Как пишется геркулес на английском

Основные варианты перевода слова «геркулес» на английский

- oat-flakes |ˈəʊtˈfleɪks|  — овсяные хлопья, геркулес
- Hercules |ˈhɜːkjəˌlɪz|  — Геркулес, силач

Геркулес со своим неизменным атрибутом — палицей — Hercules with his usual attribute, the club

- Herculean |ˌhɜːrkjʊˈliːən|  — геркулесов, богатырский, геркулесовский, исполинский, очень трудный

Смотрите также

овсяные хлопья; геркулес — oat flakes
батарея зенитных ракет ника-геркулес — n-h battery

Родственные слова, либо редко используемые варианты перевода

- porridge |ˈpɔːrɪdʒ|  — каша, овсяная каша, тюремное заключение
- oats |əʊts|  — овес, овсяная каша, овсяная крупа, пастуший рожок

Перевод «геркулес» на английский

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имя собственное



Фактически наше путешествие началось не в Бухте Геркулес, где замерший океан переходит в земли Антарктики.

Our journey did not, in fact, begin at Hercules Inlet, where frozen ocean meets the land of Antarctica.



Фактически наше путешествие началось не в Бухте Геркулес, где замерший океан переходит в земли Антарктики.
Our journey did not, in fact, begin at Hercules Inlet, where frozen ocean meets the land of Antarctica.

В результате я стал первым человеком в истории, кто совершил путешествие длиной 1046 км, от Бухты Геркулес до Южного Полюса, только пешком, без лыж.
And in the process, I became the first person in history to make the entire 650-mile journey, from Hercules Inlet to South Pole, solely on feet, without skis.

Для повышения оперативной мобильности МООНДРК необходимы дополнительные воздушные средства, а именно 18 вертолетов общего назначения (260 человек, включая экипажи и наземный персонал) и два самолета С-130 «Геркулес» (50 человек, включая экипажи и наземный персонал).
In order to enhance the operational mobility of MONUC, additional air assets are required, namely, 18 utility helicopters (260 personnel, including crew and ground staff) and two C-130 Hercules aircraft (50 personnel, including crew and ground staff).

Вооруженные силы Малайзии отправили на Украину два самолета С-130 «Геркулес», чтобы оказать помощь в расследовании случившегося, как передает государственное информационное агентство Bernama со ссылкой на главу вооруженных сил Зулкифели Мохд Зина (Zulkefli Mohd Zin).
Malaysia’s armed forces will send two C-130 Hercules aircraft to Ukraine to assist the investigation team, state news agency Bernama reported, citing armed forces chief Zulkefli Mohd Zin.

Разница обусловлена главным образом выделением ассигнований на 2 дополнительных самолета «Геркулес» С-130 и 18 дополнительных вертолетов Ми-17 и дополнительно 353 летных часа «Лирджет» HS-125, что связано с развертыванием дополнительно 2785 военнослужащих в составе контингентов.
The variance results primarily from the provision for 2 additional C-130 Hercules fixed-wing aircraft and 18 additional MI-17 rotary-wing aircraft and an additional 353 flight hours for an HS-125 Learjet, which are related to the deployment of the additional 2,785 military contingent personnel.


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- oat-flakes |ˈəʊtˈfleɪks|  — овсяные хлопья, геркулес
- Hercules |ˈhɜːkjəˌlɪz|  — Геркулес, силач

Геркулес со своим неизменным атрибутом — палицей — Hercules with his usual attribute, the club

- Herculean |ˌhɜːrkjʊˈliːən|  — геркулесов, богатырский, геркулесовский, исполинский, очень трудный

Смотрите также

овсяные хлопья; геркулес — oat flakes
батарея зенитных ракет ника-геркулес — n-h battery

Родственные слова, либо редко употребляемые в данном значении

- porridge |ˈpɔːrɪdʒ|  — каша, овсяная каша, тюремное заключение
- oats |əʊts|  — овес, овсяная каша, овсяная крупа, пастуший рожок

Англо-русские и русско-английские словари и энциклопедии. English-Russian and Russian-English dictionaries and translations

Русско-английский перевод ГЕРКУЛЕС

1. (силач) hercules;

2. (крупа) rolled oats pl. , porridge oats pl.

~ов: ~овы столпы the pillars of hercules

I (сильный человек) Hercules

муж.; только ед. rolled oats; porridge

Русско-Английский словарь общей тематики.

