Как пишется имя кейт на английском

Английский (English)

Catherine, Catharine, Cathryn, Katherine, Katharine, Katharyn, Katheryn, Kathryn (Кэтрин), Katrina (Катрина), уменьшительные — Kate (Кэйт), Katey, Katie, Katy (Кэйти),Kat (Кэт), Catha (Кэйта), Cathy, Kathi, Kathie, Kathy (Кэти), Kay (Кэй), Kit (Кит), Kittie, Kitty (Китти), Kiki (Кики)

Традиционная форма написания в английском языке — Katherine. Вариант Catherine появился под влиянием французского языка.

Cathleen, Kathleen, Kathlyn (Кэтлин), Caitlin (Кэйтлин), уменьшительные — Kat (Кэт), Kay (Кэй). Варианты Cathleen, Kathleen, Kathlyn и Caitlin, скорее всего, появились вследствие англизации ирландского имени Caitlin, также происходящего от греч. Αικατερίνη (Айкатерине). 

Немецкий (Deutsch)

Katharina, Katarina, Catharina, Catarina (Катарина), Katherina, Catherina (Катерина), Cathrin, Catrin, Kathrin, Katrin (Катрин), Catrina, Katrina (Катрина), фризск. Kerrin (Керрин), уменьшительные — Käte, Käthe (Кете), Käthchen (Кетхен), Kathi, Kati, Kathy, Katy, Cathi, Cathy, Cati, Caty (Кати), Rina (Рина), Ina (Ина), Trina (Трина), Trine (Трине) 

Французский (Français)

Catherine (Катрин), уменьшительное — Catiche (Катиш, Катишь), Cathy, Cathie (Кати), Cath (Кат), Catou (Кату), Kiki (Кики)

Испанский (Español)

Catalina (Каталина), Catarina (Катарина), уменьшительные — Cata (Ката), Cati (Кати), Catocha (Каточа), Catuca (Катука), Lina (Лина) 

Португальский (Português)

Catarina (Катарина), уменьшительные — Ca, Cá (Ка), Cacá (Кака), Cata (Ката), Rina (Рина), Tari (Тари), Catita (Катита), Ina (Ина), Kiki (Кики)

Итальянский (Italiano)

Caterina (Катерина), Catterina (Каттерина), Catarina (Катарина), Catalina (Каталина), уменьшительные — Rina (Рина), Rinetta (Ринетта), Rinuccia (Ринучча)

Корсиканский (Corsu)

Catalina (Каталина), Catarina (Катарина) 

Окситанский (провансальский) (occitan, lenga d’òc, provençal)

 Catarina (Катарино), Catalina (Каталино)

провансальский диалект:

  Catarino (Катарино), уменьшительное — Ninoun (Нинун)

беарнский диалект:

  уменьшительные — Catin (Катин), Catineta (Катинето), Catinon (Катину)

беарнский диалект (средневек.):

  Catherina (Катерино), Catelina (Кателино), Catalina, Cathalina (Каталино), уменьшительное — Catelinòta (Кателиното) 

Каталанский (Català)

Caterina (Катерина) 

Румынский/Молдавский (Română/Moldovenească)

 Ecaterina (Экатерина), народная форма: Cătălina (Кэтэлина), уменьшительные — Cati (Кати), Cateluţa (Кателуца), Catina (Катина), Catinca (Катинка), Tinca (Тинка), Tincuţa (Тинкуца), Lina (Лина) 

Венгерский (Magyar)

Katalin (Каталин), уменьшительные — Kata (Ката), Katica (Катица), Katika (Катика), Katinka (Катинка), Kató (Като), Katus (Катуш), Katuska (Катушка)

Греческий (новогреческий) (Ελληνικά)

Αικατερίνη (Экатерини), Αικατερίνα (Экатерина), Κατερίνα (Катерина), уменьшительные — Κατίνα (Катина), Κατερινιώ (Катеринио), Κατινάκι (Катинаки), Kατινίτσα (Катиница), Κατινιώ (Катинио), Κατίνγκω (Катинико), Κατίγκα (Катинга), Τίγκα (Тинга), Ρίνα (Рина)

Украинский (Українська)

Правила произношения украинских имен

Катерина, церк. Єкатерина, народные формы: Катерина, Катря, уменьшительные — Катеринка, Катеринонька, Катериночка, Катруня, Катрунька, Катруся, Катрусенька, Катречка, Катя, Катечка, Катюша, Кася, Касенька, Каська, Касуненька, Касюня, Касюнейка

Белорусский (Беларуская)

Правила произношения белорусских имен

 Кацярына, церк. Екацярына, уменьшительные — Каця, Кацька, Кацюня, Кацюша, Кася, Каська, Касюня, Кацярынка, Кацярыначка

Польский (Polski)

Katarzyna (Катажина, Катаржина), уменьшительные — Kacha (Каха), Kachna (Кахна), Kasia (Кася), Kasieńka (Касенька), Kasiunia (Касюня), Kaśka (Каська)

Чешский (Čeština)

Kateřina (Катержина), Katarína (Катарина), Katrin (Катрин), Katrina (Катрина), уменьшительные — Katka (Катка), Káča (Кача), Káťa (Катя), Kačena (Качена), Kačenka (Каченка), Katuška (Катушка), Kateřinka (Катержинка), Kátěnka (Катенка), Katla (Катла), Katruše (Катруше), Katrinka (Катринка)

Варианты Katarína, Katrin, Katrina появились под влиянием немецкого языка.

Болгарский (Български)

Катерина, Екатерина, уменьшительные — Катка, Катя, Катина, Кина, Кинка

Сербский (Српски)

Катарина, Katarina (Катарина), Екатарина, Ekatarina (Экатарина), уменьшительные — Катица, Katica (Катица), Ката, Kata (Ката), Каћа, Kaća (Кача), Каја, Kaja (Кайя), Катина, Katina (Катина)

Нидерландский (Nederlands)

Catharina, Katharina (Катарина), Katrine (Катрине), Katrien (Катрин), Katrijn (Катрейн), Catrina (Катрина), Catelijne, Katelijne (Кателейне), Catelijn, Katelijn (Кателейн), Karijn (Карейн), Karin (Карин), Karen (Карен), уменьшительные — Caat, Kaat (Кат), Caatje, Kaatje (Катье), Catie, Katie (Кати), Cato (Като), To (То), Toos (Тос), Catootje (Катотье), Keetje (Кетье), Rina (Рина), Rineke (Ринеке), Rini (Рини), Ina (Ина), Ineke (Инеке), Ine (Ине), Ini (Ини), Nina (Нина), Nine (Нине), Nienke (Нинке), Tina (Тина), Tieneke, Tineke (Тинеке), Tine (Тине), Tini, Tinie, Tiny (Тини), Trijn (Трейн), Trijntje (Трейнтье), Trine (Трине), Tryn (Трин), Trynie (Трини), Trynke (Тринке), Tryntje (Тринтье)

Варианты Karin, Karen заимствованы из сканд. языков.

Датский (Dansk)

 Katharina, Catharina, Katarina, Catarina (Катарина), Katarine, Catarine (Катарине), Catherine, Katherine (Катерине), народные формы: Katrine, Catrine (Катрине), Katrin, Catrin (Катрин), Karen (Карен), уменьшительные — Kaia, Kaja, Kaya, Caia, Caja (Кайя), Kata (Ката), Katty (Катти), Katie (Кати), Kett (Кетт), Ketta (Кетта), Kette (Кетте), Ketti (Кетти), Kari (Кари), Trine (Трине), Ine (Ине)

Шведский (Svenska)

 Katarina, Catarina, Katharina, Catharina (Катарина), народные формы: Katrine, Catrine (Катрине), Katrin (Катрин), Katrina (Катрина), Karin, Carin (Карин), Karina, Carina (Карина), уменьшительные — Kaja, Kaija (Кайя), Kata (Ката), Kari (Кари), Kina (Кина), Kaj, Kai (Кай), Kajs (Кайс), Kajsa (Кайса), Kajsen (Кайсен), Karna (Карна), Trina (Трина), Ina (Ина)

Норвежский (Norsk (bokmål)

Kathrine, Katrine, Cathrine (Катрине), Katrin (Катрин), Karin (Карин), Karen (Карен), уменьшительные — Kari (Кари), Kaja, Kaia (Кайя), Trine (Трине), Ine (Ине). Форма Karin заимствована из шведского языка.

