Geography: Kuban , the Kuban
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Кубань
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(р.) Кубань
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > (р.) Кубань
ПОД МЕТЁЛКУ (ПОД МЕТЛУ) взять, забрать, очистить и т. п.
highly coll
PrepPthese forms only
(to take
) absolutely everything, so that nothing is left: (make) a clean sweep
Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > М-133
под метелку
• ПОД МЕТЕЛКУ < ПОД МЕТЛУ> взять, забрать, очистить и т.п. highly coll
; these forms only;
⇒ (to take
) absolutely everything, so that nothing is left:
— clean (sth.) out;
— (get everything) down to the last bit (grain etc).
♦ «…[ Ты] всей пропагандой в Кавкрайкоме командовал… сделал Кубань-матушку колхозной житницей, все сусеки [regional = закрома] под метёлку вычистил, ничего для родины не пожалел — ни себя, ни народа…» (Максимов 1). «…You were running propaganda throughout the Caucasus…you made all our mother Kuban a kolkhoz granary, you cleaned out all the peasant cornbins, there was nothing you wouldn’t have sacrificed for the motherland — yourself, the people…» (1a).
Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > под метелку
под метлу
• ПОД МЕТЕЛКУ < ПОД МЕТЛУ> взять, забрать, очистить и т.п. highly coll
; these forms only;
⇒ (to take
) absolutely everything, so that nothing is left:
— clean (sth.) out;
— (get everything) down to the last bit (grain etc).
♦ «…[ Ты] всей пропагандой в Кавкрайкоме командовал… сделал Кубань-матушку колхозной житницей, все сусеки [regional = закрома] под метёлку вычистил, ничего для родины не пожалел — ни себя, ни народа…» (Максимов 1). «…You were running propaganda throughout the Caucasus…you made all our mother Kuban a kolkhoz granary, you cleaned out all the peasant cornbins, there was nothing you wouldn’t have sacrificed for the motherland — yourself, the people…» (1a).
Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > под метлу
См. также в других словарях:
Кубань — Кубань … Словник лемківскої говірки
Кубань — река, впадает в Темрюкский залив Азовского моря; Карачаево Черкесия, Ставропольский и Краснодарский край. Река уникальна в топонимическом отношении: за последние 2500 лет имела около 200 вариантов названий, в числе которых Гипанис, Антикитес,… … Географическая энциклопедия
кубань — Гипанис, всесоюзная житница Словарь русских синонимов. кубань сущ., кол во синонимов: 10 • балакирь (4) • водка … Словарь синонимов
«Кубань» — КУБАНЬ и ТЕРЕКЪ , вспомогат. крейсера, купленные въ Германіи послѣ начала рус. яп. войны и вооруженные, каждый, II 120 мм., IV 76,2 мм. и VIII 57 мм. оруд. и двумя пулеметами. Въ 1904 г. только одинъ изъ нихъ, Терекъ, сдѣлалъ пробное плаваніе,… … Военная энциклопедия
КУБАНЬ — река на Сев. Кавказе. 870 км, площадь бассейна 57,9 тыс. км². Начинается на склонах Эльбруса; впадает в Азовское м., образуя дельту площадью 4,3 тыс. км². Средний расход воды у Краснодара 393 м³/с. Главные притоки: Б. Зеленчук, Уруп,… … Большой Энциклопедический словарь
КУБАНЬ — КУБАНЬ, река на Северном Кавказе. 870 км, пл. бассейна 57,9 тыс. км2. Начинается на склонах Эльбруса; впадает в Азовское море, образуя дельту пл. 4,3 тыс. км2. Средний расход воды у Краснодара 393 м3/с. Гл. притоки: Большой Зеленчук, Уруп, Лаба,… … Русская история
Кубань — КУБАНЬ. См. Закубанскій походъ Суворова … Военная энциклопедия
Кубань — река, одна из самых крупных водных артерий Кавказа. Берет начало на северо западных склонах г.Эльбрус (5642м) из слияния рек Учкулан и Уллукам, впадает в Азовское море в Темрюкском районе Краснодарского края, протекает по территориям Карачаево… … Топонимический словарь Кавказа
Кубань — У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Кубань (значения). Историческая область • Кубань Население русские, украинцы, адыги, армяне, ассирийцы, греки … Википедия
КУБАНЬ — Историческая область ХIХ начала XX в. на Северном Кавказе* в долине реки Кубань и ее притоков, на территории современного Краснодарского края и Республики Адыгея. На территории Кубани проживали представители разных национальностей и религиозных… … Лингвострановедческий словарь
Кубань — (др. греч. Гипанис, карач. балк. Къобан, адыг. Псыж, лат. Hypanis, Vardanes) река в России, протяжённостью 870 км и площадью бассейна 58 тыс. км², на Северном Кавказе. Протекает по территории Карачаево Черкесии, Ставропольского края,… … Энциклопедия туриста
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На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.
