Как пишется гвинблейд

Знающий, Гвинт: Ведьмак. Карточная игра

«― Язык эльфов – это смесь, «коктейль Молотова» из валлийского, ирландского, итальянского, и – там, где я хочу, чтобы меня понимали – английского и немецкого. Для читателя это должен быть чужой язык. Он не должен знать, что там написано, он должен это чувствовать».
— Сапковский на встрече с любителями фантастики в «Стожарах»

Старшая Речь, или Hen Llinge (ориг. Starsza Mowa) — язык эльфов Aen Seidhe. Помимо них, на диалектах Старшей Речи говорят в некоторых людских государствах, а также некоторые другие расы и существа. Классическая Hen Llinge используется чародеями в качестве главного магического языка.

Создание языка[]

Лексика языка основана, в основном, на кельтских языках: валлийском, шотландском и ирландском. Однако, в некоторых случаях Сапковский использовал в качестве вдохновения более «популярные» языки, такие как английский и немецкий. Два основных глагола, «быть, являться» и «иметь» заимствованы из латыни[1].

Сам Сапковский не создавал полноценного языка, лишь его основу, а также ряд фраз и слов. Для сериала от Netflix известный американский лингвист Дэвид Питерсон разработал искусственный язык на основе информации из книг. В отличие от представленной в серии романов письменности, созданная Питерсоном латинизация Старшей Речи полностью отражает произношение, а нерегулярности на письме остались только в специально разработанном руническом алфавите. Например, название языка у Сапковского пишется как Hen Llinge, а у Питерсона как Hen Linge[2].



Старшая Речь является достаточно распространённым языком. Хотя на Севере лингва франка и является всеобщий язык, Hen Llinge всё равно широко используется эльфами в общении друг с другом. Помимо этого, Старшая Речь и родственные ей идиомы используются в Империи Нильфгаард, Дол Блатанне, Брокилоне, Зеррикании, на Островах Скеллиге, в Синих Горах, а также в мире Aen Elle.

Диалекты и родственные языки[]

  • Единый язык (существовал до разделения Aen Seidhe и Aen Elle)
  • Классическая Старшая Речь (собственно, Hen Llinge)
  • Язык дриад из Брокилона
  • Язык Народа Ольх (Ellilon)
  • Нильфгаардский диалект
  • Скеллигский жаргон
  • Зерриканский диалект[3]

Типы произношения[]

  • Классическое
  • «Певучее» (сирены, водороски и нереиды)


Письменностью Старшей Речи являются Старшие Руны. Они упоминались в книгах, но их внешний вид не был описан, поэтому для нужд сериала от Netflix Дэвид Питерсон создал рунический алфавит для Hen Llinge.[2]

Лингвистическая характеристика[]



  • 1 – Yn
  • 2 – Twe
  • 3 – Tre
  • 4 – Ceath
  • 5 – Fem
  • 9 – Naev’de
  • 10 – Deich
  • 11 – Yndeane
  • 12 – Tvedeane
  • 13 – Tredeane
  • 14 – Ceathdeane и так далее
  • 20 – Tverad, Twe deich
  • 30 – Trerad, Tre deich
  • 40 – Ceathrad, Ceath deich и так далее
  • 50 – Femrad, Fem deich
  • 100 – Hvandre
  • 200 – Twe Hvandr
  • 300 – Tre Hvandr
  • 400 – Ceath Hvandr и так далее
  • 953 – Naev’de Hvandr Femrad Tre


Глаголы в Старшей Речи не спрягаются по лицам и временам (кроме глагола «быть»). Чтобы придать глаголу форму будущего времени, к началу глагола следует прикрепить префикс esse’ (форма будущего времени глагола «быть«). Прошедшее время работает таким же образом, но в этом случае используется слово A’ess (форма прошедшего времени глагола «быть«), написанное перед глаголом, или префикс ae’ (т.е. сокращенная форма A’ess, используемая в сочетании с глаголом). Однако в вопросительном предложении прошедшего времени есть несоответствие этим правилам. Вместо A’ess / ae’ используется постфикс ‘ve. Это не распространяется на некоторые глаголы, например, va (идти).

Глагол «Быть» (Ess)[]

Этот глагол используется очень часто. Он спрягается по трём лицам: оно, ты, я (множественного числа нет). Все известные спряжения и формы глагола перечислены ниже.

Таблица спряжения глагола ess

Настоящее время Будущее время Прошедшее время


Essea Esse A’essea


Esseath Esse A’esseath




Ess Esse A’ess

Также известны две вопросительные формы.

  • Ess’va — быть (настоящее время, вопросительная форма, первое лицо)
  • Ess’ve — прошедшее время, вопросительная форма, также используется в сочетании с другим глаголом (например, Ess’ve vairich? — вы слышали?)


Большинство прилагательных ставятся перед словом, которое они описывают (например, Ard Feain — Великое Солнце). Это работает почти всегда, однако есть исключения:

При использовании прилагательного, описывающего чьё-либо происхождение (из данного региона, страны и т.д.), порядок слов изменяется и между словами добавляется предлог de или aep. (например, vatt’ghern de Nord буквально означает «северный ведьмак». Однако корректным вариантом является «ведьмак с севера» (vatt’ghern aep Nord)).

Множественное число[]

Множественное число в Старшей Речи образуется добавлением к слову окончания an (Visse — посланник, Vissean — посланники). Если слово заканчивается на a, то добавляется окончание en (vlaggeskipa — флагман, vlaggeskipaen — флагманы). Если слово оканчивается на an/en, то множественное число образуется с помощью окончания na. В словах, оканчивающихся на ch, множественное число образуется добавлением окончания e.