Исландский (Íslenska)

 Katrín (Катрин), Karen (Карен)

Финский (Suomi)

Katariina (Катариина), Katriina (Катриина), Katri (Катри), уменьшительные — Kati (Кати), Katti (Катти), Kaisa (Кайса), Kaija (Кайя), Kaisu (Кайсу), Riina (Риина)

Kaarina (Каарина), Kaarin (Каарин), уменьшительные — Kaisa (Кайса), Kaija (Кайя), Kaisu (Кайсу), Riina (Риина)

Варианты Kaarina и Kaarin заимствованы из шведск. языка (см. Karin, Karina). 

Ирландский (Gaeilge)

Caitríona, Catriona, Catrina (Катрина), Catraoine (Катрена), Caitlín (Катлин), Caitria (Катрия), уменьшительные — Cáit (Кат), Caití (Кати), Ríona (Рина), Tríona (Трина) 

Шотландский (Gàidhlig)

Caitrìona (Кайтрина, Кайчрина), Catrina, Catriona (Катрина), Caitlin (Кайтлин), уменьшительные — Ceit (Кэйт), Ceitidh (Кэйти), Ceiteag (Кэйтег) 

Бретонский (Brezhoneg)Katarin (Катарин), Katell (Катель), уменьшительные — Katellig (Кателлиг), Katou (Кату), Katik (Катик) 

Валлийский (Cymraeg)

Catrin, Cathrin (Катрин), Caitlin (Кайтлин), уменьшительные — Cadi (Кади), Cati (Кати), Citi (Кити), Casi (Каси) 

Мэнский (Gaelg, Gailck)

Catreena, Katryna (Катрина), Kathleen (Катлин)


Kate is a feminine given name. It is a short form of multiple feminine names, most notably Katherine but also Caitlin and others.


Carlo Crivelli 014.jpg

Catherine of Alexandria, by Carlo Crivelli

Gender Female
Word/name Latin, French, English, Welsh, Irish
Meaning pure
Other names
Related names Katherine
Katharine Catherine

Translations and variationsEdit

  • Arabic: كيت
  • Belarusian: Каця (Katsia), Кацярына (Katsiaryna)
  • Bengali: কেট (Kēṭa)
  • Bulgarian: Кейт (Keĭt), Катя (Katya)
  • Chinese Simplified: 凯特 (Kǎitè)
  • Chinese Traditional: 凱特 (Kǎitè)
  • Croatian: Ina, Kata, Katica, Tina
  • Czech: Katka, Kateřina, Kačka, Káťa, Kačenka, Káča, Kačí, Kačena
  • Danish: Katja, Trine, Caja, Ina, Kaja, Karen, Karin, Karina
  • Dutch: Kato, Cato, Ina, Katinka, Katja, Kaat, Rina, Tina, Trijntje, Karin, Tineke
  • English: Kat, Kathi, Kathie, Kathy, Kay, Kit, Kitty, Kae, Kaye, Katey, Katie, Katy, Kayla, Kaety, Katee, Kaylee, Kayleen, Kaylyn, Kaytie
  • Estonian: Kaisa, Kati, Keit, Riina, Triinu
  • Finnish: Kaija, Kaisa, Kata, Kati, Katri, Riina, Kaarina, Karin
  • Georgian: Eka
  • German: Cathrin, Catrin, Ina, Käthe, Kathrin, Katinka, Katja, Karen, Karin, Karina
  • Greek: Καίτη (Kaíti̱)
  • Gujarati: કેટ (Kēṭa)
  • Hawaiian: Kalena
  • Hebrew: קייט
  • Hindi: केट (Kēṭa)
  • Hungarian: Katalin, Kata, Kati, Katalinka, Kató, Kitti
  • Irish: Cáit, Ríona
  • Italian: Catia, Katia, Rina
  • Japanese: ケイト (Keito)
  • Kannada: ಕೇಟ್ (Kēṭ)
  • Korean: 케이트 (Keiteu)
  • Lithuanian: Katrė
  • Macedonian: Кејт (Kejt)
  • Marathi: केट (Kēṭa)
  • Mongolian: Кейт (Kyeit)
  • Nepali: केट (Kēṭa)
  • Norwegian: Kari, Katja, Ina, Kaia, Kaja, Karen, Karin, Karina, Karine
  • Persian: کیت
  • Polish: Kasia, Karina
  • Portuguese: Cátia, Kátia
  • Punjabi: ਕੇਟ (Kēṭa)
  • Russian: Кейт (Keyt), Катенька (Katenka), Катерина (Katerina), Екатерина (Yekaterina), Катя (Katia), Катя (Katya)
  • Scottish Gaelic: Ceit
  • Serbian: Кata, Katarina
  • Slovak: Katka, Katarína
  • Slovene: Katica, Katja
  • Swedish: Cajsa, Kai, Kajsa, Katja, Carin, Carina, Ina, Kaj, Kaja, Karin, Karina
  • Tamil: கேட் (Kēṭ)
  • Telugu: కేట్ (Kēṭ)
  • Thai: เคท (Kheth)
  • Ukrainian: Катерина (Kateryna)
  • Urdu: کیٹ
  • Welsh: Cadi
  • Yiddish: קייט (Qyyt)


In literatureEdit

  • Kate Chopin (1850–1904), American author
  • Kate DiCamillo (born 1964), American children’s author
  • Kate Field (1838–1896), American journalist and actress
  • Kate Greenaway (1846–1901), English author
  • Kate E. Griswold (c. 1869–1???), American editor, publisher, proprietor
  • Kate Simpson Hayes (1856-1945), Canadian writer, teacher, milliner, legislative librarian
  • Kate Millett (1934–2017), American feminist writer and activist
  • Kate Mosse (born 1961), English author and broadcaster
  • Kate O’Brien (novelist) (1897–1974), Irish novelist
  • Kate Sanborn (1839–1917), American author, teacher, lecturer
  • Kate Seelye, American journalist specializing in coverage of the Middle East
  • Kate Brownlee Sherwood (1841-1914), American poet, journalist, translator
  • Kate Stone (1841–1907), diarist
  • Kate L. Turabian (1893–1987), American non-fiction writer and educator
  • Kate Vitasek (born 1968), American author and educator
  • Kate Douglas Wiggin (1856-1923), American educator, author of children’s stories

In musicEdit

  • Kate Alexa (born 1988), Australian singer
  • Kate Bush (born 1958), English singer-songwriter
  • Kate Ceberano (born 1966), Australian jazz singer
  • Kate Guldbrandsen (born 1965), Norwegian singer
  • Kate Havnevik (born 1975), Norwegian singer-songwriter
  • Kate Maberly (born 1982), English singer-songwriter and actress
  • Kate Miller-Heidke (born 1981), Australian singer-songwriter and actress
  • Kate Nash (born 1987), English singer-songwriter
  • Kate Pierson (born 1958), American singer and musician
  • Kate Ryan (born 1980), Belgian singer-songwriter
  • Kate Rusby (born 1973), English folk singer-songwriter
  • Kate Smith (1907–1986), American singer
  • Kate Taylor (born 1949), American singer and songwriter
  • Kate Tunstall (known as KT Tunstall), Scottish singer-songwriter
  • Kate Voegele (born 1986), American singer-songwriter and actress
  • Kate Wolf (1942–1986), American folk singer-songwriter


  • Kate Allenby (born 1974), British Modern Pentathlete
  • Kate Gaze (born 1990), Australian basketball player
  • Kate Horne (born 1954), Canadian curler
  • Kate Howarth (soccer) (born 1991), American soccer player
  • Kate Howey (born 1973), English judoka
  • Kate Jobson (born 1937), Swedish swimmer
  • Kate Markgraf (born 1976), American soccer player
  • Kate Reed (born 1982), British long-distance runner
  • Kate Starre (born 1971), Australian field hockey player