Перевод «кубань» на английский
Текст песни написан в виде приветственного послания, коллективного письма на Кубань.
The text of the song is written in a sort of a greeting message, a collective letter to Kuban.
Деду «повезло», его перебросили на Кубань.
My grandfather had «luck» he was transferred to the Kuban.
Радует, что Кубань не потеряла лидирующих позиций.
I am glad that the Kuban has not lost its leading position.
Кубань более 10 лет подряд принимает участие в этом крупнейшем аграрном форуме.
Kuban has been participating in this largest agrarian forum during more than 10 years consecutively.
Приглашаю на Кубань посмотреть наши ведущие винодельческие заводы.
I invite him to visit Kuban and see our leading wineries.
Наличие лицензии подтверждает, что продукция винодельни производится из винограда, произрастающего в винодельческом регионе «Кубань.
The availability of the license confirms that the production of the winery is made from grapes grown in the wine region Kuban.
Кубань лидирует в стране по классификации средств размещения и пляжей.
Kuban leads the country in terms of classification of accommodation facilities and beaches.
Кубань начинается с поля — раздольного и неоглядного.
Kuban begins from a field — a free and a boundless one.
Сегодня строители завершили создание единого полотна, соединяющего Кубань с полуостровом Крым.
Today builders completed the establishment of a unified fabric connecting the kuban to the crimea peninsula.
«ТНС энерго Кубань» остается гарантирующим поставщиком электроэнергии и обеспечивает стабильность энергоснабжения в регионах своего присутствия.
TNS energo Kuban remains a last resort supplier of electric energy ensuring stability of electric energy delivery in the regions of its operations.
Во второй половине мая дивизия по приказу покидала Кубань.
During the second half of May the division left the Kuban.
Безлюдный пустырь вокруг затона реки Кубань долгое время оставался бы бесхозным.
A deserted wasteland around the creek of the Kuban River would have been abandoned for a long time.
Обеспечение территории индустриального парка «Кубань» энергоресурсами осуществляется за счет формирования собственной инфраструктуры.
Providing the territory of Kuban Industrial Park energy is carried out at the expense of the formation of their own infrastructure.
Кубань уступила по этим показателям лишь Москве и трем крупнейшим нефтегазовым регионам.
Kuban conceded only Moscow and the three largest oil and gas regions on these indicators.
Кубань всегда была житницей России, краем, который кормит всю страну.
Kuban has always been the breadbasket of Russia, the edge that feeds the whole country.
По объемам производства Кубань занимает 23-е место в России.
In terms of production of the Kuban occupies 23-e a place in Russia.
Участвовала в боях за Кубань и Крым.
They took part in the defensive battles of Kuban and Crimea.
В конце 1783 года Суворов совершал экспедиции за Кубань против отдельных отрядов ногайцев.
At the end of the year Suvorov sent expeditions across the Kuban against individual groups of Nogais.
Историческое наименование региона — Кубань, а его столицей является город Краснодар.
The historical name of the region is Kuban, and its capital is the city Krasnodar.
Киев не в первый раз говорит о необходимости «вернуть» Кубань Украине.
This is not the first time Kiev has spoken about the need to «return» the Kuban to Ukraine.
Результатов: 732. Точных совпадений: 732. Затраченное время: 81 мс
Корпоративные решения
Справка и о нас
Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900
Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200
Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200
Перевод «кубань» на английский
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За неправометное поведение зрителей «Кубань» оштрафована на 500 тысяч рублей.
«Kuban» was fined 500 thousand rubles for unlawful behavior of spectators.
Словосочетания (5)
- » Кубань » Краснодар — Kuban Krasnodar
- Газпром добыча Кубань — Gazprom dobycha Kuban
- Газпром трансгаз Кубань — Gazprom transgaz Kuban
- Газпромдобыча Кубань — Gazpromdobycha Kuban
- Кубань Краснодар — Kuban Krasnodar
За неправометное поведение зрителей «Кубань» оштрафована на 500 тысяч рублей.
«Kuban» was fined 500 thousand rubles for unlawful behavior of spectators.
Глава контрольно-дисциплинарного комитета РФС Артур Григорьянц сообщил, что «Кубань» оштрафована на 500 тысяч рублей, передает из Дома футбола корреспондент «СЭ» Филипп ПАПЕНКОВ.
