Как пишется флаттершай на английском

For this character’s human counterpart, see Fluttershy (EG).
  • Main

  • Future

  • Pegasus

  • Filly

Fluttershy ID S1E17.png

Fluttershy – element of kindness

Filly Fluttershy ID S1E23.png

Fluttershy as a filly in The Cutie Mark Chronicles

Future Fluttershy ID S9E26.png

Future Fluttershy in The Last Problem

Kind Pegasus
Sex Female
Residence Outside of Ponyville, in a cottage near the Everfree Forest
Cloudsdale (formerly)
Occupation Animal caretaker
Pony Tones singer (part-time)
School of Friendship kindness teacher (S8E1 onward)
Council of Friendship member (S9E26)
Other links
  • Fluttershy image gallery
  • Appearances gallery
  • Speculation forum
More info
Eyes Moderate cyan
Brilliant amaranth (as a vampire fruit bat-pony)
Mane Pale, light grayish rose
Pale, light grayish rose with
light rose,
pale, light grayish mulberry,
pale, light grayish opal, and
moderate opal streaks (Rainbow Power)
Coat Pale, light grayish gold
Nicknames Klutzershy, Flutterguy, Stare Master, Mare Do Well, Shutterfly, Saddle Rager, Flutterbat, Flutterdash, Flutterbutter, Opposite Fluttershy, Impossibly Rich, Flutterbold, Fluttersis, Yellow Daisy, Fl (The Periodic Table of My Little Pony), Buttershy, Stuttershy
Relatives Zephyr Breeze (younger brother)
Mr. Shy (father)
Mrs. Shy (mother)
Cutie mark
Three butterflies with cyan bodies and pink wings
Voice Andrea Libman (English)
Brittany Lauda (English, My Little Pony: Fluttershy’s Famous Stare[1] and My Little Pony: Power Ponies) [2]
Lin Peiling (Mandarin Chinese for Taiwan, seasons 1-4, Equestria Girls)
Chen Kaili (Mandarin Chinese for Taiwan, season 5 onwards)
Luo Yuting (Mandarin Chinese for mainland China)
Li Zhen (Mandarin Chinese for mainland China, My Little Pony The Movie)
Yu Yingzhi (Cantonese for Hong Kong)
Qian Huiling (Cantonese for Hong Kong, DVD version)
Šárka Vondrová (Czech)
Klára Jandová (Czech, demo version)
Katrine Iven Strømsted (Danish)
Lizemijn Libgott (Dutch)
Susa Saukko (Finnish)
Mylène Mackay (Canadian French, My Little Pony The Movie)
Elisabeth Guinand (European French)
Audrey D’Hulstere (European French, season 4)
Julia Stoepel (German)
Zselyke Szabó (Hungarian)
Nink Junie (Indonesian)
Sri Hastuti (Indonesian, The Movie)
Benedetta Ponticelli (Italian)
Emiri Katō (Japanese, seasons 1-2 and Equestria Girls)[3]
Miku Ozaki (Japanese, season 3)
Lee Ji-young (Korean)
Yasmin Kaza (Malaysian)
Benedikte Kruse (Norwegian)
Sarah Berge (Norwegian, demo version of S1E3)
Małgorzata Szymańska (Polish)
Priscila Ferreira (Brazilian Portuguese, seasons 1, 3, Equestria Girls, and from Rainbow Rocks onward)
Kate Kelly (Brazilian Portuguese, season 4)
Bianca Alencar (Brazilian Portuguese, demo version of S1E3)
Ioana Dagău (Romanian, seasons 1-3)
Denisa Chis (Romanian, season 4)
Anca Iliese (Romanian, Equestria Girls)
Olga Golovanova (Russian)
Eliza Martirosova (Russian, The Movie)
Jelena Jovičić (Serbian, Minimax)
Aleksandra Tomić (Serbian, Mini Ultra)
Carmen Ambrós (European Spanish)
Maggie Vera (Latin American Spanish, TV version)
Mireya Mendoza (Latin American Spanish, S1E3 (demo version) and promos)
Lizette Pålsson (Swedish)
Natta Hirunsatit (Thai)
Naararin Ratdtanabpranee (Thai, Movie)
Sibel Keskin (Turkish)
Natalya Romanko (Ukrainian, seasons 1-4, Equestria Girls, and Rainbow Rocks)
Yulia Perenchuk (Ukrainian, season 5 onwards)
As Flutterguy:
Blu Mankuma (English, S1E9)[4]
Alvin Sanders (English, S4E14)
Gerald Paradies (German)
András Faragó (Hungarian)
Mario Scarabelli (Italian)
Katsuhisa Hōki (Japanese)
Shi Yeong-joon (Korean)
Simen Sand (Norwegian)
Adam Krylik (Polish, S1E9)
Mikołaj Klimek (Polish, S4E14)
Adrian Moraru (Romanian, S1E9)
Andrei Lupu (Romanian, S4E14)
Nikita Prozorovsky (Russian)
Marko Marković (Serbian, Minimax TV dub)
Sebastían Llapur (Latin American Spanish)
Joakim Jennefors (Swedish)
Yaroslav Chornenkyi (Ukrainian)
Antonie Talacková (Czech, season 3)
Roberta Bartůňková (Czech, season 4)
Nancy Philippot (European French, Find the Music in You reprise)
Bori Csuha (Hungarian, season 1 and films)
Zselyke Szabó (Hungarian, season 2 and S3E13)
Tímea Sági (Hungarian, S3E1-2)
Bernadett Vágó (Hungarian, season 4)
Marisa della Pasqua (Italian)
Vera Calacoci (Italian, Find A Pet Song)
Mônica Toniolo (Brazilian Portuguese, season 1 and Equestria Girls)
Vânia Canto (Brazilian Portuguese, season 2)
Andressa Andreatto (Brazilian Portuguese, season 3)
Alina Leonte (Romanian, S4E14)
Anastasia Lapina (Russian, seasons 1-4)
Maria Ivaschenko (Russian, season 5)
Polina Mingalevich (Russian, season 6)
Alena Svetlakova (Russian, season 7)
Anastasia Romanova (Russian, season 8 and Best Gift Ever)
Jelena Petrović (Serbian, Mini Ultra)
Anna Orra (European Spanish, season 2-3 and Equestria Girls)
Dámaris Aragón (European Spanish, season 4)
Natta Hirunsatit (Thai)
As Flutterguy:
Marcus Mosley (English, S4E14)
Gábor Seder (Hungarian)
Jacek Kotlarski (Polish, S4E14)
Antônio Moreno (Brazilian Portuguese, S4E14)

Fluttershy is a female Pegasus pony and one of the main characters of My Little Pony Friendship is Magic. She lives in a small cottage near the Everfree Forest and takes care of animals, the most prominent of her charges being Angel the bunny. She represents the element of kindness.


Development sketch

Lauren Faust’s childhood Posey toy.

Lauren Faust was inspired to create Fluttershy by her childhood toy G1 Earth pony Posey.[5] Fluttershy’s initial design, published online by Faust, refers to her as «Posey» as well. Her cutie mark, three pink and cyan butterflies, is similar to that of the G2 pony Sky Skimmer.

Fluttershy’s name is shared by a previous generation Earth pony, who is a photography enthusiast. The guidebook The Art of Equestria reveals some of the other names Lauren Faust considered giving her, including «Summer Azure (Summer for short)», «Spring Blossoms», «Petalwing» and «Meadowbrook»;[6] the last of these four is the same as that of a G3 Earth pony and—after Faust’s departure from the show—was eventually given to Mage Meadowbrook, who shares Fluttershy’s eye shape.

The Stare was based on something Lauren Faust’s mother used to do.[7]

Depiction in the series

Fluttershy discovering her talent of communicating with animals on a different level.

The episodes The Cutie Mark Chronicles and Hurricane Fluttershy offer glimpses into Fluttershy’s past. Like Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy hails from Cloudsdale. As a filly, she was a weak flier and was harassed by the same Pegasi who were jeering at Rainbow Dash in Sonic Rainboom, and they nicknamed her «Klutzershy». She was taller and ganglier than most other foals, similarly to Plaid Stripes, «Pearly Whites», «Thunderstruck», later filly Pear Butter, later filly Applejack, later filly Derpy, and Crystal Hoof, and had slightly larger wings. Rainbow Dash flew in to defend her and challenged the bullies to a race. When the race started, the participants accidentally knocked Fluttershy off the clouds, and she plummeted toward the ground, a place she had never been to or seen before. She was saved from a rough landing by an incoming large swarm of butterflies.

Upon seeing the animals and the greenery for the first time, Fluttershy becomes overwhelmed by the beauty of it all and starts singing. A few moments later, Rainbow Dash’s sonic rainboom startles the animals and scares them into hiding. Fluttershy earns her cutie mark after comforting the animals and realizing her ability to talk through to them, identifying her special connection with animals.



Fluttershy nervous about facing a dragon.

When Fluttershy is first introduced in the series, she barely manages to tell Twilight Sparkle her own name on account of her timidity, whispering so quietly that Twilight cannot hear her, and hiding her face behind her mane. However, she immediately becomes enthusiastic when she sees Spike, imploring the baby dragon to hold a conversation with her, which he ends up doing, and follows him and Twilight all the way to the library. Her shy nature contrasts with Rainbow Dash’s abrasiveness, most notably in Dragonshy, and to a lesser extent in Sonic Rainboom. In season one, Fluttershy’s inability to speak up often annoys Rainbow Dash, and Rainbow expresses her aggravation more than once. One instance is when Fluttershy cheers as loudly as she can for Rainbow Dash at the beginning of Sonic Rainboom, yet much to the latter’s exasperation, can’t manage more than a whisper. Season two shows them having grown closer to each other as friends despite their differences.

Fluttershy states in Dragonshy that dragons scare her, though she explains the exception of Spike on account of him not being grown-up. Because of this, she hesitates to continue forward when she and the others embark on an expedition to deal with a sleeping dragon in the aforementioned episode, relying heavily on her friends’ encouragement. In the end, Fluttershy finds the courage to speak to the dragon when it begins harassing her friends, going so far as to raise her voice in anger and stand on its nose to look it in the eye as she lectures it. In Stare Master, she tames a wild cockatrice in a similar manner, becoming angry with it when it scares the Cutie Mark Crusaders; however, in this instance, the Stare is employed.

Gilda reduces Fluttershy to tears in Griffon the Brush Off when the griffon roars in her face. Afraid to be in the same room as Gilda during Pinkie Pie’s party, Fluttershy attempts to voice her discomfort to Pinkie, who obliviously waves off her distress.

Fluttershy «enjoying» a nice hug from Princess Luna in Luna Eclipsed.

In Luna Eclipsed, Fluttershy sequesters herself at home in her cottage during Nightmare Night, and refuses to answer the door until she learns that her visitor is Twilight. Twilight then forcibly brings Fluttershy out to give Princess Luna a lesson in how to speak softly, with the Princess’ «Royal Canterlot Voice» terrifying her.

In Dragon Quest, she again displays her fear of dragons. Fluttershy pointedly refuses to watch the Dragon Migration with her friends, despite Twilight’s coaxing. It culminates in Fluttershy pushing past Rainbow Dash and jumping out the window, fleeing the scene before any of them could follow her.

Fluttershy training to improve her wing-power for Tornado Duty.

In Hurricane Fluttershy, she tries to evade her responsibilities as a Pegasus to help create a tornado to move water to Cloudsdale from Ponyville’s reservoir. After some insistence from Rainbow Dash, she reveals that she is afraid of humiliating herself by performing badly as a flyer in front of all the other Pegasi. She becomes even more discouraged after the anemometer (wing power gauging machine) gives her wing-power as only 0.5. Her animals’ motivation causes her to engage in a period of training and exercise, but her second attempt only puts her at 2.3, further diminishing her hopes for improvement. In the end, Twilight convinces her to help when the other Pegasi’s wingpower proves not to be enough to create the tornado. With a sudden burst of determination, she manages to surpass all the other Pegasi in flying speed, completing the 800 wingpower minimum to create the tornado and resulting in the water successfully reaching Cloudsdale.

In Castle Mane-ia, she displays fear at the possibility of running into star spiders. In the episode Maud Pie, she tells Maud about spiders that live in Ponyville, saying that «even though they may look a teeny bit scary, they’re actually very sweet and help keep other, more dangerous insects away!»

From season five onward, however, Fluttershy shows considerably less hesitation and timidness when taking action in dangerous situations.

In The Big Mac Question, Discord reveals that Fluttershy is secretly afraid of clowns.

Kindness and empathy

«Fluttershy, who tamed the manticore with her compassion, represents the spirit of kindness.«
— Twilight Sparkle

Fluttershy shows compassion to the manticore, winning its trust.

When the ponies venture into the Everfree Forest seeking the Elements of Harmony, she is the only pony who does not engage in a fight with a Manticore when it attacks them and relieves a thorn embedded in its front paw. She later reveals to Twilight Sparkle that she did not know about the thorn, but she shows consideration to the fierce Manticore regardless. This kind act entitles her to being the wielder of the element of kindness, as well as reveals her faithful and considerate handling of all types of animals. After humbling the dragon in Dragonshy and making it cry, she immediately consoles it and advises it to look for a more suitable place to sleep, successfully driving it away.

In The Return of Harmony Part 1, she is the only pony who isn’t easily affected by Discord’s manipulation, prompting him to forcefully hypnotize her into her polar opposite (in her case, cruelty). In this state, she appears to take pleasure in causing others grief and distress, such as trampling the flowers in front of the library, dumping water on Twilight Sparkle and Spike and snatching the Elements of Harmony from Twilight. When Twilight Sparkle sets out to reverse Discord’s effect on her friends using a «memory spell», Twilight and Applejack are forced to hogtie her and pin her to the floor, with Applejack standing on her tail to prevent her from flying away. Upon returning to normal, a horrified Fluttershy initially believes her corrupted state to be a horrible dream.

Fluttershy befriending Discord in Keep Calm and Flutter On.

In Keep Calm and Flutter On, she is the only one of the Mane Six who believes Discord can be redeemed. She shows him genuine kindness and friendship, eventually leading him to change his ways.

In Filli Vanilli, when she sings for Big McIntosh in the Pony Tones, she accepts request after request for the Pony Tones to sing so she doesn’t disappoint anyone.

In It Ain’t Easy Being Breezies, when she comes to care for a group of Breezies, Fluttershy learns to set aside her kindness and do what has to be done for the sake of everyone involved.

In My Little Pony The Movie, Fluttershy helps one of the Storm King’s guards talk about its feelings.


Despite her typically shy behavior, Fluttershy occasionally demonstrates more assertiveness and confidence. After Rainbow Dash’s encouragement in Sonic Rainboom, she stands up to Hoops, «Dumb-Bell», and «Score» when they pick on her. In Putting Your Hoof Down, she learns to stand up for herself without resorting to anger. In Rainbow Falls, she eagerly represents Ponyville at the Games tryouts with Rainbow and Bulk Biceps.

In Tanks for the Memories, Fluttershy sternly tells Rainbow Dash that she has to spend her winter without Tank.

As of season six, Fluttershy has developed a somewhat witty, playful side to her assertiveness. In Flutter Brutter, she demonstrates constant, often snarky assertiveness toward her slacker younger brother Zephyr Breeze. In Dungeons & Discords, she cheekily encourages Discord to spend time with Spike and Big McIntosh. In Viva Las Pegasus, she teasingly urges Applejack to put aside her grudge with Flim and Flam to solve their friendship problem.

In Fluttershy Leans In, Fluttershy becomes assertive when her vision for her animal sanctuary is not met. When she asserts her intentions to the rest of the Mane Six, Pinkie Pie jokingly calls her «Flutterbold».


«You’re going to LOVE ME!»

Fluttershy has also shown a more aggressive side on rare occasions. Most of the time, Fluttershy can withstand almost anything that will make other ponies explode in anger. However, even a shy Pegasus like Fluttershy has her own limits.

In The Best Night Ever, Fluttershy slowly becomes frustrated when the animals living in the Canterlot castle gardens avoid her. Instead of continuing her kind and calm ways to earn the animal’s trust, she decides to make them love her by setting animal traps, hoping to trap them in a cage. Eventually, the shy Pegasus explodes, yelling and screaming, wanting the animals to love her.

Fluttershy becomes angry when reminded that Discord will win if she is not able to catch Rainbow Dash in The Return of Harmony Part 2 (referring to Discord as a «big dumb meanie»). This is one instance where Fluttershy doesn’t explode in anger but expresses her anger in words.

In Putting Your Hoof Down, Fluttershy is too much of a «doormat», where a pony can easily take advantage of the situation to their own benefit. For example, if a pony purposely cuts Fluttershy in line, she apologizes, saying that the pony can go first. Pinkie Pie and Rarity say that Fluttershy should stand up for herself so that she isn’t pushed around. After receiving motivational advice from Iron Will, a manly minotaur that helps ponies like Fluttershy, she becomes progressively more violent and aggressive, to the point of reducing Pinkie Pie and Rarity to tears with her insults. However, she changes her ways by the end of the episode. 

Fluttershy gives Twilight a threatening warning if anything happens to her animal friends during a magic trick in Magic Duel. In Keep Calm and Flutter On, she angrily renounces her friendship with Discord when he abuses it.

Fluttershy as Saddle Rager taking the form of a Hulk-like monster.

When all of the main cast gets sucked into Spike’s comic book in Power Ponies, Fluttershy takes the role of Saddle Rager, who is part of a group of superheroes called the Power Ponies. Her power is based around anger, which didn’t manifest until the climax of the episode, when she loses her temper after witnessing a firefly being smacked away by the Mane-iac, causing her to take the form of a huge muscular monster.

In It Ain’t Easy Being Breezies, she becomes angry at the bees for trying to hurt Seabreeze after her attempts at kindness don’t work on them.

Fluttershy blushing after yelling.

In Dungeons & Discords, when Discord turns the world «opposite», Fluttershy becomes affected, yelling at Discord, calling him «Sassafras», and saying that she’s «sick of being nice and quiet all the time!» Discord immediately changes the world back, and Fluttershy blushes with embarrassment.

In Buckball Season, Fluttershy gets angry at Applejack and Rainbow Dash for putting so much pressure on her and Pinkie Pie for the upcoming Buckball game against Appleloosa.

She gets angry at Applejack several times in Sounds of Silence, as a result of Applejack not listening to her when she has something important to say.

In She Talks to Angel, Fluttershy is pushed to her limit by Angel’s behavior, leading to a fierce argument between them.


Despite being a Pegasus, Fluttershy does not usually help with the weather and does not use her wings as much as the other winged ponies. As shown in Dragonshy, she is also scared of heights, which is ironic in that Pegasi live in the clouds most of their lives. Because of this, she instead focuses on tending to animals’ care. In Party of One, Spike says, «Fluttershy [is] a Pegasus who’s afraid of heights. Heh, what’s up with that?»

Animal care

Fluttershy and Angel in Keep Calm and Flutter On.

Fluttershy’s special talent is communicating with animals, which she uses in order to provide them with food, medical attention and other forms of care when they need it. In addition, a host of animals have taken up residence in her home, which she attends to and looks after on an everyday basis. In Dragonshy, she delivers fish to a family of otters and gives worms to a family of birds to eat. In A Bird in the Hoof, she had just finished treating a mouse’s broken leg before Angel reminded her of the luncheon for Princess Celestia, at which she discovers Celestia’s «sick» bird, Philomena. Without the Princess’ knowledge or permission, she takes the bird back to her cottage to try to help Philomena recuperate.  However, her abilities prove to be ineffective in «healing» her; it is later revealed that Philomena is a phoenix and was simply nearing the end of her life cycle.  In Lesson Zero, she appears to violently attack and injure a bear but is actually giving it a rigorous massage to ease the tension in one of its shoulders. In Keep Calm and Flutter On, Applejack puts Fluttershy’s communication talent to use when she summons Fluttershy to negotiate the removal of a dam with a family of beavers, who had caused flooding at Sweet Apple Acres by blocking a stream with said dam.

She comes across a new species in Bats! — vampire fruit bats — and admits that it might take her a while to learn their language. After failing to persuade her friends that they aren’t monsters, she suggests the possibility of giving the bats an area of the orchard as a sanctuary, which at the end of the episode becomes a reality.

In the episode It Ain’t Easy Being Breezies, Fluttershy knows much about Breezies, such as their migratory patterns and native language (she speaks several words of it near the end of the episode). When a group of Breezies find themselves in Fluttershy’s care, they form an attachment to her and don’t want to leave her side.

The Stare

The «Stare» in action. Final Score: Fluttershy 1, Cockatrice 0.

«The Stare» is the name given to a particular ability Fluttershy employs when dealing with misbehaving animals. This ability is powerful as it can ‘control’ chickens up to her own pet bunny, Angel. However, Fluttershy doesn’t really like to use the Stare. Only when someone’s life is in danger or to maintain order, the Stare is used.

Rarity is the first to use this name in Stare Master, while asking Fluttershy if she had used it on Opal to get her to behave during the cat’s grooming session, to which Fluttershy replies that she had not.

