Как пишется имя джан на турецком

Джан — значение имени, мужское тюркское имя

Значение имени Джан: душа; дорогой, милый, любимый.

Происхождение имени Джан: Тюркские имена.

Джан: характер, достоинства и недостатки

Имя Джан связано с чувствительностью, здесь главную роль играют равновесие и гармония. Это равновесие создается за счет таких индивидуальных особенностей, как сострадание, сочувствие и доброта. Нередко Джан обладает экстрасенсорными способностями и развитой интуицией. Окружающие также отмечают глубокую проницательность к малейшим энергетическим нюансам и эмоциональным проявлениям. Обладая повышенной чувствительностью, они при этом лишены амбициозности и не склонны к конфликтам, что в конечном итоге может привести к ощущению, что их недооценивают или не признают. Рекомендуется избегать поиска внешней поддержки и осознавать, что всю необходимую силу для идеального равновесия Джан уже имеет у себя внутри.

Рассчитать совместимость имени Джан с любым другим именем

Смотрите также мужские и женские совместимые имена с именем Джан.

Нумерология имени Джан

Число имени два (2) присущ личностям эмоциональным и неуверенным в себе, у них постоянно тревожное состояние. Таким людям с именем Джан желательно избегать крайностей, проявлять спокойствие и принимать мир таким, какой он есть, со всеми его достоинствами и недостатками. Число два (2) для имени Джан означает приоритет духовного и эмоционального единства с партнером, чем обусловлен успех в сексуальных отношениях…

Подробнее: нумерология имени Джан.

Удачные годы для имени Джан: 1901, 1910, 1919, 1928, 1937, 1946, 1955, 1964, 1973, 1982, 1991, 2000, 2009, 2018, 2027. Подробнее: имена года.

Значение букв в имени Джан

Д — означает спокойствие и надежность, уверенность в себе. Джан стремится к анализу любого начинания, отдает приоритет семье, с воодушевлением оказывает помощь нуждающимся, любит дарить подарки.
Ж — указывает на решительность и выносливость. Джан — гармонично развитая во всех отношениях личность, с богатым внутренним миром. При этом нередко осторожны, нерешительны и аскетичны.
А — олицетворяет одиночество и закрытость, но при этом Джан обладает самодостаточностью и приземленностью, а также энергией для принятия всего нового и начала новых дел.
Н — символизирует уверенность, развитую интуицию, способность противостоять давлению извне. Джан — лицо протеста и критического подхода к действительности.

Перевод на латинницу имени Джан


Смотрите также: фонетический разбор и склонение имени Джан.

Известные люди с именем Джан

Гасперини Джан Пьеро
Вентура Джан Пьеро
Джан Эмре
Волонте Джан Мария
Паллавичино Джан-Карло
Венерозо Джанджакомо
Менотти Джанкарло
Джан Галеаццо Висконти
Моранди Джанни
Бономо Джан
Малипьеро Джан Франческо
Джан Галеаццо Сфорца
Джан Гастоне Медичи
Джан Джакомо (маркграф Монферратский)


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Corpus name: OpenSubtitles2018. License: not specified. References: http://opus.nlpl.eu/OpenSubtitles2018.php, http://stp.lingfil.uu.se/~joerg/paper/opensubs2016.pdf

Corpus name: OpenSubtitles2018. License: not specified. References: http://opus.nlpl.eu/OpenSubtitles2018.php, http://stp.lingfil.uu.se/~joerg/paper/opensubs2016.pdf

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Corpus name: OpenSubtitles2018. License: not specified. References: http://opus.nlpl.eu/OpenSubtitles2018.php, http://stp.lingfil.uu.se/~joerg/paper/opensubs2016.pdf

Corpus name: OpenSubtitles2018. License: not specified. References: http://opus.nlpl.eu/OpenSubtitles2018.php, http://stp.lingfil.uu.se/~joerg/paper/opensubs2016.pdf

Corpus name: OpenSubtitles2018. License: not specified. References: http://opus.nlpl.eu/OpenSubtitles2018.php, http://stp.lingfil.uu.se/~joerg/paper/opensubs2016.pdf

Corpus name: OpenSubtitles2018. License: not specified. References: http://opus.nlpl.eu/OpenSubtitles2018.php, http://stp.lingfil.uu.se/~joerg/paper/opensubs2016.pdf

Corpus name: OpenSubtitles2018. License: not specified. References: http://opus.nlpl.eu/OpenSubtitles2018.php, http://stp.lingfil.uu.se/~joerg/paper/opensubs2016.pdf

Corpus name: OpenSubtitles2018. License: not specified. References: http://opus.nlpl.eu/OpenSubtitles2018.php, http://stp.lingfil.uu.se/~joerg/paper/opensubs2016.pdf

Corpus name: OpenSubtitles2018. License: not specified. References: http://opus.nlpl.eu/OpenSubtitles2018.php, http://stp.lingfil.uu.se/~joerg/paper/opensubs2016.pdf

Corpus name: OpenSubtitles2018. License: not specified. References: http://opus.nlpl.eu/OpenSubtitles2018.php, http://stp.lingfil.uu.se/~joerg/paper/opensubs2016.pdf

Corpus name: OpenSubtitles2018. License: not specified. References: http://opus.nlpl.eu/OpenSubtitles2018.php, http://stp.lingfil.uu.se/~joerg/paper/opensubs2016.pdf

Corpus name: OpenSubtitles2018. License: not specified. References: http://opus.nlpl.eu/OpenSubtitles2018.php, http://stp.lingfil.uu.se/~joerg/paper/opensubs2016.pdf

Corpus name: OpenSubtitles2018. License: not specified. References: http://opus.nlpl.eu/OpenSubtitles2018.php, http://stp.lingfil.uu.se/~joerg/paper/opensubs2016.pdf

Corpus name: OpenSubtitles2018. License: not specified. References: http://opus.nlpl.eu/OpenSubtitles2018.php, http://stp.lingfil.uu.se/~joerg/paper/opensubs2016.pdf

Corpus name: OpenSubtitles2018. License: not specified. References: http://opus.nlpl.eu/OpenSubtitles2018.php, http://stp.lingfil.uu.se/~joerg/paper/opensubs2016.pdf

Corpus name: OpenSubtitles2018. License: not specified. References: http://opus.nlpl.eu/OpenSubtitles2018.php, http://stp.lingfil.uu.se/~joerg/paper/opensubs2016.pdf

Corpus name: OpenSubtitles2018. License: not specified. References: http://opus.nlpl.eu/OpenSubtitles2018.php, http://stp.lingfil.uu.se/~joerg/paper/opensubs2016.pdf

Corpus name: OpenSubtitles2018. License: not specified. References: http://opus.nlpl.eu/OpenSubtitles2018.php, http://stp.lingfil.uu.se/~joerg/paper/opensubs2016.pdf

Значение имени Джан

Синонимы имени Джан. Джам, Жан, Жани, Джанер, Канер.
Происхождение имени Джан. Имя Джан мусульманское, казахское.

Имя Джан широко употребляется у мусульман. Имеет вариацию записи – Жан, Джам. Очень часто это имя входит в состав двусоставных имён, как мужских, так и женских. Составные имена чаще встречаются и казахов, таджиков, узбеков. Например — Жанибек, Джанбулат, Джанмирза, Джангуль, Аружан, Бауржан, Жанхан, Жансара, Жанай, Жанузак, Джамбул, Ержан, Серикжан, Асылжан.

Перевод компонента имени «джан» — «душа», «жизнь», «дух», а также «близкий, дорогой как душа», поэтому в составных именах возможны различные трактовки полного имени. Также «джан» употребляется и у других потомков тюрков – азербайджанцев, турок и других. В армянском языке «джан» трактуется как «родной», «дорогой», «близкий».

В Турции употребляется несколько видоизменённый по записи вариант имени — Caner, произносится как Джанер или Канер (Канэр), означает «жизненный».

Не стоит путать мусульманское имя Джан с европейским именем Jan, которое может читаться различными способами – Джан, Жан, Ян. На латинице это имя может также иметь различные варианты записи (Gian, Juan, Jean), но является аналогом имени Иван.

Мужчина по имени Джан очень домовитый и рачительный хозяин. Он изначально ищет себе такую жену, которая помогла бы ему поддерживать стабильность и спокойствие в своём доме. На неё он может целиком и полностью положиться, доверяет ей без оглядки. Но вот найти такую пассию ему, оказывается, не очень легко. Ведь помимо этого его суженая должна быть не только хозяйственна, но также красива и умна. Найдя такую, Джан сделает всё, чтобы она не пожалела о своём выборе. Этот мужчина будет очень заботливым, нежным, настоящим сильным мужчиной.

Для Джана материальное благополучие – один из самых важных факторов, ведь без этого гораздо труднее поддерживать семейный уют, такой важный для этого мужчины. Поэтому обладатель этого имени — отличный работник, терпеливый, трудолюбивый, он может сделать карьеру, так как видит в этом прямую связь с деньгами.
Этого мужчину привлекают технические специальности. Его педантичность и любовь к точности помогают освоить ему такие профессии как инженер, архитектор, программист. Джан также может стать врачом, учёным, журналистом. Работа в коллективе также ему по душе. Его привлекают спорт и творчество.

Джан всегда поможет, он внимателен к мелочам, старается не упускать важных деталей, что очень помогает ему поддерживать хорошие отношения со многими людьми. Он помнит о многом, чего большинство людей или же просто забывает, или же не замечает. Торопить его не стоит, так как у него собственный темп – это касается и работы, и образа жизни.

В детстве Джан проявляет независимость, ему трудно навязать что-либо. Принуждать и заставлять этого мальчика лучше не стоит, он больше обратит внимание на ласку и доброту. Послушание с его стороны возможно только в том случае, если он будет чувствовать, что его любят. Медлительность – одно из качеств Джана, но, зная эту особенность, можно добиться больших успехов в учебе, ведь он не будет запоминать материал «сырым», а полноценно разберётся с вопросом или же задачей.

Джан довольно амбициозен, может проявлять характер. Романтика – не конёк этого мужчины, он предпочитает прямолинейность. Его целеустремленность в выборе супруги может даже отпугнуть будущую жену, ведь его ухаживания не будут запоминающимися, а больше напоминать «работу по графику». Но выбрав этого мужчину, женщина не будет обижена вниманием и лаской, ведь в душе Джан довольно чувственный мужчина, стремящийся исключить внешнюю привлекательность ухаживаний, чтобы не поймать не ту птицу.

Именины Джана

Джан именины не празднует.

Известные люди с именем Джан

  • Джан Кургокина (Атажукина) ((ум.1777) в православии — княгиня Вера Дондукова; кабардинская княжна, была второй женой калмыцкого хана Дондука-Омбо (1735-1741). Боролась за власть в Калмыкии после смерти мужа. Известна в русских исторических документах как «ханша Джанет».)
  • Джанай (Жанай) Гирей ((XVI век) татарский царевич, правитель Касимовского ханства)
  • Жанибек-хан ((1428-1480) казахский хан, один из основателей Казахского ханства)
  • Жанибек Алимханулы ((род.1993) казахский боксёр-любитель, обладатель золота на Чемпионате мира 2013 года среди любителей)
  • Жанибек Даулетбек (казахский журналист)
  • Жанибек Исабеков (казахский артист цирка)
  • Канер Кавлан ((род.1992) голландско-турецкий футболист)

Совпало ли описание имени? Оставьте комментарий!

Обсуждение описания имени Джан

Salikhat살리하트 (гость)

Добавлено 18.07.2022 в 10:58

Может сына так назвать как думаете?

Илькай (гость)

Добавлено 04.11.2021 в 14:36

В Турции имя «Caner» всегда произносится как Джанер, и никогда не произносится как Канер (Канэр).

настя (гость)

Добавлено 17.07.2020 в 18:20

Ещё Джан встречается как сокращение имени Евгений.

Deryheva Sarerea (гость)

Добавлено 18.12.2019 в 09:52

Всё совпало! 👏

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Ближайшие именины

4 марта Адриан Богдан Евгений Ефрем Кристофер Люций Макар Максим Нестор Никита Фёдор Федот

5 марта Агат Агафон Адриан Василий Герасим Давид Денис Иван Игнат Ираида Корнелий Лев Лука Николай Оливия Савва Сергей Сидор Тихон Фёдор Эузебио

6 марта Александр Георгий Григорий Данил Захар Иван Константин Николь Ольга Остап Тимофей

7 марта Андрей Анфиса Варвара Виктор Владимир Вячеслав Германн Елизавета Иван Ирина Лиза Михаил Николай Регина Тереза Фёдор Филипп

8 марта Александр Алексей Демьян Иван Клим Кузьма Моисей Николай Сергей Султан Феликс Юлиан

Календарь именин

А «Coca-Cola» между тем не дремлет. Умеет все-таки эта компания заставить о себе говорить!

Если раньше они рвались в своих рекламных посланиях в дом каждой турецкой семьи (причем с учетом ее регионального местонахождения), то сейчас пошли еще дальше. Реклама должна быть адресной. Еще адресней! А что может быть более адресным, чем имя? И вот ушлая компания выпускает на рынок новую линейку продуктов – именные баночки. Многим, наверное, приятно, когда твое имя красуется рядом со знаменитым логотипом. Тем более, фирма душевно пишет на баночке: «Эта Кока-Кола – для тебя, Мехмет!» (или другое имя) «Bu Coca-Cola senin için MEHMET». Это рекламный слоган акции.
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Понятно, что сначала «Coca-Cola» дотошно выяснила популярность местных имен, чтобы бить адресно, но массово. Тем более сделать это совсем просто – такие данные ежегодно публикует Турецкий институт статистики (TurkStat).

