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mashups, “best of”s, compilations, and remixes of other works
мэшапы, сборники, компиляции, ремиксы других работ;
Словосочетания (7)
- business mashup — бизнес-мэшап
- consumer mashup — пользовательский мэшап
- data mashup — мэшап данных
- enterprise mashup — бизнес-мэшап
- mashup application — mashup-приложение
- mashup site — мэшап-сайт
- web mashup — веб-мэшап
mashups, “best of”s, compilations, and remixes of other works
мэшапы, сборники, компиляции, ремиксы других работ;
They are acting in the sense that they’re emulating the original mashup.
Все они повторяют оригинальный микс
Indeed, anything you add to the mashup, music you might add, Lucas has a worldwide perpetual right to exploit that for free.
И все, что вы добавляете, музыку, например, на все это Лукас обладает бессрочными правами и может использовать бесплатно.
I call the first camp “Putler,” a mashup of Putin and Adolf Hitler, the two leaders whom Western commentators seem most fond of pairing.
Первый лагерь я называю «Путлер» — гибрид Путина с Адольфом Гитлером, двух лидеров, объединять которых западным специалистам нравится, кажется, больше всего.
Rather, they were a framework for organizing much of what the Soviets knew about the world, almost like a mashup of Google Maps and Wikipedia, built from paper.
Скорее, они были тем механизмом, который помогал Советам организовать их знания о мире. Это было что-то вроде гибрида, в котором соединились карты Google и Википедия — но на бумаге.
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Перевод «мэшап» на английский
У идеи объединять несколько инструментов для получения мэшап LMS, есть целый ряд достоинств.
The idea of combining multiple tools to create a mash-up LMS has a number of advantages.
API Huddle доступно для каждого, кто хочет создать приложение или мэшап.
The Huddle developer API is also available for anyone who wants to build an app or mash-up.
Литературная ассимиляция привела к порождению интертекстуальных жанров, одним из которых является мэшап.
Literary assimilation, in its turn, creates intertextual genres, mashup being one of them.
Это «мэшап» традиционных библиотечных услуг и инноваций «ШЕВ 2.0».
It is a mashup of traditional library services and innovative Web 2.0 services.
Это не только делает более легким комбинировать информацию, но и делает более легким мэшап инструментов и услуг.
This not only makes the information easier to mash up, it also makes tools and services easier to mash up.
Видео было использовано в качестве основы для «мэшап»-видео («смешанных» видео), персонажи которых отличались так же, как Винни-Пух и Dora the Explorer (Даша-следопыт).
The video was used as the basis for «mash up» videos featuring characters as diverse as Winnie the Pooh and Dora the Explorer.
Ролик представляет собой сплав или мэшап из всех видео IAMX в течение этого периода.
The video is a fusion or a mashup of all the IAMX videos during this period.
Культура мэшап — это случай «группового» разговорного повествования, который бросает вызов структуралистским концепциям нарратива в силу своего нелинейного характера и бесконечности.
The idea is that mashup culture is an example of conversational storytelling that challenges structuralist concepts of narrative because it is nonlinear and never-ending.
Хороший мэшап должен быть приятным для прослушивания, а в некоторых случаях вам может понадобиться знать, как делать их вживую, а это трудный навык для овладения.
A good mashup needs to be enjoyable to listen to and in some cases you might need to know how to do them live, which is a difficult skill to master.
DJ Earworm ежегодно составляет мэшап из самых популярных песен уходящего года.
One popular on Youtube DJ Earworm annually makes mashup of the most popular songs of the year.
Альбом Love включает в себя элементы из 130 отдельных изданных и демонстрационных записей The Beatles, и является комплексом ремиксов и полимиксов из многих песен, известным как «мэшап».
Love contains elements from 130 individual commercially released and demo recordings of the Beatles, and is a complex remix and polymix of multiple songs known as a mashup.
Могут появиться портальные продукты, поддерживающие одновременно и мэшап, и продолжающие поддерживать портлет-приложения.
New versions of portal products are expected to eventually add mashup support while still supporting legacy portlet applications.
В свою очередь использование цифровых персонифицированных каналов коммуникации позволяет сформировать креативный контент, максимально соответствующий ожиданиям потребителей, который будет способствовать вовлечению их в процесс коммуникации и распространению мнений лидеров, разместив его в блогах, на каналах YouTube, привлекая специализированные мэшап сервисы.
On its own turn, the use of personified digital communication channels allows companies to mould creative content that meets consumers’ expectations, supports their involvement in communications and the dissemination of experts’ opinions via blogs, YouTube channels, with the support of specialist mashup services.
О нём были сделаны тысячи «мэшап»-видеопародий, многие из которых используют преднамеренно искажённые в плане звучания строки из его фильмов.
Thousands of mash-up parody videos of him have been made, many of which utilize deliberate mishearings (soramimi) of lines from his films.
Понятие мэшап изначально относится к популярной музыке (чаще хип-хопу) и означает производство новой песни, смешивающей две или больше части других песен.
Mashup originally referred to the practice in pop music (notably hip-hop) of producing a new song by mixing two or more existing pieces together.
Вместе с объявлением музыканты выпустили видеоролик, где исполняют мэшап из песен «What’s My Age Again?» и «A Milli». источник WEB
In a tour announcement, the two artists released a video with a mash-up of their hits «What’s My Age Again?» and «A Milli.»
Сын Пак из популярного интернет-блога Kotaku описал композицию как «электический мэшап более взрослой версии эзотерических работ Red Velvet с хип-хоп эстетикой Black Pink или 2NE1».
