Как пишется фол гайс

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Логотип Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout

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    Команда разработчиков Fall Guys, 19 января 2023 г.

  • Команда разработчиков Fall Guys, 19 января 2023 г.

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  • Костюмы непобедимых героев появляются в Blunderdome!

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    Команда разработчиков Fall Guys, 29 декабря 2022 г.


    Команда разработчиков Fall Guys, 26 декабря 2022 г.

  • Белла Порч в Blunderdome!

    Команда разработчиков Fall Guys, 15 декабря 2022 г.


    Команда разработчиков Fall Guys, 15 декабря 2022 г.

  • Команда разработчиков Fall Guys, 13 декабря 2022 г.


    Команда разработчиков Fall Guys, 9 декабря 2022 г.

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  • Команда разработчиков Fall Guys, 25 ноября 2022 г.


    Команда разработчиков Fall Guys, 22 ноября 2022 г.


    Команда разработчиков Fall Guys, 21 ноября 2022 г.

  • Команда разработчиков Fall Guys, 17 ноября 2022 г.


    Команда разработчиков Fall Guys, 17 ноября 2022 г.


    Команда разработчиков Fall Guys, 13 ноября 2022 г.

  • Team Fall Guys / November 2, 2022

Секреты глубин

Третий сезон

Команда создателей Blunderdome приглашает вас опуститься вглубь развалин Blunderdome в погоне за короной! Добро пожаловать в третий сезон Fall Guys: Секреты глубин!

Молодежный сленг в русском языке во многом формируется за счет заимствований из других, в первую очередь из английского. Поэтому люди, не знакомые с иностранными языками и подростковой речью, могут не понимать значения многих слов.

Относительно недавно в русскую речь пришло слово «гайс». Это слово уже достаточно давно стало использоваться в сленге, но популярным сделалось совсем недавно.

Происхождение слова

Далеко не каждый знает, что значит гайс, но в действительности все очень просто. Это слово пришло к нам из английского языка, где оно означает «парни», «приятели», «ребята» и т. д. В зависимости от контекста значение его может немного меняться, но суть остается прежней.

гайс это

Пишется слово в оригинале как guys, а в русской версии употребляется в двух вариантах: «гайз» и «гайс». Это сленговое слово, которое теперь употребляется в обыденной речи подростков и молодых людей.

В России оно означает то же, что и в Америке, Британии и других англоязычных странах.

Примеры употребления

Чтобы понять, как правильно применить то или иное слово, нужно разобрать это на конкретном предложении или нескольких.

Самым популярным и известным сегодня примером его использования, безусловно, является песня рэпера Элджея под названием Hey, guys. В припеве исполнитель поет «Хэй, гайс, у меня все найс», что фактически означает: «Привет, ребята, у меня все хорошо (отлично)».

В этом треке гайс — это парни или пацаны, то есть его слушатели, которым рэпер говорит о том, что у него все отлично и жизнь удалась.

Hey, guys или Hi, guys — это широко распространенные в США разговорные приветствия. Чаще всего так обращаются к близким друзьям, коллегам или одногруппникам по университету.

Негативного окраса у этого слова практически не бывает, поэтому можно сказать, что гайс — это положительный термин.


Современный русский язык уже давно стал чем-то вроде комбинации национального и заимствованного. С каждым годом иностранных слов в нашей речи становится все больше и больше. Многие даже не замечают, как сильно видоизменяется речь.

что значит гайс

В Испании, к примеру, есть даже понятие Spanglish, что фактически можно понимать, как испанский-английский. Настолько много в их языке заимствований из английской речи. Нечто подобное сейчас происходит и с нашим языком.

Насколько это плохо или хорошо, однозначно сказать сложно. Мнения экспертов и носителей речи в этом вопросе сильно разнятся, но факт остается фактом. Если тенденция останется прежней, то буквально через 5-10 лет русский язык будет выглядеть совсем иначе.

Guys перевод на русский язык

Автор Данте задал вопрос в разделе Лингвистика

Что означает слово гайс. Пишется по английски и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Abu-Abdulla Ramil Ibn-Farit Wafa[эксперт]
Guys — парни

Ответ от Nemez[гуру]
ребята, пацаны, чуваки

Ответ от Жаконя молодец ![гуру]

Ответ от Fsdfsdfs dfsdfsdfsdfs[новичек]
РЕбят в переводчике набрал = ГЕИ!!!!

Ответ от 3 ответа[гуру]

Привет! Вот подборка тем с похожими вопросами и ответами на Ваш вопрос: Что означает слово гайс. Пишется по английски

Гайс на Википедии
Посмотрите статью на википедии про Гайс





На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

Гайс рассказывает об отставке, об успехе.

