Как пишется латинская буква икс

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Not to be confused with ℵ.

X x
(See below)
Writing cursive forms of X
Writing system Latin script
Type Alphabetic and Logographic
Language of origin Latin language
Greek language
Phonetic usage [x]
Unicode codepoint U+0058, U+0078
Alphabetical position 24


(speculated origin)

  • Χ χ
    • 𐌗
      • X x
Time period ~-700 to present
Descendants  • ×
 • ⨘
 • ⨉
 • ⨯
 • ✗
 • ☒
 • ꭓ
 • X̧
Sisters Х
Ⴕ ქ
Ⴟ ჯ
Variations (See below)
Other letters commonly used with x(x)
This article contains phonetic transcriptions in the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA). For an introductory guide on IPA symbols, see Help:IPA. For the distinction between [ ], / / and ⟨ ⟩, see IPA § Brackets and transcription delimiters.

X, or x, is the twenty-fourth and third-to-last letter in the Latin alphabet, used in the modern English alphabet, the alphabets of other western European languages and others worldwide. Its name in English is «ex» (pronounced ), plural exes.[2] X is regularly pronounced as «ks».


Greek Chi Etruscan
Chi uc lc.svg EtruscanX-01.svg

In Ancient Greek, ‘Χ’ and ‘Ψ’ were among several variants of the same letter, used originally for /kʰ/ and later, in western areas such as Arcadia, as a simplification of the digraph ‘ΧΣ’ for /ks/. In the end, more conservative eastern forms became the standard of Classical Greek, and thus ‘Χ’ (Chi) stood for /kʰ/ (later /x/; palatalized to [ç] in Modern Greek before front vowels). However, the Etruscans had taken over ‘Χ’ from western Greek, and it therefore stands for /ks/ in Etruscan and Latin.

The letter ‘Χ’ ~ ‘Ψ’ for /kʰ/ was a Greek addition to the alphabet, placed after the Semitic letters along with phi ‘Φ’ for /pʰ/.

Pronunciation and use

Pronunciations of Xx

Language Dialect(s) Pronunciation (IPA) Environment Notes
Afar /ɖ/
Albanian /dz/ xh=
Azeri /x/
Basque /ʃ/ tx=/tʃ/
Catalan /gz/
/ʃ/ Usually (word-initially, after consonants, i, au, eu, in some surnames such as Rexach)
Mandarin Chinese Standard Mandarin /ɕ/ In Pinyin latinization
Cou /ɨ/ ~ /ʉ/ Possibly the only case in the world of <x> used as a vowel.
Dutch /ks/ Usually Letter mainly used in loanwords
/s/ In Texel
English /gz/ Before a stressed vowel
/gʒ/ Only in luxury and derivatives
/h/ Don Quixote, Oaxaca, words derived from Classical Nahuatl/Nahuatl
/ks/ Usually; before an unstressed vowel
/kʃ/ Groups -xion(-), -xious(-), -xua-; in the word flexure
/z/ Word-initially
Esperanto in digraphs only cx, gx, hx, jx, sx, ux are used as substitutes for ĉ, ĝ, ĥ, ĵ, ŝ, ŭ where these characters are not available. See X-convention
French /gz/ Mainly in the prefix ex- followed by a vowel; sometimes word-initially
/ks/ Usually; in Aix- (prefix or name of several places)
/s/ In six (6), dix (10), Auxerre, and Bruxelles (Brussels)
silent Word-finally with no liaison
/z/ Word-finally with liaison; in sixième (6th) and dixième (10th)
Galician /(k)s/ Some words In learned loanwords
/ʃ/ Usually
German /ks/ Letter mainly used in loanwords
Indonesian /s/ In the beginning of a word Mainly used in loanwords for science
/ks/ In the middle or the end of a word, although words borrowed with the letter x in the middle or the end of a word are always replaced by the letters ‘ks’. For example, the word ‘maximum’ and ‘climax’ in Indonesian would be ‘maksimal’ and ‘klimaks’. Letter x on the middle or the end of a word only occurs in names.
Italian /ks/ Letter mainly used in learned loanwords
Kurdish /x/
Lao /ɕ/ Latinization
Leonese /ʃ/
Ligurian /ʒ/
Maltese /ʃ/
Mayan /ʃ/ Modern Romanization
Nahuatl /ʃ/
Nguni /ǁ/
Norwegian /ks/ Archaic
Oromo /tʼ/
Pirahã /ʔ/
Polish /ks~gz/
Portuguese /gz/ In the prefix hexa- («hexa-«)
/ks/ Some words Mainly in learned loanwords
/s/ When preceded by <e> and a consonant; some words
/ʃ/ Word-initially; in words derived from Tupi; usually
/z/ In the prefix ex- («ex-«) before a vowel
Sardinian /ʒ/
Sicilian /ʃ/ Pronunciation for Old Sicilian words See e.g. Craxi, Joppolo Giancaxio
/k(ə)s(ə)/ Pronunciations for loanwords
Somali /ħ/, /ʜ/
Spanish /(k)s/ Usually
/s/ Word-initially
/(t)ʃ/ In some names and words
Swedish /ks/
Uzbek /χ/
Venetian /s/ In Venexia «Venice»
/z/ Usually
Vietnamese /s/


In English orthography, ⟨x⟩ is typically pronounced as the voiceless consonant cluster when it follows the stressed vowel (e.g. ox), and the voiced consonant when it precedes the stressed vowel (e.g. exam). It is also pronounced when it precedes a silent ⟨h⟩ and a stressed vowel (e.g. exhaust).[3] Before ⟨a⟩, ⟨i⟩ or ⟨u⟩, it can be pronounced or (e.g. sexual and luxury); these result from earlier and . It also makes the sound in words ending in -xion (except for axion). When ⟨x⟩ ends a word, it is always (e.g. fax), except in loan words such as faux (see French, below).

There are very few English words that start with ⟨x⟩ (the fewest of any letter). When ⟨x⟩ does start a word, it is usually pronounced ‘z’ (e.g. xylophone, xenophobia, and xanthan). When starting in some names or as its own representation it is pronounced ‘eks’, in rare recent loanwords or foreign proper names, it can also be pronounced (e.g. the obsolete Vietnamese monetary unit xu) or (e.g. Chinese names starting with Xi like Xiaomi or Xinjiang). Many of the words that start with ⟨x⟩ are of Greek origin, or standardized trademarks (Xerox) or acronyms (XC). In abbreviations, it can represent «trans-» (e.g. XMIT for transmit, XFER for transfer), «cross-» (e.g. X-ing for crossing, XREF for cross-reference), «Christ-» (e.g. Xmas for Christmas, Xian for Christian), the «crys-» in crystal (XTAL), or various words starting with «ex-» (e.g. XL for extra large, XOR for exclusive-or, or the extinction symbol).

X is the third least frequently used letter in English (after ⟨q⟩ and ⟨z⟩), with a frequency of about 0.15% in words.[4]

Other languages

In Latin, ⟨x⟩ stood for [ks]. In some languages, as a result of assorted phonetic changes, handwriting adaptations or simply spelling convention, ⟨x⟩ has other pronunciations:

  • In Basque, ⟨x⟩ represents [ʃ]. Additionally there is the digraph ⟨tx⟩ [tʃ].
  • In Dutch, ⟨x⟩ usually represents [ks], except in the name of the island of Texel, which is pronounced Tessel. This is because of historical sound-changes in Dutch, where all /ks/ sounds have been replaced by /s/ sounds. Words with an ⟨x⟩ in the Dutch language are nowadays usually loanwords. In the Dutch-speaking part of Belgium, family names with ⟨x⟩ are not uncommon (e.g. Dierckx, Hendrickx, Koninckx, Sterckx, Vranckx).
  • In Norwegian, ⟨x⟩ is generally pronounced [ks], but since the 19th century, there has been a tendency to spell it out as ⟨ks⟩; it may still be retained in personal names, though it is fairly rare, and occurs mostly in foreign words and SMS language. Usage in Danish and Finnish is similar (while Swedish, on the other hand, makes frequent use of ⟨x⟩ in native words as well as in loanwords).
  • In German, generally pronounced [ks]; in native words, however, such as Ochs or wachsen, the cluster [ks] is often written ⟨chs⟩.
  • French: at the ends of words, silent (or [z] in liaison if the next word starts with a vowel). Three exceptions are pronounced [s]: six («six»), dix («ten») and in some city names such as Bruxelles (although some people pronounce it ‘ks’) or Auxerre; it is fully pronounced [ks] in Aix, the name of several towns. It is pronounced [z] in sixième and dixième. Otherwise [ks] or (primarily in words beginning with ex- followed by a vowel) [ɡz].
  • In Italian, ⟨x⟩ is either pronounced [ks], as in extra, uxorio, xilofono,[5] or [ɡz], as exogamia, when it is preceded by ⟨e⟩ and followed by a vowel. In several related languages, notably Venetian, it represents the voiced sibilant [z]. It is also used, mainly amongst the young people, as a short written form for «per», meaning «for»: for example, «x sempre» («forever»). This is because in Italian the multiplication sign (similar to ⟨x⟩) is called «per». However, ⟨x⟩ is found only in loanwords, as it is not part of the standard Italian alphabet; in most words with ⟨x⟩, this letter may be replaced with ‘s’ or ‘ss’ (with different pronunciation: xilofono/silofono, taxi/tassì) or, rarely, by ‘cs’ (with the same pronunciation: claxon/clacson).
  • In Old Spanish, ⟨x⟩ was pronounced [ʃ], as it is still currently in other Iberian Romance languages. Later, the sound evolved to a hard [x] sound. In modern Spanish, due to a spelling reform, whenever ⟨x⟩ is used for the [x] sound it has been replaced with ⟨j⟩, including in words that originally had ⟨x⟩ such as ejemplo or ejercicio, though ⟨x⟩ is still retained for some names (notably ‘México’, even though ‘Méjico’ may sometimes be used in Spain). Presently, ⟨x⟩ represents the sound [s] (word-initially), or the consonant cluster [ks] (e.g. oxígeno, examen). Rarely, it can be pronounced [ʃ] as in Old Spanish in some proper nouns such as ‘Raxel’ (a variant of Rachel) and Uxmal.
  • In Galician and Leonese, ⟨x⟩ is pronounced [ʃ] in most cases (often used in place of etymological g or j). The pronunciation [ks] occurs in learned words, such as ‘taxativo‘ (taxing). However, Galician speakers tend to pronounce it [s], especially when it appears before plosives, such as in ‘externo‘ (external).
  • In Catalan, ⟨x⟩ has three sounds; the most common is [ʃ]; as in ‘xarop’ (syrup). Other sounds are: [ks]; ‘fixar’ (to fix), [ɡz]; ‘examen’. In addition, [ʃ] gets voiced to [ʒ] before voiced consonants; ‘caixmir’. Catalan also has the digraph ⟨tx⟩, pronounced [tʃ].
  • In Portuguese, ⟨x⟩ has four main sounds; the most common is [ʃ], as in ‘xícara’ (cup). The other sounds are: [ks] as in ‘flexão’ (flexion); [s], when preceded by E and followed by a consonant, as in ‘contexto’ ([ʃ] in European Portuguese), and in a small number of other words, such as ‘próximo’ (close/next); and (the rarest) [z], which occurs in the prefix ‘ex-‘ before a vowel, as in ‘exagerado’ (exaggerated). A rare fifth sound is [ɡz], coexisting with [z] and [ks] as acceptable pronunciations in exantema and in words with the Greek prefix ‘hexa-‘.
  • In Sardinian and Ligurian, X represents [ʒ].
  • In Venetian, it represents the voiced alveolar sibilant [z] much like in Portuguese ‘exagerado’, English ‘xylophone’ or in the French ‘sixième’. Examples from medieval texts include raxon (reason), prexon (prison), dexerto (desert), chaxa or caxa (home). Nowadays, the best-known word is xe (is/are). The most notable exception to this rule is the name Venexia [veˈnɛsja] in which ⟨x⟩ has evolved from the initial voiced sibilant [z] to the present day voiceless sibilant.
  • In Albanian, ⟨x⟩ represents [dz], while the digraph ⟨xh⟩ represents [dʒ].
  • In Maltese, ⟨x⟩ is pronounced [ʃ] or, in some cases, [ʒ] (only in loanwords such as ‘televixin’, and not for all speakers).
  • In Polish, ⟨x⟩ was used prior to 19th century both in loanwords and native words and was pronounced [ks] or [ɡz], e.g. xiążę, xięstwo (now książę, księstwo). Later was replaced by ⟨ks⟩ and ⟨gz⟩ in almost all words and remained only in a few loanwords as ‘xenia’ (xenien), surnames as Axentowicz, Jaxa, Koxowski, Mixtacki, Rexemowski, Xiężopolski, names as Xawery, Xymena and abbreviations.

Additionally, in languages for which the Latin alphabet has been adapted only recently, ⟨x⟩ has been used for various sounds, in some cases inspired by European usage, but in others, for consonants uncommon in Europe. For these no Latin letter stands out as an obvious choice, and since most of the various European pronunciations of ⟨x⟩ can be written by other means, the letter becomes available for more unusual sounds.

