Как пишется хайзенберг на английском

Англо-русские и русско-английские словари и энциклопедии. English-Russian and Russian-English dictionaries and translations

Англо-русский перевод HEISENBERG



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В конце концов, Хайзенберг присоединяется к Фантому и становится близким другом Павловой, ассистентки Доктора Джека.

Heisenberg eventually joins the Phantom and becomes a close companion to Pavlova, Dr. Jak’s assistant.

Я думаю, он знает, что ты — Хайзенберг.

Я подумал, может одним из них и был твой Хайзенберг?

Thought maybe one of them was your Heisenberg.

То узнаем, не Хайзенберг ли наш любимый мистер Уайт.

Слушай, я старался делать как Хайзенберг.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 5. Точных совпадений: 5. Затраченное время: 18 мс

Что означает имя Хайзенберг? Что обозначает имя Хайзенберг? Что значит имя Хайзенберг для человека? Какое значение имени Хайзенберг, происхождение, судьба и характер носителя? Какой национальности имя Хайзенберг? Как переводится имя Хайзенберг? Как правильно пишется имя Хайзенберг? Совместимость c именем Хайзенберг — подходящий цвет, камни обереги, планета покровитель и знак зодиака. Полная характеристика имени Хайзенберг и его подробный анализ вы можете прочитать онлайн в этой статье совершенно бесплатно.

Анализ имени Хайзенберг

Имя Хайзенберг состоит из 10 букв. Имена, которые содержат десять букв – показатель натуры яркой, артистичной. Такие люди живут по принципу «Мир – театр, а мы в нем – актеры», и превращают свою жизнь в оригинальную роль соответствующей продолжительности. И нужно им то, чего жаждет любой актер – восхищение, поклонение, цветы и – овации. Проанализировав значение каждой буквы в имени Хайзенберг можно понять его тайный смысл и скрытое значение.

  • Х — достижение поставленной цели за счёт собственных усилий, авторитетны, независимы, восприимчивы к сторонней критике. Зависимость от людского мнения. Высокоморальны.
  • А — самая сильная и яркая буква кириллицы. Личности, обладающие такими буквами в имени, всегда стремятся к лидерству. Нередко они соревнуются с самим собой. Указывает на желание что-то изменить, достичь наивысшего уровня комфорта в физическом проявлении и в духовном.
  • Й — свидетельствует о замкнутости и неумении находить общий язык с людьми. В характере присутствует мелочность. Люди, которые имеют такую букву в имени, нередко верят в свою уникальность и пытаются всячески проявить себя, такая идея может не умирать в них до последних дней.
  • З — развитое воображение, хорошая интуиция, замкнутость; в трудные моменты — самоустраняются, не желают решать проблемы. Люди, имена которых содержат в себе такую букву, постоянно находятся под чьим-то контролем, им сложно расслабиться и сконцентрироваться на важном.
  • Е — самовыражение, стремление к обмену опытом. Выступают в роли посредника в конфликтах. Проницательны, понимают мир тайн. Болтливы. Сильная любовь к путешествиям, в жизни такие могут часто менять место жительства, непоседливы.
  • Н — знак неприятия действительности такой, какая она есть; желание достичь духовного и физического здоровья. В работе проявляется усердие. Нелюбовь к труду, не вызывающего интереса. Наличие критического ума и категорическое неприятие рутинной работы. Неумение расслабляться в обществе, постоянная напряженность и сомнения.
  • Б — признак душевного романтизма, постоянные и надёжные люди. Способность изъявлять инициативу, легко преодолевать трудности. Желание достичь материального благополучия.
  • Е — самовыражение, стремление к обмену опытом. Выступают в роли посредника в конфликтах. Проницательны, понимают мир тайн. Болтливы. Сильная любовь к путешествиям, в жизни такие могут часто менять место жительства, непоседливы.
  • Р — противостоят воздействию извне, уверены в себе, храбрые, увлечённые личности. Способны к неоправданному риску, авантюрные натуры склонны к непререкаемым суждениям. Умение рисковать ради цели. Желание и потенциал для лидерства.
  • Г — жажда знаний, интерес ко всему таинственному, способность устанавливать взаимосвязь между жизненными событиями. Добросовестность, умение уделять внимание мелочам. Необходимость в острых ощущениях, нередко такие люди сами находятся в их поиске.
  • Значение имени Хайзенберг в нумерологии

    Нумерология имени Хайзенберг может подсказать не только главные качества и характер человека. Но и определить его судьбу, показать успех в личной жизни, дать сведения о карьере, расшифровать судьбоносные знаки и даже предсказать будущее. Число имени Хайзенберг в нумерологии — 5. Девиз имени Хайзенберг и пятерок по жизни: «Я свободен, как птица!»

    • Планета-покровитель для имени Хайзенберг — Меркурий.
    • Знак зодиака для имени Хайзенберг — Близнецы, Водолей.
    • Камни-талисманы для имени Хайзенберг — александрит, сердолик, гелиодор, перидот, цинкит.

    «Пятерка» в нумерологическом ядре – это признак стремления к абсолютной свободе и полного неприятия любых правил и ограничений.
    «Пятерка» в числах имени – Числе Выражения, Числе Души и Числе внешнего облика – свидетельство наличия характерных для этого числа способностей. В частности – умения находить общий язык со всеми, кто представляет интерес. Люди с именем Хайзенберг, которым покровительствует число 5 в нумерологии, имеют выраженные способности к коммерции, поэтому и интересы их зачастую сосредоточены в этом направлении.
    Любители приключений, пятерки ценят острые ощущения и перемены в жизни. Эти люди не терпят однообразия, быстро теряя интерес к любой монотонной деятельности. Часто они непредсказуемы, способны быстро изменить свое мнение, а потому не отличаются надежностью.
    Пятерка по имени Хайзенберг — это яркая индивидуальность. Она может быть окружена друзьями, но очень хорошо справляется со всеми проблемами самостоятельно. Часто рождаются гении. Существуют два типа Пятерок. Это может быть человек с сильной волей, уверенный в себе. И наоборот, слабохарактерный, но талантливый, который раздает свои таланты всем подряд. Пятерка часто ленится, не любит длительные нагрузки, более спринтер, чем бегун на длинные дистанции. Поэтому Пятерке легче и лучше обучаться чему-то интенсивным методом. Пятерка — это число вдохновения, служит Музой для окружающих. Пятерка по имени Хайзенберг всегда находится в движении, не выносит рутины, не может долго оставаться в четырех стенах. Пятерка имеет хорошую интуицию. Очень восприимчива к запахам и вкусам. Увлечение мистикой может дать Пятерке недостающее в жизни приключение. Скука и рутина ее враги, поэтому порадовать Пятерку с именем Хайзенберг может свобода и новые впечатления.

    • Влияние имени Хайзенберг на профессию и карьеру. Несмотря на довольно солидный багаж врожденных качеств, возможностей для профессиональной самореализации не слишком много. Оптимальный вариант, который предлагает число пять, – собственный бизнес, соответствующий интересам. Такой, где на каждом этапе будут возникать ситуации, требующие применения всех способностей и талантов. Подходящие профессии: реформатор, изобретатель, фрилансер, фотограф. Любые профессии, связанные с командировками.
    • Влияние имени Хайзенберг на личную жизнь. Личная жизнь «пятерок» часто становится предметом живейшего интереса и постоянного обсуждения для их друзей и знакомых. Пятерки очень свободолюбивы, не любят ограничения и во всем проявляют свою независимость. Идеальную вторую половинку им найти сложно, и делать это они могут достаточно долго. Им нужен партнер, который будет доверять им и принимать их желание разнообразить свою жизнь. Пятеркам с именем Хайзенберг подходят тройки, семерки и девятки.

    Планета покровитель имени Хайзенберг

    Число 5 для имени Хайзенберг означает планету Меркурий. Люди этого типа обладают в высшей степени живым и изворотливым умом. Носители имени Хайзенберг склонны проявлять инициативу, любят новизну и частую перемену обстановки. Им чужда рутина. Люди с именем Хайзенберг берутся за любую работу, и та буквально горит у них в руках. Все у Меркуриев получается, все спорится. Стремительность у них просто в крови. Владельцы имени Хайзенберг все быстро делают, быстро думают, быстро принимают решения. Люди по имени Хайзенберг, находящиеся под влиянием планеты Меркурий, тянутся к знаниям, самокритичны и умеют критиковать друзей, но делают это мягко и к месту, ничем не обижая человека. Как правило, у них все получается, но если вдруг их постигает неудача в делах, то они довольно быстро впадают в уныние. Обаяние, которым обладают люди с именем Хайзенберг, заменяет им многие другие качества, необходимые в семейной жизни. Они не любят вести хозяйство, но проявляют интерес ко всем сторонам жизни. Люди этого типа находят общий язык с представителями практически всех типов.

    Знаки зодиака имени Хайзенберг

    Для имени Хайзенберг подходят следующие знаки зодиака:

  • Знак зодиака Близнецы для имени Хайзенберг. Жизнь Близнецов с именем Хайзенберг непременно строится на крайностях. Они живут под управлением Меркурия, относятся к воздушной стихии, поэтому ветрены, переменчивы, но весьма дружелюбны. Заставить Близнеца по имени Хайзенберг замолчать невозможно. Трындеть до потери пульса – это их тайное оружие. Поэтому обладатели имени Хайзенберг очень хорошо сходится с Водолеями – запри их в одной комнате на ночь, к утру станут лучшими друзьями и будут планировать захват мира и государственный переворот. Несмотря на свою болтливость, люди обладающие именем Хайзенберг рассудительные и крайне логичные – в их мире все разложено по полочкам, а любое вмешательство извне резко пресекается. Они сами знают как нужно. Хотя от дружеских советов владельцы имени Хайзенберг не отказываются, как и любые Близнецы.
  • Знак зодиака Водолей для имени Хайзенберг. У болтунов Водолеев по имени Хайзенберг своя жизнь может идти наперекосяк – с работы уволили, личной жизни нет и не предвидится, да еще и куча комплексов в анамнезе, но тебе они будут давать советы, которые, как ни странно, работают. Обладатели имени Хайзенберг обожают часами трепаться обо всем (читай, ни о чем): о политике, теориях заговора и баттле Оксимирона с Гнойным. Причем с абсолютно незнакомыми людьми это тоже срабатывает. Водолей Хайзенберг — непостоянен, в понедельник может влюбиться (но не сильно), во вторник послать куда подальше, поплакать в среду, уже к пятнице найдет себе новый объект обожания, а про старый даже и не вспомнит. Вообще, Водолею с именем Хайзенберг влюбиться очень сложно: он подсознательно чувствует, чем все это закончится. Налет романтики мешает Водолею, обладателю имени Хайзенберг трезво смотреть на мир. Зато не мешает быть ярким, неординарным. Из профессий этот знак выбирает те, где можно проявить эрудицию, любит благотворительность, умеет сохранять спокойствие даже в стрессовой ситуации.
  • Цвет имени Хайзенберг

    Голубой цвет имени Хайзенберг. Люди с именем Хайзенберг, носящие голубой цвет, доверчивы и талантливы. Обладатели имени Хайзенберг не любят конфликтов, поэтому обходят их стороной – готовы даже попросить прощения у обидчика, только чтобы никто не таил в душе на них злость. С носителями имени Хайзенберг очень легко дружить и работать, но вот в семье у них часто бывают размолвки, так как они готовы бросить всё ради друзей, попавших якобы в беду. Но, как только друг спасён, то извинение перед домашними будет столь искренним, что невозможно их не простить. Положительные черты характера для имени Хайзенберг – творчество и креативность, бесконфликтность. Отрицательные черты характера имени Хайзенберг – некоторая безответственность и зависимость от мнения других.

    Как правильно пишется имя Хайзенберг

    В русском языке грамотным написанием этого имени является — Хайзенберг. В английском языке имя Хайзенберг может иметь следующий вариант написания — Hayzenberg.

    Видео значение имени Хайзенберг

    Вы согласны с описанием и значением имени Хайзенберг? Какую судьбу, характер и национальность имеют ваши знакомые с именем Хайзенберг? Каких известных и успешных людей с именем Хайзенберг вы еще знаете? Будем рады обсудить имя Хайзенберг более подробно с посетителями нашего сайта в комментариях ниже.

    Если вы нашли ошибку в описании имени, пожалуйста, выделите фрагмент текста и нажмите Ctrl+Enter.

    Mister Heisenberg!

    Released to the people this anti-stress

    Do you know, elbows — blue meth

    Mister Heisenberg, I go only up.

    Only up, I go only up!

    Only up, I only go up! Mister


    Only up, I go only up!

    Only up, I go only up! Mister


    In all the pains, to blow off your roof

    I think I know what happens next: This song will end up in your gadget

    And will shake up your elbows, will disperse you, and not like happened to Cobain

    I’m a Mortal Combat hero, you know, even Fatality

    Around me there’s so much hype, your music is boring me to sleep

    I once caused an earthquake in the Carpathians with my concert

    To this music you can dance till you collapse, the old believers are glued to the floor

    And after we hang out, you should better call Saul

    Yesterday, today, tomorrow only a fat bass

    Star Wars of Miss Elbows the screening is sold out

    Mister White, entirely in black I shine on the sun

    An atom bomb, in 45′ I visited the Japanese

    (*)Cooking, cooking cooking rap

    Cooking, cooking, cooking rap

    Money in the bank

    The family is in sufficiency

    We’re building an empire

    Everything’s fine!

    Bringing the girls, making Jesse crazy

    Cooking chemicals, my demons are with me

    Moscow — a huge market, bigger than Albuquerque ?

    I took down the ringleader — I’ll celebrate with fireworks.

    A crazy dance, screw the formats

    You know, this song will be disassembled into quotations

    Your girlfriend is happy, as if she were Lady Vlaga

    When in the car you turn on songs of L’One.

    It’s never enough for me, there should be more money

    8 barrels of weed wouldn’t break me

    The dirtier it is, the highier I am!

    Six elbows — whoah! I am God Shiva !

    Cooking, cooking cooking rap

    Cooking, cooking, cooking rap

    You are a meth lab, Mister Heisenberg

    Cooking, cooking, cooking rap

    То узнаем не Хайзенберг ли наш любимый мистер Уайт.

    We can find out if our

    beloved Mr. White is actually Heisenberg.

    Я подумал может одним из них и был твой Хайзенберг?

    В конце концов Хайзенберг присоединяется к Фантому и становится близким другом Павловой

    ассистентки Доктора Джека.

    Heisenberg eventually joins the Phantom and becomes a close companion to Pavlova

    Dr. Jak’s assistant.

    Он с легкостью мог бы получить Нобелевскую премию как Эйнштейн или Бор

    He could easily have been a Nobel Prize winner like an Einstein or Bohr or

    Бывший повар Гейзенберга. и возможно наш выход на самого Хайзенберга.

    Heisenberg’s former cook and maybe a line on Heisenberg himself.

    Он был сконструирован для имитации Фантома с целью опорочить его дело при помощи Доктора Джека однако

    после схватки с Фантомом Макс потерял« мозг» Хайзенберга и следовательно контроль над ним.


    is forced to impersonate the Phantom and succeeds in criminalising him with the help


    Dr. Jak but after

    a confrontation with the Phantom Maxwell loses the remote brain and hence control of Heisenberg.

    Разрушенно превращено в дерьмо умерло с тех пор как я связался с великим Хайзенбергом.

    Ruined turned to shit dead ever since I hooked up with the great Heisenberg.

    Результатов: 10,
    Время: 0.0299

    На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

    На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

    Перевод «Хайзенберг» на английский

    Я думаю, он знает, что ты — Хайзенберг.

    Уолтер выбирает себе имя Хайзенберг, которое он впоследствии назовёт своей «торговой маркой».

    Walt takes name Heisenberg, which he later would call his trademark.

    Я подумал, может одним из них и был твой Хайзенберг?