     Russian-English dictionary of general subjects.

Перевод с русского языка геркулес на английский


1. м. (сильный человек) Hercules

2. м. тк. ед. (крупа) rolled oats pl., porridge oats pl.

См. в других словарях


  I муж. (сильный человек) Hercules II муж.только ед. rolled oatsporridgeм.1. (силач) Hercules2. (крупа) rolled oats pl., porridge oats pl. ~ов: ~овы столпы the Pillars of Hercules …

Большой русско-английский словарь


  -а, м.1.О человеке, обладающем громадной физической силой и атлетическим телосложением.{Дон Гуан:} Каким он здесь представлен исполином! Какие плечи! что за Геркулес! Пушкин, Каменный гость.2.Название специально приготовленной овсяной крупы.{От лат. Hercules — латинское название героя древнегреческой мифологии Геракла, отличавшегося необыкновенной физической силой} …

Академический словарь русского языка


Похожие слова

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Правильное написание слова — Геракл

Ударение и произношение — Гер`акл

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Толкование слова. Правильное произношение слова. Значение слова.

геракл — существительное, именительный п., муж. p., од., ед. ч.

Часть речи: существительное

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  • 1

    геркулес hercules; oatmeal

    Sokrat personal > геркулес

  • 2

    Русско-английский биологический словарь > геркулес

  • 3

    Русско-английский синонимический словарь > геркулес

  • 4

    Русско-английский синонимический словарь > Геркулес

  • 5

    Русско-английский технический словарь > геркулес

  • 6

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Геркулес

  • 7

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > геркулес

  • 8


    (сильный человек)


    тк. ед. (крупа)

    Русско-английский словарь Смирнитского > геркулес

  • 9


    (сильный человек) Hercules

    II только ед.

    rolled oats

    * * *

    * * *

    I Hercules II rolled oats; porridge

    * * *

    Новый русско-английский словарь > геркулес

  • 10

    Новый большой русско-английский словарь > Геркулес

  • 11


    2) rolled oats pl; oatmeal

    Новый большой русско-английский словарь > геркулес

  • 12

    Русско-английский астрономический словарь > Геркулес

  • 13

    Американизмы. Русско-английский словарь. > геркулес

  • 14
    геркулес восточный

    Русско-английский биологический словарь > геркулес восточный

  • 15
    Геркулес со своим неизменным атрибутом — палицей

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Геркулес со своим неизменным атрибутом — палицей

  • 16
    геркулес восточный

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > геркулес восточный

  • 17

    Русско-английский биологический словарь > жук-геркулес

  • 18
    жук-геркулес восточный

    Русско-английский биологический словарь > жук-геркулес восточный

  • 19


  • 20
    ЗРК Найк Геркулес

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > ЗРК Найк Геркулес


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См. также в других словарях:

  • Геркулес — или Геракл (Hercules, Ήραχλη̃ς). Величайший герой древности, сын Зевса и Алкмены. Свою силу он обнаружил в самом раннем возрасте, задушив собственными руками двух змей, посланных ревнивой Герой, чтобы погубить его в колыбели. Первым подвигом… …   Энциклопедия мифологии

  • Геркулес — (лат. Herculēs, Геркулес)  древнеримское имя героя древнегреческих мифов Геракла. Также может означать: Геркулес  созвездие. «Геркулес»  советская марка овсяных хлопьев. «Геркулес»  предприятие, которое производит… …   Википедия

  • ГЕРКУЛЕС — (греч. Herakles, от Hera удовольствие, и kleos слух, слава). Баснословный греческий герой, полубог, сын Юпитера и Алкмены, прославился особенно своей необыкновенной силой, так что имя его сделалось нарицательным сильного человека, богатыря.… …   Словарь иностранных слов русского языка

  • Геркулес — Геркулес. Скульптурная группа Б. Бандинелли. Геркулес и Как. Мрамор. 1534. Площадь Синьории. Флоренция. Геркулес. Скульптурная группа Б. Бандинелли. Геркулес и Как . Мрамор. 1534. Площадь Синьории. Флоренция. Геркулес в мифах древних римлян бог и …   Энциклопедический словарь «Всемирная история»

  • геркулес — См …   Словарь синонимов

  • ГЕРКУЛЕС — (Dynastes hercules), жук подсем, дупляков. Самец дл. до 15 см, чёрный, надкрылья оливково зелёные с чёрными пятнами. Один рог на лбу, длинный и зазубренный, направлен вперёд и вверх; второй, более длинный (почти 1/3 тела) на переднеспинке. Самка… …   Биологический энциклопедический словарь

