Как пишется far cry

far cry

Транскрипция: [fɑː kraɪ]

Перевод: большая разница

Существительное: большая разница

Однокоренные слова:

Корень: far — далекий

farewell — прощание

far cry — большая разница

far fetched — надуманный

far-flung — обширный

afar — издалека, издали

faraway — далекий, дальний

farther — дальше

Ответы / Ответ к игре: Far Cry (Серия игр) / Как переводится «Far Cry»?


Игры серии Far Cry очень популярны, однако далеко не все геймеры понимают, как вообще название бренда от Crytek/Ubisoft переводится.

В переводе нет ничего замысловатого — это «далекий крик» по-русски или «далекий плач», кому как удобнее. Первый вариант — правдоподобнее звучит.

В целом игры серии очень соответствуют своему названию: их сюжет неизменно заключается в том, что нас отправляют в какой-то отдаленный регион, который выглядит как правило красиво и привлекательно, но внешность его оказывается обманчивой и за всеми природными красотами кроются сущие кошмары.

В первой части это были монстры доктора Кригера, во второй — гражданская война в Африке и куча враждебных солдат, в третьей — пираты и наемники, в четвертой — армия диктатора Пэйган Мина.

  • 1
    far cry

    far cry а) далекое расстояние б) большая разница

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > far cry

  • 2
    far cry

    Персональный Сократ > far cry

  • 3
    far cry

    Когда человек образно говорит о большом, но неопределённом расстоянии, он часто использует выражение a far cry («дальний крик»). Говорят, что это выражение пришло из средневековой Шотландии. Местные правители имели привычку оглашать свои указы, используя глашатаев. Эти люди ходили из одного места в другое, выкрикивая условия королевских деклараций. Некоторые объявления касались исключительно местных дел, относясь только к одному городу или району. Говорили, что курьеру, получившему послание такого рода, был дан a near cry («близкий крик»). Но во время войны или других масштабных потрясений глашатай должен был скакать днями и ночами, чтобы выполнить свой долг. Такой far cry («дальний крик») требовал прохождения огромных дистанций, больших, чем путешествия обычного среднего человека в течение всей его жизни. Таким образом, выражение a far cry стало употребляться как синоним слова remote (отдалённый).

    Promising to give you £10,000 is a far cry from actually depositing the money in your bank. — Обещание дать тебе 10 000 фунтов очень далеко от реально вложенной суммы в твой банк.

    English-Russian dictionary of expressions > far cry

  • 4
    far cry

    The Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary. > far cry

  • 5
    far cry

    большое расстояние; большая разница; отдаленное отношение

    a far cry — большое расстояние; большая разница; отдаленное отношение

    English-Russian base dictionary > far cry

  • 6
    far cry

    необычный, совсем другой: Tfieir new album was afar cry from their first one. — Их новый альбом был чем-то совершенно иным. в отличие от первого.

    English-Russian slang from the book M. Goldenkova «Caution, hot dog» > far cry

  • 7
    far cry

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > far cry

  • 8
    far cry

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > far cry

  • 9
    far cry

    далекое расстояние

    большая разница

    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > far cry

  • 10
    far cry

    большая разница, далекое расстояние

    * * *

    1) далекое расстояние
    2) большая разница

    Новый англо-русский словарь > far cry

  • 11
    far cry

    Англо-русский современный словарь > far cry

  • 12
    far cry from

    Персональный Сократ > far cry from

  • 13
    far cry from

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > far cry from

  • 14
    far cry from

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > far cry from

  • 15
    far cry from

    English-Russian base dictionary > far cry from

  • 16
    a far cry

    1) большое расстояние

    This menace was received with a scornful laugh, while one of the Campbells replied, ‘It is a far cry to Lochow’, a proverbial expression… meaning that their ancient hereditary domains lay beyond the reach of an invading army. (W. Scott, ‘The Legend of Montrose’, ch. XII) — Эта угроза была встречена презрительным смехом, и один из Кэмпбеллов ответил поговоркой: «До Лохо не докричишься»… это означало, что их наследственные владения были недосягаемы для вторгнувшейся армии.

    London is a far cry from Chicago but the weather can be pretty much the same, according to American light heavy-weight Sonny Ray. (‘Daily Worker’) — Хотя Лондон и находится на изрядном расстоянии от Чикаго, но погода в обоих городах может оказаться одинаковой, по мнению Сонни Рея, американского чемпиона в полутяжелом весе.

    …when I meet Sam now, resplendent in spats and lemon-coloured gloves, it seems a far cry to those days in London’s dockland. (H. Pollitt, ‘Serving My Time’, ch. 2) — И когда теперь я встречаю Сэма в модных гетрах и перчатках лимонного цвета, те дни в лондонских доках кажутся далеким прошлым.

    3) большая разница, совсем не то, ничего похожего; ≈ как небо от земли

    H’m! A pretty far cry from what is generally meant… (J. Galsworthy, ‘Flowering Wilderness’, ch. III) — Гм… Ваши взгляды так далеки от обычных представлений о религии…

    Again he felt that some sensation which he seemed always to get from this girl — the far cry between her estate and his. (Th. Dreiser, ‘Jennie Gerhardt’, ch. III) — И снова, как всегда при встречах с этой девушкой, он ощутил всю пропасть между своим и ее положением.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > a far cry

  • 17
    a far cry

       1) бoльшoe paccтoяниe [



        London is a far cry from Chicago but the weather can be pretty much the same, according to American light heavy-weight Sonny Ray (Daily Worker)

       2) бoльшoй пpoмeжутoк вpeмeни

        When I meet Sam now, resplendent in spats and lemon-coloured gloves, it seems a far cry to those days in London’s dockland (H. Pollitt)

       3) бoльшaя paзницa, coвceм нe тo, ничeгo пoxoжeгo; кaк нeбo oт зeмли

        H’m! A pretty far cry from what is generally meant (J. Galsworthy). But solving the mystery of the murderer’s identity was a far cry from bringing him to justice (E. Queen)

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > a far cry

  • 18
    a far cry from

    a far cry from something
    very different, almost opposite (neg.)
    далеко не такой хороший, как

    His second book wasn’t bad, but it was a far cry from his first book.

    English-Russian mini useful dictionary > a far cry from

  • 19
    a far cry

    2) Разговорное выражение: небо и земля

    3) Идиоматическое выражение: далеко , день и ночь, небо и земля

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > a far cry

  • 20
    be a far cry from something

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > be a far cry from something

  • Англо-русские и русско-английские словари и энциклопедии. English-Russian and Russian-English dictionaries and translations

    Перевод и значение FAR CRY в английском и русском языках

    необычный, совсем другой:

    Their new album was afar cry from their first one. — Их новый альбом был чем-то совершенно иным. в отличие от первого.

    Англо-Русско-Английский словарь сленга, жаргона, русских имен.

         English-Russian-English dictionary of slang, jargon and Russian names.

    Ну в переводе названия Far Cry все относительно просто.

    Far это “далекий”, а cry это “крик” или “плач”. Но понятное дело что игра не переводится как “Далекий вопль”. А вы как думали, всё так легко? Во-первых, надо помнить что игру разработала компания Crytek, и она везде пихает это самое Cry – движок у них CryEngine, игрушка Crysis через y а не i как вообще-то надо писать по правилам. Раз у них фишка такая, то это резко сокращает варианты названий для игр. Во-вторых, надо вспомнить, что первая игра серии вышла больше десяти лет назад в 2004 году. Тогда царили так называемые коридорные шутеры – то есть действие происходило в узком пространстве. И даже если вокруг были нарисованы открытые поля и горы, то побегать по ним ты как правило не мог, так как персонаж не выходил за пределы скажем дороги ограниченной заборчиком или что-нибудь в этом духе. Far Cry же предоставлял открытый, практически не ограниченный мир, да еще и не на помойке в преисподней с монстрами, а на райском тропическом острове вроде Баунти. Ведь у соотечественников рай ассоциируется с тем что показывали в рекламе Bounty, да? Таким образом, тут вступает идиоматическое значение выражения “far cry” – сильно отличается от того что ожидали. Ну например выражение “my new guy in bed is a far cry from my ex girlfriend” переводится как “мой новый парень в постели сильно отличается от моей бывшей подружки”. Выражение может носить как положительную, так и отрицательную окраску. Игра использует отрицательное значение – ты попадаешь на остров в надежде клево отдохнуть, а в итоге нужно сражаться с наемниками и вызволять своих друзей из плена торговцев людьми. Это сильно отличается от того что ты ожидал. Кроме того, игра 2004 года помимо открытого пространства, также блистала ослепительной графикой, живой травой и очень дальней дистанцией видимости. То есть здесь far cry уже обозначает отличие в положительную сторону от сирых и убогих шутеров по уничтожению монстров. Кроме того, far cry еще обозначает “на дистанции слышимости”. То есть когда бабушка вам орёт из дома на улицу “ололоша, обедать!” и вы радостно бежите получать бесперебойное питание – вы находитесь на far cry расстоянии. Так что наверное самый точный перевод названия Far Cry – “Большая разница”.

    Far Cry
    Far Cry logo.svg
    Genre(s) First-person shooter
    Developer(s) Crytek (2004)
    Ubisoft Montreal (2005–)
    Ubisoft Toronto (2018–)
    Publisher(s) Ubisoft
    Platform(s) Microsoft Windows
    Xbox 360
    PlayStation 3
    PlayStation 4
    Xbox One
    Google Stadia
    Amazon Luna
    Xbox Series X/S
    PlayStation 5
    First release Far Cry
    March 23, 2004
    Latest release Far Cry 6
    October 7, 2021

    Far Cry is an anthology franchise of first-person shooter games, all of which have been published by Ubisoft. The first game, Far Cry, was developed by Crytek to premiere their CryEngine software, and released in March 2004. Subsequently, Ubisoft obtained the rights to the franchise and the bulk of the development is handled by Ubisoft Montreal with assistance from other Ubisoft satellite studios. The following games in the series have used a Ubisoft-modified version of the CryEngine, the Dunia Engine, allowing for open world gameplay. In the present, the franchise consists of six mainline games, a standalone expansion, and several spin-offs; additionally, the first game, initially developed for Microsoft Windows, saw a number of ports to video game consoles, which changed several elements and are therefore considered standalone releases.

    The Far Cry games, due to the history of their development, do not have any significant shared narrative elements, but instead share a theme of placing the player in a wilderness environment where they must help fight against one or more despots that control the region as well as surviving against wild animals that roam the open spaces. The Far Cry games feature a single-player campaign with later titles also offering co-operative campaign support. The games also offer competitive multiplayer options and the ability for users to edit the games’ maps for these matches. The Far Cry games have generally been well-received, with praise for their open world gameplay and antagonists, but criticism for their lack of innovation, and are considered commercial successes.

    Premise and gameplay[edit]

    The main Far Cry games are first-person shooters (FPS) with action-adventure elements. Whereas the first Far Cry and its spin-offs/remakes were typical FPS with discrete levels, Far Cry 2 and the subsequent games have adapted an open world-style of gameplay, with main story and side missions and optional quests to complete.

    There are minimal narrative elements or chronology between the games. Instead, the Far Cry games have generally shared the theme of taking the player to «a lawless frontier» where «values and laws of today are non-functional», along with elements of having to survive in the wilderness including hunting and crafting.[1] The player often needs to work with freedom fighters attempting to regain control of a region from a ruling party, and may have to pit different sides of a conflict against each other through their actions. Some of the series’ games have been more rooted in realistic conflicts, while others have involved elements of the supernatural or science fiction.[2] Ubisoft Montreal, the principal developers of the series, do consider that all games share the same common fictional universe, and have reused some minor characters to maintain that, but otherwise anticipate each game can be enjoyed as a standalone title without knowledge of the other games.[3]


    Release timeline

    Main series in bold

    2004 Far Cry
    2005 Far Cry Instincts
    2006 Far Cry Instincts: Evolution
    Far Cry Instincts: Predator
    Far Cry Vengeance
    2007 Paradise Lost
    2008 Far Cry 2
    2012 Far Cry 3
    2013 Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon
    2014 Far Cry 4
    2016 Far Cry Primal
    2018 Far Cry 5
    2019 Far Cry New Dawn
    2021 Far Cry 6

    Origins with Crytek (2004–2007)[edit]

    The first Far Cry game was developed by the German studio Crytek, and premiered their CryEngine software. One of Crytek’s goals with the CryEngine was to be able to render realistic outdoor spaces with large viewing distances, which was a unique feature compared with other game engines at the time of its release.[4] The CryEngine was originally demonstrated as a tech demo at Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) 1999 under the name X-Isle: Dinosaur Island specifically aimed at NVIDIA graphics processors. The demo allowed the user to explore a virtual tropical island populated with dinosaurs, showcasing the size of the virtual world that the CryEngine could handle.[4] Following E3 1999, they secured a deal with NVIDIA to distribute X-Isle alongside all NVIDIA cards as benchmarking software, as at the time the CryEngine was the most demanding game engine on the market. Ubisoft made a deal with Crytek to build out X-Isle into a full AAA title, and obtained publishing rights for this title.[4]

    This game develops the story of player-character Jack Carver, who stumbles upon the genetic research of Dr. Krieger and the Krieger Corporation, on a fictional Micronesia island, to create powerful Trigen Beasts as weapons later sold to mercenaries. Far Cry released in March 2004 for Microsoft Windows to critical praise and strong sales, with over 730,000 units sold in the first four months.[5]

    Following Far Crys release, Crytek, wanting to show that CryEngine had other applications, signed a deal in July 2004 to develop a gaming franchise with publisher Electronic Arts (EA), a direct competitor to Ubisoft. This franchise became the Crysis series, and through which Crytek continued to improve their CryEngine.[4][6] With Crytek unable to work with them, Ubisoft assigned its studio Ubisoft Montreal to help port the title to the various game consoles through the Far Cry Instincts and Far Cry Vengeance titles.[7] These titles required Ubisoft Montreal to rework much of the game as the consoles at this point in time were not as powerful as personal computers, and could not handle the wide open levels without performance problems. These games created more linear levels from the original Far Cry, added campaigns and multiplayer modes, and in some cases, changed the game’s narrative to less-realistic outcomes.[8] In March 2006, Ubisoft acquired all rights to the Far Cry series and a perpetual license for the CryEngine version used in the development of Far Cry.[9] Ubisoft Montreal remained the principal studio developing all future Far Cry games.

    Shifts to internal development (2008–2011)[edit]

    Far Cry 2 was announced by Ubisoft in July 2007, and featured two significant changes from the previous Far Cry games. First, it premiered the use of the Dunia Engine, a modified form of the licensed CryEngine by Ubisoft Montreal.[10] The Dunia Engine was developed alongside Far Cry 2 to make a fully open-world game as well as adding realistic physics and destroyable environments.[11][12] Second, rather than continuing in the narrative of the first Far Cry, it created a more open-ended narrative, featuring nine playable characters and the means for the player to create their own stories with the other non-playable characters in the game with an advanced artificial intelligence system.[12] Part of the reason the narrative from Far Cry was dropped was that its main character Jack Carver was not memorable with players,[13] and that the ending of the game, particularly with the changes made for Instincts and Vengeance, took a significant turn into science fiction, something that the developers wanted to avoid with Far Cry 2.[12][8] Ubisoft also recognized that through the various console versions that players would be tired of the tropic setting as well as fearing that Crytek’s project with EA was also set in a tropic location, and thus opted to change the locale to the plains of Africa.[8] For Far Cry 2, the game takes place in a fictional African county in the midst of a civil war that is being financially funded by a figure known as the Jackal, whom the player-character, a mercenary for hire, is tasked to bring down with the help of other mercenaries and locals.