    Thought maybe one of them was your Heisenberg.

    Хэнк узнает, что Уолт — это и есть Хайзенберг.

    В конце концов, Хайзенберг присоединяется к Фантому и становится близким другом Павловой, ассистентки Доктора Джека.

    Heisenberg eventually joins the Phantom and becomes a close companion to Pavlova, Dr. Jak’s assistant.

    Действие сериала разворачивается за шесть лет до того, как его главный герой, на то время ещё мелкий адвокатишка Сол Гудман знакомится с Уолтером Уайтом по прозвищу Хайзенберг.

    The series revolves around the six years prior to the main character, at that time still small lawyer Saul Goodman, meets with Walter White, known as Heisenberg.

    Уолтер Уайт, ака Хайзенберг, мог бы стать всеобъемлющим, легендарным героем эры Google/YouTube/Facebook.

    Walter White, aka Heisenberg, may have become the ultimate, larger than life hero of the Google/YouTube/Facebook era.

    Уолтер идентифицировал себя как «Хайзенберг» в честь известного химика ХХ века Вернера Хайзенберга; он взял это имя в качестве псевдонима, который четко характеризует свое имя и свой продукт.

    Identifying himself as «Heisenberg,» after the renowned 20th century chemist Werner Heisenberg, he adopted the name as a strong pseudonym that clearly describes him and his product.

    Режиссеры и основатели киножурнала Revolver, Кристоф Хоххойслер (как пропагандист этой (ин)корпорации) и Беньямин Хайзенберг вносят свой вклад в контекст того, что воспринимается как школа.

    The filmmakers and founders of the film magazine Revolver, Christoph Hochhäusler (as the propagandist of this (in)corporation) and Benjamin Heisenberg add their work to the context of what is perceived to form a school.

    Его студенческие годы (1923-1926) в Кембридже попали на возникновение математических формулировок современной атомной физики такими учеными как Луи де Бройль, Вернер Хайзенберг, Эрвин Шрёдингер и Макс Борн.

    His student years (1923-1926) at Cambridge saw the emergence of the mathematical formulation of modern atomic physics in the hands of Louis de Broglie, Werner Heisenberg, Erwin Schrödinger, and Max Born.

    В то время ни Хайзенберг, ни Дирак не представляли себе, что «продукт Хайзенберга» в соотнесении с операциями в матричном исчислении, является фактом, доказанным Борном и Паскалем Джорданом из Гёттингена.

    At that time neither Heisenberg nor Dirac had realized that the «Heisenberg products» corresponded to operations in matrix calculus, a fact which was meanwhile being proved by Born and Pascual Jordan in Göttingen.

    Но я бы сказал, что Ульрих Кёлер, Хеннер Викнлер, Сорен Войт, Беньямин Хайзенберг и я стилистически чувствуем себя более-менее комфортно под зонтом этого термина.

    But I would say that Ulrich Köhler, Henner Winkler, Sören Voigt (12), Benjamin Heisenberg and myself stylistically feel more or less at home underneath this umbrella term.

    Мы — то есть, я, Йенс Бёрнер, Беньямин Хайзенберг и Себастьян Кутцли — запустили «Револьвер» для того, чтобы продвигать то кино, которое было сложно найти и посмотреть в Германии в то время.

    We — that is, Jens Börner, Benjamin Heisenberg, Sebastian Kutzli — started Revolver in order to promote a different kind of cinema, one that had it difficult in Germany at the time.

    Хайзенберг не был настолько уверен.

    Слушай, я старался делать как Хайзенберг.

    То узнаем, не Хайзенберг ли наш любимый мистер Уайт.

    В конце концов, Хайзенберг присоединяется к Фантому и становится близким другом Павловой, ассистентки Доктора Джека.

    Heisenberg eventually joins the Phantom and becomes a close companion to Pavlova, Dr. Jak’s assistant.

    Хайзенберг всё ещё на свободе.

    ним относятся Альберт Эйнштейн, Макс Планк и Вернер Хайзенберг.

    This has been stated by for instance Albert Einstein, Max Planck and Werner Heisenberg.

    Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

    Результатов: 19. Точных совпадений: 19. Затраченное время: 32 мс


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    What Heisenberg had uncovered through his abstract matrix mechanics was a deep and shocking truth about the atomic world.

    То, что открыл Гейзенберг с помощью своей абстрактной матричной механики, была глубокой и шокирующей истиной о мире атома.



    What Heisenberg had uncovered through his abstract matrix mechanics was a deep and shocking truth about the atomic world.
    То, что открыл Гейзенберг с помощью своей абстрактной матричной механики, была глубокой и шокирующей истиной о мире атома.

    Indeed, looking to the past, Albert Einstein is said to have done important work on relativity in his twenties, as did Isaac Newton in calculus and Werner Heisenberg in quantum mechanics.
    Если мы обратимся к прошлому, то мы увидим, что Альберт Эйнштейн сделал свои наиболее важные открытия в области теории относительности, когда ему еще не было 30, точно также как Исаак Ньютон в области исчислений и Вернер Гейзенберг в области квантовой механики.

    Now, who remembers Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle?
    Так, ну а кто помнит принцип неопределенности Гейзенберга?

    It is not subject to Heisenberg’s famed uncertainty principle.
    Она не подлежит знаменитому принципу неопределенности Гейзенберга.

    Even if I had known about an inside man in Werner Heisenberg’s staff.
    Даже если бы я и знал о нашем человеке в штате Вернера Гейзенберга.


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    Werner Heisenberg

    Bundesarchiv Bild183-R57262, Werner Heisenberg.jpg

    Heisenberg in 1933


    Werner Karl Heisenberg

    5 December 1901

    Würzburg, Kingdom of Bavaria, German Empire

    Died 1 February 1976 (aged 74)

    Munich, Bavaria, West Germany

    Resting place Munich Waldfriedhof
    Alma mater
    • University of Munich
    • University of Göttingen
    Known for
    • Copenhagen interpretation
    • Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle
    • Heisenberg commutation relation
    • Heisenberg cut
    • Heisenberg’s entryway to matrix mechanics
    • Heisenberg ferromagnet
    • Heisenberg group
    • Heisenberg limit
    • Heisenberg’s microscope
    • Heisenberg model (classical)
    • Heisenberg model (quantum)
    • Heisenberg picture
    • Heisenberg–Langevin equations
    • Euler–Heisenberg Lagrangian
    • Kramers–Heisenberg formula
    • Isospin
    • Matrix mechanics
    • C*-algebra
    • Exchange force
    • Exchange interaction
    • Electron hole theory
    • Mott problem
    • Generalized optical theorem
    • Quantum field theory
    • Quantum fluctuation
    • Quantum spacetime
    • Resonance (chemistry)
    • S-matrix
    • S-matrix theory
    • Spin isomers of hydrogen
    • Proton–neutron model of the nucleus
    • Vacuum polarization
    • Wave function collapse
    • Uranprojekt

    Elisabeth Schumacher

    (m. )​

    Children 7 (incl. Jochen and Martin)
    • Matteucci Medal (1929)
    • Barnard Medal (1930)
    • Nobel Prize in Physics (1932)
    • Max Planck Medal (1933)
    • ForMemRS (1955)[1]
    • Pour le Mérite for Sciences and Arts (1957)
    • Foreign Associate of the National Academy of Sciences (1961)
    • Niels Bohr International Gold Medal (1970)
    Scientific career
    Fields Theoretical physics
    • University of Göttingen
    • University of Copenhagen
    • University of Leipzig
    • University of Berlin
    • University of Munich
    Thesis Über Stabilität und Turbulenz von Flüssigkeitsströmen (On stability and turbulence of liquid flows) (1923)
    Doctoral advisor Arnold Sommerfeld
    Other academic advisors
    • Niels Bohr
    • Max Born
    Doctoral students
    • Felix Bloch
    • Edward Teller
    • Rudolf E. Peierls
    • Reinhard Oehme
    • Friedwardt Winterberg
    • Șerban Țițeica
    • Ivan Supek
    • Erich Bagge
    • Hermann Arthur Jahn
    • Hans Heinrich Euler
    Other notable students
    • William Vermillion Houston
    • Guido Beck
    • Ugo Fano
    • Ettore Majorana
    • Herbert Wagner
    • Robert Döpel
    • Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker
    Werner Heisenberg signature.svg

    Werner Karl Heisenberg (pronounced [ˈvɛʁnɐ kaʁl ˈhaɪzn̩bɛʁk] (listen); 5 December 1901 – 1 February 1976)[2] was a German theoretical physicist and one of the main pioneers of the theory of quantum mechanics. He published his work in 1925 in a major breakthrough paper. In the subsequent series of papers with Max Born and Pascual Jordan, during the same year, his matrix formulation of quantum mechanics was substantially elaborated. He is known for the uncertainty principle, which he published in 1927. Heisenberg was awarded the 1932 Nobel Prize in Physics «for the creation of quantum mechanics».[3][a]

    Heisenberg also made contributions to the theories of the hydrodynamics of turbulent flows, the atomic nucleus, ferromagnetism, cosmic rays, and subatomic particles. He was a principal scientist in the German nuclear weapons program during World War II. He was also instrumental in planning the first West German nuclear reactor at Karlsruhe, together with a research reactor in Munich, in 1957.

    Following World War II, he was appointed director of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Physics, which soon thereafter was renamed the Max Planck Institute for Physics. He was director of the institute until it was moved to Munich in 1958. He then became director of the Max Planck Institute for Physics and Astrophysics from 1960 to 1970.

    Heisenberg was also president of the German Research Council,[4] chairman of the Commission for Atomic Physics, chairman of the Nuclear Physics Working Group, and president of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.[1]

    Early life and education[edit]

    Early years[edit]

    Werner Karl Heisenberg was born in Würzburg, Germany, to Kaspar Ernst August Heisenberg,[5] and his wife, Annie Wecklein. His father was a secondary school teacher of classical languages who became Germany’s only ordentlicher Professor (ordinarius professor) of medieval and modern Greek studies in the university system.[6]

    Heisenberg was raised and lived as a Lutheran Christian.[7] In his late teenage years, Heisenberg read Plato’s Timaeus while hiking in the Bavarian Alps. He recounted philosophical conversations with his fellow students and teachers about understanding the atom while receiving his scientific training in Munich, Göttingen and Copenhagen.[8] Heisenberg later stated that «My mind was formed by studying philosophy, Plato and that sort of thing».[9] and that «Modern physics has definitely decided in favor of Plato. In fact the smallest units of matter are not physical objects in the ordinary sense; they are forms, ideas which can be expressed unambiguously only in mathematical language».[10]

    In 1919 Heisenberg arrived in Munich as a member of the Freikorps to fight the Bavarian Soviet Republic established a year earlier. Five decades later he recalled those days as youthful fun, like «playing cops and robbers and so on; it was nothing serious at all;»[11] his duties were restricted to «seizing bicycles or typewriters from ‘red’ administrative buildings», and guarding suspected «red» prisoners.[12]

    University studies[edit]

    From 1920 to 1923, he studied physics and mathematics at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich under Arnold Sommerfeld and Wilhelm Wien and at the Georg-August University of Göttingen with Max Born and James Franck and mathematics with David Hilbert. He received his doctorate in 1923 at Munich under Sommerfeld.

    At Göttingen, under Born, he completed his habilitation in 1924 with a Habilitationsschrift (habilitation thesis) on the anomalous Zeeman effect.[13][2][14][15]

    In June 1922, Sommerfeld took Heisenberg to Göttingen to attend the Bohr Festival, because Sommerfeld had a sincere interest in his students and knew of Heisenberg’s interest in Niels Bohr’s theories on atomic physics. At the event, Bohr was a guest lecturer and gave a series of comprehensive lectures on quantum atomic physics and Heisenberg met Bohr for the first time, which had a lasting effect on him.[16][17][18]

    Heisenberg’s doctoral thesis, the topic of which was suggested by Sommerfeld, was on turbulence;[19] the thesis discussed both the stability of laminar flow and the nature of turbulent flow. The problem of stability was investigated by the use of the Orr–Sommerfeld equation, a fourth order linear differential equation for small disturbances from laminar flow. He briefly returned to this topic after World War II.[20]

    In his youth he was a member and Scoutleader of the Neupfadfinder, a German Scout association and part of the German Youth Movement.[21][22][23] In August 1923 Robert Honsell and Heisenberg organized a trip to Finland with a Scout group of this association from Munich.[24]

    Personal life[edit]

    Heisenberg enjoyed classical music and was an accomplished pianist.[2] His interest in music led to meeting his future wife. In January 1937, Heisenberg met Elisabeth Schumacher (1914–1998) at a private music recital. Elisabeth was the daughter of a well-known Berlin economics professor, and her brother was the economist E. F. Schumacher, author of Small Is Beautiful. Heisenberg married her on 29 April. Fraternal twins Maria and Wolfgang were born in January 1938, whereupon Wolfgang Pauli congratulated Heisenberg on his «pair creation»—a word play on a process from elementary particle physics, pair production. They had five more children over the next 12 years: Barbara, Christine, Jochen, Martin and Verena.[25][26] In 1936 he bought a summer home for his family in Urfeld am Walchensee, in southern Germany.

    Academic career[edit]

    Göttingen, Copenhagen and Leipzig[edit]

    From 1924 to 1927, Heisenberg was a Privatdozent at Göttingen, meaning he was qualified to teach and examine independently, without having a chair. From 17 September 1924 to 1 May 1925, under an International Education Board Rockefeller Foundation fellowship, Heisenberg went to do research with Niels Bohr, director of the Institute of Theoretical Physics at the University of Copenhagen. His seminal paper, «Über quantentheoretische Umdeutung kinematischer und mechanischer Beziehungen» («Quantum theoretical re-interpretation of kinematic and mechanical relations»), was published in September 1925.[27] He returned to Göttingen and, with Max Born and Pascual Jordan over a period of about six months, developed the matrix mechanics formulation of quantum mechanics. On 1 May 1926, Heisenberg began his appointment as a university lecturer and assistant to Bohr in Copenhagen. It was in Copenhagen, in 1927, that Heisenberg developed his uncertainty principle, while working on the mathematical foundations of quantum mechanics. On 23 February, Heisenberg wrote a letter to fellow physicist Wolfgang Pauli, in which he first described his new principle.[28] In his paper on the principle,[29] Heisenberg used the word «Ungenauigkeit» (imprecision), not uncertainty, to describe it.[2][30][31]

    In 1927, Heisenberg was appointed ordentlicher Professor (professor ordinarius) of theoretical physics and head of the department of physics at the University of Leipzig; he gave his inaugural lecture there on 1 February 1928. In his first paper published from Leipzig,[32] Heisenberg used the Pauli exclusion principle to solve the mystery of ferromagnetism.[2][14][30][33]

    During Heisenberg’s tenure at Leipzig, the high quality of the doctoral students and post-graduate and research associates who studied and worked with him is clear from the acclaim many later earned. At various times they included Erich Bagge, Felix Bloch, Ugo Fano, Siegfried Flügge, William Vermillion Houston, Friedrich Hund, Robert S. Mulliken, Rudolf Peierls, George Placzek, Isidor Isaac Rabi, Fritz Sauter, John C. Slater, Edward Teller, John Hasbrouck van Vleck, Victor Frederick Weisskopf, Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker, Gregor Wentzel, and Clarence Zener.[34]

    In early 1929, Heisenberg and Pauli submitted the first of two papers laying the foundation for relativistic quantum field theory.[35] Also in 1929, Heisenberg went on a lecture tour of China, Japan, India, and the United States.[30][34] In the spring of 1929, he was a visiting lecturer at the University of Chicago, where he lectured on quantum mechanics.[36]

    In 1928, the British mathematical physicist Paul Dirac had derived his relativistic wave equation of quantum mechanics, which implied the existence of positive electrons, later to be named positrons. In 1932, from a cloud chamber photograph of cosmic rays, the American physicist Carl David Anderson identified a track as having been made by a positron. In mid-1933, Heisenberg presented his theory of the positron. His thinking on Dirac’s theory and further development of the theory were set forth in two papers. The first, «Bemerkungen zur Diracschen Theorie des Positrons» («Remarks on Dirac’s theory of the positron») was published in 1934,[37] and the second, «Folgerungen aus der Diracschen Theorie des Positrons» («Consequences of Dirac’s Theory of the Positron»), was published in 1936.[30][38][39] In these papers Heisenberg was the first to reinterpret the Dirac equation as a «classical» field equation for any point particle of spin ħ/2, itself subject to quantization conditions involving anti-commutators. Thus reinterpreting it as a (quantum[clarification needed]) field equation accurately describing electrons, Heisenberg put matter on the same footing as electromagnetism: as being described by relativistic quantum field equations which allowed the possibility of particle creation and destruction. (Hermann Weyl had already described this in a 1929 letter to Albert Einstein.)