Fluttershy first uses the Stare in Stare Master, employing it on her chickens to herd them back into the henhouse. When the Cutie Mark Crusaders notice that one of the chickens, Elizabeak, has escaped into the Everfree Forest, they disobey Fluttershy’s orders to stay put and run off into the forest to search for the bird. When Fluttershy goes looking for the Crusaders, she comes across Twilight Sparkle petrified (turned to stone by a cockatrice) in the forest. She finds the Crusaders, but while she is trying to warn them of the danger they are in from the cockatrice, they are all ambushed by one. It petrifies Elizabeak, then turns to Fluttershy and the Crusaders. Fluttershy, seeing the three fillies cowering behind her, becomes angry at it. She lectures the cockatrice, but when it won’t back down, uses the Stare on it, ignoring the fact that as she must look it in the eye to do so, she is being turned to stone. The cockatrice finally relents (causing her own petrification to be reversed), and unpetrifies both Twilight Sparkle and Elizabeak at her command. She again uses the Stare at the end of Putting Your Hoof Down on Angel to make him eat his carrot salad. In Keep Calm and Flutter On, Fluttershy attempts to use the Stare on the newly freed Discord to make him behave. It proves to be ineffective against him, though he briefly feigns being affected by it to mock her, even pretending to strangle himself.

Her friends call upon her to use her Stare in Bats!, in order to keep the attention of the vampire fruit bats long enough for Twilight to alter their behavior with a spell. Fluttershy states that the Stare isn’t «something [she takes] lightly», saying that she’s taken a vow not to use it except in dire emergencies. Prior to using the Stare itself, she tells the bats that she hopes they can forgive her for doing so.

Fluttershy uses the Stare on a changeling in chapter 14 of Lyra and Bon Bon and the Mares from S.M.I.L.E., «The Saddle Hawkins Square Dance».

In A Health of Information, a sickened Fluttershy attempts to use the Stare on a swarm of flash bees, but it is unsuccessful.

As shown in She Talks to Angel, Fluttershy’s Stare still works after she switches bodies with Angel.


Fluttershy speaking up for her friends, and giving the dragon the lowdown on environmental pollution.

Fluttershy is an average flier under normal circumstances but is incapable of flight in moments of fear or stress. In Dragonshy, hearing the dragon’s snore at the bottom of the mountain renders her paralyzed in midair. Fluttershy later fails to cross a chasm using her wings even after her anxiety had faded slightly. In the end, she casts aside her fear as she flies to her friends’ rescue after Rainbow Dash launched a reckless assault that angered the dragon. In Feeling Pinkie Keen, she does not fly in order to escape the hydra, though she flaps her wings while running and jumping. In Putting Your Hoof Down, she doesn’t fly above Sweetie Drops and Cherry Berry’s wagons, and instead demands for them to get out of the way. In the episode Wonderbolts Academy, after the Twinkling Balloon that she and her friends are traveling in is destroyed, she does not remember that she can fly to safety until Cloud Chaser rescues her. Fluttershy sheepishly pulls herself out of her rescuer’s grasp and hovers in mid-air, to Cloud Chaser’s annoyance.

Fluttershy appears to possess only average physical strength at best, as she barely carries Twilight Sparkle a short distance in Friendship is Magic, part 2, even with Rainbow Dash’s help. In the episode, she admits to not being used to holding more than a bunny or two. She also attempts to carry Rainbow Dash to her cottage in May the Best Pet Win! after Rainbow Dash asks for a pet, but when she fails to lift her friend off the ground, Rainbow uses her own wings to propel both of them further up.

Fluttershy summoning her courage to fly into the tornado.

Despite her shortcomings at flying, Fluttershy has still performed some remarkable flying feats. She whizzes past Rainbow Dash in The Mysterious Mare Do Well while dressed in a Mare Do Well costume, catching her by surprise. She also catches up to a weighed down Rainbow Dash while pulling two ponies and the Twinkling Balloon in The Return of Harmony Part 2. In Hurricane Fluttershy, her «wing power» initially measures at 0.5 (her fellow Pegasi measuring above 5 initially), with an exhaustive training session raising it to a mere 2.3. However, when flying with her fellow Pegasi, she exerts herself enough to help them achieve the missing 5 wing power necessary to create the hurricane that would carry the water to Cloudsdale. Rainbow Dash reminds her of what Rainbow considered to be a «wicked» nose dive to save a baby bird. Earlier in the episode, she had a flashback from when she and Rainbow Dash were in Summer Flight Camp as fillies. Her fear of heights led to her pitfalls as a Pegasus, which led to the other Pegasus foals teasing her and chorusing the chant: «Fluttershy, Fluttershy, Fluttershy can hardly fly!» which changes at the end of the episode to: «Fluttershy! Fluttershy! Fluttershy can really fly!» by the other Pegasi after they succeeded in bringing water up to Cloudsdale with her involvement in the task.

While she usually gets around by walking or running, Fluttershy tends to hover and fly when she is very happy, or in high spirits. Additionally, she also will gracefully twirl and do small flips if she sings at the same time. When singing about meeting the animals as a filly in The Cutie Mark Chronicles, and speaking about her wish to see the animals in the private castle gardens during the Grand Galloping Gala in The Ticket Master, she goes airborne without seeming to notice that she did so. Helping Rainbow Dash choose a pet of her own also causes her to fly in her excitement, and when she and the others were invited to take part in Shining Armor and Princess Cadance’s wedding in A Canterlot Wedding — Part 1, she flies around in the air with Rainbow as they encircle each other. She also pursues Angel in Dragonshy and the Cutie Mark Crusaders in Stare Master in this manner.


«Fluttershy’s freaky knowledge of sewing!»

She is familiar with sewing, a skill Applejack describes as «freaky» in Suited For Success. She helps to finish the dress Rarity had designed for herself with her friends in this episode. She dislikes a revised dress Rarity made her at first. When pressed to explain what she doesn’t like, she points out uneven pleats, machine stitching, etc.


Fluttershy in A Canterlot Wedding.

When Fluttershy is first introduced in Friendship is Magic, part 1, she conducts a rehearsal for a choir of birds for the Summer Sun Celebration. She has several musical numbers in the show: her rendition of the Evil Enchantress song, the Hush Now Lullaby, So Many Wonders, Find A Pet Song which is a duet with Rainbow Dash, Music in the Treetops, and Find the Music in You with the Pony Tones. She idly hums the theme to the show in The Ticket Master and A Bird in the Hoof. Princess Celestia also asks Fluttershy and her songbird choir to provide the music for the wedding in A Canterlot Wedding — Part 1. In Filli Vanilli, she sings for her animal friends during Music in the Treetops and, as Flutterguy from the public eye, in Big McIntosh’s place as the «fourth member» of the Pony Tones. She later becomes the group’s part-time fifth member.

See also: #Flutterguy

Notable identities


Flutterguy singing for the first time.

In the episode Bridle Gossip, Fluttershy, as well as her friends, is affected by poison joke while chasing Zecora through the Everfree Forest, giving her a deep, masculine voice. While at first reluctant to even talk due to the embarrassment of her situation, Pinkie Pie finally gets Fluttershy to sing the Evil Enchantress song. After that, she and her friends are cured by Zecora by taking an herbal bubble bath.

In Filli Vanilli, her secret love of singing and dedication to the Pony Tones quartet push her to consume a solution of poison joke prepared by Zecora to replace the temporarily voiceless Big McIntosh from behind the curtain. However, after a few performances, she gets too into her new role and blows her own cover in public; the reaction overwhelms Fluttershy and pushes her into hiding, and she takes an herbal bath to return her voice to normal. She ultimately accepts becoming a part of the Pony Tones quintet as herself, only agreeing to take «baby steps» toward larger audiences.


«That’s not Fluttershy…That’s Flutterbat

In Bats!, Twilight accidentally transfers the vampire fruit bats’ desires into Fluttershy, causing her to transform into a vampire fruit bat-pony hybrid. When Rarity sees her, she dubs her «Flutterbat». She gains fangs, bat wings, red eyes and bat-like ears, and her cutie mark changes into three pink bats. Flutterbat easily outmaneuvers the rest of her friends in the air, while at the same time sucking the juice out of apples and spitting out their seeds. In one instance, she wraps her tail around a tree branch to maneuver. Twilight eventually manages to restore her back to normal. However, at the end of the episode, Fluttershy retains a small fang.

In Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep?, Fluttershy once again takes the form of Flutterbat in Ponyville’s shared dream to help Princess Luna defeat the Tantabus. She also wears a Flutterbat costume in an attempt to scare her friends in Scare Master.


Fluttershy with Angel, her pet bunny.

Like any animal lover, Fluttershy has several animals that live with her or near her, though she never considers any of them as her «pets.» Prominent among Fluttershy’s pets is her bunny Angel. Introduced in The Ticket Master, Angel has a bold and forceful personality in contrast to Fluttershy’s soft-spoken and shy nature, often trying to motivate her to speak her mind and not let certain things dampen her spirits. Examples of this include A Bird in the Hoof, where he locks her out of the cottage to stop her from stalling by constantly returning to thank him, and The Ticket Master, where he insists on Fluttershy being more proactive in pursuing the extra ticket to the Grand Galloping Gala. However, in Putting Your Hoof Down, Angel acts stubborn and temperamental when he refuses to eat a carrot salad she prepared for him and wants a more complicated recipe which Fluttershy refers to as his «special recipe.»

In addition to Angel, Fluttershy appears to have several more animals that she pals around with more often than not. Among these are a hummingbird named Hummingway, an orange bird named Constance, a pair of otters, a chicken named Elizabeak, a mouse called Mr Mousey, a spider named Fuzzy Legs, and a bear named Harry. In the chapter book Twilight Sparkle and the Crystal Heart Spell, it’s stated that she’s gotten a new fruit bat called Toby.

There are far more animals that accompany her at random times, such as squirrels, mice, and bats, but most of these have not been given names yet.


Fluttershy’s cottage.

Fluttershy lives in a cottage at the edge of the Everfree Forest and on the outskirts of Ponyville. It appears in several episodes throughout the series. The cottage’s roof is covered in grass and bushes and is filled with runways, holes and perches for animals such as birds, mice, etc.

In Stare Master, Fluttershy’s chicken coop in her cottage’s backyard appears for the first time. In May the Best Pet Win!, Fluttershy is delighted to hear that Rainbow Dash wants a pet and takes her to the backyard, where she presents her friend with a great variety of animals to choose from.

Fluttershy’s cottage is named «Fluttershy’s Cabin» in Gameloft’s mobile game.

Depiction in Equestria Girls

Main article: Fluttershy (EG)

My Little Pony Equestria Girls

Fluttershy in Equestria Girls.

In My Little Pony Equestria Girls, Fluttershy accompanies Twilight to her first princess summit in the Crystal Empire, and she witnesses Sunset Shimmer steal Twilight’s crown. In an alternate world, Fluttershy’s human counterpart appears as a high school student.

Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks

Fluttershy briefly appears in the sequel My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks at Twilight’s castle, where she hears the legend of the sirens.

Equestria Girls: Forgotten Friendship

In Forgotten Friendship, Fluttershy is depicted in stained glass at Canterlot Castle.

Depiction in My Little Pony The Movie

In My Little Pony The Movie, Fluttershy runs a petting zoo for the Festival of Friendship in Canterlot where her songbird choir also performs. When the city is invaded by the Storm King’s forces, led by Tempest Shadow, Fluttershy and her friends escape to seek out the «Queen of the Hippos»—later specified to be Queen Novo of the Hippogriffs—for help. During their journey, they are nearly sold into slavery by Capper and thrown overboard Captain Celaeno’s airship. In the underwater kingdom of Seaquestria, Fluttershy and her friends almost convince Novo to help them save their home from the Storm King, but Twilight’s attempted theft of Novo’s Pearl of Transformation gets them banished from Seaquestria.

Fluttershy and the rest of the Mane Six have a falling-out with Twilight over her actions, but they—along with other friends they made during their journey—return to Canterlot to rescue her when she gets captured by Tempest. After sneaking into the city and fighting past the Storm King’s forces during which she reduces a Storm Guard to tears by talking to him about his tension, the Mane Six reunite and make amends, and they eventually succeed in defeating the Storm King. In the end, the Friendship Festival resumes, and Fluttershy and her friends befriend Tempest.

Depiction in My Little Pony: Pony Life

Fluttershy appears as one of the main characters of Pony Life. She is depicted as being able to change her physical size.

Depiction in My Little Pony: A New Generation

Fluttershy appears at the beginning of A New Generation as part of an imagination sequence with Sunny Starscout’s figurines. Her cutie mark is also on a pin on Sunny’s satchel.

Depiction in comics

In Issue #2 of the IDW comic, The Return of Queen Chrysalis, Fluttershy shows an interest in spiders, and disappointment that «Fluffy» the giant tarantula turned out to be mean, saying that most spiders are docile.

In My Little Pony Micro-Series Issue #4, she has a «Chamber of Extreme Knitting» in her basement, a studio full of knitted designs.

In Night of the Living Apples, she becomes Flutterbat once again in order to stop Bad Apple and the other living apples from taking over Equestria.

In Ponies of Dark Water, Fluttershy turns evil after being exposed to a mysterious hot spring. She becomes overprotective of her animal friends and the forest, perceiving any who intrude upon them as a threat.

In My Little Pony Annual 2017, an illusion of an injured Fluttershy appears as part of a magical test undergone by Shining Armor; upon his refusal to leave her, she is replaced by a magical recording of Princess Amore who congratulates Shining Armor on his compassion.

In My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Issue #89, Fluttershy forms a team with Pinkie Pie, Trixie, Discord, and Capper on a mission to Capper’s homeland of Abyssinia.

In My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Issue #94, Fluttershy travels to Canterlot to help with the preparations for the next Festival of the Two Sisters, encouraging Discord to assist without relying on his magic. In My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Issue #95, she and her friends attempt to keep Canterlot going after all the sound has been removed. After the crisis is resolved, Fluttershy asks Discord where he was during the situation. Discord replies that he was letting the ponies handle things themselves, just like she told him.

In My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Issue #96, Fluttershy, Pinkie, Trixie, Discord, and Capper arrive in the Abyssinian capital of Panthera, where Fluttershy instructs Discord not to use his chaos magic. Inside the city, local police confront and arrest them for bringing magic into the kingdom, and Trixie and Discord are fitted with magic-suppressing collars. After King Meowmeow locks them up, the group is broken out of prison by Capper’s old friends and taken to safety in the tunnels beneath the city. In Issue #97, Fluttershy learns more about the situation while also diffusing arguments between Trixie and Discord. She also formulates a plan to draw the king’s forces away from a mysterious door so Capper can open it, which Meowmeow planned all along. When another Tree of Harmony is discovered and Meowmeow intends to destroy it, Fluttershy and her friends foil his plans, allowing Capper and his friends to claim the Elements of Harmony. Following Meowmeow’s dethronement, Fluttershy writes a letter to Twilight, informing her of what has happened.

In My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Issue #98, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash visit Princess Celestia and Princess Luna at their new home in Silver Shoals. After Celestia relates a story about the sisters being attacked by a kraken as foals, Fluttershy suggests that the kraken may not have been the monster Celestia thinks it was, based on her own knowledge of them — a belief that is later proven correct. In Issue #99, Fluttershy shows concern over Pinkie Pie’s sadness regarding her sister Marble leaving for college. She later attends Marble’s leaving party.

In Issue #101, Fluttershy is with her friends in Canterlot when the Knights of Order attack. In Issue #102, she assists the rest of the Mane Six in the counterattack by helping to defeat Ceridwen.

In My Little Pony: Generations Issue #1, she and the rest of the School of Friendship teachers struggle with the influx of new students, and welcome three new teachers – Violet Shiver, Black Belle, and Shadow Storm – unaware that they are artificial ponies created by the witches Grackle and Dyre. In Issue #3, her class is disrupted by Silverstream and Ocellus, who have taken the new teachers’ mean-spirited lessons to heart. She later joins her friends in traveling to another world populated by different kinds of ponies. In Issue #4, she and her friends meet the Dream Valley ponies, and learn about their past encounter with their version of the Smooze. They then return to Ponyville with their new friends. In Issue #5, she witnesses Twilight’s experiment in curing corrupted ponies, and takes part in the final battle against the G1 Smooze.

Fluttershy appears on the My Little Pony (2022 comics) Issue #1 cover RI. In Issue #2, she appears in flashback, with Discord revealing that she and her friends created the Unity Crystals in order to ensure peace in Equestria. She appears in flashbacks again in Issue #6, and is revealed to have left a message for Discord, recorded in a magic crystal within the ruins of her cottage.

Other depictions

Fluttershy is voiced by Brittany Lauda in PlayDate Digital’s apps Fluttershy’s Famous Stare[1] and Power Ponies.[2]

Hasbro.com description

A graceful, fawn-like filly, Fluttershy’s gentle, serene ways makes her unusually attractive to all types of forest animals, whose care and well-being are her highest priority. She’d like nothing more than to spend every waking moment caring for her animal friends in her secluded meadow cottage, and that’s because Fluttershy is, well… shy. Sweet, soft-spoken, and often fearful, her pony friends treasure her kindness, but have to work hard to help her come out of her shell. To their surprise, however, she emits an intimidating strength when she witnesses someone else being treated unfairly. Fluttershy has a lot of fears to overcome, but certainly one day her strength of character and enormous heart will make her a force to be reckoned with![8]

Hasbro.com second description

It’s widely known that Fluttershy is kind to every creature in Equestria, no matter how big or small. Though she’s the soft-spoken member of the group, Fluttershy is a great cheerleader. Sweet and caring, she makes plenty of space in her tucked-away cottage for helping anyone in need of her love and care, especially her little animal friends. But don’t be fooled! When push comes to shove, she’ll always stand up for her friends![9]

HubNetwork.com description

Graceful Fluttershy has a special way with forest animals. Her favorite thing is to care for them in her quiet meadow cottage. That’s because Fluttershy is, well … shy. She’s sweet, soft-spoken, and kind of a scaredy-pony. Her friends love her for her kindness, and they work hard to bring her out of her shell.

Teacher for a Day description

A friend to the forest, Fluttershy is the gentle, soft-spoken member of the group. Sweet and caring, she makes plenty of space in her tucked-away cottage for helping anyone in need of her love and care, especially her little animal friends.

But don’t be fooled! Although she is timid, she is a determined pony with admirable strength. She always defends those who are treated unfairly. With an enormous heart and the ability to fly, this Pegasus pony is a gentle soul who always rises to the occasion and is always there when her friends need her![10]

My Little Pony (mobile game) descriptions

Representing the Element of Kindness, Fluttershy is a shy pony who loves to sing with her animal friends.
Breezie Fluttershy:
She already speaks Breezie—so she’ll have even less trouble fitting in!
Changeling Fluttershy:
Not only does she love all animals equally — she’s BEEN most of them, too!
Changelingverse Fluttershy:
Wow. Being besieged by an army of alternate-universe changelings has…actually done a lot for Fluttershy’s assertiveness. Who knew?
Dark Changeling Fluttershy:
Has the bad habit of accidentally scaring herself every time she looks in the mirror.
The original Vampire Pony, Fluttershy has since mastered the bestial instincts she feels in this form. After all—she’s great at talking to animals!
Future Fluttershy:
It isn’t ours to speculate on Fluttershy’s future, but a life of caring critters and charming chaos seem likely.
Ivy Fluttershy:
Red eyes plus an army of angry forest animals with spears equals VERY bad news.
Kirin Fluttershy:
Quiet enough to begin with that it’d be hard to tell whether the foal’s breath even works on her.
New Year’s Parade Fluttershy:
Always be kind to any lions you meet — and sometimes, dance like one.
Nirik Fluttershy:
She’s not angry; she’s just disappointed. … Okay, she is ALSO angry.
Pirate Fluttershy:
Um…excuse me…may…may we board your ship and steal all of your treasure, please…?
Retro Fluttershy:
She’s, like, totally cool with animals. And other ponies. And everything else. For sure.
Sombraverse Fluttershy:
Contrary to alt-historical Fluttershy’s foalhood dreams, a career spent giving sheep haircuts isn’t nearly as fun as it sounds.
Western Fluttershy:
What she wears when she wants to add a ‘Gila Monster & Jackalopes’ section to the animal sanctuary.
Young Fluttershy:
Just as kind—and just a kid!»


In the Signature My Little Pony magazine issue 69 comic Daring friends and the missing story!, Fluttershy appears at her cottage.[11]

My Little Pony magazine description

  • Graceful
  • Musical
  • Gentle

She’s rather shy and loves to sing with animal friends. Fluttershy is generous and sweet, sometimes a little too trusting and always eager to help.

The Elements of Harmony guidebook

FLUTTERSHY is a natural beauty with her gentle, serene ways. Despite her shy and unassuming nature, Fluttershy has a unique gift with animals. Her sweetness and sincerity can charm every animal, from tiny woodland creatures to the most powerful of mythical beasts, making her a valuable asset to her friends in all their adventures. Although she’s afraid of heights (very embarrassing for a Pegasus) and shies away at the slightest sound, Fluttershy has no problem confronting grumpy manticores or scolding greedy dragons. While she lacks confidence, she has an inner strength that comes out when others are in trouble. Fluttershy has a lot of fears to overcome, but one day her strength of character and enormous heart will make her a force to be reckoned with.