Writing for Kotaku, Seung Park judged it to be an «eclectic mashup of a mature version of some of Red Velvet’s more esoteric work with Blackpink or 2NE1’s hip-hop-esque aesthetic».
Летом 2011 года в интернете (на сайте Youtube) появляется видео, живой мэшап Мадеона — «Pop Culture», который объединяет в себе сразу 39 поп-хитов.
In the summer of 2011, a YouTube video of his live mashup ‘Pop Culture’ went viral, which combines 39 pop hits into one song.
Она была удостоена премии «Эмми» в 2011 году; в сериале Пэлтроу исполнила кавер-версии трёх песен, в том числе мэшап «SingingintheRain/ Umbrella» ДжинаКелли и Рианны соответственно, вместе с актёром Мэттью Моррисоном.
It was in 2011 awarded the «Emmy»; in the series Paltrow sang cover versions of three songs, including mashup «Singing in the Rain/ Umbrella» Gene Kelly and Rihanna, respectively, along with actor Matthew Morrison.
Несколько дней спустя американская певица Мадонна исполнила мэшап «Gangnam Style» и «Give It 2 Me» вместе с пси и её танцорами во время концерта в Нью-Йорке в Мэдисон-Сквер-Гарден во время тура MDNA.
A few days later, American singer-songwriter Madonna performed a mashup of «Gangnam Style» and «Give It 2 Me» alongside Psy and her backup dancers during a concert in New York City at Madison Square Garden during The MDNA Tour.
Результатов: 60. Точных совпадений: 60. Затраченное время: 72 мс
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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900
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Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200
1) General subject: cross, cross-breed, crossbreed, crossover, half-breed, hybrid, hybrid , mule, piebald, bastard, halfbreed
2) Botanical term: bastard , hybrid
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > гибрид
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > машап
мэшап (сочетание информации из разных источников или баз данных на уже существующем сайте)
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > мэшап (сочетание информации из разных источников или баз данных на уже существующем сайте)
неоднородный контент
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > неоднородный контент
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > мэшап
См. также в других словарях:
Mashup — may refer to: Mashup (digital), a digital media file containing any or all of text, graphics, audio, video, and animation, which recombines and modifies existing digital works to create a derivative work Mashup (music), the musical genre… … Wikipedia
mashup’as — Bendroji informacija Rūšis: naujai skolintos šaknies žodis Kalbos dalis: daiktavardis Kilmė: anglų, mashup, mash up. Pateikta: 2013 11 21. Atnaujinta: 2014 02 15. Reikšmė ir vartosena Apibrėžtis: muzikos stilius: dviejų ar daugiau video ar… … Lietuvių kalbos naujažodžių duomenynas
Mashup — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda El término Mashup se puede referir a: Un tipo de aplicación web, ver Mashup (aplicación web híbrida). Bastard Pop, una técnica de producción musical. Una mezcla musical hecha por algun DJ Obtenido de Mashup Categoría … Wikipedia Español
mashup — 8 [mashup] [ˈmæʃʌp] [ˈmæʃʌp] noun a combination of elements from different sources used to create a new song, video, computer file, program, etc • a video mashup • Most mashups are simple remixes that DJs have been doing for decad … Useful english dictionary
Mashup — (englisch für Verknüpfung) steht für die Erstellung neuer Inhalte durch die nahtlose (Re )Kombination bereits bestehender Inhalte: in der Bildenden Kunst, siehe Collage in der Filmkunst, siehe Filmmontage im Internet, siehe Mashup (Internet) in… … Deutsch Wikipedia
mashup — UK [ˈmæʃˌʌp] / US or mash up UK / US noun [countable] 1) a website or piece of software making use of information from more than one website, for example using photographs from one website and text from another Mashups allow non programmers to… … English dictionary
Mashup — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Ne doit pas être confondu avec mock up. Sur les autres projets Wikimedia : « … Wikipédia en Français
mashup — n. 1. (1999) A musical piece created by combining two songs, particularly the music of one song and the vocals of the other. 2. (2005) Information created by combining data from two different sources. Also: mash up, mash up. Example Citations:… … New words
mashup — a combination of multiple data formats or sources, such as maps, music, photographs, video, and animations, into one digital file. Mashup originally referred to combinations of sampled music from different songs. Google Earth, from… … Universalium
mashup — /ˈmæʃʌp/ (say mashup) noun 1. a song created by blending two or more songs, usually by overlaying the vocal track of one song onto the music track of another. 2. Computers an application that combines data and functionality, drawing on two or… …
mashup — hibridas statusas T sritis dirbtinis intelektas apibrėžtis Interneto tinklalapis ar taikomoji programa, į kuriuos AJAX technologijomis ar kitomis priemonėmis integruoti vienas kitą papildantys elementai iš dviejų ar daugiau šaltinių. pavyzdys(… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mashup | |
Other names | Mesh, mash up, mash-up, blend, bootleg, bastard pop |
Stylistic origins |
Cultural origins | Late 1990s, 2000s; Europe, North America |
Derivative forms |
Regional scenes | |
A mashup (also mesh, mash up, mash-up, blend, bastard pop[1] or bootleg[2]) is a creative work, usually a song, created by blending two or more pre-recorded songs, typically by superimposing the vocal track of one song seamlessly over the instrumental track of another and changing the tempo and key where necessary.[3] Such works are considered «transformative» of original content and in the United States they may find protection from copyright claims under the «fair use» doctrine of copyright law.[4]
The 1967 Harry Nilsson album Pandemonium Shadow Show features what is nominally a cover of the Beatles’ «You Can’t Do That» but actually introduced the «mashup» to studio-recording.[5] Nilsson’s recording of «You Can’t Do That» mashes his own vocal recreations of more than a dozen Beatles songs into this track. Nilsson conceived the combining of many overlaying songs into one track after he played a chord on his guitar and realized how many Beatles songs it could apply to.[6] This recording has led some to describe Harry Nilsson as the inventor of the mashup.
