Старшая Карасуно(яп. 烏野高校 Karasuno Kōkō) — государственная старшая школа, находящаяся в Сендае, в префектуре Мияги. Их волейбольный клуб был основан много лет назад и часто ассоциируется с воронами, благодаря названию школы. По слухам, тренер Укай-старший держал диких ворон.
Карасуно, как и большинство японских школ, имеет форму и дресс-код. Мужская форма состоит из классического черного гакурана, белой рубашки с воротником, кремового свитера и черных брюк. Женщины носят более «католическую» форму, которая состоит из белой блузки, красной ленты, кремового свитера, черного пиджака и серой юбки. Однако, поскольку многие студенты часто видят без кремового свитера и футболок вместо рубашки с воротником, предполагается, что дресс-код не строго соблюдается.
Форма для волейбольного клуба для мальчиков состоит из черного спортивного костюма с белыми деталями. Участники тренинга носят белые футболки и черные шорты во время тренировочных матчей и часто надевают желтый спортивный нагрудник сверху. Во время официальных матчей большинство игроков надевают черные майки и шорты с оранжевыми деталями. У либеро контрастная майка оранжевого цвета с черными деталями. На весеннем турнире меняется форма у либеро с оранжевого на чёрный, а у остальных игроков с чёрного на оранжевый.
Форма для волейбольного клуба для девочек состоит из черного трикотажа и шорт с белыми деталями. У либеро контрастная майка белого цвета с черными деталями.
В каждой параллели есть пять классов, классы 4 и 5 — профильные, с уклоном на поступление в колледж или университет. Уроки длятся 50 минут, а перемены между ними составляют 5-10 минут, кроме большой перемены на обед, которая длится 60 минут. В учебные предметы входят английский, современная японская литература, математика, физкультура и другие уроки. После выпуска ученики обычно поступают в высшие учебные заведения, либо идут на работу.
Для сдачи экзамена нужно набрать не менее 40 баллов. Ученики, не сдавшие выпускной экзамен, обязаны ходить на дополнительные занятия и сдавать дополнительный экзамен для каждого проваленного предмета; иногда они могут проходить во время летних каникул.
Педагогический состав
- Заместитель директора;
- Иттетсу Такеда — учитель современной японской литературы;
- Минахо Оно — учитель английского.
Карасуно участвовала в национальных чемпионатах лишь однажды, под руководством тренера Укая-старшего и с игроком по прозвищу «Маленький Гигант», который был известен даже за пределами префектуры. Однако, после столь успешного начала, Карасуно не смогла пройти следующие отборочные соревнования и постепенно «скатилась», после чего игроки команды получили прозвище «Падшие Чемпионы» и «Бескрылые вороны».
В начале развития сюжета у команды Карасуно нет тренера, потому что Укая-старшего госпитализируют после нескольких месяцев возвращения к работе тренера. Дайчи Савамура берёт на себя обязанности капитана и тренера, пока внук Укая-старшего, Кейшин Укай, не встаёт на эту должность после длительных уговоров.
Менеджеров в команде двое: Киёко Шимизу — третьегодка и первоначальный менеджер, и Хитока Ячи — первогодка, которая заменит Шимизу после весеннего турнира и окончания школы.
Фотография команды
Основной состав команды: Дайчи Савамура, Асахи Азумане, Рюноске Танака, Юу Нишиноя, Тобио Кагеяма, Шоё Хината и Кей Тсукишима. В настоящее время Карасуно широко известна своей невероятной быстрой атакой в исполнении Кагеямы и Хинаты, а также своими уникальными игроками: «Королём Площадки» из Китагавы Дайчи Тобио Кагеямой, великолепным либеро из Чидориямы Юу Нишиноей и своим центральным блокирующим с ростом всего 162 см — Шоё Хинатой.
В префектуре Мияги Карасуно соперничает со Старшей Аобаджосай, Старшей Датеко, Старшей Широтаризавой и другими школами. У клуба есть «вечный» соперник в лице Старшей Некомы, у которых они никогда не выигрывали; их матчи обычно называют «Битвой на мусорной свалке».
Самым сильным атрибутом Карасуно является его наступательная мощь, с большим акцентом на такие атаки, как быстрый удар, синхронизированные атаки с использованием темпа. Он также использует необычные методы, такие как атака двух связующих, подача с плавающей точкой прыжка и бросок либеро, чтобы сбросить противников.
Члены Клуба
Имя | Позиция | Год обучения, род занятия | Статус |
Иккей Укай | Тренер | На пенсии | Бывший |
Кейшин Укай | Тренер | Окончил университет | Активный |
Иттетсу Такеда | Куратор | Учитель | Активный |
Киёко Шимизу | Менеджер | 3-ий год обучения | Активный |
Хитока Ячи | Менеджер | 1-ый год обучения | Активный |
Имя |
Номер | Позиция | Год обучения | Статус |
Дайчи Савамура | #1 | Капитан / Доигровщик / Специалист защиты | 3-ий год обучения | Активный |
Коши Сугавара | #2 | Вице-капитан / Связующий / Пинч подающий | 3-ий год обучения | Активный |
Асахи Азумане | #3 | Ас / Доигровщик | 3-ий год обучения | Активный |
Юу Нишиноя | #4 | Либеро | 2-ой год обучения | Активный |
Рюноске Танака | #5 | Доигровщик | 2-ой год обучения | Активный |
Чикара Энношита | #6 | Доигровщик | 2-ой год обучения | Активный |
Хисаши Киношита | #7 | Доигровщик / Пинч подающий | 2-ой год обучения | Активный |
Казухито Нарита | #8 | Центральный блокирующий | 2-ой год обучения | Активный |
Тобио Кагеяма | #9 | Связующий | 1-ый год обучения | Активный |
Шоё Хината | #10 | Центральный блокирующий / Приманка | 1-ый год обучения | Активный |
Кей Цукишима | #11 | Центральный блокирующий | 1-ый год обучения | Активный |
Тадаши Ямагучи | #12 | Центральный блокирующий / Пинч подающий | 1-ый год обучения | Активный |
Бывшие игроки
Имя | Номер | Позиция | Приблизительный возраст |
Юсуке Такиное | #9 | Центральный блокирующий | 26 |
Макото Шимада | #11 | Доигровщик / Пинч подающий | 26 |
Кейшин Укай | #2 | Связующий | 26 |
Акитеру Тсукишима | #5 | Доигровщик | 22 |
Удай Тенма | #10 | Доигровщик / Ас | 21 |
Хидеми Таширо | #1 | Капитан | 19-20 |
Хироки Курокава | #2 | Доигровщик / Капитан | 18-19 |
Женский волейбольный клуб
Имя | Номер | Позиция | Год обучения | Статус |
Юи Мичимия | #1 | Доигровщик / Капитан | 3-ий год | Бывшая |
Мао Аихара | #2 | Вице-капитан / Ас | 3-ий год | Бывшая |
Ринко Судоу | #3 | Капитан | 2-ой год | Активна |
Мое Кикучи | #4 | ? | 2-ой год | Активна |
Манами Аоки | #5 | Связующий | ? | Активна |
Нозоми Ватабе | #7 | Либеро | ? | Активна |
Чизуру Сасаки | #11 | Доигровщик | 3-ий год | Бывшая |
Тренировочные матчи
- Хината, Кагеяма, Танака против Тсукишимы, Ямагучи, Савамуры (2:0 / 25-23, 25-21)
- Старшая школа Карасуно против старшей школы Аобаджосай (2:1 / 13-25, 25-22, 25-23)
- Старшая школа Карасуно против ассоциация Соседей Карасуно + другие (0:2 / 19-25, 18-25)
- Старшая школа Карасуно против старшей школы Некомы (0:2 / 22-25, 23-25)
- Старшая школа Карасуно против старшей школы Некомы (0:2 / 22-25, 24-26)
- Старшая школа Карасуно против старшей школы Некомы (0:2 / 25-27, 30-32)
- Старшая школа Карасуно против старшей школы Оугиниши (2:0 / 25-12 ,25-16)
- Старшая школа Карасуно против Старшей школы Датеко (4:4 / 19-25, 23-25, ??-??, 25-23, ??-??, ??-??, ??-??, 25-21)
Летний тренировочный лагерь
Серия сетов против Старших Некомы, Фукуродани, Шинзен и Убугавы (3 победы, 63 поражения);
Позиции игроков Карасуно
- Старшая Карасуно против старшей Шинзен (25-21)
- Старшая Карасуно против старшей Шинзен (23-25)
- Старшая школа Карасуно против академии Фукуродани (12-25)
- Старшая школа Карасуно против академии Фукуродани (14-25)
- Старшая школа Карасуно против академии Фукуродани (22-25)
- Старшая школа Карасуно против академии Фукуродани (23-25)
- Старшая школа Карасуно против старшей Некомы (15-25)
- Старшая школа Карасуно против старшей Некомы (16-25)
- Старшая школа Карасуно против старшей Убугавы (16-25)
- Старшая школа Карасуно против старшей Убугавы (22-25)
- Старшая школа Карасуно против старшей Убугавы (23-25)
Межшкольные (2012)
Межшкольные начались 2 июня, и Карасуно была зарегистрирована как пятая команда, выступающая в блоке «А». Их местом соревнований был городской спортзал Сендай, где также играли команды из блока «Б». Они играли на протяжении двух дней (две игры в первый день и одна во второй), в третьем круге проиграв Аобаджосай. В общем итоге они заняли шестнадцатое место, что позволило на следующих отборочных миновать первый круг соревнований.
Первый раунд
- Старшая Карасуно против старшей Токонами (2:0 / 25-12, 25-14)
Второй раунд
- Старшая Карасуно против старшей Датеко (2:0 / 25-19, 25-22)
Третий раунд
- Старшая Карасуно против старшей Аобаджосай (1:2 / 15-25, 25-23, 31-33)
Весенний турнир в префектуре Мияги, плей-офф (2012)
Первые отборочные
- Старшая Карасуно против старшей Оугиминами (2:0 / 25-16, 25-13)
- Старшая Карасуно против старшей Какугавы (2:0 / 25-22, 25-19)
Основные отборочные
Первый раунд:
- Старшая Карасуно против старшей Джозендзи (2:0 / 25-21, 25-20)
- Старшая Карасуно против старшей Вакутаниминами (2:1 / 25-20, 20-25, 25-23)
- Старшая Карасуно против старшей Аобаджосай (2:1 / 25-23, 26-28, 26-24)
- Старшая Карасуно против академии Шираторизавы (3:2 / 16-25, 31-29, 18-25, 29-27, 21-19)
Национальный весенний турнир (2013)
Для игр на национальных, Карасуно не были освобождены от первой игры. Таким образом, их первый матч был на площадке C, за день это был их третий матч по счету.
Первый раунд
- Старшая Карасуно против академии Тсубакихары [Канагава] (2:0 / 25-23, 25-23)
Второй раунд
- Старшая Карасуно против старшей Инаризаки [Хьёго] (2:1 / 27-25, 16-25, 32-30)
Команды играли на корте Б. Это был второй матч того дня.
Третий раунд
- Старшая Карасуно против старшей Некома [Токио] (2:1 / 25-27, 26-24, 25-21)
- Старшая Карасуно против старшей Камомедай [Нагано] (1:2 / 20-25, 25-22, 23-25) — их весна закончилась в топ-8.
Межшкольные отборочные (2013)
- Старшая Карасуно против Старшей Датеко (??: ?? / ??)
Весенний Национальный Турнир (2014)
Третий раунд
- Старшая Карасуно и Старшей Инаризаки [Хиёго] (??: ?? / ??)тур
Национальный весенний турнир (2015)
- Старшая школа Карасуно против Академии Итачияма [Токиō] (??: ?? / ??)
Интересные факты
- У команды есть стратегический приём, который называется «моббинг», когда они нападают группой, чтобы победить соперников. В дикой природе это один из видов поведения птиц против крупного хищника на охоте; это еще одна отсылка к их прозвищу — «вороны».
- После арки «Экспедиция в Токио» команда выучила синхронизированную атаку 1-ым темпом.
- Поставив Кагеяму и Сугавару вместе или чередуя их, Карасуно может выполнить систему двух связующих, известную как «Расчётный пункт двух связующих».
Женская команда
- В прошлом «Маленький Гигант» приносил клубу множество побед.
