Как пишется киндер сюрприз на английском

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

Перевод «киндер-сюрприз» на английский

Были изготовлены игрушки, изображающие её, такие как игрушки от Киндер-сюрприз.

Toys portraying her have been produced, such as Kinder Surprise toys.

Созданы вдохновленные им игрушки, включая игрушки Киндер-сюрприз.

Toys inspired by him have been developed, including Kinder Surprise toys.

Если дочь подходит и просит киндер-сюрприз, например, либо еще какую-то мелочь, я спрашиваю, с какой стати она это делает?

If the daughter comes up and asks for a kinder surprise, for example, or some other trifle, I ask, why is she doing this?

Киндер-сюрприз (Kinder Sorpresa) — это известное во всем мире шоколадное лакомство, которое по своему внешнему виду напоминает куриное яйцо.

Kinder Surprise (Kinder Sorpresa) is a world-famous chocolate treat, which in its appearance resembles a chicken egg.

Я бы хотел яйцо киндер-сюрприз.

Я доволен, как маленький ребенок, который получил Киндер-сюрприз»

Как открыть «Киндер-Сюрприз» и закрыть обратно?

Киндер-сюрприз: 10 признаков беременности

И вот сюрприз, киндер-сюрприз.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 9. Точных совпадений: 9. Затраченное время: 23 мс


Корпоративные решения




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  • 1


    «kiddie surprise»

    Дополнение к русско-английским словарям > Киндер-сюрприз

См. также в других словарях:

  • киндер-сюрприз — КИНДЕР СЮРПРИЗ, Киндер сюрприза, м., собств. Бывший премьер министр РФ С. В. Кириенко. Имеется в виду его молодость и неожиданность назначения …   Словарь русского арго

  • киндер-сюрприз — сущ., кол во синонимов: 1 • игрушка (52) Словарь синонимов ASIS. В.Н. Тришин. 2013 …   Словарь синонимов

  • Киндер сюрприз — Разломленный киндер сюрприз с игрушкой внутри «Киндер сюрприз» (англ. Kinder Surprise)  шоколадное яйцо, содержащее в себе небольшую детскую игрушку. «Киндер сюрприз»  торговая марка итальянской компании Ferrero. Впервые шоколадные яйца с таким… …   Википедия

  • Киндер-сюрприз — Венгерский киндер сюрприз «Киндер сюрприз» (итал. Kinder Sorpresa)  яйцо из шоколада с сюрпризом, содержащее внутри пластиковый контейнер с игрушкой или сувениром. Торговая марка …   Википедия

  • киндер-сюрприз — к индер сюрпр из, а …   Русский орфографический словарь

  • Киндер-сюрприз — С.В. Кириенко (Лексикон для связей с госорганами) …   Словарь бизнес-сленга

  • сюрприз — см.: киндер сюрприз …   Словарь русского арго

  • Шоколадное яйцо — Разломленный киндер сюрприз с игрушкой внутри «Киндер сюрприз» (англ. Kinder Surprise)  шоколадное яйцо, содержащее в себе небольшую детскую игрушку. «Киндер сюрприз»  торговая марка итальянской компании Ferrero. Впервые шоколадные яйца с таким… …   Википедия

  • Петрушка (шоколадное яйцо) — У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Петрушка. «Петрушка»  шоколадное яйцо с сюрпризом, содержащее внутри пластиковый контейнер с игрушкой. Выпускается группой компаний «Ландрин». Содержание 1 Состав 2 Коллекции игрушек …   Википедия

  • Ферреро, Микеле — Микеле Ферреро Michele Ferrero Род деятельности: владелец компании Ferrero, производящей кондитерские изделия Дата рождения: 26 апреля 1925( …   Википедия

  • Россия на детском конкурсе песни Евровидение 2009 — Детский конкурс песни Евровидение 2009 Национальный отбор Страна Россия Выбранный артист Екатерина Рябова Выбранная песня Маленький принц Язык песни русский …   Википедия

- surprise |sərˈpraɪz|  — сюрприз, удивление, неожиданность, неожиданное действие

ах, какой сюрприз! — oh, what a surprise!
нас ожидал сюрприз — we ran into a surprise
преподнести сюрприз — to spring a surprise

приготовить сюрприз — to uncork a surprise
какой приятный сюрприз! — what a pleasure surprise!
нас ждёт приятный сюрприз — we are in for a pleasant surprise
завтра вас ожидает сюрприз — tomorrow has a surprise in store for you
у меня для вас есть сюрприз — I have a surprise for you
преподнести сюрприз кому-л. — to spring a surprise on smb.
они преподнесли ему сюрприз — they handed him a surprise
у меня для него приготовлен сюрприз — I have a surprise in store for him
преподнести кому-л. сюрприз, неожиданно удивить кого-л. — to spring a surprise on smb., to give smb. a surprise
мероприятие, организованное как сюрприз; неожиданный приход; неожиданность — surprise party

ещё 10 примеров свернуть

Смотрите также

мина-сюрприз — step-on
мина-ловушка, мина-сюрприз — trap mine
мина-сюрприз в виде сигареты — booby-trap cigarette
преподнести кому-л. неприятный сюрприз — to spring a mine on smb.
удар коленом под зад; неожиданный сюрприз — shot in the ass
мина-сюрприз, закладываемая в почтовый ящик — pillar box bomb
взрывная ловушка; мина-сюрприз; мина-ловушка — booby-trap mine
неожиданное появление у игрока нужной карты; сюрприз — ace up one’s sleeve
устанавливать мины-ловушки; мина-сюрприз; мина-ловушка — booby mine
преподнести неприятный сюрприз; подложить свинью кому-либо — spring a mine on somebody

Лучший ответ

Alexander Alenitsyn

Высший разум


11 лет назад

Это искусственное сочетание слов из двух разных языков:
Kinder — (нем. ) [кИндер] дети,
surprise (англ. ) [сёпрАйз] — сюрприз, приятная неожиданность.

В немецком языке эти маленькие детские шоколадные подарочки
называются ТОЛЬКО Kinderüberraschung, что переводится как
Сюрприз для детей.

Остальные ответы

Евгения Дьячек



11 лет назад

ребенок. ребенок сюрприз)

Гридасов Михаил



11 лет назад

ребёнок, нем.