    Far Cry 2 was released in October 2008, and was critically praised and commercially successful, with over 2.9 million in sales by 2009.[14] However, the game’s director, Clint Hocking, noted that internally, much of the design of Far Cry 2 was haphazard.[12] Far Cry 2 had a polarizing reception from players over some of the gameplay features that were implemented to make the game feel diegetic and immerse the player into the world. Some of these disputed mechanics included the random onset of malaria that would impact the character’s vision and movement until they obtained and took medicine for it, a weapon decay system that would cause guns picked up from enemies to wear down and break over use, military checkpoints that a player could clear out but which would become repopulated with enemies minutes later, and the game’s buddy system, where the player could call a selected non-player character to help their character in battle, but only for a short while and would not be available until the player reached a safe house to rest.[15]

    Expansion as series (2012–ongoing)[edit]

    Pre-production work for Far Cry 3 had reportedly started just after Far Cry 2 was shipped, with plans to keep it as a narrative sequel, but in the few years that followed, many of the development leads for Far Cry 2 left the studio. The project had a significant shift of locale, returning to a tropical island theme similar to Far Cry while retaining the open-world nature of Far Cry 2. They also looked to keep the key elements of Far Cry 2s open world that worked but add in more features to make it feel like a living world but with purpose behind how they designed it. This led to the development of Dunia Engine 2 to implement some open-world features such as weather system, which premiered in Far Cry 3.[16] Several of the questionable gameplay elements of Far Cry 2 were eliminated.[15] Further, to make this world meaningful, they eliminated the multiple player-characters and instead provided one character that they could write a strong narrative around.[17] Within Far Cry 3, the player-character is part of a group of adventuring tourists caught by the pirate Vaas Montenegro who has tortured the island’s native population. The introduction of a well-defined villain character in Vaas that was the focal point for much of the game further redefined how the Far Cry games going forward would be presented, each centered around a similar crafted character central to the game’s plot.[18] Far Cry 3 was formally announced in 2011 and released in November 2012. Though Far Cry 3 presented some controversial elements within its narrative, it received critical acclaim and had sold more than 10 million units by 2014.[19]

    The basic gameplay of Far Cry 3 established the series’ general approach that was used in the next main series’ iterations, but shifted locales from the tropical setting. These games included Far Cry 4 (2014), set in the fictional Himalayan country of Kyrat ruled by the tyrannical Pagan Min and his Royal Army,[20] Far Cry 5 (2018), taking place in fictional Hope County in Montana where a doomsday cult Eden’s Gate, led by Joseph Seed, has locked down the region,[21] and Far Cry 6 (2021), set on a fictional Cuba-like island in the midst of revolution which «El Presidente» Antón Castillo rules as a dictator.[22] All these games maintained the theme of a lawless land and required the player to rely on a number of gameplay skills beyond combat, such as hunting and crafting to a degree, to succeed.[1] Each iteration of the games has used the Dunia 2 engine with further enhancements to improve performance and take advantage of newer technologies.[23]

    Extending from the main games were smaller side games that were built using the main games’ existing maps and assets. The first of these was Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon, released in May 2013, following its announcement by Ubisoft on the previous April Fools’ Day. The game, a standalone title, was an experiment release developed by Dean Evans that worked atop the existing Far Cry 3 assets, reskinning some of the game’s existing maps and geometry. It took a tongue-in-cheek approach to the culture of the 1980s.[24] It became a commercial success with more than 1 million units sold.[25] Its success led to similar «reskins» for the next two main games in Far Cry Primal (2016) (from Far Cry 4)[26] and Far Cry New Dawn (2019) (from Far Cry 5).[27]

    While Ubisoft has yet to formally announced further Far Cry games after Far Cry 6, reports emerged in November 2021 that the next Far Cry game would be a live-service game similar to Ubisoft’s plans for the next Assassin’s Creed game, codenamed Assassin’s Creed Infinity.[28] Around the same time, Dan Hay, executive producer for the Far Cry series since Far Cry 3, announced his departure from Ubisoft Montreal to pursue other opportunities.[29]

    Main series[edit]

    Far Cry (2004)[edit]

    Far Cry, the first game in the series, was developed as an open-ended first-person shooter by German studio Crytek, being the first title to use their CryEngine software. The game is set on a mysterious archipelago in Micronesia, where ex-special forces operative Jack Carver must use various weapons, tools, and his surroundings to survive against hostile mercenaries that control the islands while searching for the journalist who was accompanying him and who went missing. As Jack explores the islands, he uncovers the horrific genetic experiments being conducted on the local wildlife and must confront the mad scientist behind them.

    The game was published by Ubisoft on March 23, 2004 for Microsoft Windows. It received generally positive reviews, with praise for its visuals, gameplay mechanics, and the level of freedom given to the player, and sold 730,000 units within four months of release.

    Far Cry 2 (2008)[edit]

    Far Cry 2 was developed by Ubisoft Montreal and published by Ubisoft for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 on October 21, 2008 in North America, October 23 in Australia, and October 24 in Europe. The game is set in a fictional East African state where an arms smuggler known as «The Jackal» is selling weapons to two factions engaged in a civil war. The player assumes the role of a mercenary sent to find and kill the Jackal, who is inflaming the conflict. The game’s sandbox gameplay has been highly touted, allowing the player access to 50 km2 of African terrain, complete with open savannah, forests, animals, and towns. Far Cry 2 also puts more emphasis on realism compared to other games in the series, incorporating features such as weapon jamming and malaria, which the player character gets infected with at the start of the game and must thereafter regularly take medication to avoid dying.

    Far Cry 2 received generally positive reviews from critics for its setting, visuals, and open-ended gameplay, although some criticized its writing, artificial intelligence, and technical issues. A number of players also found some aspects of the gameplay, mainly those related to the game’s focus on realism, overly repetitive and tedious. The game sold three million copies worldwide within four months of release.

    A top-down shooter version of the game for mobile phones was developed and published by Gameloft.

    Far Cry 3 (2012)[edit]

    Far Cry 3 was developed by Ubisoft Montreal using feedback from Far Cry 2, and published by Ubisoft for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360 on November 29, 2012 in Australia, November 30 in Europe, and December 4 in North America. It was later re-released on the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on June 26, 2018. Ahead of release, the game was heavily promoted by Ubisoft with various companion apps, webseries and crossovers. Far Cry 3 takes place on the fictional Rook Islands, a tropical archipelago. After a vacation goes awry, protagonist Jason Brody, an ordinary American tourist, must learn the ways of the jungle to survive and rescue his friends, who have been captured by the insane Vaas Montenegro and his gang of pirates to be sold into slavery.

    Larger in scope and ambition than its predecessors, Far Cry 3 received largely positive reviews, with praise for its characters (in particular Vaas), world design, visuals, progression, and gameplay, though the multiplayer modes received some criticism. The game has sold nearly 10 million copies in its lifetime, and was nominated for multiple year-end accolades in 2012, including Game of the Year and Best Shooter.

    Far Cry 4 (2014)[edit]

    Far Cry 4 was developed by Ubisoft Montreal and published by Ubisoft for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One on November 18, 2014 in Australia and North America, and November 20 in Europe.[43] The game was originally conceptualized as a direct sequel to Far Cry 3, before it was turned into a standalone story like the other games in the series. The game is set in the fictional country of Kyrat in the Himalayas region, ruled by a despotic self-appointed king named Pagan Min.[44] The protagonist, Ajay Ghale, becomes caught in a civil war and must overthrow Min, after he is instructed by his late mother to travel again, from the U.S., to his homeland to spread her ashes there. Aspects of the game’s story were inspired by the 1996–2006 Nepalese Civil War.

    Far Cry 4 received positive reviews for its world design, visuals, soundtrack, and characters as well as new gameplay additions and the wealth of content. However, the story had a more divisive reception, and the game was criticized for its lack of innovation from Far Cry 3. The game had the biggest launch in the franchise’s history, selling seven million copies by the end of 2014.

    Far Cry 5 (2018)[edit]

    Far Cry 5 was developed by Ubisoft Montreal and Ubisoft Toronto. Announced in early 2017, it was released worldwide on March 27, 2018 for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.[45] The game is set in modern-day Montana in the fictional Hope County, which is controlled by a doomsday cult called the Project at Eden’s Gate, led by «The Father» Joseph Seed and his siblings. Players assume the role of a customizable sheriff’s deputy who becomes entangled in a violent conflict between the cult and the resisting residents of Hope County who have seen their friends and family taken or killed by the cult. The game was heavily inspired by several socio-political events in modern history, such as the Cold War and the September 11 attacks. The development team sought to capture the despondent social climate after the events and re-purpose it for the game.

    Far Cry 5 received generally positive reviews for its world design, visuals, gameplay, and soundtrack, although the narrative and some of the characters received criticism. It also became the subject of controversy after being announced alongside a period of heightened political conflicts. The game was a commercial success and became the fastest-selling title in the franchise, grossing over $310 million in its first week of sales.

    Far Cry 6 (2021)[edit]

    Far Cry 6 was developed by Ubisoft Toronto and published by Ubisoft for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, Stadia, and Amazon Luna on October 7, 2021.[46] The game is set on the fictional island of Yara (loosely based on modern-day Cuba), ruled by fascist dictator Antón Castillo (portrayed by Giancarlo Esposito) who seeks to bring his son, Diego (Anthony Gonzalez), to be his heir amidst a revolutionary uprising by freedom fighters.[47] Players assume the role of guerilla fighter Dani Rojas, attempting to topple Castillo and his regime. The game was inspired by several revolutions of recent history, primarily the Cuban Revolution of 1953–1959, and features the return of several elements from earlier Far Cry titles, such as a tropical setting and a fully voiced protagonist.

    Far Cry 6 received generally mixed reviews. Although the setting, visuals, Esposito’s performance, and the minor improvements to the series’ gameplay formula were praised, the lack of innovation and the aging design were criticized.


    Far Cry Instincts (2005)[edit]

    Far Cry Instincts is a port of the original Far Cry for the Xbox, developed and published by Ubisoft on September 27, 2005. Although it is a port, the game is less open-ended, due to the console’s technical limitations, and features several new elements, including an altered storyline, new weapons, an extra multiplayer mode through the Xbox Live service, a map creator, and ‘feral abilities’, and is therefore considered a separate release. Ports for the PlayStation 2 and Nintendo GameCube were also planned, but were ultimately cancelled.

    Far Cry Instincts: Evolution (2006)[edit]

    A sequel to Far Cry Instincts, released for the Xbox on March 27, 2006, Evolution features a new single-player campaign, albeit considerably shorter than that of Instincts, as well as new weapons, vehicles, an expanded map-maker and an extra multiplayer mode. Maps that are created on the Xbox version of Instincts can not be transferred to the Xbox 360 version.

    Far Cry Instincts: Predator (2006)[edit]

    Far Cry Instincts: Predator, released for the Xbox 360 on the same day as Far Cry Instincts: Evolution, includes graphically enhanced versions of both Instincts and Evolution.

    Far Cry Vengeance (2006)[edit]

    Far Cry Vengeance is a port of Far Cry Instincts: Evolution for the Wii, developed and published by Ubisoft on December 12, 2006 in North America, January 5, 2007 in Europe, and February 28 in Australia. The game features changed controls, new weapons and vehicles, and three additional levels.

    Paradise Lost (2007)[edit]

    Paradise Lost is a rail shooter arcade game port of Far Cry Instincts developed by Global VR and published by Ubisoft in 2007. Players use stationary turrets armed with rockets and grenades as power-ups.

    Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon (2013)[edit]

    Blood Dragon is a stand-alone «expansion pack» based on the world of Far Cry 3. Although Blood Dragon does not continue the story of Far Cry 3, it shares the same game engine and gameplay mechanics. News of its development was leaked by the Brazilian ratings board, which awarded an 18+ certification based on the title’s references to violence, sex, and drugs. The game’s retrospective story, characters and visual style are inspired by 1980’s action movies, especially those starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, such as Commando, The Terminator, and Predator, and Sylvester Stallone, like Cobra, First Blood, and Rocky IV. Other film/television references include RoboCop, Escape from New York, Scarface and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, among others. Pre-orders of the PC version received a digital copy of the soundtrack, produced by Melbourne, Australia-based Power Glove. Due to the success of the title, Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot has stated that the game may also get a retail release.

    A crossover title with the Trials series, Trials of the Blood Dragon is based on Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon, and was released in June 2016. A remastered version of Blood Dragon is included in the season pass of Far Cry 6.[61]

    Far Cry Primal (2016)[edit]

    Announced in October 2015,[62] Far Cry Primal is a spin-off to Far Cry 4, developed by Ubisoft Montreal and published by Ubisoft for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on February 23, 2016, and for Microsoft Windows on March 1, 2016. The game is set during the Stone Age, in the fictional Oros valley in Central and Eastern Europe, and follows the story of Takkar, who starts off as an unarmed hunter and rises to become the leader of a tribe. Primal received generally mixed to positive reviews. While the concept, world design, and certain gameplay mechanics, such as the ability to tame animals, were praised, the story and characters were seen as inferior compared to previous Far Cry games. Most critics also felt that, because of the game’s setting, there was a significant lack of weapons to utilize, leading to a repetitive gameplay design.

    Far Cry New Dawn (2019)[edit]

    Far Cry New Dawn is a spin-off and sequel to Far Cry 5, developed by Ubisoft Montreal and published by Ubisoft for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One on February 15, 2019. The game is set seventeen years after one of the possible endings of Far Cry 5 and follows the survivors of a nuclear war as they attempt to rebuild their community, with players assuming the role of an unnamed and highly customizable Captain. The game takes place on a modified version of Far Cry 5‘s map, and introduces several elements from the RPG genre, including an upgradeable home base and increased reliance on crafting from limited supplies. New Dawn received generally mixed reviews, with praise for its world design and gameplay and criticism for its narrative and similarities to Far Cry 5, and was less financially successful than both Far Cry 5 and Far Cry Primal.

    Far Cry VR: Dive Into Insanity (2021)[edit]

    Far Cry VR: Dive Into Insanity is a virtual reality game set in the same tropical island location as Far Cry 3. Released in June 1, 2021, it features Vaas Montenegro as its central antagonist.[63]

    Other media[edit]

    Live-action adaptations[edit]

    • A direct-to-video-film, Far Cry, released in 2008 was directed by Uwe Boll and stars Til Schweiger as Jack Carver. The film follows Jack Carver, an ex-special forces soldier turned boatman who is hired by a journalist to investigate a top-secret military base on a nearby island. The film received negative reviews with most critics saying it does the games no justice.
    • The Far Cry Experience is a four-part webseries released in 2012 that serves as a prequel to the events of Far Cry 3. It features Christopher Mintz-Plasse playing a fictionalized version of himself who is captured by Vaas (played by Michael Mando) and his pirates and becomes the subject of Vaas’s torture show.
    • In 2013, it was reported that a Far Cry film was in development by Ubisoft Motion Pictures, along with a Watch Dogs and Raving Rabbids film,[64] although there have been no news about the project since.
    • Inside Eden’s Gate is a short film released on March 5, 2018, as a tie-in prequel to Far Cry 5. It follows three filmmakers investigating the rumors surrounding the Project at Eden’s Gate and encoutering Joseph Seed (played by Greg Bryk) and the other members of the Seed family.

    Animated series[edit]

    It was announced that Ubisoft are teaming with Adi Shankar to develop an animated series titled Captain Laserhawk: A Blood Dragon Remix.[65] It was announced to be in production for Netflix during June 2021, with Bobbypills leading the animation and Balak as creative director.[66]

    Board game[edit]

    On September 20, 2021, it was announced that board game publisher Funforge would partner with Ubisoft to create a board game based on the franchise titled Far Cry Beyond.[67]


    • German-language novels by Michael T. Bhatty:
      • Far Cry: Götterdämmerung (Panini, 2007, ISBN 3-8332-1568-2) — an expanded novelization of the original Far Cry game.
      • Far Cry 2: Blutige Diamanten (Panini, 2008, ISBN 3-8332-1742-1) — a prequel to Far Cry 2.
    • Far Cry: Absolution (2018) by Urban Waite – a prequel to Far Cry 5.


