were against her.

After Geralt is arrested, she has Dandelion, now awakened teleported out into town with instructions to make his wish to free Geralt. Yennefer tried to capture the djinn, but it fought her, destroying a good part of Rinde in the struggle, not knowing that the djinn’s master was not Dandelion, but in fact, Geralt, who still held one wish. Geralt arrived to see Yennefer struggle with her spell, and he tried to stop her, leading them to fight one another. She got the better of him, and he revealed to her that he was the one with the last wish that could free the djinn. Geralt knew that the moment he made a wish, Yennefer would be too weak to contain the djinn and it would kill her. So Geralt saved their lives, by wishing their fates were tied together. Yennefer was grateful to the witcher, willing to bind himself to her, and the two began a relationship.[5]

A year in Vengerberg

Yennefer and Geralt lived together for a year in Vengerberg. Occasionally Yennefer would ask Geralt to escort her when she attended a meeting with her fellow mages, but he would turn her down, fearing how they would treat him.[3] Eventually, Geralt left the sorceress, leaving her with feelings of bitterness towards the witcher.[6]

Temple of Melitele

Yennefer traveled to the Temple of Melitele in Ellander and spoke to Nenneke about a cure for her infertility. While she was at the temple, she spent time looking around for Geralt, and after discovering he wasn’t there confronted Nenneke and ended up quarrelling with her, before leaving the temple.[5]

The Dragon Hunt

Yennefer took part in assisting in hunting a dragon, accompanying king Niedamir along with dragon hunters. The company was soon joined by Geralt, Dandelion, Dorregaray, Borch Three Jackdaws and his two Zerrikanian warriors, Tea and Vea. When she joined the group of hunters, Yarpen Zigrin threw insults at her, and she threatened him. The hunters told her that they planned to kill the dragon without the help of her spells, as they feared her magics could kill the dragon and thus entitle her to the reward instead of them. They also asked that she remind Niedamir of the proposal for the reward, and she assured them that he already accepted the proposal, against her advice. Before leaving the group, she told them that when they face the dragon, they’ll regret declining her aid and beg for her help. Geralt followed Yennefer, and when they were alone, Yennefer revealed her anger towards the witcher, feeling hurt from him the last time they saw each other four years ago, and asked if he only took the quest to see her. He said he did so, and she said that they will pretend to be civil and friendly in front of the others but that they are through and that she has not forgiven him.

While traveling, Yennefer decided to give her opinions during a conversation between Geralt and Dorregaray. She told Dorregaray that, in opposition of his belief in preserving all living things, that dragons must be destroyed as they are true enemies of man because of their ability to wipe away an entire city with fire. Dorregaray insulted her, reminding her of her sterility and angered her. She advised Geralt to use common sense and he called out her argument, that if dragons didn’t hoard treasure, no one would care to bother them, especially mages like her.

When the company reached a bridge, they had to hurry to cross as a landslide began and Geralt grabbed Yennefer when she fell from her horse. The two crossed the bridge until it collapsed, leaving the two hanging for their lives. While those up top argued to wait to assist until Yennefer fell, Eyck lowered an enchanted elven rope and they pulled the couple up to safety. The company continued, where they encountered a golden dragon, Villentretenmerth, warning them to depart. After Eyck was defeated in the duel against the dragon, Yennefer begged Geralt to kill the dragon because she said she needed it She heard her infertility could be reversed, but in exchange, she needed a golden dragon. But Geralt made no promises to her. After Niedamir abandoned the mission, Dorregaray declared to protect the dragon, and the company fought amongst themselves, with Yennefer using her magic on Geralt and Dorregaray, giving the hunters time to bind the witcher, sorcerer and bard. But when she tried to claim the dragon for herself, the hunters turned on her and tied her up as well. As the dragon dealt with the hunters, and confronting the local malitia, the group finally realized that it was protecting baby dragons, one which nuzzled up to Yennefer. She had Geralt free her, using Igni, and she used her magic against the villagers attack the dragon. After the fight, Villentretenmerth stopped Vea from killing Yennefer, declaring the killing to be finished and appeciates her and Geralt’s help. He tells her that she and Geralt were meant for each other but nothing will come of it, though the romance between the sorceress and witcher had been reignited.[6]

Aedd Gynvael

Yennefer and Geralt together went to Aedd Gynvael, where she met her other lover, the sorcerer, Istredd. She and the witcher spend a night together and the next morning, she met and made love with the sorcerer. After Geralt met and spoke with Istredd, who asked Geralt to end his relationship with Yennefer, Geralt spoke with Yennefer that night, where she admitted she could not chose between the two men. After Istredd and Geralt agreed to duel, Yennefer sent a message to both the men, ending her relationship with both of them, rather than risk losing either of them.[6]

Battle of Sodden Hill

In 1263, she fought at the Battle of Sodden Hill alongside other sorceresses and sorcerers from the Brotherhood, but was blinded during the battle by Fringilla Vigo, a Nilfgaardian sorceress[7]. Her sight was later magically restored but she still bore the emotional scars.[4]

After the Battle of Sodden Hill she became a member of the Council of Wizards.[3] Later at some point, she travelled to the Gors Velen marketplace, where she saw and comdemned Yarpen Zigrin for his involvement in the dragon hunt.[4]

Saving Dandelion

In 1265, Yennefer travelled to Velen on the orders of Sigismund Dijkstra, where she hid under the great oak tree Bleobheris and watched Dandelion’s concert. After the concert, noticing that Rience was following Dandelion, she followed them both along the road to a small town. She found Dandelion behind the brothel Mama Lantieri’s, being attacked by Rience and two other thugs. She killed the two and sent a fire spell at Rience, burning the side of his face deeply, before he teleported away.

The two went into the local inn and had a meal over the discussion of recent affairs.[4]

Training Ciri

In 1266, after receiving a letter from Geralt, she traveled to the Temple of Melitele in Ellander to teach Ciri. Even though at the beginning the two of them didn’t get along well at first, they later grew a mother-daughter bond. Yennefer first taught Ciri about magic and how to harness chaos. She also helped her with stopping her nightmares for a while, as well as controlling her breathing and pulse.

One night, Nenneke grew tired of Yennefer’s training strategies, claiming she had no heart, as Ciri had spent the previous few days sick in bed, recovering from the intense training. This distance between Yennefer and Nenneke led to Ciri spending more and more time with the sorceress, and saw her friends much less.

In June 1267, she received news of the coming conflict with Nilfgaard, and revealed it to Ciri one day while the girl bathed. Yennefer decided they would travel to the magical school Aretuza so Ciri could learn in safety, and the sorceress could meet with the Conclave of Mages.[4]

Traveling with Ciri

The next morning, they left the temple to travel to Aretuza, first spending a night at an inn in Ellander, where Yennefer watched Ciri foretell the messenger Aplegatt of his death in a trance, before they left for Anchor in Temeria, their next rest stop.[3]

They stopped in Gors Velen, the city most famous for being close to Thanedd. There, Yennefer visited Giancardi Bank and met up with Molnar Giancardi, who told her that people were attempting to access her account in the Vivaldi Bank in Novigrad. They then discussed the economic growths and downs and Molnar hinted that the northern kings might be preparing for war. Yennefer then carried out some bank transactions including sending money to the Temple of Melitele and Aretuza for Ciri’s future studies. So she could discuss matters more privately with Molnar, Ciri was sent on the tour through the city with Fabio Sachs, during which she got caught by Margarita Laux-Antille and Tissaia de Vries, who thought she was a runaway student from Aretuza. After meeting up with Yennefer, everything was settled as they spent the evening together in the spa at The Silver Heron. They discussed mainly Ciri’s future studies along with other gossip, until Ciri ran away to see Geralt in Hirundum. Yennefer followed her there, which led to her reunion with Geralt after almost 4 years.[3]

When Ciri woke up the next day, Yennefer was in an orchard with Geralt arguing. They then made peace and forgave each other for their previous mistakes, and Yennefer invited the witcher and Ciri to the banquet on Thanedd.[3]

Thanedd Coup

On the last night of the month, Yennefer was accompanied to the banquet in Aretuza by Geralt. For the first time, the witcher fully confessed his love for her at the beginning of the banquet, before they talked to Sabrina Glevissig, her girlhood rival from studying at Aretuza. They then spoke with Philippa Eilhart and Sigismund Dijkstra, and then finally Triss Merigold. After the Chapter and Council joined the banquet, Yennefer told Geralt that since the Battle of Sodden Hill she had been a member of the Council. She also harshly reminded Triss about them being back together, telling Geralt that she knew about them and didn’t want to hear another word about it. She then left the witcher to talk with Tissaia and Francesca Findabair. Later that night in their room, Yennefer and Geralt made love, and he told her about his conversation with Vilgefortz.[3]

During the night, the sorceresses and sorcerers allied with Nilfgaard were arrested by Philippa Eilhart and her accomplices. Yennefer’s position was unknown, but she was presumed by many to be one of the traitors. She brought Ciri to the Garstang meeting on the orders of Tissaia. Ciri, who had been put into trance to act as a medium, served as a proof, for she couldn’t lie in trance. She confirmed the truth behind the attack in Dol Angra, where Demavend had attempted to incite a war against Nilfgaard. However, as it’d been a technical attack against the Empire, Emhyr’s troops answered back and began to push into Aedirn and Lyria. She then further revealed that King Vizimir II had been assassinated during the night. As dawn approached, a fight in Garstang erupted, after Tissaia freed the traitors. Ciri and Yennefer were attacked by an elven assassin while fleeing, whom Yennefer stabbed with a knife. They ran away, but needed to separate, so Yennefer told Ciri to go to Loxia and search for Margarita, for she would be safe there.[3]

During the fight, Francesca Findabair used artefact compression on Yennefer to smuggle her off the island, before Rience would find her.

Lodge of Sorceresses

Yennefer was kept in the jade figure for 47 days before Francesca freed her. According to the Queen of Elves, Yennefer was widely searched for and it was safer for her to stay that way. Even though the artefact compression can be dangerous, Yennefer was alright. Francesca then told her everything that happened during the time she was compressed, including what happened to Geralt and Ciri. Yennefer was told that, because she was missing, everyone considered her to be one of the Nilfgaard traitors. Francesca invited her to join the Lodge and warned her to not act against the plan of the Lodge. She wanted Yennefer’s word for it, but Yen didn’t give it.

She teleported to Montecalvo with Francesca and Ida Emean aep Sivney. Many sorceresses, including Sabrina Glevissig, considered her Vilgefortz’s ally and she faced much hatred from her former colleagues. She recognized Fringilla Vigo as the one who blinded her during the Battle of Sodden Hill.

After Philippa Eilhart introduced her plan to marry prince Tankred Thyssen of Kovir with Ciri to create northern monarchy that would oppose Nilfgaard, Yennefer told everyone about Ciri’s life and powers. The sorceresses then digged into Ciri’s true potential as the child of the Elder Blood. Francesca told them the story of Lara Dorren aep Shiadhal. Together they unearthed the generations of Elder Blood gene being passed on to Ciri.

The Lodge then proceeded to talk about Ciri’s whereabouts, when Assire informed them that the emperor doesn’t have a girl with the Elder Blood, therefore Ciri. The Lodge thought Ciri must had been captured by Vilgefortz. After this information Yennefer became terrified, because Ciri was either in Vilgefortz’s captivity or went through the portal in Tor Lara and was presumably dead or irrevocably lost. She deeply regretted what she pulled Ciri into.

During a small recession, she briefly talked to Triss and Francesca, but it soon became clear to Yennefer that Francesca wouldn’t let Yennefer talk to Triss alone, who she was hoping would help her escape from the castle to try and find Ciri herself. Realizing none of the sorceresses would help her out or blocked her from being left alone with those who would, Yennefer was left by herself eating oysters when she was approached by Fringilla Vigo. As the Nilfgaardian sorceress brought up their actions at Sodden Hill and what they did to each other, they found an unusual peace. Fringilla, knowing Yennefer was trying to escape, noted how it was dangerous to try and create a portal to get out of the magical blockade around Monteclavo and how the oyster shells they were eating could help create such a dangerous portal out, before casually remarking if they were friends she’d tell Yennefer not to do it, but they weren’t friends so she was free to do whatever. Thanks to this information, Yennefer managed to teleport out of the castle.[7]

In Skellige

Her blind teleporting wasn’t without some consequences, and Yennefer found herself caught in fishing nets as she teleported to where the oysters were from: right off the shores of Skellige. After a rude confrontation with the Skelligers who were fishing there, she was treated as a guest on the islands while she waited for Crach an Craite to return to discuss with him about Ciri. When he did arrive, he noted he planned to send her to Novigrad, to be judged for her supposed crimes, having believed she assisted Vilgefortz. Yennefer told him that she had no intention to sail to Novigrad, and risk being framed. She told him her intention to find and help Ciri, and reminded Crach that he made a similar vow to protect the princess. Trusting her words, he decided to help her. She went to Hindarsfjall to get the sacred diamond, Brisingamen, to use for her megascope, to communicate with others, as a way to allow herself to be bait and draw the attention of Vilgefortz.

With the crystal, she communicated to Triss as she wanted someone to know what happened to her if her next steps led to her death. However, she quickly realized something was wrong and confirmed that Philippa was in the room with Triss. Yennefer then realized that Triss had made up her mind and was loyal to the Lodge as Philippa took over the conversation, informing Yennefer they viewed her as traitor for escaping. When Yennefer then asked they at least clear her name if she should die in her attempt to find Ciri and inform Ciri of the truth, Philippa refused as it wasn’t in the Lodge’s best interests to do that. However, out of Yennefer’s desperation to prevent any harm from happening to her adoptive daughter, Yennefer decided to leave behind clues for the sorceresses anyways should something happen to her in her search for Ciri.

Shortly after that, she then set sail with volunteers to the Sedna Abyss, including Crach’s son, Hjalmar, as she’d learned someone had teleported there right after the coup and thus, likely a way to teleport to Vilgefortz’s hideout. However, knowing how dangerous this attempt would be, she had all but a skeleton crew stay on another ship while she took the skeleton crew into the abyss itself. Hjalmar tried to go with her as he also wished to rescue Ciri, but Yenefer refused and threatened him to make him stay behind much to his ire. With that, Yennefer then headed into the abyss where an unnatural storm suddenly started and teleported the ship and everyone on it away.

Captured at Stygga Castle

Yennefer’s guess had been right though, and she was teleported straight to Stygga Castle, Vilgefortz’s main hideout and who promptly captured the sorceress in his own attempt to lure Ciri to him. For two months, she was imprisoned in the castle dungeons, before being moved to different chambers of the castle. When ever she was moved from the chambers, her route did not consist of any hints for her to use to escape, and she was shackled with Dimeritium, to prevent her from using magic. One day, Yennefer was brought to meet Vilgefortz, who tried to convince her of Ciri and Geralt’s death, to no avail. When she was brought back to her room, she was met with Leo Bonhart, who told her of how he captured Ciri and forced her to fight and kill, and how he killed a few witchers. Despite these claims, Yennefer told him he would be no match for a real opponent such as Geralt, taunting the bounty hunter, and he tried to rape her. However, despite her limitations, Yennefer was able to fend him off and stabbed him in the cheek with a fork she took from the dining table, from before.

Reunited with Geralt and Ciri

After Ciri was captured, Yennefer was being taken by the castle lackeys, when Geralt, having arrived at the castle, found her, freeing the sorceress. Though weakened, Yennefer joined Geralt in his assault on the castle, to rescue Ciri. The two confronted Vilgefortz, and the couple fought the mage. Yennefer was eventually overcome by the sorcerer, who began to break her bones, but he was interrupted by Regis, freeing the now severely wounded witch. While she was down, Regis was killed, but Geralt was able to kill Vilgefortz, due to the medallion given to him by Fringilla creating an opening to win the fight. She came to, and with Geralt’s help, they left the room, and they were finally reunited with Ciri, meeting up with her in the castle, and Yennefer embraced her. As the three were leaving the castle, they found the only exit blocked by Stefan Skellen and his gang. She followed Geralt and Ciri down the stairway to the exit, as they killed anyone who tried to stop them, and nearing the exit, both the three, and Stellan’s gang were stopped by the Emhyr and his forces, who recently arrived. In order to hide his relation to Ciri and prevent any attempt to retrieve her, Emhyr gave Geralt and Yennefer a choice to die peacefully by slitting their wrists in the bath, and both of them agreed to it, seeing few options in their weakened states. They said goodbye to Ciri, and Yennefer made him promise not to hurt Ciri or make her cry, before he left the witcher and sorceress alone in the bath chamber to prepare for their end. The two spent, what they believed to be their last moments, making love. However, when they called for the guard for a knife to end their lives, they were surprised to find Ciri answering the door, saying everyone else had left the castle. Ciri told them that she cried terribly when she realized she would never see her foster parents again, and by doing so, it broke Emhyr’s promise to Yennefer and he decided to let all three of them go.

The three traveled together stopping at Jealousy to find out what happened to the bodies of the Rats, whom Ciri joined for a time. They found out that a burial mound was made for them, and Yennefer implied that it was this act of decency spared the town from potential wrath. They travelled to Claremont, where Ciri destroyed the arena where she was forced to fight. They continued traveling through Ebbing, becoming figures of legend.

Facing the Lodge

One night, Yennefer and Ciri were contacted with the Lodge. They demanded both she and Ciri come to them. Yennefer said she would not, nor could she, force Ciri to go but said she would see them, and asked them to let Ciri stay with Geralt a little longer, and she’d willingly act as hostage to insure Ciri would meet them later. Yennefer told Geralt she was leaving, and Ciri would follow later and they would all meet again. After visiting Toussaint with Geralt and rescuing Dandelion, Ciri joined Yennefer at Montecalvo castle, where they confronted the Lodge. The Lodge then told Ciri of their plans. Yennefer tried to cast her vote to allow Ciri to see Geralt and inform him of her situation, but the Lodge denied her the right to vote since she had refused to join them and had escaped. However, Philippa Eilhart voted in favor, allowing Ciri to go, Yennefer took Ciri to see Geralt again accompanied by Triss.

Farewell and Peace

Yennefer, Ciri, and Triss arrived at Rivia where Yennefer, knowing Triss’s lingering affections towards Geralt, told her she would never have the witcher’s love because she had chosen the side of the Lodge instead of Ciri. They soon found a riot had broken out in Rivia, and Ciri knew Geralt was in danger, and the sorceresses rushed to follow Ciri to Geralt. Yennefer was attacked by the crowd, but used her magic against them, causing them to back away, and Triss caught up, begging Yennefer that they should flee the city. Yennefer didn’t listen, and continued into the city. She was knocked out by the crowd, but Triss returned and saved her, and the two sorceresses used their combined powers, causing hail to rain down, dispersing the mob. The two found Geralt, fatally stabbed, though still alive, and Yennefer tried to heal him, using any spell she could think, even if she knew he couldn’t be helped with magic. She continued until the energy using magic had exhausted her, causing her to lose consciousness. Ihuarraquax arrived, and with it’s help with Ciri’s power, summoned a boat and Geralt and Yennefer were placed in the boat. Ciri went into the boat and sailed away, taking the couple to Malus Island, to find peace together.

The following is considered game canon only and may contradict Andrzej Sapkowski’s works.

