April 19 2004, 12:13
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Марки машин
Друзья, а как правильно пишутся названия марок машин (ауди, вольво итп)? В кавычках, с большой или с маленькой? Просьба откликнуться тех, кто уверен на 100%.
Четыре кольца на эмблеме «Ауди» обозначают период, когда компания слилась с тремя другими производителями и образовала автомобильный союз (Auto Union).
История «Ауди» начинается с Августа Хорьха, который положил начало производству премиальных автомобилей. Они сделали значок «Ауди» гарантией качества и надежности.
История марки «Ауди»
История марки «Ауди» связана с Августом Хорьхом. Мальчик рос в деревне Виннинген, а его отец был кузнецом. Августа с юных лет обучали этому ремеслу, которое ему так и не далось. В 20 лет Август поступил в техникум города Митвайда и освоил там квалификацию инженера.
Хорьх работал в различных конструкторских бюро, пока не увидел в Лейпциге Benz Velo. Автомобиль поразил Августа. Он предложил Карлу Бенцу свои услуги инженера и был принят на новую работу. Через 3 года Хорьх из-за разногласий с руководством покинул компанию Бенца и 1899 году основал свой собственный концерн.
Рождение бренда
Производство носило название «Хорьх», а свой первый автомобиль Horch оно создало уже в 1900 году. К 1909 году компанией было выпущено 307 автомобилей. Их быстро распродали, так как на тот момент они считались передовыми и самыми совершенными.
Автомобиль Horch
В этом же году у Августа произошел конфликт с акционерами из-за неудачного выпуска шестицилиндрового двигателя. В результате Хорьх покинул компанию.
Происхождение названия
С финансовой поддержкой предпринимателя Франца Фикентчера Август открывает новую компанию, которая сохранила традиционное название – «Хорьх». По этой причине его бывшие коллеги из первой фирмы подают на организацию в суд из-за одинакового названия.
Потребовалось срочно провести ребрендинг. Август вместе с Францем перебирали варианты, однако финальное название предложил сын Фикентчера. Мальчик посоветовал перевести фамилию Хорьха на латинский язык.
Слово horen (слушать), переводится как audire, а horch (слушай) в переводе на латынь пишется как audi.
С этого момента происходит новый виток в истории бренда «Ауди».
Довоенная история «Ауди»
В 1910 с конвейера выходит Audi-A, а затем модели B и С. В 1916 году Август Хорьх отходит от производства, а сама компания начинает терять прибыль, из-за чего ее выкупает Йорген Расмуссен. На данном этапе фирменный значок «Ауди» еще не существовал, вместо него был золотой логотип Audi в синем овале, располагающийся на решетке радиатора машины.
В 1932 году при слиянии 4 компаний, образуется Auto Union. Данный концерн успешно выпускал новые переднеприводные машины, которые были популярны до самой войны. Во время Второй мировой компания занималась поставками грузовиков, тягачей, бронеавтомобилей, а также различных инструментов и даже вооружения для Вермахта.
Автомобилестроение в послевоенный период
После Второй мировой войны заводы в стране были разрушены бомбардировками, уцелевшие станки и оборудование были вывезены из ГДР, работники и руководство фирмы также покинули Германию.
В 1949 году Auto Union возобновляет производство и начинает выпускать мотоциклы и грузовики. Тогда концерн выпускал непримечательные и недорогие машины DKW F89 P, характерные для послевоенного времени. Данный автомобиль не мог конкурировать с популярной на то время товарной линейкой Volkswagen Käfer, поэтому объемы продаж и выручка концерна Auto Union падали.
Автомобиль DKW F89
В 1964 году права на владение концерном переходят фирме Volkswagen. В этот момент глава конструкторского бюро Людвиг Краус начинает разрабатывать концепцию Audi 100 втайне от руководства. В главном офисе узнали о наработках инженера, однако одобрили выпуск автомобиля, который сошел с конвейера под значком Audi в 1968 году и стал флагманом компании.
В 1970 году автомобили Audi моделей 90 и 100 начали покорять американский рынок. Через четыре года главным конструктором «Ауди» становится Фердинанд Пиех, который разработал турбированный 5-цилиндровый двигатель мощностью 200 л. с.
На Женевской автомобильной выставке, которая проходила в 1980 году, компания представила полноприводную Audi 80. По сей день эта машина популярна. После представления компания принялась разрабатывать Audi Quattro.
Новейшая история компании
В 2005 году «Ауди» представляет внедорожник Q7 hybrid, который через 3 года оснастят дизельным двигателем, а позже модель А8, имеющую автоматическую коробку передач.
В 2010 году Audi демонстрирует A7 Sportback. Автомобиль отличается модифицированным багажником, длинной крышкой капота, увеличенными колесными арками, спортивным наклоном задних стоек, новыми лампами в фарах. В том же году выпускается R8 GT.
В 2012 компания представляет универсал RS4 Avant, а в 2014 – Audi S1 и S1 Sportback, хэтчбеки с усовершенствованной приборной панелью и турбированным двигателем в 231 л. с.
Audi e-tron
В 2020 году появится Audi e-tron, полностью электрическая модель с запасом хода в 300 километров. Также рестайлинг и повышение мощности получили автомобили серий А3-7 и Q3, Q5, Q7.
Логотип «Ауди»
Первоначально лого «Ауди» представляло собой синий овал, в котором находилась золотая надпись Audi.
С 1949 года и по 1965 автомобили выходили уже с привычным логотипом «Ауди» в виде 4 колец, расшифровка которых связана с особым периодом компании, однако на передних крыльях сохранялся первозданный значок с измененным шрифтом текста.
История четырех колец, эволюция эмблемы
Четыре кольца на эмблеме «Ауди» обозначают период, когда компания слилась с тремя другими производителями и образовала автомобильный союз (Auto Union).
Эволюция эмблемы Audi
Это важнейший этап в становлении бренда, а своеобразный логотип расшифровывается таким образом, что отдает дань традиции и компаниям, входившим в концерн.
Как расшифровать значок Audi
Значок «Ауди» означает каждую из 4 компаний, входивших в концерн Auto Union, а именно:
- Horch;
- Audi;
- DKW;
- Wanderer.
Сейчас Audi – самостоятельное подразделение компании Volkswagen.
Интересные факты
За многолетнюю и не самую простую историю Audi набрала внушительный список интересных фактов:
- «Ауди» – первая машина, которая смогла разогнаться до 200 км/ч на дистанции в километр.
- В стиле «Ауди» можно подчеркнуть изысканный рационализм, в связи с чем машины выглядят классическими и минималистичными.
- Одна из самых популярных моделей Audi TT имеет индекс, обозначающий аббревиатуру Tourist Trophy, гонки, проводящейся на одной из самых опасных трасс.
- Несмотря на консервативный стиль и высокую стоимость, авто марки «Ауди» пользуются большим спросом у европейской молодежи до 30 лет.
- «Ауди» регулярно проводит конкурсы, связанные с автомобилестроением и культурой, а победители получают от компании гранты на реализацию своих идей.
Audi TT
Большинство интересных фактов об этой компании также связано с гонками. Основатель Август Хорьх был влюблен в скорость, что нашло отражение в его автомобилях и во всей компании.
Спортивная история
Автомобили «Ауди» являются постоянными участниками различных гоночных состязаний практически с момента основания компании Хорьх, а эмблема часто располагается на спортивной одежде гонщиков.
Модели «Ауди» В и С отлично себя показали в гонках «Ауто Альпенфарт» и стали символом данного состязания.
Машины серии «Кватро» были постоянными призерами ралли, проходившими в Австрии. Другие автомобили не могли конкурировать с ними до 1986 года, когда соревнования были признаны опасными, и группа b была закрыта.
Audi является постоянным участником гонок «24 часа Ле-Мана» и «12 часов Себринга». Данные автомобили суммарно пришли 21 раз под первым номером в заездах. Согласно Википедии, машины марки «Ауди» проиграли только 3 подобных гонки.
Ключевые авто в истории бренда
Первым значимым автомобилем является Audi Type R. Она была создана в 1928 году и могла разогнаться до 110 км/ч, что на то время было немыслимо. Следующей знаковой машиной была Audi 100, которая позволила концерну проявить свою оригинальность.
Audi Quattro известна тем, что обладала полным приводом. Это расширяло рамки для участия ралли, но также и в условиях города машина была популярна. Модель Q7 сделала прорыв среди внедорожников, став одним из главных представительских кроссоверов внушительных размеров, символизирующих надежность и престижность.
Audi R8 не первый суперкар в истории компании, но именно он оказался самым популярным. Модель совмещает отличные ходовые характеристики трекового авто и премиальный дизайн.
Эволюция компании «Ауди» наполнена различными событиями, взлетами и падениями. Производство испытало множество кризисов и черных полос, прошло через несколько слияний, но в конечном итоге это сделало знак «Ауди» всемирно известным.
Audi Forum (Ingolstadt, Germany) : Museum and Headquarters of the carmaker. |
Type | Subsidiary (AG) |
Industry | Automotive |
Predecessors |
Founded |
Founder | August Horch[2] |
Headquarters |
Ingolstadt , Germany |
Number of locations |
13 production facilities in 10 countries[3] |
Area served |
Worldwide |
Key people |
Markus Duesmann (Chairman of the Board of Management & Board of Management Member for Technical Development and Product Lines) |
Products | Luxury vehicles |
Production output |
Revenue | |
Operating income |
Net income |
Total assets | |
Total equity | |
Number of employees |
90,783 (12/2019)[6] |
Parent | Volkswagen Group |
Divisions |
Subsidiaries |
Website | audi.com |
Footnotes / references Audi History: Chronicle,[7] 2011 Annual Financial Report[8] |
Audi AG (German: [ˈaʊ̯di ʔaːˈɡeː] (listen)) is a German automotive manufacturer of luxury vehicles headquartered in Ingolstadt, Bavaria, Germany. As a subsidiary of its parent company, the Volkswagen Group, Audi produces vehicles in nine production facilities worldwide.
The origins of the company are complex, going back to the early 20th century and the initial enterprises (Horch and the Audiwerke) founded by engineer August Horch (1868–1951); and two other manufacturers (DKW and Wanderer), leading to the foundation of Auto Union in 1932. The modern Audi era began in the 1960s, when Auto Union was acquired by Volkswagen from Daimler-Benz.[9] After relaunching the Audi brand with the 1965 introduction of the Audi F103 series, Volkswagen merged Auto Union with NSU Motorenwerke in 1969, thus creating the present-day form of the company.
The company name is based on the Latin translation of the surname of the founder, August Horch. Horch, meaning «listen», becomes audi in Latin. The four rings of the Audi logo each represent one of four car companies that banded together to create Audi’s predecessor company, Auto Union. Audi’s slogan is Vorsprung durch Technik, meaning «Being Ahead through Technology».[10] Audi, along with German brands BMW and Mercedes-Benz, is among the best-selling luxury automobile brands in the world.[11]
Birth of the company and its name
Automobile company Wanderer was originally established in 1885, later becoming a branch of Audi AG. Another company, NSU, which also later merged into Audi, was founded during this time, and later supplied the chassis for Gottlieb Daimler’s four-wheeler.[12]
On 14 November 1899, August Horch (1868–1951) established the company A. Horch & Cie. in the Ehrenfeld district of Cologne. In 1902, he moved with his company to Reichenbach im Vogtland. On 10 May 1904, he founded the August Horch & Cie. Motorwagenwerke AG, a joint-stock company in Zwickau (State of Saxony).
After troubles with Horch chief financial officer, August Horch left Motorwagenwerke and founded in Zwickau on 16 July 1909, his second company, the August Horch Automobilwerke GmbH. His former partners sued him for trademark infringement. The German Reichsgericht (Supreme Court) in Leipzig,[13] eventually determined that the Horch brand belonged to his former company.[14]
Since August Horch was prohibited from using «Horch» as a trade name in his new car business, he called a meeting with close business friends, Paul and Franz Fikentscher from Zwickau. At the apartment of Franz Fikentscher, they discussed how to come up with a new name for the company. During this meeting, Franz’s son was quietly studying Latin in a corner of the room. Several times he looked like he was on the verge of saying something but would just swallow his words and continue working, until he finally blurted out, «Father – audiatur et altera pars… wouldn’t it be a good idea to call it audi instead of horch?»[15] «Horch!» in German means «Hark!» or «hear», which is «Audi» in the singular imperative form of «audire» – «to listen» – in Latin. The idea was enthusiastically accepted by everyone attending the meeting.[16] On 25 April 1910 the Audi Automobilwerke GmbH Zwickau (from 1915 on Audiwerke AG Zwickau) was entered in the company’s register of Zwickau registration court.
The first Audi automobile, the Audi Type A 10/22 hp (16 kW) Sport-Phaeton, was produced in the same year,[17] followed by the successor Type B 10/28PS in the same year.[18]
Audi started with a 2,612 cc inline-four engine model Type A, followed by a 3,564 cc model, as well as 4,680 cc and 5,720 cc models. These cars were successful even in sporting events. The first six-cylinder model Type M, 4,655 cc appeared in 1924.[19]
August Horch left the Audiwerke in 1920 for a high position at the ministry of transport, but he was still involved with Audi as a member of the board of trustees. In September 1921, Audi became the first German car manufacturer to present a production car, the Audi Type K, with left-handed drive.[20] Left-hand drive spread and established dominance during the 1920s because it provided a better view of oncoming traffic, making overtaking safer[20] when driving on the right.
The merger of the four companies under the logo of four rings
In August 1928, Jørgen Rasmussen, the owner of Dampf-Kraft-Wagen (DKW), acquired the majority of shares in Audiwerke AG.[21] In the same year, Rasmussen bought the remains of the U.S. automobile manufacturer Rickenbacker, including the manufacturing equipment for 8-cylinder engines. These engines were used in Audi Zwickau and Audi Dresden models that were launched in 1929. At the same time, 6-cylinder and 4-cylinder (the «four» with a Peugeot engine) models were manufactured. Audi cars of that era were luxurious cars equipped with special bodywork.
In 1932, Audi merged with Horch, DKW, and Wanderer, to form Auto Union AG, Chemnitz. It was during this period that the company offered the Audi Front that became the first European car to combine a six-cylinder engine with front-wheel drive. It used a power train shared with the Wanderer, but turned 180 degrees, so that the drive shaft faced the front.
Before World War II, Auto Union used the four interlinked rings that make up the Audi badge today, representing these four brands. However, this badge was used only on Auto Union racing cars in that period while the member companies used their own names and emblems. The technological development became more and more concentrated and some Audi models were propelled by Horch- or Wanderer-built engines.
Reflecting the economic pressures of the time, Auto Union concentrated increasingly on smaller cars through the 1930s, so that by 1938 the company’s DKW brand accounted for 17.9% of the German car market, while Audi held only 0.1%. After the final few Audis were delivered in 1939 the «Audi» name disappeared completely from the new car market for more than two decades.
Post-World War II
Like most German manufacturing, at the onset of World War II the Auto Union plants were retooled for military production, and were a target for allied bombing during the war which left them damaged.
Overrun by the Soviet Army in 1945, on the orders of the Soviet Union military administration the factories were dismantled as part of war reparations.[22] Following this, the company’s entire assets were expropriated without compensation.[22] On 17 August 1948, Auto Union AG of Chemnitz was deleted from the commercial register.[21] These actions had the effect of liquidating Germany’s Auto Union AG. The remains of the Audi plant of Zwickau became the VEB (for «People Owned Enterprise») Automobilwerk Zwickau [de] or AWZ (in English: Automobile Works Zwickau).
With no prospect of continuing production in Soviet-controlled East Germany, Auto Union executives began the process of relocating what was left of the company to West Germany. A site was chosen in Ingolstadt, Bavaria, to start a spare parts operation in late 1945, which would eventually serve as the headquarters of the reformed Auto Union in 1949.
The former Audi factory in Zwickau restarted assembly of the pre-war models in 1949. These DKW models were renamed to IFA F8 and IFA F9 and were similar to the West German versions. West and East German models were equipped with the traditional and renowned DKW two-stroke engines. The Zwickau plant manufactured the infamous Trabant until 1991, when it came under Volkswagen control—effectively bringing it under the same umbrella as Audi since 1945.
New Auto Union unit
A new West German headquartered Auto Union was launched in Ingolstadt with loans from the Bavarian state government and Marshall Plan aid.[22] The reformed company was launched 3 September 1949 and continued DKW’s tradition of producing front-wheel drive vehicles with two-stroke engines.[22] This included production of a small but sturdy 125 cc motorcycle and a DKW delivery van, the DKW F89 L at Ingolstadt. The Ingolstadt site was large, consisting of an extensive complex of formerly military buildings which was suitable for administration as well as vehicle warehousing and distribution, but at this stage there was at Ingolstadt no dedicated plant suitable for mass production of automobiles: for manufacturing the company’s first post-war mass-market passenger car plant capacity in Düsseldorf was rented from Rheinmetall-Borsig. It was only ten years later, after the company had attracted an investor, when funds became available for construction of major car plant at the Ingolstadt head office site.
In 1958, in response to pressure from Friedrich Flick, then the company’s largest single shareholder,[23] Daimler-Benz took an 87% holding in the Auto Union company, and this was increased to a 100% holding in 1959. However, small two-stroke cars were not the focus of Daimler-Benz’s interests, and while the early 1960s saw major investment in new Mercedes models and in a state of the art factory for Auto Union’s, the company’s aging model range at this time did not benefit from the economic boom of the early 1960s to the same extent as competitor manufacturers such as Volkswagen and Opel. The decision to dispose of the Auto Union business was based on its lack of profitability.[24] Ironically, by the time they sold the business, it also included a large new factory and near production-ready modern four-stroke engine, which would enable the Auto Union business, under a new owner, to embark on a period of profitable growth, now producing not Auto Unions or DKWs, but using the «Audi» name, resurrected in 1965 after a 25-year gap.
In 1964, Volkswagen acquired a 50% holding in the business, which included the new factory in Ingolstadt, the DKW and Audi brands along with the rights to the new engine design which had been funded by Daimler-Benz, who in return retained the dormant Horch trademark and the Düsseldorf factory which became a Mercedes-Benz van assembly plant. Eighteen months later, Volkswagen bought complete control of Ingolstadt, and by 1966 were using the spare capacity of the Ingolstadt plant to assemble an additional 60,000 Volkswagen Beetles per year.[25] Two-stroke engines became less popular during the 1960s as customers were more attracted to the smoother four-stroke engines. In September 1965, the DKW F102 was fitted with a four-stroke engine and a facelift for the car’s front and rear. Volkswagen dumped the DKW brand because of its associations with two-stroke technology, and having classified the model internally as the F103, sold it simply as the «Audi». Later developments of the model were named after their horsepower ratings and sold as the Audi 60, 75, 80, and Super 90, selling until 1972. Initially, Volkswagen was hostile to the idea of Auto Union as a standalone entity producing its own models having acquired the company merely to boost its own production capacity through the Ingolstadt assembly plant – to the point where Volkswagen executives ordered that the Auto Union name and flags bearing the four rings were removed from the factory buildings. Then VW chief Heinz Nordhoff explicitly forbade Auto Union from any further product development. Fearing that Volkswagen had no long-term ambition for the Audi brand, Auto Union engineers under the leadership of Ludwig Kraus developed the first Audi 100 in secret, without Nordhoff’s knowledge. When presented with a finished prototype, Nordhoff was so impressed he authorised the car for production, which when launched in 1968, went on to be a huge success. With this, the resurrection of the Audi brand was now complete, this being followed by the first generation Audi 80 in 1972, which would in turn provide a template for VW’s new front-wheel-drive water-cooled range which debuted from the mid-1970s onward.
In 1969, Auto Union merged with NSU, based in Neckarsulm, near Stuttgart. In the 1950s, NSU had been the world’s largest manufacturer of motorcycles, but had moved on to produce small cars like the NSU Prinz, the TT and TTS versions of which are still popular as vintage race cars. NSU then focused on new rotary engines based on the ideas of Felix Wankel. In 1967, the new NSU Ro 80 was a car well ahead of its time in technical details such as aerodynamics, light weight, and safety. However, teething problems with the rotary engines put an end to the independence of NSU. The Neckarsulm plant is now used to produce the larger Audi models A6 and A8. The Neckarsulm factory is also home of the «quattro GmbH» (from November 2016 «Audi Sport GmbH»), a subsidiary responsible for development and production of Audi high-performance models: the R8 and the RS model range.
Modern era
Participation certificate of the Audi NSU Auto Union AG, issued August 1969
The new merged company was incorporated on 1 January 1969 and was known as Audi NSU Auto Union AG, with its headquarters at NSU’s Neckarsulm plant, and saw the emergence of Audi as a separate brand for the first time since the pre-war era. Volkswagen introduced the Audi brand to the United States for the 1970 model year. That same year, the mid-sized car that NSU had been working on, the K70, originally intended to slot between the rear-engined Prinz models and the futuristic NSU Ro 80, was instead launched as a Volkswagen.
After the launch of the Audi 100 of 1968, the Audi 80/Fox (which formed the basis for the 1973 Volkswagen Passat) followed in 1972 and the Audi 50 (later rebadged as the Volkswagen Polo) in 1974. The Audi 50 was a seminal design because it was the first incarnation of the Golf/Polo concept, one that led to a hugely successful world car. Ultimately, the Audi 80 and 100 (progenitors of the A4 and A6, respectively) became the company’s biggest sellers, whilst little investment was made in the fading NSU range; the Prinz models were dropped in 1973 whilst the fatally flawed NSU Ro80 went out of production in 1977, spelling the effective end of the NSU brand. Production of the Audi 100 had been steadily moved from Ingolstadt to Neckarsulm as the 1970s had progressed, and by the appearance of the second generation C2 version in 1976, all production was now at the former NSU plant. Neckarsulm from that point onward would produce Audi’s higher-end models.
The Audi image at this time was a conservative one, and so, a proposal from chassis engineer Jörg Bensinger[26] was accepted to develop the four-wheel drive technology in Volkswagen’s Iltis military vehicle for an Audi performance car and rally racing car. The performance car, introduced in 1980, was named the «Audi Quattro», a turbocharged coupé which was also the first German large-scale production vehicle to feature permanent all-wheel drive through a centre differential. Commonly referred to as the «Ur-Quattro» (the «Ur-» prefix is a German augmentative used, in this case, to mean «original» and is also applied to the first generation of Audi’s S4 and S6 Sport Saloons, as in «UrS4» and «UrS6»), few of these vehicles were produced (all hand-built by a single team), but the model was a great success in rallying. Prominent wins proved the viability of all-wheel-drive racecars, and the Audi name became associated with advances in automotive technology.
In 1985, with the Auto Union and NSU brands effectively dead, the company’s official name was now shortened to simply Audi AG. At the same time the company’s headquarters moved back to Ingolstadt and two new wholly owned subsidiaries; Auto Union GmbH and NSU GmbH, were formed to own and manage the historical trademarks and intellectual property of the original constituent companies (the exception being Horch, which had been retained by Daimler-Benz after the VW takeover), and to operate Audi’s heritage operations.
