- «Кто бы ни взял этот молот, если достоин — будет обладать силой Тора!»
- ― Один[ист]
Мьёльнир (ориг. Mjølnir), также известный, как «то, что сокрушает»[1] (англ. that which smashes) был могущественным асгардским, зачарованным, боевым молотом, созданный гномами для королевской семьи Асгарда. Молот был уничтожен Хелой во время её конфронтации с братьями, Тором и Локи в 2017 году.
После щелчка, Тор отправился обратно в 2013, забрал Мьёльнир из прошлого и принёс его в 2023 год, где его использовал Капитан Америка во время сражения против Таноса. Капитан Америка отправился в прошлое и вернул обратно Мьёльнир в Асгард в 2013 году.
Мьёльнир был создан из уру в Нидавеллире гномами по просьбе Одина.[2][3]
Покорение Девяти миров[]
Во время завоеваний девяти миров Одином, его старшая дочь, Хела, завладела Мьёльниром, и с помощью него она помогала своему отцу завоёвывать миры. Однако, Один лишил Хелу Мьёльнира, после того как запер её в Хельхейме.[4]
Новый владелец[]
- «Тор, сын Одина, мой наследник, мой первенец. Тебе верил я могучий молот, Мьёльнир. Выкованный гномами из ядра звезды. По силе ему нет равных в разрушении, или в созидании. Он верный спутник царя.»
- ― Один к Тору[ист]
Тор показывает Мьёльнир людям Асгарда.
Незадолго до коронации нового короля Асгарда, Тор взял с собой Мьёльнир. Во время коронации, Тор хвастался Мьёльниром перед всем залом. Однако, церемония была прервана, так как в хранилище Одина пробрались ледяные великаны, которые пытались украсть ледяной ларец. Из-за прерванной коронации, Тор решил отправится в Йотунхейм и показать всю свою силу ледяным великанам, чтобы они больше никогда не захотели вторгнуться в Асгард. Используя Радужный мост, Тор, Локи, Сиф и Воинственная троица прибыли в Йотунхейм. После того, как король Лафей издевался над ними, Тор использовал Мьёльнир, чтобы убить множество ледяных великанов, а также йотунхеймского зверя.[2]
Изгнание Тора[]
Один изгоняет Тора на Землю.
После сражения с ледяными великанами, разрушившей хрупкое перемирие между ними и асгардцами, Один накал Тора, лишив его божественных сил. Один изгнал Тора на Землю, как обычного смертного, а также он отправил на Землю Мьёльнир, которой он наделил чарами, позволяющими только достойному поднять Мьёльнир. Обоих он отправил в Пуэнте Антигуо, Нью-Мексико.[2]
Нахождение на Земле[]
Мьёльнир приземляется в Нью-Мексико.
- «Команда входит, определяет, является ли это полезным или представляет угрозу. Последняя вещь оказалась очень интересной.
Что было последним?
Молот.» - ― Фил Колсон и Скай[ист]
Щ.И.Т. обнаружил неопознанный объект, который прозвали как 0-8-4, который исследовал Фил Колсон.[5] Когда он прибыл в Нью-Мексико, он заметил массивный кратер, созданный Мьёльниром. Затем Колсон позвонил Нику Фьюри, чтобы проинформировать его о находке.[6] Эллиот Рэндольф, эксперт по норвежской мифологии и профессор Севильского университета, связался в качестве консультанта.[7]
Тор пытается поднять Мьёльнир.
Когда Тор обнаружил близлежащее местоположение Мьёльнира, он попытался найти его в учреждении, которое Щ.И.Т. быстро построили вокруг Мьёльнира, однако Тор не был достоин того, чтобы поднять Мьёльнир, и поэтому он был схвачен агентами. С помощью Эрика Селвига, Тор был освобождён, а позже он смирился со своим изгнанием на Земле.
Тор вновь достоин Мьёльнира.
Позже, Локи, используя свою невидимость, прибыл в объект, где он попытался поднять Мьёльнир, но он не был достоин. Когда Локи захватил трон Асгарда, он послал Разрушителя на Землю, который смог одолеть воинов Асгарда, что заставило Тора пожертвовать собой. Когда Тор почти погиб ради спасения своих друзей, Мьёльнир прилетел к Тору, вернув ему силы и восстановив его. После этого, Тор сражался против Разрушителя, которого он смог уничтожить.
Тор собирается уничтожить Радужный мост.
Тор возвращается в Асгард, где он останавливает планы Локи по уничтожению Йотунхейма. Чтобы остановить планы, Тор использовал свой Мьёльнир для разрушения радужного моста.[2]
Вторжение читаури[]
Щит Капитана Америки отражает нападение Мьёльнира.
Некоторое время спустя, когда Локи телепортировался на Землю, Тор прибыл забрать его обратно. Локи был схвачен Железным человеком и Капитаном Америка, но они не собирались отдавать его Тору. Тор сражался против них, но даже Мьёльнир оказался бессильным против щита Капитана Америка. Когда Тор ударил Мьёльниром по щиту, он создал огромную ударную волну, которая выровняла лес на сотни ярдов.
Тор использует Мьёльнир против Халка.
В битве против Халка, Тор использовал Мьёльнир, чтобы сбить зелёного монстра с ног, ударом молота в челюсть. Когда Тор бросил Мьёльнир, Халк пытался поднять его, но у него ничего не получалось. Несмотря на все свои силы, Халку не удалось поднять молот, что позволило Тору выиграть дуэль.
Тор использует молнии против читаури.
После присоединения ко Мстителям, Тор использовал Мьёльнир против армии воинов читаури. Однако, сил Мьёльнира было недостаточно, чтобы уничтожить Тессеракт. На поле битвы, Тор использовал Мьёльнир для активации молний, которые он запускал в левиафаны, потенциально уничтожая множество читаури.[8]
Возвращение тёмных эльфов[]
Тор использует Мьёльнир против Мародёров.
Тор также использовал Мьёльнир против Мародёров во время войны за девять миров, уничтожив при помощи Мьёльнира кронанца, а также несколько тёмных эльфов во время их вторжения в Асгард. Также Тор использовал Мьёльнир против Малекита, с помощью которого он обжёг ему правую часть лица. Имея дела с эфиром, молнии Мьёльнира были просто отражены эфиром и преобразованы в несколько кусков. Мьёльнир также не смог противостоять Проклятому, который просто отразил нападение, когда Тор собирался ударить его. Однако, Мьёльниру удавалось отражать нападения Малекита на Земле, так как Тору удалось блокировать множество атак Малекита с эфиром.
Тор пытается уничтожить эфир.
Но Малекиту удалось разделить Мьёльнир от Тора, оставив бога грома без оружия. Однако Тору удалось призвать Мьёльнир и с помощью его вставить в Малекита гравитационное устройство, которое телепортировало его в Свартальфахейм, после чего Джейн Фостер телепортировала к нему Ковчег, который упал на Малекита, убив его.
Тор наносить удар Мьёльниром Малекиту.
После окончания кампании Малекита, Тор вернулся в Асгард, чтобы поговорить с Одином. Тор предложил своему отцу взять его молот, но Один отказался. Затем Один дал разрешение Тору вернуться на Землю, тогда он телепортировал Тора с Мьёльниром в Лондон, используя Радужный мост. Однако, это было не Один, а Локи, который захватил трон Асгарда.[9]
Возвращение ко Мстителям[]
Тор использует Мьёльнир против солдат ГИДРЫ.
- «Идеально сбалансирован.
Я бы утяжелил, но тога замах хромает.» - ― Вижен и Тор[ист]
Тор вновь использовал свой молот Мьёльнир вкупе со щитом Капитана Америка во время их рейда на базу ГИДРЫ Вольфганга фон Штрукера в Заковии. Когда Капитан Америка держал свой щит, Тор ударил Мьёльниром по нему, после чего образовалась мощная волна, которая оглушила множество солдат ГИДРЫ, а также их технику.
Капитан Америка пытается поднять Мьёльнир.
После сражения, Мстители организовали вечеринку в башне Мстителей, чтобы отпраздновать получение скипетра Локи и победу над Вольфгангом фон Штрукером. Некоторые Мстители решил сыграть в игру по поднятию Мьёльнира. Однако, ни одному Мстителю не удалось поднять молот, только Стиву Роджерсу удалось немного сдвинуть молот, из-за чего Тор был очень удивлён.[10] На само деле, Мьёльнир признал Роджерса достойным, но сам Роджерс решил не поднимать молот.[11]
Ртуть не удаётся поднять Мьёльнир.
Бегая в режиме суперскорости, Ртуть увидел, как Мьёльнир пролетел мимо него, когда Тор бросил молот в него во время битвы на складе боевого угля. Планируя использовать его против Мстителей, Ртуть взял молот, однако он не был достоин Мьёльнира, поэтому силы молота перевешивали силы Ртуть, и поэтому он упал на землю. Капитан Америка воспользовался данной возможностью, чтобы оглушить Ртуть.
Вижен поднимает Мьёльнир и отдаёт его Тору.
Узнав о том, что андроид по имени Вижен поможет Мстителям остановить Альтрона, Тор использовал Мьёльнир для активации молний, которые зарядили Регенератор, чтобы Вижен смог активироваться. В то время как Мстители думали, стоит ли им верить Вижену, сам Вижен взял Мьёльнир и отдал его Тору. Поскольку Мьёльнир посчитал Вижена достойным, Тор решил принять его в союзники Мстителей.
Тор во время битвы за Заковию.
Мьёльнир вновь использовался вкупе со щитом Роджерса для комбинированной атаки, с помощью которой им удалось уничтожить сразу нескольких часовых Альтрона во время битвы за Заковию. Капитан Америка бросит свой щит, после чего щит ударил Тор своим молотом, тогда щит стал невероятно быстро направляться к часовым Альтрона, уничтожая их.
Вижен использует Мьёльнир против Альтрона.
Способность Вижена использовать Мьёльнир, как оружие во время наступления Альтрона помогла Тору спастись от рук Альтрона, когда он оглушил Альтрона Мьёльниром. Когда Вижен отдавал Мьёльнир Тору, он прокомментировал его идеальный баланс, на что сам Тор ответил, что он хотел утяжелить его, но тогда хромает замах молота.[10]
Тор использует Мьёльнир против армии Суртура.
- «Наша сестра раскрошила твой молот, как кусок стекла.»
- ― Локи к Тору[ист]
Тор вновь использовал Мьёльнир, чтобы освободиться из плена в Муспельхейме. После освобождения, Тор стал использовать свой молот, как оружие против огненных демонов, а после и самого Суртура, которого ему удаётся убить Мьёльниром, сбив с него корону.
Тор угрожает Локи Мьёльниром.
Когда он улетал с помощью Мьёльнира от огненного дракона, Тор пометил Мьёльнир в челюсть дракона, чтобы он не смог двигаться. Прибыв в Асгард и узнав, что вместо Одина был Локи, замаскированный под Одина, Тор стал угрожать своему брату Мьёльниром. После их разговора, Тор и Локи прибыли на Землю, тогда Тор замаскировал Мьёльнир под зонтик.
Хела уничтожает Мьёльнир.
Тора пригласил в Санктум Санкторум Доктор Стрэндж. Когда Стрэндж помог создать для Тора и Локи портал в Норвегию, где находился Один, Тор вызвал Мьёльнир в виде зонтика, который по пути разрушил множество артефактов в Санктуме. Прибыв в Норвегию, Один рассказал своим сыновьям, что у них есть старшая сестра, Хела, которая освободиться из Хельхейма после его смерти. Когда Хела столкнулась с братьями, Тор немедленно бросил в неё Мьёльнир. Но к большому удивлению для Тора, Хела смогла поймать Мьёльнир одной рукой, а потом и уничтожить его без особых усилий.[4]
Альтернативная версия[]
Возвращение из прошлого[]
Тор вооружается Мьёльниром из 2013 года.
В 2023 году, Тор и Енот Ракета отправились в 2013 год в Асгард, чтобы вытащить камень реальности из Джейн Фостер. Ещё находясь в прошлом, Тор решил призывать Мьёльнир. После того, как он прилетел к нему, Тор понял что всё ещё достоин его. После чего, Тор с Ракетой вернулись в настоящие с Мьёльниром и камнем.
Тор вооружён Мьёльниром и Громсекирой.
После успешного выполнения хрононалёта, Мстители наполнили нано-перчатку всеми камнями бесконечности, а после этого Халк щёлкнул пальцами, отменив щелчок Таноса. Однако, в это же время на новую базу Мстителей напал Танос из 2014. Присоединившись к Железному человеку и Капитану Америка, Тор надел свою броню и вооружился Мьёльниром, вместе с Громсекирой. Хоть Тору удавалось отражать атаки Таноса, всё же Мьёльнир был сбит с руки Тора, а Громсекира была у Таноса, которой он хотел убить Тора.
Капитан Америка использует Мьёльнир против Таноса.
Чтобы спасти Тора, Стив Роджерс призывает к себе Мьёльнир и ударяет им Таноса, ненадолго оглушив его. Когда Роджерс взял молот в руку,Тор сказал, что он всегда знал, что Роджерс достоин Мьёльнира. После Роджерс сражался против Таноса, сочетая свой щит и молот, используя с помощью Мьёльнира молнии. Однако этих сил оказалось не достаточно, чтобы одолеть титана. Во время битвы за Землю, Роджерс использовал молот против читаури и аутрайдеров. Когда он увидел, что Человек-паук оказался в беде, Роджерс бросил ему Мьёльнир, чтобы тот зацепился за него и улетел от армии Таноса.
Капитан Америка возвращает Мьёльнир в 2013 год.
Когда битва за Землю была завершена, Роджерс взял на себя ответственность вернуть все камни бесконечности и Мьёльнир обратно в прошлое в нужное время, чтобы предотвратить временные коллапсы. Роджерс прибыл в Асгард в 2013 году и вернул обратно камень реальности, вместе с Мьёльниром.[12]
Тору был вручён могущественный молот Мьёльнир, который был «выкован из сердца гаснущей звезды». Мистический молот Тора Мьёльнир, который сильно напоминал молоток, чем боевой молот, обладал рядом стихийных сил. Сам Один сказал, что сила Мьёльнира не имела себе равных, хотя его сила блокировалась вибраниумом и силой камней бесконечности. Мьёльнир был чрезвычайно долговечным и, в сочетании с различными чарами, наложенными на него Одином, он был, для всех намерений и целей, неразрушимым. Он отразил три выстрела Разрушителя, последний из которых он смог направить на самого Разрушителя и уничтожить его. Тор часто использовал молот в качестве оружия ближнего боя, при этом почти ничто не могло противостоять удару или метанию молота (за исключением щита Капитана Америка). Тор использовал Мьёльнир для различных коротких и дальних атак, либо с прямыми ударами, либо бросая его в противников. Он возвращался к Тору всякий раз, когда он бросал или вызывал его, независимо от надвигающихся препятствий и расстояния; Мьёльнир даже может спокойно перемещаться между мирами. Всякий раз, когда Тор клал молот, он принимал фиксированное положение, из которого никто не мог его сдвинуть, кроме «достойного молота». Те, кто достоин владения Мьёльниром, обнаружат, что молот раскачивается почти без всяких усилий, поскольку Вижен говорил, что он обладает «идеальным балансом». Тор также использовал его для призывая своих стихийных сил, такими как молния, ветер, дождь и снег. Позже выяснилось, что молниеносные способности Тора никогда не происходили от Мьёльнира, а скорее были инструментом, который помогал ему сосредоточить и оттачивать свои силы, пока он не смог полностью овладеть своей силой и свободно владеть ею. Несмотря на это, похоже, что молот способен вызывать молнию, даже когда Тор не владеет ею, как видно, когда Капитан Америка использовал Мьёльнир, чтобы ударить Таноса зарядом молний. После похищения Мьёльнира из прошлого, он наделил Стива Роджерса способностями, похожими на способности Тора, такими как повышенная сила и долговечность, благодаря чему Роджерс мог сражаться лицом к лицу с Безумным Титаном Таносом.
- «И куда б я его не бросил, он всегда возвращался.
Похоже, что вы с этим молотом были и правда близки.» - ― Тор и Корг[ист]
Тор призвал Мьёльнир с большого расстояния.
- Призыв оружия: Мьёльнир спокойно повиновался Тору, как-будто он обладает сознанием. Мьёльнир всегда прилетал к Тору, когда он был ему необходим. Мьёльнир прилетел к Тору, когда он сместился в кратере на несколько миль, найдя его за считанные секунды. Мьёльнир возвращался к Тору всякий раз, когда он бросал молот в противника. Во время битвы с Халком на Хеликэрриере Тор вызвал Мьёльнир из другой комнаты, и он пробился через Хеликэрриер, чтобы добраться до Тора. После того, как Мьёльнир был брошен, Тор смог легко изменить направление и траекторию удара молота в полете. Однако, если его поймает кто-то достойный или с огромной силой, Тор не сможет вернуть его обратно к своей руке, о чем свидетельствует Хела, которая схватила молот и, следовательно, она не позволила, чтобы молот вернулся к Тору обратно.
- «Раскрутив его, я обретал способность летать.»
- ― Тор к Коргу[ист]
- Полёт: Тор мог с большой силы швырнуть молот, держа его за кожаный ремешок и лететь с огромной скоростью в воздухе на Мьёльнире. Неизвестно на сколько быстро Тор мог лететь на Мьёльнире, но Тор смог оставаться в воздухе в центре торнадо пятого класса и пройти расстояние от камер своего отца до обсерватории Хеймдалля и вернуться обратно за секунды.
Халку не удаётся поднять Мьёльнир.
- Определение «достойного»: Достойный индивид может использовать Мьёльнир без всяких проблем, однако для недостойного, этот молот будет настолько тяжёлым, как огромная гора. Все силы Мьёльнира такие, как манипуляция стихиями, полёт и призыв молота, были доступны любому достойному индивиду. Достойный индивид может воспользоваться недостатками недостойного, так например, Тор смог остановить Локи на Радужном мосту, прижав Мьёльнир в его телу. Также он смог остановить огненного дракона, положив Мьёльнир прямо в пасть дракона. Если достойный индивид может спокойно взять Мьёльнир в руки во время прилёта Мьельнира, то недостойный просто не удерживает его. Так например, Ртуть решил взять Мьёльнир, когда молот находился в воздухе, однако Ртуть не выдержал тяжести молота м просто упал. Однако, кроме достойных Мьёльнир может взять спокойно в руки мощнейшее существо, как Хела, которая не была достойно, но смогла поймать Мьёльнир одной рукой.
- Создание одежды: Мьёльнир может создать для своего пользователя броню, либо сменить одежду на более повседневную. Так, Тор смог из обычной повседневной одежды создать асгардскую броню до сражения против Таноса. Также Тор смог переодеться с помощью Мьёльнира в повседневную одежду, когда он с Локи искали Одина на Земле. Также Мьёльнир может ни только менять одежду пользователю, но и сам маскироваться под другой объект. Когда Тор прибыл на Землю, он замаскировал свой молот под зонтик, а потом убрал маскировку, ударив зонтом по земле, когда пришла Хела.
- Воскрешение: Силы Мьёльнира достаточны для того, чтобы воскресить своего владельца. После того, как Тор был убит Разрушителем, к нему прилетел Мьёльнир, который воскресил его и восстановил его силы. Эта используется только для тех, кто достоин Мьёльнира.
- Энергетический заряд: С помощью Мьёльнира, Один смог использовать энергетический заряд на Торе, когда он собирался изгнать своего сына на Землю, уничтожив остатки его асгардской брони и отбросил его в Радужный мост, с помощью которого Тор попал на Землю.
- Усиление тела: Когда Стив Роджерс использовал Мьёльнир, его физические способности заметно улучшились, такие как сила и долговечность, из-за чего он смог спокойно сразиться против Таноса, хоть этих сил не хватило, чтобы одолеть титана.
Появления Мьёльнира |
В хронологическом порядке:
Остальные появления:
Интересные факты[]
- В комиксах, имя молота переводится, как «Сокрушитель» или «Измельчитель». Однако, в норвежской мифологии, его имя переводится, как «То, что сокрушает».
- Дарси Льюис всегда неправильно произносила название молота, как например «Мяу-мяу» или «Меу-ма».
- В фильме Тор: Рагнарёк, Тор маскирует Мьёльнир под зонтик, а когда стучит им об пол, то маскировка исчезает. Также он делал в комиксах, когда скрывался под именем Дональд Блейк, но иногда он маскировал Мьёльнир под трость.
- ↑ Мифы и легенды во всего мира
- ↑ 2,0 2,1 2,2 2,3 Тор
- ↑ Мстители: Война бесконечности
- ↑ 4,0 4,1 Тор: Рагнарёк
- ↑ Агенты «Щ.И.Т.»: 1.02: 0-8-4
- ↑ Железный человек 2 Сцена после титров
- ↑ Агенты «Щ.И.Т.»: 1.08: Колодец
- ↑ Мстители
- ↑ Тор 2: Царство тьмы
- ↑ 10,0 10,1 Мстители: Эра Альтрона
- ↑ Kevin Feige’s Reddit AMA
- ↑ Мстители: Финал
Дополнительные ссылки[]
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mjölnir | |
Mjölnir held by Thor on the cover of |
Publication information | |
Publisher | Marvel Comics |
First appearance | Journey into Mystery #83 (August 1962) |
Created by | Stan Lee Larry Lieber Jack Kirby Joe Sinnott |
In story information | |
Type | Mystic item/artifact, Weapon |
Element of stories featuring | Thor |
Mjolnir, known more formally as Mjölnir () is a fictional magical weapon appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. It is depicted as the principal weapon of the superhero Thor. Mjolnir, which first appears in Journey into Mystery #83 (Aug. 1962), was created by writers Stan Lee and Larry Lieber and designed by artists Jack Kirby and Joe Sinnott.
Mjolnir is typically depicted as a large, square-headed gray sledgehammer, with a short, round handle wrapped in brown leather, culminating in a looped lanyard. The object is based on Mjölnir, the weapon of the mythological Thor.
Publication history[edit]
Mjolnir debuted in Marvel Comics title Journey into Mystery #83 (Aug. 1962), being the means by which physician Donald Blake transformed into thunder god Thor Odinson (by striking it on the ground). The first use of the hammer’s name was in the «Tales of Asgard» feature in Thor #135 (Dec. 1966) in a story by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby. The weapon’s origin is eventually revealed in Thor Annual #11 (1983), with another version presented in Thor vol. 2, #80 (Aug. 2004).
In a 2002 documentary with Kevin Smith, Lee says his brother and co-creator Larry Lieber originally referred to Mjolnir as the «Uru Hammer».[1] Writer Roy Thomas eventually changed the name of the hammer to the mythologically correct name of «Mjolnir» but maintained the Larry Lieber concept of it being composed of fictional metal «uru».[2]
Mjolnir’s origin in Marvel continuity mirrors the original Norse legend. The hammer is created when Odin’s adopted son Loki cuts off the hair of the goddess Sif as part of a cruel jest, and, when threatened with violence by Thor, promises to fetch replacement hair from the dwarf smiths. Loki commissions the hair from the Sons of Ivaldi, and the obliging dwarves create the hair and a magic ship and spear as gifts for the gods. Loki is convinced that no one can match their workmanship, and challenges a dwarf named Eitri to make finer treasures. Eitri creates a golden ring and golden boar spear with magical properties, and then begins work on a hammer. Loki panics at the sight of the treasures, and, afraid he will lose the wager, transforms himself into a gadfly and stings Eitri’s assistant on the brow as he is working the bellows for the forge. The assistant stops for a moment to wipe away the blood, and the bellows fall flat. As a result, the hammer’s handle is shorter in length than Eitri had originally intended, meaning that the hammer could only be wielded one-handed.