Geiss is sending signals about retirement, about succession.

Гайс любит трусов, если я правильно прочитал его биографию.

Geiss loves quitters, if I understood his autobiography correctly.

Отель Hilton Garden Inn Custom House с видом на реку Лиффи расположен рядом с концертной площадкой 3Arena, музеем EPIC Ireland и театром «Борд Гайс Энерджи», в новом районе Докленд. Все номера…

With views over the River Liffey, Hilton Garden Inn Dublin Custom House sits next to 3Arena, EPIC Ireland museum and Bord Gais the newly developed Dockland area, rooms all feature power…

Гайс выберет нас и это большой шанс потому что игра в четверке с этим человеком может изменить твою жизнь.

Geiss will absolutely choose us, and that’s a big deal because being in a foursome with this man can change your life.

Ты говоришь, что Гайс может прийти на вечеринку Кеннета?

You’re saying Geiss might be at Kenneth’s party?

Зрители любят Гринзо, Гайс любит Гринзо.

Viewers love green Geiss loves greenzo.

Я хотел попросить тебя пойти со мной на благотворительный турнир по гольфу, который устраивает Дон Гайс в своем загородном клубе в Старом Сэйбруке.

I wanted to invite you to join me at a charity golf tourney that Don Geiss is hosting at his country club in Old Saybrook.

Ты не помнишь, что сказал Марте Гайс и Олив Ламберт на игровой площадке?

You don’t remember what you told Martha Geiss and Olive Lambert on the playground?

Дон Гайс вручил мне эти часы за то что я уволил человека, когда тот был на смертном одре!

Don Geiss gave me this watch for firing a man on his deathbed!

Дон Гайс — гений.

Don Geiss is a genius.

Дон Гайс на него рассчитывает.

Don Geiss is expecting it.

Дон Гайс уже прибыл?

Has Don Geiss arrived yet?

Который сейчас Гайс, тот лысый?

Сэр, если есть хоть малейший шанс, что мистер Гайс придет на вечеринку…

Sir, if there’s any chance that Mr.Geiss is going to be at this party

Напротив, Артур Гайс (англ. Arthur Gies) из Polygon, давая в рецензии игре положительную оценку, пишет о том, что дизайн трасс в Forza Horizon 2 «не может сравниться» с лицензированными трассами из Forza Motorsport 5.

Conversely, Polygon’s Arthur Gies, while giving the game a positive review, said that the track design in Forza Horizon 2 «can’t compete» with the licensed tracks used in Forza Motorsport 5.

Слушай, я болтала с Тайлером сегодня, и, знаешь, мы же с тобой разговаривали о том, чтобы пойти на Бади Гайс.

You know, I got to catch up with Tyler today, and, you know, you and I have been talking about

В «Гайс грилл» подают отличные пироги.

Ќе могу тебе постельное бельЄ найти. езде уже смотрел… ѕапа, не напр€гайс€, посплю на диване.

I still can’t find the extra sheets for the foldout.

ѕоэтому впр€гайс€ обратно в работу, и все исправь.

I don’t care how you do it, just go do it!

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 19. Точных совпадений: 19. Затраченное время: 18 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Фол гайс рояль препятствия
Фолл гайс препятствие только guys royale. Knock them out.
Игры 3d понравится парням. Ultimate knockout human fall.
Бегалки, многопользовательские игры, ран рейс начните проходить препятствия.
Не падай Фол гайз.

Among Guys: royale fall & knock em all. Race us 3d.
Knock’em all falling games with dudes.
Rush a maze race 3d. Run in crowd, collect cubes.
Run arcade games, people playground are epic!
Elimination games fall down royale high.
Dude simulator double jump, run royale.

Play online and offline.
Amaze io.games, good run app.
Last man standing .io games.
Racing rivals run in crowd.
If you like fun & cool games for boys.
Fall dude. Eliminate guys. Rush obstacle & run royale online multiplayer.
Human fall vs 4 player. Flat dude up death run. Competitive lan racing.
pc games for android, fallstar online multiplayer games.
It is arcade battle royale man party.
Ridiculous elimination and obstacle. stumble through hilarious guy.
Guyz dont fall on early stage running games.

it s your race, run and clash in epic run games.
Join us in hide and seek with five guys.
Fall 3d and win epic race run easy games.

Many maps: hexagon, tip top toe and more coming soon.
Скачайте и установите бесплатно андроид apk файл для мод Фол гайс рояль. Фолл гайс мультиплеер с д.

Англо-русские и русско-английские словари и энциклопедии. English-Russian and Russian-English dictionaries and translations

Русско-английский перевод ГАЙС


Русско-Американский Английский словарь.