  • ⟨x⟩ represents [x] (voiceless velar fricative) in e.g. Azerbaijani, Kurdish (Hawar alphabet), Georgian (when Latinized), Lojban, Pashto (when Latinized), Tatar (Jaꞑalif, Zamanälif, official romanization of 2012), Uzbek, and Uyghur (Latin script).
  • Esperanto: The x-convention replaces ⟨ĉ⟩, ⟨ĝ⟩, ⟨ĥ⟩, ⟨ĵ⟩, ⟨ŝ⟩, and ⟨ŭ⟩ with x-suffixes: ⟨cx⟩, ⟨gx⟩, ⟨hx⟩, ⟨jx⟩, ⟨sx⟩, and ⟨ux⟩.
  • In transliteration of Indian languages, primarily Indo-Aryan languages, ⟨x⟩ represents the consonant cluster [kʃ] in alternate spellings of words containing ‘क्ष’ (kṣ), especially names such as Laxmi and Dixit. Less frequently, ⟨x⟩ is used to represent ‘ख़’ [x].
  • In Apache ⟨x⟩ represents [x]
  • In Nahuatl, ⟨x⟩ represents [ʃ].
  • In Nguni languages, ⟨x⟩ represents the alveolar lateral click [ǁ].
  • In Pirahã, ⟨x⟩ symbolizes the glottal stop [ʔ].
  • An illustrating example of «x» as a «leftover» letter is differing usage in three different Cushitic languages:
    • Afar: voiced alveolar implosive [ɗ]
    • Oromo: alveolar ejective [tʼ]
    • Somali: voiceless pharyngeal fricative [ħ]
  • In East and Southeast Asia:
    • In Lao, based on romanization of Lao consonants, ⟨x⟩ may represent [ɕ], e.g. in Lan Xang.
    • In Vietnamese, ⟨x⟩ is pronounced like English ⟨s⟩ (at the beginning of a word, e.g. «sing»). This sound was [ɕ] in Middle Vietnamese, resembling the Portuguese sound /ʃ/, spelled ⟨x⟩.
    • In Hanyu Pinyin, Standard Chinese’s official transcription system in China, Malaysia, Singapore, and Taiwan, the letter ⟨x⟩ represents the voiceless alveolo-palatal fricative /ɕ/, for instance in ‘Xi’, [ɕi].

Other systems

In the International Phonetic Alphabet, ⟨x⟩ represents a voiceless velar fricative.

Other uses

In mathematics, x is commonly used as the name for an independent variable or unknown value. The modern tradition of using x, y and z to represent an unknown (incognita) was introduced by René Descartes in La Géométrie (1637).[6] As a result of its use in algebra, X is often used to represent unknowns in other circumstances (e.g. X-rays, Generation X, The X-Files, and The Man from Planet X; see also Malcolm X).

On some identification documents, the letter X represents a non-binary gender, where F means female and M means male.[7][8]

In the Cartesian coordinate system, x is used to refer to the horizontal axis.

It is also sometimes used as a typographic approximation for the multiplication sign, ×. In mathematical typesetting, x meaning an algebraic variable is normally in italic type (x!), partly to avoid confusion with the multiplication symbol. In fonts containing both x (the letter) and × (the multiplication sign), the two glyphs are dissimilar.

It can be used as an abbreviation for ‘between’ in the context of historical dating; e.g., ‘1483 x 1485’.

Maps and other images sometimes use an X to label a specific location, leading to the expression «X marks the spot».[9]

The Roman numeral X represents the number 10.[10][11]

The Suzhou numeral 〤 represents the number 4.

In art or fashion, the use of X indicates a collaboration by two or more artists, e.g. Aaron Koblin x Takashi Kawashima. This application, which originated in Japan, now extends to other kinds of collaboration outside the art world.[12] This usage mimics the use of a similar mark in denoting botanical hybrids, for which scientifically the multiplication × is used, but informally a lowercase «x» is also used.

At the end of a letter or other correspondence, ‘x’ can mean a kiss;[13] the earliest example of this usage cited by the Oxford English Dictionary is from 1878.[14]

An X rating denotes media such as movies that are intended for adults only.

Descendants and related characters in the Latin alphabet

  • X with diacritics: Ẍ ẍ Ẋ ẋ X̂ x̂ ᶍ[15]
  • IPA-specific symbols related to X: χ
  • Teuthonista phonetic transcription-specific symbols related to X:[16]
  • ˣ : Modifier letter small x is used for phonetic transcription
  • ₓ : Subscript small x is used in Indo-European studies[17]

Ancestors and siblings in other alphabets

  • Χ χ : Greek letter Chi, from which the following derive:
    • Х х : Cyrillic letter Kha
    • Ⲭ ⲭ : Coptic letter Khe, which derives from Greek Chi
    • 𐍇 : Gothic letter enguz, which derives from Greek Chi
    • 𐌗 : Old Italic X, which derives from Greek Chi, and is the ancestor of modern Latin X
      •  : Runic letter Gyfu, which may derive from old Italic X
  • Ξ ξ : Greek letter Xi, which was used in place of Chi in the Eastern (and the modern) Greek alphabets


Computing codes

Character information

Preview X x
Encodings decimal hex dec hex
Unicode 88 U+0058 120 U+0078
UTF-8 88 58 120 78
Numeric character reference X X x x
EBCDIC family 231 E7 167 A7
ASCII 1 88 58 120 78
1 Also for encodings based on ASCII, including the DOS, Windows, ISO-8859 and Macintosh families of encodings.

In the C programming language, «x» preceded by zero (as in 0x or 0X) is used to denote hexadecimal literal values.

X is commonly used as a prefix term in nouns related to the X Window System and Unix.[2]

Other representations

See also

  • X mark
  • X.com


  1. ^ as in the English word luxurious
  2. ^ a b «X», Oxford English Dictionary, 2nd edition (1989); Merriam-Webster’s Third New International Dictionary of the English Language, Unabridged (1993); «ex», op. cit.
  3. ^ Venezky, Richard (1 January 1970). The Structure of English Orthography. The Hague: Walter de Gruyter. p. 40. ISBN 978-3-11-080447-8. Archived from the original on 27 April 2017. Retrieved 29 October 2016.
  4. ^ Mička, Pavel. «Letter frequency (English)». Algoritmy.net. Archived from the original on 4 March 2021. Retrieved 9 February 2014.
  5. ^ «Dizionario di ortografia e pronunzia» [Dictionary of Spelling and Pronunciation]. Dizionario di ortografia e pronunzia (in Italian). Archived from the original on 16 April 2018. Retrieved 9 February 2014.
  6. ^ Cajori, Florian (1928). A History of Mathematical Notations. Chicago: Open Court Publishing. p. 381. ISBN 9780486161167. Archived from the original on 2021-04-13. Retrieved 2020-11-22. See History of algebra.
  7. ^ Holme, Ingrid (2008). «Hearing People’s Own Stories». Science as Culture. 17 (3): 341–344. doi:10.1080/09505430802280784. S2CID 143528047.
  8. ^ «New Zealand Passports — Information about Changing Sex / Gender Identity». Archived from the original on 23 September 2014. Retrieved 6 October 2014.
  9. ^ «X marks the spot». Archived from the original on 4 June 2016. Retrieved 21 June 2016.
  10. ^ Gordon, Arthur E. (1983). Illustrated Introduction to Latin Epigraphy. University of California Press. p. 44. ISBN 9780520038981. Retrieved 3 October 2015. roman numerals.
  11. ^ King, David A. (2001). The Ciphers of the Monks. p. 282. ISBN 9783515076401. Archived from the original on 2021-01-04. Retrieved 2020-11-22. In the course of time, I, V and X became identical with three letters of the alphabet; originally, however, they bore no relation to these letters.
  12. ^ «X: Mark of Collaboration — Issue No. 0053X — Arkitip, Inc». arkitip.com. Archived from the original on 2016-05-17. Retrieved 2016-03-22.
  13. ^ Epstein, Nadine (2020-10-07). «A whole lot of history behind ‘x’ and ‘o’, kiss and hug». The Washington Post. Archived from the original on 2018-04-01. Retrieved 2021-03-12.
  14. ^ «X, n.» OED Online (Oxford: Oxford University Press, September 2022), §6. Accessed 11 November 2022.
  15. ^ Constable, Peter (2004-04-19). «L2/04-132 Proposal to add additional phonetic characters to the UCS» (PDF). Archived (PDF) from the original on 2017-10-11. Retrieved 2018-03-24.
  16. ^ Everson, Michael; Dicklberger, Alois; Pentzlin, Karl; Wandl-Vogt, Eveline (2011-06-02). «L2/11-202: Revised proposal to encode «Teuthonista» phonetic characters in the UCS» (PDF). Archived (PDF) from the original on 2017-10-11. Retrieved 2018-03-24.
  17. ^ Anderson, Deborah; Everson, Michael (2004-06-07). «L2/04-191: Proposal to encode six Indo-Europeanist phonetic characters in the UCS» (PDF). Archived (PDF) from the original on 2017-10-11. Retrieved 2018-03-24.

External links

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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Not to be confused with ℵ.

X x
(See below)
Writing cursive forms of X
Writing system Latin script
Type Alphabetic and Logographic
Language of origin Latin language
Greek language
Phonetic usage [x]
Unicode codepoint U+0058, U+0078
Alphabetical position 24


(speculated origin)

  • Χ χ
    • 𐌗
      • X x
Time period ~-700 to present
Descendants  • ×
 • ⨘
 • ⨉
 • ⨯
 • ✗
 • ☒
 • ꭓ
 • X̧
Sisters Х
Ⴕ ქ
Ⴟ ჯ
Variations (See below)
Other letters commonly used with x(x)
This article contains phonetic transcriptions in the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA). For an introductory guide on IPA symbols, see Help:IPA. For the distinction between [ ], / / and ⟨ ⟩, see IPA § Brackets and transcription delimiters.

X, or x, is the twenty-fourth and third-to-last letter in the Latin alphabet, used in the modern English alphabet, the alphabets of other western European languages and others worldwide. Its name in English is «ex» (pronounced ), plural exes.[2] X is regularly pronounced as «ks».


Greek Chi Etruscan
Chi uc lc.svg EtruscanX-01.svg

In Ancient Greek, ‘Χ’ and ‘Ψ’ were among several variants of the same letter, used originally for /kʰ/ and later, in western areas such as Arcadia, as a simplification of the digraph ‘ΧΣ’ for /ks/. In the end, more conservative eastern forms became the standard of Classical Greek, and thus ‘Χ’ (Chi) stood for /kʰ/ (later /x/; palatalized to [ç] in Modern Greek before front vowels). However, the Etruscans had taken over ‘Χ’ from western Greek, and it therefore stands for /ks/ in Etruscan and Latin.

The letter ‘Χ’ ~ ‘Ψ’ for /kʰ/ was a Greek addition to the alphabet, placed after the Semitic letters along with phi ‘Φ’ for /pʰ/.

Pronunciation and use

Pronunciations of Xx

Language Dialect(s) Pronunciation (IPA) Environment Notes
Afar /ɖ/
Albanian /dz/ xh=
Azeri /x/
Basque /ʃ/ tx=/tʃ/
Catalan /gz/
/ʃ/ Usually (word-initially, after consonants, i, au, eu, in some surnames such as Rexach)
Mandarin Chinese Standard Mandarin /ɕ/ In Pinyin latinization
Cou /ɨ/ ~ /ʉ/ Possibly the only case in the world of <x> used as a vowel.
Dutch /ks/ Usually Letter mainly used in loanwords
/s/ In Texel
English /gz/ Before a stressed vowel
/gʒ/ Only in luxury and derivatives
/h/ Don Quixote, Oaxaca, words derived from Classical Nahuatl/Nahuatl
/ks/ Usually; before an unstressed vowel
/kʃ/ Groups -xion(-), -xious(-), -xua-; in the word flexure
/z/ Word-initially
Esperanto in digraphs only cx, gx, hx, jx, sx, ux are used as substitutes for ĉ, ĝ, ĥ, ĵ, ŝ, ŭ where these characters are not available. See X-convention
French /gz/ Mainly in the prefix ex- followed by a vowel; sometimes word-initially
/ks/ Usually; in Aix- (prefix or name of several places)
/s/ In six (6), dix (10), Auxerre, and Bruxelles (Brussels)
silent Word-finally with no liaison
/z/ Word-finally with liaison; in sixième (6th) and dixième (10th)
Galician /(k)s/ Some words In learned loanwords
/ʃ/ Usually
German /ks/ Letter mainly used in loanwords
Indonesian /s/ In the beginning of a word Mainly used in loanwords for science
/ks/ In the middle or the end of a word, although words borrowed with the letter x in the middle or the end of a word are always replaced by the letters ‘ks’. For example, the word ‘maximum’ and ‘climax’ in Indonesian would be ‘maksimal’ and ‘klimaks’. Letter x on the middle or the end of a word only occurs in names.
Italian /ks/ Letter mainly used in learned loanwords
Kurdish /x/
Lao /ɕ/ Latinization
Leonese /ʃ/
Ligurian /ʒ/
Maltese /ʃ/
Mayan /ʃ/ Modern Romanization
Nahuatl /ʃ/
Nguni /ǁ/
Norwegian /ks/ Archaic
Oromo /tʼ/
Pirahã /ʔ/
Polish /ks~gz/
Portuguese /gz/ In the prefix hexa- («hexa-«)
/ks/ Some words Mainly in learned loanwords
/s/ When preceded by <e> and a consonant; some words
/ʃ/ Word-initially; in words derived from Tupi; usually
/z/ In the prefix ex- («ex-«) before a vowel
Sardinian /ʒ/
Sicilian /ʃ/ Pronunciation for Old Sicilian words See e.g. Craxi, Joppolo Giancaxio
/k(ə)s(ə)/ Pronunciations for loanwords
Somali /ħ/, /ʜ/
Spanish /(k)s/ Usually
/s/ Word-initially
/(t)ʃ/ In some names and words
Swedish /ks/
Uzbek /χ/
Venetian /s/ In Venexia «Venice»
/z/ Usually
Vietnamese /s/


In English orthography, ⟨x⟩ is typically pronounced as the voiceless consonant cluster when it follows the stressed vowel (e.g. ox), and the voiced consonant when it precedes the stressed vowel (e.g. exam). It is also pronounced when it precedes a silent ⟨h⟩ and a stressed vowel (e.g. exhaust).[3] Before ⟨a⟩, ⟨i⟩ or ⟨u⟩, it can be pronounced or (e.g. sexual and luxury); these result from earlier and . It also makes the sound in words ending in -xion (except for axion). When ⟨x⟩ ends a word, it is always (e.g. fax), except in loan words such as faux (see French, below).