The head of the control and disciplinary committee of the RFU Artur Grigoryants reported that «Kuban» has been fined for 500 thousand rubles, relays «SE» correspondent Phillip PAPENKOV from the Football House.
Главе Дагестана слышатся в гимне Кубани нотки экстремизма
The head of Dagestan hears notes of extremism in the hymn of Kuban
Футбольный матч между «Анжи» и «Кубанью» вылился в политическую коллизию между властями Краснодарского края и Дагестана после того, как болельщики сожгли дагестанский флаг, и гимн Кубани зазвучал по-иному.
The football match between «Anzhi» and «Kuban» resulted in a political conflict between authorities of Krasnodar Territory and Dagestan after fans burned the Dagestan flag, and the hymn of Kuban began to sound different.
Футбольный матч между «Анжи» и «Кубанью» вылился в политическую коллизию между властями Краснодарского края и Дагестана после того, как болельщики сожгли дагестанский флаг, и гимн Кубани зазвучал по-иному.
The football match between «Anzhi» and «Kuban» resulted in a political conflict between authorities of Krasnodar Territory and Dagestan after fans burned the Dagestan flag, and the hymn of Kuban began to sound different.
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Krasnodar Krai (Russian: Краснода́рский край) is a federal subject of Russia (a krai), located in the North Caucasus region in Southern Russia and administratively a part of the Southern Federal District. Its administrative center is the city of Krasnodar. The third most populous federal subject, the krai had a population of 5,838,273 as of the 2021 Census.[9]
Krasnodar Krai |
Krai |
Краснодарский край | |
Flag Coat of arms |
Anthem: Anthem of Krasnodar Krai[3] | |
Coordinates: 45°22′N 39°26′E / 45.367°N 39.433°ECoordinates: 45°22′N 39°26′E / 45.367°N 39.433°E | |
Country | Russia |
Federal district | Southern[1] |
Economic region | North Caucasus[2] |
Administrative center | Krasnodar[4] |
Government | |
• Body | Legislative Assembly[5] |
• Governor[7] | Veniamin Kondratev[6] |
[8] |
• Total | 76,000 km2 (29,000 sq mi) |
• Rank | 42nd |
(2021 Census)[9] |
• Total | 5,838,273 |
• Estimate
(2018)[10] |
5,603,420 |
• Rank | 3rd |
• Density | 77/km2 (200/sq mi) |
• Urban | 52.9% |
• Rural | 47.1% |
Time zone | UTC+3 (MSK |
ISO 3166 code | RU-KDA |
License plates | 23, 93, 123, 193 |
OKTMO ID | 03000000 |
Official languages | Russian[12] |
Website | http://admkrai.krasnodar.ru/ |
Krasnodar Krai is formally and informally referred to as Kuban (Russian: Кубань), a term denoting the historical region of Kuban situated between the Sea of Azov and the Kuban River which is mostly composed of the krai’s territory. It is bordered by Rostov Oblast to the north, Stavropol Krai to the east, Karachay-Cherkessia to the south-east, and Adygea is an enclave entirely within the krai. Krasnodar Krai shares an international border with the disputed region of Georgia, Abkhazia, to the south, and borders annexed Crimea to the west, across the Kerch Strait.
The northern part of the krai belongs to the Don Steppe, while the southern region’s Mediterranean climate has made it a popular tourist location. Novorossiysk is Russia’s main port on the Black Sea, one of the few cities awarded the title of the Hero City,
and Sochi was the host of the XXII Olympic Winter Games in 2014. Krasnodar Krai is home to significant infrastructure of the Russian Navy’s Black Sea Fleet.
Federal subjects in the Black Sea-Caspian area.
*Smaller areas along the north Caucasus are the republics: Karachay-Cherkessia, Kabardino-Balkaria, North Ossetia-Alania, Ingushetia, and Chechnya
*Yellow is the Southern Federal District and below it is the North Caucasian Federal District (light grey)
Krasnodar Krai is located in the southwestern part of the North Caucasus and borders with Rostov Oblast in the northeast, Stavropol Krai and Karachay-Cherkessia in the east, and with the Abkhazia region (internationally recognized as part of Georgia) in the south.[14] The Republic of Adygea is completely encircled by the krai territory. The krai’s Taman Peninsula is situated between the Sea of Azov in the north and the Black Sea in the south.[15] In the west, the Kerch Strait separates the krai from the contested Crimean Peninsula, internationally recognised as part of Ukraine but under de facto Russian control.[15] At its widest extent, the krai stretches for 327 kilometers (203 mi) from north to south and for 360 kilometers (220 mi) from east to west.[14]
The krai is split into two distinct parts by the Kuban River, which gave its name to this entire geographic region.[15] The southern, seaward part is the western extremity of the Caucasus range, lying within the Crimean Submediterranean forest complex ecoregion;[16] the climate is Mediterranean or, in the southeast, subtropical.[15] Historically it is known as Circassia. The northern part is a steppe zone which shares continental climate patterns.[15] It is also known as Kuban region.