     Russian-American English dictionary .

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This article is about the 2020 video game. For other uses, see Fall Guy.

Fall Guys
Fall Guys cover.jpg
Developer(s) Mediatonic[a]
  • Devolver Digital (2020–2021)
  • Epic Games (2021–present)
Director(s) Jamie Riding
Producer(s) Alex Ruse
Designer(s) Joseph Walsh
  • Joel Herber
  • Rakesh Vangur
  • Rob Jackson
  • Ash Kerins
  • Dan Hoang
  • Nicolas Pessina
  • Jukio Kallio
  • Daniel Hagström
Engine Unity
  • PlayStation 4
  • Windows
  • Nintendo Switch
  • PlayStation 5
  • Xbox One
  • Xbox Series X/S
Release PS4, Win

  • WW: 4 August 2020

NS, PS5, Xbox One, Series X/S

  • WW: 21 June 2022

Android, iOS

  • CHN: TBA
Genre(s) Battle royale, platform
Mode(s) Multiplayer

Fall Guys (formerly known as Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout)[1] is a free-to-play platform battle royale game developed by Mediatonic. The game involves up to 60 players who control jellybean-like creatures and compete against each other in a series of randomly selected mini-games, such as obstacle courses or tag. Players are eliminated as the rounds progress until, eventually, the last remaining player is crowned the winner. The game draws inspiration from game shows like Takeshi’s Castle, It’s a Knockout, Wipeout, and playground games like tag and British Bulldog.[2][3]

The game was released by Devolver Digital for PlayStation 4 and Windows on 4 August 2020. Following their acquisition of Mediatonic, the publishing rights were transferred to Epic Games. Subsequently, the game was made free-to-play on 21 June 2022 and released on additional platforms including Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S, with full cross-platform play support among all platforms.[4][5] As part of the transition, the game adapted a seasonal battle pass system for its monetisation, offering avatar customisations to players.

Fall Guys received positive reviews from critics for its chaotic gameplay and visual appearance. The game was a commercial success, selling more than 10 million copies and attracting more than 50 million players after the game went free-to-play. Since the game’s launch, Mediatonic has released numerous updates for the game. The ninth and current season is underwater themed.[6]


Up to 40 players compete in shows with battle royale-style gameplay.[7][8][9] Players, represented as jellybean-like figures,[10] move around in a three-dimensional playing field, with additional moves such as jumping, grabbing/climbing, or diving to assist gameplay.[11] The aim is to qualify for subsequent rounds by successfully completing each of the randomly selected mini-games with randomly selected variations.[12][13] Certain mini-games involve running towards a finish line at the end of the map, surviving, and playing tag with other players, while others add elements of teamwork.[7][14] On every mini-game, obstacles appear around the map for added complexity.[15][16] Players who are too slow, who fall into pink slime, or who fail certain requirements for a mini-game, are eliminated. In the final round, the remaining few players compete in a final match with a randomised mini-game designed for a smaller player size.[11] The winner of the match is the last player standing or the first to finish.[17]

Using an in-game currency, «Kudos», players can purchase single cosmetics, nameplates, nametags, patterns, faceplates, colours, and emotes for their character to show off in-game.[18][19] Players obtain Kudos by doing daily challenges and get crowns by winning a match.[20] Crowns were a premium currency until 21 June 2022, whereas they now only count towards Crown Rank. Any Crowns that users didn’t spend before the game went free to play were converted into Kudos.[21]

Fall Guys regularly hosts new seasons approximately every 3 to 6 months, hosting a new theme and additional content every season.[22][23][24]

Season 2 added the ability to choose different shows with a different selection

Season 4 added the «Crown Shards» currency, earned by playing in Squad Mode, where a team of four other players cooperates to earn points to progress to the next round, or by completing daily challenges. Crown Shards will be automatically converted for additional Crowns.[25][26]

Season 5 added limited time events, where players need to do certain challenges to earn exclusive costumes and other types of cosmetics. In game events usually last between one and seven days and can sometimes be based on different franchises, such as Ratchet & Clank, Aloy from Horizon Zero Dawn, Jungle Book, etc.

Sweet Thieves was added in Season 6, where one team is invisible (only being visible when moving fast) while the other team is not. The invisible team (Thieves) needs to bring sweets to the goals while the other team (Guardians) is trying to prevent them by using the grabbing mechanic to capture the Thieves and put them in a jail. A button can be pressed every 30 seconds to remove the jail barrier.[27][28]

Season 1: Free for All added Show Bucks, a premium in game currency that can be used to purchase full costumes, premium colours, patterns, faceplates, emotes, and the current paid Season Pass. Players are only able to obtain Show Bucks through the Season Pass or by purchasing it via microtransactions.[29]

The same season added Bean Hill Zone, the first-ever limited time collaboration round with Sega.[30] The round came with a limited time event and its own show. In Season 3: Sunken Secrets the round was added to Solo Show.

