Как пишется имя саид на английском

саид — перевод на английский



Остынь, Саид?

Chill, Sayid.

Заткнись, Саид.

Shut up, Sayid.

Остынь, Саид!

Chill, Sayid!

Не слишком налегай на сигаретку, Саид.

Don’t bogart, Sayid.

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Гонолулу, Порт Саид, Кейптаун.

Honolulu, Port Said, Cape Town.

Месяц назад Саид затащил меня в подвал своего дома.

A month ago, Said dragged me into the basement of his building.

Так вот, я больше не хотела, чтобы Саид трогал меня.

So, I didn’t want Said to touch me anymore.

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Как мы видим, по плану фургон пробивает северную стену скорее всего, когда Абдул и Саид находятся во дворе.

All right, so it looks like the plan was for the truck to blow a hole in the north wall, probably while Abdul and Syed were in the yard.

Можешь поучиться у него, Саид.

You could learn from him, Syed.

Саид, заводи его, давай сюда.

Syed, get him inside, get in here.

Мовад и Саид пойдут со мной.

Mowadh and Syed will come with me.

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Генерал Саид не прилетит.

General Said isn’t coming.

Генерал Саид уже подготавливает нашу армию к ответному удару против захватчиков.

General Said has already been building our arsenal and readying for our counteroffensive against the invaders.

Генерал Саид уже работает с лучшими военными советчиками и подготавливает нашу армию к ответному удару по захватчикам.

General Said has already been conferring with top military advisors and readying for our counteroffensive against the invaders.

Это генерал Саид.

This is General Said.

А, генерал Саид.

Ah. General Said.

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Саид, картофель.

Sa’I’d, the potatoes!

Саид, мне нужна большая кастрюля.

Sa’I’d, I need the big pot.

— Пока, Саид.

— Bye, Sa’I’d.

Саид! Это… Это Джек.

It—it’s… it’s Jack.

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Осман Ахмед, Ясин Саид.

Osman Ahmed, Yasin Said.

Ясин Саид родился в Мичигане.

Yasin Said was born in Michigan.

А Ясин Саид позвонил матери вечером и настоял на том, чтобы они не встречались завтра.

Last night, Yasin Said called his mother and insisted she not visit tomorrow.

Ясин Саид приближается, 180 метров.

Yasin Said approaching, 200 yards out.

Его зовут Ясин Саид.

His name’s Yasin Said.

Саид ибн Иншемс.

Sied Ibn Shams.

Саид встречался с этим злом раньше.

Sied has experienced this evil before.

Саид едет с вами.

Sied rides with you.

Слышали такую же историю, что рассказывал Саид.

Probably heard the same stories as Sied.

Саид, вернись!

Sied, come back!

Настоящее имя Кардинала — Фуад Саид.

Cardinal’s real name is Fouad Saeed.

Саид ворвался в кибуц вблизи Голанских Высот, убил часового Армии обороны Израиля и шестерых кибуцников.

Saeed entered a kibbutz near the Golan Heights, assassinated an IDF guard and six kibbutzniks.

Я люблю свою страну и пойду ради неё на всё, но Фуад Саид — причина, по которой я стал агентом Моссада.

I love my country and I would do anything for it, but Fouad Saeed is the reason I became a Mossad Agent.

Саид Тамир, бывший министр обороны.

Saeed Tamir. Former Minister of Defense.

Один из них Саид.

One of them is Saeed.

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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

«Said» redirects here. For the villages in Iran, see Said, Iran.

«Abu Said» redirects here. For the village in Iran, see Abu Said, Iran.

Look up Said in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.


Pronunciation Arabic: [saˈʕiːd] (listen)
Persian: [sæˈʔiːd]
Maltese: [saˈɪt]
Gender Male
Word/name Arabic
Meaning Happy

Saʽid (Arabic: سعيد Saʽīd), also spelled Saʽeid, Said, Saïd, Sid, Saeed, Sayeed or Sayid, is a male Arabic given name which means «blessed (in Quranic Classical Arabic), good luck, joy» or «happy, patient». The name stems from the Arabic verb sa‘ada (سَعَدَ — ‘to be happy, fortunate or lucky’).

The lesser uncommon form of the name Saʽid is «Suʽid (سُعِيد suʽīd)» and the feminine form of the name is Saida (Saʽidah, سَعِيدة saʽīdah) or Suida (Suʽidah, سُعِيدة suʽīdah). Saʽid is another variant from the Arabic given name Saad.

