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Транслит «кишинев» онлайн — отличный сервис транслитерации
Транслит позволяет получать из букв кириллицы «кишинев» буквы латинского алфавита сразу по трем наиболее популярным стандартам. Этот транслитератор – отличный помощник для веб-разработчиков, контент-менеджеров, а также обычных пользователей сети Интернет. В первую очередь, он очень удобен для транслитерации адресов страниц (URL), а также коротких текстовых сообщений, в том числе смс.
- производит транслитерацию как строчных, так и заглавных кириллических букв;
- позволяет при транслите автоматически заменять знак пробела на любой символ (например, тире или знак подчеркивания);
- транслитерация производится сразу по 3м наиболее популярным стандартам;
- все результаты транслитерации сохраняются и всегда остаются «под рукой»;
- транслитератор работает во всех современных браузерах.
Введите текст русскими буквами:
Как будет латинскими буквами:
Зачем переводить русские буквы в латиницу?
Так как у нас Россия пока не очень богатая страна и большинство компаний не может позволить себе организовать раздачу бесплатных образцов для рекламы своего товара, то на данный момент
большинство предложений о халяве приходит из за рубежа.
Так как наиболее распространённым языком является английский, то и формы заказа бесплатных пробников зачастую на английском языке.
Адресную информацию и ФИО получателя в таких формах обязательно необходимо заполнять на латинице. Так как латиницу поймут и наши почтальоны и те компании
которые раздают халяву.
Если же писать на русском, то есть риск,
что организаторы акци просто не захотят тратить время на перевод и понимать что там написано.
Если же писать на английском, то наши почтальоны не поймут кому и куда доставлять.
Самым лучшим вариантом является написание адреса доставки халявы и ФИО получателя халявы на латинице.
Сейчас в интернете полно разных переводчиков, но большинсто из них либо не удобные, либо их нужно долго искать.
Мы же предлагаем пользоваться постоянно нашим бесплатнып переводчиком русского текста на латиницу.
Когда будете заказывать халяву через формы написанные на английском, то пишите адрес доставки и ФИО на латинице.
Перевести русский текст на латиницу позволит наш бесплатный, простой и удобный сервис.
Когда мы заказываем образцы с иностранных сайтов, то всегда так делаем и халява, не всегда конечно :-), но приходит. Значит способ правильный.
КИШИНЕВ — столица Республики Молдова, на р. Бык (приток Днестра). Железнодорожная станция. 676,7 тыс. жителей (1991; включая населенные пункты, подчиненные городской администрации, 730,4 тыс. жителей). Машиностроение (сельскохозяйственные машины, торговое… … Большой Энциклопедический словарь
кишинев — сущ., кол во синонимов: 3 • город (2765) • кишинёв (1) • столица (274) Словарь синонимов ASIS. В.Н. Тришин. 2013 … Словарь синонимов
Кишинев — (по румынски Киссиноу, по молдавски Кишланоу) губ. г.Бессарабской губ., под 47 … Энциклопедия Брокгауза и Ефрона
Кишинев — I (по румынски Киссиноу, по молдавански Кишланоу) губернский город Бессарабской губернии, под 47°2 северной широты и 1°30 западной долготы от Пулково, на правом берегу незначительной речки Бык (правый приток Днестра), в 2209 верстах от С.… … Энциклопедический словарь Ф.А. Брокгауза и И.А. Ефрона
КИШИНЕВ — (молд. Кишинэу) столица Молд. ССР на р. Бык (прав. приток Днестра). Крупный пром. центр. Ж. д. станция и узел шосс. дорог. 267 т. ж. в янв. 1964 (в 1897 108,7 т. ж.; в 1939 112 т. ж.; в 1959 216 т. ж.). Впервые упоминается как селение в грамоте… … Советская историческая энциклопедия
Кишинев — Муниципий Кишинёв молд. Chişinău Флаг Герб … Википедия
Кишинев — столица Молдавской ССР, рум. Chis̨inău, укр. Кишинiв, ева. Слово тюрк. происхождения; крым. тат. Kyšlaka näv, также Kyšlanäv (Радлов 2, 838), вероятно, из тур., крым. тат. kyšla зимовка , kуš зима ; ср. также Йордан, ZONF 13, 190 (с литер.) … Этимологический словарь русского языка Макса Фасмера
Кишинев — Имя столицы Молдовы не имеет, как это ни странно, никакого отношения ни к молдаванам, ни к их кровным братьям – румынам. Появление этого имени объясняется близостыо Крыма, которым владели крымские татары, давшие возникшему на месте современной… … Этимологический словарь русского языка Крылова
Кишинев — Кишинэу, столица Молдавии. Впервые упоминается в документе 1466 г. Название от др. молд. кишин эу, кишнэу колодец, родник, источник … Топонимический словарь
Кишинев — (Chisinau, Kishinev)ChisinauKishinev, столица Республики Молдова на р.Бык; 676000 жителей (1990). К., возникший в 1420г. как поселение вокруг монастыря, стал гл. городом Бессарабии, входившей с 1812г. в состав России, в 191840гг.… … Страны мира. Словарь
Кишинев — Смотри также … Словарь литературных типов
Письменность русского языка основана на кириллическом письме. Однако большинство мировых языков используют для этого латинский алфавит. Далее в статье мы расскажем, как писать латинскими буквами правильно. Это очень важный навык, который может пригодиться в любой ситуации. Как пример, написать грамотно свое имя на латинице нужно уметь при заграничных поездках.
История латинского алфавита
Исторически латинский алфавит делится на архаичный вариант и классический. Первый из них имеет большое сходство с греческим языком, от которого, вероятно, и произошел.
В состав первоначального алфавита входило 27 букв, часть из которых практически не использовались. В состав же классического же алфавита входило 23 буквы. Латынь являлась официальным языком в Древнем Риме, и благодаря римской экспансии этот алфавит получил широкое распространение. В процессе исторического развития в латиницу было добавлено еще несколько букв, и в настоящий момент «базовый латинский алфавит» насчитывает 26 букв и полностью совпадает с современным английским.
Однако практически в каждом языке, который использует латинский алфавит в настоящее время, есть свои дополнительные символы латиницы, например буква «торн» (Þ), которая используется в исландском языке. И примеров такого расширения латиницы много.
А как писать прописные латинские буквы, которые входят в «базовый латинский алфавит»? Есть несколько правил. И по ним, некоторые прописные буквы являются уменьшенными копиями заглавных, часть же букв незначительно отличается.