    • Far Cry: Rite of Passage (2021) — a comic book miniseries published by Dark Horse Comics as a tie-in to Far Cry 6. It features the game’s primary antagonist, Antón Castillo, recounting cautionary tales to his son Diego about the rise and fall of previous villains in the series (Vaas Montenegro, Pagan Min, and Joseph Seed).
    • Happy Vaas Day, a 2021 manga one-shot by Hiromu Nagase published by Jump in collaboration with Ubisoft. The story depicts a young Vaas Montenegro.[68][69]
    • Inside, a 2021 manga one-shot published by Jump in collaboration with Ubisoft. The story follows a young man as he plays Far Cry 4 and begins pondering the morality of the characters.[68][69]
    • Far Cry: Esperanza’s Tears, published by Ablaze in October 2022 is a prequel comic to Far Cry 6.[70]


    Ubisoft reports that through 2014, lifetime sales of the Far Cry franchise has exceeded 20 million units.[71] By September 2019, the series had accumulated a combined 50 million units in sales.[72][71][73][74]


    1. ^ a b Mudhar, Raju (February 28, 2016). «‘Far Cry Primal’ unleashes the beasts». The Toronto Star. Retrieved March 25, 2017.
    2. ^ Martin, Matt (January 14, 2015). «It’s decision time for Far Cry: return to the gutter or look to the stars». VG247. Retrieved May 25, 2017.
    3. ^ Reynolds, Matthew (August 29, 2014). «Far Cry 4 interview: Alex Hutchinson on Kyrat, Pagan Min and co-op». Digital Spy. Retrieved August 25, 2015.
    4. ^ a b c d Hall, Charlie (July 11, 2013). «THE STORY OF CRYTEK: FROM X-ISLE THROUGH REDEMPTION». Polygon. Retrieved May 31, 2017.
    5. ^ «First quarter sales : million». Ubisoft. Retrieved August 2, 2006.
    6. ^ Jenkins, David (July 23, 2004). «EA Sign Crytek». Gamasutra. Retrieved May 30, 2017.
    7. ^ Bramwell, Tom (January 11, 2006). «New Far Cry from Ubisoft». Eurogamer. Retrieved May 30, 2017.
    8. ^ a b c Doke, Shunal (February 13, 2014). «The Secret History of Far Cry 3». IGN. Retrieved May 31, 2017.
    9. ^ Steel, Wade (March 30, 2006). «UBISOFT ACQUIRES RIGHTS TO FAR CRY». IGN. Retrieved May 30, 2017.
    10. ^ Random-Wiley, James (January 24, 2008). «Far Cry 2 teaser debuts Dunia Engine». Joystiq. Retrieved May 31, 2017.
    11. ^ Nutt, Christian (July 9, 2008). «In-Depth: Far Cry 2’s Guay Talks Dunia Engine, State Of PC». Gamasutra. Retrieved May 30, 2017.
    12. ^ a b c d Hocking, Chris (September 15, 2017). «The making of Far Cry 2». Gamasutra. Retrieved May 30, 2017.
    13. ^ Osborn, Chuck (October 2007). «Far Cry 2: Survival Guide to Africa». PC Gamer. 14 (10): 24. ISSN 1080-4471.
    14. ^ «Far Cry 2 generated sales of 2.9 million — Prince of Persia (2008) for Xbox 360 News». Videogamer.com. Retrieved August 1, 2012.
    15. ^ a b Burford, Doc (March 28, 2018). «There’s Still No Other Shooter Quite Like Far Cry 2: Remembering Far Cry’s Most Polarizing Entry». USGamer. Archived from the original on March 29, 2018. Retrieved March 28, 2018.
    16. ^ «Far Cry 3 PC Performance Test: Graphics & CPU». Kotaku.com.
    17. ^ Dyer, Mitch (January 30, 2013). «THE DEVELOPMENT SECRETS OF FAR CRY 3». IGN. Retrieved May 30, 2017.
    18. ^ Driver, Dale; Purslow, Matt (October 3, 2021). «How Far Cry’s Iconic Villains Were Created». IGN. Retrieved October 4, 2021.
    19. ^ Eddie Makuch (October 30, 2014). «Watch Dog Ships 9 Million Copies, Helping Ubisoft Sales Rise Sharply». GameSpot. Retrieved October 31, 2014.
    20. ^ Pereira, Chris (May 20, 2014). «Far Cry 4 story details emerge». GameSpot. Archived from the original on August 29, 2015. Retrieved August 26, 2015.
    21. ^ Makuch, Eddie (May 26, 2017). «Far Cry 5s first trailer, release date, and many more details revealed». GameSpot. Retrieved May 26, 2017.
    22. ^ McKeand, Kirk (July 12, 2020). «Far Cry 6 lets you recruit a sausage dog called Chorizo – here’s the trailer and some screens». VG247. Retrieved July 12, 2020.
    23. ^ Battaglia, Alex (April 10, 2018). «Is Far Cry 2’s tech really more advanced than Far Cry 5’s?». Eurogamer. Retrieved July 13, 2020.
    24. ^ Corriea, Alexa Ray (January 28, 2014). «Blood Dragon was one of creator Dean Evans’ tamer ideas». Polygon. Retrieved May 30, 2017.
    25. ^ MacGregor, Kyle (September 8, 2013). «Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon sales surpass 1 million mark». Destructoid. Destructoid. Retrieved September 8, 2013.
    26. ^ Cork, Jeff (October 6, 2015). «Far Cry’s Creators Take The Series Back To The Stone Age». Game Informer. Retrieved October 7, 2015.
    27. ^ Robinson, Martin (December 7, 2018). «Far Cry New Dawn is a post-apocalyptic spin on the series». Eurogamer. Retrieved December 7, 2018.
    28. ^ Makuch, Eddie (November 11, 2021). «Far Cry 7 Is A Live Service Game Similar To Assassin’s Creed Infinity — Report». GameSpot. Retrieved November 12, 2021.
    29. ^ Robinson, Andy (November 11, 2021). «Far Cry’s boss has left Ubisoft». Video Games Chronicle. Retrieved November 12, 2021.
    30. ^ «Far Cry Reviews». Metacritic. Retrieved April 14, 2019.
    31. ^ «Far Cry 2 Reviews». Metacritic. Retrieved April 14, 2019.
    32. ^ «Far Cry 2 Reviews». Metacritic. Retrieved April 14, 2019.
    33. ^ «Far Cry 2 Reviews». Metacritic. Retrieved April 14, 2019.
    34. ^ «Far Cry 3 Reviews». Metacritic. Retrieved April 14, 2019.
    35. ^ «Far Cry 3 Reviews». Metacritic. Retrieved April 14, 2019.
    36. ^ «Far Cry 3 Reviews». Metacritic. Retrieved April 14, 2019.
    37. ^ «Far Cry 4 Reviews». Metacritic. Retrieved April 14, 2019.
    38. ^ «Far Cry 4 Reviews». Metacritic. Retrieved April 14, 2019.
    39. ^ «Far Cry 4 Reviews». Metacritic. Retrieved April 14, 2019.
    40. ^ «Far Cry 5 Reviews». Metacritic. Retrieved April 14, 2019.
    41. ^ «Far Cry 5 Reviews». Metacritic. Retrieved April 14, 2019.
    42. ^ «Far Cry 5 Reviews». Metacritic. Retrieved April 14, 2019.
    43. ^ Dyer, Mitch (May 15, 2014). «Far Cry 4 Announced for 2014». ign.com.
    44. ^ Shaw-Williams, Hannah (June 9, 2014). «‘Far Cry 4’ E3 2014 Trailer Introduces New Villain & Protagonist». GameRant.com.
    45. ^ Purslow, Matt (May 26, 2017). «Cults, cops and co-op in Far Cry 5: five things you need to know». PCGamesN. Retrieved May 26, 2017.
    46. ^ T.M. Kim, Matt (October 29, 2020). «Far Cry 6 Delayed Until After March 2021». IGN. Retrieved October 29, 2020.
    47. ^ Watts, Steve (July 10, 2020). «Far Cry 6 Confirmed With Clip Featuring Breaking Bad’s Giancarlo Esposito». GameSpot. Retrieved July 10, 2020.
    48. ^ «Far Cry Instincts Reviews». Metacritic. Retrieved April 14, 2019.
    49. ^ «Far Cry Instincts: Evolution Reviews». Metacritic. Retrieved April 14, 2019.
    50. ^ «Far Cry Instincts: Predator Reviews». Metacritic. Retrieved April 14, 2019.
    51. ^ «Far Cry Vengeance Reviews». Metacritic. Retrieved April 14, 2019.
    52. ^ «Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon Reviews». Metacritic. Retrieved April 14, 2019.
    53. ^ «Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon Reviews». Metacritic. Retrieved April 14, 2019.
    54. ^ «Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon Reviews». Metacritic. Retrieved April 14, 2019.
    55. ^ «Far Cry Primal Reviews». Metacritic. Retrieved April 14, 2019.
    56. ^ «Far Cry Primal Reviews». Metacritic. Retrieved April 14, 2019.
    57. ^ «Far Cry Primal Reviews». Metacritic. Retrieved April 14, 2019.
    58. ^ «Far Cry New Dawn Reviews». Metacritic. Retrieved April 14, 2019.
    59. ^ «Far Cry New Dawn Reviews». Metacritic. Retrieved April 14, 2019.
    60. ^ «Far Cry New Dawn Reviews». Metacritic. Retrieved April 14, 2019.
    61. ^ Blake, Vikki (June 13, 2021). «Far Cry 6’s season pass will include a remastered copy of Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon». Eurogamer. Retrieved June 13, 2021.
    62. ^ Hussain, Tamoor (October 6, 2015). «Far Cry Primal Trailer, Release Date, Gameplay Details Officially Released». GameSpot. Retrieved October 7, 2015.
    63. ^ «Far Cry VR: Dive Into Insanity Coming In 2021». Ubisoft®. Retrieved June 21, 2021.
    64. ^ Ubisoft To Make Movies Based on ‘Watch Dogs,’ ‘Far Cry,’ ‘Rabbids’ (EXCLUSIVE)
    65. ^ Patrick Shanley (October 10, 2019). «Ubisoft Planning Animated TV Adaptations of Popular Game Franchises (Exclusive)». The Hollywood Reporter.
    66. ^ Elfing, Mat (June 11, 2021). «Netflix Announces Far Cry Blood Dragon Spinoff Animated Series». GameSpot. Retrieved June 11, 2021.
    67. ^ «A Far Cry Board Game is Coming in 2021». Board Game Halv. September 20, 2021. Retrieved September 28, 2021.
    68. ^ a b Zalace, Jacqueline (April 14, 2021). «Jump Is Collaborating With Ubisoft For Manga One-Shots Based On Its Games». The Gamer. Retrieved December 17, 2022.
    69. ^ a b Kishikawa, Molly (May 12, 2021). «Ubisoft’s Jump+ Collaboration Turns Fan-Favorite Games Into Manga». Comic Book Resources. Retrieved December 17, 2022.
    70. ^ Johnston, Rich (July 23, 2022). «Far Cry 6 Prequel, Esperanza’s Tears, From Ablaze In October 2022». Bleeding Cool. Retrieved January 17, 2023.
    71. ^ a b «Facts & Figures». Ubisoft. 2014. Archived from the original on July 21, 2014. Retrieved July 21, 2014.
    72. ^ Jones, Ali (September 27, 2019). «Assassin’s Creed all-time sales top 140 million». PCGamesN. Retrieved September 27, 2019.
    73. ^ «Ubisoft® reports third quarter 2014–15 sales» (PDF). Ubisoft. February 13, 2015. Archived (PDF) from the original on February 13, 2015. Retrieved February 13, 2015.
    74. ^ Ubisoft. «Far Cry 5 Breaks Franchise Sales Records.» April 4, 2018. «Far Cry 5 now represents the second biggest launch ever for a Ubisoft game, following only Tom Clancy’s The Division, with $310M USD in consumer spending through the first week.» $310m / ~$60 per copy = ~5.16 million copies sold in the first week.

    External links[edit]

    Wikimedia Commons has media related to Far Cry.

    Wikiquote has quotations related to Far Cry.

    • Official website
    Far Cry
    Far Cry logo.svg
    Genre(s) First-person shooter
    Developer(s) Crytek (2004)
    Ubisoft Montreal (2005–)
    Ubisoft Toronto (2018–)
    Publisher(s) Ubisoft
    Platform(s) Microsoft Windows
    Xbox 360
    PlayStation 3
    PlayStation 4
    Xbox One
    Google Stadia
    Amazon Luna
    Xbox Series X/S
    PlayStation 5
    First release Far Cry
    March 23, 2004
    Latest release Far Cry 6
    October 7, 2021

    Far Cry is an anthology franchise of first-person shooter games, all of which have been published by Ubisoft. The first game, Far Cry, was developed by Crytek to premiere their CryEngine software, and released in March 2004. Subsequently, Ubisoft obtained the rights to the franchise and the bulk of the development is handled by Ubisoft Montreal with assistance from other Ubisoft satellite studios. The following games in the series have used a Ubisoft-modified version of the CryEngine, the Dunia Engine, allowing for open world gameplay. In the present, the franchise consists of six mainline games, a standalone expansion, and several spin-offs; additionally, the first game, initially developed for Microsoft Windows, saw a number of ports to video game consoles, which changed several elements and are therefore considered standalone releases.

    The Far Cry games, due to the history of their development, do not have any significant shared narrative elements, but instead share a theme of placing the player in a wilderness environment where they must help fight against one or more despots that control the region as well as surviving against wild animals that roam the open spaces. The Far Cry games feature a single-player campaign with later titles also offering co-operative campaign support. The games also offer competitive multiplayer options and the ability for users to edit the games’ maps for these matches. The Far Cry games have generally been well-received, with praise for their open world gameplay and antagonists, but criticism for their lack of innovation, and are considered commercial successes.

    Premise and gameplay[edit]

    The main Far Cry games are first-person shooters (FPS) with action-adventure elements. Whereas the first Far Cry and its spin-offs/remakes were typical FPS with discrete levels, Far Cry 2 and the subsequent games have adapted an open world-style of gameplay, with main story and side missions and optional quests to complete.

    There are minimal narrative elements or chronology between the games. Instead, the Far Cry games have generally shared the theme of taking the player to «a lawless frontier» where «values and laws of today are non-functional», along with elements of having to survive in the wilderness including hunting and crafting.[1] The player often needs to work with freedom fighters attempting to regain control of a region from a ruling party, and may have to pit different sides of a conflict against each other through their actions. Some of the series’ games have been more rooted in realistic conflicts, while others have involved elements of the supernatural or science fiction.[2] Ubisoft Montreal, the principal developers of the series, do consider that all games share the same common fictional universe, and have reused some minor characters to maintain that, but otherwise anticipate each game can be enjoyed as a standalone title without knowledge of the other games.[3]


    Release timeline

    Main series in bold

    2004 Far Cry
    2005 Far Cry Instincts
    2006 Far Cry Instincts: Evolution
    Far Cry Instincts: Predator
    Far Cry Vengeance
    2007 Paradise Lost
    2008 Far Cry 2
    2012 Far Cry 3
    2013 Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon
    2014 Far Cry 4
    2016 Far Cry Primal
    2018 Far Cry 5
    2019 Far Cry New Dawn
    2021 Far Cry 6

    Origins with Crytek (2004–2007)[edit]

    The first Far Cry game was developed by the German studio Crytek, and premiered their CryEngine software. One of Crytek’s goals with the CryEngine was to be able to render realistic outdoor spaces with large viewing distances, which was a unique feature compared with other game engines at the time of its release.[4] The CryEngine was originally demonstrated as a tech demo at Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) 1999 under the name X-Isle: Dinosaur Island specifically aimed at NVIDIA graphics processors. The demo allowed the user to explore a virtual tropical island populated with dinosaurs, showcasing the size of the virtual world that the CryEngine could handle.[4] Following E3 1999, they secured a deal with NVIDIA to distribute X-Isle alongside all NVIDIA cards as benchmarking software, as at the time the CryEngine was the most demanding game engine on the market. Ubisoft made a deal with Crytek to build out X-Isle into a full AAA title, and obtained publishing rights for this title.[4]

    This game develops the story of player-character Jack Carver, who stumbles upon the genetic research of Dr. Krieger and the Krieger Corporation, on a fictional Micronesia island, to create powerful Trigen Beasts as weapons later sold to mercenaries. Far Cry released in March 2004 for Microsoft Windows to critical praise and strong sales, with over 730,000 units sold in the first four months.[5]

    Following Far Crys release, Crytek, wanting to show that CryEngine had other applications, signed a deal in July 2004 to develop a gaming franchise with publisher Electronic Arts (EA), a direct competitor to Ubisoft. This franchise became the Crysis series, and through which Crytek continued to improve their CryEngine.[4][6] With Crytek unable to work with them, Ubisoft assigned its studio Ubisoft Montreal to help port the title to the various game consoles through the Far Cry Instincts and Far Cry Vengeance titles.[7] These titles required Ubisoft Montreal to rework much of the game as the consoles at this point in time were not as powerful as personal computers, and could not handle the wide open levels without performance problems. These games created more linear levels from the original Far Cry, added campaigns and multiplayer modes, and in some cases, changed the game’s narrative to less-realistic outcomes.[8] In March 2006, Ubisoft acquired all rights to the Far Cry series and a perpetual license for the CryEngine version used in the development of Far Cry.[9] Ubisoft Montreal remained the principal studio developing all future Far Cry games.