The written form of the name in Turkish is Sait and in Bosnian is Seid. Said or Sid is the spelling used in most Latin languages.

The Maltese surname Saïd has the same origin but has been borne by Latin Catholics for over seven centuries. Most Maltese surnames are of Italian origin, but this (with Abdilla) is one of the very few authentically Arabic given names that have survived in the islands as family names. It is a variant of the medieval Sicilian Christian surname Saido or Saito (Saidu), which was derived from the Siculo-Arabic given name Sa’īd used by both Muslims and Christians. In Sicily and Malta, this surname was sometimes Italianized as (De) Felice. The surname was established in Malta by 1419, appearing mostly as Sayd in the militia list of that year. In the 1480 militia list it is spelt mostly Said, but was later variously written Said, Sayd, Sajt, Sait in the Catholic church census of 1687. The anachronistic and undocumented claim that ‘Nicolò Sayd’, a grandson of Cem (1459–1496, the renegade son of Turkish Sultan Mehmet II) settled in Malta and became the ancestor of all Maltese bearing the surname Said is a fantasy inspired by the writings of historical novelists Maurice Caron and John Freely and recently promoted by amateur genealogists.[citation needed]

Today, francophone countries use transliterations of that name. These include the names Seydoux and Seydou, which are common in Europe and West Africa, respectively.

Given name[edit]

  • Sa’id of Egypt (or Sa’id Pasha, 1822–1863), Ottoman Viceroy and Egyptian ruler for whom Port Said is named
  • Saeed Ajmal, Pakistani cricketer
  • Saeid Alihosseini (born 1988), Iranian weightlifter
  • Said Salim Bakhresa, a Tanzanian businessman
  • Said Bahaji, German al-Qaeda member
  • Saeid Bayat (born 1976), Iranian football midfielder
  • Saeed Blacknall (born 1996), American football player
  • Saïd Bouteflika (born 1958), Algerian politician and brother of former Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika
  • Saeid Davarpanah (born 1987), Iranian professional basketball player
  • Saeid Ebrahimi (born 1982), Iranian wrestler
  • Saeed al-Ghamdi, Saudi Arabian hijacker of United Airlines Flight 93 in the September 11 attacks
  • Said al-Ghazzi (1893–1967), Syrian lawyer and politician
  • Saeed Hanaei, Iranian serial killer
  • Sa’id Hormozi, Iranian musician
  • Sa’id ibn Jubayr (665–714), one of the leading Tabi‘un
  • Sultan Said Khan, ruler of Kashgaria in 1514–1533
  • Saeid Marouf (born 1985), a volleyball player from Iran
  • Saeed al-Masri, Egyptian al-Qaeda member
  • Saeed Akhtar Mirza (born 1943), Indian film director
  • Said Musa, Belizean politician
  • Saeed Nafisi, Iranian scholar
  • Saeed Naqvi, Indian journalist
  • Said Nursî (1878–1960), Muslim Scholar from Turkey
  • Saeid Pirdoost, Iranian actor
  • Said Sheikh Samatar, Somali historian
  • Said Mohammad Sammour (born 1950), Syrian politician
  • Said Shavershian (born 1986), Australian bodybuilder
  • Said Ali al-Shihri, Saudi Arabian al-Qaeda member
  • Said bin Sultan (1797–1856), Sultan of Muscat and Oman
  • Saïd Taghmaoui (born 1973), French actor
  • Said bin Taimur (1910–1972), previous Sultan of Oman
  • Sa’id ibn Uthman (died 680), one of the Tabi‘un and son of Uthman
  • Saeed Abubakr Zakaria, 21st-century Ghanaian scholar and leading member of Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jamaa’a
  • Sa’id bin Zayd (593–673), one of the companions of Muhammed

Middle name[edit]

  • Mehmed Said Pasha (or Said Pasha, 1830–1914), Ottoman Grand Vizier

Abu Sa‘id[edit]

  • Abu Sa’id (Ilkhanid dynasty) (1316–1335), ninth ruler of the Ilkhanate state in Iran
  • Abu Sa’id (Timurid dynasty) (1424–1469), mid-fifteenth century Timurid Empire ruler in what are today parts of Persia and Afghanistan
  • Abu Said Faraj, a Nasrid prince of Granada, d. 1320
  • Abu Sa‘id al-Khudri
  • Abū-Sa’īd Abul-Khayr (967–1049), Persian Sufi and poet
  • Khaled al-Hassan (1928–1994), known as Abu Said, Palestine Liberation Organization leader
  • Abu Saeed Muhammad Omar Ali (1919–2012), Bangladeshi Islamic scholar and translator