In 1986, as the Passat-based Audi 80 was beginning to develop a kind of «grandfather’s car» image, the type 89 was introduced. This completely new development sold extremely well. However, its modern and dynamic exterior belied the low performance of its base engine, and its base package was quite spartan (even the passenger-side mirror was an option.) In 1987, Audi put forward a new and very elegant Audi 90, which had a much superior set of standard features. In the early 1990s, sales began to slump for the Audi 80 series, and some basic construction problems started to surface.
In the early part of the 21st century, Audi set forth on a German racetrack to claim and maintain several world records, such as top speed endurance. This effort was in-line with the company’s heritage from the 1930s racing era Silver Arrows.
Through the early 1990s, Audi began to shift its target market upscale to compete against German automakers Mercedes-Benz and BMW. This began with the release of the Audi V8 in 1990. It was essentially a new engine fitted to the Audi 100/200, but with noticeable bodywork differences. Most obvious was the new grille that was now incorporated in the bonnet.
By 1991, Audi had the four-cylinder Audi 80, the 5-cylinder Audi 90 and Audi 100, the turbocharged Audi 200 and the Audi V8. There was also a coupé version of the 80/90 with both four- and five-cylinder engines.
Although the five-cylinder engine was a successful and robust powerplant, it was still a little too different for the target market. With the introduction of an all-new Audi 100 in 1992, Audi introduced a 2.8L V6 engine. This engine was also fitted to a face-lifted Audi 80 (all 80 and 90 models were now badged 80 except for the USA), giving this model a choice of four-, five-, and six-cylinder engines, in saloon, coupé and convertible body styles.
The five-cylinder was soon dropped as a major engine choice; however, a turbocharged 220 PS (160 kW; 220 hp) version remained. The engine, initially fitted to the 200 quattro 20V of 1991, was a derivative of the engine fitted to the Sport Quattro. It was fitted to the Audi Coupé, named the S2, and also to the Audi 100 body, and named the S4. These two models were the beginning of the mass-produced S series of performance cars.
Audi 5000 unintended acceleration allegations
Sales in the United States fell after a series of recalls from 1982 to 1987 of Audi 5000 models[27] associated with reported incidents of sudden unintended acceleration linked to six deaths and 700 accidents.[27] At the time, NHTSA was investigating 50 car models from 20 manufacturers for sudden surges of power.[28]
A 60 Minutes report aired 23 November 1986,[29] featuring interviews with six people who had sued Audi after reporting unintended acceleration, showing an Audi 5000 ostensibly suffering a problem when the brake pedal was pushed.[30][31] Subsequent investigation revealed that 60 Minutes had engineered the failure – fitting a canister of compressed air on the passenger-side floor, linked via a hose to a hole drilled into the transmission.[29]
Audi contended, prior to findings by outside investigators,[28] that the problems were caused by driver error, specifically pedal misapplication.[28] Subsequently, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) concluded that the majority of unintended acceleration cases, including all the ones that prompted the 60 Minutes report, were caused by driver error such as confusion of pedals.[32] CBS did not acknowledge the test results of involved government agencies, but did acknowledge the similar results of another study.[30]
In a review study published in 2012, NHTSA summarized its past findings about the Audi unintended acceleration problems: «Once an unintended acceleration had begun, in the Audi 5000, due to a failure in the idle-stabilizer system (producing an initial acceleration of 0.3g), pedal misapplication resulting from panic, confusion, or unfamiliarity with the Audi 5000 contributed to the severity of the incident.»[33]
This summary is consistent with the conclusions of NHTSA’s most technical analysis at the time: «Audi idle-stabilization systems were prone to defects which resulted in excessive idle speeds and brief unanticipated accelerations of up to 0.3g [which is similar in magnitude to an emergency stop in a subway car]. These accelerations could not be the sole cause of [(long-duration) sudden acceleration incidents (SAI)], but might have triggered some SAIs by startling the driver.[34] The defective idle-stabilization system performed a type of electronic throttle control. Significantly: multiple «intermittent malfunctions of the electronic control unit were observed and recorded … and [were also observed and] reported by Transport Canada.»[34]
With a series of recall campaigns, Audi made several modifications; the first adjusted the distance between the brake and accelerator pedal on automatic-transmission models.[27] Later repairs, of 250,000 cars dating back to 1978, added a device requiring the driver to press the brake pedal before shifting out of park.[27] A legacy of the Audi 5000 and other reported cases of sudden unintended acceleration are intricate gear stick patterns and brake interlock mechanisms to prevent inadvertent shifting into forward or reverse. It is unclear how the defects in the idle-stabilization system were addressed.
Audi’s U.S. sales, which had reached 74,061 in 1985, dropped to 12,283 in 1991 and remained level for three years,[27] – with resale values falling dramatically.[35] Audi subsequently offered increased warranty protection[35] and renamed the affected models – with the 5000 becoming the 100 and 200 in 1989[28] – and reached the same sales levels again only by model year 2000.[27]
A 2010 BusinessWeek article – outlining possible parallels between Audi’s experience and 2009–2010 Toyota vehicle recalls – noted a class-action lawsuit filed in 1987 by about 7,500 Audi 5000-model owners remains unsettled and remains contested in Chicago’s Cook County after appeals at the Illinois state and U.S. federal levels.[27]
Model introductions
In the mid-to-late 1990s, Audi introduced new technologies including the use of aluminium construction. Produced from 1999 to 2005, the Audi A2 was a futuristic super mini, born from the Al2 concept, with many features that helped regain consumer confidence, like the aluminium space frame, which was a first in production car design. In the A2 Audi further expanded their TDI technology through the use of frugal three-cylinder engines. The A2 was extremely aerodynamic and was designed around a wind tunnel. The Audi A2 was criticised for its high price and was never really a sales success but it planted Audi as a cutting-edge manufacturer. The model, a Mercedes-Benz A-Class competitor, sold relatively well in Europe. However, the A2 was discontinued in 2005 and Audi decided not to develop an immediate replacement.
The next major model change came in 1995 when the Audi A4 replaced the Audi 80. The new nomenclature scheme was applied to the Audi 100 to become the Audi A6 (with a minor facelift). This also meant the S4 became the S6 and a new S4 was introduced in the A4 body. The S2 was discontinued. The Audi Cabriolet continued on (based on the Audi 80 platform) until 1999, gaining the engine upgrades along the way. A new A3 hatchback model (sharing the Volkswagen Golf Mk4’s platform) was introduced to the range in 1996, and the radical Audi TT coupé and roadster were debuted in 1998 based on the same underpinnings.
The engines available throughout the range were now a 1.4 L, 1.6 L and 1.8 L four-cylinder, 1.8 L four-cylinder turbo, 2.6 L and 2.8 L V6, 2.2 L turbo-charged five-cylinder and the 4.2 L V8 engine. The V6s were replaced by new 2.4 L and 2.8 L 30V V6s in 1998, with marked improvement in power, torque and smoothness. Further engines were added along the way, including a 3.7 L V8 and 6.0 L W12 engine for the A8.
Audi AG today
Audi’s sales grew strongly in the 2000s, with deliveries to customers increasing from 653,000 in 2000 to 1,003,000 in 2008. The largest sales increases came from Eastern Europe (+19.3%), Africa (+17.2%) and the Middle East (+58.5%). China in particular has become a key market, representing 108,000 out of 705,000 cars delivered in the first three quarters of 2009. One factor for its popularity in China is that Audis have become the car of choice for purchase by the Chinese government for officials, and purchases by the government are responsible for 20% of its sales in China.[36] As of late 2009, Audi’s operating profit of €1.17 billion ($1.85 billion) made it the biggest contributor to parent Volkswagen Group’s nine-month operating profit of €1.5 billion, while the other marques in Group such as Bentley and SEAT had suffered considerable losses.[37] May 2011 saw record sales for Audi of America with the new Audi A7 and Audi A3 TDI Clean Diesel.[38] In May 2012, Audi reported a 10% increase in its sales—from 408 units to 480 in the last year alone.[39]
Audi manufactures vehicles in seven plants around the world, some of which are shared with other VW Group marques[40] although many sub-assemblies such as engines and transmissions are manufactured within other Volkswagen Group plants.
Audi’s two principal assembly plants in Germany are:
- Ingolstadt, the former Auto Union site originally opened in 1945 and substantially rebuilt by Daimler-Benz in 1962, and acquired by Volkswagen in 1964 (Q2, A3, A4, A5)
- Neckarsulm, the former NSU plant, acquired by Volkswagen in 1969: (A4, A5 (cabrio), A6, A7, A8, R8, and all RS variants) — a satellite plant at nearby Böllinger Höfe produces the e-tron GT
Outside of Germany, Audi produces vehicles at:
- Aurangabad, India, since 2006
- Bratislava, Slovakia, shared with Volkswagen, SEAT, Škoda and Porsche (Q7 and Q8)
- Brussels, Belgium, acquired from Volkswagen in 2007 (e-tron)
- Changchun, China, since 1995
- Győr, Hungary (TT, A3, Q3)
- Jakarta, Indonesia, since 2011
- Martorell, Spain, shared with SEAT and Volkswagen (A1, Q3)
- San José Chiapa, Mexico (2nd gen Q5)
In September 2012, Audi announced the construction of its first North American manufacturing plant in Puebla, Mexico. This plant became operative in 2016 and produces the second generation Q5.[41]
From 2002 up to 2003, Audi headed the Audi Brand Group, a subdivision of the Volkswagen Group’s Automotive Division consisting of Audi, Lamborghini and SEAT, which was focused on sporty values, with the marques’ product vehicles and performance being under the higher responsibility of the Audi brand.
In January 2014, Audi, along with the Wireless Power Consortium, operated a booth which demonstrated a phone compartment using the Qi open interface standard at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES).[42] In May, most of the Audi dealers in the UK falsely claimed that the Audi A7, A8, and R8 were Euro NCAP safety tested, all achieving five out of five stars. In fact none were tested.[43]
In 2015, Audi admitted that at least 2.1 million Audi cars had been involved in the Volkswagen emissions testing scandal in which software installed in the cars manipulated emissions data to fool regulators and allow the cars to pollute at higher than government-mandated levels. The A1, A3, A4, A5, A6, TT, Q3 and Q5 models were implicated in the scandal.[44] Audi promised to quickly find a technical solution and upgrade the cars so they can function within emissions regulations.[45] Ulrich Hackenberg, the head of research and development at Audi, was suspended in relation to the scandal.[46] Despite widespread media coverage about the scandal through the month of September, Audi reported that U.S. sales for the month had increased by 16.2%.[47] Audi’s parent company Volkswagen announced on 18 June 2018 that Audi chief executive Rupert Stadler had been arrested.[48]
In November 2015, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency implicated the 3-liter diesel engine versions of the 2016 Audi A6 Quattro, A7 Quattro, A8, A8L and the Q5 as further models that had emissions regulation defeat-device software installed.[49] Thus, these models emitted nitrogen oxide at up to nine times the legal limit when the car detected that it was not hooked up to emissions testing equipment.[50]
In November 2016, Audi expressed an intention to establish an assembly factory in Pakistan, with the company’s local partner acquiring land for a plant in Korangi Creek Industrial Park in Karachi. Approval of the plan would lead to an investment of $30 million in the new plant.[51] Audi planned to cut 9,500 jobs in Germany starting from 2020 till 2025 to fund electric vehicles and digital working.[52]
In February 2020, Volkswagen AG announced that it plans to take over all Audi shares it does not own (totalling 0.36%) via a squeeze-out according to German stock corporation law, thus making Audi a fully owned subsidiary of the Volkswagen Group.[53] This change took effect from 16 November 2020, when Audi became a wholly owned subsidiary of the Volkswagen Group.[54]
In January 2021, Audi announced that it is planning to sell 1 million vehicles in China in 2023, comparing to 726,000 vehicles in 2020.[55]
Audi AI
Audi AI is a driver assist feature offered by Audi. The company’s stated intent is to offer fully autonomous driving at a future time, acknowledging that legal, regulatory and technical hurdles must be overcome to achieve this goal. On 4 June 2017, Audi stated that its new A8 will be fully self-driving for speeds up to 60 km/h using its Audi AI. Contrary to other cars, the driver will not have to do safety checks such as touching the steering wheel every 15 seconds to use this feature. The Audi A8 will therefore be the first production car to reach level 3 autonomous driving, meaning that the driver can safely turn their attention away from driving tasks, e.g. the driver can text or watch a movie. Audi will also be the first manufacturer to use a 3D Lidar system in addition to cameras and ultrasonic sensors for their AI.[56][57]
Audi produces 100% galvanised cars to prevent corrosion,[58] and was the first mass-market vehicle to do so, following introduction of the process by Porsche, c. 1975. Along with other precautionary measures, the full-body zinc coating has proved to be very effective in preventing rust. The body’s resulting durability even surpassed Audi’s own expectations, causing the manufacturer to extend its original 10-year warranty against corrosion perforation to currently 12 years (except for aluminium bodies which do not rust).[59]
Space Frame
The Audi R8 uses Audi Space Frame technology.
Audi introduced a new series of vehicles in the mid-1990s and continues to pursue new technology and high performance. An all-aluminium car was brought forward by Audi, and in 1994 the Audi A8 was launched, which introduced aluminium space frame technology (called Audi Space Frame or ASF) which saves weight and improves torsion rigidity compared to a conventional steel frame. Prior to that effort, Audi used examples of the Type 44 chassis fabricated out of aluminium as test-beds for the technique. The disadvantage of the aluminium frame is that it is very expensive to repair and requires a specialized aluminium bodyshop.[60] The weight reduction is somewhat offset by the quattro four-wheel drive system which is standard in most markets. Nonetheless, the A8 is usually the lightest all-wheel drive car in the full-size luxury segment, also having best-in-class fuel economy.[61] The Audi A2, Audi TT and Audi R8 also use Audi Space Frame designs.
For most of its lineup (excluding the A3, A1, and TT models), Audi has not adopted the transverse engine layout which is typically found in economy cars (such as Peugeot and Citroën), since that would limit the type and power of engines that can be installed. To be able to mount powerful engines (such as a V8 engine in the Audi S4 and Audi RS4, as well as the W12 engine in the Audi A8L W12), Audi has usually engineered its more expensive cars with a longitudinally front-mounted engine, in an «overhung» position, over the front wheels in front of the axle line — this layout dates back to the DKW and Auto Union saloons from the 1950s. But while this allows for the easy adoption of all-wheel drive, it goes against the ideal 50:50 weight distribution.
In all its post Volkswagen-era models, Audi has firmly refused to adopt the traditional rear-wheel drive layout favored by its two archrivals Mercedes-Benz and BMW, favoring either front-wheel drive or all-wheel drive. The majority of Audi’s lineup in the United States features all-wheel drive standard on most of its expensive vehicles (only the entry-level trims of the A4 and A6 are available with front-wheel drive), in contrast to Mercedes-Benz and BMW whose lineup treats all-wheel drive as an option. BMW did not offer all-wheel drive on its V8-powered cars (as opposed to crossover SUVs) until the 2010 BMW 7 Series and 2011 BMW 5 Series, while the Audi A8 has had all-wheel drive available/standard since the 1990s. Regarding high-performance variants, Audi S and RS models have always had all-wheel drive, unlike their direct rivals from BMW M and Mercedes-AMG whose cars are rear-wheel drive only (although their performance crossover SUVs are all-wheel drive).
Audi has recently applied the quattro badge to models such as the A3 and TT which do not use the Torsen-based system as in prior years with a mechanical center differential, but with the Haldex Traction electro-mechanical clutch AWD system.
Prior to the introduction of the Audi 80 and Audi 50 in 1972 and 1974, respectively, Audi had led the development of the EA111 and EA827 inline-four engine families. These new power units underpinned the water-cooled revival of parent company Volkswagen (in the Polo, Golf, Passat and Scirocco), whilst the many derivatives and descendants of these two basic engine designs have appeared in every generation of VW Group vehicles right up to the present day.
In the 1980s, Audi, along with Volvo, was the champion of the inline-five cylinder, 2.1/2.2 L engine as a longer-lasting alternative to more traditional six-cylinder engines. This engine was used not only in production cars but also in their race cars. The 2.1 L inline five-cylinder engine was used as a base for the rally cars in the 1980s, providing well over 400 horsepower (300 kilowatts) after modification. Before 1990, there were engines produced with a displacement between 2.0 L and 2.3 L. This range of engine capacity allowed for both fuel economy and power.
For the ultra-luxury version of its Audi A8 fullsize luxury flagship sedan, the Audi A8L W12, Audi uses the Volkswagen Group W12 engine instead of the conventional V12 engine favored by rivals Mercedes-Benz and BMW. The W12 engine configuration (also known as a «WR12») is created by forming two imaginary narrow-angle 15° VR6 engines at an angle of 72°, and the narrow angle of each set of cylinders allows just two overhead camshafts to drive each pair of banks, so just four are needed in total. The advantage of the W12 engine is its compact packaging, allowing Audi to build a 12-cylinder sedan with all-wheel drive, whereas a conventional V12 engine could have only a rear-wheel drive configuration as it would have no space in the engine bay for a differential and other components required to power the front wheels. In fact, the 6.0 L W12 in the Audi A8L W12 is smaller in overall dimensions than the 4.2 L V8 that powers the Audi A8 4.2 variants.[62] The 2011 Audi A8 debuted a revised 6.3-litre version of the W12 (WR12) engine with 500 PS (370 kW; 490 hp).
Fuel Stratified Injection
New models of the A3, A4, A6 and A8 have been introduced, with the ageing 1.8-litre engine now having been replaced by new Fuel Stratified Injection (FSI) engines. Nearly every petroleum burning model in the range now incorporates this fuel-saving technology.
Direct-Shift Gearbox
In 2003, Volkswagen introduced the Direct-Shift Gearbox (DSG), a type of dual-clutch transmission. It is a type of automatic transmission, drivable like a conventional torque converter automatic transmission. Based on the gearbox found in the Group B S1, the system includes dual electro-hydraulically controlled clutches instead of a torque converter. This is implemented in some VW Golfs, Audi A3, Audi A4 and TT models where DSG is called S-Tronic.
LED daytime running lights
Beginning in 2005, Audi has implemented white LED technology as daytime running lights (DRL) in their products. The distinctive shape of the DRLs has become a trademark of sorts. LEDs were first introduced on the Audi A8 W12, the world’s first production car to have LED DRLs,[63][64][65] and have since spread throughout the entire model range. The LEDs are present on some Audi billboards.
Since 2010, Audi has also offered the LED technology in low- and high-beam headlights.[66]
Multi Media Interface
Starting with the 2003 Audi A8, Audi has used a centralised control interface for its on-board infotainment systems, called Multi Media Interface (MMI). It is essentially a rotating control knob and ‘segment’ buttons – designed to control all in-car entertainment devices (radio, CD changer, iPod, TV tuner), satellite navigation, heating and ventilation, and other car controls with a screen.
The availability of MMI has gradually filtered down the Audi lineup, and following its introduction on the third generation A3 in 2011, MMI is now available across the entire range. It has been generally well received, as it requires less menu-surfing with its segment buttons around a central knob, along with ‘main function’ direct access buttons – with shortcuts to the radio or phone functions. The colour screen is mounted on the upright dashboard, and on the A4 (new), A5, A6, A8, and Q7, the controls are mounted horizontally.
Synthetic fuels
Audi has assisted with technology to produce synthetic diesel from water and carbon dioxide.[67][68][69] Audi calls the synthetic diesel E-diesel. It is also working on synthetic gasoline (which it calls E-gasoline).[70]
Audi uses scanning gloves for parts registration during assembly, and automatic robots to transfer cars from factory to rail cars.[71]
Current model range
The following tables list Audi production vehicles that are sold as of 2018:
S and RS models
Electric vehicles
Audi is planning an alliance with the Japanese electronics giant Sanyo to develop a pilot hybrid electric project for the Volkswagen Group. The alliance could result in Sanyo batteries and other electronic components being used in future models of the Volkswagen Group.[72] Concept electric vehicles unveiled to date include the Audi A1 Sportback Concept,[73] Audi A4 TDI Concept E,[74] and the fully electric Audi e-tron Concept Supercar.[75]
Self-driving cars
In December 2018, Audi announced to invest 14 billion Euro ($15.9 billion) in e-mobility, self-driving cars.[76]
Production figures
A1 | A2 | A3 | A4 | A5 | A6 | A7 | A8 | Q3 | Q5 | Q7 | TT | R8 | |
1998[77] | — | — | 143,974 | 271,152 | — | 174,867 | — | 15,355 | — | — | — | 13,682 | — |
1999[77] | — | — | 143,505 | 252,514 | — | 162,573 | — | 14,636 | — | — | — | 52,579 | — |
2000[78] | — | 32,164 | 136,141 | 231,869 | — | 180,715 | — | 12,894 | — | — | — | 56,776 | — |
2001[79] | — | 49,369 | 131,082 | 308,778 | — | 186,467 | — | 11,708 | — | — | — | 39,349 | — |
2002[80] | — | 37,578 | 125,538 | 360,267 | — | 178,773 | — | 10,942 | — | — | — | 34,711 | — |
2003[81] | — | 27,323 | 159,417 | 353,836 | — | 168,612 | — | 21,748 | — | — | — | 32,337 | — |
2004[82] | — | 19,745 | 181,274 | 345,231 | — | 195,529 | — | 22,429 | — | — | — | 23,605 | — |
2005[83] | — | 10,026 | 224,961 | 337,705 | — | 215,437 | — | 21,515 | — | — | 1,185 | 12,307 | — |
2006[84] | — | — | 231,752 | 341,110 | 487 | 229,021 | — | 22,468 | — | — | 72,169 | 23,675 | 164 |
2007[85] | — | — | 231,117 | 289,806 | 25,549 | 243,842 | — | 22,182 | — | 162 | 77,395 | 56,766 | 4,125 |
2008[86] | — | — | 222,164 | 378,885 | 57,650 | 214,074 | — | 20,140 | — | 20,324 | 59,008 | 41,789 | 5,656 |
2009[87] | — | — | 206,747 | 282,033 | 84,883 | 182,090 | — | 8,599 | — | 105,074 | 27,929 | 22,821 | 2,101 |
2010[88] | 51,937 | — | 198,974 | 306,291 | 111,270 | 211,256 | 8,496 | 22,435 | — | 154,604 | 48,937 | 26,217 | 3,485 |
2011[89] | 117,566 | — | 189,068 | 321,045 | 111,758 | 241,862 | 37,301 | 38,542 | 19,613 | 183,678 | 53,703 | 25,508 | 3,551 |
2012[90] | 123,111 | — | 164,666 | 329,759 | 103,357 | 284,888 | 28,950 | 35,932 | 106,918 | 209,799 | 54,558 | 21,880 | 2,241 |
- Data from 1998 to 2010. Figures for different body types/versions of models have been merged to create overall figures for each model.
Audi has competed in various forms of motorsports. Audi’s tradition in motorsport began with their former company Auto Union in the 1930s. In the 1990s, Audi found success in the Touring and Super Touring categories of motor racing after success in circuit racing in North America.