    Matrix mechanics and the Nobel Prize[edit]

    Heisenberg’s paper establishing quantum mechanics[40][a] has puzzled physicists and historians. His methods assume that the reader is familiar with Kramers-Heisenberg transition probability calculations. The main new idea, non-commuting matrices, is justified only by a rejection of unobservable quantities. It introduces the non-commutative multiplication of matrices by physical reasoning, based on the correspondence principle, despite the fact that Heisenberg was not then familiar with the mathematical theory of matrices. The path leading to these results has been reconstructed in MacKinnon, 1977,[41] and the detailed calculations are worked out in Aitchison et al.[42]

    In Copenhagen, Heisenberg and Hans Kramers collaborated on a paper on dispersion, or the scattering from atoms of radiation whose wavelength is larger than the atoms. They showed that the successful formula Kramers had developed earlier could not be based on Bohr orbits, because the transition frequencies are based on level spacings which are not constant. The frequencies which occur in the Fourier transform of sharp classical orbits, by contrast, are equally spaced. But these results could be explained by a semi-classical virtual state model: the incoming radiation excites the valence, or outer, electron to a virtual state from which it decays. In a subsequent paper Heisenberg showed that this virtual oscillator model could also explain the polarization of fluorescent radiation.

    These two successes, and the continuing failure of the Bohr–Sommerfeld model to explain the outstanding problem of the anomalous Zeeman effect, led Heisenberg to use the virtual oscillator model to try to calculate spectral frequencies. The method proved too difficult to immediately apply to realistic problems, so Heisenberg turned to a simpler example, the anharmonic oscillator.

    The dipole oscillator consists of a simple harmonic oscillator, which is thought of as a charged particle on a spring, perturbed by an external force, like an external charge. The motion of the oscillating charge can be expressed as a Fourier series in the frequency of the oscillator. Heisenberg solved for the quantum behavior by two different methods. First, he treated the system with the virtual oscillator method, calculating the transitions between the levels that would be produced by the external source.

    He then solved the same problem by treating the anharmonic potential term as a perturbation to the harmonic oscillator and using the perturbation methods that he and Born had developed. Both methods led to the same results for the first and the very complicated second order correction terms. This suggested that behind the very complicated calculations lay a consistent scheme.

    So Heisenberg set out to formulate these results without any explicit dependence on the virtual oscillator model. To do this, he replaced the Fourier expansions for the spatial coordinates by matrices, matrices which corresponded to the transition coefficients in the virtual oscillator method. He justified this replacement by an appeal to Bohr’s correspondence principle and the Pauli doctrine that quantum mechanics must be limited to observables.

    On 9 July, Heisenberg gave Born this paper to review and submit for publication. When Born read the paper, he recognized the formulation as one which could be transcribed and extended to the systematic language of matrices,[43] which he had learned from his study under Jakob Rosanes[44] at Breslau University. Born, with the help of his assistant and former student Pascual Jordan, began immediately to make the transcription and extension, and they submitted their results for publication; the paper was received for publication just 60 days after Heisenberg’s paper.[45] A follow-on paper was submitted for publication before the end of the year by all three authors.[46]

    Up until this time, matrices were seldom used by physicists; they were considered to belong to the realm of pure mathematics. Gustav Mie had used them in a paper on electrodynamics in 1912 and Born had used them in his work on the lattice theory of crystals in 1921. While matrices were used in these cases, the algebra of matrices with their multiplication did not enter the picture as they did in the matrix formulation of quantum mechanics.[47]

    In 1928, Albert Einstein nominated Heisenberg, Born, and Jordan for the Nobel Prize in Physics,[48] The announcement of the Nobel Prize in Physics for 1932 was delayed until November 1933.[49] It was at that time that it was announced Heisenberg had won the Prize for 1932 «for the creation of quantum mechanics, the application of which has, inter alia, led to the discovery of the allotropic forms of hydrogen».[50][51]

    Interpretation of quantum theory[edit]

    The development of quantum mechanics, and the apparent contradictory implications in regard to what is «real» had profound philosophical implications, including what scientific observations truly mean. In contrast to Albert Einstein and Louis de Broglie, who were realists who believed that particles had an objectively true momentum and position at all times (even if both could not be measured), Heisenberg was an anti-realist, arguing that direct knowledge of what is «real» was beyond the scope of science.[52] Writing in his book The Physicist’s Conception of Nature,[53] Heisenberg argued that ultimately we only can speak of the knowledge (numbers in tables) which describe something about particles but we can never have any «true» access to the particles themselves:[52]

    We can no longer speak of the behaviour of the particle independently of the process of observation. As a final consequence, the natural laws formulated mathematically in quantum theory no longer deal with the elementary particles themselves but with our knowledge of them. Nor is it any longer possible to ask whether or not these particles exist in space and time objectively …
    When we speak of the picture of nature in the exact science of our age, we do not mean a picture of nature so much as a picture of our relationships with nature. …Science no longer confronts nature as an objective observer, but sees itself as an actor in this interplay between man and nature. The scientific method of analysing, explaining and classifying has become conscious of its limitations, which arise out of the fact that by its intervention science alters and refashions the object of investigation. In other words, method and object can no longer be separated.[52][53]

    SS investigation[edit]

    Shortly after the discovery of the neutron by James Chadwick in 1932, Heisenberg submitted the first of three papers[54] on his neutron-proton model of the nucleus.[30][55] After Adolf Hitler came to power in 1933, Heisenberg was attacked in the press as a «White Jew» (i.e. an Aryan who acts like a Jew).[56] Supporters of Deutsche Physik, or German Physics (also known as Aryan Physics), launched vicious attacks against leading theoretical physicists, including Arnold Sommerfeld and Heisenberg.[30] From the early 1930s onward, the anti-Semitic and anti-theoretical physics movement Deutsche Physik had concerned itself with quantum mechanics and the theory of relativity. As applied in the university environment, political factors took priority over scholarly ability,[57] even though its two most prominent supporters were the Nobel Laureates in Physics Philipp Lenard[58] and Johannes Stark.[59][60]

    There had been many failed attempts to have Heisenberg appointed as professor at a number of German universities. His attempt to be appointed as successor to Arnold Sommerfeld failed because of opposition by the Deutsche Physik movement.[61] On 1 April 1935, the eminent theoretical physicist Sommerfeld, Heisenberg’s doctoral advisor at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, achieved emeritus status. However, Sommerfeld stayed in his chair during the selection process for his successor, which took until 1 December 1939. The process was lengthy due to academic and political differences between the Munich Faculty’s selection and that of the Reich Education Ministry and the supporters of Deutsche Physik.

    In 1935, the Munich Faculty drew up a list of candidates to replace Sommerfeld as ordinarius professor of theoretical physics and head of the Institute for Theoretical Physics at the University of Munich. The three candidates had all been former students of Sommerfeld: Heisenberg, who had received the Nobel Prize in Physics; Peter Debye, who had received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1936; and Richard Becker. The Munich Faculty was firmly behind these candidates, with Heisenberg as their first choice. However, supporters of Deutsche Physik and elements in the REM had their own list of candidates, and the battle dragged on for over four years. During this time, Heisenberg came under vicious attack by the Deutsche Physik supporters. One attack was published in Das Schwarze Korps, the newspaper of the SS, headed by Heinrich Himmler. In this, Heisenberg was called a «White Jew» who should be made to «disappear».[62] These attacks were taken seriously, as Jews were violently attacked and incarcerated. Heisenberg fought back with an editorial and a letter to Himmler, in an attempt to resolve the matter and regain his honour.

    At one point, Heisenberg’s mother visited Himmler’s mother. The two women knew each other, as Heisenberg’s maternal grandfather and Himmler’s father were rectors and members of a Bavarian hiking club. Eventually, Himmler settled the Heisenberg affair by sending two letters, one to SS Gruppenführer Reinhard Heydrich and one to Heisenberg, both on 21 July 1938. In the letter to Heydrich, Himmler said Germany could not afford to lose or silence Heisenberg, as he would be useful for teaching a generation of scientists. To Heisenberg, Himmler said the letter came on recommendation of his family and he cautioned Heisenberg to make a distinction between professional physics research results and the personal and political attitudes of the involved scientists.[63]

    Wilhelm Müller replaced Sommerfeld at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich. Müller was not a theoretical physicist, had not published in a physics journal, and was not a member of the German Physical Society. His appointment was considered a travesty and detrimental to educating theoretical physicists.[63][64][65][66][67]

    The three investigators who led the SS investigation of Heisenberg had training in physics. Indeed, Heisenberg had participated in the doctoral examination of one of them at the Universität Leipzig. The most influential of the three was Johannes Juilfs. During their investigation, they became supporters of Heisenberg as well as his position against the ideological policies of the Deutsche Physik movement in theoretical physics and academia.[68]

    German nuclear weapons program[edit]

    Pre-war work on physics[edit]

    In mid-1936, Heisenberg presented his theory of cosmic-ray showers in two papers.[69] Four more papers[70][71][72][73] appeared in the next two years.[30][74]

    In December 1938, the German chemists Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassmann sent a manuscript to The Natural Sciences reporting they had detected the element barium after bombarding uranium with neutrons and Otto Hahn concluded a bursting of the uranium nucleus;[75] simultaneously, Hahn communicated these results to his friend Lise Meitner, who had in July of that year fled to the Netherlands and then went to Sweden.[76] Meitner, and her nephew Otto Robert Frisch, correctly interpreted Hahn’s and Strassmann’s results as being nuclear fission.[77] Frisch confirmed this experimentally on 13 January 1939.[78]

    In June 1939, Heisenberg traveled to the United States in June and July, visiting Samuel Abraham Goudsmit at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. However, Heisenberg refused an invitation to emigrate to the United States. He did not see Goudsmit again until six years later, when Goudsmit was the chief scientific advisor to the American Operation Alsos at the close of World War II.[30][79][80]

    Membership in the Uranverein[edit]

    The German nuclear weapons program, known as Uranverein, was formed on 1 September 1939, the day World War II began. The Heereswaffenamt (HWA, Army Ordnance Office) had squeezed the Reichsforschungsrat (RFR, Reich Research Council) out of the Reichserziehungsministerium (REM, Reich Ministry of Education) and started the formal German nuclear energy project under military auspices. The project had its first meeting on 16 September 1939. The meeting was organized by Kurt Diebner, advisor to the HWA, and held in Berlin. The invitees included Walther Bothe, Siegfried Flügge, Hans Geiger, Otto Hahn, Paul Harteck, Gerhard Hoffmann, Josef Mattauch and Georg Stetter. A second meeting was held soon thereafter and included Heisenberg, Klaus Clusius, Robert Döpel and Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker. The Kaiser-Wilhelm Institut für Physik (KWIP, Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Physics) in Berlin-Dahlem, was placed under HWA authority, with Diebner as the administrative director, and the military control of the nuclear research commenced.[81][82][83] During the period when Diebner administered the KWIP under the HWA program, considerable personal and professional animosity developed between Diebner and Heisenberg’s inner circle, which included Karl Wirtz and Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker.[30][84]

    A visual representation of an induced nuclear fission event where a slow-moving neutron is absorbed by the nucleus of a uranium-235 atom, which fissions into two fast-moving lighter elements (fission products) and additional neutrons. Most of the energy released is in the form of the kinetic velocities of the fission products and the neutrons.

    At a scientific conference on 26–28 February 1942 at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Physics, called by the Army Weapons Office, Heisenberg presented a lecture to Reichs officials on energy acquisition from nuclear fission.[85] The lecture, entitled «Die theoretischen Grundlagen für die Energiegewinnung aus der Uranspaltung» («The theoretical basis for energy generation from uranium fission») was, as Heisenberg confessed after the Second World War in a letter to Samuel Goudsmit, «adapted to the intellectual level of a Reichs Minister».[86] Heisenberg lectured on the enormous energy potential of nuclear fission, stating that 250 million electron volts could be released through the fission of an atomic nucleus. Heisenberg stressed that pure U-235 had to be obtained to achieve a chain reaction. He explored various ways of obtaining isotope 235
    in its pure form, including uranium enrichment and an alternative layered method of normal uranium and a moderator in a machine. This machine, he noted, could be used in practical ways to fuel vehicles, ships and submarines. Heisenberg stressed the importance of the Army Weapons Office’s financial and material support for this scientific endeavour. A second scientific conference followed. Lectures were heard on problems of modern physics with decisive importance for the national defense and economy. The conference was attended by Bernhard Rust, the Reichs Minister of Science, Education and National Culture. At the conference Reichs Minister Rust decided to take the nuclear project away from the Kaiser Wilhelm Society. The Reichs Research Council was to take on the project.[87] In April 1942 the army returned the Physics Institute to the Kaiser Wilhelm Society, naming Heisenberg as Director at the Institute. With this appointment at the KWIP, Heisenberg obtained his first professorship.[61] Peter Debye was still director of the institute, but had gone on leave to the United States after he had refused to become a German citizen when the HWA took administrative control of the KWIP. Heisenberg still also had his department of physics at the University of Leipzig where work had been done for the Uranverein by Robert Döpel and his wife Klara Döpel.[30][84]

    On 4 June 1942, Heisenberg was summoned to report to Albert Speer, Germany’s Minister of Armaments, on the prospects for converting the Uranverein’s research toward developing nuclear weapons. During the meeting, Heisenberg told Speer that a bomb could not be built before 1945, because it would require significant monetary resources and number of personnel.[88][89]

    After the Uranverein project was placed under the leadership of the Reichs Research Council, it focused on nuclear power production and thus maintained its kriegswichtig (importance for the war) status; funding therefore continued from the military. The nuclear power project was broken down into the following main areas: uranium and heavy water production, uranium isotope separation and the Uranmaschine (uranium machine, i.e., nuclear reactor). The project was then essentially split up between a number of institutes, where the directors dominated the research and set their own research agendas.[81][90][91] The point in 1942, when the army relinquished its control of the German nuclear weapons program, was the zenith of the project relative to the number of personnel. About 70 scientists worked for the program, with about 40 devoting more than half their time to nuclear fission research. After 1942, the number of scientists working on applied nuclear fission diminished dramatically. Many of the scientists not working with the main institutes stopped working on nuclear fission and devoted their efforts to more pressing war-related work.[92]

    In September 1942, Heisenberg submitted his first paper of a three-part series on the scattering matrix, or S-matrix, in elementary particle physics. The first two papers were published in 1943[93][94] and the third in 1944.[95] The S-matrix described only the states of incident particles in a collision process, the states of those emerging from the collision, and stable bound states; there would be no reference to the intervening states. This was the same precedent as he followed in 1925 in what turned out to be the foundation of the matrix formulation of quantum mechanics through only the use of observables.[30][74]