    Shifts to internal development (2008–2011)[edit]

    Far Cry 2 was announced by Ubisoft in July 2007, and featured two significant changes from the previous Far Cry games. First, it premiered the use of the Dunia Engine, a modified form of the licensed CryEngine by Ubisoft Montreal.[10] The Dunia Engine was developed alongside Far Cry 2 to make a fully open-world game as well as adding realistic physics and destroyable environments.[11][12] Second, rather than continuing in the narrative of the first Far Cry, it created a more open-ended narrative, featuring nine playable characters and the means for the player to create their own stories with the other non-playable characters in the game with an advanced artificial intelligence system.[12] Part of the reason the narrative from Far Cry was dropped was that its main character Jack Carver was not memorable with players,[13] and that the ending of the game, particularly with the changes made for Instincts and Vengeance, took a significant turn into science fiction, something that the developers wanted to avoid with Far Cry 2.[12][8] Ubisoft also recognized that through the various console versions that players would be tired of the tropic setting as well as fearing that Crytek’s project with EA was also set in a tropic location, and thus opted to change the locale to the plains of Africa.[8] For Far Cry 2, the game takes place in a fictional African county in the midst of a civil war that is being financially funded by a figure known as the Jackal, whom the player-character, a mercenary for hire, is tasked to bring down with the help of other mercenaries and locals.

    Far Cry 2 was released in October 2008, and was critically praised and commercially successful, with over 2.9 million in sales by 2009.[14] However, the game’s director, Clint Hocking, noted that internally, much of the design of Far Cry 2 was haphazard.[12] Far Cry 2 had a polarizing reception from players over some of the gameplay features that were implemented to make the game feel diegetic and immerse the player into the world. Some of these disputed mechanics included the random onset of malaria that would impact the character’s vision and movement until they obtained and took medicine for it, a weapon decay system that would cause guns picked up from enemies to wear down and break over use, military checkpoints that a player could clear out but which would become repopulated with enemies minutes later, and the game’s buddy system, where the player could call a selected non-player character to help their character in battle, but only for a short while and would not be available until the player reached a safe house to rest.[15]

    Expansion as series (2012–ongoing)[edit]

    Pre-production work for Far Cry 3 had reportedly started just after Far Cry 2 was shipped, with plans to keep it as a narrative sequel, but in the few years that followed, many of the development leads for Far Cry 2 left the studio. The project had a significant shift of locale, returning to a tropical island theme similar to Far Cry while retaining the open-world nature of Far Cry 2. They also looked to keep the key elements of Far Cry 2s open world that worked but add in more features to make it feel like a living world but with purpose behind how they designed it. This led to the development of Dunia Engine 2 to implement some open-world features such as weather system, which premiered in Far Cry 3.[16] Several of the questionable gameplay elements of Far Cry 2 were eliminated.[15] Further, to make this world meaningful, they eliminated the multiple player-characters and instead provided one character that they could write a strong narrative around.[17] Within Far Cry 3, the player-character is part of a group of adventuring tourists caught by the pirate Vaas Montenegro who has tortured the island’s native population. The introduction of a well-defined villain character in Vaas that was the focal point for much of the game further redefined how the Far Cry games going forward would be presented, each centered around a similar crafted character central to the game’s plot.[18] Far Cry 3 was formally announced in 2011 and released in November 2012. Though Far Cry 3 presented some controversial elements within its narrative, it received critical acclaim and had sold more than 10 million units by 2014.[19]

    The basic gameplay of Far Cry 3 established the series’ general approach that was used in the next main series’ iterations, but shifted locales from the tropical setting. These games included Far Cry 4 (2014), set in the fictional Himalayan country of Kyrat ruled by the tyrannical Pagan Min and his Royal Army,[20] Far Cry 5 (2018), taking place in fictional Hope County in Montana where a doomsday cult Eden’s Gate, led by Joseph Seed, has locked down the region,[21] and Far Cry 6 (2021), set on a fictional Cuba-like island in the midst of revolution which «El Presidente» Antón Castillo rules as a dictator.[22] All these games maintained the theme of a lawless land and required the player to rely on a number of gameplay skills beyond combat, such as hunting and crafting to a degree, to succeed.[1] Each iteration of the games has used the Dunia 2 engine with further enhancements to improve performance and take advantage of newer technologies.[23]

    Extending from the main games were smaller side games that were built using the main games’ existing maps and assets. The first of these was Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon, released in May 2013, following its announcement by Ubisoft on the previous April Fools’ Day. The game, a standalone title, was an experiment release developed by Dean Evans that worked atop the existing Far Cry 3 assets, reskinning some of the game’s existing maps and geometry. It took a tongue-in-cheek approach to the culture of the 1980s.[24] It became a commercial success with more than 1 million units sold.[25] Its success led to similar «reskins» for the next two main games in Far Cry Primal (2016) (from Far Cry 4)[26] and Far Cry New Dawn (2019) (from Far Cry 5).[27]

    While Ubisoft has yet to formally announced further Far Cry games after Far Cry 6, reports emerged in November 2021 that the next Far Cry game would be a live-service game similar to Ubisoft’s plans for the next Assassin’s Creed game, codenamed Assassin’s Creed Infinity.[28] Around the same time, Dan Hay, executive producer for the Far Cry series since Far Cry 3, announced his departure from Ubisoft Montreal to pursue other opportunities.[29]

    Main series[edit]

    Far Cry (2004)[edit]

    Far Cry, the first game in the series, was developed as an open-ended first-person shooter by German studio Crytek, being the first title to use their CryEngine software. The game is set on a mysterious archipelago in Micronesia, where ex-special forces operative Jack Carver must use various weapons, tools, and his surroundings to survive against hostile mercenaries that control the islands while searching for the journalist who was accompanying him and who went missing. As Jack explores the islands, he uncovers the horrific genetic experiments being conducted on the local wildlife and must confront the mad scientist behind them.

    The game was published by Ubisoft on March 23, 2004 for Microsoft Windows. It received generally positive reviews, with praise for its visuals, gameplay mechanics, and the level of freedom given to the player, and sold 730,000 units within four months of release.

    Far Cry 2 (2008)[edit]

    Far Cry 2 was developed by Ubisoft Montreal and published by Ubisoft for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 on October 21, 2008 in North America, October 23 in Australia, and October 24 in Europe. The game is set in a fictional East African state where an arms smuggler known as «The Jackal» is selling weapons to two factions engaged in a civil war. The player assumes the role of a mercenary sent to find and kill the Jackal, who is inflaming the conflict. The game’s sandbox gameplay has been highly touted, allowing the player access to 50 km2 of African terrain, complete with open savannah, forests, animals, and towns. Far Cry 2 also puts more emphasis on realism compared to other games in the series, incorporating features such as weapon jamming and malaria, which the player character gets infected with at the start of the game and must thereafter regularly take medication to avoid dying.

    Far Cry 2 received generally positive reviews from critics for its setting, visuals, and open-ended gameplay, although some criticized its writing, artificial intelligence, and technical issues. A number of players also found some aspects of the gameplay, mainly those related to the game’s focus on realism, overly repetitive and tedious. The game sold three million copies worldwide within four months of release.

    A top-down shooter version of the game for mobile phones was developed and published by Gameloft.

    Far Cry 3 (2012)[edit]

    Far Cry 3 was developed by Ubisoft Montreal using feedback from Far Cry 2, and published by Ubisoft for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360 on November 29, 2012 in Australia, November 30 in Europe, and December 4 in North America. It was later re-released on the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on June 26, 2018. Ahead of release, the game was heavily promoted by Ubisoft with various companion apps, webseries and crossovers. Far Cry 3 takes place on the fictional Rook Islands, a tropical archipelago. After a vacation goes awry, protagonist Jason Brody, an ordinary American tourist, must learn the ways of the jungle to survive and rescue his friends, who have been captured by the insane Vaas Montenegro and his gang of pirates to be sold into slavery.

    Larger in scope and ambition than its predecessors, Far Cry 3 received largely positive reviews, with praise for its characters (in particular Vaas), world design, visuals, progression, and gameplay, though the multiplayer modes received some criticism. The game has sold nearly 10 million copies in its lifetime, and was nominated for multiple year-end accolades in 2012, including Game of the Year and Best Shooter.

    Far Cry 4 (2014)[edit]

    Far Cry 4 was developed by Ubisoft Montreal and published by Ubisoft for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One on November 18, 2014 in Australia and North America, and November 20 in Europe.[43] The game was originally conceptualized as a direct sequel to Far Cry 3, before it was turned into a standalone story like the other games in the series. The game is set in the fictional country of Kyrat in the Himalayas region, ruled by a despotic self-appointed king named Pagan Min.[44] The protagonist, Ajay Ghale, becomes caught in a civil war and must overthrow Min, after he is instructed by his late mother to travel again, from the U.S., to his homeland to spread her ashes there. Aspects of the game’s story were inspired by the 1996–2006 Nepalese Civil War.

    Far Cry 4 received positive reviews for its world design, visuals, soundtrack, and characters as well as new gameplay additions and the wealth of content. However, the story had a more divisive reception, and the game was criticized for its lack of innovation from Far Cry 3. The game had the biggest launch in the franchise’s history, selling seven million copies by the end of 2014.

    Far Cry 5 (2018)[edit]

    Far Cry 5 was developed by Ubisoft Montreal and Ubisoft Toronto. Announced in early 2017, it was released worldwide on March 27, 2018 for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.[45] The game is set in modern-day Montana in the fictional Hope County, which is controlled by a doomsday cult called the Project at Eden’s Gate, led by «The Father» Joseph Seed and his siblings. Players assume the role of a customizable sheriff’s deputy who becomes entangled in a violent conflict between the cult and the resisting residents of Hope County who have seen their friends and family taken or killed by the cult. The game was heavily inspired by several socio-political events in modern history, such as the Cold War and the September 11 attacks. The development team sought to capture the despondent social climate after the events and re-purpose it for the game.

    Far Cry 5 received generally positive reviews for its world design, visuals, gameplay, and soundtrack, although the narrative and some of the characters received criticism. It also became the subject of controversy after being announced alongside a period of heightened political conflicts. The game was a commercial success and became the fastest-selling title in the franchise, grossing over $310 million in its first week of sales.

    Far Cry 6 (2021)[edit]

    Far Cry 6 was developed by Ubisoft Toronto and published by Ubisoft for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, Stadia, and Amazon Luna on October 7, 2021.[46] The game is set on the fictional island of Yara (loosely based on modern-day Cuba), ruled by fascist dictator Antón Castillo (portrayed by Giancarlo Esposito) who seeks to bring his son, Diego (Anthony Gonzalez), to be his heir amidst a revolutionary uprising by freedom fighters.[47] Players assume the role of guerilla fighter Dani Rojas, attempting to topple Castillo and his regime. The game was inspired by several revolutions of recent history, primarily the Cuban Revolution of 1953–1959, and features the return of several elements from earlier Far Cry titles, such as a tropical setting and a fully voiced protagonist.

    Far Cry 6 received generally mixed reviews. Although the setting, visuals, Esposito’s performance, and the minor improvements to the series’ gameplay formula were praised, the lack of innovation and the aging design were criticized.


    Far Cry Instincts (2005)[edit]

    Far Cry Instincts is a port of the original Far Cry for the Xbox, developed and published by Ubisoft on September 27, 2005. Although it is a port, the game is less open-ended, due to the console’s technical limitations, and features several new elements, including an altered storyline, new weapons, an extra multiplayer mode through the Xbox Live service, a map creator, and ‘feral abilities’, and is therefore considered a separate release. Ports for the PlayStation 2 and Nintendo GameCube were also planned, but were ultimately cancelled.

    Far Cry Instincts: Evolution (2006)[edit]

    A sequel to Far Cry Instincts, released for the Xbox on March 27, 2006, Evolution features a new single-player campaign, albeit considerably shorter than that of Instincts, as well as new weapons, vehicles, an expanded map-maker and an extra multiplayer mode. Maps that are created on the Xbox version of Instincts can not be transferred to the Xbox 360 version.

    Far Cry Instincts: Predator (2006)[edit]

    Far Cry Instincts: Predator, released for the Xbox 360 on the same day as Far Cry Instincts: Evolution, includes graphically enhanced versions of both Instincts and Evolution.

    Far Cry Vengeance (2006)[edit]

    Far Cry Vengeance is a port of Far Cry Instincts: Evolution for the Wii, developed and published by Ubisoft on December 12, 2006 in North America, January 5, 2007 in Europe, and February 28 in Australia. The game features changed controls, new weapons and vehicles, and three additional levels.

    Paradise Lost (2007)[edit]

    Paradise Lost is a rail shooter arcade game port of Far Cry Instincts developed by Global VR and published by Ubisoft in 2007. Players use stationary turrets armed with rockets and grenades as power-ups.

    Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon (2013)[edit]

    Blood Dragon is a stand-alone «expansion pack» based on the world of Far Cry 3. Although Blood Dragon does not continue the story of Far Cry 3, it shares the same game engine and gameplay mechanics. News of its development was leaked by the Brazilian ratings board, which awarded an 18+ certification based on the title’s references to violence, sex, and drugs. The game’s retrospective story, characters and visual style are inspired by 1980’s action movies, especially those starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, such as Commando, The Terminator, and Predator, and Sylvester Stallone, like Cobra, First Blood, and Rocky IV. Other film/television references include RoboCop, Escape from New York, Scarface and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, among others. Pre-orders of the PC version received a digital copy of the soundtrack, produced by Melbourne, Australia-based Power Glove. Due to the success of the title, Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot has stated that the game may also get a retail release.

    A crossover title with the Trials series, Trials of the Blood Dragon is based on Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon, and was released in June 2016. A remastered version of Blood Dragon is included in the season pass of Far Cry 6.[61]

    Far Cry Primal (2016)[edit]

    Announced in October 2015,[62] Far Cry Primal is a spin-off to Far Cry 4, developed by Ubisoft Montreal and published by Ubisoft for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on February 23, 2016, and for Microsoft Windows on March 1, 2016. The game is set during the Stone Age, in the fictional Oros valley in Central and Eastern Europe, and follows the story of Takkar, who starts off as an unarmed hunter and rises to become the leader of a tribe. Primal received generally mixed to positive reviews. While the concept, world design, and certain gameplay mechanics, such as the ability to tame animals, were praised, the story and characters were seen as inferior compared to previous Far Cry games. Most critics also felt that, because of the game’s setting, there was a significant lack of weapons to utilize, leading to a repetitive gameplay design.

    Far Cry New Dawn (2019)[edit]

    Far Cry New Dawn is a spin-off and sequel to Far Cry 5, developed by Ubisoft Montreal and published by Ubisoft for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One on February 15, 2019. The game is set seventeen years after one of the possible endings of Far Cry 5 and follows the survivors of a nuclear war as they attempt to rebuild their community, with players assuming the role of an unnamed and highly customizable Captain. The game takes place on a modified version of Far Cry 5‘s map, and introduces several elements from the RPG genre, including an upgradeable home base and increased reliance on crafting from limited supplies. New Dawn received generally mixed reviews, with praise for its world design and gameplay and criticism for its narrative and similarities to Far Cry 5, and was less financially successful than both Far Cry 5 and Far Cry Primal.