  • Abdelmadjid Sidi Said, leader of the Algerian trade union UGTA
  • Abdulla Saeed (born 1964), chief justice of the Maldives
  • Ali Said Raygal, Somali politician
  • Amina Said (born 1953), poet
  • Anjum Saeed (born 1968), Pakistani field hockey player
  • Anne Said (1914–1995), English artist
  • Boris Said (born 1962), American race car driver
  • Brian Said (born 1973), Maltese footballer
  • Edward Said (1935–2003), Palestinian-American literary critic and theorist
  • Hakim Said (1920–1998), Pakistani physician and scholar
  • Hilda Saeed (born 1936), Pakistani activist and journalist
  • Hussein Saeed, Iraqi footballer
  • Kurban Said, pseudonym for the author of the novel Ali and Nino
  • Mizanur Rahman Sayed (born 1963), Bangladeshi Islamic scholar
  • Nasser Al Saeed (1923–unknown), Saudi Arabian writer
  • Samira Said (born 1961), Moroccan pop star
  • Wafic Saïd (born 1939), Syrian businessman
  • Yaser Abdel Said, FBI Top 10 Most Wanted fugitive
  • Qaboos bin Said Al Said, previous Sultan of Oman
  • Harun Said or Harun Thohir, birth name Tahir bin Mandir, was an Indonesian soldier and terrorist who carried out the MacDonald House bombing on 10 March 1965. He was executed in 1968 alongside his comrade and accomplice Usman bin Haji Muhammad Ali for the murders of three people as resulted from the bombing.

Fictional characters[edit]

  • Sayid Jarrah, character on the television series Lost
  • Kareem Saïd, character on the HBO drama Oz
  • Said Rachid, character on the television series O Clone, interpreted by Dalton Vigh.
  • Mustafa Sa’eed, protagonist of the novel Season of Migration to the North

Other uses[edit]

  • aṣ-Ṣaʿīd (spelled with a Ṣād, صعيد) is the Arabic term for Upper Egypt. The personal name is related to a different root, whose first letter is Sīn.
    • Sa’idi people refers to the inhabitants of Upper Egypt.
  • Saïd Business School at Oxford University, name after Wafic Saïd

See also[edit]

  • Bensaïd
  • Essaïd
  • Seydou
  • Seydoux
  • Sheikh Said (disambiguation)
  • Syed, similar name with different pronunciation
  • Suat

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

«Said» redirects here. For the villages in Iran, see Said, Iran.

«Abu Said» redirects here. For the village in Iran, see Abu Said, Iran.

Look up Said in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.


Pronunciation Arabic: [saˈʕiːd] (listen)
Persian: [sæˈʔiːd]
Maltese: [saˈɪt]
Gender Male
Word/name Arabic
Meaning Happy

Saʽid (Arabic: سعيد Saʽīd), also spelled Saʽeid, Said, Saïd, Sid, Saeed, Sayeed or Sayid, is a male Arabic given name which means «blessed (in Quranic Classical Arabic), good luck, joy» or «happy, patient». The name stems from the Arabic verb sa‘ada (سَعَدَ — ‘to be happy, fortunate or lucky’).

The lesser uncommon form of the name Saʽid is «Suʽid (سُعِيد suʽīd)» and the feminine form of the name is Saida (Saʽidah, سَعِيدة saʽīdah) or Suida (Suʽidah, سُعِيدة suʽīdah). Saʽid is another variant from the Arabic given name Saad.

The written form of the name in Turkish is Sait and in Bosnian is Seid. Said or Sid is the spelling used in most Latin languages.

The Maltese surname Saïd has the same origin but has been borne by Latin Catholics for over seven centuries. Most Maltese surnames are of Italian origin, but this (with Abdilla) is one of the very few authentically Arabic given names that have survived in the islands as family names. It is a variant of the medieval Sicilian Christian surname Saido or Saito (Saidu), which was derived from the Siculo-Arabic given name Sa’īd used by both Muslims and Christians. In Sicily and Malta, this surname was sometimes Italianized as (De) Felice. The surname was established in Malta by 1419, appearing mostly as Sayd in the militia list of that year. In the 1480 militia list it is spelt mostly Said, but was later variously written Said, Sayd, Sajt, Sait in the Catholic church census of 1687. The anachronistic and undocumented claim that ‘Nicolò Sayd’, a grandson of Cem (1459–1496, the renegade son of Turkish Sultan Mehmet II) settled in Malta and became the ancestor of all Maltese bearing the surname Said is a fantasy inspired by the writings of historical novelists Maurice Caron and John Freely and recently promoted by amateur genealogists.[citation needed]

Today, francophone countries use transliterations of that name. These include the names Seydoux and Seydou, which are common in Europe and West Africa, respectively.