Captive of the Wild Hunt

Yennefer and Geralt lived together on the island peacefully in a house with an orchard and stopped keeping track of time.[8] Both were presumed dead to the rest of the world, although ballads sung by Dandelion led some to believe they had married and lived in the happy isles.[9] Eventually, the wraiths of the Wild Hunt came to the island, burned the house and orchard and took Yennefer captive, seeking to use her as bait to capture Ciri.[8]

With Yennefer in tow, the Hunt traveled through different worlds[10] and passed through Sodden, Cintra, and Angren, taking twenty-three others captive.[8] The time was a blur of blood and fire, a wild chase across worlds.[10] Determined to rescue her, Geralt pursued the Riders of the Hunt for over a year. With the aid of Letho of Gulet, Serrit, and Auckes, three witchers of the School of the Viper who joined him after he saved Letho from a Slyzard, he confronted the Wild Hunt at the Hanged Man’s Tree in Nilfgaard on the Winter Solstice of 1270. Outnumbered by the Riders, the battle reached a stalemate, and Geralt proposed a deal with Eredin Bréacc Glas, King of the Wild Hunt, to trade his life for Yennefer’s.[8] Considering both suitable bait for Ciri,[10] Eredin agreed without hesitation.[8]

Alliance with Nilfgaard

Left in the care of Letho, Serrit, and Auckes, Yennefer was seriously ill, feverish, and delirious, to the point that the witchers believed she would die. Although she recovered from the sickness, she was left disoriented and had no memory. Not wanting Geralt’s sacrifice to go for nothing and aware that the headstrong, amnesiac sorceress would likely not survive long on her own, the four traveled the provinces of the Nilfgaardian Empire together. During their time together, Yennefer was a difficult companion, prone to outbursts. At one point, she attempted to seduce Auckes and drive a wedge between the witchers. Everywhere they went, Yennefer got into trouble and Letho, Serrit, and Auckes got her out of it.

One day, they were apprehended by the Imperial secret police. In Nilfgaardian custody, Yennefer was separated from the three witchers and questioned at length, though without any torture. Letho believed it was through her that the Nilfgaardians learned of the Lodge of Sorceresses. As she would not have informed on her fellow sorceresses consciously, he deduced that they used magical means to tap into her memories of the Lodge without her knowledge.[8] Later, through the efforts of Emperor Emhyr var Emreis’ mages, she regained her memory.[10] While at the palace, Yennefer was closely watched by the men of Vattier de Rideaux, head of the Nilfgaardian Secret Service.[8]

Yennefer was held hostage in a cell until the day that Emhyr came to her and offered to grant her release and free reign of the Imperial treasury in exchange for helping him locate Ciri, his daughter. Wanting to help Ciri, who she also regarded as her daughter, and aware that the vast power of the Emperor would be of great help to that end, Yennefer agreed. Judging that Geralt had escaped the Hunt and trusting that his witcher mutations would ward off any serious injury, she opted against seeking out her lover and spent the months that followed trying any means she knew to find their adopted daughter. Methods including locating spells, haruspicy, and geomancy all failed to reveal Ciri’s whereabouts but brought her activities to the attention of the Wild Hunt, who began to hunt after her trail. Sensing the Wild Hunt’s pursuit of her and having exhausted magical means, Yennefer ultimately chose to enlist the help of Geralt, Ciri’s adoptive father and the best tracker she knew.[10]

The witcher in White Orchard

In May 1272, Yennefer sent Geralt a letter, arranging to meet in the village of Willoughby. However the village had been burned down, due to the Third Northern War reaching the region, so she headed through to the Nilfgaardian Garrison, passing through White Orchard in quite a rush. From the garrison, she headed to Vizima, meeting with Emperor Emhyr var Emreis, concerning the location of Ciri. After a while, she heard Geralt was in White Orchard looking for her, so the sorceress rode with a Nilfgaardian escort to the White Orchard inn where she found Geralt and Vesemir.

Yennefer announced to Geralt that the emperor himself had summoned the witcher to Vizima. After agreeing and saying their goodbyes to Vesemir, the pair left with the escorts toward Vizima. Once night struck, the company was attacked by the Wild Hunt. The riders killed all of the soldiers and just before they could catch Geralt and Yennefer, the sorceress destroyed a bridge with magic, blocking their pursuit. Just the two of them reached Vizima alive.[10]

End of game canon content.


The lady of Vengerberg was famous for her beauty, even though she was nearly a century old. Yennefer had locks of curly, raven black hair fragrant with lilac and gooseberry perfume, falling in a cascade of curls on her shapely shoulders. Her face was very pale, triangular in shape with a slightly receded chin. Her eyes were cold and sparkling with a remarkable violet penetrating gaze, in anger blazing with livid, blue-gray fire. Those very eyes also concealed wisdom and imperiousness. Yennefer’s nose was slightly long, mouth was pale with thin and slightly crooked, soft, sweet with lipstick, proud lips. On her long and slender neck hung a black marigold with a star made of obsidian sparkling with a multitude of tiny diamonds embedded in it.

Yen had pronounced cheekbones, natural, slightly irregular eyebrows trimmed by hand and emphasized with charcoal, long eyelashes, and petite hands. Even in high-heeled shoes she wasn’t tall, was beautiful but threatening, having incredibly thin and slender waist and slender legs.

She always dressed in black and white, at times wore stockings, wore frilled panties but never wore trivialities with underwire, she didn’t need to. Her voice was resonant and mildly derisive. Her overall feminine shape was one of a twenty-year-old girl and she moved with a natural, unforced grace. She was a quarter-elf (meaning she had a quarter elven blood, in her case on her mother’s side).

It is implied that her attractive looks were a product of magic and had been acquired during her training, as with most other sorceresses. Geralt notes how her shoulders are slightly lopsided and by the end of the story realizes that Yennefer used to be a hunchback. Nevertheless, his love for her does not diminish.[5]


The Last Wish

A pale triangular face, violet eyes and narrow, slightly contorted lips appeared beneath the black tresses…She had pretty shoulders, a shapely neck and, around it, a black velvet choker with a star-shaped jewel sparkling with diamonds.

The sorceress finished fastening the straps of her slippers and stood up. Even in high heels, she wasn’t impressively tall. She shook her hair which, he found, had retained its picturesque, dishevelled and curling disarray despite the furious combing.

He saw her left shoulder, slightly higher than her right. Her nose, slightly too long. Her lips, a touch too narrow. Her chin, receding a little too much. Her brows a little too irregular. Her eyes. .. He saw too many details. Quite unnecessarily.

Sword of Destiny

How ravishing she is, he thought. Everything about her is ravishing. And menacing. Those colors of hers; that contrast of black and white. Beauty and menace. Her raven-black, natural curls. Her cheekbones, pronounced, emphasising a wrinkle, which her smile – if she deigned to smile – created beside her mouth, wonderfully narrow and pale beneath her lipstick. Her eyebrows, wonderfully irregular, when she washed off the kohl that outlined them during the day. Her nose, exquisitely too long. Her delicate hands, wonderfully nervous, restless and adroit. Her waist, willowy and slender, emphasised by an excessively tightened belt. Slim legs, setting in motion the flowing shapes of her black skirt. Ravishing.

She also possessed a very expertly stuffed unicorn, on whose back she liked to make love. Geralt was of the opinion that if there existed a place less suitable for having sex it was probably only the back of a live unicorn. Unlike him, who considered his bed a luxury and valued all the possible uses of that marvellous piece of furniture, Yennefer was capable of being extremely extravagant. Geralt recalled some pleasant moments spent with the sorceress on a sloping roof, in a tree hollow full of rotten wood, on a balcony (someone else’s, to boot), on the railing of a bridge, in a wobbly boat on a rushing river and levitating thirty fathoms above the earth. But the unicorn was the worst. One happy day, however, the dummy broke beneath him, split and fell apart, supplying much amusement.

Blood of Elves

She looked him in the eyes and nodded her head lightly, making her glistening, black curls writhe and cascade down to her shoulders. She slipped the roast chicken onto a trencher and began dividing it skilfully. She used a knife and fork. Dandilion had only known one person, up until then, who could eat a chicken with a knife and fork as skilfully. Now he knew how, and from whom, Geralt had learnt the knack. Well, he thought, no wonder. After all, he did live with her for a year in Vengerberg and before he left her, she had instilled a number of strange things into him.

‘The earth which we tread. The fire which does not go out within it. The water from which all life is born and without which life is not possible. The air we breathe. It is enough to stretch out one’s hand to master them, to subjugate them. Magic is everywhere. It is in air, in water, in earth and in fire. And it is behind the door which the Conjunction of the Spheres has closed on us. From there, from behind the closed door, magic sometimes extends its hand to us. For us. You know that, don’t you? You have already felt the touch of that magic, the touch of the hand from behind that door. That touch filled you with fear. Such a touch fills everyone with fear. Because there is Chaos and Order, Good and Evil in all of us. But it is possible and necessary to control it. This has to be learnt. And you will learn it, Ciri.

Time of Contempt

A blinding flash materialised into a transparent sphere, and inside it loomed a shape, assuming contours and shapes at frightening speed. Dandelion recognised it at once. He knew those wild, black curls and the obsidian star on a velvet ribbon. What he didn’t know and had never seen before was the face. It was a face of rage and fury, the face of the goddess of vengeance, destruction and death.

The Tower of the Swallow

Vilgefortz looked at the unconscious body being dragged across the floor towards the stairs that led into the dungeon. Then he looked up at Rience and Schirru. ‘There is always a risk,’ he said, ‘that one of you falls into the hands of my enemies and is interrogated. I would like to believe that you would be as strong minded as her under the screws. Yes, I would like to believe that. But I do not.’ Rience and Schirru remained silent. Vilgefortz turned again to the megascope, where an image appeared on the screen, produced by the giant crystal. ‘That’s all she located,’ he said, pointing at the screen. ‘I wanted Cirilla and she has given me the witcher. She did not have the empathic matrix of the girl, but when she became weak she gave me Geralt’s. I would not have believed she had such deep feelings for him…’

Season of Storms

Yennefer of Vengerberg, black-haired, dressed in black and white composition, brought to mind December morning.

The World of the Witcher

Official The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt promo artwork by Marek Madej

Yennefer assists Dandelion in writing «The Magic and Religions of the Continent», the third chapter of the compendium. Within the chapter, a fragment of records document her formative years as a student at Aretuza.

Adepts name: Yennefer
Former name: Jenny
After initial testing confirmed her magical talent, the adept was admitted to Aretuza’s first class. The girl comes from a pathological family – her father abused her psychically and physically, and her mother failed to support her. This rejection and abuse were likely precipitated by the deformation of the girl’s spinal column and scapula (she was a hunchback), or possibly by her mixed human-elven bloodline (she is quarter elvish, her mother a half blood).
It was undoubtedly the lingering effects of these traumatic childhood experiences that drove her to attempt suicide soon after admission to our academy. The girl tried to cut open her forearm veins and ended up inflicting serious tendon damage (healer documentation attached for reference).
Despite the above, the adept was personally recommended and very highly graded by the Chancellor of our Academy, Archmistress Tissaia de Vries. Her deformities and tendon trauma were corrected with use of higher magic during her first year, and her further eduction has fully vindicated the Chancellor’s high opinion.
Adept Yennefer is highly talented and determined student. Her results on subsequent exams have remained excellent.

The Witcher

Yennefer does not appear in the first game. During its events (year 1271), Yen is 98 years old. However, she is indirectly mentioned on several occasions.

  • In the Inn in the Outskirts of Vizima, Geralt can talk to a bard, who tells him about Dandelion, and about the ballads of the White Wolf Dandelion’s sung. Among them the tale of how «Geralt married a sorceress and they live somewhere on the happy isles».
  • At the very beginning of Chapter III, Triss tells Geralt that «the last time (she) felt this way, (Geralt) and a sorceress were playing with a genie».
  • In Chapter III, talking to the butcher, near town hall, you can ask him » Do you recognize me? anything about me?» he answers » They say you chase anything in a skirt, but you’re a real dog for sorceresses, Supposedly, you loved one once «
  • In Chapter IV, the innkeeper of the Country Inn at Murky Waters can tell a tale about Ciri. Near the end of it, he says that the sorceress loved the witcher and tried to revive him, but died in the process.
  • If Geralt chose Triss as Alvin’s guardian in Chapter III, and if he answers king Foltest when questioned about their relationship that he really loves Triss, the update on the Identity — quest says, among other things: «My amnesia prevents me from remembering our relations in the past, but I have the impression I once loved a sorceress, deeply…»
  • In Witcher DLC «Side Effects» made by CD PROJEKT RED as part of The Witcher: Enhanced Edition, Dandelion asks Geralt during their second conversation in jail :» …and what about you and Yennefer?» And Geralt says to him: » I don’t want to talk about this.»

The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings

Yennefer in The Witcher 2 (flashback)

Yennefer appears in flashbacks in the second game.

In an optional encounter at the very beginning of the game Geralt (still without his memory) meets the Crinfrid Reavers where they mention that they were intending to rape the sorceress and not him (during the events of Sword of Destiny). Despite this they fail to remember her name believing her to be called «Connifer».

In the end of the game it is revealed, that Yennefer is probably alive, but has amnesia like Geralt, and that she is located somewhere in Nilfgaard.

Also, if the player decides to prevent Síle de Tansarville from being torn to bits, she will tell Geralt where to search for Yennefer.

The Witcher Battle Arena

Twba character model Yennefer.png

Yennefer was a playable hero in the now defunct MOBA, having been added with the Season 2 Update on 29 June 2015. Her alternative skin was called Ravenlord’s Embrace and one of weapons was called Dark Moon weapon.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

Tw3 journal yennefer.png

In the third game, Yennefer is one of the main characters, and is voiced by Denise Gough. Her face was originally intended to be based on a 3D scan of Polish model Klaudia Wróbel,[11] however after initial in-game tests, the developers decided to reshape the face in order to give Yennefer a colder and meaner look.[12] Her first appearance is in the opening cinematic, wherein she is escaping from a battle between Nilfgaardian and Northern forces. Having recovered most of her memory, she has agreed to the serve Emperor Emhyr’s interests in the hunt for Ciri. There is also a free DLC which gives Yennefer an alternative outfit.

Yennefer had a note delivered to the witcher Geralt of Rivia stating that she needed to meet him urgently. Yennefer had given them a location to meet her, however the village was destroyed forcing her to flee towards White Orchard where Geralt alongside another witcher Vesemir lost her trail. Unknown to the witchers, Yennefer had then gone to Vizima, however as they had asked the nearby Nilfgaardian garrison commander for information about her location, the captain informed Yennefer of this. Knowning the witcher would be Geralt, Yennefer travelled to meet him immediately before taking him to Vizima to meet Emperor Emhyr var Emreis. En route, they are ambushed by the Wild Hunt, who slay their Nilfgaardian escort, before Yennefer destroys a bridge to prevent the Red Riders from pursuing them.

As it turned out Yennefer had learned from the emperor that Ciri had returned to this world and that the Wild Hunt was pursuing her. After Geralt’s audience, Yennefer explained that she had been using all manner of spells and rituals to try and track Ciri, only to alert the Hunt to her efforts. Therefore, she decided to rely on more conventional methods by turning to the best tracker she knows. She agreed along with Geralt to search for Ciri. She decided that he would search Velen and Novigrad for her whilst deciding to investigate Skellige herself.

While on Skellige

Geralt later rendezvoused with Yennefer in Skellige during King Bran Tuirseach’s funeral, where she explained that she suspected Ciri to be behind a cataclysm on the eastern end of Ard Skellig but Ermion, another of Ciri’s tutors, refused to let her access the site, until they spoke with Crach an Craite. Afterwards, Yennefer and Geralt attended a wake at Kaer Trolde, where they stole the Mask of Uroboros, which possessed the ability to see the past events of the place it is viewed it. Upon arriving at the devastated area, they were confronted by Ermion, who warned them that it could only be used once and that using it will bring a cataclysm upon Skellige. As Geralt argued with Ermion, Yennefer went deeper into the devastated area and activated the mask, which caused a storm. Geralt ran to Yennefer and, using the mask’s power, they found a place in the area where the elven mage had disintegrated a member of the Wild Hunt, then opened a portal and fled with Ciri. Ermion arrived soon after, and the two told him what they have found out. Ermion revealed to them that the Wild Hunt was recently seen on Hindarsfjall, so Geralt and Yennefer went there to investigate.

Upon arriving to Hindarsfjall they went to the village of Lofoten, where the women were performing a ritual. Yennefer and Geralt interrupted them and asked about the Wild Hunt and Ciri. They were told that Ciri has been in the village, and that she was seen with a man they referred to as Craven. The two of them were in the stables right before the Wild Hunt arrived and attacked the village, killing many of its inhabitants. When asked about Craven, the women said that he went to the sacred garden near the village to defeat Morkvarg, some time after the incident, so Yennefer and Geralt went there to find him. In the garden, they found a body, and Yennefer decided to use necromancy to make it speak.

The man’s real name was Skjall. From what the body said, they learned that Ciri left with the elven mage on a boat as they were being chased by the Wild Hunt. Later on, Uma arrived on the same beach. After hearing the whole story, Yennefer forced the body to go back to its dead form. Yennefer’s usage of necromancy drained all the magical power from the sacred garden, which the villagers of Lofoten didn’t take lightly, and they blamed Yennefer and Geralt for not respecting their customs and beliefs. Still, Yennefer didn’t care much about villagers’ opinions, and she and Geralt ignored their claims. After leaving the garden, Yennefer asked Geralt to meet with her in Larvik, another village on Hindarsfjall, if he wanted to help her with something.

Geralt met Yennefer at the inn of the village, where she told him she wanted to tame a djinn that belonged to a mage who sank his ship near Larvik harbor. They searched around the bay for the wreckage, until Geralt found a large crater on the bottom of the sea, and half of a seal inside it. He returned to Yennefer on the boat at the surface, and they concluded the mage asked the djinn to teleport him somewhere, which caused a part of the ocean’s surface to teleport as well. Yennefer used the part of the seal to open a portal near the other half. Upon going through the portal, the two of them found themselves on top of a mountain, with the wreckage laying nearby.

At this point, Yennefer confessed to Geralt that she needs a djinn to remove Geralt’s last wish, which was to bind the two of them forever, so that she could see whether they truly love each other or if they are together because of the magical bond. The player can decide how Geralt would feel about this. Going through the wreckage, they found the other half. Yennefer connected the pieces which summoned the djinn. After a battle, they tamed it, and Yennefer commanded the djinn to remove the magic between her and Geralt. After this, they decided to sit on the edge of the ship, and Yennefer confessed to Geralt that she still has feelings for him. At this point, the player can decide whether Geralt also keeps his feelings for Yennefer or if he is no longer in love with her. This choice doesn’t affect gameplay as much, but it is crucial to the ending itself, and Geralt’s fate.

After sitting some time on the edge of the ship, Yennefer opened a portal to her room at the Kaer Trolde inn, and they returned there. They knew Uma (also known as ‘the ugliest man alive’) was somehow important to finding Ciri, and assumed that it is probably a human, but under a curse. Yennefer decided to go to Vizima to report to the emperor, while Geralt went off to get Uma. Afterwards, they were to rendezvous at Kaer Morhen and decide what to do with the cursed being.

As Geralt was on his way to Kaer Morhen with Uma, he was intercepted by Nilfgaardian soldiers, and brought to Vizima to report to Emhyr himself. Yennefer was also there, and the two of them explained to the emperor what they found out and what their plans were. Afterwards, Yennefer teleported to Kaer Morhen, while Geralt went there on his horse with Uma. Upon arrival, she started ordering everyone around, ordering Eskel to collect forktail spinal fluid and for Lambert to imbue the phylactery with Power from the Circle of Elements.

Subsequently, she attempts to contact Ida Emean via megascope but some interference cause her three separate megascope crystals to explode. When Geralt arrives, she has him search for the source of the interference, which turns out to be dimeritium bombs created by Lambert, which Yennefer suspected he planted out of spite. With that out of the way, Yennefer successfully contacted Ida, who translated the Elder speech riddle to be as old as the Aen Undod.

In order to lift the curse, Yennefer reveals that she intends to put Uma through the first half of the Trial of the Grasses and to use a prolonged magical treatment on Uma to reconstruct his original body piece by piece. Using the phylactery Ciri had repaired, they were able to contain the curse. Uma is revealed to be a transformed Avallac’h, the elven Sage who helped Ciri, who revealed where their young ward was hidden.

Yennefer was finally reunited with Ciri after so many years, but the happy reunion was short-lived, as the Wild Hunt descended on Kaer Morhen. Yennefer participated in the battle by putting up a magic barrier to force the Hunt’s navigators to open portals outside the fortress.

In the aftermath of the battle, Yennefer decided that they needed to reunite the Lodge of Sorceresses and managed to work out a deal with Emhyr, with the promise of amnesty and asylum for the Lodge if they help defeat the Hunt. She and Triss traveled to Novigrad to search for Margarita Laux-Antille and Philippa Eilhart respectively.