- В старшей школе Карасуно есть два спортзала и стадион. Женский волейбольный и мужской баскетбольный клубы занимаются в первом спортзале, а мужской волейбольный клуб тренируется во втором.
- Также в Карасуно есть женская волейбольная команда; их капитан во время межшкольных — Юи Мичимия, а также неназванный капитан (первогодка или второгодка), заменивший ее после ухода на весенних соревнованиях. Тем не менее, они не очень хорошо выступают на своих матчах из-за отсутствия практики.[1]
- Как и большинство японских школ, в Карасуно проходят ежегодные спортивные фестивали. Одно из соревнований — эстафета между школьными спортивными клубами, в которых принимают участие по четыре человека. Победивший клуб получает 20 коробок спортивных напитков.
- Внизу их униформы и спортивной одежды есть название вымышленного брэнда — «ics» с изображением ступни. Поскольку слово «нога» на японский переводится как «ashi», то вместе эти слова будут звучать как ashi-ics. Вероятнее всего, это отсылка к существующему брэнду спортивной одежды и обуви «Asics», который по-японски произносится именно так.
- Как и у других команд, обувь всей команды Карасуно напоминает дизайном волейбольные кроссовки фирмы «Asics».
- Другие школы часто читают Карасуно (烏野) как Торино (鳥野), из-за схожих иероглифов. «Карасу» (烏) обозначает ворон, а Тори (鳥) применимо к птицам в целом.
- В 3 сезоне аниме у команды Карасуно появляется команда поддержки, состоящая из учеников данной школы и самого директора. Тем не менее, их поддержка не создает атмосферу невероятно сильной школы, как у Шираторизавы.
- В манге этого не было.
- Всего Карасуно принимала участие в весеннем турнире девять раз, причем девятый происходит после пятилетнего перерыва.
- Идеей для Карасуно является государственная школа Курумай в префектуре Ивате.
- ↑ Сезон 1, эпизод 16
烏野高等学校– Карасуно ко:то:гакко:– Старшая школа Карасуно
С «ко:то:гакко:» все понятно: «высшая степень» + «школа», да и с «карасуно» все тоже просто: 烏 – карасу – ворон, ворона; 野 – но – дикий.
Есть еще у 野 значение «невозделанное поле», что очень мило в связи с недавней серией; впрочем, я не уверена, что оно может актуализироваться в сочетаниях с иероглифами животных-растений.
На всякий случай: в записи на японском сначала идет фамилия, затем имя. В записи на русском – наоборот.
・烏養繋心 – Кэйсин Укай – тренер
烏 – у – ворон, ворона
養 – кай – воспитывать, растить
繋 – кэй – присоединять, соединять
心 – син – сердце, дух, душа
・烏養一繋 – Иккэй Укай – тренер
烏 – у – ворон, ворона
養 – кай – воспитывать, растить
一 – и(к) – один; первый; единый, целый
繋 – кэй – присоединять, соединять
・武田一鉄 – Такэда Иттэцу – куратор
武 – такэ – воин, военный
田 – да – рисовое поле
一 – и(т) – один; первый; единый, целый
鉄 – тэцу – железо
・清水潔子 – Симидзу Киёко – 3 год обучения, менеджер
清 – си – чистый (в том числе и морально), свежий
水 – мидзу – вода
潔 – киё – ясный, правый, чистый
子 – ко – ребенок (частая составляющая женских имен)
・谷地仁花 – Яти Хитока – 1 год обучения, менеджер
谷 – я – долина, лощина
地 – ти –
仁 – хито – в сочетаниях, с другим чтением: человеколюбие, доброта; косточка, ядро
花 – ка – цветок
・澤村大地 – Савамура Дайти – 3 год, диагональный
澤 – сава – болото (устаревшая форма иероглифа 沢, который в сочетаниях значит также «благодеяние», «изобилие»)
村 – мура – деревня, посёлок
大 – дай – большой, великий
地 – ти – земля, почва
・菅原孝支 – Сугавара Коси – 3 год, связующий
菅 – суга – в сочетаниях: труба, духовой инструмент, управлять
原 – вара – равнина, поле, степь (с чтением «гэн» — основа, начало, источник)
孝 – ко: — сыновний долг, почтительность (к родителям)
支 – си – в сочетаниях: поддерживать
・東峰旭 – Адзуманэ Асахи – 3 год, центральный блокирующий
東 – адзума – восток
峰 – нэ – пик, вершина; тупая сторона клинка
旭 – асахи – восходящее солнце
・西谷夕 – Нисиноя Ю – 2 год, либеро
西 – ниси – запад
谷 – я – долина, лощина
夕 – ю: – вечер, вечерний
・田中龍之助 – Танака Рюносукэ – 2 год, доигровщик
田 – та – рисовое поле
中 – нака – внутри
龍 – рю: – дракон
之 – но – в сочетаниях: показатель род. падежа; частый компонент имен и названий
助 – сукэ – помощь, частый иероглиф в мужских именах (бонус: в некоторых сочетаниях обозначен как «суффикс насмешливости»)
・縁下力 – Энносита Тикара – 2 год, центральный блокирующий
縁 – эн – связь, родство; будд. карма
下 – сита – внизу; подчиненный
力 – тикара – сила
・木下久志 – Киносита Хисаси – 2 год, доигровщик
木 – ки – дерево
下 – сита – внизу; подчиненный
久 – хиса – долгий
支 – си – в сочетаниях: поддерживать
・成田一仁 – Нарита Кадзухито – 2 год, центральный блокирующий
成 – нари – становиться, расти, формировать
田 – та – рисовое поле
一 – кадзу – один; первый; единый, целый
仁 – хито – в сочетаниях, с другим чтением: человеколюбие, доброта; косточка, ядро
・日向翔陽 – Хината Сёё – 1 год, центральный блокирующий
日– хи – солнце
向 – ната – направление, направленность
翔 – сё: – летать, парить
陽 – ё: – «ян», солнечный, положительный
・影山飛雄 – Кагэяма Тобио – 1 год, связующий
影 – кагэ – тень; силуэт; свет (в том числе日影 – хикагэ – «солнечный свет»; 月影 – «лунный свет»); портрет
山 – яма – гора
飛 – тоби – летать, прыгать
雄 – о – в сочетаниях: самец, мужской; величественный; с другим чтением: герой, великий человек
・月島蛍 – Цукисима Кэй – 1 год, центральный блокирующий
月 – цуки – луна, месяц
島 – сима – остров
蛍 – кэй – светлячок
・山口忠 – Ямагути Тадаси – 1 год, доигровщик
山 – яма – гора
口 – гути – рот
忠 – тадаси – верность, преданность
Karasuno High (Japanese:
Male Uniforms as worn by the volleyball team.
Karasuno, like most Japanese schools, has a dress code, which includes wearing a uniform. The male uniform consists of the classic black gakuran, white collared shirt, cream sweater and black pants. The women have a different uniform, which consists of a white blouse, red ribbon, cream sweater, black blazer, and a grey skirt[1]. However, since many students are often seen without the cream sweater and wearing t-shirts instead of the collared shirt, it is assumed that the dress code isn’t strictly enforced.
The boys’ volleyball club’s uniform consists of a black tracksuit with white details. The members wear white t-shirts and black shorts during practice matches and often don a yellow sports bib on top. During official matches, the majority of players don a black jersey and shorts with orange details. The libero has a contrasting jersey in orange with black details.
The girls’ volleyball club uniform consists of a black jersey and shorts, with white details. The shoulder area and lining is white, as is the team name boldly depicted at the front. The body and side-stripes of the uniform are black, and their backs have small white triangles highlighting the shape of the shoulders. The libero has a contrasting jersey in white with black details.
Each grade has five classes, with classes 4 and 5 being college preparatory classes. Periods are 50 minutes long, with a 10-minute break in between. Subjects taught include English, modern Japanese literature, math, and physical education. After graduation, students generally either continue on to higher education or work.
The passing grade for exams is 40 points. Students who fail their final exams must take weekend supplementary classes and a supplementary exam for each failed subject; these may sometimes be held during summer vacation. The passing grade for supplementary exams is 80 points, and students must take them until they pass.
- Vice Principal
- Ittetsu Takeda — Modern Japanese Literature teacher
- Minaho Ono — English teacher
Volleyball Club
The school’s Boys’ Volleyball Club was founded many years ago and has often been associated with crows due to the school’s name. Its banner, in fact, reads «Fly» which alludes to crows. It was said that Coach Ikkei Ukai had a ferocious pack of crows during Karasuno’s glory days.
As a former powerhouse of Miyagi, Karasuno has represented the prefecture at the Spring High National Tournament nine times. One of those occasions was under the guidance of Coach Ikkei Ukai and Tenma Udai, also known as the «Small Giant» («Little/Tiny Giant» in the anime), and was famous throughout Miyagi. However, after the initial success, Karasuno failed to pass its prefecture’s preliminaries in future tournaments and therefore received the derogatory nicknames «The Fallen Champions» and «The Flightless Crows.» It wasn’t until five years later did the team finally return to nationals.
For a while, Karasuno did not have a coach due to Ukai’s hospitalization after a few months of coaching the previous year. Daichi Sawamura then took on both the captain and the coach’s duties until Ukai’s grandson, Keishin Ukai, became the new coach. The managers of the team consist of Kiyoko Shimizu, a third-year and the original manager, and Hitoka Yachi, a first-year recruited by Kiyoko after the first tournament.
A team photo with the official banner in the back.
The main starting line-up is composed of Daichi Sawamura, Asahi Azumane, Ryūnosuke Tanaka, Yū Nishinoya, Shōyō Hinata, Tobio Kageyama, and Kei Tsukishima. Karasuno is currently famous for its quick attack (performed by Kageyama and Hinata) and its unique members: Kitagawa Daiichi Junior High’s «King of the Court,» Kageyama; Chidoriyama’s champion libero, Nishinoya; and the 164cm-tall middle blocker, Hinata.
Karasuno’s main rivals within the Miyagi Prefecture are Aoba Johsai High, Date Tech High, and Shiratorizawa Academy. The club’s «destined» rival is Nekoma High, which Karasuno has always lost to. Because their animal representatives (cat and crow) are usually found by the dumpster, their matches are called the «Battle at the Garbage Dump.» (In the anime it is referred to as ‘The Trashcan Showdown.’)
Karasuno’s strongest attribute is its offensive power, with a heavy focus on attacks such as the quick strike, pipe-line, and synchronized attacks using tempo. It also utilizes uncommon techniques like the Calculated One-Point Two-Setter, the jump float serve, and a libero toss to throw off opponents.
They won the 2012 Miyagi Qualifiers Tournament against Shiratorizawa and advanced to the Spring Nationals. When they got there, they managed to rank in the top 8 of all of Japan after losing to Kamomedai.
They earned two consecutive participations at the Tournament for the next two years. In 2014, they placed in the Top 16 after losing in the third round to Inarizaki. In 2015, they played on center court against Itachiyama in the semifinals, and lost, ranking third nationally.