In 1980, Audi released the Quattro, a four-wheel drive (4WD) turbocharged car that went on to win rallies and races worldwide. It is considered one of the most significant rally cars of all time, because it was one of the first to take advantage of the then-recently changed rules which allowed the use of four-wheel drive in competition racing. Many critics doubted the viability of four-wheel drive racers, thinking them to be too heavy and complex, yet the Quattro was to become a successful car. It led its first rally before going off the road, however, the rally world had been served notice 4WD was the future. The Quattro went on to achieve much success in the World Rally Championship. It won the 1983 (Hannu Mikkola) and the 1984 (Stig Blomqvist) drivers’ titles,[91] and brought Audi the manufacturers’ title in 1982 and 1984.[92]
In 1984, Audi launched the short-wheelbase Sport Quattro which dominated rally races in Monte Carlo and Sweden, with Audi taking all podium places, but succumbed to problems further into WRC contention. In 1985, after another season mired in mediocre finishes, Walter Röhrl finished the season in his Sport Quattro S1, and helped place Audi second in the manufacturers’ points. Audi also received rally honours in the Hong Kong to Beijing rally in that same year. Michèle Mouton, the only female driver to win a round of the World Rally Championship and a driver for Audi, took the Sport Quattro S1, now simply called the «S1», and raced in the Pikes Peak International Hill Climb. The 1,439-metre (4,721 ft) climb race pits a driver and car to drive to the summit of the 4,302-metre (14,114 ft) Pikes Peak mountain in Colorado, and in 1985, Michèle Mouton set a new record of 11:25.39, and being the first woman to set a Pikes Peak record. In 1986, Audi formally left international rally racing following an accident in Portugal involving driver Joaquim Santos in his Ford RS200. Santos swerved to avoid hitting spectators in the road, and left the track into the crowd of spectators on the side, killing three and injuring 30. Bobby Unser used an Audi in that same year to claim a new record for the Pikes Peak Hill Climb at 11:09.22.
In 1987, Walter Röhrl claimed the title for Audi setting a new Pikes Peak International Hill Climb record of 10:47.85 in his Audi S1, which he had retired from the WRC two years earlier. The Audi S1 employed Audi’s time-tested inline-five-cylinder turbocharged engine, with the final version generating 441 kW (600 PS; 591 bhp).[93] The engine was mated to a six-speed gearbox and ran on Audi’s famous four-wheel drive system. All of Audi’s top drivers drove this car; Hannu Mikkola, Stig Blomqvist, Walter Röhrl and Michèle Mouton. This Audi S1 started the range of Audi ‘S’ cars, which now represents an increased level of sports-performance equipment within the mainstream Audi model range.
In the United States
As Audi moved away from rallying and into circuit racing, they chose to move first into America with the Trans-Am in 1988.
In 1989, Audi moved to International Motor Sports Association (IMSA) GTO with the Audi 90, however as they avoided the two major endurance events (Daytona and Sebring) despite winning on a regular basis, they would lose out on the title.
Touring cars
In 1990, having completed their objective to market cars in North America, Audi returned to Europe, turning first to the Deutsche Tourenwagen Meisterschaft (DTM) series with the Audi V8, and then in 1993, being unwilling to build cars for the new formula, they turned their attention to the fast-growing Super Touring series, which are a series of national championships. Audi first entered in the French Supertourisme and Italian Superturismo. In the following year, Audi would switch to the German Super Tourenwagen Cup (known as STW), and then to British Touring Car Championship (BTCC) the year after that.
The Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile (FIA), having difficulty regulating the quattro four-wheel drive system, and the impact it had on the competitors, would eventually ban all four-wheel drive cars from competing in the series in 1998,[94] but by then, Audi switched all their works efforts to sports car racing.
By 2000, Audi would still compete in the US with their RS4 for the SCCA Speed World GT Challenge, through dealer/team Champion Racing competing against Corvettes, Vipers, and smaller BMWs (where it is one of the few series to permit 4WD cars). In 2003, Champion Racing entered an RS6. Once again, the quattro four-wheel drive was superior, and Champion Audi won the championship. They returned in 2004 to defend their title, but a newcomer, Cadillac with the new Omega Chassis CTS-V, gave them a run for their money. After four victories in a row, the Audis were sanctioned with several negative changes that deeply affected the car’s performance. Namely, added ballast weights, and Champion Audi deciding to go with different tyres, and reducing the boost pressure of the turbocharger.
In 2004, after years of competing with the TT-R in the revitalised DTM series, with privateer team Abt Racing/Christian Abt taking the 2002 title with Laurent Aïello, Audi returned as a full factory effort to touring car racing by entering two factory-supported Joest Racing A4 DTM cars.
24 Hours of Le Mans
Audi began racing prototype sportscars in 1999, debuting at the Le Mans 24 hour. Two car concepts were developed and raced in their first season — the Audi R8R (open-cockpit ‘roadster’ prototype) and the Audi R8C (closed-cockpit ‘coupé’ GT-prototype). The R8R scored a credible podium on its racing debut at Le Mans and was the concept which Audi continued to develop into the 2000 season due to favourable rules for open-cockpit prototypes.
However, most of the competitors (such as BMW, Toyota, Mercedes and Nissan) retired at the end of 1999.
The factory-supported Joest Racing team won at Le Mans three times in a row with the Audi R8 (2000–2002), as well as winning every race in the American Le Mans Series in its first year. Audi also sold the car to customer teams such as Champion Racing.
In 2003, two Bentley Speed 8s, with engines designed by Audi, and driven by Joest drivers loaned to the fellow Volkswagen Group company, competed in the GTP class, and finished the race in the top two positions, while the Champion Racing R8 finished third overall, and first in the LMP900 class. Audi returned to the winner’s podium at the 2004 race, with the top three finishers all driving R8s: Audi Sport Japan Team Goh finished first, Audi Sport UK Veloqx second, and Champion Racing third.
At the 2005 24 Hours of Le Mans, Champion Racing entered two R8s, along with an R8 from the Audi PlayStation Team Oreca. The R8s (which were built to old LMP900 regulations) received a narrower air inlet restrictor, reducing power, and an additional 50 kg (110 lb) of weight compared to the newer LMP1 chassis. On average, the R8s were about 2–3 seconds off pace compared to the Pescarolo–Judd. But with a team of excellent drivers and experience, both Champion R8s were able to take first and third, while the Oreca team took fourth. The Champion team was also the first American team to win Le Mans since the Gulf Ford GTs in 1967. This also ends the long era of the R8; however, its replacement for 2006, called the Audi R10 TDI, was unveiled on 13 December 2005.
The R10 TDI employed many new and innovative features, the most notable being the twin-turbocharged direct injection diesel engine. It was first raced in the 2006 12 Hours of Sebring as a race-test in preparation for the 2006 24 Hours of Le Mans, which it later went on to win. Audi had a win in the first diesel sports car at 12 Hours of Sebring (the car was developed with a Diesel engine due to ACO regulations that favor diesel engines). As well as winning the 24 Hours of Le Mans in 2006, the R10 TDI beat the Peugeot 908 HDi FAP in 2007, and in 2008, (however Peugeot won the 24h in 2009) with a podium clean-sweep (all four 908 entries retired) while breaking a distance record (set by the Porsche 917K of Martini Racing in 1971), in 2010 with the R15 TDI Plus.[95]
Audi’s sports car racing success would continue with the Audi R18’s victory at the 2011 24 Hours of Le Mans. Audi Sport Team Joest’s Benoît Tréluyer earned Audi their first pole position in five years while the team’s sister car locked out the front row.[96] Early accidents eliminated two of Audi’s three entries, but the sole remaining Audi R18 TDI of Tréluyer, Marcel Fässler, and André Lotterer held off the trio of Peugeot 908s to claim victory by a margin of 13.8 seconds.
Car | Year | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 |
1 | Position | 4 | 3 | 1 | 1 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 6 | 3 | 3 | Ret | 1 | 5 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
2 | 3 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 3 | 1 | 1 | 1 | Ret | 1 | Ret | 2 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 4 | 3 | |
3 | Ret | 2 | Ret | 3 | Ret | 5 | 4 | Ret | 4 | 17 | 1 | Ret | 5 | 3 | Ret | 7 | |||
4 | Ret | Ret | 7 | 2 | 3 |
American Le Mans Series
Audi entered a factory racing team run by Joest Racing into the American Le Mans Series under the Audi Sport North America name in 2000. This was a successful operation with the team winning on its debut in the series at the 2000 12 Hours of Sebring. Factory-backed Audi R8s were the dominant car in ALMS taking 25 victories between 2000 and the end of the 2002 season. In 2003, Audi sold customer cars to Champion Racing as well as continuing to race the factory Audi Sport North America team. Champion Racing won many races as a private team running Audi R8s and eventually replaced Team Joest as the Audi Sport North America between 2006 and 2008. Since 2009 Audi has not taken part in full American Le Mans Series Championships, but has competed in the series opening races at Sebring, using the 12-hour race as a test for Le Mans, and also as part of the 2012 FIA World Endurance Championship season calendar.
Year | Manufacturer | Chassis | Team | Rd1 | Rd2 | Rd3 | Rd4 | Rd5 | Rd6 | Rd7 | Rd8 | Rd9 | Rd10 | Rd11 | Rd12 |
2000 | R8 | ||||||||||||||
2 | 20 | 3 | Ret | 1 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 1 | ||||
1 | 6 | 4 | 3 | 2 | Ret | 1 | 4 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 15 | ||||
2001 | R8 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 5 | Ret | 2 | Ret | Ret | ||||
2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 4 | 1 | 1 | ||||||
2002 | R8 | 5 | 14 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 2 | Ret | 1 | 1 | 6 | ||||
1 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 4 | 3 | 1 | |||||||
2003 | R8 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 7 | 1 | 2 | 3 | |||||
2 | 1 | 3 | 2 | 20 | 1 | 4 | 1 | 1 | |||||||
2004 | R8 | 1 | |||||||||||||
2 | |||||||||||||||
3 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | |||||||
2005 | R8 | 1 | 1 | 18 | 1 | 3 | Ret | 3 | 2 | 7 | 4 | ||||
2 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 3 | 1 | 2 | ||||||
2006 | R8 | 1 | 3 | 1 | |||||||||||
R10 | Ret | 1 | 2 | 1 | 4 | 7 | 2 | ||||||||
1 | 4 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | |||||||||
2007 | R10 | 4 | 1 | 7 | 3 | 2 | 5 | 5 | 2 | 2 | 3 | 1 | 1 | ||
1 | 2 | 12 | 6 | 23 | 3 | 3 | 4 | 2 | 17 | 3 | |||||
2008 | R10 | 3 | Ret | 2 | Ret | 21 | 2 | 2 | 2 | DSQ | 1 | 2 | |||
6 | 1 | 1 | 7 | 4 | 1 | 1 | 1 | Ret | 3 | 1 | |||||
2009 | R15 | 5 | |||||||||||||
4 | |||||||||||||||
2010 | R15 | 1 | |||||||||||||
3 | |||||||||||||||
2012 | R18 | 16 | |||||||||||||
1 | |||||||||||||||
2 | |||||||||||||||
2013 | R18 | 1 | |||||||||||||
2 |
European Le Mans Series
Audi participated in the 2003 1000km of Le Mans which was a one-off sports car race in preparation for the 2004 European Le Mans Series. The factory team Audi Sport UK won races and the championship in the 2004 season but Audi was unable to match their sweeping success of Audi Sport North America in the American Le Mans Series, partly due to the arrival of a factory competitor in LMP1, Peugeot. The French manufacturer’s 908 HDi FAP became the car to beat in the series from 2008 onwards with 20 LMP wins. However, Audi were able to secure the championship in 2008 even though Peugeot scored more race victories in the season.[97]
Year | Manufacturer | Chassis | Team | Rd1 | Rd2 | Rd3 | Rd4 | Rd5 |
2003 | R8 | 1 | ||||||
2004 | R8 | 2 | 1 | 1 | Ret | |||
1 | 2 | 3 | 1 | |||||
3 | 4 | 2 | 2 | |||||
2005 | R8 | Ret | 1 | 2 | 2 | |||
2008 | R10 | 5 | 6 | 4 | 4 | 1 | ||
2 | 2 | 2 | 3 | 4 | ||||
2010 | R15 | 1 | 3 | Ret | ||||
5 | 3 | |||||||
12 |
World Endurance Championship
In 2012, the FIA sanctioned a World Endurance Championship which would be organised by the ACO as a continuation of the ILMC. Audi competed won the first WEC race at Sebring and followed this up with a further three successive wins, including the 2012 24 Hours of Le Mans. Audi scored a final 5th victory in the 2012 WEC in Bahrain and were able to win the inaugural WEC Manufacturers’ Championship.
As defending champions, Audi once again entered the Audi R18 e-tron quattro chassis into the 2013 WEC and the team won the first five consecutive races, including the 2013 24 Hours of Le Mans. The victory at Round 5, Circuit of the Americas, was of particular significance as it marked the 100th win for Audi in Le Mans prototypes.[98] Audi secured their second consecutive WEC Manufacturers’ Championship at Round 6 after taking second place and half points in the red-flagged Fuji race.[99]
For the 2014 season, Audi entered a redesigned and upgraded R18 e-tron quattro which featured a 2 MJ energy recovery system. As defending champions, Audi would once again face a challenge in LMP1 from Toyota, and additionally from Porsche who returned to endurance racing after a 16-year absence. The season-opening 6hrs of Silverstone was a disaster for Audi who saw both cars retire from the race, marking the first time that an Audi car has failed to score a podium in a World Endurance Championship race.
Year | Manufacturer | Chassis | SEB |
Total points |
Pos. |
2012 | R18 e-tron quattro | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 173 (209) | 1st |
Year | Manufacturer | Chassis | SIL |
Total points |
Pos. |
2013 | R18 e-tron quattro | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 207 (207) | 1st |
Year | Manufacturer | Chassis | Car | SIL |
Total points |
Pos. |
2014 | R18 e-tron quattro | 1 | Ret | 2 | 1 | 1 | 5 | 4 | 4 | 3 | 244 | 2nd | |
2 | Ret | 5 | 2 | 2 | 6 | 5 | 5 | 5 |
Formula E
Audi provide factory support to Abt Sportsline in the FIA Formula E Championship, The team competed under the title of Audi Sport Abt Formula E Team in the inaugural 2014-15 Formula E season.[100] On 13 February 2014 the team announced its driver line up as Daniel Abt and World Endurance Championship driver Lucas di Grassi.[101]
Year | Team | Chassis | Driver | BEI |
Total points |
Pos. | |
2014–15 | Spark-Renault SRT 01E | 10 | 10 | 15 | 13† | 3 | 15 | Ret | 14 | 5 | Ret | 11 | 165 | 3rd | ||
1 | 2 | 3 | Ret | 9 | 3 | 2 | DSQ | 2 | 4 | 6 |
Year | Team | Chassis | Driver | BEI |
Total points |
Pos. | |
2015–16 | Spark-ABT Schaeffler FE01 | 11 | 7 | 8 | 13 | 7 | 3 | 10 | 2 | Ret | 2 | 221 | 2nd | ||
2 | 1 | 2 | 3 | DSQ | 1 | 1 | 3 | 4 | Ret |
Year | Team | Chassis | Driver | HKG |
Total points |
Pos. | |||
2016–17 | Spark-ABT Schaeffler FE02 | Ret | 6 | 7 | 7 | 7 | 13† | 6 | 4 | 14† | Ret | 4 | 6 | 248 | 2nd | ||
2 | 5 | 3 | 1 | 2 | Ret | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 1 | 7 |
Year | Team | Chassis | Driver | HKG |
Total points |
Pos. | ||
2017–18 | Spark-Audi e-tron FE04 | 6 | DSQ | 10 | Ret | 1 | 14 | 4 | 7 | 1 | 13 | 2 | 3 | 264 | 1st | ||
17 | 14 | Ret | Ret | 9 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 2 |
Formula One
Audi has been linked to Formula One in recent years but has always resisted due to the company’s opinion that it is not relevant to road cars, but hybrid power unit technology has been adopted into the sport, swaying the company’s view and encouraging research into the program by former Ferrari team principal Stefano Domenicali.
Audi announced in August 2022 that it would enter the Championship as an engine manufacturer in 2026.[102] In October, Audi confirmed its partnership with Sauber Motorsport for the year 2026, acquiring a stake in the company for the German brand to enter the competition by renaming the team and supplying engines.[103][104]
Current factory drivers
The logo used by Audi, 1995–2009
The logo used by Audi, 2009–2016
The typeface Audi Sans (used 1997–2009)
The typeface Audi Type (used since 2009)
The Audi emblem is four overlapping rings that represent the four marques of Auto Union. The Audi emblem symbolises the amalgamation of Audi with DKW, Horch and Wanderer: the first ring from the left represents Audi, the second represents DKW, third is Horch, and the fourth and last ring Wanderer.[106][107]
The design is popularly believed to have been the idea of Klaus von Oertzen, the director of sales at Wanderer – when Berlin was chosen as the host city for the 1936 Summer Olympics and that a form of the Olympic logo symbolized the newly established Auto Union’s desire to succeed.[108] Somewhat ironically, the International Olympic Committee later sued Audi in the International Trademark Court in 1995, where they lost.[109]
The original «Audi» script, with the distinctive slanted tails on the «A» and «d» was created for the historic Audi company in 1920 by the famous graphic designer Lucian Bernhard, and was resurrected when Volkswagen revived the brand in 1965. Following the demise of NSU in 1977, less prominence was given to the four rings, in preference to the «Audi» script encased within a black (later red) ellipse, and was commonly displayed next to the Volkswagen roundel when the two brands shared a dealer network under the V.A.G banner. The ellipse (known as the Audi Oval) was phased out after 1994, when Audi formed its own independent dealer network, and prominence was given back to the four rings – at the same time Audi Sans (a derivative of Univers) was adopted as the font for all marketing materials, corporate communications and was also used in the vehicles themselves.
As part of Audi’s centennial celebration in 2009, the company updated the logo, changing the font to left-aligned Audi Type, and altering the shading for the overlapping rings.[110] The revised logo was designed by Rayan Abdullah.[111]
Audi developed a Corporate Sound concept, with Audi Sound Studio designed for producing the Corporate Sound.[112] The Corporate Sound project began with sound agency Klangerfinder GmbH & Co KG and s12 GmbH. Audio samples were created in Klangerfinder’s sound studio in Stuttgart, becoming part of Audi Sound Studio collection. Other Audi Sound Studio components include The Brand Music Pool, The Brand Voice.[113] Audi also developed Sound Branding Toolkit including certain instruments, sound themes, rhythm and car sounds which all are supposed to reflect the AUDI sound character.[114]
Audi started using a beating heart sound trademark beginning in 1996. An updated heartbeat sound logo, developed by agencies KLANGERFINDER GmbH & Co KG of Stuttgart and S12 GmbH of Munich, was first used in 2010 in an Audi A8 commercial with the slogan The Art of Progress.[115][116]
Audi’s corporate tagline is Vorsprung durch Technik [ˈfoːɐ̯ˌʃpʁʊŋ dʊʁç ˈtɛçnɪk], meaning «Progress through Technology».[117] The German-language tagline is used in many European countries, including the United Kingdom (but not in Italy, where All’avanguardia della tecnica is used), and in other markets, such as Latin America, Oceania, Africa and parts of Asia including Japan. Originally, the American tagline was Innovation through technology, but in Canada Vorsprung durch Technik was used. Since 2007, Audi has used the slogan Truth in Engineering in the U.S.[118] However, since the Audi emissions testing scandal came to light in September 2015, this slogan was lambasted for being discordant with reality.[119] In fact, just hours after disgraced Volkswagen CEO Martin Winterkorn admitted to cheating on emissions data, an advertisement during the 2015 Primetime Emmy Awards promoted Audi’s latest advances in low emissions technology with Kermit the Frog stating, «It’s not that easy being green.»[120]
Vorsprung durch Technik was first used in English-language advertising after Sir John Hegarty of the Bartle Bogle Hegarty advertising agency visited the Audi factory in 1982.[121] In the original British television commercials, the phrase was voiced by Geoffrey Palmer.[121] After its repeated use in advertising campaigns, the phrase found its way into popular culture, including the British comedy Only Fools and Horses, the U2 song «Zooropa»[122] and the Blur song «Parklife». Similar-sounding phrases have also been used, including as the punchline for a joke in the movie Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels and in the British TV series Peep Show.
Audi Sans (based on Univers Extended) was originally created in 1997 by Ole Schäfer for MetaDesign. MetaDesign was later commissioned for a new corporate typeface called Audi Type, designed by Paul van der Laan and Pieter van Rosmalen of Bold Monday. The font began to appear in Audi’s 2009 products and marketing materials.[123]
Audi is a strong partner of different kinds of sports. In football, long partnerships exist between Audi and domestic clubs including Bayern Munich, Hamburger SV, 1. FC Nürnberg, Hertha BSC, and Borussia Mönchengladbach and international clubs including Chelsea, Real Madrid, FC Barcelona, A.C. Milan, AFC Ajax and Perspolis. Audi also sponsors winter sports: The Audi FIS Alpine Ski World Cup is named after the company. Additionally, Audi supports the German Ski Association (DSV) as well as the alpine skiing national teams of Switzerland, Sweden, Finland, France, Liechtenstein, Italy, Austria and the U.S. For almost two decades, Audi fosters golf sport: for example with the Audi quattro Cup and the HypoVereinsbank Ladies German Open presented by Audi. In sailing, Audi is engaged in the Medcup regatta and supports the team Luna Rossa during the Louis Vuitton Pacific Series and also is the primary sponsor of the Melges 20 sailboat. Further, Audi sponsors the regional teams ERC Ingolstadt (hockey) and FC Ingolstadt 04 (soccer).[124] In 2009, the year of Audi’s 100th anniversary, the company organized the Audi Cup for the first time.[125] Audi also sponsor the New York Yankees as well. In October 2010 they agreed to a three sponsorship year-deal with Everton.[126] Audi also sponsors the England Polo Team and holds the Audi Polo Awards.[127][128]
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Since the start of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Audi signed a deal to sponsor, promote and provide vehicles for several films. So far these have been, Iron Man, Iron Man 2, Iron Man 3, Avengers: Age of Ultron, Captain America: Civil War, Spider-Man: Homecoming, Avengers: Endgame and Spider-Man: Far From Home.[129] The R8 supercar became the personal vehicle for Tony Stark (played by Robert Downey Jr.) for six of these films.[130] The e-tron vehicles were promoted in Endgame and Far From Home. Several commercials were co-produced by Marvel and Audi to promote several new concepts and some of the latest vehicles such as the A8, SQ7 and the e-Tron fleet.[131][132][133]
Multitronic campaign
In 2001, Audi promoted the new multitronic continuously variable transmission with television commercials throughout Europe, featuring an impersonator of musician and actor Elvis Presley.[134][135] A prototypical dashboard figure – later named «Wackel-Elvis» («Wobble Elvis» or «Wobbly Elvis») – appeared in the commercials to demonstrate the smooth ride in an Audi equipped with the multitronic transmission. The dashboard figure was originally intended for use in the commercials only, but after they aired the demand for Wackel-Elvis fans grew among fans and the figure was mass-produced in China and marketed by Audi in their factory outlet store.[136]
Audi TDI
As part of Audi’s attempt to promote its Diesel technology in 2009, the company began Audi Mileage Marathon. The driving tour featured a fleet of 23 Audi TDI vehicles from 4 models (Audi Q7 3.0 TDI, Audi Q5 3.0 TDI, Audi A4 3.0 TDI, Audi A3 Sportback 2.0 TDI with S tronic transmission) travelling across the American continent from New York to Los Angeles, passing major cities like Chicago, Dallas and Las Vegas during the 13 daily stages, as well as natural wonders including the Rocky Mountains, Death Valley and the Grand Canyon.[137]
Audi e-tron
The next phase of technology Audi is developing is the e-tron electric drive powertrain system. They have shown several concept cars as of March 2010, each with different levels of size and performance. The original e-tron concept shown at the 2009 Frankfurt motor show is based on the platform of the R8 and has been scheduled for limited production. Power is provided by electric motors at all four wheels. The second concept was shown at the 2010 Detroit Motor Show. Power is provided by two electric motors at the rear axle. This concept is also considered to be the direction for a future mid-engined gas-powered 2-seat performance coupe. The Audi A1 e-tron concept, based on the Audi A1 production model, is a hybrid vehicle with a range extending Wankel rotary engine to provide power after the initial charge of the battery is depleted. It is the only concept of the three to have range-extending capability. The car is powered through the front wheels, always using electric power.