Although described as a medley in its title, «Do It Again Medley with Billie Jean» by Italian music project Club House could be described as one of the first ever commercially released mashups in 1983.[7] The song combines elements of «Do It Again», a 1973 Top 10 hit in the US and Canada by Steely Dan, with Michael Jackson’s #1 hit from earlier in the year, «Billie Jean». It reached #11 in the UK, and the Top 10 in Belgium, Ireland and the Netherlands.
In 1990, Norman Cook reached #1 on the UK charts with his act Beats International with «Dub Be Good To Me», essentially a mashup of re-recorded vocals of The SOS Band’s «Just Be Good To Me» with The Clash’s «The Guns of Brixton», making it the first mashup to achieve significant mainstream success.[8]
The 1990 John Zorn album Naked City features a version of Ornette Coleman’s «Lonely Woman» set over the bassline of Roy Orbison’s «Pretty Woman».[9][importance of example(s)?]
In 1991, The Source featuring Candi Staton released «You Got The Love», based on a mashup created by DJ Eren Abdullah that had been an underground club hit since 1989, placing a Candi Staton a cappella over an instrumental version of Frankie Knuckles and Jamie Principle’s house classic, «Your Love».[8] It reached #4 on the UK charts, and had continued success over subsequent years with several remixes and a cover by Florence + The Machine.
In 1994, the experimental band Evolution Control Committee released the first modern mashup tracks on their hand-made cassette album, Gunderphonic. These «Whipped Cream Mixes» combined a pair of Public Enemy a cappellas with instrumentals by Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass. First released on home-made cassettes in early 1992, it was later pressed on 7″ vinyl, and distributed by Eerie Materials in the mid-1990s. The tracks gained some degree of notoriety on college radio stations in the United States.[10][third-party source needed]
The name Pop Will Eat Itself was taken from an NME feature on the band Jamie Wednesday, written by David Quantick, which proposed the theory that because popular music simply recycles good ideas continuously, the perfect pop song could be written by combining the best of those ideas into one track. Hence, «pop will eat itself».[11][importance of example(s)?]
Pre-empting the rise of the mashup in the 2000s, German trance act Fragma reached #1 in the UK and the Top 10 in Australia and across Europe with «Toca’s Miracle», a mashup of their previous single «Toca Me» and Coco Star’s 1996 single «I Need A Miracle», initially created by British DJ Vimto in 1999.[12]
The mashup movement gained momentum again in 2001 with the release of the 2 Many DJs album As Heard on Radio Soulwax Pt. 2 by Soulwax’s Dewaele brothers, which combined 45 different tracks; the same year a remix of Christina Aguilera’s «Genie in a Bottle» was also released by Freelance Hellraiser, which coupled Aguilera’s vocals with the guitar track of «Hard to Explain» by New York’s the Strokes, in a piece called «A Stroke of Genie-us».[13]
In 2001, English producer Richard X had created a bootleg mashup of Adina Howard’s «Freak Like Me» and Tubeway Army’s «Are «Friends» Electric?», titled «We Don’t Give a Damn About Our Friends», which became a successful underground dance track under his alias «Girls on Top». He could not get permission to use the original vocals to release the mashup commercially, so he enlisted the English girl group Sugababes to re-record the vocals. It was released in April 2002, giving the group their first UK #1 single, and drawing further recognition, acclaim and mainstream success for the mashup genre. Richard X had continued success with two more mashups reaching the UK Top 10: «Being Nobody» (#3), with pop group Liberty X combining vocals of Chaka Khan and Rufus’s «Ain’t Nobody» with The Human League’s «Being Boiled», and «Finest Dreams» (#8), featuring American vocalist Kelis singing the vocals from The SOS Band’s «The Finest» over an instrumental of The Human League’s «The Things That Dreams Are Made Of».
At the 2002 Brit Awards held on 20 February 2002, Australian pop singer Kylie Minogue performed a mash-up version of her #1 hit «Can’t Get You Out of My Head», combined with New Order’s song «Blue Monday». The live performance is cited as one of the first by a mainstream recording artist to utilise a mashup, and was ranked at number 40 on The Guardian’s 2011 list of 50 Key Events in the History of Dance Music.[14] The mashup, titled «Can’t Get Blue Monday Out of My Head», was later released as the B-side of «Love at First Sight» and was included on Minogue’s 2008 remix album Boombox. In the years that followed, mash-ups became more widely used by major artists in their live performances, particularly to update previous material to meld with the themes and sounds of their more recent work. For example, on her 2006 Confessions Tour, Madonna incorporated elements of The Trammps’s «Disco Inferno» in the performance of her 2000 hit «Music», to assist the song in blending in with the tour’s disco theme. On her 2008 Sticky & Sweet Tour, she performed a mash-up of her 1990 hit «Vogue» with the instrumental of her recent single «4 Minutes», to update it with the more urban sound of her Hard Candy album.
