Как пишется монреаль на английском

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Монреаль, город в Канаде, монреальский


- Монреаль (город в Канаде, провинция Квебек)
- монреальский

Мои примеры


Примеры с переводом

The pilot was instructed to fly the plane to Montreal airport.

Пилот получил указание направить самолёт в аэропорт Монреаля.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…our hotel in Montreal was adjacent to a noisy carrefour…

Montreal is roughly equidistant from New York, Boston, and Toronto.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

—  Город  —

Вид центра города Монреаля из парка Жан-Драпо
Вид центра города Монреаля из парка Жан-Драпо

Герб Монреаля

Флаг Монреаля

Монреаль (Канада)

Red pog.png

Координаты: 45°30′31.99″ с. ш. 73°33′14.99″ з. д. / 45.508888888, -73.554166666 (G) (O)

Страна Flag of Canada.svg Канада
Провинция Flag of Quebec.svg Квебек
Область Монреаль
Районы города Аунсик-Картьевиль, Анжу, Кот-де-Неж-Нотр-Дам-де-Грас, Лашин, Ла-Саль, Лё-Плато-Мон-Руаяль, Лё-Сюд-Уэст, Л’Иль-Бизар–Сент-Женевьев, Мерсье–Ошлага-Мезоннёв, Монреаль Нор, Утремон, Пьерфонд-Роксборо, Ривьер-де-Прери–Пуэнт-о-Трамбль, Розмон-Ля-Петит-Патри, Сен-Лоран, Сен-Леонар, Верден, Вилль-Мари, Вилльрей–Сен-Мишель–Парк-Экстансьон
Дата основания 17 мая 1642
Текущий статус с 1 января 2002
Мэр Михаэль Эпплбаум (и.о.)
Население 1 620 693[1] чел. ((2006))
Плотность 4439 чел./км²
Этнохороним Монреалец, -ка
Официальный язык(и) Французский
Площадь 363,13[1] км²
Точки низшая: (Пуэнт-о-Трамбль) 8 м
высшая: (Мон-Руаяль) 234 м
Часовой пояс EST (UTC-5)
Телефонный код +1 514 и +1 438
Географический код 24 66023
Веб-сайт http://ville.montreal.qc.ca/

Монреа́ль (фр. Montréal [mɔ̃ʁeˈal]) — самый крупный город в провинции Квебек и второй по величине город в Канаде. Первоначально город назывался Вилль-Мари или «город Марии». Название Монреаль произошло от горы Мон-Руаяль[2], которая находится в центре города[3][4], на среднем французском это звучало как Монт Реаль[5]. По состоянию на июль 2009 года, население Большого Монреаля составило 3 814 000 человек[6], население агломерации Монреаль, куда входят муниципалитеты острова Монреаль составило 1 906 811[7]. Население самого города Монреаль оценивается примерно в 1 620 693 человек[8].

Единственный официальный язык в городе — французский, для 59,8 % жителей города этот язык является родным, затем по количеству носителей следует английский язык — 19,4 %[9][10]. В Большом Монреале доля носителей французского составляет 67,9 % от населения, второе место занимает английский — 16,5 %[11]. Больше половины населения города владеет обоими языками[12]. Монреаль — крупнейший франкоязычный город в мире после Парижа. Также в мире есть и другие крупные франкоязычные города — Киншаса, Алжир и Абиджан, но в этих городах французский используется в качестве второго языка[13][14].

Монреаль обыкновенно занимает самые высокие места в рейтинге самых удобных для жизни городов в мире, журнал Monocle Magazine назвал город «культурной столицей Канады», а недавно ЮНЕСКО назвало Монреаль городом дизайна[15][16]. В прошлом Монреаль был экономической столицей Канады, но уступил пальму первенства Торонто после 1976 года. В настоящее время Монреаль — это важный деловой, аэрокосмический, финансовый, фармацевтический, технологический, культурный, туристический и международный центр[17].