New costumes are regularly added, usually for a limited time.[31] Some are of characters from different video games and media franchises, such as Half-Life, Portal, Godzilla, Team Fortress 2,[32][33] Sonic the Hedgehog,[34] Doom,[31][35] Hotline Miami, Ratchet & Clank, Cuphead, Among Us,[36][37][38] Little Big Planet,[39] Astro’s Playroom,[40] Assassin’s Creed, Hatsune Miku,[41] SpongeBob SquarePants,[6] and so on.


As Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout[edit]

Season Period Nickname Description
Season 1 8 August 2020 – 7 October 2020 Ultimate Knockout[42] The original season, inspired by game shows like Takeshi’s Castle, It’s a Knockout and Wipeout. with 24 rounds, cosmetics and a 40 tier fame path (season pass).
Season 2 8 October 2020 – 14 December 2020 Medieval Knockout[43] Medieval-themed, with 5 rounds, variations, cosmetics,[44] a cosmetic called nicknames and nameplates, and different gamemodes known as «shows».[45]
Season 3 15 December 2020 – 21 March 2021 Winter Knockout[46] Winter-themed, with 8 rounds, cosmetics, crown ranks, variations, and shows[47][48]
Season 4 22 March 2021 – 20 July 2021 Fall Guys 4041[49] Future/Retro-themed with 9 rounds, cosmetics,[50] a squad mode,[51] Crown Shards,[25] daily challenges,[49] variations, and extending the fame path from 40 levels to 50 levels[51]
Season 5 20 July 2021 – 29 November 2021 Jungle Adventure[52] Jungle Adventure-themed[52] with 6 rounds, a Duos and Trios mode, variations, limited time events, and cosmetics[53]
Season 6 30 November 2021 – 21 June 2022 Party Spectacular[54] Party/Circus-themed with rounds, cosmetics,[55] the ability to link an Epic Games Account allowing cross-platform progression between PS4 and Steam, the ability to have custom names for PC players, a show called ‘Sweet Thieves’,[28] skill based matchmaking, and Lobbies & Friends Lists[56][57]

As Fall Guys[edit]

Season Period Nickname Description
Season 1 21 June 2022 – 14 September 2022 Free For All[58] Sports/Stadium-themed with 7 rounds and cosmetics.[59] Seasons have been reset to Season 1, the game is now free to play, crowns are no longer currency, a premium currency called Show Bucks was added, the in-game shop has been changed, kudos can no longer be used to purchase anything that isn’t a common rarity & are no longer earned after each game,[60] Weekly/marathon challenges have been added on top of daily,[29] a first-ever limited time collaboration round with Sega called «Bean Hill Zone»,[30] and the season pass has been extended from 50 tiers to 100 tiers with 50 being free and the other 50 being paid.[58][61][62]
Season 2 15 September 2022 — 21 November 2022 Satellite Scramble[63] Space-themed with 8 rounds, variations, cosmetics, the season pass has been extended from 100 tiers to 200 tiers, fame you get from rounds have been increased, bug fixes, and events[64]
Season 3 22 November 2022 — Ongoing Sunken Secrets[6] Underwater/Atlantis-themed with 5 rounds and cosmetics,[6] a Time Attack show, events, the ability to unlock 2 costumes in the Marathon challenges, bug fixes, a ability called dive slide, celebrations can now be previewed in the shop, improvements made to the switch version to increase stability, certain rounds being ‘unvaulted’ while others being ‘vaulted’,[65][66] and Solo Show’s lobby count being lowered from 60 players to 40 players.[67]


The conception of what became Fall Guys began when Mediatonic was discussing another project in January 2018.[68] Lead designer Joe Walsh said that it reminded him of game shows such as Takeshi’s Castle and Total Wipeout. He drew from that inspiration to create a pitch document for what would become Fall Guys.[2][69] Originally titled Fools’ Gauntlet, (also later under development using the name «Stumble Chums»), Walsh’s pitch featured 100 players competing in a battle royale composed of physical challenges.[70] Creative director Jeff Tanton, while initially sceptical that creating another battle royale game would be successful, was quickly convinced of the game’s potential, and forwarded Walsh’s pitch to Mediatonic’s founders.[68]