In film and televisionEdit

  • Kate Adie (born 1945), English television news correspondent
  • Kate Beckinsale (born 1973), English actress
  • Kate Beirness (born 1984), Canadian television sportscaster
  • Kate Berlant (born 1987), American comedian and actress
  • Cate Blanchett (born 1969), Australian actress
  • Kate Bosworth (born 1983), American actress
  • Kate Bristol (born 1990), American voice actress
  • Kate Burton (actress) (born 1957), British-American actress
  • Kate Capshaw (born 1953), American actress
  • Kate Copstick (born 1956), Scottish actress and director
  • Kate del Castillo (born 1972), Mexican actress
  • Kate Garraway (born 1967), English television and radio presenter
  • Kate Gerbeau (born 1968), English television presenter and newsreader
  • Kate Gosselin (born 1975), American television personality
  • Kate Hackett, American actress
  • Kate Harrington (1902–1978), American actress
  • Kate Henshaw (born 1961), Nigerian actress
  • Kate Hewlett (born 1976), Canadian actress
  • Kate Hudson (born 1979), American actress
  • Kate Humble (born 1968), British television presenter
  • Kate Isitt (born 1965), English actress
  • Kate Jackson (born 1948), American actress
  • Kate Lawler (born 1980), English television presenter and Big Brother winner
  • Kate Lonergan (born 1962), English actress
  • Kate Maberly (born 1982), English actress
  • Kate Mara (born 1983), American actress
  • Kate McKinnon (born 1984), American actress and comedian
  • Kate Micucci (born 1980), American actress, comedian and musician
  • Kate Mulgrew (born 1955), American actress
  • Kate O’Mara (1939–2014), English actress
  • Kate Ritchie (born 1978), Australian actress and radio personality
  • Kate Smith, Australian theatrical star, 2006/2007 Wheel Of Fortune co-hostess
  • Kate Smith (presenter), Northern Irish journalist and television presenter
  • Kate Thornton (born 1973), English journalist and television presenter
  • Kate Tsui (born 1979), Hong Kong actress
  • Kate Valdez (born 2000), Filipino actress
  • Kate Vernon (born 1961), Canadian actress
  • Kate Walsh (actress) (born 1967), American actress
  • Kate Walsh (presenter) (born 1981), British television presenter
  • Kate Winslet (born 1975), English actress
  • Kate Moss, UK actress and model
  • Kate Upton, UK actress and model
  • Catherine Kamau, Kenyan award-winning actress popularly known as “Kate Actress”


  • Kate Warner, Australian politician
  • Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge (born 1982), wife of Prince William, Duke of Cambridge; formerly Kate Middleton
  • Kate Bisschop-Swift (1834–1928), Dutch painter
  • Kate Cayley, Canadian writer and theatre director
  • Kate Booth (1858–1955), English Salvationist and evangelist, eldest daughter of William and Catherine Booth
  • Big Nose Kate (1850–1940), Hungarian-born prostitute and longtime companion and common-law wife of Old West gunfighter Doc Holliday, born Mary Katherine Horony
  • Kate M. Gordon (1861–1932), American suffragette
  • Kate Grigorieva (born 1989), Russian supermodel
  • Kate Hennig (born 1961 or 1962), Canadian actress and playwright
  • Kate Horn (1826–1896), Canadian stage actress and director
  • Kate Lushington, Canadian theatre artist and teacher
  • Kate Moss (born 1974), English supermodel
  • Kate Nicholl (born 1988), Lord Mayor of Belfast
  • Kate Osamor (born 1968), British Labour Party politician
  • Kate Sheppard (1848–1934), New Zealand suffragette
  • Kate Spade (1962–2018), American designer and businesswoman
  • Kate Tyrrell (1863–1921), Irish sea captain and owner of a shipping company

Fictional charactersEdit

  • Kate, a character from the 1989 film All Dogs Go to Heaven
  • Kate, a character in 1993 action/martial arts movie Showdown
  • Kate, one of the two main characters in the 2022 American comedy movie Sam & Kate
  • Kate, the older sister of the titular character of the Australian children’s series, Ferry Boat Fred
  • Kate Austen, on the TV series Lost
  • Kate Beckett, the main female character on the TV show Castle
  • Kate Beringer, a character in the Gremlins franchise
  • Hawkeye (Kate Bishop), a Marvel Comics character
  • Kate Connolly from Maggie Stiefvater’s The Scorpio Races
  • Kate Connor, in the British soap opera Coronation Street
  • Kate Denson, from Dead by Daylight
  • Kate Denali, from the Twilight series
  • Kate Ditchburn, in the TV comedy Blackadder II
  • Kate Fiztgerald, main character of the novel and film My Sister’s Keeper
  • Katie Holt, from Voltron: Legendary Defender
  • Kate Kane, the second Batwoman from DC Comics
  • Kate Lockley, on the TV show Angel
  • Kate McReary, in the video game Grand Theft Auto IV
  • Kate McCallister, the main character’s mother in the Home Alone franchise
  • Kate Mitchell, in the British soap opera EastEnders
  • Kate Morgan, in the TV series 24
  • Kate Patrick, a character from Hollyoaks
  • Kate Ramsay, a character in the Australian soap opera Neighbours
  • Kate «D.W.» Read, a character from Arthur
  • Kate Roberts, a character in the American soap opera Days of Our Lives
  • Manhunter (Kate Spencer), a DC Comics heroine
  • Katherine «Kate» Summers-Stratton, a character in the American sitcom television series Silver Spoons
  • Kate Takenomiya, from Akira Hiramoto’s Prison School
  • Kate Thompson, a character in the 1980 comedy film The Gods Must Be Crazy
  • Kate Tomten, the eldest of the Tomten kids in the children’s show Noddy


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Carlo Crivelli 014.jpg

Catherine of Alexandria, by Carlo Crivelli

Gender Female
Word/name Latin, French, English, Welsh, Irish
Meaning pure
Other names
Related names Katherine
Katharine Catherine

Kate is a feminine given name. It is a short form of multiple feminine names, most notably Katherine but also Caitlin and others.

Translations and variations[edit]

  • Arabic: كيت
  • Belarusian: Каця (Katsia), Кацярына (Katsiaryna)
  • Bengali: কেট (Kēṭa)
  • Bulgarian: Кейт (Keĭt), Катя (Katya)
  • Chinese Simplified: 凯特 (Kǎitè)
  • Chinese Traditional: 凱特 (Kǎitè)
  • Croatian: Ina, Kata, Katica, Tina
  • Czech: Katka, Kateřina, Kačka, Káťa, Kačenka, Káča, Kačí, Kačena
  • Danish: Katja, Trine, Caja, Ina, Kaja, Karen, Karin, Karina
  • Dutch: Kato, Cato, Ina, Katinka, Katja, Kaat, Rina, Tina, Trijntje, Karin, Tineke
  • English: Kat, Kathi, Kathie, Kathy, Kay, Kit, Kitty, Kae, Kaye, Katey, Katie, Katy, Kayla, Kaety, Katee, Kaylee, Kayleen, Kaylyn, Kaytie
  • Estonian: Kaisa, Kati, Keit, Riina, Triinu
  • Finnish: Kaija, Kaisa, Kata, Kati, Katri, Riina, Kaarina, Karin
  • Georgian: Eka
  • German: Cathrin, Catrin, Ina, Käthe, Kathrin, Katinka, Katja, Karen, Karin, Karina
  • Greek: Καίτη (Kaíti̱)
  • Gujarati: કેટ (Kēṭa)
  • Hawaiian: Kalena
  • Hebrew: קייט
  • Hindi: केट (Kēṭa)
  • Hungarian: Katalin, Kata, Kati, Katalinka, Kató, Kitti
  • Irish: Cáit, Ríona
  • Italian: Catia, Katia, Rina
  • Japanese: ケイト (Keito)
  • Kannada: ಕೇಟ್ (Kēṭ)
  • Korean: 케이트 (Keiteu)
  • Lithuanian: Katrė
  • Macedonian: Кејт (Kejt)
  • Marathi: केट (Kēṭa)
  • Mongolian: Кейт (Kyeit)
  • Nepali: केट (Kēṭa)
  • Norwegian: Kari, Katja, Ina, Kaia, Kaja, Karen, Karin, Karina, Karine
  • Persian: کیت
  • Polish: Kasia, Karina
  • Portuguese: Cátia, Kátia
  • Punjabi: ਕੇਟ (Kēṭa)
  • Russian: Кейт (Keyt), Катенька (Katenka), Катерина (Katerina), Екатерина (Yekaterina), Катя (Katia), Катя (Katya)
  • Scottish Gaelic: Ceit
  • Serbian: Кata, Katarina
  • Slovak: Katka, Katarína
  • Slovene: Katica, Katja
  • Swedish: Cajsa, Kai, Kajsa, Katja, Carin, Carina, Ina, Kaj, Kaja, Karin, Karina
  • Tamil: கேட் (Kēṭ)
  • Telugu: కేట్ (Kēṭ)
  • Thai: เคท (Kheth)
  • Ukrainian: Катерина (Kateryna)
  • Urdu: کیٹ
  • Welsh: Cadi
  • Yiddish: קייט (Qyyt)