В видеорекламе, например, фигурирует мужское имя Джан (Can), что означает «душа» (вместо «honey» турецкие парочки обращаются друг к другу «душа моя» — джаным/canım), и не совсем благозвучное для русского уха женское имя Аслы (Aslı). Его влюбленный парень выкладываете на песке из камней. Романтичнооо! :)

Проекту посвящена отдельная страничка на Фэйсбуке . В качестве заглавной картинки на ней одно время фигурировали две бутылки с именами Мустафа и Кемаль. Понятно, в чью сторону сделан реверанс. :)
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Есть имя нашей родственницы – жены двоюродного брата мужа – Фиген (Figen). Запоминала я его в свое время сложно. Методом ассоциаций. Сначала вспоминала слово «офигеть», потом – имя Фиген. :)
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На плакатах вдоль дороги увидела знакомое слово Бурак (Burak). Всегда улыбаюсь, если его слышу, потому что по-белорусски бурак – свекла. И мне смешно, когда какого-нибудь красивого солидного мужчину обзывают Свеклой. :)
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В этом именном ряду отдельно трогательно стоят баночки — «Мама» (Annem), «Папа» (Babam), «Брат/сестра» (Kardeşim), «Друг» (Dostum), «Любимый» (Aşkım), «Единственный» (Birtanem) и прочие «родственно-дружественные»:
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Про то, КАКИЕ имена турки дают своим детям, я уже как-то писала.
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Но обратимся к статистике. Перед вами – 20ка самых популярных в Турции мужских и женских имен за 2012 год, согласно данным TurkStat , основанным на регистрационной базе данных населения страны. Там вообще-то приводится сотня самых-самых имен, но я ограничусь двадцаткой.
Для сравнения рядом приведу данные самого первого года, который есть в этом исследовании, – 1950. Посмотрим, как изменились именные предпочтения у населения.

Итак, самые популярные МУЖСКИЕ имена в Турции:

1. Берат (Berat)
2. Юсуф (Yusuf)
3. Эмир (Emir)
4. Мустафа (Mustafa)
5. Мехмет (Mehmet)*

6. Ахмет (Ahmet)
7. Мухаммед (Muhammed)
8. Омер (Ömer)
9. Эмирхан (Emirhan)
10. Чинар (Çinar)
11. Энес (Enes)
12. Али (Ali)
13. Ибрагим (İbrahim)
14. Фуркан (Furkan)
15. Юнус Эмре (Yunus Emre)
16. Хюсейн (Hüseyin)
17. Керем (Kerem)
18. Мирач (Miraç)
19. Омер Фарук (Ömer Faruk)
20. Мухаммед Али
1. Мехмет (Mehmet)
2. Мустафа (Mustafa)
3. Ахмет (Ahmet)
4. Али (Ali)
5. Хюсейн (Hüseyin)
6. Хасан (Hasan)
7. Исмаил (İsmail)

8. Ибрагим (İbrahim)
9. Осман (Osman)
10. Халиль (Halil)

11. Юсуф (Yusuf)
12. Сулейман (Süleyman)
13. Омер (Ömer)
14. Рамазан (Ramazan)
15. Абдулла (Abdullah)
16. Кемаль (Kemal)
17. Яшар (Yaşar)
18. Махмуд (Mahmut)
19. Салих (Salih)
20. Реджеп (Recep)

*Мехмет – турецкая версия арабского Мухаммеда, переводится с арабского, как «достойный похвалы»

Что мы видим? 20-ка самых популярных мужских имен ныне обновилась больше, чем наполовину. Из нее вылетели 13 имен – я отметила их красным цветом. Хотя, принимая во внимание выход сериала «Великолепный век», думаю, количество Сулейманов в стране резко возрастет опять. :) Ну и, как вы заметили, присутствует парочка двойных имен – тоже тенденция.

Самые популярные ЖЕНСКИЕ имена в Турции:

1. Зейнеп (Zeynep)
2. Элиф (Elif)
3. Эджрин (Ecrin)
4. Яамур (Yağamur)
5. Азра (Azra)

6. Нисанур (Nisanur)
7. Зехра (Zehra)
8. Нехир (Nehir)
9. Эла (Ela)
10. Белинай (Belinay)
11. Хиранур (Hiranur)
12. Эйлюль (Eylül)
13. Мерьем (Meryem)
14. Мерве (Merve)
15. Сюмейе (Sümeyye)
16. Ирем (İrem)
17. Хатидже (Hatice)
18. Рабия (Rabia)
19. Элянур (Elanur)
20. Айше (Ayşe)
1. Фатма (Fatma)
2. Айше (Ayşe)
3. Эмине (Emine)
4. Хатидже (Hatice)
5. Зейнеп (Zeynep)
6. Шерифе (Şerife)
7. Султан (Sultan)

8. Мерьем (Meryem)
9. Ханифе (Hanife)
10. Фадиме (Fadime)
11. Севим (Sevim)
12. Джемиле (Cemile)
13. Хавва (Havva) *
14. Зелиха (Zeliha)
15. Хаджер (Hacer)

16. Элиф (Elif)
17. Хайрие (Hayrie)
18. Зехра (Zehra)
19. Кадрие (Kadriye)
20. Дондю (Döndü)

*привет дочке моей подруги Еве. Потому что Ева – по-турецки – Havva. :)

Из женских имен, популярных полвека назад, в первой двадцатке удержались только шесть: Айше, Хатидже, Зейнеп, Мерьем, Элиф и Зехра.
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Проект с именами чуть раньше (летом этого года) был уже опробован в 11 европейских странах. Не обошлось без скандальчика. По данным статистики, в Бельгии и Швеции в начале списка самых популярных имен значится Мухаммед. Но «Кока-Кола» сознательно решила его не использовать, дабы не провоцировать возможную неадекватную реакцию со стороны радикально настроенных мусульман. Кстати, в Турции баночку с этим именем я тоже не нашла.

Новая кампания «Кока-Колы» напоминает игру «найди свое имя/имя друга» на бутылочке. Я, например, искала-искала, имя мужа не нашла. Очень удивилась. :)
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Собственно, и виртуальную «игру» в Фэйсбуке они тоже запустили. На специальной страничке перед пользователями появляется красная баночка «Колы», на которой ты можешь написать свое имя, имя своих друзей, выбрать фон с видами Стамбула или Турции и – вуаля! Персонально для тебя и твоих друзей готова картинка, которой ты можешь потом поделиться со всеми заинтересованными и не очень лицами:
 photo Ahmet_zps2547e23f.png

В общем, как ни относись к самой продукции «Кока-Колы», но поучиться у нее мастерству промоушна и продаж можно точно.
 photo Bu-Coca-Cola-Senin-Icin_zps6d7fb148.jpg

А какие у вас любимые турецкие имена?

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A religious choice among our Turkish names for boys, Abdullah means “servant of God.”

Pronounced ab-dool-LA, Abdullah is the Turkish version of the Arabic name Abd Allah. Being a good servant of Allah is very important in Islam, which explains why Abdullah is so common among Muslims. A well-known bearer was the father of prophet Muhammud, Abdullah ibn Abd al-Muttalib.

Common, Religious


Adem is a biblical option within our Turkish male names, meaning “son of the red earth.”

Adem is the Turkish version of Adam, which comes from the Hebrew word “ adamah,” meaning “earth.” In the Old Testament, Adam and his wife, Eve, were made by God in the Garden of Eden, who formed them from the earth. Adem is common in Turkey and Bosnia, with bearers like pro soccer player Adem Buyuk and actor Adem Cejvan.

Biblical, Classic


Adlee is a Turkish male name meaning “just” or “fair.”

Another possible meaning is “he who God judges.” While Adlee is a masculine name in Turkey, its variation Adley from the U.S. is usually a girl’s name. So, Adlee may not be the best option if your son is Turkish American.



Ahmet is a Turkish boy’s name meaning “highly praised.”

The Turkish variation of the Arabic name Ahmad, Ahmet is derived from the verb “hameda,” meaning “to thank or to praise.”

In the Quran Surah 61:6, Jesus says that he is a messenger from Allah and that a messenger named Ahmad (or Ahmet) will come after him. Most believe that Ahmet is another name for the Prophet Muhammad.

Ahmad and Ahmet are common names throughout the Middle East. In the U.S., Ahmad first made the charts in the 1970s, ranking #624 in 2020. Ahmet, however, is still unknown, making it a unique alternative.

Religious, Common


Ali is an Arabic name meaning “lofty” or “elevated.”

Ali was the cousin and loyal companion of the Prophet Muhammud. After Muhammud’s death, he became the 4th caliph (AKA ruler) of the Islam Nation. Today, he is a significant religious figure in Shia and Sunni Islam. His name is prevalent all over the globe, especially in Turkey, ranked as the 11th most popular Turkish name for boys in 2020.

Religious, Common


Alpaslan is a Turkish boy name meaning “heroic lion.”

Alpaslan, also spelled Alparslan, is super trendy in Turkey, ranked as the 8th most popular name for boys. This courageous name has a sporty side, belonging to soccer players Eratli and Ozturk. So, it could be a terrific pick if you want your son to be as brave and athletic as a lion!



Altan is a Turkish name meaning “red dawn.”

Pronounced AHL-tahn, Altan is a common first and last name in Turkey. While it is thought to mean “red dawn,” it’s sometimes linked to the Turkic name Altin, meaning “golden.” Altan also means “golden” in Mongolian.

This striking name has received little usage outside of its home country. We think it has global potential, on par with trendy “an” names like Sebastian, Rowan, and Nolan.



Aras is a Kurdish, Persian, Turkish, and Urdu name meaning “equal” or “balanced.”

The name is derived from the Aras River, which flows through Turkey, Armenia, Iran, and Azerbaijan. In Armenia, the river is named after Arast, the great-grandson of Haik, the founder of the Armenian nation.

Aras is also an unrelated Lithuanian name derived from the Old High German “arn,” meaning “eagle.” Famous bearers are Azerbaijani-Russian billionaire Aras Agalarov and American TV personality and Survivor winner Aras Baskauskas.



Asaf is a Hebrew name meaning “gather” or “harvest.”

Although Asaf didn’t originate in Turkey, it’s very trendy in the country, with two-part names like Omer Asaf, Ali Asaf, and Emir Asaf in the top 60 Turkish names for boys in 2020. Plain-old Asaf is less popular, ranked #78 the same year.

The Arabic, Persian, and Urdu version is Asif. It was the name of Solomon’s vizier, or top advisor, admired for his wisdom and prudence in the Quran.



Aslan is a strong selection amid our Turkish male names, meaning “lion.”

Alternatively spelled Arsalan or Arslan, Aslan is a courageous name with royal associations. It was born by Aslan-Bey Sharvashidze, the short-lived prince of the Principality of Abkhazia, and Aslan Alp, the second Sultan of the Seljuk Empire.

Aslan received worldwide recognition after C.S. Lewis chose it for his Biblical lion character in the popular book series Chronicles of Narnia. Aslan could serve as a unique alternative for more popular similar-sounding names like Alan, Allan, or Arlan.

Unique, Strong


Ayaz is a Turkish male name meaning “frosty.”

An excellent option for a baby born in the wintertime, Ayaz is derived from the Proto-Turkic “anar,” meaning “clear,” “sky,” or “frost.” Ayaz Ata is the name of the Turkish “Frost Father,” who plays a similar role to Santa Claus. He and his sidekick Kar Kiz or “Snow Girl” bring presents to children at New Year.

Friendly, Cute


Aybars is a popular option among our Turkish male names, meaning “there is the moon.”

Pronounced eye-BARS, the exact origin of Aybars is unknown. It may have derived from “ay,” meaning “moon,” and the Proto-Turkic word “bar,” meaning “there exists.” While Aybars is rare in the States, it’s a hip choice in Turkey, ranked #41 in 2020.

Cool, Popular


Aziz is an Arabic and Hebrew name meaning “strong” or “powerful.”

It is a common first and last name in Semitic languages, such as Arabic, Hebrew, and Assyrian, as well as non-Semitic languages, like Turkish, Kurdish, Persian, and Urdu. In Ancient times, Aziz was the Palmyran Arab god of the morning star, often depicted riding a camel with his twin brother Arsu.

Famous Turkish namesakes include Nobel Prize-winning chemist Aziz Sancar and writer Aziz Nesin, who used the proceeds from his books to support children in need.



Balian is a Turkish boy’s name meaning “master, lord.”

Pronounced BA-li-an, Balian may be derived from the Turkish “bal,” meaning “master,” however, its exact origins are unknown. The earliest bearer was a 12th-century crusader of Jerusalem named Balian of Ibelin. An alternative spelling is Barisan.



Baran is a Turkish, Persian, and Kurdish name meaning “rain.”

It could be a perfect choice for a baby born on a rainy day! In Persian, Baran is typically a girl’s name, but it’s a boy’s name in Turkish and Kurdish. In Polish, Russian, Slovak, and Hungarian, Baran is a nickname meaning “ram,” often borne by forceful men or shepherds. A famous namesake is Baran bo Odar, a German filmmaker of Turkish origin who created the popular TV show Dark.



Baris means “peaceful” in Turkish.

This charming boy’s name is traditionally spelled with an s-cedilla, a letter used in many Turkic languages. Baris was prevalent in Turkey in the 70s and 80s, with bearers like film director Eyriboz, pro-basketball player Hersek, and former rock musician Akarsu. Baris still hasn’t lost its edge, ranked as the 83rd most popular boys’ name in Turkey in 2020.



Batuhan is a Turkish male name that’s fit for a warrior, meaning “strong ruler.”

Batuhan is derived from the Mongol ruler Batu Khan who founded the Golden Horde, a Mongolian territory encompassing areas in Russia, Central Asia, and Eastern Europe. In the Mongolian language, “batu” means “firm,” while in Turkish, “batu” means “prevailing” or “strong,” and “han” means “ruler.”

Powerful, Unique


Bayram is a Turkish name meaning “holiday.”

In Turkey, Bayram is a word for nationally celebrated holidays, such as Halloween (Cadilar Bayram) and Christmas (Noel Bayram). This festive word is also a name for guys, with bearers like Mughal military commander Muhammad Bairam Khan and Turkish Olympic boxer Bayram Sit.

Friendly, Cute


Berat is a Turkish male name with an unknown meaning.

It may have derived from the Turkish “berat,” meaning “letters patent.” However, its exact origins are unclear. Berat is commonly used by the Albanians and Turks. Prominent bearers include former Turkish Minister of Treasury and Finance, Berat Albayrak, and Finnish footballer Berat Sadik.



