Как пишется годзилла на английском языке

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    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Годзилла

См. также в других словарях:

  • ГОДЗИЛЛА — (Godzilla), США, Sony Pictures, 1998, 133 мин. Фантастика, боевик. Радиация, вызванная ядерными испытаниями на атолле Моруроа, из обыкновенной ящерицы порождает монстра, напоминающего легендарного персонажа японских комиксов Годзиллу. Свирепый… …   Энциклопедия кино

  • годзилла — сущ., кол во синонимов: 3 • бык (50) • здоровяк (42) • качок (17) Словарь синонимов ASIS. В.Н. Тришин …   Словарь синонимов

  • Годзилла — У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Годзилла (значения). Эта статья или раздел нуждается в переработке. Пожалуйста, улучшите статью в соответствии с …   Википедия

  • Годзилла — фантастическое животное, гигантский мутант, жуткая помесь кита и гориллы. Герой нескольких художественных фильмов, снятых как в Японии, так и в США. Первый фильм о Годзилле вышел в ноябре 1954 г. Годзилла стал всеобъемлющим символом ужасов войны… …   Вся Япония

  • Годзилла, Мотра, Мехагодзилла: Спасите Токио — ゴジラ×モスラ×メカゴジラ 東京SOS …   Википедия

  • Годзилла (фильм — Годзилла (фильм, 1954) Другие фильмы с таким же или схожим названием: см. Годзилла (фильм). Годзилла ゴジラ (Godjira or Gojira) …   Википедия

  • Годзилла против Монстра Зеро — Годзилла против монстра Зеро,(яп.怪獣大戦争) это кайдзю фильм 1965 года, продолжение Гидора, трёхголовый монстр. Сюжет ООН посылает двух астронавтов, Глена и Фуджи, в сторону Юпитера, чтобы исследовать новую планету (Планету Х). Вскоре после посадки,… …   Википедия

  • Годзилла (мультсериал — Годзилла (мультсериал, 1998 2000) Годзилла (Godzilla: The Series)  мультипликационный сериал, созданный Adelaide Productions в сотрудничестве с японской киностудией TOHO для американского канала Fox Kids, являющийся сиквелом фильма… …   Википедия

  • Годзилла (значения) — Годзилла: (англ. Godzilla) Годзилла  персонаж комиксов, мультфильмов и кинофильмов. Название фильмов: Атака Годзиллы  Япония, 1969 Гидора: Трёхголовый монстр  Япония, 1964 Годзилла (фильм, 1954) (яп. ゴジラ)  Япония Годзилла …   Википедия

  • Годзилла против Хэдоры — (яп. ゴジラ対ヘドラ) фильм режиссёра Йошимидзю Банно. Это одиннадцатый фильм про Годзиллу и первый о Хэдоре. Бюджет фильма составил 25 000 000 ¥ (250 000 $). Мировая премьера состоялась 24 июля 1971 года. Содержание 1 Сюжет 2 В ролях 3 …   Википедия

  • Годзилла (фильм) — «Годзилла» название двух известных фантастических фильмов о гигантском и разрушительном чудовище Годзилле. Годзилла (яп. ゴジラ) японский фантастический фильм 1954 года. Годзилла (англ. Godzilla) американский фантастический фильм 1998 года. Ссылки… …   Википедия

3 ответа

Ответы на вопросы, видео, отзывы

годзилла по английски


  • Авто, Мото
  • Бизнес, Финансы
  • Города и Страны
  • Гороскопы, Магия, Гадания
  • Досуг, Развлечения
  • Другое
  • Еда, Кулинария
  • Животные, Растения
  • Знакомства, Любовь, Отношения
  • Золотой фонд
  • Искусство и Культура
  • Компьютерные и Видео игры
  • Компьютеры, Связь
  • Красота и Здоровье
  • Наука, Техника, Языки
  • Образование
  • Общество, Политика, СМИ
  • Программирование
  • Прочие тенденции стиля жизни
  • Путешествия, Туризм
  • Работа, Карьера
  • Семья, Дом, Дети
  • Спорт
  • Стиль, Мода, Звезды
  • Философия, Непознанное
  • Фотография, Видеосъемка
  • Юмор
  • Юридическая консультация
  • Англо-русские и русско-английские словари и энциклопедии. English-Russian and Russian-English dictionaries and translations

    Русско-английский перевод ГОДЗИЛЛА


    Русско-Американский Английский словарь.

         Russian-American English dictionary .

    Текущая версия страницы пока не проверялась опытными участниками и может значительно отличаться от версии, проверенной 18 июня 2021 года; проверки требуют 14 правок.

    Годзи́лла (яп. ゴジラ Годзира) — гигантский монстр-мутант, дайкайдзю, персонаж комиксов, мультфильмов и кинофильмов. Это вымышленный доисторический гигантский ящер-самец, проснувшийся из анабиоза после испытаний водородной бомбы и вследствие этого мутировавший. Ростом от 50 до 318 метров, обладает способностью извергать так называемое «атомное дыхание», представляющее из себя сфокусированный синий (в некоторых фильмах цвет различается) луч атомной энергии[1][неавторитетный источник?], очень хорошо плавает.

    Оригинальное «годзира» является комбинацией японских слов «горира» (ゴリラ, горилла) и «кудзира» (鯨 (クジラ), кит)[2]. Существует легенда, что «годзира» было кличкой некоего неуклюжего работника кинокомпании «Toho», на которой снимались фильмы про Годзиллу, но жена Исиро Хонды, Кими, в конечном итоге подтвердила, что такого человека никогда не существовало, а миф о нём был своеобразной внутренней шуткой, которую они с мужем использовалси в разговорах с другими работниками студии. В 1953 году продюсер японской кинокомпании Toho Томоюки Танака посмотрел фильм «Чудовище с глубины 20 000 саженей» о динозавре, пробудившемся в результате испытаний атомной бомбы, и решил, что Годзилла будет амфибиеподобной рептилией.[3][4]

    Годзилла стал невероятно популярным персонажем, оттеснив на второй план Кинг-Конга, Мотру, Гамеру и других киномонстров. Всего о Годзилле было снято 36 фильмов, не считая сериалов.

    Жанры фильмов с Годзиллой очень разнообразны: от комедий («Кинг-Конг против Годзиллы»), детских («Атака Годзиллы») и приключенческих фильмов («Годзилла против морского монстра») до фантастики («Годзилла против Космического Годзиллы», «Годзилла против Кинга Гидоры», «Годзилла: Финальные войны», «Годзилла против Монстра Зеро»), мистики («Годзилла, Мотра, Кинг Гидора: Монстры атакуют»), криминал («Годзилла против Биолланте»), триллеров («Годзилла против Мегагируса», «Годзилла: Миллениум») и ужасов («Возвращение Годзиллы»). Выпускаются игрушечные модели Годзиллы и его врагов-монстров.

    Японская серия фильмов[править | править код]

    Американская серия фильмов[править | править код]

    Как пишется годзилла на английском

    TriStar Pictures (1998—2000)[править | править код]

    В октябре 1992 года TriStar Pictures анонсировали планы по созданию трилогии фильмов о Годзилле. В 1998 году Роландом Эммерихом был снят американский блокбастер, рассказывающий об атаке Годзиллы на Нью-Йорк. К японской киноэпопее этот фильм не имеет отношения. Рост американского монстра в фильме достигал 55 метров. Раздосадованные искажённой Голливудом концепцией легенды о Годзилле, создатели франшизы отобрали у Роланда Эммериха права на съёмку планировавшегося сиквела.[источник не указан 2726 дней] В результате вместо голливудского «Годзиллы 2» свет увидел короткий анимационный сериал, продолжающий сюжет фильма.

    В 2004 году Годзилла TriStar появился в фильме «Годзилла: Финальные войны» (2004) под именем Зилла. Он показан как один из слабейших соперников японского Годзиллы.

    Legendary Pictures (с 2014 по настоящее время)[править | править код]

    Дата релиза нового американского фильма была назначена на 2009 год, затем перенесена на 2012, и наконец — на 2014, к десятилетнему юбилею «Финальных войн» и шестидесятилетию всего цикла фильмов. Изначально, по замыслу сценаристов, Годзилла должен был сразиться в новом фильме с чудовищем Смертлой, похожей на Хэдору, но потом от этого монстра отказались. В 2013 году Гарет Эдвардс начал съёмки нового фильма про Годзиллу. Мировая премьера состоялась 14 мая 2014 года. Фильмы этого периода:

    Фильмы других стран[править | править код]

    В 1969 году юный Джон Карпентер снял короткометражный фильм «Горго против Годзиллы»[5]. Особого успеха эта картина не имела и сейчас практически не осталось никакого отснятого материала. В том же году канадский мультипликатор Марв Ньюленд снял полутораминутный мультфильм «Бэмби встречает Годзиллу». В 1999 году вышло его продолжение «Сын Бэмби встречает Годзиллу».

    Компьютерные игры[править | править код]

    Годзилле посвящено много компьютерных игр, самые известные из них это: Godzilla: Destroy All Monsters Melee, Godzilla: Save the Earth и Godzilla: Unleashed.

    Годзилла в науке[править | править код]

    В честь Годзиллы назван род триасовых динозавров-теропод Gojirasaurus. Палеонтологи Кеннет Карпентер (автор названия Gojirasaurus), Пер Кристиансен и Даррен Нэйш в разные годы опубликовали шуточные и серьёзные научные статьи, посвящённые анатомии и классификации Годзиллы[6].

    Характеристика[править | править код]

    В большинстве фильмов для создания Годзиллы был задействован актёр в костюме. С 1989 года благодаря развитию компьютерных технологий облик Годзиллы становился всё более и более реалистичным. В разных фильмах Годзилла выглядит неодинаково и у него разные способности.