Русская латиница
Самые первые случаи использования латиницы для письменности восточнославянских языков относятся к периоду XVI-XVII веков, когда латиница появлялась в документах Великого княжества Литовского и Речи Посполитой.
Позднее уже на территории Российского государства неоднократно поднимался вопрос о смене кириллицы на латиницу. Вначале эта мысль появилась у Петра I, который на фоне экономических преобразований европейского уклона задумал и языковую реформу. Однако Петр так и не исполнил это свое желание.
Еще более усилились призывы к смене алфавита в XIX веке. Особенно за это ратовали представители течения «западников». И опять же, никакой перемены алфавита не было. Ведь у противников латиницы было много сторонников. В том числе и министр Уваров, автор теории официальной народности. Введение латиницы, по мнению противников перехода, означало бы потерю культурной уникальности.
После октябрьской революции большевики планировали все народности перевести на латиницу. Было предложено несколько вариантов для русского языка. Однако период «латинизации» быстро закончился, и в руководстве СССР принялись наоборот переводить все языки на кириллицу. После этого вопрос смены алфавита в СССР был закрыт.
После падения коммунистического режима также неоднократно поднимался вопрос параллельного хождения кириллического алфавита с латинским, как в том же Узбекистане, однако общественность блокировала такие предложения. Несмотря на всю неоднозначность этого вопроса, введение латинского алфавита могло бы быть полезным для русского языка. Это сделало бы его открытым для дальнейшей культурной экспансии. Но у введения латиницы в русском языке есть и небольшой минус — старшему поколению будет трудно понять, как писать латинскими буквами.
Транслитерация с кириллицы на латиницу
Единых правил для транслитерации с кириллицы на латиницу не существует. Однако в настоящее время в Российской Федерации используется определенный стандарт, которого придерживаются сотрудники Федеральной Миграционной Службы.
Он периодически критикуется, однако принят за официальный. В нем заменяются словосочетаниями буквы, которых нет в латинском алфавите: Э, Ш, Щ, Ю, Ж, Ц, Ч, Я. Остальные буквы фактически идентичны своим латинским аналогам.
Как написать латинскими буквами фамилию и имя
Обычно эту процедуру нужно проходить при получении заграничного паспорта или виз. Все документы, в которых требуется транслитерация, заполняются по правилу ISO 9, которого придерживаются в Федеральной Миграционной Службе. По этому правилу переводят фамилии на латиницу. Предлагаем вам шкалу транслитерации.
Благодаря этой таблице можно любое слово, написанное на кириллице, написать латиницей. Например, Иванов Иван Иванович на латинице будет Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich.
Споры о том, какой алфавит требуется русскому языку не утихают достаточно долго. У каждого из мнений есть свои преимущества и недостатки. В нашей стране на протяжении столетий идут дискуссии, и конца им пока не видать. Однако уметь писать латинскими буквами — достаточно важное умение. Оно может пригодиться при получении заграничного паспорта, визы, оформления документов в других государствах.
В этой статье мы показали как правильно написать свое имя и фамилию латиницей. Но это не все. С помощью приведенной здесь таблицы можно любое кириллическое слово написать латиницей. Надеемся, что после прочтения этой статьи вы поняли, как писать латинскими буквами.
Chișinău Kishinev |
City |
Chișinău | |
Views of Chișinău: Chișinău City Hall, Triumphal Arch and Nativity Cathedral, Stephen the Great monument, Socrealist architecture and Chișinău Botanical Garden, Endava Tower |
Flag Coat of arms |
Orașul din piatră albă |
Chișinău Location of Chișinău in Moldova Chișinău Chișinău (Europe) |
Coordinates: 47°01′22″N 28°50′07″E / 47.02278°N 28.83528°ECoordinates: 47°01′22″N 28°50′07″E / 47.02278°N 28.83528°E | |
Country | |
First written mention | 1436[1] |
Government | |
• Mayor | Ion Ceban |
[2] |
• City | 123 km2 (47 sq mi) |
• Metro | 571.6 km2 (217.5 sq mi) |
Elevation | 85 m (279 ft) |
(2014 census)[3] |
• City | 532,513 |
• Estimate
(2019)[4] |
639,000 |
• Density | 4,329/km2 (11,210/sq mi) |
• Urban
[4] |
702,300 |
• Rural
[4] |
77,000 |
• Metro
[4] |
779,300 |
Time zone | UTC+02:00 (EET) |
• Summer (DST) | UTC+03:00 (EEST) |
Postal code |
MD-20xx |
Area code | +373-22 |
ISO 3166 code | MD-CU |
Gross regional product[5] | 2015 |
– Total | €3.4 billion |
– Per capita | €6,500 |
HDI (2021) | 0.835[6] very high · 1st |
Website | www.chisinau.md |
a As the population of the Municipality of Chișinău (which comprises the city of Chișinău and 34 other suburban localities)[7] |
Chișinău ( KISH-in-OW, KEE-shee-NOW, Romanian: [kiʃiˈnəw] (listen)), also known as Kishinev ( KISH-in-off, -ef, -ev; Russian: Кишинёв; Ukrainian: Кишинів, romanized: Kyshyniv), is the capital and largest city[8] of the Republic of Moldova. The city is Moldova’s main industrial and commercial centre, and is located in the middle of the country, on the river Bâc, a tributary of the Dniester. According to the results of the 2014 census, the city proper had a population of 532,513, while the population of the Municipality of Chișinău (which includes the city itself and other nearby communities) was 700,000.
Chișinău is the most economically prosperous locality in Moldova and its largest transportation hub. Nearly a third of Moldova’s population lives in the metro area.