Система отрицания в Старшей Речи сложна и работает по-разному для существительных/прилагательных и для глаголов. Ниже приведены все правила отрицания в языке.

  • В Старшей Речи есть три перевода слова «нет». Ayd — обычное «нет», используется очень редко и только для существительных; ne — сокращение от neen, также используется редко. Его единственные значения — «нет» и «ни». (например, N’ees behéth ne bhampair ne sas mallaich! — Я не подписывалась ни на вампиров, ни на проклятия!); Neen — наиболее часто используемая отрицательная форма, означает «нет», «ни», «без», «ничего». Все 3 формы используются для существительных и большинства глаголов.
  • В случае глаголов отрицательное значение добавляется путём добавления n’ перед глаголом (например, «N’ess hen, an ess gwynn» — он не старый, но седой; n’esseath dh’oine, esseath vatt’ghern — ты не человек, ты ведьмак).
  • Для запрета кому-либо что-либо делать, используется выражение N’te — не делать (что-то). (например, N’te dice’en — не говори).

Лексика и словарь[]

Со словарём Старшей Речи можно ознакомиться здесь.


  1. «Nie bąndź, kurwa, taki Geralt» — интервью с Сапковским
  2. 2,0 2,1 Твиттер Дэвида Питерсона
  3. Ведьмак: Игра Воображения.

Геральт белый волк

Геральт белый волк

Gwynbleidd Ведьмак

Gwynbleidd Ведьмак

Геральт Властелин колец

Геральт Властелин колец

Геральт Ведьмак 3

Геральт Ведьмак 3

Ведьмак 4 школа рыси

Ведьмак 4 школа рыси

Цири Туссент

Цири Туссент

Gwinblade Ведьмак

Gwinblade Ведьмак

Ведьмак Геральт

Ведьмак Геральт

Ведьмак 1 Gwynbleidd

Ведьмак 1 Gwynbleidd

Ведьмак 3 Геральт 4к

Ведьмак 3 Геральт 4к

Геральт детектив Нуар

Геральт детектив Нуар

Геральт в платье

Геральт в платье

Гвинблейд перевод

Гвинблейд перевод

Вон Ведьмак

Вон Ведьмак

Гвинблейд это кто

Гвинблейд это кто

Геральт из Ривии дарк соулс 3

Геральт из Ривии дарк соулс 3

The Witcher 4

The Witcher 4

Мечи из Ведьмака 3

Мечи из Ведьмака 3

Клеймор меч Ведьмак

Клеймор меч Ведьмак

Меч смерти Skyrim

Меч смерти Skyrim

Ведьмак Цири маленькая

Ведьмак Цири маленькая

Геральт из Ривии Верховный маг

Геральт из Ривии Верховный маг

Скайрим меч Спарды

Скайрим меч Спарды

Стальной меч Ведьмака

Стальной меч Ведьмака

Имперский меч скайрим

Имперский меч скайрим

Ведьмачий меч Арондит

Ведьмачий меч Арондит

Witcher 3 Gwynbleidd

Witcher 3 Gwynbleidd

Меч Геральта Арондит

Меч Геральта Арондит

Гвин Твич стример

Гвин Твич стример

Геральт в броне школы медведя

Геральт в броне школы медведя

Геральт из Ривии лицо

Геральт из Ривии лицо

Геральт Ведьмак 3

Геральт Ведьмак 3

Меч 2

Меч 2

Лютик из Ведьмака арт с лютней

Лютик из Ведьмака арт с лютней

Skyrim Jack of Blades Armor

Skyrim Jack of Blades Armor

Шапка Shadowraze

Шапка Shadowraze

5320-1602512 Цилиндр сцепления главный КАМАЗ

5320-1602512 Цилиндр сцепления главный КАМАЗ

Карбюратор leader pz19jb

Карбюратор leader pz19jb

Ведьмачий стальной меч Ведьмак 3

Ведьмачий стальной меч Ведьмак 3

Охладитель меч скайрим

Охладитель меч скайрим

Геральт Ведьмак 3

Геральт Ведьмак 3

Геральт из Ривии Ведьмак 3 улыбается

Геральт из Ривии Ведьмак 3 улыбается

Книжный Геральт из Ривии

Книжный Геральт из Ривии

Генри Кавилл Ведьмак

Генри Кавилл Ведьмак

Ведьмак 3 Дикая охота Цири

Ведьмак 3 Дикая охота Цири

Скайрим мод на меч имперского капитана

Скайрим мод на меч имперского капитана

Клеймор меч Ведьмак

Клеймор меч Ведьмак

Меч Ведьмака ларп

Меч Ведьмака ларп

Геральт Ведьмак 3

Геральт Ведьмак 3

Геральт Ривийский

Геральт Ривийский

Меч Геральта Нетфликс

Меч Геральта Нетфликс

Геральд Ведьмак 3

Геральд Ведьмак 3

Геральт Ведьмак 3

Геральт Ведьмак 3

Геральт из Ривии Генри Кавилл

Геральт из Ривии Генри Кавилл

Геральт из Ривии 3

Геральт из Ривии 3

Геральт из Ривии Ведьмак 2 арт

Геральт из Ривии Ведьмак 2 арт

Геральт Ведьмак 3

Геральт Ведьмак 3

Ведьмак 1 Геральт арт

Ведьмак 1 Геральт арт

Геральт из Ривии Дикая охота

Геральт из Ривии Дикая охота

Цирилла Ведьмак

Цирилла Ведьмак

Геральт из Ривии Ведьмак 3

Геральт из Ривии Ведьмак 3

Silver Sword (серебряный меч)