Yennefer later met with Geralt at Crippled Kate’s to wait for the one man who escaped Deireadh prison, who then panicked, assuming the both of them to be bandits and ran off. They managed to catch up with him and clear up the misunderstanding. Returning to Kate’s, the escapee explained that his knowledge of herbs enabled him to use mushrooms growing inside his cell and belladonna to fake his death, tricking the witch hunters into throwing him into the corpse pit, which led to the sewers.

Yennefer then devised a plan for Geralt to infiltrate Deireadh through Oxenfurt’s underground elven ruins and provided him with a device to signal her to teleport in once he had found Margarita. However, she could only teleport Margarita out, forcing Geralt to find another way out on his own.

The sorceress Yennefer of Vengerberg — a one-time member of the Lodge of Sorceresses, Geralt’s love, and teacher and adoptive mother to Ciri — is without a doubt one of the two key female characters appearing in the Witcher books and games.
The books provided our artists with a greate deal of detailed information about Yennefer’s appearance, including everything from her hairstyle, figure, and height to the color of her eyes and hair to such nuances as the shape of her face and nose. All of these traits were considered while drawing the concepts and creating the model for this sorceress.

Associated quests

Journal entry

The witcher first met the raven-haired sorceress a good twenty years back. Their friendship and feelings between them were born of a common adventure involving a genie and a wish granted to Geralt that intertwined their fates inextricably.
In the time since then their relationship had, however, been quite stormy — rich in ups and downs, crises and break-ups. Geralt and Yennefer’s love provides irrefutable proof that «opposites attract.»
A few years ago Geralt and Yennefer had, after a long separation full of adventures for them both, gotten back together again. Their moment of repose was interrupted by the Wild Hunt, which took Yennefer captive. The witcher set out at once to save her, but lost his memory while doing so. When he finally recovered it, he immediately set off once more on his quest to find his beloved sorceress.
The circumstances of Geralt’s initial reunion with Yennefer after two years were quite different than he had imagined. The sorceress was not only safe and sound, but had even secured the aid of an unexpected and mighty ally — the Nilfgaardian Empire.
If Geralt romances Yennefer in Skellige

A thick air of repressed hostility reigned during Geralt’s time with Yennefer in Skellige. More than once the sorceress sharply expressed her displeasure, sparing no cutting remark — just like during the best years of their relationship. In the end, however, the witcher’s patience was rewarded, and their expedition to retrieve the mask of Uroboros brought the former lovers back together.
The gulf that had arisen between them during their time of seperation seemed that much narrower.
In order to obtain the information they needed Yennefer did not hesitate to resort to necromancy, and destroyed the goddess Freya’s garden while doing so. If the proud sorceress felt any guilt as a result,as usual she showed no sign of it.
If Geralt helps Yennefer in The Last Wish

The idea of hunting another genie together did not at first arouse Geralt’s enthusiasm, but Yennefer had a truly valid reason for wanting it. If she succeeded in forcing the genie to take back the wish binding her to the witcher, she would finally know if the feelings between them were truly love or merely magic.
If Geralt tells Yennefer he loves her in The Last Wish

The genie granted Yennefer’s request and broke the thread of destiny binding her to Geralt. Luckily it turned out their love could continue—without the need for supernatural assistance.
Though the sorceresses’ difficult character had made life miserable for everyone at Kaer Morhen, in the end it was her stubborn determination that led to Uma’s disenchantment and lifting of Avallac’h’s curse.
Yennefer had always felt some ends justified otherwise unsavoury means. When it became clear rescuing Ciri would require the help of Philippa Eilhart and the other sorceresses of the reviled Lodge, she forgot about any bad blood and convinced Emhyr to grant them amnesty.



The Witcher 3- Wild Hunt «The Trail» Opening Cinematic


  • Both Ciri and Yennefer were born on Belleteyn — In The Voice of Reason Geralt thinks that’s an interesting coincidence.
  • In The Hexer TV series, she appears in 2 episodes, «Smok» and «Okruch lodu».


Yen eurogamer 1

Concept art for The Witcher 3

Yen eurogamer 2

Concept art for The Witcher 3


Concept art for The Witcher 3


Concept art for The Witcher 3

Yennefer from Vengerberg badass artwork

Promotional artwork for The Witcher 3


Work in progress model of Yennefer’s face for TW3, based on Klaudia Wróbel

Yen face eurogamer 2

Work in progress model of Yennefer’s face for TW3, based on Klaudia Wróbel

Yen face eurogamer 1

Work in progress model of Yennefer’s face for TW3

Yen face eurogamer 3

Work in progress model of Yennefer’s face for TW3

The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt-Yennefer

Promotional poster for The Witcher 3

Tw3 yennefer pawel mielniczuk

Render for The Witcher 3

Tw3 concept art Alternative Look for Yennefer

Concept art in her alternative outfit DLC for The Witcher 3

Yennefer alternate outfit

Yennefer Thelastwish

Yennefer during The Last Wish

Gwent cardart neutral yennefer divination

Gwent cardart neutral yennefer conjurer

Gwent cardart neutral yennefer

Gwent cardart nilfgaard yennefer enchantress

Tw Curse of Crows Yennefer

Yennefer in The Witcher: Curse of Crows comics

Tw Killing Monster Yennefer

Yennefer in The Witcher: Killing Monsters comics

TW2 Yen

Yennefer trying to heal Geralt during the Rivian Pogrom, from a flashback cutscene in The Witcher 2

Yennefer artwork2

Yennefer captured by Eredin, from a flashback cutscene in The Witcher 2


Yennefer in the old graphic novels

Yennefer tv series

Yennefer in The Hexer

Yennefer z filmu

Yennefer in The Hexer movie and TV show

Yeneffer TW-OFAF


  1. English translation of «Janka» in The World of the Witcher
  2. Noted specifically in Something Ends, Something Begins of being quarter elf, though unspecified how much in the saga
  3. In 1267, she states she’s 94 years old (The Tower of the Swallow)


  1. 1.0 1.1 The Tower of the Swallow
  2. The Lady of the Lake
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 Time of Contempt
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 Blood of Elves
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 The Last Wish
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 Sword of Destiny
  7. 7.0 7.1 Baptism of Fire
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings
  9. The Witcher
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
  11. Twarzy Yennefer w grze Wiedźmin 3 użyczyła polska modelka, Klaudia Wróbel
  12. Yennefer face and hair concept by Paweł Mielniczuk

External Links

  • Gwent icon.png See the GWENT standalone game version card: Yennefer

Всё зависти от языка и от правил транскрипции в нем принятом!

От валлийского имени Gwenhwyfar: валл. gwen (белая, чистая) + hwyfar (тень, призрак). Более известна адаптированная форма Гвиневер/Гвеневер — имя жены короля Артура, возлюбленной Ланселота

Гвиневер, Гвеневер, Гуэнвивар, Гвенивар, Гвенифер, Дженнифер, Джиневра, Гайнор, Гэйнор, Финнавар.

Итальянский (Italiano) Написание и транскрипция региональных вариантов даны с учетом орфографических стандартов соответствующих региональных языков
ж. Ginevra (Джиневра), венетск. (Венеция, XV-XVI вв.) Zenevra (Зеневра, Дзеневра), Genevre (Дженевре), уменьшительные — Ginevrina (Джиневрина), Ginevruccia (Джиневручча), Gina (Джина), Ginetta (Джинетта), Ginina (Джинина), Gin (Джин), Ginni, Ginny (Джинни). Также созвучно с ит. названием Женевы — Ginevra.

Корнийский (Cornish) ж. Gwenifer (Гвенифер), Jennifer (Дженнифер), Jenifer (Дженифер)

Умная и властная Йеннифэр — весьма эгоистичная и вредная особа, но способна на сильную любовь и самопожертвование. Также у неё доброе сердце — она спасла семью банкира-краснолюда во время одного из погромов в Венгерберге. Среди предков Йеннифэр по материнской линии были эльфы, в том числе — эльфийские чародейки.

Чем пахла йеннифер?

В одежде Йеннифэр предпочитает сочетание черного и белого цвета. На шее носит обсидиановую звезду с активными бриллиантами, являющуюся сильным магическим артефактом. Пользуется духами с ароматом сирени и крыжовника.

Сколько лет геральту и йеннифер?

Йеннифэр Йен в 1267 сама упоминает в книге «Башня ласточки» что ей 94 года. Значит родилась она в 1173 году. Йеннифэр — 99 лет.

Что случилось с йеннифер?

Судя по всему, Йеннифэр попала в плен к нильфгаардцам. Пост с этими кадрами был опубликован на официальной странице «Ведьмака» в Twitter в сопровождении такой стихотворной подписи: Она использовала всю свою силу, И поле битвы поглотил огонь.

Сколько лет трисс и йеннифер?

Йен в 1267 сама упоминает в книге «Башня ласточки» что ей 94 года. Значит родилась она в 1173 году. Йеннифэр — 99 лет.

Как выглядит йеннифер?

Йеннифэр предстаёт женщиной необыкновенной красоты (роскошные волосы цвета воронова крыла, закрученные в крутые локоны, каскадом ниспадающие на плечи, стройная фигура, горящие фиалковые глаза), и хотя сам Геральт при первой встрече видит её на свой манер привлекательной, но не красивой (немного длинноватый нос, …

Где можно найти йеннифер?

Если вы завели роман с Йен, то она появится в конце DLC на винодельне Корво Бьянко. Там вы и сможете ее найти после прохождения, поболтать и даже поспать вместе, правда без сцен секса.

Сколько лет геральту в сериале?

Возраст Геральта из Ривии

Геральту не менее 45-50 лет на момент его прихода вместе 12-летней Цири в Каэр Морхен.

Сколько лет Цирилле?


Цирилла Фиона Элен Рианнон польск. Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon
Статус Королева Цинтры
Возраст 16 лет («Владычица Озера»)
Дата рождения ок. 1252 года (летоисчисление саги)
Место рождения Цинтра

Сколько лет Авалакху?

После снятия с Кревана заклятья Умы выяснятся, что всё его тело покрыто татуировками. В одной из бесед с Цири во время игры выясняется, что Аваллак’ху более 300 лет.

Кто играл йеннифер до превращения?

Вторая фичуретка посвящена волшебнице Йеннифэр из Венгерберга, возлюбленной Геральта, которая вместе с ним оказывается в эпицентре тревожных событий своего мира. Ее играет Аня Чалотра, и в фичуретке мы видим ее Йеннифэр до и после превращения.

Кого на самом деле любит Геральт?

Йеннифер из Венгерберга — главная любовь Геральта Фанаты серии игр про Ведьмака (The Witcher) ведут спор, кто лучше подходит для Белого Волка — Трисс или Йеннифер. Причем большинство отдают предпочтение рыжеволосой чародейке.

Что стало с цири в плохой концовке?

Плохая концовка

Итак, Цири намеревается остановить Белый Хлад, дабы спасти мир от разрушения. Перед тем, как вступить в схватку, она вспоминает время, проведенное с Геральтом, что не придает ей сил, а демотивирует. Впоследствии, она погибает.

Как Геральт стал Ведьмаком?

Примерно через 20 лет, когда Геральт впервые уже взрослым ведьмаком вышел на большак, он стал представляться как «Геральт из Ривии». Это имя молодой ведьмак получил по жребию, который тянул по совету Весемира, после того как тот отговорил его от использования имени Геральт Роджер Эрик дю Хо-Беллегард.

Сколько лет Ведьмаку 3?

В книгах нет точно информации о возрасте любимого героя. Есть только косвенные намеки, некоторые события и вопросы, заданные Сапковскому. Есть две версии по-этому поводу. Первое предположение гласит, что Геральту в событиях, происходящих в третьем ведьмаке около 50-60 лет.

Сколько лет ведьмаку в игре?

Геральт из Ривии

Геральт из Ривии польск. Geralt z Rivii
Волосы белые
Глаза желтые (следствие мутаций
Род занятий Ведьмак
Возраст около 100 лет («Владычица Озера»)

Что означает имя Йеннифэр? Что обозначает имя Йеннифэр? Что значит имя Йеннифэр для человека? Какое значение имени Йеннифэр, происхождение, судьба и характер носителя? Какой национальности имя Йеннифэр? Как переводится имя Йеннифэр? Как правильно пишется имя Йеннифэр? Совместимость c именем Йеннифэр — подходящий цвет, камни обереги, планета покровитель и знак зодиака. Полная характеристика имени Йеннифэр и его подробный анализ вы можете прочитать онлайн в этой статье совершенно бесплатно.

Анализ имени Йеннифэр

Имя Йеннифэр состоит из 8 букв. Восемь букв в имени означают, что это кто угодно, только не прирожденный «человек семьи». Такие люди постоянно испытывают чувство неудовлетворенности существующим положением вещей, они всегда в процессе поиска чего-то нового, яркого, способного вызвать восхищение. Сами же они – воплощенное очарование, в самом прямом смысле слова: способны околдовать, увлечь, лишить разума. Проанализировав значение каждой буквы в имени Йеннифэр можно понять его тайный смысл и скрытое значение.

  • Й — свидетельствует о замкнутости и неумении находить общий язык с людьми. В характере присутствует мелочность. Люди, которые имеют такую букву в имени, нередко верят в свою уникальность и пытаются всячески проявить себя, такая идея может не умирать в них до последних дней.
  • Е — самовыражение, стремление к обмену опытом. Выступают в роли посредника в конфликтах. Проницательны, понимают мир тайн. Болтливы. Сильная любовь к путешествиям, в жизни такие могут часто менять место жительства, непоседливы.
  • Н — знак неприятия действительности такой, какая она есть; желание достичь духовного и физического здоровья. В работе проявляется усердие. Нелюбовь к труду, не вызывающего интереса. Наличие критического ума и категорическое неприятие рутинной работы. Неумение расслабляться в обществе, постоянная напряженность и сомнения.
  • Н — знак неприятия действительности такой, какая она есть; желание достичь духовного и физического здоровья. В работе проявляется усердие. Нелюбовь к труду, не вызывающего интереса. Наличие критического ума и категорическое неприятие рутинной работы. Неумение расслабляться в обществе, постоянная напряженность и сомнения.
  • И — романтичные, утончённые и чувственные натуры. Добрые, мечтают о гармонии с окружающим миром. В сложной ситуации проявляют практичность. Иногда склонны к одиночеству и аскетизму. Неумение подчиняться кому-либо, в то же время указывает на равнодушие к власти.
  • Ф — желание быть в «центром вселенной», блистательность, дружелюбие. Генераторы идей. Делают людей счастливыми, получая от этого удовольствие. Недовольство, ворчливость и сомнение. Люди, имеющие в именах такие буквы, проходят достаточно много жизненных испытаний.
  • Э — видят суть событий, скрытую от обычных глаз, людей чувствуют насквозь, хорошо владеют устной и письменной речью. Любопытны, высокомерны. Лукавство и обаяние. Чрезмерное стремление к элитарности.
  • Р — противостоят воздействию извне, уверены в себе, храбрые, увлечённые личности. Способны к неоправданному риску, авантюрные натуры склонны к непререкаемым суждениям. Умение рисковать ради цели. Желание и потенциал для лидерства.
  • Значение имени Йеннифэр в нумерологии

    Нумерология имени Йеннифэр может подсказать не только главные качества и характер человека. Но и определить его судьбу, показать успех в личной жизни, дать сведения о карьере, расшифровать судьбоносные знаки и даже предсказать будущее. Число имени Йеннифэр в нумерологии — 2. Девиз имени Йеннифэр и двоек по жизни: «Командный дух!»

    • Планета-покровитель для имени Йеннифэр — Луна.
    • Знак зодиака для имени Йеннифэр — Рак
    • Камни-талисманы для имени Йеннифэр — гранат, золото, метеорит, молдавит, ракушняк, дымчатый кварц, шпинель, сугилит, танзанит, таворит, турмалин, коричневый турмалит.

    Двойка Йеннифэр живет в прошлом, хранит в душе все старые раны, пестует свои обиды. Прошлое Двойки мешает построить гармоничное настоящее. Двойка нуждается в партнере, часто слишком боится потерять близкого человека. Страдает от несправедливого мнения окружающих и критики. Двойка всегда будет требовать поддержки окружающих, ранима, не уверена в своих силах. Йеннифэр очень любит подарки, потому что именно так представляет проявления любви к себе. Двойка не любит открытой вражды, чувствительна и романтична. В целом, это очень семейный человек, который всегда окажет поддержку и придет на помощь. По характеру Двойка — это прирожденный социальный работник. Чтобы порадовать Двойку по имени Йеннифэр, достаточно дать ей настоящую любовь и открыть свои чувства. К наиболее явным отрицательным качествам «двойки» следует отнести склонность к зависимому положению и примиренчеству, депрессивность, нерешительность. Пассивная жизненная позиция может стать причиной неоправданной уступчивости в принципиальных вопросах. А это неизбежно приведет к потерям во всех сферах жизнедеятельности, и, как следствие – недовольству собой, озлоблению и отчужденности. Интерпретируя значение цифры 2, следует четко видеть грань, отделяющую дипломатичность и стремление к мирному сосуществованию от податливости и робости. Спокойствие и уравновешенность, присущие двойкам, позволяют им объективно мыслить и принимать обдуманные решения. Носители имени Йеннифэр стараются руководствоваться логикой и здравым смыслом. Прекрасные дипломаты, любой конфликт они способны уладить мирным путем. Им присущи доброта, тактичность в деликатных вопросах и мягкий характер.

    • Влияние имени Йеннифэр на профессию и карьеру. Число 2 в нумерологии – это прекрасный шанс для самореализации в самых разных видах профессиональной деятельности. Подходящие профессии: командный игрок, миротворец, сотрудник благотворительных организаций.
    • Влияние имени Йеннифэр на личную жизнь. Что значит число 2 в личном плане? «Двойка» всегда положительно влияет на удачный выбор второй половинки. Разумеется, наличие этого показателя не является стопроцентной гарантией счастливого брака. Двойки нуждаются в поддержке и нередко подвержены сомнениям, поэтому в отношениях для них самое важное – стабильность, доверие и надежность. Для таких людей отлично подойдут лидеры-единицы, волевые восьмерки и требовательные к себе шестерки.

    Планета покровитель имени Йеннифэр

    Число 2 для имени Йеннифэр означает планету Луна. Луна наделяет подвластных ей эмоциональностью. Люди с именем Йеннифэр открыты и наивны. Они легко входят в контакт с другими и, соответственно, легко и быстро приспосабливаются к окружающим обстоятельствам. У них весьма развита интуиция, благодаря которой достигают поставленных целей, не слишком утруждаясь, не лезут напролом, а находят более легкие, но не менее достойные пути достижения своих целей. Характер имени Йеннифэр в общем-то несложный, но случаются перепады настроения, помочь выйти из которых могут люди, например, первого типа, более сильные эмоционально. Лунные люди с именем Йеннифэр серьезно настроены по отношению к семье и браку. Они верны супругу, домовиты. Кроме того, носители имени Йеннифэр интраверты, иногда бывают замкнуты и неразговорчивы. Проблемы, которые они пытаются решить внутри себя, часто приводят к перепадам настроения. Кроме всего прочего, это индивиды с характером, их не так-то легко заставить плясать под чужую дудку. Владельцы имени Йеннифэр независимы, дипломатичны и ответственны.

