Как пишется имя джитсу на английском

- jiu-jitsu |dʒjuːˈdʒɪtsuː|  — джиу-джитсу
- jujitsu |dʒuːˈdʒɪtˌsuː|  — джиу-джитсу
- jujutsu  — джиу-джитсу

Родственные слова, либо редко употребляемые в данном значении

- ju-jutsu |dʒuːˈdʒʊtsuː|  — джитсу

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  • jujutsu

  • jiu-jitsu

  • jujitsu


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джи́у-джи́тсу, нескл., с.

Рядом по алфавиту:

джи́н-то́ник , джи́на-то́ника
джинса́ , -ы́ (ткань и изделия из нее, сниж.)
джи́нсики , -ов
джинсо́вка , -и
джи́нсовский , (от Джинс)
джи́нсы , -ов
джи́нсы стре́тч , джи́нсов стре́тч
джип , -а
джип-кла́сс , -а
джи́пер , -а
джирга́ , -и́
джи́ринг , -а
джири́т , -а и джери́д, -а
джи́ттер , -а (инф.)
джи́у-джи́тсу , нескл., с.
джиха́д , -а
джо́ббер , -а
джо́ббинг , -а (спекулятивные биржевые сделки)
джо́ггинг , -а (спорт.)
Джо́зефсо́н , -а: эффе́кт Джо́зефсо́на, конта́кт Джо́зефсо́на
джо́йсовский , (от Джойс)
джо́йстик , -а
джо́кер , -а
Джоко́нда , -ы
джо́ла , и дио́ла, нескл., мн., ед. м. и ж. (народ) и неизм. и нескл., м. (язык)
Джо́н Бу́ль , Джо́на Бу́ля (об англичанине)
джоната́н , -а (сорт яблок)
джо́нка , -и, р. мн. -нок
джо́нсонова трава́ , джо́нсоновой травы́

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О словаре

Сайт создан на основе «Русского орфографического словаря», составленного Институтом русского языка имени В. В. Виноградова РАН. Объем второго издания, исправленного и дополненного, составляет около 180 тысяч слов, и существенно превосходит все предшествующие орфографические словари. Он является нормативным справочником, отражающим с возможной полнотой лексику русского языка начала 21 века и регламентирующим ее правописание.

джиу-джитсу — существительное, ср. p., ед. ч.

Часть речи: существительное

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Сценическое имя: Джису / Jisoo (지수)
Настоящее имя: Ким Джи Су / Kim Ji Soo (김지수)
Никнеймы: Чи Чу / Chi Choo, Джичу / Jichu
Позиция в группе Blackpink: ведущий вокалист, вижуал
День рождения: 3 января 1995
Знак зодиака: козерог
Место рождения: Сеул, Южная Корея
Рост: 162 см
Вес: 45 кг
Группа крови: A
Instagram : @sooyaaa__

Интересные факты о Джису

1) Ким Джису родилась в Сеуле, Южной Корее. 
2) У Джису есть старший брат и старшая сестра, она самая младшая в семье. 
3) Ким Джису была трейни в течение 5 лет (с июля 2011 года).
4) Джису родилась в год собаки (по китайскому календарю). 
5) У Ким Джису тип личности 4D.

6) Джису много смеется. 
7) Ким Джису любит давать людям случайные прозвища. 
8) По словам Дженни, Джису создает хорошее настроение в группе Blackpink.
9) Ким Джису любит рассказывать папины шутки (Vlive).
10) Джису изобрела слово “yeong-an”, которое означает “anyoeong” (и является его обратной формой).

Кпоп товары Blackpink

джису blackpink кпоп биография факты личная жизнь парень

11) Ким Джису умеет играть на барабанах. 
12) Джису умеет играть на пианино, но не умеет на гитаре ( она попросила Розэ научить её).
13) Ким Джису говорит на корейском, японском и базовом китайском. 
14) По словам Дженни (V Live App), Джису не говорит по-английски (поскольку она стесняется это делать), но она очень хорошо понимает. 
15) Ким Джису была популярна в своей школе благодаря её красоте и доброте. 

16) На прослушивании Джису исполняла песню Lee Eun Mi — “I Have A Lover”.
17) Ким Джису боится высоты. 
18) Джису предпочла бы встречаться с Розэ, если бы она была парнем (vLive Q&A).
19) Губы Ким Джису складываются в форме сердца, когда она улыбается. 
20) Больше всего в своем лице Джису нравится губы (vLive Q&A).

джису blackpink кпоп биография факты личная жизнь парень

21) Ким Джису ненавидит шоппинг, поскольку она часто сомневается в том, что купить (BP House).
22) Джису близкая подруга Наён из Twice (со времен трейни) и Сыльги из Red Velvet. Она также дружит с Боной (WJSN) и Совон (GFriend).
23) Ким Джису изобрела два слова: Ppoong и Nyeongan.
24) Джису была МС на Inkigayo (снималась с 5 февраля 2017 до 3 февраля 2018) совместно с Чинёном из GOT7 и Доёном из NCT.
25) Ким Джису появлялась в роли камео в «Продюсер / The Producers» (2015) от KBS.

26) Джису снималась в клипе HISUHYUN — ‘I’m Different’.
27) Ким Джису участвовала в съемках EPIK HIGH – ‘스포일러(SPOILER) + 헤픈엔딩(HAPPEN ENDING).
28) Джису участвовала в большом количестве рекламных съемок, например, для SAMSONITE RED с Ли Минхо (2015), Nikon 1 J5 (2015), SMART UNIFORM с iKON (2015), Angel Stone (2015), SMART UNIFORM с iKON (2016), LG Stylus2 (2016).
29) Джису обожает Пикачу (у нее много вещей с Пикачу).
30) Ким Джису спит с плюшевыми кроликом и Снупи.

джису blackpink кпоп биография факты личная жизнь

31) Участники IKON сказали, что у Джису самая яркая улыбка.
32) Ким Джису известна тем, что не плачет во время вручения наград на шоу, однако, участницы Blackpink говорят, что она плачет в одиночестве. 
33) Что касается еды, Джису ест практически всё (за исключением внутренних органов XD), но особенно она любит рис.
34) У Ким Джису есть собака по кличке Дальгом.
35) Джису назвала Лису своей «Шоколадной подругой», потому что во время шоу (прямой эфир) Лиса дала ей холодный шоколад, который Джису страстно хотела, но не просила никого об этом. 

36) Ким Джису умеет играть в баскетбол (по всем правилам) и катается на роликовых коньках, но не умеет кататься на велосипеде. 
37) Также Джису занималась тхэквандо (белый пояс).
38) Ким Джису сказала, что играет в “гляделки” с Дженни (смотришь на соперника, кто первый отвел взгляд, тот и проиграл).
39) Джису не боится призраков и страшных историй.
40) Ким Джису обожает Гарри Поттера и Тома Харди.

джису blackpink кпоп биография факты гарри поттер

41) Любимая группа для Джису — это TVXQ (“Knowing Bros”).
42) Ким Джису также любит читать мангу, она хранит её около кровати. Манга помогает Джису уснуть (V-live).
43) Джису нравится фиолетовый цвет (по её словам в Comeback V Live).
44) Ким Джису PC геймер (BLACKPINK House EP.1-2).
45) Ким Самуэль публично признался, что влюблен в Джису.

46) Ким Джису называют “Разрушительница мужских сердец” и “Катастрофа для парней”.
47) Сынри из BigBang сказал, что Джису напоминает ему T.O.P, они оба непредсказуемые и харизматичные, чем очаровывают.
48) Джису заняла 78 место в рейтинге от TC Candler “100 самых красивых лиц 2019”.

Идеальный тип Джису

кто-то, кто действительно любит её, у кого красивая улыбка. 

Кпоп товары Blackpink

Фотографии Джису

2016 год

джису blackpink кпоп фото 2016

2017 год

джису blackpink кпоп фото 2017

2018 год

джису blackpink кпоп фото 2018

2019 год

джису blackpink кпоп фото 2019

2020 год

джису blackpink кпоп фото 2020

Кпоп товары Blackpink

Для просмотра других страниц под названием Джису, перейдите на соответствующую страницу.

Джису (지수) — южнокорейская певица, актриса, ведущая, модель и автор песен компании YG Entertainment. Она является участницей женской группы BLACKPINK



Джису родилась 3 января 1995 года в Сеуле, Южная Корея. У нее есть страший брат и старшая сестра. Она училась в Школе Исполнительных Искусств, где была очень популярна из-за своего таланта.

В августе 2011 года, когда ей было 16 лет, Джису вступила в YG Entertainment. В 2012 году компания представила Джису публике с помощью тизера «Who’s That Girl?».

2016: Дебют с BLACKPINK

15 июня 2016 года она стала третьей представленной участницей BLACKPINK.[1] Группа дебютировала 8 августа 2016 года со своим первым цифровым синглом «Square One».