Despite the error, the Norse gods consider Eitri to have forged the greater treasures. Loki loses the bet and in retaliation the Sons of Ivaldi sew Loki’s lips shut. The ruler of the Norse gods, Odin, uses the hammer – called Mjolnir («Grinder») by Eitri – and eventually passes it to his son Thor, on the condition that he first prove he is worthy to wield the weapon.[3]
In Thor Annual #11, the origin is changed in small but subtle ways. First, the treasures are commissioned by Odin as gifts for both of his boys, but Loki forfeits his share when he touches Gungnir, Odin’s spear. Secondly, Loki turns into a moth instead of a gadfly, and just annoys Eitri instead of biting him. Thirdly, while the dwarfs still forge the golden duplicating ring known as Draupnir and Mjolnir, instead of making a golden boar spear they just make a magic gold boar that can fly.[4]
In the second volume of Thor, another version of the hammer’s origin is depicted when Odin orders the dwarven blacksmiths Eitri, Brok and Buri to forge Mjolnir using the core of a star.[5]
The series The Mighty Thor provides another version of Mjolnir’s origin: after an extended battle Odin traps a galaxy-sized storm called «Mother Storm» in a nugget of uru, which Odin orders the dwarves to use to create a weapon capable of using Mother Storm’s power.[6]
Odin placed several enchantments upon Mjolnir prior to Thor wielding the hammer:
- No living being may wield it unless they are worthy. This is reflected in the inscription on the side of Mjolnir, which states: Whosoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor.[7] For almost the entirety of Marvel continuity, this has exclusively been Thor.
- Once thrown it will always return to the wielder’s hand after being thrown. By hurling the hammer and holding the lanyard, Thor is capable of flight.[7]
- The wielder can control the elements of storm (lightning, wind, and rain) by stamping its handle twice on the ground.[8]
- Mjolnir can open interdimensional portals, allowing its wielder to travel to other dimensions (such as from Earth to Asgard)[4]
- Also originally capable of creating chronal displacement and therefore allowing time travel.[9] This enchantment was removed by the entity Immortus with Thor’s consent to aid a planet trapped in Limbo.[10] This was eventually revealed to be a deception by Immortus to eliminate the superhero team the Avengers’ access to time travel.[11] Thor, however, is still able to manipulate time with Mjolnir.[12]
- Thor can transform into the guise of a mortal, the physician Donald Blake, by stamping the hammer’s head on the ground once and willing the change. When Thor transforms into Blake, his hammer takes the appearance of a wooden walking cane. Odin also stipulated that if Thor was separated from Mjolnir for more than sixty seconds, he would revert to his mortal persona until striking the cane once again.[13]
The last enchantment was eventually removed and transferred to Stormbreaker, the hammer of character Beta Ray Bill which was commissioned by Odin as a replica of Mjolnir.[14] After this the Donald Blake persona disappeared (eventually returning from the after life[15]), and Thor assumed a civilian identity simply by changing into modern clothing (carrying Mjolnir concealed within a duffel bag). Thor eventually adopts the mortal persona of Jake Olson as penance for accidentally causing the original Olson’s death during a battle, and simply pounds a fist to effect a change. During this period Mjolnir would disappear when Thor became Olson, and reappear when returning to his true form. Thor was also once again bound by the original rule whereby he would revert to Olson if kept away from Mjolnir for more than a minute.[16]
The enchantment eventually changes: during the Original Sin storyline, Nick Fury whispers an undisclosed secret to Thor that causes him to lose the ability to pick up Mjolnir.[17] The change extends to other gods, as Odin also cannot lift it (Fury’s comment to Thor was simply «Gorr was right», validating to Thor that an old foe’s claim that gods brought only pain and suffering was correct).[18] The hammer is subsequently picked up by an unknown female – later revealed to be Jane Foster – who inherits the power and title of Thor, with the inscription changing to read if she be worthy.[19]
Powers and abilities[edit]
- As one of the most formidable weapons known to man or god, Mjolnir is described as impacting with sufficient force to «level mountains» as well as entire worlds. [20] with only fictional metal adamantium proving impervious.[21]
Capable of creating:
- huge vortices[7]
- antimatter particles[22]
- forcefields (capable of containing an explosion that could potentially destroy a galaxy);[23]
- Emitting mystical blasts of energy; controlling electromagnetism; molecular manipulation;[24]
Generating exceptional offensives:
- Geo-Blast (an energy wave that taps a planet’s gravitational force)[25]
- Anti-Force (energy created to counter-act another force)[26]
- God Blast (an energy blast that taps into Thor’s life force)[27]
Mjolnir can also absorb energy;
- draining the Asgardian powers of the Wrecking Crew into the Wrecker[28]
- draining the life-force of villain the Presence[29]
- removing the force field of the villain Juggernaut[30]
The hammer is also capable of empowering others – accidentally endowing the hero Union Jack with the ability to generate electricity[31] – and removing any harmful radiation or other toxins from a host.[32]
There are also several rarely used abilities:
- tracking a person[33]
- locating mystical items[34]
- detecting illusions[35]
- project images, as Thor shows a glimpse of Asgard to fellow Avenger Iron Man.[36]
As a former religious relic, Mjolnir is also lethal to the undead, causing creatures such as vampires to burst into flame and crumble to dust.[37]
Mjolnir is also not indestructible, having been damaged or destroyed several times in continuity: a force beam from the Asgardian Destroyer slices it in two;[38] the Molecule Man dispels the atomic bonds between the hammer’s molecules, vaporizing Mjolnir;[39] shattered after channeling an immeasurable amount of energy at the Celestial Exitar;[40] Dark god Perrikus slices Mjolnir in half with a magical scythe;[41] and shattered when it collided with the uru weapons of Loki’s Storm Giant followers, resulting in an atomic-scale explosion.[5] Mjolnir was not recreated after this last incident until Thor returned to Earth several years later.[42]
Temporary wielder Jane Foster sacrifices Mjolnir and herself to defeat the monster Mangog by hurling them all into the Sun. Thor and Odin are able to resurrect Jane, who subsequently presents Thor with the last fragment of his hammer.[43]
During the War of the Realms storyline, Thor is able to channel the power of the ancient Mother Storm to reforge Mjolnir, declaring that Gorr was right and vowing to prove himself better than the gods who had come before.[44]
Other than Thor and Odin, certain other individuals have proven worthy of lifting Mjolnir in the primary continuity:[45]
- Roger «Red» Norvell[46] (a deliberate ruse by Odin)
- Beta Ray Bill[47]
- Buri (also known as Tiwaz, Thor’s great-grandfather)[48]
- Captain America in his «The Captain» role[49]
- Eric Masterson[50]
- Bor (Thor’s grandfather)[51]
- Loki[52][53]
- Jane Foster[54]
- The Destroyer[55]
- Squirrel Girl[56]
- Black Panther (of Avengers 1,000,000 B.C.)[57]
- Eddie Brock (with help from the Enigma Force)[58]
Alternate versions of the Silver Surfer, Conan, Black Widow, and Valkyrie have lifted Mjolnir through worthiness. Other Marvel characters have lifted Mjolnir not through worthiness but through technicalities such as absorbing Thor’s powers, including the Air-Walker, Awesome Android, Magneto, Rogue, Wonder Man, and Doctor Doom.[59][60][61]
Moon Knight[62] also has the ability to lift Mjolnir as it is made from Uru, a metal ore from the moon of a dead universe. So, with the help of Khonshu’s influence, Moon Knight has the ability to control the hammer.
Two DC Comics characters have lifted Mjolnir in Marvel/DC crossover events:
- Wonder Woman[63]
- Superman with Odin’s permission, and was unable to lift it later.[64]
Several imitations of Mjolnir have also existed:
- Odin gifts the hammer Stormbreaker to Beta Ray Bill[65]
- Odin gifts the mace Thunderstrike to Thunderstrike[66]
- Loki creates the hammer Stormcaster for Storm in an attempt to control her,[67] but she uses Mjolnir to destroy it[68]
- Loki provides another version to Deadpool to spite Thor[69]
- Loki also allows Surtur to use the forge Mjolnir was created from to craft copies during Ragnarok[5]
- HYDRA creates an evil version of Thor wielding a technological imitation of Mjolnir[70]
- Tony Stark and Reed Richards create an imitation Mjolnir for their clone Ragnarok[71]
- The frog Throg discovers a sliver of Mjolnir that transforms into the hammer Frogjolnir[72]
Other versions[edit]
In the Ultimate Marvel imprint title The Ultimates and its sequel The Ultimates 2, the Ultimate version of Thor wields a Mjolnir styled after a classical war hammer, with no restrictions on who can wield it.[73][74] The origin of this Mlojnir is first told in Ultimates 2 when the European Defense Initiative were making a Norway super soldier program involving a battery-powered suit and hammer with the hammer acting as a portable power unit, though twisted by Loki’s manipulations of reality tricking everyone that Thor was actually his mentally unbalanced brother who stole the suit.[75] In Ultimate Comics: Thor, the traditional hammer appears made by Odin’s workers and sought after by Loki on Earth. This version was used a plot device when the hammer temporarily crossed over into the mainstream Earth-616 universe,[76] being found and used by the Asgardian Volstagg and later Jane Foster before being destroyed. The surviving fragments are reassembled into another weapon for Foster once she abandons the Thor persona.[77]
Marvel Cinematic Universe[edit]
Mjolnir is a recurring item throughout the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) media franchise, most often used by Thor. Like its comic book counterpart, it is a powerful Asgardian hammer used as an offensive, defensive, and projectile weapon. It is capable of controlling and conjuring weather including lightning, and allows the carrier to fly if the hammer is spun and released with enough power. Mjolnir is enchanted by Odin, requiring any person who lifts it to be «worthy» and grants the user «the power of Thor» if they are able to do so.
- Mjolnir is first seen in the MCU in a post-credits scene in Iron Man 2 (2010), in which S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Phil Coulson reports on the hammer being found in an impact crater in the New Mexican desert.[78]
- In Thor (2011), the hammer is used by Thor as he battles hordes of Frost Giants on Jotunheim. Odin strips Thor of his power and casts him and Mjolnir to Earth. Crowds of humans gather in an effort to lift it, attracting the attention of S.H.I.E.L.D. Thor eventually finds Mjolnir but is unable to lift it until he later proves his worthiness by sacrificing his life against the Destroyer. The hammer appears to instantly heal his injuries when he holds it and he uses it to defeat the Destroyer. He battles Loki with it, countering Gungnir, Odin’s staff, and uses the hammer to destroy the Bifröst Bridge.
- In The Avengers (2012), Thor uses the hammer in combat throughout. He battles Tony Stark in his Iron Man armor, and Stark’s arc reactor is able to absorb the lightning conjured by Mjolnir to increase his armor’s power. It clashes with Steve Rogers’ vibranium shield, creating a massive shockwave that knocks both parties down. Thor also battles The Hulk (who fails to lift it during the confrontation), Loki, and Chitauri soldiers. During the Battle of New York, he uses the hammer to bottleneck the massive portal above New York City, combining its lightning with the Chrysler Building as an amplifier to destroy numerous Chitauri reinforcements and their Leviathans.
- In Thor: The Dark World (2013), Thor uses the hammer throughout to battle the Dark Elf Malekith and his minions.
- In Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015), Thor uses the hammer in battle against Hydra soldiers, hitting it against Rogers’ shield to create massive shockwaves capable of destroying tanks. When Thor challenges the other Avengers to lift Mjolnir at a party, all fail save for Rogers, who manages to move it slightly, shocking Thor.[79] When Stark and Banner create the Vision, the Avengers are mistrustful of the synthezoid until he casually lifts Mjolnir. Later, the Vision is shown capable of using the hammer during a fight. Stark and Rogers later jest that Vision is not truly «worthy» as he is an artificial intelligence, comparing him to an elevator that would continue to work if Mjolnir were placed inside.
- In Thor: Ragnarok (2017), Thor uses the hammer to defeat the fire demon Surtur and his minions. When Odin dies, Thor’s sister Hela escapes from her prison. Thor throws Mjolnir at her but she catches and destroys it. Thor’s exploration of Hela’s origins reveals to him that Mjolnir was originally her weapon. Odin tells Thor that the hammer is also a means to control his power and that it alone does not make him the «God of Thunder».
- In Avengers: Endgame (2019), Thor retrieves an alternate version of Mjolnir from Asgard in an alternate 2013 timeline during the «Time Heist» to gather the Infinity Stones and undo the Blip. When he returns to the main timeline, he brings Mjolnir with him and uses it during the fight against an alternate Thanos. Thor combines it with Stormbreaker, and uses its lightning to supercharge Stark’s Iron Man armor during their fight. When Thanos overwhelms and nearly kills Thor, Rogers uses Mjolnir to save Thor’s life, who is pleased to confirm his suspicions about Rogers’ worthiness. Rogers battles Thanos with it, combining the hammer with his shield for offensive and defensive combination attacks. Rogers is also able to conjure lightning. During the final battle with Thanos and his entire army, Rogers uses Mjolnir as he leads the Avengers and their allies into battle. Following Thanos’ defeat, Rogers returns Mjolnir to its timeline.
- A broken, alternate version of Mjolnir owned by Throg appears in the fifth episode of Loki (2021) in the Void.[80]
- An alternate version of Mjolnir appears in the second episode of What If…? (2021) as part of the Collector’s collection on Knowhere.[81] Another version appears in the seventh episode, which Thor uses to fight against Captain Marvel. For unexplained reasons, Thor remains the only one able to lift the hammer in this universe despite Odin never shown enchanting it with the «worthy» spell.[82]
- Mjolnir returns in Thor: Love and Thunder (2022) with Jane Foster wielding a reconstructed version of the hammer. Now using the alias of Mighty Thor, she uses the hammer in the battle against Gorr the God Butcher and his forces.[83] When Foster is diagnosed with terminal cancer, she researches that Mjolnir gives its wielder enhanced strength and stamina. She travels to New Asgard in search of the remnants of Mjolnir, which reassembles itself in Jane’s presence and proclaims her worthy, surprising Thor when he meets her again. Now when the hammer is launched from its wielder, it can separate into its fragments to hit multiple targets at once before reassembling. A flashback reveals that years earlier, Thor unknowingly enchanted Mjolnir to protect her. Foster learns that use of the hammer is actually exacerbating her cancer by draining her life force. In the final confrontation with Gorr, she uses the hammer to destroy the Necrosword, at the cost of her life. Thor once again takes possession of Mjolnir following her death.
- In Avengers: Infinity War (2018), Thor travels to Nidavellir with Rocket and Groot to ask the dwarf king Eitri for a replacement weapon. Eitri has a design called Stormbreaker prepared, an axe meant to be the most powerful in the Asgardian king’s arsenal with powers similar to Mjolnir and capable of summoning the Bifröst Bridge.[84] Thor helps Eitri restart the damaged forge to heat the ore, and Groot creates a handle to finish the axe. Stormbreaker is capable of conjuring massive lightning attacks, allows Thor to fly, and serves as a two-handed offensive weapon capable of withstanding attacks from the Infinity Gauntlet. He continues to wield it during Avengers: Endgame, and uses the axe to decapitate Thanos and later to battle the alternate version of Thanos and his army. Thor uses Stormbreaker during Thor: Love and Thunder, but later gives it to Love while reclaiming use of the restored Mjölnir for himself.
- ^ Stan Lee & Kevin Smith (November 6, 2002). Stan Lee’s Mutants, Monsters & Marvels (Video). DHG Productions. Retrieved January 6, 2017.
- ^ Larry Lieber & Roy Thomas (Fall 1999). «Alter Ego 02 : A Conversation with Artist-Writer Larry Lieber». Alter Ego. No. 2. TwoMorrows Publishing.
- ^ Thor Annual #11 (1983)
- ^ a b Journey Into Mystery #88 (Jan. 1963)
- ^ a b c Thor vol. 2 #80 (Aug. 2004)
- ^ The Mighty Thor vol. 2 #12 (Dec. 2016)
- ^ a b c Journey into Mystery #82 (Aug. 1962)
- ^ Journey Into Mystery #83 (Aug. 1962)
- ^ Journey into Mystery #86 (Nov. 1962)
- ^ Thor #282 (April 1979)
- ^ Avengers Forever #8 (July 1999)
- ^ The Avengers #300 (Feb. 1989)
- ^ Journey into Mystery #103 (April 1964)
- ^ Thor #340 (Feb. 1984)
- ^ Thor vol. 3 #1 (2007)
- ^ Thor vol. 2 #1 (July 1998)
- ^ Original Sin #7 (Aug. 2014).
- ^ The Unworthy Thor #5 (May 2017)
- ^ Jason Aaron (w), Russell Dauterman (a). Thor v4, #1 (October 2014), Marvel Comics
- ^ Thor #312 (Oct. 1981)
- ^ The Avengers #68 (Sep. 1969)
- ^ Journey into Mystery #85 (Oct. 1962)
- ^ Thor #407 (Sept. 1989)
- ^ Journey into Mystery #115 (April 1965)
- ^ Thor #161 (Feb. 1969)
- ^ Thor vol. 3 #25 (July 2000)
- ^ Thor vol. 3 #12 (June 1999)
- ^ The Avengers #277 (March 1987)
- ^ The Avengers vol. 3 #44 (Aug. 2001)
- ^ Thor #411–412 (both Dec. 1989)
- ^ The Invaders #33 (Oct. 1978)
- ^ The Mighty Thor #1 vol. 2 (Jan. 2016)
- ^ The Avengers #13 (Feb. 1965)
- ^ Journey into Mystery #120 (Sept. 1965)
- ^ Thor #310 (Aug. 1981)
- ^ Earth’s Mightiest Heroes #1–8 (Jan–May 2005)
- ^ Thor #332 (June 1983)
- ^ Journey into Mystery #118 (July 1965). Repaired Journey into Mystery #120 (Sept. 1965)
- ^ The Avengers#215 (Jan. 1982). Restored in The Avengers#216 (Feb. 1982)
- ^ Thor #388 (Feb. 1988) Restored by the Celestials in Thor #389 (Mar. 1988)
- ^ Thor vol. 2 #11 (May 1999) Restored Thor vol. 2 #11 (June 1999)
- ^ Thor vol. 3 #1 (Sept. 2007)
- ^ The Mighty Thor #700-706 (Dec. 2017-June 2018)
- ^ War of the Realms #1-6 (June-Aug. 2018)
- ^ Marnell, Blair (April 22, 2022). «Who Has Wielded Thor’s Hammer?». Marvel.com. Retrieved April 22, 2022.
- ^ Thor #276 (Oct. 1978)
- ^ Thor #337 (Nov. 1983)
- ^ Thor #355 (May 1985)
- ^ Thor #390 (April 1988)
- ^ Thor #433 (June 1991)
- ^ Thor #600 (April 2009)
- ^ Loki: Agent of Asgard #9 (Dec. 2014)
- ^ Avengers & X-Men: AXIS #9 (Dec. 2014)
- ^ Thor vol. 4 #8 (May 2015)
- ^ Thor vol. 4 #7 (May 2015)
- ^ The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Beats Up the Marvel Universe (Oct.2016)
- ^ Avengers vol. 8 #36 (Sept. 2020)
- ^ King in Black #5 (April 2021)
- ^ Tessier, Colin (January 18, 2019). «Hammer Time: 10 Characters Who Lifted Mjolnir Who Are More Worthy Than Thor (And 10 Who Aren’t)». CBR. Retrieved March 28, 2022.
- ^ Schedeen, Jesse (October 1, 2014). «12 Other Characters Who Have Lifted Thor’s Hammer Mjolnir». IGN. Retrieved March 28, 2022.
- ^ Wyse, Alex (November 13, 2017). «Do You Even Lift: The 15 Least Worthy Characters Ever To Wield Mjolnir». CBR. Retrieved March 28, 2022.
- ^ «Who Has Wielded Thor’s Hammer?». Marvel Entertainment. Retrieved June 3, 2022.
- ^ Marvel Vs. DC #3 (May 1996)
- ^ Avengers/JLA #4 (December 2003)
- ^ Thor #339 (Jan. 1984)
- ^ Thor #459 (Feb. 1993)
- ^ The Uncanny X-Men Annual #9 (1985)
- ^ X-Men: To Serve and Protect #3 (Jan. 2011)
- ^ Deadpool #37 (Feb. 2000)
- ^ The Amazing Spider-Man #520 (Aug. 2005)
- ^ Civil War #1–7 (May 2006–Jan. 2007)
- ^ Lockjaw and the Pet Avengers #1- 4 (July-Oct. 2009)
- ^ The Ultimates #4-13 (March 2002-April 2004)
- ^ Ultimates 3 #5
- ^ Ultimates 2 #4
- ^ The Unworthy Thor #1-5 (Jan.-May 2017)
- ^ The Mighty Thor #20-23 (Aug.-Nov. 2017)
- ^ Bell, Wesley (March 24, 2021). «MCU: Every Phase 1 Post-Credit Scene, Ranked». ScreenRant.
- ^ Brian, Greg (August 15, 2019). «Marvel Directors Confirm Captain America Was Always Worthy to Hold Thor’s Hammer». cheatsheet.com. Retrieved April 19, 2021.
- ^ Welch, Andy (July 7, 2021). «Loki episode five recap: glorious mystery with Richard E Grant». The Guardian. Archived from the original on July 7, 2021. Retrieved July 7, 2021.
- ^ Elvy, Craig (August 18, 2021). «Every MCU Easter Egg In What If? Episode 2». Screen Rant. Archived from the original on August 18, 2021. Retrieved August 22, 2021.
- ^ Collington, Faefyx (September 23, 2021). «The MCU Just Forgot Mjolnir’s Rules». Screen Rant. Retrieved September 27, 2021.
- ^ Chapman, Wilson (April 18, 2022). «‘Thor: Love and Thunder’ Teaser Reveals Natalie Portman as the New Thor». Variety. Archived from the original on April 18, 2022. Retrieved April 18, 2022.
- ^ McMillan, Graeme (April 29, 2018). «How Thor’s Big ‘Avengers’ Moment Played Out in the Comics». hollywoodreporter.com. Hollywood Reporter. Retrieved March 28, 2021.
External links[edit]
- Mjolnir at the Marvel Universe wiki
- Mjolnir on Marvel Database, a Marvel Comics wiki
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mjölnir | |
Mjölnir held by Thor on the cover of |
Publication information | |
Publisher | Marvel Comics |
First appearance | Journey into Mystery #83 (August 1962) |
Created by | Stan Lee Larry Lieber Jack Kirby Joe Sinnott |
In story information | |
Type | Mystic item/artifact, Weapon |
Element of stories featuring | Thor |
Mjolnir, known more formally as Mjölnir () is a fictional magical weapon appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. It is depicted as the principal weapon of the superhero Thor. Mjolnir, which first appears in Journey into Mystery #83 (Aug. 1962), was created by writers Stan Lee and Larry Lieber and designed by artists Jack Kirby and Joe Sinnott.
Mjolnir is typically depicted as a large, square-headed gray sledgehammer, with a short, round handle wrapped in brown leather, culminating in a looped lanyard. The object is based on Mjölnir, the weapon of the mythological Thor.
Publication history[edit]
Mjolnir debuted in Marvel Comics title Journey into Mystery #83 (Aug. 1962), being the means by which physician Donald Blake transformed into thunder god Thor Odinson (by striking it on the ground). The first use of the hammer’s name was in the «Tales of Asgard» feature in Thor #135 (Dec. 1966) in a story by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby. The weapon’s origin is eventually revealed in Thor Annual #11 (1983), with another version presented in Thor vol. 2, #80 (Aug. 2004).