    • На протяжении фильмов Сёвы рост Годзиллы не меняется: 50 метров, вес — 20 000 тонн.[источник не указан 2029 дней] Меняется внешность персонажа, особенно очертания головы. В фильме «Годзилла против Хэдоры» Годзилла умеет летать с помощью своего атомного луча, но в последующих фильмах эта способность не используется. Вероятно, Годзилла какими версиями фильмов он не бывал, сильное преимущество для этого кайдзю — земная и водная(Годзилла неуязвим для земных и водных атак), а ахиллесова пята — воздушные атаки(Гидора, Родан и другие летающие противники), и нестабильность температур(Биолланте был побеждён после Годзиллы пока сам Годзилла не исцелился).
    • В Хэйсэе рост Годзиллы в первых двух фильмах составляет 80 м, а в последующих — уже 100 м. Во всех семи фильмах у монстра скорченная верхняя челюсть, из-за чего создаётся ощущение, что Годзилла всё время скалит зубы. В фильме «Годзилла против Кинга Гидоры» показано, кем был Годзилла до 1954 года: гигантским хищным годзиллазавром (к реально существовавшему динозавру с таким названием он не имеет никакого отношения).
    • Наиболее интересен облик Годзиллы в Миллениуме. В первых двух фильмах Годзилла достигает 55 м в высоту, у него длинные тонкие зубы, большие узкие глаза, высокие шипы пурпурного цвета и жёлто-оранжевый луч. В фильме «Годзилла: монстры атакуют» рост чудовища составляет 60 м, вес — 30 000 т,[источник не указан 2029 дней] у него белые глаза без зрачков и весьма массивное телосложение. В «Годзилле против Мехагодзиллы-3» и «Спасите Токио» у Годзиллы снова длинные шипы, узкие глаза, широкая, как у кобры, шея и длинный хвост. Его рост — 55 м, а вес — до 25 000 т.[источник не указан 2029 дней] Наконец, в «Финальных войнах» монстр достигает высоты 100 м и 55 000 т веса,[источник не указан 2029 дней] у него относительно небольшие шипы, узкие глаза и низкие надбровные дуги, создающие ощущение, что Годзилла хмурится.
    • В 2014 году вышел очередной перезапуск серии фильмов о Годзилле. В нём монстр создан с помощью компьютерной графики и имеет совсем другое происхождение. Годзилла появился в те времена, когда поверхность планеты была в десять раз более радиоактивной. После того, как уровень радиации на поверхности снизился, Годзилле пришлось приспособиться к жизни глубоко под землёй, потребляя радиацию земного ядра. Обнаруженный уже в наше время в Тихом океане Годзилла вышел на сушу, чтобы восстановить баланс в природе и уничтожить Кайдзю. Рост Годзиллы составляет 108,2 м, длина 274 метра, вес — 90 000 тонн[7].
    • В июле 2016 года в Японии на экраны выходит 30-й фильм о Годзилле (29-й по счёту, снятый студией Toho). Фильм известен под названием «Истинный Годзилла» (в международной версии — «Годзилла: Возрождение»). По словам режиссёра Синдзи Хигути, рост нового монстра составляет 118,5 метра.[8][9].
    • В 2019 году на экраны выходит продолжение американского фильма 2014 года — Годзилла: Король монстров. В нём рост кайдзю составил 119,8 метров, а вес 99,634 тыс. тонн. Это делает его, самым крупным воплощением Годзиллы, представленным в кино.
    • В 2017 году на экраны выходит компьютерный мультфильм Годзилла: Земля (анг. Godzilla: Earth). В нём монстр является главным антагонистом, выступая в роли наказания для человечества за нанесённый ущерб Земле. Годзилла убивает всех кайдзю и практически уничтожает всех людей, но малая группа выживших спасается бегством на космическом корабле. Проведя долгие поиски способа победить короля монстров, людям удаётся уничтожить Годзиллу, но спустя некоторое время появляется «истинный Годзилла», который обращает людей в бегство. Рост монстра составляет 50 метров (318 метров у Истинного Годзиллы), вес — 10 000 тонн (100 000 тонн у Истинного Годзиллы), что делает его самым крупным и массивным среди всех представленных версий.

    Примечания[править | править код]

    Ссылки[править | править код]

    • Сайт студии Toho

    «ゴジラ» redirects here. For other uses, see Gojira.

    «Godzillasaurus» redirects here. For the dinosaur, see Gojirasaurus.

    Godzilla film series character
    Godzilla '54 design.jpg

    Godzilla as portrayed by Haruo Nakajima via suitmation in Godzilla (1954)

    First appearance Godzilla (1954)[1]
    Created by
    • Tomoyuki Tanaka[2]
    • Ishirō Honda[3]
    • Eiji Tsuburaya[4]
    Portrayed by
    • Shōwa era:
    • Haruo Nakajima[5]
    • Katsumi Tezuka[6]
    • Hiroshi Sekida[7]
    • Seiji Onaka[7]
    • Shinji Takagi[8]
    • Isao Zushi[9]
    • Toru Kawai[9]
    • Hanna-Barbera:
    • Ted Cassidy (vocal effects)[10]
    • Heisei era:
    • Kenpachiro Satsuma[11]
    • Millennium era:
    • Tsutomu Kitagawa[12]
    • Mizuho Yoshida[13]
    • Reiwa era:
    • Mansai Nomura[14]
    • TriStar Pictures:
    • Kurt Carley[15]
    • Frank Welker (vocal effects)[16]
    • Legendary Pictures:
    • T. J. Storm[17][18][19]
    Designed by
    • Akira Watanabe[6]
    • Teizō Toshimitsu[6]
    In-universe information
    • King of the Monsters[20]
    • Gigantis[21]
    • Monster Zero-One[22]
    • The God of Destruction[23][24]
    • Dagon[25]
    • Titanus Gojira[26]
    • Primeval Champion[27]
    • Doom Inevitable[27]
    Species Prehistoric monster[28]
    Family Minilla and Godzilla Junior (adopted sons)

    Godzilla ( god-ZIL; Japanese: ゴジラ, romanized: Gojira, pronounced [ɡoꜜʑiɾa] (listen)) is a fictional monster, or kaiju, in Toho Co., Ltd.’s Godzilla media franchise. The character debuted in the eponymous 1954 film, directed and co-written by Ishirō Honda;[1] the character had become an international pop culture icon since, appearing in various media: 33 Japanese films produced by Toho, five American films and numerous video games, novels, comic books and television shows. Godzilla has been dubbed the «King of the Monsters«, an epithet first used in Godzilla, King of the Monsters! (1956), the American localization of the 1954 film.

    Godzilla is a prehistoric reptilian monster awakened and empowered by nuclear radiation. With the nuclear bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the Lucky Dragon 5 incident still fresh in the Japanese consciousness,[29] Godzilla was conceived as a metaphor for nuclear weapons.[30] Others have suggested that Godzilla is a metaphor for the United States, a giant beast woken from its slumber which then takes terrible vengeance on Japan.[31][32][33] As the film series expanded, some stories took on less serious undertones, portraying Godzilla as an antihero, or a lesser threat who defends humanity. Later films address disparate themes and commentary including Japan’s apathy and neglect of its imperial past,[34] natural disasters, and the human condition.[35]

    Godzilla has been featured alongside many supporting characters. It has faced human opponents such as the JSDF, or other monsters, including King Ghidorah, Mechagodzilla and Gigan. Godzilla sometimes has allies, such as Rodan, Mothra and Anguirus, and offspring, such as Minilla and Godzilla Junior. Godzilla has also fought characters from other franchises in crossover media, such as King Kong, as well as various Marvel Comics characters, including S.H.I.E.L.D.,[36] the Fantastic Four[37] and the Avengers.[38]



    Gojira (ゴジラ) is a portmanteau of the Japanese words gorira (ゴリラ, «gorilla») and kujira (クジラ, «whale»), owing to the fact that in one planning stage, Godzilla was described as «a cross between a gorilla and a whale»,[39] due to its size, power and aquatic origin. According to an episode of the Japanese television documentary series Project X entitled «The Birth of Godzilla», special effects director Eiji Tsuburaya met Toho contract actor Shiro Amikura in the Toho Studios cafeteria and nicknamed him «Gojira,» combining the Japanese words for gorilla (since he thought Amikura looked like a Gorilla) and whale (since Amikura told Tsuburaya that whale meat was his favorite food). In a 1998 BBC documentary on Godzilla, Kimi Honda, the widow of the 1954 film’s director Ishirō Honda, dismissed the employee-name story as a tall tale, believing that Honda, Tanaka, and Tsuburaya gave «considerable thought» to the name of the monster, stating, «the backstage boys at Toho loved to joke around with tall stories, but I don’t believe that one».[40]

    Godzilla’s name was written in ateji as Gojira (呉爾羅), where the kanji are used for phonetic value and not meaning.[41] The Japanese pronunciation of the name is [ɡoꜜʑiɾa] (listen); the Anglicized form is god-ZIL, with the first syllable pronounced like the word «god» and the rest rhyming with «gorilla».

    During the development of the American version of Godzilla Raids Again (1955), Godzilla’s name was changed to «Gigantis» by producer Paul Schreibman, who wanted to create a character distinct from Godzilla.[42]


    Within the context of the Japanese films, Godzilla’s exact origins vary, but it is generally depicted as an enormous, violent, prehistoric sea monster awakened and empowered by nuclear radiation.[43] Although the specific details of Godzilla’s appearance have varied slightly over the years, the overall impression has remained consistent.[44] Inspired by the fictional Rhedosaurus created by animator Ray Harryhausen for the film The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms,[45] Godzilla’s character design was conceived as that of an amphibious reptilian monster based around the loose concept of a dinosaur[46] with an erect standing posture, scaly skin, an anthropomorphic torso with muscular arms, lobed bony plates along its back and tail, and a furrowed brow.[47]

    Art director Akira Watanabe combined attributes of a Tyrannosaurus, an Iguanodon, a Stegosaurus and an alligator[48] to form a sort of blended chimera, inspired by illustrations from an issue of Life magazine.[49] To emphasise the monster’s relationship with the atomic bomb, its skin texture was inspired by the keloid scars seen on the survivors of Hiroshima.[50] The basic design has a reptilian visage, a robust build, an upright posture, a long tail and three rows of serrated plates along the back. In the original film, the plates were added for purely aesthetic purposes, in order to further differentiate Godzilla from any other living or extinct creature. Godzilla is sometimes depicted as green in comics, cartoons and movie posters, but the costumes used in the movies were usually painted charcoal grey with bone-white dorsal plates up until the film Godzilla 2000: Millennium.[51]

    In the original Japanese films, Godzilla and all the other monsters are referred to with gender-neutral pronouns equivalent to «it»,[52] while in the English dubbed versions, Godzilla is explicitly described as a male. In his book, Godzilla co-creator Tomoyuki Tanaka suggested that the monster was probably male.[53] In the 1998 film Godzilla, the monster is referred to as a male and is depicted laying eggs through parthenogenesis.[54][55] In the Legendary Godzilla films, Godzilla is referred to as a male.[56][57]

    Godzilla’s allegiance and motivations have changed from film to film to suit the needs of the story. Although Godzilla does not like humans,[58] it will fight alongside humanity against common threats. However, it makes no special effort to protect human life or property[59] and will turn against its human allies on a whim. It is not motivated to attack by predatory instinct: it does not eat people[60] and instead sustains itself on nuclear radiation[61] and an omnivorous diet.[62] When inquired if Godzilla was «good or bad», producer Shōgo Tomiyama likened it to a Shinto «God of Destruction» which lacks moral agency and cannot be held to human standards of good and evil. «He totally destroys everything and then there is a rebirth. Something new and fresh can begin.»[60]


    Godzilla’s atomic heat beam, as shown in Godzilla (1954)

