Как пишется имя диппер

Что означает имя Диппер? Что обозначает имя Диппер? Что значит имя Диппер для человека? Какое значение имени Диппер, анализ, происхождение, судьба и характер его носителя? Какой национальности имя Диппер? Как переводится имя Диппер? Как правильно пишется имя Диппер? Совместимость c именем Диппер — подходящий цвет, камни и талисманы, планета покровитель и знак зодиака. Полная характеристика имени Диппер и его подробное описание вы можете прочитать онлайн в статье про имя Диппер совершенно бесплатно.

Анализ имени Диппер

Имя Диппер состоит из 6 букв. Имена из шести букв обычно принадлежат людям, в характере которых преобладают такие качества, как энтузиазм, граничащий с экзальтацией, и склонность к легкому эпатажу. Они уделяют много времени созданию собственного имиджа, используя все доступные средства для того, чтобы подчеркнуть свою оригинальность. Проанализировав значение каждой буквы в имени Диппер можно понять его тайный смысл и скрытое значение.

  • Д — приступая к работе, хорошо продумывают последовательность. Главный ориентир — семья. Они занимаются благотворительностью. Капризные. Есть скрытые экстрасенсорные способности. «Работа на публику», нежелание внутреннего развития, основной акцент людей с такой буквой в имени, производят краткосрочное положительное впечатление у публики.
  • И — романтичные, утонченные и чувственные натуры. Добрые, мечтают о гармонии с окружающим миром. В сложной ситуации проявляют практичность. Иногда они склонны к одиночеству и аскетизму. Неспособность кому-либо подчиняться одновременно свидетельствует о безразличии к власти.
  • П — имеют собственное мнение по всем вопросам. Стремятся постичь реальность. Обеспокоены своим внешним видом. Умение резюмировать детали и видеть общую картину. Постоянный поиск своего места в жизни, миссии, новых целей.
  • П — имеют собственное мнение по всем вопросам. Стремятся постичь реальность. Обеспокоены своим внешним видом. Умение резюмировать детали и видеть общую картину. Постоянный поиск своего места в жизни, миссии, новых целей.
  • Е — самовыражение, желание поделиться опытом. Выступает посредником в конфликтах. Они проницательны и понимают мир тайн, но болтливы. Сильная любовь к путешествиям, в жизни такие могут часто менять место жительства, непоседливы.
  • Р — противостоят внешним воздействиям, уверенные в себе, смелые и увлеченные личностяи. Они способны на неоправданный риск, авантюрные натуры, склонны к бесспорным суждениям. Умение рисковать ради цели. Желание и потенциал к лидерству.
  • Происхождение имени Диппер

    Имя, даваемое при рождении человеку, в нашем случае имя — Диппер, обычно дается при рождении на всю жизнь. Имена люди имели во все времена во всех цивилизациях. У каждого народа они связаны с его культурой и бытом. Для того, чтобы какое-либо имя появилось у данного народа, необходимы определённые культурно-исторические условия. Любое слово, которым именовали человека, окружающие начинали воспринимать как его личное имя. Впервые имя Диппер встречается в исторических документах с 1745 года. Имя Диппер в русской транслитерации образовано путем сложения 2 сложных частиц: «ДИП + ПЕР». Обладатели кириллической версии имени Диппер в 78% случаев родились и проживают на территории России, и в 22% случаев являются гражданами других стран.

    Значение имени Диппер

    Нумерология имени Диппер может подсказать не только главные качества и характер человека. Но и определить его судьбу, показать успех в личной жизни, дать сведения о карьере, расшифровать судьбоносные знаки и даже предсказать будущее. Число имени Диппер в нумерологии — 1. Девиз имени Диппер и единиц по жизни: «Я – первый!»
    «Единица» в числах для имени Диппер – Числе Выражения, Числе Души и Числе внешнего облика – говорит о наличии у человека способностей, обеспечивающих его оригинальность и уникальность. Значение цифры 1 — для имени Диппер, это прежде всего, способность находить пути и способы самореализации, принципиально отличающиеся от общеизвестных. Обладатели имени Диппер свободолюбивы, часто эгоистичны. Такие люди стремятся к независимости, вкладывают силы в саморазвитие и реализацию себя. Способность направлять неуемную энергию в нужное русло поможет единицам добиться больших успехов в жизни. Среди них много творческих натур, активных и нуждающихся в постоянном движении вперед. Единица в имени Диппер — это число лидера. Имя Диппер обладает мощной энергией, имеет множество идей, которые пытается воплотить самостоятельно. Человек — Единица (Диппер) имеет силу воли, харизму, держит свое слово, умело решает проблемы других людей. Его нельзя не заметить. Яркий индивидуалист с гипертрофированным эго. Диппер часто ошибается в личной жизни, нередки разводы. Единица с именем Диппер не должна быть агрессивной, злиться, иначе она разрушает свое здоровье и выстроенный ранее путь. Порадовать владельца имени Диппер можно, дав ему уважение, постоянно отмечать его успехи и заслуги.

    • Влияние имени Диппер на профессию и карьеру. Что значит число 1 в имени Диппер при выборе сферы деятельности? «Единица» в нумерологическом ядре – это практически всегда потенциально высокий уровень профессионализма. Но профессионализма совершенно особого толка – узконаправленного, избирательного, а иногда – единственного в своем роде. Подходящие профессии для имени Диппер: менеджер, руководитель, предприниматель.
    • Влияние имени Диппер на личную жизнь. Межгендерные отношения – это сфера, в которой положительные и отрицательные проявления личности настолько видоизменены, что дифференцировать их довольно сложно. В частности, число один для имени Диппер наделяет своего обладателя импульсивностью, хвастовством и самоуверенностью. Эти черты характера для обладателя имени Диппер обычно считаются недостатками, но «в делах любовных» часто выглядят неотразимыми достоинствами. А склонность к логическим построениям и твердость убеждений – вполне могут быть расценены, как излишняя осторожность и занудство. Единица – символ лидерства, а лидеры по имени Диппер чаще всего ищут в отношениях заботу и тепло. Более всего им подходят активные тройки, семерки, девятки, а также спокойные двойки и шестерки.

    Характер имени Диппер

    Обладатели имени Диппер — целеустремленные и сильные личности, которые активно добиваются своих целей. Они оптимистично смотрят в будущее, довольно упрямы и высокомерны, очень амбициозны и часто агрессивны, причем их агрессия всегда связана с тем, что, по их мнению, кто-то пытается учить их жизни или встает у них на пути. Всеми силами человек с именем Диппер будет отстаивать свою независимость и право. Носители имени Диппер имеют отличную память, чрезвычайно организованны, могут делать несколько дел одновременно, а также обладают исключительной концентрацией внимания. В жизни Диппер стремиться ко всему новому и неизведанному, будет часто лидировать в силу выдающихся качеств, но никогда не будет прислушиваться к мнению окружающих. В команде с обладателями имени Диппер работать сложно: они индивидуалисты, и если приходят к власти, то предпочитают авторитарный тип руководства. Человек с именем Диппер — бесспорный лидер. Носитель имени Диппер имеет склонность к действию, требует постоянного внимания и мечтает о независимости от других. Такие люди не должны быть ограничены никакими запретами и ограничениями!

    Судьба имени Диппер

    Люди c именем Диппер всегда энергичны и излучают просто море позитива. Всегда уверенны в себе и обладают даром убеждения. В поступках очень честные и благородные. Отличаются хорошим чувством юмора, реагируют быстро и остроумно. Несмотря на определенную жесткость, находят всегда друзей, а в коллективах становятся лидерами. Обладают способностью к самопожертвованию. Обладатели имени в сфере здоровья обычно предрасположены к сердечно-сосудистым и глазным недугам. В отношениях носители имени Диппер очень чувствительные и страстные, поэтому с легкостью покоряют сердца противоположного пола. Подойдут для челока с именем Диппер любые профессии, где можно навязывать собственные мысли и условия игры, а так же бороться за достижение самых высоких целей. Наибольшего успеха достигают, как управляющие, руководители или директора. Эти люди обладают просто талантом «делать деньги».

    Совместимость имени Диппер

    Для каждого имени, в том числе и для имени Диппер может быть рассчитана степень совместимости с другими именами. Совместимость имен позволяет определить, насколько эти имена, благодаря своим особенностям и характеристикам, позволяют строить коммуникативные, дружеские, любовные отношения между людьми. Имя как зеркало человека — в нем отражается его характер и судьба. И понятно желание любого человека окружить себя единомышленниками, с которыми чувствуешь себя спокойно и безопасно. Напротив, борьба характеров, противостояние темпераментов приводят к спорам, раздорам и конфликтам. Наилучшую cовместимость имя Диппер показывает со следующими именами: Раиса, Олег, Ксения, Агафья, Анжела.

    День имени Диппер

    День имени Диппер отмечают 3 января.

    Характеристика имени Диппер

    • Планета-покровитель для имени Диппер — Солнце.
    • Знак зодиака для имени Диппер — Лев и Овен.
    • Камни-талисманы для имени Диппер — аквамарин, берилл, медь, каури, магнит, слюда, мусковит, хризолит, сапфир, песчаник, бирюза.
    • Число (цифра) имени Диппер в нумерологии — 1.
    • Цвет имени Диппер — красный.

    В результате фоносемантическиго анализа имени Диппер и опроса фокус-группы были выявлены следующие характеристики: тяжёлый, величественный, кладкий, угловатый, длинный, подвижный, сорячий, медленный, сильный. Именно такие характеристики и ассоциации возникают в голове у людей, когда они слышат имя Диппер.

    Планета покровитель имени Диппер

    Люди с именем Диппер, чьей планетой-покровителем является Солнце, по натуре очень сильные личности, обычно — лидеры. Им свойственна импульсивность, они никогда не остаются незамеченными. Они добиваются успеха практически в любой работе. Людям Солнца по имени Диппер присущи такие черты характера, как стремление к власти, щедрость, справедливость, ответственность и инициативность. Гармоничные отношения у этой категории сложатся с людьми одной группы.

    Знаки зодиака имени Диппер

    Для имени Диппер подходят следующие знаки зодиака:

  • Знак зодиака Лев для имени Диппер. Люди с именем Диппер и рожденные под знаком Льва, творческие, любят лидировать в работе и жизни, идти к успеху, не задерживаясь на вторых ролях. Обладатели имени Диппер ненавидят любые ограничения. Требовательны к себе, придирчивы к своей внешности, поэтому уделяют ей много внимания. Львы с именем Диппер стараются произвести благоприятное впечатление на людей, любят угождать. Попали в милость к Льву — считайте, что вам повезло. Вас будут возвышать, везде брать с собой (хвастаться) и учить манерам — аристократы те еще. Но спорить со Львом по имени Диппер не рекомендуется: они остры на язык и за словом в карман не лезут. Через пять минут вы будете стоять с красными от гнева и возмущения щеками: какого черта он смеет так с вами разговаривать? А Лев Диппер врать не будет — скажет мало, четко и в точку. С мерзкой ухмылкой. Так что вам останется винить себя и депрессию на тему — куда катится моя жизнь. Обладатели имени Диппер ужасные эгоцентрики — любят комплименты, быть в центре внимания и подарков.
  • Знак зодиака Овен для имени Диппер. Хотите встретить настоящего сумасшедшего? Овен Диппер — человек с огромным запасом энергии, с желанием побеждать, совершать подвиги и импульсивные поступки. Проще говоря, баран. Обладатели имени Диппер — самые упрямые люди на свете. Даже если вы уже доказали им свою правоту и они в это поверили, все равно будут уверять, что это они в белом халате, а вы — болван. Переубедить их невозможно, лучше даже не пытайтесь, поберегите свои нервные клетки, кивните головой на его бред и отойдите в сторону. Ненавидят конкуренцию: Если кто-то из окружения Овна Диппер окажется в чем-то лучше его, то он костьми ляжет, но сделает это, чтобы утереть нос своему оппоненту.
  • .

    Камни и талисманы для имени Диппер

    Амулеты, как и обереги, выполняют защитную функцию, но предназначены для конкретного человека. Носить их нужно открыто в виде бус, колец, серег, браслетов, брошей или кулонов. Талисманы не должны выставляться напоказ. У них более широкие функции. Они привлекают деньги, приносят удачу, дарят любовь, добавляют здоровья. Определим подходящий список талисманов для имени Диппер. Обладателям имени Диппер подходят камни авантюрин и сердолик. Первый дарит энергию, способствует процветанию и помогает разряжать негативные ситуации. А второй способен оградить от негативного влияния.

    Цвет имени Диппер

    Цвет имени Диппер — красный. Люди с именем Диппер, носящие красный цвет, очень добрые и отзывчивые, они всегда придут на помощь, но будут ждать ответной реакции. А если его не последует, то, возможно, серьезно обидятся, но не покажут этого, просто отдалят человека на некоторое время. Среди Носителей имени Диппер много лидеров, доводящих до конца поставленную цель, требующих от ведомых полной отдачи, из-за чего они часто не любят. Носители имени Диппер верные друзья, но, увы, друзей у них не так много. Положительные черты характера для людей с именем Диппер — доброта, отзывчивость, лидерство. Отрицательные черты характера для людей с именем Диппер — эгоизм, нетерпимость к порокам других.

    Как правильно пишется имя Диппер

    В русском языке грамотным написанием этого имени является — Диппер. В английском языке имя Диппер может иметь следующий вариант написания — Dipper.

    Склонение имени Диппер по падежам

    Падеж Вопрос Имя
    Именительный Кто? Диппер
    Родительный Нет Кого? Диппер
    Дательный Рад Кому? Диппер
    Винительный Вижу Кого? Диппер
    Творительный Доволен Кем? Диппер
    Предложный Думаю О ком? Диппер

    Видео про имя Диппер

    Вы согласны с описанием и значением имени Диппер? Какую судьбу, характер и национальность имеют ваши знакомые с именем Диппер? Каких известных и успешных людей с именем Диппер вы знаете? Какой информацией об имени Диппер вы еще обладаете? Будем рады обсудить имя Диппер более подробно с посетителями нашего сайта в комментариях ниже.

    ковш, черпак, оляпка, красильщик, анабаптист, баптист, нисходящий сброс


    - красильщик
    - презр. анабаптист; баптист
    - ковш, черпак
    - (Dipper) амер. Большая Медведица (тж. Big Dipper)

    Little Dipper — Малая МедведицаКак пишется имя диппер на английском

    - ныряющая птица, птица-нырок
    - зоол. оляпка (Cinclus gen.)
    - метал. литейный ковш
    - ковш экскаватора
    - авт. черпачок (шатуна)
    - геол. нисходящий сброс
    - фото держатель (в ванночке для проявления)
    - авт. переключатель света фар


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    dipper stick — рукоять стрелового манипулятора; рукоять стрелы экскаватора; рукоять ковша  Как пишется имя диппер на английском
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    dipper teeth — зубья ковша экскаватора  Как пишется имя диппер на английском
    dipper tube — погружная труба  Как пишется имя диппер на английском
    dipper-type dredge — одночерпаковая драга  Как пишется имя диппер на английском
    dryland dipper dredge — одноковшовый землечерпательный снаряд для засушливых земель  Как пишется имя диппер на английском
    big dipper — американские горки; колесо обозрения  Как пишется имя диппер на английском


    Little DipperКак пишется имя диппер на английском

    Малая Медведица 

    The little tin dipper was scratched all over.Как пишется имя диппер на английском

    Латунный ковшик был весь исцарапан. 

    The constellation Ursa Major contains the stars of the Big Dipper.Как пишется имя диппер на английском

    Созвездие Большой Медведицы включает в себя звёзды Большого Ковша. 

    The Big Dipper is an asterism within the constellation Ursa Major.Как пишется имя диппер на английском

    Большой Ковш является астеризмом внутри созвездия Большой Медведицы. 

    Примеры, ожидающие перевода

    …the metal dipper left in the stew pot was too hot to touch…Как пишется имя диппер на английском

    Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

    Возможные однокоренные слова

    dip  — падение, погружение, купание, соус, окунаться, окунать, погружаться

    Формы слова

    ед. ч.(singular): dipper
    мн. ч.(plural): dippers

    • 1

      back dipper

      Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык.
      С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова.

      * * *


      Англо-русский строительный словарь.

      Англо-русский словарь строительных терминов > dipper

    • 2

      English-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > dipper

    • 3

      1) ковш; черпа́к



      анабапти́ст; бапти́ст

      3) краси́льщик


      the (Big) D. амер. Больша́я Медве́дица


      the Little D. амер. Ма́лая Медве́дица



      нисходя́щий сброс

      Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > dipper

    • 4

      Персональный Сократ > dipper

    • 5

      English-russian biological dictionary > dipper

    • 6

      ˈdɪpə сущ.
      1) прям. перен. тот, кто что-л. куда-л. макает а) красильщик б) анабаптист (в частности, американский анабаптист), баптист Syn: dunker в) биол. оляпка (птица, может нырять и бегать по дну водоемов) ;
      также и другие ныряльщики, напр., зимородок г) человек, читающий книги по диагонали д) сл. карманный вор е) человек, принимающий нюхательный табак с помощью специальной кисточки, опускаемой в табак
      2) а) ковш, черпак The little tin dipper was scratched all over. ≈ Латунный ковшик был весь исцарапан. Syn: ladle б) тех. тип землечерпалки в) амер. «ковш» (о созвездиях обеих Медведиц) Big Dipper Little Dipper г) амер. шарик мороженого (от формы ложки мороженщика) double dipper д) живоп. сосуд для лака или грунтовки, прикрепленный к палитре е) авто насос (топливный, масляный и т.п.)
      красильщик (презрительное) анабаптист;
      баптист ковш, черпак — (D.) (американизм) Большая Медведица (тж. Big D.) — Little D. Малая Медведица ныряющая птица, птица-нырок (зоология) оляпка (Cinclus gen.) литейный ковш ковш экскаватора( автомобильное) черпачок (шатуна) (геология) нисходящий сброс( фотографическое) держатель( в ванночке для проявления) (автомобильное) переключатель света фар
      the Big Dipper амер. Большая Медведица;
      the Little Dipper амер. Малая Медведица
      dipper анабаптист;
      баптист ~ ковш;
      черпак ~ красильщик ~ геол. нисходящий сброс ~ оляпка (птица)
      the Big Dipper амер. Большая Медведица;
      the Little Dipper амер. Малая Медведица

      Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > dipper

    • 7


      the Big Dipper амер. Большая Медведица; the Little Dipper амер. Малая Медведица dipper анабаптист; баптист dipper ковш; черпак dipper красильщик dipper геол. нисходящий сброс dipper оляпка (птица) the Big Dipper амер. Большая Медведица; the Little Dipper амер. Малая Медведица

      English-Russian short dictionary > dipper

    • 8

      имя существительное:

      Англо-русский синонимический словарь > dipper

    • 9



      2) анабаптист ; баптист


      3) ковш, черпак

      The little tin dipper was scratched all over. — Латунный ковшик был весь исцарапан.


      а) Большая Медведица

      б) Малая Медведица



      шарик мороженого



      сосуд для лака или грунтовки, прикреплённый к палитре

      11) человек, принимающий нюхательный табак с помощью специальной кисточки, опускаемой в табак

      12) человек, читающий книги по диагонали


      Англо-русский современный словарь > dipper

    • 10

      Англо-русский словарь по машиностроению > dipper

    • 11

      1. n красильщик

      2. n презр. анабаптист; баптист

      3. n ковш, черпак

      4. n амер. Большая Медведица

      5. n ныряющая птица, птица-нырок

      6. n зоол. оляпка

      7. n метал. литейный ковш

      8. n ковш экскаватора

      9. n авт. черпачок

      10. n геол. нисходящий сброс

      11. n фото держатель

      12. n авт. переключатель света фар

      Синонимический ряд:

      1. ladle (noun) ladle; scoop; shovel; spade; spoon; trowel

      English-Russian base dictionary > dipper

    • 12

      Англо-русский технический словарь > dipper

    • 13


      2) красильщик

      3. 1) ковш, черпак

      2) (Dipper)

      Большая Медведица (

      Big Dipper)

      4. 1) ныряющая птица, птица-нырок

      2) ковш экскаватора


      переключатель света фар

      НБАРС > dipper

    • 14

      English-Russian dictionary on nuclear energy > dipper

    • 15


      1) ковш; черпак

      2) красильщик

      3) анабаптист; баптист

      4) the (Big) Dipper


      Большая Медведица; the Little Dipper


      Малая Медведица

      5) оляпка (птица)

      * * *

      (n) анабаптист; баптист; большая медведица; ковш; красильщик; литейный ковш; ныряющая птица; оляпка; переключатель света фар; птица-нырок; черпак

      * * *

      * * *

      [dip·per || ‘dɪpə]
      красильщик; анабаптист, баптист; ковш, черпак, оляпка [зоол.]

      * * *







      * * *

      1) а) красильщик
      б) анабаптист
      в) биол. оляпка зимородок
      г) человек, читающий книги по диагонали
      д) сленг карманный вор
      е) человек, принимающий нюхательный табак с помощью специальной кисточки, опускаемой в табак
      2) а) ковш
      б) тех. тип землечерпалки
      в) амер. «ковш» (о созвездиях обеих Медведиц)
      г) амер. шарик мороженого (от формы ложки мороженщика)
      д) живоп. сосуд для лака или грунтовки, прикрепленный к палитре
      е) авто насос (топливный, масляный и т.п.)

      Новый англо-русский словарь > dipper

    • 16

      Англо-русский строительный словарь > dipper

    • 17



      (common, white-throated) dipper, water-ouzel



      cincle m plongeur, merle m d’eau


    • 18

      English-Russian scientific dictionary > dipper

    • 19

      2) черпак; ковш-пробоотборник

      Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > dipper

    • 20


      1) Общая лексика: анабаптист, баптист, ковш, красильщик, литейный ковш, нисходящий сброс, ныряющая птица, оляпка , птица-нырок, черпак, дозатор (капельницы)

      2) Геология: ковш , черпак экскаватора или механической лопаты

      5) Техника: грейфер , ковш-пробоотборник, лопата экскаватора, нисходящее смещение, сосуд для обработки погружением, лопата

      7) Строительство: черпак , ковш

      10) Горное дело: ковш , черпак

      Универсальный англо-русский словарь > dipper


    • Следующая →
    • 1
    • 2
    • 3
    • 4
    • 5
    • 6
    • 7

    См. также в других словарях:

    • Dipper — Dip per, n. 1. One who, or that which, dips; especially, a vessel used to dip water or other liquid; a ladle. [1913 Webster] 2. (Zo[ o]l.) (a) A small grebe; the dabchick. (b) The buffel duck. (c) The water ouzel ({Cinolus aquaticus}) of Europe.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

    • dipper — [dip′ər] n. 1. a person whose work is dipping something in liquid ☆ 2. a long handled cup or similar container for dipping 3. any of a family (Cinclidae) of passerine birds living near swift streams in which they wade and dive in search of… …   English World dictionary

    • dipper — late 14c., as a type of diving bird, agent noun from DIP (Cf. dip) (v.). As a ladle or long handled utensil for drawing liquid, from 1783, chiefly Amer.Eng. As the popular U.S. name for the asterism known in Britain as The Plough or Charles Wain …   Etymology dictionary

    • dipper — ► NOUN 1) a short tailed songbird able to dive into fast flowing streams to feed. 2) a ladle …   English terms dictionary

    • Dipper — For other uses, see Dipper (disambiguation). Dippers American Dipper Scientific classification Kingdom …   Wikipedia

    • Dipper — Theodor Dipper (* 1903; † 1969) war Dekan des Kirchenbezirks Nürtingen (1945–59) und Ludwigsburg (1959–69), Mitbegründer der württembergischen Bekenntnisbewegung und einer der entscheidenden Organisatoren der Württembergischen Pfarrhauskette,… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

    • dipper — /dip euhr/, n. 1. a person or thing that dips. 2. a cuplike container with a long handle, used for dipping liquids. 3. (cap.) Astron. a. See Big Dipper. b. See Little Dipper. 4. Ornith. Also call …   Universalium

    • dipper — noun Date: 1611 1. one that dips: as a. a worker who dips articles b. something (as a long handled cup) used for dipping c. slang pickpocket 2. any of a genus (Cinclus and especially C. cinclus of the Old World and C. mexicanus of …   New Collegiate Dictionary

    • dipper — UK [ˈdɪpə(r)] / US [ˈdɪpər] noun [countable] Word forms dipper : singular dipper plural dippers a small bird that lives near rivers • See: big dipper …   English dictionary

    • dipper —   Kī o e, ipu kī o e, o o o;    ♦ dipper made of ti leaf, kī apu;    ♦ dipper made of taro or ape leaf, kili apu. See Big Dipper …   English-Hawaiian dictionary

    • Dipper — noun a) A member or supporter of the Canadian New Democratic Party. But the Dippers should hold their applause, since their party doesnt have the grassroots organization or the roster of good candidates it needs to capitalize on their leaders… …   Wiktionary





    На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

    На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

    Знаешь, Диппер, я всегда хотела маленького братика.

    You know, Dipper, I’ve always wanted a little brother.

    Диппер, уверен, это неправда.

    Dipper, I’m sure that’s not true.

    Диппер, неважно что ты видел.

    Dipper, it doesn’t matter what you saw.

    Пойми, Диппер, этот город притягивает нестандартные вещи.

    Listen to me, Dipper, this town is a magnet for things that are special.

    Прости, что так давила, Диппер.

    I’m sorry for being so pushy, dipper.

    Символы не должны быть дословными, Диппер.

    They symbol’s needn’t all be literal, Dipper.

    Диппер, ты должен заценить эту странную металлическую комнату.

    Dipper, you got to check out this weird metal closet.

    Не сиди до утра, Диппер.

    Don’t stay up all night, Dipper.

    Если Диппер выиграет, Мейбл вернётся с ним в реальный мир.

    If Dipper wins, Mabel will return with him to the real world.

    Больше всего на свете, Диппер.

    More than anything in the world, Dipper.

    Как персонаж, Диппер был хорошо принят критиками.

    As a character, Dipper has been critically well received.

    Ладно, Диппер, второй шанс.

    Okay, Dipper, second chance.

    Диппер, может вы переместитесь в другую комнату?

    Dipper, could you maybe move this to another room?

    Я прошу тебя никому об этом не говорить, Диппер.

    Dipper, I don’t want you to tell anyone about this.

    Ну же, Диппер, покрякай с нами.

    Come on, quack with us, Dipper.

    Мы идём за тобой, Диппер.

    We’re coming for you, Dipper.

    Я отвлеку её, пока Диппер и Мейбл будут держать тебя в безопасности.

    I’ll distract her while Dipper and Mabel keep you safe.

    Это не так просто, Диппер.

    It’s not that easy, Dipper.

    Диппер Пайнс, ты не знаешь на что я способен.

    Dipper Pines, you don’t know what you’ve done.

    Диппер, эта ночь, типа, легендарна.

    Dipper, this night is, like, legendary.

    Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

    Результатов: 159. Точных совпадений: 159. Затраченное время: 41 мс


    Корпоративные решения




    Справка и о нас

    Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

    Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

    Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

    Что означает имя Диппер? Что обозначает имя Диппер? Что значит имя Диппер для человека? Какое значение имени Диппер, происхождение, судьба и характер носителя? Какой национальности имя Диппер? Как переводится имя Диппер? Как правильно пишется имя Диппер? Совместимость c именем Диппер — подходящий цвет, камни обереги, планета покровитель и знак зодиака. Полная характеристика имени Диппер и его подробный анализ вы можете прочитать онлайн в этой статье совершенно бесплатно.

    Анализ имени Диппер

    Имя Диппер состоит из 6 букв. Имена из шести букв обычно принадлежат особам, в характере которых доминируют такие качества, как восторженность, граничащая с экзальтацией, и склонность к легкому эпатажу. Они уделяют много времени созданию собственного имиджа, используя все доступные средства для того, чтобы подчеркнуть свою оригинальность. Проанализировав значение каждой буквы в имени Диппер можно понять его тайный смысл и скрытое значение.

  • Д — приступая к работе, хорошо обдумывают последовательность. Основной ориентир — семья. Занимаются благотворительностью. Капризны. Имеют скрытые экстрасенсорные способности. «Работа на публику», нежелание внутреннего развития, основной акцент люди, имеющие в имени такую букву, делают на кратковременном положительном впечатлении со стороны общественности.
  • И — романтичные, утончённые и чувственные натуры. Добрые, мечтают о гармонии с окружающим миром. В сложной ситуации проявляют практичность. Иногда склонны к одиночеству и аскетизму. Неумение подчиняться кому-либо, в то же время указывает на равнодушие к власти.
  • П — имеют собственное мнение во всех делах. Стремятся постичь действительность. Озабочены своим внешним видом. Умение обобщать детали и видеть картину в целом. Постоянные поиски своего места в жизни, миссии, новых целей.
  • П — имеют собственное мнение во всех делах. Стремятся постичь действительность. Озабочены своим внешним видом. Умение обобщать детали и видеть картину в целом. Постоянные поиски своего места в жизни, миссии, новых целей.
  • Е — самовыражение, стремление к обмену опытом. Выступают в роли посредника в конфликтах. Проницательны, понимают мир тайн. Болтливы. Сильная любовь к путешествиям, в жизни такие могут часто менять место жительства, непоседливы.
  • Р — противостоят воздействию извне, уверены в себе, храбрые, увлечённые личности. Способны к неоправданному риску, авантюрные натуры склонны к непререкаемым суждениям. Умение рисковать ради цели. Желание и потенциал для лидерства.
  • Значение имени Диппер в нумерологии

    Нумерология имени Диппер может подсказать не только главные качества и характер человека. Но и определить его судьбу, показать успех в личной жизни, дать сведения о карьере, расшифровать судьбоносные знаки и даже предсказать будущее. Число имени Диппер в нумерологии — 1. Девиз имени Диппер и единиц по жизни: «Я – первый!»

    • Планета-покровитель для имени Диппер — Солнце.
    • Знак зодиака для имени Диппер — Лев и Овен.
    • Камни-талисманы для имени Диппер — аквамарин, берилл, медь, каури, магнит, слюда, мусковит, хризолит, сапфир, песчаник, бирюза.

    «Единица» в числах для имени Диппер – Числе Выражения, Числе Души и Числе внешнего облика – говорит о наличии у человека способностей, обеспечивающих его оригинальность и уникальность. Значение цифры 1 — для имени Диппер, это прежде всего, способность находить пути и способы самореализации, принципиально отличающиеся от общеизвестных. Обладатели имени Диппер свободолюбивы, часто эгоистичны. Такие люди стремятся к независимости, вкладывают силы в саморазвитие и реализацию себя. Способность направлять неуемную энергию в нужное русло поможет единицам добиться больших успехов в жизни. Среди них много творческих натур, активных и нуждающихся в постоянном движении вперед. Единица в имени Диппер — это число лидера. Имя Диппер обладает мощной энергией, имеет множество идей, которые пытается воплотить самостоятельно. Человек — Единица (Диппер) имеет силу воли, харизму, держит свое слово, умело решает проблемы других людей. Его нельзя не заметить. Яркий индивидуалист с гипертрофированным эго. Диппер часто ошибается в личной жизни, нередки разводы. Единица с именем Диппер не должна быть агрессивной, злиться, иначе она разрушает свое здоровье и выстроенный ранее путь. Порадовать владельца имени Диппер можно, дав ему уважение, постоянно отмечать его успехи и заслуги.

    • Влияние имени Диппер на профессию и карьеру. Что значит число 1 в имени Диппер при выборе сферы деятельности? «Единица» в нумерологическом ядре – это практически всегда потенциально высокий уровень профессионализма. Но профессионализма совершенно особого толка – узконаправленного, избирательного, а иногда – единственного в своем роде. Подходящие профессии для имени Диппер: менеджер, руководитель, предприниматель.
    • Влияние имени Диппер на личную жизнь. Межгендерные отношения – это сфера, в которой положительные и отрицательные проявления личности настолько видоизменены, что дифференцировать их довольно сложно. В частности, число один для имени Диппер наделяет своего обладателя импульсивностью, хвастовством и самоуверенностью. Эти черты характера для обладателя имени Диппер обычно считаются недостатками, но «в делах любовных» часто выглядят неотразимыми достоинствами. А склонность к логическим построениям и твердость убеждений – вполне могут быть расценены, как излишняя осторожность и занудство. Единица – символ лидерства, а лидеры по имени Диппер чаще всего ищут в отношениях заботу и тепло. Более всего им подходят активные тройки, семерки, девятки, а также спокойные двойки и шестерки.

    Планета покровитель имени Диппер

    Число 1 для имени Диппер означает планету Солнце. Единица для имени Диппер – это изначальное, источник всего. Это число входите состав любого другого числа. Люди с именем Диппер, чьей планетой-покровителем является Солнце, по натуре очень сильные личности, как правило – лидеры. Им свойственна импульсивность, они никогда не останутся незамеченными. Они добиваются успехов практически в любом деле. Людям Солнца по имени Диппер присущи такие черты характера, как стремление к власти, великодушие, справедливость, ответственность, инициативность. Гармоничные отношения у этой категории сложатся с людьми этой же группы.

    Знаки зодиака имени Диппер

    Для имени Диппер подходят следующие знаки зодиака:

  • Знак зодиака Лев для имени Диппер. Люди с именем Диппер и родившиеся под знаком Льва, творческие, любят главенствовать в работе и в жизни, идут к успеху, не задерживаясь на вторых ролях. Обладатели имени Диппер ненавидят любые ограничения. К себе относятся требовательно, придирчивы ко внешности, поэтому уделяют ей много внимания. Львы с именем Диппер стараются произвести на людей благоприятное впечатление, любят нравиться. Попал в милость ко Льву – считай, повезло. Тебя будут превозносить, везде брать с собой (чтобы похвастаться) и учить манерам – аристократы еще те. А вот ругаться со Львом по имени Диппер не рекомендуется: они остры на язык и за словом в карман не полезут. Через пять минут будешь стоять с красными от злости щеками и негодовать, какого черта он смеет с тобой так разговаривать? Причем Лев Диппер врать не станет – скажет мало, четко и по делу. С противной ухмылкой. Так что еще сам останешься виноват и в депрессии на тему «куда катится моя жизнь». Владельцы имени Диппер жуткие эгоцентрики – обожают комплименты, быть в центре внимания и подарки (хотя им больше нравится слово «подношения»).
  • Знак зодиака Овен для имени Диппер. Хотите познакомиться с настоящим безумцем? Овен Диппер — это человек с колоссальным запасом энергии, с желанием побеждать, совершать подвиги и импульсивные поступки. По-простому, баран. Обладалели имени Диппер — самые упертые люди в мире. Даже если ты уже доказал им свою правоту и они в нее поверили, все равно будут уверять, что это они в белом пальто, а дебил тут ты. Переспорить невозможно, лучше даже не пытаться, сбереги свои нервные клетки, покивай головой на его ахинею и отойди в сторонку. Ненавидят конкуренцию: если кто-то в окружении Овна Диппер будет в чем-то лучше него, то тот костьми ляжет, но сделает так, чтобы утереть противнику нос.
  • Цвет имени Диппер

    Красный цвет имени Диппер. Люди с именем Диппер, носящие красный цвет, очень добрые и отзывчивые, они всегда придут на помощь, но будут ждать ответной реакции. И если она не последует, то, возможно, серьёзно обидятся, но не покажут этого, просто отдалятся от человека на некоторое время. Среди обладателей имени Диппер много лидеров, ведущих до конца к цели, требуя от ведомых полной отдачи, из-за чего часто их и недолюбливают. Носители имени Диппер верные друзья, но, увы, друзей у них не так уж и много. Положительные черты характера для людей с именем Диппер – доброта, отзывчивость, лидерство. Отрицательные черты характера для людей с именем Диппер – эгоистичность, нетерпимость к порокам других.

    Как правильно пишется имя Диппер

    В русском языке грамотным написанием этого имени является — Диппер. В английском языке имя Диппер может иметь следующий вариант написания — Dipper.

    Видео значение имени Диппер

    Вы согласны с описанием и значением имени Диппер? Какую судьбу, характер и национальность имеют ваши знакомые с именем Диппер? Каких известных и успешных людей с именем Диппер вы еще знаете? Будем рады обсудить имя Диппер более подробно с посетителями нашего сайта в комментариях ниже.

    Если вы нашли ошибку в описании имени, пожалуйста, выделите фрагмент текста и нажмите Ctrl+Enter.

    Мэйсон «Диппер» Пайнс[6] (ориг. Mason «Dipper» Pines) — умный, доброжелательный, любопытный, любознательный и предприимчивый двенадцатилетний (тринадцатилетний в конце сериала) мальчик, проводящий лето с дядей Стэном в Гравити Фолз, штат Орегон, где он и его сестра Мэйбл постоянно сталкиваются с паранормальной стороной города. Вооружён дневником. Является одним из главных героев Гравити Фолз, исследующим тайны Хижины Чудес в течении лета.


    Ранняя жизнь

    Диппер в костюме барашка

    Родился 31 августа 1999 года в Пьемонте, штате Калифорния, на 5 минут позже своей сестры-близняшки Мэйбл. Настоящее имя Диппера, данное ему при рождении — Мэйсон, а «Диппер» лишь прозвище, данное ему в 5 лет за родимое пятно на лбу, напоминающее Большую Медведицу (Большая Медведица на английском: Big Dipper). Из-за этого все, даже близкие родственники звали его исключительно по прозвищу.

    Родители близнецов являются контркультурщиками (с точки зрения культурологии, контркультура — это течение, которое отрицает ценности доминирующей культуры), поэтому они и дали своим детям столь редкие имена — Мэйбл и Мэйсон.

    Семья у Диппера была нерелигиозная, но по настояниям Мэйбл они постоянно праздновали Хануку, Рождество и Пасху. Любимым же праздником Диппера был Хэллоуин, который он праздновал вместе с сестрой с 3 лет.
    Мама заставляла его надевать костюм барашка и танцевать Барашкин танец (Диппер ненавидел всё это).[7]..[8]

    Известно, что Диппер хорошо учился в школе, и даже трижды был финалистом конкурсного диктанта Пьемонтской средней школы. Но, в отличие от своей сестры, он не пользовался популярностью в социуме, постоянно становясь объектом для издевательств из-за родимого пятна. По этой причине он носил кепку со звездой с пятого класса, чтобы скрыть родимое пятно, и даже ни разу не стирал, боясь смыть удачу.

    Прибытие в Гравити Фолз

    В июне 2012 года[9] по окончанию шестого класса, родители отправляют близняшек в городок Гравити Фолз в штате Орегон на каникулы к своему двоюродному деду, которого они в русской версии называют «дядей». Диппер с трудом привыкает к городу и дяде Стэну.

    Диппер и Мэйбл прибывают в Гравити Фолз

    В один день Стэн посылает Диппера развесить рекламные объявления Хижины Чудес в лесу, где тот обнаруживает дневник, в котором описываются все мистические и сверхъестественные вещи, происходящие в Гравити Фолз. Новый парень Мэйбл по имени Норман очень похож на зомби из дневника, который нашёл Диппер. Он начинает следить за Норманом. Однако подтверждений не находится. После этого Диппер пытается предупредить Мэйбл о том, что якобы Норман — зомби, но она его не слушает, и уходит на свидание. Пересматривая видеозаписи, он неожиданно замечает, что на одной из них у Нормана отвалилась рука. На машине для гольфа, ключи от которой Диппер взял у Вэнди, он едет спасать сестру.

    Диппер находит Дневник №3.

    В это время выясняется, что Норман — это пятёрка представителей расы гномов, ищущих себе королеву. Они связывают Мэйбл (момент похож на мультфильм и книгу «Гулливер в стране лилипутов»), но подоспевший брат спасает сестру. Они вместе удирают на гольф-машине, а гномы собираются в одного огромного монстра. По дороге Диппер теряет свою коричневую кепку со звездой. Приключение заканчивается тем, что Мэйбл разгоняет гномов садовым пылесосом. Брат с сестрой обнимаются, а потом заходят в дом. Стэн смеется над их потрёпанным внешним видом, но, смягчившись, разрешает взять подарки из новых товаров. Диппер выбирает белую кепку с синей ёлкой на ней, которую мы видим на протяжении всех остальных серий, а Мэйбл — абордажный крюк.


    1 сезон

    Диппер, Мэйбл и Сус ищут Живогрыза

    В эпизоде «Легенда о Живогрызе» Стэн, Диппер и Мэйбл идут на рыбалку. Узнав от старика Макгакета, что в озере водится монстр Живогрыз, Диппер хочет сфотографировать его, чтобы получить 1000$ как приз за лучшую фотографию монстра. Он берёт 17 одноразовых фотоаппаратов и идёт искать Живогрыза вместе с Мэйбл и Сусом на корабле последнего, оставив дядю Стэна в одиночестве. В конце концов, Диппер выясняет, что Живогрыз — механическое существо, управляемое стариком Макгакетом. Макгакет объяснил это тем, что хотел привлечь внимание своего сына. Диппер и Мэйбл, поняв, что расстроили дядю своим уходом, сами почувствовали себя чудовищами и вернулись к Стэну[1].

    Диппер и Мэйбл обвиняют Тоби Решительного в убийстве Воскового Стэна.

    В эпизоде «Охотники за головами» Диппер и Мэйбл помогают Стэну узнать, кто обезглавил восковую копию дяди, сделанную Мэйбл. На «похоронах» Диппер понимает, что убийство совершили восковые фигуры. Он и Мэйбл сражаются с восковыми фигурами и побеждают их, используя свойство воска плавиться.

    Гидеон пытается убить Диппера.

    В эпизоде «Рука, качающая Мэйбл» Диппер, Мэйбл и Сус идут в Шатёр телепатии, чтобы увидеть приехавшего в город Гидеона. Диппер посчитал его мошенником, таким же, и даже больше, чем Стэн. Увидев, что его сестра невольно ввязалась в любовные отношения с Гидеоном и не может сама расстаться с ним, Диппер сам идёт в ресторан, где должно было пройти следующее свидание его сестры с Глифулом, и говорит, что Мэйбл хочет расстаться с ним. Гидеон не верит решает отомстить Дипперу, заманивая его на частный завод, где пытается убить. Мэйбл вовремя спасает брата и окончательно расстаётся с Гидеоном.[10].