Silver Sword (серебряный меч)

Цирилла Фиона Элен Рианнон

Цирилла Фиона Элен Рианнон

Ведьмак 2 Ведьмак 2

Ведьмак 2 Ведьмак 2

Геральт Ведьмак 3

Геральт Ведьмак 3

Фотообработка в стиле Witcher

Фотообработка в стиле Witcher

Ведьмак 4 Геральт

Ведьмак 4 Геральт

Трисс Ведьмак 3

Трисс Ведьмак 3

Geralt Gwynbleidd

Geralt Gwynbleidd

Скайрим мод меч Джона Сноу

Скайрим мод меч Джона Сноу

Геральт из Ривии

Геральт из Ривии

Материнская плата MSI 865gvm2-LS

Материнская плата MSI 865gvm2-LS

Ведьмак 3: Дикая охота

Ведьмак 3: Дикая охота

Меч Ведьмака школы кота

Меч Ведьмака школы кота

Геральт из Ривии сериал

Геральт из Ривии сериал

Маргарита Ведьмак Нетфликс

Маргарита Ведьмак Нетфликс

Материнская плата MSI 865gvm2-LS

Материнская плата MSI 865gvm2-LS

Геральт из Ривии Дикая охота

Геральт из Ривии Дикая охота

Мильва Ведьмак 3

Мильва Ведьмак 3

Молодой Геральт из Ривии

Молодой Геральт из Ривии



Icon disambig.svg This article is about Geralt of Rivia, the witcher. For other uses of witcher, see The Witcher.
Geralt in The Witcher 3


Geralt of Rivia
White Wolf
Butcher of Blaviken
Ravix of Fourhorn (pseudonym in «A Question of Price»)
Geralt Roger Eric du Haute-Bellegarde (the name he wanted to give himself)


Sir (gained after the Battle for the Bridge on the Yaruga)








Northern Realms


The Wolf School
Rivian nobility (theoretically)
Geralt’s hanza

Special abilities

Swordsmanship, alchemy, Signs, horsemanship, superhuman abilities


Kaer Morhen; travels around the world
Physical Description

Eye color

Dark (in the books; no other specification)
Dark-gold (in The Witcher games)

Hair color



Visenna (mother)
Korin (father)


Yennefer of Vengerberg (true lover)
Triss Merigold (lover)
Lytta Neyd (lover)
Fringilla Vigo (lover)


Ciri (adopted daughter)

The witcher Geralt of Rivia (Polish: Geralt z Rivii) is the main protagonist of the Witcher series of books by Andrzej Sapkowski and its multimedia adaptations (including CD Projekt RED’s The Witcher game series). As an itinerant monster hunter for hire, he possesses nearly superhuman abilities and expert swordsmanship skills. By the events of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (in 1272), Geralt is «nearly a century old» according to mentor Vesemir.

Geralt is known also as Gwynbleidd (Elder Speech meaning «The White Wolf», a name which was given to him by the dryads), as well as the Butcher of Blaviken, after an unfortunate incident in that city.

Despite his title, Geralt does not hail from the city of Rivia. After being left with the witchers by his mother, Visenna, he grew up in their keep of Kaer Morhen in the realm of Kaedwen. In the interest of appearing more trustworthy to potential clients, young witchers were encouraged to make up surnames for themselves by master Vesemir. As his first choice, Geralt chose «Geralt Roger Eric du Haute-Bellegarde», but this choice was dismissed by Vesemir as silly and pretentious, so «Geralt» was all that remained of his chosen name. «Of Rivia» was a more practical alternative, and Geralt even went so far as to adopt a Rivian accent to appear more authentic.

Later, Queen Meve of Lyria knighted him for his valour in the Battle for the Bridge on the Yaruga conferring on him the formal title «of Rivia», which amused him. He, therefore, became a true knight of Lyria.

In the events of The Witcher, he was knighted a second time by Lady of the Lake and received the Aerondight as the badge of office. Or, jokingly, he was knighted the second time as Sir Bonehead and later cancelled. Then he proceeded to be knighted the third time when he received the Aerondight.



The following is taken from the original comics, not the Sapkowski saga

Geralt in the comic book, drawn by Bogusław Polch

Geralt was the son of sorceress Visenna and (presumably) a warrior called Korin. Shortly after being born, Geralt was taken by his mother to the Wolf School — the Kaer Morhen stronghold (from Elder Speech Caer a’Muirehen meaning «Fortress of the Old Sea»). Geralt survived numerous mutations during the Trial of the Grasses, through which he gained practically superhuman physical and mental abilities (increased reflexes, speed, strength and enhanced hearing) surprisingly well. Because of that, as one of the few he was selected for additional experiments, and of the few he was the only one that survived. His white hair, completely lacking pigment, is a side effect of these experiments. After finishing the witcher training, he embarked into the world on his horse called Roach (he gave the same name to every one of his horses) to become a monster slayer for hire.

