Лионель Месси — биография
Лионель Месси – известный аргентинский футболист, нападающий, капитан команды «Барселона». В 2011 году возглавил национальную сборную Аргентины.
Каждое футбольное поколение славится своими героями. В свое время ими стали Пеле, Марадона, Платини, Зидан. Нынешний кумир любителей футбола – Лионель Месси, которого признали лучшим футболистом во всем мире. Он родился в бедной семье, имел врожденный недуг, однако это не стало препятствием на пути к успеху. Месси сегодня самый титулованный футболист мира, но в первую очередь он волнуется не за себя, а за успех родной команды.
Родина прославленного футболиста – город Росарио в Аргентине. Именно там 24 июня 1987 года он и родился в многодетной семье Хорхе Орасио и Селии Марии. Отец трудился сталеваром на металлургическом производстве, мама работала уборщицей. Кроме Лионеля в семье подрастали два старших сына – Матиас и Родриго, и младшая сестра Мария Соль. Отец семейства подрабатывал тренером юношеской команды по футболу, однако, несмотря на это, семья жила достаточно бедно.
Много времени Лионель проводил с бабушкой, которая и занималась его воспитанием. Именно она привела пятилетнего мальчугана в футбольный клуб «Грандоли». Как старушке удалось рассмотреть в мальчишке настоящий талант, так и осталось тайной. Однако она смогла убедить всех, что мальчика ждет большое будущее. Ее прогноз сбылся в полной мере, и сейчас после каждого забитого гола Месси поднимает руки к небу, в знак благодарности к давно ушедшей в мир иной бабушке Селии. Она умерла, когда мальчику исполнилось 10 лет.
В школе Лионель учился неплохо, но все свое время посвящал футболу. Его приняли в команду «Ньюэллс Олд Бойз». Проблемы со здоровьем начались у Месси в одиннадцатилетнем возрасте. Доктора обнаружили у него дефицит гормона роста – соматропина, который оказывает влияние на рост и развитие человеческого организма.
Если бы болезнь начала прогрессировать, то спортивная биография Месси закончилась бы, практически не начавшись.
Каждый месяц родителям нужно было выкладывать 900 долларов только на лечение сына, и эта сумма была для них неподъемной. В это время мальчиком заинтересовался клуб «Ривер Плейт», однако и у них не было денег для оплаты его лечения.
В 13 лет Лионель попался на глаза одному из акционеров команды «Барселона». Он предложил парню пройти осмотр в их клубе. В сентябре 2000-го Месси в сопровождении отца приехал в Каталонию, но его осмотр состоялся только 3 октября. Директор клуба Карлес Решак увидел в нем недюжинные способности к футболу. Именно он уговорил совет директоров клуба оплатить переезд юного дарования и его лечение. С того момента Месси зачислили в молодежную команду клуба. Лечение, на которое клуб тратил 90 тысяч евро в год, оказалось эффективным. Сейчас рост футболиста 170 см, вес 72 кг.
Невероятные успехи юный Лионель начал показывать буквально с первого матча, в котором забил четыре гола. В следующих трех десятках матчей за эту команду Месси забил 37 голов.
В 2003 году состоялся его профессиональный дебют в матче с португальским клубом «Порту».
В 2005-м он сумел поразить ворота команды «Альбасете», и стал самым молодым футболистом клуба, забившим гол в первенстве Испании.
Пик карьеры Месси случился в 2012-м, когда он забил пятьдесят голов на самых престижных матчах. В 2011-2012-м годах он провел 66 матчей, и поразил ворота 86 раз. Таким образом, был побит рекорд немецкого форварда Герда Мюллера, который держался сорок лет.
Лучшими годами спортивной карьеры Месси специалисты называют 2010-2012-й. В это время за ним закрепляется звание первого футболиста в мире, четыре раза награжденного «Золотым мячом ФИФА». В этом вопросе главным противником Месси считался еще один выдающийся футболист – Криштиану Роналду. В то время его доходы составляли 20 миллионов евро, о нем сняли документальный проект.
Вместе с аргентинской командой Месси отправился в Китай на Олимпиаду 2008 года. Тогда они победили, выиграли олимпийское золото.
На ЧМ в 2010 году национальная команда Аргентины прошла в четвертьфинал, но проиграла немецкой сборной с разгромным счетом 0:4. Буквально шаг отделял Месси от звания чемпиона мира.
В составе аргентинской сборной Лионель показал отличный результат. В 136 играх он сумел забить 68 голов. В 2010-м в состязании с командой Греции он уже выходил на поле с капитанской повязкой. Он стал самым молодым из всех капитанов, когда-либо возглавлявших сборную Аргентины.
В 2016-м аргентинская сборная прибыла на финал Кубка США, но проиграла команде Чили со счетом 2:4 в серии пенальти. Лионель в этом матче не забил 11-метровый удар.
В ноябре 2017-го «Барселона» продлила контракт с Лионелем Месси до 2021-го, выплатив ему сумму в 700 миллионов евро.
Прославленный футболист начал поговаривать об уходе из спорта, но в 2018-м приехал в Россию на чемпионат мира. Тогда его сборная сыграла с ничейным результатом с командой Исландии – 1:1, и уступила хорватским игрокам со счетом 0:3. Далее Аргентине предстояло встретиться со сборной Нигерии, и этот матч решал их дальнейшую судьбу. Или они проходят в 1/8 или с позором возвращаются на родину. Вся надежда была на Месси, и он не подвел – забил гол на 14-й минуте.
Но матч 30 июня того же года с Францией закончился поражением Аргентины с результатом 4:3, и команда Месси «вылетела» из дальнейшей борьбы.
Могут быть знакомы
Личная жизнь
Первой возлюбленной знаменитого аргентинца стала его соотечественница Макарена Лемос. Ему было всего 19, в то время он больше всего на свете любил футбол, поэтому эти отношения быстро закончились.
В 2006-м в личной жизни звезды футбола появилась модель и звезда издания Плейбой Луисиана Салазар. Однако и у этого романа была достаточно короткая история.
Настоящее счастье Месси обрел с Антонеллой Рокуццо, которую знал с детских лет. Они жили почти по соседству, Лионель часто встречался на футбольном поле с братьями своей будущей жены. В 2009-м Месси сказал журналистам, что счастлив в личной жизни с любимой девушкой.
2 ноября 2012-го Антонелла родила Лионелю первенца — сына Тьяго. Спустя три года, 11 сентября 2015 года, родился еще один наследник – сын Матео.
Официальное оформление отношений Рокуццо и Месси состоялось 30 июня 2017-го. Свадебное торжество провели в родном городе влюбленных – Росарио. На нем присутствовало 250 приглашенных, среди которых можно было встретить немало звезд футбола и других знаменитостей. Поэтому хозяева торжества предприняли повышенные меры безопасности.
В октябре того же года супруги сообщили, что скоро в их семье ожидается пополнение. 10 марта 2018-го Антонелла родила третьего сына – Чиро. Месси часто публикует фото с семьей на своей странице в Инстаграм.
Легендарный футболист прекрасно помнит, как боролся в детстве за свое здоровье, сколько денег понадобилось на его полное выздоровление. Поэтому сейчас, став богатым и известным, он занимается благотворительностью. У него есть фонд, на средства которого лечат больных аргентинских детишек. Среди них встречаются с таким же диагнозом, который был поставлен когда-то самому Месси.
В 2016-м Месси и его отца обвинили в том, что они не полностью уплатили налоги с полученных доходов. Сына оштрафовали на 2 миллиона евро, отца на 1,5 миллиона. Но отец должен был не только заплатить, но и отсидеть в тюрьме 21 месяц. Месси быстро создал оффшорную компанию, с помощью которой скрыл доходы, вызвавшие нездоровый интерес налоговой службы. Таким образом, Лионелю удалось снять с себя все подозрения. На руку футболисту сыграло еще то, что он не пропустил ни одного благотворительного матча.
Месси сегодня
Месси продолжает сотрудничать с «Барселоной». За все время было подписано восемь контрактов с этим клубом. В 2019-м ФИФА вручила Лионелю премию The Best-2019. Месси стал самым высокооплачиваемым футболистом в мире, его доход без налогов приравнивается к 71 миллиону евро в год.
Лионель Месси находится на особых условиях сотрудничества с клубом. Каждый год 30 июня он может в одностороннем порядке расторгнуть контракт с «Барселоной», без каких-либо штрафных санкций. Предполагается, что в 2022-м клуб предложит легендарному игроку подписать пожизненный договор.
- Инстаграм
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Messi with Argentina at the 2022 FIFA World Cup |
Personal information | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Full name | Lionel Andrés Messi[1] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Date of birth | 24 June 1987 (age 35)[1] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Place of birth | Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Height | 1.70 m (5 ft 7 in)[1] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Position(s) | Forward | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Club information | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Current team |
Paris Saint-Germain | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Number | 30 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Youth career | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1992–1995 | Grandoli | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1995–2000 | Newell’s Old Boys | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2000–2003 | Barcelona | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Senior career* | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Years | Team | Apps | (Gls) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2003–2004 | Barcelona C | 10 | (5) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2004–2005 | Barcelona B | 22 | (6) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2004–2021 | Barcelona | 520 | (474) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2021– | Paris Saint-Germain | 46 | (18) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International career‡ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2004–2005 | Argentina U20 | 18 | (14) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2008 | Argentina U23 | 5[α] | (2) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2005– | Argentina | 172 | (98) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
*Club domestic league appearances and goals, correct as of 22:12, 26 February 2023 (UTC) ‡ National team caps and goals, correct as of 19:05, 18 December 2022 (UTC) |
Lionel Andrés Messi[note 1] (Spanish pronunciation: [ljoˈnel anˈdɾes ˈmesi] (listen); born 24 June 1987), also known as Leo Messi, is an Argentine professional footballer who plays as a forward for Ligue 1 club Paris Saint-Germain and captains the Argentina national team. Widely regarded as one of the greatest players of all time, Messi has won a record seven Ballon d’Or awards,[note 2] a record six European Golden Shoes, and in 2020 was named to the Ballon d’Or Dream Team. Until leaving the club in 2021, he had spent his entire professional career with Barcelona, where he won a club-record 35 trophies, including 10 La Liga titles, seven Copa del Rey titles and four UEFA Champions Leagues. With his country, he won the 2021 Copa América and the 2022 FIFA World Cup. A prolific goalscorer and creative playmaker, Messi holds the records for most goals in La Liga (474), most hat-tricks in La Liga (36) and the UEFA Champions League (eight), and most assists in La Liga (192) and the Copa América (17). He also has the most international goals by a South American male (98). Messi has scored over 795 senior career goals for club and country, and has the most goals by a player for a single club (672).
Messi relocated to Spain from Argentina aged 13 to join Barcelona, for whom he made his competitive debut aged 17 in October 2004. He established himself as an integral player for the club within the next three years, and in his first uninterrupted season in 2008–09 he helped Barcelona achieve the first treble in Spanish football; that year, aged 22, Messi won his first Ballon d’Or. Three successful seasons followed, with Messi winning four consecutive Ballons d’Or, making him the first player to win the award four times. During the 2011–12 season, he set the La Liga and European records for most goals scored in a single season, while establishing himself as Barcelona’s all-time top scorer. The following two seasons, Messi finished second for the Ballon d’Or behind Cristiano Ronaldo (his perceived career rival), before regaining his best form during the 2014–15 campaign, becoming the all-time top scorer in La Liga and leading Barcelona to a historic second treble, after which he was awarded a fifth Ballon d’Or in 2015. Messi assumed captaincy of Barcelona in 2018, and won a record sixth Ballon d’Or in 2019. Out of contract, he signed for Paris Saint-Germain in August 2021.
An Argentine international, Messi is the country’s all-time leading goalscorer and also holds the national record for appearances. At youth level, he won the 2005 FIFA World Youth Championship, finishing the tournament with both the Golden Ball and Golden Shoe, and an Olympic gold medal at the 2008 Summer Olympics. His style of play as a diminutive, left-footed dribbler drew comparisons with his compatriot Diego Maradona, who described Messi as his successor. After his senior debut in August 2005, Messi became the youngest Argentine to play and score in a FIFA World Cup (2006), and reached the final of the 2007 Copa América, where he was named young player of the tournament. As the squad’s captain from August 2011, he led Argentina to three consecutive finals: the 2014 FIFA World Cup, for which he won the Golden Ball, the 2015 Copa América, winning the Golden Ball, and the 2016 Copa América. After announcing his international retirement in 2016, he reversed his decision and led his country to qualification for the 2018 FIFA World Cup, a third-place finish at the 2019 Copa América, and victory in the 2021 Copa América, while winning the Golden Ball and Golden Boot for the latter. For this achievement, Messi received a record seventh Ballon d’Or in 2021. In 2022, he led Argentina to win the 2022 FIFA World Cup, where he won a record second Golden Ball, became the first player to score at every stage of the World Cup, and broke the record for most appearances in World Cup tournaments with 26 matches played.
Messi has endorsed sportswear company Adidas since 2006. According to France Football, he was the world’s highest-paid footballer for five years out of six between 2009 and 2014, and was ranked the world’s highest-paid athlete by Forbes in 2019 and 2022. Messi was among Time‘s 100 most influential people in the world in 2011 and 2012. In February 2020, he was awarded the Laureus World Sportsman of the Year, thus becoming the first footballer and the first team-sport athlete to win the award. Later that year, Messi became the second footballer and second team-sport athlete to surpass $1 billion in career earnings.
Early life
Messi was born on 24 June 1987 in Rosario, Santa Fe,[8] the third of four children of Jorge Messi, a steel factory manager, and his wife Celia Cuccittini, who worked in a magnet manufacturing workshop. On his father’s side, he is of Italian and Spanish descent, the great-grandson of immigrants from the north-central Adriatic Marche region of Italy, and on his mother’s side, he has primarily Italian ancestry.[3] Growing up in a tight-knit, football-loving family, «Leo» developed a passion for the sport from an early age, playing constantly with his older brothers, Rodrigo and Matías, and his cousins, Maximiliano and Emanuel Biancucchi, both of whom became professional footballers.[9] At the age of four he joined local club Grandoli, where he was coached by his father, though his earliest influence as a player came from his maternal grandmother, Celia, who accompanied him to training and matches.[10] He was greatly affected by her death, shortly before his eleventh birthday; since then, as a devout Roman Catholic, he has celebrated his goals by looking up and pointing to the sky in tribute to his grandmother.[11][12]
«When you saw him you would think: this kid can’t play ball. He’s a dwarf, he’s too fragile, too small. But immediately you’d realise that he was born different, that he was a phenomenon and that he was going to be something impressive.»
– Newell’s Old Boys youth coach Adrián Coria shares his first impression of the 12-year-old Messi.[13]
A lifelong supporter of Newell’s Old Boys, Messi joined the Rosario club when he was six years old. During the six years he played for Newell’s, he scored almost 500 goals as a member of «The Machine of ’87», the near-unbeatable youth side named for the year of their birth, and regularly entertained crowds by performing ball tricks during half-time of the first team’s home games.[14][15] However, his future as a professional player was threatened when, aged 10, he was diagnosed with a growth hormone deficiency. As his father’s health insurance covered only two years of growth hormone treatment, which cost at least $1,000 per month, Newell’s agreed to contribute, but later reneged on their promise.[16] He was scouted by Buenos Aires club River Plate, whose playmaker, Pablo Aimar, he idolised, but they declined to pay for his treatment.[17][18] His goalscoring idol growing up was Ronaldo, with Messi calling him «the best forward I’ve ever seen».[19]
Messi enrolled at Barcelona’s youth academy, La Masia, aged 13.
As the Messi family had relatives in Catalonia, they sought to arrange a trial with Barcelona in September 2000. First team director Charly Rexach immediately wanted to sign him, but the board of directors hesitated; at the time it was highly unusual for European clubs to sign foreign players of such a young age. On 14 December, an ultimatum was issued for Barcelona to prove their commitment, and Rexach, with no other paper at hand, offered a contract on a paper napkin.[17][20] In February 2001, the family relocated to Barcelona, where they moved into an apartment near the club’s stadium, Camp Nou. During his first year in Spain, Messi rarely played with the Infantiles due to a transfer conflict with Newell’s; as a foreigner, he could only be fielded in friendlies and the Catalan league. Without football, he struggled to integrate into the team; already reserved by nature, he was so quiet that his teammates initially believed he was mute. At home, he suffered from homesickness after his mother moved back to Rosario with his brothers and little sister, María Sol, while he stayed in Barcelona with his father.[14][20][21]
After a year at Barcelona’s youth academy, La Masia, Messi was finally enrolled in the Royal Spanish Football Federation (RFEF) in February 2002. Now playing in all competitions, he befriended his teammates, among whom were Cesc Fàbregas and Gerard Piqué.[22] After completing his growth hormone treatment aged 14,[23] Messi became an integral part of the «Baby Dream Team», Barcelona’s greatest-ever youth side. During his first full season (2002–03), he was top scorer with 36 goals in 30 games for the Cadetes A, who won an unprecedented treble of the league and both the Spanish and Catalan cups.[22][24] The Copa Catalunya final, a 4–1 victory over Espanyol, became known in club lore as the partido de la máscara, the final of the mask. A week after suffering a broken cheekbone during a league match, Messi was allowed to start the game on the condition that he wear a plastic protector; soon hindered by the mask, he took it off and scored two goals in 10 minutes before his substitution.[25] At the close of the season, he received an offer to join Arsenal, his first from a foreign club, but while Fàbregas and Piqué soon left for England, he chose to remain in Barcelona.[20][26][27]
Club career
2003–2005: Rise to the first team
«It seemed as if he had been playing with us all his life.»
– Barcelona’s then assistant coach Henk ten Cate on Messi’s first-team debut.[28]
During the 2003–04 season, his fourth with Barcelona, Messi rapidly progressed through the club’s ranks, debuting for a record five youth teams in a single campaign.[29] After being named player of the tournament in four international pre-season competitions with the Juveniles B, he played only one official match with the team before being promoted to the Juveniles A, where he scored 18 goals in 11 league games.[30][31] Messi was then one of several youth players called up to strengthen a depleted first team during the international break. French winger Ludovic Giuly explained how Messi caught the eye in a training session with Frank Rijkaard’s first team: «He destroyed us all… They were kicking him all over the place to avoid being ridiculed by this kid, he just got up and kept on playing. He would dribble past four players and score a goal. Even the team’s starting centre-backs were nervous. He was an alien.»[32]
At 16 years, four months, and 23 days old, Messi made his first team debut when he came on in the 75th minute during a friendly against José Mourinho’s Porto on 16 November 2003.[20][33] His performance, creating two chances and a shot on goal, impressed the technical staff, and he subsequently began training daily with the club’s reserve side, Barcelona B, as well as weekly with the first team.[34] After his first training session with the senior squad, Barça’s new star player, Ronaldinho, told his teammates that he believed the 16-year-old would become an even better player than himself.[35] Ronaldinho soon befriended Messi, whom he called «little brother», which greatly eased his transition into the first team.[36][37]
Messi playing against Málaga in 2005
To gain further match experience, Messi joined Barcelona C in addition to the Juveniles A, playing his first game for the third team on 29 November. He helped save them from the relegation zone of the Tercera División, scoring five goals in ten games, including a hat-trick in eight minutes during a Copa del Rey match while man-marked by Sevilla’s Sergio Ramos.[30][38] His progress was reflected in his first professional contract, signed on 4 February 2004, which lasted until 2012 and contained an initial buyout clause of €30 million. A month later, on 6 March, he made his debut for Barcelona B in the Segunda División B, and his buyout clause automatically increased to €80 million.[30][39] He played five games with the B team that season but did not score.[40] Physically he was weaker than his opponents, who were often much older and taller, and in training he worked on increasing his muscle mass and overall strength in order to be able to shake off defenders. Towards the end of the season, he returned to both youth teams, helping the Juveniles B win the league. He finished the campaign having scored for four of his five teams with a total of 36 goals in all official competitions.[30][38]
During the 2004–05 season, Messi was a guaranteed starter for the B team, playing 17 games throughout the campaign and scoring on six occasions.[35][41] Since his debut the previous November, he had not been called up to the first team again, but in October 2004, the senior players asked manager Frank Rijkaard to promote him.[35] Since Ronaldinho already played on the left wing, Rijkaard moved Messi from his usual position onto the right flank (though initially against the player’s wishes), allowing him to cut into the centre of the pitch and shoot with his dominant left foot.[42][43] Messi made his league debut during the next match on 16 October, against Espanyol, coming on in the 82nd minute.[20] At 17 years, three months, and 22 days old, he was at the time the youngest player to represent Barcelona in an official competition.[37] As a substitute player, he played 244 minutes in nine matches for the first team that season, including his debut in the UEFA Champions League against Shakhtar Donetsk.[41] He scored his first senior goal on 1 May 2005, against Albacete, from an assist by Ronaldinho, becoming – at that time – the youngest-ever scorer for the club.[42][44] Barcelona, in their second season under Rijkaard, won the league for the first time in six years.[45]
2005–2008: Becoming a starting eleven player
«In my entire life I have never seen a player of such quality and personality at such a young age, particularly wearing the ‘heavy’ shirt of one of the world’s great clubs.»
– Fabio Capello praises the 18-year-old Messi following the Joan Gamper trophy in August 2005.[46]
On 24 June, his 18th birthday, Messi signed his first contract as a senior team player. It made him a Barcelona player until 2010, two years less than his previous contract, but his buyout clause increased to €150 million.[39] His breakthrough came two months later, on 24 August, during the Joan Gamper Trophy, Barcelona’s pre-season competition. A starter for the first time, he gave a well-received performance against Fabio Capello’s Juventus, receiving an ovation from the Camp Nou.[46] Capello sought to take Messi to Juventus on loan, but Inter Milan offered to pay his €150 million buyout clause and triple his wages.[47] According to then-president Joan Laporta, it was the only time the club faced a real risk of losing Messi, but he ultimately decided to stay.[48] On 16 September, his contract was updated for the second time in three months and extended to 2014.[39][49]
Messi during a training session with Barcelona in 2006
Due to issues regarding his legal status in the Royal Spanish Football Federation, Messi missed the start of La Liga, but on 26 September, he acquired Spanish citizenship and became eligible to play.[49][50] Wearing the number 19 shirt, he gradually established himself as the first-choice right winger, forming an attacking trio with Ronaldinho and striker Samuel Eto’o.[27][51][52] He was in the starting line-up in major matches like his first Clásico against rivals Real Madrid on 19 November, as well as Barcelona’s away victory over Chelsea in the last 16 round of the Champions League,[53][51] which came on back of an intense period of rivalry between the clubs leading a resentful Messi to state, «We would rather play Arsenal, Manchester United or anyone else than be on the pitch with Chelsea.»[54] After he had scored 8 goals in 25 games, including his first in the Champions League,[55] in a 5–0 win over Panathinaikos on 2 November 2005,[56] his season ended prematurely during the return leg against Chelsea on 7 March 2006, when he suffered a torn hamstring. Messi worked to regain fitness in time for the Champions League final, but on 17 May, the day of the final, he was eventually ruled out. He was so disappointed that he did not celebrate his team’s victory over Arsenal in Paris, something he later came to regret.[45][51]
While Barcelona began a gradual decline, the 19-year-old Messi established himself as one of the best players in the world during the 2006–07 campaign.[57][58] Already an idol to the culés, the club’s supporters, he scored 17 goals in 36 games across all competitions.[58][59] However, he continued to be plagued by major injuries; a metatarsal fracture sustained on 12 November 2006 kept him out of action for three months.[60][61] He recovered in time for the last 16 round of the Champions League against Liverpool, but was effectively marked out of the game; Barcelona, the reigning champions, were out of the competition.[62] In the league, his goal contribution increased towards the end of the season; 11 of his 14 goals came from the last 13 games.[59] On 10 March 2007, he scored his first hat-trick in a Clásico, the first player to do so in 12 years, equalising after each goal by Real Madrid to end the match in a 3–3 draw in injury time.[63] His growing importance to the club was reflected in a new contract, signed that month, which greatly increased his wages.[64]
Already frequently compared to compatriot Diego Maradona, Messi proved their similarity when he nearly replicated Maradona’s two most famous goals in the span of seven weeks.[65] During a Copa del Rey semi-final against Getafe on 18 April, he scored a goal remarkably similar to Maradona’s second goal in the quarter-finals of the 1986 FIFA World Cup, known as the Goal of the Century. Messi collected the ball on the right side near the halfway line, ran 60 metres (66 yd), and beat five defenders before scoring with an angled finish, just as Maradona had done.[17][66] A league match against Espanyol on 9 June saw him score by launching himself at the ball and guiding it past the goalkeeper with his hand in similar fashion to Maradona’s Hand of God goal in the same World Cup match.[67] As Messi continued his individual rise, Barcelona faltered; the team failed to reach the Copa del Rey final after Messi was rested during the second leg against Getafe and lost the league to Real Madrid on head-to-head results.[68][69]
After Ronaldinho lost form, Messi became Barça’s new star player at only 20 years old, receiving the nickname «Messiah» from the Spanish media.[17][70][71] His efforts in 2007 also earned him award recognition; journalists voted him the third-best player of the year for the 2007 Ballon d’Or, behind Kaká and runner-up Cristiano Ronaldo, while international managers and national team captains voted him second for the FIFA World Player of the Year award, again behind Kaká.[72][73] Although he managed to score 16 goals during the 2007–08 campaign,[74] the second half of his season was again marred by injuries after he suffered a torn hamstring on 15 December.[75] He returned to score twice in their away victory against Celtic in the last 16 round of the Champions League, becoming the competition’s top scorer at that point with six goals,[76] but reinjured himself during the return leg on 4 March 2008. Rijkaard had fielded him despite warning from the medical staff, leading captain Carles Puyol to criticise the Spanish media for pressuring Messi to play every match.[75] Barcelona finished the season without trophies, eliminated in the Champions League semi-finals by the eventual champions, Manchester United, and placed third in the league.[77]
2008–09: First treble
After two unsuccessful seasons, Barcelona were in need of an overhaul, leading to the departure of Rijkaard and Ronaldinho. Upon the latter’s departure, Messi was given the number 10 shirt.[52] He signed a new contract in July with an annual salary of €7.8 million, becoming the club’s highest-paid player.[78][79] Ahead of the new season, a major concern remained his frequent muscular injuries, which had left him side-lined for a total of eight months between 2006 and 2008. To combat the problem, the club implemented new training, nutrition, and lifestyle regimens, and assigned him a personal physiotherapist, who would travel with him during call-ups for the Argentina national team. As a result, Messi remained virtually injury-free during the next four years, allowing him to reach his full potential.[61][80] Despite his injuries early in the year, his performances in 2008 saw him again voted runner-up for the Ballon d’Or and the FIFA World Player of the Year award, both times behind Cristiano Ronaldo.[72][81]
In his first uninterrupted campaign, the 2008–09 season, he scored 38 goals in 51 games, contributing alongside Eto’o and winger Thierry Henry to a total of 100 goals in all competitions, a record at the time for the club.[82][83] During his first season under Barcelona’s new manager, former captain Pep Guardiola, Messi played mainly on the right wing, like he had under Rijkaard, though this time as a false winger with the freedom to cut inside and roam the centre. During the Clásico on 2 May 2009, however, he played for the first time as a false nine, positioned as a centre-forward but dropping deep into midfield to link up with Xavi and Andrés Iniesta. He set up his side’s first goal and scored twice to end the match in an emphatic 6–2 victory, the team’s greatest-ever score at Real Madrid’s Santiago Bernabéu Stadium.[84][85] Returning to the wing, he played his first final since breaking into the first team on 13 May, scoring once and assisting a second goal as Barcelona defeated Athletic Bilbao 4–1 to win the Copa del Rey.[86] With 23 league goals from Messi that season, Barcelona became La Liga champions three days later and achieved its fifth double.[82][87]
As the season’s Champions League top scorer with nine goals, the youngest in the tournament’s history,[88] Messi scored two goals and assisted two more to ensure a 4–0 quarter-final victory over Bayern Munich.[84] He returned as a false nine during the final on 27 May in Rome against Manchester United. Barcelona were crowned champions of Europe by winning the match 2–0, the second goal coming from a Messi header over goalkeeper Edwin van der Sar. Barcelona thus achieved the first treble in the history of Spanish football.[89] This success was reflected in a new contract, signed on 18 September, which committed Messi to the club through 2016 with a new buyout clause of €250 million, while his salary increased to €12 million.[78]
2009–10: First Ballon d’Or
His team’s prosperity continued into the second half of 2009, as Barcelona became the first club to achieve the sextuple, winning six top-tier trophies in a single year.[90] After victories in the Supercopa de España and UEFA Super Cup in August, Barcelona won the FIFA Club World Cup against Estudiantes de La Plata on 19 December, with Messi scoring the winning 2–1 goal with his chest.[91] At 22 years old, Messi won the Ballon d’Or and the FIFA World Player of the Year award, both times by the biggest voting margin in each trophy’s history.[72]
«Messi is the best player in the world by some distance. He’s [like] a PlayStation. He can take advantage of every mistake we make.»