    Диппер танцует Барашкин танец.

    В эпизоде «Стеснённые ситуацией» Диппер понимает, что влюблён в Вэнди. Он вместе с Мэйбл и друзьями Вэнди едет в закрытый супермаркет «От заката до рассвета». Здесь Диппер обнаруживает паранормальную активность, но боится сказать ребятам, боясь, что его засмеют. Вскоре привидение берёт под контроль Мэйбл, а друзья Вэнди оказываются в различных ловушках. Дипперу приходится станцевать «Барашкин танец», чтобы спасти всех.

    Диппер против Мульти-медведя.

    В эпизоде «Диппер против мужественности» Диппер хочет доказать свою мужественность и пробует себя на тестере мужественности в кафе «Обед Жирнушки», но у него вполне ожидаемо не хватает сил. Расстроившись, он убегает в лес, где встречает Мужикотавров. Их лидер говорит, что он станет мужиком, если убьёт Мульти-медведя, но Диппер не хочет убивать его из-за того, что он также, как и мальчик, слушает песни группы BABBA. Диппер уходит от Мужикотавров и приходит обратно в кафе к Мэйбл и Стэну, где последний говорит, что то, что Диппер пошёл против воли толпы, является мужским поступком. Также у него вырастает первый волосок на груди, который, впрочем, Мэйбл быстро вырывает и помещает в свой альбом памятных событий.

    Диппер с Тайроном.

    В эпизоде «Дважды Диппер» Диппер вместе с Вэнди продаёт билеты на Вечеринку в Хижине Чудес. Он хочет пригласить Вэнди на танец, следуя огромному составленному им плану, но боится, что что-то ему помешает. Тогда он создаёт своих клонов с помощью копировальной машины Стэна, которые помогают ему почти идеально выполнить свой план. Тем не менее, планы нарушаются, когда Вэнди непредсказуемо оказывается не там, где надо. Диппер общается с ней просто так, не прибегая к плану. Он понимает, что ему не нужен этот план, но клоны с ним не соглашаются. Диппер сражается с ними и растворяет всех клонов, кроме уехавших на велосипеде № 3 и № 4 и Тайрона. Позже Диппер и Тайрон, увидев, как Вэнди общается с Робби, мирятся и идут на крышу пить Питт Колу, однако из-за неё Тайрон растворяется, а Диппер, разорвав план на кусочки, возвращается на вечеринку.

    Диппер получает ключ от восьмого с половиной президента США — Квентина Трембли.

    В эпизоде «Сокровище вкратце», после того как, Пасифика Нортвест обсмеяла глупость Мэйбл, Диппер решил проучить её. В Дневнике он нашёл запись о том, что основатель Гравити Фолз, пра-пра-прадедушка Пасифики Натаниэль Нортвест, на самом деле-то и не был основателем. Также в Дневнике была карта, которая может подтвердить теорию. Диппер и Мэйбл пошли в библиотеку разгадать тайну, но за ними увязались шериф Блабс и заместитель Дурланд, получившие задание не дать детям раскрыть дело, которое имело государственную важность. Благодаря Мэйбл, брату и сестре удаётся найти подземную пещеру, где они находят документ, в котором говорится, что настоящим основателем Гравити Фолз был Квентин Трэмбли. В это время полицейские тоже пробираются в пещеру и рассказывают о Квентине, который замуровал себя в арахисовом щербете и тоже оказался в этой пещере. Блабс и Дурланд берут всех и везут в Вашингтон. По дороге Мэйбл случайно освобождает Квентина, и вместе они сбегают, воспользовавшись полномочиями президента. В городе Диппер отдаёт Пасифике документ, который подтверждает, что её пра-пра-прадедушка был мошенником, и подмечает, что «месть действительно классная штука».

    Дипперу не удаётся загладить вину перед Вэнди.

    В эпизоде «Свинья путешественника во времени» Диппер идёт с Вэнди на ярмарку и хочет выиграть ей зверя неизвестной породы, ради чего кидает мяч, целясь в кегли, но тот отлетает и попадает Вэнди в глаз. Диппер хочет принести ей лёд, но по дороге сталкивается с неизвестным лысым мужиком, из-за чего задерживается. В это время Робби уже приложил мороженое к глазу Вэнди и предложил ей встречаться. Вэнди соглашается. Диппер говорит, что вся его жизнь разрушена и обвиняет в этом того лысого мужика. Вместе с Мэйбл они выясняют, что он путешественник во времени по имени Блендин Блэндин. Диппер понимает, что может вернуться в прошлое и сделать так, чтобы в Вэнди не попал мяч. Он берёт рулетку времени и исправляет прошлое, но из-за этого Мэйбл в свою очередь лишается своей свиньи Пухли, которую она в изначальном варианте выиграла на ярмарке. Диппер думает, что на следующий день Мэйбл забудет о свинке, но ни на следующий день, ни на следующий месяц этого не происходит. Тогда он снова отправляется в прошлое и оставляет всё как было.

    Диппер показывает Робби Рамблу.

    В эпизоде «Бой бойцов» Диппер ревнует Вэнди к Робби, что приводит к тому, что Робби вызывает его на поединок, но Диппер боится и пытается спрятаться. В «Аркаде» он освобождает персонажа игры Fight Fighters Рамбла Макскёрмиша. Диппер отправляет его драться с Робби, соврав, что он убил его отца. Но Рамбл хочет убить Робби, чего не хочет Диппер и признается, что соврал про убийство отца. Рамбл избивает Диппера, считая его главным боссом, и исчезает. После Диппер предлагает Робби продолжить враждовать по-тихому.

    Диппер и Мэйбл в тени Гидеона.

    В эпизоде «Малыш Диппер» Мэйбл дразнила Диппера, потому что она выше него (всего на один миллиметр). Диппер ищет в Дневнике способ увеличить свой рост и находит в лесу кристаллы, изменяющие рост. Он прикрепляет один из кристаллов к фонарику и увеличивает свой рост. Мэйбл начинает подозревать Диппера и думает, что его увеличивает волшебник. Диппер рассказывает ей о фонарике, и Мэйбл тут же загорается желанием получить его. Они дерутся за фонарик, и он случайно попадает к Гидеону. Тот уменьшает их обоих и уносит домой. Гидеон звонит Стэну и говорит, что он взял в заложники его племянников, но Стэн ему не верит. Тогда Гидеон идёт в Хижину Чудес, чтобы уменьшить Стэна. Диппер и Мэйбл сбегают из дома Гидеона и забирают фонарик. Они бы смогли увеличиться, если бы не вступили в спор друг с другом. Гидеон отбирает у них в фонарик и случайно уменьшает Суса вместо Стэна. Диппер мирится с Мэйбл. Вместе они побеждают Гидеона с помощью щекотки, а потом увеличивают друг друга, причём Диппер оставляет Мэйбл её миллиметр.

    Диппер выбрасывает невкусные конфеты.

    В эпизоде «Летоуин» Диппер с семьёй и Сусом идут в магазин Летоуина и уходят, не расплатившись. В Хижине Чудес они с Мэйбл слушают рассказ Суса о Летоуинском Ловкаче, однако Диппер не верит ему. Позже он выкидывает в окно невкусные конфеты, которые купил Стэн. Затем в дверь позвонили. Когда Диппер открыл, там оказались Робби и Вэнди. Робби спросил у Диппера, пойдёт ли он колядовать. Диппер, замявшись, врёт, что не пойдёт. Вэнди приглашает его на вечеринку. Он соглашается. Но Мэйбл в то же время зовёт его на колядки с Грендой и Кэнди, поэтому, чтобы пойти на вечеринку, Диппер притворяется больным.

    В дверь позвонили. Когда Диппер открыл, там стоял Летоуинский Ловкач. Но Диппер, приняв его за обычного колядующего, спросил его, не слишком ли он стар для колядок, и захлопывает дверь. Ловкач снова позвонил, Диппер снова захлопнул дверь. Затем Ловкач вломился в дверь, и объявил, что если они не соберут 500 конфет до того, как погаснет последний арбузный фонарь,
    он их съест. Чтобы это доказать, он съедает колядующего Горни, проходящего мимо Хижины Чудес. После колядок они набрали 500 конфет, но Диппер случайно уронил их в канаву, поссорившись с Мэйбл, узнавшей настоящие планы Диппера насчёт вечеринки. В это время люди начали тушить арбузные фонари. Последний остался у старика Макгакета. Ребята отняли фонарь у него, но случайно потушили сами. Появился летоуинский ловкач и начал охоту за ними. Им помог Сус, врезавшись на своем пикапе в монстра. Друзья сели в его пикап и собрались уезжать, но Ловкач снова настиг их. Они почти спаслись в магазине Летоуина, но Сус, заигравшись с игрушкой в виде черепа, их выдал. Монстр проглотил его. В это время Диппер мирится с сестрой. В ходе битвы с монстром оказывается, что он собран целиком из невкусных конфет. Сус вовремя прогрызает через него ход.
    Монстр умирает счастливым из-за того, что Сус назвал его вкусным. Придя домой, Диппер признался Вэнди, что колядовал. Вэнди сказала, что на вечеринке было скучно, что ещё больше обрадовало Диппера. В финале он вместе со всеми ест конфеты, добытые дядей Стэном.

    Диппер показывает туристам пойманного Гремоблина.

    В «Босс Мэйбл» Диппер выказывает своё недовольство тем, что дядя принуждает его танцевать в костюме волка. Когда, поспорив со Стэном насчёт того, как правильно надо управлять магазином, Мэйбл становится боссом, а Стэн уходит, пытаясь заработать в отпуске больше, чем Мэйбл, руководящая Хижиной по- доброму, Диппер приводит в Хижину Чудес Гремоблина, пойманного в лесу. В его глазах двое посетителей увидели свой самый страшный кошмар и потеряли рассудок. Затем гремоблин вырвался из клетки и начал громить хижину. В ходе битвы монстр становится ещё более опасным из-за вылитого на него ведра воды, а позже хватает Мэйбл, которая пыталась защитить от него свою прибыль. Диппер справился с ним с помощью зеркала, в
    котором гремоблин увидел свой самый страшный кошмар. Монстр, крича, убежал из Хижины Чудес. Позже Мэйбл понимает, что быть добрым боссом в данном случае — не лучший вариант, и начинает руководить Хижиной по грубой методике Стэна. Диппер также одевается в смокинг и берёт себе повязку на глаз, как у дяди, обманывая посетителей, показывая им подделки, как это делал Стэн. Денег накапливается очень много, однако всё, кроме одного доллара, уходит на ремонт Хижины. В итоге оказывается, что Стэн проиграл все выигранные деньги на шоу Колесо денег и не заработал вообще ни одного доллара. Мэйбл побеждает в пари, но все просят вернуться Стэна к шефству.

    В эпизоде «Бездонная яма!» Стэн приводит Диппера, Мэйбл и Суса к Бездонной яме, чтобы выкинуть ненужные вещи. Диппер не верит, что яма может быть без дна, он говорит, что это физически невозможно. Неожиданно начинается сильный ветер, Стэн не удерживается на краю ямы и падает вниз, утягивая за собой вцепившихся в него Мэйбл, Диппера и Суса. Падение продолжается, и, чтобы скоротать время, они начинают рассказывать истории.

    Диппер получает меняющую голос микстуру от МакГаккета.

    Диппер рассказывает историю «Голос за кадром». В ней рассказывается о том, как Диппер с помощью микстуры поменял голос. Началось всё с того, что все смеялись над его голосом и даже записали ремикс. Дипперу это не понравилось и он, сердитый, уходит, а в городе натыкается на местного чудака — старика МакГаккета и рассказывает ему о своей проблеме. МакГаккет, по совместительству учёный, даёт мальчику свою микстуру и говорит, что, приняв её, на утро голос изменится. На другой День Диппер обнаруживает, что его голос и вправду изменился, став похожим на голос телеведущего. Однако он пугает Мэйбл и Суса, и те утверждают, что раньше было лучше. Диппер обижается и уходит искать дядю Стэна, думая, что тот уж оценит его новый голос. Во время поиска он натыкается на охранника, которого разыграл по телефону, и ему приходится спасаться от него бегством. От преследователей мальчик укрывается на свалке МакГаккета и говорит, что из-за его микстуры его не узнаёт и родная сестра. Старик объясняет, что по ошибке дал Дипперу микстуру для дикторов, и его голос вернётся в норму на закате. Учёный предлагает мальчику новое зелье, которое изменит голос навсегда. Диппер в раздумьях, он включает магнитофон с ремиксом и слышит, что друзья считают его голос крутым. Он возвращается в Хижину и оставляет свой родной голос, чему рады Мэйбл с Сусом, а микстуру подливает в чашку Стэну.

    Также Диппер играет некоторую роль и в историях Мэйбл и Суса.

    В конце эпизода Диппер, Мэйбл, Сус и Стэн вылетают из бездонной ямы через то же отверстие и обнаруживают, что время остановилось и они оказались у ямы в тоже время. Диппер делает заключение, что яма может являться червоточиной. Стэн облокачивается на табличку, та ломается под его весом, и он снова падает в яму.

    Диппер лентяйничает вместе с Вэнди

    В эпизоде «На дне» вся семья Пайнсов изнывает от жары, и по телевизору они узнают, что открывается бассейн. Все отправляются туда. В бассейне они встречают Вэнди, устроившуюся на работу спасателем. Она ищет помощника спасателя, и Диппер сразу же предлагает свою кандидатуру. Вместе с Вэнди он подшучивает над Сусом и всячески нарушает правила, когда этого не видит начальник. Ночью кто-то ломает инвентарь, об этом Дипперу сообщает мистер Крутой, и мальчик остаётся на ночную вахту, чтобы поймать вандала. Во время ночного дежурства Диппер натыкается на Стэна, который придумал хитрый план, как отвоевать лежак у Гидеона, который постоянно его занимает вместо Стэна, а затем и на Мэйбл. Он требует от неё объяснений, зачем ей понадобился резервуар с водой, но та уезжает, и Дипперу приходится пуститься в погоню, обстреливая гольф-кар водяными бомбами. У озера выясняется, что Мэйбл всего лишь хотела помочь русалу Русалдо вернутся домой. Диппер делает русалу обратное искусственное дыхание, хотя мог просто окунуть в озеро, чтобы сберечь связки Русалдо. После уговоров Мэйбл, он соглашается отдать мегафон, чтобы Русалдо смог найти свою семью. Позже Диппер держит ответ перед мистером Крутым, и тот его увольняет, а позже выясняется, что Вэнди тоже уволили за то, что она стащила еду.

    Диппер ссорится с Мэйбл.

    В эпизоде «Ковёр преткновения» близнецы ссорятся: Дипперу не нравится, что Мэйбл постоянно устраивает ночёвки с подругами, и они просят у дяди Стэна выделить ему вторую комнату. Стэн говорит, что такой нет. Неожиданно Сус находит некую секретную комнату, и Диппер, к недовольству сестры, тут же объявляет её своей. Стэн решает, что ключ от комнаты получит, тот кто ему понравится больше всего. Близнецы начинают соперничать друг с другом в лести дяде. Вскоре в комнате обнаруживается ковёр «Эксперимент №78», который меняет электроны Мэйбл и Диппера, и те меняются телами. Они решают саботировать друг друга перед Стэном, чтобы получить ключ. Диппер в теле Мэйбл попадает на тусовку с подругами сестры, а Мэйбл приходится выслушать лекцию от дяди Стэна о переходном возрасте у мальчиков, так как дядя застал «Диппера» подглядывающим за девочками. Зато она получает ключ и запирается в комнате, Диппер проникает с помощью Кенди и Грэнды в комнату, и все начинают беспорядочно меняться телами. В это во всё также вмешиваются шериф Блабс, заместитель Дурланд, Сус, Пухля и Макгакет. Вернувшись в итоге в свои тела, близнецы продолжают бороться за ключ, но в итоге выясняются, что никто из них не хочет переезжать, Мэйбл отдаёт ключ Дипперу. Ночью они осознают, что лучше жить вдвоём на чердаке, чем спать в отдельных комнатах. Диппер идёт к Мэйбл и предлагает сыграть в мини-гольф. Утром он отдаёт комнату Сусу, чтобы тот сделал из неё комнату отдыха.

    Диппер предъявляет доказательства о гипнозе.

    В эпизоде «Парнепокалипсис» Диппер становится свидетелем ссоры Вэнди и Робби, но неожиданно Вэнди соглашается пойти с Робби на свидание, прослушав песню, которую дал ей послушать Робби, сказав, что сочинил её сам. Диппер подозревает, что тот промыл ей мозги с помощью этой песни. Он идёт за советом к дяде Стэну, тот рассказывает историю о том, что уже видел подобное. Они вместе решают разгадать загадку и открыть Вэнди глаза. У них не выходит найти скрытое послание, пока Робби сам не даёт подсказку, обронив слово «обратка». Диппер догадывается прокрутить песню в обратном направлении, и находят скрытое послание, гласящее «Ты в моей полной власти, твой разум мой!». Они с дядей спешат за парой на обзорную площадку. Там Диппер представляет доказательства Вэнди, что Робби её загипнотизировал. Тот говорит, что украл песню у одной группы, но дело это не спасает. Вэнди рвёт отношения с Робби. Диппер пытается предложить Вэнди сыграть с ним и Стэном в боулинг, но та расстроена и говорит, что все парни одинаковые и думают только о себе.

    Диппер проявляет фото в фотолаборатории… Но не тут-то было…

    В эпизоде «Земля до начала свиней» Диппер вместе с Сусом собираются сфотографировать птеродактиля, который ночью напал на патрульный автомобиль. Затея удаётся, со снятыми фотографиями они возвращаются в хижину. Диппер идёт проявлять фотографии чудовища, но когда снимки проявляются, в комнату заходит Сус, и светом случайно портит снимки. Они слышат шум на улице и выбегают наружу. Птеродактиль унёс любимого поросёнка Мэйбл — Пухлю. Диппер не позволит обижать свою сестру и хочет пойти за птеродактелем, но не хочет брать с собой Суса, потому что он всё портит, о чём он говорит Мэйбл. Самому Сусу сказать это он не решается. След нитки, из которой был сделан свитер для Пухли, приводит Диппера, Мэйбл, Суса и Стэна к заброшенной церкви. Внутри они встречают старика МакГаккета, и вместе спускаются вниз. В шахтах путники обнаруживают множество динозавров, сохранившихся в древесной смоле. Они выходят на перепутье, и Сус случайно уничтожает единственную зацепку к правильному ходу. Это злит Диппера, вдобавок Сус ещё и случайно выбивает у него из рук фонарь, разбив его. Диппер ссорится с Сусом. Перебранку прекращает МакГаккет: он починил фонарь. Внезапно они понимают, что птеродактиль сам настиг их. Все убегают в случайную пещеру, где находят гнездо птеродактиля. В гнезде оказывается вылупившийся птенец птеродактиля, а рядом с ним — Пухля. Детёныш съедает старика МакГаккета. Чтобы выбраться из гнезда и не попасться детёнышу, Сус придумывает план: выстроиться в линию так, чтобы расположенные по бокам глаза птеродактиля их не увидели. Диппер не уверен, но ему приходится довериться другу. План сработал, вместе они бегут к гейзеру, который выбрасывает их на поверхность. Диппер мирится с Сусом, и на обратном пути обнаруживает клык птеродактиля у себя в жилетке.

    Эпизод из воспоминаний Стэна.

    В эпизоде «Пленники разума» Стэн поручает Дипперу самые сложные и неприятные задания, Диппер считает это несправедливым. Ему приходится помочь дяде Стэну, когда узнаёт от Мэйбл с Сусом, что треугольный парень хочет залезть в голову дяди и узнать ключ от сейфа с бумагой на владение Хижиной Чудес для Гидеона. Все трое отправляются в разум Стэна. Там они сталкиваются с Биллом, который проделывает дырку в груди Диппера и уходит прочь. Друзья намереваются найти нужную дверь с ключом раньше Билла. Диппер находит воспоминания Стэна о нём и решает посмотреть, что о нём думает Стэн. Он подслушивает воспоминание, где Сус спрашивает Стэна, почему тот так строг с Диппером. Оказывается, что дядя не любит племянника и желает от него избавиться. Он не хочет помогать Мэйбл и Сусу остановить Билла, который нашёл дверь с кодом. В поисках выхода Диппер снова находит ту дверь с воспоминанием о нём и дослушивает рассказ Стэна: на самом деле, говоря о том, что он хочет избавиться от мальчика, дядя имел в виду не свои чувства, а чувства своего отца. Дипперу же дядя хочет добра и закаляет его, чтобы он смог дать сдачи в нужный момент. Диппер случайно попадает в воспоминание, дядя объясняет ему, что в голове нужно пользоваться воображением, которое здесь имеет свойство воплощаться. Диппер слышит крики друзей и спешит им на выручку. Он говорит Мэйбл и Сусу, что в голове у дяди можно придумать, что угодно, и вместе они побеждают Билла, изгоняя его из разума Стэна. Проснувшись, они, было, празднуют победу, но раздаётся взрыв: Гидеон взорвал сейф и забрал документы на хижину. Семья Пайнсов вынуждена отступить…

    Диппер уезжает на автобусе из Гравити Фолз.

    В эпизоде «Гидеон восстаёт» семья Пайнсов останавливается у бабушки Суса. Они проникают на торжественное закрытие Хижины Чудес, но им не удаётся убедить остальных, что Гидеон украл документы. Диппер разговаривает с Вэнди. Оказывается, если хижину не вернуть, она уедет. Стэн подавлен, он покупает билеты на автобус для Диппера и Мэйбл и отправляет их к родителям. Диппер решает обратиться за помощью к армии гномов, он и Мэйбл договариваются с Джеффом, предводителем гномов. Близнецы приходят к Гидеону и требуют отдать документы добровольно, или ему придётся столкнутся с армией гномов. Однако, с помощью свистка, Гидеон заставляет гномов взять в поймать близнецов. Из жилетки Диппера вываливается дневник, и Гидеон, обрадовавшись желанной находке, забирает его, выдворяя близнецов их с территории. Теперь и Диппер сдался, без дневника он не может ничего придумать. Они уезжают из Гравити Фолз на автобусе, но неожиданно за ним в погоню пускается Гидеон в Гидеон-боте, желая получить Дневник №1, который, как он думал, находится у Диппера. Он настигает их на железнодорожном мосту между скалами, хватает Мэйбл и отбрасывает Диппера на скалу, говоря, что у него нет ни силы, ни ума. Диппер решается: он с разбегу прыгает со скалы, попадает внутрь робота, и сражается с Гидеоном. Робот падает с моста и взрывается, Мэйбл спасает Диппера с помощью абордажного крюка. Взрыв видят все горожане, они прибывают на место катастрофы. Гидеон, выбравшись из повреждённого бота, обвиняет близнецов в нападении и требует арестовать их. Близнецов спасает приехавший дядя Стэн, он разоблачает Гидеона, представляя всем жителям пункт слежения с мониторами внутри робота. Гидеона арестовывают, а Пайнсы возвращают себе право на владение хижиной. Стэн так же забирает дневник №2 Гидеона. Позже Диппер и Мэйбл решают всё рассказать, и мальчик показывает дяде дневник №3. Стэн поднимает его на смех и забирает книгу, якобы для чтения. Диппер не хочет расставаться с дневником, но Мэйбл его успокаивает, напомнив, что он победил Гидеона и без всякого дневника.

    2 сезон

    Диппер пытается спеть текст песни, утверждая что это бред.

    В первом эпизоде второго сезона «Жуткое караоке» в Гравити Фолз пребывают агенты ФБР — Пауэрс и Триггер, расследующие странные явления в городке. Они приходят с обыском в Хижину Чудес. Диппер загорается желанием помочь агентам с расследованием, для этого он хочет показать им дневник, но дядя Стэн против этого. Он конфискует визитку агентов у Диппер и прячет у себя. Пока все готовятся к вечеринке в честь победы над Гидеоном, Диппер проникает в комнату Стэна, находит визитку и звонит агентам, говоря, что у него есть информация по их делу. Они договариваются встретиться в лесу, но тут Диппера ловит недовольный Стэн. В условленное время Диппер встречается с агентами и показывает им дневник, но они ему не верят. Тогда Диппер, чтобы доказать свою правоту, читает заклинание из дневника, которое призывает зомби. Агентов утаскивают в чащу, а мальчик убегает. Гости вечеринки разбежались, остались только Мэйбл, Диппер и Сус. Диппер признаётся, что оживил мертвецов, троица вынуждена спасаться бегством. Суса превращают в зомби укусом, а Диппер с Мэйбл укрываются в хижине, но зомби проникают и туда. Диппера хватает один из них, но очень вовремя появляется дядя Стэн. Он сражается с зомби, прикрывая близнецов, и отходит на второй этаж. Они запираются в комнате. Стэн признаётся, что всегда знал, что городок полон странностей, но врал детям, чтобы уберечь их от опасности. Диппер винит во всём себя, он не находит способа победить армию зомби, но Мэйбл замечает, что в свете ультрафиолета на страницах дневника проступили новые записи. Семья вычитывает, что зомби можно победить, взорвав их головы с помощью правильного трезвучия. Они побеждают зомби с помощью пения, а затем ищут способ вылечить Суса.

    Диппер пытается забрать дневник у Шейп Шифтера.

    В эпизоде «В бункер» Диппер смотрит с Вэнди фильм про зомби, отмечая, что после нашествия настоящих зомби, фильм уже кажется смешным. Он приглашает Вэнди присоединиться к ним в поисках автора дневника. Вместе с Сусом и Мэйбл они приходят к тому самому дереву, где Диппер нашёл дневник №3. Вэнди находит способ проникнуть в бункер, и вместе они спускаются туда. Обследовав комнату, они находят потайную дверь, ведущую в очередной туннель. Друзья попадают в странную комнату со стенами, полом и потолком, на которых есть кнопки со странными символами. Мэйбл в шутку толкает Диппера, и он случайно наступает на кнопку, из-за которой стены начинают сдвигаться. С помощью дневника они находят четыре символа, которые надо нажать, чтобы открыть дверь. Так они успевают выбраться из ловушки. Вытаскивая застрявшую жилетку брата, Мэйбл видит выпавший листок с признанием в любви Вэнди и думает, что Диппер хотел признаться Вэнди в чувствах. Чтобы помочь Дипперу в этом, она запирает его с Вэнди в небольшом железном шкафу. Вэнди, ища возможность включить свет, дёргает за висящую в шкафу верёвку. Вместо включения света вэнди и Диппер подвергаются дезинфекции, и они оказываются в помещении с криогенными камерами заморозки. Друзья обнаруживают здесь прорытые неизвестно кем туннели, из которых доносятся странные звуки. Вэнди с Диппером бросаются обратно к двери, но Мэйбл их не выпускает, заявляя, что Диппер должен сказать то, что хотел сказать Вэнди. Тот всё же боится и решает найти другой выход. Они бегут в другой туннель и сталкиваются с неизвестным стариком, который прогоняет монстра. Он представляется как автор дневников и отводит путников в своё убежище. Там Диппер показывает ему свой дневник. Тем временем Сус и Мэйбл обнаруживают Эксперимент «Шейп Шифтер», и, поняв, что Вэнди и Диппер могут столкнуться с чудовищем, бегут на их поиски. В это время Диппер отдаёт старику дневник, тот начинает лихорадочно его листать. Вэнди начинает подозревать неладное, и верно — старик на самом деле оказывается оборотнем, взявшим образ старика с рекламы бобов. Им удаётся вернуть дневник и убежать, обманув монстра. Они натыкаются на Мэйбл и Суса. У них созрел план, как победить Шейп Шифтера. Диппер и Мэйбл заманивают его в туннель и включают очень мощный кран с водой. Однако сильный напор воды сметает не только монстра, но и Вэнди. Диппер идёт на её поиски и видит Вэнди без сознания. Над бездыханным телом он признаётся ей в чувствах, но оказывается, что настоящая Вэнди стояла позади, а перед ним — оборотень. Тот кидается на Вэнди, и между двумя одинаковыми девушками начинается борьба за дневник. Диппер не знает, по кому нанести удар и просит Вэнди дать ему знак. Монстр подмигивает Дипперу, а настоящая Вэнди показывает жест «рот на замок», который она ему показывала всегда. Диппер бьёт монстра топором, и вместе с Вэнди они заталкивают его в криогенную камеру. Мэйбл замораживает Шейп Шифтера. Напоследок он делает Дипперу зловещее предупреждение о нём и об авторе дневников. Наверху Диппер извиняется перед Вэнди за слова, сказанные внизу, но Вэнди его успокаивает и говорит, что давно поняла, что Диппер к ней неравнодушен. Она хочет остаться с Диппером друзьями. Они мирятся, и Вэнди уезжает на велосипеде. Мэйбл его утешает, говоря, что уже ищет замену Вэнди. Сус расстроен, что они не нашли автора дневников. Тут оказывается, что небольшой чемоданчик, который он забрал из бункера, оказывается лэптопом. Диппер снова полон энтузиазма — у них новая зацепка, которая поможет в поисках автора.

    В эпизоде «Гольфовая война» Мэйбл радуется, что её статья попала на первую полосу газеты и рассказывает об этом Дипперу и Стэну. Тут оказывается, что первую полосу купила Пасифика, и Мэйбл очень расстраивается из-за этого. Чтобы отвлечь её, семья решает сходить поиграть в мини-гольф.

    Диппер говорит с Мэйбл о нечестной победе.

    Там они натыкаются на Пасифику и её семью, и Мэйбл бросает ей вызов. Диппер подбадривает её в кафе, а на тренировке, после очередной неудачной попытки Мэйбл, он обнаруживает маленьких человечков — лилигольферов, враждующих с другими лилигольферами из остальных лунок. У него созрел план, который поможет им победить, а лилигольферам — определить, жители какой лунки лучшие. Его план терпит поражение, когда маленькие человечки берут в плен Пасифику и её тренера. Диппер вывозит Мэйбл и спасённую Пасифику на королевском гольф-каре, затем они подвозят её домой, к неодобрению Диппера.

    Диппер возвращается в своё тело.

    В эпизоде «Носочная опера» Диппер наконец получает в своё распоряжение лэптоп, но для доступа к информации требуется пароль. Он просит Мэйбл помочь ему с подбором пароля, но та опять влюбилась, на этот раз в кукловода по имени Гейб Бэнсен. Чтобы произвести на него впечатление, Мэйбл просит Диппера помочь ей в подготовке носочного кукольного спектакля. Диппер соглашается, но не перестаёт по ночам подбирать пароль. В одну из бессонных ночей к Дипперу приходит Билл Шифр, который «готов помочь» мальчику, если тот заключит с ним сделку. Диппер отказывается и наутро рассказывает Мэйбл о разговоре с Биллом. Сестра обещает помочь ему, но снова отвлекается на постановку спектакля. Диппер расстроен, но не оставляет попыток подобрать пароль. Внезапно оказывается, что мальчик превысил лимит попыток. Начинается обратный отсчёт до форматирования диска. Через несколько секунд вся информация будет стёрта. Тут снова появляется Билл. Диппер вынужден пойти на сделку с демоном, взамен тот требует всего лишь одну куклу. Диппер не уверен. Тогда Билл приводит аргумент, что мальчику всегда приходится идти на жертвы ради сестры. Диппер нехотя соглашается отдать демону куклу, но ей оказывается сам Диппер. Билл обманом завладевает телом Диппера, ломает лоптоп и идёт на поиски дневника, дабы уничтожить его. Оказывается, Мэйбл забрала его в качестве реквизита для оперы. «Биппер» уезжает вместе со всеми на премьеру, а Диппер-призрак вынужден добираться до театра самостоятельно. В театре Биппер вызывается помочь Мэйбл и подержать дневник в сцене со свадьбой. Диппер вселяется в свою носочную куклу и рассказывает Мэйбл, что Билл обманом завладел его телом и хочет уничтожить дневник. Сестра соглашается помочь, если Диппер заменит её в спектакле. Пока призрачный Диппер заменяет Мэйбл, она находит дневник. Билл пытается заставить её отдать дневник ему, говоря, что, раз она столько раз жертвовала интересами брата, то может пожертвовать и сейчас. Мэйбл нехотя соглашается, но вовремя понимает, что Диппер слишком много раз жертвовал ради неё. Она затягивает Биппера в корзину в виде торта для сцены со свадьбой, и они падают на сцену. Завязывается драка. Мэйбл напоминает Бипперу, что Диппер в своём теле не спал несколько ночей и очень устал. Тело перестаёт слушаться Билла, и он выселяется из него, а душа Диппера занимает своё законное место. Билл вселяется в одну из кукол, и Мэйбл приходится их всех взорвать, из-за чего их отношения с Гейбом рвутся. Мэйбл извинятся перед Диппером за все те разы, когда он жертвовал ради неё, и вместе они идут домой.

    Диппер и Мэйбл тренируют Суса перед его первым свиданием.

    В эпизоде «Сус и настоящая девушка» Диппер вместе с Мэйбл помогают Сусу найти девушку. Вначале они покупают ему игру — симулятор свиданий, а наутро ведут в супермаркет, применять полученные навыки. Там Сус знакомится с Мелоди, однако Гиффани, сбежавшая из игры, вселяется в аниматроников из пиццерии «Весёлый переполох у старой совы», где встретились Сус и Мелоди. Она доставляет кучу неприятностей Сусу, Мэйбл и Дипперу, но в итоге оказывается побеждённой Сусом.

    В эпизоде «Подарочный магазинчик ужасов» Стэн рассказывает одинокому путнику три истории: «Руки прочь», «Поросячья места» и «Байка о пластилине».

    В первой истории «Руки прочь» семья Пайнсов приходит на барахолку. Дипперу понравились профессорские очки, отмечая, что кажется в них умнее, и сбивает стенд с очками. Диппер помогает Стэну вернуть его руки, отнятые у него Ручной ведьмой за кражу часов на барахолке. Сначала он беспокоится за дядю, прося его вернуть часы. Позже семья идёт к ведьме, где её руки-приспешники хватают Пайнсов. Стэн отдаёт часы, а ведьма требует также поцелуя в губы. Стэн не соглашается и уже собирается уходить, но ведьма его останавливает, говоря, что ей очень одиноко в пещере. Диппер, Мэйбл и Стэн помогают ведьме украсить её пещеру, преобразив её до неузнаваемости, и уходят.

    В истории «Поросячья мечта» Диппер покупает Бог-знает-сколько-гранник и пытается его собрать, но у него ничего не выходит. Он думает, что ему мешает Мэйбл, но на его жалобы Мэйбл намекает, что он не очень умный для такой головоломки. Вечером Диппер находит гриб-мозговик, а натерев его, смазывает им свой лоб. Ночью все остатки растолчённого гриба слизывает Пухля. Утром близнецы обнаруживают, что Пухля стал гением. Поросёнок разговаривает с близнецами с помощью специальной установки, способной передвигаться и произносить набираемый текст, а также оснащённой ещё несколькими функциями. Пухля с Диппером проводят много времени вместе, изобретая разные приспособления. Это очень расстраивает Мэйбл. Она приходит в сарай и видит, что Диппер с Пухлей создали машину, способную ответить на самые сложные вопросы человечества. Диппер в восторге от нового поросёнка и рисует Пухле большое будущее, а Мэйбл расстраивается ещё больше. Она всё же отговаривает Пухлю от этой затеи, и тот настраивает машину на снижение интеллекта. Диппер разочарован. В последние секунды перед превращением в самого себя, Пухля говорит мальчику, что «наука — это вечно убегающий горизонт, а не осязаемый приз в руках».

    В третьей истории «Байка о пластилине» выясняется, что Мэйбл боится пластилиновой анимации. Об этом Диппер благополучно забывает сказать дяде Стэну. Они решают доказать Мэйбл, что в покадровой анимации нет ничего страшного и отправляются к Гарри Глинке — создателю пластилиновых фильмов. В его доме они сталкиваются лицом к лицу с живым пластилиновым циклопом и живыми скелетами. Мэйбл в ужасе убегает, а Диппер, Стэн и Сус попадают в плен, где уже томится Глинка. Он объясняет, что оживил пластилиновые фигуры с помощью чёрной магии. Мэйбл, переборов свой страх, освобождает брата и остальных, а Стэн признаётся, что был не прав на счёт мнения Мэйбл.

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    В эпизоде «Общество слепого глаза» Диппер и Мэйбл обнаруживают обнаруживают имя владельца сломанного ноутбука, указаное внутри. Им оказывается Фиддлфорд Макгакет. Диппер и Мэйбл собираются к нему на свалку за ответами, взяв с собой Вэнди и Суса. Придя на место, они видят, как Макгаккет прогоняет хулиганов, и показывают ему ноутбук. Макгаккет не помнит, кому принадлежал компьютер. Диппер показывает ему дневник и просит хоть что-нибудь вспомнить. Он листает страницы, и когда он показывает старику страницу с символом Слепого глаза, Макгаккет пугается. Он говорит, что этот символ как-то связан с его разумом. Самое раннее его воспоминание — это тот день, когда в Музее Естественной истории Гравити Фолз старика нашли с потерянной памятью. Макгаккет показывает ребятам статью в газете об этом. Вместе они отправляются в музей на поиски улик. Там они замечают странно одетых людей, которые приводят их комнату с разнообразными глазами. Диппер находит потайной ход, по которому ребята вместе с Макгаккетом находят зал собраний общества Слепого глаза и становятся свидетелями, как те стирают память Ленивой Сьюзен о встрече с гномами.

    После того как зал опустел, они начинают поиск стёртых воспоминаний Макгаккета. Они разделяются: девочки остаются стоять на стрёме, а Диппер, Сус и старик Макгаккет отправились за кепкой Суса, которую засосало в трубу, ведущую в Зал Стёртых Воспоминаний. Кепка Суса приводит троицу в этот зал, где хранятся воспоминания, стёртые у чуть ли не всех жителей Гравити Фолз на протяжении многих лет. МакГакет вместе с Диппером и Сусом находят нужное воспоминание, но, когда они его берут, включается сигнализация. Макгакет успевает спрятаться, а Диппера и Суса хватают и связывают вместе с Мэйбл и Вэнди. Членами Общество Слепого Глаза оказываются некоторые жители Гравити Фолз, среди которых Бад Глифул, Тоби Решительный, мужчина с дятлом и Тэтс во главе с Слепым Глазго. Общество было основано много лет назад, чтобы стирать память жителям, которые сталкивались со сверхъестественным, с помощью стирателя памяти . Они собираются стереть память пленникам, но вовремя вмешивается Макгаккет. С его помощью детям удаётся победить членов общества, они их связывают, и Диппер стирает им воспоминание об обществе слепого глаза. Вместе они смотрят воспоминания Макгаккета: тот был ассистентом крупного учёного, приехавшего изучать странные явления Гравити Фолз, но после несчастного случая вынужден был покинуть проект, чтобы забыть события, произошедшие во время его разработки. Он изобрёл Стиратель памяти и основал Общество слепого глаза. Из-за злоупотребления стирателем, Фидлфорд потерял разум и память. Фидлфорд решает восстановить свою память полностью. В машине Диппер показывает ему свой дневник, и Макгаккет говорит, что записи ему знакомы, но кому они принадлежат, он сказать не может.

    Диппер и Мэйбл принимают участие в Глобнаре.

    В эпизоде «Игра Блендина» близнецы узнают, что у Суса сегодня День Рождения. они хотят ему устроить праздник, но узнают, что Сус ненавидит дни рождения. Тогда они отводят его в лазерные бои, но там они сталкиваются с путешественником во времени Блендином. Он хочет мести и вызывает их на Глобнар, гладиаторские бои будущего. Диппер крадёт рулетку времени, и близнецы сбегают, но промахиваются на 10 лет. Укрываясь от Блендина и патруля времени, они попадают на день рождения Суса и узнают причину, почему он его так не любит: ни на один день рождения Суса не приехал его отец.

    Близнецы решают выиграть гладиаторский бой с Блендином и получить Желание времени для Суса. Они сдаются Блендину и, после продолжительных состязаний, побеждают. После боя Диппер и Мэйбл чувствуют свою вину: Блендин потерял работу и свободу из-за них. посовещавшись, близнецы освобождают его и возвращают работу. Они приносят Сусу желание времени но тот загадывает бесконечный кусок пиццы и лечит Диппера и Мэйбл от синяков, объясняя, что дни рождения нужно праздновать с теми, кто рядом. Остаток дня все трое играют в лазерные бои.

    В эпизоде «Бог любви» Диппер тусуется с друзьями Вэнди на кладбище и замечает воздушный шар в небе. Вэнди объясняет, что он был запущен в честь Фестиваля Древосток. Тут компания слышит завывания из почему-то не закопанной могилы. Там оказывается Робби, страдающий от разлуки с Вэнди. Компания решает отойти подальше, а Мэйбл жалеет Робби и хочет найти ему пару. Она крадёт любовное зелье у Бога любви и создаёт отношения между Робби и Тэмбри. Однако, к несчастью, из-за этого компания распадается, и Мэйбл с Диппером решают раздобыть антилюбовное зелье, чтобы рассорить Робби и Тэмбри. Они крадут его у Бога любви, но тот замечает их, и начинается погоня, в результате которой на последнего падает воздушный шар. Тем не менее, Мэйбл понимает, что лучше Робби и Тэмбри не ссорить, так как, судя по всему, при любой попытке вмешаться в чью-то судьбу с помощью этих зелий, ничего хорошего произойти не может. Компания в итоге восстанавливается в результате стараний Томпсона.

    Диппер ищет совет, чтобы поймать призрака 10 уровня.

