Как пишется гектор на английском


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    Гектор Руис

    Гектор Руис (Hector Ruiz) — председатель совета директоров, президент и исполнительный директор компании AMD (08.2004).

    Дополнительный универсальный русско-английский словарь > Гектор Руис

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    Дагворт-Грейнджер, Гектор

    Dagworth-Granger, Hector

    Принц-полукровка, Волшебники

    Русско-английский словарь Гарри Поттер (Народный перевод) > Дагворт-Грейнджер, Гектор

См. также в других словарях:

  • ГЕКТОР — (греч. hektor владеющий, от echo владею, держу). Мужское имя: владетель. Словарь иностранных слов, вошедших в состав русского языка. Чудинов А.Н., 1910. ГЕКТОР (греч.). Храбрейший вождь троянского войска, сын Приама и Гекубы, женатый на Андромахе …   Словарь иностранных слов русского языка

  • Гектор — в мифах древних греков сын царя Трои Приама и Гекубы. Прославился Гектор на десятом году Троянской войны, он возглавил боевые действия троянцев, отличаясь силой и геройством. Под руководством Гектора троянцы ворвались в лагерь ахейцев, подступили …   Исторический словарь

  • Гектор — (Hector, Εχτωρ). Старший сын троянского царя Приама и Гекубы, супруг Андромахи. Он был главным героем троянцев в их борьбе с греками и был убит в поединке с Ахиллесом. Это одна из благороднейших фигур в “Илиаде” Гомера. (Источник: «Краткий… …   Энциклопедия мифологии

  • Гектор — Заложен 9.7.1774 в С. Петербургском адмиралтействе. Строитель И. В. Ямес. Спущен 4.11.1781 (окончен постройкой в 1777 и 4 года стоял на стапеле), вошел в состав БФ. 39,9×10,2×3,3 м; 26 ор. В 1784 производил съемку берегов Финского зал. и промеры… …   Военная энциклопедия

  • Гектор — а, муж. Заимств.Отч.: Гекторович, Гекторовна.Производные: Гека; Гера.Происхождение: (Греч. Hektōr имя героя Троянской войны. От hektōr вседержитель, хранитель.) Словарь личных имён. Гектор а, м. Заимств. Отч.: Гекторович, Гекторовна. Производные …   Словарь личных имен

  • гектор — вседержитель, хранитель Словарь русских синонимов. гектор сущ., кол во синонимов: 2 • астероид (579) • герой …   Словарь синонимов

  • ГЕКТОР — – старший сын царя Приама и Гекубы, муж Андромахи, главный защитник Трои в «Илиаде» Гомера. Гектор руководит троянцами в сражении, дважды вступает в бой с Аяксом и убивает Патрокла. Гектору все время помогает Аполлон, что послужило поводом… …   Cловарь-справочник по Древней Греции и Риму, по мифологии

  • ГЕКТОР — – старший сын царя Приама и Гекубы, муж Андромахи, главный защитник Трои в «Илиаде» Гомера. Гектор руководит троянцами в сражении, дважды вступает в бой с Аяксом и убивает Патрокла. Гектору все время помогает Аполлон, что послужило поводом… …   Список древнегреческих имен

  • ГЕКТОР — в Илиаде один из главных троянских героев, старший сын царя Трои Приама и Гекубы; погиб в единоборстве с Ахиллом, мстившим Гектору за убийство его друга Патрокла …   Большой Энциклопедический словарь

  • ГЕКТОР — центральный персонаж поэмы Гомера «Илиада» (между Х VIII вв. до н.э.). Сын царя Трои Приама, отца пятидесяти сыновей и пятидесяти дочерей. Муж Андромахи, дочери Гетиона, царя Фив, убитого Ахиллесам. В «Илиаде» Г. сопутствуют эпитеты «великий»,… …   Литературные герои

  • Гектор — (Hector) храбрейший вождь троянского войска, сын Приама иГекубы, женатый на Андромахе, которая родила ему Астианакса илиСкамандрия. Подвиги его воспеты Гомером в Илиаде. Убив Патрокла, он палот руки друга Патроклова, Ахиллеса. Тело его Ахиллес… …   Энциклопедия Брокгауза и Ефрона

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hectored / hectored / hectoring / hectors


McCain and Co. appear to be inadvertently finding themselves in bed with Putin when it comes to hectoring Georgia.

