Как пишется хагрид на английском

Rubeus Hagrid
Harry Potter character

Robbie Coltrane as Hagrid in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)

First appearance Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone (1997)
Last appearance Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 (2011)
Created by J. K. Rowling
Portrayed by Robbie Coltrane (adult)
Martin Bayfield (teenager and body double)
In-universe information
Species Half-giant
Family Fridwulfa (mother)
Grawp (half-brother)
Nationality English
House Gryffindor
Born 6 December 1928

Rubeus Hagrid () is a fictional character in the Harry Potter book series written by J. K. Rowling. He is introduced in Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone as a half-giant and half-human who is the gamekeeper and Keeper of Keys and Grounds of Hogwarts, the primary setting for the first six novels. In the third novel Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Hagrid is promoted to Care of Magical Creatures professor, and is later revealed to be a member of the Order of the Phoenix. A loyal, friendly, softhearted personality who is easily brought to tears, he is also known for his thick West Country accent.

Hagrid was portrayed by Robbie Coltrane in all eight Harry Potter films, from Philosopher’s Stone in 2001 to Deathly Hallows – Part 2 in 2011.[1]

Character development

Hagrid was among the characters that Rowling says she created on «the very first day».[2] She has explained the source of his name as «another old English word, meaning – if you were hagrid – it’s a dialect word – you’d had a bad night. Hagrid is a big drinker – he has a lot of bad nights.»[3] His first name, Rubeus, was named after red in Latin to reflect alchemy and his paternal contrast to Albus Dumbledore: his «passion» to Dumbledore’s «asceticism».[4] In her article «Harry’s Fame», Rosemary Goring notes the Forest of Dean is an influence on Rowling’s work, and Hagrid is the only character that is «directly drawn from the Forest of Dean». According to Goring, Hagrid’s «dropped word-endings are a Chepstow speciality.» She also claims that Hagrid is physically «modeled on the Welsh chapter of Hells Angels who’d swoop down on the town and hog the bar, ‘huge mountains of leather and hair».[5]

The character of Hagrid and conversations between him, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger in his hut are expository through the series, due to the fact that the trio frequently discover things about Albus Dumbledore and Hogwarts by talking with Hagrid, as he has a habit of letting slip bits of information that were specifically confided to him. He was also one of the first characters to imply that the idea of thinking of wizards as «pure-bloods» and «half-bloods» is a dated concept.

Rowling has stated in an interview that Hagrid was in Gryffindor house during his time as a student.[6] When he comes into possession of an acromantula, he is expelled from Hogwarts as his pet is believed to be the «monster of Slytherin». However, persuaded by Dumbledore (who at the time was Transfiguration teacher), Headmaster Armando Dippet agrees to train Hagrid as gamekeeper, allowing the boy to remain at Hogwarts. By the time Harry attends Hogwarts, Hagrid is also the Keeper of Keys and Grounds: the former, according to Rowling, means «that he will let you in and out of Hogwarts.»[7] Part of his job includes leading the first years across the lake in boats, upon their initial arrival at Hogwarts.

When discussing the killing off of characters in her books, Rowling said that she always knew she was «working towards the point where Hagrid carried Harry out alive – but supposedly dead – out of the forest». She said she had planned from very early on that Harry would walk to his death accompanied by the ‘ghosts’, and that «he would emerge in Hagrid’s arms». In her own words, «that’s what always kept Hagrid safe». She said «Hagrid would have been a natural to kill in some ways», but that the mental image of this moment – a big fatherly Hagrid carrying the limp Harry in his arms – was so strong it decided his fate. She also liked the circular notion of Hagrid both bringing Harry into the world, and then bringing him back from the dead.[8]


Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone

Hagrid is introduced in the opening chapter of the first novel. Following the death of James and Lily Potter, Dumbledore entrusts Hagrid with rescuing the infant Harry from his parents’ house after they have been murdered by Lord Voldemort. When Minerva McGonagall expresses her concern about the fact that it was Hagrid who would carry Harry to the Dursleys’, Dumbledore says that he would trust Hagrid with his life, a fact that is demonstrated several times during the series, as Dumbledore frequently asks him to carry out secret tasks. Ten years later, he is tasked to bring the Philosopher’s Stone from Gringotts to Hogwarts, and provides the three-headed dog Fluffy to guard it. Dumbledore also gives him the task of locating Harry, helping him to find his bearings in the wizarding world and to buy his school things. Hagrid is the first member of the Hogwarts staff to be introduced to Harry before he began attending the school. Hagrid later becomes friends with Ron and Hermione as well. Later in the book, a hooded person (Quirinus Quirrell in disguise) gives him a dragon egg to elicit details about Fluffy. Hagrid lets slip to Harry, Ron, and Hermione that the way to get past Fluffy is to play music, for which they use the flute Hagrid himself carved for Harry, which allows them to pursue the potential thief. The three also assist Hagrid after the dragon egg hatches, by helping to remove the baby dragon Norbert, who is taken to live in a dragon sanctuary in Romania where Ron’s older brother, Charlie Weasley, works.

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Readers first discover why Hagrid was expelled from Hogwarts in the second novel. It is revealed that Hagrid was a student at Hogwarts at the same time as Tom Marvolo Riddle, the wizard who later became Lord Voldemort. Hagrid was expelled during his third year, after being caught in the company of Aragog, a dangerous acromantula: this already serious crime seemed worse than it was, due to the belief that the acromantula was “The Monster of Slytherin”, and that Hagrid had released it from the Chamber of Secrets and allowed it to attack students. Aragog escapes into the dark forest and starts a colony of spiders. The belief of Hagrid’s guilt was encouraged by Tom Riddle, the actual criminal, who had been using the true monster (a basilisk) to attack students, and who had framed Hagrid to prevent the school from being closed, because he didn’t want to return to the orphanage whence he had come. During the events of the second book, the Basilisk is unleashed once again and Hagrid is sent to the prison of Azkaban, as he is believed again to be responsible for the attacks. However, before being arrested, Hagrid tells Harry and Ron to «follow the spiders», so that they can meet Aragog and discover the identity of the true monster. After Harry defeats the Basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets and uncovers the truth, Hagrid is freed from prison.

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Following the resignation of Silvanus Kettleburn, who, according to Dumbledore, wanted to spend time with his remaining limbs, Hagrid is assigned to teach the subject of Care of Magical Creatures in the third novel. He is also allowed to perform magic again since his name has been cleared after the events of the previous book.[citation needed] During his first class, in which he introduces the hippogriffs to third-years, one of the beasts, Buckbeak, attacks Draco Malfoy after the boy insults it. Although Dumbledore manages to prove that Hagrid is innocent, the Ministry of Magic sentences Buckbeak to death. Thus, Hagrid’s classes become extremely boring, and Harry, Ron, and Hermione spend some time looking for information that would help Hagrid in Buckbeak’s defence. Near the end of the book Hermione and Harry use a time-turner to save Buckbeak from death and Sirius Black from the Dementor’s Kiss.

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

In the fourth novel it is revealed that Hagrid is of mixed wizard and giant parentage, his mother having been the giantess Fridwulfa, who left his wizard father when Hagrid was a baby. Since giants have a reputation for being brutal, and were once allies of Voldemort, Hagrid keeps his parentage a secret and allows people to imagine other reasons for his great size (such as drinking a bottle of Skele-Gro when he did not need it). Hagrid’s parentage is exposed in the Daily Prophet by Rita Skeeter, who portrays him as dangerous (because of his fascination for aggressive creatures) and incompetent. Hagrid is gravely affected by this and attempts to resign from his post as teacher, though Dumbledore does not accept his resignation. During the novel, Hagrid develops a romantic interest with Olympe Maxime – another half-giant witch and Headmistress of the French magic school Beauxbatons. Hagrid is also one of the very few people who, since the beginning, believes Harry’s word that he did not apply to enter the Triwizard Tournament. Later in the book, Alastor Moody (impersonated by Barty Crouch Jr) suggests Hagrid should show Harry that the first task of the Tournament would involve dragons. Hagrid also provides Blast-Ended Skrewts for the third task.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Hagrid is absent during the first part of the fifth novel. The character later reveals to Harry, Ron and Hermione that he and Madame Maxime travelled across Europe together on a mission from the Order, planning to find giants and convince them to ally themselves with the good side and with Dumbledore; however, Death Eaters also found the giants and managed to get them to Voldemort’s side. Hagrid is attacked by giants during the mission, and saved by Maxime. Hagrid and Maxime eventually part on the journey home because of Maxime’s exasperation with Grawp, Hagrid’s half-brother whom he had found and was attempting to bring home with them. Grawp, who wanted to stay with the giants, seriously injured Hagrid. Hagrid introduces his half-brother to Harry and Hermione, and asks them to take care of him after he leaves Hogwarts. High Inquisitor of Hogwarts Dolores Umbridge supervises the classes of all the members of the Hogwarts staff, including Hagrid’s, and she looks for an excuse to fire him, as Hagrid is close to Dumbledore and part giant, Umbridge being highly prejudiced against non-humans. Towards the end of the book, Umbridge and other Ministry officials attempt to arrest Hagrid. The latter manages to escape, but Professor McGonagall is injured whilst trying to defend him. Finally, with Dumbledore’s post as Headmaster restored, Hagrid returns to Hogwarts.

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

In the sixth novel, Harry, Ron, and Hermione are no longer students of Care of Magical Creatures, and Hagrid is both angry and disappointed with them during the first part of the book, but he soon realises that it is not because they do not like him. Later in the novel, Aragog dies, and Hagrid risks his life to recover the Acromantula’s body to give it a proper funeral. After the funeral, he and Horace Slughorn drink excessive amounts of Firewhisky, and Harry takes advantage of this situation (under the influence of Felix Felicis potion, otherwise known as «liquid luck») to retrieve a certain memory from Slughorn. Towards the end of the book, Death Eaters attack Hogwarts and Hagrid’s hut is set on fire as he tries to fight them. During Dumbledore’s funeral, Hagrid is seen carrying the Headmaster’s body.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

In the seventh novel, Hagrid is part of the Order of the Phoenix delegation assigned to remove Harry from the Dursleys’ home to the magic-protected Burrow. Hagrid takes Harry on the flying motorcycle he inherited from Sirius but the plan goes awry when the Order delegation is ambushed by Death Eaters. The pair narrowly make it to the Burrow after being attacked by Voldemort himself. After attending Bill Weasley and Fleur Delacour’s wedding reception, Hagrid does not appear again until near the end of the book when it is revealed he has been driven into hiding in the mountains by the new Death Eater regime at Hogwarts.

During the climactic battle, Hagrid attempts to come to the defence of Aragog’s carnivorous children, who have been driven out of the Forbidden Forest by the Death Eaters and are now attacking both Hogwarts defenders and Death Eaters indiscriminately, but he is carried off by a swarm of them. He later turns up, captive in the Death Eaters’ camp, when Harry sacrifices himself to Voldemort. Hagrid is forced to carry Harry back to the school, not realising that Harry has survived again, and en route accuses the watching Centaurs of not doing enough to help. The Centaurs soon afterward join the fray and Hagrid takes part in the second half of the battle, felling his main nemesis among the Death Eaters, the magical-creature executioner Walden Macnair.

According to Rowling, the scene in the final book in which Hagrid is seen carrying Harry’s apparently dead body is very significant as «Hagrid brings Harry from the Dursleys. He takes him into the wizarding world … He was sort of his guardian and his guide … And now I wanted Hagrid to be the one to lead Harry out of the forest.»[9] Rowling also commented that Hagrid was never in danger of dying, as she «always had that picture in my head of the huge gigantic Hagrid walking through the forest crying with Harry in his arms».[10]


Nineteen years after Voldemort’s defeat, Hagrid is still at Hogwarts and invites Harry and Ginny Weasley’s second son Albus Severus Potter to his hut for tea, just as he had once done for Harry himself, implying that he and Harry are still close. During an interview in 2007, when asked if Hagrid did marry, Rowling answered that Hagrid developed a relationship with a giantess but it did not work out.[11]

Film portrayal

Scottish actor Robbie Coltrane has portrayed Hagrid in all of the film adaptations of the Harry Potter novels.[12] Robin Williams was interested for the role and approached Chris Columbus, the director of the first two films, about participating in the project but Columbus rejected him due to the «all-British and Irish cast» policy.[13][14] Rowling had wanted Coltrane for the role from the start,[13] responding «RobbieColtraneforHagrid» all in one quick breath when asked who was the top of her list of casting choices.[15][16] Coltrane was already a fan of the books[17] and has commented that being part of the Harry Potter franchise was «a fantastic thing».[18] Rowling discussed Hagrid’s past and future with Coltrane, assisting him in preparing for the role.[17][19] She also stated that «Robbie is just perfect for Hagrid because Hagrid is a very loveable character, quite likeable, quite comic […] but he had to have – you really do have to sense – a certain toughness underneath […] and I think Robbie does that perfectly.»[16]

Former English rugby union player Martin Bayfield portrayed Hagrid as a stunt performer in longer shots due to his large size to emphasise Hagrid’s height. Bayfield also appeared as a young Hagrid in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.

English actor Greg Draven portrayed Hagrid as an acting double in rollercoaster Hagrid’s Magical Creatures Motorbike Adventure pre-show. Draven’s performance was required due to Coltrane’s poor health at the time of filming.[20][21]


Outward appearance

In Philosopher’s Stone, Hagrid is mentioned as being twice as tall as the average man and nearly five times as wide but in the film, he is portrayed as being 8 ft 6 in (2.59 m) and in later books he is said to be three times as wide.[citation needed] Hagrid is known for his thick West Country accent. Being a half-giant, he is less vulnerable to jinxes and spells than full-humans. In Order of the Phoenix, when Umbridge and some other wizards come to remove him from Hogwarts he fights back. They try to jinx and stun him, but the spells just bounce off him because of giant-inherited resistance to magic. Hagrid also shows this resilience at the end of Half-Blood Prince, during the chapter Flight of the Prince, withstanding a Death Eater’s powerful curses. Some potions are also ineffective with him, such as Polyjuice Potion, which is designed for human-only use.[22]


He has a friendly, softhearted personality and is easily driven to tears, as seen in his very first scene, when he drops Harry off at the Dursleys’ in Philosopher’s Stone. He is very loyal to his peers, especially Dumbledore, to whom he refers as the greatest wizard in the world multiple times. As first seen in Philosopher’s Stone, he becomes extremely angry whenever anyone insults Dumbledore around him (a mistake made by Vernon Dursley, who called Dumbledore a «crackpot old fool»). He is also very loyal to Harry, suffered several times during the series because of this loyalty, and had to go into hiding twice to avoid prison. Rowling says of Hagrid, «Hagrid was always supposed to be this almost elemental force. He’s like the king of the forest, or the Green Man. He’s this semi-wild person who lives on the edge of the forest».[23]

Magical abilities and skills

Following his expulsion from Hogwarts, the Ministry of Magic broke Hagrid’s oak wand and forbade him to perform magic.[24] Hagrid keeps the pieces of his wand in a pink umbrella, and performs small spells from time to time; however, he was technically forbidden to do magic until the third book, and since he is not a fully qualified wizard, he «will always be a bit inept» as compared to other adult wizards,[citation needed] but «occasionally surprises everyone, himself included, by bringing off more impressive bits of magic».[25] However, he is unable to produce a Patronus.[26] He also has magical abilities that stem from his giant blood. For example, in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, many of the stunning spells thrown at him by Ministry officials simply bounce off him. Also, being half-giant gives Hagrid some level of superhuman strength, which allowed him to bend the barrel of a shotgun with one hand.



Grawp is the giant half-brother of Hagrid. Grawp and Hagrid were born of the same mother, the giantess Fridwulfa.[27] Grawp is about 16 feet (4.9 m) tall, which Hagrid claims is small for a giant. His knuckles are the size of cricket balls (~225 mm (8.9 in) in circumference). The other giants were bullying Grawp because of his diminutive size, and this is a factor in Hagrid’s decision to bring him to the Forbidden Forest. Big and dim, he only knows a few words in English and his manners are wild and unpredictable, but he is also a child in giant years. In the film, this is elaborated on more as he is visibly portrayed as a big, excitable child who simply doesn’t know his own strength or developed proper social cues yet. He responds to Hermione, who approaches him like a strict but caring mother figure, scolding him when doing something wrong, but giving him praise and playing with him when he does something good.

At first, Grawp seems indifferent to his brother’s attempts to civilise him, preferring to spend his time tearing down trees. After Hagrid leaves Hogwarts to avoid being imprisoned, he leaves Grawp in the care of Harry, Ron, and Hermione. Much to their surprise, when they find themselves trapped in the forest during a confrontation with the local centaur population, Grawp inadvertently manages to divert the centaurs’ attention from Harry and Hermione while looking for Hagrid, whom he calls ‘Hagger’.

In the Half-Blood Prince, Grawp is moved to the mountains, where he is apparently progressing much better. He also attends Dumbledore’s funeral with Hagrid, much more civil and calm than before, and dressed formally. He also appears to understand emotions, at least to some extent, as he pats Hagrid’s head to comfort him.

In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Grawp, Hagrid, and Fang go into hiding after Hagrid throws a «Support Harry Potter» party and it is implied that Grawp helped them all escape. He is the only giant fighting on the good wizards’ side in the Battle of Hogwarts, probably in an attempt to protect Hagrid, as he frequently calls his name while fighting the giants on the Death Eaters’ side. Grawp participates in the victory celebration over Voldemort’s defeat (albeit from a window, since he is too big to fit into the hall), and the Hogwarts students show their appreciation by tossing food into his laughing mouth.