In a 2002 documentary with Kevin Smith, Lee says his brother and co-creator Larry Lieber originally referred to Mjolnir as the «Uru Hammer».[1] Writer Roy Thomas eventually changed the name of the hammer to the mythologically correct name of «Mjolnir» but maintained the Larry Lieber concept of it being composed of fictional metal «uru».[2]
Mjolnir’s origin in Marvel continuity mirrors the original Norse legend. The hammer is created when Odin’s adopted son Loki cuts off the hair of the goddess Sif as part of a cruel jest, and, when threatened with violence by Thor, promises to fetch replacement hair from the dwarf smiths. Loki commissions the hair from the Sons of Ivaldi, and the obliging dwarves create the hair and a magic ship and spear as gifts for the gods. Loki is convinced that no one can match their workmanship, and challenges a dwarf named Eitri to make finer treasures. Eitri creates a golden ring and golden boar spear with magical properties, and then begins work on a hammer. Loki panics at the sight of the treasures, and, afraid he will lose the wager, transforms himself into a gadfly and stings Eitri’s assistant on the brow as he is working the bellows for the forge. The assistant stops for a moment to wipe away the blood, and the bellows fall flat. As a result, the hammer’s handle is shorter in length than Eitri had originally intended, meaning that the hammer could only be wielded one-handed.
Despite the error, the Norse gods consider Eitri to have forged the greater treasures. Loki loses the bet and in retaliation the Sons of Ivaldi sew Loki’s lips shut. The ruler of the Norse gods, Odin, uses the hammer – called Mjolnir («Grinder») by Eitri – and eventually passes it to his son Thor, on the condition that he first prove he is worthy to wield the weapon.[3]
In Thor Annual #11, the origin is changed in small but subtle ways. First, the treasures are commissioned by Odin as gifts for both of his boys, but Loki forfeits his share when he touches Gungnir, Odin’s spear. Secondly, Loki turns into a moth instead of a gadfly, and just annoys Eitri instead of biting him. Thirdly, while the dwarfs still forge the golden duplicating ring known as Draupnir and Mjolnir, instead of making a golden boar spear they just make a magic gold boar that can fly.[4]
In the second volume of Thor, another version of the hammer’s origin is depicted when Odin orders the dwarven blacksmiths Eitri, Brok and Buri to forge Mjolnir using the core of a star.[5]
The series The Mighty Thor provides another version of Mjolnir’s origin: after an extended battle Odin traps a galaxy-sized storm called «Mother Storm» in a nugget of uru, which Odin orders the dwarves to use to create a weapon capable of using Mother Storm’s power.[6]
Odin placed several enchantments upon Mjolnir prior to Thor wielding the hammer:
- No living being may wield it unless they are worthy. This is reflected in the inscription on the side of Mjolnir, which states: Whosoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor.[7] For almost the entirety of Marvel continuity, this has exclusively been Thor.
- Once thrown it will always return to the wielder’s hand after being thrown. By hurling the hammer and holding the lanyard, Thor is capable of flight.[7]
- The wielder can control the elements of storm (lightning, wind, and rain) by stamping its handle twice on the ground.[8]
- Mjolnir can open interdimensional portals, allowing its wielder to travel to other dimensions (such as from Earth to Asgard)[4]
- Also originally capable of creating chronal displacement and therefore allowing time travel.[9] This enchantment was removed by the entity Immortus with Thor’s consent to aid a planet trapped in Limbo.[10] This was eventually revealed to be a deception by Immortus to eliminate the superhero team the Avengers’ access to time travel.[11] Thor, however, is still able to manipulate time with Mjolnir.[12]
- Thor can transform into the guise of a mortal, the physician Donald Blake, by stamping the hammer’s head on the ground once and willing the change. When Thor transforms into Blake, his hammer takes the appearance of a wooden walking cane. Odin also stipulated that if Thor was separated from Mjolnir for more than sixty seconds, he would revert to his mortal persona until striking the cane once again.[13]
The last enchantment was eventually removed and transferred to Stormbreaker, the hammer of character Beta Ray Bill which was commissioned by Odin as a replica of Mjolnir.[14] After this the Donald Blake persona disappeared (eventually returning from the after life[15]), and Thor assumed a civilian identity simply by changing into modern clothing (carrying Mjolnir concealed within a duffel bag). Thor eventually adopts the mortal persona of Jake Olson as penance for accidentally causing the original Olson’s death during a battle, and simply pounds a fist to effect a change. During this period Mjolnir would disappear when Thor became Olson, and reappear when returning to his true form. Thor was also once again bound by the original rule whereby he would revert to Olson if kept away from Mjolnir for more than a minute.[16]
The enchantment eventually changes: during the Original Sin storyline, Nick Fury whispers an undisclosed secret to Thor that causes him to lose the ability to pick up Mjolnir.[17] The change extends to other gods, as Odin also cannot lift it (Fury’s comment to Thor was simply «Gorr was right», validating to Thor that an old foe’s claim that gods brought only pain and suffering was correct).[18] The hammer is subsequently picked up by an unknown female – later revealed to be Jane Foster – who inherits the power and title of Thor, with the inscription changing to read if she be worthy.[19]
Powers and abilities[edit]
- As one of the most formidable weapons known to man or god, Mjolnir is described as impacting with sufficient force to «level mountains» as well as entire worlds. [20] with only fictional metal adamantium proving impervious.[21]
Capable of creating:
- huge vortices[7]
- antimatter particles[22]
- forcefields (capable of containing an explosion that could potentially destroy a galaxy);[23]
- Emitting mystical blasts of energy; controlling electromagnetism; molecular manipulation;[24]
Generating exceptional offensives:
- Geo-Blast (an energy wave that taps a planet’s gravitational force)[25]
- Anti-Force (energy created to counter-act another force)[26]
- God Blast (an energy blast that taps into Thor’s life force)[27]
Mjolnir can also absorb energy;
- draining the Asgardian powers of the Wrecking Crew into the Wrecker[28]
- draining the life-force of villain the Presence[29]
- removing the force field of the villain Juggernaut[30]
The hammer is also capable of empowering others – accidentally endowing the hero Union Jack with the ability to generate electricity[31] – and removing any harmful radiation or other toxins from a host.[32]
There are also several rarely used abilities:
- tracking a person[33]
- locating mystical items[34]
- detecting illusions[35]
- project images, as Thor shows a glimpse of Asgard to fellow Avenger Iron Man.[36]
As a former religious relic, Mjolnir is also lethal to the undead, causing creatures such as vampires to burst into flame and crumble to dust.[37]
Mjolnir is also not indestructible, having been damaged or destroyed several times in continuity: a force beam from the Asgardian Destroyer slices it in two;[38] the Molecule Man dispels the atomic bonds between the hammer’s molecules, vaporizing Mjolnir;[39] shattered after channeling an immeasurable amount of energy at the Celestial Exitar;[40] Dark god Perrikus slices Mjolnir in half with a magical scythe;[41] and shattered when it collided with the uru weapons of Loki’s Storm Giant followers, resulting in an atomic-scale explosion.[5] Mjolnir was not recreated after this last incident until Thor returned to Earth several years later.[42]
Temporary wielder Jane Foster sacrifices Mjolnir and herself to defeat the monster Mangog by hurling them all into the Sun. Thor and Odin are able to resurrect Jane, who subsequently presents Thor with the last fragment of his hammer.[43]
During the War of the Realms storyline, Thor is able to channel the power of the ancient Mother Storm to reforge Mjolnir, declaring that Gorr was right and vowing to prove himself better than the gods who had come before.[44]
Other than Thor and Odin, certain other individuals have proven worthy of lifting Mjolnir in the primary continuity:[45]
- Roger «Red» Norvell[46] (a deliberate ruse by Odin)
- Beta Ray Bill[47]
- Buri (also known as Tiwaz, Thor’s great-grandfather)[48]
- Captain America in his «The Captain» role[49]
- Eric Masterson[50]
- Bor (Thor’s grandfather)[51]
- Loki[52][53]
- Jane Foster[54]
- The Destroyer[55]
- Squirrel Girl[56]
- Black Panther (of Avengers 1,000,000 B.C.)[57]
- Eddie Brock (with help from the Enigma Force)[58]
Alternate versions of the Silver Surfer, Conan, Black Widow, and Valkyrie have lifted Mjolnir through worthiness. Other Marvel characters have lifted Mjolnir not through worthiness but through technicalities such as absorbing Thor’s powers, including the Air-Walker, Awesome Android, Magneto, Rogue, Wonder Man, and Doctor Doom.[59][60][61]
Moon Knight[62] also has the ability to lift Mjolnir as it is made from Uru, a metal ore from the moon of a dead universe. So, with the help of Khonshu’s influence, Moon Knight has the ability to control the hammer.
Two DC Comics characters have lifted Mjolnir in Marvel/DC crossover events:
- Wonder Woman[63]
- Superman with Odin’s permission, and was unable to lift it later.[64]
Several imitations of Mjolnir have also existed:
- Odin gifts the hammer Stormbreaker to Beta Ray Bill[65]
- Odin gifts the mace Thunderstrike to Thunderstrike[66]
- Loki creates the hammer Stormcaster for Storm in an attempt to control her,[67] but she uses Mjolnir to destroy it[68]
- Loki provides another version to Deadpool to spite Thor[69]
- Loki also allows Surtur to use the forge Mjolnir was created from to craft copies during Ragnarok[5]
- HYDRA creates an evil version of Thor wielding a technological imitation of Mjolnir[70]
- Tony Stark and Reed Richards create an imitation Mjolnir for their clone Ragnarok[71]
- The frog Throg discovers a sliver of Mjolnir that transforms into the hammer Frogjolnir[72]
Other versions[edit]
In the Ultimate Marvel imprint title The Ultimates and its sequel The Ultimates 2, the Ultimate version of Thor wields a Mjolnir styled after a classical war hammer, with no restrictions on who can wield it.[73][74] The origin of this Mlojnir is first told in Ultimates 2 when the European Defense Initiative were making a Norway super soldier program involving a battery-powered suit and hammer with the hammer acting as a portable power unit, though twisted by Loki’s manipulations of reality tricking everyone that Thor was actually his mentally unbalanced brother who stole the suit.[75] In Ultimate Comics: Thor, the traditional hammer appears made by Odin’s workers and sought after by Loki on Earth. This version was used a plot device when the hammer temporarily crossed over into the mainstream Earth-616 universe,[76] being found and used by the Asgardian Volstagg and later Jane Foster before being destroyed. The surviving fragments are reassembled into another weapon for Foster once she abandons the Thor persona.[77]
Marvel Cinematic Universe[edit]
Mjolnir is a recurring item throughout the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) media franchise, most often used by Thor. Like its comic book counterpart, it is a powerful Asgardian hammer used as an offensive, defensive, and projectile weapon. It is capable of controlling and conjuring weather including lightning, and allows the carrier to fly if the hammer is spun and released with enough power. Mjolnir is enchanted by Odin, requiring any person who lifts it to be «worthy» and grants the user «the power of Thor» if they are able to do so.
- Mjolnir is first seen in the MCU in a post-credits scene in Iron Man 2 (2010), in which S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Phil Coulson reports on the hammer being found in an impact crater in the New Mexican desert.[78]
- In Thor (2011), the hammer is used by Thor as he battles hordes of Frost Giants on Jotunheim. Odin strips Thor of his power and casts him and Mjolnir to Earth. Crowds of humans gather in an effort to lift it, attracting the attention of S.H.I.E.L.D. Thor eventually finds Mjolnir but is unable to lift it until he later proves his worthiness by sacrificing his life against the Destroyer. The hammer appears to instantly heal his injuries when he holds it and he uses it to defeat the Destroyer. He battles Loki with it, countering Gungnir, Odin’s staff, and uses the hammer to destroy the Bifröst Bridge.
- In The Avengers (2012), Thor uses the hammer in combat throughout. He battles Tony Stark in his Iron Man armor, and Stark’s arc reactor is able to absorb the lightning conjured by Mjolnir to increase his armor’s power. It clashes with Steve Rogers’ vibranium shield, creating a massive shockwave that knocks both parties down. Thor also battles The Hulk (who fails to lift it during the confrontation), Loki, and Chitauri soldiers. During the Battle of New York, he uses the hammer to bottleneck the massive portal above New York City, combining its lightning with the Chrysler Building as an amplifier to destroy numerous Chitauri reinforcements and their Leviathans.
- In Thor: The Dark World (2013), Thor uses the hammer throughout to battle the Dark Elf Malekith and his minions.
- In Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015), Thor uses the hammer in battle against Hydra soldiers, hitting it against Rogers’ shield to create massive shockwaves capable of destroying tanks. When Thor challenges the other Avengers to lift Mjolnir at a party, all fail save for Rogers, who manages to move it slightly, shocking Thor.[79] When Stark and Banner create the Vision, the Avengers are mistrustful of the synthezoid until he casually lifts Mjolnir. Later, the Vision is shown capable of using the hammer during a fight. Stark and Rogers later jest that Vision is not truly «worthy» as he is an artificial intelligence, comparing him to an elevator that would continue to work if Mjolnir were placed inside.
- In Thor: Ragnarok (2017), Thor uses the hammer to defeat the fire demon Surtur and his minions. When Odin dies, Thor’s sister Hela escapes from her prison. Thor throws Mjolnir at her but she catches and destroys it. Thor’s exploration of Hela’s origins reveals to him that Mjolnir was originally her weapon. Odin tells Thor that the hammer is also a means to control his power and that it alone does not make him the «God of Thunder».
- In Avengers: Endgame (2019), Thor retrieves an alternate version of Mjolnir from Asgard in an alternate 2013 timeline during the «Time Heist» to gather the Infinity Stones and undo the Blip. When he returns to the main timeline, he brings Mjolnir with him and uses it during the fight against an alternate Thanos. Thor combines it with Stormbreaker, and uses its lightning to supercharge Stark’s Iron Man armor during their fight. When Thanos overwhelms and nearly kills Thor, Rogers uses Mjolnir to save Thor’s life, who is pleased to confirm his suspicions about Rogers’ worthiness. Rogers battles Thanos with it, combining the hammer with his shield for offensive and defensive combination attacks. Rogers is also able to conjure lightning. During the final battle with Thanos and his entire army, Rogers uses Mjolnir as he leads the Avengers and their allies into battle. Following Thanos’ defeat, Rogers returns Mjolnir to its timeline.
- A broken, alternate version of Mjolnir owned by Throg appears in the fifth episode of Loki (2021) in the Void.[80]
- An alternate version of Mjolnir appears in the second episode of What If…? (2021) as part of the Collector’s collection on Knowhere.[81] Another version appears in the seventh episode, which Thor uses to fight against Captain Marvel. For unexplained reasons, Thor remains the only one able to lift the hammer in this universe despite Odin never shown enchanting it with the «worthy» spell.[82]
- Mjolnir returns in Thor: Love and Thunder (2022) with Jane Foster wielding a reconstructed version of the hammer. Now using the alias of Mighty Thor, she uses the hammer in the battle against Gorr the God Butcher and his forces.[83] When Foster is diagnosed with terminal cancer, she researches that Mjolnir gives its wielder enhanced strength and stamina. She travels to New Asgard in search of the remnants of Mjolnir, which reassembles itself in Jane’s presence and proclaims her worthy, surprising Thor when he meets her again. Now when the hammer is launched from its wielder, it can separate into its fragments to hit multiple targets at once before reassembling. A flashback reveals that years earlier, Thor unknowingly enchanted Mjolnir to protect her. Foster learns that use of the hammer is actually exacerbating her cancer by draining her life force. In the final confrontation with Gorr, she uses the hammer to destroy the Necrosword, at the cost of her life. Thor once again takes possession of Mjolnir following her death.
- In Avengers: Infinity War (2018), Thor travels to Nidavellir with Rocket and Groot to ask the dwarf king Eitri for a replacement weapon. Eitri has a design called Stormbreaker prepared, an axe meant to be the most powerful in the Asgardian king’s arsenal with powers similar to Mjolnir and capable of summoning the Bifröst Bridge.[84] Thor helps Eitri restart the damaged forge to heat the ore, and Groot creates a handle to finish the axe. Stormbreaker is capable of conjuring massive lightning attacks, allows Thor to fly, and serves as a two-handed offensive weapon capable of withstanding attacks from the Infinity Gauntlet. He continues to wield it during Avengers: Endgame, and uses the axe to decapitate Thanos and later to battle the alternate version of Thanos and his army. Thor uses Stormbreaker during Thor: Love and Thunder, but later gives it to Love while reclaiming use of the restored Mjölnir for himself.
- ^ Stan Lee & Kevin Smith (November 6, 2002). Stan Lee’s Mutants, Monsters & Marvels (Video). DHG Productions. Retrieved January 6, 2017.
- ^ Larry Lieber & Roy Thomas (Fall 1999). «Alter Ego 02 : A Conversation with Artist-Writer Larry Lieber». Alter Ego. No. 2. TwoMorrows Publishing.
- ^ Thor Annual #11 (1983)
- ^ a b Journey Into Mystery #88 (Jan. 1963)
- ^ a b c Thor vol. 2 #80 (Aug. 2004)
- ^ The Mighty Thor vol. 2 #12 (Dec. 2016)
- ^ a b c Journey into Mystery #82 (Aug. 1962)
- ^ Journey Into Mystery #83 (Aug. 1962)
- ^ Journey into Mystery #86 (Nov. 1962)
- ^ Thor #282 (April 1979)
- ^ Avengers Forever #8 (July 1999)
- ^ The Avengers #300 (Feb. 1989)
- ^ Journey into Mystery #103 (April 1964)
- ^ Thor #340 (Feb. 1984)
- ^ Thor vol. 3 #1 (2007)
- ^ Thor vol. 2 #1 (July 1998)
- ^ Original Sin #7 (Aug. 2014).
- ^ The Unworthy Thor #5 (May 2017)
- ^ Jason Aaron (w), Russell Dauterman (a). Thor v4, #1 (October 2014), Marvel Comics
- ^ Thor #312 (Oct. 1981)
- ^ The Avengers #68 (Sep. 1969)
- ^ Journey into Mystery #85 (Oct. 1962)
- ^ Thor #407 (Sept. 1989)
- ^ Journey into Mystery #115 (April 1965)
- ^ Thor #161 (Feb. 1969)
- ^ Thor vol. 3 #25 (July 2000)
- ^ Thor vol. 3 #12 (June 1999)
- ^ The Avengers #277 (March 1987)
- ^ The Avengers vol. 3 #44 (Aug. 2001)
- ^ Thor #411–412 (both Dec. 1989)
- ^ The Invaders #33 (Oct. 1978)
- ^ The Mighty Thor #1 vol. 2 (Jan. 2016)
- ^ The Avengers #13 (Feb. 1965)
- ^ Journey into Mystery #120 (Sept. 1965)
- ^ Thor #310 (Aug. 1981)
- ^ Earth’s Mightiest Heroes #1–8 (Jan–May 2005)
- ^ Thor #332 (June 1983)
- ^ Journey into Mystery #118 (July 1965). Repaired Journey into Mystery #120 (Sept. 1965)
- ^ The Avengers#215 (Jan. 1982). Restored in The Avengers#216 (Feb. 1982)
- ^ Thor #388 (Feb. 1988) Restored by the Celestials in Thor #389 (Mar. 1988)
- ^ Thor vol. 2 #11 (May 1999) Restored Thor vol. 2 #11 (June 1999)
- ^ Thor vol. 3 #1 (Sept. 2007)
- ^ The Mighty Thor #700-706 (Dec. 2017-June 2018)
- ^ War of the Realms #1-6 (June-Aug. 2018)
- ^ Marnell, Blair (April 22, 2022). «Who Has Wielded Thor’s Hammer?». Marvel.com. Retrieved April 22, 2022.
- ^ Thor #276 (Oct. 1978)
- ^ Thor #337 (Nov. 1983)
- ^ Thor #355 (May 1985)
- ^ Thor #390 (April 1988)
- ^ Thor #433 (June 1991)
- ^ Thor #600 (April 2009)
- ^ Loki: Agent of Asgard #9 (Dec. 2014)
- ^ Avengers & X-Men: AXIS #9 (Dec. 2014)
- ^ Thor vol. 4 #8 (May 2015)
- ^ Thor vol. 4 #7 (May 2015)
- ^ The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Beats Up the Marvel Universe (Oct.2016)
- ^ Avengers vol. 8 #36 (Sept. 2020)
- ^ King in Black #5 (April 2021)
- ^ Tessier, Colin (January 18, 2019). «Hammer Time: 10 Characters Who Lifted Mjolnir Who Are More Worthy Than Thor (And 10 Who Aren’t)». CBR. Retrieved March 28, 2022.
- ^ Schedeen, Jesse (October 1, 2014). «12 Other Characters Who Have Lifted Thor’s Hammer Mjolnir». IGN. Retrieved March 28, 2022.
- ^ Wyse, Alex (November 13, 2017). «Do You Even Lift: The 15 Least Worthy Characters Ever To Wield Mjolnir». CBR. Retrieved March 28, 2022.
- ^ «Who Has Wielded Thor’s Hammer?». Marvel Entertainment. Retrieved June 3, 2022.
- ^ Marvel Vs. DC #3 (May 1996)
- ^ Avengers/JLA #4 (December 2003)
- ^ Thor #339 (Jan. 1984)
- ^ Thor #459 (Feb. 1993)
- ^ The Uncanny X-Men Annual #9 (1985)
- ^ X-Men: To Serve and Protect #3 (Jan. 2011)
- ^ Deadpool #37 (Feb. 2000)
- ^ The Amazing Spider-Man #520 (Aug. 2005)
- ^ Civil War #1–7 (May 2006–Jan. 2007)
- ^ Lockjaw and the Pet Avengers #1- 4 (July-Oct. 2009)
- ^ The Ultimates #4-13 (March 2002-April 2004)
- ^ Ultimates 3 #5
- ^ Ultimates 2 #4
- ^ The Unworthy Thor #1-5 (Jan.-May 2017)
- ^ The Mighty Thor #20-23 (Aug.-Nov. 2017)
- ^ Bell, Wesley (March 24, 2021). «MCU: Every Phase 1 Post-Credit Scene, Ranked». ScreenRant.
- ^ Brian, Greg (August 15, 2019). «Marvel Directors Confirm Captain America Was Always Worthy to Hold Thor’s Hammer». cheatsheet.com. Retrieved April 19, 2021.
- ^ Welch, Andy (July 7, 2021). «Loki episode five recap: glorious mystery with Richard E Grant». The Guardian. Archived from the original on July 7, 2021. Retrieved July 7, 2021.
- ^ Elvy, Craig (August 18, 2021). «Every MCU Easter Egg In What If? Episode 2». Screen Rant. Archived from the original on August 18, 2021. Retrieved August 22, 2021.
- ^ Collington, Faefyx (September 23, 2021). «The MCU Just Forgot Mjolnir’s Rules». Screen Rant. Retrieved September 27, 2021.
- ^ Chapman, Wilson (April 18, 2022). «‘Thor: Love and Thunder’ Teaser Reveals Natalie Portman as the New Thor». Variety. Archived from the original on April 18, 2022. Retrieved April 18, 2022.
- ^ McMillan, Graeme (April 29, 2018). «How Thor’s Big ‘Avengers’ Moment Played Out in the Comics». hollywoodreporter.com. Hollywood Reporter. Retrieved March 28, 2021.
External links[edit]
- Mjolnir at the Marvel Universe wiki
- Mjolnir on Marvel Database, a Marvel Comics wiki
Whosoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor.