    Godzilla battles King Kong in King Kong vs. Godzilla (1962). This film attracted the highest Japanese box office attendance figures in the entire Godzilla series to date.[63]

    Godzilla’s signature weapon is its «atomic heat beam» (also known as «atomic breath»[64]), nuclear energy that it generates inside of its body, uses electromagnetic force to concentrate it into a laser-like hypersonic projectile and unleashes it from its jaws in the form of a blue or red radioactive beam.[65] Toho’s special effects department has used various techniques to render the beam, from physical gas-powered flames[66] to hand-drawn or computer-generated fire. Godzilla is shown to possess immense physical strength and muscularity. Haruo Nakajima, the actor who played Godzilla in the original films, was a black belt in judo and used his expertise to choreograph the battle sequences.[67]

    Godzilla is amphibious: it has a preference for traversing Earth’s hydrosphere when in hibernation or migration, can breathe underwater[65] and is described in the original film by the character Dr. Yamane as a transitional form between a marine and a terrestrial reptile. Godzilla is shown to have great vitality: it is immune to conventional weaponry thanks to its rugged hide and ability to regenerate,[68] and as a result of surviving a nuclear explosion, it cannot be destroyed by anything less powerful. One incarnation possesses an electromagnetic pulse-producing organ in its body which generates an asymmetrical permeable shield, making it impervious to all damage except for a short period when the organ recycles.[69]

    Various films, non-canonical television shows, comics and games have depicted Godzilla with additional powers, such as an atomic pulse,[70] magnetism,[71] precognition,[72] fireballs,[73] convert electromagnetic energy into intensive body heat,[74] converting shed blood into temporary tentacle limbs,[75] an electric bite,[76] superhuman speed,[77] laser beams emitted from its eyes[78] and even flight.[79]


    Godzilla has a distinctive disyllabic roar (transcribed in several comics as Skreeeonk!),[80][81] which was created by composer Akira Ifukube, who produced the sound by rubbing a pine tar-resin-coated glove along the string of a contrabass and then slowing down the playback.[82] In the American version of Godzilla Raids Again (1955) titled Gigantis the Fire Monster (1959), Godzilla’s roar was mostly substituted with that of the monster Anguirus.[42] From The Return of Godzilla (1984) to Godzilla vs. King Ghidorah (1991), Godzilla was given a deeper and more threatening-sounding roar than in previous films, though this change was reverted from Godzilla vs. Mothra (1992) onward.[83] For the 2014 American film, sound editors Ethan Van der Ryn and Erik Aadahl refused to disclose the source of the sounds used for their Godzilla’s roar.[82] Aadahl described the two syllables of the roar as representing two different emotional reactions, with the first expressing fury and the second conveying the character’s soul.[84]


    Teizō Toshimitsu sculpting a prototype for Godzilla’s design

    Godzilla’s size is inconsistent, changing from film to film and even from scene to scene for the sake of artistic license.[60] The miniature sets and costumes were typically built at a 125150 scale[85] and filmed at 240 frames per second to create the illusion of great size.[86] In the original 1954 film, Godzilla was scaled to be 50 m (164 ft) tall.[87] This was done so Godzilla could just peer over the largest buildings in Tokyo at the time.[6] In the 1956 American version, Godzilla is estimated to be 121.9 m (400 ft) tall, because producer Joseph E. Levine felt that 50 m did not sound «powerful enough».[88]

    As the series progressed, Toho would rescale the character, eventually making Godzilla as tall as 100 m (328 ft).[89] This was done so that it would not be dwarfed by the newer, bigger buildings in Tokyo’s skyline, such as the 243-meter-tall (797 ft) Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building which Godzilla destroyed in the film Godzilla vs. King Ghidorah (1991). Supplementary information, such as character profiles, would also depict Godzilla as weighing between 20,000 and 60,000 metric tons (22,050 and 66,140 short tons).[90]

    In the American film Godzilla (2014) from Legendary Pictures, Godzilla was scaled to be 108.2 m (355 ft) and weighing 90,000 short tons (81,650 metric tons), making it the largest film version at that time.[91] Director Gareth Edwards wanted Godzilla «to be so big as to be seen from anywhere in the city, but not too big that he couldn’t be obscured».[92] For Shin Godzilla (2016), Godzilla was made even taller than the Legendary version, at 118.5 m (389 ft).[93][94] In Godzilla: Planet of the Monsters (2017), Godzilla’s height was increased further still to 300 m (984 ft).[95] In Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019) and Godzilla vs. Kong (2020), Godzilla’s height was increased to 119.8 m (393 ft) from the 2014 incarnation.[96][97]

    Special effects details

    Godzilla’s appearance has traditionally been portrayed in the films by an actor wearing a latex costume, though the character has also been rendered in animatronic, stop-motion and computer-generated form.[98][99] Taking inspiration from King Kong, special effects artist Eiji Tsuburaya had initially wanted Godzilla to be portrayed via stop-motion, but prohibitive deadlines and a lack of experienced animators in Japan at the time made suitmation more practical.

    The first suit consisted of a body cavity made of thin wires and bamboo wrapped in chicken wire for support and covered in fabric and cushions, which were then coated in latex. The first suit was held together by small hooks on the back, though subsequent Godzilla suits incorporated a zipper. Its weight was in excess of 100 kg (220 lb).[51] Prior to 1984, most Godzilla suits were made from scratch, thus resulting in slight design changes in each film appearance.[100] The most notable changes from 1962 to 1975 were the reduction in Godzilla’s number of toes and the removal of the character’s external ears and prominent fangs, features which would all later be reincorporated in the Godzilla designs from The Return of Godzilla (1984) onward.[101] The most consistent Godzilla design was maintained from Godzilla vs. Biollante (1989) to Godzilla vs. Destoroyah (1995), when the suit was given a cat-like face and double rows of teeth.[102]

    Several suit actors had difficulties in performing as Godzilla due to the suits’ weight, lack of ventilation and diminished visibility.[51] Haruo Nakajima, who portrayed Godzilla from 1954 to 1972, said the materials used to make the 1954 suit (rubber, plastic, cotton, and latex) were hard to find after World War II. The suit weighed 100 kilograms after its completion and required two men to help Nakajima put it on. When he first put it on, he sweated so heavily that his shirt was soaked within seconds.[103]

    Kenpachiro Satsuma in particular, who portrayed Godzilla from 1984 to 1995, described how the Godzilla suits he wore were even heavier and hotter than their predecessors because of the incorporation of animatronics.[104] Satsuma himself suffered numerous medical issues during his tenure, including oxygen deprivation, near-drowning, concussions, electric shocks and lacerations to the legs from the suits’ steel wire reinforcements wearing through the rubber padding.[105]

    The ventilation problem was partially solved in the suit used in 1994’s Godzilla vs. SpaceGodzilla, which was the first to include an air duct that allowed suit actors to last longer during performances.[106] In The Return of Godzilla (1984), some scenes made use of a 16-foot high robotic Godzilla (dubbed the «Cybot Godzilla») for use in close-up shots of the creature’s head. The Cybot Godzilla consisted of a hydraulically-powered mechanical endoskeleton covered in urethane skin containing 3,000 computer operated parts which permitted it to tilt its head and move its lips and arms.[107]

    In Godzilla (1998), special effects artist Patrick Tatopoulos was instructed to redesign Godzilla as an incredibly fast runner.[108] At one point, it was planned to use motion capture from a human to create the movements of the computer-generated Godzilla, but it was said to have ended up looking too much like a man in a suit.[109] Tatopoulos subsequently reimagined the creature as a lean, digitigrade bipedal, iguana-like creature that stood with its back and tail parallel to the ground, rendered via CGI.[110]

    Several scenes had the monster portrayed by stuntmen in suits. The suits were similar to those used in the Toho films, with the actors’ heads being located in the monster’s neck region and the facial movements controlled via animatronics. However, because of the creature’s horizontal posture, the stuntmen had to wear metal leg extenders, which allowed them to stand two meters (six feet) off the ground with their feet bent forward. The film’s special effects crew also built a 16 scale animatronic Godzilla for close-up scenes, whose size outmatched that of Stan Winston’s T. rex in Jurassic Park.[111] Kurt Carley performed the suitmation sequences for the adult Godzilla.[15]

    In Godzilla (2014), the character was portrayed entirely via CGI. Godzilla’s design in the reboot was intended to stay true to that of the original series, though the film’s special effects team strove to make the monster «more dynamic than a guy in a big rubber suit.»[112] To create a CG version of Godzilla, the Moving Picture Company (MPC) studied various animals such as bears, Komodo dragons, lizards, lions and wolves, which helped the visual effects artists visualize Godzilla’s body structure, like that of its underlying bone, fat and muscle structure, as well as the thickness and texture of its scales.[113] Motion capture was also used for some of Godzilla’s movements. T. J. Storm provided the performance capture for Godzilla by wearing sensors in front of a green screen.[17] Storm reprised the role of Godzilla in Godzilla: King of the Monsters, portraying the character through performance capture.[19] In Shin Godzilla, a majority of the character was portrayed via CGI, with Mansai Nomura portraying Godzilla through motion capture.[14]


    Cultural impact

    Godzilla is one of the most recognizable symbols of Japanese popular culture worldwide[114][115] and remains an important facet of Japanese films, embodying the kaiju subset of the tokusatsu genre. Godzilla’s vaguely humanoid appearance and strained, lumbering movements endeared it to Japanese audiences, who could relate to Godzilla as a sympathetic character, despite its wrathful nature.[116] Audiences respond positively to the character because it acts out of rage and self-preservation and shows where science and technology can go wrong.[117]

    In 1967, the Keukdong Entertainment Company of South Korea, with production assistance from Toei Company, produced Yongary, Monster from the Deep, a reptilian monster who invades South Korea to consume oil. The film and character has often been branded as an imitation of Godzilla.[118][119]

    Godzilla has been considered a filmographic metaphor for the United States, as well as an allegory of nuclear weapons in general. The earlier Godzilla films, especially the original, portrayed Godzilla as a frightening nuclear-spawned monster. Godzilla represented the fears that many Japanese held about the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the possibility of recurrence.[120]

    As the series progressed, so did Godzilla, changing into a less destructive and more heroic character.[121][122] Ghidorah (1964) was the turning point in Godzilla’s transformation from villain to hero, by pitting him against a greater threat to humanity, King Ghidorah.[123] Godzilla has since been viewed as an anti-hero.[121] Roger Ebert cites Godzilla as a notable example of a villain-turned-hero, along with King Kong, Jaws (James Bond), the Terminator and John Rambo.[124]