    Знаки зодиака имени Йеннифэр

    Для имени Йеннифэр подходят следующие знаки зодиака:

  • Знак зодиака Рак для имени Йеннифэр. Рак с именем Йеннифэр переплюнул все знаки зодиака по чувственности и восприимчивости. Йеннифэр Рак, как представитель водной стихии находится под покровительством планеты тайн, сомнений и переживаний — Луны. Не дай бог обидеть Рака по имени Йеннифэр. Серьезно. Скажут, что простили, а на самом деле еще 50 лет будут помнить и при каждом удобном случае воткнут в тебя шпильку: «А вот помнишь, ты у меня во втором классе отжала ластик». Обладатели имени Йеннифэр брезгливы до невозможности: даже крошка на столе приводит их в бешенство. Владельцы имени Йеннифэр, как и другие Раки обожают идеальную (читай – клиническую) чистоту и пытаются все свое окружение втянуть в эту религию. Отговорки «это творческий беспорядок» Раков не устраивают – они наведут красоту в любом случае, и даже разрешения не спросят.
  • Цвет имени Йеннифэр

    Оранжевый цвет имени Йеннифэр. Люди с именем Йеннифэр, носящие оранжевый цвет, очаровательны и обаятельны, они яркие как внешне, так и внутренне. Владельцев имени Йеннифэр можно заметить по оригинальной одежде и внешности. Носители имени Йеннифэр умные и весёлые, однако, про них говорят, что их слишком много, поэтому знакомых у них куча, а вот настоящий друг только один. Потому что у него должно быть ангельское терпение и умение выслушать и скорректировать фонтанирующего бестолковыми идеями оранжевого товарища. Положительные черты характера для имени Йеннифэр – коммуникабельность, неординарность. Отрицательные черты характера имени Йеннифэр – бескультурье и даже некоторое хамство.

    Как правильно пишется имя Йеннифэр

    В русском языке грамотным написанием этого имени является — Йеннифэр. В английском языке имя Йеннифэр может иметь следующий вариант написания — Yennifer.

    Видео значение имени Йеннифэр

    Вы согласны с описанием и значением имени Йеннифэр? Какую судьбу, характер и национальность имеют ваши знакомые с именем Йеннифэр? Каких известных и успешных людей с именем Йеннифэр вы еще знаете? Будем рады обсудить имя Йеннифэр более подробно с посетителями нашего сайта в комментариях ниже.

    Если вы нашли ошибку в описании имени, пожалуйста, выделите фрагмент текста и нажмите Ctrl+Enter.

    Йеннифэр из Венгерберга
    польск. Yennefer z Vengerbergu
    Yennefer of Vengerberg (by KATRIONA).jpg
    Вселенная Мир «Ведьмака»
    Появления Произведения:
    «Последнее желание»,
    «Меч Предназначения»,
    «Кровь эльфов»,
    «Час Презрения»,
    «Крещение огнём»,
    «Башня Ласточки»,
    «Владычица Озера»,
    «Что-то кончается, что-то начинается»,
    «Сезон гроз»
    «Ведьмак» (2001)
    Компьютерные игры:
    «Ведьмак 3: Дикая Охота»
    «Ведьмак» (2002),
    «Ведьмак» (2019 – …)
    Создатель Анджей Сапковский

    Гражина Вольщак (сериал, TVP)
    Аня Чалотра (сериал, Netflix)

    Людмила Дымкова (Фильм-мюзикл «Дорога без возврата»)
    Людмила Дымкова (рок-опера «Дорога без возврата»)
    Озвуч. игры:
    Татьяна Шитова (рус.),
    Дениз Гоф (англ.),
    Беата Евяж (польск.).

    Настоящее имя Янка
    Раса Человек
    Пол Женщина
    Род занятий Чародейка
    Возраст 95 лет («Владычица Озера»)
    Дата рождения Белтейн, 1173 года (летоисчисления саги)
    Место рождения Венгерберг, Аэдирн
    Родственники Цири (приёмная дочь)
    Логотип Викисклада ÐœÐµÐ´Ð¸Ð°Ñ„айлы на Викискладе

    Йеннифэр из Венгерберга (польск. Yennefer z Vengerbergu), также Йенна или Йен (польск. Yenna, Yen) â€” могущественная чародейка, одна из центральных персонажей саги о Ведьмаке Анджея Сапковского. Возлюбленная ведьмака Геральта и приёмная мать принцессы Цириллы. Настоящее имя â€” Янка (польск. Yanka).

    Жизнь и судьба[ | ]

    Йеннифэр (Янка до поступления в Аретузу) родилась в Венгерберге, столице королевства Аэдирн, в Белтейн 1173 года (по летоисчислению саги[1]). Йеннифэр родилась горбуньей, скорее всего это было вызвано тем, что Йеннифер была квартероном (в произведении пана Сапковского на четверть эльфом), по линии матери в её роду были эльфы и в том числе эльфийские чародейки. Её родители отдали девочку для воспитания и обучения магии в школу чародеек в Аретузе, так как не видели возможности выдать её замуж в связи с уродством. Чародейка Тиссая де Врие отказалась быть её наставницей. Но после попытки суицида Йеннифэр, архимагистр взяла её в ученицы и исправила дефекты её внешности.

    Йеннифэр принимала участие в битве на Содденском холме. Познакомилась с Геральтом в Ринде, когда тот искал способ спасти Лютика от последствий встречи с джинном. Эта встреча стала началом их любви.

    Как и многие чародейки, Йеннифэр не могла иметь детей. Желая завести ребёнка любой ценой, она пыталась использовать возможности освобождённого Лютиком джинна, а впоследствии приняла участие в безуспешной охоте на золотого дракона.

    После ухода Цири из Каэр Морхена Йеннифэр стала её наставницей в изучении магии и хороших манер. Отношения между ними скоро стали приятельскими. Впоследствии Йеннифэр и вовсе заменила Цири мать.[2]

    Во время событий на Танедде Йеннифэр пыталась спасти Цири и была ошибочно сочтена предательницей совета и сообщницей Вильгефорца. Францеска Финдабаир с помощью заклятия «Артефактной компрессии» превратила Йеннифэр в нефритовую статуэтку. Позже, после декомпрессии, по рекомендации Францески приняла участие в первом заседании Ложи Чародеек. Сбежала оттуда при содействии Фрингильи Виго для очередной попытки спасения Цири.

    После побега с заседания Ложи Йеннифэр обратилась за помощью к Краху ан Крайту, ярлу Скеллиге. Узнав от ярла новые подробности гибели принцессы Паветты и её мужа Дани, Йеннифэр решила отся к месту их предполагаемой гибели â€” на Бездну Седны, где на самом деле находился насос Вильгефорца, способный втягивать и телепортировать корабли. Йеннифэр собиралась, используя себя как приманку, проникнуть во владения Вильгефорца, однако в результате сама попала к нему в плен. Вильгефорц решил использовать Йеннифэр для магического сканирования при поиске Цири, но потерпел в этом неудачу. Однако под пыткой Йеннифэр показала местонахождение ведьмака Геральта, что позволило Вильгефорцу подослать к ведьмаку убийцу â€” полуэльфа Ширру. В дальнейшем Йеннифэр многократно подверглась пыткам, вплоть до момента спасения её Геральтом и Цири. После освобождения из темницы приняла участие в финальной битве с Вильгефорцем в цитадели Стигга, где она и Геральт одержали победу.

    После убийства Вильгефорца Ложа Чародеек потребовала от Йеннифэр немедленно доставить Цири на своё заседание. Там решалась судьба Цири. По плану чародеек она должна была стать наложницей принца Танкреда, сына короля государства Ковир. После долгого обсуждения Цири было разрешено попрощаться с Геральтом в Ривии, куда она направилась в сопровождении Йеннифэр и Трисс Меригольд. В момент их прибытия в Ривии началось массовое восстание против нелюдей. Во время данного события Йеннифэр и Трисс обрушили мощное заклинание на бунтующих (впоследствии оно было названо «Разрушительное градобитие Трисс Меригольд»).

    После того, как Геральт получил смертельную рану, чародейка пыталась вылечить ведьмака, но потратила собственные жизненные силы. Цири с помощью единорога Иуарраквакса перевезла их обоих на остров яблонь (место вне пространства и времени), где Геральт и Йеннифэр смогли бы провести вместе вечность.

    Внешность и характер[ | ]

    Йеннифэр или йеннифер как правильно пишется

    Косплей на персонажа Йеннифэр из Венгерберга из игры «Ведьмак 3: Дикая Охота»

    Йеннифэр предстаёт женщиной необыкновенной красоты (роскошные волосы цвета воронова крыла, закрученные в крутые локоны, каскадом ниспадающие на плечи, стройная фигура, горящие фиалковые глаза), и хотя сам Геральт при первой встрече видит её на свой манер привлекательной, но не красивой (немного длинноватый нос, тонковатые губы, чуть скошенный подбородок, не совсем правильные брови, не слишком большая грудь) известно, что она пользовалась популярностью у противоположного пола. В книге «Час Презрения» упоминается, что Йеннифэр пользовалась гламарией â€” эликсиром красоты. В одежде предпочитает сочетание чёрного и белого цвета. На шее носит обсидиановую звезду, являющуюся сильным магическим артефактом. Использует ладан с ароматом сирени и крыжовника.

    Согласно сюжету саги, чародейками становились в основном девушки с разного рода отклонениями в развитии, которые имели мало шансов быть выданными замуж. Йеннифэр не была исключением: в книге «Последнее желание» упоминается, что до того, как стать волшебницей и изменить свою внешность, используя разного рода чары и эликсиры, Йеннифэр была горбуньей.[3] Как и другие чародейки, Йеннифэр была не способна иметь детей[2].

    Умная и властная Йеннифэр â€” весьма эгоистичная и вредная особа, но способна на сильную любовь и самопожертвование. Также у неё доброе сердце â€” она спасла семью банкира-краснолюда во время одного из погромов в Венгерберге.

    Среди предков Йеннифэр по материнской линии были эльфы,[4] в том числе â€” эльфийские чародейки. Возможно, этим и обусловлен достаточно высокий уровень её магических способностей (Йеннифэр была членом Совета Ордена магов вплоть до его роспуска после Танеддского бунта).

    Участие в сюжете[ | ]

    Впервые Йеннифэр появляется в рассказе «Последнее желание» и действует на всём протяжении саги.

    В рассказе «Что-то кончается, что-то начинается», который, по словам автора, является не «альтернативным финалом» Саги, а шуткой, написанной по просьбе фан-клуба[5], описывается свадьба Йеннифэр и Геральта.

    Персонаж вне книги[ | ]

    В телесериалах[ | ]

    В 2002 году на экраны вышел телесериал «Ведьмак». Роль Йеннифэр в нём исполнила Гражина Вольщак[источник не указан 340 дней].
    Персонаж в фильме не всеми был воспринят хорошо, как и сам фильм[6][7].[8]. В американо-польском телесериале, первый сезон которого вышел на экраны в конце 2019 года, Йеннифэр сыграла британская актриса индийского происхождения Аня Чалотра. Этот персонаж впервые появляется во втором эпизоде, «Четыре марки».

    В рок-опере «Дорога без возврата»[ | ]

    Йеннифэр или йеннифер как правильно пишется

    Йеннифэр â€” одна из главных героинь рок-оперы группы «ESSE» â€” «Дорога без возврата» и фильма-мюзикла[9], снятого на её основе[10].

    «Наиболее завершенно с позиции сравнения с книжным образом выглядит Йеннифэр. Здесь и непослушные черные волны волос, и своеобразное платье, пусть не ортодоксальной черно-белой гаммы, но что-то чародейское однозначно передается..» [11].Анна Щетина

    В рок-опере и фильме-мюзикле «Дорога без возврата» роль Йеннифэр исполняет Людмила Дымкова.[12].
    Йеннифэр в опере, как и в книге колдунья. В прошлом â€” девочка-горбунья из крестьянской семьи, отданная на обучение в школу чародеев на острове Таннедд, где получила красоту тела и власть над силами природы, но потеряла способность к деторождению, радость и цвета жизни. Холодна, прекрасна, но бесконечно одинока.[13].
    В композиции отражен противоречивый и неоднозначный образ чародейки. Проведена параллель между Йеннифэр и Цириллой, родство их историй и различия судеб персонажей. Важной параллелью сцены стала линия отношений с ведьмаком â€” Геральтом. В сцене противопоставлена холодная привязанность к нему Йеннифэр и светлая любовь Эсси Давен.[14]

    Компьютерные игры[ | ]

    В компьютерных играх «Ведьмак 2: Убийцы королей» и «Ведьмак 3: Дикая Охота» польской компании CD Projekt RED, сюжетно продолжающих события книг, Йеннифэр играет возрастающую роль. Она не появляется в игре «Ведьмак 2: Убийцы королей», но упоминается в тесной связи с приключениями Геральта: в игре утверждается, что Дикая Охота â€” призрачная армия эльфов, путешествующая между мирами â€” похитила Йеннифэр с острова яблонь, где влюблённые были оставлены в финале книжной серии. Геральт отправился на её поиски и предложил в заложники себя в обмен на свободу Йеннифэр. Обмен был совершен, и Йеннифэр получила свободу, а Геральт остался с Дикой Охотой и потерял память. Узнав, что Йеннифэр жива, он отправляется на её поиски[15]. Йеннифэр, однако, появляется во плоти уже в начале следующей игры «Ведьмак 3: Дикая Охота», где убеждает Геральта пуститься на поиски другой важной для него женщины, Цири.

    Образцом для внешности Йеннифэр в «Ведьмак 3: Дикая Охота» первоначально должна была стать польская модель Клаудиа Врубель, но по мере работы над игрой арт-директор Павел Мельничук изменил внешность трехмерной модели персонажа, придав ей «более холодный и дерзкий вид»[16].

    Популярность персонажа[ | ]

    Журнал «Мир фантастики и фэнтези» поместил Йеннифэр и Геральта на пятое место в рейтинге влюблённых пар, назвав при этом Йеннифэр: «эгоистичной чародейкой с дурным характером»[2].

    В честь Йеннифэр названа одна из песен рок-оперы «Дорога без возврата» группы «ESSE»[17].[18],[19],

    Примечания[ | ]

    Ссылки[ | ]

    • «Йеннифэр» (OST-symfo) â€” шестая часть рок-симфонии «Дорога без возврата»
    • Fantasy Film Characters: Conan the Barbarian, Red Sonja, Tarzan in Film and Other Non-Print Media, List of Bridge to Terabithia Characters
    • Йеннифэр. Журнал «Мир фантастики»
    • Шестая сцена фильма-мюзикла «Дорога без возврата» â€” «Йеннифэр» на сайте журнала «Мир фантастики» [1], [2], [3].

    Сцена с Йеннифер из 2 сезона “Ведьмака”, которая зашла слишком далеко

    Йеннифэр или йеннифер как правильно пишется


    Йеннифэр или йеннифер как правильно пишется


    Йеннифэр или йеннифер как правильно пишется

    Йеннифэр или йеннифер как правильно пишется


    Йеннифэр или йеннифер как правильно пишется


    Йеннифэр или йеннифер как правильно пишется


    У Йеннифэр из Венгерберга из “Ведьмака” жесткая и в целом невеселая жизнь.

    С самого начала проклинаемая и гонимая её общиной за эльфийскую кровь, Йеннифэр ещё сильнее отделилась от общества из-за того, что родилась горбатой и с неуклюжей походкой. Позднее, её семья продает Йеннифер проезжающей мимо чародейке Тисса́йе, директрисе Арету́зы, академии чародеек.

    Вскоре Тисса́йя чувствует нераскрытый потенциал Йеннифер, пускай поначалу её новая жизнь в Арету́зе немногим лучше той, что была у нее раньше.

    Честолюбивая и жаждущая силы Йннифер, в первом сезоне использует хитрость и запугивание, чтобы наконец-то научиться использовать магию, сделала красивым своё лицо и тело, пусть и за огромную цену.

    Второй сезон начинается с того, что Йеннифер, использовавшая запретную магию огня, которой она перевернула ход сражения, остановив армию нильфгаарда (нильфгАард). Но теперь она осталась без магии, которая придавала смысл её существованию.

    Йеннифер снова попадает в положение беспомощности, из-за которого она готова на всё, чтобы вернуть свою силу. Всё это готовит почву для сцены, из-за которой даже самые большие фанаты Йеннифер забеспокоились о том, что происходит с её персонажем.

    Во втором эпизоде второго сезона, “Каэр Морхен”, Йеннифер, Фрингилья и Францеска призывают, как они думают, древнее эльфийское божество. Но сделав это, призрак разделяет их и предлагает каждому из них исполнение самого сокровенного желания, пусть и подразумевает, что это будет иметь большую цену.

    И Фрингилья, и Францеска соглашаются, но Йеннифэр по началу отказывается. Но позже, когда Йеннифэр попадает в плен и её собирается казнить, она вызывает “Бессмертную Мать”, которая обещает вернуть Йеннифэр магию в обмен на молодую девушку, которую она не знает.

    Йеннифер с неохотой соглашается, пусть в её глазах и читается отчаяние. Эта жертва, которая могла бы заставить содрогнуться даже самого злого человека, но на тот момент второго сезона Йеннифер готова на всё.

    В конце концов она находит свою цель. По иронии судьбы, ей оказывается приёмная дочь Геральта, Цири.

    Бессмертная Мать, питается болью и страданиями, и если бы Йеннефер пожертвовала Цири, то и Геральту, и ей самой было бы очень больно.

    В некоторой степени, действия Йеннифэр не должны вызывать особого удивления. В первом сезоне зрители увидели, как Йеннифэр относится к миру, который жестоко обращается с ней до того, как она преобразилась. После того, как она исправила те свои черты, из-за которых общество когда-то её избегало, она стала использовать свою силу чародейки, как во благо, так и во зло.

    Внезапное изменение Йеннифер, пусть и кратковременное, оставило поклонников «Ведьмака» в глубоком разочаровании. Ее способность размывать грань между героем и злодеем интригует и является частью того, что делает ее таким сложным и убедительным персонажем.

    Именно из-за сложного сложного характера, фанаты не уставали обсуждали её на Reddit. Многие выразили своё недовольство этой сценой, как и последствиями этой сцены во всём втором сезоне.

    В сабреддите Ведьмак Netflix, один Redditor написал:

    «Я очень разочарован в Йен в этом сезоне. Я думал, что она была одним из лучших персонажей первого сезона. Я с нетерпением ждал, когда она научит Цири магии, но и эта сюжетная линия была сжата в две-три сцены, пока они направлялись в Цинтру. А ещё не понравилось, что Йен планировала пожертвовать Цири, чтобы вернуть свои силы. Такое впечатление, что это создаёт странное напряжение в их отношениях»

    Другой пользователь возразил, сказав:

    «Но ведь затем Йен предупредила Цири, а позже вовсе пожертвовала собой ради неё. Плюс Геральт любит её, а Йен настолько впечатлена и очарована Цири, что всё вскоре забудется. Сложно ненавидеть того, кто так сильно любит тебя»

    Другой автор признал, что сериал развивает отношения между Йеннифер и Цири иначе, чем это было в книгах Анджея Сапковского “Ведьмак”. Там Йеннифер более дружелюбна, становится кем-то вроде матери для Цири и помогает ей овладеть собственной магией.

    Как мы видим в этой особенно противоречивой сцене 2-го сезона, действия Йеннифер закладывают основу для другого тона в ее отношениях с Цири. Как написал пользователь Reddit

    «В сериале она не знает Цири и отчаянно пытается вернуть свои силы. Люди принимают глупые решения, когда они в отчаянии, поэтому я понимаю то, что они пытались здесь показать. Но, предпочел бы я, чтобы они сохранили книжную версию? Конечно»

    Посмотрите новые видео на нашем канале! К тому же скоро выйдут и другие ролики про ваши любимые фильмы и сериалы, так что подписывайтесь и нажимайте на колокольчик, чтобы не пропустить ни единого видео!