The origin of the city’s name is unclear. A theory suggests that the name may come from the archaic Romanian word chișla (meaning «spring», «source of water») and nouă («new»), because it was built around a small spring, at the corner of Pușkin and Albișoara streets.[9]
The other version, formulated by Ștefan Ciobanu, Romanian historian and academician, holds that the name was formed the same way as the name of Chișineu (alternative spelt as Chișinău) in Western Romania, near the border with Hungary. Its Hungarian name is Kisjenő, from which the Romanian name originates.[10] Kisjenő comes from kis «small» and the Jenő, one of the seven Hungarian tribes that entered the Carpathian Basin in 896. At least 24 other settlements are named after the Jenő tribe.[11][12]
Chișinău is known in Russian as Kishinyov (Кишинёв, pronounced [kʲɪʂɨˈnʲɵf]), while Moldova’s Russian-language media call it Kishineu (Кишинэу, pronounced [kʲɪʂɨˈnɛʊ]). It is written Kişinöv in the Latin Gagauz alphabet. It was also written as Chișineu in pre-20th-century Romanian[13] and as Кишинэу in the Moldovan Cyrillic alphabet. Historically, the English-language name for the city, Kishinev, was based on the modified Russian one because it entered the English language via Russian at the time Chișinău was part of the Russian Empire (e.g. Kishinev pogrom). Therefore, it remains a common English name in some historical contexts. Otherwise, the Romanian-based Chișinău has been steadily gaining wider currency, especially in written language. The city is also historically referred to as German: Kischinau; Polish: Kiszyniów; Ukrainian: Кишинів, romanized: Kyshyniv; or Yiddish: קעשענעװ, romanized: Keshenev.
Moldavian period[edit]
Founded in 1436 as a monastery village, the city was part of the Principality of Moldavia (which, starting with the 16th century became a vassal state of the Ottoman Empire, but still retaining its autonomy). At the beginning of the 19th century Chișinău was a small town of 7,000 inhabitants.
Russian Imperial period[edit]
In 1812, in the aftermath of the Russo-Turkish War (1806–1812), the eastern half of Moldavia was ceded by the Ottomans to the Russian Empire. The newly acquired territories became known as Bessarabia.
Under Russian government, Chișinău became the capital of the newly annexed oblast (later guberniya) of Bessarabia. By 1834, an imperial townscape with broad and long roads had emerged as a result of a generous development plan, which divided Chișinău roughly into two areas: the old part of the town, with its irregular building structures, and a newer city centre and station. Between 26 May 1830 and 13 October 1836 the architect Avraam Melnikov established the Catedrala Nașterea Domnului with a magnificent bell tower. In 1840 the building of the Triumphal Arch, planned by the architect Luca Zaushkevich, was completed. Following this the construction of numerous buildings and landmarks began.
On 28 August 1871, Chișinău was linked by rail with Tiraspol, and in 1873 with Cornești. Chișinău-Ungheni-Iași railway was opened on 1 June 1875 in preparation for the Russo-Turkish War (1877–1878). The town played an important part in the war between Russia and Ottoman Empire, as the main staging area of the Russian invasion. During the Belle Époque, the mayor of the city was Carol Schmidt, considered[by whom?] one of Chișinău’s best mayors. Its population had grown to 92,000 by 1862, and to 125,787 by 1900.[14]
Pogroms and pre-revolution[edit]
In the late 19th century, especially due to growing anti-Semitic sentiment in the Russian Empire and better economic conditions in Moldova, many Jews chose to settle in Chișinău. By the year 1897, 46% of the population of Chișinău was Jewish, over 50,000 people.[15]
As part of the pogrom wave organized in the Russian Empire, a large anti-Semitic riot was organized in the town on 19–20 April 1903, which would later be known as the Kishinev pogrom. The rioting continued for three days, resulting in 47 Jews dead, 92 severely wounded, and 500 suffering minor injuries. In addition, several hundred houses and many businesses were plundered and destroyed.[16] Some sources say 49 people were killed.[17] The pogroms are largely believed to have been incited by anti-Jewish propaganda in the only official newspaper of the time, Bessarabetz (Бессарабецъ). Mayor Schmidt disapproved of the incident and resigned later in 1903. The reactions to this incident included a petition to Tsar Nicholas II of Russia on behalf of the American people by US President Theodore Roosevelt in July 1903.[18]
On 22 August 1905 another violent event occurred: the police opened fire on an estimated 3,000 demonstrating agricultural workers. Only a few months later, 19–20 October 1905, a further protest occurred, helping to force the hand of Nicholas II in bringing about the October Manifesto. However, these demonstrations suddenly turned into another anti-Jewish pogrom, resulting in 19 deaths.[18]
Romanian period[edit]
Following the Russian October Revolution, Bessarabia declared independence from the crumbling empire, as the Moldavian Democratic Republic, before joining the Kingdom of Romania. As of 1919, Chișinău, with an estimated population of 133,000,[19] became the second largest city in Romania.
Between 1918 and 1940, the center of the city undertook large renovation work. Romania granted important subsidies to its province and initiated large scale investment programs in the infrastructure of the main cities in Bessarabia, expanded the railroad infrastructure and started an extensive program to eradicate illiteracy.
In 1927, the Stephen the Great Monument, by the sculptor Alexandru Plămădeală, was erected. In 1933, the first higher education institution in Bessarabia was established, by transferring the Agricultural Sciences Section of the University of Iași to Chișinău, as the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences.
World War II[edit]
Train of Pain – the monument to the victims of communist mass deportations in Moldova
State Art Museum, during the Cold War period
On 28 June 1940, as a direct result of the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact, Bessarabia was annexed by the Soviet Union from Romania, and Chișinău became the capital of the newly created Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic.
Following the Soviet occupation, mass deportations, linked with atrocities, were executed by the NKVD between June 1940 and June 1941. More than 400 people were summarily executed in Chișinău in July 1940 and buried in the grounds of the Metropolitan Palace, the Chișinău Theological Institute, and the backyard of the Italian Consulate, where the NKVD had established its headquarters.[20] As part of the policy of political repression of the potential opposition to the Communist power, tens of thousand members of native families were deported from Bessarabia to other regions of the USSR.
A devastating earthquake occurred on 10 November 1940, measuring 7.4 (or 7.7, according to other sources) on the Richter scale. The epicenter of the quake was in the Vrancea Mountains, and it led to substantial destruction: 78 deaths and 2,795 damaged buildings (of which 172 were destroyed).[21][22]
In June 1941, in order to recover Bessarabia, Romania entered World War II under the command of the German Wehrmacht, declaring war on the Soviet Union. Chișinău was severely affected in the chaos of the Second World War. In June and July 1941, the city came under bombardment by Nazi air raids. However, the Romanian and newly Moldovan sources assign most of the responsibility for the damage to Soviet NKVD destruction battalions, which operated in Chișinău until 17 July 1941, when it was captured by Axis forces.[23]
During the German and Romanian military administration, the city suffered from the Nazi extermination policy of its Jewish inhabitants, who were transported on trucks to the outskirts of the city and then summarily shot in partially dug pits. The number of Jews murdered during the initial occupation of the city is estimated at 10,000 people.[24] During this time, Chișinău, part of the Lăpușna County, was the capital of the newly established Bessarabia Governorate of Romania.[25]
As the war drew to a conclusion, the city was once again the scene of heavy fighting as German and Romanian troops retreated. Chișinău was captured by the Red Army on 24 August 1944 as a result of the Second Jassy–Kishinev offensive.