Таким образом, запугивая Грузию, Маккейн и компания нечаянно оказались на одной стороне с Путиным.






I sympathise with you, Hector.

Сочувствую, Гектор, правда.




One journalist, Hector Ramirez, died of a heart attack while fleeing from the mob;

Один журналист, Хектор Рамирез, умер от сердечного приступа, когда он убегал от толпы;



имя собственное



Chairman: Héctor Charry Samper (Colombia)

Председатель: Эктор Чарри Сампер (Колумбия)



I sympathise with you, Hector.
Сочувствую, Гектор, правда.

In conclusion, I would be failing in my duty if I did not express our grief at the passing away of Mr. Hector Charry Samper of Columbia, who chaired the Ad Hoc Committee until very recently.
В заключение, я не могу не исполнить своего долга и не выразить скорби в связи с кончиной г-на Эктора Чарри Сампера (Колумбия), который возглавлял Специальный комитет до самого недавнего времени.

One journalist, Hector Ramirez, died of a heart attack while fleeing from the mob;
Один журналист, Хектор Рамирез, умер от сердечного приступа, когда он убегал от толпы;

Is that not Hector and Electra?
Это не Гектор и Электра?

At the 136th meeting, on 29 September 2003, all those who made statements paid tribute to the late Hector Charry Samper (Colombia), Chairman of the Ad Hoc Committee, for his leadership and wisdom in guiding the negotiations on the draft convention, and expressed their condolences to his family.
На 136-м заседании 29 сентября 2003 года все выступавшие с заявлениями почтили память покойного Председателя Специального комитета г-на Эктора Чарри Сампера (Колумбия), высоко оценив его вклад и разумный подход к руководству процессом разработки проекта конвенции, а также выразили соболезнования его семье.


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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

«Héctor» redirects here. For the Spanish film, see Héctor (film).


Hector brought back to Troy.jpg

Sculpture of Hektor being brought back to Troy, dating from c.180–200 CE.

Gender Masculine
Language(s) Greek
Meaning «to have», «to hold», «to check», «restrain»[1]
Region of origin Greece, England, France, Scotland, Spain
Other names
Derived Hektor
Related names Eachann; Hector (surname)

Hector () is an English, French, Scottish, and Spanish given name. The name is derived from the name of Hektor, a legendary Trojan champion who was killed by the Greek Achilles. The name Hektor is probably derived from the Greek ékhein, meaning «to have», «to hold», «to check», «restrain». In Scotland, the name Hector is sometimes an anglicised form of the Scottish Gaelic Eachann, and the pet form Heckie is sometimes used. The name of Sir Ector, the foster father of King Arthur, is also a variant of the same.[2]


In Greek, Héktōr is a derivative of the verb ἔχειν ékhein, archaic form *ἕχειν, hékhein (‘to have’ or ‘to hold’), from Proto-Indo-European *seɡ́ʰ- (‘to hold’).[3] Héktōr, or Éktōr as found in Aeolic poetry, is also an epithet of Zeus in his capacity as ‘he who holds [everything together]’. Hector’s name could thus be taken to mean ‘holding fast’.[4]


  • Irish: Eachtar[5]
  • Italian: Ettore[2]
  • Portuguese: Heitor[2]
  • Greek: Modern Greek: Έκτορας (Ectoras), Ancient Greek: Ἕκτωρ (Hector)

People with the name[edit]