    В эпизоде «Тайна поместья Нортвест» Диппер смотрит телевизор, но его прерывают Мэйбл, Кенди и Гренда: идёт трансляция с дороги перед воротами особняка Нортвестов, где проходит вечеринка. Дети обсуждают вечеринку и Пасифику. Диппер считает её стервой и готов ей это сказать прямо в лицо. Как раз в этот момент раздаётся звонок — на пороге стоит Пасифика. Она просит Диппера прийти и помочь её семье избавиться от призрака. Диппер сначала не соглашается, но после уговоров сестры всё же меняет своё решение, но просит взамен три билета на вечеринку для Мэйбл и её подруг. Дома Пасифика представляет Дипперу свою семью, и они идут в гостинную, где поселился призрак. Диппер читает в дневнике статью про призраков и категории, на которые их можно распределить. Данного призрака он принимает за самого безопасного, и думает, что извести призрака первой категории будет несложно, но ошибается: в особняке, как оказалось, поселился призрак десятой, самой опасной категории — Арчибальд Кордрой. Он нападает на Пасифику и Диппера, ты пытаются спастись бегством. Диппер вычитывает в дневнике, что призрака можно победить с помощью серебряного зеркала. Они находят такое в потайной комнате, и Дипперу удаётся заключить призрака в него. Пасифика очень рада. Забывшись, она обнимает Диппера, но спохватывается и просит никому не говорить об этом. Уходя, Диппер говорит себе, что Пасифика не такая уж плохая. Призрак, услышав это, рассказывает мальчику о том, как на самом деле он завёлся в поместье: очень давно Нортвесты попросили лесорубов во главе с Арчибальдом построить им поместье, а в ответ обещали устроить шикарную вечеринку. Однако, Нортвесты не сдержали обещание, а Арчибальд погиб в результате оползня, пообещав отомстить Нортвестам. Семья Пасифики знала о проклятии, но, вместо того, чтобы впустить народ на вечеринку, решила нанять кого-нибудь ради изгнания призрака. Диппер злится, а призрак обманом заставляет Диппера выпустить его и летит в поместье, наводя там жуткий беспорядок, обращая всех в деревянные фигуры. Диппер бежит за ним.

    Пасифику он обнаруживает в потайной комнате: она нашла картины, на которых запечатлены все недобрые деяния Нортвестов. Она признаёт, что Диппер был прав на счёт её семьи, но мальчик извиняется за свои слова и говорит, что ещё не поздно всё исправить: Пасифика не обязана быть как они, и она может спасти всех от призрака, открыв главные ворота. Они возвращаются в зал и видят, что все превращены в деревья. Диппер пытается поймать призрака, но тот превращает в дерево и его. Пасифика, переборов страх перед родителями, ослушивается их и открывает ворота простому народу, тем самым снимая проклятье и спасая Диппера и остальных гостей. Они шутят и веселятся. Когда Пасифика уходит, Диппера одёргивает старик МакГаккет. он говорит, что восстановил ноутбук и теперь хочет предупредить Диппера о наступающем Конце Света, но тот его не слушает и просит отложить разговоры на завтра и развлечься.

    В эпизоде «Не тот, кем кажется» Диппер и Мэйбл находят в чулане фейерверки. Вместе с дядей Стэном они запускают их и отдыхают. дядя хочет сказать им что-то важное, но не решается. Внезапно приезжают агенты ФБР и арестовывают его, обвиняя в похищении радиоактивных отходов. Брат и сестра не верят в это, они уверены, что их дядя ни в чём не виноват, и это ошибка. Они сбегают из машины Пауэрса, куда последний их посадил. Он пытается вразумить детей и не позволить им обмануть себя, но те не хотят верить. Близнецы проникают в Хижину Чудес в комнату с камерами наблюдения, смотрят записи и убеждаются, что их дядя действительно украл химические отходы. Более того, Диппер находит поддельные документы, а Мэйбл — газетную вырезку со статьёй, рассказывающей о гибели Стэна Пайнса в автокатастрофе.

    Диппер задаётся вопросом, у кого же они гостили всё это время. Они находят секретный код. Мэйбл понимает, что его надо вводить на кнопках автомата со снэками. Брат и сестра бегут к автомату, заодно им приходится бороться с Сусом, которому Стэн поручил охранять автомат любой ценой. Дипперу удаётся ввести код и обнаружить вход в тайную подземную лабораторию Стэна. Вместе они спускаются вниз. Диппер потрясён: всё лето он разгадывал загадки городка, а главная загадка находилась прямо у них под носом. Вдобавок он находит остальные два дневника и подозревает, что Стэн мог их украсть. Здесь же оказывается, что Стэн включил портал между измерениями. Мальчик обнаруживает предупреждение в дневниках, что включение портала может разрушить вселенную. Машину необходимо отключить. Все трое бегут в комнату с порталом и собираются отключить его, но тут появляется Стэн и просит не делать этого. Диппер выказывает своё глубочайшее недоверие дяде но, Стэн просит его выслушать. Завязывается борьба между Стэном, Сусом и Диппером, неожиданный всплеск энергии откидывает всех троих к противоположной стене. Мэйбл зацепляется за провод рядом с кнопкой отключения. Диппер кричит, чтобы она нажимала кнопку, но она колеблется. Стэн просит их выслушать: каждое его действие, каждая его ложь была направлена на благо семьи. Мэйбл решается поверить дяде. Портал срабатывает, все пятеро растворяются в вспышке белого света. Из портала появляется фигура в плаще. Она прикладывает шестипалую руку к упавшему дневнику № 1 и поднимает его, убирая за пазуху. Диппер спрашивает кто это, на что Стэн отвечает, что это его брат — автор дневников. Все трое в шоке.

    В эпизоде «Повесть о двух Стэнах» Диппер наконец встречает автора дневников. Вместе с Мэйбл и Сусом он слушает историю братьев об их разлуке из-за нелепой случайности, о вызывающем восторг у Диппера создании дневников и о попадании брата Стэна в портал. Они узнают, что настоящее имя Стэна — Стэнли, а Стэнфорд и является автором дневников. После рассказа Диппер извиняется перед дядей Стэном, что не верил ему. Все вспоминают про агентов ФБР. Диппер находит решение: он вынимает из рюкзака Стиратель памяти и показывает его Форду. Форд подключает его к статуе на улице, настраивает на частоту раций агентов и, распространяя таким образом сигнал, стирает агентам память. Диппер хочет задать Форду множество вопросов, но Стэнли гонит его и Мэйбл спать. Наверху они обсуждают события дня.

    В эпизоде «Подземелья, подземелья и ещё больше подземелий» Диппер ищет, с кем бы поиграть в новую настольную игру «Подземелья, подземелья и ещё подземелья», но никто не хочет играть с ним, считая, что игра слишком заумная. Дипперу приходится играть с козлом, но тот пытается съесть кубик. Диппер, пытаясь его отнять, случайно проваливается в лабораторию Форда. Оказывается, Форд уже давно являются фанатом Подземелий. Так они находят общий язык. Диппер играет с Фордом в игру на том месте, где остальные хотели посмотреть Утка-тива. Между Стэном и Фордом завязывается ссора, в результате которой Стэнли с помощью кости с бесконечными гранями случайно оживляет злого мага из игры Вероятника и его свиту. Они хватают Стэнфорда и Диппера и уносят в лес, чтобы съесть их мозги, так как они самые умные игроки в Подземелья. Мэйбл вместе со Стэном и Грендой идут спасать их. Придя на поляну к Вероятнику, они понимают, что для этого им необходимо выиграть партию игры у Вероятника. Пленники выступают в качестве фигурок. С помощью советов Диппера и Форда Мэйбл и Стэну удаётся победить мага. После этого дядя Стэн извиняется перед Диппером за то, что смеялся над ним и игрой, и говорит, не будет возражать, если Диппер с Фордом будут играть в неё. Позже Стэнфорд показывает Дипперу сферу с межпространственной трещиной и просит, чтобы он никому о ней не рассказывал, даже сестре.

    В эпизоде «Стэньчжурский кандидат» Диппер и Мэйбл идут вместе со своим дядей и Сусом на выборы нового мэра Гравити Фолз. Стэнли собирается выдвинуть свою кандидатуру, чтобы помешать Баду Глифулу стать мэром. Диппер не уверен в дяде, и потому обращается за помощью к Форду. Тот даёт ему два галстука, с помощью которых можно управлять человеком. Под руководством близнецов Стэн начинает лидировать, но всё идёт не так, когда в кафе Диппер и Стэнли начинают ругаться: Стэн не желает одевать костюм с галстуком, а Диппер обвиняет его в несерьёзном отношении к выборам и раскрывает карты насчёт галстука. Лидерство перехватывает Бад, а близнецы сталкиваются с Гидеоном, который, как оказалось, также контролировал разум своего отца. Он связывает близнецов и относит на скалу, наполненную динамитом, чтобы по окончании выборов взорвать его и оставить брата с сестрой в завале. Однако Стэн вовремя приходит им на помощь. Поступок Стэнли помогает ему победить в выборах, но позже его дисквалифицируют из-за его многочисленных нарушений закона. Диппер говорит, что из дяди вышел бы отличный мэр, а Мэйбл дарит ему ленту наподобие ленты мэра с надписью «наш герой».

    В эпизоде «Последний Мэйблорог» Форд предупреждает Диппера и Мэйбл о надвигающийся опасности. Он спрашивает, известно ли детям что либо о Билле Шифре. Близнецы рассказывают о том, как этот треугольный демон изводил их всё лето. Существует способ защитить хижину от Билла, для этого Форд поручает Мэйбл раздобыть волосы единорога, а вместе с Диппером идёт в кабинет, чтобы защитить разум мальчика. Во время считывания мыслей Дипперу становится скучно, и он решает узнать, как Форд познакомился с Биллом. Диппер смотрит воспоминания Форда, в которых он видит, как Форд отдаёт свой разум Биллу. Диппер думает, что Билл контролирует его дядю и сейчас, и хочет стереть Форду память, чтобы прогнать мозгового паразита, но Форд убеждает его, что не находится под влиянием Билла. Мэйбл удаётся достать волосы единорога, и Диппер с Фордом заканчивают возведение защиты хижины.

    В эпизоде «Придорожный аттракцион» Диппер отправляется вместе с дядей Стэнли, Мэйбл, Сусом, Грендой и Кэнди в поездку: он хочет забыть о Вэнди и научится знакомится с девочками. Пользуясь советами Стэна, он заводит новые знакомства и становится более уверенным. Это нравится Кэнди, и она приглашает Диппера прогуляться вместе по Загадочной горе. Однако возникает неудобная ситуация, когда Диппер встречает всех девочек, с которыми познакомился. Он пытается объяснить, что хотел только научится общаться с девочками, но те обижаются. Тем временем дядю Стэна его методы тоже до добра не доводят, он попадает в плен к женщине-пауку Дарлин. Вместе с Мэйбл, Кэнди и Грендой Диппер спасает Стэнли и убегают от паука. На обратном пути Стэн признаётся, что его методы никогда не работают как надо. Диппер говорит, что советы помогли ему стать уверенным и извиняется перед Кэнди.

    В эпизоде «Диппер и Мэйбл против будущего» близнецы понимают, что до их тринадцатого Дня Рождения осталось всего ничего. Внезапно Форд зовёт Диппера и говорит, что трещина начинает расширяться, и, чтобы заклеить её, нужен клей внеземного происхождения. Они отправляются за ним к Парящим скалам. Там Форд раскрывает Дипперу глаза: много лет назад здесь упала летающая тарелка, сформировав скалы и всю долину. Они проникают внутрь. Гуляя по кораблю, они случайно активируют охранную систему. Форд с Диппером разговаривают о будущем мальчика, дядя предлагает остаться с ним и изучать аномалии. Диппер находит клей, но их прерывают дроиды-тюремщики. Они хватают Форда и хотят увезти его в космическую тюрьму в созвездии Большой медведицы. Дипперу удаётся побороть свой страх и спасти своего дядю, в итоге он соглашается на предложение Форда остаться с ним в Гравити Фолз ради изучения аномалий. Совершенно случайно это слышит Мэйбл по рации. Придя домой, Диппер пытается её успокоить, но сестра убегает в лес. Диппер думает, не поспешил ли он с ответом и хочет подумать. Форд просит его сосредоточится на более важном: нужно заклеить трещину. Диппер ищет сферу в рюкзаке, но находит только флаер с приглашением на день рождения и понимает, что взял не тот рюкзак, а трещина у Мэйбл. Вместе с Фордом он выбегает из хижины и видит, что уже поздно — сфера с трещиной разбита, начался Странногеддон.

    В эпизоде «Странногеддон (часть 1)» Диппер вместе с Фордом пытаются остановить Билла. Форд целится в демона из квантового дестабилизатора, но промахивается из-за ожившего колокола. Он успевает отдать Дипперу дневники и просит убегать. На глазах у Диппера Билл превращает Форда в золотую статую. Мальчик пытается противостоять демону и требует отпустить его дядю, но у него ничего не выходит. Билл уничтожает все дневники, и Дипперу приходится скрываться от желающих его съесть приспешников. В супермаркете он встречает Вэнди и Тоби Решительного. Все трое отправляются за машиной в автомагазин семьи Глифулов, где встречают Гидеона и его свиту. Им приходится уходить от погони. Ненадолго Дипперу и Вэнди удаётся оторваться от преследователей. Они встречают Суса, но всё же их окружают. Диппер просит Гидеона помочь им в борьбе с Биллом, если он действительно хочет добиться расположения Мэйбл, и даёт обещание рассказать о поступке Гидеона сестре. Гидеон восстаёт против Билла, а Диппер с товарищами отправляются в пузырь за Мэйбл.

    Во эпизоде «Странногеддон (часть 2): Побег из реальности» Диппер, Вэнди и Сус оказываются в Мэйбленде — мире, придуманном Мэйбл. Здесь всё невероятно красочное и милое. Друзья проникают в главный замок, где находят Мэйбл. Она говорит, что здесь сбываются все её мечты и желания, и исполняет желания всех, кроме Диппера, не пожелавшего поддаваться миру иллюзий. Мэйбл отказывается возвращаться в реальность и взрослеть. Диппер грустит. К нему подходит Вэнди, предлагающая остаться в Мэйбленде, сровняв их возраста и став парой. Диппер понимает, что это очередная иллюзия мира, и решает вернуться в реальный мир, о чём кричит на весь город. Его отправляют в суд. На слушании дела он убеждает Мэйбл вернуться в реальность, говоря, что они смогут найти решение любой проблемы вместе, как они делали это много раз. Мэйбл соглашается, и близнецы обнимаются, похлопывая друг друга по спине, как и в самой первой серии. Оседлая огромного Пухлю, Мэйбл лопает пузырь Мэйбленда изнутри и видит, насколько кошмарна на данный момент реальность. Вместе они идут к Хижине чудес, где встречают уцелевших жителей и существ во главе со Стэнли.

    В заключительном эпизоде сериала «Странногеддон (часть 3): Вернём Гравити Фолз» Диппер, Мэйбл, Сус и Вэнди воссоединяются со Стэном и некоторыми жителями и существами, среди которых множество персонажей предыдущих серий, типа Лилигольферов или Мужикотавров. Стэн объясняет, что защищённая Хижина показала себя отличным укрытием благодаря защите, поставленной Фордом и Диппером. Здесь Стэн и жители с существами решили укрыться но окончания Безумнопокалипсиса. Внезапно по телевизору начинается трансляция из замка Билла, в которой показывается трон из окаменевших людей, среди которых немало близких уцелевших людей. Диппер и Мэйбл призывают жителей и существ действовать: им необходимо спасти жителей и освободить Форда, чтобы тот рассказал, как победить демона. Собрав все свои силы и способности, все сообща начинают превращать Хижину Чудес в огромного Хижино-трона и готовиться к битве с Биллом и его приспешниками. Всё это очень не нравится Стэнли. Наконец робот готов, и герои легко побеждают приспешников Билла. Последний негодует и собирается сам победить Хижино-трона, однако победа опять за командой Пайнсов: они умудряются вырвать Биллу глаз. Не медля, небольшая группа основных героев, среди которых и Диппер, катапультируется из Хижины в замок Билла, дабы освободить остальных жителей и Форда. Они успешно справляются с этой задачей. Оживлённые люди падают в кучу, а Форд благодарит детей за спасение и мирится с Макгаккетом. Чтобы остановить Странногеддон, Форд с помощью краски Робби рисует на полу Колесо Билла с десятью символами. На деления с этими символами встают соответствующие им персонажи: Диппер (ёлка), Мэйбл (комета), Форд (шестипалая рука), Сус (знак вопроса), Вэнди (пакет со льдом), Макгаккет (очки), Гидеон (звезда с глазом), Робби (зашитое сердце), Пасифика (лама). Остаётся только Стэнли. Он не хочет вставать на своё место, пока его брат не поблагодарит его за спасение из портала. Форд извиняется, но братья всё равно продолжают ругаться, что приводит к разъединению круга. Победивший в это время Хижино-трона Билл замечает это. Он превращает всех, кроме Пайнсов, в украшения для своего замка, младших близнецов заточает в клетку, а старших сковывает цепями. Диппер не решает сдаваться и увеличивает клетку, благодаря чему ему и его сестре удаётся убежать от Билла. Тот заточает в клетку уже Форда и Стэна и гонится на близнецами. Догнав их, он угрожает Стэнам убить одного из близнецов, если Форд не даст демону формулу для преодоления защитного барьера аномалий Гравити Фолз, не дающего Биллу выйти за пределы города и захватить весь мир. Стэнфорд соглашается, и Билл входит в его разум. Зайдя в единственную дверь в его голове, он обнаруживает там Стэнли: оказывается, братья поменялись вещами и на данный момент демон в голове Стэнли. В это время Форд собирается стереть память своему брату с помощью Стирателя, дабы победить Билла. Так и происходит. Стэн одним мощным ударом руки уничтожает Билла Шифра. Странногеддон закончен, все аномалии из того измерения засасывает обратно в трещину, которая закрывается. Все ожившие аномалии исчезают. Пайнсы возвращаются в Хижину. Диппер и Мэйбл очень расстроены, что их дядя потерял память, но уже ничего не поделаешь. Мэйбл пытается восстановить ему память своим альбомом памятных событий, и это срабатывает: к Стэну возвращается память. Всё стало на свои места. Близнецы закатывают вечеринку по случаю дня рождения Диппера и Мэйбл, после чего, уже под конец дня, они со слезами на глазах расстаются с уже родным городком Гравити Фолз. На прощание Вэнди меняется с Диппером головными уборами, забирая себе его кепку и отдавая ему свою ушанку, а также дарит письмо с подписями некоторых жителей городка и одной фразой: «Увидимся следующим летом!». Близнецы уезжают из Гравити Фолз.


    Диппер носит бело-синюю кепку с изображением ели (хотя Билл Шифр называет ее сосной), красно-оранжевую футболку, тёмно-синий жилет с капюшоном и внутренними карманами, серые шорты, белые носки с красными полосами и кеды. В одной из серий он надел купальник. У него каштановые волосы с хохолком, пухлый розовый нос, предположительно, карие глаза[11][12][13] с заметными мешками под ними. На лбу родимое пятно в виде Ковша Большой Медведицы, от чего и пошло его имя «Диппер», что в переводе с английского означает ковш. В отличие от сестры, которая носит различные свитера, он практически всегда ходит в одной и той же одежде.


    Диппер исследует пещеру.

    Авантюрист по натуре, Диппер не может усидеть на месте и всегда ищет решение следующей загадки. Он скрупулезно относится ко всем деталям,[1] но иногда усердность ставит под сомнение его авторитет. Умный не по годам, Диппер не желает оставаться в стороне от решения головоломок, которые нужно решить, что часто делает его беспокойным даже в повседневных ситуациях. Очень серьезен, в отличие от Мэйбл, но они хорошо ладят друг с другом. Он на всё готов ради сестры, а значит, он еще и мягкосердечный. Иногда может быть эгоистом, используя аномалии Гравити Фолз во благо себе. Диппера часто дразнят за пустяки, на что он сильно обижается, и старается это исправить. Он является параноиком и имеет проблемы с доверием после того, как увидел фразу «Не доверяй никому!» в дневнике №3 и был скептически настроен к людям и/или ситуациям. Благодаря познаниям в детективном деле, которые он приобрел благодаря чтению, Диппер размышляет подобно детективу, как видно в эпизоде «Охотники за головами».


    Мэйбл Пайнс

    S1e4 dipper mabel hug.png

    Диппер считает Мэйбл «ближайшим союзником и лучшим другом». Как и многие двойняшки, они очень близки на протяжении всей своей жизни. Несмотря на различия в характерах, они любят друг друга. Диппер и Мэйбл часто участвуют вместе в различных мероприятиях, они бок о бок исследуют тайны загадочного летнего дома. Диппер и Мэйбл дают друг другу советы, готовы пожертвовать многим ради других, хотя и не всегда по своей инициативе. Они рисковали своими жизнями, чтобы помочь друг другу. Тем не менее любые, даже очень крепкие дружеские отношения дают трещину; близнецы частенько спорят и, бывает, ссорятся. Например, однажды они всьерьёз поругались, так как Мэйбл обнаружила, что она выше Диппера на один миллиметр.

    Стэнли Пайнс

    Стэнли смеется над Диппером.

    Стэнли часто гнобит племянника и заставляет делать его самую сложную, а порой и опасную или незаконную работу. Диппер долгое время считал, что дядя его ненавидит и мечтает от него избавиться. В эпизоде «Пленники разума» он убеждается, что дядя всего лишь желает ему добра, чтобы в нужный момент он мог дать сдачи, воспитывая таким образом. В эпизоде «Не тот, кем кажется» Диппер думал, что все лето он обманывал его и утратил доверие к нему, но в эпизоде «Повесть о двух Стэнах» он узнает, что Стэн просто хотел спасти своего брата — автора дневников Стэнфорда Пайнса.

    Сус Рамирез

    Диппер и Сус «на одной волне».

    Сус и Диппер — лучшие друзья. Они часто проводят время вместе. Диппера раздражает неуклюжесть Суса. Они поругались всего один раз в серии «Земля до начала свиней», но потом быстро помирились.

    Вэнди Кордрой

    Диппер и Вэнди тусуются.

    Диппер и Вэнди дружат друг с другом, любят тусоваться вместе, часто нарушая правила в процессе. В эпизоде «Стеснённые ситуацией» Диппер осознаёт, что ему нравится Вэнди, хотя понимает, что они не могут быть вместе из-за разницы в возрасте.[14] Он часто хочет произвести на неё впечатление, и иногда попадает из-за этого в сложные ситуации. Так как Вэнди старше Диппера, он старается тусоваться в её компании и во многом выглядеть зрелым. Во 2 сезоне Диппер признается, что он любит Вэнди, а она — что знает о его чувствах, и просит остаться друзьями, на что Диппер соглашается.

    Робби Валентино

    Робби и Диппер являются постоянными врагами, обычно ведомыми желанием завоевать внимание Вэнди. Робби всегда унижает Диппера, занижает его в глазах Вэнди, а Диппер стремится избавиться от него, но при этом завидует, что тот умеет играть на гитаре. В эпизоде «Бой бойцов» он при помощи Рамбла Макскёрмиша попытался проучить Робби, но в итоге того чуть не убили. В конце серии они договорились ненавидеть друг друга по-тихому. Однако, после того как Диппер с Вэнди остались друзьями, а Мэйбл свела Робби с Тэмбри, их ненависть сошла на нейтральное отношение.

    Мистер и Миссис Пайнс

    Мистер и Миссис Пайнс готовят близнецов к отъезду.

    Об отношениях Диппера с его родителями известно немного, хотя на первый взгляд он расстроен их решением отправить близнецов в Гравити Фолз. Иногда можно заметить, что Диппер волнуется, как отнесутся его родители к тем или иным новостям о нём.

    Гидеон Глифул

    Гидеон ненавидит Диппера, а Диппер ненавидит Гидеона. Диппер презирает его, считая еще большим шарлатаном, чем Стэнли, а когда Мэйбл разбивает амулет Гидеона, они становятся самыми настоящими врагами. В 18 серии 2 сезона Диппер убеждает Гидеона встать на сторону добра в борьбе с Биллом ради Мэйбл, на что он, поразмыслив, соглашается и просит Диппера рассказать о его поступке Мэйбл. Из врагов они превращаются в союзников.

    Кэнди и Гренда

    Диппер мирно относится к подругам Мэйбл, но его очень сильно раздражали девчачьи посиделки и ночёвки. Часто он становится «пациентом» для их «художеств» косметикой. В определённый момент Кэнди влюбляется в Диппера, но тот остаётся безразличен к её ухаживаниям. После событий на Загадочной горе Кэнди быстро потеряла интерес к нему.

    Пасифика Нортвест

    Диппер презирал Пасифику очень долгое время, а она смеялась над их семьей до определенного момента, который наступил довольно скоро. Через некоторое время Пасифика и Мэйбл подружились, а в эпизоде «Тайна поместья Нортвест» Пасифика попросила изгнать приведение из своего особняка, но Диппер потребовал приглашения для Мэйбл, Кэнди и Гренды. В этой же серии Пасифика спасла его и всех остальных от гнева призрака, и они подружились. После этого Пасифика перестала плохо относится к Пайнсам.

    Стэнфорд Пайнс

    Ещё до момента установления личности автора дневников, Диппер очень хотел встретиться с ним. Когда в серии «Повесть о двух Стэнах» Диппер узнал, что автор — его двоюродный дедушка и брат Стэнли Пайнса, он всячески пытался приблизиться к нему и спросить по поводу написания дневников. В серии «Подземелья, подземелья и ещё больше подземелий» Диппер хотел узнать о работе Форда, которую он делал в тайне в подвале дома, но Форд отказал и сказал ему, что это очень опасно. Позже, в этой же серии, Диппер и Форд вместе играли в игру «Подземелья, подземелья и ещё больше подземелий» и после победы над Вероятником Мерзейшим Форд понял, что Дипперу можно доверять. С этого момента Диппер стал много времени проводить со своим прадядей, а последний стал замечать, что Диппер — умный и способный мальчик, который сильно похож на него в детстве. Из-за этого Форд предложил ему в серии «Диппер и Мэйбл против будущего» остаться в Гравити Фолз и учиться у него.


    Диппер занимается математикой.

    Лучшими способностями Диппера являются его высокий интеллект, настойчивость и способности лидера. Во всех приключениях, в которые попадали близнецы, Диппер брал инициативу в свои руки, используя свои способности быстро принимать решение.[15] Он показан логично и рационально думающим с аналитическим складом ума, по сравнению с окружающими его людьми. Благодаря уму и дневнику, Диппер часто придумывает выход из сложных ситуаций. На любой случай у него в голове найдется план.

    Диппер показан способным участвовать в рукопашном бою, например во время драки с Гидеоном[16]. Однако стоит учесть, что гидеон на 2 года младше Диппера. Его битву с Мульти-медведем нельзя считать доказательством, т.к. как такогого боя небыло. Еще в детстве его научили танцевать Барашкин танец, что спасло его и компанию от гнева призраков в эпизоде «Стеснённые ситуацией». Кроме того, он умеет играть на сузафоне, как показано в мини-эпизоде «Зуб», а также решать сложные математические уравнения.


    1 сезон

    • Все эпизоды 1 сезона


    • 1. «Конфетный монстр»
    • 2. «Тату Стэна»
    • 3. «Почтовый ящик»
    • 4. «Левша»
    • 5. «Зуб»
    • 6. «Прячущийся»
    • 7. «Советы Мэйбл о свиданиях»
    • 8. «Советы Мэйбл о стикерах»
    • 9. «Советы Мэйбл о моде»
    • 10. «Советы Мэйбл о цветах»
    • 11. «Советы Мэйбл об искусстве»
    • 12. «Ремонт с Сусом: Гольф-мобиль»
    • 14. «ТВ Гравити Фолз 1»
    • 16. «Альбом памятных событий: Поход в кино»
    • 17. «Альбом памятных событий: Детский зоопарк»

    2 сезон

    • Все эпизоды 2 сезона


    • Каждая игра


    «Ах, каникулы, время отдыха, развлечений и забивания на всё. Но не для меня! Меня зовут Диппер, а девчонка, которую тошнит — моя сестра Мэйбл. Почему мы в машине для гольфа спасаемся от огромного чудовища? Спокойно, сейчас я всё объясню.
    — Монолог Диппера.[источник]

    «Мэйбл, у меня довольно острая наблюдательность. Например, лишь по запаху из твоего рта я могу определить, что ты съела… целый тюбик мятной зубной пасты?»

    «Эй, я слишком мужественнен… множественнен.. или что ты там говорила.»

    «Мы здесь, чтобы решить тайну номер один в Гравити Фолз.»

    «Билл думает, что в этом мире не осталось героев, но если мы объединимся и будем сражаться, то сможем победить его!»

    Интересные факты

    Волос на груди Диппера, прежде чем он был срезан Мэйбл.

    • Родимое пятно Диппера было вдохновлено лицом одноклассника Алекса, у которого были ужасные прыщи — он любил соединять их в созвездия. Когда он это делал, у него «получилась идеальная Малая Медведица».[17]
    • «Диппер» — прозвище, полученное за имеющееся у него на лбу родимое пятно в виде Ковша Большой Медведицы.[18] Он также упоминает, что получил прозвище не позднее пяти лет.[19]
      • Джефф Роу в своем твиттере написал, что «настоящее имя Диппера — Ламаник. Как Доминик, но при трагических обстоятельствах имя неправильно записали при рождении».[20] Позже выяснилось, что это была шутка.
      • Согласно информации, содержащейся в Дневнике №3, его настоящее имя — Мэйсон.
    • Диппер всегда хотел себе имя Тайрон.[18]
    • Диппер родился на пять минут позже Мэйбл. Она использует это как предлог, чтобы сказать: «я скажу тебе, когда ты подрастёшь».[21]
    • Диппер — единственный персонаж, который разговаривает в каждом эпизоде. Мэйбл не говорила в эпизоде «Странногеддон (часть 1)», а Стэн и Сус не появлялись в эпизоде «Тайна поместья Нортвест».
    • До событий эпизода «Бог любви» Диппер никогда не посещал концерты.
    • Диппер — второй известный персонаж в мультсериале, который был одержим Биллом. Первым был Форд, третьим был Блендин.
    • По словам Хирша, он видит взрослого Диппера «кем-то вроде Индианы Джонс, который будет изучать сверхъестесвенное. Я как вижу, что он сидит в пабе и пытается доказать людям за пределами Гравити Фолз о реальности магических существ и явлений: „Это правда! Сам видел!“».
    • В эпизоде «Носочная опера» показано, что Диппер боится щекотки подмышкой.
      • В эпизоде «Носочная опера» Мэйбл было подтверждено, что когда Диппер не может заснуть, он бессознательно жует свою рубашку.
    • В отмененном эпизоде, пародировавшем фильм Лабиринт, должен был быть выявлен его страх перед куклами, тем не менее в эпизоде «Носочная опера» у него нет страха.[19][22]
    • Когда Мэйбл ближе к Стэну, то Диппер больше проводит времени с Фордом.
    • Вторые имена Диппера и Мэйбл — это первые имена их родителей, как это было у Алекса и Ариель Хирш.
    • Диппер чихает, как котенок, что очень раздражает его.[23]
    • Диппер в тайне завидует Мэйбл, так как ей легче общаться с людьми.
    • Диппер вместе с Мэйбл и Стэнли были в тюрьме за подделку купюр.[1]
    • Свой первый зуб Диппер потерял быстрее Мэйбл.
    • У Диппера и Мэйбл аллергии обостряются одновременно.[13]
    • В третьем дневнике описаны трёхглазые комары, которых автор окрестил «нострадагнусами»: он свидетельствовал, что следы от их укусов сливаются в зловещие предсказания, но зачастую эти предсказания оказываются написаны с ошибками. В эпизоде «Ловушка для туриста» Диппера покусали какие-то комары, из-за чего на его руке должно было проступить слово «берегись», однако вместо этого возникло «брысь»: это говорит о том, что данными комарами были нострадагнусы.


    Нажмите сюда, чтобы посмотреть галерею для статьи «Диппер Пайнс».
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    1. 1,0 1,1 1,2 1,3 «Легенда о Живогрызе». Майкл Рианда, Алекс Хирш (сценаристы) & Джон Аошима (режиссёр). Гравити Фолз. Канал Дисней. 3 января 2013. № 2, 1 сезон
    2. «Диппер против мужественности». Тим Маккен (сценарист) & Аарон Спрингер, Джо Питт (режиссёры). Гравити Фолз. Канал Дисней. 19 сентября 2013. № 6, 1 сезон
    3. «Носочная опера» Шион Такеучи, Алекс Хирш (сценаристы) & Мэтт Брэйли, Джо Питт (режиссёр). Гравити Фолз. Disney XD. 8 сентября 2014. № 4, 2 сезон
    4. «Странногеддон (часть 2): Побег из реальности». Эмми Цицирега, Алонсо Рамирез Рамос, Сабрина Котугно, Ваунгх Тада (сценаристы) & Мэтт Брэйли (режиссёр). Disney XD. 23 ноября 2015 №19, 2 сезон.
    5. «Бездонная яма!» Алекс Хирш, Майкл Рианда (сценаристы) & Аарон Спрингер, Джо Питт (режиссёры). Гравити Фолз. Канал Дисней. 17 октября 2013. № 14, 1 сезон
    6. Гравити Фолз: Дневник №3
    7. «Стеснённые ситуацией». Майкл Рианда (сценарист) & Аарон Спрингер, Джо Питт (режиссёры). Гравити Фолз. Канал Дисней. 19 сентября 2013. № 5, 1 сезон
    8. «Летоуин» Зак Паез, Алекс Хирш и Майкл Рианда (сценаристы) & Джон Аошима (режиссёр). Гравити Фолз. Канал Дисней. 28 октября 2013. № 12, 1 сезон
    9. kingfedora.tumblr.com (July 1, 2012). Three-Headed Dragons. Tumblr. Проверено июль 1, 2012.
    10. «Рука, качающая Мэйбл». Зак Паез, Алекс Хирш (сценаристы) & Джон Аошима (режиссёр). Гравити Фолз. Канал Дисней. 12 сентября 2013. № 4, 1 сезон
    11. Алекс Хирш (22 октября 2012). Tweet Number 260514979969646592. Twitter. Проверено октябрь 29, 2014. «@EK_24z Gid- Blue, Stan- Brown, Wendy-Green, Soos «It’s a mystery dude!»»
    12. Алекс Хирш (21 August 2012). Tweet Number 237751937045508096 (Английский). Twitter. Проверено октябрь 29, 2014. «@JerrieFisseha Brown»
    13. 13,0 13,1 «Странногеддон (часть 1)». Джош Вайнштейн, Алекс Хирш (сценаристы) & Санил Холл (режиссёр). Disney XD. 26 октября 2015 №18, 2 сезон.
    14. «На дне» Ненси Коэн (сценаристы) & Аарон Спрингер, Джо Питт (режиссёры). Гравити Фолз. Канал Дисней. 10 октября 2013. № 15, 1 сезон
    15. «Ловушка для туриста». Алекс Хирш (сценарист) & Джон Аошима (режиссёр). Гравити Фолз. Канал Дисней. 5 сентября 2013. № 1, 1 сезон
    16. «Гидеон восстаёт» Мэтт Чапман, Алекс Хирш и Майкл Рианда (сценаристы) & Джон Аошима и Джо Питт (режиссёры). Гравити Фолз. Канал Дисней. 13 ноября 2013. № 20, 1 сезон
    17. Barnes, Brooks (17 августа 2012). An Undercurrent of Darkness, Even at Disney (Английский). Проверено апрель 5, 2015.
    18. 18,0 18,1 «Дважды Диппер». Майкл Рианда, Тим Маккен и Алекс Хирш (сценаристы) & Аарон Спрингер, Джо Питт (режиссёры). Гравити Фолз. Канал Дисней. 26 сентября 2013. № 7, 1 сезон
    19. 19,0 19,1 «Советы Мэйбл об искусстве» Гравити Фолз. Disney Channel. 7 февраля 2014. № 11, мини-эпизод, показанный между сезонами.
    20. Jeff Rowe (22 июня 2015). Tweet Number 480794638177955840 (Английский). Проверено май 26, 2015. «Dippers real name is Llamanic. Like Dominic, but tragically misspelled since birth. I think this clears up a certain other mystery as well?»
    21. Алекс Хирш (22 июля 2012). Tweet Number 227190419132387328 (Английский). Twitter. Проверено октябрь 29, 2014. «@LightPhillip Mabel is older by 5 minutes. She uses this as an excuse to tell Dipper «I’ll tell you when you’re older» It drives him nuts»
    22. Смотреть интервью не вышедшего эпизода http://bit.ly/19Td9ya
    23. «Охотники за головами». Ори Уоллингтон, Алекс Хирш (сценаристы) & Джон Аошима (режиссёр). Гравити Фолз. Канал Дисней. 12 сентября 2013. № 3, 1 сезон

    Навигация по вики

    П — Р — И Персонажи Гравити Фолз
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    Агент Пауэрс | Агент Триггер | Бабулита Рамирез | Бад Глифул | Блендин Блэндин | Гидеон Глифул | Гренда | Заместитель Дурланд | Кэнди Чиу | Ленивая Сьюзан Вентворт | Ли | Нэйт | Отважный Дэн Кордрой | Пасифика Нортвест | Престон Нортвест | Присцилла Нортвест | Робби Валентино | Старик Макгакет | Тайлер Кьютбайкер | Тоби Решительный | Томпсон | Тэмбри | Тэтс | Шандра Хименес | Шериф Блабс
    Персонажи второго плана
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    Trust no one.
    Journal 3‘s warning to Dipper

    Mason «Dipper» Pines[1] is the protagonist of the animated series, Gravity Falls. He is the twin brother of Mabel Pines by five minutes. He is a curious, clever and inventive 12-year-old (13 by the end of the series) paranormal investigator. With Mabel along for the ride, he dares to uncover the secrets of the mysterious town of Gravity Falls, Oregon.


    Dipper was born five minutes after his twin Mabel.[2] The two were raised by their parents in Piedmont, California. Unlike Mabel, Dipper was born with a birthmark on his forehead. The birthmark was the subject of ridicule for Dipper until he started hiding it after he was five years old. During their childhood, Dipper and Mabel attended Eggbert Elementary School. Dipper’s favorite holiday was Halloween, which he celebrated by going trick-or-treating together with Mabel. From a young age, Dipper’s mother had him perform his signature «Lamby Lamby Dance.» Currently, the twins attend Piedmont Middle School back in Piedmont. Dipper has claimed he has has been finalist in three spelling bee competitions back at his middle school.

    Official Description

    Dipper is a curious, clever and inventive 13-year old who is determined to uncover the secrets of Gravity Falls.


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    Clever, curious, adventurous, brave, and rational all the things that are Dipper Pines. A born adventurer at heart, Dipper cannot sit still and is always looking for the next riddle to solve, althought sometimes he can have a short-temperament. His scrupulous attention to detail comes in handy when he is off figuring out the mystery of the day, but sometimes his over-zealousness leaves others questioning his credibility. He is very wise beyond his years, and his refusal to sit still when there are puzzles to be solved often leaves him restless in everyday situations. In «Carpet Diem«, he has a habit of clicking his pen repeatedly when in deep thought.

    He also seems to get very irritated when people think he is cute or adorable, as he wants to project a more grown-up and mature appearance to strangers. He is not, however, above acting like Mabel under some circumstances. He first arrives in Gravity Falls upset with going to a small, boring town, with his twin sister Mabel for the summer, but because of interest in mysteries and lust for adventure, he starts to adjust to life in town and tries to solve mysteries, with his twin sister coming along for the journey.

    He is somewhat protective of his sister; whenever she is in danger he is always there to help and will do anything to get her free. He can sometimes be selfish, and is not above using Gravity Falls’ mysterious elements to his advantage, but ultimately always does the right thing. Dipper has shown through out his time in Gravity Falls that he has become more confident in himself, has learned to have hope in the doubtful times, and become stronger when facing his enemies to stand up for what he believes in. Because Dipper is a pre-teen, he sounds like a teenager.

    Physical appearance

    Dipper wears a trademark blue and white hat with a blue brim and blue pine tree on the front. He has somewhat messy brown hair and relatively pale skin. His eyes are brown. He formerly wore a navy green hat with a star on it. He has a birthmark on his forehead shaped like the Big Dipper, hence his nickname «Dipper», which he hides under his bangs. He wears a navy blue vest, red/orange shirt, gray shorts, white socks, black sneakers, and a sometimes visible wristwatch. He is sometimes seen with a green backpack. He is a millimeter shorter than Mabel. He occasionally wears a black wristwatch.


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    Dipper with a sousaphone.

    Dipper’s special skills include monster hunting, and puzzle solving. He is shown to think very logically compared to those around him and displays a high level of intelligence. Even though Dipper is known to be weak, he is also capable of defending himself when it comes to fights, as he was able to hold his own when he sword-dueled against Wax Sherlock Holmes, fought Gideon while falling from a high altitude, brought down the mighty Multi-Bear, survived being pummeled by Rumble McSkirmish, and fended off the Summerween Trickster alongside his friends. He is better than his sister at most games, including chess, checkers, ping pong, and croquet. The animated short «Tooth» shows him playing able to play a sousaphone.

    Dipper is shown to possess an extremely high level of intelligence, as shown in «The Time Traveler’s Pig», when he is able to complete complex math equations in a short amount of time, creating the perfect angle at which to throw a ball. He is also known to be resourceful. In «Little Dipper», when he was unable to reach high enough to grab Journal 3, he was able to kick the shelf it was on in order to have it fall into his arms.

    Dipper knows hand-to-hand combat when fighting villains.


    Gravity Falls

    Season 1

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    Dipper opens the compartment containing 3.

    Sometime during the month of June, Dipper and his twin sister Mabel were sent from Piedmont, California to the town of Gravity Falls, Oregon, to stay with their Grunkle Stan, who runs a tourist trap named the Mystery Shack, which is also his house. Dipper found it difficult to get used to his new surroundings. One day, he is assigned by Grunkle Stan to hang signs advertising the Mystery Shack in the «spooky» part of the forest, where he ends up finding a book describing and explaining many of the town’s secrets and dangers. He immediately tells Mabel about the things he learned from the book, and consecutively finds out that Mabel had met a teenager named Norman, whom he quickly suspects as being one of the undead, who were described in the book. He attempts to film incriminating evidence to support his accusations, and despite being unable to find any, he tells Mabel about his suspicions, resulting in an argument between the two. During Norman and Mabel’s date, he nearly accepts that Norman is not a zombie. However, while reviewing the footage, he notices that Norman’s hand fell off, consequently leading to him nonchalantly placed it back on behind Mabel’s back, and fears that his sister is in grave danger.

