Как пишется формат документа


Вопросы и ответы в сфере it технологий и настройке ПК

Форматы документов Microsoft Word — от старого DOC до нового DOCX

Документ Microsoft Word представляет собой файл с расширением doc или docx. До 90-х годов XX века расширение doc использовалось для текстовых файлов, которые не содержат разметки. И сейчас можно убедиться, что файл такого типа легко создать с помощью, например, программы «Блокнот». Правда, он не будет иметь богатого форматирования, но легко открывается программой Ворд, в которой набранному в блокноте тексту можно придать более оформленный вид. Когда корпорация Майкрософт выпустила программу Ворд, разработчики решили использовать в ней расширение doc. К настоящему времени этот текстовый редактор является самым популярным в мире, поэтому файл с расширением doc ассоциируют с этим программным продуктом и называют просто «вордовский формат».

Что такое формат?

Старый формат DOC отличался сложным содержанием, и нормально читался только в MS Office

Старый формат DOC отличался сложным содержанием, и нормально читался только в MS Office

В отличие от других текстовых форматов этого же производителя, например, RTF (Rich Text Format File), внутреннее содержание doc более сложное и запутанное. В формате Word сохраняется не только символьная информация, но и различные объекты (например, схемы, диаграммы, формулы, сценарии). Разработчики используют закрытый код, в котором посторонний разобраться не сможет. Чтобы увидеть «внутренности», файл можно открыть, например, в блокноте. В RTF любопытствующий увидит стройные ряды данных, похожие на содержание кода интернет-страниц. Во втором случае — пугающую кашу из знаков самого разнообразного происхождения и вида. В отличие от зашифрованного документа Word, файл RTF не содержит непечатных бинарных символов, легко открывается во всех текстовых и даже графических редакторах. В то же время практически ни одна программа (кроме соответствующего продукта от компании Майкрософт) не обладает способностью адекватно открыть для просмотра и редактирования документ Word. Сейчас офисный пакет этой компании очень широко распространен и доступен любому пользователю.

Современные форматы «вордовских» документов

Даже бесплатные современные редакторы документов умеют корректно работать с DOCX

Даже бесплатные современные редакторы документов умеют корректно работать с DOCX

Кроме того, сложности могут возникнуть даже при использовании разных версий офисного пакета Майкрософт. Дело в том, что начиная с версии Word 2007 года документ по умолчанию сохраняется с расширением не doc, а docx. Поэтому если установлен пакет офиса, выпущенный ранее, то необходима конвертация для устаревших версий. Конверторы для обеспечения совместимости предлагаются самой компанией Майкрософт (Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack), так что обычно при открытии docx, например, в версии Ворд 2003, сложностей не возникает, но при этом может потеряться часть данных форматирования и возможностей редактирования.

Компания Майкрософт была вынуждена пойти на изменение формата Word под давлением международных организаций, которые требовали подвести его под какие-либо стандарты. Был выбран вариант, основанный на языке разметки XML, который часто используется в документах интернет. Документ с расширением docx имеет некоторые преимущества перед устаревшим форматом, в частности, меньший вес, что имеет значение при передаче документа через интернет. Поэтому при ограниченных скоростях передачи данных пользователям имеет смысл использовать более современный формат Word.

Отблагодари меня, поделись ссылкой с друзьями в социальных сетях:

Написание письма с помощью текстового редактора Word

1. Откройте меню Файл.

2. Щелкните левой кнопкой мыши на строке Создать. При этом пользоваться кнопкой Создать на панели инструментов нельзя.

3. В диалоговом окне щелкните левой кнопкой мыши на заголовке вкладки Письма и факсы.

4. Щелкните левой кнопкой мыши на названии Мастер писем. На экране появится Помощник (анимационная фигурка), который предложит два варианта писем. Если планируете написать только одно письмо, то щелкните левой кнопкой мыши переключатели Создать одно письмо и переходите к разделу Создание одного письма. Если нужно отправить несколько однотипных писем, которые будут отличаться друг от друга адресами и именами получателей, то щелкните левой кнопкой мыши на переключателе Создать письма для слияния и перейдите к разделу Создание нескольких писем.

Рассмотрим подробнее последовательность создания одного письма.

1. На вкладке Формат письма выберите в полях со списками формат даты, затем шаблон и стиль письма.

2. Если письмо будет отпечатано на готовом бланке, то установите флажок Использовать бумагу с готовой шапкой и укажите, где находится шапка и какой ее размер.

3. Щелкните левой кнопкой мыши на кнопке Далее или на заголовке вкладки Получатель.

4. Заполните текстом поля Имя получателя и Адрес доставки.

5. Для приветствия выберите один из вариантов в поле со списком или выберите соответствующий переключатель.

6. Щелкните левой кнопкой мыши на кнопке Далее или на заголовке вкладки Другое,

7. Определите дополнительные элементы письма. Чтобы увидеть возможные варианты, установите флажки и откройте поля со списками. Если дополнительные элементы не нужны, снимите флажки.

8. Заполните текстом поля на вкладке Отправитель и щелкните левой кнопкой мыши на кнопке Готово.

9. В заготовке письма замените текст, созданный Мастером писем, вашим текстом.

10. Проверьте правильность написания, сохраните и распечатайте письмо.

Попробуем составить деловое письмо средствами Word. Прежде всего необходимо создать новый файл, в котором будет храниться этот документ. Выполните эту операцию с помощью команды Создать меню Файл. В диалоговом окне Создать оставить Нормальный шаблон и нажмите на кнопку ОК. Если Word не был загружен, запустите его, и у вас будет Документ с Нормальным шаблоном по умолчанию.

Создайте файл с помощью команды Сохранить как в меню Файл, где установите его имя, например Letter.doc и место на диске, куда его необходимо записать.

Теперь наберите текст письма, периодически сохраняя его при помощи команды Сохранить или комбинации клавиш Ctrl + S. Можно также активировать режим Автосохранения. Для этого в диалоговом окне команды Сохранить как. нажмите на кнопку Опции. В открывающемся диалоговом окне включите флажок напротив нужной команды. Установите с помощью клавиатуры временной интервал, например, 10 или 5 мин. Теперь программа будет автоматически сохранять файл через каждые 10 (5) минут.

Если вы впервые работаете с Word, необходимо выяснить ряд простых, но важных вещей.

При наборе текста в Word не надо отдельно уделять время выравниванию правого края и перехода на новую строку, в отличие от пишущей машинки. Средства выравнивания и перехода на новую строку Word установленные делать это автоматически.

Специальные напечатанные символы — это знаки, отражающие различные режимы размещения документа и не выводятся при печати документа на бумагу (например, абзацные отметки, знаки табуляции или метки конца строки). При активированном режиме отображения специальных непечатаемых символов все обозначения абзацев и других элементов форматирования выводятся на экран и устраняются из него с помощью кнопки Непечатаемые знаки. После окончания набора текст письма будет иметь примерно такой вид:

О поставке изделия № 9

Директору АОЗТ «Аваль» п. Иваненко И.П.

01002, Украина, Киев, ул. Хрещатик, 22

Уважаемый Иван Петрович!

Мы с удовольствием получили Вашего письма соответственно до поставки изделия № 9, за который Ваша фирма рассчиталась 28.11.96. Мы были очень удивлены, что Вы были вынуждены вторично обратиться к нам. Ни один предыдущий письмо на наш адрес не дошел, что объясняется неудовлетворительной работой почтового отделения.

Однако такой вариант нужно еще дорабатывать. В тексте нет отделений, некоторые строки необходимо расположить по центру или возле правого поля и т.д. Для этого будем выделять необходимые слова или строки с помощью мыши и применять к ним соответствующие команды.

Начнем с реквизитов адресата (получателя). Директору АОЗТ «Аваль» п. Иваненко ИЛ. 01002, Украина, Киев ул. Хрещатик, 22. Сделаем их полужирным начертанием. Выделяем все четыре строки мышью и используем команду Шрифт меню Формат, список Стиль: Полужирный. Проще выполнить с помощью кнопки на панели форматирования.

Теперь необходимо отцентрировать обращение к получателю. Выделяем: Уважаемый Иван Петрович! и нажимаем кнопку этой самой панели Выровнять по центру, а после этого — еще кнопки Полужирный и Курсива чтобы выделить обращение полужирным курсивом. Повторное нажатие кнопки отменяет примененные функции. Теперь текст письма удовлетворяет общепринятые требования.

Иногда шрифт текста нужно изменить.

Чтобы изменить шрифт всего текста, выполните следующие действия:

1. Примените команду Выделить в меню Правка.

2. Выполните команду Шрифт в меню Формат.

3. В диалоговом окне Шрифт выберите в списке нужный, например Aсal Суг. Стиль при необходимости выберите из списка: Обычный, Курсив, Полужирный, Полужирный курсив. Размер: установите, выбрав из списка или введя с клавиатуры нужный кегль 10 (пунктов).

Шрифт всего документа изменится. Все выделения в тексте, если не было внесено поправок в списке Стиль, сохранились. Осталось выровнять правый край текста. Для этого выделите ту часть, в которой это необходимо применить, — в нашем случае это текст письма без реквизитов адресата (получателя) и обращение к нему — и нажмите кнопку Выровнять по ширине на панели инструментов Форматирование.

С помощью описанных ниже операций быстро можно предоставить любому текстовые наилучшего вида:

1. Выполните команду Автоформат в меню Формат. Откроется диалоговое окно Автоформат с уведомлением о готовности редактора отформатировать документ.

2. Нажмите кнопку Опции. Появится диалоговое окно, с помощью которого вы можете контролировать процесс форматирования.

При автоматическом форматировании, в зависимости от установленных вами в диалоговом окне Опции переключателей и флажков, до каждого заголовка и абзаца будет применен определенный стиль. Так, редактор удалит лишние интервалы, отступы и маркеры абзацев, а также заменит некоторые специальные символы, например, символы С, R и ТМ на символы ©, ® и ™ соответствующего шрифта.

Включая или выключая флажки в диалоговом окне Опции, можно установить правила, по которым будет автоматически форматироваться текст. Но в нашем примере никакие ограничения не нужны, ведь мы оставили все флажки включены.

3. Нажмите кнопку ОК в диалоговом окне Опции и затем в окне Автоформат. Word автоматически отформатирует документ. Затем на экране снова появится диалоговое окно Автоформат., но с другим содержанием.

4. Теперь можно просмотреть все изменения форматов, нажимая кнопку Просмотр изменений, принять, не принять или изменить. Желательно сделать это позже, поскольку сначала, чтобы доработать внесенные изменения, нажмите кнопку Таблица стилей.

5. На экране появится диалоговое окно Таблица стилей. Выбирая определенные шаблоны из списка окна Шаблон, можно

изменить внешний вид документа. Изменения во внешнем виде документа демонстрируются в окне Просмотр. В нашем примере, когда речь идет о деловом письме, выбираем шаблон LЕТТЕR-2 — Современное письмо и нажимаем кнопку ОК.

Если внешний вид отформатированного документа устраивает, нажмите кнопку ОК.

6. Снова появится диалоговое окно Автоформат. Теперь нажмите кнопку Принять или еще раз просмотрите все внесенные изменения с помощью кнопки Просмотр изменений. После нажатия этой кнопки появится диалоговое окно Просмотр изменений автоформата, с помощью которого можно контролировать все изменения, примененные к абзацев и символов стиле.

Теперь документ готов: для него сделано форматирование, установлено отступы, выделения. По желанию можно внести еще некоторые элементы оформления символов с помощью команды Шрифт меню Формат, использование которой детально описано в начале подраздела 4.2.

После выполнения всех операций письмо будет достаточно убедительным. Обратите внимание, что отступы между абзацами были установлены с помощью форматирования, а не абзацных знаков.

В такой способ можно придавать документам другое форматирование с помощью стандартных шаблонов, перечисленных в списке Шаблон диалогового окна Таблица стилей. Например, если письмо необходимо отправить по факсу, то следует выбрать шаблон Классический титульный лист факса или Современный титульный лист факса.

в Дальнейшем формат текста документа можно изменять. Для этого удобно пользоваться командой Таблица стилей в меню Формат. Она выводит на экран то же диалоговое окно Таблица стилей.

Для просмотра или изменения стиля выделенного текста (абзаца), а также создания нового стиля необходимо использовать команду Стиль в меню Формат. Так, чтобы применить новый стиль к фрагменту текста, необходимо сделать следующее:

1. Выделите текст, к которому нужно применить другой стиль.

2. Выполните команду Стиль в меню Формат.

3. Откроется диалоговое окно Стиль. В списке Стили этого окна выберите нужное имя стиля. Обратите внимание, что стили абзацев в списке выделены жирным шрифтом, а стили символов — прямым. Образец форматирования абзацев и символов, которое предусматривает выбранный стиль, демонстрируется в окне Просмотр.

4. Нажмите кнопку Применить. Стиль приведенного текста изменился.

5. Если возникла необходимость создать новый стиль или внести изменения в любой из имеющихся стандартных, то прежде чем нажать Применить, следует нажать кнопку Создать или Изменить в диалоговом окне Стиль. Далее задайте имя нового стиля и его характеристики. Затем нажмите ОК. Новый стиль создан с именем, которое вы ему дали.

6. Закончив работу с письмом, его необходимо сохранить в конечном варианте и, если необходимо, распечатать с помощью команды Печать в меню Файл. Перед печатью желательно ознакомиться с видом документа с помощью команды Просмотр в этом самом меню.

Справочник по форматам файлов Word, Excel и PowerPoint

Область применения: Приложения Microsoft 365 для предприятий, Office 2019 и Office 2016

Поддерживаемые форматы файлов и их расширения указаны в следующих таблицах для Word, Excel и PowerPoint.

Форматы файлов, поддерживаемые в Word

В следующей таблице перечислены форматы файлов, поддерживаемые в Word, с сортировкой по расширению.

Файлы в формате PDF можно сохранять и открывать с помощью Word 2019, Word 2016 и Word 2013.

Форматы файлов, поддерживаемые в Excel

В следующих таблицах описываются форматы файлов, поддерживаемые в Excel.

Расширение Имя формата файлов Описание
CSV CSV (разделители — запятые) Сохраняет книгу в виде текстового файла с разделителями-запятыми для использования в другой операционной системе Windows и гарантирует правильное распознавание знаков табуляции, разрывов строки и других знаков. Сохраняет только активный лист.
CSV CSV (Macintosh) Сохраняет книгу в виде текстового файла с разделителями-запятыми для использования в операционной системе Macintosh и гарантирует правильное распознавание знаков табуляции, разрывов строки и других знаков. Сохраняет только активный лист.
CSV CSV (MS-DOS) Сохраняет книгу в виде текстового файла с разделителями-запятыми для использования в операционной системе MS-DOS и гарантирует правильное распознавание знаков табуляции, разрывов строки и других знаков. Сохраняет только активный лист.
DBF DBF 3, DBF 4 dBase III и IV. Пользователи могут открывать файлы этих форматов в Excel 2019, Excel 2016 и Excel 2013, но не могут сохранять файлы Excel в формате dBase.
DIF DIF (Data Interchange Format) Сохраняет только активный лист.
HTM, HTML Веб-страница Веб-страница, которая сохраняется в виде папки, содержащей файл HTM и все вспомогательные файлы, такие как изображения, звуковые файлы, сценарии и другие.
MHT, MHTML Веб-страница в одном файле Веб-страница, которая сохраняется в виде одного файла, содержащего файл HTM и все вспомогательные файлы, такие как изображения, звуковые файлы, каскадные таблицы стилей, сценарии и другие.
ODS Электронная таблица OpenDocument Формат файлов для сохранения файлов Excel 2019, Excel 2016 и Excel 2013, чтобы их можно было открывать в приложениях для работы с электронными таблицами, использующих формат электронной таблицы OpenDocument, таких как «Документы Google» и OpenOffice.org Calc. Пользователи также могут открыть электронные таблицы формата ODS в Excel 2019, Excel 2016 и Excel 2013. После сохранения и открытия файлов ODS форматирование может быть потеряно.
PDF PDF Формат PDF сохраняет форматирование документов и позволяет обмениваться файлами с другими пользователями. При просмотре PDF-файла в Интернете и выводе на печать сохраняется его исходное оформление. Изменение данных в таком файле требует усилий и навыков. Формат PDF также полезен для документов, предназначенных для промышленной печати.
PRN Форматированный текст (разделители — пробелы) Формат Lotus с разделителями-пробелами. Сохраняет только активный лист.
SLK SYLK (формат символьной ссылки) Сохраняет только активный лист.
TXT Текст (разделитель — табуляция) Сохраняет книгу в виде текстового файла с разделителями в виде табуляции для использования в другой операционной системе Windows и гарантирует правильное распознавание знаков табуляции, разрывов строки и других знаков. Сохраняет только активный лист.
TXT Текст (Macintosh) Сохраняет книгу в виде текстового файла с разделителями в виде табуляции для использования в операционной системе Macintosh и гарантирует правильное распознавание знаков табуляции, разрывов строки и других знаков. Сохраняет только активный лист.
TXT Текст (MS-DOS) Сохраняет книгу в виде текстового файла с разделителями в виде табуляции для использования в операционной системе MS-DOS и гарантирует правильное распознавание знаков табуляции, разрывов строки и других знаков. Сохраняет только активный лист.
TXT Текст в кодировке Unicode Сохраняет книгу в виде текста Юникода, это стандарт кодировки, разработанный компанией Unicode Consortium. Сохраняет только активный лист.
XLA Надстройка Excel 97–2003 Надстройка Excel 97–2003 — вспомогательная программа, выполняющая дополнительный код и поддерживающая проекты VBA.
XLAM Надстройка Microsoft Excel Формат надстроек на основе XML с поддержкой макросов для Excel 2019, Excel 2016, Excel 2013, и Office Excel 2007. Надстройка — это вспомогательная программа, выполняющая дополнительный код. Она поддерживает проекты VBA и листы макросов Excel 4.0 (XLM).
XLS Книга Excel 97–2003 Формат двоичных файлов Excel 97– Excel 2003.
XLS Книга Microsoft Excel 5.0/95 Формат двоичных файлов Excel 5.0/95.
XLSB Двоичная книга Excel Двоичный формат файлов Excel 2019, Excel 2016, Excel 2013 и Excel 2010 и Office Excel 2007. Этот формат файлов, обеспечивающий быструю загрузку и быстрое сохранение, подходит пользователям, которым требуется добиться наибольшей скорости загрузки файла данных. Этот формат поддерживает проекты VBA, листы макросов Excel 4.0 и все новые функции Excel. Но это не формат файлов XML, поэтому он неоптимален для доступа к содержимому и управления им без использования Excel 2019, Excel 2016, Excel 2013, Excel 2010 или Excel 2007 и объектной модели.
XLSM Книга Excel с поддержкой макросов Формат файлов на основе XML с поддержкой макросов для Excel 2019, Excel 2016, Excel 2013, Excel 2010 и Office Excel 2007. Сохраняет макрокод VBA или листы макросов Excel 4.0 (XLM).
XLSX Книга Excel Формат файлов по умолчанию на основе XML для Excel 2019, Excel 2016, Excel 2013, Excel 2010 и Office Excel 2007. Не позволяет сохранять макрокод VBA и листы макросов Microsoft Excel 4.0 (XLM).
XLSX Книга Strict Open XML Версия ISO Strict формата файла книги Excel (XLSX).
XLT Шаблон Excel 97–2003 Формат двоичных файлов Excel 97—Excel 2003 для шаблонов Excel.
XLTM Шаблон Excel с поддержкой макросов Формат файлов шаблонов с поддержкой макросов для Excel 2019, Excel 2016, Excel 2013, Excel 2010 и Office Excel 2007. Сохраняет макрокод VBA и листы макросов Excel 4.0 (XLM).
XLTX Шаблон Excel Формат файлов шаблонов по умолчанию для Excel 2019, Excel 2016, Excel 2013, Excel 2010 и Office Excel 2007. Не сохраняет макрокод VBA и листы макросов Excel 4.0 (XLM).
XLW Книга Excel 4.0 Формат файлов Excel 4.0, в котором сохраняются только листы, листы диаграмм и листы макросов. Пользователи могут открывать книги в этом формате в Excel 2019, Excel 2016 и Excel 2013. При этом пользователи не смогут сохранять файлы Excel в этом формате.
XML Таблица XML 2003 Формат файлов таблицы XML 2003.
XML Данные XML Формат данных XML.
XPS Документ XPS XPS (XML Paper Specification) — формат файлов, который сохраняет форматирование документа и обеспечивает совместное использование файлов. При просмотре XPS-файла через Интернет или при его печати сохраняется именно тот формат, который задумывал пользователь, а изменение данных в файле требует усилий и навыков.

Форматы файлов, поддерживаемые в PowerPoint

В следующих таблицах описываются форматы файлов, поддерживаемые в PowerPoint.

Форматы файлов, которые не поддерживаются в Office

Приложения Office не поддерживают форматы файлов, описанные в следующей таблице:

Приложение Неподдерживаемый формат файлов
Excel — Диаграмма Excel (форматы файлов Excel 2.0, 3.0 и 2.x) (XLC)
— Форматы файлов Lotus 1-2-3 (все версии) (WK1, WK2, WK3, WK4, WKS)
— Microsoft Works (все версии) (WKS)
— Формат файлов DBASE II (DBF)
— Формат файлов Quattro Pro для MS-DOS (WQ1)
— Quattro Pro 5.0 и 7.0 для Windows (WB1, WB3)
PowerPoint — Открытие форматов файлов PowerPoint 95 (или более ранних версий) или сохранение в эти форматы
— Файлы мастера упаковки (PPZ)
— Файлы веб-страниц (HTM, HTML)

Дополнительная информация о форматах файлов

В этом разделе описываются дополнительные форматы файлов с указанием того, поддерживаются ли они в приложениях Office.

Форматы файлов буфера обмена Microsoft Office

Пользователи могут вставлять данные из буфера обмена Office в Word, Excel и PowerPoint, если данные буфера обмена Office имеют один из форматов, указанных в следующей таблице.

Открытие и просмотр неподдерживаемых форматов файлов

Если необходимый пользователю формат файлов не поддерживается, он может попробовать открыть файл указанным ниже способом.

Найдите в Интернете компанию, разрабатывающую конвертеры форматов файлов, не поддерживаемых в этом приложении.

Сохраните файл в формате, который поддерживается другой программой. Например, пользователям может понадобиться импортировать файл Word, Excel или PowerPoint в другую программу, которая не поддерживает собственный формат файлов этих приложений. При этом другая программа может поддерживать импорт файлов в другом поддерживаемом формате, например, в текстовом формате. В этом случае пользователи могут сохранить свою работу в формате текстового файла, а затем импортировать этот текстовый файл в другую программу.

Формат документа



🤓 keuchlorregdia1979

👍 Проверено Автор24

[document format] — структура документа, в том числе порядок расположения реквизитов и его линейные размеры.

Научные статьи на тему «Формат документа»

Форматы файлов

Это означает, что документ будет отображаться в таком виде, в каком он был создан.

.rtf – формат, используемый…
для хранения размеченных текстовых документов….
Документы в формате rtf сегодня поддерживаются в большинстве текстовых редакторов….
Встроенный в ОС Windows редактор текста WordPad сохраняет все документы в формате rtf по умолчанию….
Открыть документ в формате txt можно в любой программе для обработки текста.


Статья от экспертов

Новый формат представления документов в электронном виде

В статье предложен новый подход к представлению электронных документов. Указанный подход к стандартизации формы электронного документа позволяет однозначно определять подлинник электронного документа и отличать его от копии.

Форматы хранения электронных документов

Определение 1

Форматы хранения электронных документов — это методы и правила хранения документов
Сегодня уже существуют следующие форматы электронных документов:

Бухгалтерский формат электронных документов
Складской формат электронных документов.
Перевозочный формат электронных документов….
Управленческий формат электронных документов.
Архивный формат электронных документов….
Кадровый формат электронных документов.


Статья от экспертов


В статье проведен обзор требований к организации хранения, комплектования и использования архивных документов. Описано основное требование новых Правил архивного хранения документов, передаваемых в архивный фонд РФ в формате PDF/A. Рассмотрен международный подход по организации и применению серии форматов PDF при оцифровке документов. В табличной форме представлен подбор отечественного и зарубежного программного обеспечения по оцифровке архивных документов. Выявлены технические преимущества хранения документов в новом формате PDF/A. Определено уникальное свойство формата PDF/A. Приведено технико-экономические обоснование необходимости использования формата PDF/A организациями, органами государственной власти и местного самоуправления.

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  2. Выбери определение из предложенных или загрузи свое
  3. Тренажер от Автор24 поможет тебе выучить термины с помощью удобных и приятных

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is a list of file formats used by computers, organized by type. Filename extension it is usually noted in parentheses if they differ from the file format name or abbreviation. Many operating systems do not limit filenames to one extension shorter than 4 characters, as was common with some operating systems that supported the File Allocation Table (FAT) file system. Examples of operating systems that do not impose this limit include Unix-like systems, and Microsoft Windows NT, 95-98, and ME which have no three character limit on extensions for 32-bit or 64-bit applications on file systems other than pre-Windows 95 and Windows NT 3.5 versions of the FAT file system. Some filenames are given extensions longer than three characters. While MS-DOS and NT always treat the suffix after the last period in a file’s name as its extension, in UNIX-like systems, the final period does not necessarily mean that the text after the last period is the file’s extension.[1]

Some file formats, such as .txt or .text, may be listed multiple times.

Archive and compressed[edit]

  • .?Q? – files that are compressed, often by the SQ program.
  • 7z – 7z: 7-Zip compressed file
  • A – An external file extension for C/C++
  • AAC – Advanced Audio Coding
  • ace – ace: ACE compressed file
  • ALZ – ALZip compressed file
  • APK – Android package: Applications installable on Android; package format of the Alpine Linux distribution
  • APPX – Microsoft Application Package (.appx)
  • AT3 – Sony’s UMD data compression
  • ARC – ARC: pre-Zip data compression
  • ARC – Nintendo U8 Archive (mostly Yaz0 compressed)
  • ARJ – ARJ compressed file
  • ASS, SSA –ASS (also SSA): a subtitles file created by Aegisub, a video typesetting application (also a Halo game engine file)
  • B – (B file) Similar to .a, but less compressed.
  • BA – BA: Scifer Archive (.ba), Scifer External Archive Type
  • BIN – compressed archive, can be read and used by CD-ROMs and Java, extractable by 7-zip and WINRAR
  • .bkf – Microsoft backup created by NTBackup.c
  • Blend – An external 3D file format used by the animation software, Blender.
  • .bz2 – bzip2
  • BMP – Bitmap Image – You can create one by right-clicking the home screen, next, click new, then, click Bitmap Image
  • cab – A cabinet (.cab) file is a library of compressed files stored as one file. Cabinet files are used to organize installation files that are copied to the user’s system.[2]
  • c4 – JEDMICS image files, a DOD system
  • cals – JEDMICS image files, a DOD system
  • xaml – Used in programs like Visual Studio to create exe files.
  • CPT, SEA – Compact Pro (Macintosh)
  • DAA – DAA: Closed-format, Windows-only compressed disk image
  • deb – deb: Debian install package
  • DMG – an Apple compressed/encrypted format
  • DDZ – a file which can only be used by the «daydreamer engine» created by «fever-dreamer», a program similar to RAGS, it’s mainly used to make somewhat short games.
  • DN – Adobe Dimension CC file format
  • DNG – «Digital Negative» a type of raw image file format used in digital photography.
  • DPE – Package of AVE documents made with Aquafadas digital publishing tools.
  • .egg – Alzip Egg Edition compressed file
  • .egt – EGT Universal Document also used to create compressed cabinet files replaces .ecab
  • .ECAB, .ezip – EGT Compressed Folder used in advanced systems to compress entire system folders, replaced by EGT Universal Document
  • ESD – ESD: Electronic Software Distribution, a compressed and encrypted WIM File
  • .ess – EGT SmartSense File, detects files compressed using the EGT compression system.
  • .exe – Windows application
  • .flipchart – Used in Promethean ActivInspire Flipchart Software.
  • .gbs, .ggp, .gsc – GBS OtterUI binary scene file
  • .gho, .ghs – GHO Norton Ghost
  • .gif – GIF Graphics Interchange Format
  • .gz – gzip Compressed file
  • .html – HTML code file
  • .ipg – Format in which Apple Inc. packages their iPod games. can be extracted through Winrar
  • jar – jar ZIP file with manifest for use with Java applications.
  • JPG – Joints Photographic Experts Group – Image File
  • JPEG – Joints Photographic Experts Group – Image File
  • .Lawrence – LBR Lawrence Compiler Type file
  • LBR – LBR Library file
  • LQR – LQR LBR Library file compressed by the SQ program.
  • .lzh – LHA Lempel, Ziv, Huffman
  • .lz – lzip Compressed file
  • .lzo – lzo
  • lzma – lzma Lempel–Ziv–Markov chain algorithm compressed file
  • LZX – LZX
  • .lua — Lua
  • .mbw – MBRWizard archive
  • MHTML – Mime HTML (Hyper-Text Markup Language) code file
  • .midi — Musical Instrument Digital Interface
  • .mpq – MPQ Archives Used by Blizzard Entertainment
  • .bin – BIN MacBinary
  • .nl2pkg – NoLimits 2 Package
  • .nth – NTH: Nokia Theme Used by Nokia Series 40 Cellphones
  • .oar – OAR: OAR archive
  • OSG – Compressed osu! live gameplay archive (optimized for spectating)
  • OSK – Compressed osu! skin archive
  • OSR – Compressed osu! replay archive
  • OSZ – Compressed osu! beatmap archive
  • PAK – Enhanced type of .ARC archive
  • .par, .par2 – PAR Parchive
  • .paf – PAF Portable Application File
  • .pea – PEA PeaZip archive file
  • PNG – Portable Network Graphic Image File
  • Webp — Raster image format developed by Google for web graphics
  • .php – PHP code file
  • .pyk – PYK Compressed file
  • .pk3 – PK3 Quake 3 archive (See note on Doom³)
  • .pk4 – PK4 Doom³ archive (Opens similarly to a zip archive.)
  • .pxz – PXZ A compressed layered image file used for the image editing website, pixlr.com .
  • py, pyw – Python code file
  • .rar – RAR Rar Archive, for multiple file archive (rar to .r01-.r99 to s01 and so on)
  • RAG, RAGS – Game file, a game playable in the RAGS game-engine, a free program which both allows people to create games, and play games, games created have the format «RAG game file»
  • RaX – Archive file created by RaX
  • RBXL – Roblox Studio place file (XML, binary)
  • RBXLX – Roblox Studio place file (exclusively XML)
  • RBXM – Roblox Studio model file (XML, binary)
  • RBXMX – Roblox Studio model file (exclusively XML)
  • RPM – Red Hat package/installer for Fedora, RHEL, and similar systems.
  • sb – Scratch file
  • sb2 – Scratch 2.0 file
  • sb3 – Scratch 3.0 file
  • SEN – Scifer Archive (.sen) – Scifer Internal Archive Type
  • .sitx – SIT StuffIt (Macintosh)
  • SIS, SISX – SIS/SISX: Symbian Application Package
  • SKB – Google SketchUp backup File
  • .sq – SQ: Squish Compressed Archive
  • .srt — SubRip Subtitle — file format for closed captioning or subtitles.
  • SWM – Splitted WIM File, usually found on OEM Recovery Partition to store preinstalled Windows image, and to make Recovery backup (to USB Drive) easier (due to FAT32 limitations)
  • SZS – Nintendo Yaz0 Compressed Archive
  • TAR – TAR: group of files, packaged as one file
  • Gzip, .tar.gz – (Gzip, .tar.gz): TGZ gzipped tar file
  • .tb – TB Tabbery Virtual Desktop Tab file
  • .tib – TIB Acronis True Image backup
  • UHA – Ultra High Archive Compression
  • .uue – UUE unified utility engine – the generic and default format for all things UUe-related.
  • uf2 microsoft makecode arcade game.
  • VIV – Archive format used to compress data for several video games, including Need For Speed: High Stakes.
  • VOL – video game data package.
  • VSA – Altiris Virtual Software Archive
  • WAX – Wavexpress – A ZIP alternative optimized for packages containing video, allowing multiple packaged files to be all-or-none delivered with near-instantaneous unpacking via NTFS file system manipulation.
  • .wfp a Wondershare Flimora project file
  • WIM – WIM A compressed disk image for installing Windows Vista or higher, Windows Fundamentals for Legacy PC, or restoring a system image made from Backup and Restore (Windows Vista/7)
  • XAP – Windows Phone Application Package
  • xz – xz compressed files, based on LZMA/LZMA2 algorithm
  • Z – Unix compress file
  • zoo – zoo: based on LZW
  • zip – zip: popular compression format
  • ZIM – ZIM: an open file format that stores wiki content for offline usage

Physical recordable media archiving[edit]

  • ISO – Generic format for most optical media, including CD-ROM, DVD-ROM, Blu-ray, HD DVD and UMD.
  • NRG – Proprietary optical media archive format used by Nero applications.
  • IMG – Raw disk image, for archiving DOS formatted floppy disks, hard drives, and larger optical media.
  • ADF – for archiving Amiga floppy disks
  • ADZ – The GZip-compressed version of ADF.
  • DMS – a disk-archiving system native to the Amiga.
  • DSK – For archiving floppy disks from a number of other platforms, including the ZX Spectrum and Amstrad CPC.
  • D64 – An archive of a Commodore 64 floppy disk.
  • SDI – used for archiving and providing «virtual disk» functionality.
  • MDS – Daemon Tools native disc image format used for making images from optical CD-ROM, DVD-ROM, HD DVD or Blu-ray. It comes together with MDF file and can be mounted with DAEMON Tools.
  • MDX – Daemon Tools format that allows getting one MDX disc image file instead of two (MDF and MDS).
  • DMG – Macintosh disk image files
  • CDI – DiscJuggler image file
  • CUE – CDRWrite CUE image file
  • CIF – Easy CD Creator .cif format
  • C2D – Roxio-WinOnCD .c2d format
  • DAA – PowerISO .daa format
  • B6T – BlindWrite 6 image file
  • B5T – BlindWrite 5 image file
  • BWT – BlindWrite 4 image file
  • FFPPKG – FreeFire Profile Export Package


  • LEMONAPP – LemonOS/LemonTabOS/LemonRoid App (.lem_app)

Other Extensions[edit]

  • HTML – Hypertext Markup Language
  • Msi – Windows installation file
  • Vdhx – Virtual disk created by Hyper-V (Hyper-V runs on windows operating system)

Computer-aided design[edit]

Computer-aided is a prefix for several categories of tools (e.g., design, manufacture, engineering) which assist professionals in their respective fields (e.g., machining, architecture, schematics).