2018-2020: Соло деятельность и роли в дорамах

В октябре 2018 года YG Entertainment объявили, что все участники BLACKPINK получат шанс дебютировать соло, начиная с Дженни, а затем с Розэ, Лисой и Джису. 18 августа 2020 года было объявлено, что она сыграет свою первую главную роль в грядущей дораме от JTBC под названием Snowdrop.[2]


Авторство и участие в записи песен

Артист Песня Альбом Участие
BLACKPINK The Album «Lovesick Girls» Текст
BLACKPINK The Album -JP Ver.- «Lovesick Girls -JP Ver.-» Текст
BLACKPINK The Album -JP Ver.- «Yeah Yeah Yeah» Текст



  • The Producers (KBS, 2015) — гость (эпизоды: 4, 5 и 12)
  • Arthdal Chronicles (tvN, 2019) (эпизод: 7)
  • Snowdrop (JTBC, 2021)


  • Blackpink House (JTBA, 2018)
  • Tasty Square: Delicious Rendezvous (SBS, 2020) — гость (эпизоды: 42–44)


  • YG Future Strategy Office (Netflix, 2018) — гость (эпизод: 1)

Музыкальные шоу

  • Inkigayo (SBS, 2017) — ведущая

Появления в клипах

  • Epik High — «Spoiler + Happen Ending» (2014)
  • Hi Suhyun — «I’m Different» (2014)

Рекламные сотрудничества

  • Samsonite RED
  • Smart Uniform и LG Stylus 2 (вместе с iKON)
  • Nikon 1 J5
  • LG (вместе с iKON) (2016)
  • KISS ME (вместе с Розэ) (2018)
  • Dior (2020 — н.в.)
  • Carie (2020 — н.в.)

Интересные факты

  • Её любимый цвет — фиолетовый, а еда — курочка.
  • Есть питомец — мальтийская болонка Дальгом (мальчик).
  • В детстве Джису мечтала стать парикмахером. Затем ей захотелось стать врачом, но эта мысль быстро испарилась, потому что она считает, что врачи должны быть очень умными.
  • Ненавидит морепродукты и еду зелёного цвета.
  • Близка с Наён, Совон, Боной и Сыльги.
  • У неё есть белый пояс тхэквондо.
  • Любит Пикачу.
  • Страдала от сонных параличей, когда была маленькой.
  • Джису не любит детей.
  • Джису говорит,что её недостаток в том,что её лицо асимметрично. Она считает,что правая сторона её лица фотогеничнее левой.
  • Когда она только пришла в компанию, Дженни стала для нее подругой, от которой она сильно зависела.
  • Боится высоты.
  • Она ненавидит физические упражнения.
  • Не умеет плавать и кататься на двухколёсном велосипеде.
  • Когда она ещё обучалась в школе, она усердно училась и отсыпалась все выходные, а когда снова наступал понедельник, она плакала, потому что очень не хотела снова возвращаться.
  • Джису в детстве была атакована пчелами и по совету старшей сестры защищала себя зонтиком.
  • Самая веселая в группе.
  • Она — самый младший ребенок в семье.
  • В детстве она очень любила есть бумагу. Когда в детском саду все ребята делали оригами, Джису аккуратно складывала их в карман, чтобы потом съесть их в туалете втайне ото всех. Любовь к бумаге пропала, когда она решила попробовать салфетки. Она сказала, что они были отвратительны на вкус.
  • Не любит ужастики, потому что они для неё совсем не страшные.
  • Считает, что создавать с друзьями совместные воспоминания — очень важная вещь.
  • Любимый диснеевский мультфильм — «Аладдин».
  • Любимое число Джису — 4.


Основная статья: Джису (BLACKPINK)/Галерея

Официальные ссылки

  • Instagram
  • YouTube
Джису • Дженни • Розэ • Лиса
Студийные альбомы The AlbumBorn Pink
Концертные альбомы BLACKPINK 2018 Tour [In Your Area] SeoulBLACKPINK 2021 ‘The Show’ Live
Мини-альбомы Square UpKill This Love
Сингловые альбомы «Square One» • «Square Two»
Цифровые синглы «As If It’s Your Last» • «How You Like That» • «Pink Venom»
Промо-cинглы «Ready For Love»
Коллаборации «Kiss and Make Up» • «Sour Candy» • «Ice Cream»
Другие релизы «So Hot (TheBlackLabel Remix)»
Студийные альбомы BLACKPINK In Your AreaKill This Love -JP Ver.-The Album -JP Ver.-
Концертные альбомы BLACKPINK Arena Tour 2018 «Special Final in Kyocera Dome Osaka»BLACKPINK 2019-2020 World Tour In Your Area — Tokyo Dome
Сингловые альбомы «Ddu-Du Ddu-Du»
BLACKPINK Arena Tour 2018 • BLACKPINK 2018 Tour [In Your Area] Seoul x BC Card • BLACKPINK 2019-2020 World Tour [In Your Area] • BLACKPINK: The Show • BLACKPINK World Tour [Born Pink]
Награды и номинации
Связанные статьи
YG Entertainment
Официальные ссылки
Сайт (японский)
Facebook Icon.png Instagram Icon.png TikTok Icon.png Twitter Icon.png YouTube Icon.png
  1. SBS: YG Entertainment Reveals the 3rd Member of the New Girl Group!
  2. Allkpop: BLACKPINK’s Jisoo Confirmed for Her First Female Lead Role in JTBC Drama ‘Snowdrop’

Морфемный разбор слова:

Однокоренные слова к слову:

джиу джитсу

1 джиу-джитсу

2 jiujutsu

3 jujitsu

4 jujutsu

5 jiu jitsu

См. также в других словарях:

ДЖИУ-ДЖИТСУ — и жиу житсу, нескл., ср. (япон. jujutsu) (спорт.). Японская система борьбы. Толковый словарь Ушакова. Д.Н. Ушаков. 1935 1940 … Толковый словарь Ушакова

джиу-джитсу — сущ., кол во синонимов: 2 • джиу джицу (2) • спорт (224) Словарь синонимов ASIS. В.Н. Тришин. 2013 … Словарь синонимов

джиу-джитсу — и в просторечии джиу джитс … Словарь трудностей произношения и ударения в современном русском языке

джиу-джитсу — джиу джитсу, нескл … Орфографический словарь-справочник

Джиу-джитсу — В этой статье не хватает ссылок на источники информации. Информация должна быть проверяема, иначе она может быть поставлена под сомнение и удалена. Вы можете … Википедия

Джиу-Джитсу — Дзю дзюцу 柔術 Тренировка дзю дзюцу в сельскохозяйственной школе в Японии в 1920 х годах. Страна: Япония Основатель: Неизвестен; применялось самураями (военная … Википедия

джиу-джитсу — džiudžitsu statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Rytų dvikova – japonų samurajų kovos be ginklo menas; savigynos sistema, kurią sudaro metimai, smaugimai (apie 60% veiksmų) ir smūgiai (apie 40% veiksmų). Džiudžitstas sukurtas… … Sporto terminų žodynas


1 Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

2 The Jitsu Foundation

3 Vee Arnis Jitsu

4 West Island Jiu Jitsu

5 Women’s Brazilian Jiu- Jitsu

6 World Ju-Jitsu and Karate Union

7 джиу-джитсу

8 система ближнего боя Arwrology (pronounced R-ology)

9 система ближнего боя Arwrology

10 джиу-джитсу

11 японский

японский язык — Japanese, the Japanese language

японский лак — japan lacquer, japan

12 джиу-джитсу

13 японская борьба

14 японский

японский язык — Japanese, the Japanese language

японский лак — japan lacquer, japan

15 джиу-джитсу

16 джиу-джитсу

См. также в других словарях:

Jiu — (rivière) le Jiu Le Jiu en Roumanie Caractéristiques Longueur 331 km Bassin … Wikipédia en Français

JIU — bezeichnet einen Fluss in Rumänien, siehe Jiu (Fluss) Die Abkürzung JIU steht für Joint Inspection Unit, die Gemeinsame Inspektionsgruppe der Vereinten Nationen den Flughafen Jiujiang (IATA Code) in der chinesischen Provinz Lushan … Deutsch Wikipedia

Jiu — (le) riv. de Roumanie (300 km), affl. du Danube (r. g.); naît dans les Carpates mérid., passe près de Craiova et rejoint le Danube … Encyclopédie Universelle

Jiu — [ ʒiu] der, deutsch Schyl [ʃiːl], linker Nebenfluss der Donau in Südwestrumänien, 339 km lang, entspringt im Retezatgebirge der Südkarpaten … Universal-Lexikon

Jiu — The name Jiu may refer to :* Jiu tributary of the Danube * Jiu tributary of the Râul Mic * Ţinutul Jiu, a former administrative division of Romania * Jiu, the Chinese word for alcoholic beverages, see: Chinese alcoholic beverages.See also: *… … Wikipedia

Jiu Ge — Nine Songs redirects here. For the British film see 9 Songs. Jiu Ge (Chinese: 九歌; Pinyin: Jiǔ Gē; English: Nine Songs), or Nine Songs, is a set of short poems sometimes attributed to Qu Yuan and published in the Chu Ci (楚辭 Songs of Chu, sometimes … Wikipedia

Jiu — Sp nkt. Žiu Ap Jiu L u. P Rumunijoje … Pasaulio vietovardžiai. Internetinė duomenų bazė

Jiu — Sp Žiu nkt. Ap Jiu L u. P Rumunijoje … Pasaulio vietovardžiai. Internetinė duomenų bazė

jiu — 1. noun Any Chinese alcoholic beverage 2. adverb a) then if you work hard then you will succeed. b) exactly … Wiktionary