  • Геркулес — см. Геракл. Литературная энциклопедия. В 11 т.; М.: издательство Коммунистической академии, Советская энциклопедия, Художественная литература. Под редакцией В. М. Фриче, А. В. Луначарского. 1929 1939 …   Литературная энциклопедия

  • ГЕРКУЛЕС — (Hercules), США, Walt Disney Pictures, 1997, 92 мин. Мультфильм. Силач Геркулес сын громовержца Зевса. Правитель подземного царства прогнал Геркулеса с Олимпа, и теперь, чтобы вернуться на священную гору, сын Зевса должен совершить подвиги и… …   Энциклопедия кино

  • ГЕРКУЛЕС — ГЕРКУЛЕС, в римской мифологии герой. Соответствует греческому Гераклу. В переносном смысле человек огромной физической силы …   Современная энциклопедия

  • ГЕРКУЛЕС — латинская форма имени Геракла. В переносном смысле человек огромной физической силы …   Большой Энциклопедический словарь

  • ГЕРКУЛЕС — (лат. Hercules) созвездие Северного полушария; в Геркулесе обнаружен рентгеновский пульсар Her X 1, отождествляемый с оптически переменной звездой HZ Her. По направлению к Геркулесу движется Солнечная система …   Большой Энциклопедический словарь

геркулес — перевод на английский

Геркулес, иди сюда! Мы ещё встретимся, я тебе отомщу!

Come, Hercules, come here.

Ах, вот оно что — один жалкий заключенный, который думает, что он Геркулес!

Oh, that’s it — one pathetic prisoner and he thinks he’s Hercules!

Вы Марсианен с необычной физической силой, так что Вас будут звать Геркулес.

You are a Martian with unusual physical strength, so you will be called hercules.

Геркулес, единственный среди нас, чья сила соответствует Серебряной Маске.

Hercules is the only one among us whose strength will match the Silver Mask.

Агамемнон был похож на тебя, и Геркулес, гордость и упрямство.

Agamemnon was one such as you. And Hercules. Pride and arrogance.

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Перевод «геркулес» на английский



big strong boy


Такое диетическое питание придется по душе тем, кто любит геркулес.

This diet will appeal to those who like Hercules.

Даже во время долгой варки геркулес не теряет своих полезных качеств.

Even during the long cooking Hercules does not lose its useful qualities.

Если ваши потребности в калориях высоки, смело добавляйте геркулес, орехи, ореховое масло, авокадо, или сушеные фрукты, чтобы повысить калорийность вашего напитка.

If your calorie needs are high, you can add rolled oats, nuts, nut butter, avocado or dried fruit to boost the calorie content of your shake.

Овсяные хлопья, также известные как геркулес, бывают различных видов, толщины и других характеристик в зависимости от размера овсяной крупы, которая проходит между валками.

Oat flakes, also known as rolled oats, have many different sizes, thicknesses and other characteristics depending on the size of oat groats passed between the rolls.

Это ночная павлиноглазка геркулес (Coscinocera hercules).

The second one is the Hercules moth (Coscinocera hercules).

Основным структурным отличием является то, что овсянка (обычно геркулес), является цельным зерном, в то время как овсяные отруби это только отруби из овса.

The main structural difference is that oatmeal (typically rolled oats) is whole grain, while oat bran is just the bran of the oat.

В то время как овес подходит для потребления человеком, и используется, в частности, как овсянка и геркулес, одним из наиболее распространенных видов применения овса, как корм скоту.

While oats are suitable for human consumption, used particularly as oatmeal and rolled oats, one of the most common uses is as livestock feed.

hughes aircraft геркулес хьюз говард хьюз самолет хьюз h-4

hughes aircraft Hercules Hughes Howard Hughes the plane Hughes h-4

Как приготовить геркулес для рыбалки

How to prepare Hercules for fishing

Как варить геркулес для рыбалки

How to prepare Hercules for fishing

Рецепт зернового хлеба «геркулес»

Recipe for grain bread «Hercules«

Грузоподъемность самолета Геркулес должна рассматриваться как мера для всех поставок материально-технической поддержки на станцию.

Dimensional cargo capacity of the Hercules aircraft must be considered for all of the station’s logistical support.

