Как пишется кощей на английском

Koschei (Russian: Коще́й, tr. Koshchey, IPA: [kɐˈɕːej]), often given the epithet «the Immortal«, or «the Deathless» (Russian: Коще́й Бессме́ртный), is an archetypal male antagonist in Russian folklore.

The most common feature of tales involving Koschei is a spell which prevents him from being killed. He hides his soul inside nested objects to protect it. For example, the soul (or in the tales, it is usually called «death») may be hidden in a needle that is hidden inside an egg, the egg is in a duck, the duck is in a hare, the hare is in a chest, the chest is buried or chained up on a far island. Usually he takes the role of a malevolent rival father figure, who competes for (or entraps) a male hero’s love interest.

The origin of the tales is unknown. The archetype may contain elements derived from the 12th-century pagan Cuman-Kipchak (Polovtsian) leader Khan Konchak, who is recorded in The Tale of Igor’s Campaign; over time a balanced view of the non-Christian Cuman Khan may have been distorted or caricatured by Christian Slavic writers.

Historicity and folk originsEdit

By at least the 18th century, and likely earlier, Koschei’s legend had been appearing in Slavic tales.[1] For a long period no connection was made with any historical character.[2]

Origin in Khan KonchakEdit

The origin of the tale may be related to the Polovtsian (Cuman) leader Khan Konchak, who dates from the 12th century.[n 1] In The Tale of Igor’s Campaign Konchak is referred to as a koshey (slave).[n 2][3] Konchak is thought to have come/returned from Georgia (the Caucasus) to the steppe c.1126–1130; by c.1172 he is described in Kievan Rus’ chronicles as a leader of the Polovtsi, and as taking part in an uprising. There is not enough information to reconstruct further details of Konchak’s appearance or nature from historical sources; though unusual features or abnormalities were usually recorded (often as epithets) by chroniclers, none are recorded for Konchak.[4]

The legendary love of gold of Koschei is speculated to be a distorted record of Konchak’s role as the keeper of the Kosh’s resources.[5]

Koschei’s epithet «the immortal» may be a reference to Konchak’s longevity. He is last recorded in Russian chronicles during the 1203 capture of Kiev, if the record is correct this gives Konchak an unusually long life – possibly over 100 years – for the time this would have been over six generations.[6]

Koschei’s life-protecting spell may be derived from traditional Turkic amulets, not only were these egg-shaped, but they would often contain arrowheads (cf. the needle in Koschei’s egg).[7]

It is thought that many of the negative aspects of Koschei’s character are distortions of a more nuanced relationship of Khan Konchak with the Christian Slavs, such as his rescuing of Prince Igor from captivity, or the marriage between Igor’s son and Konchak’s daughter. Konchak, as a pagan, could have been demonised over time as a stereotypical villain.[8]

Naming and etymologyEdit

In the dictionary of V. I. Dal, the name Kashchei is derived from the verb «cast» — to harm, to dirty: «probably from the word to cast, but remade into koshchei, from bone, meaning a man exhausted by excessive thinness». Vasmer notes that the word koshchei has two meanings that have different etymologies: «thin, skinny person, walking skeleton» or «miser» — the origin of the word «bone». Old Russian «youth, boy, captive, slave» from the Turkic košči «slave», in turn from koš «camp, parking lot».

Koschei, as the name of the hero of a fairy tale and as a designation for a skinny person, Max Vasmer in his dictionary considers the original Slavic word (homonym) and associates with the word bone (common Slavic * kostь), that is, it is an adjective form koštіі (nominative adjective in the nominative case singular), declining according to the type «God».
Numerous variant names and spellings have been given to Koschei – these include Kashchei, Koshchai, Kashshei, Kovshei, Kosh, Kashch, Kashel, Kostei, Kostsei, Kashshui, Kozel, Koz’olok, Korachun, Korchun bessmertnyi, Kot bezsmertnyi, Kot Bezmertnyi, Kostii bezdushnyi; in bylinas he also appears as Koshcheiushko, Koshcheg, Koshcherishcho, Koshchui, Koshel.[9] Kachtcheï is the standard French transliteration.