Монреаль как пишется на английском

Монреаль как пишется на английском

Монреальская гавань в 1889 году

Монреаль как пишется на английском

Монреаль как пишется на английском

Вид с горы Мон-Руаяль, 1902 год

Монреаль как пишется на английском

Монреаль как пишется на английском

Улица Сен-Жак в 1910 году

Монреаль как пишется на английском

Монреаль как пишется на английском

Небоскрёб «Ла вий»-Один из первых двух небоскрёбов города.

Археологические находки доказывают, что различные кочевые племена индейцев проживали на острове Монреаль как минимум за 2 тысячи лет до прибытия европейцев. К 1000 году н. э. они начали возделывать кукурузу. через несколько столетий индейцы построили несколько укреплённых деревень[18]. Ирокезы основали деревню Ошелага у подножия горы Мон-Руаяль за несколько веков до прибытия французов. Археологические находки свидетельствуют, что деревня Ошелага существовала с XIV века[19]. Французский первооткрыватель Жак Картье посетил деревню 2 октября 1535 года, и оценил население примерно в тысячу человек[19].

Семьдесят лет спустя, французский исследователь Самюэль де Шамплен сообщил, что лаврентийские ирокезы и их поселения исчезли из долины реки Святого Лаврентия, возможно из-за эмиграции, эпидемии европейских болезней, или межплеменных войн[19][20]. В 1611 году Шамплейн учредил пост для торговли пушниной на острове Монреаль, на месте, которое первоначально называлось La Place Royale, на месте слияния Петит Ривьер и реки Святого Лаврентия[21]. В 1639 году, Жером Ле Ройер де Ла Доверсер получил титул сеньора острова Монреаль и главы общества «Нотр-Дам де Монреаль», созданного Католической церковью для распространения христианства среди местных жителей. Пол Шомеди де Мезоннёв был в то время губернатором колонии[22].

Иль-Мари стал центром торговли пушниной и базой для дальнейшей французской разведки в Северной Америке[22]. К началу XVIII века здесь было создано католическое общество Святого Сульпиция. Так как французы хотели плотнее освоить эти земли, то заставили могавков уйти с поста торговли пушниной на Вилль-Мари. Французы убедили их основать новое поселение в своих бывших охотничьих угодья к северу от реки Оттава[23].

Канадская территория оставалась французской колонией до 1760 года, когда территории был переданы Великобритании после победы в Семилетней войне[24]. Монреаль был зарегистрирован как город в 1832 году[25]. Открытие канала Лашин позволило судам идти в обход несудоходной из-за водопадов Лашин[26], а строительство моста Виктория сделало из Монреаля важный железнодорожный узел. К 1860 году он стал крупнейшим городом в Британской Северной Америке и бесспорным экономическим и культурным центром Канады[27][28].

Монреаль был столицей Канады с 10 мая 1844 года (после перенесения столицы из Кингстона) по 1849 год, но потерял свой статус, когда толпа тори сожгла здание парламента в знак протеста против принятия закона о возмещении убытков восстания в Нижней Канаде[29]. По стратегическим соображениям Оттава, расположенная в более удалённом районе страны, была выбрана в качестве столицы. После Первой мировой войны, принятие сухого закона в Соединённых Штатах превратило Монреаль в убежище для американцев, желавших выпить алкоголя[30]. Уровень безработицы в то время оставался высоким, кроме того проблема была усугублена обвалом фондового рынка в 1929 году и Великой депрессией[31].

Во время Второй мировой войны, мэр Монреаля Камийен Уд протестовал против призыва в армию и призвал жителей города не регистрироваться в федеральном реестре всех мужчин и женщин[32]. Оттава была в ярости и отправила мэра Монреаля в лагерь в 1944 году[33], когда правительство решило начать массовый призыв, чтобы увеличить армию и флот[32].