    Using the Mystery Cart that he gets from Wendy, he quickly heads to rescue Mabel, and, upon finding her, he realizes that Norman is actually a group of gnomes residing in the forest, who planned to kidnap Mabel, and force her to become their queen. He manages to subdue the gnomes and escape with Mabel, but they are pursued by a large monster that the gnomes come together to form. The two end up crashing the Mystery Cart upon arriving at the Mystery Shack, and are cornered by the monster. The head gnome, Jeff, informs them that they will do «something crazy» unless Mabel becomes their queen, and in response, Mabel agrees, much to Dipper’s dismay. Shortly after Mabel accepts the gnomes’ ring, she uses the leaf-blower to defeat the gnomes, impressing Dipper in the process.

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    Dipper gets his new hat.

    With all the gnomes finally gone, the two make up and enter the Mystery Shack. Grunkle Stan allow them each one free gift, with Dipper choosing a new hat to replace his old one. Before going to bed, he writes a new entry in the Book, stating that he knows Mabel will always have his back.

    After developing a crush on Wendy, Dipper tries to impress her as much as possible. This causes him to make some over-complicated plans, and spend as much as he can with her. His great uncle decides to hold a party at the Mystery Shack, in order to attract teens. Dipper plans to get on the dance floor with Wendy. To this end, he volunteers to run the pay counter with Wendy; however, Wendy sneaks inside the party, asking Dipper to cover for her. Wanting to move on with his plan, Dipper clones himself using Stan’s copier. He names the clone Tyrone. Tyrone takes Dipper’s position at the pay counter, as Dipper moves inside to impress Wendy.

    However, their plan fails when they noticed Wendy hanging out with Robbie. Both Dipper and Tyrone decide to make more clones, in order to proceed with the plan. Two Dipper clones end up stealing Robbie’s bike, causing him to chase after them. Soon, Dipper makes more clones of himself, exceeding a count of 10. All the clones created a massive plan, and went ahead with it. As Dipper is walking to the dance floor, he finds Wendy waiting in line at the bathroom.

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    Dipper talks to Wendy like a normal person.

    He ends up starting a conversation with her, and figures it was easier than his original plan. When Wendy goes to the restroom, Dipper is suddenly met by his clones. Upset at Dipper’s mentality that the plan may be wrong, they kidnap him and put him in a closet. The clones then try and decide who gets to dance with Wendy.

    Dipper is able to escape while the clones are distracted. Dipper runs off, but gets cornered in the hallway by his clones. Dipper then tells them that since they are equally matched, a fight could go on forever. Dipper tries to trick the clones by taping a little slip of paper over his pine tree logo with the number 7 on it, which defected when the tape broke.

    While the clones are discussing it, Dipper suddenly punches one clone in the face, followed by all the clones fighting each other. They then all go after Dipper, who shoots a party popper, which activates the smoke alarm. Sprinklers on the ceiling turn on, and soak the clones with water. They all dissolve but Tyrone, who attacks Dipper. Suddenly the two hear Wendy laughing, and run out onto a balcony to see what is happening. She’s talking with Robbie again, and Dipper and Tyrone are saddened.

    They go up onto the roof, and drink some sodas. However, when Tyrone drinks a can of soda, he suddenly starts dissolving. He tells Dipper to impress Wendy, and not to be a wimp around her anymore. His remains then drip off the roof. Later, Dipper shreds his plan to impress Wendy on the front steps of the Mystery Shack.

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    Dipper and the Gobblewonker.

    Dipper also goes fishing with Grunkle Stan and Mabel as a family bonding day. When he hears that there is a lake monster in the sea named the Gobblewonker, Dipper and Mabel want to go find it and get proof, and avoid having to spend 10 hours on a boat with Grunkle Stan. Dipper wants to be the first to discover the beast so he can win the prize money and appear on TV. They ditch Grunkle Stan and go with Soos to find it. Dipper brings 17 cameras just in case. In the end, the Gobblewonker turns out to just be an old man looking for attention. Because they felt badly, Dipper and Mabel go back to Grunkle Stan to have their family bonding day.

    Dipper and Mabel helped Grunkle Stan uncover the case of Wax Stan‘s murder, due to Sheriff Blubs and Deputy Durland being lazy. Dipper, at Wax Stan’s funeral, uncovered that Wax Sherlock Holmes and all the other wax figures had murdered Wax Stan. It was mostly Wax Sherlock Holmes, because he axed Wax Stan’s head, and left shabby-shoe footprints in the shag carpet, and an axe, which were Mabel and Dipper’s first clues. During their investigation, they first went to interrogate Manly Dan, the lumberjack at the downtown biker joint named Skull Fracture. Manly Dan then reported the axe was left handed, narrowing the suspects to leave Toby Determined, who is left handed and wears shoes with holes in them. He then revealed kissing a cardboard cutout of Shandra Jimenez, the news reporter, at 10:00PM, the time of the murder. Dipper did not find out who murdered Wax Stan until his funeral. Dipper then battled the wax figures, and actually successfully killed some, like decapitating Wax Larry King (his head is still in the vents, but people did not know that until the end credits). He also made Wax Genghis Khan jump into the fireplace. Dipper then only had to battle Wax Sherlock Holmes, the true killer. He then led him to the Mystery Shack’s roof, in which the sun came up, and he melted. Mabel then got rid of Wax Shakespeare by throwing his head into the fireplace for not knowing any limericks.

    After viewing a commercial by Soos’ recommendation, Dipper had an encounter with the town psychic, Li’l Gideon. He believed Gideon to be a bigger fraud than his Grunkle Stan. When Mabel began dating Gideon, he noticed the stress Gideon was placing on Mabel, and offered to tell Gideon Mabel was no longer interested in dating him. After telling him thusly, Gideon got very mad and lured Dipper into a factory to attack him. Dipper discovered that Gideon had an amulet that gave him the power levitate objects. Gideon could almost control Dipper with it, and came close to killing Dipper several times. Mabel had to come and save Dipper from Gideon by breaking his amulet.

    Dipper and Mabel pretend to be thirteen so they can go to the haunted convenience store, Dusk 2 Dawn with Wendy and her friends. He is playing around in the store when he goes to get more ice. He then sees a headless brain with bloodshot eyeballs staring back at him. He screams and opens the fridge door again. Surprisingly, the figure was gone. Everyone goes back to see what it was about. He distracts them by pointing out the game Dancy Pants Revolution. Eventually, the group stumbles upon a chalk outline of two bodies. Dipper lays in it, and the outline turns green, and the lights go out. One after one, almost all of Wendy’s friends disappear. The store then turns upside down, with the ghosts controlling Mabel. Dipper then realizes that the reason the ghosts were upset was because they were all teenagers. He goes up to the ghost and tells him he is not a teenager; he is, in fact, only 12 years old. Dipper then asks if there is anything he can do to help his friends, so he must perform the Lamby Lamby Dance. After doing so, the ghosts let everyone free.

    After failing a manliness tester, Dipper feels that he has to prove his manliness. He ventures out into the forest and has an encounter with Manotaurs. Dipper is later sent by the Manotaurs to conquer the Multi-Bear and bring back its head, as a final test of manliness. The Multi-Bear is very ferocious, and threatens to kill Dipper if he did not leave his cave. Dipper refuses and he and the bear begin fighting. Dipper ultimately wins and is going to end it. The Multi-Bear has one last request: to die listening to his favorite song, «Disco Girl.» Dipper realizes that he and the Multi-Bear had something in common, and decides not to slay him. He later quits the Manotaurs’ league. Crestfallen, he returns to his sister and uncle, who reassure him that, because his stood up for what he thought was right, he is his own man. He was able to grow one little piece of chest hair, but Mabel takes it off and puts it in her scrapbook.

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    Dipper meets his first clone, Tyrone.

    When Stan hosts a party at the Mystery Shack, Dipper helps to set up and works the ticket booth with Wendy, viewing it as an optimal opportunity to spend time with her. As he tries to enact a complex plan to get Wendy to dance with him, he finds it increasingly difficult as unexpected obstacles (i.e. Wendy sneaking into the party and Robbie showing up). To help him revise and execute the plan, he opts to use a copy machine he had found earlier to make clones of himself, initially just Tyrone, and later Dippers #3 through #10 and Paper Jam Dipper. When Dipper strays from the procedure by talking to Wendy «like a normal person», the clones deem him unfit to dance with her and unsuccessfully try to imprison him, and ultimately fight to their deaths via fire sprinklers. Tyrone is the sole survivor among the clones and is the only one to realize the error of his ways (excessive planning) and proceeds to hang out with Dipper, though he is accidentally melted upon drinking soda. Dipper then rips up his plan and returns to the dance floor to spend time with his family and friends.

    After Pacifica Northwest criticizes Mabel’s silliness, Dipper thinks that someone needs to «take her down a bit.» He remembers reading that Nathaniel Northwest may not be the town founder of Gravity Falls. Dipper and Mabel head to the library to study about the document in 3. Using a projector, they try to see if the symbol, in the document, is related to Egyptian, numerology or Alchemist symbols. When he was about to light the document, Mabel folds it into a secret map, and it leads to the Gravity Falls Museum of History. After solving a puzzle at the museum, they then head to the Gravity Falls Cemetery. They see a statue similar to what was on the puzzle. The finger of the statue opens a secret passage way leading to where Quentin Trembley‘s body is found, in peanut brittle. Sheriff Blubs and Deputy Durland finds them there and they say that all they had to do was to follow a trail of wrappers left behind by Mabel. The officers then play a video containing the history of Gravity Falls and how Quentin Trembley was elected to be the eight and a half president of the U.S. Blubs then say that they are going to escort Trembley’s body and the twins to Washington D.C. After they get free, Quentin Trembley awards him with a key that opens any door in America and a $12 dollar bill.

    When the Mystery Fair rolls in, Dipper spends time with Wendy. When the latter expresses a desire for a stuffed animal, the former tries to win it for her, albeit to no avail, instead giving her a black eye. As Dipper scampers to get some ice, he runs into Blendin Blandin, thus preventing him from reaching Wendy before Robbie and enabling him to ask her out. Dipper sinks into a deep depression, but his spirits are lifted when he learns that Blendin has a time machine that will allow him to travel back and avoid hitting Wendy, going to lengths of theft to obtain it. After Dipper tries countless times to avoid his error and fails, he reevaluates the situation and determines a way to avoid it, with Mabel’s help, costing his sister her pig in the process. The twins fight over who will get their ideal present, coming into contact with various events in the meantime. When Mabel develops a depression even more severe than Dipper’s previous condition, he decides that the right thing to do is sacrifice his own satisfaction for his sister. After she thanks him, she has Waddles attack and embarrass Robbie, to Dipper’s satisfaction, and Blendin Blandin momentarily confronts them, only to be arrested by the Time Paradox Avoidance Enforcement Squadron.

    As tension between Robbie and Dipper builds up, the former challenges a former to a fist fight, and the latter is mortally terrified, deciding to avoid the situation as opposed to facing it head on «like a man.» However, Dipper develops a who new opinion of the battle when he brings a video game warrior, Rumble McSkirmish, to life to defend him, using the lie that Robbie killed Dipper’s father as an excuse. But, Dipper quickly loses control of his digital ally, who tries to kill Robbie, and a chase through town commences. After Soos arrives to help Dipper, the two track Robbie and Rumble down to the water tower, where Dipper decides to battle Rumble in an effort to fix the problem he created and save Robbie. Although Dipper loses, he still manages to get rid of Rumble, who is sent back to his game after emerging victorious. Robbie and Dipper agree not to fight in front of Wendy afterwards, instead hating one another in secret «like girls do.»

    After learning that Mabel has grown a millimeter taller than himself, Mabel, much to her brother’s dismay, teases him about becoming the superior twin. Driven by insecurity and jealousy, Dipper seeks out a magical way to increase his height to that of his sister, and stumbles upon crystals in the forest that can do just that. After Mabel continues to tease him, using the argument that her growth spurt came first, Dipper further grows himself, and fights with Mabel over the crystal flashlight he had assembled to carry out the task. When Gideon gets a hold of it, he uses it to shrink the twins and use them as ransom against Stan in hopes of taking over the Mystery Shack. After his initial efforts fail, Gideon decides to shrink Grunkle Stan himself before taking control, and Dipper and Mabel set out to save their uncle and his business, still bickering about height along the way. Ultimately, they defeat Gideon just before he decreases Stan to minute proportions by tickling his armpits. The twins then grow themselves back to their previous heights, though they forget about a shrunken Soos.

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    Dipper with Mabel in their Halloween costumes.

    Dipper and Mabel, like the rest of the town, are ecstatic about celebrating Gravity Falls’ summer version of Halloween, Summerween, and plan to go trick-or-treating with Mabel’s new friends, Candy and Grenda. However, Dipper’s outlook on the evening changes after Wendy mentions that she thinks such an activities is more suitable for little kids and invites him to a party, and he is torn, which eventually leads to conflict with Mabel. The even is further complicated when the Summerween Trickster threatens to eat the gang if they fail to obtain 500 pieces of candy for him by the night’s end, and the group sets off to get their candy, with their rate of pick-up increasing greatly after Dipper formally dons a costume. Although they manage to obtain it, Dipper accidentally drops the entire load of candy into a stream, thus causing the Trickster to chase after them. Soos momentarily destroys the monster after driving through him, he reassembles and chases them into the Summerween Superstore. There, the twins and their friends try to escape by disguising themselves in various costumes to go unnoticed, but Soos gives them away when he plays with the cackling skulls. The Trickster reveals his past and motives the the group, and Soos makes him happy by eating him after finding out he is made of candy. Back at the Shack, Dipper and Mabel run into Wendy, who had returned from her party early, and everyone watches a horror movie marathon.

    As Dipper and the other Mystery Shack employees grow increasingly resentful of the way Grunkle Stan treats them, Dipper grows very happy when he learns that Mabel will be in charge for a few days, and that she will respect her workers. He rejoices even more after Mabel destroys his hated werewolf costume and sends him off to find a real monster to display at the Shack, and he eventually returns with a goblin/gremlin hybrid, the gremloblin. As he exhibits the beast to tourists, he accidentally causes two to go insane, and he helps Mabel fight of the monster after he escapes. After Mabel is pushed to far and begins acting like Stan, Dipper decides to show tourists fake attraction like his uncle to gain money without scarring customers. He serves as an accountant in calculating the total cost of repairing the severely damaged Mystery Shack, and congratulates Mabel on her victory in her bet with Stan, but begs his uncle not to put her in charge any longer.

    After Dipper, Mabel, Grunkle Stan, and Soos fall into a bottomless pit (rather boomerang pit), he and the others decide to bide their time by telling stories. Dipper goes first, telling the tale «Voice Over», in which he uses a voice altering formula, courtesy of Old Man McGucket, to change his embarrassing, frequently cracking voice into a deep masculine voice, albeit that of a commercial voice over. He observes unexpected results as people tease him for and run away from him because of his voice, and ultimately decides that he would rather have his own voice than any other after being chased by a mob of bikers. In Soos’ story, «Soos’ Really Great Pinball Story: Is That a Good Title? Do They Have to Be Puns or Whatever?», he gets trapped in a pinball machine with Mabel and Soos as a result of cheating to help Soos achieve the high score, and the sentient game tries to kill them for what they did. In Mabel’s «Trooth Ache», he is the witness and victim of many of his uncle’s lives and disapproves of Mabel’s use of truth telling teeth to force Stan to be honest, getting especially annoyed when he just says whatever comes to mind. In the real world, as the four approach the end of the pit, they simply come back out the top, and Dipper deduces that it is a wormhole. When Grunkle Stan falls back in, neither Dipper nor the others express concern.

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    Dipper goofing off with Wendy.

    On the hottest day of summer, Soos and the Pines decide to cool off at the local pool. Upon learning that Wendy is working there, Dipper gets a job as an assistant lifeguard to spend time with her and finds himself breaking many rules to have fun. When his boss, Mr. Poolcheck, driven by extreme anger, forces Dipper to work the night shift to ensure that no pool supplies get stolen or damaged during the night. As Stan, Soos, and Mabel break in for various reasons, Dipper ends up pursuing his sister in a road chase to the lake, as she stole a pool cooler in which to transport Mermando. When he learns about Mermando and sees that he is dying of dehydration, he remorsefully obliges to his sister’s suggestion of giving the merman «reverse CPR», and helps get Mermando into the lake. Back at the pool, he is fired for various damage done to pool property. Though he is sad at first, Wendy cheers him up by informing him that she, too, was fired, as she was taking to many snacks from the snack bar, and the two head out to break rules elsewhere.

    As Dipper and Mabel grow weary of sharing a room after a sleepover of Grenda and Candy’s, the two stumble upon a secret room within the Shack and decide to compete to determine who should get it. However, things take an unexpected turn when the twins swap bodies by Electron Carpet. Dipper quickly figures that he can sabotage Mabel’s chances of getting the room by doing stuff Stan hates in Mabel’s body, and tries to give Stan a rock sandwich. But, he is disappointed to learn immediately afterward Mabel is looking to sabotage him via like means. Dipper continues this, but is soon thwarted by Grenda and Candy, who have come to have another sleepover with Mabel. Dipper tries to opt out by claiming he is going through one of his «irrational girly mood swings», but this is ignored. He then gets stuck reading «Wolf Man Bare Chest» with the two, and is traumatized. Mabel wins the room for Dipper while she is in Dipper’s body. He tries to get the key from her, but she locks herself in the room. Dipper is able to trick his way in by asking Candy and Grenda to ask their way in for what would typically be a Dipper makeover. When he gets in, lots and lots of body-swapping ensues. However, when Dipper and Mabel get back in their own bodies, they are able to obtain a cease fire and understanding. Although, when the real Dipper goes to bed in his new room he feels lonely without Mabel, which causes him to move back into his old room in the attic with Mabel, and then gives the new room to Soos to replace his painful break room.

    One day working in the shack, Dipper and Wendy are doing a running commentary on the shack security tape’s footage. Robbie comes in and talks to Wendy, asking her to go on a date with him, but Wendy is upset with Robbie for standing her up the night before. Dipper goes into the other room but still spies on the conversation they have. Dipper overhears Wendy talking about breaking up with Robbie. He is extremely happy to hear this, celebrating quietly and hugging Waddles as he does so, then quickly settles to watch the rest of the interaction. He is shocked to find that when Robbie plays a song for her, she forgives him. Dipper is convinced that Wendy is being brainwashed by the music, and tells Mabel and Grunkle Stan so. Mabel shrugs it off, but Grunkle Stan completely believes Dipper’s story, relating it to when something similar happened to his old girlfriend Carla «Hotpants» McCorkle. He helps Dipper search for a brainwashing message in the song, and when they find it, drives Dipper to where Wendy and Robbie are on their date. Dipper replays the message for Wendy to hear, and Robbie quickly says he did not know about that message, as he had ripped the song off from some band. Wendy is furious for being lied to, and breaks up with Robbie on the spot. Dipper is elated that the breakup finally happened, and asks Wendy if she would want to go bowling sometime. She snaps at him for being insensitive to her emotional state and runs off. Dipper feels bad, but Grunkle Stan cheers him up a little, saying that Dipper was trying to do the right thing, that Wendy would get over it eventually, and in the meantime, Dipper could always go bowling with him.

    When Waddles is snatched up by a Pterodactyl on Stan’s watch, Mabel leads Dipper and the other to a place filled with Dinosaurs to rescue him.

    When Gideon sends Bill Cipher into Stan’s mind to find the combination to the safe that the Mystery Shack’s deed is in, Dipper, Mabel, and Soos follow. They manage to repel Cipher, but on returning discover that Gideon used dynamite to open the safe. With the deed in hand, Gideon forces everyone out of the Shack, and has his father demolish it with a wrecking ball.

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    Dipper vs Gideon

    After Gideon steals the Mystery Shack deed, the Pines moves in with Soos’ abuelita, along with Mabel and Stan. Dismayed to see that Stan has given up on getting the Shack back, he teams up with his sister to get it back themselves. They recruit the gnomes to get the deed back from Gideon, but not only does the plan backfire, but Gideon gets Journal #3. As he and Mabel take the bus out of Gravity Falls, Gideon discovers that there are three books and assumes that Dipper kept the first one for himself. Gideon comes after them in his Gideon-bot. Gideon doesn’t believe Dipper when he tells Gideon that he doesn’t know about the other book. Gideon kidnaps Mabel, planning to make her his «queen.» Dipper manages to get inside the Gideon-bot’s control room and fights with Gideon, causing the robot to fall off the bridge. Mabel saves Dipper with her grappling hook. Enraged, Gideon tries to have the twins arrested, but Stan arrives and reveals that Gideon has been spying on everyone, causing Gideon to be arrested instead. The Pines family return to the Mystery Shack. Dipper tries to show Journal 3 to Stan, but Stan takes it, claiming it could inspire new attractions. Dipper is downhearted at the loss of Journal 3, but Mabel tells him he doesn’t need the book to do great things. Dipper says he still wants the book, and Mabel is sure he’ll get it back.

    Season 2

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    Agent Powers explaining their investigation with Dipper

    After the Grand Re-Opening of the Shack & getting his Journal 3 back from Stan, two federal agents, Agent Powers & Agent Trigger come to the Mystery Shack to investigate strange activities. When hearing this, Dipper offers to help them with their investigation, so Agent Powers gave him his card anytime they could talk, but Stan discredits his nephew that he has an overactive imagination. The agents leave & Stan confiscates Powers’ card & tells Dipper to be a normal kid, much to Dipper’s disappointment. Wendy agrees to help Dipper get the card back while she watches for Stan. Dipper found the card & calls Agent Powers, but Stan turned off the phone after Dipper finished & Wendy got distracted by a text. Stan grounds Dipper when the party’s over.


    Dipper and the Agents witnessing the horde of zombies

    Dipper met up with the agents showing them the journal, but the agents think if more junk from the Mystery Shack, agreeing that Stan was right about Dipper’s overactive imagination & were about to leave to finish some paper work, but Dipper tried to get them to believe him by reading random incantations, but he accidently reads a spell that raises the dead & a horde of zombies came out from the ground, dragging the agents away. Dipper was scold by Mabel & Soos was bitten & turned to a zombie. As Dipper couldn’t find any weakness, he was grabbed by a zombie, but was saved by Stan. Stan fought the zombies as the twins retreated to the attic. Stan reveals that he knew about the paranormal activities & that he lied to him & Mabel to protect them. Just as Dipper was about to give up, Mabel noticed that the text is visible by black light & Dipper discovers that zombies can be defeated by shattering their skulls with three-part harmony. The Pines singed together shattering the zombies skulls. Dipper apologizes for the trouble he caused & Stan lets him keep the journal for self-defense.

    Dipper tries to confess his feelings for Wendy but can’t work up the courage and instead asks her to tag along on his next investigation which she happily goes. They find the author’s hidden bunker. Mabel fools around and pushes Dipper, who triggers a trap that closes in the walls. Dipper looks to the journal and points out a way to escape and they barely made it. Dipper’s vest ended up being jammed in the closed-in-walls to which Mabel gets it for him. When she pulls it out, a love letter that Dipper intended to give to Wendy falls out. Because of this Mabel locks him in the closet with Wendy so he’d have no choice but to confess his love but the two of them stumble into a secret laboratory where they soon get chased by a giant insect-like creature. They run into a dead end but are saved by who is believed to be the author of the journals. But this is later revealed to be a lie and that he was a Shape Shifter. After escaping its grasp and regrouping with Mabel and Soos they formulate a plan to stop it. By the end, the Shape Shifter says to Dipper that he will never find the author and something terrible is going to happen in Dipper’s future. Also, Dipper finally admits his crush to Wendy. She gently turns him down, saying she is too old for him, but tells him how much she values their friendship, saying she would probably throw herself into the bottomless pit if they ever stop being friends.

    In «The Golf War«, Dipper encourages Mabel to have the Lilliputtians help her to cheat in the mini golf tournament so she would win no matter what against Pacifica Northwest. However, this backfires when the Lilliputtians try to kill Pacifica and Mabel must help save her. Dipper drives the course’s golf cart to help everyone escape.

    In «Sock Opera«, Dipper is excited to figure out the code to the laptop with Mabel’s help and is disappointed when she instead decides to put on a puppet show. However, he helps her, as she promises to help him with the password afterwards. Every night he types in random words on the computer and hopes they work, with no success. After a few nights of this, Bill Cipher offers to help, but Dipper, knowing that Bill would try to trick him, declines. The next morning, Dipper tells Mabel of this, and she tells him that she will help him with the password. However, she becomes convinced that she must work harder on her puppet show, causing Dipper to be angry with her. He tries again with the laptop, and it announces that there were too many failed entries, and it would erase all data in 5 minutes. Bill returns and re-offers his help, saying that he wants a puppet in return. Dipper, feeling desperate, accepts. However, Bill takes Dipper’s body and stomps on the laptop and tries to find Journal 3. Dipper, now a ghost, tells Bill that he will never find it, but Mabel comes in and tells him that she took the journal for her puppet show. Dipper follows Bill and his family to the Theatre Time Theater, where Mabel’s puppet show is being performed. He uses a puppet to tell Mabel that Bill is using his body and that she must stop him. Mabel makes Dipper take over the puppet show while she fights Bill and forces him out of his body. Dipper returns to his body and they go home.

    In «Soos and the Real Girl«, Dipper and Mabel try to help Soos find a date, and later they are attacked by .GIFfany along with Soos and Melody.

    In the «Little Gift Shop of Horrors» story, Abaconings, Dipper tries to figure out a puzzle toy. Finding difficulty and wanting to become smarter he looks to the journal to locate Percepshrooms that would grant him that. After retrieving it, he places it on his forehead as the journal suggested and went to sleep. Waking up the next morning with the thought of it working, only proved himself wrong as Waddles had eaten it off his head and he instead gained genius intelligence, even making an electronic device to allow himself to speak human language for him. Loving the new Waddles, he and Waddles work together on a few things, the most significant thing being the Smarticle Accelerator. However, when Waddles presses a switch that destroys the machine to be normal for Mabel’s sake and himself, Dipper was dispirited.

    In «Society of the Blind Eye«, Dipper continues research on who the author could be. That is when Mabel points out a clue on the broken laptop, to which Dipper indicates that the author must be Old Man McGucket. He, Mabel, Wendy, and Soos go to the junkyard to confront him. McGucket explains that he doesn’t recall anything about the book but when Dipper flips to one of the pages with a strange symbol on it, McGucket panics, revealing that the symbol belonged to an unknown group who possibly did something to his mind. With the last thing McGucket remembered many years ago involved the History Museum, the gang heads off there along with McGucket. After chasing a suspicious person who was inside, they lose track of the person, finding themselves in a seemingly normal room. Dipper figures out that a hidden button was in it, opening a secret passageway, where they watched as the Blind Eye Society erased Lazy Susan‘s memories with a ray gun. When the coast was clear, they split up, leaving the girls to keep lookout. The boys find a mysterious room called The Hall of the Forgotten where tubes of various townsfolk memories were stored in. When they were spotted, they hid but were ultimately caught. The Blind Eye Society members revealed themselves as fellow townsfolk and planned to erase everyone’s memories until McGucket intervened. In the end, Dipper and the gang were able to stop the Blind Eye members and erased their memories. Also, McGucket got his memories back, revealing that he isn’t the author.

    In «Blendin’s Game«, he and Mabel decide to throw a surprise party for Soos’ birthday, only for Soos to displeased about it. They take Soos to laser tag to cheer him up. He and Mabel then walk into a portal and are challenged to Globnar by Blendin Blandin. They steal a time travel device and go back to the year 2002 where they meet Toby Determined trying to be a dancer, toddler Wendy (who thought Dipper was cute with him blushing in return) and toddler Tambry riding their tricycles, Robbie who soaks them with a water gun, and 12-year-old Soos, who misses his father (which explains why Soos hates his birthday in the future). They willingly let themselves get caught by Lolph and Dundgren to win the time wish for Soos. While in Globnar they complete in a series of challenges before the Time Baby finishes his bottle. Ultimately, he and Mabel win and return to the present to give Soos their time wish. He then wishes for Dipper and Mabel to be all fixed up, and to have an infinite pizza slice, telling them that if his father truly cared about him, he’d be here.

    In «The Love God«, Dipper continues to try to play cool to hang out with Wendy and her friends, shrugging off Mabel’s suggestion to comfort Robbie (who is still depressed over his break-up with Wendy), saying the social structure is good as it is. However, when Mabel uses a love potion on Robbie and Tambry to make them date, it ends up splitting up Wendy and her friends, forcing Dipper to help Mabel to undo what she did by getting an antidote so the gang can get back together.

    In «Northwest Mansion Mystery«, Dipper is visited by Pacifica at the Mystery Shack, asking him for his help in getting rid of a ghost that has inhabited her house. He at first refuses, but accepts on the condition that Pacifica gives Mabel, Candy, and Grenda tickets to Northwest Fest. Over the course of the adventure, he develops a new friendship with Pacifica.

    In «Not What He Seems«, Dipper and Mabel are taken in by child services after the government arrest Stan. They escape custody to prove Stan’s innocence, but quickly discover that there’s more to Stan than they realized. After getting into his lab, Dipper, along with Mabel and Soos, discovers that Stan had the journals this whole time, and he grows very angry. Soon after, they find a way to shut off the portal, and just as Dipper is about to press the off button, Stan interrupts them saying that he shouldn’t press the button, and to trust him. The portal causes Dipper, Mabel, Stan, and Soos to get pushed to the walls of they lab, but Mabel is the closest to the button. Dipper tells her to shut it down, but Stan convinces her not to, much to Dipper’s distress. Dipper and the others then watch as the author of the journals emerges from the portal, and is revealed by Stan to be his brother.

    In «A Tale of Two Stans«, Dipper is overcome with excitement when he meets Ford Pines, shrieking with delight when the journals are mentioned and almost throwing up, to which he is eager to ask Ford lots of questions. At the end, before he goes to sleep, he promises Mabel he will never fight with her like Stan and Ford did and that they will always be friends.

    In «Dungeons, Dungeons, & More Dungeons«, Dipper receives a copy of the titular game in the mail. He tries to persuade Mabel and Stan to play with him, but they refuse. After he accidentally falls into the basement and Ford sees Dipper’s 38-sided die, they begin playing together. Their game takes over the house, much to Stan, Mabel, and Grenda’s annoyance. After Stan accidentally rolls the infinity sided die and releases Probabilitor the Annoying, Ford and Dipper are captured by the wizard and taken to the forest. Later in the episode, the others arrive, Probabilitor shrinks Ford and Dipper, turning them into characters for the game. With Stan and Mabel’s help, they defeat Probabilitor. After the adventure, Ford shows Dipper what he’s been doing in the basement; not only did he destroy the portal, he also contained an interdimensional rift created by the portal. Dipper promises to keep the rift’s existence a secret.

    In «The Stanchurian Candidate«, Dipper uses a mind-control tie given by Ford to make Stan win the election for mayor of Gravity Falls against Bud. Dipper then reveals this to Stan out of anger which makes it so Stan doesn’t wear the tie. At the debate, Dipper and Mabel use the tie on Soos so Bud doesn’t win. They soon figure out Gideon’s been controlling Bud so he can win and get out of prison. Gideon then traps Dipper and Mabel inside the statue of Mayor Befufftlefumpter, planning to later kill them in the explosion of fireworks. Stan then notices and saves them and by doing that he wins the election. After Stan is disqualified and Tyler wins, they go vandalize his new mansion.

    In «The Last Mabelcorn«, Dipper and Mabel are looking for board games to play when Ford calls for a family meeting. When they gather around the table, Ford shows the twins a symbol of Bill Cipher and asks if they recognize it, which they immediately do. Dipper tells his and Mabel’s experience with Bill and Ford warns them that the fact that they have dealt with Bill is gravely serious. While Ford sends Mabel to find unicorn hair, Ford brings Dipper to his private study. There, Ford tells Dipper if they cannot Bill-proof the shack, then they will Bill-proof their minds and Dipper is put into the Project Mentem which reads all of his thoughts so it can encrypt Dipper’s mind. When the encryption takes too long, Dipper becomes curious about Ford’s relation to Bill so he puts the Project Mentem on Ford’s head, and sees Ford making a deal with Bill. Ford wakes up and Dipper (thinking Ford is possessed by Bill) takes the rift and the memory erasing gun to defend himself from Ford. He fires the gun, but the beam ricochets off Ford due to the metal plating in his head and destroys the machine. Dipper apologizes and Ford decides to finally tell Dipper about his history with Bill. When Dipper learns about Bill’s true plans, he becomes increasingly worried. Ford tells Dipper that there should be no more secrets between them. Dipper smiles but worries again because he broke the machine, so they have no protection against Bill. Mabel then comes in with a lock of unicorn hair. Afterwards, Dipper is seen helping Ford Bill-proof the shack by sticking the unicorn hair around the outside of the building.

    During «Roadside Attraction», Mabel realizes that Dipper is still not over his crush on Wendy; so Soos suggested going with them on Stan’s revenge trip to help him move on. When they reach their first tourist trap to prank Dipper tries talking to a girl but completely fails in doing so, Stan then calls Dipper to help with his prank. After feeling embarrassed about his attempt to talking with girls, Dipper is given advice by Stan on how to talk with girls. They go to their next tourist trap to prank and Dipper tries once again to talk to a girl, this time taking Stan’s advice and he succeeds. Dipper gets more contact info from the girls he meets using Stan’s advice. As they travel to their final tourist trap to prank, the Mystery Mountain, Mabel and Grenda take the opportunity and get Dipper and Candy to sit together. Dipper panics after Candy asks him on a date and Stan tells him to go on a date with her. When Dipper and Candy go on their date, the girls that Dipper previously flirted with were coincidentally on the same tourist trap as they are, ruining Dipper and Candy’s date. Dipper looks for Stan to get more advice however Stan is caught by Darlene, an Arachnimorph and Dipper goes to the girls for help. The girls are angry at Dipper for what he did but he tells them they can kill him later as they need to help Stan from Darlene. They climb the mountain and free Stan, however, they are chased by Darlene but they manage to escape thanks to Candy. After the unfortunate turn of events, everyone heads back to the RV and leaves the place. Stan admits to Dipper that he is actually bad with girls however Dipper says he is also just as bad but Stan’s advice helped him move on from Wendy. Dipper then gives Candy an apology pamphlet and tells her he’s sorry. Candy tells Dipper after seeing him scream from Darlene, she lost interest in him which Dipper says he deserved. When they return, Dipper admits feeling bad about the pranks but Stan says everyone loves his pranks, however, when they return to the Mystery Shack, they see all the other tourist trap owners vandalizing the place.

    In «Dipper and Mabel vs. the Future«, Mabel wakes Dipper up and tells him that their birthday is coming up. The two become excited as they are finally going to be teenagers, Stan and Soos join in the excitement for the upcoming week. Mabel, Dipper, and Soos begin planning for the twin’s birthday party but Stan tells them they can’t due to their previous party incident. Ford yells for Dipper’s help to get his attention quickly and Dipper runs to Ford to help. Ford shows Dipper the interdimensional rift case slowly cracking and shows him what will happen if Bill fulfills his plans. Ford decides to take Dipper along with him to help seal the rift but Dipper worries about helping Mabel, Mabel overhears their conversation and allows Dipper to go with Ford, giving him her support and walkie-talkie so they can talk to each other. Dipper and Ford then set on their mission to find an adhesive to seal the rift and at the weird shaped cliff in Gravity Falls, Ford shows Dipper how the cliff was formed. Ford then takes Dipper into the abandoned UFO buried under Gravity Falls and Dipper becomes excited. As they venture further down, Ford questions Dipper about his future plans, Dipper tells his plans and Ford eventually offers his great nephew to become his apprentice. Dipper worries about school but Ford tells his nephew of his 12 Ph.D., Dipper then worries about Mabel but Ford believes Mabel will be fine on her own. Finally, Dipper worries about his own capabilities as he couldn’t even operate Ford’s magnet gun but Ford sees Dipper accidentally finding the adhesive they need to seal the rift. Dipper and Ford are then confronted by two UFO security droids and Dipper panics, causing the droids to attack. Ford gets captured by one of the droids but Dipper acts quickly in order to stop the droid going further. When the other droid confronts Dipper, the droid self-disassembled after detecting a calm Dipper. Ford once again tries to convince Dipper to be his apprentice and Dipper accepts. At home, Dipper sees Mabel sad as she overheard Dipper accepting Ford’s apprenticeship and Mabel runs out of the house. Dipper goes to Ford’s lab and Ford sees that Mabel didn’t take Dipper’s decision well. They try to seal the rift with the adhesive but Mabel accidentally took Dipper’s bag. As Dipper and Ford run outside, they witness Bill fulfill his plans.

    In «Weirdmageddon Part 1«, Dipper and Ford witness more of Weirdmageddon as creatures of Gravity Falls flee the area. Ford tells Dipper that Bills is getting stronger the longer the rift is open and the two set out to stop Bill once more. The two go to the clock tower and Ford attempts to shoot Bill but gets distracted and misses. Bill blasts the clock tower and Ford gets stuck, telling Dipper to escape with the journals. Dipper confronts Bill when Bill turns Ford to gold but Dipper fails to do anything. Bill then tells 8 Ball and Teeth to eat Dipper. After 3 days, Dipper avoids capture and eventually meets Wendy at the mall. The two share their stories about their experience and the two head outside. Dipper feels down due to being unable to do anything without Mabel but Wendy encourages Dipper to find his sister so they can stop Bill again. Dipper and Wendy along with Toby Determined go to the abandoned Automart and attempt to take a car but they get surrounded by Gideon Gleeful and his fellow inmates. Dipper and Wendy manage to escape Gideon’s gang and steal a car to drive to Mabel’s bubble. They are chased by Gideon and manage to escape. They meet Soos near the bubble but Gideon and his gang surround them once more. Dipper tries to reason with Gideon about Mabel and Gideon eventually agrees to help stop Bill. Dipper unlocks the chains of Mabel’s bubble and along with Wendy and Soos, they go into Mabel’s bubble together.

    In «Weirdmageddon 2: Escape From Reality», Dipper, Wendy, and Soos find themselves falling inside Mabel’s bubble. When they reach the ground, Xyler and Craz meet them and take them to Mabel’s tower. The group raid the tower to save Mabel but when Mabel wakes up, she reveals that she created the place called Mabeland. Dipper attempts to persuade Mabel to leave her imaginary world but Mabel instead shows she created a more supportive brother, Dippy Fresh, in replacement of Dipper and prefers to stay. When Wendy and Soos get distracted due to Mabel granting wishes for what they desire, Dipper leaves Mabel’s tower and contemplates the situation. Wendy joins him in conversation, telling Dipper that if Mabel changed Dipper’s age, he can finally date her but when he sees Wendy wink, he realizes it was fake. Dipper shouts wanting to return to the real world and he is quickly arrested. Mabel saves Dipper from banishment but Dipper is tried in court for Fantasy vs. Reality. Xyler and Craz present Mabel’s case, showing Dipper and Mabel’s unfortunate events through their years but Dipper counter argues that Mabel simply wanted to escape reality because she didn’t want to grow up. Dipper shows that even through their tough times, they were there to support each other all the way through and Mabel accepts the truth, giving Dipper a ‘sincere’ sibling hug. When they pat each other, the creatures of Mabeland go against them but the twins, Wendy, Soos, as well as Xyler and Craz, escape from the bubble. Mabel apologizes to Dipper and tells him if he can be Ford’s apprentice if he wants but Dipper instead tells Mabel he will go with her since he doesn’t wanna miss her teenage years. The group return to the Mystery Shack after seeing the town deserted. The group proceed to raid the Shack after hearing noises only to be met by Stan and his resistance group who are taking refuge inside the Mystery Shack.

    In «Weirdmageddon 3: Take Back The Falls», Dipper reunites with Stan and most of the town’s survivors in the Mystery Shack. Dipper is frustrated at Stan’s unwillingness to fight back against Bill and manages to rally the survivors by telling them Ford knew Bill’s secret weakness. He helps McGucket build the Shacktron and pilots it as it fights off Bill’s henchmaniacs. As Bill fights the Shacktron, Dipper is with the rescue team charged with getting into the Fearamid and rescuing Ford along with everybody captured by Bill. Once Ford is rescued, he tells everybody about the Zodiac and how it can destroy Bill. Dipper represented the Pine Tree and the wheel is almost successful. However, Stan and Ford break into an argument and the wheel doesn’t work right when Bill returned.

    Bill changes all but Dipper, Mabel, Stan, and Ford into tapestries and threatens the children if Ford doesn’t tell him how to destroy the barrier surrounding Gravity Falls. Mabel distracts Bill by putting spray paint in his eye as she and Dipper attempt to escape while Bill furiously chases them. Bill recaptures them after they get to a dead end and see the townsfolk in the Shacktron trapped by Bill’s henchmaniacs. Bill threatens to kill one of the twins when Ford agrees to let Bill into his mind in exchange for letting Dipper, Mabel, and Stan go. When Bill enters Ford’s mind, he realizes he was tricked as he actually entered Stan’s mind which Ford would erase with the Memory Erasing Gun to destroy Bill once and for all. After the plan works and Gravity Falls is returned to normal, Dipper and the rest of his family grieve over Stan sacrificing his memory to save everybody. Their attempts at jogging Stan’s memory appear to be fruitless until Waddles jumps on Stan and he starts to remember everything with him eventually recovering his entire memory. Later in the week, Dipper and Mabel celebrate their 13th birthday with the town. When asked to make a wish, Dipper replies that he already got everything he ever wanted that summer. As Dipper and Mabel prepare to depart Gravity Falls, Wendy takes Dipper’s hat while giving him hers as something to remember her by along with a letter for the next time he misses Gravity Falls. As the bus drives away with Dipper and Mabel, Dipper opens the letter which is a note that says «See you next summer» signed by all of the friends Dipper and Mabel made while they were in Gravity Falls. This makes Dipper feel happy as the bus leave Gravity Falls. During the credits, he was last seen sleeping with Mabel.