- —Mjolnir’s enchantment[src]
Mjolnir (literally, «grinder» as in «grindstone», cf. «meal» to «Mjöl») is the enchanted hammer wielded by the Asgardian; Thor, the Norse God of Thunder.[3] The Uru hammer which grants him many of his powers and abilities. Forged by Eitri and the Dwarves of Nidavellir in the heart of a dying star.[4] Mjolnir is enchanted so it can only be wielded by those who are deemed «worthy».[3]
Ages ago, a moon made of Uru was shattered during a battle between two Elder Gods, with one of the pieces eventually crashing to Nidavellir and being claimed by the dwarves.[5] The dwarves bestowed this chunk of Uru to Odin, the recently-crowned All-Father of the Asgardians, as a gift after he saved their realm from an invasion of Trolls. Some time later, an unimaginably powerful cosmic storm called the God Tempest approached Asgard, and Odin battled the storm for many days to defend his kingdom. Once the storm was weakened enough, Odin defeated the God Tempest by trapping it in the chunk of Uru.[4]
Dwarves forging Mjolnir
From the Uru, Odin ordered the Dwarves of Nidavellir to forge Mjolnir.[6] On the Godmaker forge,[7] the blacksmiths Eitri, Brokk,[8] and Buri[6] needed to use the tremendous heat of a star to get the forge hot enough to manipulate the Uru. The hammer was completed in seventeen weeks.[4] In the process the star exploded and almost took Midgard with it; that event may explain the extinction of the Dinosaurs, about 65 million years ago.[6] After Mjolnir landed on Earth, Odin retrieved it.[9]
Odin seals Mjolnir after failing to control its power.
When Odin first tried to wield Mjolnir, he couldn’t control it due to the God Tempest still retaining its power. The hammer devastated Asgard as it flew out of control. Out of spite, Odin cast an enchantment on the hammer to prevent anyone else from wielding it. Despite struggling to control it, Odin wielded Mjolnir during his tenure as a member of the prehistoric Avengers, but after he assumed the throne the hammer was stored away in Asgard’s armory, where it sat for untold ages. The God Tempest purportedly died, but its power would remain inside Mjolnir.[9][4]
Although powerful in and of itself, the hammer also received several potent spells from Odin, who slew the Frost Giant Laufey with it.[10]
Much later, Mjolnir was bequeathed to his son Thor, after he proved himself worthy through several trials.[11] With few exceptions, Thor has carried Mjolnir throughout his adventures. Thus, the history of Mjolnir follows that of Thor. Although Asgard was destroyed in Ragnarök, Thor and the hammer, survived.[12]
Modern Age
After Nick Fury whispered Thor a revelation that consolidated the God of Thunder’s deepest belief, that of Gorr the God-Butcher being right about claiming the gods were selfish and uncaring for mortals, Thor lost his confidence about his godhood and consequently his ability to wield Mjolnir.[13] The hammer laid on the Moon, mostly untouched, where it was eventually lifted by its new wielder,[14] Thor’s former lover, Jane Foster.[15] During this time, the inscription of the enchantment changed to «if she be worthy.»[14]
During Hydra’s takeover of the United States, Jane Foster was separated from the hammer and an alternate evil version of Captain America lifted it to prove the worthiness of his cause.[16] Without his knowledge, Madame Hydra had used a Cosmic Cube shard to alter the hammer’s enchantment so it could be lifted by the «strongest» rather than the «worthy.» When the real Steve Rogers returned and confronted his evil self, the alterations to Mjolnir had faded away, and the evil Captain America failed to lift the hammer when he tried to. Following the defeat of the evil Captain America, Mjolnir was returned to Jane Foster.[17]
Jane Foster had been fighting cancer even before lifting Mjolnir. Unfortunately for her, all progress from chemotherapy became lost whenever she used Mjolnir to transform into Thor. Since the magical transformation purged all toxins from Jane’s body, it did so to the chemotherapy drugs, but left the cancer behind since it was part of her body.[18] Jane attempted to let go of using Mjolnir for the sake of her health, but saw herself forced to return to action to confront the Mangog, even if that meant that she would die if she transformed back one last time.[19] Following an arduous fight, Jane tied the Mangog up with chains originally created to bind the Fenris Wolf, and fastened them to Mjolnir so she could hurl the monster into the Sun. With the Mangog dead and Mjolnir destroyed, Jane returned to her human form and succumbed to her cancer;[20] however, she was successfully revived by the Asgardians and the God Tempest, which had been set free following Mjolnir’s destruction. Jane later handed Thor a small piece of Mjolnir she was able to retrieve.[21]
Mjolnir reforged
Near the end of the War of the Realms, Thor nailed himself to Yggdrasil, which was growing out of the surface of the Sun to gain knowledge on how to rescue his parents from the clutches of Malekith. Thor was forced to sacrifice one of his eyes and the last remaining shard of Mjolnir in his possession to unlock the answers. During the final battle against Malekith, the God Tempest manifested in the Sun, and Thor commanded it from Earth to reforge his weapon. The restored Mjolnir then made landfall at Thor’s feet, becoming able to wield it once again upon his realization that the constant struggle to be worthy was itself what made him worthy. Its inscription was also changed to «if they be worthy.»[22] However, unbeknownst to Thor, Mangog’s dark essence was absorbed by the reforged Mjolnir and melded with that of the God Tempest, giving the hammer sentience.[23]
Mjolnir as the God of Hammers.
Despite becoming worthy again, Thor noticed Mjolnir becoming heavier to lift after becoming Asgard’s new All-Father,[24] the will of the hammer deeming him unworthy of wielding it.[23] After performing a test in Broxton, Thor discovered that something had happened to Mjolnir’s worthiness enchantment, causing everyone else to become worthy to wield Mjolnir while it became more difficult for him to wield it.[25] Thor eventually deduced that this was because — as king — he was no longer Asgard’s lead warrior, and he left the unruly hammer at Avengers Mountain for safekeeping.[26] Manifesting a feminine humanoid avatar from the God Tempest’s divine lightning, Mjolnir embarked on a rampage across the Ten Realms; committing a genocide against the dwarves of Nidavellir and annihilating the city of Broxton. When confronted by Thor, Mjolnir’s avatar dubbed herself the «God of Hammers» after a prophecy said to bring about Asgard’s ruination.[27] Shattering one of Thor’s arms, the God of Hammers was stopped from killing him by the intervention of Odin and Sif, who used the Bifrost to transport Mjolnir to the farthest reaches of the cosmos. Mjolnir returned within seconds and broke Odin’s spine, revealing to Thor that being «worthy» of Mjolnir had never been about being a noble warrior or true of heart, but having the bloodlust and will to use the hammer for its intended purpose: as a weapon. Sneering that she had grown bored of his speeches and politicking, the God of Hammers revealed that after being reforged she had absorbed the Mangog’s dark essence and was consumed by its ineffable rage and hatred.[23] After Odin sacrificed himself to bestow Thor with the entirety of the Power of the All-Father,[28] an enraged Thor teleported the God of Hammers to the forge where Mjolnir was made, the Godmaker. Igniting the forge with the heat of a billion suns, Thor burned the God Tempest’s corrupted essence out of the hammer, shattering it in the process.
With Thor lapsing into the Odinsleep for four months, his sister Angela enlisted the Angels of Heven to gather the pieces and restore it, leaving Mjolnir seemingly powerless and covered in glowing golden cracks,[29] and Odin’s spirit now inhabitanting it as he was unable to rest in Valhalla.[30]
Mjolnir was crafted from a nugget of Uru, a powerful nigh-invulnerable Asgardian metal.[6] Additional enchantments placed upon it by Odin made it virtually indestructible.[10] It has survived heat as extreme as the heart of suns and blasts powerful enough to destroy planets. Almost nothing is capable of withstanding a blow from Mjolnir, not even the armor of the powerful Celestials.[31] A rare exception is primary adamantium.[32]
In later years, Mjolnir demonstrated to possess remnants of the God Tempest’s sentience. Moving on its own,[33] and preventing Odin from lifting it.[14] Mjolnir could even temporarily project a physical form capable of talking, though this power required a great deal of energy and would likely be at least a hundred years before it could be done again.[33] As the «God of Hammers», Mjolnir created a feminine avatar out of divine lightning to wield itself and confront Thor.[1]
Worthiness Enchantment
One of the hammer’s most notable attributes is its worthiness enchantment. This spell surrounding Mjolnir prevents it from being wielded by anyone save those who have been found worthy. To anyone else, Mjolnir can’t be lifted from the ground. Those who are deemed worthy are able to wield Thor’s powers and access to the hammer’s countless mystical attributes and powers such as manipulation of the fundamental forces of the universes, including the electromagnetic spectrum[34] and gravity.[35]
The enchantment is so powerful that even with the hammer cut in half, it’s still in effect.[36] As the true master of Mjolnir, Thor can also will unto others the ability to wield the mystical hammer. Odin himself can also alter the enchantment, allowing somebody the hammer wouldn’t naturally deem worthy to use it,[37] or preventing somebody, even Thor, from lifting it.[38] The hammer can be lifted, though its powers not used, in the vacuum of space, where no gravity can keep it down.[39][40] The enchantment can be altered, thus allowing somebody not worthy to wield it, with the use of reality-warping.[17]
Mjolnir and its user share a mystical link that allows the latter to command the hammer. If the wielder’s will is strong enough, the hammer can pass through nearly any barrier to reach them should they so choose; Mjolnir will even carve its way through the very center of entire planets to get back to its master.[41] Mjolnir can also transform its user into his civilian guises. When Thor was a civilian, the hammer most often became an old wooden cane. While employing a mortal guise, Thor would transform back into his mortal form if he was separated from Mjolnir for more than sixty seconds.[42]
Powers granted unto its wielder
- Weather Manipulation: Wielding Mjolnir grants its master the ability to control the base elements of a storm, i.e. rain, wind, thunder, lightning and more (although Thor can control them by himself, it seems that Mjolnir boosts his ability of controlling the base elements of a storm). They can create giant raging electrical storms complete with thunder, lightning, hurricane-force winds, tornadoes, blizzards, tidal waves, exploding volcanoes, earthquakes and torrential rains across entire planets at a moment’s notice. It can also create any of these phenomena individually. Another aspect of this power allows them to stop any of these weather conditions instantly as well. Its user can create storms on a planetary wide scale or larger if needed, and is not limited to the normal limits of Mother Nature and can go beyond and defy what natural weather can do such as creating rain in space where there is no atmosphere. The ability of Mjolnir’s wielder to control and create storms extends to any and all storms as he has been shown to control and create raging temporal storms in time, create Solar Flares, powerful stellar winds in space and so on.
- Flight: Mjolnir’s user is capable of hurling Mjolnir with great force and, by holding onto the leather thong, is capable of flying through the air at tremendous speeds. While in an Earth-like atmosphere, Thor generally flew at roughly the Speed of Sound, roughly 770 miles per hour. Thor could fly so fast that he is invisible to the naked eye.[43] He has been clocked flying at three times the speed of light,[44] and is capable of achieving speeds far greater than that. It has been established that the speed of Thor’s hammer transcends both time and space.[45] Mjolnir can also perform complicated maneuvers in the air,[46] and change course in mid-flight at the speed of thought.[47] By spinning Mjolnir at high speeds over his head, Thor has been able to hover in midair.
- Energy Projection: With Mjolnir, its wielder can project powerful mystical beams of energy. He can even channel energies for stronger energy attacks.
- God-Blast: Thor is capable of channeling different amounts of his godly energies in combination with the mystical properties of Mjolnir can be channeled through his hammer for a single massive energy beam known as the God-Blast.[31][48] His godly energy is so vast and powerful, that even when reinforced with the Belt of Strength, which should double Mjolnir’s fortification and durability, when Thor channeled his godly energies into Mjolnir to destroy the Brain Dome of the mighty Celestial Exitar,[31] the hammer shattered from the amount of power Thor channeled. The God-Blast is so immensely powerful and destructive that it has proven capable of destroying beings as large and as powerful as Galactus, who was forced to flee for his life.[49] Thor can send the God-Blast to the core of Ego the Living Planet and Alter Ego and render both comatose.[50] He used the God-Blast to defeat Surtur and Ymir.[51] Thor used the God-Blast to stop the Juggernaut (Cain Marko) while he was in motion and to push him back, letting fall him in a hole.[52] Thor used the God-Blast to defeat the skymother Majeston Zelia, who absorbed the Odin-Force.[53]
- Anti-Force: Thor is capable of producing an indescribably powerful blast known as the Anti-Force which is capable of annihilating entire planets.[53] This blast is so powerful that with just a single emission, Thor was capable of putting down and seemingly killing the powerful entity Mangog himself.[54]
- Thermo-Blast: Thor has the ability to produce a universe shaking Thermo-Blast capable of decimating even entire planets and beings as powerful as Ego the Living Planet.[55]
- Energy Sensing: Mjolnir can detect practically all types of energy.[56][57][58] It reacts particularly strongly to evil psychic energy,[59] and supernatural energy.[60] Mjolnir can also track down the energy pattern of someone in hiding,[61] detect any Asgardian’s aura by their electrons discharge,[62] and can sense and track the energy radiating from mystical objects.[63]
- Energy Absorption and Redirection: Thor is able to use Mjolnir to absorb any energy blasts directed towards him as means of attack. Once the energy is absorbed, Thor can redirect it back amplified many times over towards the source and/or use it as a weapon of his own. Thor has used Mjolnir to reflect the vast and hazardous amounts of energy being emitted by the biological weapon implanted within the Wasp’s body by the Skrulls back at her while all of Earth’s other super humans were helpless. Thor used Mjolnir to absorb Ultron’s entire energy source, the Silver Surfer’s Power Cosmic,[64] Sky-Walker’s Cosmic Tempest,[65] radioactive energy,[66] magnetism[67] such as Magneto’s personal magnetic field,[68] and a portion of Pangoria’s planetary magnetic field. Mjolnir’s ability to absorb energy is so powerful he managed to absorb, contain and redirect the entire energy of the Null Bomb, which was powerful enough to destroy the entire galaxy,[69] absorb mystical energies, such as Pluto’s mystic flame.[70] He was even able to absorb a portion of the mystical energies from every god pantheon on Earth,[71] and absorbed the electromagnetic energies of the Celestial Mother-ship.[72]
- Teleportation: By grasping Mjolnir by the leather thong and rapidly swirling it, Thor can channel energies for the purpose of Wormholes through means of a vortex[73] and in this vortex time has no meaning, which means he and others can pass through it to their destinations instantaneously.[74] He can open gateways which allow him to travel across locations no matter how great the distance within moments or even across entire dimensions, as he does when he travels from Asgard to Earth and vice-versa.[75][76] Thor has used Mjolnir to rip the fabric of the universe to send Surtur and Ymir to the Death Dimension[51] and send an entire population to Limbo,[77] Thor can also use Mjolnir to travel through portals anywhere within the same dimension.[78]
- Matter Manipulation: By spinning Mjolnir in a precise manner at cyclotronic speeds, Thor can manipulate matter from a molecular level to a vast scale, which allows him to create other configurations and even allows him to transmute the elements themselves. This ability was evident when he transmuted the Absorbing Man’s wood and iron body to the gas helium.[60]
- Nether World Power: Thor can use Mjolnir to tap into the power of the Nether Worlds (dark dimensions).[79]
- Cosmic Energy: Mjolnir allows Thor to produce and control Cosmic Energy to an unknown limit for a variety of purposes.[80]
- Electromagnetic Spectrum Manipulation: Thor was able to absorb and manipulate the electromagnetic energies of the Celestial Mothership.[72]
- Invisibility and Intangibility: Thor can turn himself or others, using Mjolnir, completely intangible and/or invisible.[81] An offshoot of this ability is that Thor can use Mjolnir to completely disrupt the phasing abilities of super humans such as the Vision, Shadowcat etc.[82]
- Event Recall: Thor can use Mjolnir to recall past events.[83]
- Transmigration of Souls: Thor’s hammer has the ability to manipulate souls.[84]
- Life Force Absorption: Thor used this ability on the super villain the Presence, who was forced to surrender to prevent himself from being reduced to a lifeless husk.[85]
- Illusion Detection: Mjolnir can distinguish images, holograms, and different illusions from reality: Thor once commanded the hammer to strike the demon lord Mephisto, who was hiding among false images of himself.[86]
- Interdimensional Messaging: Thor can used Mjolnir to send psychic messages between the nine realms.
- Transformation: When Thor was living on Earth under his mortal guise, he could use Mjolnir to transfer from his Donald Blake persona into Thor and vice versa. Thor loses this ability when Odin permanently separates the two personas. The transformation returns after Odin’s death and Ragnarök restore Donald Blake to existence, allowing him to draw Thor back to Earth from the void once he finds the hammer, but for a time the two share an existence where they are distinct individuals who nevertheless have a similar memory.
- Immunity to Other Forces: Even without activating the powers of Mjolnir, Thor’s hammer, enchanted by Odin, is impervious to nearly all forms of change, as he himself claimed that no power in the universe but the All-Father’s could affect Mjolnir, shown when Amora’s magical efforts during her first confrontation with Thor to change it into a deadly serpent availed her naught.
- Allspeak: Thanks to the Allspeak, the wielder of Mjolnir can communicate with and be understood by all races.