К 1951 году население Монреаля превысило один миллион человек[34]. Канал Святого Лаврентия был открыт в 1959 году, что позволило морским судам доходить до Монреаля. Со временем это развитие привело к концу экономическому расцвету города[35]. В 1960-х годах продолжился экономический рост, что было отмечено проведением Экспо-67, строительством самых высоких небоскрёбов в Канаде, новых скоростных дорог и системы Монреальского метро.


Монреаль как пишется на английском

Монреаль как пишется на английском

Административное деление Монреаля

Монреаль расположен на одноимённом острове Монреаль, у слияния рек Св. Лаврентия и Оттавы. В территорию города также входят несколько близлежащих мелких островов, равно как и исключены некоторые мелкие городки-районы, находящиеся на самом острове (например Хэмпстэд, Мон-Руаяль, Уэстмаунт, Кот-Сен-Люк и другие). Город находится приблизительно в 250-и км к юго-западу от Квебека, столицы провинции, и в 200-х км к востоку от Оттавы, столицы государства.

Основной природной достопримечательностью Монреаля является возвышенность в примерно 250 м над уровнем воды, именуемая «горой Мон-Руаяль». В своё время на «горе» проходила застройка домов для богатой части населения, в основном из-за возможности обзора всего города. Сегодня там расположено самое большое кладбище Монреаля (Нотр-Дам-де-Неж), а также одноимённый парк, ставший непосредственной частью городской жизни и защищённой окружающей средой.


Монреаль расположен на стыке нескольких климатических зон. Как правило, климат определяется как континентальный влажный[36]. Лето в Монреале тёплое, но часто душное со средними высокими температурами от 26 °C (79 °F) и низкими от 16 °C (61 °F), температура часто превышает 30 °C (86 °F). Зима в Монреале обычно холодная, снежная, ветреная, и время от времени, появляется гололёд, со средней температурой −6…-9 °C. Однако некоторые зимние дни с более низкими температурами — ниже −20 °C (-4 °F)[37].

Весна и осень приятно мягкие по погоде, но склонны к резким перепадам температуры[38]. Позднее наступает сезон жары, а также «бабьего лета», также бывают снежные бури в ноябре, марте и апреле. Самая низкая температура за всю историю метеонаблюдений была зафиксирована на уровне −37,8 °C (-36 °F) в 1957 году, а самая высокая температура составила +37,6 °C (100 °F) в 1975 году.

Годовое количество осадков составляет около 998 см (39 дюймов), в том числе среднем 218 см (86 дюймов) снега, который выпадает с ноября по март. Грозы обычно начинаются в конце весны и продолжаются всё лето до начала осени, кроме того, остатки тропических штормов могут вызвать проливные дожди. Город получает более 2000 солнечных часов в год, лето бывает солнечным, но довольно влажным[39].

Климат Монреаля
Показатель Янв. Фев. Март Апр. Май Июнь Июль Авг. Сен. Окт. Нояб. Дек. Год
Абсолютный максимум, °C 13,9 15,0 25,6 30,0 33,9 35,0 35,6 37,6 33,5 28,3 21,7 18,0 37,6
Средний максимум, °C −5,7 −3,9 2,2 10,7 19,0 23,6 26,2 24,8 19,7 12,7 5,3 −2,2 11,1
Средняя температура, °C −10,2 −8,4 −2,3 5,7 13,4 18,2 20,9 19,6 14,6 8,1 1,6 −6,3 6,2
Средний минимум, °C −14,7 −12,9 −6,7 0,6 7,7 12,7 15,6 14,3 9,4 3,4 −2,1 −10,4 1,4
Абсолютный минимум, °C −37,8 −33,9 −29,4 −15 −4,4 0,0 6,1 3,3 −2,2 −7,2 −19,4 −32,4 −37,8
Норма осадков, мм 78,3 61,5 73,6 78,0 76,3 83,1 91,3 92,7 92,6 77,8 92,6 81,3 978,9
Источник: Environment Canada


По переписи 2006 года в Монреале было 1 620 693 жителей. В то же время, в мегаполисе Монреале проживает 3 635 571 человек.