The term Koshey appears in Slavic chronicles as early as the 12th century to refer to an officer or official during a military campaign. Similar terms include the Ukrainian Кошовий (Koshovyi) for the head of the ‘Kish’ (military)[10] (see also Kish otaman.) In Old Russian ‘Kosh’ means a camp, while in Belarusian a similar term means ‘to camp’ and in Turkic languages a similar term means ‘a wanderer’.[11] The use as a personal name is recorded as early as the 15th century on Novogrodian birch bark manuscripts.[12]

In The Tale of Igor’s Campaign a similar sounding term is used, recorded being inscribed on coins, deriving from the Turkic for ‘captive’ or ‘slave’. The same term also appears in the Ipatiev Chronicle, meaning ‘captive’.[13] A second mention of the term is made in The Tale of Igor’s Campaign when Igor is captured by the Polovtsi; this event is recorded as a riddle: «And here Prince Igor exchanged his golden saddle of a prince for the saddle of a Koshey (slave).»[14]

Nikolai Novikov also suggested the etymological origin of koshchii meaning «youth» or «boy» or «captive», «slave», or «servant». The interpretation of «captive» is interesting because Koschei appears initially as a captive in some tales.[12]

In folk talesEdit

Koschei is a common antihero in east-Slavic folk tales. Often tales involving him are of the type AT 302 «The Giant Without A Heart» (see Aarne–Thompson classification systems); and he also appears in tales resembling type AT 313 «The Magic Flight».[15]

He usually functions as the antagonist or rival to a hero.[16] Love rivalry and related themes are common.[17]

The typical feature of tales concerning Koschei is his protection against being killed (AT 302) – to do so he has hidden his soul inside an egg, and further nested the egg inside various animals, and then in protective containers and places.[18]

In other tales, Koschei can cast a sleep spell that can be broken by playing an enchanted gusli. Depending on the tale he has different characteristics: he may ride a three- or seven-legged horse; may have tusks or fangs; and may possess a variety of different magic objects (like cloaks and rings) that a hero is sent to obtain; or he may have other magic powers.[19] In one tale he has eyelids so heavy he requires servants to lift them[19] (cf. the Celtic Balor or Ysbaddaden, or Serbian Vy).

Psychologically, Koschei can represent an initially benevolent, but later malevolent, father (to a bride) figure.[20] The parallel female figure, Baba Yaga, as a rule does not appear in the same tale with Koschei, though exceptions exists where both appear together as a married couple, or as siblings.[15] Sometimes, Baba Yaga, as an old woman figure appears in tales along with Koschei as his mother or aunt.[21]

«Marya Morevna»Edit

In a tale also known as «The Death of Koschei the Deathless», Ivan Tsarevitch encounters Koschei chained in his wife’s (Marya Morevna’s) dungeon. He releases and revives Koschei, but Koschei abducts Marya. Ivan goes to rescue Marya several times, but Koschei’s swift horse allows him to easily catch up with the escaping lovers; each time the magical horse informs Koschei that he will be able to carry out several activities first and still be able to catch up. After the third unsuccessful escape, Koschei cuts up Ivan and throws his parts into the sea in a barrel. Ivan is revived with the aid of the water of life. He seeks Baba Yaga for a suitably swift horse. After trials he steals a horse and rescues Marya.[22]

«Tsarevich Petr and the Wizard»Edit

Tsar Bel-Belianin’s wife the Tzaritza is abducted by Koschei (the wizard). The Tsar’s three sons attempt to rescue her. The first two fail to reach the wizard’s palace, but the third, Petr, succeeds. He reaches the Tzaritza, conceals himself, and learns how the wizard hides his life. Initially he lies, but the third time he reveals it is in an egg, in a duck, in a hare, that nests in a hollow log, that floats in a pond, found in a forest on the island of Bouyan. Petr seeks the egg, freeing animals along the way – on coming to Bouyan the freed animals help him catch the wizard’s creatures and obtain the egg. He returns to the wizard’s domain and kills him by squeezing the egg – every action on the egg is mirrored on the wizard’s body.[23]

«The Snake Princess»Edit

In «The Snake Princess» (Russian «Царевна-змея»), Koschei turns a princess who does not want to marry him into a snake.

Ivan SosnovichEdit

Koschei hears of three beauties in a kingdom. He kills two and wounds a third, puts the kingdom to sleep (petrifies), and abducts the princesses. Ivan Sosnovich (Russian Иван Соснович) learns of Koschei’s weakness: an egg in a box hidden under a mountain, so he digs up the whole mountain, finds the egg box and smashes it, and rescues the princess.