Bilal is an Arabic and Turkish name meaning “wetting” or “moistening.”

Pronounced bee-LAL, Bilal was the most trusted companion of the Islamic prophet Muhammad. He was one of the earliest converters to Islam, admired for his melodious voice, which permitted him to become the first Muezzin, or Muslim pray giver, in Islam history. This inspiring name received a high ranking of #95 in Turkey in 2020.

Religious, Common


Bugra is a Turkish name for boys meaning “male camel.”

Pronounced boo-RAH, Bugra is an excellent choice for animal lovers. It most likely means “male camel,” however, it’s sometimes translated as “double-humped camel” or “baby camel.” This cute name is trendy in Turkey, ranked #80 in 2020.

Natural, Cute


Bunyamin means “son of the right hand.”

A religious choice among our Turkish names for boys, Bunyamin is a variation of Benjamin, a Hebrew name meaning “son of the right hand.” In the Old Testament, Benjamin was the youngest son of Jacob, who founded the Israelite tribe of Benjamin.

Biblical, Strong


Burak is a hip choice among our Turkish boy names, meaning “lightning.”

It is derived from the Arabic Buraq, a creature in the Islamic tradition that transports prophets from place to place. A handsome bearer is Burak Ozcivit, a Turkish model and actor best known for his role in the hit drama series Kara Sevda or Endless Love. This striking name was ranked 40th in Turkey in 2020, so it’s very on-trend.

Mythological, Cool


Can is a Turkish and Azerbaijani male name meaning “spirit, life, or heart.”

In Turkey, Can is pronounced similar to the English name John. The Turkish and Azerbaijani versions of the name are derived from the Persian word “jan,” meaning “soul.” The Circassians, however, use Can as a nickname for Janberk, alternatively spelled Canberk, meaning “strong warrior.”

Cool, Unique


Cavit is a Turkish male name meaning “immortal.”

Alternatively spelled Javit, Cavit is derived from the Persian name Javid, meaning “long-lasting” or “eternal.” Famous Cavit’s include Ottoman military officer Erdel and Turkish Olympic cyclist Cav.



Cem is a Turkish name for boys meaning “twin.”

It is the Turkish version of the Persian name Jam, a shortened form of Jamshed or Jamshid. Cem could be an attractive option if you have two babies growing in your belly or if your newborn son looks so much like you or your spouse, he could be your twin! A notable bearer is 15th-century Prince Cem, who unsuccessfully competed with his brother, Prince Bayezid, to become Sultan of the Ottoman Empire.



Cemil is a Turkish name for boys meaning “handsome.”

Cemil is an adorable name with a sweet meaning, making it a high-ranking choice on our list! It’s the Turkish version of the Arabic name Jamil. There’s also a Gamil variation in Egypt and Djemil in North Africa. If you’re pregnant with boy-girl twins, try pairing Cemil with its feminine equivalent Cemile for an adorable match-up!

Cool, Cute


Cetin is a Turkish name for males meaning “hard, rough.”

Cetin is an old-school name in Turkey, where it hasn’t made the charts since the early 1980s. Most famous bearers were born in the 30s and 40s, including Turkish popstar Cetin Alp and director Cetin Inanc, best known for his low-budget space film Dunyayi Kurtaran Adam, dubbed the “Turkish Star Wars.”



Cinar means “plane tree” in Turkish.

Cinar, pronounced chih-NAHR, is very popular in Turkey, ranked #19 in 2020. Traditionally it’s spelled with the Turkish dotless “i.”

Cinar is derived from the Persian word “chenar,” meaning “plane tree.” In Turkish culture, plane trees symbolize greatness and power and would be planted in their conquered territories to signify their sovereignty.



Davut is a Turkish name for boys meaning “beloved friend.”

Davut is the Turkish version of the Hebrew name David. David is a prominent biblical figure who started as a lowly shepherd before eventually slaying the Philistine giant Goliath and becoming the king of Israel. Other forms of this name include the Arabic Daud and the Persian Davud and Davoud.

Biblical, Classic


Deniz is a Turkish name meaning “sea.”

A perfect pick for ocean lovers, Deniz is likely derived from the Mongolian name Chinggis, meaning “a flat surface stretching to the horizon.” In Turkish, the “ch” was converted to a “t,” producing Tengiz, the origin for Deniz. This modern name is often erroneously linked with the German Dennis, despite having different roots. Deniz was a high-ranking pick in Turkey in 2020, ranked 31st out of 100 names.

Modern, Natural


Dervis is a Turkish and Bosnian name meaning “beggar.”

It is a variation of the Arabic Darwis and the English Dervish. The name was first used in the 12th-century to refer to Muslim Sufi- known as holy men who vowed to live in poverty. Dervish’s were also known for their wild ritual dances, which is where we get the idiom “whirling dervish.” Currently, Dervis isn’t ranked in Turkey or the U.S., making it a rare choice across the board.

Religious, Unique


Devrim is a Turkish name for boys meaning “revolution.”

Pronounced deh-vrim, Devrim is an uncommon first name for Turkish boys. This may be because it was the title of the first automobile designed and produced in Turkey. So, it would be like an American naming their son after a Dodge Durango or Ford Ranger! Still, Devrim’s cool sound and powerful meaning give it great name potential. In the U.S., it could be a fresh alternative for timeworn Devin.

Cool, Modern


Doruk means “peak” or “mountaintop” in Turkish.

Pronounced DAW-ruk, Doruk first hit the Turkish charts in 2009, steadily climbing in popularity until 2018 and ranking #43 in Turkey in 2020. Outside of its home country, Doruk hasn’t received much notice. It could be an excellent choice for nature lovers or an unconventional alternative for Derek.

Modern, Cool


Efe is an adorable option among our Turkish male names, meaning “older brother.”

An excellent name for an older sibling, Efe, pronounced EH-fee, is a trendy choice in Turkey. Its popularity increased by 20 points from 2019 to 2020, moving from 78th to 58th in just one year. We expect its popularity will continue to rise in years to come!

Efe is also a variation of the Nigerian name Efetobore meaning “achieving wealth,” and a shortened form of the Greek Euphemia, meaning “well-spoken.”

Cute, Modern


A powerful choice within our Turkish male names, Egemen means “the dominant one.”

Egemen is a surname and given name in Turkey, borrowed from the Greek word “igemonas,” meaning “sovereign” or “prince.” Egemen could be the perfect name for a leader in the making. Influential Egemen’s for your son to look up to include former Ambassador of Turkey Bagis, world-renowned fitness expert Ertugrul, and MVP basketball player Guven.



Emin is a Turkish, Bosnian, and Azerbaijani name meaning “devoted” or “honest.”

It is a variation of the Arabic name Amin, alternatively spelled Amine, Ameen, or Amien.

An Emin was a Turkish officer in the Ottoman Empire who managed revenue and collected duties on goods exported by foreigners. Emin is a common name in Turkey with several prominent namesakes, including American-Albanian fashion photographer Emin Kadi and NATO official Emin Cihangir Aksit.

Common, Cute


Emirhan is a Turkish name for boys meaning “princely ruler.”

Pronounced eh-meer-HAN, Emirhan is a sophisticated name derived from “amir,” meaning “prince” and “han,” meaning “ruler” or “khan.” In 2020, it was ranked the 35th most popular boy’s name in Turkey. Emirhan could be an apt choice for your little prince (as long as the power doesn’t go to his head).



Emre is a Turkish boy’s name meaning “friend.”

This charming name is pronounced just as it’s spelled, making it an unconventional alternative for similar Emery or Emory. Famous bearers include chess grandmaster Emre Can and award-winning film director Emre Sahin. Emre’s adorable meaning and pleasant sound give it the potential to expand well beyond Turkey’s borders.

Cute, Popular


Enes is a Turkish, Bosnian, and Arabic boy’s name with two possible meanings: “human” or “close friend.”

Enes may derive from the Turkish word “insan,” meaning “human being,” which in turn comes from “nasiya,” meaning “to forget.” Essentially, “insan” is a symbolic word referring to how humans often lose their way in life but can always find their way back if they recognize their mistakes.

Enes is also the Turkish and Bosnian version of the Arabic name Anis, meaning “genial” or “close friend.” An alternative spelling is Enis.



A charming selection among our Turkish male names, Ensar means “helper.”

A perfect name for a little boy who is always willing to lend a helping hand, Ensar is the Turkish version of the Arabic name Ansar. Ensar was initially a term for the inhabitants of Medina who allowed Muhammad and his followers to live in their homes after they emigrated from Mecca.

Modern-day bearers include Kurdish-German rapper Ensar Albayrak, better known as Eno, and Bosnian soccer player Ensar Arifovic.

Religious, Friendly


Enver is a Turkish, Albanian, Bosnian, and Crimean Tatar name meaning “luminous.”

Enver is a variation of the Arabic name Anwar, which is how it’s pronounced, used as both a first and last name. Famous bearers include Turkish actress Asli Enver, Turkish doctor and professor Enver Duran, and Tatar writer Enver Galim, best known for translating the Bible into the Tatar language.

Cool, Sophisticated


Erdem is a popular choice among our Turkish names for boys, meaning “virtue, merit or knowledge.”

Pronounced aer-dem, Erdem first came about during the high middle ages in the 11th-century. This ancient name has many modern bearers, including fashion-designer Erdem Moralioglu and Turkish film music composer Erdem Helvacioglu. As of 2020, it was the 84th most popular name for boys in Turkey, making it an on-trend selection for your little man!



A holy choice among our Turkish names for boys, Eren means “saint.”

Currently ranked in the top 50 Turkish names for boys, Eren is a cool name with worldwide potential. It’s already received some notice in England and Wales ranked among the top 1000 boy names in 2020. In the U.S., Eren is still undiscovered, making it the perfect alternative for similar-sounding Aaron, Aron, and Erin.

Cute, Ancient


Erhan means “manly leader” in Turkish.

It is derived from “er” meaning “man” and “han,” which comes from the title khan, meaning “ruler” or “leader.” Erhan was a top 50 choice in Turkey throughout the 1980s. However, its popularity plummeted in the 90s and hasn’t made its way back since. Still, Erhan is strong and refined, making it a fantastic choice for your little leader in the making!



Ertugrul is a mythical pick within our Turkish boy names, meaning “ brave man” and “ bird of prey.”

The name is composed of “er,” meaning “brave man” and “tuğrul,” a reference to a mythological falcon or eagle that serves as a protector spirit in old myths. The “ğ” is silent in Turkish, so it’s pronounced as er-tu-rel. The most notable bearer was the father of Osman I, the founder of the Ottoman Empire.



Esin is a Turkish name with two possible meanings: “inspiration” or “morning breeze.”

It is derived from the Turkish root word “es,” which means “to blow” or “to come into one’s mind.” Esin is also a Yoruba word (spoken primarily in Benin and Nigeria), meaning “religion,” often referring to Islam. This short and sweet name is given to both boys and girls, so it could be a great choice if you’re searching for something gender-neutral.

Cute, Friendly


Eyman is a popular choice among our Turkish boy names meaning “righteous.”

Eymen is derived from the Arabic root word for “right,” meaning “righteous,” “right-handed,” or “blessed one.” While Eyman is the most common spelling in Turkey, Aiman, Aimen, and Aymen are more prevalent in Arabic-speaking countries. This charming name is very trendy among the Turks, ranked #3 in 2020.



Faruk is an Arabic and Turkish name meaning “the discriminator.”

Faruk, also spelled Farouk, Faruqi, Farook, Farooq, or Farouq, is the Turkish version of the Arabic Faruq. It is derived from Al-Farooq, a title given to those who discriminate between good and evil. Muhammad gave this title to Umar ibn al-Khattab, an initial opponent of Islam who converted after reading the Quran. Al-Farooq became one of Muhammud’s most loyal companions, carrying on the faith even after the prophet’s death.



Fatih is a Turkish name for males meaning “conqueror.”

Pronounced FAT-hee, Fatih is derived from the Arabic name Fathi, a title given to Mehmed II, an Ottoman sultan known for his intelligence and decisive military leadership. Fatih’s unusual spelling and pronunciation may prevent it from making a mark in English-speaking countries. Fatih is a major player in Turkey and Bosnia, ranked in both countries’ top 100.

Strong, Common


Ferman is a Turkish and German name meaning “edict” or “ferryman.”

In Turkey, Ferman is a first name derived from the Turkish word for “edict,” an announcement of a law, also borrowed from the Persian names Farmaan or Fermann. In Germany, Ferman is a variation of the surname Fehrmann, meaning “ferryman.”

Across the pond in the U.S., Ferman is almost exclusively a last name. As surnames are becoming more popular as first names, such as Graham, Sawyer, and Hudson making the top 200 in 2020, Ferman could easily join in the trend.

Worldly, Unique


Feyzi is a Turkish name meaning “graceful.”

A fantastic choice for your refined little gentlemen in the making, Feyzi is derived from the Persian word “fayz,” meaning “grace.” It’s relatively uncommon, with only a few notable bearers, including Ottoman Empire general Feyzi Menguc and Turkish ice hockey player Feyzi Ahsen Bore.



Furkan is a Turkish male name meaning “criterion” or “evidence.”

Pronounced foor-KAN, Furkan is the Turkish version of the Arabic Furqan. Al-Furqan, or “The Criterion,” is the name of the 25th chapter in the Quran. It references how the Quran is the “criteria” for knowing right and wrong. This virtuous name is a top pick in Turkey, ranked #36 in 2020.



Galip is a Turkish masculine name meaning “to defeat” or “victor.”

Pronounced GHA-leeb, Galip is the Turkish spelling of the Arabic name Ghalib. A natural association is with the Galip nut, a type of tree native to Oceania. It has large leaves and fruit, used as a source for food, timber, and shade.



Hakan is a regal option among our Turkish male names, meaning “ruler” or “king of kings.”