The height of the mountains exceeds 3,000 meters (9,800 ft), with Mount Tsakhvoa being the highest at 3,346 meters (10,978 ft).[15] Mount Fisht, at 2,867 meters (9,406 ft), is the Great Caucasus’ westernmost peak with a glacier.[15]
The Black Sea coast stretches from the Kerch Strait to Adler and is shielded by the Caucasus Mountains from the cold northern winds.[15] Numerous small mountain rivers flow in the coastal areas, often creating picturesque waterfalls.[15]
Lake Abrau, located in the wine-making region of Abrau-Dyurso, is the largest lake in the northeastern Caucasus region.[15]
The region’s earliest known inhabitants are referred to, generically, as the Maiōtai (after the Greek name for the Sea of Azov). During the 6th century BC, Pontic Greeks founded the area’s first cities, such as Phanagoria (near modern Sennoy) and Hermonassa (on the Taman Peninsula), who traded with nomadic tribes including the Skuthai (Scythians) and Sindi.
From the 8th to the 10th centuries, the area was dominated by the Khazars, a Turkic people who had earlier migrated from the east onto the Pontic-Caspian Steppe, where a hypothesis claims that they converted to Judaism. After the defeat of the Khazar Khanate in 965 Kievan prince Svyatoslav conquered the area, it came under the rule of Kievan Rus’, and it then formed the Tmutarakan principality. Later, due to the increasing claims of Byzantium at the end of the 11th century, the Tmutarakan principality came under the authority of the Byzantine emperors (until 1204).[citation needed]
In that period of history, the Circassians were first mentioned, under the ethnonym Kasogs. For example, Rededi Prince Kasozhsky was mentioned in The Tale of Igor’s Campaign.[citation needed]
In 1243–1438 the current territory of the Kuban was part of the Golden Horde. After the latter’s collapse, parts of Kuban were held under the Crimean Khanate, Circassia, and the Ottoman Empire, which dominated the region. The Tsardom of Russia began to challenge the protectorate of the Ottoman Empire in the area during the Russian-Turkish wars.
In April 1783, after the liquidation of the Crimean Khanate, right-bank Kuban and Taman Peninsula were annexed to the Russian Empire by decree of Catherine II. In 1792–1794 Cossacks moved there from Zaporizhzhia, now located in Ukraine, and formed the Black Sea Area troops, with the creation of a solid cordon line for the Kuban River and the marginalization of the neighboring Circassians.
The administrative region was accorded the status of «Land of Black Sea Cossack Army.»
In 1900, the region’s population numbered around two million people. In 1913, the gross grain harvest Kuban region entered 2nd place in Russia, for the production of marketable grain – in 1st place.[clarification needed] During the Russian Civil War, the anti-communist Kuban People’s Republic was established on 28 January 1918. It sought union with the Ukrainian People’s Republic during its brief independence until Soviet forces occupied the latter in May 1920.
Krasnodar Krai was founded on 13 September 1937, when Azov-Black Sea Krai of the Russian SFSR was split up in Krasnodar Krai and Rostov Oblast. On 30 January 1996 Krasnodar Krai signed a power-sharing agreement with the federal government, granting it autonomy.[17] This agreement would be abolished on 12 April 2002.[18]
2012 floods
On July 7, 2012, at least 171 people died in Krasnodar Krai, after torrential rains overnight caused the worst flooding and landslides in more than seventy years.[19][20] Over 280 millimeters (11 in) of rain – the typical amount for a four- or five-month period – was reported to have fallen within forty-eight hours.[21] A local police spokesman stated that most of the dead were in Krymsky District, where at least 159 died when a wave of water 5 meters (16 ft) high swept through the town of Krymsk in the middle of the night.[20][21] Ten more deaths occurred in Gelendzhik, including five electrocuted when a transformer fell into the floodwater, and two in Novorossiysk.[19][21] Authorities stated that 17 people had been officially reported missing, and there were fears the death toll would rise further, while medics had hospitalized 210 people, including 16 children.[citation needed]
The regional government claimed that over 24,000 people were affected by the floods, with more than 3,000 evacuated, and that more than 10,000 rescuers and 140 helicopters were searching for victims and evacuating survivors.[19][21] In Krymsk, 14 temporary shelters were set up to house around 2,000 evacuees.[citation needed] The transport system in the region was said to have collapsed, while oil shipments from Novorossiysk were halted when the port, located in the lower part of the city, was threatened by landslides.[19][21][22] Russia’s President Vladimir Putin flew to the area to hold emergency talks with officials in Krymsk, while authorities in Perm Krai dispatched a rescue team to evacuate dozens of children from the region, who had been staying at summer camps on the Black Sea coast.[19][22]
Residents of Krymsk claimed the wave of water that hit the town resulted from the sluice gates of a nearby reservoir being opened, although the prosecutor general’s investigative committee denied this. Local prosecutors had earlier confirmed that the gates were opened, but stated that it was too early to determine whether this was the cause of the flooding.[20]
Krai Administration building in Krasnodar
During the Soviet period, the high authority in the krai was shared between three persons: The first secretary of the Krasnodar CPSU Committee (who in reality had the greatest authority), the chairman of the Krai Soviet (legislative power), and the chairman of the Krai Executive Committee (executive power). Since 1991, CPSU lost all the power, and the head of the krai administration, and eventually the governor was appointed/elected alongside elected regional parliament.