Computer-aided design (CAD)[edit]

Computer-aided design (CAD) software assists engineers, architects and other design professionals in project design.

  • 3DXML – Dassault Systemes graphic representation
  • 3MF – Microsoft 3D Manufacturing Format[3]
  • ACP – VA Software VA – Virtual Architecture CAD file
  • AMF – Additive Manufacturing File Format
  • AEC – DataCAD drawing format[4]
  • AR – Ashlar-Vellum Argon – 3D Modeling
  • ART – ArtCAM model
  • ASC – BRL-CAD Geometry File (old ASCII format)
  • ASM – Solidedge Assembly, Pro/ENGINEER Assembly
  • BIN, BIM – Data Design System DDS-CAD
  • BREP – Open CASCADE 3D model (shape)
  • C3D – C3D Toolkit File Format
  • C3P – Construct3 Files
  • CCC – CopyCAD Curves
  • CCM – CopyCAD Model
  • CCS – CopyCAD Session
  • CAD – CadStd
  • CATDrawing – CATIA V5 Drawing document
  • CATPart – CATIA V5 Part document
  • CATProduct – CATIA V5 Assembly document
  • CATProcess – CATIA V5 Manufacturing document
  • cgr – CATIA V5 graphic representation file
  • ckd – KeyCreator CAD Modeling
  • ckt – KeyCreator CAD Modeling
  • CO – Ashlar-Vellum Cobalt – parametric drafting and 3D modeling
  • DRW – Caddie Early version of Caddie drawing – Prior to Caddie changing to DWG
  • DFT – Solidedge Draft
  • DGN – MicroStation design file
  • DGK – Delcam Geometry
  • DMT – Delcam Machining Triangles
  • DXF – ASCII Drawing Interchange file format, AutoCAD
  • DWB – VariCAD drawing file
  • DWF – Autodesk’s Web Design Format; AutoCAD & Revit can publish to this format; similar in concept to PDF files; Autodesk Design Review is the reader
  • DWG – Popular file format for Computer Aided Drafting applications, notably AutoCAD, Open Design Alliance applications, and Autodesk Inventor Drawing files
  • EASM – SolidWorks eDrawings assembly file
  • EDRW – eDrawings drawing file
  • EMB – Wilcom ES Designer Embroidery CAD file
  • EPRT – eDrawings part file
  • EscPcb – «esCAD pcb» data file by Electro-System (Japan)
  • EscSch – «esCAD sch» data file by Electro-System (Japan)
  • ESW – AGTEK format
  • EXCELLON – Excellon file
  • EXP – Drawing Express format
  • F3D – Autodesk Fusion 360 archive file[5]
  • FCStd – Native file format of FreeCAD CAD/CAM package
  • FM – FeatureCAM Part File
  • FMZ – FormZ Project file
  • G – BRL-CAD Geometry File
  • GBR – Gerber file
  • GLM – KernelCAD model
  • GRB – T-FLEX CAD File
  • GRI – AppliCad GRIM-In file in readable text form for importing roof and wall cladding job data generated by business management and accounting systems into the modelling/estimating program
  • GRO – AppliCad GRIM-Out file in readable text form for exporting roof and wall cladding data job material and labour costing data, material lists generated by the modelling/estimating program to business management and accounting systems
  • IAM – Autodesk Inventor Assembly file
  • ICD – IronCAD 2D CAD file
  • IDW – Autodesk Inventor Drawing file
  • IFC – buildingSMART for sharing AEC and FM data
  • IGES – Initial Graphics Exchange Specification
  • .dgn, .cel – Intergraph Standard File Formats Intergraph
  • IO – Stud.io 3d model
  • IPN – Autodesk Inventor Presentation file
  • IPT – Autodesk Inventor Part file
  • JT – Jupiter Tesselation
  • MCD – Monu-CAD (Monument/Headstone Drawing file)
  • MDG – Model of Digital Geometric Kernel
  • model – CATIA V4 part document
  • OCD – Orienteering Computer Aided Design (OCAD) file
  • PAR – Solidedge Part
  • PIPE – PIPE-FLO Professional Piping system design file
  • PLN – ArchiCad project
  • PRT – NX (recently known as Unigraphics), Pro/ENGINEER Part, CADKEY Part
  • PSM – Solidedge Sheet
  • PSMODEL – PowerSHAPE Model
  • PWI – PowerINSPECT File
  • PYT – Pythagoras File
  • SKP – SketchUp Model
  • RLF – ArtCAM Relief
  • RVM – AVEVA PDMS 3D Review model
  • RVT – Autodesk Revit project files
  • RFA – Autodesk Revit family files
  • RXF – AppliCad annotated 3D roof and wall geometry data in readable text form used to exchange 3D model geometry with other systems such as truss design software
  • S12 – Spirit file, by Softtech
  • SCAD – OpenSCAD 3D part model
  • SCDOC – SpaceClaim 3D Part/Assembly
  • SLDASM – SolidWorks Assembly drawing
  • SLDDRW – SolidWorks 2D drawing
  • SLDPRT – SolidWorks 3D part model
  • dotXSI – For Softimage
  • STEP – Standard for the Exchange of Product model data
  • STL – Stereo Lithographic data format used by various CAD systems and stereo lithographic printing machines.
  • STD – Power Vision Plus – Electricity Meter Data (Circutor)
  • TCT – TurboCAD drawing template
  • TCW – TurboCAD for Windows 2D and 3D drawing
  • UNV – I-DEAS I-DEAS (Integrated Design and Engineering Analysis Software)
  • VC6 – Ashlar-Vellum Graphite – 2D and 3D drafting
  • VLM – Ashlar-Vellum Vellum, Vellum 2D, Vellum Draft, Vellum 3D, DrawingBoard
  • VS – Ashlar-Vellum Vellum Solids
  • WRL – Similar to STL, but includes color. Used by various CAD systems and 3D printing rapid prototyping machines. Also used for VRML models on the web.
  • X_B – Parasolids binary format
  • X_T – Parasolids
  • XE – Ashlar-Vellum Xenon – for associative 3D modeling
  • ZOFZPROJ – ZofzPCB 3D PCB model, containing mesh, netlist and BOM

Electronic design automation (EDA)[edit]

Electronic design automation (EDA), or electronic computer-aided design (ECAD), is specific to the field of electrical engineering.

  • BRD – Board file for EAGLE Layout Editor, a commercial PCB design tool
  • BSDL – Description language for testing through JTAG
  • CDL – Transistor-level netlist format for IC design
  • CPF – Power-domain specification in system-on-a-chip (SoC) implementation (see also UPF)
  • DEF – Gate-level layout
  • DSPF – Detailed Standard Parasitic Format, Analog-level parasitics of interconnections in IC design
  • EDIF – Vendor neutral gate-level netlist format
  • FSDB – Analog waveform format (see also Waveform viewer)
  • GDSII – Format for PCB and layout of integrated circuits
  • HEX – ASCII-coded binary format for memory dumps
  • LEF – Library Exchange Format, physical abstract of cells for IC design
  • LIB – Library modeling (function, timing) format
  • MS12 – NI Multisim file
  • OASIS – Open Artwork System Interchange Standard
  • OpenAccess – Design database format with APIs
  • PSF – Cadence proprietary format to store simulation results/waveforms (2GB limit)
  • PSFXL – Cadence proprietary format to store simulation results/waveforms
  • SDC – Synopsys Design Constraints, format for synthesis constraints
  • SDF – Standard for gate-level timings
  • SPEF – Standard format for parasitics of interconnections in IC design
  • SPI, CIR – SPICE Netlist, device-level netlist and commands for simulation
  • SREC, S19 – S-record, ASCII-coded format for memory dumps
  • SST2 – Cadence proprietary format to store mixed-signal simulation results/waveforms
  • STIL – Standard Test Interface Language, IEEE1450-1999 standard for Test Patterns for IC
  • SV – SystemVerilog source file
  • S*P – Touchstone/EEsof Scattering parameter data file – multi-port blackbox performance, measurement or simulated
  • TLF – Contains timing and logical information about a collection of cells (circuit elements)
  • UPF – Standard for Power-domain specification in SoC implementation
  • V – Verilog source file
  • VCD – Standard format for digital simulation waveform
  • VHD, VHDL – VHDL source file
  • WGL – Waveform Generation Language, format for Test Patterns for IC

Test technology[edit]

Files output from Automatic Test Equipment or post-processed from such.

  • Standard Test Data Format


  • 4DB – 4D database Structure file
  • 4DD – 4D database Data file
  • 4DIndy – 4D database Structure Index file
  • 4DIndx – 4D database Data Index file
  • 4DR – 4D database Data resource file (in old 4D versions)
  • ACCDB – Microsoft Database (Microsoft Office Access 2007 and later)
  • ACCDE – Compiled Microsoft Database (Microsoft Office Access 2007 and later)
  • ADT – Sybase Advantage Database Server (ADS)
  • APR – Lotus Approach data entry & reports
  • BOX – Lotus Notes Post Office mail routing database
  • CHML – Krasbit Technologies Encrypted database file for 1 click integration between contact management software and the chameleon(tm) line of imaging workflow solutions
  • DAF – Digital Anchor data file
  • DAT – DOS Basic
  • DAT – Intersystems Caché database file
  • DB – Paradox
  • DB – SQLite
  • DBF – db/dbase II,III,IV and V, Clipper, Harbour/xHarbour, Fox/FoxPro, Oracle
  • DTA – Sage Sterling database file
  • EGT – EGT Universal Document, used to compress sql databases to smaller files, may contain original EGT database style.
  • ESS – EGT SmartSense is a database of files and its compression style. Specific to EGT SmartSense
  • EAP – Enterprise Architect Project
  • FDB – Firebird Databases
  • FDB – Navision database file
  • FP, FP3, FP5, FP7 – FileMaker Pro
  • FRM – MySQL table definition
  • GDB – Borland InterBase Databases
  • GTABLE – Google Drive Fusion Table
  • KEXI – Kexi database file (SQLite-based)
  • KEXIC – shortcut to a database connection for a Kexi databases on a server
  • KEXIS – shortcut to a Kexi database
  • LDB – Temporary database file, only existing when database is open
  • LIRS – Layered Intager Storage. Stores intageres with characters such as semicolons to create lists of data.
  • MDA – Add-in file for Microsoft Access
  • MDB – Microsoft Access database
  • ADP – Microsoft Access project (used for accessing databases on a server)
  • MDE – Compiled Microsoft Database (Access)
  • MDF – Microsoft SQL Server Database
  • MYD – MySQL MyISAM table data
  • MYI – MySQL MyISAM table index
  • NCF – Lotus Notes configuration file
  • NSF – Lotus Notes database
  • NTF – Lotus Notes database design template
  • NV2 – QW Page NewViews object oriented accounting database
  • ODB – LibreOffice Base or OpenOffice Base database
  • ORA – Oracle tablespace files sometimes get this extension (also used for configuration files)
  • PCONTACT – WinIM Contact file
  • PDB – Palm OS Database
  • PDI – Portable Database Image
  • PDX – Corel Paradox database management
  • PRC – Palm OS resource database
  • SQL – bundled SQL queries
  • REC – GNU recutils database
  • REL – Sage Retrieve 4GL data file
  • RIN – Sage Retrieve 4GL index file
  • SDB – StarOffice’s StarBase
  • SDF – SQL Compact Database file
  • sqlite – SQLite
  • UDL – Universal Data Link
  • waData – Wakanda (software) database Data file
  • waIndx – Wakanda (software) database Index file
  • waModel – Wakanda (software) database Model file
  • waJournal – Wakanda (software) database Journal file
  • WDB – Microsoft Works Database
  • WMDB – Windows Media Database file – The CurrentDatabase_360.wmdb file can contain file name, file properties, music, video, photo and playlist information.

Big Data (Distributed)[edit]

  • Avro – Data format appropriate for ingestion of record based attributes. Distinguishing characteristic is schema is stored on each row enabling schema evolution.
  • Parquet – Columnar data storage. It is typically used within the Hadoop ecosystem.
  • ORC – Similar to Parquet, but has better data compression and schema evolution handling.

Desktop publishing[edit]

  • AI – Adobe Illustrator
  • AVE, ZAVE – Aquafadas
  • CDR – CorelDRAW
  • CHP, pub, STY, CAP, CIF, VGR, FRM – Ventura Publisher – Xerox (DOS / GEM)
  • CPT – Corel Photo-Paint
  • DTP – Greenstreet Publisher, GST PressWorks
  • FM – Adobe FrameMaker
  • GDRAW – Google Drive Drawing
  • ILDOC – Broadvision Quicksilver document
  • INDD – Adobe InDesign
  • MCF – FotoInsight Designer
  • PDF – Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Reader
  • PMD – Adobe PageMaker
  • PPP – Serif PagePlus
  • PSD – Adobe Photoshop
  • PUB – Microsoft Publisher
  • QXD – QuarkXPress
  • SLA, SCD – Scribus
  • XCF – XCF: File format used by the GIMP, as well as other programs


These files store formatted text and plain text.

  • 0 – Plain Text Document, normally used for licensing
  • 1ST – Plain Text Document, normally preceded by the words «README» (README.1ST)
  • 600 – Plain Text Document, used in UNZIP history log
  • 602 – Text602 (T602) document
  • ABW – AbiWord document
  • ACL – MS Word AutoCorrect List
  • AFP – Advanced Function Presentation
  • AMI – Lotus Ami Pro Amigaguide
  • ANS – American National Standards Institute (ANSI) text
  • ASC – ASCII text
  • AWW – Ability Write
  • CCF – Color Chat 1.0
  • CSV – ASCII text as comma-separated values, used in spreadsheets and database management systems
  • CWK – ClarisWorks-AppleWorks document
  • DBK – DocBook XML sub-format
  • DITA – Darwin Information Typing Architecture document
  • DOC – Microsoft Word document
  • DOCM – Microsoft Word macro-enabled document
  • DOCX – Office Open XML document
  • DOT – Microsoft Word document template
  • DOTX – Office Open XML text document template
  • DWD – DavkaWriter Heb/Eng word processor file
  • EGT – EGT Universal Document
  • EPUB – EPUB open standard for e-books
  • EZW – Reagency Systems easyOFFER document[6]
  • FDX – Final Draft
  • FTM – Fielded Text Meta
  • FTX – Fielded Text (Declared)
  • GDOC – Google Drive Document
  • HTML – HyperText Markup Language (.html, .htm)
  • HWP – Haansoft (Hancom) Hangul Word Processor document
  • HWPML – Haansoft (Hancom) Hangul Word Processor Markup Language document
  • LOG – Text log file
  • LWP – Lotus Word Pro
  • MBP – metadata for Mobipocket documents
  • MD – Markdown text document
  • ME – Plain text document normally preceded by the word «READ» (READ.ME)
  • MCW – Microsoft Word for Macintosh (versions 4.0–5.1)
  • Mobi – Mobipocket documents
  • NB – Mathematica Notebook
  • nb – Nota Bene Document (Academic Writing Software)
  • NBP – Mathematica Player Notebook
  • NEIS – 학교생활기록부 작성 프로그램 (Student Record Writing Program) Document
  • NT – N-Triples RDF container (.nt)
  • NQ – N-Quads RDF container (.nq)
  • ODM – OpenDocument master document
  • ODOC – Synology Drive Office Document
  • ODT – OpenDocument text document
  • OSHEET – Synology Drive Office Spreadsheet
  • OTT – OpenDocument text document template
  • OMM – OmmWriter text document
  • PAGES – Apple Pages document
  • PAP – Papyrus word processor document
  • PER — Canadian Forces Personnel Appraisal System (CFPAS) Personnel Evaluation Report (PER)
  • PDR — Canadian Forces Personnel Appraisal System (CFPAS) Personnel Development Report (PDR)
  • PDAX – Portable Document Archive (PDA) document index file
  • PDF – Portable Document Format
  • QUOX – Question Object File Format for Quobject Designer or Quobject Explorer
  • Radix-64 – Need helps!!!
  • RTF – Rich Text document
  • RPT – Crystal Reports
  • SDW – StarWriter text document, used in earlier versions of StarOffice
  • SE – Shuttle Document
  • STW – OpenOffice.org XML (obsolete) text document template
  • Sxw – OpenOffice.org XML (obsolete) text document
  • TeX – TeX
  • INFO – Texinfo
  • Troff – Unix OS document processing system
  • TXT – ASCII or Unicode plain text file
  • UOF – Uniform Office Format
  • UOML – Unique Object Markup Language
  • VIA – Revoware VIA Document Project File
  • WPD – WordPerfect document
  • WPS – Microsoft Works document
  • WPT – Microsoft Works document template
  • WRD – WordIt! document
  • WRF – ThinkFree Write
  • WRI – Microsoft Write document
  • xhtml, xht – XHTML eXtensible HyperText Markup Language
  • XML – eXtensible Markup Language
  • XPS – XPS: Open XML Paper Specification

Financial records[edit]

  • MYO – MYOB Limited (Windows) File
  • MYOB – MYOB Limited (Mac) File
  • TAX – TurboTax File
  • YNAB – You Need a Budget (YNAB) File

Financial data transfer formats[edit]

  • IFX – Interactive Financial Exchange XML-based specification for various forms of financial transactions
  • .ofx – Open Financial Exchange, open standard supported by CheckFree and Microsoft and partly by Intuit; SGML and later XML based
  • QFX – proprietary pay-only format used only by Intuit
  • .qif – Quicken Interchange Format open standard formerly supported by Intuit

Font file[edit]

  • ABF – Adobe Binary Screen Font
  • AFM – Adobe Font Metrics
  • BDF – Bitmap Distribution Format
  • BMF – ByteMap Font Format
  • BRFNT – Binary Revolution Font Format
  • FNT – Bitmapped Font – Graphics Environment Manager (GEM)
  • FON – Bitmapped Font – Microsoft Windows
  • MGF – MicroGrafx Font
  • OTF – OpenType Font
  • PCF – Portable Compiled Format
  • PFA – Printer Font ASCII
  • PFB – Printer Font Binary – Adobe
  • PFM – Printer Font Metrics – Adobe
  • AFM – Adobe Font Metrics
  • FOND – Font Description resource – Mac OS
  • SFD – FontForge spline font database Font
  • SNF – Server Normal Format
  • TDF – TheDraw Font
  • TFM – TeX font metric
  • .ttf, .ttc – TrueType Font
  • UFO – Unified Font Object is a cross-platform, cross-application, human readable, future proof format for storing font data.
  • WOFF – Web Open Font Format

General purpose[edit]

These file formats allow for the rapid creation of new binary file formats.

  • IFDS — Incredibly Flexible Data Storage file format. File extension and the magic number does not have to be IFDS.[7]

Geographic information system[edit]

  • ASC – ASCII point of interest (POI) text file
  • APR – ESRI ArcView 3.3 and earlier project file
  • DEM – USGS DEM file format
  • E00 – ARC/INFO interchange file format
  • GeoJSON –Geographically located data in object notation
  • GeoTIFF – Geographically located raster data
  • GML – Geography Markup Language file[8]
  • GPX – XML-based interchange format
  • ITN – TomTom Itinerary format
  • MXD – ESRI ArcGIS project file, 8.0 and higher
  • NTF – National Transfer Format file
  • OV2 – TomTom POI overlay file
  • SHP – ESRI shapefile
  • TAB – MapInfo Table file format
  • GeoTIFF – Geographically located raster data: text file giving corner coordinate, raster cells per unit, and rotation
  • DTED – Digital Terrain Elevation Data
  • KML – Keyhole Markup Language, XML-based

Graphical information organizers[edit]

  • 3DT – 3D Topicscape, the database in which the meta-data of a 3D Topicscape is held, it is a form of 3D concept map (like a 3D mind-map) used to organize ideas, information, and computer files
  • ATY – 3D Topicscape file, produced when an association type is exported; used to permit round-trip (export Topicscape, change files and folders as desired, re-import to 3D Topicscape)
  • CAG – Linear Reference System
  • FES – 3D Topicscape file, produced when a fileless occurrence in 3D Topicscape is exported to Windows. Used to permit round-trip (export Topicscape, change files and folders as desired, re-import them to 3D Topicscape)
  • MGMF – MindGenius Mind Mapping Software file format
  • MM – FreeMind mind map file (XML)
  • MMP – Mind Manager mind map file
  • TPC – 3D Topicscape file, produced when an inter-Topicscape topic link file is exported to Windows; used to permit round-trip (export Topicscape, change files and folders as desired, re-import to 3D Topicscape)


Color palettes[edit]

  • ACT – Adobe Color Table. Contains a raw color palette and consists of 256 24-bit RGB colour values.
  • ASE – Adobe Swatch Exchange. Used by Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign.[9]
  • GPL – GIMP palette file. Uses a text representation of color names and RGB values. Various open source graphical editors can read this format,[10] including GIMP, Inkscape, Krita,[11] KolourPaint, Scribus, CinePaint, and MyPaint.[12]
  • PAL – Microsoft RIFF palette file

Color management[edit]

  • ICC, ICM – Color profile conforming the specification of the ICC.

Raster graphics[edit]

Raster or bitmap files store images as a group of pixels.

  • ART – America Online proprietary format
  • BLP – Blizzard Entertainment proprietary texture format
  • BMP – Microsoft Windows Bitmap formatted image
  • BTI – Nintendo proprietary texture format
  • CD5 – Chasys Draw IES image
  • CIT – Intergraph is a monochrome bitmap format
  • CPT – Corel PHOTO-PAINT image
  • CR2 – Canon camera raw format; photos have this on some Canon cameras if the quality RAW is selected in camera settings
  • CPL – Windows control panel file
  • DDS – DirectX texture file
  • DIB – Device-Independent Bitmap graphic
  • DjVu – DjVu for scanned documents
  • EGT – EGT Universal Document, used in EGT SmartSense to compress PNG files to yet a smaller file
  • Exif – Exchangeable image file format (Exif) is a specification for the image format used by digital cameras
  • GIF – CompuServe’s Graphics Interchange Format
  • GRF – Zebra Technologies proprietary format
  • ICNS – format for icons in macOS. Contains bitmap images at multiple resolutions and bitdepths with alpha channel.
  • ICO – a format used for icons in Microsoft Windows. Contains small bitmap images at multiple resolutions and bitdepths with 1-bit transparency or alpha channel.
  • .iff, .ilbm, .lbm – IFF ILBM
  • JNG – a single-frame MNG using JPEG compression and possibly an alpha channel
  • JPEG, JFIF, .jpg, .jpeg – Joint Photographic Experts Group; a lossy image format widely used to display photographic images
  • JP2 – JPEG2000
  • JPS – JPEG Stereo
  • KRA – Krita image file
  • LBM – Deluxe Paint image file
  • MAX – ScanSoft PaperPort document
  • MIFF – ImageMagick’s native file format
  • MNG – Multiple-image Network Graphics, the animated version of PNG
  • MSP – a format used by old versions of Microsoft Paint; replaced by BMP in Microsoft Windows 3.0
  • NITF – A U.S. Government standard commonly used in Intelligence systems
  • OTB – Over The Air bitmap, a specification designed by Nokia for black and white images for mobile phones
  • PBM – Portable bitmap
  • PC1 – Low resolution, compressed Degas picture file
  • PC2 – Medium resolution, compressed Degas picture file
  • PC3 – High resolution, compressed Degas picture file
  • PCF – Pixel Coordination Format
  • PCX – a lossless format used by ZSoft’s PC Paint, popular for a time on DOS systems.
  • PDN – Paint.NET image file
  • PGM – Portable graymap
  • PI1 – Low resolution, uncompressed Degas picture file
  • PI2 – Medium resolution, uncompressed Degas picture file; also Portrait Innovations encrypted image format
  • PI3 – High resolution, uncompressed Degas picture file
  • PICT, PCT – Apple Macintosh PICT image
  • PNG – Portable Network Graphic (lossless, recommended for display and edition of graphic images)
  • PNM – Portable anymap graphic bitmap image
  • PNS – PNG Stereo
  • PPM – Portable Pixmap (Pixel Map) image
  • .procreate — Procreate (software)’s drawing file
  • PSB – Adobe Photoshop Big image file (for large files)
  • PSD, PDD – Adobe Photoshop Drawing
  • PSP – Paint Shop Pro image
  • PX – Pixel image editor image file
  • PXM – Pixelmator image file
  • PXR – Pixar Image Computer image file
  • QFX – QuickLink Fax image
  • RAW – General term for minimally processed image data (acquired by a digital camera)
  • RLE – a run-length encoding image
  • SCT – Scitex Continuous Tone image file
  • SGI, RGB, INT, BW – Silicon Graphics Image
  • TGA, .tga, .targa, .icb, .vda, .vst, .pix – Truevision TGA (Targa) image
  • TIFF, .tif, .tiff – Tagged Image File Format (usually lossless, but many variants exist, including lossy ones)
  • TIFF, EP, .tif, .tiff – Tag Image File Format / Electronic Photography, ISO 12234-2; tends to be used as a basis for other formats rather than in its own right.
  • VTF – Valve Texture Format
  • XBM – X Window System Bitmap
  • XCF – GIMP image (from Gimp’s origin at the eXperimental Computing Facility of the University of California)
  • XPM – X Window System Pixmap
  • ZIF – Zoomable/Zoomify Image Format (a web-friendly, TIFF-based, zoomable image format)

Vector graphics[edit]

Vector graphics use geometric primitives such as points, lines, curves, and polygons to represent images.

  • 3DS — 3D vector graphic file read by the Nintendo 3DS
  • 3DV – 3-D wireframe graphics by Oscar Garcia
  • AMF – Additive Manufacturing File Format
  • AWG – Ability Draw
  • AI – Adobe Illustrator Document
  • CGM – Computer Graphics Metafile, an ISO Standard
  • CDR – CorelDRAW Document
  • CMX – CorelDRAW vector image
  • DP – Drawing Program file for PERQ[13]
  • DRAWIO – Diagrams.net offline diagram
  • DXF – ASCII Drawing Interchange file Format, used in AutoCAD and other CAD-programs
  • E2D – 2-dimensional vector graphics used by the editor which is included in JFire
  • EGT – EGT Universal Document, EGT Vector Draw images are used to draw vector to a website
  • EPS – Encapsulated Postscript
  • FS – FlexiPro file
  • GBR – Gerber file
  • ODG – OpenDocument Drawing
  • MOVIE.BYU – 3D Vector file for polygons, coordinates and more complex shapes
  • RenderMan – Displays Shading in both 2D and 3D scapes
  • SVG – Scalable Vector Graphics, employs XML
  • 3DMLW – Scene description languages (3D vector image formats)
  • STL – STL: Stereo Lithographic data format (see STL (file format)) used by various CAD systems and stereo lithographic printing machines. See above.
  • .wrl – Virtual Reality Modeling Language, VRML Uses this extension for the creation of 3D viewable web images.
  • X3D – XML based file for communicating 3D graphics
  • SXD – OpenOffice.org XML (obsolete) Drawing
  • TGAX – Texture format used by Zwift
  • V2D – voucher design used by the voucher management included in JFire
  • VDOC – Vector format used in AnyCut, CutStorm, DrawCut, DragonCut, FutureDRAW, MasterCut, SignMaster, VinylMaster software by Future Corporation
  • VSD – Vector format used by Microsoft Visio
  • VSDX – Vector format used by MS Visio and opened by VSDX Annotator
  • VND – Vision numeric Drawing file used in TypeEdit, Gravostyle.
  • WMF – WMF: Windows Meta File
  • EMF – EMF: Enhanced (Windows) MetaFile, an extension to WMF
  • ART – Xara–Drawing (superseded by XAR)
  • XAR – Xara–Drawing

3D graphics[edit]

3D graphics are 3D models that allow building models in real-time or non-real-time 3D rendering.