Tanton and Walsh worked on a pitch deck, and principal concept artist Dan Hoang created images featuring colourful, bean-shaped characters racing on an obstacle course in the sky. Tanton explained that Hoang’s character designs helped shift the focus of the game away from the obstacle course itself, to the characters.[71][72] With the pitch deck completed, Tanton pitched the game to 10 different publishers at the 2018 Game Developers Conference. Six months after Devolver Digital agreed to publish the game, development began.[68][71]

Fall Guys began its initial prototyping process with a small team, growing to 30 people during development.[73] Initial progress on individual minigames was slow which caused the team to worry that there wouldn’t be enough content for launch. A turning point came when the team made a group of pillars that «Took the opinions of people out of the occasion» and allowed the developers to «kill ideas faster». Such pillars include ensuring a minigame was «50-50 chaos and skill» and that a level had to be «different every time».[74] Inspired by game shows, and differentiating from first-person shooter battle royale games, Mediatonic focused on gameplay variety. By presenting the player with several, randomised rounds of game modes, Mediatonic hoped to recreate the experience of being on a game show.[73] To help keep the «spirit of playground games and game shows», Mediatonic created an internal rule that game modes needed to be explained in three words.[73] Over time, the game underwent numerous other changes. The player count was decreased from 100 to 60, because overpopulated games «stopped being readable or fun».[75] In testing, Mediatonic noted that players overestimated the number of players, stating «we didn’t need as many players as we thought to create the crowds we wanted the gameplay to include.»[76]

It’s a Knockout, a game show forcing contestants to dress up in oversized costumes, inspired the idea that the characters should «have that element of being completely uniquely, badly designed for the task that we were gonna put them through».[69] The ragdoll physics is deliberate, to avoid «hyper athletic Ninja Warrior characters» and because «falling over is funny».[69] According to Walsh, striking the right balance between funny ragdoll collisions and game performance was critical, because «as soon as you lose the ragdoll-ness of the character, you lose the comedy».[73] The character designs were inspired by the look of vinyl toys.[77]

Mediatonic began working on season 2 before the game’s release with level designer Joseph Juson, noting that it was more of an «expansion» compared to season 3 where the team tried to bring new ideas.[78]


Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout was announced at E3 in June 2019[15] and was released on 4 August 2020 for PlayStation 4 and Windows.[79][80] Several updates ensued for the first season[81][82][83][84] and on 8 October 2020, the medieval-themed second season was released.[85] The success prompted more hiring.[47][86]

The Chinese company Bilibili announced in August 2020 that it would be developing a mobile version for Android and iOS that would be exclusive to China.[87][88]

In February 2021, Fall Guys was announced for Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X, scheduled for mid 2021.[89][90] However, in April 2021, these versions of the game were delayed to 2022, citing greater focus on cross-compatibility among all versions of the game.[91]

In March 2021, Mediatonic and its parent company, Tonic Games Group, were bought by Epic Games.[92] Epic Games later announced that they will focus on adding cross-platform compatibility for all versions of Fall Guys,[93][94] utilising resources from games such as Fortnite that became available after acquisition by Epic Games.[94]

On 18 November 2021, Mediatonic announced that Epic Games Accounts will be required in season 6 allowing cross-platform progression between PS4 and Steam and the ability to have custom names for Steam players.[56] On 22 February 2022, Mediatonic released an update adding Lobbies and Friends lists. This uses the Epic Overlay system that games like Fortnite or Rocket League have to invite anyone on any platform via Epic Games Accounts.[57]

On 15 March 2022, Mediatonic announced that starting 5 April 2022 there would be a new launcher that all PlayStation players would need to download to keep playing the game on PlayStation.[95] On 9 May 2022, the old PlayStation launcher shut down and became unusable.[96] Both launchers were the same besides the new one being published by Epic Games instead of Devolver Digital. People who downloaded the new launcher would be able to redeem a free DLC Pink Shark costume that was able to be redeemed until the end of season 6.[97]

Mediatonic and Epic Games transitioned Fall Guys to a free-to-play system alongside its 21 June release on Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S and Nintendo Switch.[98] Additionally, a dedicated PlayStation 5 version also released, featuring enhanced visuals and DualSense effects.[21] The game was also rebranded as simply Fall Guys, without the Ultimate Knockout subtitle.[99] To support the free-to-play model, the game included a new season pass system with both a free and premium tier of rewards, the latter available to those that purchase the premium pass with real-world funds.[100] For Windows, the game was removed from the Steam storefront and made available on Epic Games Store, though the Steam version will continue to be updated in sync with the Epic Games Store version. The free-to-play versions of Fall Guys also added support for cross-platform play with other platforms.[5] Legacy players who had purchased Fall Guys before this transition were given a «Legacy Pack» that includes cosmetics, costumes, and the Season 1: Free for All premium season pass for free.[61]