2012-2013 Team
Name | Position | Year | Status |
Ikkei Ukai | Coach | Graduate | Retired |
Keishin Ukai | Coach | Graduate | Active |
Ittetsu Takeda | Faculty Advisor | Teacher | Active |
Kiyoko Shimizu | Manager | 3rd Year | Active |
Hitoka Yachi | Manager | 1st Year | Active |
Name | Number | Position | Year | Status |
Daichi Sawamura | #1 | Captain / Wing Spiker / Opposite Hitter | 3rd Year | Active |
Kōshi Sugawara | #2 | Vice-Captain / Setter / Pinch Server | 3rd Year | Active |
Asahi Azumane | #3 | Wing Spiker / Outside Hitter / Ace | 3rd Year | Active |
Yū Nishinoya | #4 | Libero | 2nd Year | Active |
Ryūnosuke Tanaka | #5 | Wing Spiker / Outside Hitter | 2nd Year | Active |
Chikara Ennoshita | #6 | Wing Spiker / Outside Hitter | 2nd Year | Active |
Hisashi Kinoshita | #7 | Wing Spiker / Pinch Server | 2nd Year | Active |
Kazuhito Narita | #8 | Middle Blocker | 2nd Year | Active |
Tobio Kageyama | #9 | Setter | 1st Year | Active |
Shōyō Hinata | #10 | Middle Blocker / Decoy | 1st Year | Active |
Kei Tsukishima | #11 | Middle Blocker | 1st Year | Active |
Tadashi Yamaguchi | #12 | Middle Blocker / Pinch Server | 1st Year | Active |
Former Players
Name | Number | Position | Age |
Ikkei Ukai | #5 | ? | 69 |
Yūsuke Takinoue | #9 | Middle Blocker | 26 |
Makoto Shimada | #11 | Wing Spiker / Pinch Server | 26 |
? | #1 | ? | ? |
? | #4 | Libero | ? |
Keishin Ukai | #2 | Setter | 26 |
Akiteru Tsukishima | #5 | Wing Spiker | 22 |
Kawada | ? | Wing Spiker | 22-23 |
? | ? | ? | 22-23 |
? | #1 | ? | ? |
? | #3 | Setter | ? |
? | #4 | Libero | ? |
? | #5 | ? | ? |
? | #6 | ? | ? |
? | #7 | ? | ? |
? | #8 | ? | ? |
? | #9 | ? | ? |
Tenma Udai | #10 | Wing Spiker / Ace | 21 |
? | #2 | Libero | 20-22 |
? | #11 | ? | ? |
? | #12 | ? | ? |
Hidemi Tashiro | #1 | Captain | 19-20 |
? | #2 | ? | 19-20 |
? | #9 | ? | ? |
Hiroki Kurokawa | #2 | Wing Spiker / Captain | 18-19 |
? | #? | ? | 16-17 |
? | #? | ? | 16-17 |
Later Players
These players joined the Karasuno High School Boy’s Volleyball team in school year 2013-2014.
Name | Number | Position | Age |
Tokita | ? | ? | 15-16 |
Shoji | ? | ? | 15-16 |
Yaotome | 4 | Libero | 15-16 |
Girls Club
2012-2013 Team
Name | Number | Position | Year | Status |
Yui Michimiya | #1 | Wing Spiker / Captain | 3rd Year | Retired |
Mao Aihara | #2 | Vice-captain / Wing Spiker / Ace | 3rd Year | Retired |
Rinko Sudō | #3 | Captain | 2nd Year | Active |
Moe Kikuchi | #4 | ? | 2nd Year | Active |
Manami Aoki | #5 | Setter | ? | Active |
Nozomi Watabe | #7 | Libero | ? | Active |
Chizuru Sasaki | #11 | Wing Spiker | 3rd Year | Retired |
Practice Matches
- Karasuno High School vs Yugama High (Past) (1:2 / ??, ??, 19-25)
- Karasuno High School vs Ogi Nishi High School (Past) (0:2 / ??, 19-25)
- Hinata, Kageyama, Tanaka vs Tsukishima, Yamaguchi, Sawamura (2:0 / 25-23, 25-21)
- Karasuno High School vs Aoba Johsai High School (2:1 / 13-25, 25-22, 25-23)
- Karasuno High School vs Karasuno Neighborhood Association + others (0:2 / 19-25, 18-25)
- Karasuno High School vs Nekoma High School (0:2 / 22-25, 23-25)
- Karasuno High School vs Nekoma High School (0:2 / 22-25, 24-26)
- Karasuno High School vs Nekoma High School (0:2 / 25-27, 30-32)
- Red vs White (??:?? / ??-??, ??-??, ??-??, 23-25, ??-??, 25-19)
- Karasuno High School vs Ogi Nishi High School (2:0 / 25-?, 25-16)
- Karasuno High School vs Nekoma High School (0:2 / ??, 24-26)
- Karasuno High School vs Date Tech High School (4:4 / 19-25, 23-25, ??-??, 25-23, ??-??, ??-??, ??-??, 25-21)
Summer Training Camp
Karasuno’s lineup during the summer camp matches.
Karasuno played several sets against Nekoma, Fukurōdani, Shinzen, and Ubugawa (3 wins, 63 losses)
- Karasuno High School vs Fukurōdani Academy (16-25)
- Karasuno High School vs Nekoma High School (17-25)
- Karasuno High School vs Nekoma High School (19-25)
- Karasuno High School vs Ubugawa High School (20-25)
- Karasuno High School vs Shinzen High School (25-21)
- Karasuno High School vs Nekoma High School (18-25)
- Karasuno High School vs Fukurōdani Academy (??-??)
- Karasuno High School vs Fukurōdani Academy (12-25)
- Karasuno High School vs Nekoma High School (15-25)
- Karasuno High School vs Fukurōdani Academy (14-25)
- Karasuno High School vs Ubugawa High School (16-25)
- Karasuno High School vs Nekoma High School (16-25)
- Karasuno High School vs Ubugawa High School (22-25)
- Karasuno High School vs Shinzen High School (23-25)
- Karasuno High School vs Ubugawa High School (23-25)
- Karasuno High School vs Fukurōdani Academy (23-25)
Spring High Nationals Tournament (???)
First Round
- Karasuno High School vs Hisagi Tech High School (Gunma) (0:2)
Interhigh Prelims (2007)
- Karasuno High School vs Tokonami High School (2:? / ??-??, ??-??)
Spring-High Nationals Tournament (2008)
According to Takeda, Karasuno made it as far as the third round[2].
Third Round
- Karasuno High School vs ???
Interhigh Prelims (2010)
Second Round
- Karasuno High School vs Niikawa High School (0:2 / ??-25, 17-25)
68th Annual Prefectural Athletic Volleyaball Tournament
- Karasuno High School vs Date Tech High School (0:2 / ??-25, 15-25)
Interhigh-Preliminaries (2012)
For Interhigh’s Miyagi Preliminaries, Karasuno was registered as team 5, Block A. Their venue was the Sendai City Gymnasium, along with Block B. They played over the span of two days (two games on the first day, one on the second) before losing in the third round to Aoba Johsai. Overall, they placed within the top 16.
First Round
- Karasuno High School vs Tokonami High School (2:0 / 25-12, 25-14)
- Karasuno High School (Girls) vs Shirato Girls’ High (0:2 / ??,??) (Score was 9-18 during 2nd set)
Second Round
- Karasuno High School vs Date Tech High School (2:0 / 25-19, 25-22)
Third Round
- Karasuno High School vs Aoba Johsai High School (1:2 / 15-25, 25-23, 31-33)
Spring High-Miyagi Prefecture Representative Playoffs (2012)
For the first preliminary, Karasuno was registered as team 19, Group 4. Their venue was Kaji High School Gymnasium, along with Group 5. Because they placed within the top 16 during the Interhigh Preliminaries, they were exempt from the first round of games and played only two matches. After winning their matches against Ohgiminami and Kakugawa, they were allowed to move on to the representative playoffs held in October.
For the representative playoffs, Karasuno was registered as team 10. They played at the Sendai City Gymnasium over a span of three days (one game on the first day, two on the second, one on the third). After winning all their matches, they became Miyagi Prefecture’s Representative for the Spring High National Tournament.
First Preliminary
- Karasuno High School vs Ohgiminami High School (2:0 / 25-16, 25-13)
- Karasuno High School vs Kakugawa High School (2:0 / 25-22, 25-19)
Main Preliminary
First Round
- Karasuno High School vs Johzenji High School (2:0 / 25-21, 25-20)
- Karasuno High School vs Wakutani Minami High School (2:1 / 25-20, 20-25, 25-23)
- Karasuno High School vs Aoba Johsai High School (2:1 / 25-23, 26-28, 26-24)
- Karasuno High School vs Shiratorizawa Academy (3:2 / 16-25, 31-29, 20-25, 29-27, 21-19)
- Set 3’s score was changed to (18-25) in the anime.
Spring High National Tournament (2013)
For nationals, Karasuno was not exempt from the first round.
First Round
- Karasuno High School vs Tsubakihara Academy [Kanagawa] (2:0 / 25-23, 25-23)
- The match was played on Court C as the third match on the court.
Second Round
- Karasuno High School vs Inarizaki High School [Hyōgo] (2:1 / 27-25, 16-25, 32-30)
- Their match was the second match of the day on Court B[3].
Third Round
- Karasuno High School vs Nekoma High School [Tokyo] (2:1 / 25-27, 26-24, 25-21)
- Karasuno High School vs Kamomedai High School [Nagano] (1:2 / 20-25, 25-22, 23-25)
Interhigh Preliminaries (2013)
Karasuno lost in the finals of the Interhigh Preliminaries to Date Tech, who went on to place Top 16 at Nationals[4].
- Karasuno High School vs Date Tech High (?:2)
Spring High National Tournament (2014)
Karasuno encountered Inarizaki once more in the Third Round and lost, thus placing in the Top 16[4].
Third Round
- Karasuno High School vs Inarizaki High [Hyōgo] (?:2)
Spring High National Tournament (2015)
Karasuno played on Center Court for the first time. They lost to Itachiyama and finished 3rd in the nation[4].
- Karasuno High School vs Itachiyama Institute [Tokyo] (?:3)
- One of the team’s strategic teamwork moves is known as mobbing, which is when they attack as a group to drive an opponent off. In the wild, this is a type of behavior that birds use against a larger predator on the prowl; this is another reference to Karasuno’s nickname as crows. Karasuno has the kanji «crow» (烏 karasu) in its name.
The girls warm up before their match in the Interhigh Preliminaries.
- Karasuno High also has a girls’ volleyball club, with Yui Michimiya as the captain during the Interhigh Preliminaries and Rinko Sudou replacing Michimiya after her retirement for the Spring High. However, they didn’t do very well in their matches due to lack of practice[5].
- There is a girls’ tennis club, boys’ soccer club, boys’ basketball club, boys’ tennis club, boy’s track club, and boys’ baseball clubs as well.
- Karasuno High has two gyms and a track field. The girls’ volleyball club and boys’ basketball club practice in First Gymnasium; the boys’ volleyball club practices in Second Gymnasium[6].
- The fictional brand for their uniforms and warm-up sweats is shown to be a foot with the letters «ics» underneath. The word for foot in Japanese is «ashi», so the full name would be «ashi-ics». This is a play on the name for the real life sports brand «Asics», which in Japanese would be pronounced the same way. Asics is a Japanese sports company, and is recognized worldwide for their volleyball athletic wear.
- Like many of the other teams featured in the series, all of Karasuno seems to wear «Asics» volleyball shoes, based on their shoe design.
- Other schools often misread Karasuno (烏野) for Torino (鳥野) because they have very similar kanji. Karasu (烏) refers to crows, whereas tori (鳥) refers to birds in general.
- While most schools usually reserve the number 4 for the team ace, Karasuno does not seem to have certain numbers reserved for the ace as both Asahi Azumane and Tenma Udai were aces, but wore different numbers. Karasuno instead seems to be a school that gives the number 4 to the libero. However, in the opening scene of Hinata watching Karasuno at nationals, the libero can be seen wearing the number 2.
- Like most Japanese high schools, Karasuno also holds an annual sports festival. One of its events is a four-member relay race between the school’s sports clubs. The winning club receives 20 boxes of sports drink mix.
- Karasuno in season 3 of the anime now has its own cheering squad, consisting of students from the school itself and staff members such as the Vice Principal. However, their cheer is less coordinated when compared to powerhouse schools, as they only had a chance to practice a little after school during the day of the finals. While in the manga, this did not happen.
- Karasuno has participated in the Spring High tournament nine times and this time is their first appearance in five years.
- One of the times Karasuno went to nationals was when Tenma Udai was on the team.
- Karasuno High is based on Karumai High School in Iwate prefecture.
- Karasuno was initially named «Hiashi».
- Karasuno is seen mainly using the volleyball brand «Molten» for their volleyballs.
- After Karasuno’s former coach, Ikkei Ukai, retired the boys’ volleyball team wasn’t doing as well. As a result, they earned the nickname «Wingless crows».
- When the Little Giant played for Karasuno, they faced Tokonami High and won. The total scores are unknown. This was shown in Tsukishima’s flashback in Season 2.
Karasuno High Gym 1
Karasuno High Gym 2
Club rooms located behind the second gym
Karasuno High (Japanese:
Male Uniforms as worn by the volleyball team.