    Far Cry VR: Dive Into Insanity (2021)[edit]

    Far Cry VR: Dive Into Insanity is a virtual reality game set in the same tropical island location as Far Cry 3. Released in June 1, 2021, it features Vaas Montenegro as its central antagonist.[63]

    Other media[edit]

    Live-action adaptations[edit]

    • A direct-to-video-film, Far Cry, released in 2008 was directed by Uwe Boll and stars Til Schweiger as Jack Carver. The film follows Jack Carver, an ex-special forces soldier turned boatman who is hired by a journalist to investigate a top-secret military base on a nearby island. The film received negative reviews with most critics saying it does the games no justice.
    • The Far Cry Experience is a four-part webseries released in 2012 that serves as a prequel to the events of Far Cry 3. It features Christopher Mintz-Plasse playing a fictionalized version of himself who is captured by Vaas (played by Michael Mando) and his pirates and becomes the subject of Vaas’s torture show.
    • In 2013, it was reported that a Far Cry film was in development by Ubisoft Motion Pictures, along with a Watch Dogs and Raving Rabbids film,[64] although there have been no news about the project since.
    • Inside Eden’s Gate is a short film released on March 5, 2018, as a tie-in prequel to Far Cry 5. It follows three filmmakers investigating the rumors surrounding the Project at Eden’s Gate and encoutering Joseph Seed (played by Greg Bryk) and the other members of the Seed family.

    Animated series[edit]

    It was announced that Ubisoft are teaming with Adi Shankar to develop an animated series titled Captain Laserhawk: A Blood Dragon Remix.[65] It was announced to be in production for Netflix during June 2021, with Bobbypills leading the animation and Balak as creative director.[66]

    Board game[edit]

    On September 20, 2021, it was announced that board game publisher Funforge would partner with Ubisoft to create a board game based on the franchise titled Far Cry Beyond.[67]


    • German-language novels by Michael T. Bhatty:
      • Far Cry: Götterdämmerung (Panini, 2007, ISBN 3-8332-1568-2) — an expanded novelization of the original Far Cry game.
      • Far Cry 2: Blutige Diamanten (Panini, 2008, ISBN 3-8332-1742-1) — a prequel to Far Cry 2.
    • Far Cry: Absolution (2018) by Urban Waite – a prequel to Far Cry 5.


    • Far Cry: Rite of Passage (2021) — a comic book miniseries published by Dark Horse Comics as a tie-in to Far Cry 6. It features the game’s primary antagonist, Antón Castillo, recounting cautionary tales to his son Diego about the rise and fall of previous villains in the series (Vaas Montenegro, Pagan Min, and Joseph Seed).
    • Happy Vaas Day, a 2021 manga one-shot by Hiromu Nagase published by Jump in collaboration with Ubisoft. The story depicts a young Vaas Montenegro.[68][69]
    • Inside, a 2021 manga one-shot published by Jump in collaboration with Ubisoft. The story follows a young man as he plays Far Cry 4 and begins pondering the morality of the characters.[68][69]
    • Far Cry: Esperanza’s Tears, published by Ablaze in October 2022 is a prequel comic to Far Cry 6.[70]


    Ubisoft reports that through 2014, lifetime sales of the Far Cry franchise has exceeded 20 million units.[71] By September 2019, the series had accumulated a combined 50 million units in sales.[72][71][73][74]


    1. ^ a b Mudhar, Raju (February 28, 2016). «‘Far Cry Primal’ unleashes the beasts». The Toronto Star. Retrieved March 25, 2017.
    2. ^ Martin, Matt (January 14, 2015). «It’s decision time for Far Cry: return to the gutter or look to the stars». VG247. Retrieved May 25, 2017.
    3. ^ Reynolds, Matthew (August 29, 2014). «Far Cry 4 interview: Alex Hutchinson on Kyrat, Pagan Min and co-op». Digital Spy. Retrieved August 25, 2015.
    4. ^ a b c d Hall, Charlie (July 11, 2013). «THE STORY OF CRYTEK: FROM X-ISLE THROUGH REDEMPTION». Polygon. Retrieved May 31, 2017.
    5. ^ «First quarter sales : million». Ubisoft. Retrieved August 2, 2006.
    6. ^ Jenkins, David (July 23, 2004). «EA Sign Crytek». Gamasutra. Retrieved May 30, 2017.
    7. ^ Bramwell, Tom (January 11, 2006). «New Far Cry from Ubisoft». Eurogamer. Retrieved May 30, 2017.
    8. ^ a b c Doke, Shunal (February 13, 2014). «The Secret History of Far Cry 3». IGN. Retrieved May 31, 2017.
    9. ^ Steel, Wade (March 30, 2006). «UBISOFT ACQUIRES RIGHTS TO FAR CRY». IGN. Retrieved May 30, 2017.
    10. ^ Random-Wiley, James (January 24, 2008). «Far Cry 2 teaser debuts Dunia Engine». Joystiq. Retrieved May 31, 2017.
    11. ^ Nutt, Christian (July 9, 2008). «In-Depth: Far Cry 2’s Guay Talks Dunia Engine, State Of PC». Gamasutra. Retrieved May 30, 2017.
    12. ^ a b c d Hocking, Chris (September 15, 2017). «The making of Far Cry 2». Gamasutra. Retrieved May 30, 2017.
    13. ^ Osborn, Chuck (October 2007). «Far Cry 2: Survival Guide to Africa». PC Gamer. 14 (10): 24. ISSN 1080-4471.
    14. ^ «Far Cry 2 generated sales of 2.9 million — Prince of Persia (2008) for Xbox 360 News». Videogamer.com. Retrieved August 1, 2012.
    15. ^ a b Burford, Doc (March 28, 2018). «There’s Still No Other Shooter Quite Like Far Cry 2: Remembering Far Cry’s Most Polarizing Entry». USGamer. Archived from the original on March 29, 2018. Retrieved March 28, 2018.
    16. ^ «Far Cry 3 PC Performance Test: Graphics & CPU». Kotaku.com.
    17. ^ Dyer, Mitch (January 30, 2013). «THE DEVELOPMENT SECRETS OF FAR CRY 3». IGN. Retrieved May 30, 2017.
    18. ^ Driver, Dale; Purslow, Matt (October 3, 2021). «How Far Cry’s Iconic Villains Were Created». IGN. Retrieved October 4, 2021.
    19. ^ Eddie Makuch (October 30, 2014). «Watch Dog Ships 9 Million Copies, Helping Ubisoft Sales Rise Sharply». GameSpot. Retrieved October 31, 2014.
    20. ^ Pereira, Chris (May 20, 2014). «Far Cry 4 story details emerge». GameSpot. Archived from the original on August 29, 2015. Retrieved August 26, 2015.
    21. ^ Makuch, Eddie (May 26, 2017). «Far Cry 5s first trailer, release date, and many more details revealed». GameSpot. Retrieved May 26, 2017.
    22. ^ McKeand, Kirk (July 12, 2020). «Far Cry 6 lets you recruit a sausage dog called Chorizo – here’s the trailer and some screens». VG247. Retrieved July 12, 2020.
    23. ^ Battaglia, Alex (April 10, 2018). «Is Far Cry 2’s tech really more advanced than Far Cry 5’s?». Eurogamer. Retrieved July 13, 2020.
    24. ^ Corriea, Alexa Ray (January 28, 2014). «Blood Dragon was one of creator Dean Evans’ tamer ideas». Polygon. Retrieved May 30, 2017.
    25. ^ MacGregor, Kyle (September 8, 2013). «Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon sales surpass 1 million mark». Destructoid. Destructoid. Retrieved September 8, 2013.
    26. ^ Cork, Jeff (October 6, 2015). «Far Cry’s Creators Take The Series Back To The Stone Age». Game Informer. Retrieved October 7, 2015.
    27. ^ Robinson, Martin (December 7, 2018). «Far Cry New Dawn is a post-apocalyptic spin on the series». Eurogamer. Retrieved December 7, 2018.
    28. ^ Makuch, Eddie (November 11, 2021). «Far Cry 7 Is A Live Service Game Similar To Assassin’s Creed Infinity — Report». GameSpot. Retrieved November 12, 2021.
    29. ^ Robinson, Andy (November 11, 2021). «Far Cry’s boss has left Ubisoft». Video Games Chronicle. Retrieved November 12, 2021.
    30. ^ «Far Cry Reviews». Metacritic. Retrieved April 14, 2019.
    31. ^ «Far Cry 2 Reviews». Metacritic. Retrieved April 14, 2019.
    32. ^ «Far Cry 2 Reviews». Metacritic. Retrieved April 14, 2019.
    33. ^ «Far Cry 2 Reviews». Metacritic. Retrieved April 14, 2019.
    34. ^ «Far Cry 3 Reviews». Metacritic. Retrieved April 14, 2019.
    35. ^ «Far Cry 3 Reviews». Metacritic. Retrieved April 14, 2019.
    36. ^ «Far Cry 3 Reviews». Metacritic. Retrieved April 14, 2019.
    37. ^ «Far Cry 4 Reviews». Metacritic. Retrieved April 14, 2019.
    38. ^ «Far Cry 4 Reviews». Metacritic. Retrieved April 14, 2019.
    39. ^ «Far Cry 4 Reviews». Metacritic. Retrieved April 14, 2019.
    40. ^ «Far Cry 5 Reviews». Metacritic. Retrieved April 14, 2019.
    41. ^ «Far Cry 5 Reviews». Metacritic. Retrieved April 14, 2019.
    42. ^ «Far Cry 5 Reviews». Metacritic. Retrieved April 14, 2019.
    43. ^ Dyer, Mitch (May 15, 2014). «Far Cry 4 Announced for 2014». ign.com.
    44. ^ Shaw-Williams, Hannah (June 9, 2014). «‘Far Cry 4’ E3 2014 Trailer Introduces New Villain & Protagonist». GameRant.com.
    45. ^ Purslow, Matt (May 26, 2017). «Cults, cops and co-op in Far Cry 5: five things you need to know». PCGamesN. Retrieved May 26, 2017.
    46. ^ T.M. Kim, Matt (October 29, 2020). «Far Cry 6 Delayed Until After March 2021». IGN. Retrieved October 29, 2020.
    47. ^ Watts, Steve (July 10, 2020). «Far Cry 6 Confirmed With Clip Featuring Breaking Bad’s Giancarlo Esposito». GameSpot. Retrieved July 10, 2020.
    48. ^ «Far Cry Instincts Reviews». Metacritic. Retrieved April 14, 2019.
    49. ^ «Far Cry Instincts: Evolution Reviews». Metacritic. Retrieved April 14, 2019.
    50. ^ «Far Cry Instincts: Predator Reviews». Metacritic. Retrieved April 14, 2019.
    51. ^ «Far Cry Vengeance Reviews». Metacritic. Retrieved April 14, 2019.
    52. ^ «Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon Reviews». Metacritic. Retrieved April 14, 2019.
    53. ^ «Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon Reviews». Metacritic. Retrieved April 14, 2019.
    54. ^ «Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon Reviews». Metacritic. Retrieved April 14, 2019.
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    56. ^ «Far Cry Primal Reviews». Metacritic. Retrieved April 14, 2019.
    57. ^ «Far Cry Primal Reviews». Metacritic. Retrieved April 14, 2019.
    58. ^ «Far Cry New Dawn Reviews». Metacritic. Retrieved April 14, 2019.
    59. ^ «Far Cry New Dawn Reviews». Metacritic. Retrieved April 14, 2019.
    60. ^ «Far Cry New Dawn Reviews». Metacritic. Retrieved April 14, 2019.
    61. ^ Blake, Vikki (June 13, 2021). «Far Cry 6’s season pass will include a remastered copy of Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon». Eurogamer. Retrieved June 13, 2021.
    62. ^ Hussain, Tamoor (October 6, 2015). «Far Cry Primal Trailer, Release Date, Gameplay Details Officially Released». GameSpot. Retrieved October 7, 2015.
    63. ^ «Far Cry VR: Dive Into Insanity Coming In 2021». Ubisoft®. Retrieved June 21, 2021.
    64. ^ Ubisoft To Make Movies Based on ‘Watch Dogs,’ ‘Far Cry,’ ‘Rabbids’ (EXCLUSIVE)
    65. ^ Patrick Shanley (October 10, 2019). «Ubisoft Planning Animated TV Adaptations of Popular Game Franchises (Exclusive)». The Hollywood Reporter.
    66. ^ Elfing, Mat (June 11, 2021). «Netflix Announces Far Cry Blood Dragon Spinoff Animated Series». GameSpot. Retrieved June 11, 2021.
    67. ^ «A Far Cry Board Game is Coming in 2021». Board Game Halv. September 20, 2021. Retrieved September 28, 2021.
    68. ^ a b Zalace, Jacqueline (April 14, 2021). «Jump Is Collaborating With Ubisoft For Manga One-Shots Based On Its Games». The Gamer. Retrieved December 17, 2022.
    69. ^ a b Kishikawa, Molly (May 12, 2021). «Ubisoft’s Jump+ Collaboration Turns Fan-Favorite Games Into Manga». Comic Book Resources. Retrieved December 17, 2022.
    70. ^ Johnston, Rich (July 23, 2022). «Far Cry 6 Prequel, Esperanza’s Tears, From Ablaze In October 2022». Bleeding Cool. Retrieved January 17, 2023.
    71. ^ a b «Facts & Figures». Ubisoft. 2014. Archived from the original on July 21, 2014. Retrieved July 21, 2014.
    72. ^ Jones, Ali (September 27, 2019). «Assassin’s Creed all-time sales top 140 million». PCGamesN. Retrieved September 27, 2019.
    73. ^ «Ubisoft® reports third quarter 2014–15 sales» (PDF). Ubisoft. February 13, 2015. Archived (PDF) from the original on February 13, 2015. Retrieved February 13, 2015.
    74. ^ Ubisoft. «Far Cry 5 Breaks Franchise Sales Records.» April 4, 2018. «Far Cry 5 now represents the second biggest launch ever for a Ubisoft game, following only Tom Clancy’s The Division, with $310M USD in consumer spending through the first week.» $310m / ~$60 per copy = ~5.16 million copies sold in the first week.

    External links[edit]

    Wikimedia Commons has media related to Far Cry.

    Wikiquote has quotations related to Far Cry.

    • Official website


    far cry — обычно переводится как «большая разница», еще один вариант перевода — «далекое расстояние»
    Когда человек образно говорит о большом, но неопределённом расстоянии, он зачастую использует выражение a far cry (дословно — «дальний крик»). Считается, что это выражение пришло из средневековой Шотландии. Местные правители имели привычку оглашать свои указы, используя глашатаев. Эти люди ходили из одного места в другое, выкрикивая королевские декларации. Некоторые объявления касались исключительно местных дел, относясь только к одному городу или району. Говорили, что курьеру, получившему послание такого рода, был дан a near cry («близкий крик»). Но во время войны или других масштабных потрясений глашатай должен был скакать днями и ночами, чтобы выполнить свой долг. Такой far cry («дальний крик») требовал прохождения огромных дистанций, больших, чем путешествия обычного среднего человека в течение всей его жизни. Таким образом, выражение a far cry стало употребляться как синоним remote (отдалённый).

    far cry — отдаленное отношение; большое расстояние; большое различие
    a far cry — большое расстояние
    it is a far cry — далёкое расстояние; большая разница
    it is a far cry to that place — до этого места очень далеко; до этого места далеко

    Перевод по словам
    far  — далекий, дальний, далеко, гораздо, намного, большое расстояние
    cry  — крик, плач, вопль, клич, окрик, мольба, лозунг, плакать, кричать, взывать, вопить


    Фанаты открытых миров от Ubisoft, укомплектованных захватываемыми игроком вышками и вездесущими джаггернаутами, давно задаются вопросом: как переводится Far Cry? Речь о названии, имеющем многогранный смысл в зависимости от контекста.