In the film adaptation of the fifth book Grawp is computer-generated using a new «soul capturing» process from Image Metrics.[28] Andrew Whitehead spent 18 months working on the giant Grawp for the film.[29] Grawp is voiced and motion-captured by Tony Maudsley.[30]


In the Goblet of Fire, the truth about Hagrid’s parents is revealed: his father, who is never named in the stories, married a giantess, Fridwulfa. Fridwulfa left Rubeus to his father’s care after his birth; according to Hagrid, she was not very maternal. Later she gave birth to Grawp. She died long before Hagrid returned to the giants in the Order of the Phoenix. Hagrid describes his father as «a tiny little man» whom he could pick up with one hand and place on the dresser at the age of six. Hagrid clearly felt great affection for him; in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, he says that his father’s death when Hagrid was in third year at Hogwarts was one of his saddest memories.

Hagrid’s pets

Hagrid keeps and has kept a variety of pets, including some which the Wizarding community considers impossible to domesticate. They are not always wrong. Rowling has said that Hagrid has little interest in tamer magical creatures because of the lack of a challenge,[citation needed] although he has a large but cowardly boarhound named Fang. Hagrid’s love of dangerous magical creatures is central to the plot of several books of the series.


Aragog, Hagrid’s pet spider

Aragog was an Acromantula, an enormous, sentient spider capable of speech, who made a unique clicking noise as he moved in search of prey. Hagrid raised Aragog from an egg as a Hogwarts student, keeping him inside a cupboard. In his third year at Hogwarts, Hagrid was caught talking to Aragog in the dungeons by Tom Riddle, who alleged that Aragog was the «Monster of Slytherin», and that Hagrid had opened the Chamber of Secrets. In fact, it was Riddle who had opened the Chamber, and the monster was actually a basilisk.

After Hagrid’s expulsion and assignment as gamekeeper, Aragog lived in the Forbidden Forest. Hagrid found him a mate, Mosag, with whom Aragog bore an entire colony of giant spiders. He remained grateful to Hagrid for his entire life, and kept his carnivorous children from attacking him when he came to visit (to bring him and his family food). This courtesy was not extended to other creatures and people, even when they were friends of Hagrid’s; he allowed his children to attack Harry, Ron, and Fang when they encountered him in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Hagrid led Harry and Ron to Aragog by giving them the cryptic advice, «follow the spiders». An aging Aragog reveals to Harry and Ron Hagrid’s innocence and the discovery of a girl’s corpse in the bathroom, before giving them a clue of the Chamber’s resident monster; it was born in the castle, and his species never speak of the creature nor give its name, despite Hagrid’s numerous inquiries, as they fear it above all others. Though Aragog allowed his children to attack Harry, Ron, and Fang, they were saved at the last minute by Ron’s father Arthur Weasley’s flying Ford Anglia, which had been lost in the forest months before. Aragog remained in the Forbidden Forest for the rest of his life, but eventually died of old age in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. Hagrid retrieved Aragog’s body from the forest so that he could give him a proper burial, fearing that his children would devour his body. From that point on, the spider colony was the only part of the Forbidden Forest that Hagrid could not enter safely.

Aragog’s children returned in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows during the Battle at Hogwarts; having been driven from the forest, they began attacking Death Eaters and Hogwarts’ inhabitants indiscriminately. Hagrid’s love of the spiders endangered him and others because he tried to protect them; the spiders thanked Hagrid by capturing him and taking him to Voldemort. It is unknown what happens to them afterwards.

Aragog was voiced by Julian Glover in the film adaptation of the Chamber of Secrets. In 2017, in celebration of the 20th anniversary of «Harry Potter» franchise, arachnologists Anton A. Nadolny and Alireza Zamani named a new species of Iranian wolf spiders (Lycosidae) after Aragog, as Lycosa aragogi. The single specimen was collected on 26 April 2016, just over 19 years after Aragog died (20 April 1997 in the world of the book).[31]


Buckbeak, along with eleven other hippogriffs, is introduced during one of Hagrid’s Care of Magical Creatures classes. Hagrid explains that hippogriffs are very calm, powerful, proud creatures, but are sensitive and demand respect. Harry successfully approaches Buckbeak, who allows him to ride him around the paddock.

Draco, in an arrogant attempt to show up his school nemesis, endeavours to approach Buckbeak as well. It becomes obvious that Draco neither listens to nor cares about Hagrid’s warnings about the hippogriffs’ sensitivity, as he makes contemptuous remarks about Buckbeak. Quickly angered, Buckbeak slashes Draco’s arm with his claws. Pretending to be injured much more severely than he truly is, Draco persuades his father, Lucius Malfoy, to use his political power to sentence Buckbeak to death. Hagrid’s numerous appeals fail, and members of the Committee for the Disposal of Dangerous Creatures come to Hogwarts to execute Buckbeak. With the use of a Time-Turner, Hermione and Harry free Buckbeak (they believed him earlier to have been executed, but it was revealed the executioner only swung his axe into the fence in anger; in the film he does this to a pumpkin) and rescue Sirius from the tower in which he is being held before being handed over to the Dementors. Sirius escapes with Buckbeak and flies to safety. During most of Harry’s fourth year, Sirius and Buckbeak hide in a cave in the mountains above Hogsmeade. After this, they move to Number 12 Grimmauld Place, whereupon Buckbeak stays in Sirius’ mother’s former room. When Kreacher wants to lure Sirius away briefly, he wounds Buckbeak.

In Half-Blood Prince, Harry inherits Buckbeak, and allows Hagrid to look after him again. To avoid suspicion from the Ministry of Magic, he is given the alias «Witherwings«. A fiercely loyal creature, Buckbeak chases Severus Snape away from Harry by slashing his claws at the end of the book. Buckbeak also features in the Battle of Hogwarts at the end of the Deathly Hallows leading the Hogwarts Thestrals against Voldemort’s giants.


Fang is a large boarhound (portrayed in the films by a Neapolitan Mastiff) that, aside from his enormous size, appears to be an entirely ordinary dog. While Fang’s appearance is intimidating, he is, in Hagrid’s words, «a bloody coward.» Boisterous and loving with people he knows, he seems to enjoy licking Harry, Ron, or Hermione around the face or ears.

In the Philosopher’s Stone he accompanies Harry, Hagrid, Draco, and Hermione into the Forbidden Forest to look for an injured unicorn. In the following book, the Chamber of Secrets, Harry and Ron take Fang into the forest where he is scared stiff of both the gigantic acromantula and Mr Weasley’s flying car. In Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, an escaping Death Eater sets fire to Hagrid’s hut while Fang is inside; Hagrid enters the flaming hut, slings Fang over his shoulder, and carries him to safety. In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Fang and Hagrid participate in the Battle of Hogwarts; though Fang’s exact involvement is not clear. He is last seen running away after a shattered vase frightens him. It’s implied that Fang survives, as Hagrid is not seen mourning him at any time. It’s unknown if Fang is still alive when Harry’s children come to Hogwarts.


Fluffy, the three-headed dog

Fluffy is a giant three-headed dog provided by Hagrid to guard the trapdoor leading to the underground chamber where the Philosopher’s Stone was hidden until the end of Philosopher’s Stone. The only known way to get past Fluffy is to lull him to sleep by playing music. Fluffy is based on Cerberus, the three-headed dog from Greek mythology that guards the gates to the underworld. As with Fluffy, Cerberus was lulled to sleep with music by Orpheus.

In Philosopher’s Stone, Harry, Ron, Hermione and Neville accidentally run into Fluffy whilst hiding from Peeves, who was attempting to give them away to caretaker Argus Filch, who was searching for them. On Halloween, Harry and Ron witness Snape entering the door to Fluffy’s chamber, and for the next few days having a pronounced limp. Harry also overhears him saying «How are you meant to keep your eyes on all three heads at once?» to Filch. However, it is later revealed that he followed then Hogwarts Defence Against the Dark Arts professor Quirinus Quirrell into the chamber. While Fluffy is guarding the Philosopher’s Stone, Professor Quirrell penetrates Fluffy’s defences by playing a harp, in order to access the trapdoor, while Harry uses a flute that Hagrid had given to him.

J. K. Rowling later revealed that Dumbledore had repatriated Fluffy to Greece.[32]


Egg containing Norbert in Hagrid’s hut at the Harry Potter Exhibition in Paris

Norbert is a Norwegian Ridgeback dragon that Hagrid had acquired as an egg from a mysterious, hooded stranger in the Hog’s Head, who turned out to be Professor Quirrell. Hagrid helps the dragon hatch from the egg. Norbert becomes very dangerous and much bigger in the weeks following. Norbert bit Ron’s hand, causing him to require medical treatment due to the venom in her fangs. Harry, Ron, and Hermione finally persuade Hagrid to send the dragon to Ron’s older brother Charlie, who is studying dragons in Romania. In the Deathly Hallows, Charlie reveals to Hagrid that «Norbert» is actually female and had been renamed Norberta. Charlie adds that female Norwegian Ridgeback dragons «are more vicious…» which explained Norbert’s biting and dangerous behaviour as a baby.


IGN listed Hagrid as their thirteenth top Harry Potter character, saying that Hagrid had become a surrogate for the audience and that the short scene in the Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire film where he recollects memorable moments with Harry, Hermione and Ron gave them a «cherished memory».[33] IGN’s Joe Utichi also listed Hagrid as his 7th favourite Harry Potter character.[34]

In popular culture

Hagrid has appeared in various animated and non-animated parodies of Harry Potter. He was featured in US skit comedy Saturday Night Live, portrayed by Horatio Sanz, in the same episode in which Lindsay Lohan played Hermione; Bobby Moynihan later portrayed Hagrid in 2012, when Daniel Radcliffe hosted the show.[35] In Alistair McGowan’s Big Impression show, Hagrid appeared in a sketch called «Louis Potter and the Philosopher’s Scone», in which he was portrayed by Robbie Coltrane himself.[36] Hagrid is also parodied in Harry Potter and the Secret Chamberpot of Azerbaijan, a story released by Comic Relief in 2003, and he was played by Ronnie Corbett.[37][38] In the Potter Puppet Pals parodies by Neil Cicierega, Hagrid appeared in the episode «Ron’s Disease»,[39] and later in the episode «Neville’s Birthday».[40] Hagrid also appears in the parody stage production Harry Potter and the Obnoxious Voice, interacting with Draco Malfoy and a dementor.[41] In one episode of the second series of Tracey Ullman’s State of the Union, Tracey Ullman parodies Rowling as bossy and very keen on keeping her creations copyrighted, believing a hobo is impersonating Hagrid.

Hagrid makes an appearance in the theme park attraction Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey at The Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Orlando, Japan and Hollywood. A new rollercoaster, Hagrid’s Magical Creatures Motorbike Adventure, opened at Universal Orlando’s Islands of Adventure theme park on 13 June 2019, replacing the Dragon Challenge dual roller coasters and is themed around Hagrid and his love for magical creatures.


  1. ^ «Actors and actresses in the Harry Potter movies». IMDb. Retrieved 2 November 2022.
  2. ^ «What Jo says about…Rubeus Hagrid». Accop Quote. pp. 37–38. Retrieved 11 April 2018.
  3. ^ «November | 2012 | The Pensieve». sites.psu.edu. Retrieved 2 November 2022.
  4. ^ Rowling, J.K. «Colours». Pottermore. Wizarding World. Retrieved 6 April 2017.
  5. ^ Goring, Rosemary (17 January 1999). «Harry’s Fame». Scotland on Sunday. Retrieved 11 April 2018.
  6. ^ «Rubeus Hagrid — 10 Things You May NOT Know | Wizarding World». www.wizardingworld.com. Retrieved 2 November 2022.
  7. ^ Anelli, Melissa; Spartz, Emerson (16 July 2005). «The Leaky Cauldron and MuggleNet interview Joanne Kathleen Rowling: Part Three». The Leaky Cauldron. Retrieved 11 April 2018.
  8. ^ HarryPotterAdmirer (2011). A Conversation with J.K.Rowling and Daniel Radcliffe (YouTube). Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. Archived from the original on 22 September 2013. Retrieved 14 June 2013.
  9. ^ Brown, Jen (30 July 2007). «Rowling: ‘I wanted to kill parents’«. Today.com. MSNBC. Retrieved 11 April 2018.
  10. ^ SueTLC (18 November 2007). «New Interview with J.K. Rowling for Release of Dutch Edition of ‘Deathly Hallows’«. The Leaky Cauldron. Retrieved 19 November 2007.
  11. ^ Weingarten, Tara (15 October 2007). «Rowling Says Dumbledore Is Gay». Newsweek. Retrieved 20 October 2007.
  12. ^ «Casting Is Complete on Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince» (Press release). Warner Bros. PR Newswire. 16 November 2007. Retrieved 16 November 2007.
  13. ^ a b Bradley, Bill (31 December 2016). «The Hilarious Reason Daniel Radcliffe Was Cast As Harry Potter». The Huffington Post. Archived from the original on 31 December 2016. Retrieved 31 December 2016.
  14. ^ «Robin Williams turned down for Potter». The Guardian. Media Limited. 15 November 2001. Retrieved 31 December 2016.
  15. ^ Stacy (17 July 2007). «Movie Trivia: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone». Neatorama. Retrieved 15 August 2011.
  16. ^ a b Alderson, Andrew (4 November 2001). «‘They really do look as I’d imagined they would inside my head’«. Telegraph.co.uk. Archived from the original on 12 January 2022. Retrieved 13 March 2007.
  17. ^ a b Jensen, Jeff; Fierman, Daniel (14 September 2001). «Inside Harry Potter – It May Be a Movie about a Tyro Wizard and His Magical Adventures, but Bringing Harry Potter to the Big Screen Took Real Muggle Might, No Hocus-Pocus about It». Entertainment Weekly. Retrieved 31 December 2016.
  18. ^ Wylie, Ian (24 September 2006). «Harry Potter and the Personal Demons». Manchester Evening News. Archived from the original on 29 August 2009.
  19. ^ Rowling, J. K. (2 November 2001). «JK Rowling interview in full». Newsround (Interview). Interviewed by Mzimba, Lizo. CBBC. Retrieved 31 December 2016.
  20. ^ O’Shea, Lucy (24 March 2020). «Geminio: Greg Draven on Being Hagrid’s Body Double». MuggleNet. Retrieved 15 October 2022.
  21. ^ Michelle Marshall, «Robbie Coltrane: Harry Potter star ‘confined to wheelchair’ amid osteoarthritis battle», The Express
  22. ^ Rowling, J. K. (2007). Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. London: Bloomsbury/New York City: Scholastic, et al. UK ISBN 1-55192-976-7/U.S. ISBN 0-545-01022-5., chapter 5
  23. ^ «J.K.Rowling Video Clip Features More on Hagrid and Robbie Coltrane». The-Leaky-Cauldron.org. 25 September 2006. Retrieved 2 November 2022.
  24. ^ Rowling, JK. «Section: Extra Stuff». jkrowling.com. Archived from the original on 23 June 2011.
  25. ^ «J.K. Rowling’s World Book Day Chat: March 4, 2004». The Leaky Cauldron. Archived from the original on 13 March 2004.
  26. ^ O’Connor, Roisin (27 August 2015). «JK Rowling reveals Harry Potter character Hagrid could not produce Patronus». The Independent. Retrieved 4 May 2017.
  27. ^ Dickerson, Darby (28 February 2008). «Professor Dumbledore’s Advice for Law Deans». University of Toledo Law Review. 39 (1): 269–296. SSRN 1088056.
  28. ^ Waxman, Sharon (15 October 2006). «Cyberface: New Technology That Captures the Soul». The New York Times. Retrieved 11 April 2018.
  29. ^ Tucker, H. (5 September 2007). «At the movies». ITNOW. British Computer Society. 49 (5): 8–9. doi:10.1093/itnow/bwm023.
  30. ^ eudaemonia (26 April 2006). «Tony Maudsley as Grawp in ‘Order of the Phoenix’«. HPANA. The Leaky Cauldron. Retrieved 11 April 2018.
  31. ^ Geggel, Laura (7 July 2017). «Furry ‘Harry Potter’ Spider Discovered in Mountain Burrow». Live Science. Purch. Retrieved 11 April 2018.
  32. ^ Denham, Jess (6 February 2015). «What happened to Fluffy? JK Rowling answers three very important Harry Potter questions». The Independent. Retrieved 4 May 2017.
  33. ^ Linder, Brian; Pirrello, Phil; Goldman, Eric; Fowler, Matt (14 July 2009). «Top 25 Harry Potter Characters». IGN. Ziff Davis, LLC. Archived from the original on 19 March 2016. Retrieved 3 April 2011.
  34. ^ Utichi, Joe (3 November 2010). «The Top 10 Harry Potter Characters». IGN. Ziff Davis, LLC. Retrieved 3 April 2011.
  35. ^ Kelly, Joe. «Hogwart’s Academy». Saturday Night Live Transcripts. Retrieved 27 July 2007.
  36. ^ «BBC One press release» (PDF). BBC One. 2001. Retrieved 20 May 2007.
  37. ^ «Harry Potter and the Secret Chamberpot of Azerbaijan». tv.com. 14 March 2003. Archived from the original on 2 November 2012. Retrieved 8 July 2007.
  38. ^ «Harry Potter and the Secret Chamberpot of Azerbaijan». French and Saunders. Comic Relief. Retrieved 8 July 2007.
  39. ^ «Ron’s Disease». Potter Puppet Pals. Archived from the original on 24 September 2017.
  40. ^ «Neville’s Birthday». YouTube. Archived from the original on 21 December 2021.
  41. ^ Jaquish, Jeannette. «Harry Potter and the Obnoxious Voice». Angelfire.

Further reading

  • Hugosson, Annika (2021). «The «Care» of Magical Creatures? A Moral Critique of the Animal Lover Trope in Harry Potter«. Journal of Animal Ethics. 11 (2): 60–72. doi:10.5406/janimalethics.11.2.0060. JSTOR 10.5406/janimalethics.11.2.0060. S2CID 246643624.