Среди жителей Монреаля намного больше иммигрантов (в процентном отношении), чем в других городах провинции. Подавляющее большинство прибывающих в Квебек иммигрантов селятся именно в Монреале. В нём также самый высокий процент англоговорящего населения среди всех городов провинции Квебек.

[источник не указан 542 дня]
канадцы 1 885 085
французы 900 485
итальянцы 224 460
ирландцы 161 235
англичане 134 115
шотландцы 94 705
евреи 80 390
гаитяне 69 945
китайцы 57 655
греки 55 865
немцы 53 850
русские и украинцы,беларусы около 42 000
португальцы 41 050
румыны 32 540
армяне 25 439
турки 24 906
поляки 23 890
азербайджанцы 21 267

Так выглядит разделение населения по цвету кожи и этническим группам:

  • Белые : 2 886 400 или 86,8 % ;
  • Чёрные : 129 705 или 3,9 % ;
  • Арабы : 67 830 или 2,0 % ;
  • Азиаты : 56 655 или 1,7 % ;
  • Китайцы : 50 115 или 1,5 % ;
  • Иранцы : 9 500 или 1 % ;
  • Другие : 46 900 или 1,4 % населения.

Языковая ситуация

Монреаль — многонациональный мегаполис с очень сложной демолингвистической ситуацией. Хотя сейчас здесь довольно мирно уживаются различные национальности, культуры, вероисповедания, не всегда отношения между общинами были безоблачными. После падения Новой Франции, Британская империя проводила активную, но в конечном счёте безуспешную политику ассимиляции местного франкоканадского населения, хотя с 1840 по 1900 годы англофоны составляли более половины жителей города, а сам Монреаль до 1970-х годов был самым крупным городом Канады. После так называемой Тихой революции, франкоканадцы сумели восстановить своё доминирующее положение в городе, а многие англо-квебекцы предпочли эмиграцию в другие города Канады и в первую очередь Торонто. Примерно 70,5 % современного населения Монреаля считает французский язык родным и использует его в большинстве повседневных ситуаций, 12,5 % — английский язык и 14,6 % говорят на других языках (см. аллофоны) (2006). При этом более половины жителей свободно владеют как французским, так и английским, хотя Хартия французского языка 1977 года провозглашает французский язык единственным официальным языком города.

Русский язык в Монреале

Русский язык заметно расширил своё присутствие в Монреале за последние 15 лет. Из 3,3 млн в 2001 году, его назвали родным 12,5 тысяч человек (0,4 % населения агломерации). В 2006 году это сделали 18,5 тысяч человек из 3,6 млн жителей (0,5 % населения). Однако фактически число русскоговорящих (включая выходцев из всех регионов бывшего СССР) колеблется, по оценкам, от 15 до 25 тысяч человек. В 2008 г. русский язык занял 10-е место, оттеснив армянский[40]. и Большинство русскоязычных жителей — недавние иммигранты из России и стран бывшего СССР. Однако есть и иммигранты (и их потомки) первой и второй волн эмиграции. Значительная концентрация русскоязычного населения находится в районе Кот-де-Нэж и близлежащих[41] (см. Русский язык в Канаде), хотя русскую речь нередко можно встретить в любых «международных» районах города. В настоящее время наибольшая концентрация русскоязычного населения наблюдается в муниципалитете Кот-Сан-Люк, который формально является отдельным городом.

В городе издаётся пять бесплатных еженедельных газет на русском языке. Есть несколько русских книжных магазинов, видеосалонов, аптек, гастрономов, ресторанов. Книги на русском языке доступны в районных и в университетских библиотеках (в числе зарубежной литературы). Имеется радиовещание на русском языке. Существуют платные русские школы выходного дня. Есть платные русскоязычные детские сады и ясли.

В Монреале также имеются два православных собора со службой на русском языке, одна русскоязычная синагога, а также русскоязычные молитвенные дома для адептов различных религий.