Volume II guidebook

When her pony pals are down in the dumps, Fluttershy swoops in to cheer them up in her own sweet and quiet way. She delights in the beauty of friendship and the nice feelings that come from being nice. Fluttershy is definitely a little bit meek, but she can be fierce when she needs to be. She’s faced her fears and grown a whole bunch, and she continues to build her self-confidence! Oh, and she loves her animals. A LOT! Even when they’re being naughty little critters. She’s probably the most in tune with creatures of the forest of all the ponies she calls her friends.

The Art of My Little Pony The Movie description

FLUTTERSHY is gentle and kind. Her sweetness and sincerity can charm any animal, from tiny woodland creatures to the most powerful, menacing storm creatures, making her an asset to her friends on all their adventures. Although she sometimes lacks confidence in herself, she has an inner strength that comes out when others are in trouble.

Fluttershy represents the Element of Kindness!

My Little Pony Essential Handbook

The sweetest pony there ever was, Fluttershy is kind and loves caring for all creatures. She is very shy, but if you make her cross, she’ll give you her stern stare.


On the back of the Canterlot toy set Royal Ball at Canterlot Castle, Fluttershy is printed wingless.This happens often on merchandise when she is rearing on her hind legs, as her hair obscures her wings. Sometimes only the tips of her wings can be seen.

On the back of the Crystal Empire variant of Design-A-Pony Fluttershy toy packaging, Fluttershy’s name appears as «FLUTTERSHYy»[sic],[12] with a registered trademark symbol in the monolingual version.[13]

On at least​[​specify​]​ the DVD Season Four Disc 3, closed captions for the episode It Ain’t Easy Being Breezies refer to Fluttershy as Shutterfly, a name used for her by Discord in the episode Princess Twilight Sparkle — Part 1.


See also: Character appearances
Y At least one appearance where the character is the focus of a shot
S At least one appearance where the character is the focus of a shot, without spoken dialogue or narration
B Background appearance or an appearance where the character is not the focus
F At least one appearance where the character is only in a flashback or fantasy-setting
P No physical appearance, but appears in a photo, drawing, or figure
M No appearance, but a mention by name or title
N No appearance and no mention by name or title
Season one

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Season two

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Season three

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Season four

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Season five

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Season six

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Season seven

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Season eight

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Season nine

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«Um, excuse me, sir. I mean no offense, but your rhythm is just a teeny tiny bit off.«
— Friendship is Magic, part 1
«A baby dragon! Oh, I’ve never seen a baby dragon before. He’s so cute.«
— Friendship is Magic, part 1
«Oh no, I’m doing this because you’re my very best friend. Right Angel? Oh, yes, we are just doing this for the ticket.«
— The Ticket Master
«I’m a year older than you.«
— To Pinkie Pie, Griffon the Brush Off
«How dare you? How dare you! Listen here, mister. Just because you’re big doesn’t mean you get to be a bully. You may have huge teeth, and sharp scales, and snore smoke, and breathe fire. But you do not—I repeat—You do not! Hurt! My! Friends! You got that?«
— Dragonshy
«[inhales] Yay.«
— Sonic Rainboom
«Oh no! I wouldn’t. I couldn’t. I-I don’t really have any control when it happens. It just happens. Really. I’m just good with animals. It’s my special gift, you know.«
— Stare Master
«Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, how about a game?«
— Stare Master
«Oh, Fluttershy. You’re such a loudmouth.«
— The Best Night Ever
«I’ll catch you yet, my pretties. Oh yes, as soon as one of you little birds or monkeys or bears touches this net, you’ll be mine! MINE! HahahaHAHAHA! «
— The Best Night Ever
«You’re… going to LOVE ME!’«
— The Best Night Ever
«Hey Twilight, what’s soaking wet and clueless? […] Your face!«
— The Return of Harmony Part 2
«That… big… dumb… meanie!«
— Referring to Discord, The Return of Harmony Part 2
«Nopony pushes new Fluttershy around! Nopony!’«
— Putting Your Hoof Down
«I can’t believe that the two most frivolous ponies in Ponyville are trying to tell new Fluttershy how to live her life, when they are throwing their own lives away on pointless pursuits that nopony else gives a flying feather about!«
— Putting Your Hoof Down
«I’m the monster.«
— Putting Your Hoof Down
«There is nothing fun about dragons. Scary: yes. Fun: NO!«
— Dragon Quest
«I will get my confidence up and show everypony that I am a good flyer! A great flyer!«
— Hurricane Fluttershy
«Dear Princess Celestia, sometimes you can feel like what you have to offer is too little to make a difference, but today, I learned that everypony’s contribution is important, no matter how small. If you just keep your head high, do your best, and believe in yourself, anything can happen!«
— Hurricane Fluttershy
«[gasp] Th-That’s one of the things, isn’t it?«
— The Crystal Empire — Part 1
«We knew for sure you would prevail.«
— During The Success Song, The Crystal Empire — Part 2
«[gasp] Mr. Beaverton Beaverteeth! Such language!«
— Keep Calm and Flutter On
«He can be a real sweetheart once you get to know him.«
— Referring to Discord, Keep Calm and Flutter On
— Castle Mane-ia
«Sometimes, being afraid can stop you from doing something that you love, but hiding behind these fears means you’re only hiding from your true self. It’s much better to face those fears so you can shine and be the best pony you can possibly be.«
— Filli Vanilli
«You really are the nicest ponies I’ve ever met.«
— The Cutie Map — Part 2
«Mmm, it’s so nice to be the pet for once.«
— Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep?
«I don’t know why I doubted myself for a second. Now this is what I call a perfect Nightmare Night.«
— Scare Master
«Um, if you could not maybe yell so much, or maybe stop saying words all together.«
— The Hooffields and McColts
«And I was worried that I’d fail every time! Sometimes you have to do things, even though you might fail.«
— To Zephyr Breeze, Flutter Brutter
«Well, guess what, Sassafras?! I’m Opposite Fluttershy, and I’m sick of being nice and quiet all the time!«
— To Opposite Discord, Dungeons & Discords
«My dream is to build a real animal sanctuary. A beautiful habitat where every animal – whether sick or scared or even just lonely, feathered or furry, scaly or slimy – every critter would be welcome. My sanctuary can be the one place in Equestria they call home ’til they feel ready to take on the world.«
— Fluttershy Leans In
«Listen up! I am more assertive! And yes, it took me a while to get there. But can you honestly say that you could learn something one time and completely change who you are? [beat] I didn’t think so.«
— Fame and Misfortune
«I really, really like… everything!«
My Little Pony Best Gift Ever
«It was actually kind of nice to be the pony who saved the day for once.«
My Little Pony Best Gift Ever
«Baby… dragon… hatching season?! [gasps] All those cute little snouts poking out of those adorable little shells?! Teeny, tiny, twitchy tails?! Can I go too?!«
— Sweet and Smoky
«Just you wait, Garble. You’re dealing with Fluttershy now, and she’s packin’ a whole lifetime of kindness!«
— Sweet and Smoky


Fluttershy bashful S4E16.png

Fluttershy image gallery

See also

  • Toys and merchandise
  • Fluttershy (EG)
  • Fluttershy on the Collectible Card Game Wiki
  • Fluttershy on the Fan Wiki
  • Fluttershy on the My Little Pony Gameloft Wiki
  • This article’s speculation page


  1. 1.0 1.1 Brittany Lauda (2014-04-24). Brittany’s Voice Roles — Brittany Lauda — Voice Actress. Facebook. Retrieved on 2014 July 18.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Brittany Lauda (2014-07-17). Brittany’s Voice Roles — Brittany Lauda — Voice Actress. Facebook. Retrieved on 2014 July 18.
  3. 追加キャストは沢城みゆきと加藤英美里 TVアニメ『マイリトルポニー ~トモダチは魔法~』4月2日より放送開始 (Japanese). オタラボ (2013-03-18). Retrieved on 2013 March 18.
  4. Jayson Thiessen at the 2012 New York Comic Con My Little Pony panel (2012-10-11). Retrieved on 2012 October 12.
  5. Lauren Faust (2013-11-29). Posey inspired Fluttershy. I did that tail-do when I was 8!. Twitter. Retrieved on 2013 December 2.
  6. Lauren Faust, Mary Jane Begin (2015-10-13). My Little Pony The Art of Equestria. Abrams Books. Retrieved on 2015 October 15.
  7. Lauren Faust (2011-08-30). Comment on The Stare by fyre-flye. DeviantArt. Retrieved on 2015 December 4.
  8. Meet The Ponies: Fluttershy. Hasbro.com. Retrieved on 2013 September 8.
  9. My Little Pony — Meet Fluttershy. Hasbro.com. Retrieved on 2013 September 8.
  10. Movie Clip Meet Fluttershy Video. Hasbro.com. Retrieved on 2013 September 8.
  11. MLP Comic — English. Imgur (2017-03-23). Retrieved on 2017 May 27.
  12. d384c5dabd9ffd1f9972baba58ea83d8_zpsb3949330.jpg (2013-05-27). Retrieved on 2013 June 9.
  13. design a pony fluttershy review part 1 (2013-04-23). Retrieved on 2013 June 9.

v  d  e


Leading characters (G4)
Twilight SparkleSpike Applejack Fluttershy Pinkie Pie Rainbow Dash Rarity
Twilight Sparkle • Spike Applejack Fluttershy Pinkie Pie Rainbow Dash Rarity
Leading characters (G5)
Sunny Starscout Izzy Moonbow Hitch Trailblazer Pipp Petals Zipp Storm
Sunny Starscout Izzy Moonbow Hitch Trailblazer Pipp Petals Zipp Storm
Supporting characters
Cutie Mark Crusaders
Sweetie Belle Apple Bloom Scootaloo
Babs Seed
Sweetie Belle Apple Bloom
Babs Seed



Princess Celestia • Princess Luna • Princess Platinum • Princess Cadance • Shining Armor • Prince Blueblood • Princess Amore • Prince Rutherford • Flurry Heart • Ember • Princess Skystar • Queen Novo

The Apple family

Big McIntosh • Granny Smith • Braeburn • Aunt and Uncle Orange • Hayseed Turnip Truck • Apple Strudel • Auntie Applesauce • Apple Rose • Goldie Delicious • Bright Mac

The Sparkle family

Twilight Velvet and Night Light

The Pie family

Limestone Pie and Marble Pie • Igneous Rock Pie and Cloudy Quartz • Maud Pie

The Shy family

Mr. and Mrs. Shy • Zephyr Breeze

The Cake family

Mr. and Mrs. Cake • Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake

The Rich family

Diamond Tiara • Filthy Rich • Spoiled Rich

The Pear family

Pear Butter • Grand Pear

School-age ponies

Silver Spoon • Twist • Snips • Snails • Sunny Daze and Peachy Pie • Pipsqueak • Featherweight • Rumble • Filly Guides • Zipporwhill • Tender Taps • Toola Roola and Coconut Cream • Wind Sprint


Hoity Toity • Photo Finish • Sapphire Shores • Fancy Pants • Jade Singer • Daring Do • Prim Hemline • Trenderhoof • Coloratura • Zesty Gourmand • Songbird Serenade


Shadowbolts • Boy Bullies • Diamond Dogs • Flim and Flam • Queen Chrysalis • King Sombra • Lightning Dust • Big Boy and Runt • Sunflower • Mane-iac (henchponies) • Suri Polomare • Lord Tirek • The Dazzlings (Adagio Dazzle • Sonata Dusk • Aria Blaze) • North Star • King Longhorn • Principal Cinch • Wind Rider • Svengallop • Gladmane • The Storm King • Cozy Glow • Sludge • Grogar
Reformed: Gilda • Trixie • Discord • Ahuizotl • Garble • Larry • Sunset Shimmer • Snips and Snails • Buck Withers • Dr. Caballeron (henchponies) • Starlight Glimmer • Shadow Lock • Juniper Montage • Stygian • Tempest Shadow • Grubber • Wallflower Blush • Chancellor Neighsay • Vignette Valencia • Kiwi Lollipop and Supernova Zap


Spitfire • Soarin • Blaze • Surprise • Fire Streak • Misty Fly • Silver Zoom • Fleetfoot • High Winds • Thunderlane


Nurse Redheart • Dr. Horse • Dr. Fauna • Doctor Horse • Nurse ponies

Pillars of Old Equestria

Star Swirl the Bearded • Rockhoof • Mistmane • Flash Magnus • Somnambula • Mage Meadowbrook

Young Six

Sandbar • Gallus • Smolder • Yona • Ocellus • Silverstream

Other pony characters

8-bit • All Aboard • Angel Wings • Autumn Blaze • Barley Barrel • Blossomforth • Bow Hothoof • Bulk Biceps • Chancellor Puddinghead • Charity Sweetmint • Cheerilee • Cheese Sandwich • Cherry Jubilee • Claude • Clear Skies • Clear Sky • Cloud Chaser • Clover the Clever • Coco Pommel • Commander Hurricane • Cookie Crumbles • Coriander Cumin • Davenport • Double Diamond • Fawn Doo • Feather Bangs • Firelight • Flash Sentry • Flax Seed • Fleur de Lis • Flitter • Fluffy Clouds • Gaffer • Gallant True • Gizmo • Golden Gavel • The Headless Horse • Aunt Holiday • Hondo Flanks • Hoofbeard • Hooffield and McColt families • Mr. and Mrs. Hoofington • Inkwell • Inky Rose • Jack Pot • Jet Set • Joe • Junebug • Kerfuffle • Lily Lace • Auntie Lofty • Luster Dawn • Mane Allgood • Marcie Pan • Mare Do Well • Mayor Mare • Method Mares • Moody Root • Moon Dancer • Mr. Breezy • Mr. Paleo • Mr. Stripes • Mrs. Paleo • Ms. Harshwhinny • Ms. Peachbottom • Mudbriar • Night Glider • Open Skies • Party Favor • Petunia Paleo • Petunia Petals • Pickle Barrel • Plaid Stripes • Pony Pickers • The Pony Tones • Ponyacci • Power Ponies • Private Pansy • Quibble Pants • Radiant Hope • Randolph • Roma • Royal guards • Saffron Masala • Sassy Saddles • Sheriff Silverstar • Silver Frames • Silver Shill • Sky Stinger • Smart Cookie • Snap Shutter • Spa ponies • Spearhead • Starstreak • Steamer • Stellar Eclipse • Stellar Flare • Sugar Belle • Sunburst • Sunny Skies • Sunshower • Sunspot • Swan Song • Teddie Safari • Torque Wrench • Tree Hugger • Trouble Shoes • Upper Crust • Vapor Trail • Wheat Grass • Windy Whistles

Non-pony characters

Steven Magnet • Zecora • Little Strongheart • Chief Thunderhooves • Cranky Doodle Donkey • Matilda • Iron Will • Gustave le Grand • Mulia Mild • Seabreeze • Scorpan • The Smooze • Grampa Gruff • Greta • Thorax • Pharynx • Capper • Captain Celaeno • Terramar • Tree of Harmony • Sky Beak • Ocean Flow

Equestria Girls characters

Humans • The Rainbooms (Fluttershy • Pinkie Pie • Applejack • Rarity • Rainbow Dash) • DJ Pon-3 • Sandalwood • Micro Chips • Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon • Flash Sentry • Miss Cheerilee • Photo Finish • Cutie Mark Crusaders • Principal Celestia • Big McIntosh • Trixie and the Illusions • Granny Smith • Vice Principal Luna • Cranky Doodle • Lyra Heartstrings and Sweetie Drops • Bulk Biceps • Maud Pie • Pony Pickers • Violet Blurr and Pixel Pizzaz • Shadowbolts (Twilight Sparkle (Sci-Twi) • Sunny Flare • Sour Sweet • Indigo Zap • Sugarcoat • Lemon Zest) • Gloriosa Daisy • Timber Spruce • Canter Zoom • Chestnut Magnifico • Zephyr Breeze

Animal companions

Constance • Angel • Winona • Opalescence • Gummy • Philomena • Owlowiscious • Harry • Tank • Peewee • Spike • Smoky’s family


Dragons • Griffons • Parasprites • Phoenixes • Windigos • Timberwolves • Cerberus • Changelings • Plunderseeds • Breezies • Seaponies and mermares

Background characters
Earth ponies

Ace Point • Amira • Apple Brown Betty • Apple Bumpkin • Apple Cider • Apple Cinnamon • Apple Cobbler • Apple Dumpling • Apple Fritter • Apple Honey • Apple Leaves • Apple Munchies • Apple Split • Barber Groomsby • Beauty Brass • Berry Dreams • Berryshine • Bill Neigh • Blueberry Curls • Bumblesweet • Bushel • Business Savvy • Candy Apples • Candy Mane • Caramel • Caramel Apple • Cathy O’Mara • Charged Up • Chelsea Porcelain • Cherry Berry • Cherry Fizzy • Cherry Gold • Count Caesar • Crusoe Palm • Daisy • Dance Fever • Dane Tee Dove • Dr. Hooves • Eclair Crème • Eiffel • Emerald Green • Felix • Fetter Keys • Fiddly Twang • Florina Tart • Gala Appleby • Globe Trotter • Golden Delicious • Golden Harvest • Goldengrape • Green Jewel • Haakim • Half Baked Apple • Hughbert Jellius • Jeff Letrotski • Joan Pommelway • Jonagold • Lady Gaval • Lavender Bloom • Lavender Fritter • Leadwing • Lilac Links • Lily Valley • Long Shot • Luckette • Lucky Clover • Lucky Star • Lyrica Lilac • MandoPony • Meadow Song • Minty • Mjölna • Mr. Greenhooves • Mr. Waddle • Neighl Page • Noteworthy • Octavia Melody • Parcel Post • Parish Nandermane • Peachy Sweet • Pearly Stitch • Pegasus Olsen • Perfect Pace • Perfect Pie • Purple Wave • Pursey Pink • Raven Inkwell • Real Article • Red Delicious • Red Gala • Rivet • Roger Silvermane • Rose • Royal Riff • Ruby Splash • Sand Trap • Savoir Fare • Screwball • Screwy • Sealed Scroll • September • Serena • Shoeshine • Shooting Star • Silver Berry • Sir Pony Moore • Snappy Scoop • Spring Forward • Star Gazer • Star Spur • Strawberry Ice • Sweetie Drops • Tall Order • Tealove • Theodore Donald «Donny» Kerabatsos • Twilight Sky • Vidala Swoon • Walter • Wensley • Wisp • S01E26 Unnamed Earth Mare #1


Big Shot • Buddy • Celena • Cloud Kicker • Compass Star • Crafty Crate • Derpy • Diamond Rose • Drizzle • Eff Stop • Fast Clip • Foggy Fleece • Helia • Honey Rays • Jack Hammer • Jetstream • Lilac Sky • Lily Blossom • Mane Moon • Meadow Flower • Merry May • Orange Swirl • Parasol • Pizzelle • Prim Posy • Rainbow Blaze • Rainbow Swoop • Rainbowshine • Sassaflash • Serenity • Silver Script • Silverspeed • Spring Step • Sprinkle Medley • Star Hunter • Starburst • Starry Eyes • Stormfeather • Strawberry Sunrise • Sugar Grape • Sunny Rays • Sunshower Raindrops • Surprise • Thorn • Tracy Flash • Warm Front • Whiplash • White Lightning • Whitewash • Wild Fire


Amethyst Star • Apple Stars • Banana Fluff • Bittersweet • Blue Moon • Burning Heart • Cayenne • Charm • Cherry Spices • Citrus Blush • Comet Tail • Dark Moon • Diamond Mint • DJ Pon-3 • Electric Sky • Fine Line • Firecracker Burst • Four Step • Holly Dash • Juno • Lemon Hearts • Lemony Gem • Love Melody • Lyra Heartstrings • Magnet Bolt • Minuette • Moonlight Raven • Neon Lights • North Point • Peachy Pitt • Pinny Lane • Ponet • Press Release • Rainbow Stars • Rare Find • Royal Pin • Royal Ribbon • Sea Swirl • Silver Spanner • Star Bright • Sunshine Petals • Sunshine Smiles • Sweetcream Scoops • Top Marks • Twinkleshine • Whoa Nelly • Written Script

Crystal Ponies

Amethyst Maresbury • Autumn Gem • Bright Smile • Crystal Beau • Elbow Grease • Fleur De Verre • Ivory Rook • Night Knight • Rubinstein • Sapphire Joy


Apple Flora • Aura • Bolt • Button Mash • Candy Caramel Tooth • Cotton Cloudy • Dinky Doo • Finish Line • Hairpin Turn • Liza Doolots • Mango Dash • Natural Satellite • Noi • Piña Colada • Princess Erroria • Rainy Feather • Ruby Pinch • Saturnalia • Shady Daze • Strike • Sweet Pop • Tornado Bolt • Truffle