  • 3DMF – QuickDraw 3D Metafile (.3dmf)
  • 3DM – OpenNURBS Initiative 3D Model (used by Rhinoceros 3D) (.3dm)
  • 3MF – Microsoft 3D Manufacturing Format (.3mf)[3]
  • 3DS – legacy 3D Studio Model (.3ds)
  • ABC – Alembic (computer graphics)
  • AC – AC3D Model (.ac)
  • AMF – Additive Manufacturing File Format
  • AN8 – Anim8or Model (.an8)
  • AOI – Art of Illusion Model (.aoi)
  • ASM – PTC Creo assembly (.asm)
  • B3D – Blitz3D Model (.b3d)
  • BLEND – Blender (.blend)
  • BLOCK – Blender encrypted blend files (.block)
  • BMD3 – Nintendo GameCube first-party J3D proprietary model format (.bmd)
  • BDL4 – Nintendo GameCube and Wii first-party J3D proprietary model format (2002, 2006–2010) (.bdl)
  • BRRES – Nintendo Wii first-party proprietary model format 2010+ (.brres)
  • BFRES – Nintendo Wii U and later Switch first-party proprietary model format
  • C4D – Cinema 4D (.c4d)
  • Cal3D – Cal3D (.cal3d)
  • CCP4 – X-ray crystallography voxels (electron density)
  • CFL – Compressed File Library (.cfl)
  • COB – Caligari Object (.cob)
  • CORE3D – Coreona 3D Coreona 3D Virtual File(.core3d)
  • CTM – OpenCTM (.ctm)
  • DAE – COLLADA (.dae)
  • DFF – RenderWare binary stream, commonly used by Grand Theft Auto III-era games as well as other RenderWare titles
  • DPM – deepMesh (.dpm)
  • DTS – Torque Game Engine (.dts)
  • EGG – Panda3D Engine
  • FACT – Electric Image (.fac)
  • FBX – Autodesk FBX (.fbx)
  • G – BRL-CAD geometry (.g)
  • GLB – a binary form of glTF required to be loaded in Facebook 3D Posts. (.glb)
  • GLM – Ghoul Mesh (.glm)
  • glTF – the JSON-based standard developed by Khronos Group (.gltf)
  • .hec – Hector Game Engine – Flatspace model format
  • IO – Bricklink Stud.io 2.0 Model File (.io)
  • IOB – Imagine (3D modeling software) (.iob)
  • JAS – Cheetah 3D file (.jas)
  • JMESH – Universal mesh data exchange file based on JMesh specification (.jmsh for text/JSON based, .bmsh for binary/UBJSON based)
  • LDR – LDraw Model File (.ldr)
  • LWO – Lightwave Object (.lwo)
  • LWS – Lightwave Scene (.lws)
  • LXF – LEGO Digital Designer Model file (.lxf)
  • LXO – Luxology Modo (software) file (.lxo)
  • M3D – Model3D, universal, engine-neutral format (.m3d)
  • MA – Autodesk Maya ASCII File (.ma)
  • MAX – Autodesk 3D Studio Max file (.max)
  • MB – Autodesk Maya Binary File (.mb)
  • MPD – LDraw Multi-Part Document Model File (.mpd)
  • MD2 – MD2: Quake 2 model format (.md2)
  • MD3 – MD3: Quake 3 model format (.md3)
  • MD5 – MD5: Doom 3 model format (.md5)
  • MDX – Blizzard Entertainment’s own model format (.mdx)
  • MESH – New York University(.m)
  • MESH – Meshwork Model (.mesh)
  • MIOBJECT – Mine-Imator object file (.miobject)
  • MIPARTICLE – Mine-Imator particle file (.miparticle)
  • MIMODEL – Mine-Imator model file (.mimodel)
  • MM3D – Misfit Model 3d (.mm3d)
  • MPO – Multi-Picture Object – This JPEG standard is used for 3d images, as with the Nintendo 3DS
  • MRC – MRC: voxels in cryo-electron microscopy
  • NIF – Gamebryo NetImmerse File (.nif)
  • OBJ – Wavefront .obj file (.obj)
  • OFF – OFF Object file format (.off)
  • OGEX – Open Game Engine Exchange (OpenGEX) format (.ogex)
  • PLY – PLY: Polygon File Format / Stanford Triangle Format (.ply)
  • PRC – Adobe PRC (embedded in PDF files)
  • PRT – PTC Creo part (.prt)
  • POV – POV-Ray document (.pov)
  • R3D – Realsoft 3D (Real-3D) (.r3d)
  • RWX – RenderWare Object (.rwx)
  • SIA – Nevercenter Silo Object (.sia)
  • SIB – Nevercenter Silo Object (.sib)
  • SKP – Google Sketchup file (.skp)
  • SLDASM – SolidWorks Assembly Document (.sldasm)
  • SLDPRT – SolidWorks Part Document (.sldprt)
  • SMD – Valve Studiomdl Data format (.smd)
  • U3D – Universal 3D format (.u3d)
  • USD – Universal Scene Description (.usd)
  • USDA – Universal Scene Description , Human-readable text format (.usda)
  • USDC – Universal Scene Description , Binary format (.usdc)
  • USDZ – Universal Scene Description Zip (.usdz)
  • VIM – Revizto visual information model format (.vimproj)
  • VRML97 – VRML Virtual reality modeling language (.wrl)
  • VUE – Vue scene file (.vue)
  • VWX – Vectorworks (.vwx)
  • WINGS – Wings3D (.wings)
  • W3D – Westwood 3D Model (.w3d)
  • X – DirectX 3D Model (.x)
  • X3D – Extensible 3D (.x3d)
  • Z3D – Zmodeler (.z3d)
  • ZBMX – Mecabricks Blender Add-On (.zbmx)

Links and shortcuts[edit]

  • Alias – Alias (Mac OS)
  • JNLP – Java Network Launching Protocol, an XML file used by Java Web Start for starting Java applets over the Internet
  • LNK – binary-format file shortcut in Microsoft Windows 95 and later
  • APPREF-MS – File shortcut format used by ClickOnce
  • NAL – ZENworks Instant shortcut (opens a .EXE not on the C:/ )
  • URL – INI file pointing to a URL bookmarks/Internet shortcut in Microsoft Windows
  • WEBLOC – Property list file pointing to a URL bookmarks/Internet shortcut in macOS
  • SYM – Symbolic link
  • .desktop – Desktop entry on Linux Desktop environments


  • Harwell-Boeing – a file format designed to store sparse matrices
  • MML – MathML – Mathematical Markup Language
  • ODF – OpenDocument Math Formula
  • SXM – OpenOffice.org XML (obsolete) Math Formula

Object code, executable files, shared and dynamically linked libraries[edit]

  • 8BF – files plugins for some photo editing programs including Adobe Photoshop, Paint Shop Pro, GIMP and Helicon Filter.
  • .a — a static library on on Unix-like systems
  • .a – Objective C native static library
  • a.out – (no suffix for executable image, .o for object files, .so for shared object files) classic UNIX object format, now often superseded by ELF
  • APK – Android Application Package
  • APP – A folder found on macOS systems containing program code and resources, appearing as one file.
  • BAC – an executable image for the RSTS/E system, created using the BASIC-PLUS COMPILE command[14]
  • BPL – a Win32 PE file created with Borland Delphi or C++Builder containing a package.
  • Bundle – a Macintosh plugin created with Xcode or make which holds executable code, data files, and folders for that code.
  • .class – Compiled Java bytecode
  • COFF – (no suffix for executable image, .o for object files) UNIX Common Object File Format, now often superseded by ELF
  • COM – Simple executable format used by CP/M and DOS.
  • DCU – Delphi compiled unit
  • DLL – Dynamic library used in Windows and OS/2 to store data, resources and code.
  • DOL – the format used by the GameCube and Wii, short for Dolphin, which was the codename of the GameCube.
  • .EAR – archives of Java enterprise applications
  • ELF – (no suffix for executable image, .o for object files, .so for shared object files) used in many modern Unix and Unix-like systems, including Solaris, other System V Release 4 derivatives, Linux, and BSD)
  • .exe – DOS executable (.exe: used in DOS)
  • .EXE – New Executable (used in multitasking («European») MS-DOS 4.0, 16-bit Microsoft Windows, and OS/2)
  • .EXE – Portable Executable used in Microsoft Windows and some other systems
  • .ipa, .IPA – file extension for apple IOS application executable file. Another form of zip file.
  • .JAR – archives of Java class files
  • JEFF – a file format allowing execution directly from static memory[15]
  • .ko — Loadable kernel module
  • LIB — a static library on Microsoft platforms
  • LIST – variable list
  • Mach-O – (no suffix for executable image, .o for object files, .dylib and .bundle for shared object files) Mach-based systems, notably native format of macOS, iOS, watchOS, and tvOS
  • .NLM – NetWare Loadable Module the native 32-bit binaries compiled for Novell’s NetWare Operating System (versions 3 and newer)
  • .o – un-linked object files directly from the compiler
  • OBJ — object file on Windows
  • RLL – used in Microsoft operating systems together with a DLL file to store program resources
  • .s1es – Executable used for S1ES learning system.
  • .so – shared library, typically ELF
  • .VAP – Value Added Process the native 16-bit binaries compiled for Novell’s NetWare Operating System (version 2, NetWare 286, Advanced NetWare, etc.)
  • WAR, .WAR – .WAR are archives of Java Web applications
  • .XAP – Windows Phone package
  • XBE – XBE is Xbox executable
  • XCOFF – (no suffix for executable image, .o for object files, .a for shared object files) extended COFF, used in AIX
  • XEX – XEX is Xbox 360 executable
  • .XPI – PKZIP archive that can be run by Mozilla web browsers to install software.

Object extensions:

  • .OCX – .OCX are Object Control extensions
  • .TLB – .TLB are Windows Type Library
  • .VBX – .VBX are Visual Basic extensions

Page description language[edit]

  • DVI – DVI are Device independent format
  • .egt – Universal Document can be used to store CSS type styles
  • PLD – PLD (Need to be added!!!)
  • PCL – PCL (Need to be added!!!)
  • PDF – PDF are Portable Document Format
  • .ps, .ps, .gz – PostScript (Need to be added!!!)
  • SNP – SNP are Microsoft Access Report Snapshot
  • XPS – XPS
  • XSL-FO – XSL-FO (Formatting Objects)
  • Configurations, Metadata
    • CSS – CSS are Cascading Style Sheets
    • .xslt, .xsl – XML Style Sheet
    • .tpl – Web template

Personal information manager[edit]

  • MNB — MyInfo notebook
  • MSG – Microsoft Outlook task manager
  • ORG – Lotus Organizer PIM package
  • ORG – Emacs Org-Mode Mindmanager, contacts, calendar, email-integration
  • PST, OST – Microsoft Outlook email communication
  • SC2 – Microsoft Schedule+ calendar


  • GSLIDES – Google Drive Presentation
  • KEY, KEYNOTE – Apple Keynote Presentation
  • NB – Mathematica Slideshow
  • NBP – Mathematica Player slideshow
  • ODP – OpenDocument Presentation
  • OTP – OpenDocument Presentation template
  • PEZ – Prezi Desktop Presentation
  • POT – Microsoft PowerPoint template
  • PPS – Microsoft PowerPoint Show
  • PPT – Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation
  • PPTX – Office Open XML Presentation
  • PRZ – Lotus Freelance Graphics
  • SDD – StarOffice’s StarImpress
  • SHF – ThinkFree Show
  • SHOW – Haansoft(Hancom) Presentation software document
  • SHW – Corel Presentations slide show creation
  • SLP – Logix-4D Manager Show Control Project
  • SSPSS – SongShow Plus Slide Show
  • STI – OpenOffice.org XML (obsolete) Presentation template
  • SXI – OpenOffice.org XML (obsolete) Presentation
  • THMX – Microsoft PowerPoint theme template
  • WATCH – Dataton Watchout Presentation

Project management software[edit]

  • MPP – Microsoft Project

Reference management software[edit]

Formats of files used for bibliographic information (citation) management.

  • bib – BibTeX
  • enl – EndNote
  • ris – Research Information Systems RIS (file format)

Scientific data (data exchange)[edit]

  • .fits – FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) standard data format for astronomy
  • Silo – Silo, a storage format for visualization developed at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
  • SPC – SPC, spectroscopic data
  • EAS3 – binary format for structured data
  • EOSSA – Electro-Optic Space Situational Awareness format
  • OST – (Open Spatio-Temporal) extensible, mainly images with related data, or just pure data; meant as an open alternative for microscope images
  • CCP4 – CCP4, X-ray crystallography voxels (electron density)
  • MRC – MRC, voxels in cryo-electron microscopy
  • HITRAN – spectroscopic data with one optical/infrared transition per line in the ASCII file (.hit)
  • .root – hierarchical platform-independent compressed binary format used by ROOT
  • SDF – Simple Data Format (SDF), a platform-independent, precision-preserving binary data I/O format capable of handling large, multi-dimensional arrays.
  • MYD – Everfine LEDSpec software file for LED measurements
  • CSDM – (Core Scientific Dataset Model) model for multi-dimensional and correlated datasets from various spectroscopies, diffraction, microscopy, and imaging techniques (.csdf, .csdfe).[16]


  • NetCDF – Network common data format
  • HDR, HDF, h4, h5 – Hierarchical Data Format
  • SDXF – SDXF, (Structured Data Exchange Format)
  • CDF – Common Data Format
  • CGNS – CGNS, CFD General Notation System
  • FMF – Full-Metadata Format


  • GRIB – Grid in Binary, WMO format for weather model data
  • BUFR – WMO format for weather observation data
  • PP – UK Met Office format for weather model data
  • NASA-Ames – Simple text format for observation data. First used in aircraft studies of the atmosphere.


  • CML – Chemical Markup Language (CML) (.cml)
  • .mol, .sd, .sdf – Chemical table file (CTab)
  • .dx, .jdx – Joint Committee on Atomic and Molecular Physical Data (JCAMP)
  • .smi – Simplified molecular input line entry specification (SMILES)


  • .g6, .s6 – graph6, sparse6, ASCII encoding of Adjacency matrices


Molecular biology and bioinformatics:

  • AB1 – In DNA sequencing, chromatogram files used by instruments from Applied Biosystems
  • ACE – A sequence assembly format
  • ASN.1 – Abstract Syntax Notation One, is an International Standards Organization (ISO) data representation format used to achieve interoperability between platforms. NCBI uses ASN.1 for the storage and retrieval of data such as nucleotide and protein sequences, structures, genomes, and PubMed records.
  • BAM – Binary Alignment/Map format (compressed SAM format)
  • BCF – Binary compressed VCF format
  • BED – The browser extensible display format is used for describing genes and other features of DNA sequences
  • CAF – Common Assembly Format for sequence assembly
  • CRAM – compressed file format for storing biological sequences aligned to a reference sequence
  • DDBJ – The flatfile format used by the DDBJ to represent database records for nucleotide and peptide sequences from DDBJ databases.
  • EMBL – The flatfile format used by the EMBL to represent database records for nucleotide and peptide sequences from EMBL databases.
  • FASTA – The FASTA format, for sequence data. Sometimes also given as FNA or FAA (Fasta Nucleic Acid or Fasta Amino Acid).
  • FASTQ – The FASTQ format, for sequence data with quality. Sometimes also given as QUAL.
  • GCPROJ – The Genome Compiler project. Advanced format for genetic data to be designed, shared and visualized.
  • GenBank – The flatfile format used by the NCBI to represent database records for nucleotide and peptide sequences from the GenBank and RefSeq databases
  • GFF – The General feature format is used to describe genes and other features of DNA, RNA, and protein sequences
  • GTF – The Gene transfer format is used to hold information about gene structure
  • MAF – The Multiple Alignment Format stores multiple alignments for whole-genome to whole-genome comparisons [1]
  • NCBI – Structured ASN.1 format used at National Center for Biotechnology Information for DNA and protein data
  • NEXUS – The Nexus file encodes mixed information about genetic sequence data in a block structured format
  • NeXML – XML format for phylogenetic trees
  • NWK – The Newick tree format is a way of representing graph-theoretical trees with edge lengths using parentheses and commas and useful to hold phylogenetic trees.
  • PDB – structures of biomolecules deposited in Protein Data Bank, also used to exchange protein and nucleic acid structures
  • PHD – Phred output, from the base-calling software Phred
  • PLN – Protein Line Notation used in proteax software specification
  • SAM – SAM, Sequence Alignment Map format, in which the results of the 1000 Genomes Project will be released
  • SBML – The Systems Biology Markup Language is used to store biochemical network computational models
  • SCF – Staden chromatogram files used to store data from DNA sequencing
  • SFF – Standard Flowgram Format
  • SRA – format used by the National Center for Biotechnology Information Short Read Archive to store high-throughput DNA sequence data
  • Stockholm – The Stockholm format for representing multiple sequence alignments
  • Swiss-Prot – The flatfile format used to represent database records for protein sequences from the Swiss-Prot database
  • VCF – Variant Call Format, a standard created by the 1000 Genomes Project that lists and annotates the entire collection of human variants (with the exception of approximately 1.6 million variants).

Biomedical imaging[edit]

  • .dcm – Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM)
  • NIfTI – Neuroimaging Informatics Technology Initiative
  • .nii – single-file (combined data and meta-data) style
  • .nii.gz – gzip-compressed, used transparently by some software, notably the FMRIB Software Library (FSL)
  • .gii – single-file (combined data and meta-data) style; NIfTI offspring for brain surface data
  • .img, .hdr – dual-file (separate data and meta-data, respectively) style
  • .BRIK, .HEAD – AFNI data, meta-data
  • .MGH – uncompressed, Massachusetts General Hospital imaging format, used by the FreeSurfer brain analysis package
  • .MGZ – zip-compressed, Massachusetts General Hospital imaging format, used by the FreeSurfer brain analysis package
  • .img, .hdr – Analyze data, meta-data
  • MINC – Medical Imaging NetCDF format
  • .mnc – previously based on NetCDF; since version 2.0, based on HDF5

Biomedical signals (time series)[edit]

  • ACQ – AcqKnowledge format for Windows/PC from Biopac Systems Inc., Goleta, CA, USA
  • ADICHT – LabChart format from ADInstruments Pty Ltd, Bella Vista NSW, Australia
  • BCI2000 – The BCI2000 project, Albany, NY, USA
  • BDF – BioSemi data format from BioSemi B.V. Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • BKR – The EEG data format developed at the University of Technology Graz, Austria
  • CFWB – Chart Data Format from ADInstruments Pty Ltd, Bella Vista NSW, Australia
  • DICOM – Waveform An extension of Dicom for storing waveform data
  • ecgML – A markup language for electrocardiogram data acquisition and analysis
  • EDF, EDF+ – European Data Format
  • FEF – File Exchange Format for Vital signs, CEN TS 14271
  • GDF – The General Data Format for biomedical signals
  • HL7aECG – Health Level 7 v3 annotated ECG
  • MFER – Medical waveform Format Encoding Rules
  • OpenXDF – Open Exchange Data Format from Neurotronics, Inc., Gainesville, FL, USA
  • SCP-ECG – Standard Communication Protocol for Computer assisted electrocardiography EN1064:2007
  • SIGIF – A digital SIGnal Interchange Format with application in neurophysiology
  • WFDB – Format of Physiobank
  • XDF – eXtensible Data Format

Other biomedical formats[edit]

  • HL7 – Health Level 7, a framework for exchange, integration, sharing, and retrieval of health information electronically
  • xDT – a family of data exchange formats for medical records

Biometric formats[edit]

  • CBF – Common Biometric Format, based on CBEFF 2.0 (Common Biometric ExFramework).
  • EBF – Extended Biometric Format, based on CBF but with S/MIME encryption support and semantic extensions
  • CBFX – XML Common Biometric Format, based upon XCBF 1.1 (OASIS XML Common Biometric Format)
  • EBFX – XML Extended Biometric Format, based on CBFX but with W3C XML Encryption support and semantic extensions

Programming languages and scripts[edit]

  • ADB – Ada body
  • ADS – Ada specification
  • AHK – AutoHotkey script file
  • APPLESCRIPT – applescript: see SCPT
  • AS – Adobe Flash ActionScript File
  • AU3 – AutoIt version 3
  • AWK — AWK
  • BAT – Batch file
  • BAS – QBasic & QuickBASIC
  • BTM — Batch file
  • CLASS — Compiled Java binary
  • CLJS – ClojureScript
  • CMD – Batch file
  • Coffee – CoffeeScript
  • C – C
  • CIA — Nintendo 3DS Software Installation File
  • CPP – C++
  • CS – C#
  • INO – Arduino sketch (program)
  • EGG – Chicken
  • EGT – EGT Asterisk Application Source File, EGT Universal Document
  • ERB – Embedded Ruby, Ruby on Rails Script File
  • GO – Go
  • HTA – HTML Application
  • IBI – Icarus script
  • ICI – ICI
  • IJS – J script
  • .ipynb – IPython Notebook
  • ITCL – Itcl
  • JS – JavaScript and JScript
  • JSFL – Adobe JavaScript language
  • .kt – Kotlin
  • LUA – Lua
  • M – Mathematica package file
  • MRC – mIRC Script
  • NCF – NetWare Command File[17][18] (scripting for Novell’s NetWare OS)
  • NUC – compiled script
  • NUD – C++ External module written in C++
  • NUT – Squirrel
  • nqp – Raku language Not Quite Perl, or Raku bootstrapping language[19]
  • O — Compiled and optimized C/C++ binary
  • pde – Processing (programming language), Processing script
  • PHP – PHP
  • PHP? – PHP (? = version number)
  • PL – Perl
  • PM – Perl module
  • PS1 – Windows PowerShell shell script
  • PS1XML – Windows PowerShell format and type definitions
  • PSC1 – Windows PowerShell console file
  • PSD1 – Windows PowerShell data file
  • PSM1 – Windows PowerShell module file
  • PY – Python
  • PYC – Python byte code files
  • PYO – Python
  • R – R scripts
  • r – REBOL scripts
  • raku – Raku language Raku script (compiled into memory)[20]
  • rakumod – Raku language Raku module (precompiled)
  • rakudoc – Raku language Raku documentation file (a slang or sublanguage of Raku)
  • rakutest – Raku language Unit test files in Raku
  • RB – Ruby
  • RDP – RDP connection
  • red – Red scripts
  • RS – Rust (programming language)
  • SB2, SB3 – Scratch
  • SCPT – Applescript
  • SCPTD – See SCPT.
  • SDL – State Description Language
  • SH – Shell script
  • SYJS – SyMAT JavaScript
  • SYPY – SyMAT Python
  • TCL – Tcl
  • TNS – Ti-Nspire Code/File
  • TS – TypeScript
  • VBS – Visual Basic Script
  • XPL – XProc script/pipeline
  • ebuild – Gentoo Linux’s portage package.


Authentication and general encryption formats are listed here.

  • OMF – OpenPGP Message Format used by Pretty Good Privacy, GNU Privacy Guard, and other OpenPGP software; can contain keys, signed data, or encrypted data; can be binary or text («ASCII armored»)

Certificates and keys[edit]

  • GXK – Galaxkey, an encryption platform for authorized, private and confidential email communication[citation needed]
  • .ssh – OpenSSH private key, Secure Shell private key; format generated by ssh-keygen or converted from PPK with PuTTYgen[21][22][23]
  • .pub – OpenSSH public key, Secure Shell public key; format generated by ssh-keygen or PuTTYgen[21][22][23]
  • .ppk – PuTTY private key, Secure Shell private key, in the format generated by PuTTYgen instead of the format used by OpenSSH[21][22][23]
  • .nSign – nSign public key nSign public key in a custom format[24]


  • .cer, .crt, .der – Distinguished Encoding Rules stores certificates
  • .p7b, .p7c – PKCS#7 SignedData commonly appears without main data, just certificates or certificate revocation lists (CRLs)
  • .p12, .pfx – PKCS#12 can store public certificates and private keys
  • PEM – Privacy-enhanced Electronic Mail: full format not widely used, but often used to store Distinguished Encoding Rules in Base64 format
  • PFX – Microsoft predecessor of PKCS#12

Encrypted files[edit]

This section shows file formats for encrypted general data, rather than a specific program’s data.

  • AXX – Encrypted file, created with AxCrypt
  • EEA – An encrypted CAB, ostensibly for protecting email attachments
  • TC – Virtual encrypted disk container, created by TrueCrypt
  • KODE – Encrypted file, created with KodeFile
  • nSignE – An encrypted private key, created by nSign[24]

Password files[edit]

Password files (sometimes called keychain files) contain lists of other passwords, usually encrypted.

  • BPW – Encrypted password file created by Bitser password manager
  • KDB – KeePass 1 database
  • KDBX – KeePass 2 database

Signal data (non-audio)[edit]

  • ACQ – AcqKnowledge format for Windows/PC from Biopac
  • ADICHT – LabChart format from ADInstruments
  • BKR – The EEG data format developed at the University of Technology Graz
  • BDF, CFG – Configuration file for Comtrade data
  • CFWB – Chart Data format from ADInstruments
  • DAT – Raw data file for Comtrade data
  • EDF – European data format
  • FEF – File Exchange Format for Vital signs
  • GDF – General data formats for biomedical signals
  • GMS – Gesture And Motion Signal format
  • IROCK – intelliRock Sensor Data File Format
  • MFER – Medical waveform Format Encoding Rules
  • SAC – Seismic Analysis Code, earthquake seismology data format[25]
  • SCP-ECG – Standard Communication Protocol for Computer assisted electrocardiography
  • SEED, MSEED – Standard for the Exchange of Earthquake Data, seismological data and sensor metadata[26]
  • SEGY – Reflection seismology data format
  • SIGIF – SIGnal Interchange Format
  • WIN, WIN32 – NIED/ERI seismic data format (.cnt)[27]

Sound and music[edit]

Lossless audio[edit]


  • 8SVX – Commodore-Amiga 8-bit sound (usually in an IFF container)
  • 16SVX – Commodore-Amiga 16-bit sound (usually in an IFF container)
  • AIFF, AIF, AIFC – Audio Interchange File Format
  • AU – Simple audio file format introduced by Sun Microsystems
  • AUP3 — Audacity’s file for when you save a song
  • BWF – Broadcast Wave Format, an extension of WAVE
  • CDDA – Compact Disc Digital Audio
  • DSF, DFF – Direct Stream Digital audio file, also used in Super Audio CD
  • RAW – Raw samples without any header or sync
  • WAV – Microsoft Wave
  • CWAV — file read by the Nintendo 3DS for Home-screen sound effects


  • RA, RM – RealAudio format
  • FLAC – Free lossless codec of the Ogg project
  • LA – Lossless audio
  • PAC – LPAC
  • APE – Monkey’s Audio
  • OFR, OFS, OFF – OptimFROG
  • RKA – RKAU
  • SHN – Shorten
  • TAK – Tom’s Lossless Audio Kompressor[28]
  • THD – Dolby TrueHD
  • TTA – Free lossless audio codec (True Audio)
  • WV – WavPack
  • WMA – Windows Media Audio 9 Lossless
  • BCWAV — Nintendo 3DS Home-screen BGM file
  • BRSTM – Binary Revolution Stream[29]
  • DTS, DTSHD, DTSMA – DTS (sound system)
  • AST – Nintendo Audio Stream
  • AW – Nintendo Audio Sample used in first-party games
  • PSF – Portable Sound Format, PlayStation variant (originally PlayStation Sound Format)

Lossy audio[edit]

  • AC3 – Usually used for Dolby Digital tracks
  • AMR – For GSM and UMTS based mobile phones
  • MP1 – MPEG Layer 1
  • MP2 – MPEG Layer 2
  • MP3 – MPEG Layer 3
  • SPX – Speex (Ogg project, specialized for voice, low bitrates)
  • GSM – GSM Full Rate, originally developed for use in mobile phones
  • WMA – Windows Media Audio
  • AAC – Advanced Audio Coding (usually in an MPEG-4 container)
  • MPC – Musepack
  • VQF – Yamaha TwinVQ
  • OTS – Audio File (similar to MP3, with more data stored in the file and slightly better compression; designed for use with OtsLabs’ OtsAV)
  • SWA – Adobe Shockwave Audio (Same compression as MP3 with additional header information specific to Adobe Director)
  • VOX – Dialogic ADPCM Low Sample Rate Digitized Voice
  • VOC – Creative Labs Soundblaster Creative Voice 8-bit & 16-bit Also output format of RCA Audio Recorders
  • DWD – DiamondWare Digitized
  • SMP – Turtlebeach SampleVision
  • OGG – Ogg Vorbis

Tracker modules and related[edit]

  • MOD – Soundtracker and Protracker sample and melody modules
  • MT2 – MadTracker 2 module
  • S3M – Scream Tracker 3 module
  • XM – Fast Tracker module
  • IT – Impulse Tracker module
  • NSF – NES Sound Format
  • MID, MIDI – Standard MIDI file; most often just notes and controls but occasionally also sample dumps (.mid, .rmi)
  • FTM – FamiTracker Project file
  • BTM – BambooTracker Project file

Sheet music files[edit]

  • ABC – ABC Notation sheet music file
  • DARMS – DARMS File Format also known as the Ford-Columbia Format
  • ETF – Enigma Transportation Format abandoned sheet music exchange format
  • GP – Guitar Pro sheet music and tablature file
  • KERN – Kern File Format sheet music file
  • LY – LilyPond sheet music file
  • MEI – Music Encoding Initiative file format that attempts to encode all musical notations
  • MIDI — MIDI file format that is a music sheet for instruments
  • MUS, MUSX – Finale sheet music file
  • MXL, XML – MusicXML standard sheet music exchange format
  • MSCX, MSCZ – MuseScore sheet music file
  • SMDL – Standard Music Description Language sheet music file
  • SIB – Sibelius sheet music file

Other file formats pertaining to audio[edit]

  • NIFF – Notation Interchange File Format
  • PTB – Power Tab Editor tab
  • ASF – Advanced Systems Format
  • CUST – DeliPlayer custom sound format
  • GYM – Genesis YM2612 log
  • JAM – Jam music format
  • MNG – Background music for the Creatures game series, starting from Creatures 2
  • RMJ – RealJukebox Media used for RealPlayer
  • SID – Sound Interface Device – Commodore 64 instructions to play SID music and sound effects
  • SPC – Super NES sound format
  • TXM – Track ax media
  • VGM – Stands for «Video Game Music», log for several different chips
  • YM – Atari ST/Amstrad CPC YM2149 sound chip format
  • PVD – Portable Voice Document used for Oaisys & Mitel call recordings

Playlist formats[edit]

  • AIMPPL – AIMP Playlist format
  • ASX – Advanced Stream Redirector
  • RAM – Real Audio Metafile For RealAudio files only.
  • XPL – HDi playlist
  • XSPF – XML Shareable Playlist Format
  • ZPL – Xbox Music (Formerly Zune) Playlist format from Microsoft
  • M3U – Multimedia playlist file
  • PLS – Multimedia playlist, originally developed for use with the museArc

Audio editing and music production[edit]