– Arsène Wenger commends Messi for his four-goal display against Arsenal in April 2010.[92]
The new year, however, started on a less positive note for Barcelona, as they were knocked out of the Copa del Rey by Sevilla in the Round of 16.[93] Unsatisfied with his position on the right wing – with the club’s summer acquisition Zlatan Ibrahimović occupying the central forward role – Messi resumed playing as a false nine in early 2010, beginning with a Champions League last 16-round match against VfB Stuttgart. After a first-leg draw, Barcelona won the second leg 4–0 with two goals and an assist from Messi. At that point, he effectively became the tactical focal point of Guardiola’s team, and his goalscoring rate increased.[94] Messi scored a total of 47 goals in all competitions that season, equaling Ronaldo’s club record from the 1996–97 campaign.[95][96] He scored all of his side’s four goals in the Champions League quarter-final against Arsenal on 6 April while becoming Barcelona’s all-time top scorer in the competition.[97] Although Barcelona were eliminated in the Champions League semi-finals by the eventual champions, Inter Milan, Messi finished the season as top scorer (with 8 goals) for the second consecutive year.[98] As the league’s top scorer with 34 goals (again tying Ronaldo’s record), he helped Barcelona win a second consecutive La Liga trophy with only a single defeat and earned his first European Golden Shoe.[96][99]
2010–2011: Fifth La Liga title and third Champions League
Messi secured Barcelona’s first trophy of the 2010–11 campaign, the Supercopa de España, by scoring a hat-trick in his side’s second-leg 4–0 victory over Sevilla, after a first-leg defeat.[100] Assuming a playmaking role, he was again instrumental in a Clásico on 29 November 2010, the first with José Mourinho in charge of Real Madrid, as Barcelona defeated their rivals 5–0.[101] Messi helped the team achieve 16 consecutive league victories, a record in Spanish football, concluding with another hat-trick against Atlético Madrid on 5 February 2011.[102][103] His club performances in 2010 earned him the inaugural FIFA Ballon d’Or, an amalgamation of the Ballon d’Or and the FIFA World Player of the Year award, though his win was met with some criticism due to his lack of success with Argentina at the 2010 FIFA World Cup.[72][104] Under the award’s old format, he would have placed just outside the top three, owing his win to the votes from the international coaches and captains.[104]
Towards the end of the season, Barcelona played four Clásicos in the span of 18 days. A league match on 16 April ended in a draw after a penalty from Messi. After Barcelona lost the Copa del Rey final four days later, Messi scored both goals in his side’s 2–0 win in the first leg of the Champions League semi-finals in Madrid, the second of which – a slaloming dribble past three Real players – was acclaimed as one of the best ever in the competition.[105] Although he did not score, he was again important in the second-leg draw that sent Barcelona through to the Champions League final,[106][107] where they faced Manchester United in a repeat of the final two years earlier. As the competition’s top scorer for the third consecutive year, with 12 goals, Messi gave a man-of-the-match performance at Wembley on 28 May, scoring the match-winning goal of Barça’s 3–1 victory.[108][109] Barcelona won a third consecutive La Liga title. In addition to his 31 goals, Messi was also the league’s top assist provider with 18.[110][111] He finished the season with 53 goals in all competitions, becoming Barcelona’s all-time single-season top scorer and the first player in Spanish football to reach the 50-goal benchmark.[110][112]
As Messi developed into a combination of a number 8 (a creator), a 9 (scorer), and a 10 (assistant),[113] he scored an unprecedented 73 goals and provided 29 assists in all club competitions during the 2011–12 season, producing a hat-trick or more on 10 occasions.[114][115][116] He began the campaign by helping Barcelona win both the Spanish and European Super Cups; in the Supercopa de España, he scored three times to achieve a 5–4 aggregate victory over Real Madrid, overtaking Raúl as the competition’s all-time top scorer with eight goals.[117][118] At the close of the year, on 18 December, he scored twice in the FIFA Club World Cup final, a 4–0 victory over Santos, earning the Golden Ball as the best player of the tournament, as he had done two years previously.[119] For his efforts in 2011, he again received the FIFA Ballon d’Or, becoming only the fourth player in history to win the Ballon d’Or three times, after Johan Cruyff, Michel Platini, and Marco van Basten.[120] Additionally, he won the inaugural UEFA Best Player in Europe Award, a revival of the old-style Ballon d’Or.[121] By then, Messi was already widely considered one of the best footballers in history, alongside players like Diego Maradona and Pelé.[21]
2012: A record-breaking year
«I feel sorry for those who want to compete for Messi’s throne – it’s impossible, this kid is unique.»
– Pep Guardiola after Messi became Barcelona’s all-time top scorer at the age of 24 in March 2012[122]
As Messi maintained his goalscoring form into the second half of the season, the year 2012 saw him break several longstanding records. On 7 March, two weeks after scoring four goals in a league fixture against Valencia, he scored five times in a Champions League last 16-round match against Bayer Leverkusen, an unprecedented achievement in the history of the competition.[123][124] In addition to being the joint top assist provider with five assists, this feat made him top scorer with 14 goals, tying José Altafini’s record from the 1962–63 season, as well as becoming only the second player after Gerd Müller to be top scorer in four campaigns.[125][126] Two weeks later, on 20 March, Messi became the top goalscorer in Barcelona’s history at 24 years old, overtaking the 57-year record of César Rodríguez’s 232 goals with a hat-trick against Granada.[127]
Messi pointing to the sky following his record five-goal display against Bayer Leverkusen in the last 16 of the UEFA Champions League in 2012
Despite Messi’s individual form, Barcelona’s four-year cycle of success under Guardiola – one of the greatest eras in the club’s history – drew to an end.[128] Although Barcelona won the Copa del Rey against Athletic Bilbao on 25 May, its 14th title of that period, the team lost the league to Real Madrid and was eliminated in the Champions League semi-finals by the eventual champions, Chelsea, with Messi sending a crucial second-leg penalty kick against the crossbar.[129][130] In Barça’s last home league match on 5 May, against Espanyol, Messi scored all four goals before approaching the bench to embrace Guardiola, who had announced his resignation as manager.[131] He finished the season as league top scorer in Spain and Europe for a second time, with 50 goals, a La Liga record, while his 73 goals in all competitions surpassed Gerd Müller’s 67 goals in the 1972–73 Bundesliga season, making him the single-season top scorer in the history of European club football.[132][133]
Under manager Tito Vilanova, who had first coached him aged 14 at La Masia, Messi helped the club achieve its best-ever start to a La Liga season during the second half of 2012, amassing 55 points by the competition’s midway point, a record in Spanish football.[134] A double scored on 9 December against Real Betis saw Messi break two longstanding records: he surpassed César Rodríguez’s record of 190 league goals, becoming Barcelona’s all-time top scorer in La Liga, and Gerd Müller’s record of most goals scored in a calendar year, overtaking his 85 goals scored in 1972 for Bayern Munich and West Germany.[135] Messi sent Müller a number 10 Barcelona shirt, signed «with respect and admiration», after breaking his 40-year record.[136] At the close of the year, Messi had scored a record 91 goals in all competitions for Barcelona and Argentina.[137] Although FIFA did not acknowledge the achievement, citing verifiability issues, he received the Guinness World Records title for most goals scored in a calendar year.[138][139] As the odds-on favourite, Messi again won the FIFA Ballon d’Or, becoming the only player in history to win the Ballon d’Or four times.[137][140]
2013–2014: Messidependencia
Barcelona had virtually secured their La Liga title by the start of 2013, eventually equalling Real Madrid’s 100-point record of the previous season. However, their performances deteriorated in the second half of the 2012–13 campaign, concurrently with Vilanova’s absence due to ill health.[141] After losing successive Clásicos, including the Copa del Rey semi-finals, they were nearly eliminated in the first knockout round of the Champions League by AC Milan, but a revival of form in the second leg led to a 4–0 comeback, with two goals and an assist from Messi.[142] Now in his ninth senior season with Barcelona, Messi signed a new contract on 7 February, committing himself to the club through 2018, while his fixed wage rose to €13 million.[143][144] He wore the captain’s armband for the first time a month later, on 17 March, in a league match against Rayo Vallecano; by then, he had become the team’s tactical focal point to a degree that was arguably rivalled only by former Barcelona players Josep Samitier, László Kubala and Johan Cruyff.[145] Since his evolution into a false nine three years earlier, his input into the team’s attack had increased; from 24% in their treble-winning campaign, his goal contribution rose to more than 40% that season.[146]
«In Leo we are talking about the best player in the world and when things are not going well you have to use him. Even if he is half lame, his presence on the pitch is enough to lift us and our play in general.»
– Defender Gerard Piqué explains Barcelona’s reliance on an unfit Messi against Paris Saint-Germain in April 2013.[147]
After four largely injury-free seasons, the muscular injuries that had previously plagued Messi reoccurred. After he suffered a hamstring strain on 2 April, during the first quarter-final against Paris Saint-Germain (PSG), his appearances became sporadic. In the second leg against PSG, with an underperforming Barcelona down a goal, Messi came off the bench in the second half and within nine minutes helped create their game-tying goal, which allowed them to progress to the semi-finals. Still unfit, he proved ineffective during the first leg against Bayern Munich and was unable to play at all during the second, as Barcelona were defeated 7–0 on aggregate by the eventual champions.[148] These matches gave credence to the notion of Messidependencia, Barcelona’s perceived tactical and psychological dependence on their star player.[148]
Messi during a game against Almería in 2014
Messi continued to struggle with injury throughout 2013, eventually parting ways with his long-time personal physiotherapist.[149] Further damage to his hamstring sustained on 12 May ended his goalscoring streak of 21 consecutive league games, a worldwide record; he had netted 33 goals during his run, including a four-goal display against Osasuna, while becoming the first player to score consecutively against all 19 opposition teams in La Liga.[150][151] With 60 goals in all competitions, including 46 goals in La Liga, he finished the campaign as league top scorer in Spain and Europe for the second consecutive year, becoming the first player in history to win the European Golden Shoe three times.[152][153] Following an irregular start to the new season under manager Gerardo Martino, formerly of his boyhood club Newell’s Old Boys, Messi suffered his fifth injury of 2013 when he tore his hamstring on 10 November, leaving him sidelined for two months.[154][155] Despite his injuries, he was voted runner-up for the FIFA Ballon d’Or, relinquishing the award after a four-year monopoly to Cristiano Ronaldo.[156]
During the second half of the 2013–14 season, doubts persisted over Messi’s form, leading to a perception among the culés that he was reserving himself for the 2014 FIFA World Cup. Statistically, his contribution of goals, shots, and passes had dropped significantly compared to previous seasons.[157][158] He still managed to break two longstanding records in a span of seven days: a hat-trick on 16 March against Osasuna saw him overtake Paulino Alcántara’s 369 goals to become Barcelona’s top goalscorer in all competitions including friendlies, while another hat-trick against Real Madrid on 23 March made him the all-time top scorer in El Clásico, ahead of the 18 goals scored by former Real Madrid player Alfredo Di Stéfano.[157][159] Messi finished the campaign with his worst output in five seasons, though he still managed to score 41 goals in all competitions.[158][160] For the first time in five years, Barcelona ended the season without a major trophy; they were defeated in the Copa del Rey final by Real Madrid and lost the league in the last game to Atlético Madrid, causing Messi to be booed by sections of fans at the Camp Nou.[161] After prolonged speculation over his future with the club, Messi signed a new contract on 19 May 2014, only a year after his last contractual update; his salary increased to €20 million, or €36 million before taxes, the highest wage in the sport.[162] It was reported that Vilanova played a key role in convincing Messi to stay[163] amid strong interest from José Mourinho’s Chelsea.[164]
2014–15: Second treble
Messi celebrating his second goal against Granada in 2014
Under new manager and former captain Luis Enrique, Messi experienced a largely injury-free start to the 2014–15 season, allowing him to break three more longstanding records towards the end of the year.[165] A hat-trick scored against Sevilla on 22 November made him the all-time top scorer in La Liga, as he surpassed the 59-year record of 251 league goals held by Telmo Zarra.[166] A third hat-trick, scored against city rivals Espanyol on 7 December, allowed him to surpass César Rodríguez as the all-time top scorer in the Derbi barceloní with 12 goals.[167] Messi again placed second in the FIFA Ballon d’Or behind Cristiano Ronaldo, largely owing to his second-place achievement with Argentina at the World Cup.[168]
At the start of 2015, Barcelona were perceived to be headed for another disappointing end to the season, with renewed speculation in the media that Messi was leaving the club. A turning point came on 11 January during a 3–1 victory over Atlético Madrid, the first time Barça’s attacking trident of Messi, Luis Suárez and Neymar, dubbed «MSN», each scored in a match, marking the beginning of a highly successful run.[169][170] After five years of playing in the centre of the pitch, Messi had returned to his old position on the right wing late the previous year, by his own suggestion according to Suárez, their striker.[170][171] From there, he regained his best form, while Suárez and Neymar ended the team’s attacking dependency on their star player.[172][173] With 58 goals from Messi, the trio scored a total of 122 goals in all competitions that season, a record in Spanish football.[174]
Towards the end of the campaign, Messi scored in a 1–0 away win over Atlético Madrid on 17 May, securing the La Liga title.[175] Among his 43 league goals that season was a hat-trick scored in 11 minutes against Rayo Vallecano on 8 March, the fastest of his senior career; it was his 32nd hat-trick overall for Barcelona, allowing him to overtake Telmo Zarra with the most hat-tricks in Spanish football.[176] As the season’s top assist provider with 18 he surpassed Luís Figo with the most assists in La Liga;[note 3] he made his record 106th assist in a fixture against Levante on 15 February, in which he also scored a hat-trick.[177][178][179] Messi scored twice as Barcelona defeated Athletic Bilbao 3–1 in the Copa del Rey final on 30 May, achieving the sixth double in their history. His opening goal was hailed as one of the greatest in his career; he collected the ball near the halfway line and beat four opposing players, before feinting the goalkeeper to score in a tight space by the near post.[180]
In the Champions League, Messi scored twice and set up another in their 3–0 semi-final victory over Bayern Munich, now under the stewardship of Guardiola.[181] His second goal, which came only three minutes after his first, saw him chip the ball over goalkeeper Manuel Neuer after his dribble past Jérôme Boateng had made the defender drop to the ground; it went viral, becoming the year’s most tweeted about sporting moment, and was named the best goal of the season by UEFA.[182][183] Despite a second-leg loss, Barcelona progressed to the final on 6 June in Berlin, where they defeated Juventus 3–1 to win their second treble, becoming the first team in history to do so.[184][185] Although Messi did not score, he participated in each of his side’s goals, particularly the second as he forced a parried save from goalkeeper Gianluigi Buffon from which Suárez scored the match-winning goal on the rebound.[174] In addition to being the top assist provider with six assists, Messi finished the competition as the joint top scorer with ten goals, which earned him the distinction of being the first player ever to achieve the top scoring mark in five Champions League seasons.[186][187] For his efforts during the season, he received the UEFA Best Player in Europe award for a second time.[188]
2015–16: Domestic success
Messi opened the 2015–16 season by scoring twice from free kicks in Barcelona’s 5–4 victory (after extra time) over Sevilla in the UEFA Super Cup.[189] On 16 September, he became the youngest player to make 100 appearances in the UEFA Champions League in a 1–1 away draw to Roma.[190] After a knee injury, he returned to the pitch on 21 November, making a substitute appearance in Barcelona’s 4–0 away win over rivals Real Madrid in El Clásico.[191] Messi capped off the year by winning the 2015 FIFA Club World Cup Final on 20 December, collecting his fifth club trophy of 2015 as Barcelona defeated River Plate 3–0 in Yokohama.[192] On 30 December, Messi scored on his 500th appearance for Barcelona, in a 4–0 home win over Real Betis.[193]
On 11 January 2016, Messi won the FIFA Ballon d’Or for a record fifth time in his career.[194] On 3 February, he scored a hat-trick in Barcelona’s 7–0 win against Valencia in the first leg of the Copa del Rey semi-final at the Camp Nou.[195] In a 6–1 home win against Celta Vigo in the league, Messi assisted Suárez from a penalty kick. Some saw it as «a touch of genius», while others criticised it as being disrespectful to the opponent. The Celta players never complained and their coach defended the penalty, stating, «Barca’s forwards are very respectful.» The penalty routine has been compared to that of Barça icon Johan Cruyff in 1982, who was battling lung cancer, leading many fans to indicate that the penalty was a tribute to him. Cruyff himself was «very happy» with the play, insisting «it was legal and entertaining».[196][197]
On 17 February, Messi reached his 300th league goal in a 1–3 away win against Sporting de Gijón.[198] A few days later, he scored both goals in Barcelona’s 0–2 win against Arsenal at the Emirates Stadium, in the first leg of the 2015–16 UEFA Champions League round of 16, with the second goal being Barcelona’s 10,000th in official competitions.[199] On 17 April, Messi ended a five-match scoring drought with his 500th senior career goal for club and country in Barcelona’s 2–1 home loss to Valencia.[200] Messi finished the 2015–16 season by setting up both goals in Barcelona’s 2–0 extra time win over Sevilla in the 2016 Copa del Rey Final, at the Vicente Calderón Stadium, on 22 May 2016, as the club celebrated winning the domestic double for the second consecutive season.[201] In total, Messi scored 41 goals as Barcelona’s attacking trio managed a Spanish record of 131 goals throughout the season, breaking the record they had set the previous season.[202]
2016–17: Fourth Golden Boot
«[Messi] is indispensable, but the rest of us are dispensable. – No, the club is bigger than any manager, than any player… except Leo. That’s the reality, and you have to accept it.»