In July 2022, a bug was discovered that unintentionally bought items from the in-game store instead of previewing them. Initially deemed by Mediatonic as «not an issue», they later acknowledged it as a bug after complaints mounted.[101] On 1 November 2022 an update was issued to include a hold-to-purchase mechanic for all in-game purchases similar to the mechanic in Fortnite.[102]

In November 2022, Mediatonic announced on Twitter of a new feature called Vaulting where some rounds will be temporarily removed to increase stability across all platforms.[103]


Fall Guys received «generally favourable» reviews, according to review aggregator website Metacritic.[104][105]

Tom Wiggins of Stuff magazine praised the game, calling it «Super Monkey Ball for the Fortnite generation».[113] Mercury News praised the «controlled chaos» gameplay of Fall Guys, stating it to be utilising a combination of the elements from the battle royale game Fortnite and the party game Mario Party in such a way that made it «tailored to the coronavirus age».[11] Ollie Toms from Rock, Paper, Shotgun praised Fall Guys for its creative approach as a battle royale game incorporating family-friendly elements rather than resorting to violent themes. He praised the simplicity of the game and the diversity of content added with each season. He argues that the ragdoll physics can be both exciting and frustrating to play: «What really makes and breaks this game is the imprecision of your actions. It’s not something many competitive games can get away with in the way Fall Guys does.»[114]

The weekend before release during a closed beta, Fall Guys briefly became the most-watched game on Twitch as well as the sixth-best-selling Steam game where it was available for pre-order.[115]

Fall Guys has been frequently compared to Among Us, in that both are online games which grew in popularity during the COVID-19 pandemic.[116][117][118][119][120]

The addition of Squad Mode in season 4 has been positively received. Kotaku says it evokes a new perspective on intense gameplay, indicating the importance of teamwork.[121] The addition of Sweet Thieves has been positively received. The website Destructoid says «This is the most fun I’ve had with Fall Guys in forever.» and «If you care about trophies, Sweet Thieves is worth checking out. But it stands on its own, too.»[122]

On 11 October 2022 the hashtag #savefallguys started trending on Twitter.[123][124] This was to get Mediatonic’s attention and ask the company to fix numerous problems that fans have with the game including lack of round variety, bugs, sub par events, prices in the in-game shop, how skill based matchmaking is implemented, and more.[125][126] On 15 November 2022 the Fall Guys Twitter stated that in order for the game to stay stable some rounds will be «vaulted» and rounds will be rotated in and out of the vault.[103] Fans didn’t take the news well citing how removing pre existing rounds doesn’t help the game and makes the game lose its replayability. This sparked another hashtag #unvaultfallguys starting on 20 January 2023.[127]


Within 24 hours of release, the game had an active player base of more than 1.5 million players.[128] On 10 August 2020, Devolver Digital announced 2 million copies sold on Steam.[129] During the first day of release, the servers for Fall Guys were unexpectedly overloaded due to popularity.[7][18]

The game’s popularity brought several brand collaborations for custom content.[130] Shortly after release Mediatonic announced a fundraiser by which the brand that donated the most money to the charity SpecialEffect would have their custom skin featured in the game.[131]

By 26 August 2020, more than 7 million copies of Fall Guys had been sold on Steam, and it was the most downloaded monthly PS Plus game of all time.[132] By November 2020, the game had reached more than 10 million sales on Steam.[133] According to firm Superdata the game’s online revenue for PC in its first month was $185 million from 8.2 million players, making it the biggest launch on that platform since Overwatch by those metrics.[134] Multiple outlets described the game’s popularity as a «phenomenon».[135][136][137][138] In December 2020, Mediatonic confirmed sales of more than 11 million copies on PC.[139]

In June 2022, within two weeks of going free-to-play and its release on multiple consoles, Fall Guys player count rose to over 50 million.[140][141]



  1. ^ Additional support by Red Kite Games.


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External links[edit]

  • Official website





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Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout flings hordes of contestants together online in a wild dash through round after round of escalating chaos until one victor remains.

Battle bizarre obstacles, shove through unruly competitors, and overcome the unbending laws of physics as you stumble towards greatness. Leave your dignity at the door and prepare for hilarious failure in your quest to claim the crown!


  • Season 6 Trailer

    You’re invited to the Party Spectacular!

  • Season 5 Trailer

    It’s time to stumble in the jungle!

  • Season 4 trailer

    The Blunderdome gets a futuristic makeover, with the funkiest looking Fall Guys this side of synthwave!

  • Season 3 Trailer

    An icy wind brings snowy shenanigans to Fall Guys with all-new Rounds, delightful costumes and…penguins?!

  • Season 2 Trailer

    The Blunderdome gets a Medieval makeover, with mystical new Rounds replete with knockabout knights and whimsical wizards!