It is all set to be displayed at the Auto Expo 2012 in New Delhi, India, from 5 January. Powered by a 1.4 litre engine, and can cover a distance up to 54 km s on a single charge. The e-tron was also shown in the 2013 blockbuster film Iron Man 3 and was driven by Tony Stark (Iron Man).
In video games
Audi has supported the European version of PlayStation Home, the PlayStation 3’s online community-based service, by releasing a dedicated Home space. Audi is the first carmaker to develop such a space for Home. On 17 December 2009, Audi released two spaces; the Audi Home Terminal and the Audi Vertical Run.[138] The Audi Home Terminal features an Audi TV channel delivering video content, an Internet Browser feature, and a view of a city. The Audi Vertical Run is where users can access the mini-game Vertical Run, a futuristic mini-game featuring Audi’s e-tron concept. Players collect energy and race for the highest possible speeds and the fastest players earn a place in the Audi apartments located in a large tower in the centre of the Audi Space. In both the Home Terminal and Vertical Run spaces, there are teleports where users can teleport back and forth between the two spaces. Audi had stated that additional content would be added in 2010.[needs update][139] On 31 March 2015 Sony shutdown the PlayStation Home service rendering all content for it inaccessible.[140]
See also
- Horch
- Wanderer (company)
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- Clarke, R.M., ed. (1986). On Audi & Auto Union 1952-1980. Road & Track Series. Cobham, Surrey, UK: Brooklands Books. ISBN 0948207876.
- ——————, ed. (1986). On Audi & Auto Union 1980-1986. Road & Track Series. Cobham, Surrey, UK: Brooklands Books. ISBN 0948207884.
- Oswald, Werner [in German] (2001). Deutsche Autos [German Cars] (in German). Vol. Band [Volume] 2: 1920–1945. Stuttgart: Motorbuch Verlag. ISBN 3613021706.
External links
Audi Forum (Ingolstadt, Germany) : Museum and Headquarters of the carmaker. |
Type | Subsidiary (AG) |
Industry | Automotive |
Predecessors |
Founded |
Founder | August Horch[2] |
Headquarters |
Ingolstadt , Germany |
Number of locations |
13 production facilities in 10 countries[3] |
Area served |
Worldwide |
Key people |
Markus Duesmann (Chairman of the Board of Management & Board of Management Member for Technical Development and Product Lines) |
Products | Luxury vehicles |
Production output |
Revenue | |
Operating income |
Net income |
Total assets | |
Total equity | |
Number of employees |
90,783 (12/2019)[6] |
Parent | Volkswagen Group |
Divisions |
Subsidiaries |
Website | audi.com |
Footnotes / references Audi History: Chronicle,[7] 2011 Annual Financial Report[8] |
Audi AG (German: [ˈaʊ̯di ʔaːˈɡeː] (listen)) is a German automotive manufacturer of luxury vehicles headquartered in Ingolstadt, Bavaria, Germany. As a subsidiary of its parent company, the Volkswagen Group, Audi produces vehicles in nine production facilities worldwide.
The origins of the company are complex, going back to the early 20th century and the initial enterprises (Horch and the Audiwerke) founded by engineer August Horch (1868–1951); and two other manufacturers (DKW and Wanderer), leading to the foundation of Auto Union in 1932. The modern Audi era began in the 1960s, when Auto Union was acquired by Volkswagen from Daimler-Benz.[9] After relaunching the Audi brand with the 1965 introduction of the Audi F103 series, Volkswagen merged Auto Union with NSU Motorenwerke in 1969, thus creating the present-day form of the company.
The company name is based on the Latin translation of the surname of the founder, August Horch. Horch, meaning «listen», becomes audi in Latin. The four rings of the Audi logo each represent one of four car companies that banded together to create Audi’s predecessor company, Auto Union. Audi’s slogan is Vorsprung durch Technik, meaning «Being Ahead through Technology».[10] Audi, along with German brands BMW and Mercedes-Benz, is among the best-selling luxury automobile brands in the world.[11]
Birth of the company and its name
Automobile company Wanderer was originally established in 1885, later becoming a branch of Audi AG. Another company, NSU, which also later merged into Audi, was founded during this time, and later supplied the chassis for Gottlieb Daimler’s four-wheeler.[12]
On 14 November 1899, August Horch (1868–1951) established the company A. Horch & Cie. in the Ehrenfeld district of Cologne. In 1902, he moved with his company to Reichenbach im Vogtland. On 10 May 1904, he founded the August Horch & Cie. Motorwagenwerke AG, a joint-stock company in Zwickau (State of Saxony).
After troubles with Horch chief financial officer, August Horch left Motorwagenwerke and founded in Zwickau on 16 July 1909, his second company, the August Horch Automobilwerke GmbH. His former partners sued him for trademark infringement. The German Reichsgericht (Supreme Court) in Leipzig,[13] eventually determined that the Horch brand belonged to his former company.[14]
Since August Horch was prohibited from using «Horch» as a trade name in his new car business, he called a meeting with close business friends, Paul and Franz Fikentscher from Zwickau. At the apartment of Franz Fikentscher, they discussed how to come up with a new name for the company. During this meeting, Franz’s son was quietly studying Latin in a corner of the room. Several times he looked like he was on the verge of saying something but would just swallow his words and continue working, until he finally blurted out, «Father – audiatur et altera pars… wouldn’t it be a good idea to call it audi instead of horch?»[15] «Horch!» in German means «Hark!» or «hear», which is «Audi» in the singular imperative form of «audire» – «to listen» – in Latin. The idea was enthusiastically accepted by everyone attending the meeting.[16] On 25 April 1910 the Audi Automobilwerke GmbH Zwickau (from 1915 on Audiwerke AG Zwickau) was entered in the company’s register of Zwickau registration court.
The first Audi automobile, the Audi Type A 10/22 hp (16 kW) Sport-Phaeton, was produced in the same year,[17] followed by the successor Type B 10/28PS in the same year.[18]
Audi started with a 2,612 cc inline-four engine model Type A, followed by a 3,564 cc model, as well as 4,680 cc and 5,720 cc models. These cars were successful even in sporting events. The first six-cylinder model Type M, 4,655 cc appeared in 1924.[19]
August Horch left the Audiwerke in 1920 for a high position at the ministry of transport, but he was still involved with Audi as a member of the board of trustees. In September 1921, Audi became the first German car manufacturer to present a production car, the Audi Type K, with left-handed drive.[20] Left-hand drive spread and established dominance during the 1920s because it provided a better view of oncoming traffic, making overtaking safer[20] when driving on the right.
The merger of the four companies under the logo of four rings
In August 1928, Jørgen Rasmussen, the owner of Dampf-Kraft-Wagen (DKW), acquired the majority of shares in Audiwerke AG.[21] In the same year, Rasmussen bought the remains of the U.S. automobile manufacturer Rickenbacker, including the manufacturing equipment for 8-cylinder engines. These engines were used in Audi Zwickau and Audi Dresden models that were launched in 1929. At the same time, 6-cylinder and 4-cylinder (the «four» with a Peugeot engine) models were manufactured. Audi cars of that era were luxurious cars equipped with special bodywork.
In 1932, Audi merged with Horch, DKW, and Wanderer, to form Auto Union AG, Chemnitz. It was during this period that the company offered the Audi Front that became the first European car to combine a six-cylinder engine with front-wheel drive. It used a power train shared with the Wanderer, but turned 180 degrees, so that the drive shaft faced the front.
Before World War II, Auto Union used the four interlinked rings that make up the Audi badge today, representing these four brands. However, this badge was used only on Auto Union racing cars in that period while the member companies used their own names and emblems. The technological development became more and more concentrated and some Audi models were propelled by Horch- or Wanderer-built engines.
Reflecting the economic pressures of the time, Auto Union concentrated increasingly on smaller cars through the 1930s, so that by 1938 the company’s DKW brand accounted for 17.9% of the German car market, while Audi held only 0.1%. After the final few Audis were delivered in 1939 the «Audi» name disappeared completely from the new car market for more than two decades.
Post-World War II
Like most German manufacturing, at the onset of World War II the Auto Union plants were retooled for military production, and were a target for allied bombing during the war which left them damaged.
Overrun by the Soviet Army in 1945, on the orders of the Soviet Union military administration the factories were dismantled as part of war reparations.[22] Following this, the company’s entire assets were expropriated without compensation.[22] On 17 August 1948, Auto Union AG of Chemnitz was deleted from the commercial register.[21] These actions had the effect of liquidating Germany’s Auto Union AG. The remains of the Audi plant of Zwickau became the VEB (for «People Owned Enterprise») Automobilwerk Zwickau [de] or AWZ (in English: Automobile Works Zwickau).
With no prospect of continuing production in Soviet-controlled East Germany, Auto Union executives began the process of relocating what was left of the company to West Germany. A site was chosen in Ingolstadt, Bavaria, to start a spare parts operation in late 1945, which would eventually serve as the headquarters of the reformed Auto Union in 1949.
The former Audi factory in Zwickau restarted assembly of the pre-war models in 1949. These DKW models were renamed to IFA F8 and IFA F9 and were similar to the West German versions. West and East German models were equipped with the traditional and renowned DKW two-stroke engines. The Zwickau plant manufactured the infamous Trabant until 1991, when it came under Volkswagen control—effectively bringing it under the same umbrella as Audi since 1945.
New Auto Union unit
A new West German headquartered Auto Union was launched in Ingolstadt with loans from the Bavarian state government and Marshall Plan aid.[22] The reformed company was launched 3 September 1949 and continued DKW’s tradition of producing front-wheel drive vehicles with two-stroke engines.[22] This included production of a small but sturdy 125 cc motorcycle and a DKW delivery van, the DKW F89 L at Ingolstadt. The Ingolstadt site was large, consisting of an extensive complex of formerly military buildings which was suitable for administration as well as vehicle warehousing and distribution, but at this stage there was at Ingolstadt no dedicated plant suitable for mass production of automobiles: for manufacturing the company’s first post-war mass-market passenger car plant capacity in Düsseldorf was rented from Rheinmetall-Borsig. It was only ten years later, after the company had attracted an investor, when funds became available for construction of major car plant at the Ingolstadt head office site.
In 1958, in response to pressure from Friedrich Flick, then the company’s largest single shareholder,[23] Daimler-Benz took an 87% holding in the Auto Union company, and this was increased to a 100% holding in 1959. However, small two-stroke cars were not the focus of Daimler-Benz’s interests, and while the early 1960s saw major investment in new Mercedes models and in a state of the art factory for Auto Union’s, the company’s aging model range at this time did not benefit from the economic boom of the early 1960s to the same extent as competitor manufacturers such as Volkswagen and Opel. The decision to dispose of the Auto Union business was based on its lack of profitability.[24] Ironically, by the time they sold the business, it also included a large new factory and near production-ready modern four-stroke engine, which would enable the Auto Union business, under a new owner, to embark on a period of profitable growth, now producing not Auto Unions or DKWs, but using the «Audi» name, resurrected in 1965 after a 25-year gap.
In 1964, Volkswagen acquired a 50% holding in the business, which included the new factory in Ingolstadt, the DKW and Audi brands along with the rights to the new engine design which had been funded by Daimler-Benz, who in return retained the dormant Horch trademark and the Düsseldorf factory which became a Mercedes-Benz van assembly plant. Eighteen months later, Volkswagen bought complete control of Ingolstadt, and by 1966 were using the spare capacity of the Ingolstadt plant to assemble an additional 60,000 Volkswagen Beetles per year.[25] Two-stroke engines became less popular during the 1960s as customers were more attracted to the smoother four-stroke engines. In September 1965, the DKW F102 was fitted with a four-stroke engine and a facelift for the car’s front and rear. Volkswagen dumped the DKW brand because of its associations with two-stroke technology, and having classified the model internally as the F103, sold it simply as the «Audi». Later developments of the model were named after their horsepower ratings and sold as the Audi 60, 75, 80, and Super 90, selling until 1972. Initially, Volkswagen was hostile to the idea of Auto Union as a standalone entity producing its own models having acquired the company merely to boost its own production capacity through the Ingolstadt assembly plant – to the point where Volkswagen executives ordered that the Auto Union name and flags bearing the four rings were removed from the factory buildings. Then VW chief Heinz Nordhoff explicitly forbade Auto Union from any further product development. Fearing that Volkswagen had no long-term ambition for the Audi brand, Auto Union engineers under the leadership of Ludwig Kraus developed the first Audi 100 in secret, without Nordhoff’s knowledge. When presented with a finished prototype, Nordhoff was so impressed he authorised the car for production, which when launched in 1968, went on to be a huge success. With this, the resurrection of the Audi brand was now complete, this being followed by the first generation Audi 80 in 1972, which would in turn provide a template for VW’s new front-wheel-drive water-cooled range which debuted from the mid-1970s onward.
In 1969, Auto Union merged with NSU, based in Neckarsulm, near Stuttgart. In the 1950s, NSU had been the world’s largest manufacturer of motorcycles, but had moved on to produce small cars like the NSU Prinz, the TT and TTS versions of which are still popular as vintage race cars. NSU then focused on new rotary engines based on the ideas of Felix Wankel. In 1967, the new NSU Ro 80 was a car well ahead of its time in technical details such as aerodynamics, light weight, and safety. However, teething problems with the rotary engines put an end to the independence of NSU. The Neckarsulm plant is now used to produce the larger Audi models A6 and A8. The Neckarsulm factory is also home of the «quattro GmbH» (from November 2016 «Audi Sport GmbH»), a subsidiary responsible for development and production of Audi high-performance models: the R8 and the RS model range.
Modern era
Participation certificate of the Audi NSU Auto Union AG, issued August 1969
The new merged company was incorporated on 1 January 1969 and was known as Audi NSU Auto Union AG, with its headquarters at NSU’s Neckarsulm plant, and saw the emergence of Audi as a separate brand for the first time since the pre-war era. Volkswagen introduced the Audi brand to the United States for the 1970 model year. That same year, the mid-sized car that NSU had been working on, the K70, originally intended to slot between the rear-engined Prinz models and the futuristic NSU Ro 80, was instead launched as a Volkswagen.
After the launch of the Audi 100 of 1968, the Audi 80/Fox (which formed the basis for the 1973 Volkswagen Passat) followed in 1972 and the Audi 50 (later rebadged as the Volkswagen Polo) in 1974. The Audi 50 was a seminal design because it was the first incarnation of the Golf/Polo concept, one that led to a hugely successful world car. Ultimately, the Audi 80 and 100 (progenitors of the A4 and A6, respectively) became the company’s biggest sellers, whilst little investment was made in the fading NSU range; the Prinz models were dropped in 1973 whilst the fatally flawed NSU Ro80 went out of production in 1977, spelling the effective end of the NSU brand. Production of the Audi 100 had been steadily moved from Ingolstadt to Neckarsulm as the 1970s had progressed, and by the appearance of the second generation C2 version in 1976, all production was now at the former NSU plant. Neckarsulm from that point onward would produce Audi’s higher-end models.
The Audi image at this time was a conservative one, and so, a proposal from chassis engineer Jörg Bensinger[26] was accepted to develop the four-wheel drive technology in Volkswagen’s Iltis military vehicle for an Audi performance car and rally racing car. The performance car, introduced in 1980, was named the «Audi Quattro», a turbocharged coupé which was also the first German large-scale production vehicle to feature permanent all-wheel drive through a centre differential. Commonly referred to as the «Ur-Quattro» (the «Ur-» prefix is a German augmentative used, in this case, to mean «original» and is also applied to the first generation of Audi’s S4 and S6 Sport Saloons, as in «UrS4» and «UrS6»), few of these vehicles were produced (all hand-built by a single team), but the model was a great success in rallying. Prominent wins proved the viability of all-wheel-drive racecars, and the Audi name became associated with advances in automotive technology.
In 1985, with the Auto Union and NSU brands effectively dead, the company’s official name was now shortened to simply Audi AG. At the same time the company’s headquarters moved back to Ingolstadt and two new wholly owned subsidiaries; Auto Union GmbH and NSU GmbH, were formed to own and manage the historical trademarks and intellectual property of the original constituent companies (the exception being Horch, which had been retained by Daimler-Benz after the VW takeover), and to operate Audi’s heritage operations.
In 1986, as the Passat-based Audi 80 was beginning to develop a kind of «grandfather’s car» image, the type 89 was introduced. This completely new development sold extremely well. However, its modern and dynamic exterior belied the low performance of its base engine, and its base package was quite spartan (even the passenger-side mirror was an option.) In 1987, Audi put forward a new and very elegant Audi 90, which had a much superior set of standard features. In the early 1990s, sales began to slump for the Audi 80 series, and some basic construction problems started to surface.
In the early part of the 21st century, Audi set forth on a German racetrack to claim and maintain several world records, such as top speed endurance. This effort was in-line with the company’s heritage from the 1930s racing era Silver Arrows.
Through the early 1990s, Audi began to shift its target market upscale to compete against German automakers Mercedes-Benz and BMW. This began with the release of the Audi V8 in 1990. It was essentially a new engine fitted to the Audi 100/200, but with noticeable bodywork differences. Most obvious was the new grille that was now incorporated in the bonnet.
By 1991, Audi had the four-cylinder Audi 80, the 5-cylinder Audi 90 and Audi 100, the turbocharged Audi 200 and the Audi V8. There was also a coupé version of the 80/90 with both four- and five-cylinder engines.
Although the five-cylinder engine was a successful and robust powerplant, it was still a little too different for the target market. With the introduction of an all-new Audi 100 in 1992, Audi introduced a 2.8L V6 engine. This engine was also fitted to a face-lifted Audi 80 (all 80 and 90 models were now badged 80 except for the USA), giving this model a choice of four-, five-, and six-cylinder engines, in saloon, coupé and convertible body styles.
The five-cylinder was soon dropped as a major engine choice; however, a turbocharged 220 PS (160 kW; 220 hp) version remained. The engine, initially fitted to the 200 quattro 20V of 1991, was a derivative of the engine fitted to the Sport Quattro. It was fitted to the Audi Coupé, named the S2, and also to the Audi 100 body, and named the S4. These two models were the beginning of the mass-produced S series of performance cars.
Audi 5000 unintended acceleration allegations
Sales in the United States fell after a series of recalls from 1982 to 1987 of Audi 5000 models[27] associated with reported incidents of sudden unintended acceleration linked to six deaths and 700 accidents.[27] At the time, NHTSA was investigating 50 car models from 20 manufacturers for sudden surges of power.[28]
A 60 Minutes report aired 23 November 1986,[29] featuring interviews with six people who had sued Audi after reporting unintended acceleration, showing an Audi 5000 ostensibly suffering a problem when the brake pedal was pushed.[30][31] Subsequent investigation revealed that 60 Minutes had engineered the failure – fitting a canister of compressed air on the passenger-side floor, linked via a hose to a hole drilled into the transmission.[29]
Audi contended, prior to findings by outside investigators,[28] that the problems were caused by driver error, specifically pedal misapplication.[28] Subsequently, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) concluded that the majority of unintended acceleration cases, including all the ones that prompted the 60 Minutes report, were caused by driver error such as confusion of pedals.[32] CBS did not acknowledge the test results of involved government agencies, but did acknowledge the similar results of another study.[30]
In a review study published in 2012, NHTSA summarized its past findings about the Audi unintended acceleration problems: «Once an unintended acceleration had begun, in the Audi 5000, due to a failure in the idle-stabilizer system (producing an initial acceleration of 0.3g), pedal misapplication resulting from panic, confusion, or unfamiliarity with the Audi 5000 contributed to the severity of the incident.»[33]
This summary is consistent with the conclusions of NHTSA’s most technical analysis at the time: «Audi idle-stabilization systems were prone to defects which resulted in excessive idle speeds and brief unanticipated accelerations of up to 0.3g [which is similar in magnitude to an emergency stop in a subway car]. These accelerations could not be the sole cause of [(long-duration) sudden acceleration incidents (SAI)], but might have triggered some SAIs by startling the driver.[34] The defective idle-stabilization system performed a type of electronic throttle control. Significantly: multiple «intermittent malfunctions of the electronic control unit were observed and recorded … and [were also observed and] reported by Transport Canada.»[34]
With a series of recall campaigns, Audi made several modifications; the first adjusted the distance between the brake and accelerator pedal on automatic-transmission models.[27] Later repairs, of 250,000 cars dating back to 1978, added a device requiring the driver to press the brake pedal before shifting out of park.[27] A legacy of the Audi 5000 and other reported cases of sudden unintended acceleration are intricate gear stick patterns and brake interlock mechanisms to prevent inadvertent shifting into forward or reverse. It is unclear how the defects in the idle-stabilization system were addressed.
Audi’s U.S. sales, which had reached 74,061 in 1985, dropped to 12,283 in 1991 and remained level for three years,[27] – with resale values falling dramatically.[35] Audi subsequently offered increased warranty protection[35] and renamed the affected models – with the 5000 becoming the 100 and 200 in 1989[28] – and reached the same sales levels again only by model year 2000.[27]
A 2010 BusinessWeek article – outlining possible parallels between Audi’s experience and 2009–2010 Toyota vehicle recalls – noted a class-action lawsuit filed in 1987 by about 7,500 Audi 5000-model owners remains unsettled and remains contested in Chicago’s Cook County after appeals at the Illinois state and U.S. federal levels.[27]
Model introductions
In the mid-to-late 1990s, Audi introduced new technologies including the use of aluminium construction. Produced from 1999 to 2005, the Audi A2 was a futuristic super mini, born from the Al2 concept, with many features that helped regain consumer confidence, like the aluminium space frame, which was a first in production car design. In the A2 Audi further expanded their TDI technology through the use of frugal three-cylinder engines. The A2 was extremely aerodynamic and was designed around a wind tunnel. The Audi A2 was criticised for its high price and was never really a sales success but it planted Audi as a cutting-edge manufacturer. The model, a Mercedes-Benz A-Class competitor, sold relatively well in Europe. However, the A2 was discontinued in 2005 and Audi decided not to develop an immediate replacement.