  • ALS – Ableton Live set
  • ALC – Ableton Live clip
  • ALP – Ableton Live pack
  • ATMOS, AUDIO, METADATA – Dolby Atmos Rendering and Mastering related file
  • AUP – Audacity project file
  • AUP3 – Audacity 3.0 project file
  • BAND – GarageBand project file
  • CEL – Adobe Audition loop file (Cool Edit Loop)
  • CAU – Caustic project file
  • CPR – Steinberg Cubase project file
  • CWP – Cakewalk Sonar project file
  • DRM – Steinberg Cubase drum file
  • DMKIT – Image-Line’s Drumaxx drum kit file
  • ENS – Native Instruments Reaktor Ensemble
  • FLM – Image Line FL Studio Mobile project file
  • FLP – Image Line FL Studio project file
  • GRIR – Native Instruments Komplete Guitar Rig Impulse Response
  • LOGIC – Logic Pro X project file
  • MMP – LMMS project file (alternatively MMPZ for compressed formats)
  • MMR – MAGIX Music Maker project file
  • MX6HS – Mixcraft 6 Home Studio project file
  • NPR – Steinberg Nuendo project file
  • OMF, OMFI – Open Media Framework Interchange OMFI succeeds OMF (Open Media Framework)
  • PTX – Pro Tools 10 or later project file
  • PTF – Pro Tools 7 up to Pro Tools 9 project file
  • PTS – Legacy Pro Tools project file
  • RIN – Soundways RIN-M file containing sound recording participant credits and song information
  • RPP, RPP-BAK – REAPER project file
  • REAPEAKS – REAPER peak (waveform cache) file
  • SES – Adobe Audition multitrack session file
  • SFK – Sound Forge waveform cache file
  • SFL – Sound Forge sound file
  • SNG – MIDI sequence file (MidiSoft, Korg, etc.) or n-Track Studio project file
  • STF – StudioFactory project file. It contains all necessary patches, samples, tracks and settings to play the file
  • SND – Akai MPC sound file
  • SYN – SynFactory project file. It contains all necessary patches, samples, tracks and settings to play the file
  • UST – Utau Editor sequence excluding wave-file
  • VCLS – VocaListener project file
  • VPR – Vocaloid 5 Editor sequence excluding wave-file
  • VSQ – Vocaloid 2 Editor sequence excluding wave-file
  • VSQX – Vocaloid 3 & 4 Editor sequence excluding wave-file
  • 🗿 – ThirtyDollar Project file

Recorded television formats[edit]

  • DVR-MS – Windows XP Media Center Edition’s Windows Media Center recorded television format
  • WTV – Windows Vista’s and up Windows Media Center recorded television format

Source code for computer programs[edit]

  • ADA, ADB, 2.ADA – Ada (body) source
  • ADS, 1.ADA – Ada (specification) source
  • ASM, S – Assembly language source
  • BAS – BASIC, FreeBASIC, Visual Basic, BASIC-PLUS source,[14] PICAXE basic
  • BB – Blitz Basic Blitz3D
  • BMX – Blitz Basic BlitzMax
  • C – C source
  • CLJ – Clojure source code
  • CLS – Visual Basic class
  • COB, CBL – COBOL source
  • CPP, CC, CXX, C, CBP – C++ source
  • CS – C# source
  • CSPROJ – C# project (Visual Studio .NET)
  • D – D source
  • DBA – DarkBASIC source
  • DBPro123 – DarkBASIC Professional project
  • E – Eiffel source
  • EFS – EGT Forever Source File
  • EGT – EGT Asterisk Source File, could be J, C#, VB.net, EF 2.0 (EGT Forever)
  • EL – Emacs Lisp source
  • FOR, FTN, F, F77, F90 – Fortran source
  • FRM – Visual Basic form
  • FRX – Visual Basic form stash file (binary form file)
  • FTH – Forth source
  • GED – Game Maker Extension Editable file as of version 7.0
  • GM6 – Game Maker Editable file as of version 6.x
  • GMD – Game Maker Editable file up to version 5.x
  • GMK – Game Maker Editable file as of version 7.0
  • GML – Game Maker Language script file
  • GO – Go source
  • H – C/C++ header file
  • HPP, HXX – C++ header file
  • HS – Haskell source
  • I – SWIG interface file
  • INC – Turbo Pascal included source
  • JAVA – Java source
  • L – lex source
  • LGT – Logtalk source
  • LISP – Common Lisp source
  • M – Objective-C source
  • M – MATLAB
  • M – Mathematica
  • M4 – m4 source
  • ML – Standard ML and OCaml source
  • MSQR – M² source file, created by Mattia Marziali
  • N – Nemerle source
  • NB – Nuclear Basic source
  • P – Parser source
  • PAS, PP, P – Pascal source (DPR for projects)
  • PHP, PHP3, PHP4, PHP5, PHPS, Phtml – PHP source
  • PIV – Pivot stickfigure animator
  • PL, PM – Perl
  • PLI, PL1 – PL/I
  • PRG – Ashton-Tate; dbII, dbIII and dbIV, db, db7, clipper, Microsoft Fox and FoxPro, harbour, xharbour, and Xbase
  • PRO – IDL
  • POL – Apcera Policy Language doclet
  • PY – Python source
  • R – R source
  • raku, rakumod, rakudoc, rakutest, nqp – Raku Language
  • RED – Red source
  • REDS – Red/System source
  • RB – Ruby source
  • RESX – Resource file for .NET applications
  • RC, RC2 – Resource script files to generate resources for .NET applications
  • RKT, RKTL – Racket source
  • SCALA – Scala source
  • SCI, SCE – Scilab
  • SCM – Scheme source
  • SD7 – Seed7 source
  • SKB, SKC – Sage Retrieve 4GL Common Area (Main and Amended backup)
  • SKD – Sage Retrieve 4GL Database
  • SKF, SKG – Sage Retrieve 4GL File Layouts (Main and Amended backup)
  • SKI – Sage Retrieve 4GL Instructions
  • SKK – Sage Retrieve 4GL Report Generator
  • SKM – Sage Retrieve 4GL Menu
  • SKO – Sage Retrieve 4GL Program
  • SKP, SKQ – Sage Retrieve 4GL Print Layouts (Main and Amended backup)
  • SKS, SKT – Sage Retrieve 4GL Screen Layouts (Main and Amended backup)
  • SKZ – Sage Retrieve 4GL Security File
  • SLN – Visual Studio solution
  • SPIN – Spin source (for Parallax Propeller microcontrollers)
  • STK – Stickfigure file for Pivot stickfigure animator
  • SWG – SWIG source code
  • TCL – Tcl source code
  • VAP – Visual Studio Analyzer project
  • VB – Visual Basic.NET source
  • VBG – Visual Studio compatible project group
  • VBP, VIP – Visual Basic project
  • VBPROJ – Visual Basic .NET project
  • VCPROJ – Visual C++ project
  • VDPROJ – Visual Studio deployment project
  • XPL – XProc script/pipeline
  • XQ – XQuery file
  • XSL – XSLT stylesheet
  • Y – yacc source


  • 123 – Lotus 1-2-3
  • AB2 – Abykus worksheet
  • AB3 – Abykus workbook
  • AWS – Ability Spreadsheet
  • BCSV – Nintendo proprietary table format
  • CLF – ThinkFree Calc
  • CELL – Haansoft(Hancom) SpreadSheet software document
  • CSV – Comma-Separated Values
  • GSHEET – Google Drive Spreadsheet
  • numbers – An Apple Numbers Spreadsheet file
  • gnumeric – Gnumeric spreadsheet, a gziped XML file
  • LCW – Lucid 3-D
  • ODS – OpenDocument spreadsheet
  • OTS – OpenDocument spreadsheet template
  • QPW – Quattro Pro spreadsheet
  • SDC – StarOffice StarCalc Spreadsheet
  • SLK – SYLK (SYmbolic LinK)
  • STC – OpenOffice.org XML (obsolete) Spreadsheet template
  • SXC – OpenOffice.org XML (obsolete) Spreadsheet
  • TAB – tab delimited columns; also TSV (Tab-Separated Values)
  • TXT – text file
  • VC – Visicalc
  • WK1 – Lotus 1-2-3 up to version 2.01
  • WK3 – Lotus 1-2-3 version 3.0
  • WK4 – Lotus 1-2-3 version 4.0
  • WKS – Lotus 1-2-3
  • WKS – Microsoft Works
  • WQ1 – Quattro Pro DOS version
  • XLK – Microsoft Excel worksheet backup
  • XLS – Microsoft Excel worksheet sheet (97–2003)
  • XLSB – Microsoft Excel binary workbook
  • XLSM – Microsoft Excel Macro-enabled workbook
  • XLSX – Office Open XML worksheet sheet
  • XLR – Microsoft Works version 6.0
  • XLT – Microsoft Excel worksheet template
  • XLTM – Microsoft Excel Macro-enabled worksheet template
  • XLW – Microsoft Excel worksheet workspace (version 4.0)

Tabulated data[edit]

  • TSV – Tab-separated values
  • CSV – Comma-separated values
  • db – databank format; accessible by many econometric applications
  • dif – accessible by many spreadsheet applications


  • AAF – mostly intended to hold edit decisions and rendering information, but can also contain compressed media essence
  • 3GP – the most common video format for cell phones
  • GIF – Animated GIF (simple animation; until recently often avoided because of patent problems)
  • ASF – container (enables any form of compression to be used; MPEG-4 is common; video in ASF-containers is also called Windows Media Video (WMV))
  • AVCHD – Advanced Video Codec High Definition
  • AVI – container (a shell, which enables any form of compression to be used)
  • .bik – BIK Bink Video file. A video compression system developed by RAD Game Tools
  • BRAW – a video format used by Blackmagic’s Ursa Mini Pro 12K cameras.
  • CAM – aMSN webcam log file
  • COLLAB – Blackboard Collaborate session recording
  • DAT – video standard data file (automatically created when we attempted to burn as video file on the CD)
  • DVR-MS – Windows XP Media Center Edition’s Windows Media Center recorded television format
  • FLV – Flash video (encoded to run in a flash animation)
  • MPEG-1 – M1V Video
  • MPEG-2 – M2V Video
  • NOA – rare movie format use in some Japanese eroges around 2002
  • FLA – Adobe Flash (for producing)
  • FLR – (text file which contains scripts extracted from SWF by a free ActionScript decompiler named FLARE)
  • SOL – Adobe Flash shared object («Flash cookie»)
  • STR – Sony PlayStation video stream
  • M4V – video container file format developed by Apple
  • .mkv – Matroska Matroska is a container format, which enables any video format such as MPEG-4 ASP or AVC to be used along with other content such as subtitles and detailed meta information
  • WRAP – MediaForge (*.wrap)
  • MNG – mainly simple animation containing PNG and JPEG objects, often somewhat more complex than animated GIF
  • .mov – QuickTime container which enables any form of compression to be used; Sorenson codec is the most common; QTCH is the filetype for cached video and audio streams
  • .mpeg, .mpg, .mpe — MPEG
  • THP – Nintendo proprietary movie/video format
  • MPEG-4 – MPEG-4 Part 14, shortened «MP4» multimedia container (most often used for Sony’s PlayStation Portable and Apple’s iPod)
  • MXF – Material Exchange Format (standardized wrapper format for audio/visual material developed by SMPTE)
  • ROQ – used by Quake III Arena
  • NSV – NSV Nullsoft Streaming Video (media container designed for streaming video content over the Internet)
  • Ogg – container, multimedia
  • RM – RealMedia
  • SVI – SVI Samsung video format for portable players
  • SMI – SMI SAMI Caption file (HTML like subtitle for movie files)
  • .smk – SMK Smacker video file. A video compression system developed by RAD Game Tools
  • SWF – Adobe Flash (for viewing)
  • WMV – Windows Media Video (See ASF)
  • WTV – Windows Vista’s and up Windows Media Center recorded television format
  • YUV – raw video format; resolution (horizontal x vertical) and sample structure 4:2:2 or 4:2:0 must be known explicitly
  • WebM – video file format for web video using HTML5

Video editing, production[edit]

  • BRAW – Blackmagic Design RAW video file name
  • DRP – Davinci Resolve 17 project file
  • FCP – Final Cut Pro project file
  • MSWMM – Windows Movie Maker project file
  • PPJ, PRPROJ – Adobe Premiere Pro video editing file
  • IMOVIEPROJ – iMovie project file
  • VEG, VEG-BAK – Sony Vegas project file
  • SUF – Sony camera configuration file (setup.suf) produced by XDCAM-EX camcorders
  • WLMP – Windows Live Movie Maker project file
  • KDENLIVE – Kdenlive project file
  • VPJ – VideoPad project file
  • MOTN – Apple Motion project file
  • IMOVIEMOBILE – iMovie project file for iOS users
  • WFP, WVE — Wondershare Filmora Project
  • PDS – Cyberlink PowerDirector project
  • VPROJ – VSDC Free Video Editor project file

Video game data[edit]

List of common file formats of data for video games on systems that support filesystems, most commonly PC games.
Minecraft — files used by Mojang to develop Minecraft

  • MCADDON – format used by the Bedrock Edition of Minecraft for add-ons; Resource packs for the game
  • MCFUNCTION – format used by Minecraft for storing functions
  • MCMETA – format used by Minecraft for storing data for customizable texture packs for the game
  • MCPACK – format used by the Bedrock Edition of Minecraft for in-game texture packs; full addons for the game
  • MCR – format used by Minecraft for storing data for in-game worlds before version 1.2
  • MCTEMPLATE – format used by the Bedrock Edition of Minecraft for world templates
  • MCWORLD – format used by the Bedrock Edition of Minecraft for in-game worlds
  • NBS – format used by Note Block Studio, a tool that can be used to make note block songs for Minecraft.
TrackMania/Maniaplanet Engine – Formats used by games based on the TrackMania engine.
  • GBX – All user-created content is stored in this file type.
    • REPLAY.GBX – Stores the replay of a race.
    • CHALLENGE.GBX, MAP.GBX – Stores tracks/maps.
    • SYSTEMCONFIG.GBX – Launcher info.
    • TRACKMANIAVEHICLE.GBX – Info about a certain car type.
    • VEHICLETUNINGS.GBX – Vehicle physics.
    • SOLID.GBX – A block’s model.
    • ITEM.GBX – Custom Maniaplanet item.
    • BLOCK.GBX – Custom Maniaplanet block.
    • TEXTURE.GBX – Info about a texture that are used in materials.
    • MATERIAL.GBX – Info about a material such as surface type that are used in Solids.
    • TMEDCLASSIC.GBX – Block info.
    • GHOST.GBX – Player ghosts in Trackmania and TrackMania Turbo.
    • CONTROLSTYLE.GBX – Menu files.
    • SCORES.GBX – Stores info about the player’s best times.
    • PROFILE.GBX – Stores a player’s info such as their login.
  • DDS – Almost every texture in the game uses this format.
  • PAK – Stores environment data such as valid blocks.
  • LOC – A locator. Locators allow the game to download content such as car skins from an external server.
  • SCRIPT.TXT – Scripts for Maniaplanet such as menus and game modes.
  • XML – ManiaLinks.
Doom engine – Formats used by games based on the Doom engine.
  • DEH – DeHackEd files to mutate the game executable (not officially part of the DOOM engine)
  • DSG – Saved game
  • LMP – A lump is an entry in a DOOM wad.
  • LMP – Saved demo recording
  • MUS – Music file (usually contained within a WAD file)
  • WAD – Data storage (contains music, maps, and textures)
Quake engine – Formats used by games based on the Quake engine.
  • BSP – BSP: (For Binary space partitioning) compiled map format
  • MAP – MAP: Raw map format used by editors like GtkRadiant or QuArK
  • MDL, MD2, MD3, MD5 – MDL/MD2/MD3/MD5: Model for an item used in the game
  • PAK, PK2 – PAK/PK2: Data storage
  • PK3, PK4 – PK3/PK4: used by the Quake II, Quake III Arena and Quake 4 game engines, respectively, to store game data, textures etc. They are actually .zip files.
  • .dat – not specific file type, often generic extension for «data» files for a variety of applications
    • sometimes used for general data contained within the .PK3/PK4 files
    • .fontdat – a .dat file used for formatting game fonts
  • .roq – Video format
  • .sav – Savegame format
Unreal Engine – Formats used by games based on the Unreal engine.
  • U – Unreal script format
  • UAX – Animations format for Unreal Engine 2
  • UMX – Map format for Unreal Tournament
  • UMX – Music format for Unreal Engine 1
  • UNR – Map format for Unreal
  • UPK – Package format for cooked content in Unreal Engine 3
  • USX – Sound format for Unreal Engine 1 and Unreal Engine 2
  • UT2 – Map format for Unreal Tournament 2003 and Unreal Tournament 2004
  • UT3 – Map format for Unreal Tournament 3
  • UTX – Texture format for Unreal Engine 1 and Unreal Engine 2
  • UXX – Cache format; these are files a client downloaded from server (which can be converted to regular formats)
Duke Nukem 3D Engine – Formats used by games based on this engine
  • DMO – Save game
  • GRP – Data storage
  • MAP – Map (usually constructed with BUILD.EXE)
Diablo Engine – Formats used by Diablo by Blizzard Entertainment.
  • SV – Save Game
  • ITM – Item File
Real Virtuality Engine – Formats used by Bohemia Interactive. Operation:Flashpoint, ARMA 2, VBS2
  • SQF – Format used for general editing
  • SQM – Format used for mission files
  • PBO – Binarized file used for compiled models
  • LIP – Format that is created from WAV files to create in-game accurate lip-synch for character animations.
Source Engine – Formats used by Valve. Half-Life 2, Counter-Strike: Source, Day of Defeat: Source, Half-Life 2: Episode One, Team Fortress 2, Half-Life 2: Episode Two, Portal, Left 4 Dead, Left 4 Dead 2, Alien Swarm, Portal 2, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, Titanfall, Insurgency, Titanfall 2, Day of Infamy
  • VMF – Valve Hammer Map editor raw map file
  • VMX – Valve Hammer Map editor backup map file
  • BSP – Source Engine compiled map file
  • MDL – Source Engine model format
  • SMD – Source Engine uncompiled model format
  • PCF – Source Engine particle effect file
  • HL2 – Half-Life 2 save format
  • DEM – Source Engine demo format
  • VPK – Source Engine pack format
  • VTF – Source Engine texture format
  • VMT – Source Engine material format.
Pokemon Generation V
  • CGB – Pokemon Black and White/Pokemon Black 2 and White 2 C-Gear skins.
Other Formats
  • ARC – used to store New Super Mario Bros. Wii level data
  • B – used for Grand Theft Auto saved game files
  • BOL – used for levels on Poing!PC
  • DBPF – The Sims 2, DBPF, Package
  • DIVA – Project DIVA timings, element coördinates, MP3 references, notes, animation poses and scores.
  • ESM, ESP – Master and Plugin data archives for the Creation Engine
  • HAMBU – format used by the Aidan’s Funhouse game RGTW for storing map data[30]
  • HE0, HE2, HE4 – HE games File
  • GCF – format used by the Steam content management system for file archives
  • IMG – format used by Renderware-based Grand Theft Auto games for data storage
  • LOVE – format used by the LOVE2D Engine[31]
  • MAP – format used by Halo: Combat Evolved for archive compression, Doom³, and various other games
  • MCA – format used by Minecraft for storing data for in-game worlds[32]
  • NBT – format used by Minecraft for storing program variables along with their (Java) type identifiers
  • OEC – format used by OE-Cake for scene data storage
  • OSB – osu! storyboard data
  • OSC – osu!stream combined stream data
  • OSF2 – free osu!stream song file
  • OSR – osu! replay data
  • OSU – osu! beatmap data
  • OSZ2 – paid osu!stream song file
  • P3D – format for panda3d by Disney
  • PLAGUEINC – format used by Plague Inc. for storing custom scenario information[33]
  • POD – format used by Terminal Reality
  • RCT – Used for templates and save files in RollerCoaster Tycoon games
  • REP – used by Blizzard Entertainment for scenario replays in StarCraft.
  • Simcity, DBPF, .dat, .SC4Lot, .SC4Model – All game plugins use this format, commonly with different file extensions(Simcity 4)
  • SMZIP – ZIP-based package for StepMania songs, themes and announcer packs.
  • SOLITAIRETHEME8 – A solitaire theme for Windows solitaire
  • USLD – format used by Unison Shift to store level layouts.
  • VVVVVV – format used by VVVVVV
  • CPS – format used by The Powder Toy, Powder Toy save
  • STM – format used by The Powder Toy, Powder Toy stamp
  • PKG – format used by Bungie for the PC Beta of Destiny 2, for nearly all the game’s assets.
  • CHR – format used by Team Salvato, for the character files of Doki Doki Literature Club!
  • Z5 – format used by Z-machine for story files in interactive fiction.
  • scworld – format used by Survivalcraft to store sandbox worlds.
  • scskin – format used by Survivalcraft to store player skins.
  • scbtex – format used by Survivalcraft to store block textures.
  • prison – format used by Prison Architect to save prisons
  • escape – format used by Prison Architect to save escape attempts
  • WBFS — (Wii Backup File System)
  • .GBA — Game Boy Advance ROM File
  • .pss — Sony PlayStation 2 Game Video file and is used to store audio and video data by games for the Playstation 2 console.

Video game storage media[edit]

List of the most common filename extensions used when a game’s ROM image or storage medium is copied from an original read-only memory (ROM) device to an external memory such as hard disk for back up purposes or for making the game playable with an emulator. In the case of cartridge-based software, if the platform specific extension is not used then filename extensions «.rom» or «.bin» are usually used to clarify that the file contains a copy of a content of a ROM. ROM, disk or tape images usually do not consist of one file or ROM, rather an entire file or ROM structure contained within one file on the backup medium.[34]

  • .a26 – Atari 2600
  • .a52 – Atari 5200
  • .a78 – Atari 7800
  • .lnx – Atari Lynx
  • .jag, .j64 – Atari Jaguar
  • .iso, .wbfs, .wad, .wdf – Wii and WiiU
  • .gcm, .iso – GameCube
  • .min – Pokemon mini
  • .nds – Nintendo DS
  • .dsi – Nintendo DSiWare
  • .3ds – Nintendo 3DS
  • .cia – Nintendo 3DS Installation File (for installing games with the use of the FBI homebrew application)
  • .gb – Game Boy (this applies to the original Game Boy and the Game Boy Color)
  • .gbc – Game Boy Color
  • .gba – Game Boy Advance
  • .sav – Game Boy Advance Saved Data Files
  • .sgm – Visual Boy Advance Save States
  • .n64, .v64, .z64, .u64, .usa, .jap, .pal, .eur, .bin – Nintendo 64
  • .pj – Project 64 Save States
  • .nes – Nintendo Entertainment System[35]
  • .fds – Famicom Disk System
  • .jst – Jnes Save States
  • .fc# – FCEUX Save States (.fc#, where # is any character, usually a number)
  • .gg – Game Gear
  • .sms – Master System
  • .sg – SG-1000
  • .smd, .bin – Mega Drive/Genesis
  • .32x – Sega 32X
  • .smc, .078, .sfc – Super NES (.078 is for split ROMs, which are rare)
  • .fig – Super Famicom (Japanese releases are rarely .fig, above extensions are more common)
  • .srm – Super NES Saved Data Files
  • .zst, .zs1-.zs9, .z10-.z99 – ZSNES Save States (.zst, .zs1-.zs9, .z10-.z99)
  • .frz, .000-.008 – Snes9X Save States
  • .pce – TurboGrafx-16/PC Engine
  • .npc, .ngp – Neo Geo Pocket
  • .ngc – Neo Geo Pocket Color
  • .vb – Virtual Boy
  • .int – Intellivision
  • .min – Pokémon Mini
  • .vec – Vectrex
  • .bin – Odyssey²
  • .ws – WonderSwan
  • .wsc – WonderSwan Color
  • .tzx – ZX Spectrum (for exact copies of ZX Spectrum games)
  • TAP – for tape images without copy protection
  • Z80, SNA – (for snapshots of the emulator RAM)
  • DSK – (for disk images)
  • .tap – Commodore 64 (.tap) (for tape images including copy protection)
  • T64 – (for tape images without copy protection, considerably smaller than .tap files)
  • D64 – (for disk images)
  • CRT – (for cartridge images)
  • .adf – Amiga (.adf) (for 880K diskette images)
  • ADZ – GZip-compressed version of the above.
  • DMS – Disk Masher System, previously used as a disk-archiving system native to the Amiga, also supported by emulators.
  • .pss — A Sony PlayStation 2 Game Video file and is used to store audio and video data by games for the Playstation 2 console.

Virtual machines[edit]

Microsoft Virtual PC, Virtual Server[edit]

  • .vfd – Virtual Floppy Disk
  • .vhd – Virtual Hard Disk
  • .vud – Virtual Undo Disk
  • .vmc – Virtual Machine Configuration
  • .vsv – Virtual Machine Saved State

VMware ESX, GSX, Workstation, Player[edit]

  • .log – Virtual Machine Logfile
  • .vmdk, .dsk – Virtual Machine Disk
  • .nvram – Virtual Machine BIOS
  • .vmem – Virtual Machine paging file
  • .vmsd – Virtual Machine snapshot metadata
  • .vmsn – Virtual Machine snapshot
  • .vmss, .std – Virtual Machine suspended state
  • .vmtm – Virtual Machine team data
  • .vmx, .cfg – Virtual Machine configuration
  • .vmxf – Virtual Machine team configuration


  • .vdi – VirtualBox virtual disk image
  • .vbox-extpack – VirtualBox extension pack

Parallels Workstation[edit]

  • .hdd – Virtual Machine hard disk
  • .pvs – Virtual Machine preferences/configuration
  • .sav – Virtual Machine saved state


  • .cow – Copy-on-write
  • .qcow – QEMU copy-on-write
  • .qcow2 – QEMU copy-on-write – version 2
  • .qed – QEMU enhanced disk format

Web page[edit]


  • DTD – Document Type Definition (standard), MUST be public and free
  • .html, .htm – HTML HyperText Markup Language
  • .xhtml, .xht – XHTML eXtensible HyperText Markup Language
  • .mht, .mhtml – MHTML Archived HTML, store all data on one web page (text, images, etc.) in one big file
  • .maff – MAF web archive based on ZIP

Dynamically generated

  • .asp – ASP Microsoft Active Server Page
  • .aspx – ASPX Microsoft Active Server Page. NET
  • .adp – ADP AOLserver Dynamic Page
  • .bml – BML Better Markup Language (templating)
  • .cfm – CFM ColdFusion
  • .cgi – CGI
  • .ihtml – iHTML Inline HTML
  • .jsp – JSP JavaServer Pages
  • .las, .lasso, .lassoapp – Lasso, A file created or served with the Lasso Programming Language
  • .pl – Perl
  • .php, .php?, .phtml – PHP ? is version number (previously abbreviated Personal Home Page, later changed to PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor)
  • .shtml – SSI HTML with Server Side Includes (Apache)
  • .stm – SSI HTML with Server Side Includes (Apache)

Markup languages and other web standards-based formats[edit]

  • .atom, .xml – Atom Another syndication format.
  • .eml – EML Format used by several desktop email clients.
  • .jsonld – JSON-LD A JSON-based serialization for linked data.
  • .kprx – KPRX A XML-based serialization for workflow definition generated by K2.
  • .ps – PS A XML-based serialization for test automation scripts called PowerScripts for K2 based applications.
  • .metalink, .met – Metalink A format to list metadata about downloads, such as mirrors, checksums, and other information.
  • .rss, .xml – RSS Syndication format.
  • .markdown, .md – Markdown Plain text formatting syntax, which is popularly used to format «readme» files.
  • .se – Shuttle Another lightweight markup language.


  • AXD – cookie extensions found in temporary internet folder
  • APK — Android Package Kit
  • BDF – Binary Data Format – raw data from recovered blocks of unallocated space on a hard drive
  • CBP – CD Box Labeler Pro, CentraBuilder, Code::Blocks Project File, Conlab Project
  • CEX – SolidWorks Enterprise PDM Vault File
  • COL – Nintendo GameCube proprietary collision file (.col)
  • CREDX – CredX Dat File
  • DDB – Generating code for Vocaloid singers voice (see .DDI)
  • DDI – Vocaloid phoneme library (Japanese, English, Korean, Spanish, Chinese, Catalan)
  • DUPX – DuupeCheck database management tool project file
  • FTM – Family Tree Maker data file
  • FTMB – Family Tree Maker backup file
  • GA3 – Graphical Analysis 3
  • .ged – GEDCOM (GEnealogical Data COMmunication) format to exchange genealogy data between different genealogy software
  • HLP – Windows help file
  • IGC – flight tracks downloaded from GPS devices in the FAI’s prescribed format
  • INF – similar format to INI file; used to install device drivers under Windows, inter alia.
  • JAM – JAM Message Base Format for BBSes
  • KMC – tests made with KatzReview’s MegaCrammer
  • KCL – Nintendo GameCube/Wii proprietary collision file (.kcl)
  • KTR – Hitachi Vantara Pentaho Data Integration/Kettle Transformation Project file
  • LNK – Microsoft Windows format for Hyperlinks to Executables
  • LSM – LSMaker script file (program using layered .jpg to create special effects; specifically designed to render lightsabers from the Star Wars universe) (.lsm)
  • NARC – Archive format used in Nintendo DS games.
  • OER – AU OER Tool, Open Educational Resource editor
  • PA – Used to assign sound effects to materials in KCL files (.pa)
  • PIF – Used to run MS-DOS programs under Windows
  • POR – So called «portable» SPSS files, readable by PSPP
  • PXZ – Compressed file to exchange media elements with PSALMO
  • RISE – File containing RISE generated information model evolution
  • SCR – Windows Screen Saver file
  • TOPC – TopicCrunch SEO Project file holding keywords, domain, and search engine settings (ASCII)
  • XLF – Utah State University Extensible LADAR Format
  • XMC – Assisted contact lists format, based on XML and used in kindergartens and schools
  • ZED – My Heritage Family Tree
  • zone – Zone file a text file containing a DNS zone
  • FX – Microsoft DirectX plain text effects and properties for the associated file and are used to specify the textures, shading, rendering, lighting and other 3D effects (.fx)
  • MIFRAMES – Mine-imator keyframes file (.miframes)
  • MILANGUAGE – Mine-Imator language data file (.milanguage)
  • MIDATA – Mine-Imator data file (.midata)
  • BCA – Short for Burst Cutting Area Holds the information of the circular area near the center of a DVD, HD DVD or Blu-ray Disc, it is usually 64 bytes in size. (.bca)


  • ANI – Animated cursor
  • CUR – Cursor file
  • Smes – Hawk’s Dock configuration file

Generalized files[edit]

General data formats[edit]

These file formats are fairly well defined by long-term use or a general standard, but the content of each file is often highly specific to particular software or has been extended by further standards for specific uses.


  • CSV – comma-separated values
  • HTML – hyper text markup language
  • CSS – cascading style sheets
  • INI – a configuration text file whose format is substantially similar between applications
  • JSON – JavaScript Object Notation is an openly used data format now used by many languages, not just JavaScript
  • TSV – tab-separated values
  • XML – an open data format
  • YAML – an open data format
  • ReStructuredText – an open text format for technical documents used mainly in the Python programming language
  • .md – Markdown an open lightweight markup language to create simple but rich text, often used to format README files
  • AsciiDoc – an open human-readable markup document format semantically equivalent to DocBook
  • .yni — a configuration file similar to YAML

Generic file extensions[edit]

These are filename extensions and broad types reused frequently with differing formats or no specific format by different programs.