  • Hector Abhayavardhana (1919-2012), Sri Lankan Sinhala Trotskyist politician
  • Hector Appuhamy, Member of the Sri Lanka Parliament for Puttalam District
  • Hector Arawwawala, Governor of North Western Province, Sri Lanka from July 1994 — January 1995
  • Héctor Ávila, Dominican boxer
  • Héctor Ballesteros, Colombian weightlifter
  • Héctor Bellerín, Spanish football (soccer) player
  • Hector Boece, a Scottish philosopher and historian
  • Hector Berlioz, French composer
  • Hector (Toe) Blake, Canadian hall of fame hockey player and coach
  • Hector Luis Bustamante, Colombian actor
  • Héctor Carrasco, Dominican baseball player
  • Héctor Castaño, Colombian road cyclist
  • Hector Charlesworth, Canadian writer, editor and critic
  • Hector Crawford, Australian radio and television producer
  • Hector de Zayas, U.S. Marine Corps officer and Navy Cross recipient
  • Hector Deheragoda, Solicitor General of Sri Lanka from 1970-1972
  • Héctor del Curto, Argentine tango bandoneon player
  • Héctor Delgado, reggaeton artist
  • Héctor Elizondo, Puerto Rican-American actor
  • Héctor Ferri, Ecuadorian football (soccer) player
  • Hector Halsall, English rugby league footballer with Swinton RLFC in the 1920s
  • Hector A. Hanson, American farmmer and politician
  • Hector Hetherington, Scottish philosopher
  • Héctor King, Mexican recording artist
  • Hector Kobbekaduwa, Sri Lankan Sinhala lawyer and politician
  • Héctor Lavoe, Puerto Rican salsa singer
  • Hector Lombard, Cuban-Australian mixed martial artist
  • Hector Munro Macdonald, Scottish mathematician
  • Hector Carsewell Macpherson, Scottish writer and journalist
  • Héctor Moreno (footballer), Mexican football (soccer) player
  • Hector Munro, 8th laird of Novar, a Scottish-born British soldier who became the ninth Commander-in-Chief, India
  • Hector Hugh Munro, British writer who used the pseudonym Saki
  • Héctor Noguera, Chilean television, film and theatre actor
  • Héctor Germán Oesterheld, Argentine journalist and writer of graphic novels and comics
  • Hector Ó hEochagáin, Irish radio and television presenter
  • Héctor Palacio, Colombian road racing cyclist
  • Hector de Saint-Denys Garneau, Canadian poet
  • Héctor Soto, Puerto Rican volleyball player
  • Héctor Thomas, Venezuelan decathlete
  • Héctor Timerman, Argentine foreign minister
  • Hector Tyndale, American military officer
  • Héctor Velásquez, Chilean boxer
  • Héctor Vidal Martínez, Paraguayan football (soccer) midfielder
  • Héctor Vilches, Uruguayan football (soccer) player
  • Héctor Yan (born 1999), Dominican Republic professional baseball player

Arthurian legend[edit]

  • Sir Ector
  • Hector de Maris

Fictional characters[edit]

Monomial characters
  • Hector, minor character in the book series A Series of Unfortunate Events
  • Hector (Ambrosia Mascot), parrot, unofficial mascot of games company Ambrosia Software
  • Hector (Castlevania), from Castlevania: Curse of Darkness
  • Hector (Fire Emblem), from the Fire Emblem video game franchise
  • Hector (Marvel Comics), a Marvel Comics superhero
  • Hector: Fat Arse of the Law, in the adventure video game Hector: Badge of Carnage
  • Hector, a polite robot of the father and son android pair Hector and Vector in «Greetings from Earth» (1979), an episode of the Battlestar Galactica (1978 TV series)
  • Hector, the evil robot in the film Saturn 3
  • Hector, a character in the film Coco
Monomial with descriptor
  • Hector the Bulldog, in Looney Tunes cartoons
  • Hector the Cat, a mascot for the teaching of road safety to children in Australia
  • Hector the Dog, in the British children’s television series Hector’s House
Binomial characters
  • Hector Alembick, character from King Ottokar’s Sceptre
  • Hector Barbossa, in the Pirates of the Caribbean film series
  • Hector Bowen, aka Prospero the Enchanter, from the novel The Night Circus
  • Hector Ruiz, from the American television series The Electric Company
  • Hector Cruz, from the American animated television series Ozzy & Drix
  • Hector «Hec» Faulkner, a character from the film Hunt for the Wilderpeople
  • Hector Garcia, a character from Zits
  • Hector Gonzales, in the film For Your Eyes Only
  • Hector Hall, a DC Comics character
  • Hector Hammond, a DC Comics supervillain.
  • Hector «High Five» Nieves, one of the two main characters in the animated web television series Glitch Techs.
  • Hector Ricardo, a minor character in the Lorien Legacies series
  • Hector Salamanca, a character in Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul
  • Hector Williams, one of the main characters in the American television show The Unit
  • Hector «Zero» Zeroni, a character in the novel Holes and its film adaption
Polynomial characters
  • Hector Con Carne, the main character from the American animated series Evil Con Carne

