Как пишется фуджи

Разбор слова «фуджи»: для переноса, на слоги, по составу

Объяснение правил деление (разбивки) слова «фуджи» на слоги для переноса.
Онлайн словарь Soosle.ru поможет: фонетический и морфологический разобрать слово «фуджи» по составу, правильно делить на слоги по провилам русского языка, выделить части слова, поставить ударение, укажет значение, синонимы, антонимы и сочетаемость к слову «фуджи».

Деление слова фуджи

Слово фуджи по слогам


  • 1 Слоги в слове «фуджи» деление на слоги
  • 2 Как перенести слово «фуджи»
  • 3 Как правильно пишется слово «фуджи»

Слоги в слове «фуджи» деление на слоги

Количество слогов: 2
По слогам: фу-джи

По правилам школьной программы слово «фуджи» можно поделить на слоги разными способами. Допускается вариативность, то есть все варианты правильные. Например, такой:

По программе института слоги выделяются на основе восходящей звучности:

Ниже перечислены виды слогов и объяснено деление с учётом программы института и школ с углублённым изучением русского языка.

  • фу — начальный, прикрытый, открытый, 2 буквы
  • джи — конечный, прикрытый, открытый, 3 буквы
    д примыкает к этому слогу, а не к предыдущему, так как не является сонорной (непарной звонкой согласной)
  • Как перенести слово «фуджи»


    Как правильно пишется слово «фуджи»

    Правописание слова «фуджи»
    Орфография слова «фуджи»

    Правильно слово пишется:

    Нумерация букв в слове
    Номера букв в слове «фуджи» в прямом и обратном порядке:

    Координаты: 35°22′00″ с. ш. 138°44′00″ в. д. / 35.366667° с. ш. 138.733333° в. д. (G)


    Фудзи (яп. 富士山 Фудзисан (info)*) — вулкан на японском острове Хонсю в 150 километрах к западу от Токио. Имеет почти идеальные конические очертания и служит предметом культа японцев. Высота горы — 3776 м (самая высокая в Японии). Вулкан слабо активен, последнее извержение было в 1707 году.

    Район Фудзи входит в состав Национального парка Фудзи-Хаконэ-Идзу.


    • 1 Геологическое строение
    • 2 Восхождение на Фудзи
    • 3 Экология
    • 4 Парапланеризм на Фудзи
    • 5 Примечания
    • 6 Ссылки

    Геологическое строение

    Японские острова представляют собой микроконтинент (некоторые исследователи рассматривают архипелаг как островную дугу, но Япония отличается от них повышенной мощностью и площадью коры), над зоной субдукции, которая входит в состав Тихоокеанского огненного кольца. В этой зоне субдукции поглощается океаническая кора филипинской и тихокеанской плит. Гора Фудзи расположена в точке, где встречаются Евразийская, Филиппинская и Охотская плиты.

    Гора Фудзи расположена в районе многолетней вулканической активности, поверх нескольких древних вулканов. Выделяется четыре этапа вулканизма, которые сформировали гору. Сначала здесь изливались андезитовые лавы, из которых образовался вулкан Сен-Комитакэ, затем они сменились базальтовым вулканом Комитакэ. Примерно 100 000 лет назад сформировался так называемый «Старый Фудзи». Современная гора называется «Юный Фудзи» и начала свой рост 10—8 тысяч лет назад. От 8 до 4,5 тысяч лет назад здесь неоднократно происходили вулканические взрывы, а затем в течение целого тысячелетия — обильные излияния лавы. Для современного этапа истории вулкана характерны базальтовые магмы. На склонах вулкана открылось более сотни побочных кратеров и расщелин. Потоки лавы перекрыли реки и ручьи, верховья которых находились к северу от вулкана, в горах Мисака, — так возникли Пять озёр Фудзи (теперь это популярное в Японии курортное место). Последнее, самое сильное за историческое время, извержение Фудзи произошло в 1707 году: на восточном склоне появился новый кратер (Ноейзан), а выброшенный пепел покрыл улицы города Эдо (нынешнего Токио). Название Ноейзан используется также для локалного пика на краю нового маленького кратера.

    Несмотря на сложную историю, вулкан развился в коническую гору, имеющую схожие очертания со всех сторон; Ноейзан слегка нарушает симметрию. Фудзи представляет собой типичный стратовулкан.

    Восхождение на Фудзи

    Гора Фудзи является популярным в Японии и за её пределами местом среди туристов. С 1 июля по 27 августа на горе работают центры спасения и многочисленные ямагоя (яп. 山小屋?, горная избушка), где можно купить еду и напитки, а также отдохнуть на спальных полках. Поэтому данный период считается наиболее безопасным и удобным для восхождения. В остальное время вершина Фудзи покрыта толстым слоем снега. Так же в начале сезона некоторые маршруты, где снег ещё остался, могут быть закрыты.

    Гора разбита на 10 уровней, гомэ (яп. 合目?). От 5го уровня, гогомэ, до вершины ведут 4 маршрута: Кавагутико, Субасири, Готэмба и Фудзиномия. Также существуют маршруты от подножия горы: Сёдзико, Ёсида, Суяма и Мураяма.

    От озера Кавагутико до 5-го уровня, гогомэ, на северной стороне (2300 м) проложена платная трасса Субару лайн по которой курсируют регулярные автобусы. Там размещены большая парковка и множество ресторанов. Также на маршруте от гогомэ со стороны Кавагутико расположено наибольшее количество ямагоя. Большинство туристических туров проложены через него. Восхождение от гогомэ к вершине по любому из маршрутов может занять от трёх до восьми часов (не считая отдых в ямагоя), спуск — от двух до пяти часов.

    Помимо обычных маршрутов существуют маршруты, проложенные параллельно, для бульдозеров. Бульдозерами доставляют различные товары и материалы для ямагоя и магазинчиков на вершине горы, а также эвакуируют людей которым требуется немедленная медицинская помощь. Использовать эти маршруты крайне опасно, так как они не укреплены и совершенно не защищены от камней, которые могут скатиться сверху. Несмотря на это несколько раз были замечены велосипедисты спускающиеся по этим маршрутам. Однако это может быть опасно как для велосипедиста, из-за большой крутизны и скорости, так и для людей поднимающихся по проложенным рядом пешеходным маршрутам, из-за камней которые могут отскочить из-под колёс.

    Каждый год Фудзи посещают приблизительно 200000 человек, 30 % из которых иностранцы.


    Гора Фудзи является национальным парком, поэтому выбрасывать мусор категорически запрещено, о чем постоянно напоминают знаки расставленные на всем пути до вершины. В начале восхождения всем бесплатно выдаётся пакет для мусора. Во время восхождения при покупке бутылки воды магазины позволяют выбросить одну пустую бутылку.