    Ситуация во многом напоминает Death Stranding, поэтому на обложках с игрой вы не увидите русского названия. И слава отделам локализации. Буквальный перевод «долгий плач» (или «дальний крик») едва ли отражает суть. Альтернативные варианты – «большая разница» и «далёкое расстояние», звучат уже лучше.

    Особенно последняя версия, поскольку первая часть FC от будущих создателей Crysis предлагала колоссальных размеров открытый мир на тропическом острове, на момент релиза не имевший аналогов.

    Предполагается, что данный фразеологизм пошёл из Шотландии X-XII ст. Тогда для передачи приказов использовались курьеры-глашатаи, пересекавшие пешком, либо на лошади, огромные расстояния. Им приходилось выкрикивать поручения короля, отсюда пошло выражение near-cry («близкий крик»).

    В период ведения военных действий дистанции увеличивались, глашатаям приходилось тренировать свой голос для повышения его громкости. В качестве синонима «Far-Cry» стали использовать слово «Remote» (отдалённый). Именно так историческое прошлое британских народов повлияло на формирование устойчивого речевого оборота, сохранившегося до наших дней.

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    Far Cry
    Far Cry logo.svg
    Genre(s) First-person shooter
    Developer(s) Crytek (2004)
    Ubisoft Montreal (2005–)
    Ubisoft Toronto (2018–)
    Publisher(s) Ubisoft
    Platform(s) Microsoft Windows
    Xbox 360
    PlayStation 3
    PlayStation 4
    Xbox One
    Google Stadia
    Amazon Luna
    Xbox Series X/S
    PlayStation 5
    First release Far Cry
    March 23, 2004
    Latest release Far Cry 6
    October 7, 2021

    Far Cry is an anthology franchise of first-person shooter games, all of which have been published by Ubisoft. The first game, Far Cry, was developed by Crytek to premiere their CryEngine software, and released in March 2004. Subsequently, Ubisoft obtained the rights to the franchise and the bulk of the development is handled by Ubisoft Montreal with assistance from other Ubisoft satellite studios. The following games in the series have used a Ubisoft-modified version of the CryEngine, the Dunia Engine, allowing for open world gameplay. In the present, the franchise consists of six mainline games, a standalone expansion, and several spin-offs; additionally, the first game, initially developed for Microsoft Windows, saw a number of ports to video game consoles, which changed several elements and are therefore considered standalone releases.

    The Far Cry games, due to the history of their development, do not have any significant shared narrative elements, but instead share a theme of placing the player in a wilderness environment where they must help fight against one or more despots that control the region as well as surviving against wild animals that roam the open spaces. The Far Cry games feature a single-player campaign with later titles also offering co-operative campaign support. The games also offer competitive multiplayer options and the ability for users to edit the games’ maps for these matches. The Far Cry games have generally been well-received, with praise for their open world gameplay and antagonists, but criticism for their lack of innovation, and are considered commercial successes.

    Premise and gameplay[edit]

    The main Far Cry games are first-person shooters (FPS) with action-adventure elements. Whereas the first Far Cry and its spin-offs/remakes were typical FPS with discrete levels, Far Cry 2 and the subsequent games have adapted an open world-style of gameplay, with main story and side missions and optional quests to complete.

    There are minimal narrative elements or chronology between the games. Instead, the Far Cry games have generally shared the theme of taking the player to «a lawless frontier» where «values and laws of today are non-functional», along with elements of having to survive in the wilderness including hunting and crafting.[1] The player often needs to work with freedom fighters attempting to regain control of a region from a ruling party, and may have to pit different sides of a conflict against each other through their actions. Some of the series’ games have been more rooted in realistic conflicts, while others have involved elements of the supernatural or science fiction.[2] Ubisoft Montreal, the principal developers of the series, do consider that all games share the same common fictional universe, and have reused some minor characters to maintain that, but otherwise anticipate each game can be enjoyed as a standalone title without knowledge of the other games.[3]


    Release timeline

    Main series in bold

    2004 Far Cry
    2005 Far Cry Instincts
    2006 Far Cry Instincts: Evolution
    Far Cry Instincts: Predator
    Far Cry Vengeance
    2007 Paradise Lost
    2008 Far Cry 2
    2012 Far Cry 3
    2013 Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon
    2014 Far Cry 4
    2016 Far Cry Primal
    2018 Far Cry 5
    2019 Far Cry New Dawn
    2021 Far Cry 6

    Origins with Crytek (2004–2007)[edit]

    The first Far Cry game was developed by the German studio Crytek, and premiered their CryEngine software. One of Crytek’s goals with the CryEngine was to be able to render realistic outdoor spaces with large viewing distances, which was a unique feature compared with other game engines at the time of its release.[4] The CryEngine was originally demonstrated as a tech demo at Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) 1999 under the name X-Isle: Dinosaur Island specifically aimed at NVIDIA graphics processors. The demo allowed the user to explore a virtual tropical island populated with dinosaurs, showcasing the size of the virtual world that the CryEngine could handle.[4] Following E3 1999, they secured a deal with NVIDIA to distribute X-Isle alongside all NVIDIA cards as benchmarking software, as at the time the CryEngine was the most demanding game engine on the market. Ubisoft made a deal with Crytek to build out X-Isle into a full AAA title, and obtained publishing rights for this title.[4]

    This game develops the story of player-character Jack Carver, who stumbles upon the genetic research of Dr. Krieger and the Krieger Corporation, on a fictional Micronesia island, to create powerful Trigen Beasts as weapons later sold to mercenaries. Far Cry released in March 2004 for Microsoft Windows to critical praise and strong sales, with over 730,000 units sold in the first four months.[5]

    Following Far Crys release, Crytek, wanting to show that CryEngine had other applications, signed a deal in July 2004 to develop a gaming franchise with publisher Electronic Arts (EA), a direct competitor to Ubisoft. This franchise became the Crysis series, and through which Crytek continued to improve their CryEngine.[4][6] With Crytek unable to work with them, Ubisoft assigned its studio Ubisoft Montreal to help port the title to the various game consoles through the Far Cry Instincts and Far Cry Vengeance titles.[7] These titles required Ubisoft Montreal to rework much of the game as the consoles at this point in time were not as powerful as personal computers, and could not handle the wide open levels without performance problems. These games created more linear levels from the original Far Cry, added campaigns and multiplayer modes, and in some cases, changed the game’s narrative to less-realistic outcomes.[8] In March 2006, Ubisoft acquired all rights to the Far Cry series and a perpetual license for the CryEngine version used in the development of Far Cry.[9] Ubisoft Montreal remained the principal studio developing all future Far Cry games.

    Shifts to internal development (2008–2011)[edit]

    Far Cry 2 was announced by Ubisoft in July 2007, and featured two significant changes from the previous Far Cry games. First, it premiered the use of the Dunia Engine, a modified form of the licensed CryEngine by Ubisoft Montreal.[10] The Dunia Engine was developed alongside Far Cry 2 to make a fully open-world game as well as adding realistic physics and destroyable environments.[11][12] Second, rather than continuing in the narrative of the first Far Cry, it created a more open-ended narrative, featuring nine playable characters and the means for the player to create their own stories with the other non-playable characters in the game with an advanced artificial intelligence system.[12] Part of the reason the narrative from Far Cry was dropped was that its main character Jack Carver was not memorable with players,[13] and that the ending of the game, particularly with the changes made for Instincts and Vengeance, took a significant turn into science fiction, something that the developers wanted to avoid with Far Cry 2.[12][8] Ubisoft also recognized that through the various console versions that players would be tired of the tropic setting as well as fearing that Crytek’s project with EA was also set in a tropic location, and thus opted to change the locale to the plains of Africa.[8] For Far Cry 2, the game takes place in a fictional African county in the midst of a civil war that is being financially funded by a figure known as the Jackal, whom the player-character, a mercenary for hire, is tasked to bring down with the help of other mercenaries and locals.

    Far Cry 2 was released in October 2008, and was critically praised and commercially successful, with over 2.9 million in sales by 2009.[14] However, the game’s director, Clint Hocking, noted that internally, much of the design of Far Cry 2 was haphazard.[12] Far Cry 2 had a polarizing reception from players over some of the gameplay features that were implemented to make the game feel diegetic and immerse the player into the world. Some of these disputed mechanics included the random onset of malaria that would impact the character’s vision and movement until they obtained and took medicine for it, a weapon decay system that would cause guns picked up from enemies to wear down and break over use, military checkpoints that a player could clear out but which would become repopulated with enemies minutes later, and the game’s buddy system, where the player could call a selected non-player character to help their character in battle, but only for a short while and would not be available until the player reached a safe house to rest.[15]

    Expansion as series (2012–ongoing)[edit]

    Pre-production work for Far Cry 3 had reportedly started just after Far Cry 2 was shipped, with plans to keep it as a narrative sequel, but in the few years that followed, many of the development leads for Far Cry 2 left the studio. The project had a significant shift of locale, returning to a tropical island theme similar to Far Cry while retaining the open-world nature of Far Cry 2. They also looked to keep the key elements of Far Cry 2s open world that worked but add in more features to make it feel like a living world but with purpose behind how they designed it. This led to the development of Dunia Engine 2 to implement some open-world features such as weather system, which premiered in Far Cry 3.[16] Several of the questionable gameplay elements of Far Cry 2 were eliminated.[15] Further, to make this world meaningful, they eliminated the multiple player-characters and instead provided one character that they could write a strong narrative around.[17] Within Far Cry 3, the player-character is part of a group of adventuring tourists caught by the pirate Vaas Montenegro who has tortured the island’s native population. The introduction of a well-defined villain character in Vaas that was the focal point for much of the game further redefined how the Far Cry games going forward would be presented, each centered around a similar crafted character central to the game’s plot.[18] Far Cry 3 was formally announced in 2011 and released in November 2012. Though Far Cry 3 presented some controversial elements within its narrative, it received critical acclaim and had sold more than 10 million units by 2014.[19]

    The basic gameplay of Far Cry 3 established the series’ general approach that was used in the next main series’ iterations, but shifted locales from the tropical setting. These games included Far Cry 4 (2014), set in the fictional Himalayan country of Kyrat ruled by the tyrannical Pagan Min and his Royal Army,[20] Far Cry 5 (2018), taking place in fictional Hope County in Montana where a doomsday cult Eden’s Gate, led by Joseph Seed, has locked down the region,[21] and Far Cry 6 (2021), set on a fictional Cuba-like island in the midst of revolution which «El Presidente» Antón Castillo rules as a dictator.[22] All these games maintained the theme of a lawless land and required the player to rely on a number of gameplay skills beyond combat, such as hunting and crafting to a degree, to succeed.[1] Each iteration of the games has used the Dunia 2 engine with further enhancements to improve performance and take advantage of newer technologies.[23]

    Extending from the main games were smaller side games that were built using the main games’ existing maps and assets. The first of these was Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon, released in May 2013, following its announcement by Ubisoft on the previous April Fools’ Day. The game, a standalone title, was an experiment release developed by Dean Evans that worked atop the existing Far Cry 3 assets, reskinning some of the game’s existing maps and geometry. It took a tongue-in-cheek approach to the culture of the 1980s.[24] It became a commercial success with more than 1 million units sold.[25] Its success led to similar «reskins» for the next two main games in Far Cry Primal (2016) (from Far Cry 4)[26] and Far Cry New Dawn (2019) (from Far Cry 5).[27]

    While Ubisoft has yet to formally announced further Far Cry games after Far Cry 6, reports emerged in November 2021 that the next Far Cry game would be a live-service game similar to Ubisoft’s plans for the next Assassin’s Creed game, codenamed Assassin’s Creed Infinity.[28] Around the same time, Dan Hay, executive producer for the Far Cry series since Far Cry 3, announced his departure from Ubisoft Montreal to pursue other opportunities.[29]

    Main series[edit]

    Far Cry (2004)[edit]

    Far Cry, the first game in the series, was developed as an open-ended first-person shooter by German studio Crytek, being the first title to use their CryEngine software. The game is set on a mysterious archipelago in Micronesia, where ex-special forces operative Jack Carver must use various weapons, tools, and his surroundings to survive against hostile mercenaries that control the islands while searching for the journalist who was accompanying him and who went missing. As Jack explores the islands, he uncovers the horrific genetic experiments being conducted on the local wildlife and must confront the mad scientist behind them.

    The game was published by Ubisoft on March 23, 2004 for Microsoft Windows. It received generally positive reviews, with praise for its visuals, gameplay mechanics, and the level of freedom given to the player, and sold 730,000 units within four months of release.

    Far Cry 2 (2008)[edit]

    Far Cry 2 was developed by Ubisoft Montreal and published by Ubisoft for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 on October 21, 2008 in North America, October 23 in Australia, and October 24 in Europe. The game is set in a fictional East African state where an arms smuggler known as «The Jackal» is selling weapons to two factions engaged in a civil war. The player assumes the role of a mercenary sent to find and kill the Jackal, who is inflaming the conflict. The game’s sandbox gameplay has been highly touted, allowing the player access to 50 km2 of African terrain, complete with open savannah, forests, animals, and towns. Far Cry 2 also puts more emphasis on realism compared to other games in the series, incorporating features such as weapon jamming and malaria, which the player character gets infected with at the start of the game and must thereafter regularly take medication to avoid dying.

    Far Cry 2 received generally positive reviews from critics for its setting, visuals, and open-ended gameplay, although some criticized its writing, artificial intelligence, and technical issues. A number of players also found some aspects of the gameplay, mainly those related to the game’s focus on realism, overly repetitive and tedious. The game sold three million copies worldwide within four months of release.

    A top-down shooter version of the game for mobile phones was developed and published by Gameloft.

    Far Cry 3 (2012)[edit]

    Far Cry 3 was developed by Ubisoft Montreal using feedback from Far Cry 2, and published by Ubisoft for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360 on November 29, 2012 in Australia, November 30 in Europe, and December 4 in North America. It was later re-released on the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on June 26, 2018. Ahead of release, the game was heavily promoted by Ubisoft with various companion apps, webseries and crossovers. Far Cry 3 takes place on the fictional Rook Islands, a tropical archipelago. After a vacation goes awry, protagonist Jason Brody, an ordinary American tourist, must learn the ways of the jungle to survive and rescue his friends, who have been captured by the insane Vaas Montenegro and his gang of pirates to be sold into slavery.

    Larger in scope and ambition than its predecessors, Far Cry 3 received largely positive reviews, with praise for its characters (in particular Vaas), world design, visuals, progression, and gameplay, though the multiplayer modes received some criticism. The game has sold nearly 10 million copies in its lifetime, and was nominated for multiple year-end accolades in 2012, including Game of the Year and Best Shooter.

    Far Cry 4 (2014)[edit]

    Far Cry 4 was developed by Ubisoft Montreal and published by Ubisoft for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One on November 18, 2014 in Australia and North America, and November 20 in Europe.[43] The game was originally conceptualized as a direct sequel to Far Cry 3, before it was turned into a standalone story like the other games in the series. The game is set in the fictional country of Kyrat in the Himalayas region, ruled by a despotic self-appointed king named Pagan Min.[44] The protagonist, Ajay Ghale, becomes caught in a civil war and must overthrow Min, after he is instructed by his late mother to travel again, from the U.S., to his homeland to spread her ashes there. Aspects of the game’s story were inspired by the 1996–2006 Nepalese Civil War.

    Far Cry 4 received positive reviews for its world design, visuals, soundtrack, and characters as well as new gameplay additions and the wealth of content. However, the story had a more divisive reception, and the game was criticized for its lack of innovation from Far Cry 3. The game had the biggest launch in the franchise’s history, selling seven million copies by the end of 2014.

    Far Cry 5 (2018)[edit]

    Far Cry 5 was developed by Ubisoft Montreal and Ubisoft Toronto. Announced in early 2017, it was released worldwide on March 27, 2018 for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.[45] The game is set in modern-day Montana in the fictional Hope County, which is controlled by a doomsday cult called the Project at Eden’s Gate, led by «The Father» Joseph Seed and his siblings. Players assume the role of a customizable sheriff’s deputy who becomes entangled in a violent conflict between the cult and the resisting residents of Hope County who have seen their friends and family taken or killed by the cult. The game was heavily inspired by several socio-political events in modern history, such as the Cold War and the September 11 attacks. The development team sought to capture the despondent social climate after the events and re-purpose it for the game.