    Other appearances

    A modified version of Dipper appears in the Wander Over Yonder episode «The Cartoon».

    Video games

    Disney Super Speedway

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    Dipper as he appears in Disney Super Speedway.

    Dipper is an unlockable character in the game if players buy him for 3500 coins.

    Mystery Shack Attack

    Dipper appears when items are needed to fend off a building in this app.

    Disney Infinity

    Dipper makes an appearance as a townsperson costume in the games, starting with 2.0.

    Gravity Falls: Legend of the Gnome Gemulets

    Along with Mabel, Dipper is the playable protagonist of the Nintendo 3DS game. He is equipped with the Gnome Battle Cuffs, which allow him to throw short-range punches at the enemies. He is also able to use his size-altering flashlight to shrink himself in order to get through small passages that he and Mabel otherwise cannot pass through.


    Mabel Pines

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    Dipper fighting with Mabel.

    Mabel is Dipper’s twin sister, and although she annoys or teases Dipper a lot, he shows deep care for her when she is in danger or if she is depressed. One example of this is when Pacifica Northwest taunted Mabel during Pioneer Day in «Irrational Treasure»; Dipper tries to prove that Pacifica’s great-great grandfather is a fraud so he can teach Pacifica a lesson. Another example is in «Tourist Trapped»; when Mabel’s suspicious-looking boyfriend, Norman (who turns out to be a bunch of gnomes), starts dating her, Dipper tries to get evidence to show that he is not what he seems to protect Mabel from any danger.

    In «The Hand That Rocks the Mabel», when Li’l Gideon starts to date Mabel, she does not want to tell him that she is not interested because she does not want to hurt his feelings. Much to her dismay, Grunkle Stan tells the twins Mabel will have to marry Gideon. Dipper decides to help Mabel by telling Gideon she does not want to date him. This causes Gideon to attempt to kill Dipper, but before he can do so, Mabel comes in to rescue her brother.

    In «The Time Traveler’s Pig«, Dipper and Mabel steal Blendin Blandin’s time machine so Dipper can travel back in time to prevent Robbie from going out with Wendy. However, after accomplishing that plan, Mabel realizes Pacifica Northwest took Waddles, Mabel’s pet pig. She tells Dipper that she needs to go back in time to take Waddles before Pacifica does, but Dipper says he tried so hard to make the plan work and cannot just go back in time again. Mabel gets a long depression that seemed endless, causing Dipper to realize how much Mabel misses Waddles. He decides to go back in time for his sister, which makes Robbie go out with Wendy in the present time.

    Grunkle Stan

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    Dipper with Grunkle Stan.

    Dipper usually considers his great uncle to be annoying, and does not seem to approve his decision of making him and Mabel work at the Mystery Shack. Although the two of them share completely different interests, Dipper still shows affection for Stan at times such as «The Legend of the Gobblewonker». When Stan takes Dipper and Mabel to go fishing with him in Lake Gravity Falls, the twins leave Stan to go hunt for the Gobblewonker with Soos. Stan, feeling betrayed, tries to find his own fishing buddies with the residents at the lake, but they all think of him as annoying. When Dipper and Mabel return from their journey, they realize that they made a mistake of choosing to go on a monster hunt rather than spending time with their great-uncle, so they spend the rest of the day bonding with Stan.

    Soos Ramirez


    Dipper and Soos are good friends. They usually relate well, with them doing «guy stuff» together, and Soos often gives Dipper guidance. Additionally, Soos frequently acts as Dipper’s and Mabel’s sidekick as they investigate Gravity Falls’ mysteries, and may take charge on occasion. However, Soos’ childish antics sometimes irritate Dipper.

    Wendy Corduroy

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    Dipper fantasizes about dancing with Wendy.

    Wendy and Dipper are on friendly terms and like to hang out together for the fun of it, often breaking rules in the process. Unbeknownst to Wendy, Dipper had a huge crush on her in the first half of the summer, though he does not necessarily believe they will be together. Regardless, he attempts to impress her and frequently finds himself in sticky situations as a result.

    Since Wendy is about two to three years older than he is, Dipper tries to come across as mature and capable of being around Wendy’s other friends. Dipper resents Wendy’s relationship with Robbie, due to his jealousy. In «Into the Bunker«, Dipper finally got over on his crush about her. It was revealed in the episode «Roadside Attraction», it is revealed he still has slight feelings for her. At the end of the series, Wendy gives Dipper her hat in exchange for his, so they could remember each other.

    Candy Chiu and Grenda

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    Candy and Grenda are primarily Mabel’s best friends, but Dipper seems well acquainted with them. He is fairly welcoming of his sister’s best friends, and is accepting of their eccentricities, some of which may come in handy for situations handled as a group. However, he is bothered by the boisterous sleepovers they sometimes have with Mabel.

    In the episode «The Love God«, it is implied that Mabel hopes to establish a romantic relationship between Dipper and Candy. However, after Candy does openly develop a crush on Dipper in «Roadside Attraction», she eventually gets over it.

    Robbie Valentino

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    Dipper with Robbie

    Robbie and Dipper are arch-rivals, primarily driven by both wanting to win Wendy’s affection. While Robbie views his relationship with his crush as a victory for himself, he fears Dipper will appeal to her. Robbie likes to make fun of Dipper, is very condescending in his remarks, and has even resorted to attempts at physical violence to prove his point. Dipper, on the other hand, is angered and annoyed by Robbie. Though they are initially more vocal about their dislike of one another, they eventually agree not to brawl in front of Wendy, due to fear that they will both lose her if she sees them fight.

    In «The Love God«, Mabel tried to help Robbie get over his breakup with Wendy by pairing him up with Tambry. This proves successful, because at the end of the episode, Robbie no longer seems to hold any animosity towards the twins.

    Gideon Gleeful

    Gideon views Dipper and his family as a nuisance, feeling that they prevent him from accomplishing his goals (e.g. winning Mabel’s love). So, the evil boy often tries to rid himself of the Pines, while Dipper combats him, usually successfully with his sister’s aid. The two have been known to underestimate each other at times, but still see each other as great threats.

    Pacifica Northwest

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    Although Pacifica, prior to her character development, mostly targeted Mabel, she also dislikes Dipper. Dipper exhibits animosity towards Pacifica for humiliating his sister as well as others. Dipper often finds an excuse to put her down, because according to Dipper, Pacifica cheats at life. At the beginning of «Northwest Mansion Mystery», Dipper felt he had enough of Pacifica, wanting to tell her in her face that she is the worst.

    Nonetheless, Pacifica at least has a level of respect for Dipper, even asking for his help at her most desperate hour. During the party, Dipper and Pacifica have at least risked their lives for one another in trying to stop the haunting. When Dipper found out from the ghost the terrible deeds the Northwests have committed, he was deeply hurt by the deception, of which he was willing to call them out on. Pacifica, however, was willing to hear him out, and even realized Dipper was right about her family’s villainy, and felt he was right about her. Later on, the experience led them to gain a healthy amount of respect for each other, to the point where Dipper realizes that Pacifica is not all bad.

    Mr. and Mrs. Pines

    Not much is known about Dipper’s relationships with his parents, though he does at first seem upset by their decision to have him spend his summer in Gravity Falls, and regrets the dance Mrs. Pines used to have him perform.




    • He is shown to be extremely «genre savvy». Knowing that in most movies, nobody has a camera when they see the monster, or that camera malfunctions, he brings along seventeen cameras to take a photo of the Gobblewonker with.
    • Dipper has apparently been to the County Jail with Mabel and Grunkle Stan due for making counterfeit money.
    • His nickname, Dipper, comes from the mark on his forehead so this piece of trivia is NOT addressed by Wendy in the Latin American dub since the name of the constellation is different in Spanish (Osa Mayor). Instead, her dialogue is replaced with «Is that all? I thought it was something truly embarrassing.»
      • Dipper’s real first name, Mason, was revealed in the de-fictionalized version of Journal 3.
    • Mabel brings up her status as the older twin to Dipper occasionally, which greatly annoys him (such as in «Little Dipper«). In addition, Mabel also comments on Dipper being 1 millimeter shorter than her.
    • Dipper has always wanted the name Tyrone. («Double Dipper«)
    • He is ambidextrous, although he uses his right hand more frequently than his left.
    • In both episodes in which Dipper handles ice «(The Time Traveler’s Pig» and «The Inconveniencing«), he spills the ice.
    • He seems to have a slight fear of puppets as shown in the short «Tooth», as he was uncomfortable around Mabel’s bear puppet Bear-O. Though he seems to have no problem with the puppets Mabel made for her puppet show in «Sock Opera», and even helped her make them. This might just be because Bear-O terrifies everyone (save Mabel).
      • An unmade episode that was to a parody of the Jim Henson movie Labyrinth would reveal that Dipper is indeed afraid of puppets.
    • Dipper is associated with the «pine tree» symbol on Bill’s page in Journal 2.
    • In the episode «Dipper and Mabel vs. the Future«, it’s revealed that Dipper and Mabel’s birthday falls on August 31st.
    • On Valentine’s Day in fourth grade, no one gave Dipper a valentine until Mabel felt bad for Dipper and gave him a Valentine made out of all of the Valentines she received.
    • Dipper and Mabel have allergies that go off at the same time.

    External links

    • 16 Dipper Pines on Gravity Falls Wiki


    1. Hirsch, A, Renzetti, R. (July 26, 2016). Journal 3. Disney Press. 

    2. Hirsch, Alex (July 22, 2012). «@LightPhillip Mabel is older by 5 minutes. She uses this as an excuse to tell Dipper «I’ll tell you when you’re older» It drives him nuts» (Tweet). Twitter.


    Gravity Falls Logo.png

    Gravity FallsDisney Super SpeedwayMystery Shack AttackRumble’s RevengeDisney Infinity: 2.0 EditionLegend of the Gnome GemuletsLost Legends
    Dipper PinesMabel PinesGrunkle StanFord PinesSoos RamirezWendy CorduroyWaddlesBill CipherSheriff BlubsDeputy DurlandManly DanOld Man McGucketTate McGucketGideon GleefulRobbie ValentinoPreston NorthwestPriscilla NorthwestPacifica NorthwestErgman BratsmanBlendin BlandinBud GleefulLazy SusanMr. PoolcheckPaper Jam DipperRumble McSkirmishSummerween TricksterToby DeterminedShandra JimenezTyroneTyler CutebikerDipper ClonesTambryCandy ChiuGrendaMelodyMayor BefufftlefumpterThompsonNateLeeGabe BensenGnomesGompersLilliputtiansSergeiPa and Ma DuskertonManotaursGobblewonkerXyler and CrazWax figuresMulti-BearQuentin TrembleyCheekumsMermandoAoshimaPterodactylAbuelitaMrs. GleefulThe UndeadShape ShifterAgent PowersAgent Trigger.GIFfanySprottLolph and DundgrenTime BabyGreg and Janice ValentinoLove GodMarius von FundshauserGhost of Northwest ManorBlind IvanJustin KerprankProbabilitor the AnnoyingCelestabellebethabelleDarlene
    Season One: Tourist TrappedThe Legend of the GobblewonkerHeadhuntersThe Hand That Rocks the MabelThe InconveniencingDipper vs. ManlinessDouble DipperIrrational TreasureThe Time Traveler’s PigFight FightersLittle DipperSummerweenBoss MabelBottomless Pit!The Deep EndCarpet DiemBoyz CrazyLand Before SwineDreamscaperersGideon Rises

    Season Two: Scary-okeInto the BunkerThe Golf WarSock OperaSoos and the Real GirlLittle Gift Shop of HorrorsSociety of the Blind EyeBlendin’s GameThe Love GodNorthwest Mansion MysteryNot What He SeemsA Tale of Two StansDungeons, Dungeons, & More DungeonsThe Stanchurian CandidateThe Last MabelcornRoadside AttractionDipper and Mabel vs. the FutureWeirdmageddon

    The Mystery ShackTent of TelepathyUnderground laboratoryGravity FallsGravity Falls ForestNorthwest ManorLake Gravity FallsGravity Falls PoolGravity Falls CemeteryDusk 2 DawnSummerween SuperstoreScuttlebutt IslandMystery MountainFearamid
    Journal 1Journal 2Journal 3Smile DipPitt ColaHeight-altering crystalsCrystal FlashlightCloning Copy MachineCackling SkullsJack O’ MelonsSoos’ pick-up truckWax StanStanmobileElectron CarpetTape Measure Time MachineMemory GunMystic AmuletUniverse PortalGrappling hookThe Author’s LaptopNathaniel Northwest’s StatueInfinity-sided DiceTime CuffsShacktron
    Gravity Falls Title ThemeDisco GirlLi’l Ol’ MeThe Lamby Lamby DanceHomework’s WackMabel’s the Boss NowStan Wrong SongDon’t Start Un-BelievingTraining MixMabel GirlTaking Over MidnightWe’ll Meet AgainIt’s Gonna Get Weird

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    Trust no one.
    Journal 3‘s warning to Dipper

    Mason «Dipper» Pines[1] is the protagonist of the animated series, Gravity Falls. He is the twin brother of Mabel Pines by five minutes. He is a curious, clever and inventive 12-year-old (13 by the end of the series) paranormal investigator. With Mabel along for the ride, he dares to uncover the secrets of the mysterious town of Gravity Falls, Oregon.


    Dipper was born five minutes after his twin Mabel.[2] The two were raised by their parents in Piedmont, California. Unlike Mabel, Dipper was born with a birthmark on his forehead. The birthmark was the subject of ridicule for Dipper until he started hiding it after he was five years old. During their childhood, Dipper and Mabel attended Eggbert Elementary School. Dipper’s favorite holiday was Halloween, which he celebrated by going trick-or-treating together with Mabel. From a young age, Dipper’s mother had him perform his signature «Lamby Lamby Dance.» Currently, the twins attend Piedmont Middle School back in Piedmont. Dipper has claimed he has has been finalist in three spelling bee competitions back at his middle school.

    Official Description

    Dipper is a curious, clever and inventive 13-year old who is determined to uncover the secrets of Gravity Falls.


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    Clever, curious, adventurous, brave, and rational all the things that are Dipper Pines. A born adventurer at heart, Dipper cannot sit still and is always looking for the next riddle to solve, althought sometimes he can have a short-temperament. His scrupulous attention to detail comes in handy when he is off figuring out the mystery of the day, but sometimes his over-zealousness leaves others questioning his credibility. He is very wise beyond his years, and his refusal to sit still when there are puzzles to be solved often leaves him restless in everyday situations. In «Carpet Diem«, he has a habit of clicking his pen repeatedly when in deep thought.

    He also seems to get very irritated when people think he is cute or adorable, as he wants to project a more grown-up and mature appearance to strangers. He is not, however, above acting like Mabel under some circumstances. He first arrives in Gravity Falls upset with going to a small, boring town, with his twin sister Mabel for the summer, but because of interest in mysteries and lust for adventure, he starts to adjust to life in town and tries to solve mysteries, with his twin sister coming along for the journey.

    He is somewhat protective of his sister; whenever she is in danger he is always there to help and will do anything to get her free. He can sometimes be selfish, and is not above using Gravity Falls’ mysterious elements to his advantage, but ultimately always does the right thing. Dipper has shown through out his time in Gravity Falls that he has become more confident in himself, has learned to have hope in the doubtful times, and become stronger when facing his enemies to stand up for what he believes in. Because Dipper is a pre-teen, he sounds like a teenager.

    Physical appearance

    Dipper wears a trademark blue and white hat with a blue brim and blue pine tree on the front. He has somewhat messy brown hair and relatively pale skin. His eyes are brown. He formerly wore a navy green hat with a star on it. He has a birthmark on his forehead shaped like the Big Dipper, hence his nickname «Dipper», which he hides under his bangs. He wears a navy blue vest, red/orange shirt, gray shorts, white socks, black sneakers, and a sometimes visible wristwatch. He is sometimes seen with a green backpack. He is a millimeter shorter than Mabel. He occasionally wears a black wristwatch.


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    Dipper with a sousaphone.

    Dipper’s special skills include monster hunting, and puzzle solving. He is shown to think very logically compared to those around him and displays a high level of intelligence. Even though Dipper is known to be weak, he is also capable of defending himself when it comes to fights, as he was able to hold his own when he sword-dueled against Wax Sherlock Holmes, fought Gideon while falling from a high altitude, brought down the mighty Multi-Bear, survived being pummeled by Rumble McSkirmish, and fended off the Summerween Trickster alongside his friends. He is better than his sister at most games, including chess, checkers, ping pong, and croquet. The animated short «Tooth» shows him playing able to play a sousaphone.

    Dipper is shown to possess an extremely high level of intelligence, as shown in «The Time Traveler’s Pig», when he is able to complete complex math equations in a short amount of time, creating the perfect angle at which to throw a ball. He is also known to be resourceful. In «Little Dipper», when he was unable to reach high enough to grab Journal 3, he was able to kick the shelf it was on in order to have it fall into his arms.

    Dipper knows hand-to-hand combat when fighting villains.


    Gravity Falls

    Season 1

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    Dipper opens the compartment containing 3.

    Sometime during the month of June, Dipper and his twin sister Mabel were sent from Piedmont, California to the town of Gravity Falls, Oregon, to stay with their Grunkle Stan, who runs a tourist trap named the Mystery Shack, which is also his house. Dipper found it difficult to get used to his new surroundings. One day, he is assigned by Grunkle Stan to hang signs advertising the Mystery Shack in the «spooky» part of the forest, where he ends up finding a book describing and explaining many of the town’s secrets and dangers. He immediately tells Mabel about the things he learned from the book, and consecutively finds out that Mabel had met a teenager named Norman, whom he quickly suspects as being one of the undead, who were described in the book. He attempts to film incriminating evidence to support his accusations, and despite being unable to find any, he tells Mabel about his suspicions, resulting in an argument between the two. During Norman and Mabel’s date, he nearly accepts that Norman is not a zombie. However, while reviewing the footage, he notices that Norman’s hand fell off, consequently leading to him nonchalantly placed it back on behind Mabel’s back, and fears that his sister is in grave danger.

    Using the Mystery Cart that he gets from Wendy, he quickly heads to rescue Mabel, and, upon finding her, he realizes that Norman is actually a group of gnomes residing in the forest, who planned to kidnap Mabel, and force her to become their queen. He manages to subdue the gnomes and escape with Mabel, but they are pursued by a large monster that the gnomes come together to form. The two end up crashing the Mystery Cart upon arriving at the Mystery Shack, and are cornered by the monster. The head gnome, Jeff, informs them that they will do «something crazy» unless Mabel becomes their queen, and in response, Mabel agrees, much to Dipper’s dismay. Shortly after Mabel accepts the gnomes’ ring, she uses the leaf-blower to defeat the gnomes, impressing Dipper in the process.

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    Dipper gets his new hat.

    With all the gnomes finally gone, the two make up and enter the Mystery Shack. Grunkle Stan allow them each one free gift, with Dipper choosing a new hat to replace his old one. Before going to bed, he writes a new entry in the Book, stating that he knows Mabel will always have his back.

    After developing a crush on Wendy, Dipper tries to impress her as much as possible. This causes him to make some over-complicated plans, and spend as much as he can with her. His great uncle decides to hold a party at the Mystery Shack, in order to attract teens. Dipper plans to get on the dance floor with Wendy. To this end, he volunteers to run the pay counter with Wendy; however, Wendy sneaks inside the party, asking Dipper to cover for her. Wanting to move on with his plan, Dipper clones himself using Stan’s copier. He names the clone Tyrone. Tyrone takes Dipper’s position at the pay counter, as Dipper moves inside to impress Wendy.

    However, their plan fails when they noticed Wendy hanging out with Robbie. Both Dipper and Tyrone decide to make more clones, in order to proceed with the plan. Two Dipper clones end up stealing Robbie’s bike, causing him to chase after them. Soon, Dipper makes more clones of himself, exceeding a count of 10. All the clones created a massive plan, and went ahead with it. As Dipper is walking to the dance floor, he finds Wendy waiting in line at the bathroom.

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    Dipper talks to Wendy like a normal person.

    He ends up starting a conversation with her, and figures it was easier than his original plan. When Wendy goes to the restroom, Dipper is suddenly met by his clones. Upset at Dipper’s mentality that the plan may be wrong, they kidnap him and put him in a closet. The clones then try and decide who gets to dance with Wendy.

    Dipper is able to escape while the clones are distracted. Dipper runs off, but gets cornered in the hallway by his clones. Dipper then tells them that since they are equally matched, a fight could go on forever. Dipper tries to trick the clones by taping a little slip of paper over his pine tree logo with the number 7 on it, which defected when the tape broke.

    While the clones are discussing it, Dipper suddenly punches one clone in the face, followed by all the clones fighting each other. They then all go after Dipper, who shoots a party popper, which activates the smoke alarm. Sprinklers on the ceiling turn on, and soak the clones with water. They all dissolve but Tyrone, who attacks Dipper. Suddenly the two hear Wendy laughing, and run out onto a balcony to see what is happening. She’s talking with Robbie again, and Dipper and Tyrone are saddened.

    They go up onto the roof, and drink some sodas. However, when Tyrone drinks a can of soda, he suddenly starts dissolving. He tells Dipper to impress Wendy, and not to be a wimp around her anymore. His remains then drip off the roof. Later, Dipper shreds his plan to impress Wendy on the front steps of the Mystery Shack.

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    Dipper and the Gobblewonker.

    Dipper also goes fishing with Grunkle Stan and Mabel as a family bonding day. When he hears that there is a lake monster in the sea named the Gobblewonker, Dipper and Mabel want to go find it and get proof, and avoid having to spend 10 hours on a boat with Grunkle Stan. Dipper wants to be the first to discover the beast so he can win the prize money and appear on TV. They ditch Grunkle Stan and go with Soos to find it. Dipper brings 17 cameras just in case. In the end, the Gobblewonker turns out to just be an old man looking for attention. Because they felt badly, Dipper and Mabel go back to Grunkle Stan to have their family bonding day.

    Dipper and Mabel helped Grunkle Stan uncover the case of Wax Stan‘s murder, due to Sheriff Blubs and Deputy Durland being lazy. Dipper, at Wax Stan’s funeral, uncovered that Wax Sherlock Holmes and all the other wax figures had murdered Wax Stan. It was mostly Wax Sherlock Holmes, because he axed Wax Stan’s head, and left shabby-shoe footprints in the shag carpet, and an axe, which were Mabel and Dipper’s first clues. During their investigation, they first went to interrogate Manly Dan, the lumberjack at the downtown biker joint named Skull Fracture. Manly Dan then reported the axe was left handed, narrowing the suspects to leave Toby Determined, who is left handed and wears shoes with holes in them. He then revealed kissing a cardboard cutout of Shandra Jimenez, the news reporter, at 10:00PM, the time of the murder. Dipper did not find out who murdered Wax Stan until his funeral. Dipper then battled the wax figures, and actually successfully killed some, like decapitating Wax Larry King (his head is still in the vents, but people did not know that until the end credits). He also made Wax Genghis Khan jump into the fireplace. Dipper then only had to battle Wax Sherlock Holmes, the true killer. He then led him to the Mystery Shack’s roof, in which the sun came up, and he melted. Mabel then got rid of Wax Shakespeare by throwing his head into the fireplace for not knowing any limericks.

    After viewing a commercial by Soos’ recommendation, Dipper had an encounter with the town psychic, Li’l Gideon. He believed Gideon to be a bigger fraud than his Grunkle Stan. When Mabel began dating Gideon, he noticed the stress Gideon was placing on Mabel, and offered to tell Gideon Mabel was no longer interested in dating him. After telling him thusly, Gideon got very mad and lured Dipper into a factory to attack him. Dipper discovered that Gideon had an amulet that gave him the power levitate objects. Gideon could almost control Dipper with it, and came close to killing Dipper several times. Mabel had to come and save Dipper from Gideon by breaking his amulet.

    Dipper and Mabel pretend to be thirteen so they can go to the haunted convenience store, Dusk 2 Dawn with Wendy and her friends. He is playing around in the store when he goes to get more ice. He then sees a headless brain with bloodshot eyeballs staring back at him. He screams and opens the fridge door again. Surprisingly, the figure was gone. Everyone goes back to see what it was about. He distracts them by pointing out the game Dancy Pants Revolution. Eventually, the group stumbles upon a chalk outline of two bodies. Dipper lays in it, and the outline turns green, and the lights go out. One after one, almost all of Wendy’s friends disappear. The store then turns upside down, with the ghosts controlling Mabel. Dipper then realizes that the reason the ghosts were upset was because they were all teenagers. He goes up to the ghost and tells him he is not a teenager; he is, in fact, only 12 years old. Dipper then asks if there is anything he can do to help his friends, so he must perform the Lamby Lamby Dance. After doing so, the ghosts let everyone free.

    After failing a manliness tester, Dipper feels that he has to prove his manliness. He ventures out into the forest and has an encounter with Manotaurs. Dipper is later sent by the Manotaurs to conquer the Multi-Bear and bring back its head, as a final test of manliness. The Multi-Bear is very ferocious, and threatens to kill Dipper if he did not leave his cave. Dipper refuses and he and the bear begin fighting. Dipper ultimately wins and is going to end it. The Multi-Bear has one last request: to die listening to his favorite song, «Disco Girl.» Dipper realizes that he and the Multi-Bear had something in common, and decides not to slay him. He later quits the Manotaurs’ league. Crestfallen, he returns to his sister and uncle, who reassure him that, because his stood up for what he thought was right, he is his own man. He was able to grow one little piece of chest hair, but Mabel takes it off and puts it in her scrapbook.

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    Dipper meets his first clone, Tyrone.

    When Stan hosts a party at the Mystery Shack, Dipper helps to set up and works the ticket booth with Wendy, viewing it as an optimal opportunity to spend time with her. As he tries to enact a complex plan to get Wendy to dance with him, he finds it increasingly difficult as unexpected obstacles (i.e. Wendy sneaking into the party and Robbie showing up). To help him revise and execute the plan, he opts to use a copy machine he had found earlier to make clones of himself, initially just Tyrone, and later Dippers #3 through #10 and Paper Jam Dipper. When Dipper strays from the procedure by talking to Wendy «like a normal person», the clones deem him unfit to dance with her and unsuccessfully try to imprison him, and ultimately fight to their deaths via fire sprinklers. Tyrone is the sole survivor among the clones and is the only one to realize the error of his ways (excessive planning) and proceeds to hang out with Dipper, though he is accidentally melted upon drinking soda. Dipper then rips up his plan and returns to the dance floor to spend time with his family and friends.

    After Pacifica Northwest criticizes Mabel’s silliness, Dipper thinks that someone needs to «take her down a bit.» He remembers reading that Nathaniel Northwest may not be the town founder of Gravity Falls. Dipper and Mabel head to the library to study about the document in 3. Using a projector, they try to see if the symbol, in the document, is related to Egyptian, numerology or Alchemist symbols. When he was about to light the document, Mabel folds it into a secret map, and it leads to the Gravity Falls Museum of History. After solving a puzzle at the museum, they then head to the Gravity Falls Cemetery. They see a statue similar to what was on the puzzle. The finger of the statue opens a secret passage way leading to where Quentin Trembley‘s body is found, in peanut brittle. Sheriff Blubs and Deputy Durland finds them there and they say that all they had to do was to follow a trail of wrappers left behind by Mabel. The officers then play a video containing the history of Gravity Falls and how Quentin Trembley was elected to be the eight and a half president of the U.S. Blubs then say that they are going to escort Trembley’s body and the twins to Washington D.C. After they get free, Quentin Trembley awards him with a key that opens any door in America and a $12 dollar bill.

    When the Mystery Fair rolls in, Dipper spends time with Wendy. When the latter expresses a desire for a stuffed animal, the former tries to win it for her, albeit to no avail, instead giving her a black eye. As Dipper scampers to get some ice, he runs into Blendin Blandin, thus preventing him from reaching Wendy before Robbie and enabling him to ask her out. Dipper sinks into a deep depression, but his spirits are lifted when he learns that Blendin has a time machine that will allow him to travel back and avoid hitting Wendy, going to lengths of theft to obtain it. After Dipper tries countless times to avoid his error and fails, he reevaluates the situation and determines a way to avoid it, with Mabel’s help, costing his sister her pig in the process. The twins fight over who will get their ideal present, coming into contact with various events in the meantime. When Mabel develops a depression even more severe than Dipper’s previous condition, he decides that the right thing to do is sacrifice his own satisfaction for his sister. After she thanks him, she has Waddles attack and embarrass Robbie, to Dipper’s satisfaction, and Blendin Blandin momentarily confronts them, only to be arrested by the Time Paradox Avoidance Enforcement Squadron.

    As tension between Robbie and Dipper builds up, the former challenges a former to a fist fight, and the latter is mortally terrified, deciding to avoid the situation as opposed to facing it head on «like a man.» However, Dipper develops a who new opinion of the battle when he brings a video game warrior, Rumble McSkirmish, to life to defend him, using the lie that Robbie killed Dipper’s father as an excuse. But, Dipper quickly loses control of his digital ally, who tries to kill Robbie, and a chase through town commences. After Soos arrives to help Dipper, the two track Robbie and Rumble down to the water tower, where Dipper decides to battle Rumble in an effort to fix the problem he created and save Robbie. Although Dipper loses, he still manages to get rid of Rumble, who is sent back to his game after emerging victorious. Robbie and Dipper agree not to fight in front of Wendy afterwards, instead hating one another in secret «like girls do.»

    After learning that Mabel has grown a millimeter taller than himself, Mabel, much to her brother’s dismay, teases him about becoming the superior twin. Driven by insecurity and jealousy, Dipper seeks out a magical way to increase his height to that of his sister, and stumbles upon crystals in the forest that can do just that. After Mabel continues to tease him, using the argument that her growth spurt came first, Dipper further grows himself, and fights with Mabel over the crystal flashlight he had assembled to carry out the task. When Gideon gets a hold of it, he uses it to shrink the twins and use them as ransom against Stan in hopes of taking over the Mystery Shack. After his initial efforts fail, Gideon decides to shrink Grunkle Stan himself before taking control, and Dipper and Mabel set out to save their uncle and his business, still bickering about height along the way. Ultimately, they defeat Gideon just before he decreases Stan to minute proportions by tickling his armpits. The twins then grow themselves back to their previous heights, though they forget about a shrunken Soos.

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    Dipper with Mabel in their Halloween costumes.

    Dipper and Mabel, like the rest of the town, are ecstatic about celebrating Gravity Falls’ summer version of Halloween, Summerween, and plan to go trick-or-treating with Mabel’s new friends, Candy and Grenda. However, Dipper’s outlook on the evening changes after Wendy mentions that she thinks such an activities is more suitable for little kids and invites him to a party, and he is torn, which eventually leads to conflict with Mabel. The even is further complicated when the Summerween Trickster threatens to eat the gang if they fail to obtain 500 pieces of candy for him by the night’s end, and the group sets off to get their candy, with their rate of pick-up increasing greatly after Dipper formally dons a costume. Although they manage to obtain it, Dipper accidentally drops the entire load of candy into a stream, thus causing the Trickster to chase after them. Soos momentarily destroys the monster after driving through him, he reassembles and chases them into the Summerween Superstore. There, the twins and their friends try to escape by disguising themselves in various costumes to go unnoticed, but Soos gives them away when he plays with the cackling skulls. The Trickster reveals his past and motives the the group, and Soos makes him happy by eating him after finding out he is made of candy. Back at the Shack, Dipper and Mabel run into Wendy, who had returned from her party early, and everyone watches a horror movie marathon.

    As Dipper and the other Mystery Shack employees grow increasingly resentful of the way Grunkle Stan treats them, Dipper grows very happy when he learns that Mabel will be in charge for a few days, and that she will respect her workers. He rejoices even more after Mabel destroys his hated werewolf costume and sends him off to find a real monster to display at the Shack, and he eventually returns with a goblin/gremlin hybrid, the gremloblin. As he exhibits the beast to tourists, he accidentally causes two to go insane, and he helps Mabel fight of the monster after he escapes. After Mabel is pushed to far and begins acting like Stan, Dipper decides to show tourists fake attraction like his uncle to gain money without scarring customers. He serves as an accountant in calculating the total cost of repairing the severely damaged Mystery Shack, and congratulates Mabel on her victory in her bet with Stan, but begs his uncle not to put her in charge any longer.

    After Dipper, Mabel, Grunkle Stan, and Soos fall into a bottomless pit (rather boomerang pit), he and the others decide to bide their time by telling stories. Dipper goes first, telling the tale «Voice Over», in which he uses a voice altering formula, courtesy of Old Man McGucket, to change his embarrassing, frequently cracking voice into a deep masculine voice, albeit that of a commercial voice over. He observes unexpected results as people tease him for and run away from him because of his voice, and ultimately decides that he would rather have his own voice than any other after being chased by a mob of bikers. In Soos’ story, «Soos’ Really Great Pinball Story: Is That a Good Title? Do They Have to Be Puns or Whatever?», he gets trapped in a pinball machine with Mabel and Soos as a result of cheating to help Soos achieve the high score, and the sentient game tries to kill them for what they did. In Mabel’s «Trooth Ache», he is the witness and victim of many of his uncle’s lives and disapproves of Mabel’s use of truth telling teeth to force Stan to be honest, getting especially annoyed when he just says whatever comes to mind. In the real world, as the four approach the end of the pit, they simply come back out the top, and Dipper deduces that it is a wormhole. When Grunkle Stan falls back in, neither Dipper nor the others express concern.

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    Dipper goofing off with Wendy.

    On the hottest day of summer, Soos and the Pines decide to cool off at the local pool. Upon learning that Wendy is working there, Dipper gets a job as an assistant lifeguard to spend time with her and finds himself breaking many rules to have fun. When his boss, Mr. Poolcheck, driven by extreme anger, forces Dipper to work the night shift to ensure that no pool supplies get stolen or damaged during the night. As Stan, Soos, and Mabel break in for various reasons, Dipper ends up pursuing his sister in a road chase to the lake, as she stole a pool cooler in which to transport Mermando. When he learns about Mermando and sees that he is dying of dehydration, he remorsefully obliges to his sister’s suggestion of giving the merman «reverse CPR», and helps get Mermando into the lake. Back at the pool, he is fired for various damage done to pool property. Though he is sad at first, Wendy cheers him up by informing him that she, too, was fired, as she was taking to many snacks from the snack bar, and the two head out to break rules elsewhere.

    As Dipper and Mabel grow weary of sharing a room after a sleepover of Grenda and Candy’s, the two stumble upon a secret room within the Shack and decide to compete to determine who should get it. However, things take an unexpected turn when the twins swap bodies by Electron Carpet. Dipper quickly figures that he can sabotage Mabel’s chances of getting the room by doing stuff Stan hates in Mabel’s body, and tries to give Stan a rock sandwich. But, he is disappointed to learn immediately afterward Mabel is looking to sabotage him via like means. Dipper continues this, but is soon thwarted by Grenda and Candy, who have come to have another sleepover with Mabel. Dipper tries to opt out by claiming he is going through one of his «irrational girly mood swings», but this is ignored. He then gets stuck reading «Wolf Man Bare Chest» with the two, and is traumatized. Mabel wins the room for Dipper while she is in Dipper’s body. He tries to get the key from her, but she locks herself in the room. Dipper is able to trick his way in by asking Candy and Grenda to ask their way in for what would typically be a Dipper makeover. When he gets in, lots and lots of body-swapping ensues. However, when Dipper and Mabel get back in their own bodies, they are able to obtain a cease fire and understanding. Although, when the real Dipper goes to bed in his new room he feels lonely without Mabel, which causes him to move back into his old room in the attic with Mabel, and then gives the new room to Soos to replace his painful break room.

    One day working in the shack, Dipper and Wendy are doing a running commentary on the shack security tape’s footage. Robbie comes in and talks to Wendy, asking her to go on a date with him, but Wendy is upset with Robbie for standing her up the night before. Dipper goes into the other room but still spies on the conversation they have. Dipper overhears Wendy talking about breaking up with Robbie. He is extremely happy to hear this, celebrating quietly and hugging Waddles as he does so, then quickly settles to watch the rest of the interaction. He is shocked to find that when Robbie plays a song for her, she forgives him. Dipper is convinced that Wendy is being brainwashed by the music, and tells Mabel and Grunkle Stan so. Mabel shrugs it off, but Grunkle Stan completely believes Dipper’s story, relating it to when something similar happened to his old girlfriend Carla «Hotpants» McCorkle. He helps Dipper search for a brainwashing message in the song, and when they find it, drives Dipper to where Wendy and Robbie are on their date. Dipper replays the message for Wendy to hear, and Robbie quickly says he did not know about that message, as he had ripped the song off from some band. Wendy is furious for being lied to, and breaks up with Robbie on the spot. Dipper is elated that the breakup finally happened, and asks Wendy if she would want to go bowling sometime. She snaps at him for being insensitive to her emotional state and runs off. Dipper feels bad, but Grunkle Stan cheers him up a little, saying that Dipper was trying to do the right thing, that Wendy would get over it eventually, and in the meantime, Dipper could always go bowling with him.

    When Waddles is snatched up by a Pterodactyl on Stan’s watch, Mabel leads Dipper and the other to a place filled with Dinosaurs to rescue him.

    When Gideon sends Bill Cipher into Stan’s mind to find the combination to the safe that the Mystery Shack’s deed is in, Dipper, Mabel, and Soos follow. They manage to repel Cipher, but on returning discover that Gideon used dynamite to open the safe. With the deed in hand, Gideon forces everyone out of the Shack, and has his father demolish it with a wrecking ball.

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    Dipper vs Gideon

    After Gideon steals the Mystery Shack deed, the Pines moves in with Soos’ abuelita, along with Mabel and Stan. Dismayed to see that Stan has given up on getting the Shack back, he teams up with his sister to get it back themselves. They recruit the gnomes to get the deed back from Gideon, but not only does the plan backfire, but Gideon gets Journal #3. As he and Mabel take the bus out of Gravity Falls, Gideon discovers that there are three books and assumes that Dipper kept the first one for himself. Gideon comes after them in his Gideon-bot. Gideon doesn’t believe Dipper when he tells Gideon that he doesn’t know about the other book. Gideon kidnaps Mabel, planning to make her his «queen.» Dipper manages to get inside the Gideon-bot’s control room and fights with Gideon, causing the robot to fall off the bridge. Mabel saves Dipper with her grappling hook. Enraged, Gideon tries to have the twins arrested, but Stan arrives and reveals that Gideon has been spying on everyone, causing Gideon to be arrested instead. The Pines family return to the Mystery Shack. Dipper tries to show Journal 3 to Stan, but Stan takes it, claiming it could inspire new attractions. Dipper is downhearted at the loss of Journal 3, but Mabel tells him he doesn’t need the book to do great things. Dipper says he still wants the book, and Mabel is sure he’ll get it back.

    Season 2

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    Agent Powers explaining their investigation with Dipper

    After the Grand Re-Opening of the Shack & getting his Journal 3 back from Stan, two federal agents, Agent Powers & Agent Trigger come to the Mystery Shack to investigate strange activities. When hearing this, Dipper offers to help them with their investigation, so Agent Powers gave him his card anytime they could talk, but Stan discredits his nephew that he has an overactive imagination. The agents leave & Stan confiscates Powers’ card & tells Dipper to be a normal kid, much to Dipper’s disappointment. Wendy agrees to help Dipper get the card back while she watches for Stan. Dipper found the card & calls Agent Powers, but Stan turned off the phone after Dipper finished & Wendy got distracted by a text. Stan grounds Dipper when the party’s over.


    Dipper and the Agents witnessing the horde of zombies

    Dipper met up with the agents showing them the journal, but the agents think if more junk from the Mystery Shack, agreeing that Stan was right about Dipper’s overactive imagination & were about to leave to finish some paper work, but Dipper tried to get them to believe him by reading random incantations, but he accidently reads a spell that raises the dead & a horde of zombies came out from the ground, dragging the agents away. Dipper was scold by Mabel & Soos was bitten & turned to a zombie. As Dipper couldn’t find any weakness, he was grabbed by a zombie, but was saved by Stan. Stan fought the zombies as the twins retreated to the attic. Stan reveals that he knew about the paranormal activities & that he lied to him & Mabel to protect them. Just as Dipper was about to give up, Mabel noticed that the text is visible by black light & Dipper discovers that zombies can be defeated by shattering their skulls with three-part harmony. The Pines singed together shattering the zombies skulls. Dipper apologizes for the trouble he caused & Stan lets him keep the journal for self-defense.

    Dipper tries to confess his feelings for Wendy but can’t work up the courage and instead asks her to tag along on his next investigation which she happily goes. They find the author’s hidden bunker. Mabel fools around and pushes Dipper, who triggers a trap that closes in the walls. Dipper looks to the journal and points out a way to escape and they barely made it. Dipper’s vest ended up being jammed in the closed-in-walls to which Mabel gets it for him. When she pulls it out, a love letter that Dipper intended to give to Wendy falls out. Because of this Mabel locks him in the closet with Wendy so he’d have no choice but to confess his love but the two of them stumble into a secret laboratory where they soon get chased by a giant insect-like creature. They run into a dead end but are saved by who is believed to be the author of the journals. But this is later revealed to be a lie and that he was a Shape Shifter. After escaping its grasp and regrouping with Mabel and Soos they formulate a plan to stop it. By the end, the Shape Shifter says to Dipper that he will never find the author and something terrible is going to happen in Dipper’s future. Also, Dipper finally admits his crush to Wendy. She gently turns him down, saying she is too old for him, but tells him how much she values their friendship, saying she would probably throw herself into the bottomless pit if they ever stop being friends.