    Так же для путешественников построены туалеты. Это, пожалуй, единственные туалеты в Японии которые являются платными, 100 иен. Данные туалеты работают по системе биотуалетов, некоторые даже имеют подогрев сидения. Ряд туалетов работают в автоматическом режиме и питаются от солнечных батарей.

    Парапланы на фоне Ноей-зан и вершины

    Парапланеризм на Фудзи

    Полеты с вершины возможны, но не популярны из-за сильного ветра; подходящая пауза иногда случается рано утром. Полеты в районе над автостоянками Готэмба и Субасири часты, хотя порой затруднены сильным ветром и облаками. Многие школы используют пологий склон между Готэмбой и Субасири для тренировок.


     Гору Фудзи часто неправильно называют «Фудзияма». Так происходит от неправильного прочтения последнего иероглифа — 山 «гора» — в её названии. Стоящий отдельно, он читается яма (кунное чтение), но в названии горы читается сан (онное чтение), если гора большая.

    Вид на гору Фудзи-сан со стороны Омотэтанзава (На лесной дороге Омотэтанзава-риндо)

    Вид на гору Фудзи с искусственного спутника Земли


    • Геологическое строение горы Фудзи
    • Фудзи на карте maps.Google

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    PROMT.One бесплатно переводит онлайн с английского на азербайджанский, арабский, греческий, иврит, испанский, итальянский, казахский, китайский, корейский, немецкий, португальский, татарский, турецкий, туркменский, узбекский, украинский, финский, французский, эстонский и японский.

    Транслит женсксого имени Фуджи: Fudzhi

    Написание имени Фуджи в транслите или латиницей (латинскими или английскими буквами). Это может вам пригодиться, например, при написании имени Фуджи в загранпаспорте, при бронировани билетов, при покупке по интернету и т.д.

    Значение имени «Фуджи»


    Значение букв в имени «Фуджи»

    Ф — нежность, дружелюбие, умение приспосабливаться

    У — пугливость, интуиция, ранимость

    Д — общительность, капризность

    Ж — неуверенность, содержательность

    И — впечатлительность, миролюбие

    Популярные женские имена

    • Наоми
    • Мива
    • Хиро
    • Мики
    • Мэдока
    • Эми
    • Мика
    • Акико
    • Тсукико
    • Аям
    • Нэо
    • Узэджи
    • Сетсуко
    • Сэнго
    • Джанко
    • Асэми
    • Охара
    • Киоко
    • Хэна
    • Чи
    • Аяка
    • Хикэри
    • Ая
    • Аяко
    • Морико
    • Юки
    • Мичи
    • Сэкера
    • Мэса
    • Сузуму
    • Амэя
    • Ясу
    • Кин
    • Митсуко
    • Риоко
    • Кэед
    • Сора
    • Шинджу
    • Шика
    • Нори
    • Фуджи
    • Рико
    • Эри
    • Миюки
    • Тэмико
    • Хэнэко
    • Чиио
    • Мизэки
    • Хотэру
    • Нэтсуми

    Имена по национальностям

    • Абхазские
    • Калмыкские
    • Аварские
    • Китайские
    • Азербайджанские
    • Кхмерские
    • Албанские
    • Литовские
    • Американские
    • Норвежские
    • Английские
    • Осетинские
    • Персидские
    • Арабские
    • Римские
    • Арамейские
    • Румынские
    • Армянские
    • Русские
    • Ассирийские
    • Афганские
    • Сербские
    • Африканские
    • Сирийские
    • Афроамериканские
    • Скандинавские
    • Ацтекские
    • Славянские
    • Бакские
    • Словенские
    • Болгарские
    • Таджикские
    • Бурятские
    • Тайские
    • Ведические
    • Татарские
    • Венгерские
    • Тевтонские
    • Гавайские
    • Тибетские
    • Германские
    • Турецкие
    • Голландские
    • Тюркские
    • Греческие
    • Финские
    • Грузинские
    • Французские
    • Дагестанские
    • Халдейские
    • Хорватские
    • Датские
    • Цыганские
    • Еврейские
    • Чаморро
    • Египетские
    • Чеченские
    • Индийские
    • Чешские
    • Индиш
    • Шведские
    • Индонезийские
    • Швейцарские
    • Иранские
    • Шотландские
    • Ирландские
    • Эсперанто
    • Исландские
    • Якутские
    • Испанские
    • Японские
    • Казахские

    Фамилии по национальностям

    • Американские
    • Английские
    • Белорусские
    • Болгарские
    • Еврейские
    • Индийские
    • Испанские
    • Итальянские
    • Казахские
    • Китайские
    • Немецкие
    • Русские
    • Украинские
    • Французские
    • Японские

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    FUJIFILM Holdings Corporation

    Fujifilm logo.svg

    The Fujifilm logo used since 2006

    Tokyo Midtown West.JPG

    Midtown West, the current global headquarters of Fujifilm in Tokyo.

    Native name


    Romanized name

    Fujifirumu Hōrudingusu kabushiki gaisha
    Type Public KK

    Traded as

    • TYO: 4901
    • TOPIX Large70 component
    • Document solutions
    • Digital imaging
    • Medical imaging
    • Cosmetics
    • Regenerative Medicine
    • Stem Cells
    • Biologics
    Founded January 20, 1934; 89 years ago
    Founder Daicel Corporation
    Headquarters Midtown West, Tokyo Midtown
    Akasaka, Minato, Tokyo, Japan

    Area served


    Key people

    • Teiichi Goto (President and CEO)
    • Kenji Sukeno (Chairman)
    • Digital imaging
    • Medical imaging
    • Photographic materials
    • Biologics manufacturing, equipment and services
    • Cosmetics
    Revenue Red Arrow Down.svg JP¥2.32 trillion (FY 2019)[1]

    Operating income

    Red Arrow Down.svg JP¥186.57 billion (2019)[1]

    Net income

    Red Arrow Down.svg JP¥124.99 billion (2019)[1]
    Total assets Red Arrow Down.svg JP¥3.32 trillion (2019)[1]

    Number of employees

    73,906 (2019)[1]
    Website holdings.fujifilm.com

    FUJIFILM Holdings Corporation (富士フイルムホールディングス株式会社, Fujifirumu Hōrudingusu kabushiki gaisha), trading as Fujifilm, or simply Fuji, is a Japanese multinational conglomerate headquartered in Tokyo, Japan, operating in the realms of photography, optics, office and medical electronics,[2][3][4] biotechnology,[5][6] and chemicals.[7][8]

    The offerings from the company that started as a manufacturer of photographic films, which it still produces, include: document solutions, medical imaging and diagnostics equipment, cosmetics, pharmaceutical drugs, regenerative medicine, stem cells, biologics manufacturing, magnetic tape data storage, optical films for flat-panel displays, optical devices, photocopiers and printers, digital cameras, color films, color paper, photofinishing and graphic arts equipment and materials.[2][4][9][10][11]

    Fujifilm is part of the Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group financial conglomerate (keiretsu).