  • Release Date Trailer

    Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout comes stumbling and crashing onto Steam and PS4!

  • Competitive & Cooperative

    Shift between chaotically competitive free-for-alls and cooperative challenges where only the winning team advance!

  • Comically Physical

    Watch in delight as your fellow competitors bend, bounce, and bash their way to hilarious, physics-based failure!

  • Delightfully Customizable

    Fail in a style with everything from fashionable pineapple couture to the latest seasonal looks available to customize your look.

  • Always Evolving

    Seasonal updates bring oodles of content to the Blunderdome, with new Rounds, costumes and features to keep things fresh and fun.

Press Quotes

  • «Fall Guys is the funniest battle royale yet.»
  • «Fall Guys is an instant, immediate classic. The design language is so simple, the concept is so immediate, and anybody can grasp the lunacy.»
  • «This is an unmissable, sugary treat, bursting with kaleidoscopic entertainment.»
  • «What if over-the-top, obstacle laden reality shows like Takeshi’s Castle and Ninja Warrior blended with today’s current battle royale-influenced trend? It may be a question nobody thought to ask, but Fall Guys proves the answer is delightful.»
  • «It’s slapstick comedy at its best.»
  • «A slime-filled respite from ongoing global catastrophe, the jelly bean battle royale has become one of the biggest games of 2020.»
  • «The literal definition of a «just one more game» sort of experience. Packed full of fun and laugh out loud moments to be enjoyed alone or with friends, it really does feel like Rocket League has finally met its match»
  • «The game takes what battle royale does best and remixes it into a genuinely new format. There is no loot, and no shrinking circle. And yet we have the same tension, the same winnowing down, the same tantalizing idea that you could stand at the top.»


  • BAFTA Games


    5 x Nominations

    Multiple categories

  • GIGA Awards



    Gameplay Design / Customer Support

  • D.I.C.E Awards



    Online Game of the Year

  • The Dreamies



    Absolutely Adorable

  • Gamesindustry.biz Indie Publishing Awards



    Indie PR & Marketing Campaign of the Year

  • The Drum Awards — Online Media


    Highly Commended

    Social Media Team of the Year

  • The Game Awards



    Community Support

  • Golden Joysticks Awards



    Best Multiplayer Game

  • Golden Joystick Awards



    Best Family Game

  • PlayStation Players’ Choice Awards



    Best New Game, August

  • Game Critic Awards — Best of E3 ’19



    Best Independent Game

  • Game Critic Awards — Best of E3 ’19



    Best Family/Social Game

  • Develop: Star Awards



    Best Game Design

  • Develop: Star Awards



    Best Original IP

Out now

Lights, Camera, MURDER!

90s fashions! Upbeat jams! Sass dialled up to 100! Questionable jokes! Drag queens! All that and more awaits… in Murder by Numbers!

    • Our games

    • Fall Guys

    • Murder by Numbers

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Fall Guys (formerly Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout) is a free, cross-platform, massively multiplayer, party royale game where you and your fellow contestants compete through escalating rounds of absurd obstacle course chaos until one lucky victor remains!

Developed by Mediatonic, published by Devolver Digital and Epic Games.


Up to sixty players each participate as a Fall Guy in shows by qualifying through three to five rounds in a selected playlist until they reach the final round. Each round has a different selected course, each with its own obstacles and objective.

If a player is successful in the final round, they win the show. Winning a show rewards the player with UI currency crowns 1080p.png Crowns or UI currency shards 1080p.png Crown Shards which are used to progress in the Crown Rank.


Release information[]

Fall Guys was initially announced at E3 2019.[1].
The game was released 4 August 2020 for PlayStation 4 and Windows PC on Steam.

On 21 June 2022, the game was released for Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, and Windows PC on the Epic Games Store. The game was removed from the Steam store on the same day.

About the Developers[]

Mediatonic is a game development studio in the UK. Past games by Mediatonic include Fable Fortune, Hatoful Boyfriend, and YAHTZEE® With Buddies. On 2 March 2021, it was announced that Mediatonic had been acquired by Epic Games.[2]

Game support[]

Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout Wiki is focused on creating the definitive guide to Fall Guys. However, while we make an effort to be complete, we are not an official game support channel.

The official game support channels can be found here: Official website Official Twitter

System requirements[]

The following are the minimum system requirements for Fall Guys. While these requirements do not represent a guaranteed working configuration, meeting the minimum requirements should ensure at least a launch-able environment.