External links

  • Rubeus Hagrid at Harry Potter Wiki
  • Rubeus Hagrid at Harry Potter Lexicon
Rubeus Hagrid
Harry Potter character

Robbie Coltrane as Hagrid in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)

First appearance Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone (1997)
Last appearance Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 (2011)
Created by J. K. Rowling
Portrayed by Robbie Coltrane (adult)
Martin Bayfield (teenager and body double)
In-universe information
Species Half-giant
Family Fridwulfa (mother)
Grawp (half-brother)
Nationality English
House Gryffindor
Born 6 December 1928

Rubeus Hagrid () is a fictional character in the Harry Potter book series written by J. K. Rowling. He is introduced in Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone as a half-giant and half-human who is the gamekeeper and Keeper of Keys and Grounds of Hogwarts, the primary setting for the first six novels. In the third novel Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Hagrid is promoted to Care of Magical Creatures professor, and is later revealed to be a member of the Order of the Phoenix. A loyal, friendly, softhearted personality who is easily brought to tears, he is also known for his thick West Country accent.

Hagrid was portrayed by Robbie Coltrane in all eight Harry Potter films, from Philosopher’s Stone in 2001 to Deathly Hallows – Part 2 in 2011.[1]

Character development

Hagrid was among the characters that Rowling says she created on «the very first day».[2] She has explained the source of his name as «another old English word, meaning – if you were hagrid – it’s a dialect word – you’d had a bad night. Hagrid is a big drinker – he has a lot of bad nights.»[3] His first name, Rubeus, was named after red in Latin to reflect alchemy and his paternal contrast to Albus Dumbledore: his «passion» to Dumbledore’s «asceticism».[4] In her article «Harry’s Fame», Rosemary Goring notes the Forest of Dean is an influence on Rowling’s work, and Hagrid is the only character that is «directly drawn from the Forest of Dean». According to Goring, Hagrid’s «dropped word-endings are a Chepstow speciality.» She also claims that Hagrid is physically «modeled on the Welsh chapter of Hells Angels who’d swoop down on the town and hog the bar, ‘huge mountains of leather and hair».[5]

The character of Hagrid and conversations between him, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger in his hut are expository through the series, due to the fact that the trio frequently discover things about Albus Dumbledore and Hogwarts by talking with Hagrid, as he has a habit of letting slip bits of information that were specifically confided to him. He was also one of the first characters to imply that the idea of thinking of wizards as «pure-bloods» and «half-bloods» is a dated concept.

Rowling has stated in an interview that Hagrid was in Gryffindor house during his time as a student.[6] When he comes into possession of an acromantula, he is expelled from Hogwarts as his pet is believed to be the «monster of Slytherin». However, persuaded by Dumbledore (who at the time was Transfiguration teacher), Headmaster Armando Dippet agrees to train Hagrid as gamekeeper, allowing the boy to remain at Hogwarts. By the time Harry attends Hogwarts, Hagrid is also the Keeper of Keys and Grounds: the former, according to Rowling, means «that he will let you in and out of Hogwarts.»[7] Part of his job includes leading the first years across the lake in boats, upon their initial arrival at Hogwarts.

When discussing the killing off of characters in her books, Rowling said that she always knew she was «working towards the point where Hagrid carried Harry out alive – but supposedly dead – out of the forest». She said she had planned from very early on that Harry would walk to his death accompanied by the ‘ghosts’, and that «he would emerge in Hagrid’s arms». In her own words, «that’s what always kept Hagrid safe». She said «Hagrid would have been a natural to kill in some ways», but that the mental image of this moment – a big fatherly Hagrid carrying the limp Harry in his arms – was so strong it decided his fate. She also liked the circular notion of Hagrid both bringing Harry into the world, and then bringing him back from the dead.[8]


Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone

Hagrid is introduced in the opening chapter of the first novel. Following the death of James and Lily Potter, Dumbledore entrusts Hagrid with rescuing the infant Harry from his parents’ house after they have been murdered by Lord Voldemort. When Minerva McGonagall expresses her concern about the fact that it was Hagrid who would carry Harry to the Dursleys’, Dumbledore says that he would trust Hagrid with his life, a fact that is demonstrated several times during the series, as Dumbledore frequently asks him to carry out secret tasks. Ten years later, he is tasked to bring the Philosopher’s Stone from Gringotts to Hogwarts, and provides the three-headed dog Fluffy to guard it. Dumbledore also gives him the task of locating Harry, helping him to find his bearings in the wizarding world and to buy his school things. Hagrid is the first member of the Hogwarts staff to be introduced to Harry before he began attending the school. Hagrid later becomes friends with Ron and Hermione as well. Later in the book, a hooded person (Quirinus Quirrell in disguise) gives him a dragon egg to elicit details about Fluffy. Hagrid lets slip to Harry, Ron, and Hermione that the way to get past Fluffy is to play music, for which they use the flute Hagrid himself carved for Harry, which allows them to pursue the potential thief. The three also assist Hagrid after the dragon egg hatches, by helping to remove the baby dragon Norbert, who is taken to live in a dragon sanctuary in Romania where Ron’s older brother, Charlie Weasley, works.

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Readers first discover why Hagrid was expelled from Hogwarts in the second novel. It is revealed that Hagrid was a student at Hogwarts at the same time as Tom Marvolo Riddle, the wizard who later became Lord Voldemort. Hagrid was expelled during his third year, after being caught in the company of Aragog, a dangerous acromantula: this already serious crime seemed worse than it was, due to the belief that the acromantula was “The Monster of Slytherin”, and that Hagrid had released it from the Chamber of Secrets and allowed it to attack students. Aragog escapes into the dark forest and starts a colony of spiders. The belief of Hagrid’s guilt was encouraged by Tom Riddle, the actual criminal, who had been using the true monster (a basilisk) to attack students, and who had framed Hagrid to prevent the school from being closed, because he didn’t want to return to the orphanage whence he had come. During the events of the second book, the Basilisk is unleashed once again and Hagrid is sent to the prison of Azkaban, as he is believed again to be responsible for the attacks. However, before being arrested, Hagrid tells Harry and Ron to «follow the spiders», so that they can meet Aragog and discover the identity of the true monster. After Harry defeats the Basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets and uncovers the truth, Hagrid is freed from prison.

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Following the resignation of Silvanus Kettleburn, who, according to Dumbledore, wanted to spend time with his remaining limbs, Hagrid is assigned to teach the subject of Care of Magical Creatures in the third novel. He is also allowed to perform magic again since his name has been cleared after the events of the previous book.[citation needed] During his first class, in which he introduces the hippogriffs to third-years, one of the beasts, Buckbeak, attacks Draco Malfoy after the boy insults it. Although Dumbledore manages to prove that Hagrid is innocent, the Ministry of Magic sentences Buckbeak to death. Thus, Hagrid’s classes become extremely boring, and Harry, Ron, and Hermione spend some time looking for information that would help Hagrid in Buckbeak’s defence. Near the end of the book Hermione and Harry use a time-turner to save Buckbeak from death and Sirius Black from the Dementor’s Kiss.

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

In the fourth novel it is revealed that Hagrid is of mixed wizard and giant parentage, his mother having been the giantess Fridwulfa, who left his wizard father when Hagrid was a baby. Since giants have a reputation for being brutal, and were once allies of Voldemort, Hagrid keeps his parentage a secret and allows people to imagine other reasons for his great size (such as drinking a bottle of Skele-Gro when he did not need it). Hagrid’s parentage is exposed in the Daily Prophet by Rita Skeeter, who portrays him as dangerous (because of his fascination for aggressive creatures) and incompetent. Hagrid is gravely affected by this and attempts to resign from his post as teacher, though Dumbledore does not accept his resignation. During the novel, Hagrid develops a romantic interest with Olympe Maxime – another half-giant witch and Headmistress of the French magic school Beauxbatons. Hagrid is also one of the very few people who, since the beginning, believes Harry’s word that he did not apply to enter the Triwizard Tournament. Later in the book, Alastor Moody (impersonated by Barty Crouch Jr) suggests Hagrid should show Harry that the first task of the Tournament would involve dragons. Hagrid also provides Blast-Ended Skrewts for the third task.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Hagrid is absent during the first part of the fifth novel. The character later reveals to Harry, Ron and Hermione that he and Madame Maxime travelled across Europe together on a mission from the Order, planning to find giants and convince them to ally themselves with the good side and with Dumbledore; however, Death Eaters also found the giants and managed to get them to Voldemort’s side. Hagrid is attacked by giants during the mission, and saved by Maxime. Hagrid and Maxime eventually part on the journey home because of Maxime’s exasperation with Grawp, Hagrid’s half-brother whom he had found and was attempting to bring home with them. Grawp, who wanted to stay with the giants, seriously injured Hagrid. Hagrid introduces his half-brother to Harry and Hermione, and asks them to take care of him after he leaves Hogwarts. High Inquisitor of Hogwarts Dolores Umbridge supervises the classes of all the members of the Hogwarts staff, including Hagrid’s, and she looks for an excuse to fire him, as Hagrid is close to Dumbledore and part giant, Umbridge being highly prejudiced against non-humans. Towards the end of the book, Umbridge and other Ministry officials attempt to arrest Hagrid. The latter manages to escape, but Professor McGonagall is injured whilst trying to defend him. Finally, with Dumbledore’s post as Headmaster restored, Hagrid returns to Hogwarts.

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

In the sixth novel, Harry, Ron, and Hermione are no longer students of Care of Magical Creatures, and Hagrid is both angry and disappointed with them during the first part of the book, but he soon realises that it is not because they do not like him. Later in the novel, Aragog dies, and Hagrid risks his life to recover the Acromantula’s body to give it a proper funeral. After the funeral, he and Horace Slughorn drink excessive amounts of Firewhisky, and Harry takes advantage of this situation (under the influence of Felix Felicis potion, otherwise known as «liquid luck») to retrieve a certain memory from Slughorn. Towards the end of the book, Death Eaters attack Hogwarts and Hagrid’s hut is set on fire as he tries to fight them. During Dumbledore’s funeral, Hagrid is seen carrying the Headmaster’s body.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

In the seventh novel, Hagrid is part of the Order of the Phoenix delegation assigned to remove Harry from the Dursleys’ home to the magic-protected Burrow. Hagrid takes Harry on the flying motorcycle he inherited from Sirius but the plan goes awry when the Order delegation is ambushed by Death Eaters. The pair narrowly make it to the Burrow after being attacked by Voldemort himself. After attending Bill Weasley and Fleur Delacour’s wedding reception, Hagrid does not appear again until near the end of the book when it is revealed he has been driven into hiding in the mountains by the new Death Eater regime at Hogwarts.

During the climactic battle, Hagrid attempts to come to the defence of Aragog’s carnivorous children, who have been driven out of the Forbidden Forest by the Death Eaters and are now attacking both Hogwarts defenders and Death Eaters indiscriminately, but he is carried off by a swarm of them. He later turns up, captive in the Death Eaters’ camp, when Harry sacrifices himself to Voldemort. Hagrid is forced to carry Harry back to the school, not realising that Harry has survived again, and en route accuses the watching Centaurs of not doing enough to help. The Centaurs soon afterward join the fray and Hagrid takes part in the second half of the battle, felling his main nemesis among the Death Eaters, the magical-creature executioner Walden Macnair.

According to Rowling, the scene in the final book in which Hagrid is seen carrying Harry’s apparently dead body is very significant as «Hagrid brings Harry from the Dursleys. He takes him into the wizarding world … He was sort of his guardian and his guide … And now I wanted Hagrid to be the one to lead Harry out of the forest.»[9] Rowling also commented that Hagrid was never in danger of dying, as she «always had that picture in my head of the huge gigantic Hagrid walking through the forest crying with Harry in his arms».[10]


Nineteen years after Voldemort’s defeat, Hagrid is still at Hogwarts and invites Harry and Ginny Weasley’s second son Albus Severus Potter to his hut for tea, just as he had once done for Harry himself, implying that he and Harry are still close. During an interview in 2007, when asked if Hagrid did marry, Rowling answered that Hagrid developed a relationship with a giantess but it did not work out.[11]

Film portrayal

Scottish actor Robbie Coltrane has portrayed Hagrid in all of the film adaptations of the Harry Potter novels.[12] Robin Williams was interested for the role and approached Chris Columbus, the director of the first two films, about participating in the project but Columbus rejected him due to the «all-British and Irish cast» policy.[13][14] Rowling had wanted Coltrane for the role from the start,[13] responding «RobbieColtraneforHagrid» all in one quick breath when asked who was the top of her list of casting choices.[15][16] Coltrane was already a fan of the books[17] and has commented that being part of the Harry Potter franchise was «a fantastic thing».[18] Rowling discussed Hagrid’s past and future with Coltrane, assisting him in preparing for the role.[17][19] She also stated that «Robbie is just perfect for Hagrid because Hagrid is a very loveable character, quite likeable, quite comic […] but he had to have – you really do have to sense – a certain toughness underneath […] and I think Robbie does that perfectly.»[16]

Former English rugby union player Martin Bayfield portrayed Hagrid as a stunt performer in longer shots due to his large size to emphasise Hagrid’s height. Bayfield also appeared as a young Hagrid in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.

English actor Greg Draven portrayed Hagrid as an acting double in rollercoaster Hagrid’s Magical Creatures Motorbike Adventure pre-show. Draven’s performance was required due to Coltrane’s poor health at the time of filming.[20][21]


Outward appearance

In Philosopher’s Stone, Hagrid is mentioned as being twice as tall as the average man and nearly five times as wide but in the film, he is portrayed as being 8 ft 6 in (2.59 m) and in later books he is said to be three times as wide.[citation needed] Hagrid is known for his thick West Country accent. Being a half-giant, he is less vulnerable to jinxes and spells than full-humans. In Order of the Phoenix, when Umbridge and some other wizards come to remove him from Hogwarts he fights back. They try to jinx and stun him, but the spells just bounce off him because of giant-inherited resistance to magic. Hagrid also shows this resilience at the end of Half-Blood Prince, during the chapter Flight of the Prince, withstanding a Death Eater’s powerful curses. Some potions are also ineffective with him, such as Polyjuice Potion, which is designed for human-only use.[22]


He has a friendly, softhearted personality and is easily driven to tears, as seen in his very first scene, when he drops Harry off at the Dursleys’ in Philosopher’s Stone. He is very loyal to his peers, especially Dumbledore, to whom he refers as the greatest wizard in the world multiple times. As first seen in Philosopher’s Stone, he becomes extremely angry whenever anyone insults Dumbledore around him (a mistake made by Vernon Dursley, who called Dumbledore a «crackpot old fool»). He is also very loyal to Harry, suffered several times during the series because of this loyalty, and had to go into hiding twice to avoid prison. Rowling says of Hagrid, «Hagrid was always supposed to be this almost elemental force. He’s like the king of the forest, or the Green Man. He’s this semi-wild person who lives on the edge of the forest».[23]

Magical abilities and skills

Following his expulsion from Hogwarts, the Ministry of Magic broke Hagrid’s oak wand and forbade him to perform magic.[24] Hagrid keeps the pieces of his wand in a pink umbrella, and performs small spells from time to time; however, he was technically forbidden to do magic until the third book, and since he is not a fully qualified wizard, he «will always be a bit inept» as compared to other adult wizards,[citation needed] but «occasionally surprises everyone, himself included, by bringing off more impressive bits of magic».[25] However, he is unable to produce a Patronus.[26] He also has magical abilities that stem from his giant blood. For example, in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, many of the stunning spells thrown at him by Ministry officials simply bounce off him. Also, being half-giant gives Hagrid some level of superhuman strength, which allowed him to bend the barrel of a shotgun with one hand.



Grawp is the giant half-brother of Hagrid. Grawp and Hagrid were born of the same mother, the giantess Fridwulfa.[27] Grawp is about 16 feet (4.9 m) tall, which Hagrid claims is small for a giant. His knuckles are the size of cricket balls (~225 mm (8.9 in) in circumference). The other giants were bullying Grawp because of his diminutive size, and this is a factor in Hagrid’s decision to bring him to the Forbidden Forest. Big and dim, he only knows a few words in English and his manners are wild and unpredictable, but he is also a child in giant years. In the film, this is elaborated on more as he is visibly portrayed as a big, excitable child who simply doesn’t know his own strength or developed proper social cues yet. He responds to Hermione, who approaches him like a strict but caring mother figure, scolding him when doing something wrong, but giving him praise and playing with him when he does something good.

At first, Grawp seems indifferent to his brother’s attempts to civilise him, preferring to spend his time tearing down trees. After Hagrid leaves Hogwarts to avoid being imprisoned, he leaves Grawp in the care of Harry, Ron, and Hermione. Much to their surprise, when they find themselves trapped in the forest during a confrontation with the local centaur population, Grawp inadvertently manages to divert the centaurs’ attention from Harry and Hermione while looking for Hagrid, whom he calls ‘Hagger’.

In the Half-Blood Prince, Grawp is moved to the mountains, where he is apparently progressing much better. He also attends Dumbledore’s funeral with Hagrid, much more civil and calm than before, and dressed formally. He also appears to understand emotions, at least to some extent, as he pats Hagrid’s head to comfort him.

In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Grawp, Hagrid, and Fang go into hiding after Hagrid throws a «Support Harry Potter» party and it is implied that Grawp helped them all escape. He is the only giant fighting on the good wizards’ side in the Battle of Hogwarts, probably in an attempt to protect Hagrid, as he frequently calls his name while fighting the giants on the Death Eaters’ side. Grawp participates in the victory celebration over Voldemort’s defeat (albeit from a window, since he is too big to fit into the hall), and the Hogwarts students show their appreciation by tossing food into his laughing mouth.