Karasuno, like most Japanese schools, has a dress code, which includes wearing a uniform. The male uniform consists of the classic black gakuran, white collared shirt, cream sweater and black pants. The women have a different uniform, which consists of a white blouse, red ribbon, cream sweater, black blazer, and a grey skirt[1]. However, since many students are often seen without the cream sweater and wearing t-shirts instead of the collared shirt, it is assumed that the dress code isn’t strictly enforced.
The boys’ volleyball club’s uniform consists of a black tracksuit with white details. The members wear white t-shirts and black shorts during practice matches and often don a yellow sports bib on top. During official matches, the majority of players don a black jersey and shorts with orange details. The libero has a contrasting jersey in orange with black details.
The girls’ volleyball club uniform consists of a black jersey and shorts, with white details. The shoulder area and lining is white, as is the team name boldly depicted at the front. The body and side-stripes of the uniform are black, and their backs have small white triangles highlighting the shape of the shoulders. The libero has a contrasting jersey in white with black details.
Each grade has five classes, with classes 4 and 5 being college preparatory classes. Periods are 50 minutes long, with a 10-minute break in between. Subjects taught include English, modern Japanese literature, math, and physical education. After graduation, students generally either continue on to higher education or work.
The passing grade for exams is 40 points. Students who fail their final exams must take weekend supplementary classes and a supplementary exam for each failed subject; these may sometimes be held during summer vacation. The passing grade for supplementary exams is 80 points, and students must take them until they pass.
- Vice Principal
- Ittetsu Takeda — Modern Japanese Literature teacher
- Minaho Ono — English teacher
Volleyball Club
The school’s Boys’ Volleyball Club was founded many years ago and has often been associated with crows due to the school’s name. Its banner, in fact, reads «Fly» which alludes to crows. It was said that Coach Ikkei Ukai had a ferocious pack of crows during Karasuno’s glory days.
As a former powerhouse of Miyagi, Karasuno has represented the prefecture at the Spring High National Tournament nine times. One of those occasions was under the guidance of Coach Ikkei Ukai and Tenma Udai, also known as the «Small Giant» («Little/Tiny Giant» in the anime), and was famous throughout Miyagi. However, after the initial success, Karasuno failed to pass its prefecture’s preliminaries in future tournaments and therefore received the derogatory nicknames «The Fallen Champions» and «The Flightless Crows.» It wasn’t until five years later did the team finally return to nationals.
For a while, Karasuno did not have a coach due to Ukai’s hospitalization after a few months of coaching the previous year. Daichi Sawamura then took on both the captain and the coach’s duties until Ukai’s grandson, Keishin Ukai, became the new coach. The managers of the team consist of Kiyoko Shimizu, a third-year and the original manager, and Hitoka Yachi, a first-year recruited by Kiyoko after the first tournament.
A team photo with the official banner in the back.
The main starting line-up is composed of Daichi Sawamura, Asahi Azumane, Ryūnosuke Tanaka, Yū Nishinoya, Shōyō Hinata, Tobio Kageyama, and Kei Tsukishima. Karasuno is currently famous for its quick attack (performed by Kageyama and Hinata) and its unique members: Kitagawa Daiichi Junior High’s «King of the Court,» Kageyama; Chidoriyama’s champion libero, Nishinoya; and the 164cm-tall middle blocker, Hinata.
Karasuno’s main rivals within the Miyagi Prefecture are Aoba Johsai High, Date Tech High, and Shiratorizawa Academy. The club’s «destined» rival is Nekoma High, which Karasuno has always lost to. Because their animal representatives (cat and crow) are usually found by the dumpster, their matches are called the «Battle at the Garbage Dump.» (In the anime it is referred to as ‘The Trashcan Showdown.’)
Karasuno’s strongest attribute is its offensive power, with a heavy focus on attacks such as the quick strike, pipe-line, and synchronized attacks using tempo. It also utilizes uncommon techniques like the Calculated One-Point Two-Setter, the jump float serve, and a libero toss to throw off opponents.
They won the 2012 Miyagi Qualifiers Tournament against Shiratorizawa and advanced to the Spring Nationals. When they got there, they managed to rank in the top 8 of all of Japan after losing to Kamomedai.
They earned two consecutive participations at the Tournament for the next two years. In 2014, they placed in the Top 16 after losing in the third round to Inarizaki. In 2015, they played on center court against Itachiyama in the semifinals, and lost, ranking third nationally.
2012-2013 Team
Name | Position | Year | Status |
Ikkei Ukai | Coach | Graduate | Retired |
Keishin Ukai | Coach | Graduate | Active |
Ittetsu Takeda | Faculty Advisor | Teacher | Active |
Kiyoko Shimizu | Manager | 3rd Year | Active |
Hitoka Yachi | Manager | 1st Year | Active |
Name | Number | Position | Year | Status |
Daichi Sawamura | #1 | Captain / Wing Spiker / Opposite Hitter | 3rd Year | Active |
Kōshi Sugawara | #2 | Vice-Captain / Setter / Pinch Server | 3rd Year | Active |
Asahi Azumane | #3 | Wing Spiker / Outside Hitter / Ace | 3rd Year | Active |
Yū Nishinoya | #4 | Libero | 2nd Year | Active |
Ryūnosuke Tanaka | #5 | Wing Spiker / Outside Hitter | 2nd Year | Active |
Chikara Ennoshita | #6 | Wing Spiker / Outside Hitter | 2nd Year | Active |
Hisashi Kinoshita | #7 | Wing Spiker / Pinch Server | 2nd Year | Active |
Kazuhito Narita | #8 | Middle Blocker | 2nd Year | Active |
Tobio Kageyama | #9 | Setter | 1st Year | Active |
Shōyō Hinata | #10 | Middle Blocker / Decoy | 1st Year | Active |
Kei Tsukishima | #11 | Middle Blocker | 1st Year | Active |
Tadashi Yamaguchi | #12 | Middle Blocker / Pinch Server | 1st Year | Active |
Former Players
Name | Number | Position | Age |
Ikkei Ukai | #5 | ? | 69 |
Yūsuke Takinoue | #9 | Middle Blocker | 26 |
Makoto Shimada | #11 | Wing Spiker / Pinch Server | 26 |
? | #1 | ? | ? |
? | #4 | Libero | ? |
Keishin Ukai | #2 | Setter | 26 |
Akiteru Tsukishima | #5 | Wing Spiker | 22 |
Kawada | ? | Wing Spiker | 22-23 |
? | ? | ? | 22-23 |
? | #1 | ? | ? |
? | #3 | Setter | ? |
? | #4 | Libero | ? |
? | #5 | ? | ? |
? | #6 | ? | ? |
? | #7 | ? | ? |
? | #8 | ? | ? |
? | #9 | ? | ? |
Tenma Udai | #10 | Wing Spiker / Ace | 21 |
? | #2 | Libero | 20-22 |
? | #11 | ? | ? |
? | #12 | ? | ? |
Hidemi Tashiro | #1 | Captain | 19-20 |
? | #2 | ? | 19-20 |
? | #9 | ? | ? |
Hiroki Kurokawa | #2 | Wing Spiker / Captain | 18-19 |
? | #? | ? | 16-17 |
? | #? | ? | 16-17 |
Later Players
These players joined the Karasuno High School Boy’s Volleyball team in school year 2013-2014.
Name | Number | Position | Age |
Tokita | ? | ? | 15-16 |
Shoji | ? | ? | 15-16 |
Yaotome | 4 | Libero | 15-16 |
Girls Club
2012-2013 Team
Name | Number | Position | Year | Status |
Yui Michimiya | #1 | Wing Spiker / Captain | 3rd Year | Retired |
Mao Aihara | #2 | Vice-captain / Wing Spiker / Ace | 3rd Year | Retired |
Rinko Sudō | #3 | Captain | 2nd Year | Active |
Moe Kikuchi | #4 | ? | 2nd Year | Active |
Manami Aoki | #5 | Setter | ? | Active |
Nozomi Watabe | #7 | Libero | ? | Active |
Chizuru Sasaki | #11 | Wing Spiker | 3rd Year | Retired |
Practice Matches
- Karasuno High School vs Yugama High (Past) (1:2 / ??, ??, 19-25)
- Karasuno High School vs Ogi Nishi High School (Past) (0:2 / ??, 19-25)
- Hinata, Kageyama, Tanaka vs Tsukishima, Yamaguchi, Sawamura (2:0 / 25-23, 25-21)
- Karasuno High School vs Aoba Johsai High School (2:1 / 13-25, 25-22, 25-23)
- Karasuno High School vs Karasuno Neighborhood Association + others (0:2 / 19-25, 18-25)
- Karasuno High School vs Nekoma High School (0:2 / 22-25, 23-25)
- Karasuno High School vs Nekoma High School (0:2 / 22-25, 24-26)
- Karasuno High School vs Nekoma High School (0:2 / 25-27, 30-32)
- Red vs White (??:?? / ??-??, ??-??, ??-??, 23-25, ??-??, 25-19)
- Karasuno High School vs Ogi Nishi High School (2:0 / 25-?, 25-16)
- Karasuno High School vs Nekoma High School (0:2 / ??, 24-26)
- Karasuno High School vs Date Tech High School (4:4 / 19-25, 23-25, ??-??, 25-23, ??-??, ??-??, ??-??, 25-21)
Summer Training Camp
Karasuno’s lineup during the summer camp matches.
Karasuno played several sets against Nekoma, Fukurōdani, Shinzen, and Ubugawa (3 wins, 63 losses)
- Karasuno High School vs Fukurōdani Academy (16-25)
- Karasuno High School vs Nekoma High School (17-25)
- Karasuno High School vs Nekoma High School (19-25)
- Karasuno High School vs Ubugawa High School (20-25)
- Karasuno High School vs Shinzen High School (25-21)
- Karasuno High School vs Nekoma High School (18-25)
- Karasuno High School vs Fukurōdani Academy (??-??)
- Karasuno High School vs Fukurōdani Academy (12-25)
- Karasuno High School vs Nekoma High School (15-25)
- Karasuno High School vs Fukurōdani Academy (14-25)
- Karasuno High School vs Ubugawa High School (16-25)
- Karasuno High School vs Nekoma High School (16-25)
- Karasuno High School vs Ubugawa High School (22-25)
- Karasuno High School vs Shinzen High School (23-25)
- Karasuno High School vs Ubugawa High School (23-25)
- Karasuno High School vs Fukurōdani Academy (23-25)
Spring High Nationals Tournament (???)
First Round
- Karasuno High School vs Hisagi Tech High School (Gunma) (0:2)
Interhigh Prelims (2007)
- Karasuno High School vs Tokonami High School (2:? / ??-??, ??-??)
Spring-High Nationals Tournament (2008)
According to Takeda, Karasuno made it as far as the third round[2].
Third Round
- Karasuno High School vs ???
Interhigh Prelims (2010)
Second Round
- Karasuno High School vs Niikawa High School (0:2 / ??-25, 17-25)
68th Annual Prefectural Athletic Volleyaball Tournament
- Karasuno High School vs Date Tech High School (0:2 / ??-25, 15-25)
Interhigh-Preliminaries (2012)
For Interhigh’s Miyagi Preliminaries, Karasuno was registered as team 5, Block A. Their venue was the Sendai City Gymnasium, along with Block B. They played over the span of two days (two games on the first day, one on the second) before losing in the third round to Aoba Johsai. Overall, they placed within the top 16.
First Round
- Karasuno High School vs Tokonami High School (2:0 / 25-12, 25-14)
- Karasuno High School (Girls) vs Shirato Girls’ High (0:2 / ??,??) (Score was 9-18 during 2nd set)
Second Round
- Karasuno High School vs Date Tech High School (2:0 / 25-19, 25-22)
Third Round
- Karasuno High School vs Aoba Johsai High School (1:2 / 15-25, 25-23, 31-33)
Spring High-Miyagi Prefecture Representative Playoffs (2012)
For the first preliminary, Karasuno was registered as team 19, Group 4. Their venue was Kaji High School Gymnasium, along with Group 5. Because they placed within the top 16 during the Interhigh Preliminaries, they were exempt from the first round of games and played only two matches. After winning their matches against Ohgiminami and Kakugawa, they were allowed to move on to the representative playoffs held in October.
For the representative playoffs, Karasuno was registered as team 10. They played at the Sendai City Gymnasium over a span of three days (one game on the first day, two on the second, one on the third). After winning all their matches, they became Miyagi Prefecture’s Representative for the Spring High National Tournament.