Although Geralt did not believe in destiny, he demanded the unborn child of princess Pavetta and her husband Duny as a reward for his services. As the child turned out to be a girl, he did not take her. However, fate or blind chance caused Geralt and Ciri, the daughter of Duny and Pavetta to cross paths thrice, and after the death of her grandmother, queen Calanthe, Geralt ended up taking care of the girl and loving her as his own daughter. His best friend was Dandelion the bard, while his lover and the love of his life was Yennefer.

In the Polish Movie and TV series

Michał Żebrowski as Geralt in The Hexer movie

In The Hexer movie and TV series, the major role of Geralt as an adult was played by Michał Żebrowski, but a younger Geralt was portrayed by Maciej Łagodziński. Both the series and the movie were based largely on the previously published short stories, taking a few liberties here and there with the narrative.

Naturally, Geralt appears in all thirteen episodes of the series and is the protagonist of the film.

In The Witcher computer game

Geralt inv.png

In the English version of the game, Geralt is voiced by Doug Cockle and by Jacek Rozenek in the Polish version.

After seemingly having been killed by a mob during a pogrom of non-humans at the end of the Witcher saga, Geralt returns to life with no recollection of the details of his sudden reappearance or the intervening five years. He is rescued by the last remaining witchers in the world and taken back to Kaer Morhen. There, he is drawn into a complicated conspiracy concerning the witchers, their secrets and the nefarious forces who are after that knowledge.

Geralt pursues the mysterious Salamandra, and in the process meets many people from his past, as well as new acquaintances who either require the witcher’s help, or offer their own in his quest to regain his identity.

Journal entry

A book entitled «The Rivian Pogrom» claims that Geralt, known also as the White Wolf, died during a massacre of non-humans. The pogrom took place in the city of Rivia just after the war with Nilfgaard. Geralt was killed by an angry mob when he tried to defend the oppressed. The sorceress Triss Merigold and the dwarf Zoltan Chivay witnessed his death. The witcher’s body was never found.
The bard Dandelion recounts the adventures of the witcher Geralt in his ballads. After reading them, one may conclude that the White Wolf was the most famous witcher of his time. He actively participated in many historical events, such as the mage rebellion on Thanedd Island. Dandelion’s poems are mostly devoted to Geralt’s fights against monsters, the numerous romantic entanglements for which he is famous, and to his love for a certain sorceress.
Some years ago, Geralt of Rivia came to King Foltest’s court in search of work. He obtained a contract to free the monarch’s daughter Adda from a spell which had turned her into a striga, or to kill her if all else failed. The witcher managed to free the girl from the spell, and discovered that one of the courtiers had been responsible for the curse.

In The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings


In the sequel, Geralt finds himself in the service of King Foltest of Temeria. The latter is soon assassinated, sparking a series of events that send the witcher along the Pontar in search of the kingslayers.

Journal entry

Behold our hero: subjected to mutations and rigorous sword and sorcery training as a child, he has become a superhuman monster slayer. Always penniless and often disdained by those whom he protects, he wanders the world seeking work. Fate has little mercy for him, piling obstacles in his way, yet he trudges on. He has more scruples than a beggaring bum has fleas. Doubts haunt him even when a band of ruffians, knives drawn, approaches him on the highway. Is he a good man? I do not think so. Does he try to maintain his humanity? I believe he does.
You must know that Geralt of Rivia died once already, or at least everyone thought him dead. During a massacre in Rivia, he sought to defend nonhumans and fell to overwhelming odds. Placed in a boat, he floated into the mist, into a realm where he finally found peace. Not for long. Because of forces to mentioned later, Geralt returned just in time to defend the witchers’ ancient home fortress, and then embarked on a mission to recover the secrets stolen from it. Along the way he took part in a Scoia’tael uprising, shattered a powerful criminal organization, and killed the Grand Master of the Order of the Flaming Rose. All the while his fame as a lover grew. Well, that’s Geralt for you. As if all this wasn’t enough, he then foiled the attempted assassination of King Foltest of Temeria and became one of the monarch’s most trusted men.

In The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

Tw3 journal geralt.png

Geralt returns in the third and final installment of the game series. He is unshaven at the start of this adventure due to his recent travels in the wilderness, and the narrative is set after the initial Nilfgaardian invasion of the Northern Kingdoms.

Journal entry

Many cannot fathom the friendship Geralt of Rivia and I, Dandelion, have shared all these years. When we first began breaking bread together, spiteful tongues said he’d be better off cutting my throat and dumping my body in a hollow tree – before I provoked someone else into doing that same to us both. Those individuals spoke out of pure jealousy, for Geralt was my dearest friend, a fact which he gave ample evidence of on numerous occasions.
I could say a great deal about that world-famous monster hunter, the man know in Elder Speech as Gwynbleidd, or, in our younger (yet no less noble) tongue, as the White Wolf. For Geralt of Rivia is a truly exceptional individual. A brief encounter might tempt one to label him a mere swinger of swords, a simple monster-catcher, a rough-and-tumble practitioner of a dirty trade – but peer closer and you will soon discover he is a man of unplumbed depths, unique views and vast, world-spanning experience.
On the surface, he is introverted, tight-lipped, and one might even say gruff, but underneath lies an overflowing sea of goodwill, good humour, and an honest readiness to help his friends, be it with a bit of sound advice or the masterful application of his blade.
Setting aside cumbersome false modesty, I can say that I know his story better than any man alive. I was with him through hard times and good, helping with wise advice, warm words and razor wit. As a result, I am a vital part of his story, both in its earlier and present portions. It is thus my duty to continue my chronicle and, for the benefit of future generations, put in writing the next chapter of his deeds and exploits.