There are very few English words that start with ⟨x⟩ (the fewest of any letter). When ⟨x⟩ does start a word, it is usually pronounced ‘z’ (e.g. xylophone, xenophobia, and xanthan). When starting in some names or as its own representation it is pronounced ‘eks’, in rare recent loanwords or foreign proper names, it can also be pronounced (e.g. the obsolete Vietnamese monetary unit xu) or (e.g. Chinese names starting with Xi like Xiaomi or Xinjiang). Many of the words that start with ⟨x⟩ are of Greek origin, or standardized trademarks (Xerox) or acronyms (XC). In abbreviations, it can represent «trans-» (e.g. XMIT for transmit, XFER for transfer), «cross-» (e.g. X-ing for crossing, XREF for cross-reference), «Christ-» (e.g. Xmas for Christmas, Xian for Christian), the «crys-» in crystal (XTAL), or various words starting with «ex-» (e.g. XL for extra large, XOR for exclusive-or, or the extinction symbol).

X is the third least frequently used letter in English (after ⟨q⟩ and ⟨z⟩), with a frequency of about 0.15% in words.[4]

Other languages

In Latin, ⟨x⟩ stood for [ks]. In some languages, as a result of assorted phonetic changes, handwriting adaptations or simply spelling convention, ⟨x⟩ has other pronunciations:

  • In Basque, ⟨x⟩ represents [ʃ]. Additionally there is the digraph ⟨tx⟩ [tʃ].
  • In Dutch, ⟨x⟩ usually represents [ks], except in the name of the island of Texel, which is pronounced Tessel. This is because of historical sound-changes in Dutch, where all /ks/ sounds have been replaced by /s/ sounds. Words with an ⟨x⟩ in the Dutch language are nowadays usually loanwords. In the Dutch-speaking part of Belgium, family names with ⟨x⟩ are not uncommon (e.g. Dierckx, Hendrickx, Koninckx, Sterckx, Vranckx).
  • In Norwegian, ⟨x⟩ is generally pronounced [ks], but since the 19th century, there has been a tendency to spell it out as ⟨ks⟩; it may still be retained in personal names, though it is fairly rare, and occurs mostly in foreign words and SMS language. Usage in Danish and Finnish is similar (while Swedish, on the other hand, makes frequent use of ⟨x⟩ in native words as well as in loanwords).
  • In German, generally pronounced [ks]; in native words, however, such as Ochs or wachsen, the cluster [ks] is often written ⟨chs⟩.
  • French: at the ends of words, silent (or [z] in liaison if the next word starts with a vowel). Three exceptions are pronounced [s]: six («six»), dix («ten») and in some city names such as Bruxelles (although some people pronounce it ‘ks’) or Auxerre; it is fully pronounced [ks] in Aix, the name of several towns. It is pronounced [z] in sixième and dixième. Otherwise [ks] or (primarily in words beginning with ex- followed by a vowel) [ɡz].
  • In Italian, ⟨x⟩ is either pronounced [ks], as in extra, uxorio, xilofono,[5] or [ɡz], as exogamia, when it is preceded by ⟨e⟩ and followed by a vowel. In several related languages, notably Venetian, it represents the voiced sibilant [z]. It is also used, mainly amongst the young people, as a short written form for «per», meaning «for»: for example, «x sempre» («forever»). This is because in Italian the multiplication sign (similar to ⟨x⟩) is called «per». However, ⟨x⟩ is found only in loanwords, as it is not part of the standard Italian alphabet; in most words with ⟨x⟩, this letter may be replaced with ‘s’ or ‘ss’ (with different pronunciation: xilofono/silofono, taxi/tassì) or, rarely, by ‘cs’ (with the same pronunciation: claxon/clacson).
  • In Old Spanish, ⟨x⟩ was pronounced [ʃ], as it is still currently in other Iberian Romance languages. Later, the sound evolved to a hard [x] sound. In modern Spanish, due to a spelling reform, whenever ⟨x⟩ is used for the [x] sound it has been replaced with ⟨j⟩, including in words that originally had ⟨x⟩ such as ejemplo or ejercicio, though ⟨x⟩ is still retained for some names (notably ‘México’, even though ‘Méjico’ may sometimes be used in Spain). Presently, ⟨x⟩ represents the sound [s] (word-initially), or the consonant cluster [ks] (e.g. oxígeno, examen). Rarely, it can be pronounced [ʃ] as in Old Spanish in some proper nouns such as ‘Raxel’ (a variant of Rachel) and Uxmal.
  • In Galician and Leonese, ⟨x⟩ is pronounced [ʃ] in most cases (often used in place of etymological g or j). The pronunciation [ks] occurs in learned words, such as ‘taxativo‘ (taxing). However, Galician speakers tend to pronounce it [s], especially when it appears before plosives, such as in ‘externo‘ (external).
  • In Catalan, ⟨x⟩ has three sounds; the most common is [ʃ]; as in ‘xarop’ (syrup). Other sounds are: [ks]; ‘fixar’ (to fix), [ɡz]; ‘examen’. In addition, [ʃ] gets voiced to [ʒ] before voiced consonants; ‘caixmir’. Catalan also has the digraph ⟨tx⟩, pronounced [tʃ].
  • In Portuguese, ⟨x⟩ has four main sounds; the most common is [ʃ], as in ‘xícara’ (cup). The other sounds are: [ks] as in ‘flexão’ (flexion); [s], when preceded by E and followed by a consonant, as in ‘contexto’ ([ʃ] in European Portuguese), and in a small number of other words, such as ‘próximo’ (close/next); and (the rarest) [z], which occurs in the prefix ‘ex-‘ before a vowel, as in ‘exagerado’ (exaggerated). A rare fifth sound is [ɡz], coexisting with [z] and [ks] as acceptable pronunciations in exantema and in words with the Greek prefix ‘hexa-‘.
  • In Sardinian and Ligurian, X represents [ʒ].
  • In Venetian, it represents the voiced alveolar sibilant [z] much like in Portuguese ‘exagerado’, English ‘xylophone’ or in the French ‘sixième’. Examples from medieval texts include raxon (reason), prexon (prison), dexerto (desert), chaxa or caxa (home). Nowadays, the best-known word is xe (is/are). The most notable exception to this rule is the name Venexia [veˈnɛsja] in which ⟨x⟩ has evolved from the initial voiced sibilant [z] to the present day voiceless sibilant.
  • In Albanian, ⟨x⟩ represents [dz], while the digraph ⟨xh⟩ represents [dʒ].
  • In Maltese, ⟨x⟩ is pronounced [ʃ] or, in some cases, [ʒ] (only in loanwords such as ‘televixin’, and not for all speakers).
  • In Polish, ⟨x⟩ was used prior to 19th century both in loanwords and native words and was pronounced [ks] or [ɡz], e.g. xiążę, xięstwo (now książę, księstwo). Later was replaced by ⟨ks⟩ and ⟨gz⟩ in almost all words and remained only in a few loanwords as ‘xenia’ (xenien), surnames as Axentowicz, Jaxa, Koxowski, Mixtacki, Rexemowski, Xiężopolski, names as Xawery, Xymena and abbreviations.

Additionally, in languages for which the Latin alphabet has been adapted only recently, ⟨x⟩ has been used for various sounds, in some cases inspired by European usage, but in others, for consonants uncommon in Europe. For these no Latin letter stands out as an obvious choice, and since most of the various European pronunciations of ⟨x⟩ can be written by other means, the letter becomes available for more unusual sounds.

  • ⟨x⟩ represents [x] (voiceless velar fricative) in e.g. Azerbaijani, Kurdish (Hawar alphabet), Georgian (when Latinized), Lojban, Pashto (when Latinized), Tatar (Jaꞑalif, Zamanälif, official romanization of 2012), Uzbek, and Uyghur (Latin script).
  • Esperanto: The x-convention replaces ⟨ĉ⟩, ⟨ĝ⟩, ⟨ĥ⟩, ⟨ĵ⟩, ⟨ŝ⟩, and ⟨ŭ⟩ with x-suffixes: ⟨cx⟩, ⟨gx⟩, ⟨hx⟩, ⟨jx⟩, ⟨sx⟩, and ⟨ux⟩.
  • In transliteration of Indian languages, primarily Indo-Aryan languages, ⟨x⟩ represents the consonant cluster [kʃ] in alternate spellings of words containing ‘क्ष’ (kṣ), especially names such as Laxmi and Dixit. Less frequently, ⟨x⟩ is used to represent ‘ख़’ [x].
  • In Apache ⟨x⟩ represents [x]
  • In Nahuatl, ⟨x⟩ represents [ʃ].
  • In Nguni languages, ⟨x⟩ represents the alveolar lateral click [ǁ].
  • In Pirahã, ⟨x⟩ symbolizes the glottal stop [ʔ].
  • An illustrating example of «x» as a «leftover» letter is differing usage in three different Cushitic languages:
    • Afar: voiced alveolar implosive [ɗ]
    • Oromo: alveolar ejective [tʼ]
    • Somali: voiceless pharyngeal fricative [ħ]
  • In East and Southeast Asia:
    • In Lao, based on romanization of Lao consonants, ⟨x⟩ may represent [ɕ], e.g. in Lan Xang.
    • In Vietnamese, ⟨x⟩ is pronounced like English ⟨s⟩ (at the beginning of a word, e.g. «sing»). This sound was [ɕ] in Middle Vietnamese, resembling the Portuguese sound /ʃ/, spelled ⟨x⟩.
    • In Hanyu Pinyin, Standard Chinese’s official transcription system in China, Malaysia, Singapore, and Taiwan, the letter ⟨x⟩ represents the voiceless alveolo-palatal fricative /ɕ/, for instance in ‘Xi’, [ɕi].

Other systems

In the International Phonetic Alphabet, ⟨x⟩ represents a voiceless velar fricative.

Other uses

In mathematics, x is commonly used as the name for an independent variable or unknown value. The modern tradition of using x, y and z to represent an unknown (incognita) was introduced by René Descartes in La Géométrie (1637).[6] As a result of its use in algebra, X is often used to represent unknowns in other circumstances (e.g. X-rays, Generation X, The X-Files, and The Man from Planet X; see also Malcolm X).

On some identification documents, the letter X represents a non-binary gender, where F means female and M means male.[7][8]

In the Cartesian coordinate system, x is used to refer to the horizontal axis.

It is also sometimes used as a typographic approximation for the multiplication sign, ×. In mathematical typesetting, x meaning an algebraic variable is normally in italic type (x!), partly to avoid confusion with the multiplication symbol. In fonts containing both x (the letter) and × (the multiplication sign), the two glyphs are dissimilar.

It can be used as an abbreviation for ‘between’ in the context of historical dating; e.g., ‘1483 x 1485’.

Maps and other images sometimes use an X to label a specific location, leading to the expression «X marks the spot».[9]

The Roman numeral X represents the number 10.[10][11]

The Suzhou numeral 〤 represents the number 4.

In art or fashion, the use of X indicates a collaboration by two or more artists, e.g. Aaron Koblin x Takashi Kawashima. This application, which originated in Japan, now extends to other kinds of collaboration outside the art world.[12] This usage mimics the use of a similar mark in denoting botanical hybrids, for which scientifically the multiplication × is used, but informally a lowercase «x» is also used.