In August 2003, Madonna’s single «Hollywood» was remixed with «Into the Groove» and performed with Missy Elliott under the title «Into the Hollywood Groove» as part of a promotional campaign for clothing retailer, GAP, prompting criticism for exploiting the underground culture of the mash-up for commercial gain.[15]
The mid-2000s saw a massive surge in popularity for the mashup, including single releases that climbed high into the dance charts and even the mainstream top-40 charts. Such hits include Linkin Park and Jay Z’s “Numb/Encore”, Party Ben’s “Boulevard of Broken Songs”, Alex Gaudino’s “Destination Calabria”, Mousse T. vs The Dandy Warhols’ «Horny As A Dandy» (originally mixed by produced by Loo & Placido) and Mylo vs Miami Sound Machine’s “Doctor Pressure”. In 2001, Henry Mancini produced a mashup version of Every Breath You Take by The Police for the 27th Episode of The Sopranos ‘Mr. Ruggerio’s Neighborhood’. The Grey Album, which mashed up recordings by Jay-Z and The Beatles, also became notoriously popular.
With the release of Rock Band in 2007 and its sequels later on, numerous mashup artists discovered that every song in the games had each instrument stored on separate tracks to each other, meaning that song instrumentals, acapellas and even individual instruments could easily be sampled and kept uncompressed and clear. Among others, American comedian Neil Cicierega used this method to produce his four mashup albums, Mouth Sounds, Mouth Silence, Mouth Moods and Mouth Dreams.
DJ Earworm’s annual “United States of Pop” mashups became season events, with his 2009 edition alone garnering critical acclaim as well as racking up more than 53 million views on YouTube. Mashups also helped launch the careers of acts such as Girl Talk and Madeon, with the latter’s “Pop Culture” accruing more than 55 million views. Acts such as DJs from Mars and Mashd N Kutcher would go on to make mashups a huge part of their creative output.
Launched in San Francisco in 2003, Bootie was the first recurring club night in the United States dedicated solely to the burgeoning art form of the bootleg mashup, and as of 2019 hosted monthly parties in cities around the globe, including Los Angeles, Paris, Boston, Munich, and New York City. The party’s slogan, «Music for the A.D.D. Generation» also inspired the creation of «A.D.D», Israel’s first mashup-dedicated party.[16] The Best of Bootie mashup compilation series is produced by Bootie creators A Plus D. Released every December since 2005, the compilations are annual Internet sensations, with each album requiring 5,000 GB+ of download bandwidth.[17]
Video games[edit]
DJ Hero is a 2009 rhythm video game developed by Activision that includes over 90 pre-made mashups, where the player scores points by hitting notes on the turntable controller.[18]
Fuser is a 2020 video game developed by Harmonix that allows the player to create mashups of over 100 songs, using four instrument stems from the master recording.[19]
See also[edit]
- Mashup (culture)
- Mashup (video)
- Sound collage
- Plunderphonics
- WhoSampled
- Parody music
- Quodlibet
- Pastiche
- «One Song to the Tune of Another»
- ^ 1) Sinnreich 2) Gluck, 1) Aram 2) Marissa (29 June 2005). «Music & Fashion: The Balancing Act Between Creativity and Control» (PDF). Norman Lear Center: 1–45.
- ^ Rojas, Pete (1 August 2002). «Bootleg culture». Salon.com. Archived from the original on 17 June 2006.
- ^ Geoghegan, Michael and Klass, Dan (2005). Podcast Solutions: The Complete Guide to Podcasting, p.45. ISBN 1-59059-554-8.
- ^ «Code of Best Practices in Fair Use for Online Video». Center for Social Media, American University. 22 February 2010. Archived from the original on 2 June 2010.
- ^ Fennessey, Sean (6 August 2013). «Deconstructing Harry». Grantland.com. Retrieved 20 January 2021.
- ^ Myers, Mitch (6 March 2019). «How Harry Nilsson Made the Beatles’ Catalog into His Own Russian Doll, Creating Rock’s First Great Mashup». Variety.com. Retrieved 20 January 2021.
- ^ «The Recombinant DNA of the Mash-Up». The New York Times. 6 January 2011. Retrieved 23 January 2022.
- ^ a b «The Pre-History Of Mashups, Medleys And Mixes». Radio Clash. Retrieved 22 January 2022.
- ^ Santoro, Gene (1994). Dancing in Your Head. ISBN 9780195356427. Retrieved 18 December 2014.
- ^ [1][dead link]
- ^ «Who the hell is Clint Mansell?». Sickamongthepure.com. Archived from the original on 10 October 2004. Retrieved 18 December 2014.
- ^ «The Mashup that made Fragma Vs. Coco — Toca’s Miracle (1999)». 12 March 2018.
- ^ Wolk, Douglas (21 January 2008). «Barely Legal». Villagevoice.com. Archived from the original on 3 August 2008. Retrieved 18 December 2014.
- ^ Vine, Richard (15 June 2011). «Kylie mashes up Can’t Get You Out of My Head with Blue Monday at the Brits». The Guardian. Archived from the original on 15 December 2013. Retrieved 21 August 2013.
- ^ Margolis, Lynne (8 August 2003). «Sellout or smart marketing?». The Christian Science Monitor. Archived from the original on 29 June 2011. Retrieved 25 September 2011.
- ^ Jam, Billy (23 May 2007). «Music For Generation ADD: Mashups quietly mature into a thriving subculture». New York Press. Archived from the original on 25 July 2008.
- ^ «Mashup best-of 2006 album». Boing Boing. 11 January 2007. Retrieved 18 December 2014.
- ^ «DJ Hero Was the Closest We Ever Got to Mixing Music and Gaming».
- ^ «Harmonix’s new game Fuser lets you mash together pop songs». 26 February 2020.
Further reading[edit]
- Paul Morley (2003). Words and Music: A History of Pop in the Shape of a City. Bloomsbury. ISBN 0-7475-5778-0.
- Jeremy J. Beadle (1993). Will Pop Eat Itself? Faber & Faber. ISBN 0-571-16241-X.