    In «The Golf War«, Dipper encourages Mabel to have the Lilliputtians help her to cheat in the mini golf tournament so she would win no matter what against Pacifica Northwest. However, this backfires when the Lilliputtians try to kill Pacifica and Mabel must help save her. Dipper drives the course’s golf cart to help everyone escape.

    In «Sock Opera«, Dipper is excited to figure out the code to the laptop with Mabel’s help and is disappointed when she instead decides to put on a puppet show. However, he helps her, as she promises to help him with the password afterwards. Every night he types in random words on the computer and hopes they work, with no success. After a few nights of this, Bill Cipher offers to help, but Dipper, knowing that Bill would try to trick him, declines. The next morning, Dipper tells Mabel of this, and she tells him that she will help him with the password. However, she becomes convinced that she must work harder on her puppet show, causing Dipper to be angry with her. He tries again with the laptop, and it announces that there were too many failed entries, and it would erase all data in 5 minutes. Bill returns and re-offers his help, saying that he wants a puppet in return. Dipper, feeling desperate, accepts. However, Bill takes Dipper’s body and stomps on the laptop and tries to find Journal 3. Dipper, now a ghost, tells Bill that he will never find it, but Mabel comes in and tells him that she took the journal for her puppet show. Dipper follows Bill and his family to the Theatre Time Theater, where Mabel’s puppet show is being performed. He uses a puppet to tell Mabel that Bill is using his body and that she must stop him. Mabel makes Dipper take over the puppet show while she fights Bill and forces him out of his body. Dipper returns to his body and they go home.

    In «Soos and the Real Girl«, Dipper and Mabel try to help Soos find a date, and later they are attacked by .GIFfany along with Soos and Melody.

    In the «Little Gift Shop of Horrors» story, Abaconings, Dipper tries to figure out a puzzle toy. Finding difficulty and wanting to become smarter he looks to the journal to locate Percepshrooms that would grant him that. After retrieving it, he places it on his forehead as the journal suggested and went to sleep. Waking up the next morning with the thought of it working, only proved himself wrong as Waddles had eaten it off his head and he instead gained genius intelligence, even making an electronic device to allow himself to speak human language for him. Loving the new Waddles, he and Waddles work together on a few things, the most significant thing being the Smarticle Accelerator. However, when Waddles presses a switch that destroys the machine to be normal for Mabel’s sake and himself, Dipper was dispirited.

    In «Society of the Blind Eye«, Dipper continues research on who the author could be. That is when Mabel points out a clue on the broken laptop, to which Dipper indicates that the author must be Old Man McGucket. He, Mabel, Wendy, and Soos go to the junkyard to confront him. McGucket explains that he doesn’t recall anything about the book but when Dipper flips to one of the pages with a strange symbol on it, McGucket panics, revealing that the symbol belonged to an unknown group who possibly did something to his mind. With the last thing McGucket remembered many years ago involved the History Museum, the gang heads off there along with McGucket. After chasing a suspicious person who was inside, they lose track of the person, finding themselves in a seemingly normal room. Dipper figures out that a hidden button was in it, opening a secret passageway, where they watched as the Blind Eye Society erased Lazy Susan‘s memories with a ray gun. When the coast was clear, they split up, leaving the girls to keep lookout. The boys find a mysterious room called The Hall of the Forgotten where tubes of various townsfolk memories were stored in. When they were spotted, they hid but were ultimately caught. The Blind Eye Society members revealed themselves as fellow townsfolk and planned to erase everyone’s memories until McGucket intervened. In the end, Dipper and the gang were able to stop the Blind Eye members and erased their memories. Also, McGucket got his memories back, revealing that he isn’t the author.

    In «Blendin’s Game«, he and Mabel decide to throw a surprise party for Soos’ birthday, only for Soos to displeased about it. They take Soos to laser tag to cheer him up. He and Mabel then walk into a portal and are challenged to Globnar by Blendin Blandin. They steal a time travel device and go back to the year 2002 where they meet Toby Determined trying to be a dancer, toddler Wendy (who thought Dipper was cute with him blushing in return) and toddler Tambry riding their tricycles, Robbie who soaks them with a water gun, and 12-year-old Soos, who misses his father (which explains why Soos hates his birthday in the future). They willingly let themselves get caught by Lolph and Dundgren to win the time wish for Soos. While in Globnar they complete in a series of challenges before the Time Baby finishes his bottle. Ultimately, he and Mabel win and return to the present to give Soos their time wish. He then wishes for Dipper and Mabel to be all fixed up, and to have an infinite pizza slice, telling them that if his father truly cared about him, he’d be here.

    In «The Love God«, Dipper continues to try to play cool to hang out with Wendy and her friends, shrugging off Mabel’s suggestion to comfort Robbie (who is still depressed over his break-up with Wendy), saying the social structure is good as it is. However, when Mabel uses a love potion on Robbie and Tambry to make them date, it ends up splitting up Wendy and her friends, forcing Dipper to help Mabel to undo what she did by getting an antidote so the gang can get back together.

    In «Northwest Mansion Mystery«, Dipper is visited by Pacifica at the Mystery Shack, asking him for his help in getting rid of a ghost that has inhabited her house. He at first refuses, but accepts on the condition that Pacifica gives Mabel, Candy, and Grenda tickets to Northwest Fest. Over the course of the adventure, he develops a new friendship with Pacifica.

    In «Not What He Seems«, Dipper and Mabel are taken in by child services after the government arrest Stan. They escape custody to prove Stan’s innocence, but quickly discover that there’s more to Stan than they realized. After getting into his lab, Dipper, along with Mabel and Soos, discovers that Stan had the journals this whole time, and he grows very angry. Soon after, they find a way to shut off the portal, and just as Dipper is about to press the off button, Stan interrupts them saying that he shouldn’t press the button, and to trust him. The portal causes Dipper, Mabel, Stan, and Soos to get pushed to the walls of they lab, but Mabel is the closest to the button. Dipper tells her to shut it down, but Stan convinces her not to, much to Dipper’s distress. Dipper and the others then watch as the author of the journals emerges from the portal, and is revealed by Stan to be his brother.

    In «A Tale of Two Stans«, Dipper is overcome with excitement when he meets Ford Pines, shrieking with delight when the journals are mentioned and almost throwing up, to which he is eager to ask Ford lots of questions. At the end, before he goes to sleep, he promises Mabel he will never fight with her like Stan and Ford did and that they will always be friends.

    In «Dungeons, Dungeons, & More Dungeons«, Dipper receives a copy of the titular game in the mail. He tries to persuade Mabel and Stan to play with him, but they refuse. After he accidentally falls into the basement and Ford sees Dipper’s 38-sided die, they begin playing together. Their game takes over the house, much to Stan, Mabel, and Grenda’s annoyance. After Stan accidentally rolls the infinity sided die and releases Probabilitor the Annoying, Ford and Dipper are captured by the wizard and taken to the forest. Later in the episode, the others arrive, Probabilitor shrinks Ford and Dipper, turning them into characters for the game. With Stan and Mabel’s help, they defeat Probabilitor. After the adventure, Ford shows Dipper what he’s been doing in the basement; not only did he destroy the portal, he also contained an interdimensional rift created by the portal. Dipper promises to keep the rift’s existence a secret.

    In «The Stanchurian Candidate«, Dipper uses a mind-control tie given by Ford to make Stan win the election for mayor of Gravity Falls against Bud. Dipper then reveals this to Stan out of anger which makes it so Stan doesn’t wear the tie. At the debate, Dipper and Mabel use the tie on Soos so Bud doesn’t win. They soon figure out Gideon’s been controlling Bud so he can win and get out of prison. Gideon then traps Dipper and Mabel inside the statue of Mayor Befufftlefumpter, planning to later kill them in the explosion of fireworks. Stan then notices and saves them and by doing that he wins the election. After Stan is disqualified and Tyler wins, they go vandalize his new mansion.

    In «The Last Mabelcorn«, Dipper and Mabel are looking for board games to play when Ford calls for a family meeting. When they gather around the table, Ford shows the twins a symbol of Bill Cipher and asks if they recognize it, which they immediately do. Dipper tells his and Mabel’s experience with Bill and Ford warns them that the fact that they have dealt with Bill is gravely serious. While Ford sends Mabel to find unicorn hair, Ford brings Dipper to his private study. There, Ford tells Dipper if they cannot Bill-proof the shack, then they will Bill-proof their minds and Dipper is put into the Project Mentem which reads all of his thoughts so it can encrypt Dipper’s mind. When the encryption takes too long, Dipper becomes curious about Ford’s relation to Bill so he puts the Project Mentem on Ford’s head, and sees Ford making a deal with Bill. Ford wakes up and Dipper (thinking Ford is possessed by Bill) takes the rift and the memory erasing gun to defend himself from Ford. He fires the gun, but the beam ricochets off Ford due to the metal plating in his head and destroys the machine. Dipper apologizes and Ford decides to finally tell Dipper about his history with Bill. When Dipper learns about Bill’s true plans, he becomes increasingly worried. Ford tells Dipper that there should be no more secrets between them. Dipper smiles but worries again because he broke the machine, so they have no protection against Bill. Mabel then comes in with a lock of unicorn hair. Afterwards, Dipper is seen helping Ford Bill-proof the shack by sticking the unicorn hair around the outside of the building.

    During «Roadside Attraction», Mabel realizes that Dipper is still not over his crush on Wendy; so Soos suggested going with them on Stan’s revenge trip to help him move on. When they reach their first tourist trap to prank Dipper tries talking to a girl but completely fails in doing so, Stan then calls Dipper to help with his prank. After feeling embarrassed about his attempt to talking with girls, Dipper is given advice by Stan on how to talk with girls. They go to their next tourist trap to prank and Dipper tries once again to talk to a girl, this time taking Stan’s advice and he succeeds. Dipper gets more contact info from the girls he meets using Stan’s advice. As they travel to their final tourist trap to prank, the Mystery Mountain, Mabel and Grenda take the opportunity and get Dipper and Candy to sit together. Dipper panics after Candy asks him on a date and Stan tells him to go on a date with her. When Dipper and Candy go on their date, the girls that Dipper previously flirted with were coincidentally on the same tourist trap as they are, ruining Dipper and Candy’s date. Dipper looks for Stan to get more advice however Stan is caught by Darlene, an Arachnimorph and Dipper goes to the girls for help. The girls are angry at Dipper for what he did but he tells them they can kill him later as they need to help Stan from Darlene. They climb the mountain and free Stan, however, they are chased by Darlene but they manage to escape thanks to Candy. After the unfortunate turn of events, everyone heads back to the RV and leaves the place. Stan admits to Dipper that he is actually bad with girls however Dipper says he is also just as bad but Stan’s advice helped him move on from Wendy. Dipper then gives Candy an apology pamphlet and tells her he’s sorry. Candy tells Dipper after seeing him scream from Darlene, she lost interest in him which Dipper says he deserved. When they return, Dipper admits feeling bad about the pranks but Stan says everyone loves his pranks, however, when they return to the Mystery Shack, they see all the other tourist trap owners vandalizing the place.

    In «Dipper and Mabel vs. the Future«, Mabel wakes Dipper up and tells him that their birthday is coming up. The two become excited as they are finally going to be teenagers, Stan and Soos join in the excitement for the upcoming week. Mabel, Dipper, and Soos begin planning for the twin’s birthday party but Stan tells them they can’t due to their previous party incident. Ford yells for Dipper’s help to get his attention quickly and Dipper runs to Ford to help. Ford shows Dipper the interdimensional rift case slowly cracking and shows him what will happen if Bill fulfills his plans. Ford decides to take Dipper along with him to help seal the rift but Dipper worries about helping Mabel, Mabel overhears their conversation and allows Dipper to go with Ford, giving him her support and walkie-talkie so they can talk to each other. Dipper and Ford then set on their mission to find an adhesive to seal the rift and at the weird shaped cliff in Gravity Falls, Ford shows Dipper how the cliff was formed. Ford then takes Dipper into the abandoned UFO buried under Gravity Falls and Dipper becomes excited. As they venture further down, Ford questions Dipper about his future plans, Dipper tells his plans and Ford eventually offers his great nephew to become his apprentice. Dipper worries about school but Ford tells his nephew of his 12 Ph.D., Dipper then worries about Mabel but Ford believes Mabel will be fine on her own. Finally, Dipper worries about his own capabilities as he couldn’t even operate Ford’s magnet gun but Ford sees Dipper accidentally finding the adhesive they need to seal the rift. Dipper and Ford are then confronted by two UFO security droids and Dipper panics, causing the droids to attack. Ford gets captured by one of the droids but Dipper acts quickly in order to stop the droid going further. When the other droid confronts Dipper, the droid self-disassembled after detecting a calm Dipper. Ford once again tries to convince Dipper to be his apprentice and Dipper accepts. At home, Dipper sees Mabel sad as she overheard Dipper accepting Ford’s apprenticeship and Mabel runs out of the house. Dipper goes to Ford’s lab and Ford sees that Mabel didn’t take Dipper’s decision well. They try to seal the rift with the adhesive but Mabel accidentally took Dipper’s bag. As Dipper and Ford run outside, they witness Bill fulfill his plans.

    In «Weirdmageddon Part 1«, Dipper and Ford witness more of Weirdmageddon as creatures of Gravity Falls flee the area. Ford tells Dipper that Bills is getting stronger the longer the rift is open and the two set out to stop Bill once more. The two go to the clock tower and Ford attempts to shoot Bill but gets distracted and misses. Bill blasts the clock tower and Ford gets stuck, telling Dipper to escape with the journals. Dipper confronts Bill when Bill turns Ford to gold but Dipper fails to do anything. Bill then tells 8 Ball and Teeth to eat Dipper. After 3 days, Dipper avoids capture and eventually meets Wendy at the mall. The two share their stories about their experience and the two head outside. Dipper feels down due to being unable to do anything without Mabel but Wendy encourages Dipper to find his sister so they can stop Bill again. Dipper and Wendy along with Toby Determined go to the abandoned Automart and attempt to take a car but they get surrounded by Gideon Gleeful and his fellow inmates. Dipper and Wendy manage to escape Gideon’s gang and steal a car to drive to Mabel’s bubble. They are chased by Gideon and manage to escape. They meet Soos near the bubble but Gideon and his gang surround them once more. Dipper tries to reason with Gideon about Mabel and Gideon eventually agrees to help stop Bill. Dipper unlocks the chains of Mabel’s bubble and along with Wendy and Soos, they go into Mabel’s bubble together.

    In «Weirdmageddon 2: Escape From Reality», Dipper, Wendy, and Soos find themselves falling inside Mabel’s bubble. When they reach the ground, Xyler and Craz meet them and take them to Mabel’s tower. The group raid the tower to save Mabel but when Mabel wakes up, she reveals that she created the place called Mabeland. Dipper attempts to persuade Mabel to leave her imaginary world but Mabel instead shows she created a more supportive brother, Dippy Fresh, in replacement of Dipper and prefers to stay. When Wendy and Soos get distracted due to Mabel granting wishes for what they desire, Dipper leaves Mabel’s tower and contemplates the situation. Wendy joins him in conversation, telling Dipper that if Mabel changed Dipper’s age, he can finally date her but when he sees Wendy wink, he realizes it was fake. Dipper shouts wanting to return to the real world and he is quickly arrested. Mabel saves Dipper from banishment but Dipper is tried in court for Fantasy vs. Reality. Xyler and Craz present Mabel’s case, showing Dipper and Mabel’s unfortunate events through their years but Dipper counter argues that Mabel simply wanted to escape reality because she didn’t want to grow up. Dipper shows that even through their tough times, they were there to support each other all the way through and Mabel accepts the truth, giving Dipper a ‘sincere’ sibling hug. When they pat each other, the creatures of Mabeland go against them but the twins, Wendy, Soos, as well as Xyler and Craz, escape from the bubble. Mabel apologizes to Dipper and tells him if he can be Ford’s apprentice if he wants but Dipper instead tells Mabel he will go with her since he doesn’t wanna miss her teenage years. The group return to the Mystery Shack after seeing the town deserted. The group proceed to raid the Shack after hearing noises only to be met by Stan and his resistance group who are taking refuge inside the Mystery Shack.

    In «Weirdmageddon 3: Take Back The Falls», Dipper reunites with Stan and most of the town’s survivors in the Mystery Shack. Dipper is frustrated at Stan’s unwillingness to fight back against Bill and manages to rally the survivors by telling them Ford knew Bill’s secret weakness. He helps McGucket build the Shacktron and pilots it as it fights off Bill’s henchmaniacs. As Bill fights the Shacktron, Dipper is with the rescue team charged with getting into the Fearamid and rescuing Ford along with everybody captured by Bill. Once Ford is rescued, he tells everybody about the Zodiac and how it can destroy Bill. Dipper represented the Pine Tree and the wheel is almost successful. However, Stan and Ford break into an argument and the wheel doesn’t work right when Bill returned.

    Bill changes all but Dipper, Mabel, Stan, and Ford into tapestries and threatens the children if Ford doesn’t tell him how to destroy the barrier surrounding Gravity Falls. Mabel distracts Bill by putting spray paint in his eye as she and Dipper attempt to escape while Bill furiously chases them. Bill recaptures them after they get to a dead end and see the townsfolk in the Shacktron trapped by Bill’s henchmaniacs. Bill threatens to kill one of the twins when Ford agrees to let Bill into his mind in exchange for letting Dipper, Mabel, and Stan go. When Bill enters Ford’s mind, he realizes he was tricked as he actually entered Stan’s mind which Ford would erase with the Memory Erasing Gun to destroy Bill once and for all. After the plan works and Gravity Falls is returned to normal, Dipper and the rest of his family grieve over Stan sacrificing his memory to save everybody. Their attempts at jogging Stan’s memory appear to be fruitless until Waddles jumps on Stan and he starts to remember everything with him eventually recovering his entire memory. Later in the week, Dipper and Mabel celebrate their 13th birthday with the town. When asked to make a wish, Dipper replies that he already got everything he ever wanted that summer. As Dipper and Mabel prepare to depart Gravity Falls, Wendy takes Dipper’s hat while giving him hers as something to remember her by along with a letter for the next time he misses Gravity Falls. As the bus drives away with Dipper and Mabel, Dipper opens the letter which is a note that says «See you next summer» signed by all of the friends Dipper and Mabel made while they were in Gravity Falls. This makes Dipper feel happy as the bus leave Gravity Falls. During the credits, he was last seen sleeping with Mabel.

    Other appearances

    A modified version of Dipper appears in the Wander Over Yonder episode «The Cartoon».

    Video games

    Disney Super Speedway

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    Dipper as he appears in Disney Super Speedway.

    Dipper is an unlockable character in the game if players buy him for 3500 coins.

    Mystery Shack Attack

    Dipper appears when items are needed to fend off a building in this app.

    Disney Infinity

    Dipper makes an appearance as a townsperson costume in the games, starting with 2.0.

    Gravity Falls: Legend of the Gnome Gemulets

    Along with Mabel, Dipper is the playable protagonist of the Nintendo 3DS game. He is equipped with the Gnome Battle Cuffs, which allow him to throw short-range punches at the enemies. He is also able to use his size-altering flashlight to shrink himself in order to get through small passages that he and Mabel otherwise cannot pass through.


    Mabel Pines

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    Dipper fighting with Mabel.

    Mabel is Dipper’s twin sister, and although she annoys or teases Dipper a lot, he shows deep care for her when she is in danger or if she is depressed. One example of this is when Pacifica Northwest taunted Mabel during Pioneer Day in «Irrational Treasure»; Dipper tries to prove that Pacifica’s great-great grandfather is a fraud so he can teach Pacifica a lesson. Another example is in «Tourist Trapped»; when Mabel’s suspicious-looking boyfriend, Norman (who turns out to be a bunch of gnomes), starts dating her, Dipper tries to get evidence to show that he is not what he seems to protect Mabel from any danger.

    In «The Hand That Rocks the Mabel», when Li’l Gideon starts to date Mabel, she does not want to tell him that she is not interested because she does not want to hurt his feelings. Much to her dismay, Grunkle Stan tells the twins Mabel will have to marry Gideon. Dipper decides to help Mabel by telling Gideon she does not want to date him. This causes Gideon to attempt to kill Dipper, but before he can do so, Mabel comes in to rescue her brother.

    In «The Time Traveler’s Pig«, Dipper and Mabel steal Blendin Blandin’s time machine so Dipper can travel back in time to prevent Robbie from going out with Wendy. However, after accomplishing that plan, Mabel realizes Pacifica Northwest took Waddles, Mabel’s pet pig. She tells Dipper that she needs to go back in time to take Waddles before Pacifica does, but Dipper says he tried so hard to make the plan work and cannot just go back in time again. Mabel gets a long depression that seemed endless, causing Dipper to realize how much Mabel misses Waddles. He decides to go back in time for his sister, which makes Robbie go out with Wendy in the present time.

    Grunkle Stan

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    Dipper with Grunkle Stan.

    Dipper usually considers his great uncle to be annoying, and does not seem to approve his decision of making him and Mabel work at the Mystery Shack. Although the two of them share completely different interests, Dipper still shows affection for Stan at times such as «The Legend of the Gobblewonker». When Stan takes Dipper and Mabel to go fishing with him in Lake Gravity Falls, the twins leave Stan to go hunt for the Gobblewonker with Soos. Stan, feeling betrayed, tries to find his own fishing buddies with the residents at the lake, but they all think of him as annoying. When Dipper and Mabel return from their journey, they realize that they made a mistake of choosing to go on a monster hunt rather than spending time with their great-uncle, so they spend the rest of the day bonding with Stan.

    Soos Ramirez


    Dipper and Soos are good friends. They usually relate well, with them doing «guy stuff» together, and Soos often gives Dipper guidance. Additionally, Soos frequently acts as Dipper’s and Mabel’s sidekick as they investigate Gravity Falls’ mysteries, and may take charge on occasion. However, Soos’ childish antics sometimes irritate Dipper.

    Wendy Corduroy

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    Dipper fantasizes about dancing with Wendy.

    Wendy and Dipper are on friendly terms and like to hang out together for the fun of it, often breaking rules in the process. Unbeknownst to Wendy, Dipper had a huge crush on her in the first half of the summer, though he does not necessarily believe they will be together. Regardless, he attempts to impress her and frequently finds himself in sticky situations as a result.

    Since Wendy is about two to three years older than he is, Dipper tries to come across as mature and capable of being around Wendy’s other friends. Dipper resents Wendy’s relationship with Robbie, due to his jealousy. In «Into the Bunker«, Dipper finally got over on his crush about her. It was revealed in the episode «Roadside Attraction», it is revealed he still has slight feelings for her. At the end of the series, Wendy gives Dipper her hat in exchange for his, so they could remember each other.

    Candy Chiu and Grenda

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    Candy and Grenda are primarily Mabel’s best friends, but Dipper seems well acquainted with them. He is fairly welcoming of his sister’s best friends, and is accepting of their eccentricities, some of which may come in handy for situations handled as a group. However, he is bothered by the boisterous sleepovers they sometimes have with Mabel.

    In the episode «The Love God«, it is implied that Mabel hopes to establish a romantic relationship between Dipper and Candy. However, after Candy does openly develop a crush on Dipper in «Roadside Attraction», she eventually gets over it.

    Robbie Valentino

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    Dipper with Robbie

    Robbie and Dipper are arch-rivals, primarily driven by both wanting to win Wendy’s affection. While Robbie views his relationship with his crush as a victory for himself, he fears Dipper will appeal to her. Robbie likes to make fun of Dipper, is very condescending in his remarks, and has even resorted to attempts at physical violence to prove his point. Dipper, on the other hand, is angered and annoyed by Robbie. Though they are initially more vocal about their dislike of one another, they eventually agree not to brawl in front of Wendy, due to fear that they will both lose her if she sees them fight.

    In «The Love God«, Mabel tried to help Robbie get over his breakup with Wendy by pairing him up with Tambry. This proves successful, because at the end of the episode, Robbie no longer seems to hold any animosity towards the twins.

    Gideon Gleeful

    Gideon views Dipper and his family as a nuisance, feeling that they prevent him from accomplishing his goals (e.g. winning Mabel’s love). So, the evil boy often tries to rid himself of the Pines, while Dipper combats him, usually successfully with his sister’s aid. The two have been known to underestimate each other at times, but still see each other as great threats.

    Pacifica Northwest

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    Although Pacifica, prior to her character development, mostly targeted Mabel, she also dislikes Dipper. Dipper exhibits animosity towards Pacifica for humiliating his sister as well as others. Dipper often finds an excuse to put her down, because according to Dipper, Pacifica cheats at life. At the beginning of «Northwest Mansion Mystery», Dipper felt he had enough of Pacifica, wanting to tell her in her face that she is the worst.

    Nonetheless, Pacifica at least has a level of respect for Dipper, even asking for his help at her most desperate hour. During the party, Dipper and Pacifica have at least risked their lives for one another in trying to stop the haunting. When Dipper found out from the ghost the terrible deeds the Northwests have committed, he was deeply hurt by the deception, of which he was willing to call them out on. Pacifica, however, was willing to hear him out, and even realized Dipper was right about her family’s villainy, and felt he was right about her. Later on, the experience led them to gain a healthy amount of respect for each other, to the point where Dipper realizes that Pacifica is not all bad.

    Mr. and Mrs. Pines

    Not much is known about Dipper’s relationships with his parents, though he does at first seem upset by their decision to have him spend his summer in Gravity Falls, and regrets the dance Mrs. Pines used to have him perform.




    • He is shown to be extremely «genre savvy». Knowing that in most movies, nobody has a camera when they see the monster, or that camera malfunctions, he brings along seventeen cameras to take a photo of the Gobblewonker with.
    • Dipper has apparently been to the County Jail with Mabel and Grunkle Stan due for making counterfeit money.
    • His nickname, Dipper, comes from the mark on his forehead so this piece of trivia is NOT addressed by Wendy in the Latin American dub since the name of the constellation is different in Spanish (Osa Mayor). Instead, her dialogue is replaced with «Is that all? I thought it was something truly embarrassing.»
      • Dipper’s real first name, Mason, was revealed in the de-fictionalized version of Journal 3.
    • Mabel brings up her status as the older twin to Dipper occasionally, which greatly annoys him (such as in «Little Dipper«). In addition, Mabel also comments on Dipper being 1 millimeter shorter than her.
    • Dipper has always wanted the name Tyrone. («Double Dipper«)
    • He is ambidextrous, although he uses his right hand more frequently than his left.
    • In both episodes in which Dipper handles ice «(The Time Traveler’s Pig» and «The Inconveniencing«), he spills the ice.
    • He seems to have a slight fear of puppets as shown in the short «Tooth», as he was uncomfortable around Mabel’s bear puppet Bear-O. Though he seems to have no problem with the puppets Mabel made for her puppet show in «Sock Opera», and even helped her make them. This might just be because Bear-O terrifies everyone (save Mabel).
      • An unmade episode that was to a parody of the Jim Henson movie Labyrinth would reveal that Dipper is indeed afraid of puppets.
    • Dipper is associated with the «pine tree» symbol on Bill’s page in Journal 2.
    • In the episode «Dipper and Mabel vs. the Future«, it’s revealed that Dipper and Mabel’s birthday falls on August 31st.
    • On Valentine’s Day in fourth grade, no one gave Dipper a valentine until Mabel felt bad for Dipper and gave him a Valentine made out of all of the Valentines she received.
    • Dipper and Mabel have allergies that go off at the same time.

    External links

    • 16 Dipper Pines on Gravity Falls Wiki


    1. Hirsch, A, Renzetti, R. (July 26, 2016). Journal 3. Disney Press. 

    2. Hirsch, Alex (July 22, 2012). «@LightPhillip Mabel is older by 5 minutes. She uses this as an excuse to tell Dipper «I’ll tell you when you’re older» It drives him nuts» (Tweet). Twitter.


    Gravity Falls Logo.png

    Gravity FallsDisney Super SpeedwayMystery Shack AttackRumble’s RevengeDisney Infinity: 2.0 EditionLegend of the Gnome GemuletsLost Legends
    Dipper PinesMabel PinesGrunkle StanFord PinesSoos RamirezWendy CorduroyWaddlesBill CipherSheriff BlubsDeputy DurlandManly DanOld Man McGucketTate McGucketGideon GleefulRobbie ValentinoPreston NorthwestPriscilla NorthwestPacifica NorthwestErgman BratsmanBlendin BlandinBud GleefulLazy SusanMr. PoolcheckPaper Jam DipperRumble McSkirmishSummerween TricksterToby DeterminedShandra JimenezTyroneTyler CutebikerDipper ClonesTambryCandy ChiuGrendaMelodyMayor BefufftlefumpterThompsonNateLeeGabe BensenGnomesGompersLilliputtiansSergeiPa and Ma DuskertonManotaursGobblewonkerXyler and CrazWax figuresMulti-BearQuentin TrembleyCheekumsMermandoAoshimaPterodactylAbuelitaMrs. GleefulThe UndeadShape ShifterAgent PowersAgent Trigger.GIFfanySprottLolph and DundgrenTime BabyGreg and Janice ValentinoLove GodMarius von FundshauserGhost of Northwest ManorBlind IvanJustin KerprankProbabilitor the AnnoyingCelestabellebethabelleDarlene
    Season One: Tourist TrappedThe Legend of the GobblewonkerHeadhuntersThe Hand That Rocks the MabelThe InconveniencingDipper vs. ManlinessDouble DipperIrrational TreasureThe Time Traveler’s PigFight FightersLittle DipperSummerweenBoss MabelBottomless Pit!The Deep EndCarpet DiemBoyz CrazyLand Before SwineDreamscaperersGideon Rises

    Season Two: Scary-okeInto the BunkerThe Golf WarSock OperaSoos and the Real GirlLittle Gift Shop of HorrorsSociety of the Blind EyeBlendin’s GameThe Love GodNorthwest Mansion MysteryNot What He SeemsA Tale of Two StansDungeons, Dungeons, & More DungeonsThe Stanchurian CandidateThe Last MabelcornRoadside AttractionDipper and Mabel vs. the FutureWeirdmageddon

    The Mystery ShackTent of TelepathyUnderground laboratoryGravity FallsGravity Falls ForestNorthwest ManorLake Gravity FallsGravity Falls PoolGravity Falls CemeteryDusk 2 DawnSummerween SuperstoreScuttlebutt IslandMystery MountainFearamid
    Journal 1Journal 2Journal 3Smile DipPitt ColaHeight-altering crystalsCrystal FlashlightCloning Copy MachineCackling SkullsJack O’ MelonsSoos’ pick-up truckWax StanStanmobileElectron CarpetTape Measure Time MachineMemory GunMystic AmuletUniverse PortalGrappling hookThe Author’s LaptopNathaniel Northwest’s StatueInfinity-sided DiceTime CuffsShacktron
    Gravity Falls Title ThemeDisco GirlLi’l Ol’ MeThe Lamby Lamby DanceHomework’s WackMabel’s the Boss NowStan Wrong SongDon’t Start Un-BelievingTraining MixMabel GirlTaking Over MidnightWe’ll Meet AgainIt’s Gonna Get Weird

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    ru:Диппер Пайнс

    Диппер Пайнс

    Дипперу 12 лет, он только начинает познавать окружающий мир. Любопытство и любознательность не дают подростку сидеть на месте, он то и дело ввязывается в приключения. Вместе с сестрой проводит лето в городке Гравити Фолз, где их преследуют загадочные мистические события.


    Парень родился в 1999 году на пять минут позже сестры-близнеца Мэйбл. С детства Диппер любит Хэллоуин – его до сих пор притягивает паронормальность праздника. В 2012 году родители отправили детей в Гравити Фолз к дядюшке Стэну, чтобы те провели лето на природе.

    Однажды, дядя дает Дипперу задание распространить рекламные брошюры и мальчик забредает в лес, где обнаруживает дневник №3. В книжке описаны таинственные мистические события, происходящие в Гравити Фолз. С этого момента Диппер постоянно сталкивается со сверхъестественными силами и существами: гномами, зомби, привидениями и прочими монстрами.

    Внешность и характер

    персонаж Диппер Пайнс

    На лбу Диппера красуется необычное родимое пятно в виде созвездия Большой Медведицы, из-за которого его часто в детстве дразнили. Он всегда одет в одну и ту же одежду – оранжево-красное поло, темно-синий жилет, светлые шорты, кеды и бело-голубая бейсболка с изображением ели.

    По натуре Диппер авантюрист, его излишняя гиперактивность не дает ему сидеть на месте. Он усердно изучает детали событий и рационально мыслит, его можно считать вундеркиндом, потому что развит подросток не по годам. Любит разгадывать головоломки, в отличие от сестры относится ко всей происходящей мистике серьезно.

    Параноидальность Диппера заставляет его часто сомневаться, видя перед собой нового человека. К людям относится скептически, не может успокоиться, пока не узнает об оппоненте все. У мальчика отличные детективные познания, он обладает навыками сыщика, которые приобрел посредством чтения жанровой литературы.



    Диппер – обладатель высокого интеллекта и лидерских качеств. Когда близнецы попадают в приключения, мальчик берет инициативу в свои руки, используя свой дар быстрого принятия правильных решений. Он последователен в рассуждениях, одарен в техническом плане, имеет аналитический склад ума.

    Парень способен выпутываться из передряг, благодаря уму и записям из дневника. У Диппера всегда найдется козырь в рукаве. Стоит отметить отличную физическую подготовку парня, он хорош в рукопашном бою, что не раз демонстрировал с экрана. Например, когда дрался с Мульти-медведем или Гидеоном. Кроме того, Диппер с легкостью решает сложные математические примеры и играет на сузафоне.

    Интересный факт

    «Диппер» – прозвище главного героя, а не его имя. Он получил его из-за родимого пятна на лбу в виде созвездия Большой Медведицы. С английского «диппер» переводится как ковш. Джефф Роу в шутку заявил, что настоящее имя мальчика – Ламаник, а в дневнике №3 было сказано, что Диппера зовут Мэйсон. Сам герой всегда хотел себе имя Тайрон.

    Mason «Dipper» Pines[2] (born August 31, 1999,[12] 5 minutes after Mabel Pines)[20] is a smart, curious, and adventurous 13-year-old boy (12 prior to the events of the finale), and is the protagonist of the series. Alongside his sister Mabel, he spends the summer of 2012 with his Great Uncle Stan in Gravity Falls, Oregon, where he and his sister constantly encounter the town’s paranormal tendencies. Armed with Journal 3 that he found in a hidden place in a tree in the Gravity Falls Forest, he is the overall main protagonist of Gravity Falls, seeking to uncover the town’s mysterious secrets.

    Dipper represents the pine tree in the Zodiac.


    Early life

    Dipper in his lamb costume.

    Dipper was born on August 31, 1999.[20] His family lives in Piedmont, California. At a young age, Dipper’s mother would dress him up in a lamb costume and have him perform his signature song and dance, the «Lamby Lamby Dance.»[8] He and Mabel were raised nonreligious, but celebrate all holidays at his sister’s insistence.[21] Since he was young, his favorite holiday has been Halloween, of which his favorite part is trick-or-treating with Mabel.[22] He is also known to have been teased about his birthmark by other children until he started hiding it, which may be how he earned his nickname when he was no older than five.[23] He also attended Eggbert Elementary with his sister.

    Arrival in Gravity Falls

    Sometime during the month of June,[24] Dipper and his twin sister Mabel were sent north up the coast [12] to the small town of Gravity Falls, Oregon, to stay with their Great Uncle Stan (whom the twins call ‘Grunkle Stan’.) Stan runs a tourist trap named the Mystery Shack which doubles as and was originally his house. While Mabel adjusts with ease, Dipper initially finds it difficult to get used to his new surroundings.

    A bus drops Dipper and Mabel Pines off at the Mystery Shack in the opening sequence.

    One fateful day, Stan tasks Dipper to put up hanging signs advertising the Mystery Shack in the «spooky part» of the Gravity Falls Forest, where he discovers a journal written by an unknown and enigmatic author detailing the town’s secrets and dangers. Dipper discloses his findings with Mabel and consecutively meets her new boyfriend, Norman, who he begins to suspect is a zombie, based on the information in Journal 3. Despite failing to find any incriminating evidence, Dipper confronts his sister on the theory, resulting in an argument. During Mabel’s date, however, he notices Norman’s right hand falling off on camera, which Norman suspiciously attaches back on, making him fearful that Mabel could unknowingly be in danger.

    Dipper opens the compartment containing Journal 3.

    Using the Mystery Cart with the keys he obtains from the Mystery Shack’s clerk, Wendy, Dipper quickly heads to rescue Mabel, and, upon finding her, he realizes that Norman is actually made up of five gnomes stacked on top of each other which are residing in the forest, who planned to kidnap Mabel and force her to become their «queen.» He manages to subdue the creatures and escape with his sister, but they are pursued by a large monster made of hundreds of gnomes. The two end up crashing the Mystery Cart upon arriving at the Shack and are cornered by the monster. The head gnome, Jeff, informs them that they will do «something crazy» unless Mabel becomes their queen, and in response, Mabel agrees, much to Dipper’s dismay. Shortly after accepting the gnomes’ ring, she uses the Mystery Shack leaf-blower to defeat the gnomes, impressing Dipper. With all the gnomes finally gone, the two make up and enter the Shack, and in an act of newfound appreciation of the twins (disguised as having overstocked the Mystery Shack gift shop,) Stan allows them each one free gift, with Dipper choosing a new hat to replace his old one, which was taken by a gnome, and Mabel choosing a grappling hook. Before going to bed, he writes two new entries in the journal, one being that a gnome’s weakness is a leaf blower, and the other in a new page of the journal stating that while Journal 3 has told him to refuse trust from anyone in the town, he knows Mabel will always have his back.[3]


    Season 1

    Dipper, Mabel, and Soos looking for the Gobblewonker.

    In the episode «The Legend of the Gobblewonker,» Dipper goes fishing with Stan and Mabel as a family bonding day. When they hear that there is a lake monster in the vicinity known as the Gobblewonker, Dipper and Mabel want to find it and get proof of its existence, and avoid having to spend 10 hours on a boat with Stan while they’re at it. Dipper wants to be the first to discover the beast so he can win the prize money and appear on TV. They ditch Stan and go with Soos to find it. Dipper brings 17 disposable cameras just in case they lose or break a camera. In the end, the Gobblewonker turns out to just be a mechanical creature driven by Old Man McGucket, who is looking for attention. Because they felt bad about leaving him, Dipper and Mabel spend the rest of their day with Stan to have their family bonding day.[25] At the very end of the episode, the camera pans into the water, revealing a real Gobblewonker swimming in the depths.

    Dipper and Mabel accuse Toby Determined of murdering Wax Stan.

    In «Headhunters,» Dipper and Mabel help Stan uncover the case of Wax Stan’s murder, mainly due to Sheriff Blubs and Deputy Durland being lazy and calling the case unsolvable. The twins first went to interrogate Manly Dan, the lumberjack at the downtown biker joint named Skull Fracture, after finding an axe at the crime scene (with some footprints with holes in them leading to said axe.) Manly Dan then reported the ax was left-handed, while Dan’s dominant hand is right, narrowing the suspects down to one: Toby Determined, who is left-handed and who’s shoe has a hole in it. He then revealed he was kissing a cardboard cutout of Shandra Jimenez, the news reporter, at 10:00 PM, the time of the murder, proving himself innocent. Dipper didn’t find out who murdered Wax Stan until Wax Stan’s funeral. Dipper, at the funeral, uncovers that Wax Sherlock Holmes and all the other wax figures had murdered Wax Stan. The murder was mostly Wax Sherlock Holmes, because he beheaded Wax Stan, and left the holed footprints in the shag carpet along with the axe, which which were Mabel and Dipper’s first clues. Dipper then battled the wax figures, successfully killing most, like decapitating Wax Larry King, whose head is still in the vents, which was revealed in the end credits. Dipper then only had to battle a Wax figure of Sherlock Holmes, the true killer. He led him to the Mystery Shack’s roof, and he melted when the sun came up.[5]

    Gideon tries to kill Dipper.

    In «The Hand That Rocks the Mabel», Dipper, Mabel, and Soos go to the Tent of Telepathy, where they view Gideon Gleeful perform. Dipper believed Gideon to be a bigger fraud than Stan. Gideon’s attention is caught by Mabel’s laugh while she is leaving the tent, prompting him to visit the Mystery Shack to ask her on a playdate, to which she accepts. They go on multiple playdates, and while they are viewing the town of Gravity Falls from the top of a factory, he asks her out, to which Mabel again accepts to not hurt Gideon’s feelings. On that date, however, Mabel is asked out by Gideon again, and, under the pressure of the crowd formed around them, she accepts. When Dipper finds Mabel pacing the TV room, unsure on what to do, he offers to tell Gideon that Mabel isn’t interested in him romantically. After Dipper tells him this, Gideon got so angry that later that day lured Dipper into a factory to attack him with the help of toby. Dipper discovered that Gideon had an amulet that gave him the power to levitate objects. Gideon could almost control Dipper with it and came close to killing Dipper before Mabel came to save him and broke Gideon’s amulet.[26]

    Dipper performs his Lamby Lamby Dance to save everyone.

    In «The Inconveniencing,» Dipper and Mabel pretend to be thirteen so they can go to the haunted convenience store, Dusk 2 Dawn with Wendy and her friends. Dipper convinces Mabel to pretend to be thirteen so he can get closer to Wendy. Wendy, her friends, Mabel, and Dipper are all horsing around in the store when Dipper goes to get more ice to dump into Thompson’s pants. He then sees a headless brain with bloodshot eyeballs staring back at him. He screams and opens the fridge door again. Surprisingly, the figure was gone. Everyone goes back to see what it was about. He distracts them by pointing out the game Dancy Pants Revolution to not get called scared. Eventually, the group stumbles upon a chalk outline of two bodies. Dipper, claiming once again on being a teenager, lays in it, causing the outlines to turn green and the lights to go out. One by one, almost all of Wendy’s friends disappear. The gravity in the store then turns upside down, with the ghosts possessing Mabel. Dipper then realizes that the reason the ghosts were upset was that everyone who disappeared were acting like the teenagers that they were. He goes up to the ghost and tells him he’s not a teenager; He is, in fact, only 12 years old. Dipper then asks if there’s anything he can do to help his friends, so he must perform the Lamby Lamby Dance. After doing so, charmed by the dance, the ghosts let everyone free. Instead of telling the true story to her friends that she viewed, however, Wendy makes up a story in which Dipper fought ghosts with a baseball bat in order to spare him from the embarrassment of the truth.