– In an interview with Barcelona’s official magazine, Javier Mascherano outlines Messi’s importance to the team.[203]
Messi opened the 2016–17 season by lifting the 2016 Supercopa de España as Barcelona’s captain in the absence of the injured Andrés Iniesta;[204] he set-up Munir’s goal in a 2–0 away win over Sevilla in the first leg on 14 August,[205] and subsequently scored in a 3–0 win in the return leg on 17 August.[206] Three days later, he scored two goals as Barcelona won 6–2 against Real Betis in the opening game of the 2016–17 La Liga season.[207] On 13 September, Messi scored his first hat-trick of the season in the opening game of the 2016–17 UEFA Champions League campaign against Celtic in a 7–0 victory; this was also Messi’s sixth hat-trick in the Champions League, the most by any player. A week later, Messi sustained a groin injury in a 1–1 draw against Atlético Madrid and was ruled out with injury for three weeks.[208] He marked his return with a goal, scoring three minutes after coming off the bench in a 4–0 home win over Deportivo de La Coruña, on 16 October.[209] Three days after this, he netted his thirty-seventh club hat-trick as Barcelona defeated Manchester City 4–0.[210] On 1 November, Messi scored his 54th Champions League group stage goal in Barcelona’s 3–1 away loss to Manchester City, surpassing the previous record of 53 goals held by Raúl.[211]
Messi prior to a friendly game with Al Ahli SC in Doha, Qatar in December 2016
Messi finished the year with 51 goals, making him Europe’s top scorer, one ahead of Zlatan Ibrahimović.[212] After placing second in the 2016 Ballon d’Or, on 9 January 2017 Messi also finished in second place – behind Cristiano Ronaldo once again – in the 2016 Best FIFA Men’s Player Award.[213] On 11 January, Messi scored from a free-kick in Barcelona’s 3–1 victory against Athletic Bilbao in the second leg of the round of 16 of the Copa del Rey, which enabled Barcelona to advance to the quarter-finals of the competition; with his 26th goal from a free-kick for Barcelona in all competitions, he equalled the club’s all-time record, which had previously been set by Ronald Koeman.[214] In his next league match, on 14 January, Messi scored in a 5–0 win against Las Palmas; with this goal, he equalled Raúl’s record for the most teams scored against in La Liga (35).[215]
On 4 February 2017, Messi scored his 27th free-kick for Barcelona in a 3–0 home win over Athletic Bilbao in the league, overtaking Koeman as the club’s all-time top-scorer from free-kicks.[216] On 23 April, Messi scored twice in a 3–2 away win over Real Madrid. His game-winning goal in stoppage time was his 500th for Barcelona.[217] His memorable celebration saw him taking off his Barcelona shirt and holding it up to incensed Real Madrid fans – with his name and number facing the crowd.[218] On 27 May, Messi scored a goal and set up another for Paco Alcácer in the 2017 Copa del Rey Final, helping Barcelona to a 3–1 victory over Alavés, and was named Man of the Match.[219] In total, Messi finished the 2016–17 season with 54 goals, while his 37 goals in La Liga saw him claim both the Pichichi and European Golden Boot Awards for the fourth time in his career.[220]
2017–18: Domestic double and a record fifth Golden Boot
Messi opened the 2017–18 season by converting a penalty in Barcelona’s 1–3 first leg home defeat to Real Madrid in Supercopa de España.[221] Thereby, Messi also extended his El Clásico goalscoring record with the goal being his 24th official and 25th overall.[222]
On 9 September, Messi scored his first hat-trick of the 2017–18 league campaign, against Espanyol in Derbi barceloní, thus helping to secure a 5–0 home victory for Blaugrana over local rivals.[223] Messi netted twice against Gianluigi Buffon, on 12 September, as Barça defeated the last season’s Italian champions Juventus 3–0 at home in the UEFA Champions League.[224] On 19 September, Messi found the net four times in a 6–1 trashing of Eibar at the Camp Nou in La Liga.[225] Three weeks later, on 1 October, Messi surpassed his former teammate Carles Puyol to become the third highest appearance maker in the club’s history, as he helped Barça defeat Las Palmas 3–0 by assisting Sergio Busquets’ opener and later adding two himself in his 594th official game for the club; the league game was played behind closed doors at the Camp Nou due to violence in Catalonia relating to an ongoing independence referendum.[226]
On 18 October, in his 122nd European club appearance, Messi scored his 97th UEFA Champions League goal, and his 100th in all UEFA club competitions, in a 3–1 home victory over Olympiacos.[227] Messi became only the second player after Cristiano Ronaldo to reach this century milestone, but accomplished it in 21 fewer appearances than the Portuguese counterpart.[228] On 4 November, he made his 600th appearance for Barcelona in a 2–1 home win over Sevilla in La Liga.[229] Following the reception of his fourth Golden Boot, Messi signed a new deal with Barcelona on 25 November, keeping him with the club through the 2020–21 season. His buyout clause was set at €700 million.[230] On 7 January 2018, Messi made his 400th La Liga appearance with Barcelona in a 3–0 home win over Levante, marking the occasion with his 144th league assist and 365th league goal for the club, the latter of which saw him equal Gerd Müller’s record for the most league goals scored for the same club in one of Europe’s top five divisions.[231] A week later, he broke the record, scoring his 366th La Liga goal from a free kick in a 4–2 away win against Real Sociedad.[231]
On 4 March, he scored his 600th senior career goal from a free kick in a 1–0 home win over Atlético Madrid, in La Liga.[232] On 14 March, Messi scored his 99th and 100th Champions League goals in a 3–0 home win over Chelsea, becoming only the second player after Cristiano Ronaldo to reach this landmark, in fewer appearances, at a younger age and having taken fewer shots than his Portuguese counterpart.[233] His opening goal, which came after only two minutes and eight seconds, was also the fastest of his career, as Barcelona advanced to the quarter-finals of the competition for the eleventh consecutive season.[234] On 7 April, he scored a hat-trick in a 3–1 win over Leganés including his sixth goal scored from a free-kick for the season, matching the record set by former teammate Ronaldinho.[235] He once again finished the season as the top scorer in La Liga, with 34 goals, which also saw him win his fifth Golden Shoe award.[236] On 21 April, Messi scored Barcelona’s second goal – his 40th of the season – in a 5–0 win over Sevilla in the 2018 Copa del Rey Final, later also setting up Suárez’s second goal; this was Barcelona’s fourth consecutive title and their 30th overall.[237] On 29 April, Messi scored a hat-trick in a 4–2 away win over Deportivo de La Coruña, which saw Barcelona claim their 25th league title.[238] On 9 May, Messi scored as Barcelona defeated Villarreal 5–1 to set the longest unbeaten streak (43 games) in La Liga history.[239]
2018–19: Captaincy, 10th La Liga title, and a record sixth Golden Boot
With the departure of former captain Andrés Iniesta in May 2018, Messi was named the team’s new captain for the following season.[240] On 12 August, he lifted his first title as Barcelona’s captain, the Supercopa de España, following a 2–1 victory over Sevilla. On 19 August, Messi scored twice in helping Barcelona defeat Alavés 3–0 in their first La Liga match of the season, with his first goal, a free kick that he rolled under the jumping Alavés wall, making history in being Barcelona’s 6000th goal in La Liga.[241] On 18 September, Messi scored a hat-trick in a 4–0 home win over PSV Eindhoven in Barcelona’s opening Champions League group stage match of the season, setting a new record for most hat-tricks in the competition, with eight.[242] On 20 October, Messi scored in a 4–2 home win over Sevilla, but was later forced off in the 26th minute after falling awkwardly and injuring his right arm; tests later confirmed that he had fractured his radial bone, ruling him out for approximately three weeks.[243] On 8 December, Messi scored two free kicks – his ninth and tenth goals from set pieces during the calendar year – in a 4–0 away win over Derbi barceloní rivals Espanyol in La Liga; this was the first time ever that he had managed such a feat in the league. His first goal was also his 10th league goal of the season, making him the first player ever to reach double figures in La Liga for 13 consecutive seasons.[244]
On 13 January 2019, Messi scored his 400th La Liga goal in his 435th league appearance in a 3–0 home win over Eibar, becoming the first player ever to manage this tally in just one of Europe’s top five leagues.[245] On 2 February, Messi scored twice in a 2–2 draw against Valencia, with his first goal coming from the penalty spot, his 50th La Liga penalty goal; as such, he became only the third player in La Liga history after Cristiano Ronaldo and Hugo Sánchez to score 50 penalties in the competition.[246] Later that month, the club admitted they had begun preparations for Messi’s future retirement.[247] On 23 February, Messi scored the 50th hat-trick of his career and also provided an assist for Suárez, as he helped Barcelona come from behind to achieve a 4–2 away victory over Sevilla in La Liga; the goal was also his 650th career goal for club and country at senior level.[248] On 16 April, Messi scored twice in a 3–0 home victory over Manchester United in the second leg of the Champions League quarter-finals to give Barcelona a 4–0 aggregate win, which saw Barcelona progress to the semi-finals of the competition for the first time since 2015; these were also his first goals in the Champions League quarter-finals since 2013.[249][250]
On 27 April, Messi came off the bench and scored the only goal in a 1–0 home win over Levante, which allowed Barcelona to clinch the league title;[251] this was his 450th La Liga appearance, and his first league title as Barcelona’s captain.[252][253] On 1 May, Messi scored twice in a 3–0 home win over Liverpool in the first leg of the Champions League semi-finals; his second goal of the match, a 35-yard free kick, was the 600th senior club goal of his career, all of which had been scored with Barcelona.[254] In the return leg six days later at Anfield, Barcelona suffered a 4–0 away defeat, which saw Liverpool advance to the final 4–3 on aggregate.[255] On 19 May, in Barcelona’s final La Liga match of the season, Messi scored twice in a 2–2 away draw against Eibar (his 49th and 50th goals of the season in all competitions), which saw him capture his sixth Pichichi Trophy as the league’s top scorer, with 36 goals in 34 appearances; with six titles, he equalled Zarra as the player with the most top-scorer awards in La Liga.[256][257] He also captured his sixth Golden Shoe award, and a record third consecutive award since the 2016–17 season.[258] On 25 May, Messi scored his final goal of the season in a 2–1 defeat to Valencia in the 2019 Copa del Rey Final.[259]
2019–20: Record sixth Ballon d’Or
On 5 August 2019, it was announced that Messi would miss Barcelona’s US tour after sustaining a right calf injury.[260] On 19 August, Messi’s chipped goal from the edge of the box against Real Betis was nominated for the 2019 FIFA Puskás Award.[261] Later that month, he suffered another setback following the return of his calf injury, which ruled him out of the opening game of the season;[262] as a result, he was sidelined indefinitely, and was only expected to return to action with Barcelona after the September international break.[263] On 2 September, Messi was shortlisted as one of the three finalists for both the 2019 FIFA Puskás Award and the 2019 Best FIFA Men’s Player Award, with Messi winning the latter on 23 September.[264][265]
Messi made his first appearance of the season on 17 September, and on 6 October he scored his first goal of the season with a free kick in a 4–0 home win over Sevilla; this was his 420th goal in La Liga, which saw him break Cristiano Ronaldo’s record of 419 goals scored in Europe’s top five leagues.[266] On 23 October, Messi scored his first Champions League goal of the season in a 2–1 away win over Slavia Prague, becoming the first player to score in 15 consecutive Champions League seasons (excluding qualifying rounds).[267] He also equalled Raúl and Cristiano Ronaldo’s shared record of the most sides scored against in the competition (33).[268] On 29 October, Messi scored in a 5–1 home win over Real Valladolid in La Liga; his first goal – a set piece from 35 yards – was the 50th free-kick of his career.[269] His goals (608) also saw him overtake Cristiano Ronaldo’s senior goal tally (606) at club level.[270] On 9 November, Messi scored three goals (including two free kicks) in a 4–1 home win against Celta Vigo. This was his 34th hat-trick in La Liga, equalling Cristiano Ronaldo’s Spanish top-flight record.[271] On 27 November, in what was his 700th appearance for Barcelona, Messi scored one goal and assisted two more in a 3–1 home win over Borussia Dortmund in the UEFA Champions League. Dortmund were the 34th team he had scored against in the competition, breaking the previous record of 33 held by Cristiano Ronaldo and Raúl.[272] On 2 December, Messi was awarded a record-breaking sixth Ballon d’Or.[273] On 8 December, Messi scored his record-breaking 35th hat-trick in La Liga with three goals in Barcelona’s 5–2 home win over Mallorca.[274]
On 22 February 2020, Messi scored four goals in a 5–0 home win over Eibar in La Liga.[275] On 14 June, he scored in a 4–0 away win against Mallorca, becoming the first player ever in La Liga to score 20 goals or more in 12 consecutive seasons.[276] On 30 June, he scored a panenka in a 2–2 home draw against Atlético Madrid in La Liga, to reach his 700th goal in his senior career for Barcelona and Argentina.[277] On 11 July, Messi provided his 20th assist of the league season for Arturo Vidal in a 1–0 away win over Real Valladolid, equalling Xavi’s record of 20 assists in a single La Liga season from 2008 to 2009;[278][279] with 22 goals, he also became only the second player ever, after Thierry Henry in the 2002–03 FA Premier League season with Arsenal (24 goals and 20 assists), to record at least 20 goals and 20 assists in a single league season in one of Europe’s top-five leagues.[279][280] Following his brace in a 5–0 away win against Alavés in the final match of the season on 20 May, Messi finished the season as both the top scorer and top assist provider in La Liga, with 25 goals and 21 assists respectively, which saw him win his record seventh Pichichi trophy, overtaking Zarra; however, Barcelona missed out on the league title to Real Madrid.[281] On 9 August, in the Champions League round of 16 second leg versus Napoli at the Camp Nou, Messi scored the second goal and earned a penalty which led to a third goal and led his side to a 3–1 home victory and qualified 4–2 on aggregate for the quarter-finals against Bayern Munich.[282] On 15 August, Messi suffered his worst defeat as a player as Bayern Munich beat Barcelona 8–2 in a one-off tie in Lisbon, leading to another disappointing exit from the Champions League.[283]
August 2020: Desire to leave Barcelona
«I wasn’t happy and I wanted to leave. I have not been allowed this in any way and I will stay at the club so as not to get into a legal dispute. The management of the club led by Bartomeu is a disaster. My love for Barça will never change.»
– Messi on reversing his decision to leave Barcelona in an interview with Goal on 4 September 2020.[284]
Following growing dissatisfaction with the direction of Barcelona on and off the field,[285] Barcelona announced that Messi sent the club «a document expressing his desire to leave» on 25 August 2020.[286] The announcement garnered a significant media response, including from current and former teammates (who supported Messi’s statement) and Catalan president Quim Torra.[287] On 26 August, Barcelona’s sporting director Ramon Planes iterated the club’s desire to «build a team around the most important player in the world»[288] and affirmed Messi will only be able to leave should a buyer pay his €700 million buyout clause; a reported early termination option available in Messi’s contract (which would have allowed him to leave the club for free) could only be exercised if he had communicated his decision to Barcelona by 31 May 2020, although the player’s representatives argued the deadline should be set to 31 August, due to the adjourned 2019–20 season.[289] On 30 August, La Liga issued a statement stating Messi’s contract and buyout clause were still active.[290]
On 4 September, Jorge Messi, Lionel’s father and agent, released a statement in response to La Liga claiming the release clause «is not valid when the termination of the contract is by the player’s unilateral decision from the end of the 2019–20 season», as stated in Messi’s contract with Barcelona;[291] moments later, La Liga issued a response reiterating their statement published on 30 August.[292] Later that evening, Messi announced in an interview with Goal that he would continue at Barcelona for the final year of his contract. In the interview, Messi claimed to have informed Barcelona of his desire to leave multiple times, and club president Josep Maria Bartomeu said Messi could decide at the end of every season if he wanted to stay or leave, only for Bartomeu to refer to the release clause.[293] This left Messi with two options: to stay or go to court against the club, with the player saying «I would never go to court against the club of my life».[294]
2020–21: Final season at Barcelona
On 27 September, Messi began the 2020–21 season by scoring a penalty in a 4–0 home win against Villarreal in La Liga.[295] Two days prior to the opening game, he again criticised the club, this time for the manner of Luis Suárez’s departure, stating, «at this stage nothing surprises me any more».[296] On 20 October, Messi scored a penalty in a 5–1 home victory against Ferencváros in the Champions League, becoming the first player in history to score in sixteen consecutive Champions League seasons.[297] On 25 November, Messi was nominated for the 2020 Best FIFA Men’s Player award, and was later shortlisted as one of the final three candidates.[298][299] On 29 November, Messi scored his side’s fourth goal in their 4–0 victory over Osasuna. After scoring, he unveiled a shirt of his former side Newell’s Old Boys, in tribute to Argentine compatriot Diego Maradona, who had died four days earlier, and raised both hands to the screen showing Maradona’s face in the stadium. The shirt was a number 10 replica of the same one Maradona had worn during his stint with the club in 1993.[300] On 17 December, Messi finished third in The Best FIFA Men’s Player award behind Robert Lewandowski and Cristiano Ronaldo, and was included in the FIFA FIFPro World XI for the fourteenth consecutive year.[301]
«Congratulations on your historic record, Lionel. But above all, congratulations on your beautiful career at Barcelona. Stories like ours, of loving the same club for so long, unfortunately will be increasingly rare in football. I admire you very much, Leo Messi.»
– Pelé congratulates Messi after he overtook his record in scoring the most goals for a club.[302]
On 23 December, Messi scored his 644th goal for Barcelona against Real Valladolid in La Liga, surpassing Pelé with Santos as the player with the most goals scored for a single club.[302][303] In order to celebrate his achievement, Budweiser sent personalised bottles of beer to every goalkeeper whom Messi has scored against.[304] On 17 January 2021, Messi was sent off for the first time in his club career for violent conduct (swinging an arm at the head of Asier Villalibre, missed initially by the referee but reviewed via VAR) in the final minutes of Barcelona’s 2–3 extra time defeat to Athletic Bilbao in the 2020–21 Supercopa de España Final.[305] On 10 March, Messi scored from 35 yards out and later had a penalty saved in a 1–1 draw against Paris Saint-Germain at the Parc des Princes in the second leg of the Champions League round of 16 as Barcelona were eliminated at this stage for the first time in 14 years by an aggregate score of 2–5 after having lost 1–4 at home on 16 February, with Messi scoring Barcelona’s only goal in that game.[306] On 15 March, Messi scored two goals in a 4–1 win against Huesca, and became the first player in history to score at least 20 goals in 13 consecutive seasons in the top five European leagues.[307] On 21 March, he surpassed Xavi’s record to reach a club record of 768 appearances, in which he also scored a brace in a 6–1 away win against Real Sociedad.[308]
On 17 April, Messi scored twice as Barcelona defeated Athletic Bilbao 4–0 in the 2021 Copa del Rey Final. With his second goal, he broke Gerd Müller’s record of 30 plus goals in 12 consecutive club seasons, setting a new record of 13. With his 35th trophy with Barcelona, Messi also overtook former Manchester United winger Ryan Giggs as the most decorated footballer for a single club.[309][310] On 16 May, Messi scored his 30th league goal of the campaign in a 1–2 home defeat against Celta Vigo, which later turned out to be his final goal and match in a Barcelona shirt.[311] The top goalscorer in La Liga, Messi received the Pichichi trophy for a record eighth time in his career.[312] It was also his record fifth consecutive win in La Liga, surpassing Alfredo Di Stéfano and Hugo Sánchez who both had four for Real Madrid.[312]
«Leo wanted to stay and the Club wanted him to stay but with the La Liga rules it has not been possible. To comply with the league’s fair play regulations we had to accept an agreement that mortgaged the Club’s TV right for half a century and FC Barcelona is above everything else.»
– Barcelona president Joan Laporta explains the reason behind Messi’s departure.[313]
On 1 July, Messi became a free agent after his contract expired,[314] with negotiations on a new deal complicated due to financial issues at Barcelona.[315] On 5 August, Barcelona announced that Messi would not be staying at the club, even though both parties reached an agreement and were due to sign a contract that day.[316] The club cited financial and structural obstacles posed by La Liga regulations as a reason for Messi’s departure.[317] Club president Joan Laporta also blamed the previous board for Messi’s exit by saying «the basis of everything is the calamitous and disastrous situation left by the previous board», he added by saying «the expected debt is much higher and we had some sports contracts in place that meant we had no margin on salary».[318] Three days later, in a tearful press conference held at the Camp Nou, Messi confirmed that he would be leaving Barcelona.[319]
Paris Saint-Germain
2021–22: First season adjustments
On 10 August, Messi joined French club Paris Saint-Germain.[320] He signed a two-year deal until June 2023 with an option for an extra year.[321] Messi chose 30 as his squad number, the same he wore as a teenager when he made his senior debut for Barcelona.[322]
Messi made his debut for the club on 29 August, coming on as a substitute in the second half of a 2–0 away win over Reims in Ligue 1.[323] He made his first start and Champions League debut for the club in a 1–1 away draw against Club Brugge on 15 September.[324] Four days later, Messi made his home debut for PSG in a 2–1 win over Lyon.[325] On 28 September, he scored his first goal for the club, a strike from the edge of the 18-yard box in a 2–0 Champions League group stage win over Pep Guardiola’s Manchester City.[326] On 21 November, Messi scored his first Ligue 1 goal in a 3–1 home victory over Nantes.[327] Later that month, he provided a hat-trick of assists for the fifth time in his career as PSG beat Saint-Étienne 3–1 away from home.[328] Having scored 40 goals at club and international level for the calendar year and helped Argentina win the 2021 Copa América, Messi received a record seventh Ballon d’Or on 29 November.[329]
«I think about being able to reverse the situation, about not having the feeling of having changed clubs and that it didn’t go well for me. I’m already prepared for what’s to come, I know the club, I know the city, I’m a little more comfortable with the dressing room, with my teammates and I know it’s going to be different»
– Messi on his difficult first season at PSG and how he wants to improve in his second season in an interview with TyC Sports.[330]
On 2 January 2022, PSG announced that Messi had tested positive for COVID-19, missing two league games and a cup game as a result.[331][332] He made his return against on 23 January in the league against Reims where he came on as a substitute in the second half and assisted PSG’s third goal in a 4–0 home victory.[333] On 13 March, following their Champions League elimination against Real Madrid in the round of 16, Messi and his team-mate Neymar were booed by some of the PSG fans at the Parc des Princes in the league match against Bordeaux.[334][335] Then-PSG manager Mauricio Pochettino defended Messi by saying «To judge Messi in this way is unfair,» adding «It was a year of learning, and not just on a professional level coming to Paris Saint-Germain, in a new league and with new teammates, but also on a family level.»[336] On 23 April, he helped PSG clinch their 10th Ligue 1 title after scoring from a strike outside the 18-yard box in a 1–1 draw against Lens at home.[337] Messi finished his debut season with 11 goals and 14 assists across all competitions.[338] He failed to reach double figure league goals for the first time since 2005–06, ending the campaign with six.[339]
2022–23: Regaining form
After adjusting to his new surroundings and settling in Paris, under new coach Christophe Galtier, Messi returned to his preferred free attacking role; being placed in his favoured position as the playmaker behind two strikers, in a attacking trident with Neymar and Kylian Mbappé, quickly regaining his form from his previous season by starting off the new season on 31 July by scoring PSG’s first goal in a 4–0 victory over Nantes in the Trophée des Champions, winning his second trophy with PSG.[340]
Due to his previous form last season, Messi was not nominated for the Ballon d’Or award for the first time since 2005.[341] On 21 August, Messi provided a long-range assist for Mbappé, clocked at eight seconds, for Ligue 1’s second-fastest goal ever scored, before also scoring a goal in 7–1 away win over Lille.[342][343] The following matches, after registering six goal contributions, including one goal and five assists, Messi was named Ligue 1’s Player of the Month in September.[344] On 5 October, he scored in a 1–1 draw away to Benfica in the Champions League, becoming the only player in the competition’s history to score against 40 different Champions League opponents.[345] On 25 October, he scored twice in a 7–2 Champions League win at home to Maccabi Haifa, setting the record for the most goals scored from outside the 18-yard box than any other player in the competition, with 23 goals.[346] Four days later, Messi scored and provided an assist as PSG won 4–3 against Troyes to remain top of the Ligue 1 table. The goal was his seventh of the league season and his twelfth overall, surpassing his total output of the prior season in just 18 matches.[347] On 26 February, PSG defeated Marseille 3–0 in Le Classique, with Messi scoring his 700th senior career club goal as well as assisting two goals for Mbappé.[348]
International career
2004–2005: Success at youth level
As a dual Argentine-Spanish national, Messi was eligible to play for the national team of both countries.[349] Selectors for Spain’s Under-17 squad began pursuing him in 2003 after Barcelona’s director of football, Carles Rexach, alerted the Royal Spanish Football Federation to their young player. Messi declined the offer, having aspired to represent La Albiceleste since childhood. To further prevent Spain from taking him, the Argentine Football Association organised two under-20 friendlies in June 2004, against Paraguay and Uruguay, with the purpose of finalising his status as an Argentina player in FIFA. Five days after his 17th birthday, on 29 June, he made his debut for his country against Paraguay, scoring once and providing two assists in their 8–0 victory. He was subsequently included in the squad for the South American Youth Championship, held in Colombia in February 2005. As he lacked the stamina of his teammates, the result of his former growth hormone deficiency, he was used as a substitute in six of the nine games. After being named man of the match against Venezuela, he scored the winning 2–1 goal in the crucial last match against Brazil, thereby securing their third-place qualification for the FIFA World Youth Championship.[350]
Aware of his physical limitations, Messi employed a personal trainer to increase his muscle mass, returning to the squad in an improved condition in time for the World Youth Championship, hosted by the Netherlands in June. After he was left out of the starting line-up in their first match against the United States, a 1–0 defeat, the squad’s senior players asked manager Francisco Ferraro to let Messi start, as they considered him their best player. After helping the team defeat Egypt and Germany to progress past the group stage, Messi proved decisive in the knockout phase as he scored their equaliser against Colombia, provided a goal and an assist against title favourites Spain, and scored their opening goal against reigning champions Brazil. Ahead of the final, he was awarded the Golden Ball as the best player of the tournament. He scored two penalties in their 2–1 victory over Nigeria, clinching Argentina’s fifth championship and finishing the tournament as top scorer with 6 goals.[351][352] His performances drew comparisons with compatriot Diego Maradona, who had led Argentina to the title in 1979.[352]
2005–2006: Senior and World Cup debuts
In recognition of his achievements with the under-20 side, senior manager José Pékerman gave Messi his first call-up for a friendly against Hungary on 17 August 2005. Aged 18, Messi made his senior debut for Argentina in the Ferenc Puskás Stadium when he came on in the 63rd minute, only to be sent off after two minutes for a perceived foul against Vilmos Vanczák, who had grabbed his shirt; Messi had struck the defender with his arm while trying to shake him off, which the referee interpreted as an intentional elbowing, a contentious decision.[353] Messi was reportedly found weeping in the dressing room after his sending-off.[354] He returned to the team on 3 September in their World Cup qualifier defeat to Paraguay, which he had declared his «re-debut» ahead of the match.[355] Messi started his first game in the next qualifying match against Peru, in which he was able to win a crucial penalty that secured their victory. After the match, Pékerman described him as «a jewel».[356] He subsequently made regular appearances for the team ahead of Argentina’s participation in the 2006 FIFA World Cup, scoring his first goal in a friendly against Croatia on 1 March 2006.[357] A hamstring injury sustained a week later jeopardised his presence in the World Cup, but he was nevertheless selected for Pékerman’s squad and regained fitness in time for the start of the tournament.[358]
During the World Cup in Germany, Messi witnessed their opening match victory against the Ivory Coast from the substitutes’ bench. In the next match, against Serbia and Montenegro, he became the youngest player to represent Argentina at a FIFA World Cup when he came on as a substitute in the 74th minute. He assisted their fourth strike within minutes and scored the final goal in their 6–0 victory, making him the youngest scorer in the tournament and the sixth-youngest goalscorer in the history of the World Cup.[359] As their progression to the knockout phase was secured, several starters were rested during the last group match. Messi consequently started the game against the Netherlands, a 0–0 draw, as they won their group on goal differential.[360][361] In the round of 16 match against Mexico, played on his 19th birthday, Messi came on in the 84th minute, with the score tied at 1–1. He appeared to score a goal, but it was contentiously ruled offside, with the team needing a late goal in extra time to proceed.[362][363] He did not play in the quarter-final against Germany, during which Argentina were eliminated 4–2 in a penalty shootout.[364] Back home, Pékerman’s decision to leave him on the bench against Germany led to widespread criticism from those who believed Messi could have changed the outcome of the match in Argentina’s favour.[365][366]
2007–2008: Copa América final and Olympic gold
As Messi evolved into one of the best players in the world, he secured a place in Alfio Basile’s starting line-up, as part of a team considered favourites to win the 2007 Copa América, held in Venezuela.[58][367] He set up the game-winning goal of their 4–1 victory over the United States in the opening match, before winning a penalty that led to the game-tying first strike of their 4–2 win in the next match against Colombia.[368][369] At the quarter-final stage, where the group winners faced Peru, he scored the second goal of a 4–0 victory that saw them through to the semi-final, during which he chipped the ball over Mexico’s goalkeeper to ensure another 3–0 win.[367] In a surprise defeat, Argentina lost the final 3–0 to a Brazil squad that lacked several of the nation’s best players.[370] Their unexpected loss was followed by much criticism in Argentina, though Messi was mostly exempt due to his young age and secondary status to star player Juan Román Riquelme.[367] He was named the best young player of the tournament by CONMEBOL.[371]
Ahead of the 2008 Summer Olympics, Barcelona legally barred Messi from representing Argentina at the tournament as it coincided with their Champions League qualifying matches.[372] After interference from newly appointed Barcelona manager Pep Guardiola, who had won the tournament in 1992, Messi was permitted to join Sergio Batista’s under-23 squad in Beijing.[373] During the first match, he scored the opening goal in their 2–1 victory over the Ivory Coast. Following a 1–0 win in the next group match against Australia, ensuring their quarter-final qualification, Messi was rested during the game against Serbia, while his side won the match to finish first in their group. Against the Netherlands, he again scored the first goal and assisted a second strike to help his team to a 2–1 win in extra time. After a 3–0 semi-final victory over Brazil, Messi assisted the only goal in the final as Argentina defeated Nigeria to claim Olympic gold medals.[374] Along with Riquelme, Messi was singled out by FIFA as the stand-out player from the tournament’s best team.[375]
2008–2011: Collective decline
From late 2008, the national team experienced a three-year period marked by poor performances.[367] Under manager Diego Maradona, who had led Argentina to World Cup victory as a player, the team struggled to qualify for the 2010 World Cup, securing their place in the tournament only after defeating Uruguay 1–0 in their last qualifying match. Maradona was criticised for his strategic decisions, which included playing Messi out of his usual position. In eight qualifying matches under Maradona’s stewardship, Messi scored only one goal, netting the opening goal in the first such match, a 4–0 victory over Venezuela.[357][376] During that game, played on 28 March 2009, he wore Argentina’s number 10 shirt for the first time, following the international retirement of Riquelme.[377] Overall, Messi scored four goals in 18 appearances during the qualifying process.[357] Ahead of the tournament, Maradona visited Messi in Barcelona to request his tactical input; Messi then outlined a 4–3–1–2 formation with himself playing behind the two strikers, a playmaking position known as the enganche in Argentine football, which had been his preferred position since childhood.[378]
Despite their poor qualifying campaign, Argentina were considered title contenders at the World Cup in South Africa. At the start of the tournament, the new formation proved effective; Messi managed at least four attempts on goal during their opening match but was repeatedly denied by Nigeria’s goalkeeper, resulting in a 1–0 win. During the next match, against South Korea, he excelled in his playmaking role, participating in all four goals of his side’s 4–1 victory. As their place in the knockout phase was guaranteed, most of the starters were rested during the last group match, but Messi reportedly refused to be benched.[376] He wore the captain’s armband for the first time in their 2–0 win against Greece; as the focal point of their play, he helped create their second goal to see Argentina finish as group winners.[379]
Argentina were eliminated in the quarter-final against Germany, at the same stage of the tournament and by the same opponent as four years earlier. Their 4–0 loss was their worst margin of defeat at a World Cup since 1974.[380] FIFA subsequently identified Messi as one of the tournament’s 10 best players, citing his «outstanding» pace and creativity and «spectacular and efficient» dribbling, shooting and passing.[381] Back home, however, Messi was the subject of harsher judgement. As the perceived best player in the world, he had been expected to lead an average team to the title, as Maradona arguably did in 1986, but he had failed to replicate his performances at Barcelona with the national team, leading to the accusation that he cared less about his country than his club.[382]
Maradona was replaced by Sergio Batista, who had orchestrated Argentina’s Olympic victory. Batista publicly stated that he intended to build the team around Messi, employing him as a false nine within a 4–3–3 system, as used to much success by Barcelona.[382][383] Although Messi scored a record 53 goals during the 2010–11 club season, he had not scored for Argentina in an official match since March 2009.[110][357] Despite the tactical change, his goal drought continued during the 2011 Copa América, hosted by Argentina. Their first two matches, against Bolivia and Colombia, ended in draws. Media and fans noted that he did not combine well with striker Carlos Tevez, who enjoyed greater popularity among the Argentine public; Messi was consequently booed by his own team’s supporters for the first time in his career. During the crucial next match, with Tevez on the bench, he gave a well-received performance, assisting two goals in their 3–0 victory over Costa Rica. After the quarter-final against Uruguay ended in a 1–1 draw following extra time, with Messi having assisted their equaliser, Argentina were eliminated 4–5 in the penalty shootout by the eventual champions.[382]
2011–2013: Assuming the captaincy
After Argentina’s unsuccessful performance in the Copa América, Batista was replaced by Alejandro Sabella. Upon his appointment in August 2011, Sabella awarded the 24-year-old Messi the captaincy of the squad, in accord with then-captain Javier Mascherano. Reserved by nature, Messi went on to lead his squad by example as their best player, while Mascherano continued to fulfil the role of the team’s on-field leader and motivator.[384][385] In a further redesign of the team, Sabella dismissed Tevez and brought in players with whom Messi had won the World Youth Championship and Olympic Games. Now playing in a free role in an improving team, Messi ended his goal drought by scoring during their first World Cup qualifying match against Chile on 7 October, his first official goal for Argentina in two-and-a-half years.[357][384]
Under Sabella, Messi’s goalscoring rate drastically increased; where he had scored only 17 goals in 61 matches under his previous managers, he scored 25 times in 32 appearances during the following three years.[357][384] He netted a total of 12 goals in 9 games for Argentina in 2012, equalling the record held by Gabriel Batistuta for the most goals scored in a calendar year for their country.[386] His first international hat-trick came in a friendly against Switzerland on 29 February 2012, followed by two more hat-tricks over the next year-and-a-half in friendlies against Brazil and Guatemala. Messi then helped the team secure their place in the 2014 World Cup with a 5–2 victory over Paraguay on 10 September 2013 when he scored twice from penalty kicks, taking his international tally to 37 goals to become Argentina’s second-highest goalscorer behind Batistuta. Overall, he had scored a total of 10 goals in 14 matches during the qualifying campaign.[357][387] Concurrently with his bettered performances, his relationship with his compatriots improved, as he gradually began to be perceived more favourably in Argentina.[384]
2014–2015: World Cup and Copa América finals
Messi watches his 25-yard curling strike hit the net against Iran to win the game for Argentina in their second group game at the 2014 FIFA World Cup
Ahead of the World Cup in Brazil, doubts persisted over Messi’s form, as he finished an unsuccessful and injury-plagued season with Barcelona. At the start of the tournament, however, he gave strong performances, being elected man of the match in their first four matches.[388] In his first World Cup match as captain, he led them to a 2–1 victory over Bosnia and Herzegovina; he helped create Sead Kolašinac’s own goal and scored their second strike after a dribble past three players, his first World Cup goal since his debut in the tournament eight years earlier.[389] During the second match against Iran, he scored an injury-time goal from 25 yards out to end the game in a 1–0 win, securing their qualification for the knockout phase.[390] He scored twice in the last group match, a 3–2 victory over Nigeria, his second goal coming from a free kick, as they finished first in their group.[391] Messi assisted a late goal in extra time to ensure a 1–0 win against Switzerland in the round of 16, and played in the 1–0 quarter-final win against Belgium as Argentina progressed to the semi-final of the World Cup for the first time since 1990.[392][393] Following a 0–0 draw in extra time, they eliminated the Netherlands 4–2 in a penalty shootout to reach the final, with Messi scoring his team’s first penalty.[394]
Billed as Messi versus Germany, the world’s best player against the best team, the final was a repeat of the 1990 final featuring Diego Maradona.[395] Within the first half-hour, Messi had started the play that led to a goal, but it was ruled offside. He missed several opportunities to open the scoring throughout the match, in particular at the start of the second half when his breakaway effort went wide of the far post. Substitute Mario Götze finally scored in the 113th minute, followed in the last minute of extra time by a free kick that Messi sent over the net, as Germany won the match 1–0 to claim the World Cup.[396] At the conclusion of the final, Messi was awarded the Golden Ball as the best player of the tournament. In addition to being the joint third-highest goalscorer, with four goals and an assist, he created the most chances, completed the most dribbling runs, made the most deliveries into the penalty area and produced the most throughballs in the competition.[388][397] However, his selection drew criticism due to his lack of goals in the knockout round; FIFA President Sepp Blatter expressed his surprise, while Maradona suggested that Messi had undeservedly been chosen for marketing purposes.[398]
Another final appearance, the third of Messi’s senior international career, followed in the 2015 Copa América, held in Chile. Under the stewardship of former Barcelona manager Gerardo Martino, Argentina entered the tournament as title contenders due to their second-place achievement at the World Cup.[399][400] During the opening match against Paraguay, they were ahead two goals by half-time but lost their lead to end the match in a 2–2 draw; Messi had scored from a penalty kick, netting his only goal in the tournament.[401] Following a 1–0 win against defending champions Uruguay, Messi earned his 100th cap for his country in the final group match, a 1–0 win over Jamaica, becoming only the fifth Argentine to achieve this milestone.[402] In his 100 appearances, he had scored a total of 46 goals for Argentina, 22 of which came in official competitive matches.[357][402]
As Messi evolved from the team’s symbolic captain into a genuine leader, he led Argentina to the knockout stage as group winners.[403] In the quarter-final, they created numerous chances, including a rebound header by Messi, but were repeatedly denied by Colombia’s goalkeeper, and ultimately ended the match scoreless, leading to a 5–4 penalty shootout in their favour, with Messi netting his team’s first spot kick.[404] At the semi-final stage, Messi excelled as a playmaker as he provided three assists and helped create three more goals in his side’s 6–1 victory over Paraguay, receiving applause from the initially hostile crowd.[403] Argentina started the final as the odds-on title favourites, but were defeated by Chile 4–1 in a penalty shootout after a 0–0 extra-time draw. Faced with aggression from opposing players, including taking a boot to the midriff, Messi played below his standards, though he was the only Argentine to successfully convert his penalty.[405] At the close of the tournament, he was reportedly selected to receive the Most Valuable Player award but rejected the honour.[406] As Argentina continued a trophy drought that began in 1993, the World Cup and Copa América defeats again brought intense criticism for Messi from Argentine media and fans.[407]
2016–2017: Third Copa América final, retirement, and return
Messi’s place in Argentina’s Copa América Centenario squad was initially put in jeopardy when he sustained a back injury in a 1–0 friendly win over Honduras in a pre-Copa América warm-up match on 27 May 2016.[408] It was later reported that he had suffered a deep bruise in his lumbar region. He was later left on the bench in Argentina’s 2–1 opening win over defending champions Chile on 6 June due to concerns regarding his fitness.[409] Although Messi was declared match-fit for his nation’s second group match against Panama on 10 June, Martino left him on the bench once again; he replaced Augusto Fernández in the 61st minute and subsequently scored a hat-trick in 19 minutes, also starting the play which led to Sergio Agüero’s goal, as the match ended in a 5–0 victory, sealing Argentina’s place in the quarter-finals of the competition;[410] he was elected man of the match for his performance.[411]
«Did it annoy me that Messi took the record? A little, yes. You go around the world and people say, ‘he’s the top scorer for the Argentina national team.’ But the advantage I have is that I’m second to an extraterrestrial.»