It’s a variation of the old Turkish and Mongolian Khagan, a title used for an emperor. In other parts of the world, the alternative spellings Khakan and Khaqan are also used. Hakan was a popular selection in Turkey during the 60s, 70s, and 80s, with namesakes like former Olympic swimmer Hakan Kiper and Turkish pop singer Hakan Peker. Hakan is also a common name in Sweden, derived from the Old Norse Hakon, meaning “high son.”



Halil is a charming choice among our Turkish male names, meaning “friend.”

Pronounced hah-LEEL, Halil is the Turkish form of the Arabic name Khalil and its variant Khaleel, meaning “friend.” It was ranked as the 82nd most popular name for Turkish boys in 2020, followed closely by Halil Ibrahim, meaning “friend of Abraham,” ranked 87th. Halil belongs to some well-known people, including Ottoman Empire Army colonel Sami Bey, Turkish historian Berktay, and Olympic wrestler Kaya.

Friendly, Cute


Hamza is an Arabic name meaning “lion,” “strong,” or “steadfast.”

Although Hamza doesn’t have Turkish roots, it ranked a high of #9 in Turkey in 2020. A legendary Hamza was one of Prophet Muhammad’s uncles. He was a talented wrestler, archer, and warrior admired for his courage in battle. Common variations include Humza, Hamzah, Hamzeh, and Hamsah.



Hasim is a Turkish name for boys meaning “crusher” or “breaker.”

Pronounced HA-seem, Hasim is the Turkish form of the Arabic name Hashim. This was the nickname for Prophet Muhammad’s great grandfather, known for breaking bread and crumbling it in broth, then giving it to the pilgrims in Mecca. Other spellings include Hachem, Hashem, and Hasyim.

Religious, Common


Ihsan is an Arabic and Turkish name meaning “perfection” or “excellence.”

Ihsan is derived from the Arabic “husn,” meaning “beauty.” In Islam, Ihsan describes how Muslims should always strive to achieve excellence in everything they do as if Allah was standing right in front of them. Ihsan and its alternative Ehsan are also used in Persian, Urdu, and Kurdish.

Religious, Unique


Ismail is an Arabic name meaning “heard by God.”

In the Bible, Ismail was the firstborn son of Abraham and his wife Sarah’s maidservant, Hagar. Ismail is a crucial figure to Muslims, recognized as the founder of several Arab tribes and an ancestor of the Prophet Muhammud.

This biblical name is a popular choice for boys in Turkey, ranked #47 in 2020. The Hebrew Ishmael is more common in the U.S.

Religious, Strong


Kaan is a Turkish name meaning “ruler” or “king of kings.”

A powerful choice among our Turkish male names, Kann, like Hakan, is derived from Khagan, an old Turkic and Mongolian title for an emperor. This regal baby name is popular in Western Asia, especially in Turkey and Cyprus. Well-known bearers include Turkish rockstar Kann Tangoze and pro soccer player Kann Ayhan.



Kadir is a Turkish name meaning “powerful” or “almighty.”

Pronounced KA-deer, Kadir is the Turkish form of Qadir, one of 99 names for Allah in Islam. Alternative spellings include Ghader, Kader, Qader, or Quadir.

Sophisticated, Religious


Kahraman is a Turkish boy’s name meaning “hero” or “amber.”

Pronounced kah-rah-mahn, Kahraman is borrowed from the Persian “qahraman,” meaning “hero,” and is primarily used as a last name. It’s also the Turkish rendering of an Arabic word meaning “amber.” The only notable first-name bearer is businessman Kahraman Sadikoglu, one of the richest men in Turkey.



Kemal is a Turkish name for men meaning “perfection” or “fullness.”

It is the Turkish equivalent of the Arabic name Kamal. Kemal’s meaning is more profound than meets the eye, representing someone with perfect morals and ethics. It’s sometimes used as a diminutive of the longer name Kamal ad-Din, meaning “perfection of the religion.” Kemal is also a Sanskrit name from Pakistan, meaning “lotus” or “pale red.”



Kerem is a Turkish name for men meaning “noble,” “generous,” or “vineyard.”

Pronounced ka-REEM, Kerem is the Turkish variation of the Arabic name Karim. It is one of 99 titles for Allah, used twice in the Quran. The phonetic spelling Kareem first made the U.S. charts in 1972 when basketball star Kareem Abdul-Jabbar was making waves. It’s been popular ever since, ranked #638 in 2020.

Popular, Cool


Kuzey is a Turkish name for males meaning “north.”

Pronounced KOO-zay, Kuzey is very hot in Turkey, ranked #25 in 2020. Kuzey Guney is a popular Turkish TV show starring actor Kivanc Tatlitug. He plays a rebellious son of an Istanbul baker released from prison after serving four years for his brother’s crime. In the U.S., Kuzey could be an exotic alternative to the 90s favorites, Casey and Cody.



Levent is a Turkish name for boys derived from Levend.

In the Ottoman Empire, levends were hired soldiers, not a part of official military organizations. This warrior-related term is now used as a name for males, referring to someone who is “handsome,” “tall,” or “roguish” in modern Turkey. Prominent bearers include Turkish comedian and actor Levent Kirca and musician Levent Coker.

Old-fashioned, Strong


Mahir is an Arabic and Turkish name for boys meaning “skillful” or “talented.”

Pronounced maa-her, Mahir is a common choice in Turkey, placed 76th in 2020. It is traditionally spelled with a dotted “i,” a distinctive letter in the Turkish alphabet. A prominent bearer is Egyptian theater director, playwright, and cartoonist Maher Sabry.



Mehmet is a popular choice among our Turkish boy names, meaning “praise.”

Mehmet is the most common variation of the Arabic name Muhammud, the prophet of Islam. Mehmet was the 13th most popular name for Turkish boys in 2020, ranked just above Muhammed Ali and Muhammed, placed 14th and 15th, respectively. Mehmet is also popular in territories previously ruled by the Ottoman Empire, including Albania, Bosnia, and Kosovo.

Religious, Popular


A macho choice among our Turkish names for boys, Mert means “manly” or “brave.”

It’s derived from the Persian “mard,” meaning “man.” Mert is pretty trendy in Turkey, ranked #27 in 2020. However, its similarity to old-fashioned name Bert may prevent it from flourishing in the States. Turkish bearers are plentiful, including fashion photographer Mert Alas, award-winning model Mert Ocal, and electronic music producer Mert Yucel.



Mete is a Turkish name for men meaning “hero.”

The Turkish version of the Middle Chinese name Modu, is derived from the old Turkic “bagatur” meaning “hero” or “warrior.” The initial bearer was Modu Chanyu, the 3rd-century founder of the Xiongnu Empire in Mongolia. The longer Metehan, meaning “hero ruler,” is favored in Turkey, ranked #21 compared to Mete’s #96.



Mirac is a Turkish male name meaning “ascent.”

Pronounced meer-uch, Mirac is a variation of the Arabic Miraj. It’s the second most popular boy’s name in Turkey, just behind Yusef.

Mirac, also called the Al-Mi’raj, refers to Muhammud’s ascension into heaven. During the Mirac, Muhammud’s heart was purified by archangels while sleeping, then carried by a mythical winged creature called a Buraq to Jerusalem before ascending to heaven on a staircase.

Powerful, Religious


Miran is a Turkish and Kurdish name meaning “prince.”

It’s derived from the Kurdish word “mirza,” meaning “prince,” which is the name of a powerful Kurdish tribe that dominated the other confederations after the fall of the Cizre Botan. Miran is also a Slovene name derived from “miru,” meaning “peace” or “world.” This regal name is a big hit in Turkey, placed 20th in 2020.



Murat is a Turkish name for boys meaning “wished-for.”

Is your son a wish come true? Then, you should consider naming him Murat! Murat is the Turkish form of the Arabic name Murad. Both spellings of the name are common throughout the Middle East and Asia, especially in Turkey, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bengal, and Iran.



Musa is a Turkish, Arabic, and Persian name meaning “to draw out (of water).”

Pronounced MOO-sa, Musa is a variation of the Hebrew name Moses. Moses is a significant figure in the Bible and Torah who led the Israelites out of Egypt and across the Red Sea. This biblical name is prevalent in Turkey, ranked #90 in 2020.



Mustafa is a religious choice among our Turkish male names, meaning “the chosen one.”

Another title for the Prophet Muhammud, Mustafa is a common baby name throughout the Muslim world. A regal bearer was Mustafa I, otherwise known as Mustafa the Saint or Mustafa the Mad. He was the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire from 1617 to 1618 and again from 1622 to 1623. Alternative spellings include Mostafa, Mostapha, Moustafa, Moustapha, and Mustafi.


Omer Asaf

Omer Asaf is a Turkish boy’s name meaning “flourishing collector.”

Pronounced as oh-mer ah-sahf, Omer Asaf is rated higher than its constituents, ranked #4 for Turkish boys in 2020. Omer is a close second, placing 5th, while Asaf has a lot of catching up to do, placing 78th the same year. Double barrel names haven’t caught on in the U.S., so Omer Asaf will likely remain on the backburner.



Orhan is a mighty selection within our Turkish names for boys, meaning “great leader.”

Orhan is pronounced the way it’s spelled. This attractive boy’s name has powerful bearers, including the longest-reigning sultan of the Ottoman Empire, Orhan Ghazi. Modern-day Orhan’s are just as impressive, including Nobel Prize winner and Turkish novelist Orhan Pamuk and Turkish-American theoretical physicist Asim Orhan Barut. An alternative spelling includes Orkhan.

Cool, Strong


Osman is a Turkish, Kurdish, Egyptian, African, Pakistani, Bosnian, and Albanian name meaning “wise” or “intuitive.”

Also spelled Usman, Osman is another form of the male Arabic name Uthman. Osman is also an English surname that arose during the Norman Conquest of 1066. It’s derived from the Old-English Osmaer, with “oss” meaning “God” and “maer” meaning “fame,” altogether “God-fame.”

This worldly name is ranked #51 in Turkey but has never made the charts in the States. If your son is Turkish-American, Osman could be a fresh alternative for similar-sounding Damian, Desmond, and Truman.

Strong, Worldly


Ozan is a Turkish male name meaning “poet-singer.”

An excellent choice for a performer in the making, Ozan has a lot of star potential, with famous bearers like composer Colakoglu, actor Guven, and critically-acclaimed pianist Marsh. It’s charming yet exotic, making it the perfect 21st-century pick.

Cool, Sophisticated


A bold choice among our Turkish boy names, Ozgur means “independent.”

Ozgur could be a great name to encourage your son to think outside the box! It is derived from the word Ozgurluk, a philosophical term describing a state of thinking or acting independently of external influences. It’s traditionally written with umlauts over the “o” and “u,” but can be anglicized as Ozgur.



Poyraz is a Turkish name for men meaning “northeasterly wind.”

It’s derived from the Greek “boreas,” meaning “north” or “north wind.” Poyraz is a first and last name as well as the title of a small town in Elazig Province, Turkey. This nature-inspired choice is quite popular among the Turks, rated #31 in 2020. A fictional television series namesake is Poyraz Karayel, an ex-cop who goes undercover to unearth Istanbul’s most prominent mafia organization.

Natural, Cool


Ramazan is a Turkish, Azerbaijani, Avar, Kazakh, and Circassian name.

It’s a variation of the Arabic Ramadan, the 9th month of the Islamic calendar. During Ramadan, Muslims fast for 30 days and devote themselves to salat (prayer) and recitations of the Quran.

Ramazan was a top 20 name in Turkey from the 1980s through the early 2000s. However, its popularity has slowly declined, ranked 86th in 2020. Nonetheless, Ramazan could still be a meaningful selection, especially for practicing Muslims.



Salih is an Arabic name for men meaning “pious.”

Pronounced SA-leeh, Salih, and its alternative Saleh are common in Turkey, ranked #89 in 2020. Salih is also prevalent in Bosnia, derived from the surname Salihovic, meaning “son of Salih.” In the Quran, Salih was an ancient prophet who prophesied to the tribe of Thamud before Prophet Muhammad.



Selim is the Turkish form of the Arabic Salim, meaning “secure” or “healthy.”

This pleasant-sounding name belonged to Selim I, an Ottoman sultan from 1512 to 1520 who extended the empire to Syria, Egypt, and the Hejaz. Alternative spellings are Saleem and Salem, not to be confused with the Jewish Salem meaning “peace.” Double-barrelled Yavuz Selim is favored in Turkey, ranked #45 compared to Selim’s #67.



Suleyman is a biblical choice among our Turkish boy names, meaning “man of peace.”

Pronounced suy-lay-MAN, Suleyman is the Turkish form of the Hebrew Solomon, derived from “shalom,” meaning “peace.” In the Old Testament, Solomon was the son of David, revered for his wealth and wisdom. Solomon is also important in Islam, recognized as a prophet of God who could speak to animals and mythical creatures called jinn. Suleyman is relatively common in Turkey, ranked #93 in 2020.

Strong, Biblical


Talha is an Arabic and Turkish masculine name meaning “fruit tree.”

Talha, also spelled Talhah, is prominent throughout the Muslim world, ranked as the 68th most popular baby name for Turkish boys in 2020. It was the name of one of Prophet Muhammad’s most loyal companions, revered for saving the prophet from an arrow by putting his hand in its path.



Taner is a Turkish name for males meaning “born at dawn.”

Pronounced tan-aer, Taner is currently not ranked in Turkey’s top 100. In the U.S., it could be a more elegant alternative to the English name Tanner, meaning “leather worker.” Famous Taner’s are not hard to find, including Turkish-German historian Altug Taner Akcam and Turkish actor and singer Taner Olmez.

Cool, Unique


Timur is a Turkish male name meaning “iron.”

Timur is a Turkic and Mongolic name derived from the Proto-Turkic “temur,” meaning “iron.” In Turkey, the modern word for iron is now “demir.” In Indonesia, Timur means “east” and symbolizes the hope of the rising sun. Alternative spellings include Temur, Temir, or Tomor.



Umut is a Turkish name meaning “hope.”