    Читайте полную статью (на английском): 🤍

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Yennefer, Yenifer, or Yennifer is a (usually female) given name likely derived from the Cornish name Jennifer, itself a cognate of the name Guinevere. It appears more in Spanish speaking and Latin American countries. Real and fictional people with the name include:


    • Yennefer of Vengerberg, a female character from The Witcher universe


    • Yenifer Ramos (born 1999, Yennifer Ramos López), female Cuban footballer
    • Yenifer Giménez (born 1996, Yenifer Yuliet Giménez Gamboa), female Venezuelan footballer
    • Jennifer Padilla (born 1990, Jennifer Padilla González), female Colombian track and field athlete


    • Yennifer Toledo (born 2000, Yennifer Amanda Toledo Abreu), female Cuban handball player
    • Jennifer Cesar (born 1989, Jennifer Mariana Cesar Salazar), female Venezuelan road cyclist
    • Frank Casañas (born 1978, Yennifer Frank Casañas Hernández), male Spanish discus thrower who competed for Cuba and Spain

    See also[edit]

    • Jennifer (disambiguation)
    • Park Ye-eun (born 1989, also known as Yenny), female South Korean singer

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Yennefer, Yenifer, or Yennifer is a (usually female) given name likely derived from the Cornish name Jennifer, itself a cognate of the name Guinevere. It appears more in Spanish speaking and Latin American countries. Real and fictional people with the name include:


    • Yennefer of Vengerberg, a female character from The Witcher universe


    • Yenifer Ramos (born 1999, Yennifer Ramos López), female Cuban footballer
    • Yenifer Giménez (born 1996, Yenifer Yuliet Giménez Gamboa), female Venezuelan footballer
    • Jennifer Padilla (born 1990, Jennifer Padilla González), female Colombian track and field athlete


    • Yennifer Toledo (born 2000, Yennifer Amanda Toledo Abreu), female Cuban handball player
    • Jennifer Cesar (born 1989, Jennifer Mariana Cesar Salazar), female Venezuelan road cyclist
    • Frank Casañas (born 1978, Yennifer Frank Casañas Hernández), male Spanish discus thrower who competed for Cuba and Spain

    See also[edit]

    • Jennifer (disambiguation)
    • Park Ye-eun (born 1989, also known as Yenny), female South Korean singer
    Yennefer of Vengerberg
    The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt-Yennefer of Vengerberg.png
    Yennefer in The Witcher 3










    Northern Realms


    Flag Aedirn.png


    Council of Mages, Lodge of Sorceresses

    Special abilities



    Vengerberg, Rinde, several other places in the saga
    Physical Description

    Eye color


    Hair color



    Mother (name unknown)
    Father (name unknown)


    Geralt of Rivia (lover and the true love of her life)
    Istredd (lover)
    Crach an Craite (lover)


    Ciri (adopted daughter)
    • Books:
      • The Last Wish
      • Sword of Destiny
      • Blood of Elves
      • Time of Contempt
      • Baptism of Fire
      • The Tower of the Swallow
      • The Lady of the Lake
      • Season of Storms
      • Something Ends, Something Begins
    • Video games:
      • The Witcher (mentioned only)
      • The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings (flashbacks only)
      • The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
      • The Witcher Battle Arena

    Yennefer of Vengerberg (born on Belleteyn of the year 1173) — a sorceress who lived in the capital city of Aedirn — Vengerberg. She was the youngest member of the Brotherhood of Sorcerers and later the Lodge of Sorceresses attempted to recruit her. She was the love of the witcher Geralt of Rivia and a mother figure to Ciri, a former royal advisor to king Demavend of Aedirn and a close friend of Triss Merigold.
    The lady of Vengerberg was famous for her beauty, even though during the events of The Tower of the Swallow she was 94 years old. Yennefer had lots of curly, raven black hair fragrant with lilac and gooseberry perfume, falling in a cascade of curls on the shapely shoulders. Her face was very pale, triangular in shape showing slightly receded chin. Her eyes were cold and sparkling with remarkable violet of a penetrating gaze, in anger blazing with livid, blue-gray fire. Those very eyes also concealed wisdom and imperiousness. Yennefer’s nose was slightly too long, mouth was pale with thin and slightly crooked, soft, sweet with lipstick, proud lips. On a long and slender neck hanged a black marigold with a star made of obsidian sparkling with a multitude of tiny diamonds embedded in it.

    Yen had pronounced cheekbones, naturally slightly too irregular eyebrows but regulated by hand and emphasized with a charcoal, long eyelashes and petite hands. Even in high-heeled shoes she wasn’t tall, was beautiful but threatening, having incredibly thin and slender waist and slender legs. Yennefer’s skin was as delicate as this of a sixteen year old girl, breasts were rounded and delicate, with nipples so pale that they were apparent only by their prominence.

    She always dressed in black and white, at times wore stockings, wore frilled panties but never wore trivialities with underwire, she didn’t need to. Her voice was resonant and mildly derisive. Her overall feminine shape was one of a twenty year old girl and she moved with a natural, unforced grace. She was a quadroon (meaning she had ¼ of elven blood, in her case on her mother’s side).[2]

    During the Battle of Sodden Hill she was blinded by Fringilla Vigo, a Nilfgaardian sorceress. Her sight was later magically restored but she still bore the emotional scars.

    As most sorceresses, she was sterile. She secretly sought a way of restoring her fertility. She gave her motherly love to Ciri — the child destined for Geralt by the Law of Surprise — teaching her about magic while in Ellander, at the Temple under the watchful eye of Nenneke.

    Yennefer first appeared in the short story «The Last Wish» (in The Last Wish short story collection). She later appeared in several more «canon» short stories, including «The Bounds of Reason», «A Shard of Ice» and «Something More», one «non-canon» short story: «Coś się kończy, coś się zaczyna», and of course, all the novels in the Witcher saga.

    It is implied in the story «The Last Wish» that her attractive looks were a product of magic and had been acquired during her training, as with most other sorceresses. Geralt notes how her shoulders are slightly lopsided and by the end of the story realizes that Yennefer used to be a hunchback. Nevertheless, his love for her does not diminish.

    In the short stories

    The Voice of Reason

    While Nenneke tends the flora, the priestess and Geralt discuss Yennefer. The witcher wishes to give part of the reward he received for the striga to the temple, and asks Nenneke if she would forward the rest, a few gems to Yennefer, to help her finance her search for «a cure». Nenneke refuses to work as an intermediary, and they argue about Yennefer and her situation. During this conversation, Nenneke asks Geralt about how he and Yennefer met. This is the introduction to the short story «The Last Wish».

    The Last Wish

    While trying to catch fish for breakfast, Dandelion and Geralt instead haul up an ancient, sealed amphora. Dandelion, in a fit of glee, and ignoring Geralt’s explicit warnings, opens the vase and a large cloud of red mist escapes—a genie (or djinn, more accurately)! Geralt dives for cover, but Dandelion feels he knows exactly what is happening and hold his ground, beginning to recite his list of three wishes. The genie doesn’t fulfill even the first one of the bard’s wishes (that his rival die of apoplexy), opting instead to strangle the bard.

    Geralt rushes to his friend’s rescue, and after seemingly a fruitless fight, decides to use some folk knowledge he had always considered to be nonsense. The witcher seizes the ampora seal which has fallen to the ground and shouts out an exorcism. The genie releases the bard and disappears across the river, but Dandelion is far from well. It seems his throat and larynx have been seriously affected and he needs help desperately.

    After a day’s ride, they arrive at the gates of Rinde, but are told that no one may pass through the gates between dusk and dawn without a letter of safe conduct from the king or proof of nobility. The guard offers them the gatehouse until morning, pointing out that Dandelion will fare better there than out of doors. Having no other option, the witcher agrees.

    Waiting for the dawn to break, Geralt makes the acquaintance of two elves Chireadan and his cousin, Errdil and a half-elf knight, Vratimir. They inform him that there heavy duties and penalties for spellcasting within the city, and the mages are boycotting Rinde in return. There is one though, who continues to work her magic within the city limits and generally flouts the law: the sorceress Yennefer of Vengerberg, residing in the sanctuary provided by the Novigradian merchant-ambassabor, Beau Berrant.

    When dawn breaks, Geralt enters the city to find the sorceress. Arriving at Beau Berrant’s home, he is greeted by Cerberus, the doorman of sorts. After a fruitless discussion, Geralt decides that perhaps gold might open the door and knocks the oaf unconscious with his money purse. Once inside he drags Cerberus into an open room where one of the female staff is happily snoring away. The witcher then proceeds to the basement where he meets a very inebriated Berrant. The ambassador, it seems, is on a mission to get apple juice for his guest and asks Geralt for help. Geralt fetches the juice only to find Beau unconscious.

    Noticing a staircase nearby, the witcher climbs up to what turns out to be Yennefer’s bedchamber. The sorceress is far from awake. Despite their rather explosive start, Yennefer is willing to help Geralt and Dandelion, right after a bath. While Yennefer takes a bath, Geralt is amazed by her beauty, but also realizes that it is probably a spell, as most girls who become sorceresses are ugly or malformed by nature. He puts these thoughts aside, and decides to just enjoy her beauty, as they talk over Dandelion’s condition. Once dressed, Yennefer opens a portal and the two set out for the tavern where Dandelion is laid up.

    Back at Errdil’s inn, Chireadan and Geralt sit downstairs waiting to hear about the bard’s condition and chatting a little about Yennefer over a cup of herb tea. Chireadan tells Geralt in no uncertain terms that Yennefer, while beautiful, is not to be trusted.

    After a while, Yennefer summons Geralt upstairs; Dandelion is happily, safely asleep, and there remains only the question of price to be discussed. Geralt first wants to take Dandelion to safety, and offers a price to guarantee his return. Yennefer wants her price right away though, and reveals that she has in fact trapped Geralt in the room. The witcher is completely paralyzed. After a rather fruitless argument, Geralt passes out. When he regains conciousness, he find that he is sharing the cell with some ‘honest thieves’, an innocent old man and Chireadan.

    The elf tells Geralt the reason for their presence there: under the influence of Yennefer’s spell, Geralt went rampaging through the town, punishing anyone who had ever insulted Yennefer. The local apothecary Laurelnose was actually publicly spanked by the witcher for his «crimes». As the two men reflect on their situation, their musings are rudely interrupted by the entrance of three guards. One of them starts taunting Geralt while his friends hold the witcher still, then proceeds to repeatedly punch the witcher in the stomach. Seeking to get out with the least injuries possible, Geralt tries to goad the man into rendering him unconsicous. He expresses the wish that the man simply burst, and to everyone’s surprise, the guard does so.

    Later, the witcher and the elf are brought before the town’s mayor, Neville and the priest Krepp. The mayor is not happy with the situation, but before he can reach a verdict, Dandelion suddenly drops into the room from a magical portal which suddenly appears on the wall. The bard shouts with a fully restored voice that he wishes everyone present to believe that the witcher is innocent. He was instructed to do this by Yennefer, who sent him through this portal, and wanted to clear Geralt’s slate.

    Dandelion has hardly had time to explain himself, when a roaring commotion is heard outside, loud enough to be heard over the current thunderstorm. Rushing to the window, the group sees that Yennefer has lured the genie to the town, and is trying to capture it to gain its amazing powers. The genie is much stronger then expected though, and despite Yennefer’s spells binding it to Errdil’s inn, the genie is trashing the town.

    Geralt ushers everyone else to safety, and asks Krepp to stabilize the trace of the portal Dandelion just fell through. After a few protests, the priest obliges and the portal reappears. Geralt jumps through, intent on saving the sorceress. Yennefer doesn’t want to be saved though, she isn’t finished trapping her genie and resists Geralt’s help, even opening a portal to get rid of him. While he falls into the portal however, the Witcher grabs Yennefer, and the sorceress is dragged into the portal with him. When they exit the portal, Yennefer immediately shakes off Geralt and goes back through the portal, but Geralt follows her.

    Outside, the people gathered are watching in terror as the genie continues to rampage through the city. After a scuffle between Yennefer and Geralt, with waning powers, the sorceress traps Geralt. The witcher tries to talk some sense into her head, but she won’t listen to him.

    Then, Geralt realises something. It was not Dandelion, but it was him that did the first wish, and thus the genie is still awaiting Geralt’s third wish. Because the genie still has to fullfill his master’s wish, he is not yet freed, and is thus not able to be captured by Yennefer. While rethinking his possible last wish, he also realizes what Yennefer looked like before she became a sorceress; she was a hunchback. Then, he decided upon his last wish.

    The next moment, the genie tears free, the inn collapses and silence descends. Under the rubble, Yennefer finds herself in Geralt’s arms, close and intimate. Just moments later, Yennefer and Geralt make love in the remains of what was the beginning of a stormy relationship.

    The Bounds of Reason

    Hearing that Yennefer is with the king’s Niedamir hunting party for the golden dragon, Geralt along with his new acquaintances (Borch Three Jackdaws and Zerrikankian warriors: Téa and Véa) decides to join the hunt. He learns that the various camps have rather different plans for the dragon. Boholt and Yarpen Zigrin formed an alliance with Yennefer, Eyck of Denesle, a knight, wanted to kill a dragon in a fair fight, Dorregaray, a mage, wanted to save the dragon and Dandelion wanted to witness the events firsthand and write an epic ballad. Geralt meets with Yennefer but the sorceress is not interested in talking to him. She cannot forgive him for simply disappearing for two years. She states that she is here solely to collect dragon tissue with which she hopes to create an elixir to treat her infertility. She desperately wants to be a mother but can’t.

    Yennefer decides to convince Geralt to kill the dragon, saying that everything between them would be resolved and that they would go back to their previous relationship. The witcher, however, remembers very clearly her earlier comments which had specifically excluded this possibility. He declares that killing the dragon would go beyond «the limits of possibility» provided for in his code of honor.

    Boholt, Yarpen and Yennefer are all still intent on killing a dragon, but Dorregaray decides to personally put an end to the dragon hunt. Yennefer, however, has other plans and is a bit faster than Dorregaray expects. The mage is soon overwhelmed by the Reavers and the dwarves. Geralt and Dandelion then join the frey, trying to help him but just as the witcher is gaining the upper hand in the fight, Yennefer paralyses him and he falls numbly to the ground, helpless. The sorceress then orders that the three men be tied to the nearby wagons to keep them out of the way.

    Yennefer then unexpectedly turns on the Reavers and the dwarves, telling them that they had better high-tail it out of there as well and threatens to geld them all with a spell if they don’t comply. The sorceress is not quite as attentive as she should be and Yarpen manages to knock her momentarily senseless with a metal ball to the forehead. While Yennefer is disoriented, the Reavers pounce on her and bind her hands (including, especially her fingers!) with rope and then gag her to make sure she can’t use magic against them.

    Boholt then takes the opportunity to rip open her blouse and fondle her breasts as she tries in vain to protest. She then ends up also lashed to a wagon wheel, next to the witcher and in full view of the bard. Dandelion, true to his nature seems more concerned at that point with staring at the sorceress’ breasts which have been conveniently left exposed.

    Finally it becomes clear just what the dragon had been so fervently protecting. Not some hoard of treasure as expected, but a baby dragon. The tiny newly-hatched dragon immediately makes its way over to Yennefer, nuzzling up to her, much to the envy of Dandelion. It now becomes clear that the dragon Sheepbagger had poisoned back in the village must have been the mother.

    Suddenly, the rumbling of wagons alerts everyone to the fact that the local militia, lead by Sheepbagger has finally arrived and what seems like the entire village sets upon the dragon. The beast is simply outnumbered by the villagers who eventually manage to wrap him up in nets. At this point, Yennefer is finally able to speak and demands that the witcher burn the ropes around her ankles using his Igni sign. Geralt initially refuses saying that he can’t see what he is doing and will burn her as well. She insists, saying that she’ll endure the pain, and that this is their only hope, so he relents.

    Once free Yennefer uses her foot to cast a spell at the villagers. Her first effort only manages to change one wagon to a buttery shade of yellow which goes entirely unnoticed by the charging horde. Her next spells are more effective and she manages to turn an entire garrison into toads, square the wheels on another wagon and then, just for spite, change random other villagers into various and sundry beasts.

    Meanwhile, the Zerrikanians reappear and start making quick work of the remaining locals, freeing the dragon who promptly takes off after Sheepbagger. The cobbler meets a rather grisly end which is witnessed by all present, but their attention soon turns back to their own predicament as Véa now prepares to kill Yennefer. Luckily for the sorceress, Villentretenmerth intervenes and declares that they will not be killing Lady Yennefer, in fact, they are grateful for her help and orders Véa to untie the prisoners.

    The golden dragon then returns to human form, that of the knight called Borch Three Jackdaws. It seems that Borch is actually a dragon who simply takes human form because he can and because, not surprisingly, he attracts too much attention otherwise.

    Borch thanks Geralt and Yennefer for their help and tells them that anyone can see that the witcher and the sorceress were meant for each other, but sadly, nothing will come of their union. Additionally, and to Yennefer’s obvious personal disappointment — he cannot cure her infertility. Even the magic of golden dragons has its limits.

    The Shard of Ice

    The story opens with Geralt in a fetid sewer in Aedd Gynvael, fighting a zeugl. After dispatching the beast, the witcher heads back to the inn where he and Yennefer have been staying. She greets him with «You stink!» and demands that he bathe immediately, in cold water. Once the witcher is sufficiently cleaned up, the sorceress magically dumps the water from the bath out the window, outraging a passerby. The two get to talking about the fact that Istredd has moved to town and that Yennefer has been not only working with him, but also sleeping with him. Geralt is quite obviously jealous of this.

    On the next day, Geralt heads over to Istredd’s home. The mage explains to the witcher that he loves Yennefer and wants to marry her. Geralt tries to convince him that this is unwise because he and Yennefer are meant for each other. The mage accuses him of being delusional, calling the witcher merely a toy for the sorceress. Geralt is incensed and suggests that it is Istredd who is being used. It’s clear that the two cannot settle things by talking it through so they decide that they should settle things with a manly and honourable duel.

    Back at the inn, Yennefer and Geralt argue some more about their relationship and about Yennefer and Istredd’s relationship, but they resolve nothing.

    Geralt leaves the inn and decides to spend the night in the stables rather than go back to the Yennefer. During the night, he receives a message from the sorceress, delivered by a bird.

    The next morning, Geralt sets off for his appointment with Istredd. He soon learns that Istredd also received a message from Yennefer, by bird-messenger and that his message was the same. The mage readies his sword, his chosen weapon as using magic against a mere witcher would be dishonourable. Geralt, however, refuses to fight, bids the mage good-bye and leaves.

    Something More

    Geralt dreams of Yennefer and their last meeting during the Belleteyn holiday. Yennefer tells Geralt that Destiny is not enough for them to be together. Something More is needed. The sorceress also tells him in this dream to ride back to Cintra to eventually claim his child of surprise.

    In the saga

    Blood of Elves

    During Ciri’s «education», the sorceress Triss Merigold comes to Kaer Morhen. She is called by Geralt to help with occasional strange and abnormal behavior he has seen in Ciri. Triss realises that Ciri is a Source. She acknowledges that she does not have the power to control Ciri’s talent, and advises Geralt to swallow his pride and seek help with Yennefer, a more experienced sorceress.

    At the same time, a mysterious wizard called Rience is looking for the girl. He is a servant of a more powerful mage, who remains unknown. He captures Geralt’s friend, Dandelion the bard, and tortures him for information about Ciri. Dandelion is saved by the timely arrival of Yennefer, who engages in a short magic combat with Rience. Rience manages to escape through a portal opened by his master, but left with a prominent facial scar from Yennefer’s spell.

    Ciri’s stay in Ellander is still haunted by disturbing dreams until the arrival of Yennefer, who starts educating her in the ways of magic. From an initial antagonism, their relationship develops into a strong and deep bond, like that of a mother and daughter.

    Yennefer became Ciri’s mentor and teacher. As they are about to leave the Temple School in Ellander, Yennefer asks Ciri whether she didn’t like her at first, leading to a series of flashbacks detailing Ciri’s studies with Yennfer from the day they were introduced and back to the present as they are about to leave the Temple.

    Time of Contempt

    The story begins with Ciri and Yennefer having just left the Temple in Ellander, on their way to Gors Velen, and ultimately Thanedd Island. It is Yennefer’s intention that Ciri be enrolled at Aretuza and that she continue her instruction in the use and mastery of magic.

    Once they arrive in Gors Velen, Yennefer goes to see her old friend Molnar Giancardi, a dwarven banker. The latter informs the sorceress that her financial movements are being tracked, something Yennefer already suspected, but he arranges an essentially unlimited line of credit for her and makes several financial transfers to cover expenses for Ciri’s education. He and Yennefer also agree to allow Ciri to see the sights, escorted by one of Molnar’s faithful employees, Fabio Sachs.