– Gabriel Batistuta on the consolation of Messi breaking his record.[412]
On 18 June, in the quarter-final of the Copa América against Venezuela, Messi produced another man of the match performance,[413] assisting two goals and scoring another in a 4–1 victory, which enabled him to equal Gabriel Batistuta’s national record of 54 goals in official international matches.[414] This record was broken three days later when Messi scored a free kick in a 4–0 semi-final win against hosts the United States; he also assisted two goals during the match as Argentina sealed a place in the final of the competition for a second consecutive year,[415] and was named man of the match once again.[416]
During a repeat of the previous year’s final on 26 June, Argentina once again lost to Chile on penalties after a 0–0 deadlock, resulting in Messi’s third consecutive defeat in a major tournament final with Argentina, and his fourth overall. After the match, Messi, who had missed his penalty in the shootout, announced his retirement from international football.[417] He stated, «I tried my hardest. The team has ended for me, a decision made.»[418] Chile coach Juan Antonio Pizzi said after the match, «My generation can’t compare him to Maradona that’s for my generation, because of what Maradona did for Argentine football. But I think the best player ever played today here in the United States.»[419] Messi finished the tournament as the second highest scorer, behind Eduardo Vargas, with five goals, and was the highest assist provider with four assists, also winning more Man of the Match awards than any other player in the tournament (3);[420] he was named to the team of the tournament for his performances, but missed out on the Golden Ball Award for best player, which went to Alexis Sánchez.[421]
Following his announcement, a campaign began in Argentina for Messi to change his mind about retiring.[422] He was greeted by fans with signs like «Don’t go, Leo» when the team landed in Buenos Aires. President of Argentina Mauricio Macri urged Messi not to quit, stating, «We are lucky, it is one of life’s pleasures, it is a gift from God to have the best player in the world in a footballing country like ours… Lionel Messi is the greatest thing we have in Argentina and we must take care of him.»[423] Mayor of Buenos Aires Horacio Rodríguez Larreta unveiled a statue of Messi in the capital to convince him to reconsider retirement.[424] The campaign also continued in the streets and avenues of the Argentine capital, with about 50,000 supporters going to the Obelisco de Buenos Aires on 2 July, using the same slogan.[425]
«A lot of things went through my mind on the night of the final and I gave serious thought to quitting, but my love for my country and this shirt is too great.»
– Messi reversing his decision from retiring on 12 August 2016[426]
Just a week after Messi announced his international retirement, Argentine newspaper La Nación reported that he was reconsidering playing for Argentina at the 2018 FIFA World Cup qualifiers in September.[427] On 12 August, it was confirmed that Messi had reversed his decision to retire from international football, and he was included in the squad for the national team’s upcoming 2018 World Cup qualifiers.[428] On 1 September, in his first game back, he scored in a 1–0 home win over Uruguay in a 2018 World Cup qualifier.[429]
Messi celebrates his hat-trick against Ecuador in 2017 which saw Argentina qualify for the 2018 FIFA World Cup
On 28 March 2017, Messi was suspended for four international games for insulting an assistant referee in a game against Chile on 23 March 2017. He was also fined CHF 10,000.[430][431] On 5 May, Messi’s four match ban as well as his 10,000 CHF fine was lifted by FIFA after Argentina Football Association appealed against his suspension, which meant he could now play Argentina’s remaining World Cup Qualifiers.[432] Argentina’s place in the 2018 World Cup was in jeopardy going into their final qualifying match as they were sixth in their group, outside the five possible CONMEBOL World Cup qualifying spots, meaning they risked failing to qualify for the World Cup for the first time since 1970. On 10 October, Messi led his country to World Cup qualification in scoring a hat-trick as Argentina came from behind to defeat Ecuador 3–1 away; Argentina had not defeated Ecuador in Quito since 2001.[433] Messi’s three goals saw him become the joint all-time leading scorer in CONMEBOL World Cup qualifiers with 21 goals, alongside Uruguay’s Luis Suárez, overtaking the previous record which was held by compatriot Hernán Crespo.[433]
2018: World Cup
«The squad is the worst in their history. Even having the best player in the world was not capable of creating a competitive team. All the decline of recent times was hidden by this unrivalled genius [Messi]»
– Former Argentine player Osvaldo Ardiles on the decline in quality of Argentina being masked by Messi.[434]
Following on from their poor qualification campaign, expectations were not high going into the 2018 World Cup, with the team, without an injured Messi, losing 6–1 to Spain in March 2018.[435][436] Prior to Argentina’s opener, there was speculation in the media over whether this would be Messi’s final World Cup.[437] In the team’s opening group match against Iceland on 16 June, Messi missed a potential match-winning penalty in an eventual 1–1 draw.[438] In Argentina’s second game on 21 June, the team lost 3–0 to Croatia. Post-match the Argentina coach Jorge Sampaoli spoke of the lack of quality in the team surrounding Messi, saying «we quite simply couldn’t pass to him to help him generate the situations he is used to. We worked to give him the ball but the opponent also worked hard to prevent him from getting the ball. We lost that battle».[439] Croatia captain and midfielder Luka Modrić also stated post match, «Messi is an incredible player but he can’t do everything alone.»[440]
Messi celebrates his goal against Nigeria at the 2018 FIFA World Cup
In Argentina’s final group match against Nigeria at the Krestovsky Stadium, Saint Petersburg on 26 June, Messi scored the opening goal in an eventual 2–1 victory, becoming the third Argentine after Diego Maradona and Gabriel Batistuta to score in three different World Cups; he also became the first player to score in the World Cup in his teens, twenties, and his thirties.[441] A goal of the tournament contender, Messi received a long pass from midfield and controlled the ball on the run with two touches before striking it across goal into the net with his weaker right foot.[442][443] He was awarded Man of the Match.[444] Argentina progressed to the second round as group runners-up behind Croatia.[445] In the round of 16 match against eventual champions France on 30 June, Messi set up Gabriel Mercado’s and Sergio Agüero’s goals in a 3–4 defeat, which saw Argentina eliminated from the World Cup.[446] With his two assists in his team’s second round fixture, Messi became the first player to provide an assist in the last four World Cups, and also became the first player to provide two assists in a match for Argentina since Maradona had managed the same feat against South Korea in 1986.[447][448]
Following the tournament, Messi stated that he would not participate in Argentina’s friendlies against Guatemala and Colombia in September, and commented that it would be unlikely that he would represent his nation for the remainder of the calendar year. Messi’s absence from the national team and his continued failure to win a title with Argentina prompted speculation in the media that Messi might retire from international football once again.[449] In March 2019, however, he was called up to the Argentina squad once again for the team’s friendlies against Venezuela and Morocco later that month.[450] A conversation with Lionel Scaloni and his idol Pablo Aimar made Messi reconsider his decision to retire.[451] He made his international return on 22 March, in a 3–1 friendly defeat to Venezuela, in Madrid.[452]
2019–2020: Copa América third-place, suspension and Superclásico victory
On 21 May, Messi was included in Lionel Scaloni’s final 23-man Argentina squad for the 2019 Copa América.[453] In Argentina’s second group match of the tournament on 19 June, Messi scored the equalising goal from the penalty spot in a 1–1 draw against Paraguay.[454] After coming under criticism in the media over his performance following Argentina’s 2–0 victory over Venezuela in the quarter-finals at the Maracanã Stadium on 28 June, Messi commented that it had not been his best Copa América, while also criticising the poor quality of the pitches.[455] Following Argentina’s 2–0 defeat to hosts Brazil in the semi-finals on 2 July, Messi was critical of the refereeing during the match,[456][457] and alleged the competition was «set up» for Brazil to win.[458]
In the third-place match against Chile on 6 July, Messi set-up Agüero’s opening goal from a free kick in an eventual 2–1 win, to help Argentina capture the bronze medal; however, he was sent off along with Gary Medel in the 37th minute of play, after being involved in an altercation with the Chilean defender.[459] Following the match, Messi refused to collect his medal, and implied in a post-match interview that his comments following the semi-final led to his sending off.[460] Messi later issued an apology for his comments, but was fined $1,500 and was handed a one-match ban by CONMEBOL, which ruled him out of Argentina’s next World Cup qualifier.[461] On 2 August, Messi was banned for three months from international football and was fined $50,000 by CONMEBOL for his comments against the referee’s decisions; this ban meant he would miss Argentina’s friendly matches against Chile, Mexico and Germany in September and October.[462] On 15 November, Messi played in the 2019 Superclásico de las Américas versus Brazil, scoring the winning goal by a rebound of his saved penalty.[463] On 8 October 2020, Messi scored a penalty in a 1–0 victory against Ecuador, giving Argentina a winning start to their 2022 World Cup qualifying campaign.[464]
2021–2022: Copa América and World Cup triumphs
«It was clear to me that I had to try until the last tournament and that I couldn’t withdraw from the national team without winning something.»
– Messi on winning the 2021 Copa América in an interview with Diario Sport.[465]
On 14 June 2021, Messi scored from a free kick in a 1–1 draw against Chile in Argentina’s opening group match of the 2021 Copa América in Brazil.[466] On 21 June, Messi played in his 147th match as he equalled Javier Mascherano’s record for most appearances for Argentina in a 1–0 win over Paraguay in their third game of the tournament.[467] A week later, he broke the record for most appearances in an Argentina shirt when he featured in a 4–1 win against Bolivia in his team’s final group match, assisting Papu Gómez’s opening goal and later scoring two.[468] On 3 July, Messi assisted twice and scored from a free-kick in a 3–0 win over Ecuador in the quarter-finals of the competition.[469] On 6 July, in a 1–1 draw in the semi-finals against Colombia, Messi made his 150th appearance for his country and registered his fifth assist of the tournament, a cut-back for Lautaro Martínez, matching his record of nine goal contributions in a single tournament from five years earlier; he later netted his spot kick in Argentina’s eventual 3–2 penalty shoot-out victory to progress to his fifth international final.[470][471] On 10 July, Argentina defeated hosts Brazil 1–0 in the final, giving Messi his first major international title and Argentina’s first since 1993, as well as his nation’s joint record 15th Copa América overall.[472] Messi was directly involved in 9 out of the 12 goals scored by Argentina, scoring four and assisting five; he was named the player of the tournament for his performances, an honour he shared with Neymar. He also finished as the tournament’s top scorer with four goals tied with Colombia’s Luis Díaz, with the Golden Boot awarded to Messi as he had more assists.[473][474]
Messi at the 2022 FIFA World Cup
On 9 September, Messi scored a hat-trick in a 3–0 home win over Bolivia in a 2022 World Cup qualifier which also moved him above Pelé as South America’s top male international scorer with 79 goals.[475] In the 2022 Finalissima, the third edition of the CONMEBOL–UEFA Cup of Champions, at Wembley on 2 June 2022, Messi assisted twice in a 3–0 victory against Italy and was named player of the match, securing his second trophy for Argentina at the senior level.[476] Messi then followed this on 6 June with all five Argentina goals in a 5–0 victory in a friendly win over Estonia, overtaking Ferenc Puskás among the all-time international men’s top scorers.[477]
At the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar, Messi scored a penalty in Argentina’s opening game, a 2–1 defeat to Saudi Arabia, before scoring with a low 20-yard strike in their next match against Mexico in which Argentina won 2–0, also recording an assist on Enzo Fernández’s goal.[478] In the last 16 game against Australia, Messi scored the opening goal in Argentina’s 2–1 win in what was his 1,000th senior career appearance,[479] and became the most-capped male South American (CONMEBOL member) footballer of all time, surpassing the previous record set by Ecuador’s Iván Hurtado, as well as surpassing and equalling several other FIFA World Cup and national team records.[480][481] In the quarter-final against the Netherlands, Messi assisted Argentina’s first goal for Nahuel Molina with a reverse pass and then scored a penalty as the game finished 2–2 after extra time. Argentina won 4–3 in the penalty shootout, with Messi scoring the first penalty.[482] In the semi-final against Croatia, Messi made a record-equalling 25th World Cup finals appearance, drawing level with Germany’s Lothar Matthäus, and scored the opening goal with a penalty before he assisted Argentina’s third goal scored by Julián Álvarez in a 3–0 win;[483] with his 11th World Cup goal, Messi overtook Batistuta to become Argentina’s all–time top–scorer at the World Cup.[484] Argentina advanced to the final against France, with Messi stating that it would be his final World Cup appearance.[485][486]
In the 2022 FIFA World Cup final on 18 December, Messi made his record 26th World Cup finals appearance at Lusail Stadium. Messi scored Argentina’s opening goal with a penalty, becoming in the process the first player since the last-16 round was introduced in 1986 to score a goal in each round of a single World Cup edition.[487] After Argentina’s eventual two-goal lead was erased by France forward Kylian Mbappé, who scored twice inside two minutes, Messi would score again in extra-time to restore Argentina’s lead, before Mbappé again drew France level. Tied 3–3 after extra-time, the match went to a penalty shoot-out. Messi scored Argentina’s first goal in the shoot-out, with Argentina eventually winning 4–2, ending the nation’s 36-year wait for the trophy.[488] Messi received the Golden Ball for player of the tournament, becoming the first player to win it twice. He finished second in the Golden Boot race with seven goals in seven games, one behind Mbappé.[487] With his appearance and two goals in the final, Messi overtook Matthaüs as the player with most appearances at the World Cup (26), and Pelé as the player with most direct goal contributions at the World Cup (21 – 13 goals and 8 assists).[489] The championship game was widely acclaimed as one of the best of all time, with media coverage heavily framing it as a duel between Messi and Mbappé.[490][491][492][493] Following the game, Messi confirmed that he had no plans to retire from the national team, saying «I want to continue playing as a champion».[494]
Player profile
Style of play
A versatile forward, Messi often plays as a classic number 10.
Due to his short stature, Messi has a lower centre of gravity than taller players, which gives him greater agility, allowing him to change direction more quickly and evade opposing tackles;[495][496] this has led the Spanish media to dub him La Pulga Atómica («The Atomic Flea»).[497][498][499] Despite being physically unimposing, he possesses significant upper-body strength, which, combined with his low centre of gravity and resulting balance, aids him in withstanding physical challenges from opponents; he has consequently been noted for his lack of diving in a sport rife with playacting.[14][496][500] His short, strong legs allow him to excel in short bursts of acceleration while his quick feet enable him to retain control of the ball when dribbling at speed.[501] His former Barcelona manager Pep Guardiola once stated, «Messi is the only player that runs faster with the ball than he does without it.»[43] Although he has improved his ability with his weaker foot since his mid-20s, Messi is predominantly a left-footed player; with the outside of his left foot, he usually begins dribbling runs, while he uses the inside of his foot to finish and provide passes and assists.[502][503]
A prolific goalscorer, Messi is known for his finishing, positioning, quick reactions, and ability to make attacking runs to beat the defensive line. He also functions in a playmaking role, courtesy of his vision and range of passing.[504] He has often been described as a magician; a conjurer, creating goals and opportunities where seemingly none exist.[505][506][507] Moreover, he is an accurate free kick and penalty kick taker.[496][508] As of October 2022, Messi ranks 9th all time in goals scored from direct free kicks with 60,[509] the most among active players.[510] He also has a penchant for scoring from chips.[511]
Messi is known to drop deep, link-up with midfielders, orchestrate attacking plays, and create goal-scoring opportunities.
Messi’s pace and technical ability enable him to undertake individual dribbling runs towards goal, in particular during counterattacks, usually starting from the halfway line or the right side of the pitch.[500][508][512] Widely considered to be the best dribbler in the world,[513] and one of the greatest dribblers of all time,[514] with regard to this ability, his former Argentina manager Diego Maradona has said of him, «The ball stays glued to his foot; I’ve seen great players in my career, but I’ve never seen anyone with Messi’s ball control.»[503] Beyond his individual qualities, he is also a well-rounded, hard-working team player, known for his creative combinations, in particular with former Barcelona midfielders Xavi and Andrés Iniesta.[495][496]
Tactically, Messi plays in a free attacking role; a versatile player, he is capable of attacking on either wing or through the centre of the pitch. His favoured position in childhood was the playmaker behind two strikers, known as the enganche in Argentine football, but he began his career in Spain as a left-winger or left-sided forward.[378] Upon his first-team debut, he was moved onto the right wing by manager Frank Rijkaard; from this position, he could more easily cut through the defence into the middle of the pitch and curl shots on goal with his left foot, rather than predominantly cross balls for teammates.[43] Under Guardiola and subsequent managers, he most often played in a false nine role; positioned as a centre-forward or lone striker, he would roam the centre, often moving deep into midfield and drawing defenders with him, in order to create and exploit spaces for passes, other teammates’ attacking runs off the ball, Messi’s own dribbling runs, or combinations with Xavi and Iniesta.[21] Under the stewardship of Luis Enrique, Messi initially returned to playing in the right-sided position that characterised much of his early career in the manager’s 4–3–3 formation,[171][515] while he was increasingly deployed in a deeper, free playmaking role in later seasons.[516][517] Under manager Ernesto Valverde, Messi played in a variety of roles. While he occasionally continued to be deployed in a deeper role, from which he could make runs from behind into the box,[518] or even on the right wing[519] or as a false nine,[520][521] he was also used in a more offensive, central role in a 4–2–3–1,[517] or as a second striker in a 4–4–2 formation, where he was once again given the licence to drop deep, link-up with midfielders, orchestrate his team’s attacking plays, and create chances for his attacking partner Suárez.[522][523]
As his career advanced, and his tendency to dribble diminished slightly with age, Messi began to dictate play in deeper areas of the pitch and developed into one of the best passers and playmakers in football history.[524][525][526] His work-rate off the ball and defensive responsibilities also decreased as his career progressed; by covering less ground on the pitch, and instead conserving his energy for short bursts of speed, he was able to improve his efficiency, movement, and positional play, and was also able to avoid muscular injuries, despite often playing a large number of matches throughout a particular season on a consistent basis. Indeed, while he was injury-prone in his early career, he was later able to improve his injury record by running less off the ball, and by adopting a stricter diet, training regime, and sleep schedule.[527] With the Argentina national team, Messi has similarly played anywhere along the frontline; under various managers, he has been employed on the right wing, as a false nine, as an out-and-out striker, in a supporting role alongside another forward, or in a deeper, free creative role as a classic number 10 playmaker or attacking midfielder behind the strikers.[383][528]
Reception and comparisons to Diego Maradona
«I have seen the player who will inherit my place in Argentinian football and his name is Messi.»