Former Powers
* Chronokinesis: Thor, at one point, had the ability to use Mjolnir to travel through time.[87] By spinning Mjolnir faster than light, Thor could open a portal to the fourth dimension of time to travel to the past and the future.[87][88][89] Thor no longer possesses this ability because he voluntarily let the temporal energies of the hammer be drained when Immortus asked Thor to use Mjolnir to save the planet Phantus and bring it back out of Limbo and into the space-time continuum.[90]
- Force Fields: With Mjolnir, Thor was capable of creating powerful barriers, force fields, and vortexes that were impenetrable. Not even Earth’s most advanced weapons could weaken Thor’s barrier field that shielded the U.N. Headquarters.[91] Thor stated that he could have contained a cosmic flash attack from Stellaris, this blast was strong enough to destroy Midgard.[92] These vortexes and barriers were so immensely durable that Thor was able to prevent a live bomb from detonating, which is so powerful it was said capable of destroying a fifth of the Prime Marvel Universe.[93]
- Resurrection: While channeling his power through Mjolnir, Thor was able to resurrect a man he had wrongly killed.[94]
- Alpha Particles: Thor’s hammer could harness Alpha Particles from the atmosphere and could use it to atomize any weaponry.[88]
- Negation of Mystic Energy: He used this ability on the Juggernaut himself to negate the mystical energies that grant him his mystical invulnerability, allowing him to defeat Juggernaut in combat. He was also able to stop Mephisto from taking human souls to the Dark Dimension.[86]
- Undead Lethality: As a former religious relic, Mjolnir was lethal to undead. Thor once threw Mjolnir at a vampire, with contact causing the creature to burst into flame and crumble to dust.[95]
Alternate Reality Versions
Image | Description | Issue |
In Earth-1610, Thor has multiple hammers which carry the name Mjolnir, and he can wield whichever he deems fit. His original hammer was forged by Odin and carried with it a piece of Asgard so that even if Ragnarök ever took place, Asgard could be reborn. This hammer shares the same powers as the classic version of the hammer, but can also teleport objects and people of a vast quantity and does not have the worthiness restriction, allowing anyone to use it. When Ragnarök inevitably occurred, Thor was reborn on Earth as a human being named Thorlief Goleman and eventually worked for the E.D.I. as a test subject for their Bio-Mech Suit, which came with an axe-hammer hybrid. At Thor’s suggestion, the hammer actually housed the battery which powers the suit.[96] Thor became a super-powered humanitarian, using the suit as his source of his powers since he was no longer a god.[97] Through Loki’s deceit, Thor was stripped of the harness and hammer, rendering him powerless. Odin was eventually reborn, and thus Thor would regain his godhood. Odin then gave Thor a second version of Mjolnir that resembled the Earth-made axe-hammer.[98]
During a brief battle with an Alternate Universe, Mjolnir was taken by Hyperion and used against Thor. Hyperion, thinking Thor beaten, simply dropped the hammer as he no longer needed it.[99] Thor eventually went back to wielding his original Asgardian hammer. After the Ultimates battled Ultron and Magneto, Thor lost his hammer to Magneto, who was able to manipulate it because iron was used in its construction.[100] Magneto then wielded it as a sign of power while he caused a flood which killed many inhabitants of New York. Thor sacrificed himself to Valhalla in order to save the life of Valkyrie. When the remaining heroes defeated and killed Magneto, Valkyrie became the new wielder of Mjolnir.[101] Eventually the Defenders managed to steal it from her and deliver it to their master, Loki. Loki then used Mjolnir to transport his Troll Army from Asgard to New York in a plot to bring Thor back from Valhalla. Thor inevitably returned when Loki murdered Valkyrie, and she took his place in Valhalla. Thor once again wielded Mjolnir and the heroes were able to defeat Loki.[102] Shortly thereafter, Gregory Stark attempted to cause unrest in Korea. When he was confronted by the Ultimates, he managed to take Mjolnir from Thor and use it to subdue him as well as Captain America, before slamming the ground with it causing a massive shock wave which stunned everyone within range. Thor managed to regain Mjolnir and killed Gregory with a lightning bolt.[103] When the Children of Tomorrow slaughtered the Asgardians and initiated a second Ragnarök, Thor hid his son Modi, in the Room with No Doors along with Mjolnir, in hopes that his son may one day emerge and restore Asgard to its former glory.[104] With Yggdrasil drained of the Odinforce, Thor has become mortal again. When Tony Stark returned an enhanced version of Thor’s former power harness, he once again wielded a similar Axe-Hammer that was given to him by the E.D.I.[105] This newest version of Mjolnir is «fully compatible with all Iron Man power sources».[106] Though the hammer shares all the powers of his magical hammer, Thor still feels like he has become less than what he was.[107] Thor’s son Modi, corrupted by the World Tree returned to earth with the Uru Mjolnir in a quest to establish his kingdom on Earth. When Thor slew his son in combat, the Thunder god continued to use the Stark Model of Mjolnir as well as the linking bio-suit.[108] After the clash of Earth-1610 and Earth-616 destroyed the Multiverse due to the Incursions,[109] Battleworld was formed from the remnants of the destroyed realities.[110] Thor was recreated on it, joining the Thor Corps, with his axe-hammer hybrid Mjolnir now fully Asgardian and with a worthiness enchantment.[111] After the destruction of Battleworld, Mjolnir was capable of survive, finding its way to the rebirth Earth-616, landing in the ruined City of Asgard.[112] After learning about the Mjolnir from the Unseen, Thor of Earth-616 went to Asgard in an attempt to retrieve it[113] after becoming unworthy of wielding his reality’s Mjolnir.[114] However, Thor was captured by the Collector and brought aboard his ship. The Collector told Thor that he wanted to wield the Mjolnir, but it had killed anyone who attempted to lift it with the exception of the Collector himself, though the Collector was still unable to budge it. This had forced the Collector to take the entire City of Asgard in order to bring the hammer with him.[115] Thor and the Collector weren’t the only ones after the hammer, though. The Mad Titan Thanos sent his minions Proxima Midnight and Black Swan to help a unknown cloaked individual retrieve the hammer as a tribute in order to curry Thanos’ favor.[116] A fight eventually ensued between the three sides over the future ownership of the hammer.[117] Thor ended the feud when he activated the hammer’s teleportation power to transport himself, the City of Asgard, and his allies away. Feeling unworthy of the hammer, Thor chose to leave the hammer in the City of Asgard so no other villain could abuse its power. Days later,[13] Volstagg appeared and claimed the hammer for himself, proclaiming that the Nine Realms needed a new kind of Thor and he would become that Thor, namely the War Thor.[118] The hammer gave Volstagg incredible power, but it also caused him to become uncontrollable with rage and lashed out at anyone he perceived as an enemy, even allies and innocent civilians.[119] Thor (Jane Foster) eventually convinced Volstagg to let go of his anger and give up being the War Thor. Volstagg gave up the hammer, and the Odinson ordered the hammer to return to the Old City of Asgard where it belonged. The hammer obeyed and went back to Old Asgard in the Asgard-realm.[120] Odinson left his goat Toothgnasher in charge of guarding the hammer so it didn’t corrupt anyone else. The hammer later changed its mind about being separated from Volstagg and made its way to Asgardia where Volstagg was. It was once again able to tempt Volstagg with its power, transforming him back into the War Thor. Volstagg flew off with the hammer and traveled through the Ten Realms while wondering what his next move should be. After being ambushed by Toothgnasher, Volstagg landed in the old city of Asgard and almost came to blows with Toothgnasher, but they unexpectedly encountered the monster Mangog. Mangog killed Toothgnasher and proclaimed that he would bring the ultimate judgment upon the Asgardians. Volstagg refused to let that happen and prepared to do battle with Mangog.[121] Volstagg was no match for Mangog, though, and was brutally beaten down. The Mjolnir of the Ultimate Universe ended up destroyed by Mangog.[122] An alternate version of the hammer reappeared in its home reality at some point.[123] During the War of the Realms, Jane Foster picked up the smoldered remains of the hammer and managed to transform into her Thor form once again, though she struggled to prevent the hammer from causing her become uncontrollable with anger like it did to Volstagg. She aided Thor and his past and future selves in rescuing Odin and Frigga who were being held captive by Malekith. When the hammer was about to fall apart, Jane used the last of its power to destroy one of Laufey’s eyes. When the hammer returned to Jane, it fell apart, but its pieces then merged together to become a golden vambrace that attached itself to Jane’s arm.[22] |
Ultimates #5 | |
On Earth-2149, Mjolnir is wielded by a zombified Thor. In this reality, Thor is no longer worthy to lift Mjolnir (presumably for being a zombie) and thus has adopted a replacement hammer, made of unknown materials. | Marvel Zombies #3 | |
On Earth-3459, Mjolnir is in the possession of a boy called D.J., the Thor of this reality is either missing or is a schizophrenic man called Harry Wilson. In this reality the handle is not wrapped in leather (ending in a loop), but ends with a short chain. | Thor (Vol. 2) #59 | |
On Earth-3488, Mjolnir is wielded by Thor. In this reality, which based on the Ultimate Universe, Thor and his hammer visually resemble the Ultimate version of Thor. Hulk is able to pick the hammer up, although with great effort, leaving the viewer uncertain if this hammer is of Earthly or Asgardian origin. He is able to revive a near-dead Tony Stark with the hammer. | ||
On Earth-4162, Mjolnir is wielded by Thor. In this reality the head of Mjolnir is curved. | Exiles #52 | |
On Earth-5113, Mjolnir is wielded by Thor. In this reality its appearance is corrupted by Dormammu, with singular spikes at the hammer’s end-sides. | Defenders (Vol. 3) #4 | |
On Earth-7642, Thor’s hammer had a similar look as its New Earth counterpart. The top was mostly flat with two buttons on the raised portion. It was destroyed with the rest of GodWorld. Following Thor’s reincarnation, the remade hammer resembled the Earth-616 hammer. | Darkseid vs. Galactus: The Hunger #1 | |
On Earth-9047, Sore’s hammer is alternatively known as Mjhtwpnor and Mlarry. | What The—?! #1 | |
On Earth-9200, Mjolnir is wielded by Thor. In this reality Mjolnir looks more like a club. It has also been shown to be wielded by Rick Jones, who was deemed worthy for unspecified actions that he had committed in his past. | Hulk: Future Imperfect #1 | |
On Earth-9602, which is an amalgamation of Earth-616 and the DC Universe’s New Earth, Mjolnir is wielded by Thorion. In this reality, Mjolnir’s head is cylindrical in shape instead of rectangular, giving it a more mace-like appearance with a slight extension on either side. It also possesses the unbreakable leather strap. | Thorion of the New Asgods #1 | |
In Earth-9907, Mjolnir was a mallet made of black uru. | A-Next #11 | |
On Earth-10190, Mjolnir is one of the most powerful weapons in existence, especially in the hands of a violent berserker like Thor, who uses it to kill indiscriminately. | Thor #499 | |
In Earth-11124, Thor was killed in an unspecified struggle. A graveyard housing the heroes who dies in the struggle was built around the spot Mjolnir rest. | A-Next #11 | |
In Earth-13068, Mjolnir’s hilt very long and skinny. | Captain Marvel (Vol. 5) #8 | |
Thor’s clone Ragnarok obtained Mjolnir from Earth-13584 after traveling there with the Dark Avengers. | Dark Avengers #190 | |
On Earth-14042, Mjolnir is the weapon of Thor. One of the most powerful weapons there is, Thor treats it as a partner in battle. It can be thrown and recalled, destroy concrete and other solid structures easily, and is used as the focus for Thor’s Lightning Strike attack. | Marvel Disk Wars: The Avengers | |
On Earth-14325, Mjolnir has the same capabilities as usual, but can only be lifted by the «unworthy,» rather than the «worthy.» | Avengers (Vol. 5) #25 | |
In Earth-21923, Mjolnir shared the same history of its counterpart of Earth-807128, until Dani Cage was deemed worthy of it and became the new Thor. | Dead Man Logan #11 | |
In Earth-22020, Odin took away Mjolnir from Thor and gave each of the Avengers their own hammer to further discipline Thor. | Marvel Universe: Millennial Visions #1 | |
In Earth-22260, the Frost Giants won their war against the Asgardians. They proceeded to destroy Asgard. Years later, Mjolnir was seen amongst Asgard’s ruins. | What If? Thor #1 | |
On Earth-37072, Mjolnir is wielded by Thor. In this reality, its appearance is that of a mallet, with a long handle. | Exiles #56 | |
On Earth-83600, Mjolnir, representing Thor’s link with his Asgard home, was stripped away by Crom and buried deep within the bowels of the earth. The mystic hammer was then retrieved by Thoth-Amon’s winged messenger and used by the black sorcerer to wreak havoc in the Hyborian kingdoms. In Stygia, after the fight with Thoth-Amon, a dying Thor gave the mystic hammer to Conan, begging him to offer it to Crom, as a symbol of love that deities of a later age will share with benevolent mankind. The Cimmerian swore to do his bidding and ascended Crom’s grey mound with Mjolnir. | What If? #39 | |
On Earth-97161, a sliver of Mjolnir was tapped off by Toothgnasher. This sliver became Frogjolnir. | Lockjaw and the Pet Avengers #1 | |
On Earth-199999, Thor has been entrusted with the mighty hammer Mjolnir, which was forged in the heart of a dying star. When Thor was banished to Earth, Odin placed the worthiness enchantment on it and thus the hammer’s use became restricted to the worthy, leaving even the Hulk unable to lift it from the ground. The enchantment is represented by the appearance of a Celtic trefoil knot on the side of the hammer’s head. At Thor’s initial banishment, he himself was unable to wield the hammer or access his powers until he had proven himself worthy of it. The hammer was found by S.H.I.E.L.D.,[124] deemed as an 0-8-4,[125] and studied. Once Thor had proven his worth, Mjolnir itself returned to him of its own accord and his powers were restored, though he required the hammer to achieve his full strength.[124] Although indestructible and with unmatched power, the hammer has proven unable to break Captain America’s shield due to its vibranium composition. Thor has taken advantage of the hammer’s worthiness enchantment at least once, setting it on top of Loki’s chest to pin him to the ground.[126] Thor and the other Avengers later played a ‘game’ where the rest of the team attempted and failed to lift it from the table where Thor had placed it, with only Steve Rogers able to make it move slightly, even if he couldn’t pick it up. The worthiness enchantment later helped the Avengers confirm that they could trust the Vision to aid them against Ultron when the Vision managed to lift the hammer where all of them had failed to do so.[127] While seeking his father after Loki banished him from Asgard, Thor confronted his sister Hela for the first time, only for her to destroy Mjolnir in their confrontation. Later discoveries revealed that Hela had been the first wielder of Mjolnir in her role as Odin’s executioner before Odin banished her out of fear of her power, although Thor later learned that he was able to channel the powers of Mjolnir without his hammer.[128] Years later, Mjolnir reforged itself for Jane Foster, transforming her into the Mighty Thor. It was able to stave off her stage 4 cancer, but weakened her mortal form’s ability to stave the cancer off every time she harnessed the hammer’s abilities. After she finally succumbed to her cancer, Thor reclaimed the hammer.[129] | Thor (April 21, 2011) |
On Earth-400005, during an expedition to Norway, Donald Blake, a former student of David Banner, came into possession of a hammer-ax in which there resided the soul of a Viking warrior prince who was condemned by Odin to live in a catatonic state of living deadman until he will not be redeemed from his life of arrogance and his desire to love wars. Screaming the name «Odin!» while gripping the hammer, Thor, the Viking warrior prince materialized. | The Incredible Hulk Returns (May 22, 1988) |
In Earth-807128, Thor was killed in Las Vegas and the city was renamed Hammer Falls to commemorate the event. Most of the tourists who visit come to pray for the heroes to return at the spot Thor last dropped Mjolnir. | Wolverine (Vol. 3) #67 | |
On Earth-961212, Mjolnir itself, is not magical, but the blows it strikes are. Giant in nature, few can lift it purely because of the weight. When thunder is heard, it is Thor’s hammer striking a foe. | Timeslip Collection #1 | |
In Earth-TRN161, Mjolnir is a norse pickaxe. | UltraForce (Vol. 2) #∞ | |
On Earth-TRN562, Loki briefly transformed Thor into Deconsecrator, a Thor resdegin by Winter Soldier. The hammer became silver, had spikes added to the ends, and the engravement had been glossed over. The hilt was recolored black and the strap was turned grey with spikes on it. | Marvel Avengers Academy | |
In Earth-TRN664, a brainwashed Deadpool used Medusa’s decapitated head to turn Thor and Mjolnir into stone. | Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe Again #1 | |
In Earth-TRN666, Mjolnir was wielded by King Thor until King Thanos killed him in his quest to please Death. After millenia, Mjolnir was reclaimed by The Fallen One who used it to fight King Thanos, his younger self, and the Rider. Eventually, Norrin was defeated and killed by King Thanos using Mjolnir’s handle. | Thanos (Vol. 2) #14 | |
In Earth-TRN733, Mjolnir was temporarily borrowed by the Thor Odinson of Earth-199999. In battle with the Thanos of Earth-TRN734, the Captain America of Earth-199999 was deemed worthy of Mjolnir. Following Thanos’s defeat, Rogers returned Mjolnir to its home reality. | Avengers: Endgame | |
In an Unknown Reality, Deadpool wielded Mjolnir. As a result, the button on top had his logo on it. | Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe #4 | |
In an Unknown Reality, Thor grew up during the Great Depression in New York City. His hammer seems to reflect this. | Marvel Avengers Academy |
Although an incredibly powerful weapon, Mjolnir is not indestructible. It has been damaged several times over the years:
- A force beam from the Destroyer slices it in two in Journey Into Mystery #118. Mjolnir was then repaired in Journey Into Mystery #120.
- The Molecule Man dispels the atomic bonds between the hammer’s molecules, vaporizing Mjolnir in Avengers #215. Mjolnir was later restored in Avengers #216.
- The hammer shatters after channeling an incredible amount of energy at the Celestial Exitar in Thor #388 and was restored by the Celestials’ Replicoid in Thor #389.
- The Dark God Perrikus slices Mjolnir in half with a magical scythe in Thor (Vol. 2) #10. Mjolnir was restored in Thor (Vol. 2) #11.
- The hammer is shattered when it collides with the Uru weapons of Loki’s followers Ulik, Fenris Wolf and Hyrm, resulting in an atomic-scale explosion in Thor (Vol. 2) #80. Mjolnir was repaired in Thor (Vol. 2) #85.
- The hammer was destroyed in a fight between Thor and his grandfather Bor in Thor #600. Thor, to repair it, needed Doctor Strange’s help, who reconstructed it by channeling Thor’s Odin-Force into its fragments, in Thor #602.
- The hammer was destroyed in Mighty Thor (Vol. 2) #705, after Jane tied the Mangog up with chains originally created to bind the Fenris Wolf, and fastened them to Mjolnir so she could hurl the monster into the Sun. Mjolnir was restored in War of the Realms #6.
- The hammer was shattered by Thor in Thor (Vol. 6) #23 in order to purge it of the God Tempest’s corrupted essence. Angela collected the shards and restored it with the help of the Angels, leaving it covered in glowing golden cracks.
Others Deemed Worthy to Wield Mjolnir
Earth-616 reality
- Buri
- Ulik[130]
- Bor[131]
- Odin[132]
- Donald Blake[132]
- Beta Ray Bill[133]
- Red Norvell[134]
- Thunderstrike[135]
- Captain America[136][137][138][139]
- Wonder Man[140]
- Jake Olson[141]
- Throg[142]
- Awesome Andy[143]
- Air-Walker[144]
- Loki (after having his moral compass magically inverted)[145]
- Ororo Munroe[146] although at that time she was under Stormcaster’s enchantment, and Thor also held on to the hammer, the fact that she was able to manage a hammer in his hand greatly surprised Thor.
- Jane Foster[147]
- Squirrel Girl[148]
- Gwenpool (when using Thor’s severed arm)[149]
- Captain Marvel (when infused with the DNA of Thor’s clone)[150]
- Moon Knight (thanks to his divine power of controlling objects which were made out of moon rock)[151]
- Khonshu (thanks to his divine power of controlling objects which were made out of moon rock)[152]
- Adam Aziz[153]
- Prehistoric Black Panther[154]
- Black Panther[154]
- Venom (under the possession of Captain Universe)[155]
Alternate Realities
- Alexander Power of Earth-5631[156]
- Conan the Barbarian from Earth-83600[157]
- Thoth-Amon from Earth-83600[157]
- Sarah Rogers from Earth-9811[158]
- Dargo Ktor from Earth-8710[159]
- Bruce Banner from Earth-3488[160]
- (No worthiness restriction) Gregory Stark,[103] Magneto,[100][161] Modi Thorson,[104] Valkyrie from Earth-1610;[162] and Hyperion from Earth-31916.[163] The hammer was later claimed by the Asgardian Volstagg of Earth-616[13][118] and briefly wielded by Thor (Jane Foster) before being returned to Old Asgard.[164] It later sought to be wielded by Volstagg and returned to him.[121] It was seemingly destroyed by Mangog,[122] but there was enough of it left to be temporarily used by Jane Foster to become Thor once more. After it fell apart, it transformed into a vambrace that attached itself to Jane’s arm.[22]
- Magni Thorson from Earth-3515[165]
- Woden Thorson from Earth-691[166]
- Thorion from Earth-9602[167]
- Rogue from Earth-941066[168]
- Cecil McAdam from Earth-928
- Ragnarok, of Earth-616, became the wielder of a Mjolnir from an AIM-created alternate reality.[169]
- Jane Foster from Earth-788[170]
- Natalia Romanova (Black Widow) from Earth-23223[171]
- Steve Rogers from Earth-93074[172]
- Superman (Clark Kent) from New Earth[173] (through Odin’s permission)
- Wonder Woman (Diana Prince) from New Earth[174]
- Odin of Earth-199999[124]
- Vision of Earth-199999[127] In fairness, Stark speculates why Vision is able to lift Mjolnir. He says since he’s not human, the rules of the hammer probably don’t apply to him.
- Stan Lee of Earth-13122[175]
- Wade Wilson of an Unknown Reality[176]
- Jen Walters of an Unknown Reality[177]
- Carol Danvers of Earth-16045[178]
- Hela of Earth-199999[128]
- Captain America (Steve Rogers) of Earth-199999[179]
- Danielle Cage of Earth-21923[180]
- Brigid Thorsdottir of Earth-20368[181]
- Ghost-Spider (Gwen Stacy) of Earth-65[182]
- Jane Foster of Earth-199999[129]
Mjolnir’s Duplicates
Thor’s sacred uru hammer has been duplicated with varying degrees of success over the years:
- Three unnamed duplicates of Mjolnir was created by Professor Zaxton using his duplicating machine,[183] all of which eventually faded away into the nothingness from which they came.
- Unnamed duplicate of Mjolnir was created by Orikal for Ulik at the behest of King Geirrodur.[130]
- War-Hammer — is an exact copy of Mjolnir by order of Odin for Red Norvell,[184] who had once with the powers of Thor claimed Mjolnir and sacrificed himself to save Asgard.[134]
- Stormbreaker — was forged by Eitri and the Dwarves of Nidavellir by order of Odin for Beta Ray Bill[185] after he proved worthy to wield Mjolnir.[133]
- After Thor defeated an unarmed humanoid antibody of Exitar with Mjolnir, more humanoid antibodies swarmed him — all armed with similar hammers.[186]
- Thunderstrike — the enchanted mace that was given to Eric Masterson by Thor,[187] cause he proved worthy to wield Mjolnir[135] and served Asgard for many years before being returned to Earth.
- Kevin Masterson, Eric Masterson’s son, carried a toy version of Thunderstrike[188] because Thor had so often saved his father’s life.
- Mjolnir Replica — created by Tony Stark, Reed Richards, and «Hank Pym» for the cyborg clone of Thor.[189]
- Frogjolnir — Simon Walterson lifted a sliver of Mjolnir, which when struck on the ground turned him into Throg and the sliver into Frogjolnir.[190]
- Stormcaster — The hammer was created by Loki, and was presented to Ororo Munroe.[191]
- Unnamed hammer of Tarene.
- Various duplicates of Mjolnir God-Emperor Doom handed out to his Thor Corps.[110]
- Lightbringer — Earth-15513’s Thor’s hammer, created by God Emperor Doom and given to her upon her admittance to the Thor Corps.[192]
- Mjolniron — Forged by Eitri from cold iron, acting as the key to unlock the power of the Iron Hammer Armor.[193]
- Using the Promethium bonded to Darkoth’s skeleton, his symbiote to create a crimson replica of Mjolnir.[194]
- The hammer’s name is pronounced «mmyol’-neer.»
- Mjolnir was classified by the Initiative as an «Omega Class Weapon,» at the level of the Tactigon.[195]
- The Worthy, powerful warriors affiliated with the Serpent, wielded 8 similar powerful hammers, those being:
- Hammer of Skadi
- Hammer of Kuurth
- Hammer of Nul
- Hammer of Nerkkod
- Hammer of Skirn
- Hammer of Mokk
- Hammer of Greithoth
- Hammer of Angrir
See Also
- 3155 appearance(s) of Mjolnir
- 5 appearance(s) in handbook(s) of Mjolnir
- 453 minor appearance(s) of Mjolnir
- 94 mention(s) of Mjolnir
- 12 mention(s) in handbook(s) of Mjolnir
- 4 invocation(s) of Mjolnir
- 3523 image(s) of Mjolnir
- 2 quotation(s) by or about Mjolnir
Links and References
- Megingjord: Thor’s Belt of Strength
- Bloodaxe (Enchanted Axe)
- Mjolniron
- Mjolnir at Wikipedia.org
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 Thor Vol 6 #20
- ↑ Heroes Reborn Vol 2 #6
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 3.2 Journey Into Mystery #83
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 Mighty Thor Vol 3 #12
- ↑ Thor Vol 6 #19
- ↑ 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 Thor Vol 2 #80
- ↑ Carnage Vol 3 #9
- ↑ Loki Vol 2 #1
- ↑ 9.0 9.1 Marvel Legacy #1
- ↑ 10.0 10.1 Thor Vol 3 #12
- ↑ Thor Annual #11
- ↑ Thor Vol 3 #1
- ↑ 13.0 13.1 13.2 Unworthy Thor #5
- ↑ 14.0 14.1 14.2 Thor Vol 4 #1
- ↑ Thor Vol 4 #8
- ↑ Free Comic Book Day 2017 (Secret Empire) #1
- ↑ 17.0 17.1 Secret Empire #10
- ↑ Mighty Thor Vol 2 #703
- ↑ Mighty Thor Vol 2 #704
- ↑ Mighty Thor Vol 2 #705
- ↑ Mighty Thor Vol 2 #706
- ↑ 22.0 22.1 22.2 War of the Realms #5-6
- ↑ 23.0 23.1 23.2 Thor Vol 6 #21
- ↑ Thor Vol 6 #1
- ↑ Thor (Vol. 6) #7-8
- ↑ Thor Vol 6 #17
- ↑ Thor (Vol. 6) #19-20
- ↑ Thor Vol 6 #22
- ↑ Thor Vol 6 #23
- ↑ Thor Vol 6 #24
- ↑ 31.0 31.1 31.2 Thor #388
- ↑ Thor throws Mjolnir at the robot Ultron with no effect in Avengers #68
- ↑ 33.0 33.1 Mighty Thor Vol 3 #11
- ↑ Journey Into Mystery #101-102
- ↑ Mighty Thor #440
- ↑ Thor Vol 2 #11
- ↑ JLA/Avengers #4
- ↑ Fear Itself #1
- ↑ Avengers #122
- ↑ Hulk Vol 2 #5
- ↑ Thor Vol 2 #4
- ↑ Thor #324
- ↑ Journey Into Mystery #94
- ↑ Thor #185
- ↑ Thor #393
- ↑ Journey Into Mystery #107
- ↑ Journey Into Mystery #120
- ↑ Thor Vol 3 #4
- ↑ Thor #161
- ↑ Astonishing Thor #4
- ↑ 51.0 51.1 Mighty Thor #425
- ↑ Mighty Thor #412
- ↑ 53.0 53.1 Thor Vol 2 #12
- ↑ Thor Vol 2 #25
- ↑ Thor #133
- ↑ Thor Corps #1
- ↑ Avengers #309
- ↑ Strange Tales #182
- ↑ Mighty Thor #417
- ↑ 60.0 60.1 Journey Into Mystery #115
- ↑ Avengers #14
- ↑ Journey Into Mystery #104
- ↑ Journey Into Mystery #117
- ↑ Silver Surfer#4
- ↑ Thor #304
- ↑ Avengers #304
- ↑ Thor #387
- ↑ Journey Into Mystery #109
- ↑ Thor#407
- ↑ Thor #223
- ↑ Thor #301
- ↑ 72.0 72.1 Thor #288
- ↑ Journey Into Mystery #123
- ↑ Avengers #180
- ↑ Avengers #9
- ↑ Avengers #16
- ↑ Thor #192
- ↑ Journey Into Mystery #88
- ↑ Journey Into Mystery #101
- ↑ Avengers #5
- ↑ Avengers #300
- ↑ Mighty Thor #428
- ↑ Journey Into Mystery #90
- ↑ Thor #363
- ↑ Avengers Vol 3 #44
- ↑ 86.0 86.1 Thor #310
- ↑ 87.0 87.1 Journey Into Mystery #86
- ↑ 88.0 88.1 Journey Into Mystery #102
- ↑ Journey Into Mystery #13
- ↑ Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Vol 2 #13
- ↑ Thor #181
- ↑ Mighty Thor #421
- ↑ Avengers Annual #16
- ↑ Invaders #33
- ↑ Thor #332
- ↑ Ultimate Thor #4
- ↑ Ultimates #3
- ↑ Ultimates 2 #12
- ↑ Ultimate Power #5
- ↑ 100.0 100.1 Ultimates 3 #5
- ↑ Ultimatum #5
- ↑ Ultimate New Ultimates #5
- ↑ 103.0 103.1 Ultimate Avengers vs. New Ultimates #6
- ↑ 104.0 104.1 Ultimates Vol 2 #2
- ↑ Ultimate Comics Ultimates #3
- ↑ Ultimate Comics Ultimates #24
- ↑ Ultimate Comics Ultimates #3-4
- ↑ Ultimate Comics Ultimates #16-17
- ↑ Secret Wars #1
- ↑ 110.0 110.1 Secret Wars #2
- ↑ Thors #1
- ↑ Thors #4
- ↑ Unworthy Thor #1
- ↑ Original Sin #8
- ↑ Unworthy Thor #2
- ↑ Unworthy Thor #3
- ↑ Unworthy Thor #4
- ↑ 118.0 118.1 Mighty Thor Vol 3 #20
- ↑ Mighty Thor Vol 3 #21-22
- ↑ Mighty Thor Vol 3 #23
- ↑ 121.0 121.1 Mighty Thor Vol 2 #700
- ↑ 122.0 122.1 Mighty Thor Vol 2 #701
- ↑ Spider-Men II #5
- ↑ 124.0 124.1 124.2 Thor (film)
- ↑ Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Season 1 2
- ↑ The Avengers (film)
- ↑ 127.0 127.1 Avengers: Age of Ultron
- ↑ 128.0 128.1 Thor: Ragnarok
- ↑ 129.0 129.1 Thor: Love and Thunder
- ↑ 130.0 130.1 Thor #139
- ↑ Thor #600
- ↑ 132.0 132.1 Journey Into Mystery #83
- ↑ 133.0 133.1 Thor #337
- ↑ 134.0 134.1 Thor #276
- ↑ 135.0 135.1 Mighty Thor #408
- ↑ Thor #390
- ↑ Fear Itself #7
- ↑ Secret Empire #10
- ↑ Avengers Vol 8 #28
- ↑ Marvel Comics Presents #45
- ↑ Thor Vol 2 #2
- ↑ Lockjaw and the Pet Avengers Unleashed #1
- ↑ She-Hulk Vol 2 #14
- ↑ Thor #305
- ↑ Avengers & X-Men: AXIS #9
- ↑ X-Men: To Serve and Protect #3
- ↑ Thor Vol 4 #1-8
- ↑ Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Beats Up the Marvel Universe! #1
- ↑ Gwenpool Strikes Back #4
- ↑ Captain Marvel Vol 10 #16
- ↑ Avengers Vol 8 #33
- ↑ Avengers Vol 8 #34
- ↑ Thor Vol 6 #7
- ↑ 154.0 154.1 Avengers Vol 8 #36
- ↑ King in Black #5
- ↑ Thor and the Warriors Four #4
- ↑ 157.0 157.1 What If? #39
- ↑ What If…? #114
- ↑ Thor #384
- ↑ Ultimate Avengers: The Movie
- ↑ Ultimatum #1-#4
- ↑ Ultimatum #4
- ↑ Ultimate Power #5
- ↑ Mighty Thor Vol 3 #22
- ↑ Thor Vol 2 #75
- ↑ Guardians of the Galaxy #43
- ↑ Thorion of the New Asgods #1
- ↑ What If…? #66
- ↑ Dark Avengers #189
- ↑ What If? #10
- ↑ What If? Age of Ultron #3
- ↑ What If? X-Men Age of Apocalypse #1
- ↑ Avengers/JLA
- ↑ Marvel Versus DC #3
- ↑ LEGO Marvel’s Avengers
- ↑ Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe #4
- ↑ Sensational She-Hulk #50
- ↑ All-New, All-Different Avengers #5
- ↑ Avengers: Endgame
- ↑ Dead Man Logan #11
- ↑ Captain Marvel Vol 10 #25
- ↑ Spider-Gwen: Gwenverse #1
- ↑ Journey Into Mystery #95
- ↑ Mighty Thor #478
- ↑ Thor #339
- ↑ Thor #388-389
- ↑ Mighty Thor #459
- ↑ Thor #402
- ↑ Civil War #4
- ↑ Lockjaw and the Pet Avengers #1
- ↑ X-Men Annual #9
- ↑ A-Force Vol 2 #5
- ↑ Infinity Wars: Iron Hammer #1-2
- ↑ Thor Vol 6 #27
- ↑ Avengers: The Initiative #5
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Whosoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor.