See also[edit]

  • Hector (disambiguation), other things named Hector on Wikipedia

• Orthodox Church celebrating Saint Hector


  1. ^ «Hector: name meaning and origin». BabyCentre UK.
  2. ^ a b c A Dictionary of First Names. Oxford University Press. 1996. ISBN 0-19-280050-7.
  3. ^ Beekes, Robert S. P. (2009). Etymological Dictionary of Greek. Brill Publishers. p. 399. ISBN 978-90-04-17418-4.
  4. ^ This etymology is given under «Hector» in the Online Etymological Dictionary, which, if true, would make it an Indo-European name, of root *seĝh-. The Dardanians would not have been Greek, but the language of the city of Troy is still an open question.
  5. ^ Woulfe, Patrick; Slevin, Gerard (1974). Irish names for children (Revised ed.). Gill and Macmillan. p. 18. ISBN 978-0-7171-0697-4.

Транслит мужского имени Гектор: Gektor

Написание имени Гектор в транслите или латиницей (латинскими или английскими буквами). Это может вам пригодиться, например, при написании имени Гектор в загранпаспорте, при бронировани билетов, при покупке по интернету и т.д.

Значение имени «Гектор»


Значение букв в имени «Гектор»

Г — таинственность, добросовестность, внимание к деталям

Е — жизнестойкость, болтливость, проницательность

К — проницательность, нервозность, выносливость

Т — чувствительность, творческая личность, поиск идеала

О — эмоциональность

Р — самоуверенность, постоянное напряжение

Популярные мужские имена

  • Ексакустодиан
  • Миан
  • Аристарчос
  • Федосей
  • Кронид
  • Эвриал
  • Петр
  • Панаджиотис
  • Метрофанес
  • Евстохий
  • Панаджиотакис
  • Озирис
  • Кореб
  • Фроний
  • Панлихарий
  • Николай
  • Аристодемос
  • Никандрос
  • Апизаон
  • Киприанос
  • Агафодор
  • Артемий
  • Мавр
  • Анатолайос
  • Диомид
  • Нит
  • Фоон
  • Кирик
  • Тевкр
  • Каллист
  • Нот
  • Ганимед
  • Аристоклий
  • Этеоней
  • Евфрасий
  • Лаодок
  • Евпсихий
  • Мелампод
  • Апостолис
  • Пантэрас
  • Полипетю
  • Левк
  • Еферий
  • Андрокльз
  • Амфилохий
  • Илиан
  • Ермий
  • Пансофий
  • Влазис
  • Филл

Имена по национальностям

  • Абхазские
  • Калмыкские
  • Аварские
  • Китайские
  • Азербайджанские
  • Кхмерские
  • Албанские
  • Литовские
  • Американские
  • Норвежские
  • Английские
  • Осетинские
  • Персидские
  • Арабские
  • Римские
  • Арамейские
  • Румынские
  • Армянские
  • Русские
  • Ассирийские
  • Афганские
  • Сербские
  • Африканские
  • Сирийские
  • Афроамериканские
  • Скандинавские
  • Ацтекские
  • Славянские
  • Бакские
  • Словенские
  • Болгарские
  • Таджикские
  • Бурятские
  • Тайские
  • Ведические
  • Татарские
  • Венгерские
  • Тевтонские
  • Гавайские
  • Тибетские
  • Германские
  • Турецкие
  • Голландские
  • Тюркские
  • Греческие
  • Финские
  • Грузинские
  • Французские
  • Дагестанские
  • Халдейские
  • Хорватские
  • Датские
  • Цыганские
  • Еврейские
  • Чаморро
  • Египетские
  • Чеченские
  • Индийские
  • Чешские
  • Индиш
  • Шведские
  • Индонезийские
  • Швейцарские
  • Иранские
  • Шотландские
  • Ирландские
  • Эсперанто
  • Исландские
  • Якутские
  • Испанские
  • Японские
  • Казахские