Владислав Мельман



11 лет назад

детский и детский сюрприз


Искусственный Интеллект


11 лет назад

Дети — мн. число от Kind — ребёнок (нем. яз)

иван петров



6 лет назад

детская неожиданность

Англо-русские и русско-английские словари и энциклопедии. English-Russian and Russian-English dictionaries and translations

Русско-английский перевод КИНДЕР-СЮРПРИЗ

Kinder Surprise

Русско-Американский Английский словарь.

     Russian-American English dictionary .





На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

Были изготовлены игрушки, изображающие её, такие как игрушки от Киндер-сюрприз.

Toys portraying her have been produced, such as Kinder Surprise toys.

Я бы хотел яйцо киндер-сюрприз.

Созданы вдохновленные им игрушки, включая игрушки Киндер-сюрприз.

Toys inspired by him have been developed, including Kinder Surprise toys.

Другие результаты

Наверное, ты оказался киндер-сюрпризом, Роджер.

Сходи и принеси нам по Киндер-сюрпризу из коробки на чердаке.

You go and fetch us a Kinder Egg each from the box in the attic.

Ограбить банк — это как купить киндер сюрприз.

Robbing a bank is like buying a Kinderegg.

Откуда ты их достаешь все время, из Киндер сюрпризов?

Все серии подряд. Киндер Сюрприз. Лунтик. Маша и Медведь. Барбоскины Почему в серии Хит Сезона медведь такой Маша и медведь! Я и сама их Мария Ивановна от исполнителя Баста скачать и слушать в мрЗ формате, песня мария баю бай

Lowest price Migraines And Tinnitus Benign Paroxysmal Vertigo Of Childhood. Orange Juice And Hydrochlorothiazide Propecia Shoppers Drug Mart 1mg. Terol La From Canadian Pharmacy Albuterol Lamictal Pros-TEROL.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 9. Точных совпадений: 3. Затраченное время: 51 мс

Kinder Surprise (Italian: Kinder Sorpresa or Ovetto Kinder),[a] also known as Kinder Egg[1][2] or Kinder Surprise Egg,[3][4][2] is a milk chocolate consisting of a chocolate egg surrounding a yellow plastic capsule with a small toy inside. Manufactured by the Italian company Ferrero since 1974, it was co-created by Michele Ferrero and William Salice, and is one of several candies sold under the Kinder brand. Kinder Surprise was originally created with children in mind, replicating an Italian Easter family tradition in which adults give children large chocolate eggs with toys inside. However, Kinder Surprise toys have become collectible for adults as well. Since 1974, 30 billion Kinder Surprise eggs have been sold worldwide.

Kinder Surprise

Kinder Surprise Logo (English).png
Kinder Surprise Egg.jpg
Product type Chocolate egg
Owner Ferrero SpA
Country Italy
Introduced February 17, 1974; 49 years ago
Website kinder.com/sorpresa


Kinder Surprise is a milk chocolate egg lined with a layer of sweet milk-flavored cream.[5][6][7] Inside each egg is a plastic capsule that contains a small surprise toy, which sometimes requires assembly.[3][8][9] The capsule case is yellow, reportedly to resemble an egg’s yolk.[10][11] The chocolates have foil packaging with warning labels advising parents to avoid giving the eggs to children under three years old and encouraging supervision during consumption.[8][12]

Kinder Surprise was originally created with children in mind,[13] replicating an Italian Easter family tradition in which adults give children a large chocolate egg with a toy inside.[14] However, Kinder Surprise toys have become collectible for adults as well.[3] Collectors often try to acquire all toys within a themed set. Some even share their egg openings on social media,[15][16] or create their own toys and re-wrap them in Kinder Surprise packaging.[17] More than 100 new toys are distributed each year.[16] Around 12,000 different toys had been included within Kinder Surprise as of 2016.[18]

According to CNNMoney, Kinder Surprise is most popular in Germany, Russia, and the United Kingdom.[9] Michele Ferrero and William Salice have been credited as co-creators of the candy.[19][20]


The Italian and Spanish logo.

The German version of the first Kinder Surprise logo

In 1968, Michele Ferrero raised the idea with his employees of a product that could be given to children so they could have a little «surprise» every day, based on the Italian tradition of large chocolate eggs given to children by their parents at Easter.[18] Ferrero said that at first his attempt to follow through with this idea was unsuccessful after employees questioned the order he placed for a machine to make the chocolate eggs. They thought it would not make any money, since eggs are only for Easter.[21] Ferrero also said that he wanted the product to have a higher milk content and make that a key part of its promotion; he believed mothers would respond well to the idea of giving their children more milk.[21] Ferrero commissioned William Salice to realize the concept.[18]

The Italian company Ferrero began manufacturing Kinder Surprises in 1974.[8][14][22] Since then around 30 billion eggs have been sold worldwide.[16][23][24]

Salice, who has been credited as the inventor of Kinder Surprise but insisted he was just «material executor»,[19][20] died in Italy in December 2016, at the age of 83.[20]

Collections and promotionEdit

The toys within Kinder Surprise have been themed for various popular licensed characters. Collections of Kinder Surprise toys have included Asterix, Fantasmini, Smurfs,[25] and Minions.[18][26] Ferrero and Kinder have also partnered with various companies, institutions, and people to promote Kinder Surprise, including The Walt Disney Company,[27] Universal,[28] and Smart.[29]

Safety concernsEdit

United KingdomEdit

In 2000, three families who had lost children to choking on toys inside edible eggs campaigned for the products to be withdrawn from the European Union.[30] Ten children worldwide have died from choking on parts of the Kinder toy surprises after they had eaten the chocolate egg; another was attributed to another manufacturer’s product.[31][32]

Defenders of the chocolates said that these had been unfortunate fatalities. This was discussed in the House of Commons[33][34][35] and also by the Department of Trade and Industry which said, «The child’s tragic death was caused by the ingestion of a small part of the egg’s contents. Many other products and toys with small parts are available in the market place. If we were to start banning every product that could be swallowed by a child, there would be very few toys left in the market».[36]

United StatesEdit

The Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act prohibits confectionery products that contain a “non-nutritive object”, unless the non-nutritive object has functional value.[37] Essentially, the Act bans «the sale of any candy that has embedded in it a toy or trinket».[38]

In 1997, the staff of the Consumer Product Safety Commission examined and issued a recall for some Kinder Surprise illegally brought into the US with foreign labels.[39] The staff determined that the toys within the eggs had small parts. The staff presumed that Kinder Surprise, being a chocolate product, was intended for children of all ages, including those under three years of age. On this basis, the staff took the position that Kinder Surprise was in violation of the small parts regulation and should be banned from importation into the US.[39]