В северном полушарии неба расположено созвездие Геркулес.

In northern hemisphere of the sky the constellation Hercules is located.

Геркулес, мы должны быть в пути к рассвету.

Hercules, we have to be on our way by dawn.

Геркулес слабая команда, а вы их едва одолели.

On the real, Hercules is weak, and y’all barely beat them.

Прошу, Геркулес, умоляю тебя.

Нужно идти на опушку и надеяться, что Геркулес смог сбежать.

We should make for the clearing and hope that Hercules was able to escape.

Скажем, менее дурно пахнущий Геркулес предпочтительнее дурно пахнущего.

On balance, a less smelly Hercules is preferable to a smelly one.

В видимом свете Геркулес выглядит как типичная эллиптическая галактика.

In visible light, Hercules A looks like a typical elliptical galaxy.

Затем Геркулес убивает зверя, завершая свой первый подвиг.

Then, Hercules slew the beast, completing his first labor.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 879. Точных совпадений: 879. Затраченное время: 80 мс


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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This article is about Hercules in Roman classical mythology. For the Greek divine hero from which Hercules was adapted, see Heracles. For other uses, see Hercules (disambiguation).


God of strength and heroes

Hercules combatant Achelous (8655488835).jpg

Hercules battles Achelous, metamorphed into a serpent, 1824, by François Joseph Bosio. Louvre LL 325.[1]

Abode Rome
Symbol Club, Nemean Lion, bow and arrows
Parents Jupiter and Alcmene
Consort Juventas
Greek equivalent Heracles
Norse equivalent Thor
Etruscan equivalent Hercle
Germanic equivalent Hercules Magusanus

Hercules (, )[2] is the Roman equivalent of the Greek divine hero Heracles, son of Jupiter and the mortal Alcmena. In classical mythology, Hercules is famous for his strength and for his numerous far-ranging adventures.

The Romans adapted the Greek hero’s iconography and myths for their literature and art under the name Hercules. In later Western art and literature and in popular culture, Hercules is more commonly used than Heracles as the name of the hero. Hercules is a multifaceted figure with contradictory characteristics, which enabled later artists and writers to pick and choose how to represent him.[3] This article provides an introduction to representations of Hercules in the later tradition.


Birth and early life

In Roman mythology, although Hercules was seen as the champion of the weak and a great protector, his personal problems started at birth. Juno sent two witches to prevent the birth, but they were tricked by one of Alcmene’s servants and sent to another room. Juno then sent serpents to kill him in his cradle, but Hercules strangled them both. In one version of the myth, Alcmene abandoned her baby in the woods in order to protect him from Juno’s wrath, but he was found by the goddess Minerva who brought him to Juno, claiming he was an orphan child left in the woods who needed nourishment. Juno suckled Hercules at her own breast until the infant bit her nipple, at which point she pushed him away, spilling her milk across the night sky and so forming the Milky Way. She then gave the infant back to Minerva and told her to take care of the baby herself. In feeding the child from her own breast, the goddess inadvertently imbued him with further strength and power.


Roman era

The Latin name Hercules was borrowed through Etruscan, where it is represented variously as Heracle, Hercle, and other forms. Hercules was a favorite subject for Etruscan art, and appears often on bronze mirrors. The Etruscan form Herceler derives from the Greek Heracles via syncope. A mild oath invoking Hercules (Hercule! or Mehercle!) was a common interjection in Classical Latin.[4]

Hercules had a number of myths that were distinctly Roman. One of these is Hercules’ defeat of Cacus, who was terrorizing the countryside of Rome. The hero was associated with the Aventine Hill through his son Aventinus. Mark Antony considered him a personal patron god, as did the emperor Commodus. Hercules received various forms of religious veneration, including as a deity concerned with children and childbirth, in part because of myths about his precocious infancy, and in part because he fathered countless children. Roman brides wore a special belt tied with the «knot of Hercules», which was supposed to be hard to untie.[5] The comic playwright Plautus presents the myth of Hercules’ conception as a sex comedy in his play Amphitryon; Seneca wrote the tragedy Hercules Furens about his bout with madness. During the Roman Imperial era, Hercules was worshipped locally from Hispania through Gaul.

Germanic association

Tacitus records a special affinity of the Germanic peoples for Hercules. In chapter 3 of his Germania, Tacitus states:

… they say that Hercules, too, once visited them; and when going into battle, they sang of him first of all heroes. They have also those songs of theirs, by the recital of this barditus[6] as they call it, they rouse their courage, while from the note they augur the result of the approaching conflict. For, as their line shouts, they inspire or feel alarm.