    Dipper vs. the Multi-Bear.

    After failing a manliness tester, Dipper feels that he has to prove his manliness. He ventures out into the forest and has an encounter with Manotaurs. Dipper is later sent by the Manotaurs to conquer the Multi-Bear and bring back its head, as a final test of manliness. The Multi-Bear is very ferocious and threatens to kill Dipper if he did not leave his cave. Dipper refuses and he and the bear begin fighting. Dipper ultimately wins and is going to end it. The Multi-Bear has one last request: to die listening to his favorite song, «Disco Girl.» Dipper realizes that he and the Multi-Bear had something in common, and decides not to slay him. He later quits the Manotaurs’ league. Crestfallen, he returns to his sister and uncle, who reassure him that, because he stood up for what he thought was right, he is his own man. He was able to grow one little piece of chest hair, but Mabel plucks it out and puts it in her scrapbook.[14]

    Dipper and Tyrone brainstorming.

    When Stan hosts a party at the Mystery Shack, Dipper helps set up the party and works the ticket booth with Wendy, viewing it as an optimal opportunity to spend time with her. As he tries to enact a complexable plan to get Wendy to dance with him, he finds it increasingly difficult as unexpected obstacles (i.e. Wendy sneaking into the party and Robbie showing up). To help him revise and execute the plan, he opts to use a copy machine he had found earlier to make clones of himself, initially just Tyrone, and later Dippers #3 through #10 and Paper Jam Dipper. Dipper clones #3 and #4 (tasked with distracting Robbie), named Tracey and Quattro, remain in the forest, and are later seen in the finale credits. Dipper strays from the procedure by talking to Wendy «like a normal person,» the clones deem him unfit to dance with her and unsuccessfully try to imprison him, and ultimately fight to their deaths via fire sprinklers. Tyrone is the lone survivor among the clones (excluding #3 and #4) and is the only one to realize the error of his ways (excessive planning) and proceeds to hang out with Dipper. Unfortunately, when Dipper and Tyrone have a heart-to-heart of the roof, he is accidentally melted upon drinking soda. Distraught, Dipper then rips up his plan and returns to the dance floor to spend time with his family and friends.[27]

    Dipper receives the President’s Key.

    After Pacifica Northwest criticizes Mabel’s silliness, Dipper thinks that someone needs to «take her down a peg.» He remembers reading in Journal 3 that Nathaniel Northwest may not be the town founder of Gravity Falls. Dipper and Mabel head to the library to study the document in 3. Using a projector, they try to see if the symbol in the document is related to Egyptian, numerology, or Alchemist symbols. When he is about to light the document on fire, Mabel folds it into a secret map and it leads to the Gravity Falls Museum of History. After solving a puzzle at the museum, they then head to the Gravity Falls Cemetery. They see a statue similar to what was on the puzzle, an angel with one arm raised. After Mabel puts the statue’s finger in her nose, the finger of the statue opens a secret passageway leading to where Quentin Trembley’s body is found in peanut brittle.

    and Deputy Durland find them there and they say that all they had to do was to follow a trail of wrappers left behind by Mabel. The officers then play a video containing the history of Gravity Falls and how Quentin Trembley was elected to be the eight and a half president of the U.S. Blubs then says that they’re going to escort Trembley’s body and the twins to Washington D.C. After they get free, Quentin Trembley awards him with a key that opens any door in America and a $-12 dollar bill. Dipper also tells Pacifica about Nathaniel Northwest being a fraud and gives her the secret document which proves that Nathaniel Northwest did not found Gravity Falls, but that Quentin Trembley did.[9]

    One of Dipper’s countless failed attempts to fix his mistake with Wendy.

    When the Mystery Fair rolls in, Dipper spends time with Wendy. When the latter expresses a desire for a stuffed animal, the former tries to win it for her, albeit to no avail, instead giving her a black eye. As Dipper scampers to get some ice, he runs into Blendin Blandin, thus preventing him from reaching Wendy before Robbie and enabling him to ask her out. Dipper sinks into a deep depression, but his spirits are lifted when he learns that Blendin has a time machine that will allow him to travel back and avoid hitting Wendy, going to lengths of theft to obtain it. After Dipper tries countless times to avoid his error and fails, he re-evaluates the situation and determines a way to avoid it, with Mabel’s help, costing his sister’s pig in the process. The twins fight over who will get their ideal present, coming into contact with various events in the meantime. When Mabel develops a depression more severe than Dipper’s previous condition, he decides that the right thing to do is sacrifice his own satisfaction for his sister. After she thanks him, she has Waddles attack and embarrasses Robbie, to Dipper’s satisfaction, and Blendin Blandin momentarily confronts them, only to be arrested by the Time Paradox Avoidance Enforcement Squadron.[16]

    Dipper tries to get Rumble to fight Robbie for him.

    As tension between Robbie and Dipper builds up, the former challenges the latter to a fistfight much to his horror, deciding to avoid the situation as opposed to facing it head-on «like a man.» However, Dipper develops a whole new opinion of the battle when he brings a video game warrior, Rumble McSkirmish, to life to defend him, using the lie that Robbie killed Dipper’s father as an excuse. But Dipper quickly loses control of his digital ally, who tries to kill Robbie, and a chase through town commences. After Soos arrives to help Dipper, the two-track Robbie, and Rumble down to the water tower, where Dipper decides to battle Rumble in an effort to fix the problem he created and save Robbie. Although Dipper loses, he still manages to get rid of Rumble, who is sent back to his game after emerging victorious. Robbie and Dipper agree not to fight in front of Wendy afterward, instead of hating one another in secret «like girls do.»[15]

    Dipper and Mabel cower at the sight of a now huge Gideon Gleeful.

    After learning that Mabel has grown a millimeter taller than himself, Mabel, much to her brother’s dismay, mocks him about becoming the «alpha» twin. Driven by insecurity and jealousy, Dipper seeks out a magical way to increase his height to that of his sister and stumbles upon height-altering crystals in the forest that can do just that. After attaching a piece of the crystal to a flashlight and flipping the crystal to the side to increase, he switches on the button, flashing it on himself and he grows taller than Mabel. After gloating about being taller than her, Mabel discovers his secret and they fight over the crystal flashlight. When Gideon gets a hold of it, he uses it to shrink the twins and use them as ransom against Stan in hopes of taking over the Mystery Shack. After his initial efforts fail, Gideon decides to shrink Stan himself before taking control, and Dipper and Mabel set out to save their uncle and his business, still bickering about height along the way. Ultimately, they defeat Gideon just before he decreases Stan to minute proportions by tickling his armpits. The twins then grow themselves back to their previous heights, though they forget about a shrunken Soos.[28] Although off-screen, Mabel and Dipper supposedly glue the crystal back together, repair the flashlight, and grow Soos back to his proper height. The flashlight is pictured later in the series finale, used by Mabel.

    Dipper and his friends trick-or-treating.

    Dipper and Mabel, like the rest of the town, are ecstatic about celebrating Gravity Falls’ summer version of Halloween, Summerween, and plans to trick-or-treat with his sister, Candy, and Grenda. However, his outlook on the evening changes after Wendy mentions that she thinks such an activity is more suitable for little kids and invites him to a party. He is torn, which eventually leads to a conflict with Mabel. The evening is further complicated when the Summerween Trickster threatens to eat the group if they fail to obtain 500 pieces of candy for him by the night’s end, and the group sets off to get their candy, with their rate of pick-up increasing greatly after Dipper formally dons a costume. Although they manage to obtain it, Dipper accidentally pushes the entire load of candy into a stream, thus causing the Trickster to chase after them. Soos momentarily destroys the monster after driving through him, he reassembles and chases them into the Summerween Superstore. There, the twins and their friends try to escape by disguising themselves in various costumes to go unnoticed, but Soos gives them away when he plays with the cackling skulls. The Trickster reveals his past and motives the group, and Soos makes him happy by eating him after finding out he is made of candy. Back at the Shack, Dipper and Mabel run into Wendy, who had returned from her party early, and everyone watches a horror movie marathon.[22]

    Dipper the tour guide.

    As Dipper and the other Mystery Shack employees grow increasingly resentful of the way Stan treats them, Dipper grows very happy when he learns that Mabel will be in charge for a few days and that she will respect her workers. He rejoices even more after Mabel destroys his hated werewolf costume and sends him off to find a real monster to display at the Shack, and he eventually returns with a goblin/gremlin hybrid, the Gremloblin. As he exhibits the beast to the tourists, he accidentally causes two to go insane, and he helps Mabel fight off the monster after he escapes. After Mabel is pushed too far and begins acting like Stan, Dipper decides to show tourists a fake attraction like his great uncle to gain money without scaring customers. He serves as an accountant in calculating the total cost of repairing the severely damaged Mystery Shack, and congratulates Mabel on her victory in her bet with Stan, but begs him not to put her in charge any longer.[29]

    Dipper gets a voice changing formula from Old Man McGucket.

    After Dipper, Mabel, Stan, and Soos fall into a bottomless pit, he and the others decide to bide their time by telling stories. Dipper goes first, telling the tale «Voice Over,» in which he uses a voice-altering formula, courtesy of Old Man McGucket, to change his embarrassing, frequently cracking voice into a deep masculine voice, albeit that of a commercial voice-over. He observes unexpected results as people tease him for and run away from him because of his voice, and ultimately decides that he would rather have his own voice than any other after being chased by a mob of bikers. In Soos’s story, «Soos’ Really Great Pinball Story: Is That a Good Title? Do They Have to Be Puns or Whatever?» he gets trapped in a pinball machine with Mabel and Soos as a result of cheating to help Soos achieve the high score on a pinball machine in the shack, and the sentient game tries to kill them for what they did. In Mabel’s «Trooth Ache,» he is the witness and victim of many of his uncle’s lies and disapproves of Mabel’s use of Truth Telling Teeth to force Stan, to be honest, getting especially annoyed when he just says whatever comes to mind. In the real world, as the four approach the end of the pit, they simply come back out the top, and Dipper deduces that it is a wormhole. When Grunkle Stan falls back in, neither Dipper nor the others express concern.[1]

    Dipper goofing off with Wendy.

    On the hottest day of summer, Soos and the Pines decide to cool off at the local pool. Upon learning that Wendy is working there, Dipper gets a job as an assistant lifeguard to spend time with her and finds himself breaking many rules to have fun. When his boss, Mr. Poolcheck, driven by extreme anger, forces Dipper to work the night shift to ensure that no pool supplies get stolen or damaged during the night. As Stan, Soos, and Mabel break-in for various reasons, Dipper ends up pursuing his sister in a road chase to the lake, as she stole a pool cooler in which to transport Mermando. When he learns about Mermando and sees that he is dying of dehydration, he remorsefully obliges to his sister’s suggestion of giving the merman «reverse CPR,» and helps get Mermando into the lake. Back at the pool, he is fired for various damage done to pool property. Though he is sad at first, Wendy cheers him up by informing him that she, too, was fired, as she was taking too many snacks from the snack bar, and the two head out to break rules elsewhere.[30]

    Dipper in Mabel’s body and vice versa.

    As Dipper and Mabel grow weary of sharing a room after a sleepover of Grenda and Candy’s, the two stumble upon a secret room within the Shack and decide to compete to determine who should get it. However, things take an unexpected turn when the twins swap bodies. Dipper quickly figures that he can sabotage Mabel’s chances of getting the room by doing stuff Stan hates in Mabel’s body and tries to give Stan a rock sandwich. But, he is disappointed to learn immediately afterward Mabel is looking to sabotage him via like means. Dipper continues this but is soon thwarted by Grenda and Candy, who have come to have another sleepover with Mabel. Dipper tries to opt out by claiming he is going through one of his «irrational girly mood swings,» but this is ignored. He then gets stuck reading «Wolfman Bare Chest» with the two, and is traumatized. Mabel wins the room for Dipper while she is in Dipper’s body. He tries to get the key from her, but she locks herself in the room. Dipper is able to trick his way in by asking Candy and Grenda to ask their way in for what would typically be a Dipper makeover. When he gets in, lots and lots of body-swapping ensues. However, when Dipper and Mabel get back in their own bodies, they are able to obtain a cease-fire and understanding. Although, when the real Dipper goes to bed in his new room he feels lonely without Mabel, which causes him to move back into his old room in the attic with Mabel, and then gives the new room to Soos to replace his painful break room.[31]

    Dipper realizes what a jerk he’s been.

    One day while working in the Shack, Dipper and Wendy are doing a running commentary on the Shack security tape’s footage. Robbie comes in and talks to Wendy, asking her to go on a date with him, but Wendy is upset with Robbie for standing her up the night before. Dipper goes into the other room but still spies on the conversation they have. Dipper overhears Wendy talking about breaking up with Robbie. He is extremely happy to hear this, celebrating quietly and hugging Waddles as he does so, then quickly settles to watch the rest of the interaction. He is shocked to find that when Robbie plays a song for her, she forgives him. Dipper is convinced that Wendy is being brainwashed by the music, and tells Mabel and Grunkle Stan so. Mabel shrugs it off, but Grunkle Stan completely believes Dipper’s story, relating it to when something similar happened to his old girlfriend, Carla «Hotpants» McCorkle. He helps Dipper search for a brainwashing message in the song, and when they find it, drives Dipper to where Wendy and Robbie are on their date. Dipper replays the message for Wendy to hear, and Robbie quickly says he didn’t know about that message as he had ripped the song off from some band. Wendy is furious for being lied to and breaks up with Robbie on the spot. Dipper is elated that the breakup finally happened and asks Wendy if she would want to go bowling sometime. Upset, she snaps at him for being insensitive to her emotional state and tearfully runs off. Dipper feels bad, but Grunkle Stan cheers him up a little, saying that Dipper was trying to do the right thing, that Wendy would get over it eventually, and in the meantime, Dipper could always go bowling with him.[32]

    In «Land Before Swine,» when Waddles is snatched up by a pterodactyl on Stan’s watch, Mabel leads Dipper and the other to a place filled with dinosaurs to rescue him. During this time, Dipper is infuriated by Soos, whose antics ruin their monster hunting exploits. The two reconcile, however, and by the end of the adventure, Dipper agrees to Soos’ suggestion that they would be «pterodactyl bros.»[33]

    Dipper believes Stan hates him.

    When Gideon sends Bill Cipher into Stan’s mind to find the combination to the safe that the Mystery Shack’s deed is in, Dipper, Mabel, and Soos follow. Once inside Stan’s mind, Dipper is briefly discouraged after seeing a memory of Stan’s where he calls Dipper «useless.» Eventually, he sees the entirety of the memory and learns that Stan really is proud of him. Dipper joins with the others, and they manage to repel Cipher, but on returning discover that Gideon used dynamite to open the safe. With the deed in hand, Gideon forces everyone out of the Shack, and his father demolishes it with a wrecking ball.[4]

    The twins dejectedly leave Gravity Falls.

    After Gideon steals the Mystery Shack deed, the Pines move in with Soos’ Abuelita. Dismayed to see that Stan has given up on getting the Shack back, Dipper teams up with his sister to get it back themselves. They recruit the gnomes to get the deed back from Gideon, but not only does the plan backfire, but Gideon gets Journal #3. As he and Mabel take the bus out of Gravity Falls, Gideon discovers that there are three books and assumes that Dipper kept the first one for himself. Gideon comes after them in his Gideon-bot. Gideon doesn’t believe Dipper when he tells Gideon that he doesn’t know about the other book. Gideon kidnaps Mabel, planning to make her his «queen.» Dipper manages to get inside the Gideon-bot’s control room and fights with Gideon, causing the robot to fall off the bridge. Mabel saves Dipper with her grappling hook. Enraged, Gideon tries to have the twins arrested, but Stan arrives and reveals that Gideon has been spying on everyone, causing Gideon to be arrested instead. The Pines family return to the Mystery Shack. Dipper tries to show Journal 3 to Stan, but Stan takes it, claiming it could inspire new attractions. Dipper is downhearted at the loss of Journal 3, but Mabel reassures him he doesn’t need the book to do great things. Dipper says he still wants the book, and Mabel is sure he’ll get it back.[34]

    Season 2

    In «Scary-oke,» Stan returns Journal 3 to Dipper. When federal agents come to the Mystery Shack to investigate strange activities, Dipper offers to help them by showing them the journal, but they do not believe him until he accidentally summons zombies from underground. After defeating the zombies alongside Mabel and Stan, Dipper falsely promises Stan that he will stay out of trouble.

    Dipper and Wendy’s encounter with the Shape Shifter.

    In «Into the Bunker,» Dipper tries to confess his feelings for Wendy but can’t work up the courage, and instead asks her to tag along on his next investigation which she happily goes. They find the author’s hidden bunker. Mabel fools around and pushes Dipper, who triggers a trap that closes in the walls. Dipper looks to the journal and points out a way to escape and they barely made it. Dipper’s vest ended up being jammed in the closed-in-walls to which Mabel gets it for him. When she pulls it out, a love letter that Dipper intended to give to Wendy falls out. Because of this Mabel locks him in the closet with Wendy so he’d have no choice but to confess his love, but the two of them stumble into a secret laboratory, where they soon get chased by a giant insect-like creature. They run into a dead-end but are saved by who is believed to be the author of the journals. But this is later revealed to be a lie and that he was a Shape Shifter. After escaping its grasp and regrouping with Mabel and Soos they formulate a plan to stop it. By the end, the Shape Shifter says to Dipper that he will never find the author and something terrible is going to happen in Dipper’s future. Also, Dipper finally admits his crush to Wendy. She gently turns him down, saying she is too old for him but tells him how much she values their friendship, saying she would probably throw herself into the bottomless pit if they ever stop being friends.

    In «The Golf War,» Dipper encourages Mabel to have the Lilliputians help her to cheat in the mini-golf tournament so she would win no matter what against Pacifica Northwest. However, this backfires when the Lilliputians try to kill Pacifica and Mabel must help save her. Dipper drives the course’s golf cart to help everyone escape.

    Bill Cipher in Dipper’s body while Dipper is a ghost.

    In «Sock Opera,» Dipper is excited to figure out the code to the laptop with Mabel’s help and is disappointed when she instead decides to put on a puppet show. However, he helps her, as she promises to help him with the password afterward. Every night he types in random words on the computer and hopes they work, with no success. After a few nights of this, Bill Cipher offers to help, but Dipper, knowing that Bill would try to trick him, declines. The next morning, Dipper tells Mabel of this, and she tells him that she will help him with the password. However, she becomes convinced that she must work harder on her puppet show, causing Dipper to be angry with her. He tries again with the laptop, and it announces that there were too many failed entries, and it would erase all data in 5 minutes. Bill returns and re-offers his help, saying that he wants a puppet in return. Dipper, feeling desperate, accepts. However, Bill takes Dipper’s body and stomps on the laptop and tries to find Journal 3. Dipper, now a ghost, tells Bill that he will never find it, but Mabel comes in and tells him that she took the journal for her puppet show. Dipper follows Bill and his family to the Theater Time Theater, where Mabel’s puppet show is being performed. He uses a puppet to tell Mabel that Bill is using his body and that she must stop him. Mabel makes Dipper take over the puppet show while she fights Bill and forces him out of his body. Dipper returns to his body and they go home.

    In «Soos and the Real Girl,» Dipper and Mabel try to help Soos find a date, and later they are attacked by .GIFfany along with Soos and Melody.

    Dipper and «Smart» Waddles run off to put their brains to work.

    In the «Little Gift Shop of Horrors» story, Abaconings, Dipper tries to figure out a puzzle toy. Finding difficulty and wanting to become smarter he looks to the journal to locate Percepshrooms that would grant him that. After retrieving it, he places it on his forehead as the journal suggested and went to sleep. Waking up the next morning with the thought of it working, only proved himself wrong as Waddles had eaten it off his head and he instead gained genius intelligence, even making an electronic device to allow himself to speak the human language for him. Loving the new Waddles, he and Waddles work together on a few things, the most significant thing being the Smarticle Accelerator. However, when Waddles presses a switch that destroys the machine to be normal for Mabel’s sake and himself, Dipper was dispirited.

    Dipper and Soos unknowingly about to be caught.

    In «Society of the Blind Eye,» Dipper continues research on who the author could be. That is when Mabel points out a clue on the broken laptop, to which Dipper indicates that the author must be Old Man McGucket. He, Mabel, Wendy, and Soos go to the junkyard to confront him. McGucket explains that he doesn’t recall anything about the book but when Dipper flips to one of the pages with a strange symbol on it, McGucket panics, revealing that the symbol belonged to an unknown group who possibly did something to his mind. With the last thing McGucket remembered many years ago involved the History Museum, the gang heads off there along with McGucket. After chasing a suspicious person who was inside, they lose track of the person, finding themselves in a seemingly normal room. Dipper figures out that a hidden button was in it, opening a secret passageway, where they watched as the Blind Eye Society erased Lazy Susan’s memories with a ray gun. When the coast was clear, they split up, leaving the girls to keep lookout. The boys find a mysterious room called The Hall of the Forgotten where tubes of various townsfolk memories were stored in. When they were spotted, they hid but were ultimately caught. The Blind Eye Society members revealed themselves as fellow townsfolk and planned to erase everyone’s memories until McGucket intervened. In the end, Dipper and the gang were able to stop the Blind Eye members and erased their memories. Also, McGucket got his memories back, revealing that he isn’t the author.

    Dipper and Mabel taking on the challenges.

    In «Blendin’s Game,» he and Mabel decide to throw a surprise party for Soos’ birthday, only for Soos to displeased about it. They take Soos to laser tag to cheer him up. He and Mabel then walk into a portal and are challenged to Globnar by Blendin Blandin. They steal a time travel device and go back to the year 2002 where they meet Toby Determined trying to be a dancer, toddler Wendy (who thought Dipper was cute with him blushing in return) and toddler Tambry riding their tricycles, Robbie who soaks them with a water gun, and 12-year-old Soos, who misses his father (which explains why Soos hates his birthday in the future). They willingly let themselves get caught by Lolph and Dundgren to win the time wish for Soos. While in Globnar they complete in a series of challenges before the Time Baby finishes his bottle. Ultimately, he and Mabel win and return to the present to give Soos their time wish. He then wishes for Dipper and Mabel to be all fixed up, and to have an infinite pizza slice, telling them that if his father truly cared about him, he’d be here.

    In «The Love God,» Dipper continues to try to play cool to hang out with Wendy and her friends, shrugging off Mabel’s suggestion to comfort Robbie (who is still depressed over his break-up with Wendy), saying the social structure is good as it is. However, when Mabel uses a love potion on Robbie and Tambry to make them date, it ends up splitting up Wendy and her friends, forcing Dipper to help Mabel to undo what she did by getting an antidote so the gang can get back together.

    Dipper looks for advice on handling a category 10 ghost.

    In «Northwest Mansion Mystery,» Dipper is visited by Pacifica at the Mystery Shack, asking him for his help in getting rid of a ghost that has inhabited her house. He at first refuses but accepts on the condition that Pacifica gives Mabel, Candy and Grenda tickets to Northwest Fest. After capturing the ghost, he accidentally lets him loose after he tells Dipper the story of the Northwest Manor, and returns to the mansion, bringing the taxidermy animals to life and turning everyone into wood. This breaks his newfound friendship with Pacifica. After seeing everyone turned to wood, he seeks out Pacifica’s help to recapture him, but is ultimately turned into a wooden statue. After Pacifica opens the gates, he is brought back to life. Over the course of the adventure, he develops a new friendship with Pacifica.

    Dipper, Mabel and Soos shocked at the revelation.

    In «Not What He Seems,» Dipper and Mabel are taken in by child services after the government arrest Stan. They escape custody to prove Stan’s innocence, but quickly discover that there’s more to Stan than they realized. After getting into his lab, Dipper, along with Mabel and Soos, discovers that Stan had the journals this whole time, and he grows very angry. Soon after, they find a way to shut off the portal, and just as Dipper is about to press the off button, Stan interrupts them saying that he shouldn’t press the button, and to trust him. The portal causes Dipper, Mabel, Stan, and Soos to get pushed to the walls of the lab, but Mabel is the closest to the button. Dipper tells her to shut it down, but Stan convinces her not to, much to Dipper’s distress. Dipper and the others then watch as the author of the journals emerges from the portal, and is revealed by Stan to be his twin brother.

    In «A Tale of Two Stans,» Dipper is overcome with excitement when he meets Ford Pines, shrieking with delight when the journals are mentioned and almost throwing up, to which he is eager to ask Ford lots of questions (Stan sends him and Mabel to their room before he can). In the end, before he goes to sleep, he promises Mabel he will never fight with her as Stan and Ford did and that they will always be friends.

    Dipper and Ford in real-life Dungeons, Dungeons, and More Dungeons.

    In «Dungeons, Dungeons, and More Dungeons,» Dipper receives a copy of the titular game in the mail. He tries to persuade Mabel and Stan to play with him, but they refuse. After he accidentally falls into the basement and Ford sees Dipper’s 38-sided die, they begin playing together. Their game takes over the house, much to Stan, Mabel, and Grenda’s annoyance. After Stan accidentally rolls the infinity sided die and releases Probabilitor the Annoying, Ford and Dipper are captured by the wizard and taken to the forest. Later in the episode, the others arrive, Probabilitor shrinks Ford and Dipper, turning them into characters for the game. With Stan and Mabel’s help, they defeat Probabilitor. After the adventure, Ford shows Dipper what he’s been doing in the basement; not only did he destroy the portal, he also contained an interdimensional rift created by the portal. Dipper promises to keep the rift’s existence a secret.

    In «The Stanchurian Candidate,» Dipper uses a mind-control tie given by Ford to make Stan win the election for mayor of Gravity Falls against Bud. Dipper then reveals this to Stan out of anger which makes it so Stan doesn’t wear the tie. At the debate, Dipper and Mabel use the tie on Soos so Bud doesn’t win. They soon figure out Gideon’s been controlling Bud so he can win and get out of prison. Gideon then traps Dipper and Mabel inside the statue of Mayor Befufftlefumpter, planning to later kill them in the explosion of fireworks. Stan then notices and saves them and by doing that he wins the election. After Stan is disqualified and Tyler wins, they go vandalize his new mansion.

    Dipper threatens to erase Ford’s mind after being convinced that he’s possessed by Bill.

    In «The Last Mabelcorn,» Dipper and Mabel are looking for board games to play when Ford calls for a family meeting. When they gather around the table, Ford shows the twins a symbol of Bill Cipher and asks if they recognize it, which they immediately do. Dipper tells his and Mabel’s experience with Bill and Ford warns them that the fact that they have dealt with Bill is gravely serious. While Ford sends Mabel to find unicorn hair, Ford brings Dipper to his private study. There, Ford tells Dipper if they cannot Bill-proof the shack, then they will Bill-proof their minds and Dipper is put into the Project Mentem which reads all of his thoughts so it can encrypt Dipper’s mind. When the encryption takes too long, Dipper becomes curious about Ford’s relation to Bill so he puts the Project Mentem on Ford’s head, and sees Ford making a deal with Bill. Ford wakes up and Dipper (thinking Ford is possessed by Bill) takes the rift and the memory-erasing gun to defend himself from Ford. He fires the gun, but the beam ricochets off Ford due to the metal plating in his head and destroys the machine. Dipper apologizes and Ford decides to finally tell Dipper about his history with Bill. When Dipper learns about Bill’s true plans, he becomes increasingly worried. Ford tells Dipper that there should be no more secrets between them. Dipper smiles but worries again because he broke the machine, so they have no protection against Bill. Mabel then comes in with a lock of unicorn hair. Afterward, Dipper is seen helping Ford Bill-proof the shack by sticking the unicorn hair around the outside of the building.

    Stan’s dating advice begins to backfire for Dipper.

    During «Roadside Attraction,» Mabel realizes that Dipper is still not over his crush on Wendy; so Soos suggested going with them on Stan’s revenge trip to help him move on. When they reach their first tourist trap to prank Dipper tries talking to a girl but completely fails in doing so, Stan then calls Dipper to help with his prank. After feeling embarrassed about his attempt to talking with girls, Dipper is given advice by Stan on how to talk with girls. They go to their next tourist trap to prank and Dipper tries once again to talk to a girl, this time taking Stan’s advice and he succeeds. Dipper gets more contact info from the girls he meets using Stan’s advice. As they travel to their final tourist trap to prank, the Mystery Mountain, Mabel, and Grenda take the opportunity and get Dipper and Candy to sit together. Dipper panics after Candy asks him on a date and Stan tells him to go on a date with her. When Dipper and Candy go on their date, the girls that Dipper previously flirted with were coincidentally on the same tourist trap as they are, ruining Dipper and Candy’s date. Dipper looks for Stan to get more advice, however, Stan is caught by Darlene, an Arachnimorph and Dipper goes to the girls for help. The girls are furious at Dipper for what he did but he tells them they can kill him later as they need to help Stan from Darlene. They climb the mountain and free Stan, however, they are chased by Darlene but they manage to escape thanks to Candy. After the unfortunate turn of events, everyone heads back to the RV and leaves the place. Stan admits to Dipper that he is actually bad with girls, however, Dipper says he is also just as bad but Stan’s advice helped him move on from Wendy. Dipper then gives Candy an apology pamphlet and tells her he’s sorry. Candy tells Dipper after seeing him scream from Darlene, she lost interest in him which Dipper says he deserved. When they return, Dipper admits feeling bad about the pranks but Stan says everyone loves his pranks, however, when they return to the Mystery Shack, they see all the other tourist trap owners vandalizing the place.

    Dipper agrees to become Ford’s apprentice.

    In «Dipper and Mabel vs. the Future,» Mabel wakes Dipper up and tells him that their birthday is coming up. The two become excited as they are finally going to be teenagers, Stan and Soos join in the excitement for the upcoming week. Mabel, Dipper, and Soos begin planning for the twin’s birthday party but Stan tells them they can’t due to their previous party incident. Ford yells for Dipper’s help to get his attention quickly and Dipper runs to Ford to help. Ford shows Dipper the interdimensional rift case slowly cracking and shows him what will happen if Bill fulfills his plans. Ford decides to take Dipper along with him to help seal the rift but Dipper worries about helping Mabel, Mabel overhears their conversation and allows Dipper to go with Ford, giving him her support and walkie-talkie so they can talk to each other. Dipper and Ford then set on their mission to find an adhesive to seal the rift and at the weirdly shaped cliff in Gravity Falls, Ford shows Dipper how the cliff was formed. Ford then takes Dipper into the abandoned UFO buried under Gravity Falls and Dipper becomes excited. As they venture further down, Ford questions Dipper about his future plans, Dipper tells his plans and Ford eventually offers his great-nephew to become his apprentice. Dipper worries about school but Ford tells his nephew of his 12 PhD’s., Dipper then worries about Mabel but Ford believes Mabel will be fine on her own. Finally, Dipper worries about his own capabilities as he couldn’t even operate Ford’s magnet gun but Ford sees Dipper accidentally finding the adhesive they need to seal the rift. Dipper and Ford are then confronted by two UFO security droids and Dipper panics, causing the droids to attack. Ford gets captured by one of the droids but Dipper acts quickly in order to stop the droid going further. When the other droid confronts Dipper, the droid self-disassembled after detecting a calm Dipper. Ford once again tries to convince Dipper to be his apprentice and Dipper accepts. At home, Dipper sees Mabel sad as she overheard Dipper accepting Ford’s apprenticeship and Mabel runs out of the house. Dipper goes to Ford’s lab and Ford sees that Mabel didn’t take Dipper’s decision well. They try to seal the rift with the adhesive but Mabel accidentally took Dipper’s bag. As Dipper and Ford run outside, they witness Bill fulfill his plans.

    Dipper narrowly manages to escape from The Horrifying Sweaty One-Armed Monstrosity.

    In «Weirdmageddon Part 1,» Dipper and Ford witness more of Weirdmageddon as creatures of Gravity Falls flee the area. Ford tells Dipper that Bills is getting stronger the longer the rift is open and the two set out to stop Bill once more. The two go to the clock tower and Ford attempts to shoot Bill but gets distracted and misses. Bill blasts the clock tower and Ford gets stuck, telling Dipper to escape with the journals. Dipper confronts Bill when Bill turns Ford to gold but Dipper fails to do anything. Bill then tells 8 Ball and Teeth to eat Dipper. After 3 days, Dipper avoids capture and eventually meets Wendy at the mall. The two share their stories about their experience and the two head outside. Dipper feels down due to being unable to do anything without Mabel but Wendy encourages Dipper to find his sister so they can stop Bill again. Dipper and Wendy along with Toby Determined go to the abandoned Automart and attempt to take a car but they get surrounded by Gideon Gleeful and his fellow inmates. Dipper and Wendy manage to escape Gideon’s gang and steal a car to drive to Mabel’s bubble. They are chased by Gideon and manage to escape. They meet Soos near the bubble but Gideon and his gang surround them once more. Dipper tries to reason with Gideon about Mabel and Gideon eventually agrees to help stop Bill. Dipper unlocks the chains of Mabel’s bubble and along with Wendy and Soos, they go into Mabel’s bubble together.

    Dipper and Mabel embrace in a sincere sibling hug.

    In «Weirdmageddon 2: Escape From Reality,» Dipper, Wendy, and Soos drive into Mabel’s bubble, in order to rescue her. When they reach the ground, Xyler and Craz meet them and take them to Mabel’s tower. The group raids the tower to save Mabel but when Mabel wakes up, she reveals that she created the place called Mabeland. Dipper attempts to persuade Mabel to leave her imaginary world but Mabel instead shows she created a more supportive brother, Dippy Fresh, in replacement of Dipper and prefers to stay. When Wendy and Soos get distracted due to Mabel granting wishes for what they desire, Dipper leaves Mabel’s tower and contemplates the situation. Wendy joins him in conversation, telling Dipper that if Mabel changed Dipper’s age, he can finally date her but when he sees Wendy wink, he realizes it was fake. Dipper shouts wanting to return to the real world and he is quickly arrested. Mabel saves Dipper from banishment but Dipper is tried in court for Fantasy vs. Reality. Xyler and Craz present Mabel’s case, showing Dipper and Mabel’s unfortunate events through their years but Dipper counter argues that Mabel simply wanted to escape reality because she didn’t want to grow up. Dipper shows that even through their tough times, they were there to support each other all the way through and Mabel accepts the truth, giving Dipper a ‘sincere’ sibling hug. When they pat each other, the creatures of Mabeland go against them but the twins, Wendy, Soos, as well as Xyler and Craz, escape from the bubble. Mabel apologizes to Dipper and tells him if he can be Ford’s apprentice if he wants but Dipper instead tells Mabel he will go with her since he doesn’t wanna miss her teenage years. The group returns to the Mystery Shack after seeing the town deserted. The group proceeds to raid the Shack after hearing noises only to be met by Stan and his resistance group who are taking refuge inside the Mystery Shack.

    Dipper and Mabel rally the survivors into rescuing Ford and fighting back against Bill.

    In «Weirdmageddon 3: Take Back The Falls,» Dipper reunites with Stan and most of the town’s survivors in the Mystery Shack. Dipper is frustrated at Stan’s unwillingness to fight back against Bill and manages to rally the survivors by telling them Ford knew Bill’s secret weakness. He helps McGucket build the Shacktron and pilots it as it fights off Bill’s henchmaniacs. As Bill fights the Shacktron, Dipper is with the rescue team charged with getting into the Fearamid and rescuing Ford along with everybody captured by Bill. Once Ford is rescued, he tells everybody about the Zodiac and how it can destroy Bill. Dipper represented the Pine Tree and the wheel is almost successful. However, Stan and Ford break into an argument and the wheel doesn’t work right when Bill returned.

    Dipper and Mabel look out the window of the bus as they leave Gravity Falls.

    Bill changes all but Dipper, Mabel, Stan, and Ford into tapestries and threatens the children if Ford doesn’t tell him how to destroy the barrier surrounding Gravity Falls. Mabel distracts Bill by putting spray paint in his eye as she and Dipper attempt to escape while Bill furiously chases them. Bill recaptures them after they get to a dead end and see the townsfolk in the Shacktron trapped by Bill’s henchmaniacs. Bill threatens to kill one of the twins when Ford agrees to let Bill into his mind in exchange for letting Dipper, Mabel, and Stan go. When Bill enters Ford’s mind, he realizes he was tricked as he actually entered Stan’s mind which Ford would erase with the Memory Erasing Gun to destroy Bill once and for all. After the plan works and Gravity Falls is returned to normal, Dipper and the rest of his family grieve over Stan sacrificing his memory to save everybody. Their attempts at jogging Stan’s memory appear to be fruitless until Waddles jumps on Stan and he starts to remember everything about him eventually recovering his entire memory. Later in the week, Dipper and Mabel celebrate their 13th birthday with the town. When asked to make a wish, Dipper replies that he already got everything he ever wanted that summer. As Dipper and Mabel prepare to depart Gravity Falls, Wendy takes Dipper’s hat while giving him hers as something to remember her by along with a letter for the next time he misses Gravity Falls. As the bus drives away with Dipper and Mabel, Dipper opens the letter which is a note that says «See you next summer» signed by all of the friends Dipper and Mabel made while they were in Gravity Falls.


    Dipper exploring a cave.

    Dipper is intelligent, compassionate, self-conscious and rational, and sometimes, overly judgmental, and can’t wait to grow up. An adventurer at heart, Dipper can’t sit still and is always looking for the next riddle or mystery to solve. His scrupulous attention to detail is useful when he is attempting to solve mysteries but sometimes his over-zealousness can leave others questioning his credibility. Dipper is shown to be extremely «genre-savvy.» Knowing that in most movies, nobody has a camera when they see the monster, or that the camera malfunctions, he brings along 17 cameras with him to take a photo of the Gobblewonker. He is wise and intelligent beyond his years, and his refusal to sit still when there are puzzles to be solved often leaves him restless in everyday situations. In «Carpet Diem,» he has a habit of clicking his pen repeatedly when in deep thought. He also seems to get very irritated when people think he’s “cute” or “adorable”, as he wants to be taken seriously as a grown-up from people around him as at most times Dipper is more mature than others. He began glaring at his twin sister Mabel when she commented that he «Sneezed like a kitten» in the episode «Headhunters».[14] When Dipper and Mabel (and Soos at times) are on their adventures Dipper is the one to act as the leader mostly because he is shown to be very brave and smart. He is somewhat protective of his sister,[9] whenever she is in danger he is always there to help and will do anything to get her free.

    Dipper, in Mabel’s body, pretending to be mad.

    He can sometimes be selfish and is not above using Gravity Falls’ mysterious elements to his advantage. He can also be ruthless in the pursuit of his goals such as not apologizing for attacking Soos in «Not What He Seems» unlike Mabel who apologized prior to grappling him but ultimately he always does the right thing and has the right motivations. It is also well mentioned that Dipper is paranoid and has had trust issues since the beginning when the journal warned him to «Trust No One» and has been skeptical about people and/or situations. For example, in «The Last Mabelcorn», he fearfully backs away from Stanford Pines who he mistakes for being possessed while holding a memory gun pointed at his head, muttering the phrase «Trust no one» repeatedly to himself. With his experience in Gravity Falls as well as his knowledge in the mystery novels that he reads, Dipper thinks much like an actual detective, as seen in «Headhunters.»

    Despite his brave and serious personality, living with Mabel Pines his whole life (who is famous for her silly and fun-loving attitude) has caused him to indulge in childish activities with her. Such as when both he and Mabel made puking noises whilst spraying silly string onto each other’s faces in «Double Dipper». At the beginning of the episode «Headhunters», he and Mabel are seen watching Duck-tective. When a video was displayed in the future detailing the twins’ current positions in «Blendin’s Game», it showed Dipper and Mabel hitting each other with soft bats while laughing. Whilst playing miniature golf in «Carpet Diem», Mabel states that his shot is out of bounds, to which he responds by poking her with the golf club and shouting «YOU’RE out of bounds!», ending up with both twins poking each other. In the episode «Not What He Seems», Dipper and Mabel play with water balloons, enjoying classic summer fun.

    He also seems to not mind breaking the law in order to have some fun. For example, in «The Stanchurian Candidate», when Stanley Pines asks Dipper and Mabel if they want to vandalize the new mayor’s house, they both follow their uncle while cheering for joy and Dipper even yells «Yay! Vandalism!». In «Not What He Seems» Stanley, Mabel, and Dipper are seen on the roof of the Mystery Shack bonding by exploding fireworks. When asked by the police if they have a permit, Stanley responds with «Do you have a permit for being lame?» to which they all laugh. In a «Fixin’ it with Soos» episode, Soos tells Dipper and Wendy to hit the nitrous boosters that he installed onto the golf cart. Dipper asks «Aren’t those illegal?» and Soos responds with «You bet your life they are baby!» All three of them then laugh with joy as the golf cart drastically speeds up.


    Dipper Pines appearance.png

    Dipper’s hidden birthmark.

    Dipper wears a dark moderate blue and white hat with a dark moderate blue brim and a dark moderate blue pine tree on the front. He has somewhat messy brown hair and relatively pale skin, and his nose is a bit darker than the rest of his face. His eyes are brown,[35] like Mabel’s, with noticeable bags underneath.[36] He wears a navy blue vest, (which has inner pockets on both sides) a reddish-orange t-shirt, gray shorts, white knee-high socks with a red stripe, black sneakers with white soles, and a sometimes visible gray digital wristwatch. He is sometimes seen with a green backpack. He has a birthmark on his forehead shaped like the constellation, the Big Dipper, hence his nickname «Dipper,» which he hides under his bangs. He is exactly one millimeter shorter than his sister, Mabel Pines[28], however, he grows taller than her throughout the show. His only other clothes seen on the show are the hat he arrived in Gravity Falls with, his lamb costume in «The Inconveniencing,» the peanut butter costume he wore in «Summerween,» the wolf costume that Grunkle Stan made Dipper wear for an attraction at the Mystery Shack and, later, his tourist guide clothes in «Boss Mabel,» the white shirt, red swimsuit and red and white hat he wore as a lifeguard uniform in «The Deep End,» a V-neck and full-length black pants he wore for the Woodstick Festival in «The Love God,» and a tuxedo in «Northwest Mansion Mystery.» As of «Weirdmageddon 3: Take Back The Falls», he receives and wears Wendy Corduroy’s lumberjack hat.