Kinder Surprise eggs are legal in Canada and Mexico, but are illegal to import into the US. In January 2011, the US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) threatened a Manitoba resident with a 300 Canadian dollar fine for carrying one egg across the US border into Minnesota.[40] In June 2012, CBP held two Seattle men for two and a half hours after discovering six Kinder Surprise eggs in their car upon returning to the US from a trip to Vancouver. According to Joseph Cummings of Seattle, WA, one of the men detained, a border guard quoted the potential fine as «$2,500 per egg.»[41] In 2015, a couple was detained for 4 hours after returning from Vancouver to the United States via personal vehicle after customs discovered the couple was harboring four Kinder Eggs. They were threatened with three options, (1) A $400 per egg fine, (2) Eat the eggs, effectively disposing of them, in front of the officers, or (3) Separating the nonedible toy from the edible chocolate encasing. The couple elected to separate the chocolate from the toys and were released into their own custody.

In 2012, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) re-issued their import alert stating “The embedded non-nutritive objects in these confectionery products may pose a public health risk as the consumer may unknowingly choke on the object”.[42]

Kinder Surprise bears warnings advising the consumer that the toy is «not suitable for children under three years, due to the presence of small parts», and that «adult supervision is recommended».[43]

As of 2017 Kinder Joy «eggs», a variant, is being sold in the United States. Instead of a toy being encased in a chocolate egg, it is in an egg-shaped package with the toy and chocolate being separated. Kinder Surprise eggs are still illegal in the USA but remain popular on the black market.


In 2016, new food labeling and packaging laws resulted in Chile banning the Kinder Surprise.[44][45]


In 2022, the Belgian food agency reported about 20 cases of salmonella in Belgium due to contaminated Kinder Surprise eggs.[46]


In 2022, Ferrero Canada Ltd. recalled 23 Kinder brand chocolate products in Canada. The recall included Kinder Surprise 100g, and other products containing them.[47][48] According to the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA), the recall was voluntary. No illnesses were associated due to the consumption of the product.[49]