First Preliminary
- Karasuno High School vs Ohgiminami High School (2:0 / 25-16, 25-13)
- Karasuno High School vs Kakugawa High School (2:0 / 25-22, 25-19)
Main Preliminary
First Round
- Karasuno High School vs Johzenji High School (2:0 / 25-21, 25-20)
- Karasuno High School vs Wakutani Minami High School (2:1 / 25-20, 20-25, 25-23)
- Karasuno High School vs Aoba Johsai High School (2:1 / 25-23, 26-28, 26-24)
- Karasuno High School vs Shiratorizawa Academy (3:2 / 16-25, 31-29, 20-25, 29-27, 21-19)
- Set 3’s score was changed to (18-25) in the anime.
Spring High National Tournament (2013)
For nationals, Karasuno was not exempt from the first round.
First Round
- Karasuno High School vs Tsubakihara Academy [Kanagawa] (2:0 / 25-23, 25-23)
- The match was played on Court C as the third match on the court.
Second Round
- Karasuno High School vs Inarizaki High School [Hyōgo] (2:1 / 27-25, 16-25, 32-30)
- Their match was the second match of the day on Court B[3].
Third Round
- Karasuno High School vs Nekoma High School [Tokyo] (2:1 / 25-27, 26-24, 25-21)
- Karasuno High School vs Kamomedai High School [Nagano] (1:2 / 20-25, 25-22, 23-25)
Interhigh Preliminaries (2013)
Karasuno lost in the finals of the Interhigh Preliminaries to Date Tech, who went on to place Top 16 at Nationals[4].
- Karasuno High School vs Date Tech High (?:2)
Spring High National Tournament (2014)
Karasuno encountered Inarizaki once more in the Third Round and lost, thus placing in the Top 16[4].
Third Round
- Karasuno High School vs Inarizaki High [Hyōgo] (?:2)
Spring High National Tournament (2015)
Karasuno played on Center Court for the first time. They lost to Itachiyama and finished 3rd in the nation[4].
- Karasuno High School vs Itachiyama Institute [Tokyo] (?:3)
- One of the team’s strategic teamwork moves is known as mobbing, which is when they attack as a group to drive an opponent off. In the wild, this is a type of behavior that birds use against a larger predator on the prowl; this is another reference to Karasuno’s nickname as crows. Karasuno has the kanji «crow» (烏 karasu) in its name.
The girls warm up before their match in the Interhigh Preliminaries.
- Karasuno High also has a girls’ volleyball club, with Yui Michimiya as the captain during the Interhigh Preliminaries and Rinko Sudou replacing Michimiya after her retirement for the Spring High. However, they didn’t do very well in their matches due to lack of practice[5].
- There is a girls’ tennis club, boys’ soccer club, boys’ basketball club, boys’ tennis club, boy’s track club, and boys’ baseball clubs as well.
- Karasuno High has two gyms and a track field. The girls’ volleyball club and boys’ basketball club practice in First Gymnasium; the boys’ volleyball club practices in Second Gymnasium[6].
- The fictional brand for their uniforms and warm-up sweats is shown to be a foot with the letters «ics» underneath. The word for foot in Japanese is «ashi», so the full name would be «ashi-ics». This is a play on the name for the real life sports brand «Asics», which in Japanese would be pronounced the same way. Asics is a Japanese sports company, and is recognized worldwide for their volleyball athletic wear.
- Like many of the other teams featured in the series, all of Karasuno seems to wear «Asics» volleyball shoes, based on their shoe design.
- Other schools often misread Karasuno (烏野) for Torino (鳥野) because they have very similar kanji. Karasu (烏) refers to crows, whereas tori (鳥) refers to birds in general.
- While most schools usually reserve the number 4 for the team ace, Karasuno does not seem to have certain numbers reserved for the ace as both Asahi Azumane and Tenma Udai were aces, but wore different numbers. Karasuno instead seems to be a school that gives the number 4 to the libero. However, in the opening scene of Hinata watching Karasuno at nationals, the libero can be seen wearing the number 2.
- Like most Japanese high schools, Karasuno also holds an annual sports festival. One of its events is a four-member relay race between the school’s sports clubs. The winning club receives 20 boxes of sports drink mix.
- Karasuno in season 3 of the anime now has its own cheering squad, consisting of students from the school itself and staff members such as the Vice Principal. However, their cheer is less coordinated when compared to powerhouse schools, as they only had a chance to practice a little after school during the day of the finals. While in the manga, this did not happen.
- Karasuno has participated in the Spring High tournament nine times and this time is their first appearance in five years.
- One of the times Karasuno went to nationals was when Tenma Udai was on the team.
- Karasuno High is based on Karumai High School in Iwate prefecture.
- Karasuno was initially named «Hiashi».
- Karasuno is seen mainly using the volleyball brand «Molten» for their volleyballs.
- After Karasuno’s former coach, Ikkei Ukai, retired the boys’ volleyball team wasn’t doing as well. As a result, they earned the nickname «Wingless crows».
- When the Little Giant played for Karasuno, they faced Tokonami High and won. The total scores are unknown. This was shown in Tsukishima’s flashback in Season 2.
Karasuno High Gym 1
Karasuno High Gym 2
Club rooms located behind the second gym
This article is about the episode. You may be looking for the chapter.
Karasuno High School’s Volleyball Club (Japanese:
The opening theme of this episode is Imagination by SPYAIR and the ending theme is Tenchi Gaeshi by NICO Touches the Walls.
Hinata arrives at Karasuno High School determined to join the volleyball club and defeat Kageyama. He is shocked when he walks into the gym and finds that Kageyama is a potential member of the Karasuno team as well. They fight right away and when captain Daichi Sawamura arrives, he throws the two out and tells them they can’t join the club until they start to get along. Instead of agreeing to work as a team though, they challenge the upperclassmen to a match on the condition that if they win, they join the team.
Hinata is surprised to see Kageyama at the Karasuno gymnasium.
At the entrance of the gym to Karasuno Boys’ Volleyball Club, Hinata remembers how he lost devastatingly to the “King of the Court”, Tobio Kageyama, in his first and last official match of junior high and sworn to get revenge by training with Karasuno High. However, inside the gym is Kageyama, who recognizes Hinata immediately. Kageyama thinks of how Hinata’s agile and has good reflexes but doesn’t put any of that into good use and announces that to the spiker, leading to a small argument. Hinata asks why Kageyama’s here and not at a stronger school. Kageyama states that he didn’t get into the strongest school in the prefecture and Hinata wonders why, especially since the setter’s nickname is the “King of the Court”. Pissed off, Kageyama yells at Hinata to not call him that. Before the latter can reply, some of the club members arrive.
They don’t notice Hinata at first, their attention solely on Kageyama. Hinata resorts to yelling out his introduction which garners everyone’s attention. Tanaka immediately recognizes him as “Shorty #1”. Daichi comments on how it’s surprising that Kageyama and Hinata are both joining the team because of what happened last year. Tanaka compliments how despite his size, Hinata has guts. Hinata exclaims even though he’s short, he can jump, and he’ll become Karasuno’s ace. While the upperclassmen are complimenting Hinata’s ambition, Kageyama cuts in, telling him to improve before saying such things and to not waste his time like he did in junior high. Hinata exclaims that he had played with all his might in that game last year and not everything he did was a waste. Daichi tries to point out how they’re teammates now and shouldn’t fight, but neither of the first years pays any mind to him. They end up creating a 1-on-1 match against each other at the same time as the vice-principal walks in. Tanaka tries to warn the two to keep it down, but they end up playing against each other anyway. Hinata states that last year, he wasn’t able to receive a lot of Kageyama’s spikes but he has changed since then. Kageyama accepts the challenge, stating that he has changed as well.
The ball bounces off Hinata’s arms and knocks the vice principal’s wig off his head.
Kageyama serves powerfully and Hinata ends up dodging it. Kageyama asks how that response’s different from last year and Hinata yells for another try. To Kageyama’s surprise, Hinata successfully receives the second one, only to send it towards the Vice Principal. The ball ends up knocking his wig off his head, and he takes Daichi outside to talk.
A moment later, Daichi returns and announces that the vice-principal isn’t going to take any actions against the team, as long as they forget what they saw. Before Daichi can say anymore, Kageyama and Hinata start fighting again over whose fault it was. Daichi stops them and tells them that Karasuno was one of the top teams in the prefecture until a few years ago and had even gone to nationals once; now, they’re ranked, at best, eighth in the prefecture and other schools have even started calling them “Fallen Rivals” or “The Crows That Can’t Fly”. When he was younger, he would pass by students from Karasuno that had competed against the strongest teams in Tokyo’s huge gymnasium which gave him goosebumps. He wants to go back to that gym now. This inspires Hinata who thinks of how he’ll be on the same court as the Small Giant. Kageyama points out that many schools have the same dream, but Daichi replies seriously that he means what he says, intimidating Kageyama.
Daichi confronts the first-years’ behavior.
For that to happen, Daichi needs a unified team that won’t be bothered by the vice-principal again. He walks towards the two first years and says that he doesn’t need them to be friends but now that they’re on the same side of the net, they are allies. No matter how strong they are, if they can’t get along and end up hindering their teammates, they’re not wanted. He then pushes the two, along with their application papers, out of the gym. Until they realize they’re teammates, they won’t be participating in this club. He then closes the door on them.
The duo tries begging to be let back in but can’t keep themselves from fighting. Kageyama knocks Hinata out of the way and says that he will get along with him. Daichi opens the door a tiny bit and asks him if he’s sure. Unnerved, Kageyama ends up telling the truth: if he had to cooperate with Hinata in a match, he would rather receive, spike, and toss all by himself. Daichi laughs at his honesty and points out how in volleyball, one player can’t touch the ball twice.
The duo doesn’t give up though and continues camping out outside the gym. Kageyama suddenly announces that he’ll challenge the upperclassmen to a 2-on-2. If they win, they’ll be let into the club. Kageyama tells Hinata to just do the best he can and not get in his way. Hinata exclaims that he wants to stand on the court again because of the feeling it gives him, reminding Kageyama of his defeat last year at the end of the tournament.
Kageyama initiates a match against his senpais in order to join the team.
Later on in the evening, the duo challenges the upperclassmen to a 2-on-2. Kageyama states that if they lose, they’ll endure any punishments. Daichi reveals that there are two other first years and changes the game to a 3-on-3 against them with Daichi on their team and Tanaka on the duo’s team. If Hinata and Kageyama lose, as long as the third years are still here, Kageyama will never get to play setter. As Kageyama’s raging, Hinata remarks that Kageyama’s good enough to become a regular anyway and spikers are cooler than setters. Kageyama grabs Hinata and yells that setters are the control towers of a team and are the ones that create those flashy spikes for the spikers. Kageyama thinks about what Daichi said and plans to only send tosses to Tanaka because Hinata’s too unreliable.
As they’re arguing, Tanaka discreetly lets them know from inside the gym what time the gym would be empty. The duo agrees to come in at 5 am the next day, only to find the gym locked. As they’re trying to get in, Tanaka arrives and opens the door for them, as long as they call him “senpai”. As Tanaka walks in, he thinks of what Daichi told him about the duo and how they could bring out each other’s strengths. If those two could work together, Karasuno will evolve explosively. However, at the moment the two need to work on their relationship first.
- Karasuno High
- Vice Principal
- Chikara Ennoshita (name still unrevealed)
- Kazuhito Narita (name still unrevealed)
- Hisashi Kinoshita (name still unrevealed)
- Karasuno High
- Shōyō Hinata
- Tobio Kageyama
- Daichi Sawamura
- Kōshi Sugawara
- Ryūnosuke Tanaka
- Kiyoko Shimizu
- Others
- Small Giant (flashback)
- Yūtarō Kindaichi (flashback)
- Karasuno High’s Second gym
Episode Notes
Character Revelations
- Hinata wants to become Karasuno’s ace.
- The vice-principal of Karasuno High likes to create trouble, a well-known fact among the upperclassmen.
- After the match against Kitagawa Daiichi in junior high, Hinata trained vigorously to get stronger with all sorts of people (Boys’ Baseball Team, Girls’ Volleyball Team, Neighborhood Moms’ Team).
- The vice-principal wears a wig that everyone has noticed immediately except for Kageyama.