    20th century[edit]

    Former Fujifilm logo. The «Fuji» logo on the left was introduced in 1980, while the «Fujifilm» wordmark on the right was introduced in 1992. Both were replaced with the current logo in 2006.

    Fuji Photo Film Co., Ltd. was established in 1934 as a subsidiary of Daicel with the aim of producing photographic films. Over the following 10 years, the company produced photographic films, motion-picture films and X-ray films. In the 1940s, Fuji Photo entered the optical glasses, lenses and equipment markets. After the Second World War, Fuji Photo diversified, penetrating the medical (X-ray diagnosis), printing, electronic imaging and magnetic materials fields. In 1962, Fuji Photo and UK-based Rank Xerox Limited (now Xerox Limited) launched Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd. through a joint venture.

    From the mid-1950s, Fuji Photo accelerated the establishment of overseas sales bases. In the 1980s, Fuji Photo expanded its production and other bases overseas, stepping up the pace of its business globalization. Meanwhile, Fuji Photo developed digital technologies for its photo-related, medical and printing businesses. As a result, it invented computed radiography (CR), which solved a number of issues of traditional radiography, resulting a decrease of radiation exposure to both technician and patient. Fujifilm’s systems were marketed and sold under the FCR brand.[12]

    Like its rival Eastman Kodak which dominated in the US, Fuji Photo enjoyed a longtime near-monopoly on camera film in Japan. By becoming one of the title sponsors of the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics (an opportunity that Kodak passed on), offering cheaper camera film, and establishing a film factory in the US, Fuji gained considerable market share there, while Kodak had little success in penetrating Japan. In 1994 the vice president Juntarō Suzuki announced that the company would halt paying Sōkaiya, a type of protection racket bribe, to Yakuza. In retaliation of this he was murdered in front of his home by them.[13] In May 1995, Kodak filed a petition with the US Commerce Department under section 301 of the Commerce Act arguing that its poor performance in the Japanese market was a direct result of unfair practices adopted by Fuji. The complaint was lodged by the US with the World Trade Organization. On January 30, 1998, the WTO announced a «sweeping rejection of Kodak’s complaints» about the film market in Japan.[14][15]

    21st century[edit]

    The new millennium witnessed the rapid spread of digital technology, and demand for photographic films plunged in line with the growing popularity of digital cameras. In response, Fuji Photo implemented management reforms aimed at drastic transformation of its business structures. Even as early as the 1980s, the company had foreseen the switch from film to digital, so «it developed a three-pronged strategy: to squeeze as much money out of the film business as possible, to prepare for the switch to digital and to develop new business lines.» While both film manufacturers recognized this fundamental change, Fuji Photo adapted to this shift much more successfully[14] than Eastman Kodak (which filed for bankruptcy in January 2012). Fuji Photo’s diversification efforts also succeeded while Kodak’s had failed; furthermore Kodak built up a large but barely profitable digital camera business that was undone quickly by smartphone cameras.[14]

    In March 2006, Noritsu and Fuji announced a strategic alliance for Noritsu to manufacture all of Fuji’s photofinishing hardware, such as minilabs. Each company produces its own software for the minilabs.[16]

    On September 19, 2006, Fujifilm announced plans to establish a holding company, Fujifilm Holdings Corp. Fujifilm and Fuji Xerox would become subsidiaries of the holding company. A representative of the company reconfirmed its commitment to film, which accounts for 3% of sales.[17]

    On January 31, 2018, Fujifilm announced that it would acquire a 50.1% controlling stake in Xerox for US$6.1 billion, which will be amalgamated into its existing Fuji Xerox business.[18][19][20] The deal was subsequently dropped after intervention by activist investors Carl Icahn and Darwin Deason.[21] In late 2019, Fujifilm announced its acquisition of Xerox’s 25% stake in the 57-year-old joint venture, Fuji Xerox.[22]

    In December 2019, Fujifilm acquired Hitachi’s diagnostic imaging business for US$1.63 billion.[3]

    Amid the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, one of Fujifilm Toyama Chemical drugs, i.e. favipiravir, an antiviral commercially named Avigan, is being considered as a possible treatment for the virus,[8][23] after having been approved by China, Russia, and Indonesia authorities by June 2020.

    In June 2020, Fujifilm announced a US$928 million investment to a Denmark-based biologics production facility, which it acquired from Biogen a year earlier for around US$890 million, to double the manufacturing capacity.[24] A tape cartridge using strontium ferrite that could store up to 400TB was showcased by Fujifilm in the late same month.[25]


    Fuji Xerox was a joint venture between Fujifilm and Xerox Corporation of North America. After the dissolution of their partnership in 2019, Fujifilm made it a wholly owned subsidiary. In January 2020, the corporate name change was announced, from Fuji Xerox to Fujifilm Business Innovation Corporation, effective on April 1, 2021.[26]

    Fujifilm bought Sericol Ltd., a UK-based printing ink company specializing in screen, narrow web, and digital print technologies in March 2005.[27]

    Fujifilm de México is a Fujifilm subsidiary in Mexico that sells Fujifilm products since 1934 and has been recognized as one of The Best Mexican Companies (Las Mejores Empresas Mexicanas) from 2012 to 2015, a recognition promoted by Banamex, Deloitte México and Tecnológico de Monterrey.[28]

    Fujifilm is active in pharmaceutical products and contract manufacturing[29] through its subsidiaries including Fujifilm Toyama Chemical, Fujifilm Diosynth Biotechnologies, etc.

    As of July 2020, the Fujifilm Group has two operating companies, which encompass more than 300 subsidiaries in total, and three «shared services companies» under the umbrella.[30] The group structure and a list of some Fujifilm subsidiaries are the following:[31]

    • FUJIFILM Holdings Corporation
      • FUJIFILM Corporation
        • Fujifilm Imaging Systems
          • Fuji Color Photo Center[32]
        • Fujifilm Medical
        • Fujifilm Pharma
        • Fujifilm RI Pharma
        • Fujifilm Toyama Chemical
        • Fujifilm Dimatix
        • Fujifilm Diosynth Biotechnologies
        • FUJIFILM Cellular Dynamics
        • Fujifilm Photo Manufacturing
        • Fujifilm Fine Chemicals
        • Fujifilm Electronics Materials
        • Fujifilm Engineering
        • Fujifilm Optics
        • Fujifilm Opto Materials
        • Fujifilm Global Graphic Systems
        • Fujifilm Computer Systems
        • Fujifilm Software
        • Fujifilm Techno Services
        • Fujifilm Techno Products
        • Fujifilm Business Supply
        • Fujifilm Digital Press
        • Fujifilm Media Crest
        • Fujifilm Sonosite, Inc.
        • Fujifilm Shizuoka
        • Fujifilm Kyushu
        • Fujifilm Logistics
        • Fujifilm VisualSonics
      • Fuji Xerox
        • Fuji Xerox Printing Systems Sales
        • Fuji Xerox Information Systems
        • Fuji Xerox System Service
        • Fuji Xerox Interfield
        • Fuji Xerox Advanced Technologies
        • Fuji Xerox Manufacturing
        • Fuji Xerox Service Creative
        • Fuji Xerox Service Link
        • Fuji Xerox Learning Institute
      • FUJIFILM Business Expert Corporation
      • FUJIFILM Systems Corporation
      • FUJIFILM Intellectual Property Research Co., Ltd.


