Как пишется фриск на английском

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* Эта статья является избранной.

* Она одна из самых полных и информативных на вики.

* Эм… так…
* Как ТЕБЯ зовут?
* …
* «Фриск»?
* Это…
* Красивое имя.
— Азриэль Дримурр

Фриск (англ. Frisk) — главный герой Undertale, за которого вы и играете. Его имя вы узнаёте только в конце Истинного Пацифистского пути. Фриск является последним из восьми людей, попавших в Подземелье через гору Эботт. В игре вам предстоит сопроводить Фриска в этом приключении и выбраться из Подземелья.


Здесь и далее персонаж описывается в мужском роде, несмотря на его неопределённость.
В английском языке персонаж обозначается как «they» — они.


Фриск — желтокожий человеческий ребёнок, который носит синий свитер с двумя пурпурными полосами, синие штаны (часто изображаемые как шорты в официальном мерчендайзе Undertale) и коричневые ботинки. У него прямые каштановые волосы средней длины, короткая и неровная чёлка и одно и то же выражение лица. И хотя Фриск ни разу не меняет его во время взаимодействия с кем-либо, другие персонажи часто подмечают те или иные
эмоции Фриска[1]. Так же, как и у первого упавшего человека, у Фриска нет определённого пола, и на протяжении всей игры его упоминают исключительно местоимениями третьего лица множественного числа (они/их), либо общими терминами (такими как «дитя», «человек» и т.д.).


У Фриска нет определённой личности, что позволяет игроку самостоятельно решать, каким персонажем он будет. Однако повествование, описывающее действия Фриска нередко меняется в зависимости от его LV. На протяжении всей игры Фриск разговаривает с различными персонажами, особенно во время битв, а некоторые даже отвечают на его вопросы, хотя игрок никогда не видит, что именно говорит или спрашивает Фриск, поскольку вся речь описывается исключительно от третьего лица.

В зависимости от совершаемых игроком действий, другие персонажи видят во Фриске либо милосердного и доброго героя, либо безжалостного и жестокого убийцу, либо же нечто среднее. И хотя Фриск практически всегда послушно следует командам игрока, он также может совершать действия, не зависящие от него, что чаще всего происходит, когда его о чём-то просят другие (например, Фриск прячется за подходящей по форме лампой по просьбе Санса).


Фриск обладает достаточным количеством решительности, что позволяет ему сохраняться[2], исцеляться на точках сохранения и возрождаться на точке последнего сохранения после смерти. Эта сила появилась у Фриска после падения в Подземелье. Фриск может сбрасывать игровой прогресс, чего, правда, недостаточно, чтобы полностью стереть воспоминания других персонажей о том, что было до сброса. Единственным способом полностью стереть воспоминания всех персонажей, включая Фриска является Истинный сброс, который становится доступен игроку после полного прохождения Истинного Пацифистского пути.

Фриск — единственный персонаж, который когда-либо показывался использующим предметы или получающим EXP.


Неизвестно, что происходило с Фриск на Поверхности.

Фриск является восьмым человеком, упавшим в Подземелье. В отличие от первого упавшего человека Фриск приземляется на участке с золотыми цветами.

Нейтральный путь

После падения в Руины Фриск встречает Флауи и Ториэль. Флауи проясняет Фриску устройство этого мира и пытается убить его, однако от смерти героя спасает Ториэль, которая затем проводит Фриска через Руины и даёт ему сотовый телефон по пути в свой дом, намереваясь оставить Фриска с собой. Так или иначе, Фриск спрашивает Ториэль о том, как покинуть это место, вынуждая её уничтожить выход из Руин, что Ториэль мотивирует «защитой от Азгора». Фриск может убедить Ториэль позволить себе покинуть Руины или же убить её.


Сразу после перехода в лес Сноудина Фриск встречает двух братьев-скелетов — Санса и Папируса, которые ищут человека. Санс не заинтересован в поимке людей и заверяет протагониста в безобидности Папируса. Далее Фриск встречает несколько сторожевых собак (Догами и Догарессу, Догго, Малого Пса и Большого Пса), но успешно справляется с ними. При входе в Сноудин Фриск встречает дружелюбных монстров, которые принимают его за другого монстра. Папирус пытается поймать Фриска, но терпит поражение из-за своего мягкого характера или же умирает в битве. Если Папирус остаётся жив, он рассказывает Фриску об Азгоре и о прохождении через его замок.

В Водопаде Фриск встречает дружелюбного Монстрёнка, а также избегает главу Королевской гвардии Андайн. Фриск всё больше узнаёт о культуре и истории монстров через древние письмена, оставленные на стенах. Позже Фриск узнаёт от Андайн, что Азгор хочет забрать его человеческую душу, так как эта душа будет последней на пути к разрушению барьера, что удерживает монстров под землёй. Андайн пытается убить протагониста, но падает из-за перегрева, преследуя его по пути в Хотленд. Фриск может помочь Андайн, вылив на неё воду из кулера, или же просто уйти, что не позволит подружиться с ней. Если не помочь ей, Папирус будет ждать Андайн возле её дома, говоря: «Она плохо себя чувствует и поэтому я стою около двери и жду, не понадобится ли ей помощь».

В лаборатории Хотленда Фриск встречает королевскую учёную по имени Альфис, которая пытается подружиться с протагонистом при помощи её изобретения и, по совместительству, робота-убийцы Меттатона. В конце Ядра Меттатон рассказывает Фриску правду о том, что он просто подыгрывал Альфис в её стремлении быть полезной протагонисту, и пытается забрать душу Фриска, чтобы сбежать на Поверхность и стать звездой человечества. Однако, осознав свою ценность в жизни монстров Подземелья, Меттатон решает остаться и пропускает протагониста дальше. В конце пути Альфис рассказывает Фриску о том, что для выхода на Поверхность требуется ещё и душа монстра, и что протагонисту придётся убить Азгора, дабы заполучить его душу.

Достигнув столицы Подземелья под названием Новый Дом, Фриск узнаёт историю о ребёнке Азгора и Ториэль — Азриэле, а также о первом человеке, упавшем в Подземелье. Монстры, рассказывающие эту историю, говорят об Азгоре как об освободителе, что даёт им надежду. В Последнем коридоре Санс судит Фриска за сотворённое в Подземелье, рассказывая, чем на самом деле являются акронимы LOVE и EXP.


Битва против Азгора, в которой Фриск поначалу не может предложить ему пощаду.

Фриск входит в тронный зал, где находит Азгора. Он пытается как-либо сгладить обстановку, но протагонист хранит молчание. Через две комнаты на пути к барьеру, Азгор даёт Фриску шанс вернуться назад, если он ещё не готов. Как только протагонист сообщает о своей готовности, Азгор показывает шесть собранных человеческих душ и начинает битву. В самом её начале Азгор предотвращает возможные попытки Фриска проявить к себе милосердие, уничтожая кнопку пощады, но в конце протагонисту предоставляется выбор: пощадить его или же добить. После сражения внезапно появляется Флауи, уничтожает душу Азгора и поглощает человеческие души. После этого игра резко закрывается.

После того как игрок вновь запускает игру, он обнаруживает, что Флауи, получив возможность сохранять и загружать игру от похищенных душ, заменил сохранение Фриска на своё собственное. Загрузив игру Флауи, протагонист начинает с ним сражение, не имея никаких шансов на победу. В один из моментов битвы Фриск кричит о помощи и тогда человеческие души начинают восставать против своего похитителя: сначала они лечат протагониста, затем ослабляют Флауи и в конце концов отбирают его способность к загрузке и сохранению. Души прощаются с Фриском и оставляют Флауи одного, давая игроку возможность или пощадить, или убить его, прежде чем протагонист покинет Подземелье. То, как именно Фриск прошёл через барьер, остаётся загадкой, но, тем не менее, барьер остаётся активным и продолжает удерживать монстров в ловушке.

Начало телефонного звонка Санса на большинстве нейтральных путей.

Через некоторое время после побега на телефон Фриска поступает звонок от Санса, который рассказывает о том, что произошло в Подземелье после смерти Азгора. На данной концовке никто из монстров не узнаёт имя Фриска.

Истинный Пацифистский путь

Чтобы пройти Истинный Пацифистский путь, Фриск должен сперва завершить Нейтральный путь.

Если Фриск прошёл Нейтральный путь, не получив ни единого EXP или LV (т.е. никого не убив), он может загрузить файл сохранения, чтобы выполнить все недостающие условия, необходимые для Истинной Пацифистской концовки.

Если Фриск получил EXP или LV, ему придётся сбросить игру, чтобы достичь Истинной Пацифистской концовки.


После боя с Папирусом Фриск может посетить его дом. Там Папирус устраивает с ним тусовку (или свидание, если во время битвы Фриск флиртовал с ним), после которой становится его другом.

Когда Фриск побеждает Андайн, он может дать ей стакан воды и тем самым помочь ей. Позже Фриск с помощью Папируса посещает Андайн, и последняя, пытаясь подружиться, сжигает свой дом. Затем она пытается сразиться с протагонистом, дабы вернуть «честь», но понимает, что Фриск «неудачник с большим сердцем», прямо как Азгор, и поэтому решает стать его другом.

Андайн, желая послать любовную записку Альфис, передаёт Фриск письмо, которое нужно доставить Альфис. Позже они встречаются на свалке, где Альфис признаётся в чувствах Андайн, в процессе заводя дружбу с Фриском.

После этого Папирус рекомендует Фриску посетить лабораторию Альфис. Там протагонист находит записку от Альфис и посещает Реальную лабораторию, дабы поддержать учёную и узнать правду. Последняя благодарит Фриска и набирается смелости рассказать всем монстрам Подземелья правду о своих экспериментах. Фриск пытается покинуть лабораторию, но получает телефонный звонок, где незнакомый голос принимает Фриска за первого человека, прежде чем тот входит в Новый Дом.


Флауи захватывает друзей Фриска перед финальной битвой.

Фриск вновь вступает в битву с Азгором, но та останавливается, не успев начаться, благодаря новоприобретённым друзьям. Появляется Флауи, который крадёт человеческие души, захватывает монстров и пытается убить Фриска, но его друзья, используя магию, защищают его. Позже на защиту прибывают все остальные монстры Подземелья, но в итоге все попадают в ловушку Флауи, что крадёт их души. Остаётся только душа Фриска.

Азриэль Дримурр представляется перед финальной битвой.

Флауи предстаёт перед нами в своей настоящей, но изменённой форме в виде Азриэля, насыщенного энергией душ. Во время битвы узнаётся, что незнакомый голос, который мы слышали в Реальной лаборатории, принадлежит именно ему, и он продолжает называть протагониста по имени первого упавшего человека. Фриск, отказываясь бороться с Азриэлем, поддерживает в себе силы надеждой и мечтами, отказываясь умирать, тем самым предотвращая попытки Азриэля получить достаточный контроль над временем, дабы сбросить его. Фриск оказывается в ловушке Азриэля и понимает, что всё, что он может сделать — это спасти украденные души своих друзей. Фриск взывает к их именам и возвращает им их воспоминания. В итоге Фриску остаётся спасти ещё одного друга — Азриэля. Он называет его имя. Фриск видит его воспоминания, связанные с первым человеком, очень похожим на него самого. Азриэль раскаивается и раскрывает то, насколько сильно он боится снова остаться один.

Азриэль понимает, что перед ним вовсе не первый человек, а также узнаёт имя Фриска. Он извиняется за вред, что причинил другим, и у Фриска появляется возможность простить его. Перед тем, как выпустить души, Азриэль уничтожает барьер и, зная, что без них он вновь превратится в цветок, решает уйти. Фриск получает возможность утешить его, обняв.


Старт-меню после разрушения барьера.

Фриск просыпается в кругу своих друзей (Ториэль, Санс, Папирус, Андайн, Альфис и Азгор). Несмотря на то, что монстры мало что помнят о цветке и ничего не знают про Азриэля, они узнают имя Фриска. Также Фриск получает возможность отправиться обратно в Подземелье и поговорить со всеми другими монстрами, включая Азриэля, стоящего на тех самых цветах, на которые и упал Фриск в начале своего путешествия.

Фотография, показываемая в конце, если был выбран вариант уйти.

Фриск покидает Подземелье со своими друзьями. Азгор предлагает протагонисту стать «послом монстров в мире людей». Большинство друзей Фриска уходят, кроме Ториэль, которая спрашивает его о том, что он будет делать теперь. Игроку даётся выбор: остаться с Ториэль или уйти.

Если игрок выбирает первый вариант, то в конце показывается кат-сцена, в которой Ториэль приносит в комнату Фриска кусок пирога. В ином случае, в конце игры показывается фото, где Фриск изображён вместе с Ториэль, Азгором, Альфис, Андайн, Папирусом и Сансом.

Если игрок прошёл путь Геноцида, а затем Истинный Пацифистский путь, то после титров будут следующие изменения:

  • Если игрок выберет остаться, то в конце, когда Ториэль принесёт в комнату Фриска пирог, вместо него в кровати проснётся Чара — первый упавший человек, после чего экран потемнеет и прозвучит зловещий смех.
  • Если игрок выберет уйти, то на фото вместо Фриска будет стоять Чара, а лица всех его друзей будут перечёркнуты красными крестами.

Интересные факты

  • Слово «frisk» с английского означает «обыскивать» и «резвиться».
    • «Frisk» — шведское и норвежское слово, означающее «здоровый», а с датского оно переводится как «свежий».
    • «Frisky» с английского означает «резвый».
  • Если в начале игры назвать упавшего человека именем «Frisk», активируется Сложный режим, который длится лишь на длину демо, то есть до конца Руин. Враги в этом режиме намного усложнены (они либо взяты из других локаций, следующих после Руин (в том числе и из поздних локаций, как Ядро), либо являются уникальным для Сложного режима улучшением обычного врага Руин).
  • Фриск, по всей видимости, левша. Доказательством этому служат следующие моменты, встречающиеся на протяжении игры:
    • Держит зонт и стакан воды в левой руке.
    • После использования телескопа Санса появляется отпечаток на левом глазу.
    • При сопровождении Ториэль держит её левой рукой.
  • Когда Фриск обнимает Азриэля, на рукавах его свитера появляются полосы, которых во всех остальных случаях там нет.
  • В шутливом обсуждении на Starmen.net Тоби Фокс опубликовал ранние файлы из Undertale, заявив, что они взяты из взлома EarthBound под названием «UnderBound 2»[3].