The next major model change came in 1995 when the Audi A4 replaced the Audi 80. The new nomenclature scheme was applied to the Audi 100 to become the Audi A6 (with a minor facelift). This also meant the S4 became the S6 and a new S4 was introduced in the A4 body. The S2 was discontinued. The Audi Cabriolet continued on (based on the Audi 80 platform) until 1999, gaining the engine upgrades along the way. A new A3 hatchback model (sharing the Volkswagen Golf Mk4’s platform) was introduced to the range in 1996, and the radical Audi TT coupé and roadster were debuted in 1998 based on the same underpinnings.
The engines available throughout the range were now a 1.4 L, 1.6 L and 1.8 L four-cylinder, 1.8 L four-cylinder turbo, 2.6 L and 2.8 L V6, 2.2 L turbo-charged five-cylinder and the 4.2 L V8 engine. The V6s were replaced by new 2.4 L and 2.8 L 30V V6s in 1998, with marked improvement in power, torque and smoothness. Further engines were added along the way, including a 3.7 L V8 and 6.0 L W12 engine for the A8.
Audi AG today
Audi’s sales grew strongly in the 2000s, with deliveries to customers increasing from 653,000 in 2000 to 1,003,000 in 2008. The largest sales increases came from Eastern Europe (+19.3%), Africa (+17.2%) and the Middle East (+58.5%). China in particular has become a key market, representing 108,000 out of 705,000 cars delivered in the first three quarters of 2009. One factor for its popularity in China is that Audis have become the car of choice for purchase by the Chinese government for officials, and purchases by the government are responsible for 20% of its sales in China.[36] As of late 2009, Audi’s operating profit of €1.17 billion ($1.85 billion) made it the biggest contributor to parent Volkswagen Group’s nine-month operating profit of €1.5 billion, while the other marques in Group such as Bentley and SEAT had suffered considerable losses.[37] May 2011 saw record sales for Audi of America with the new Audi A7 and Audi A3 TDI Clean Diesel.[38] In May 2012, Audi reported a 10% increase in its sales—from 408 units to 480 in the last year alone.[39]
Audi manufactures vehicles in seven plants around the world, some of which are shared with other VW Group marques[40] although many sub-assemblies such as engines and transmissions are manufactured within other Volkswagen Group plants.
Audi’s two principal assembly plants in Germany are:
- Ingolstadt, the former Auto Union site originally opened in 1945 and substantially rebuilt by Daimler-Benz in 1962, and acquired by Volkswagen in 1964 (Q2, A3, A4, A5)
- Neckarsulm, the former NSU plant, acquired by Volkswagen in 1969: (A4, A5 (cabrio), A6, A7, A8, R8, and all RS variants) — a satellite plant at nearby Böllinger Höfe produces the e-tron GT
Outside of Germany, Audi produces vehicles at:
- Aurangabad, India, since 2006
- Bratislava, Slovakia, shared with Volkswagen, SEAT, Škoda and Porsche (Q7 and Q8)
- Brussels, Belgium, acquired from Volkswagen in 2007 (e-tron)
- Changchun, China, since 1995
- Győr, Hungary (TT, A3, Q3)
- Jakarta, Indonesia, since 2011
- Martorell, Spain, shared with SEAT and Volkswagen (A1, Q3)
- San José Chiapa, Mexico (2nd gen Q5)
In September 2012, Audi announced the construction of its first North American manufacturing plant in Puebla, Mexico. This plant became operative in 2016 and produces the second generation Q5.[41]
From 2002 up to 2003, Audi headed the Audi Brand Group, a subdivision of the Volkswagen Group’s Automotive Division consisting of Audi, Lamborghini and SEAT, which was focused on sporty values, with the marques’ product vehicles and performance being under the higher responsibility of the Audi brand.
In January 2014, Audi, along with the Wireless Power Consortium, operated a booth which demonstrated a phone compartment using the Qi open interface standard at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES).[42] In May, most of the Audi dealers in the UK falsely claimed that the Audi A7, A8, and R8 were Euro NCAP safety tested, all achieving five out of five stars. In fact none were tested.[43]
In 2015, Audi admitted that at least 2.1 million Audi cars had been involved in the Volkswagen emissions testing scandal in which software installed in the cars manipulated emissions data to fool regulators and allow the cars to pollute at higher than government-mandated levels. The A1, A3, A4, A5, A6, TT, Q3 and Q5 models were implicated in the scandal.[44] Audi promised to quickly find a technical solution and upgrade the cars so they can function within emissions regulations.[45] Ulrich Hackenberg, the head of research and development at Audi, was suspended in relation to the scandal.[46] Despite widespread media coverage about the scandal through the month of September, Audi reported that U.S. sales for the month had increased by 16.2%.[47] Audi’s parent company Volkswagen announced on 18 June 2018 that Audi chief executive Rupert Stadler had been arrested.[48]
In November 2015, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency implicated the 3-liter diesel engine versions of the 2016 Audi A6 Quattro, A7 Quattro, A8, A8L and the Q5 as further models that had emissions regulation defeat-device software installed.[49] Thus, these models emitted nitrogen oxide at up to nine times the legal limit when the car detected that it was not hooked up to emissions testing equipment.[50]
In November 2016, Audi expressed an intention to establish an assembly factory in Pakistan, with the company’s local partner acquiring land for a plant in Korangi Creek Industrial Park in Karachi. Approval of the plan would lead to an investment of $30 million in the new plant.[51] Audi planned to cut 9,500 jobs in Germany starting from 2020 till 2025 to fund electric vehicles and digital working.[52]
In February 2020, Volkswagen AG announced that it plans to take over all Audi shares it does not own (totalling 0.36%) via a squeeze-out according to German stock corporation law, thus making Audi a fully owned subsidiary of the Volkswagen Group.[53] This change took effect from 16 November 2020, when Audi became a wholly owned subsidiary of the Volkswagen Group.[54]
In January 2021, Audi announced that it is planning to sell 1 million vehicles in China in 2023, comparing to 726,000 vehicles in 2020.[55]
Audi AI
Audi AI is a driver assist feature offered by Audi. The company’s stated intent is to offer fully autonomous driving at a future time, acknowledging that legal, regulatory and technical hurdles must be overcome to achieve this goal. On 4 June 2017, Audi stated that its new A8 will be fully self-driving for speeds up to 60 km/h using its Audi AI. Contrary to other cars, the driver will not have to do safety checks such as touching the steering wheel every 15 seconds to use this feature. The Audi A8 will therefore be the first production car to reach level 3 autonomous driving, meaning that the driver can safely turn their attention away from driving tasks, e.g. the driver can text or watch a movie. Audi will also be the first manufacturer to use a 3D Lidar system in addition to cameras and ultrasonic sensors for their AI.[56][57]
Audi produces 100% galvanised cars to prevent corrosion,[58] and was the first mass-market vehicle to do so, following introduction of the process by Porsche, c. 1975. Along with other precautionary measures, the full-body zinc coating has proved to be very effective in preventing rust. The body’s resulting durability even surpassed Audi’s own expectations, causing the manufacturer to extend its original 10-year warranty against corrosion perforation to currently 12 years (except for aluminium bodies which do not rust).[59]
Space Frame
The Audi R8 uses Audi Space Frame technology.
Audi introduced a new series of vehicles in the mid-1990s and continues to pursue new technology and high performance. An all-aluminium car was brought forward by Audi, and in 1994 the Audi A8 was launched, which introduced aluminium space frame technology (called Audi Space Frame or ASF) which saves weight and improves torsion rigidity compared to a conventional steel frame. Prior to that effort, Audi used examples of the Type 44 chassis fabricated out of aluminium as test-beds for the technique. The disadvantage of the aluminium frame is that it is very expensive to repair and requires a specialized aluminium bodyshop.[60] The weight reduction is somewhat offset by the quattro four-wheel drive system which is standard in most markets. Nonetheless, the A8 is usually the lightest all-wheel drive car in the full-size luxury segment, also having best-in-class fuel economy.[61] The Audi A2, Audi TT and Audi R8 also use Audi Space Frame designs.
For most of its lineup (excluding the A3, A1, and TT models), Audi has not adopted the transverse engine layout which is typically found in economy cars (such as Peugeot and Citroën), since that would limit the type and power of engines that can be installed. To be able to mount powerful engines (such as a V8 engine in the Audi S4 and Audi RS4, as well as the W12 engine in the Audi A8L W12), Audi has usually engineered its more expensive cars with a longitudinally front-mounted engine, in an «overhung» position, over the front wheels in front of the axle line — this layout dates back to the DKW and Auto Union saloons from the 1950s. But while this allows for the easy adoption of all-wheel drive, it goes against the ideal 50:50 weight distribution.
In all its post Volkswagen-era models, Audi has firmly refused to adopt the traditional rear-wheel drive layout favored by its two archrivals Mercedes-Benz and BMW, favoring either front-wheel drive or all-wheel drive. The majority of Audi’s lineup in the United States features all-wheel drive standard on most of its expensive vehicles (only the entry-level trims of the A4 and A6 are available with front-wheel drive), in contrast to Mercedes-Benz and BMW whose lineup treats all-wheel drive as an option. BMW did not offer all-wheel drive on its V8-powered cars (as opposed to crossover SUVs) until the 2010 BMW 7 Series and 2011 BMW 5 Series, while the Audi A8 has had all-wheel drive available/standard since the 1990s. Regarding high-performance variants, Audi S and RS models have always had all-wheel drive, unlike their direct rivals from BMW M and Mercedes-AMG whose cars are rear-wheel drive only (although their performance crossover SUVs are all-wheel drive).
Audi has recently applied the quattro badge to models such as the A3 and TT which do not use the Torsen-based system as in prior years with a mechanical center differential, but with the Haldex Traction electro-mechanical clutch AWD system.
Prior to the introduction of the Audi 80 and Audi 50 in 1972 and 1974, respectively, Audi had led the development of the EA111 and EA827 inline-four engine families. These new power units underpinned the water-cooled revival of parent company Volkswagen (in the Polo, Golf, Passat and Scirocco), whilst the many derivatives and descendants of these two basic engine designs have appeared in every generation of VW Group vehicles right up to the present day.
In the 1980s, Audi, along with Volvo, was the champion of the inline-five cylinder, 2.1/2.2 L engine as a longer-lasting alternative to more traditional six-cylinder engines. This engine was used not only in production cars but also in their race cars. The 2.1 L inline five-cylinder engine was used as a base for the rally cars in the 1980s, providing well over 400 horsepower (300 kilowatts) after modification. Before 1990, there were engines produced with a displacement between 2.0 L and 2.3 L. This range of engine capacity allowed for both fuel economy and power.
For the ultra-luxury version of its Audi A8 fullsize luxury flagship sedan, the Audi A8L W12, Audi uses the Volkswagen Group W12 engine instead of the conventional V12 engine favored by rivals Mercedes-Benz and BMW. The W12 engine configuration (also known as a «WR12») is created by forming two imaginary narrow-angle 15° VR6 engines at an angle of 72°, and the narrow angle of each set of cylinders allows just two overhead camshafts to drive each pair of banks, so just four are needed in total. The advantage of the W12 engine is its compact packaging, allowing Audi to build a 12-cylinder sedan with all-wheel drive, whereas a conventional V12 engine could have only a rear-wheel drive configuration as it would have no space in the engine bay for a differential and other components required to power the front wheels. In fact, the 6.0 L W12 in the Audi A8L W12 is smaller in overall dimensions than the 4.2 L V8 that powers the Audi A8 4.2 variants.[62] The 2011 Audi A8 debuted a revised 6.3-litre version of the W12 (WR12) engine with 500 PS (370 kW; 490 hp).
Fuel Stratified Injection
New models of the A3, A4, A6 and A8 have been introduced, with the ageing 1.8-litre engine now having been replaced by new Fuel Stratified Injection (FSI) engines. Nearly every petroleum burning model in the range now incorporates this fuel-saving technology.
Direct-Shift Gearbox
In 2003, Volkswagen introduced the Direct-Shift Gearbox (DSG), a type of dual-clutch transmission. It is a type of automatic transmission, drivable like a conventional torque converter automatic transmission. Based on the gearbox found in the Group B S1, the system includes dual electro-hydraulically controlled clutches instead of a torque converter. This is implemented in some VW Golfs, Audi A3, Audi A4 and TT models where DSG is called S-Tronic.
LED daytime running lights
Beginning in 2005, Audi has implemented white LED technology as daytime running lights (DRL) in their products. The distinctive shape of the DRLs has become a trademark of sorts. LEDs were first introduced on the Audi A8 W12, the world’s first production car to have LED DRLs,[63][64][65] and have since spread throughout the entire model range. The LEDs are present on some Audi billboards.
Since 2010, Audi has also offered the LED technology in low- and high-beam headlights.[66]
Multi Media Interface
Starting with the 2003 Audi A8, Audi has used a centralised control interface for its on-board infotainment systems, called Multi Media Interface (MMI). It is essentially a rotating control knob and ‘segment’ buttons – designed to control all in-car entertainment devices (radio, CD changer, iPod, TV tuner), satellite navigation, heating and ventilation, and other car controls with a screen.
The availability of MMI has gradually filtered down the Audi lineup, and following its introduction on the third generation A3 in 2011, MMI is now available across the entire range. It has been generally well received, as it requires less menu-surfing with its segment buttons around a central knob, along with ‘main function’ direct access buttons – with shortcuts to the radio or phone functions. The colour screen is mounted on the upright dashboard, and on the A4 (new), A5, A6, A8, and Q7, the controls are mounted horizontally.
Synthetic fuels
Audi has assisted with technology to produce synthetic diesel from water and carbon dioxide.[67][68][69] Audi calls the synthetic diesel E-diesel. It is also working on synthetic gasoline (which it calls E-gasoline).[70]
Audi uses scanning gloves for parts registration during assembly, and automatic robots to transfer cars from factory to rail cars.[71]
Current model range
The following tables list Audi production vehicles that are sold as of 2018:
S and RS models
Electric vehicles
Audi is planning an alliance with the Japanese electronics giant Sanyo to develop a pilot hybrid electric project for the Volkswagen Group. The alliance could result in Sanyo batteries and other electronic components being used in future models of the Volkswagen Group.[72] Concept electric vehicles unveiled to date include the Audi A1 Sportback Concept,[73] Audi A4 TDI Concept E,[74] and the fully electric Audi e-tron Concept Supercar.[75]
Self-driving cars
In December 2018, Audi announced to invest 14 billion Euro ($15.9 billion) in e-mobility, self-driving cars.[76]
Production figures
A1 | A2 | A3 | A4 | A5 | A6 | A7 | A8 | Q3 | Q5 | Q7 | TT | R8 | |
1998[77] | — | — | 143,974 | 271,152 | — | 174,867 | — | 15,355 | — | — | — | 13,682 | — |
1999[77] | — | — | 143,505 | 252,514 | — | 162,573 | — | 14,636 | — | — | — | 52,579 | — |
2000[78] | — | 32,164 | 136,141 | 231,869 | — | 180,715 | — | 12,894 | — | — | — | 56,776 | — |
2001[79] | — | 49,369 | 131,082 | 308,778 | — | 186,467 | — | 11,708 | — | — | — | 39,349 | — |
2002[80] | — | 37,578 | 125,538 | 360,267 | — | 178,773 | — | 10,942 | — | — | — | 34,711 | — |
2003[81] | — | 27,323 | 159,417 | 353,836 | — | 168,612 | — | 21,748 | — | — | — | 32,337 | — |
2004[82] | — | 19,745 | 181,274 | 345,231 | — | 195,529 | — | 22,429 | — | — | — | 23,605 | — |
2005[83] | — | 10,026 | 224,961 | 337,705 | — | 215,437 | — | 21,515 | — | — | 1,185 | 12,307 | — |
2006[84] | — | — | 231,752 | 341,110 | 487 | 229,021 | — | 22,468 | — | — | 72,169 | 23,675 | 164 |
2007[85] | — | — | 231,117 | 289,806 | 25,549 | 243,842 | — | 22,182 | — | 162 | 77,395 | 56,766 | 4,125 |
2008[86] | — | — | 222,164 | 378,885 | 57,650 | 214,074 | — | 20,140 | — | 20,324 | 59,008 | 41,789 | 5,656 |
2009[87] | — | — | 206,747 | 282,033 | 84,883 | 182,090 | — | 8,599 | — | 105,074 | 27,929 | 22,821 | 2,101 |
2010[88] | 51,937 | — | 198,974 | 306,291 | 111,270 | 211,256 | 8,496 | 22,435 | — | 154,604 | 48,937 | 26,217 | 3,485 |
2011[89] | 117,566 | — | 189,068 | 321,045 | 111,758 | 241,862 | 37,301 | 38,542 | 19,613 | 183,678 | 53,703 | 25,508 | 3,551 |
2012[90] | 123,111 | — | 164,666 | 329,759 | 103,357 | 284,888 | 28,950 | 35,932 | 106,918 | 209,799 | 54,558 | 21,880 | 2,241 |
- Data from 1998 to 2010. Figures for different body types/versions of models have been merged to create overall figures for each model.
Audi has competed in various forms of motorsports. Audi’s tradition in motorsport began with their former company Auto Union in the 1930s. In the 1990s, Audi found success in the Touring and Super Touring categories of motor racing after success in circuit racing in North America.
In 1980, Audi released the Quattro, a four-wheel drive (4WD) turbocharged car that went on to win rallies and races worldwide. It is considered one of the most significant rally cars of all time, because it was one of the first to take advantage of the then-recently changed rules which allowed the use of four-wheel drive in competition racing. Many critics doubted the viability of four-wheel drive racers, thinking them to be too heavy and complex, yet the Quattro was to become a successful car. It led its first rally before going off the road, however, the rally world had been served notice 4WD was the future. The Quattro went on to achieve much success in the World Rally Championship. It won the 1983 (Hannu Mikkola) and the 1984 (Stig Blomqvist) drivers’ titles,[91] and brought Audi the manufacturers’ title in 1982 and 1984.[92]
In 1984, Audi launched the short-wheelbase Sport Quattro which dominated rally races in Monte Carlo and Sweden, with Audi taking all podium places, but succumbed to problems further into WRC contention. In 1985, after another season mired in mediocre finishes, Walter Röhrl finished the season in his Sport Quattro S1, and helped place Audi second in the manufacturers’ points. Audi also received rally honours in the Hong Kong to Beijing rally in that same year. Michèle Mouton, the only female driver to win a round of the World Rally Championship and a driver for Audi, took the Sport Quattro S1, now simply called the «S1», and raced in the Pikes Peak International Hill Climb. The 1,439-metre (4,721 ft) climb race pits a driver and car to drive to the summit of the 4,302-metre (14,114 ft) Pikes Peak mountain in Colorado, and in 1985, Michèle Mouton set a new record of 11:25.39, and being the first woman to set a Pikes Peak record. In 1986, Audi formally left international rally racing following an accident in Portugal involving driver Joaquim Santos in his Ford RS200. Santos swerved to avoid hitting spectators in the road, and left the track into the crowd of spectators on the side, killing three and injuring 30. Bobby Unser used an Audi in that same year to claim a new record for the Pikes Peak Hill Climb at 11:09.22.
In 1987, Walter Röhrl claimed the title for Audi setting a new Pikes Peak International Hill Climb record of 10:47.85 in his Audi S1, which he had retired from the WRC two years earlier. The Audi S1 employed Audi’s time-tested inline-five-cylinder turbocharged engine, with the final version generating 441 kW (600 PS; 591 bhp).[93] The engine was mated to a six-speed gearbox and ran on Audi’s famous four-wheel drive system. All of Audi’s top drivers drove this car; Hannu Mikkola, Stig Blomqvist, Walter Röhrl and Michèle Mouton. This Audi S1 started the range of Audi ‘S’ cars, which now represents an increased level of sports-performance equipment within the mainstream Audi model range.
In the United States
As Audi moved away from rallying and into circuit racing, they chose to move first into America with the Trans-Am in 1988.
In 1989, Audi moved to International Motor Sports Association (IMSA) GTO with the Audi 90, however as they avoided the two major endurance events (Daytona and Sebring) despite winning on a regular basis, they would lose out on the title.
Touring cars
In 1990, having completed their objective to market cars in North America, Audi returned to Europe, turning first to the Deutsche Tourenwagen Meisterschaft (DTM) series with the Audi V8, and then in 1993, being unwilling to build cars for the new formula, they turned their attention to the fast-growing Super Touring series, which are a series of national championships. Audi first entered in the French Supertourisme and Italian Superturismo. In the following year, Audi would switch to the German Super Tourenwagen Cup (known as STW), and then to British Touring Car Championship (BTCC) the year after that.
The Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile (FIA), having difficulty regulating the quattro four-wheel drive system, and the impact it had on the competitors, would eventually ban all four-wheel drive cars from competing in the series in 1998,[94] but by then, Audi switched all their works efforts to sports car racing.
By 2000, Audi would still compete in the US with their RS4 for the SCCA Speed World GT Challenge, through dealer/team Champion Racing competing against Corvettes, Vipers, and smaller BMWs (where it is one of the few series to permit 4WD cars). In 2003, Champion Racing entered an RS6. Once again, the quattro four-wheel drive was superior, and Champion Audi won the championship. They returned in 2004 to defend their title, but a newcomer, Cadillac with the new Omega Chassis CTS-V, gave them a run for their money. After four victories in a row, the Audis were sanctioned with several negative changes that deeply affected the car’s performance. Namely, added ballast weights, and Champion Audi deciding to go with different tyres, and reducing the boost pressure of the turbocharger.
In 2004, after years of competing with the TT-R in the revitalised DTM series, with privateer team Abt Racing/Christian Abt taking the 2002 title with Laurent Aïello, Audi returned as a full factory effort to touring car racing by entering two factory-supported Joest Racing A4 DTM cars.
24 Hours of Le Mans
Audi began racing prototype sportscars in 1999, debuting at the Le Mans 24 hour. Two car concepts were developed and raced in their first season — the Audi R8R (open-cockpit ‘roadster’ prototype) and the Audi R8C (closed-cockpit ‘coupé’ GT-prototype). The R8R scored a credible podium on its racing debut at Le Mans and was the concept which Audi continued to develop into the 2000 season due to favourable rules for open-cockpit prototypes.
However, most of the competitors (such as BMW, Toyota, Mercedes and Nissan) retired at the end of 1999.
The factory-supported Joest Racing team won at Le Mans three times in a row with the Audi R8 (2000–2002), as well as winning every race in the American Le Mans Series in its first year. Audi also sold the car to customer teams such as Champion Racing.
In 2003, two Bentley Speed 8s, with engines designed by Audi, and driven by Joest drivers loaned to the fellow Volkswagen Group company, competed in the GTP class, and finished the race in the top two positions, while the Champion Racing R8 finished third overall, and first in the LMP900 class. Audi returned to the winner’s podium at the 2004 race, with the top three finishers all driving R8s: Audi Sport Japan Team Goh finished first, Audi Sport UK Veloqx second, and Champion Racing third.