    Fujichrome R100 35mm film (expired: 1972)

    Fujifilm 200 35mm color film

    Fujifilm Superia Premium 400 35mm color film

    A 100-foot tin of 16 mm Fujifilm

    Fujifilm FinePix F30 camera

    Fujifilm X100F premium compact camera

    Photographic film[edit]

    • Fujifilm photographic films
    • Motion picture film stock. (Discontinued 2013.)
    • Fujichrome color reversal (slide) films.
      • Velvia: one of the most saturated and fine-grained slide films, valued by nature and landscape photographers.
      • Provia: a slide film giving more natural colors than Velvia
      • Astia [ja]: a fined grained, low contrast slide film often used for studio or portrait applications
      • Sensia: a low-contrast consumer slide film; the current emulsion is considered to be identical or near-identical to Astia in the professional line.[33][34]
      • Fortia: slide film, featuring extremely vivid color rendering suitable for flower photography and other high-saturation applications (for Japanese market).
    • Fujicolor color negative (print) films
      • Fujicolor Pro 160S, 160C, 400H, and 800Z (formerly NPS, NPC, NPH, and NPZ): professional films with different levels of contrast
      • Reala: the first film to use the fourth cyan-sensitive layer, currently sold under Superia Reala name
      • Superia: intended for snapshots
      • Press: Cut from the same emulsion stock as Superia, but cold stored and sold as a professional film.
    • Fuji Neopan Professional black & white negative film. Neopan 400 and 1600 were designed to use the same developing times, and can be developed in the same tank/machine and developer combination simultaneously. ACROS and SS do not share this feature.
      • Neopan SS: ISO 100 film, most common and least expensive Neopan film
      • Neopan ACROS: ISO 100 film, finer grain than SS but usually more expensive
      • Neopan Presto: ISO 400 speed film
      • Neopan Super Presto: ISO 1600 for low-light shooting or fast action
    • Instax instant film packs for Fujifilm’s line of instant film cameras

    Cameras and lenses[edit]

    • Fujifilm GFX series cameras (medium format sensor)
    • Fujifilm X series cameras (all current models APS-C; some past models featured a 2/3″ sensor)
    • The Fujifilm FinePix series of digital cameras including:
      • Nikon F-mount compatible digital SLRs like the FinePix S5 Pro
      • Compact cameras like the FinePix F-series and FinePix Z-Series, Fujifilm X100 and X100S
      • Waterproof and shockproof FinePix XP-Series digital cameras
    • The Clear Shot series of 35mm compact cameras
    • Instax series of instant camera
    • Fotorama series of instant camera
    • Various rangefinder cameras, and older Fujica film cameras
    • Professional film cameras such as the GA645,[35] GW670, GW690, GF670, GF670W and Fuji GX680 6x8cm medium format cameras
    • Fujinon camera lenses and binoculars: including the most widely used television lenses in the world


    • Photographic paper
    • Inkjet printer paper
    • Magnetic media, including audiotape (also includes the Axia brand) until 2009, videotape, Magnetic tape data storage and floppy disks
    • Optical media, such as DVDs and CDs, mostly produced by Ritek and Taiyo Yuden; some by Philips
    • Flash memory
    • Fujifilm X-Trans series of CMOS image sensors.
    • Photostimulable Phosphor Plate — X-ray film.
    • Base material for LCD displays
    • Recording Media
    • Microfilm
    • Minilab equipments, announced in 2006 a global alliance with Noritsu Koki, together holding a market share of more than 80% of the global market
    • Digital X-Ray, digital mammography and computed radiography devices
    • Synapse Radiology PACS
    • Synapse Cardiovascular PACS
    • Synapse RIS
    • Ultrasound systems
    • Endoscopy
    • Specialty Chemicals
    • Biologics contract manufacturing and development
    • Biomaterials
    • Regenerative medicine
    • Cosmetics (ASTALIFT series, Nanolift series)
    • Fujifilm FinePix XP130 yellow camera.

      Fujifilm FinePix XP130 yellow camera.

    • Fujifilm S5 Pro.

      Fujifilm S5 Pro.

    • Fujifilm IS Pro.

      Fujifilm IS Pro.

    • Instant camera Fujifilm Instax SQUARE SQ10.

      Instant camera Fujifilm Instax SQUARE SQ10.

    • Instant camera Fujifilm Instax 210.

      Instant camera Fujifilm Instax 210.

    • Fujifilm FinePix S5500.

      Fujifilm FinePix S5500.

    • Fujifilm FinePix S700.

      Fujifilm FinePix S700.

    • Fujinon GF 32–64 mm F4 R LM WR lens.

      Fujinon GF 32–64 mm F4 R LM WR lens.

    • Fujifilm products in a film vending machine in Japan.

      Fujifilm products in a film vending machine in Japan.

    • Fujifilm Fujica STX-1N.

      Fujifilm Fujica STX-1N.

    • Fujifilm GFX 50S.

      Fujifilm GFX 50S.

    • A Fujifilm television lens.

      A Fujifilm television lens.