    Изначальная версия спрайта Фриска.

    • Фриск в нём описывался как молодой андрогин, который упал в Подземелье и должен использовать силу любви, чтобы спасти мир. Тоби также назвал Фриска сводным братом «Squeezo» из несуществующего хака EarthBound «UnderBound».
    • Там же было показано, что изначально у Фриска планировались чёрные волосы и чёрная обувь, которые затем были заменены на коричневые из-за того, что первоначальный спрайт сливался с тёмными фонами игры.
    • Тоби также упомянул, что любовным интересом Фриска была женская кубинская сигара[4].
  • Скорее всего, полосатая одежда Фриска является отсылкой к франшизе «Mother», которая была главным источником вдохновения Тоби Фокса при создании Undertale. Главные герои каждой части также носили полосатую одежду.



Frisk Telescope

Фриск после использования телескопа Санса

Umbrella Frisk

Фриск с зонтиком

Frisk Fruits and vegetables

Фриск во фруктах и овощах, во время готовки с Андайн


Screenshot 304

Ториэль приносит кусок пирога в комнату Фриска


Frisk sprites

Undertale Art Book Frisk

Концепт-арты Фриска в официальном артбуке к Undertale

Product ut chars 1 pins main

Значок Фриска в первом наборе значков, продающихся на Fangamer


  1. ты отказался причинять кому-либо боль. даже когда ты убегал, ты делал это с улыбкой. — Санс
  2. И когда я попытался загрузить своё сохранение… Ничего не вышло. <Имя>… Твоя РЕШИТЕЛЬНОСТЬ! Каким-то образом она даже больше моей! — Флауи
  3. Тоби Фокс (4 февраля 2013 года). «UnderBound» Архивировано 15 декабря 2015 года.
  4. «На самом деле любовный интерес главного героя — женская кубинская сигара» — Тоби Фокс, 4 февраля 2013 года. Starmen.Net Архивировано 15 декабря 2015 года.
Персонажи Undertale
Ключевые персонажи Фриск ♥ Флауи ♥ Ториэль ♥ Санс ♥ Папирус ♥ Андайн ♥ Альфис ♥ Меттатон ♥ Азгор Дримурр ♥ Азриэль Дримурр ♥ Чара
Враги в Руинах Манекен ♥ Фроггит ♥ Вимсан ♥ Молдсмол ♥ Лукс ♥ Вегетоид ♥ Мигосп ♥ Напстаблук
Парсник (Сложный режим) ♥ Молдесса (Сложный режим) ♥ Мигоспель (Сложный режим)
Враги в Сноудине Сноудрейк ♥ Чиллдрейк ♥ Айс Кап ♥ Гифтрот ♥ Догго
Догами и Догаресса ♥ Малый Пёс ♥ Большой Пёс ♥ Джерри ♥ Глайд ♥ Безумная Мяу Мяу
Враги в Водопаде Аарон ♥ Молдбигг ♥ Вошуа ♥ Темми ♥ Безумный Манекен ♥ Шайрен
Враги в Хотленде Вулкин ♥ Цундереплан ♥ Пайроп ♥ Маффет ♥ Королевские стражи ♥ Так Жаль
Враги в Ядре Финальный Фроггит ♥ Вимсалот ♥ Астигматизм ♥ Мэджик ♥ Рыцарь Рыцарь
Враги в Реальной лаборатории Амальгаметы (Меморихэд ♥ Эндогини ♥ Птица-жнец ♥ Лимонный Хлеб
Мать Сноудрейка)
Продавцы Доброженщик ♥ Лавочница Сноудина ♥ Герсон ♥ Лавка Темми
Брэтти и Кэтти ♥ Бургерпентс
NPC NPC Руин ♥ NPC Сноудина ♥ NPC Водопада ♥ NPC Хотленда ♥ NPC курорта МТТ
NPC Реальной лаборатории
Прочие персонажи Фотошоп Флауи ♥ Монстрёнок ♥ Надоедливая собака ♥ Лодочник ♥ Потерянные души
Восемь людей ♥ В. Д. Гастер

You’re not actually <Name>, are you?
<Name>’s been gone for a long time.

Um… what…
What IS your name?

A nice name.

Asriel Dreemurr

Frisk is the playable character and main protagonist of Undertale. After Frisk falls into the Underground, they embark on a journey to return to the surface. Frisk is the last of the eight humans to fall into the Underground after traveling to Mount Ebott. Frisk is not the «fallen human» whom the player names at the beginning of the game. Frisk’s name is only revealed in the True Pacifist Route.



Frisk is a yellow-skinned human child who wears a blue long-sleeved shirt with two purple colored stripes on its center, blue pants (often depicted as shorts in the official Undertale merch), and brown shoes. They have medium-length straight brown hair, short and choppy bangs, and a blank expression. Though Frisk does not show much expression in the overworld, NPCs often describe Frisk’s expressions.[1] Just like the first human, they have no stated gender and are solely referred to as «they» throughout the game[2], or by generic terms (such as «child», «human» or «kid).


Frisk’s personality is usually ambiguous, allowing the player to project any personality onto Frisk. However, the narration that describes Frisk’s actions occasionally changes depending on their LOVE. Frisk speaks to NPCs throughout the game, especially when ACTing in encounters, but the exact dialogue is shown only when the game gives multiple dialogue options. NPCs’ dialogue boxes display «…» to show that the NPC is listening to Frisk,[3] and some NPCs respond to questions that Frisk asks.[4]

Depending on their actions, players can interpret Frisk as merciful and kind or merciless and violent. Some NPCs emphasize Frisk’s kindness, understanding, and grace in the epilogue.[5] Frisk is obedient and only disallows player input when they follow someone else’s instructions, such as when Sans tells them to hide behind the conveniently-shaped lamp.


Frisk’s determination grants the power to SAVE,[6] heal at SAVE Points, and respawn at SAVE Points after death. This power emerged when Frisk first awoke in the Ruins. Frisk can reload the SAVE file to repeat events that occur after it, but NPCs’ memories are not completely erased unless a True Reset occurs. After the True Pacifist ending, Flowey’s dialogue implies that Frisk is not the being who is manipulating SAVE files.

Frisk is the only character who is ever shown using items or gaining EXP.

Main Story

Neutral Route

Flowey attempts to kill Frisk after he pretends to offer honest advice.[7] Toriel intervenes, hits Flowey with fire magic, and serves as a guide to the Ruins. At the end of a long room, Toriel asks Frisk to wait for her to return and states that she has errands to do. To be safe, Toriel gives Frisk a cell phone to call her with.

Frisk travels through the remaining puzzles in the Ruins and eventually arrives at Toriel’s home. They ask Toriel «how to exit the RUINS,» which prompts Toriel to destroy the Ruins’s exit. Toriel then battles Frisk because she wants them to prove that they can survive outside of the Ruins.[8]

Then, Frisk meets Sans and Papyrus in Snowdin Forest. The brothers set up traps and puzzles in an attempt to capture Frisk. After passing through Snowdin, Papyrus battles Frisk.

Undyne, the head of the Royal Guard, pursues Frisk throughout Waterfall. Monster Kid often saves Frisk from Undyne by accident because they are so excited to see Undyne in action.[9] After a chase scene, Undyne destroys a bridge that Frisk is standing on, and Frisk falls into the Garbage Dump. Before they get up, they recall a memory from the first human.[10] In the garbage dump, Mad Dummy battles Frisk after accusing them of mistreating their cousin, Dummy, in the Ruins. At the end of Waterfall, Undyne battles Frisk after she gives an abridged monologue atop a crag.

After entering Hotland, Frisk enters a lab and meets Alphys and Mettaton. Alphys tells Frisk that she is not a bad guy,[11] and Mettaton interrupts them with a quiz show. Alphys gives Frisk an upgraded cell phone after the quiz show concludes. She guides Frisk through Hotland and the CORE, helping them solve puzzles and evade Mettaton. Before his battle at the end of the CORE, Mettaton reveals that Alphys had created all of the traps in Hotland in an attempt to endear herself to Frisk.[12] He then transforms into Mettaton EX and battles Frisk.

While passing through New Home, the capital of the Underground, Frisk learns the story of Asgore and Toriel’s children from passing monsters. Then, Sans judges Frisk in the Last Corridor and explains the meaning of LOVE and EXP. He also emphasizes Frisk’s importance in the fate of the world.[13]


The battle against Asgore, in which Frisk is initially unable to offer him mercy.

Frisk enters the Throne Room and finds Asgore, who tries to make small talk, only to realize their fated confrontation. The two walk to the Barrier and Asgore gives Frisk one last opportunity to leave before fighting.

Just before the fight, Asgore shows the six collected human SOULs, preparing the containment process after the battle. Right before the fight starts, Asgore destroys the MERCY button with his trident, making it impossible to spare or flee. However, at the fight’s conclusion, Frisk can explicitly choose whether to spare or kill Asgore. Regardless of the choice made, Flowey appears, destroys Asgore’s SOUL and takes the human SOULs. The game then abruptly closes, or restarts from the fake «humans and monsters» intro on the console versions.

After reopening the game, Frisk finds that Flowey has saved his own game over the SAVE file, having gained the power to do so with the stolen human SOULs. Loading Flowey’s game, Frisk confronts a powered up Flowey and defiantly steps forward, entering an initially hopeless battle with him.

After Frisk calls for help several times, the stolen SOULs begin to revolt: first, they heal Frisk, and then they weaken Flowey, leaving him vulnerable to destruction. After Frisk reduces Flowey’s HP to 0 and listens to his monologue, the SOULs remove his ability to SAVE or LOAD, and then finish him off. After this, there is an option to kill or spare a weakened Flowey before leaving the Underground, returning to the surface, and ending their journey.

Sans’s phone call introduction in most neutral routes.

After leaving the Underground, Frisk receives a call from Sans, who leaves a message about what happened to the Underground after Asgore died. This varies based on what monsters were killed and what friendships were completed.

True Pacifist Route

To complete the True Pacifist Route, Frisk must have first completed the Neutral Route.

If Frisk has completed the Neutral Route without gaining any EXP or LV (i.e. without killing anyone), it is possible to backtrack in the existing SAVE file to complete any missing friendships, then achieve the True Pacifist ending.

If Frisk acquires any EXP or LV, they have to reset the game to reach the True Pacifist Ending.


While Frisk befriends many of the monsters in the Underground, only the Undyne, Papyrus, and Alphys friendships are required to achieve the True Pacifist Ending.

Frisk gains Papyrus’s friendship by visiting him at his home and hanging out or dating him.

If Frisk chooses to give Undyne some water after being pursued, Undyne can be befriended (if they have not gained any EXP beforehand). Otherwise, a reset is needed to achieve Undyne’s trust and friendship. Frisk visits Undyne with Papyrus’s help, and Undyne gets «revenge» by trying to befriend Frisk and become «besties», setting her house on fire in the process. She tries to fight Frisk to regain honor but realizes that Frisk is a «wimpy loser with a big heart» just like Asgore and decides to be friends.

Undyne, having been encouraged to send a love letter to Alphys, gives the letter to Frisk, who delivers it to Alphys. This results in a date sequence with Alphys in which she and Undyne realize their feelings for each other and Alphys begins to come to terms with her past mistakes.

After befriending Alphys, Papyrus recommends traveling to Alphys’s lab. In the lab, there is a letter on the floor that, when picked up, reads a monologue and the instructions needed to proceed to learn «the truth.» Walking through the bathroom door reveals an elevator which goes down to the True Lab after a malfunction.

Frisk proceeds to explore the True Lab and along the way learns of Alphys’s failed experiments (amalgamates) with determination and also about the origin of Flowey. After exploring the True Lab and talking to Alphys, she gains the confidence to reveal the truth about her experiments to the rest of the Underground. While attempting to leave, Frisk receives a phone call in the elevator from an unknown voice. The elevator immediately and forcibly brings Frisk to New Home.


Flowey restrains Frisk’s friends before the final battle.

After returning to the throne room and confronting Asgore again, the pre-fight dialogue is interrupted by Toriel, who stops Asgore from fighting Frisk. Toriel is immediately followed by the other main characters who encourage everyone to get along. However, in a surprise twist, Papyrus reveals that it was «a tiny flower» who told him to bring everyone there.

Immediately after this reveal, Flowey appears, having again stolen the SOULs of the six other humans. He attempts to kill Frisk, but Undyne, Toriel, Alphys, Asgore, Sans, and Papyrus use their power to block Flowey’s finishing blows. Directly after this, all of the Underground’s monsters arrive to encourage Frisk in the fight against Flowey. However, Flowey reveals that this is what he wanted all along so that he could absorb the souls of all the monsters in the Underground along with the six human SOULs.

ASRIEL DREEMURR’s intro right before the final battle.

Due to the immense power gained from the six human SOULs and all of the monster SOULs, Flowey can transform into his true form, and just before the fight begins it is revealed that he is actually Asriel Dreemurr.

During this fight, Frisk is invincible, and any hit that would normally result in death instead causes the heart to split, but reform back together. The first time this happens, it is accompanied by the text «but it refused.» After stalling for long enough, Asriel transforms again. At this point, Frisk can feel the souls of Toriel, Asgore, Alphys, Undyne, Papyrus, and Sans within Asriel and the ACT button changes to SAVE to represent the act of freeing everyone’s souls. This is accomplished by completing a short sequence of ACT options to restore the memory of each lost soul after selecting the said lost soul of a chosen character.