At the 2005 24 Hours of Le Mans, Champion Racing entered two R8s, along with an R8 from the Audi PlayStation Team Oreca. The R8s (which were built to old LMP900 regulations) received a narrower air inlet restrictor, reducing power, and an additional 50 kg (110 lb) of weight compared to the newer LMP1 chassis. On average, the R8s were about 2–3 seconds off pace compared to the Pescarolo–Judd. But with a team of excellent drivers and experience, both Champion R8s were able to take first and third, while the Oreca team took fourth. The Champion team was also the first American team to win Le Mans since the Gulf Ford GTs in 1967. This also ends the long era of the R8; however, its replacement for 2006, called the Audi R10 TDI, was unveiled on 13 December 2005.
The R10 TDI employed many new and innovative features, the most notable being the twin-turbocharged direct injection diesel engine. It was first raced in the 2006 12 Hours of Sebring as a race-test in preparation for the 2006 24 Hours of Le Mans, which it later went on to win. Audi had a win in the first diesel sports car at 12 Hours of Sebring (the car was developed with a Diesel engine due to ACO regulations that favor diesel engines). As well as winning the 24 Hours of Le Mans in 2006, the R10 TDI beat the Peugeot 908 HDi FAP in 2007, and in 2008, (however Peugeot won the 24h in 2009) with a podium clean-sweep (all four 908 entries retired) while breaking a distance record (set by the Porsche 917K of Martini Racing in 1971), in 2010 with the R15 TDI Plus.[95]
Audi’s sports car racing success would continue with the Audi R18’s victory at the 2011 24 Hours of Le Mans. Audi Sport Team Joest’s Benoît Tréluyer earned Audi their first pole position in five years while the team’s sister car locked out the front row.[96] Early accidents eliminated two of Audi’s three entries, but the sole remaining Audi R18 TDI of Tréluyer, Marcel Fässler, and André Lotterer held off the trio of Peugeot 908s to claim victory by a margin of 13.8 seconds.
Car | Year | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 |
1 | Position | 4 | 3 | 1 | 1 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 6 | 3 | 3 | Ret | 1 | 5 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
2 | 3 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 3 | 1 | 1 | 1 | Ret | 1 | Ret | 2 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 4 | 3 | |
3 | Ret | 2 | Ret | 3 | Ret | 5 | 4 | Ret | 4 | 17 | 1 | Ret | 5 | 3 | Ret | 7 | |||
4 | Ret | Ret | 7 | 2 | 3 |
American Le Mans Series
Audi entered a factory racing team run by Joest Racing into the American Le Mans Series under the Audi Sport North America name in 2000. This was a successful operation with the team winning on its debut in the series at the 2000 12 Hours of Sebring. Factory-backed Audi R8s were the dominant car in ALMS taking 25 victories between 2000 and the end of the 2002 season. In 2003, Audi sold customer cars to Champion Racing as well as continuing to race the factory Audi Sport North America team. Champion Racing won many races as a private team running Audi R8s and eventually replaced Team Joest as the Audi Sport North America between 2006 and 2008. Since 2009 Audi has not taken part in full American Le Mans Series Championships, but has competed in the series opening races at Sebring, using the 12-hour race as a test for Le Mans, and also as part of the 2012 FIA World Endurance Championship season calendar.
Year | Manufacturer | Chassis | Team | Rd1 | Rd2 | Rd3 | Rd4 | Rd5 | Rd6 | Rd7 | Rd8 | Rd9 | Rd10 | Rd11 | Rd12 |
2000 | R8 | ||||||||||||||
2 | 20 | 3 | Ret | 1 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 1 | ||||
1 | 6 | 4 | 3 | 2 | Ret | 1 | 4 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 15 | ||||
2001 | R8 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 5 | Ret | 2 | Ret | Ret | ||||
2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 4 | 1 | 1 | ||||||
2002 | R8 | 5 | 14 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 2 | Ret | 1 | 1 | 6 | ||||
1 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 4 | 3 | 1 | |||||||
2003 | R8 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 7 | 1 | 2 | 3 | |||||
2 | 1 | 3 | 2 | 20 | 1 | 4 | 1 | 1 | |||||||
2004 | R8 | 1 | |||||||||||||
2 | |||||||||||||||
3 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | |||||||
2005 | R8 | 1 | 1 | 18 | 1 | 3 | Ret | 3 | 2 | 7 | 4 | ||||
2 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 3 | 1 | 2 | ||||||
2006 | R8 | 1 | 3 | 1 | |||||||||||
R10 | Ret | 1 | 2 | 1 | 4 | 7 | 2 | ||||||||
1 | 4 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | |||||||||
2007 | R10 | 4 | 1 | 7 | 3 | 2 | 5 | 5 | 2 | 2 | 3 | 1 | 1 | ||
1 | 2 | 12 | 6 | 23 | 3 | 3 | 4 | 2 | 17 | 3 | |||||
2008 | R10 | 3 | Ret | 2 | Ret | 21 | 2 | 2 | 2 | DSQ | 1 | 2 | |||
6 | 1 | 1 | 7 | 4 | 1 | 1 | 1 | Ret | 3 | 1 | |||||
2009 | R15 | 5 | |||||||||||||
4 | |||||||||||||||
2010 | R15 | 1 | |||||||||||||
3 | |||||||||||||||
2012 | R18 | 16 | |||||||||||||
1 | |||||||||||||||
2 | |||||||||||||||
2013 | R18 | 1 | |||||||||||||
2 |
European Le Mans Series
Audi participated in the 2003 1000km of Le Mans which was a one-off sports car race in preparation for the 2004 European Le Mans Series. The factory team Audi Sport UK won races and the championship in the 2004 season but Audi was unable to match their sweeping success of Audi Sport North America in the American Le Mans Series, partly due to the arrival of a factory competitor in LMP1, Peugeot. The French manufacturer’s 908 HDi FAP became the car to beat in the series from 2008 onwards with 20 LMP wins. However, Audi were able to secure the championship in 2008 even though Peugeot scored more race victories in the season.[97]
Year | Manufacturer | Chassis | Team | Rd1 | Rd2 | Rd3 | Rd4 | Rd5 |
2003 | R8 | 1 | ||||||
2004 | R8 | 2 | 1 | 1 | Ret | |||
1 | 2 | 3 | 1 | |||||
3 | 4 | 2 | 2 | |||||
2005 | R8 | Ret | 1 | 2 | 2 | |||
2008 | R10 | 5 | 6 | 4 | 4 | 1 | ||
2 | 2 | 2 | 3 | 4 | ||||
2010 | R15 | 1 | 3 | Ret | ||||
5 | 3 | |||||||
12 |
World Endurance Championship
In 2012, the FIA sanctioned a World Endurance Championship which would be organised by the ACO as a continuation of the ILMC. Audi competed won the first WEC race at Sebring and followed this up with a further three successive wins, including the 2012 24 Hours of Le Mans. Audi scored a final 5th victory in the 2012 WEC in Bahrain and were able to win the inaugural WEC Manufacturers’ Championship.
As defending champions, Audi once again entered the Audi R18 e-tron quattro chassis into the 2013 WEC and the team won the first five consecutive races, including the 2013 24 Hours of Le Mans. The victory at Round 5, Circuit of the Americas, was of particular significance as it marked the 100th win for Audi in Le Mans prototypes.[98] Audi secured their second consecutive WEC Manufacturers’ Championship at Round 6 after taking second place and half points in the red-flagged Fuji race.[99]
For the 2014 season, Audi entered a redesigned and upgraded R18 e-tron quattro which featured a 2 MJ energy recovery system. As defending champions, Audi would once again face a challenge in LMP1 from Toyota, and additionally from Porsche who returned to endurance racing after a 16-year absence. The season-opening 6hrs of Silverstone was a disaster for Audi who saw both cars retire from the race, marking the first time that an Audi car has failed to score a podium in a World Endurance Championship race.
Year | Manufacturer | Chassis | SEB |
Total points |
Pos. |
2012 | R18 e-tron quattro | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 173 (209) | 1st |
Year | Manufacturer | Chassis | SIL |
Total points |
Pos. |
2013 | R18 e-tron quattro | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 207 (207) | 1st |
Year | Manufacturer | Chassis | Car | SIL |
Total points |
Pos. |
2014 | R18 e-tron quattro | 1 | Ret | 2 | 1 | 1 | 5 | 4 | 4 | 3 | 244 | 2nd | |
2 | Ret | 5 | 2 | 2 | 6 | 5 | 5 | 5 |
Formula E
Audi provide factory support to Abt Sportsline in the FIA Formula E Championship, The team competed under the title of Audi Sport Abt Formula E Team in the inaugural 2014-15 Formula E season.[100] On 13 February 2014 the team announced its driver line up as Daniel Abt and World Endurance Championship driver Lucas di Grassi.[101]
Year | Team | Chassis | Driver | BEI |
Total points |
Pos. | |
2014–15 | Spark-Renault SRT 01E | 10 | 10 | 15 | 13† | 3 | 15 | Ret | 14 | 5 | Ret | 11 | 165 | 3rd | ||
1 | 2 | 3 | Ret | 9 | 3 | 2 | DSQ | 2 | 4 | 6 |
Year | Team | Chassis | Driver | BEI |
Total points |
Pos. | |
2015–16 | Spark-ABT Schaeffler FE01 | 11 | 7 | 8 | 13 | 7 | 3 | 10 | 2 | Ret | 2 | 221 | 2nd | ||
2 | 1 | 2 | 3 | DSQ | 1 | 1 | 3 | 4 | Ret |
Year | Team | Chassis | Driver | HKG |
Total points |
Pos. | |||
2016–17 | Spark-ABT Schaeffler FE02 | Ret | 6 | 7 | 7 | 7 | 13† | 6 | 4 | 14† | Ret | 4 | 6 | 248 | 2nd | ||
2 | 5 | 3 | 1 | 2 | Ret | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 1 | 7 |
Year | Team | Chassis | Driver | HKG |
Total points |
Pos. | ||
2017–18 | Spark-Audi e-tron FE04 | 6 | DSQ | 10 | Ret | 1 | 14 | 4 | 7 | 1 | 13 | 2 | 3 | 264 | 1st | ||
17 | 14 | Ret | Ret | 9 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 2 |
Formula One
Audi has been linked to Formula One in recent years but has always resisted due to the company’s opinion that it is not relevant to road cars, but hybrid power unit technology has been adopted into the sport, swaying the company’s view and encouraging research into the program by former Ferrari team principal Stefano Domenicali.
Audi announced in August 2022 that it would enter the Championship as an engine manufacturer in 2026.[102] In October, Audi confirmed its partnership with Sauber Motorsport for the year 2026, acquiring a stake in the company for the German brand to enter the competition by renaming the team and supplying engines.[103][104]
Current factory drivers
The logo used by Audi, 1995–2009
The logo used by Audi, 2009–2016
The typeface Audi Sans (used 1997–2009)
The typeface Audi Type (used since 2009)
The Audi emblem is four overlapping rings that represent the four marques of Auto Union. The Audi emblem symbolises the amalgamation of Audi with DKW, Horch and Wanderer: the first ring from the left represents Audi, the second represents DKW, third is Horch, and the fourth and last ring Wanderer.[106][107]
The design is popularly believed to have been the idea of Klaus von Oertzen, the director of sales at Wanderer – when Berlin was chosen as the host city for the 1936 Summer Olympics and that a form of the Olympic logo symbolized the newly established Auto Union’s desire to succeed.[108] Somewhat ironically, the International Olympic Committee later sued Audi in the International Trademark Court in 1995, where they lost.[109]
The original «Audi» script, with the distinctive slanted tails on the «A» and «d» was created for the historic Audi company in 1920 by the famous graphic designer Lucian Bernhard, and was resurrected when Volkswagen revived the brand in 1965. Following the demise of NSU in 1977, less prominence was given to the four rings, in preference to the «Audi» script encased within a black (later red) ellipse, and was commonly displayed next to the Volkswagen roundel when the two brands shared a dealer network under the V.A.G banner. The ellipse (known as the Audi Oval) was phased out after 1994, when Audi formed its own independent dealer network, and prominence was given back to the four rings – at the same time Audi Sans (a derivative of Univers) was adopted as the font for all marketing materials, corporate communications and was also used in the vehicles themselves.
As part of Audi’s centennial celebration in 2009, the company updated the logo, changing the font to left-aligned Audi Type, and altering the shading for the overlapping rings.[110] The revised logo was designed by Rayan Abdullah.[111]
Audi developed a Corporate Sound concept, with Audi Sound Studio designed for producing the Corporate Sound.[112] The Corporate Sound project began with sound agency Klangerfinder GmbH & Co KG and s12 GmbH. Audio samples were created in Klangerfinder’s sound studio in Stuttgart, becoming part of Audi Sound Studio collection. Other Audi Sound Studio components include The Brand Music Pool, The Brand Voice.[113] Audi also developed Sound Branding Toolkit including certain instruments, sound themes, rhythm and car sounds which all are supposed to reflect the AUDI sound character.[114]
Audi started using a beating heart sound trademark beginning in 1996. An updated heartbeat sound logo, developed by agencies KLANGERFINDER GmbH & Co KG of Stuttgart and S12 GmbH of Munich, was first used in 2010 in an Audi A8 commercial with the slogan The Art of Progress.[115][116]
Audi’s corporate tagline is Vorsprung durch Technik [ˈfoːɐ̯ˌʃpʁʊŋ dʊʁç ˈtɛçnɪk], meaning «Progress through Technology».[117] The German-language tagline is used in many European countries, including the United Kingdom (but not in Italy, where All’avanguardia della tecnica is used), and in other markets, such as Latin America, Oceania, Africa and parts of Asia including Japan. Originally, the American tagline was Innovation through technology, but in Canada Vorsprung durch Technik was used. Since 2007, Audi has used the slogan Truth in Engineering in the U.S.[118] However, since the Audi emissions testing scandal came to light in September 2015, this slogan was lambasted for being discordant with reality.[119] In fact, just hours after disgraced Volkswagen CEO Martin Winterkorn admitted to cheating on emissions data, an advertisement during the 2015 Primetime Emmy Awards promoted Audi’s latest advances in low emissions technology with Kermit the Frog stating, «It’s not that easy being green.»[120]
Vorsprung durch Technik was first used in English-language advertising after Sir John Hegarty of the Bartle Bogle Hegarty advertising agency visited the Audi factory in 1982.[121] In the original British television commercials, the phrase was voiced by Geoffrey Palmer.[121] After its repeated use in advertising campaigns, the phrase found its way into popular culture, including the British comedy Only Fools and Horses, the U2 song «Zooropa»[122] and the Blur song «Parklife». Similar-sounding phrases have also been used, including as the punchline for a joke in the movie Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels and in the British TV series Peep Show.
Audi Sans (based on Univers Extended) was originally created in 1997 by Ole Schäfer for MetaDesign. MetaDesign was later commissioned for a new corporate typeface called Audi Type, designed by Paul van der Laan and Pieter van Rosmalen of Bold Monday. The font began to appear in Audi’s 2009 products and marketing materials.[123]
Audi is a strong partner of different kinds of sports. In football, long partnerships exist between Audi and domestic clubs including Bayern Munich, Hamburger SV, 1. FC Nürnberg, Hertha BSC, and Borussia Mönchengladbach and international clubs including Chelsea, Real Madrid, FC Barcelona, A.C. Milan, AFC Ajax and Perspolis. Audi also sponsors winter sports: The Audi FIS Alpine Ski World Cup is named after the company. Additionally, Audi supports the German Ski Association (DSV) as well as the alpine skiing national teams of Switzerland, Sweden, Finland, France, Liechtenstein, Italy, Austria and the U.S. For almost two decades, Audi fosters golf sport: for example with the Audi quattro Cup and the HypoVereinsbank Ladies German Open presented by Audi. In sailing, Audi is engaged in the Medcup regatta and supports the team Luna Rossa during the Louis Vuitton Pacific Series and also is the primary sponsor of the Melges 20 sailboat. Further, Audi sponsors the regional teams ERC Ingolstadt (hockey) and FC Ingolstadt 04 (soccer).[124] In 2009, the year of Audi’s 100th anniversary, the company organized the Audi Cup for the first time.[125] Audi also sponsor the New York Yankees as well. In October 2010 they agreed to a three sponsorship year-deal with Everton.[126] Audi also sponsors the England Polo Team and holds the Audi Polo Awards.[127][128]
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Since the start of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Audi signed a deal to sponsor, promote and provide vehicles for several films. So far these have been, Iron Man, Iron Man 2, Iron Man 3, Avengers: Age of Ultron, Captain America: Civil War, Spider-Man: Homecoming, Avengers: Endgame and Spider-Man: Far From Home.[129] The R8 supercar became the personal vehicle for Tony Stark (played by Robert Downey Jr.) for six of these films.[130] The e-tron vehicles were promoted in Endgame and Far From Home. Several commercials were co-produced by Marvel and Audi to promote several new concepts and some of the latest vehicles such as the A8, SQ7 and the e-Tron fleet.[131][132][133]
Multitronic campaign
In 2001, Audi promoted the new multitronic continuously variable transmission with television commercials throughout Europe, featuring an impersonator of musician and actor Elvis Presley.[134][135] A prototypical dashboard figure – later named «Wackel-Elvis» («Wobble Elvis» or «Wobbly Elvis») – appeared in the commercials to demonstrate the smooth ride in an Audi equipped with the multitronic transmission. The dashboard figure was originally intended for use in the commercials only, but after they aired the demand for Wackel-Elvis fans grew among fans and the figure was mass-produced in China and marketed by Audi in their factory outlet store.[136]
Audi TDI
As part of Audi’s attempt to promote its Diesel technology in 2009, the company began Audi Mileage Marathon. The driving tour featured a fleet of 23 Audi TDI vehicles from 4 models (Audi Q7 3.0 TDI, Audi Q5 3.0 TDI, Audi A4 3.0 TDI, Audi A3 Sportback 2.0 TDI with S tronic transmission) travelling across the American continent from New York to Los Angeles, passing major cities like Chicago, Dallas and Las Vegas during the 13 daily stages, as well as natural wonders including the Rocky Mountains, Death Valley and the Grand Canyon.[137]
Audi e-tron
The next phase of technology Audi is developing is the e-tron electric drive powertrain system. They have shown several concept cars as of March 2010, each with different levels of size and performance. The original e-tron concept shown at the 2009 Frankfurt motor show is based on the platform of the R8 and has been scheduled for limited production. Power is provided by electric motors at all four wheels. The second concept was shown at the 2010 Detroit Motor Show. Power is provided by two electric motors at the rear axle. This concept is also considered to be the direction for a future mid-engined gas-powered 2-seat performance coupe. The Audi A1 e-tron concept, based on the Audi A1 production model, is a hybrid vehicle with a range extending Wankel rotary engine to provide power after the initial charge of the battery is depleted. It is the only concept of the three to have range-extending capability. The car is powered through the front wheels, always using electric power.
It is all set to be displayed at the Auto Expo 2012 in New Delhi, India, from 5 January. Powered by a 1.4 litre engine, and can cover a distance up to 54 km s on a single charge. The e-tron was also shown in the 2013 blockbuster film Iron Man 3 and was driven by Tony Stark (Iron Man).
In video games
Audi has supported the European version of PlayStation Home, the PlayStation 3’s online community-based service, by releasing a dedicated Home space. Audi is the first carmaker to develop such a space for Home. On 17 December 2009, Audi released two spaces; the Audi Home Terminal and the Audi Vertical Run.[138] The Audi Home Terminal features an Audi TV channel delivering video content, an Internet Browser feature, and a view of a city. The Audi Vertical Run is where users can access the mini-game Vertical Run, a futuristic mini-game featuring Audi’s e-tron concept. Players collect energy and race for the highest possible speeds and the fastest players earn a place in the Audi apartments located in a large tower in the centre of the Audi Space. In both the Home Terminal and Vertical Run spaces, there are teleports where users can teleport back and forth between the two spaces. Audi had stated that additional content would be added in 2010.[needs update][139] On 31 March 2015 Sony shutdown the PlayStation Home service rendering all content for it inaccessible.[140]
See also
- Horch
- Wanderer (company)
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- Clarke, R.M., ed. (1986). On Audi & Auto Union 1952-1980. Road & Track Series. Cobham, Surrey, UK: Brooklands Books. ISBN 0948207876.
- ——————, ed. (1986). On Audi & Auto Union 1980-1986. Road & Track Series. Cobham, Surrey, UK: Brooklands Books. ISBN 0948207884.
- Oswald, Werner [in German] (2001). Deutsche Autos [German Cars] (in German). Vol. Band [Volume] 2: 1920–1945. Stuttgart: Motorbuch Verlag. ISBN 3613021706.
External links
В Швеции «засветился» российский дипломат (mignews.ru) — blow one’s cover
Бен Ладен «засветился» в Афганистане (utro.ru) — Bin Lade showed up/turned up in Afghanistan.
«засветившийся» шпион — got tagged
На этой модной тусовке засветились Алла Пугачева, Филипп Киркоров и другие звезды — put in an appearance
В новом триллере … засветился Visor. Правда, пока не ясно, какаямодель.
Один из наших сайтов «засветился» в «Журнале» (internet-design.ru).
Бенисио Дель Торо в 2001 году снялся в криминальном триллере «Большой куш», а также на секунду засветился в фильме «Хлеб и розы» (podsolnuh.ru). — made a brief appearance.
3) get much play in the press/or a great deal of media exposure
Этот игрок засветился в прошлом году в «Ювентусе», и хорошо засветился — ()showed his stuff/shined.
К. Ларина: Согласитесь, что его (Масхадова) образ, имидж, употребляя это модное иностранное слово, сильно изменился после событий на Дубровке?
Л. Пономарев: Это, скорее, желание российских властей изменить его образ.
К. Ларина: Ну, почему? Все равно, засветился же человек.
Л. Пономарев: Как засветился?
К. Ларина: Что, Вы можете дать гарантии, что он к этому непричастен?
Л. Пономарев: Я не могу дать гарантий. Но, с другой стороны, меня абсолютно не убедили те факты, которые нам показывали по телевизору. Здесь, пожалуй, значение, близкое к «скомпрометировать себя». Перевод в данном случае проблематичен именно по причине некоторой неясности смысла. Ну прямо «шекспировское темное место». (интервью на «Эхо Москвы»)
На днях на краденой в Германии «Ауди» засветился… Начальник организационно-контрольного управления Мосгорпрокутары. Причем «засветился» в прямом смысле, поскольку уже снабдил представительскую иномарку… Спецсигналом и мигалками. — A few days ago… showed up in a stolen Audi. What is more, he showed up in style/all decked out, the limo already equipped with siren and strobe lights.
«А́уди», нескл., м. (марка автомобиля) и а́уди, нескл., м. (автомобиль)
Рядом по алфавиту:
аттракцио́н , -а
аттра́кция , -и
ату́ , неизм.
ату́канье , -я
ату́кать , -аю, -ает
ату́кнуть , -ну, -нет
АТФ , [атээ́ф], нескл., ж. (сокр.: аденозинтрифосфорная кислота)
а́ты-ба́ты , неизм. (из считалки)
а́ть-два́ , неизм.
«А́уди» , нескл., м. (марка автомобиля) и а́уди, нескл., м. (автомобиль)
ау́ , неизм.
аугме́нт , -а (лингв.)
аугмента́ция , -и
аугсбу́ргский , (от А́угсбу́рг)
аудиа́л , -а (тип человека)
аудие́нц-за́л , -а
аудие́нция , -и
ауди́метр , -а
а́удио , нескл., с. и неизм.