In the film adaptation of the fifth book Grawp is computer-generated using a new «soul capturing» process from Image Metrics.[28] Andrew Whitehead spent 18 months working on the giant Grawp for the film.[29] Grawp is voiced and motion-captured by Tony Maudsley.[30]


In the Goblet of Fire, the truth about Hagrid’s parents is revealed: his father, who is never named in the stories, married a giantess, Fridwulfa. Fridwulfa left Rubeus to his father’s care after his birth; according to Hagrid, she was not very maternal. Later she gave birth to Grawp. She died long before Hagrid returned to the giants in the Order of the Phoenix. Hagrid describes his father as «a tiny little man» whom he could pick up with one hand and place on the dresser at the age of six. Hagrid clearly felt great affection for him; in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, he says that his father’s death when Hagrid was in third year at Hogwarts was one of his saddest memories.

Hagrid’s pets

Hagrid keeps and has kept a variety of pets, including some which the Wizarding community considers impossible to domesticate. They are not always wrong. Rowling has said that Hagrid has little interest in tamer magical creatures because of the lack of a challenge,[citation needed] although he has a large but cowardly boarhound named Fang. Hagrid’s love of dangerous magical creatures is central to the plot of several books of the series.


Aragog, Hagrid’s pet spider

Aragog was an Acromantula, an enormous, sentient spider capable of speech, who made a unique clicking noise as he moved in search of prey. Hagrid raised Aragog from an egg as a Hogwarts student, keeping him inside a cupboard. In his third year at Hogwarts, Hagrid was caught talking to Aragog in the dungeons by Tom Riddle, who alleged that Aragog was the «Monster of Slytherin», and that Hagrid had opened the Chamber of Secrets. In fact, it was Riddle who had opened the Chamber, and the monster was actually a basilisk.

After Hagrid’s expulsion and assignment as gamekeeper, Aragog lived in the Forbidden Forest. Hagrid found him a mate, Mosag, with whom Aragog bore an entire colony of giant spiders. He remained grateful to Hagrid for his entire life, and kept his carnivorous children from attacking him when he came to visit (to bring him and his family food). This courtesy was not extended to other creatures and people, even when they were friends of Hagrid’s; he allowed his children to attack Harry, Ron, and Fang when they encountered him in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Hagrid led Harry and Ron to Aragog by giving them the cryptic advice, «follow the spiders». An aging Aragog reveals to Harry and Ron Hagrid’s innocence and the discovery of a girl’s corpse in the bathroom, before giving them a clue of the Chamber’s resident monster; it was born in the castle, and his species never speak of the creature nor give its name, despite Hagrid’s numerous inquiries, as they fear it above all others. Though Aragog allowed his children to attack Harry, Ron, and Fang, they were saved at the last minute by Ron’s father Arthur Weasley’s flying Ford Anglia, which had been lost in the forest months before. Aragog remained in the Forbidden Forest for the rest of his life, but eventually died of old age in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. Hagrid retrieved Aragog’s body from the forest so that he could give him a proper burial, fearing that his children would devour his body. From that point on, the spider colony was the only part of the Forbidden Forest that Hagrid could not enter safely.

Aragog’s children returned in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows during the Battle at Hogwarts; having been driven from the forest, they began attacking Death Eaters and Hogwarts’ inhabitants indiscriminately. Hagrid’s love of the spiders endangered him and others because he tried to protect them; the spiders thanked Hagrid by capturing him and taking him to Voldemort. It is unknown what happens to them afterwards.

Aragog was voiced by Julian Glover in the film adaptation of the Chamber of Secrets. In 2017, in celebration of the 20th anniversary of «Harry Potter» franchise, arachnologists Anton A. Nadolny and Alireza Zamani named a new species of Iranian wolf spiders (Lycosidae) after Aragog, as Lycosa aragogi. The single specimen was collected on 26 April 2016, just over 19 years after Aragog died (20 April 1997 in the world of the book).[31]


Buckbeak, along with eleven other hippogriffs, is introduced during one of Hagrid’s Care of Magical Creatures classes. Hagrid explains that hippogriffs are very calm, powerful, proud creatures, but are sensitive and demand respect. Harry successfully approaches Buckbeak, who allows him to ride him around the paddock.

Draco, in an arrogant attempt to show up his school nemesis, endeavours to approach Buckbeak as well. It becomes obvious that Draco neither listens to nor cares about Hagrid’s warnings about the hippogriffs’ sensitivity, as he makes contemptuous remarks about Buckbeak. Quickly angered, Buckbeak slashes Draco’s arm with his claws. Pretending to be injured much more severely than he truly is, Draco persuades his father, Lucius Malfoy, to use his political power to sentence Buckbeak to death. Hagrid’s numerous appeals fail, and members of the Committee for the Disposal of Dangerous Creatures come to Hogwarts to execute Buckbeak. With the use of a Time-Turner, Hermione and Harry free Buckbeak (they believed him earlier to have been executed, but it was revealed the executioner only swung his axe into the fence in anger; in the film he does this to a pumpkin) and rescue Sirius from the tower in which he is being held before being handed over to the Dementors. Sirius escapes with Buckbeak and flies to safety. During most of Harry’s fourth year, Sirius and Buckbeak hide in a cave in the mountains above Hogsmeade. After this, they move to Number 12 Grimmauld Place, whereupon Buckbeak stays in Sirius’ mother’s former room. When Kreacher wants to lure Sirius away briefly, he wounds Buckbeak.

In Half-Blood Prince, Harry inherits Buckbeak, and allows Hagrid to look after him again. To avoid suspicion from the Ministry of Magic, he is given the alias «Witherwings«. A fiercely loyal creature, Buckbeak chases Severus Snape away from Harry by slashing his claws at the end of the book. Buckbeak also features in the Battle of Hogwarts at the end of the Deathly Hallows leading the Hogwarts Thestrals against Voldemort’s giants.


Fang is a large boarhound (portrayed in the films by a Neapolitan Mastiff) that, aside from his enormous size, appears to be an entirely ordinary dog. While Fang’s appearance is intimidating, he is, in Hagrid’s words, «a bloody coward.» Boisterous and loving with people he knows, he seems to enjoy licking Harry, Ron, or Hermione around the face or ears.

In the Philosopher’s Stone he accompanies Harry, Hagrid, Draco, and Hermione into the Forbidden Forest to look for an injured unicorn. In the following book, the Chamber of Secrets, Harry and Ron take Fang into the forest where he is scared stiff of both the gigantic acromantula and Mr Weasley’s flying car. In Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, an escaping Death Eater sets fire to Hagrid’s hut while Fang is inside; Hagrid enters the flaming hut, slings Fang over his shoulder, and carries him to safety. In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Fang and Hagrid participate in the Battle of Hogwarts; though Fang’s exact involvement is not clear. He is last seen running away after a shattered vase frightens him. It’s implied that Fang survives, as Hagrid is not seen mourning him at any time. It’s unknown if Fang is still alive when Harry’s children come to Hogwarts.


Fluffy, the three-headed dog

Fluffy is a giant three-headed dog provided by Hagrid to guard the trapdoor leading to the underground chamber where the Philosopher’s Stone was hidden until the end of Philosopher’s Stone. The only known way to get past Fluffy is to lull him to sleep by playing music. Fluffy is based on Cerberus, the three-headed dog from Greek mythology that guards the gates to the underworld. As with Fluffy, Cerberus was lulled to sleep with music by Orpheus.

In Philosopher’s Stone, Harry, Ron, Hermione and Neville accidentally run into Fluffy whilst hiding from Peeves, who was attempting to give them away to caretaker Argus Filch, who was searching for them. On Halloween, Harry and Ron witness Snape entering the door to Fluffy’s chamber, and for the next few days having a pronounced limp. Harry also overhears him saying «How are you meant to keep your eyes on all three heads at once?» to Filch. However, it is later revealed that he followed then Hogwarts Defence Against the Dark Arts professor Quirinus Quirrell into the chamber. While Fluffy is guarding the Philosopher’s Stone, Professor Quirrell penetrates Fluffy’s defences by playing a harp, in order to access the trapdoor, while Harry uses a flute that Hagrid had given to him.

J. K. Rowling later revealed that Dumbledore had repatriated Fluffy to Greece.[32]


Egg containing Norbert in Hagrid’s hut at the Harry Potter Exhibition in Paris

Norbert is a Norwegian Ridgeback dragon that Hagrid had acquired as an egg from a mysterious, hooded stranger in the Hog’s Head, who turned out to be Professor Quirrell. Hagrid helps the dragon hatch from the egg. Norbert becomes very dangerous and much bigger in the weeks following. Norbert bit Ron’s hand, causing him to require medical treatment due to the venom in her fangs. Harry, Ron, and Hermione finally persuade Hagrid to send the dragon to Ron’s older brother Charlie, who is studying dragons in Romania. In the Deathly Hallows, Charlie reveals to Hagrid that «Norbert» is actually female and had been renamed Norberta. Charlie adds that female Norwegian Ridgeback dragons «are more vicious…» which explained Norbert’s biting and dangerous behaviour as a baby.


IGN listed Hagrid as their thirteenth top Harry Potter character, saying that Hagrid had become a surrogate for the audience and that the short scene in the Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire film where he recollects memorable moments with Harry, Hermione and Ron gave them a «cherished memory».[33] IGN’s Joe Utichi also listed Hagrid as his 7th favourite Harry Potter character.[34]

In popular culture

Hagrid has appeared in various animated and non-animated parodies of Harry Potter. He was featured in US skit comedy Saturday Night Live, portrayed by Horatio Sanz, in the same episode in which Lindsay Lohan played Hermione; Bobby Moynihan later portrayed Hagrid in 2012, when Daniel Radcliffe hosted the show.[35] In Alistair McGowan’s Big Impression show, Hagrid appeared in a sketch called «Louis Potter and the Philosopher’s Scone», in which he was portrayed by Robbie Coltrane himself.[36] Hagrid is also parodied in Harry Potter and the Secret Chamberpot of Azerbaijan, a story released by Comic Relief in 2003, and he was played by Ronnie Corbett.[37][38] In the Potter Puppet Pals parodies by Neil Cicierega, Hagrid appeared in the episode «Ron’s Disease»,[39] and later in the episode «Neville’s Birthday».[40] Hagrid also appears in the parody stage production Harry Potter and the Obnoxious Voice, interacting with Draco Malfoy and a dementor.[41] In one episode of the second series of Tracey Ullman’s State of the Union, Tracey Ullman parodies Rowling as bossy and very keen on keeping her creations copyrighted, believing a hobo is impersonating Hagrid.

Hagrid makes an appearance in the theme park attraction Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey at The Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Orlando, Japan and Hollywood. A new rollercoaster, Hagrid’s Magical Creatures Motorbike Adventure, opened at Universal Orlando’s Islands of Adventure theme park on 13 June 2019, replacing the Dragon Challenge dual roller coasters and is themed around Hagrid and his love for magical creatures.


  1. ^ «Actors and actresses in the Harry Potter movies». IMDb. Retrieved 2 November 2022.
  2. ^ «What Jo says about…Rubeus Hagrid». Accop Quote. pp. 37–38. Retrieved 11 April 2018.
  3. ^ «November | 2012 | The Pensieve». sites.psu.edu. Retrieved 2 November 2022.
  4. ^ Rowling, J.K. «Colours». Pottermore. Wizarding World. Retrieved 6 April 2017.
  5. ^ Goring, Rosemary (17 January 1999). «Harry’s Fame». Scotland on Sunday. Retrieved 11 April 2018.
  6. ^ «Rubeus Hagrid — 10 Things You May NOT Know | Wizarding World». www.wizardingworld.com. Retrieved 2 November 2022.
  7. ^ Anelli, Melissa; Spartz, Emerson (16 July 2005). «The Leaky Cauldron and MuggleNet interview Joanne Kathleen Rowling: Part Three». The Leaky Cauldron. Retrieved 11 April 2018.
  8. ^ HarryPotterAdmirer (2011). A Conversation with J.K.Rowling and Daniel Radcliffe (YouTube). Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. Archived from the original on 22 September 2013. Retrieved 14 June 2013.
  9. ^ Brown, Jen (30 July 2007). «Rowling: ‘I wanted to kill parents’«. Today.com. MSNBC. Retrieved 11 April 2018.
  10. ^ SueTLC (18 November 2007). «New Interview with J.K. Rowling for Release of Dutch Edition of ‘Deathly Hallows’«. The Leaky Cauldron. Retrieved 19 November 2007.
  11. ^ Weingarten, Tara (15 October 2007). «Rowling Says Dumbledore Is Gay». Newsweek. Retrieved 20 October 2007.
  12. ^ «Casting Is Complete on Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince» (Press release). Warner Bros. PR Newswire. 16 November 2007. Retrieved 16 November 2007.
  13. ^ a b Bradley, Bill (31 December 2016). «The Hilarious Reason Daniel Radcliffe Was Cast As Harry Potter». The Huffington Post. Archived from the original on 31 December 2016. Retrieved 31 December 2016.
  14. ^ «Robin Williams turned down for Potter». The Guardian. Media Limited. 15 November 2001. Retrieved 31 December 2016.
  15. ^ Stacy (17 July 2007). «Movie Trivia: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone». Neatorama. Retrieved 15 August 2011.
  16. ^ a b Alderson, Andrew (4 November 2001). «‘They really do look as I’d imagined they would inside my head’«. Telegraph.co.uk. Archived from the original on 12 January 2022. Retrieved 13 March 2007.
  17. ^ a b Jensen, Jeff; Fierman, Daniel (14 September 2001). «Inside Harry Potter – It May Be a Movie about a Tyro Wizard and His Magical Adventures, but Bringing Harry Potter to the Big Screen Took Real Muggle Might, No Hocus-Pocus about It». Entertainment Weekly. Retrieved 31 December 2016.
  18. ^ Wylie, Ian (24 September 2006). «Harry Potter and the Personal Demons». Manchester Evening News. Archived from the original on 29 August 2009.
  19. ^ Rowling, J. K. (2 November 2001). «JK Rowling interview in full». Newsround (Interview). Interviewed by Mzimba, Lizo. CBBC. Retrieved 31 December 2016.
  20. ^ O’Shea, Lucy (24 March 2020). «Geminio: Greg Draven on Being Hagrid’s Body Double». MuggleNet. Retrieved 15 October 2022.
  21. ^ Michelle Marshall, «Robbie Coltrane: Harry Potter star ‘confined to wheelchair’ amid osteoarthritis battle», The Express
  22. ^ Rowling, J. K. (2007). Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. London: Bloomsbury/New York City: Scholastic, et al. UK ISBN 1-55192-976-7/U.S. ISBN 0-545-01022-5., chapter 5
  23. ^ «J.K.Rowling Video Clip Features More on Hagrid and Robbie Coltrane». The-Leaky-Cauldron.org. 25 September 2006. Retrieved 2 November 2022.
  24. ^ Rowling, JK. «Section: Extra Stuff». jkrowling.com. Archived from the original on 23 June 2011.
  25. ^ «J.K. Rowling’s World Book Day Chat: March 4, 2004». The Leaky Cauldron. Archived from the original on 13 March 2004.
  26. ^ O’Connor, Roisin (27 August 2015). «JK Rowling reveals Harry Potter character Hagrid could not produce Patronus». The Independent. Retrieved 4 May 2017.
  27. ^ Dickerson, Darby (28 February 2008). «Professor Dumbledore’s Advice for Law Deans». University of Toledo Law Review. 39 (1): 269–296. SSRN 1088056.
  28. ^ Waxman, Sharon (15 October 2006). «Cyberface: New Technology That Captures the Soul». The New York Times. Retrieved 11 April 2018.
  29. ^ Tucker, H. (5 September 2007). «At the movies». ITNOW. British Computer Society. 49 (5): 8–9. doi:10.1093/itnow/bwm023.
  30. ^ eudaemonia (26 April 2006). «Tony Maudsley as Grawp in ‘Order of the Phoenix’«. HPANA. The Leaky Cauldron. Retrieved 11 April 2018.
  31. ^ Geggel, Laura (7 July 2017). «Furry ‘Harry Potter’ Spider Discovered in Mountain Burrow». Live Science. Purch. Retrieved 11 April 2018.
  32. ^ Denham, Jess (6 February 2015). «What happened to Fluffy? JK Rowling answers three very important Harry Potter questions». The Independent. Retrieved 4 May 2017.
  33. ^ Linder, Brian; Pirrello, Phil; Goldman, Eric; Fowler, Matt (14 July 2009). «Top 25 Harry Potter Characters». IGN. Ziff Davis, LLC. Archived from the original on 19 March 2016. Retrieved 3 April 2011.
  34. ^ Utichi, Joe (3 November 2010). «The Top 10 Harry Potter Characters». IGN. Ziff Davis, LLC. Retrieved 3 April 2011.
  35. ^ Kelly, Joe. «Hogwart’s Academy». Saturday Night Live Transcripts. Retrieved 27 July 2007.
  36. ^ «BBC One press release» (PDF). BBC One. 2001. Retrieved 20 May 2007.
  37. ^ «Harry Potter and the Secret Chamberpot of Azerbaijan». tv.com. 14 March 2003. Archived from the original on 2 November 2012. Retrieved 8 July 2007.
  38. ^ «Harry Potter and the Secret Chamberpot of Azerbaijan». French and Saunders. Comic Relief. Retrieved 8 July 2007.
  39. ^ «Ron’s Disease». Potter Puppet Pals. Archived from the original on 24 September 2017.
  40. ^ «Neville’s Birthday». YouTube. Archived from the original on 21 December 2021.
  41. ^ Jaquish, Jeannette. «Harry Potter and the Obnoxious Voice». Angelfire.