Non-pony characters


Equestria Girls characters

Derpy • Octavia Melody

For this character’s human counterpart, see Fluttershy (EG).
  • Main

  • Future

  • Pegasus

  • Filly

Fluttershy ID S1E17.png

Fluttershy – element of kindness

Filly Fluttershy ID S1E23.png

Fluttershy as a filly in The Cutie Mark Chronicles

Future Fluttershy ID S9E26.png

Future Fluttershy in The Last Problem

Kind Pegasus
Sex Female
Residence Outside of Ponyville, in a cottage near the Everfree Forest
Cloudsdale (formerly)
Occupation Animal caretaker
Pony Tones singer (part-time)
School of Friendship kindness teacher (S8E1 onward)
Council of Friendship member (S9E26)
Other links
  • Fluttershy image gallery
  • Appearances gallery
  • Speculation forum
More info
Eyes Moderate cyan
Brilliant amaranth (as a vampire fruit bat-pony)
Mane Pale, light grayish rose
Pale, light grayish rose with
light rose,
pale, light grayish mulberry,
pale, light grayish opal, and
moderate opal streaks (Rainbow Power)
Coat Pale, light grayish gold
Nicknames Klutzershy, Flutterguy, Stare Master, Mare Do Well, Shutterfly, Saddle Rager, Flutterbat, Flutterdash, Flutterbutter, Opposite Fluttershy, Impossibly Rich, Flutterbold, Fluttersis, Yellow Daisy, Fl (The Periodic Table of My Little Pony), Buttershy, Stuttershy
Relatives Zephyr Breeze (younger brother)
Mr. Shy (father)
Mrs. Shy (mother)
Cutie mark
Three butterflies with cyan bodies and pink wings
Voice Andrea Libman (English)
Brittany Lauda (English, My Little Pony: Fluttershy’s Famous Stare[1] and My Little Pony: Power Ponies) [2]
Lin Peiling (Mandarin Chinese for Taiwan, seasons 1-4, Equestria Girls)
Chen Kaili (Mandarin Chinese for Taiwan, season 5 onwards)
Luo Yuting (Mandarin Chinese for mainland China)
Li Zhen (Mandarin Chinese for mainland China, My Little Pony The Movie)
Yu Yingzhi (Cantonese for Hong Kong)
Qian Huiling (Cantonese for Hong Kong, DVD version)
Šárka Vondrová (Czech)
Klára Jandová (Czech, demo version)
Katrine Iven Strømsted (Danish)
Lizemijn Libgott (Dutch)
Susa Saukko (Finnish)
Mylène Mackay (Canadian French, My Little Pony The Movie)
Elisabeth Guinand (European French)
Audrey D’Hulstere (European French, season 4)
Julia Stoepel (German)
Zselyke Szabó (Hungarian)
Nink Junie (Indonesian)
Sri Hastuti (Indonesian, The Movie)
Benedetta Ponticelli (Italian)
Emiri Katō (Japanese, seasons 1-2 and Equestria Girls)[3]
Miku Ozaki (Japanese, season 3)
Lee Ji-young (Korean)
Yasmin Kaza (Malaysian)
Benedikte Kruse (Norwegian)
Sarah Berge (Norwegian, demo version of S1E3)
Małgorzata Szymańska (Polish)
Priscila Ferreira (Brazilian Portuguese, seasons 1, 3, Equestria Girls, and from Rainbow Rocks onward)
Kate Kelly (Brazilian Portuguese, season 4)
Bianca Alencar (Brazilian Portuguese, demo version of S1E3)
Ioana Dagău (Romanian, seasons 1-3)
Denisa Chis (Romanian, season 4)
Anca Iliese (Romanian, Equestria Girls)
Olga Golovanova (Russian)
Eliza Martirosova (Russian, The Movie)
Jelena Jovičić (Serbian, Minimax)
Aleksandra Tomić (Serbian, Mini Ultra)
Carmen Ambrós (European Spanish)
Maggie Vera (Latin American Spanish, TV version)
Mireya Mendoza (Latin American Spanish, S1E3 (demo version) and promos)
Lizette Pålsson (Swedish)
Natta Hirunsatit (Thai)
Naararin Ratdtanabpranee (Thai, Movie)
Sibel Keskin (Turkish)
Natalya Romanko (Ukrainian, seasons 1-4, Equestria Girls, and Rainbow Rocks)
Yulia Perenchuk (Ukrainian, season 5 onwards)
As Flutterguy:
Blu Mankuma (English, S1E9)[4]
Alvin Sanders (English, S4E14)
Gerald Paradies (German)
András Faragó (Hungarian)
Mario Scarabelli (Italian)
Katsuhisa Hōki (Japanese)
Shi Yeong-joon (Korean)
Simen Sand (Norwegian)
Adam Krylik (Polish, S1E9)
Mikołaj Klimek (Polish, S4E14)
Adrian Moraru (Romanian, S1E9)
Andrei Lupu (Romanian, S4E14)
Nikita Prozorovsky (Russian)
Marko Marković (Serbian, Minimax TV dub)
Sebastían Llapur (Latin American Spanish)
Joakim Jennefors (Swedish)
Yaroslav Chornenkyi (Ukrainian)
Antonie Talacková (Czech, season 3)
Roberta Bartůňková (Czech, season 4)
Nancy Philippot (European French, Find the Music in You reprise)
Bori Csuha (Hungarian, season 1 and films)
Zselyke Szabó (Hungarian, season 2 and S3E13)
Tímea Sági (Hungarian, S3E1-2)
Bernadett Vágó (Hungarian, season 4)
Marisa della Pasqua (Italian)
Vera Calacoci (Italian, Find A Pet Song)
Mônica Toniolo (Brazilian Portuguese, season 1 and Equestria Girls)
Vânia Canto (Brazilian Portuguese, season 2)
Andressa Andreatto (Brazilian Portuguese, season 3)
Alina Leonte (Romanian, S4E14)
Anastasia Lapina (Russian, seasons 1-4)
Maria Ivaschenko (Russian, season 5)
Polina Mingalevich (Russian, season 6)
Alena Svetlakova (Russian, season 7)
Anastasia Romanova (Russian, season 8 and Best Gift Ever)
Jelena Petrović (Serbian, Mini Ultra)
Anna Orra (European Spanish, season 2-3 and Equestria Girls)
Dámaris Aragón (European Spanish, season 4)
Natta Hirunsatit (Thai)
As Flutterguy:
Marcus Mosley (English, S4E14)
Gábor Seder (Hungarian)
Jacek Kotlarski (Polish, S4E14)
Antônio Moreno (Brazilian Portuguese, S4E14)

Fluttershy is a female Pegasus pony and one of the main characters of My Little Pony Friendship is Magic. She lives in a small cottage near the Everfree Forest and takes care of animals, the most prominent of her charges being Angel the bunny. She represents the element of kindness.


Development sketch

Lauren Faust’s childhood Posey toy.

Lauren Faust was inspired to create Fluttershy by her childhood toy G1 Earth pony Posey.[5] Fluttershy’s initial design, published online by Faust, refers to her as «Posey» as well. Her cutie mark, three pink and cyan butterflies, is similar to that of the G2 pony Sky Skimmer.

Fluttershy’s name is shared by a previous generation Earth pony, who is a photography enthusiast. The guidebook The Art of Equestria reveals some of the other names Lauren Faust considered giving her, including «Summer Azure (Summer for short)», «Spring Blossoms», «Petalwing» and «Meadowbrook»;[6] the last of these four is the same as that of a G3 Earth pony and—after Faust’s departure from the show—was eventually given to Mage Meadowbrook, who shares Fluttershy’s eye shape.

The Stare was based on something Lauren Faust’s mother used to do.[7]

Depiction in the series

Fluttershy discovering her talent of communicating with animals on a different level.

The episodes The Cutie Mark Chronicles and Hurricane Fluttershy offer glimpses into Fluttershy’s past. Like Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy hails from Cloudsdale. As a filly, she was a weak flier and was harassed by the same Pegasi who were jeering at Rainbow Dash in Sonic Rainboom, and they nicknamed her «Klutzershy». She was taller and ganglier than most other foals, similarly to Plaid Stripes, «Pearly Whites», «Thunderstruck», later filly Pear Butter, later filly Applejack, later filly Derpy, and Crystal Hoof, and had slightly larger wings. Rainbow Dash flew in to defend her and challenged the bullies to a race. When the race started, the participants accidentally knocked Fluttershy off the clouds, and she plummeted toward the ground, a place she had never been to or seen before. She was saved from a rough landing by an incoming large swarm of butterflies.

Upon seeing the animals and the greenery for the first time, Fluttershy becomes overwhelmed by the beauty of it all and starts singing. A few moments later, Rainbow Dash’s sonic rainboom startles the animals and scares them into hiding. Fluttershy earns her cutie mark after comforting the animals and realizing her ability to talk through to them, identifying her special connection with animals.



Fluttershy nervous about facing a dragon.

When Fluttershy is first introduced in the series, she barely manages to tell Twilight Sparkle her own name on account of her timidity, whispering so quietly that Twilight cannot hear her, and hiding her face behind her mane. However, she immediately becomes enthusiastic when she sees Spike, imploring the baby dragon to hold a conversation with her, which he ends up doing, and follows him and Twilight all the way to the library. Her shy nature contrasts with Rainbow Dash’s abrasiveness, most notably in Dragonshy, and to a lesser extent in Sonic Rainboom. In season one, Fluttershy’s inability to speak up often annoys Rainbow Dash, and Rainbow expresses her aggravation more than once. One instance is when Fluttershy cheers as loudly as she can for Rainbow Dash at the beginning of Sonic Rainboom, yet much to the latter’s exasperation, can’t manage more than a whisper. Season two shows them having grown closer to each other as friends despite their differences.

Fluttershy states in Dragonshy that dragons scare her, though she explains the exception of Spike on account of him not being grown-up. Because of this, she hesitates to continue forward when she and the others embark on an expedition to deal with a sleeping dragon in the aforementioned episode, relying heavily on her friends’ encouragement. In the end, Fluttershy finds the courage to speak to the dragon when it begins harassing her friends, going so far as to raise her voice in anger and stand on its nose to look it in the eye as she lectures it. In Stare Master, she tames a wild cockatrice in a similar manner, becoming angry with it when it scares the Cutie Mark Crusaders; however, in this instance, the Stare is employed.

Gilda reduces Fluttershy to tears in Griffon the Brush Off when the griffon roars in her face. Afraid to be in the same room as Gilda during Pinkie Pie’s party, Fluttershy attempts to voice her discomfort to Pinkie, who obliviously waves off her distress.

Fluttershy «enjoying» a nice hug from Princess Luna in Luna Eclipsed.

In Luna Eclipsed, Fluttershy sequesters herself at home in her cottage during Nightmare Night, and refuses to answer the door until she learns that her visitor is Twilight. Twilight then forcibly brings Fluttershy out to give Princess Luna a lesson in how to speak softly, with the Princess’ «Royal Canterlot Voice» terrifying her.

In Dragon Quest, she again displays her fear of dragons. Fluttershy pointedly refuses to watch the Dragon Migration with her friends, despite Twilight’s coaxing. It culminates in Fluttershy pushing past Rainbow Dash and jumping out the window, fleeing the scene before any of them could follow her.

Fluttershy training to improve her wing-power for Tornado Duty.

In Hurricane Fluttershy, she tries to evade her responsibilities as a Pegasus to help create a tornado to move water to Cloudsdale from Ponyville’s reservoir. After some insistence from Rainbow Dash, she reveals that she is afraid of humiliating herself by performing badly as a flyer in front of all the other Pegasi. She becomes even more discouraged after the anemometer (wing power gauging machine) gives her wing-power as only 0.5. Her animals’ motivation causes her to engage in a period of training and exercise, but her second attempt only puts her at 2.3, further diminishing her hopes for improvement. In the end, Twilight convinces her to help when the other Pegasi’s wingpower proves not to be enough to create the tornado. With a sudden burst of determination, she manages to surpass all the other Pegasi in flying speed, completing the 800 wingpower minimum to create the tornado and resulting in the water successfully reaching Cloudsdale.

In Castle Mane-ia, she displays fear at the possibility of running into star spiders. In the episode Maud Pie, she tells Maud about spiders that live in Ponyville, saying that «even though they may look a teeny bit scary, they’re actually very sweet and help keep other, more dangerous insects away!»

From season five onward, however, Fluttershy shows considerably less hesitation and timidness when taking action in dangerous situations.

In The Big Mac Question, Discord reveals that Fluttershy is secretly afraid of clowns.

Kindness and empathy

«Fluttershy, who tamed the manticore with her compassion, represents the spirit of kindness.«
— Twilight Sparkle

Fluttershy shows compassion to the manticore, winning its trust.

When the ponies venture into the Everfree Forest seeking the Elements of Harmony, she is the only pony who does not engage in a fight with a Manticore when it attacks them and relieves a thorn embedded in its front paw. She later reveals to Twilight Sparkle that she did not know about the thorn, but she shows consideration to the fierce Manticore regardless. This kind act entitles her to being the wielder of the element of kindness, as well as reveals her faithful and considerate handling of all types of animals. After humbling the dragon in Dragonshy and making it cry, she immediately consoles it and advises it to look for a more suitable place to sleep, successfully driving it away.

In The Return of Harmony Part 1, she is the only pony who isn’t easily affected by Discord’s manipulation, prompting him to forcefully hypnotize her into her polar opposite (in her case, cruelty). In this state, she appears to take pleasure in causing others grief and distress, such as trampling the flowers in front of the library, dumping water on Twilight Sparkle and Spike and snatching the Elements of Harmony from Twilight. When Twilight Sparkle sets out to reverse Discord’s effect on her friends using a «memory spell», Twilight and Applejack are forced to hogtie her and pin her to the floor, with Applejack standing on her tail to prevent her from flying away. Upon returning to normal, a horrified Fluttershy initially believes her corrupted state to be a horrible dream.

Fluttershy befriending Discord in Keep Calm and Flutter On.

In Keep Calm and Flutter On, she is the only one of the Mane Six who believes Discord can be redeemed. She shows him genuine kindness and friendship, eventually leading him to change his ways.

In Filli Vanilli, when she sings for Big McIntosh in the Pony Tones, she accepts request after request for the Pony Tones to sing so she doesn’t disappoint anyone.

In It Ain’t Easy Being Breezies, when she comes to care for a group of Breezies, Fluttershy learns to set aside her kindness and do what has to be done for the sake of everyone involved.

In My Little Pony The Movie, Fluttershy helps one of the Storm King’s guards talk about its feelings.


Despite her typically shy behavior, Fluttershy occasionally demonstrates more assertiveness and confidence. After Rainbow Dash’s encouragement in Sonic Rainboom, she stands up to Hoops, «Dumb-Bell», and «Score» when they pick on her. In Putting Your Hoof Down, she learns to stand up for herself without resorting to anger. In Rainbow Falls, she eagerly represents Ponyville at the Games tryouts with Rainbow and Bulk Biceps.

In Tanks for the Memories, Fluttershy sternly tells Rainbow Dash that she has to spend her winter without Tank.

As of season six, Fluttershy has developed a somewhat witty, playful side to her assertiveness. In Flutter Brutter, she demonstrates constant, often snarky assertiveness toward her slacker younger brother Zephyr Breeze. In Dungeons & Discords, she cheekily encourages Discord to spend time with Spike and Big McIntosh. In Viva Las Pegasus, she teasingly urges Applejack to put aside her grudge with Flim and Flam to solve their friendship problem.

In Fluttershy Leans In, Fluttershy becomes assertive when her vision for her animal sanctuary is not met. When she asserts her intentions to the rest of the Mane Six, Pinkie Pie jokingly calls her «Flutterbold».


«You’re going to LOVE ME!»

Fluttershy has also shown a more aggressive side on rare occasions. Most of the time, Fluttershy can withstand almost anything that will make other ponies explode in anger. However, even a shy Pegasus like Fluttershy has her own limits.

In The Best Night Ever, Fluttershy slowly becomes frustrated when the animals living in the Canterlot castle gardens avoid her. Instead of continuing her kind and calm ways to earn the animal’s trust, she decides to make them love her by setting animal traps, hoping to trap them in a cage. Eventually, the shy Pegasus explodes, yelling and screaming, wanting the animals to love her.

Fluttershy becomes angry when reminded that Discord will win if she is not able to catch Rainbow Dash in The Return of Harmony Part 2 (referring to Discord as a «big dumb meanie»). This is one instance where Fluttershy doesn’t explode in anger but expresses her anger in words.

In Putting Your Hoof Down, Fluttershy is too much of a «doormat», where a pony can easily take advantage of the situation to their own benefit. For example, if a pony purposely cuts Fluttershy in line, she apologizes, saying that the pony can go first. Pinkie Pie and Rarity say that Fluttershy should stand up for herself so that she isn’t pushed around. After receiving motivational advice from Iron Will, a manly minotaur that helps ponies like Fluttershy, she becomes progressively more violent and aggressive, to the point of reducing Pinkie Pie and Rarity to tears with her insults. However, she changes her ways by the end of the episode. 

Fluttershy gives Twilight a threatening warning if anything happens to her animal friends during a magic trick in Magic Duel. In Keep Calm and Flutter On, she angrily renounces her friendship with Discord when he abuses it.

Fluttershy as Saddle Rager taking the form of a Hulk-like monster.

When all of the main cast gets sucked into Spike’s comic book in Power Ponies, Fluttershy takes the role of Saddle Rager, who is part of a group of superheroes called the Power Ponies. Her power is based around anger, which didn’t manifest until the climax of the episode, when she loses her temper after witnessing a firefly being smacked away by the Mane-iac, causing her to take the form of a huge muscular monster.

In It Ain’t Easy Being Breezies, she becomes angry at the bees for trying to hurt Seabreeze after her attempts at kindness don’t work on them.

Fluttershy blushing after yelling.

In Dungeons & Discords, when Discord turns the world «opposite», Fluttershy becomes affected, yelling at Discord, calling him «Sassafras», and saying that she’s «sick of being nice and quiet all the time!» Discord immediately changes the world back, and Fluttershy blushes with embarrassment.

In Buckball Season, Fluttershy gets angry at Applejack and Rainbow Dash for putting so much pressure on her and Pinkie Pie for the upcoming Buckball game against Appleloosa.

She gets angry at Applejack several times in Sounds of Silence, as a result of Applejack not listening to her when she has something important to say.

In She Talks to Angel, Fluttershy is pushed to her limit by Angel’s behavior, leading to a fierce argument between them.


Despite being a Pegasus, Fluttershy does not usually help with the weather and does not use her wings as much as the other winged ponies. As shown in Dragonshy, she is also scared of heights, which is ironic in that Pegasi live in the clouds most of their lives. Because of this, she instead focuses on tending to animals’ care. In Party of One, Spike says, «Fluttershy [is] a Pegasus who’s afraid of heights. Heh, what’s up with that?»

Animal care

Fluttershy and Angel in Keep Calm and Flutter On.

Fluttershy’s special talent is communicating with animals, which she uses in order to provide them with food, medical attention and other forms of care when they need it. In addition, a host of animals have taken up residence in her home, which she attends to and looks after on an everyday basis. In Dragonshy, she delivers fish to a family of otters and gives worms to a family of birds to eat. In A Bird in the Hoof, she had just finished treating a mouse’s broken leg before Angel reminded her of the luncheon for Princess Celestia, at which she discovers Celestia’s «sick» bird, Philomena. Without the Princess’ knowledge or permission, she takes the bird back to her cottage to try to help Philomena recuperate.  However, her abilities prove to be ineffective in «healing» her; it is later revealed that Philomena is a phoenix and was simply nearing the end of her life cycle.  In Lesson Zero, she appears to violently attack and injure a bear but is actually giving it a rigorous massage to ease the tension in one of its shoulders. In Keep Calm and Flutter On, Applejack puts Fluttershy’s communication talent to use when she summons Fluttershy to negotiate the removal of a dam with a family of beavers, who had caused flooding at Sweet Apple Acres by blocking a stream with said dam.

She comes across a new species in Bats! — vampire fruit bats — and admits that it might take her a while to learn their language. After failing to persuade her friends that they aren’t monsters, she suggests the possibility of giving the bats an area of the orchard as a sanctuary, which at the end of the episode becomes a reality.

In the episode It Ain’t Easy Being Breezies, Fluttershy knows much about Breezies, such as their migratory patterns and native language (she speaks several words of it near the end of the episode). When a group of Breezies find themselves in Fluttershy’s care, they form an attachment to her and don’t want to leave her side.

The Stare

The «Stare» in action. Final Score: Fluttershy 1, Cockatrice 0.

«The Stare» is the name given to a particular ability Fluttershy employs when dealing with misbehaving animals. This ability is powerful as it can ‘control’ chickens up to her own pet bunny, Angel. However, Fluttershy doesn’t really like to use the Stare. Only when someone’s life is in danger or to maintain order, the Stare is used.

Rarity is the first to use this name in Stare Master, while asking Fluttershy if she had used it on Opal to get her to behave during the cat’s grooming session, to which Fluttershy replies that she had not.