    While on their excursion, things get quickly out of hand and Ciri is mistaken for one of about a dozen students who have recently «escaped» from Aretuza in the kerfuffle leading up to the mages’ conference being held there. She is apprehended by no less than the former and current headmistresses of the academy, Tissaia de Vries and Margarita Laux-Antille after she uses a magical amulet given to her by Yennefer in case of emergency.

    At first, the sorceresses do not believe Ciri’s story, but ultimately, the girl and Fabio manage to convince the headmistresses to check out their story at the bank and things are quickly confirmed by Yennefer and Giancardi. The three sorceresses then decide to discuss events over at the Silver Heron, taking Ciri with them and leaving poor Fabio to deal with his employer.

    At the inn, Tissaia and Rita have rented the entire cellar which is actually a bath house and the four «ladies» retire there to relax and chat. It seems that both Rita and Tissaia, but especially Rita have every intention of getting good and drunk and Ciri is dispatched to refill their caraff of wine not very long after it arrives.

    While getting the refreshments, Ciri notices a mercenary (Rayla) who orders the innkeeper to open a back door for her — a door which leads directly to the outer walls of the city, bypassing the usual gates and guards. On her second trip to refill the caraff, Ciri uses her new found knowledge and runs away to see Geralt whom she has been told is at Hirundum, not far from Gors Velen. Yennefer, luckily is not far behind. Ciri’s flight does, however, provide Geralt and Yennefer with an opportunity to meet up again and to patch things in their relationship before the three set off for Thanedd Island together.

    On the island, things are in a tizzy. The girls have been temporarily moved from their usual accommodation within Aretuza to Loxia, the lowest level of the complex as the school itself is being used to accommodate the visiting sorcerers and sorceresses. That evening, Yennefer takes Geralt as her date to the reception, leaving Ciri in her room and ensuring that there is no second flight with magic.

    After the reception, Yennefer and Geralt retire to their room and re-connect on a more intimate level. After a very fruitful reunion and a bit of sleep, the witcher is awakened by an urge to urinate, but in deference to his hosts, decides against relieving himself in the flower pots outside the window and decides to find the courtyard. This is when he stumbles upon the coup, already taking place.

    It is revealed that Vilgefortz and several other mages are in league with Nilfgaard and their plan has been sussed by Philippa Eilhart and Dijkstra who have brought in the Redanian secret service to put a stop to the plan.

    In the ensuing confusion we find out that Yennefer had brought Ciri before the Council and that the girl had begun to prophesize. This had brought events to a head, causing Tissaia de Vries to take down the magic-inhibiting barrier around Garstang and allowing Vilgefortz break free of his dimeritium shackles, leading to an all out battle between the various factions. Yennefer grabs Ciri and the two make a run for it, but in the end, Yennefer must send Ciri on alone and try to keep their pursuers at bay. As they part, the sorceress reveals her love for the girl.

    Baptism of Fire

    Yennefer appears again in Dol Blathanna. The readers find out, during the Thanedd coup, Yennefer was magically transmuted by Francesca Findabair into a little statue and saved this way. Yennefer then also meets Ida Emean aep Sivney and after some recovery from the magical compression, Yennefer joins a meeting of the Lodge of Sorceresses on Montecalvo. The sorceresses discuss Ciri’s ancestry and «their» breeding programme — a fact which makes Yennefer suddenly feel very uneasy. Yennefer also meets Fringilla Vigo, the Nilfgaardian sorceress, who had blinded Yennefer during the Battle of Sodden Hill. She, of all the people, helps Yennefer escape the magically protected castle.

    The Tower of the Swallow

    In The Tower of the Swallow, we find Yennefer scouring the North for Ciri and eventually ending up at Kaer Trolde in the Skellige Isles where she enlists the help of Crach an Craite and Modron Sigrdrifa, the head priestess of Freyja. Crach initially wants to extradite her as a traitor to Novigrad, but he relents when Yennefer reminds him about the oath he gave the late Queen Calanthe after Pavetta’s death. Yennefer spends a significant amount of time in the Skellige Isles where she is aided by Sigrdrifa, the head priestess of Freyja and Crach an Craite as she builds a megascope in order to locate Vilgefortz.
    Yennefer finally can find odd traces of teleportation that took place at Thanedd Isle and can locate it near the Sedna Abyss. The sorceress then sails with some courageous Skellige men and finally is teleported to castle Stygga, where Vilgefortz waits for her. He traps her and forces her to locate Ciri.

    Lady of the Lake

    Yennefer is freed by Geralt when he and his Hanse invade Stygga castle. All of Geralt’s Hanse companions die during the battle. Geralt and Yennefer end up in a show-down with Vilgefortz, and Geralt can kill the sorcerer with the help of Fringilla Vigo’s amulet. Ciri finally can overcome her nightmare Bonhart and kill the gruesome man. Yennefer, Geralt and Ciri then walk through the castle, but suddenly Nilfgaardian soldiers arrive, together with the emperor Emhyr var Emreis himself. He wants to take his daughter with him and marry her, because of an old prophecy. The emperor also thanks Geralt and Yennefer for saving his child, but he can’t have any confidants concerning these events, so he orders the two lovers an honourable way — to commit suicide in a hot tub with a razor. Both, at the end of their strength, agree. But when the time has come to bring in the razor, only Ciri appears, preparing them for the unimaginable — the emperor just left, leaving her with her new parents. They then leave and finish some uncomplete deeds, like taking revenge, but also to thank people, who helped Ciri. Nothing goes unwatched, so also the call of Montecalvo finally reaches Yennefer and Ciri and Yennefer follows the call.
    Ciri then arrives sometime later and the lodge decides her fate — it is planned to introduce her to Tankred Thyssen, so she can become his favourite since, after the events, marriage isn’t an option anymore. She still should bear his child to strengthen the power in the North. The Lodge finally agrees to Ciri’s plea to see Geralt one last time in Rivia. Yennefer and Triss accompany the girl, but they just arrive when the Rivian Pogrom is underway. Yennefer helps Triss to fight the mad mob and finally makes it to Geralt, but the Witcher is already dying. Yennefer mobilizes all her magical powers but to no avail. She breaks down next to the Witcher. She and Geralt are heaved on a boat and Ciri brings them to Malus Island.

    In other books

    Season of Storms

    Yennefer appears in Season of Storms (Chapter 15, Interludium) in the Borsodis’ Auction House together with Molnar Giancardi. Molnar bought the Witcher’s swords at the auction for 4000 Crowns. Later, Yennefer and Molnar have a short conversation in Novigrad about how Yennefer managed it to buy back the two swords.

    In The World of the Witcher

    Yennefer assists Dandelion in writing «The Magic and Religions of the Continent», the third chapter of the compendium. Within the chapter, a fragment of records document her formative years as a student at Aretuza.

    Adepts name: Yennefer
    Former name: Jenny
    After initial testing confirmed her magical talent, the adept was admitted to Aretuza’s first class. The girl comes from a pathological family – her father abused her psychically and physically. and her mother failed to support her. This rejection and abuse were likely precipitated by the deformation of the girl’s spinal column and scapula (she was a hunchback), or possibly by her mixed human-elven bloodline (she is quarter elvish, her mother a half blood).
    It was undoubtedly the lingering effects of these traumatic childhood experiences that drove her to attempt suicide soon after admission to our academy. The girl tried to cut open her forearm veins and ended up inflicting serious tendon damage (healer documentation attached for reference).
    Despite the above, the adept was personally recommended and very highly graded by the Chancellor of our Academy, Archmistress Tissaia de Vries. Her deformities and tendon trauma were corrected with use of higher magic during her first year, and her further eduction has fully vindicated the Chancellor’s high opinion.
    Adept Yennefer is highly talented and determined student. Her results on subsequent exams have remained excellent.

    In The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

    Yennefer first features in the opening cinematic of The Witcher 3, escaping from a battle between Nilfgaardian and Temerian forces. Having recovered most of her memory, she has agreed to the serve the Emperor’s interests in the hunt for Ciri. Geralt and her reunite at the prologue’s conclusion.

    Her face is based on look of Klaudia Wróbel, Polish model.[3]


    Journal entry

    The witcher first met the raven-haired sorceress a good twenty years back. Their friendship and the feelings between them were born of a common adventure involving a gene and a wish granted to Geralt that intertwined their fates inextricably.
    In the time since then their relationship had, however, been quite stormy – rich in ups and downs, crises and break-ups. Geralt and Yennefer’s love provides irrefutable proof of the thesis that «opposites attract.»
    A few years ago Geralt and Yennefer had, after a long separation full of adventures from them both, gotten back together again. Their moment of repose was interrupted by the Wild Hunt, which took Yennefer captive. The witcher set out at once to save her, but lost his memory while doing so. When he finally recovered it, he immediately set off once more on his quest to find his beloved sorceress.
    The circumstances of Geralt’s initial reunion with Yennefer after two years were quite different than he had imagined. The sorceress was not only safe and sound, but had even secured the aid of an unexpected and mighty ally — the Nilfgaardian Empire.
    A thick air of repressed hostility reigned during Geralt’s time with Yennefer in Skellige. More than once the sorceress sharply expressed her displeasure, sparing no cutting remark – just like during the best years of their relationship. In the end, however, the witcher’s patience was rewarded, and their expedition to retrieve the mask of Uroboros brought the former lovers back together.
    The gulf that had arisen between them during their time of separation seemed that much narrower.
    In order to obtain the information they needed Yennefer did not hesitate to resort to necromancy, and destroyed the goddess Freya’s garden while doing so. If the proud sorceress felt any guilt as a result, as usual she showed no sign of it.
    The idea of hunting another genie together did not at first arouse Geralt’s enthusiasm, but Yennefer had a truly valid reason for wanting it. If she succeeded in forcing the genie to take back the wish binding her to the witcher, she would finally know if the feelings between then were truly love or merely magic.
    The genie granted Yennefer’s request and broke the thread of destiny binding her to Geralt. Luckily it turned out their love could continue – without the need for supernatural assisstance.
    Though the sorceress’ difficult character had made life miserable for everyone at Kaer Morhen, in the end it was her stubborn determination that led to Uma’s disenchantment and the lifting of Avallac’h’s curse.
    Yennefer had always felt some ends justified otherwise unsavory means. When it became clear rescuing Ciri would require the help of Philippa Eilhart and the other sorceresses of the reviled Lodge, she forgot about any bad blood and convinced Emhyr to grant them amnesty.
    One need not be particular [sic] skilled in reading human character to have guessed that toying with Yennefer’s feelings would bring retribution. Likewise even Geralt should have known that his attempts to keep a foot in both camps with her and Triss would end badly for him. Considering the raven-haired sorceress’ explosive temperament, the humiliating punishment he met was unusually lenient.

    Significant plot details end here.

    Associated quests

    • Lilac and Gooseberries
    • Imperial Audience
    • The Nilfgaardian Connection
    • Pyres of Novigrad
    • To Bait a Forktail…
    • Battle Preparations
    • Destination: Skellige
    • Disturbance
    • Echoes of the Past
    • Final Preparations
    • The Final Trial
    • The Great Escape
    • It Takes Three to Tango
    • The King is Dead – Long Live the King
    • The Last Wish
    • Missing Persons
    • Nameless
    • Ugly Baby
    • Va Fail, Elaine
    • Veni Vidi Vigo
    • Lilac and Gooseberries
    • Imperial Audience
    • The Nilfgaardian Connection
    • Pyres of Novigrad
    • To Bait a Forktail…
    • Battle Preparations
    • Destination: Skellige
    • Disturbance
    • Echoes of the Past
    • Final Preparations
    • The Final Trial
    • The Great Escape
    • It Takes Three to Tango
    • The King is Dead – Long Live the King
    • The Last Wish
    • Missing Persons
    • Nameless
    • Ugly Baby
    • Va Fail, Elaine
    • Veni Vidi Vigo

    Videos from the third game

    In The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings

    • Yennefer appears in flashbacks in The Witcher 2.
    • In the Prologue, in the Foltest’s army camp Geralt meets Kennet and Desbrut from the Crinfrid Reavers. They mention their last encounter during the hunt for the golden dragon, and Kennet says that while they had all gotten «a little riled», those are «bygones» and that Boholt (their leader) was just fooling about raping the sorceress. If Geralt asks about the rape, they shortly recount the story, saying that they tied him and the sorceress and went after the dragon, however Geralt and the sorceress managed to free themselves. When Geralt asks who the sorceress was, Kennet says she was raven-haired and Desbrut calls her «Connifer or some such».
    • At the end of the game it is revealed that Yennefer is alive, but has amnesia like Geralt, and can be found somewhere in Nilfgaard.

    Videos from the second game

    In The Witcher computer game

    While Yennefer never appears, nor is directly mentioned, the game’s developers did include numerous references to her:

    • In the Inn in the Outskirts of Vizima, Geralt can talk to a bard, who tells him about Dandelion, and about the ballads of the White Wolf Dandelion’s sung. Among them the tale of how «Geralt married a sorceress and they live somewhere on the happy isles».
    • At the very beginning of Chapter III, Triss tells Geralt that «the last time (she) felt this way, (Geralt) and a sorceress were playing with a genie».
    • In Chapter IV, the innkeeper of the Country Inn at Murky Waters can tell a tale about Ciri. Near the end of it, he says that the sorceress the witcher loved tried to revive him, but died in the process.
      • Probably the only time Yennefer is mentioned by name in the main game is hidden in the game files (file cn_innkeeper01.dlg) where we can read regarding the innkeeper’s story: «Innkeeper tells about Ciri, her connection with Geralt and Yennefer ( story from the books ).»
    • If Geralt gives Triss a ruby ring she says «So you love me and have forgotten her?». Meaning Yennefer.
    • If Geralt chose Triss as Alvin’s guardian in Chapter III, and if he answers king Foltest when questioned about their relationship that he really loves Triss, the update on the Identity-quest says, among other things: «My amnesia prevents me from remembering our relations in the past, but I have the impression I once loved a sorceress, deeply…»
    • When Geralt asks laundress’s husband if his wife heard any rumors about the witcher he replies: «They say you chase anything in the skirt, but you’re a real dog for sorceresses. Supossedly you loved one once».
    • In The Witcher DLC «Side Effects» (made by CD Projekt Red as part of Enhanced Edition), Dandelion asks Geralt during their second conversation in jail :» …and what about you and Yennefer?» And Geralt says to him: » I don’t want to talk about this.»

    In The Witcher Battle Arena game

    Yennefer is a playable character in the MOBA «The Witcher Battle Arena».

    In the graphic novels


    1. Ostatnie życzenie (based on the short story The Last Wish)
    2. Granica możliwości (based on the short story The Bounds of Reason)

    Film and TV

    In the Polish Movie and TV series

    In The Hexer movie and TV series from 2002, Yennefer was portrayed by Grażyna Wolszczak.


    • 04: «Smok» (The Dragon)
    • 05: «Okruch lodu» (A Shard of Ice)

    In the Netflix series

    In the Netflix adaptation 2019, Yennefer is portrayed by Anya Chalotra. In the show, Yennefer has her first appearance in the episode titled «Four Marks», which is the beginning of her origin story which is constructed from the few bits the readers know about Yennefer in the novels. Her storyline spans over several decades.


    Season 1, 2019:

    • E2: Four Marks
    • E3: Betrayer Moon
    • E4: Of Banquets, Bastards and Burials
    • E5: Bottled Appetites
    • E6: Rare Species
    • E7: Before a Fall
    • E8: Much More


    1. in The World of the Witcher, the English translation of her real shortened name in Polish: Janka
    2. Partially based on: http://www.medianet.pl/~myszka/wiedzmin/yennefer.html
    3. http://www.grynieznane.pl/2015/10/twarzy-yennefer-w-grze-wiedzmin-3.html


    • Cosplay fan

    • Yennefer in the movie

    • Geralt of Rivia and Yennefer

    • Yennefer and the Wild Hunt

    • Yennefer in The Witcher 3, concept art

    • Yennefer, the Witcher 3 journal

    Yennefer of Vengerberg
    The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt-Yennefer of Vengerberg.png
    Yennefer in The Witcher 3










    Northern Realms


    Flag Aedirn.png


    Council of Mages, Lodge of Sorceresses

    Special abilities



    Vengerberg, Rinde, several other places in the saga
    Physical Description

    Eye color


    Hair color



    Mother (name unknown)
    Father (name unknown)


    Geralt of Rivia (lover and the true love of her life)
    Istredd (lover)
    Crach an Craite (lover)


    Ciri (adopted daughter)
    • Books:
      • The Last Wish
      • Sword of Destiny
      • Blood of Elves
      • Time of Contempt
      • Baptism of Fire
      • The Tower of the Swallow
      • The Lady of the Lake
      • Season of Storms
      • Something Ends, Something Begins
    • Video games:
      • The Witcher (mentioned only)
      • The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings (flashbacks only)
      • The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
      • The Witcher Battle Arena

    Yennefer of Vengerberg (born on Belleteyn of the year 1173) — a sorceress who lived in the capital city of Aedirn — Vengerberg. She was the youngest member of the Brotherhood of Sorcerers and later the Lodge of Sorceresses attempted to recruit her. She was the love of the witcher Geralt of Rivia and a mother figure to Ciri, a former royal advisor to king Demavend of Aedirn and a close friend of Triss Merigold.
    The lady of Vengerberg was famous for her beauty, even though during the events of The Tower of the Swallow she was 94 years old. Yennefer had lots of curly, raven black hair fragrant with lilac and gooseberry perfume, falling in a cascade of curls on the shapely shoulders. Her face was very pale, triangular in shape showing slightly receded chin. Her eyes were cold and sparkling with remarkable violet of a penetrating gaze, in anger blazing with livid, blue-gray fire. Those very eyes also concealed wisdom and imperiousness. Yennefer’s nose was slightly too long, mouth was pale with thin and slightly crooked, soft, sweet with lipstick, proud lips. On a long and slender neck hanged a black marigold with a star made of obsidian sparkling with a multitude of tiny diamonds embedded in it.

    Yen had pronounced cheekbones, naturally slightly too irregular eyebrows but regulated by hand and emphasized with a charcoal, long eyelashes and petite hands. Even in high-heeled shoes she wasn’t tall, was beautiful but threatening, having incredibly thin and slender waist and slender legs. Yennefer’s skin was as delicate as this of a sixteen year old girl, breasts were rounded and delicate, with nipples so pale that they were apparent only by their prominence.

    She always dressed in black and white, at times wore stockings, wore frilled panties but never wore trivialities with underwire, she didn’t need to. Her voice was resonant and mildly derisive. Her overall feminine shape was one of a twenty year old girl and she moved with a natural, unforced grace. She was a quadroon (meaning she had ¼ of elven blood, in her case on her mother’s side).[2]

    During the Battle of Sodden Hill she was blinded by Fringilla Vigo, a Nilfgaardian sorceress. Her sight was later magically restored but she still bore the emotional scars.

    As most sorceresses, she was sterile. She secretly sought a way of restoring her fertility. She gave her motherly love to Ciri — the child destined for Geralt by the Law of Surprise — teaching her about magic while in Ellander, at the Temple under the watchful eye of Nenneke.

    Yennefer first appeared in the short story «The Last Wish» (in The Last Wish short story collection). She later appeared in several more «canon» short stories, including «The Bounds of Reason», «A Shard of Ice» and «Something More», one «non-canon» short story: «Coś się kończy, coś się zaczyna», and of course, all the novels in the Witcher saga.

    It is implied in the story «The Last Wish» that her attractive looks were a product of magic and had been acquired during her training, as with most other sorceresses. Geralt notes how her shoulders are slightly lopsided and by the end of the story realizes that Yennefer used to be a hunchback. Nevertheless, his love for her does not diminish.

    In the short stories

    The Voice of Reason

    While Nenneke tends the flora, the priestess and Geralt discuss Yennefer. The witcher wishes to give part of the reward he received for the striga to the temple, and asks Nenneke if she would forward the rest, a few gems to Yennefer, to help her finance her search for «a cure». Nenneke refuses to work as an intermediary, and they argue about Yennefer and her situation. During this conversation, Nenneke asks Geralt about how he and Yennefer met. This is the introduction to the short story «The Last Wish».