- In the newspaper, a picture of Kageyama is shown when Kitagawa Daiichi was defeated, suggesting he might be the reason his team lost.
- Karasuno was one of the top teams in the prefecture until a few years ago and had even gone to nationals once. Now, it ranks at best in the prefecture’s top eight.
- Karasuno’s dubbed the “Fallen Rivals” or “The Crows That Can’t Fly” among the other schools.
- Every year, Karasuno holds a 3-on-3 match among the first years.
Differences Between Anime and Manga
- Manga: Daichi is the first person to greet the two first years. Anime: Tanaka rushes at the two first years and yells at them before getting pulled back by Daichi.
- Manga: When Daichi describes the nicknames people give for Karasuno, Tanaka complains about how rude they are. Anime: Nobody says anything as Daichi’s giving his speech.
- Anime: As Daichi gives his speech, a flashback of him in junior high is shown. Manga: This isn’t included.
- Manga: Daichi smacks the duo’s application papers on their faces and then throw them out of the gym. Anime: Daichi slowly pushes the two, along with their papers, out.
- Manga: After the duo is thrown out, they bang on the door as they’re begging. Anime: Hinata begs away from the door.
- Anime: As Hinata and Kageyama are arguing in front of the gym, Kiyoko appears and asks them to move over. Manga: This isn’t included.
- Manga: As the upperclassmen are discussing the duo’s response to getting kicked out, Daichi comments on how they haven’t made up yet and wonders if Kageyama’s ego has changed since last. Anime: Daichi doesn’t say anything.
- Manga: After they meet again, Kageyama admits he does not know Hinata’s name. Anime: Kageyama says that he forgot Hinata’s name, suggesting he may have learned it but simply forgot it.
OSTs Used
- 00:01 — 00:25 — What It Means to «Connect» (Japanese: 繋ぐということ Tsunagu to iu Koto)
- – OP –
- 02:11 — 02:53 — Hinata and Kageyama (Japanese: 日向と影山 Hinata to Kageyama)
- 03:51 — 05:12 — Anger (Japanese: 怒り Ikari)
- 05:36 — 06:19 — The King of the Court (Japanese: コート上の王様 Kōto jō no Ōsama)
- 06:39 — 07:54 — Oikawa Toru (Japanese: 及川徹 Oikawa Tōru)
- 08:53 — 09:53 — Goal (Japanese: 目標 Mokuhyō)
- 10:09 — 10:49 — Kageyama vs Tsukishima (Japanese: 影山対月島 Kageyama tai Tsukishima)
- – eyecatch –
- 11:21 — 11:51 — Se-n-pa-i (Japanese: セ-ン-パ-イ Se n pa i)
- 13:48 — 14:37 — Lonely (Japanese: 孤独 Kodoku)
- 16:04 — 17:32 — It Doesn’t Work (Japanese: うまくいかない Umaku Ika nai)
- 17:59 — 19:28 — Lonely (Japanese: 孤独 Kodoku)
- 19:36 — 20:17 — Hinata and Kageyama (Japanese: 日向と影山 Hinata to Kageyama)
- 20:55 — 22:40 — With Each New Game (Japanese: 試合を重ねるたびに Shiai o Kasaneru Tabi ni)
- – ED –
- Preview — The Freak Quick (Japanese: 変人速攻 Henjin Sokkō)
v • eList of Episodes |
Season 1 |
1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 8 • 9 • 10 • 11 • 12 • 13 • 14 • 15 • 16 • 17 • 18 • 19 • 20 • 21 • 22 • 23 • 24 • 25 |
Season 2 |
1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 8 • 9 • 10 • 11 • 12 • 13 • 14 • 15 • 16 • 17 • 18 • 19 • 20 • 21 • 22 • 23 • 24 • 25 |
Season 3 |
1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 8 • 9 • 10 |
Season 4 |
1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 8 • 9 • 10 • 11 • 12 • 13 • 14 • 15 • 16 • 17 • 18 • 19 • 20 • 21 • 22 • 23 • 24 • 25 |
1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 |
Movies |
1 • 2 • 3 • 4 |
This article is about the episode. You may be looking for the chapter.
Karasuno High School’s Volleyball Club (Japanese:
The opening theme of this episode is Imagination by SPYAIR and the ending theme is Tenchi Gaeshi by NICO Touches the Walls.
Hinata arrives at Karasuno High School determined to join the volleyball club and defeat Kageyama. He is shocked when he walks into the gym and finds that Kageyama is a potential member of the Karasuno team as well. They fight right away and when captain Daichi Sawamura arrives, he throws the two out and tells them they can’t join the club until they start to get along. Instead of agreeing to work as a team though, they challenge the upperclassmen to a match on the condition that if they win, they join the team.
Hinata is surprised to see Kageyama at the Karasuno gymnasium.
At the entrance of the gym to Karasuno Boys’ Volleyball Club, Hinata remembers how he lost devastatingly to the “King of the Court”, Tobio Kageyama, in his first and last official match of junior high and sworn to get revenge by training with Karasuno High. However, inside the gym is Kageyama, who recognizes Hinata immediately. Kageyama thinks of how Hinata’s agile and has good reflexes but doesn’t put any of that into good use and announces that to the spiker, leading to a small argument. Hinata asks why Kageyama’s here and not at a stronger school. Kageyama states that he didn’t get into the strongest school in the prefecture and Hinata wonders why, especially since the setter’s nickname is the “King of the Court”. Pissed off, Kageyama yells at Hinata to not call him that. Before the latter can reply, some of the club members arrive.
They don’t notice Hinata at first, their attention solely on Kageyama. Hinata resorts to yelling out his introduction which garners everyone’s attention. Tanaka immediately recognizes him as “Shorty #1”. Daichi comments on how it’s surprising that Kageyama and Hinata are both joining the team because of what happened last year. Tanaka compliments how despite his size, Hinata has guts. Hinata exclaims even though he’s short, he can jump, and he’ll become Karasuno’s ace. While the upperclassmen are complimenting Hinata’s ambition, Kageyama cuts in, telling him to improve before saying such things and to not waste his time like he did in junior high. Hinata exclaims that he had played with all his might in that game last year and not everything he did was a waste. Daichi tries to point out how they’re teammates now and shouldn’t fight, but neither of the first years pays any mind to him. They end up creating a 1-on-1 match against each other at the same time as the vice-principal walks in. Tanaka tries to warn the two to keep it down, but they end up playing against each other anyway. Hinata states that last year, he wasn’t able to receive a lot of Kageyama’s spikes but he has changed since then. Kageyama accepts the challenge, stating that he has changed as well.
The ball bounces off Hinata’s arms and knocks the vice principal’s wig off his head.
Kageyama serves powerfully and Hinata ends up dodging it. Kageyama asks how that response’s different from last year and Hinata yells for another try. To Kageyama’s surprise, Hinata successfully receives the second one, only to send it towards the Vice Principal. The ball ends up knocking his wig off his head, and he takes Daichi outside to talk.
A moment later, Daichi returns and announces that the vice-principal isn’t going to take any actions against the team, as long as they forget what they saw. Before Daichi can say anymore, Kageyama and Hinata start fighting again over whose fault it was. Daichi stops them and tells them that Karasuno was one of the top teams in the prefecture until a few years ago and had even gone to nationals once; now, they’re ranked, at best, eighth in the prefecture and other schools have even started calling them “Fallen Rivals” or “The Crows That Can’t Fly”. When he was younger, he would pass by students from Karasuno that had competed against the strongest teams in Tokyo’s huge gymnasium which gave him goosebumps. He wants to go back to that gym now. This inspires Hinata who thinks of how he’ll be on the same court as the Small Giant. Kageyama points out that many schools have the same dream, but Daichi replies seriously that he means what he says, intimidating Kageyama.
Daichi confronts the first-years’ behavior.
For that to happen, Daichi needs a unified team that won’t be bothered by the vice-principal again. He walks towards the two first years and says that he doesn’t need them to be friends but now that they’re on the same side of the net, they are allies. No matter how strong they are, if they can’t get along and end up hindering their teammates, they’re not wanted. He then pushes the two, along with their application papers, out of the gym. Until they realize they’re teammates, they won’t be participating in this club. He then closes the door on them.
The duo tries begging to be let back in but can’t keep themselves from fighting. Kageyama knocks Hinata out of the way and says that he will get along with him. Daichi opens the door a tiny bit and asks him if he’s sure. Unnerved, Kageyama ends up telling the truth: if he had to cooperate with Hinata in a match, he would rather receive, spike, and toss all by himself. Daichi laughs at his honesty and points out how in volleyball, one player can’t touch the ball twice.
The duo doesn’t give up though and continues camping out outside the gym. Kageyama suddenly announces that he’ll challenge the upperclassmen to a 2-on-2. If they win, they’ll be let into the club. Kageyama tells Hinata to just do the best he can and not get in his way. Hinata exclaims that he wants to stand on the court again because of the feeling it gives him, reminding Kageyama of his defeat last year at the end of the tournament.
Kageyama initiates a match against his senpais in order to join the team.
Later on in the evening, the duo challenges the upperclassmen to a 2-on-2. Kageyama states that if they lose, they’ll endure any punishments. Daichi reveals that there are two other first years and changes the game to a 3-on-3 against them with Daichi on their team and Tanaka on the duo’s team. If Hinata and Kageyama lose, as long as the third years are still here, Kageyama will never get to play setter. As Kageyama’s raging, Hinata remarks that Kageyama’s good enough to become a regular anyway and spikers are cooler than setters. Kageyama grabs Hinata and yells that setters are the control towers of a team and are the ones that create those flashy spikes for the spikers. Kageyama thinks about what Daichi said and plans to only send tosses to Tanaka because Hinata’s too unreliable.
As they’re arguing, Tanaka discreetly lets them know from inside the gym what time the gym would be empty. The duo agrees to come in at 5 am the next day, only to find the gym locked. As they’re trying to get in, Tanaka arrives and opens the door for them, as long as they call him “senpai”. As Tanaka walks in, he thinks of what Daichi told him about the duo and how they could bring out each other’s strengths. If those two could work together, Karasuno will evolve explosively. However, at the moment the two need to work on their relationship first.
- Karasuno High
- Vice Principal
- Chikara Ennoshita (name still unrevealed)
- Kazuhito Narita (name still unrevealed)
- Hisashi Kinoshita (name still unrevealed)
- Karasuno High
- Shōyō Hinata
- Tobio Kageyama
- Daichi Sawamura
- Kōshi Sugawara
- Ryūnosuke Tanaka
- Kiyoko Shimizu
- Others
- Small Giant (flashback)
- Yūtarō Kindaichi (flashback)
- Karasuno High’s Second gym
Episode Notes
Character Revelations
- Hinata wants to become Karasuno’s ace.
- The vice-principal of Karasuno High likes to create trouble, a well-known fact among the upperclassmen.
- After the match against Kitagawa Daiichi in junior high, Hinata trained vigorously to get stronger with all sorts of people (Boys’ Baseball Team, Girls’ Volleyball Team, Neighborhood Moms’ Team).
- The vice-principal wears a wig that everyone has noticed immediately except for Kageyama.
- In the newspaper, a picture of Kageyama is shown when Kitagawa Daiichi was defeated, suggesting he might be the reason his team lost.
- Karasuno was one of the top teams in the prefecture until a few years ago and had even gone to nationals once. Now, it ranks at best in the prefecture’s top eight.
- Karasuno’s dubbed the “Fallen Rivals” or “The Crows That Can’t Fly” among the other schools.
- Every year, Karasuno holds a 3-on-3 match among the first years.
Differences Between Anime and Manga
- Manga: Daichi is the first person to greet the two first years. Anime: Tanaka rushes at the two first years and yells at them before getting pulled back by Daichi.
- Manga: When Daichi describes the nicknames people give for Karasuno, Tanaka complains about how rude they are. Anime: Nobody says anything as Daichi’s giving his speech.
- Anime: As Daichi gives his speech, a flashback of him in junior high is shown. Manga: This isn’t included.
- Manga: Daichi smacks the duo’s application papers on their faces and then throw them out of the gym. Anime: Daichi slowly pushes the two, along with their papers, out.
- Manga: After the duo is thrown out, they bang on the door as they’re begging. Anime: Hinata begs away from the door.