After saving each monster, Frisk realizes that there is still one more person to save. After choosing to save «someone else,» Asriel’s memories of the first human (who strongly resembled Frisk) begin to play in a slideshow style. It is then revealed this «someone else» is Asriel himself. After this, Asriel starts to feel the love the monsters feel for Frisk through the souls he has absorbed, and slowly loses the will to fight as he is overcome with his fear of dying alone.

After reverting to his child form, Asriel learns Frisk’s name. He apologizes for hurting everybody, and Frisk can choose to forgive or not forgive Asriel. Regardless of the choice made, Asriel destroys the barrier using the power of all of the SOULs before releasing them. Knowing that he will turn back to a flower without the power of the SOULs to sustain him, Asriel says one last goodbye to Frisk before leaving. At this point, there is a choice to hug Asriel or do nothing.


The start menu after the barrier has been broken.

After the scene with Asriel finishes, Frisk wakes up in front of Toriel, Sans, Papyrus, Undyne, Alphys and Asgore. While the monsters remember little about Flowey and nothing about his incarnation as Asriel, they do know Frisk’s name. At this point, Frisk can backtrack through the Underground and talk to the other monsters, before returning to the surface.

If Frisk backtracks through the Ruins, they can find Asriel tending to the Golden Flowers. Asriel asks about Frisk’s desire to travel up Mt. Ebott in the first place. Receiving no answer, Asriel lists off foolishness or fate as possible motives, but comes to the conclusion that «only you (Frisk) know the answer.»

Photo shown if Frisk says that they have places to go.

After passing through the final door to the surface, Frisk leaves the Underground with their friends. Asgore offers Frisk the chance to be the monsters’ ambassador to the humans. Most of the main monster cast then leave, except for Toriel, who asks about Frisk’s plans. At this point, Frisk can choose to stay with Toriel or to go elsewhere.

After choosing to stay with Toriel, the ending scene shows Frisk sleeping in a bed, and Toriel bringing a slice of pie to Frisk’s bedroom.

Otherwise, if Frisk has «places to go,» Toriel ends their conversation with «Frisk. «See you around.»» As Toriel leaves, Frisk turns north and does not watch her. The game ends with a group photo of the main monster cast with Frisk in the middle.

Genocide Route

For further information, see Chara.


Toriel overworld guiding

Toriel leading Frisk through a dangerous puzzle in the Ruins.

Frisk overworld pranked

Frisk’s eye being stained by Sans’ telescope prank.

Frisk overworld tomato

Frisk covered in fruit and vegetables, during the hangout with Undyne.

Frisk overworld hugging Asriel

Frisk hugging Asriel at the end of a True Pacifist Route.

Frisk artwork Little Buddy

The Human Little Buddy sold on Fangamer.

Frisk tarot

Frisk’s official tarot card, renamed to «the human» in the official merchandise page, as Major Arcana 0, «The Fool.»[14]

Doggo tarot

Frisk latching onto Doggo’s back on his tarot card.

Small Bird tarot

Frisk sitting with the Small Bird roosting on their head.

Sans tarot

Frisk as seen in the reflection on Sans’s tarot card.


  • The word «frisk» can mean several things:
    • To «frisk» means to skip or leap playfully, or to pat down on someone, looking for a hidden item.
    • «Frisk» is the Swedish and Norwegian word for «healthy,» and the Danish word for «fresh.»
    • «Frisky» means «playful and full of energy.»
  • Naming the fallen human «Frisk» initiates Hard Mode.
  • When just tapping right, Frisk does not put their foot up. This is not true for the other directions.
  • When holding up and down on the north wall of any room, Frisk will appear to flash quickly between their two north and south sprites.
    • When in the room overlooking the castle with the Monster Kid and going either left or right, Frisk will walk twice as fast.
  • Frisk appears to be left-handed. Evidence includes:
    • Holding the umbrella and glass of water using their left hand.
    • The slicing attack animation curving to the right, implying that force was carried from the left to the right during the attack.
      • Most fatality battle sprites display steep slashes from top left to bottom right, a pattern not commonly made by someone who is right-handed.
  • While Frisk is allergic to Temmie,[15] this is not true of the other furry residents of the Underground.
  • When hugging Asriel, stripes appear on Frisk’s shirt sleeves.
  • At the end of the True Pacifist Route, Napstablook was the only monster who did not know Frisk’s name until they mention it.[16]
  • Out of all the humans that fell to the Underground, Frisk is the only human to survive the adventure.
  • Frisk is only alluded to in Flowey’s UNDERTALE Alarm Clock App dialogue, where one of his talksprites mimics their blank expression.

An earlier version of Frisk’s sprite.

  • In a joke thread on Starmen.net, Toby Fox posted early files from Undertale saying they were from an EarthBound hack called «UnderBound 2.»[17]
    • It was said that Frisk was a young androgynous child who was the step-cousin of «Squeezo» from the non-existent EarthBound hack, «UnderBound.»
    • Frisk was also shown to have black outlines with black hair and shoes compared to the lighter brown seen in the final version of the game. The artbook reveals this was changed because the sprite did not show up on the game’s dark backgrounds that well.
    • It was also mentioned that Frisk’s love interest was a female Cuban cigar.[18]
  • Frisk’s striped clothing is most likely a reference to the «Mother» franchise, which was Toby Fox’s major inspiration for Undertale. The main protagonists of each installment also wore striped clothing.


  1. you refused to hurt anyone. even when you ran away, you did it with a smile. — Sans
  2. … Oh no, how long has it been since I have talked to them…? Perhaps they have been calling the phone, and…? — Toriel
  3. what? a codeword? can you speak a little louder? … — Sans
  4. Huh? WHY am I still doing this? — Flowey
  5. While, Frisk… You’re the type of friend I wish I always had. — Asriel
  6. I thought I was the only one with that power. But… I can’t SAVE anymore. Apparently YOUR desires for this world override MINE. — Flowey
  7. What’s LV stand for? Why, LOVE, of course! You want some LOVE, don’t you? Don’t worry, I’ll share some with you! — Flowey
  8. You want to leave so badly? Hmph. You are just like the others. There is only one solution to this. Prove yourself… Prove to me you are strong enough to survive. — Toriel
  9. Undyne just… …TOUCHED ME! I’m never washing my face ever again…! — Monster Kid
  10. It sounds like it came from over here… Oh! You’ve fallen down, haven’t you… Are you okay? Here, get up… <Name>, huh? That’s a nice name. My name is- — Asriel
  11. I’m Dr. Alphys. I’m ASGORE’s royal scientist! B-b-but, ahhhh, I’m not one of the «bad guys»! — Alphys
  13. your actions here… will determine the fate of the entire world. — Sans
  14. 00 — The Fool: Frisk — dogbomber on Tumblr, November 01, 2015.
  15. But you’re allergic! — Temmie’s Check Text
  16. uh……… also…… this is awkward… but | what’s…. your name | everyone seems to know it now, except me….. | seems like i’ve been missing out lately | i was just sitting at home listening to tunes | there was a flash of light outside my window | i saw the snails on the farm disappear | then i heard a knock at the door | the flash of light wanted to come in… i closed the blinds… | now everyone knows your name except for me | «frisk…» ok, i wont forget it — Napstablook
  17. Toby Fox (4 February 2013). «UnderBound» Archived on 15 December 2015.
  18. «The main character’s love interest is actually a female Cuban cigar» — Toby Fox. February 4, 2013. Starmen.Net Archived on 15 December 2015.
Familyship: 11 Non-binary ships: 55

Frisk is a character from the Undertale fandom.


  • 1 Character
  • 2 Ships
    • 2.1 Non-Binary
    • 2.2 Poly
    • 2.3 Family
  • 3 Fandom
  • 4 List
  • 5 Navigation


Frisk is the main protagonist of Undertale who climbs up the forbidden Mt. Ebott and falls down a deep cave, awakening in the Underground. The player chooses if Frisk will be the hero, villain, or neutral.



Alphisk — the ship between Frisk and Alphys
Asgorisk — the ship between Frisk and Asgore Dreemurr
Asterisk — the ship between Frisk and W. D. Gaster
Charisk — the ship between Frisk and Chara
Flowisk — the ship between Frisk and Flowey
Frans — the ship between Frisk and Sans
Fridyne — the ship between Frisk and Undyne
Frisemmie — the ship between Frisk and Temmie
Frisk Kid — the ship between Frisk and Monster Kid
Friskablook — the ship between Frisk and Napstablook
Friskaton — the ship between Frisk and Mettaton
Friskby — the ship between Frisk and Grillby
Friskriel — the ship between Frisk and Asriel Dreemurr
Papyrisk — the ship between Frisk and Papyrus
Torisk — the ship between Frisk and Toriel


Charfrans — the ship between Frisk, Sans and Chara
Chariskriel — the ship between Frisk, Chara and Asriel Dreemurr


KFC — the ship between Frisk, Kris and Chara



Frisk tag on AO3


Frisk posts on Tumblr


Frisk on Undertale Wiki



# portmanteau characters type
1295 Frans Sans non-binary
537 Chara & Frisk Chara gen
479 Frisk & Sans Sans gen
476 Charisk Chara non-binary
267 Friskriel Asriel Dreemurr non-binary
198 Frisk & Papyrus Papyrus gen
181 Frisk & Toriel Toriel gen
149 Asriel & Frisk Asriel Dreemurr gen
144 Flowey & Frisk Flowey gen
127 Papyrisk Papyrus non-binary


File:Undertale’s Logo.jpg

SHIPS het AlphoreAsgorielDogamyressaMuffgoreSoriel
slash Royal Guards
femslash AlphyneBratcat
non-binary Annoying TemChariskChasrielFransFrisemmieFrisk KidFriskriel
family Dreemurr FamilyKFCSkelebros
cargo Papyghetti
Familyship: 11 Non-binary ships: 55

Frisk is a character from the Undertale fandom.


  • 1 Character
  • 2 Ships
    • 2.1 Non-Binary
    • 2.2 Poly
    • 2.3 Family
  • 3 Fandom
  • 4 List
  • 5 Navigation


Frisk is the main protagonist of Undertale who climbs up the forbidden Mt. Ebott and falls down a deep cave, awakening in the Underground. The player chooses if Frisk will be the hero, villain, or neutral.



Alphisk — the ship between Frisk and Alphys
Asgorisk — the ship between Frisk and Asgore Dreemurr
Asterisk — the ship between Frisk and W. D. Gaster
Charisk — the ship between Frisk and Chara
Flowisk — the ship between Frisk and Flowey
Frans — the ship between Frisk and Sans
Fridyne — the ship between Frisk and Undyne
Frisemmie — the ship between Frisk and Temmie
Frisk Kid — the ship between Frisk and Monster Kid
Friskablook — the ship between Frisk and Napstablook
Friskaton — the ship between Frisk and Mettaton
Friskby — the ship between Frisk and Grillby
Friskriel — the ship between Frisk and Asriel Dreemurr
Papyrisk — the ship between Frisk and Papyrus
Torisk — the ship between Frisk and Toriel


Charfrans — the ship between Frisk, Sans and Chara
Chariskriel — the ship between Frisk, Chara and Asriel Dreemurr


KFC — the ship between Frisk, Kris and Chara



Frisk tag on AO3


Frisk posts on Tumblr


Frisk on Undertale Wiki



# portmanteau characters type
1295 Frans Sans non-binary
537 Chara & Frisk Chara gen
479 Frisk & Sans Sans gen
476 Charisk Chara non-binary
267 Friskriel Asriel Dreemurr non-binary
198 Frisk & Papyrus Papyrus gen
181 Frisk & Toriel Toriel gen
149 Asriel & Frisk Asriel Dreemurr gen
144 Flowey & Frisk Flowey gen
127 Papyrisk Papyrus non-binary


File:Undertale’s Logo.jpg

SHIPS het AlphoreAsgorielDogamyressaMuffgoreSoriel
slash Royal Guards
femslash AlphyneBratcat
non-binary Annoying TemChariskChasrielFransFrisemmieFrisk KidFriskriel
family Dreemurr FamilyKFCSkelebros
cargo Papyghetti
«Whatever the consequences are… For what I’m going to do… I’ll take it.»

Frisk was the eighth human to have fallen into the Underground, whose amount of Determination granted him the ability to manipulate the timeline using SAVE. Throughout his first journey through the kingdom of monsters, Frisk, partnered with the ghostly Chara, befriended the enemies they faced, and whenever Frisk was killed, he could return using a SAVE Point. After completing Neutral Routes, Frisk went on the True Pacifist Route, saving Asriel Dreemurr and earning a happy ending for himself and monsters by freeing them from the Underground, but with the ability to reset the timeline, Frisk relived the Route plenty of times. When he was bored of his repeats, Frisk decided to experiment with different decisions and actions in the timeline after every reset.

When attempting the Genocide Route, HATE manifested inside Frisk’s SOUL, and because he could not comprehend it, he infused it into Chara, unintentionally brainwashing him. After being killed by Sans multiple times, Frisk recompensed for his actions by allowing Sans to reset the timeline during the Battle at the Last Corridor, which resulted in glitches across space time. Another Reset allowed Chara to be resurrected and steal Frisk’s determination, so he, Sans, Flowey and W. D. Gaster fought against the megalomaniac. After aiding Asriel in liberating Chara from HATE’s control, the Barrier was destroyed and monsters moved to the Surface, and the fact that this ending included the rescues of Asriel and Gaster pleased Frisk. He then faked a promise to Sans by destroying the Reset button, which disabled his power to SAVE and expanded the timeline.

While trying to persuade the Anti-Monsters Department to make peace, Frisk encountered Bête Noire, who posed as an ally at first until she murdered Sans, who realized Frisk tried to break his promise. He, Asriel and Gaster set out to battle against Bête and her Kumulings, and eventually, Frisk believed that he had to be ruthless as he was in his attempted Genocide Route in order to win a battle he doubted he would be successful in. After Asriel was killed, Frisk’s determination strengthened and highly increased his LV, and despite his initial beliefs, he learned from Papyrus that to counter HATE, who was Bête’s power source, they needed love. Understanding that he was glitching away and that it would erase the timeline, Frisk traveled to the Void to meet Chara, and made a one-sided deal with him. Much to Chara’s horror, Frisk replaced himself in his home dimension with Chara, erasing everyone’s memories of Frisk and also his own existence.