– Diego Maradona hailing the 18-year-old Messi as his successor in February 2006[65]
A prodigious talent as a teenager, Messi established himself among the world’s best players before age 20.[58] Diego Maradona considered the 18-year-old Messi the best player in the world alongside Ronaldinho, while the Brazilian himself, shortly after winning the Ballon d’Or, commented, «I’m not even the best at Barça», in reference to his protégé.[529][530] Four years later, after Messi had won his first Ballon d’Or by a record margin,[72] the public debate regarding his qualities as a player moved beyond his status in contemporary football to the possibility that he was one of the greatest players in history.[10][500][531] An early proponent was his then-manager Pep Guardiola, who, as early as August 2009, declared Messi to be the best player he had ever seen.[532] In the following years, this opinion gained greater acceptance among pundits, managers, former and current players,[112][533] and by the end of Barça’s second treble-winning season, Messi’s superiority, ahead of Maradona and Pelé, had become the apparent view among many fans and pundits in continental Europe.[534][535] He initially received several dismissals by critics, based on the fact that he had not won an international trophy at senior level with Argentina,[536] until he won his first at the 2021 Copa América.[537]
Argentina fans with Messi and Maradona banners at the 2018 World Cup in Russia
Throughout his career, Messi has been compared with his late compatriot Diego Maradona, due to their similar playing styles as diminutive, left-footed dribblers. Initially, he was merely one of many young Argentine players, including his boyhood idol Pablo Aimar, to receive the «New Maradona» moniker, but as his career progressed, Messi proved his similarity beyond all previous contenders, establishing himself as the greatest player Argentina had produced since Maradona.[18][376] Jorge Valdano, who won the 1986 World Cup alongside Maradona, said in October 2013, «Messi is Maradona every day. For the last five years, Messi has been the Maradona of the World Cup in Mexico.»[538] César Menotti, who as manager orchestrated their 1978 World Cup victory, echoed this sentiment when he opined that Messi plays «at the level of the best Maradona».[539] Other notable Argentines in the sport, such as Osvaldo Ardiles, Javier Zanetti, and Diego Simeone, have expressed their belief that Messi has overtaken Maradona as the best player in history.[540][541][542]
In Argentine society, prior to 2019, Messi was generally held in lesser esteem than Maradona, a consequence of not only his perceived uneven performances with the national team, but also of differences in class, personality, and background. Messi is in some ways the antithesis of his predecessor: where Maradona was an extroverted, controversial character who rose to greatness from the slums, Messi is reserved and unassuming, an unremarkable man outside of football.[349][543][544] An enduring mark against him is the fact that, through no fault of his own, he never proved himself in the Argentine Primera División as an upcoming player, achieving stardom overseas from a young age,[14][349] while his lack of outward passion for the Albiceleste shirt (until 2019 he did not sing the national anthem and is disinclined to emotional displays) have in the past led to the false perception that he felt Catalan rather than truly Argentine.[382] Football journalist Tim Vickery states the view among Argentines is that Messi «was always seen as more Catalan than one of them».[545] Despite having lived in Spain since age 13, Messi rejected the option of representing Spain internationally. He has said: «Argentina is my country, my family, my way of expressing myself. I would change all my records to make the people in my country happy.»[546] Moreover, several pundits and footballing figures, including Maradona, questioned Messi’s leadership with Argentina at times, despite his playing ability.[547][548][549] Vickery states the perception of Messi among Argentines changed in 2019, with Messi making a conscious effort to become «more one of the group, more Argentine», with Vickery adding that following the World Cup victory in 2022 Messi would now be held in the same esteem by his compatriots as Maradona.[545]
Comparisons with Cristiano Ronaldo
Messi has been compared with Cristiano Ronaldo (left) throughout much of their careers.
Among his contemporary peers, Messi is most often compared and contrasted with Portuguese forward Cristiano Ronaldo, as part of an ongoing rivalry that has been compared to past sports rivalries like the Muhammad Ali–Joe Frazier rivalry in boxing, the Roger Federer–Rafael Nadal rivalry in tennis, and the Senna–Prost rivalry from Formula One motor racing.[550][551]
Although Messi has at times denied any rivalry,[552][553] they are widely believed to push one another in their aim to be the best player in the world.[157] Since 2008, Messi has won seven Ballons d’Or to Ronaldo’s five,[554] six FIFA World’s Best Player awards to Ronaldo’s five, and six European Golden Shoes to Ronaldo’s four.[555] Pundits and fans regularly argue the individual merits of both players.[157][556] Beyond their playing styles, the debate also revolves around their differing physiques – Ronaldo is 1.87 m (6 ft 1+1⁄2 in) with a muscular build – and contrasting public personalities with Ronaldo’s self-confidence and theatrics a foil to Messi’s humility.[557][558][559] From 2009–10 to 2017–18, Messi faced Ronaldo at least twice every season in El Clásico, which ranks among the world’s most viewed annual sports events.[560] Off the pitch, Ronaldo is his direct competitor in terms of salary, sponsorships, and social media fanbase.[560]
In popular culture
According to France Football, Messi was the world’s highest-paid footballer for five years out of six between 2009 and 2014; he was the first player to exceed the €40 million benchmark, with earnings of €41 million in 2013, and the €50–€60 million points, with income of €65 million in 2014.[162][561] Messi was second on Forbes list of the world’s highest-paid athletes (after Cristiano Ronaldo) with income of $81.4 million from his salary and endorsements in 2015–16.[562] In 2018 he was the first player to exceed the €100m benchmark for a calendar year, with earnings of €126m ($154m) in combined income from salaries, bonuses and endorsements.[563] Forbes ranked him the world’s highest-paid athlete in 2019.[564] From 2008, he was Barcelona’s highest-paid player, receiving a salary that increased incrementally from €7.8 million to €13 million over the next five years.[78][79][143] Signing a new Barcelona contract in 2017, he earned $667,000 per week in wages, and Barcelona also paid him $59.6 million as a signing on bonus.[565] His buyout clause was set at $835 million (€700 million).[565] In 2020, Messi became the second footballer, as well as the second athlete in a team sport, after Cristiano Ronaldo, to surpass $1 billion in earnings during their careers.[566]
In addition to his salary and bonuses, much of his income derives from endorsements; SportsPro has consequently cited him as one of the world’s most marketable athletes every year since their research began in 2010.[567] His main sponsor since 2006 is the sportswear company Adidas. As Barcelona’s leading youth prospect, he had been signed with Nike since age 14, but transferred to Adidas after they successfully challenged their rival’s claim to his image rights in court.[568] Over time, Messi established himself as their leading brand endorser;[560] from 2008, he had a long-running signature collection of Adidas F50 boots, and in 2015, he became the first footballer to receive his own sub-brand of Adidas boots, the Adidas Messi.[569][570] Since 2017, he has worn the latest version of the Adidas Nemeziz.[571] In 2015, a Barcelona jersey with Messi’s name and number was the best-selling replica jersey worldwide.[572]
As a commercial entity, Messi’s marketing brand has been based exclusively on his talents and achievements as a player, in contrast to arguably more glamorous players like Cristiano Ronaldo and David Beckham. At the start of his career, he thus mainly held sponsorship contracts with companies that employ sports-oriented marketing, such as Adidas, Pepsi, and Konami.[574][575] From 2010 onwards, concurrently with his increased achievements as a player, his marketing appeal widened, leading to long-term endorsement deals with luxury brands Dolce & Gabbana and Audemars Piguet.[574][576] Messi is also a global brand ambassador for Gillette, Turkish Airlines, Ooredoo, and Tata Motors, among other companies.[577][578][579][580] Additionally, Messi was the face of Konami’s video game series Pro Evolution Soccer, appearing on the covers of PES 2009, PES 2010, PES 2011 and PES 2020. He subsequently signed with rival company EA Sports to become the face of their series FIFA and has since appeared on four consecutive covers from FIFA 13 to FIFA 16.[581][582]
Messi’s global popularity and influence are well documented. He was among the Time 100, an annual list of the world’s most influential people as published by Time, in 2011 and 2012.[583][584] His fanbase on the social media website Facebook is among the largest of all public figures: within seven hours of its launch in April 2011, Messi’s Facebook page had nearly seven million followers, and by August 2021 he had over 103 million followers, the second highest for a sportsperson after Cristiano Ronaldo.[585][586] He also has over 400 million Instagram followers, the second highest for an individual and sportsperson after Cristiano Ronaldo.[587] His World Cup celebration post from 18 December 2022 is the most liked post on Instagram with over 70 million likes.[588] According to a 2014 survey by sports research firm Repucom in 15 international markets, Messi was familiar to 87% of respondents around the world, of whom 78% perceived him favourably, making him the second-most recognised player globally, behind Ronaldo, and the most likable of all contemporary players.[589][590] On Messi’s economic impact on the city in which he plays, Terry Gibson called him a «tourist attraction».[591]
Other events have illustrated Messi’s presence in popular culture. A solid gold replica of his left foot, weighing 25 kg (55 lb) and valued at $5.25 million, went on sale in Japan in March 2013 to raise funds for victims of the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami.[592] In 2013, a Turkish Airlines advertisement starring Messi, in which he engages in a selfie competition with then-Los Angeles Lakers star Kobe Bryant, was the most-watched ad on YouTube in the year of its release, receiving 137 million views, and was subsequently voted the best advertisement of the 2005–15 decade to commemorate YouTube’s founding.[593][594] World Press Photo selected «The Final Game», a photograph of Messi facing the World Cup trophy after Argentina’s final defeat to Germany, as the best sports image of 2014.[595] Messi, a documentary about his life by filmmaker Álex de la Iglesia, premiered at the Venice Film Festival in August 2014.[596]
In June 2021, Messi signed a five-year deal to become an ambassador for the Hard Rock Cafe brand. He stated, «sports and music are an integral part of my life. It is an honor to be the first athlete to partner with a brand who has a history of teaming with music legends.»[597] In May 2022, Messi was unveiled as Saudi Arabia’s tourism ambassador. Due to Saudi Arabia’s poor human rights record, Messi was condemned for taking on the role which was viewed as an attempt of Saudi sportswashing.[598][599] In August 2022, Messi was urged by the family of Mohammed al Faraj to intervene on their son’s behalf after he was arrested in 2017 at the age of 15 for crimes against the Saudi regime and faced the death penalty.[600]
Personal life
Family and relationships
Since 2008, Messi has been in a relationship with Antonela Roccuzzo, a fellow native of Rosario.[601] He has known Roccuzzo since he was five years old, as she is the cousin of his childhood best friend, Lucas Scaglia, who is also a football player.[602] After keeping their relationship private for a year, Messi first confirmed their romance in an interview in January 2009, before going public a month later during a carnival in Sitges after the Barcelona–Espanyol derby.[603]
«Leo is not shy. He’s introverted. He’s reserved.»
— Endocrinologist Diego Schwarzstein,[note 4] who addressed Messi’s growth hormone deficiency from 1997 to 2001.
Messi and Roccuzzo have three sons: Thiago (born 2012), Mateo (born 2015) and Ciro (born 2018). To celebrate his partner’s first pregnancy, Messi placed the ball under his shirt after scoring in Argentina’s 4–0 win against Ecuador on 2 June 2012, before confirming the pregnancy in an interview two weeks later.[605] Thiago was born in Barcelona on 2 November 2012.[606] In April 2015, Messi confirmed that they were expecting another child.[607] On 30 June 2017, he married Roccuzzo at a luxury hotel named Hotel City Center in Rosario.[608] In October 2017, his wife announced they were expecting their third child.[609] Messi and his family are Catholic Christians.[610]
Messi enjoys a close relationship with his immediate family members, particularly his mother, Celia, whose face he has tattooed on his left shoulder. His professional affairs are largely run as a family business: his father, Jorge, has been his agent since he was 14, and his oldest brother, Rodrigo, handles his daily schedule and publicity. His mother and other brother, Matías, manage his charitable organization, the Leo Messi Foundation, and take care of personal and professional matters in Rosario.[611]
Since leaving for Spain aged 13, Messi has maintained close ties to his hometown of Rosario, even preserving his distinct Rosarino accent. He has kept ownership of his family’s old house, although it has long stood empty; he maintains a penthouse apartment in an exclusive residential building for his mother, as well as a family compound just outside the city. Once when he was in training with the national team in Buenos Aires, he made a three-hour trip by car to Rosario immediately after practice to have dinner with his family, spent the night with them, and returned to Buenos Aires the next day in time for practice. Messi keeps in daily contact via phone and text with a small group of confidants in Rosario, most of whom were fellow members of «The Machine of ’87» at Newell’s Old Boys. While at Barcelona he lived in Castelldefels, a village near Barcelona. He was on bad terms with the club after his transfer to Barcelona, but by 2012 their public feud had ended, with Newell’s embracing their ties with Messi, even issuing a club membership card to his newborn son.[14][612][613] Messi has long planned to return to Rosario to end his playing career at Newell’s.[614] Messi holds triple citizenship, as he is a citizen of Argentina, Italy, and Spain.[615] His favourite meals include asado (traditional South American barbecue), milanesa and pasta, and he prefers his mate unsweetened.[616]
Throughout his career, Messi has been involved in charitable efforts aimed at vulnerable children, a commitment that stems in part from the medical difficulties he faced in his own childhood. Since 2004, he has contributed his time and finances to the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), an organisation with which Barcelona also have a strong association.[617][618] Messi has served as a UNICEF goodwill ambassador since his appointment in March 2010, completing his first field mission for the organisation four months later as he travelled to Haiti to bring public awareness to the plight of the country’s children in the wake of the recent earthquake. He has since participated in UNICEF campaigns targeting HIV prevention, education, and the social inclusion of disabled children.[619] To celebrate his son’s first birthday, in November 2013, Messi and Thiago were part of a publicity campaign to raise awareness of mortality rates among disadvantaged children.[620]
In addition to his work with UNICEF, Messi founded his own charitable organisation, the Leo Messi Foundation, which supports access to health care, education, and sport for children.[621] It was established in 2007 following a visit Messi paid to a hospital for terminally ill children in Boston, an experience that resonated with him to the point that he decided to reinvest part of his earnings into society.[612] Through his foundation, Messi has awarded research grants, financed medical training, and invested in the development of medical centres and projects in Argentina, Spain, and elsewhere in the world.[612][622] In addition to his own fundraising activities, such as his global «Messi and Friends» football matches, his foundation receives financial support from various companies to which he has assigned his name in endorsement agreements, with Adidas as their main sponsor.[623][624]
Messi has also invested in youth football in Argentina: he financially supports Sarmiento, a football club based in the Rosario neighbourhood where he was born, committing in 2013 to the refurbishment of their facilities and the installation of all-weather pitches, and funds the management of several youth players at Newell’s Old Boys and rival club Rosario Central, as well as at River Plate and Boca Juniors in Buenos Aires.[612] At Newell’s Old Boys, his boyhood club, he funded the 2012 construction of a new gymnasium and a dormitory inside the club’s stadium for their youth academy. His former youth coach at Newell’s, Ernesto Vecchio, is employed by the Leo Messi Foundation as a talent scout for young players.[14] On 7 June 2016, Messi won a libel case against La Razón newspaper and was awarded €65,000 in damages, which he donated to the charity Médecins Sans Frontières.[625] Messi made a donation worth €1 million ($1.1 million) to fight the spread of coronavirus.[626] This was split between Clinic Barcelona hospital in Barcelona, Spain and his native Argentina.[627] In addition to this, Messi along with his fellow FC Barcelona teammates announced he will be taking a 70% cut in salaries during the 2020 coronavirus emergency, and contribute further to the club to provide fully to salaries of all the clubs employees.[628]
In November 2016, with the Argentine Football Association being run by a FIFA committee for emergency due to an economic crisis, it was reported that three of the national team’s security staff told Messi that they had not received their salaries for six months. He stepped in and paid the salaries of the three members.[629][630] In February 2021, Messi donated to the Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya his Adidas shoes which he wore when he scored his 644th goal for Barcelona and broke Pelé’s record for most goals scored for a single club; the shoes were later auctioned off in April by the museum for charity to help children with cancer and were sold for £125,000.[631]
In advance of the 2021 Copa América in Uruguay, Messi donated three signed shirts to the Chinese pharmaceutical firm Sinovac Biotech—whose directors spoke of their admiration for Messi—in order to secure 50,000 doses of Sinovac’s COVID-19 vaccine, CoronaVac, in the hope of vaccinating all of South America’s football players.[632] A deal brokered by Uruguay’s president Luis Lacalle Pou, the plan to prioritise football players caused some controversy given widespread vaccine scarcity in the region, with the Mayor of Canelones Yamandú Orsi remarking that «Just as the president manifested cooperation with CONMEBOL to vaccinate for the Copa América, he could just as well have the same consideration for Canelones».[632]
Tax fraud
Messi’s financial affairs came under investigation in 2013 for suspected tax evasion. Offshore companies in tax havens Uruguay and Belize were used to evade €4.1 million in taxes related to sponsorship earnings between 2007 and 2009. An unrelated shell company in Panama set up in 2012 was subsequently identified as belonging to the Messis in the Panama Papers data leak. Messi, who pleaded ignorance of the alleged scheme, voluntarily paid arrears of €5.1 million in August 2013. On 6 July 2016, Messi and his father were both found guilty of tax fraud and were handed suspended 21-month prison sentences and respectively ordered to pay €1.7 million and €1.4 million in fines.[633] Facing the judge, he said, «I just played football. I signed the contracts because I trusted my dad and the lawyers and we had decided that they would take charge of those things.»[634]
Career statistics
- As of match played 26 February 2023
Club | Season | League | National cup[a] | Europe[b] | Other | Total | |||||
Division | Apps | Goals | Apps | Goals | Apps | Goals | Apps | Goals | Apps | Goals | |
Barcelona C | 2003–04[635] | Tercera División | 10 | 5 | — | — | — | 10 | 5 | ||
Barcelona B | 2003–04[40] | Segunda División B | 5 | 0 | — | — | — | 5 | 0 | ||
2004–05[41] | Segunda División B | 17 | 6 | — | — | — | 17 | 6 | |||
Total | 22 | 6 | — | — | — | 22 | 6 | ||||
Barcelona | 2004–05[41] | La Liga | 7 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | — | 9 | 1 |
2005–06[55] | La Liga | 17 | 6 | 2 | 1 | 6 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 25 | 8 |
2006–07[59] | La Liga | 26 | 14 | 2 | 2 | 5 | 1 | 3[c] | 0 | 36 | 17 |
2007–08[74] | La Liga | 28 | 10 | 3 | 0 | 9 | 6 | — | 40 | 16 | |
2008–09[82] | La Liga | 31 | 23 | 8 | 6 | 12 | 9 | — | 51 | 38 | |
2009–10[95] | La Liga | 35 | 34 | 3 | 1 | 11 | 8 | 4[d] | 4 | 53 | 47 |
2010–11[110] | La Liga | 33 | 31 | 7 | 7 | 13 | 12 | 2[e] | 3 | 55 | 53 |
2011–12[115] | La Liga | 37 | 50 | 7 | 3 | 11 | 14 | 5[f] | 6 | 60 | 73 |
2012–13[153] | La Liga | 32 | 46 | 5 | 4 | 11 | 8 | 2[e] | 2 | 50 | 60 |
2013–14[160] | La Liga | 31 | 28 | 6 | 5 | 7 | 8 | 2[e] | 0 | 46 | 41 |
2014–15[636] | La Liga | 38 | 43 | 6 | 5 | 13 | 10 | — | 57 | 58 | |
2015–16[637] | La Liga | 33 | 26 | 5 | 5 | 7 | 6 | 4[g] | 4 | 49 | 41 |
2016–17[638] | La Liga | 34 | 37 | 7 | 5 | 9 | 11 | 2[e] | 1 | 52 | 54 |
2017–18[639] | La Liga | 36 | 34 | 6 | 4 | 10 | 6 | 2[e] | 1 | 54 | 45 |
2018–19[640] | La Liga | 34 | 36 | 5 | 3 | 10 | 12 | 1[e] | 0 | 50 | 51 |
2019–20[641] | La Liga | 33 | 25 | 2 | 2 | 8 | 3 | 1[e] | 1 | 44 | 31 |
2020–21[642] | La Liga | 35 | 30 | 5 | 3 | 6 | 5 | 1[e] | 0 | 47 | 38 |
Total | 520 | 474 | 80 | 56 | 149 | 120 | 29 | 22 | 778 | 672 | |
Paris Saint-Germain | 2021–22[643] | Ligue 1 | 26 | 6 | 1 | 0 | 7 | 5 | — | 34 | 11 |
2022–23[644] | Ligue 1 | 20 | 12 | 1 | 0 | 6 | 4 | 1[h] | 1 | 28 | 17 |
Total | 46 | 18 | 2 | 0 | 13 | 9 | 1 | 1 | 62 | 28 | |
Career total | 598 | 503 | 82 | 56 | 162 | 129 | 30 | 23 | 872 | 711 |
- ^ Includes Copa del Rey and Coupe de France
- ^ Appearances in UEFA Champions League
- ^ One appearance in UEFA Super Cup, two appearances in Supercopa de España
- ^ One appearance in UEFA Super Cup, one appearance and two goals in Supercopa de España, two appearances and two goals in FIFA Club World Cup
- ^ a b c d e f g h Appearance(s) in Supercopa de España
- ^ One appearance and one goal in UEFA Super Cup, two appearances and three goals in Supercopa de España, two appearances and two goals in FIFA Club World Cup
- ^ One appearance and two goals in UEFA Super Cup, two appearances and one goal in Supercopa de España, one appearance and one goal in FIFA Club World Cup
- ^ Appearance in Trophée des Champions
- As of match played 18 December 2022
Team | Year | Competitive | Friendly | Total | |||
Apps | Goals | Apps | Goals | Apps | Goals | ||
Argentina U20[350][351] | 2004 | — | 2 | 3 | 2 | 3 | |
2005 | 16[a] | 11 | — | 16 | 11 | ||
Total | 16 | 11 | 2 | 3 | 18 | 14 | |
Argentina U23[374] | 2008 | 5[b] | 2 | — | 5[α] | 2 | |
Total | 5 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 5 | 2 | |
Argentina[357][648] | 2005 | 3[c] | 0 | 2 | 0 | 5 | 0 |
2006 | 3[d] | 1 | 4 | 1 | 7 | 2 | |
2007 | 10[e] | 4 | 4 | 2 | 14 | 6 | |
2008 | 6[c] | 1 | 2 | 1 | 8 | 2 | |
2009 | 8[c] | 1 | 2 | 2 | 10 | 3 | |
2010 | 5[d] | 0 | 5 | 2 | 10 | 2 | |
2011 | 8[f] | 2 | 5 | 2 | 13 | 4 | |
2012 | 5[c] | 5 | 4 | 7 | 9 | 12 | |
2013 | 5[c] | 3 | 2 | 3 | 7 | 6 | |
2014 | 7[d] | 4 | 7 | 4 | 14 | 8 | |
2015 | 6[g] | 1 | 2 | 3 | 8 | 4 | |
2016 | 10[h] | 8 | 1 | 0 | 11 | 8 | |
2017 | 5[c] | 4 | 2 | 0 | 7 | 4 | |
2018 | 4[d] | 1 | 1 | 3 | 5 | 4 | |
2019 | 6[g] | 1 | 4 | 4 | 10 | 5 | |
2020 | 4[c] | 1 | 0 | 0 | 4 | 1 | |
2021 | 16[i] | 9 | 0 | 0 | 16 | 9 | |
2022 | 10[j] | 8 | 4 | 10 | 14 | 18 | |
Total | 121 | 54 | 51 | 44 | 172 | 98 | |
Career total | 142 | 67 | 53 | 47 | 195 | 114 |
- ^ Nine appearances and five goals in the 2005 South American U-20 Championship, seven appearances and six goals in the 2005 FIFA World Youth Championship
- ^ Appearances in Summer Olympics
- ^ a b c d e f g Appearance(s) in FIFA World Cup qualification
- ^ a b c d Appearance(s) in FIFA World Cup
- ^ Six appearances and two goals in Copa América, four appearances and two goals in FIFA World Cup qualification
- ^ Four appearances in Copa América, four appearances and two goals in FIFA World Cup qualification
- ^ a b Appearance(s) in Copa América
- ^ Five appearances and three goals in FIFA World Cup qualification, five appearances and five goals in Copa América
- ^ Nine appearances and five goals in FIFA World Cup qualification, seven appearances and four goals in Copa América
- ^ Two appearances and one goal in FIFA World Cup qualification, one appearance in CONMEBOL–UEFA Cup of Champions, seven appearances and seven goals in FIFA World Cup
- La Liga: 2004–05, 2005–06, 2008–09, 2009–10, 2010–11, 2012–13, 2014–15, 2015–16, 2017–18, 2018–19
- Copa del Rey: 2008–09, 2011–12, 2014–15, 2015–16, 2016–17, 2017–18, 2020–21
- Supercopa de España: 2006, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2013, 2016, 2018
- UEFA Champions League: 2005–06, 2008–09, 2010–11, 2014–15
- UEFA Super Cup: 2009, 2011, 2015
- FIFA Club World Cup: 2009, 2011, 2015
Paris Saint-Germain
- Ligue 1: 2021–22
- Trophée des Champions: 2022
- FIFA World Cup: 2022[488]
- Copa América: 2021[472]
- CONMEBOL–UEFA Cup of Champions: 2022[476]
Argentina U23
- Summer Olympics: 2008[375]
Argentina U20
- FIFA World Youth Championship: 2005[352]
- Ballon d’Or/FIFA Ballon d’Or: 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2015, 2019, 2021[650]
- FIFA World Player of the Year: 2009[650]
- The Best FIFA Men’s Player: 2019,[650] 2022[651]
- European Golden Shoe: 2009–10, 2011–12, 2012–13, 2016–17, 2017–18, 2018–19[650]
- FIFA World Cup Golden Ball: 2014, 2022[650]
- FIFA World Cup Silver Boot: 2022
- FIFA Club World Cup Golden Ball: 2009, 2011
- FIFA U-20 World Cup Golden Ball: 2005
- FIFA U-20 World Cup Golden Boot: 2005
- Copa América Best Player: 2015, 2021
- Copa América Top Goalscorer: 2021
- La Liga Best Player: 2008–09, 2009–10, 2010–11, 2011–12, 2012–13, 2014–15[652][653][654]
- Pichichi Trophy: 2009−10, 2011–12, 2012−13, 2016–17, 2017−18, 2018–19, 2019–20, 2020–21
- Laureus World Sportsman of the Year: 2020[650]
- Argentine Footballer of the Year: 2005, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022[652][650]
See also
- European Cup and UEFA Champions League records and statistics
- La Liga records and statistics
- List of FC Barcelona players
- List of FC Barcelona records and statistics
- List of largest sports contracts
- List of men’s footballers with 50 or more international goals
- List of men’s footballers with 100 or more international caps
- List of men’s footballers with 500 or more goals
- List of men’s footballers with the most official appearances
- List of most-followed Instagram accounts
- List of most-liked Instagram posts
- List of top international men’s football goalscorers by country
- List of players who have appeared in multiple FIFA World Cups
- List of association football rivalries
- ^ According to FCBarcelona.com, and his authorised biography, Messi by Guillem Balagué, his surname is the single «Messi», in accordance with Argentine customs.[2][3] Other sources, including a 2014 document by FIFA, give his surname as the double «Messi Cuccittini».[4] After winning a libel case in 2017, Messi’s own management company stated: «The football player Lionel Andres Messi Cuccittini has donated a total of €72,783.20 to the organisation Doctors Without Borders.»[5]
- ^ In addition to four FIFA Ballons d’Or, Messi received France Football‘s Ballon d’Or and FIFA’s World Player of the Year award in 2009 prior to their incorporation; both organisations credited him with five (FIFA) Ballons d’Or.[6][7] In 2019, he received a sixth Ballon d’Or and won the Best FIFA Men’s Player, before receiving a seventh Ballon d’Or in 2021. He was named the Best FIFA Men’s Player for the second time in 2022.
- ^ Assist statistics began in 1990.