Binary files[edit]

  • .bak, .bk – Bak file various backup formats: some just copies of data files, some in application-specific data backup formats, some formats for general file backup programs
  • BIN – binary data, often memory dumps of executable code or data to be re-used by the same software that originated it
  • DAT – data file, usually binary data proprietary to the program that created it, or an MPEG-1 stream of Video CD
  • DSK – file representations of various disk storage images
  • RAW – raw (unprocessed) data
  • SZH — files that are associated with zero unique file types (the most prevalent being the Binary Data format)

Text files[edit]

  • .cnf, .conf, .cfg – configuration file substantially software-specific
  • .log – logfiles usually text, but sometimes binary
  • .asc, .txt – human-readable plain text, usually no more specific

Partial files[edit]

Differences and patches[edit]

  • diff – text file differences created by the program diff and applied as updates by patch

Incomplete transfers[edit]

  • .!ut – !UT partly complete uTorrent download
  • .crdownload – CRDOWNLOAD partly complete Google Chrome download
  • .opdownload – OPDOWNLOAD partly complete Opera download
  • .part – PART partly complete Mozilla Firefox or Transmission download
  • .partial – PARTIAL partly complete Internet Explorer or Microsoft Edge download

Temporary files[edit]

  • .temp, .tmp – Temporary file sometimes in a specific format, but often just raw data in the middle of processing
  • Pseudo-pipelines, Pseudo-pipeline – Pseudo-pipeline file used to simulate a software pipe

See also[edit]

  • List of filename extensions
  • MIME#Content-Type, a standard for referring to file formats
  • List of motion and gesture file formats
  • List of file signatures, or «magic numbers»


  1. ^ «Filename extension definition». The Linux Information Project. Retrieved 1 February 2019.
  2. ^ «What Is a Cabinet (.cab) File?». microsoft.com. Microsoft.
  3. ^ a b «3D printing with Windows 10». microsoft.com. Microsoft.
  4. ^ «www.datacad.com – DataCAD Revision History». datacad.com.
  5. ^ «How to export a design in Fusion 360». Knowledge.autodesk.com. Retrieved 4 August 2019.
  6. ^ «Reagency Systems – easyOFFER the OREA and TREB real estate forms software solution details». reagency.ca.
  7. ^ «Incredibly Flexible Data Storage (IFDS) File Format». Github.com. Retrieved 16 December 2022.
  8. ^ «GML Format». gephi.org.
  9. ^ «Create, manage, and import swatches in InDesign». Helpx.adobe.com. Retrieved 24 September 2018.
  10. ^ «Swatch Book – Inkscape Wiki». Wiki.inkscape.org. Retrieved 24 September 2018.
  11. ^ «Palette Docker – Krita Manual version 4.1». Docs.krita.org. Retrieved 24 September 2018.
  12. ^ «v1.2 Palette · mypaint/mypaint Wiki». GitHub.com. Retrieved 24 September 2018.
  13. ^ «Index of /pdf/perq/accent_S5/Accent_UsersManual_1984». Bitsavers.org. Retrieved 4 August 2019.
  14. ^ a b RSTS-11 System Users Guide (PDF) (DEC-11-ORSUA-D-D (RSTS/E V06A-02) ed.). Digital Equipment Corporation. 1975. pp. 2–16–2–17. Retrieved 22 March 2011.
  15. ^ «Archived copy» (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 15 December 2017. Retrieved 24 March 2018.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
  16. ^
    Srivastava, Deepansh; Vosegaard, Thomas; Massiot, Dominique; Grandinetti, Philip (January 2020). «Core Scientific Dataset Model: A lightweight and portable model and file format for multi- dimensional scientific data». PLOS ONE. 15 (1): e0225953. Bibcode:2020PLoSO..1525953S. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0225953. PMC 6940021. PMID 31895936.
  17. ^ «Definition of NCF file». PCMAG. Retrieved 29 October 2022.
  18. ^ Bastiaansen, Rob; Vugt, Sander van (9 May 2006). Novell Cluster Services for Linux and NetWare. Pearson Education. p. 27. ISBN 978-0-672-33283-8. Retrieved 29 October 2022.
  19. ^ «Filename extensions».
  20. ^ «Filename extensions».
  21. ^ a b c «Setting Up and Using PuTTY». Wipo.int.
  22. ^ a b c «How to Convert Your Putty .PPK Private Key to a Normal SSH Key You Can Use on an Apple Mac | These things are far too hard». leadingedgescripts.co.uk. Archived from the original on 11 July 2012. Retrieved 15 January 2022.
  23. ^ a b c Leo Notenboom. «How do I create and use Public Keys with SSH?»
  24. ^ a b Jayasooriya, Tarith (16 September 2020). «nSign». nsign. Retrieved 12 October 2020.
  25. ^ «SAC Data File Format». Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology.
  26. ^ «Standard for the Exchange of Earthquake Data» (PDF). Data Formats. IRIS (Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology). Retrieved 5 May 2016.
  27. ^ «What is WIN system?» (in Japanese). Earthquake Observation Center, Earthquake Research Institute, U. Tokyo, Japan. Archived from the original on 2 April 2016. Retrieved 5 May 2016.
  28. ^ «TAK». hydrogenaud.io.
  29. ^ Tim Fisher. «BRSTM File (What It Is & How To Open One)». About.com Tech.
  30. ^ «HAMBU File Extension – What is a .hambu file and how do I open it?». fileinfo.com. Retrieved 17 July 2020.
  31. ^ love2d.org
  32. ^ «MCA File Extension». FileInfo.com. Retrieved 26 December 2018.
  33. ^ «FileInfo information about PLAGUEINC file format».
  34. ^ «.GCM file extension! [Archive] – EmuTalk.net». emutalk.net.
  35. ^ Medley, Sam. «You can now play your own NES ROMs on Nintendo Switch Online thanks to a new hack». Notebookcheck. Retrieved 9 November 2022.

External links[edit]

  • File formats at Curlie
  • File formats at FileInfo.com

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is a list of file formats used by computers, organized by type. Filename extension it is usually noted in parentheses if they differ from the file format name or abbreviation. Many operating systems do not limit filenames to one extension shorter than 4 characters, as was common with some operating systems that supported the File Allocation Table (FAT) file system. Examples of operating systems that do not impose this limit include Unix-like systems, and Microsoft Windows NT, 95-98, and ME which have no three character limit on extensions for 32-bit or 64-bit applications on file systems other than pre-Windows 95 and Windows NT 3.5 versions of the FAT file system. Some filenames are given extensions longer than three characters. While MS-DOS and NT always treat the suffix after the last period in a file’s name as its extension, in UNIX-like systems, the final period does not necessarily mean that the text after the last period is the file’s extension.[1]

Some file formats, such as .txt or .text, may be listed multiple times.

Archive and compressed[edit]

  • .?Q? – files that are compressed, often by the SQ program.
  • 7z – 7z: 7-Zip compressed file
  • A – An external file extension for C/C++
  • AAC – Advanced Audio Coding
  • ace – ace: ACE compressed file
  • ALZ – ALZip compressed file
  • APK – Android package: Applications installable on Android; package format of the Alpine Linux distribution
  • APPX – Microsoft Application Package (.appx)
  • AT3 – Sony’s UMD data compression
  • ARC – ARC: pre-Zip data compression
  • ARC – Nintendo U8 Archive (mostly Yaz0 compressed)
  • ARJ – ARJ compressed file
  • ASS, SSA –ASS (also SSA): a subtitles file created by Aegisub, a video typesetting application (also a Halo game engine file)
  • B – (B file) Similar to .a, but less compressed.
  • BA – BA: Scifer Archive (.ba), Scifer External Archive Type
  • BIN – compressed archive, can be read and used by CD-ROMs and Java, extractable by 7-zip and WINRAR
  • .bkf – Microsoft backup created by NTBackup.c
  • Blend – An external 3D file format used by the animation software, Blender.
  • .bz2 – bzip2
  • BMP – Bitmap Image – You can create one by right-clicking the home screen, next, click new, then, click Bitmap Image
  • cab – A cabinet (.cab) file is a library of compressed files stored as one file. Cabinet files are used to organize installation files that are copied to the user’s system.[2]
  • c4 – JEDMICS image files, a DOD system
  • cals – JEDMICS image files, a DOD system
  • xaml – Used in programs like Visual Studio to create exe files.
  • CPT, SEA – Compact Pro (Macintosh)
  • DAA – DAA: Closed-format, Windows-only compressed disk image
  • deb – deb: Debian install package
  • DMG – an Apple compressed/encrypted format
  • DDZ – a file which can only be used by the «daydreamer engine» created by «fever-dreamer», a program similar to RAGS, it’s mainly used to make somewhat short games.
  • DN – Adobe Dimension CC file format
  • DNG – «Digital Negative» a type of raw image file format used in digital photography.
  • DPE – Package of AVE documents made with Aquafadas digital publishing tools.
  • .egg – Alzip Egg Edition compressed file
  • .egt – EGT Universal Document also used to create compressed cabinet files replaces .ecab
  • .ECAB, .ezip – EGT Compressed Folder used in advanced systems to compress entire system folders, replaced by EGT Universal Document
  • ESD – ESD: Electronic Software Distribution, a compressed and encrypted WIM File
  • .ess – EGT SmartSense File, detects files compressed using the EGT compression system.
  • .exe – Windows application
  • .flipchart – Used in Promethean ActivInspire Flipchart Software.
  • .gbs, .ggp, .gsc – GBS OtterUI binary scene file
  • .gho, .ghs – GHO Norton Ghost
  • .gif – GIF Graphics Interchange Format
  • .gz – gzip Compressed file
  • .html – HTML code file
  • .ipg – Format in which Apple Inc. packages their iPod games. can be extracted through Winrar
  • jar – jar ZIP file with manifest for use with Java applications.
  • JPG – Joints Photographic Experts Group – Image File
  • JPEG – Joints Photographic Experts Group – Image File
  • .Lawrence – LBR Lawrence Compiler Type file
  • LBR – LBR Library file
  • LQR – LQR LBR Library file compressed by the SQ program.
  • .lzh – LHA Lempel, Ziv, Huffman
  • .lz – lzip Compressed file
  • .lzo – lzo
  • lzma – lzma Lempel–Ziv–Markov chain algorithm compressed file
  • LZX – LZX
  • .lua — Lua
  • .mbw – MBRWizard archive
  • MHTML – Mime HTML (Hyper-Text Markup Language) code file
  • .midi — Musical Instrument Digital Interface
  • .mpq – MPQ Archives Used by Blizzard Entertainment
  • .bin – BIN MacBinary
  • .nl2pkg – NoLimits 2 Package
  • .nth – NTH: Nokia Theme Used by Nokia Series 40 Cellphones
  • .oar – OAR: OAR archive
  • OSG – Compressed osu! live gameplay archive (optimized for spectating)
  • OSK – Compressed osu! skin archive
  • OSR – Compressed osu! replay archive
  • OSZ – Compressed osu! beatmap archive
  • PAK – Enhanced type of .ARC archive
  • .par, .par2 – PAR Parchive
  • .paf – PAF Portable Application File
  • .pea – PEA PeaZip archive file
  • PNG – Portable Network Graphic Image File
  • Webp — Raster image format developed by Google for web graphics
  • .php – PHP code file
  • .pyk – PYK Compressed file
  • .pk3 – PK3 Quake 3 archive (See note on Doom³)
  • .pk4 – PK4 Doom³ archive (Opens similarly to a zip archive.)
  • .pxz – PXZ A compressed layered image file used for the image editing website, pixlr.com .
  • py, pyw – Python code file
  • .rar – RAR Rar Archive, for multiple file archive (rar to .r01-.r99 to s01 and so on)
  • RAG, RAGS – Game file, a game playable in the RAGS game-engine, a free program which both allows people to create games, and play games, games created have the format «RAG game file»
  • RaX – Archive file created by RaX
  • RBXL – Roblox Studio place file (XML, binary)
  • RBXLX – Roblox Studio place file (exclusively XML)
  • RBXM – Roblox Studio model file (XML, binary)
  • RBXMX – Roblox Studio model file (exclusively XML)
  • RPM – Red Hat package/installer for Fedora, RHEL, and similar systems.
  • sb – Scratch file
  • sb2 – Scratch 2.0 file
  • sb3 – Scratch 3.0 file
  • SEN – Scifer Archive (.sen) – Scifer Internal Archive Type
  • .sitx – SIT StuffIt (Macintosh)
  • SIS, SISX – SIS/SISX: Symbian Application Package
  • SKB – Google SketchUp backup File
  • .sq – SQ: Squish Compressed Archive
  • .srt — SubRip Subtitle — file format for closed captioning or subtitles.
  • SWM – Splitted WIM File, usually found on OEM Recovery Partition to store preinstalled Windows image, and to make Recovery backup (to USB Drive) easier (due to FAT32 limitations)
  • SZS – Nintendo Yaz0 Compressed Archive
  • TAR – TAR: group of files, packaged as one file
  • Gzip, .tar.gz – (Gzip, .tar.gz): TGZ gzipped tar file
  • .tb – TB Tabbery Virtual Desktop Tab file
  • .tib – TIB Acronis True Image backup
  • UHA – Ultra High Archive Compression
  • .uue – UUE unified utility engine – the generic and default format for all things UUe-related.
  • uf2 microsoft makecode arcade game.
  • VIV – Archive format used to compress data for several video games, including Need For Speed: High Stakes.
  • VOL – video game data package.
  • VSA – Altiris Virtual Software Archive
  • WAX – Wavexpress – A ZIP alternative optimized for packages containing video, allowing multiple packaged files to be all-or-none delivered with near-instantaneous unpacking via NTFS file system manipulation.
  • .wfp a Wondershare Flimora project file
  • WIM – WIM A compressed disk image for installing Windows Vista or higher, Windows Fundamentals for Legacy PC, or restoring a system image made from Backup and Restore (Windows Vista/7)
  • XAP – Windows Phone Application Package
  • xz – xz compressed files, based on LZMA/LZMA2 algorithm
  • Z – Unix compress file
  • zoo – zoo: based on LZW
  • zip – zip: popular compression format
  • ZIM – ZIM: an open file format that stores wiki content for offline usage

Physical recordable media archiving[edit]

  • ISO – Generic format for most optical media, including CD-ROM, DVD-ROM, Blu-ray, HD DVD and UMD.
  • NRG – Proprietary optical media archive format used by Nero applications.
  • IMG – Raw disk image, for archiving DOS formatted floppy disks, hard drives, and larger optical media.
  • ADF – for archiving Amiga floppy disks
  • ADZ – The GZip-compressed version of ADF.
  • DMS – a disk-archiving system native to the Amiga.
  • DSK – For archiving floppy disks from a number of other platforms, including the ZX Spectrum and Amstrad CPC.
  • D64 – An archive of a Commodore 64 floppy disk.
  • SDI – used for archiving and providing «virtual disk» functionality.
  • MDS – Daemon Tools native disc image format used for making images from optical CD-ROM, DVD-ROM, HD DVD or Blu-ray. It comes together with MDF file and can be mounted with DAEMON Tools.
  • MDX – Daemon Tools format that allows getting one MDX disc image file instead of two (MDF and MDS).
  • DMG – Macintosh disk image files
  • CDI – DiscJuggler image file
  • CUE – CDRWrite CUE image file
  • CIF – Easy CD Creator .cif format
  • C2D – Roxio-WinOnCD .c2d format
  • DAA – PowerISO .daa format
  • B6T – BlindWrite 6 image file
  • B5T – BlindWrite 5 image file
  • BWT – BlindWrite 4 image file
  • FFPPKG – FreeFire Profile Export Package


  • LEMONAPP – LemonOS/LemonTabOS/LemonRoid App (.lem_app)

Other Extensions[edit]

  • HTML – Hypertext Markup Language
  • Msi – Windows installation file
  • Vdhx – Virtual disk created by Hyper-V (Hyper-V runs on windows operating system)

Computer-aided design[edit]

Computer-aided is a prefix for several categories of tools (e.g., design, manufacture, engineering) which assist professionals in their respective fields (e.g., machining, architecture, schematics).

Computer-aided design (CAD)[edit]

Computer-aided design (CAD) software assists engineers, architects and other design professionals in project design.

  • 3DXML – Dassault Systemes graphic representation
  • 3MF – Microsoft 3D Manufacturing Format[3]
  • ACP – VA Software VA – Virtual Architecture CAD file
  • AMF – Additive Manufacturing File Format
  • AEC – DataCAD drawing format[4]
  • AR – Ashlar-Vellum Argon – 3D Modeling
  • ART – ArtCAM model
  • ASC – BRL-CAD Geometry File (old ASCII format)
  • ASM – Solidedge Assembly, Pro/ENGINEER Assembly
  • BIN, BIM – Data Design System DDS-CAD
  • BREP – Open CASCADE 3D model (shape)
  • C3D – C3D Toolkit File Format
  • C3P – Construct3 Files
  • CCC – CopyCAD Curves
  • CCM – CopyCAD Model
  • CCS – CopyCAD Session
  • CAD – CadStd
  • CATDrawing – CATIA V5 Drawing document
  • CATPart – CATIA V5 Part document
  • CATProduct – CATIA V5 Assembly document
  • CATProcess – CATIA V5 Manufacturing document
  • cgr – CATIA V5 graphic representation file
  • ckd – KeyCreator CAD Modeling
  • ckt – KeyCreator CAD Modeling
  • CO – Ashlar-Vellum Cobalt – parametric drafting and 3D modeling
  • DRW – Caddie Early version of Caddie drawing – Prior to Caddie changing to DWG
  • DFT – Solidedge Draft
  • DGN – MicroStation design file
  • DGK – Delcam Geometry
  • DMT – Delcam Machining Triangles
  • DXF – ASCII Drawing Interchange file format, AutoCAD
  • DWB – VariCAD drawing file
  • DWF – Autodesk’s Web Design Format; AutoCAD & Revit can publish to this format; similar in concept to PDF files; Autodesk Design Review is the reader
  • DWG – Popular file format for Computer Aided Drafting applications, notably AutoCAD, Open Design Alliance applications, and Autodesk Inventor Drawing files
  • EASM – SolidWorks eDrawings assembly file
  • EDRW – eDrawings drawing file
  • EMB – Wilcom ES Designer Embroidery CAD file
  • EPRT – eDrawings part file
  • EscPcb – «esCAD pcb» data file by Electro-System (Japan)
  • EscSch – «esCAD sch» data file by Electro-System (Japan)
  • ESW – AGTEK format
  • EXCELLON – Excellon file
  • EXP – Drawing Express format
  • F3D – Autodesk Fusion 360 archive file[5]
  • FCStd – Native file format of FreeCAD CAD/CAM package
  • FM – FeatureCAM Part File
  • FMZ – FormZ Project file
  • G – BRL-CAD Geometry File
  • GBR – Gerber file
  • GLM – KernelCAD model
  • GRB – T-FLEX CAD File
  • GRI – AppliCad GRIM-In file in readable text form for importing roof and wall cladding job data generated by business management and accounting systems into the modelling/estimating program
  • GRO – AppliCad GRIM-Out file in readable text form for exporting roof and wall cladding data job material and labour costing data, material lists generated by the modelling/estimating program to business management and accounting systems
  • IAM – Autodesk Inventor Assembly file
  • ICD – IronCAD 2D CAD file
  • IDW – Autodesk Inventor Drawing file
  • IFC – buildingSMART for sharing AEC and FM data
  • IGES – Initial Graphics Exchange Specification
  • .dgn, .cel – Intergraph Standard File Formats Intergraph
  • IO – Stud.io 3d model
  • IPN – Autodesk Inventor Presentation file
  • IPT – Autodesk Inventor Part file
  • JT – Jupiter Tesselation
  • MCD – Monu-CAD (Monument/Headstone Drawing file)
  • MDG – Model of Digital Geometric Kernel
  • model – CATIA V4 part document
  • OCD – Orienteering Computer Aided Design (OCAD) file
  • PAR – Solidedge Part
  • PIPE – PIPE-FLO Professional Piping system design file
  • PLN – ArchiCad project
  • PRT – NX (recently known as Unigraphics), Pro/ENGINEER Part, CADKEY Part
  • PSM – Solidedge Sheet
  • PSMODEL – PowerSHAPE Model
  • PWI – PowerINSPECT File
  • PYT – Pythagoras File
  • SKP – SketchUp Model
  • RLF – ArtCAM Relief
  • RVM – AVEVA PDMS 3D Review model
  • RVT – Autodesk Revit project files
  • RFA – Autodesk Revit family files
  • RXF – AppliCad annotated 3D roof and wall geometry data in readable text form used to exchange 3D model geometry with other systems such as truss design software
  • S12 – Spirit file, by Softtech
  • SCAD – OpenSCAD 3D part model
  • SCDOC – SpaceClaim 3D Part/Assembly
  • SLDASM – SolidWorks Assembly drawing
  • SLDDRW – SolidWorks 2D drawing
  • SLDPRT – SolidWorks 3D part model
  • dotXSI – For Softimage
  • STEP – Standard for the Exchange of Product model data
  • STL – Stereo Lithographic data format used by various CAD systems and stereo lithographic printing machines.
  • STD – Power Vision Plus – Electricity Meter Data (Circutor)
  • TCT – TurboCAD drawing template
  • TCW – TurboCAD for Windows 2D and 3D drawing
  • UNV – I-DEAS I-DEAS (Integrated Design and Engineering Analysis Software)
  • VC6 – Ashlar-Vellum Graphite – 2D and 3D drafting
  • VLM – Ashlar-Vellum Vellum, Vellum 2D, Vellum Draft, Vellum 3D, DrawingBoard
  • VS – Ashlar-Vellum Vellum Solids
  • WRL – Similar to STL, but includes color. Used by various CAD systems and 3D printing rapid prototyping machines. Also used for VRML models on the web.
  • X_B – Parasolids binary format
  • X_T – Parasolids
  • XE – Ashlar-Vellum Xenon – for associative 3D modeling
  • ZOFZPROJ – ZofzPCB 3D PCB model, containing mesh, netlist and BOM

Electronic design automation (EDA)[edit]

Electronic design automation (EDA), or electronic computer-aided design (ECAD), is specific to the field of electrical engineering.

  • BRD – Board file for EAGLE Layout Editor, a commercial PCB design tool
  • BSDL – Description language for testing through JTAG
  • CDL – Transistor-level netlist format for IC design
  • CPF – Power-domain specification in system-on-a-chip (SoC) implementation (see also UPF)
  • DEF – Gate-level layout
  • DSPF – Detailed Standard Parasitic Format, Analog-level parasitics of interconnections in IC design
  • EDIF – Vendor neutral gate-level netlist format
  • FSDB – Analog waveform format (see also Waveform viewer)
  • GDSII – Format for PCB and layout of integrated circuits
  • HEX – ASCII-coded binary format for memory dumps
  • LEF – Library Exchange Format, physical abstract of cells for IC design
  • LIB – Library modeling (function, timing) format
  • MS12 – NI Multisim file
  • OASIS – Open Artwork System Interchange Standard
  • OpenAccess – Design database format with APIs
  • PSF – Cadence proprietary format to store simulation results/waveforms (2GB limit)
  • PSFXL – Cadence proprietary format to store simulation results/waveforms
  • SDC – Synopsys Design Constraints, format for synthesis constraints
  • SDF – Standard for gate-level timings
  • SPEF – Standard format for parasitics of interconnections in IC design
  • SPI, CIR – SPICE Netlist, device-level netlist and commands for simulation
  • SREC, S19 – S-record, ASCII-coded format for memory dumps
  • SST2 – Cadence proprietary format to store mixed-signal simulation results/waveforms
  • STIL – Standard Test Interface Language, IEEE1450-1999 standard for Test Patterns for IC
  • SV – SystemVerilog source file
  • S*P – Touchstone/EEsof Scattering parameter data file – multi-port blackbox performance, measurement or simulated
  • TLF – Contains timing and logical information about a collection of cells (circuit elements)
  • UPF – Standard for Power-domain specification in SoC implementation
  • V – Verilog source file
  • VCD – Standard format for digital simulation waveform
  • VHD, VHDL – VHDL source file
  • WGL – Waveform Generation Language, format for Test Patterns for IC

Test technology[edit]

Files output from Automatic Test Equipment or post-processed from such.

  • Standard Test Data Format


  • 4DB – 4D database Structure file
  • 4DD – 4D database Data file
  • 4DIndy – 4D database Structure Index file
  • 4DIndx – 4D database Data Index file
  • 4DR – 4D database Data resource file (in old 4D versions)
  • ACCDB – Microsoft Database (Microsoft Office Access 2007 and later)
  • ACCDE – Compiled Microsoft Database (Microsoft Office Access 2007 and later)
  • ADT – Sybase Advantage Database Server (ADS)
  • APR – Lotus Approach data entry & reports
  • BOX – Lotus Notes Post Office mail routing database
  • CHML – Krasbit Technologies Encrypted database file for 1 click integration between contact management software and the chameleon(tm) line of imaging workflow solutions
  • DAF – Digital Anchor data file
  • DAT – DOS Basic
  • DAT – Intersystems Caché database file
  • DB – Paradox
  • DB – SQLite
  • DBF – db/dbase II,III,IV and V, Clipper, Harbour/xHarbour, Fox/FoxPro, Oracle
  • DTA – Sage Sterling database file
  • EGT – EGT Universal Document, used to compress sql databases to smaller files, may contain original EGT database style.
  • ESS – EGT SmartSense is a database of files and its compression style. Specific to EGT SmartSense
  • EAP – Enterprise Architect Project
  • FDB – Firebird Databases
  • FDB – Navision database file
  • FP, FP3, FP5, FP7 – FileMaker Pro
  • FRM – MySQL table definition
  • GDB – Borland InterBase Databases
  • GTABLE – Google Drive Fusion Table
  • KEXI – Kexi database file (SQLite-based)
  • KEXIC – shortcut to a database connection for a Kexi databases on a server
  • KEXIS – shortcut to a Kexi database
  • LDB – Temporary database file, only existing when database is open
  • LIRS – Layered Intager Storage. Stores intageres with characters such as semicolons to create lists of data.
  • MDA – Add-in file for Microsoft Access
  • MDB – Microsoft Access database
  • ADP – Microsoft Access project (used for accessing databases on a server)
  • MDE – Compiled Microsoft Database (Access)
  • MDF – Microsoft SQL Server Database
  • MYD – MySQL MyISAM table data
  • MYI – MySQL MyISAM table index
  • NCF – Lotus Notes configuration file
  • NSF – Lotus Notes database
  • NTF – Lotus Notes database design template
  • NV2 – QW Page NewViews object oriented accounting database
  • ODB – LibreOffice Base or OpenOffice Base database
  • ORA – Oracle tablespace files sometimes get this extension (also used for configuration files)
  • PCONTACT – WinIM Contact file
  • PDB – Palm OS Database
  • PDI – Portable Database Image
  • PDX – Corel Paradox database management
  • PRC – Palm OS resource database
  • SQL – bundled SQL queries
  • REC – GNU recutils database
  • REL – Sage Retrieve 4GL data file
  • RIN – Sage Retrieve 4GL index file
  • SDB – StarOffice’s StarBase
  • SDF – SQL Compact Database file
  • sqlite – SQLite
  • UDL – Universal Data Link
  • waData – Wakanda (software) database Data file
  • waIndx – Wakanda (software) database Index file
  • waModel – Wakanda (software) database Model file
  • waJournal – Wakanda (software) database Journal file
  • WDB – Microsoft Works Database
  • WMDB – Windows Media Database file – The CurrentDatabase_360.wmdb file can contain file name, file properties, music, video, photo and playlist information.

Big Data (Distributed)[edit]

  • Avro – Data format appropriate for ingestion of record based attributes. Distinguishing characteristic is schema is stored on each row enabling schema evolution.
  • Parquet – Columnar data storage. It is typically used within the Hadoop ecosystem.
  • ORC – Similar to Parquet, but has better data compression and schema evolution handling.

Desktop publishing[edit]

  • AI – Adobe Illustrator
  • AVE, ZAVE – Aquafadas
  • CDR – CorelDRAW
  • CHP, pub, STY, CAP, CIF, VGR, FRM – Ventura Publisher – Xerox (DOS / GEM)
  • CPT – Corel Photo-Paint
  • DTP – Greenstreet Publisher, GST PressWorks
  • FM – Adobe FrameMaker
  • GDRAW – Google Drive Drawing
  • ILDOC – Broadvision Quicksilver document
  • INDD – Adobe InDesign
  • MCF – FotoInsight Designer
  • PDF – Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Reader
  • PMD – Adobe PageMaker
  • PPP – Serif PagePlus
  • PSD – Adobe Photoshop
  • PUB – Microsoft Publisher
  • QXD – QuarkXPress
  • SLA, SCD – Scribus
  • XCF – XCF: File format used by the GIMP, as well as other programs


These files store formatted text and plain text.

  • 0 – Plain Text Document, normally used for licensing
  • 1ST – Plain Text Document, normally preceded by the words «README» (README.1ST)
  • 600 – Plain Text Document, used in UNZIP history log
  • 602 – Text602 (T602) document
  • ABW – AbiWord document
  • ACL – MS Word AutoCorrect List
  • AFP – Advanced Function Presentation
  • AMI – Lotus Ami Pro Amigaguide
  • ANS – American National Standards Institute (ANSI) text
  • ASC – ASCII text
  • AWW – Ability Write
  • CCF – Color Chat 1.0
  • CSV – ASCII text as comma-separated values, used in spreadsheets and database management systems
  • CWK – ClarisWorks-AppleWorks document
  • DBK – DocBook XML sub-format
  • DITA – Darwin Information Typing Architecture document
  • DOC – Microsoft Word document
  • DOCM – Microsoft Word macro-enabled document
  • DOCX – Office Open XML document
  • DOT – Microsoft Word document template
  • DOTX – Office Open XML text document template
  • DWD – DavkaWriter Heb/Eng word processor file
  • EGT – EGT Universal Document
  • EPUB – EPUB open standard for e-books
  • EZW – Reagency Systems easyOFFER document[6]
  • FDX – Final Draft
  • FTM – Fielded Text Meta
  • FTX – Fielded Text (Declared)
  • GDOC – Google Drive Document
  • HTML – HyperText Markup Language (.html, .htm)
  • HWP – Haansoft (Hancom) Hangul Word Processor document
  • HWPML – Haansoft (Hancom) Hangul Word Processor Markup Language document
  • LOG – Text log file
  • LWP – Lotus Word Pro
  • MBP – metadata for Mobipocket documents
  • MD – Markdown text document
  • ME – Plain text document normally preceded by the word «READ» (READ.ME)
  • MCW – Microsoft Word for Macintosh (versions 4.0–5.1)
  • Mobi – Mobipocket documents
  • NB – Mathematica Notebook
  • nb – Nota Bene Document (Academic Writing Software)
  • NBP – Mathematica Player Notebook
  • NEIS – 학교생활기록부 작성 프로그램 (Student Record Writing Program) Document
  • NT – N-Triples RDF container (.nt)
  • NQ – N-Quads RDF container (.nq)
  • ODM – OpenDocument master document
  • ODOC – Synology Drive Office Document
  • ODT – OpenDocument text document
  • OSHEET – Synology Drive Office Spreadsheet
  • OTT – OpenDocument text document template
  • OMM – OmmWriter text document
  • PAGES – Apple Pages document
  • PAP – Papyrus word processor document
  • PER — Canadian Forces Personnel Appraisal System (CFPAS) Personnel Evaluation Report (PER)
  • PDR — Canadian Forces Personnel Appraisal System (CFPAS) Personnel Development Report (PDR)
  • PDAX – Portable Document Archive (PDA) document index file
  • PDF – Portable Document Format
  • QUOX – Question Object File Format for Quobject Designer or Quobject Explorer
  • Radix-64 – Need helps!!!
  • RTF – Rich Text document
  • RPT – Crystal Reports
  • SDW – StarWriter text document, used in earlier versions of StarOffice
  • SE – Shuttle Document
  • STW – OpenOffice.org XML (obsolete) text document template
  • Sxw – OpenOffice.org XML (obsolete) text document
  • TeX – TeX
  • INFO – Texinfo
  • Troff – Unix OS document processing system
  • TXT – ASCII or Unicode plain text file
  • UOF – Uniform Office Format
  • UOML – Unique Object Markup Language
  • VIA – Revoware VIA Document Project File
  • WPD – WordPerfect document
  • WPS – Microsoft Works document
  • WPT – Microsoft Works document template
  • WRD – WordIt! document
  • WRF – ThinkFree Write
  • WRI – Microsoft Write document
  • xhtml, xht – XHTML eXtensible HyperText Markup Language
  • XML – eXtensible Markup Language
  • XPS – XPS: Open XML Paper Specification

Financial records[edit]

  • MYO – MYOB Limited (Windows) File
  • MYOB – MYOB Limited (Mac) File
  • TAX – TurboTax File
  • YNAB – You Need a Budget (YNAB) File

Financial data transfer formats[edit]

  • IFX – Interactive Financial Exchange XML-based specification for various forms of financial transactions
  • .ofx – Open Financial Exchange, open standard supported by CheckFree and Microsoft and partly by Intuit; SGML and later XML based
  • QFX – proprietary pay-only format used only by Intuit
  • .qif – Quicken Interchange Format open standard formerly supported by Intuit

Font file[edit]

  • ABF – Adobe Binary Screen Font
  • AFM – Adobe Font Metrics
  • BDF – Bitmap Distribution Format
  • BMF – ByteMap Font Format
  • BRFNT – Binary Revolution Font Format
  • FNT – Bitmapped Font – Graphics Environment Manager (GEM)
  • FON – Bitmapped Font – Microsoft Windows
  • MGF – MicroGrafx Font
  • OTF – OpenType Font
  • PCF – Portable Compiled Format
  • PFA – Printer Font ASCII
  • PFB – Printer Font Binary – Adobe
  • PFM – Printer Font Metrics – Adobe
  • AFM – Adobe Font Metrics
  • FOND – Font Description resource – Mac OS
  • SFD – FontForge spline font database Font
  • SNF – Server Normal Format
  • TDF – TheDraw Font
  • TFM – TeX font metric
  • .ttf, .ttc – TrueType Font
  • UFO – Unified Font Object is a cross-platform, cross-application, human readable, future proof format for storing font data.
  • WOFF – Web Open Font Format

General purpose[edit]

These file formats allow for the rapid creation of new binary file formats.