    In February 1943, Heisenberg was appointed to the Chair for Theoretical Physics at the Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität (today, the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin). In April, his election to the Preußische Akademie der Wissenschaften (Prussian Academy of Sciences) was approved. That same month, he moved his family to their retreat in Urfeld as Allied bombing increased in Berlin. In the summer, he dispatched the first of his staff at the Kaiser-Wilhelm Institut für Physik to Hechingen and its neighboring town of Haigerloch, on the edge of the Black Forest, for the same reasons. From 18–26 October, he travelled to German-occupied Netherlands. In December 1943, Heisenberg visited German-occupied Poland.[30][96]

    From 24 January to 4 February 1944, Heisenberg travelled to occupied Copenhagen, after the German army confiscated Bohr’s Institute of Theoretical Physics. He made a short return trip in April. In December, Heisenberg lectured in neutral Switzerland.[30] The United States Office of Strategic Services sent agent Moe Berg to attend the lecture carrying a pistol, with orders to shoot Heisenberg if his lecture indicated that Germany was close to completing an atomic bomb.[97]

    In January 1945, Heisenberg, with most of the rest of his staff, moved from the Kaiser-Wilhelm Institut für Physik to the facilities in the Black Forest.[30]

    Post-Second World War[edit]

    1945: Alsos Mission[edit]

    Replica of the German experimental nuclear reactor captured and dismantled at Haigerloch

    The Alsos Mission was an Allied effort to determine if the Germans had an atomic bomb program and to exploit German atomic related facilities, research, material resources, and scientific personnel for the benefit of the US. Personnel on this operation generally swept into areas which had just come under control of the Allied military forces, but sometimes they operated in areas still under control by German forces.[98][99][100] Berlin had been a location of many German scientific research facilities. To limit casualties and loss of equipment, many of these facilities were dispersed to other locations in the latter years of the war. The Kaiser-Wilhelm-Institut für Physik (KWIP, Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Physics) had been bombed so it had mostly been moved in 1943 and 1944 to Hechingen and its neighboring town of Haigerloch, on the edge of the Black Forest, which eventually became included in the French occupation zone. This allowed the American task force of the Alsos Mission to take into custody a large number of German scientists associated with nuclear research.[101][102]

    On 30 March, the Alsos Mission reached Heidelberg,[103] where important scientists were captured including Walther Bothe, Richard Kuhn, Philipp Lenard, and Wolfgang Gertner.[104] Their interrogation revealed that Otto Hahn was at his laboratory in Tailfingen, while Heisenberg and Max von Laue were at Heisenberg’s laboratory in Hechingen, and that the experimental natural uranium reactor that Heisenberg’s team had built in Berlin had been moved to Haigerloch. Thereafter, the main focus of the Alsos Mission was on these nuclear facilities in the Württemberg area.[105] Heisenberg was smuggled out from Urfeld, on 3 May 1945, in an alpine operation in territory still under control by elite German forces. He was taken to Heidelberg, where, on 5 May, he met Goudsmit for the first time since the Ann Arbor visit in 1939. Germany surrendered just two days later. Heisenberg would not see his family again for eight months, as he was moved across France and Belgium and flown to England on 3 July 1945.[106][107][99]

    1945: Reaction to Hiroshima[edit]

    Nine of the prominent German scientists who published reports in Nuclear Physics Research Reports as members of the Uranverein[108] were captured by Operation Alsos and incarcerated in England under Operation Epsilon.[109] Ten German scientists, including Heisenberg, were held at Farm Hall in England. The facility had been a safe house of the British foreign intelligence MI6. During their detention, their conversations were recorded. Conversations thought to be of intelligence value were transcribed and translated into English. The transcripts were released in 1992.[110][111] On 6 August 1945, the scientists at Farm Hall learned from media reports that the USA had dropped an atomic bomb in Hiroshima, Japan. At first, there was disbelief that a bomb had been built and dropped. In the weeks that followed, the German scientists discussed how the USA might have built the bomb.[112]

    The Farm Hall transcripts reveal that Heisenberg, along with other physicists interned at Farm Hall including Otto Hahn and Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker, were glad the Allies had won World War II.[113] Heisenberg told other scientists that he had never contemplated a bomb, only an atomic pile to produce energy. The morality of creating a bomb for the Nazis was also discussed. Only a few of the scientists expressed genuine horror at the prospect of nuclear weapons, and Heisenberg himself was cautious in discussing the matter.[114][115] On the failure of the German nuclear weapons program to build an atomic bomb, Heisenberg remarked, «We wouldn’t have had the moral courage to recommend to the government in the spring of 1942 that they should employ 120,000 men just for building the thing up.»[116]

    Post-war research career[edit]

    Executive positions at German research institutions[edit]

    On 3 January 1946, the ten Operation Epsilon detainees were transported to Alswede in Germany. Heisenberg settled in Göttingen, which was in the British zone of Allied-occupied Germany.[citation needed] Heisenberg immediately began to promote scientific research in Germany. Following the Kaiser Wilhelm Society’s obliteration by the Allied Control Council and the establishment of the Max Planck Society in the British zone, Heisenberg became the director of the Max Planck Institute for Physics. Max von Laue was appointed vice director, while Karl Wirtz, Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker and Ludwig Biermann joined to help Heisenberg establish the institute. Heinz Billing joined in 1950 to promote the development of electronic computing. The core research focus of the institute was cosmic radiation. The institute held a colloquium every Saturday morning.[117]

    Heisenberg together with Hermann Rein [de] was instrumental in the establishment of the Forschungsrat (research council). Heisenberg envisaged for this council to promote the dialogue between the newly founded Federal Republic of Germany and the scientific community based in Germany.[117] Heisenberg was appointed president of the Forschungsrat. In 1951, the organization was fused with the Notgemeinschaft der Deutschen Wissenschaft (Emergency Association of German Science) and that same year renamed the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation). Following the merger, Heisenberg was appointed to the presidium.[30]

    In 1958, the Max-Planck-Institut für Physik was moved to Munich, expanded, and renamed Max-Planck-Institut für Physik und Astrophysik (MPIFA). In the interim, Heisenberg and the astrophysicist Ludwig Biermann were co-directors of MPIFA. Heisenberg also became an ordentlicher Professor (ordinarius professor) at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. Heisenberg was the sole director of MPIFA from 1960 to 1970. Heisenberg resigned his directorship of the MPIFA on 31 December 1970.[14][30]

    Promotion of international scientific cooperation[edit]

    In 1951, Heisenberg agreed to become the scientific representative of the Federal Republic of Germany at the UNESCO conference, with the aim of establishing a European laboratory for nuclear physics. Heisenberg’s aim was to build a large particle accelerator, drawing on the resources and technical skills of scientists across the Western Bloc. On 1 July 1953 Heisenberg signed the convention that established CERN on behalf of the Federal Republic of Germany. Although he was asked to become CERN’s founding scientific director, he declined. Instead, he was appointed chair of CERN’s science policy committee and went on to determine the scientific program at CERN.[118]

    In December 1953, Heisenberg became the president of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.[118] During his tenure as president 550 Humboldt scholars from 78 nations received scientific research grants. Heisenberg resigned as president shortly before his death.[119]

    Research interests[edit]

    In 1946, the German scientist Heinz Pose, head of Laboratory V in Obninsk, wrote a letter to Heisenberg inviting him to work in the USSR. The letter lauded the working conditions in the USSR and the available resources, as well as the favorable attitude of the Soviets towards German scientists. A courier hand delivered the recruitment letter, dated 18 July 1946, to Heisenberg; Heisenberg politely declined.[120][121] In 1947, Heisenberg presented lectures in Cambridge, Edinburgh and Bristol. Heisenberg contributed to the understanding of the phenomenon of superconductivity with a paper in 1947[122] and two papers in 1948,[123][124] one of them with Max von Laue.[30][125]

    In the period shortly after World War II, Heisenberg briefly returned to the subject of his doctoral thesis, turbulence. Three papers were published in 1948[126][127][128] and one in 1950.[20][129] In the post-war period Heisenberg continued his interests in cosmic-ray showers with considerations on multiple production of mesons. He published three papers[130][131][132] in 1949, two[133][134] in 1952, and one[135] in 1955.[136]

    In late 1955 to early 1956, Heisenberg gave the Gifford Lectures at St Andrews University, in Scotland, on the intellectual history of physics. The lectures were later published as Physics and Philosophy: The Revolution in Modern Science.[137] During 1956 and 1957, Heisenberg was the chairman of the Arbeitskreis Kernphysik (Nuclear Physics Working Group) of the Fachkommission II «Forschung und Nachwuchs» (Commission II «Research and Growth») of the Deutsche Atomkommission (DAtK, German Atomic Energy Commission). Other members of the Nuclear Physics Working Group in both 1956 and 1957 were: Walther Bothe, Hans Kopfermann (vice-chairman), Fritz Bopp, Wolfgang Gentner, Otto Haxel, Willibald Jentschke, Heinz Maier-Leibnitz, Josef Mattauch, Wolfgang Riezler [de], Wilhelm Walcher and Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker. Wolfgang Paul was also a member of the group during 1957.[138]

    In 1957, Heisenberg was a signatory of the Göttinger Manifest, taking a public stand against the Federal Republic of Germany arming itself with nuclear weapons. Heisenberg, like Pascual Jordan, thought politicians would ignore this statement by nuclear scientists. But Heisenberg believed that the Göttinger Manifest would «influence public opinion» which politicians would have to take into account. He wrote to Walther Gerlach: «We will probably have to keep coming back to this question in public for a long time because of the danger that public opinion will slacken.»[139] In 1961 Heisenberg signed the Memorandum of Tübingen alongside a group of scientists who had been brought together by Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker and Ludwig Raiser.[140] A public discussion between scientists and politicians ensued.[141] As prominent politicians, authors and socialites joined the debate on nuclear weapons, the signatories of the memorandum took a stand against «the full-time intellectual nonconformists».[142]

    From 1957 onwards, Heisenberg was interested in plasma physics and the process of nuclear fusion. He also collaborated with the International Institute of Atomic Physics in Geneva. He was a member of the Institute’s scientific policy committee, and for several years was the Committee’s chair.[2] He was one of the eight signatories of the Memorandum of Tübingen which called for the recognition of the Oder–Neiße line as the official border between Germany and Poland and spoke against a possible nuclear armament of West Germany.[143]

    In 1973, Heisenberg gave a lecture at Harvard University on the historical development of the concepts of quantum theory.[144] On 24 March 1973 Heisenberg gave a speech before the Catholic Academy of Bavaria, accepting the Romano Guardini Prize. An English translation of his speech was published under the title «Scientific and Religious Truth», a quotation from which appears in a later section of this article.[145]

    Philosophy and worldview[edit]

    Heisenberg admired Eastern philosophy and saw parallels between it and quantum mechanics, describing himself as in «complete agreement» with the book The Tao of Physics. Heisenberg even went as far to state that after conversations with Rabindranath Tagore about Indian philosophy «some of the ideas that seemed so crazy suddenly made much more sense».[146]

    Regarding the philosophy of Ludwig Wittgenstein, Heisenberg disliked Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus but he liked «very much the later ideas of Wittgenstein and his philosophy about language.»[147]

    Heisenberg, a devout Christian,[148][149] wrote: «We can console ourselves that the good Lord God would know the position of the [subatomic] particles, thus He would let the causality principle continue to have validity», in his last letter to Albert Einstein.[150] Einstein continued to maintain that quantum physics must be incomplete because it implies that the universe is indeterminate at a fundamental level.[151]

    In lectures given in the 1950s and later published as Physics and Philosophy, Heisenberg contended that scientific advances were leading to cultural conflicts. He stated that modern physics is «part of a general historical process that tends toward a unification and a widening of our present world».[152]

    When Heisenberg accepted the Romano Guardini Prize [de] in 1974, he gave a speech, which he later published under the title Scientific and Religious Truth. He mused:

    In the history of science, ever since the famous trial of Galileo, it has repeatedly been claimed that scientific truth cannot be reconciled with the religious interpretation of the world. Although I am now convinced that scientific truth is unassailable in its own field, I have never found it possible to dismiss the content of religious thinking as simply part of an outmoded phase in the consciousness of mankind, a part we shall have to give up from now on. Thus in the course of my life I have repeatedly been compelled to ponder on the relationship of these two regions of thought, for I have never been able to doubt the reality of that to which they point.

    — Heisenberg 1974, 213[153]

    Autobiography and death[edit]

    Heisenberg’s son, Martin Heisenberg, became a neurobiologist at the University of Würzburg, while his son Jochen Heisenberg became a physics professor at the University of New Hampshire.[154]

    In his late sixties, Heisenberg penned his autobiography for the mass market. In 1969 the book was published in Germany, in early 1971 it was published in English and in the years thereafter in a string of other languages.[155] Heisenberg had initiated the project in 1966, when his public lectures increasingly turned to the subjects of philosophy and religion. Heisenberg had sent the manuscript for a textbook on the unified field theory to the Hirzel Verlag and John Wiley & Sons for publication. This manuscript, he wrote to one of his publishers, was the preparatory work for his autobiography. He structured his autobiography in themes, covering: 1) The goal of exact science, 2) The problematic of language in atomic physics, 3) Abstraction in mathematics and science, 4) The divisibility of matter or Kant’s antinomy, 5) The basic symmetry and its substantiation, and 6) Science and religion.[156]

    Heisenberg wrote his memoirs as a chain of conversations, covering the course of his life. The book became a popular success, but was regarded as troublesome by historians of science. In the preface Heisenberg wrote that he had abridged historical events, to make them more concise. At the time of publication it was reviewed by Paul Forman in the journal Science with the comment «Now here is a memoir in the form of rationally reconstructed dialogue. And the dialogue as Galileo well knew, is itself a most insidious literary device: lively, entertaining, and especially suited for insinuating opinions while yet evading responsibility for them.»[157] Few scientific memoirs had been published, but Konrad Lorenz and Adolf Portmann had penned popular books that conveyed scholarship to a wide audience. Heisenberg worked on his autobiography and published it with the Piper Verlag in Munich. Heisenberg initially proposed the title Gespräche im Umkreis der Atomphysik (Conversations on atomic physics). The autobiography was published eventually under the title Der Teil und das Ganze (The part and the whole).[158] The 1971 English translation was published under the title Physics and Beyond: Encounters and Conversations.

    Heisenberg died of kidney cancer at his home, on 1 February 1976.[159] The next evening, his colleagues and friends walked in remembrance from the Institute of Physics to his home, lit a candle and placed it in front of his door.[160] Heisenberg is buried in Munich Waldfriedhof.