Some have taken this as Tacitus equating the Germanic Þunraz with Hercules by way of interpretatio romana.[7]

In the Roman era Hercules’ Club amulets appear from the 2nd to 3rd century, distributed over the empire (including Roman Britain, c.f. Cool 1986), mostly made of gold, shaped like wooden clubs. A specimen found in Köln-Nippes bears the inscription «DEO HER[culi]», confirming the association with Hercules.

In the 5th to 7th centuries, during the Migration Period, the amulet is theorized to have rapidly spread from the Elbe Germanic area across Europe. These Germanic «Donar’s Clubs» were made from deer antler, bone or wood, more rarely also from bronze or precious metals. The amulet type is replaced by the Viking Age Thor’s hammer pendants in the course of the Christianization of Scandinavia from the 8th to 9th century.

Medieval mythography

After the Roman Empire became Christianized, mythological narratives were often reinterpreted as allegory, influenced by the philosophy of late antiquity. In the 4th century, Servius had described Hercules’ return from the underworld as representing his ability to overcome earthly desires and vices, or the earth itself as a consumer of bodies.[8] In medieval mythography, Hercules was one of the heroes seen as a strong role model who demonstrated both valor and wisdom, while the monsters he battles were regarded as moral obstacles.[9] One glossator noted that when Hercules became a constellation, he showed that strength was necessary to gain entrance to Heaven.[10]

Medieval mythography was written almost entirely in Latin, and original Greek texts were little used as sources for Hercules’ myths.

Renaissance mythography

The Renaissance and the invention of the printing press brought a renewed interest in and publication of Greek literature. Renaissance mythography drew more extensively on the Greek tradition of Heracles, typically under the Romanized name Hercules, or the alternate name Alcides. In a chapter of his book Mythologiae (1567), the influential mythographer Natale Conti collected and summarized an extensive range of myths concerning the birth, adventures, and death of the hero under his Roman name Hercules. Conti begins his lengthy chapter on Hercules with an overview description that continues the moralizing impulse of the Middle Ages:

Hercules, who subdued and destroyed monsters, bandits, and criminals, was justly famous and renowned for his great courage. His great and glorious reputation was worldwide, and so firmly entrenched that he’ll always be remembered. In fact the ancients honored him with his own temples, altars, ceremonies, and priests. But it was his wisdom and great soul that earned those honors; noble blood, physical strength, and political power just aren’t good enough.[11]

In 1600, the citizens of Avignon bestowed on Henry of Navarre (the future King Henry IV of France) the title of the Hercule Gaulois («Gallic Hercules»), justifying the extravagant flattery with a genealogy that traced the origin of the House of Navarre to a nephew of Hercules’ son Hispalus.[12]


Road of Hercules

The Road of Hercules is a route across Southern Gaul that is associated with the path Hercules took during his 10th labor of retrieving the Cattle of Geryon from the Red Isles.[13] Hannibal took the same path on his march towards Italy and encouraged the belief that he was the second Hercules.[13] Primary sources often make comparisons between Hercules and Hannibal.[13] Hannibal further tried to invoke parallels between himself and Hercules by starting his march on Italy by visiting the shrine of Hercules at Gades. While crossing the alps, he performed labors in a heroic manner. A famous example was noted by Livy, when Hannibal fractured the side of a cliff that was blocking his march.[13]

Worship from women

In ancient Roman society women were usually limited to two types of cults: those that addressed feminine matters such as childbirth, and cults that required virginal chastity.[14] However, there is evidence suggesting there were female worshippers of Apollo, Mars, Jupiter, and Hercules.[14] Some scholars believe that women were completely prohibited from any of Hercules’s cults. Others believe it was only the «Ara Maxima» at which they were not allowed to worship.[14] Macrobius in his first book of Saturnalia paraphrases from Varro: «For when Hercules was bringing the cattle of Geryon through Italy, a woman replied to the thirsty hero that she could not give him water because it was the day of the Goddess Women and it was unlawful for a man to taste what had been prepared for her. Hercules, therefore, when he was about to offer a sacrifice forbid the presence of women and ordered Potitius and Pinarius who were in charge of his rites, not to allow any women from taking part».[14] Macrobius states that women were restricted in their participation in Hercules cults, but to what extent remains ambiguous. He mentions that women were not allowed to participate in Sacrum which is general term used to describe anything that was believed to have belonged to the gods. This could include anything from a precious item to a temple. Due to the general nature of a Sacrum, we can not judge the extent of the prohibition from Macrobius alone.[14] There are also ancient writings on this topic from Aulus Gellius when speaking on how Romans swore oaths. He mentioned that Roman women do not swear on Hercules, nor do Roman men swear on Castor.[14] He went on to say that women refrain from sacrificing to Hercules.[14] Propertius in his poem 4.9 also mentions similar information as Macrobius. This is evidence that he was also using Varro as a source.[14]