In literature[edit]

  • Kate Chopin (1850–1904), American author
  • Kate DiCamillo (born 1964), American children’s author
  • Kate Field (1838–1896), American journalist and actress
  • Kate Greenaway (1846–1901), English author
  • Kate E. Griswold (c. 1869–1???), American editor, publisher, proprietor
  • Kate Simpson Hayes (1856-1945), Canadian writer, teacher, milliner, legislative librarian
  • Kate Millett (1934–2017), American feminist writer and activist
  • Kate Mosse (born 1961), English author and broadcaster
  • Kate O’Brien (novelist) (1897–1974), Irish novelist
  • Kate Sanborn (1839–1917), American author, teacher, lecturer
  • Kate Seelye, American journalist specializing in coverage of the Middle East
  • Kate Brownlee Sherwood (1841-1914), American poet, journalist, translator
  • Kate Stone (1841–1907), diarist
  • Kate L. Turabian (1893–1987), American non-fiction writer and educator
  • Kate Vitasek (born 1968), American author and educator
  • Kate Douglas Wiggin (1856-1923), American educator, author of children’s stories

In music[edit]

  • Kate Alexa (born 1988), Australian singer
  • Kate Bush (born 1958), English singer-songwriter
  • Kate Ceberano (born 1966), Australian jazz singer
  • Kate Guldbrandsen (born 1965), Norwegian singer
  • Kate Havnevik (born 1975), Norwegian singer-songwriter
  • Kate Maberly (born 1982), English singer-songwriter and actress
  • Kate Miller-Heidke (born 1981), Australian singer-songwriter and actress
  • Kate Nash (born 1987), English singer-songwriter
  • Kate Pierson (born 1958), American singer and musician
  • Kate Ryan (born 1980), Belgian singer-songwriter
  • Kate Rusby (born 1973), English folk singer-songwriter
  • Kate Smith (1907–1986), American singer
  • Kate Taylor (born 1949), American singer and songwriter
  • Kate Tunstall (known as KT Tunstall), Scottish singer-songwriter
  • Kate Voegele (born 1986), American singer-songwriter and actress
  • Kate Wolf (1942–1986), American folk singer-songwriter


  • Kate Allenby (born 1974), British Modern Pentathlete
  • Kate Gaze (born 1990), Australian basketball player
  • Kate Horne (born 1954), Canadian curler
  • Kate Howarth (soccer) (born 1991), American soccer player
  • Kate Howey (born 1973), English judoka
  • Kate Jobson (born 1937), Swedish swimmer
  • Kate Markgraf (born 1976), American soccer player
  • Kate Reed (born 1982), British long-distance runner
  • Kate Starre (born 1971), Australian field hockey player

In film and television[edit]

  • Kate Adie (born 1945), English television news correspondent
  • Kate Beckinsale (born 1973), English actress
  • Kate Beirness (born 1984), Canadian television sportscaster
  • Kate Berlant (born 1987), American comedian and actress
  • Cate Blanchett (born 1969), Australian actress
  • Kate Bosworth (born 1983), American actress
  • Kate Bristol (born 1990), American voice actress
  • Kate Burton (actress) (born 1957), British-American actress
  • Kate Capshaw (born 1953), American actress
  • Kate Copstick (born 1956), Scottish actress and director
  • Kate del Castillo (born 1972), Mexican actress
  • Kate Garraway (born 1967), English television and radio presenter
  • Kate Gerbeau (born 1968), English television presenter and newsreader
  • Kate Gosselin (born 1975), American television personality
  • Kate Hackett, American actress
  • Kate Harrington (1902–1978), American actress
  • Kate Henshaw (born 1961), Nigerian actress
  • Kate Hewlett (born 1976), Canadian actress
  • Kate Hudson (born 1979), American actress
  • Kate Humble (born 1968), British television presenter
  • Kate Isitt (born 1965), English actress
  • Kate Jackson (born 1948), American actress
  • Kate Lawler (born 1980), English television presenter and Big Brother winner
  • Kate Lonergan (born 1962), English actress
  • Kate Maberly (born 1982), English actress
  • Kate Mara (born 1983), American actress
  • Kate McKinnon (born 1984), American actress and comedian
  • Kate Micucci (born 1980), American actress, comedian and musician
  • Kate Mulgrew (born 1955), American actress
  • Kate O’Mara (1939–2014), English actress
  • Kate Ritchie (born 1978), Australian actress and radio personality
  • Kate Smith, Australian theatrical star, 2006/2007 Wheel Of Fortune co-hostess
  • Kate Smith (presenter), Northern Irish journalist and television presenter
  • Kate Thornton (born 1973), English journalist and television presenter
  • Kate Tsui (born 1979), Hong Kong actress
  • Kate Valdez (born 2000), Filipino actress
  • Kate Vernon (born 1961), Canadian actress
  • Kate Walsh (actress) (born 1967), American actress
  • Kate Walsh (presenter) (born 1981), British television presenter
  • Kate Winslet (born 1975), English actress
  • Kate Moss, UK actress and model
  • Kate Upton, UK actress and model
  • Catherine Kamau, Kenyan award-winning actress popularly known as “Kate Actress”


  • Kate Warner, Australian politician
  • Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge (born 1982), wife of Prince William, Duke of Cambridge; formerly Kate Middleton
  • Kate Bisschop-Swift (1834–1928), Dutch painter
  • Kate Cayley, Canadian writer and theatre director
  • Kate Booth (1858–1955), English Salvationist and evangelist, eldest daughter of William and Catherine Booth
  • Big Nose Kate (1850–1940), Hungarian-born prostitute and longtime companion and common-law wife of Old West gunfighter Doc Holliday, born Mary Katherine Horony
  • Kate M. Gordon (1861–1932), American suffragette
  • Kate Grigorieva (born 1989), Russian supermodel
  • Kate Hennig (born 1961 or 1962), Canadian actress and playwright
  • Kate Horn (1826–1896), Canadian stage actress and director
  • Kate Lushington, Canadian theatre artist and teacher
  • Kate Moss (born 1974), English supermodel
  • Kate Nicholl (born 1988), Lord Mayor of Belfast
  • Kate Osamor (born 1968), British Labour Party politician
  • Kate Sheppard (1848–1934), New Zealand suffragette
  • Kate Spade (1962–2018), American designer and businesswoman
  • Kate Tyrrell (1863–1921), Irish sea captain and owner of a shipping company

Fictional characters[edit]