In The Witcher: Adventure Game

Geralt is one of the four playable characters in «The Witcher: Adventure Game».

He is called there «MONSTER SLAYER — DEADLY IN COMBAT».[1]

In The Witcher Battle Arena game

Hero icon for Geralt of Rivia

Geralt is featured as a playable character in «The Witcher Battle Arena».

Geralt of Rivia
A witcher, a wandering solution in search of his next problem; a man who’s seen as many caves and trolls as he has kings, queens and courts. In the Arena, Geralt excels as a dueler, but also brings some utility (crowd control support skills) to the table. His first ability (The Way of the Sword) is a three-stage sword attack: Geralt performs a pirouette, then follows it up with two quick slashes. As a witcher, he is also able to wield a simple form of magic called Signs: The Way of Signs enables him to use the Yrden Sign to set a magic trap which slows all opponents in its range. Then there is The Way of Alchemy: after chugging a potion powerful enough to kill one elephant, Geralt gains the strength of three, and his two skills gain new effects: The Way of the Sword now slows enemies, and The Way of Signs now casts the Heliotrope Sign, which not only slows, but also damages opponents.


  • Geralt’s name in the Elder Speech, Gwynbleidd, is very similar to the Welsh translation of «white wolf»: blaidd gwyn.
  • Most of The Witcher 2 promotional screenshots and artwork featured Geralt display with fairly different character model, an early design, with even the first cover of the game not using the in-game model for Geralt. A different model was planned to replace Geralt’s face from The Witcher, but due to protests in Poland, CD Projekt edited the old model and placed it into the game.


  • Geralt in the original game

  • Render in The Witcher 2

  • Render in The Witcher 2

  • in The Witcher 2

  • Render in The Witcher 3

  • Render in The Witcher 3

  • in «Killing Monsters» CGI trailer

  • in The Witcher Adventure Game

  • in The Witcher Battle Arena

In other languages

Flag Language Geralt Flag Language Geralt Flag Language Geralt
Polish flag Polish (original) Geralt z Rivii Brazilian flag Brazilian Portuguese Geralt de Rivia Bulgarian flag Bulgarian Гералт от Ривия
Chinese flag Chinese Simplified 利维亚的杰洛特 Croatian flag Croatian Geralt od Rivije Czech flag Czech Geralt z Rivie
Dutch Flagge Dutch Geralt van Rivia British flag English Geralt of Rivia Estonian flag Estonian Rivia Geralt
Finnish flag Finnish Geralt Rivialainen French flag French Geralt de Riv German flag German Geralt von Riva
Greek flag Greek Γκέραλτ της Ριβίης Hungarian flag Hungarian (Magyarul) Ríviai Geralt Italian flag Italian Geralt di Rivia
Latvian flag Latvian Geralts no Rivijas Lithuanian flag Lithuanian Geraltas iš Rivijos Iran flag Persian گرلت از(اهل) ریویا
فارسی گرالت اهل ریویا
Romanian Flag Romanian Geralt din Rivia Russian flag Russian Геральт из Ривии Serbian flag Serbian Гералт из Ривије
Geralt iz Rivije
Slovak flag Slovak Geralt z Rivie Slovenian flag Slovenian Geralt iz Rivie Spanish flag Spanish Geralt de Rivia
Swedish flag Swedish Geralt av Rivia Turkish flag Turkish Rivialı Geralt Ukrainian flag Ukrainian Ґеральт з Рівії
Icon disambig.svg This article is about Geralt of Rivia, the witcher. For other uses of witcher, see The Witcher.
Geralt in The Witcher 3


Geralt of Rivia
White Wolf
Butcher of Blaviken
Ravix of Fourhorn (pseudonym in «A Question of Price»)
Geralt Roger Eric du Haute-Bellegarde (the name he wanted to give himself)


Sir (gained after the Battle for the Bridge on the Yaruga)








Northern Realms


The Wolf School
Rivian nobility (theoretically)
Geralt’s hanza

Special abilities

Swordsmanship, alchemy, Signs, horsemanship, superhuman abilities


Kaer Morhen; travels around the world
Physical Description

Eye color

Dark (in the books; no other specification)
Dark-gold (in The Witcher games)

Hair color



Visenna (mother)
Korin (father)


Yennefer of Vengerberg (true lover)
Triss Merigold (lover)
Lytta Neyd (lover)
Fringilla Vigo (lover)


Ciri (adopted daughter)

The witcher Geralt of Rivia (Polish: Geralt z Rivii) is the main protagonist of the Witcher series of books by Andrzej Sapkowski and its multimedia adaptations (including CD Projekt RED’s The Witcher game series). As an itinerant monster hunter for hire, he possesses nearly superhuman abilities and expert swordsmanship skills. By the events of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (in 1272), Geralt is «nearly a century old» according to mentor Vesemir.

Geralt is known also as Gwynbleidd (Elder Speech meaning «The White Wolf», a name which was given to him by the dryads), as well as the Butcher of Blaviken, after an unfortunate incident in that city.

Despite his title, Geralt does not hail from the city of Rivia. After being left with the witchers by his mother, Visenna, he grew up in their keep of Kaer Morhen in the realm of Kaedwen. In the interest of appearing more trustworthy to potential clients, young witchers were encouraged to make up surnames for themselves by master Vesemir. As his first choice, Geralt chose «Geralt Roger Eric du Haute-Bellegarde», but this choice was dismissed by Vesemir as silly and pretentious, so «Geralt» was all that remained of his chosen name. «Of Rivia» was a more practical alternative, and Geralt even went so far as to adopt a Rivian accent to appear more authentic.