Further reading

  • Hugosson, Annika (2021). «The «Care» of Magical Creatures? A Moral Critique of the Animal Lover Trope in Harry Potter«. Journal of Animal Ethics. 11 (2): 60–72. doi:10.5406/janimalethics.11.2.0060. JSTOR 10.5406/janimalethics.11.2.0060. S2CID 246643624.

External links

  • Rubeus Hagrid at Harry Potter Wiki
  • Rubeus Hagrid at Harry Potter Lexicon
Rubeus Hagrid
Harry Potter character

Robbie Coltrane as Hagrid in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)

First appearance Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone (1997)
Last appearance Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 (2011)
Created by J. K. Rowling
Portrayed by Robbie Coltrane (adult)
Martin Bayfield (teenager and body double)
In-universe information
Species Half-giant
Family Fridwulfa (mother)
Grawp (half-brother)
Nationality English
House Gryffindor
Born 6 December 1928

Rubeus Hagrid () is a fictional character in the Harry Potter book series written by J. K. Rowling. He is introduced in Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone as a half-giant and half-human who is the gamekeeper and Keeper of Keys and Grounds of Hogwarts, the primary setting for the first six novels. In the third novel Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Hagrid is promoted to Care of Magical Creatures professor, and is later revealed to be a member of the Order of the Phoenix. A loyal, friendly, softhearted personality who is easily brought to tears, he is also known for his thick West Country accent.

Hagrid was portrayed by Robbie Coltrane in all eight Harry Potter films, from Philosopher’s Stone in 2001 to Deathly Hallows – Part 2 in 2011.[1]

Character development

Hagrid was among the characters that Rowling says she created on «the very first day».[2] She has explained the source of his name as «another old English word, meaning – if you were hagrid – it’s a dialect word – you’d had a bad night. Hagrid is a big drinker – he has a lot of bad nights.»[3] His first name, Rubeus, was named after red in Latin to reflect alchemy and his paternal contrast to Albus Dumbledore: his «passion» to Dumbledore’s «asceticism».[4] In her article «Harry’s Fame», Rosemary Goring notes the Forest of Dean is an influence on Rowling’s work, and Hagrid is the only character that is «directly drawn from the Forest of Dean». According to Goring, Hagrid’s «dropped word-endings are a Chepstow speciality.» She also claims that Hagrid is physically «modeled on the Welsh chapter of Hells Angels who’d swoop down on the town and hog the bar, ‘huge mountains of leather and hair».[5]

The character of Hagrid and conversations between him, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger in his hut are expository through the series, due to the fact that the trio frequently discover things about Albus Dumbledore and Hogwarts by talking with Hagrid, as he has a habit of letting slip bits of information that were specifically confided to him. He was also one of the first characters to imply that the idea of thinking of wizards as «pure-bloods» and «half-bloods» is a dated concept.

Rowling has stated in an interview that Hagrid was in Gryffindor house during his time as a student.[6] When he comes into possession of an acromantula, he is expelled from Hogwarts as his pet is believed to be the «monster of Slytherin». However, persuaded by Dumbledore (who at the time was Transfiguration teacher), Headmaster Armando Dippet agrees to train Hagrid as gamekeeper, allowing the boy to remain at Hogwarts. By the time Harry attends Hogwarts, Hagrid is also the Keeper of Keys and Grounds: the former, according to Rowling, means «that he will let you in and out of Hogwarts.»[7] Part of his job includes leading the first years across the lake in boats, upon their initial arrival at Hogwarts.

When discussing the killing off of characters in her books, Rowling said that she always knew she was «working towards the point where Hagrid carried Harry out alive – but supposedly dead – out of the forest». She said she had planned from very early on that Harry would walk to his death accompanied by the ‘ghosts’, and that «he would emerge in Hagrid’s arms». In her own words, «that’s what always kept Hagrid safe». She said «Hagrid would have been a natural to kill in some ways», but that the mental image of this moment – a big fatherly Hagrid carrying the limp Harry in his arms – was so strong it decided his fate. She also liked the circular notion of Hagrid both bringing Harry into the world, and then bringing him back from the dead.[8]


Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone

Hagrid is introduced in the opening chapter of the first novel. Following the death of James and Lily Potter, Dumbledore entrusts Hagrid with rescuing the infant Harry from his parents’ house after they have been murdered by Lord Voldemort. When Minerva McGonagall expresses her concern about the fact that it was Hagrid who would carry Harry to the Dursleys’, Dumbledore says that he would trust Hagrid with his life, a fact that is demonstrated several times during the series, as Dumbledore frequently asks him to carry out secret tasks. Ten years later, he is tasked to bring the Philosopher’s Stone from Gringotts to Hogwarts, and provides the three-headed dog Fluffy to guard it. Dumbledore also gives him the task of locating Harry, helping him to find his bearings in the wizarding world and to buy his school things. Hagrid is the first member of the Hogwarts staff to be introduced to Harry before he began attending the school. Hagrid later becomes friends with Ron and Hermione as well. Later in the book, a hooded person (Quirinus Quirrell in disguise) gives him a dragon egg to elicit details about Fluffy. Hagrid lets slip to Harry, Ron, and Hermione that the way to get past Fluffy is to play music, for which they use the flute Hagrid himself carved for Harry, which allows them to pursue the potential thief. The three also assist Hagrid after the dragon egg hatches, by helping to remove the baby dragon Norbert, who is taken to live in a dragon sanctuary in Romania where Ron’s older brother, Charlie Weasley, works.

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Readers first discover why Hagrid was expelled from Hogwarts in the second novel. It is revealed that Hagrid was a student at Hogwarts at the same time as Tom Marvolo Riddle, the wizard who later became Lord Voldemort. Hagrid was expelled during his third year, after being caught in the company of Aragog, a dangerous acromantula: this already serious crime seemed worse than it was, due to the belief that the acromantula was “The Monster of Slytherin”, and that Hagrid had released it from the Chamber of Secrets and allowed it to attack students. Aragog escapes into the dark forest and starts a colony of spiders. The belief of Hagrid’s guilt was encouraged by Tom Riddle, the actual criminal, who had been using the true monster (a basilisk) to attack students, and who had framed Hagrid to prevent the school from being closed, because he didn’t want to return to the orphanage whence he had come. During the events of the second book, the Basilisk is unleashed once again and Hagrid is sent to the prison of Azkaban, as he is believed again to be responsible for the attacks. However, before being arrested, Hagrid tells Harry and Ron to «follow the spiders», so that they can meet Aragog and discover the identity of the true monster. After Harry defeats the Basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets and uncovers the truth, Hagrid is freed from prison.

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Following the resignation of Silvanus Kettleburn, who, according to Dumbledore, wanted to spend time with his remaining limbs, Hagrid is assigned to teach the subject of Care of Magical Creatures in the third novel. He is also allowed to perform magic again since his name has been cleared after the events of the previous book.[citation needed] During his first class, in which he introduces the hippogriffs to third-years, one of the beasts, Buckbeak, attacks Draco Malfoy after the boy insults it. Although Dumbledore manages to prove that Hagrid is innocent, the Ministry of Magic sentences Buckbeak to death. Thus, Hagrid’s classes become extremely boring, and Harry, Ron, and Hermione spend some time looking for information that would help Hagrid in Buckbeak’s defence. Near the end of the book Hermione and Harry use a time-turner to save Buckbeak from death and Sirius Black from the Dementor’s Kiss.

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

In the fourth novel it is revealed that Hagrid is of mixed wizard and giant parentage, his mother having been the giantess Fridwulfa, who left his wizard father when Hagrid was a baby. Since giants have a reputation for being brutal, and were once allies of Voldemort, Hagrid keeps his parentage a secret and allows people to imagine other reasons for his great size (such as drinking a bottle of Skele-Gro when he did not need it). Hagrid’s parentage is exposed in the Daily Prophet by Rita Skeeter, who portrays him as dangerous (because of his fascination for aggressive creatures) and incompetent. Hagrid is gravely affected by this and attempts to resign from his post as teacher, though Dumbledore does not accept his resignation. During the novel, Hagrid develops a romantic interest with Olympe Maxime – another half-giant witch and Headmistress of the French magic school Beauxbatons. Hagrid is also one of the very few people who, since the beginning, believes Harry’s word that he did not apply to enter the Triwizard Tournament. Later in the book, Alastor Moody (impersonated by Barty Crouch Jr) suggests Hagrid should show Harry that the first task of the Tournament would involve dragons. Hagrid also provides Blast-Ended Skrewts for the third task.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Hagrid is absent during the first part of the fifth novel. The character later reveals to Harry, Ron and Hermione that he and Madame Maxime travelled across Europe together on a mission from the Order, planning to find giants and convince them to ally themselves with the good side and with Dumbledore; however, Death Eaters also found the giants and managed to get them to Voldemort’s side. Hagrid is attacked by giants during the mission, and saved by Maxime. Hagrid and Maxime eventually part on the journey home because of Maxime’s exasperation with Grawp, Hagrid’s half-brother whom he had found and was attempting to bring home with them. Grawp, who wanted to stay with the giants, seriously injured Hagrid. Hagrid introduces his half-brother to Harry and Hermione, and asks them to take care of him after he leaves Hogwarts. High Inquisitor of Hogwarts Dolores Umbridge supervises the classes of all the members of the Hogwarts staff, including Hagrid’s, and she looks for an excuse to fire him, as Hagrid is close to Dumbledore and part giant, Umbridge being highly prejudiced against non-humans. Towards the end of the book, Umbridge and other Ministry officials attempt to arrest Hagrid. The latter manages to escape, but Professor McGonagall is injured whilst trying to defend him. Finally, with Dumbledore’s post as Headmaster restored, Hagrid returns to Hogwarts.

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

In the sixth novel, Harry, Ron, and Hermione are no longer students of Care of Magical Creatures, and Hagrid is both angry and disappointed with them during the first part of the book, but he soon realises that it is not because they do not like him. Later in the novel, Aragog dies, and Hagrid risks his life to recover the Acromantula’s body to give it a proper funeral. After the funeral, he and Horace Slughorn drink excessive amounts of Firewhisky, and Harry takes advantage of this situation (under the influence of Felix Felicis potion, otherwise known as «liquid luck») to retrieve a certain memory from Slughorn. Towards the end of the book, Death Eaters attack Hogwarts and Hagrid’s hut is set on fire as he tries to fight them. During Dumbledore’s funeral, Hagrid is seen carrying the Headmaster’s body.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

In the seventh novel, Hagrid is part of the Order of the Phoenix delegation assigned to remove Harry from the Dursleys’ home to the magic-protected Burrow. Hagrid takes Harry on the flying motorcycle he inherited from Sirius but the plan goes awry when the Order delegation is ambushed by Death Eaters. The pair narrowly make it to the Burrow after being attacked by Voldemort himself. After attending Bill Weasley and Fleur Delacour’s wedding reception, Hagrid does not appear again until near the end of the book when it is revealed he has been driven into hiding in the mountains by the new Death Eater regime at Hogwarts.

During the climactic battle, Hagrid attempts to come to the defence of Aragog’s carnivorous children, who have been driven out of the Forbidden Forest by the Death Eaters and are now attacking both Hogwarts defenders and Death Eaters indiscriminately, but he is carried off by a swarm of them. He later turns up, captive in the Death Eaters’ camp, when Harry sacrifices himself to Voldemort. Hagrid is forced to carry Harry back to the school, not realising that Harry has survived again, and en route accuses the watching Centaurs of not doing enough to help. The Centaurs soon afterward join the fray and Hagrid takes part in the second half of the battle, felling his main nemesis among the Death Eaters, the magical-creature executioner Walden Macnair.

According to Rowling, the scene in the final book in which Hagrid is seen carrying Harry’s apparently dead body is very significant as «Hagrid brings Harry from the Dursleys. He takes him into the wizarding world … He was sort of his guardian and his guide … And now I wanted Hagrid to be the one to lead Harry out of the forest.»[9] Rowling also commented that Hagrid was never in danger of dying, as she «always had that picture in my head of the huge gigantic Hagrid walking through the forest crying with Harry in his arms».[10]


Nineteen years after Voldemort’s defeat, Hagrid is still at Hogwarts and invites Harry and Ginny Weasley’s second son Albus Severus Potter to his hut for tea, just as he had once done for Harry himself, implying that he and Harry are still close. During an interview in 2007, when asked if Hagrid did marry, Rowling answered that Hagrid developed a relationship with a giantess but it did not work out.[11]

Film portrayal

Scottish actor Robbie Coltrane has portrayed Hagrid in all of the film adaptations of the Harry Potter novels.[12] Robin Williams was interested for the role and approached Chris Columbus, the director of the first two films, about participating in the project but Columbus rejected him due to the «all-British and Irish cast» policy.[13][14] Rowling had wanted Coltrane for the role from the start,[13] responding «RobbieColtraneforHagrid» all in one quick breath when asked who was the top of her list of casting choices.[15][16] Coltrane was already a fan of the books[17] and has commented that being part of the Harry Potter franchise was «a fantastic thing».[18] Rowling discussed Hagrid’s past and future with Coltrane, assisting him in preparing for the role.[17][19] She also stated that «Robbie is just perfect for Hagrid because Hagrid is a very loveable character, quite likeable, quite comic […] but he had to have – you really do have to sense – a certain toughness underneath […] and I think Robbie does that perfectly.»[16]

Former English rugby union player Martin Bayfield portrayed Hagrid as a stunt performer in longer shots due to his large size to emphasise Hagrid’s height. Bayfield also appeared as a young Hagrid in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.

English actor Greg Draven portrayed Hagrid as an acting double in rollercoaster Hagrid’s Magical Creatures Motorbike Adventure pre-show. Draven’s performance was required due to Coltrane’s poor health at the time of filming.[20][21]


Outward appearance

In Philosopher’s Stone, Hagrid is mentioned as being twice as tall as the average man and nearly five times as wide but in the film, he is portrayed as being 8 ft 6 in (2.59 m) and in later books he is said to be three times as wide.[citation needed] Hagrid is known for his thick West Country accent. Being a half-giant, he is less vulnerable to jinxes and spells than full-humans. In Order of the Phoenix, when Umbridge and some other wizards come to remove him from Hogwarts he fights back. They try to jinx and stun him, but the spells just bounce off him because of giant-inherited resistance to magic. Hagrid also shows this resilience at the end of Half-Blood Prince, during the chapter Flight of the Prince, withstanding a Death Eater’s powerful curses. Some potions are also ineffective with him, such as Polyjuice Potion, which is designed for human-only use.[22]


He has a friendly, softhearted personality and is easily driven to tears, as seen in his very first scene, when he drops Harry off at the Dursleys’ in Philosopher’s Stone. He is very loyal to his peers, especially Dumbledore, to whom he refers as the greatest wizard in the world multiple times. As first seen in Philosopher’s Stone, he becomes extremely angry whenever anyone insults Dumbledore around him (a mistake made by Vernon Dursley, who called Dumbledore a «crackpot old fool»). He is also very loyal to Harry, suffered several times during the series because of this loyalty, and had to go into hiding twice to avoid prison. Rowling says of Hagrid, «Hagrid was always supposed to be this almost elemental force. He’s like the king of the forest, or the Green Man. He’s this semi-wild person who lives on the edge of the forest».[23]

Magical abilities and skills

Following his expulsion from Hogwarts, the Ministry of Magic broke Hagrid’s oak wand and forbade him to perform magic.[24] Hagrid keeps the pieces of his wand in a pink umbrella, and performs small spells from time to time; however, he was technically forbidden to do magic until the third book, and since he is not a fully qualified wizard, he «will always be a bit inept» as compared to other adult wizards,[citation needed] but «occasionally surprises everyone, himself included, by bringing off more impressive bits of magic».[25] However, he is unable to produce a Patronus.[26] He also has magical abilities that stem from his giant blood. For example, in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, many of the stunning spells thrown at him by Ministry officials simply bounce off him. Also, being half-giant gives Hagrid some level of superhuman strength, which allowed him to bend the barrel of a shotgun with one hand.



Grawp is the giant half-brother of Hagrid. Grawp and Hagrid were born of the same mother, the giantess Fridwulfa.[27] Grawp is about 16 feet (4.9 m) tall, which Hagrid claims is small for a giant. His knuckles are the size of cricket balls (~225 mm (8.9 in) in circumference). The other giants were bullying Grawp because of his diminutive size, and this is a factor in Hagrid’s decision to bring him to the Forbidden Forest. Big and dim, he only knows a few words in English and his manners are wild and unpredictable, but he is also a child in giant years. In the film, this is elaborated on more as he is visibly portrayed as a big, excitable child who simply doesn’t know his own strength or developed proper social cues yet. He responds to Hermione, who approaches him like a strict but caring mother figure, scolding him when doing something wrong, but giving him praise and playing with him when he does something good.

At first, Grawp seems indifferent to his brother’s attempts to civilise him, preferring to spend his time tearing down trees. After Hagrid leaves Hogwarts to avoid being imprisoned, he leaves Grawp in the care of Harry, Ron, and Hermione. Much to their surprise, when they find themselves trapped in the forest during a confrontation with the local centaur population, Grawp inadvertently manages to divert the centaurs’ attention from Harry and Hermione while looking for Hagrid, whom he calls ‘Hagger’.

In the Half-Blood Prince, Grawp is moved to the mountains, where he is apparently progressing much better. He also attends Dumbledore’s funeral with Hagrid, much more civil and calm than before, and dressed formally. He also appears to understand emotions, at least to some extent, as he pats Hagrid’s head to comfort him.