    See also[edit]

    • Fujifilm FinePix
    • Fujifilm cameras
    • List of photographic equipment makers
    • List of photographic films
    • List of discontinued photographic films


    1. ^ a b c d e «Fujifilm Financial Information 2019» (PDF). Retrieved 2020-12-02.
    2. ^ a b «Medical Systems | Fujifilm Global». www.fujifilm.com. Retrieved 2021-02-21.
    3. ^ a b «Fujifilm Acquires Hitachi Diagnostic Imaging Business». www.diagnosticimaging.com. Retrieved 2020-07-17.
    4. ^ a b «Home FUJI XEROX CO.,LTD». www.fujixerox.com. Retrieved 2021-02-21.
    5. ^ «Fujifilm socks $2B into new U.S. site as its global CDMO ambitions take shape». Fierce Pharma. 7 January 2021. Retrieved 2021-02-21.
    6. ^ «Eyeing growth in regenerative medicine, Fujifilm spends $800M on two new members of its CDMO business». Endpoints News. Retrieved 2020-11-17.
    7. ^ «Specialty Chemicals | Fujifilm [United States]». www.fujifilm.com. Retrieved 2021-02-21.
    8. ^ a b Matsuoka, Katsumori (April 13, 2020). «Fujifilm tests favipiravir as COVID-19 treatment». C&EN. Retrieved April 15, 2020.
    9. ^ Tomisawa, Ayai (2014-10-30). «Fujifilm cautious on Avigan profitability, eyes Ebola spread». Reuters. Retrieved 2021-02-21.
    10. ^ Coughlin, Tom. «Digital Storage Projections For 2021, Part 1». Forbes. Retrieved 2021-03-31.
    11. ^ «Document Solutions | Business Activities | Fujifilm Group’s Value Creation | Investor Relations | FUJIFILM Holdings». ir.fujifilm.com. Retrieved 2021-03-31.
    12. ^ Mattoon, John S.; Smith, Carin (January 2004). «Breakthroughs in Radiography: Computed Radiography». Compendium. 26 (1). Introduced in the 1980s by Fujifilm Medical Systems, computed radiography (CR) …
    13. ^ http://www.japanesestudies.org.uk/reviews/Maruko.html Sōkaiya and Japanese Corporations], Eiko Maruko, Electronic Journal of Contemporary Japanese Studies, 25 June 2002
    14. ^ a b c «Technological change: The last Kodak moment?». The Economist. 2012-01-14. Retrieved 2014-02-07.
    15. ^ «The Kodak — Fuji Rivalry |Business Strategy Case Studies|Business Strategy Articles». Icmrindia.org. 2013-11-14. Retrieved 2014-02-07.
    16. ^ «Do Fuji and Noritsu Look Alike? Reason: They Really Are (Well, Almost)». Imaginginfo.com. Archived from the original on 7 April 2008. Retrieved 24 May 2019.
    17. ^ Fuji Photo to diversify, shift to holding company system | The Japan Times Online
    18. ^ «Fujifilm acquires Xerox for $6.1 billion». Ars Technica. Retrieved 2018-02-01.
    19. ^ Shirkey, Alec (2018-01-31). «A Giant Is Born: Fujifilm Deal Allows Xerox To Make Inroads Into Asia-Pacific Print Market, Bolster Next-Gen R&D Efforts». CRN. Retrieved 2018-02-01.
    20. ^ Shirkey, Alec (2018-01-31). «Fujifilm Buys Controlling Stake In Xerox, Creating An $18 Billion Printer Industry Behemoth». CRN. Retrieved 2018-02-01.
    21. ^ «Xerox drops Fujifilm deal in settlement with Carl Icahn». CNBC. 14 May 2018. Retrieved 2018-05-15.
    22. ^ «Xerox exits Fujifilm venture with $2.3 billion stake sale to Japan partner». Reuters. 2019-11-05. Retrieved 2020-07-17.
    23. ^ «Fujifilm pairs with Dr. Reddy’s, Global Response Aid to make COVID-19 drug Avigan». Fierce Pharma. July 2020. Retrieved 2020-07-17.
    24. ^ «Fujifilm commits $928m to expand biologics facility in Denmark». Pharmaceutical Technology. 2020-06-10. Retrieved 2020-07-17.
    25. ^ Mellor, Chris (2020-06-29). «Fujifilm points to 400TB tape cartridge on the horizon». Blocks and Files. Retrieved 2020-07-17.
    26. ^ «Fuji Xerox Announces Corporate Name Change to FUJIFILM Business Innovation Corp. | FUJI XEROX CO.,LTD». www.fujixerox.com. Retrieved 2020-08-01.
    27. ^ Fuji Photo Film Acquires Sericol Group of the United Kingdom Archived 2011-06-18 at the Wayback Machine
    28. ^ «Empresas Reconocidas — Las Mejores Empresas Mexicanas». Mejoresempresasmexicanas.com. Archived from the original on 2016-02-06. Retrieved 2016-06-13.
    29. ^ «Fujifilm launches the Bio CDMO Division». Fujifilm Global. Retrieved 2020-07-17.
    30. ^ «Group Companies | FUJIFILM Holdings». holdings.fujifilm.com. Retrieved 2020-07-17.
    31. ^ «Consolidated Subsidiaries of FUJIFILM Holdings Corporation:Japan | FUJIFILM Holdings». holdings.fujifilm.com. Retrieved 2020-07-17.
    32. ^ «フジカラー フォトセンター ||| 会社概要 |||». Archived from the original on 2019-09-05. Retrieved 2017-09-08.
    33. ^ Everything but the kitchen sink
    34. ^ «Fuji Astia 100F Slide Film Review». Nathangriffin.com. Retrieved 2014-02-07.
    35. ^ «Awards:GOOD DESIGN | 富士フイルムのデザイン». design.fujifilm.com. Retrieved 2015-12-29.

    External links[edit]

    Wikimedia Commons has media related to Fujifilm.

    • Official website (Consumer)
    • Official website (Corporate)
    • «Company history books (Shashi)». Shashi Interest Group. April 2016. Wiki collection of bibliographic works on Fujifilm

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    FUJIFILM Holdings Corporation

    Fujifilm logo.svg

    The Fujifilm logo used since 2006

    Tokyo Midtown West.JPG

    Midtown West, the current global headquarters of Fujifilm in Tokyo.

    Native name


    Romanized name

    Fujifirumu Hōrudingusu kabushiki gaisha
    Type Public KK

    Traded as

    • TYO: 4901
    • TOPIX Large70 component
    • Document solutions
    • Digital imaging
    • Medical imaging
    • Cosmetics
    • Regenerative Medicine
    • Stem Cells
    • Biologics
    Founded January 20, 1934; 89 years ago
    Founder Daicel Corporation
    Headquarters Midtown West, Tokyo Midtown
    Akasaka, Minato, Tokyo, Japan

    Area served


    Key people

    • Teiichi Goto (President and CEO)
    • Kenji Sukeno (Chairman)
    • Digital imaging
    • Medical imaging
    • Photographic materials
    • Biologics manufacturing, equipment and services
    • Cosmetics
    Revenue Red Arrow Down.svg JP¥2.32 trillion (FY 2019)[1]

    Operating income

    Red Arrow Down.svg JP¥186.57 billion (2019)[1]

    Net income

    Red Arrow Down.svg JP¥124.99 billion (2019)[1]
    Total assets Red Arrow Down.svg JP¥3.32 trillion (2019)[1]

    Number of employees

    73,906 (2019)[1]
    Website holdings.fujifilm.com

    FUJIFILM Holdings Corporation (富士フイルムホールディングス株式会社, Fujifirumu Hōrudingusu kabushiki gaisha), trading as Fujifilm, or simply Fuji, is a Japanese multinational conglomerate headquartered in Tokyo, Japan, operating in the realms of photography, optics, office and medical electronics,[2][3][4] biotechnology,[5][6] and chemicals.[7][8]

    The offerings from the company that started as a manufacturer of photographic films, which it still produces, include: document solutions, medical imaging and diagnostics equipment, cosmetics, pharmaceutical drugs, regenerative medicine, stem cells, biologics manufacturing, magnetic tape data storage, optical films for flat-panel displays, optical devices, photocopiers and printers, digital cameras, color films, color paper, photofinishing and graphic arts equipment and materials.[2][4][9][10][11]

    Fujifilm is part of the Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group financial conglomerate (keiretsu).