At the end of a letter or other correspondence, ‘x’ can mean a kiss;[13] the earliest example of this usage cited by the Oxford English Dictionary is from 1878.[14]

An X rating denotes media such as movies that are intended for adults only.

Descendants and related characters in the Latin alphabet

  • X with diacritics: Ẍ ẍ Ẋ ẋ X̂ x̂ ᶍ[15]
  • IPA-specific symbols related to X: χ
  • Teuthonista phonetic transcription-specific symbols related to X:[16]
  • ˣ : Modifier letter small x is used for phonetic transcription
  • ₓ : Subscript small x is used in Indo-European studies[17]

Ancestors and siblings in other alphabets

  • Χ χ : Greek letter Chi, from which the following derive:
    • Х х : Cyrillic letter Kha
    • Ⲭ ⲭ : Coptic letter Khe, which derives from Greek Chi
    • 𐍇 : Gothic letter enguz, which derives from Greek Chi
    • 𐌗 : Old Italic X, which derives from Greek Chi, and is the ancestor of modern Latin X
      •  : Runic letter Gyfu, which may derive from old Italic X
  • Ξ ξ : Greek letter Xi, which was used in place of Chi in the Eastern (and the modern) Greek alphabets


Computing codes

Character information

Preview X x
Encodings decimal hex dec hex
Unicode 88 U+0058 120 U+0078
UTF-8 88 58 120 78
Numeric character reference X X x x
EBCDIC family 231 E7 167 A7
ASCII 1 88 58 120 78
1 Also for encodings based on ASCII, including the DOS, Windows, ISO-8859 and Macintosh families of encodings.

In the C programming language, «x» preceded by zero (as in 0x or 0X) is used to denote hexadecimal literal values.

X is commonly used as a prefix term in nouns related to the X Window System and Unix.[2]

Other representations

See also

  • X mark
  • X.com


  1. ^ as in the English word luxurious
  2. ^ a b «X», Oxford English Dictionary, 2nd edition (1989); Merriam-Webster’s Third New International Dictionary of the English Language, Unabridged (1993); «ex», op. cit.
  3. ^ Venezky, Richard (1 January 1970). The Structure of English Orthography. The Hague: Walter de Gruyter. p. 40. ISBN 978-3-11-080447-8. Archived from the original on 27 April 2017. Retrieved 29 October 2016.
  4. ^ Mička, Pavel. «Letter frequency (English)». Algoritmy.net. Archived from the original on 4 March 2021. Retrieved 9 February 2014.
  5. ^ «Dizionario di ortografia e pronunzia» [Dictionary of Spelling and Pronunciation]. Dizionario di ortografia e pronunzia (in Italian). Archived from the original on 16 April 2018. Retrieved 9 February 2014.
  6. ^ Cajori, Florian (1928). A History of Mathematical Notations. Chicago: Open Court Publishing. p. 381. ISBN 9780486161167. Archived from the original on 2021-04-13. Retrieved 2020-11-22. See History of algebra.
  7. ^ Holme, Ingrid (2008). «Hearing People’s Own Stories». Science as Culture. 17 (3): 341–344. doi:10.1080/09505430802280784. S2CID 143528047.
  8. ^ «New Zealand Passports — Information about Changing Sex / Gender Identity». Archived from the original on 23 September 2014. Retrieved 6 October 2014.
  9. ^ «X marks the spot». Archived from the original on 4 June 2016. Retrieved 21 June 2016.
  10. ^ Gordon, Arthur E. (1983). Illustrated Introduction to Latin Epigraphy. University of California Press. p. 44. ISBN 9780520038981. Retrieved 3 October 2015. roman numerals.
  11. ^ King, David A. (2001). The Ciphers of the Monks. p. 282. ISBN 9783515076401. Archived from the original on 2021-01-04. Retrieved 2020-11-22. In the course of time, I, V and X became identical with three letters of the alphabet; originally, however, they bore no relation to these letters.
  12. ^ «X: Mark of Collaboration — Issue No. 0053X — Arkitip, Inc». arkitip.com. Archived from the original on 2016-05-17. Retrieved 2016-03-22.
  13. ^ Epstein, Nadine (2020-10-07). «A whole lot of history behind ‘x’ and ‘o’, kiss and hug». The Washington Post. Archived from the original on 2018-04-01. Retrieved 2021-03-12.
  14. ^ «X, n.» OED Online (Oxford: Oxford University Press, September 2022), §6. Accessed 11 November 2022.
  15. ^ Constable, Peter (2004-04-19). «L2/04-132 Proposal to add additional phonetic characters to the UCS» (PDF). Archived (PDF) from the original on 2017-10-11. Retrieved 2018-03-24.
  16. ^ Everson, Michael; Dicklberger, Alois; Pentzlin, Karl; Wandl-Vogt, Eveline (2011-06-02). «L2/11-202: Revised proposal to encode «Teuthonista» phonetic characters in the UCS» (PDF). Archived (PDF) from the original on 2017-10-11. Retrieved 2018-03-24.
  17. ^ Anderson, Deborah; Everson, Michael (2004-06-07). «L2/04-191: Proposal to encode six Indo-Europeanist phonetic characters in the UCS» (PDF). Archived (PDF) from the original on 2017-10-11. Retrieved 2018-03-24.

External links

У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. X.

Буква латиницы X


Latin letter X.svg

T U V W X Y Z [
t u v w x y z { |
Название Xlatin capital letter x
xlatin small letter x
Юникод X: U+0058
x: U+0078
HTML-код X‎: X или X
x‎: x или x
UTF-16 X‎: 0x58
x‎: 0x78
URL-код X: %58
x: %78

X, x (лат. «икс») — 24-я буква базового латинского алфавита. В английском алфавите называется экс [ɛks]. В других алфавитах у этой буквы встречаются и другие названия.

В римской системе счисления обозначает число 10.

Буквой X часто обозначают неизвестное значение или неизвестный объект (в математике, литературе, разговорной речи).

В польском, финском, румынском и ряде других языков эта буква используется только в заимствованных словах.

Является 32-й буквой албанского алфавита, обозначает звук [d͡z] и называется дза (алб.  [d͡zə]).

Латинская буква X произошла от греческой кси (Ξ, ξ)[1].


  • В электротехнике буквой X обозначают реактивное сопротивление.
  • В механике строчная x является обозначением положения тела.
  • В математике — обозначение оси абсцисс. Также является популярным обозначением неизвестной переменной (например, в уравнениях). Традиция использовать x, y и z для обозначения неизвестных переменных восходит к Геометрии Декарта (1637 год)[2].
  • В пиньине означает мягкий звук [ɕ].
  • Во вьетнамской латинице означает звук [s].
  • В некоторых языках (например, в испанском и азербайджанском), а также в международном фонетическом алфавите может означать звук, обозначаемый в русском языке буквой Х (ха).
  • В автопроме: Обозначение полного привода в ряде марок автомобилей.
Xx Xx Xx Xx
Название по-русски: икс.
Код НАТО: X-ray (/ˈeksˈrei/, [э́ксрэй]).
Азбука Морзе: −··− 

Шрифт Брайля

  X в семафорной азбуке
 X в морском коде
Флаги международного свода сигналов
X в американском языке жестов

См. также

  • Список латинских букв
  • Икс, Жаки
  • Мистер Икс
  • Гражданин X — фильм о серийном убийце Андрее Чикатило
  • Формат X файла — файловый формат для описания информации о 3D-объекте
  • XXX
  • «X-files» — телесериал
  • X-Men
  • X Window System — оконная система для растровых дисплеев.
  • «X» — манга и аниме
  • X Recommendations[en] — сетевые стандарты[en]
  • X — серия компьютерных игр и соответствующая ей вселенная X.
  • X (альбом) — десятый альбом Клауса Шульце
  • X век
  • X-лучи — ионизирующее излучение, открытое В. К. Рентгеном


  1. Кси // Энциклопедический словарь Брокгауза и Ефрона : в 86 т. (82 т. и 4 доп.). — СПб., 1890—1907.
  2. Cajori, Florian. A History of Mathematical Notations. — Open Court Publishing, 1928. — P. 381. — ISBN 9780486161167.


  • X на сайте Scriptsource.org (англ.)
  • x на сайте Scriptsource.org (англ.)

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Как только страница обновилась в Википедии она обновляется в Вики 2.
Обычно почти сразу, изредка в течении часа.

У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. X.

Латинская буква X, x
Латинский алфавит
и вариантные знаки
Č Ȼ Ƈ Ð,ð Ď,ď Đ,đ Ɗ
İ,i I,ı IJ Ĵ Ɉ Ķ
Ɋ ʠ Ŕ Ř Ɍ
ß ſ Ś Ŝ Ş Š Þ

X, x (лат. «икс») — буква латинского алфавита, произносится «икс».

Выглядит так же, как буква Х в кириллице.

В римской системе счисления обозначает число 10 и, поэтому, соответствует десятому веку.

Буквой X часто обозначают неизвестное значение или неизвестный объект (в математике, литературе, разговорной речи).

В различных языках существует различное произношение названия этой буквы. Так, в английском языке произносится «экс».

В польском, финском, румынском и ряде других языков эта буква используется только в заимствованных словах.


  • В электротехнике буквой X обозначают реактивное сопротивление.
  • В механике строчная x является обозначением положения тела.
  • В математике — обозначение оси абсцисс. Также является популярным обозначением неизвестной переменной (например в уравнениях).
  • В пиньине означает мягкий звук [s].
  • Во вьетнамской латинице означает звук [s].
  • В некоторых языках (например, в испанском), а также в международном фонетическом алфавите может означать звук «ха».

См. также

  • Икс, Жаки
  • Мистер Икс
  • Гражданин X — фильм о серийном убийце Чикатило
  • Формат X файла — файловый формат для описания информации о 3D объекте
  • XXX
  • «X-files» — телесериал.
  • X-Men
  • X Window System — оконная система для растровых дисплеев.
  • «X» — манга и аниме
  • X Recommendations — сетевые стандарты
  • X (серия компьютерных игр) — серия компьютерных игр и соответствующая ей вселенная X.
  • X (альбом) — десятый альбом Клауса Шульце
  • X век
  • Х-лучи — ионизирующее излучение, открытое В.К. Рентгеном

Значение символа

Латинская строчная буква x. Латинские строчные буквы появились в средние века из т.н. минускульного письма, служившего для экономии дорогого пергамента.

В кириллице экономили место по-другому (писали букву над буквой), к тому же часто пользовались более дешёвыми материалами (берёстой), потому в ней нет такого выразительного минускула. Людям из других культур русский кажется сплошной капителью. А вот болгары и сербы позаимствовали часть типографских традиций у Запада, и их шрифт ближе к латинице.

Символ «Латинская строчная буква x» был утвержден как часть Юникода версии 1.1 в 1993 г.

Название в Юникоде Latin Small Letter X
Номер в Юникоде
Разделы Юникода Основная латиница
Прописная X
Версия Юникода 1.1 (1993)

Alt 120

Версия 1.1
Блок Основная латиница
Тип парной зеркальной скобки (bidi) Нет
Композиционное исключение Нет
Изменение регистра 0078
Простое изменение регистра 0078
Кодировка hex dec (bytes) dec binary
UTF-8 78 120 120 01111000
UTF-16BE 00 78 0 120 120 00000000 01111000
UTF-16LE 78 00 120 0 30720 01111000 00000000
UTF-32BE 00 00 00 78 0 0 0 120 120 00000000 00000000 00000000 01111000
UTF-32LE 78 00 00 00 120 0 0 0 2013265920 01111000 00000000 00000000 00000000

У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. X.

Буква латиницы X


Latin letter X.svg

T U V W X Y Z [
t u v w x y z { |
Название Xlatin capital letter x
xlatin small letter x
Юникод X: U+0058
x: U+0078
HTML-код X‎: X или X
x‎: x или x
UTF-16 X‎: 0x58
x‎: 0x78
URL-код X: %58
x: %78

X, x (лат. «икс») — 24-я буква базового латинского алфавита. В английском алфавите называется экс [ɛks]. В других алфавитах у этой буквы встречаются и другие названия.

В римской системе счисления обозначает число 10.

Буквой X часто обозначают неизвестное значение или неизвестный объект (в математике, литературе, разговорной речи).

В польском, финском, румынском и ряде других языков эта буква используется только в заимствованных словах.

Является 32-й буквой албанского алфавита, обозначает звук [d͡z] и называется дза (алб.  [d͡zə]).

Латинская буква X произошла от греческой кси (Ξ, ξ)[1].