In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Grawp, Hagrid, and Fang go into hiding after Hagrid throws a «Support Harry Potter» party and it is implied that Grawp helped them all escape. He is the only giant fighting on the good wizards’ side in the Battle of Hogwarts, probably in an attempt to protect Hagrid, as he frequently calls his name while fighting the giants on the Death Eaters’ side. Grawp participates in the victory celebration over Voldemort’s defeat (albeit from a window, since he is too big to fit into the hall), and the Hogwarts students show their appreciation by tossing food into his laughing mouth.

In the film adaptation of the fifth book Grawp is computer-generated using a new «soul capturing» process from Image Metrics.[28] Andrew Whitehead spent 18 months working on the giant Grawp for the film.[29] Grawp is voiced and motion-captured by Tony Maudsley.[30]


In the Goblet of Fire, the truth about Hagrid’s parents is revealed: his father, who is never named in the stories, married a giantess, Fridwulfa. Fridwulfa left Rubeus to his father’s care after his birth; according to Hagrid, she was not very maternal. Later she gave birth to Grawp. She died long before Hagrid returned to the giants in the Order of the Phoenix. Hagrid describes his father as «a tiny little man» whom he could pick up with one hand and place on the dresser at the age of six. Hagrid clearly felt great affection for him; in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, he says that his father’s death when Hagrid was in third year at Hogwarts was one of his saddest memories.

Hagrid’s pets

Hagrid keeps and has kept a variety of pets, including some which the Wizarding community considers impossible to domesticate. They are not always wrong. Rowling has said that Hagrid has little interest in tamer magical creatures because of the lack of a challenge,[citation needed] although he has a large but cowardly boarhound named Fang. Hagrid’s love of dangerous magical creatures is central to the plot of several books of the series.


Aragog, Hagrid’s pet spider

Aragog was an Acromantula, an enormous, sentient spider capable of speech, who made a unique clicking noise as he moved in search of prey. Hagrid raised Aragog from an egg as a Hogwarts student, keeping him inside a cupboard. In his third year at Hogwarts, Hagrid was caught talking to Aragog in the dungeons by Tom Riddle, who alleged that Aragog was the «Monster of Slytherin», and that Hagrid had opened the Chamber of Secrets. In fact, it was Riddle who had opened the Chamber, and the monster was actually a basilisk.

After Hagrid’s expulsion and assignment as gamekeeper, Aragog lived in the Forbidden Forest. Hagrid found him a mate, Mosag, with whom Aragog bore an entire colony of giant spiders. He remained grateful to Hagrid for his entire life, and kept his carnivorous children from attacking him when he came to visit (to bring him and his family food). This courtesy was not extended to other creatures and people, even when they were friends of Hagrid’s; he allowed his children to attack Harry, Ron, and Fang when they encountered him in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Hagrid led Harry and Ron to Aragog by giving them the cryptic advice, «follow the spiders». An aging Aragog reveals to Harry and Ron Hagrid’s innocence and the discovery of a girl’s corpse in the bathroom, before giving them a clue of the Chamber’s resident monster; it was born in the castle, and his species never speak of the creature nor give its name, despite Hagrid’s numerous inquiries, as they fear it above all others. Though Aragog allowed his children to attack Harry, Ron, and Fang, they were saved at the last minute by Ron’s father Arthur Weasley’s flying Ford Anglia, which had been lost in the forest months before. Aragog remained in the Forbidden Forest for the rest of his life, but eventually died of old age in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. Hagrid retrieved Aragog’s body from the forest so that he could give him a proper burial, fearing that his children would devour his body. From that point on, the spider colony was the only part of the Forbidden Forest that Hagrid could not enter safely.

Aragog’s children returned in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows during the Battle at Hogwarts; having been driven from the forest, they began attacking Death Eaters and Hogwarts’ inhabitants indiscriminately. Hagrid’s love of the spiders endangered him and others because he tried to protect them; the spiders thanked Hagrid by capturing him and taking him to Voldemort. It is unknown what happens to them afterwards.

Aragog was voiced by Julian Glover in the film adaptation of the Chamber of Secrets. In 2017, in celebration of the 20th anniversary of «Harry Potter» franchise, arachnologists Anton A. Nadolny and Alireza Zamani named a new species of Iranian wolf spiders (Lycosidae) after Aragog, as Lycosa aragogi. The single specimen was collected on 26 April 2016, just over 19 years after Aragog died (20 April 1997 in the world of the book).[31]


Buckbeak, along with eleven other hippogriffs, is introduced during one of Hagrid’s Care of Magical Creatures classes. Hagrid explains that hippogriffs are very calm, powerful, proud creatures, but are sensitive and demand respect. Harry successfully approaches Buckbeak, who allows him to ride him around the paddock.

Draco, in an arrogant attempt to show up his school nemesis, endeavours to approach Buckbeak as well. It becomes obvious that Draco neither listens to nor cares about Hagrid’s warnings about the hippogriffs’ sensitivity, as he makes contemptuous remarks about Buckbeak. Quickly angered, Buckbeak slashes Draco’s arm with his claws. Pretending to be injured much more severely than he truly is, Draco persuades his father, Lucius Malfoy, to use his political power to sentence Buckbeak to death. Hagrid’s numerous appeals fail, and members of the Committee for the Disposal of Dangerous Creatures come to Hogwarts to execute Buckbeak. With the use of a Time-Turner, Hermione and Harry free Buckbeak (they believed him earlier to have been executed, but it was revealed the executioner only swung his axe into the fence in anger; in the film he does this to a pumpkin) and rescue Sirius from the tower in which he is being held before being handed over to the Dementors. Sirius escapes with Buckbeak and flies to safety. During most of Harry’s fourth year, Sirius and Buckbeak hide in a cave in the mountains above Hogsmeade. After this, they move to Number 12 Grimmauld Place, whereupon Buckbeak stays in Sirius’ mother’s former room. When Kreacher wants to lure Sirius away briefly, he wounds Buckbeak.

In Half-Blood Prince, Harry inherits Buckbeak, and allows Hagrid to look after him again. To avoid suspicion from the Ministry of Magic, he is given the alias «Witherwings«. A fiercely loyal creature, Buckbeak chases Severus Snape away from Harry by slashing his claws at the end of the book. Buckbeak also features in the Battle of Hogwarts at the end of the Deathly Hallows leading the Hogwarts Thestrals against Voldemort’s giants.


Fang is a large boarhound (portrayed in the films by a Neapolitan Mastiff) that, aside from his enormous size, appears to be an entirely ordinary dog. While Fang’s appearance is intimidating, he is, in Hagrid’s words, «a bloody coward.» Boisterous and loving with people he knows, he seems to enjoy licking Harry, Ron, or Hermione around the face or ears.

In the Philosopher’s Stone he accompanies Harry, Hagrid, Draco, and Hermione into the Forbidden Forest to look for an injured unicorn. In the following book, the Chamber of Secrets, Harry and Ron take Fang into the forest where he is scared stiff of both the gigantic acromantula and Mr Weasley’s flying car. In Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, an escaping Death Eater sets fire to Hagrid’s hut while Fang is inside; Hagrid enters the flaming hut, slings Fang over his shoulder, and carries him to safety. In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Fang and Hagrid participate in the Battle of Hogwarts; though Fang’s exact involvement is not clear. He is last seen running away after a shattered vase frightens him. It’s implied that Fang survives, as Hagrid is not seen mourning him at any time. It’s unknown if Fang is still alive when Harry’s children come to Hogwarts.


Fluffy, the three-headed dog

Fluffy is a giant three-headed dog provided by Hagrid to guard the trapdoor leading to the underground chamber where the Philosopher’s Stone was hidden until the end of Philosopher’s Stone. The only known way to get past Fluffy is to lull him to sleep by playing music. Fluffy is based on Cerberus, the three-headed dog from Greek mythology that guards the gates to the underworld. As with Fluffy, Cerberus was lulled to sleep with music by Orpheus.

In Philosopher’s Stone, Harry, Ron, Hermione and Neville accidentally run into Fluffy whilst hiding from Peeves, who was attempting to give them away to caretaker Argus Filch, who was searching for them. On Halloween, Harry and Ron witness Snape entering the door to Fluffy’s chamber, and for the next few days having a pronounced limp. Harry also overhears him saying «How are you meant to keep your eyes on all three heads at once?» to Filch. However, it is later revealed that he followed then Hogwarts Defence Against the Dark Arts professor Quirinus Quirrell into the chamber. While Fluffy is guarding the Philosopher’s Stone, Professor Quirrell penetrates Fluffy’s defences by playing a harp, in order to access the trapdoor, while Harry uses a flute that Hagrid had given to him.

J. K. Rowling later revealed that Dumbledore had repatriated Fluffy to Greece.[32]


Egg containing Norbert in Hagrid’s hut at the Harry Potter Exhibition in Paris

Norbert is a Norwegian Ridgeback dragon that Hagrid had acquired as an egg from a mysterious, hooded stranger in the Hog’s Head, who turned out to be Professor Quirrell. Hagrid helps the dragon hatch from the egg. Norbert becomes very dangerous and much bigger in the weeks following. Norbert bit Ron’s hand, causing him to require medical treatment due to the venom in her fangs. Harry, Ron, and Hermione finally persuade Hagrid to send the dragon to Ron’s older brother Charlie, who is studying dragons in Romania. In the Deathly Hallows, Charlie reveals to Hagrid that «Norbert» is actually female and had been renamed Norberta. Charlie adds that female Norwegian Ridgeback dragons «are more vicious…» which explained Norbert’s biting and dangerous behaviour as a baby.


IGN listed Hagrid as their thirteenth top Harry Potter character, saying that Hagrid had become a surrogate for the audience and that the short scene in the Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire film where he recollects memorable moments with Harry, Hermione and Ron gave them a «cherished memory».[33] IGN’s Joe Utichi also listed Hagrid as his 7th favourite Harry Potter character.[34]

In popular culture

Hagrid has appeared in various animated and non-animated parodies of Harry Potter. He was featured in US skit comedy Saturday Night Live, portrayed by Horatio Sanz, in the same episode in which Lindsay Lohan played Hermione; Bobby Moynihan later portrayed Hagrid in 2012, when Daniel Radcliffe hosted the show.[35] In Alistair McGowan’s Big Impression show, Hagrid appeared in a sketch called «Louis Potter and the Philosopher’s Scone», in which he was portrayed by Robbie Coltrane himself.[36] Hagrid is also parodied in Harry Potter and the Secret Chamberpot of Azerbaijan, a story released by Comic Relief in 2003, and he was played by Ronnie Corbett.[37][38] In the Potter Puppet Pals parodies by Neil Cicierega, Hagrid appeared in the episode «Ron’s Disease»,[39] and later in the episode «Neville’s Birthday».[40] Hagrid also appears in the parody stage production Harry Potter and the Obnoxious Voice, interacting with Draco Malfoy and a dementor.[41] In one episode of the second series of Tracey Ullman’s State of the Union, Tracey Ullman parodies Rowling as bossy and very keen on keeping her creations copyrighted, believing a hobo is impersonating Hagrid.

Hagrid makes an appearance in the theme park attraction Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey at The Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Orlando, Japan and Hollywood. A new rollercoaster, Hagrid’s Magical Creatures Motorbike Adventure, opened at Universal Orlando’s Islands of Adventure theme park on 13 June 2019, replacing the Dragon Challenge dual roller coasters and is themed around Hagrid and his love for magical creatures.


  1. ^ «Actors and actresses in the Harry Potter movies». IMDb. Retrieved 2 November 2022.
  2. ^ «What Jo says about…Rubeus Hagrid». Accop Quote. pp. 37–38. Retrieved 11 April 2018.
  3. ^ «November | 2012 | The Pensieve». sites.psu.edu. Retrieved 2 November 2022.
  4. ^ Rowling, J.K. «Colours». Pottermore. Wizarding World. Retrieved 6 April 2017.
  5. ^ Goring, Rosemary (17 January 1999). «Harry’s Fame». Scotland on Sunday. Retrieved 11 April 2018.
  6. ^ «Rubeus Hagrid — 10 Things You May NOT Know | Wizarding World». www.wizardingworld.com. Retrieved 2 November 2022.
  7. ^ Anelli, Melissa; Spartz, Emerson (16 July 2005). «The Leaky Cauldron and MuggleNet interview Joanne Kathleen Rowling: Part Three». The Leaky Cauldron. Retrieved 11 April 2018.
  8. ^ HarryPotterAdmirer (2011). A Conversation with J.K.Rowling and Daniel Radcliffe (YouTube). Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. Archived from the original on 22 September 2013. Retrieved 14 June 2013.
  9. ^ Brown, Jen (30 July 2007). «Rowling: ‘I wanted to kill parents’«. Today.com. MSNBC. Retrieved 11 April 2018.
  10. ^ SueTLC (18 November 2007). «New Interview with J.K. Rowling for Release of Dutch Edition of ‘Deathly Hallows’«. The Leaky Cauldron. Retrieved 19 November 2007.
  11. ^ Weingarten, Tara (15 October 2007). «Rowling Says Dumbledore Is Gay». Newsweek. Retrieved 20 October 2007.
  12. ^ «Casting Is Complete on Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince» (Press release). Warner Bros. PR Newswire. 16 November 2007. Retrieved 16 November 2007.
  13. ^ a b Bradley, Bill (31 December 2016). «The Hilarious Reason Daniel Radcliffe Was Cast As Harry Potter». The Huffington Post. Archived from the original on 31 December 2016. Retrieved 31 December 2016.
  14. ^ «Robin Williams turned down for Potter». The Guardian. Media Limited. 15 November 2001. Retrieved 31 December 2016.
  15. ^ Stacy (17 July 2007). «Movie Trivia: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone». Neatorama. Retrieved 15 August 2011.
  16. ^ a b Alderson, Andrew (4 November 2001). «‘They really do look as I’d imagined they would inside my head’«. Telegraph.co.uk. Archived from the original on 12 January 2022. Retrieved 13 March 2007.
  17. ^ a b Jensen, Jeff; Fierman, Daniel (14 September 2001). «Inside Harry Potter – It May Be a Movie about a Tyro Wizard and His Magical Adventures, but Bringing Harry Potter to the Big Screen Took Real Muggle Might, No Hocus-Pocus about It». Entertainment Weekly. Retrieved 31 December 2016.
  18. ^ Wylie, Ian (24 September 2006). «Harry Potter and the Personal Demons». Manchester Evening News. Archived from the original on 29 August 2009.
  19. ^ Rowling, J. K. (2 November 2001). «JK Rowling interview in full». Newsround (Interview). Interviewed by Mzimba, Lizo. CBBC. Retrieved 31 December 2016.
  20. ^ O’Shea, Lucy (24 March 2020). «Geminio: Greg Draven on Being Hagrid’s Body Double». MuggleNet. Retrieved 15 October 2022.
  21. ^ Michelle Marshall, «Robbie Coltrane: Harry Potter star ‘confined to wheelchair’ amid osteoarthritis battle», The Express
  22. ^ Rowling, J. K. (2007). Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. London: Bloomsbury/New York City: Scholastic, et al. UK ISBN 1-55192-976-7/U.S. ISBN 0-545-01022-5., chapter 5
  23. ^ «J.K.Rowling Video Clip Features More on Hagrid and Robbie Coltrane». The-Leaky-Cauldron.org. 25 September 2006. Retrieved 2 November 2022.
  24. ^ Rowling, JK. «Section: Extra Stuff». jkrowling.com. Archived from the original on 23 June 2011.
  25. ^ «J.K. Rowling’s World Book Day Chat: March 4, 2004». The Leaky Cauldron. Archived from the original on 13 March 2004.
  26. ^ O’Connor, Roisin (27 August 2015). «JK Rowling reveals Harry Potter character Hagrid could not produce Patronus». The Independent. Retrieved 4 May 2017.
  27. ^ Dickerson, Darby (28 February 2008). «Professor Dumbledore’s Advice for Law Deans». University of Toledo Law Review. 39 (1): 269–296. SSRN 1088056.
  28. ^ Waxman, Sharon (15 October 2006). «Cyberface: New Technology That Captures the Soul». The New York Times. Retrieved 11 April 2018.
  29. ^ Tucker, H. (5 September 2007). «At the movies». ITNOW. British Computer Society. 49 (5): 8–9. doi:10.1093/itnow/bwm023.
  30. ^ eudaemonia (26 April 2006). «Tony Maudsley as Grawp in ‘Order of the Phoenix’«. HPANA. The Leaky Cauldron. Retrieved 11 April 2018.
  31. ^ Geggel, Laura (7 July 2017). «Furry ‘Harry Potter’ Spider Discovered in Mountain Burrow». Live Science. Purch. Retrieved 11 April 2018.
  32. ^ Denham, Jess (6 February 2015). «What happened to Fluffy? JK Rowling answers three very important Harry Potter questions». The Independent. Retrieved 4 May 2017.
  33. ^ Linder, Brian; Pirrello, Phil; Goldman, Eric; Fowler, Matt (14 July 2009). «Top 25 Harry Potter Characters». IGN. Ziff Davis, LLC. Archived from the original on 19 March 2016. Retrieved 3 April 2011.
  34. ^ Utichi, Joe (3 November 2010). «The Top 10 Harry Potter Characters». IGN. Ziff Davis, LLC. Retrieved 3 April 2011.
  35. ^ Kelly, Joe. «Hogwart’s Academy». Saturday Night Live Transcripts. Retrieved 27 July 2007.
  36. ^ «BBC One press release» (PDF). BBC One. 2001. Retrieved 20 May 2007.
  37. ^ «Harry Potter and the Secret Chamberpot of Azerbaijan». tv.com. 14 March 2003. Archived from the original on 2 November 2012. Retrieved 8 July 2007.
  38. ^ «Harry Potter and the Secret Chamberpot of Azerbaijan». French and Saunders. Comic Relief. Retrieved 8 July 2007.
  39. ^ «Ron’s Disease». Potter Puppet Pals. Archived from the original on 24 September 2017.
  40. ^ «Neville’s Birthday». YouTube. Archived from the original on 21 December 2021.
  41. ^ Jaquish, Jeannette. «Harry Potter and the Obnoxious Voice». Angelfire.