    20th century[edit]

    Former Fujifilm logo. The «Fuji» logo on the left was introduced in 1980, while the «Fujifilm» wordmark on the right was introduced in 1992. Both were replaced with the current logo in 2006.

    Fuji Photo Film Co., Ltd. was established in 1934 as a subsidiary of Daicel with the aim of producing photographic films. Over the following 10 years, the company produced photographic films, motion-picture films and X-ray films. In the 1940s, Fuji Photo entered the optical glasses, lenses and equipment markets. After the Second World War, Fuji Photo diversified, penetrating the medical (X-ray diagnosis), printing, electronic imaging and magnetic materials fields. In 1962, Fuji Photo and UK-based Rank Xerox Limited (now Xerox Limited) launched Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd. through a joint venture.

    From the mid-1950s, Fuji Photo accelerated the establishment of overseas sales bases. In the 1980s, Fuji Photo expanded its production and other bases overseas, stepping up the pace of its business globalization. Meanwhile, Fuji Photo developed digital technologies for its photo-related, medical and printing businesses. As a result, it invented computed radiography (CR), which solved a number of issues of traditional radiography, resulting a decrease of radiation exposure to both technician and patient. Fujifilm’s systems were marketed and sold under the FCR brand.[12]

    Like its rival Eastman Kodak which dominated in the US, Fuji Photo enjoyed a longtime near-monopoly on camera film in Japan. By becoming one of the title sponsors of the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics (an opportunity that Kodak passed on), offering cheaper camera film, and establishing a film factory in the US, Fuji gained considerable market share there, while Kodak had little success in penetrating Japan. In 1994 the vice president Juntarō Suzuki announced that the company would halt paying Sōkaiya, a type of protection racket bribe, to Yakuza. In retaliation of this he was murdered in front of his home by them.[13] In May 1995, Kodak filed a petition with the US Commerce Department under section 301 of the Commerce Act arguing that its poor performance in the Japanese market was a direct result of unfair practices adopted by Fuji. The complaint was lodged by the US with the World Trade Organization. On January 30, 1998, the WTO announced a «sweeping rejection of Kodak’s complaints» about the film market in Japan.[14][15]

    21st century[edit]

    The new millennium witnessed the rapid spread of digital technology, and demand for photographic films plunged in line with the growing popularity of digital cameras. In response, Fuji Photo implemented management reforms aimed at drastic transformation of its business structures. Even as early as the 1980s, the company had foreseen the switch from film to digital, so «it developed a three-pronged strategy: to squeeze as much money out of the film business as possible, to prepare for the switch to digital and to develop new business lines.» While both film manufacturers recognized this fundamental change, Fuji Photo adapted to this shift much more successfully[14] than Eastman Kodak (which filed for bankruptcy in January 2012). Fuji Photo’s diversification efforts also succeeded while Kodak’s had failed; furthermore Kodak built up a large but barely profitable digital camera business that was undone quickly by smartphone cameras.[14]

    In March 2006, Noritsu and Fuji announced a strategic alliance for Noritsu to manufacture all of Fuji’s photofinishing hardware, such as minilabs. Each company produces its own software for the minilabs.[16]

    On September 19, 2006, Fujifilm announced plans to establish a holding company, Fujifilm Holdings Corp. Fujifilm and Fuji Xerox would become subsidiaries of the holding company. A representative of the company reconfirmed its commitment to film, which accounts for 3% of sales.[17]

    On January 31, 2018, Fujifilm announced that it would acquire a 50.1% controlling stake in Xerox for US$6.1 billion, which will be amalgamated into its existing Fuji Xerox business.[18][19][20] The deal was subsequently dropped after intervention by activist investors Carl Icahn and Darwin Deason.[21] In late 2019, Fujifilm announced its acquisition of Xerox’s 25% stake in the 57-year-old joint venture, Fuji Xerox.[22]

    In December 2019, Fujifilm acquired Hitachi’s diagnostic imaging business for US$1.63 billion.[3]

    Amid the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, one of Fujifilm Toyama Chemical drugs, i.e. favipiravir, an antiviral commercially named Avigan, is being considered as a possible treatment for the virus,[8][23] after having been approved by China, Russia, and Indonesia authorities by June 2020.

    In June 2020, Fujifilm announced a US$928 million investment to a Denmark-based biologics production facility, which it acquired from Biogen a year earlier for around US$890 million, to double the manufacturing capacity.[24] A tape cartridge using strontium ferrite that could store up to 400TB was showcased by Fujifilm in the late same month.[25]


    Fuji Xerox was a joint venture between Fujifilm and Xerox Corporation of North America. After the dissolution of their partnership in 2019, Fujifilm made it a wholly owned subsidiary. In January 2020, the corporate name change was announced, from Fuji Xerox to Fujifilm Business Innovation Corporation, effective on April 1, 2021.[26]

    Fujifilm bought Sericol Ltd., a UK-based printing ink company specializing in screen, narrow web, and digital print technologies in March 2005.[27]

    Fujifilm de México is a Fujifilm subsidiary in Mexico that sells Fujifilm products since 1934 and has been recognized as one of The Best Mexican Companies (Las Mejores Empresas Mexicanas) from 2012 to 2015, a recognition promoted by Banamex, Deloitte México and Tecnológico de Monterrey.[28]

    Fujifilm is active in pharmaceutical products and contract manufacturing[29] through its subsidiaries including Fujifilm Toyama Chemical, Fujifilm Diosynth Biotechnologies, etc.