Русский язык преподаётся в двух университетах города — Монреальском Университете (на франц.) и в Университете Мак-Гилл (на англ.).

Городское управление

Дополнительные сведения: Список мэров Монреаля

Монреаль как пишется на английском

Монреаль как пишется на английском

Здание городской мэрии

Монреаль как пишется на английском

Монреаль как пишется на английском

Монреальский Дворец конгрессов

Мэром Монреаля является Жеральд Трамбле. Городской совет — главный решающий орган Монреаля. Он состоит из 64 членов (45 городских советников и 19 мэров округов) и мэра Монреаля.

В полномочия Городского совета входят многие сферы жизни города, включая общественную безопасность, межправительственные обмены, проблемы окружающей среды, градостроительство и некоторые программы субсидий. Городской совет также контролирует некоторые решения советов округов. Территория города поделена на 19 округов. Главная улица города, символизировавшая когда-то разделительную линию в прямом и переносном смысле между англо- и франкоязычным населением — а ныне центр туристической и торговой жизни — бульвар Сен-Лоран.


Основная статья: Экономика Монреаля

Экономика Монреаля во многом типична для крупного постиндустриального города развитой капиталистической страны, хотя имеет и свои уникальные черты по сравнению как с другими городами Квебека, так и с городами Канады и США. До начала 1970-х годов город фактически являлся экономической столицей индустриализирующейся Канады. Англо-американский капитал и относительно дешёвая франкоязычная рабочая сила помогли превратить Монреаль в центр текстильной промышленности. Долгое время именно сюда прибывали многие иммигранты из Европы в поисках работы на фабриках, заводах и в городском порту, являющимся одним из крупнейших речных портов мира.

Однако бурный рост скрывал растущие этно-языковые противоречия в самом городе. Первые признаки утраты города как рая для англо-американского капитала проявились уже после второй мировой войны, когда начался бурный рост франко-канадского национализма, завершившегося Тихой революцией.

Не желая мириться с понижением статуса английского языка и стремясь «отомстить» франкоканадцам за их нежелание сохранять статус-кво, значительная часть англоязычной деловой элиты в массовом порядке покидает город, переводя все свои капиталы в англоязычный Торонто. Массовая эмиграция англофонов и отток капитала из города в 1970—1980-х привели к почти 20-летней экономической депрессии в городе, сопровождавшейся рецессией, массовой безработицей, практически нулевым ростом населения. Ситуация в городе начала выправляться после 1995 года, когда многие мировые корпорации, в том числе и англо-американские «смирились» с франкоязычной трансформацией города и начали возвращаться обратно.

При этом экономика города перешла на постиндустриальные рельсы и получила более французский характер. Так, ныне в городе преобладают сектор услуг, образование, страхование, финансы и кредит. Монреаль также признан одним из дизайнерских центров мира, здесь также получили развитие аэрокосмическая отрасль, фармацевтика, косметическая промышленность, парфюмерия, туризм. Более того, современный Монреаль фактически соревнуется с Парижем как важнейший центр франкоязычной индустрии музыки, культуры и развлечений. Известнейшие исполнители — Селин Дион, Милен Фармер (популярная музыка), Захо (французский рэп). В городе находятся множество отделений крупнейших банков мира(Scotiabank, Bank de Montreal, Royal bank,National Bank), производитель пива Molson, cпортивная арена(проходят международные и местные национальные соревнования по хоккею), отличные теннисные корты(проводят соревнования за кубок Роджерса, за который боролась Маша Шарапова),трасса спортивных автомашин Формула-1, огромный порт с железнодорожным транспортом, который не электризован(работают только шумные старые дизельные тепловозы, выбрасывающие множество сажи и грязи), большие аттракционы для детей Ля Ронда на острове Святой Елены на реке Святой Лаврентий, производство авиадвигателей и самолетов, вертолетов и запчастей к ним, множество колледжей и университетов, низкая инфляция менее 2% в год — основа экономики города.