    In 1980 his widow, Elisabeth Heisenberg, published The Political Life of an Apolitical Person (de, Das politische Leben eines Unpolitischen). In it she characterized Heisenberg as «first and foremost, a spontaneous person, thereafter a brilliant scientist, next a highly talented artist, and only in the fourth place, from a sense of duty, homo politicus.»[161]

    Honors and awards[edit]

    Heisenberg was awarded a number of honors:[2]

    • Honorary doctorates from the University of Brussels, the Technological University of Karlsruhe, and Eötvös Loránd University.
    • Bavarian Order of Merit
    • Romano Guardini Prize[145]
    • Grand Cross for Federal Service with Star
    • Knight of the Order of Merit (Civil Class)
    • Elected a Foreign Member of the Royal Society (ForMemRS) in 1955[1]
    • Member of the Academies of Sciences of Göttingen, Bavaria, Saxony, Prussia, Sweden, Romania, Norway, Spain, The Netherlands (1939),[162] Rome (Pontifical), the Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina (Halle), the Accademia dei Lincei (Rome), and the American Academy of Sciences.
    • 1932 – Nobel Prize in Physics «for the creation of quantum mechanics, the application of which has, inter alia, led to the discovery of the allotropic forms of hydrogen».[50]
    • 1933 – Max-Planck-Medaille of the Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft

    Research reports on nuclear physics[edit]

    The following reports were published in Kernphysikalische Forschungsberichte (Research Reports in Nuclear Physics), an internal publication of the German Uranverein. The reports were classified Top Secret, they had very limited distribution, and the authors were not allowed to keep copies. The reports were confiscated under the Allied Operation Alsos and sent to the United States Atomic Energy Commission for evaluation. In 1971, the reports were declassified and returned to Germany. The reports are available at the Karlsruhe Nuclear Research Center and the American Institute of Physics.[163][164]

    • Werner Heisenberg Die Möglichkeit der technischer Energiegewinnung aus der Uranspaltung G-39 (6 December 1939)
    • Werner Heisenberg Bericht über die Möglichkeit technischer Energiegewinnung aus der Uranspaltung (II) G-40 (29 February 1940)
    • Robert Döpel, K. Döpel, and Werner Heisenberg Bestimmung der Diffusionslänge thermischer Neutronen in schwerem Wasser G-23 (7 August 1940)
    • Robert Döpel, K. Döpel, and Werner Heisenberg Bestimmung der Diffusionslänge thermischer Neutronen in Präparat 38[165] G-22 (5 December 1940)
    • Robert Döpel, K. Döpel, and Werner Heisenberg Versuche mit Schichtenanordnungen von D2O und 38 G-75 (28 October 1941)
    • Werner Heisenberg Über die Möglichkeit der Energieerzeugung mit Hilfe des Isotops 238 G-92 (1941)
    • Werner Heisenberg Bericht über Versuche mit Schichtenanordnungen von Präparat 38 und Paraffin am Kaiser Wilhelm Institut für Physik in Berlin-Dahlem G-93 (May 1941)
    • Fritz Bopp, Erich Fischer, Werner Heisenberg, Carl-Friedrich von Weizsäcker, and Karl Wirtz Untersuchungen mit neuen Schichtenanordnungen aus U-metall und Paraffin G-127 (March 1942)
    • Robert Döpel Bericht über Unfälle beim Umgang mit Uranmetall G-135 (9 July 1942)
    • Werner Heisenberg Bemerkungen zu dem geplanten halbtechnischen Versuch mit 1,5 to D2O und 3 to 38-Metall G-161 (31 July 1942)
    • Werner Heisenberg, Fritz Bopp, Erich Fischer, Carl-Friedrich von Weizsäcker, and Karl Wirtz Messungen an Schichtenanordnungen aus 38-Metall und Paraffin G-162 (30 October 1942)
    • Robert Döpel, K. Döpel, and Werner Heisenberg Der experimentelle Nachweis der effektiven Neutronenvermehrung in einem Kugel-Schichten-System aus D2O und Uran-Metall G-136 (July 1942)
    • Werner Heisenberg Die Energiegewinnung aus der Atomkernspaltung G-217 (6 May 1943)
    • Fritz Bopp, Walther Bothe, Erich Fischer, Erwin Fünfer, Werner Heisenberg, O. Ritter, and Karl Wirtz Bericht über einen Versuch mit 1.5 to D2O und U und 40 cm Kohlerückstreumantel (B7) G-300 (3 January 1945)
    • Robert Döpel, K. Döpel, and Werner Heisenberg Die Neutronenvermehrung in einem D2O-38-Metallschichtensystem G-373 (March 1942)

    Other research publications[edit]

    • Sommerfeld, A.; Heisenberg, W. (1922). «Eine Bemerkung über relativistische Röntgendubletts und Linienschärfe». Z. Phys. 10 (1): 393–398. Bibcode:1922ZPhy…10..393S. doi:10.1007/BF01332582. S2CID 123083509.
    • Sommerfeld, A.; Heisenberg, W. (1922). «Die Intensität der Mehrfachlinien und ihrer Zeeman-Komponenten». Z. Phys. 11 (1): 131–154. Bibcode:1922ZPhy…11..131S. doi:10.1007/BF01328408. S2CID 186227343.
    • Born, M.; Heisenberg, W. (1923). «Über Phasenbeziehungen bei den Bohrschen Modellen von Atomen und Molekeln». Z. Phys. 14 (1): 44–55. Bibcode:1923ZPhy…14…44B. doi:10.1007/BF01340032. S2CID 186228402.
    • Born, M.; Heisenberg, W. (1923). «Die Elektronenbahnen im angeregten Heliumatom». Z. Phys. 16 (9): 229–243. Bibcode:1924AnP…379….1B. doi:10.1002/andp.19243790902.
    • Born, M.; Heisenberg, W. (1924). «Zur Quantentheorie der Molekeln». Annalen der Physik. 74 (4): 1–31. Bibcode:1924AnP…379….1B. doi:10.1002/andp.19243790902.
    • Born, M.; Heisenberg, W. (1924). «Über den Einfluss der Deformierbarkeit der Ionen auf optische und chemische Konstanten. I». Z. Phys. 23 (1): 388–410. Bibcode:1924ZPhy…23..388B. doi:10.1007/BF01327603. S2CID 186220818.
    • — (1924). «Über Stabilität und Turbulenz von Flüssigkeitsströmmen (Diss.)». Annalen der Physik. 74 (4): 577–627. Bibcode:1924AnP…379..577H. doi:10.1002/andp.19243791502.
    • — (1924). «Über eine Abänderung der formalin Regeln der Quantentheorie beim Problem der anomalen Zeeman-Effekte». Z. Phys. 26 (1): 291–307. Bibcode:1924ZPhy…26..291H. doi:10.1007/BF01327336. S2CID 186215582.
    • — (1925). «Über quantentheoretische Umdeutung kinematischer und mechanischer Beziehungen». Zeitschrift für Physik. 33 (1): 879–893. Bibcode:1925ZPhy…33..879H. doi:10.1007/BF01328377. S2CID 186238950. The paper was received on 29 July 1925. [English translation in: van der Waerden 1968, 12 «Quantum-Theoretical Re-interpretation of Kinematic and Mechanical Relations»] This is the first paper in the famous trilogy which launched the matrix mechanics formulation of quantum mechanics.
    • Born, M.; Jordan, P. (1925). «Zur Quantenmechanik». Zeitschrift für Physik. 34 (1): 858–888. Bibcode:1925ZPhy…34..858B. doi:10.1007/BF01328531. S2CID 186114542. The paper was received on 27 September 1925. [English translation in: van der Waerden 1968, «On Quantum Mechanics»] This is the second paper in the famous trilogy which launched the matrix mechanics formulation of quantum mechanics.
    • Born, M.; Heisenberg, W.; Jordan, P. (1926). «Zur Quantenmechanik II». Zeitschrift für Physik. 35 (8–9): 557–615. Bibcode:1926ZPhy…35..557B. doi:10.1007/BF01379806. S2CID 186237037. The paper was received on 16 November 1925. [English translation in: van der Waerden 1968, 15 «On Quantum Mechanics II»] This is the third paper in the famous trilogy which launched the matrix mechanics formulation of quantum mechanics.
    • — (1927). «Über den anschaulichen Inhalt der quantentheoretischen Kinematik und Mechanik». Z. Phys. 43 (3–4): 172–198. Bibcode:1927ZPhy…43..172H. doi:10.1007/BF01397280. S2CID 122763326.
    • — (1928). «Zur Theorie des Ferromagnetismus». Z. Phys. 49 (9–10): 619–636. Bibcode:1928ZPhy…49..619H. doi:10.1007/BF01328601. S2CID 122524239.
    • —; Pauli, W. (1929). «Zur Quantendynamik der Wellenfelder». Z. Phys. 56 (1): 1–61. Bibcode:1930ZPhy…56….1H. doi:10.1007/BF01340129. S2CID 121928597.
    • —; Pauli, W. (1930). «Zur Quantentheorie der Wellenfelder. II». Z. Phys. 59 (3–4): 168–190. Bibcode:1930ZPhy…59..168H. doi:10.1007/BF01341423. S2CID 186219228.
    • — (1932). «Über den Bau der Atomkerne. I». Z. Phys. 77 (1–2): 1–11. Bibcode:1932ZPhy…77….1H. doi:10.1007/BF01342433. S2CID 186218053.
    • — (1932). «Über den Bau der Atomkerne. II». Z. Phys. 78 (3–4): 156–164. Bibcode:1932ZPhy…78..156H. doi:10.1007/BF01337585. S2CID 186221789.
    • — (1933). «Über den Bau der Atomkerne. III». Z. Phys. 80 (9–10): 587–596. Bibcode:1933ZPhy…80..587H. doi:10.1007/BF01335696. S2CID 126422047.
    • — (1934). «Bemerkungen zur Diracschen Theorie des Positrons». Zeitschrift für Physik. 90 (3–4): 209–231. Bibcode:1934ZPhy…90..209H. doi:10.1007/BF01333516. S2CID 186232913. The author was cited as being at Leipzig. The paper was received on 21 June 1934.
    • — (1936). «Über die ‘Schauer’ in der Kosmischen Strahlung». Forsch. Fortscher. 12: 341–342.
    • —; Euler, H. (1936). «Folgerungen aus der Diracschen Theorie des Positrons». Z. Phys. 98 (11–12): 714–732. Bibcode:1936ZPhy…98..714H. doi:10.1007/BF01343663. S2CID 120354480. The authors were cited as being at Leipzig. The paper was received on 22 December 1935. A translation of this paper has been done by W. Korolevski and H. Kleinert: arXiv:physics/0605038v1.
    • — (1936). «Zur Theorie der ‘Schauer’ in der Höhenstrahlung». Z. Phys. 101 (9–10): 533–540. Bibcode:1936ZPhy..101..533H. doi:10.1007/BF01349603. S2CID 186215469.
    • — (1937). «Der Durchgang sehr energiereicher Korpuskeln durch den Atomkern». Die Naturwissenschaften. 25 (46): 749–750. Bibcode:1937NW…..25..749H. doi:10.1007/BF01789574. S2CID 39613897.
    • — (1937). «Theoretische Untersuchungen zur Ultrastrahlung». Verh. Dtsch. Phys. Ges. 18: 50.
    • — (1938). «Die Absorption der durchdringenden Komponente der Höhenstrahlung». Annalen der Physik. 425 (7): 594–599. Bibcode:1938AnP…425..594H. doi:10.1002/andp.19384250705.
    • — (1938). «Der Durchgang sehr energiereicher Korpuskeln durch den Atomkern». Nuovo Cimento. 15 (1): 31–34. Bibcode:1938NCim…15…31H. doi:10.1007/BF02958314. S2CID 123209538. — (1938). «Der Durchgang sehr energiereicher Korpuskeln durch den Atomkern». Verh. Dtsch. Phys. Ges. 19 (2).
    • — (1943). «Die beobachtbaren Grössen in der Theorie der Elementarteilchen. I». Z. Phys. 120 (7–10): 513–538. Bibcode:1943ZPhy..120..513H. doi:10.1007/BF01329800. S2CID 120706757.
    • — (1943). «Die beobachtbaren Grössen in der Theorie der Elementarteilchen. II». Z. Phys. 120 (11–12): 673–702. Bibcode:1943ZPhy..120..673H. doi:10.1007/BF01336936. S2CID 124531901.
    • — (1944). «Die beobachtbaren Grössen in der Theorie der Elementarteilchen. III». Z. Phys. 123 (1–2): 93–112. Bibcode:1944ZPhy..123…93H. doi:10.1007/BF01375146. S2CID 123698415.
    • — (1947). «Zur Theorie der Supraleitung». Forsch. Fortschr. 21/23: 243–244. — (1947). «Zur Theorie der Supraleitung». Z. Naturforsch. 2a (4): 185–201. Bibcode:1947ZNatA…2..185H. doi:10.1515/zna-1947-0401.
    • — (1948). «Das elektrodynamische Verhalten der Supraleiter». Z. Naturforsch. 3a (2): 65–75. Bibcode:1948ZNatA…3…65H. doi:10.1515/zna-1948-0201.
    • —; von Laue, M. (1948). «Das Barlowsche Rad aus supraleitendem Material». Z. Phys. 124 (7–12): 514–518. Bibcode:1948ZPhy..124..514H. doi:10.1007/BF01668888. S2CID 121271077.
    • — (1948). «Zur statistischen Theorie der Tubulenz». Z. Phys. 124 (7–12): 628–657. Bibcode:1948ZPhy..124..628H. doi:10.1007/BF01668899. S2CID 186223726.
    • — (1948). «On the theory of statistical and isotropic turbulence». Proceedings of the Royal Society A. 195 (1042): 402–406. Bibcode:1948RSPSA.195..402H. doi:10.1098/rspa.1948.0127.
    • — (1948). «Bemerkungen um Turbulenzproblem». Z. Naturforsch. 3a (8–11): 434–7. Bibcode:1948ZNatA…3..434H. doi:10.1515/zna-1948-8-1103. S2CID 202047340.
    • — (1949). «Production of mesons showers». Nature. 164 (4158): 65–67. Bibcode:1949Natur.164…65H. doi:10.1038/164065c0. PMID 18228928. S2CID 4043099.
    • — (1949). «Die Erzeugung von Mesonen in Vielfachprozessen». Nuovo Cimento. 6 (Suppl): 493–7. Bibcode:1949NCim….6S.493H. doi:10.1007/BF02822044. S2CID 122006877.
    • — (1949). «Über die Entstehung von Mesonen in Vielfachprozessen». Z. Phys. 126 (6): 569–582. Bibcode:1949ZPhy..126..569H. doi:10.1007/BF01330108. S2CID 120410676.
    • — (1950). «On the stability of laminar flow». Proc. International Congress Mathematicians. II: 292–296.
    • — (1952). «Bermerkungen zur Theorie der Vielfacherzeugung von Mesonen». Die Naturwissenschaften. 39 (3): 69. Bibcode:1952NW…..39…69H. doi:10.1007/BF00596818. S2CID 41323295.
    • — (1952). «Mesonenerzeugung als Stosswellenproblem». Z. Phys. 133 (1–2): 65–79. Bibcode:1952ZPhy..133…65H. doi:10.1007/BF01948683. S2CID 124271377.
    • — (1955). «The production of mesons in very high energy collisions». Nuovo Cimento. 12 (Suppl): 96–103. Bibcode:1955NCim….2S..96H. doi:10.1007/BF02746079. S2CID 121970196.
    • — (1975). «Development of concepts in the history of quantum theory». American Journal of Physics. 43 (5): 389–394. Bibcode:1975AmJPh..43..389H. doi:10.1119/1.9833. The substance of this article was presented by Heisenberg in a lecture at Harvard University.

    Published books[edit]

    • — (1949) [1930]. The Physical Principles of the Quantum Theory. Translators Eckart, Carl; Hoyt, F.C. Dover. ISBN 978-0-486-60113-7.
    • — (1955). Das Naturbild der heutigen Physik. Rowohlts Enzyklopädie. Vol. 8. Rowohlt.
    • — (1966). Philosophic Problems of Nuclear Science. Fawcett.
    • — (1971). Physics and Beyond: Encounters and Conversations. Harper & Row. ISBN 9780061316227.
    • —; Busche, Jürgen (1979). Quantentheorie und Philosophie: Vorlesungen und Aufsätze. Reclam. ISBN 978-3-15-009948-3.
    • — (1979). Philosophical problems of quantum physics. Ox Bow. ISBN 978-0-918024-14-5.
    • — (1983). Tradition in Science. Seabury Press.
    • — (1988). Physik und Philosophie: Weltperspektiven. Ullstein Taschenbuchvlg.
    • — (1989). Encounters with Einstein: And Other Essays on People, Places, and Particles. Princeton University Press. ISBN 978-0-691-02433-2.
    • —; Northrop, Filmer (1999). Physics and Philosophy: The Revolution in Modern Science (Great Minds Series). Prometheus.
    • — (2002). Der Teil und das Ganze: Gespräche im Umkreis der Atomphysik. Piper. ISBN 978-3-492-22297-6.
    • — (1992). Rechenberg, Helmut (ed.). Deutsche und Jüdische Physik. Piper. ISBN 978-3-492-11676-3.
    • — (2007). Physik und Philosophie: Weltperspektiven. Hirzel.
    • — (2007). Physics and Philosophy: The Revolution in Modern Science. Harper Perennial Modern Classics (reprint ed.). HarperCollins. ISBN 978-0-06-120919-2. (full text of 1958 version)

    In popular culture[edit]

    Heisenberg’s surname is used as the primary alias for Walter White (played by Bryan Cranston), the lead character in AMC’s crime drama series Breaking Bad, throughout White’s transformation from a high-school chemistry teacher into a meth cook and a drug kingpin. In the spin-off prequel series Better Call Saul, a character named Werner directs the construction of the meth lab belonging to antagonist Gus Fring that Walt cooks in for much of Breaking Bad.