    Godzilla is considered «the original radioactive superhero» due to his accidental radioactive origin story predating Spider-Man (1962 debut),[121] though Godzilla did not become a hero until Ghidorah in 1964.[123] By the 1970s, Godzilla came to be viewed as a superhero, with the magazine King of the Monsters in 1977 describing Godzilla as «Superhero of the ’70s.» Godzilla had surpassed Superman and Batman to become «the most universally popular superhero of 1977» according to Donald F. Glut.[125] Godzilla was also voted the most popular movie monster in The Monster Times poll in 1973, beating Count Dracula, King Kong, the Wolf Man, the Mummy, the Creature from the Black Lagoon and the Frankenstein Monster.[126]

    In 1996, Godzilla received the MTV Lifetime Achievement Award,[127] as well as being given a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in 2004 to celebrate the premiere of the character’s 50th anniversary film, Godzilla: Final Wars.[128] Godzilla’s pop-cultural impact has led to the creation of numerous parodies and tributes, as seen in media such as Bambi Meets Godzilla, which was ranked as one of the «50 greatest cartoons»,[129] two episodes of Mystery Science Theater 3000[130] and the song «Godzilla» by Blue Öyster Cult.[131] Godzilla has also been used in advertisements, such as in a commercial for Nike, where Godzilla lost an oversized one-on-one game of basketball to a giant version of NBA player Charles Barkley.[132] The commercial was subsequently adapted into a comic book illustrated by Jeff Butler.[133] Godzilla has also appeared in a commercial for Snickers candy bars, which served as an indirect promo for the 2014 film. Godzilla’s success inspired the creation of numerous other monster characters, such as Gamera,[134][135] Reptilicus of Denmark,[136] Yonggary of South Korea,[118] Pulgasari of North Korea,[137] Gorgo of the United Kingdom[138] and the Cloverfield monster of the United States.[139]
    Dakosaurus is an extinct sea crocodile of the Jurassic Period, which researchers informally nicknamed «Godzilla».[140] Paleontologists have written tongue-in-cheek speculative articles about Godzilla’s biology, with Ken Carpenter tentatively classifying it as a ceratosaur based on its skull shape, four-fingered hands and dorsal scutes and paleontologist Darren Naish expressing skepticism, while commenting on Godzilla’s unusual morphology.[141]

    Godzilla’s ubiquity in pop-culture has led to the mistaken assumption that the character is in the public domain, resulting in litigation by Toho to protect their corporate asset from becoming a generic trademark. In April 2008, Subway depicted a giant monster in a commercial for their Five Dollar Footlongs sandwich promotion. Toho filed a lawsuit against Subway for using the character without permission, demanding $150,000 in compensation.[142] In February 2011, Toho sued Honda for depicting a fire-breathing monster in a commercial for the Honda Odyssey. The monster was never mentioned by name, being seen briefly on a video screen inside the minivan.[143] The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society christened a vessel the MV Gojira. Its purpose is to target and harass Japanese whalers in defense of whales in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary. The MV Gojira was renamed the MV Brigitte Bardot in May 2011, due to legal pressure from Toho.[144] Gojira is the name of a French death metal band, formerly known as Godzilla; legal problems forced the band to change their name.[145] In May 2015, Toho launched a lawsuit against Voltage Pictures over a planned picture starring Anne Hathaway. Promotional material released at the Cannes Film Festival used images of Godzilla.[146]

    Steven Spielberg cited Godzilla as an inspiration for Jurassic Park (1993), specifically Godzilla, King of the Monsters! (1956), which he grew up watching.[147] Spielberg described Godzilla as «the most masterful of all the dinosaur movies because it made you believe it was really happening.»[148] Godzilla also influenced the Spielberg film Jaws (1975).[149][150] Godzilla has also been cited as an inspiration by filmmakers Martin Scorsese and Tim Burton.[151]

    A carnivorous dinosaur from the triassic period was named Gojirasaurus in 1997.[152] The main-belt asteroid 101781 Gojira, discovered by American astronomer Roy Tucker at the Goodricke-Pigott Observatory in 1999, was named in honor of the creature.[153] The official naming citation was published by the Minor Planet Center on 11 July 2018 (M.P.C. 110635).[154] The largest megamullion, located 600 kilometres to the south-east of Okinotorishima, the southernmost Japanese island, is named the Godzilla Megamullion. The Japan Coast Guard played a role in name, reaching an agreement with Toho. Toho’s Chief Godzilla officer Keiji Ota stated that «I am truly honored that (the megamullion) bears Godzilla’s name, the Earth’s most powerful monster.»[155]

    Cultural ambassador

    In April 2015, the Shinjuku ward of Tokyo named Godzilla a special resident and official tourism ambassador to encourage tourism.[156][157] During an unveiling of a giant Godzilla bust at Toho headquarters, Shinjuku mayor Kenichi Yoshizumi stated «Godzilla is a character that is the pride of Japan.» The mayor extended a residency certificate to an actor in a rubber suit representing Godzilla, but as the suit’s hands were not designed for grasping, it was accepted on Godzilla’s behalf by a Toho executive. Reporters noted that Shinjuku ward has been flattened by Godzilla in three Toho movies.[157][156]


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    95. ^ Miska, Brad (December 27, 2017). «The Latest Godzilla is Three Times the Size of its Predecessors!». Bloody Disgusting. Retrieved April 20, 2019.
    96. ^ Whalen, Andrew (May 30, 2019). «‘Godzilla’ Size Chart Shows How Much the ‘King of Monsters’ Has Grown Over the Years». Newsweek. Archived from the original on February 16, 2022. Retrieved February 16, 2022.
    97. ^ Mancuso, Vinnie (March 29, 2021). «‘Godzilla vs. Kong’ Tale of the Tape: Who Ya Got?». Collider. Archived from the original on February 16, 2022. Retrieved February 16, 2022.
    98. ^ Failes, Ian (October 14, 2016). «The History of Godzilla Is the History of Special Effects». Inverse. Retrieved March 19, 2018.
    99. ^ Ryūsuke, Hikawa (June 26, 2014). «Godzilla’s Analog Mayhem and the Japanese Special Effects Tradition». Nippon.com. Retrieved March 19, 2018.
    100. ^ Kalat 2010, p. 36.
    101. ^ Kalat 2010, p. 160.
    102. ^ Ryfle 1998, p. 254-257.
    103. ^ Fackler, Martin (September 1, 2013). «Rubber Suit Monsters Fade! Tiny Tokyos Relax!». The New York Times. Retrieved January 23, 2022.
    104. ^ Clements, J. (2010), Schoolgirl Milky Crisis: Adventures in the Anime and Manga Trade, A-Net Digital LLC, pp. 117–118, ISBN 0984593748
    105. ^ Kalat 2010, p. 258.
    106. ^ Ryfle 1998, p. 298.
    107. ^ Ryfle 1998, p. 232.
    108. ^ Rickitt, Richard (2006). Designing Movie Creatures and Characters: Behind the Scenes With the Movie Masters. Focal Press. pp. 74–76. ISBN 0-240-80846-0.
    109. ^ Rickitt, Richard (2000). Special Effects: The History and Technique. Billboard Books. p. 174. ISBN 0-8230-7733-0.
    110. ^ «Godzilla Lives! – page 1». Theasc.com. Retrieved January 22, 2014.
    111. ^ Ryfle 1998, p. 337-339.
    112. ^ Dudek, Duane (November 8, 2013). «Oscar winner & Kenosha native Jim Rygiel gets UWM award». Archived from the original on December 13, 2013. Retrieved December 10, 2013.
    113. ^ Carolyn Giardina (December 25, 2014). «Oscars: ‘Interstellar,’ ‘Hobbit’ Visual Effects Artists Reveal How They Did It». The Hollywood Reporter. Archived from the original on December 28, 2014. Retrieved December 28, 2014.
    114. ^ Sharp, Jasper (2011). Historical Dictionary of Japanese Cinema. Scarecrow Press. p. 67. ISBN 9780810857957.
    115. ^ West, Mark (2008). The Japanification of Children’s Popular Culture: From Godzilla to Miyazaki. Scarecrow Press. p. vii. ISBN 9780810851214.
    116. ^ Interview with Tadao Sato. Godzilla – Criterion Collection 2012 Blu-ray/DVD Release.
    117. ^ «The Psychological Appeal of Movie Monsters» (PDF). Calstatela.edu. Archived from the original (PDF) on August 19, 2007. Retrieved September 28, 2013.
    118. ^ a b Kalat 2010, p. 92.
    119. ^ Demoss, David (June 18, 2010). «Yongary, Monster from the Deep». And You Thought It Was…Safe(?). Retrieved March 19, 2018.
    120. ^ Rafferty, T., The Monster That Morphed Into a Metaphor, New York Times (May 2, 2004)
    121. ^ a b c Lankes, Kevin (June 22, 2014). «Godzilla’s Secret History». Huffington Post. Retrieved March 19, 2018.
    122. ^ Goldstein, Rich (May 18, 2014). «A Comprehensive History of Toho’s Original Kaiju (and Atomic Allegory) Godzilla». Daily Beast. Retrieved March 19, 2018.
    123. ^ a b Grebey, James (May 28, 2019). «The history of Ghidorah, Godzilla’s rival for the title of King of the Monsters». Syfy Wire. NBCUniversal. Retrieved May 27, 2020.
    124. ^ Ebert, Roger (2013). Ebert’s Bigger Little Movie Glossary. Andrews McMeel Publishing. p. 22. ISBN 978-0-7407-9246-5.
    125. ^ Glut, Donald F. (2001). «Godzilla, Saurian Superhero». Jurassic Classics: A Collection of Saurian Essays and Mesozoic Musings. McFarland & Company. pp. 225-229 (225-6). ISBN 978-0-7864-6246-9.
    126. ^ Kogan, Rick (September 15, 1985). «‘It Was A Long Time Coming, But Godzilla, This Is Your Life«. Chicago Tribune. Retrieved May 22, 2020.
    127. ^ «Godzilla Wins The MTV Lifetime Achievement Award In 1996 – Godzilla video». Fanpop. November 3, 1954. Retrieved April 13, 2010.
    128. ^ «USATODAY.com – Godzilla gets Hollywood Walk of Fame star». Usatoday30.usatoday.com. November 30, 2004. Retrieved September 25, 2013.
    129. ^ Beck, Jerry (ed.) (1994). The 50 Greatest Cartoons: As Selected by 1,000 Animation Professionals. Atlanta: Turner Publishing. ISBN 1-878685-49-X.
    130. ^ «Godzilla Genealogy Bop» – MST3K season 2, episode 13, aired February 2, 1991
    131. ^ Song Review by Donald A. Guarisco. «Godzilla – Blue Öyster Cult | Listen, Appearances, Song Review». AllMusic. Retrieved September 25, 2013.
    132. ^ Martha T. Moore. «Godzilla Meets Barkley on MTV». USA Today. September 9, 1992. 1.B.
    133. ^ Paul Gravett and Peter Stanbury. Holy Sh*t! The World’s Weirdest Comic Books. St. Martin’s Press, 2008. 104.
    134. ^ Kalat 2010, p. 23.
    135. ^ Phipps, Keith (June 2, 2010). «Gamera: The Giant Monster». AV Club. Retrieved March 19, 2018.
    136. ^ Don (June 16, 2015). «Reptilicus: Godzilla Goes To Denmark». Schlockmania. Retrieved March 19, 2018.
    137. ^ Romano, Nick (April 6, 2015). «How Kim Jong Il Kidnapped a Director, Made a Godzilla Knockoff, and Created a Cult Hit». Vanity Fair. Retrieved March 19, 2018.
    138. ^ Murray, Noel (May 8, 2014). «Meet Gorgo, the «British Godzilla»«. The Dissolve. Retrieved March 19, 2018.
    139. ^ Monetti, Sandro (January 13, 2008). «Cloverfield: Making of a monster». Express. Retrieved March 19, 2018.
    140. ^ Gasparini Z, Pol D, Spalletti LA. 2006. An unusual marine crocodyliform from the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary of Patagonia. Science 311: 70–73.
    141. ^ Naish, Darren (November 1, 2010). «The science of Godzilla, 2010 – Tetrapod Zoology». Scienceblogs.com. Retrieved September 25, 2013.
    142. ^ Toho sues Subway over unauthorized Godzilla ads, The Japan Times (April 18, 2008)
    143. ^ Toho suing Honda over Godzilla, TokyoHive (February 12, 2011)
    144. ^ «Sea Shepherd Conservation Society :: The Beast Transforms into a Beauty as Godzilla Becomes the Brigitte Bardot». Seashepherd.org. May 25, 2011. Archived from the original on April 3, 2012. Retrieved September 25, 2013.
    145. ^ Gojira htm Biography and Band at the Gauntlet, The Gauntlet
    146. ^ «Voltage Pictures Sued For Copyright Infringement». torrentfreak.com. Retrieved July 9, 2015.
    147. ^ Ryfle 1998, p. 15.
    148. ^ Ryfle 1998, p. 17.
    149. ^ Freer, Ian (2001). The Complete Spielberg. Virgin Books. p. 48. ISBN 9780753505564.
    150. ^ Derry, Charles (1977). Dark Dreams: A Psychological History of the Modern Horror Film. A. S. Barnes. p. 82. ISBN 9780498019159.
    151. ^ Kalat 2010, p. 318.
    152. ^ «Gojirasaurus». Arctos. Retrieved January 28, 2023.
    153. ^ «(101781) Gojira». Minor Planet Center. Retrieved July 19, 2018.
    154. ^ «MPC/MPO/MPS Archive». Minor Planet Center. Retrieved July 19, 2018.
    155. ^ «Pacific undersea province given name ‘Godzilla Megamullion’ | The Asahi Shimbun: Breaking News, Japan News and Analysis». The Asahi Shimbun. Retrieved January 28, 2023.
    156. ^ a b «Godzilla is Tokyo’s newest resident and ambassador». New York Post. April 9, 2015. Archived from the original on November 8, 2020.
    157. ^ a b «Godzilla recruited as tourism ambassador for Tokyo». The Guardian. April 9, 2015. Archived from the original on November 8, 2020.