Given name[edit]

  • Sa’id of Egypt (or Sa’id Pasha, 1822–1863), Ottoman Viceroy and Egyptian ruler for whom Port Said is named
  • Saeed Ajmal, Pakistani cricketer
  • Saeid Alihosseini (born 1988), Iranian weightlifter
  • Said Salim Bakhresa, a Tanzanian businessman
  • Said Bahaji, German al-Qaeda member
  • Saeid Bayat (born 1976), Iranian football midfielder
  • Saeed Blacknall (born 1996), American football player
  • Saïd Bouteflika (born 1958), Algerian politician and brother of former Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika
  • Saeid Davarpanah (born 1987), Iranian professional basketball player
  • Saeid Ebrahimi (born 1982), Iranian wrestler
  • Saeed al-Ghamdi, Saudi Arabian hijacker of United Airlines Flight 93 in the September 11 attacks
  • Said al-Ghazzi (1893–1967), Syrian lawyer and politician
  • Saeed Hanaei, Iranian serial killer
  • Sa’id Hormozi, Iranian musician
  • Sa’id ibn Jubayr (665–714), one of the leading Tabi‘un
  • Sultan Said Khan, ruler of Kashgaria in 1514–1533
  • Saeid Marouf (born 1985), a volleyball player from Iran
  • Saeed al-Masri, Egyptian al-Qaeda member
  • Saeed Akhtar Mirza (born 1943), Indian film director
  • Said Musa, Belizean politician
  • Saeed Nafisi, Iranian scholar
  • Saeed Naqvi, Indian journalist
  • Said Nursî (1878–1960), Muslim Scholar from Turkey
  • Saeid Pirdoost, Iranian actor
  • Said Sheikh Samatar, Somali historian
  • Said Mohammad Sammour (born 1950), Syrian politician
  • Said Shavershian (born 1986), Australian bodybuilder
  • Said Ali al-Shihri, Saudi Arabian al-Qaeda member
  • Said bin Sultan (1797–1856), Sultan of Muscat and Oman
  • Saïd Taghmaoui (born 1973), French actor
  • Said bin Taimur (1910–1972), previous Sultan of Oman
  • Sa’id ibn Uthman (died 680), one of the Tabi‘un and son of Uthman
  • Saeed Abubakr Zakaria, 21st-century Ghanaian scholar and leading member of Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jamaa’a
  • Sa’id bin Zayd (593–673), one of the companions of Muhammed

Middle name[edit]

  • Mehmed Said Pasha (or Said Pasha, 1830–1914), Ottoman Grand Vizier

Abu Sa‘id[edit]

  • Abu Sa’id (Ilkhanid dynasty) (1316–1335), ninth ruler of the Ilkhanate state in Iran
  • Abu Sa’id (Timurid dynasty) (1424–1469), mid-fifteenth century Timurid Empire ruler in what are today parts of Persia and Afghanistan
  • Abu Said Faraj, a Nasrid prince of Granada, d. 1320
  • Abu Sa‘id al-Khudri
  • Abū-Sa’īd Abul-Khayr (967–1049), Persian Sufi and poet
  • Khaled al-Hassan (1928–1994), known as Abu Said, Palestine Liberation Organization leader
  • Abu Saeed Muhammad Omar Ali (1919–2012), Bangladeshi Islamic scholar and translator