Later, Queen Meve of Lyria knighted him for his valour in the Battle for the Bridge on the Yaruga conferring on him the formal title «of Rivia», which amused him. He, therefore, became a true knight of Lyria.

In the events of The Witcher, he was knighted a second time by Lady of the Lake and received the Aerondight as the badge of office. Or, jokingly, he was knighted the second time as Sir Bonehead and later cancelled. Then he proceeded to be knighted the third time when he received the Aerondight.



The following is taken from the original comics, not the Sapkowski saga

Geralt in the comic book, drawn by Bogusław Polch

Geralt was the son of sorceress Visenna and (presumably) a warrior called Korin. Shortly after being born, Geralt was taken by his mother to the Wolf School — the Kaer Morhen stronghold (from Elder Speech Caer a’Muirehen meaning «Fortress of the Old Sea»). Geralt survived numerous mutations during the Trial of the Grasses, through which he gained practically superhuman physical and mental abilities (increased reflexes, speed, strength and enhanced hearing) surprisingly well. Because of that, as one of the few he was selected for additional experiments, and of the few he was the only one that survived. His white hair, completely lacking pigment, is a side effect of these experiments. After finishing the witcher training, he embarked into the world on his horse called Roach (he gave the same name to every one of his horses) to become a monster slayer for hire.

Although Geralt did not believe in destiny, he demanded the unborn child of princess Pavetta and her husband Duny as a reward for his services. As the child turned out to be a girl, he did not take her. However, fate or blind chance caused Geralt and Ciri, the daughter of Duny and Pavetta to cross paths thrice, and after the death of her grandmother, queen Calanthe, Geralt ended up taking care of the girl and loving her as his own daughter. His best friend was Dandelion the bard, while his lover and the love of his life was Yennefer.

In the Polish Movie and TV series

Michał Żebrowski as Geralt in The Hexer movie

In The Hexer movie and TV series, the major role of Geralt as an adult was played by Michał Żebrowski, but a younger Geralt was portrayed by Maciej Łagodziński. Both the series and the movie were based largely on the previously published short stories, taking a few liberties here and there with the narrative.

Naturally, Geralt appears in all thirteen episodes of the series and is the protagonist of the film.

In The Witcher computer game

Geralt inv.png

In the English version of the game, Geralt is voiced by Doug Cockle and by Jacek Rozenek in the Polish version.

After seemingly having been killed by a mob during a pogrom of non-humans at the end of the Witcher saga, Geralt returns to life with no recollection of the details of his sudden reappearance or the intervening five years. He is rescued by the last remaining witchers in the world and taken back to Kaer Morhen. There, he is drawn into a complicated conspiracy concerning the witchers, their secrets and the nefarious forces who are after that knowledge.

Geralt pursues the mysterious Salamandra, and in the process meets many people from his past, as well as new acquaintances who either require the witcher’s help, or offer their own in his quest to regain his identity.

Journal entry

A book entitled «The Rivian Pogrom» claims that Geralt, known also as the White Wolf, died during a massacre of non-humans. The pogrom took place in the city of Rivia just after the war with Nilfgaard. Geralt was killed by an angry mob when he tried to defend the oppressed. The sorceress Triss Merigold and the dwarf Zoltan Chivay witnessed his death. The witcher’s body was never found.
The bard Dandelion recounts the adventures of the witcher Geralt in his ballads. After reading them, one may conclude that the White Wolf was the most famous witcher of his time. He actively participated in many historical events, such as the mage rebellion on Thanedd Island. Dandelion’s poems are mostly devoted to Geralt’s fights against monsters, the numerous romantic entanglements for which he is famous, and to his love for a certain sorceress.
Some years ago, Geralt of Rivia came to King Foltest’s court in search of work. He obtained a contract to free the monarch’s daughter Adda from a spell which had turned her into a striga, or to kill her if all else failed. The witcher managed to free the girl from the spell, and discovered that one of the courtiers had been responsible for the curse.

In The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings


In the sequel, Geralt finds himself in the service of King Foltest of Temeria. The latter is soon assassinated, sparking a series of events that send the witcher along the Pontar in search of the kingslayers.

Journal entry

Behold our hero: subjected to mutations and rigorous sword and sorcery training as a child, he has become a superhuman monster slayer. Always penniless and often disdained by those whom he protects, he wanders the world seeking work. Fate has little mercy for him, piling obstacles in his way, yet he trudges on. He has more scruples than a beggaring bum has fleas. Doubts haunt him even when a band of ruffians, knives drawn, approaches him on the highway. Is he a good man? I do not think so. Does he try to maintain his humanity? I believe he does.
You must know that Geralt of Rivia died once already, or at least everyone thought him dead. During a massacre in Rivia, he sought to defend nonhumans and fell to overwhelming odds. Placed in a boat, he floated into the mist, into a realm where he finally found peace. Not for long. Because of forces to mentioned later, Geralt returned just in time to defend the witchers’ ancient home fortress, and then embarked on a mission to recover the secrets stolen from it. Along the way he took part in a Scoia’tael uprising, shattered a powerful criminal organization, and killed the Grand Master of the Order of the Flaming Rose. All the while his fame as a lover grew. Well, that’s Geralt for you. As if all this wasn’t enough, he then foiled the attempted assassination of King Foltest of Temeria and became one of the monarch’s most trusted men.