    • Barr, Jason (2016). The Kaiju Film: A Critical Study of Cinema’s Biggest Monsters. McFarland. ISBN 978-0786499632.
    • Edwards, Gareth (2014). Godzilla. Warner Bros. Pictures.
    • Galbraith IV, Stuart (1998). Monsters Are Attacking Tokyo! The Incredible World of Japanese Fantasy Films. Feral House. ISBN 0922915474.
    • Godziszewski, Ed (1994). The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Godzilla. Daikaiju Enterprises.
    • Honda, Ishiro (1970). Monster Zero (English version). Toho Co., Ltd/United Productions of America.
    • Kalat, David (2010). A Critical History and Filmography of Toho’s Godzilla Series (second ed.). McFarland. ISBN 9780786447497.
    • Lees, J.D.; Cerasini, Marc (1998). The Official Godzilla Compendium. Random House. ISBN 0-679-88822-5.
    • Nagayama, Yasuo (2002). Why do Monsters Attack Japan?. Chikuma Shobō. ISBN 978-4480823519.
    • Nelson, Arvid (2019). Godzilla: Aftershock. Legendary Comics. ISBN 978-1681160535.
    • Perlmutter, David (2018). The Encyclopedia of American Animated Television Shows. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. ISBN 978-1538103739.
    • Ragone, August (2007). Eiji Tsuburaya: Master of Monsters. Chronicle Books. ISBN 978-0-8118-6078-9.
    • Rhoads, Sean; McCorkie, Brooke (2018). Japan’s Green Monsters: Environmental Commentary in Kaiju Cinema. McFarland. ISBN 9781476663906.
    • Ryfle, Steve (1998). Japan’s Favorite Mon-Star: The Unauthorized Biography of the Big G. ECW Press. ISBN 9781550223484.
    • Ryfle, Steve; Godziszewski, Ed (2017). Ishiro Honda: A Life in Film, from Godzilla to Kurosawa. Wesleyan University Press. ISBN 978-0-8195-7087-1.
    • Solomon, Brian (2017). Godzilla FAQ: All That’s Left to Know about the King of the Monsters. Applause Theatre & Cinema Books. ISBN 9781495045684.
    • Tsutsui, William M. (2003). Godzilla on My Mind: Fifty Years of the King of Monsters. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 1403964742.

    External links

    Wikimedia Commons has media related to Godzilla.

    • Official Godzilla website by Toho Co., Ltd
    • Official website of Toho Co., Ltd (Japanese)
    • Godzilla on IMDb

    «ゴジラ» redirects here. For other uses, see Gojira.

    «Godzillasaurus» redirects here. For the dinosaur, see Gojirasaurus.

    Godzilla film series character
    Godzilla '54 design.jpg

    Godzilla as portrayed by Haruo Nakajima via suitmation in Godzilla (1954)

    First appearance Godzilla (1954)[1]
    Created by
    • Tomoyuki Tanaka[2]
    • Ishirō Honda[3]
    • Eiji Tsuburaya[4]
    Portrayed by
    • Shōwa era:
    • Haruo Nakajima[5]
    • Katsumi Tezuka[6]
    • Hiroshi Sekida[7]
    • Seiji Onaka[7]
    • Shinji Takagi[8]
    • Isao Zushi[9]
    • Toru Kawai[9]
    • Hanna-Barbera:
    • Ted Cassidy (vocal effects)[10]
    • Heisei era:
    • Kenpachiro Satsuma[11]
    • Millennium era:
    • Tsutomu Kitagawa[12]
    • Mizuho Yoshida[13]
    • Reiwa era:
    • Mansai Nomura[14]
    • TriStar Pictures:
    • Kurt Carley[15]
    • Frank Welker (vocal effects)[16]
    • Legendary Pictures:
    • T. J. Storm[17][18][19]
    Designed by
    • Akira Watanabe[6]
    • Teizō Toshimitsu[6]
    In-universe information
    • King of the Monsters[20]
    • Gigantis[21]
    • Monster Zero-One[22]
    • The God of Destruction[23][24]
    • Dagon[25]
    • Titanus Gojira[26]
    • Primeval Champion[27]
    • Doom Inevitable[27]
    Species Prehistoric monster[28]
    Family Minilla and Godzilla Junior (adopted sons)

    Godzilla ( god-ZIL; Japanese: ゴジラ, romanized: Gojira, pronounced [ɡoꜜʑiɾa] (listen)) is a fictional monster, or kaiju, in Toho Co., Ltd.’s Godzilla media franchise. The character debuted in the eponymous 1954 film, directed and co-written by Ishirō Honda;[1] the character had become an international pop culture icon since, appearing in various media: 33 Japanese films produced by Toho, five American films and numerous video games, novels, comic books and television shows. Godzilla has been dubbed the «King of the Monsters«, an epithet first used in Godzilla, King of the Monsters! (1956), the American localization of the 1954 film.

    Godzilla is a prehistoric reptilian monster awakened and empowered by nuclear radiation. With the nuclear bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the Lucky Dragon 5 incident still fresh in the Japanese consciousness,[29] Godzilla was conceived as a metaphor for nuclear weapons.[30] Others have suggested that Godzilla is a metaphor for the United States, a giant beast woken from its slumber which then takes terrible vengeance on Japan.[31][32][33] As the film series expanded, some stories took on less serious undertones, portraying Godzilla as an antihero, or a lesser threat who defends humanity. Later films address disparate themes and commentary including Japan’s apathy and neglect of its imperial past,[34] natural disasters, and the human condition.[35]

    Godzilla has been featured alongside many supporting characters. It has faced human opponents such as the JSDF, or other monsters, including King Ghidorah, Mechagodzilla and Gigan. Godzilla sometimes has allies, such as Rodan, Mothra and Anguirus, and offspring, such as Minilla and Godzilla Junior. Godzilla has also fought characters from other franchises in crossover media, such as King Kong, as well as various Marvel Comics characters, including S.H.I.E.L.D.,[36] the Fantastic Four[37] and the Avengers.[38]



    Gojira (ゴジラ) is a portmanteau of the Japanese words gorira (ゴリラ, «gorilla») and kujira (クジラ, «whale»), owing to the fact that in one planning stage, Godzilla was described as «a cross between a gorilla and a whale»,[39] due to its size, power and aquatic origin. According to an episode of the Japanese television documentary series Project X entitled «The Birth of Godzilla», special effects director Eiji Tsuburaya met Toho contract actor Shiro Amikura in the Toho Studios cafeteria and nicknamed him «Gojira,» combining the Japanese words for gorilla (since he thought Amikura looked like a Gorilla) and whale (since Amikura told Tsuburaya that whale meat was his favorite food). In a 1998 BBC documentary on Godzilla, Kimi Honda, the widow of the 1954 film’s director Ishirō Honda, dismissed the employee-name story as a tall tale, believing that Honda, Tanaka, and Tsuburaya gave «considerable thought» to the name of the monster, stating, «the backstage boys at Toho loved to joke around with tall stories, but I don’t believe that one».[40]

    Godzilla’s name was written in ateji as Gojira (呉爾羅), where the kanji are used for phonetic value and not meaning.[41] The Japanese pronunciation of the name is [ɡoꜜʑiɾa] (listen); the Anglicized form is god-ZIL, with the first syllable pronounced like the word «god» and the rest rhyming with «gorilla».