He also appears as a miser in Pushkin’s Ruslan and Ludmila, though this interpretation does not reflect previous folk tale representations.[12]


The Serbian Baš Čelik (Head of Steel); Hungarian ‘Lead-Headed Monk’; and Slovak ‘Iron Monk’ also all hide their weakness inside a series of nested animals.[12]

In popular cultureEdit


  • Kashchey the Immortal, Russian Кащей Бессмертный, 1945 B&W fantasy directed by Alexander Rou, with Georgy Millyar as Koschei.
  • Fire, Water, and Brass Pipes, Russian Огонь, вода и… медные трубы, Ogon, 1968 fantasy directed by Alexander Rou, with Georgy Millyar as Koschei.
  • Beloved Beauty, Russian Краса́ ненагля́дная, 1958 stop-animated film.
  • Sitting on the golden porch (На златом крыльце сидели), 1986 fairy tale directed by Boris Rytsarev
  • Sisu, Finnish 2022 movie involves a backstory where the seemingly immortal protagonist was dubbed Koschei by the Soviet soldiers.

Opera and balletEdit

  • The villain in Igor Stravinsky’s ballet The Firebird.
  • Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov wrote an opera involving Koschei, titled Кащей бессмертный, or Kashchey the Deathless.

Derivative worksEdit


  • How to Save an Immortal, Russian Кощей. Похититель невест, 2022 fantasy
  • The Last Warrior, Russian Последний богатырь, 2017 fantasy
  • The Book of Masters, Russian Книга Мастеров, 2009 fantasy
  • Lilac Ball, Russian Лиловый шар, 1987 science fiction
  • After the Rain, on Thursday, Russian После дождичка в четверг, 1985 musical children’s fantasy
  • Along Unknown Paths, Russian Там, на неведомых дорожках, 1982 children’s fantasy
  • New Year Adventures of Masha and Vitya, Russian Новогодние приключения Маши и Вити, 1975 children’s film


  • In Little Einsteins, Katschai is a nesting doll who tried to steal the music power from the magical Firebird. Katschai used animal nesting dolls to try to stop the Little Einsteins team from getting to the Firebird which Katschai had locked up at the top of a building in Russia.
  • In the US television series «Grimm», in episode 9 of season 3, Koschei is the main guest character. (see Red Menace (Grimm))

Novels and comicsEdit

  • In Sarah J Maas’s A Court of Silver Flames, Koschei the Deathless is the name given to an ancient being trapped by a spell in a lake and is believed to be a death god like his siblings mentioned in the previous books.
  • In Jessica Rubinkowski’s The Bright and The Pale, the Pale God is named Koschei.
  • In James Branch Cabell’s Jurgen, A Comedy of Justice, and in Robert A Heinlein’s retelling of the story Job: a Comedy of Justice, Koshchei the Deathless appears as the most supreme being who made things as they are and is therefore universally unappreciated before Jurgen’s kind words are spoken.
  • In Alexander Veltman’s Koshchei bessmertny: Bylina starogo vremeni (Koshchei the Immortal: A Bylina of Old Times, 1833), a parody of historical adventure novels, the hero, Iva Olelkovich, imagines that his bride has been captured by Koschei.
  • Mercedes Lackey’s novel of Stravinsky’s Firebird features Katschei as the main villain, retelling the classic tale for a modern audience.
  • Catherynne Valente’s novel Deathless is a retelling of the Koschei story set against a backdrop of 20th-century Russian history.[24]
  • In the 1965 science-fiction Monday Begins on Saturday by Arkady and Boris Strugatsky, he is one of the creatures held in the NIIChaVo institute.
  • Koschei appears as a character in John C. Wright’s «War of the Dreaming» novels. He offers to save the hero’s wife, if the hero will agree to take the life of a stranger.
  • Koschei appears as a slave to Baba Yaga in the Hellboy comic book series, first appearing in Hellboy: Darkness Calls. Koschei’s origin story is later revealed in backup stories to single issues of Hellboy: The Wild Hunt. The story is also collected in Hellboy: Weird Tales and expanded upon in Koshchei the Deathless.
    • Koschei also appears in DC Comics The Sandman: Fables and Reflections.
  • In the webcomic PS238 by Aaron Williams, the child hero 84 is currently trapped in Koschei’s egg, trying to find the «eye», and in doing so, will become his new Champion of Earth to battle from now on.
  • Koschei is the primary antagonist in Marina Frants’ short fiction piece «Death Becomes Him», the sequel to «A Bone to Pick».
  • Katherine Arden’s novel, The Girl in the Tower, features Kaschei as the main antagonist. It is the second book in the Winternight trilogy, which is inspired by various Russian folktales.
  • In Alix E. Harrow‘s novel, The Once and Future Witches, Koschei the Deathless appears as a wicked witch in an old Russian witch tale.