Further reading

  • Hugosson, Annika (2021). «The «Care» of Magical Creatures? A Moral Critique of the Animal Lover Trope in Harry Potter«. Journal of Animal Ethics. 11 (2): 60–72. doi:10.5406/janimalethics.11.2.0060. JSTOR 10.5406/janimalethics.11.2.0060. S2CID 246643624.

External links

  • Rubeus Hagrid at Harry Potter Wiki
  • Rubeus Hagrid at Harry Potter Lexicon


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    Хагрид, Рубеус

    Hagrid, Rubeus

    Философский камень, Волшебники

    Русско-английский словарь Гарри Поттер (Народный перевод) > Хагрид, Рубеус

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  • Хагрид — Эта статья является частью цикла статей о волшебном мире Гарри Поттера. Персонаж мира Гарри Поттера Робби Колтрейн в роли Рубеуса Хагрида в фильме «Гарри Поттер и Кубок Огня» Рубеус Хагрид Пол мужской …   Википедия

  • Хагрид, Рубеус — Эта статья является частью цикла статей о волшебном мире Гарри Поттера. Персонаж мира Гарри Поттера Робби Колтрейн в роли Рубеуса Хагрида в фильме «Гарри Поттер и Кубок Огня» Рубеус Хагрид Пол мужской …   Википедия

  • Рубеус Хагрид — Эта статья является частью цикла статей о волшебном мире Гарри Поттера. Персонаж мира Гарри Поттера Робби Колтрейн в роли Рубеуса Хагрида …   Википедия

  • Клювокрыл — Эта статья является частью цикла статей о волшебном мире Гарри Поттера. Персонаж мира Гарри Поттера Робби Колтрейн в роли Рубеуса Хагрида в фильме «Гарри Поттер и Кубок Огня» Рубеус Хагрид Пол мужской …   Википедия

  • Клык (Гарри Поттер) — Эта статья является частью цикла статей о волшебном мире Гарри Поттера. Персонаж мира Гарри Поттера Робби Колтрейн в роли Рубеуса Хагрида в фильме «Гарри Поттер и Кубок Огня» Рубеус Хагрид Пол мужской …   Википедия

  • Норберт (Гарри Поттер) — Эта статья является частью цикла статей о волшебном мире Гарри Поттера. Персонаж мира Гарри Поттера Робби Колтрейн в роли Рубеуса Хагрида в фильме «Гарри Поттер и Кубок Огня» Рубеус Хагрид Пол мужской …   Википедия

  • Огрид — Эта статья является частью цикла статей о волшебном мире Гарри Поттера. Персонаж мира Гарри Поттера Робби Колтрейн в роли Рубеуса Хагрида в фильме «Гарри Поттер и Кубок Огня» Рубеус Хагрид Пол мужской …   Википедия

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Перевод «Хагрид» на английский

Хагрид ждал класс на пороге хижины.

Hagrid was waiting for his class at the door of his hut.

Мне придётся настучать на тебя, Хагрид.

I’m going to have to turn you in, Hagrid.

Хогвартс, Хагрид, всю белиберду.

Hogwarts, Hagrid, the whole nine yards.

«Хагрид, ты живешь в деревянном доме».

«Hagrid, you live in a wooden house,» she said.

Хагрид протянул гигантскую руку и погладил его по плечу.

Hagrid reached out a great hand and patted him painfully on the shoulder.

Хагрид вдруг встал, глядя в окно.

Hagrid suddenly stood up, his eyes fixed on the window.

Хагрид громко зевнул, сел и потянулся.

Hagrid yawned loudly, sat up, and stretched.

Хагрид на секунду умолк, уставившись на кружку.

Hagrid went quiet for a moment, staring into his tea.

Хагрид вытащил большой шелковый носовой платок в горошек и громко высморкался.

Hagrid pulled out a large spotted silk handkerchief and blew his nose heavily.

Но, Хагрид, здесь ошибка.

But, Hagrid, there must be a mistake.

Как персонаж Хагрид обеспечивает комическое облегчение и возвышающую сторону к иначе темной истории.

As a character Hagrid provides comic relief and an uplifting side to an otherwise dark story.

Между стульями по проходу медленно шел Хагрид.

Hagrid was walking slowly up the aisle between the chairs.

Места надо знать, — ответил Хагрид.

«If yeh know where to go,» said Hagrid.

Идите отсюда, — сказал Хагрид уголком рта.

«Get goin,» said Hagrid out of the corner of his mouth.

Просто гигантские личинки, — ответил Хагрид.

«Jus’ giant grubs,» said Hagrid.

Знайте, мсье Хагрид… они пьют только односолодовый виски.

But you know, Monsieur Hagrid… they drink only single-malt whiskey.

Гермиона заподозрила, что Хагрид использует данные чары для увеличения размера тыкв.

Hermione suspects Hagrid of using the Engorgement Charm to increase the size of his crops.

Эрмиона поспешила придержать ворота. Хагрид легко поднял Малфоя.

Hermione ran to hold open the gate as Hagrid lifted Malfoy easily.

Хогвард невозможен без тебя, Хагрид.

There’s no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid.

MV: Многие волновались, что может умереть Хагрид.

MV: A lot of people were worried that Hagrid would die.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 491. Точных совпадений: 491. Затраченное время: 48 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Say hello to Buckbeak.

Hagrid, exactly what is that?

That, Ron, is a hippogriff.

Поздорoвaйтecь c Клювокрылом.

Хaгрид, a кто имeнно он тaкой?

Этo, Pон, гиппогриф.

Allow me, minister.

— Oh, Hagrid

— Sorry about that.

Позвольтe мне, миниcтр.

— O, Хaгрид….

— Прocтите зa этo.

— He’s really laying it on thick, isn’t he?

— But at least Hagrid didn’t get fired.

Yeah, but I heard Draco’s father’s furious.

— Oн врет и не cтecняeтcя, дa?

— По крaйнeй мeрe Хaгридa нe увoлили.

Я cлышaлa, что отeц Дрaко в ярocти.

What was that?


Oh, crikey.

Что это было?


Bот тaк дa.



— It’ll be fine.



— Bce будет отлично.

— Dear, dear…

— Now, now, Hagrid.

Now, come on.

— Божe, Божe….

— Hу, ну, Хaгрид.

Hу, лaдно.

Our Care of Magical Creatures teacher for many years has decided to retire in order to spend more time with his remaining limbs.

Fortunately, I’m delighted to announce that his place will be taken by none other than our own Rubeus Hagrid

Finally, on a more disquieting note at the request of the Ministry of Magic Hogwarts will, until further notice, play host to the dementors of Azkaban until such a time as Sirius Black is captured.

Haш прeподaвaтeль Уxодa зa мaгичecкими cущecтвaми рeшил выйти нa пенcию чтобы провecти бoльшe времени c eго оcтaвшимиcя кoнечноcтями.

По cчacтью, я рaд объявить что eгo мecто зaймeт никтo другой кaк нaш cобcтвeнный Pубеуc Хaгрид.

И нaконeц, бoлеe трeвoжное cоoбщениe по рacпoряжeнию Mиниcтерcтвa Maгии «Хогвaртc» дacт приют дeмeнтoрaм Азкaбaнa до получения укaзaний до тoго времeни, кaк будет поймaн Cириуc Блэк.

— Calm down. It’s just a scratch!


— He has to be taken to the hospital.

Это вceго лишь цaрaпинa!


— Haдо дocтaвить eго в больницу.

— Didn’t.

How did it go, Hagrid?

The hearing?

— Heт.

Кaк вce прошло, Хaгрид?

Ha cлушaниe?

— Have a tea, if you like.

— No, Hagrid.

— Gentlemen.

— Mы попьем чaю, вeрно?

— Heт, Хaгрид.

— Джeнтльмены.

Fudge has to see Buckbeak before we steal him.

Otherwise, he’ll think Hagrid set him free.

Scabbers, you’re alive!

Фaдж дoлжeн увидeть Клювокрылa до тогo, кaк мы eго укрaдем.

Инaчe он подумaет, что eго оcвобoдил Хaгрид.

Короcтa! Tы жив!

Someone’s obviously released him.


— Buckbeak.

Oчeвидно, что кто-тo eго выпуcтил.

— Хaгрид?

— Клювокрыл.

— Buckbeak.

I don’t think the minister’s suggesting that you had anything to do with this, Hagrid.

After all, how could you?

— Клювокрыл.

He думaю, что миниcтр oбвиняет в этом вac.

Кaк вы мoгли этo cделaть?

Professor McGonagall.

— No problems, I trust, Hagrid?

— No, sir.

Профессор МакГонагалл.

— Полагаю, затруднений не возникло, Хагрид?

— Нет, сэр.

Until he’s ready.

There, there, Hagrid.

It’s not really goodbye, after all.

Пока он не будет готов.

Ну же, Хагрид.

Вы же с ним не навсегда прощаетесь.

Excuse me, but who are you?

Rubeus Hagrid, Keeper of Keys and Grounds at Hogwarts.

— Of course, you know about Hogwarts.

Простите, но кто вы?

Рубеус Хагрид, Хранитель Ключей и Земель Хогвартса.

— Разумеется, ты знаешь о Хогвартсе.

— Vault 713.

— What’s in there, Hagrid?

Can’t tell you.

— Ячейка 713.

— А что там, Хагрид?

Не могу сказать.

«Platform 93/4»?

But, Hagrid, there must be a mistake.

This says platform 93/4.

«Платформа 9 3/4»?

Но Хагрид, тут, должно быть, опечатка.

Тут написано платформа 9 3/4.

But why would anyone go near that dog?

At Gringotts, Hagrid took something out of the vault.

Said it was Hogwarts business, very secret.

Но зачем кому-то гулять поблизости от пса?

В Гринготсе Хагрид забрал что-то из ячейки.

Сказал, что это связано с каким-то секретным делом Хогвартса.

— Hagrid is bringing him.

Is it wise to trust Hagrid with something so important?

Professor, I would trust Hagrid with my life.

— Хагрид его принесёт.

Мудро ли вы поступили, доверив Хагриду такое важное дело?

Профессор, я доверю Хагриду свою жизнь.

If you know where to go.

Ah, Hagrid!

The usual, I presume?

Если знаешь, куда надо идти.


Тебе как обычно?

— Hello, Harry.

— Hi, Hagrid.

Right, then.

— Здравствуй, Гарри.

— Привет, Хагрид.

Вот так.

Oh, dear.

Hagrid always wanted a dragon.

Told me so the first time I met him.

Ой, блин.

Хагрид всегда хотел дракона.

Рассказал это при первой же нашей встрече.

Is it wise to trust Hagrid with something so important?

Professor, I would trust Hagrid with my life.

Professor Dumbledore, sir.

Мудро ли вы поступили, доверив Хагриду такое важное дело?

Профессор, я доверю Хагриду свою жизнь.

Профессор Дамблдор, сэр.

That’s odd.

That’s the vault Hagrid and I went to.

— Good afternoon, class.

Вот совпадение.

К этой ячейке мы с Хагридом ходили как раз днём ранее.

— Добрый день, класс.

I know what that is!

But, Hagrid, how did you get one?

I won it.

Я знаю, что это такое!

Но, Хагрид, где ты его достал?


God, I miss the screaming.

You’ll be serving detention with Hagrid tonight.

He’s got a little job to do inside the Dark Forest.

Боже, как я скучаю по воплям.

Сегодняшней ночью вы будете отбывать наказание с Хагридом.

У него небольшое дельце в Тёмном Лесу.

He’s got a little job to do inside the Dark Forest.

A sorry lot, this, Hagrid.

Good God, you’re not still on about that bloody dragon, are you?

У него небольшое дельце в Тёмном Лесу.

Прости нас, Хагрид.

Боже ты мой, ты всё ещё тоскуешь по этому чёртовому дракону?

— What is it?

Isn’t it odd that what Hagrid wants more than anything is a dragon and a stranger just happens to have

How many people wander around with dragon eggs?

— Что такое?

Разве не странно: Хагрид больше всего мечтает о драконе а у путника совершенно случайно оказывается драконье яйцо?

Много людей, по-вашему, разгуливает с драконьими яйцами?


That was no stranger Hagrid met.

It was Snape.

Только тихо.

Хагрид встретил не путника.

Это был Снейп.

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Рубеус Хагрид (англ. Rubeus Hagrid; род. 6 декабря 1928 года[2][3]) — преподаватель ухода за магическими существами и лесничий в Школе чародейства и волшебства «Хогвартс». Все зовут его просто Хагрид.


Хагрид — наполовину человек, наполовину великан (рост не менее 11 футов). Его мать — великанша Фридвульфа, покинула его отца, когда Рубеус был ещё ребёнком. У Хагрида есть единоутробный брат-великан, которого зовут Грохх, которого Хагрид пытался учить английскому языку. Великаны имеют репутацию огромных и тупых убийц, которые, к тому же, в первую войну волшебников были на стороне Лорда Волан-де-Морта, поэтому Хагрид держит своё происхождение в секрете.



Хагрид добродушен, терпелив, внимателен и раним. Он испытывает огромную любовь к животным, готов в каждом монстре разглядеть милого домашнего любимца, поэтому у него получается приручить даже самых свирепых из них. Некоторые считают, что он нелюдим, неуклюж, невежественен… Но это не так. Если Хагрид с кем-либо подружится, то более преданного друга вы не найдёте. Особую теплоту он питает к Гарри Поттеру и его друзьям, и всегда был рад видеть их у себя в гостях.

Также Хагрид не честолюбив и не пытается нажить себе врагов. Он работает лесничим, и его это вполне устраивает. Даже после того, как его восстановили в правах на использование магии, а Дамблдор принял его на должность профессора по уходу за магическими существами, жизнь Хагрида не слишком изменилась. Он продолжал жить в своей хижине, ухаживать за Запретным лесом и его обитателями и даже не расстался со своей старой сломанной палочкой. Уроки со студентами он вёл на открытом воздухе и в соответствии со своими представлениями о том, какие животные опасны, а какие нет.

История жизни

От рождения до поступления в Хогвартс

Хагрид с отцом

Рубеуса вырастил отец. Мать, великанша Фридвульфа, бросила и мужа, и сына. Тем не менее, Хагрид-старший смог заменить ребёнку мать. Правда, довольно скоро он умер. По крайней мере, к тринадцати годам Рубеус остался сиротой. Возможно, это является одной из причин, по которым Хагрид так привязан к Гарри — они оба выросли без родителей. На пятом курсе Гарри встречает в пабе пьяного лесничего, который разглагольствует о том, как похожи их судьбы. О смерти отца Хагрид вспоминает и в шестой книге, опять-таки будучи пьяным: он напился вместе со Слизнортом после похорон Арагога. Опечаленный смертью любимца, Хагрид вспоминает по аналогии и смерть отца, и страшную гибель Поттеров, искренне сочувствуя Гарри.

Хагрид рос в географической области Глостершира, в лесу Дин.[4].

Годы учёбы, 1940-1943

Юный Хагрид

Хагрид учился в Школе чародейства и волшебства «Хогвартс» на факультете Гриффиндор[3] в одно время с Томом Реддлом (он на два курса младше будущего Тёмного Лорда). Когда полувеликан был на третьем курсе, Том Реддл обвинил его в том, что Хагрид открыл Тайную комнату и выпустил на волю Ужас Слизерина, из-за чего умерла студентка. Хотя обвинения не были ничем подтверждены, Министерство магии исключило Хагрида из школы и даже переломило его волшебную палочку. Альбус Дамблдор, тогдашний преподаватель трансфигурации, смог уговорить директора школы Армандо Диппета оставить Хагрида в школе на должности лесничего. С тех пор он живет в хижине около замка. Несмотря на запрет использовать волшебство, Хагрид сохранил обломки своей волшебной палочки и встроил их (вероятно, каким-то образом починив её) в розовый зонт, которым изредка тайно творит несложные заклинания.

Первая магическая война

Хагрид в первом составе Ордена Феникса

В годы первого пришествия Волан-де-Морта Хагрид вступает в Орден Феникса. В этой организации он остаётся и во время второй магической войны. Дамблдор очень доверяет полувеликану. Именно Хагрид отыскал Гарри под обломками дома Поттеров в ночь гибели его родителей и привёз его к тёте и дяде. Именно он прибывает за одиннадцатилетним Гарри и говорит мальчику, что тот волшебник. Именно ему поручено забрать философский камень из Гринготтса[5]. И именно он везёт настоящего Гарри во время операции «Семь Поттеров».

Преподаватель в Хогвартсе

Первый урок Хагрида

К моменту ухода профессора Кеттлберна на пенсию Рубеус Хагрид полностью реабилитирован в глазах магического сообщества (это заслуга Гарри и его друзей[6]). Поэтому Дамблдор назначает его преподавателем ухода за магическими существами.

На следующий год Хогвартс принимал у себя Турнир Трёх Волшебников[7]. Вместе с делегацией академии Шармбатон приезжает и её директор, Олимпия Максим. Она тоже — полувеликанша. Между ней и Хагридом завязываются весьма тёплые отношения. После возрождения Волан-де-Морта Дамблдор пытается собрать как можно больше сторонников. Те же задачи ставит себе и Тёмный Лорд. К колонии великанов, живущих где-то в горах, уходят Хагрид и мадам Максим.[8] Их миссия терпит фиаско, поскольку в игру вступили Пожиратели смерти. Великаны разделились на два лагеря: те, кто за Дамблдора и те, кто за Волан-де-Морта.