The Charter of Krasnodar Krai is the fundamental law of the region. The Legislative Assembly of Krasnodar Krai is the province’s standing legislative (representative) body. The assembly exercises its authority by passing laws, resolutions, and other legal acts and by supervising the implementation and observance of the laws and other legal acts passed by it. The highest executive body is the krai government, which includes territorial executive bodies such as district administrations, committees, and commissions that facilitate development and run the day-to-day matters of the province. The krai administration supports the governor’s activities, who is the highest official and acts as the guarantor of the observance of the Krai Charter in accordance with the Constitution of Russia.
Administrative divisions
Krasnodar Krai is administratively divided into thirty-eight districts (raions) and fifteen cities of district equivalence. The districts and cities are further subdivided into eleven towns, plus urban-type settlements, and rural okrugs and stanitsa okrugs.
As a result of 2014 Winter Olympics, Krasnodar Krai has seen significant infrastructure spending.[23] Over $50 billion has been spent on various infrastructure projects including a bullet train.
Large companies in the region include Tander, Novorossmetal, Autonomous Heat Energy Company, Gazprom gas distribution Krasnodar, and Evrokhim Chemical Fertilizers.[24]
Several lines of Russian Railways cross the region and link it with Abkhazia, Ukraine, and neighboring Russian regions. There are direct trains from resort cities like Sochi and Anapa to Moscow, via Krasnodar, which become very popular during the summer vacation season. There are also suburb train connections.
The Apsheronsk narrow-gauge railway, the longest mountain narrow-gauge railway in Russia, runs through Krasnodar Krai.
There are several airports in the region, including Krasnodar International Airport, Sochi International Airport, Anapa Airport, and Gelendzhik Airport.
The biggest ports are Novorossiysk and Tuapse. Others are Eisk and Temryuk on the Azov Sea, and Port Kavkaz, Taman, Anapa, Gelendzhik, and Sochi on the Black Sea. The Crimean Bridge connects Krasnodar Krai and Crimea.
EMU train Lastotschka, Sochi
5,404,300 (2014 est.);[25] 5,226,647 (2010 Census);[26] 5,125,221 (2002 Census);[27] 5,113,148 (1989 Census).[28]
Life expectancy
2019 | 2021 | |
Average: | 73.9 years | 70.5 years |
Male: | 69.0 years | 66.1 years |
Female: | 78.7 years | 74.9 years |
Life expectancy at birth in Krasnodar Krai
Life expectancy with calculated differences
Life expectancy in Krasnodar Krai and neighboring regions
Zoomed version of the chart since 2014
Largest cities or towns in Krasnodar Krai 2010 Russian Census |
Rank | Administrative Division | Pop. | |||
Krasnodar Sochi |
1 | Krasnodar | City of krai significance of Krasnodar | 744,995 | Novorossiysk Armavir |
2 | Sochi | City of krai significance of Sochi | 343,334 | ||
3 | Novorossiysk | City of krai significance of Novorossiysk | 241,952 | ||
4 | Armavir | City of krai significance of Armavir | 188,832 | ||
5 | Yeysk | Town of krai significance of Yeysk | 87,769 | ||
6 | Kropotkin | Town of krai significance of Kropotkin | 80,765 | ||
7 | Slavyansk-na-Kubani | Town of krai significance of Slavyansk-na-Kubani | 63,842 | ||
8 | Tuapse | Town of krai significance of Tuapse | 63,292 | ||
9 | Labinsk | Town of krai significance of Labinsk | 62,864 | ||
10 | Tikhoretsk | Town of krai significance of Tikhoretsk | 61,823 |
The population of Krasnodar Krai is concentrated in the Kuban River drainage basin, which was traditionally Cossack land (see History of Cossacks). The Kuban Cossacks are now generally considered[according to whom?] to be ethnic Russians, even though they are still an important minority in their own right in the area. Historically, they were considered to be ethnic Ukrainian[according to whom?], and reported their language as Ukrainian in censuses well into the 20th century (see National Identity of Kuban Cossacks). This change in identity is due to assimilation and historical persecution of the Kuban Cossacks, which was particularly prominent due to questions of their loyalty to Moscow and the Communist state during the Russian Revolution and First World War.[citation needed]