See alsoEdit

  • Wonder Ball
  • Easter egg
  • Choco Treasure
  • List of confectionery brands


  1. ^ Kinder means children in German and ovetto means small egg in Italian


  1. ^ Harriet Pavey (15 Nov 2017). «Kinder eggs go back on sale in the US — almost 50 years after they are banned». Evening Standard. Retrieved 11 April 2018.
  2. ^ a b Madej, Patricia (29 May 2017). «Kinder Eggs will soon hit store shelves in the U.S.» PhillyVoice. Retrieved 7 December 2017.
  3. ^ a b c Avella, Joe (18 December 2016). «We got our hands on ‘Kinder Surprise Eggs’ — the global candy favourite that’s still illegal in the US». Business Insider. Axel Springer SE. Retrieved 5 December 2017.
  4. ^ Shockey, Lauren (19 April 2011). «Surprise! You Can Still Find Kinder Surprise Eggs!». The Village Voice. ISSN 0042-6180. Retrieved 7 December 2017.
  5. ^ «Kinder Surprise». The Boston Globe. 11 January 1996. ISSN 0743-1791. OCLC 66652431. Archived from the original on 20 August 2018. Retrieved 7 December 2017 – via HighBeam Research.
  6. ^ Spyrou, Constantine (25 May 2017). «Kinder Eggs are coming to America and everyone is rejoicing». Business Insider. Retrieved 13 February 2018.
  7. ^ Walansky, Aly (24 November 2017). «After being banned, Kinder eggs are finally coming to the US». Today. Retrieved 13 February 2018.
  8. ^ a b c Khoo, Isabelle (26 January 2016). «Kinder Surprise USA: Why These Eggs Are Banned South of the Border». HuffPost. Retrieved 5 December 2017.
  9. ^ a b Horowitz, Julia (22 May 2017). «Kinder eggs are coming to U.S. stores next year». CNN. Retrieved 5 December 2017.
  10. ^ Yellow shell: * Oakley, Nicola; Rodger, James (28 February 2017). «This is why Kinder Surprise toy cases are yellow». Birmingham Mail. Retrieved 6 December 2017. * Driscoll, Brogan (28 February 2017). «This Is Why the Kinder Surprise Toy Case Is Yellow». HuffPost. Retrieved 6 December 2017.
  11. ^ Yellow shell: * Jones, Becky (4 March 2017). «Do you know why Kinder Surprise toy cases are yellow? Lots of chocolate lovers don’t!». Leicester Mercury. Archived from the original on 4 March 2017. Retrieved 6 December 2017. * Gross, Samantha J. (28 February 2017). «The reason why Kinder Surprise toy cases are yellow is blowing the minds of chocolate lovers». Evening Standard. Retrieved 6 December 2017. * Shaw, Neil (28 February 2017). «This is why Kinder Surprise capsules are yellow». Tiverton Gazette. Retrieved 6 December 2017.[permanent dead link]
  12. ^ My, Sergio (21 February 2015). «Why Are Kinder Surprise Eggs Illegal in the US?». The Independent. London. ISSN 0951-9467. OCLC 185201487. Retrieved 5 December 2017.
  13. ^ «Ferrero launches white chocolate Kinder Bueno bar aimed at women». Marketing Week. 13 March 2008. ISSN 0141-9285. Archived from the original on 10 September 2016. Retrieved 9 December 2017 – via HighBeam Research.
  14. ^ a b Kell, John (22 May 2017). «Kinder Egg Is Coming to America». Fortune. New York City. ISSN 0015-8259. Retrieved 5 December 2017.
  15. ^ «Border Is Watched for Easter Candy». The Buffalo News. Buffalo, New York. 30 March 2015. ISSN 0745-2691. Retrieved 9 December 2017 – via HighBeam Research.[dead link]
  16. ^ a b c Silver, Erin (8 November 2015). «Kinder Surprise ‘unwrap videos’ on YouTube mesmerize children». Toronto Star. ISSN 0319-0781. OCLC 137342540. Retrieved 6 December 2017.
  17. ^ Mosendz, Polly (16 February 2015). «Ukrainian Patriots Create a Kinder Egg Surprise». Newsweek. ISSN 0028-9604. Retrieved 8 December 2017.
  18. ^ a b c d Sanna, Cristiano (30 December 2016). «Addio al papà dell’Ovetto Kinder, in tutto il mondo ne sono stati venduti 30 miliardi» (in Italian). Tiscali. Retrieved 18 December 2017.
  19. ^ a b «William Salice, creator of Kinder Surprise, dies at 83». The Straits Times. Singapore Press Holdings. 30 December 2016. OCLC 8572659. Archived from the original on 8 December 2017. Retrieved 6 December 2017.
  20. ^ a b c Offord, Jen (31 December 2016). «Kinder Egg creator William Salice dies, aged 83». International Business Times. Retrieved 17 December 2017.
  21. ^ a b Calabresi, Mario (15 February 2015). «Michele Ferrero: «Il segreto del successo? Pensare diverso dagli altri e non tradire il cliente»«. La Stampa (in Italian). GEDI Gruppo Editoriale. ISSN 1122-1763. Retrieved 18 December 2017.
  22. ^ Mitchell, Simone (25 May 2017). «Americans have been denied the joy of a Kinder Surprise … until now». news.com.au. Retrieved 6 December 2017.
  23. ^ «Wal-Mart to sell Australian rival to Kinder Surprise chocolates in U.S.» Reuters. 17 September 2014. Retrieved 7 December 2017.
  24. ^ Abel, Allen (29 January 2011). «America’s choke hold on Kinder Surprise». Winnipeg Free Press. FP Canadian Newspapers Limited Partnership. ISSN 0828-1785. OCLC 1607085. Retrieved 7 December 2017.
  25. ^ «Kinder Surprise Maxi eggs created just in time for Easter». The New Zealand Herald. 14 March 2017. ISSN 1170-0777. Retrieved 18 December 2017.
  26. ^ Gwynn, Simon (7 July 2015). «Kinder Surprise is latest brand to get Minions tie-up». The Grocer. Retrieved 19 December 2017.
  27. ^ Hof, Robert D. (6 December 2015). «‘Unboxing’ Videos a Gift to Marketers». The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331. OCLC 1645522. Retrieved 19 December 2017.
  28. ^ Gwynn, Simon (29 March 2016). «Minions, Frozen and Star Wars licensed to sell too much junk food, say health campaigners». PRWeek. Retrieved 19 December 2017.
  29. ^ «Smart Cars — Kinder Surprises Get Smart». Super Street. Source Interlink. 1 December 2004. Retrieved 19 December 2017.
  30. ^ Brady, Emma (12 September 2000). «Parents hit out at EU over tiny deadly toys». The Birmingham Post.
  31. ^ «Mother calls for ban after girl chokes on Kinder egg». The Birmingham Post. 28 November 1998. (Archived at TheFreeLibrary.com)
  32. ^ Ng, Kate (20 January 2016). «Three-year-old French girl chokes to death on a Kinder Egg toy». The Independent.
  33. ^ «Confectionery (Plastic Toys)». House of Commons. 16 July 1985.
  34. ^ «Oral Answers to Questions — Trade and Industry». Parliament of the United Kingdom. 6 December 1989. Archived from the original on 2017-03-10. Retrieved 2017-09-02.
  35. ^ «Written Answers to Questions». Parliament of the United Kingdom. 9 November 1989. Archived from the original on 2017-03-10. Retrieved 2017-09-02.
  36. ^ «Department of Trade and Industry Press Notice». 14 August 1985. Archived from the original on 21 February 2014.
  37. ^ 21 U.S.C. § 342 in combination with 21 U.S.C. § 331
  38. ^ Lewis, Neil A. (28 September 1997). «Giants in Candy Waging Battle Over a Tiny Toy». The New York Times.
  39. ^ a b «CPSC and Kreiner Imports Announce the Recall of Kinder Chocolate Eggs Containing Toys». U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. 18 August 1997. Archived from the original on 11 December 1997.
  40. ^ Black, Debra (12 January 2011). «Surprise! Border officials seize Canadian woman’s Kinder egg». Toronto Star.
  41. ^ Lynn, Jamie. «Seattle men busted at the border with illegal candy». KOMO News. Archived from the original on 4 November 2012. Retrieved 28 November 2012.
  42. ^ «FDA Import Alert 34-02». fda.gov
  43. ^ «Kinder Surprise Packaging Warning labels».
  44. ^ Bleiker, Carla (28 June 2016). «The evil egg: Chile bans Kinder Surprise». Deutsche Welle. Retrieved 11 April 2017.
  45. ^ Jacobs, Andrew (8 February 2018). «The country that killed Tony the Tiger and Kinder Eggs in obesity war». The Irish Times. Retrieved 11 April 2018.
  46. ^ «20 salmonella cases linked to Kinder Surprise eggs in Belgium». www.brusselstimes.com. April 5, 2022. Retrieved 2022-05-19.
  47. ^ «Homepage – Kinder Canada». Kinder Canada. Retrieved 2022-05-31.
  48. ^ «Kinder recalls Chocolates over microbiological concerns (not a food allergy alert)». Club Flappd. 2022-04-09. Retrieved 2022-05-31.
  49. ^ Government of Canada, Health Canada (2022-04-11). «Certain Kinder brand chocolate products recalled due to possible Salmonella — Recalls, advisories and safety alerts – Canada.ca». recalls-rappels.canada.ca. Retrieved 2022-05-31.

External linksEdit

  •   Media related to Kinder Surprise at Wikimedia Commons
  • Official website  

киндер-сюрприз — перевод на английский

Киндер-сюрприз, ясно?

A Kinder egg, okay?

Киндер-сюрприз, да!

A Kinder egg, yes!

Сходи и принеси нам по Киндер-сюрпризу из коробки на чердаке.

You go and fetch us a Kinder Egg each from the box in the attic.

— Я бы хотел яйцо киндер-сюрприз.

— I’d want a Kinder egg.

Я понимаю, что сейчас ты не можешь думать о любви, но хочу сказать, что киндер-сюрприз у тебя в животе не дает тебе права вести себя так.

I understand that you can’t think of Adam and Eve, But the one thing you say. Having a Kinder surprise is not an excuse to miss.

Вроде тех книжечек, что лежат в Киндер-сюрпризах.

Only real small, like those books you get in a box of Cracker Jacks.

Наверное, ты оказался киндер-сюрпризом, Роджер.

Like nine years. You must have been quite the little surprise, Roger.