Фамилии по национальностям

  • Американские
  • Английские
  • Белорусские
  • Болгарские
  • Еврейские
  • Индийские
  • Испанские
  • Итальянские
  • Казахские
  • Китайские
  • Немецкие
  • Русские
  • Украинские
  • Французские
  • Японские

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

«Héctor» redirects here. For the Spanish film, see Héctor (film).


Hector brought back to Troy.jpg

Sculpture of Hektor being brought back to Troy, dating from c.180–200 CE.

Gender Masculine
Language(s) Greek
Meaning «to have», «to hold», «to check», «restrain»[1]
Region of origin Greece, England, France, Scotland, Spain
Other names
Derived Hektor
Related names Eachann; Hector (surname)

Hector () is an English, French, Scottish, and Spanish given name. The name is derived from the name of Hektor, a legendary Trojan champion who was killed by the Greek Achilles. The name Hektor is probably derived from the Greek ékhein, meaning «to have», «to hold», «to check», «restrain». In Scotland, the name Hector is sometimes an anglicised form of the Scottish Gaelic Eachann, and the pet form Heckie is sometimes used. The name of Sir Ector, the foster father of King Arthur, is also a variant of the same.[2]


In Greek, Héktōr is a derivative of the verb ἔχειν ékhein, archaic form *ἕχειν, hékhein (‘to have’ or ‘to hold’), from Proto-Indo-European *seɡ́ʰ- (‘to hold’).[3] Héktōr, or Éktōr as found in Aeolic poetry, is also an epithet of Zeus in his capacity as ‘he who holds [everything together]’. Hector’s name could thus be taken to mean ‘holding fast’.[4]


  • Irish: Eachtar[5]
  • Italian: Ettore[2]
  • Portuguese: Heitor[2]
  • Greek: Modern Greek: Έκτορας (Ectoras), Ancient Greek: Ἕκτωρ (Hector)

People with the name[edit]

  • Hector Abhayavardhana (1919-2012), Sri Lankan Sinhala Trotskyist politician
  • Hector Appuhamy, Member of the Sri Lanka Parliament for Puttalam District
  • Hector Arawwawala, Governor of North Western Province, Sri Lanka from July 1994 — January 1995
  • Héctor Ávila, Dominican boxer
  • Héctor Ballesteros, Colombian weightlifter
  • Héctor Bellerín, Spanish football (soccer) player
  • Hector Boece, a Scottish philosopher and historian
  • Hector Berlioz, French composer
  • Hector (Toe) Blake, Canadian hall of fame hockey player and coach
  • Hector Luis Bustamante, Colombian actor
  • Héctor Carrasco, Dominican baseball player
  • Héctor Castaño, Colombian road cyclist
  • Hector Charlesworth, Canadian writer, editor and critic
  • Hector Crawford, Australian radio and television producer
  • Hector de Zayas, U.S. Marine Corps officer and Navy Cross recipient
  • Hector Deheragoda, Solicitor General of Sri Lanka from 1970-1972
  • Héctor del Curto, Argentine tango bandoneon player
  • Héctor Delgado, reggaeton artist
  • Héctor Elizondo, Puerto Rican-American actor
  • Héctor Ferri, Ecuadorian football (soccer) player
  • Hector Halsall, English rugby league footballer with Swinton RLFC in the 1920s
  • Hector A. Hanson, American farmmer and politician
  • Hector Hetherington, Scottish philosopher
  • Héctor King, Mexican recording artist
  • Hector Kobbekaduwa, Sri Lankan Sinhala lawyer and politician
  • Héctor Lavoe, Puerto Rican salsa singer
  • Hector Lombard, Cuban-Australian mixed martial artist
  • Hector Munro Macdonald, Scottish mathematician
  • Hector Carsewell Macpherson, Scottish writer and journalist
  • Héctor Moreno (footballer), Mexican football (soccer) player
  • Hector Munro, 8th laird of Novar, a Scottish-born British soldier who became the ninth Commander-in-Chief, India
  • Hector Hugh Munro, British writer who used the pseudonym Saki
  • Héctor Noguera, Chilean television, film and theatre actor
  • Héctor Germán Oesterheld, Argentine journalist and writer of graphic novels and comics
  • Hector Ó hEochagáin, Irish radio and television presenter
  • Héctor Palacio, Colombian road racing cyclist
  • Hector de Saint-Denys Garneau, Canadian poet
  • Héctor Soto, Puerto Rican volleyball player
  • Héctor Thomas, Venezuelan decathlete
  • Héctor Timerman, Argentine foreign minister
  • Hector Tyndale, American military officer
  • Héctor Velásquez, Chilean boxer
  • Héctor Vidal Martínez, Paraguayan football (soccer) midfielder
  • Héctor Vilches, Uruguayan football (soccer) player
  • Héctor Yan (born 1999), Dominican Republic professional baseball player