    The Last Wish

    While trying to catch fish for breakfast, Dandelion and Geralt instead haul up an ancient, sealed amphora. Dandelion, in a fit of glee, and ignoring Geralt’s explicit warnings, opens the vase and a large cloud of red mist escapes—a genie (or djinn, more accurately)! Geralt dives for cover, but Dandelion feels he knows exactly what is happening and hold his ground, beginning to recite his list of three wishes. The genie doesn’t fulfill even the first one of the bard’s wishes (that his rival die of apoplexy), opting instead to strangle the bard.

    Geralt rushes to his friend’s rescue, and after seemingly a fruitless fight, decides to use some folk knowledge he had always considered to be nonsense. The witcher seizes the ampora seal which has fallen to the ground and shouts out an exorcism. The genie releases the bard and disappears across the river, but Dandelion is far from well. It seems his throat and larynx have been seriously affected and he needs help desperately.

    After a day’s ride, they arrive at the gates of Rinde, but are told that no one may pass through the gates between dusk and dawn without a letter of safe conduct from the king or proof of nobility. The guard offers them the gatehouse until morning, pointing out that Dandelion will fare better there than out of doors. Having no other option, the witcher agrees.

    Waiting for the dawn to break, Geralt makes the acquaintance of two elves Chireadan and his cousin, Errdil and a half-elf knight, Vratimir. They inform him that there heavy duties and penalties for spellcasting within the city, and the mages are boycotting Rinde in return. There is one though, who continues to work her magic within the city limits and generally flouts the law: the sorceress Yennefer of Vengerberg, residing in the sanctuary provided by the Novigradian merchant-ambassabor, Beau Berrant.

    When dawn breaks, Geralt enters the city to find the sorceress. Arriving at Beau Berrant’s home, he is greeted by Cerberus, the doorman of sorts. After a fruitless discussion, Geralt decides that perhaps gold might open the door and knocks the oaf unconscious with his money purse. Once inside he drags Cerberus into an open room where one of the female staff is happily snoring away. The witcher then proceeds to the basement where he meets a very inebriated Berrant. The ambassador, it seems, is on a mission to get apple juice for his guest and asks Geralt for help. Geralt fetches the juice only to find Beau unconscious.

    Noticing a staircase nearby, the witcher climbs up to what turns out to be Yennefer’s bedchamber. The sorceress is far from awake. Despite their rather explosive start, Yennefer is willing to help Geralt and Dandelion, right after a bath. While Yennefer takes a bath, Geralt is amazed by her beauty, but also realizes that it is probably a spell, as most girls who become sorceresses are ugly or malformed by nature. He puts these thoughts aside, and decides to just enjoy her beauty, as they talk over Dandelion’s condition. Once dressed, Yennefer opens a portal and the two set out for the tavern where Dandelion is laid up.

    Back at Errdil’s inn, Chireadan and Geralt sit downstairs waiting to hear about the bard’s condition and chatting a little about Yennefer over a cup of herb tea. Chireadan tells Geralt in no uncertain terms that Yennefer, while beautiful, is not to be trusted.

    After a while, Yennefer summons Geralt upstairs; Dandelion is happily, safely asleep, and there remains only the question of price to be discussed. Geralt first wants to take Dandelion to safety, and offers a price to guarantee his return. Yennefer wants her price right away though, and reveals that she has in fact trapped Geralt in the room. The witcher is completely paralyzed. After a rather fruitless argument, Geralt passes out. When he regains conciousness, he find that he is sharing the cell with some ‘honest thieves’, an innocent old man and Chireadan.

    The elf tells Geralt the reason for their presence there: under the influence of Yennefer’s spell, Geralt went rampaging through the town, punishing anyone who had ever insulted Yennefer. The local apothecary Laurelnose was actually publicly spanked by the witcher for his «crimes». As the two men reflect on their situation, their musings are rudely interrupted by the entrance of three guards. One of them starts taunting Geralt while his friends hold the witcher still, then proceeds to repeatedly punch the witcher in the stomach. Seeking to get out with the least injuries possible, Geralt tries to goad the man into rendering him unconsicous. He expresses the wish that the man simply burst, and to everyone’s surprise, the guard does so.

    Later, the witcher and the elf are brought before the town’s mayor, Neville and the priest Krepp. The mayor is not happy with the situation, but before he can reach a verdict, Dandelion suddenly drops into the room from a magical portal which suddenly appears on the wall. The bard shouts with a fully restored voice that he wishes everyone present to believe that the witcher is innocent. He was instructed to do this by Yennefer, who sent him through this portal, and wanted to clear Geralt’s slate.

    Dandelion has hardly had time to explain himself, when a roaring commotion is heard outside, loud enough to be heard over the current thunderstorm. Rushing to the window, the group sees that Yennefer has lured the genie to the town, and is trying to capture it to gain its amazing powers. The genie is much stronger then expected though, and despite Yennefer’s spells binding it to Errdil’s inn, the genie is trashing the town.

    Geralt ushers everyone else to safety, and asks Krepp to stabilize the trace of the portal Dandelion just fell through. After a few protests, the priest obliges and the portal reappears. Geralt jumps through, intent on saving the sorceress. Yennefer doesn’t want to be saved though, she isn’t finished trapping her genie and resists Geralt’s help, even opening a portal to get rid of him. While he falls into the portal however, the Witcher grabs Yennefer, and the sorceress is dragged into the portal with him. When they exit the portal, Yennefer immediately shakes off Geralt and goes back through the portal, but Geralt follows her.

    Outside, the people gathered are watching in terror as the genie continues to rampage through the city. After a scuffle between Yennefer and Geralt, with waning powers, the sorceress traps Geralt. The witcher tries to talk some sense into her head, but she won’t listen to him.

    Then, Geralt realises something. It was not Dandelion, but it was him that did the first wish, and thus the genie is still awaiting Geralt’s third wish. Because the genie still has to fullfill his master’s wish, he is not yet freed, and is thus not able to be captured by Yennefer. While rethinking his possible last wish, he also realizes what Yennefer looked like before she became a sorceress; she was a hunchback. Then, he decided upon his last wish.

    The next moment, the genie tears free, the inn collapses and silence descends. Under the rubble, Yennefer finds herself in Geralt’s arms, close and intimate. Just moments later, Yennefer and Geralt make love in the remains of what was the beginning of a stormy relationship.

    The Bounds of Reason

    Hearing that Yennefer is with the king’s Niedamir hunting party for the golden dragon, Geralt along with his new acquaintances (Borch Three Jackdaws and Zerrikankian warriors: Téa and Véa) decides to join the hunt. He learns that the various camps have rather different plans for the dragon. Boholt and Yarpen Zigrin formed an alliance with Yennefer, Eyck of Denesle, a knight, wanted to kill a dragon in a fair fight, Dorregaray, a mage, wanted to save the dragon and Dandelion wanted to witness the events firsthand and write an epic ballad. Geralt meets with Yennefer but the sorceress is not interested in talking to him. She cannot forgive him for simply disappearing for two years. She states that she is here solely to collect dragon tissue with which she hopes to create an elixir to treat her infertility. She desperately wants to be a mother but can’t.

    Yennefer decides to convince Geralt to kill the dragon, saying that everything between them would be resolved and that they would go back to their previous relationship. The witcher, however, remembers very clearly her earlier comments which had specifically excluded this possibility. He declares that killing the dragon would go beyond «the limits of possibility» provided for in his code of honor.

    Boholt, Yarpen and Yennefer are all still intent on killing a dragon, but Dorregaray decides to personally put an end to the dragon hunt. Yennefer, however, has other plans and is a bit faster than Dorregaray expects. The mage is soon overwhelmed by the Reavers and the dwarves. Geralt and Dandelion then join the frey, trying to help him but just as the witcher is gaining the upper hand in the fight, Yennefer paralyses him and he falls numbly to the ground, helpless. The sorceress then orders that the three men be tied to the nearby wagons to keep them out of the way.

    Yennefer then unexpectedly turns on the Reavers and the dwarves, telling them that they had better high-tail it out of there as well and threatens to geld them all with a spell if they don’t comply. The sorceress is not quite as attentive as she should be and Yarpen manages to knock her momentarily senseless with a metal ball to the forehead. While Yennefer is disoriented, the Reavers pounce on her and bind her hands (including, especially her fingers!) with rope and then gag her to make sure she can’t use magic against them.

    Boholt then takes the opportunity to rip open her blouse and fondle her breasts as she tries in vain to protest. She then ends up also lashed to a wagon wheel, next to the witcher and in full view of the bard. Dandelion, true to his nature seems more concerned at that point with staring at the sorceress’ breasts which have been conveniently left exposed.

    Finally it becomes clear just what the dragon had been so fervently protecting. Not some hoard of treasure as expected, but a baby dragon. The tiny newly-hatched dragon immediately makes its way over to Yennefer, nuzzling up to her, much to the envy of Dandelion. It now becomes clear that the dragon Sheepbagger had poisoned back in the village must have been the mother.

    Suddenly, the rumbling of wagons alerts everyone to the fact that the local militia, lead by Sheepbagger has finally arrived and what seems like the entire village sets upon the dragon. The beast is simply outnumbered by the villagers who eventually manage to wrap him up in nets. At this point, Yennefer is finally able to speak and demands that the witcher burn the ropes around her ankles using his Igni sign. Geralt initially refuses saying that he can’t see what he is doing and will burn her as well. She insists, saying that she’ll endure the pain, and that this is their only hope, so he relents.

    Once free Yennefer uses her foot to cast a spell at the villagers. Her first effort only manages to change one wagon to a buttery shade of yellow which goes entirely unnoticed by the charging horde. Her next spells are more effective and she manages to turn an entire garrison into toads, square the wheels on another wagon and then, just for spite, change random other villagers into various and sundry beasts.

    Meanwhile, the Zerrikanians reappear and start making quick work of the remaining locals, freeing the dragon who promptly takes off after Sheepbagger. The cobbler meets a rather grisly end which is witnessed by all present, but their attention soon turns back to their own predicament as Véa now prepares to kill Yennefer. Luckily for the sorceress, Villentretenmerth intervenes and declares that they will not be killing Lady Yennefer, in fact, they are grateful for her help and orders Véa to untie the prisoners.

    The golden dragon then returns to human form, that of the knight called Borch Three Jackdaws. It seems that Borch is actually a dragon who simply takes human form because he can and because, not surprisingly, he attracts too much attention otherwise.

    Borch thanks Geralt and Yennefer for their help and tells them that anyone can see that the witcher and the sorceress were meant for each other, but sadly, nothing will come of their union. Additionally, and to Yennefer’s obvious personal disappointment — he cannot cure her infertility. Even the magic of golden dragons has its limits.

    The Shard of Ice

    The story opens with Geralt in a fetid sewer in Aedd Gynvael, fighting a zeugl. After dispatching the beast, the witcher heads back to the inn where he and Yennefer have been staying. She greets him with «You stink!» and demands that he bathe immediately, in cold water. Once the witcher is sufficiently cleaned up, the sorceress magically dumps the water from the bath out the window, outraging a passerby. The two get to talking about the fact that Istredd has moved to town and that Yennefer has been not only working with him, but also sleeping with him. Geralt is quite obviously jealous of this.

    On the next day, Geralt heads over to Istredd’s home. The mage explains to the witcher that he loves Yennefer and wants to marry her. Geralt tries to convince him that this is unwise because he and Yennefer are meant for each other. The mage accuses him of being delusional, calling the witcher merely a toy for the sorceress. Geralt is incensed and suggests that it is Istredd who is being used. It’s clear that the two cannot settle things by talking it through so they decide that they should settle things with a manly and honourable duel.

    Back at the inn, Yennefer and Geralt argue some more about their relationship and about Yennefer and Istredd’s relationship, but they resolve nothing.

    Geralt leaves the inn and decides to spend the night in the stables rather than go back to the Yennefer. During the night, he receives a message from the sorceress, delivered by a bird.

    The next morning, Geralt sets off for his appointment with Istredd. He soon learns that Istredd also received a message from Yennefer, by bird-messenger and that his message was the same. The mage readies his sword, his chosen weapon as using magic against a mere witcher would be dishonourable. Geralt, however, refuses to fight, bids the mage good-bye and leaves.

    Something More

    Geralt dreams of Yennefer and their last meeting during the Belleteyn holiday. Yennefer tells Geralt that Destiny is not enough for them to be together. Something More is needed. The sorceress also tells him in this dream to ride back to Cintra to eventually claim his child of surprise.

    In the saga

    Blood of Elves

    During Ciri’s «education», the sorceress Triss Merigold comes to Kaer Morhen. She is called by Geralt to help with occasional strange and abnormal behavior he has seen in Ciri. Triss realises that Ciri is a Source. She acknowledges that she does not have the power to control Ciri’s talent, and advises Geralt to swallow his pride and seek help with Yennefer, a more experienced sorceress.

    At the same time, a mysterious wizard called Rience is looking for the girl. He is a servant of a more powerful mage, who remains unknown. He captures Geralt’s friend, Dandelion the bard, and tortures him for information about Ciri. Dandelion is saved by the timely arrival of Yennefer, who engages in a short magic combat with Rience. Rience manages to escape through a portal opened by his master, but left with a prominent facial scar from Yennefer’s spell.

    Ciri’s stay in Ellander is still haunted by disturbing dreams until the arrival of Yennefer, who starts educating her in the ways of magic. From an initial antagonism, their relationship develops into a strong and deep bond, like that of a mother and daughter.

    Yennefer became Ciri’s mentor and teacher. As they are about to leave the Temple School in Ellander, Yennefer asks Ciri whether she didn’t like her at first, leading to a series of flashbacks detailing Ciri’s studies with Yennfer from the day they were introduced and back to the present as they are about to leave the Temple.

    Time of Contempt

    The story begins with Ciri and Yennefer having just left the Temple in Ellander, on their way to Gors Velen, and ultimately Thanedd Island. It is Yennefer’s intention that Ciri be enrolled at Aretuza and that she continue her instruction in the use and mastery of magic.

    Once they arrive in Gors Velen, Yennefer goes to see her old friend Molnar Giancardi, a dwarven banker. The latter informs the sorceress that her financial movements are being tracked, something Yennefer already suspected, but he arranges an essentially unlimited line of credit for her and makes several financial transfers to cover expenses for Ciri’s education. He and Yennefer also agree to allow Ciri to see the sights, escorted by one of Molnar’s faithful employees, Fabio Sachs.

    While on their excursion, things get quickly out of hand and Ciri is mistaken for one of about a dozen students who have recently «escaped» from Aretuza in the kerfuffle leading up to the mages’ conference being held there. She is apprehended by no less than the former and current headmistresses of the academy, Tissaia de Vries and Margarita Laux-Antille after she uses a magical amulet given to her by Yennefer in case of emergency.

    At first, the sorceresses do not believe Ciri’s story, but ultimately, the girl and Fabio manage to convince the headmistresses to check out their story at the bank and things are quickly confirmed by Yennefer and Giancardi. The three sorceresses then decide to discuss events over at the Silver Heron, taking Ciri with them and leaving poor Fabio to deal with his employer.

    At the inn, Tissaia and Rita have rented the entire cellar which is actually a bath house and the four «ladies» retire there to relax and chat. It seems that both Rita and Tissaia, but especially Rita have every intention of getting good and drunk and Ciri is dispatched to refill their caraff of wine not very long after it arrives.

    While getting the refreshments, Ciri notices a mercenary (Rayla) who orders the innkeeper to open a back door for her — a door which leads directly to the outer walls of the city, bypassing the usual gates and guards. On her second trip to refill the caraff, Ciri uses her new found knowledge and runs away to see Geralt whom she has been told is at Hirundum, not far from Gors Velen. Yennefer, luckily is not far behind. Ciri’s flight does, however, provide Geralt and Yennefer with an opportunity to meet up again and to patch things in their relationship before the three set off for Thanedd Island together.

    On the island, things are in a tizzy. The girls have been temporarily moved from their usual accommodation within Aretuza to Loxia, the lowest level of the complex as the school itself is being used to accommodate the visiting sorcerers and sorceresses. That evening, Yennefer takes Geralt as her date to the reception, leaving Ciri in her room and ensuring that there is no second flight with magic.

    After the reception, Yennefer and Geralt retire to their room and re-connect on a more intimate level. After a very fruitful reunion and a bit of sleep, the witcher is awakened by an urge to urinate, but in deference to his hosts, decides against relieving himself in the flower pots outside the window and decides to find the courtyard. This is when he stumbles upon the coup, already taking place.

    It is revealed that Vilgefortz and several other mages are in league with Nilfgaard and their plan has been sussed by Philippa Eilhart and Dijkstra who have brought in the Redanian secret service to put a stop to the plan.

    In the ensuing confusion we find out that Yennefer had brought Ciri before the Council and that the girl had begun to prophesize. This had brought events to a head, causing Tissaia de Vries to take down the magic-inhibiting barrier around Garstang and allowing Vilgefortz break free of his dimeritium shackles, leading to an all out battle between the various factions. Yennefer grabs Ciri and the two make a run for it, but in the end, Yennefer must send Ciri on alone and try to keep their pursuers at bay. As they part, the sorceress reveals her love for the girl.

    Baptism of Fire

    Yennefer appears again in Dol Blathanna. The readers find out, during the Thanedd coup, Yennefer was magically transmuted by Francesca Findabair into a little statue and saved this way. Yennefer then also meets Ida Emean aep Sivney and after some recovery from the magical compression, Yennefer joins a meeting of the Lodge of Sorceresses on Montecalvo. The sorceresses discuss Ciri’s ancestry and «their» breeding programme — a fact which makes Yennefer suddenly feel very uneasy. Yennefer also meets Fringilla Vigo, the Nilfgaardian sorceress, who had blinded Yennefer during the Battle of Sodden Hill. She, of all the people, helps Yennefer escape the magically protected castle.

    The Tower of the Swallow

    In The Tower of the Swallow, we find Yennefer scouring the North for Ciri and eventually ending up at Kaer Trolde in the Skellige Isles where she enlists the help of Crach an Craite and Modron Sigrdrifa, the head priestess of Freyja. Crach initially wants to extradite her as a traitor to Novigrad, but he relents when Yennefer reminds him about the oath he gave the late Queen Calanthe after Pavetta’s death. Yennefer spends a significant amount of time in the Skellige Isles where she is aided by Sigrdrifa, the head priestess of Freyja and Crach an Craite as she builds a megascope in order to locate Vilgefortz.
    Yennefer finally can find odd traces of teleportation that took place at Thanedd Isle and can locate it near the Sedna Abyss. The sorceress then sails with some courageous Skellige men and finally is teleported to castle Stygga, where Vilgefortz waits for her. He traps her and forces her to locate Ciri.

    Lady of the Lake

    Yennefer is freed by Geralt when he and his Hanse invade Stygga castle. All of Geralt’s Hanse companions die during the battle. Geralt and Yennefer end up in a show-down with Vilgefortz, and Geralt can kill the sorcerer with the help of Fringilla Vigo’s amulet. Ciri finally can overcome her nightmare Bonhart and kill the gruesome man. Yennefer, Geralt and Ciri then walk through the castle, but suddenly Nilfgaardian soldiers arrive, together with the emperor Emhyr var Emreis himself. He wants to take his daughter with him and marry her, because of an old prophecy. The emperor also thanks Geralt and Yennefer for saving his child, but he can’t have any confidants concerning these events, so he orders the two lovers an honourable way — to commit suicide in a hot tub with a razor. Both, at the end of their strength, agree. But when the time has come to bring in the razor, only Ciri appears, preparing them for the unimaginable — the emperor just left, leaving her with her new parents. They then leave and finish some uncomplete deeds, like taking revenge, but also to thank people, who helped Ciri. Nothing goes unwatched, so also the call of Montecalvo finally reaches Yennefer and Ciri and Yennefer follows the call.
    Ciri then arrives sometime later and the lodge decides her fate — it is planned to introduce her to Tankred Thyssen, so she can become his favourite since, after the events, marriage isn’t an option anymore. She still should bear his child to strengthen the power in the North. The Lodge finally agrees to Ciri’s plea to see Geralt one last time in Rivia. Yennefer and Triss accompany the girl, but they just arrive when the Rivian Pogrom is underway. Yennefer helps Triss to fight the mad mob and finally makes it to Geralt, but the Witcher is already dying. Yennefer mobilizes all her magical powers but to no avail. She breaks down next to the Witcher. She and Geralt are heaved on a boat and Ciri brings them to Malus Island.