- ^ According to Bleacher Report’s Richard Fitzpatrick, «Schwarzstein and Messi built up a close relationship during more than four years of treatment.»[604]
- ^ a b Does not include an unofficial friendly match played on 24 May 2008 in Barcelona between Argentina U23 and the Catalonia national football team,[645][646] as Catalonia is not affiliated with either FIFA or UEFA as a national member association and is therefore not allowed to participate in official competitions.[647]
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- ^ «Lionel Andrés Messi Cuccittini: Matches 2018–19». BDFutbol. Retrieved 27 August 2018.
- ^ «Lionel Andrés Messi Cuccittini: Matches 2019–20». BDFutbol. Retrieved 17 September 2019.
- ^ «Lionel Andrés Messi Cuccittini: Matches 2020–21». BDFutbol. Retrieved 9 October 2020.
- ^ «Lionel Andrés Messi Cuccittini: Matches 2021–22». BDFutbol. Retrieved 18 August 2021.
- ^ «Lionel Andrés Messi Cuccittini: Matches 2022–23». BDFutbol. Retrieved 31 July 2022.
- ^ «La selección catalana pierde ante Argentina (0–1) en un partido marcado por la política». El Mundo (in Spanish). 24 May 2008. Archived from the original on 27 May 2008.
- ^ «Fiesta y equilibrio». Mundo Deportivo (in Spanish). 25 May 2008. p. 18. Archived from the original on 25 December 2022.
- ^ Hawkey, Ian (30 December 2013). «Catalonia and Basque Country reignite call for independent national football identities». The Daily Telegraph. Archived from the original on 12 January 2022. Retrieved 28 December 2022.
- ^ «Lionel Messi: Player Profile». ESPN FC. Retrieved 9 September 2015.
- ^ «Lionel Messi». FC Barcelona.
- ^ a b c d e f g «Argentina’s Lionel Messi: World Cup goals, stats and career highlights». Reuters. 18 December 2022. Retrieved 5 February 2023.
- ^ «Messi wins Best Fifa men’s player award». BBC Sport. Retrieved 27 February 2023.
- ^ a b Otero, Paul M. (12 November 2013). «Palmarés de un Genio: El Coleccionista de Trofeos» [Honours of a Genius: The Collector of Trophies]. Marca (in Spanish). Spain. Archived from the original on 28 March 2019. Retrieved 13 September 2015.
- ^ «Messi, Mejor Delantero y Mejor Jugador» [Messi, Best Forward and Best Player] (in Spanish). Liga de Fútbol Profesional. 2 December 2013. Archived from the original on 8 December 2015. Retrieved 13 September 2015.
- ^ «Lionel Messi, 2014–15 Liga BBVA Best Player». Liga de Fútbol Profesional. 30 November 2015. Archived from the original on 22 March 2019. Retrieved 8 January 2016.
- Balagué, Guillem (2013). Messi. Orion Books. ISBN 978-1-4091-4659-9.
- Caioli, Luca (2012). Messi: The Inside Story of the Boy Who Became a Legend. Corinthian Books. ISBN 978-1-906850-40-1.
- Caioli, Luca (2015). Messi: More than a Superstar. Icon Books. ISBN 978-1-906850-91-3.
- Guinness World Records 2015. Guinness World Records. 2014. ISBN 978-1-908843-65-4.
- Hunter, Graham (2012). Barça: The Making of the Greatest Team in the World. BackPage Press. ISBN 978-0-9564971-8-5.
- Lisi, Clemente Angelo (2011). A History of the World Cup: 1930–2010. Scarecrow Press. ISBN 978-0-8108-7754-2.
- Tomkins, Paul (2007). Above Us Only Sky: Liverpool FC’s Global Revolution. Anchor Print Group. ISBN 978-0-9556367-0-7.
External links
Лионель Месси |
Общая информация | ||
Полное имя | Лионель Андрес Месси | |
Прозвища | Лео, Блоха[1], Малыш[2] | |
Родился | 24 июня 1987 (25 лет) Росарио, Аргентина |
Гражданство | ||
Рост | 169 см | |
Вес | 67 кг[3] | |
Позиция | нападающий | |
Информация о клубе | ||
Клуб | ||
Номер | 10 | |
Карьера | ||
Молодёжные клубы | ||
1992—1995 | ||
1995—2000 | ||
2000—2003 | ||
Клубная карьера* | ||
2003—2004 | → |
8 (5) |
2003—2005 | → |
22 (6) |
2004—н.в. | 229 (192) | |
Национальная сборная** | ||
2005 | 7 (6) | |
2008 | 5 (2) | |
2005—н.в. | 81 (33) | |
Международные медали | ||
Олимпийские игры | ||
Золото | Пекин 2008 | футбол |
Кубки Америки | ||
Серебро | Венесуэла 2007 | |
* Количество игр и голов за профессиональный клуб считается только для различных лиг национальных чемпионатов, откорректировано по состоянию на 10 декабря 2012. ** Количество игр и голов за национальную сборную в официальных матчах, откорректировано по состоянию |
Лионе́ль Андре́с Ме́сси (исп. Lionel Andrés Messi; 24 июня 1987, Росарио) — аргентинский футболист, выступающий за испанскую «Барселону», капитан сборной Аргентины.
Месси — олимпийский чемпион 2008 года, чемпион мира среди молодёжи 2005 года (лучший игрок и лучший бомбардир турнира). В «Барселоне» пять раз становился чемпионом Испании (2004/05, 2005/06 и 2008/09, 2009/10, 2010/11). В 2007, 2009 и 2010 годах был признан лучшим игроком чемпионата Испании. В 2005 и 2007—2011 годах был признан лучшим игроком года в Аргентине, четыре последние вручались как лучшему аргентинцу за рубежом (с 2008 года приз был разделен на две номинации: лучший футболист, выступающий в чемпионате Аргентины и лучший аргентинец за рубежом)[4]. Также трёхкратный победитель Лиги чемпионов (2005/06, 2008/09, 2010/11) и лучший бомбардир Ла Лиги в 2010, 2012, лучший бомбардир Лиги Чемпионов 08/09, 09/10, 10/11, 11/12 а также лучший бомбардир в официальных матчах за «Барселону» за всю историю. В сезоне 2007/08 дошёл с «Барселоной» до полуфинала Лиги чемпионов, а в следующем сезоне выиграл в финале у «Манчестер Юнайтед» 2:0.
В 2009 году Лионель Месси был признан лучшим футболистом года в клубном европейском футболе по версии УЕФА и лучшим нападающим Лиги чемпионов.
Месси обладатель «Золотого мяча» 2009 года как лучший футболист Европы. 19 декабря 2009 года в Абу-Даби Месси стал чемпионом мира среди клубов, забив победный гол в финальном матче.
21 декабря Лионель Месси получил ещё одну награду, «Бриллиантовый мяч», став лучшим футболистом 2009 года по версии ФИФА.
10 января 2011 года Лионель Месси был признан лучшим футболистом мира 2010 года. Месси стал первым обладателем «Золотого мяча ФИФА», объединенного приза от France Football и ФИФА. Месси опередил своих одноклубников по «Барселоне», Хави и Андреса Иньесту. 25 августа Месси была вручена награда лучшему игроку в Европе по версии УЕФА. Лионель Месси опередил своего одноклубника Хави, а также Криштиану Роналду из «Реала»[5]. 9 января 2012 года Месси вновь получил «Золотой мяч ФИФА», опередив Хави и Криштиану Роналду.
20 марта 2012 года Лионель Месси в матче испанской Ла Лиги против клуба «Гранада» на стадионе Камп Ноу забил 3 гола, установив таким образом рекорд результативности во всех официальных матчах «Барселоны» — 234 забитых мяча. Прежний рекорд принадлежал Сесару Родригесу (232 гола), выступавшему за «Барселону» в 50-х годах ХХ века.
2 мая 2012 года Месси забил 68-ой гол в сезоне во всех соревнованиях, превзойдя тем самым лучший результат Герда Мюллера, который в сезоне 1972/73 поражал ворота соперников 67 раз (вопреки сообщениям СМИ, это достижение не является европейским рекордом[6]). 10 декабря 2012 года Лионель Месси забил 86-ой мяч в календарном 2012 году, тем самым побив рекорд Герда Мюллера, который в 1972 году провёл 85 мячей в ворота соперников.[7]. Мюллеру понадобилось для этого 60 матчей, в то время как Месси 66.
- 1 Биография
- 2 Карьера
- 2.1 Первые шаги
- 2.2 Дебют в «Барселоне»
- 2.3 Сезон 2004/05
- 2.4 Сезон 2005/06
- 2.5 Сезон 2006/07
- 2.6 Сезон 2007/08
- 2.7 Сезон 2008/09
- 2.8 Сезон 2009/10
- 2.9 Сезон 2010/11
- 2.10 Сезон 2011/12
- 2.11 Сезон 2012/13
- 3 Сборная Аргентины
- 3.1 Сборная Аргентины до 20 лет
- 3.2 Дебют в национальной сборной
- 3.3 Чемпионат мира 2006
- 3.4 Летние Олимпийские Игры 2008
- 3.5 Чемпионат мира 2010
- 3.6 Кубок Америки 2011
- 4 Голы Месси за молодежные сборные Аргентины
- 4.1 Голы Месси за сборную Аргентины до 20-ти лет
- 5 Матчи Месси за сборную Аргентины
- 6 Достижения
- 6.1 Командные
- 6.2 Личные
- 7 Рекорды
- 8 Статистика выступлений
- 9 Статистика в «Барселоне»
- 9.1 Хет-трики за «Барселона»
- 9.2 Пенальти в исполнении Месси
- 10 Личная жизнь
- 11 Факты
- 12 Примечания
- 13 Ссылки
Месси родился 24 июня 1987 года в Росарио, Аргентина. Отец — Хорхе Орасио Месси, фабричный рабочий на сталелитейном комбинате, мать Селия Мария Месси (девичья Куччиттини), частично занятая уборщица[8][9][10]. У него есть два старших брата по имени Родриго и Матиас, а также сестра по имени Мария Соль[11]. Двое его двоюродных братьев — Эмануэль и Максимилиано Бьянкуччи также являются футболистами.
Семья его отца происходит из итальянского города Анконы, откуда его предок, Анджело Месси, эмигрировал в Аргентину в 1883 году[12][13]. Другие его предки были родом из Каталонии; в частности, его прапрадед Рамон Льобера Перес (родился в 1895 году в Эль-Поале), чья внучка Роза Мария Перес в Аргентине вышла замуж за Эусебио Месси Баро, потомка Анджело. Брат Рамона, Гонсаль Льобера Перес (родился в 1904 году в Эль-Поале), приходится прапрадедом другому известному футболисту, Бояну Кркичу[14][15].
Месси начал заниматься футболом в возрасте пяти лет, в местном клубе «Грандоли», тренируемом его отцом Хорхе[16]. На первые занятия его отводила бабушка Селия, единственная, из семьи, кто хотела видеть его футболистом[1]; впоследствии все свои голы Лионель посвящал ей[17]. В 1995 году он стал играть за «Ньюэллз Олд Бойз», которые базировались в его родном городе Росарио. В 1997 году он выиграл вместе с клубом Кубок Дружбы Перу. В возрасте 11 лет у него был диагностирован дефицит соматотропина (гормона роста)[18]. «Ривер Плейт» проявлял интерес к Месси, но не имел достаточного количества денег, чтобы заплатить за лечение, поскольку это стоило 900$ в месяц[19].
Когда Лионелю было 13 лет, один из акционеров клуба «Барселона» узнал о юном футболисте. Он нанял двух скаутов Мартина Монтеро и Фабиана Сольдини, которые уговорили отца Месси пройти просмотр в клубе. 17 сентября 2000 года Месси с отцом прибыли в Каталонию, однако из-за занятости спортивного директора клуба, Карлеса Рексача, просмотр прошёл лишь 3 октября. Рексач был настолько впечатлён талантом игрока, что уговорил совет директоров «сине-гранатовых» оплатить переезд семьи Месси в Европу, а также лечение, стоившее 90 тысяч евро в год. С тех пор он начал выступать в молодёжной команде клуба[1].
Первые шаги
Лионель Месси начал играть в футбол в очень раннем возрасте за клуб своего города, «Ньюэллз Олд Бойз». В возрасте 11 лет он переехал с родителями в Барселону, где уже в 13 лет оказался в молодёжной команде «Барселоны» и в своем первом же матче оформил «покер». Он быстро нашёл свою игру и часто стал появляться в стартовом составе 2-й команды, в среднем забивая гол за игру. В возрасте 16-ти лет игру Лионеля заметил Фабио Капелло; он предложил главному тренеру молодёжного состава, Франку Райкаарду, чтобы Месси перешёл на год в «Ювентус», но голландец отказался[20].
Дебют в «Барселоне»
Дебютировал Месси за основной состав 17 ноября 2003 года в товарищеской игре против «Порту». Тогда даже газета «El Mundo» написала: «У этого паренька левая нога Марадоны, скоростные качества Кройфа и пас Роналдиньо»[источник не указан 21 день].
Сезон 2004/05
Дебют Месси в официальном матче состоялся 16 октября 2004 года в поединке против «Эспаньола». «Барселона» победила в каталонском дерби со счётом 1:0. Первый гол за Барселону аргентинец забил 1 мая 2005 года в ворота «Альбасете», став таким образом самым молодым игроком в истории каталонского клуба, отличившимся в матче чемпионата Испании. На тот момент ему было всего лишь 17 лет 10 месяцев и 7 дней. 7 декабря 2004 года состоялся дебют Месси в матче Лиги чемпионов, в матче против «Шахтёра», завершившегося победой украинцев со счётом 2:0.
Сезон 2005/06
Месси в матче с «Хетафе». 18 апреля 2007 года
В этом сезоне Месси выиграл чемпионат Испании. 2 ноября 2005 года он забил свой первый гол в Лиге чемпионов в матче против «Панатинаикоса». Тогда «Барселона» выиграла со счётом 5:0. Также Месси стал победителем Лиги чемпионов, но из-за травмы не смог принять участие в финальном матче, где каталонцы обыграли «Арсенал» со счётом 2:1. В декабре итальянская газета «Tuttosport» наградила его званием «Золотого мальчика» 2005 года как лучшего среди игроков моложе 21 года. При определении лауреата Месси опередил Уэйна Руни и Лукаса Подольски.
Месси забил 6 мячей в 17 матчах чемпионата Испании и 1 мяч в 6 матчах Лиги чемпионов соответственно.
Сезон 2006/07
В сезоне 2006/07 Месси показал великолепную игру в чемпионате Испании. В «Эль Классико» против «Реала» Месси сделал хет-трик, матч закончился вничью 3:3. После этого матча в мире началась «мессимания», молодой аргентинец стал кумиром миллионов и новым № 1 в Барселоне.[источник не указан 1039 дней] Благодаря своим успехам, Месси был номинирован на Золотой мяч (France Football) и занял 3-е место, уступив только бразильцу Кака и португальцу Криштиану Роналду. Также он был номинирован на Бриллиантовый мяч ФИФА, но и тут не добился успеха, получив 2-е место после того же Кака. Роналду занял 3-е место.
Сезон 2007/08
Сезон 2007/08 для Месси и «Барселоны» сложился не очень удачно. «Барса» заняла скромное 3-е место в чемпионате Испании и добралась до 1/2 Лиги Чемпионов, где «сине-гранатовые» уступили «Манчестеру». После этого сезона с поста главного тренера ушёл Франк Райкард. Для Месси этот сезон был «богат» на травмы, которые помешали ему сыграть в полную силу. Но несмотря на это, он был снова номинирован на «Золотой мяч» (от France Football) и «Бриллиантовый мяч» ФИФА, но в обоих рейтингах занял 2-е место, уступив португальцу Криштиану Роналду. После этого, Диего Марадона сказал Лионелю: «Это последний раз, когда я позволяю тебе быть вторым»[21].
Сезон 2008/09
Перед началом нового сезона Лионель Месси сменил свой старый номер 19 на новый 10, который ему достался от ушедшего в итальянский «Милан» Роналдиньо. Месси великолепно провёл весь сезон, выиграв с «Барселоной» три турнира: Чемпионат Испании, Кубок Испании и Лигу Чемпионов. В Чемпионате Испании Месси забил 23 гола и отдал 12 голевых передач в 31 встрече, а также отметился голом в «Эль Класико» с «Реалом» на «Камп Ноу» (матч закончился 2:0) и дублем в матче с тем же соперником на «Сантьяго Бернабеу» (матч закончился со счётом 6:2 в пользу «Барселоны»). Вскоре Месси забил решающий гол в Финале Кубка Испании, когда каталонцы на «Месталье» обыграли «Атлетик» со счётом 4:1.
13 декабря 2008 года Месси в «Эль Класико» забил гол на 90+1 минуте, тогда «Барселона» выиграла 2:0 дома. А 2 мая 2009 года каталонцы также обыграли Мадридский Реал со счетом 6-2. Месси отметился дублем. Вскоре Месси забил решающий гол в Финале Кубка Испании, когда каталонцы на «Месталье» обыграли «Атлетик» со счётом 4:1.
27 мая 2009 года в Риме состоялся финальный матч Лиги Чемпионов с участием «Барселоны» и английского «Манчестер Юнайтед». Как многие отмечали, это был матч «дуэлей». Самой принципиальным из них, было противостояние двух футболистов — Лионеля Месси и Криштиану Роналду — действующего обладателя «Золотого мяча». Матч закончился со счетом 2-0 в пользу каталонского клуба.
На 10-й минуте счет открыл Самюэль Это’О, точно пробив в ворота Эдвина Ван дер Сара. А ровно через час игрового времени Хави сделал точную передачу на Месси, и тот ударом головой не оставил никаких шансов для подопечных Сэра Алекса Фергюссона.
Месси был признан лучшим игроком финала. Также мяч, забитый им, стал для него девятым в этом розыгрыше Лиги Чемпионов, и он стал лучшим бомбардиром турнира.
Сезон 2009/10
Месси в розыгрыше Кубка Жоана Гампера
В начале сезона «Барселона» подписала с Месси новый контракт. Теперь соглашение с 22-летним аргентинским форвардом действует до 2016 года, а сумма отступных составляет 250 млн евро. Прежний контракт с суммой отступных в 150 млн евро заканчивался в 2014 году.
В начале сезона 2009/10 «Барселона» выиграла Суперкубок УЕФА и Суперкубок Испании. В матче за Суперкубок Испании «Барса» обыграла «Атлетик» (2:1 в гостях и 3:0 дома), в домашней встрече Месси сделал дубль. Несколькими днями позже «Барса» в матче за Суперкубок УЕФА обыграла донецкий «Шахтёр» со счётом 1:0, на счету Месси голевой пас. Первый гол в новом сезоне чемпионата Испании Месси забил в матче против «Хетафе» (2:0). А в следующем туре в матче против «Атлетико Мадрид» Месси оформил дубль и сделал голевую передачу. Во втором туре в матче с киевским «Динамо» Месси, забил свой первый гол в Лиге чемпионов 2009/10, матч завершился 2:0.
1 декабря Лионель Месси получил «Золотой мяч», набрав 473 очка, и обогнал ближайшего конкурента, Криштиану Роналду на рекордные[22] 240 очков. Месси набрал 473 очка из 480 возможных — 96 журналистов со всего мира практически единогласно признали его лучшим[22].Он стал первым аргентинцем, который удостоился почетной награды от журнала France Football.[23]. Сам Месси сказал, что не ожидал такой уверенной победы:
«Признаюсь честно, я знал, что буду в числе фаворитов, так как «Барселона» провела восхитительный сезон, выиграв все трофеи. Но я не ожидал, что отрыв будет таким большим. «Золотой мяч» очень важен для меня. Все, кто его получал, великие игроки. Но хочу заметить, что некоторые из великих так и не удостоились этого приза. Что касается меня, то будет нелегко завоевать «Золотой мяч» во второй раз, так как будет сложно повторить сезон, который мы провели»[24]. |
На клубном чемпионате мира, который проходил в Абу-Даби, Месси внёс большой вклад в успех «Барселоны». В полуфинальном матче с мексиканской «Атланте» Месси забил победный гол. В финальной встрече против аргентинского «Эстудиантеса» забил победный гол грудью во втором тайме добавочного времени. Месси был признан лучшим игроком финального матча, а также лучшим игроком всего турнира.
21 декабря Месси официально получил звание Лучшего игрока мира 2009 года. На гала-концерте, посвященным вручению индивидуальных наград ФИФА аргентинец с огромным отрывом превзошёл Криштиану Роналду, Хави, Кака и Андреса Иньесту, став первым аргентинцем в истории, выигравшим «Бриллиантовый мяч» (в голосовании принимали участие тренеры и капитаны национальных сборных, выступающих под эгидой ФИФА).
10 января 2010 года в матче испанского чемпионата с «Тенерифе», Месси сделал хет-трик, который стал первым для него в сезоне и третьим за всё время выступления в составе «Барселоны».[25]
16 января в матче против «Севильи» Месси сначала забил свой сотый, а потом и 101 гол в составе «Барселоны». На покорение этой отметки ему потребовалось всего 188 игр, До него сотня ещё никому в истории клуба не покорялась в столь раннем возрасте (22 года, 6 месяцев и 22 дня).[26]
14 марта в матче испанского чемпионата с «Валенсией», Месси сделал хет-трик, который стал вторым для него в сезоне и четвёртым за всё время выступления в составе «Барселоны». 21 марта уже в следующем туре против Сарагосы, Месси опять сделал хет-трик.
6 апреля в ответном четвертьфинальном матче Лиги Чемпионов против «Арсенала» Месси впервые сделал «покер», забив четыре мяча и став лучшим бомбардиром. Он стал шестым игроком, забившим 4 мяча в истории розыгрышей Лиги чемпионов. Забив в общей сложности 25 голов в Лиге чемпионов, Месси сравнился по этому показателю с Ривалдо. Месси стал 10-м по количеству забитых мячей за клуб.
Сезон 2010/11
Месси в 2011 году
«Барселона» встречалась с «Севильей», первый матч завершился со счётом 1-3 в пользу команды из Андалусии и чтобы взять трофей Барсе нужно было забивать как минимум два гола, и с этой задачей они справились, во многом благодаря Месси, который сделал хет-трик. Тем самым Лео помог «Барселоне» выиграть этот трофей в 9 раз в своей истории и по этому показателю обогнать извечного конкурента «сине-гранатовых», мадридский «Реал», и установить рекорд по количеству выигранных Суперкубков.
В первом туре группового этапа Лиги чемпионов, Месси сделал дубль и помог «Барсе» обыграть греческий «Панатинаикос» со счётом 5-1. Забив два гола, Месси стал лучшим бомбардиром «Барселоны» в Лиге чемпионов за всю историю, обогнав по этому показателю Ривалдо, у которого было 25 мячей, у Месси же их стало 27[27].
В четвёртом туре группового этапа Лиги Чемпионов, в матче против датского «Копенгагена» Месси забил гол и стал новым рекордсменам «Барселоны» в еврокубках за всю её историю, на счету Лео стало уже 30 голов, у предыдущего рекордсмена Ривалдо было 25 голов.
21 ноября в матче против «Альмерии», Месси забил 3 гола, один из которых стал его сотым мячом в чемпионатах Испании, а матч завершился убедительной победой «Барсы» со счётом 8:0[28]. При этом, Месси стал вторым во возрасту игроком, забившим 100 голов в первенстве Испании (23 года 149 дней), уступив лишь Раулю (22 года и 293 дня)[29]. 29 ноября на Камп Ноу, Барселона встречалась в Класико с Реалом. Барселона разгромила мадридцев со счётом 5-0[30], Месси не смог отличиться, но сделал две голевые передачи на Давида Вилью.
Месси на тренировке.
10 января 2011 года Месси выиграл Золотой мяч ФИФА, приз лучшему футболисту Мира, впервые совместно вручаемого France Football и ФИФА. Месси опередил своих партнёров по Барселоне Адреса Иньесту и Хави[31]. Месси стал пятым футболистом в истории, сумевшим выиграть самую престижную награду в мировом футболе 2 года подряд. До него Золотой мяч два года подряд получали: Мишель Платини, Марко ван Бастен, Кевин Киган и Роналдо.
Также Месси отметил своих партнёров по команде Хави и Иньесту.
27 апреля Месси забил 2 гола в ворота мадридского «Реала» в рамках турнира Лиги чемпионов 2010/11, полуфинал. «Барселона» победила 2:0 и после ответного матча (1:1) завоевала путёвку в финал. В финале «сине-гранатовые» обыграли «Манчестер Юнайтед» со счётом 3:1, а Месси забил второй гол своей команды[33]; по итогам матча он был признан лучшим игроком финала[34]. Также Лионель в третий раз подряд стал лучшим бомбардиром Лиги чемпионов, повторив рекорд Рууда Ван Нистелроя — 12 голов[35].
3 октября Месси получил трофей Альфредо ди Стефано, присуждаемый лучшему футболисту Испании по итогам футбольного года, по версии газеты Marca[36]. В тройку лучших игроков испанского чемпионата вошли также полузащитник мадридского «Реала» португалец Криштиану Роналду и одноклубник — Месси Хави, выступающий за сборную Испании. Месси награждён премией имени Альфредо ди Стефано третий раз подряд[37].
Сезон 2011/12
Месси в сезоне 2011/12
Первым трофеем «Барселоны» в новом сезоне стал Суперкубок Испании. Каталонцам противостоял извечный соперник «Реал». Встреча в Мадриде завершилась вничью, 2:2. В том матче Месси сначала отдал голевую передачу, а затем отличился и сам. В ответном матче сильнее были каталонцы, одержавшие победу со счетом 3:2. В конце первого тайма, при счете 1:1, Месси вывел Барселону вперед. А в конце матча, когда счет уже был 2:2, принес команде победу, забив второй мяч, ставший его 200-м голом на вышем уровне. Благодаря этим голам Месси побил рекорд испанца Рауля по количеству голов в Суперкубке. Так у Месси стало восемь мячей, в то время как у испанца их семь.
25 августа в ходе церемонии жеребьёвки группового турнира Лиги чемпионов в Монако, Месси была вручена награда лучшему игроку в Европе по версии УЕФА. Первого обладателя этого приза определили 53 журналиста из стран-членов Европейского футбольного союза. Тройку финалистов составили игроки «Барселоны» Хави (11 голосов) и Лионель Месси (39 голосов), а также Криштиану Роналду (3 голоса) из «Реала».[38]
26 августа «Барселона» стала обладателем Суперкубка УЕФА одолев в основное время со счетом 2:0 «Порту» из Португалии[39]. Месси, после ошибки Гуарина, вышел один на один с Элтоном, и забил гол на 39 минуте. В конце второго тайма Месси мягко навесил в штрафную, а Фабрегас вторым касанием установил окончательный счет[40].