  • В электротехнике буквой X обозначают реактивное сопротивление.
  • В механике строчная x является обозначением положения тела.
  • В математике — обозначение оси абсцисс. Также является популярным обозначением неизвестной переменной (например, в уравнениях). Традиция использовать x, y и z для обозначения неизвестных переменных восходит к Геометрии Декарта (1637 год)[2].
  • В пиньине означает мягкий звук [ɕ].
  • Во вьетнамской латинице означает звук [s].
  • В некоторых языках (например, в испанском и азербайджанском), а также в международном фонетическом алфавите может означать звук, обозначаемый в русском языке буквой Х (ха).
  • В автопроме: Обозначение полного привода в ряде марок автомобилей.
Xx Xx Xx Xx
Название по-русски: икс.
Код НАТО: X-ray (/ˈeksˈrei/, [э́ксрэй]).
Азбука Морзе: −··− 

Шрифт Брайля

  X в семафорной азбуке
 X в морском коде
Флаги международного свода сигналов
X в американском языке жестов

См. также

  • Список латинских букв
  • Икс, Жаки
  • Мистер Икс
  • Гражданин X — фильм о серийном убийце Андрее Чикатило
  • Формат X файла — файловый формат для описания информации о 3D-объекте
  • XXX
  • «X-files» — телесериал
  • X-Men
  • X Window System — оконная система для растровых дисплеев.
  • «X» — манга и аниме
  • X Recommendations[en] — сетевые стандарты[en]
  • X — серия компьютерных игр и соответствующая ей вселенная X.
  • X (альбом) — десятый альбом Клауса Шульце
  • X век
  • X-лучи — ионизирующее излучение, открытое В. К. Рентгеном


  1. Кси // Энциклопедический словарь Брокгауза и Ефрона : в 86 т. (82 т. и 4 доп.). — СПб., 1890—1907.
  2. Cajori, Florian. A History of Mathematical Notations. — Open Court Publishing, 1928. — P. 381. — ISBN 9780486161167.


  • X на сайте Scriptsource.org (англ.)
  • x на сайте Scriptsource.org (англ.)

У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. X.

Символы со сходным начертанием: Χ · Х ·  ·

X, x (лат. «икс») — 24-я буква базового латинского алфавита. В английском алфавите называется «экс» [ˈɛks]. В других алфавитах у этой буквы встречаются и другие названия.

В римской системе счисления обозначает число 10.

Буквой X часто обозначают неизвестное значение или неизвестный объект (в математике, литературе, разговорной речи).

В польском, финском, румынском и ряде других языков эта буква используется только в заимствованных словах.

В азербайджанском языке обозначает звук, сходный с русским ха.

Употребление[править | править вики-текст]

  • В электротехнике буквой X обозначают реактивное сопротивление.
  • В механике строчная x является обозначением положения тела.
  • В математике — обозначение оси абсцисс. Также является популярным обозначением неизвестной переменной (например, в уравнениях).
  • В пиньине означает мягкий звук [s].
  • Во вьетнамской латинице означает звук [s].
  • В некоторых языках (например, в испанском), а также в международном фонетическом алфавите может означать звук, обозначаемый в русском языке буквой Х (ха).
Xx Xx Xx Xx
Название по-русски: икс.
Код НАТО: X-ray (/ˈeksˈrei/, [э́ксрэй]).
Азбука Морзе: −··− 

Шрифт Брайля

  X в семафорной азбуке
 X в морском коде
Флаги международного свода сигналов
X в американском языке жестов

См. также[править | править вики-текст]

  • Икс, Жаки
  • Мистер Икс
  • Гражданин X — фильм о серийном убийце Чикатило
  • Формат X файла — файловый формат для описания информации о 3D-объекте
  • XXX
  • «X-files» — телесериал
  • X-Men
  • X Window System — оконная система для растровых дисплеев.
  • «X» — манга и аниме
  • X Recommendations — сетевые стандарты
  • X (серия компьютерных игр) — серия компьютерных игр и соответствующая ей вселенная X.
  • X (альбом) — десятый альбом Клауса Шульце
  • X век
  • Х-лучи — ионизирующее излучение, открытое В. К. Рентгеном

п о р


Буквы основной латиницы

Aa • Bb • Cc • Dd • Ee • Ff • Gg • Hh • Ii • Jj • Kk • Ll • Mm • Nn • Oo • Pp • Qq • Rr • Ss • Tt • Uu • Vv • Ww • Xx • Yy • Zz