Surprise eggs?

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На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

Перевод «киндер-сюрприз» на английский

Были изготовлены игрушки, изображающие её, такие как игрушки от Киндер-сюрприз.

Toys portraying her have been produced, such as Kinder Surprise toys.

Созданы вдохновленные им игрушки, включая игрушки Киндер-сюрприз.

Toys inspired by him have been developed, including Kinder Surprise toys.

Если дочь подходит и просит киндер-сюрприз, например, либо еще какую-то мелочь, я спрашиваю, с какой стати она это делает?

If the daughter comes up and asks for a kinder surprise, for example, or some other trifle, I ask, why is she doing this?

Киндер-сюрприз (Kinder Sorpresa) — это известное во всем мире шоколадное лакомство, которое по своему внешнему виду напоминает куриное яйцо.

Kinder Surprise (Kinder Sorpresa) is a world-famous chocolate treat, which in its appearance resembles a chicken egg.

Я доволен, как маленький ребенок, который получил Киндер-сюрприз»

Как открыть «Киндер-Сюрприз» и закрыть обратно?

Я бы хотел яйцо киндер-сюрприз.

Киндер-сюрприз: 10 признаков беременности

И вот сюрприз, киндер-сюрприз.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 9. Точных совпадений: 9. Затраченное время: 17 мс


Корпоративные решения




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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

киндер-сюрприз — перевод на английский

Киндер-сюрприз, ясно?

A Kinder egg, okay?

Киндер-сюрприз, да!

A Kinder egg, yes!

Сходи и принеси нам по Киндер-сюрпризу из коробки на чердаке.

You go and fetch us a Kinder Egg each from the box in the attic.

— Я бы хотел яйцо киндер-сюрприз.

— I’d want a Kinder egg.

Я понимаю, что сейчас ты не можешь думать о любви, но хочу сказать, что киндер-сюрприз у тебя в животе не дает тебе права вести себя так.

I understand that you can’t think of Adam and Eve, But the one thing you say. Having a Kinder surprise is not an excuse to miss.

Вроде тех книжечек, что лежат в Киндер-сюрпризах.

Only real small, like those books you get in a box of Cracker Jacks.

Наверное, ты оказался киндер-сюрпризом, Роджер.

Like nine years. You must have been quite the little surprise, Roger.


Surprise eggs?

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Kinder Surprise

Kinder Surprise Logo (English).png
Kinder Surprise Egg.jpg
Product type Chocolate egg
Owner Ferrero SpA
Country Italy
Introduced February 17, 1974; 48 years ago
Website kinder.com/sorpresa

Kinder Surprise (Italian: Kinder Sorpresa or Ovetto Kinder),[a] also known as Kinder Egg[1][2] or Kinder Surprise Egg,[3][4][2] is a milk chocolate consisting of a chocolate egg surrounding a yellow plastic capsule with a small toy inside. Manufactured by the Italian company Ferrero since 1974, it was co-created by Michele Ferrero and William Salice, and is one of several candies sold under the Kinder brand. Kinder Surprise was originally created with children in mind, replicating an Italian Easter family tradition in which adults give children large chocolate eggs with toys inside. However, Kinder Surprise toys have become collectible for adults as well. Since 1974, 30 billion Kinder Surprise eggs have been sold worldwide.


Kinder Surprise Eggs inside (left) and outside (right) the package, and an open egg showing the plastic capsule which contains the Happo toy

Kinder Surprise is a milk chocolate egg lined with a layer of sweet milk-flavored cream.[5][6][7] Inside each egg is a plastic capsule that contains a small surprise toy, which sometimes requires assembly.[3][8][9] The capsule case is yellow, reportedly to resemble an egg’s yolk.[10][11] The chocolates have foil packaging with warning labels advising parents to avoid giving the eggs to children under three years old and encouraging supervision during consumption.[8][12]

Kinder Surprise was originally created with children in mind,[13] replicating an Italian Easter family tradition in which adults give children a large chocolate egg with a toy inside.[14] However, Kinder Surprise toys have become collectible for adults as well.[3] Collectors often try to acquire all toys within a themed set. Some even share their egg openings on social media,[15][16] or create their own toys and re-wrap them in Kinder Surprise packaging.[17] More than 100 new toys are distributed each year.[16] Around 12,000 different toys had been included within Kinder Surprise as of 2016.[18]

According to CNNMoney, Kinder Surprise is most popular in Germany, Russia, and the United Kingdom.[9] Michele Ferrero and William Salice have been credited as co-creators of the candy.[19][20]


The Italian and Spanish logo.

The German version of the first Kinder Surprise logo

In 1968, Michele Ferrero raised the idea with his employees of a product that could be given to children so they could have a little «surprise» every day, based on the Italian tradition of large chocolate eggs given to children by their parents at Easter.[18] Ferrero said that at first his attempt to follow through with this idea was unsuccessful after employees questioned the order he placed for a machine to make the chocolate eggs. They thought it would not make any money, since eggs are only for Easter.[21] Ferrero also said that he wanted the product to have a higher milk content and make that a key part of its promotion; he believed mothers would respond well to the idea of giving their children more milk.[21] Ferrero commissioned William Salice to realize the concept.[18]

The Italian company Ferrero began manufacturing Kinder Surprises in 1974.[8][14][22] Since then around 30 billion eggs have been sold worldwide.[16][23][24]

Salice, who has been credited as the inventor of Kinder Surprise but insisted he was just «material executor»,[19][20] died in Italy in December 2016, at the age of 83.[20]

Collections and promotion[edit]

The toys within Kinder Surprise have been themed for various popular licensed characters. Collections of Kinder Surprise toys have included Asterix, Fantasmini, Smurfs,[25] and Minions.[18][26] Ferrero and Kinder have also partnered with various companies, institutions, and people to promote Kinder Surprise, including The Walt Disney Company,[27] Universal,[28] and Smart.[29]

Safety concerns[edit]

United Kingdom[edit]

In 2000, three families who had lost children to choking on toys inside edible eggs campaigned for the products to be withdrawn from the European Union.[30] Ten children worldwide have died from choking on parts of the Kinder toy surprises after they had eaten the chocolate egg; another was attributed to another manufacturer’s product.[31][32]