- Brøvig-Hanssen, Ragnhild, 2018. «Musical Recycling: Mashup Aesthetics and Authorship.» Selected Paper of Internet Research, SPIR, 2016: The 17th Annual Conference of the Association of Internet Researchers. Berlin, Germany. http://spir.aoir.org.
- Roseman, Jordan (2006). Audio Mashup Construction Kit. ISBN 0-471-77195-3.
- Hughes, J. & Lang, K. (2006). Transmutability: Digital Decontextualization, Manipulation, and Recontextualization as a New Source of Value in the Production and Consumption of Culture Products. In Proceedings of the 39th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences – Volume 08.
- Sinnreich, Aram (2010). Mashed Up: Music, Technology & the Rise of Configurable Culture [2]. ISBN 1-55849-829-X.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mashup | |
Other names | Mesh, mash up, mash-up, blend, bootleg, bastard pop |
Stylistic origins |
Cultural origins | Late 1990s, 2000s; Europe, North America |
Derivative forms |
Regional scenes | |
A mashup (also mesh, mash up, mash-up, blend, bastard pop[1] or bootleg[2]) is a creative work, usually a song, created by blending two or more pre-recorded songs, typically by superimposing the vocal track of one song seamlessly over the instrumental track of another and changing the tempo and key where necessary.[3] Such works are considered «transformative» of original content and in the United States they may find protection from copyright claims under the «fair use» doctrine of copyright law.[4]
The 1967 Harry Nilsson album Pandemonium Shadow Show features what is nominally a cover of the Beatles’ «You Can’t Do That» but actually introduced the «mashup» to studio-recording.[5] Nilsson’s recording of «You Can’t Do That» mashes his own vocal recreations of more than a dozen Beatles songs into this track. Nilsson conceived the combining of many overlaying songs into one track after he played a chord on his guitar and realized how many Beatles songs it could apply to.[6] This recording has led some to describe Harry Nilsson as the inventor of the mashup.
Although described as a medley in its title, «Do It Again Medley with Billie Jean» by Italian music project Club House could be described as one of the first ever commercially released mashups in 1983.[7] The song combines elements of «Do It Again», a 1973 Top 10 hit in the US and Canada by Steely Dan, with Michael Jackson’s #1 hit from earlier in the year, «Billie Jean». It reached #11 in the UK, and the Top 10 in Belgium, Ireland and the Netherlands.
In 1990, Norman Cook reached #1 on the UK charts with his act Beats International with «Dub Be Good To Me», essentially a mashup of re-recorded vocals of The SOS Band’s «Just Be Good To Me» with The Clash’s «The Guns of Brixton», making it the first mashup to achieve significant mainstream success.[8]
The 1990 John Zorn album Naked City features a version of Ornette Coleman’s «Lonely Woman» set over the bassline of Roy Orbison’s «Pretty Woman».[9][importance of example(s)?]
In 1991, The Source featuring Candi Staton released «You Got The Love», based on a mashup created by DJ Eren Abdullah that had been an underground club hit since 1989, placing a Candi Staton a cappella over an instrumental version of Frankie Knuckles and Jamie Principle’s house classic, «Your Love».[8] It reached #4 on the UK charts, and had continued success over subsequent years with several remixes and a cover by Florence + The Machine.
In 1994, the experimental band Evolution Control Committee released the first modern mashup tracks on their hand-made cassette album, Gunderphonic. These «Whipped Cream Mixes» combined a pair of Public Enemy a cappellas with instrumentals by Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass. First released on home-made cassettes in early 1992, it was later pressed on 7″ vinyl, and distributed by Eerie Materials in the mid-1990s. The tracks gained some degree of notoriety on college radio stations in the United States.[10][third-party source needed]
The name Pop Will Eat Itself was taken from an NME feature on the band Jamie Wednesday, written by David Quantick, which proposed the theory that because popular music simply recycles good ideas continuously, the perfect pop song could be written by combining the best of those ideas into one track. Hence, «pop will eat itself».[11][importance of example(s)?]
Pre-empting the rise of the mashup in the 2000s, German trance act Fragma reached #1 in the UK and the Top 10 in Australia and across Europe with «Toca’s Miracle», a mashup of their previous single «Toca Me» and Coco Star’s 1996 single «I Need A Miracle», initially created by British DJ Vimto in 1999.[12]
The mashup movement gained momentum again in 2001 with the release of the 2 Many DJs album As Heard on Radio Soulwax Pt. 2 by Soulwax’s Dewaele brothers, which combined 45 different tracks; the same year a remix of Christina Aguilera’s «Genie in a Bottle» was also released by Freelance Hellraiser, which coupled Aguilera’s vocals with the guitar track of «Hard to Explain» by New York’s the Strokes, in a piece called «A Stroke of Genie-us».[13]
In 2001, English producer Richard X had created a bootleg mashup of Adina Howard’s «Freak Like Me» and Tubeway Army’s «Are «Friends» Electric?», titled «We Don’t Give a Damn About Our Friends», which became a successful underground dance track under his alias «Girls on Top». He could not get permission to use the original vocals to release the mashup commercially, so he enlisted the English girl group Sugababes to re-record the vocals. It was released in April 2002, giving the group their first UK #1 single, and drawing further recognition, acclaim and mainstream success for the mashup genre. Richard X had continued success with two more mashups reaching the UK Top 10: «Being Nobody» (#3), with pop group Liberty X combining vocals of Chaka Khan and Rufus’s «Ain’t Nobody» with The Human League’s «Being Boiled», and «Finest Dreams» (#8), featuring American vocalist Kelis singing the vocals from The SOS Band’s «The Finest» over an instrumental of The Human League’s «The Things That Dreams Are Made Of».