Soviet period[edit]
After the war, Bessarabia was fully reintegrated into the Soviet Union, around 65 percent of its territory as the Moldavian SSR, while the remaining 35 percent was transferred to the Ukrainian SSR.
Two other waves of deportations of Moldova’s native population were carried out by the Soviets, the first one immediately after the Soviet reoccupation of Bessarabia until the end of the 1940s, and the second one in the mid-1950s.[26][27]
Trams in Chișinău (pictured Gothawagen ET54) were discontinued in 1961.
In the years 1947 to 1949, the architect Alexey Shchusev developed a plan with the aid of a team of architects for the gradual reconstruction of the city.[citation needed]
There was rapid population growth in the 1950s, to which the Soviet administration responded by constructing large-scale housing and palaces in the style of Stalinist architecture. This process continued under Nikita Khrushchev, who called for construction under the slogan «good, cheaper and built faster». The new architectural style brought about dramatic change and generated the style that dominates today, with large blocks of flats arranged in considerable settlements.[citation needed] These Khrushchev-era buildings are often informally called Khrushchyovka.
The period of the most significant redevelopment of the city began in 1971, when the Council of Ministers of the Soviet Union adopted a decision «On the measures for further development of the city of Kishinev», which secured more than one billion rubles in investment from the state budget,[28] and continued until the independence of Moldova in 1991. The share of dwellings built during the Soviet period (1951–1990) represents 74.3 percent of total households.[29]
On 4 March 1977, the city was again jolted by a devastating earthquake. Several people were killed and panic broke out.
After independence[edit]
This section needs expansion. You can help by adding to it. (May 2012) |
Many streets of Chișinău are named after historic persons, places or events. Independence from the Soviet Union was followed by a large-scale renaming of streets and localities from a Communist theme into a national one.[30]
Chișinău is located on the river Bâc, a tributary of the Dniester, at 47°0′N 28°55′E / 47.000°N 28.917°E, with an area of 120 km2 (46 sq mi). The municipality comprises 635 km2 (245 sq mi).
The city lies in central Moldova and is surrounded by a relatively level landscape with very fertile ground.
Chișinău has a humid continental climate (Köppen climate classification Dfa) characterised by warm summers and cold, windy winters. Winter minimum temperatures are often below 0 °C (32 °F), although they rarely drop below −10 °C (14 °F). In summer, the average maximum temperature is approximately 25 °C (77 °F), however, temperatures occasionally reach 35 to 40 °C (95 to 104 °F) in mid-summer in downtown. Although average precipitation and humidity during summer is relatively low, there are infrequent yet heavy storms.
Spring and autumn temperatures vary between 16 to 24 °C (61 to 75 °F), and precipitation during this time tends to be lower than in summer but with more frequent yet milder periods of rain.
Climate data for Chișinău (1991–2020, extremes 1886–present) | |||||||||||||
Month | Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec | Year |
Record high °C (°F) | 15.5 (59.9) |
20.7 (69.3) |
25.7 (78.3) |
31.6 (88.9) |
35.9 (96.6) |
37.5 (99.5) |
39.4 (102.9) |
39.2 (102.6) |
37.3 (99.1) |
32.6 (90.7) |
23.6 (74.5) |
18.3 (64.9) |
39.4 (102.9) |
Average high °C (°F) | 1.1 (34.0) |
3.4 (38.1) |
9.2 (48.6) |
16.4 (61.5) |
22.3 (72.1) |
26.1 (79.0) |
28.4 (83.1) |
28.3 (82.9) |
22.3 (72.1) |
15.5 (59.9) |
8.1 (46.6) |
2.7 (36.9) |
15.3 (59.5) |
Daily mean °C (°F) | −1.8 (28.8) |
−0.2 (31.6) |
4.5 (40.1) |
11.0 (51.8) |
16.8 (62.2) |
20.7 (69.3) |
22.9 (73.2) |
22.6 (72.7) |
17.0 (62.6) |
10.8 (51.4) |
4.8 (40.6) |
−0.2 (31.6) |
10.7 (51.3) |
Average low °C (°F) | −4.2 (24.4) |
−3.0 (26.6) |
0.7 (33.3) |
6.3 (43.3) |
11.8 (53.2) |
15.9 (60.6) |
17.9 (64.2) |
17.5 (63.5) |
12.5 (54.5) |
7.1 (44.8) |
2.1 (35.8) |
−2.5 (27.5) |
6.8 (44.2) |
Record low °C (°F) | −28.4 (−19.1) |
−28.9 (−20.0) |
−21.1 (−6.0) |
−6.6 (20.1) |
−1.1 (30.0) |
3.6 (38.5) |
7.8 (46.0) |
5.5 (41.9) |
−2.4 (27.7) |
−10.8 (12.6) |
−21.6 (−6.9) |
−22.4 (−8.3) |
−28.9 (−20.0) |
Average precipitation mm (inches) | 36 (1.4) |
31 (1.2) |
35 (1.4) |
39 (1.5) |
54 (2.1) |
65 (2.6) |
67 (2.6) |
49 (1.9) |
48 (1.9) |
47 (1.9) |
43 (1.7) |
41 (1.6) |
555 (21.9) |
Average extreme snow depth cm (inches) | 7 (2.8) |
6 (2.4) |
3 (1.2) |
0 (0) |
0 (0) |
0 (0) |
0 (0) |
0 (0) |
0 (0) |
0 (0) |
1 (0.4) |
3 (1.2) |
20 (7.9) |
Average rainy days | 8 | 7 | 11 | 13 | 14 | 14 | 12 | 10 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 10 | 132 |
Average snowy days | 13 | 13 | 8 | 1 | 0.03 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.4 | 5 | 11 | 51 |
Average relative humidity (%) | 82 | 78 | 71 | 63 | 60 | 63 | 62 | 60 | 66 | 73 | 81 | 83 | 70 |
Mean monthly sunshine hours | 75 | 80 | 125 | 187 | 254 | 283 | 299 | 295 | 226 | 169 | 75 | 58 | 2,126 |
Average ultraviolet index | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 6 | 7 | 7 | 7 | 5 | 3 | 1 | 1 | 4 |
Source 1: Pogoda.ru.net,[31] NOAA (sun, 1961–1990)[32] | |||||||||||||
Source 2: Weather Atlas (UV)[33] |
Law and government[edit]
Moldova is administratively subdivided into 3 municipalities, 32 districts, and 2 autonomous units. With a population of 662,836 inhabitants (as of 2014), the Municipality of Chișinău (which includes the nearby communities) is the largest of these municipalities.[34]
Besides the city itself, the municipality comprises 34 other suburban localities: 6 towns (containing further 2 villages within), and 12 communes (containing further 14 villages within). The population, as of the 2014 Moldovan census,[7] is shown in brackets:
- Chișinău (532,513)
- Codru (15,934)
- Cricova (10,669)
- Durlești (17,210)
- Sîngera (9,966)
- Dobrogea
- Revaca
- Vadul lui Vodă (5,295)
- Vatra (3,457)
- Băcioi (10,175)
- Brăila
- Frumușica
- Străisteni
- Bubuieci (8,047)
- Bîc
- Humulești
- Budești (4,928)
- Văduleni
- Ciorescu (5,961)
- Făurești
- Goian
- Colonița (3,367)
- Condrița (595)
- Cruzești (1,815)
- Ceroborta
- Ghidighici (5,051)
- Grătiești (6,183)
- Hulboaca
- Stăuceni (8,694)
- Goianul Nou
- Tohatin (2,596)
- Buneți
- Cheltuitori
- Trușeni (10,380)
- Dumbrava
Administrative sectors of Chișinău: 1-Centru, 2-Buiucani, 3-Râșcani, 4-Botanica, 5-Ciocana
Chișinău is governed by the City Council and the City Mayor (Romanian: Primar), both elected once every four years.
His predecessor was Serafim Urechean. Under the Moldovan constitution, Urechean — elected to parliament in 2005 — was unable to hold an additional post to that of an MP. The Democratic Moldova Bloc leader subsequently accepted his mandate and in April resigned from his former position. During his 11-year term, Urechean committed himself to the restoration of the church tower of the Catedrala Nașterea Domnului and improvements in public transport.
Local government[edit]
The municipality in its totality elects a mayor and a local council, which then name five pretors, one for each sector. They deal more locally with administrative matters. Each sector claims a part of the city and several suburbs:[35]
Historically, the city was home to fourteen factories in 1919.[19] Chișinău is the financial and business capital of Moldova. Its GDP comprises about 60% of the national economy[36] reached in 2012 the amount of 52 billion lei (US$4 billion). Thus, the GDP per capita of Chișinău stood at 227% of the Moldova’s average. Chișinău has the largest and most developed mass media sector in Moldova, and is home to several related companies ranging from leading television networks and radio stations to major newspapers. All national and international banks (15) have their headquarters located in Chișinău.
Notable sites around Chișinău include the cinema Patria, the new malls Malldova, Megapolis Mall and best-known retailers, such as N1, Fidesco, Green Hills, Fourchette and Metro. While many locals continue to shop at the bazaars, many upper class residents and tourists shop at the retail stores and at Malldova. Elăt, an older mall in the Botanica district, and Sun City, in the center, are more popular with locals.
Several amusement parks exist around the city. A Soviet-era one is located in the Botanica district, along the three lakes of a major park, which reaches the outskirts of the city center. Another, the modern Aventura Park, is located farther from the center. A circus, which used to be in a grand building in the Râșcani sector, has been inactive for several years due to a poorly funded renovation project.[37]
c-census; e-estimate |
c-census; e-estimate; Source:[4][42] |
According to the results of the 2014 Moldovan census, conducted in May 2014, 532,513 inhabitants live within the Chișinău city limits. This represents a 9.7% drop in the number of residents compared to the results of the 2004 census.
Natural statistics (2015):[43]
- Births: 6,845 (9.8 per 1,000)
- Deaths: 6,433 (7.7 per 1,000)
- Net Growth rate: 412 (2.1 per 1,000)
Population by sector:
Sector | Population (2004 cen.)[43] | Population (2019 est.)[4] |
Botanica | 156,633 | 170,600 |
Buiucani | 107,744 | 110,100 |
Centru | 90,494 | 96,200 |
Ciocana | 101,834 | 115,900 |
Râșcani | 132,740 | 146,200 |
Ethnic composition[edit]
Ethnic group |
19301 | 19412 | 19593 | 19704 | 19895 | 20046 | 20147 | |||||||
Number | % | Number | % | Number | % | Number | % | Number | % | Number | % | Number | % | |
Moldovans * | 48,456 | 42.17 | 43,024 | 81.24 | 69,722 | 32.38 | 137,942 | 37.90 | 366,468 | 51.26 | 481,626 | 68.94 | 304,860 | 67.18 |
Romanians * | 331 | 0.15 | 513 | 0.14 | — | 31,984 | 4.58 | 65,605 | 14.46 | |||||
Russians | 19,631 | 17.09 | 5,915 | 11.17 | 69,600 | 32.22 | 110,449 | 30.35 | 181,002 | 25.32 | 99,149 | 14.19 | 42,174 | 9.29 |
Ukrainians | 563 | 0.49 | 1,745 | 3.29 | 25,930 | 12.00 | 51,103 | 14.04 | 98,190 | 13.73 | 58,945 | 8.44 | 26,991 | 5.95 |
Bulgarians | 541 | 0.47 | 183 | 0.35 | 1,811 | 0.84 | 3,855 | 1.06 | 9,224 | 1.29 | 8,868 | 1.27 | 4,850 | 1.07 |
Gagauz | — | 17 | 0.03 | 1,476 | 0.68 | 2,666 | 0.73 | 6,155 | 0.86 | 6,446 | 0.92 | 3,108 | 0.68 | |
Others | 45,705 | 39.78 | 2,078 | 3.92 | 45,626 | 21.12 | 54,688 | 15.03 | 47,525 | 6.65 | 11,605 | 1.66 | 6,210 | 1.37 |
Total | 114,896 | 52,962 | 216,005 | 363,940 | 714,928 | 712,218 | 469,402 | |||||||
* Since the independence of Moldova, there is an ongoing controversy over whether Moldovans and Romanians are the same ethnic group. ** These percentages are for the 469,402 reviewed citizens in the 2014 census that answered the ethnicity question. An additional estimated 193,434 inhabitants of the Municipality of Chișinău weren’t reviewed. |
1Source:[1]. 2Source:[2]. 3Source:[3]. 4Source:[4]. 5Source:[5]. 6Source:[6]. 7Source:[7]. |
First language |
19891 | 20042 | 20143 | |||
Number | % | Number | % | Number | % | |
Romanian* | — | 258,910 | 37.06 | 197,101 | 43.78 | |
Moldovan* | 117,527 | 17.34 | 199,547 | 28.56 | 133,027 | 29.55 |
Russian | 482,436 | 71.20 | 234,037 | 33.50 | 115,434 | 25.64 |
Other languages | 77,627 | 11.46 | 6,106 | 0.87 | 4,635 | 1.03 |
Total | 714,928 | 712,218 | 469,402 | |||
* The Moldovan language represents the glottonym (dialect) given to the Romanian language in the Republic of Moldova. | ||||||
1Sursă:[8][failed verification]. 2Sursă:[9]. 3Sursă:[10]. |
Chișinău is the seat of the Moldovan Orthodox Church, as well as of the Metropolis of Bessarabia. The city has multiple churches and synagogues.[19]
- Christians – 90.0%