  • In the fantasy tabletop role-playing game Dungeons & Dragons, he is the inspiration for the demon lord Kostchtchie, published 1983 in Monster Manual II.
  • Koschei appears as a character in the MMORPG RuneScape, under the name «Koschei the Deathless».
  • In the video game series The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing, the Death of Koschei is a key plot item in the second game. In the third game, recurring supporting character Prisoner Seven is revealed to be Koschei the Deathless, and becomes the main antagonist.
  • In the videogame Shadowrun: Hong Kong, the supporting character Racter has a drone named ‘Koschei’, which later in the game can gain an upgrade named «Deathless» that makes the drone unkillable.
  • In the computer game Dominions 4: Thrones of Ascension, Koschei appears as a hero character for Bogarus, a faction inspired by medieval Russia and Slavic mythology.
  • The legend of Koschei the Deathless serves as an inspiration for the narrative of Rise of the Tomb Raider.[25]
  • In the digital card game Mythgard, «Koschei, the Deathless» appears as a mythic minion in the Dreni faction.
  • In the videogame Arknights, the duke of Ursus (a fictional country based on Russia) is named Koschei, and is hinted to possess the main antagonist after being killed by them.
  • Koschei is a playable piece in Mantic Games’ Hellboy: The Board Game.
  • In the MMORPG Tibia (video game), there is a Lich boss named «Koshei The Deathless» who hides his soul in 4 pieces of an amulet that are scattered around the gameworld.

See alsoEdit

  • Erlik, Chernobog – gods of the underworld in Turkic and Slavic myth respectively
  • Lich


  1. ^ Konchak is an important antagonist in the Tale of Igor’s Campaign
  2. ^ In Leonard A. Magnus’s translation : «Shoot, my liege, the heathen Konctik the slave»


  1. ^ KazakhTV 2018, 2. Entertaining etymology. 5:10-.
  2. ^ KazakhTV 2018, 1. A dossier of the fairy villain. 2:05–2:20.
  3. ^ KazakhTV 2018, 2. Entertaining etymology. 7:40–8:00.
  4. ^ KazakhTV 2018, 3. Konchuk’s personal file 7:58–11:00.
  5. ^ KazakhTV 2018, 3. Konchuk’s personal file 11:00–12:30.
  6. ^ KazakhTV 2018, 3. Konchuk’s personal file 12:20–13:15.
  7. ^ KazakhTV 2018, 3. Konchuk’s personal file 13:10–13:40.
  8. ^ KazakhTV 2018, 4. Say a word about the poor Koshey 13:40–15:02.
  9. ^ Johns 2004, Note 1, p.230.
  10. ^ KazakhTV 2018, 2. Entertaining etymology. 5:10–5:50.
  11. ^ KazakhTV 2018, 2. Entertaining etymology. 5:50–6:10.
  12. ^ a b c d Johns 2004, p. 233.
  13. ^ KazakhTV 2018, 2. Entertaining etymology. 6:05–6:58.
  14. ^ KazakhTV 2018, 2. Entertaining etymology. 6:50–7:20.
  15. ^ a b Johns 2004, p. 230.
  16. ^ Johns 2004, pp. 231–2.
  17. ^ Johns 2004, p. 232.
  18. ^ Johns 2004, pp. 230–1.
  19. ^ a b Johns 2004, p. 231.
  20. ^ Johns 2004, p. 141.
  21. ^ Gimbutas, Marija; Miriam Robbins Dexter (1999). The Living Goddesses. University of California Press. p. 207. ISBN 0-520-22915-0.
  22. ^ Lang, Andrew, ed. (1890), «The Death of Koschei the Deathless», The Red Fairy Book
  23. ^ Wheeler, Post, ed. (1917), «Tzarevich Petr and the Wizard», Russian wonder tales, pp. 309-
  24. ^ Heller, Jason (7 Apr 2011). «Catherynne M. Valente: Deathless». www.avclub.com.
  25. ^ Corrie, Alexa Ray (August 4, 2015). «Rise of the Tomb Raider’s Myths Explained». GameSpot. Retrieved May 4, 2020.