Worship in myth

There is evidence of Hercules worship in myth in the Latin epic poem, the Aeneid. In the 8th book of the poem Aeneas finally reaches the future site of Rome, where he meets Evander and the Arcadians making sacrifices to Hercules on the banks of the Tiber river.[15] They share a feast, and Evander tells the story of how Hercules defeated the monster Cascus, and describes him as a triumphant hero.[15] Translated from the Latin text of Vergil, Evander stated: «Time brought to us in our time of need the aid and arrival of a god. For there came that mightiest avenger, the victor Hercules, proud with the slaughter and the spoils of threefold Geryon, and he drove the mighty bulls here, and the cattle filled both valley and riverside.[15]

Hercules was also mentioned in the Fables of Gaius Julius Hyginus. For example, in his fable about Philoctetes he tells the story of how Philoctetes built a funeral pyre for Hercules so his body could be consumed and raised to immortality.[16]

Hercules and the Roman triumph

According to Livy (9.44.16) Romans were commemorating military victories by building statues to Hercules as early as 305 BCE. Also, philosopher Pliny the Elder dates Hercules worship back to the time of Evander, by accrediting him with erecting a statue in the Forum Boarium of Hercules.[17] Scholars agree that there would have been 5–7 temples in Augustan Rome.[17] There are believed to be related Republican triumphatores, however, not necessarily triumphal dedications. There is two temples located in the Campus Martius. One, being the Temple of Hercules Musarum, dedicated between 187 and 179 BCE by M. Fulvius Nobilior.[17] And the other being the Temple of Hercules Custos, likely renovated by Sulla in the 80s BCE.[17]

In art

In Roman works of art and in Renaissance and post-Renaissance art, Hercules can be identified by his attributes, the lion skin and the gnarled club (his favorite weapon); in mosaic he is shown tanned bronze, a virile aspect.[18]

In the twentieth century, the Farnese Hercules has inspired artists such as Jeff Koons, Matthew Darbyshire and Robert Mapplethorpe to reinterpret Hercules for new audiences.[19] The choice of deliberately white materials by Koons and Darbyshire has been interpreted as perpetuation of colourism in how the classical world is viewed.[19] Mapplethorpe’s work with black model Derrick Cross can be seen as a reaction to Neo-classical colourism, resisting the portrayal of Hercules as white.[19]

Roman era

  • Hercules drunk and Omphale. Fresco from House of the Prince of Montenegro, Pompeii, 25–35 CE

    Hercules drunk and Omphale. Fresco from House of the Prince of Montenegro, Pompeii, 25–35 CE

  • Hercules carrying his son Hyllus looks at the centaur Nessus, who is about to carry Deianira across the river on his back. Fresco from Pompeii, 30–45 CE

    Hercules carrying his son Hyllus looks at the centaur Nessus, who is about to carry Deianira across the river on his back. Fresco from Pompeii, 30–45 CE

  • Hercules and Iolaus (1st century CE mosaic from the Anzio Nymphaeum, Rome)

    Hercules and Iolaus (1st century CE mosaic from the Anzio Nymphaeum, Rome)

  • Hercules bronze statuette, 2nd century CE (museum of Alanya, Turkey)

    Hercules bronze statuette, 2nd century CE (museum of Alanya, Turkey)

  • Heracles and Omphale, Roman fresco, Pompeian Fourth Style (45–79 CE), Naples National Archaeological Museum, Italy

  • Head from statue of Herakles (Hercules) Roman 117–188 CE from villa of the emperor Hadrian at Tivoli, Italy at the British Museum

    Head from statue of Herakles (Hercules) Roman 117–188 CE from villa of the emperor Hadrian at Tivoli, Italy at the British Museum

  • Hercules (Herakles) with the Apples of the Hesperides Roman 1st century CE from a temple at Byblos, Lebanon at the British Museum