    Werner Heisenberg was the target of an assassination by spy Moe Berg in the film The Catcher Was a Spy, based on real events.

    Heisenberg is credited with building the atomic bomb used by the Axis in the Amazon Prime TV series adaptation of the novel The Man in the High Castle by Philip K. Dick. Atomic bombs in this universe are referred to as Heisenberg Devices.

    Daniel Craig portrayed Heisenberg in the 2002 film Copenhagen, an adaptation of Michael Frayn’s play of that name.

    Heisenberg is the namesake of Resident Evil Village secondary antagonist Karl Heisenberg. Heisenberg’s research on ferromagnetism served as inspiration for the character’s magnetic abilities.

    See also[edit]

    • List of things named after Werner Heisenberg
    • List of German inventors and discoverers
    • The Physical Principles of the Quantum Theory



    1. ^ a b Heisenberg’s work on quantum physics was preceded by a quarter century of research by other authors on the old quantum theory.


    1. ^ a b c Mott & Peierls 1977, pp. 212–251
    2. ^ a b c d e f g Werner Heisenberg Biography Archived 7 August 2011 at the Wayback Machine, Nobel Prize in Physics 1932 Nobelprize.org.
    3. ^ Werner Heisenberg on Nobelprize.org Edit this at Wikidata This source explains that Heisenberg actually received his Nobel Prize for 1932 one year later, in 1933.
    4. ^ «Reviving German Science». American Institute of Physics.
    5. ^ Cassidy 2009, p. 12
    6. ^ Cassidy 1992, p. 3
    7. ^ The religion of Werner Heisenberg, physicist[Usurped!]. Adherents.com. Retrieved on 1 February 2012.
    8. ^ Carson 2010, p. 149
    9. ^ De Haro, Sebastian (2020). «Science and Philosophy: A Love–Hate Relationship». Foundations of Science. 25 (2): 297–314. arXiv:1307.1244. doi:10.1007/s10699-019-09619-2. S2CID 118408281.
    10. ^ Wilber, Ken (10 April 2001). Quantum Questions: Mystical Writings of the World’s Great Physicists. ISBN 978-0-8348-2283-2.
    11. ^ Miller, Arthur (2009). 137: Jung, Pauli and the pursuit of a scientific obsession. New York: Norton & Company. p. 31. ISBN 978-0-393-33864-5
    12. ^ Rechenberg, Helmut (2010). Werner Heisenberg – Die Sprache der Atome. Leben und Wirken. Springer. p. 36. ISBN 978-3-540-69221-8.
    13. ^ Heisenberg, W. (1924). «Über eine Abänderung der formalen Regeln der Quantentheorie beim Problem der anomalen Zeeman-Effekte». Z. Phys. 26 (1): 291–307. Bibcode:1924ZPhy…26..291H. doi:10.1007/BF01327336. S2CID 186215582. as cited in Mott & Peierls 1977, p. 243
    14. ^ a b c Hentschel & Hentschel 1996, Appendix F; see the entry for Heisenberg.
    15. ^ Mott & Peierls 1977, p. 219
    16. ^ Cassidy 1992, pp. 127, Appendix A
    17. ^ Powers 1993, p. 23
    18. ^ van der Waerden 1968, p. 21
    19. ^ Heisenberg, W. (1924). «Über Stabilität und Turbulenz von Flüssigkeitsströmmen». Annalen der Physik. 379 (15): 577–627. Bibcode:1924AnP…379..577H. doi:10.1002/andp.19243791502. as cited in Mott & Peierls 1977, p. 245
    20. ^ a b Mott & Peierls 1977, p. 217
    21. ^ Maringer, Daniel. «Berühmte Physiker: Werner Heisenberg eine Biographie-Pfadfinderzeit» (in German). Archived from the original on 18 October 2009. Retrieved 5 February 2009.
    22. ^ «Heisenberg Werner» (in German). Archived from the original on 19 July 2011. Retrieved 5 February 2009.
    23. ^ «Ein Leben für die Jugendbewegung und Jugendseelsorger – 100 Jahre Gottfried Simmerding» (PDF). Rundbrief der Regionen Donau und München (in German). Gemeinschaft Katholischer Männer und Frauen im Bund Neudeutschland-ND. 2: 12. March 2005. Archived from the original (PDF) on 5 March 2009.
    24. ^ Raum, Helmut (2008). «Die Pfadfinderbewegung im Freistaat Bayern Teil 53» (PDF). Der Bundschuh (in German). Pfadfinderförderkreis Nordbayern e.V. 2: 23–24. Archived from the original (PDF) on 5 March 2009.
    25. ^ Cassidy 2009, p. 372 and Appendix A
    26. ^ David Cassidy and the American Institute of Physics, The Difficult Years Archived 15 September 2008 at the Wayback Machine
    27. ^ Kragh, H. (2004) «Dirac, Paul Adrien Maurice (1902–1984)», Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/ref:odnb/31032
    28. ^ «February 1927: Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle». APS News. American Physics Society. 17 (2). February 2008. Archived from the original on 30 January 2011. Retrieved 23 February 2011.
    29. ^ Heisenberg 1927, cited in Mott & Peierls 1977, p. 243
    30. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q Cassidy 1992, Appendix A
    31. ^ Mott & Peierls 1977, p. 224
    32. ^ Heisenberg 1928, as cited in Mott & Peierls 1977, p. 243
    33. ^ Mott & Peierls 1977, pp. 226–227
    34. ^ a b Mott & Peierls 1977, p. 227
    35. ^ Heisenberg & Pauli 1929, Heisenberg & Pauli 1930, as cited in Mott & Peierls 1977, p. 243
    36. ^ Kursunoglu, Behram N.; Wigner, Eugene P. (26 April 1990). Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac: Reminiscences about a Great Physicist. Cambridge University Press. p. 132. ISBN 978-0-521-38688-3.
    37. ^ Heisenberg 1934
    38. ^ Heisenberg & Euler 1936
    39. ^ Segrè, Emilio G. (1980). From X-rays to Quarks: Modern Physicists and Their Discoveries. W.H. Freeman. ISBN 978-0-7167-1146-9.
    40. ^ Heisenberg, W. (1925). «Über quantentheoretishe Umdeutung kinematisher und mechanischer Beziehungen». Zeitschrift für Physik. 33 (1): 879–893. Bibcode:1925ZPhy…33..879H. doi:10.1007/BF01328377. S2CID 186238950. (received 29 July 1925). [English translation in: B.L. van der Waerden, editor, Sources of Quantum Mechanics (Dover Publications, 1968) ISBN 978-0-486-61881-4 (English title: «Quantum-Theoretical Re-interpretation of Kinematic and Mechanical Relations»).]
    41. ^ MacKinnon, Edward (1977). «Heisenberg, Models, and the Rise of Quantum Mechanics». Historical Studies in the Physical Sciences. 8: 137–188. doi:10.2307/27757370. JSTOR 27757370.
    42. ^ Aitchison, Ian J.R.; MacManus, David A.; Snyder, Thomas M. (November 2004). «Understanding Heisenberg’s ‘magical’ paper of July 1925: A new look at the calculational details». American Journal of Physics. 72 (11): 1370–1379. arXiv:quant-ph/0404009v1. Bibcode:2004AmJPh..72.1370A. doi:10.1119/1.1775243. S2CID 53118117.
    43. ^ Pais, Abraham (1991). Niels Bohr’s Times in Physics, Philosophy, and Polity. Clarendon Press. pp. 275–279. ISBN 978-0-19-852049-8.
    44. ^ Max Born Archived 19 October 2012 at the Wayback Machine The Statistical Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics, Nobel Lecture (1954)
    45. ^ Born, M.; Jordan, P. (1925). «Zur Quantenmechanik». Zeitschrift für Physik. 34 (1): 858–888. Bibcode:1925ZPhy…34..858B. doi:10.1007/BF01328531. S2CID 186114542. (received 27 September 1925). [English translation in: van der Waerden 1968, «On Quantum Mechanics»]
    46. ^ Born, M.; Heisenberg, W.; Jordan, P. (1925). «Zur Quantenmechanik II». Zeitschrift für Physik. 35 (8–9): 557–615. Bibcode:1926ZPhy…35..557B. doi:10.1007/BF01379806. S2CID 186237037. The paper was received on 16 November 1925. [English translation in: van der Waerden 1968, 15 «On Quantum Mechanics II»]
    47. ^ Jammer, Max (1966) The Conceptual Development of Quantum Mechanics. McGraw-Hill. pp. 206–207.
    48. ^ Bernstein 2004, p. 1004
    49. ^ Greenspan, Nancy Thorndike (2005). The End of the Certain World: The Life and Science of Max Born. Basic Books. p. 190. ISBN 978-0-7382-0693-6.
    50. ^ a b The Nobel Prize in Physics 1932 Archived 16 July 2008 at the Wayback Machine. Nobelprize.org. Retrieved on 1 February 2012.
    51. ^ Nobel Prize in Physics and 1933 Archived 15 July 2008 at the Wayback Machine – Nobel Prize Presentation Speech.
    52. ^ a b c Smolin, Lee (9 April 2019). Einstein’s unfinished revolution: the search for what lies beyond the quantum. London. pp. 92–93. ISBN 978-0-241-00448-7. OCLC 1048948576.
    53. ^ a b Heisenberg, Werner (1958). The Physicist’s Conception of Nature. Harcourt, Brace. pp. 15, 28–29.
    54. ^ Heisenberg 1932a, Heisenberg 1932b, Heisenberg 1933, as cited by Mott & Peierls 1977, p. 244
    55. ^ Mott & Peierls 1977, p. 228
    56. ^ «Heisenberg – The Difficult Years: Professor in Leipzig, 1927–1942». American Institute of Physics. Archived from the original on 15 September 2008. Retrieved 20 July 2008.
    57. ^ Beyerchen 1977, pp. 141–167
    58. ^ Beyerchen 1977, pp. 79–102
    59. ^ Beyerchen 1977, pp. 103–140
    60. ^ Holton, Gerald (12 January 2007). «Werner Heisenberg and Albert Einstein». Physics Today. 53 (7): 38–42. Bibcode:2000PhT….53g..38H. doi:10.1063/1.1292474.
    61. ^ a b Macrakis 1993, p. 172
    62. ^ Hentschel & Hentschel 1996, pp. 152–157 Document #55 ‘White Jews’ in Science (15 July 1937)
    63. ^ a b Goudsmit 1986, pp. 117–119
    64. ^ Beyerchen 1977, pp. 153–167
    65. ^ Cassidy 1992, pp. 383–387
    66. ^ Powers 1993, pp. 40–43
    67. ^ Hentschel & Hentschel 1996, pp. 152–157 Document #55 ‘White Jews’ in Science (15 July 1937) Archived 1 January 2016 at the Wayback Machine
      pp. 175–176 Document #63 Heinrich Himmler: Letter to Reinhard Heydrich [21 July 1938] Archived 21 May 2016 at the Wayback Machine
      pp. 176–177 Document #64 Heinrich Himmler: Letter to Werner Heisenberg [21 July 1938] Archived 3 June 2016 at the Wayback Machine
      pp. 261–266 Document #85 Ludwig Prandtl: Attachment to the letter to Reich Marschal (sic) Hermann Göring [28 April 1941]
      pp. 290–292 Document #93 Carl Ramsauer: The Munich Conciliation and Pacification Attempt [20 January 1942]
    68. ^ Cassidy 1992, pp. 390–391 Please note that Cassidy uses the alias Mathias Jules for Johannes Juilfs.
    69. ^ Heisenberg 1936a, Heisenberg 1936b, as cited by Mott & Peierls 1977, p. 244
    70. ^ Heisenberg, W. (1937). «Der Durchgang sehr energiereicher Korpuskeln durch den Atomkern». Die Naturwissenschaften. 25 (46): 749–750. Bibcode:1937NW…..25..749H. doi:10.1007/BF01789574. S2CID 39613897., as cited by Mott & Peierls 1977, p. 244
    71. ^ Heisenberg, W. (1937) Theoretische Untersuchungen zur Ultrastrahlung, Verh. Dtsch. Phys. Ges. Volume 18, 50, as cited by Mott & Peierls 1977, p. 244
    72. ^ Heisenberg, W. (1938). «Die Absorption der durchdringenden Komponente der Höhenstrahlung». Annalen der Physik. 425 (7): 594–599. Bibcode:1938AnP…425..594H. doi:10.1002/andp.19384250705., as cited by Mott & Peierls 1977, p. 244
    73. ^ Heisenberg, W. (1938) Der Durchgang sehr energiereicher Korpuskeln durch den Atomkern, Nuovo Cimento Volume 15, 31–34; Verh. Dtsch. Phys. Ges. Volume 19, 2, as cited by Mott & Peierls 1977, p. 244
    74. ^ a b Mott & Peierls 1977, p. 231
    75. ^ Hahn, O.; Strassmann, F. (1939). «Über den Nachweis und das Verhalten der bei der Bestrahlung des Urans mittels Neutronen entstehenden Erdalkalimetalle» [On the detection and characteristics of the alkaline earth metals formed by irradiation of uranium with neutrons]. Naturwissenschaften. 27 (1): 11–15. Bibcode:1939NW…..27…11H. doi:10.1007/BF01488241. S2CID 5920336.. The authors were identified as being at the Kaiser-Wilhelm-Institut für Chemie, Berlin-Dahlem. Received 22 December 1938.
    76. ^ Sime, Ruth Lewin (March 1990). «Lise Meitner’s Escape from Germany». American Journal of Physics. 58 (3): 263–267. Bibcode:1990AmJPh..58..262S. doi:10.1119/1.16196.
    77. ^ Meitner, Lise (11 February 1939). «Disintegration of Uranium by Neutrons: a New Type of Nuclear Reaction». Nature. 143 (3615): 239–240. Bibcode:1939Natur.143..239M. doi:10.1038/143239a0. S2CID 4113262. The paper is dated 16 January 1939. Meitner is identified as being at the Physical Institute, Academy of Sciences, Stockholm. Frisch is identified as being at the Institute of Theoretical Physics, University of Copenhagen.
    78. ^ Frisch, O.R. (18 February 1939). «Physical Evidence for the Division of Heavy Nuclei under Neutron Bombardment». Nature. 143 (3616): 276. Bibcode:1939Natur.143..276F. doi:10.1038/143276a0. S2CID 4076376. The paper Archived 23 January 2009 at the Wayback Machine is dated 17 January 1939. [The experiment for this letter to the editor was conducted on 13 January 1939; see Richard Rhodes The Making of the Atomic Bomb 263 and 268 (Simon and Schuster, 1986).]
    79. ^ Hentschel & Hentschel 1996, p. 387
    80. ^ Goudsmit 1986, p. picture facing p. 124
    81. ^ a b Macrakis 1993, pp. 164–169
    82. ^ Mehra, Jagdish; Rechenberg, Helmut (2001). Volume 6. The Completion of Quantum Mechanics 1926–1941. Part 2. The Conceptual Completion and Extension of Quantum Mechanics 1932–1941. Epilogue: Aspects of the Further Development of Quantum Theory 1942–1999. The Historical Development of Quantum Theory. Springer. pp. 1010–1011. ISBN 978-0-387-95086-0.
    83. ^ Hentschel & Hentschel 1996, pp. 363–364, Appendix F, see the entries for Diebner and Döpel. See also the entry for the KWIP in Appendix A and the entry for the HWA in Appendix B.
    84. ^ a b Walker 1993, pp. 19, 94–95
    85. ^ American Institute for Physics, Center for History of Physics Archived 17 September 2008 at the Wayback Machine
    86. ^ Macrakis 1993, p. 244
    87. ^ Macrakis 1993, p. 171
    88. ^ Albert Speer, Inside the Third Reich, Macmillan, 1970, pp. 225ff.
    89. ^ Prof. Werner Carl Heisenberg (I662) Archived 15 June 2008 at the Wayback Machine. Stanford.edu
    90. ^ Hentschel & Hentschel 1996; see the entry for the KWIP in Appendix A and the entries for the HWA and the RFR in Appendix B. Also see p. 372 and footnote #50 on p. 372.
    91. ^ Walker 1993, pp. 49–53
    92. ^ Walker 1993, pp. 52, Reference #40 on p. 262
    93. ^ Heisenberg, W. (1943). «Die beobachtbaren Grössen in der Theorie der Elementarteilchen. I». Z. Phys. 120 (7–10): 513–538. Bibcode:1943ZPhy..120..513H. doi:10.1007/BF01329800. S2CID 120706757. as cited in Mott & Peierls 1977, p. 245
    94. ^ Heisenberg, W. (1943). «Die beobachtbaren Grössen in der Theorie der Elementarteilchen. II». Z. Phys. 120 (11–12): 673–702. Bibcode:1943ZPhy..120..673H. doi:10.1007/BF01336936. S2CID 124531901. as cited in Mott & Peierls 1977, p. 245
    95. ^ Heisenberg, W. (1944). «Die beobachtbaren Grössen in der Theorie der Elementarteilchen. III». Z. Phys. 123 (1–2): 93–112. Bibcode:1944ZPhy..123…93H. doi:10.1007/BF01375146. S2CID 123698415. as cited in Mott & Peierls 1977, p. 245
    96. ^ Bernstein 2004, pp. 300–304
    97. ^ Tobey, William (January–February 2012), «Nuclear scientists as assassination targets», Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 68 (1): 63–64, Bibcode:2012BuAtS..68a..61T, doi:10.1177/0096340211433019, S2CID 145583391, archived from the original on 23 July 2014, retrieved 18 August 2014, citing Thomas Powers 1993 book «Heisenberg’s War».
    98. ^ Goudsmit 1986, p. x
    99. ^ a b Pash, Boris T. (1969) The Alsos Mission. Award. pp. 219–241.
    100. ^ Cassidy 1992, pp. 491–500
    101. ^ Naimark, Norman M. (1995) The Russians in Germany: A History of the Soviet Zone of Occupation, 1945–1949. Belkanp. pp. 208–209. ISBN 978-0-674-78406-2
    102. ^ Bernstein 2001, pp. 49–52
    103. ^ Mahoney, Leo J. (1981). A History of the War Department Scientific Intelligence Mission (ALSOS), 1943–1945 (Ph.D. thesis). Kent State University. p. 298. OCLC 223804966.
    104. ^ Goudsmit 1986, pp. 77–84
    105. ^ Groves, Leslie (1962). Now it Can be Told: The Story of the Manhattan Project. New York: Harper & Row. pp. 231. ISBN 978-0-306-70738-4. OCLC 537684.
    106. ^ Cassidy 1992, pp. 491–510
    107. ^ Bernstein 2001, p. 60
    108. ^ Walker 1993, pp. 268–274, Reference #40 on p. 262
    109. ^ Bernstein 2001, pp. 50, 363–365
    110. ^ Franck, Charles (1993) Operation Epsilon: The Farm Hall Transcripts. University of California Press.
    111. ^ Bernstein 2001, pp. xvii–xix
    112. ^ Macrakis 1993, p. 143
    113. ^ Bernstein, Jeremy (1996). Hitler’s Uranium Club. Woodbury NY: AIP Press. p. 139.
    114. ^ «Transcript of Surreptitiously Taped Conversations among German Nuclear Physicists at Farm Hall (August 6–7, 1945)» (PDF). German History in Documents and Images. Archived (PDF) from the original on 19 May 2017. Retrieved 26 April 2017.
    115. ^ Sartori, Leo. «Reviews». American Physical Society. Archived from the original on 15 September 2015. Retrieved 26 April 2017.
    116. ^ Macrakis 1993, p. 144
    117. ^ a b Gerd W. Buschhorn; Julius Wess, eds. (2012). Fundamental Physics — Heisenberg and Beyond: Werner Heisenberg Centennial Symposium «Developments in Modern Physics». Springer Science & Business Media. p. 18. ISBN 978-3-642-18623-3.
    118. ^ a b Gerd W. Buschhorn; Julius Wess, eds. (2012). Fundamental Physics — Heisenberg and Beyond: Werner Heisenberg Centennial Symposium «Developments in Modern Physics». Springer Science & Business Media. p. 21. ISBN 978-3-642-18623-3.
    119. ^ Gerd W. Buschhorn; Julius Wess, eds. (2012). Fundamental Physics — Heisenberg and Beyond: Werner Heisenberg Centennial Symposium «Developments in Modern Physics». Springer Science & Business Media. p. 22. ISBN 978-3-642-18623-3.
    120. ^ Walker 1993, pp. 184–185
    121. ^ Oleynikov, Pavel V. (2000). «German Scientists in the Soviet Atomic Project» (PDF). The Nonproliferation Review. 7 (2): 1–30 [14]. doi:10.1080/10736700008436807. S2CID 144392252.
    122. ^ Werner Heisenberg (1947). «Zur Theorie der Supraleitung». Forsch. Fortschr. 21/23: 243–244.; Heisenberg, W. (1947). «Zur Theorie der Supraleitung». Z. Naturforsch. 2a (4): 185–201. Bibcode:1947ZNatA…2..185H. doi:10.1515/zna-1947-0401. S2CID 93679759. cited in Mott & Peierls 1977, p. 245
    123. ^ Heisenberg, W. (1948). «Das elektrodynamische Verhalten der Supraleiter». Z. Naturforsch. 3a (2): 65–75. Bibcode:1948ZNatA…3…65H. doi:10.1515/zna-1948-0201. cited in Mott & Peierls 1977, p. 245
    124. ^ Heisenberg, W.; M.V. Laue (1948). «Das Barlowsche Rad aus supraleitendem Material». Z. Phys. 124 (7–12): 514–518. Bibcode:1948ZPhy..124..514H. doi:10.1007/BF01668888. S2CID 121271077. cited in Mott & Peierls 1977, p. 245
    125. ^ Mott & Peierls 1977, pp. 238–239
    126. ^ Heisenberg, W. (1948). «Zur statistischen Theorie der Tubulenz». Z. Phys. 124 (7–12): 628–657. Bibcode:1948ZPhy..124..628H. doi:10.1007/BF01668899. S2CID 186223726. as cited in Mott & Peierls 1977, p. 245
    127. ^ Heisenberg, W. (1948). «On the theory of statistical and isotropic turbulence». Proceedings of the Royal Society A. 195 (1042): 402–406. Bibcode:1948RSPSA.195..402H. doi:10.1098/rspa.1948.0127. as cited in Mott & Peierls 1977, p. 245
    128. ^ Heisenberg, W. (1948). «Bemerkungen um Turbulenzproblem». Z. Naturforsch. 3a (8–11): 434–437. Bibcode:1948ZNatA…3..434H. doi:10.1515/zna-1948-8-1103. S2CID 202047340. as cited in Mott & Peierls 1977, p. 245
    129. ^ Heisenberg, w. (1950). «On the stability of laminar flow». Proc. International Congress Mathematicians. II: 292–296., as cited in Mott & Peierls 1977, p. 245
    130. ^ Heisenberg, W. (1949). «Production of mesons showers». Nature. 164 (4158): 65–67. Bibcode:1949Natur.164…65H. doi:10.1038/164065c0. PMID 18228928. S2CID 4043099. as cited in Mott & Peierls 1977, p. 245
    131. ^ Heisenberg, W. (1949). «Die Erzeugung von Mesonen in Vielfachprozessen». Nuovo Cimento. 6 (Suppl): 493–497. Bibcode:1949NCim….6S.493H. doi:10.1007/BF02822044. S2CID 122006877. as cited in Mott & Peierls 1977, p. 245
    132. ^ Heisenberg, W. (1949). «Über die Entstehung von Mesonen in Vielfachprozessen». Z. Phys. 126 (6): 569–582. Bibcode:1949ZPhy..126..569H. doi:10.1007/BF01330108. S2CID 120410676. as cited in Mott & Peierls 1977, p. 245
    133. ^ Heisenberg, W. (1952). «Bermerkungen zur Theorie der Vielfacherzeugung von Mesonen». Die Naturwissenschaften. 39 (3): 69. Bibcode:1952NW…..39…69H. doi:10.1007/BF00596818. S2CID 41323295. as cited in Mott & Peierls 1977, p. 246
    134. ^ Heisenberg, W. (1952). «Mesonenerzeugung als Stosswellenproblem». Z. Phys. 133 (1–2): 65–79. Bibcode:1952ZPhy..133…65H. doi:10.1007/BF01948683. S2CID 124271377. as cited in Mott & Peierls 1977, p. 246
    135. ^ Heisenberg, W. (1955). «The production of mesons in very high energy collisions». Nuovo Cimento. 12 (Suppl): 96–103. Bibcode:1955NCim….2S..96H. doi:10.1007/BF02746079. S2CID 121970196. as cited in Mott & Peierls 1977, p. 246
    136. ^ Mott & Peierls 1977, p. 238
    137. ^ Cassidy 2009, p. 262
    138. ^ Horst Kant Werner Heisenberg and the German Uranium Project / Otto Hahn and the Declarations of Mainau and Göttingen, Preprint 203 (Max-Planck Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte, 2002 Archived 5 February 2012 at the Wayback Machine).
    139. ^ Carson 2010, p. 329
    140. ^ Carson 2010, p. 334
    141. ^ Carson 2010, pp. 335–336
    142. ^ Carson 2010, p. 339
    143. ^ Dönhoff, Marion (2 March 1962). «Lobbyisten der Vernunft» [Lobbyists of reason]. Die Zeit (in German). Archived from the original on 18 November 2018. Retrieved 17 November 2018.
    144. ^ Heisenberg, Werner (1975). «Development of concepts in the history of quantum theory». American Journal of Physics. 43 (5): 389–394. Bibcode:1975AmJPh..43..389H. doi:10.1119/1.9833.
    145. ^ a b Heizenberg, W. (1974). «Ch. 16 «Scientific and Religious Truth»«. Across the Frontiers. Harper & Row. pp. 213–229.
    146. ^ Capra, Fritjof (11 January 1989). Uncommon wisdom : conversations with remarkable people. Toronto; New York : Bantam Books. ISBN 9780553346107 – via Internet Archive.
    147. ^ «Interview with Werner Heisenberg – F. David Peat». www.fdavidpeat.com.
    148. ^ Moore, Lance (2019). A God Beyond Belief: Reclaiming Faith in a Quantum Age. John Hunt Publishing, UK
    149. ^ Marganau, Henry (1985). «Why am I a Christian». Truth Journal, Vol. I
    150. ^ Holton, Gerald (2005). Victory and Vexation in Science: Einstein, Bohr, Heisenberg and Others. Harvard University Press, London. p. 32. ISBN 978-0-674-01519-7
    151. ^ Pais, Abraham (October 1979). «Einstein and the quantum theory» (PDF). Reviews of Modern Physics. 51 (4): 863–914. Bibcode:1979RvMP…51..863P. doi:10.1103/RevModPhys.51.863.
    152. ^ «Physics and Philosophy: The Revolution in Modern Science – Werner Heisenberg». Google Books. 8 May 2007. Retrieved 19 February 2022.
    153. ^ Werner Heisenberg (1970) «Erste Gespräche über das Verhältnis von Naturwissenschaft und Religion» in ed. Werner Trutwin, «Religion-Wissenschaft-Weltbild» Duesseldorf: Patmos Verlag, pages 23–31
    154. ^ Cassidy 2009, p. 372
    155. ^ Carson 2010, p. 145
    156. ^ Carson 2010, p. 147
    157. ^ Carson 2010, pp. 145–146
    158. ^ Carson 2010, p. 148
    159. ^ Cassidy 2009, pp. 262, 545
    160. ^ Cassidy 2009, p. 545
    161. ^ Gerd W. Buschhorn; Julius Wess, eds. (2012). Fundamental Physics — Heisenberg and Beyond: Werner Heisenberg Centennial Symposium «Developments in Modern Physics». Springer Science & Business Media. p. 16. ISBN 978-3-642-18623-3.
    162. ^ «W.K. Heisenberg (1901–1976)». Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences. Archived from the original on 31 January 2016. Retrieved 24 January 2016.
    163. ^ Hentschel & Hentschel 1996, Appendix E; see the entry for Kernphysikalische Forschungsberichte.
    164. ^ Walker 1993, pp. 268–274
    165. ^ Präparat 38 was the cover name for uranium oxide; see Deutsches Museum Archived 4 September 2015 at the Wayback Machine