- Orthodox Christians – 88.4%
- Protestant – 1.2%
- Baptists – 0.6%
- Evangelicals – 0.4%
- Pentecostals – 0.2%
- Seventh-day Adventists – 0.1%
- Roman Catholics – 0.4%
- Other – 1.0%
- No religion – 1.4%
- Atheists – 1.5%
- Undeclared – 6.1%
Panorama of Chișinău at night
Soviet-style apartment buildings in Chișinău
Romashka Tower, the tallest building in Moldova
Chișinău’s growth plan was developed in the 19th century. In 1836 the construction of the Kishinev Cathedral and its belfry was finished. The belfry was demolished in Soviet times and was rebuilt in 1997. Chișinău also displays a tremendous number of Orthodox churches and 19th-century buildings around the city such as Ciuflea Monastery or the Transfiguration Church. Much of the city is made from limestone quarried from Cricova, leaving a famous wine cellar there.
Many modern-style buildings have been built in the city since 1991. There are many office and shopping complexes that are modern, renovated or newly built, including Kentford, SkyTower, and Unión Fenosa headquarters. However, the old Soviet-style clusters of living blocks are still an extensive feature of the cityscape.
Culture and education[edit]
This section needs expansion. You can help by adding to it. (April 2011) |
The city is home to 12 public and 11 private universities, the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, a number of institutions offering high school and 1–2 years of college education.
In Chișinău there are several museums. The three national museums are the National Museum of Ethnography & Natural History, the National Museum of Arts and the National Museum of Archaeology & History.
The National Library of Moldova is located in Chișinău.[44]
Waterfall Steps at the Mill Valley Park
Organ Hall
Events and festivals[edit]
Chișinău, as well as Moldova as a whole, still show signs of ethnic culture. Signs that say «Patria Mea» (English: My homeland) can be found all over the capital. While few people still wear traditional Moldavian attire, large public events often draw in such original costumes.
Moldova National Wine Day and Wine Festival take place every year in the first weekend of October, in Chișinău. The events celebrate the autumn harvest and recognises the country’s long history of winemaking, which dates back some 500 years.[45][46]
In popular culture[edit]
The city is the main setting of the 2016 Netflix film Spectral, which takes place in the near future during the fictional Moldovan War.
The majority of Moldova’s media industry is based in Chișinău. There are almost 30 FM-radio stations and 10 TV-channels broadcasting in Chișinău. The first radio station in Chișinău, Radio Basarabia, was launched by the Romanian Radio Broadcasting Company on 8 October 1939, when the religious service was broadcast on air from the Nativity Cathedral. The first TV station in the city, Moldova 1, was launched on 30 April 1958, while Nicolae Lupan was serving as the redactor-in-chief of TeleRadio-Moldova.[47]
The state national broadcaster in the country is the state-owned Moldova 1, which has its head office in the city. The broadcasts of TeleradioMoldova have been criticised by the Independent Journalism Center as showing ‘bias’ towards the authorities.[48]
Other TV channels based in Chișinău are Pro TV Chișinău, PRIME, Jurnal TV, Publika TV, CTC, DTV, Euro TV, TV8, etc. In addition to television, most Moldovan radio and newspaper companies have their headquarters in the city. Broadcasters include the national radio Vocea Basarabiei, Prime FM, BBC Moldova, Radio Europa Libera, Kiss FM Chișinău, Pro FM Chișinău, Radio 21, Fresh FM, Radio Nova, Russkoye Radio, Hit FM Moldova, and many others.
The biggest broadcasters are SunTV, StarNet (IPTV), Moldtelecom (IPTV), Satellit and Zebra TV. In 2007 SunTV and Zebra launched digital TV cable networks.
Further information on the defunct newspaper founded in 1933: Mișcarea femenistă
Chișinău International Airport offers connections to major destinations in Europe and Asia.
Air Moldova and FlyOne airlines have their headquarters, and Wizz-Air has its hub on the grounds of Chișinău International Airport.[49]
The most popular form of internal transport in Moldova is generally the bus.[citation needed] Although the city has just three main terminals, buses generally serve as the means of transport between cities in and outside of Moldova. Popular destinations include Tiraspol, Odesa (Ukraine), Iași and Bucharest (Romania).
The second most popular form of domestic transportation within Moldova is via railways. The total length of the network managed by Moldovan Railway CFM (as of 2009) is 1,232 kilometres (766 miles). The entire network is single track and is not electrified. The central hub of all railways is Chișinău Central Railway Station. There is another smaller railway station – Revaca located on the city’s ends.
Chișinău Railway Station has an international railway terminal with connections to Bucharest, Kyiv, Minsk, Odesa, Moscow, Samara, Varna and St. Petersburg. Due to the simmering conflict between Moldova and the unrecognised Transnistria republic the rail traffic towards Ukraine is occasionally stopped.[citation needed]
Public transport[edit]
There is wide trolleybus network operating as common public transportation within city. From 1994, Chișinău saw the establishment of new trolleybus lines, as well as an increase in capacity of existing lines, to improve connections between the urban districts. The network comprises 22 trolleybus lines being 246 km (153 mi) in length. Trolleybuses run between 05:00 and 03:00. There are 320 units daily operating in Chișinău. However the requirements are as minimum as 600 units.[clarification needed] Trolleybus ticket costs at about 6 lei (ca. $0.31). It is the cheapest method of transport within Chișinău municipality.