Pronounced AH-miyt, Umut is derived from the Persian Omid, meaning “hope” or “virtue.” Umut was the name of an award-winning 1970 Turkish drama about a cab driver who traveled into the desert to search for a legendary lost treasure. Umut’s been a hit in Turkey ever since ranked #28 in 2020. However, its unusual spelling and pronunciation will likely prevent it and its alternatives, Umit and Umid, from breaking into the U.S. top 1000 anytime soon.



Uras is a Turkish name meaning “master” or “craftsmen.”

Uras is pretty new in Turkey, making the top 100 for the first time in 2020. While the exact origins are unclear, it’s likely derived from the Proto-Turkic “ur,” meaning “master of one’s craft.” Uras is also an ancient Sumerian name for the goddess of the earth.



Yagiz is an attractive choice for a baby with brown hair, meaning “chestnut-colored” in Turkish.

Prominent bearers include pro basketball player Yagiz Kaba, soccer midfielder Yagiz Goktug Tasbulak, and TV actor Yagiz Can Konyali, known for his role in Bizim Hikaye (the Turkish adaptation of Shameless). Yagiz first hit the scene in Turkey in 2008 and has been on the rise ever since, ranked #39 in 2020.



Yakup is a Turkish name for men meaning “to follow.”

Yakup is the Turkish form of Jacob, a Hebrew name meaning “to be behind” or “to supplant.” In the Bible, Jacob is a Hebrew patriarch and the grandson of Abraham. Yakup Abad is also a minor character in the Dune book series. This biblical name is currently ranked 55th for baby boys in Turkey. Jacob is more prevalent in the States, placed 15th in 2020.

Biblical, Classic


Yamac is an outdoorsy name meaning “mountainside” in Turkish.

It’s traditionally written with acedilla under the “ç” but can be anglicized as Yamac. The most notable bearer is the fictional TV character Yamac Kocovali from the Turkish TV show Cukur. Yamac is also the name of a mountain village in the Soke district of Turkey, located 5100 feet above sea level.



Yaman is a Turkish male name meaning “intelligent” or “efficient.”

Yaman is used as a surname and first name, with namesakes like Turkish actor Yaman Okay and football coach Fuat Yaman. It’s a top 100 pick in Turkey, ranked #71 in 2020.



Yasin is an Arabic and Turkish name.

Pronounced ya-SEEN, Yasin is traditionally written with the Turkish dotted “i.” This unisex name has many variations, including Yassin, Yaseni, Yassine, Yaseen, or Jasin, so pick whichever strikes your fancy! It’s derived from the 36th chapter of the Quran called the surah Ya-Sin. Yasin is also a byname for the Prophet Muhammud.



Yigit is a courageous choice among our Turkish baby names, meaning “a person of exceptional bravery and strength.”

Pronounced yee-it, Yigit is a cool name with a cooler meaning. The Turkish seem to agree, ranking Yigit as the 24th most popular boy’s name in 2020. It’s used as a first and last name, with brave bearers like Ottoman military officer Pasha Yigit Bey and former commander of the Turkish navy Esref Ugur Yigit.


Yunus Emre

Yunus Emre is a Turkish boy’s name meaning “friendly dove.”

Yunus Emre references an influential 13th and 14th-century Turkish poet. He significantly impacted Turkish culture as one of the first poets to write in the native language instead of Arabic or Persian. Today, many parents in Turkey name their sons Yunus Emre in honor of this influential figure. In 2020, it was the 22nd most popular name in the country.



A popular selection among our Turkish boy names, Yusuf means “God increases.”

It’s the Arabic, Urdu, Aramaic, Turkish, and Persian equivalent of the Hebrew Yosef and English Joseph. In the Middle East, Yusuf is used by Muslims, Jews, and Christians, making it a popular pick across the board. In Turkey, it’s been the #1 pick since 2005. We predict this classic name will continue to top the charts for years to come!

Popular, Religious


An attractive choice among our Turkish names for boys, Zeki means “clever, intelligent.”

Zeki is derived from the Arabic “dhakiy,” meaning “sharp mind.” It’s almost exclusively used in Turkey, with bearers like film director Zeki Demirkubuz and classical composer Zeki Muren. Other “z” names like Zion, Zane, and Zeke are super hot in the U.S., making Zeki a total shoo-in.


Turkish Name FAQs

What are Common Turkish Names?

The most common Turkish male name is Mehmet, with approximately 2,737,031 bearers in 2020. Other regularly used names are Ahmet, Ali, Mustafa, and Huseyin.

What is the Most Popular Male Name In Turkey?

The most popular Turkish names for boys in 2020 were Yusuf, Mirac, and Eymen, ranked 1, 2, and 3. Other trendy selections were Omer Asaf, Kerem, Alparslan, Mustafa, Hamza, and Ali Asaf.

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A religious choice among our Turkish names for boys, Abdullah means “servant of God.”

Pronounced ab-dool-LA, Abdullah is the Turkish version of the Arabic name Abd Allah. Being a good servant of Allah is very important in Islam, which explains why Abdullah is so common among Muslims. A well-known bearer was the father of prophet Muhammud, Abdullah ibn Abd al-Muttalib.

Common, Religious


Adem is a biblical option within our Turkish male names, meaning “son of the red earth.”

Adem is the Turkish version of Adam, which comes from the Hebrew word “ adamah,” meaning “earth.” In the Old Testament, Adam and his wife, Eve, were made by God in the Garden of Eden, who formed them from the earth. Adem is common in Turkey and Bosnia, with bearers like pro soccer player Adem Buyuk and actor Adem Cejvan.

Biblical, Classic


Adlee is a Turkish male name meaning “just” or “fair.”

Another possible meaning is “he who God judges.” While Adlee is a masculine name in Turkey, its variation Adley from the U.S. is usually a girl’s name. So, Adlee may not be the best option if your son is Turkish American.



Ahmet is a Turkish boy’s name meaning “highly praised.”

The Turkish variation of the Arabic name Ahmad, Ahmet is derived from the verb “hameda,” meaning “to thank or to praise.”

In the Quran Surah 61:6, Jesus says that he is a messenger from Allah and that a messenger named Ahmad (or Ahmet) will come after him. Most believe that Ahmet is another name for the Prophet Muhammad.

Ahmad and Ahmet are common names throughout the Middle East. In the U.S., Ahmad first made the charts in the 1970s, ranking #624 in 2020. Ahmet, however, is still unknown, making it a unique alternative.

Religious, Common


Ali is an Arabic name meaning “lofty” or “elevated.”

Ali was the cousin and loyal companion of the Prophet Muhammud. After Muhammud’s death, he became the 4th caliph (AKA ruler) of the Islam Nation. Today, he is a significant religious figure in Shia and Sunni Islam. His name is prevalent all over the globe, especially in Turkey, ranked as the 11th most popular Turkish name for boys in 2020.

Religious, Common


Alpaslan is a Turkish boy name meaning “heroic lion.”

Alpaslan, also spelled Alparslan, is super trendy in Turkey, ranked as the 8th most popular name for boys. This courageous name has a sporty side, belonging to soccer players Eratli and Ozturk. So, it could be a terrific pick if you want your son to be as brave and athletic as a lion!



Altan is a Turkish name meaning “red dawn.”

Pronounced AHL-tahn, Altan is a common first and last name in Turkey. While it is thought to mean “red dawn,” it’s sometimes linked to the Turkic name Altin, meaning “golden.” Altan also means “golden” in Mongolian.

This striking name has received little usage outside of its home country. We think it has global potential, on par with trendy “an” names like Sebastian, Rowan, and Nolan.



Aras is a Kurdish, Persian, Turkish, and Urdu name meaning “equal” or “balanced.”

The name is derived from the Aras River, which flows through Turkey, Armenia, Iran, and Azerbaijan. In Armenia, the river is named after Arast, the great-grandson of Haik, the founder of the Armenian nation.

Aras is also an unrelated Lithuanian name derived from the Old High German “arn,” meaning “eagle.” Famous bearers are Azerbaijani-Russian billionaire Aras Agalarov and American TV personality and Survivor winner Aras Baskauskas.



Asaf is a Hebrew name meaning “gather” or “harvest.”

Although Asaf didn’t originate in Turkey, it’s very trendy in the country, with two-part names like Omer Asaf, Ali Asaf, and Emir Asaf in the top 60 Turkish names for boys in 2020. Plain-old Asaf is less popular, ranked #78 the same year.

The Arabic, Persian, and Urdu version is Asif. It was the name of Solomon’s vizier, or top advisor, admired for his wisdom and prudence in the Quran.



Aslan is a strong selection amid our Turkish male names, meaning “lion.”

Alternatively spelled Arsalan or Arslan, Aslan is a courageous name with royal associations. It was born by Aslan-Bey Sharvashidze, the short-lived prince of the Principality of Abkhazia, and Aslan Alp, the second Sultan of the Seljuk Empire.

Aslan received worldwide recognition after C.S. Lewis chose it for his Biblical lion character in the popular book series Chronicles of Narnia. Aslan could serve as a unique alternative for more popular similar-sounding names like Alan, Allan, or Arlan.

Unique, Strong


Ayaz is a Turkish male name meaning “frosty.”

An excellent option for a baby born in the wintertime, Ayaz is derived from the Proto-Turkic “anar,” meaning “clear,” “sky,” or “frost.” Ayaz Ata is the name of the Turkish “Frost Father,” who plays a similar role to Santa Claus. He and his sidekick Kar Kiz or “Snow Girl” bring presents to children at New Year.

Friendly, Cute


Aybars is a popular option among our Turkish male names, meaning “there is the moon.”

Pronounced eye-BARS, the exact origin of Aybars is unknown. It may have derived from “ay,” meaning “moon,” and the Proto-Turkic word “bar,” meaning “there exists.” While Aybars is rare in the States, it’s a hip choice in Turkey, ranked #41 in 2020.

Cool, Popular


Aziz is an Arabic and Hebrew name meaning “strong” or “powerful.”

It is a common first and last name in Semitic languages, such as Arabic, Hebrew, and Assyrian, as well as non-Semitic languages, like Turkish, Kurdish, Persian, and Urdu. In Ancient times, Aziz was the Palmyran Arab god of the morning star, often depicted riding a camel with his twin brother Arsu.

Famous Turkish namesakes include Nobel Prize-winning chemist Aziz Sancar and writer Aziz Nesin, who used the proceeds from his books to support children in need.



Balian is a Turkish boy’s name meaning “master, lord.”

Pronounced BA-li-an, Balian may be derived from the Turkish “bal,” meaning “master,” however, its exact origins are unknown. The earliest bearer was a 12th-century crusader of Jerusalem named Balian of Ibelin. An alternative spelling is Barisan.



Baran is a Turkish, Persian, and Kurdish name meaning “rain.”

It could be a perfect choice for a baby born on a rainy day! In Persian, Baran is typically a girl’s name, but it’s a boy’s name in Turkish and Kurdish. In Polish, Russian, Slovak, and Hungarian, Baran is a nickname meaning “ram,” often borne by forceful men or shepherds. A famous namesake is Baran bo Odar, a German filmmaker of Turkish origin who created the popular TV show Dark.



Baris means “peaceful” in Turkish.

This charming boy’s name is traditionally spelled with an s-cedilla, a letter used in many Turkic languages. Baris was prevalent in Turkey in the 70s and 80s, with bearers like film director Eyriboz, pro-basketball player Hersek, and former rock musician Akarsu. Baris still hasn’t lost its edge, ranked as the 83rd most popular boys’ name in Turkey in 2020.



Batuhan is a Turkish male name that’s fit for a warrior, meaning “strong ruler.”

Batuhan is derived from the Mongol ruler Batu Khan who founded the Golden Horde, a Mongolian territory encompassing areas in Russia, Central Asia, and Eastern Europe. In the Mongolian language, “batu” means “firm,” while in Turkish, “batu” means “prevailing” or “strong,” and “han” means “ruler.”

Powerful, Unique


Bayram is a Turkish name meaning “holiday.”

In Turkey, Bayram is a word for nationally celebrated holidays, such as Halloween (Cadilar Bayram) and Christmas (Noel Bayram). This festive word is also a name for guys, with bearers like Mughal military commander Muhammad Bairam Khan and Turkish Olympic boxer Bayram Sit.

Friendly, Cute


Berat is a Turkish male name with an unknown meaning.

It may have derived from the Turkish “berat,” meaning “letters patent.” However, its exact origins are unclear. Berat is commonly used by the Albanians and Turks. Prominent bearers include former Turkish Minister of Treasury and Finance, Berat Albayrak, and Finnish footballer Berat Sadik.



Bilal is an Arabic and Turkish name meaning “wetting” or “moistening.”

Pronounced bee-LAL, Bilal was the most trusted companion of the Islamic prophet Muhammad. He was one of the earliest converters to Islam, admired for his melodious voice, which permitted him to become the first Muezzin, or Muslim pray giver, in Islam history. This inspiring name received a high ranking of #95 in Turkey in 2020.

Religious, Common


Bugra is a Turkish name for boys meaning “male camel.”

Pronounced boo-RAH, Bugra is an excellent choice for animal lovers. It most likely means “male camel,” however, it’s sometimes translated as “double-humped camel” or “baby camel.” This cute name is trendy in Turkey, ranked #80 in 2020.

Natural, Cute


Bunyamin means “son of the right hand.”

A religious choice among our Turkish names for boys, Bunyamin is a variation of Benjamin, a Hebrew name meaning “son of the right hand.” In the Old Testament, Benjamin was the youngest son of Jacob, who founded the Israelite tribe of Benjamin.

Biblical, Strong


Burak is a hip choice among our Turkish boy names, meaning “lightning.”

It is derived from the Arabic Buraq, a creature in the Islamic tradition that transports prophets from place to place. A handsome bearer is Burak Ozcivit, a Turkish model and actor best known for his role in the hit drama series Kara Sevda or Endless Love. This striking name was ranked 40th in Turkey in 2020, so it’s very on-trend.

Mythological, Cool


Can is a Turkish and Azerbaijani male name meaning “spirit, life, or heart.”