In The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

Tw3 journal geralt.png

Geralt returns in the third and final installment of the game series. He is unshaven at the start of this adventure due to his recent travels in the wilderness, and the narrative is set after the initial Nilfgaardian invasion of the Northern Kingdoms.

Journal entry

Many cannot fathom the friendship Geralt of Rivia and I, Dandelion, have shared all these years. When we first began breaking bread together, spiteful tongues said he’d be better off cutting my throat and dumping my body in a hollow tree – before I provoked someone else into doing that same to us both. Those individuals spoke out of pure jealousy, for Geralt was my dearest friend, a fact which he gave ample evidence of on numerous occasions.
I could say a great deal about that world-famous monster hunter, the man know in Elder Speech as Gwynbleidd, or, in our younger (yet no less noble) tongue, as the White Wolf. For Geralt of Rivia is a truly exceptional individual. A brief encounter might tempt one to label him a mere swinger of swords, a simple monster-catcher, a rough-and-tumble practitioner of a dirty trade – but peer closer and you will soon discover he is a man of unplumbed depths, unique views and vast, world-spanning experience.
On the surface, he is introverted, tight-lipped, and one might even say gruff, but underneath lies an overflowing sea of goodwill, good humour, and an honest readiness to help his friends, be it with a bit of sound advice or the masterful application of his blade.
Setting aside cumbersome false modesty, I can say that I know his story better than any man alive. I was with him through hard times and good, helping with wise advice, warm words and razor wit. As a result, I am a vital part of his story, both in its earlier and present portions. It is thus my duty to continue my chronicle and, for the benefit of future generations, put in writing the next chapter of his deeds and exploits.

In The Witcher: Adventure Game

Geralt is one of the four playable characters in «The Witcher: Adventure Game».

He is called there «MONSTER SLAYER — DEADLY IN COMBAT».[1]

In The Witcher Battle Arena game

Hero icon for Geralt of Rivia

Geralt is featured as a playable character in «The Witcher Battle Arena».

Geralt of Rivia
A witcher, a wandering solution in search of his next problem; a man who’s seen as many caves and trolls as he has kings, queens and courts. In the Arena, Geralt excels as a dueler, but also brings some utility (crowd control support skills) to the table. His first ability (The Way of the Sword) is a three-stage sword attack: Geralt performs a pirouette, then follows it up with two quick slashes. As a witcher, he is also able to wield a simple form of magic called Signs: The Way of Signs enables him to use the Yrden Sign to set a magic trap which slows all opponents in its range. Then there is The Way of Alchemy: after chugging a potion powerful enough to kill one elephant, Geralt gains the strength of three, and his two skills gain new effects: The Way of the Sword now slows enemies, and The Way of Signs now casts the Heliotrope Sign, which not only slows, but also damages opponents.


  • Geralt’s name in the Elder Speech, Gwynbleidd, is very similar to the Welsh translation of «white wolf»: blaidd gwyn.
  • Most of The Witcher 2 promotional screenshots and artwork featured Geralt display with fairly different character model, an early design, with even the first cover of the game not using the in-game model for Geralt. A different model was planned to replace Geralt’s face from The Witcher, but due to protests in Poland, CD Projekt edited the old model and placed it into the game.


  • Geralt in the original game

  • Render in The Witcher 2

  • Render in The Witcher 2

  • in The Witcher 2

  • Render in The Witcher 3

  • Render in The Witcher 3

  • in «Killing Monsters» CGI trailer

  • in The Witcher Adventure Game

  • in The Witcher Battle Arena

In other languages

Flag Language Geralt Flag Language Geralt Flag Language Geralt
Polish flag Polish (original) Geralt z Rivii Brazilian flag Brazilian Portuguese Geralt de Rivia Bulgarian flag Bulgarian Гералт от Ривия
Chinese flag Chinese Simplified 利维亚的杰洛特 Croatian flag Croatian Geralt od Rivije Czech flag Czech Geralt z Rivie
Dutch Flagge Dutch Geralt van Rivia British flag English Geralt of Rivia Estonian flag Estonian Rivia Geralt
Finnish flag Finnish Geralt Rivialainen French flag French Geralt de Riv German flag German Geralt von Riva
Greek flag Greek Γκέραλτ της Ριβίης Hungarian flag Hungarian (Magyarul) Ríviai Geralt Italian flag Italian Geralt di Rivia
Latvian flag Latvian Geralts no Rivijas Lithuanian flag Lithuanian Geraltas iš Rivijos Iran flag Persian گرلت از(اهل) ریویا
فارسی گرالت اهل ریویا
Romanian Flag Romanian Geralt din Rivia Russian flag Russian Геральт из Ривии Serbian flag Serbian Гералт из Ривије
Geralt iz Rivije
Slovak flag Slovak Geralt z Rivie Slovenian flag Slovenian Geralt iz Rivie Spanish flag Spanish Geralt de Rivia
Swedish flag Swedish Geralt av Rivia Turkish flag Turkish Rivialı Geralt Ukrainian flag Ukrainian Ґеральт з Рівії


В общем, если кто не понимает, что несут эльфы на протяжении игры, то это может чутка помочь. (Уверен, что многие знают, но, поскольку ранее сюда подобного не кидали, то почему бы, собственно, мне этого не сделать; Инфа бессовестно содрана с Фандома Ведьмака[vedmak.fandom.com] и других[enciklopedia-maxima-mundi.fandom.com], не менее полезных источников[witcher.fandom.com])Для The Witcher: Enhanced EditionДля The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings


Старшая Речь (Hen Llinge) — вымышленный язык, имеющий руническую письменность, на котором разговаривают во вселенной “Ведьмака”, язык древнего народа эльфов. Язык основан, в частности, на существующих английском, французском, валлийском, ирландском и латинском языках.