  • Kate, a character from the 1989 film All Dogs Go to Heaven
  • Kate, a character in 1993 action/martial arts movie Showdown
  • Kate, one of the two main characters in the 2022 American comedy movie Sam & Kate
  • Kate, the older sister of the titular character of the Australian children’s series, Ferry Boat Fred
  • Kate Austen, on the TV series Lost
  • Kate Beckett, the main female character on the TV show Castle
  • Kate Beringer, a character in the Gremlins franchise
  • Hawkeye (Kate Bishop), a Marvel Comics character
  • Kate Connolly from Maggie Stiefvater’s The Scorpio Races
  • Kate Connor, in the British soap opera Coronation Street
  • Kate Denson, from Dead by Daylight
  • Kate Denali, from the Twilight series
  • Kate Ditchburn, in the TV comedy Blackadder II
  • Kate Fiztgerald, main character of the novel and film My Sister’s Keeper
  • Katie Holt, from Voltron: Legendary Defender
  • Kate Kane, the second Batwoman from DC Comics
  • Kate Lockley, on the TV show Angel
  • Kate McReary, in the video game Grand Theft Auto IV
  • Kate McCallister, the main character’s mother in the Home Alone franchise
  • Kate Mitchell, in the British soap opera EastEnders
  • Kate Morgan, in the TV series 24
  • Kate Patrick, a character from Hollyoaks
  • Kate Ramsay, a character in the Australian soap opera Neighbours
  • Kate «D.W.» Read, a character from Arthur
  • Kate Roberts, a character in the American soap opera Days of Our Lives
  • Manhunter (Kate Spencer), a DC Comics heroine
  • Katherine «Kate» Summers-Stratton, a character in the American sitcom television series Silver Spoons
  • Kate Takenomiya, from Akira Hiramoto’s Prison School
  • Kate Thompson, a character in the 1980 comedy film The Gods Must Be Crazy
  • Kate Tomten, the eldest of the Tomten kids in the children’s show Noddy


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Carlo Crivelli 014.jpg

Catherine of Alexandria, by Carlo Crivelli

Gender Female
Word/name Latin, French, English, Welsh, Irish
Meaning pure
Other names
Related names Katherine
Katharine Catherine

Kate is a feminine given name. It is a short form of multiple feminine names, most notably Katherine but also Caitlin and others.

Translations and variations[edit]

  • Arabic: كيت
  • Belarusian: Каця (Katsia), Кацярына (Katsiaryna)
  • Bengali: কেট (Kēṭa)
  • Bulgarian: Кейт (Keĭt), Катя (Katya)
  • Chinese Simplified: 凯特 (Kǎitè)
  • Chinese Traditional: 凱特 (Kǎitè)
  • Croatian: Ina, Kata, Katica, Tina
  • Czech: Katka, Kateřina, Kačka, Káťa, Kačenka, Káča, Kačí, Kačena
  • Danish: Katja, Trine, Caja, Ina, Kaja, Karen, Karin, Karina
  • Dutch: Kato, Cato, Ina, Katinka, Katja, Kaat, Rina, Tina, Trijntje, Karin, Tineke
  • English: Kat, Kathi, Kathie, Kathy, Kay, Kit, Kitty, Kae, Kaye, Katey, Katie, Katy, Kayla, Kaety, Katee, Kaylee, Kayleen, Kaylyn, Kaytie
  • Estonian: Kaisa, Kati, Keit, Riina, Triinu
  • Finnish: Kaija, Kaisa, Kata, Kati, Katri, Riina, Kaarina, Karin
  • Georgian: Eka
  • German: Cathrin, Catrin, Ina, Käthe, Kathrin, Katinka, Katja, Karen, Karin, Karina
  • Greek: Καίτη (Kaíti̱)
  • Gujarati: કેટ (Kēṭa)
  • Hawaiian: Kalena
  • Hebrew: קייט
  • Hindi: केट (Kēṭa)
  • Hungarian: Katalin, Kata, Kati, Katalinka, Kató, Kitti
  • Irish: Cáit, Ríona
  • Italian: Catia, Katia, Rina
  • Japanese: ケイト (Keito)
  • Kannada: ಕೇಟ್ (Kēṭ)
  • Korean: 케이트 (Keiteu)
  • Lithuanian: Katrė
  • Macedonian: Кејт (Kejt)
  • Marathi: केट (Kēṭa)
  • Mongolian: Кейт (Kyeit)
  • Nepali: केट (Kēṭa)
  • Norwegian: Kari, Katja, Ina, Kaia, Kaja, Karen, Karin, Karina, Karine
  • Persian: کیت
  • Polish: Kasia, Karina
  • Portuguese: Cátia, Kátia
  • Punjabi: ਕੇਟ (Kēṭa)
  • Russian: Кейт (Keyt), Катенька (Katenka), Катерина (Katerina), Екатерина (Yekaterina), Катя (Katia), Катя (Katya)
  • Scottish Gaelic: Ceit
  • Serbian: Кata, Katarina
  • Slovak: Katka, Katarína
  • Slovene: Katica, Katja
  • Swedish: Cajsa, Kai, Kajsa, Katja, Carin, Carina, Ina, Kaj, Kaja, Karin, Karina
  • Tamil: கேட் (Kēṭ)
  • Telugu: కేట్ (Kēṭ)
  • Thai: เคท (Kheth)
  • Ukrainian: Катерина (Kateryna)
  • Urdu: کیٹ
  • Welsh: Cadi
  • Yiddish: קייט (Qyyt)


In literature[edit]

  • Kate Chopin (1850–1904), American author
  • Kate DiCamillo (born 1964), American children’s author
  • Kate Field (1838–1896), American journalist and actress
  • Kate Greenaway (1846–1901), English author
  • Kate E. Griswold (c. 1869–1???), American editor, publisher, proprietor
  • Kate Simpson Hayes (1856-1945), Canadian writer, teacher, milliner, legislative librarian
  • Kate Millett (1934–2017), American feminist writer and activist
  • Kate Mosse (born 1961), English author and broadcaster
  • Kate O’Brien (novelist) (1897–1974), Irish novelist
  • Kate Sanborn (1839–1917), American author, teacher, lecturer
  • Kate Seelye, American journalist specializing in coverage of the Middle East
  • Kate Brownlee Sherwood (1841-1914), American poet, journalist, translator
  • Kate Stone (1841–1907), diarist
  • Kate L. Turabian (1893–1987), American non-fiction writer and educator
  • Kate Vitasek (born 1968), American author and educator
  • Kate Douglas Wiggin (1856-1923), American educator, author of children’s stories

In music[edit]

  • Kate Alexa (born 1988), Australian singer
  • Kate Bush (born 1958), English singer-songwriter
  • Kate Ceberano (born 1966), Australian jazz singer
  • Kate Guldbrandsen (born 1965), Norwegian singer
  • Kate Havnevik (born 1975), Norwegian singer-songwriter
  • Kate Maberly (born 1982), English singer-songwriter and actress
  • Kate Miller-Heidke (born 1981), Australian singer-songwriter and actress
  • Kate Nash (born 1987), English singer-songwriter
  • Kate Pierson (born 1958), American singer and musician
  • Kate Ryan (born 1980), Belgian singer-songwriter
  • Kate Rusby (born 1973), English folk singer-songwriter
  • Kate Smith (1907–1986), American singer
  • Kate Taylor (born 1949), American singer and songwriter
  • Kate Tunstall (known as KT Tunstall), Scottish singer-songwriter
  • Kate Voegele (born 1986), American singer-songwriter and actress
  • Kate Wolf (1942–1986), American folk singer-songwriter


  • Kate Allenby (born 1974), British Modern Pentathlete
  • Kate Gaze (born 1990), Australian basketball player
  • Kate Horne (born 1954), Canadian curler
  • Kate Howarth (soccer) (born 1991), American soccer player
  • Kate Howey (born 1973), English judoka
  • Kate Jobson (born 1937), Swedish swimmer
  • Kate Markgraf (born 1976), American soccer player
  • Kate Reed (born 1982), British long-distance runner
  • Kate Starre (born 1971), Australian field hockey player

In film and television[edit]