There are 29 lines of buses within Chișinău municipality. At each public transportation stops there is attached a schedule for buses and trolleybuses. There are approximately 330 public transportation stops within Chișinău municipality. There is a big lack of buses inside city limits, with only 115 buses operating within Chișinău.[50]
In Chișinău and its suburbs, privately operated minibuses known as «rutieras» generally follow the major bus and trolleybus routes and appear more frequently.[51]
As of October 2017, there are 1,100 units of minibuses operating within Chișinău.Minibuses services are priced the same as buses – 3 lei for a ticket (ca. $0.18).[52]
The city traffic becomes more congested as each year passes. Nowadays there are about 300,000 cars in the city plus 100,000 transit transports coming to the city each day.[citation needed] The number of personal transports is expected to reach 550,000 (without transit) by 2025.[citation needed]
There are three professional football clubs in Chișinău: Zimbru and Academia of the Moldovan National Division (first level), and Real Succes of the Moldovan «A» Division (second level). Of the larger public multi-use stadiums in the city is the Stadionul Dinamo (Dinamo Stadium), which has a capacity of 2,692. The Zimbru Stadium, opened in May 2006 with a capacity of 10,500 sitting places, meets all the requirements for holding official international matches, and was the venue for all Moldova’s Euro 2008 qualifying games.
There are discussions to build a new olympic stadium with capacity of circa 25,000 seats, that would meet all international requirements. Since 2011 CS Femina-Sport Chișinău has organised women’s competitions in seven sports.
Notable people[edit]
- Olga Bancic, known for her role in the French Resistance during World War II
- Petru Cazacu, Prime Minister of the Moldavian Democratic Republic in 1918
- Maria Cebotari, Romanian soprano and actress, one of Europe’s greatest opera stars in the 1930s and 1940s
- Toma Ciorbă, Romanian physician and hospital director
- Ion Cuțelaba, UFC light heavyweight fighter
- William F. Friedman, American cryptologist
- Dennis Gaitsgory, professor of mathematics at Harvard University
- Natalia Gheorghiu, pediatric surgeon and professor
- Sarah Gorby, French-Jewish singer
- Anatole Jakovsky, French art critic
- Boris Katz, computer scientist at MIT
- Nathaniel Kleitman, American physiologist
- Avigdor Lieberman, Israeli politician
- Grigory Lvovsky, composer
- Boris Mints, Russian billionaire
- Lewis Milestone, American motion picture director
- Sacha Moldovan, American expressionist and post-impressionist painter
- Ilya Oleynikov, comic actor and television personality
- Nina Pekerman, Israeli triathlete
- Lev Pisarzhevsky, Soviet chemist
- Andrew Rayel, stage name of Andrei Rață, a Moldovan DJ
- Yulia Sister, Israeli chemist
- Alexander Ulanovsky, the chief illegal «rezident» for Soviet Military Intelligence (GRU), prisoner in the Soviet Gulag
- Maria Winetzkaja, American opera singer in the 1910s–1920s
- Iona Yakir, Red Army commander executed during the Great Purge
- Chaim Yassky, Jewish physician killed in the Hadassah medical convoy massacre
- Sam Zemurray, American businessman who made his fortune in the banana trade
- Sergey Spivak, Moldovan Heavyweight UFC fighter
- Rusanda Panfili, Classical violinist & composer
- Patricia Kopatchinskaja, Classical Violinist
- Dan Balan, musician, singer, songwriter, and record producer
- Gheorghe Botezatu, American engineer, businessman and pioneer of helicopter flight
- Eugen Doga, composer
- Israel Gohberg, Soviet and Israeli mathematician
- Dovid Knut, poet and member of the French Resistance
- Sigmund Mogulesko, singer, actor, and composer
- SunStroke Project, Moldovan representative for the Eurovision Song Contests 2010 and 2017
- Zlata Tkach, composer and music educator
- Maria Biesu, operatic soprano
Twin towns – sister cities[edit]
Chișinău is twinned with:[53]
Alba Iulia, Romania (2011)
Ankara, Turkey (2004)
Borlänge, Sweden (2009)
Bucharest, Romania (1999)
Chernivtsi, Ukraine (2014)
Grenoble, France (1977)
Iași, Romania (2008)
Kyiv, Ukraine (1999)
Mannheim, Germany (1989)
Minsk, Belarus (2000)
Odesa, Ukraine (1994)
Reggio Emilia, Italy (1989)
Sacramento, United States (1990)
Suceava, Romania (2021)[54]
Tbilisi, Georgia (2011)
Tel Aviv, Israel (2000)
Yerevan, Armenia (2000)
Notes and references[edit]
- ^ Brezianu, Andrei; Spânu, Vlad (2010). The A to Z of Moldova. Scarecrow Press. p. 81. ISBN 9781461672036. Archived from the original on 17 May 2015. Retrieved 26 December 2013.
- ^ «Planul Urbanistic General al Municipiului Chișinău» (Press release). Chișinău City Hall. Archived from the original on 4 March 2016. Retrieved 20 January 2013.
- ^ a b «Principalele rezultate ale RPL 2014» (Press release). National Bureau of Statistics of Moldova. 31 March 2017. Archived from the original on 7 September 2017. Retrieved 7 September 2017.
- ^ a b c d e f g «Chișinău în cifre. Anuar statistic 2018 — p. 10» (PDF). National Bureau of Statistics of Moldova. Archived (PDF) from the original on 22 May 2021. Retrieved 18 January 2021.
- ^ «Regional Gross Domestic Product by economic activities, 2013-2015». statbank.statistica.md. Chișinău: NBS. 2015. Retrieved 10 October 2022.
- ^ «Sub-national HDI – Area Database – Global Data Lab». hdi.globaldatalab.org. Archived from the original on 23 September 2018. Retrieved 13 September 2018.
- ^ a b «Population by commune, sex and age groups» (Press release). National Bureau of Statistics of Moldova. 31 March 2017. Archived from the original on 14 November 2017. Retrieved 7 September 2017.