Fluttershy first uses the Stare in Stare Master, employing it on her chickens to herd them back into the henhouse. When the Cutie Mark Crusaders notice that one of the chickens, Elizabeak, has escaped into the Everfree Forest, they disobey Fluttershy’s orders to stay put and run off into the forest to search for the bird. When Fluttershy goes looking for the Crusaders, she comes across Twilight Sparkle petrified (turned to stone by a cockatrice) in the forest. She finds the Crusaders, but while she is trying to warn them of the danger they are in from the cockatrice, they are all ambushed by one. It petrifies Elizabeak, then turns to Fluttershy and the Crusaders. Fluttershy, seeing the three fillies cowering behind her, becomes angry at it. She lectures the cockatrice, but when it won’t back down, uses the Stare on it, ignoring the fact that as she must look it in the eye to do so, she is being turned to stone. The cockatrice finally relents (causing her own petrification to be reversed), and unpetrifies both Twilight Sparkle and Elizabeak at her command. She again uses the Stare at the end of Putting Your Hoof Down on Angel to make him eat his carrot salad. In Keep Calm and Flutter On, Fluttershy attempts to use the Stare on the newly freed Discord to make him behave. It proves to be ineffective against him, though he briefly feigns being affected by it to mock her, even pretending to strangle himself.

Her friends call upon her to use her Stare in Bats!, in order to keep the attention of the vampire fruit bats long enough for Twilight to alter their behavior with a spell. Fluttershy states that the Stare isn’t «something [she takes] lightly», saying that she’s taken a vow not to use it except in dire emergencies. Prior to using the Stare itself, she tells the bats that she hopes they can forgive her for doing so.

Fluttershy uses the Stare on a changeling in chapter 14 of Lyra and Bon Bon and the Mares from S.M.I.L.E., «The Saddle Hawkins Square Dance».

In A Health of Information, a sickened Fluttershy attempts to use the Stare on a swarm of flash bees, but it is unsuccessful.

As shown in She Talks to Angel, Fluttershy’s Stare still works after she switches bodies with Angel.


Fluttershy speaking up for her friends, and giving the dragon the lowdown on environmental pollution.

Fluttershy is an average flier under normal circumstances but is incapable of flight in moments of fear or stress. In Dragonshy, hearing the dragon’s snore at the bottom of the mountain renders her paralyzed in midair. Fluttershy later fails to cross a chasm using her wings even after her anxiety had faded slightly. In the end, she casts aside her fear as she flies to her friends’ rescue after Rainbow Dash launched a reckless assault that angered the dragon. In Feeling Pinkie Keen, she does not fly in order to escape the hydra, though she flaps her wings while running and jumping. In Putting Your Hoof Down, she doesn’t fly above Sweetie Drops and Cherry Berry’s wagons, and instead demands for them to get out of the way. In the episode Wonderbolts Academy, after the Twinkling Balloon that she and her friends are traveling in is destroyed, she does not remember that she can fly to safety until Cloud Chaser rescues her. Fluttershy sheepishly pulls herself out of her rescuer’s grasp and hovers in mid-air, to Cloud Chaser’s annoyance.

Fluttershy appears to possess only average physical strength at best, as she barely carries Twilight Sparkle a short distance in Friendship is Magic, part 2, even with Rainbow Dash’s help. In the episode, she admits to not being used to holding more than a bunny or two. She also attempts to carry Rainbow Dash to her cottage in May the Best Pet Win! after Rainbow Dash asks for a pet, but when she fails to lift her friend off the ground, Rainbow uses her own wings to propel both of them further up.

Fluttershy summoning her courage to fly into the tornado.

Despite her shortcomings at flying, Fluttershy has still performed some remarkable flying feats. She whizzes past Rainbow Dash in The Mysterious Mare Do Well while dressed in a Mare Do Well costume, catching her by surprise. She also catches up to a weighed down Rainbow Dash while pulling two ponies and the Twinkling Balloon in The Return of Harmony Part 2. In Hurricane Fluttershy, her «wing power» initially measures at 0.5 (her fellow Pegasi measuring above 5 initially), with an exhaustive training session raising it to a mere 2.3. However, when flying with her fellow Pegasi, she exerts herself enough to help them achieve the missing 5 wing power necessary to create the hurricane that would carry the water to Cloudsdale. Rainbow Dash reminds her of what Rainbow considered to be a «wicked» nose dive to save a baby bird. Earlier in the episode, she had a flashback from when she and Rainbow Dash were in Summer Flight Camp as fillies. Her fear of heights led to her pitfalls as a Pegasus, which led to the other Pegasus foals teasing her and chorusing the chant: «Fluttershy, Fluttershy, Fluttershy can hardly fly!» which changes at the end of the episode to: «Fluttershy! Fluttershy! Fluttershy can really fly!» by the other Pegasi after they succeeded in bringing water up to Cloudsdale with her involvement in the task.

While she usually gets around by walking or running, Fluttershy tends to hover and fly when she is very happy, or in high spirits. Additionally, she also will gracefully twirl and do small flips if she sings at the same time. When singing about meeting the animals as a filly in The Cutie Mark Chronicles, and speaking about her wish to see the animals in the private castle gardens during the Grand Galloping Gala in The Ticket Master, she goes airborne without seeming to notice that she did so. Helping Rainbow Dash choose a pet of her own also causes her to fly in her excitement, and when she and the others were invited to take part in Shining Armor and Princess Cadance’s wedding in A Canterlot Wedding — Part 1, she flies around in the air with Rainbow as they encircle each other. She also pursues Angel in Dragonshy and the Cutie Mark Crusaders in Stare Master in this manner.


«Fluttershy’s freaky knowledge of sewing!»

She is familiar with sewing, a skill Applejack describes as «freaky» in Suited For Success. She helps to finish the dress Rarity had designed for herself with her friends in this episode. She dislikes a revised dress Rarity made her at first. When pressed to explain what she doesn’t like, she points out uneven pleats, machine stitching, etc.


Fluttershy in A Canterlot Wedding.

When Fluttershy is first introduced in Friendship is Magic, part 1, she conducts a rehearsal for a choir of birds for the Summer Sun Celebration. She has several musical numbers in the show: her rendition of the Evil Enchantress song, the Hush Now Lullaby, So Many Wonders, Find A Pet Song which is a duet with Rainbow Dash, Music in the Treetops, and Find the Music in You with the Pony Tones. She idly hums the theme to the show in The Ticket Master and A Bird in the Hoof. Princess Celestia also asks Fluttershy and her songbird choir to provide the music for the wedding in A Canterlot Wedding — Part 1. In Filli Vanilli, she sings for her animal friends during Music in the Treetops and, as Flutterguy from the public eye, in Big McIntosh’s place as the «fourth member» of the Pony Tones. She later becomes the group’s part-time fifth member.

See also: #Flutterguy

Notable identities


Flutterguy singing for the first time.

In the episode Bridle Gossip, Fluttershy, as well as her friends, is affected by poison joke while chasing Zecora through the Everfree Forest, giving her a deep, masculine voice. While at first reluctant to even talk due to the embarrassment of her situation, Pinkie Pie finally gets Fluttershy to sing the Evil Enchantress song. After that, she and her friends are cured by Zecora by taking an herbal bubble bath.

In Filli Vanilli, her secret love of singing and dedication to the Pony Tones quartet push her to consume a solution of poison joke prepared by Zecora to replace the temporarily voiceless Big McIntosh from behind the curtain. However, after a few performances, she gets too into her new role and blows her own cover in public; the reaction overwhelms Fluttershy and pushes her into hiding, and she takes an herbal bath to return her voice to normal. She ultimately accepts becoming a part of the Pony Tones quintet as herself, only agreeing to take «baby steps» toward larger audiences.


«That’s not Fluttershy…That’s Flutterbat

In Bats!, Twilight accidentally transfers the vampire fruit bats’ desires into Fluttershy, causing her to transform into a vampire fruit bat-pony hybrid. When Rarity sees her, she dubs her «Flutterbat». She gains fangs, bat wings, red eyes and bat-like ears, and her cutie mark changes into three pink bats. Flutterbat easily outmaneuvers the rest of her friends in the air, while at the same time sucking the juice out of apples and spitting out their seeds. In one instance, she wraps her tail around a tree branch to maneuver. Twilight eventually manages to restore her back to normal. However, at the end of the episode, Fluttershy retains a small fang.

In Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep?, Fluttershy once again takes the form of Flutterbat in Ponyville’s shared dream to help Princess Luna defeat the Tantabus. She also wears a Flutterbat costume in an attempt to scare her friends in Scare Master.


Fluttershy with Angel, her pet bunny.

Like any animal lover, Fluttershy has several animals that live with her or near her, though she never considers any of them as her «pets.» Prominent among Fluttershy’s pets is her bunny Angel. Introduced in The Ticket Master, Angel has a bold and forceful personality in contrast to Fluttershy’s soft-spoken and shy nature, often trying to motivate her to speak her mind and not let certain things dampen her spirits. Examples of this include A Bird in the Hoof, where he locks her out of the cottage to stop her from stalling by constantly returning to thank him, and The Ticket Master, where he insists on Fluttershy being more proactive in pursuing the extra ticket to the Grand Galloping Gala. However, in Putting Your Hoof Down, Angel acts stubborn and temperamental when he refuses to eat a carrot salad she prepared for him and wants a more complicated recipe which Fluttershy refers to as his «special recipe.»

In addition to Angel, Fluttershy appears to have several more animals that she pals around with more often than not. Among these are a hummingbird named Hummingway, an orange bird named Constance, a pair of otters, a chicken named Elizabeak, a mouse called Mr Mousey, a spider named Fuzzy Legs, and a bear named Harry. In the chapter book Twilight Sparkle and the Crystal Heart Spell, it’s stated that she’s gotten a new fruit bat called Toby.

There are far more animals that accompany her at random times, such as squirrels, mice, and bats, but most of these have not been given names yet.


Fluttershy’s cottage.

Fluttershy lives in a cottage at the edge of the Everfree Forest and on the outskirts of Ponyville. It appears in several episodes throughout the series. The cottage’s roof is covered in grass and bushes and is filled with runways, holes and perches for animals such as birds, mice, etc.

In Stare Master, Fluttershy’s chicken coop in her cottage’s backyard appears for the first time. In May the Best Pet Win!, Fluttershy is delighted to hear that Rainbow Dash wants a pet and takes her to the backyard, where she presents her friend with a great variety of animals to choose from.

Fluttershy’s cottage is named «Fluttershy’s Cabin» in Gameloft’s mobile game.

Depiction in Equestria Girls

Main article: Fluttershy (EG)

My Little Pony Equestria Girls

Fluttershy in Equestria Girls.

In My Little Pony Equestria Girls, Fluttershy accompanies Twilight to her first princess summit in the Crystal Empire, and she witnesses Sunset Shimmer steal Twilight’s crown. In an alternate world, Fluttershy’s human counterpart appears as a high school student.

Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks

Fluttershy briefly appears in the sequel My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks at Twilight’s castle, where she hears the legend of the sirens.

Equestria Girls: Forgotten Friendship

In Forgotten Friendship, Fluttershy is depicted in stained glass at Canterlot Castle.

Depiction in My Little Pony The Movie

In My Little Pony The Movie, Fluttershy runs a petting zoo for the Festival of Friendship in Canterlot where her songbird choir also performs. When the city is invaded by the Storm King’s forces, led by Tempest Shadow, Fluttershy and her friends escape to seek out the «Queen of the Hippos»—later specified to be Queen Novo of the Hippogriffs—for help. During their journey, they are nearly sold into slavery by Capper and thrown overboard Captain Celaeno’s airship. In the underwater kingdom of Seaquestria, Fluttershy and her friends almost convince Novo to help them save their home from the Storm King, but Twilight’s attempted theft of Novo’s Pearl of Transformation gets them banished from Seaquestria.

Fluttershy and the rest of the Mane Six have a falling-out with Twilight over her actions, but they—along with other friends they made during their journey—return to Canterlot to rescue her when she gets captured by Tempest. After sneaking into the city and fighting past the Storm King’s forces during which she reduces a Storm Guard to tears by talking to him about his tension, the Mane Six reunite and make amends, and they eventually succeed in defeating the Storm King. In the end, the Friendship Festival resumes, and Fluttershy and her friends befriend Tempest.

Depiction in My Little Pony: Pony Life

Fluttershy appears as one of the main characters of Pony Life. She is depicted as being able to change her physical size.

Depiction in My Little Pony: A New Generation

Fluttershy appears at the beginning of A New Generation as part of an imagination sequence with Sunny Starscout’s figurines. Her cutie mark is also on a pin on Sunny’s satchel.

Depiction in comics

In Issue #2 of the IDW comic, The Return of Queen Chrysalis, Fluttershy shows an interest in spiders, and disappointment that «Fluffy» the giant tarantula turned out to be mean, saying that most spiders are docile.

In My Little Pony Micro-Series Issue #4, she has a «Chamber of Extreme Knitting» in her basement, a studio full of knitted designs.

In Night of the Living Apples, she becomes Flutterbat once again in order to stop Bad Apple and the other living apples from taking over Equestria.

In Ponies of Dark Water, Fluttershy turns evil after being exposed to a mysterious hot spring. She becomes overprotective of her animal friends and the forest, perceiving any who intrude upon them as a threat.

In My Little Pony Annual 2017, an illusion of an injured Fluttershy appears as part of a magical test undergone by Shining Armor; upon his refusal to leave her, she is replaced by a magical recording of Princess Amore who congratulates Shining Armor on his compassion.

In My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Issue #89, Fluttershy forms a team with Pinkie Pie, Trixie, Discord, and Capper on a mission to Capper’s homeland of Abyssinia.

In My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Issue #94, Fluttershy travels to Canterlot to help with the preparations for the next Festival of the Two Sisters, encouraging Discord to assist without relying on his magic. In My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Issue #95, she and her friends attempt to keep Canterlot going after all the sound has been removed. After the crisis is resolved, Fluttershy asks Discord where he was during the situation. Discord replies that he was letting the ponies handle things themselves, just like she told him.

In My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Issue #96, Fluttershy, Pinkie, Trixie, Discord, and Capper arrive in the Abyssinian capital of Panthera, where Fluttershy instructs Discord not to use his chaos magic. Inside the city, local police confront and arrest them for bringing magic into the kingdom, and Trixie and Discord are fitted with magic-suppressing collars. After King Meowmeow locks them up, the group is broken out of prison by Capper’s old friends and taken to safety in the tunnels beneath the city. In Issue #97, Fluttershy learns more about the situation while also diffusing arguments between Trixie and Discord. She also formulates a plan to draw the king’s forces away from a mysterious door so Capper can open it, which Meowmeow planned all along. When another Tree of Harmony is discovered and Meowmeow intends to destroy it, Fluttershy and her friends foil his plans, allowing Capper and his friends to claim the Elements of Harmony. Following Meowmeow’s dethronement, Fluttershy writes a letter to Twilight, informing her of what has happened.

In My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Issue #98, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash visit Princess Celestia and Princess Luna at their new home in Silver Shoals. After Celestia relates a story about the sisters being attacked by a kraken as foals, Fluttershy suggests that the kraken may not have been the monster Celestia thinks it was, based on her own knowledge of them — a belief that is later proven correct. In Issue #99, Fluttershy shows concern over Pinkie Pie’s sadness regarding her sister Marble leaving for college. She later attends Marble’s leaving party.

In Issue #101, Fluttershy is with her friends in Canterlot when the Knights of Order attack. In Issue #102, she assists the rest of the Mane Six in the counterattack by helping to defeat Ceridwen.

In My Little Pony: Generations Issue #1, she and the rest of the School of Friendship teachers struggle with the influx of new students, and welcome three new teachers – Violet Shiver, Black Belle, and Shadow Storm – unaware that they are artificial ponies created by the witches Grackle and Dyre. In Issue #3, her class is disrupted by Silverstream and Ocellus, who have taken the new teachers’ mean-spirited lessons to heart. She later joins her friends in traveling to another world populated by different kinds of ponies. In Issue #4, she and her friends meet the Dream Valley ponies, and learn about their past encounter with their version of the Smooze. They then return to Ponyville with their new friends. In Issue #5, she witnesses Twilight’s experiment in curing corrupted ponies, and takes part in the final battle against the G1 Smooze.

Fluttershy appears on the My Little Pony (2022 comics) Issue #1 cover RI. In Issue #2, she appears in flashback, with Discord revealing that she and her friends created the Unity Crystals in order to ensure peace in Equestria. She appears in flashbacks again in Issue #6, and is revealed to have left a message for Discord, recorded in a magic crystal within the ruins of her cottage.

Other depictions

Fluttershy is voiced by Brittany Lauda in PlayDate Digital’s apps Fluttershy’s Famous Stare[1] and Power Ponies.[2]

Hasbro.com description

A graceful, fawn-like filly, Fluttershy’s gentle, serene ways makes her unusually attractive to all types of forest animals, whose care and well-being are her highest priority. She’d like nothing more than to spend every waking moment caring for her animal friends in her secluded meadow cottage, and that’s because Fluttershy is, well… shy. Sweet, soft-spoken, and often fearful, her pony friends treasure her kindness, but have to work hard to help her come out of her shell. To their surprise, however, she emits an intimidating strength when she witnesses someone else being treated unfairly. Fluttershy has a lot of fears to overcome, but certainly one day her strength of character and enormous heart will make her a force to be reckoned with![8]

Hasbro.com second description

It’s widely known that Fluttershy is kind to every creature in Equestria, no matter how big or small. Though she’s the soft-spoken member of the group, Fluttershy is a great cheerleader. Sweet and caring, she makes plenty of space in her tucked-away cottage for helping anyone in need of her love and care, especially her little animal friends. But don’t be fooled! When push comes to shove, she’ll always stand up for her friends![9]

HubNetwork.com description

Graceful Fluttershy has a special way with forest animals. Her favorite thing is to care for them in her quiet meadow cottage. That’s because Fluttershy is, well … shy. She’s sweet, soft-spoken, and kind of a scaredy-pony. Her friends love her for her kindness, and they work hard to bring her out of her shell.

Teacher for a Day description

A friend to the forest, Fluttershy is the gentle, soft-spoken member of the group. Sweet and caring, she makes plenty of space in her tucked-away cottage for helping anyone in need of her love and care, especially her little animal friends.

But don’t be fooled! Although she is timid, she is a determined pony with admirable strength. She always defends those who are treated unfairly. With an enormous heart and the ability to fly, this Pegasus pony is a gentle soul who always rises to the occasion and is always there when her friends need her![10]

My Little Pony (mobile game) descriptions

Representing the Element of Kindness, Fluttershy is a shy pony who loves to sing with her animal friends.
Breezie Fluttershy:
She already speaks Breezie—so she’ll have even less trouble fitting in!
Changeling Fluttershy:
Not only does she love all animals equally — she’s BEEN most of them, too!
Changelingverse Fluttershy:
Wow. Being besieged by an army of alternate-universe changelings has…actually done a lot for Fluttershy’s assertiveness. Who knew?
Dark Changeling Fluttershy:
Has the bad habit of accidentally scaring herself every time she looks in the mirror.
The original Vampire Pony, Fluttershy has since mastered the bestial instincts she feels in this form. After all—she’s great at talking to animals!
Future Fluttershy:
It isn’t ours to speculate on Fluttershy’s future, but a life of caring critters and charming chaos seem likely.
Ivy Fluttershy:
Red eyes plus an army of angry forest animals with spears equals VERY bad news.
Kirin Fluttershy:
Quiet enough to begin with that it’d be hard to tell whether the foal’s breath even works on her.
New Year’s Parade Fluttershy:
Always be kind to any lions you meet — and sometimes, dance like one.
Nirik Fluttershy:
She’s not angry; she’s just disappointed. … Okay, she is ALSO angry.
Pirate Fluttershy:
Um…excuse me…may…may we board your ship and steal all of your treasure, please…?
Retro Fluttershy:
She’s, like, totally cool with animals. And other ponies. And everything else. For sure.
Sombraverse Fluttershy:
Contrary to alt-historical Fluttershy’s foalhood dreams, a career spent giving sheep haircuts isn’t nearly as fun as it sounds.
Western Fluttershy:
What she wears when she wants to add a ‘Gila Monster & Jackalopes’ section to the animal sanctuary.
Young Fluttershy:
Just as kind—and just a kid!»


In the Signature My Little Pony magazine issue 69 comic Daring friends and the missing story!, Fluttershy appears at her cottage.[11]

My Little Pony magazine description

  • Graceful
  • Musical
  • Gentle

She’s rather shy and loves to sing with animal friends. Fluttershy is generous and sweet, sometimes a little too trusting and always eager to help.

The Elements of Harmony guidebook

FLUTTERSHY is a natural beauty with her gentle, serene ways. Despite her shy and unassuming nature, Fluttershy has a unique gift with animals. Her sweetness and sincerity can charm every animal, from tiny woodland creatures to the most powerful of mythical beasts, making her a valuable asset to her friends in all their adventures. Although she’s afraid of heights (very embarrassing for a Pegasus) and shies away at the slightest sound, Fluttershy has no problem confronting grumpy manticores or scolding greedy dragons. While she lacks confidence, she has an inner strength that comes out when others are in trouble. Fluttershy has a lot of fears to overcome, but one day her strength of character and enormous heart will make her a force to be reckoned with.