Arthurian legend[edit]

  • Sir Ector
  • Hector de Maris

Fictional characters[edit]

Monomial characters
  • Hector, minor character in the book series A Series of Unfortunate Events
  • Hector (Ambrosia Mascot), parrot, unofficial mascot of games company Ambrosia Software
  • Hector (Castlevania), from Castlevania: Curse of Darkness
  • Hector (Fire Emblem), from the Fire Emblem video game franchise
  • Hector (Marvel Comics), a Marvel Comics superhero
  • Hector: Fat Arse of the Law, in the adventure video game Hector: Badge of Carnage
  • Hector, a polite robot of the father and son android pair Hector and Vector in «Greetings from Earth» (1979), an episode of the Battlestar Galactica (1978 TV series)
  • Hector, the evil robot in the film Saturn 3
  • Hector, a character in the film Coco
Monomial with descriptor
  • Hector the Bulldog, in Looney Tunes cartoons
  • Hector the Cat, a mascot for the teaching of road safety to children in Australia
  • Hector the Dog, in the British children’s television series Hector’s House
Binomial characters
  • Hector Alembick, character from King Ottokar’s Sceptre
  • Hector Barbossa, in the Pirates of the Caribbean film series
  • Hector Bowen, aka Prospero the Enchanter, from the novel The Night Circus
  • Hector Ruiz, from the American television series The Electric Company
  • Hector Cruz, from the American animated television series Ozzy & Drix
  • Hector «Hec» Faulkner, a character from the film Hunt for the Wilderpeople
  • Hector Garcia, a character from Zits
  • Hector Gonzales, in the film For Your Eyes Only
  • Hector Hall, a DC Comics character
  • Hector Hammond, a DC Comics supervillain.
  • Hector «High Five» Nieves, one of the two main characters in the animated web television series Glitch Techs.
  • Hector Ricardo, a minor character in the Lorien Legacies series
  • Hector Salamanca, a character in Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul
  • Hector Williams, one of the main characters in the American television show The Unit
  • Hector «Zero» Zeroni, a character in the novel Holes and its film adaption
Polynomial characters
  • Hector Con Carne, the main character from the American animated series Evil Con Carne

See also[edit]

  • Hector (disambiguation), other things named Hector on Wikipedia

• Orthodox Church celebrating Saint Hector


  1. ^ «Hector: name meaning and origin». BabyCentre UK.
  2. ^ a b c A Dictionary of First Names. Oxford University Press. 1996. ISBN 0-19-280050-7.
  3. ^ Beekes, Robert S. P. (2009). Etymological Dictionary of Greek. Brill Publishers. p. 399. ISBN 978-90-04-17418-4.
  4. ^ This etymology is given under «Hector» in the Online Etymological Dictionary, which, if true, would make it an Indo-European name, of root *seĝh-. The Dardanians would not have been Greek, but the language of the city of Troy is still an open question.
  5. ^ Woulfe, Patrick; Slevin, Gerard (1974). Irish names for children (Revised ed.). Gill and Macmillan. p. 18. ISBN 978-0-7171-0697-4.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

«Héctor» redirects here. For the Spanish film, see Héctor (film).