JIU — Jones International University (Academic & Science » Universities) * Java Imaging Utilities (Computing » Software) * Beijing, Mainland China (Regional » Airport Codes) … Abbreviations dictionary

Jiu — ► Río del SO de Rumania, afluente del Danubio; 217 km … Enciclopedia Universal



1 джиу-джитсу

2 джиу-джитсу

3 джиу-джитсу

4 джиу-джитсу

5 джиу-джитсу

6 джиу-джитсу

7 джиу-джитсу

См. также в других словарях:

ДЖИУ-ДЖИТСУ — и жиу житсу, нескл., ср. (япон. jujutsu) (спорт.). Японская система борьбы. Толковый словарь Ушакова. Д.Н. Ушаков. 1935 1940 … Толковый словарь Ушакова

джиу-джитсу — сущ., кол во синонимов: 2 • джиу джицу (2) • спорт (224) Словарь синонимов ASIS. В.Н. Тришин. 2013 … Словарь синонимов

джиу-джитсу — и в просторечии джиу джитс … Словарь трудностей произношения и ударения в современном русском языке

джиу-джитсу — джиу джитсу, нескл … Орфографический словарь-справочник

Джиу-джитсу — В этой статье не хватает ссылок на источники информации. Информация должна быть проверяема, иначе она может быть поставлена под сомнение и удалена. Вы можете … Википедия

Джиу-Джитсу — Дзю дзюцу 柔術 Тренировка дзю дзюцу в сельскохозяйственной школе в Японии в 1920 х годах. Страна: Япония Основатель: Неизвестен; применялось самураями (военная … Википедия

джиу-джитсу — džiudžitsu statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Rytų dvikova – japonų samurajų kovos be ginklo menas; savigynos sistema, kurią sudaro metimai, smaugimai (apie 60% veiksmų) ir smūgiai (apie 40% veiksmų). Džiudžitstas sukurtas… … Sporto terminų žodynas


бразильское джиу-джитсу

1 джиу-джитсу

2 джиу-джитсу

3 джиу-джитсу

4 джиу-джитсу

5 джиу-джитсу

6 джиу-джитсу

7 джиу-джитсу

8 джиуджитсу

9 бразильское дерево

10 Бразильское плоскогорье

11 Бразильское предложение

12 Бразильское течение

13 бразильское волокно кароа

14 бразильское гвоздичное дерево

15 бразильское двойникование

16 бразильское дерево

17 бразильское лубяное волокно мукуна

18 чёрное бразильское дерево

19 бразильское двойникование

20 Бразильское плоскогорье

См. также в других словарях:

Бразильское джиу-джитсу — Бразильское джиу джитсу … Википедия

Джиу-джитсу — В этой статье не хватает ссылок на источники информации. Информация должна быть проверяема, иначе она может быть поставлена под сомнение и удалена. Вы можете … Википедия

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Теперь вы знаете какие однокоренные слова подходят к слову Как пишется джиу джитсу на английском, а так же какой у него корень, приставка, суффикс и окончание. Вы можете дополнить список однокоренных слов к слову «Как пишется джиу джитсу на английском», предложив свой вариант в комментариях ниже, а также выразить свое несогласие проведенным с морфемным разбором.


JUJITSU (AND RIFLES) in an agricultural school.jpg

Jujutsu training at an agricultural school in Japan around 1920

Also known as Jujitsu, jiu-jitsu
Focus Striking, kicking, grappling, wrestling
Country of origin Japan
Famous practitioners Minamoto no Yoshimitsu, Mataemon Tanabe, Hansuke Nakamura, Kanō Jigorō, Hironori Ōtsuka, Tatsuo Suzuki (martial artist), Seishiro Okazaki, Matsugoro Okuda, Hikosuke Totsuka, Takeda Sōkaku, Morihei Ueshiba, Minoru Mochizuki
Parenthood Various ancient and medieval Japanese martial arts
Ancestor arts Tegoi, sumo
Descendant arts Judo, aikido, kosen judo, wadō-ryū, sambo (via judo), Brazilian jiu-jitsu (via judo), ARB (via judo), bartitsu, yoseikan budō, taiho jutsu, kūdō (via judo), luta livre (via judo), vale tudo, krav maga (via judo and aikido), modern arnis, hapkido, hwa rang do, shoot wrestling, German ju-jutsu, atemi ju-jitsu, JJIF sport jujitsu, danzan-ryū, hakkō-ryū, kajukenbo, kapap, kenpo
Olympic sport Judo
Jujutsu (Chinese characters).svg

Jūjutsu in kanji

Japanese name
Kanji 柔術
Romanization jūjutsu

Jujutsu ( joo-JIT-soo; Japanese: 柔術 jūjutsu, pronounced [dʑɯꜜːʑɯtsɯ] (listen)), also known as jiu-jitsu and ju-jitsu, is a family of Japanese martial arts and a system of close combat (unarmed or with a minor weapon) that can be used in a defensive or offensive manner to kill or subdue one or more weaponless or armed and armored opponents.[1][2] Jiu-jitsu dates back to the 1530s and was coined by Hisamori Tenenouchi when he officially established the first jiu-jitsu school in Japan. This form of martial arts uses few or no weapons at all and includes strikes, throws, holds, and paralyzing attacks against the enemy. Jujutsu developed from the warrior class around the 17th century in Japan. [3] It was designed to supplement the swordsmanship of a warrior during combat. A subset of techniques from certain styles of jujutsu were used to develop many modern martial arts and combat sports, such as judo, aikido, sambo, ARB, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, and mixed martial arts. The official date of foundation of Jiu Jitsu is 1530.


«Jū» can be translated as «gentle, soft, supple, flexible, pliable, or yielding», and «jutsu» can be translated as «art or technique». «Jujutsu» thus has the meaning of «yielding-art», as its core philosophy is to manipulate the opponent’s force against themself rather than confronting it with one’s own force.[1] Jujutsu developed to combat the samurai of feudal Japan as a method for defeating an armed and armored opponent in which one uses no form of weapon, or only a short weapon.[4] Because striking against an armored opponent proved ineffective, practitioners learned that the most efficient methods for neutralizing an enemy took the form of pins, joint locks, and throws. These techniques were developed around the principle of using an attacker’s energy against them, rather than directly opposing it.[5]

There are many variations of the art, which leads to a diversity of approaches. Jujutsu schools (ryū) may utilize all forms of grappling techniques to some degree (e.g., throwing, takedowns, leg sweeps, trapping, pins, joint locks, holds, chokeholds, strangulation, gouging, biting, hair pulling, disengagements, and striking). In addition to jujutsu, many schools teach the use of weapons. Today, jujutsu is practiced in both traditional self-defense oriented and modern sports forms. Derived sport forms include the Olympic sport and martial art of judo, which was developed by Kanō Jigorō in the late 19th century from several traditional styles of jujutsu, and sambo and Brazilian jiu-jitsu, which were derived from earlier (pre–World War II) versions of Kodokan judo that had more emphasis on ground fighting (which also caused the creation of kosen judo).


Jujutsu, the standard English language spelling, is derived using the Hepburn romanization system. Before the first half of the 20th century, however, jiu-Jitsu and ju-jitsu were preferred, even though the romanization of the second kanji as Jitsu is not faithful to the standard Japanese pronunciation. It was a non-standardized spelling resulting from how English-speakers heard the second short u in the word, which is pronounced /ɯ/ and therefore close to a short English i.[citation needed] This may also be a reflection of the speech of Shitamachi that merges ‘ju’ into ‘ji’. Since Japanese martial arts first became widely known of in the West in that time period, these earlier spellings are still common in many places. Ju-jitsu is still a common spelling in France, Canada, and the United Kingdom while jiu-jitsu is most widely used in Germany and Brazil. Different from the Japanese pronunciation, the word Jujutsu is still usually pronounced as if it is spelled jujitsu in the United States.

Some define jujutsu and similar arts rather narrowly as «unarmed» close combat systems used to defeat or control an enemy who is similarly unarmed. Basic methods of attack include hitting or striking, thrusting or punching, kicking, throwing, pinning or immobilizing, strangling, and joint locking. Great pains were also taken by the bushi (classic warriors) to develop effective methods of defense, including parrying or blocking strikes, thrusts and kicks, receiving throws or joint locking techniques (i.e., falling safely and knowing how to «blend» to neutralize a technique’s effect), releasing oneself from an enemy’s grasp, and changing or shifting one’s position to evade or neutralize an attack. As jujutsu is a collective term, some schools or ryu adopted the principle of ju more than others.

From a broader point of view, based on the curricula of many of the classical Japanese arts themselves, however, these arts may perhaps be more accurately defined as unarmed methods of dealing with an enemy who was armed, together with methods of using minor weapons such as the jutte (truncheon; also called jitter), tantō (knife), or kakushi buki (hidden weapons), such as the ryofundo kusari (weighted chain) or the bankokuchoki (a type of knuckle-duster), to defeat both armed or unarmed opponents.

Furthermore, the term jujutsu was also sometimes used to refer to tactics for infighting used with the warrior’s major weapons: katana or tachi (sword), yari (spear), naginata (glaive), (short staff), and (quarterstaff). These close combat methods were an important part of the different martial systems that were developed for use on the battlefield. They can be generally characterized as either Sengoku period (1467–1603) katchu bu Jutsu or yoroi kumiuchi (fighting with weapons or grappling while clad in armor), or Edo period (1603–1867) suhada bu Jutsu (fighting while dressed in the normal street clothing of the period, kimono and hakama).