  • Kate Adie (born 1945), English television news correspondent
  • Kate Beckinsale (born 1973), English actress
  • Kate Beirness (born 1984), Canadian television sportscaster
  • Kate Berlant (born 1987), American comedian and actress
  • Cate Blanchett (born 1969), Australian actress
  • Kate Bosworth (born 1983), American actress
  • Kate Bristol (born 1990), American voice actress
  • Kate Burton (actress) (born 1957), British-American actress
  • Kate Capshaw (born 1953), American actress
  • Kate Copstick (born 1956), Scottish actress and director
  • Kate del Castillo (born 1972), Mexican actress
  • Kate Garraway (born 1967), English television and radio presenter
  • Kate Gerbeau (born 1968), English television presenter and newsreader
  • Kate Gosselin (born 1975), American television personality
  • Kate Hackett, American actress
  • Kate Harrington (1902–1978), American actress
  • Kate Henshaw (born 1961), Nigerian actress
  • Kate Hewlett (born 1976), Canadian actress
  • Kate Hudson (born 1979), American actress
  • Kate Humble (born 1968), British television presenter
  • Kate Isitt (born 1965), English actress
  • Kate Jackson (born 1948), American actress
  • Kate Lawler (born 1980), English television presenter and Big Brother winner
  • Kate Lonergan (born 1962), English actress
  • Kate Maberly (born 1982), English actress
  • Kate Mara (born 1983), American actress
  • Kate McKinnon (born 1984), American actress and comedian
  • Kate Micucci (born 1980), American actress, comedian and musician
  • Kate Mulgrew (born 1955), American actress
  • Kate O’Mara (1939–2014), English actress
  • Kate Ritchie (born 1978), Australian actress and radio personality
  • Kate Smith, Australian theatrical star, 2006/2007 Wheel Of Fortune co-hostess
  • Kate Smith (presenter), Northern Irish journalist and television presenter
  • Kate Thornton (born 1973), English journalist and television presenter
  • Kate Tsui (born 1979), Hong Kong actress
  • Kate Valdez (born 2000), Filipino actress
  • Kate Vernon (born 1961), Canadian actress
  • Kate Walsh (actress) (born 1967), American actress
  • Kate Walsh (presenter) (born 1981), British television presenter
  • Kate Winslet (born 1975), English actress
  • Kate Moss, UK actress and model
  • Kate Upton, UK actress and model
  • Catherine Kamau, Kenyan award-winning actress popularly known as “Kate Actress”


  • Kate Warner, Australian politician
  • Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge (born 1982), wife of Prince William, Duke of Cambridge; formerly Kate Middleton
  • Kate Bisschop-Swift (1834–1928), Dutch painter
  • Kate Cayley, Canadian writer and theatre director
  • Kate Booth (1858–1955), English Salvationist and evangelist, eldest daughter of William and Catherine Booth
  • Big Nose Kate (1850–1940), Hungarian-born prostitute and longtime companion and common-law wife of Old West gunfighter Doc Holliday, born Mary Katherine Horony
  • Kate M. Gordon (1861–1932), American suffragette
  • Kate Grigorieva (born 1989), Russian supermodel
  • Kate Hennig (born 1961 or 1962), Canadian actress and playwright
  • Kate Horn (1826–1896), Canadian stage actress and director
  • Kate Lushington, Canadian theatre artist and teacher
  • Kate Moss (born 1974), English supermodel
  • Kate Nicholl (born 1988), Lord Mayor of Belfast
  • Kate Osamor (born 1968), British Labour Party politician
  • Kate Sheppard (1848–1934), New Zealand suffragette
  • Kate Spade (1962–2018), American designer and businesswoman
  • Kate Tyrrell (1863–1921), Irish sea captain and owner of a shipping company

Fictional characters[edit]

  • Kate, a character from the 1989 film All Dogs Go to Heaven
  • Kate, a character in 1993 action/martial arts movie Showdown
  • Kate, one of the two main characters in the 2022 American comedy movie Sam & Kate
  • Kate, the older sister of the titular character of the Australian children’s series, Ferry Boat Fred
  • Kate Austen, on the TV series Lost
  • Kate Beckett, the main female character on the TV show Castle
  • Kate Beringer, a character in the Gremlins franchise
  • Hawkeye (Kate Bishop), a Marvel Comics character
  • Kate Connolly from Maggie Stiefvater’s The Scorpio Races
  • Kate Connor, in the British soap opera Coronation Street
  • Kate Denson, from Dead by Daylight
  • Kate Denali, from the Twilight series
  • Kate Ditchburn, in the TV comedy Blackadder II
  • Kate Fiztgerald, main character of the novel and film My Sister’s Keeper
  • Katie Holt, from Voltron: Legendary Defender
  • Kate Kane, the second Batwoman from DC Comics
  • Kate Lockley, on the TV show Angel
  • Kate McReary, in the video game Grand Theft Auto IV
  • Kate McCallister, the main character’s mother in the Home Alone franchise
  • Kate Mitchell, in the British soap opera EastEnders
  • Kate Morgan, in the TV series 24
  • Kate Patrick, a character from Hollyoaks
  • Kate Ramsay, a character in the Australian soap opera Neighbours
  • Kate «D.W.» Read, a character from Arthur
  • Kate Roberts, a character in the American soap opera Days of Our Lives
  • Manhunter (Kate Spencer), a DC Comics heroine
  • Katherine «Kate» Summers-Stratton, a character in the American sitcom television series Silver Spoons
  • Kate Takenomiya, from Akira Hiramoto’s Prison School
  • Kate Thompson, a character in the 1980 comedy film The Gods Must Be Crazy
  • Kate Tomten, the eldest of the Tomten kids in the children’s show Noddy


Транслит женсксого имени Кейт: Keyt

Написание имени Кейт в транслите или латиницей (латинскими или английскими буквами). Это может вам пригодиться, например, при написании имени Кейт в загранпаспорте, при бронировани билетов, при покупке по интернету и т.д.

Значение имени «Кейт»

непорочная, целомудренная

Значение букв в имени «Кейт»

К — проницательность, нервозность, выносливость

Е — жизнестойкость, болтливость, проницательность

Й — непредсказуемость, импульсивность, порывистость

Т — чувствительность, творческая личность, поиск идеала

Популярные женские имена

  • Лес
  • Етта
  • Мирна
  • Эйвери
  • Кларамей
  • Шелия
  • Эйнсли
  • Генет
  • Беа
  • Ребеккэйнн
  • Даррил
  • Стакки
  • Челл
  • Джипси
  • Элфреда
  • Портия
  • Онеида
  • Эдина
  • Франкайн
  • Чарлине
  • Ранда
  • Патаянс
  • Вонда
  • Лилас
  • Тэра
  • Годива
  • Киша
  • Авалайн
  • Пеймлла
  • Рашел
  • Джевел
  • Эллисон
  • Алисе
  • Астра
  • Брэйнд
  • Мона
  • Венона
  • Бренна
  • Вел
  • Ринна
  • Керстин
  • Ербана
  • Принцесс
  • Чанелл
  • Орхид
  • Брэди
  • Келли
  • Жаклин
  • Амалья
  • Корин

Имена по национальностям

  • Абхазские
  • Калмыкские
  • Аварские
  • Китайские
  • Азербайджанские
  • Кхмерские
  • Албанские
  • Литовские
  • Американские
  • Норвежские
  • Английские
  • Осетинские
  • Персидские
  • Арабские
  • Римские
  • Арамейские
  • Румынские
  • Армянские
  • Русские
  • Ассирийские
  • Афганские
  • Сербские
  • Африканские
  • Сирийские
  • Афроамериканские
  • Скандинавские
  • Ацтекские
  • Славянские
  • Бакские
  • Словенские
  • Болгарские
  • Таджикские
  • Бурятские
  • Тайские
  • Ведические
  • Татарские
  • Венгерские
  • Тевтонские
  • Гавайские
  • Тибетские
  • Германские
  • Турецкие
  • Голландские
  • Тюркские
  • Греческие
  • Финские
  • Грузинские
  • Французские
  • Дагестанские
  • Халдейские
  • Хорватские
  • Датские
  • Цыганские
  • Еврейские
  • Чаморро
  • Египетские
  • Чеченские
  • Индийские
  • Чешские
  • Индиш
  • Шведские
  • Индонезийские
  • Швейцарские
  • Иранские
  • Шотландские
  • Ирландские
  • Эсперанто
  • Исландские
  • Якутские
  • Испанские
  • Японские
  • Казахские

Фамилии по национальностям

  • Американские
  • Английские
  • Белорусские
  • Болгарские
  • Еврейские
  • Индийские
  • Испанские
  • Итальянские
  • Казахские
  • Китайские
  • Немецкие
  • Русские
  • Украинские
  • Французские
  • Японские

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Carlo Crivelli 014.jpg

Catherine of Alexandria, by Carlo Crivelli. The name Catherine became famous in Christian communities because of this early saint.