Диалекты Старшей Речи

  • Единый язык (существовал до разделения Aen Seidhe и Aen Elle)
  • Классическая Старшая Речь (собственно, Hen Llinge)
  • Язык дриад из Брокилона
  • Язык Народа Ольх (Ellilon)
  • Нильфгаардский диалект
  • Скеллигский жаргон

Типы произношения

  • Классическое
  • «Певучее» (сирены, водороски и нереиды)



A d’yeabl aep a r s e

Ругательство. «Задница дьявола»


Поцелуй, целовать

Aard, ard

Гора, горный, верхняя, высший, “самый высокий”

Aark, aark

Фонетическое представление звука воронов/ворон

Addan, adan

Танец, танцор, танцевать

Aedd Ginvael

Осколок Льда

Aen hanse

Компания, вооруженный отряд, членов которого связывают узы дружбы

Aen Woedbeanna

Девушка из леса


Крещение Огнём


Кататься на санках

Aevon y Pont ar Gwennelen

Река Алебастровых Мостов


Свет (возможно Просветленный)

An’badraigh aen cuach

Ругательство, непереводимая игра слов


Информатор, шпион

Ard Rhena

Верховная Королева



Пик, вершина, место / деревня? (зависит от контекста)


Четвертый месяц в эльфийском календаре, также весеннее равноденствие; Береза

Blathan Caerme

Гирлянда судьбы


Пятый месяц в эльфийском календаре; возможно «цветение»


Кровавый, окровавленный; Ругательство, наиболее цензурный вариант – чёртов, проклятый


Из Брокилона, Брокилонский



Спокойный, мирный, тихий; медленно, спокойно; успокаивать, утихать

Caemm a me; Caemm ‘ere (Брокилон)

Иди ко мне


Крепость, замок, главная башня (Kaer на Скеллигском жаргоне)

Caer a’Muirehen

Каэр Морхен, Крепость Старого Моря


Рок, судьба; Предназначение


Курган, могильный холм


Голова, наконечник; конец (конечная точка)


Перевал (горный перевал)


Возможное значение: место, зона, область, регион

Cuach aep a r s e

Ругательство. «Птичья задница» («Кукушкина гузка»)


Dana Meabdh

Королева (Дева) Полей


Открывать, открытие, открытый

Deard Ruadhri

Красные всадники


Конец, последний, окончание

Dol Blathanna

Долина Цветов

Duettaeann aef cirran caerme glaeddyv. Yn a esseath

У меча предназначения два острия. Одно — ты.



Необходимое, должное


Прекрасный, хороший

En’ca digne

Пойдем дальше


Очаровательный, захватывающий, обаятельный

Ess’tuath esse!

Да будет так!



Дитя Солнца (возможно, вид цветка)


Неистовый, безумный



Осторожно, внимание


Проклятие, магическое обязательство/запрет

Ghoul y badraigh mal an cuach

Ругательство, непереводимая игра слов


Смотреть, наблюдать, глазеть


Река Белых Камней



Приветствие к старшему





Владычица озера


Дитя, дочка, девочка


M’aespar que va’en, ell’ea?

Хочешь застрелить меня? Давай же. (?)


День летнего солнцестояния


День зимнего солнцестояния

Mir’ me vara

Покажи свой товар


N’aen aespar a me

Не стреляй


Que glosse?

На что уставился?

Que suecc’s?

Что случилось?


Rag nar Roog

Битва Света и Тьмы





Поездка, путешествие

Va faill

До свидания. Прощай

Va’esse deireadh aep eigean, va’esse eigh faidh’ar

Что-то кончается, что-то начинается


Бросить; Друг от друга, от, дальше, ещё


Wedd Brokiloéne

Дитя Брокилона

Woed; woéd; woedd

Дерево, лес




Д е р ь м о, Экскреция (Выделение)



Originally posted by Анджей Сапковский:

– Язык эльфов – это смесь, “коктейль Молотова” из уэльского, ирландского, итальянского, и – там, где я хочу, чтобы меня понимали – английского и немецкого. Для читателя это должен быть чужой язык. Он не должен знать, что там написано, он должен это чувствовать.






Автор: jrc0011
Версия: 1.5.0
Язык: русский
Перевод: SentinelFox

Мод добавляет в игру новый стальной меч в 5 разных вариантах. Никаких существенных различий между ними нет, только размер. Если вы являетесь фанатом Ведьмака, вероятно, сразу скажете на какой модели основано оружие. Боюсь, что Гвинблейд означает «Ведьмак» или «Белый Волк» или что-то такое на эльфийском. Но я думал, что это было бы не совсем подходящее название для меча.

Комплект состоит из:
1) Гвинблейд — двуручный меч
2) Гвинблейд — средний одноручный меч
3) Гвинблейд — короткий одноручный меч
4) Гвинблейд — одноручный меч
5) Гвинблейд — длинный двуручный меч

Где взять:
— Кузница, «Стальное»

— Содержимое Data кинуть в папку Data игры, подключить в лаунчере

Основной архив (10 mb)Сервер №1

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