  • Architecture: x64 only
  • OS: Windows 10/11 64bit (compatibility may vary on Windows 7/8.1)
  • Processor: Intel Core i5 or AMD equivalent
  • Memory: 8 GB RAM
  • Graphics: NVIDIA GTX 660 or AMD Radeon HD 7950
  • Storage: 2 GB available space
  • Additional Notes: Gamepad Recommended


For more, see Category:Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout artwork
  • This is the new logo used for Fall Guys


  • This is the promotional logo used for the Legacy seasons of Fall Guys

    Legacy Logo

  • This is the logo used in the beta and early promotional material of the game

    Logo (early)

  • Main key art

Promotional images
For more, see Category:Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout promotional images
For more, see Category:Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout screenshots
  • Featured image 1.jpg

  • Featured image 2.jpg

  • Featured image 3.jpg

  • Featured image 4.jpg

  • Featured image 5.jpg

  • Breakable doors.jpg

  • Fall guys ss.jpg

  • See Saw.jpg

  • FG S2 screenshot 02.jpg

  • FG screenshot S4 MSU 03.png

  • FG S5 promo screenshot 04.png



Language Twitter Instagram TikTok Discord Miscellaneous
🇬🇧 English FallGuysGame fallguysgame @fallguysgame fallguys YouTube Giphy
Reddit Facebook

🇦🇺 English
(AU & NZ)

🇦🇺 English (Australia & New Zealand)

FallGuysANZ fallguysanz
🇨🇳 Chinese Bilibili
🇫🇷 French FallGuys_FR fallguysfr fallguysfrofficiel
🇩🇪 German FallGuysDE fallguysde
🇮🇹 Italian FallGuysIT fallguysita
🇯🇵 Japanese FallGuysJP
🇰🇷 Korean FallGuysKR fallguyskr Naver
🇵🇱 Polish FallGuys_PL
🇧🇷 Portuguese FallGuys_BR fallguys_brasil @fallguysbrasil (Fall Guys Brasil)
🇪🇸 Spanish FallGuys_ESP fallguysesp

Profile pictures[]

  • Original (pre launch)

  • Default

  • Default with sunglasses

  • Stumble Claus with groucho glasses

  • Silent[4][5]

  • Pride Month 2022[6]

External links[]

Fall Guys links
  • Website
  • Epic Games Store
  • Xbox
  • PlayStation
  • Steam (delisted)
Mediatonic links
  • Website
  • Twitter
  • YouTube
Epic Games links
  • Website
  • Youtube
  • Twitter


  1. «Devolver announces Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout for PC and PS4», Destructoid
  2. https://www.mediatonicgames.com/blog/mediatonic-joins-the-epic-games-family
  3. https://twitter.com/FallGuysGame/status/1449061947157225476
  4. https://twitter.com/FallGuysGame/status/1510180235995721729
  5. https://twitter.com/FallGuysGame/status/1510210729521078281
  6. https://twitter.com/FallGuysGame/status/1532036943852314626
  7. https://twitter.com/FallGuysGame/status/1602970330611466242

Available on



You’re invited to dive and dodge your way to victory in the pantheon of clumsy. Rookie or pro? Solo or partied up? Fall Guys delivers ever-evolving, high-concentrated hilarity and fun. The only thing more important than winning is looking as ridiculous as possible while doing it. Grab the silliest costume you can and fall in line—the show’s about to start!

Competitive & Cooperative: Tumble between competitive free-for-alls and cooperative challenges—or take on the Blunderdome with up to 3 friends!

Play with Friends: Fall Guys supports cross-play, cross-platform parties and cross-progression via your Epic Games Account.

Ever-Evolving Content: Play stays fresh with Limited Time Events and new game modes. Each Season brings with it new costumes, collabs, obstacles and ways to play.

Gloriously Customizable: Choose from a multitude of Colors, Patterns, Costumes and Nameplates. Relish wins with voguish Celebrations and share your flair with Emotes!

Items shown may require separate purchase from the in-game store and are subject to availability. Contains in-game purchases.



Add-ons for this game

Additional information


© 2022 Mediatonic Limited. All rights reserved. The Mediatonic logo and the Fall Guys mark, logo and characters are trademarks of Mediatonic Limited. Items shown may require separate purchase from the

Age rating

For ages 3 and up

In-app purchases

Price range: USD$3.99 to USD$31.99


Install on your home Xbox One console plus have access when you’re connected to your Microsoft account.

This product needs to be installed on your internal hard drive.


The product developer believes this product meets accessibility requirements, making it easier for everyone to use.

Language supported

English (United States)

English (United Kingdom)

Español (España, Alfabetización Internacional)

Deutsch (Deutschland)

Français (France)

Italiano (Italia)

日本語 (日本)



Русский (Россия)

Português (Brasil)


Polski (Polska)

Español (México)

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