9 Hagrid.jpg

В ночном побоище великанов сторонники Тёмного Лорда победили. Хагрид и мадам Максим вынуждены вернуться ни с чем. Хагрид ведёт с собой ещё и великана Грохха, который оказался его единоутробным братом.[9] Этот попутчик весьма задержал Рубеуса в дороге, и мадам Максим, спешащая к началу учебного года в Шармбатон, оставляет их одних.

Хагрид в 1996 году

Вернувшись в Хогвартс, профессор ухода за магическими существами сталкивается с новоиспечённым генеральным инспектором Долорес Амбридж. Целый год Амбридж, ненавидящая полукровок и полулюдей, придирается к Хагриду, выставляет его посмешищем перед учениками. В конце концов, она оставила его на испытательный срок, который Хагрид игнорирует, а затем попыталась его уволить и арестовать. Рубеус вынужден был бежать из замка.[10]После увольнения Амбридж Хагрид был восстановлен в должности.

Как ни странно, именно нежная и беззаветная любовь Хагрида к опасным чудовищам помогает Гарри Поттеру в его стараниях узнать у профессора Слизнорта истинное содержание подправленного воспоминания о будущем Волан-де-Морте. Когда весной 1997 года умирает Арагог, огромный паук, бывший когда-то домашним питомцем лесничего, Гарри приводит Слизнорта на похороны акромантула. А позже, когда профессор размяк от выпитого на поминках, убеждает его поделиться настоящим воспоминанием.

Летом 1997 года Хагрид участвует в операции «Семь Поттеров» и чуть не погибает, пытаясь спасти Гарри от нападающих Пожирателей смерти.[11]

Рубеус Хагрид остаётся в Хогвартсе и тогда, когда директором школы становится Северус Снегг. После рождественских каникул лесничий устроил в школе вечеринку в поддержку Гарри Поттера и вынужден был опять бежать из Хогвартса.[12]

Рубеус Хагрид и его брат Грохх участвовали в Битве за Хогвартс. Хагрид был взят в плен Пожирателями смерти, его связали и привели на ту самую поляну, где Тёмный Лорд ожидал, когда Мальчик, Который Выжил придёт на свидание с собственной смертью. И когда Гарри «умер», обезумевший от горя лесничий на руках понёс его в замок…

Хагрид несет «мёртвого» Гарри

В эпилоге седьмой книги (а это 2017 год) говорится, что Хагрид продолжает работать в Хогвартсе.


Хагрид дружит с Роном, Гарри и Гермионой. Дамблдор доверяет Хагриду, ведь преданность полувеликана директору безгранична. И доверяет ему такие секреты, которые потом Хагрид как бы нечаянно выбалтывает троице друзей.

Гарри и Хагрид после битвы

У Хагрида вообще славно получается «нечаянное выбалтывание секретов».

В книге «Гарри Поттер и Орден Феникса» Хагрид вместе с мадам Максим получил от Дамблдора задание: поговорить с великанами и убедить их быть на стороне Дамблдора, а не Волан-де-Морта, но миссия не завершается успехом, так как среди великанов поднимается бунт и их прошлого лояльного к Ордену Феникса главаря убивают, а его место занимает тот, кто относится положительно к Пожирателям смерти. Хагрид возвращается в Хогвартс вместе со своим братом-великаном Гроххом, которого скрытно провёл в Запретный лес на территории школы и привязал его к самым крепким деревьям, чтобы тот не сбежал. Хагрид начал воспитывать его и учить английскому языку.

Любимые магические существа

Хагрид испытывает привязанность к всевозможным огромным животным и монстрам. Точнее, во всяком монстре он готов рассмотреть милого домашнего любимца. И относится с искренней любовью даже к самым кровожадным из них. Во время своего обучения в школе Хагрид тайно пронёс в Хогвартс детёныша акромантула Арагога, и растил его там. Среди его питомцев — волкодав Клык и трёхголовый пёс Пушок, гиппогриф Клювокрыл и выведенные им соплохвосты…

На первом курсе обучения Гарри Поттера Хагрид купил у незнакомца (которым оказался профессор Квиррелл) драконье яйцо. Он набрал в хогвартской библиотеке книги по выведению драконов (громадный косматый полувеликан на фоне книжных полок — это что-то!) и трепетно начал выхаживать драконье яйцо. Когда вылупился дракончик, которого Хагрид назвал Норбертом, радости лесничего не было предела. Ни сомнения Гарри и Рона, ни резонные доводы Гермионы не могли заставить Хагрида отказаться от радости выращивать у себя в хижине живого дракона. И только явное несоответствие подросшего Норберта размерам домика Хагрида (а вовсе не его манера всё поджигать и кусать) убедили полувеликана отдать Норберта брату Рона Чарли, занимающемуся разведением драконов в Румынии. Впоследствии Хагрид признавался, что прощание с Норбертом (который в последствии оказался самкой) было одним из его самых тяжёлых воспоминаний.

Во время битвы за Хогвартс, когда в замок врываются акромантулы, Хагрид кричит: «Не трогайте их, не убивайте». И не вполне понятно, кому он это кричит: паукам, в надежде, что они прекратят нападать на замок, или волшебникам, которые могут погубить глупых зверушек. Хагрид — единственный в Англии, кто смог приручить фестралов. Его любимец был первым рождённым на территории Запретного леса фестралом. Хагрид дал ему имя — Тенебрус.

Отношения с другими персонажами

Гарри Поттер, Рон Уизли и Гермиона Грейнджер.

Гарри, Рон и Гермиона

Трио друзей всегда было в дружбе с Хагридом. Гарри познакомился с Хагридом в 11 лет. Именно Рубеус Хагрид рассказал Гарри, что он является волшебником. Именно Хагрид показал Гарри первые чудеса. И именно Хагрид стал тем человеком, который забрал его от Дурслей. Хагрид отвёл Гарри в Косой переулок и открыл ему основные тайны мира волшебников. С таким защитником Гарри впервые в жизни чувствует себя в безопасности, ведь никакому Дадли с дружками не придёт в голову тебя обижать, если рядом шагает грозный и сильный Хагрид… Чуть позже Гарри знакомит с Хагридом своих хогвартских друзей, Рона и Гермиону. После этого они часто ходили к нему в гости. Рубеус угощал их кексами собственного изготовления и чаем. Правда, кулинар из него не ахти какой, поэтому ребята из вежливости лишь делали вид, что едят эти угощения.

Довольно символично что тот кто привёз Гарри Поттера на Тисовую улицу, увёз в последний раз.

Альбус Дамблдор

Альбус Дамблдор

Для Хагрида Дамблдор был эталоном совершенного волшебника. Хагрид умеет разглядеть в человеке доброту и умеет быть благодарным. Он предан Дамблдору с самого дня своего исключения из Хогвартса, когда профессор заступился за него и выхлопотал разрешение для работы при замке в качестве лесничего.

Хагрид никому не позволит оскорбить профессора Дамблдора в его присутствии. Дамблдор тоже высоко ценит Хагрида. «Я бы доверил ему свою жизнь», — абсолютно серьёзно говорит старый директор и это подтверждает его отношение к Хагриду. Сам Дамблдор не раз поддерживал Хагрида в трудные минуты — и когда стало широко известно, что мать Хагрида великанша, и Хагриду стали приходить громовещатели с требованием уволиться из школы, и когда гиппогрифа Клювокрыла приказали казнить, Дамблдор всегда был рядом. Ещё в конце 70-ых, вступив в Орден Феникса, Хагрид активно принимал участие в Первой магической войне. А в начале второй по поручению Дамблдора возглавлял операцию по переговорам с великанами. Смерть Дамблдора стала для Хагрида трагедией. Он очень долго не мог прийти в себя после похорон.

Драко Малфой

Драко Малфой

С детства Драко слышал о Хагриде, что тот дикарь — какой-то прислужник в Хогвартсе и вообще «дубина неотёсанная». Увидев, что Гарри тепло относится к Рубеусу, Драко начинает всё чаще отзываться о нём пренебрежительно. Правда, делает это больше за глаза. Высказывать свои претензии преподавателю прямо в лицо Малфой не привык. Тем более, что такие попытки Хагрид достаточно твёрдо пресекает. Не поменяло ничего в отношении Драко к Хагриду и то, что профессор стал между ним и разъярённым гиппогрифом, спасая жизнь Малфоя. Впрочем, чувство благодарности — редкий гость в душе Драко.

Том Реддл

Том Реддл

Ещё в школе Хагрид и будущий Тёмный лорд Том Реддл были врагами. Том, открыв Тайную комнату и выпустив из неё василиска, начал истребление нечистокровных волшебников. Узнав о том, что Хагрид держит у себя акромантула Арагога, Том решает воспользоваться этим. Он застаёт Хагрида, прячущего паука и убеждает директора, что именно полувеликан стоит за смертью Миртл. Хагрида исключают из школы, но стараниями Дамблдора он становится лесничим Хогвартса.


Что означает фамилия Hagrid? По словам самой Роулинг, hagrid — это старинное английское диалектное слово, ныне почти забытое. Означает оно мучить, также может означать «тот, кто так страшно пьянствовал всю ночь, что теперь жалеет об этом». You were hagrid? — Ты с бодуна? (или: «Плохая ночка выдалась, да?», или просто «Не выспался?»).

Интересные факты

  • Имеет некоторые проблемы с орфографией, раз на торте в первом фильме поттерианы он написал не HAPPY, а HAPPEE, и BIRTHDAE вместо BIRTHDAY.
  • Часто употребляет просторечные слова, что добавляет его речи неповторимость и образность.
  • Кровь великанов, которая течёт в жилах Рубеуса делает его неуязвимым от простых (простительных) заклинаний.
  • Также есть сведения, что на него не действует Оборотное зелье, т.к. Рубеус не является в полном смысле человеком.
  • Имеет аллергию на кошек.


Hagrid OP.jpg

  • Гарри Поттер и Философский камень (Первое появление)
  • Гарри Поттер и Философский камень (фильм)
  • Гарри Поттер и Философский камень (игра)
  • Гарри Поттер и Тайная комната
  • Гарри Поттер и Тайная комната (фильм)
  • Гарри Поттер и Тайная комната (игра)
  • Гарри Поттер и узник Азкабана
  • Гарри Поттер и узник Азкабана (фильм)
  • Гарри Поттер и узник Азкабана (игра)
  • Гарри Поттер и Кубок Огня
  • Гарри Поттер и Кубок огня (фильм)
  • Гарри Поттер и Кубок Огня (игра)
  • Гарри Поттер и Орден Феникса
  • Гарри Поттер и Орден Феникса (фильм)
  • Гарри Поттер и Орден Феникса (игра)
  • Гарри Поттер и Принц-полукровка
  • Гарри Поттер и Принц-полукровка (фильм)
  • Гарри Поттер и Принц-полукровка (игра)
  • Гарри Поттер и Дары Смерти
  • Гарри Поттер и Дары Смерти: Часть 1
  • Гарри Поттер и Дары Смерти: Часть I (игра)
  • Гарри Поттер и Дары Смерти: Часть 2
  • Гарри Поттер и Дары Смерти: Часть II (игра)
  • Гарри Поттер и проклятое дитя. Части 1 и 2 (Только в воспоминаниях)
  • Гарри Поттер и Проклятое дитя (пьеса) (Только в воспоминаниях)
  • Фантастические звери и места их обитания (Только упоминание)
  • Harry Potter: A Pop-Up Book
  • Гарри Поттер. Рождение легенды
  • Гарри Поттер. Мир волшебства. История легенды
  • Гарри Поттер. Герои. Маги и маглы
  • Гарри Поттер. Фантастические существа
  • LEGO Гарри Поттер: Персонажи Волшебного Мира
  • LEGO Гарри Поттер: Построй свой Волшебный Мир
  • LEGO Гарри Поттер: годы 1-4
  • LEGO Гарри Поттер: годы 5-7
  • LEGO Creator: Гарри Поттер
  • LEGO Demensions
  • LEGO Гарри Поттер (серия)
  • Гарри Поттер: Коллекционная карточная игра
  • Музей Гарри Поттера
  • Волшебный мир Гарри Поттера
  • Гарри Поттер и Запретное путешествие
  • Wizarding World
  • Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery
  • Harry Potter: Wizards Unite
  • Гарри Поттер: магия и загадки


  1. Палочку переломили, когда Рубеус был на третьем курсе. Обломки Хагрид спрятал в розовый зонт, которым время от времени пользуется как палочкой
  2. В конце 1943 года Хагрид заканчивал третий курс. Значит, поступил в Хогвартс в сентябре 1940 года, и ему на этот момент было полных 11 лет.
  3. 3,0 3,1 Wizarding World.jpg Рубеус Хагрид на Wizarding World
  4. Интервью Дж.К. Роулинг Стивену Фраю, июнь 2003
  5. «Гарри Поттер и Философский камень» — Глава 5. Косой переулок
  6. «Гарри Поттер и Тайная комната»
  7. «Гарри Поттер и Кубок Огня»
  8. «Гарри Поттер и Орден Феникса» — Глава 20. Рассказ Хагрида
  9. «Гарри Поттер и Орден Феникса» — Глава 30. Грохх
  10. «Гарри Поттер и Орден Феникса» — Глава 31. СОВ
  11. «Гарри Поттер и Дары Смерти» — Глава 4. Семеро Поттеров
  12. «Гарри Поттер и Дары Смерти» — Глава 22. Дары Смерти
  13. «Гарри Поттер и Философский камень» — Глава 16. Прыжок в люк



Карьера Рубеуса Хагрида

Предшественник Должность ㅤПреемникㅤㅤ
Сильванус Кеттлберн Профессор ухода за магическими существами
1993 — ?
Огг Хранитель Ключей и лесничий Хогвартса


Штат Хогвартса

Основатели Годрик Гриффиндор · Пенелопа Пуффендуй · Кандида Когтевран · Салазар Слизерин Books chapterart ootp 37.jpg
Директора Евпраксия Моул · Вульпус · Филлида Спора · Декстер Фортескью · Идэсса Сакнденберг · Амброуз Свотт · Эверард · Виндиктус Виридиан
Дайлис Дервент · Брайан Гэгвайлд · Квентин Тримбл · Лимеберт · Финеас Найджелус Блэк · Уолтер Арагон · Бэзил Фронсак · Армандо Диппет · Альбус Дамблдор · Долорес Амбридж · Северус Снегг · Минерва Макгонагалл
Заместители директора Минерва Макгонагалл · Амикус Кэрроу · Алекто Кэрроу
Деканы Филиус Флитвик · Минерва Макгонагалл · Гораций Слизнорт · Северус Снегг · Помона Стебль
Профессора Батшеда Бабблинг · Герберт Бири · Катберт Бинс · Чарити Бербидж · Алекто Кэрроу · Амикус Кэрроу · Альбус Дамблдор · Флоренц · Филиус Флитвик · Рубеус Хагрид · Роланда Трюк · Сильванус Кеттлберн · Златопуст Локонс · Невилл Долгопупс · Римус Люпин · Минерва Макгонагалл · Галатея Вилкост · Квиринус Квиррелл · Аврора Синистра
Гораций Слизнорт · Северус Снегг · Помона Стебль · Сивилла Трелони · Септима Вектор · Долорес Амбридж · Вильгельмина Граббли-Дёрг
Персонал Домашние эльфы · Добби · Аргус Филч · Рубеус Хагрид · Роланда Трюк · Кикимер · Огг · Ирма Пинс · Поппи Помфри · Аполлион Прингл · Винки


Уход за магическими существами

Преподаватели Бэй Ховин · Сильванус Кеттлберн · Рубеус Хагрид · Вильгельмина Граббли-Дёрг 86aa702c1643.jpg
Учебный материал «Фантастические звери: места обитания» · «Чудовищная книга о чудовищах»
Место проведения
Запретный лес · Хижина Хагрида · Замок Хогвартс · Класс Ухода за магическими существами
Изучаемые существа Гиппогриф · Единорог · Флоббер-червь · Нюхлер · Соплохвост · Шишуга · Лукотрус · Нарл · Фестрал


Орден Феникса

Основатель Альбус Дамблдор Books chapterart ootp 03.jpg
Лидеры организации Альбус Дамблдор (1980-июнь 1997)

Аластор Грюм (июль 1997)

Кингсли Бруствер (с конца июля 1997-май 1998)

Только первый состав Джеймс Поттер · Лили Поттер · Гидеон Пруэтт · Фабиан Пруэтт
Фрэнк Долгопупс · Алиса Долгопупс · Марлин МакКиннон
Доркас Медоуз · Питер Петтигрю (предатель)
Первый и второй состав Альбус Дамблдор · Минерва Макгонагалл · Элфиас Дож
Дедалус Дингл · Рубеус Хагрид · Сириус Блэк · Римус Люпин · Аластор Грюм · Эммелина Вэнс · Арабелла Фигг · Аберфорт Дамблдор
Только второй состав Кингсли Бруствер · Нимфадора Тонкс · Северус Снегг · Гестия Джонс · Артур Уизли · Молли Уизли · Билл Уизли · Чарли Уизли · Наземникус Флетчер · Фред Уизли · Джордж Уизли
и помогавшие
Люди: Олимпия Максим · Флёр Делакур · Тед Тонкс · Андромеда Тонкс · Тётушка Мюриэль · Ли Джордан · Ксенофилиус Лавгуд
Волшебные существа: великан Каркус · великан Грохх · гиппогриф Клювокрыл · фестрал Тенебрус · Кикимер · кентавр Флоренц · кентавр Бэйн · кентавр Ронан · кентавр Магориан
Организации: Министерство магии (1970-1981 и 1996-1997)
Отряд Дамблдора · Радиостанция «Поттеровский дозор»
Издательство журнала «Придира» (1995-1998)

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