    Far Cry 5 received generally positive reviews for its world design, visuals, gameplay, and soundtrack, although the narrative and some of the characters received criticism. It also became the subject of controversy after being announced alongside a period of heightened political conflicts. The game was a commercial success and became the fastest-selling title in the franchise, grossing over $310 million in its first week of sales.

    Far Cry 6 (2021)[edit]

    Far Cry 6 was developed by Ubisoft Toronto and published by Ubisoft for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, Stadia, and Amazon Luna on October 7, 2021.[46] The game is set on the fictional island of Yara (loosely based on modern-day Cuba), ruled by fascist dictator Antón Castillo (portrayed by Giancarlo Esposito) who seeks to bring his son, Diego (Anthony Gonzalez), to be his heir amidst a revolutionary uprising by freedom fighters.[47] Players assume the role of guerilla fighter Dani Rojas, attempting to topple Castillo and his regime. The game was inspired by several revolutions of recent history, primarily the Cuban Revolution of 1953–1959, and features the return of several elements from earlier Far Cry titles, such as a tropical setting and a fully voiced protagonist.

    Far Cry 6 received generally mixed reviews. Although the setting, visuals, Esposito’s performance, and the minor improvements to the series’ gameplay formula were praised, the lack of innovation and the aging design were criticized.


    Far Cry Instincts (2005)[edit]

    Far Cry Instincts is a port of the original Far Cry for the Xbox, developed and published by Ubisoft on September 27, 2005. Although it is a port, the game is less open-ended, due to the console’s technical limitations, and features several new elements, including an altered storyline, new weapons, an extra multiplayer mode through the Xbox Live service, a map creator, and ‘feral abilities’, and is therefore considered a separate release. Ports for the PlayStation 2 and Nintendo GameCube were also planned, but were ultimately cancelled.

    Far Cry Instincts: Evolution (2006)[edit]

    A sequel to Far Cry Instincts, released for the Xbox on March 27, 2006, Evolution features a new single-player campaign, albeit considerably shorter than that of Instincts, as well as new weapons, vehicles, an expanded map-maker and an extra multiplayer mode. Maps that are created on the Xbox version of Instincts can not be transferred to the Xbox 360 version.

    Far Cry Instincts: Predator (2006)[edit]

    Far Cry Instincts: Predator, released for the Xbox 360 on the same day as Far Cry Instincts: Evolution, includes graphically enhanced versions of both Instincts and Evolution.

    Far Cry Vengeance (2006)[edit]

    Far Cry Vengeance is a port of Far Cry Instincts: Evolution for the Wii, developed and published by Ubisoft on December 12, 2006 in North America, January 5, 2007 in Europe, and February 28 in Australia. The game features changed controls, new weapons and vehicles, and three additional levels.

    Paradise Lost (2007)[edit]

    Paradise Lost is a rail shooter arcade game port of Far Cry Instincts developed by Global VR and published by Ubisoft in 2007. Players use stationary turrets armed with rockets and grenades as power-ups.

    Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon (2013)[edit]

    Blood Dragon is a stand-alone «expansion pack» based on the world of Far Cry 3. Although Blood Dragon does not continue the story of Far Cry 3, it shares the same game engine and gameplay mechanics. News of its development was leaked by the Brazilian ratings board, which awarded an 18+ certification based on the title’s references to violence, sex, and drugs. The game’s retrospective story, characters and visual style are inspired by 1980’s action movies, especially those starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, such as Commando, The Terminator, and Predator, and Sylvester Stallone, like Cobra, First Blood, and Rocky IV. Other film/television references include RoboCop, Escape from New York, Scarface and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, among others. Pre-orders of the PC version received a digital copy of the soundtrack, produced by Melbourne, Australia-based Power Glove. Due to the success of the title, Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot has stated that the game may also get a retail release.

    A crossover title with the Trials series, Trials of the Blood Dragon is based on Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon, and was released in June 2016. A remastered version of Blood Dragon is included in the season pass of Far Cry 6.[61]

    Far Cry Primal (2016)[edit]

    Announced in October 2015,[62] Far Cry Primal is a spin-off to Far Cry 4, developed by Ubisoft Montreal and published by Ubisoft for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on February 23, 2016, and for Microsoft Windows on March 1, 2016. The game is set during the Stone Age, in the fictional Oros valley in Central and Eastern Europe, and follows the story of Takkar, who starts off as an unarmed hunter and rises to become the leader of a tribe. Primal received generally mixed to positive reviews. While the concept, world design, and certain gameplay mechanics, such as the ability to tame animals, were praised, the story and characters were seen as inferior compared to previous Far Cry games. Most critics also felt that, because of the game’s setting, there was a significant lack of weapons to utilize, leading to a repetitive gameplay design.

    Far Cry New Dawn (2019)[edit]

    Far Cry New Dawn is a spin-off and sequel to Far Cry 5, developed by Ubisoft Montreal and published by Ubisoft for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One on February 15, 2019. The game is set seventeen years after one of the possible endings of Far Cry 5 and follows the survivors of a nuclear war as they attempt to rebuild their community, with players assuming the role of an unnamed and highly customizable Captain. The game takes place on a modified version of Far Cry 5‘s map, and introduces several elements from the RPG genre, including an upgradeable home base and increased reliance on crafting from limited supplies. New Dawn received generally mixed reviews, with praise for its world design and gameplay and criticism for its narrative and similarities to Far Cry 5, and was less financially successful than both Far Cry 5 and Far Cry Primal.

    Far Cry VR: Dive Into Insanity (2021)[edit]

    Far Cry VR: Dive Into Insanity is a virtual reality game set in the same tropical island location as Far Cry 3. Released in June 1, 2021, it features Vaas Montenegro as its central antagonist.[63]

    Other media[edit]

    Live-action adaptations[edit]

    • A direct-to-video-film, Far Cry, released in 2008 was directed by Uwe Boll and stars Til Schweiger as Jack Carver. The film follows Jack Carver, an ex-special forces soldier turned boatman who is hired by a journalist to investigate a top-secret military base on a nearby island. The film received negative reviews with most critics saying it does the games no justice.
    • The Far Cry Experience is a four-part webseries released in 2012 that serves as a prequel to the events of Far Cry 3. It features Christopher Mintz-Plasse playing a fictionalized version of himself who is captured by Vaas (played by Michael Mando) and his pirates and becomes the subject of Vaas’s torture show.
    • In 2013, it was reported that a Far Cry film was in development by Ubisoft Motion Pictures, along with a Watch Dogs and Raving Rabbids film,[64] although there have been no news about the project since.
    • Inside Eden’s Gate is a short film released on March 5, 2018, as a tie-in prequel to Far Cry 5. It follows three filmmakers investigating the rumors surrounding the Project at Eden’s Gate and encoutering Joseph Seed (played by Greg Bryk) and the other members of the Seed family.

    Animated series[edit]

    It was announced that Ubisoft are teaming with Adi Shankar to develop an animated series titled Captain Laserhawk: A Blood Dragon Remix.[65] It was announced to be in production for Netflix during June 2021, with Bobbypills leading the animation and Balak as creative director.[66]

    Board game[edit]

    On September 20, 2021, it was announced that board game publisher Funforge would partner with Ubisoft to create a board game based on the franchise titled Far Cry Beyond.[67]


    • German-language novels by Michael T. Bhatty:
      • Far Cry: Götterdämmerung (Panini, 2007, ISBN 3-8332-1568-2) — an expanded novelization of the original Far Cry game.
      • Far Cry 2: Blutige Diamanten (Panini, 2008, ISBN 3-8332-1742-1) — a prequel to Far Cry 2.
    • Far Cry: Absolution (2018) by Urban Waite – a prequel to Far Cry 5.


    • Far Cry: Rite of Passage (2021) — a comic book miniseries published by Dark Horse Comics as a tie-in to Far Cry 6. It features the game’s primary antagonist, Antón Castillo, recounting cautionary tales to his son Diego about the rise and fall of previous villains in the series (Vaas Montenegro, Pagan Min, and Joseph Seed).


    Ubisoft reports that through 2014, lifetime sales of the Far Cry franchise has exceeded 20 million units.[68] By September 2019, the series had accumulated a combined 50 million units in sales.[69][68][70][71]


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    6. ^ Jenkins, David (July 23, 2004). «EA Sign Crytek». Gamasutra. Retrieved May 30, 2017.
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    8. ^ a b c Doke, Shunal (February 13, 2014). «The Secret History of Far Cry 3». IGN. Retrieved May 31, 2017.
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    13. ^ Osborn, Chuck (October 2007). «Far Cry 2: Survival Guide to Africa». PC Gamer. 14 (10): 24. ISSN 1080-4471.
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    15. ^ a b Burford, Doc (March 28, 2018). «There’s Still No Other Shooter Quite Like Far Cry 2: Remembering Far Cry’s Most Polarizing Entry». USGamer. Retrieved March 28, 2018.
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    17. ^ Dyer, Mitch (January 30, 2013). «THE DEVELOPMENT SECRETS OF FAR CRY 3». IGN. Retrieved May 30, 2017.
    18. ^ Driver, Dale; Purslow, Matt (October 3, 2021). «How Far Cry’s Iconic Villains Were Created». IGN. Retrieved October 4, 2021.
    19. ^ Eddie Makuch (October 30, 2014). «Watch Dog Ships 9 Million Copies, Helping Ubisoft Sales Rise Sharply». GameSpot. Retrieved October 31, 2014.
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    22. ^ McKeand, Kirk (July 12, 2020). «Far Cry 6 lets you recruit a sausage dog called Chorizo – here’s the trailer and some screens». VG247. Retrieved July 12, 2020.
    23. ^ Battaglia, Alex (April 10, 2018). «Is Far Cry 2’s tech really more advanced than Far Cry 5’s?». Eurogamer. Retrieved July 13, 2020.
    24. ^ Corriea, Alexa Ray (January 28, 2014). «Blood Dragon was one of creator Dean Evans’ tamer ideas». Polygon. Retrieved May 30, 2017.
    25. ^ MacGregor, Kyle (September 8, 2013). «Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon sales surpass 1 million mark». Destructoid. Destructoid. Retrieved September 8, 2013.
    26. ^ Cork, Jeff (October 6, 2015). «Far Cry’s Creators Take The Series Back To The Stone Age». Game Informer. Retrieved October 7, 2015.
    27. ^ Robinson, Martin (December 7, 2018). «Far Cry New Dawn is a post-apocalyptic spin on the series». Eurogamer. Retrieved December 7, 2018.
    28. ^ Makuch, Eddie (November 11, 2021). «Far Cry 7 Is A Live Service Game Similar To Assassin’s Creed Infinity — Report». GameSpot. Retrieved November 12, 2021.
    29. ^ Robinson, Andy (November 11, 2021). «Far Cry’s boss has left Ubisoft». Video Games Chronicle. Retrieved November 12, 2021.
    30. ^ «Far Cry Reviews». Metacritic. Retrieved April 14, 2019.
    31. ^ «Far Cry 2 Reviews». Metacritic. Retrieved April 14, 2019.
    32. ^ «Far Cry 2 Reviews». Metacritic. Retrieved April 14, 2019.
    33. ^ «Far Cry 2 Reviews». Metacritic. Retrieved April 14, 2019.
    34. ^ «Far Cry 3 Reviews». Metacritic. Retrieved April 14, 2019.
    35. ^ «Far Cry 3 Reviews». Metacritic. Retrieved April 14, 2019.
    36. ^ «Far Cry 3 Reviews». Metacritic. Retrieved April 14, 2019.
    37. ^ «Far Cry 4 Reviews». Metacritic. Retrieved April 14, 2019.
    38. ^ «Far Cry 4 Reviews». Metacritic. Retrieved April 14, 2019.
    39. ^ «Far Cry 4 Reviews». Metacritic. Retrieved April 14, 2019.
    40. ^ «Far Cry 5 Reviews». Metacritic. Retrieved April 14, 2019.
    41. ^ «Far Cry 5 Reviews». Metacritic. Retrieved April 14, 2019.
    42. ^ «Far Cry 5 Reviews». Metacritic. Retrieved April 14, 2019.
    43. ^ Dyer, Mitch (May 15, 2014). «Far Cry 4 Announced for 2014». ign.com.
    44. ^ Shaw-Williams, Hannah (June 9, 2014). «‘Far Cry 4’ E3 2014 Trailer Introduces New Villain & Protagonist». GameRant.com.
    45. ^ Purslow, Matt (May 26, 2017). «Cults, cops and co-op in Far Cry 5: five things you need to know». PCGamesN. Retrieved May 26, 2017.
    46. ^ T.M. Kim, Matt (October 29, 2020). «Far Cry 6 Delayed Until After March 2021». IGN. Retrieved October 29, 2020.
    47. ^ Watts, Steve (July 10, 2020). «Far Cry 6 Confirmed With Clip Featuring Breaking Bad’s Giancarlo Esposito». GameSpot. Retrieved July 10, 2020.
    48. ^ «Far Cry Instincts Reviews». Metacritic. Retrieved April 14, 2019.
    49. ^ «Far Cry Instincts: Evolution Reviews». Metacritic. Retrieved April 14, 2019.
    50. ^ «Far Cry Instincts: Predator Reviews». Metacritic. Retrieved April 14, 2019.
    51. ^ «Far Cry Vengeance Reviews». Metacritic. Retrieved April 14, 2019.
    52. ^ «Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon Reviews». Metacritic. Retrieved April 14, 2019.
    53. ^ «Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon Reviews». Metacritic. Retrieved April 14, 2019.
    54. ^ «Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon Reviews». Metacritic. Retrieved April 14, 2019.
    55. ^ «Far Cry Primal Reviews». Metacritic. Retrieved April 14, 2019.
    56. ^ «Far Cry Primal Reviews». Metacritic. Retrieved April 14, 2019.
    57. ^ «Far Cry Primal Reviews». Metacritic. Retrieved April 14, 2019.
    58. ^ «Far Cry New Dawn Reviews». Metacritic. Retrieved April 14, 2019.
    59. ^ «Far Cry New Dawn Reviews». Metacritic. Retrieved April 14, 2019.
    60. ^ «Far Cry New Dawn Reviews». Metacritic. Retrieved April 14, 2019.
    61. ^ Blake, Vikki (June 13, 2021). «Far Cry 6’s season pass will include a remastered copy of Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon». Eurogamer. Retrieved June 13, 2021.
    62. ^ Hussain, Tamoor (October 6, 2015). «Far Cry Primal Trailer, Release Date, Gameplay Details Officially Released». GameSpot. Retrieved October 7, 2015.
    63. ^ «Far Cry VR: Dive Into Insanity Coming In 2021». Ubisoft®. Retrieved June 21, 2021.
    64. ^ Ubisoft To Make Movies Based on ‘Watch Dogs,’ ‘Far Cry,’ ‘Rabbids’ (EXCLUSIVE)
    65. ^ Patrick Shanley (October 10, 2019). «Ubisoft Planning Animated TV Adaptations of Popular Game Franchises (Exclusive)». The Hollywood Reporter.
    66. ^ Elfing, Mat (June 11, 2021). «Netflix Announces Far Cry Blood Dragon Spinoff Animated Series». GameSpot. Retrieved June 11, 2021.
    67. ^ «A Far Cry Board Game is Coming in 2021». Board Game Halv. September 20, 2021. Retrieved September 28, 2021.
    68. ^ a b «Facts & Figures». Ubisoft. 2014. Archived from the original on July 21, 2014. Retrieved July 21, 2014.
    69. ^ Jones, Ali (September 27, 2019). «Assassin’s Creed all-time sales top 140 million». PCGamesN. Retrieved September 27, 2019.
    70. ^ «Ubisoft® reports third quarter 2014–15 sales» (PDF). Ubisoft. February 13, 2015. Archived (PDF) from the original on February 13, 2015. Retrieved February 13, 2015.
    71. ^ Ubisoft. «Far Cry 5 Breaks Franchise Sales Records.» April 4, 2018. «Far Cry 5 now represents the second biggest launch ever for a Ubisoft game, following only Tom Clancy’s The Division, with $310M USD in consumer spending through the first week.» $310m / ~$60 per copy = ~5.16 million copies sold in the first week.