At the 2002 Brit Awards held on 20 February 2002, Australian pop singer Kylie Minogue performed a mash-up version of her #1 hit «Can’t Get You Out of My Head», combined with New Order’s song «Blue Monday». The live performance is cited as one of the first by a mainstream recording artist to utilise a mashup, and was ranked at number 40 on The Guardian’s 2011 list of 50 Key Events in the History of Dance Music.[14] The mashup, titled «Can’t Get Blue Monday Out of My Head», was later released as the B-side of «Love at First Sight» and was included on Minogue’s 2008 remix album Boombox. In the years that followed, mash-ups became more widely used by major artists in their live performances, particularly to update previous material to meld with the themes and sounds of their more recent work. For example, on her 2006 Confessions Tour, Madonna incorporated elements of The Trammps’s «Disco Inferno» in the performance of her 2000 hit «Music», to assist the song in blending in with the tour’s disco theme. On her 2008 Sticky & Sweet Tour, she performed a mash-up of her 1990 hit «Vogue» with the instrumental of her recent single «4 Minutes», to update it with the more urban sound of her Hard Candy album.
In August 2003, Madonna’s single «Hollywood» was remixed with «Into the Groove» and performed with Missy Elliott under the title «Into the Hollywood Groove» as part of a promotional campaign for clothing retailer, GAP, prompting criticism for exploiting the underground culture of the mash-up for commercial gain.[15]
The mid-2000s saw a massive surge in popularity for the mashup, including single releases that climbed high into the dance charts and even the mainstream top-40 charts. Such hits include Linkin Park and Jay Z’s “Numb/Encore”, Party Ben’s “Boulevard of Broken Songs”, Alex Gaudino’s “Destination Calabria”, Mousse T. vs The Dandy Warhols’ «Horny As A Dandy» (originally mixed by produced by Loo & Placido) and Mylo vs Miami Sound Machine’s “Doctor Pressure”. In 2001, Henry Mancini produced a mashup version of Every Breath You Take by The Police for the 27th Episode of The Sopranos ‘Mr. Ruggerio’s Neighborhood’. The Grey Album, which mashed up recordings by Jay-Z and The Beatles, also became notoriously popular.
With the release of Rock Band in 2007 and its sequels later on, numerous mashup artists discovered that every song in the games had each instrument stored on separate tracks to each other, meaning that song instrumentals, acapellas and even individual instruments could easily be sampled and kept uncompressed and clear. Among others, American comedian Neil Cicierega used this method to produce his four mashup albums, Mouth Sounds, Mouth Silence, Mouth Moods and Mouth Dreams.
DJ Earworm’s annual “United States of Pop” mashups became season events, with his 2009 edition alone garnering critical acclaim as well as racking up more than 53 million views on YouTube. Mashups also helped launch the careers of acts such as Girl Talk and Madeon, with the latter’s “Pop Culture” accruing more than 55 million views. Acts such as DJs from Mars and Mashd N Kutcher would go on to make mashups a huge part of their creative output.
Launched in San Francisco in 2003, Bootie was the first recurring club night in the United States dedicated solely to the burgeoning art form of the bootleg mashup, and as of 2019 hosted monthly parties in cities around the globe, including Los Angeles, Paris, Boston, Munich, and New York City. The party’s slogan, «Music for the A.D.D. Generation» also inspired the creation of «A.D.D», Israel’s first mashup-dedicated party.[16] The Best of Bootie mashup compilation series is produced by Bootie creators A Plus D. Released every December since 2005, the compilations are annual Internet sensations, with each album requiring 5,000 GB+ of download bandwidth.[17]
Video games[edit]
DJ Hero is a 2009 rhythm video game developed by Activision that includes over 90 pre-made mashups, where the player scores points by hitting notes on the turntable controller.[18]
Fuser is a 2020 video game developed by Harmonix that allows the player to create mashups of over 100 songs, using four instrument stems from the master recording.[19]
See also[edit]
- Mashup (culture)
- Mashup (video)
- Sound collage
- Plunderphonics
- WhoSampled
- Parody music
- Quodlibet
- Pastiche
- «One Song to the Tune of Another»
- ^ 1) Sinnreich 2) Gluck, 1) Aram 2) Marissa (29 June 2005). «Music & Fashion: The Balancing Act Between Creativity and Control» (PDF). Norman Lear Center: 1–45.
- ^ Rojas, Pete (1 August 2002). «Bootleg culture». Salon.com. Archived from the original on 17 June 2006.
- ^ Geoghegan, Michael and Klass, Dan (2005). Podcast Solutions: The Complete Guide to Podcasting, p.45. ISBN 1-59059-554-8.
- ^ «Code of Best Practices in Fair Use for Online Video». Center for Social Media, American University. 22 February 2010. Archived from the original on 2 June 2010.
- ^ Fennessey, Sean (6 August 2013). «Deconstructing Harry». Grantland.com. Retrieved 20 January 2021.
- ^ Myers, Mitch (6 March 2019). «How Harry Nilsson Made the Beatles’ Catalog into His Own Russian Doll, Creating Rock’s First Great Mashup». Variety.com. Retrieved 20 January 2021.
- ^ «The Recombinant DNA of the Mash-Up». The New York Times. 6 January 2011. Retrieved 23 January 2022.
- ^ a b «The Pre-History Of Mashups, Medleys And Mixes». Radio Clash. Retrieved 22 January 2022.
- ^ Santoro, Gene (1994). Dancing in Your Head. ISBN 9780195356427. Retrieved 18 December 2014.