The first Chinese character of jujutsu (Chinese and Japanese: 柔; pinyin: róu; rōmaji: ; Korean: ; romaja: yu) is the same as the first one in judo (Chinese and Japanese: 柔道; pinyin: róudào; rōmaji: jūdō; Korean: 유도; romaja: yudo). The second Chinese character of jujutsu (traditional Chinese and Japanese: 術; simplified Chinese: ; pinyin: shù; rōmaji: jutsu; Korean: ; romaja: sul) is the same as the second one in bujutsu (traditional Chinese and Japanese: 武術; simplified Chinese: 武术; pinyin: wǔshù; rōmaji: bujutsu; Korean: 무술; romaja: musul).



The written history of Jujutsu first began during the Nara period (c. 710 – c. 794) combining early forms of Sumo and various Japanese martial arts which were used on the battlefield for close combat. The oldest known styles of Jujutsu are, Shinden Fudo-ryū (c. 1130), Tenshin Shōden Katori Shintō-ryū (c. 1447), and Takenouchi-ryū, which was founded in 1530s. Many jujutsu forms also extensively taught parrying and counterattacking long weapons such as swords or spears via a dagger or other small weapons. In contrast to the neighbouring nations of China and Okinawa whose martial arts made greater use of striking techniques, Japanese hand-to-hand combat forms focused heavily upon throwing (including joint-locking throws), immobilizing, joint locks, choking, strangulation, and to lesser extent ground fighting.

In the early 17th century during the Edo period, jujutsu would continue to evolve due to the strict laws which were imposed by the Tokugawa shogunate to reduce war as influenced by the Chinese social philosophy of Neo-Confucianism which was obtained during Hideyoshi’s invasions of Korea and spread throughout Japan via scholars such as Fujiwara Seika.[6] During this new ideology, weapons and armor became unused decorative items, so hand-to-hand combat flourished as a form of self-defense and new techniques were created to adapt to the changing situation of unarmored opponents. This included the development of various striking techniques in jujutsu which expanded upon the limited striking previously found in jujutsu which targeted vital areas above the shoulders such as the eyes, throat, and back of the neck. However towards the 18th century the number of striking techniques was severely reduced as they were considered less effective and exert too much energy; instead striking in jujutsu primarily became used as a way to distract the opponent or to unbalance him in the lead up to a joint lock, strangle or throw.

During the same period the numerous jujutsu schools would challenge each other to duels which became a popular pastime for warriors under a peaceful unified government, from these challenges randori was created to practice without risk of breaking the law and the various styles of each school evolved from combating each other without intention to kill.[7][8]

The term jūjutsu was not coined until the 17th century, after which time it became a blanket term for a wide variety of grappling-related disciplines and techniques. Prior to that time, these skills had names such as «short sword grappling» (小具足腰之廻, kogusoku koshi no mawari), «grappling» (組討 or 組打, kumiuchi), «body art» (体術, taijutsu), «softness» (柔 or 和, yawara), «art of harmony» (和術, wajutsu, yawarajutsu), «catching hand» (捕手, torite), and even the «way of softness» (柔道, jūdō) (as early as 1724, almost two centuries before Kanō Jigorō founded the modern art of Kodokan judo).[2]

Today, the systems of unarmed combat that were developed and practiced during the Muromachi period (1333–1573) are referred to collectively as Japanese old-style jujutsu (日本古流柔術, Nihon koryū jūjutsu). At this period in history, the systems practiced were not systems of unarmed combat, but rather means for an unarmed or lightly armed warrior to fight a heavily armed and armored enemy on the battlefield. In battle, it was often impossible for a samurai to use his long sword or polearm, and would, therefore, be forced to rely on his short sword, dagger, or bare hands. When fully armored, the effective use of such «minor» weapons necessitated the employment of grappling skills.

Methods of combat (as mentioned above) included striking (kicking and punching), various takedowns, trips, throwing (body throws, shoulder and hip throws, joint-locking throws, sacrifice throws, unbalance and leg sweeping throws), restraining (pinning, strangling, grappling, wrestling, and rope tying) and weaponry. Defensive tactics included blocking, evading, off-balancing, blending and escaping. Minor weapons such as the tantō (knife), ryofundo kusari (weighted chain), kabuto wari (helmet breaker), and Kaku shi buki (secret or disguised weapons) were almost always included in Sengoku jujutsu.


In later times, other ko-ryū developed into systems more familiar to the practitioners of Nihon jujutsu commonly seen today. These are correctly classified as Edo jūjutsu (founded during the Edo period): they are generally designed to deal with opponents neither wearing armor nor in a battlefield environment but instead utilize grips and holds on opponent’s clothing. Most systems of Edo jujutsu include extensive use of atemi waza (vital-striking technique), which would be of little use against an armored opponent on a battlefield.[original research?] They would, however, be quite valuable in confronting an enemy or opponent during peacetime dressed in normal street attire (referred to as «suhada bujutsu»). Occasionally, inconspicuous weapons such as tantō (daggers) or tessen (iron fans) were included in the curriculum of Edo jūjutsu.

1911 French publication on jujutsu

Another seldom-seen historical side is a series of techniques originally included in both Sengoku and Edo jujutsu systems. Referred to as Hojo waza (捕縄術 hojojutsu, Tori Nawa Jutsu, nawa Jutsu, hayanawa and others), it involves the use of a hojo cord, (sometimes the sageo or tasuke) to restrain or strangle an attacker. These techniques have for the most part faded from use in modern times, but Tokyo police units still train in their use and continue to carry a hojo cord in addition to handcuffs. The very old Takenouchi-ryu is one of the better-recognized systems that continue extensive training in hojo waza. Since the establishment of the Meiji period with the abolishment of the Samurai and the wearing of swords, the ancient tradition of Yagyū Shingan-ryū (Sendai and Edo lines) has focused much towards the Jujutsu (Yawara) contained in its syllabus.

Many other legitimate Nihon jujutsu Ryu exist but are not considered koryu (ancient traditions). These are called either Gendai Jujutsu or modern jujutsu. Modern jujutsu traditions were founded after or towards the end of the Tokugawa period (1868) when more than 2000 schools (ryū) of jūjutsu existed. Various supposedly traditional ryu and ryuha that are commonly thought of as koryu jujutsu are actually gendai jūjutsu. Although modern in formation, very few gendai Jujutsu systems have direct historical links to ancient traditions and are incorrectly referred to as traditional martial systems or koryu. Their curriculum reflects an obvious bias towards techniques from judo and Edo jūjutsu systems, and sometimes have little to no emphasis on standing armlocks and joint-locking throws that were common in Koryu styles. They also usually do not teach usage of traditional weapons as opposed to the Sengoku jūjutsu systems that did. The improbability of confronting an armor-clad attacker and using traditional weapons is the reason for this bias.

Over time, Gendai jujutsu has been embraced by law enforcement officials worldwide and continues to be the foundation for many specialized systems used by police. Perhaps the most famous of these specialized police systems is the Keisatsujutsu (police art) Taiho jutsu (arresting art) system formulated and employed by the Tokyo Police Department.

Jujutsu techniques have been the basis for many military unarmed combat techniques (including British/US/Russian special forces and SO1 police units) for many years. Since the early 1900s, every military service in the world has an unarmed combat course that has been founded on the principal teachings of jujutsu.[9]

In the early 1900s[10] Edith Garrud became the first British female teacher of jujutsu,[11] and one of the first female martial arts instructors in the Western world.[12]

There are many forms of sports jujutsu, the original and most popular being judo, now an Olympic sport. One of the most common is mixed-style competitions, where competitors apply a variety of strikes, throws, and holds to score points. There are also kata competitions, where competitors of the same style perform techniques and are judged on their performance. There are also freestyle competitions, where competitors take turns attacking each other, and the defender is judged on performance. Another more recent form of competition growing much more popular in Europe is the Random Attack form of competition, which is similar to Randori but more formalized.


The word Jujutsu can be broken down into two parts. «Ju» is a concept. The idea behind this meaning of Ju is «to be gentle», «to give way», «to yield», «to blend», «to move out of harm’s way». «Jutsu» is the principle or «the action» part of ju-jutsu. In Japanese this word means art.[13]

Japanese jujutsu systems typically put more emphasis on throwing, pinning, and joint-locking techniques as compared with martial arts such as karate, which rely more on striking techniques. Striking techniques were seen as less important in most older Japanese systems because of the protection of samurai body armor and because they were considered less effective than throws and grappling so were mostly used as set-ups for their grappling techniques and throws, although some styles, such as Yōshin-ryū, Tenjin Shin’yō-ryū and Kyushin-ryū had more emphasis on striking. However, many modern-day jujutsu schools include striking, both as a set-up for further techniques or as a stand-alone action.

In jujutsu, practitioners train in the use of many potentially fatal or crippling moves, such as joint-locking throws. However, because students mostly train in a non-competitive environment, the risk is minimized. Students are taught break falling skills to allow them to safely practice otherwise dangerous throws.