  • Abdelmadjid Sidi Said, leader of the Algerian trade union UGTA
  • Abdulla Saeed (born 1964), chief justice of the Maldives
  • Ali Said Raygal, Somali politician
  • Amina Said (born 1953), poet
  • Anjum Saeed (born 1968), Pakistani field hockey player
  • Anne Said (1914–1995), English artist
  • Boris Said (born 1962), American race car driver
  • Brian Said (born 1973), Maltese footballer
  • Edward Said (1935–2003), Palestinian-American literary critic and theorist
  • Hakim Said (1920–1998), Pakistani physician and scholar
  • Hilda Saeed (born 1936), Pakistani activist and journalist
  • Hussein Saeed, Iraqi footballer
  • Kurban Said, pseudonym for the author of the novel Ali and Nino
  • Mizanur Rahman Sayed (born 1963), Bangladeshi Islamic scholar
  • Nasser Al Saeed (1923–unknown), Saudi Arabian writer
  • Samira Said (born 1961), Moroccan pop star
  • Wafic Saïd (born 1939), Syrian businessman
  • Yaser Abdel Said, FBI Top 10 Most Wanted fugitive
  • Qaboos bin Said Al Said, previous Sultan of Oman
  • Harun Said or Harun Thohir, birth name Tahir bin Mandir, was an Indonesian soldier and terrorist who carried out the MacDonald House bombing on 10 March 1965. He was executed in 1968 alongside his comrade and accomplice Usman bin Haji Muhammad Ali for the murders of three people as resulted from the bombing.

Fictional characters[edit]

  • Sayid Jarrah, character on the television series Lost
  • Kareem Saïd, character on the HBO drama Oz
  • Said Rachid, character on the television series O Clone, interpreted by Dalton Vigh.
  • Mustafa Sa’eed, protagonist of the novel Season of Migration to the North

Other uses[edit]

  • aṣ-Ṣaʿīd (spelled with a Ṣād, صعيد) is the Arabic term for Upper Egypt. The personal name is related to a different root, whose first letter is Sīn.
    • Sa’idi people refers to the inhabitants of Upper Egypt.
  • Saïd Business School at Oxford University, name after Wafic Saïd

See also[edit]

  • Bensaïd
  • Essaïd
  • Seydou
  • Seydoux
  • Sheikh Said (disambiguation)
  • Syed, similar name with different pronunciation
  • Suat


  • 1
    САИД Пальма

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > САИД Пальма

  • 2
    (г.) Порт-Саид

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > (г.) Порт-Саид

  • 3

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Порт-Саид

  • 4

    Русско-английский географический словарь > Порт-Саид

  • 5

    Русско-английский географический словарь > Умм-Саид

  • 6

    Новый русско-английский словарь > Порт-Саид

  • 7

    Новый большой русско-английский словарь > Порт-Саид

  • 8

    Русско-английский синонимический словарь > Порт-Саид

См. также в других словарях:

  • САИД — САИ система автоматической идентификации; средство автоматической идентификации ж. д. САИД Источник: http://www.ean.ru/art1/art68.html Пример использования САИД «Пальма» САИ САИ «Пальма» Источник: http://www.logistic.ru/news/2004/10/27/15/40111.ht… …   Словарь сокращений и аббревиатур

  • Саид — Счастливый, источник. Мужские мусульманские имена. Словарь значений.. САИД, САИТ Руководитель; властелин, повелитель; хозяин; белая кость , господин. Титул, данный роду, берущему начало от детей дочери пророка Мухаммета Фатимы. У русских… …   Словарь личных имен

  • Саид — блаженный, счастливый Словарь русских синонимов …   Словарь синонимов

  • Саид Э. — Эдвард Вади Саид Дата и место рождения: 1 ноября 1935 (Иерусалим, Палестина) Дата и место смерти: 24 сентября 2003 (Нью Йорк, США) Школа/традиция: Постколониализм …   Википедия

  • Саид Э. В. — Эдвард Вади Саид Дата и место рождения: 1 ноября 1935 (Иерусалим, Палестина) Дата и место смерти: 24 сентября 2003 (Нью Йорк, США) Школа/традиция: Постколониализм …   Википедия

  • Саид — У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Саид (имя). Саид …   Википедия

  • Саид — I Саид         Амин (р. около 1890), египетский историк и журналист. Автор капитальных трудов по истории арабского национально освободительного движения, написанных с патриотических позиций и отличающихся богатством фактического материала.… …   Большая советская энциклопедия

  • Саид — ювелир. Дагестан. Авары. КонецXIXЧ начало XX в. Подпись: Работал Саид …   Энциклопедия вооружений

  • Саид — ювелир. Дагестан. Кубачи.1903 1904. Подпись: Работал Саид. Дата …   Энциклопедия вооружений

  • саид — [سعيد] а. саодатманд, хушбахт, бахтиёр; нек, муборак; рӯзи саид, иди саиди Рамазон …   Фарҳанги тафсирии забони тоҷикӣ

  • Саид — Махмуд, см.  …   Энциклопедический справочник «Африка»

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