а́удио- , ви́део- и бытова́я те́хника
а́удио- , ви́део- и электротова́ры, -ов
а́удио-вво́д-вы́вод , а́удио-вво́да-вы́вода
аудиоальбо́м , -а
аудиоаппарату́ра , -ы
аудиобиблиоте́ка , -и
аудиоби́знес , -а
аудиобла́стер , -а
аудиовво́д , -а
аудио… , – первая часть сложных слов, пишется слитно, но: а́удио-вво́д-вы́вод, а́удио-вхо́д-вы́ход, а́удио-компа́кт-ди́ск, а́удио-конфере́нц-свя́зь
Эмблема из четырёх переплетённых друг с другом колец является символом тесного союза Audi, DKW, Horch и Wanderer – четырёх ранее независимых фирм, основавших концерн Audi. Названием же этот автомобиль обязан своему создателю Августу Хорьху. С латыни слово Ауди переводится , как «слушай!». Хорьх переводится с немецкого , как «слушай», поэтому и Ауди.
Предприниматель и инженер из Германии Август Хорьх в 1909 году решил назвать своим именем созданную им компанию по автомобилестроению. Но в связи с тем, что до этого у него ранее уже была своя компания с названием «Хорьх», которую он оставил, бывшие совладельцы на него подали в суд. Так как нельзя использовать имя уже существующей торговой марки, Хорьх перевёл свою фамилию на латынь и получил название «Ауди», которое и присвоил своей новой фирме.
Какими были эти машины?
У первой модели автомобиля Ауди было четыре двери, оригинальный механизм газораспределения и мощность 28 лошадиных сил. Эти машины сразу же начали принимать участие в различных гонках. Ауди неоднократно становилась победителем соревнований, что принесло марке большую известность. В 1913 и 1914 годах Ауди победила в автогонках «Тур-дез-Альп» и её стали называть «Покоритель Альп».
Финансовые затруднения заставили Хорьха подумать о слиянии своей фирмы с другими компаниями. Это дало возможность усовершенствовать качества и до того хорошей машины. Четыре слившиеся фирмы помогали друг другу выжить и сумели сохранить независимость на рынке. Изначально эмблема с кольцами украшала только машины, которые брали участие в гонках, потом её стали размещать на всех автомобилях. С 1965 года компанию выкупил «Фолькцваген».
Ауди в наше время
В наше время в Некарсульме на заводе производят около 800 автомобилей Ауди в день. Этот автомобиль пользуется спросом, так как имеет прекрасные технические характеристики и шикарный дизайн. Также этот автомобиль занимает первое место среди продаж подержанных машин, так как является прочным, крепким и долговечным.
Транспорт на английском. Учим слова на тему Транспорт
BeamNg | Авария по АНГЛИЙСКИ | ПАРКУР АВАРИЯ | Ушатать сразу 4 МАШИНЫ
Учим Английские Слова -УРОК 2- 100 СЛОВ с ПЕРЕВОДОМ для начинающих, детей — Английский Язык Онлайн
Герои нашего города 2: Ограбление банка. Мультфильм для детей
Слова на английском на тему СЕМЬЯ. Члены семьи на английском
Разборка №1. Вариатор CVT от Audi.
Как поставить кольца на поршень. Сделай Сам!
Части тела на английском языке.
Как убрать INSP на приборной панели audi A6 C5 (Сброс сервисных интервалов)
DSIDE BAND — Девочка Космос (official video)
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Как пишется по английски ауди машина
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Делаем Карту слов лучше вместе
Привет! Меня зовут Лампобот, я компьютерная программа, которая помогает делать
Карту слов. Я отлично
умею считать, но пока плохо понимаю, как устроен ваш мир. Помоги мне разобраться!
Спасибо! Я стал чуточку лучше понимать мир эмоций.
Вопрос: коммерсантка — это что-то нейтральное, положительное или отрицательное?
Ассоциации к слову «ауди»
Синонимы к слову «ауди»
Предложения со словом «ауди»
- Краткие тексты к картинкам, уже по необходимости (из-за отсутствия места) усечённые, в спеллинге по принципу «как слышится, так и пишется», передавали непринуждённую живость и неправильность бытовой речи нью-йоркских окраин, заселённых иммигрантами со всех концов света, окрашивавшими английский язык своими фонетическими особенностями, одновременно делая эти тексты понятными, узнаваемыми для малограмотной ауди тории.
- Ещё через пару секунд мотор взревел, и чёрная ауди сорвалась с места, унося от зелёного дома некроманта и заклинательницу.
- Преследователи не отставали, большой чёрный джип и серебристая ауди прочно сели нам на «хвост».
- (все предложения)
Смотрите также
Краткие тексты к картинкам, уже по необходимости (из-за отсутствия места) усечённые, в спеллинге по принципу «как слышится, так и пишется», передавали непринуждённую живость и неправильность бытовой речи нью-йоркских окраин, заселённых иммигрантами со всех концов света, окрашивавшими английский язык своими фонетическими особенностями, одновременно делая эти тексты понятными, узнаваемыми для малограмотной ауди тории.
Ещё через пару секунд мотор взревел, и чёрная ауди сорвалась с места, унося от зелёного дома некроманта и заклинательницу.
Преследователи не отставали, большой чёрный джип и серебристая ауди прочно сели нам на «хвост».
- (все предложения)
- грузовичок
- баранка
- светофор
- водительница
- мотоцикл
- (ещё синонимы…)
- машина
- аудитория
- марка
- Мерседес
- кольца
- (ещё ассоциации…)
Audi AG | |
Тип |
Акционерное общество |
Листинг на бирже |
Год основания |
1909 |
Основатели |
Аугуст Хорьх (August Horch) |
Расположение |
Ключевые фигуры |
Мартин Винтеркорн (председатель совета директоров) |
Отрасль |
Автомобильная промышленность |
Продукция |
Легковые автомобили |
Оборот |
▲ €35,44 млрд.(2010)[1] |
Операционная прибыль |
▲ €3,63 млрд. (2010)[1] |
Чистая прибыль |
▲ €2,63 млрд. (2010)[1] |
Материнская компания |
Volkswagen Group |
Сайт |
audi.ru |
Audi AG — немецкая автомобилестроительная компания в составе концерна Volkswagen Group, специализирующаяся на выпуске автомобилей под маркой Audi. Штаб-квартира — в Ингольштадте (Германия). Председатель совета директоров — Мартин Винтеркорн (Martin Winterkorn).
Объём производства в 2010 году составил около 1 148 791 автомобилей (рост на 23,4 % по сравнению с 2009 годом)[источник не указан 530 дней].
- 1 История
- 2 Маркетинг
- 3 Автоспорт
- 3.1 Audi Sport
- 3.2 Audi Sport Team Joest
- 4 Модели и типы
- 4.1 Малые автомобили
- 4.2 Автомобили среднего класса
- 4.3 Автомобили 1-го класса
- 4.4 Люкс
- 4.5 Купе
- 4.6 Спорткупе
- 4.7 Кабриолеты
- 4.8 Auta terenowe
- 4.9 Модели «S» и «RS»
- 5 Предстоящие выпуски
- 6 Концепт-кары
- 7 См. также
- 8 Примечания
- 9 Ссылки
DKW F5 Roadster, 1935
Концерн Audi был образован в результате объединения четырёх компаний, выпускавших автомобили и мотоциклы под марками DKW, Horch, Audi и Wanderer. Первый автомобиль марки Wanderer появился в 1913, первое собственное предприятие (Horch & Co.) Август Хорьх организовал в 1899, а после того, как кредиторы отстранили его от дел, в 1909 году была организована компания Audi Automobil-Werke, что переводится как «Автомобильный завод Ауди». А в 1910 был выпущен первый автомобиль. В переводе с немецкого Хорьх (Horch) означает «слушай». Когда выбирали название для новой марки, сын одного из деловых партнёров Августа предложил то же слово, но только в латинском варианте, то есть «Audi».[2] В 1921 году фирма совершила своеобразный прорыв. В этом году был выпущен первый немецкий автомобиль, с левосторонним расположением рулевого управления. До этого фирма занималась лишь двигателями и подвесками, теперь же она стала обращать внимание и на удобство управления.[2] В 1928 году эта марка была выкуплена мотопроизводителем DKW, и в 1931 году состоялся дебют первого в мире автомобиля с передним приводом, DKW F1. Содействовал этому мировой экономический кризис начавшийся в 1929 году. Дело в том, что автомобили с большим объёмом двигателя перестали пользоваться спросом ввиду всеобщего безденежья. И тогда глава Audi поручил разработать компактный автомобиль с передним приводом.[2]
Толчок для объединения четырёх автопроизводителей дал Саксонский муниципальный банк, кредитор всех этих компаний. Он боялся за свои инвестиции в автомобильную промышленность. 29 июня 1932 года заводы Audi, Horch и DKW объединились в Auto Union AG. Его символом стали знакомые всем четыре кольца. После такого слияния фирма стала вторым автопроизводителем в Германии. Марки Audi, DKW, Horch и Wanderer нисколько не конкурировали между собой. Дело в том, что каждой марке был выделен отдельный рыночный сегмент: Audi занималась спортивными автомобилями, DKW — мотоциклами, Horch — большими и богато отделанными автомобилями, а Wanderer — средним сегментом класса люкс. Также фирма участвовала в автомобильных гонках. В течение нескольких лет модели Auto Union «Серебряная Стрела» побеждали в множестве гонок и чемпионатах по всему миру. При этом было установленно большое количество мировых рекордов. В 1940 году выпуск всех гражданских автомобилей концерна был свёрнут, заводы объединения перешли к производству штабного автомобиля Horch 901.[2]
Сборка Audi 80 в Вольфсбурге, 1973
По окончании Второй мировой войны все саксонские заводы Auto Union оказались разрушенными в результате ударов авиации союзников, а множество сотрудников и руководство концерна покинуло Советскую зону оккупации. Всё оборудование, что уцелело, было демонтировано и вывезено. Руководство компании ещё незадолго до окончания войны успело перебраться в Баварию. В конце 1945 в городе Ингольштадт даже появился склад запчастей Auto Union. Но до полноценного выпуска продукции было ещё далеко. Только 3 сентября 1949 года возобновился выпуск мотоциклов и развозных грузовиков. Компания по-новому регистрировалась и появилась компания Auto Union GmbH. В 1950 появился первый послевоенный легковой автомобиль концерна, DKW F89 P Master Class.
Audi Quattro S1 на Ралли Германии 2007 года
В апреле 1958 года акционерная компания Daimler-Benz AG купила 88 % акций Auto Union, а ещё через год выкупила фирму полностью. Ингольштадтская фирма стала её филиалом. Но популярность модели Volkswagen Kafer отрицательно сказывалась на объёмах продаж других малолитражек и финансовом положении концерна Auto Union, и в 1964 году компания вошла в состав Volkswagen. В 1965 году было принято решение о выпуске всех новых моделей утратившего независимость концерна под маркой Audi. Первое время после поглощения Volkswagen не хотел, чтобы Audi занималось разработкой собственных автомобилей. Они собирались выпускать на мощностях предприятия модель VW «Жук». Но Людвиг Краус, бывший в то время главой конструкторского отдела, решил разрабатывать модель тайно от всех. В конечном итоге об этом всё же узнали в Вольфсбурге, но мешать не стали. Плодом такой деятельности стал автомобиль среднего класса Audi 100, который появился в 1968 году.[2] [3]
В 1969 году акционерное общество Volkswagenwerk AG объединило Auto Union GmbH и фирму NSU Motorenwerke AG из Некарсульма. Компания получила название Audi NSU Auto Union AG с головным офисом в Некарсульме. В 1974 году произошло знаменательно событие. Главой конструкторского отдела стал Фердинанд Пьёх (Ferdinand Piëch).
Фердинанд Пьёх
Теперь спустя годы этот период называют «Эрой Пьёха». Именно во время его руководства компания достигла примечательных высот. В эти годы появляются пятицилиндровый двигатель (1976), технология турбонагнетания (1979) и полный привод quattro (1980). В отношении полного привода — это был первый в мире легковой автомобиль с постоянным полным приводом на все колёса. В период с 1982 по 1987 годы на этой модели были одержаны 23 победы на этапах чемпионата WRC. C 1985 года компания непрестанно наращивает технические разработки. Сюда относится: полностью оцинкованный кузов, совершенный аэродинамический дизайн, широкое использование бензиновых двигателей с турбонаддувом, экономичные дизельные двигатели с технологией непосредственного впрыска, алюминиевый легкосплавный кузов, гибридный привод, бензиновые двигатели с технологией непосредственного впрыска, сверхмощные восьми- и двенадцатицилиндровые двигатели.[2][3]
В 1993 году была образована Audi Group, в состав которой со временем вошли венгерское и бразильское подразделение, были поглощены британская Cosworth Technology и итальянская Automobili Lamborghini и испанская SEAT[4]. Фирма динамично развивается по большинству существующих сегодня автонаправлений. Это бизнес-сегмент (А6), представительский (А8), спортивные и гоночные автомобили (Audi TT, спортивные версии A4, суперкар R8), а также кроссоверы Q7 и Q5.
В 2009 году компания Audi стала титульным спонсором Кубка чемпионов FIS по горнолыжному спорту, проходящему в Москве[5].
Audi Sport
Основная статья: Audi (команда WRC)
Audi Sport — раллийная команда компании Audi. Команда завоевала два чемпионских титула в 1983 и 1984 годах.
- 1991 Formula Junior — 1-е место
- 1992 Formula Junior — 1-е место, Немецкая Formula 3 — 1-е место
- 1995 Formula Junior — 3-е место
- 1996 Formula Junior — 1-е место, Немецкий Super Touring Cars Privateers — 1-е место, STW — 4-е место
- 1997 Немецкий Super Touring Cars Privateers — 1-е место, STW — 10-е место
- 1999 STW — 1-е место
- 2000 DTM
- 2001 DTM — 4-е место
- 2002 DTM — 2-е место
- 2003 DTM — 3-е место, 24 часа Нюрбургринга — 2-е место
- 2004 DTM — 1-е место
- 2005 DTM — 2-е место
- 2006 DTM — 3-е место
- 2007 DTM — 1-е место
- 2008 DTM — 1-е место
24 часа Ле-Мана: 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2010, 2011.
Сезон 1991 Deutsche Tourenwagen Meisterschaft:
- 5 мая — Audi V8 Quattro
- 30 июня — Audi V8 Quattro
- 4 августа — Audi V8 Quattro
- 15 сентября — Audi V8 Quattro
- 29 сентября — Audi V8 Quattro
- 20 октября — Audi V8 Quattro
Audi V8 Quattro — 174 очка
«Однако дождь на финальной гонке в Донингтоне позволил полному приводу Ауди пресечь все попытки Мерседесов добиться победы.»
Гонки на выносливость 1999:
- 1999 — Audi R8R LMP
- 2000 — Audi Sport Team Joest
- 2001 — Audi Sport Team Joest
- 2002 — Audi Sport Team Joest
- 2003 — Ret Audi Sport UK
- 2004 — Audi Sport
- 2005 — Champion Racing
- 2006 — Audi Sport Team Joest
- 2007 — Audi Sport North America
- 2008 — Audi Sport North America
Формула Палмер Ауди — 2007
Сезон 2004 Deutsche Tourenwagen Masters
5 мая
16 мая
8 августа
5 сентября
19 сентября
3 октября
Audi Sport Team Joest
Audi Sport Team Joest — команда для гонок на выносливость, таких как 24 часа Ле Мана, LMS и ALMS. Команда строит прототипы класса LM P1.
Модели и типы
Малые автомобили
- Audi 50 (Typ 86) (1975—1978)
- Audi A2 (Typ 8Z) (1999—2005)
- Audi 60 (F 103) (1965—1972)
Автомобили среднего класса
- Audi 80 (B1/Typ 80) (1972—1976)
- Audi 80 (B1/Typ 82) (1976—1978)
- Audi 80 (B2/Typ 81/85) (1978—1984)
- Audi 80 (B2/Typ 81/85) (1984—1986)
- Audi 90 (B2/Typ 81/85) (1984—1986)
- Audi 80 (B3/Typ 89/8A) (1986—1991)
- Audi 90 (B3/Typ 89/8A) (1987—1991)
- Audi 80/Audi 80 Avant (B4/Typ 8C) (1991—1995)
- Audi A4/Audi A4 Avant (B5/Typ 8D) (1995—2000)
- Audi A4/Audi A4 Avant (B6/Typ 8E) (2000—2004)
- Audi A4/Audi A4 Avant (B7/Typ 8EC) (2004—2007)
- Audi A4/Audi A4 Avant (B8/Typ 8K) (2007—настоящее время)
Автомобили 1-го класса
- Audi 100 (C1) (1968—1976)
- Audi 100/100 Avant (C2/Typ 43) (1976—1984)
- Audi 200 (C2/Typ 43) (1979—1982)
- Audi 100/100 Avant (C3/Typ 44) (1982—1991)
- Audi 200/200 Avant (C3/Typ 44) (1983—1991)
- Audi 100/100 Avant (C4/Typ 4A) (1991—1994)
- Audi A6/A6 Avant (C4/Typ 4A) (1994—1997)
- Audi A6/A6 Avant (C5) (1997—2004)
- Audi A6 A6/A6 Avant (C6) (2004—2011)
- Audi A6 (C7) (2011—настоящее время)
- Audi V8 (D1/Typ 4C) (1989—1994)
- Audi A8 (D2/Typ 4D) (1994—2002)
- Audi A8 (D3/Typ 4E) (2002—2010)
- Audi A8 (D4/Typ 4H) (2010—настоящее время)
- Audi A7 (2010—настоящее время)
- Audi 100 S Coupe (C1) (1969—1975)
- Audi Coupe GL/GT (B2/Typ 85) (1980—1984)
- Audi Coupe GT/quattro (B2/Typ 85) (1984—1987)
- Audi Quattro (B2/Typ 85) (1980—1991)
- Audi Sport Quattro (B2/Typ 85) (1984)
- Audi Coupe (B3/Typ 8B) (1988—1991)
- Audi Coupe (B4/Typ 8B) (1991—1995)
- Audi TT (Typ 8N) (1998—2006)
- Audi TT (Typ 8J) (2006—настоящее время)
- Audi A5/S5/RS5 (2007—настоящее время), RS5 (2010—настоящее время)
- Audi Quattro Q3 (2010)
- Audi Quattro Cabriolet (Typ 85) Прототип
- Audi Cabriolet (Typ 89/8G) (1991—2000)
- Audi A4 Cabriolet (B6/Typ 8H) (2002—2006)
- Audi A4 Cabriolet (B7/Typ 8H) (2006—настоящее время)
- Audi A5 Cabriolet (2007—настоящее время)
- Audi TT Roadster (Typ 8N) (1998—2006)
- Audi TT Roadster (Typ 8J) (2006—настоящее время)
- Audi A3 Cabriolet (Typ 8P) (2007—настоящее время)
- Audi A3 Sportback (2004—2005)
Auta terenowe
- Audi Allroad (Typ 4B) (2000—2005)
- Audi Allroad (Typ 4F) (2006—настоящее время)
- Audi Q7 (Typ 4L) (2005—настоящее время)
- Audi Q5 (2008—настоящее время)
- Audi Q3 (2011—настоящее время)
Модели «S» и «RS»
- Audi S3 (1998—2003)
- Audi S3 (2006—настоящее время)
- Audi 80 S2/80 S2 Avant
- Audi S4/ S4 Avant (1997—2001)
- Audi S4/ S4 Avant (2003—2004)
- Audi S4/ S4 Avant (2004—настоящее время)
- Audi S5 (2007—настоящее время)
- Audi S2 (1991—1995)
- Audi 100 S4/100 S4 Avant (1992—1994)
- Audi S6/ S6 Avant (1994—1997)
- Audi S6/ S6 Avant (1998—2004)
- Audi S6/ S6 Avant (2006—настоящее время)
- Audi S8 (D2) (1996—2002)
- Audi S8 (D3) (2005—настоящее время)
- Audi TTRS coupe (2008-настоящее время)
- Audi RS2 Avant (1994—1996)
- Audi RS3
- Audi RS4 Avant (2000—2001)
- Audi RS4/RS4 Avant/RS4 Cabrio (2005—настоящее время)
- Audi RS5 (2010—настоящее время)
- Audi RS6/RS6 Avant
- Audi R8 (2007—наcтоящее время)
Предстоящие выпуски
- Audi S5 Cabriolet (2011—2012)
- Audi S7 Sportback (2011—2012)
- Audi S5 Sportback (2011—2012)
- Audi S1 (2011—2012)
- Audi RS7 (2012—2013)
- Audi RS1 (2012—2013)
- Audi A2 (2012—2013)[6]
- 2010: Audi E-Tron Spyder
- 2009: Audi e-tron
- 2009: Audi Sportback
- 2008: Audi TT clubsport quattro
- 2007: Audi metroproject quattro
- 2007: Audi TT clubsport quattro
- 2007: Audi Cross Cabriolet quattro
- 2007: Audi Cross Coupe quattro
- 2006: Audi Roadjet
- 2005: Audi Shooting Brake
- 2004: Audi RSQ
- 2003: Audi Pikes Peake quattro
- 2003: Audi Nuvolari quattro
- 2003: Audi Le Mans quattro
- 2001: Audi Avantissimo
- 2000: Audi Steppenwolf
- 2000: Audi Rosemeyer
- 1991: Audi quattro Spyder
- 1991: Audi Avus quattro
- 1989: Audi Duo
- 1981: Audi Studie Auto 2000
- 1981: Audi Quartz
- 1973: Audi Karmann Asso di Picche
См. также
Audi на Викискладе? |
- Список моделей Audi
- ↑ 1 2 3 Финансовый отчет. Архивировано из первоисточника 23 июня 2012.
- ↑ 1 2 3 4 5 6 История Ауди. «От 18 и младше». Архивировано из первоисточника 24 августа 2011. Проверено 29 марта 2010.
- ↑ 1 2 Audi – премиальная марка с богатой историей. Ауди в России.(недоступная ссылка — история) Проверено 28 марта 2010.
- ↑ История концерна Audi
- ↑ http://thebestphotos.ru/archives/2952 Москва готовит международный AUDI кубок чемпионов FIS по горнолыжному спорту
- ↑ Компания Audi продолжает разработку нового городского автомобиля A2
- audi.ru — официальный сайт Audi
- audi.com — официальный сайт Audi (англ.)