  • IFDS — Incredibly Flexible Data Storage file format. File extension and the magic number does not have to be IFDS.[7]

Geographic information system[edit]

  • ASC – ASCII point of interest (POI) text file
  • APR – ESRI ArcView 3.3 and earlier project file
  • DEM – USGS DEM file format
  • E00 – ARC/INFO interchange file format
  • GeoJSON –Geographically located data in object notation
  • GeoTIFF – Geographically located raster data
  • GML – Geography Markup Language file[8]
  • GPX – XML-based interchange format
  • ITN – TomTom Itinerary format
  • MXD – ESRI ArcGIS project file, 8.0 and higher
  • NTF – National Transfer Format file
  • OV2 – TomTom POI overlay file
  • SHP – ESRI shapefile
  • TAB – MapInfo Table file format
  • GeoTIFF – Geographically located raster data: text file giving corner coordinate, raster cells per unit, and rotation
  • DTED – Digital Terrain Elevation Data
  • KML – Keyhole Markup Language, XML-based

Graphical information organizers[edit]

  • 3DT – 3D Topicscape, the database in which the meta-data of a 3D Topicscape is held, it is a form of 3D concept map (like a 3D mind-map) used to organize ideas, information, and computer files
  • ATY – 3D Topicscape file, produced when an association type is exported; used to permit round-trip (export Topicscape, change files and folders as desired, re-import to 3D Topicscape)
  • CAG – Linear Reference System
  • FES – 3D Topicscape file, produced when a fileless occurrence in 3D Topicscape is exported to Windows. Used to permit round-trip (export Topicscape, change files and folders as desired, re-import them to 3D Topicscape)
  • MGMF – MindGenius Mind Mapping Software file format
  • MM – FreeMind mind map file (XML)
  • MMP – Mind Manager mind map file
  • TPC – 3D Topicscape file, produced when an inter-Topicscape topic link file is exported to Windows; used to permit round-trip (export Topicscape, change files and folders as desired, re-import to 3D Topicscape)


Color palettes[edit]

  • ACT – Adobe Color Table. Contains a raw color palette and consists of 256 24-bit RGB colour values.
  • ASE – Adobe Swatch Exchange. Used by Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign.[9]
  • GPL – GIMP palette file. Uses a text representation of color names and RGB values. Various open source graphical editors can read this format,[10] including GIMP, Inkscape, Krita,[11] KolourPaint, Scribus, CinePaint, and MyPaint.[12]
  • PAL – Microsoft RIFF palette file

Color management[edit]

  • ICC, ICM – Color profile conforming the specification of the ICC.

Raster graphics[edit]

Raster or bitmap files store images as a group of pixels.

  • ART – America Online proprietary format
  • BLP – Blizzard Entertainment proprietary texture format
  • BMP – Microsoft Windows Bitmap formatted image
  • BTI – Nintendo proprietary texture format
  • CD5 – Chasys Draw IES image
  • CIT – Intergraph is a monochrome bitmap format
  • CPT – Corel PHOTO-PAINT image
  • CR2 – Canon camera raw format; photos have this on some Canon cameras if the quality RAW is selected in camera settings
  • CPL – Windows control panel file
  • DDS – DirectX texture file
  • DIB – Device-Independent Bitmap graphic
  • DjVu – DjVu for scanned documents
  • EGT – EGT Universal Document, used in EGT SmartSense to compress PNG files to yet a smaller file
  • Exif – Exchangeable image file format (Exif) is a specification for the image format used by digital cameras
  • GIF – CompuServe’s Graphics Interchange Format
  • GRF – Zebra Technologies proprietary format
  • ICNS – format for icons in macOS. Contains bitmap images at multiple resolutions and bitdepths with alpha channel.
  • ICO – a format used for icons in Microsoft Windows. Contains small bitmap images at multiple resolutions and bitdepths with 1-bit transparency or alpha channel.
  • .iff, .ilbm, .lbm – IFF ILBM
  • JNG – a single-frame MNG using JPEG compression and possibly an alpha channel
  • JPEG, JFIF, .jpg, .jpeg – Joint Photographic Experts Group; a lossy image format widely used to display photographic images
  • JP2 – JPEG2000
  • JPS – JPEG Stereo
  • KRA – Krita image file
  • LBM – Deluxe Paint image file
  • MAX – ScanSoft PaperPort document
  • MIFF – ImageMagick’s native file format
  • MNG – Multiple-image Network Graphics, the animated version of PNG
  • MSP – a format used by old versions of Microsoft Paint; replaced by BMP in Microsoft Windows 3.0
  • NITF – A U.S. Government standard commonly used in Intelligence systems
  • OTB – Over The Air bitmap, a specification designed by Nokia for black and white images for mobile phones
  • PBM – Portable bitmap
  • PC1 – Low resolution, compressed Degas picture file
  • PC2 – Medium resolution, compressed Degas picture file
  • PC3 – High resolution, compressed Degas picture file
  • PCF – Pixel Coordination Format
  • PCX – a lossless format used by ZSoft’s PC Paint, popular for a time on DOS systems.
  • PDN – Paint.NET image file
  • PGM – Portable graymap
  • PI1 – Low resolution, uncompressed Degas picture file
  • PI2 – Medium resolution, uncompressed Degas picture file; also Portrait Innovations encrypted image format
  • PI3 – High resolution, uncompressed Degas picture file
  • PICT, PCT – Apple Macintosh PICT image
  • PNG – Portable Network Graphic (lossless, recommended for display and edition of graphic images)
  • PNM – Portable anymap graphic bitmap image
  • PNS – PNG Stereo
  • PPM – Portable Pixmap (Pixel Map) image
  • .procreate — Procreate (software)’s drawing file
  • PSB – Adobe Photoshop Big image file (for large files)
  • PSD, PDD – Adobe Photoshop Drawing
  • PSP – Paint Shop Pro image
  • PX – Pixel image editor image file
  • PXM – Pixelmator image file
  • PXR – Pixar Image Computer image file
  • QFX – QuickLink Fax image
  • RAW – General term for minimally processed image data (acquired by a digital camera)
  • RLE – a run-length encoding image
  • SCT – Scitex Continuous Tone image file
  • SGI, RGB, INT, BW – Silicon Graphics Image
  • TGA, .tga, .targa, .icb, .vda, .vst, .pix – Truevision TGA (Targa) image
  • TIFF, .tif, .tiff – Tagged Image File Format (usually lossless, but many variants exist, including lossy ones)
  • TIFF, EP, .tif, .tiff – Tag Image File Format / Electronic Photography, ISO 12234-2; tends to be used as a basis for other formats rather than in its own right.
  • VTF – Valve Texture Format
  • XBM – X Window System Bitmap
  • XCF – GIMP image (from Gimp’s origin at the eXperimental Computing Facility of the University of California)
  • XPM – X Window System Pixmap
  • ZIF – Zoomable/Zoomify Image Format (a web-friendly, TIFF-based, zoomable image format)

Vector graphics[edit]

Vector graphics use geometric primitives such as points, lines, curves, and polygons to represent images.

  • 3DS — 3D vector graphic file read by the Nintendo 3DS
  • 3DV – 3-D wireframe graphics by Oscar Garcia
  • AMF – Additive Manufacturing File Format
  • AWG – Ability Draw
  • AI – Adobe Illustrator Document
  • CGM – Computer Graphics Metafile, an ISO Standard
  • CDR – CorelDRAW Document
  • CMX – CorelDRAW vector image
  • DP – Drawing Program file for PERQ[13]
  • DRAWIO – Diagrams.net offline diagram
  • DXF – ASCII Drawing Interchange file Format, used in AutoCAD and other CAD-programs
  • E2D – 2-dimensional vector graphics used by the editor which is included in JFire
  • EGT – EGT Universal Document, EGT Vector Draw images are used to draw vector to a website
  • EPS – Encapsulated Postscript
  • FS – FlexiPro file
  • GBR – Gerber file
  • ODG – OpenDocument Drawing
  • MOVIE.BYU – 3D Vector file for polygons, coordinates and more complex shapes
  • RenderMan – Displays Shading in both 2D and 3D scapes
  • SVG – Scalable Vector Graphics, employs XML
  • 3DMLW – Scene description languages (3D vector image formats)
  • STL – STL: Stereo Lithographic data format (see STL (file format)) used by various CAD systems and stereo lithographic printing machines. See above.
  • .wrl – Virtual Reality Modeling Language, VRML Uses this extension for the creation of 3D viewable web images.
  • X3D – XML based file for communicating 3D graphics
  • SXD – OpenOffice.org XML (obsolete) Drawing
  • TGAX – Texture format used by Zwift
  • V2D – voucher design used by the voucher management included in JFire
  • VDOC – Vector format used in AnyCut, CutStorm, DrawCut, DragonCut, FutureDRAW, MasterCut, SignMaster, VinylMaster software by Future Corporation
  • VSD – Vector format used by Microsoft Visio
  • VSDX – Vector format used by MS Visio and opened by VSDX Annotator
  • VND – Vision numeric Drawing file used in TypeEdit, Gravostyle.
  • WMF – WMF: Windows Meta File
  • EMF – EMF: Enhanced (Windows) MetaFile, an extension to WMF
  • ART – Xara–Drawing (superseded by XAR)
  • XAR – Xara–Drawing

3D graphics[edit]

3D graphics are 3D models that allow building models in real-time or non-real-time 3D rendering.

  • 3DMF – QuickDraw 3D Metafile (.3dmf)
  • 3DM – OpenNURBS Initiative 3D Model (used by Rhinoceros 3D) (.3dm)
  • 3MF – Microsoft 3D Manufacturing Format (.3mf)[3]
  • 3DS – legacy 3D Studio Model (.3ds)
  • ABC – Alembic (computer graphics)
  • AC – AC3D Model (.ac)
  • AMF – Additive Manufacturing File Format
  • AN8 – Anim8or Model (.an8)
  • AOI – Art of Illusion Model (.aoi)
  • ASM – PTC Creo assembly (.asm)
  • B3D – Blitz3D Model (.b3d)
  • BLEND – Blender (.blend)
  • BLOCK – Blender encrypted blend files (.block)
  • BMD3 – Nintendo GameCube first-party J3D proprietary model format (.bmd)
  • BDL4 – Nintendo GameCube and Wii first-party J3D proprietary model format (2002, 2006–2010) (.bdl)
  • BRRES – Nintendo Wii first-party proprietary model format 2010+ (.brres)
  • BFRES – Nintendo Wii U and later Switch first-party proprietary model format
  • C4D – Cinema 4D (.c4d)
  • Cal3D – Cal3D (.cal3d)
  • CCP4 – X-ray crystallography voxels (electron density)
  • CFL – Compressed File Library (.cfl)
  • COB – Caligari Object (.cob)
  • CORE3D – Coreona 3D Coreona 3D Virtual File(.core3d)
  • CTM – OpenCTM (.ctm)
  • DAE – COLLADA (.dae)
  • DFF – RenderWare binary stream, commonly used by Grand Theft Auto III-era games as well as other RenderWare titles
  • DPM – deepMesh (.dpm)
  • DTS – Torque Game Engine (.dts)
  • EGG – Panda3D Engine
  • FACT – Electric Image (.fac)
  • FBX – Autodesk FBX (.fbx)
  • G – BRL-CAD geometry (.g)
  • GLB – a binary form of glTF required to be loaded in Facebook 3D Posts. (.glb)
  • GLM – Ghoul Mesh (.glm)
  • glTF – the JSON-based standard developed by Khronos Group (.gltf)
  • .hec – Hector Game Engine – Flatspace model format
  • IO – Bricklink Stud.io 2.0 Model File (.io)
  • IOB – Imagine (3D modeling software) (.iob)
  • JAS – Cheetah 3D file (.jas)
  • JMESH – Universal mesh data exchange file based on JMesh specification (.jmsh for text/JSON based, .bmsh for binary/UBJSON based)
  • LDR – LDraw Model File (.ldr)
  • LWO – Lightwave Object (.lwo)
  • LWS – Lightwave Scene (.lws)
  • LXF – LEGO Digital Designer Model file (.lxf)
  • LXO – Luxology Modo (software) file (.lxo)
  • M3D – Model3D, universal, engine-neutral format (.m3d)
  • MA – Autodesk Maya ASCII File (.ma)
  • MAX – Autodesk 3D Studio Max file (.max)
  • MB – Autodesk Maya Binary File (.mb)
  • MPD – LDraw Multi-Part Document Model File (.mpd)
  • MD2 – MD2: Quake 2 model format (.md2)
  • MD3 – MD3: Quake 3 model format (.md3)
  • MD5 – MD5: Doom 3 model format (.md5)
  • MDX – Blizzard Entertainment’s own model format (.mdx)
  • MESH – New York University(.m)
  • MESH – Meshwork Model (.mesh)
  • MIOBJECT – Mine-Imator object file (.miobject)
  • MIPARTICLE – Mine-Imator particle file (.miparticle)
  • MIMODEL – Mine-Imator model file (.mimodel)
  • MM3D – Misfit Model 3d (.mm3d)
  • MPO – Multi-Picture Object – This JPEG standard is used for 3d images, as with the Nintendo 3DS
  • MRC – MRC: voxels in cryo-electron microscopy
  • NIF – Gamebryo NetImmerse File (.nif)
  • OBJ – Wavefront .obj file (.obj)
  • OFF – OFF Object file format (.off)
  • OGEX – Open Game Engine Exchange (OpenGEX) format (.ogex)
  • PLY – PLY: Polygon File Format / Stanford Triangle Format (.ply)
  • PRC – Adobe PRC (embedded in PDF files)
  • PRT – PTC Creo part (.prt)
  • POV – POV-Ray document (.pov)
  • R3D – Realsoft 3D (Real-3D) (.r3d)
  • RWX – RenderWare Object (.rwx)
  • SIA – Nevercenter Silo Object (.sia)
  • SIB – Nevercenter Silo Object (.sib)
  • SKP – Google Sketchup file (.skp)
  • SLDASM – SolidWorks Assembly Document (.sldasm)
  • SLDPRT – SolidWorks Part Document (.sldprt)
  • SMD – Valve Studiomdl Data format (.smd)
  • U3D – Universal 3D format (.u3d)
  • USD – Universal Scene Description (.usd)
  • USDA – Universal Scene Description , Human-readable text format (.usda)
  • USDC – Universal Scene Description , Binary format (.usdc)
  • USDZ – Universal Scene Description Zip (.usdz)
  • VIM – Revizto visual information model format (.vimproj)
  • VRML97 – VRML Virtual reality modeling language (.wrl)
  • VUE – Vue scene file (.vue)
  • VWX – Vectorworks (.vwx)
  • WINGS – Wings3D (.wings)
  • W3D – Westwood 3D Model (.w3d)
  • X – DirectX 3D Model (.x)
  • X3D – Extensible 3D (.x3d)
  • Z3D – Zmodeler (.z3d)
  • ZBMX – Mecabricks Blender Add-On (.zbmx)

Links and shortcuts[edit]

  • Alias – Alias (Mac OS)
  • JNLP – Java Network Launching Protocol, an XML file used by Java Web Start for starting Java applets over the Internet
  • LNK – binary-format file shortcut in Microsoft Windows 95 and later
  • APPREF-MS – File shortcut format used by ClickOnce
  • NAL – ZENworks Instant shortcut (opens a .EXE not on the C:/ )
  • URL – INI file pointing to a URL bookmarks/Internet shortcut in Microsoft Windows
  • WEBLOC – Property list file pointing to a URL bookmarks/Internet shortcut in macOS
  • SYM – Symbolic link
  • .desktop – Desktop entry on Linux Desktop environments


  • Harwell-Boeing – a file format designed to store sparse matrices
  • MML – MathML – Mathematical Markup Language
  • ODF – OpenDocument Math Formula
  • SXM – OpenOffice.org XML (obsolete) Math Formula

Object code, executable files, shared and dynamically linked libraries[edit]

  • 8BF – files plugins for some photo editing programs including Adobe Photoshop, Paint Shop Pro, GIMP and Helicon Filter.
  • .a — a static library on on Unix-like systems
  • .a – Objective C native static library
  • a.out – (no suffix for executable image, .o for object files, .so for shared object files) classic UNIX object format, now often superseded by ELF
  • APK – Android Application Package
  • APP – A folder found on macOS systems containing program code and resources, appearing as one file.
  • BAC – an executable image for the RSTS/E system, created using the BASIC-PLUS COMPILE command[14]
  • BPL – a Win32 PE file created with Borland Delphi or C++Builder containing a package.
  • Bundle – a Macintosh plugin created with Xcode or make which holds executable code, data files, and folders for that code.
  • .class – Compiled Java bytecode
  • COFF – (no suffix for executable image, .o for object files) UNIX Common Object File Format, now often superseded by ELF
  • COM – Simple executable format used by CP/M and DOS.
  • DCU – Delphi compiled unit
  • DLL – Dynamic library used in Windows and OS/2 to store data, resources and code.
  • DOL – the format used by the GameCube and Wii, short for Dolphin, which was the codename of the GameCube.
  • .EAR – archives of Java enterprise applications
  • ELF – (no suffix for executable image, .o for object files, .so for shared object files) used in many modern Unix and Unix-like systems, including Solaris, other System V Release 4 derivatives, Linux, and BSD)
  • .exe – DOS executable (.exe: used in DOS)
  • .EXE – New Executable (used in multitasking («European») MS-DOS 4.0, 16-bit Microsoft Windows, and OS/2)
  • .EXE – Portable Executable used in Microsoft Windows and some other systems
  • .ipa, .IPA – file extension for apple IOS application executable file. Another form of zip file.
  • .JAR – archives of Java class files
  • JEFF – a file format allowing execution directly from static memory[15]
  • .ko — Loadable kernel module
  • LIB — a static library on Microsoft platforms
  • LIST – variable list
  • Mach-O – (no suffix for executable image, .o for object files, .dylib and .bundle for shared object files) Mach-based systems, notably native format of macOS, iOS, watchOS, and tvOS
  • .NLM – NetWare Loadable Module the native 32-bit binaries compiled for Novell’s NetWare Operating System (versions 3 and newer)
  • .o – un-linked object files directly from the compiler
  • OBJ — object file on Windows
  • RLL – used in Microsoft operating systems together with a DLL file to store program resources
  • .s1es – Executable used for S1ES learning system.
  • .so – shared library, typically ELF
  • .VAP – Value Added Process the native 16-bit binaries compiled for Novell’s NetWare Operating System (version 2, NetWare 286, Advanced NetWare, etc.)
  • WAR, .WAR – .WAR are archives of Java Web applications
  • .XAP – Windows Phone package
  • XBE – XBE is Xbox executable
  • XCOFF – (no suffix for executable image, .o for object files, .a for shared object files) extended COFF, used in AIX
  • XEX – XEX is Xbox 360 executable
  • .XPI – PKZIP archive that can be run by Mozilla web browsers to install software.

Object extensions:

  • .OCX – .OCX are Object Control extensions
  • .TLB – .TLB are Windows Type Library
  • .VBX – .VBX are Visual Basic extensions

Page description language[edit]

  • DVI – DVI are Device independent format
  • .egt – Universal Document can be used to store CSS type styles
  • PLD – PLD (Need to be added!!!)
  • PCL – PCL (Need to be added!!!)
  • PDF – PDF are Portable Document Format
  • .ps, .ps, .gz – PostScript (Need to be added!!!)
  • SNP – SNP are Microsoft Access Report Snapshot
  • XPS – XPS
  • XSL-FO – XSL-FO (Formatting Objects)
  • Configurations, Metadata
    • CSS – CSS are Cascading Style Sheets
    • .xslt, .xsl – XML Style Sheet
    • .tpl – Web template

Personal information manager[edit]

  • MNB — MyInfo notebook
  • MSG – Microsoft Outlook task manager
  • ORG – Lotus Organizer PIM package
  • ORG – Emacs Org-Mode Mindmanager, contacts, calendar, email-integration
  • PST, OST – Microsoft Outlook email communication
  • SC2 – Microsoft Schedule+ calendar


  • GSLIDES – Google Drive Presentation
  • KEY, KEYNOTE – Apple Keynote Presentation
  • NB – Mathematica Slideshow
  • NBP – Mathematica Player slideshow
  • ODP – OpenDocument Presentation
  • OTP – OpenDocument Presentation template
  • PEZ – Prezi Desktop Presentation
  • POT – Microsoft PowerPoint template
  • PPS – Microsoft PowerPoint Show
  • PPT – Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation
  • PPTX – Office Open XML Presentation
  • PRZ – Lotus Freelance Graphics
  • SDD – StarOffice’s StarImpress
  • SHF – ThinkFree Show
  • SHOW – Haansoft(Hancom) Presentation software document
  • SHW – Corel Presentations slide show creation
  • SLP – Logix-4D Manager Show Control Project
  • SSPSS – SongShow Plus Slide Show
  • STI – OpenOffice.org XML (obsolete) Presentation template
  • SXI – OpenOffice.org XML (obsolete) Presentation
  • THMX – Microsoft PowerPoint theme template
  • WATCH – Dataton Watchout Presentation

Project management software[edit]

  • MPP – Microsoft Project

Reference management software[edit]

Formats of files used for bibliographic information (citation) management.

  • bib – BibTeX
  • enl – EndNote
  • ris – Research Information Systems RIS (file format)

Scientific data (data exchange)[edit]

  • .fits – FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) standard data format for astronomy
  • Silo – Silo, a storage format for visualization developed at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
  • SPC – SPC, spectroscopic data
  • EAS3 – binary format for structured data
  • EOSSA – Electro-Optic Space Situational Awareness format
  • OST – (Open Spatio-Temporal) extensible, mainly images with related data, or just pure data; meant as an open alternative for microscope images
  • CCP4 – CCP4, X-ray crystallography voxels (electron density)
  • MRC – MRC, voxels in cryo-electron microscopy
  • HITRAN – spectroscopic data with one optical/infrared transition per line in the ASCII file (.hit)
  • .root – hierarchical platform-independent compressed binary format used by ROOT
  • SDF – Simple Data Format (SDF), a platform-independent, precision-preserving binary data I/O format capable of handling large, multi-dimensional arrays.
  • MYD – Everfine LEDSpec software file for LED measurements
  • CSDM – (Core Scientific Dataset Model) model for multi-dimensional and correlated datasets from various spectroscopies, diffraction, microscopy, and imaging techniques (.csdf, .csdfe).[16]


  • NetCDF – Network common data format
  • HDR, HDF, h4, h5 – Hierarchical Data Format
  • SDXF – SDXF, (Structured Data Exchange Format)
  • CDF – Common Data Format
  • CGNS – CGNS, CFD General Notation System
  • FMF – Full-Metadata Format


  • GRIB – Grid in Binary, WMO format for weather model data
  • BUFR – WMO format for weather observation data
  • PP – UK Met Office format for weather model data
  • NASA-Ames – Simple text format for observation data. First used in aircraft studies of the atmosphere.


  • CML – Chemical Markup Language (CML) (.cml)
  • .mol, .sd, .sdf – Chemical table file (CTab)
  • .dx, .jdx – Joint Committee on Atomic and Molecular Physical Data (JCAMP)
  • .smi – Simplified molecular input line entry specification (SMILES)


  • .g6, .s6 – graph6, sparse6, ASCII encoding of Adjacency matrices


Molecular biology and bioinformatics:

  • AB1 – In DNA sequencing, chromatogram files used by instruments from Applied Biosystems
  • ACE – A sequence assembly format
  • ASN.1 – Abstract Syntax Notation One, is an International Standards Organization (ISO) data representation format used to achieve interoperability between platforms. NCBI uses ASN.1 for the storage and retrieval of data such as nucleotide and protein sequences, structures, genomes, and PubMed records.
  • BAM – Binary Alignment/Map format (compressed SAM format)
  • BCF – Binary compressed VCF format
  • BED – The browser extensible display format is used for describing genes and other features of DNA sequences
  • CAF – Common Assembly Format for sequence assembly
  • CRAM – compressed file format for storing biological sequences aligned to a reference sequence
  • DDBJ – The flatfile format used by the DDBJ to represent database records for nucleotide and peptide sequences from DDBJ databases.
  • EMBL – The flatfile format used by the EMBL to represent database records for nucleotide and peptide sequences from EMBL databases.
  • FASTA – The FASTA format, for sequence data. Sometimes also given as FNA or FAA (Fasta Nucleic Acid or Fasta Amino Acid).
  • FASTQ – The FASTQ format, for sequence data with quality. Sometimes also given as QUAL.
  • GCPROJ – The Genome Compiler project. Advanced format for genetic data to be designed, shared and visualized.
  • GenBank – The flatfile format used by the NCBI to represent database records for nucleotide and peptide sequences from the GenBank and RefSeq databases
  • GFF – The General feature format is used to describe genes and other features of DNA, RNA, and protein sequences
  • GTF – The Gene transfer format is used to hold information about gene structure
  • MAF – The Multiple Alignment Format stores multiple alignments for whole-genome to whole-genome comparisons [1]
  • NCBI – Structured ASN.1 format used at National Center for Biotechnology Information for DNA and protein data
  • NEXUS – The Nexus file encodes mixed information about genetic sequence data in a block structured format
  • NeXML – XML format for phylogenetic trees
  • NWK – The Newick tree format is a way of representing graph-theoretical trees with edge lengths using parentheses and commas and useful to hold phylogenetic trees.
  • PDB – structures of biomolecules deposited in Protein Data Bank, also used to exchange protein and nucleic acid structures
  • PHD – Phred output, from the base-calling software Phred
  • PLN – Protein Line Notation used in proteax software specification
  • SAM – SAM, Sequence Alignment Map format, in which the results of the 1000 Genomes Project will be released
  • SBML – The Systems Biology Markup Language is used to store biochemical network computational models
  • SCF – Staden chromatogram files used to store data from DNA sequencing
  • SFF – Standard Flowgram Format
  • SRA – format used by the National Center for Biotechnology Information Short Read Archive to store high-throughput DNA sequence data
  • Stockholm – The Stockholm format for representing multiple sequence alignments
  • Swiss-Prot – The flatfile format used to represent database records for protein sequences from the Swiss-Prot database
  • VCF – Variant Call Format, a standard created by the 1000 Genomes Project that lists and annotates the entire collection of human variants (with the exception of approximately 1.6 million variants).

Biomedical imaging[edit]

  • .dcm – Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM)
  • NIfTI – Neuroimaging Informatics Technology Initiative
  • .nii – single-file (combined data and meta-data) style
  • .nii.gz – gzip-compressed, used transparently by some software, notably the FMRIB Software Library (FSL)
  • .gii – single-file (combined data and meta-data) style; NIfTI offspring for brain surface data
  • .img, .hdr – dual-file (separate data and meta-data, respectively) style
  • .BRIK, .HEAD – AFNI data, meta-data
  • .MGH – uncompressed, Massachusetts General Hospital imaging format, used by the FreeSurfer brain analysis package
  • .MGZ – zip-compressed, Massachusetts General Hospital imaging format, used by the FreeSurfer brain analysis package
  • .img, .hdr – Analyze data, meta-data
  • MINC – Medical Imaging NetCDF format
  • .mnc – previously based on NetCDF; since version 2.0, based on HDF5

Biomedical signals (time series)[edit]

  • ACQ – AcqKnowledge format for Windows/PC from Biopac Systems Inc., Goleta, CA, USA
  • ADICHT – LabChart format from ADInstruments Pty Ltd, Bella Vista NSW, Australia
  • BCI2000 – The BCI2000 project, Albany, NY, USA
  • BDF – BioSemi data format from BioSemi B.V. Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • BKR – The EEG data format developed at the University of Technology Graz, Austria
  • CFWB – Chart Data Format from ADInstruments Pty Ltd, Bella Vista NSW, Australia
  • DICOM – Waveform An extension of Dicom for storing waveform data
  • ecgML – A markup language for electrocardiogram data acquisition and analysis
  • EDF, EDF+ – European Data Format
  • FEF – File Exchange Format for Vital signs, CEN TS 14271
  • GDF – The General Data Format for biomedical signals
  • HL7aECG – Health Level 7 v3 annotated ECG
  • MFER – Medical waveform Format Encoding Rules
  • OpenXDF – Open Exchange Data Format from Neurotronics, Inc., Gainesville, FL, USA
  • SCP-ECG – Standard Communication Protocol for Computer assisted electrocardiography EN1064:2007
  • SIGIF – A digital SIGnal Interchange Format with application in neurophysiology
  • WFDB – Format of Physiobank
  • XDF – eXtensible Data Format

Other biomedical formats[edit]

  • HL7 – Health Level 7, a framework for exchange, integration, sharing, and retrieval of health information electronically
  • xDT – a family of data exchange formats for medical records

Biometric formats[edit]

  • CBF – Common Biometric Format, based on CBEFF 2.0 (Common Biometric ExFramework).
  • EBF – Extended Biometric Format, based on CBF but with S/MIME encryption support and semantic extensions
  • CBFX – XML Common Biometric Format, based upon XCBF 1.1 (OASIS XML Common Biometric Format)
  • EBFX – XML Extended Biometric Format, based on CBFX but with W3C XML Encryption support and semantic extensions

Programming languages and scripts[edit]

  • ADB – Ada body
  • ADS – Ada specification
  • AHK – AutoHotkey script file
  • APPLESCRIPT – applescript: see SCPT
  • AS – Adobe Flash ActionScript File
  • AU3 – AutoIt version 3
  • AWK — AWK
  • BAT – Batch file
  • BAS – QBasic & QuickBASIC
  • BTM — Batch file
  • CLASS — Compiled Java binary
  • CLJS – ClojureScript
  • CMD – Batch file
  • Coffee – CoffeeScript
  • C – C
  • CIA — Nintendo 3DS Software Installation File
  • CPP – C++
  • CS – C#
  • INO – Arduino sketch (program)
  • EGG – Chicken
  • EGT – EGT Asterisk Application Source File, EGT Universal Document
  • ERB – Embedded Ruby, Ruby on Rails Script File
  • GO – Go
  • HTA – HTML Application
  • IBI – Icarus script
  • ICI – ICI
  • IJS – J script
  • .ipynb – IPython Notebook
  • ITCL – Itcl
  • JS – JavaScript and JScript
  • JSFL – Adobe JavaScript language
  • .kt – Kotlin
  • LUA – Lua
  • M – Mathematica package file
  • MRC – mIRC Script
  • NCF – NetWare Command File[17][18] (scripting for Novell’s NetWare OS)
  • NUC – compiled script
  • NUD – C++ External module written in C++
  • NUT – Squirrel
  • nqp – Raku language Not Quite Perl, or Raku bootstrapping language[19]
  • O — Compiled and optimized C/C++ binary
  • pde – Processing (programming language), Processing script
  • PHP – PHP
  • PHP? – PHP (? = version number)
  • PL – Perl
  • PM – Perl module
  • PS1 – Windows PowerShell shell script
  • PS1XML – Windows PowerShell format and type definitions
  • PSC1 – Windows PowerShell console file
  • PSD1 – Windows PowerShell data file
  • PSM1 – Windows PowerShell module file
  • PY – Python
  • PYC – Python byte code files
  • PYO – Python
  • R – R scripts
  • r – REBOL scripts
  • raku – Raku language Raku script (compiled into memory)[20]
  • rakumod – Raku language Raku module (precompiled)
  • rakudoc – Raku language Raku documentation file (a slang or sublanguage of Raku)
  • rakutest – Raku language Unit test files in Raku
  • RB – Ruby
  • RDP – RDP connection
  • red – Red scripts
  • RS – Rust (programming language)
  • SB2, SB3 – Scratch
  • SCPT – Applescript
  • SCPTD – See SCPT.
  • SDL – State Description Language
  • SH – Shell script
  • SYJS – SyMAT JavaScript
  • SYPY – SyMAT Python
  • TCL – Tcl
  • TNS – Ti-Nspire Code/File
  • TS – TypeScript
  • VBS – Visual Basic Script
  • XPL – XProc script/pipeline
  • ebuild – Gentoo Linux’s portage package.