Volume II guidebook

When her pony pals are down in the dumps, Fluttershy swoops in to cheer them up in her own sweet and quiet way. She delights in the beauty of friendship and the nice feelings that come from being nice. Fluttershy is definitely a little bit meek, but she can be fierce when she needs to be. She’s faced her fears and grown a whole bunch, and she continues to build her self-confidence! Oh, and she loves her animals. A LOT! Even when they’re being naughty little critters. She’s probably the most in tune with creatures of the forest of all the ponies she calls her friends.

The Art of My Little Pony The Movie description

FLUTTERSHY is gentle and kind. Her sweetness and sincerity can charm any animal, from tiny woodland creatures to the most powerful, menacing storm creatures, making her an asset to her friends on all their adventures. Although she sometimes lacks confidence in herself, she has an inner strength that comes out when others are in trouble.

Fluttershy represents the Element of Kindness!

My Little Pony Essential Handbook

The sweetest pony there ever was, Fluttershy is kind and loves caring for all creatures. She is very shy, but if you make her cross, she’ll give you her stern stare.


On the back of the Canterlot toy set Royal Ball at Canterlot Castle, Fluttershy is printed wingless.This happens often on merchandise when she is rearing on her hind legs, as her hair obscures her wings. Sometimes only the tips of her wings can be seen.

On the back of the Crystal Empire variant of Design-A-Pony Fluttershy toy packaging, Fluttershy’s name appears as «FLUTTERSHYy»[sic],[12] with a registered trademark symbol in the monolingual version.[13]

On at least​[​specify​]​ the DVD Season Four Disc 3, closed captions for the episode It Ain’t Easy Being Breezies refer to Fluttershy as Shutterfly, a name used for her by Discord in the episode Princess Twilight Sparkle — Part 1.


See also: Character appearances
Y At least one appearance where the character is the focus of a shot
S At least one appearance where the character is the focus of a shot, without spoken dialogue or narration
B Background appearance or an appearance where the character is not the focus
F At least one appearance where the character is only in a flashback or fantasy-setting
P No physical appearance, but appears in a photo, drawing, or figure
M No appearance, but a mention by name or title
N No appearance and no mention by name or title
Season one

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Season two

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Season three

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Season four

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Season five

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Season six

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Season seven

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Season eight

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Season nine

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«Um, excuse me, sir. I mean no offense, but your rhythm is just a teeny tiny bit off.«
— Friendship is Magic, part 1
«A baby dragon! Oh, I’ve never seen a baby dragon before. He’s so cute.«
— Friendship is Magic, part 1
«Oh no, I’m doing this because you’re my very best friend. Right Angel? Oh, yes, we are just doing this for the ticket.«
— The Ticket Master
«I’m a year older than you.«
— To Pinkie Pie, Griffon the Brush Off
«How dare you? How dare you! Listen here, mister. Just because you’re big doesn’t mean you get to be a bully. You may have huge teeth, and sharp scales, and snore smoke, and breathe fire. But you do not—I repeat—You do not! Hurt! My! Friends! You got that?«
— Dragonshy
«[inhales] Yay.«
— Sonic Rainboom
«Oh no! I wouldn’t. I couldn’t. I-I don’t really have any control when it happens. It just happens. Really. I’m just good with animals. It’s my special gift, you know.«
— Stare Master
«Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, how about a game?«
— Stare Master
«Oh, Fluttershy. You’re such a loudmouth.«
— The Best Night Ever
«I’ll catch you yet, my pretties. Oh yes, as soon as one of you little birds or monkeys or bears touches this net, you’ll be mine! MINE! HahahaHAHAHA! «
— The Best Night Ever
«You’re… going to LOVE ME!’«
— The Best Night Ever
«Hey Twilight, what’s soaking wet and clueless? […] Your face!«
— The Return of Harmony Part 2
«That… big… dumb… meanie!«
— Referring to Discord, The Return of Harmony Part 2
«Nopony pushes new Fluttershy around! Nopony!’«
— Putting Your Hoof Down
«I can’t believe that the two most frivolous ponies in Ponyville are trying to tell new Fluttershy how to live her life, when they are throwing their own lives away on pointless pursuits that nopony else gives a flying feather about!«
— Putting Your Hoof Down
«I’m the monster.«
— Putting Your Hoof Down
«There is nothing fun about dragons. Scary: yes. Fun: NO!«
— Dragon Quest
«I will get my confidence up and show everypony that I am a good flyer! A great flyer!«
— Hurricane Fluttershy
«Dear Princess Celestia, sometimes you can feel like what you have to offer is too little to make a difference, but today, I learned that everypony’s contribution is important, no matter how small. If you just keep your head high, do your best, and believe in yourself, anything can happen!«
— Hurricane Fluttershy
«[gasp] Th-That’s one of the things, isn’t it?«
— The Crystal Empire — Part 1
«We knew for sure you would prevail.«
— During The Success Song, The Crystal Empire — Part 2
«[gasp] Mr. Beaverton Beaverteeth! Such language!«
— Keep Calm and Flutter On
«He can be a real sweetheart once you get to know him.«
— Referring to Discord, Keep Calm and Flutter On
— Castle Mane-ia
«Sometimes, being afraid can stop you from doing something that you love, but hiding behind these fears means you’re only hiding from your true self. It’s much better to face those fears so you can shine and be the best pony you can possibly be.«
— Filli Vanilli
«You really are the nicest ponies I’ve ever met.«
— The Cutie Map — Part 2
«Mmm, it’s so nice to be the pet for once.«
— Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep?
«I don’t know why I doubted myself for a second. Now this is what I call a perfect Nightmare Night.«
— Scare Master
«Um, if you could not maybe yell so much, or maybe stop saying words all together.«
— The Hooffields and McColts
«And I was worried that I’d fail every time! Sometimes you have to do things, even though you might fail.«
— To Zephyr Breeze, Flutter Brutter
«Well, guess what, Sassafras?! I’m Opposite Fluttershy, and I’m sick of being nice and quiet all the time!«
— To Opposite Discord, Dungeons & Discords
«My dream is to build a real animal sanctuary. A beautiful habitat where every animal – whether sick or scared or even just lonely, feathered or furry, scaly or slimy – every critter would be welcome. My sanctuary can be the one place in Equestria they call home ’til they feel ready to take on the world.«
— Fluttershy Leans In
«Listen up! I am more assertive! And yes, it took me a while to get there. But can you honestly say that you could learn something one time and completely change who you are? [beat] I didn’t think so.«
— Fame and Misfortune
«I really, really like… everything!«
My Little Pony Best Gift Ever
«It was actually kind of nice to be the pony who saved the day for once.«
My Little Pony Best Gift Ever
«Baby… dragon… hatching season?! [gasps] All those cute little snouts poking out of those adorable little shells?! Teeny, tiny, twitchy tails?! Can I go too?!«
— Sweet and Smoky
«Just you wait, Garble. You’re dealing with Fluttershy now, and she’s packin’ a whole lifetime of kindness!«
— Sweet and Smoky


Fluttershy bashful S4E16.png

Fluttershy image gallery

See also

  • Toys and merchandise
  • Fluttershy (EG)
  • Fluttershy on the Collectible Card Game Wiki
  • Fluttershy on the Fan Wiki
  • Fluttershy on the My Little Pony Gameloft Wiki
  • This article’s speculation page


  1. 1.0 1.1 Brittany Lauda (2014-04-24). Brittany’s Voice Roles — Brittany Lauda — Voice Actress. Facebook. Retrieved on 2014 July 18.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Brittany Lauda (2014-07-17). Brittany’s Voice Roles — Brittany Lauda — Voice Actress. Facebook. Retrieved on 2014 July 18.
  3. 追加キャストは沢城みゆきと加藤英美里 TVアニメ『マイリトルポニー ~トモダチは魔法~』4月2日より放送開始 (Japanese). オタラボ (2013-03-18). Retrieved on 2013 March 18.
  4. Jayson Thiessen at the 2012 New York Comic Con My Little Pony panel (2012-10-11). Retrieved on 2012 October 12.
  5. Lauren Faust (2013-11-29). Posey inspired Fluttershy. I did that tail-do when I was 8!. Twitter. Retrieved on 2013 December 2.
  6. Lauren Faust, Mary Jane Begin (2015-10-13). My Little Pony The Art of Equestria. Abrams Books. Retrieved on 2015 October 15.
  7. Lauren Faust (2011-08-30). Comment on The Stare by fyre-flye. DeviantArt. Retrieved on 2015 December 4.
  8. Meet The Ponies: Fluttershy. Hasbro.com. Retrieved on 2013 September 8.
  9. My Little Pony — Meet Fluttershy. Hasbro.com. Retrieved on 2013 September 8.
  10. Movie Clip Meet Fluttershy Video. Hasbro.com. Retrieved on 2013 September 8.
  11. MLP Comic — English. Imgur (2017-03-23). Retrieved on 2017 May 27.
  12. d384c5dabd9ffd1f9972baba58ea83d8_zpsb3949330.jpg (2013-05-27). Retrieved on 2013 June 9.
  13. design a pony fluttershy review part 1 (2013-04-23). Retrieved on 2013 June 9.

v  d  e


Leading characters (G4)
Twilight SparkleSpike Applejack Fluttershy Pinkie Pie Rainbow Dash Rarity
Twilight Sparkle • Spike Applejack Fluttershy Pinkie Pie Rainbow Dash Rarity
Leading characters (G5)
Sunny Starscout Izzy Moonbow Hitch Trailblazer Pipp Petals Zipp Storm
Sunny Starscout Izzy Moonbow Hitch Trailblazer Pipp Petals Zipp Storm
Supporting characters
Cutie Mark Crusaders
Sweetie Belle Apple Bloom Scootaloo
Babs Seed
Sweetie Belle Apple Bloom
Babs Seed



Princess Celestia • Princess Luna • Princess Platinum • Princess Cadance • Shining Armor • Prince Blueblood • Princess Amore • Prince Rutherford • Flurry Heart • Ember • Princess Skystar • Queen Novo

The Apple family

Big McIntosh • Granny Smith • Braeburn • Aunt and Uncle Orange • Hayseed Turnip Truck • Apple Strudel • Auntie Applesauce • Apple Rose • Goldie Delicious • Bright Mac

The Sparkle family

Twilight Velvet and Night Light

The Pie family

Limestone Pie and Marble Pie • Igneous Rock Pie and Cloudy Quartz • Maud Pie

The Shy family

Mr. and Mrs. Shy • Zephyr Breeze

The Cake family

Mr. and Mrs. Cake • Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake

The Rich family

Diamond Tiara • Filthy Rich • Spoiled Rich

The Pear family

Pear Butter • Grand Pear

School-age ponies

Silver Spoon • Twist • Snips • Snails • Sunny Daze and Peachy Pie • Pipsqueak • Featherweight • Rumble • Filly Guides • Zipporwhill • Tender Taps • Toola Roola and Coconut Cream • Wind Sprint


Hoity Toity • Photo Finish • Sapphire Shores • Fancy Pants • Jade Singer • Daring Do • Prim Hemline • Trenderhoof • Coloratura • Zesty Gourmand • Songbird Serenade


Shadowbolts • Boy Bullies • Diamond Dogs • Flim and Flam • Queen Chrysalis • King Sombra • Lightning Dust • Big Boy and Runt • Sunflower • Mane-iac (henchponies) • Suri Polomare • Lord Tirek • The Dazzlings (Adagio Dazzle • Sonata Dusk • Aria Blaze) • North Star • King Longhorn • Principal Cinch • Wind Rider • Svengallop • Gladmane • The Storm King • Cozy Glow • Sludge • Grogar
Reformed: Gilda • Trixie • Discord • Ahuizotl • Garble • Larry • Sunset Shimmer • Snips and Snails • Buck Withers • Dr. Caballeron (henchponies) • Starlight Glimmer • Shadow Lock • Juniper Montage • Stygian • Tempest Shadow • Grubber • Wallflower Blush • Chancellor Neighsay • Vignette Valencia • Kiwi Lollipop and Supernova Zap


Spitfire • Soarin • Blaze • Surprise • Fire Streak • Misty Fly • Silver Zoom • Fleetfoot • High Winds • Thunderlane


Nurse Redheart • Dr. Horse • Dr. Fauna • Doctor Horse • Nurse ponies

Pillars of Old Equestria

Star Swirl the Bearded • Rockhoof • Mistmane • Flash Magnus • Somnambula • Mage Meadowbrook

Young Six

Sandbar • Gallus • Smolder • Yona • Ocellus • Silverstream

Other pony characters

8-bit • All Aboard • Angel Wings • Autumn Blaze • Barley Barrel • Blossomforth • Bow Hothoof • Bulk Biceps • Chancellor Puddinghead • Charity Sweetmint • Cheerilee • Cheese Sandwich • Cherry Jubilee • Claude • Clear Skies • Clear Sky • Cloud Chaser • Clover the Clever • Coco Pommel • Commander Hurricane • Cookie Crumbles • Coriander Cumin • Davenport • Double Diamond • Fawn Doo • Feather Bangs • Firelight • Flash Sentry • Flax Seed • Fleur de Lis • Flitter • Fluffy Clouds • Gaffer • Gallant True • Gizmo • Golden Gavel • The Headless Horse • Aunt Holiday • Hondo Flanks • Hoofbeard • Hooffield and McColt families • Mr. and Mrs. Hoofington • Inkwell • Inky Rose • Jack Pot • Jet Set • Joe • Junebug • Kerfuffle • Lily Lace • Auntie Lofty • Luster Dawn • Mane Allgood • Marcie Pan • Mare Do Well • Mayor Mare • Method Mares • Moody Root • Moon Dancer • Mr. Breezy • Mr. Paleo • Mr. Stripes • Mrs. Paleo • Ms. Harshwhinny • Ms. Peachbottom • Mudbriar • Night Glider • Open Skies • Party Favor • Petunia Paleo • Petunia Petals • Pickle Barrel • Plaid Stripes • Pony Pickers • The Pony Tones • Ponyacci • Power Ponies • Private Pansy • Quibble Pants • Radiant Hope • Randolph • Roma • Royal guards • Saffron Masala • Sassy Saddles • Sheriff Silverstar • Silver Frames • Silver Shill • Sky Stinger • Smart Cookie • Snap Shutter • Spa ponies • Spearhead • Starstreak • Steamer • Stellar Eclipse • Stellar Flare • Sugar Belle • Sunburst • Sunny Skies • Sunshower • Sunspot • Swan Song • Teddie Safari • Torque Wrench • Tree Hugger • Trouble Shoes • Upper Crust • Vapor Trail • Wheat Grass • Windy Whistles

Non-pony characters

Steven Magnet • Zecora • Little Strongheart • Chief Thunderhooves • Cranky Doodle Donkey • Matilda • Iron Will • Gustave le Grand • Mulia Mild • Seabreeze • Scorpan • The Smooze • Grampa Gruff • Greta • Thorax • Pharynx • Capper • Captain Celaeno • Terramar • Tree of Harmony • Sky Beak • Ocean Flow

Equestria Girls characters

Humans • The Rainbooms (Fluttershy • Pinkie Pie • Applejack • Rarity • Rainbow Dash) • DJ Pon-3 • Sandalwood • Micro Chips • Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon • Flash Sentry • Miss Cheerilee • Photo Finish • Cutie Mark Crusaders • Principal Celestia • Big McIntosh • Trixie and the Illusions • Granny Smith • Vice Principal Luna • Cranky Doodle • Lyra Heartstrings and Sweetie Drops • Bulk Biceps • Maud Pie • Pony Pickers • Violet Blurr and Pixel Pizzaz • Shadowbolts (Twilight Sparkle (Sci-Twi) • Sunny Flare • Sour Sweet • Indigo Zap • Sugarcoat • Lemon Zest) • Gloriosa Daisy • Timber Spruce • Canter Zoom • Chestnut Magnifico • Zephyr Breeze

Animal companions

Constance • Angel • Winona • Opalescence • Gummy • Philomena • Owlowiscious • Harry • Tank • Peewee • Spike • Smoky’s family


Dragons • Griffons • Parasprites • Phoenixes • Windigos • Timberwolves • Cerberus • Changelings • Plunderseeds • Breezies • Seaponies and mermares

Background characters
Earth ponies

Ace Point • Amira • Apple Brown Betty • Apple Bumpkin • Apple Cider • Apple Cinnamon • Apple Cobbler • Apple Dumpling • Apple Fritter • Apple Honey • Apple Leaves • Apple Munchies • Apple Split • Barber Groomsby • Beauty Brass • Berry Dreams • Berryshine • Bill Neigh • Blueberry Curls • Bumblesweet • Bushel • Business Savvy • Candy Apples • Candy Mane • Caramel • Caramel Apple • Cathy O’Mara • Charged Up • Chelsea Porcelain • Cherry Berry • Cherry Fizzy • Cherry Gold • Count Caesar • Crusoe Palm • Daisy • Dance Fever • Dane Tee Dove • Dr. Hooves • Eclair Crème • Eiffel • Emerald Green • Felix • Fetter Keys • Fiddly Twang • Florina Tart • Gala Appleby • Globe Trotter • Golden Delicious • Golden Harvest • Goldengrape • Green Jewel • Haakim • Half Baked Apple • Hughbert Jellius • Jeff Letrotski • Joan Pommelway • Jonagold • Lady Gaval • Lavender Bloom • Lavender Fritter • Leadwing • Lilac Links • Lily Valley • Long Shot • Luckette • Lucky Clover • Lucky Star • Lyrica Lilac • MandoPony • Meadow Song • Minty • Mjölna • Mr. Greenhooves • Mr. Waddle • Neighl Page • Noteworthy • Octavia Melody • Parcel Post • Parish Nandermane • Peachy Sweet • Pearly Stitch • Pegasus Olsen • Perfect Pace • Perfect Pie • Purple Wave • Pursey Pink • Raven Inkwell • Real Article • Red Delicious • Red Gala • Rivet • Roger Silvermane • Rose • Royal Riff • Ruby Splash • Sand Trap • Savoir Fare • Screwball • Screwy • Sealed Scroll • September • Serena • Shoeshine • Shooting Star • Silver Berry • Sir Pony Moore • Snappy Scoop • Spring Forward • Star Gazer • Star Spur • Strawberry Ice • Sweetie Drops • Tall Order • Tealove • Theodore Donald «Donny» Kerabatsos • Twilight Sky • Vidala Swoon • Walter • Wensley • Wisp • S01E26 Unnamed Earth Mare #1


Big Shot • Buddy • Celena • Cloud Kicker • Compass Star • Crafty Crate • Derpy • Diamond Rose • Drizzle • Eff Stop • Fast Clip • Foggy Fleece • Helia • Honey Rays • Jack Hammer • Jetstream • Lilac Sky • Lily Blossom • Mane Moon • Meadow Flower • Merry May • Orange Swirl • Parasol • Pizzelle • Prim Posy • Rainbow Blaze • Rainbow Swoop • Rainbowshine • Sassaflash • Serenity • Silver Script • Silverspeed • Spring Step • Sprinkle Medley • Star Hunter • Starburst • Starry Eyes • Stormfeather • Strawberry Sunrise • Sugar Grape • Sunny Rays • Sunshower Raindrops • Surprise • Thorn • Tracy Flash • Warm Front • Whiplash • White Lightning • Whitewash • Wild Fire


Amethyst Star • Apple Stars • Banana Fluff • Bittersweet • Blue Moon • Burning Heart • Cayenne • Charm • Cherry Spices • Citrus Blush • Comet Tail • Dark Moon • Diamond Mint • DJ Pon-3 • Electric Sky • Fine Line • Firecracker Burst • Four Step • Holly Dash • Juno • Lemon Hearts • Lemony Gem • Love Melody • Lyra Heartstrings • Magnet Bolt • Minuette • Moonlight Raven • Neon Lights • North Point • Peachy Pitt • Pinny Lane • Ponet • Press Release • Rainbow Stars • Rare Find • Royal Pin • Royal Ribbon • Sea Swirl • Silver Spanner • Star Bright • Sunshine Petals • Sunshine Smiles • Sweetcream Scoops • Top Marks • Twinkleshine • Whoa Nelly • Written Script

Crystal Ponies

Amethyst Maresbury • Autumn Gem • Bright Smile • Crystal Beau • Elbow Grease • Fleur De Verre • Ivory Rook • Night Knight • Rubinstein • Sapphire Joy


Apple Flora • Aura • Bolt • Button Mash • Candy Caramel Tooth • Cotton Cloudy • Dinky Doo • Finish Line • Hairpin Turn • Liza Doolots • Mango Dash • Natural Satellite • Noi • Piña Colada • Princess Erroria • Rainy Feather • Ruby Pinch • Saturnalia • Shady Daze • Strike • Sweet Pop • Tornado Bolt • Truffle

Non-pony characters


Equestria Girls characters

Derpy • Octavia Melody

Для пони-аналога этого персонажа, смотрите Флаттершай

Флаттершай (англ. Fluttershy) — человек, появляющийся в серии фильмов «My Little Pony Девочки из Эквестрии». Она является ученицей Лицея Кантерлот, работает волонтёром в приюте для животных и играет на бубне в группе Рэйнбумс.