Old schools and derivations[edit]

As jujutsu has so many facets, it has become the foundation for a variety of styles and derivations today. As each instructor incorporated new techniques and tactics into what was taught to them originally, they codified and developed their own ryu (school) or Federation to help other instructors, schools, and clubs. Some of these schools modified the source material enough that they no longer consider themselves a style of jujutsu. Arguments and discussions amongst the martial arts fraternity have evoked to the topic of whether specific methods are in fact not jujitsu at all. Tracing the history of a specific school can be cumbersome and impossible in some circumstances.

Around the year 1600 there were over 2000 jujutsu ko-ryū styles, most with at least some common descent, characteristics, and shared techniques. Specific technical characteristics, list of techniques, and the way techniques were performed varied from school to school. Many of the generalizations noted above do not hold true for some schools of jujutsu. Schools of jujutsu with long lineages include:

  • Asayama Ichiden-ryū 浅山一傳流
  • Akishima-ryū/Akijima-ryū
  • Araki-ryū
  • Araki-ryu gunyo-kogusoku
  • Maebashi-Han Araki-ryū
  • Enka-ryū
  • Fuhen-ryū
  • Futagami-ryū
  • Fuji-ryū Goshindo
  • Daitō-ryū Aiki-jūjutsu
  • Fusen-ryū 不遷流
  • Gyokushin-ryū
  • Hoshiyama-ryū
  • Hongaku Kokki-ryū 本覚克己流
  • Hontai Yōshin-ryū 本體楊心流(Takagi Ryu)高木流
  • Shingetsu Muso Yanagi-ryū
  • Iga-ryū 為我流
  • Iga-ryūha-Katsushin-ryu 為我流派勝新流柔術
  • Ishiguro-ryū 石黒流
  • Kashima Shin-ryū 鹿島神流
  • Jigō Tenshin-ryū/Ise Jitoku Tenshin-ryū
  • Jishukan-ryū
  • Jikishin-ryū
  • Koden Koppo Taijutsu Genryu Tenshin-ryū
  • Kosogabe-ryū
  • Kensō-ryū 兼相流
  • Kijin Chosui-ryū/Hontai Kijin Chosui-ryū
  • Kiraku-ryū 気楽流
  • Kitō-ryū 起倒流
  • Takenaka-ha Kitō-ryū
  • Kukishin-ryū九鬼神流[14]
  • Kasumi Shin-ryū
  • Enshin-ryū
  • Kyushin-ryū
  • Natsuhara-ryū 夏原流(夢想直伝流)
  • Nanba Ippo-ryū
  • Namba Shoshin-ryū
  • Sekiguchi-ryū 関口流
  • Senshin-ryū
  • Shosho-ryū
  • Shinto Tenshin-ryū/Tenshin Ko-ryū
  • Shin no Shintō-ryū
  • Shindō Yōshin-ryū 神道楊心流
  • Shibukawa-ryū 渋川流
  • Shibukawa Ichi-ryū
  • Shiten-ryū
  • Shishin Takuma-ryū
  • Shinden Fudo-ryū
  • Shinnuki-ryū
  • Shin no Shindo-ryū
  • Shinkage-ryū
  • Sōsuishi-ryū 双水執流 (Sosuishitsu-ryū)
  • Takenouchi-ryū 竹内流
  • Takenouchi Santo-ryū
  • Takenouchi Hogan-ryū
  • Bitchū Den Takenouchi-ryū
  • Tatsumi-ryū 立身流
  • Tatsumi Shin-ryu
  • Takagi-ryū
  • Tenshin Shōden Katori Shintō-ryū
  • Tenjin Shin’yō-ryū 天神真楊流
  • Ito-ha Shin’yō-ryū
  • Tsutsumi Hōzan-ryū (Original)
  • Inotani-ryū
  • Iwaga-ryū
  • Tennen Rishin-ryū 天然理心流
  • Yagyū Shingan-ryū 柳生心眼流
  • Goto-ha Yagyu Shingan-ryū
  • Yamada-ryū
  • Yōshin-ryū 楊心流
  • Akiyama Yoshin-ryū
  • Nakamura Yoshin Ko-ryū
  • Kurama Yōshin-ryū
  • Totsuka-ha Yoshin-ryū
  • Sakkatsu Yōshin-ryū
  • Shin Shin-ryū
  • Shin Yōshin-ryū
  • Motoha Yōshin-ryū
  • Tagaki Yoshin-ryū
  • Miura-ryū
  • Mubyoshi-ryū
  • Nagaoka Ken-ryū
  • Nakazawa-ryū
  • Oguri-ryū
  • Otsubo-ryū
  • Okamoto-ryū
  • Ryugo-ryū
  • Rikishin-ryū
  • Ryōi Shintō-ryū
  • Ryōi Shintō Kasahara-ryū
  • Ryushin Katchu-ryū
  • Yokokoro-ryū


Aikido is a modern martial art developed primarily during the late 1920s through the 1930s by Morihei Ueshiba from the system of Daitō-ryū Aiki-jūjutsu. Ueshiba was an accomplished student of Takeda Sokaku with aikido being a systemic refinement of defensive techniques from Aiki-Jujutsu in ways that are intended to prevent harm to either the attacker or the defender. Aikido changed much during Ueshiba’s lifetime, so earlier styles (such as Yoshinkan) are more like the original Aiki-Jujutsu than ones (such as Ki-Aikido) that more resemble the techniques and philosophy that Ueshiba stressed towards the end of his life.

Wado Ryu Karate[edit]

Wadō-ryū (和道流) is one of the four major karate styles and was founded by Hironori Otsuka (1892–1982). Wadō-ryū is a hybrid of Japanese Martial Arts such as Shindō Yōshin-ryū Ju-jitsu, Shotokan Karate, and Shito Ryu Karate. The style itself places emphasis on not only striking, but tai sabaki, joint locks and throws. It has its origins within Tomari-te.

From one point of view, Wadō-ryū might be considered a style of jū-jutsu rather than karate. Hironori Ōtsuka embraced ju-jitsu and was its chief instructor for a time. When Ōtsuka first registered his school with the Dai Nippon Butoku Kai in 1938, the style was called «Shinshu Wadō-ryū Karate-Jūjutsu,» a name that reflects its hybrid character. Ōtsuka was a licensed Shindō Yōshin-ryū practitioner and a student of Yōshin-ryū when he first met the Okinawan karate master Gichin Funakoshi. After having learned from Funakoshi, and after their split, with Okinawan masters such as Kenwa Mabuni and Motobu Chōki, Ōtsuka merged Shindō Yōshin-ryū with Okinawan karate. The result of Ōtsuka’s efforts is Wadō-ryū Karate.


Jujutsu was first introduced to Europe in 1898 by Edward William Barton-Wright, who had studied Tenjin Shinyō-ryū and Shinden Fudo-ryū in Yokohama and Kobe. He also trained briefly at the Kodokan in Tokyo. Upon returning to England he folded the basics of all of these styles, as well as boxing, savate, and forms of stick fighting, into an eclectic self-defence system called Bartitsu.[15]


Main article: Judo

Modern judo is the classic example of a sport that derived from jujutsu. Many who study judo believe as Kanō did, that judo is not a sport but a self-defense system creating a pathway towards peace and universal harmony. Another layer removed, some popular arts had instructors who studied one of these jujutsu derivatives and later made their own derivative succeed in competition. This created an extensive family of martial arts and sports that can trace their lineage to jujutsu in some part.

The way an opponent is dealt with also depends on the teacher’s philosophy with regard to combat. This translates also in different styles or schools of jujutsu.

Not all jujutsu was used in sporting contests, but the practical use in the samurai world ended circa 1890. Techniques like hair-pulling, eye-poking, and groin attacks were and are not considered acceptable in sport, thus, they are excluded from judo competitions or randori. However, judo did preserve some more lethal, dangerous techniques in its kata. The kata were intended to be practised by students of all grades but now are mostly practised formally as complete set-routines for performance, kata competition and grading, rather than as individual self-defense techniques in class. However, judo retained the full set of choking and strangling techniques for its sporting form and all manner of joint locks. Even judo’s pinning techniques have pain-generating, spine-and-rib-squeezing and smothering aspects. A submission induced by a legal pin is considered a legitimate win. Kanō viewed the safe «contest» aspect of judo as an important part of learning how to control an opponent’s body in a real fight. Kanō always considered judo a form of, and development of, jujutsu.

A judo technique starts with gripping the opponent, followed by off-balancing them and using their momentum against them, and then applying the technique. Kuzushi (the art of breaking balance) is also used in jujutsu, whereby an opponent’s attack is deflected using their momentum against them in order to arrest their movements then throw them or pin them with a technique — thus controlling the opponent. It is known in both systems that kuzushi is essential in order to use as little energy as possible. Jujutsu differs from judo in a number of ways. In some circumstances, judoka generate kuzushi by striking one’s opponent along his weak line. Other methods of generating kuzushi include grabbing, twisting, poking or striking areas of the body known as atemi points or pressure points (areas of the body where nerves are close to the skin – see kyusho-jitsu) to unbalance opponent and set up throws.