Other notable ethnic groups include the Adyghe, who are the regions indigenous population and were nearly completely annihilated following the Circassian genocide,[31] and the Armenians (including Christian Hamsheni and Cherkesogai), who have lived in the region since at least the 18th century.[citation needed]
Ethnic groups
The 2021 Census identified ethnic groups, as shown in the following table:[32]
Ethnicity | Population | Percentage |
Russians | 5,121,482 | 87.7% |
Armenians | 211,132 | 3.6% |
Ukrainians | 29,317 | 0.5% |
Tatars | 18,912 | 0.3% |
Caucasus Greeks | 13,117 | 0.2% |
Georgians | 12,451 | 0.2% |
Gypsies | 11,590 | 0.2% |
Adyghe | 10,484 | 0.2% |
Azerbaijanis | 8,804 | 0.2% |
Turks | 8,070 | 0.1% |
Circassians | 6,166 | 0.1% |
Belarusians | 5,923 | 0.1% |
Germans | 5,678 | 0.1% |
Kurds | 5,609 | 0.1% |
Other Ethnicities | 77,389 | 1.3% |
Ethnicity not stated | 292,149 | 5.0% |
According to a 2012 survey[34] 52.2% of the population of Krasnodar Krai adheres to the Russian Orthodox Church, 3% are unaffiliated generic Christians, 1% are either Orthodox Christian believers who don’t belong to church or members of non-Russian Orthodox churches, and 1% are Muslims. In addition, 22% of the population declares to be «spiritual but not religious», 13% is atheist, and 7.8% follows other religions or did not give an answer to the question.[34]
- ^ Президент Российской Федерации. Указ №849 от 13 мая 2000 г. «О полномочном представителе Президента Российской Федерации в федеральном округе». Вступил в силу 13 мая 2000 г. Опубликован: «Собрание законодательства РФ», No. 20, ст. 2112, 15 мая 2000 г. (President of the Russian Federation. Decree #849 of May 13, 2000 On the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in a Federal District. Effective as of May 13, 2000.).
- ^ Госстандарт Российской Федерации. №ОК 024-95 27 декабря 1995 г. «Общероссийский классификатор экономических регионов. 2. Экономические районы», в ред. Изменения №5/2001 ОКЭР. (Gosstandart of the Russian Federation. #OK 024-95 December 27, 1995 Russian Classification of Economic Regions. 2. Economic Regions, as amended by the Amendment #5/2001 OKER. ).
- ^ Law #5-KZ
- ^ Charter of Krasnodar Krai, Article 13
- ^ Charter of Krasnodar Krai, Chapter 24
- ^ Official website of Krasnodar Krai. Biography of Alexander Nikolayevich Tkachyov Archived August 14, 2015, at the Wayback Machine, Governor of Krasnodar Krai (in Russian)
- ^ Charter of Krasnodar Krai, Article 39
- ^ Федеральная служба государственной статистики (Federal State Statistics Service) (May 21, 2004). «Территория, число районов, населённых пунктов и сельских администраций по субъектам Российской Федерации (Territory, Number of Districts, Inhabited Localities, and Rural Administration by Federal Subjects of the Russian Federation)». Всероссийская перепись населения 2002 года (All-Russia Population Census of 2002) (in Russian). Federal State Statistics Service. Retrieved November 1, 2011.
- ^ a b Russian Federal State Statistics Service. Всероссийская перепись населения 2020 года. Том 1 [2020 All-Russian Population Census, vol. 1] (XLS) (in Russian). Federal State Statistics Service.
- ^ «26. Численность постоянного населения Российской Федерации по муниципальным образованиям на 1 января 2018 года». Federal State Statistics Service. Retrieved January 23, 2019.
- ^ «Об исчислении времени». Официальный интернет-портал правовой информации (in Russian). June 3, 2011. Retrieved January 19, 2019.
- ^ Official throughout the Russian Federation according to Article 68.1 of the Constitution of Russia.