Gender Female
Word/name Greek
Other names
Nickname(s) Kaight, Kate, Kath, Cat, Catt, Cate, Catey, Cath, Catie, Cayte, Kathy, Kathie, Kathi, Katie, Katey, Katy, Kay, Kat, Katya, Katyusha, Kati, Kit, Kitty, Kasia, Cathy, Cathie
Related names Katheryn, Kathryne, Kathryn, Katharyn, Katherin, Katheryne, Katharine, Ketherane, Katerine, Katrine, Katrin, Kathrin, Katharina, Katrina, Katarina, Katerina, Catheryn, Cathryne, Cathryn, Catharyn, Catherin, Catheryne, Catharine, Cetherane, Caterine, Catrin, Cathrin, Catharina, Catrina, Catarina, Caterina, Katalina, Catalina, Karina, Carina, Ekaterina, Yekaterina, Chatarina, Aikaterine, Katarzyna

Katherine, also spelled Catherine, and other variations are feminine names. They are popular in Christian countries because of their derivation from the name of one of the first Christian saints, Catherine of Alexandria.

In the early Christian era it came to be associated with the Greek adjective καθαρός (katharos), meaning «pure», leading to the alternative spellings Katharine and Katherine. The former spelling, with a middle a, was more common in the past and is currently[when?] more popular in the United States than in Britain. Katherine, with a middle e, was first recorded in England in 1196 after being brought back from the Crusades.[1]

Popularity and variations[edit]


In Britain and America, Catherine and its variants have been among the 100 most popular names since 1880. The most common variants are Katherine, Kathryn, and Katharine. The spelling Catherine is common in both English and French. Less-common variants in English include Katheryn, Katharyn, Kathryne, Katheryne, Katherin, Kathrine, Catharine and Cathryn.[2][3][4][5]

Kathleen or Cathleen, an Anglicized form of the Irish form Caitlín, has become established in the US among people with no Irish background, but is less popular in England and Wales.

The form Karen, of Danish origin, is now often considered an independent name in English.

Diminutives include Katie, Katy, Kate, Kathy, Kathe, Kath, Kay, Kat, Katja/Katya, Kota, Katyusha, Katrya, Kitty, Kit, Kasia, and others.

Other languages[edit]