Brazilian jiu-jitsu[edit]

Brazilian jiu-jitsu (BJJ) was developed after Mitsuyo Maeda brought judo to Brazil in 1914. Maeda agreed to teach the art to Luiz França, Jacintho Ferro and Carlos Gracie, son of his friend, businessman and politician Gastão Gracie. Luiz França went on to teach it to Oswaldo Fadda. After Carlos learned the art from Ferro and Maeda, he passed his knowledge to his brothers Oswaldo, Gastão Jr., and George. Meanwhile, Hélio Gracie would peek in and practice the techniques, although he was told he was too young to practise. At the time, Judo was still commonly called Kanō jiu-jitsu (from its founder Kanō Jigorō), which is why this derivative of judo is called Brazilian jiu-jitsu rather than Brazilian judo.

Its emphasis shifted to ground fighting because the Gracie family thought that it was easier to learn than throws and standup grappling, more efficient and much more practical. Carlos and Helio helped the development by promoting fights (mostly against practitioners of other martial arts), competitions and experimenting throughout decades of intense training. BJJ dominated the first large modern mixed martial arts competitions in the United States,[citation needed] causing the emerging field to adopt many of its practices. Less-practised stand-up techniques in Gracie jiujitsu survive in some BJJ clubs from its judo and jujutsu heritage (judo throws, knife defense, gun defense, blocking, striking etc.).


Sambo (an acronym from samozashchita bez oruzhia, Russian for «self defense without a weapon») was an early Soviet martial art, a direct descendant of judo, developed in the 1920s by Viktor Spiridonov, the Dynamo Sports Society jujutsu instructor, and Russo-Japanese War veteran. As it was developed largely for police purposes, a special emphasis in Sambo was placed on the standing armlocks and grappling-counters in order to free oneself from hold, apprehend and escort a suspect without taking him down; Sambo utilized throws mainly as a defensive counter in case of a surprise attack from behind. Instead of takedowns, it used shakedowns to unbalance the opponent without actually dropping him down, while oneself still maintaining a steady balance. It was in essence a standing arm-wrestling, armlock mastery-type of martial art, which utilized a variety of different types of armlocks, knots and compression-holds (and counters to protect oneself from them) applied to the opponent’s fingers, thumbs, wrist, forearm, elbow, biceps, shoulder, and neck, coupled with finger pressure on various trigger points of human body, particularly sensitive to painful pressure, as well as manipulating the opponent’s sleeve and collar to immobilize his upper body, extremities, and subdue him. Sambo combined jujutsu with wrestling, boxing, and savate techniques for extreme street situations.

Later, in the late 1930s it was methodized by Spiridonov’s trainee Vladislav Volkov to be taught at military and police academies, and eventually combined with the judo-based wrestling technique developed by Vasili Oshchepkov, who was the third foreigner to learn judo in Japan and earned a second-degree black belt awarded by Kanō Jigorō himself, encompassing traditional Central Asian styles of folk wrestling researched by Oshchepkov’s disciple Anatoly Kharlampiyev to create sambo. As Spiridonov and Oshchepkov disliked each other very much, and both opposed vehemently to unify their effort, it took their disciples to settle the differences and produce a combined system. Modern sports sambo is similar to sport judo or sport Brazilian jiu-jitsu with differences including use of a sambovka jacket and shorts rather than a full keikogi, and a special emphasis on leglocks and holds, but with much less emphasis on guard and chokes (banned in competition).

Modern schools[edit]

After the introduction of jujutsu to the West, many of these more traditional styles underwent a process of adaptation at the hands of Western practitioners, molding the arts of jujutsu to suit western culture in its myriad varieties. There are today many distinctly westernized styles of jujutsu, that stick to their Japanese roots to varying degrees.[16]

Some of the largest post-reformation (founded post-1905) gendai jujutsu schools include (but are certainly not limited to these in that there are hundreds (possibly thousands), of new branches of «jujutsu»):

  • Judo
  • Aikido
  • Hapkido
  • Brazilian jiu-jitsu / Gracie jiu-jitsu
  • Wadō-ryū
  • Hakkō-ryū
  • 10th Planet jiu-jitsu
  • Danzan-ryū
  • Shorinji Kan Jiu Jitsu
  • Hokutoryu Ju-Jutsu
  • Guerrilla Jiu-Jitsu
  • Small Circle JuJitsu
  • Atemi Ju-Jitsu / Pariset Ju-Jitsu
  • German ju-jutsu
  • Budoshin Ju-Jitsu
  • Ryushin Jujitsu
  • Budokwai ju-jutsu
  • Seibukan jujutsu
  • Nihon jujutsu
  • Nihon-Ryu Goshin-Jutsu
  • Sentou-Ryu Aiki-Jujutsu
  • Goshindo
  • Jugoshin ryu
  • Jiushin ryu
  • Kumite-ryu jujutsu
  • Quantum jujitsu
  • Miletich jiu-jitsu
  • Daito-ryu Saigo-ha Aiki-jujutsu
  • Nami-ryu Aikijujutsu
  • Hakkō Denshin-ryū
  • Kokusai jujutsu renmei
  • Ishin Ryu ju-jitsu
  • Olivecrona jiujitsu
  • Kodoryu jujitsu 鴻道流
  • Yamabujin Goshin Jutsu
  • Matsudaira-Ryu Nikon Juijitsu
  • Taigawa-ryu Jujitsu

Sport jujutsu[edit]

Sport Ju-Jitsu


Competition at the 8th Annual West Japan Jujitsu Championship in Hiroshima, 2010

Highest governing body Ju-Jitsu International Federation
Derived from jujutsu/judo, karate, mixed styles
Contact Yes
Mixed-sex No
Type Martial art
Country or region Worldwide
Olympic No
World Games
  • 1997
  • 2017

There are many types of sport jujutsu. One version of sport jujutsu is known as «JJIF Rules Sport Ju-Jitsu», organized by Ju-Jitsu International Federation (JJIF). The JJIF is a member of GAISF and has been recognized as an official sport of the World Games.

Sport jujutsu comes in three main variants. In Duo (self-defense demonstration), both the tori (attacker) and the uke (defender) come from the same team and demonstrate self-defense techniques. In this variant, there is a special system named Random Attacks, focusing on instilling quick reaction times against any given attack by defending and countering. The tori and the uke are also from the same team but here they do not know what the attack will be, which is given to the tori by the judges, without the uke’s knowledge.

The second variant is the Fighting System (Freefighting) where competitors combine striking, grappling and submissions under rules which emphasise safety. Many of the potentially dangerous techniques such as scissor takedowns, necklocks and digital choking and locking are prohibited in sport jujutsu. There are a number of other styles of sport jujutsu with varying rules.[17][18]

The third variant is the Japanese/Ne Waza (grappling) system in which competitors start standing up and work for a submission. Striking is not allowed.

Other variants of competition include Sparring, with various rule sets. Ground fighting similar to BJJ, Kata and Demonstrations.

Sparring and ground fighting can have various rule sets depending on the organisation. Kata can be open hand or with traditional Jujutsu weapons and Demonstrations can be in pairs or teams of up to 7.[19]

Heritage and philosophy[edit]

Japanese culture and religion have become intertwined with the martial arts in the public imagination. Buddhism, Shinto, Taoism and Confucian philosophy co-exist in Japan, and people generally mix and match to suit. This reflects the variety of outlook one finds in the different schools.

Jujutsu expresses the philosophy of yielding to an opponent’s force rather than trying to oppose force with force. Manipulating an opponent’s attack using his force and direction allows jujutsuka to control the balance of their opponent and hence prevent the opponent from resisting the counterattack.


  1. ^ a b Takahashi, Masao (May 3, 2005). Mastering Judo. Human Kinetics. p. viii. ISBN 0-7360-5099-X.
  2. ^ a b Mol, Serge (2001). Classical Fighting Arts of Japan: A Complete Guide to Koryū Jūjutsu. Tokyo, Japan: Kodansha International. pp. 24–54. ISBN 4-7700-2619-6.
  3. ^ jujitsu. (n.d.). Britannica. Retrieved March 23, 2022, from https://www.britannica.com/sports/jujitsu
  4. ^ Kanō, Jigorō (2006) [2005]. «A Brief History of Jujutsu». In Murata, Naoki (ed.). Mind over muscle: writings from the founder of Judo. trans. Nancy H. Ross (2 ed.). Japan: Kodansha International. p. 13. ISBN 4-7700-3015-0.
  5. ^ Skoss, Meik (1995). «Jujutsu and Taijutsu». Aikido Journal. 103. Archived from the original on 2007-10-12. Retrieved 2007-09-09.
  6. ^ «儒学者 藤原惺窩 / 三木市». City.miki.lg.jp. Retrieved 2015-03-05.
  7. ^ 日本武道全集. 第5巻. Shin-Jinbutsuoraisha. 1966. ASIN B000JB7T9U.
  8. ^ Matsuda, Ryuichi (2004). 秘伝日本柔術. Doujinshi. ISBN 4-915906-49-3.
  9. ^ «Jiu Jitsu Perth Martial Arts». Archived from the original on 2016-08-19. Retrieved 2016-07-01.
  10. ^ Bowman, Paul (2020). The Invention of Martial Arts: Popular Culture Between Asia and America. Oxford University Press. p. 50. ISBN 9780197540336.
  11. ^ Brousse, Michel (2001). Christensen, Karen; Guttman, Allen; Pfister, Gertrud (eds.). International Encyclopedia of Women and Sports. Macmillan Reference USA. p. 614. ISBN 978-0-02-864954-2.
  12. ^ Gagne, Tammy (2020). Trends in Martial Arts. Dance and Fitness Trends. eBooks2go Incorporated. p. 42. ISBN 978-1-5457-5146-6.
  13. ^ «Jujutsu». Mysensei.net. 2009-02-09. Archived from the original on 2009-09-18. Retrieved 2009-09-12.
  14. ^ «A history of Kukishin Ryu». Shinjin.co.jp. Archived from the original on 2011-07-22. Retrieved 2009-09-12.
  15. ^ «Bartitsu».
  16. ^ World of Martial Arts ! — Robert HILL — Google Books. 8 September 2010. ISBN 9780557016631.
  17. ^ «Jiu-Jitsu Rules». Cmgc.ca. Retrieved 2009-09-12.
  18. ^ «AAU Freestyle Jujitsu Rules» (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2008-09-12. Retrieved 2009-09-12.
  19. ^ «Competition». British Ryushin Jujitsu Surrey Quays. Retrieved 2022-01-25.