- —Mjolnir’s enchantment[src]
Mjolnir (literally, «grinder» as in «grindstone», cf. «meal» to «Mjöl») is the enchanted hammer wielded by the Asgardian; Thor, the Norse God of Thunder.[3] The Uru hammer which grants him many of his powers and abilities. Forged by Eitri and the Dwarves of Nidavellir in the heart of a dying star.[4] Mjolnir is enchanted so it can only be wielded by those who are deemed «worthy».[3]
Ages ago, a moon made of Uru was shattered during a battle between two Elder Gods, with one of the pieces eventually crashing to Nidavellir and being claimed by the dwarves.[5] The dwarves bestowed this chunk of Uru to Odin, the recently-crowned All-Father of the Asgardians, as a gift after he saved their realm from an invasion of Trolls. Some time later, an unimaginably powerful cosmic storm called the God Tempest approached Asgard, and Odin battled the storm for many days to defend his kingdom. Once the storm was weakened enough, Odin defeated the God Tempest by trapping it in the chunk of Uru.[4]
Dwarves forging Mjolnir
From the Uru, Odin ordered the Dwarves of Nidavellir to forge Mjolnir.[6] On the Godmaker forge,[7] the blacksmiths Eitri, Brokk,[8] and Buri[6] needed to use the tremendous heat of a star to get the forge hot enough to manipulate the Uru. The hammer was completed in seventeen weeks.[4] In the process the star exploded and almost took Midgard with it; that event may explain the extinction of the Dinosaurs, about 65 million years ago.[6] After Mjolnir landed on Earth, Odin retrieved it.[9]
Odin seals Mjolnir after failing to control its power.
When Odin first tried to wield Mjolnir, he couldn’t control it due to the God Tempest still retaining its power. The hammer devastated Asgard as it flew out of control. Out of spite, Odin cast an enchantment on the hammer to prevent anyone else from wielding it. Despite struggling to control it, Odin wielded Mjolnir during his tenure as a member of the prehistoric Avengers, but after he assumed the throne the hammer was stored away in Asgard’s armory, where it sat for untold ages. The God Tempest purportedly died, but its power would remain inside Mjolnir.[9][4]
Although powerful in and of itself, the hammer also received several potent spells from Odin, who slew the Frost Giant Laufey with it.[10]
Much later, Mjolnir was bequeathed to his son Thor, after he proved himself worthy through several trials.[11] With few exceptions, Thor has carried Mjolnir throughout his adventures. Thus, the history of Mjolnir follows that of Thor. Although Asgard was destroyed in Ragnarök, Thor and the hammer, survived.[12]
Modern Age
After Nick Fury whispered Thor a revelation that consolidated the God of Thunder’s deepest belief, that of Gorr the God-Butcher being right about claiming the gods were selfish and uncaring for mortals, Thor lost his confidence about his godhood and consequently his ability to wield Mjolnir.[13] The hammer laid on the Moon, mostly untouched, where it was eventually lifted by its new wielder,[14] Thor’s former lover, Jane Foster.[15] During this time, the inscription of the enchantment changed to «if she be worthy.»[14]
During Hydra’s takeover of the United States, Jane Foster was separated from the hammer and an alternate evil version of Captain America lifted it to prove the worthiness of his cause.[16] Without his knowledge, Madame Hydra had used a Cosmic Cube shard to alter the hammer’s enchantment so it could be lifted by the «strongest» rather than the «worthy.» When the real Steve Rogers returned and confronted his evil self, the alterations to Mjolnir had faded away, and the evil Captain America failed to lift the hammer when he tried to. Following the defeat of the evil Captain America, Mjolnir was returned to Jane Foster.[17]
Jane Foster had been fighting cancer even before lifting Mjolnir. Unfortunately for her, all progress from chemotherapy became lost whenever she used Mjolnir to transform into Thor. Since the magical transformation purged all toxins from Jane’s body, it did so to the chemotherapy drugs, but left the cancer behind since it was part of her body.[18] Jane attempted to let go of using Mjolnir for the sake of her health, but saw herself forced to return to action to confront the Mangog, even if that meant that she would die if she transformed back one last time.[19] Following an arduous fight, Jane tied the Mangog up with chains originally created to bind the Fenris Wolf, and fastened them to Mjolnir so she could hurl the monster into the Sun. With the Mangog dead and Mjolnir destroyed, Jane returned to her human form and succumbed to her cancer;[20] however, she was successfully revived by the Asgardians and the God Tempest, which had been set free following Mjolnir’s destruction. Jane later handed Thor a small piece of Mjolnir she was able to retrieve.[21]
Mjolnir reforged
Near the end of the War of the Realms, Thor nailed himself to Yggdrasil, which was growing out of the surface of the Sun to gain knowledge on how to rescue his parents from the clutches of Malekith. Thor was forced to sacrifice one of his eyes and the last remaining shard of Mjolnir in his possession to unlock the answers. During the final battle against Malekith, the God Tempest manifested in the Sun, and Thor commanded it from Earth to reforge his weapon. The restored Mjolnir then made landfall at Thor’s feet, becoming able to wield it once again upon his realization that the constant struggle to be worthy was itself what made him worthy. Its inscription was also changed to «if they be worthy.»[22] However, unbeknownst to Thor, Mangog’s dark essence was absorbed by the reforged Mjolnir and melded with that of the God Tempest, giving the hammer sentience.[23]
Mjolnir as the God of Hammers.
Despite becoming worthy again, Thor noticed Mjolnir becoming heavier to lift after becoming Asgard’s new All-Father,[24] the will of the hammer deeming him unworthy of wielding it.[23] After performing a test in Broxton, Thor discovered that something had happened to Mjolnir’s worthiness enchantment, causing everyone else to become worthy to wield Mjolnir while it became more difficult for him to wield it.[25] Thor eventually deduced that this was because — as king — he was no longer Asgard’s lead warrior, and he left the unruly hammer at Avengers Mountain for safekeeping.[26] Manifesting a feminine humanoid avatar from the God Tempest’s divine lightning, Mjolnir embarked on a rampage across the Ten Realms; committing a genocide against the dwarves of Nidavellir and annihilating the city of Broxton. When confronted by Thor, Mjolnir’s avatar dubbed herself the «God of Hammers» after a prophecy said to bring about Asgard’s ruination.[27] Shattering one of Thor’s arms, the God of Hammers was stopped from killing him by the intervention of Odin and Sif, who used the Bifrost to transport Mjolnir to the farthest reaches of the cosmos. Mjolnir returned within seconds and broke Odin’s spine, revealing to Thor that being «worthy» of Mjolnir had never been about being a noble warrior or true of heart, but having the bloodlust and will to use the hammer for its intended purpose: as a weapon. Sneering that she had grown bored of his speeches and politicking, the God of Hammers revealed that after being reforged she had absorbed the Mangog’s dark essence and was consumed by its ineffable rage and hatred.[23] After Odin sacrificed himself to bestow Thor with the entirety of the Power of the All-Father,[28] an enraged Thor teleported the God of Hammers to the forge where Mjolnir was made, the Godmaker. Igniting the forge with the heat of a billion suns, Thor burned the God Tempest’s corrupted essence out of the hammer, shattering it in the process.
With Thor lapsing into the Odinsleep for four months, his sister Angela enlisted the Angels of Heven to gather the pieces and restore it, leaving Mjolnir seemingly powerless and covered in glowing golden cracks,[29] and Odin’s spirit now inhabitanting it as he was unable to rest in Valhalla.[30]
Mjolnir was crafted from a nugget of Uru, a powerful nigh-invulnerable Asgardian metal.[6] Additional enchantments placed upon it by Odin made it virtually indestructible.[10] It has survived heat as extreme as the heart of suns and blasts powerful enough to destroy planets. Almost nothing is capable of withstanding a blow from Mjolnir, not even the armor of the powerful Celestials.[31] A rare exception is primary adamantium.[32]
In later years, Mjolnir demonstrated to possess remnants of the God Tempest’s sentience. Moving on its own,[33] and preventing Odin from lifting it.[14] Mjolnir could even temporarily project a physical form capable of talking, though this power required a great deal of energy and would likely be at least a hundred years before it could be done again.[33] As the «God of Hammers», Mjolnir created a feminine avatar out of divine lightning to wield itself and confront Thor.[1]
Worthiness Enchantment
One of the hammer’s most notable attributes is its worthiness enchantment. This spell surrounding Mjolnir prevents it from being wielded by anyone save those who have been found worthy. To anyone else, Mjolnir can’t be lifted from the ground. Those who are deemed worthy are able to wield Thor’s powers and access to the hammer’s countless mystical attributes and powers such as manipulation of the fundamental forces of the universes, including the electromagnetic spectrum[34] and gravity.[35]
The enchantment is so powerful that even with the hammer cut in half, it’s still in effect.[36] As the true master of Mjolnir, Thor can also will unto others the ability to wield the mystical hammer. Odin himself can also alter the enchantment, allowing somebody the hammer wouldn’t naturally deem worthy to use it,[37] or preventing somebody, even Thor, from lifting it.[38] The hammer can be lifted, though its powers not used, in the vacuum of space, where no gravity can keep it down.[39][40] The enchantment can be altered, thus allowing somebody not worthy to wield it, with the use of reality-warping.[17]
Mjolnir and its user share a mystical link that allows the latter to command the hammer. If the wielder’s will is strong enough, the hammer can pass through nearly any barrier to reach them should they so choose; Mjolnir will even carve its way through the very center of entire planets to get back to its master.[41] Mjolnir can also transform its user into his civilian guises. When Thor was a civilian, the hammer most often became an old wooden cane. While employing a mortal guise, Thor would transform back into his mortal form if he was separated from Mjolnir for more than sixty seconds.[42]
Powers granted unto its wielder
- Weather Manipulation: Wielding Mjolnir grants its master the ability to control the base elements of a storm, i.e. rain, wind, thunder, lightning and more (although Thor can control them by himself, it seems that Mjolnir boosts his ability of controlling the base elements of a storm). They can create giant raging electrical storms complete with thunder, lightning, hurricane-force winds, tornadoes, blizzards, tidal waves, exploding volcanoes, earthquakes and torrential rains across entire planets at a moment’s notice. It can also create any of these phenomena individually. Another aspect of this power allows them to stop any of these weather conditions instantly as well. Its user can create storms on a planetary wide scale or larger if needed, and is not limited to the normal limits of Mother Nature and can go beyond and defy what natural weather can do such as creating rain in space where there is no atmosphere. The ability of Mjolnir’s wielder to control and create storms extends to any and all storms as he has been shown to control and create raging temporal storms in time, create Solar Flares, powerful stellar winds in space and so on.
- Flight: Mjolnir’s user is capable of hurling Mjolnir with great force and, by holding onto the leather thong, is capable of flying through the air at tremendous speeds. While in an Earth-like atmosphere, Thor generally flew at roughly the Speed of Sound, roughly 770 miles per hour. Thor could fly so fast that he is invisible to the naked eye.[43] He has been clocked flying at three times the speed of light,[44] and is capable of achieving speeds far greater than that. It has been established that the speed of Thor’s hammer transcends both time and space.[45] Mjolnir can also perform complicated maneuvers in the air,[46] and change course in mid-flight at the speed of thought.[47] By spinning Mjolnir at high speeds over his head, Thor has been able to hover in midair.
- Energy Projection: With Mjolnir, its wielder can project powerful mystical beams of energy. He can even channel energies for stronger energy attacks.
- God-Blast: Thor is capable of channeling different amounts of his godly energies in combination with the mystical properties of Mjolnir can be channeled through his hammer for a single massive energy beam known as the God-Blast.[31][48] His godly energy is so vast and powerful, that even when reinforced with the Belt of Strength, which should double Mjolnir’s fortification and durability, when Thor channeled his godly energies into Mjolnir to destroy the Brain Dome of the mighty Celestial Exitar,[31] the hammer shattered from the amount of power Thor channeled. The God-Blast is so immensely powerful and destructive that it has proven capable of destroying beings as large and as powerful as Galactus, who was forced to flee for his life.[49] Thor can send the God-Blast to the core of Ego the Living Planet and Alter Ego and render both comatose.[50] He used the God-Blast to defeat Surtur and Ymir.[51] Thor used the God-Blast to stop the Juggernaut (Cain Marko) while he was in motion and to push him back, letting fall him in a hole.[52] Thor used the God-Blast to defeat the skymother Majeston Zelia, who absorbed the Odin-Force.[53]
- Anti-Force: Thor is capable of producing an indescribably powerful blast known as the Anti-Force which is capable of annihilating entire planets.[53] This blast is so powerful that with just a single emission, Thor was capable of putting down and seemingly killing the powerful entity Mangog himself.[54]
- Thermo-Blast: Thor has the ability to produce a universe shaking Thermo-Blast capable of decimating even entire planets and beings as powerful as Ego the Living Planet.[55]
- Energy Sensing: Mjolnir can detect practically all types of energy.[56][57][58] It reacts particularly strongly to evil psychic energy,[59] and supernatural energy.[60] Mjolnir can also track down the energy pattern of someone in hiding,[61] detect any Asgardian’s aura by their electrons discharge,[62] and can sense and track the energy radiating from mystical objects.[63]
- Energy Absorption and Redirection: Thor is able to use Mjolnir to absorb any energy blasts directed towards him as means of attack. Once the energy is absorbed, Thor can redirect it back amplified many times over towards the source and/or use it as a weapon of his own. Thor has used Mjolnir to reflect the vast and hazardous amounts of energy being emitted by the biological weapon implanted within the Wasp’s body by the Skrulls back at her while all of Earth’s other super humans were helpless. Thor used Mjolnir to absorb Ultron’s entire energy source, the Silver Surfer’s Power Cosmic,[64] Sky-Walker’s Cosmic Tempest,[65] radioactive energy,[66] magnetism[67] such as Magneto’s personal magnetic field,[68] and a portion of Pangoria’s planetary magnetic field. Mjolnir’s ability to absorb energy is so powerful he managed to absorb, contain and redirect the entire energy of the Null Bomb, which was powerful enough to destroy the entire galaxy,[69] absorb mystical energies, such as Pluto’s mystic flame.[70] He was even able to absorb a portion of the mystical energies from every god pantheon on Earth,[71] and absorbed the electromagnetic energies of the Celestial Mother-ship.[72]
- Teleportation: By grasping Mjolnir by the leather thong and rapidly swirling it, Thor can channel energies for the purpose of Wormholes through means of a vortex[73] and in this vortex time has no meaning, which means he and others can pass through it to their destinations instantaneously.[74] He can open gateways which allow him to travel across locations no matter how great the distance within moments or even across entire dimensions, as he does when he travels from Asgard to Earth and vice-versa.[75][76] Thor has used Mjolnir to rip the fabric of the universe to send Surtur and Ymir to the Death Dimension[51] and send an entire population to Limbo,[77] Thor can also use Mjolnir to travel through portals anywhere within the same dimension.[78]
- Matter Manipulation: By spinning Mjolnir in a precise manner at cyclotronic speeds, Thor can manipulate matter from a molecular level to a vast scale, which allows him to create other configurations and even allows him to transmute the elements themselves. This ability was evident when he transmuted the Absorbing Man’s wood and iron body to the gas helium.[60]
- Nether World Power: Thor can use Mjolnir to tap into the power of the Nether Worlds (dark dimensions).[79]
- Cosmic Energy: Mjolnir allows Thor to produce and control Cosmic Energy to an unknown limit for a variety of purposes.[80]
- Electromagnetic Spectrum Manipulation: Thor was able to absorb and manipulate the electromagnetic energies of the Celestial Mothership.[72]
- Invisibility and Intangibility: Thor can turn himself or others, using Mjolnir, completely intangible and/or invisible.[81] An offshoot of this ability is that Thor can use Mjolnir to completely disrupt the phasing abilities of super humans such as the Vision, Shadowcat etc.[82]
- Event Recall: Thor can use Mjolnir to recall past events.[83]
- Transmigration of Souls: Thor’s hammer has the ability to manipulate souls.[84]
- Life Force Absorption: Thor used this ability on the super villain the Presence, who was forced to surrender to prevent himself from being reduced to a lifeless husk.[85]
- Illusion Detection: Mjolnir can distinguish images, holograms, and different illusions from reality: Thor once commanded the hammer to strike the demon lord Mephisto, who was hiding among false images of himself.[86]
- Interdimensional Messaging: Thor can used Mjolnir to send psychic messages between the nine realms.
- Transformation: When Thor was living on Earth under his mortal guise, he could use Mjolnir to transfer from his Donald Blake persona into Thor and vice versa. Thor loses this ability when Odin permanently separates the two personas. The transformation returns after Odin’s death and Ragnarök restore Donald Blake to existence, allowing him to draw Thor back to Earth from the void once he finds the hammer, but for a time the two share an existence where they are distinct individuals who nevertheless have a similar memory.
- Immunity to Other Forces: Even without activating the powers of Mjolnir, Thor’s hammer, enchanted by Odin, is impervious to nearly all forms of change, as he himself claimed that no power in the universe but the All-Father’s could affect Mjolnir, shown when Amora’s magical efforts during her first confrontation with Thor to change it into a deadly serpent availed her naught.
- Allspeak: Thanks to the Allspeak, the wielder of Mjolnir can communicate with and be understood by all races.