Defenders of the chocolates said that these had been unfortunate fatalities. This was discussed in the House of Commons[33][34][35] and also by the Department of Trade and Industry which said, «The child’s tragic death was caused by the ingestion of a small part of the egg’s contents. Many other products and toys with small parts are available in the market place. If we were to start banning every product that could be swallowed by a child, there would be very few toys left in the market».[36]

United States[edit]

The Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act prohibits confectionery products that contain a “non-nutritive object”, unless the non-nutritive object has functional value.[37] Essentially, the Act bans «the sale of any candy that has embedded in it a toy or trinket».[38]

In 1997, the staff of the Consumer Product Safety Commission examined and issued a recall for some Kinder Surprise illegally brought into the US with foreign labels.[39] The staff determined that the toys within the eggs had small parts. The staff presumed that Kinder Surprise, being a chocolate product, was intended for children of all ages, including those under three years of age. On this basis, the staff took the position that Kinder Surprise was in violation of the small parts regulation and should be banned from importation into the US.[39]

Kinder Surprise eggs are legal in Canada and Mexico, but are illegal to import into the US. In January 2011, the US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) threatened a Manitoba resident with a 300 Canadian dollar fine for carrying one egg across the US border into Minnesota.[40] In June 2012, CBP held two Seattle men for two and a half hours after discovering six Kinder Surprise eggs in their car upon returning to the US from a trip to Vancouver. According to Joseph Cummings of Seattle, WA, one of the men detained, a border guard quoted the potential fine as «$2,500 per egg.»[41] In 2015, a couple was detained for 4 hours after returning from Vancouver to the United States via personal vehicle after customs discovered the couple was harboring four Kinder Eggs. They were threatened with three options, (1) A $400 per egg fine, (2) Eat the eggs, effectively disposing of them, in front of the officers, or (3) Separating the nonedible toy from the edible chocolate encasing. The couple elected to separate the chocolate from the toys and were released into their own custody.

In 2012, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) re-issued their import alert stating “The embedded non-nutritive objects in these confectionery products may pose a public health risk as the consumer may unknowingly choke on the object”.[42]

Kinder Surprise bears warnings advising the consumer that the toy is «not suitable for children under three years, due to the presence of small parts», and that «adult supervision is recommended».[43]

As of 2017 Kinder Joy «eggs», a variant, is being sold in the United States. Instead of a toy being encased in a chocolate egg, it is in an egg-shaped package with the toy and chocolate being separated. Kinder Surprise eggs are still illegal in the USA but remain popular on the black market.


In 2016, new food labeling and packaging laws resulted in Chile banning the Kinder Surprise.[44][45]


In 2022, the Belgian food agency reported about 20 cases of salmonella in Belgium due to contaminated Kinder Surprise eggs.[46]


In 2022, Ferrero Canada Ltd. recalled 23 Kinder brand chocolate products in Canada. The recall included Kinder Surprise 100g, and other products containing them.[47][48] According to the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA), the recall was voluntary. No illnesses were associated due to the consumption of the product.[49]

See also[edit]