In Turkey, Can is pronounced similar to the English name John. The Turkish and Azerbaijani versions of the name are derived from the Persian word “jan,” meaning “soul.” The Circassians, however, use Can as a nickname for Janberk, alternatively spelled Canberk, meaning “strong warrior.”

Cool, Unique


Cavit is a Turkish male name meaning “immortal.”

Alternatively spelled Javit, Cavit is derived from the Persian name Javid, meaning “long-lasting” or “eternal.” Famous Cavit’s include Ottoman military officer Erdel and Turkish Olympic cyclist Cav.



Cem is a Turkish name for boys meaning “twin.”

It is the Turkish version of the Persian name Jam, a shortened form of Jamshed or Jamshid. Cem could be an attractive option if you have two babies growing in your belly or if your newborn son looks so much like you or your spouse, he could be your twin! A notable bearer is 15th-century Prince Cem, who unsuccessfully competed with his brother, Prince Bayezid, to become Sultan of the Ottoman Empire.



Cemil is a Turkish name for boys meaning “handsome.”

Cemil is an adorable name with a sweet meaning, making it a high-ranking choice on our list! It’s the Turkish version of the Arabic name Jamil. There’s also a Gamil variation in Egypt and Djemil in North Africa. If you’re pregnant with boy-girl twins, try pairing Cemil with its feminine equivalent Cemile for an adorable match-up!

Cool, Cute


Cetin is a Turkish name for males meaning “hard, rough.”

Cetin is an old-school name in Turkey, where it hasn’t made the charts since the early 1980s. Most famous bearers were born in the 30s and 40s, including Turkish popstar Cetin Alp and director Cetin Inanc, best known for his low-budget space film Dunyayi Kurtaran Adam, dubbed the “Turkish Star Wars.”



Cinar means “plane tree” in Turkish.

Cinar, pronounced chih-NAHR, is very popular in Turkey, ranked #19 in 2020. Traditionally it’s spelled with the Turkish dotless “i.”

Cinar is derived from the Persian word “chenar,” meaning “plane tree.” In Turkish culture, plane trees symbolize greatness and power and would be planted in their conquered territories to signify their sovereignty.



Davut is a Turkish name for boys meaning “beloved friend.”

Davut is the Turkish version of the Hebrew name David. David is a prominent biblical figure who started as a lowly shepherd before eventually slaying the Philistine giant Goliath and becoming the king of Israel. Other forms of this name include the Arabic Daud and the Persian Davud and Davoud.

Biblical, Classic


Deniz is a Turkish name meaning “sea.”

A perfect pick for ocean lovers, Deniz is likely derived from the Mongolian name Chinggis, meaning “a flat surface stretching to the horizon.” In Turkish, the “ch” was converted to a “t,” producing Tengiz, the origin for Deniz. This modern name is often erroneously linked with the German Dennis, despite having different roots. Deniz was a high-ranking pick in Turkey in 2020, ranked 31st out of 100 names.

Modern, Natural


Dervis is a Turkish and Bosnian name meaning “beggar.”

It is a variation of the Arabic Darwis and the English Dervish. The name was first used in the 12th-century to refer to Muslim Sufi- known as holy men who vowed to live in poverty. Dervish’s were also known for their wild ritual dances, which is where we get the idiom “whirling dervish.” Currently, Dervis isn’t ranked in Turkey or the U.S., making it a rare choice across the board.

Religious, Unique


Devrim is a Turkish name for boys meaning “revolution.”

Pronounced deh-vrim, Devrim is an uncommon first name for Turkish boys. This may be because it was the title of the first automobile designed and produced in Turkey. So, it would be like an American naming their son after a Dodge Durango or Ford Ranger! Still, Devrim’s cool sound and powerful meaning give it great name potential. In the U.S., it could be a fresh alternative for timeworn Devin.

Cool, Modern


Doruk means “peak” or “mountaintop” in Turkish.

Pronounced DAW-ruk, Doruk first hit the Turkish charts in 2009, steadily climbing in popularity until 2018 and ranking #43 in Turkey in 2020. Outside of its home country, Doruk hasn’t received much notice. It could be an excellent choice for nature lovers or an unconventional alternative for Derek.

Modern, Cool


Efe is an adorable option among our Turkish male names, meaning “older brother.”

An excellent name for an older sibling, Efe, pronounced EH-fee, is a trendy choice in Turkey. Its popularity increased by 20 points from 2019 to 2020, moving from 78th to 58th in just one year. We expect its popularity will continue to rise in years to come!

Efe is also a variation of the Nigerian name Efetobore meaning “achieving wealth,” and a shortened form of the Greek Euphemia, meaning “well-spoken.”

Cute, Modern


A powerful choice within our Turkish male names, Egemen means “the dominant one.”

Egemen is a surname and given name in Turkey, borrowed from the Greek word “igemonas,” meaning “sovereign” or “prince.” Egemen could be the perfect name for a leader in the making. Influential Egemen’s for your son to look up to include former Ambassador of Turkey Bagis, world-renowned fitness expert Ertugrul, and MVP basketball player Guven.



Emin is a Turkish, Bosnian, and Azerbaijani name meaning “devoted” or “honest.”

It is a variation of the Arabic name Amin, alternatively spelled Amine, Ameen, or Amien.

An Emin was a Turkish officer in the Ottoman Empire who managed revenue and collected duties on goods exported by foreigners. Emin is a common name in Turkey with several prominent namesakes, including American-Albanian fashion photographer Emin Kadi and NATO official Emin Cihangir Aksit.

Common, Cute


Emirhan is a Turkish name for boys meaning “princely ruler.”

Pronounced eh-meer-HAN, Emirhan is a sophisticated name derived from “amir,” meaning “prince” and “han,” meaning “ruler” or “khan.” In 2020, it was ranked the 35th most popular boy’s name in Turkey. Emirhan could be an apt choice for your little prince (as long as the power doesn’t go to his head).



Emre is a Turkish boy’s name meaning “friend.”

This charming name is pronounced just as it’s spelled, making it an unconventional alternative for similar Emery or Emory. Famous bearers include chess grandmaster Emre Can and award-winning film director Emre Sahin. Emre’s adorable meaning and pleasant sound give it the potential to expand well beyond Turkey’s borders.

Cute, Popular


Enes is a Turkish, Bosnian, and Arabic boy’s name with two possible meanings: “human” or “close friend.”

Enes may derive from the Turkish word “insan,” meaning “human being,” which in turn comes from “nasiya,” meaning “to forget.” Essentially, “insan” is a symbolic word referring to how humans often lose their way in life but can always find their way back if they recognize their mistakes.

Enes is also the Turkish and Bosnian version of the Arabic name Anis, meaning “genial” or “close friend.” An alternative spelling is Enis.



A charming selection among our Turkish male names, Ensar means “helper.”

A perfect name for a little boy who is always willing to lend a helping hand, Ensar is the Turkish version of the Arabic name Ansar. Ensar was initially a term for the inhabitants of Medina who allowed Muhammad and his followers to live in their homes after they emigrated from Mecca.

Modern-day bearers include Kurdish-German rapper Ensar Albayrak, better known as Eno, and Bosnian soccer player Ensar Arifovic.

Religious, Friendly


Enver is a Turkish, Albanian, Bosnian, and Crimean Tatar name meaning “luminous.”

Enver is a variation of the Arabic name Anwar, which is how it’s pronounced, used as both a first and last name. Famous bearers include Turkish actress Asli Enver, Turkish doctor and professor Enver Duran, and Tatar writer Enver Galim, best known for translating the Bible into the Tatar language.

Cool, Sophisticated


Erdem is a popular choice among our Turkish names for boys, meaning “virtue, merit or knowledge.”

Pronounced aer-dem, Erdem first came about during the high middle ages in the 11th-century. This ancient name has many modern bearers, including fashion-designer Erdem Moralioglu and Turkish film music composer Erdem Helvacioglu. As of 2020, it was the 84th most popular name for boys in Turkey, making it an on-trend selection for your little man!



A holy choice among our Turkish names for boys, Eren means “saint.”

Currently ranked in the top 50 Turkish names for boys, Eren is a cool name with worldwide potential. It’s already received some notice in England and Wales ranked among the top 1000 boy names in 2020. In the U.S., Eren is still undiscovered, making it the perfect alternative for similar-sounding Aaron, Aron, and Erin.

Cute, Ancient


Erhan means “manly leader” in Turkish.

It is derived from “er” meaning “man” and “han,” which comes from the title khan, meaning “ruler” or “leader.” Erhan was a top 50 choice in Turkey throughout the 1980s. However, its popularity plummeted in the 90s and hasn’t made its way back since. Still, Erhan is strong and refined, making it a fantastic choice for your little leader in the making!



Ertugrul is a mythical pick within our Turkish boy names, meaning “ brave man” and “ bird of prey.”

The name is composed of “er,” meaning “brave man” and “tuğrul,” a reference to a mythological falcon or eagle that serves as a protector spirit in old myths. The “ğ” is silent in Turkish, so it’s pronounced as er-tu-rel. The most notable bearer was the father of Osman I, the founder of the Ottoman Empire.



Esin is a Turkish name with two possible meanings: “inspiration” or “morning breeze.”

It is derived from the Turkish root word “es,” which means “to blow” or “to come into one’s mind.” Esin is also a Yoruba word (spoken primarily in Benin and Nigeria), meaning “religion,” often referring to Islam. This short and sweet name is given to both boys and girls, so it could be a great choice if you’re searching for something gender-neutral.

Cute, Friendly


Eyman is a popular choice among our Turkish boy names meaning “righteous.”

Eymen is derived from the Arabic root word for “right,” meaning “righteous,” “right-handed,” or “blessed one.” While Eyman is the most common spelling in Turkey, Aiman, Aimen, and Aymen are more prevalent in Arabic-speaking countries. This charming name is very trendy among the Turks, ranked #3 in 2020.



Faruk is an Arabic and Turkish name meaning “the discriminator.”

Faruk, also spelled Farouk, Faruqi, Farook, Farooq, or Farouq, is the Turkish version of the Arabic Faruq. It is derived from Al-Farooq, a title given to those who discriminate between good and evil. Muhammad gave this title to Umar ibn al-Khattab, an initial opponent of Islam who converted after reading the Quran. Al-Farooq became one of Muhammud’s most loyal companions, carrying on the faith even after the prophet’s death.



Fatih is a Turkish name for males meaning “conqueror.”

Pronounced FAT-hee, Fatih is derived from the Arabic name Fathi, a title given to Mehmed II, an Ottoman sultan known for his intelligence and decisive military leadership. Fatih’s unusual spelling and pronunciation may prevent it from making a mark in English-speaking countries. Fatih is a major player in Turkey and Bosnia, ranked in both countries’ top 100.

Strong, Common


Ferman is a Turkish and German name meaning “edict” or “ferryman.”

In Turkey, Ferman is a first name derived from the Turkish word for “edict,” an announcement of a law, also borrowed from the Persian names Farmaan or Fermann. In Germany, Ferman is a variation of the surname Fehrmann, meaning “ferryman.”

Across the pond in the U.S., Ferman is almost exclusively a last name. As surnames are becoming more popular as first names, such as Graham, Sawyer, and Hudson making the top 200 in 2020, Ferman could easily join in the trend.

Worldly, Unique


Feyzi is a Turkish name meaning “graceful.”

A fantastic choice for your refined little gentlemen in the making, Feyzi is derived from the Persian word “fayz,” meaning “grace.” It’s relatively uncommon, with only a few notable bearers, including Ottoman Empire general Feyzi Menguc and Turkish ice hockey player Feyzi Ahsen Bore.



Furkan is a Turkish male name meaning “criterion” or “evidence.”

Pronounced foor-KAN, Furkan is the Turkish version of the Arabic Furqan. Al-Furqan, or “The Criterion,” is the name of the 25th chapter in the Quran. It references how the Quran is the “criteria” for knowing right and wrong. This virtuous name is a top pick in Turkey, ranked #36 in 2020.



Galip is a Turkish masculine name meaning “to defeat” or “victor.”

Pronounced GHA-leeb, Galip is the Turkish spelling of the Arabic name Ghalib. A natural association is with the Galip nut, a type of tree native to Oceania. It has large leaves and fruit, used as a source for food, timber, and shade.



Hakan is a regal option among our Turkish male names, meaning “ruler” or “king of kings.”

It’s a variation of the old Turkish and Mongolian Khagan, a title used for an emperor. In other parts of the world, the alternative spellings Khakan and Khaqan are also used. Hakan was a popular selection in Turkey during the 60s, 70s, and 80s, with namesakes like former Olympic swimmer Hakan Kiper and Turkish pop singer Hakan Peker. Hakan is also a common name in Sweden, derived from the Old Norse Hakon, meaning “high son.”



Halil is a charming choice among our Turkish male names, meaning “friend.”

Pronounced hah-LEEL, Halil is the Turkish form of the Arabic name Khalil and its variant Khaleel, meaning “friend.” It was ranked as the 82nd most popular name for Turkish boys in 2020, followed closely by Halil Ibrahim, meaning “friend of Abraham,” ranked 87th. Halil belongs to some well-known people, including Ottoman Empire Army colonel Sami Bey, Turkish historian Berktay, and Olympic wrestler Kaya.

Friendly, Cute


Hamza is an Arabic name meaning “lion,” “strong,” or “steadfast.”

Although Hamza doesn’t have Turkish roots, it ranked a high of #9 in Turkey in 2020. A legendary Hamza was one of Prophet Muhammad’s uncles. He was a talented wrestler, archer, and warrior admired for his courage in battle. Common variations include Humza, Hamzah, Hamzeh, and Hamsah.



Hasim is a Turkish name for boys meaning “crusher” or “breaker.”

Pronounced HA-seem, Hasim is the Turkish form of the Arabic name Hashim. This was the nickname for Prophet Muhammad’s great grandfather, known for breaking bread and crumbling it in broth, then giving it to the pilgrims in Mecca. Other spellings include Hachem, Hashem, and Hasyim.

Religious, Common


Ihsan is an Arabic and Turkish name meaning “perfection” or “excellence.”