- ^ [1][dead link]
- ^ «Who the hell is Clint Mansell?». Sickamongthepure.com. Archived from the original on 10 October 2004. Retrieved 18 December 2014.
- ^ «The Mashup that made Fragma Vs. Coco — Toca’s Miracle (1999)». 12 March 2018.
- ^ Wolk, Douglas (21 January 2008). «Barely Legal». Villagevoice.com. Archived from the original on 3 August 2008. Retrieved 18 December 2014.
- ^ Vine, Richard (15 June 2011). «Kylie mashes up Can’t Get You Out of My Head with Blue Monday at the Brits». The Guardian. Archived from the original on 15 December 2013. Retrieved 21 August 2013.
- ^ Margolis, Lynne (8 August 2003). «Sellout or smart marketing?». The Christian Science Monitor. Archived from the original on 29 June 2011. Retrieved 25 September 2011.
- ^ Jam, Billy (23 May 2007). «Music For Generation ADD: Mashups quietly mature into a thriving subculture». New York Press. Archived from the original on 25 July 2008.
- ^ «Mashup best-of 2006 album». Boing Boing. 11 January 2007. Retrieved 18 December 2014.
- ^ «DJ Hero Was the Closest We Ever Got to Mixing Music and Gaming».
- ^ «Harmonix’s new game Fuser lets you mash together pop songs». 26 February 2020.
Further reading[edit]
- Paul Morley (2003). Words and Music: A History of Pop in the Shape of a City. Bloomsbury. ISBN 0-7475-5778-0.
- Jeremy J. Beadle (1993). Will Pop Eat Itself? Faber & Faber. ISBN 0-571-16241-X.
- Brøvig-Hanssen, Ragnhild, 2018. «Musical Recycling: Mashup Aesthetics and Authorship.» Selected Paper of Internet Research, SPIR, 2016: The 17th Annual Conference of the Association of Internet Researchers. Berlin, Germany. http://spir.aoir.org.
- Roseman, Jordan (2006). Audio Mashup Construction Kit. ISBN 0-471-77195-3.
- Hughes, J. & Lang, K. (2006). Transmutability: Digital Decontextualization, Manipulation, and Recontextualization as a New Source of Value in the Production and Consumption of Culture Products. In Proceedings of the 39th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences – Volume 08.
- Sinnreich, Aram (2010). Mashed Up: Music, Technology & the Rise of Configurable Culture [2]. ISBN 1-55849-829-X.
Russian ⇄ English
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мэшап n |
gen. | mashup (Artjaazz); mash-up (стиль музыки; музыкальная композиция, путем наложения трека одного исходного произведения на похожий трек другого Artjaazz) |
inet. | mashup (сочетание информации из разных источников или баз данных на уже существующем сайте EvgeniyaLapa) |
мэшап: 6 phrases in 4 subjects |
General | 2 |
Internet | 1 |
Music | 1 |
Programming | 2 |
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Well, you know. You like ice cream, don’t you?
hot fudge… and mounds of whipped cream, chopped nuts… and those crumbled-up cookie things they mash
Mmm… crumbled-up cookie things.
Ну, знаешь, тебе ведь нравится мороженое, так?
Но ведь правда же, тебе оно нравится больше с сиропом и горами взбитых сливок, и с колотыми орешками и крошеными печеньями сверху?
Крошеные печенья….
Feel that.
That, my friend, will mash up through the engine block of a Flat Uno, no problem.
— How’s lt feel?
Этот, приятель, без проблем пробьет навылет двигатель Фиата Уно.
— Ну как тебе?
Medication, right?
Mash up some pills and slip them into her stupid chia seed yogurt or something?
No, Tom, don’t do that.
Лекарства, да?
Растолочь таблетки и подсыпать в ее дурацкий йогурт или как?
Нет, Том, не стоит так делать.
«Negative attitude.» It’s a mashup.
Yeah, it’s a mashup.
Get with the times, Marple.
«Отрицательное отношение.» Я смиксовала.
Ага, смиксовала.
Следи за временем, Марпл.
Come on, let’s go and have a «lovely lunch», a LUNCH…
It… it was meant to be a mashup…
It’s OK.
Давай, у нас будет «обворожительный обед», просто ОБЕД…
Должно было смиксоваться.
Все в порядке.
It’s a mashup.
Oh, my God.
О, Боже.
Knotslip and Sons.
Does that mash-up work?
Knotslip Sons.
И это месиво работает?
Sorry, «negatude»?
It’s a mashup.
Yeah, it’s a mashup.
Прости, «отришенец»?
«Отрицательное отношение.» Я смиксовала.
Ага, смиксовала.
Let’s destroy this bastard’s life.
It’s mash-up time, dedicated to my new best buddy, two time Superbowl winning champion Mr Schwimer.
And one of my ancestors actually fought in the Battle of Agincourt.
-Давай разрушим жизнь этому уроду.
Время мэш-апа, повященному моему новому лучшему приятелю, двукратному чемпиону Суперкубка, мистеру Швиммеру.
Один из моих предков участвовал в битве при Азенкуре.
He changed the title to get Muslims in to see it.
There’s a mash-up of it on YouTube.
— Does it seem offensive?
Он поменял название, чтобы заманить мусульман посмотреть.
Фрагменты его на YouTube.
— Похож на оскорбляющий чувства?
He’s coming round mine later.
I’m gonna play my mash-up of Chaka Khan and Chaka Demus and Pliers.
It’s called Chaka Chaka Demus and Khan.
Он идёт после меня.
Я собираюсь играть мой мэш-ап Chaka Khan, Chaka Demus и Pliers.