  • «Turkic roots of Koshey The Immortal», Reflections on History (documentary), Kazakh TV, no. 5, 4 Apr 2018
  • Johns, Andreas (2004), Baba Yaga: The Ambiguous Mother and Witch of the Russian Folktale, Peter Lang

Further readingEdit

  • Johns, Andreas. 2000. “The Image of Koshchei Bessmertnyi in East Slavic Folklore”. In: FOLKLORICA – Journal of the Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Folklore Association 5 (1): 7–24. https://doi.org/10.17161/folklorica.v5i1.3647.

External linksEdit

  •   Media related to Koschei at Wikimedia Commons
  • 1

    имя существительное:

    Русско-английский синонимический словарь > кощей

  • 2

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > кощей

  • 3

    1. Koschei (the deathless) ()


    () tall, emaciated old man*

    Русско-английский словарь Смирнитского > кощей

  • 4


    Koschei (the deathless)

    2) разг. (тощий старик)

    tall, emaciated old man

    3) разг. (скряга)


    * * *

    1) Koschei 2) tall, emaciated old man 3) miser

    * * *

    Новый русско-английский словарь > кощей

  • 5




    thin bony man; skeleton; ≈ Skinny, Lanky; Bony Moroney, Spindle Dick




    miser, skinflint


    Коще́й Бессме́ртный фольк. — Koshchei the Deathless / Immortal

    Новый большой русско-английский словарь > кощей

  • 6
    Кощей Бессмертный

    1) General subject: evil spirit , a bony old man, Koschei the Immortal

    3) Fairy tales: Koshchey (Tzar,Кощей Бессмертный the Immortal, Deathless, etc.) , Kashchei (Tzar,Кощей Бессмертный the Immortal, Deathless, etc.), Kashchey (Tzar,Кощей Бессмертный the Immortal, Deathless, etc.)

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Кощей Бессмертный

  • 7
    кощей бессмертный

    1) General subject: evil spirit , a bony old man, Koschei the Immortal

    3) Fairy tales: Koshchey (Tzar,Кощей Бессмертный the Immortal, Deathless, etc.) , Kashchei (Tzar,Кощей Бессмертный the Immortal, Deathless, etc.), Kashchey (Tzar,Кощей Бессмертный the Immortal, Deathless, etc.)

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > кощей бессмертный

  • 8
    кощей бессмертный


    skin and bones / a bag of bones

    Дополнение к русско-английским словарям > кощей бессмертный

  • 9
    кащей бессмертный


    skin and bones / a bag of bones

    Дополнение к русско-английским словарям > кащей бессмертный

  • 10

    1. frame

    2. skeleton

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. кощей (сущ.) кощей; мощи

    2. остов (сущ.) каркас; костяк; остов

    Русско-английский большой базовый словарь > скелет

  • 11

    имя существительное:

    Русско-английский синонимический словарь > шея

  • 12
    баранья шея

    имя существительное:

    Русско-английский синонимический словарь > баранья шея

  • 13
    живой скелет

    имя существительное:

    Русско-английский синонимический словарь > живой скелет

  • 14
    кожа да кости

    имя прилагательное:


    имя существительное:

    Русско-английский синонимический словарь > кожа да кости

  • 15
    тощее животное

    имя существительное:

    Русско-английский синонимический словарь > тощее животное

  • 16

    1. strength

    2. horsepower

    3. puissance

    4. relics

    5. power; might; strength

    6. hallows

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. могущества (сущ.) могущества; мощности; силе; силы

    2. скелет (сущ.) кощеев; кощеи; кощей; кощея; скелет

    Русско-английский большой базовый словарь > мощь

См. также в других словарях:

  • кощей — мощь загробная, мощи, сухофрукт, скряга, худой, худущий, глиста, худой как щепка, старик, скелет Словарь русских синонимов. кощей см. худой Словарь синонимов русского языка. Практический справочник. М.: Русский язык. З. Е. Александрова …   Словарь синонимов

  • КОЩЕЙ — (или кащей), кощея, муж. (казак. бедняк). 1. (К прописное). В народных русских сказках мифическое существо: худой, костлявый старик, обладающий тайной долговечности, богатый и злой. Кощей бессмертный. 2. Исхудалый, тощий и высокий старик (разг.) …   Толковый словарь Ушакова

  • КОЩЕЙ — КОЩЕЙ, кащей. Толковый словарь Даля. В.И. Даль. 1863 1866 …   Толковый словарь Даля