Монреаль как пишется на английском

Монреаль как пишется на английском

поезд Монреальского Метрополитена

Общественный транспорт в Монреале представлен коллективными такси (на манер маршруток), пригородными поездами, автобусами и метро. Для оплаты транспорта используется заряжаемая магнитная карта, включающая в себя от пропуска на одни сутки до месячного проездного. Одноразовое пользование обычно оплачивается наличными.

Во время одноразового пользования также существует возможность набора пересадок вплоть до трёх маршрутов (автобус—метро—автобус) обоих типов транспорта или вплоть до двух маршрутов (метро—автобус и автобус—автобус) каждого. При этом набор считается одной поездкой только в том случае, если маршруты пересекаются между собой или имеют общую конечную.

За весь транспорт города (за исключением пригородных поездов) отвечает «Монреальское Транспортное Общество» (Société de Transport de Montréal или STM). Опрос, проведённый Обществом в 2002 году, показал, что около 33 % жителей, чтобы добраться до работы, используют общественный транспорт, 52,4 % добираются на машине за рулём (4,3 % как пассажиры), 8,2 % приходят пешком, а 2 % предпочитают велосипед.


Характерной особенностью метрополитена является то, что поезда работают на шинном ходу, но рельсы сохранены, как направляющие оставленных колёс железнодорожного типа. Инженеры считают, что в этом случае вибрация, вызванная ходом поездов, будет менее разрушительна для зданий, находящихся выше, чем в случае традиционных несущих стальных колёс.

Для входа и выхода на станции наряду с эскалаторами используется и система наклонного движущегося тротуара.

Многие станции метрополитена соединены подземными переходами, которые тянутся под несколькими кварталами города, образуя так-называемый «подземный город». В этих переходах находятся магазины, кафе и даже несколько подземных театров у станции «площадь искусств» (Place des Arts — станция названа также как одноимённый концертно-выставочный комплекс Place des Arts).


Монреальский трамвай является как частью истории города, так и одним из нынешних проектов. В 1950-е годы Монреаль насчитывал 510 км трамвайных путей по всему острову, к тому времени — на 200 км больше, чем в Торонто. Однако в 1955-м году правительство города приняло указ об устранении трамваев с дальнейшей заменой их на автобусный транспорт. Последний трамвай прошёл по монреальским улицам 30 августа 1959 г. Многие пути были заасфальтированы и сегодня их куски всё ещё можно заметить на пересечениях некоторых улиц центрального Монреаля. Сегодня номера большинства бывших линий соответствуют номерам автобусных маршрутов, например: 51 → 51 Édouard-Montpetit, 65 → 165 Côte-des-Neiges, и т. п.

В 2005-м году принял серьёзность проект о пересоздании центральной трамвайной ветки по Avenue du Parc от центра города до северных районов с целью привлечь население к пользованию альтернативных видов транспорта (в противовес передвижению на автомобилях). Через год к проекту прибавились ещё две линии — Côte-des-Neiges и Verdun. После перепланировки развязки около Avenue des Pins в 2007—08 гг., проект всё-таки вступил в действие, несмотря на его мизерное финансирование частным сектором. Пуск первой трамвайной линии рассчитан Генпланом Монреаля на 2012 г.

Культура и достопримечательности

Монреаль как пишется на английском

Монреаль как пишется на английском

Базилика Марии-Царицы-мира

Монреаль как пишется на английском

Монреаль как пишется на английском

Типичная улица Монреаля

Монреаль как пишется на английском

Монреаль как пишется на английском

Улица Св.Катерины

Монреаль как пишется на английском

Монреаль как пишется на английском

Ночной Монреаль

Монреаль является культурным центром не только провинции Квебек, но и всей франкоговорящей части Северной Америки, а также основным канадским производителем теле- и радиопередач, кинофильмов, театральных постановок, печатных и электронных изданий на французском языке.


С 1977 года проводится Фестиваль мирового кино (Festival des films du monde de Montréal / Montreal World Film Festival), справедливо считающийся одним из самых престижных кинофорумов.