External links[edit]

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Jujutsu.

Look up jujitsu in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.

  • «Jujutsu» by Jigorō Kanō and T. Lindsay, 1887 (Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan, Volume 15). On jujutsu and the origins of judo.
  • «Ju-Jutsu» . Encyclopædia Britannica. Vol. 15 (11th ed.). 1911. pp. 546–547.
  • Spalding Athletic Library, Jiu Jitsu, The Effective Japanese Mode of Self Defense

Морфемный разбор слова:

Однокоренные слова к слову:

джиу джитсу

1 джиу-джитсу

2 jiujutsu

3 jujitsu

4 jujutsu

5 jiu jitsu

См. также в других словарях:

ДЖИУ-ДЖИТСУ — и жиу житсу, нескл., ср. (япон. jujutsu) (спорт.). Японская система борьбы. Толковый словарь Ушакова. Д.Н. Ушаков. 1935 1940 … Толковый словарь Ушакова

джиу-джитсу — сущ., кол во синонимов: 2 • джиу джицу (2) • спорт (224) Словарь синонимов ASIS. В.Н. Тришин. 2013 … Словарь синонимов

джиу-джитсу — и в просторечии джиу джитс … Словарь трудностей произношения и ударения в современном русском языке

джиу-джитсу — джиу джитсу, нескл … Орфографический словарь-справочник

Джиу-джитсу — В этой статье не хватает ссылок на источники информации. Информация должна быть проверяема, иначе она может быть поставлена под сомнение и удалена. Вы можете … Википедия

Джиу-Джитсу — Дзю дзюцу 柔術 Тренировка дзю дзюцу в сельскохозяйственной школе в Японии в 1920 х годах. Страна: Япония Основатель: Неизвестен; применялось самураями (военная … Википедия

джиу-джитсу — džiudžitsu statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Rytų dvikova – japonų samurajų kovos be ginklo menas; savigynos sistema, kurią sudaro metimai, smaugimai (apie 60% veiksmų) ir smūgiai (apie 40% veiksmų). Džiudžitstas sukurtas… … Sporto terminų žodynas


1 Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

2 The Jitsu Foundation

3 Vee Arnis Jitsu

4 West Island Jiu Jitsu

5 Women’s Brazilian Jiu- Jitsu

6 World Ju-Jitsu and Karate Union

7 джиу-джитсу

8 система ближнего боя Arwrology (pronounced R-ology)

9 система ближнего боя Arwrology

10 джиу-джитсу

11 японский

японский язык — Japanese, the Japanese language

японский лак — japan lacquer, japan

12 джиу-джитсу

13 японская борьба

14 японский

японский язык — Japanese, the Japanese language

японский лак — japan lacquer, japan

15 джиу-джитсу

16 джиу-джитсу

См. также в других словарях:

Jiu — (rivière) le Jiu Le Jiu en Roumanie Caractéristiques Longueur 331 km Bassin … Wikipédia en Français

JIU — bezeichnet einen Fluss in Rumänien, siehe Jiu (Fluss) Die Abkürzung JIU steht für Joint Inspection Unit, die Gemeinsame Inspektionsgruppe der Vereinten Nationen den Flughafen Jiujiang (IATA Code) in der chinesischen Provinz Lushan … Deutsch Wikipedia

Jiu — (le) riv. de Roumanie (300 km), affl. du Danube (r. g.); naît dans les Carpates mérid., passe près de Craiova et rejoint le Danube … Encyclopédie Universelle

Jiu — [ ʒiu] der, deutsch Schyl [ʃiːl], linker Nebenfluss der Donau in Südwestrumänien, 339 km lang, entspringt im Retezatgebirge der Südkarpaten … Universal-Lexikon

Jiu — The name Jiu may refer to :* Jiu tributary of the Danube * Jiu tributary of the Râul Mic * Ţinutul Jiu, a former administrative division of Romania * Jiu, the Chinese word for alcoholic beverages, see: Chinese alcoholic beverages.See also: *… … Wikipedia

Jiu Ge — Nine Songs redirects here. For the British film see 9 Songs. Jiu Ge (Chinese: 九歌; Pinyin: Jiǔ Gē; English: Nine Songs), or Nine Songs, is a set of short poems sometimes attributed to Qu Yuan and published in the Chu Ci (楚辭 Songs of Chu, sometimes … Wikipedia

Jiu — Sp nkt. Žiu Ap Jiu L u. P Rumunijoje … Pasaulio vietovardžiai. Internetinė duomenų bazė

Jiu — Sp Žiu nkt. Ap Jiu L u. P Rumunijoje … Pasaulio vietovardžiai. Internetinė duomenų bazė

jiu — 1. noun Any Chinese alcoholic beverage 2. adverb a) then if you work hard then you will succeed. b) exactly … Wiktionary

JIU — Jones International University (Academic & Science » Universities) * Java Imaging Utilities (Computing » Software) * Beijing, Mainland China (Regional » Airport Codes) … Abbreviations dictionary

Jiu — ► Río del SO de Rumania, afluente del Danubio; 217 km … Enciclopedia Universal



1 джиу-джитсу

2 джиу-джитсу

3 джиу-джитсу

4 джиу-джитсу

5 джиу-джитсу

6 джиу-джитсу

7 джиу-джитсу

См. также в других словарях:

ДЖИУ-ДЖИТСУ — и жиу житсу, нескл., ср. (япон. jujutsu) (спорт.). Японская система борьбы. Толковый словарь Ушакова. Д.Н. Ушаков. 1935 1940 … Толковый словарь Ушакова

джиу-джитсу — сущ., кол во синонимов: 2 • джиу джицу (2) • спорт (224) Словарь синонимов ASIS. В.Н. Тришин. 2013 … Словарь синонимов

джиу-джитсу — и в просторечии джиу джитс … Словарь трудностей произношения и ударения в современном русском языке

джиу-джитсу — джиу джитсу, нескл … Орфографический словарь-справочник

Джиу-джитсу — В этой статье не хватает ссылок на источники информации. Информация должна быть проверяема, иначе она может быть поставлена под сомнение и удалена. Вы можете … Википедия

Джиу-Джитсу — Дзю дзюцу 柔術 Тренировка дзю дзюцу в сельскохозяйственной школе в Японии в 1920 х годах. Страна: Япония Основатель: Неизвестен; применялось самураями (военная … Википедия

джиу-джитсу — džiudžitsu statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Rytų dvikova – japonų samurajų kovos be ginklo menas; savigynos sistema, kurią sudaro metimai, smaugimai (apie 60% veiksmų) ir smūgiai (apie 40% veiksmų). Džiudžitstas sukurtas… … Sporto terminų žodynas


бразильское джиу-джитсу

1 джиу-джитсу

2 джиу-джитсу

3 джиу-джитсу

4 джиу-джитсу

5 джиу-джитсу

6 джиу-джитсу

7 джиу-джитсу

8 джиуджитсу

9 бразильское дерево

10 Бразильское плоскогорье

11 Бразильское предложение

12 Бразильское течение

13 бразильское волокно кароа

14 бразильское гвоздичное дерево

15 бразильское двойникование

16 бразильское дерево

17 бразильское лубяное волокно мукуна

18 чёрное бразильское дерево

19 бразильское двойникование

20 Бразильское плоскогорье

См. также в других словарях:

Бразильское джиу-джитсу — Бразильское джиу джитсу … Википедия

Джиу-джитсу — В этой статье не хватает ссылок на источники информации. Информация должна быть проверяема, иначе она может быть поставлена под сомнение и удалена. Вы можете … Википедия

Позиционная борьба — Борьба в партере Позиционная борьба это основа борьбы на земле (в партере), которая заключается в том, чтобы обрести и сохранить доминирующее положение на земле, так как подобное положение является наиболее подходящим д … Википедия

Спорт в Бразилии — В 2016 году в Рио де Жанейро состоятся XXXI Летние Олимпийские Игры. Спорт в Бразилии широко распространен. Наиболее популярен в этой стране футбол. Содержание 1 Футбол в Бразилии 2 Баскетбол 3 Волейбол … Википедия

Смешанные боевые искусства — Mixed Martial Arts … Википедия

Вале-тудо — Vale tudo Другие названия: No Holds Barred (NHB), Anything Go … Википедия

Ройс Грейси — Эта статья предлагается к удалению. Пояснение причин и соответствующее обсуждение вы можете найти на странице Википедия:К удалению/20 декабря 2012. Пока процесс обсужден … Википедия

Руа, Маурисио — Маурисиу Руа Общая информация Полное имя Маурисиу Милани Руа Прозвище Сёгун (англ. Shogun … Википедия

Дзюдо — 柔道 Написание слова дзюдо иероглифами Название боевого искусства (БИ) … Википедия

Фрэнк Мир — Общая информация Полное имя Франциско Сантос Мир III Гражданство … Википедия

Джордж Сент-Пьер — Место рождения: Saint Isidore, Канада. Гражданство: Канада == Биография == Родился 19 мая 1981 года в Saint Isidore, Quebec, Канада. У него было тяжелое детство, посещая школу у него могли украсть одежду и деньги. Он начал изучать Киокушинкай… … Википедия


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«That’s my seat.»
— Jisoo to Hobin in Episode 67

Jisu Ju (주지수, Joo Jisoo) is a minor character of How to Fight/Viral Hit.