- ^ «Moldova Pitorească» [The picturesque Moldova] (PDF). natura2000oltenita-chiciu.ro. Archived (PDF) from the original on 18 May 2019. Retrieved 10 October 2022.
- ^ «History of Chișinău». Kishinev.info (in Romanian). Archived from the original on 22 July 2003. Retrieved 12 October 2008.
- ^ «Istoria Orașului I». BasarabiaVeche.Com (in Romanian). Archived from the original on 1 March 2012. Retrieved 11 June 2010.
- ^ «Transindex – Határon túli magyar helységnévszótár». Sebok2.adatbank.transindex.ro. Archived from the original on 22 December 2016. Retrieved 17 December 2016.
- ^ «Racz Anita» (PDF). Mnytud.arts.unideb.hu. Archived (PDF) from the original on 14 July 2014. Retrieved 17 December 2016.
- ^ Zamfir C. Arbure (1 January 1898). «Basarabia in secolul XIX …» C. Göbl – via Internet Archive.
- ^ Encyclopædia Britannica Eleventh Edition
- ^ «The Jewish Community of Kishinev». The Museum of the Jewish People at Beit Hatfutsot. Archived from the original on 24 June 2018. Retrieved 24 June 2018.
- ^ Penkower, Monty Noam (10 September 2004). «The Kishinev Pogrom of 1903: A Turning Point in Jewish History». Modern Judaism. 24 (3): 187–225. doi:10.1093/mj/kjh017. S2CID 170968039. Archived from the original on 7 April 2019. Retrieved 27 January 2019 – via Project MUSE.
- ^ Encyclopaedia Judaica, Vol 10, page 1066. Jerusalem, 1971.
- ^ a b «VIRTUAL KISHINEV – 1903 Pogrom». Kishinev.moldline.net. Archived from the original on 27 September 2018. Retrieved 17 December 2016.
- ^ a b c Kaba, John (1919). Politico-economic Review of Basarabia. United States: American Relief Administration. p. 12. Archived from the original on 5 October 2013. Retrieved 3 October 2013.
- ^ Andrei Brezianu; Vlad Spânu (26 May 2010). The A to Z of Moldova. Scarecrow Press. pp. 116–. ISBN 978-0-8108-7211-0. Archived from the original on 21 December 2019. Retrieved 25 April 2018.
- ^ «Building Damage vs. Territorial Casualty Patterns during the Vrancea (Romania) Earthquakes of 1940 and 1977» (PDF). Archived (PDF) from the original on 31 October 2017. Retrieved 29 April 2018.
- ^ «75 de ani de la cutremurul din 1940». 10 November 2015. Archived from the original on 29 April 2018. Retrieved 29 April 2018.
- ^ Pâslariuc, Virgil. «Cine a devastat Chișinăul în iulie 1941?» [Who devastated Chisinau in July 1941?]. Historia.ro (in Romanian). Archived from the original on 20 June 2012.
- ^ «Ghettos: Memories of the Holocaust: Kishinev (Chișinău) (1941–1944)». Jewish Virtual Library. Archived from the original on 11 March 2017. Retrieved 11 October 2022.
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- ^ «National Wine Day in Chisinau». Moldova-online.travel. Archived from the original on 29 June 2016. Retrieved 17 December 2016.
- ^ «Teleradio Moldova». Archived from the original on 18 January 2012. Retrieved 8 January 2012.
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- ^ «Air Moldova :: Contacts». Airmoldova.md. Retrieved 17 December 2016.
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- ^ «Oraşe înfrăţite». chisinau.md (in Romanian). Chişinău. Retrieved 29 November 2021.
- ^ «Chișinău și Suceava – orașe înfrățite. Consiliul Municipal Chișinău a votat, cu majoritatea voturilor, acordul de înfrăți între cele două municipii». tv8.md (in Romanian). TV8. 23 November 2021. Retrieved 29 November 2021.
Further reading[edit]
- Hamm, Michael F. (March 1998). «Kishinev: The character and development of a Tsarist Frontier Town». Nationalities Papers. 26 (1): 19–37. doi:10.1080/00905999808408548. S2CID 161820811.
External links[edit]
- Official website
- Map of Chișinău
- Chişinău, Moldova at JewishGen
- Chisinau online camera
English to Russian translations [PRO] Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVs / Birth certificate |
Selected response from: Viktor Yatsenko |
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4 +3 | Chisinau |
3 +3 | зависит от года выпуска документа |
4 +1 | Chişinău |
2 +1 | Kishinev |
3 | Kishinyov |
4 mins confidence:
3 mins confidence: peer agreement (net): +1
kishinyov or chisinau
Explanation: ————————————————— можно еще это добавить это в список… ————————————————— хотя Chisinau — гуглится на 4 млн |
Nurzhan KZ
Local time: 19:03 Native speaker of: PRO pts in category: 4 |
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8 mins confidence: peer agreement (net): +3
kishinyov or chisinau
зависит от года выпуска документа
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16 mins confidence: peer agreement (net): +1
kishinyov or chisinau
Explanation: В Википедии встречается и Kishinev и Chişinău. Я думаю, что в случае с свидетельством о рождении следует смотреть на дату рождения. Если это до 1991 г., то выбрать Kishinev, как это было принято для названия столицы Молдавской ССР. А вот после 1991 г. независимая Молдова свою столицу стала называть уже по-своему — Chişinău (не забудьте про диакритические знаки). То же самое как в советские времена было принято писать Kiev, Kharkov, Zaporozhye для названия украинских городов, а сейчас Kyiv, Kharkiv, Zaporizhzhya. |
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9 mins confidence: peer agreement (net): +3
kishinyov or chisinau
Explanation: Вот из Википедии — The country’s main cities are the capital Chişinău, in the center of the country, При переводе на англ нужно писать название, принятое в язіке перевода. ИМХО. ————————————————— Chişinău is also known in Russian as Кишинёв (Kishinyov), and in Polish as Kiszyniów. It is written Kişinöv in the Latin Gagauz alphabet. During 1940-1941 and 1944-1989, it was also written as Кишинэу in the Moldovan Cyrillic alphabet. Historically, the English language name for the city was based on the modified Russian «Kishinev» since it entered the English language via Russian at the time Chişinău was part of the Russian Empire (e.g. Kishinev pogrom). Therefore, it remains a common English name in some historical contexts. Otherwise, however, Romanian-based «Chişinău» has been steadily gaining wider currency, especially in the written language. |
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