Journey Through the Underground

First Neutral Route

«Yeah… I never was very good at decision making»
―Frisk to Chara[src]

Frisk did not exactly have a life before he climbed Mount Ebott[8] at the age of thirteen. During his climb, he fell into a pit and landed on a pile of Golden Flowers in the Underground.[9] At that moment, Chara, as a ghost, became Frisk’s partner for his journey who was often brazen and enjoyed insulting Frisk every few seconds.[10] At the entrance of the Ruins, Frisk encountered an innocent-looking flower named Flowey, who greeted him with southern slang. Wanting to seemingly teach Frisk the nature of the Monster Kingdom, Flowey started an Encounter and revealed Frisk’s human SOUL in the Bullet Board. He claimed that he could get stronger by gaining a lot of LV, which stood for LOVE. After having Frisk’s HP depleted from twenty to one, Flowey revealed his true malevolent and cruel colors, attempting to kill Frisk, but Toriel, the caretaker of the Ruins, rescued Frisk.

He was then guided through the first few areas of the Ruins by the caring Toriel, and when he was left alone, Frisk and Chara made their way through. Frisk faced a few inhabitants who intended to attack him, such as Whimsun[3] and Loox[10], but Frisk chose ACT and MERCY during these encounters, befriending his enemies.[9]

Frisk enters his name, activating HARD MODE.

Not much was known about Frisk’s life before he climbed Mount Ebott. However, it was revealed that he didn’t have a life beforehand.[11] after discovering the Underground, according to Camila[12][13] and Love Part 1. He had been seen in every single ending and every dialogue that could be offered. Eventually, he activated hard mode and decided to do a Genocide Route out of boredom.


At the beginning of the episode, Frisk, who had almost completed the Genocide Route, encounters Sans in the judgment hall. Here, Frisk attempts to kill him many times, but he fails, leading Sans to kill him until he lost count. Eventually he begins to feel remorse for his actions and tries to RESET, however, Chara stops him and traps them in HATE prison.

Frisk sacrificing himself by taking a fatal attack from Chara.

Chara then enters the judgment hall and challenges Sans. He fights and avoids all of Sans’s attacks. Sans is shown to be gradually getting more tired, until he runs out of stamina completely. Chara looms over him, ready to deliver the final blow, but Frisk summons up his Determination and smashes the Hate blocking him from the fight. He jumps in front of the attack, sacrificing himself for Sans’ life. Frisk, as his final words before dying, tells Sans he’s sorry, to take his soul and fix his mistakes before finally dying.

Sans then snatches his soul before Chara does, drastically increasing his power and giving him control over the timeline. He then «dunks» Chara and presses the RESET button.[14]

Yet Darker

Frisk meets Sans at his Waterfall Sentry Station and decides to take them to Grillby’s via a «shortcut».

Frisk facing Gaster.

However, Frisk somehow ends up in the Waterfall Hallway and nervously enters the Grey Room. But he finds Gaster, calls his soul «special», and said that it could help him be whole again. Gaster proceeds to attack Frisk, but Frisk evades these attacks only to find the door has been blocked.

But to Frisk’s luck and relief, Sans soon appears, and Sans blasts the door, escaping with Frisk. However, Gaster partly materializes after coming out of the room, and recovering some power in the process. Sans, who knows that he can’t defeat him, tells Frisk to give him his soul, but before Frisk could, Gaster attacks Sans and attempts to take Frisk’s soul. It refuses, and shoots straight for Sans, healing him and giving him an edge in the fight. Sans dominates Gaster, destroying his hands one by one, until Gaster is left exhausted and drained. He attempts to stab Sans in a sneaky last-ditch effort, but Sans is faster, and subsequently kills him.[1]


Frisk met Sans at his Hotland Hot Dog Stand discuss the glitches, telling Frisk to watch out for anything odd since they had RESET in places «they weren’t supposed to», glitching the game.

Frisk and a bunch of hot dogs.

As soon as he leaves, he noticed that the door to Alphys’ Lab had been blasted open. Frisk walked into the lab and then entered the True Lab. As he walked along the path, he stepped on the dust of the deceased Amalgamates. But unfortunately, he failed to notice that Chara was spying on them from behind.

Frisk getting his Determination extracted.

When Frisk arrives at the Determination extractor, Chara confronts them. He goes on a monologue, about the glitches and how you only need Determination to exist. Chara states that he consumed the Determination of the amalgamates, and they had a lot of it, even enough to match his. As he is talking, Frisk tries to RESET, but Chara blocks the button, displaying his immense Determination, and uses HATE to throw Frisk into a Determination extractor.

As they are doing this, Flowey appears at the elevator, wondering why Frisk is taking so long. He looks over and sees Chara throwing Frisk into the Determination extractor. He has a flashback of a genocide route, and where Chara killed them. He knows what is at stake, and goes away to find help. He goes to Sans and informs him on the situation. Both know exactly what they are dealing with, and form an unlikely alliance.

Sans holding Frisk.

Once Sans and Flowey arrive, Chara creates a shield of HATE around the extractor and fights them. After a fierce battle, Frisk’s Determination is removed from his soul after being shoved into the determination extractor, and the barrier around the extractor vanishes. Sans teleports to the extractor to retrieve the Determination, however he is blocked by a Determination barrier courtesy of Chara. He teleports away seconds before it explodes, leaving the Determination free for Chara. However before he can take it, Flowey pulls away one of him arms, and Chara grasps for the Determination, only to slide out of range. Sans teleports to the Determination to grab it, but at the last second Chara cuts off one of their arms, and takes the Determination. Sans and Flowey take away an unconscious Frisk while Chara saves his file, with one word on it; Determination.

Your Best Friend

The episode starts off with an awoken Frisk, noticing his soul has been drained. Sans and Flowey briefly explain the situation, while Sans is working on a machine. He implies that it is to help Gaster return, but doesn’t say it directly.

Frisk waking up at the beginning of Your Best Friend.

Sans soon asks Gaster to take him, Flowey, and Frisk to the secret chamber that holds the six human souls in his designated pods. Sans then hands the souls over to Flowey to make Flowey transform into Omega Flowey.

Upon hearing the commotion, Chara encountered them with pure confidence, proclaiming it was obvious what he’d do. He then engages in battle with Sans, Omega Flowey, and Gaster, while Frisk is protected by a shield.

At one point, Chara uses a patience rope and uses it to tear off one of Omega Flowey’s arms. Sans, Gaster, and Frisk all seem horrified by this, yet Chara doesn’t stop here, and then attempts to kill him again, only to luckily be saved by Sans.

Gaster shielding Frisk.

Soon, Gaster puts down the shield to attack Chara, who attempts to kill Frisk. Sans tried to sacrifice himself to save them, but Gaster takes the blow instead, resulting in the loss of a large portion of his HP.

This enrages Sans, who in a fury, uses his real special attack, causing him to create countless Gaster blasters at Chara, who tries to use a shield to protect himself but fails to stop the attack.

The sound of a SOUL snapping in half is then played.

Frisk’s reaction to Chara tearing off one of Omega Flowey’s arms.

Everyone seems relieved at first. But then, a red beam charges at Omega Flowey from the smoke cloud, Sans sees this and manages to save Omega Flowey with telekinesis, but falls exhausted from overexertion. Chara moves forward to secure the kill.

Chara creates a massive dome of HATE, and hurls it at Omega Flowey. Flowey uses his special attack, combining the power of the 6 human souls into one massive beam, but it drains all his magic and soul power.

Frisk’s shield.

Frisk, upon seeing that Chara was about to finish off Flowey, regains his Determination to create a red shield to block the attack, and uses «A Little Help.» he then gives Flowey his soul along with the other 6 in the process to transform Flowey into Asriel.[2]


A few scenes into the episode, Chara tells Asriel about Frisk’s true personality, and the fact that he started the genocide route on his own, so it is all his fault the timelines are glitching. He then creates the ERASE button and tells Asriel to press it, or else Frisk would use his friends as toys forever. However, Asriel, who believes that Frisk deserves a second chance, destroys the ERASE button.

Frisk killing a monster.

This quickly marks the beginning of a battle against Chara and Asriel, but during the battle, Asriel told Frisk that he can’t fight Chara. However, he knows how to make them change his mind. He attacks them with the traits of the souls he absorbed, including Frisk’s determination.

Frisk regaining control over the timeline.

Asriel manages to get rid of the HATE inside Chara, snapping Chara out of her hate-filled mindset. As his last will, Chara uses what was left of his soul to turn it into a trait vessel for Asriel.

And, after all, was said and done, Asriel breaks the barrier.

Frisk breaking the RESET button.

On the surface, Sans confronts Frisk and asks them when he is going to reset. He promises him that he won’t reset, but Sans asks them to be honest. Frisk then brings up his save file and smashes the reset button. He then pressed Continue, indicating he will never RESET again, which was a lie right from the start.[3]

My Sunshine

Frisk decides to go meet up with Jessica Grey, the director of the Anti Monster Department (AMD), in an attempt to convince her to sign a peace treaty that will stop all conflict between humans and monsters. He encounters Bete, a seemingly innocent young girl whom he saves from being run over by a car, and allow her to accompany them for the day.

Frisk using his shield to «protect» Bete.

When he reaches the A.M.D, Frisk asks Jessica Grey for one last chance to show her that monsters are just as deserving of peace as humans are. Albeit hesitantly, she agrees, and Frisk takes them to W.D. Gaster’s laboratory. There, Jessica is informed about Gaster’s project on the Core’s expansion and how helpful it would be to both humans and monsters. Here he elaborates on how the Core turns heat into magical energy meaning there will never be electricity bills ever again, but that the project will only be allowed to develop should she sign the peace contract.

Frisk then takes them over to the school where Toriel works as a teacher, to show Jessica how human children are being helped to understand and use his magic. After Toriel shows her the trait of one of the children, she suddenly leaves before Frisk can have a chance to stop her.

Frisk hugging Toriel.

He goes looking for her and meets up with Sans and Asriel, and after Frisk introduces them to Bete, he finds out that her soul is a color never heard before: pink. Sans goes to Gaster’s lab to help him discover this new trait, and Frisk shows up after hearing that Sans and Asriel had talked things out. He gives Sans a bracelet to remind him about the «promise» he had made, which was to never reset again.

The following day, Frisk meets up with Jessica at the HSO Department, where the conference would be held, and the peace contract between humans and monsters signed. Frisk hears Jessica’s story about how her daughter ran away from home without ever returning, and that the reason why Jessica had suddenly left the school was that Toriel’s interaction with the child had reminded her of her daughter. She agrees to sign the contract, saying that her daughter would have wanted peace between humans and monsters.

Frisk at the reunion.

During the conference, Asgore is questioned about how the barrier was broken, he confesses about the human souls, and the last one he killed turns out to have belonged to Jessica’s daughter. Frisk watches Jessica as she calls him a murderer and then storms out, tears streaming down her face, leaving all hope of peace between humans and monsters behind.[4]


When Dust begins, Frisk tells the audience that things have gotten tenser between humanity and monster-kind, with the worst of all, that Asgore was arrested.

Frisk soon arrives at Gaster’s house, and he asks him if he found any info about Bete’s unique soul, but sadly, he failed to find anything. Gaster warns Frisk to be careful he is with a monster because the AMD’s cameras were suddenly more active. Upon mentioning Mettaton’s first live performance, Frisk allowed Bete to come with them.

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Frisk and Bete soon go get Sans, Papyrus, and Asriel and he all go see Mettaton together. At the performance, he experiences Papyrus accidentally drop slabs of concrete on the area, and Sans temporarily losing his powers with a nullifier gun Jessica used.

Later, Sans called Frisk over to come and talk to him, Bete, Asriel, where he is forced to tell him that he was trying to RESET, his intentions right from the start. As a result, Sans got so angry that he called out Frisk for being selfish, getting his hopes high, and that he would’ve hurt them if it wasn’t for Asriel, who stopped him.

Frisk and the bracelet he gave Sans.

Sans was still angry with Frisk, and he threw the bracelet that was given to him onto the ground before he left. After this violent ordeal, Frisk wasn’t seen throughout the rest of the episode.

Do or Die

At the start, Frisk was seen practicing apologizing to Sans, while he was still hoping to find was to RESET, when Asriel arrived and he told him about Bete’s actual goals and Sans being killed by her. This scared, shocked, and saddened them so much that he lost most of his Determination.

Soon, Frisk and Asriel go to see Alphys and Gaster, where Gaster encouraged them, causing them to be filled with Determination.

Frisk in Toriel’s school to fight off the pink creatures.

Soon, a pink creature appeared and it attacked Frisk, he attacked it but due to not hitting it hard enough, he couldn’t defeat it. Then Gaster told them that he was not hitting it strong enough. He then summoned a hand and powered it up to fire at the creature, then it tried to stop him by transforming into «Sans», surprising Frisk. However, Gaster just killed it anyways without remorse, then Frisk went inside and told Asriel that he needed to go to the city in order to protect people from the creatures.

«Bring it on.»

Later in the episode, Frisk arrived at Toriel’s school to help fight back against Bete’s pink creatures. he soon finds Cam, Abigail, and Robin Cam distressingly asks them to help them find his younger sister Lily. Frisk agreed to do so but was not seen throughout the rest of the episode.

Love Part 1

He first appeared in Toriel’s school alongside Abigail. Frisk told her to go to «the shelter» and Asriel told them to help him try to save any more children or to fight off many more creatures. However, Frisk told them that the creatures retreated and that he was too late.

Frisk handing Jessica a box.

Later in the episode, Frisk told Jessica to come with them because he had something to give her. Frisk then gave her a box, Jessica then has a flashback of her daughter opening her gift, and in it is a tutu and ballet shoes. Jessica opens the box, and inside was her daughter’s old tutu and ballet shoes. She then thanked them and said that he was a nice and kind child. However, Frisk denies this and says he can’t afford to be one anymore.