Former Powers
* Chronokinesis: Thor, at one point, had the ability to use Mjolnir to travel through time.[87] By spinning Mjolnir faster than light, Thor could open a portal to the fourth dimension of time to travel to the past and the future.[87][88][89] Thor no longer possesses this ability because he voluntarily let the temporal energies of the hammer be drained when Immortus asked Thor to use Mjolnir to save the planet Phantus and bring it back out of Limbo and into the space-time continuum.[90]
- Force Fields: With Mjolnir, Thor was capable of creating powerful barriers, force fields, and vortexes that were impenetrable. Not even Earth’s most advanced weapons could weaken Thor’s barrier field that shielded the U.N. Headquarters.[91] Thor stated that he could have contained a cosmic flash attack from Stellaris, this blast was strong enough to destroy Midgard.[92] These vortexes and barriers were so immensely durable that Thor was able to prevent a live bomb from detonating, which is so powerful it was said capable of destroying a fifth of the Prime Marvel Universe.[93]
- Resurrection: While channeling his power through Mjolnir, Thor was able to resurrect a man he had wrongly killed.[94]
- Alpha Particles: Thor’s hammer could harness Alpha Particles from the atmosphere and could use it to atomize any weaponry.[88]
- Negation of Mystic Energy: He used this ability on the Juggernaut himself to negate the mystical energies that grant him his mystical invulnerability, allowing him to defeat Juggernaut in combat. He was also able to stop Mephisto from taking human souls to the Dark Dimension.[86]
- Undead Lethality: As a former religious relic, Mjolnir was lethal to undead. Thor once threw Mjolnir at a vampire, with contact causing the creature to burst into flame and crumble to dust.[95]
Alternate Reality Versions
Image | Description | Issue |
In Earth-1610, Thor has multiple hammers which carry the name Mjolnir, and he can wield whichever he deems fit. His original hammer was forged by Odin and carried with it a piece of Asgard so that even if Ragnarök ever took place, Asgard could be reborn. This hammer shares the same powers as the classic version of the hammer, but can also teleport objects and people of a vast quantity and does not have the worthiness restriction, allowing anyone to use it. When Ragnarök inevitably occurred, Thor was reborn on Earth as a human being named Thorlief Goleman and eventually worked for the E.D.I. as a test subject for their Bio-Mech Suit, which came with an axe-hammer hybrid. At Thor’s suggestion, the hammer actually housed the battery which powers the suit.[96] Thor became a super-powered humanitarian, using the suit as his source of his powers since he was no longer a god.[97] Through Loki’s deceit, Thor was stripped of the harness and hammer, rendering him powerless. Odin was eventually reborn, and thus Thor would regain his godhood. Odin then gave Thor a second version of Mjolnir that resembled the Earth-made axe-hammer.[98]
During a brief battle with an Alternate Universe, Mjolnir was taken by Hyperion and used against Thor. Hyperion, thinking Thor beaten, simply dropped the hammer as he no longer needed it.[99] Thor eventually went back to wielding his original Asgardian hammer. After the Ultimates battled Ultron and Magneto, Thor lost his hammer to Magneto, who was able to manipulate it because iron was used in its construction.[100] Magneto then wielded it as a sign of power while he caused a flood which killed many inhabitants of New York. Thor sacrificed himself to Valhalla in order to save the life of Valkyrie. When the remaining heroes defeated and killed Magneto, Valkyrie became the new wielder of Mjolnir.[101] Eventually the Defenders managed to steal it from her and deliver it to their master, Loki. Loki then used Mjolnir to transport his Troll Army from Asgard to New York in a plot to bring Thor back from Valhalla. Thor inevitably returned when Loki murdered Valkyrie, and she took his place in Valhalla. Thor once again wielded Mjolnir and the heroes were able to defeat Loki.[102] Shortly thereafter, Gregory Stark attempted to cause unrest in Korea. When he was confronted by the Ultimates, he managed to take Mjolnir from Thor and use it to subdue him as well as Captain America, before slamming the ground with it causing a massive shock wave which stunned everyone within range. Thor managed to regain Mjolnir and killed Gregory with a lightning bolt.[103] When the Children of Tomorrow slaughtered the Asgardians and initiated a second Ragnarök, Thor hid his son Modi, in the Room with No Doors along with Mjolnir, in hopes that his son may one day emerge and restore Asgard to its former glory.[104] With Yggdrasil drained of the Odinforce, Thor has become mortal again. When Tony Stark returned an enhanced version of Thor’s former power harness, he once again wielded a similar Axe-Hammer that was given to him by the E.D.I.[105] This newest version of Mjolnir is «fully compatible with all Iron Man power sources».[106] Though the hammer shares all the powers of his magical hammer, Thor still feels like he has become less than what he was.[107] Thor’s son Modi, corrupted by the World Tree returned to earth with the Uru Mjolnir in a quest to establish his kingdom on Earth. When Thor slew his son in combat, the Thunder god continued to use the Stark Model of Mjolnir as well as the linking bio-suit.[108] After the clash of Earth-1610 and Earth-616 destroyed the Multiverse due to the Incursions,[109] Battleworld was formed from the remnants of the destroyed realities.[110] Thor was recreated on it, joining the Thor Corps, with his axe-hammer hybrid Mjolnir now fully Asgardian and with a worthiness enchantment.[111] After the destruction of Battleworld, Mjolnir was capable of survive, finding its way to the rebirth Earth-616, landing in the ruined City of Asgard.[112] After learning about the Mjolnir from the Unseen, Thor of Earth-616 went to Asgard in an attempt to retrieve it[113] after becoming unworthy of wielding his reality’s Mjolnir.[114] However, Thor was captured by the Collector and brought aboard his ship. The Collector told Thor that he wanted to wield the Mjolnir, but it had killed anyone who attempted to lift it with the exception of the Collector himself, though the Collector was still unable to budge it. This had forced the Collector to take the entire City of Asgard in order to bring the hammer with him.[115] Thor and the Collector weren’t the only ones after the hammer, though. The Mad Titan Thanos sent his minions Proxima Midnight and Black Swan to help a unknown cloaked individual retrieve the hammer as a tribute in order to curry Thanos’ favor.[116] A fight eventually ensued between the three sides over the future ownership of the hammer.[117] Thor ended the feud when he activated the hammer’s teleportation power to transport himself, the City of Asgard, and his allies away. Feeling unworthy of the hammer, Thor chose to leave the hammer in the City of Asgard so no other villain could abuse its power. Days later,[13] Volstagg appeared and claimed the hammer for himself, proclaiming that the Nine Realms needed a new kind of Thor and he would become that Thor, namely the War Thor.[118] The hammer gave Volstagg incredible power, but it also caused him to become uncontrollable with rage and lashed out at anyone he perceived as an enemy, even allies and innocent civilians.[119] Thor (Jane Foster) eventually convinced Volstagg to let go of his anger and give up being the War Thor. Volstagg gave up the hammer, and the Odinson ordered the hammer to return to the Old City of Asgard where it belonged. The hammer obeyed and went back to Old Asgard in the Asgard-realm.[120] Odinson left his goat Toothgnasher in charge of guarding the hammer so it didn’t corrupt anyone else. The hammer later changed its mind about being separated from Volstagg and made its way to Asgardia where Volstagg was. It was once again able to tempt Volstagg with its power, transforming him back into the War Thor. Volstagg flew off with the hammer and traveled through the Ten Realms while wondering what his next move should be. After being ambushed by Toothgnasher, Volstagg landed in the old city of Asgard and almost came to blows with Toothgnasher, but they unexpectedly encountered the monster Mangog. Mangog killed Toothgnasher and proclaimed that he would bring the ultimate judgment upon the Asgardians. Volstagg refused to let that happen and prepared to do battle with Mangog.[121] Volstagg was no match for Mangog, though, and was brutally beaten down. The Mjolnir of the Ultimate Universe ended up destroyed by Mangog.[122] An alternate version of the hammer reappeared in its home reality at some point.[123] During the War of the Realms, Jane Foster picked up the smoldered remains of the hammer and managed to transform into her Thor form once again, though she struggled to prevent the hammer from causing her become uncontrollable with anger like it did to Volstagg. She aided Thor and his past and future selves in rescuing Odin and Frigga who were being held captive by Malekith. When the hammer was about to fall apart, Jane used the last of its power to destroy one of Laufey’s eyes. When the hammer returned to Jane, it fell apart, but its pieces then merged together to become a golden vambrace that attached itself to Jane’s arm.[22] |
Ultimates #5 | |
On Earth-2149, Mjolnir is wielded by a zombified Thor. In this reality, Thor is no longer worthy to lift Mjolnir (presumably for being a zombie) and thus has adopted a replacement hammer, made of unknown materials. | Marvel Zombies #3 | |
On Earth-3459, Mjolnir is in the possession of a boy called D.J., the Thor of this reality is either missing or is a schizophrenic man called Harry Wilson. In this reality the handle is not wrapped in leather (ending in a loop), but ends with a short chain. | Thor (Vol. 2) #59 | |
On Earth-3488, Mjolnir is wielded by Thor. In this reality, which based on the Ultimate Universe, Thor and his hammer visually resemble the Ultimate version of Thor. Hulk is able to pick the hammer up, although with great effort, leaving the viewer uncertain if this hammer is of Earthly or Asgardian origin. He is able to revive a near-dead Tony Stark with the hammer. | ||
On Earth-4162, Mjolnir is wielded by Thor. In this reality the head of Mjolnir is curved. | Exiles #52 | |
On Earth-5113, Mjolnir is wielded by Thor. In this reality its appearance is corrupted by Dormammu, with singular spikes at the hammer’s end-sides. | Defenders (Vol. 3) #4 | |
On Earth-7642, Thor’s hammer had a similar look as its New Earth counterpart. The top was mostly flat with two buttons on the raised portion. It was destroyed with the rest of GodWorld. Following Thor’s reincarnation, the remade hammer resembled the Earth-616 hammer. | Darkseid vs. Galactus: The Hunger #1 | |
On Earth-9047, Sore’s hammer is alternatively known as Mjhtwpnor and Mlarry. | What The—?! #1 | |
On Earth-9200, Mjolnir is wielded by Thor. In this reality Mjolnir looks more like a club. It has also been shown to be wielded by Rick Jones, who was deemed worthy for unspecified actions that he had committed in his past. | Hulk: Future Imperfect #1 | |
On Earth-9602, which is an amalgamation of Earth-616 and the DC Universe’s New Earth, Mjolnir is wielded by Thorion. In this reality, Mjolnir’s head is cylindrical in shape instead of rectangular, giving it a more mace-like appearance with a slight extension on either side. It also possesses the unbreakable leather strap. | Thorion of the New Asgods #1 | |
In Earth-9907, Mjolnir was a mallet made of black uru. | A-Next #11 | |
On Earth-10190, Mjolnir is one of the most powerful weapons in existence, especially in the hands of a violent berserker like Thor, who uses it to kill indiscriminately. | Thor #499 | |
In Earth-11124, Thor was killed in an unspecified struggle. A graveyard housing the heroes who dies in the struggle was built around the spot Mjolnir rest. | A-Next #11 | |
In Earth-13068, Mjolnir’s hilt very long and skinny. | Captain Marvel (Vol. 5) #8 | |
Thor’s clone Ragnarok obtained Mjolnir from Earth-13584 after traveling there with the Dark Avengers. | Dark Avengers #190 | |
On Earth-14042, Mjolnir is the weapon of Thor. One of the most powerful weapons there is, Thor treats it as a partner in battle. It can be thrown and recalled, destroy concrete and other solid structures easily, and is used as the focus for Thor’s Lightning Strike attack. | Marvel Disk Wars: The Avengers | |
On Earth-14325, Mjolnir has the same capabilities as usual, but can only be lifted by the «unworthy,» rather than the «worthy.» | Avengers (Vol. 5) #25 | |
In Earth-21923, Mjolnir shared the same history of its counterpart of Earth-807128, until Dani Cage was deemed worthy of it and became the new Thor. | Dead Man Logan #11 | |
In Earth-22020, Odin took away Mjolnir from Thor and gave each of the Avengers their own hammer to further discipline Thor. | Marvel Universe: Millennial Visions #1 | |
In Earth-22260, the Frost Giants won their war against the Asgardians. They proceeded to destroy Asgard. Years later, Mjolnir was seen amongst Asgard’s ruins. | What If? Thor #1 | |
On Earth-37072, Mjolnir is wielded by Thor. In this reality, its appearance is that of a mallet, with a long handle. | Exiles #56 | |
On Earth-83600, Mjolnir, representing Thor’s link with his Asgard home, was stripped away by Crom and buried deep within the bowels of the earth. The mystic hammer was then retrieved by Thoth-Amon’s winged messenger and used by the black sorcerer to wreak havoc in the Hyborian kingdoms. In Stygia, after the fight with Thoth-Amon, a dying Thor gave the mystic hammer to Conan, begging him to offer it to Crom, as a symbol of love that deities of a later age will share with benevolent mankind. The Cimmerian swore to do his bidding and ascended Crom’s grey mound with Mjolnir. | What If? #39 | |
On Earth-97161, a sliver of Mjolnir was tapped off by Toothgnasher. This sliver became Frogjolnir. | Lockjaw and the Pet Avengers #1 | |
On Earth-199999, Thor has been entrusted with the mighty hammer Mjolnir, which was forged in the heart of a dying star. When Thor was banished to Earth, Odin placed the worthiness enchantment on it and thus the hammer’s use became restricted to the worthy, leaving even the Hulk unable to lift it from the ground. The enchantment is represented by the appearance of a Celtic trefoil knot on the side of the hammer’s head. At Thor’s initial banishment, he himself was unable to wield the hammer or access his powers until he had proven himself worthy of it. The hammer was found by S.H.I.E.L.D.,[124] deemed as an 0-8-4,[125] and studied. Once Thor had proven his worth, Mjolnir itself returned to him of its own accord and his powers were restored, though he required the hammer to achieve his full strength.[124] Although indestructible and with unmatched power, the hammer has proven unable to break Captain America’s shield due to its vibranium composition. Thor has taken advantage of the hammer’s worthiness enchantment at least once, setting it on top of Loki’s chest to pin him to the ground.[126] Thor and the other Avengers later played a ‘game’ where the rest of the team attempted and failed to lift it from the table where Thor had placed it, with only Steve Rogers able to make it move slightly, even if he couldn’t pick it up. The worthiness enchantment later helped the Avengers confirm that they could trust the Vision to aid them against Ultron when the Vision managed to lift the hammer where all of them had failed to do so.[127] While seeking his father after Loki banished him from Asgard, Thor confronted his sister Hela for the first time, only for her to destroy Mjolnir in their confrontation. Later discoveries revealed that Hela had been the first wielder of Mjolnir in her role as Odin’s executioner before Odin banished her out of fear of her power, although Thor later learned that he was able to channel the powers of Mjolnir without his hammer.[128] Years later, Mjolnir reforged itself for Jane Foster, transforming her into the Mighty Thor. It was able to stave off her stage 4 cancer, but weakened her mortal form’s ability to stave the cancer off every time she harnessed the hammer’s abilities. After she finally succumbed to her cancer, Thor reclaimed the hammer.[129] | Thor (April 21, 2011) |
On Earth-400005, during an expedition to Norway, Donald Blake, a former student of David Banner, came into possession of a hammer-ax in which there resided the soul of a Viking warrior prince who was condemned by Odin to live in a catatonic state of living deadman until he will not be redeemed from his life of arrogance and his desire to love wars. Screaming the name «Odin!» while gripping the hammer, Thor, the Viking warrior prince materialized. | The Incredible Hulk Returns (May 22, 1988) |
In Earth-807128, Thor was killed in Las Vegas and the city was renamed Hammer Falls to commemorate the event. Most of the tourists who visit come to pray for the heroes to return at the spot Thor last dropped Mjolnir. | Wolverine (Vol. 3) #67 | |
On Earth-961212, Mjolnir itself, is not magical, but the blows it strikes are. Giant in nature, few can lift it purely because of the weight. When thunder is heard, it is Thor’s hammer striking a foe. | Timeslip Collection #1 | |
In Earth-TRN161, Mjolnir is a norse pickaxe. | UltraForce (Vol. 2) #∞ | |
On Earth-TRN562, Loki briefly transformed Thor into Deconsecrator, a Thor resdegin by Winter Soldier. The hammer became silver, had spikes added to the ends, and the engravement had been glossed over. The hilt was recolored black and the strap was turned grey with spikes on it. | Marvel Avengers Academy | |
In Earth-TRN664, a brainwashed Deadpool used Medusa’s decapitated head to turn Thor and Mjolnir into stone. | Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe Again #1 | |
In Earth-TRN666, Mjolnir was wielded by King Thor until King Thanos killed him in his quest to please Death. After millenia, Mjolnir was reclaimed by The Fallen One who used it to fight King Thanos, his younger self, and the Rider. Eventually, Norrin was defeated and killed by King Thanos using Mjolnir’s handle. | Thanos (Vol. 2) #14 | |
In Earth-TRN733, Mjolnir was temporarily borrowed by the Thor Odinson of Earth-199999. In battle with the Thanos of Earth-TRN734, the Captain America of Earth-199999 was deemed worthy of Mjolnir. Following Thanos’s defeat, Rogers returned Mjolnir to its home reality. | Avengers: Endgame | |
In an Unknown Reality, Deadpool wielded Mjolnir. As a result, the button on top had his logo on it. | Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe #4 | |
In an Unknown Reality, Thor grew up during the Great Depression in New York City. His hammer seems to reflect this. | Marvel Avengers Academy |
Although an incredibly powerful weapon, Mjolnir is not indestructible. It has been damaged several times over the years:
- A force beam from the Destroyer slices it in two in Journey Into Mystery #118. Mjolnir was then repaired in Journey Into Mystery #120.
- The Molecule Man dispels the atomic bonds between the hammer’s molecules, vaporizing Mjolnir in Avengers #215. Mjolnir was later restored in Avengers #216.
- The hammer shatters after channeling an incredible amount of energy at the Celestial Exitar in Thor #388 and was restored by the Celestials’ Replicoid in Thor #389.
- The Dark God Perrikus slices Mjolnir in half with a magical scythe in Thor (Vol. 2) #10. Mjolnir was restored in Thor (Vol. 2) #11.
- The hammer is shattered when it collides with the Uru weapons of Loki’s followers Ulik, Fenris Wolf and Hyrm, resulting in an atomic-scale explosion in Thor (Vol. 2) #80. Mjolnir was repaired in Thor (Vol. 2) #85.
- The hammer was destroyed in a fight between Thor and his grandfather Bor in Thor #600. Thor, to repair it, needed Doctor Strange’s help, who reconstructed it by channeling Thor’s Odin-Force into its fragments, in Thor #602.
- The hammer was destroyed in Mighty Thor (Vol. 2) #705, after Jane tied the Mangog up with chains originally created to bind the Fenris Wolf, and fastened them to Mjolnir so she could hurl the monster into the Sun. Mjolnir was restored in War of the Realms #6.
- The hammer was shattered by Thor in Thor (Vol. 6) #23 in order to purge it of the God Tempest’s corrupted essence. Angela collected the shards and restored it with the help of the Angels, leaving it covered in glowing golden cracks.
Others Deemed Worthy to Wield Mjolnir
Earth-616 reality
- Buri
- Ulik[130]
- Bor[131]
- Odin[132]
- Donald Blake[132]
- Beta Ray Bill[133]
- Red Norvell[134]
- Thunderstrike[135]
- Captain America[136][137][138][139]
- Wonder Man[140]
- Jake Olson[141]
- Throg[142]
- Awesome Andy[143]
- Air-Walker[144]
- Loki (after having his moral compass magically inverted)[145]
- Ororo Munroe[146] although at that time she was under Stormcaster’s enchantment, and Thor also held on to the hammer, the fact that she was able to manage a hammer in his hand greatly surprised Thor.
- Jane Foster[147]
- Squirrel Girl[148]
- Gwenpool (when using Thor’s severed arm)[149]
- Captain Marvel (when infused with the DNA of Thor’s clone)[150]
- Moon Knight (thanks to his divine power of controlling objects which were made out of moon rock)[151]
- Khonshu (thanks to his divine power of controlling objects which were made out of moon rock)[152]
- Adam Aziz[153]
- Prehistoric Black Panther[154]
- Black Panther[154]
- Venom (under the possession of Captain Universe)[155]
Alternate Realities
- Alexander Power of Earth-5631[156]
- Conan the Barbarian from Earth-83600[157]
- Thoth-Amon from Earth-83600[157]
- Sarah Rogers from Earth-9811[158]
- Dargo Ktor from Earth-8710[159]
- Bruce Banner from Earth-3488[160]
- (No worthiness restriction) Gregory Stark,[103] Magneto,[100][161] Modi Thorson,[104] Valkyrie from Earth-1610;[162] and Hyperion from Earth-31916.[163] The hammer was later claimed by the Asgardian Volstagg of Earth-616[13][118] and briefly wielded by Thor (Jane Foster) before being returned to Old Asgard.[164] It later sought to be wielded by Volstagg and returned to him.[121] It was seemingly destroyed by Mangog,[122] but there was enough of it left to be temporarily used by Jane Foster to become Thor once more. After it fell apart, it transformed into a vambrace that attached itself to Jane’s arm.[22]
- Magni Thorson from Earth-3515[165]
- Woden Thorson from Earth-691[166]
- Thorion from Earth-9602[167]
- Rogue from Earth-941066[168]
- Cecil McAdam from Earth-928
- Ragnarok, of Earth-616, became the wielder of a Mjolnir from an AIM-created alternate reality.[169]
- Jane Foster from Earth-788[170]
- Natalia Romanova (Black Widow) from Earth-23223[171]
- Steve Rogers from Earth-93074[172]
- Superman (Clark Kent) from New Earth[173] (through Odin’s permission)
- Wonder Woman (Diana Prince) from New Earth[174]
- Odin of Earth-199999[124]
- Vision of Earth-199999[127] In fairness, Stark speculates why Vision is able to lift Mjolnir. He says since he’s not human, the rules of the hammer probably don’t apply to him.
- Stan Lee of Earth-13122[175]
- Wade Wilson of an Unknown Reality[176]
- Jen Walters of an Unknown Reality[177]
- Carol Danvers of Earth-16045[178]
- Hela of Earth-199999[128]
- Captain America (Steve Rogers) of Earth-199999[179]
- Danielle Cage of Earth-21923[180]
- Brigid Thorsdottir of Earth-20368[181]
- Ghost-Spider (Gwen Stacy) of Earth-65[182]
- Jane Foster of Earth-199999[129]
Mjolnir’s Duplicates
Thor’s sacred uru hammer has been duplicated with varying degrees of success over the years:
- Three unnamed duplicates of Mjolnir was created by Professor Zaxton using his duplicating machine,[183] all of which eventually faded away into the nothingness from which they came.
- Unnamed duplicate of Mjolnir was created by Orikal for Ulik at the behest of King Geirrodur.[130]
- War-Hammer — is an exact copy of Mjolnir by order of Odin for Red Norvell,[184] who had once with the powers of Thor claimed Mjolnir and sacrificed himself to save Asgard.[134]
- Stormbreaker — was forged by Eitri and the Dwarves of Nidavellir by order of Odin for Beta Ray Bill[185] after he proved worthy to wield Mjolnir.[133]
- After Thor defeated an unarmed humanoid antibody of Exitar with Mjolnir, more humanoid antibodies swarmed him — all armed with similar hammers.[186]
- Thunderstrike — the enchanted mace that was given to Eric Masterson by Thor,[187] cause he proved worthy to wield Mjolnir[135] and served Asgard for many years before being returned to Earth.
- Kevin Masterson, Eric Masterson’s son, carried a toy version of Thunderstrike[188] because Thor had so often saved his father’s life.
- Mjolnir Replica — created by Tony Stark, Reed Richards, and «Hank Pym» for the cyborg clone of Thor.[189]
- Frogjolnir — Simon Walterson lifted a sliver of Mjolnir, which when struck on the ground turned him into Throg and the sliver into Frogjolnir.[190]
- Stormcaster — The hammer was created by Loki, and was presented to Ororo Munroe.[191]
- Unnamed hammer of Tarene.
- Various duplicates of Mjolnir God-Emperor Doom handed out to his Thor Corps.[110]
- Lightbringer — Earth-15513’s Thor’s hammer, created by God Emperor Doom and given to her upon her admittance to the Thor Corps.[192]
- Mjolniron — Forged by Eitri from cold iron, acting as the key to unlock the power of the Iron Hammer Armor.[193]
- Using the Promethium bonded to Darkoth’s skeleton, his symbiote to create a crimson replica of Mjolnir.[194]
- The hammer’s name is pronounced «mmyol’-neer.»