  • КОЩЕЙ — (Кащей) Бессмертный. 1. Разг. Неодобр. О злом, жадном, скупом человеке. БМС 1998, 312. 2. Разг. Неодобр. О крайне худом человеке. БМС 1998, 312; БТС, 75; Мокиенко 1989, 147. 3. Жарг. шк. Шутл. ирон. или Пренебр. Пожилой, престарелый учитель;… …   Большой словарь русских поговорок

  • КОЩЕЙ — КОЩЕЙ, я, муж. 1. В русских сказках: худой и злой старик, обладатель сокровищ и тайны долголетия. К. Бессмертный. 2. перен. О тощем и высоком человеке, чаще старике, а также о скряге (разг. неод.). Толковый словарь Ожегова. С.И. Ожегов, Н.Ю.… …   Толковый словарь Ожегова

  • КОЩЕЙ — Кощей, человек великого князя московского. Ок. 1459. А. К. I, 548. Коще , крестьянин, зап. 1582. Арх. VI, 1, 115 …   Биографический словарь

  • Кощей — У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Кащей Бессмертный (значения). Иван Билибин: Кощей Бессмертный …   Википедия

  • Кощей — Ко(а)щей безсмертный (вѣчный жидъ). Ср. Бралъ съ родного, бралъ съ убогаго, Слылъ кащеемъ мужикомъ … Некрасовъ. Власъ. Ср. Живетъ онъ тамъ одинъ на кузнѣ, какъ кащей безсмертный, кубышку себѣ набиваетъ!… Жаденъ сталъ! страхъ! Маркевичъ.… …   Большой толково-фразеологический словарь Михельсона (оригинальная орфография)

  • Кощей — м. разг. Наделенный бессмертием костлявый и злой старик, обладатель огромного богатства как персонаж русских народных сказок; Кощей Бессмертный. Толковый словарь Ефремовой. Т. Ф. Ефремова. 2000 …   Современный толковый словарь русского языка Ефремовой

  • КОЩЕЙ — (персонаж рус. сказок; см. тж КАЩЕЙ) Злей не был и Кощей, Чем будет, может быть, восстание вещей. Зачем же вещи мы балуем? Хл909 (189) …   Собственное имя в русской поэзии XX века: словарь личных имён

  • кощей — Это слово, имеющее значение худой, тощий человек и скряга , образовано, вероятно, от кость. Согласно другой версии, в древнерусском имелось кощей – раб, пленник , заимствованное из тюркских языков и никак с Кощеем Бессмертным не связанное …   Этимологический словарь русского языка Крылова

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Перевод «кощей» на английский









Во многих русских сказках Кощей выступает в роли похитителя невесты главного героя.

In many Russian fairy tales Koschei acts as the kidnapper of the main character’s bride.

Хорош болтать, Кощей, послушай наш аккорд.

Enough talking, Koschei, listen our chord.

Лениградские ковбои: Денис Кощей и товарищ.

Leningrad cowboys: Denis Koschey and comrade.

Дорога непростая, гостей ждут множество препятствий, ведь Кощей Бессмертный украл игры и оставил в шкатулке только записку и карту.

The road is not easy, a lot of obstacles are waiting for the guests, because Koschey Immortal stole the game and left in the box only a note and a card.

Кощей: — А я пятерку!

Aria: And Five is my friend!

Кощей: — А я пятёрку!

Aria: And Five is my friend!

Кощей не слишком частый злодей во вселенной Хеллбой.

Koschei isn’t too prolific of a villain in the Hellboy universe.

Поэтому он заключил в статуэтку идею поиска истины, как в сказке «Кощей Бессмертный».

That is why he put the idea of searching for the truth into the statuette, as in the fairy tale «Koschei the Immortal».

В русских сказках можно встретить Кощей, а знаете ли вы, откуда произошло это имя?

In Russian fairy tales can be found Koschei, but do you know where there is a name?

Кощей выпил и запросил третье; а как выпил третье ведро, взял свою прежнюю силу, тряхнул цепями и сразу все двенадцать порвал.

Koschey drank and asked for a third; and as he drank the third bucket, took his former strength, he shook the chains and all twelve broke.

При этом Кощей Бессмертный или Баба Яга получали дополнительную силу для своих злодеяний.

While Koschei Immortal or Baba Yaga got extra strength for their misdeeds.