- Шаблон:Информационный сайт
Исчезнувшие марки: | DKW • Horch • Wanderer • NSU |
Текущие автомобили: | A1 • A3 • A4 • S4 • RS4 • A5 • S5 • RS5 • A6 • S6 • RS6 • A7 • A8 • Q3 • Q5 • Q7 • TT • R8 |
Исторические модели: | Audi F103 • Audi 50 • Audi 80 • Audi Quattro (Ur-Quattro) • Audi Coupé GT • Audi Coupé quattro • Audi 4000CS quattro • Audi 100 • Audi 200 • Audi A2 • Audi S2 • Audi RS2 Avant • Audi Ur-S4 & Ur-S6 • Audi V8 • Audi RS4 (седан и Avant) |
Гоночные автомобили: | Quattro A1 & A2 • Sport Quattro • Sport Quattro S1 • R8R • R8C • R8 FSI • R10 TDI • R15 TDI • R18 TDI |
Концепт-кары: | Avus quattro • quattro Spyder • Rosemeyer • Steppenwolf • Avantissimo • Nuvolari quattro • Pikes Peak quattro • Le Mans quattro • RSQ • Roadjet • Shooting Brake • R-Zero • e-tron |
Партнёры: | Apple • Bosch • Shell |
Автомобили Audi (1970—2010) |
Класс | 1970-ые | 1980-ые | 1990-ые | 2000-ые | 2010-ые | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 0 | 1 | 2 |
B-класс | 50 (Typ 86) | A2 | A1 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
C-класс | A3 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
D-класс | серия F103 | 80 (B1) | 80 (B2) | 80 (B3) | 80 (B4) | A4 (B5) | A4 (B6) | A4 (B7) | A4 (B8) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
E-класс | 100 (C1) | 100 (C2) | 100 | A6 (C4) | A6 (C5) | A6 (C6) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
F-класс | 200 | V8 | A8 (D2) | A8 (D3) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
S-класс | TT (8N) | TT (8J) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
100 Coupé S | Coupé GT | Coupé | A5 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
R8 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
J-класс | Q5 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Q7 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Концепты и будущие модели: A1 • A7 • Avantissimo • Avus quattro • Le Mans quattro • Nuvolari quattro • Pikes Peak quattro • Q3 • R4 • Roadjet • RSQ • Shooting Brake • Rosemeyer • R-Zero | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Автогонки: Quattro A1/A2 • Sport Quattro • Sport Quattro S1 • R8R LMP • R8C LMP • R8 LMP • R10 TDI LMP | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Основатель: August Horch • Корпоративный веб-сайт Audi • Марки VWAG group • quattro GmbH • Корпоративный веб-сайт VolkswagenGroupAmerica |
Volkswagen Group |
Audi • Bentley • Bugatti • Lamborghini • MAN • Scania • SEAT • Škoda • Volkswagen |
Толковый словарь русского языка. Поиск по слову, типу, синониму, антониму и описанию. Словарь ударений.
нескл. м.; = а́уди
Легковой автомобиль марки немецкой компании «Фольксвагенверк».
АУДИ — А́УДИ (Audi), немецкая фирма по производству легковых автомобилей, входит в концерн «Фольксваген» (см. ФОЛЬКСВАГЕН). Штаб-квартира находится в Ингольштадте (Бавария). Компания «Ауди» была основана в 1909 году Августом Хорьхом (см. ХОРЬХ Август).
Первый автомобиль под названием Audi-A был выпущен в 1910. На следующий год последовала модель Audi-В. Три таких машины Хорьх (см. ХОРЬХ Август) выставил в июне 1911 на первых гонках Ауто Альпенфарт в австрийских Альпах длиною около 2500 км, которые пришли на смену пробегам на приз германского принца Генриха. В 1912 появилась самая известная модель — Ауди-С. В 1912 первые образцы прошли серьезную проверку на очередных Альпийских гонках и добились неплохих результатов, за что автомобили серии С стали называть «Альпензигер» или «Покоритель Альп».
В 1920-е годы фирма «Ауди» стояла на грани банкротства. В 1928 компания была приобретена немецкой DKW (ДКВ), владельцем «Ауди» стал Йорген Скафте Расмуссен. В 1932 экономический кризис подтолкнул ряд немецких фирм к созданию концерна «Ауто Унион» (Auto Union). В него вошли, наряду с DKW и Wanderer («Вандерер»), бывшие фирмы-соперники «Хорьх» и «Ауди». Концерн выпустил две модели, оснащенные передним приводом и двигателями Wanderer. Автомобили хорошо продавались вплоть до начала 2-й мировой войны.
После Второй мировой войны «Ауди» и другие фирмы-партнеры «Ауто Унион» были национализированы. Их преобразовали в подразделение «Объединения народных предприятий по выпуску автомобилей». После 1965 года было решено восстановить выпуск моделей «Ауди», и к концу 1968 года автомобили этой марки возвратились на рынок.
В 1969 «Фольксваген» купил «Автомобильный завод в Неккарзульме» (Neckarsulmer Automobilwerke, NSU). В результате название фирмы изменилось, фирма стала называться Audi NSU Auto Union, а летом 1985 название фирмы было преобразовано опять в Audi AG.
Модель «100», появившаяся на рынке в 1968, а также и последовавшие за ней, в том числе и «Ауди Кватро» (Audi Quattro), отличалась спортивным профилем и приводом на все четыре колеса, что было новой вехой в автомобильной промышленности Германии. Именно модель «Кватро» (Quattro), появившаяся в 1980, дала мощный толчок развитию автомобильной индустрии и принесла фирме «Ауди», дочернему предприятию «Фольксваген», мировую известность.
«Ауди» выпускает широкую гамму автомобилей всех классов: от малого до представительского (А3 — малый, А4 и А6 — средний, А8 — представительский, ТТ — спортивное купе и т.д.). 2000-е годы ознаменовались выходом новой модели — внедорожника Q7.
авто марка автомобиля, Германия: от латинского «аудио» — «слушать», перевод с немецкого «хорьх» — от имени основателя фирмы
а́уди, нескл., муж. (автомобиль)
сущ., кол-во синонимов: 1
а́уди с//м, 0 (автомобиль)
Ауди — германская автомобилестроительная компания в составе концерна Volkswagen AG, специализирующаяся на выпуске автомобилей под маркой «Ауди» (это название — латинский перевод немецкой фамилии Хорьх).
См. Хорьх.
audīre слышать, слушать
аудитория собрание слушателей, а также помещение, где они собираются
аудитор изначально: следователь, т. е. выслушивающий ответы на свои вопросы, сейчас: лицо, уполномоченное проводить аудит, проверку финансово-экономической деятельности
аудиометрия измерение остроты слуха
аудиоаппаратура звукозаписывающие и звуковоспроизводящие устройства
Ср.: «Audi» (название легковых автомобилей германской фирмы) — перевод прежнего названия «Horch» («Хорьх»), что по-немецки значит «слушай».
— Машина — «властелин колец».
— Окольцованное авто.
— Марка немецкого автомобиля.
— ТТ среди автомобилей.
— Штаб-квартира этой немецкой автокомпании находится в городе Ингольштадте.
— Автомобиль для немца.
— Какая автокомпания выпускает автомобили марок «Кваттро», «А6»?
— Немецкая автокомпания.
— Пять колец можно найти на олимпиаде, а на какой эмблеме можно найти четыре кольца?
— Какую иномарку шутя окрестили Авдотьей?
— Компания Аугуста Хорьха.
— Немецкая автомобилестроительная компания в составе концерна Volkswagen Group.
— Машина — «властелин колец».
— Окольцованное авто.
— Марка немецкого автомобиля.
— ТТ среди автомобилей.
— Штаб-квартира этой немецкой автокомпании находится в городе Ингольштадте.
— Автомобиль для немца.
— Какая автокомпания выпускает автомобили марок «Кваттро», «А6»?
— Немецкая автокомпания.
— Пять колец можно найти на олимпиаде, а на какой эмблеме можно найти четыре кольца?
— Какую иномарку шутя окрестили Авдотьей?
— Компания Аугуста Хорьха.
— Немецкая автомобилестроительная компания в составе концерна Volkswagen Group.
Тот, кто предпочитает получать информацию, воспринимать окружающую действительность преимущественно на слух (даже читая про себя, они шевелят губами, что совсем не свидетельствует об их малограмотности).
сущ., кол-во синонимов: 1
АУДИАМАТ а, м. audiamat m. Приспособление для оценки количественного состава телеаудитории. Приставка к телевизору или телефону, автоматически сообщающая на центральный пульт информацию о том, какой канал включен. С помощью аудиамата сообщается также время приема передач. Веденина 1997 78.
сущ., кол-во синонимов: 1
АУДИЕНСИЯ — исп. audiencia. Верховное судилище в прежней испанской Америке.
АУДИЕНТЫ (лат.). Слушатели; в древней церкви — оглашаемые.
АУДИЕ́НЦ-ЗА́Л, аудиенц-зала, муж. Зал для официальных приёмов.
АУДИЕ́НЦ-ЗАЛ -а; м. Зал для официальных приёмов, аудиенций.
аудие/нц-за/л, аудие/нц-за/ла
аудие́нц-за́л, -а; р. мн. -за́лов[иэ]
аудие́нц-за́л, аудие́нц-за́лы, аудие́нц-за́ла, аудие́нц-за́лов, аудие́нц-за́лу, аудие́нц-за́лам, аудие́нц-за́лом, аудие́нц-за́лами, аудие́нц-за́ле, аудие́нц-за́лах
сущ., кол-во синонимов: 1
АУДИЕНЦ-ЗАЛ (лат.-франц.). Приемная комната для иностранных послов.
АУДИЕНЦ-ЗАЛА salle d’audience> нем. Audienzaal. дипл. Зал для приема. А в палате ж пред аудиенц салою стояли Пажи. Прим Вед. 1736 // Сл. 18. А здесь в С. Петербурге снимал он г. Махаев проспект Аудиенс заллы с троном. 1763. Аттестат М. М. Махаева. // Иск. 18-19 265. Аудиенс-камера. 1744. МАН 7 38. — Лекс. Ян. 1803: аудиенц-зала; Власов 2000: аудие/нц-зал.
аудиенцию окончить => действие, окончание
1. Официальный приём у лица, занимающего высокий пост.
2. Прием высокопоставленным государственным деятелем представителей зарубежных стран.
3. разг.
Разговор, беседа с кем-либо (обычно с оттенком шутливости).
АУДИЕ́НЦИЯ, аудиенции, жен. (лат. audientia — слушание) (офиц. дорев. и загр.). Официальный прием у высокопоставленного лица. Дать аудиенцию кому-нибудь. Получить аудиенцию у кого-нибудь.
АУДИЕ́НЦИЯ, -и, жен. Официальный приём у высокопоставленного лица. Дать аудиенцию кому-н.
[иэ́], -и, ж.
Официальный прием у лица, занимающего высокий пост; прием главой государства главы дипломатического представительства.
Дать аудиенцию послу.
Родственные слова:
От латинского audientia ‘слушание’.
Мероприятие, представляющее собой официальный прием у лица, занимающего высокий государственный пост, у высокопоставленного лица.
Добиться аудиенции у главы правительства.
АУДИЕ́НЦИЯ -и; ж. [лат. audientia — слушание]. Официальный приём у высокопоставленного лица. Дать аудиенцию послу. Получить аудиенцию. Добиться аудиенции у главы правительства. / Разг. О конфиденциальной встрече, беседе и т.п. с кем-л.
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аудие́нция (от лат. audientia — слушание), официальный приём у лица, занимающего высокий пост.
АУДИЕНЦИЯ (от лат. audientia — слушание) — официальный прием у лица, занимающего высокий пост.
-и, ж.
Официальный прием у лица, занимающего высокий государственный пост.
— Да вот нынче поеду к барону Воробьеву, вчера не мог добиться аудиенции. Л. Толстой, Воскресение.
[От лат. audientia — слушание]
АУДИЕНЦИЯ (от латинского audientia — слушание), официальный прием у лица, занимающего высокий пост.
Аудиенция, и, ж.
1. Официальный прием у высокопоставленного лица.
► Копейкин мой выходит чуть не в восторге: одно то, что удостоился аудиенции, так сказать, с первостатейным вельможею. // Гоголь. Мертвые души //
2. Домашний разговор наедине (шутл., ирон.).
► В час ночи Порфиша был призван на аудиенцию к отцу. // Салтыков-Щедрин. Господа ташкентцы //*
аудиенция — доступ, прием посетителя (чтоб выслушать его)
Ср. Я буду краток в описании аудиенции, которую интролигатор имел у князя!..
Лесков. Владычный суд. 14.
Ср. Дождались (когда к утрене ударят и отопрут ворота), вошли, утреню отстояли и потом явились на архиерейское крыльцо просить аудиенции.
Лесков. Некрещеный поп. 22.
Ср. Государыня назначила нам ныне аудиенцию, которую мы так долго от нее испрашивали.
И.И. Лажечников. Ледяной дом. 3, 6.
Ср. Audienz (нем.). Audience (фр.).
Ср. Audire — слышать.
кому. Аудиенция послу была заранее назначена.
аудие́нция. Произносится [аудиэ́нция].
аудие́нция, аудие́нции, аудие́нций, аудие́нциям, аудие́нцию, аудие́нцией, аудие́нциею, аудие́нциями, аудие́нциях
сущ., кол-во синонимов: 6
приём; прием, встреча, уединенция, дарбар, дурбар, встреча на ковре
аудиенцию окончить => действие, окончание
АУДИЕНЦИЯ и, ж. audience f.> нем. Audienz, <, ср.-лат. audientia. дипл. Официальный прием. Также <Софья> учинила себе корону и давала овдиенции публичные послам. 1727. Б. Ф. Куракин. // Петр Великий 65. О Аллегаде, или первом министре .., у которого мой посланный имел аудиенс и от него ж паки назад отправлен, а другие ханские братья все под гневом и эксилие обретаютца. 1. 6. 1726. Л. Ленг Донесение. // Рус.- кит. отн. 2 329. Вчерась публичную одиенцию имели в Кремле. Румянцев Письма 25. Обрядный прием чужестранным послам от Государя. САР 1789. // РР 1978 1 86. — Лекс. ЛВН: аудие/нция; Нордстет 1780: аудие/нция.
АУДИЕНЦИЯ (лат. audientia, от audire — слушать), 1) прием иностранных послов и других представителей государем. 2) время представления владетельным особам. 3) — (исп. audiencia). Верховный суд в прежней испанской Америке.
— Свидание с бюрократом.
— Официальный приём.
— Латинское «выслушивание».
— Деятель итальянского антифашистского движения Сопротивления, расстрелявший Бенито Муссолини.
АУДИМЕТР [< лат. audire — слышать + гр. metron — мера] — тип электронного счетчика, используемого для измерения времени включения телевизора с целью последующего подсчета рейтинга (РЕЙТИНГ) определенных передач (подключается с согласия владельца телевизора).
аудио… — первая часть сложных слов, пишется слитно
— Звуковые устройства.
— Тюнеры, усилители и колонки.
— Пара к видео.
аудио- и видеоаппаратура
а́удио- и видеоаппарату́ра, -ы
аудио-, видео- и бытовая техника
а́удио-, ви́део- и бытова́я те́хника
сущ., кол-во синонимов: 2
сущ., кол-во синонимов: 2
аудио… (лат. слышать) — первая часть сложных слов, пишется слитно
Начальная часть сложных слов, вносящая значения
1) имеющий отношение к слуху, связанный с ним (аудиоло́гия, аудиоме́трия и т.п.)
2) имеющий отношение к звукозаписи, связанный со звукозаписывающим устройством (аудиовизуа́льный, аудиокассе́та и т.п.).
АУДИО… Первая часть сложных слов со знач. относящийся к слуху, к восприятию слухом, напр. аудиотехника, аудиокассета, аудиозапись, аудиосистема.
А́УДИО… [от лат. audire — слушать]. Первая часть сложных слов. Обозначает отнесённость к воспроизведению и записи звука. Аудиоаппаратура, аудиопрогрыватель, аудиосалон, аудиосервис, аудиовидеостудия.
АУДИО… (от лат. audire — слышать).
Часть сложных слов, означающая использование слуха для приема звучащей информации (например аудирование).
— (< лат. audīre слышать).
Первая составная часть сложных слов, имеющая значения:
1) относящийся к слуху, напр.: аудиология, аудиометрия,
2) относящийся к звукозаписи, к звукозаписывающей и воспроизводящей звук аппаратуре, напр.: аудиовизуальный, аудиокассета.
|| Ср. видео…
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сущ., кол-во синонимов: 2
сущ., кол-во синонимов: 1
сущ., кол-во синонимов: 1
аудиовидеоаппарату́ра, -ы
сущ., кол-во синонимов: 1
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аудиовизуальные средства обучения (авсо)
Учебные наглядные пособия, предназначенные для предъявления зрительной и слуховой информации. Подразделяются на визуальные (зрительные) средства (видеограммы) — рисунки, таблицы, схемы, репродукции произведений живописи, транспаранты, диафильмы, диапозитивы; аудитивные (слуховые) средства обучения (фонограммы) — грамзаписи, магнитозаписи, радиопередачи; собственно аудиовизуальные (зрительно-слуховые) средства (видеофонограммы) — кино-, теле- и диафильмы со звуковым сопровождением, программы для ЭВМ.
А. с. о. могут быть:
1) учебными, специально предназначенными для занятий языком и содержащими методически обработанный учебный материал (наглядные пособия);
2) учебными, созданными для занятий по другим дисциплинам, но привлекаемыми в качестве учебных материалов по языку (срдства наглядности);
3) естественными средствами массовой коммуникации, включаемыми в учебный процесс. А. с. о. являются эффективным источником повышения качества обучения благодаря яркости, выразительности и информативной ценности зрительно-слуховых образов, воссоздающих ситуации общения и окружающую действительность. При этом на занятиях успешно реализуется дидактический принцип наглядности, возможность индивидуализации обучения и одновременно массового охвата обучающихся (например, при просмотре теле- и кинофильмов, работе в компьютерном классе), усиливается мотивационная сторона занятий. В методике принято разграничивать А. с. о. (пособия для занятий по языку) и технические средства обучения (технические приспособления для демонстрации пособий) (Щукин, 1981).
аудиовизуальные технические средства обучения
Технические устройства, приспособления, предназначенные для предъявления звуковой и зрительной информации (телевизор, кинопроектор, фильмоскоп, видеомагнитофон, компьютер). См. технические средства обучения.
Основанный на одновременном восприятии чего-либо зрением и слухом.
-ая, -ое
Основанный на одновременном восприятии слухом и зрением.
Аудиовизуальный метод обучения иностранному языку.
Аудиовизуальные средства обучения.
От латинского audio ‘слышу’, ‘выслушиваю’ и визуальный.
АУДИОВИЗУА́ЛЬНЫЙ -ая, -ое. [от лат. audio — слышу и visualis — зрительный]. Воспроизводящий в звуковой и зрительной форме; рассчитанный на одновременное восприятие слухом и зрением. А-ая аппаратура. А-ые средства обучения. А. текст.
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аудиовизуа́льный (от лат. audio — слышу и визуальный), основанный на одновременном восприятии слухом и зрением (например, аудиовизуальные средства обучения: кинофильмы, телепередачи).
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АУДИОВИЗУАЛЬНЫЙ — АУДИОВИЗУА́ЛЬНЫЙ (от лат. audio — слышу и визуальный), основанный на одновременном восприятии слухом и зрением (напр., аудиовизуальные средства обучения: кинофильмы, телепередачи).
АУДИОВИЗУАЛЬНЫЙ (от лат. audio — слышу и визуальный) — основанный на одновременном восприятии слухом и зрением (напр., аудиовизуальные средства обучения: кинофильмы, телепередачи).
а́удиовизуа́льный, а́удиовизуа́льная, а́удиовизуа́льное, а́удиовизуа́льные, а́удиовизуа́льного, а́удиовизуа́льной, а́удиовизуа́льных, а́удиовизуа́льному, а́удиовизуа́льным, а́удиовизуа́льную, а́удиовизуа́льною, а́удиовизуа́льными, а́удиовизуа́льном, а́удиовизуа́лен, а́удиовизуа́льна, а́удиовизуа́льно, а́удиовизуа́льны, а́удиовизуа́льнее, поа́удиовизуа́льнее, а́удиовизуа́льней, поа́удиовизуа́льней
прил., кол-во синонимов: 1
АУДИОВИЗУАЛЬНЫЙ [< лат. audire — слышать + visio — видение] — касающийся одновременно слухового и зрительного восприятия (напр., а. коммуникация, а. культура, а. учебные пособия; а. метод обучения иностранному языку).
аудиовизуальный метод обучения (авмо)
То же, что аудиовизуальный структурно-глобальный метод обучения. Получил обоснование во Франции в 50-е гг. XX в. Базируется на теории структурализма (Ж. Гугенейм) и психологической теории бихевиоризма и является разновидностью (современной модификацией) прямого метода обучения. Теоретическая разработка метода предложена П. Губериной (Югославия) и П. Риван, Р. Мишеа (Франция). Центром по разработке и распространению метода считается педагогический институт в Сен-Клу. Метод получил широкое признание во многих странах мира после выхода популярного аудиовизуального курса «Голоса и образы Франции» (1982), послужившего основой создания аналогичных курсов для разноязычного контингента учащихся. Концепция метода была реализована в ряде популярных аудиовизуальных курсов русского языка (Вперед!, 1969; Русский язык — 1, 2, 3, 1972-1973; Русский язык в диалогах, 1988). А. м. о. — метод обучения языку в сжатые сроки на ограниченном лексико-грамматическом материале, характерном для сферы обиходно-бытового общения, преимущественно в устной форме при интенсивном использовании средств зрительной и слуховой наглядности. Последние привлекаются в качестве основного средства семантизации и активизации учебного материала и призваны обеспечить зрительно-слуховой синтез.
Концепция метода базируется на таких методических принципах, как:
1) глобальность — в качестве единицы обучения рассматривается предложение, восприятие и воспроизведение которого носит целостный (глобальный) характер;
2) устное опережение — обучение организуется в такой последовательности: слушание — говорение — чтение — письмо при значительной продолжительности устного опережения (в некоторых курсах до 1,5-2 месяцев);
3) беспереводность — полное исключение родного языка либо использование его лишь в качестве средства контроля;
4) ситуативность — материал вводится в форме диалогов с использованием типичных ситуаций повседневного общения;
5) функциональность — подчиненность отбора языкового материала задачам общения. Языковой материал представлен в основном разговорными клише. В рамках метода разработана модель обучения, включающая четыре этапа занятий: представление (глобальное восприятие материала, преимущественно интуитивное); объяснение (поэтапная проработка зрительно-слухового ряда при установке на полное усвоение его содержания и звуковой синтез); закрепление (образование речевых автоматизмов); развитие (формирование речевых умений на основе приобретенных знаний и навыков и свободное говорение в пределах темы урока и отработанных ситуаций общения). В настоящее время отдельные положения и приемы обучения по А. м. о. находят применение в работе по некоторым интенсивным методам обучения. А. м. о. сохраняет свою популярность при обучении языку преимущественно на начальном этапе и в условиях курсового обучения благодаря использованию средств наглядности и аутентичных материалов, имитирующих условия реального общения, что способствует повышению интереса к занятиям. Однако преимущественное внимание к устным формам работы, игнорирование перевода, недооценка роли родного языка учащихся, преобладание в соответствии с идеями бихевиоризма механического повторения речевых образцов в ущерб творческим формам работы сдерживает применение метода на занятиях со взрослыми учащимися и в условиях высшей школы (Капитонова и др., 2008; Гез, Фролова, 2008).
аудиовизуальный структурно-глобальный метод обучения
То же, что аудиовизуальный метод обучения.
сущ., кол-во синонимов: 1
сущ., кол-во синонимов: 1
— Фонограмма, используемая для самостоятельного знакомства с экспозицией музея, выставки, местностью, а также устройство для её воспроизведения.