    During the development of the American version of Godzilla Raids Again (1955), Godzilla’s name was changed to «Gigantis» by producer Paul Schreibman, who wanted to create a character distinct from Godzilla.[42]


    Within the context of the Japanese films, Godzilla’s exact origins vary, but it is generally depicted as an enormous, violent, prehistoric sea monster awakened and empowered by nuclear radiation.[43] Although the specific details of Godzilla’s appearance have varied slightly over the years, the overall impression has remained consistent.[44] Inspired by the fictional Rhedosaurus created by animator Ray Harryhausen for the film The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms,[45] Godzilla’s character design was conceived as that of an amphibious reptilian monster based around the loose concept of a dinosaur[46] with an erect standing posture, scaly skin, an anthropomorphic torso with muscular arms, lobed bony plates along its back and tail, and a furrowed brow.[47]

    Art director Akira Watanabe combined attributes of a Tyrannosaurus, an Iguanodon, a Stegosaurus and an alligator[48] to form a sort of blended chimera, inspired by illustrations from an issue of Life magazine.[49] To emphasise the monster’s relationship with the atomic bomb, its skin texture was inspired by the keloid scars seen on the survivors of Hiroshima.[50] The basic design has a reptilian visage, a robust build, an upright posture, a long tail and three rows of serrated plates along the back. In the original film, the plates were added for purely aesthetic purposes, in order to further differentiate Godzilla from any other living or extinct creature. Godzilla is sometimes depicted as green in comics, cartoons and movie posters, but the costumes used in the movies were usually painted charcoal grey with bone-white dorsal plates up until the film Godzilla 2000: Millennium.[51]

    In the original Japanese films, Godzilla and all the other monsters are referred to with gender-neutral pronouns equivalent to «it»,[52] while in the English dubbed versions, Godzilla is explicitly described as a male. In his book, Godzilla co-creator Tomoyuki Tanaka suggested that the monster was probably male.[53] In the 1998 film Godzilla, the monster is referred to as a male and is depicted laying eggs through parthenogenesis.[54][55] In the Legendary Godzilla films, Godzilla is referred to as a male.[56][57]

    Godzilla’s allegiance and motivations have changed from film to film to suit the needs of the story. Although Godzilla does not like humans,[58] it will fight alongside humanity against common threats. However, it makes no special effort to protect human life or property[59] and will turn against its human allies on a whim. It is not motivated to attack by predatory instinct: it does not eat people[60] and instead sustains itself on nuclear radiation[61] and an omnivorous diet.[62] When inquired if Godzilla was «good or bad», producer Shōgo Tomiyama likened it to a Shinto «God of Destruction» which lacks moral agency and cannot be held to human standards of good and evil. «He totally destroys everything and then there is a rebirth. Something new and fresh can begin.»[60]


    Godzilla’s atomic heat beam, as shown in Godzilla (1954)

    Godzilla battles King Kong in King Kong vs. Godzilla (1962). This film attracted the highest Japanese box office attendance figures in the entire Godzilla series to date.[63]

    Godzilla’s signature weapon is its «atomic heat beam» (also known as «atomic breath»[64]), nuclear energy that it generates inside of its body, uses electromagnetic force to concentrate it into a laser-like hypersonic projectile and unleashes it from its jaws in the form of a blue or red radioactive beam.[65] Toho’s special effects department has used various techniques to render the beam, from physical gas-powered flames[66] to hand-drawn or computer-generated fire. Godzilla is shown to possess immense physical strength and muscularity. Haruo Nakajima, the actor who played Godzilla in the original films, was a black belt in judo and used his expertise to choreograph the battle sequences.[67]

    Godzilla is amphibious: it has a preference for traversing Earth’s hydrosphere when in hibernation or migration, can breathe underwater[65] and is described in the original film by the character Dr. Yamane as a transitional form between a marine and a terrestrial reptile. Godzilla is shown to have great vitality: it is immune to conventional weaponry thanks to its rugged hide and ability to regenerate,[68] and as a result of surviving a nuclear explosion, it cannot be destroyed by anything less powerful. One incarnation possesses an electromagnetic pulse-producing organ in its body which generates an asymmetrical permeable shield, making it impervious to all damage except for a short period when the organ recycles.[69]

    Various films, non-canonical television shows, comics and games have depicted Godzilla with additional powers, such as an atomic pulse,[70] magnetism,[71] precognition,[72] fireballs,[73] convert electromagnetic energy into intensive body heat,[74] converting shed blood into temporary tentacle limbs,[75] an electric bite,[76] superhuman speed,[77] laser beams emitted from its eyes[78] and even flight.[79]


    Godzilla has a distinctive disyllabic roar (transcribed in several comics as Skreeeonk!),[80][81] which was created by composer Akira Ifukube, who produced the sound by rubbing a pine tar-resin-coated glove along the string of a contrabass and then slowing down the playback.[82] In the American version of Godzilla Raids Again (1955) titled Gigantis the Fire Monster (1959), Godzilla’s roar was mostly substituted with that of the monster Anguirus.[42] From The Return of Godzilla (1984) to Godzilla vs. King Ghidorah (1991), Godzilla was given a deeper and more threatening-sounding roar than in previous films, though this change was reverted from Godzilla vs. Mothra (1992) onward.[83] For the 2014 American film, sound editors Ethan Van der Ryn and Erik Aadahl refused to disclose the source of the sounds used for their Godzilla’s roar.[82] Aadahl described the two syllables of the roar as representing two different emotional reactions, with the first expressing fury and the second conveying the character’s soul.[84]


    Teizō Toshimitsu sculpting a prototype for Godzilla’s design

    Godzilla’s size is inconsistent, changing from film to film and even from scene to scene for the sake of artistic license.[60] The miniature sets and costumes were typically built at a 125150 scale[85] and filmed at 240 frames per second to create the illusion of great size.[86] In the original 1954 film, Godzilla was scaled to be 50 m (164 ft) tall.[87] This was done so Godzilla could just peer over the largest buildings in Tokyo at the time.[6] In the 1956 American version, Godzilla is estimated to be 121.9 m (400 ft) tall, because producer Joseph E. Levine felt that 50 m did not sound «powerful enough».[88]

    As the series progressed, Toho would rescale the character, eventually making Godzilla as tall as 100 m (328 ft).[89] This was done so that it would not be dwarfed by the newer, bigger buildings in Tokyo’s skyline, such as the 243-meter-tall (797 ft) Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building which Godzilla destroyed in the film Godzilla vs. King Ghidorah (1991). Supplementary information, such as character profiles, would also depict Godzilla as weighing between 20,000 and 60,000 metric tons (22,050 and 66,140 short tons).[90]

    In the American film Godzilla (2014) from Legendary Pictures, Godzilla was scaled to be 108.2 m (355 ft) and weighing 90,000 short tons (81,650 metric tons), making it the largest film version at that time.[91] Director Gareth Edwards wanted Godzilla «to be so big as to be seen from anywhere in the city, but not too big that he couldn’t be obscured».[92] For Shin Godzilla (2016), Godzilla was made even taller than the Legendary version, at 118.5 m (389 ft).[93][94] In Godzilla: Planet of the Monsters (2017), Godzilla’s height was increased further still to 300 m (984 ft).[95] In Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019) and Godzilla vs. Kong (2020), Godzilla’s height was increased to 119.8 m (393 ft) from the 2014 incarnation.[96][97]

    Special effects details

    Godzilla’s appearance has traditionally been portrayed in the films by an actor wearing a latex costume, though the character has also been rendered in animatronic, stop-motion and computer-generated form.[98][99] Taking inspiration from King Kong, special effects artist Eiji Tsuburaya had initially wanted Godzilla to be portrayed via stop-motion, but prohibitive deadlines and a lack of experienced animators in Japan at the time made suitmation more practical.

    The first suit consisted of a body cavity made of thin wires and bamboo wrapped in chicken wire for support and covered in fabric and cushions, which were then coated in latex. The first suit was held together by small hooks on the back, though subsequent Godzilla suits incorporated a zipper. Its weight was in excess of 100 kg (220 lb).[51] Prior to 1984, most Godzilla suits were made from scratch, thus resulting in slight design changes in each film appearance.[100] The most notable changes from 1962 to 1975 were the reduction in Godzilla’s number of toes and the removal of the character’s external ears and prominent fangs, features which would all later be reincorporated in the Godzilla designs from The Return of Godzilla (1984) onward.[101] The most consistent Godzilla design was maintained from Godzilla vs. Biollante (1989) to Godzilla vs. Destoroyah (1995), when the suit was given a cat-like face and double rows of teeth.[102]

    Several suit actors had difficulties in performing as Godzilla due to the suits’ weight, lack of ventilation and diminished visibility.[51] Haruo Nakajima, who portrayed Godzilla from 1954 to 1972, said the materials used to make the 1954 suit (rubber, plastic, cotton, and latex) were hard to find after World War II. The suit weighed 100 kilograms after its completion and required two men to help Nakajima put it on. When he first put it on, he sweated so heavily that his shirt was soaked within seconds.[103]

    Kenpachiro Satsuma in particular, who portrayed Godzilla from 1984 to 1995, described how the Godzilla suits he wore were even heavier and hotter than their predecessors because of the incorporation of animatronics.[104] Satsuma himself suffered numerous medical issues during his tenure, including oxygen deprivation, near-drowning, concussions, electric shocks and lacerations to the legs from the suits’ steel wire reinforcements wearing through the rubber padding.[105]

    The ventilation problem was partially solved in the suit used in 1994’s Godzilla vs. SpaceGodzilla, which was the first to include an air duct that allowed suit actors to last longer during performances.[106] In The Return of Godzilla (1984), some scenes made use of a 16-foot high robotic Godzilla (dubbed the «Cybot Godzilla») for use in close-up shots of the creature’s head. The Cybot Godzilla consisted of a hydraulically-powered mechanical endoskeleton covered in urethane skin containing 3,000 computer operated parts which permitted it to tilt its head and move its lips and arms.[107]

    In Godzilla (1998), special effects artist Patrick Tatopoulos was instructed to redesign Godzilla as an incredibly fast runner.[108] At one point, it was planned to use motion capture from a human to create the movements of the computer-generated Godzilla, but it was said to have ended up looking too much like a man in a suit.[109] Tatopoulos subsequently reimagined the creature as a lean, digitigrade bipedal, iguana-like creature that stood with its back and tail parallel to the ground, rendered via CGI.[110]

    Several scenes had the monster portrayed by stuntmen in suits. The suits were similar to those used in the Toho films, with the actors’ heads being located in the monster’s neck region and the facial movements controlled via animatronics. However, because of the creature’s horizontal posture, the stuntmen had to wear metal leg extenders, which allowed them to stand two meters (six feet) off the ground with their feet bent forward. The film’s special effects crew also built a 16 scale animatronic Godzilla for close-up scenes, whose size outmatched that of Stan Winston’s T. rex in Jurassic Park.[111] Kurt Carley performed the suitmation sequences for the adult Godzilla.[15]