- ^ Azarenkova et al., p. 114
- ^ a b Official website of Krasnodar Krai. General Information About the Region Archived October 11, 2017, at the Wayback Machine (in Russian)
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j Gorshenyov
- ^ WWF. Central Asia: Southwest Russia and the Crimean Peninsula on the Black Sea coast
- ^ Solnick, Steven (May 29, 1996). «Asymmetries in Russian Federation Bargaining» (PDF). The National Council for Soviet and East European Research: 12.
- ^ Chuman, Mizuki. «The Rise and Fall of Power-Sharing Treaties Between Center and Regions in Post-Soviet Russia» (PDF). Demokratizatsiya: 146.
- ^ a b c d e «Russia Flash Floods: 144 Killed in Krasnodar Region». BBC News. London. July 7, 2012. Retrieved July 7, 2012.
- ^ a b c Elder, Miriam (July 9, 2012). «Russian Floods Kill 150 and Leave Thousands Homeless». The Guardian. London. Retrieved July 9, 2012.
- ^ a b c d e «Over 100 Die in Russia as Floods and Landslides Hit Krasnodar Region». The Guardian. London. July 7, 2012. Retrieved July 7, 2012.
- ^ a b «Vladimir Putin Flies to Flood-hit Southern Russia as Death Toll Rises». The Guardian. London. July 8, 2012. Archived from the original on July 10, 2012. Retrieved July 9, 2012.
- ^ Filipov, David. «Russia spent $50 billion on the Sochi Olympics». The Washington Post. Retrieved February 4, 2020.
- ^ «Krasnodar Territory Industries». investinregions.ru. Retrieved November 7, 2018.
- ^ Krasnodar Krai Territorial Branch of the Federal State Statistics Service. Численность населения (in Russian)
- ^ Russian Federal State Statistics Service (2011). Всероссийская перепись населения 2010 года. Том 1 [2010 All-Russian Population Census, vol. 1]. Всероссийская перепись населения 2010 года [2010 All-Russia Population Census] (in Russian). Federal State Statistics Service.
- ^ Russian Federal State Statistics Service (May 21, 2004). Численность населения России, субъектов Российской Федерации в составе федеральных округов, районов, городских поселений, сельских населённых пунктов – районных центров и сельских населённых пунктов с населением 3 тысячи и более человек [Population of Russia, Its Federal Districts, Federal Subjects, Districts, Urban Localities, Rural Localities—Administrative Centers, and Rural Localities with Population of Over 3,000] (XLS). Всероссийская перепись населения 2002 года [All-Russia Population Census of 2002] (in Russian).
- ^ Всесоюзная перепись населения 1989 г. Численность наличного населения союзных и автономных республик, автономных областей и округов, краёв, областей, районов, городских поселений и сёл-райцентров [All Union Population Census of 1989: Present Population of Union and Autonomous Republics, Autonomous Oblasts and Okrugs, Krais, Oblasts, Districts, Urban Settlements, and Villages Serving as District Administrative Centers]. Всесоюзная перепись населения 1989 года [All-Union Population Census of 1989] (in Russian). Институт демографии Национального исследовательского университета: Высшая школа экономики [Institute of Demography at the National Research University: Higher School of Economics]. 1989 – via Demoscope Weekly.
- ^ «Демографический ежегодник России» [The Demographic Yearbook of Russia] (in Russian). Federal State Statistics Service of Russia (Rosstat). Retrieved June 28, 2022.
- ^ «Ожидаемая продолжительность жизни при рождении» [Life expectancy at birth]. Unified Interdepartmental Information and Statistical System of Russia (in Russian). Archived from the original on February 20, 2022. Retrieved June 28, 2022.
- ^ Richard, Walter (April 9, 2013). The Circassian Genocide. Rutgers University Press. ISBN 978-0-8135-6069-4.
- ^ «Национальный состав населения». Federal State Statistics Service. Retrieved December 30, 2022.
- ^ Russian Federal State Statistics Service
- ^ a b c «Arena: Atlas of Religions and Nationalities in Russia». Sreda, 2012.
- ^ 2012 Arena Atlas Religion Maps. «Ogonek», № 34 (5243), 27/08/2012. Retrieved 21/04/2017. Archived.
- Законодательное Собрание Краснодарского края. Закон №5-КЗ от 5 мая 1995 г. «О символах Краснодарского края», в ред. Закона №2957-КЗ от 8 мая 2014 г. «О внесении изменений в Закон Краснодарского края «О символах Краснодарского края»». Вступил в силу 31 мая 1995 г. Опубликован: «Кубанские новости», №87, 24 мая 1995 г. (Legislative Assembly of Krasnodar Krai. Law #5-KZ of May 5, 1995 On the Symbols of Krasnodar Krai, as amended by the Law #2957-KZ of May 8, 2014 On Amending the Law of Krasnodar Krai «On the Symbols of Krasnodar Krai». Effective as of May 31, 1995.).