Представление в фильмах

My Little Pony Девочки из Эквестрии

Флаттершай в фильме «Девочки из Эквестрии».

В фильме «My Little Pony: Девочки из Эквестрии» Флаттершай впервые показывается, когда над ней издевается Сансет Шиммер. После того, как Сумеречная Искорка заступается за неё, она представляется. Флаттершай говорит Искорке, что она нашла её корону за пределами Лицея Кантерлот и её взяла на хранение Директор Селестия. Позже она присоединяется к Искорке в столовой во время обеда и объясняет, как всё устроено в лицее, отметив все социальные различия групп и что Сансет Шиммер управляет всеми ими.

После того как Искорка, пытающаяся поладить с компьютером в библиотеке, заснята на видео (снято Снипсом и Снэйлсом по приказу Сансет Шиммер), Флаттершай приходит ей на помощь, как и остальные из Основной Шестерки. Это показывает, что пятёрка рассорилась в результате происков Сансет Шиммер. Флаттершай особенно не нравится Пинки Пай, которая испортила её тихий аукцион приюта для животных, принеся трещотки. Когда Искорка показывает им, что во всем этом виновата Сансет Шиммер, они примиряются и помогают Искорке стать Принцессой Осеннего Бала.

Когда Сансет надевает корону Искорки и превращается в злобную демонессу, Флаттершай на короткое время получает силу Элемента Гармонии и получает пониподобные атрибуты.

My Little Pony Девочки из Эквестрии: Радужный рок

Флаттершай играет на бубне в фильме «Радужный рок».

В сиквеле к фильму «My Little Pony Девочки из Эквестрии: Радужный рок» Флаттершай является членом группы Рэйнбумс, где играет на бубне. Также было сказано, что она была автором песен, когда она просила Радугу Дэш исполнить песню, которую она написала, в Рэйнбумс.

На протяжении всего фильма Флаттершай то и дело спорит со своими друзьями из группы из-за некоторых разногласий, в основном из-за отказов Радуги Дэш исполнять её песни. Сансет Шиммер помогает им помириться, и Рэйнбумс исполняют песню Флаттершай как вторую часть песни «Битва настаёт».

Music to My Ears

Флаттершай на короткий промежуток времени появляется в Сахарном Дворце с её друзьями, помахав DJ Pon-3, когда она заходит.

Guitar Centered

Флаттершай появляется со своими друзьями в музыкальном магазине и следит за схваткой между Радугой Дэш и Трикси.

Hamstocalypse Now

Флаттершай обнаруживает талант к игре на бубне.

В анимационной короткометражке Hamstocalypse Now Флаттершай является смотрителем в приюте животных. Она оставляет большую группу хомячков на попечение Рарити, пока чистит их клетку. Когда хомяков становится слишком много для того, чтобы Рарити справилась с ними, Флаттершай гипнотизирует и успокаивает непослушных грызунов игрой на бубне. Когда она играет, она принимает форму полу-пони.

Pinkie on the One

Флаттершай ненадолго появляется в конце короткометражки, наблюдая как Пинки Пай отрывается на барабанах.

Player Piano

Появление Флаттершай в основном не очень заметно в короткометражке: она наблюдает, как Рарити играет на клавитаре.

A Case for the Bass

Флаттершай появляется со своими друзьями, когда Эпплджек торгуется с Флимом и Флэмом из-за бас-гитары, в один момент презрительно глядя на этих двоих за то, что они сжульничали.

Shake Your Tail

Флаттершай поёт заглавную песню вместе с друзьями и помогает подготовить зал для представления «Рэйнбумс», кратко появляясь в сцене с животными.

Perfect Day for Fun

В короткометражке Флаттершай идет на школьный карнавал вместе с Искоркой. Когда они играют в «Прибей Крота», она гладит крота, вместо того чтобы бить его. Однако она выбивает игрушку, похожую на Дискорда, из рук Искорки. Она встречается с остальными своими друзьями в фотобудке. Судя по серии фотографий, Искорка и Эпплджек затаскивают её в комнату смеха. В то время, как Искорка и Эпплджек испугались дома, Флаттершай показывает безразличие к нему. Она и её друзья появляются на колесе обозрения в конце короткометражки.

Пора расстаться с прошлым

Флаттершай ненадолго появляется в воспоминаниях Сансет Шиммер, когда она вспоминает своё поражение в первом фильме.

Дружба будет вечной

Флаттершай исполняет песню с Рэйнбумс и, счастливая, взаимодействует с Сансет Шиммер и группой животных в поле с цветами.

Девочки из Эквестрии: Игры Дружбы

Флаттершай участвует в стрельбе из лука на мероприятии Игры Дружбы.

Флаттершай снова появляется в фильме «My Little Pony Девочки из Эквестрии: Игры дружбы», где соревнуется с Кристальной академией в команде Вандеркольтов Школы Кантерлота. Она помогает выиграть Пинки Пай соревнование по выпеканию в Академическом десятиборье, но терпит поражение в соревновании по произношению слов, так как неправильно выговаривает слово «иммиграция». Позже Флаттершай в паре с Эпплджек участвует в стрельбе из лука на Эстафете по трикроссу, где чудом попадает прямо в яблочко.

На протяжении игр Флаттершай сближается с Сумеречной Искоркой из мира людей на основе их общей привычки тайно проносить своих питомцев в школу. Она позволяет Искорке подержать Энджела, чтобы подбодрить её, когда та расстраивается. Данное проявление доброты способствует перевоплощению Флатттершай, но внезапно её магию поглощает устройство Искорки, похожее на кулон. Позже магия к ней возвращается, и она с её помощью наделяет силой Сансет Шиммер, чтобы вернуть Искорку в нормальное русло после превращения последней в Полуночную Искорку.

Наука волшебства

В этой короткометражке Сансет пытается увидеть, как работает магия. При проверке магии на Флаттершай та начинает бить в бубен, звуковые волны на мониторе Сансет и превращаются в бабочек. После того как Флаттершай принимает форму полупони, из неё начинают вылетать бабочки.

Девочки из Эквестрии: Легенды Вечнозелёного леса

Флаттершай получает способность общения с животными.

В четвёртом фильме франшизы Флаттершай едет со своими друзьями и одноклассниками в Лагерь Эверфри, где выражает желание прогуляться на природе и пообщаться с дикими животными. В лагере она получает Аметистовую палатку вместе с DJ Pon-3. Там же магия Флаттершай подвергается кардинальному изменению: она получает способность общения с животными.

Флаттершай помогает своим товарищам-Вандеркольтам построить новый причал Лагеря Эверфри в качестве «подарка будущим гостям». Как только Глориосой Дейзи овладевает эквестрийская магия и Искорка преодолевает свои страхи о Полуночной Искорке, Флаттершай помогает друзьям победить Глориосу. Также она принимает участие в организации сбора средств на Хрустальном балу, дабы не допустить закрытия Лагеря Эверфри.

Девочки из Эквестрии: Магия танца

В короткометражке «Магия танца» Флаттершай помогает своим друзьям собрать деньги на Лагерь Эверфри. Также она принимает участие в видео «Магия танца».

Девочки из Эквестрии: Магия кино

В короткометражке «Магия кино» Флаттершай сопровождает друзей к реквизитам для фильма о Дэринг Ду: она хочет, чтобы актриса и защитница прав животных Честнат Магнифико подписала её петицию, дабы привлечь в СШК больше тех, кто бы кормил птиц. Также её ошибочно принимают за актрису в фильме о Суперпони и выбирают в роли Свирепого Седла. В конце Флаттершай играет важную роль в разоблачении злодейства и обмана Джунипер Монтаж и потом принимает роль в фильме о Дэринг Ду.

Девочки из Эквестрии: Магия зеркала

В короткометражке «Магия зеркала» Флаттершай вместе с друзьями попадает в межвременье, где Джунипер Монтаж достаёт зеркало с магией из Эквестрии. Как только Старлайт Глиммер удаётся убедить Джунипер их отпустить, Флаттершай и друзья прощают её и принимают как нового друга.

Представление в комиксах

Флаттершай появляется в My Little Pony Annual 2013. Она пытается рассказать Санфловер о её больной собаке и в конце концов делает это в конце, ухаживая за ней в семейной клинике. Радуга Дэш упоминает, что она и Флаттершай были в Средней Школе Клаудсдейла.

В My Little Pony: Equestria Girls Holiday Special принимает участие в серии ночных посиделок Сансет Шиммер. На одной из ночных посиделок она на короткое время увлекается гоночными видео играми о животных. Она также становится жертвой кибер-издевательств, когда «Анон-а-мисс» публикует досадное видео про неё в интернете.

Другие представления

Девочки из Эквестрии представление

Во всей Школе Кантерлота не сыщется более доброй души, чем Флаттершай. Она всегда готова помочь другу в беде, особенно четырехлапым ребятам с мягкой шерстью. Можете спросить у животных из подпольного агентства по устройству питомцев, которое она открыла у себя в школьном ящике или тех, которых она прячет в своем рюкзаке. Все они скажут вам только то, что Флаттершай всегда ставит нужды других выше своих. Сама она, конечно, вам такого не скажет, потому что она немного…ну…скромная. Сейчас ей стоит собрать всю свою смелость и найти внутреннюю силу, чтобы помочь её самому новому другу в беде — Сумеречной Искорке. К счастью, на её стороне самая волшебная сила из всех — сила дружбы![1].

Радужный рок представление

Флаттершай поддерживает всё замечательной игрой на бубне с Рэйнбумс! Ей могут не понравиться прожекторы, но она может это преодолеть, чтобы помочь своим друзьям. Она готова получать удовольствие от песни, которая подчеркивает гармонию магии дружбы![2].

Игры дружбы представление

Флаттершай — это всё, что надо знать о помощи товарищам по команде! [3].

My Little Pony (мобильная игра)

Флаттершай доступна для танца в мини-игре «Танцы Девочки из Эквестрии» в My Little Pony (мобильной игре) от Gameloft.


Fluttershy Equestria Girls doll.jpg

Несколько кукл Флаттершай были выпущены для My Little Pony: Девочки из Эквестрии: в «Оригинальной Серии Один» куклу с расчёской и бабочку-аксессуар с зажимом, роскошное платье куклы с дополнительными аксессуарами и локоном волос, кукла поддерживается в упаковке «Лицей Кантерлот Пеп Ралли Сет», в «Девочки из Эквестрии Коллекция» больше напоминает персонажа из фильмов и в «Бюджетная Серия» с отваливающимися волосами.

Четыре куклы также были выпущены для My Little Pony Девочки из Эквестрии: Радужный Рок: кукла с пропуском за кулисы, кукла вместе с расчёской, гитарой и пони Флаттершай; «Неон» кукла с пропуском за кулисы и гарнитурой; и кукла «Клёвая Причёска» с локоном волос.

Ещё две Флаттершай были выпущены для My Little Pony Девочки из Эквестрии: Игры дружбы: кукла «Спортивный Стиль» с луком и стрелами и кукла «Дух Школы».

Флаттершай готической тематики «Время Сиять» с большими черными и зелеными крыльями была выпущена в линии игрушек под меткой «Понимания».

Миниатюрные шарнирные куклы Флаттершай были выпущены зимой 2015 года в рамках линии игрушек «Девочки из Эквестрии Минис».[4][5]

Флаттершай появляется как пони в Эквестрия фан-разработке WeLoveFine на арт принте «Девочки в Эквестрии».


Fluttershy nuzzling her pet cat EG3.png

Как и её двойник-пони, Флаттершай, как правило, очень робкая и застенчивая. Она говорит едва слышным шепотом, когда она впервые встречает Искорку в первом фильме, и сжимается от всеобщего внимания в «Радужном Роке».

Флаттершай искренне восхищается животными; она мгновенно раскрывается перед Искоркой, когда она видит Спайка в первый раз. Она регулярно проносит своих домашних животных в школу в рюкзаке и является смотрителем приюта для животных. Когда Спайк показывает, что он может говорить и что он на самом деле дракон, Флаттершай оказывается очень рада встретить говорящее животное.

Сильная черта характера Флаттершай — это её доброта, которая показана при её взаимодействии с животными и различными персонажами. В «Играх дружбы» она пытается подбодрить Искорку, несмотря на то, что она из школы-конкурента. Она также более решительна и уверена в себе во втором и третьем фильме и в присоединенных короткометражках, чем в первом фильме.


Кажется, мы раньше не встречались. Ты перевелась в Лицей Кантерлот из другой школы?

– К Сумеречной Искорке, My Little Pony Девочки из Эквестрии.

Вот тебе совет. Не принимай её помощь. Она слишком несерьёзная!

– О Пинки Пай, My Little Pony Девочки из Эквестрии.

Леди и джентельхомяки, пожалуйста! Так, я знаю, что вы все расстроены, но почему бы нам всем не пойти домой и не обсудить всё там?

– Hamstocalypse Now.

Я пишу песни! Только ты не позволяешь нам их исполнять!

My Little Pony Девочки из Эквестрии: Радужный рок.

Хорошо, что я не учусь в Кристальной академии.

My Little Pony Девочки из Эквестрии: Игры дружбы.

О, ну почему с нами всё время случается такое?

My Little Pony Девочки из Эквестрии: Легенды Вечнозелёного леса.

Я уничтожу всех своих врагов.

My Little Pony: Equestria Girls Holiday Special.


Fluttershy wide eyes EG.png


  1. МЛПДиЭ Встречайте Флаттершай. Hasbro.com. Проверено 8 сентября 2013.
  2. Флаттершай — МЛП: Девочки из Эквестрии Биографии Персонажей — Радужный Рок. Hasbro.com. Проверено 31 июля 2014.
  3. Флаттершай — МЛП: Девочки из Эквестрии Биографии Персонажей — Friendship Games. Hasbro.com. Проверено 27 июля 2015.
  4. Девочки из Эквестрии Минис Объявленные Хасбро на NYCC. Осси. Всё о Товарах МЛП. (2015-10-08). Проверено 8 ноября 2015.
  5. Найдены изображения с Ночевкой Флаттершай и Сумеречной Искоркой «Девочки из Эквестрии Минис». Илона. Всё о Товарах МЛП. (2015-11-08). Проверено 8 ноября 2015.
«Канон Лорен Фауст»: к доработке

Обязательные критерии:

  • Статья на тему MLP:FiM
  • В статье упоминаются планы Лорен Фауст на этот счёт или её рассказ о том, какие идеи мелькали за кулисами.
  • Подходит «фанатское творчество» Лорен Фауст, придуманное и созданное после её ухода из сериала, в том числе шуточное. Если есть сведения о каноничности этого творчества с точки зрения Лорен Фауст, они должны быть и в статье.
  • Источники чётко проставлены и точно процитированы.
  • Если есть информация о том, как эти идеи повлияли на официальные произведения, желательно добавить это в статью.

Критерии дисквалификации:

  • Статьи об элементах канона, придуманных Лорен Фауст и принятых в сериал неизменными — это просто канон MLP.
  • Грубые ошибки правописания или стиля, фактические ошибки, плохое иллюстрирование.
Флаттершай | Fluttershy

FS Character0097.png
Каноничная внешность в 8 сезоне

Значение имени: пугливая и порхающая

  • Flutterbat «Флаттершай-нетопырь» (для случаев превращения в вампира)
  • Flutterguy «Флаттершай-мужик» (под действием басового проклятья)
  • Summer Azure «летнее небо», Spring Blossoms «весенние цветы», Petalwing «цветочные крылья» и Meadowbrook «луговой ручей» (рассматривались Лорен Фауст при создании персонажа)
Метка три розовые бабочки
Раса пони-пегас
Пол женский
Возраст старше основной шестёрки на 1 год
Облик обводка тела тело

обводка гривы грива

зрачок1 зрачок2[1]

Характер Кроткий, заботливый, трусливый, но в некоторых ситуациях строгий, решительный и отважный
Умения Общение со зверями и забота о них, познания в зоологии и ветеринарии, строгий взгляд, шитьё, пение. Летает плохо.
Биография Жила в Клаудсдейле, пока случайно не попала на землю, где нашла своё призвание. Олицетворяет элемент Доброты и вместе с основной шестёркой победила предотвратила множество угроз Эквестрии. Подружилась с Дискордом.

Основная шестёрка (лучшие друзья), кролик Ангел (домашний питомец), медведь Гарри (друг), Дискорд (друг), мистер и миссис Шай (родители), Зефир Бриз (брат)

Автор Лорен Фауст
Поколение G4
Появления мультсериал «My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic», четвёртое поколение игрушек MLP
Прообразы Posey (G1), Sky Skimmer (G2), Fluttershy (G3)
У этого термина есть и другое значение: Версии Fluttershy — другие персонажи с таким именем в цикле My Little Pony.

Флаттершай — пони-пегас из мультсериала My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, одна из главных героев. Очень робкая, пугливая и тихая. Она почти всё время проводит с животными, в основном с дикими, и заботясь о них. Её талант также связан с животными (что очень редко для пегасов, живущих в облачных домах), а личная метка — три розовые бабочки. Тихий голос Флаттершай внимательно слушают кролики (в особенности её нахальный любимец по кличке Ангел), хорьки, певчие птички. Впрочем, за кротостью Флаттершай кроется умение стоять на своём и неизвестная ей самой большая отвага.

Флаттершай представляет Элемент Доброты.


  • 1 Имя
  • 2 История создания
  • 3 Характер
  • 4 Биография
  • 5 Отношения с другими персонажами
    • 5.1 Дискорд
    • 5.2 Прочие
  • 6 См. также
  • 7 Примечания
  • 8 Ссылки


Имя Fluttershy можно дословно перевести как «Трепещущая Робость». Словом flutter обозначают трепетание крыльев бабочки или маленькой птички (на кьютимарке Флаттершай именно бабочки). Этим же словом описывают нежные чувства и ассоциации: сердце трепещет в груди (вариант: словно внутри трепещет рой бабочек), дама затрепетала ресницами; когда дама предлагает руку для поцелуя — рука должна трепетать как птичка… Слово shy в староанглийском языке означало «легко пугающийся» и применялось только к лошадям[2].

История создания[править]

Заметки: Описание персонажа в производственной библии 2009 года

Внешность и частично характер Флаттершай основана на Posey — земной пони из первого поколения. Помимо игрушки, Posey появилась в мультфильме «Escape From Catrina» и затем в качестве одного из главных героев — в мультсериале «My Little Pony & Friends». Она любила цветы и красоту, ухаживала за садом, по-матерински относилась к малышам. Posey была одним из любимых персонажей и, главное, игрушек Лорен Фауст[3], поэтому в свой изначальный дизайн новых пони она включила именно Posey, земную пони, с почти такими же цветами и кьютимаркой, как в оригинальном сериале. Однако Hasbro утратили права на имя и образ старой пони, поэтому в персонажа были добавлены элементы земной пони Fluttershy из третьего поколения[4], которая, однако, не появлялась в анимации. Характер на игрушках описывался как «любит делать фотографии», так что за исключением имени и бабочек на кьютимарке новая «Posey» ничего от неё не взяла. Флаттершай сделали пегасом, когда решили сделать Пинки земной пони вместо пегаса (изначально она была переделкой пони первого поколения Surprise), так как в команде должно было быть по две пони каждой расы.

В качестве имени также рассматривались Summer Azure (Летнее небо, коротко — Лето), Spring Blossoms (Весенние цветы), Petalwing (Цветочные крылья) и Meadowbrook (Луговой ручей)[5]. Последнее в итоге было использовано для Mage Meadowbrook — целительницы из истории Эквестрии, ассоциированной с Флаттершай в конце седьмого сезона. Их схожесть также подчёркивается одинаковой формой глаз.

«Взгляд» — способность робкой Флаттершай усмирять подопечных строгим взглядом — Лорен Фауст списала с манеры своей матери[6].

  • Скетчи Флаттершай от Лорен Фауст для производственной библии. 2008 год
  • Поющая Флаттершай

  • «Взгляд»


Скромница и тихоня, ласковая и чуткая к нуждам любого живого существа и пони. Наивная, неконфликтная, ей легко манипулировать. Очень ранима и пуглива, страшно боится сцены. Грациозна и прекрасно поет. Способности к полёту у Флаттершай достаточно высоки, но из-за своей застенчивости она боится демонстрировать их. Умеет шить не хуже Рэрити.

Глаза Флаттершай особенно выразительны, в которых притаилась способность загипнотизировать любое живое существо — Взгляд. В одной из серий она этим взглядом блокирует магию кокалиска (василиска в виде петуха, обитателя мира MLP), не только сама выдерживая его взгляд, но и заставив расколдовать остальных пони. «Взгляду Флаттершай» невозможно противостоять, под его воздействием все успокаиваются. Никогда не применяла Взгляд на пони, хотя в шутку припугивала Меткоискателей.