Он называется Chaka Chaka Demus и Khan.
«Jealous» and «ridiculous».
You should stop doing that.
«Ревновать» и «нелепо».
Прекрати это.
♪ Now it’s all or nothing… ♪ Oh, hey, Kurt, I was just thinking about you.
Thoughts on a Sondheim super mash-up?
Like epic to the power of epic.
Эй, Курт, я как раз вспоминал о тебе.
Что думаешь о попурри из песен Сондхайма?
Это будет эпичнее, чем просто эпично.
♪ Shout! ♪ ♪ Yeah.
(applause) ARTIE: I realize this number wasn’t in competition, but you do know it’s not even a mash-up
SANTANA: My first real week in New York and I’m snowbound in Bushwick with a bunch of musical theatre queens.
Я понимаю, что этот номер был вне конкурса, но вы же понимаете, что это не попурри, правда?
Моя первая настоящая неделя в Нью-Йорке а я застряла в заваленном снегом Бушвике с кучкой театральных примадонн.
Drug dealer.
I hope they mash-up «Batdance» with «Howard the Duck.»
♪ Revvin’ up your engine
Я надеюсь они сделают меш-ап из «Batdance» и «Howard the duck».
*Заводи мотор*
Um, guys, we’re not doing the whole genre-mash-up thing this weekend.
We only do that every third month.
Ребята, мы не устраиваем смешанные игры в эти выходные.
Мы делаем это только раз в три месяца
I’ve never done genre-mash-up play before.
That was fun.
Со смешанными жанрами я ещё не играла
Весело было.
Take it easy.
I’ll mash up your head!
All right!
— Полегче!
— Я тебе башку размозжу!
Hmm, Rush Hour’s a good shout, Jing, but the correct answer is Alien Vs Predator.
A plot mash-up.
Mate, if my dad finds out I’ve been on stage, he’ll cut me out the will.
Хм, Час-Пик — хороший претендент, Йинь. Но правильный ответ — это Чужой против Хищника.
Смешаный сценарий.
Друг, если мой отец узнает, что выступаю на сцене, он меня кастрирует.
Er, subtlety can lick my balls and then eat a plate of my ass for dessert.
I’ll just go on Wikipedia, bosh out a plot mash-up.
That’s not going to work.
Умения могут идти в зад, и съесть кусок дерьма на десерт.
Я просто открою Википедию и смешаю сюжеты.
Это не сработает.
— Guys, Brittany and I were just talking…
— BRITTANY: And we agree that though we love that it’s mash-up week and that it’s girls versus boys..
It sucks that the guys and the girls can’t do a number together, so we were thinking, just as a warm-up, we should do the guys versus girls in the same number,
— Ребята, мы с Бриттани говорили…
— И оба считаем, что, хотя нам нравится неделя мэш-апов, и что мальчики против девочек… отстой, что не будет общего номера.
Поэтому мы решили в качестве разминки сделать соревнование парней и девушек в одном номере.
Yeah! Wow, guys, that was incredible.
What inspired that mashup?
I mean, the thing was feuds so we just… So Unique demanded mediation.
Это было потрясающе.
Что вас на это вдохновило?
Задание было- вражда, поэтому Юник захотел, чтобы мы в нем участвовали.
I mean, the thing was feuds so we just… So Unique demanded mediation.
Might I suggest doing an Elton John/Madonna mashup?
Madonna finally forgave Elton John for calling her «a fairground stripper» and saying that her career was over, but their decade-long feud was epic.
Задание было- вражда, поэтому Юник захотел, чтобы мы в нем участвовали.
Я предлагаю вам сделать попурри из Элтона Джона и Мадонны.
Мадонна в конце концов простила Элтона Джона за то, что он назвал её уличной стриптизёршей, и что сказал, что её карьера закончилась, но их десятилетняя вражда была эпичной.
«You Make My Dreams Come True.»
Originally performed in 1981, and then performed again by the glee club in a mash-up that we did last
He’s completely lost touch.
«Ты осуществляешь мои мечты».
Впервые исполнена в 1981, после чего исполнялась нашим хором в мэш-апе, который мы делали в прошлом году, о котором мистер Шу даже не помнит.
Он совсем потерял хватку.
It’s — it’s all just part of the game.
Genre mash-up.
Это всего лишь часть игры.
Смешение жанров.
Which I trust you’ve dusted.
Unfortunately, it was just a mash-up of indiscernible prints.
But I did find something that was interesting.
— С которой ты, полагаю, снял отпечатки.
К сожалению, там было много смазанных следов.
Но я нашел кое-что интересное.
I was worried about the wedding-graduation mash up, but it’s testing really well with women.
Oh, well, that’s a load off.
Еще как!
Сначала я не был так уверен насчет попурри из свадьбы и выпускного, но тест-показы среди женщин дали шикарный результат.
Какое облегчение.
Thank you.
It’s called mash-up, McPhee.
And that makes four movie nannies, in case you were counting.
Это называется попурри, МакФи.
И это дает нам 4 киношную няню, на случай, если ты считаешь.
Perhaps this will help you.
Korean mash-up.
Why is there a video of me shitting on the internet?
Возможно, это натолкнет тебя на мысль.
Корейское попурри.
Почему в Инете есть видео, где я какаю?
I don’t know, I just figure he’s some kind of
Doom mash-up.
I mean, the Warehouse only bronzed the baddest of the baddies.
Я не знаю, я только понял, что он какая-то смесь
Лекса Лютора, Джокера и Доктора Дума.
В смысле, в Хранилище же бронзуют только худших из худших.
Показать еще