- «Устав Краснодарского края», в ред. Закона №2870-КЗ от 30 декабря 2013 г «О внесении изменений в Устав Краснодарского края». Опубликован: «Кубанские новости», 10 ноября 1993 г. ( Charter of Krasnodar Krai, as amended by the Law #2870-KZ of December 30, 2013 On Amending the Charter of Krasnodar Krai. ).
- Горшенёв, М. А. (1983). Путешествия по Краснодарскому краю (in Russian). Физкультура и спорт.
- Азаренкова, А. С.; И. Ю. Бондарь; Н. С. Вертышева (1986) [1986]. Основные административно-территориальные преобразования на Кубани (1793–1985 гг.) (in Russian). Краснодарское книжное издательство.
External links
- Official website of Krasnodar Krai Archived September 22, 2014, at the Wayback Machine (in Russian)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Not to be confused with Cuban.
Coordinates: 45°2′N 38°58′E / 45.033°N 38.967°E
Kuban (Russian and Ukrainian: Кубань; Adyghe: Пшызэ) is a historical and geographical region in the North Caucasus region in southern Russia surrounding the Kuban River, on the Black Sea between the Don Steppe, the Volga Delta and separated from the Crimean Peninsula to the west by the Kerch Strait. Krasnodar Krai is often referred to as Kuban, both officially and unofficially, although the term is not exclusive to the krai and also accommodates the republics of Adygea, Karachay-Cherkessia, and parts of Stavropol Krai.
Cossack settlement[edit]
The Cossack settlement of Kuban and of the adjacent Black Sea region occurred gradually for over a century, and was heavily influenced by the outcomes of the conflicts between Russia and Ottoman Empire.[1] In the mid-18th century, the area was predominantly inhabited by the Adyghe tribes.[1] After the Russo-Turkish War of 1768–1774, the population of the area started to show more pro-Russian tendencies.[1]
In order to stop Turkish ambitions to use Kuban region to facilitate the return of the Crimea, Russia started to establish a network of fortifications along the Kuban River in the 1770s.[1] After the Russian annexation of the Crimea, right-bank Kuban, and Taman in 1783, the Kuban River became the border of the Russian Empire.[1] New fortresses were built on the Kuban in the 1780s–1790s.[1]
Until the 1790s, these fortresses and the abandoned Cossack settlements on the Laba River and in Taman remained the only indication of Russian presence in the area.[1] More intensive settlement started in 1792–1794, when Black Sea Cossack Host and Don Cossacks were re-settled to this area by the Russian government in order to strengthen the southern borders.[1]
At the end of the 18th and the beginning of the 19th centuries, the right bank of the Kuban River was settled.[1] At the same time, first settlements appear on the coast of the Black Sea and on the plain between the Kuban and Bolshaya Laba Rivers.[1] During the second half of the 19th century, the settlement rate intensified, and the territory was administratively organized into Kuban Oblast and Black Sea Okrug (which later became Black Sea Governorate).[1]
The location of the territory along the border had a significant effect on its administrative division, which incorporated the elements of civil and military governments.[1]
See also[edit]
- Kuban bridgehead
- Kuban Cossacks
- Kuban People’s Republic
- Kuban-Black Sea Soviet Republic
- Kuban Soviet Republic
- Ukrainians in Kuban
- FC Kuban Krasnodar
- PBC Lokomotiv-Kuban
- Holodomor
- Cossacks of the Kuban
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l Azarenkova et al., pp. 8ff.
- Азаренкова [Azarenkova], А. С.; Бондарь [Bondar], И. Ю.; Вертышева [Vertysheva], Н. С. (1986). Основные административно-территориальные преобразования на Кубани (1793–1985 гг.) [The main administrative and territorial changes in the Kuban region (1793-1985 biennium).] (in Russian). Краснодарское книжное издательство [Krasnodar Publishing House]. Archived from the original on 2015-12-08. Retrieved 2015-11-28.
External links[edit]
- Kropotkin, Peter Alexeivitch; Bealby, John Thomas (1911). «Kubañ (province)» . Encyclopædia Britannica. Vol. 15 (11th ed.). pp. 934–935.
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Русско-английский перевод КУБАНЬ
геогр. Kuban
Русско-Английский словарь общей тематики.
Russian-English dictionary of general subjects.