Прочие буквы

Àà • Áá • Ââ • Ãã • Ã́ã́ • Ã̀ã̀ • Ã̂ã̂ • Ã̌ã̌ • Ã̍ã̍ • Ää • Ä́ä́ • Ä̀ä̀ • Ä̂ä̂ • Ä̌ä̌ • Ǟǟ • A̰a̰ • Á̰á̰ • À̰à̰ • Ā̰ā̰ • Ąą • Ą́ą́ • Ą̀ą̀ • Ą̂ą̂ • Ą̌ą̌ • Ą̊ą̊ • Ą̈ą̈ • A̤a̤ • Åå • Ǻǻ • Āā • Ā̊ā̊ • Ā́ā́ • Ā̀ā̀ • Ā̂ā̂ • Ā̌ā̌ • Ā̆ā̆ • Ăă • Ǎǎ • Ǡǡ • Ȁȁ • Ȧȧ • Ȧ́ȧ́ • Ⱥⱥ • Ḁḁ • ẚ • Ạạ • Ạ́ạ́ • Ạ̀ạ̀ • Ạ̄ạ̄ • Ạ̃ạ̃ • Ạ̈ạ̈ • Ảả • Ấấ • Ầầ • Ẩẩ • Ẫẫ • Ậậ • Ắắ • Ằằ • Ẳẳ • Ẵẵ • Ặặ • A᷆a᷆ • A᷇a᷇ • Ɐɐ • A̱a̱ • Á̱á̱ • À̱à̱ • Â̱â̱ • Ǎ̱ǎ̱ • Ā̱ā̱ • Ā̱́ā̱́ • Ā̱̀ā̱̀ • Ā̱̂ā̱̂ • Å̱å̱ • Ä̱ä̱ • A̲a̲ • A̮a̮ • Aͤaͤ • Latin capital letter A with spiritus lenis.svgLatin small letter A with spiritus lenis.svg • ᶏ • ᴀ • A̧a̧ • Á̧á̧ • À̧à̧ • Â̧â̧ • Ǎ̧ǎ̧ • A̭a̭ • A̐a̐ • A̓a̓ • A̋a̋ • Ȃȃ • A̍a̍ • Ą̄ą̄ • Ą̄́ą̄́ • Ą̄̀ą̄̀ • Ą̄̂ą̄̂ • Ą̄̌ą̄̌ • Ą̃ą̃ • Ą̈̀ą̈̀ • Ą̈̂ą̈̂ • Ą̈̌ą̈̌ • Á̤á̤ • À̤à̤ • Â̤â̤ • Ă̤ă̤ • Ā̤ā̤ • A̤̍a̤̍ • A̎a̎ • a̟ • Latin capital letter A with topbar.svgLatin small letter A with u-turned tail.svg • Latin capital letter A with loop.svgLatin small letter A with loop.svg • Latin capital letter roundtop A.svgLatin small letter roundtop A.svg • Ꞛꞛ • Ɑɑ • Ɑ́ɑ́ • Ɑ̀ɑ̀ • Ɑ̂ɑ̂ • Ɑ̌ɑ̌ • Latin small letter Alpha with u-turned tail.svg • ꬰ • Latin small letter Alpha with inwards bar.svg • Latin capital letter Alpha with left notch.svgLatin small letter Alpha with left notch.svg • ᶐ • ɑ̯ • ꭤ • Ɒɒ • B́b́ • B̀b̀ • B̯b̯ • Ḃḃ • Ḅḅ • B̈b̈ • B̤b̤ • Ḇḇ • Ƀƀ • Ɓɓ • Ƃƃ • ᵬ • ᶀ • ʙ • ᴃ • ʙ͔ • Ꞗꞗ • B̓b̓ • B̃b̃ • b̪ • b͆ • ɓ̥ • b͔ • Çç • Ç̌ç̌ • Ç̇ç̇ • Ćć • Ĉĉ • Ċċ • Čč • Č̓č̓ • č̣̓ • Ƈƈ • Ȼȼ • Ḉḉ • ɕ • ʗ • ʗ̃ • ʗ̬ • ᴄ • Ꜿꜿ • Ꞓꞓ • Latin capital letter C with middle serifed bar.svgꞔ • Ↄↄ/Latin capital letter alternative antisigma.svgLatin small letter alternative antisigma.svg • C̀c̀ • C̆c̆ • C̨̆c̨̆ • c̑ • ç̑ • C̓c̓ • C̈c̈ • C̄c̄ • C̃c̃ • Latin capital letter C with middle tilde.svgLatin small letter C with middle tilde.svg • Č́č́ • Latin capital letter C with descender.svgLatin small letter C with descender.svg • C̱c̱ • C̣c̣ • C̦c̦ • Č̣č̣ • Č̈č̈ • C̋c̋ • c̟ • Latin small letter low turned C with ascender.svg • Ðð • Latin capital letter african Eth.svg • ð̞ • Ďď • d̯ • Đđ • Latin capital letter D with right stroke.svg • Ɖɖ • Ɗɗ • Ƌƌ • Latin small letter phonotypic Dh.svg • Ḋḋ • Ḍḍ • Ḏḏ • Ḑḑ • D̦d̦ • D̂d̂ • D̓d̓ • D̤d̤ • Ḓḓ • Latin capital letter D with descender.svgLatin small letter D with descender.svg • Latin capital letter Delta.svgẟ • ẟ̱ • D́d́ • D̲d̲ • d̪ • ȡ • Latin capital letter african D with hook.svgᶑ • ᴅ • ᴆ • ᴅ́ • ᵭ • ꝱ • ɗ̥ • ᶁ • Latin small letter pre-palatal D.svg • Ꝺꝺ • ƍ • Latin capital letter enlarged small E.svg • Èè • Éé • É̈é̈ • É̤é̤ • Êê • Ê̤ê̤ • Ëë • Ë́ë́ • Ë̀ë̀ • Ë̂ë̂ • Ë̌ë̌ • Ë̃ë̃ • Ēē • Ē̤ē̤ • Ĕĕ • Ẹ̆ẹ̆ • Ĕ̱ĕ̱ • Ėė • Ė̄ė̄ • Ė́ė́ • Ė̃ė̃ • Ęę • Ę́ę́ • Ę̀ę̀ • Ę̂ę̂ • Ę̌ę̌ • Ę̄ę̄ • Ę̄́ę̄́ • Ę̄̀ę̄̀ • Ę̄̂ę̄̂ • Ę̄̌ę̄̌ • Ę̃ę̃ • Ẹ̃ẹ̃ • Ẽ̱ẽ̱ • Ę̈ę̈ • Ę̈̀ę̈̀ • Ę̈̂ę̈̂ • Ę̈̌ę̈̌ • Ěě • Ȇȇ • Ȩȩ • Ḝḝ • Ȩ́ȩ́ • Ȩ̀ȩ̀ • Ȩ̂ȩ̂ • Ȩ̌ȩ̌ • Ȩ̛ȩ̛ • Ɇɇ • Ḕḕ • Ḗḗ • Ē̂ē̂ • Ē̌ē̌ • Ḙḙ • Ḛḛ • Ẹẹ • Ẹ́ẹ́ • Ẹ̀ẹ̀ • Ệệ • Ẹ̄ẹ̄ • Ẻẻ • Ẽẽ • Ẽ́ẽ́ • Ẽ̀ẽ̀ • Ẽ̂ẽ̂ • Ẽ̌ẽ̌ • Ẽ̍ẽ̍ • Ếế • Ềề • Ểể • Ê̆ê̆ • Ễễ • E̛e̛ • E̊e̊ • E̋e̋ • Ȅȅ • E̍e̍ • E̤̍e̤̍ • E̱e̱ • É̱é̱ • È̱è̱ • Ê̱ê̱ • Ě̱ě̱ • Ē̱ē̱ • Ḗ̱ḗ̱ • Ḕ̱ḕ̱ • Ē̱̂ē̱̂ • Ë̱ë̱ • Ĕ̤ĕ̤ • E̲e̲ • E̤e̤ • Ê̌ê̌ • Ê̄ê̄ • E᷆e᷆ • E᷇e᷇ • Əə/Ǝǝ • Latin capital letter square C.svg • Ə̃ə̃/Ǝ̃ǝ̃ • Ə́ə́/Ǝ́ǝ́ • Ǝ̋ǝ̋ • Ə̀ə̀/Ǝ̀ǝ̀ • Ǝ̏ǝ̏ • Ə̂ə̂/Ǝ̂ǝ̂ • Ə̄ə̄/Ǝ̄ǝ̄ • Ə̌ə̌/Ǝ̌ǝ̌ • Ǝ̍ǝ̍ • Ə̧ə̧ • Ə̧́ə̧́ • Ə̧̀ə̧̀ • Ə̣ə̣ • Ə̣́ə̣́ • Ə̣̀ə̣̀ • ɘ • ɘ̝ • ᶒ • ᶕ • ᴇ • ⱻ • Latin letter small capital barred e.svg • ⱸ • ꬳ • ꬴ • ɚ • ꬲ • Latin capital letter rounded E.svgLatin small letter rounded E.svg • Latin capital letter reversed rounded E.svgLatin small letter reversed rounded E.svg • Latin capital letter E with bent topbar.svg • È̤è̤ • Ɛɛ • Ɛ́ɛ́ • Ɛ̋ɛ̋ • Ɛ̀ɛ̀ • Ɛ̏ɛ̏ • Ɛ̂ɛ̂ • Ɛ̌ɛ̌ • Ɛ̧ɛ̧ • Ɛ̧́ɛ̧́ • Ɛ̧̂ɛ̧̂ • Ɛ̄ɛ̄ • Ɛ᷆ɛ᷆ • Ɛ᷇ɛ᷇ • Ɛ̨ɛ̨ • Ɛ̨́ɛ̨́ • Ɛ̃ɛ̃ • Ɛ̃́ɛ̃́ • Ɛ̃̀ɛ̃̀ • Ɛ̃̂ɛ̃̂ • Ɛ̃̌ɛ̃̌ • Ɛ̃̍ɛ̃̍ • Ɛ̍ɛ̍ • Ɛ̰ɛ̰ • Ɛ̰́ɛ̰́ • Ɛ̰̀ɛ̰̀ • Ɛ̰̄ɛ̰̄ • Ɛ̈ɛ̈ • Ɛ̱ɛ̱ • Ɛ̱̈ɛ̱̈ • ᶓ • Latin small letter barred open e.svg • ɞ • Ɜɜ • ʚ • ᶔ • ᴈ • ɝ • ɜ̞ • Ḟḟ • F̣f̣ • Ƒƒ • Latin capital letter F with hook in ARA.svg • F̧f̧ • ᵮ • ᶂ • F́f́ • F̀f̀ • F̄f̄ • ꜰ • Ꞙꞙ • Latin capital letter reflected F.svgLatin small letter reflected F.svg • ꟻ • ꬵ • Ⅎⅎ • Ꝼꝼ • Ǵǵ • G̀g̀ • Ǧǧ • Ǧ̈ǧ̈ • Ĝĝ • Ğğ • g̑ • Ġġ • ġ̓ • Ģģ • Ɠɠ • ɠ̊ • Ǥǥ • Latin small letter G with half stroke.svg • Ḡḡ • G̱g̱ • G̓g̓ • G̃g̃ • Ɡɡ • Latin small letter script G with ascender.svg • ɢ • ɢ́ • ɢ̆ • ʛ • ʛ̥ • ɢ͔ • ᶃ • Latin capital letter turned G.svgᵷ • Ꞡꞡ • ꬶ • G̣g̣ • G̈g̈ • G̤g̤ • G̦g̦ • g͔ • Latin capital letter shughni Gha.svgLatin small letter shughni Gha.svg • Ᵹᵹ • Ꝿꝿ • Ɣɣ • Ɣ́ɣ́ • Ɣ̓ɣ̓ • Ɣ̌ɣ̌ • ɣ̞ • ɤ • Latin small letter Ghe.svg • Latin capital letter Ghe with middle hook.svgLatin small letter Ghe with middle hook.svg • Latin small letter Ghe with caron.svg • Latin small letter reversed Ghe with low right hook.svg • Latin capital letter reversed Ghe with low left hook.svgLatin small letter reversed Ghe with low left hook.svg • Latin capital letter reversed Ghe.svgLatin small letter reversed Ghe with long leg.svg • Latin capital letter reversed Ghe with stroke.svgLatin small letter reversed Ghe with stroke.svg • Ĥĥ • H̭h̭ • Ħħ • Latin capital letter H with left stroke.svg • Latin capital letter H with vertical stroke.svg • Ȟȟ • Ḣḣ • Ḥḥ • Ḧḧ • Ḩḩ • Ḫḫ • H̱ẖ • Ⱨⱨ • Ɥɥ • Latin capital letter turned enlarged small H with stroke.svgLatin small letter turned H with stroke.svg • ɥ̊ • Ɦɦ • Latin capital letter enlarged small H with hook.svg • Latin capital letter enlarged small H with left hook.svgLatin small letter H with left hook.svg • ɧ • Ꜧꜧ • Latin capital letter enlarged small Heng.svg • Latin capital letter H with notch.svgLatin small letter H with notch.svg • ʜ • ʮ • ʯ • Ⱶⱶ • ꞕ • H́h́ • H̄h̄ • H̓h̓ • H̔h̔ • H̐h̐ • H̤h̤ • H̦h̦ • Ììi̇̀ • Ííi̇́ • Îî • Ïï • Ḯḯ • Ï̂ï̂ • Ï̑ï̑ • Ĩĩi̇̃ • Ĩ́ĩ́ • Ĩ̀ĩ̀ • Ĩ̂ĩ̂ • Ĩ̌ĩ̌ • Ĩ̍ĩ̍ • Īī • Ī́ī́ • Ī̀ī̀ • Ī̂ī̂ • Ī̌ī̌ • Ĭĭ • Įį • Į́į́į̇́ • Į̀į̀ • Į̂į̂ • Į̌į̌ • Į̃į̃į̇̃ • İi • Iı • Ɨɨ • Ɨ́ɨ́ • Ɨ̀ɨ̀ • Ɨ̂ɨ̂ • Ɨ̌ɨ̌ • Ɨ̃ɨ̃ • Ɨ̄ɨ̄ • Ɨ̈ɨ̈ • Ɨ̋ɨ̋ • Ɨ̏ɨ̏ • Ɨ̍ɨ̍ • Ɨ̧ɨ̧ • Ɨ̧̀ɨ̧̀ • Ɨ̧̂ɨ̧̂ • Ɨ̧̌ɨ̧̌ • Latin capital letter I with long stroke overlay.svgLatin small letter I with long stroke overlay.svg • Ǐǐ • Ȉȉ • Ȋȋ • Ḭḭ • Ḭ́ḭ́ • Ḭ̀ḭ̀ • Ḭ̄ḭ̄ • Ỉỉ • Ịị • Ị́ị́ • Ị̀ị̀ • Ị̂ị̂ • Ị̃ị̃ • I̋i̋ • I̭i̭ • I̍i̍ • I̧i̧ • Í̧í̧ • Ì̧ì̧ • Î̧î̧ • I̱i̱ • Í̱í̱ • Ì̱ì̱ • Î̱î̱ • Ǐ̱ǐ̱ • Ī̱ī̱ • Ī̱́ī̱́ • Ī̱̀ī̱̀ • Ī̱̂ī̱̂ • I̐i̐ • I̓i̓ • Î́î́ • Ɪɪ • ɪ̈ • ᶖ • ᴉ • ᵻ • i̽ • ɨ̞ • Į̄į̄ • Į̄́į̄́ • Į̄̀į̄̀ • Į̄̂į̄̂ • Į̄̌į̄̌ • I᷆i᷆ • I᷇i᷇ • I̯i̯ • i̯̊ • ꟾ • ꟷ • Latin capital letter I with spiritus lenis.svgLatin small letter I with spiritus lenis.svg • Latin capital letter I with descender.svgLatin small letter I with descender.svg • Latin small letter I with spiral tail.svg • Latin capital letter I with bowl.svgLatin small letter I with bowl.svg • Latin capital letter I with right u-turn at bottom.svgLatin small letter I with right u-turn at bottom.svg • Latin small letter I with pigtail at bottom.svg • Ɩɩ • Ɩ́ɩ́ • Ɩ̀ɩ̀ • Ɩ̃ɩ̃ • Ɩ̃́ɩ̃́ • Ɩ̃̀ɩ̃̀ • ᵼ • Ĵĵ • Ɉɉ • J̌ǰ • J̣̌ǰ̣ • ȷ • ɟ • ɟ̟ • ʄ • ʄ̊ • ʄ̥ • Ʝʝ • ᴊ • J́j́ • J̄j̄ • J̃j̃j̇̃ • J̈j̈ • J̣j̣ • j̊ • Ḱḱ • K̀k̀ • Ķķ • Kʻĸ • Latin small letter Kra with hook.svg • Latin capital letter enlarged small Kra with descender.svgLatin small letter Kra with descender.svg • K̂k̂ • Ǩǩ • k̯ • K̓k̓ • k̯̓ • Ƙƙ • Ḳḳ • Ḵḵ • Ⱪⱪ • Ꝁꝁ • K̵k̵ • Ʞʞ • ᶄ • ᴋ • Ꝃꝃ • Ꝅꝅ • Ꞣꞣ • K̄k̄ • K̇k̇ • K̈k̈ • K̦k̦ • Ḵ̓ḵ̓ • K̤k̤ • k͔ • Ĺĺ • L̀l̀ • Ļļ • Ľľ • Ŀŀ • Łł • Latin small letter L with half diagonal stroke.svg • Ƚƚ • ȴ • Ḷḷ • Ḹḹ • Ḻḻ • Ḽḽ • Ⱡⱡ • Ɫɫ • Ꝇꝇ • Ɬɬ • Latin capital letter L with hook.svgLatin small letter L with hook and bottom bar.svg • ɭ • ɭ̆ • ʟ • МФА глухой велярный латеральный фрикатив.svg • ᶅ • ʟ́ • ᴌ • Ꝉꝉ • Latin letter small capital L with high stroke.svg • ꝲ • Ꞁꞁ • ꞎ • ꬷ • ꬸ • ꬹ • L̐l̐ • L̓l̓ • ł̓ • L̦l̦ • L̂l̂ • L̄l̄ • L̇l̇ • L̃l̃ • L̮l̮ • l̮̣ • l̯ • L̥l̥ • L̤l̤ • L̮̄l̮̄ • Ḷ́ḷ́ • L̤̄l̤̄ • Ł̣ł̣ • L̈l̈ • Ḷ̓ḷ̓ • Latin small letter L with bottom bar.svg • Latin small letter L with bottom bar and stroke.svg • Latin capital letter L with descender.svgLatin small letter L with descender.svg • Latin small letter L with deferred descender.svg • Latin capital letter L with pigtail at bottom.svgLatin small letter L with pigtail at bottom.svg • Latin capital letter lambda.svgLatin small letter Lambda.svg • Latin capital letter Lambda with middle tilde.svgLatin small letter Lambda with middle tilde.svg • Latin capital letter Lambda with middle tilde and comma above.svgLatin small letter Lambda with middle tilde and comma above.svg • Latin capital letter Lambda with stroke.svgƛ • Latin capital letter Lambda with stroke and comma above.svgƛ̓ • Latin capital letter El.svgLatin capital letter El.svg • Ɯɯ • Ɯ̃ɯ̃ • ɯ̽ • Ḿḿ • Ṁṁ • Ṃṃ • M̦m̦ • M̀m̀ • M̂m̂ • M̌m̌ • M̆m̆ • M̍m̍ • M̄m̄ • M̐m̐ • M̃m̃ • M̈m̈ • M̓m̓ • M̧m̧ • M̨m̨ • Ṃ́ṃ́ • Ṃ̓ṃ̓ • Ɱɱ • ɱ̊ • Latin small letter M with inwards hook.svg • ɰ • ᶆ • ᴍ • ᴍ͔ • Latin capital letter sideways enlarged small M.svgLatin small letter sideways M.svg • Latin capital letter sideways enlarged small M with dot above.svgLatin small letter sideways M with dot above.svg • ᴟ • ᵯ • ꝳ • ꟺ • ꟽ • ꟿ • ꬺ • M̥m̥ • M̱m̱ • m̪ • m͔ • Ññ • N̈n̈ • Ńń • Ņņ • Ňň • N̆n̆ • n̮ • n̯ • Ŋŋ • Latin capital letter phonotypic Eng.svg • Ŋ́ŋ́ • Ŋ̀ŋ̀ • Ŋ̂ŋ̂ • ŋ̑ • Ŋ̄ŋ̄ • ŋ̇ • ŋ̇̓ • Ŋ̈ŋ̈ • ŋ̓ • Latin small letter Eng with stroke.svg • Latin small letter Eng with left loop.svg • ŋ͔ • Ɲɲ • Latin small letter N with left hook and right loop.svg • ɲ̟ • Latin capital letter N with inwards hook.svgLatin small letter N with inwards hook.svg • ɳ • Ƞƞ • Latin capital letter slovenian C.svg • Ǹǹ • N̓n̓ • Ṅṅ • Ṇṇ • Ṉṉ • N̲n̲ • Ṋṋ • N̍n̍ • N̂n̂ • N̄n̄ • N̐n̐ • N̰n̰ • N̦n̦ • Ñ̈ñ̈ • Ṇ́ṇ́ • Ṇ̓ṇ̓ • ɴ • ɴ́ • ᴎ • ᴎ́ • ᴎ͔ • ᶇ • Latin capital letter sideways enlarged small N.svgLatin small letter sideways N.svg • Latin capital letter sideways enlarged small N with dot above.svgLatin small letter sideways N with dot above.svg • Latin small letter pre-palatal N.svg • ᵰ • ꝴ • Ꞑꞑ • Latin capital letter enlarged small N with descender.svg • Ꞥꞥ • ꬻ • ꬼ • ȵ • Latin small letter N with left loop.svg • Latin small letter N with left loop and right loop.svg • Latin small letter N with right loop.svg • ɳ̊ • N̥n̥ • n̪ • n̪̊ • Òò • Óó • Ôô • Ô͘ô͘ • Ô̆ô̆ • Õõ • Ṍṍ • Õ̀õ̀ • Ṏṏ • Ȭȭ • Ọ̃ọ̃ • Õ̤õ̤ • Õ̤̣õ̤̣ • Õ̤̱õ̤̱ • O̰o̰ • Öö • Ö́ö́ • Ö̀ö̀ • Ö̂ö̂ • Ȫȫ • Øø • Ǿǿ • Ø̀ø̀ • Ø̂ø • Ø̌ø̌ • Ø̄ø̄ • Ø̃ø̃ • Oͤoͤ • Ōō • Ṓṓ • Ṑṑ • Ō̂ō̂ • Ō̌ō̌ • Ō̆ō̆ • Ō͘ō͘ • Ō̤̣ō̤̣ • Ō̤̱ō̤̱ • Ŏŏ • Ọ̆ọ̆ • Ŏ̤ŏ̤ • Ŏ̤̣ŏ̤̣ • Ŏ̤̱ŏ̤̱ • Őő • Ɔɔ • Ɔ́ɔ́ • Ɔ̋ɔ̋ • Ɔ̀ɔ̀ • Ɔ̏ɔ̏ • Ɔ̂ɔ̂ • Ɔ̌ɔ̌ • Ɔ̍ɔ̍ • Ɔ̄ɔ̄ • Ɔ᷆ɔ᷆ • Ɔ᷇ɔ᷇ • Ɔ̃ɔ̃ • Ɔ̃́ɔ̃́ • Ɔ̃̀ɔ̃̀ • Ɔ̃̂ɔ̃̂ • Ɔ̃̌ɔ̃̌ • Ɔ̃̍ɔ̃̍ • Ɔ̰ɔ̰ • Ɔ̰́ɔ̰́ • Ɔ̰̀ɔ̰̀ • Ɔ̰̄ɔ̰̄ • Ɔ̈ɔ̈ • Ɔ̧ɔ̧ • Ɔ̧́ɔ̧́ • Ɔ̧̀ɔ̧̀ • Ɔ̧̂ɔ̧̂ • Ɔ̧̌ɔ̧̌ • Ɔ̱ɔ̱ • ᴐ • ᴒ • ꬿ • ᶗ • Latin small letter barred open O.svg • Ɵɵ • Ɵ́ɵ́ • Ɵ̀ɵ̀ • Ɵ̂ɵ̂ • Latin capital letter vertically barred O.svgLatin small letter vertically barred O.svg • Ơơ • Ớớ • Ờờ • Ởở • Ỡỡ • Ợợ • Ơ̆ơ̆ • Ǒǒ • Ǫǫ • Ǭǭ • Ǭ́ǭ́ • Ǭ̀ǭ̀ • Ǭ̂ǭ̂ • Ǭ̌ǭ̌ • Ȍȍ • Ȏȏ • Ȯȯ • Ȱȱ • Ọọ • Ỏỏ • Ốố • Ồồ • Ổổ • Ỗỗ • Ộộ • O̍o̍ • O͘o͘ • Ó͘ó͘ • Ò͘ò͘ • O̍͘o̍͘ • O̊o̊ • O̐o̐ • O̭o̭ • O̧o̧ • O̱o̱ • O̲o̲ • O̤o̤ • Ó̧ó̧ • Ò̧ò̧ • Ô̧ô̧ • Ǒ̧ǒ̧ • Ó̱ó̱ • Ò̱ò̱ • Ô̱ô̱ • Ō̱ō̱ • Ṓ̱ṓ̱ • Ṑ̱ṑ̱ • Ō̱̂ō̱̂ • Ö̱ö̱ • Ǫ́ǫ́ • Ǫ̀ǫ̀ • Ǫ̂ǫ̂ • Ǫ̌ǫ̌ • Ọ́ọ́ • Ọ̀ọ̀ • Ọ̄ọ̄ • Ọ̈ọ̈ • Ó̤ó̤ • Ô̤ô̤ • Ō̤ō̤ • O̤̍o̤̍ • Ò̤ò̤ • O̤̱o̤̱ • O᷆o᷆ • O᷇o᷇ • Ꝋꝋ • Latin capital letter O with curl.svgLatin small letter O with curl.svg • Ꝍꝍ • ⱺ • ᴏ • ᴑ • ᴓ • ᴖ • ᴖ̈ • ᴗ • ᴗ̈ • Latin small letter split O.svg • ꬽ • ꬾ • Ꞝꞝ • Ꞷꞷ • Latin capital letter closed Omega.svgɷ • Latin capital letter closed Omega with long stem.svgLatin small letter closed Omega with long stem.svg • Latin capital letter turned closed Omega.svgLatin small letter turned closed Omega.svg • Latin capital letter Ow.svgLatin small letter Ow.svg • Ƥƥ • Latin letter small capital P with bottom hook.svg • Latin capital letter open P.svgLatin small letter open P.svg • Ṕṕ • Ṗṗ • P̀p̀ • P̌p̌ • P̄p̄ • P̃p̃ • P̈p̈ • P̓p̓ • P̔p̔ • P̣p̣ • P̤p̤ • P̦p̦ • Ᵽᵽ • ᶈ • ᴘ • ᵱ • Ꝑꝑ • Ꝓꝓ • Ꝕꝕ • Latin capital letter P with appendage.svgLatin small letter P with appendage.svg • ꟼ • p̪ • p͆ • p͔ • Latin capital letter turned P.svgLatin small letter turned P.svg • ɸ • ⱷ • Ɋɋ • Ꝗꝗ • Ꝙꝙ • Latin script capital letter Q.svg • Ƣƣ • Latin capital letter Gha with stroke.svgLatin small letter Gha with stroke.svg • ʠ • Q̓q̓ • Q̈q̈ • Q̃q̃ • Q̇q̇ • Q̊q̊ • Q̂q̂ • Q̌q̌ • Q́q́ • Q̱q̱ • Latin letter small capital Q.svg • Ŕŕ • R̀r̀ • Ŗŗ • Řř • Ʀʀ • ʀ́ • Ȑȑ • R̓r̓ • Ȓȓ • Ɍɍ • Ṙṙ • Ṛṛ • Ṝṝ • Ṟṟ • R̂r̂ • R̄r̄ • R̃r̃ • R̆r̆ • R̮r̮ • R̥r̥ • R̰r̰ • R̤r̤ • R̦r̦ • R̮̄r̮̄ • R̥̄r̥̄ • Ɽɽ • ɼ • ɾ • ɾ̃ • ʁ • ᴙ • ᴚ • ɹ • ɹ̥ • ɻ • ɻ̊ • ɺ • ᶉ • ᵲ • ᵳ • ⱹ • ɿ • Ꝛꝛ • Ꝝꝝ • ꝵ • ꝶ • Ꞧꞧ • ꭆ • ꭇ • ꭈ • ꭉ • ꭊ • ꭋ • ꭌ • ꭅ • Ꞃꞃ • Śś • Şş • Ŝŝ • S̭s̭ • Šš • s̯ • Șș • Ṥṥ • Ṧṧ • Ṡṡ • s̃ • ẛ • Ṣṣ • Ṩṩ • Ꞩꞩ • S̀s̀ • S̄s̄ • S̈s̈ • S̓s̓ • S̊s̊ • S̱s̱ • S̤s̤ • Š́š́ • Ṣ̌ṣ̌ • Ṣ̤ṣ̤ • Š̤š̤ • Ş̄ş̄ • S̩s̩ • ſ • Udin Latin capital letter long S.svg • Latin capital letter alternative long S.svg • ẜ • ẝ • Ȿȿ • Latin capital letter S with descender.svgLatin small letter S with descender.svg • ʂ • ᵴ • ᶊ • Ʃʃ • Latin capital letter enlarged small Esh.svg • ʅ • ꭍ • ʆ • ᶋ • ƪ • ᶘ • ꜱ • Ƨƨ • Latin capital letter turned S.svgLatin small letter turned S.svg • ꝸ • Ꝭꝭ • Ꞅꞅ • Latin capital letter Sha.svgLatin small letter Sha.svg • Latin capital letter rounded Sha.svgLatin small letter rounded Sha.svg • Latin capital letter Shtsha.svgLatin small letter Shtsha.svg • Ţţ • Ťť • Ŧŧ • ƫ • Ƭƭ • Latin capital letter T with right hook.svg • Ʈʈ • Țț • Ṫṫ • Ṭṭ • Ṯṯ • t̂ • Ṱṱ • T̈ẗ • Ṭ̈ṭ̈ • T́t́ • T̀t̀ • T̃t̃ • T̓t̓ • T̯̓t̯̓ • ṭ̓ • T̰t̰ • T̤t̤ • Ṭ̤ṭ̤ • Ʇʇ • ʇ̃ • ʇ̬ • ᴛ • ᵵ • Latin capital letter T with bowl.svgLatin small letter T with bowl.svg • ꝷ • Ⱦⱦ • Latin capital letter broken T.svgLatin small letter broken T.svg • Latin capital letter T with descender.svgLatin small letter T with descender.svg • T̯t̯ • ȶ • t̪ • Ꞇꞇ • Latin capital letter phonotypic Th.svgLatin small letter phonotypic Th early Pitman form.svg/Latin small letter phonotypic Th second form.svg/Latin small letter phonotypic Th late Pitman form.svg • Latin capital letter Theta.svgLatin small letter Theta.svg • Latin small letter abkhaz-wakhi Theta.svg • Úú • Ûû • Û̄û̄ • Ùù • Üü • Ǖǖ • Ǘǘ • Ǚǚ • Ǜǜ • Ü̂ü̂ • Ŭŭ • Ũũ • Ūū • Ůů • Űű • Ųų • Ưư • Ư̆ư̆ • Ǔǔ • Ȕȕ • Ȗȗ • U̯u̯ • Ʉʉ • Ʉ́ʉ́ • Ʉ̋ʉ̋ • Ʉ̀ʉ̀ • Ʉ̏ʉ̏ • Ʉ̂ʉ̂ • Ʉ̌ʉ̌ • Ʉ̄ʉ̄ • Ʉ̃ʉ̃ • Ʉ̃́ʉ̃́ • Ʉ̈ʉ̈ • Ʉ̍ʉ̍ • Latin capital letter U with inwards bar.svgLatin small letter U with inwards bar.svg • Ṳṳ • Ṵṵ • Ṵ́ṵ́ • Ṵ̀ṵ̀ • Ṵ̄ṵ̄ • Ṳ̃ṳ̃ • Ṷṷ • Ṹṹ • Ṻṻ • Ụụ • Ụ̄ụ̄ • Ụ́ụ́ • Ụ̀ụ̀ • Ụ̂ụ̂ • Ụ̈ụ̈ • Ựự • Ủủ • Ứứ • Ừừ • Ửử • Ữữ • Uͤuͤ • ᶙ • ᴜ • ᴝ • ᴞ • Latin capital letter reversed enlarged small U.svgLatin small letter reversed U.svg • ᵾ • ꭎ • ꭏ • Latin capital letter U with hook.svgꭒ • ʉ̞ • U̍u̍ • U̇u̇ • U̐u̐ • U̓u̓ • U̸u̸ • U̧u̧ • U̱u̱ • U̲u̲ • Û́û́ • Ư̄ư̄ • Ū́ū́ • Ū̀ū̀ • Ū̂ū̂ • Ū̌ū̌ • Ū̃ū̃ • Ũ̀ũ̀ • Ũ̂ũ̂ • Ũ̌ũ̌ • Ũ̍ũ̍ • Ú̧ú̧ • Ù̧ù̧ • Û̧û̧ • Ǔ̧ǔ̧ • Ú̱ú̱ • Ù̱ù̱ • Û̱û̱ • Ū̱ū̱ • Ū̱́ū̱́ • Ū̱̀ū̱̀ • Ū̱̂ū̱̂ • Ų́ų́ • Ų̀ų̀ • Ų̂ų̂ • Ų̌ų̌ • Ų̄ų̄ • Ų̄́ų̄́ • Ų̄̀ų̄̀ • Ų̄̂ų̄̂ • Ų̄̌ų̄̌ • Ų̃ų̃ • Ų̈ų̈ • Ṳ́ṳ́ • Ṳ̀ṳ̀ • Ṳ̂ṳ̂ • Ṳ̄ṳ̄ • Ṳ̍ṳ̍ • Ṳ̆ṳ̆ • Ṳ̊ṳ̊ • U᷆u᷆ • U᷇u᷇ • Latin capital letter U with spiritus lenis.svgLatin small letter U with spiritus lenis.svg • u̽ • Latin small letter split U.svg • Latin capital letter U with Q-tail.svgLatin small letter U with u-turned tail.svg • Latin capital letter U with notch at bottom.svgLatin small letter U with notch at bottom.svg • Ꞟꞟ • Ʊʊ • Ʊ́ʊ́ • Ʊ̀ʊ̀ • ᵿ • ʊ̈ • Latin capital Upsilon in ARA.svgLatin small Upsilon in ARA.svg • Ʋʋ • Ʋ́ʋ́ • Ʋ̀ʋ̀ • Ʋ̃ʋ̃ • Ʋ̃́ʋ̃́ • Ʋ̃̀ʋ̃̀ • ʋ̥ • Ʌʌ • Ʌ́ʌ́ • Ʌ̀ʌ̀ • Ʌ̂ʌ̂ • Ʌ̌ʌ̌ • Ʌ̃ʌ̃ • Ʌ̈ʌ̈ • Ṽṽ • Ṿṿ • ⱴ • ⱱ • ⱱ̟ • ᶌ • Ỽỽ • Latin small letter late-welsh V.svg • ᴠ • Ꝟꝟ • V́v́ • V̀v̀ • V̄v̄ • V̐v̐ • V̈v̈ • V̓v̓ • V̦v̦ • Ꝩꝩ • V̱v̱ • Ŵŵ • Ẁẁ • Ẃẃ • Ẅẅ • Ẇẇ • Ẉẉ • W̊ẘ • Ⱳⱳ • ᴡ • ʍ • W̃w̃ • W̓w̓ • W̔w̔ • W̤w̤ • W̋w̋ • W̱w̱ • Ẍẍ • Ẋẋ • ᶍ • ꭖ • ꭗ • ꭘ • ꭙ • X̣x̣ • X̧x̧ • X́x́ • X̂x̂ • X̌x̌ • X̆x̆ • x̯ • Latin capital letter X with two high hooks.svgLatin small letter X with two high hooks.svg • Latin capital letter X with stroke.svgLatin small letter X with stroke.svg • Latin capital letter X with descender.svgLatin small letter X with descender.svg • X̱x̱ • Ꭓꭓ • ꭔ • ꭕ • Latin small letter barred chi.svg • ꭓ̇ • ꭓ̣ • Latin small letter script X.svg • Latin capital letter enlarged small Y.svg • Ýý • Ÿÿ • Ŷŷ • Ƴƴ • Ȳȳ • Ɏɏ • Ẏẏ • Ỳỳ • Y̊ẙ • Ỵỵ • Ỷỷ • Ỹỹ • Latin capital letter lambda.svgʎ • МФА глухой палатальный латеральный фрикатив.svg • ʎ̟ • ʏ • y̽ • Ỿỿ • ꭚ • Y̆y̆ • Y̓y̓ • Y̐y̐ • Y̨y̨ • Y̰y̰ • Ÿ́ÿ́ • Y̱y̱ • Źź • Żż • Žž • Ƶƶ • Latin capital letter Z with stroke and descender.svgLatin small letter Z with stroke and descender.svg • Ȥȥ • Ɀɀ • Ẑẑ • Ẓẓ • Ẕẕ • Ⱬⱬ • Ʒʒ • Latin capital letter angular Ezh.svg • Ƹƹ • Ǯǯ • ǯ̣ • ʓ • ʐ • ʑ • ƺ • ᶎ • ᶚ • ᴢ • ᴣ • ᵶ • Ꝣꝣ • Z̆z̆ • Z̄z̄ • Z̃z̃ • Z̈z̈ • Z̓z̓ • Z̭z̭ • Z̧z̧ • Z̦z̦ • Z̤z̤ • Ž́ž́ • Ẓ̌ẓ̌ • Ž̧ž̧ • Ž̦ž̦ • Ž̈ž̈ • Ž̆ž̆ • Latin small letter Z with tophook.svgLatin small letter Z with tophook.svg • z̛ • Latin capital letter Ze.svgLatin small letter Ze.svg • Latin small letter stretched Ze.svg • Latin capital letter Zhe.svgLatin small letter Zhe.svg • Latin capital letter He.svgLatin small letter He.svg • Ꜫꜫ • Ꜭꜭ • Ꜯꜯ • Зз • Чч • Ƽƽ • Ƅƅ • 7 • Latin capital letter abkhasian Che.svgLatin small letter abkhasian Che.svg • Latin capital letter abkhasian Che with descender.svgLatin capital letter abkhasian Che with descender.svg • Ꞌꞌ • ʔ • Ɂɂ • ʕ • ʕ̞ • ʕ̓ • ʡ • ʢ • ʡ̮ • ʖ • ʖ̃ • ʖ̬ • Ꜣꜣ • Latin capital letter egyptological secondary aleph.svgLatin small letter egyptological secondary aleph.svg • Ꜥꜥ • Ꝫꝫ • Ƿƿ • Ȝȝ • Þþ • Ꝥꝥ • Ꝧꝧ • ꭠ • Latin letter Linearized tilde.svg • ǀ • ǀ́ • ǀ̃ • ǀ̵ • ǀ̣ • ǀ̬ • ǁ • ǁ̃ • ǁ̬ • ǃ • ǃ̃ • ǃ̬ • ǂ • ǂ̃ • ǂ̬ • ʘ • ʘ̃ • ʘ̬ • ƻ • Latin letter voiced alveolar click.svg • Latin letter voiceless alveolar click.svg • Latin letter voiced retroflex click.svg • Latin letter voiceless retroflex click.svg • Latin letter Owl.svg • ʭ • Ꝯꝯ • ꞏ • ᴤ •