17 сентября Месси оформил первый хет-трик в рамках Чемпионата Испании 2011/12 в матче против «Осасуны». В итоге «Барселона» одержала победу со счетом 8:0[41]. 24 сентября Месси оформил второй хет-трик в рамках Чемпионата Испании 2011/12 в матче против мадридского «Атлетико».[42].
28 сентября в матче Лиги Чемпионов против белорусского БАТЭ Месси оформил дубль, и тем самым сравнялся с Ладислао Кубалой в списке бомбардиров «Барселоны», на их счету стало по 194 мяча[43]. 15 октября в матче восьмого тура Ла лиги против сантандерского «Расинга» Месси забил два гола, обойдя с 196 голами Кубалу, что позволило ему выйти на второе место в списке лучших бомбардиров в истории «Барселоны»[44]. 29 октября в матче 11-го тура испанского первенства с «Мальоркой» Месси забил 132 гол и вышел на второе место среди лучших бомбардиров «Барселоны» в чемпионате Испании.[45] Несмотря на эти успехи, начались разговоры о кризисе в игре Лионеля[46]. 1 ноября Месси забил три мяча в матче Лиги Чемпионов с клубом «Виктория» Пльзень. Первый гол из трех стал 200-м, забитым аргентинцем за «Барселону».[47]
Месси повторил рекорд результативности своего одноклубника Педро, забивавшей голы в шести турнирах по ходу сезона: Примера, Кубок Испании, Суперкубок Испании, Лига чемпионов, Суперкубок УЕФА, Клубный чемпионат мира. По итогам голосования среди спортивных журналистов и болельщиков Аргентины, Лионель Месси был удостоен премии Олимпия-де-Оро 2011 (Лучший спортсмен Аргентины) впервые за свою карьеру.[48] Месси считает приз лучшему спортсмену Аргентины 2011 года особенным:
9 января Лионель в третий раз подряд получил «Золотой мяч ФИФА», опередив Хави и Криштиану Роналду. До него три раза подряд этой награды удостаивался лишь француз Мишель Платини. Месси также отметил, что хотел бы разделить эту награду со своим одноклубником Хави. 19 февраля Месси в матче с «Валенсией» сделал покер. Это был второй покер Лионеля за «Барселону», первый он сделал в ворота лондонского «Арсенала» в 1/4 финала Лиги чемпионов 2009/10. 8 марта в матче плей-офф Лиги чемпионов с «Байером», окончившемся со счётом 7:1 в пользу «Барселоны», Лионель забил 5 мячей. Это рекорд для Лиги чемпионов.[50][51] 20 марта Лионель стал лучшим бомбардиром «Барселоны», забив 234 гола. В том матче Месси сделал хет-трик. 3 апреля Месси сделал дубль в матче с «Миланом», «Барселона» вышла в 1/2 финала Лиги чемпионов в 5 раз подряд. 7 апреля Месси забил два гола в ворота «Сарагосы», в том матче «Барселона» выиграла 3-1. 16 апреля Месси в матче против «Леванте» сделал дубль. После этого матча Лео забил уже 63 гола в сезоне. 24 апреля в ответном матче полуфинала Лиги чемпионов Месси не реализовал пенальти в ворота «Челси», а «Барселона» по сумме двух матчей уступила со счетом 2:3, в итоге не попав в финал. Таким образом, после этого матча Месси не забил уже в третьем матче подряд, а «Барселона» в этих матчах не сумела выиграть. До ничьей в полуфинале «Барселона» уступила в Эль-Класико. За 6 дней команда практически потеряла шансы на победу в Примере и вышла из борьбы за Кубок чемпионов. 29 апреля «Барселона» разгромила «Райо Вальекано» со счетом 7:0, Лионель запсал на свой счет два гола и две результативные передачи. 2 мая Месси оформил хет-трик в ворота «Малаги», достигнув отметки в 68 голов за сезон во всех соревнованиях. Тем самым он превзошёл лучшие бомбардирские результаты Герда Мюллера и Пеле, имевших на счету 67 и 66 голов соответственно. 5 мая Лео сделал покер в каталонском дерби в ворота «Эспаньола». Матч завершился победой «Барселоны» 4:0. По итогам чемпионата Месси стал лучшим бомбардиром, забив 50 голов и обойдя на четыре мяча лидера «Реала» Криштиану Роналду. 25 мая Месси в финальном матче Кубка Испании забил один из трех голов в ворота «Атлетика». В итоге «Барселона» победила 3:0 и завоевала четвертый трофей за сезон. В течение сезона 2011/12 Месси также забил 21 гол в 9 матчах (4 — «Валенсии», 3 — сборной Швейцарии, 1 — «Атлетико», 5 — «Байеру», 2 — «Расингу», 1 — «Севилье», 3 — «Гранаде», 1 — «Мальорке»).
Сезон 2012/13
«Барселона» начала сезон под руководством нового тренера — Тито Виланова, сменившего Пепа Гвардиолу. В первом официальном матче под руководством нового наставника Месси забил два мяча в ворота клуба «Реал Сосьедад». 23 августа в перовом матче за суперкубок Испании Месси забил один из трех мячей в ворота «Реала», реализовав одиннадцатиметровый удар. Встреча завершилась победой «Барселоны» со счетом 3:2. 26 августа Месси сделал дубль в ворота «Осасуны». 29 августа во втором матче за суперкубок Испании Лионель забил единственный гол в ворота «Реала» и таким образом стал самым результативным игроком «Барселоны» в Эль-Класико, обойдя Сесара Родригеса. У Лео стало 15 голов в Эль-Класико. 15 сентября Месси, выйдя на замену вместо Тьяго, забил два мяча в ворота «Хетафе». 19 сентября в первом матче Лиги чемпионов Месси забил два мяча в ворота московского «Спартака». Не забивая три матча подряд, Месси 7 октября сделал дубль в ворота «Реала». Благодаря этому дублю Лионель стал первым футболистом, который забил 150 голов на Камп Ноу. 20 октября Лионель забил три мяча в ворота «Депортиво», в итоге «Барселона» побилась победы — 5:4. 27 октября Месси сделал дубль в ворота «Райо Вальекано». Благодаря этому дублю Лионель забил 300-й мяч в карьере. Также после этих голов Месси забил 44-й гол в календарном году в чемпионате Испании. По этому показателю он обошёл нападающего «Реала» Криштиану Роналду, который в 2011 году забил 43 мяча. Матч завершился легкой победой для каталонцев — 5:0. 7 ноября Лионель провел один гол в ворота шотландского «Селтика», в матче Лиги чемпионов, однако «Барселона» уступила 1:2. 11 ноября Лео, сделав дубль в ворота «Мальорки», забил 75-й и 76-й голы в календарном году и смог превзойти достижение легендарного бразильца Пеле, который в 1958 году записал на свой счёт 75-й мячей за один календарный год. 17 ноября, в матче 12 тура против «Сарагосы», Лионель сделал дубль, матч завершился победой каталонцев — 3:1. 20 ноября, в пятом раунде Лиги чемпионов, Лионель отметился дублем в ворота московского «Спартака». После этих мячей Месси сравнялся с Руудом ван Нистелроем по количеству голов в Лиге чемпионов — по 56. Впереди только Рауль (71) и Филиппо Индзаги (70). Также после этого дубля аргентинец стал лидером Лиги чемпионов, в которых он отметился дублем, побив рекорд Рауля (14). 26 ноября Месси отметился двумя голами в ворота «Леванте» (4:0). 5 декабря, в шестом туре Лиги чемпионов против португальской «Бенфики», Месси вышел на поле во втором тайме, однако не смог доиграть встречу из-за травма колена. Травма оказалось не слишком серьезной: врачи диагностировали ушиб, и Лионель восстановился уже к следующей игре «Барселоны» против «Бетиса». В этом матче он забил свои 85 и 86 голы в году, побив рекорд Герд Мюллера. Также Месси побил рекорд Сесара Родригеса, бывшего лучшим бомбардиром в истории сине-гранатовых в рамках Ла Лиги со 190 голами.
Сборная Аргентины
Сборная Аргентины до 20 лет
До своего дебюта в молодежной команде Аргентины Месси получил приглашение выступать за национальную сборную Испании, но отклонил его. В июне 2004 года он наконец дебютировал в товарищеском матче против Парагвая за молодежную сборную Аргентины.
В июне 2005 Месси выиграл молодежный чемпионат мира, проходивший на полях Нидерландов. На этом турнире он стал лучшим бомбардиром, забив 6 мячей, и получил «Золотой мяч» в качестве лучшего игрока чемпионата.
Дебют в национальной сборной
Месси на Олимпийских играх 2008
4 августа Хосе Пекерман вызвал его в национальную сборную Аргентины в матче против Венгрии. Однако он сыграл всего 3 минуты в матче и получил красную карточку. Первую свою официальную встречу Месси провёл 3 сентября 2005 года в матче со сборной Парагвая он вышел на замену на 80-й минуте отборочного раунда к чемпионату мира 2006.
Первый свой гол Месси забил в товарищеском матче с Хорватией. Свой же первый официальный гол он забил на Чемпионате мира 2006 в матче со сборной Сербии и Черногории (6:0).
Чемпионат мира 2006
Месси на Кубке Америки 2007
Несмотря на травму, полученную в конце сезона 2005/06, Месси попал в заявку национальной сборной на Чемпионат мира 2006. Первый матч против сборной Кот-д’Ивуара он пропустил, во втором же матче против сборной Сербии и Черногории он вышел на замену и отметился голевым пасом, а также забитым мячом. Также Месси сыграл в матче 1/8 финала против Мексики, заменив Хавьера Савиолу на 84 минуте матча.
Итого (отборочный турнир): 3 матча, 0 голов
Итого (турнир): 3 матча, 1 гол
Летние Олимпийские Игры 2008
В 2008 Месси отправился со сборной Аргентины на Олимпийские Игры в Пекине. «Барселона» не желала отпускать Месси на соревнования. Только после разговора Месси с главным тренером Хосепом Гвардиолой клуб согласился отпустить игрока. В первом же матче с Кот-д’Ивуаром Месси забил свой первый гол на турнире (2:1). В 1/4 финала он отличился второй раз, отправив мяч в ворота сборной Голландии (2:1). В полуфинале Месси принял участие в разгроме Аргентины сборной Бразилии, где играл его бывший одноклубник Роналдиньо (0:3). В матче за золотые медали Месси отдал голевой пас Ди Марии, который и забил победный гол в ворота Нигерии (1:0)[52].
Чемпионат мира 2010
На чемпионате мира 2010 Месси сыграл в первом матче сборной Аргентины на чемпионате мира против сборной Нигерии, аргентинцы выиграли 1:0, а Лионель имел несколько хороших возможностей забить, но нигерийцев спасал их вратарь Винсенте Эньеама.
Месси начал в основном составе и матч против сборной Кореи, который завершился уверенной победой сборной Аргентины со счетом 4:1, он поучаствовал во всех голевых комбинациях команды[53] и помог Гонсало Игуаину сделать хет-трик, однако ему так и не удалось сделать ни одной результативной передачи.
На третий матч с Грецией, последний в группе, Месси вышел на поле с капитанской повязкой (тем самым он стал самым молодым капитаном в истории сборной Аргентины[54]), матч закончился победой аргентинцев 2:0. Месси сыграл хорошо и был признан лучшим игроком матча[55], хотя опять же не заработал ни одного бала по системе гол+пас.
По итогам группового турнира Лионель Месси был признан «самым бесполезным» для своей команды игроком на турнире[56], во многом это было обусловлено большим числом нереализованных Месси моментов и отсутствием голов и результативных передач, несмотря на, в целом, очень полезные командные действия.
В матче 1/8 финала Лионель, наконец, отметился результативной передачей, однако гол, забитый Карлосом Тевесом, в итоге вызвал очередной судейский скандал, поскольку нападающий аргентинцев был в явном положении вне игры, чего не заметил итальянский арбитр Роберто Розетти[57]. Затем Игуаин и Тевес забили ещё по голу (итоговый счёт 3:1).
В матче 1/4 финала Аргентина крупно уступила сборной Германии — 4:0, и закончила выступление в турнире, а Месси так и не смог забить ни одного гола на чемпионе мира 2010.[58]
Несмотря на крупное поражение сборной Аргентины от сборной Германии на чемпионате, Месси был номинирован на «Золотой мяч» ФИФА, который вручается лучшему футболисту турнира.[59]
Кубок Америки 2011
В 2011 году Месси играл на «домашнем» для Аргентины Кубке Америки. После второй игры с Колумбией у него случился конфликт с партнёром по команде Николасом Бурдиссо[60]; а также во время игры он был освистан собственными болельщиками[61]. По итогам первенства, Аргентина дошла лишь до стадии четвертьфинала, где проиграла в серии пенальти Уругваю[62]; сам Лионель провёл на поле все 4 матча в которых сделал три голевые передачи[63], две из которых — в игре против молодёжной сборной Коста-Рики.
Голы Месси за молодежные сборные Аргентины
Голы Месси за сборную Аргентины до 20-ти лет
Голы Месси за сборную Аргентины до 20-ти лет
№ | Дата | Оппонент | Счёт после гола | Счёт | Соревнование |
1 | 13 января 2005 | 2:0 | 3:0 | Чемпионат Южной Америки до 20-ти лет 2005 |
Матчи Месси за сборную Аргентины
Матчи Месси за сборную Аргентины
- Чемпион Испании (5): 2004/05, 2005/06, 2008/09, 2009/10, 2010/11
- Обладатель Кубка Испании (2): 2008/09, 2011/12
- Обладатель Суперкубка Испании (5): 2005, 2006, 2009, 2010, 2011
- Победитель Лиги чемпионов (3): 2005/06, 2008/09, 2010/11
- Обладатель Суперкубка УЕФА (2): 2009, 2011
- Победитель Клубного чемпионата мира (2): 2009, 2011
Сборная Аргентины
- Победитель молодежного чемпионата мира: 2005
- Чемпион Олимпийских игр: 2008
Золотой мяч, вручённый Месси в 2009 году
- Лучший бомбардир молодежного чемпионата мира 2005 (6 мячей)
- Лучший игрок молодежного чемпионата мира 2005
- Лучший футболист Европы до 21 года: 2005
- Премия «Golden Boy»: 2005
- Обладатель трофея Браво: 2007
- Лучший игрок года в Аргентине (6): 2005, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011
- Лучший молодой игрок мира по версии FIFPro (версия комитета) (3): 2006, 2007, 2008
- Лучший молодой игрок мира по версии World soccer (3): 2006, 2007, 2008
- Номинация Прорыв года в церемонии Laureus World Sports Award: 2006
- Входит в символическую сборную чемпионата Испании (4): 2006/07, 2007/08, 2008/09, 2009/10
- Обладатель Премии «Дон Балон» (3): 2007, 2009, 2010
- Лучший молодой футболист Кубка Америки: 2007
- Обладатель Трофея ЕФЕ (5): 2007, 2009, 2010. 2011, 2012
- Лучший молодой игрок мира по версии FIFPro (версия болельщиков) (3): 2006, 2007, 2008
- Входит в состав символической сборной мира по версии ФИФА (5): 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011
- Входит в состав символической сборной Европы по версии УЕФА (4): 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011
- Входит в состав символической сборной Европы по версии ESM (6): 2006, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012
- Лучший нападающий чемпионата Испании сезона: 2008/2009
- Лучший игрок чемпионата Испании (Приз ди Стефано) (3): 2008/2009, 2009/2010, 2010/2011
- Лучший игрок Испании (по версии LFP) (4): 2008/2009, 2009/2010, 2010/2011, 2011/2012 [64]
- Лучший нападающий Испании (по версии LFP) (4): 2008/2009, 2009/2010, 2010/2011, 2011/2012 [65]
- Лучший бомбардир Лиги Чемпионов (4): 2008/09 (9 мячей), 2009/10 (8 мячей), 2010/11 (12 мячей), 2011/12 (14 мячей)
- Лучший игрок Лиги Чемпионов 2008/09 по версии читателей газет — «Marca» и «La Gazzetta dello Sport»
- Лучший нападающий Лиги Чемпионов 2008/09 по версии УЕФА
- Лучший игрок Лига чемпионов УЕФА 2008/2009 по версии УЕФА
- Лучший футболист мира по версии FIFPro (3): 2009, 2010, 2011
- Лучший игрок Клубного чемпионата мира (2): 2009, 2011
- Лучший футболист Мира по версии ФИФА: 2009
- Лучший футболист Европы по версии «France Football»: 2009.
- Лучший футболист мира по версии World Soccer (2): 2009, 2011
- Лучшим игрок Европы по версии французского журнала Onze Mondial (3): 2009, 2011, 2012
- Лучший игрок сезона по версии Castrol Rankings: 2009/10
- Обладатель «Золотой бутсы» (2): 2010, 2012
- Лучший бомбардир чемпионата Испании (2): 2010, 2012
- Обладатель трофея «Легенда» по версии читателей газеты «Marca»
- Лучший футболист Мира (Золотой мяч ФИФА): 2010, 2011
- Лучший бомбардир Кубка Испании: 2011 (наряду с Криштиану Роналду)
- Лучший игрок Финала Лиги чемпионов УЕФА: 2011
- Лучший игрок Финала Лиги чемпионов УЕФА по версии болельщиков (2): 2009, 2011
- Обладатель приза лучшему футболисту года в Европе: 2011
- Лучший бомбардир года (по версии IFFHS): 2011
- Лучший спортсмен года в Аргентине: 2011
- Лучший спортсмен года по версии L’Équipe: 2011
- Лучший атлет в мире по версии ESPN: 2012
- Рекордсмен по суммарному количеству забитых мячей за «Барселону» во всех официальных матчах (283 гола)[66]
- Рекордсмен по количеству забитых голов за один календарный год (2012): 86 голов
- Рекордсмен по количеству забитых мячей за «Барселону» во всех турнирах за один сезон (2011-12) 73 гола [67]
- Рекордсмен по количеству забитых мячей за «Барселону» во всех турнирах за один календарный год (2012) 74 гола
- Рекордсмен Барселоны по количеству забитых голов в еврокубках за всю историю (57 голов)[68]
- Рекордсмен Барселоны по количеству забитых голов в Лиге чемпионов за всю историю (56 голов)[27]
- Рекордсмен Барселоны по количеству забитых голов в Ла Лиге за всю историю (192 гола)
- Рекордсмен Ла Лиги по количеству забитых голов за один сезон (2011-12) 50 голов[69]
- Рекордсмен Ла Лиги по количеству забитых голов за один календарный год (2012) 52 гола
- Рекордсмен Ла Лиги по количеству забитых голов в домашних матчах за сезон (2011-12): 35 голов[27]
- Рекордсмен Ла Лиги по количеству хет-триков за сезон (2011-12): 8
- Рекордсмен Суперкубка Испании по количеству голов за карьеру: 10
- Рекордсмен Клубного чемпионата мира по количеству голов за карьеру: 4
- Рекордсмен Лиги чемпионов по количеству забитых голов за сезон (2011-12) 14 голов[70]
- Первый футболист в истории, сделавший покер в плей-офф Лиги чемпионов УЕФА (1/4 финала, «Барселона» — «Арсенал» — 4:1) )[71]
- Единственный футболист в истории, забивший 5 мячей в матче Лиги чемпионов УЕФА (1/8 финала, «Барселона» — «Байер» — 7:1, 07.03.2012)[72]
- Единственный футболист в истории, становившийся лучшим бомбардиром Лиги чемпионов УЕФА 4 года подряд (2009-12)
- Рекордсмен Лиги чемпионов УЕФА по количеству хет-триков за карьеру: 3 (наряду с Филиппо Индзаги)[73]
- Рекордсмен Лиги Чемпионов по количеству хет-триков за сезон: 2 (2011-12)[74]
- Рекордсмен «Золотой бутсы» по количеству очков. В активе Месси 100 очков в сезоне 2011/2012[75]
Статистика выступлений
Клуб | Сезон | Лига | Кубки[76] | Еврокубки[77] | Другие[78] | Итого | |||||
Игры | Голы | Игры | Голы | Игры | Голы | Игры | Голы | Игры | Голы | ||
→ Барселона B | 2003/04 | 5 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 5 | 0 |
2004/05 | 17 | 6 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 17 | 6 | |
Итого | 22 | 6 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 22 | 6 | |
Барселона | 2004/05 | 7 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 9 | 1 |
2005/06 | 17 | 6 | 2 | 1 | 6 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 25 | 8 | |
2006/07 | 26 | 14 | 2 | 2 | 5 | 1 | 3 | 0 | 36 | 17 | |
2007/08 | 28 | 10 | 3 | 0 | 9 | 6 | 0 | 0 | 40 | 16 | |
2008/09 | 31 | 23 | 8 | 6 | 12 | 9 | 0 | 0 | 51 | 38 | |
2009/10 | 35 | 34 | 3 | 1 | 11 | 8 | 4 | 4 | 53 | 47 | |
2010/11 | 33 | 31 | 7 | 7 | 13 | 12 | 2 | 3 | 55 | 53 | |
2011/12 | 37 | 50 | 7 | 3 | 11 | 14 | 5 | 6 | 60 | 73 | |
2012/13 | 15 | 23 | 0 | 0 | 6 | 5 | 2 | 2 | 23 | 30 | |
Итого | 229 | 192 | 33 | 20 | 74 | 56 | 16 | 15 | 352 | 283 | |
Всего за карьеру | 251 | 198 | 33 | 20 | 74 | 56 | 16 | 15 | 374 | 289 |
По состоянию на 26 ноября 2012 года.
Сборная | Сезон | Чемпионат Мира | Кубки Америки | отборочного раунда к ЧМ[79] | Товарищеский матч | Другие[80] | Итого | |||||
Игры | Голы | Игры | Голы | Игры | Голы | Игры | Голы | Игры | Голы | Игры | Голы | |
2005 | 3 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 5 | 0 | ||||||
2006 | 3 | 1 | 4 | 1 | 7 | 2 | ||||||
2007 | 6 | 2 | 4 | 2 | 4 | 2 | 14 | 6 | ||||
2008 | 6 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 5 | 2 | 13 | 4 | ||||
2009 | 8 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 10 | 3 | ||||||
2010 | 5 | 0 | 5 | 2 | 10 | 2 | ||||||
2011 | 4 | 0 | 4 | 2 | 5 | 2 | 13 | 4 | ||||
2012 | 5 | 5 | 4 | 7 | 9 | 12 | ||||||
Итого | 8 | 1 | 10 | 2 | 30 | 11 | 28 | 17 | 5 | 2 | 81 | 33 |
Статистика в «Барселоне»
Хет-трики за «Барселона»
Список хет-триков Месси за «Барселону»
Пенальти в исполнении Месси
Пенальти в исполнении Месси за «Барселону»
Личная жизнь
Месси в нефутбольной жизни
Месси некоторое время встречался с Макареной Лемос, молодой аргентинкой из его родного города Росарио. Как говорят, их познакомил отец девушки[источник не указан 598 дней]. Месси и Лемос встречались в период проведения чемпионата мира в Германии.[81] В прошлом он также состоял в отношениях с аргентинской моделью Лусианой Саласар[82].
В январе 2009 года на передаче «Hat Trick Barca», программе на Канале 33, он сказал: «У меня есть подруга, и она живёт в Аргентине, и я счастлив с ней». При этом он был замечен с девушкой, Антонеллой Рокказзо, на карнавале в Сайтгез после дерби «Барселона» — «Эспаньол» (Рокказзо — также из того же города Росарио)[82].
Месси является крестным отцом Бенджамина Агуэро — сына Серхио Агуэро.
Месси является лицом видеоигр Pro Evolution Soccer 2009, Pro Evolution Soccer 2010 (наряду с Фернандо Торресом), Pro Evolution Soccer 2011, также вовлечён в рекламные кампании этой игры. Также он является лицом компаний: Adidas, Storkman, A-Style, Mirage, el Banco Sabadell, YPF, MasterCard, Garbarino, Xbox, McDonald’s, Danone, Pepsi, Movistar.
Также Лионель Месси является международным послом доброй воли организации ЮНИСЕФ.
16 мая 2012 года издательство Electronic Arts подтвердило что обложку игры FIFA 13 украсит собой Лионель Месси. Отмечается, что Месси принял участие в разработке новой системы дриблинга[83].
В мае 2012 года Месси предложил полностью оплачивать лечение 6-летнего марокканца Валида Кашаша, который хотел стать футболистом, но не мог этого сделать из-за дефицита гормона роста[84].
В июне 2012 года стало известно, что Лионель Месси и его девушка, Антонелла Рокуццо, станут родителями. Об этом Антонелла записала в своем блоге Твиттер[источник не указан 192 дня]. А 3 июня 2012 года, в матче отборочного тура Чемпионата Мира по футболу в 2014 году между Аргентиной и Эквадором, Лионель после забитого гола сделал символичный жест, положив мяч под футболку. Позже Лионель Месси сам признался, что его подруга Антонелла Роккуццо ждёт от него ребёнка[85]. 2 ноября 2012 года у Лионеля и Антонеллы в больнице Барселоны родился сын, которого назвали Тьяго[86].
- 16 октября 2004 года Месси сыграл свой первый официальный матч за главную команду «Барселоны» против «Эспаньола» (1:0).
- 7 декабря 2004 года дебютировал в матче Лиги чемпионов «Барселона» — «Шахтёр» (0:2).
- 1 мая 2005 год забил первый гол в чемпионате Испании в матче «Барселона» — «Альбасете» (2:0).
- 3 сентября 2005 года дебютировал в сборной Аргентины в матче против сборной Парагвая (0:1).
- 2 ноября 2005 года забил первый гол в Лиге чемпионов в матче «Барселона» — «Панатинаикос» (5:0).
- 16 июня 2006 забил первый гол за сборную Аргентины в матче против Сербии и Черногории на чемпионате мира (6:0).
- 1 февраля 2009 года забил 5000-й гол «Барселоны» в чемпионатах Испании.
- 1 декабря 2009 года стал первым аргентинцем, получившим приз «Золотой мяч (France Football)».
- 21 декабря 2009 года стал первым аргентинцем, получившим Бриллиантовый мяч.
- 6 апреля 2010 года стал шестым игроком в истории Лиги чемпионов, забившим 4 гола в одном матче.
- 22 июня 2010 года стал самым молодым капитаном в истории сборной Аргентины, ему было 22 года 363 дня.
- 1 октября 2010 года Месси вручили «Золотую бутсу».
- 10 января 2011 года во второй раз подряд стал лучшим футболистом мира, выиграв Золотой мяч ФИФА
- 9 января 2012 завоевал третий Золотой Мяч подряд, сравнявшись по этому показателю с Мишелем Платини.