- Mjolnir was classified by the Initiative as an «Omega Class Weapon,» at the level of the Tactigon.[195]
- The Worthy, powerful warriors affiliated with the Serpent, wielded 8 similar powerful hammers, those being:
- Hammer of Skadi
- Hammer of Kuurth
- Hammer of Nul
- Hammer of Nerkkod
- Hammer of Skirn
- Hammer of Mokk
- Hammer of Greithoth
- Hammer of Angrir
See Also
- 3155 appearance(s) of Mjolnir
- 5 appearance(s) in handbook(s) of Mjolnir
- 453 minor appearance(s) of Mjolnir
- 94 mention(s) of Mjolnir
- 12 mention(s) in handbook(s) of Mjolnir
- 4 invocation(s) of Mjolnir
- 3523 image(s) of Mjolnir
- 2 quotation(s) by or about Mjolnir
Links and References
- Megingjord: Thor’s Belt of Strength
- Bloodaxe (Enchanted Axe)
- Mjolniron
- Mjolnir at Wikipedia.org
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 Thor Vol 6 #20
- ↑ Heroes Reborn Vol 2 #6
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 3.2 Journey Into Mystery #83
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 Mighty Thor Vol 3 #12
- ↑ Thor Vol 6 #19
- ↑ 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 Thor Vol 2 #80
- ↑ Carnage Vol 3 #9
- ↑ Loki Vol 2 #1
- ↑ 9.0 9.1 Marvel Legacy #1
- ↑ 10.0 10.1 Thor Vol 3 #12
- ↑ Thor Annual #11
- ↑ Thor Vol 3 #1
- ↑ 13.0 13.1 13.2 Unworthy Thor #5
- ↑ 14.0 14.1 14.2 Thor Vol 4 #1
- ↑ Thor Vol 4 #8
- ↑ Free Comic Book Day 2017 (Secret Empire) #1
- ↑ 17.0 17.1 Secret Empire #10
- ↑ Mighty Thor Vol 2 #703
- ↑ Mighty Thor Vol 2 #704
- ↑ Mighty Thor Vol 2 #705
- ↑ Mighty Thor Vol 2 #706
- ↑ 22.0 22.1 22.2 War of the Realms #5-6
- ↑ 23.0 23.1 23.2 Thor Vol 6 #21
- ↑ Thor Vol 6 #1
- ↑ Thor (Vol. 6) #7-8
- ↑ Thor Vol 6 #17
- ↑ Thor (Vol. 6) #19-20
- ↑ Thor Vol 6 #22
- ↑ Thor Vol 6 #23
- ↑ Thor Vol 6 #24
- ↑ 31.0 31.1 31.2 Thor #388
- ↑ Thor throws Mjolnir at the robot Ultron with no effect in Avengers #68
- ↑ 33.0 33.1 Mighty Thor Vol 3 #11
- ↑ Journey Into Mystery #101-102
- ↑ Mighty Thor #440
- ↑ Thor Vol 2 #11
- ↑ JLA/Avengers #4
- ↑ Fear Itself #1
- ↑ Avengers #122
- ↑ Hulk Vol 2 #5
- ↑ Thor Vol 2 #4
- ↑ Thor #324
- ↑ Journey Into Mystery #94
- ↑ Thor #185
- ↑ Thor #393
- ↑ Journey Into Mystery #107
- ↑ Journey Into Mystery #120
- ↑ Thor Vol 3 #4
- ↑ Thor #161
- ↑ Astonishing Thor #4
- ↑ 51.0 51.1 Mighty Thor #425
- ↑ Mighty Thor #412
- ↑ 53.0 53.1 Thor Vol 2 #12
- ↑ Thor Vol 2 #25
- ↑ Thor #133
- ↑ Thor Corps #1
- ↑ Avengers #309
- ↑ Strange Tales #182
- ↑ Mighty Thor #417
- ↑ 60.0 60.1 Journey Into Mystery #115
- ↑ Avengers #14
- ↑ Journey Into Mystery #104
- ↑ Journey Into Mystery #117
- ↑ Silver Surfer#4
- ↑ Thor #304
- ↑ Avengers #304
- ↑ Thor #387
- ↑ Journey Into Mystery #109
- ↑ Thor#407
- ↑ Thor #223
- ↑ Thor #301
- ↑ 72.0 72.1 Thor #288
- ↑ Journey Into Mystery #123
- ↑ Avengers #180
- ↑ Avengers #9
- ↑ Avengers #16
- ↑ Thor #192
- ↑ Journey Into Mystery #88
- ↑ Journey Into Mystery #101
- ↑ Avengers #5
- ↑ Avengers #300
- ↑ Mighty Thor #428
- ↑ Journey Into Mystery #90
- ↑ Thor #363
- ↑ Avengers Vol 3 #44
- ↑ 86.0 86.1 Thor #310
- ↑ 87.0 87.1 Journey Into Mystery #86
- ↑ 88.0 88.1 Journey Into Mystery #102
- ↑ Journey Into Mystery #13
- ↑ Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Vol 2 #13
- ↑ Thor #181
- ↑ Mighty Thor #421
- ↑ Avengers Annual #16
- ↑ Invaders #33
- ↑ Thor #332
- ↑ Ultimate Thor #4
- ↑ Ultimates #3
- ↑ Ultimates 2 #12
- ↑ Ultimate Power #5
- ↑ 100.0 100.1 Ultimates 3 #5
- ↑ Ultimatum #5
- ↑ Ultimate New Ultimates #5
- ↑ 103.0 103.1 Ultimate Avengers vs. New Ultimates #6
- ↑ 104.0 104.1 Ultimates Vol 2 #2
- ↑ Ultimate Comics Ultimates #3
- ↑ Ultimate Comics Ultimates #24
- ↑ Ultimate Comics Ultimates #3-4
- ↑ Ultimate Comics Ultimates #16-17
- ↑ Secret Wars #1
- ↑ 110.0 110.1 Secret Wars #2
- ↑ Thors #1
- ↑ Thors #4
- ↑ Unworthy Thor #1
- ↑ Original Sin #8
- ↑ Unworthy Thor #2
- ↑ Unworthy Thor #3
- ↑ Unworthy Thor #4
- ↑ 118.0 118.1 Mighty Thor Vol 3 #20
- ↑ Mighty Thor Vol 3 #21-22
- ↑ Mighty Thor Vol 3 #23
- ↑ 121.0 121.1 Mighty Thor Vol 2 #700
- ↑ 122.0 122.1 Mighty Thor Vol 2 #701
- ↑ Spider-Men II #5
- ↑ 124.0 124.1 124.2 Thor (film)
- ↑ Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Season 1 2
- ↑ The Avengers (film)
- ↑ 127.0 127.1 Avengers: Age of Ultron
- ↑ 128.0 128.1 Thor: Ragnarok
- ↑ 129.0 129.1 Thor: Love and Thunder
- ↑ 130.0 130.1 Thor #139
- ↑ Thor #600
- ↑ 132.0 132.1 Journey Into Mystery #83
- ↑ 133.0 133.1 Thor #337
- ↑ 134.0 134.1 Thor #276
- ↑ 135.0 135.1 Mighty Thor #408
- ↑ Thor #390
- ↑ Fear Itself #7
- ↑ Secret Empire #10
- ↑ Avengers Vol 8 #28
- ↑ Marvel Comics Presents #45
- ↑ Thor Vol 2 #2
- ↑ Lockjaw and the Pet Avengers Unleashed #1
- ↑ She-Hulk Vol 2 #14
- ↑ Thor #305
- ↑ Avengers & X-Men: AXIS #9
- ↑ X-Men: To Serve and Protect #3
- ↑ Thor Vol 4 #1-8
- ↑ Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Beats Up the Marvel Universe! #1
- ↑ Gwenpool Strikes Back #4
- ↑ Captain Marvel Vol 10 #16
- ↑ Avengers Vol 8 #33
- ↑ Avengers Vol 8 #34
- ↑ Thor Vol 6 #7
- ↑ 154.0 154.1 Avengers Vol 8 #36
- ↑ King in Black #5
- ↑ Thor and the Warriors Four #4
- ↑ 157.0 157.1 What If? #39
- ↑ What If…? #114
- ↑ Thor #384
- ↑ Ultimate Avengers: The Movie
- ↑ Ultimatum #1-#4
- ↑ Ultimatum #4
- ↑ Ultimate Power #5
- ↑ Mighty Thor Vol 3 #22
- ↑ Thor Vol 2 #75
- ↑ Guardians of the Galaxy #43
- ↑ Thorion of the New Asgods #1
- ↑ What If…? #66
- ↑ Dark Avengers #189
- ↑ What If? #10
- ↑ What If? Age of Ultron #3
- ↑ What If? X-Men Age of Apocalypse #1
- ↑ Avengers/JLA
- ↑ Marvel Versus DC #3
- ↑ LEGO Marvel’s Avengers
- ↑ Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe #4
- ↑ Sensational She-Hulk #50
- ↑ All-New, All-Different Avengers #5
- ↑ Avengers: Endgame
- ↑ Dead Man Logan #11
- ↑ Captain Marvel Vol 10 #25
- ↑ Spider-Gwen: Gwenverse #1
- ↑ Journey Into Mystery #95
- ↑ Mighty Thor #478
- ↑ Thor #339
- ↑ Thor #388-389
- ↑ Mighty Thor #459
- ↑ Thor #402
- ↑ Civil War #4
- ↑ Lockjaw and the Pet Avengers #1
- ↑ X-Men Annual #9
- ↑ A-Force Vol 2 #5
- ↑ Infinity Wars: Iron Hammer #1-2
- ↑ Thor Vol 6 #27
- ↑ Avengers: The Initiative #5
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Мьелльнир (Mjölnir (/ˈmjɔːlnɪər/, Древнескандинавский: Mjǫllnir [ˈmjɔlːnez̠])) — молот Тора. Это страшное орудие, которое однако имеет непропорционально короткую рукоять. Этот молот был настолько тяжелым, что никто не мог поднять его.
- Что представляет собой Мьельнир
- Этиология
- Как Тор получил свой молот
- Как Тор потерял свой молот
- Другие значения Мьельнира
- Мьельнир в культуре
Что представляет собой Мьельнир
Как называется молот Тора? Точного названия нет: грозное оружие называют и Мьёльнир, и Мьёллнир (от древнескандинавского Mjöllnir «сокрушитель»).
Мьельнир был настолько тяжелым молотом, что Тор, чтобы справиться с ним, надевал волшебные рукавицы. Благодаря этому его молот превращался в мощное метательное оружие. Главной особенностью Мьельнира было то, что он каждый раз возвращался в руки Тора.
Вот, что написано о молоте Тора в книге “Язык поэзии”:
“А потом он отдал Тору молот, говоря, что им можно бить, с какою он захочет силой и по любой цели, и никогда не откажет молот, и куда бы он его ни бросил, он никогда не промахнется, и как бы далеко ни залетел молот, он всегда вернется Тору в руку. И если Тор захочет, молот сделается так мал, что можно носить его за пазухой. И лишь один у него недостаток: коротковата рукоять”.
В древних легендах рассказывается, что тору было непросто управляться с дивным оружием. Для этого он носил на себе пояс силы Медингъярд, который состоял из волшебных колец, удваивающих его силу.
Скандинавский молот Тора — не только боевое оружие, но также и культовое орудие. Удар этого молота вызывал гром и молнии. Также с его помощью освящался пир и совершались погребальные обряды.
В скандинавской мифологии молот Тора имеет особое значение. С его помощью он в конце-концов сокрушит своего заклятого врага — мирового змея Ёрмунганда, и сам погибнет в этой битве. Но молот Тора переживет Рагнарек. Вот, что об этом написано в книге
“Видение Гюльви”:
“Живы Видар и Вали, ибо не погубили их море и пламя Сурта. Они селятся на Идавёлль-поле, где прежде был Асгард. Туда приходят и сыновья Тора — Моди и Магни и приносят с собою молот Мьёлльнир.”
Как правильно называется молот Тора? Общеупотребительным является название “Мьелльнир”. Как Тор называл свой молот? Он называл его “Разбивающий” или “Сокрушитель”, потому что с его помощью он сокрушал великанов.
Родственными словами в других языках являются славянское слово “молот” и латинское malleus (отсюда английское mallet — молот).
В альтернативных версиях слово “Мьельнир” близко русским словам “маланья” или “молния”. Согласно одной из теорий, Мьельнир является оружием божественного шторма.
В некоторых диалектах современного норвежского языка слово “Мьельнир” может обозначать не только молнию, но и камень, скалу. Есть и другие значения: “мука”, “порошок”. В соответствии с норвежским правописанием, Мьяльнир может дословно означать “Распылитель”.
Как Тор получил свой молот
Где Тор взял молот? История этого ценного приобретения начинается с того, что однажды Локи стало скучно. Когда боги спали, он подкрался к жене громовника, Сив, и обрезал ее чудесные волосы. По мнению Локи, это было очень забавно, но Тор считал иначе. Он схватил субтильного Локи и прорычал, что сейчас переломает ему все кости.
Изрядно струсивший Локи пообещал разъяренному громовнику, что все исправит, и тот нехотя отпустил его: за него неожиданно вступилась Сив. Ею руководило, впрочем, не милосердие, а желание поскорее получить свои волосы назад. Она знала, что этот хитрый плут прекрасно знает, что следует делать.
Локи думал недолго, и отправился к карлам, в самое сердце Мидгард-земли, в Свартальвхейм. Карлы — хтонические создания, жившие в преисподней, крайне редко покидали свой мир. И того, кто попадал к ним, они предпочитали не отпускать обратно. Локи прекрасно знал это, но надеялся на свою изворотливость.
Где выкован молот Тора? Создание чудесного оружия произошло в доме двух черных альвов, которые были чудесными кузнецами — лучшими кузнецами во всех мирах.
Как и другие хтонические создания, карлы относились к асам скорее враждебно, хотя и не выступали против них, как это делали великаны. Но и делиться с ними своими знаниями и богатством. Тем более — богатством.
Но Локи, великолепный манипулятор, прекрасно знал, как заставить карлов сделать то, что ему нужно. Он решил столкнуть лицом к лицу две семьи кузнецов.
Сначала он постелил мастерскую сыновей Ивальди, и сказал, что некие братья, Брокк и Эйтри, провозгласили себя лучшими кузнецами во всех мирах, и полны решимости доказать это в испытании.
Братьям Ивальди Локи сказал, что, согласно правилам, те должны выковать три дара богам. Среди этих даров — говорил Локи — должны быть золотые волосы.
Затем коварный ас пришел к Брокку и Эйтри, и сказал ровно то же самое: некие самозванцы, сыновья Ивальди, провозгласили себя самыми лучшими мастерами, и ни в грош не ставят братьев.
Но Брокка и Эйтри одурачить ему не удалось. Это были не только великие умельцы, но и настоящие мудрецы. Не стоит забывать, что карлы вообще были очень древними созданиями — настолько, что могли поспорить с великанами. Многие из них владели тайными знаниями, к тому же, они были прекрасными психологами и знали, что представляет собой Локи.
Они согласились участвовать — но только в том случае, если на кон Локи поставит свою голову. Локи не впервой было оказываться в таких ситуациях, и он согласился: он был уверен, что ему и на этот раз удастся выйти сухим из воды. Локи согласился, и пообещал себе, что сделает все для победы сыновей Ивальди.
И закипела работа. Брокк раздул огонь, и, по просьбе Эйтри, постоянно следил за пламенем.
- Только не останавливайся — предупредил тот, готовясь к работе. — Если остановишься, гнусные Ивальди победят, и это полностью будет твоя вина!
И Брокк послушно принялся за дело. Неожиданно в комнату влетела странная черная муха. Как только братья поместили в печь кусок шкуры вепря, наглое насекомое ужалило руку Брокка, но тот и ухом не повел. Муха продолжала атаковать Брокка, но цверг, глухо ругаясь вполголоса, не оставлял работы и продолжал плавить золото в печи.
Наконец, Эйтри положил кусок железа в раскаленную печь, и муха принялась жалить Брокка с удвоенной силой. На секунду рука мастера дрогнула, и покинула кузнечные меха. В результате последнее сокровище пробыло в печи недостаточно долго.
Локи же принял свой обычный облик, и, довольный неудачей гномов, проводил братьев к богам — для представления даров. Сначала Локи представил асам подарки сыновей Ивальди. Прекрасные золотые волосы тут же приросли к голове Сив, и засияли пуще прежнего. Богиня была счастлива, и, видя это, даже вечно хмурый Тор улыбнулся.
Один получил в дар великолепное копье, способное поразить любую цель. Третий дар предназначался богу плодородия, Фрейру. Это был небольшой клочок ткани, который в мгновение ока превращался в чудесный корабль. Главной особенностью этого корабля было то, что он, во-первых, вмещал в себя огромное количество воинов (в нем мог поместиться и весь Асгард, и все остальные миры — и еще бы осталось место: такой уж это был корабль), а во-вторых, его можно было легко уменьшить и положить в карман.
Боги были в восторге. Но вот, пришла пора представить свои сокровища Брокку и Эйтри. Для Фрейра они создали золотого вепря, который был способен нести колесницу быстрее любого зверя. Один получил золотое кольцо, приносящее своему владельцу еще восемь таких же колец на каждый девятый день.
А громовник Тор получил в дар молот по имени Мьельнир. Его ручка была коротковата — Локи постарался… Локи уже потирал руки — ему удалось усидеть на двух стульях и не лишиться головы. Но тут взял слово Брокк, и начал рассказывать об особенностях молота.
Из подробного описания молота Тора стало ясно, что Мьельнир никогда не сломается, никогда не потеряется, и всегда будет возвращаться в руку громовника после броска…
Несмотря на короткую рукоять оружия, боги единогласно заявили, что Мьельнир — самый лучший подарок. Собственно, именно с этого и началась история молота Тора.
Вспомнив о своей ставке, Локи бросился бежать, но не тут-то было. Карлы потребовали платы, но Локи, которому ни за что не хотелось расставаться со своей головой, заявил, что речь шла только о его голове — но не о шее. Все были вынуждены признать, что Локи прав. Но Брокк решил оставить последнее слово за собой, и под молчаливое одобрение асов, которым до смерти надоело, что длинный язык Локи то и дело впутывает их в неприятности, зашил тому рот.
Как Тор потерял свой молот
Мьёлльнир — универсальное оружие, жившее своей собственной жизнью: он то улетал от Тора, то прилетал обратно. Но все-таки он хранил верность своему могучему хозяину — Тору. Но иногда громовнику приходилось выручать верный молот из плена.
Древняя легенда о молоте Тора гласит, что однажды утром бог грома обнаружил, что Мьельнир пропал. Вздохнув, Тор схватил за грудки безмятежно завтракавшего Локи и прижал его к стене.
- Что случилось? — испуганно пролепетал тот, хлопая глазами.
- Где мой молот? Это все твои фокусы! — рычал Тор.
Но на сей раз Локи был действительно не при чем. Мьельнир похитил Трюм — грозный великан из Утгарда, который очень хотел жениться на красавице Фрейе. Локи, которому удалось раздобыть эти сведения, сказал Тору, что Трюм вернет молот, если Фрейя согласится стать его женой… Переглянувшись, асы отправились к ней, и несколько смущенно повторили условия Трюма.
Фрейя пришла в сильное негодование. Она была первой красавицей всех миров, за ней когда-то ухаживал сам Один, так неужели же ей нужно уходить из прекрасного Асгарда, и выходить замуж за великана?
- Что ты за воин, Тор, если у тебя так просто можно украсть молот? — Презрительно фыркнула Фрейя и вернулась к своим делам.
Делать было нечего. Тор, сильно уязвленный несправедливым упреком, понял, что ему самому придется выручать свое оружие. Вот только как?..
Ответ на этот вопрос дал Локи. Пусть Тор переоденется в свадебное платье и закроет лицо: ослепленный страстью, Трюм не сразу поймет, что перед ним не Фрейя… Тор, скрепя сердце, согласился. По распоряжению Одина, вместе с Тором в Ётунхейм отправился Локи, тоже переодетый в женское платье: громовник был слишком честен и ему слишком претили фокусы с переодеванием — асы боялись, что он выдаст себя раньше времени, и тогда не видать им Мьельнира, как своих ушей.
Дальнейшие события развивались молниеносно. Вся “спецоперация” несколько раз была на грани провала, но вот, наконец, Трюм и “Фрейя” сели за пиршественный стол. Жених велел принести Мьельнир, чтобы положить его на колени невесте. Это был древний обычай: таким образом следовало освятить брачный союз. Вот, что написано об этом в
“Песне о Трюме”:
“Сказал тогда Трюм,
ётунов конунг:
«Скорей принесите
молот сюда!
На колени невесте
Мьёлльнир кладите!
Пусть Вар десница
союз осенит!”
Можно вспомнить, что легендарный молот скандинавского бога Тора был не только оружием — он воскрешал им своих козлов. Также Мьельнир освящал брачные узы, вар — это союз (или договор). Кстати, от этого слова происходит обозначение скандинавских наемников — варягов.
Получив Мьельнир назад, Тор, конечно же, не собирался освящать им брачный союз. Вот, что говорит о дальнейших событиях “Песнь о Хюмире”:
“Сбросив тогда
тяжкий котел, —
поднял он Мьёлльнир,
смерть приносящий,
и лавы китов
всех перебил.”
Первым от удара Мьельнира пал сам незадачливый жених, Трюм. После него погибли и все остальные великаны. Так громовник вернул себе свой молот.
Другие значения Мьельнира
Однажды Тор и Локи снова отправились путешествовать, и, забредши в лес, встретились с огромным великаном. Тот вел себя достаточно дружелюбно, и напросился к ним в спутники. Ночью, когда великан захрапел, Тор подкрался к нему и ударил его молотом, но не причинил ему никакого вреда. так продолжалось еще трижды.
Наутро путники пришли в Утгард, и в его правителе, которого звали Утгарда-Локи, узнали своего спутника. Дальнейшие события показали, что над Утгардом законы Асгарда, да и остальных миров тоже, были невластны.
Мьельнир в культуре
Мьельнир был ярким символом Тора: можно сказать, что по нему узнавали божество на большинстве изображений. Копии чудесного орудия получили огромную популярность на территории Скандинавии и Германии: мужчины носили миниатюрные мьельниры на шее — как амулеты.
Согласно древнейшей традиции, более крупные копии легендарного молота использовались в священных церемониях: с их помощью освящали брачные союзы. Также их подкладывали под кровать молодоженам. Логика здесь была такая: Тор и Сив — боги плодородия, а Мьельнир — главный атрибут громовника. Значит, культовое орудие поможет зачать большое количество сыновей.
Амулеты в виде молоточков Тора распространились по всей Европе. Попали они и на территорию современной России: их наличие было своеобразным свидетельством того, что в средние века на этих землях жили скандинавы.
Тор с молотом
Тор с молотом
Мьёлльнир, мьёльнир или мьёллнир (древнескандинавское Mjöllnir — «сокрушитель») — в германо-скандинавской мифологии молот бога Тора. Лёгок, как перо, но при этом абсолютно неотразим и смертоносен. После метания возвращается в руку метавшего. Мьёлльнир могли поднять только Тор и его сыновья Магни и Сигню. Тор надевал железные рукавицы, чтобы удержать в них молот, и пояс силы, удваивающий силу носящего. Удар Мьёлльнира вызывал гром.
Мьёльнир изготовлен карликами-двергами Броком и Сидри при споре с Локи о мастерстве кузнецов. Молот был признан асами лучшим творением гномов, Локи проиграл спор, и ему зашили рот, так как Один запретил кому-либо из асов или двергов рубить голову Локи (в споре на заклад Локи поставил свою голову).
Одно время был похищен ётуном Трюмом, но благодаря хитрости своего брата Локи Тор вернул свой молот обратно.
Мьёлльнир — универсальное оружие, жившее своей собственной жизнью: он то улетал от Тора, то прилетал обратно, а иногда и самому Тору приходилось вызволять свое оружие из плена, им убивали и оживляли. В одной из поездок в Ётунхейм Тор забил своих козлов, которые тянули его колесницу вместо лошадей, а наутро при помощи своего молота оживил их.
Влияние на культуру
Амулет в виде Мьёлльнира
Мьёлльнир считался символом Тора. Копии молота были популярными в Скандинавии, люди носили их на шее как амулеты. Также они употреблялись в священных церемониях — им освящали свадьбы. Их подкладывали под кровать молодожёнам, чтобы у них было много детей. После принятия христианства люди долго ещё носили одновременно крест и амулет — копию Мьёлльнира.
В современное время
Также как и бог Тор, его молот Мьёлнир фигурирует в комиксах Marvel и произведениях по мотивам — кинофильмах, мультсериалах и компьютерных играх.
Молот Мьёлльнир фигурирует в игре Tomb Raider: Underworld как основное оружие способное уничтожить мир.
В серии игр Halo аугментированные космические спецназовцы Спартанцы облачены в броню Мьёльнир, усиливающую их и без того нечеловеческие скорость, силу, выносливость и реакцию.
В серии игр DotA и DotA 2 Мьёлнир является одним из артефактов.
Также Мьёлнир фигурирует в телесериале Сверхъестественное в 8 сезоне 2 серии.
- Старшая Эдда. Песнь о Трюме. Перевод А.Корсуна. М.: «Художественная Литература», 1975.