ʼn • Ꜳꜳ • Ꜳ́ꜳ́ • Ꜳ̋ꜳ̋ • Ææ • ᴁ • ᴂ • Ǽǽ • Æ̂æ̂ • Æ̀æ̀ • Ǣǣ • Æ̃æ̃ • Æ̈æ̈ • æ̞ • ꬱ • Ꜵꜵ • Ꜷꜷ • Ꜹꜹ • Ꜹ̣ꜹ̣ • Ꜹ́ꜹ́ • Ꜹ̋ꜹ̋ • Ꜹ̨ꜹ̨ • Ꜻꜻ • Ꜽꜽ • Latin small ligature Ct.svg • ȸ • DZDzdz • DŽDždž • ʣ • ʤ • ʥ • ʩ • ff • fi • ffi • fl • ffl • Ƕƕ • IJij • LJLjlj • Ỻỻ • ʪ • ʫ • ɮ • NJNjnj • Œœ • ɶ • Œ́œ́ • Œ̀œ̀ • Œ̂œ̂ • Œ̌œ̌ • Œ̄œ̄ • Œ̈œ̈ • ᴔ • ꭀ • ꭁ • ꭂ • ꭢ • Ꝏꝏ • ꭃ • ꭄ • Ȣȣ • ᴕ • ȹ • st • ſt • (ẞ)ß • ʨ • ᵺ • ʦ • ƾ • ʧ • Latin capital letter Tp.svgLatin small letter Tp.svg • Latin capital letter Tp with descender.svgLatin small letter Tp with descender.svg • Ꜩꜩ • Latin capital ligature UE.svgᵫ • ꭐ • ꭑ • ꭣ • Latin capital letter UU.svg • Ꝡꝡ • ʬ •