  • Αἰκατερίνη (Ancient Greek)
  • Aikaterine (Old French)
  • Akaterina (Turkish)
  • Cadi (Welsh)
  • Cáit (Irish)
  • Caitlín (Irish)[1]
  • Caitlin (English)[1]
  • Caitlyn (English)
  • Caitria (Irish)
  • Caitrín (Irish)
  • Caitrina (Irish)
  • Caitríona (Irish)
  • Caja (Danish)
  • Cajsa (Swedish)
  • Caren (English)
  • Carin (English)
  • Carina (Portuguese)
  • Carine (French; spelled Karien in Afrikaans)
  • Caryn (English)
  • Cat (English)
  • Cát Linh (Vietnamese)
  • Cătălina (Romanian)
  • Catalina (Italian,[6] Spanish)
  • Catant (French)
  • Catarina (Galician, Italian,[1][6] Portuguese, Spanish, Neapolitan)
  • Cate (English)
  • Cateline (Old French)[1]
  • Cateliña (Galician)
  • Caterina (Catalan, Italian, Romanian)[6]
  • Caterine (Old French)[1]
  • Cathanne (English, French)
  • Cathareau (French)
  • Catharina (Dutch, Swedish)
  • Catharine (English)
  • Catherin (English)
  • Catherina (Spanish)
  • Catherine (English, French)
  • Catherne (17th century English)[1]
  • Cathey (Nordic)
  • Cathie (English)
  • Cathleen (English, Hiberno-English)[1]
  • Cathrin (German)
  • Cathrine (Scandinavian)
    • Cathrinus (Latinized, male)
  • Cathryn (English)
  • Cathy (English)[1]
  • Cati (Italian)[6]
  • Catia (Italian)[6]
  • Cátia (Portuguese)
  • Catie (English)
  • Catina (Romanian)
  • Catinca (Romanian)
  • Catja (Danish)
  • Catlin (Middle English)[1]
  • Cato (Dutch)
  • Catraoine (Irish)
  • Catreena (Manx)
  • Catreeney (Manx)
  • Catrien (Dutch)
  • Catrin (German, Welsh)
  • Catrine (Swedish)
  • Catrinel (Romanian)
  • Catrina (Romanian)
  • Catrìona (Scottish Gaelic)[1]
  • Catterina (Italian)[6]
  • Catuxa (Galician)
  • Caty (Italian)[6]
  • Ecaterina (Romanian)
  • ეკა Eka (Georgian)
  • Екатерина Ekaterina (Bulgarian, Macedonian)
  • Екатерина Ekaterina, Jekaterina, Yekaterina (Russian[1])
  • Ekaterina (Latvian)
  • ეკატერინე Ekaterine (Georgian)
  • 嘉芙蓮 Gaa Fu Lin (Hong Kong Cantonese)
  • Գադարա Gadara (Armenian)
  • Կատարինէ Gadarine (Armenian)
  • Gáhteriinná Sami
  • Gáre Sami
  • Gáren Sami
  • Jekaterina (Estonian)
  • Kaarat Greenlandic
  • Kaarin (Estonian)
  • Kaarina (Finnish)
  • Kaatje (Dutch)
  • Kaća (Serbian)
  • Кацярына / Kaciaryna (Belarusian)
  • Կատարա Kadara (Armenian)
  • Կատարինէ Kadarine (Armenian)
  • Kadi (Estonian)
  • Kadri (Estonian)
  • Kaety (English)
  • Káhtariinná Sami
  • Kai (Estonian, Swedish)
  • Kaia (Estonian, Norwegian)
  • Kaie (Estonian)
  • Kaight (English)
  • Kaija (Finnish)
  • Kaila (English)
  • Kaili (Estonian)
  • Kailie (English, French)
  • Kailani (Hawaiian)
  • Καιλαύρα / كلارا / Kelavra (Greek, Arabic, German)
  • Kailua (Hawaiian)
  • Καινά / كائنا / Kena (English, Greek, Arabic)
  • Καίρα / كيرا / Kera (Greek, Arabic)
  • Καίρη / كيري/カイリ / Keri (Greek, Arabic, Japanese, Hawaiian)
  • Καίρια (Keria) (Greek, Arabic)
  • Kairi (Arabic, Estonian, Greek, Japanese)
  • Kairia (Arabic, Estonian, Greek, Japanese)
  • Kaisa (Estonian, Finnish)
  • 凱薩琳 Kai Sa Lin (traditional Chinese)
  • 凯瑟琳 Kai Se Lin (simplified Chinese)
  • Kaisu (Finnish)
  • Kait (English)
  • Kaitlan (English)
  • Kaitlane (English)
  • Kaitlin (English)
  • Kaitline (English)
  • Kaitlyn (English)
  • Kaitlynne (English)
  • Kaitrin (German, Swedish)
  • Kaitrina (Dutch, English, German, Swedish)
  • Kaity (English)
  • Kaj (Swedish, male)
  • Kaja (Scandinavian, Estonian, Polish)
  • Kajsa (Swedish)
  • Kakalina (Hawaiian)
  • Kalena (Hawaiian)
  • Kalina (Hawaiian)
  • Katerina (Albanian)
  • Катерина (Ukrainian)
  • Κάρα (Kara) (Arabic, English, Greek, Japanese)
  • Káre (Sami)
  • Káren (Sami)
  • Karen (Danish,[1] English,[1] German, Norwegian, Dutch)
  • Karena (English)
  • Karenina (English, Scandinavian, Russian)
  • Karentina (English, Scandinavian, Russian)
  • Kari (Norwegian)
  • Kary (Norwegian)
  • Karia (Norwegian)
  • Karien (Afrikaans, Dutch)
  • Kariinná (Sami)
  • Karin (Afrikaans, Dutch, Estonian, Faroese, Finnish, German, Swedish)
  • Karina (English)
  • Կարինե / Karine (Armenian, French)
  • Karoun (Arabic, Armenian)
  • Karyn (English)
  • Karyna (English, Polish)
  • 笠利 Kasari (Japanese)
  • Kat (English)
  • Kata (Croatian, Finnish, Hungarian)
  • Katalin (Basque, Hungarian)
  • Katalina (Basque, Esperanto, Hungarian)
  • Katariina (Estonian, Finnish)
  • Katarin (Basque, Breton)
  • Katarína (Slovak)
  • Katarina (Bosnian, Croatian, Esperanto, German, Hungarian, Macedonian, Serbian, Slovene, Swedish, Turkish)
  • Katarine (German)
  • Katarino (Esperanto)
  • Katarzyna (Polish)
  • Kate (Croatian, English)[1]
  • Kate (English)
  • Katerine (Old French)
  • Katen (Dutch)
  • Katelijn (Dutch)
  • Katelijne (Dutch)
  • Καίτη (Keti) (Greek)
  • Καίτυ (Kety) (Greek)
  • Katia (Italian)[6]
  • Kátia (Portuguese)
  • Κάτια (Katia) (Greek)
  • Katya (Russian), (Bulgarian), (Ukrainian)
  • Katelin (English)
  • Kateline (Middle English)[1]
  • Katell (Breton)
  • Katelyn (English)
  • Katelynn (English)
  • Katelynne (English)
  • Katenka (Russian)
  • Kateri (Mohawk)
  • Katerien (Afrikaans), (Dutch)
  • Kateřina (Czech)
  • Κατερίνα/Katerina (Albanian, Bulgarian, Greek, Latin,[1] Macedonian, Russian, Ukrainian)
  • Katerine (Middle English)[1]
  • Katerino (Esperanto)
  • Kateřina (Czech)
  • Kateryna (Ukrainian)
  • Katerynka (Ukrainian)
  • Καθαλαύρα/Kathalavra (Greek, German)
  • Καθάνδρα (Kathandra) (Greek)
  • Καθανδρέα (Kathandrea) (Greek)
  • Kathani (Hindi, Arabic)
  • Kathanna (English, German)
  • Kathanne (English, French)
  • Kathareau (French)
  • Katharina (German, Latin[1])
  • Katharine (English),[1] (German) (Dutch)
  • Καθαρσία (Katharsia) (Greek)
  • Käthe (German)
  • Kathelijne (Dutch)
  • Katherina (English, German)
  • Katherne (17th century English)[1]
  • Katheryn (English)
  • Katheryne (English)
  • Kathey (Gaelic)
  • Kathi (English)
  • Kathie (English)
  • Kathianna (English)
  • Kathianne (English)
  • Kathlaura (English, German)
  • Kathlauren (English, German)
  • Kathlaurie (English, French, German)
  • Kathleanna (English, German)
  • Kathleanne (English, French)
  • Kathleen (English,[1] Hiberno-English[1])
  • Kathlyn (English)
  • Kathreena (Malayalam)
  • Kathrina (German)
  • Kathrin (German)
  • Kathru (Malayalam)
  • Kathryn (English)
  • Kathy (English)
  • Kati (Estonian, Finnish, Hungarian)
  • Катя Katya, Katia, Katja (Russian, Ukrainian)
  • Katica (Croatian, Czech, Serbian, Slovene, Hungarian)
  • Katie (English)[1]
  • Katika (Danish)
  • Κατίνα (Katina) (Greek)
  • Κatina, Katinja (Esperanto)
  • Katinka (Afrikaans, German, Hungarian, Russian)[1]
  • Katixa (Basque)
  • Katja (Croatian, Dutch, Finnish, German, Russian, Slovene, Ukrainian)
  • Katka (Czech, Russian)
  • Katlyn (English)
  • Kätlin (Estonian)
  • კატო Kato (Georgian)
  • Kató (Hungarian)
  • Katóka (Hungarian)
  • Katre (Estonian)
  • Katri (Finnish)
  • Katrian (Afrikaans, Dutch, Flemish Dutch)
  • Katriana (Portuguese, Spanish)
  • Katrianna (Danish, Dutch, English, German, Norwegian, Swedish)
  • Katrianne (English, French)
  • Katrien (Afrikaans, Dutch, Flemish Dutch)
  • Katriin (Estonian)
  • Katriina (Finnish)
  • Katrijn (Dutch, spelled ‘Katryn’ in Afrikaans and German, see below)
  • Katrin (Estonian, Faroese, German, Swedish)
  • Katrina (English)
  • Katrīna (Latvian)
  • Katrine (Dutch, French, Gaelic,[1] Scandinavian)
  • Katrinka (Dutch, German, Russian)
  • Katushka (Russian)
  • Katrusia (Ukrainian)
  • Katuška (Czech)
  • Katriona (English)
  • Katryn (Afrikaans, German)
  • Katy (English)
  • Kay (English)[1]
  • Kaye (English)
  • Kerry (Hiberno-English)[1]
  • ქეთა Keta (Georgian)
  • ქეთევან Ketevan (Georgian)
  • ქეთი Keti (Georgian)
  • ქეთო Keto (Georgian)
  • Ketlen
  • Ketlin (Estonian)
  • Ketrina (Albanian)
  • Kitty (English)[1]
  • Koto (Hungarian)
  • Kotryna (Lithuanian)
  • Кася / Kasia (Belarusian)
  • Kasia (Polish)
  • Kaśka (Polish)
  • Kasieńka (Polish)
  • Kyla (English)
  • Kylie (English, French)
  • Kysa (Finnish)
  • Nienke (Dutch)
  • Nynke (Frisian)
  • Qatherine (French)
  • Quatherine (French)
  • Reina (Japanese, Yiddish)
  • Riin (Estonian)
  • Riina (Estonian, Finnish)
  • Rina (Croatian)
  • Triin (Estonian)
  • Triinu (Estonian)
  • Trijn (Dutch)
  • Trijntje (Dutch)
  • Trina (German)
  • Trinchen (German)
  • Trine (Danish, German)
  • Trīne (Latvian)
  • Trinette (French)
  • Tríona (Irish Gaelic)

See also[edit]

  • Caterina
  • Catherina
  • All pages with titles beginning with Catherine
  • All pages with titles beginning with Katharine
  • All pages with titles beginning with Katherine
  • All pages with titles beginning with Kathrine
  • All pages with titles beginning with Katie
  • St. Catherine (disambiguation)
  • Ecaterina
  • Ekaterina
  • Karen (name), usually a feminine given name, derived from the Danish short form of Katherine
  • Catriona


  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac Withycombe, E. G. (1976). The Concise Dictionary of English Christian Names (3rd ed.). London: Omega Books. ISBN 1-85007-059-8.
  2. ^ refers to 1912-2011: the order is Kathleen (rank 33), Catharine (rank 40), Katharine (42), Kathryn (72)
  3. ^ , for 2011 the order is Katherine (61), Catherine (161), Kathryn (237), Kathleen (632).
  4. ^ UK government Office for National Statistics. «Baby Names in England and Wales, 2011». Retrieved 3 November 2012.
  5. ^ UK government Office for National Statistics. «Baby Names, England and Wales, 1904-1994». Retrieved 3 November 2012.
  6. ^ a b c d e f g h De Felice, Emidio (1995) [1986]. Dizionario dei nomi italiani (in Italian) (3 ed.). Milan: Mondadori.

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