    • Bernstein, Jeremy (2001). Hitler’s Uranium Club: The Secret Recordings at Farm Hall. Copernicus. ISBN 978-0-387-95089-1.
    • Bernstein, Jeremy (March 2004). «Heisenberg in Poland». Am. J. Phys. 72 (3): 300–304. Bibcode:2004AmJPh..72..300B. doi:10.1119/1.1630333.
       • See also Gottstein, Klaus (2004). «Comment on ‘Heisenberg in Poland’ by Jeremy Bernstein [Am. J. Phys. 72 (3), 300–304 (2004)]» (PDF). LETTER TO THE EDITOR. Am. J. Phys. 72 (9): 1143–1145. arXiv:physics/0503167. Bibcode:2004AmJPh..72.1143G. doi:10.1119/1.1778397. S2CID 119446738and a reply by Jeremy Bernstein.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: postscript (link)
    • Beyerchen, Alan D. (1977). Scientists Under Hitler: Politics and the Physics Community in the Third Reich. Yale. ISBN 978-0-300-01830-1.
    • Carson, Cathryn (2010). Heisenberg in the Atomic Age: Science and the Public Sphere. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-82170-4.
    • Cassidy, David C. (1992). Uncertainty: The Life and Science of Werner Heisenberg. Freeman.
    • Cassidy, David C. (1992a). «Heisenberg, German Science, and the Third Reich». Social Research. 59 (3): 643–661.
    • Cassidy, David C. (2009). Beyond Uncertainty: Heisenberg, Quantum Physics, and the Bomb. Bellevue Literary Press. ISBN 978-1-934137-28-4.
    • Goudsmit, Samuel A. (1986). Alsos. Tomash Publishers. ISBN 978-0-938228-09-7.
    • Heisenberg, W. (1927). «Über den anschaulichen Inhalt der quantentheoretischen Kinematik und Mechanik». Z. Phys. 43 (3–4): 172–198. Bibcode:1927ZPhy…43..172H. doi:10.1007/BF01397280. S2CID 122763326.
    • Heisenberg, W. (1928). «Zur Theorie des Ferromagnetismus». Z. Phys. 49 (9–10): 619–636. Bibcode:1928ZPhy…49..619H. doi:10.1007/BF01328601. S2CID 122524239.
    • Heisenberg, W.; Pauli, W. (1929). «Zur Quantendynamik der Wellenfelder». Z. Phys. 56 (1): 1–61. Bibcode:1930ZPhy…56….1H. doi:10.1007/BF01340129. S2CID 121928597.
    • Heisenberg, W.; Pauli, W. (1930). «Zur Quantentheorie der Wellenfelder. II». Z. Phys. 59 (3–4): 168–190. Bibcode:1930ZPhy…59..168H. doi:10.1007/BF01341423. S2CID 186219228.
    • Heisenberg, W. (1932a). «Über den Bau der Atomkerne. I». Z. Phys. 77 (1–2): 1–11. Bibcode:1932ZPhy…77….1H. doi:10.1007/BF01342433. S2CID 186218053.
    • Heisenberg, W. (1932b). «Über den Bau der Atomkerne. II». Z. Phys. 78 (3–4): 156–164. Bibcode:1932ZPhy…78..156H. doi:10.1007/BF01337585. S2CID 186221789.
    • Heisenberg, W. (1933). «Über den Bau der Atomkerne. III». Z. Phys. 80 (9–10): 587–596. Bibcode:1933ZPhy…80..587H. doi:10.1007/BF01335696. S2CID 126422047.
    • Heisenberg, W. (1934). «Bemerkungen zur Diracschen Theorie des Positrons». Zeitschrift für Physik. 90 (3–4): 209–231. Bibcode:1934ZPhy…90..209H. doi:10.1007/BF01333516. S2CID 186232913. The author was cited as being at Leipzig. The paper was received on 21 June 1934.
    • Heisenberg, W. (1936a). «Über die ‘Schauer’ in der Kosmischen Strahlung». Forsch. Fortscher. 12: 341–342.
    • Heisenberg, W. (1936b). «Zur Theorie der ‘Schauer’ in der Höhenstrahlung». Z. Phys. 101 (9–10): 533–540. Bibcode:1936ZPhy..101..533H. doi:10.1007/BF01349603. S2CID 186215469.
    • Heisenberg, W.; Euler, H. (1936). «Folgerungen aus der Diracschen Theorie des Positrons». Z. Phys. 98 (11–12): 714–732. Bibcode:1936ZPhy…98..714H. doi:10.1007/BF01343663. S2CID 120354480. The authors were cited as being at Leipzig. The paper was received on 22 December 1935. A translation of this paper has been done by W. Korolevski and H. Kleinert: arXiv:physics/0605038v1.
    • Hentschel, Klaus; Hentschel, Ann M., eds. (1996). Physics and National Socialism: An Anthology of Primary Sources. Birkhäuser. ISBN 978-0-8176-5312-5. [This book is a collection of 121 primary German documents relating to physics under National Socialism. The documents have been translated and annotated, and there is a lengthy introduction to put them into perspective.]
    • Macrakis, Kristie (1993). Surviving the Swastika: Scientific Research in Nazi Germany. Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-507010-1.
    • Mott, N.; Peierls, R. (November 1977). «Werner Heisenberg». Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society. 23: 213–251. doi:10.1098/rsbm.1977.0009. S2CID 73128582.
    • Powers, Thomas (1993). Heisenberg’s War: The Secret History of the German Bomb. Knopf. ISBN 9780394514116.
    • van der Waerden, B.L., ed. (1968). Sources of Quantum Mechanics. Dover. ISBN 978-0-486-61881-4.
    • Walker, Mark (1993). German National Socialism and the Quest for Nuclear Power 1939–1949. Cambridge. ISBN 978-0-521-43804-9.