    In Godzilla (2014), the character was portrayed entirely via CGI. Godzilla’s design in the reboot was intended to stay true to that of the original series, though the film’s special effects team strove to make the monster «more dynamic than a guy in a big rubber suit.»[112] To create a CG version of Godzilla, the Moving Picture Company (MPC) studied various animals such as bears, Komodo dragons, lizards, lions and wolves, which helped the visual effects artists visualize Godzilla’s body structure, like that of its underlying bone, fat and muscle structure, as well as the thickness and texture of its scales.[113] Motion capture was also used for some of Godzilla’s movements. T. J. Storm provided the performance capture for Godzilla by wearing sensors in front of a green screen.[17] Storm reprised the role of Godzilla in Godzilla: King of the Monsters, portraying the character through performance capture.[19] In Shin Godzilla, a majority of the character was portrayed via CGI, with Mansai Nomura portraying Godzilla through motion capture.[14]


    Cultural impact

    Godzilla is one of the most recognizable symbols of Japanese popular culture worldwide[114][115] and remains an important facet of Japanese films, embodying the kaiju subset of the tokusatsu genre. Godzilla’s vaguely humanoid appearance and strained, lumbering movements endeared it to Japanese audiences, who could relate to Godzilla as a sympathetic character, despite its wrathful nature.[116] Audiences respond positively to the character because it acts out of rage and self-preservation and shows where science and technology can go wrong.[117]

    In 1967, the Keukdong Entertainment Company of South Korea, with production assistance from Toei Company, produced Yongary, Monster from the Deep, a reptilian monster who invades South Korea to consume oil. The film and character has often been branded as an imitation of Godzilla.[118][119]

    Godzilla has been considered a filmographic metaphor for the United States, as well as an allegory of nuclear weapons in general. The earlier Godzilla films, especially the original, portrayed Godzilla as a frightening nuclear-spawned monster. Godzilla represented the fears that many Japanese held about the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the possibility of recurrence.[120]

    As the series progressed, so did Godzilla, changing into a less destructive and more heroic character.[121][122] Ghidorah (1964) was the turning point in Godzilla’s transformation from villain to hero, by pitting him against a greater threat to humanity, King Ghidorah.[123] Godzilla has since been viewed as an anti-hero.[121] Roger Ebert cites Godzilla as a notable example of a villain-turned-hero, along with King Kong, Jaws (James Bond), the Terminator and John Rambo.[124]

    Godzilla is considered «the original radioactive superhero» due to his accidental radioactive origin story predating Spider-Man (1962 debut),[121] though Godzilla did not become a hero until Ghidorah in 1964.[123] By the 1970s, Godzilla came to be viewed as a superhero, with the magazine King of the Monsters in 1977 describing Godzilla as «Superhero of the ’70s.» Godzilla had surpassed Superman and Batman to become «the most universally popular superhero of 1977» according to Donald F. Glut.[125] Godzilla was also voted the most popular movie monster in The Monster Times poll in 1973, beating Count Dracula, King Kong, the Wolf Man, the Mummy, the Creature from the Black Lagoon and the Frankenstein Monster.[126]

    In 1996, Godzilla received the MTV Lifetime Achievement Award,[127] as well as being given a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in 2004 to celebrate the premiere of the character’s 50th anniversary film, Godzilla: Final Wars.[128] Godzilla’s pop-cultural impact has led to the creation of numerous parodies and tributes, as seen in media such as Bambi Meets Godzilla, which was ranked as one of the «50 greatest cartoons»,[129] two episodes of Mystery Science Theater 3000[130] and the song «Godzilla» by Blue Öyster Cult.[131] Godzilla has also been used in advertisements, such as in a commercial for Nike, where Godzilla lost an oversized one-on-one game of basketball to a giant version of NBA player Charles Barkley.[132] The commercial was subsequently adapted into a comic book illustrated by Jeff Butler.[133] Godzilla has also appeared in a commercial for Snickers candy bars, which served as an indirect promo for the 2014 film. Godzilla’s success inspired the creation of numerous other monster characters, such as Gamera,[134][135] Reptilicus of Denmark,[136] Yonggary of South Korea,[118] Pulgasari of North Korea,[137] Gorgo of the United Kingdom[138] and the Cloverfield monster of the United States.[139]
    Dakosaurus is an extinct sea crocodile of the Jurassic Period, which researchers informally nicknamed «Godzilla».[140] Paleontologists have written tongue-in-cheek speculative articles about Godzilla’s biology, with Ken Carpenter tentatively classifying it as a ceratosaur based on its skull shape, four-fingered hands and dorsal scutes and paleontologist Darren Naish expressing skepticism, while commenting on Godzilla’s unusual morphology.[141]

    Godzilla’s ubiquity in pop-culture has led to the mistaken assumption that the character is in the public domain, resulting in litigation by Toho to protect their corporate asset from becoming a generic trademark. In April 2008, Subway depicted a giant monster in a commercial for their Five Dollar Footlongs sandwich promotion. Toho filed a lawsuit against Subway for using the character without permission, demanding $150,000 in compensation.[142] In February 2011, Toho sued Honda for depicting a fire-breathing monster in a commercial for the Honda Odyssey. The monster was never mentioned by name, being seen briefly on a video screen inside the minivan.[143] The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society christened a vessel the MV Gojira. Its purpose is to target and harass Japanese whalers in defense of whales in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary. The MV Gojira was renamed the MV Brigitte Bardot in May 2011, due to legal pressure from Toho.[144] Gojira is the name of a French death metal band, formerly known as Godzilla; legal problems forced the band to change their name.[145] In May 2015, Toho launched a lawsuit against Voltage Pictures over a planned picture starring Anne Hathaway. Promotional material released at the Cannes Film Festival used images of Godzilla.[146]

    Steven Spielberg cited Godzilla as an inspiration for Jurassic Park (1993), specifically Godzilla, King of the Monsters! (1956), which he grew up watching.[147] Spielberg described Godzilla as «the most masterful of all the dinosaur movies because it made you believe it was really happening.»[148] Godzilla also influenced the Spielberg film Jaws (1975).[149][150] Godzilla has also been cited as an inspiration by filmmakers Martin Scorsese and Tim Burton.[151]

    A carnivorous dinosaur from the triassic period was named Gojirasaurus in 1997.[152] The main-belt asteroid 101781 Gojira, discovered by American astronomer Roy Tucker at the Goodricke-Pigott Observatory in 1999, was named in honor of the creature.[153] The official naming citation was published by the Minor Planet Center on 11 July 2018 (M.P.C. 110635).[154] The largest megamullion, located 600 kilometres to the south-east of Okinotorishima, the southernmost Japanese island, is named the Godzilla Megamullion. The Japan Coast Guard played a role in name, reaching an agreement with Toho. Toho’s Chief Godzilla officer Keiji Ota stated that «I am truly honored that (the megamullion) bears Godzilla’s name, the Earth’s most powerful monster.»[155]

    Cultural ambassador

    In April 2015, the Shinjuku ward of Tokyo named Godzilla a special resident and official tourism ambassador to encourage tourism.[156][157] During an unveiling of a giant Godzilla bust at Toho headquarters, Shinjuku mayor Kenichi Yoshizumi stated «Godzilla is a character that is the pride of Japan.» The mayor extended a residency certificate to an actor in a rubber suit representing Godzilla, but as the suit’s hands were not designed for grasping, it was accepted on Godzilla’s behalf by a Toho executive. Reporters noted that Shinjuku ward has been flattened by Godzilla in three Toho movies.[157][156]


    1. ^ a b Williams, Owen (March 3, 2021). «An Essential Guide To All The Godzilla Movies». Empire. Archived from the original on August 6, 2022. Retrieved August 6, 2022.
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    149. ^ Freer, Ian (2001). The Complete Spielberg. Virgin Books. p. 48. ISBN 9780753505564.
    150. ^ Derry, Charles (1977). Dark Dreams: A Psychological History of the Modern Horror Film. A. S. Barnes. p. 82. ISBN 9780498019159.
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    • Barr, Jason (2016). The Kaiju Film: A Critical Study of Cinema’s Biggest Monsters. McFarland. ISBN 978-0786499632.
    • Edwards, Gareth (2014). Godzilla. Warner Bros. Pictures.
    • Galbraith IV, Stuart (1998). Monsters Are Attacking Tokyo! The Incredible World of Japanese Fantasy Films. Feral House. ISBN 0922915474.
    • Godziszewski, Ed (1994). The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Godzilla. Daikaiju Enterprises.
    • Honda, Ishiro (1970). Monster Zero (English version). Toho Co., Ltd/United Productions of America.
    • Kalat, David (2010). A Critical History and Filmography of Toho’s Godzilla Series (second ed.). McFarland. ISBN 9780786447497.
    • Lees, J.D.; Cerasini, Marc (1998). The Official Godzilla Compendium. Random House. ISBN 0-679-88822-5.
    • Nagayama, Yasuo (2002). Why do Monsters Attack Japan?. Chikuma Shobō. ISBN 978-4480823519.
    • Nelson, Arvid (2019). Godzilla: Aftershock. Legendary Comics. ISBN 978-1681160535.
    • Perlmutter, David (2018). The Encyclopedia of American Animated Television Shows. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. ISBN 978-1538103739.
    • Ragone, August (2007). Eiji Tsuburaya: Master of Monsters. Chronicle Books. ISBN 978-0-8118-6078-9.
    • Rhoads, Sean; McCorkie, Brooke (2018). Japan’s Green Monsters: Environmental Commentary in Kaiju Cinema. McFarland. ISBN 9781476663906.
    • Ryfle, Steve (1998). Japan’s Favorite Mon-Star: The Unauthorized Biography of the Big G. ECW Press. ISBN 9781550223484.
    • Ryfle, Steve; Godziszewski, Ed (2017). Ishiro Honda: A Life in Film, from Godzilla to Kurosawa. Wesleyan University Press. ISBN 978-0-8195-7087-1.
    • Solomon, Brian (2017). Godzilla FAQ: All That’s Left to Know about the King of the Monsters. Applause Theatre & Cinema Books. ISBN 9781495045684.
    • Tsutsui, William M. (2003). Godzilla on My Mind: Fifty Years of the King of Monsters. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 1403964742.

    External links

    Wikimedia Commons has media related to Godzilla.