  • Wonder Ball
  • Easter egg
  • Choco Treasure
  • List of confectionery brands


  1. ^ Kinder means children in German and ovetto means small egg in Italian


  1. ^ Harriet Pavey (15 Nov 2017). «Kinder eggs go back on sale in the US — almost 50 years after they are banned». Evening Standard. Retrieved 11 April 2018.
  2. ^ a b Madej, Patricia (29 May 2017). «Kinder Eggs will soon hit store shelves in the U.S.» PhillyVoice. Retrieved 7 December 2017.
  3. ^ a b c Avella, Joe (18 December 2016). «We got our hands on ‘Kinder Surprise Eggs’ — the global candy favourite that’s still illegal in the US». Business Insider. Axel Springer SE. Retrieved 5 December 2017.
  4. ^ Shockey, Lauren (19 April 2011). «Surprise! You Can Still Find Kinder Surprise Eggs!». The Village Voice. ISSN 0042-6180. Retrieved 7 December 2017.
  5. ^ «Kinder Surprise». The Boston Globe. 11 January 1996. ISSN 0743-1791. OCLC 66652431. Archived from the original on 20 August 2018. Retrieved 7 December 2017 – via HighBeam Research.
  6. ^ Spyrou, Constantine (25 May 2017). «Kinder Eggs are coming to America and everyone is rejoicing». Business Insider. Retrieved 13 February 2018.
  7. ^ Walansky, Aly (24 November 2017). «After being banned, Kinder eggs are finally coming to the US». Today. Retrieved 13 February 2018.
  8. ^ a b c Khoo, Isabelle (26 January 2016). «Kinder Surprise USA: Why These Eggs Are Banned South of the Border». HuffPost. Retrieved 5 December 2017.
  9. ^ a b Horowitz, Julia (22 May 2017). «Kinder eggs are coming to U.S. stores next year». CNN. Retrieved 5 December 2017.
  10. ^ Yellow shell: * Oakley, Nicola; Rodger, James (28 February 2017). «This is why Kinder Surprise toy cases are yellow». Birmingham Mail. Retrieved 6 December 2017. * Driscoll, Brogan (28 February 2017). «This Is Why the Kinder Surprise Toy Case Is Yellow». HuffPost. Retrieved 6 December 2017.
  11. ^ Yellow shell: * Jones, Becky (4 March 2017). «Do you know why Kinder Surprise toy cases are yellow? Lots of chocolate lovers don’t!». Leicester Mercury. Archived from the original on 4 March 2017. Retrieved 6 December 2017. * Gross, Samantha J. (28 February 2017). «The reason why Kinder Surprise toy cases are yellow is blowing the minds of chocolate lovers». Evening Standard. Retrieved 6 December 2017. * Shaw, Neil (28 February 2017). «This is why Kinder Surprise capsules are yellow». Tiverton Gazette. Retrieved 6 December 2017.[permanent dead link]
  12. ^ My, Sergio (21 February 2015). «Why Are Kinder Surprise Eggs Illegal in the US?». The Independent. London. ISSN 0951-9467. OCLC 185201487. Retrieved 5 December 2017.
  13. ^ «Ferrero launches white chocolate Kinder Bueno bar aimed at women». Marketing Week. 13 March 2008. ISSN 0141-9285. Archived from the original on 10 September 2016. Retrieved 9 December 2017 – via HighBeam Research.
  14. ^ a b Kell, John (22 May 2017). «Kinder Egg Is Coming to America». Fortune. New York City. ISSN 0015-8259. Retrieved 5 December 2017.
  15. ^ «Border Is Watched for Easter Candy». The Buffalo News. Buffalo, New York. 30 March 2015. ISSN 0745-2691. Retrieved 9 December 2017 – via HighBeam Research.[dead link]
  16. ^ a b c Silver, Erin (8 November 2015). «Kinder Surprise ‘unwrap videos’ on YouTube mesmerize children». Toronto Star. ISSN 0319-0781. OCLC 137342540. Retrieved 6 December 2017.
  17. ^ Mosendz, Polly (16 February 2015). «Ukrainian Patriots Create a Kinder Egg Surprise». Newsweek. ISSN 0028-9604. Retrieved 8 December 2017.
  18. ^ a b c d Sanna, Cristiano (30 December 2016). «Addio al papà dell’Ovetto Kinder, in tutto il mondo ne sono stati venduti 30 miliardi» (in Italian). Tiscali. Retrieved 18 December 2017.
  19. ^ a b «William Salice, creator of Kinder Surprise, dies at 83». The Straits Times. Singapore Press Holdings. 30 December 2016. OCLC 8572659. Archived from the original on 8 December 2017. Retrieved 6 December 2017.
  20. ^ a b c Offord, Jen (31 December 2016). «Kinder Egg creator William Salice dies, aged 83». International Business Times. Retrieved 17 December 2017.
  21. ^ a b Calabresi, Mario (15 February 2015). «Michele Ferrero: «Il segreto del successo? Pensare diverso dagli altri e non tradire il cliente»«. La Stampa (in Italian). GEDI Gruppo Editoriale. ISSN 1122-1763. Retrieved 18 December 2017.
  22. ^ Mitchell, Simone (25 May 2017). «Americans have been denied the joy of a Kinder Surprise … until now». news.com.au. Retrieved 6 December 2017.
  23. ^ «Wal-Mart to sell Australian rival to Kinder Surprise chocolates in U.S.» Reuters. 17 September 2014. Retrieved 7 December 2017.
  24. ^ Abel, Allen (29 January 2011). «America’s choke hold on Kinder Surprise». Winnipeg Free Press. FP Canadian Newspapers Limited Partnership. ISSN 0828-1785. OCLC 1607085. Retrieved 7 December 2017.
  25. ^ «Kinder Surprise Maxi eggs created just in time for Easter». The New Zealand Herald. 14 March 2017. ISSN 1170-0777. Retrieved 18 December 2017.
  26. ^ Gwynn, Simon (7 July 2015). «Kinder Surprise is latest brand to get Minions tie-up». The Grocer. Retrieved 19 December 2017.
  27. ^ Hof, Robert D. (6 December 2015). «‘Unboxing’ Videos a Gift to Marketers». The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331. OCLC 1645522. Retrieved 19 December 2017.
  28. ^ Gwynn, Simon (29 March 2016). «Minions, Frozen and Star Wars licensed to sell too much junk food, say health campaigners». PRWeek. Retrieved 19 December 2017.
  29. ^ «Smart Cars — Kinder Surprises Get Smart». Super Street. Source Interlink. 1 December 2004. Retrieved 19 December 2017.
  30. ^ Brady, Emma (12 September 2000). «Parents hit out at EU over tiny deadly toys». The Birmingham Post.
  31. ^ «Mother calls for ban after girl chokes on Kinder egg». The Birmingham Post. 28 November 1998. (Archived at TheFreeLibrary.com)
  32. ^ Ng, Kate (20 January 2016). «Three-year-old French girl chokes to death on a Kinder Egg toy». The Independent.
  33. ^ «Confectionery (Plastic Toys)». House of Commons. 16 July 1985.
  34. ^ «Oral Answers to Questions — Trade and Industry». Parliament of the United Kingdom. 6 December 1989. Archived from the original on 2017-03-10. Retrieved 2017-09-02.
  35. ^ «Written Answers to Questions». Parliament of the United Kingdom. 9 November 1989. Archived from the original on 2017-03-10. Retrieved 2017-09-02.
  36. ^ «Department of Trade and Industry Press Notice». 14 August 1985. Archived from the original on 21 February 2014.
  37. ^ 21 U.S.C. § 342 in combination with 21 U.S.C. § 331
  38. ^ Lewis, Neil A. (28 September 1997). «Giants in Candy Waging Battle Over a Tiny Toy». The New York Times.
  39. ^ a b «CPSC and Kreiner Imports Announce the Recall of Kinder Chocolate Eggs Containing Toys». U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. 18 August 1997. Archived from the original on 11 December 1997.
  40. ^ Black, Debra (12 January 2011). «Surprise! Border officials seize Canadian woman’s Kinder egg». Toronto Star.
  41. ^ Lynn, Jamie. «Seattle men busted at the border with illegal candy». KOMO News. Archived from the original on 4 November 2012. Retrieved 28 November 2012.
  42. ^ «FDA Import Alert 34-02». fda.gov
  43. ^ «Kinder Surprise Packaging Warning labels».
  44. ^ Bleiker, Carla (28 June 2016). «The evil egg: Chile bans Kinder Surprise». Deutsche Welle. Retrieved 11 April 2017.
  45. ^ Jacobs, Andrew (8 February 2018). «The country that killed Tony the Tiger and Kinder Eggs in obesity war». The Irish Times. Retrieved 11 April 2018.
  46. ^ «20 salmonella cases linked to Kinder Surprise eggs in Belgium». www.brusselstimes.com. April 5, 2022. Retrieved 2022-05-19.
  47. ^ «Homepage – Kinder Canada». Kinder Canada. Retrieved 2022-05-31.
  48. ^ «Kinder recalls Chocolates over microbiological concerns (not a food allergy alert)». Club Flappd. 2022-04-09. Retrieved 2022-05-31.
  49. ^ Government of Canada, Health Canada (2022-04-11). «Certain Kinder brand chocolate products recalled due to possible Salmonella — Recalls, advisories and safety alerts – Canada.ca». recalls-rappels.canada.ca. Retrieved 2022-05-31.