После 1917 года Васнецов продолжал работать над народными сказочными темами, создавая полотна «Бой Добрыни Никитича с семиглавым Змеем Горынычем», «Кощей Бессмертный».

After 1917, Vasnetsov continued to work on folk fairy-tale themes, creating canvases «Fight of Dobrynya Nikitich with the seven-headed Serpent Gorynych», «Koschey Immortal».

Но в 2018 году Майк Миньола пересмотрел историю Кощея в своих комиксах из шести выпусков «Кощей бессмертный», в котором подробно рассказывается о происхождении Кощея.

But in 2018, Mike Mignola revisited Koschei’s story in his own six-issue miniseries Koschei the Deathless, which detailed Koschei’s origins.

Кощей Бессмертный, Змей Горыныч, Баба Яга.

Koschei the Immortal, Zmey Gorynych, Baba Yaga.

«здоровяк» Вилли Холл и «кощей» Том Мэлоун.

Willie «Too Big» Hall and Tom «Bones» Malone.

Том — «кощей бессмертный».

В результате мой Кощей получился довольно симпатичным.

That said, my beer turned out to be pretty nice.

С этими словами Кощей развернулся и продолжил свой путь

With that, the beggar turned and continued on his way.

Уж лучше над ним чахнуть, как Кощей.

Better to stare past them like a madman.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат кощей

Результатов: 62. Точных совпадений: 62. Затраченное время: 67 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

кощей — thin bony man

- scrag |skraɡ|  — тощий, костлявый человек худое животное, кожа да кости
- tall |tɔːl|  — высокий, невероятный, хвастливый, чрезмерный
- miser |ˈmaɪzər|  — скряга, скупец, жмот, бур

КОЩЕЙ перевод на английский язык

Русско-английский словарь под общим руководством проф. А.И. Смирницкого

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1. Koschei (the deathless) (in Russian folklore a bony, emaciated old man, rich and wicked, who knows the secret of eternal life)

2. разг. (тощий старик) tall, emaciated old man*

3. разг. (скряга) miser

Русско-английский словарь под общим руководством проф. А.И. Смирницкого

КОЩЕЙ контекстный перевод и примеры

контекстный перевод и примеры — фразы
фразы на русском языке
фразы на английском языке
Кощей Koschei
Кощей Koschie
Кощей Бессмертный Koschei the Immortal

КОЩЕЙ — больше примеров перевода

контекстный перевод и примеры — предложения
предложения на русском языке
предложения на английском языке
«здоровяк» Вилли Холл и «кощей» Том Мэлоун. Willie ‘Too Big’ Hall and Tom ‘Bones’ Malone.
Ну Кощей меня 200 лет добивался, ну. Koschei has been trying to win me over for 200 years!
Кощей, отдай ему, что он хочет. Koschei! Give him what he wants!
Капитан сказал, что Мышкин — Кощей. Captain said Myshkin was a Koschie.
Он точно Кощей. He’s definitely a Koschie.
Мы знаем, что вы Кощей. We know you’re a Koschie.
Кощей Бессмертный, Змей Горыныч, Баба Яга. Koschei the Immortal, Zmey Gorynych, Baba Yaga.
(Кощей смеётся) (Koschei laughs)
А знаете, как будет задом наперёд Кощей Бессмертный? Do you know how Koschei the Immortal reads backwards?
— Яга, Кощей и я. — Yaga, Koschei and me.
Xорош болтать, Кощей, послушай наш аккорд. Enough talking, Koschei, listen our chord.
Тощий и молчаливый, как Кощей Бессмертный. Not much meat on his ribs, but he didn’t say no to seconds.
Гляньте, здесь Кощей Бессмертный Check out Bonesy McDead over here!

КОЩЕЙ — больше примеров перевода

Перевод слов, содержащих КОЩЕЙ, с русского языка на английский язык

Перевод КОЩЕЙ с русского языка на разные языки

Англо-русские и русско-английские словари и энциклопедии. English-Russian and Russian-English dictionaries and translations


Перевод и значение КОЩЕЙ в английском и русском языках

transcription, транскрипция: [ м. ]

1. Koschei (the deathless) ( in Russian folklore a bony, emaciated old man, rich and wicked, who knows the secret of eternal life )

2. разг. ( тощий старик ) tall, emaciated old man*

3. разг. ( скряга ) miser

Англо-Русско-Английский словарь общей лексики, сборник из лучших словарей.

     English-Russian-English dictionary of general lexis, the collection of the best dictionaries.

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