    External links[edit]

    • Annotated Bibliography for Werner Heisenberg from the Alsos Digital Library for Nuclear Issues
    • MacTutor Biography: Werner Karl Heisenberg
    • Heisenberg/Uncertainty Archived 16 October 2012 at the Wayback Machine biographical exhibit by American Institute of Physics.
    • Key Participants: Werner Heisenberg – Linus Pauling and the Nature of the Chemical Bond: A Documentary History
    • Nobelprize.org biography
    • Werner Heisenberg: Atomic Physics Mentorees
    • «Oral history interview transcript with Werner Heisenberg». American Institute of Physics, Niels Bohr Library & Archives. 16 June 1970.
    • «Oral history interview transcript with Werner Heisenberg». American Institute of Physics, Niels Bohr Library & Archives. 30 November 1962.
    • Newspaper clippings about Werner Heisenberg in the 20th Century Press Archives of the ZBW
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    См. также в других словарях:

    • HEISENBERG (W. K.) — Werner Karl Heisenberg, physicien allemand, est un des maîtres les plus influents de la physique théorique contemporaine; doué à la fois d’une rare puissance d’abstraction et d’une brillante imagination, il a laissé sa marque dans toutes les… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

    • Heisenberg — Heisenberg,   1) August, Byzantinist, * Osnabrück 13. 11. 1869, ✝ München 22. 11. 1930, Vater von 2); Professor in Würzburg und München; wurde durch kritische Ausgaben byzantinischer Autoren sowie mit Arbeiten zu Paläographie, Sprach und… …   Universal-Lexikon

    • Heisenberg — (Werner) (1901 1976) physicien allemand: travaux sur la mécanique quantique de l atome. P. Nobel 1932. || PHYS NUCL Principe d incertitude de Heisenberg: on ne peut mesurer simultanément avec précision la position et la vitesse (donc la quantité… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

    • Heisenberg — in reference to German physicist Werner Heisenberg (1901 1976), pioneer of quantum mechanics. His uncertainty principle (deduced in 1927) is that an electron may have a determinate position, or a determinate velocity, but not both …   Etymology dictionary

    • Heisenberg — Werner Karl …   Scientists

    • Heisenberg — Heisenberg, Werner Karl …   Enciclopedia Universal

    • Heisenberg — (izg. hàjzenberg), Werner (1901 1976) DEFINICIJA njemački fizičar; otkrio načine formuliranja kvantne mehanike u terminima matrica i uveo »princip neodređenosti«, kojim utvrđuje granice nekim aspektima spoznaje putem eksperimenata u atomskoj… …   Hrvatski jezični portal

    • Heisenberg — [hī′zən bərg; ] Ger [, hī′zənberkh] Werner (Karl) [ver′nər] 1901 76; Ger. theoretical & nuclear physicist …   English World dictionary

    • Heisenberg — Werner Heisenberg, um 1927 Werner Karl Heisenberg (* 5. Dezember 1901 in Würzburg; † 1. Februar 1976 in München) war einer der bedeutendsten Physiker des 20. Jahrhunderts und Nobelpreisträger. Er formulierte 1927 die nach ihm benannte… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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    • HEISENBERG — GERMANY (see also List of Individuals) 5.12.1901 Würzburg/D 1.2.1976 München/D Werner Heisenberg initiated studies in theoretical physics in 1920 at Munich Technical University where Arnold Sommerfeld (1868 1951) was his main teacher. He… …   Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000

    Предложения со словом «heisenberg»

    It was a simple consequence of the Fourier Integral Theorem, and closely related to the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle.

    Это следует непосредственно из интегральной теоремы Фурье, близко связанной с принципом неопределенности Гейзенберга .

    Everyone was victimized by social equivalents of the theories of that dirty old man, Heisenberg .

    Каждый подвержен действию социальных эквивалентов теорий этого мерзкого старикашки Гейзенберга .

    They’re after some mystery man, some heavy-hitter that goes by the name Heisenberg .

    За ними стоит один таинственный человек, один очень серьезный по имени Гейзенберг .

    Nor did anybody hang around when three squads of Peace Dragoons showed up-this involves Heisenberg principle as applied to Scarlet Pimpernels.

    Когда на месте проведения лекции появилось три взвода драгун, они там никого не обнаружили. Так сказать, принцип неопределенности Гейзенберга в приложении к Багряному цветку.

    They nab me I make a deal to give up the great Heisenberg and his million-dollar drug ring.

    Они ловят меня, я заключаю сделку, и выдаю великиго Гейзенберга и его миллионно — долларовый наркосиндикат.

    Heisenberg’s standards don’t matter anymore.

    Стандарты Гейзенберга больше ничего не значат.

    One of Hitler’s guys, a physicist named Werner Heisenberg .

    Один из людей Гитлера, физик по имени Вернер Гейзенберг .

    If anything Heisenberg says leads you to believe he is close to constructing a bomb… Kill him.

    Если слова Гейзенберга заставят поверить, что он близок к созданию бомбы, убейте его.

    For the next 840 minutes, I’m effectively one of Heisenberg’s particles.

    На следующие 840 минут я буду в положении частицы Гейзенберга .

    I’ll run a scan on the Heisenberg compensators.

    Я проведу проверку компенсаторов Хейзенберга.

    How do you know Heisenberg’s gearing up again?

    Откуда тебе знать, что Гейзенберг готовит снова?

    Goes by the name of Heisenberg .

    Называет себя Гейзенберг .

    In 1943 the German physicist Werner Heisenberg delivered a physics lecture to a packed hall in Zurich.

    В 1943 году немецкий физик Вернер Гейзенберг давал лекцию по физике, при полном зале, в Цюрихе.

    That’s after Heisenberg Boulevard, not far from Mathematical Park.

    Да, это за бульваром Эйзенберга. Недалеко от математического парка.

    A computer program with advanced analytical algorithms would not be subjective; it would skirt the pitfalls of Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle.

    Программа, работающая на продвинутых аналитических алгоритмах, не будет субъективной, она не попадет в ловушки принципа неопределенности Гейзенберга .

    Have you ever heard of Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle?

    Ты слышал о принципе неопределенности Гейзенберг ?

    based on Werner Heisenberg , isn’t it?

    Вернер Гейзенберг был прототипом, так?

    The quantum entropic uncertainty principle is more restrictive than the Heisenberg uncertainty principle.

    Квантово — энтропийный принцип неопределенности более ограничен, чем принцип неопределенности Гейзенберга .

    In other words, the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, is a consequence of the quantum entropic uncertainty principle, but not vice versa.

    Другими словами, принцип неопределенности Гейзенберга является следствием квантово — энтропийного принципа неопределенности, но не наоборот.

    Werner Heisenberg formulated the uncertainty principle at Niels Bohr’s institute in Copenhagen, while working on the mathematical foundations of quantum mechanics.

    Вернер Гейзенберг сформулировал принцип неопределенности в Институте Нильса Бора в Копенгагене, работая над математическими основами квантовой механики.

    In March 1926, working in Bohr’s institute, Heisenberg realized that the non-commutativity implies the uncertainty principle.

    В марте 1926 года, работая в институте Бора, Гейзенберг понял, что некоммутативность подразумевает принцип неопределенности.

    Heisenberg showed that the commutation relation implies an uncertainty, or in Bohr’s language a complementarity.

    Гейзенберг показал, что коммутационное отношение подразумевает неопределенность, или, говоря языком Бора, комплементарность.

    Werner Heisenberg , in 1941, proposed the S-matrix theory of particle interactions.

    Вернер Гейзенберг в 1941 году предложил S — матричную теорию взаимодействий частиц.

    Maudlin’s probability criticism confused the transactional interpretation with Heisenberg’s knowledge interpretation.

    Вероятностная критика Модлина путала транзакционную интерпретацию с интерпретацией знания Гейзенберга .

    In December, Werner Heisenberg delivered a report to the German Ministry of War on the possibility of a uranium bomb.

    В декабре Вернер Гейзенберг представил германскому Военному министерству доклад о возможности создания урановой бомбы.

    Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle predicts that during the inflationary phase there would be quantum thermal fluctuations, which would be magnified to cosmic scale.

    Принцип неопределенности Гейзенберга предсказывает, что во время инфляционной фазы возникнут квантовые тепловые флуктуации, которые будут увеличены до космических масштабов.

    For more about the inability to know both speed and location, see Heisenberg uncertainty principle.

    Подробнее о невозможности знать скорость и местоположение смотрите в разделе принцип неопределенности Гейзенберга .

    Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, as originally described in the 1927 formulation, mentions only the first term of Ozawa inequality, regarding the systematic error.

    Принцип неопределенности Гейзенберга , первоначально описанный в формулировке 1927 года, упоминает только первый член неравенства Озавы, касающийся систематической ошибки.

    Bohr and Heisenberg extended the probabilistic interpretation of the wavefunction proposed originally by Max Born.

    Бор и Гейзенберг расширили вероятностную интерпретацию волновой функции, предложенную первоначально Максом Борном.

    Heisenberg held that the path of a moving particle has no meaning if we cannot observe it, as we cannot with electrons in an atom.

    Гейзенберг считал, что путь движущейся частицы не имеет смысла, если мы не можем наблюдать его, как мы не можем наблюдать электроны в атоме.

    According to an apocryphal story, Werner Heisenberg was asked what he would ask God, given the opportunity.

    Согласно апокрифической истории, Вернера Гейзенберга спросили, о чем бы он попросил Бога, если бы ему представилась такая возможность.

    In interferometry, entanglement is necessary for surpassing the standard quantum limit and achieving the Heisenberg limit.

    В интерферометрии запутывание необходимо для преодоления стандартного квантового предела и достижения предела Гейзенберга .

    They are the sum of multiple of NOON states, and can used to achieve the Heisenberg limit.

    Они являются суммой кратных полуденных состояний и могут использоваться для достижения предела Гейзенберга .

    For the objections of Karl Popper to the Heisenberg inequality itself, see below.

    Возражения Карла Поппера против самого неравенства Гейзенберга см.

    For most of Breaking Bad, Bryan Cranston wore a Van Dyke beard along with a clean shaven head, contributing to the iconic image of Heisenberg .

    На протяжении большей части во все тяжкие Брайан Крэнстон носил бороду Ван Дайка вместе с чисто выбритой головой, внося свой вклад в культовый образ Гейзенберга .

    That was before quantum behavior came to be better understood by Werner Heisenberg and those who followed.

    Это было до того, как квантовое поведение стало лучше пониматься Вернером Гейзенбергом и его последователями.

    This new mathematical formulation included as special cases the formulations of both Heisenberg and Schrödinger.

    Эта новая математическая формулировка включала в качестве частных случаев формулировки как Гейзенберга , так и Шредингера.

    Quantum mechanics would come to be pioneered by Werner Heisenberg , Erwin Schrödinger and Paul Dirac.

    Пионерами квантовой механики станут Вернер Гейзенберг , Эрвин Шредингер и Поль Дирак.

    Einstein argued with Bohr and Heisenberg .

    Эйнштейн спорил с Бором и Гейзенбергом .

    The theory that Bohr and Heisenberg created had other problems.

    Теория, которую создали Бор и Гейзенберг , имела и другие проблемы.

    Together Bohr and Heisenberg came up with an interpretation of quantum mechanics that addressed these issues.

    Вместе Бор и Гейзенберг разработали интерпретацию квантовой механики, которая рассматривала эти вопросы.

    Einstein said, Bohr and Heisenberg brainwashed a generation of physicists.

    Эйнштейн сказал, что бор и Гейзенберг промыли мозги целому поколению физиков.

    In quantum field theory the Heisenberg uncertainty relations indicate that photons can travel at any speed for short periods.

    В квантовой теории поля соотношения неопределенности Гейзенберга указывают на то, что фотоны могут перемещаться с любой скоростью в течение коротких периодов времени.

    The Heisenberg uncertainty principle states .

    Принцип неопределенности Гейзенберга гласит .


    • 1 English
      • 1.1 Etymology
      • 1.2 Proper noun
        • 1.2.1 Derived terms
      • 1.3 See also
    • 2 German
      • 2.1 Etymology
      • 2.2 Proper noun



    From German Heisenberg.

    Proper noun[edit]


    1. A surname from German.

    Derived terms[edit]

    • Heisenberg cut
    • Heisenberg group
    • Heisenbergian
    • Heisenberg model
    • Heisenberg picture
    • Heisenberg representation
    • Heisenberg uncertainty principle

    See also[edit]

    • Eisenberg


    German Wikipedia has an article on:

    Heisenberg (Begriffsklärung)

    Wikipedia de


    (This etymology is missing or incomplete. Please add to it, or discuss it at the Etymology scriptorium.)

    Proper noun[edit]

    Heisenberg m or f (proper noun, surname, masculine genitive Heisenbergs or (with an article) Heisenberg, feminine genitive Heisenberg, plural Heisenbergs)

    1. a surname

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