Hector brought back to Troy.jpg

Sculpture of Hektor being brought back to Troy, dating from c.180–200 CE.

Gender Masculine
Language(s) Greek
Meaning «to have», «to hold», «to check», «restrain»[1]
Region of origin Greece, England, France, Scotland, Spain
Other names
Derived Hektor
Related names Eachann; Hector (surname)

Hector () is an English, French, Scottish, and Spanish given name. The name is derived from the name of Hektor, a legendary Trojan champion who was killed by the Greek Achilles. The name Hektor is probably derived from the Greek ékhein, meaning «to have», «to hold», «to check», «restrain». In Scotland, the name Hector is sometimes an anglicised form of the Scottish Gaelic Eachann, and the pet form Heckie is sometimes used. The name of Sir Ector, the foster father of King Arthur, is also a variant of the same.[2]


In Greek, Héktōr is a derivative of the verb ἔχειν ékhein, archaic form *ἕχειν, hékhein (‘to have’ or ‘to hold’), from Proto-Indo-European *seɡ́ʰ- (‘to hold’).[3] Héktōr, or Éktōr as found in Aeolic poetry, is also an epithet of Zeus in his capacity as ‘he who holds [everything together]’. Hector’s name could thus be taken to mean ‘holding fast’.[4]


  • Irish: Eachtar[5]
  • Italian: Ettore[2]
  • Portuguese: Heitor[2]
  • Greek: Modern Greek: Έκτορας (Ectoras), Ancient Greek: Ἕκτωρ (Hector)

People with the name[edit]

  • Hector Abhayavardhana (1919-2012), Sri Lankan Sinhala Trotskyist politician
  • Hector Appuhamy, Member of the Sri Lanka Parliament for Puttalam District
  • Hector Arawwawala, Governor of North Western Province, Sri Lanka from July 1994 — January 1995
  • Héctor Ávila, Dominican boxer
  • Héctor Ballesteros, Colombian weightlifter
  • Héctor Bellerín, Spanish football (soccer) player
  • Hector Boece, a Scottish philosopher and historian
  • Hector Berlioz, French composer
  • Hector (Toe) Blake, Canadian hall of fame hockey player and coach
  • Hector Luis Bustamante, Colombian actor
  • Héctor Carrasco, Dominican baseball player
  • Héctor Castaño, Colombian road cyclist
  • Hector Charlesworth, Canadian writer, editor and critic
  • Hector Crawford, Australian radio and television producer
  • Hector de Zayas, U.S. Marine Corps officer and Navy Cross recipient
  • Hector Deheragoda, Solicitor General of Sri Lanka from 1970-1972
  • Héctor del Curto, Argentine tango bandoneon player
  • Héctor Delgado, reggaeton artist
  • Héctor Elizondo, Puerto Rican-American actor
  • Héctor Ferri, Ecuadorian football (soccer) player
  • Hector Halsall, English rugby league footballer with Swinton RLFC in the 1920s
  • Hector A. Hanson, American farmmer and politician
  • Hector Hetherington, Scottish philosopher
  • Héctor King, Mexican recording artist
  • Hector Kobbekaduwa, Sri Lankan Sinhala lawyer and politician
  • Héctor Lavoe, Puerto Rican salsa singer
  • Hector Lombard, Cuban-Australian mixed martial artist
  • Hector Munro Macdonald, Scottish mathematician
  • Hector Carsewell Macpherson, Scottish writer and journalist
  • Héctor Moreno (footballer), Mexican football (soccer) player
  • Hector Munro, 8th laird of Novar, a Scottish-born British soldier who became the ninth Commander-in-Chief, India
  • Hector Hugh Munro, British writer who used the pseudonym Saki
  • Héctor Noguera, Chilean television, film and theatre actor
  • Héctor Germán Oesterheld, Argentine journalist and writer of graphic novels and comics
  • Hector Ó hEochagáin, Irish radio and television presenter
  • Héctor Palacio, Colombian road racing cyclist
  • Hector de Saint-Denys Garneau, Canadian poet
  • Héctor Soto, Puerto Rican volleyball player
  • Héctor Thomas, Venezuelan decathlete
  • Héctor Timerman, Argentine foreign minister
  • Hector Tyndale, American military officer
  • Héctor Velásquez, Chilean boxer
  • Héctor Vidal Martínez, Paraguayan football (soccer) midfielder
  • Héctor Vilches, Uruguayan football (soccer) player
  • Héctor Yan (born 1999), Dominican Republic professional baseball player