    Hercules (Herakles) with the Apples of the Hesperides Roman 1st century CE from a temple at Byblos, Lebanon at the British Museum

  • Hercules from Cappadocia or Caesarea 1st century BCE – 1st century CE, Walters Art Museum

    Hercules from Cappadocia or Caesarea 1st century BCE – 1st century CE, Walters Art Museum

  • Hercules slaying the Hydra Roman copy of 4th century BCE original by Lysippos, Capitoline Museum

    Hercules slaying the Hydra Roman copy of 4th century BCE original by Lysippos, Capitoline Museum

  • Hercules Roman 1st century BCE – 1st century CE, Walters Art Museum

    Hercules Roman 1st century BCE – 1st century CE, Walters Art Museum

  • Herakles and Telephos Louvre MR219

    Herakles and Telephos Louvre MR219

  • Hercules, 50 BCE – 50 CE, MAN Florence

    Hercules, 50 BCE – 50 CE, MAN Florence

Modern era

  • Lucas Faydherbe, Bust of Hercules – collection King Baudouin Foundation

  • The Drunken Hercules (1612–1614) by Rubens

    The Drunken Hercules (1612–1614) by Rubens

  • Hercules and Deianira (18th century copy of a lost original), from I Modi

    Hercules and Deianira (18th century copy of a lost original), from I Modi

  • Hercules in the Augean stable (1842, Honoré Daumier)

  • Henry IV of France, as Hercules vanquishing the Lernaean Hydra (i.e. the Catholic League), by Toussaint Dubreuil, c. 1600. Louvre Museum

  • Hercules on the Pyre by Guillaume Coustou The Elder, 1704, Louvre MR1809

    Hercules on the Pyre by Guillaume Coustou The Elder, 1704, Louvre MR1809

In numismatics

Hercules was among the earliest figures on ancient Roman coinage, and has been the main motif of many collector coins and medals since. One example is the Austrian 20 euro Baroque Silver coin issued on September 11, 2002. The obverse side of the coin shows the Grand Staircase in the town palace of Prince Eugene of Savoy in Vienna, currently the Austrian Ministry of Finance. Gods and demi-gods hold its flights, while Hercules stands at the turn of the stairs.

  • Juno, with Hercules fighting a Centaur on reverse (Roman, 215–15 BCE)

    Juno, with Hercules fighting a Centaur on reverse (Roman, 215–15 BCE)

  • Club over his shoulder on a Roman denarius (c. 100 BCE)

    Club over his shoulder on a Roman denarius (c. 100 BCE)

  • Maximinus II and Hercules with club and lionskin (Roman, 313 CE)

    Maximinus II and Hercules with club and lionskin (Roman, 313 CE)

  • Commemorative 5-franc piece (1996), Hercules in center

    Commemorative 5-franc piece (1996), Hercules in center

  • Hercules, as seen on a Denarius of the Roman Emperor Caracalla. Dated 212 CE

    Hercules, as seen on a Denarius of the Roman Emperor Caracalla. Dated 212 CE


Six successive ships of the British Royal Navy, from the 18th to the 20th century, bore the name HMS Hercules.

In the French Navy, there were no less than nineteen ships called Hercule, plus three more named Alcide which is another name of the same hero.

Hercules’ name was also used for five ships of the US Navy, four ships of the Spanish Navy, four of the Argentine Navy and two of the Swedish Navy, as well as for numerous civilian sailing and steam ships.

In modern aviation a military transport aircraft produced by Lockheed Martin carries the title Lockheed C-130 Hercules.

Operation Herkules was the German code-name given to an abortive plan for the invasion of Malta during the Second World War.

Other cultural references

  • Pillars of Hercules, representing the Strait of Gibraltar (19th-century conjecture of the Tabula Peutingeriana)

  • The Cudgel of Hercules, a tall limestone rock formation, with Pieskowa Skała Castle in the background

  • Hercules as heraldic supporters in the royal arms of Greece, in use 1863–1973. The phrase "Ηρακλείς του στέμματος" ("Defenders of the Crown") has pejorative connotations ("chief henchmen") in Greek.

    Hercules as heraldic supporters in the royal arms of Greece, in use 1863–1973. The phrase «Ηρακλείς του στέμματος» («Defenders of the Crown») has pejorative connotations («chief henchmen») in Greek.