Jisoo’s figure is skinny and small, making him seem like an easy target. He has dark hair with his bangs covering his purple eyes. They seem to be revealed when Jisu is thinking of something sinister. He normally wears a sweatshirt, with the hood pulled up and sweatpants or athletic shorts.


Jisoo is typically pretty quiet, he often sees things as too much of a bother, and enjoys sleeping a lot.

However is more talkative in surrounding with minimal people. He is very lazy and used to see it as a nuisance to go against people above him. This is seen with his lack of recoil to his bullies (until his revenge).

He is infamous for his laziness. He argued that it was easier to let the bullies beat him, rather than getting stronger. However, when he discovered that he could do Jiu Jitsu laying down, he was prepared for it to be a lazy martial art. He is often seen yawning and sleeping in ironic situations.

When he reached the top of his high school along with his younger brother, he started becoming more arrogant and impulsive. In one instance he even sexually assaulted a fellow Jiu Jitsu student with whom he was infatuated with. Possessing a depraved mindset he tried to justify his actions before the assault by saying she was the one who «tempted» him first.


Joo Jisoo came from a history of being bullied and humiliated daily alongside his brother, Joo Hyeoksoo. Hyeoksoo, in contrast of Jisoo’s passiveness, angirly encouraged Jisoo to workout, so they could eventually stand up to their bullies and teach them their lesson. Jisoo was stubborn at first, insisting that it was easier to just get beaten, however ended up starting Jiu Jitsu classes.[1]

The reason he pushed himself to become skilled was implied that he had attraction towards a female white belt he was taking classes with. He was a prodigy, becoming a purple belt in just two years.[1]

Jisu got revenge on his bully using his acquired Jiu Jitsu skills, becoming a «hero» to his school. Many students recorded his actions, gaining him fame. Hyeoksoo came up with the idea of them starting a Newtube channel, and they started the channel ‘Lazily Made Channel/Rough and Ready’ to teach Jiu Jitsu and Wilderness Survival.[1]

Later, Jisoo committed sexual assault on a female Jiu Jitsu student who was learning in the same studio. Many people were upset at him, calling him out. However, Jisoo was able to somehow clean his image, with the help of Baek Seongjun. He suggested that Jisoo takes advantage of «The Dave Murder Case.» Dave had brutally murdered a student whom he had been tutoring. Police were escorting Dave for further investigation, gaining a crowd of people speaking up and recording him. Jisoo listened to Seongjun and took advantage of the crowd’s anger, using his skills to take down and ‘punish’ Dave for his crime. This led him to being seen as a better person in the eyes of the public, gaining his fame again.[2]

Fighting Prowess[]

He is a prodigy in Jiu Jitsu as he gained a purple belt in the martial art within just 2 years which is extremely impressive.

Techniques used[]


  • Double leg Takedown
  • Imanari Roll

Joint locks[]

  • Heel Hook
  • Toe Hold
  • Knee bar


  • Rear naked choke


  • Closed guard


  • His Korean name, Joo Jisoo (주지수) puns for Jiu-Jitsu (주짓수).
  • Despite it never being confirmed, he has shown signs of narcolepsy, such as falling asleep easily even when it’s not convenient or comfortable.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Webtoon, Episode 69
  2. Webtoon, Episode 70


v  e
Character Navigation
Main Hobin Yoo • Jihyeok Woo • Gaeul • Rumi Yeo • Mangi Hwang • Taehun Seong • Gyeoul Han • Wangguk Han • Seongjun Baek • Jinho Lee • Hyeonsu Lee • Jisu Ju • Hyeoksu Ju • Yeonwoo Ji
Secondary Bomi Choi • Munseong Kim • Pakgo • Chan Jeong • Minjeong• Samdak• Dongseok Oh• Nameless• Mangil Ri• Mr. Dreg• Daniel Smith• Sangtae Ji• Taesan Ju• Yong Hwang• Hye-yeon Hwang • Jihyeon Park
Background Jinhyeon Choi • Bomi’s mother• Dowoon Lee• Cheon Il-Seop• Dohyee• Jinseok Kang• Hansu Seong• Seongjun’s mother• Seongjun’s father

  • Overview
  • Synopsis
  • Relationships
  • Image Gallery
«That’s my seat.»
— Jisoo to Hobin in Episode 67

Jisu Ju (주지수, Joo Jisoo) is a minor character of How to Fight/Viral Hit.


Jisoo’s figure is skinny and small, making him seem like an easy target. He has dark hair with his bangs covering his purple eyes. They seem to be revealed when Jisu is thinking of something sinister. He normally wears a sweatshirt, with the hood pulled up and sweatpants or athletic shorts.


Jisoo is typically pretty quiet, he often sees things as too much of a bother, and enjoys sleeping a lot.

However is more talkative in surrounding with minimal people. He is very lazy and used to see it as a nuisance to go against people above him. This is seen with his lack of recoil to his bullies (until his revenge).

He is infamous for his laziness. He argued that it was easier to let the bullies beat him, rather than getting stronger. However, when he discovered that he could do Jiu Jitsu laying down, he was prepared for it to be a lazy martial art. He is often seen yawning and sleeping in ironic situations.

When he reached the top of his high school along with his younger brother, he started becoming more arrogant and impulsive. In one instance he even sexually assaulted a fellow Jiu Jitsu student with whom he was infatuated with. Possessing a depraved mindset he tried to justify his actions before the assault by saying she was the one who «tempted» him first.


Joo Jisoo came from a history of being bullied and humiliated daily alongside his brother, Joo Hyeoksoo. Hyeoksoo, in contrast of Jisoo’s passiveness, angirly encouraged Jisoo to workout, so they could eventually stand up to their bullies and teach them their lesson. Jisoo was stubborn at first, insisting that it was easier to just get beaten, however ended up starting Jiu Jitsu classes.[1]

The reason he pushed himself to become skilled was implied that he had attraction towards a female white belt he was taking classes with. He was a prodigy, becoming a purple belt in just two years.[1]

Jisu got revenge on his bully using his acquired Jiu Jitsu skills, becoming a «hero» to his school. Many students recorded his actions, gaining him fame. Hyeoksoo came up with the idea of them starting a Newtube channel, and they started the channel ‘Lazily Made Channel/Rough and Ready’ to teach Jiu Jitsu and Wilderness Survival.[1]

Later, Jisoo committed sexual assault on a female Jiu Jitsu student who was learning in the same studio. Many people were upset at him, calling him out. However, Jisoo was able to somehow clean his image, with the help of Baek Seongjun. He suggested that Jisoo takes advantage of «The Dave Murder Case.» Dave had brutally murdered a student whom he had been tutoring. Police were escorting Dave for further investigation, gaining a crowd of people speaking up and recording him. Jisoo listened to Seongjun and took advantage of the crowd’s anger, using his skills to take down and ‘punish’ Dave for his crime. This led him to being seen as a better person in the eyes of the public, gaining his fame again.[2]

Fighting Prowess[]

He is a prodigy in Jiu Jitsu as he gained a purple belt in the martial art within just 2 years which is extremely impressive.

Techniques used[]


  • Double leg Takedown
  • Imanari Roll

Joint locks[]

  • Heel Hook
  • Toe Hold
  • Knee bar


  • Rear naked choke


  • Closed guard


  • His Korean name, Joo Jisoo (주지수) puns for Jiu-Jitsu (주짓수).
  • Despite it never being confirmed, he has shown signs of narcolepsy, such as falling asleep easily even when it’s not convenient or comfortable.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Webtoon, Episode 69
  2. Webtoon, Episode 70


v  e
Character Navigation
Main Hobin Yoo • Jihyeok Woo • Gaeul • Rumi Yeo • Mangi Hwang • Taehun Seong • Gyeoul Han • Wangguk Han • Seongjun Baek • Jinho Lee • Hyeonsu Lee • Jisu Ju • Hyeoksu Ju • Yeonwoo Ji
Secondary Bomi Choi • Munseong Kim • Pakgo • Chan Jeong • Minjeong• Samdak• Dongseok Oh• Nameless• Mangil Ri• Mr. Dreg• Daniel Smith• Sangtae Ji• Taesan Ju• Yong Hwang• Hye-yeon Hwang • Jihyeon Park
Background Jinhyeon Choi • Bomi’s mother• Dowoon Lee• Cheon Il-Seop• Dohyee• Jinseok Kang• Hansu Seong• Seongjun’s mother• Seongjun’s father

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