Как пишется кунай на английском

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Перевод «Кунай» на английский

Кунай обычно ассоциируется с ниндзя, которые использовали его чтобы проделывать отверстия в стенах.

The kunai is commonly associated with the ninja, who used it to gouge holes in walls.

Кунай обычно ассоциируется с ниндзя, которые использовали его, чтобы проделывать отверстия в стенах.

The kunai is commonly associated with the ninja, who used it to gouge holes in walls.

Кунай обычно имел листообразную форму и ручку с кольцом на эфесе для крепления веревки.

Kunai normally had a leaf-shaped blade and a handle with a ring on the pommel for attaching a rope.

В последующие два года планируется возведение 30 домов в микрорайоне «Кунай».

In the next two years, it is planned to build 30 houses in the Kunai microdistrict.

В следующем году планируется строительство 12-ти и 16-ти этажных домов в микрорайонах Береке и пятиэтажных в микрорайоне Кунай.

Next year, it is planned to build 12 and 16-story houses in the Bereka microdistricts and five-story houses in the Kunai microdistrict.

Ходили слухи, что Кейли Куоко и Майим Бялик не ладят и что Саймона Хелберга и Кунай Найяра собирались списать со сцены во время напряженных переговоров по контракту еще в 2013 году.

There’s been rumors that Kaley Cuoco and Mayim Bialik don’t get along and that Simon Helberg and Kunai Nayyar were going to be written off the show during tense contract negotiations back in 2013.

Давая один такой кунай человеку, он мог немедленно телепортироваться к нему в любое время.

By giving one such kunai to a person, he can immediately teleport to that person at any time.

Враг ниндзя должен был использовать этот кунай в бою вчера.

The enemy ninja must have used this kunai during battle yesterday.

Кроме того, можно искусно использовать тени теней в форме щупальца, используя их для подъема и бросить оружие, как кунай и тому подобное.

Also, one can also skillfully make use of the tentacle-shaped shadow tendrils by using them to lift up and throw weapons like kunai and such.

Кёко осмотрела дверь зала заседаний и обнаружила, что кунай, которого Соносукэ Изаёй бросил в дверь ранее, пропал без вести после того, как они опоили спать.

Kyoko examined the boardroom’s door and found that the kunai that Sonosuke Izayoi threw to the door earlier was missing after they drugged to sleep.

Две широко узнаваемые вариации куная это маленький кунай (小苦無 shō-kunai?) и большой кунай (大苦無 dai-kunai?).

The two widely-recognized variations of the kunai are short kunai (小苦無 shō-kunai?) and the big kunai (大苦無 dai-kunai?).

Этот кунай… которые мы искали!

Кунай изначально являлся инструментом фермера, но впоследствии эволюционировал в оружие, которым мы его знаем сегодня.

Kunai were originally made to be farming tools but soon evolved into the weaponry they have become today.

Вопреки популярному мнению, кунай не был предназначен для использования в качестве метательного оружия, а использовался для нанесения колющих ударов.

Contrary to popular belief, kunai were not designed to be used primarily as throwing weapons.

Не ожидайте, что Джин с самого начала будет уметь бросать сюрикены, использовать кунай, знать алхимию (создавать яды, зелья и взрывчатые вещества), и бегать по крышам

Don’t expect Jin to be able to right out of the gate know how to throw shuriken, use kunai, use alchemy (poisons, create potions, and explosives), use grappling hooks to get on top of rooftops, quickly, etc.

Кунай обычно имел листообразную форму и ручку с кольцом на эфесе для крепления веревки.

Kunai normally had a leaf-shaped blade and a handle with a ring on the pommel for attaching a rope.

Другие результаты

Например, в больнице, которая расположена поблизости, в населенном пункте Кунайя и которой MSF оказывает комплексную поддержку, были по понятным причинам крайне обеспокоены событиями в Мишмишане.

For example, the reference hospital nearby in Qunaya, to which MSF is providing a comprehensive package of support, was made extremely and understandably nervous by what happened at Mishmishan.

29 июля 2014 года военно-воздушные силы сирийского режима совершили обстрел больницы «Ориент» в Кунайе в окрестностях Джиср-эш-Шугура, мухафаза Идлиб, в результате чего было ранено несколько человек.

On 29 July 2014, the Syrian regime air force attacked Orient Hospital in Qunaya in Rif Jisr al-Shaghour in Idlib province, wounding several people.