- Anime: As Hinata and Kageyama are arguing in front of the gym, Kiyoko appears and asks them to move over. Manga: This isn’t included.
- Manga: As the upperclassmen are discussing the duo’s response to getting kicked out, Daichi comments on how they haven’t made up yet and wonders if Kageyama’s ego has changed since last. Anime: Daichi doesn’t say anything.
- Manga: After they meet again, Kageyama admits he does not know Hinata’s name. Anime: Kageyama says that he forgot Hinata’s name, suggesting he may have learned it but simply forgot it.
OSTs Used
- 00:01 — 00:25 — What It Means to «Connect» (Japanese: 繋ぐということ Tsunagu to iu Koto)
- – OP –
- 02:11 — 02:53 — Hinata and Kageyama (Japanese: 日向と影山 Hinata to Kageyama)
- 03:51 — 05:12 — Anger (Japanese: 怒り Ikari)
- 05:36 — 06:19 — The King of the Court (Japanese: コート上の王様 Kōto jō no Ōsama)
- 06:39 — 07:54 — Oikawa Toru (Japanese: 及川徹 Oikawa Tōru)
- 08:53 — 09:53 — Goal (Japanese: 目標 Mokuhyō)
- 10:09 — 10:49 — Kageyama vs Tsukishima (Japanese: 影山対月島 Kageyama tai Tsukishima)
- – eyecatch –
- 11:21 — 11:51 — Se-n-pa-i (Japanese: セ-ン-パ-イ Se n pa i)
- 13:48 — 14:37 — Lonely (Japanese: 孤独 Kodoku)
- 16:04 — 17:32 — It Doesn’t Work (Japanese: うまくいかない Umaku Ika nai)
- 17:59 — 19:28 — Lonely (Japanese: 孤独 Kodoku)
- 19:36 — 20:17 — Hinata and Kageyama (Japanese: 日向と影山 Hinata to Kageyama)
- 20:55 — 22:40 — With Each New Game (Japanese: 試合を重ねるたびに Shiai o Kasaneru Tabi ni)
- – ED –
- Preview — The Freak Quick (Japanese: 変人速攻 Henjin Sokkō)
v • eList of Episodes |
Season 1 |
1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 8 • 9 • 10 • 11 • 12 • 13 • 14 • 15 • 16 • 17 • 18 • 19 • 20 • 21 • 22 • 23 • 24 • 25 |
Season 2 |
1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 8 • 9 • 10 • 11 • 12 • 13 • 14 • 15 • 16 • 17 • 18 • 19 • 20 • 21 • 22 • 23 • 24 • 25 |
Season 3 |
1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 8 • 9 • 10 |
Season 4 |
1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 8 • 9 • 10 • 11 • 12 • 13 • 14 • 15 • 16 • 17 • 18 • 19 • 20 • 21 • 22 • 23 • 24 • 25 |
1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 |
Movies |
1 • 2 • 3 • 4 |
Морфемный разбор слова:
Однокоренные слова к слову:
Как пишется карасуно на японском
На всякий случай: в записи на японском сначала идет фамилия, затем имя. В записи на русском – наоборот.
・烏養繋心 – Кэйсин Укай – тренер
烏 – у – ворон, ворона
養 – кай – воспитывать, растить
繋 – кэй – присоединять, соединять
心 – син – сердце, дух, душа
・烏養一繋 – Иккэй Укай – тренер
烏 – у – ворон, ворона
養 – кай – воспитывать, растить
一 – и(к) – один; первый; единый, целый
繋 – кэй – присоединять, соединять
・武田一鉄 – Такэда Иттэцу – куратор
武 – такэ – воин, военный
田 – да – рисовое поле
一 – и(т) – один; первый; единый, целый
鉄 – тэцу – железо
・清水潔子 – Симидзу Киёко – 3 год обучения, менеджер
清 – си – чистый (в том числе и морально), свежий
水 – мидзу – вода
潔 – киё – ясный, правый, чистый
子 – ко – ребенок (частая составляющая женских имен)
・谷地仁花 – Яти Хитока – 1 год обучения, менеджер
谷 – я – долина, лощина
地 – ти –
仁 – хито – в сочетаниях, с другим чтением: человеколюбие, доброта; косточка, ядро
花 – ка – цветок
・澤村大地 – Савамура Дайти – 3 год, диагональный
澤 – сава – болото (устаревшая форма иероглифа 沢, который в сочетаниях значит также «благодеяние», «изобилие»)
村 – мура – деревня, посёлок
大 – дай – большой, великий
地 – ти – земля, почва
・東峰旭 – Адзуманэ Асахи – 3 год, центральный блокирующий
東 – адзума – восток
峰 – нэ – пик, вершина; тупая сторона клинка
旭 – асахи – восходящее солнце
・西谷夕 – Нисиноя Ю – 2 год, либеро
西 – ниси – запад
谷 – я – долина, лощина
夕 – ю: – вечер, вечерний
・田中龍之助 – Танака Рюносукэ – 2 год, доигровщик
田 – та – рисовое поле
中 – нака – внутри
龍 – рю: – дракон
之 – но – в сочетаниях: показатель род. падежа; частый компонент имен и названий
助 – сукэ – помощь, частый иероглиф в мужских именах (бонус: в некоторых сочетаниях обозначен как «суффикс насмешливости»)
・縁下力 – Энносита Тикара – 2 год, центральный блокирующий
縁 – эн – связь, родство; будд. карма
下 – сита – внизу; подчиненный
力 – тикара – сила
・木下久志 – Киносита Хисаси – 2 год, доигровщик
木 – ки – дерево
下 – сита – внизу; подчиненный
久 – хиса – долгий
支 – си – в сочетаниях: поддерживать
・成田一仁 – Нарита Кадзухито – 2 год, центральный блокирующий
成 – нари – становиться, расти, формировать
田 – та – рисовое поле
一 – кадзу – один; первый; единый, целый
仁 – хито – в сочетаниях, с другим чтением: человеколюбие, доброта; косточка, ядро
・日向翔陽 – Хината Сёё – 1 год, центральный блокирующий
日– хи – солнце
向 – ната – направление, направленность
翔 – сё: – летать, парить
陽 – ё: – «ян», солнечный, положительный
・影山飛雄 – Кагэяма Тобио – 1 год, связующий
影 – кагэ – тень; силуэт; свет (в том числе日影 – хикагэ – «солнечный свет»; 月影 – «лунный свет»); портрет
山 – яма – гора
飛 – тоби – летать, прыгать
雄 – о – в сочетаниях: самец, мужской; величественный; с другим чтением: герой, великий человек
・月島蛍 – Цукисима Кэй – 1 год, центральный блокирующий
月 – цуки – луна, месяц
島 – сима – остров
蛍 – кэй – светлячок
・山口忠 – Ямагути Тадаси – 1 год, доигровщик
山 – яма – гора
口 – гути – рот
忠 – тадаси – верность, преданность
Karasuno High
Karasuno High
Male Uniforms as worn by the volleyball team.
The boys’ volleyball club’s uniform consists of a black tracksuit with white details. The members wear white t-shirts and black shorts during practice matches and often don a yellow sports bib on top. During official matches, the majority of players don a black jersey and shorts with orange details. The libero has a contrasting jersey in orange with black details.
The girls’ volleyball club uniform consists of a black jersey and shorts, with white details. The shoulder area and lining is white, as is the team name boldly depicted at the front. The body and side-stripes of the uniform are black, and their backs have small white triangles highlighting the shape of the shoulders. The libero has a contrasting jersey in white with black details.
Each grade has five classes, with classes 4 and 5 being college preparatory classes. Periods are 50 minutes long, with a 10-minute break in between. Subjects taught include English, modern Japanese literature, math, and physical education. After graduation, students generally either continue on to higher education or work.
The passing grade for exams is 40 points. Students who fail their final exams must take weekend supplementary classes and a supplementary exam for each failed subject; these may sometimes be held during summer vacation. The passing grade for supplementary exams is 80 points, and students must take them until they pass.
Volleyball Club
The school’s Boys’ Volleyball Club was founded many years ago and has often been associated with crows due to the school’s name. Its banner, in fact, reads «Fly» which alludes to crows. It was said that Coach Ikkei Ukai had a ferocious pack of crows during Karasuno’s glory days.
As a former powerhouse of Miyagi, Karasuno has represented the prefecture at the Spring High nationals nine times. One of those occasions was under the guidance of Coach Ukai and Tenma Udai, also known as the «Small Giant» («Little/Tiny Giant» in the anime), and was famous throughout Miyagi. However, after the initial success, Karasuno failed to pass its prefecture’s preliminaries in future tournaments and therefore received the derogatory nicknames «The Fallen Champions» and «The Flightless Crows.» It wasn’t until five years later did the team finally return to nationals.
For a while, Karasuno did not have a coach due to Ukai’s hospitalization after a few months of coaching the previous year. Daichi Sawamura then took on both the captain and the coach’s duties until Ukai’s grandson, Keishin Ukai, became the new coach. The managers of the team consist of Kiyoko Shimizu, a third-year and the original manager, and Hitoka Yachi, a first-year recruited by Kiyoko after the first tournament.
A team photo with the official banner in the back.
The main starting line-up is composed of Daichi Sawamura, Asahi Azumane, Ryūnosuke Tanaka, Yū Nishinoya, Shōyō Hinata, Tobio Kageyama, and Kei Tsukishima. Karasuno is currently famous for its quick attack (performed by Kageyama and Hinata) and its unique members: Kitagawa Daiichi Junior High’s «King of the Court,» Kageyama; Chidoriyama’s champion libero, Nishinoya; and the 164cm-tall middle blocker, Hinata.
Karasuno’s main rivals within the Miyagi Prefecture are Aoba Johsai High, Date Tech High, and Shiratorizawa Academy. The club’s «destined» rival is Nekoma High, which Karasuno has always lost to. Because their animal representatives (cat and crow) are usually found by the dumpster, their matches are called the «Battle at the Garbage Dump.» (In the anime it is referred to as ‘The Trashcan Showdown.’)
Karasuno’s strongest attribute is its offensive power, with a heavy focus on attacks such as the quick strike, pipe-line, and synchronized attacks using tempo. It also utilizes uncommon techniques like the Calculated One-Point Two-Setter, the jump float serve, and a libero toss to throw off opponents.
They won the 2012 Miyagi Qualifiers Tournament against Shiratorizawa and advanced to the Spring Nationals. When they got there, they managed to rank in the top 8 of all of Japan after losing to Kamomedai.
They earned two consecutive participations at the Tournament for the next two years. In 2014, they placed in the Top 16 after losing in the third round to Inarizaki. In 2015, they played on center court against Itachiyama in the semifinals, and lost, ranking third nationally.
Name | Position | Year | Status |
Ikkei Ukai | Coach | Graduate | Retired |
Keishin Ukai | Coach | Graduate | Active |
Ittetsu Takeda | Faculty Advisor | Teacher | Active |
Kiyoko Shimizu | Manager | 3rd Year | Active |
Hitoka Yachi | Manager | 1st Year | Active |
Name | Number | Position | Year | Status |
Daichi Sawamura | #1 | Captain / Wing Spiker / Opposite Hitter | 3rd Year | Active |
Kōshi Sugawara | #2 | Vice-Captain / Setter / Pinch Server | 3rd Year | Active |
Asahi Azumane | #3 | Wing Spiker / Outside Hitter / Ace | 3rd Year | Active |
Yū Nishinoya | #4 | Libero | 2nd Year | Active |
Ryūnosuke Tanaka | #5 | Wing Spiker / Outside Hitter | 2nd Year | Active |
Chikara Ennoshita | #6 | Wing Spiker / Outside Hitter | 2nd Year | Active |
Hisashi Kinoshita | #7 | Wing Spiker / Pinch Server | 2nd Year | Active |
Kazuhito Narita | #8 | Middle Blocker | 2nd Year | Active |
Tobio Kageyama | #9 | Setter | 1st Year | Active |
Shōyō Hinata | #10 | Middle Blocker / Decoy | 1st Year | Active |
Kei Tsukishima | #11 | Middle Blocker | 1st Year | Active |
Tadashi Yamaguchi | #12 | Middle Blocker / Pinch Server | 1st Year | Active |
Name | Number | Position | Age |
Ikkei Ukai | #5 | ? | 69 |
Yūsuke Takinoue | #9 | Middle Blocker | 26 |
Makoto Shimada | #11 | Wing Spiker / Pinch Server | 26 |
? | #1 | ? | ? |
? | #4 | Libero | ? |
Keishin Ukai | #2 | Setter | 26 |
Akiteru Tsukishima | #5 | Wing Spiker | 22 |
Kawada | ? | Wing Spiker | 22-23 |
? | ? | ? | 22-23 |
? | #1 | ? | ? |
? | #3 | Setter | ? |
? | #4 | Libero | ? |
? | #5 | ? | ? |
? | #6 | ? | ? |
? | #7 | ? | ? |
? | #8 | ? | ? |
? | #9 | ? | ? |
Tenma Udai | #10 | Wing Spiker / Ace | 21 |
? | #2 | Libero | 20-22 |
? | #11 | ? | ? |
? | #12 | ? | ? |
Hidemi Tashiro | #1 | Captain | 19-20 |
? | #2 | ? | 19-20 |
? | #9 | ? | ? |
Hiroki Kurokawa | #2 | Wing Spiker / Captain | 18-19 |
? | #? | ? | 16-17 |
? | #? | ? | 16-17 |
Later Players
These players joined the Karasuno High School Boy’s Volleyball team in school year 2013-2014.