- 7 марта 2012 стал первым игроком в истории Лиги чемпионов, забившим 5 голов в одном матче[87].
- 29 октября 2012 года Месси вручили «Золотую бутсу».
- ↑ 1 2 3 Блоха
- ↑ Веселые прозвища игроков Барселоны
- ↑ Jugadors — Lionel Andrés Messi
- ↑ Círculo de Periodístas Deportivos — Noticias
- ↑ Месси лучший игрок в Европе
- ↑ В сезоне 1930/31 нападающий североирландского клуба «Гленторан» Фред Робертс забил 96 голов в официальных матчах, установив британский рекорд. См.: Fred Roberts — Northern Ireland’s Footballing Greats; Fred Roberts Career; Fred Roberts — Legend of Glentoran FC.
- ↑ Месси побил рекорд Герда Мюллера по количеству голов в календарном году
- ↑ El crack que desea victorias de regalo
- ↑ Lionel Messi: Magic in his feet
- ↑ Los intereses de Messi
- ↑ Lionel Messi bio
- ↑ La Pulga atómica conquista el mundo
- ↑ Las raíces italianas de Leo Messi
- ↑ Месси и Кркич оказались дальними родственниками
- ↑ Месси и Кркич оказались родственниками
- ↑ Messi has all the qualities to take world by storm
- ↑ Месси: мои голы посвящаю бабушке
- ↑ Franck Ribery the man to challenge Lionel Messi and Barcelona
- ↑ Lionel Messi on a mission
- ↑ Капелло: видел игру Месси, когда ему было всего 16
- ↑ Марадона: в 2008 году позволил Месси в последний раз быть вторым
- ↑ 1 2 признали его лучшим
- ↑ Месси стал лауреатом премии «Золотой мяч»
- ↑ Месси: не ожидал, что выиграю столь убедительно
- ↑ Третий хет-трик Месси. Новости. БарсаМания
- ↑ 101 гол Месси. Новости. БарсаМания
- ↑ 1 2 3 Месси обходит Ривалдо
- ↑ Месси забил свой 100 гол в чемпионате Испании
- ↑ Месси преодолел рубеж в 100 голов в чемпионате Испании — Футбол — Sports.ru
- ↑ Пятая победа Гвардиолы
- ↑ Лучше Месси не найти
- ↑ 1 2 Месси : «Это стало полной неожиданностью»
- ↑ «Барселона» победила «МЮ» и выиграла Лигу чемпионов четвёртый раз
- ↑ Лучшим игроком финала Лиги чемпионов признан Месси
- ↑ Месси стал лучшим бомбардиром ЛЧ в третьем розыгрыше подряд
- ↑ Месси признан лучшим футболистом Испании сезона-2010/11
- ↑ Лионель Месси третий раз подряд стал лучшим футболистом Испании
- ↑ Победитель — Лионель Месси — Награда Лучшему футболисту Европы по версии УЕФА — 2011 — UEFA.com
- ↑ «Барселона» обыграла «Порту» в матче за Суперкубок Европы
- ↑ Месси предрешил исход встречи
- ↑ «Барселона» разгромила «Осасуну» со счётом 8:0, Месси сделал хет-трик
- ↑ Месси оформил хет-трик в матче с «Атлетико»
- ↑ Месси стал автором дубля и сравнялся по забитым за каталонский клуб голам с легендарным Ладислао Кубалой
- ↑ Месси осталось 39 мячей, чтобы сравняться с лучшим бомбардиром «Барселоны»
- ↑ Месси провёл 132-й гол и стал вторым бомбардиром «Барселоны» в истории Примеры
- ↑ Месси: разговоры о кризисе в моей игре — это просто сумасшествие
- ↑ Месси: доволен тем, что смог забить 200-й гол за «Барселону»
- ↑ Лео Месси выиграл трофей лучшего спортсмена Аргентины » ФК Барселона
- ↑ Месси впервые признан лучшим спортсменом Аргентины | Футбол | Новини
- ↑ Месси — первый, кто забил пять голов в одной игре в новой истории Лиги чемпионов — Футбол — Чемпионат.com
- ↑ «Просто лучший». Первые полосы иностранных газет
- ↑ Angel delivers Argentina gold
- ↑ BBC Russian — Спорт — Аргентина — Южная Корея 4:1
- ↑ Месси стал самым молодым капитаном сборной Аргентины на ЧМ — Чемпионат.ру
- ↑ http://news.yandex.ruyandsearch?cl4url=www.terrikon.dn.ua/posts/55660
- ↑ Самые-самые чемпионата мира 2010
- ↑ Марадона и Розетти справились с «ацтеками»
- ↑ Уничтожение Аргентины
- ↑ ФИФА назвала претендентов на «Золотой мяч» :: Вокруг чемпионата :: Sport.rbc.ru
- ↑ Дзанетти: Месси и Бурдиссо? Ничего страшного не произошло
- ↑ Отец Месси: Лео освистали, и он чувствует себя очень плохо
- ↑ Сборная Уругвая вышла в полуфинал Кубка Америки
- ↑ Профиль на championat.com
- ↑ Messi y Guardiola se cuelan en la fiesta del Madrid
- ↑ Messi y Guardiola se cuelan en la fiesta del Madrid
- ↑ Отчёт о матче «Барселона» — «Гранада» от 20.03.2012
- ↑ Месси забил 48-й гол в сезоне, тем самым побив рекорд Роналдо
- ↑ Новые рекорды Месси
- ↑ Месси повторил рекорд Роналдо
- ↑ С учётом матчей квалификационного раунда 14 голов также забил Руд ван Нистелрой в сезоне 2002/03.
- ↑ Отчёт о матче «Барселона» — «Арсенал» Лиги чемпионов сезона 2009-2010
- ↑ В предшественнике Лиги чемпионов УЕФА, Кубке европейских чемпионов, 5 голов в одном матче также забивали Жозе Алтафини (в матче «Милан» — «Унион», 12 сентября 1962), Флориан Альберт (в матче «Ференцварош» — «Кеблавик», 8 сентября 1965), Поль ван Химст (в матче «Андерлехт» — «Хака», 14 сентября 1966) и Герд Мюллер (в матче «Бавария» — «Омония», 26 октября 1972).
- ↑ В предшественнике Лиги чемпионов УЕФА, Кубке европейских чемпионов, 5 хет-триков в течение карьеры сделали Альфредо Ди Стефано (включая два «покера») и Ференц Пушкаш (также включая два «покера»).
- ↑ В предшественнике Лиги чемпионов УЕФА, Кубке европейских чемпионов, 3 хет-трика в течение одного сезона сделал Жозе Алтафини (сезон 1962/63).
- ↑ Аргентинский вундеркинд Лионель Месси поставил новый рекорд обладателя «Золотой бутсы»
- ↑ Кубок Испании.
- ↑ Лига чемпионов УЕФА.
- ↑ Суперкубок Испании, Суперкубок УЕФА, Клубный чемпионат мира.
- ↑ отборочного раунда к чемпионату мира 2006, Чемпионат мира по футболу 2010 (отборочный турнир).
- ↑ Олимпийские игры 2008.
- ↑ Макарена Лемос и Месси
- ↑ 1 2 Account Suspended(недоступная ссылка)
- ↑ Лионель Месси стал «лицом» «FIFA 13»
- ↑ Месси предложил оплатить шестилетнее лечение больного марокканского мальчика
- ↑ Месси: думаю, у нас будет мальчик
- ↑ «Держите его подальше от Венгера». Как мир реагировал на рождение сына Месси
- ↑ Биография Лео Месси
- Официальный сайт (исп.) (каталан.) (англ.)
- Профиль на официальном сайте «Барселоны» (исп.)
- Профиль на официальном сайте ФК «La Liga» (англ.) (исп.)
Барселона — текущий состав |
1 Вальдес (в) • 2 Дани Алвес • 3 Пике • 4 Фабрегас • 5 Пуйоль • 6 Хави • 7 Вилья • 8 Иньеста • 9 Санчес • 10 Месси • 11 Тьяго • 12 дос Сантос • 13 Пинто (в) • 14 Маскерано • 15 Бартра • 16 Бускетс • 17 Педро • 18 Альба •19 Монтойя • 21 Адриано • 22 Абидаль • 23 Куэнка • 24 Фонтас • 25 Сонг • 26 Муньеса • 27 Деулофеу • 29 Риверола • 30 Роберто • 31 Миньо (в) • 34 Алкантара • 36 Оласабаль (в) • 37 Тельо • 38 Кико • Тренер: Тито Виланова |
Международные турниры ФК «Барселоны» | ||||||
Международные турниры сборной Аргентины | ||||||||||||||||||
Награды Лионеля Месси
1991 Маттеус · 1992 ван Бастен · 1993 Баджо · 1994 Ромарио · 1995 Веа · 1996 Роналдо · 1997 Роналдо · 1998 Зидан · 1999 Ривалдо · 2000 Зидан · 2001 Фигу · 2002 Роналдо · 2003 Зидан · 2004 Роналдиньо · 2005 Роналдиньо · 2006 Каннаваро · 2007 Кака · 2008 К. Роналду · 2009 Месси |
1970 Ясальде | 1971 Пасториса | 1972 Баргас | 1973 Бриндиси | 1974 Раймондо | 1975 Скотта | 1976 Пассарелла | 1977 Фильоль | 1978 Кемпес | 1979 Марадона | 1980 Марадона | 1981 Марадона | 1982 Гатти | 1983 Бочини | 1984 Марсико | 1985 Франческоли | 1986 Марадона | 1987 Фаббри | 1988 Пас | 1989 Морено | 1990 Гойкочеа | 1991 Руджери | 1992 Ислас | 1993 Медина Бельо | 1994 Монтойя | 1995 Франческоли | 1996 Чилаверт | 1997 Салас | 1998 Батистута | 1999 Савиола | 2000 Рикельме | 2001 Рикельме | 2002 Г. Милито | 2003 Тевес | 2004 Тевес | 2005 Месси | 2006 Верон | 2007 Месси | 2008 Рикельме и Месси | 2009 Верон и Месси | 2010 Мартинес и Месси | 2011 Рикельме и Месси |
2000 Эдилсон • 2005 Рожерио Сени • 2006 Деку • 2007 Кака • 2008 Руни • 2009 Месси • 2010 Это’о • 2011 Месси |
2000 Анелька / Ромарио • 2005 Аморозо / Крауч / Мохаммед Нур / Саборио • 2006 Абутрика • 2007 Вашингтон • 2008 Руни • 2009 Денилсон • 2010 Молина • 2011 Адриано / Месси |
1956 Милутинович | 1957 Вайоллет | 1958 Ди Стефано | 1959 Фонтен | 1960 Пушкаш | 1961 Ж. Агуаш | 1962 Ди Стефано, Лёвквист, Пушкаш, Техада, Штрель | 1963 Алтафини | 1964 Ковачевич, Маццола, Пушкаш | 1965 Торриш, Эйсебио | 1966 Альберт, Эйсебио | 1967 Пипенбург, ван Химст | 1968 Эйсебио | 1969 Лоу | 1970 Джонс, Чиндвалль | 1971 Антониадис | 1972 Дунаи, Кройф, Макари, Такач | 1973 Мюллер | 1974 Мюллер | 1975 Маркаров, Мюллер | 1976 Хайнкес | 1977 Кучинотта, Мюллер | 1978 Симонсен | 1979 Сульсер | 1980 Лербю | 1981 Макдермотт, Румменигге, Сунесс | 1982 Хёнесс | 1983 Росси | 1984 Сокол | 1985 Нильссон, Платини | 1986 Нильссон | 1987 Цветкович | 1988 Р. Агуаш, Маджер, Маккойст, Мичел, Новак, Феррери, Хаджи | 1989 ван Бастен | 1990 Папен, Ромарио | 1991 Пакульт, Папен | 1992 Папен, Юран | 1993 Ромарио | 1994 Куман, Руфер | 1995 Веа | 1996 Литманен | 1997 Пантич (кв. Маккойст) | 1998 Дель Пьеро | 1999 Йорк, Шевченко | 2000 Жардел, Рауль, Ривалдо (кв. Ребров) | 2001 Рауль (кв. Жардел, Шевченко) | 2002 ван Нистелрой | 2003 ван Нистелрой | 2004 Морьентес | 2005 ван Нистелрой (кв. Адриано) | 2006 Шевченко | 2007 Кака | 2008 К. Роналду | 2009 Месси | 2010 Месси | 2011 Месси | 2012 Месси |
1956 Мэтьюз · 1957 Ди Стефано · 1958 Копа · 1959 Ди Стефано · 1960 Суарес · 1961 Сивори · 1962 Масопуст · 1963 Яшин · 1964 Лоу · 1965 Эйсебио · 1966 Чарльтон · 1967 Альберт · 1968 Бест · 1969 Ривера · 1970 Мюллер · 1971 Кройф · 1972 Беккенбауэр · 1973 Кройф · 1974 Кройф · 1975 Блохин · 1976 Беккенбауэр · 1977 Симонсен · 1978 Киган · 1979 Киган · 1980 Румменигге · 1981 Румменигге · 1982 Росси · 1983 Платини · 1984 Платини · 1985 Платини · 1986 Беланов · 1987 Гуллит · 1988 ван Бастен · 1989 ван Бастен · 1990 Маттеус · 1991 Папен · 1992 ван Бастен · 1993 Баджо · 1994 Стоичков · 1995 Веа · 1996 Заммер · 1997 Роналдо · 1998 Зидан · 1999 Ривалдо · 2000 Фигу · 2001 Оуэн · 2002 Роналдо · 2003 Недвед · 2004 Шевченко · 2005 Роналдиньо · 2006 Каннаваро · 2007 Кака · 2008 К. Роналду · 2009 Месси |
1968 Эйсебио · 1969 Жеков · 1970 Мюллер · 1971 Скоблар · 1972 Мюллер · 1973 Эйсебио · 1974 Ясальде · 1975 Джорджеску · 1976 Кайафас · 1977 Джорджеску · 1978 Кранкль · 1979 Кист · 1980 Ванденберг · 1981 Славков · 1982 Кифт · 1983 Гомеш · 1984 Раш · 1985 Гомеш · 1986 ван Бастен · 1987 Кэмэтару и Польстер · 1988 Чолак · 1989 Матеуц · 1990 Стоичков и Санчес · 1991 Панчев · 1997 Роналдо · 1998 Махлас · 1999 Жардел · 2000 Филлипс · 2001 Ларссон · 2002 Жардел · 2003 Макай · 2004 Анри · 2005 Анри и Форлан · 2006 Тони · 2007 Тотти · 2008 К. Роналду · 2009 Форлан · 2010 Месси · 2011 К. Роналду · 2012 Месси |
2010 Месси · 2011 Месси |
1978 Кейс · 1979 Бертлс · 1980 Х. Мюллер · 1981 Уорк · 1982 Шоу · 1983 Бонини · 1984 Ригетти · 1985 Бутрагеньо · 1986 Бутрагеньо · 1987 ван Бастен · 1988 Охана · 1989 Мальдини · 1990 Баджо · 1991 Просинечки · 1992 Гвардиола · 1993 Гиггз · 1994 Пануччи · 1995 Клюйверт · 1996 Дель Пьеро · 1997 Роналдо · 1998 Роналдо · 1999 Буффон · 2000 Касильяс · 2001 Харгривз · 2002 Метцельдер · 2003 Руни · 2004 К. Роналду · 2005 Роббен · 2006 Фабрегас · 2007 Месси · 2008 Бензема · 2009 Бускетс · 2010 Т. Мюллер · 2011 Азар |
1929 Бьенсобас | 1930 Горостиса | 1931 Бата | 1932 Горостиса | 1933 Оливарес | 1934 Лангара | 1935 Лангара | 1936 Лангара | 1940 Унамуно | 1941 Пруден | 1942 Мундо | 1943 Мартин | 1944 Мундо | 1945 Сарра | 1946 Сарра | 1947 Сарра | 1948 Паиньо | 1949 Сесар | 1950 Сарра | 1951 Сарра | 1952 Паиньо | 1953 Сарра | 1954 Ди Стефано | 1955 Арса | 1956 Ди Стефано | 1957 Ди Стефано | 1958 Банедес, Ди Стефано, Рикардо | 1959 Ди Стефано | 1960 Пушкаш | 1961 Пушкаш | 1962 Семинарио | 1963 Пушкаш | 1964 Пушкаш | 1965 Ре | 1966 Вава | 1967 Валдо | 1968 Уриарте | 1969 Амансио и Гарате | 1970 Амансио, Арагонес, Гарате | 1971 Гарате и Рексач | 1972 Порта | 1973 Марьянин | 1974 Кини | 1975 Карлос | 1976 Кини | 1977 Кемпес | 1978 Кемпес | 1979 Кранкль | 1980 Кини | 1981 Кини | 1982 Кини | 1983 Ринкон | 1984 Да Сильва и Хуанито | 1985 Санчес | 1986 Санчес | 1987 Санчес | 1988 Санчес | 1989 Балтазар | 1990 Санчес | 1991 Бутрагеньо | 1992 Маноло | 1993 Бебето | 1994 Ромарио | 1995 Саморано | 1996 Пицци | 1997 Роналдо | 1998 Вьери | 1999 Рауль | 2000 Сальва | 2001 Рауль | 2002 Тристан | 2003 Макай | 2004 Роналдо | 2005 Форлан | 2006 Это’о | 2007 ван Нистелрой | 2008 Гуиса | 2009 Форлан | 2010 Месси | 2011 К. Роналду | 2012 Месси |
Полное имя: | Лионель Андрес Месси Куччиттини |
Дата рождения: | 24 июня 1987 г. (35 лет) |
Место рождения: | Росарио, Аргентина |
Знак зодиака: | Рак |
Деятельность: | Футболист |
- Детство и юность
- Начало профессиональной карьеры
- Дебют за Барселону и первые матчи за сборную
- Достижения футболиста
- Неудачи и уход из Барселоны
- После перехода в ПСЖ
- Личная жизнь
- Значимость
Лионель Месси – выдающийся аргентинский футболист, чье имя уже внесено в зал славы ФИФА. Всю свою карьеру Лео провел в испанской Барселоне, с которой добился всевозможных высот.
Родился будущий обладатель 4 «Золотых мячей» 24 июня 1987 года в городе Росарио, Аргентина. Его дедушка родом из Италии, переехал в Южную Америку в 1883 году. Также у Месси есть и испанские, а вернее, каталонские корни.
Детство и юность
Лионель родился в небогатой семье, его отец Хорхе Орасио работал на металлургическом комбинате. Мать Селия Мария подрабатывала на мелких низкооплачиваемых работах. У футболиста есть два брата (Родриго и Матиас) и сестра Мария Соль. Есть у Лео и двоюродные братья, которые также занимаются футболом.
Лионель Месси в детстве
Лео Месси начал заниматься футболом в возрасте 5 лет. Он пошел в любительскую команду Грандоли, которую тренировал его отец. Родители не верили, что мальчик станет профессиональным спортсменом, и отговаривали его от занятия футболом. Поэтому на первые тренировки Месси ходил со своей бабушкой Селией.
Начало профессиональной карьеры
В 1995 году Лео Месси пригласил его первый профессиональный клуб – Ньюэллс Олд Бойз. Мальчик быстро прогрессировал, и вскоре им заинтересовался аргентинский гранд Ривер Плейт. Но команда отказалась брать Месси из-за его проблем со здоровьем – у него был дефицит гормона роста.
В 2000 году на игрока обратили внимание скауты испанской Барселоны. Лео со своим папой 17 сентября приезжает на просмотр в Каталонию. Но из-за занятости тренеров Барсы, Месси попал на первую тренировку только 3 октября. После просмотра руководство испанского гранда уговаривает семью игрока переехать в Испанию. Юному таланту помогают с жильем и лечением, а также гарантируют футбольную стипендию.
Лионель Месси в юности и начале карьеры
Дебют за Барселону и первые матчи за сборную
С 2000 по 2003 год Лео выступает за молодежные и дублирующие составы «сине-гранатовых». Аргентинец отлично проявляет себя в атаке, отличаясь практически в каждой встрече. 16 октября 2004 года будущая легенда дебютирует в основном составе Барселоны. Лионель выходит на замену в принципиальном каталонском дерби против Эспаньола. 7 декабря 2004 года Месси впервые в жизни принимает участие в матче главного клубного турнира Европы – Лиге чемпионов. Правда, дебют немного смазывается поражением от донецкого Шахтера.
1 мая 2005 года футболист забивает в ворота Альбасете свой первый гол на взрослом уровне. Это становится рекордом клуба – никто за Барсу ранее не отличался в столь молодом возрасте. А 3 сентября 2005 года Месси получает вызов в сборную Аргентины, за которую успешно дебютирует в матче против Парагвая.
Достижения футболиста
После успешного дебюта за клуб и сборную в 2005 году, уроженец Росарио продолжает покорять футбольный мир. Причем не только своей уникальной техникой, но и новыми рекордами. Главные спортивные успехи Месси за 10 лет: с 2007 по 2017 годы:
- В 2006 году игрок выигрывает свой первый чемпионат Испании. В том розыгрыше Ла Лиги Месси провел 17 матчей, в которых забил 6 голов.
- Сезон 2007/2008 каталонцы проваливают (плохие результаты в чемпионате Испании и на международной арене). Но это не мешает Лионелю занять уже 2-е место за звание лучшего игрока года.
- В 2008 году футболист отправляется со сборной на Олимпиаду в Пекин. Там он становится олимпийским чемпионом, в финале обыграв сборную Нигерии.
- 27 мая 2009 года в Италии состоялся финал Лиги чемпионов, Барселона выиграла трофей, а Месси был признан лучшим игроком турнира.
- В сезоне 2009/2010 Месси становится игроком основы Барселоны. Футболист получает «10» номер.
- С 2010 по 2016 год Лео 5 раз выигрывает испанскую Примеру с Барселоной, берет 3 национальных кубка. Но к главным трофеям аргентинца нужно отнести 2 победы в Лиге чемпионов и 2 Суперкубка УЕФА.
- В 2010, 2011, 2012 и 2015 годах Месси побеждает в голосовании за приз «Золотой мяч» от ФИФА. В эти годы Лионель официально признается сильнейшим игроком мира.
- В 2009, 2019 и 2021 годах получает «Золотой мяч» France Football.
За 10 лет в составе Барселоны Лионель Месси добивается результатов, о которых только могут мечтать профессиональные футболисты. Но слава и успех идут рука об руку с борьбой и соперничеством. Начиная с 2010 года аргентинец постоянно борется за международные индивидуальные награды со своим главным конкурентом – португальцем Криштиану Роналду.
Лионель Месси в составе Барселоны
Неудачи и уход из Барселоны
С сезона 2018/2019 Месси становится капитаном Барселоны на постоянной основе. Это вдохновило игрока – он ведет свой клуб к новому чемпионству в Испании. 27 апреля звездный футболист устанавливает очередной рекорд своей команды – завоевывает 10-й трофей Примеры. Но дальнейшая карьера игрока идет на спад:
- В 2019 году Месси получает травму, из-за которой пропускает часть сезона.
- Неудачно выступает сборная Аргентины, которая выходит в финальную стадию Копа Америка.
- Месси несколько раз сообщает об уходе из сборной, но после смены тренера возвращается в стан главной команды Аргентины.
- Сезон 2019/20 становится неудачным для Барсы и ее капитана. Команда проигрывает чемпионат Реалу, ничего не получается и в Лиге Чемпионов.
- После разгромного поражения от Баварии (2:8) в Лиге чемпионов в 2020 году, Лионель заявляет о своем желании покинуть каталонский гранд.
- В августе-сентябре 2020 года Месси фигурирует в ряде скандалов из-за попытки сменить клуб. Но никто не захотел выплачивать клаусулу в 700 млн. евро, и Лионель сообщил, что остается в Барселоне до 2021 года.
- 23 декабря 2020 г., забив свой 644-ый гол во встрече с «Вальядолидом» превзошел Пеле по кол-ву голов забитых за один клуб.
- В начале 2021 г. в 1/8 финала Лиги Чемпионов против «ПСЖ» его клуб вылетел из соревнования.
- 21 марта 2021 г. поставил новый рекорд по кол-ву игр за Барселону — 768.
- 16 мая 2021 г. провел свой последний матч за Каталонский клуб против «Сельты» (1:2) в Испанском чемпионате, забив гол в первом тайме.
- 1 июля 2021 г. стал свободным агентом, а 10 августа официально перешел в «Пари Сен-Жермен».
После перехода в ПСЖ
- 29 августа 2021 г. дебютировал за парижан, выйдя на замену в матче чемпионата Франции против «Реймса».
- Свой первый гол забил 28 сентября в игре группового раунда Лиги Чемпионов против «Манчестер Сити» (2:0).
- 21 ноября забил первый гол во французском чемпионате в игре против «Нанта».
- 29 ноября получил свой 3-ий «Золотой мяч» France Football, обойдя Роберта Левандовски.
- 9 марта 2022 г. французский клуб вылетел в ответном матче 1/8 финала Лиги Чемпионов (1:3) от мадридского Реала, игра Месси вызвала много критики.
- В 2022 году карьера в ПСЖ складывается не очень удачно, он редко забивает, а лидером команды является Килиан Мбаппе.
В составе клуба «Пари Сен-Жермен»
Личная жизнь
Аргентинец никогда не любил делиться в СМИ своей личной жизнью. Известно, что в юном возрасте Месси встречался с несколькими девушками, а по приезду в Каталонию даже закрутил роман со звездой Плейбой. Но это все было на уровне слухов. С будущей женой футболист познакомился в 2008 году, но официально пара расписалась только в июле 2017 года. Зовут супругу Месси Антонелла Рокуццо.
У молодой семьи есть 3 ребенка. Первый сын родился 2 ноября 2012 года, его назвали Тьяго. Второй мальчик появился на свет 11 сентября 2015-го, его имя Матео. Младший Чиро родился 10 марта в 2018 году. Также Лео крестный парня по имени Бенхамина Агуэро – родного сына Серхио Агуэро, партнера Месси по сборной Аргентине.
Лионель Месси с семьей
Лионель Месси – один из величайших футболистов последнего десятилетия. Аргентинец посвятил всю свою карьеру одному клубу – испанской Барселоне. Лео 10 раз выигрывал чемпионат Испании, обладатель 6 Кубков Короля, четырехкратный победитель Лиги чемпионов. Многие специалисты сходятся на мнении, что Месси один из лучших игроков в футбол за всю историю. Человек, не обладающий феноменальными параметрами, всего добился сам.
Помимо командных наград, Лео один из самых титулованных футболистов мира. Лучший игрок года в Аргентине (11 раз), 4 Золотых мяча ФИФА и 3 по версии журнала France Football.