Later, Frisk requested to talk with Asriel in the backyard, where he reveals that he was trying to find a way to reset since he broke the RESET button, admitting that his promise to Sans was a lie.

Frisk telling Asriel that Flowey wasn’t such a coward.

He elaborated that he knew the timeline was glitched and that he’s going to set off to fight Bete alone, ignoring the requests of Asriel to stay home and prepare first. He finally says that Flowey wasn’t as much of a coward as Asriel, emotionally harming him to the point it raised his LV to 2.[6]

Love Part 2

At night, Frisk was thinking about the previous battles he had in the Underground, and how he was killed so many times. Bete then popped up and Amber appeared for a split second (before Frisk’s soul shattered.) Since he can’t use his SAVE file anymore the battle was all or nothing.

The next day, after getting dressed, Frisk attempted to leave the house. In fear of his safety, Toriel told them to stop. But, in order for her to leave them alone, Frisk cut her hand and told her that he was not her child, and she is «sure as hell» not his mother. This act causes his LV to raise to 3.

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Frisk goes to fight with Bete, and at the beginning of the fight, Frisk was smacked against the wall. Bete attempted to finish them but he avoided the attack. A bit later in the fight, Bete managed to sap a lot of his Determination with hallucinations of memories from the Genocide Run.

Frisk being smacked against the wall.

Frisk would’ve died if it wasn’t for Asriel, who stepped in and was who’s soul was quickly stolen by Bete. After he was forced to watch his friend’s «death». Frisk’s LV increased to 19 along with his power. Bete quickly became overwhelmed with Frisk’s sudden increase in power. Bete decided to «ask for a little HELP» after realizing he couldn’t keep abusing the power of HATE.

Frisk, who collapsed on the ground, bleeding due to a wound on his head.

Bete then uses HATE on Sans’ soul to revive him (which was still being fed off by Akumu) with HATE.

He was then commanded to battle Frisk and was easily winning. Before he could kill them, Papyrus intervenes, saving Frisk. Frisk tells Papyrus to leave, as this wouldn’t solve itself with words, and claimed that he would hurt Sans if he got in his way of killing Bete when being asked. Papyrus refused to leave, and using love, he managed to remove the HATE in Sans’ soul, freeing him from Bete’s control and shocking Frisk.

Frisk blinded with Hate.gif

After the battle, as Toriel and Frisk are walking through the woods, Frisk hangs back a bit and looks at his hand, noticing it is glitching. Realizing that he was now glitching due to utilizing the HATE and glitches to raise his LV, Frisk states that he was ‘gonna run out of time’.

My Promise

Frisk first appears in this episode after Asgore saves Jessica from the Pink Creatures. His hand starts to glitch, and he winces, before clasping his hand shut into a fist. Later, Asgore, Toriel, and Undyne ask why Frisk didn’t tell them about Bete, with him apologizing shortly thereafter. While the others talk, Gaster looks at Frisk which glitches back to his Genocide run showing them with 19 LV with glowing eyes then later snapping back to the present.

Frisk tackling Asriel with his shield.

Later, Asgore, Toriel, and Frisk go to the arena in order to battle Bete. When the three meet Bete, Asriel joins Bete which takes the three by surprise. Bete and Frisk battle against each other again (however Frisk is at a distinct disadvantage, and he knows it) while Toriel and Asgore fight Asriel. After Asriel stabs Asgore in the chest he becomes severely hurt. Before Asriel could hurt Asgore again, Frisk tackles Asriel with his shield. Frisk tells Asgore and Toriel that they have to leave, but before he could do so, Bete commands Asriel to attack Frisk; Frisk was presumably hit by the attack.

Frisk in one of Gaster’s machines.

Later, Frisk is seen back at the house with Toriel, Asgore, and Gaster. While Toriel heals Asgore, Frisk told Gaster that he needed to talk to them. Gaster and Frisk enter Gaster’s Lab after Gaster took something from Frisk, Frisk enters one of Gaster’s machines to be teleported into the Void.

Once Frisk teleports into the Void, he meets Chara, who was very frustrated with them. Frisk convinces Chara to help them. At first, Chara refused to help them due to the terrible things he did and making everyone else think he was at fault.

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Once Chara realizes that the timeline is in imminent danger he starts to think again, and agree to exchange places with Frisk. Frisk gives Chara his soul, shortly afterward, Frisk admitted that he couldn’t go back into the timeline with them. Chara becomes shocked, but Frisk continued and said that if he enters the timeline again it’ll erase itself and said that it was up to Chara to save Asriel. Chara becomes worried and asks them what will happen to them.

Frisk with Chara in the Void.

Frisk says that it doesn’t matter, and proceeds to replace himself with Chara, replicating all the memories of everyone in the timeline. After Frisk has been fully replaced by Chara in everyone’s memories, he saves his changes, sending Chara back into the timeline. He cried before he got erased and told Chara to keep the promise he made for them, then he gets erased from the timeline entirely.


«Thank you, Frisk… You’re a very nice and kind child.»
«No. I’m not. Can’t afford to be. Not anymore.»
―Jessica Grey and Frisk[src]

All in all, Frisk was a rather complicated individual to say the least. As the former player of the entire reality, Frisk encompassed powers to manipulate the timeline, thus his actions and behavior was mostly driven out of curiosity and a desire to pursue through his journey in the Underground. In his first journey, Frisk was gentle and warm, displaying kindness towards the monsters he encountered, as well as Chara, his ghostly partner. However, he barely showed any facial expressions, since most of his life, Frisk’s face had a neutral and blank demeanor. He always was polite and obedient with anyone he met, appreciating Toriel’s offer to care for him in the Ruins and supporting towards initial enemies he met. Frisk was essentially somewhat of a being with greater powers than regular humans, as he could make adjustments to space-time, therefore he viewed the people he interacted with as mostly characters in a video game that had well-written personalities that he could enjoy and sympathize with.

Despite feeling touched and heartwarming from Toriel’s kind motherly presence, Frisk wanted to venture through the kingdom, but nonetheless, he successfully ended his relationship with Toriel on good terms and spared her, since Frisk started off wanting to be a pacifist. Continuing on in his journey, Frisk felt entertained and emotionally connected to the people he met, varying from the comedic Sans, the flamboyant Papyrus, the impulsive Undyne, the nervous Alphys, the charming Mettaton and the guilt-ridden Asgore Dreemurr. When Flowey suddenly claimed the six human SOULs for himself, Frisk remained extremely determined to go towards any extent to defeat the tyrant, even going so far as choosing to FIGHT, an option he rarely used at the time. Once Flowey was stripped of his powers, Frisk refused to execute him in spite of all the dastardly deeds he had committed, and even Flowey himself was confused and unsure of his kindness.

Since the beginning, Frisk had always desired to discover a peaceful and prosperous ending to his journey. After Flowey gave him advice on how to achieve the True Pacifist Route, he immediately loaded his SAVE file to do so, thus befriending every monster he could. Frisk never chose to FIGHT Asriel Dreemurr during the Battle of the Underground, having an iron will to see a happy ending as well as to continue living, which amplified his Determination to the point he could refuse his SOUL to break. In the battle’s climax, Frisk was desperate to SAVE Asriel from his grief and dismay, sympathizing with the fact the God of Hyperdeath’s behavior emerged from utter loneliness, and he succeeded in doing so with Chara’s help. Being a pacifist, he made amends with the emotional Asriel and forgave him for his actions, and with that, Frisk had finally completed the True Pacifist Route, which was the happiest ending possible at the time. He deeply cherished his memories and experiences in his journey, so Frisk decided to keep resetting the timeline in order to relive the True Pacifist Route countless times for entertainment, considering his story could never proceed once he arrived on the surface of Earth.

Following various repeats of the same journey over and over again, Frisk no longer felt the same joy he had the first time, ultimately becoming bored and dull in his life. His boredom stemmed a curiosity in the child as to what the outcomes would be if he were to act different in a particular way. Frisk was even willing to abandon some of his pacifist traits and kill certain enemies to witness the different Neutral Routes, becoming invested in how each of his decisions could alter his story. With the ability to SAVE and reset the timeline, Frisk believed he was above consequences since he could always modify space-time continuum, eventually performing actions and options that pushed the timeline to its limits. The curiosity was almost unsatisfiable, as he had spent thirty years resetting his journey to observe the differences in interactions and aftermaths, to the point he had experienced every possible moment and change prior to the Genocide Route. Knowing there was nothing left to discover other than the events during the Genocide Route, he found this inevitable and decided to attempt to complete it.

A result of his massacres in the Underground was that HATE manifested in Frisk’s SOUL, influencing his mind to become slightly more violent and less empathetic, almost reshaping him into a psychopathic murderer. However, Frisk did have standards as he found HATE and its aggression amplifications overwhelming him, so he forced the dark substance away from himself and directed it into Chara, under the impression it would just leave Frisk be. Following this, he had some sense of morality when he encountered Papyrus, who attempted to motivate him to turn over a new leaf, as he initially hesitant to eliminate the skeleton, not until the brainwashed Chara fronted and completed the act.

Powers and Abilities


  • Space-Time Manipulation: After removing his SOUL for the final time and handing it over to Chara, Frisk still had the capability of interacting with the timeline. In his last moments, Frisk activated an option to replace himself with Chara, and once he pressed the button, it immediately altered the memories of every inhabitant of the universe to forget Frisk’s existence, and in doing so, costed his own life.

Former Powers

  • Magic: Much like any other human during his time, Frisk harnessed the ability to use one particular type of magic. However, his natural powers were removed after he gifted Chara his SOUL.
    • Chromatic Magic: Frisk had been able to manipulate Chromatic Magic, the practice of utilizing energy centering upon his SOUL.
      • Determination: Wielding the strongest and rarest of the SOUL Traits, Frisk had feats beyond any Traited human being, considering almost limitless with strength. An aspect of the abilities he had with his Determination that highly differed from other humans with the same Trait was that Frisk could manipulate the fabric of space-time continuum, classifying him as a sentient anomaly.
        • SAVE: Having a high amount of Determination, Frisk was able to utilize SAVING in order to reshape reality and rewrite timelines. He temporarily lost hold of this function when Flowey absorbed the six human SOULs and stole the ability from Frisk, but he regained control after the SOULs betrayed and defeated Omega Flowey. After achieving the happiest possible ending he could gain, Frisk destroyed the Reset button, eliminating the concept entirely.
          • Load: Frisk could load a SAVE via the menu, but reality would automatically load his most recent SAVE Point whenever he was killed. In the beginning of his journey through the Underground, Frisk was asked to name the fallen human, and three decades later, following the Reset that caused glitches, Frisk came across this scenario again. Still desiring to find a different ending, he chose to name the fallen human «Frisk», activating Hard Mode.
          • Reset: The most pivotal functions of SAVE was the ability to reset the timeline, which Frisk repeatedly used to reverse time to the moment he arrived in the Underground. Frisk initially reseted in order to experience the True Pacifist Route several times, but out of boredom and curiosity, he began experimenting with his own morals and decisions in each different Neutral Route. Everytime he felt as if a dangerous situation was happening in one Route, he would reset. Over the course of thirty years of his lifetime, Frisk had been resetting the timeline to live every possible variable and event possible, not allowing everyone to age. By the time Frisk attempted to complete the Genocide Route, he became remorseful for his murderous actions and tried to reset, but after Chara temporarily prevented him from doing so, Frisk lent his SOUL to Sans, allowing the monster to use the Reset function, which led to glitches across space-time.
          • Save Files: The visual representation of their mechanics over the timeline. Frisk is capable of interacting with buttons on such SAVE file, such as the RESET, LOAD, and SAVE. Despite destroying the RESET, they can still access their SAVE file.
        • Weapon Summoning: Capable of summoning weapons from their SOUL
        • Regenerative Healing Factor: At LOVE 19, they can regenerate holes in their arm
      • SOUL Persistence: Human souls live long after the body dies
      • Death Persistence: The glitches gave Frisk the ability to place his soul within a monster soul without dying. However, they are unable to go back to his body after doing this until somebody resets. If Frisk manages to be extremely determined, and dies in during battle, he can immediately return to the battle with maximum HP as if his soul had never been damaged.
  • HATE Enhancement: LOVE 19 Frisk in states of deep hatred, as shown with Bete Noire. Is capable of using HATE to enhance his attacks. This is shown in LOVE Part 2 where Frisk sticks his sword into the ground, and creates a large explosion.


  • Expert Combatant: Frisk is a rather skilled combatant, Bete who is an inverted trait of Agate. Remarks Frisk as having nice moves when both of them fight.
  • Master Assassin: Frisk is experienced in killing monsters. Doing everything there has to be in the underground, which includes every single Neutral Route, and Genocide Route where they’ve killed everyone. Only monster surviving, being Sans.
  • Expert Tactician: Frisk is a tactical fighter, improvising their surroundings and what attacks they need to beat someone. Frisk also previously used their ability to SAVE and LOAD to improve on every time they were defeated by trying better and more efficient ways of beating someone.
  • Knife Mastery: Their typical weapon they used to fight before gaining their Determination summoned weapon s
  • Shield Mastery: After receiving their shield, they showed their ways of using it effectively. Such as blocking an attack against Chara in Season 1 at their nigh-peak Determination and HATE. Using it to successfully block attacks from Bete, and contain blobs
  • Sword Mastery: Shown to have technique and skill with a sword when destroying blobs and clashing with Betty in LOVE Part 2. Went blow for blow with Bete Noire, in My Promise. Who is an inverted version of Agate who inherited her skills.