In films

A series of nineteen Italian Hercules movies were made in the late 1950s and early 1960s. The actors who played Hercules in these films were Steve Reeves, Gordon Scott, Kirk Morris, Mickey Hargitay, Mark Forest, Alan Steel, Dan Vadis, Brad Harris, Reg Park, Peter Lupus (billed as Rock Stevens) and Michael Lane. A number of English-dubbed Italian films that featured the name of Hercules in their title were not intended to be movies about Hercules.

See also

  • Hercules (comics)
  • Hercules (constellation)
  • Hercules in popular culture of the 20th and 21st centuries
  • Sword-and-sandal
  • Hercules: The Legendary Journeys
  • Strength (Tarot card)
  • Samson
  • Gilgamesh
  • Melqart
  • Demigod


  1. ^ Louvre L.L. 325 Archived 2020-06-11 at the Wayback Machine.
  2. ^ «Hercules». CollinsDictionary.com. HarperCollins.
  3. ^ «Hercules,» in The Classical Tradition (Harvard University Press, 2010), p. 426.
  4. ^ W. M. Lindsay, «Mehercle and Herc(v)lvs. [Mehercle and Herc(u)lus]» The Classical Quarterly 12.2 (April 1918:58).
  5. ^ Festus 55 (edition of Lindsay); William Warde Fowler, The Roman Festivals of the Period of the Republic (London, 1908), p. 142; Karen K. Hersch, The Roman Wedding: Ritual and Meaning in Antiquity (Cambridge University Press, 2010), pp. 101, 110, 211.
  6. ^ or, baritus, there being scribal variants. In the 17th century, the word entered the German language as barditus and was associated with the Celtic bards.
  7. ^ Simek, Rudolf (2007:140–142) translated by Angela Hall. Dictionary of Northern Mythology. D.S. Brewer. ISBN 0-85991-513-1
  8. ^ Servius, note to Aeneid 6.395 Archived 2020-08-01 at the Wayback Machine; Jane Chance, Medieval Mythography: From Roman North Africa to the School of Chartres, A.D. 433–1177 (University Press of Florida, 1994), p. 91.
  9. ^ Chance, Medieval Mythography, pp. 168, 218, 413.
  10. ^ Chance, Medieval Mythography, p. 219.
  11. ^ Natale Conti, Mythologiae Book 7, Chapter 1, as translated by John Mulryan and Steven Brown (Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2006), vol. 2, p. 566.
  12. ^ The official account, Labyrinthe royal… quoted in Jean Seznec, The Survival of the Pagan Gods, (B.F. Sessions, tr., 1995) p. 26
  13. ^ a b c d Dewitt, Norman (February 22, 2020). «Rome and the ‘Road of Hercules’«. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. 72: 59–69. doi:10.2307/283041. JSTOR 283041.
  14. ^ a b c d e f g h Schultz, Cecelia (February 22, 2020). «Modern Prejudice and Ancient Praxis: Female Worship of Hercules at Rome». Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik. 133: 291–97.
  15. ^ a b c Loar, Matthew (February 23, 2020). «Hercules, Mummius, and the Roman Triumph in Aeneid 8». Classical Philology. 112: 45–62. doi:10.1086/689726. S2CID 164402027.
  16. ^ Grant, Mary. «Hyginus, Fabulae, 100–49». Theoi Texts Library. Retrieved March 7, 2020.
  17. ^ a b c d Loar, Matthew (February 23, 2020). «Hercules, Mummius, and the Roman Triumph in Aeneid 8». Classical Philology. 112: 45–62. doi:10.1086/689726. S2CID 164402027.
  18. ^ Hercules almost suggests «Hero». The Classical and Hellenistic convention in frescoes and mosaics, adopted by the Romans, is to show women as pale-skinned and men as tanned dark from their outdoor arena of action and exercising in the gymnasium.(See also Reed.edu Archived 2006-05-06 at the Wayback Machine, jpg file. Reed.edu Archived 2006-08-23 at the Wayback Machine, subject).
  19. ^ a b c Hinds, Aimee. «Hercules in White: Classical Reception, Art and Myth». The Jugaad Project. Retrieved 2020-10-22.
  • Charlotte Coffin. «Hercules» in Peyré, Yves (ed.) A Dictionary of Shakespeare’s Classical Mythology (2009)
  • Bertematti, Richard (2014). «The Heracliad: The Epic Saga of Hercules» (Tridium Press). ISBN 0990302717

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