    External links[edit]

    Wikimedia Commons has media related to Far Cry.

    Wikiquote has quotations related to Far Cry.

    • Official website

    Предложения с «far cry»

    The Victorian love seat was a far cry from the traditional analyst’s couch.

    Викторианское ложе любви имело весьма отдаленное сходство с традиционной кушеткой врачей — психоаналитиков.

    I know it’s a far cry from the luxurious truck stop motor lodge you’ve been staying in.

    Я знаю, что он далёк от роскошного ложа в придорожном мотеле, в котором ты останавливалась.

    The pale light of the short sunless day was beginning to fade, when a faint far cry arose on the still air.

    Бледный свет короткого, тусклого дня начал меркнуть, когда в окружающей тишине пронесся слабый, отдаленный вой.

    This man standing here is a far cry from the miserable whelp I laid eyes on all those years ago.

    Этот человек совсем не похож на тех ничтожных щенков, которых я повидал за много лет.

    It was a far cry from the way most people in the Old World usually appeared or behaved.

    Их поведение очень отличалось от обычного поведения обитателей Древнего мира.

    We compromised his original disposal site, but this is a far cry from the desert.

    Мы раскрыли его изначальное место сброса, но это чересчур уж отличается от пустыни.

    It certainly is a far cry from what we done in the Student Union building back at the University.

    Прямо скажем, никакого сравнения с тем, что было в Студенческом союзе в университете.

    To be sure, in terms of fatalities, recent disease outbreaks and pandemics are a far cry from past global flu epidemics.

    Безусловно, с точки зрения смертельных случаев недавние вспышки болезней и пандемии очень далеки от прошлых глобальных эпидемий гриппа.

    This is a far cry from declaring that missile defenses are aimed at Russia.

    Это высказывание очень далеко от заявления о том, что ракетная система ПРО направлена на Россию.

    It is a far cry from Stalin’s time, when one would not dare tell a mere political joke for fear of being shot or shipped off to a labor camp in Siberia.

    При Сталине люди не смели даже рассказывать политические анекдоты, опасаясь, что их могут за это расстрелять или отправить в сибирские лагеря.

    In fact, when you look at the numbers Navalny appears to be a rather less exciting figure than Keller made him out to be, and a far cry from being a shoe-in for the Russian presidency.

    Так вот: если посмотреть на его цифры, то получается, что Навальный — далеко не настолько воодушевляющая фигура, насколько это представляет Келлер. И ему — еще ох, как далеко до того, чтобы стать реальным кандидатом на президентский пост.

    It has been a far cry from the liberalizing “Reagan-Thatcher” moment banks like BNP Paribas had predicted after Modi’s election.

    Все это было совсем не похоже на то, как представляла себе ситуацию корпорация BNP Paribas после победы Моди на выборах в 2014 году. По ее мнению, он должен был начать процесс либерализации банковской системы, как это было в США при Рональде Рейгане и в Великобритании при Маргарет Тэтчер.

    It had been a far cry from “Morning in America” four years earlier, a contest in which candidate Bush had acted rather unlike Vice President Bush.

    Большое расстояние отделало предвыборные ролики «Утро Америки» (Morning in America) четырехлетней давности от этой президентской гонки, и кандидат в президенты Буш действовал иначе, чем вице — президент Буш.

    It was all a far cry from the bleak old days of the Cold War.

    Как это всё далеко от мрачных дней «холодной войны».

    His night vision system was a far cry from the Patriot model used by the Marines.

    Его система ночного видения намного превосходила модель Патриот, используемую моряками.

    But still I don’t see quite … I can understand that thereby you could spoil a valuable stone, but personal invisibility is a far cry.

    Но все же мне не совсем ясно… Я понимаю, что таким путем вы могли бы испортить драгоценный камень, но сделать человека невидимым, до этого еще далеко.

    That’s a far cry from compiling an enemies list, Rachel.

    Это далеко от составления списка врагов, Рейчел.

    I mean, what she is, is she’s nostalgic for a more refined culture… which is a far cry from eating cat food.

    Она просто ностальгирует по ушедшей культурной эпохе… Что не очень вяжется с тем, что она ест кошачий корм.

    Again he felt that same sensation which he seemed always to get from this girl-the far cry between her estate and his.

    И снова, как всегда при встречах с этой девушкой, он ощутил всю пропасть между своим и ее положением.

    Well, it’s a far cry from mapping the brain for the president.

    Ну, это далеко не картирование мозга для президента.

    Far cry from that girl you met at the fair, isn’t it?

    Далеко от той девушки, которую ты встретил на ярмарке, не так ли?

    Which is a far cry from being trustworthy.

    Что далеко от того, что заслуживает доверия.

    Well, this is a far cry from last night’s party.

    Что ж, это не так далеко от вчерашней вечеринки.

    It’s a far cry from all those years you spent in the gutters eating rats.

    Это так далеко от того времени, которое ты провел в канализации, питаясь крысами.

    It was a far cry from my dressing room filled with flowers.

    До собственной гримерки, засыпанной цветами, мне было еще далеко.

    Basic, but a far cry from the conditions these people are used to.

    В основном. Но далеко от условий, к которым привыкли эти люди.

    It was a very far cry from the romantic night with Luke I’d been planning.

    Это было очень далеко от той романтический ночи с Люком которую я запланировала

    High heels are a far cry from brains.

    Высокие каблуки — далековато от мозгов.

    Far cry from the front lines of Falluja.

    – Далековато от линии фронта в Эль — Фаллуджа.

    For a yankee, that’s a far cry for you, even to chile.

    Чили — это далековато.

    This is a far cry from the Margaux I knew last year.

    Это совсем не та Марго, которую я знала в прошлом году

    This is a far cry from a spoon, of course, but the same essential principles apply.

    Это совсем не ложка, но принципы те же.

    It’s a far cry from the young man who used to sit at my helm and worry about pressing the wrong button.

    Это совсем не похоже на того мальчишку, который сидел за пультом рулевого и боялся нажать не ту кнопку.

    Yeah, it’s called Far Cry 4 — and the munchies.

    Это называется Far Cry 4 и жрачка.

    Far cry from silk sheets and room service.

    Здесь нет шелкового белья и обслуживания номеров.

    It’s a far cry from working rope lines or flying Air Force One, but I have been there for three years.

    Это место, где бы не захотел работать никто,.. …а я проработала там три года.

    She linked her arm through mine and led me down the hail until we came to a door that led into a room that was a far cry from the hall which I had entered.

    Она взяла меня под руку, и мы прошли через зал к двери, ведущей в комнату, которая отличалась от зала, как небо от земли.

    It’s a far cry from how you were when you first arrived here.

    Это разительно отличается от того, какой вы были, когда только сюда приехали.

    He may have been a far cry from Michael Jackson, but in that moment, he sure felt like him.

    Да, он явно не был Майклом Джексоном, но в тот момент он чувствовал себя им.

    Given the fact that you are a… Far cry from my best customer.

    Особенно если учесть, что вы далеко не лучший мой клиент.

    Well, I’m a far cry from you, that’s for sure.

    Ну, до вас мне точно далеко.

    It’s a far cry from your days at the precinct, eh?

    Далеко ты ушёл от своей работы в участке, да?

    It’s a very far cry from the old 120Y.

    Он далеко ушел от старого 120Y.

    Max, a plaza Bellini is a far cry from boxed wine.

    Макс, Беллини в Плазе и коробочное вино — совсем разные вещи.

    Far cry from the work you’re used to?

    Сильно отличается от той работы, к которой вы привыкли?

    Sadly, our Ukrainian cargo ship is a far cry from the Queen Mary.

    К сожалению, нашему украинскому сухогрузу далеко до Королевы Марии.

    The character of ‘The Jackal’ in the 2008 Ubisoft game Far Cry 2 quotes from Beyond Good and Evil and the Will to Power.

    Персонаж Шакала в 2008 году Ubisoft game Far Cry 2 цитирует из Beyond Good and Evil и The Will to Power.

    Rather, the military objective was to persuade the enemy that he could not win—a far cry from defeating the enemy in any traditional sense.

    Скорее, военная цель состояла в том, чтобы убедить противника в том, что он не может победить,—это было далеко от победы над врагом в любом традиционном смысле.

    By 1989, the number of college students traveling to Fort Lauderdale fell to 20,000, a far cry from the 350,000 who went four years prior.

    К 1989 году число студентов колледжа, приехавших в Форт — Лодердейл, сократилось до 20 000, что значительно меньше, чем 350 000, которые отправились туда четыре года назад.

    The dash and gauge cluster were a far cry from the previous model Ram and were far more modern as well.

    Приборная панель и калибровочная группа были далеки от предыдущей модели Ram и были гораздо более современными.

    This evolved into Far Cry, which was released in March 2004.

    Это превратилось в Far Cry, который был выпущен в марте 2004 года.

    Alongside this, Crytek announced their licensable game engine, CryEngine, that was used for X-Isle and Far Cry.

    Наряду с этим Crytek анонсировала свой лицензионный игровой движок CryEngine, который использовался для X — Isle и Far Cry.

    Crytek opted in this direction to showcase that the CryEngine was not limited to just what Far Cry had shown.

    Crytek выбрал именно это направление, чтобы продемонстрировать, что CryEngine не ограничивается только тем, что показал Far Cry.

    Yet another major IP came to Ubisoft Montreal was the Far Cry series.

    Еще одним крупным IP — адресом, пришедшим в Ubisoft Montreal, стала серия Far Cry.

    Ubisoft established a deal with Crytek for the rights to Far Cry and a persistent licence to the CryEngine.

    Ubisoft заключила сделку с Crytek на получение прав на Far Cry и постоянной лицензии на CryEngine.

    The Montreal team created several sequels to Far Cry, starting with Far Cry 2 released in 2008.

    Монреальская команда создала несколько сиквелов к Far Cry, начиная с Far Cry 2, выпущенного в 2008 году.

    Far Cry 5 is a 2018 first-person shooter game developed by Ubisoft Montreal and Ubisoft Toronto and published by Ubisoft.

    Far Cry 5 — это шутер от первого лица 2018 года, разработанный Ubisoft Montreal и Ubisoft Toronto и опубликованный Ubisoft.

    It is the standalone successor to the 2014’s Far Cry 4, and the fifth main installment in the Far Cry series.

    Это автономный преемник Far Cry 4 2014 года и пятая основная часть серии Far Cry.

    Announced in early 2017, development on Far Cry 5 was extensive.

    Анонсированная в начале 2017 года разработка Far Cry 5 была обширной.

    A spin-off title and sequel to the narrative, Far Cry New Dawn, was released in February 2019.

    Спин — офф и продолжение повествования, Far Cry New Dawn, были выпущены в феврале 2019 года.

  • 1
    far cry

    far cry а) далекое расстояние б) большая разница

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > far cry

  • 2
    far cry

    Персональный Сократ > far cry

  • 3
    far cry

    Когда человек образно говорит о большом, но неопределённом расстоянии, он часто использует выражение a far cry («дальний крик»). Говорят, что это выражение пришло из средневековой Шотландии. Местные правители имели привычку оглашать свои указы, используя глашатаев. Эти люди ходили из одного места в другое, выкрикивая условия королевских деклараций. Некоторые объявления касались исключительно местных дел, относясь только к одному городу или району. Говорили, что курьеру, получившему послание такого рода, был дан a near cry («близкий крик»). Но во время войны или других масштабных потрясений глашатай должен был скакать днями и ночами, чтобы выполнить свой долг. Такой far cry («дальний крик») требовал прохождения огромных дистанций, больших, чем путешествия обычного среднего человека в течение всей его жизни. Таким образом, выражение a far cry стало употребляться как синоним слова remote (отдалённый).

    Promising to give you £10,000 is a far cry from actually depositing the money in your bank. — Обещание дать тебе 10 000 фунтов очень далеко от реально вложенной суммы в твой банк.

    English-Russian dictionary of expressions > far cry

  • 4
    far cry

    The Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary. > far cry

  • 5
    far cry

    большое расстояние; большая разница; отдаленное отношение

    a far cry — большое расстояние; большая разница; отдаленное отношение

    English-Russian base dictionary > far cry

  • 6
    far cry

    необычный, совсем другой: Tfieir new album was afar cry from their first one. — Их новый альбом был чем-то совершенно иным. в отличие от первого.

    English-Russian slang from the book M. Goldenkova «Caution, hot dog» > far cry

  • 7
    far cry

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > far cry

  • 8
    far cry

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > far cry

  • 9
    far cry

    далекое расстояние

    большая разница

    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > far cry

  • 10
    far cry

    большая разница, далекое расстояние

    * * *

    1) далекое расстояние
    2) большая разница

    Новый англо-русский словарь > far cry

  • 11
    far cry

    Англо-русский современный словарь > far cry

  • 12
    far cry from

    Персональный Сократ > far cry from

  • 13
    far cry from

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > far cry from

  • 14
    far cry from

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > far cry from

  • 15
    far cry from

    English-Russian base dictionary > far cry from

  • 16
    a far cry

    1) большое расстояние

    This menace was received with a scornful laugh, while one of the Campbells replied, ‘It is a far cry to Lochow’, a proverbial expression… meaning that their ancient hereditary domains lay beyond the reach of an invading army. (W. Scott, ‘The Legend of Montrose’, ch. XII) — Эта угроза была встречена презрительным смехом, и один из Кэмпбеллов ответил поговоркой: «До Лохо не докричишься»… это означало, что их наследственные владения были недосягаемы для вторгнувшейся армии.

    London is a far cry from Chicago but the weather can be pretty much the same, according to American light heavy-weight Sonny Ray. (‘Daily Worker’) — Хотя Лондон и находится на изрядном расстоянии от Чикаго, но погода в обоих городах может оказаться одинаковой, по мнению Сонни Рея, американского чемпиона в полутяжелом весе.

    …when I meet Sam now, resplendent in spats and lemon-coloured gloves, it seems a far cry to those days in London’s dockland. (H. Pollitt, ‘Serving My Time’, ch. 2) — И когда теперь я встречаю Сэма в модных гетрах и перчатках лимонного цвета, те дни в лондонских доках кажутся далеким прошлым.

    3) большая разница, совсем не то, ничего похожего; ≈ как небо от земли

    H’m! A pretty far cry from what is generally meant… (J. Galsworthy, ‘Flowering Wilderness’, ch. III) — Гм… Ваши взгляды так далеки от обычных представлений о религии…

    Again he felt that some sensation which he seemed always to get from this girl — the far cry between her estate and his. (Th. Dreiser, ‘Jennie Gerhardt’, ch. III) — И снова, как всегда при встречах с этой девушкой, он ощутил всю пропасть между своим и ее положением.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > a far cry

  • 17
    a far cry


    1) бoльшoe paccтoяниe [



    London is a far cry from Chicago but the weather can be pretty much the same, according to American light heavy-weight Sonny Ray (Daily Worker)

    2) бoльшoй пpoмeжутoк вpeмeни

    When I meet Sam now, resplendent in spats and lemon-coloured gloves, it seems a far cry to those days in London’s dockland (H. Pollitt)

    3) бoльшaя paзницa, coвceм нe тo, ничeгo пoxoжeгo; кaк нeбo oт зeмли

    H’m! A pretty far cry from what is generally meant (J. Galsworthy). But solving the mystery of the murderer’s identity was a far cry from bringing him to justice (E. Queen)

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > a far cry

  • 18
    a far cry from

    a far cry from something
    very different, almost opposite (neg.)
    далеко не такой хороший, как

    His second book wasn’t bad, but it was a far cry from his first book.

    English-Russian mini useful dictionary > a far cry from

  • 19
    a far cry

    2) Разговорное выражение: небо и земля

    3) Идиоматическое выражение: далеко , день и ночь, небо и земля

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > a far cry

  • 20
    be a far cry from something

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > be a far cry from something

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