    In other books

    Season of Storms

    Yennefer appears in Season of Storms (Chapter 15, Interludium) in the Borsodis’ Auction House together with Molnar Giancardi. Molnar bought the Witcher’s swords at the auction for 4000 Crowns. Later, Yennefer and Molnar have a short conversation in Novigrad about how Yennefer managed it to buy back the two swords.

    In The World of the Witcher

    Yennefer assists Dandelion in writing «The Magic and Religions of the Continent», the third chapter of the compendium. Within the chapter, a fragment of records document her formative years as a student at Aretuza.

    Adepts name: Yennefer
    Former name: Jenny
    After initial testing confirmed her magical talent, the adept was admitted to Aretuza’s first class. The girl comes from a pathological family – her father abused her psychically and physically. and her mother failed to support her. This rejection and abuse were likely precipitated by the deformation of the girl’s spinal column and scapula (she was a hunchback), or possibly by her mixed human-elven bloodline (she is quarter elvish, her mother a half blood).
    It was undoubtedly the lingering effects of these traumatic childhood experiences that drove her to attempt suicide soon after admission to our academy. The girl tried to cut open her forearm veins and ended up inflicting serious tendon damage (healer documentation attached for reference).
    Despite the above, the adept was personally recommended and very highly graded by the Chancellor of our Academy, Archmistress Tissaia de Vries. Her deformities and tendon trauma were corrected with use of higher magic during her first year, and her further eduction has fully vindicated the Chancellor’s high opinion.
    Adept Yennefer is highly talented and determined student. Her results on subsequent exams have remained excellent.

    In The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

    Yennefer first features in the opening cinematic of The Witcher 3, escaping from a battle between Nilfgaardian and Temerian forces. Having recovered most of her memory, she has agreed to the serve the Emperor’s interests in the hunt for Ciri. Geralt and her reunite at the prologue’s conclusion.

    Her face is based on look of Klaudia Wróbel, Polish model.[3]


    Journal entry

    The witcher first met the raven-haired sorceress a good twenty years back. Their friendship and the feelings between them were born of a common adventure involving a gene and a wish granted to Geralt that intertwined their fates inextricably.
    In the time since then their relationship had, however, been quite stormy – rich in ups and downs, crises and break-ups. Geralt and Yennefer’s love provides irrefutable proof of the thesis that «opposites attract.»
    A few years ago Geralt and Yennefer had, after a long separation full of adventures from them both, gotten back together again. Their moment of repose was interrupted by the Wild Hunt, which took Yennefer captive. The witcher set out at once to save her, but lost his memory while doing so. When he finally recovered it, he immediately set off once more on his quest to find his beloved sorceress.
    The circumstances of Geralt’s initial reunion with Yennefer after two years were quite different than he had imagined. The sorceress was not only safe and sound, but had even secured the aid of an unexpected and mighty ally — the Nilfgaardian Empire.
    A thick air of repressed hostility reigned during Geralt’s time with Yennefer in Skellige. More than once the sorceress sharply expressed her displeasure, sparing no cutting remark – just like during the best years of their relationship. In the end, however, the witcher’s patience was rewarded, and their expedition to retrieve the mask of Uroboros brought the former lovers back together.
    The gulf that had arisen between them during their time of separation seemed that much narrower.
    In order to obtain the information they needed Yennefer did not hesitate to resort to necromancy, and destroyed the goddess Freya’s garden while doing so. If the proud sorceress felt any guilt as a result, as usual she showed no sign of it.
    The idea of hunting another genie together did not at first arouse Geralt’s enthusiasm, but Yennefer had a truly valid reason for wanting it. If she succeeded in forcing the genie to take back the wish binding her to the witcher, she would finally know if the feelings between then were truly love or merely magic.
    The genie granted Yennefer’s request and broke the thread of destiny binding her to Geralt. Luckily it turned out their love could continue – without the need for supernatural assisstance.
    Though the sorceress’ difficult character had made life miserable for everyone at Kaer Morhen, in the end it was her stubborn determination that led to Uma’s disenchantment and the lifting of Avallac’h’s curse.
    Yennefer had always felt some ends justified otherwise unsavory means. When it became clear rescuing Ciri would require the help of Philippa Eilhart and the other sorceresses of the reviled Lodge, she forgot about any bad blood and convinced Emhyr to grant them amnesty.
    One need not be particular [sic] skilled in reading human character to have guessed that toying with Yennefer’s feelings would bring retribution. Likewise even Geralt should have known that his attempts to keep a foot in both camps with her and Triss would end badly for him. Considering the raven-haired sorceress’ explosive temperament, the humiliating punishment he met was unusually lenient.

    Significant plot details end here.

    Associated quests

    • Lilac and Gooseberries
    • Imperial Audience
    • The Nilfgaardian Connection
    • Pyres of Novigrad
    • To Bait a Forktail…
    • Battle Preparations
    • Destination: Skellige
    • Disturbance
    • Echoes of the Past
    • Final Preparations
    • The Final Trial
    • The Great Escape
    • It Takes Three to Tango
    • The King is Dead – Long Live the King
    • The Last Wish
    • Missing Persons
    • Nameless
    • Ugly Baby
    • Va Fail, Elaine
    • Veni Vidi Vigo
    • Lilac and Gooseberries
    • Imperial Audience
    • The Nilfgaardian Connection
    • Pyres of Novigrad
    • To Bait a Forktail…
    • Battle Preparations
    • Destination: Skellige
    • Disturbance
    • Echoes of the Past
    • Final Preparations
    • The Final Trial
    • The Great Escape
    • It Takes Three to Tango
    • The King is Dead – Long Live the King
    • The Last Wish
    • Missing Persons
    • Nameless
    • Ugly Baby
    • Va Fail, Elaine
    • Veni Vidi Vigo

    Videos from the third game

    In The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings

    • Yennefer appears in flashbacks in The Witcher 2.
    • In the Prologue, in the Foltest’s army camp Geralt meets Kennet and Desbrut from the Crinfrid Reavers. They mention their last encounter during the hunt for the golden dragon, and Kennet says that while they had all gotten «a little riled», those are «bygones» and that Boholt (their leader) was just fooling about raping the sorceress. If Geralt asks about the rape, they shortly recount the story, saying that they tied him and the sorceress and went after the dragon, however Geralt and the sorceress managed to free themselves. When Geralt asks who the sorceress was, Kennet says she was raven-haired and Desbrut calls her «Connifer or some such».
    • At the end of the game it is revealed that Yennefer is alive, but has amnesia like Geralt, and can be found somewhere in Nilfgaard.

    Videos from the second game

    In The Witcher computer game

    While Yennefer never appears, nor is directly mentioned, the game’s developers did include numerous references to her:

    • In the Inn in the Outskirts of Vizima, Geralt can talk to a bard, who tells him about Dandelion, and about the ballads of the White Wolf Dandelion’s sung. Among them the tale of how «Geralt married a sorceress and they live somewhere on the happy isles».
    • At the very beginning of Chapter III, Triss tells Geralt that «the last time (she) felt this way, (Geralt) and a sorceress were playing with a genie».
    • In Chapter IV, the innkeeper of the Country Inn at Murky Waters can tell a tale about Ciri. Near the end of it, he says that the sorceress the witcher loved tried to revive him, but died in the process.
      • Probably the only time Yennefer is mentioned by name in the main game is hidden in the game files (file cn_innkeeper01.dlg) where we can read regarding the innkeeper’s story: «Innkeeper tells about Ciri, her connection with Geralt and Yennefer ( story from the books ).»
    • If Geralt gives Triss a ruby ring she says «So you love me and have forgotten her?». Meaning Yennefer.
    • If Geralt chose Triss as Alvin’s guardian in Chapter III, and if he answers king Foltest when questioned about their relationship that he really loves Triss, the update on the Identity-quest says, among other things: «My amnesia prevents me from remembering our relations in the past, but I have the impression I once loved a sorceress, deeply…»
    • When Geralt asks laundress’s husband if his wife heard any rumors about the witcher he replies: «They say you chase anything in the skirt, but you’re a real dog for sorceresses. Supossedly you loved one once».
    • In The Witcher DLC «Side Effects» (made by CD Projekt Red as part of Enhanced Edition), Dandelion asks Geralt during their second conversation in jail :» …and what about you and Yennefer?» And Geralt says to him: » I don’t want to talk about this.»

    In The Witcher Battle Arena game

    Yennefer is a playable character in the MOBA «The Witcher Battle Arena».

    In the graphic novels


    1. Ostatnie życzenie (based on the short story The Last Wish)
    2. Granica możliwości (based on the short story The Bounds of Reason)

    Film and TV

    In the Polish Movie and TV series

    In The Hexer movie and TV series from 2002, Yennefer was portrayed by Grażyna Wolszczak.


    • 04: «Smok» (The Dragon)
    • 05: «Okruch lodu» (A Shard of Ice)

    In the Netflix series

    In the Netflix adaptation 2019, Yennefer is portrayed by Anya Chalotra. In the show, Yennefer has her first appearance in the episode titled «Four Marks», which is the beginning of her origin story which is constructed from the few bits the readers know about Yennefer in the novels. Her storyline spans over several decades.


    Season 1, 2019:

    • E2: Four Marks
    • E3: Betrayer Moon
    • E4: Of Banquets, Bastards and Burials
    • E5: Bottled Appetites
    • E6: Rare Species
    • E7: Before a Fall
    • E8: Much More


    1. in The World of the Witcher, the English translation of her real shortened name in Polish: Janka
    2. Partially based on: http://www.medianet.pl/~myszka/wiedzmin/yennefer.html
    3. http://www.grynieznane.pl/2015/10/twarzy-yennefer-w-grze-wiedzmin-3.html


    • Cosplay fan

    • Yennefer in the movie

    • Geralt of Rivia and Yennefer

    • Yennefer and the Wild Hunt

    • Yennefer in The Witcher 3, concept art

    • Yennefer, the Witcher 3 journal

    Йеннифэр из Венгерберга
    Гражина Вольщак в роли Йеннифэр(кадр из сериала)
    Гражина Вольщак в роли Йеннифэр
    (кадр из сериала)

    «Последнее желание»,
    «Меч Предназначения»,
    «Кровь эльфов»,
    «Час Презрения»,
    «Крещение огнём»,
    «Башня Ласточки»,
    «Владычица Озера»,
    «Что-то кончается, что-то начинается»


    Анджей Сапковский


    Гражина Вольщак


    Йеннифэр из Венгерберга

    Род занятий


    Йеннифэр из Венгерберга (польск. Yennefer z Vengerbergu) — чародейка, один из главных персонажей саги о Ведьмаке Анджея Сапковского. Возлюбленная Геральта и приёмная мать Цири.


    • 1 Жизнь и судьба
    • 2 Внешность и характер
    • 3 Участие в сюжете
    • 4 Йенифер в экранизации Ведьмака
    • 5 Участие в сюжете игр
    • 6 Популярность персонажа
    • 7 Примечания
    • 8 Ссылки

    Жизнь и судьба

    Йеннифэр родилась в Венгерберге, столице Аэдирна, в Белтейне 1173 года (по летоисчислению саги[1]). Сначала Тессая де Врие отказалась быть её наставницей в магии, тогда Йеннифэр пыталась покончить с собой, перерезав себе вены. После этого Тессая согласилась её обучать и исправить ей врождённые и приобретённые дефекты внешности.

    Йеннифэр принимала участие в битве на Содденском холме. Познакомилась с Геральтом в Ривии, когда тот искал способ спасти Лютика от последствий встречи с джинном. Эта встреча стала началом их любви.

    Из-за занятий магией Йеннифэр не могла иметь детей. Желая завести ребёнка любой ценой, она сначала попыталась заполучить джинна, нечаянно освобождённого Лютиком, а позже приняла участие в безуспешной охоте на золотого дракона.

    После ухода Цири из Каэр Морхена Йеннифэр стала её наставницей в изучении магии и хороших манер. Отношения между ними скоро стали приятельскими, а потом Йеннифэр и вовсе заменила Цири мать.[2]

    Во время событий на Танедде Йеннифэр пыталась спасти Цири и была сочтена сообщницей Вильгефорца и предательницей. Была превращена Францеской Финдабаир заклятием «Артефактной компресии» в нефритовую статуэтку. Позже, после декомпрессии, по рекомендации Францески вошла в состав Ложи. С первого же очного заседания Ложи сбежала при содействии Фрингильи Виго для очередной попытки спасения Цири.

    После побега с заседания ложи Йеннифэр обратилась за помощью к Краху ан Крайту, ярлу Скеллиге. Узнав от ярла новые подробности гибели принцессы Паветты и её мужа Дани, Йеннифэр решила отправиться к месту их предполагаемой гибели — на Бездну Седны, где на самом деле находился насос Вильгефорца, способный втягивать и телепортировать корабли. Йеннифэр собиралась, используя себя как приманку, проникнуть во владения Вильгефорца, однако в результате сама попала к нему в плен. Вильгефорц решил использовать Йеннифэр для магического сканирования для поиска Цири, но потерпел в этом неудачу. Однако под пыткой Йеннифэр нечаянно просканировала местонахождение Геральта, что позволило Вильгефорцу подослать к ведьмаку убийцу — полуэльфа Ширру. В дальнейшем Йеннифэр многократно подверглась истязаниям, вплоть до спасения её Геральтом и Цири. Принимала участие в финальной битве в цитадели Стигга.

    После спасения из цитадели, Ложа чародеек потребовала от Йеннифэр немедленно доставить Цири на своё заседание. На этом заседании решалась судьба Цири — она должна была стать наложницей принца Танкреда, сына короля Ковира. После долгого обсуждения Цири было разрешено попрощаться с Геральтом в Ривии, куда она направилась в сопровождении Йеннифэр и Трисс Меригольд. В момент их прибытия в Ривии бушевал погром. Йеннифэр совместно с Трисс остановили погром заклинанием, которое впоследствии было названо «Разрушительное градобитие Трисс Меригольд».

    Пытаясь залечить смертельную рану Геральта, Йеннифэр сама потеряла сознание. Цири с помощью единорога Иуарраквакса перевезла их обоих в другой мир, в котором Геральт и Йеннифэр остаются жить на момент окончания действия саги.

    Внешность и характер

    Йеннифэр предстаёт женщиной необыкновенной красоты (роскошные чёрные волосы, стройная фигура). На шее носит обсидиановую звезду, являющуюся сильным магическим артефактом.

    Согласно сюжету саги, чародейками становились в основном девушки с разного рода аномалиями, которые имели мало шансов быть выданными замуж. Йеннифэр не была исключением: в книге «Последнее желание» упоминается, что до того, как стать волшебницей и изменить свою внешность, используя разного рода чары и эликсиры, Йеннифэр была горбуньей.[3] Как и другие чародейки, Йеннифэр была не способна иметь детей[2].

    Йеннифэр умна, цинична и властна, но женственна и способна на сильную любовь. В книге «Час Презрения» упоминается, что Йеннифэр пользовалась гламарией — эликсиром красоты. У неё было доброе сердце — она спасла семью банкира-краснолюда во время одного из погромов в Венгерберге.

    Среди предков Йеннифэр по материнской линии были эльфы,[4] в том числе — эльфийские чародейки. Возможно, этим и обусловлен достаточно высокий уровень её магических способностей (Йеннифэр была членом Совета Ордена магов вплоть до его роспуска после Танеддского бунта).

    Участие в сюжете

    Впервые Йеннифэр появляется в рассказе «Последнее желание» и действует на всём протяжении саги.

    В рассказе «Что-то кончается, что-то начинается», который, по словам автора, является не «альтернативным финалом» Саги, а шуткой, написанной по просьбе фанклуба[5], описывается свадьба Йеннифэр и Геральта.

    Йенифер в экранизации Ведьмака

    В 2001 году на экраны вышел телесериал «Ведьмак». Роль Йенифэр в нём исполнила Гражина Вольщак[6].

    Участие в сюжете игр

    В ходе сюжета игры «Ведьмак 2: Убийцы королей» Геральт начинает вспоминать события, предшествовавшие его потере памяти (то есть событиям игры «Ведьмак»). Если в первой части имя Йеннифэр практически не упоминается, то к финалу второй игры Геральт приходит к осознанию того, что ему нужно отправляться на поиски своей любимой. Всю игру он постепенно вспоминает период времени между финалом саги и началом первой игры, а в конце убийца королей Лето рассказывает всю историю: Геральт и Йеннифэр жили на острове яблонь, но на них напали призраки Дикой Охоты. Они украли Йеннифэр, а Геральт отправился на её поиски, вновь оказавшись в мире живых. Во время этих поисков он встречает ведьмаков Лето и братьев Зеррита и Эгана из ведьмачьей школы Змеи. В конечном счёте им удалось нагнать призраков-похитителей, и Геральт обменял свою душу на душу возлюбленной. Последняя попала в Нильфгаард вместе с ведьмаками, которые позже фигурируют в сюжете игр как убийцы королей. Отправленные на задание в королевства Севера, ведьмаки знают о Йеннифэр лишь то, что на момент начала игры она находилась на территории империи, в заложниках у императора. Так Лето рассказывает, что именно от неё Эмгыр узнал о существовании Ложи чародеек. Судя по всему к моменту второй части игры, она уже восстановила память. Если в финале игры спасти Шеалу де Танкарвилль (в русской версии «Ведьмака 2»: Шеала де Тансервилль), то перед своим исчезновением она посоветует Геральту отправляться на юг, в Нильфгаард, так как его возлюбленная находится именно там.

    Популярность персонажа

    Журнал «Мир фантастики и фэнтези» поместил Йеннифэр и Геральта на пятое место в рейтинге влюблённых пар, назвав при этом Йеннифэр «эгоистичной чародейкой с дурным характером»[2].

    В честь Йеннифэр названа одна из песен рок-симфонии «Дорога без возврата» группы «ESSE»[7].


    1. Хронология Ведьминлэнда на сайте Миры Анджея Сапковского
    2. 1 2 3 Влюблённые пары. Доска почёта. Журнал «Мир фантастики и фэнтези» № 44; апрель 2007
    3. Книга «Последнее желание», глава 14
    4. «Башня Ласточки», глава 9.
    5. Но мы же славяне! Разговор с Анджеем СапковскимМир фантастики. Октябрь 2005.
    6. Йеннифэр (англ.) на сайте Internet Movie Database
    7. «Йеннифэр». Видеоверсия шестой части рок-симфонии «Дорога без возврата». Архивировано из первоисточника 5 июня 2012. Проверено 15 мая 2012.


    • Йеннифэр (англ.) на сайте Internet Movie Database
    • Династия — Йеннифэр
    • «Йеннифэр» (OST-symfo) — шестая часть рок-симфонии «Дорога без возврата»
    • Fantasy Film Characters: Conan the Barbarian, Red Sonja, Tarzan in Film and Other Non-Print Media, List of Bridge to Terabithia Characters
    • Йеннифэр. Журнал «Мир фантастики»
     Просмотр этого шаблона «Ведьмак» Анджея Сапковского
    Книги «Последнее желание» · «Меч Предназначения» · «Кровь эльфов» · «Час Презрения» · «Крещение огнём» · «Башня Ласточки» · «Владычица Озера»
    Рассказы «Дорога без возврата» · «Что-то кончается, что-то начинается»
    Персонажи Геральт из Ривии · Йеннифэр · Цирилла · Трисс Меригольд · Лютик
    Игры «Ведьмак» · «The Witcher: Rise of the White Wolf» · «Ведьмак 2: Убийцы королей»
    «Ведьмак: Кровавый след» (мобильная игра) · «Ведьмак: Versus» (браузерная игра)
    Прочее Мир «Ведьмака» · Старшая Речь · Ведьмак (телесериал) · Дорога без возврата (рок-опера)

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