External links[edit]


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    «kiddie surprise»

    Дополнение к русско-английским словарям > Киндер-сюрприз

См. также в других словарях:

  • киндер-сюрприз — КИНДЕР СЮРПРИЗ, Киндер сюрприза, м., собств. Бывший премьер министр РФ С. В. Кириенко. Имеется в виду его молодость и неожиданность назначения …   Словарь русского арго

  • киндер-сюрприз — сущ., кол во синонимов: 1 • игрушка (52) Словарь синонимов ASIS. В.Н. Тришин. 2013 …   Словарь синонимов

  • Киндер сюрприз — Разломленный киндер сюрприз с игрушкой внутри «Киндер сюрприз» (англ. Kinder Surprise)  шоколадное яйцо, содержащее в себе небольшую детскую игрушку. «Киндер сюрприз»  торговая марка итальянской компании Ferrero. Впервые шоколадные яйца с таким… …   Википедия

  • Киндер-сюрприз — Венгерский киндер сюрприз «Киндер сюрприз» (итал. Kinder Sorpresa)  яйцо из шоколада с сюрпризом, содержащее внутри пластиковый контейнер с игрушкой или сувениром. Торговая марка …   Википедия

  • киндер-сюрприз — к индер сюрпр из, а …   Русский орфографический словарь

  • Киндер-сюрприз — С.В. Кириенко (Лексикон для связей с госорганами) …   Словарь бизнес-сленга

  • сюрприз — см.: киндер сюрприз …   Словарь русского арго

  • Шоколадное яйцо — Разломленный киндер сюрприз с игрушкой внутри «Киндер сюрприз» (англ. Kinder Surprise)  шоколадное яйцо, содержащее в себе небольшую детскую игрушку. «Киндер сюрприз»  торговая марка итальянской компании Ferrero. Впервые шоколадные яйца с таким… …   Википедия

  • Петрушка (шоколадное яйцо) — У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Петрушка. «Петрушка»  шоколадное яйцо с сюрпризом, содержащее внутри пластиковый контейнер с игрушкой. Выпускается группой компаний «Ландрин». Содержание 1 Состав 2 Коллекции игрушек …   Википедия

  • Ферреро, Микеле — Микеле Ферреро Michele Ferrero Род деятельности: владелец компании Ferrero, производящей кондитерские изделия Дата рождения: 26 апреля 1925( …   Википедия

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КИНДЕР-СЮРПРИЗ контекстный перевод на английский язык и примеры

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контекстный перевод и примеры — фразы
фразы на русском языке
фразы на английском языке
Киндер-сюрприз A Kinder egg
киндер-сюрприз Kinder
Киндер-сюрприз Kinder egg
Киндер-сюрприз Kinder-eggs
контекстный перевод и примеры — предложения
предложения на русском языке
предложения на английском языке
«Киндер — сюрприз»! That’s Kinder egg, grandpa!
Ограбить банк — это как купить киндер сюрприз. Robbing a bank is like buying a Kinderegg.
— Для патологоанатомов. Алан, я не Киндер Сюрприз, мать его! Well, imagine them trying to work it all out.
но он также наткнулся на Creme Eggs во фритюре (Creme Egg — британский «Киндер Сюрприз» ) мороженное, бананы и Rolos ( Rolos — британская карамелька) But he also came across deep fried Creme Eggs… ice cream, bananas and Rolos.
Киндер-сюрприз, ясно? A Kinder egg, okay?
Привези мне «Киндер-сюрприз«. Я их люблю. And then take some of those Kinder-eggs with, I like.
«Киндер-сюрприз«. Kinder-eggs.
Киндер Сюрприз? Kinder Egg?
— Я бы хотел яйцо киндер-сюрприз. — I’d want a Kinder egg.
Киндер-сюрприз, да! A Kinder egg, yes!
Я понимаю, что сейчас ты не можешь думать о любви, но хочу сказать, что киндер-сюрприз у тебя в животе не дает тебе права вести себя так. I understand that you can’t think of Adam and Eve, But the one thing you say. Having a Kinder surprise is not an excuse to miss.

Предложения с «kinder surprise»

‘What, Linton!’ cried Cathy, kindling into joyful surprise at the name. ‘Is that little Linton?

Как, Линтон! — вскричала Кэти, зажегшись при этом имени радостным удивлением. — Это маленький Линтон?

Which should come as no surprise , since they are the second evolution of our kind.

Что не вызывает удивления, ведь они — второе развитие нашего вида.

May it be worthy of your hand and your kind heart, Hottabych said in a touched voice, basking in Volka’s happiness and surprise .

Да будут они достойны твоей руки и твоего доброго сердца, — растроганно промолвил старик, наслаждаясь Волькиной радостью и удивлением.

You surprise me, said the kind-hearted engineer, the man has just suffered a terrible misfortune, and all you can think of is your own comfort.

Я тебе удивляюсь, — сказал добрый инженер, — у человека несчастье, а ты думаешь только о своем благополучии.

To be frank, I’m not very keen on that kind of surprise gunshootings,

По правде говоря, эта внезапная пальба меня совсем не вдохновляет.

She kind of took me by surprise .

Она застала меня врасплох.

To my surprise each of them shook hands with me, as though this night together, in which we hadn’t exchanged a word, had created a kind of intimacy between us.

К моему удивлению, каждый на прощание пожал мне руку, как будто эта ночь, которую мы провели вместе, не перемолвившись ни словом, сблизила нас.

Never had the farm-and with a kind of surprise they remembered that it was their own farm, every inch of it their own property-appeared to the animals so desirable a place.

И никогда ранее ферма — с легким удивлением они осознали, что это их собственная ферма, каждый дюйм которой принадлежит им, — не казалась им столь родной.

I mean, he just kind of took me by surprise , you know?

Всмысле, он меня просто удивил, понимаешь?

So your feelings kind of caught you by surprise ?

То есть ваши чувства были для вас неожиданностью?

I don’t know what kind of surprise you’re gonna spring on me.

Прямо не знаю, что ещё за сюрприз ты мне преподнесёшь.

That did kind of surprise me.

Это меня немного удивило.

Technology is used at weddings, special events, corporate events and brand activations to surprise guests with a new kind of experience.

Технология используется на свадьбах, специальных мероприятиях, корпоративных мероприятиях и активациях бренда, чтобы удивить гостей новым видом опыта.

To his surprise he was heard patiently, attentively, and kindly.

К его удивлению, его выслушали терпеливо, внимательно и доброжелательно.

It was a surprise release, being the first mainstream heavy metal album without promotion of any kind.

Это был неожиданный релиз, ставший первым мейнстрим — хэви — металлическим альбомом без какого — либо продвижения.


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    «kiddie surprise»

    Дополнение к русско-английским словарям > Киндер-сюрприз

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