MSF также имеет соглашение о партнерстве с больницей Кунайя и оказывает различную поддержку другим больницам и медицинским центрам в регионе.

MSF also has a full-support partnership agreement with Qunaya hospital and provides varying levels of distance-support to other Syrian hospitals and health centres in the region

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 19. Точных совпадений: 16. Затраченное время: 37 мс


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Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A highly stylized kunai, as often portrayed in popular culture

A kunai (苦無, kunai) is a Japanese tool thought to be originally derived from the masonry trowel.[1] The two widely recognized variations of the kunai are short kunai (小苦無 shō-kunai) and the big kunai (大苦無 dai-kunai). Although a basic tool, in the hands of a martial arts expert, the kunai could be used as a multi-functional weapon. The kunai is commonly associated with the ninja, who used it to gouge holes in walls.[citation needed]


A Kunai normally had a leaf-shaped wrought blade in lengths ranging from 20 cm to 30 cm and a handle with a ring on the pommel for attaching a rope. The attached rope allowed the kunai’s handle to be wrapped to function as a grip, or to be strapped to a stick as a makeshift spear; to be tied to the body for concealment; to be used as an anchor or piton, and sometimes to be used as the Chinese rope dart. Contrary to popular belief, kunai were not designed to be used primarily as throwing weapons. Instead, kunai were primarily tools and, when used as weapons, were stabbing and thrusting implements.

Varieties of kunai include short, long, narrow-bladed, saw-toothed, and wide-bladed. In some cases, the kunai and the Nishikori, a wide-bladed saw with a dagger-type handle, are difficult to distinguish.


The kunai was originally used by peasants as a multi-purpose gardening tool and by workers of stone and masonry. The blade is made of soft iron and is left unsharpened because the edges are used to smash relatively soft materials such as plaster and wood, for digging holes, and for prying. Normally, only the tip is sharpened.


Many ninja weapons were adapted from farming tools, not unlike those used by Shaolin monks in China. Since kunai were cheaply produced farming tools of proper size and weight and could be easily sharpened, they were readily available to be converted into simple weapons.[citation needed] As a weapon, the kunai is larger and heavier than a shuriken and with the grip could also be used in hand-to-hand combat more readily than a shuriken.[citation needed]

As with ninjutsu, the exaggeration persistent in ninja myths played a large role in creating the popular culture image of kunai. In fictional depictions of ninjas, the kunai is commonly portrayed as a steel knife that is used for stabbing or particularly throwing, sometimes confusing it with the shuriken.[citation needed]


The kunai was used in masonry to shape stonework.

See also[edit]

  • Dart (missile)
  • Entrenching tool
  • Flechette
  • Hori hori
  • Shuriken
  • Tantō
  • Tent peg
  • Throwing knife
  • Trowel


  1. ^ Turnbull 2003, p. 61


Turnbull, Stephen (2003). Ninja AD 1460–1650. Osprey Publishing. ISBN 978-1-84176-525-9.

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Kunai.

Further reading[edit]

  • Hatsumi, Masaaki (22 September 1988). The Grandmaster’s Book of Ninja Training. McGraw-Hill Education. ISBN 978-0-8092-4629-8.
  • Mol, Serge (2003). Classical Weaponry of Japan: Special Weapons and Tactics of the Martial Arts. Kodansha International. ISBN 978-4-7700-2941-6.


A highly stylized kunai, as often portrayed in fiction

Etymology 1[edit]

From Japanese 苦無 (くない, kunai).


kunai (plural kunai)

  1. A Japanese tool and weapon, possibly derived from the masonry trowel, used as a weapon by ninja or samurai.
  • shuriken

Etymology 2[edit]

From Tok Pisin kunai (grass, grassland), from Tolai kunəi (long grass).


kunai (uncountable)

  1. A species of grass, Imperata cylindrica, native to tropical and subtropical regions of Asia, Australasia, Africa, and southern Europe, and widely introduced to the New World.


  • nikau




  1. Rōmaji transcription of くない




  1. wild pigeon


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3 параллельный перевод

The enemy ninja must have used this kunai during battle yesterday.

Враг ниндзя должен был использовать этот кунай в бою вчера.

That kunai… The secret documents we’ve been looking for!

Этот кунай… которые мы искали!

Those are ninja kunai throwing blades.

Это метательные ножи ниндзя — кунаи.

  • перевод на «kunai» турецкий


Ничего не найдено.

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