To be added


To be added



  • Chara — Former Partner, Close Friend, Temporary Enemy and Killer
  • Toriel — Caretaker, Temporary Enemy and Victim
  • Sans † — Former Friend, Temporary Enemy, Killer, Former Attempted Victim and Savior
  • Papyrus — Former Enemy, Friend and Victim
  • Undyne — Killer, Former Enemy, Friend and Victim
  • Alphys † — Friend
  • Mettaton — Former Enemy
  • Asgore Dreemurr — Killer and Former Enemy
  • W. D. Gaster — Former Attempted Killer and Friend
  • Anti-Monsters Department — Former Enemies
    • Jessica Grey †


  • Asriel Dreemurr — Killer and Former Friend
  • HATE — Former Power Source
  • Bête Noire † — Attempted Killer and Attempted Victim
    • Akumu †


To be added


  • In Undertale, Frisk is the playable character and main protagonist of the game. After Frisk falls into the Underground, they embark on a journey to return to the surface. Frisk is the last of the eight humans to fall into the Underground after traveling to Mount Ebott. Frisk is not the «fallen human» whom the player names at the beginning of the game, but Frisk’s name is only revealed in the True Pacifist Route.
  • Frisk was neither a Pacifist child nor a Genocidal child. He was more of a middle ground between the two.
    • Frisk has completed all of the different endings.[15]
  • The Dark Void Chara surrounded Frisk with its Hate as Chara did have Hate under his control and when Frisk was breaking it, the black casing around his soul cracked.
    • This will also explain why when more black substance crept upon his soul, Frisk glitched to Chara for a split second.
  • By ending his life he also took the one thing that tied the game’s rules to the real world, meaning Frisk’s abilities to manipulate the timelines aren’t transferred to Chara.[16]
  • In S1, both Chara and Frisk wore shorts. In S2 they wore pants.
  • The timeline being glitched and messed up is a result of Frisk triggering hard mode.
  • The dialogue, «He was right after all…» in the description of Love Part 1 is referring to Flowey’s statement, «In this world… It’s kill or be killed!»[17]
  • Before Love Part 2’s release, Camila stated that Frisk did not care about anything, he was just trying to save the Timeline.[18]
  • Frisk stayed in «The Underground» for about 30 years before going to «The Surface«.[19]
  • Frisk’s determination can easily be corrupted whether by fear (weakening it) or by hate.[20]
  • According to Camila’s Tumblr post. If Frisk died, presumably meaning his soul being destroyed, then the entire timeline would have been automatically erased.[21][22][23]
    • The timeline will get erased whether or not a monster or someone else absorbs Frisk’s soul before shattering.[24]
    • Also, if Bete managed to kill Frisk, causing the timeline to be erased, she wouldn’t care.[25]
    • This happened to Chara in the first timeline in Game Over.
  • Frisk can use the «But it Refused» ability, but it’s difficult for him.[26]
  • «Determination» may block Bete’s Rhabdophobia ability.[27]
  • It was confirmed by Camila, Frisk is The Player, just like in Undertale.[28]
  • Frisk felt like scum for what he had done.[29]
  • Frisk was the only one who could make a sort of armor made of Determination around his body.[30]
  • Frisk was the only person who could get LV/EXP.[31]
  • If Frisk managed to make a RESET somehow, everything would still be ERASED and the world would still be turned into «The Void».[32]
  • When Frisk’s LV increased from 3 to 19, it caused more glitches to the timeline and at the end of LOVE Part 2, Frisk said, «I’m gonna run out of time …»
    • Frisk didn’t make his LV to LV20 because he didn’t have any previous data with them having LV20.[33]
  • Camila confirmed that Glitchtale Frisk is male.[34]
    • In My Promise, Bete called Frisk a «boy».[35]
  • In Camila’s Glitchtale Poster #2 Speedpaint, Frisk was the only one glitching in the thumbnail.

    Frisk glitching in the thumbnail of Camila’s speedpaint

  • Frisk cannot «fix» the RESET button nor can he RESET again.[36][37]
  • The glitches were very painful for Frisk, and he is visibly seen flinching from them in My Promise.[38]
  • When Frisk was replaced by Chara in My Promise, the events before he got replaced still happened. However, the memories of everyone, including Sans and Chara, has been replicated where Frisk never existed.
    • Frisk is most likely gone forever.
  • Camila removed Frisk from 3 of her drawings.
  • Frisk and Chara were really good friends to the point where Frisk knew Chara better than anyone. [39]
  • When Frisk encountered Chara in the True Lab, the game skipped the dating process and the talk with Asgore and the others in front of the barrier right onto the final battle. [40]
  • Chara had been haunting Frisk’s memories, and what he did to Chara in Season 1 made them lose Determination as seen with his fight with Bete in Love Part 2 and it was something he wanted to fix.
  • The glitching he caused on himself along with the guilt of being rude to Asriel and lose him to his enemy as well right in front of his eyes was too much guilt for Frisk to handle.
  • It pained Camila to kill Frisk. [41] Since she had grown attached to his character development, [42]
  • Frisk was only LV18 in the flashback in Love Part 1 instead of LV19 because Frisk never did full genocide, he also explored other neutral endings then tried out the genocide route, as seen in Megalomaniac.[43]
  • No one will figure out what happened with Frisk as they don’t remember him.[44]

Behind the Scenes

  • Frisk in Glitchtale is the fourth animated incarnation of the character, following two non-voiced incarnations and the third one voiced by Sr Pelo.



External Links

  • Undertale Wiki favicon.png Frisk on Undertale Wiki
«Whatever the consequences are… For what I’m going to do… I’ll take it.»

Frisk was the eighth human to have fallen into the Underground, whose amount of Determination granted him the ability to manipulate the timeline using SAVE. Throughout his first journey through the kingdom of monsters, Frisk, partnered with the ghostly Chara, befriended the enemies they faced, and whenever Frisk was killed, he could return using a SAVE Point. After completing Neutral Routes, Frisk went on the True Pacifist Route, saving Asriel Dreemurr and earning a happy ending for himself and monsters by freeing them from the Underground, but with the ability to reset the timeline, Frisk relived the Route plenty of times. When he was bored of his repeats, Frisk decided to experiment with different decisions and actions in the timeline after every reset.

When attempting the Genocide Route, HATE manifested inside Frisk’s SOUL, and because he could not comprehend it, he infused it into Chara, unintentionally brainwashing him. After being killed by Sans multiple times, Frisk recompensed for his actions by allowing Sans to reset the timeline during the Battle at the Last Corridor, which resulted in glitches across space time. Another Reset allowed Chara to be resurrected and steal Frisk’s determination, so he, Sans, Flowey and W. D. Gaster fought against the megalomaniac. After aiding Asriel in liberating Chara from HATE’s control, the Barrier was destroyed and monsters moved to the Surface, and the fact that this ending included the rescues of Asriel and Gaster pleased Frisk. He then faked a promise to Sans by destroying the Reset button, which disabled his power to SAVE and expanded the timeline.

While trying to persuade the Anti-Monsters Department to make peace, Frisk encountered Bête Noire, who posed as an ally at first until she murdered Sans, who realized Frisk tried to break his promise. He, Asriel and Gaster set out to battle against Bête and her Kumulings, and eventually, Frisk believed that he had to be ruthless as he was in his attempted Genocide Route in order to win a battle he doubted he would be successful in. After Asriel was killed, Frisk’s determination strengthened and highly increased his LV, and despite his initial beliefs, he learned from Papyrus that to counter HATE, who was Bête’s power source, they needed love. Understanding that he was glitching away and that it would erase the timeline, Frisk traveled to the Void to meet Chara, and made a one-sided deal with him. Much to Chara’s horror, Frisk replaced himself in his home dimension with Chara, erasing everyone’s memories of Frisk and also his own existence.


Journey Through the Underground

First Neutral Route

«Yeah… I never was very good at decision making»
―Frisk to Chara[src]

Frisk did not exactly have a life before he climbed Mount Ebott[8] at the age of thirteen. During his climb, he fell into a pit and landed on a pile of Golden Flowers in the Underground.[9] At that moment, Chara, as a ghost, became Frisk’s partner for his journey who was often brazen and enjoyed insulting Frisk every few seconds.[10] At the entrance of the Ruins, Frisk encountered an innocent-looking flower named Flowey, who greeted him with southern slang. Wanting to seemingly teach Frisk the nature of the Monster Kingdom, Flowey started an Encounter and revealed Frisk’s human SOUL in the Bullet Board. He claimed that he could get stronger by gaining a lot of LV, which stood for LOVE. After having Frisk’s HP depleted from twenty to one, Flowey revealed his true malevolent and cruel colors, attempting to kill Frisk, but Toriel, the caretaker of the Ruins, rescued Frisk.

He was then guided through the first few areas of the Ruins by the caring Toriel, and when he was left alone, Frisk and Chara made their way through. Frisk faced a few inhabitants who intended to attack him, such as Whimsun[3] and Loox[10], but Frisk chose ACT and MERCY during these encounters, befriending his enemies.[9]

Frisk enters his name, activating HARD MODE.

Not much was known about Frisk’s life before he climbed Mount Ebott. However, it was revealed that he didn’t have a life beforehand.[11] after discovering the Underground, according to Camila[12][13] and Love Part 1. He had been seen in every single ending and every dialogue that could be offered. Eventually, he activated hard mode and decided to do a Genocide Route out of boredom.


At the beginning of the episode, Frisk, who had almost completed the Genocide Route, encounters Sans in the judgment hall. Here, Frisk attempts to kill him many times, but he fails, leading Sans to kill him until he lost count. Eventually he begins to feel remorse for his actions and tries to RESET, however, Chara stops him and traps them in HATE prison.

Frisk sacrificing himself by taking a fatal attack from Chara.

Chara then enters the judgment hall and challenges Sans. He fights and avoids all of Sans’s attacks. Sans is shown to be gradually getting more tired, until he runs out of stamina completely. Chara looms over him, ready to deliver the final blow, but Frisk summons up his Determination and smashes the Hate blocking him from the fight. He jumps in front of the attack, sacrificing himself for Sans’ life. Frisk, as his final words before dying, tells Sans he’s sorry, to take his soul and fix his mistakes before finally dying.

Sans then snatches his soul before Chara does, drastically increasing his power and giving him control over the timeline. He then «dunks» Chara and presses the RESET button.[14]

Yet Darker

Frisk meets Sans at his Waterfall Sentry Station and decides to take them to Grillby’s via a «shortcut».

Frisk facing Gaster.

However, Frisk somehow ends up in the Waterfall Hallway and nervously enters the Grey Room. But he finds Gaster, calls his soul «special», and said that it could help him be whole again. Gaster proceeds to attack Frisk, but Frisk evades these attacks only to find the door has been blocked.

But to Frisk’s luck and relief, Sans soon appears, and Sans blasts the door, escaping with Frisk. However, Gaster partly materializes after coming out of the room, and recovering some power in the process. Sans, who knows that he can’t defeat him, tells Frisk to give him his soul, but before Frisk could, Gaster attacks Sans and attempts to take Frisk’s soul. It refuses, and shoots straight for Sans, healing him and giving him an edge in the fight. Sans dominates Gaster, destroying his hands one by one, until Gaster is left exhausted and drained. He attempts to stab Sans in a sneaky last-ditch effort, but Sans is faster, and subsequently kills him.[1]


Frisk met Sans at his Hotland Hot Dog Stand discuss the glitches, telling Frisk to watch out for anything odd since they had RESET in places «they weren’t supposed to», glitching the game.

Frisk and a bunch of hot dogs.

As soon as he leaves, he noticed that the door to Alphys’ Lab had been blasted open. Frisk walked into the lab and then entered the True Lab. As he walked along the path, he stepped on the dust of the deceased Amalgamates. But unfortunately, he failed to notice that Chara was spying on them from behind.

Frisk getting his Determination extracted.

When Frisk arrives at the Determination extractor, Chara confronts them. He goes on a monologue, about the glitches and how you only need Determination to exist. Chara states that he consumed the Determination of the amalgamates, and they had a lot of it, even enough to match his. As he is talking, Frisk tries to RESET, but Chara blocks the button, displaying his immense Determination, and uses HATE to throw Frisk into a Determination extractor.

As they are doing this, Flowey appears at the elevator, wondering why Frisk is taking so long. He looks over and sees Chara throwing Frisk into the Determination extractor. He has a flashback of a genocide route, and where Chara killed them. He knows what is at stake, and goes away to find help. He goes to Sans and informs him on the situation. Both know exactly what they are dealing with, and form an unlikely alliance.

Sans holding Frisk.

Once Sans and Flowey arrive, Chara creates a shield of HATE around the extractor and fights them. After a fierce battle, Frisk’s Determination is removed from his soul after being shoved into the determination extractor, and the barrier around the extractor vanishes. Sans teleports to the extractor to retrieve the Determination, however he is blocked by a Determination barrier courtesy of Chara. He teleports away seconds before it explodes, leaving the Determination free for Chara. However before he can take it, Flowey pulls away one of him arms, and Chara grasps for the Determination, only to slide out of range. Sans teleports to the Determination to grab it, but at the last second Chara cuts off one of their arms, and takes the Determination. Sans and Flowey take away an unconscious Frisk while Chara saves his file, with one word on it; Determination.

Your Best Friend

The episode starts off with an awoken Frisk, noticing his soul has been drained. Sans and Flowey briefly explain the situation, while Sans is working on a machine. He implies that it is to help Gaster return, but doesn’t say it directly.

Frisk waking up at the beginning of Your Best Friend.

Sans soon asks Gaster to take him, Flowey, and Frisk to the secret chamber that holds the six human souls in his designated pods. Sans then hands the souls over to Flowey to make Flowey transform into Omega Flowey.

Upon hearing the commotion, Chara encountered them with pure confidence, proclaiming it was obvious what he’d do. He then engages in battle with Sans, Omega Flowey, and Gaster, while Frisk is protected by a shield.

At one point, Chara uses a patience rope and uses it to tear off one of Omega Flowey’s arms. Sans, Gaster, and Frisk all seem horrified by this, yet Chara doesn’t stop here, and then attempts to kill him again, only to luckily be saved by Sans.

Gaster shielding Frisk.

Soon, Gaster puts down the shield to attack Chara, who attempts to kill Frisk. Sans tried to sacrifice himself to save them, but Gaster takes the blow instead, resulting in the loss of a large portion of his HP.