Ihsan is derived from the Arabic “husn,” meaning “beauty.” In Islam, Ihsan describes how Muslims should always strive to achieve excellence in everything they do as if Allah was standing right in front of them. Ihsan and its alternative Ehsan are also used in Persian, Urdu, and Kurdish.

Religious, Unique


Ismail is an Arabic name meaning “heard by God.”

In the Bible, Ismail was the firstborn son of Abraham and his wife Sarah’s maidservant, Hagar. Ismail is a crucial figure to Muslims, recognized as the founder of several Arab tribes and an ancestor of the Prophet Muhammud.

This biblical name is a popular choice for boys in Turkey, ranked #47 in 2020. The Hebrew Ishmael is more common in the U.S.

Religious, Strong


Kaan is a Turkish name meaning “ruler” or “king of kings.”

A powerful choice among our Turkish male names, Kann, like Hakan, is derived from Khagan, an old Turkic and Mongolian title for an emperor. This regal baby name is popular in Western Asia, especially in Turkey and Cyprus. Well-known bearers include Turkish rockstar Kann Tangoze and pro soccer player Kann Ayhan.



Kadir is a Turkish name meaning “powerful” or “almighty.”

Pronounced KA-deer, Kadir is the Turkish form of Qadir, one of 99 names for Allah in Islam. Alternative spellings include Ghader, Kader, Qader, or Quadir.

Sophisticated, Religious


Kahraman is a Turkish boy’s name meaning “hero” or “amber.”

Pronounced kah-rah-mahn, Kahraman is borrowed from the Persian “qahraman,” meaning “hero,” and is primarily used as a last name. It’s also the Turkish rendering of an Arabic word meaning “amber.” The only notable first-name bearer is businessman Kahraman Sadikoglu, one of the richest men in Turkey.



Kemal is a Turkish name for men meaning “perfection” or “fullness.”

It is the Turkish equivalent of the Arabic name Kamal. Kemal’s meaning is more profound than meets the eye, representing someone with perfect morals and ethics. It’s sometimes used as a diminutive of the longer name Kamal ad-Din, meaning “perfection of the religion.” Kemal is also a Sanskrit name from Pakistan, meaning “lotus” or “pale red.”



Kerem is a Turkish name for men meaning “noble,” “generous,” or “vineyard.”

Pronounced ka-REEM, Kerem is the Turkish variation of the Arabic name Karim. It is one of 99 titles for Allah, used twice in the Quran. The phonetic spelling Kareem first made the U.S. charts in 1972 when basketball star Kareem Abdul-Jabbar was making waves. It’s been popular ever since, ranked #638 in 2020.

Popular, Cool


Kuzey is a Turkish name for males meaning “north.”

Pronounced KOO-zay, Kuzey is very hot in Turkey, ranked #25 in 2020. Kuzey Guney is a popular Turkish TV show starring actor Kivanc Tatlitug. He plays a rebellious son of an Istanbul baker released from prison after serving four years for his brother’s crime. In the U.S., Kuzey could be an exotic alternative to the 90s favorites, Casey and Cody.



Levent is a Turkish name for boys derived from Levend.

In the Ottoman Empire, levends were hired soldiers, not a part of official military organizations. This warrior-related term is now used as a name for males, referring to someone who is “handsome,” “tall,” or “roguish” in modern Turkey. Prominent bearers include Turkish comedian and actor Levent Kirca and musician Levent Coker.

Old-fashioned, Strong


Mahir is an Arabic and Turkish name for boys meaning “skillful” or “talented.”

Pronounced maa-her, Mahir is a common choice in Turkey, placed 76th in 2020. It is traditionally spelled with a dotted “i,” a distinctive letter in the Turkish alphabet. A prominent bearer is Egyptian theater director, playwright, and cartoonist Maher Sabry.



Mehmet is a popular choice among our Turkish boy names, meaning “praise.”

Mehmet is the most common variation of the Arabic name Muhammud, the prophet of Islam. Mehmet was the 13th most popular name for Turkish boys in 2020, ranked just above Muhammed Ali and Muhammed, placed 14th and 15th, respectively. Mehmet is also popular in territories previously ruled by the Ottoman Empire, including Albania, Bosnia, and Kosovo.

Religious, Popular


A macho choice among our Turkish names for boys, Mert means “manly” or “brave.”

It’s derived from the Persian “mard,” meaning “man.” Mert is pretty trendy in Turkey, ranked #27 in 2020. However, its similarity to old-fashioned name Bert may prevent it from flourishing in the States. Turkish bearers are plentiful, including fashion photographer Mert Alas, award-winning model Mert Ocal, and electronic music producer Mert Yucel.



Mete is a Turkish name for men meaning “hero.”

The Turkish version of the Middle Chinese name Modu, is derived from the old Turkic “bagatur” meaning “hero” or “warrior.” The initial bearer was Modu Chanyu, the 3rd-century founder of the Xiongnu Empire in Mongolia. The longer Metehan, meaning “hero ruler,” is favored in Turkey, ranked #21 compared to Mete’s #96.



Mirac is a Turkish male name meaning “ascent.”

Pronounced meer-uch, Mirac is a variation of the Arabic Miraj. It’s the second most popular boy’s name in Turkey, just behind Yusef.

Mirac, also called the Al-Mi’raj, refers to Muhammud’s ascension into heaven. During the Mirac, Muhammud’s heart was purified by archangels while sleeping, then carried by a mythical winged creature called a Buraq to Jerusalem before ascending to heaven on a staircase.

Powerful, Religious


Miran is a Turkish and Kurdish name meaning “prince.”

It’s derived from the Kurdish word “mirza,” meaning “prince,” which is the name of a powerful Kurdish tribe that dominated the other confederations after the fall of the Cizre Botan. Miran is also a Slovene name derived from “miru,” meaning “peace” or “world.” This regal name is a big hit in Turkey, placed 20th in 2020.



Murat is a Turkish name for boys meaning “wished-for.”

Is your son a wish come true? Then, you should consider naming him Murat! Murat is the Turkish form of the Arabic name Murad. Both spellings of the name are common throughout the Middle East and Asia, especially in Turkey, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bengal, and Iran.



Musa is a Turkish, Arabic, and Persian name meaning “to draw out (of water).”

Pronounced MOO-sa, Musa is a variation of the Hebrew name Moses. Moses is a significant figure in the Bible and Torah who led the Israelites out of Egypt and across the Red Sea. This biblical name is prevalent in Turkey, ranked #90 in 2020.



Mustafa is a religious choice among our Turkish male names, meaning “the chosen one.”

Another title for the Prophet Muhammud, Mustafa is a common baby name throughout the Muslim world. A regal bearer was Mustafa I, otherwise known as Mustafa the Saint or Mustafa the Mad. He was the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire from 1617 to 1618 and again from 1622 to 1623. Alternative spellings include Mostafa, Mostapha, Moustafa, Moustapha, and Mustafi.


Omer Asaf

Omer Asaf is a Turkish boy’s name meaning “flourishing collector.”

Pronounced as oh-mer ah-sahf, Omer Asaf is rated higher than its constituents, ranked #4 for Turkish boys in 2020. Omer is a close second, placing 5th, while Asaf has a lot of catching up to do, placing 78th the same year. Double barrel names haven’t caught on in the U.S., so Omer Asaf will likely remain on the backburner.



Orhan is a mighty selection within our Turkish names for boys, meaning “great leader.”

Orhan is pronounced the way it’s spelled. This attractive boy’s name has powerful bearers, including the longest-reigning sultan of the Ottoman Empire, Orhan Ghazi. Modern-day Orhan’s are just as impressive, including Nobel Prize winner and Turkish novelist Orhan Pamuk and Turkish-American theoretical physicist Asim Orhan Barut. An alternative spelling includes Orkhan.

Cool, Strong


Osman is a Turkish, Kurdish, Egyptian, African, Pakistani, Bosnian, and Albanian name meaning “wise” or “intuitive.”

Also spelled Usman, Osman is another form of the male Arabic name Uthman. Osman is also an English surname that arose during the Norman Conquest of 1066. It’s derived from the Old-English Osmaer, with “oss” meaning “God” and “maer” meaning “fame,” altogether “God-fame.”

This worldly name is ranked #51 in Turkey but has never made the charts in the States. If your son is Turkish-American, Osman could be a fresh alternative for similar-sounding Damian, Desmond, and Truman.

Strong, Worldly


Ozan is a Turkish male name meaning “poet-singer.”

An excellent choice for a performer in the making, Ozan has a lot of star potential, with famous bearers like composer Colakoglu, actor Guven, and critically-acclaimed pianist Marsh. It’s charming yet exotic, making it the perfect 21st-century pick.

Cool, Sophisticated


A bold choice among our Turkish boy names, Ozgur means “independent.”

Ozgur could be a great name to encourage your son to think outside the box! It is derived from the word Ozgurluk, a philosophical term describing a state of thinking or acting independently of external influences. It’s traditionally written with umlauts over the “o” and “u,” but can be anglicized as Ozgur.



Poyraz is a Turkish name for men meaning “northeasterly wind.”

It’s derived from the Greek “boreas,” meaning “north” or “north wind.” Poyraz is a first and last name as well as the title of a small town in Elazig Province, Turkey. This nature-inspired choice is quite popular among the Turks, rated #31 in 2020. A fictional television series namesake is Poyraz Karayel, an ex-cop who goes undercover to unearth Istanbul’s most prominent mafia organization.

Natural, Cool


Ramazan is a Turkish, Azerbaijani, Avar, Kazakh, and Circassian name.

It’s a variation of the Arabic Ramadan, the 9th month of the Islamic calendar. During Ramadan, Muslims fast for 30 days and devote themselves to salat (prayer) and recitations of the Quran.

Ramazan was a top 20 name in Turkey from the 1980s through the early 2000s. However, its popularity has slowly declined, ranked 86th in 2020. Nonetheless, Ramazan could still be a meaningful selection, especially for practicing Muslims.



Salih is an Arabic name for men meaning “pious.”

Pronounced SA-leeh, Salih, and its alternative Saleh are common in Turkey, ranked #89 in 2020. Salih is also prevalent in Bosnia, derived from the surname Salihovic, meaning “son of Salih.” In the Quran, Salih was an ancient prophet who prophesied to the tribe of Thamud before Prophet Muhammad.



Selim is the Turkish form of the Arabic Salim, meaning “secure” or “healthy.”

This pleasant-sounding name belonged to Selim I, an Ottoman sultan from 1512 to 1520 who extended the empire to Syria, Egypt, and the Hejaz. Alternative spellings are Saleem and Salem, not to be confused with the Jewish Salem meaning “peace.” Double-barrelled Yavuz Selim is favored in Turkey, ranked #45 compared to Selim’s #67.



Suleyman is a biblical choice among our Turkish boy names, meaning “man of peace.”

Pronounced suy-lay-MAN, Suleyman is the Turkish form of the Hebrew Solomon, derived from “shalom,” meaning “peace.” In the Old Testament, Solomon was the son of David, revered for his wealth and wisdom. Solomon is also important in Islam, recognized as a prophet of God who could speak to animals and mythical creatures called jinn. Suleyman is relatively common in Turkey, ranked #93 in 2020.

Strong, Biblical


Talha is an Arabic and Turkish masculine name meaning “fruit tree.”

Talha, also spelled Talhah, is prominent throughout the Muslim world, ranked as the 68th most popular baby name for Turkish boys in 2020. It was the name of one of Prophet Muhammad’s most loyal companions, revered for saving the prophet from an arrow by putting his hand in its path.



Taner is a Turkish name for males meaning “born at dawn.”

Pronounced tan-aer, Taner is currently not ranked in Turkey’s top 100. In the U.S., it could be a more elegant alternative to the English name Tanner, meaning “leather worker.” Famous Taner’s are not hard to find, including Turkish-German historian Altug Taner Akcam and Turkish actor and singer Taner Olmez.

Cool, Unique


Timur is a Turkish male name meaning “iron.”

Timur is a Turkic and Mongolic name derived from the Proto-Turkic “temur,” meaning “iron.” In Turkey, the modern word for iron is now “demir.” In Indonesia, Timur means “east” and symbolizes the hope of the rising sun. Alternative spellings include Temur, Temir, or Tomor.



Umut is a Turkish name meaning “hope.”

Pronounced AH-miyt, Umut is derived from the Persian Omid, meaning “hope” or “virtue.” Umut was the name of an award-winning 1970 Turkish drama about a cab driver who traveled into the desert to search for a legendary lost treasure. Umut’s been a hit in Turkey ever since ranked #28 in 2020. However, its unusual spelling and pronunciation will likely prevent it and its alternatives, Umit and Umid, from breaking into the U.S. top 1000 anytime soon.



Uras is a Turkish name meaning “master” or “craftsmen.”

Uras is pretty new in Turkey, making the top 100 for the first time in 2020. While the exact origins are unclear, it’s likely derived from the Proto-Turkic “ur,” meaning “master of one’s craft.” Uras is also an ancient Sumerian name for the goddess of the earth.



Yagiz is an attractive choice for a baby with brown hair, meaning “chestnut-colored” in Turkish.

Prominent bearers include pro basketball player Yagiz Kaba, soccer midfielder Yagiz Goktug Tasbulak, and TV actor Yagiz Can Konyali, known for his role in Bizim Hikaye (the Turkish adaptation of Shameless). Yagiz first hit the scene in Turkey in 2008 and has been on the rise ever since, ranked #39 in 2020.



Yakup is a Turkish name for men meaning “to follow.”

Yakup is the Turkish form of Jacob, a Hebrew name meaning “to be behind” or “to supplant.” In the Bible, Jacob is a Hebrew patriarch and the grandson of Abraham. Yakup Abad is also a minor character in the Dune book series. This biblical name is currently ranked 55th for baby boys in Turkey. Jacob is more prevalent in the States, placed 15th in 2020.

Biblical, Classic


Yamac is an outdoorsy name meaning “mountainside” in Turkish.

It’s traditionally written with acedilla under the “ç” but can be anglicized as Yamac. The most notable bearer is the fictional TV character Yamac Kocovali from the Turkish TV show Cukur. Yamac is also the name of a mountain village in the Soke district of Turkey, located 5100 feet above sea level.