    His nightwear or comfortable outfit for hanging around the Mystery Shack is the same as his regular outfit, but without his hat, vest or shoes.


    Mabel Pines

    Dipper’s always got Mabel’s back.

    Dipper considers Mabel his «Closest Ally and Best Friend.»[37] Being siblings, they have been close throughout their entire lives. Despite getting on each other’s nerves, contrasting personalities, and frequent sibling bickering, the two love each other regardless. They often engage in various recreational activities and enjoy having fun with each other, and they constantly investigate their summer home’s mysterious secrets side by side. Dipper and Mabel give one another advice and are willing to sacrifice much for the others’ sake, albeit not always initially, and have risked their lives more than once to help each other. However in «Not What He Seems,» it’s hinted that Dipper’s relationship with Mabel may have been broken, due to her trusting Stan over him but in «A Tale of Two Stans,» Dipper held no grudge towards her for trusting Stan but Mabel is left unsettled about their future relationship due to Stan and Ford’s dysfunctional relationship. He does, however, hint in «Dungeons, Dungeons, and More Dungeons» that he may still be carrying some ill-feelings after Mabel and Grunkle Stan’s numerous taunts at his interests, though they were never meant in bad faith.

    In «Dipper and Mabel vs. the Future,» Mabel overhears Dipper accepting Ford’s offer to become his apprentice and is so terrified and upset at the thought of her and Dipper not growing up together that she runs off crying into the forest. She does not wish to see summer end and have to leave Gravity Falls, leading to her inadvertently handing the portal’s rift to Bill Cipher. However, in «Weirdmageddon 2: Escape From Reality,» Dipper convinces Mabel to leave her perfect prison bubble by promising her that he won’t take Ford’s apprenticeship and will always be there for her, having realized they can get through anything together, leading the twins to reconcile.

    Stan Pines

    Stan laughs at Dipper.

    Stan does not take his role as Dipper’s summer caretaker very seriously, often irresponsibly allowing and/or forcing him and his sister to do dangerous and sometimes illegal things. Stan frequently enlists Dipper in his plans to make a quick buck, with the latter frequently paying the consequence of the former’s actions. The two do not always see eye-to-eye, often about Stan’s illegal activity or Dipper’s «immature» behavior and qualities. Nonetheless, the two share mutual compassion for one another, and they enjoy each other’s company. Dipper has also been shown to be willing to take potentially fatal risks for his uncle.[28] In «Dreamscaperers,» it’s revealed that the reason Stan is hard on Dipper is to toughen him up so that when the world fights, Dipper will fight back. However, as of the events of «Not What He Seems,» Dipper has lost trust in Stan but in «A Tale of Two Stans» Dipper apologizes for distrusting him and Stan forgives him and understands his distrust. Dipper sometimes finds it irritable when Stan and other characters make fun of him for how he does things and what he likes, but Dipper does enjoy spending time with him.

    Soos Ramirez

    Dipper and Soos on the same wavelength.

    Dipper and Soos are generally good friends. They usually relate well, with them doing some «guy stuff» together,[26] and Soos often gives Dipper guidance.[3][15] Additionally, Soos frequently acts as Dipper’s and Mabel’s sidekick as they investigate Gravity Falls’ mysteries, and may take charge on occasion. However, Soos’ childish antics sometimes irritate Dipper, as they have a tendency to mess up whatever mission that Dipper is on. For example, in «Land Before Swine,» Dipper was very annoyed when Soos destroyed the pictures of the pterodactyl he took, and Dipper didn’t trust Soos on the mission of going to rescue Waddles.

    Wendy Corduroy

    Dipper and Wendy hanging out at the Mystery Fair.

    Wendy and Dipper are on friendly terms and like to hang out together for the fun of it, often breaking rules in the process. Dipper has a huge crush on Wendy,[8] though he does not necessarily believe they will be together because of their age gap.[30] Regardless, he attempts to impress her and frequently finds himself in sticky situations as a result. He will sometimes mutter certain things to himself under his breath, thinking that Wendy can not hear him (though she actually can and does). Since Wendy is three years older than he is, Dipper tries to come across as mature and capable of being around Wendy’s other friends. Dipper resents Wendy’s relationship with Robbie, due to his jealousy. After Dipper reveals his feelings to her, Wendy gently lets him down and gets him to admit he always knew a relationship couldn’t really work between them, but tells him its important to her that they can still be friends, and he readily accepts that.

    Robbie Valentino

    Robbie taunting Dipper.

    Robbie and Dipper are arch-rivals, primarily driven by both wanting to win Wendy’s affection. While Robbie views his relationship with his crush as a victory for himself, he fears Dipper will appeal to her. Robbie likes to make fun of Dipper, is very condescending in his remarks, and has even resorted to attempts at physical violence to prove his point. Dipper, on the other hand, is angered and annoyed by Robbie. Even though they are initially more vocal about their dislike of one another, they eventually agree not to brawl in front of Wendy, due to fear that they will both lose her if she sees them fight.[15]

    During the events of «The Love God,» Robbie blames Dipper for Wendy dumping him and announces a hatred towards every member of the Pines family for «ruining his life.» By the end of the episode though, it is unknown if Robbie and Dipper still hate each other since they have both given up on trying to win Wendy’s affection.

    In «Weirdmageddon Part 3: Take Back The Falls,» Robbie is seen playfully chanting «one of us» after Dipper and Mabel blow out the candles on their cake and his signature is seen alongside many other signatures on a note that was given to Dipper by Wendy as a parting gift so that Dipper can remember them all. This indicates Robbie and Dipper have reached a truce after recent events.

    Gideon Gleeful

    Gideon vs. Dipper.

    Gideon views Dipper and his family as a nuisance, feeling that they prevent him from accomplishing his goals (i.e. winning Mabel’s love[26] and taking over the Mystery Shack[28]). So, the evil boy often tries to rid himself of the Pines, while Dipper combats him, usually successfully with his sister’s aid. The two have been known to underestimate each other at times, but still, see each other as great threats.

    Despite disliking Gideon, Dipper agrees that Gideon has an «admittedly beautiful singing voice.»[37]

    In «Weirdmageddon 3: Take Back The Falls,» Dipper shows concern for Gideon after discovering his punishment by Bill for helping Dipper. After Bill is defeated, Gideon is shown at Mabel and Dipper’s birthday party and thanking the twins for convincing him to turn over a new leaf. Gideon’s signature is seen alongside many other signatures on a note that was given to Dipper by Wendy as a parting gift so that Dipper can remember them all.

    Dipper and Mabel’s parents

    Dippers’ parents prepare the twins for their summer away from home.

    Not much is known about Dipper’s relationships with his parents, though he does at first seem upset by their decision to have him spend his summer in Gravity Falls and regrets the «Lamby Lamby Dance» Mrs. Pines used to have him perform.

    Candy Chiu and Grenda

    The trio try to help Mabel plan.

    Candy and Grenda are primarily Mabel’s best friends, but Dipper seems well-acquainted with them, seeing them both as allies (though he admits this is partially because he wouldn’t want to get on Grenda’s bad side, considering how strong she is[37]). He is fairly welcoming of his sister’s best friends and accepts their eccentricities, some of which may come in handy for situations handled as a group. However, he is bothered by the boisterous sleepovers they sometimes have with Mabel that force him out of the room for the night. In «The Love God» he is also seen as a wooden figure while Mabel is matchmaking next to Candy, implying that Mabel considers Dipper and Candy to be a possible future match. However in «Dungeons Dungeons and More Dungeons» Grenda is willing to let Dipper and Ford be killed by the Wizard so that she, Mabel and Stan can watch Duck-tective. In «Roadside Attraction,» Candy harbors a crush on Dipper during their trip when he commented on her glasses and how shiny they were. This progresses throughout the episode until she loses interest when Dipper runs away from Darlene.

    In «Weirdmageddon Part 3: Take Back The Falls,» their signatures are seen alongside many other signatures on a note which was given to Dipper by Wendy as a parting gift so that he can remember them all.

    Pacifica Northwest

    Dipper tries to talk to Pacifica in a time of need.

    Due to her history of relentlessly teasing his sister Mabel, Dipper showed hostility toward Pacifica from the get-go. Despite Mabel and Pacifica overcoming their differences, Dipper remained reluctant to accept her, often reminding others that she’s «the worst.» He enjoyed any opportunity to get back at Pacifica for this, such as revealing to her that her ancestor wasn’t the real founder of Gravity Falls as she had thought and convincing Mabel to beat her in mini-golf by cheating. It was only until the events of «Northwest Mansion Mystery» that the two really began to see eye to eye and were actually amiable after a series of bickering. Though initially, he assumed Pacifica confirmed herself to be the worst by lying to him about the mansion’s haunting, Dipper later realized that Pacifica regretted lying to him, was ashamed of her family and herself and was sympathetic to her situation. He apologizes and reassures her that she doesn’t have to be like her parents and that her ancestors do not dictate who she is as a person. Later, upon seeing Dipper turned to wood by the ghost, Pacifica overcomes the will of her parents, saving him and the other guests. After the incident, they are seen enjoying each other’s company, having moved past their animosity and become friends.

    Their relationship is mentioned in the Conspiracy Corner segment, «Relation Shipping,» where McGucket seems to imply that the two may have a romantic relationship or are romantically interested in each other. However, this is followed by a clip of Dipper and Mabel recoiling in disgust.

    In «Weirdmageddon 3: Take Back The Falls,» Pacifica is slightly less aggressive to Dipper in comparison to her interactions with Mabel but she is still aggressive to him during Weirdmageddon by threatening to sue him and other resistance members if she dies during the rescue. But after Bill is defeated, she is seen in Dipper and Mabel’s birthday party, having brought presents for them and regarding that, she wrapped them herself. Afterward, her signature is seen alongside many other signatures on a note which was given to Dipper by Wendy as a parting gift so that he can remember them all.

    According to Gravity Falls: Journal 3, Dipper reveals that he thinks Pacifica looks nice in a dress and that she smells like champagne and flowers. He then remarks on «some vibe» that he just felt. However, this sentence is crossed out, similar to earlier sentences about Wendy. He also draws a picture of Pacifica in a similar style to a drawing he made of Wendy earlier in the Journal.[38]

    In Don’t Color This Book! It’s Cursed!, Mabel draws some «Future Matchmaking Projects», one of which is Dipper and Pacifica. Initially, Dipper is hesitant about the idea, but when Mabel clarifies that she means after they cured her «rich-kid ails», Dipper doesn’t deny the possibility.

    In the Gravity Falls: Lost Legends story «Face It», Dipper becomes angry with Pacifica when Mr. What’s-His-Face takes Mabel’s face after Pacifica uses Journal 1 to summon him. Later, after they get captured while trying to save Mabel, Pacifica reveals that she’s under a lot of pressure from her parents, believing that without her looks, she isn’t sure who she is. Dipper reassures her that she is more than just a pretty face and that she shouldn’t care about what her family thinks, after which she hugs him. Shmebulock comments on this, saying that Dipper “learned that the best place for romance is in a burlap sack.” He also “intercepted” a text exchange where she tells Dipper that she was just wiping monster drool off on him, which could mean that the two are texting each other, however she realises that he does not have a phone and she is texting Mabel who teases her about the hug, to Pacifica’s annoyance. After she gives up a chance for Mr. What’s-His-Face to improve her looks, instead choosing to save Dipper and Mabel, they all escape and Pacifica thanks them for helping her realize that she shouldn’t worry about her looks.[11]

    Ford Pines

    Ford and Dipper both playing Dungeons, Dungeons, and more Dungeons.

    Even before learning of his identity, Dipper held the author of the journals in high regard, hoping to one day meet him. When he finally learned the truth, Dipper tried to question Ford on his work but was stopped by Stan. In «Dungeons, Dungeons, and More Dungeons,» Dipper asked Ford if he could help with his work, but following a private agreement with Stan, Ford turned him down claiming that it was too dangerous. Later in the episode Dipper and Ford bond over their favorite board game, Dungeons, Dungeons, and More Dungeons. After they defeated Probabilitor the Annoying together, Ford decided to trust Dipper with the knowledge of a dimensional rift he sealed away, swearing Dipper to secrecy. Dipper has shown a liking for Ford since he does not make fun of him like Mabel and Stan tend to do. In «The Last Mabelcorn,» Ford and Dipper try to work together to prevent Bill from getting inside their minds, but Dipper is curious about their history that Ford refused to share until Dipper used his machine to read his mind and learn about their past. After some misunderstanding, Ford decides to be honest with Dipper about Bill tricking his and Bill’s dark plans. Ford promises to Dipper that he will be honest with him from then on. They seem to be very trusting towards each other and even see each other not only as a family but also as friends. Ford even asked Dipper to stay in Gravity Falls and become his apprentice, showing how far his faith in his great-nephew went. As revealed in Journal 3, Dipper also entrusts Ford with his real name, showing that he trusts Ford enough to keep it a secret.


    Dipper’s complex math equation.

    Dipper’s best skills are his mental intellect and persistence. During the mysterious situations Dipper and Mabel get into, Dipper has shown to be the one to lead them out using his quick and clever thinking.[3] He is shown to think very logically and rational compared to those around him and displays a high level of intelligence and maturity. Even though Dipper is thought not to be physically adept, he is capable of defending himself when it comes to fights, as he was able to hold his own when he sword-dueled against Wax Sherlock Holmes and fended off the Summerween Trickster alongside his friends. Dipper has also shown to be able to take part in hand-to-hand combat such as when fighting against Gideon and has brought down the mighty Multi-Bear, as well as surviving being pummeled by Rumble McSkirmish. He also completed 49 of 50 ritual trials undertaken by the Manotaurs. He is better than his sister at most games, including chess, checkers, ping pong and croquet. He can also play the sousaphone, as revealed in «Tooth.»

    Dipper has displayed a great level of academic intelligence, as shown in «The Time Traveler’s Pig,» when he is able to complete complex math equations in a short amount of time, creating the perfect angle at which to throw a ball. He is also known to be resourceful; In «Little Dipper» when he was unable to reach high enough to grab the journal, he was able to kick the shelf it was on, in order to have it falls into his arms as well as using some items to help him and Mabel get back to the shack while shrunken. Dipper has also shown the ability to outwit others, such as in «Dipper vs. Manliness,» when he tricked the Manotaurs into teaching him, and again in «Dreamscaperers,» when Dipper was the first to figure out how to fight against Bill Cipher and beating him at his own game using his imagination to conjure various weapons and abilities to use against Bill.


    • Intro: «Gravity Falls Main Title Theme»

    Season 1

    • Every episode of Season 1


    • 1. «Candy Monster»
    • 2. «Stan’s Tattoo»
    • 3. «Mailbox»
    • 4. «Lefty»
    • 5. «Tooth»
    • 6. «The Hide-Behind»
    • 7. «Mabel’s Guide to Dating»
    • 8. «Mabel’s Guide to Stickers»
    • 9. «Mabel’s Guide to Fashion»
    • 10. «Mabel’s Guide to Color»
    • 11. «Mabel’s Guide to Art»
    • 12. «Fixin’ It with Soos: Golf Cart»
    • 16. «Mabel’s Scrapbook: Heist Movie»
    • 17. «Mabel’s Scrapbook: Petting Zoo»

    Season 2

    • Every episode of Season 2


    • Every game


    «Ah, summer break; a time for leisure, recreation, and taking ‘er easy… unless you’re me. My name is Dipper. The girl about to puke is my sister Mabel. You’re probably wondering what we’re doing in a golf cart, fleeing from a creature of unimaginable horror. Rest assured, there’s a perfectly logical explanation.«
    —Dipper’s opening monologue[source]

    «Mabel, I have very keen powers of observation. For example, just by smelling your breath, I can tell that you have been eating… an entire tube of toothpaste?«
    —Dipper Pines[source]

    «She’s not much for first impressions, unlike this guy! …This guy…«
    —Dipper making a first impression[source]

    «Yes! Time to show Grunkle Stan how a real mystery hunter does it. Dipper out!«
    —Dipper Pines[source]

    «You’re the worst.«
    —Dipper to Pacifica[source]

    «Bill thinks there’s no heroes in this world, but if we work together and fight back, we can defeat him. You wanna be Mabel’s hero? Stand up to Bill, and let us save her!«
    —Dipper Pines, to Gideon[source]

    «If you’ve ever taken a road trip through the Pacific Northwest, you’ve probably seen a bumper sticker for a place called Gravity Falls. It’s not on any maps, and most people have never heard of it. Some people think it’s a myth. But if you’re curious, don’t wait. Take a trip. Find it. It’s out there somewhere in the woods, waiting.«
    —Dipper’s final narration[source]


    • «Dipper» is actually a nickname, given for the Big Dipper-shaped birthmark on his forehead.[27] As seen in Mabel’s Guide to Art, he had it by at the latest the time he was five years old.[23]
      • Dipper’s birthmark was inspired by one of Alex’s high school classmates «who had horrendous acne.» Alex would map «out his face like constellations.» One day, when doing this, his classmate «had the perfect Big Dipper on his forehead.»[39]
      • Jeff Rowe jokingly tweeted that «Dipper’s real name is Llamanic. Like Dominic, but tragically misspelled since birth.»[40]
      • In «Between the Pines,» Hirsch revealed that Dipper’s name «has a similarity» to Mabel’s, much as Stanford and Stanley Pines were given similar names, but he didn’t say exactly what it was.
      • Though it is never revealed in the series, in Journal 3 Dipper tells Ford that his real name is Mason.
        • The name «Mason» means «Stoneworker.» This fits, as «Stanley» means «Stone Clearing» and «Stanford» means «Stony Meadow.»
        • «Mason,» may also tie into the Masonic Eye of Providence imagery used throughout the series in reference to Bill Cipher.
      • Dipper dislikes his real name, calling it «kind of a dumb name,» so he exclusively uses his nickname around others, guarding his real name in secrecy.
      • Ford, in Don’t Dimension It, forces Stan to reveal that even he doesn’t know Dipper’s real name. It is unknown whether nobody told him, or if Mr. and Mrs. Pines told him and he simply forgot. Other characters, like Wendy, know that «Dipper» is a nickname, but Mabel is likely the only other character in the series who knows his real name.[27][11]
    • Dipper has been to the County Jail with Mabel and Stan, due to them making counterfeit money during a «family bonding day.»[25]
    • Dipper was born five minutes after Mabel. She brings this up occasionally, using this as an excuse to «tell him when he is older,» much to his annoyance.[20]
    • Dipper has always wanted to be named Tyrone.[27]
    • In both episodes in which Dipper handles ice («The Time Traveler’s Pig» and «The Inconveniencing»), he spills it.
    • Despite Dipper’s supposed lack of athletic ability, he can pitch a baseball with enough power to bounce it off a wall and hit Wendy.
    • Dipper writes about his adventures and confrontations with the paranormal for the Gravity Falls Gossiper. They are published along with other readers’ letters in the «home and garden section» of the newspaper. [41]
    • His and Mabel’s middle names are their parents’ first names,[42] as is the case with Alex Hirsch and his sister Ariel Hirsch.
    • In a canceled episode that parodied Labyrinth, it was revealed that he has a fear of puppets; however, in «Sock Opera,» he appears to have no particular problem with them.[23][43]
    • Dipper’s favorite band is a nerd rock band called «The Bad First Impressions.» He also secretly listens to Top 40 hits, and the girly Icelandic pop group, BABBA. A parody of the Swedish pop group ABBA[44][14]
    • Dipper is secretly envious that Mabel has better social skills than him.[44]
      • This is contrasting to Mabel, who is jealous of Dipper’s intellectual skills.
    • Dipper has written a theme song for himself, which he regularly sings in the shower.[37]The lyrics to that theme song were revealed in the full version of Disco Girl, which was released as part of the Gravity Falls Vinyl Set.
    • According to Mabel and Soos, Dipper tells terrible jokes.[45]
    • Dipper has a habit of chewing pens until they break while lost in thought.[46]
    • Dipper had never been to a concert before the events of «The Love God.» [47]
    • He is represented by the pine tree on the Zodiac.[48]
    • Dipper is ambidextrous, but tends to use his right hand more than his left.
    • In «Sock Opera,» it is revealed that, on occasion, when Dipper stays awake for too long, he unknowingly chews on his own shirt.
    • Dipper is ticklish under his arm.[17]
    • When Dipper is wearing his vest, the neck-hole in his shirt underneath appears to be larger than it actually is.
    • Dipper is one out of four known characters whose minds have been entered by Bill, the others being Ford, Blendin, and Stan.
    • Dipper and Mabel’s seasonal allergies act up at the same time.[49]
    • Dipper is the only character who has spoken in every episode of the series. This is due to Mabel not speaking in «Weirdmageddon Part 1» and Stan and Soos not appearing in «Northwest Mansion Mystery.»
    • Dipper plays the sousaphone as shown in the short «Tooth.»
    • Dipper had worn his old hat, the brown one with a star on it, since fourth grade. He believed that he couldn’t wash it because it would have ruined the luck.[50] Though mildly distressed when he initially lost it, he quickly moved on and replaced it with his signature pine tree hat.
      • However, he writes he has worn it since the fifth grade in Journal 3.
    • He originally thought Wendy’s name was Wanda.[51]
    • He and Ford share many things in common. They are both fascinated by the supernatural, they both were born with an abnormality, they both thought Soos’ name was Zeus[51][52], and they’re both twins.
    • As he confesses in «Society of the Blind Eye,» he sometimes uses «big words» whose meanings he doesn’t know.
    • Alex Hirsch said at the 2014 Comic-Con that Dipper and Mabel collect the items that they discover on their adventures.[53]
    • Dipper has been a finalist in three Spelling Bee competitions held at his middle school.[54]
    • In «Mabel’s Scrapbook: Petting Zoo» it is revealed that he and Mabel once won a dogsled race against a space lizard.
    • According to Alex Hirsch on Twitter, he created a Sonic the Hedgehog OC (original character) called ShadowTail the InvestiGerbil, who had purple hair and a magnifying glass for a hand.[55]
    • During the «ULTIMATE CROSSOVER FUNDRAISER!» charity live stream, where Alex Hirsch, Dana Terrace, Rebecca Sugar, and Ian Jones-Quartey drew and sang for The Trevor Project, when asked what Dipper and Mabel would be as Gems, they answered the following (and then did Stan’s too):[citation needed]
      • Mabel — Cherry Tugtupite. On her chest, where her heart would be.
      • Dipper — Larimar. On his head, possibly in the shape of his birthmark.
      • Stan — Pyrite (also known as fool’s gold). Mirrored to Stan’s tattoo on his back, which indicates vulnerability. This was actually suggested by the chat, which was wholeheartedly agreed upon by everyone else.
    • Dipper gives the first and last lines of the show, both in narration.
    • In Rick and Morty’s episode «The Rickshank Rickdemption» there is a Gravity Falls Easter egg. In the Citadel of Ricks, two Morty’s bear a striking resemblance to Mabel and Dipper. The Dipper Morty is even seen wearing Dipper’s hat.
    • Dipper makes a small cameo in Chip ‘n Dale Rescue Rangers, among the crowd of «bootlegged» characters, Dipper is seen leaving the background.


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    1. 1.0 1.1 «Bottomless Pit!.» Michael Rianda, Alex Hirsch (writers) & Joe Pitt, Aaron Springer (directors). Gravity Falls. Disney Channel. March 1, 2013. No. 14, season 1.
    2. 2.0 2.1 Gravity Falls: Journal 3 by Disney Book Group. July 26, 2016. Published by Disney Press. Page(s) Weirdness Magnet. ISBN: 978-1484746691.
    3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 «Tourist Trapped.» Alex Hirsch (writer) & John Aoshima (director). Gravity Falls. Disney Channel. June 15, 2012. No. 1, season 1.
    4. 4.0 4.1 «Dreamscaperers.» Matt Chapman, Tim McKeon, Alex Hirsch (writers) & John Aoshima, Joe Pitt (directors). Gravity Falls. Disney Channel. July 12, 2013. No. 19, season 1.
    5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 «Headhunters.» Aury Wallington, Alex Hirsch (writers) & John Aoshima (director). Gravity Falls. Disney Channel. June 30, 2012. No. 3, season 1.
    6. «Weirdmageddon 2: Escape From Reality.» Jeff Rowe & Alex Hirsch (writers) & Matt Braly (director). Gravity Falls. Disney XD. November 26, 2015. No. 19, season 2.
    7. «Dipper vs. Manliness.» Tim McKeon (writer) & Aaron Springer, Joe Pitt (directors). Gravity Falls. Disney Channel. July 20, 2012. No. 6, season 1.
    8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 «The Inconveniencing.» Michael Rianda, Aaron Springer (writers), Joe Pitt (director). Gravity Falls. Disney Channel. July 13, 2012. No. 5, season 1.
    9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 «Irrational Treasure.» Tim McKeon, David Slack, Alex Hirsch (writers) & John Aoshima (director). Gravity Falls. Disney Channel. August 17, 2012. No. 8, season 1.
    10. «Roadside Attraction.» Jeff Rowe, Josh Weinstein, Alex Hirsch, (writers) & Sunil Hall (director). Gravity Falls. Disney XD. September 21, 2015. No. 16, season 2.
    11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 Gravity Falls: Lost Legends by Disney Book Group. July 24, 2018. Published by Disney Press. ISBN: 978-1368021425.
    12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 «Dipper and Mabel vs. the Future.» Matt Chapman, Josh Weinstein & Alex Hirsch (writers) & Stephen Sandoval (director). Gravity Falls. Disney XD. October 12, 2015. No. 17, season 2.
    13. In the theme song opening, Dipper’s bag says Piedmont on it. Also, Dipper is based on creator Alex Hirsch who is from Piedmont, California.
    14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 14.5 «Dipper vs. Manliness.» Tim McKeon (writer) & Aaron Springer, Joe Pitt (directors). Gravity Falls. Disney Channel. July 20, 2012. No. 6, season 1.
    15. 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.3 «Fight Fighters.» Zach Paez, Alex Hirsch (writers) & John Aoshima (director). Gravity Falls. Disney Channel. September 14, 2012. No. 10, season 1.
    16. 16.0 16.1 «The Time Traveler’s Pig.» Aury Wallington, Alex Hirsch (writers) & Joe Pitt, Aaron Springer (directors). Gravity Falls. Disney Channel. August 24, 2012. No. 9, season 1.
    17. 17.0 17.1 «Sock Opera.» Shion Takeuchi, Alex Hirsch (writers) & Matt Braly, Joe Pitt (directors). Gravity Falls. Disney XD. September 8, 2014. No. 4, season 2.
    18. «Tooth.» Gravity Falls. Disney Channel. October 17, 2013. No. 5, inter-season animated shorts.
    19. Gravity Falls Disney Channnel. Disney. Archived from the original on April 12, 2016.
    20. 20.0 20.1 20.2 Alex Hirsch (22 July 2012). Tweet Number 227190419132387328. Twitter. Retrieved on October 29, 2014. “@LightPhillip Mabel is older by 5 minutes. She uses this as an excuse to tell Dipper «I’ll tell you when you’re older» It drives him nuts”
    21. Alex Hirsch (July 28, 2016). Tweet Number 758547032554344448. Retrieved on July 28, 2016. “@reesegal Stan was raised Jewish but is now an atheist. Dip & Mab were raised unreligiously but celebrate all holidays at Mabels insistence”
    22. 22.0 22.1 «Summerween.» Zach Paez, Michael Rianda, Alex Hirsch (writers) & John Aoshima (director). Gravity Falls. Disney Channel. October 5, 2012. No. 12, season 1.
    23. 23.0 23.1 23.2 «Mabel’s Guide to Art.» Gravity Falls. Disney Channel. February 7, 2014. No. 11, inter-season animated shorts.
    24. kingfedora.tumblr.com (July 1, 2012). Three-Headed Dragons. Tumblr. Retrieved on July 1, 2012.
    25. 25.0 25.1 «The Legend of the Gobblewonker.» Michael Rianda, Alex Hirsch (writers) & John Aoshima (director). Gravity Falls. Disney Channel. June 29, 2012. No. 2, season 1.
    26. 26.0 26.1 26.2 «The Hand That Rocks the Mabel.» Zach Paez, Alex Hirsch (writers) & John Aoshima (director). Gravity Falls. Disney Channel. July 6, 2012. No. 4, season 1.
    27. 27.0 27.1 27.2 27.3 «Double Dipper.» Tim McKeon, Michael Rianda, Alex Hirsch (writers) & Joe Pitt, Aaron Springer (directors). Gravity Falls. Disney Channel. August 10, 2012. No. 7, season 1.
    28. 28.0 28.1 28.2 28.3 «Little Dipper.» Tim McKeon (writer) & Joe Pitt, Aaron Springer (directors). Gravity Falls. Disney Channel. September 28, 2012. No. 11, season 1.
    29. «Boss Mabel.» Tim McKeon, Tommy Reahard, Alex Hirsch (writers) & John Aoshima (director). Gravity Falls. Disney Channel. February 15, 2013. No. 13, season 1.
    30. 30.0 30.1 «The Deep End.» Nancy Cohen (writer) & Joe Pitt, Aaron Springer (directors). Gravity Falls. Disney Channel. March 15, 2013. No. 15, season 1.
    31. «Carpet Diem.» Tim McKeon, Zach Paez, Alex Hirsch (writers) & Joe Pitt (director). Gravity Falls. Disney Channel. April 5, 2013. No. 16, season 1.
    32. «Boyz Crazy.» Matt Chapman, Alex Hirsch (writers) & John Aoshima (director). Gravity Falls. Disney Channel. April 19, 2013. No. 17, season 1.
    33. «Land Before Swine.» Matt Chapman, Alex Hirsch (writers) & John Aoshima (director). Gravity Falls. Disney Channel. June 28, 2013. No. 18, season 1.
    34. «Gideon Rises.» Matt Chapman, Michael Rianda, Alex Hirsch (writers) & John Aoshima, Joe Pitt (directors). Gravity Falls. Disney Channel. August 2, 2013. No. 20, season 1.
    35. Alex Hirsch (22 October 2012). Tweet Number 260514979969646592. Twitter. Retrieved on October 29, 2014. “@EK_24z Gid- Blue, Stan- Brown, Wendy-Green, Soos «It’s a mystery dude!»”
    36. Alex Hirsch (21 August 2012). Tweet Number 237751937045508096. Twitter. Retrieved on October 29, 2014. “@JerrieFisseha Brown”
    37. 37.0 37.1 37.2 37.3 Dipper’s and Mabel’s Guide to Mystery and Nonstop Fun! by Disney Book Group. October 7, 2014. Published by Disney Press. ISBN: 978-1484710807.
    38. Tumblr Post ID 148008378353 (broken link). Tumblr.
    39. Barnes, Brooks (August 17, 2012). An Undercurrent of Darkness, Even at Disney. Archived from the original on November 12, 2020. Retrieved on April 5, 2015.
    40. Rowe, Jeff (June 22, 2015). Tweet Number 480794638177955840. Retrieved on May 26, 2015. “Dippers real name is Llamanic. Like Dominic, but tragically misspelled since birth. I think this clears up a certain other mystery as well?”
    41. Dipper’s and Mabel’s Guide to Mystery and Nonstop Fun! by Disney Book Group. October 7, 2014. Published by Disney Press. Page(s) 06. ISBN: 978-1484710807.
    42. Tumblr Post ID 7f3ec2eb72e2d2452d566e74513cb2c7.
    43. In an unproduced episode, Dipper was supposed to be shown having a fear of puppets. See https://fuckyeahgravityfalls.com/post/55823414384 for interview discussing unproduced episode.
    44. 44.0 44.1 I am Alex Hirsch, creator of Gravity Falls. Ask me anything! (August 16, 2013).
    45. «Into the Bunker.» Matt Chapman, Alex Hirsch (writers) & Joe Pitt (director). Gravity Falls. Disney XD. August 4, 2014. No. 2, season 2.
    46. «Society of the Blind Eye.» Matt Chapman, Alex Hirsch (writers) & Sunil Hall (director). Gravity Falls. Disney XD. October 27, 2014. No. 7, season 2.
    47. «The Love God.» Josh Weinstein, Alex Hirsch (writers) & Sunil Hall (director). Gravity Falls. Disney XD. November 26, 2014. No. 9, season 2.
    48. «Weirdmageddon 3: Take Back The Falls.» Shion Takeuchi, Mark Rizzo, Jeff Rowe, Josh Weinstein, Alex Hirsch (writers) & Stephen Sandoval (director). Gravity Falls. Disney XD. February 15, 2016. No. 20-21, season 2.
    49. «Weirdmageddon Part 1.» Josh Weinstein, Alex Hirsch (writers) & Sunil Hall (director). Gravity Falls. Disney XD. October 26, 2015. No. 18, season 2.
    50. Gravity Falls: Journal 3 by Disney Book Group. July 26, 2016. Published by Disney Press. Page(s) Your new author!. ISBN: 978-1484746691.
    51. 51.0 51.1 Gravity Falls: Journal 3 by Disney Book Group. July 26, 2016. Published by Disney Press. Page(s) June 1. ISBN: 978-1484746691.
    52. Gravity Falls: Journal 3 by Disney Book Group. July 26, 2016. Published by Disney Press. Page(s) «Soos». ISBN: 978-1484746691.
    53. Gravity Falls 2014 Comic Con. YouTube. Squirrel On A Wire (July 31, 2014).
    54. Gravity Falls: Journal 3 by Disney Book Group. July 26, 2016. Published by Disney Press. Page(s) June 3. ISBN: 978-1484746691.
    55. Tumblr Post ID 160758977992 (broken link). Tumblr.

    Site navigation

    V — E — H — D Characters and Creatures in Gravity Falls
    Main Bill Cipher | Dipper Pines | Gideon Gleeful | Mabel Pines | Stan Pines | Ford Pines | Soos Ramirez | Wendy Corduroy
    Supporting Abuelita | Agent Powers | Agent Trigger | Blendin Blandin | Bud Gleeful | Candy Chiu | Deputy Durland | Grenda Grendinator | Lazy Susan | Lee | Manly Dan | Nate | Old Man McGucket | Robbie Valentino | Shandra Jimenez | Pacifica Northwest | Preston Northwest | Priscilla Northwest | Sheriff Blubs | Sprott | Tambry | Tats | Thompson | Toby Determined | Tyler Cutebiker
    Minor Alex Hirsch | Anti-Mabel | Ascot and Dickie Sibling | Billy | Blind Ivan | Bobby Renzobbi | Carla | Carla McCorkle | Caryn Pines | Charlie (kid) | Charlie (talk show host) | Crampelter | Davey | Deuce | Donna | Doug | Earl | Emma Sue | Emmet and D’Shawn | Ergman Bratsman | Fertilia Mecc | Filbrick Pines | Gabe Bensen | Gary | Ghost-Eyes | Gorney | Grady Mecc | Granny Sweetkin | Greg and Janice Valentino | Handlebar Bros. | Hank | Harry Claymore | Jean-Luc | Jeffy Fresh, Byrone, and Rosie | Jimmy | Jorge and Rico | Justin Kerprank | Killbone | Lolph and Dundgren | Marcus, Kevin and Gus | Mariah | Marius von Fundshauser | Mayor Befufftlefumpter | Melody | Meredith | Mikey R. | Mr. and Mrs. Pines | Mr. Poolcheck | Mrs. Gleeful | Nathaniel Northwest | Nicolas | Quentin Trembley | Reggie | Reginald | Rich | Rosanna | Santiago | Sassica | Sergei | Shmipper and Smabble | Steve | Stretch | Sue | Tad Strange | Table Mabel | Tate McGucket | Thistle Downe | Tyler’s mother
    Unnamed characters America guy | Angry lady | Aquatic restaurant cook | Bats Biker | BeeblyBoop’s clerk | Billy’s mother | Bus Driver | Charlie’s mother | Corn costume guy | Corn maze girl | Greasy’s Diner cook | Greasy’s Diner shopkeeper | Greasy’s Diner waitress | Hank’s son | Hank’s wife | Log Land girl | Mattress King | Mecc children | Meredith’s crush | Mummy Kid | Pacifica’s Friends | Pizza Guy | Pool Jail kid | Pop Pop | Principal of Glass Shard Beach High School | Prison Counselor | Reggie’s fiancée | Soos’ cousins | Soldier Kid | Summerween Superstore worker | Unnamed bald biker | Unnamed bandana lady | Unnamed bearded fisherman | Unnamed beautiful woman | Unnamed big-chinned man | Unnamed big-nosed man | Unnamed biker | Unnamed blonde boy in teal | Unnamed blonde girl with pink bow | Unnamed blonde man in pink | Unnamed blonde woman in blue | Unnamed blue sweatshirt woman | Unnamed bouncer | Unnamed boy in blue | Unnamed boy in green | Unnamed boy in teal | Unnamed brown cap boy | Unnamed brown vest fisherman | Unnamed buck-toothed fisherman | Unnamed buck-toothed girl | Unnamed cat lady | Unnamed chubby man in black | Unnamed chubby boy in blue | Unnamed workman | Unnamed cook | Unnamed doctor | Unnamed elderly man | Unnamed fanny pack man | Unnamed fanny pack woman | Unnamed fisherman with glasses | Unnamed football players | Unnamed girl in blue | Unnamed girl in light blue dress | Unnamed girl in pink | Unnamed girl with a ponytail in pink | Unnamed girl with a ponytail in purple | Unnamed girl with glasses | Unnamed girl with purple sweater | Unnamed goth | Unnamed gray mustache man | Unnamed hiker | Unnamed hillbilly | Unnamed lawyer | Unnamed librarian | Unnamed «Lil’ Stanley» fan | Unnamed lumberjack | Unnamed mailman | Unnamed man in black | Unnamed man in blue | Unnamed man in blue shirt | Unnamed man in blue vest | Unnamed man in brown | Unnamed man in cat sweater | Unnamed man in green | Unnamed man in pink | Unnamed man in red | Unnamed man in white | Unnamed miner | Unnamed mother and baby | Unnamed mustache man in red | Unnamed news anchor | Unnamed Northwest butler | Unnamed old man with a white visor | Unnamed old woman in pink | Unnamed old woman in purple | Unnamed pigtailed girl | Unnamed pointed nosed woman | Unnamed propeller cap boy | Unnamed puffy haired boy | Unnamed purple cap boy | Unnamed red cap man | Unnamed red vested woman | Unnamed rich man | Unnamed rich son | Unnamed scout lady | Unnamed singing hippie | Unnamed soul patch man in blue | Unnamed soul patch man in green | Unnamed sweaty man | Unnamed taxi driver | Unnamed ticket seller | Unnamed traveler | Unnamed turtle guy | Unnamed veteran | Unnamed woman in blue | Unnamed woman in blue overalls | Unnamed woman in green | Unnamed woman in orange | Unnamed woman in overalls | Unnamed woman in purple | Unnamed woman in teal | Unnamed woman in yellow | Unnamed workman | Upside-Down Town boss | Woodpecker guy
    Groups Discount Auto Mart Warriors | Football players | Globnar Tributes | Tourists | Pioneers | Real people | Unseen characters | Alternate Universe Versions of Mabel
    Animals Cheekums | Donald, Sandy, and Mr. Cat Face | Gompers | List of animals | Northwests’ dog | Waddles
    Species and groups Arachnimorphs | Creatures of Weirdmageddon | Cursed Egyptian super termites | Dinosaurs | Dipper clones | Disembodied hands | Eye-Bats | Fairies | Floating Eyeballs | Flying skulls | Geodites]] | Ghosts | Giant Vampire Bats | Gnomes | Lilliputtians | List of creatures | Little green men | Mabeland inhabitants | Manotaurs | Merpeople | Pan-dimensional beings | Plaidypuses | Snadger | The Undead | Unicorns | Wax figures
    Resident creatures Archibald Corduroy | Big Henry | Bigfoot | Candy monster | Celestabellebethabelle | Chutzpar | Cooler monster | Cycloptopus | Franz | Giant eyeball | .GIFfany | Gobblewonker | Gremloblin | Gremularth | Hide Behind | Island Head Beast | Leaderaur | Lilliputtian head knight | Lilliputtian pirate captain | Limby Jimmy | Ma and Pa Duskerton | Mr. What’s-His-Face | Multi-Bear | Octavia | Paper Jam Dipper | Polly | Pterodactyl | Rumble McSkirmish | Sev’ral Timez | Shape Shifter | Sister Mary Hilda Miley | Summerween Trickster | Tentacle Monster | Thing 26 | Tracey and Quattro | Tyrone
    Non-resident creatures Axolotl | Chamelius Pendraggin | Darlene | Kraken | Love God | Mermando | The Oracle | Purple Spy | Queen of the Manatees | Sarcasti-Pup | Space lizard
    Fantasy creatures Aoshima | British dog man | Clay monsters | Dippy Fresh | Ernesto | Flavor Pups | Footbot | Griffin | Hand Witch | Hot Elf | Impossibeast | Judge Kitty Kitty Meow Meow Face-Shwartstein | Ogres | Probabilitor the Annoying | Shimmery Twinkleheart | Stuffed Animal Tree | Xyler and Craz | Waffle Guards
    Creatures from the future Cyclocks | Time Baby
    Creatures from the Nightmare Realm 8 Ball | Amorphous Shape | Bill Cipher | Creature with 88 different faces | C-3-lhu | Giant Ear | Hand Monstrosity | Hectorgon | The Horrifying Sweaty One-Armed Monstrosity | Keyhole | Kryptos | Lava Lamp Guy | Paci-Fire | Purple spider with arms in his mouth | Pyronica | Teeth | Zanthar
    Sentient objects Cursed Doors | Mailbox | Tumbleweed Terror

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