This enrages Sans, who in a fury, uses his real special attack, causing him to create countless Gaster blasters at Chara, who tries to use a shield to protect himself but fails to stop the attack.

The sound of a SOUL snapping in half is then played.

Frisk’s reaction to Chara tearing off one of Omega Flowey’s arms.

Everyone seems relieved at first. But then, a red beam charges at Omega Flowey from the smoke cloud, Sans sees this and manages to save Omega Flowey with telekinesis, but falls exhausted from overexertion. Chara moves forward to secure the kill.

Chara creates a massive dome of HATE, and hurls it at Omega Flowey. Flowey uses his special attack, combining the power of the 6 human souls into one massive beam, but it drains all his magic and soul power.

Frisk’s shield.

Frisk, upon seeing that Chara was about to finish off Flowey, regains his Determination to create a red shield to block the attack, and uses «A Little Help.» he then gives Flowey his soul along with the other 6 in the process to transform Flowey into Asriel.[2]


A few scenes into the episode, Chara tells Asriel about Frisk’s true personality, and the fact that he started the genocide route on his own, so it is all his fault the timelines are glitching. He then creates the ERASE button and tells Asriel to press it, or else Frisk would use his friends as toys forever. However, Asriel, who believes that Frisk deserves a second chance, destroys the ERASE button.

Frisk killing a monster.

This quickly marks the beginning of a battle against Chara and Asriel, but during the battle, Asriel told Frisk that he can’t fight Chara. However, he knows how to make them change his mind. He attacks them with the traits of the souls he absorbed, including Frisk’s determination.

Frisk regaining control over the timeline.

Asriel manages to get rid of the HATE inside Chara, snapping Chara out of her hate-filled mindset. As his last will, Chara uses what was left of his soul to turn it into a trait vessel for Asriel.

And, after all, was said and done, Asriel breaks the barrier.

Frisk breaking the RESET button.

On the surface, Sans confronts Frisk and asks them when he is going to reset. He promises him that he won’t reset, but Sans asks them to be honest. Frisk then brings up his save file and smashes the reset button. He then pressed Continue, indicating he will never RESET again, which was a lie right from the start.[3]

My Sunshine

Frisk decides to go meet up with Jessica Grey, the director of the Anti Monster Department (AMD), in an attempt to convince her to sign a peace treaty that will stop all conflict between humans and monsters. He encounters Bete, a seemingly innocent young girl whom he saves from being run over by a car, and allow her to accompany them for the day.

Frisk using his shield to «protect» Bete.

When he reaches the A.M.D, Frisk asks Jessica Grey for one last chance to show her that monsters are just as deserving of peace as humans are. Albeit hesitantly, she agrees, and Frisk takes them to W.D. Gaster’s laboratory. There, Jessica is informed about Gaster’s project on the Core’s expansion and how helpful it would be to both humans and monsters. Here he elaborates on how the Core turns heat into magical energy meaning there will never be electricity bills ever again, but that the project will only be allowed to develop should she sign the peace contract.

Frisk then takes them over to the school where Toriel works as a teacher, to show Jessica how human children are being helped to understand and use his magic. After Toriel shows her the trait of one of the children, she suddenly leaves before Frisk can have a chance to stop her.

Frisk hugging Toriel.

He goes looking for her and meets up with Sans and Asriel, and after Frisk introduces them to Bete, he finds out that her soul is a color never heard before: pink. Sans goes to Gaster’s lab to help him discover this new trait, and Frisk shows up after hearing that Sans and Asriel had talked things out. He gives Sans a bracelet to remind him about the «promise» he had made, which was to never reset again.

The following day, Frisk meets up with Jessica at the HSO Department, where the conference would be held, and the peace contract between humans and monsters signed. Frisk hears Jessica’s story about how her daughter ran away from home without ever returning, and that the reason why Jessica had suddenly left the school was that Toriel’s interaction with the child had reminded her of her daughter. She agrees to sign the contract, saying that her daughter would have wanted peace between humans and monsters.

Frisk at the reunion.

During the conference, Asgore is questioned about how the barrier was broken, he confesses about the human souls, and the last one he killed turns out to have belonged to Jessica’s daughter. Frisk watches Jessica as she calls him a murderer and then storms out, tears streaming down her face, leaving all hope of peace between humans and monsters behind.[4]


When Dust begins, Frisk tells the audience that things have gotten tenser between humanity and monster-kind, with the worst of all, that Asgore was arrested.

Frisk soon arrives at Gaster’s house, and he asks him if he found any info about Bete’s unique soul, but sadly, he failed to find anything. Gaster warns Frisk to be careful he is with a monster because the AMD’s cameras were suddenly more active. Upon mentioning Mettaton’s first live performance, Frisk allowed Bete to come with them.

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Frisk and Bete soon go get Sans, Papyrus, and Asriel and he all go see Mettaton together. At the performance, he experiences Papyrus accidentally drop slabs of concrete on the area, and Sans temporarily losing his powers with a nullifier gun Jessica used.

Later, Sans called Frisk over to come and talk to him, Bete, Asriel, where he is forced to tell him that he was trying to RESET, his intentions right from the start. As a result, Sans got so angry that he called out Frisk for being selfish, getting his hopes high, and that he would’ve hurt them if it wasn’t for Asriel, who stopped him.

Frisk and the bracelet he gave Sans.

Sans was still angry with Frisk, and he threw the bracelet that was given to him onto the ground before he left. After this violent ordeal, Frisk wasn’t seen throughout the rest of the episode.

Do or Die

At the start, Frisk was seen practicing apologizing to Sans, while he was still hoping to find was to RESET, when Asriel arrived and he told him about Bete’s actual goals and Sans being killed by her. This scared, shocked, and saddened them so much that he lost most of his Determination.

Soon, Frisk and Asriel go to see Alphys and Gaster, where Gaster encouraged them, causing them to be filled with Determination.

Frisk in Toriel’s school to fight off the pink creatures.

Soon, a pink creature appeared and it attacked Frisk, he attacked it but due to not hitting it hard enough, he couldn’t defeat it. Then Gaster told them that he was not hitting it strong enough. He then summoned a hand and powered it up to fire at the creature, then it tried to stop him by transforming into «Sans», surprising Frisk. However, Gaster just killed it anyways without remorse, then Frisk went inside and told Asriel that he needed to go to the city in order to protect people from the creatures.

«Bring it on.»

Later in the episode, Frisk arrived at Toriel’s school to help fight back against Bete’s pink creatures. he soon finds Cam, Abigail, and Robin Cam distressingly asks them to help them find his younger sister Lily. Frisk agreed to do so but was not seen throughout the rest of the episode.

Love Part 1

He first appeared in Toriel’s school alongside Abigail. Frisk told her to go to «the shelter» and Asriel told them to help him try to save any more children or to fight off many more creatures. However, Frisk told them that the creatures retreated and that he was too late.

Frisk handing Jessica a box.

Later in the episode, Frisk told Jessica to come with them because he had something to give her. Frisk then gave her a box, Jessica then has a flashback of her daughter opening her gift, and in it is a tutu and ballet shoes. Jessica opens the box, and inside was her daughter’s old tutu and ballet shoes. She then thanked them and said that he was a nice and kind child. However, Frisk denies this and says he can’t afford to be one anymore.

Later, Frisk requested to talk with Asriel in the backyard, where he reveals that he was trying to find a way to reset since he broke the RESET button, admitting that his promise to Sans was a lie.

Frisk telling Asriel that Flowey wasn’t such a coward.

He elaborated that he knew the timeline was glitched and that he’s going to set off to fight Bete alone, ignoring the requests of Asriel to stay home and prepare first. He finally says that Flowey wasn’t as much of a coward as Asriel, emotionally harming him to the point it raised his LV to 2.[6]

Love Part 2

At night, Frisk was thinking about the previous battles he had in the Underground, and how he was killed so many times. Bete then popped up and Amber appeared for a split second (before Frisk’s soul shattered.) Since he can’t use his SAVE file anymore the battle was all or nothing.

The next day, after getting dressed, Frisk attempted to leave the house. In fear of his safety, Toriel told them to stop. But, in order for her to leave them alone, Frisk cut her hand and told her that he was not her child, and she is «sure as hell» not his mother. This act causes his LV to raise to 3.

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Frisk goes to fight with Bete, and at the beginning of the fight, Frisk was smacked against the wall. Bete attempted to finish them but he avoided the attack. A bit later in the fight, Bete managed to sap a lot of his Determination with hallucinations of memories from the Genocide Run.

Frisk being smacked against the wall.

Frisk would’ve died if it wasn’t for Asriel, who stepped in and was who’s soul was quickly stolen by Bete. After he was forced to watch his friend’s «death». Frisk’s LV increased to 19 along with his power. Bete quickly became overwhelmed with Frisk’s sudden increase in power. Bete decided to «ask for a little HELP» after realizing he couldn’t keep abusing the power of HATE.

Frisk, who collapsed on the ground, bleeding due to a wound on his head.

Bete then uses HATE on Sans’ soul to revive him (which was still being fed off by Akumu) with HATE.

He was then commanded to battle Frisk and was easily winning. Before he could kill them, Papyrus intervenes, saving Frisk. Frisk tells Papyrus to leave, as this wouldn’t solve itself with words, and claimed that he would hurt Sans if he got in his way of killing Bete when being asked. Papyrus refused to leave, and using love, he managed to remove the HATE in Sans’ soul, freeing him from Bete’s control and shocking Frisk.

Frisk blinded with Hate.gif

After the battle, as Toriel and Frisk are walking through the woods, Frisk hangs back a bit and looks at his hand, noticing it is glitching. Realizing that he was now glitching due to utilizing the HATE and glitches to raise his LV, Frisk states that he was ‘gonna run out of time’.

My Promise

Frisk first appears in this episode after Asgore saves Jessica from the Pink Creatures. His hand starts to glitch, and he winces, before clasping his hand shut into a fist. Later, Asgore, Toriel, and Undyne ask why Frisk didn’t tell them about Bete, with him apologizing shortly thereafter. While the others talk, Gaster looks at Frisk which glitches back to his Genocide run showing them with 19 LV with glowing eyes then later snapping back to the present.

Frisk tackling Asriel with his shield.

Later, Asgore, Toriel, and Frisk go to the arena in order to battle Bete. When the three meet Bete, Asriel joins Bete which takes the three by surprise. Bete and Frisk battle against each other again (however Frisk is at a distinct disadvantage, and he knows it) while Toriel and Asgore fight Asriel. After Asriel stabs Asgore in the chest he becomes severely hurt. Before Asriel could hurt Asgore again, Frisk tackles Asriel with his shield. Frisk tells Asgore and Toriel that they have to leave, but before he could do so, Bete commands Asriel to attack Frisk; Frisk was presumably hit by the attack.

Frisk in one of Gaster’s machines.

Later, Frisk is seen back at the house with Toriel, Asgore, and Gaster. While Toriel heals Asgore, Frisk told Gaster that he needed to talk to them. Gaster and Frisk enter Gaster’s Lab after Gaster took something from Frisk, Frisk enters one of Gaster’s machines to be teleported into the Void.

Once Frisk teleports into the Void, he meets Chara, who was very frustrated with them. Frisk convinces Chara to help them. At first, Chara refused to help them due to the terrible things he did and making everyone else think he was at fault.

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Once Chara realizes that the timeline is in imminent danger he starts to think again, and agree to exchange places with Frisk. Frisk gives Chara his soul, shortly afterward, Frisk admitted that he couldn’t go back into the timeline with them. Chara becomes shocked, but Frisk continued and said that if he enters the timeline again it’ll erase itself and said that it was up to Chara to save Asriel. Chara becomes worried and asks them what will happen to them.

Frisk with Chara in the Void.

Frisk says that it doesn’t matter, and proceeds to replace himself with Chara, replicating all the memories of everyone in the timeline. After Frisk has been fully replaced by Chara in everyone’s memories, he saves his changes, sending Chara back into the timeline. He cried before he got erased and told Chara to keep the promise he made for them, then he gets erased from the timeline entirely.


«Thank you, Frisk… You’re a very nice and kind child.»
«No. I’m not. Can’t afford to be. Not anymore.»
―Jessica Grey and Frisk[src]

All in all, Frisk was a rather complicated individual to say the least. As the former player of the entire reality, Frisk encompassed powers to manipulate the timeline, thus his actions and behavior was mostly driven out of curiosity and a desire to pursue through his journey in the Underground. In his first journey, Frisk was gentle and warm, displaying kindness towards the monsters he encountered, as well as Chara, his ghostly partner. However, he barely showed any facial expressions, since most of his life, Frisk’s face had a neutral and blank demeanor. He always was polite and obedient with anyone he met, appreciating Toriel’s offer to care for him in the Ruins and supporting towards initial enemies he met. Frisk was essentially somewhat of a being with greater powers than regular humans, as he could make adjustments to space-time, therefore he viewed the people he interacted with as mostly characters in a video game that had well-written personalities that he could enjoy and sympathize with.

Despite feeling touched and heartwarming from Toriel’s kind motherly presence, Frisk wanted to venture through the kingdom, but nonetheless, he successfully ended his relationship with Toriel on good terms and spared her, since Frisk started off wanting to be a pacifist. Continuing on in his journey, Frisk felt entertained and emotionally connected to the people he met, varying from the comedic Sans, the flamboyant Papyrus, the impulsive Undyne, the nervous Alphys, the charming Mettaton and the guilt-ridden Asgore Dreemurr. When Flowey suddenly claimed the six human SOULs for himself, Frisk remained extremely determined to go towards any extent to defeat the tyrant, even going so far as choosing to FIGHT, an option he rarely used at the time. Once Flowey was stripped of his powers, Frisk refused to execute him in spite of all the dastardly deeds he had committed, and even Flowey himself was confused and unsure of his kindness.