Yaman is a Turkish male name meaning “intelligent” or “efficient.”

Yaman is used as a surname and first name, with namesakes like Turkish actor Yaman Okay and football coach Fuat Yaman. It’s a top 100 pick in Turkey, ranked #71 in 2020.



Yasin is an Arabic and Turkish name.

Pronounced ya-SEEN, Yasin is traditionally written with the Turkish dotted “i.” This unisex name has many variations, including Yassin, Yaseni, Yassine, Yaseen, or Jasin, so pick whichever strikes your fancy! It’s derived from the 36th chapter of the Quran called the surah Ya-Sin. Yasin is also a byname for the Prophet Muhammud.



Yigit is a courageous choice among our Turkish baby names, meaning “a person of exceptional bravery and strength.”

Pronounced yee-it, Yigit is a cool name with a cooler meaning. The Turkish seem to agree, ranking Yigit as the 24th most popular boy’s name in 2020. It’s used as a first and last name, with brave bearers like Ottoman military officer Pasha Yigit Bey and former commander of the Turkish navy Esref Ugur Yigit.


Yunus Emre

Yunus Emre is a Turkish boy’s name meaning “friendly dove.”

Yunus Emre references an influential 13th and 14th-century Turkish poet. He significantly impacted Turkish culture as one of the first poets to write in the native language instead of Arabic or Persian. Today, many parents in Turkey name their sons Yunus Emre in honor of this influential figure. In 2020, it was the 22nd most popular name in the country.



A popular selection among our Turkish boy names, Yusuf means “God increases.”

It’s the Arabic, Urdu, Aramaic, Turkish, and Persian equivalent of the Hebrew Yosef and English Joseph. In the Middle East, Yusuf is used by Muslims, Jews, and Christians, making it a popular pick across the board. In Turkey, it’s been the #1 pick since 2005. We predict this classic name will continue to top the charts for years to come!

Popular, Religious


An attractive choice among our Turkish names for boys, Zeki means “clever, intelligent.”

Zeki is derived from the Arabic “dhakiy,” meaning “sharp mind.” It’s almost exclusively used in Turkey, with bearers like film director Zeki Demirkubuz and classical composer Zeki Muren. Other “z” names like Zion, Zane, and Zeke are super hot in the U.S., making Zeki a total shoo-in.


Turkish Name FAQs

What are Common Turkish Names?

The most common Turkish male name is Mehmet, with approximately 2,737,031 bearers in 2020. Other regularly used names are Ahmet, Ali, Mustafa, and Huseyin.

What is the Most Popular Male Name In Turkey?

The most popular Turkish names for boys in 2020 were Yusuf, Mirac, and Eymen, ranked 1, 2, and 3. Other trendy selections were Omer Asaf, Kerem, Alparslan, Mustafa, Hamza, and Ali Asaf.

Иностранные слова в нашем обиходе, или что такое «джан»?

Иногда мы сами не замечаем, как в нашей речи плотно оседают слова из других языков. Просто они удобнее и сочнее по звучанию. Это не так и плохо, если знать значение таких заимствований. Например, представители восточных народов зачастую обращаются друг к другу, используя слово «джан». Это имя? Или может быть синоним слова «друг»? Кто знает?! Но кто расскажет? Поэтому стоит углубиться в тему и узнать, откуда пришло это слово, что оно означает и можно ли так обращаться к близкому человеку.

Для разговора

Попробуйте сымитировать разговор восточных людей. Скорее всего вы будете пользоваться стереотипными выражениями, среди которых мелькнёт и слово «джан». Это обращение, означающее «дорогой» или «милый». У него есть и производные, например, «джана» или «джаник». Обращаться так можно и к мужчине, и к женщине.

В армянском языке так обращаться к близкому человеку независимо от пола или возраста. Многие считают, что слово как раз и пришло из армянского языка, но его корни гораздо глубже. Зато в Армении это слово употребляют в одном значении, хотя могут сделать приставкой-окончанием к имени нарицательному. На русском языке так тоже можно сделать (например, «Андрей, милый!» — это будет «Андрей, джан»).

Версия происхождения

Значение слов «джан» может быть разнообразным, в зависимости от языка носителя и его расположения к адресату речи. Существует мнение, что слово имеет тюркские корни, а конкретно — относится к языкам алтайской макросемьи.

Наиболее широкое распространение оно получило на территории Восточной Европы и Азии. Сюда относится чувашский, узбекский, турецкий, азербайджанский, якутский и другие языки. В турецком, к примеру, «джан» — производное от слова «душа». То есть при обращении это переводится как «душа моя». В азербайджанском это может обозначать «жизнь».

Версия об индоевропейском происхождении

А что такое «джан» для индоевропейской языковой группы? Она ведь самая распространённая в мире. Ведущим языком тут считается персидский, а в нём трудно сразу определить, что такое «джан». Слишком много значений даёт словарь. Это и сердце, и сила, и жизнь, и дух. А само персидское «джан» по звучанию напоминает русское слово «жизнь» и греческое «ген». Кстати, слово «джан» частенько встречается в индийской культуре. Индусы любят вставлять его в песни.

Романтика звучания

Можно покопаться в различных словарях и лингвистических трудах, но везде обнаружиться, что существует множество ответов на вопрос, что такое «джан». Слово одинаково звучит на многих языках индоевропейской группы, например, на древне-греческом и персидском. Всегда «джан» — это душа, тепло, близость. То есть это человек, дорогой, как собственная душа.

Поэтому так важно знать, что такое «джан». Если вы употребляете такой термин, то только при обращении к человеку, который этого по-настоящему заслуживает. Сегодня много ребят обращается друг к другу, употребляя слова «брат», но не испытывая таковых чувств. Если вы обращаетесь к человеку — «джан», то вы доверяете ему своё тепло. Оценит ли это обыкновенный приятель?!

Для носителей

Теперь понятно, что в армянском языке означает слово «джан». Не зря такое обращение бытует среди представителей одной нации и единой социальной группы. Армянский язык начал формироваться более 4500 лет назад. Он древнее многих цивилизаций, а по красоте не отстаёт от французского. В Армении многие отлично владеют русским языком, так что тут нет барьеров для туристов, но армяне любят свой язык и гордятся, когда «их» словечки уходят в русский лексикон.

Для армянина самое святое — это семья, родители, дети. Он может дать клятву именем родителей и никогда не нарушит такую. Зачастую представители этой национальности используют ласковое слово «джан». Они переводят его как «милый» и употребляют в зависимости от ситуации.

Так, при обращении к брату звучит «ахпер джан» — «дорогой брат». А вот «сирун джан» — словосочетание, ласкающее слух девушки, ведь оно означает — «красавица». Слово «джан» не может быть произнесено издевательски или сурово. Это настоящая душевная ласка, выраженная вербально.

Кстати, есть и имя, созвучное со словом «джан». Это мужское имя «Жан». Оно имеет параллели и с нашим именем «Иван». По сути, корни имён схожи, так что можно увидить в них логику. Явно, что родители старались в имени отразить любовь к своему ребёнку, обласкать его уже при рождении.

Дополнения к основному значению

Узнав, что означает на армянском языке «джан», можно обратиться к тем народам, которые позаимствовали слово. Например, существует мужское имя «Джан» итальянского происхождения. Можно припомнить певицу Альбину Джанабаеву (уже «обласканную» фамилией). Известен на родине революционер Алиби Джангильдин. Не так давно вышел в прокат фильм Квентина Тарантино «Джанго освобожденный». Такое имя больше распространено среди цыган, хотя имеет сходства с итальянским «Жан».

Не только мужчин можно порадовать ласковым именем. Не забыты ещё времена, когда мир полюбил хит «Стюардесса по имени Жанна». Тогда был настоящий бэби-бум, причём новорожденным девочкам часто давали имя Жанна, даже не задумываясь о его трактовании.

В турецком языке обращение «джаным» считается уважительным и максимально нейтральным. То есть при использовании такого термина вас не заподозрят в фамильярности. Подобный досадный казус может случиться, если использовать «ким» для мужчин или «джим» — для женщин. Такие обращения можно перевести, как «братец» и «сестренка». Вроде мило, но фамильярно. Так обращаются к покупателям продавцы с рынка.

Приличной женщине не стоит разнообразить способ обращения к посторонним мужчинам. Лучше придерживаться спасительного «джаным», дополняя его частицей «аби», что показывает уважение и расположение к собеседнику.

Суффикс джан к имени что означает

Не секрет, что одним из самых часто используемых в армянском разговорном языке слов является слово « джан», а также его производные ( «джана», «джаник»). «Джан» — независимо от обращения ( к мужчине или к женщине), в армянском чаще всего употребляется в значении « дорогой», «милый». Может служить приставкой-окончанием к имени нарицательному при обращении к человеку, выражением симпатии и уважения к нему ( например, Армен-джан). Немалые дискуссии по сей день вызывает и происхождение этого, так прочно укоренившегося в современном армянском языке слова. Рассмотрим некоторые версии, опираясь на источники.

Версия первая: слово « джан» ( «джана», «джаник») — имеет тюркское происхождение:
Тюркские языки принадлежат к языкам алтайской макросемьи и широко распространены на территории Восточной Европы и Азии. К ним относятся чувашский, узбекский, турецкий, азербайджанский, туркменский, якутский и другие языки, подразделенные современной классификацией на пять групп. В турецком « джан» — производное от «джаным» — «душа». В азербайджанском — «душа», «жизнь». Брокгауз и Эфрон в своем словаре дают слову « джан» следующее толкование: «тунгусское название кулана или джигетея».

Версия вторая: индоевропейское происхождение слова:
Индоевропейская языковая группа — самая распространенная в мире. Ведущим языком иранской группы индоевропейской языковой семьи является персидский или фарси. Слово « джан», особенно в древнеперсидском, имеет гораздо больше значений, нежели в тюркских языках — сердце, жизнь, сила, дух. Кроме того персидское « джан» созвучно, греческому слову « ген» и русскому слову « жизнь», относящимся к той же языковой группе, в хинди, урду и армянском « джан» достаточно часто употребляется в современных разговорных вариациях. Ранняя форма слова встречается и в древнеперсидском, что говорит о его возможном индоевропейском происхождении.

Данная статья, конечно же, не может претендовать на статус лингвистического исследования, и поэтому вопрос о происхождении слова остается открытым. Но то, что второй вариант более правдоподобен, можно сказать с большой долей уверенности.

Что значит приставка к имени Джан?

Это слово «джан»! “Джан” – это способ обратиться к кому-либо в уменьшительно-ласкательной форме, которое означает позитивное расположение к человеку. «Джан» — независимо от обращения чаще всего употребляется в значении «дорогой», «милый».

Что означает добавление к имени Джан?

ջան (ǰan) ‘душа, жизнь, тело, сила; дорогой, милый’, далее от перс. جان (jân) ‘душа, жизнь; дорогой, милый’, восходит к праиндоевр.

Какая нация говорит Джан?

На самом деле, джан — очень распространенное восточное обращение. Услышать его можно от Турции до Пакистана. Значит оно — милый, дорогой. Например, турки скажут — джанным (мой дорогой).

Кто говорит мама джан?

Современные персы часто используют это старинное индоевропейское слово не только в значении «дорогой», но и просто «живой». Например, на фарси можно сказать — Madar jan dard (мама джан дард) — мама жива.

Что значит Ара при обращении?

Единственное, что я нашёл в Интернете (с большим трудом), — это два упоминания о нём в «Википедии»: в одном месте — «ара, в переводе языков некоторых кавказских и закавказских народов — обращение к приятелю, другу, уважаемому человеку», а в другом приводится как частичный синоним к русскому слову друг.

Что означает приставка Джан У узбеков?

Или -джон(жон)? уважительное,ласкательное.

Что означает слово Ара на армянском языке?

Ара (арм. Արա) — армянское мужское имя, имя легендарного армянского царя Ары Прекрасного. Согласно иному толкованию, Ара Прекрасный — мифический армянский царь дохристианской эпохи (до 301 г.).

Почему армяне называют русских сох?

У армян, например, есть слово, которым они пренебрежительно называют русских. «Сох» по-армянски значит «лук», и раньше эта лексема использовалась иначе. … Жителям этой страны купола в России напоминали по форме обычную луковицу, и слово «сох» быстро приспособили к названию церкви.

Что значит слово джаным?

джаным! — пожалуйста! джаным, балам, козюм, балам, яхшы-яхшы ойнанъыз!

Что означает приставка Джан у таджиков?

Потому, что с таджикского и персидского языков, слово джон или джан (ҷон, — ч с хвостиком произносится как дж, поэтому — джан, или джон) переводится как душа, иначе — душа моя, душечка, уважительно-ласкательное в русском и по аналогии в таджикском и персидском языках.

Что означает ай мама джан?

Мама, что за красивая девочка. Мама, что за красивая девочка. Вай мама джан — не всегда ведь обращение непосредственно к маме. Это как восклицание «ой, мамочки!»

Что означает Джан в Армении?

Первое слово, которое Вам покажется знакомым в Армении – слово “мерси”. … Это слово «джан»! “Джан” – это способ обратиться к кому-либо в уменьшительно-ласкательной форме, которое означает позитивное расположение к человеку. «Джан» — независимо от обращения чаще всего употребляется в значении «дорогой», «милый».

Как пишется слово джан?

Не секрет, что одним из самых часто используемых в армянском разговорном языке слов является слово «джан», а также его производные («джана», «джаник»). «Джан» — независимо от обращения (к мужчине или к женщине), в армянском чаще всего употребляется в значении «дорогой», «милый».

Что значит слово ара?

Ара — армянское мужское имя, имя легендарного армянского царя Ары Прекрасного . Согласно иному толкованию, Ара Прекрасный — мифический армянский царь дохристианской эпохи (до 301 г.). Ара (иногда Ара-губа) — губа в Мотовском заливе Баренцева моря .

Что означает имя Ара?

-армянского (Արա) бога плодородия и весны. …




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