    As of July 2020, the Fujifilm Group has two operating companies, which encompass more than 300 subsidiaries in total, and three «shared services companies» under the umbrella.[30] The group structure and a list of some Fujifilm subsidiaries are the following:[31]

    • FUJIFILM Holdings Corporation
      • FUJIFILM Corporation
        • Fujifilm Imaging Systems
          • Fuji Color Photo Center[32]
        • Fujifilm Medical
        • Fujifilm Pharma
        • Fujifilm RI Pharma
        • Fujifilm Toyama Chemical
        • Fujifilm Dimatix
        • Fujifilm Diosynth Biotechnologies
        • FUJIFILM Cellular Dynamics
        • Fujifilm Photo Manufacturing
        • Fujifilm Fine Chemicals
        • Fujifilm Electronics Materials
        • Fujifilm Engineering
        • Fujifilm Optics
        • Fujifilm Opto Materials
        • Fujifilm Global Graphic Systems
        • Fujifilm Computer Systems
        • Fujifilm Software
        • Fujifilm Techno Services
        • Fujifilm Techno Products
        • Fujifilm Business Supply
        • Fujifilm Digital Press
        • Fujifilm Media Crest
        • Fujifilm Sonosite, Inc.
        • Fujifilm Shizuoka
        • Fujifilm Kyushu
        • Fujifilm Logistics
        • Fujifilm VisualSonics
      • Fuji Xerox
        • Fuji Xerox Printing Systems Sales
        • Fuji Xerox Information Systems
        • Fuji Xerox System Service
        • Fuji Xerox Interfield
        • Fuji Xerox Advanced Technologies
        • Fuji Xerox Manufacturing
        • Fuji Xerox Service Creative
        • Fuji Xerox Service Link
        • Fuji Xerox Learning Institute
      • FUJIFILM Business Expert Corporation
      • FUJIFILM Systems Corporation
      • FUJIFILM Intellectual Property Research Co., Ltd.


    Fujichrome R100 35mm film (expired: 1972)

    Fujifilm 200 35mm color film

    Fujifilm Superia Premium 400 35mm color film

    A 100-foot tin of 16 mm Fujifilm

    Fujifilm FinePix F30 camera

    Fujifilm X100F premium compact camera

    Photographic film[edit]

    • Fujifilm photographic films
    • Motion picture film stock. (Discontinued 2013.)
    • Fujichrome color reversal (slide) films.
      • Velvia: one of the most saturated and fine-grained slide films, valued by nature and landscape photographers.
      • Provia: a slide film giving more natural colors than Velvia
      • Astia [ja]: a fined grained, low contrast slide film often used for studio or portrait applications
      • Sensia: a low-contrast consumer slide film; the current emulsion is considered to be identical or near-identical to Astia in the professional line.[33][34]
      • Fortia: slide film, featuring extremely vivid color rendering suitable for flower photography and other high-saturation applications (for Japanese market).
    • Fujicolor color negative (print) films
      • Fujicolor Pro 160S, 160C, 400H, and 800Z (formerly NPS, NPC, NPH, and NPZ): professional films with different levels of contrast
      • Reala: the first film to use the fourth cyan-sensitive layer, currently sold under Superia Reala name
      • Superia: intended for snapshots
      • Press: Cut from the same emulsion stock as Superia, but cold stored and sold as a professional film.
    • Fuji Neopan Professional black & white negative film. Neopan 400 and 1600 were designed to use the same developing times, and can be developed in the same tank/machine and developer combination simultaneously. ACROS and SS do not share this feature.
      • Neopan SS: ISO 100 film, most common and least expensive Neopan film
      • Neopan ACROS: ISO 100 film, finer grain than SS but usually more expensive
      • Neopan Presto: ISO 400 speed film
      • Neopan Super Presto: ISO 1600 for low-light shooting or fast action
    • Instax instant film packs for Fujifilm’s line of instant film cameras

    Cameras and lenses[edit]

    • Fujifilm GFX series cameras (medium format sensor)
    • Fujifilm X series cameras (all current models APS-C; some past models featured a 2/3″ sensor)
    • The Fujifilm FinePix series of digital cameras including:
      • Nikon F-mount compatible digital SLRs like the FinePix S5 Pro
      • Compact cameras like the FinePix F-series and FinePix Z-Series, Fujifilm X100 and X100S
      • Waterproof and shockproof FinePix XP-Series digital cameras
    • The Clear Shot series of 35mm compact cameras
    • Instax series of instant camera
    • Fotorama series of instant camera
    • Various rangefinder cameras, and older Fujica film cameras
    • Professional film cameras such as the GA645,[35] GW670, GW690, GF670, GF670W and Fuji GX680 6x8cm medium format cameras
    • Fujinon camera lenses and binoculars: including the most widely used television lenses in the world


    • Photographic paper
    • Inkjet printer paper
    • Magnetic media, including audiotape (also includes the Axia brand) until 2009, videotape, Magnetic tape data storage and floppy disks
    • Optical media, such as DVDs and CDs, mostly produced by Ritek and Taiyo Yuden; some by Philips
    • Flash memory
    • Fujifilm X-Trans series of CMOS image sensors.
    • Photostimulable Phosphor Plate — X-ray film.
    • Base material for LCD displays
    • Recording Media
    • Microfilm
    • Minilab equipments, announced in 2006 a global alliance with Noritsu Koki, together holding a market share of more than 80% of the global market
    • Digital X-Ray, digital mammography and computed radiography devices
    • Synapse Radiology PACS
    • Synapse Cardiovascular PACS
    • Synapse RIS
    • Ultrasound systems
    • Endoscopy
    • Specialty Chemicals
    • Biologics contract manufacturing and development
    • Biomaterials
    • Regenerative medicine
    • Cosmetics (ASTALIFT series, Nanolift series)
    • Fujifilm FinePix XP130 yellow camera.

      Fujifilm FinePix XP130 yellow camera.

    • Fujifilm S5 Pro.

      Fujifilm S5 Pro.

    • Fujifilm IS Pro.

      Fujifilm IS Pro.

    • Instant camera Fujifilm Instax SQUARE SQ10.

      Instant camera Fujifilm Instax SQUARE SQ10.

    • Instant camera Fujifilm Instax 210.

      Instant camera Fujifilm Instax 210.

    • Fujifilm FinePix S5500.

      Fujifilm FinePix S5500.

    • Fujifilm FinePix S700.

      Fujifilm FinePix S700.

    • Fujinon GF 32–64 mm F4 R LM WR lens.

      Fujinon GF 32–64 mm F4 R LM WR lens.

    • Fujifilm products in a film vending machine in Japan.

      Fujifilm products in a film vending machine in Japan.

    • Fujifilm Fujica STX-1N.

      Fujifilm Fujica STX-1N.

    • Fujifilm GFX 50S.

      Fujifilm GFX 50S.

    • A Fujifilm television lens.

      A Fujifilm television lens.