Со временем научилась проявлять твердость и даже жесткость характера (например, только она способна расстроить Рэйнбоу Дэш до слез, сказав ей правду о привычке черепах спать зимой). Единственная, кого слушается Дискорд, для которого она самый близкий пони-друг.


Как и Рэйнбоу Дэш родилась в Клаудсдейле. Когда ее задирали хулиганы, а Рэйнбоу за нее заступилась. Флаттершай очень плохо летала и никогда не спускалась на землю до событий, показанных в эпизоде «The Cutie Mark Chronicles». Впервые оказавшись на земле, она была поражена животными, птицами и насекомыми, которых никогда не видела в Клаудсдейле. Внезапный радужный удар Рэйнбоу позволил Флаттершай обнаружить в себе способность общаться с животными и кьютимарку.

Во время событий сериала Флаттершай проживает на окраине Понивиля около Вечнодикого леса и ухаживает за животными.

Отношения с другими персонажами[править]


Её особый друг и самый популярный фанатский пейринг, который стал каноном — в конце девятого сезона показано что она в будущем живёт в доме Дискорда в измерении хаоса. Хотя как таковых супружеских отношений не показали и авторы отдают это на интерпритацию.

В серии She Talks to Angel (девятый сезон) кролик Энджел в теле Флатершай выдаёт Доктор Фауна секрет Флатершай — «Я общаюсь с животными, я хочу замуж за Дискорда» (I talk to animals, I wanna marry Discord…).


Её лучшие подруги это Рарити и Три Хаггер.

См. также[править]

  • Flutterbat
  • Marble Pie


  1. из «The Art of My Little Pony: The Movie»
  2. согласно Оксфордскому словарю
  3. Posey inspired Fluttershy. I did that tail-do when I was 8!
  4. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic — Image #366,785
  5. Согласно «The Art of Equestria»
  6. «The Stare» was based on something my Mom used to do. I think lots of people’s moms do the stare.
  7. Джим Миллер (Big Jim) — Open to interpretation. В Твиттер


  • Флаттершай на MLP Wiki
  • Метка fluttershy на derpibooru
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Core 7 Twilight Sparkle • Applejack • Fluttershy • Pinkie Pie • Rainbow Dash • Rarity • Spike
Аликорны Принцесса Селестия • Принцесса Луна • Принцесса Кэденс • Принцесса дружбы • Flurry Heart

Найтмер Мун • Дискорд • Король Сомбра • Королева Кризалис • Лорд Тирек •

Старлайт Глиммер • Сансет Шиммер • Трио сирен • Темпест Шэдоу • Коузи Глоу

Фоновые Derpy Hooves • Vinyl Scratch • Octavia Melody • Lyra Heartstrings • Dr. Hooves • другие

Земные пони • Пегасы • Единороги • Аликорны • Кристальные пони • Зебры

Бризи • Бэтпони • Умбры • Чейнджлинги • Морские пони/Гиппогрифы • Мермары

Другие Драконы • Грифоны • Яки • Ослы • Олени • Быки • Кирины
Комиксы Friendship is Magic • Micro-Series • Friends Forever • FIENDship is Magic • Legends of Magic • The Movie: Prequel
Списки Песни • Эпизоды • Книги • Уроки дружбы: 1 сезон, 2 сезон, 3 сезон
Фэндом Equestria Daily • FIMFiction.net • MLP Wiki • derpibooru • everypony.ru • Творчество: Fallout: Equestria
My Little Pony
Core 7
Поколение 1
Первая шестёрка (1982—1983) Cotton Candy • Minty • Butterscotch • Blue Belle • Blossom • Snuzzle
My Little Pony ‘n Friends Firefly • Megan • Spike • Magic Star • Wind Whistler • Fizzy • Gusty
My Little Pony Tales Sweetheart • Starlight • Clover • Patch • Bon Bon • Bright Eyes • Melody
Поколение 2 Sundance (Sunsparkle) • Light Heart • Sweet Berry • Ivy
Поколение 3 Pinkie Pie • Minty • Rainbow Dash • Sunny Daze • Wysteria • Cotton Candy • Sweetberry • Sparkleworks
Поколение 3,5 Pinkie Pie • Rainbow Dash • Scootaloo • Cheerilee • Toola-Roola • StarSong • Sweetie Belle
Поколение 4 Twilight Sparkle • Applejack • Fluttershy • Pinkie Pie • Rainbow Dash • Rarity • Spike
Поколение 5 Sunny Starscout • Izzy Moonbow • Hitch Trailblazer • Zipp Storm • Pipp Petals
Поколение 1 My Little Pony Special (1984) • Escape from Catrina (1985) • The Movie (1986) • My Little Pony and Friends (1986—1987) • My Little Pony Tales (1992)
Поколение 3 A Charming Birthday (2003) • Dancing in the Clouds (2004) • Friends Are Never Far Away (2005) • A Very Minty Christmas (2005) • The Princess Promenade (2006) • The Runaway Rainbow (2006) • A Very Pony Place (2007) • Pinkie Pie’s Special Day (2008) • Rainbow Dash’s Special Day (2008) • Meet The Ponies (2008)
Поколение 3,5 Twinkle Wish Adventure (полнометражный мультфильм, 2009)
Поколение 4 Friendship is Magic (2010—2019) • Equestria Girls (2013—2017) • The Movie (2017) • The Best Gift Ever (2018) • Rainbow Roadtrip (2019)
Поколение 4,5 Pony Life (2020—)
Поколение 5 A New Generation (2021) • Tell Your Tale (2022—)

Unless of course that’s something you can do here.

Fluttershy said this is where I’d find the head of the Fall Formal Party Planning Committee.

Fluttershy, huh?

здесь это не в порядке вещей.

обычно нет. организующего Осенний Бал.


Not usually. Fluttershy said this is where I’d find the head of the Fall Formal Party Planning Committee.

Fluttershy, huh?

Don’t let the whole shy thing fool you.

обычно нет. организующего Осенний Бал.


Не позволяй всей этой её застенчивости обмануть тебя.



I’ll take that.



Я возьму это!

Sorry, what was that?

It’s Fluttershy. It sounds like you’re saying «Fluttershy«, but how can that…

Oh, my goodness!

что ты сказала?

Флаттершай. но как это может…

Какая прелесть!

My name’s Twilight Sparkle.

I’m new here, and, well, I understand that Fluttershy found a crown this morning and gave it to you.


Меня зовут Твайлайт Спаркл.

и… что Флаттершай нашла утром корону и отдала её вам.

Именно так.

So, where would I find the head of the Party Planning Committee?

Fluttershy said she’d probably be in here.


Так что… Где мне найти главу организационного комитета?

будет здесь.


Good morning, students, and happy Thursday.

Fluttershy said I’d need to win over all those different groups if I want to become Princess of the Fall

You made a list?

и хорошего четверга.

Не забудьте сегодня взять бюллетени для голосования за Принцессу Осеннего Бала. и пусть ваш голос будет услышан. если я хочу стать Принцессой Бала.

Ты составила список?

It’s called a «Yearbook». It seems to be something they use to keep a record of things that have happened at the school.

That’s Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy, and I’m going to bet the girl on the far right

There’s a Rarity here?

Она называется «ежегодник». происходившие в школе.

Гляди. та девушка на заднем плане справа — Рэрити.

Здесь есть Рэрити?



Sorry, what was that?



что ты сказала?

Now you have Applejack, who is the hard worker, that pony you can go to, but her problem is she can’t let others help her.

Fluttershy, too shy for her own good.

That’s one of her fallacies that makes her a character.

Эпплджек, она у нас трудяга, та пони, к которой ты можешь пойти, но её проблема в том, что она не позволяет другим помочь ей.

Флаттершай, слишком скромна, на свое счастье.

И это обманчивая внешность делает ее персонажем.

Oh, and it turned out BEAUTIFUL, don’t you think?

Ooo, and I know you are going to love yours, Fluttershy.

It just sings spring! And Pinkie Pie, look!


Флаттершай. Оно прямо дышит весной!

смотри — розовый!

So perfect for my new advertisement.

It’s Fluttershy!


Так идеально для моей новой рекламы.

Это Флаттершай!

Ух ты.

Is she still here?

We heard Fluttershy was here.


Она всё ещё здесь?

Мы слышали Флаттершай была здесь.



Fluttershy is your friend.

I know, I know.


Флаттершай твой друг.

я знаю.

It’s Fluttershy!

On her own, Fluttershy could never do something unattractive.

And if Fluttershy no longer has to be a model, Rarity will no longer have to be jealous of her.

Это Флаттершай!

Флаттершай никогда не сделает что-нибудь непривлекательное. никто и никогда не захочет видеть её моделью снова.

то Рэрити перестанет завидовать ей.

Don’t you see? On her own, Fluttershy could never do something unattractive. But if I used my magic to help her do something unattractive on her next fashion show no one would ever want her to model again.

And if Fluttershy no longer has to be a model, Rarity will no longer have to be jealous of her.

And I’ll no longer have to keep their secrets!

Флаттершай никогда не сделает что-нибудь непривлекательное. никто и никогда не захочет видеть её моделью снова.

то Рэрити перестанет завидовать ей.

А мне больше не надо будет хранить их секреты!

But Rarity…!


Are you all right?

Но Рарити! ..


Ты в порядке?

I wish you guys could be there.

Fluttershy is a great support, but her cheering isn’t exactly inspirational.

I’d love to see you make a sonic rainboom!


но её аплодисменты не очень вдохновляют.

как делается Радужный удар!

Well, maybe I should get out of your mane so you can work.

Hi, Fluttershy! Hi, Rarity!

Hello, uh, girls…

чтобы ты смогла работать.



Girls? Thank goodness I found you!

Fluttershy, what— — Girls, we have to leave the forest at once!

— But… we haven’t found the chicken yet!

я нашла вас!

что… мы должны покинуть лес немедленно!

Но… мы же еще не нашли цыпленка!

This will fix you right up.

Doctor Fluttershy expected that.

Always works.

Это тебя подлечит.

Доктор Флаттершай это предвидела.

Всегда работает.



Fluttershy’s not a tree, silly.

No! The greatest flyer ever to come out of Cloudsdale.



Величайшая летунья Клаудсдэйла всех времён.



Maybe my sister knows where she is?

Bye, Fluttershy!

Bye, girls!

где она?



Quit it! Cause everypony who’s ever come in has never… come… OUT!


Quick! Oh my goodness, oh my goodness…

никогда не ВОЗВРАЩАЛИСЬ!

Флатершай! Быстрее!

о боже…


Fluttershy, who tamed the manticore with her compassion represents the spirit of…



представляет дух…


All five of my best friends have really good reasons to go to the Gala.

Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie or Fluttershy, Rarity…

Oh, who should go with me?

У всех пятерых моих друзей есть очень хорошая причина пойти на Гала.

Эплджек или Рэйнбоу Даш? Пинки Пай или Флатершай или Рэрити?

Кого мне стоит взять с собой?

What’s your name?

I’m Fluttershy… I’m sorry, what was that?

My name is …

Как тебя зовут?

Я Фла… как?

Меня зовут…

It’s a curse I tells ya.

But Fluttershy seems just fine.

Yes, there doesn’t seem to be a thing wrong with her.

точно тебе говорю.

Но Флаттершай выглядит вполне нормально.

Да. Выглядит-то она как обычно.

Come on in and make yourself at home.

What’s going on, Fluttershy?

You won’t believe what I found at the edge of the Everfree Forest.

Заходи и чувствуй себя как дома.


что я нашла на краю Дикого леса.

Показать еще

93 параллельный перевод


Флатершай! Быстрее!

Me and Fluttershy loop-de-looped around and WHAM!

Мы с Флатершай кружили-кружили вокруг и БАМ!

Fluttershy, who tamed the manticore with her compassion represents the spirit of…

представляет дух…

Gee, Fluttershy, it sounds… beautiful.

это звучит… красиво.

Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie or Fluttershy, Rarity…

Эплджек или Рэйнбоу Даш? Пинки Пай или Флатершай или Рэрити?

Um… I’m Fluttershy… I’m sorry, what was that?

Я Фла… как?

I’m Fluttershy.


But Fluttershy seems just fine.

Но Флаттершай выглядит вполне нормально.

Fluttershy, are you okay?

ты в порядке?

It was the worst, don’t you agree, Fluttershy?


What’s going on, Fluttershy?


Get out! Fluttershy knows everything about animals. I’m sure she can tell us how to stop them from multiplying.

Абсолютно! как прекратить их размножение.

EEEW! If you ask me, it’s already a total disaster! Here’s all those apples you wanted, Fluttershy!

так это уже настоящее бедствие. зачем тебе столько.

Rainbow Dash, you and Fluttershy stay on top of’em. Don’t let’em fly away.

чтобы не разлетелись.

Oh! And of course Pinkie and Fluttershy too.

конечно же!

Fluttershy something breezy Blend color and form… Do you think it looks cheesy?

Для Флаттершай — воздушное не слишком убого?

Ooo, and I know you are going to love yours, Fluttershy.

Флаттершай. Оно прямо дышит весной!

Hour by hour, one more change I’m sewing them together, take great pains Fluttershy, you’re putting me in a bind

ещё одно изменение с большим трудом ты связываешь мне руки что у тебя на уме?

Thanks to Fluttershy’s freaky knowledge of sewing.

Благодаря чудным знаниям Флаттершай о шитье.

That’s where Fluttershy’s headed! Oh no!

Как раз туда направлялась Флаттершай.

So… what do you think happened to Fluttershy?

Итак… Как ты думаешь, что произошло с Флаттершай?

I hope you’re right, for Fluttershy’s sake.

Надеюсь ты права. Ради Флаттершай.

Fluttershy! You’re okay!

Флаттершай, ты в порядке?

So sorry, Fluttershy.


Oh, but you must, Fluttershy.


Photo Finish wanted to work with Fluttershy, not me.

не со мной.

It’s Fluttershy!

Это Флаттершай!

We heard Fluttershy was here.

Мы слышали Флаттершай была здесь.

Obviously Fluttershy’s just too busy with her new * career * to spend time with her best friend.

чтобы тратить время со своей лучшей подругой.

Fluttershy is your friend.

Флаттершай твой друг.

Don’t you see? On her own, Fluttershy could never do something unattractive. But if I used my magic to help her do something unattractive on her next fashion show no one would ever want her to model again.

Флаттершай никогда не сделает что-нибудь непривлекательное. никто и никогда не захочет видеть её моделью снова.

And if Fluttershy no longer has to be a model, Rarity will no longer have to be jealous of her.

то Рэрити перестанет завидовать ей.

Oh… oh, Fluttershy.


Fluttershy doesn’t…

Флаттершай не…

Fluttershy is a great support, but her cheering isn’t exactly inspirational.

но её аплодисменты не очень вдохновляют.

You’ve got to learn to be assertive, Fluttershy.


Why don’t Fluttershy and I show you around Cloudsdale?

Почему бы нам с Флаттершай не показать вам Клаудсдэйл?

I thought the «open» sign meant you were open, but I must have been mistaken. — Oh, sorry. Fluttershy!

но я… я видимо ошиблась. что ты должна принести Опалессу со стрижки!

I’m sorry I can’t invite you to stay and chat, Fluttershy.


Hi, Fluttershy! Hi, Rarity!


Cutie Mark Crusader sleepover at Fluttershy’s cottage! Yay!

Ночь Меткоискателей дома у Флаттершай!

Hello, Fluttershy. Oh!


Sorry, Fluttershy.


Girls! Fluttershy, your chickens are on the loose!

— Девочки… твои цыплята разбежались!

Don’t worry, Fluttershy, the Cutie Mark Crusaders will handle this!

Меткоискатели с этим справятся!

Yes, Fluttershy!


— We promise, Fluttershy!


— Good night, Fluttershy!


Do something, Fluttershy! Can’t you control them? I’ve tried everything I know.

разве ты не можешь с ними справиться? и… это будет настоящее бедствие.

  • перевод на «fluttershy» турецкий


My little pony friendship is magic group shot r-1-.png

  • Флаттершай (справа)

Дружба - это чудо


Лорен Фауст





  • Мистер Шай (отец)
  • Миссис Шай (мать)

Зефир Бриз (брат)

  • Дискорд (супруг)
Отношения с другими

Рарити, Радуга Дэш, Сумеречная Искорка, Пинки Пай, Эпплджек,

  • Уход за животными
  • Учительница Доброты в Школе Дружбы (ранее)
Оригинальное озвучивание
  • Андреа Либман (голос и песни)
  • Блу Манкума (Флаттергай, У страха глаза велики)
  • Элвин Сандерс (Флаттергай, Ванильная пони)
  • Маркус Мосли (Флаттергай, Ванильная пони) (песни)
Логотип Викисклада Медиафайлы на Викискладе

Флаттершай (англ. Fluttershy) — соловая пони-пегас, одна из главных героинь мультсериала Дружба — это чудо. Её знак отличия — три розовые бабочки. Живёт в маленьком доме возле Вечнозелёного леса и заботится о животных. Её питомцем является кролик Энджел. Была придумана Лорен Фауст, и как Пинки Пай озвучена актрисой Андреей Либман. Флаттершай воплощает элемент доброты.


В серии «История знаков отличия» Флаттершай рассказывает, что жила в Клаудсдейле, и будучи жеребёнком, была плохим летуном, отчего над ней часто издевались остальные пегасы, впоследствии появляющиеся в 16 серии 1 сезона.

Флаттершай была выше других жеребят и имела небольшие крылья. Во время гонки пони падает и, спасённая роем бабочек, поёт. Скоро в небе происходит звуковая радуга, которую все животные пугаются и из-за которой разбегаются. Флаттершай успокаивает и утешает их, зарабатывая отличительный знак, указывающий на её способность ладить с животными.

Показанная семья Флаттершай включает в себя престарелых родителей и брата на иждивении первых — впоследствии обретающий собственный жизненный путь и сходящий с обеспечения опекунов.

В мультсериале персонаж проходит стадии личностного развития и психологически крепнет вместе с остальными протагонистами.

Описание персонажа

Флаттершай — жёлтая пегас с розовой гривой, основанная на земной пони из первого поколения пони Поузи[1]. Её знак отличия обозначает любовь к природе и талант хранителя животных. Верная своему имени, пони демонстрирует «застенчивую милость, мягкий шёпотный голос и нежную заботу о природе»[2].

Флаттершай обладает уникальной привязанностью к животным, что позволяет ей общаться с ними. Проживая в уединённом луговом домике, она заботится о лесных существах, таких как «коварный и своенравный» кролик Энджел[3][4]. Во многих эпизодах проявляет твёрдость натуры всякий раз, когда причиняется вред другу или животному, что отлично от классического её поведения[5].

Способность героини «взгляд» заставляет любое существо, которое встречается с ней глазами, становиться бессильным и неподвижным, пока умение действует[6]. Фауст любила уделять больше экранного времени Флаттершай из-за её «достойной борьбы» со страхом, которая, по словам создательницы, приносит потенциал не только повествованию, но и разработке сюжета в целом[7].

Когда режиссёра мультсериала спросили, существует ли романтический интерес у героини к драконикусу Дискорду, тот ответил, что это «открыто для интерпретации»[8]. Известно, что Флаттершай и Дискорд остаются лучшими друзья в течение всего сюжета, кроме того второй утверждает, что «любви — подобно всему белому и пушистому, — не существует».


Отмечается, якобы взрослые поклонники сериала, воспринимающие Флаттершай любимым персонажем, реже подвергаются преследованиям за свои увлечения. В сравнении с остальными брони, они имеют низшую самооценку, чаще испытывают депрессии и менее склонны к психопатии и макиавеллизму. Кроме того, реже занимаются косплеем и смотрят меньше порнографии[9].


  1. Fyre_flye. Лорен Фауст о вдохновении Флаттершай. [твит]. Твиттер (29 ноября 2013). Дата обращения: 13 ноября 2015.
  2. Begin, 2015, p. 58
  3. Snider, 2013, p. 24
  4. Snider, 2013, p. 47
  5. Begin, 2015, p. 180
  6. Begin, 2015, p. 60
  7. Snider, 2013, p. 76–77
  8. Джим Миллер. @99akadams @CitizenArtist55 Open to interpretation. Twitter (13 октября 2019). Дата обращения: 25 октября 2019. Архивировано 8 октября 2021 года.
  9. Edwards et al., 2019, p. 124.


  • Brandon T. Snider. The Elements of Harmony: My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic: The Official Guidebook (англ.). — 2013. — ISBN 978-0-316-24754-2.
  • Mary Jane Begin. My Little Pony: The Art of Equestria (англ.). — 2015. — ISBN 978-1-4197-1577-8.
  • Sherilyn Connelly. Ponyville Confidential: The History and Culture of My Little Pony, 1981-2016 (англ.). — McFarland, 2017. — 264 p. — ISBN 9781476662091.
  • Patrick Edwards, Daniel P. Chadborn, Courtney N. Plante. Meet the Bronies: The Psychology of the Adult My Little Pony Fandom (англ.). — McFarland, 2019. — 303 p. — ISBN 9781476637952.

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