Arthurian legend[edit]

  • Sir Ector
  • Hector de Maris

Fictional characters[edit]

Monomial characters
  • Hector, minor character in the book series A Series of Unfortunate Events
  • Hector (Ambrosia Mascot), parrot, unofficial mascot of games company Ambrosia Software
  • Hector (Castlevania), from Castlevania: Curse of Darkness
  • Hector (Fire Emblem), from the Fire Emblem video game franchise
  • Hector (Marvel Comics), a Marvel Comics superhero
  • Hector: Fat Arse of the Law, in the adventure video game Hector: Badge of Carnage
  • Hector, a polite robot of the father and son android pair Hector and Vector in «Greetings from Earth» (1979), an episode of the Battlestar Galactica (1978 TV series)
  • Hector, the evil robot in the film Saturn 3
  • Hector, a character in the film Coco
Monomial with descriptor
  • Hector the Bulldog, in Looney Tunes cartoons
  • Hector the Cat, a mascot for the teaching of road safety to children in Australia
  • Hector the Dog, in the British children’s television series Hector’s House
Binomial characters
  • Hector Alembick, character from King Ottokar’s Sceptre
  • Hector Barbossa, in the Pirates of the Caribbean film series
  • Hector Bowen, aka Prospero the Enchanter, from the novel The Night Circus
  • Hector Ruiz, from the American television series The Electric Company
  • Hector Cruz, from the American animated television series Ozzy & Drix
  • Hector «Hec» Faulkner, a character from the film Hunt for the Wilderpeople
  • Hector Garcia, a character from Zits
  • Hector Gonzales, in the film For Your Eyes Only
  • Hector Hall, a DC Comics character
  • Hector Hammond, a DC Comics supervillain.
  • Hector «High Five» Nieves, one of the two main characters in the animated web television series Glitch Techs.
  • Hector Ricardo, a minor character in the Lorien Legacies series
  • Hector Salamanca, a character in Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul
  • Hector Williams, one of the main characters in the American television show The Unit
  • Hector «Zero» Zeroni, a character in the novel Holes and its film adaption
Polynomial characters
  • Hector Con Carne, the main character from the American animated series Evil Con Carne

See also[edit]

  • Hector (disambiguation), other things named Hector on Wikipedia

• Orthodox Church celebrating Saint Hector


  1. ^ «Hector: name meaning and origin». BabyCentre UK.
  2. ^ a b c A Dictionary of First Names. Oxford University Press. 1996. ISBN 0-19-280050-7.
  3. ^ Beekes, Robert S. P. (2009). Etymological Dictionary of Greek. Brill Publishers. p. 399. ISBN 978-90-04-17418-4.
  4. ^ This etymology is given under «Hector» in the Online Etymological Dictionary, which, if true, would make it an Indo-European name, of root *seĝh-. The Dardanians would not have been Greek, but the language of the city of Troy is still an open question.
  5. ^ Woulfe, Patrick; Slevin, Gerard (1974). Irish names for children (Revised ed.). Gill and Macmillan. p. 18. ISBN 978-0-7171-0697-4.

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