    See also[edit]

    • Fujifilm FinePix
    • Fujifilm cameras
    • List of photographic equipment makers
    • List of photographic films
    • List of discontinued photographic films


    1. ^ a b c d e «Fujifilm Financial Information 2019» (PDF). Retrieved 2020-12-02.
    2. ^ a b «Medical Systems | Fujifilm Global». www.fujifilm.com. Retrieved 2021-02-21.
    3. ^ a b «Fujifilm Acquires Hitachi Diagnostic Imaging Business». www.diagnosticimaging.com. Retrieved 2020-07-17.
    4. ^ a b «Home FUJI XEROX CO.,LTD». www.fujixerox.com. Retrieved 2021-02-21.
    5. ^ «Fujifilm socks $2B into new U.S. site as its global CDMO ambitions take shape». Fierce Pharma. 7 January 2021. Retrieved 2021-02-21.
    6. ^ «Eyeing growth in regenerative medicine, Fujifilm spends $800M on two new members of its CDMO business». Endpoints News. Retrieved 2020-11-17.
    7. ^ «Specialty Chemicals | Fujifilm [United States]». www.fujifilm.com. Retrieved 2021-02-21.
    8. ^ a b Matsuoka, Katsumori (April 13, 2020). «Fujifilm tests favipiravir as COVID-19 treatment». C&EN. Retrieved April 15, 2020.
    9. ^ Tomisawa, Ayai (2014-10-30). «Fujifilm cautious on Avigan profitability, eyes Ebola spread». Reuters. Retrieved 2021-02-21.
    10. ^ Coughlin, Tom. «Digital Storage Projections For 2021, Part 1». Forbes. Retrieved 2021-03-31.
    11. ^ «Document Solutions | Business Activities | Fujifilm Group’s Value Creation | Investor Relations | FUJIFILM Holdings». ir.fujifilm.com. Retrieved 2021-03-31.
    12. ^ Mattoon, John S.; Smith, Carin (January 2004). «Breakthroughs in Radiography: Computed Radiography». Compendium. 26 (1). Introduced in the 1980s by Fujifilm Medical Systems, computed radiography (CR) …
    13. ^ http://www.japanesestudies.org.uk/reviews/Maruko.html Sōkaiya and Japanese Corporations], Eiko Maruko, Electronic Journal of Contemporary Japanese Studies, 25 June 2002
    14. ^ a b c «Technological change: The last Kodak moment?». The Economist. 2012-01-14. Retrieved 2014-02-07.
    15. ^ «The Kodak — Fuji Rivalry |Business Strategy Case Studies|Business Strategy Articles». Icmrindia.org. 2013-11-14. Retrieved 2014-02-07.
    16. ^ «Do Fuji and Noritsu Look Alike? Reason: They Really Are (Well, Almost)». Imaginginfo.com. Archived from the original on 7 April 2008. Retrieved 24 May 2019.
    17. ^ Fuji Photo to diversify, shift to holding company system | The Japan Times Online
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    19. ^ Shirkey, Alec (2018-01-31). «A Giant Is Born: Fujifilm Deal Allows Xerox To Make Inroads Into Asia-Pacific Print Market, Bolster Next-Gen R&D Efforts». CRN. Retrieved 2018-02-01.
    20. ^ Shirkey, Alec (2018-01-31). «Fujifilm Buys Controlling Stake In Xerox, Creating An $18 Billion Printer Industry Behemoth». CRN. Retrieved 2018-02-01.
    21. ^ «Xerox drops Fujifilm deal in settlement with Carl Icahn». CNBC. 14 May 2018. Retrieved 2018-05-15.
    22. ^ «Xerox exits Fujifilm venture with $2.3 billion stake sale to Japan partner». Reuters. 2019-11-05. Retrieved 2020-07-17.
    23. ^ «Fujifilm pairs with Dr. Reddy’s, Global Response Aid to make COVID-19 drug Avigan». Fierce Pharma. July 2020. Retrieved 2020-07-17.
    24. ^ «Fujifilm commits $928m to expand biologics facility in Denmark». Pharmaceutical Technology. 2020-06-10. Retrieved 2020-07-17.
    25. ^ Mellor, Chris (2020-06-29). «Fujifilm points to 400TB tape cartridge on the horizon». Blocks and Files. Retrieved 2020-07-17.
    26. ^ «Fuji Xerox Announces Corporate Name Change to FUJIFILM Business Innovation Corp. | FUJI XEROX CO.,LTD». www.fujixerox.com. Retrieved 2020-08-01.
    27. ^ Fuji Photo Film Acquires Sericol Group of the United Kingdom Archived 2011-06-18 at the Wayback Machine
    28. ^ «Empresas Reconocidas — Las Mejores Empresas Mexicanas». Mejoresempresasmexicanas.com. Archived from the original on 2016-02-06. Retrieved 2016-06-13.
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    30. ^ «Group Companies | FUJIFILM Holdings». holdings.fujifilm.com. Retrieved 2020-07-17.
    31. ^ «Consolidated Subsidiaries of FUJIFILM Holdings Corporation:Japan | FUJIFILM Holdings». holdings.fujifilm.com. Retrieved 2020-07-17.
    32. ^ «フジカラー フォトセンター ||| 会社概要 |||». Archived from the original on 2019-09-05. Retrieved 2017-09-08.
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    35. ^ «Awards:GOOD DESIGN | 富士フイルムのデザイン». design.fujifilm.com. Retrieved 2015-12-29.

    External links[edit]

    Wikimedia Commons has media related to Fujifilm.

    • Official website (Consumer)
    • Official website (Corporate)
    • «Company history books (Shashi)». Shashi Interest Group. April 2016. Wiki collection of bibliographic works on Fujifilm

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    фуджи в словаре кроссвордиста

    • Японские яблоки зимнего сорта
    • Эта японская корпорация в 1986 году изготовила из картона первый одноразовый фотоаппарат на 24 кадра с объективом и вспышкой


    Фуджи (музыка)

    Фуджи — жанр африканской популярной музыки, комбинирующий перкуссию и вокал апалы с задумчивой, философской музыкой сакара . Важнейшей характерной особенностью фуджи является ударная музыка. Его разработал Сикиру Айинде Барристер (Sikuru Ayinde Barrister), который начал свой творческий путь в 1965 году, с исполнения мусульманских утренних песен вере , во время священного месяца Рамадан . Название жанра он придумал после победы в конкурсе исполнителей вере-музыки ( :en:ajisari ), состоявшегося в Лагосе . Название было взято, скорее всего, случайно, от японской горы Фудзи . Вскоре у Сикиру появился конкурент Айинила Коллингтон (Ayinla Kollington), разделивший поклонников фуджи на два лагеря. К концу 1990-х годов фуджи начал обгонять джуджу по популярности, превратившись в музыкальный мейнстрим Нигерии. Бесспорным лидером и новатором жанра становится Васиу Барристер (Wasiu Barrister), известный как KWAM (King Wasiu Ayinde Marshall).

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