Authentication and general encryption formats are listed here.

  • OMF – OpenPGP Message Format used by Pretty Good Privacy, GNU Privacy Guard, and other OpenPGP software; can contain keys, signed data, or encrypted data; can be binary or text («ASCII armored»)

Certificates and keys[edit]

  • GXK – Galaxkey, an encryption platform for authorized, private and confidential email communication[citation needed]
  • .ssh – OpenSSH private key, Secure Shell private key; format generated by ssh-keygen or converted from PPK with PuTTYgen[21][22][23]
  • .pub – OpenSSH public key, Secure Shell public key; format generated by ssh-keygen or PuTTYgen[21][22][23]
  • .ppk – PuTTY private key, Secure Shell private key, in the format generated by PuTTYgen instead of the format used by OpenSSH[21][22][23]
  • .nSign – nSign public key nSign public key in a custom format[24]


  • .cer, .crt, .der – Distinguished Encoding Rules stores certificates
  • .p7b, .p7c – PKCS#7 SignedData commonly appears without main data, just certificates or certificate revocation lists (CRLs)
  • .p12, .pfx – PKCS#12 can store public certificates and private keys
  • PEM – Privacy-enhanced Electronic Mail: full format not widely used, but often used to store Distinguished Encoding Rules in Base64 format
  • PFX – Microsoft predecessor of PKCS#12

Encrypted files[edit]

This section shows file formats for encrypted general data, rather than a specific program’s data.

  • AXX – Encrypted file, created with AxCrypt
  • EEA – An encrypted CAB, ostensibly for protecting email attachments
  • TC – Virtual encrypted disk container, created by TrueCrypt
  • KODE – Encrypted file, created with KodeFile
  • nSignE – An encrypted private key, created by nSign[24]

Password files[edit]

Password files (sometimes called keychain files) contain lists of other passwords, usually encrypted.

  • BPW – Encrypted password file created by Bitser password manager
  • KDB – KeePass 1 database
  • KDBX – KeePass 2 database

Signal data (non-audio)[edit]

  • ACQ – AcqKnowledge format for Windows/PC from Biopac
  • ADICHT – LabChart format from ADInstruments
  • BKR – The EEG data format developed at the University of Technology Graz
  • BDF, CFG – Configuration file for Comtrade data
  • CFWB – Chart Data format from ADInstruments
  • DAT – Raw data file for Comtrade data
  • EDF – European data format
  • FEF – File Exchange Format for Vital signs
  • GDF – General data formats for biomedical signals
  • GMS – Gesture And Motion Signal format
  • IROCK – intelliRock Sensor Data File Format
  • MFER – Medical waveform Format Encoding Rules
  • SAC – Seismic Analysis Code, earthquake seismology data format[25]
  • SCP-ECG – Standard Communication Protocol for Computer assisted electrocardiography
  • SEED, MSEED – Standard for the Exchange of Earthquake Data, seismological data and sensor metadata[26]
  • SEGY – Reflection seismology data format
  • SIGIF – SIGnal Interchange Format
  • WIN, WIN32 – NIED/ERI seismic data format (.cnt)[27]

Sound and music[edit]

Lossless audio[edit]


  • 8SVX – Commodore-Amiga 8-bit sound (usually in an IFF container)
  • 16SVX – Commodore-Amiga 16-bit sound (usually in an IFF container)
  • AIFF, AIF, AIFC – Audio Interchange File Format
  • AU – Simple audio file format introduced by Sun Microsystems
  • AUP3 — Audacity’s file for when you save a song
  • BWF – Broadcast Wave Format, an extension of WAVE
  • CDDA – Compact Disc Digital Audio
  • DSF, DFF – Direct Stream Digital audio file, also used in Super Audio CD
  • RAW – Raw samples without any header or sync
  • WAV – Microsoft Wave
  • CWAV — file read by the Nintendo 3DS for Home-screen sound effects


  • RA, RM – RealAudio format
  • FLAC – Free lossless codec of the Ogg project
  • LA – Lossless audio
  • PAC – LPAC
  • APE – Monkey’s Audio
  • OFR, OFS, OFF – OptimFROG
  • RKA – RKAU
  • SHN – Shorten
  • TAK – Tom’s Lossless Audio Kompressor[28]
  • THD – Dolby TrueHD
  • TTA – Free lossless audio codec (True Audio)
  • WV – WavPack
  • WMA – Windows Media Audio 9 Lossless
  • BCWAV — Nintendo 3DS Home-screen BGM file
  • BRSTM – Binary Revolution Stream[29]
  • DTS, DTSHD, DTSMA – DTS (sound system)
  • AST – Nintendo Audio Stream
  • AW – Nintendo Audio Sample used in first-party games
  • PSF – Portable Sound Format, PlayStation variant (originally PlayStation Sound Format)

Lossy audio[edit]

  • AC3 – Usually used for Dolby Digital tracks
  • AMR – For GSM and UMTS based mobile phones
  • MP1 – MPEG Layer 1
  • MP2 – MPEG Layer 2
  • MP3 – MPEG Layer 3
  • SPX – Speex (Ogg project, specialized for voice, low bitrates)
  • GSM – GSM Full Rate, originally developed for use in mobile phones
  • WMA – Windows Media Audio
  • AAC – Advanced Audio Coding (usually in an MPEG-4 container)
  • MPC – Musepack
  • VQF – Yamaha TwinVQ
  • OTS – Audio File (similar to MP3, with more data stored in the file and slightly better compression; designed for use with OtsLabs’ OtsAV)
  • SWA – Adobe Shockwave Audio (Same compression as MP3 with additional header information specific to Adobe Director)
  • VOX – Dialogic ADPCM Low Sample Rate Digitized Voice
  • VOC – Creative Labs Soundblaster Creative Voice 8-bit & 16-bit Also output format of RCA Audio Recorders
  • DWD – DiamondWare Digitized
  • SMP – Turtlebeach SampleVision
  • OGG – Ogg Vorbis

Tracker modules and related[edit]

  • MOD – Soundtracker and Protracker sample and melody modules
  • MT2 – MadTracker 2 module
  • S3M – Scream Tracker 3 module
  • XM – Fast Tracker module
  • IT – Impulse Tracker module
  • NSF – NES Sound Format
  • MID, MIDI – Standard MIDI file; most often just notes and controls but occasionally also sample dumps (.mid, .rmi)
  • FTM – FamiTracker Project file
  • BTM – BambooTracker Project file

Sheet music files[edit]

  • ABC – ABC Notation sheet music file
  • DARMS – DARMS File Format also known as the Ford-Columbia Format
  • ETF – Enigma Transportation Format abandoned sheet music exchange format
  • GP – Guitar Pro sheet music and tablature file
  • KERN – Kern File Format sheet music file
  • LY – LilyPond sheet music file
  • MEI – Music Encoding Initiative file format that attempts to encode all musical notations
  • MIDI — MIDI file format that is a music sheet for instruments
  • MUS, MUSX – Finale sheet music file
  • MXL, XML – MusicXML standard sheet music exchange format
  • MSCX, MSCZ – MuseScore sheet music file
  • SMDL – Standard Music Description Language sheet music file
  • SIB – Sibelius sheet music file

Other file formats pertaining to audio[edit]

  • NIFF – Notation Interchange File Format
  • PTB – Power Tab Editor tab
  • ASF – Advanced Systems Format
  • CUST – DeliPlayer custom sound format
  • GYM – Genesis YM2612 log
  • JAM – Jam music format
  • MNG – Background music for the Creatures game series, starting from Creatures 2
  • RMJ – RealJukebox Media used for RealPlayer
  • SID – Sound Interface Device – Commodore 64 instructions to play SID music and sound effects
  • SPC – Super NES sound format
  • TXM – Track ax media
  • VGM – Stands for «Video Game Music», log for several different chips
  • YM – Atari ST/Amstrad CPC YM2149 sound chip format
  • PVD – Portable Voice Document used for Oaisys & Mitel call recordings

Playlist formats[edit]

  • AIMPPL – AIMP Playlist format
  • ASX – Advanced Stream Redirector
  • RAM – Real Audio Metafile For RealAudio files only.
  • XPL – HDi playlist
  • XSPF – XML Shareable Playlist Format
  • ZPL – Xbox Music (Formerly Zune) Playlist format from Microsoft
  • M3U – Multimedia playlist file
  • PLS – Multimedia playlist, originally developed for use with the museArc

Audio editing and music production[edit]

  • ALS – Ableton Live set
  • ALC – Ableton Live clip
  • ALP – Ableton Live pack
  • ATMOS, AUDIO, METADATA – Dolby Atmos Rendering and Mastering related file
  • AUP – Audacity project file
  • AUP3 – Audacity 3.0 project file
  • BAND – GarageBand project file
  • CEL – Adobe Audition loop file (Cool Edit Loop)
  • CAU – Caustic project file
  • CPR – Steinberg Cubase project file
  • CWP – Cakewalk Sonar project file
  • DRM – Steinberg Cubase drum file
  • DMKIT – Image-Line’s Drumaxx drum kit file
  • ENS – Native Instruments Reaktor Ensemble
  • FLM – Image Line FL Studio Mobile project file
  • FLP – Image Line FL Studio project file
  • GRIR – Native Instruments Komplete Guitar Rig Impulse Response
  • LOGIC – Logic Pro X project file
  • MMP – LMMS project file (alternatively MMPZ for compressed formats)
  • MMR – MAGIX Music Maker project file
  • MX6HS – Mixcraft 6 Home Studio project file
  • NPR – Steinberg Nuendo project file
  • OMF, OMFI – Open Media Framework Interchange OMFI succeeds OMF (Open Media Framework)
  • PTX – Pro Tools 10 or later project file
  • PTF – Pro Tools 7 up to Pro Tools 9 project file
  • PTS – Legacy Pro Tools project file
  • RIN – Soundways RIN-M file containing sound recording participant credits and song information
  • RPP, RPP-BAK – REAPER project file
  • REAPEAKS – REAPER peak (waveform cache) file
  • SES – Adobe Audition multitrack session file
  • SFK – Sound Forge waveform cache file
  • SFL – Sound Forge sound file
  • SNG – MIDI sequence file (MidiSoft, Korg, etc.) or n-Track Studio project file
  • STF – StudioFactory project file. It contains all necessary patches, samples, tracks and settings to play the file
  • SND – Akai MPC sound file
  • SYN – SynFactory project file. It contains all necessary patches, samples, tracks and settings to play the file
  • UST – Utau Editor sequence excluding wave-file
  • VCLS – VocaListener project file
  • VPR – Vocaloid 5 Editor sequence excluding wave-file
  • VSQ – Vocaloid 2 Editor sequence excluding wave-file
  • VSQX – Vocaloid 3 & 4 Editor sequence excluding wave-file
  • 🗿 – ThirtyDollar Project file

Recorded television formats[edit]

  • DVR-MS – Windows XP Media Center Edition’s Windows Media Center recorded television format
  • WTV – Windows Vista’s and up Windows Media Center recorded television format

Source code for computer programs[edit]

  • ADA, ADB, 2.ADA – Ada (body) source
  • ADS, 1.ADA – Ada (specification) source
  • ASM, S – Assembly language source
  • BAS – BASIC, FreeBASIC, Visual Basic, BASIC-PLUS source,[14] PICAXE basic
  • BB – Blitz Basic Blitz3D
  • BMX – Blitz Basic BlitzMax
  • C – C source
  • CLJ – Clojure source code
  • CLS – Visual Basic class
  • COB, CBL – COBOL source
  • CPP, CC, CXX, C, CBP – C++ source
  • CS – C# source
  • CSPROJ – C# project (Visual Studio .NET)
  • D – D source
  • DBA – DarkBASIC source
  • DBPro123 – DarkBASIC Professional project
  • E – Eiffel source
  • EFS – EGT Forever Source File
  • EGT – EGT Asterisk Source File, could be J, C#, VB.net, EF 2.0 (EGT Forever)
  • EL – Emacs Lisp source
  • FOR, FTN, F, F77, F90 – Fortran source
  • FRM – Visual Basic form
  • FRX – Visual Basic form stash file (binary form file)
  • FTH – Forth source
  • GED – Game Maker Extension Editable file as of version 7.0
  • GM6 – Game Maker Editable file as of version 6.x
  • GMD – Game Maker Editable file up to version 5.x
  • GMK – Game Maker Editable file as of version 7.0
  • GML – Game Maker Language script file
  • GO – Go source
  • H – C/C++ header file
  • HPP, HXX – C++ header file
  • HS – Haskell source
  • I – SWIG interface file
  • INC – Turbo Pascal included source
  • JAVA – Java source
  • L – lex source
  • LGT – Logtalk source
  • LISP – Common Lisp source
  • M – Objective-C source
  • M – MATLAB
  • M – Mathematica
  • M4 – m4 source
  • ML – Standard ML and OCaml source
  • MSQR – M² source file, created by Mattia Marziali
  • N – Nemerle source
  • NB – Nuclear Basic source
  • P – Parser source
  • PAS, PP, P – Pascal source (DPR for projects)
  • PHP, PHP3, PHP4, PHP5, PHPS, Phtml – PHP source
  • PIV – Pivot stickfigure animator
  • PL, PM – Perl
  • PLI, PL1 – PL/I
  • PRG – Ashton-Tate; dbII, dbIII and dbIV, db, db7, clipper, Microsoft Fox and FoxPro, harbour, xharbour, and Xbase
  • PRO – IDL
  • POL – Apcera Policy Language doclet
  • PY – Python source
  • R – R source
  • raku, rakumod, rakudoc, rakutest, nqp – Raku Language
  • RED – Red source
  • REDS – Red/System source
  • RB – Ruby source
  • RESX – Resource file for .NET applications
  • RC, RC2 – Resource script files to generate resources for .NET applications
  • RKT, RKTL – Racket source
  • SCALA – Scala source
  • SCI, SCE – Scilab
  • SCM – Scheme source
  • SD7 – Seed7 source
  • SKB, SKC – Sage Retrieve 4GL Common Area (Main and Amended backup)
  • SKD – Sage Retrieve 4GL Database
  • SKF, SKG – Sage Retrieve 4GL File Layouts (Main and Amended backup)
  • SKI – Sage Retrieve 4GL Instructions
  • SKK – Sage Retrieve 4GL Report Generator
  • SKM – Sage Retrieve 4GL Menu
  • SKO – Sage Retrieve 4GL Program
  • SKP, SKQ – Sage Retrieve 4GL Print Layouts (Main and Amended backup)
  • SKS, SKT – Sage Retrieve 4GL Screen Layouts (Main and Amended backup)
  • SKZ – Sage Retrieve 4GL Security File
  • SLN – Visual Studio solution
  • SPIN – Spin source (for Parallax Propeller microcontrollers)
  • STK – Stickfigure file for Pivot stickfigure animator
  • SWG – SWIG source code
  • TCL – Tcl source code
  • VAP – Visual Studio Analyzer project
  • VB – Visual Basic.NET source
  • VBG – Visual Studio compatible project group
  • VBP, VIP – Visual Basic project
  • VBPROJ – Visual Basic .NET project
  • VCPROJ – Visual C++ project
  • VDPROJ – Visual Studio deployment project
  • XPL – XProc script/pipeline
  • XQ – XQuery file
  • XSL – XSLT stylesheet
  • Y – yacc source


  • 123 – Lotus 1-2-3
  • AB2 – Abykus worksheet
  • AB3 – Abykus workbook
  • AWS – Ability Spreadsheet
  • BCSV – Nintendo proprietary table format
  • CLF – ThinkFree Calc
  • CELL – Haansoft(Hancom) SpreadSheet software document
  • CSV – Comma-Separated Values
  • GSHEET – Google Drive Spreadsheet
  • numbers – An Apple Numbers Spreadsheet file
  • gnumeric – Gnumeric spreadsheet, a gziped XML file
  • LCW – Lucid 3-D
  • ODS – OpenDocument spreadsheet
  • OTS – OpenDocument spreadsheet template
  • QPW – Quattro Pro spreadsheet
  • SDC – StarOffice StarCalc Spreadsheet
  • SLK – SYLK (SYmbolic LinK)
  • STC – OpenOffice.org XML (obsolete) Spreadsheet template
  • SXC – OpenOffice.org XML (obsolete) Spreadsheet
  • TAB – tab delimited columns; also TSV (Tab-Separated Values)
  • TXT – text file
  • VC – Visicalc
  • WK1 – Lotus 1-2-3 up to version 2.01
  • WK3 – Lotus 1-2-3 version 3.0
  • WK4 – Lotus 1-2-3 version 4.0
  • WKS – Lotus 1-2-3
  • WKS – Microsoft Works
  • WQ1 – Quattro Pro DOS version
  • XLK – Microsoft Excel worksheet backup
  • XLS – Microsoft Excel worksheet sheet (97–2003)
  • XLSB – Microsoft Excel binary workbook
  • XLSM – Microsoft Excel Macro-enabled workbook
  • XLSX – Office Open XML worksheet sheet
  • XLR – Microsoft Works version 6.0
  • XLT – Microsoft Excel worksheet template
  • XLTM – Microsoft Excel Macro-enabled worksheet template
  • XLW – Microsoft Excel worksheet workspace (version 4.0)

Tabulated data[edit]

  • TSV – Tab-separated values
  • CSV – Comma-separated values
  • db – databank format; accessible by many econometric applications
  • dif – accessible by many spreadsheet applications


  • AAF – mostly intended to hold edit decisions and rendering information, but can also contain compressed media essence
  • 3GP – the most common video format for cell phones
  • GIF – Animated GIF (simple animation; until recently often avoided because of patent problems)
  • ASF – container (enables any form of compression to be used; MPEG-4 is common; video in ASF-containers is also called Windows Media Video (WMV))
  • AVCHD – Advanced Video Codec High Definition
  • AVI – container (a shell, which enables any form of compression to be used)
  • .bik – BIK Bink Video file. A video compression system developed by RAD Game Tools
  • BRAW – a video format used by Blackmagic’s Ursa Mini Pro 12K cameras.
  • CAM – aMSN webcam log file
  • COLLAB – Blackboard Collaborate session recording
  • DAT – video standard data file (automatically created when we attempted to burn as video file on the CD)
  • DVR-MS – Windows XP Media Center Edition’s Windows Media Center recorded television format
  • FLV – Flash video (encoded to run in a flash animation)
  • MPEG-1 – M1V Video
  • MPEG-2 – M2V Video
  • NOA – rare movie format use in some Japanese eroges around 2002
  • FLA – Adobe Flash (for producing)
  • FLR – (text file which contains scripts extracted from SWF by a free ActionScript decompiler named FLARE)
  • SOL – Adobe Flash shared object («Flash cookie»)
  • STR – Sony PlayStation video stream
  • M4V – video container file format developed by Apple
  • .mkv – Matroska Matroska is a container format, which enables any video format such as MPEG-4 ASP or AVC to be used along with other content such as subtitles and detailed meta information
  • WRAP – MediaForge (*.wrap)
  • MNG – mainly simple animation containing PNG and JPEG objects, often somewhat more complex than animated GIF
  • .mov – QuickTime container which enables any form of compression to be used; Sorenson codec is the most common; QTCH is the filetype for cached video and audio streams
  • .mpeg, .mpg, .mpe — MPEG
  • THP – Nintendo proprietary movie/video format
  • MPEG-4 – MPEG-4 Part 14, shortened «MP4» multimedia container (most often used for Sony’s PlayStation Portable and Apple’s iPod)
  • MXF – Material Exchange Format (standardized wrapper format for audio/visual material developed by SMPTE)
  • ROQ – used by Quake III Arena
  • NSV – NSV Nullsoft Streaming Video (media container designed for streaming video content over the Internet)
  • Ogg – container, multimedia
  • RM – RealMedia
  • SVI – SVI Samsung video format for portable players
  • SMI – SMI SAMI Caption file (HTML like subtitle for movie files)
  • .smk – SMK Smacker video file. A video compression system developed by RAD Game Tools
  • SWF – Adobe Flash (for viewing)
  • WMV – Windows Media Video (See ASF)
  • WTV – Windows Vista’s and up Windows Media Center recorded television format
  • YUV – raw video format; resolution (horizontal x vertical) and sample structure 4:2:2 or 4:2:0 must be known explicitly
  • WebM – video file format for web video using HTML5

Video editing, production[edit]

  • BRAW – Blackmagic Design RAW video file name
  • DRP – Davinci Resolve 17 project file
  • FCP – Final Cut Pro project file
  • MSWMM – Windows Movie Maker project file
  • PPJ, PRPROJ – Adobe Premiere Pro video editing file
  • IMOVIEPROJ – iMovie project file
  • VEG, VEG-BAK – Sony Vegas project file
  • SUF – Sony camera configuration file (setup.suf) produced by XDCAM-EX camcorders
  • WLMP – Windows Live Movie Maker project file
  • KDENLIVE – Kdenlive project file
  • VPJ – VideoPad project file
  • MOTN – Apple Motion project file
  • IMOVIEMOBILE – iMovie project file for iOS users
  • WFP, WVE — Wondershare Filmora Project
  • PDS – Cyberlink PowerDirector project
  • VPROJ – VSDC Free Video Editor project file

Video game data[edit]

List of common file formats of data for video games on systems that support filesystems, most commonly PC games.
Minecraft — files used by Mojang to develop Minecraft

  • MCADDON – format used by the Bedrock Edition of Minecraft for add-ons; Resource packs for the game
  • MCFUNCTION – format used by Minecraft for storing functions
  • MCMETA – format used by Minecraft for storing data for customizable texture packs for the game
  • MCPACK – format used by the Bedrock Edition of Minecraft for in-game texture packs; full addons for the game
  • MCR – format used by Minecraft for storing data for in-game worlds before version 1.2
  • MCTEMPLATE – format used by the Bedrock Edition of Minecraft for world templates
  • MCWORLD – format used by the Bedrock Edition of Minecraft for in-game worlds
  • NBS – format used by Note Block Studio, a tool that can be used to make note block songs for Minecraft.
TrackMania/Maniaplanet Engine – Formats used by games based on the TrackMania engine.
  • GBX – All user-created content is stored in this file type.
    • REPLAY.GBX – Stores the replay of a race.
    • CHALLENGE.GBX, MAP.GBX – Stores tracks/maps.
    • SYSTEMCONFIG.GBX – Launcher info.
    • TRACKMANIAVEHICLE.GBX – Info about a certain car type.
    • VEHICLETUNINGS.GBX – Vehicle physics.
    • SOLID.GBX – A block’s model.
    • ITEM.GBX – Custom Maniaplanet item.
    • BLOCK.GBX – Custom Maniaplanet block.
    • TEXTURE.GBX – Info about a texture that are used in materials.
    • MATERIAL.GBX – Info about a material such as surface type that are used in Solids.
    • TMEDCLASSIC.GBX – Block info.
    • GHOST.GBX – Player ghosts in Trackmania and TrackMania Turbo.
    • CONTROLSTYLE.GBX – Menu files.
    • SCORES.GBX – Stores info about the player’s best times.
    • PROFILE.GBX – Stores a player’s info such as their login.
  • DDS – Almost every texture in the game uses this format.
  • PAK – Stores environment data such as valid blocks.
  • LOC – A locator. Locators allow the game to download content such as car skins from an external server.
  • SCRIPT.TXT – Scripts for Maniaplanet such as menus and game modes.
  • XML – ManiaLinks.
Doom engine – Formats used by games based on the Doom engine.
  • DEH – DeHackEd files to mutate the game executable (not officially part of the DOOM engine)
  • DSG – Saved game
  • LMP – A lump is an entry in a DOOM wad.
  • LMP – Saved demo recording
  • MUS – Music file (usually contained within a WAD file)
  • WAD – Data storage (contains music, maps, and textures)
Quake engine – Formats used by games based on the Quake engine.
  • BSP – BSP: (For Binary space partitioning) compiled map format
  • MAP – MAP: Raw map format used by editors like GtkRadiant or QuArK
  • MDL, MD2, MD3, MD5 – MDL/MD2/MD3/MD5: Model for an item used in the game
  • PAK, PK2 – PAK/PK2: Data storage
  • PK3, PK4 – PK3/PK4: used by the Quake II, Quake III Arena and Quake 4 game engines, respectively, to store game data, textures etc. They are actually .zip files.
  • .dat – not specific file type, often generic extension for «data» files for a variety of applications
    • sometimes used for general data contained within the .PK3/PK4 files
    • .fontdat – a .dat file used for formatting game fonts
  • .roq – Video format
  • .sav – Savegame format
Unreal Engine – Formats used by games based on the Unreal engine.
  • U – Unreal script format
  • UAX – Animations format for Unreal Engine 2
  • UMX – Map format for Unreal Tournament
  • UMX – Music format for Unreal Engine 1
  • UNR – Map format for Unreal
  • UPK – Package format for cooked content in Unreal Engine 3
  • USX – Sound format for Unreal Engine 1 and Unreal Engine 2
  • UT2 – Map format for Unreal Tournament 2003 and Unreal Tournament 2004
  • UT3 – Map format for Unreal Tournament 3
  • UTX – Texture format for Unreal Engine 1 and Unreal Engine 2
  • UXX – Cache format; these are files a client downloaded from server (which can be converted to regular formats)
Duke Nukem 3D Engine – Formats used by games based on this engine
  • DMO – Save game
  • GRP – Data storage
  • MAP – Map (usually constructed with BUILD.EXE)
Diablo Engine – Formats used by Diablo by Blizzard Entertainment.
  • SV – Save Game
  • ITM – Item File
Real Virtuality Engine – Formats used by Bohemia Interactive. Operation:Flashpoint, ARMA 2, VBS2
  • SQF – Format used for general editing
  • SQM – Format used for mission files
  • PBO – Binarized file used for compiled models
  • LIP – Format that is created from WAV files to create in-game accurate lip-synch for character animations.
Source Engine – Formats used by Valve. Half-Life 2, Counter-Strike: Source, Day of Defeat: Source, Half-Life 2: Episode One, Team Fortress 2, Half-Life 2: Episode Two, Portal, Left 4 Dead, Left 4 Dead 2, Alien Swarm, Portal 2, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, Titanfall, Insurgency, Titanfall 2, Day of Infamy
  • VMF – Valve Hammer Map editor raw map file
  • VMX – Valve Hammer Map editor backup map file
  • BSP – Source Engine compiled map file
  • MDL – Source Engine model format
  • SMD – Source Engine uncompiled model format
  • PCF – Source Engine particle effect file
  • HL2 – Half-Life 2 save format
  • DEM – Source Engine demo format
  • VPK – Source Engine pack format
  • VTF – Source Engine texture format
  • VMT – Source Engine material format.
Pokemon Generation V
  • CGB – Pokemon Black and White/Pokemon Black 2 and White 2 C-Gear skins.
Other Formats
  • ARC – used to store New Super Mario Bros. Wii level data
  • B – used for Grand Theft Auto saved game files
  • BOL – used for levels on Poing!PC
  • DBPF – The Sims 2, DBPF, Package
  • DIVA – Project DIVA timings, element coördinates, MP3 references, notes, animation poses and scores.
  • ESM, ESP – Master and Plugin data archives for the Creation Engine
  • HAMBU – format used by the Aidan’s Funhouse game RGTW for storing map data[30]
  • HE0, HE2, HE4 – HE games File
  • GCF – format used by the Steam content management system for file archives
  • IMG – format used by Renderware-based Grand Theft Auto games for data storage
  • LOVE – format used by the LOVE2D Engine[31]
  • MAP – format used by Halo: Combat Evolved for archive compression, Doom³, and various other games
  • MCA – format used by Minecraft for storing data for in-game worlds[32]
  • NBT – format used by Minecraft for storing program variables along with their (Java) type identifiers
  • OEC – format used by OE-Cake for scene data storage
  • OSB – osu! storyboard data
  • OSC – osu!stream combined stream data
  • OSF2 – free osu!stream song file
  • OSR – osu! replay data
  • OSU – osu! beatmap data
  • OSZ2 – paid osu!stream song file
  • P3D – format for panda3d by Disney
  • PLAGUEINC – format used by Plague Inc. for storing custom scenario information[33]
  • POD – format used by Terminal Reality
  • RCT – Used for templates and save files in RollerCoaster Tycoon games
  • REP – used by Blizzard Entertainment for scenario replays in StarCraft.
  • Simcity, DBPF, .dat, .SC4Lot, .SC4Model – All game plugins use this format, commonly with different file extensions(Simcity 4)
  • SMZIP – ZIP-based package for StepMania songs, themes and announcer packs.
  • SOLITAIRETHEME8 – A solitaire theme for Windows solitaire
  • USLD – format used by Unison Shift to store level layouts.
  • VVVVVV – format used by VVVVVV
  • CPS – format used by The Powder Toy, Powder Toy save
  • STM – format used by The Powder Toy, Powder Toy stamp
  • PKG – format used by Bungie for the PC Beta of Destiny 2, for nearly all the game’s assets.
  • CHR – format used by Team Salvato, for the character files of Doki Doki Literature Club!
  • Z5 – format used by Z-machine for story files in interactive fiction.
  • scworld – format used by Survivalcraft to store sandbox worlds.
  • scskin – format used by Survivalcraft to store player skins.
  • scbtex – format used by Survivalcraft to store block textures.
  • prison – format used by Prison Architect to save prisons
  • escape – format used by Prison Architect to save escape attempts
  • WBFS — (Wii Backup File System)
  • .GBA — Game Boy Advance ROM File
  • .pss — Sony PlayStation 2 Game Video file and is used to store audio and video data by games for the Playstation 2 console.