Since the beginning, Frisk had always desired to discover a peaceful and prosperous ending to his journey. After Flowey gave him advice on how to achieve the True Pacifist Route, he immediately loaded his SAVE file to do so, thus befriending every monster he could. Frisk never chose to FIGHT Asriel Dreemurr during the Battle of the Underground, having an iron will to see a happy ending as well as to continue living, which amplified his Determination to the point he could refuse his SOUL to break. In the battle’s climax, Frisk was desperate to SAVE Asriel from his grief and dismay, sympathizing with the fact the God of Hyperdeath’s behavior emerged from utter loneliness, and he succeeded in doing so with Chara’s help. Being a pacifist, he made amends with the emotional Asriel and forgave him for his actions, and with that, Frisk had finally completed the True Pacifist Route, which was the happiest ending possible at the time. He deeply cherished his memories and experiences in his journey, so Frisk decided to keep resetting the timeline in order to relive the True Pacifist Route countless times for entertainment, considering his story could never proceed once he arrived on the surface of Earth.

Following various repeats of the same journey over and over again, Frisk no longer felt the same joy he had the first time, ultimately becoming bored and dull in his life. His boredom stemmed a curiosity in the child as to what the outcomes would be if he were to act different in a particular way. Frisk was even willing to abandon some of his pacifist traits and kill certain enemies to witness the different Neutral Routes, becoming invested in how each of his decisions could alter his story. With the ability to SAVE and reset the timeline, Frisk believed he was above consequences since he could always modify space-time continuum, eventually performing actions and options that pushed the timeline to its limits. The curiosity was almost unsatisfiable, as he had spent thirty years resetting his journey to observe the differences in interactions and aftermaths, to the point he had experienced every possible moment and change prior to the Genocide Route. Knowing there was nothing left to discover other than the events during the Genocide Route, he found this inevitable and decided to attempt to complete it.

A result of his massacres in the Underground was that HATE manifested in Frisk’s SOUL, influencing his mind to become slightly more violent and less empathetic, almost reshaping him into a psychopathic murderer. However, Frisk did have standards as he found HATE and its aggression amplifications overwhelming him, so he forced the dark substance away from himself and directed it into Chara, under the impression it would just leave Frisk be. Following this, he had some sense of morality when he encountered Papyrus, who attempted to motivate him to turn over a new leaf, as he initially hesitant to eliminate the skeleton, not until the brainwashed Chara fronted and completed the act.

Powers and Abilities


  • Space-Time Manipulation: After removing his SOUL for the final time and handing it over to Chara, Frisk still had the capability of interacting with the timeline. In his last moments, Frisk activated an option to replace himself with Chara, and once he pressed the button, it immediately altered the memories of every inhabitant of the universe to forget Frisk’s existence, and in doing so, costed his own life.

Former Powers

  • Magic: Much like any other human during his time, Frisk harnessed the ability to use one particular type of magic. However, his natural powers were removed after he gifted Chara his SOUL.
    • Chromatic Magic: Frisk had been able to manipulate Chromatic Magic, the practice of utilizing energy centering upon his SOUL.
      • Determination: Wielding the strongest and rarest of the SOUL Traits, Frisk had feats beyond any Traited human being, considering almost limitless with strength. An aspect of the abilities he had with his Determination that highly differed from other humans with the same Trait was that Frisk could manipulate the fabric of space-time continuum, classifying him as a sentient anomaly.
        • SAVE: Having a high amount of Determination, Frisk was able to utilize SAVING in order to reshape reality and rewrite timelines. He temporarily lost hold of this function when Flowey absorbed the six human SOULs and stole the ability from Frisk, but he regained control after the SOULs betrayed and defeated Omega Flowey. After achieving the happiest possible ending he could gain, Frisk destroyed the Reset button, eliminating the concept entirely.
          • Load: Frisk could load a SAVE via the menu, but reality would automatically load his most recent SAVE Point whenever he was killed. In the beginning of his journey through the Underground, Frisk was asked to name the fallen human, and three decades later, following the Reset that caused glitches, Frisk came across this scenario again. Still desiring to find a different ending, he chose to name the fallen human «Frisk», activating Hard Mode.
          • Reset: The most pivotal functions of SAVE was the ability to reset the timeline, which Frisk repeatedly used to reverse time to the moment he arrived in the Underground. Frisk initially reseted in order to experience the True Pacifist Route several times, but out of boredom and curiosity, he began experimenting with his own morals and decisions in each different Neutral Route. Everytime he felt as if a dangerous situation was happening in one Route, he would reset. Over the course of thirty years of his lifetime, Frisk had been resetting the timeline to live every possible variable and event possible, not allowing everyone to age. By the time Frisk attempted to complete the Genocide Route, he became remorseful for his murderous actions and tried to reset, but after Chara temporarily prevented him from doing so, Frisk lent his SOUL to Sans, allowing the monster to use the Reset function, which led to glitches across space-time.
          • Save Files: The visual representation of their mechanics over the timeline. Frisk is capable of interacting with buttons on such SAVE file, such as the RESET, LOAD, and SAVE. Despite destroying the RESET, they can still access their SAVE file.
        • Weapon Summoning: Capable of summoning weapons from their SOUL
        • Regenerative Healing Factor: At LOVE 19, they can regenerate holes in their arm
      • SOUL Persistence: Human souls live long after the body dies
      • Death Persistence: The glitches gave Frisk the ability to place his soul within a monster soul without dying. However, they are unable to go back to his body after doing this until somebody resets. If Frisk manages to be extremely determined, and dies in during battle, he can immediately return to the battle with maximum HP as if his soul had never been damaged.
  • HATE Enhancement: LOVE 19 Frisk in states of deep hatred, as shown with Bete Noire. Is capable of using HATE to enhance his attacks. This is shown in LOVE Part 2 where Frisk sticks his sword into the ground, and creates a large explosion.


  • Expert Combatant: Frisk is a rather skilled combatant, Bete who is an inverted trait of Agate. Remarks Frisk as having nice moves when both of them fight.
  • Master Assassin: Frisk is experienced in killing monsters. Doing everything there has to be in the underground, which includes every single Neutral Route, and Genocide Route where they’ve killed everyone. Only monster surviving, being Sans.
  • Expert Tactician: Frisk is a tactical fighter, improvising their surroundings and what attacks they need to beat someone. Frisk also previously used their ability to SAVE and LOAD to improve on every time they were defeated by trying better and more efficient ways of beating someone.
  • Knife Mastery: Their typical weapon they used to fight before gaining their Determination summoned weapon s
  • Shield Mastery: After receiving their shield, they showed their ways of using it effectively. Such as blocking an attack against Chara in Season 1 at their nigh-peak Determination and HATE. Using it to successfully block attacks from Bete, and contain blobs
  • Sword Mastery: Shown to have technique and skill with a sword when destroying blobs and clashing with Betty in LOVE Part 2. Went blow for blow with Bete Noire, in My Promise. Who is an inverted version of Agate who inherited her skills.


To be added


To be added



  • Chara — Former Partner, Close Friend, Temporary Enemy and Killer
  • Toriel — Caretaker, Temporary Enemy and Victim
  • Sans † — Former Friend, Temporary Enemy, Killer, Former Attempted Victim and Savior
  • Papyrus — Former Enemy, Friend and Victim
  • Undyne — Killer, Former Enemy, Friend and Victim
  • Alphys † — Friend
  • Mettaton — Former Enemy
  • Asgore Dreemurr — Killer and Former Enemy
  • W. D. Gaster — Former Attempted Killer and Friend
  • Anti-Monsters Department — Former Enemies
    • Jessica Grey †


  • Asriel Dreemurr — Killer and Former Friend
  • HATE — Former Power Source
  • Bête Noire † — Attempted Killer and Attempted Victim
    • Akumu †


To be added


  • In Undertale, Frisk is the playable character and main protagonist of the game. After Frisk falls into the Underground, they embark on a journey to return to the surface. Frisk is the last of the eight humans to fall into the Underground after traveling to Mount Ebott. Frisk is not the «fallen human» whom the player names at the beginning of the game, but Frisk’s name is only revealed in the True Pacifist Route.
  • Frisk was neither a Pacifist child nor a Genocidal child. He was more of a middle ground between the two.
    • Frisk has completed all of the different endings.[15]
  • The Dark Void Chara surrounded Frisk with its Hate as Chara did have Hate under his control and when Frisk was breaking it, the black casing around his soul cracked.
    • This will also explain why when more black substance crept upon his soul, Frisk glitched to Chara for a split second.
  • By ending his life he also took the one thing that tied the game’s rules to the real world, meaning Frisk’s abilities to manipulate the timelines aren’t transferred to Chara.[16]
  • In S1, both Chara and Frisk wore shorts. In S2 they wore pants.
  • The timeline being glitched and messed up is a result of Frisk triggering hard mode.
  • The dialogue, «He was right after all…» in the description of Love Part 1 is referring to Flowey’s statement, «In this world… It’s kill or be killed!»[17]
  • Before Love Part 2’s release, Camila stated that Frisk did not care about anything, he was just trying to save the Timeline.[18]
  • Frisk stayed in «The Underground» for about 30 years before going to «The Surface«.[19]
  • Frisk’s determination can easily be corrupted whether by fear (weakening it) or by hate.[20]
  • According to Camila’s Tumblr post. If Frisk died, presumably meaning his soul being destroyed, then the entire timeline would have been automatically erased.[21][22][23]
    • The timeline will get erased whether or not a monster or someone else absorbs Frisk’s soul before shattering.[24]
    • Also, if Bete managed to kill Frisk, causing the timeline to be erased, she wouldn’t care.[25]
    • This happened to Chara in the first timeline in Game Over.
  • Frisk can use the «But it Refused» ability, but it’s difficult for him.[26]
  • «Determination» may block Bete’s Rhabdophobia ability.[27]
  • It was confirmed by Camila, Frisk is The Player, just like in Undertale.[28]
  • Frisk felt like scum for what he had done.[29]
  • Frisk was the only one who could make a sort of armor made of Determination around his body.[30]
  • Frisk was the only person who could get LV/EXP.[31]
  • If Frisk managed to make a RESET somehow, everything would still be ERASED and the world would still be turned into «The Void».[32]
  • When Frisk’s LV increased from 3 to 19, it caused more glitches to the timeline and at the end of LOVE Part 2, Frisk said, «I’m gonna run out of time …»
    • Frisk didn’t make his LV to LV20 because he didn’t have any previous data with them having LV20.[33]
  • Camila confirmed that Glitchtale Frisk is male.[34]
    • In My Promise, Bete called Frisk a «boy».[35]
  • In Camila’s Glitchtale Poster #2 Speedpaint, Frisk was the only one glitching in the thumbnail.

    Frisk glitching in the thumbnail of Camila’s speedpaint

  • Frisk cannot «fix» the RESET button nor can he RESET again.[36][37]
  • The glitches were very painful for Frisk, and he is visibly seen flinching from them in My Promise.[38]
  • When Frisk was replaced by Chara in My Promise, the events before he got replaced still happened. However, the memories of everyone, including Sans and Chara, has been replicated where Frisk never existed.
    • Frisk is most likely gone forever.
  • Camila removed Frisk from 3 of her drawings.
  • Frisk and Chara were really good friends to the point where Frisk knew Chara better than anyone. [39]
  • When Frisk encountered Chara in the True Lab, the game skipped the dating process and the talk with Asgore and the others in front of the barrier right onto the final battle. [40]
  • Chara had been haunting Frisk’s memories, and what he did to Chara in Season 1 made them lose Determination as seen with his fight with Bete in Love Part 2 and it was something he wanted to fix.
  • The glitching he caused on himself along with the guilt of being rude to Asriel and lose him to his enemy as well right in front of his eyes was too much guilt for Frisk to handle.
  • It pained Camila to kill Frisk. [41] Since she had grown attached to his character development, [42]
  • Frisk was only LV18 in the flashback in Love Part 1 instead of LV19 because Frisk never did full genocide, he also explored other neutral endings then tried out the genocide route, as seen in Megalomaniac.[43]
  • No one will figure out what happened with Frisk as they don’t remember him.[44]

Behind the Scenes

  • Frisk in Glitchtale is the fourth animated incarnation of the character, following two non-voiced incarnations and the third one voiced by Sr Pelo.



External Links

  • Undertale Wiki favicon.png Frisk on Undertale Wiki


Frisk is the main character of Undertale and among the most speculated-about. Their gender is unknown, so are any emotions they feel, but they are said to be full of DETERMINATION. The only thing established for sure about them is that they climbed a mountain that people are rumoured to disappear on, bearing nothing but a stick and a bandage, for an unknown reason.


Frisk looks strangely like Chara, in the way that they both have the same outfit and hair. Frisk, however, has a stoic expression that looks like this (-_-), while Chara is smiling the whole time they appear on the screen. Frisk also has the colors blue and purple for their shirt colors, while Chara has the color negatives of that, lime and blond.


While never seen having emotions, their personality becomes like Chara’s in the Genocide Route, wanting to kill monsters before they can escape. Other than that, you can make Frisk say and feel whatever you want.

In the Game[edit]

Pacifist Route[edit]

Just don’t kill any monster, just spare them. Frisk doesn’t really change much throughout this route. Oddly enough, this is the only route in which the name Frisk is even used by another character. All other routes… nothing.

Neutral Route[edit]

Frisk doesn’t change much here either.

Genocide Route[edit]

On this route, in the WATERFALL area, Frisk becomes possessed by Chara and encounters become marked by Chara’s smile. From then on, until you abort the Genocide Route, all encounters are marked with that creepy smile.


  • Frisk is the 8th human to fall down into the underground.
    • Chara was the first, but their SOUL disappeared before Asgore could use it.
    • All the perished fallen humans left their items behind. You can pick most of them up on the Genocide Route for free, buy them on the Neutral and Pacifist Routes, or you can ignore those items entirely until you find the Worn Dagger and Heart Locket.
  • Frisk and Chara are similar in a lot of ways, and may be considered adoptive siblings depending on one’s choices throughout the game.
  • The game only allows you to name one character; while it sets things up to look like Frisk is the one being named, it is revealed across various endings that the fallen child being named is actually Chara; Frisk’s name is immutable.

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