    • Official Godzilla website by Toho Co., Ltd
    • Official website of Toho Co., Ltd (Japanese)
    • Godzilla on IMDb


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    • Годзилла — фантастическое животное, гигантский мутант, жуткая помесь кита и гориллы. Герой нескольких художественных фильмов, снятых как в Японии, так и в США. Первый фильм о Годзилле вышел в ноябре 1954 г. Годзилла стал всеобъемлющим символом ужасов войны… …   Вся Япония

    • Годзилла, Мотра, Мехагодзилла: Спасите Токио — ゴジラ×モスラ×メカゴジラ 東京SOS …   Википедия

    • Годзилла (фильм — Годзилла (фильм, 1954) Другие фильмы с таким же или схожим названием: см. Годзилла (фильм). Годзилла ゴジラ (Godjira or Gojira) …   Википедия

    • Годзилла против Монстра Зеро — Годзилла против монстра Зеро,(яп.怪獣大戦争) это кайдзю фильм 1965 года, продолжение Гидора, трёхголовый монстр. Сюжет ООН посылает двух астронавтов, Глена и Фуджи, в сторону Юпитера, чтобы исследовать новую планету (Планету Х). Вскоре после посадки,… …   Википедия

    • Годзилла (мультсериал — Годзилла (мультсериал, 1998 2000) Годзилла (Godzilla: The Series)  мультипликационный сериал, созданный Adelaide Productions в сотрудничестве с японской киностудией TOHO для американского канала Fox Kids, являющийся сиквелом фильма… …   Википедия

    • Годзилла (значения) — Годзилла: (англ. Godzilla) Годзилла  персонаж комиксов, мультфильмов и кинофильмов. Название фильмов: Атака Годзиллы  Япония, 1969 Гидора: Трёхголовый монстр  Япония, 1964 Годзилла (фильм, 1954) (яп. ゴジラ)  Япония Годзилла …   Википедия

    • Годзилла против Хэдоры — (яп. ゴジラ対ヘドラ) фильм режиссёра Йошимидзю Банно. Это одиннадцатый фильм про Годзиллу и первый о Хэдоре. Бюджет фильма составил 25 000 000 ¥ (250 000 $). Мировая премьера состоялась 24 июля 1971 года. Содержание 1 Сюжет 2 В ролях 3 …   Википедия

    • Годзилла (фильм) — «Годзилла» название двух известных фантастических фильмов о гигантском и разрушительном чудовище Годзилле. Годзилла (яп. ゴジラ) японский фантастический фильм 1954 года. Годзилла (англ. Godzilla) американский фантастический фильм 1998 года. Ссылки… …   Википедия

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    Если проводить аналогию с монстрами, ядерное оружие – это явно «Годзилла».

    As monsters go, nuclear weapons are definitely in the Godzilla category.



    Если проводить аналогию с монстрами, ядерное оружие – это явно «Годзилла».
    As monsters go, nuclear weapons are definitely in the Godzilla category.

    Пахнет так вкусно, что я готов как Годзилла начать разрушать город.
    It smells so good I could go Godzilla on the whole neighborhood.

    И тогда Годзилла выйдет из озера Онтарио и атакует Си-Эн Тауэр.
    And then Godzilla climbed out of Lake Ontario and attacked the CN tower.

    Его длина один миллиметр, но он выглядит как Годзилла в сравнении с этими микромеханизмами.
    It’s one millimeter long, but it looks like Godzilla next to these micromachines.

    Какую награду я получу, а, за то, что скажу вам, что Годзилла и Родан заходили и «обессмертили» меня?
    What reward do I get, huh, for telling you that Godzilla and Rodan came by and «immortalized» me?


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    Corpus name: OpenSubtitles2018. License: not specified. References: http://opus.nlpl.eu/OpenSubtitles2018.php, http://stp.lingfil.uu.se/~joerg/paper/opensubs2016.pdf

    Corpus name: OpenSubtitles2018. License: not specified. References: http://opus.nlpl.eu/OpenSubtitles2018.php, http://stp.lingfil.uu.se/~joerg/paper/opensubs2016.pdf

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    Corpus name: OpenSubtitles2018. License: not specified. References: http://opus.nlpl.eu/OpenSubtitles2018.php, http://stp.lingfil.uu.se/~joerg/paper/opensubs2016.pdf

    Corpus name: OpenSubtitles2018. License: not specified. References: http://opus.nlpl.eu/OpenSubtitles2018.php, http://stp.lingfil.uu.se/~joerg/paper/opensubs2016.pdf

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    Выдвигаемся немедленно!


    Это — не учения.

    It will leave immediately!


    This is not a drill.

    Белые Цапли достигли полётной высоты.

    Годзилла вошёл в Токийский залив, направляется на север к Токио.

    В опасности так же Йокосука, Йокогама и Кавасаки.

    White Herons in level flight.

    Godzilla has entered Tokyo Bay heading north for Tokyo.

    Yokosuka, Yokohama and Kawasaki are in danger.


    Годзилла приближается! Немедленно покиньте район!



    Godzilla is coming!

    Gather round!

    Он обезумел!

    Как будто это сам Годзилла!

    Подразделения, оставаться на местах, и ожидайте приказа об атаке.

    It’s running wild!

    As if it were Godzilla!

    Remain where you are, and wait for an order to attack.

    «Уйдёт ли в отставку кабинет Игараши?»

    Где Годзилла?

    Мы усиленно ищем его, но…

    «Will lgarashi Surrender Office?»

    Where’s Godzilla?

    We’re desperately searching for it, but…


    Годзилла заревел в этот момент.

    Рев Годзиллы нарушил систему Мехагодзиллы.


    Godzilla roared that time.

    Godzilla’s roar disturbed Mechagodzilla’s system.


    Мы использовали ДНК Годзиллы для ДНК-компьютера Кирю, чтобы он мог эффективно адоптироваться.

    Теперь мы изменим базу и сделаем другие ДНК-компьютеры,


    We used Godzilla’s DNA for Kiryu’s DNA computers, so it was adaptable.

    If we change the base to a different type and make different DNA computers,

    Кирю ведь живой, тоже.

    Почему он должен сражаться с Годзиллой, который может быть его другом?

    Я так думаю

    Kiryu has a life, too.

    Why must it fight Godzilla who should be a friend?

    It thinks so.

    Атомная бомба пробудила Годзиллу.

    Теперь мы создали киборга Годзиллы.

    Кто во всё виноват?

    The H-bomb brought Godzilla.

    Now a Godzilla cyborg.

    Who’s to blame?


    Годзилла здесь.

    Расстояние — 350.


    Godzilla here.

    Distance: 350.

    SSM1, выдвигается!

    Годзилла приближается к больнице Шинагава.

    Слишком поздно.

    SSM1, forward.

    Godzilla is approaching Shinagawa Hospital.

    Too late.


    Тепловой луч Годзиллы повредил систему управления Кирю.

    Сделайте что-нибудь!


    Godzilla’s heat ray damaged Kiryu’s control system.

    Fix it!


    Годзилла теперь не сможет плеваться огнём!

    Стреляй Абсолютным Нулём!


    Godzilla can’t spit fire now.

    Shoot the Absolute-Zero!

    Энергия — на ноле.

    Я не в состоянии преследовать Годзиллу.

    Хорошая работа!

    No energy left.

    Unable to follow Godzilla.

    Well done!

    «Скажешь хоть слово, будешь молить меня о смерти, я заставлю тебя сосать мой хер, и кончу тебе в глаз.

    Я растопчу твою жизнь словно Годзилла,

    Я достану тебя ебаный ублюдок,

    «If you say anything, you’ll beg me to die, ‘Cause I’ll make you suck my dick, then I’ll nut in your eye.

    I’ll stomp on your world as if my name was Godzilla,

    I’m coming for you, motherfucker,


    Да даже в удалённых сценах из Годзиллы, актёры получше играют!

    Не помню, чтобы мы снимали эту сцену. Мы её не снимали.

    Tell a story.

    With pleasure.

    Once, not far from here, four people set out on a cattle drive.


    Новый Годзилла нанёс огромный ущерб Татеяме и исчез в Тихом океане.

    Но мы никак не причастны к его уходу.


    The new Godzilla inflicted heavy damage on Tateyama and disappeared in the Pacific.

    It might still be hiding near us.

    кропотливыми усилиями простых граждан.

    Но Годзилла

    Нет чудовища, сравнимого с ним.

    thanks to the efforts of diligent citizens.

    But Godzilla…

    There’s no monster like that.

    Кости Годзиллы.

    Скелет Годзиллы, появившегося в 1954.

    Они были обнаружены в прошлом году у полуострова Босо.

    Godzilla bones.

    Bones of the Godzilla that raided Japan in 1954.

    They were found off Boso Peninsula.

    Мы собираемся создать… что-то, что можно назвать биороботом.

    Это будет мощным оружием против Годзиллы.

    Механический Годзилла, чтобы победить Годзиллу.

    We’re going to make something called a biorobot.

    It’ll be a powerful weapon against Godzilla.

    A mechanical Godzilla to beat Godzilla.

    Доктор, что вы об этом думаете?

    Это значит, что ужас Годзиллы захватил умы людей.

    Папа, ты возьмёшься за эту работу?

    What do you think about it?

    It means the terror of Godzilla is spreading in the minds of the people.

    Dad, won’t you take this job?


    Так называют Анти-Годзилла робота .



    The name of the anti-Godzilla robot.


    Если Мехагодзилла…

    я имею в виду Кирю победит Годзиллу, я приглашу вас на праздничный ужин.

    Но если Годзилла одолеет Кирю… Его создатель принесёт вам извинения.

    If Mechagodzilla…

    I mean, Kiryu beats Godzilla, I’ll treat you to dinner in celebration.

    But if Godzilla overcomes Kiryu… the maker owes you an apology.



    Движется на север, направляется в Токийский залив.



    It’s going north heading for Tokyo Bay.

    Я сейчас ничего не могу сказать.

    Кирю был сделан из скелета первого Годзиллы.

    Возможно, именно это и призвало Годзиллу?

    I can’t say now.

    Kiryu was made from the bones of the first Godzilla.

    Is that why it calls in Godzilla?

    Кирю был сделан из скелета первого Годзиллы.

    Возможно, именно это и призвало Годзиллу?

    Нейро-система — в полном беспорядке.

    Kiryu was made from the bones of the first Godzilla.

    Is that why it calls in Godzilla?

    Neuro system is in a mess.


    Кто твой враг, Акане или Годзилла?

    Хватит поднимать бурю в чайной чашке.


    Who’s your enemy, Akane or Godzilla?

    No storm in a teacup.

    Сонарный контакт.

    Это Годзилла?

    Может быть.

    Sonar reaction.

    Isn’t this Godzilla?


    1-я линия обороны, готова к битве в порту.

    Годзилла здесь!

    Цель появилась.

    The first fleet has already prepared the battle array in the dock.

    Godzilla is here!

    Target locked on.

    F2, Желтый 5, атака!

    Годзилла вышел на сушу в Шинагаве.

    Проверки Кирю завершены.

    F2 Yellow 5 attacking!

    Godzilla has landed at Shinagawa.

    Kiryu’s maintenance is done. Report how it is.

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