Name | Number | Position | Age |
Tokita | ? | ? | 15-16 |
Shoji | ? | ? | 15-16 |
Yaotome | 4 | Libero | 15-16 |
Girls Club
Name | Number | Position | Year | Status |
Yui Michimiya | #1 | Wing Spiker / Captain | 3rd Year | Retired |
Mao Aihara | #2 | Vice-captain / Wing Spiker / Ace | 3rd Year | Retired |
Rinko Sudou | #3 | Captain | 2nd Year | Active |
Moe Kikuchi | #4 | ? | 2nd Year | Active |
Manami Aoki | #5 | Setter | ? | Active |
Nozomi Watabe | #7 | Libero | ? | Active |
Chizuru Sasaki | #11 | Wing Spiker | 3rd Year | Retired |
Practice Matches
Summer Training Camp
Karasuno’s lineup during the summer camp matches.
Karasuno played several sets against Nekoma, Fukurōdani, Shinzen, and Ubugawa (3 wins, 63 losses)
Spring High Nationals Tournament (. )
Interhigh Prelims (2007)
Spring-High Nationals Tournament (2008)
Hinata passes by seeing that Karasuno is already winning one of their matches 22-16. According to Takeda, they went on to lose in the semi-finals.
Interhigh Prelims (2010)
68th Annual Prefectural Athletic Volleyaball Tournament
Interhigh-Preliminaries (2012)
For Interhigh’s Miyagi Preliminaries, Karasuno was registered as team 5, Block A. Their venue was the Sendai City Gymnasium, along with Block B. They played over the span of two days (two games on the first day, one on the second) before losing in the third round to Aoba Johsai. Overall, they placed within the top 16.
Spring High-Miyagi Prefecture Representative Playoffs (2012)
For the first preliminary, Karasuno was registered as team 19, Group 4. Their venue was Kaji High School Gymnasium, along with Group 5. Because they placed within the top 16 during the Interhigh Preliminaries, they were exempt from the first round of games and played only two matches. After winning their matches against Ohgiminami and Kakugawa, they were allowed to move on to the representative playoffs held in October.
For the representative playoffs, Karasuno was registered as team 10. They played at the Sendai City Gymnasium over a span of three days (one game on the first day, two on the second, one on the third). After winning all their matches, they became Miyagi Prefecture’s Representative for the Spring High National Tournament.
First Preliminary
Main Preliminary
Spring High National Tournament (2013)
For nationals, Karasuno was not exempt from the first round.
Interhigh Preliminaries (2013)
Karasuno lost in the finals of the Interhigh Preliminaries to Date Tech, who went on to place top 16 at nationals.
Spring High National Tournament (2014)
Karasuno encountered Inarizaki once more in the Third Round and lost, thus placing in the Top 16.
Spring High National Tournament (2015)
Karasuno played on center court for the first time. They lost to Itachiyama and finished 3rd in the nation.
The girls warm up before their match in the Interhigh Preliminaries.
Поиск персонажей
Группы персонажей
Третьекурсник академии Фукуродани, доигровщик. Чувствует, что если посмотреть на глупость Бокуто с другой стороны, то он своего рода гений. Но эти мысли раздражают его.
Первокурсник и доигровщик старшей школы Аобадзёсай.
Бывший студент старшей школы Карасуно и старший брат Кея Цукисимы. В средней школе он был капитаном волейбольного клуба школы Амемару.
Третьекурсник старшей школы Карасуно, занимает позиции доигровщика в общем и диагонального в частности. Отказывался возвращаться в команду из-за страха быть снова «заблокированным». Из-за высокого роста и крепкого телосложения его довольно часто принимают за хулигана. На самом же деле очень добр и раним, всегда чувствует большую ответственность за свои ошибки. Рост — 184,7 см.
Второгодка Старшей школы Инаризаки, играющий на позиции связующего. Как и Кагеяма, он был приглашён на национальные молодёжные сборы. Его брат-близнец — Осаму Мия. Является изначально связующим для команды MSBY Black Jackals, команды 1-го дивизиона в японской V-Лиге. Атсуму также стал широко известен как лучший школьный связующий Японии.
Третьекурсник и туз волейбольного клуба старшей школы Сираторидзава, куда не смог поступить Кагеяма. Его цель — победить на национальных.
Первокурсник академии Фукуродани, центральный блокирующий.
Капитан волейбольного клуба и третьекурсник старшей школы Карасуно, позиция — доигровщик. Является отличным капитаном, умеющим отлично воодушевлять товарищей по команде, но страшен в гневе. Рост — 176,8 см.
Дед Кейшина, тренировал волейбольную команду Карасуно до госпитализации. Сейчас учит волейболу детей.
Один из центральных блокирующих волейбольной команды школы Аобаджосай. Серьёзный молодой человек. Из третьегодок он самый высокий в команде. Дружит с Ханамаки.
Куратор волейбольного клуба Карасуно, но, несмотря на это, совершенно не знает правил волейбола, поэтому всегда делает записи о том, что узнает в течение тренировок. Наивен и одновременно проницателен по натуре, часто дает ценные советы и наставления, которых от него никто не ожидает. Рост — 166,5 см
Член волейбольного клуба средней школы Юкигаока.
Второкурсник, который вместе с Киноситой и Энноситой был вынужден покинуть волейбольный клуб из-за того, что они не могли идти в ногу с обучением тренера Укая. Тем не менее через некоторое время ребята возвращаются, потому что им нравится играть в волейбол.
Третьекурсник старшей школы Датэко, связующий. Капитан волейбольной команды.
Первокурсник и связующий, который стал регулярным членом команды после того, как третьегодки ушли из турнира. Видно, что он еще совсем зеленый в условиях турнира. Но в то же время, его высота является его преимуществом, т.к. он очень высок для связующего.
Связующий-второгодка Академии Шираторизавы.
Студент второго года обучения старшей школы Аоба Дзёсай. Носит прозвище «Сумасшедший пес».
Третьекурсница и менеджер волейбольного клуба старшей школы Карасуно. Рост — 166,2 см.
Третьекурсник академии Фукуродани, либеро. Очень общительный, энергичный и громкий парень. Не боится сказать все, что у него на уме.
Вице-капитан волейбольного клуба и третьекурсник старшей школы Карасуно. Как и Кагэяма, является связующим, заменяет его в нужные моменты. Очень добрый и отзывчивый. Хорошо понимает чувства всех членов клуба, за что его все любят. Рост — 174,3 см.
Первокурсник старшей школы Датэко, либеро.
Третьекурсник академии Фукуродани, капитан волейбольного клуба и доигровщик. Рост — 185,3 см.
Хороший друг Хинаты со средней школы Юкигаока. Играет в футбол.
Первокурсник старшей школы Карасуно, центральный блокирующий, самый высокий игрок в команде. Он часто смотрит на Хинату свысока, заявляя, что тот не должен полагаться только на силу своих прыжков. Так же он любит дразнить Кагэяму, называя его «королём». Рост — 188,3 см.
Второкурсник академии Фукуродани, вице-капитан волейбольного клуба, связующий. Кажется спокойным и большую часть времени не проявляет каких-либо ярких эмоций. Любит прикалываться над людьми, особенно над Бокуто, с которым они относительно дружны, несмотря на их противоположные личности.
Выпускник старшей школы Карасуно и участник волейбольного клуба. Сейчас является тренером текущей команды школы. Помогает матери в магазине. Его дед был тренером волейбольного клуба Карасуно и противником тренера Нэкомы. Рост — 178,2 см.
Второкурсник старшей школы Датэко, доигровщик. Не ладит с Камасаки и постоянно с ним спорит.
Второкурсник старшей школы Нэкома, связующий. Один из опытных игроков команды, имеет большую выдержку. Друг детства Куроо.
Первокурсник старшей школы Нэкома, центральный блокирующий. Считает себя асом команды из-за того, что выше других. Отличается своей высокой выносливостью. Наполовину русский, но никогда не был в России. Кенма утверждает, что он хороший и честный парень. Из-за своего внешнего вида и проницательных глаз, многие верят, что он гораздо более пугающий и серьезный, чем есть на самом деле. Рост — 194,5 см
Выпускник волейбольной команды старшей Карасуно, член «Ассоциации соседей Карасуно». Вместе с Такиноуэ приходят посмотреть на игры старшей Карасуно. Работает в «Симада Маркет».
Тренер волейбольного клуба старшей школы Нэкома и старый знакомый Укая.
Мать Цукисимы Кея и Акитеру.
Член волейбольного клуба средней школы Юкигаока.
Третьекурсник старшей школы Нэкома, либеро. Ведет себя как мать по отношению к команде.
Младшая сестра Сёё.
Тренер-консультант волейбольного клуба старшей школы Аоба.
Третьекурсник старшей школы Нэкома, вице-капитан и доигровщик волейбольной команды.
Капитан волейбольного клуба старшей школы Аобадзёсай. Был сэмпаем Кагэямы, когда они оба учились в Китагаве Дайти. По словам Кагэямы, является превосходным связующим с отвратительным характером. Смотря на него, Кагэяма научился подаче и блоку. Рост — 184,3 см.
Второгодка старшей школы Инаризаки из префектуры Хиого, играет на позиции доигровщика, а также является братом-близнецом Атсуму Мии. В 2018 году, он владеет магазином онигири, назвающимся «Онигири Мия».
Третьекурсник Шираторизавы, а также доигровщик её команды.
Центральный блокирующий волейбольной команды Инаризаки.
Второкурсник старшей школы Карасуно, позиция — доигровщик. Является стабильным и результативным игроком. Большинство комичных моментов возникают именно из-за него, например, из-за его выражения лица и несдержанности. Любит, когда его называют сэмпаем. Рост — 177,2 см.
Тренер волейбольного клуба старшей школы Аобадзёсай.
Третьегодка-блокирующий в Академии Шираторизаве.
Старшая сестра Рюносукэ.
Первокурсник старшей школы Карасуно, играет на позиции центрального блокирующего, делая по большей части касания, а не полноценные блоки. Является «сильнейшей приманкой» Карасуно из-за своих высоких прыжков при небольшом росте. Вначале невзлюбил Кагэяму, испытав при этом трудности со вступлением в команду, но позже они нашли общий язык. После проигрыша команды Сёё в средней школе тренировался с женской волейбольной командой. Несмотря на то, что он ещё новичок и у него нет опыта в официальных играх между волейбольными командами, он стремительно растет в своих умениях с каждым матчем. Рост — 162,8 см. (164,2 см.)
Второкурсник старшей школы Нэкома, доигровщик.
Второкурсник старшей школы Аобадзёсай. Связующий.
Второкурсник старшей школы Аобадзёсай и единственный либеро в команде.
Теперь вы знаете какие однокоренные слова подходят к слову Как пишется карасуно на японском, а так же какой у него корень, приставка, суффикс и окончание. Вы можете дополнить список однокоренных слов к слову «Как пишется карасуно на японском», предложив свой вариант в комментариях ниже, а также выразить свое несогласие проведенным с морфемным разбором.