’b • ’d • ’y • a’ • aa • ae • ãe • ah • äh • ai • aí • aî • ái • ãi • am • âm • an • añ • aŋ • än • ân • ån • ao • ão • aq • au • äu • aû • aw • ay • bb • bd • bh • bm • bp • bv • bz • cc • cg • ch • čh • ci • ck • cn • cö • cr • cs • ct • cu • cx • cz • dc • dd • dg • dh • dj • dl • dł • dm • dn • dp • dq • dr • dt • dv • dx • dy • dz • dź • dż • dž • e’ • ea • eá • éa • ee • eh • ei • eî • éi • ej • em • ém • êm • en • eñ • eŋ • én • ên • ɛn • ɛŋ • eo • eq • eu • eû • ew • êw • ey • ff • fh • fx • gb • gʻ • gb • gc • ge • gg • gh • għ • gi • gj • gk • gl • gm • gn • gñ • go • gq • gr • gu • gü • gw • ǥw • gx • gy • hh • hj • hl • hm • hn • hr • hs • hu • hv • hw • hx • i′ • ie • ig • ih • ii • ij • I with bowl-j digraph.svg • il • im • ím • in • iñ • iŋ • ín • în • io • ío • iq • iu • iú • iw • ix • jh • jj • jö • jr • jx • kf • kg • kh • kj • kk • kl • km • kn • kp • kr • ks • ku • kv • kw • ḵw • kx • ky • kz • lh • lj • ll • l·l • ḷḷ • lr • lv • lx • ly • mb • md • mf • mg • mh • ml • mm • mn • mp • mt • mv • mw • mx • n’ • nb • nc • nd • ng • ńg • ñg • ŋg • nh • nj • nk • ŋk • nm • ńm • ŋm • nn • np • nq • nr • ns • nt • ŋv • nw • nx • ny • nz • n- • o′ • oa • oe • oê • õe • oh • öh • oi • oí • oî • ói • òi • om • ôm • on • оñ • оŋ • ôn • ön • ɔn • ɔŋ • oo • oq • or • ou • où • oû • ow • ôw • oy • oŷ • øy • œu • pf • ph • pl • pm • pn • pp • ps • pt • pw • qg • qh • qk • qo • qq • qu • qv • qw • qy • rd • rh • rl • rm • rn • rp • rr • rs • rt • rw • rz • sc • sç • sh • ſh • s̈h • si • sj • sk • sl • sp • sr • ss • st • sv • sx • sy • sz • tc • tf • tg • th • ti • tj • tl • tł • tm • tn • tp • tr • ts • ts̃ • tt • tw • tx • ty • tz • u′ • uc • ue • ug • uh • üh • ui • uí • úi • um • úm • un • uñ • uŋ • ún • ün • uo • uq • ur • uu • uw • ux • vb • vg • vh • vk • vn • vv • wh • wr • wu • ww • wx • xf • xg • xh • xi • xk • xö • xu • xw • x̱w • xx • xy • ye • yh • yi • yk • ym • yn • yr • yu • yw • yx • yy • zh • zl • zm • zr • zs • zv • zw • zz • ǀg • ǀh • ǀn • ǁg • ǁh • ǁn • ǃg • ǃh • ǃn • ǂg • ǂh • ǂn


aai • abh • adh • aei • agh • aim • ain • aío • amh • aoi • aon • aou • aoû • aqh • aye • bhf • c’h • ccs • chd • chh • chj • chw • chs • chz • ckh • cci • ddh • ddz • dlh • drz • dsh • dtc • dzh • dzv • dzs • eai • eái • eau • ein • eoi • eqh • geü • ggw • ggy • ghj • ghw • gli • gln • gni • guë • güe • gqh • hhw • hml • hny • idh • ieh • igh • ign • ije • ilh • ill • iqh • iúi • jyu • khu • khw • kng • k’u • kwh • kx’ • lhw • lli • lly • lyw • nch • ndl • ndz • ng’ • ngb • ŋgb • ngc • ngg • ngh • ngk • ngm • ngq • ngv • ngw • ngx • nhw • nkc • nkh • nkp • nkq • nkx • nng • nny • nph • npl • nqh • nrh • ntc • nth • ntl • nts • ntx • nyh • nyk • nyw • nzv • obh • odh • oen • oeu • ogh • oin • oío • omh • ooi • oqh • ous • plh • pmw • qkh • quh • qx’ • rlw • rnd • rng • rnw • rrh • rrw • rtn • rtw • sch • ẜch • sci • sh’ • skj • ssi • sth • stj • ssz • s-c • s-g • tcg • tch • thn • ths • thw • tlh • tnh • tnw • tny • tsg • tsh • tsj • tsv • tsz • tth • ttl • tts • tty • txh • tyh • tyw • uin • uío • uqh • urr • vkh • xhw • xkh • zzs • ǀkh • ǁkx • ǃkx • ǂkx


abha • adha • agha • aidh • aigh • amha • chth • cque • dcg’ • dçg’ • dqg’ • dsch • dts’ • dxg’ • eabh • eadh • eamh • eaux • eeuw • eidh • eigh • gqx’ • ieuw • illi • kngw • ndlh • ng’w • nplh • ntsh • ntxh • nyng • obha • odha • ogha • oidh • oigh • omha • ough • phth • rtnw • s-cc • s-ch • s-gg • thnw • thsh • tnhw • tnyw • tsch • zsch


abhai • adhai • aghai • amhai • eabha • eadha • eamha • eidhi • eighi • obhai • odhai • oghai • oidhi • oighi • omhai • tzsch


eabhai • eadhai • eamhai • eidhea • eighea • oidhea • oighea


Производные латинской буквы X, x


Ẍẍ • Ẋẋ • ᶍ • ꭖ • ꭗ • ꭘ • ꭙ • X̣x̣ • X̧x̧ • X́x́ • X̂x̂ • X̌x̌ • X̆x̆ • x̯ • Latin capital letter X with two high hooks.svgLatin small letter X with two high hooks.svg • Latin capital letter X with stroke.svgLatin small letter X with stroke.svg • Latin capital letter X with descender.svgLatin small letter X with descender.svg • X̱x̱ • Latin small letter script X.svg

Буквы с x сверху

i̽ • ɯ̽ • u̽ •



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