Video game storage media[edit]

List of the most common filename extensions used when a game’s ROM image or storage medium is copied from an original read-only memory (ROM) device to an external memory such as hard disk for back up purposes or for making the game playable with an emulator. In the case of cartridge-based software, if the platform specific extension is not used then filename extensions «.rom» or «.bin» are usually used to clarify that the file contains a copy of a content of a ROM. ROM, disk or tape images usually do not consist of one file or ROM, rather an entire file or ROM structure contained within one file on the backup medium.[34]

  • .a26 – Atari 2600
  • .a52 – Atari 5200
  • .a78 – Atari 7800
  • .lnx – Atari Lynx
  • .jag, .j64 – Atari Jaguar
  • .iso, .wbfs, .wad, .wdf – Wii and WiiU
  • .gcm, .iso – GameCube
  • .min – Pokemon mini
  • .nds – Nintendo DS
  • .dsi – Nintendo DSiWare
  • .3ds – Nintendo 3DS
  • .cia – Nintendo 3DS Installation File (for installing games with the use of the FBI homebrew application)
  • .gb – Game Boy (this applies to the original Game Boy and the Game Boy Color)
  • .gbc – Game Boy Color
  • .gba – Game Boy Advance
  • .sav – Game Boy Advance Saved Data Files
  • .sgm – Visual Boy Advance Save States
  • .n64, .v64, .z64, .u64, .usa, .jap, .pal, .eur, .bin – Nintendo 64
  • .pj – Project 64 Save States
  • .nes – Nintendo Entertainment System[35]
  • .fds – Famicom Disk System
  • .jst – Jnes Save States
  • .fc# – FCEUX Save States (.fc#, where # is any character, usually a number)
  • .gg – Game Gear
  • .sms – Master System
  • .sg – SG-1000
  • .smd, .bin – Mega Drive/Genesis
  • .32x – Sega 32X
  • .smc, .078, .sfc – Super NES (.078 is for split ROMs, which are rare)
  • .fig – Super Famicom (Japanese releases are rarely .fig, above extensions are more common)
  • .srm – Super NES Saved Data Files
  • .zst, .zs1-.zs9, .z10-.z99 – ZSNES Save States (.zst, .zs1-.zs9, .z10-.z99)
  • .frz, .000-.008 – Snes9X Save States
  • .pce – TurboGrafx-16/PC Engine
  • .npc, .ngp – Neo Geo Pocket
  • .ngc – Neo Geo Pocket Color
  • .vb – Virtual Boy
  • .int – Intellivision
  • .min – Pokémon Mini
  • .vec – Vectrex
  • .bin – Odyssey²
  • .ws – WonderSwan
  • .wsc – WonderSwan Color
  • .tzx – ZX Spectrum (for exact copies of ZX Spectrum games)
  • TAP – for tape images without copy protection
  • Z80, SNA – (for snapshots of the emulator RAM)
  • DSK – (for disk images)
  • .tap – Commodore 64 (.tap) (for tape images including copy protection)
  • T64 – (for tape images without copy protection, considerably smaller than .tap files)
  • D64 – (for disk images)
  • CRT – (for cartridge images)
  • .adf – Amiga (.adf) (for 880K diskette images)
  • ADZ – GZip-compressed version of the above.
  • DMS – Disk Masher System, previously used as a disk-archiving system native to the Amiga, also supported by emulators.
  • .pss — A Sony PlayStation 2 Game Video file and is used to store audio and video data by games for the Playstation 2 console.

Virtual machines[edit]

Microsoft Virtual PC, Virtual Server[edit]

  • .vfd – Virtual Floppy Disk
  • .vhd – Virtual Hard Disk
  • .vud – Virtual Undo Disk
  • .vmc – Virtual Machine Configuration
  • .vsv – Virtual Machine Saved State

VMware ESX, GSX, Workstation, Player[edit]

  • .log – Virtual Machine Logfile
  • .vmdk, .dsk – Virtual Machine Disk
  • .nvram – Virtual Machine BIOS
  • .vmem – Virtual Machine paging file
  • .vmsd – Virtual Machine snapshot metadata
  • .vmsn – Virtual Machine snapshot
  • .vmss, .std – Virtual Machine suspended state
  • .vmtm – Virtual Machine team data
  • .vmx, .cfg – Virtual Machine configuration
  • .vmxf – Virtual Machine team configuration


  • .vdi – VirtualBox virtual disk image
  • .vbox-extpack – VirtualBox extension pack

Parallels Workstation[edit]

  • .hdd – Virtual Machine hard disk
  • .pvs – Virtual Machine preferences/configuration
  • .sav – Virtual Machine saved state


  • .cow – Copy-on-write
  • .qcow – QEMU copy-on-write
  • .qcow2 – QEMU copy-on-write – version 2
  • .qed – QEMU enhanced disk format

Web page[edit]


  • DTD – Document Type Definition (standard), MUST be public and free
  • .html, .htm – HTML HyperText Markup Language
  • .xhtml, .xht – XHTML eXtensible HyperText Markup Language
  • .mht, .mhtml – MHTML Archived HTML, store all data on one web page (text, images, etc.) in one big file
  • .maff – MAF web archive based on ZIP

Dynamically generated

  • .asp – ASP Microsoft Active Server Page
  • .aspx – ASPX Microsoft Active Server Page. NET
  • .adp – ADP AOLserver Dynamic Page
  • .bml – BML Better Markup Language (templating)
  • .cfm – CFM ColdFusion
  • .cgi – CGI
  • .ihtml – iHTML Inline HTML
  • .jsp – JSP JavaServer Pages
  • .las, .lasso, .lassoapp – Lasso, A file created or served with the Lasso Programming Language
  • .pl – Perl
  • .php, .php?, .phtml – PHP ? is version number (previously abbreviated Personal Home Page, later changed to PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor)
  • .shtml – SSI HTML with Server Side Includes (Apache)
  • .stm – SSI HTML with Server Side Includes (Apache)

Markup languages and other web standards-based formats[edit]

  • .atom, .xml – Atom Another syndication format.
  • .eml – EML Format used by several desktop email clients.
  • .jsonld – JSON-LD A JSON-based serialization for linked data.
  • .kprx – KPRX A XML-based serialization for workflow definition generated by K2.
  • .ps – PS A XML-based serialization for test automation scripts called PowerScripts for K2 based applications.
  • .metalink, .met – Metalink A format to list metadata about downloads, such as mirrors, checksums, and other information.
  • .rss, .xml – RSS Syndication format.
  • .markdown, .md – Markdown Plain text formatting syntax, which is popularly used to format «readme» files.
  • .se – Shuttle Another lightweight markup language.


  • AXD – cookie extensions found in temporary internet folder
  • APK — Android Package Kit
  • BDF – Binary Data Format – raw data from recovered blocks of unallocated space on a hard drive
  • CBP – CD Box Labeler Pro, CentraBuilder, Code::Blocks Project File, Conlab Project
  • CEX – SolidWorks Enterprise PDM Vault File
  • COL – Nintendo GameCube proprietary collision file (.col)
  • CREDX – CredX Dat File
  • DDB – Generating code for Vocaloid singers voice (see .DDI)
  • DDI – Vocaloid phoneme library (Japanese, English, Korean, Spanish, Chinese, Catalan)
  • DUPX – DuupeCheck database management tool project file
  • FTM – Family Tree Maker data file
  • FTMB – Family Tree Maker backup file
  • GA3 – Graphical Analysis 3
  • .ged – GEDCOM (GEnealogical Data COMmunication) format to exchange genealogy data between different genealogy software
  • HLP – Windows help file
  • IGC – flight tracks downloaded from GPS devices in the FAI’s prescribed format
  • INF – similar format to INI file; used to install device drivers under Windows, inter alia.
  • JAM – JAM Message Base Format for BBSes
  • KMC – tests made with KatzReview’s MegaCrammer
  • KCL – Nintendo GameCube/Wii proprietary collision file (.kcl)
  • KTR – Hitachi Vantara Pentaho Data Integration/Kettle Transformation Project file
  • LNK – Microsoft Windows format for Hyperlinks to Executables
  • LSM – LSMaker script file (program using layered .jpg to create special effects; specifically designed to render lightsabers from the Star Wars universe) (.lsm)
  • NARC – Archive format used in Nintendo DS games.
  • OER – AU OER Tool, Open Educational Resource editor
  • PA – Used to assign sound effects to materials in KCL files (.pa)
  • PIF – Used to run MS-DOS programs under Windows
  • POR – So called «portable» SPSS files, readable by PSPP
  • PXZ – Compressed file to exchange media elements with PSALMO
  • RISE – File containing RISE generated information model evolution
  • SCR – Windows Screen Saver file
  • TOPC – TopicCrunch SEO Project file holding keywords, domain, and search engine settings (ASCII)
  • XLF – Utah State University Extensible LADAR Format
  • XMC – Assisted contact lists format, based on XML and used in kindergartens and schools
  • ZED – My Heritage Family Tree
  • zone – Zone file a text file containing a DNS zone
  • FX – Microsoft DirectX plain text effects and properties for the associated file and are used to specify the textures, shading, rendering, lighting and other 3D effects (.fx)
  • MIFRAMES – Mine-imator keyframes file (.miframes)
  • MILANGUAGE – Mine-Imator language data file (.milanguage)
  • MIDATA – Mine-Imator data file (.midata)
  • BCA – Short for Burst Cutting Area Holds the information of the circular area near the center of a DVD, HD DVD or Blu-ray Disc, it is usually 64 bytes in size. (.bca)


  • ANI – Animated cursor
  • CUR – Cursor file
  • Smes – Hawk’s Dock configuration file

Generalized files[edit]

General data formats[edit]

These file formats are fairly well defined by long-term use or a general standard, but the content of each file is often highly specific to particular software or has been extended by further standards for specific uses.


  • CSV – comma-separated values
  • HTML – hyper text markup language
  • CSS – cascading style sheets
  • INI – a configuration text file whose format is substantially similar between applications
  • JSON – JavaScript Object Notation is an openly used data format now used by many languages, not just JavaScript
  • TSV – tab-separated values
  • XML – an open data format
  • YAML – an open data format
  • ReStructuredText – an open text format for technical documents used mainly in the Python programming language
  • .md – Markdown an open lightweight markup language to create simple but rich text, often used to format README files
  • AsciiDoc – an open human-readable markup document format semantically equivalent to DocBook
  • .yni — a configuration file similar to YAML

Generic file extensions[edit]

These are filename extensions and broad types reused frequently with differing formats or no specific format by different programs.

Binary files[edit]

  • .bak, .bk – Bak file various backup formats: some just copies of data files, some in application-specific data backup formats, some formats for general file backup programs
  • BIN – binary data, often memory dumps of executable code or data to be re-used by the same software that originated it
  • DAT – data file, usually binary data proprietary to the program that created it, or an MPEG-1 stream of Video CD
  • DSK – file representations of various disk storage images
  • RAW – raw (unprocessed) data
  • SZH — files that are associated with zero unique file types (the most prevalent being the Binary Data format)

Text files[edit]

  • .cnf, .conf, .cfg – configuration file substantially software-specific
  • .log – logfiles usually text, but sometimes binary
  • .asc, .txt – human-readable plain text, usually no more specific

Partial files[edit]

Differences and patches[edit]

  • diff – text file differences created by the program diff and applied as updates by patch

Incomplete transfers[edit]

  • .!ut – !UT partly complete uTorrent download
  • .crdownload – CRDOWNLOAD partly complete Google Chrome download
  • .opdownload – OPDOWNLOAD partly complete Opera download
  • .part – PART partly complete Mozilla Firefox or Transmission download
  • .partial – PARTIAL partly complete Internet Explorer or Microsoft Edge download

Temporary files[edit]

  • .temp, .tmp – Temporary file sometimes in a specific format, but often just raw data in the middle of processing
  • Pseudo-pipelines, Pseudo-pipeline – Pseudo-pipeline file used to simulate a software pipe

See also[edit]

  • List of filename extensions
  • MIME#Content-Type, a standard for referring to file formats
  • List of motion and gesture file formats
  • List of file signatures, or «magic numbers»


  1. ^ «Filename extension definition». The Linux Information Project. Retrieved 1 February 2019.
  2. ^ «What Is a Cabinet (.cab) File?». microsoft.com. Microsoft.
  3. ^ a b «3D printing with Windows 10». microsoft.com. Microsoft.
  4. ^ «www.datacad.com – DataCAD Revision History». datacad.com.
  5. ^ «How to export a design in Fusion 360». Knowledge.autodesk.com. Retrieved 4 August 2019.
  6. ^ «Reagency Systems – easyOFFER the OREA and TREB real estate forms software solution details». reagency.ca.
  7. ^ «Incredibly Flexible Data Storage (IFDS) File Format». Github.com. Retrieved 16 December 2022.
  8. ^ «GML Format». gephi.org.
  9. ^ «Create, manage, and import swatches in InDesign». Helpx.adobe.com. Retrieved 24 September 2018.
  10. ^ «Swatch Book – Inkscape Wiki». Wiki.inkscape.org. Retrieved 24 September 2018.
  11. ^ «Palette Docker – Krita Manual version 4.1». Docs.krita.org. Retrieved 24 September 2018.
  12. ^ «v1.2 Palette · mypaint/mypaint Wiki». GitHub.com. Retrieved 24 September 2018.
  13. ^ «Index of /pdf/perq/accent_S5/Accent_UsersManual_1984». Bitsavers.org. Retrieved 4 August 2019.
  14. ^ a b RSTS-11 System Users Guide (PDF) (DEC-11-ORSUA-D-D (RSTS/E V06A-02) ed.). Digital Equipment Corporation. 1975. pp. 2–16–2–17. Retrieved 22 March 2011.
  15. ^ «Archived copy» (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 15 December 2017. Retrieved 24 March 2018.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
  16. ^
    Srivastava, Deepansh; Vosegaard, Thomas; Massiot, Dominique; Grandinetti, Philip (January 2020). «Core Scientific Dataset Model: A lightweight and portable model and file format for multi- dimensional scientific data». PLOS ONE. 15 (1): e0225953. Bibcode:2020PLoSO..1525953S. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0225953. PMC 6940021. PMID 31895936.
  17. ^ «Definition of NCF file». PCMAG. Retrieved 29 October 2022.
  18. ^ Bastiaansen, Rob; Vugt, Sander van (9 May 2006). Novell Cluster Services for Linux and NetWare. Pearson Education. p. 27. ISBN 978-0-672-33283-8. Retrieved 29 October 2022.
  19. ^ «Filename extensions».
  20. ^ «Filename extensions».
  21. ^ a b c «Setting Up and Using PuTTY». Wipo.int.
  22. ^ a b c «How to Convert Your Putty .PPK Private Key to a Normal SSH Key You Can Use on an Apple Mac | These things are far too hard». leadingedgescripts.co.uk. Archived from the original on 11 July 2012. Retrieved 15 January 2022.
  23. ^ a b c Leo Notenboom. «How do I create and use Public Keys with SSH?»
  24. ^ a b Jayasooriya, Tarith (16 September 2020). «nSign». nsign. Retrieved 12 October 2020.
  25. ^ «SAC Data File Format». Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology.
  26. ^ «Standard for the Exchange of Earthquake Data» (PDF). Data Formats. IRIS (Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology). Retrieved 5 May 2016.
  27. ^ «What is WIN system?» (in Japanese). Earthquake Observation Center, Earthquake Research Institute, U. Tokyo, Japan. Archived from the original on 2 April 2016. Retrieved 5 May 2016.
  28. ^ «TAK». hydrogenaud.io.
  29. ^ Tim Fisher. «BRSTM File (What It Is & How To Open One)». About.com Tech.
  30. ^ «HAMBU File Extension – What is a .hambu file and how do I open it?». fileinfo.com. Retrieved 17 July 2020.
  31. ^ love2d.org
  32. ^ «MCA File Extension». FileInfo.com. Retrieved 26 December 2018.
  33. ^ «FileInfo information about PLAGUEINC file format».
  34. ^ «.GCM file extension! [Archive] – EmuTalk.net». emutalk.net.
  35. ^ Medley, Sam. «You can now play your own NES ROMs on Nintendo Switch Online thanks to a new hack». Notebookcheck. Retrieved 9 November 2022.

External links[edit]

  • File formats at Curlie
  • File formats at FileInfo.com

Расширение файла

В этом уроке я расскажу, что такое расширение и какие бывают типы файлов в Windows. А в конце дам таблицу наиболее популярных форматов с подробным описанием.


  • Что такое формат и расширение
  • Как узнать расширение
  • Как изменить расширение
  • Как назначить программу запуска
  • Таблица форматов

Что такое формат и расширение

Формат или тип — это информация о файле, по которой система понимает, какого он вида и в какой программе его открыть. Для этого у каждого файла есть расширение.

Расширение — это несколько английских букв и/или цифр. Находятся они сразу после названия и разделяются точкой.

На картинке показан файл с расширением mp3. Про него компьютер знает, что это аудио и открывать его нужно в программе-проигрывателе. Значок, которым он отмечен – это иконка программы запуска.

Есть текстовые файлы — они открываются в программе для работы с текстом. Есть музыкальные и видео — они запускаются в проигрывателях. Есть графические (фото, картинки) – они открываются в программах для просмотра изображений. И еще много других типов. У каждого из них свой значок, точнее, значок приложения, в котором он будет открыт.

Если у файла вместо иконки белый лист, значит, компьютер не подобрал для него подходящую программу.

При его открытии появится окно с выбором приложения. Компьютер предлагает пользователю самостоятельно указать программу для запуска.

На заметку. В Windows есть разнообразные системные иконки:

Как правило, такими значками отмечены файлы, которые нужны для корректной работы компьютера. Их много в системном локальном диске. Такие объекты нельзя удалять или переименовывать, иначе приложения, за которые они отвечают, могут работать со сбоями.

Как узнать расширение

Система компьютера может быть настроена таким образом, что расширения у всех файлов показаны.

Или наоборот: так, что показаны только имена, без форматов.

Эту настройку можно изменить.

В Windows 10 открыть любую папку, нажать на пункт «Вид» вверху и поставить или убрать птичку с пункта «Расширения имен файлов».

Или так: Вид → Параметры → вкладка «Вид» → пункт «Скрывать расширения для зарегистрированных типов файлов».

В Windows 7 чуть сложнее:

  1. Открыть любую папку.
  2. Нажать на «Упорядочить значки» вверху.
  3. Выбрать «Параметры папок и поиска».
  4. В появившемся окошке перейти на вкладку «Вид».
  5. Внизу списка поставить или убрать галочку с пункта «Скрывать расширения для зарегистрированных типов файлов».

Или так: Пуск → Панель управления → Оформление и персонализация → Параметры папок.

Если расширения нет

Если у объекта нет расширения, компьютер не может подобрать программу для его запуска. Это происходит, когда пользователь случайно или намеренно удаляет расширение из имени. А еще может быть из-за вируса.

Решить эту проблему легко, если знаешь тип объекта. Например, знаешь, что это фотография. Тогда нужно просто переименовать файл, добавить после названия точку и указать формат. Вот как это сделать:

  1. Настроить компьютер на показ расширений (см. выше).
  2. Правой кнопкой мыши по файлу – Переименовать.
  3. Сразу после названия напечатать точку и расширение.
  4. Нажать Enter.

Наиболее популярные форматы:

  • Документы – doc, docx или pdf
  • Таблицы – xls, xlsx
  • Архивы – zip или rar
  • Фотографии – jpg или png
  • Музыка – mp3 или wav
  • Видео – mp4 или avi

Другие типы можно посмотреть в конце урока в таблице.

Если формат неизвестен. Чтобы открыть файл, необязательно вручную прописывать расширение. Можно просто запустить его и в окошке выбрать подходящую программу. Если вы правильно ее укажите, объект откроется.

Или щелкните по нему правой кнопкой мыши, выберите «Открыть с помощью…». Или «Открыть с помощью» → «Выбрать другое приложение».

Узнать тип файла можно через сервис open-file.ru. Просто перетяните объект в окошко, и сайт определит формат.

Как изменить расширение

Изменить расширение можно через переименование:

  1. Настроить компьютер на показ расширений (см. выше).
  2. Щелкнуть правой кнопкой мыши по файлу – Переименовать.
  3. Стереть старое расширение после точки и напечатать новое.
  4. Нажать Enter.

Появится окошко, в котором система предупредит о последствиях. Ведь если вы неправильно укажите формат, файл может не открыться. Например, у вас документ с расширением doc, а вы меняете его на pdf.

После нажатия на кнопку «Да» новый тип будет назначен. А также добавится значок программы для его запуска. Но обычно после такой ручной смены расширения файл перестает открываться. Потому что он технически остался тем же, что и был.

Вернуть старое расширение можно таким же образом – через переименование. Или щелкнув правой кнопкой мыши по пустому месту и выбрав пункт «Отменить переименование».

Так как же правильно изменить расширение? Для этого нужно сделать конвертацию – преобразование в другой формат. Это делается через специальные программы или онлайн-сервисы.

Вбиваем в поисковик Яндекс или Гугл запрос «из … в …». Например, из word в pdf.

В моем случае Яндекс предложил несколько онлайн сервисов. Все они интуитивно понятны: загружаем документ на сайт → сервис преобразовывает его в pdf → скачиваем результат на компьютер.

Но в некоторых случаях лучше использовать программу. Например, если нужно конвертировать видео большого размера.

Как назначить программу запуска

Каждому типу файла система назначает приложение для его запуска. И помечает иконкой этой программы. Например, текстовые (txt) будут по умолчанию открыты в Блокноте. А музыкальные (mp3) – в проигрывателе Windows Media.

Когда вместо значка показан белый лист, значит, система не понимает, в какой программе открыть объект. И при его запуске предлагает самостоятельно выбрать приложение из тех, что установлены на компьютере.

Если поставить птичку на пункт «Всегда использовать это приложение», то в последующем все объекты данного типа будут запускаться в выбранной программе.

Но не всегда нужная программа установлена на компьютере. Бывает, ее просто нет — тогда файл открыть никак не получится. В этом случае нужно установить подходящее приложение.

Для каждого популярного формата есть своя бесплатная программа:

  • PDF – Foxit Reader (оф.сайт)
  • ZIP и RAR – 7-Zip (оф.сайт)
  • DOC, DOCX, XLS, XLSX и другие документы MS Office – OpenOffice (оф.сайт)
  • MP3, MP4, MKV и другие аудио/видео – Media Player Classic (оф.сайт)

Другие форматы и программы для них смотрите в таблице.

На заметку. Также белый лист вместо значка приложения показывается на файлах, у которых нет расширения. Об этом я рассказывал выше в статье.

Выбор программы по умолчанию

А бывает, объекты определенного типа открываются в неподходящей программе. Тогда можно указать другое приложение для их запуска.

1. Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши по файлу. Выберите «Открыть с помощью…» или «Открыть с помощью» → «Выбрать другое приложение».

2. В окошке кликните левой кнопкой мыши по нужной программе и поставьте птичку на пункт «Всегда использовать это приложение». Нажмите ОК.

Вот и всё – теперь объекты данного формата будут по умолчанию запускаться в назначенной программе.

Таблица популярных форматов

Расширение Тип файла Программа
.jpg .png .bmp .gif .tif Изображение Фотографии (Windows 8/10)
Средство просмотра фотографий (Windows 7)
FastStone Image Viewer
.doc .docx Документ Microsoft Word
.xls .xlsx Электронная таблица Microsoft Excel
.pdf PDF-документ Acrobat Reader
Foxit Reader
.txt Текстовый файл Блокнот
.zip .rar .7z .gzip Архив WinZip
.mp3 .wav .midi .aac Аудиофайл Windows Media Player
Media Player Classic
VLC Media Player
.mp4 .avi .mkv .wmv .flv .mpeg Видеофайл Windows Media Player
Media Player Classic
VLC Media Player
.html .htm .mht Cтраница из интернета Google Chrome
Mozilla Firefox
.ppt .pptx Презентация Microsoft PowerPoint
.mdb .accdb База данных Microsoft Access
.iso Образ оптического диска UltraISO
Alcohol 120%
.cdr Векторное изображение CorelDRAW
CDR Viewer
.torrent Торрент-файл uTorrent
.djvu Сканированный документ
(книга, журнал и пр.)
.fb2 .epub .mobi Электронная книга FBReader

формат документа

формат документа

6.3.2 формат документа: Сокращенный термин «формат ЭлД».

Словарь-справочник терминов нормативно-технической документации.

Смотреть что такое «формат документа» в других словарях:

  • формат документа — Набор параметров документа. В число параметров входят: размер страницы, число колонок, наличие полей, шрифт, колонтитулы. [Гипертекстовый энциклопедический словарь по информатике Э. Якубайтиса] [http://www.morepc.ru/dict/] формат документа… …   Справочник технического переводчика

  • формат — 23.02.06 формат* [format]: Определенная организация (или макет) текста в печатном виде или отображенной на экране форме, или записанного на носителе данных. Источник: ГОСТ Р ИСО/МЭК 2382 23 2004: Информационная технология. Словарь. Часть 23.… …   Словарь-справочник терминов нормативно-технической документации

  • Формат вычисляемых документов — Расширение .cdf MIME application/cdf Разработан Wolfram Research Опубликован июль 21, 2011 (2011 07 21) Сайт …   Википедия

  • формат переносимого документа — (МСЭ Т T.808). [http://www.iks media.ru/glossary/index.html?glossid=2400324] Тематики электросвязь, основные понятия EN portable document formatPDF …   Справочник технического переводчика

  • формат — Определенная организация (или макет) текста в печатном виде или отображенной на экране форме, или записанного на носителе данных. [ГОСТ Р ИСО/МЭК 2382 23 2004] формат Способ расположения и представления данных на носителе информации [ГОСТ 7.0 99] …   Справочник технического переводчика

  • Формат кода — Общее количество элементов кода и расположение кодовых групп, предназначенных для передачи той или иной информации Источник …   Словарь-справочник терминов нормативно-технической документации

  • формат данных — 05.02.30 формат данных [ data format]: Форма представления, используемая в протоколе данных для указания способа кодирования идентификаторов объектов на радиочастотную метку и (по возможности) конкретного словаря данных со списком идентификаторов …   Словарь-справочник терминов нормативно-технической документации

  • формат информационных посылок — 3.12. формат информационных посылок: Структура кадра навигационной информации. Источник …   Словарь-справочник терминов нормативно-технической документации

  • формат сообщения — 3.41 формат сообщения: Формат сообщения, представление которого осуществляется по установленным правилам. 3.42 Источник: ГОСТ Р 43.2.1 2007 …   Словарь-справочник терминов нормативно-технической документации

  • формат знака — 2.7 формат знака: Число элементов по горизонтали и по вертикали в матрице, используемой для формирования отдельного знака. Источник …   Словарь-справочник терминов нормативно-технической документации

В компьютерной терминологии, файл с документом может быть описан как текст или двоичные данные, по сути – это тип файла, используемый для хранения отформатированного документа (текст, фотографии, картинки, таблицы, диаграммы, и т.д.). Сегодня существует множество несовместимых форматов файлов документа. Самыми распространенными расширениями считаются .ODT, .PDF, и .DOC.

Расширение Описание Популярность
.asp Файл мультимедийного пакета для презентаций Astound Presentation Очень редко используется
.cdd Документ Ovation 1 Очень редко используется
.cdd Документ ClarisDraw Редко используется
.cpp Файл презентации CA-Cricket Presents Редко используется
.doc Документ Microsoft Word Очень часто используется
.doc Документ WordPad Средне используется
.doc Документ DisplayWrite Редко используется
.doc Документ Interleaf Очень редко используется
.doc Документ Palm Pilot Средне используется
.doc Текстовый документ Samna Word Очень редко используется
.doc Документ Adobe FrameMaker Средне используется
.docm Документ Microsoft Word 2007-2013 Open XML с поддержкой макросов Средне используется
.docx Документ Open XML Microsoft Word Очень часто используется
.dot Шаблон Microsoft Word Часто используется
.dotm Шаблон документа Open XML Microsoft Word с поддержкой макросов Средне используется
.dotx Шаблон документа Microsoft Word Open XML Часто используется
.epub Электронная книга Очень часто используется
.fb2 Электронная книга FictionBook 2.0 Средне используется
.gpx Файл электронной книги Ganaxa Редко используется
.ibooks Файл электронной книги iBooks Очень часто используется
.indd Проект макета страницы Adobe InDesign Очень часто используется
.kdc Файл Kwalitan Очень редко используется
.key Файл презентации Keynote Очень часто используется
.kml Файл электронной книги Hiebook Средне используется
.mdb Файл с отладочной информацией Mono Средне используется
.mdf Файл мобильного документа Adobe Редко используется
.mobi Электронная книга Mobipocket Очень часто используется
.mso Диаграмма Microsoft Organization Chart Средне используется
.ods Таблица OpenDocument Средне используется
.odt Текстовый документ OpenDocument Часто используется
.one Файл docPointer Редко используется
.oxps Файл OpenXPS Средне используется
.pages Документ Apple iWork Pages Очень часто используется
.pdf Документ PDF Очень часто используется
.pkg Файл электронной книги Apple Newton Очень редко используется
.pl Файл Interleaf printerleaf (или WorldView) Редко используется
.pot Шаблон PowerPoint Средне используется
.potm Шаблон Open XML PowerPoint с поддержкой макросов Средне используется
.potx Шаблон презентации PowerPoint Open XML Средне используется
.pps Слайд-шоу Microsoft PowerPoint 1997—2003 Очень часто используется
.ppsm Слайд-шоу Microsoft PowerPoint 2007—2013 с поддержкой макросов в формате Open XML Часто используется
.ppsx Слайд-шоу Microsoft PowerPoint 2007—2013 в формате Open XML Часто используется
.ppt Презентация Microsoft PowerPoint Очень часто используется
.pptm Презентация Microsoft PowerPoint 2007—2013 с поддержкой макросов в формате Open XML Средне используется
.pptx Презентация Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 в формате Open XML Очень часто используется
.ps Файл документа XPS Viewer Средне используется
.pub Документ Publisher Часто используется
.rtf Расширенный текстовый документ Очень часто используется
.sdf Формат документа Sharp Sharpdesk Редко используется
.sgml Закодированный архивный документ описания Редко используется
.sldm Слайд Microsoft PowerPoint с поддержкой макросов Open XML Средне используется
.snb Электронная книга Shanda Bambook Средне используется
.wpd Документ WordPerfect Часто используется
.wpd Документ 602Text Редко используется
.wpd Документ ACT! Редко используется
.wps Текстовый документ Microsoft Works Часто используется
.wps Документ Kingsoft Writer Средне используется
.xar Файл Excel с авто восстановлением Средне используется
.xlr Таблица Microsoft Works Очень часто используется
.xls Электронная таблица Microsoft Excel 97-2003 Очень часто используется
.xls Документ Microsoft Works Очень редко используется
.xls Файл BOM Excel шаблона SolidWorks Очень редко используется
.xlsb Книга Excel в бинарном виде Часто используется
.xlsm Лист Excel Open XML с поддержкой макросов Средне используется
.xlsx Электронная таблица Microsoft Excel 2007-2010 Очень часто используется
.xlt Шаблон Microsoft Excel Средне используется
.xltm Шаблон листа Excel Open XML с поддержкой макросов Часто используется
.xltx Шаблон Microsoft Excel Open XML Часто используется
.xps Файл XPS Часто используется

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