Литературная и музыкальная жизнь Монреаля сосредоточена в многочисленных кафе «Латинского квартала» (le Quartier Latin). Заметный вклад в культурную деятельность вносит местное англоязычное сообщество. Результатом тесного взаимодействия различных культурных течений является динамичность и разнообразие музыкальной жизни города, разжигаемой многочисленными фестивалями.

В Монреале проводится ежегодный Международный джазовый фестиваль (Festival International de Jazz de Montréal). Это событие собирает миллионы любителей джаза со всех уголков мира. Более 500 концертов за 10 дней фестиваля, большая часть из которых проходит под открытым небом. Численность аудитории таких концертов доходит до 200000 человек.

Ежегодно в парке La Ronde проходит одно из крупнейших соревнований среди пиротехнических команд мира. Проходит оно летом в течение полутора месяцев. Обычно выступают 7-8 команд и в заключение проводит показательное выступление местная команда-организатор фестиваля.


  • Старый Монреаль — исторический и культурный центр города, где сосредоточено большинство достопримечательностей
  • Рынок Бонсекур
  • Базилика Нотр-Дам


  • Монреальский музей изящных искусств
  • Монреальский музей современного искусства
  • Музей Редпат


  • Театр имени Л. Варпаховского


Монреаль как пишется на английском

Монреаль как пишется на английском

Университет Макгилла, Корпус искусств

В Монреале есть шесть университетов и двенадцать колледжей в радиусе 8 км, город имеет самую высокую концентрацию студентов среди всех крупных городов Северной Америки (4,38 студентов на 100 жителей, а далее следует Бостон с 4,37 студентами на 100 жителей)[42].

В городе есть два англоязычных университета:

  • Университет Макгилла является одним из старейших университетов Канады и широко признан в качестве учебного заведения мирового класса. Университет Макгилла неизменно входит в топ-25 университетов в мире по рейтингу Times Higher Education-QS World University на протяжении последних шести лет (по состоянию на 2009 год)[43].
  • Университет Конкордия был создан в результате слияния Университета сэра Джорджа Уильямса и колледжа Лойолы в 1974 году[44].

Есть также два франкоязычных университета, расположенных в Монреале:

  • Монреальский университет (Университет Монреаля, UdeM, ЮдеМ) является вторым по величине исследовательским университетом в Канаде. Два отдельных учреждения входят в состав университета: Политехническая школа Монреаля (Инженерная школа) и Высшая бизнес-школа Монреаля (HEC).
  • Университет Квебека в Монреале (UQAM, ЮКАМ) входит в систему Университета Квебека, пользуясь при этом значительной академической и административной независимостью. ЮКАМ главным образом специализируется на гуманитарных специальностях. К Университету Квебека также относятся несколько высших учебных заведений, расположенных в Монреале и его окрестностях: Высшая техническая школа (ETS), кампусы Национальной школы государственного аппарата (ENAP) и Национального научно-исследовательского института (INRS).

Кроме того, два франкоязычных университета — Шербрукский университет и Университет Лаваля имеют филиалы в близлежащем пригороде Лонгёй на южном берегу реки Святого Лаврентия.

Система образования в провинции Квебек немного отличается от других систем в Северной Америке. Между средней школой и университетом существует дополнительный уровень колледжа, который называется CEGEP. Это одновременно и подготовительная школа (подготовка учащихся для поступления в университет) и техникум (предлагающие курсы, которые приводят к средне-специальному образованию). В Монреале семнадцать CEGEP предлагают курсы на французском языке и пять на английском языке.

Англоязычные начальные и средние государственные школы на острове Монреаль управляются Монреальским английским школьным советом (школьным округом)[45] и школьным советом имени Лестера Б. Пирсона[46]. Франкоязычные начальные и средние государственные школы в Монреале относятся к школьной комиссии Монреаля[47], а также к школьной комиссии Маргарит-Буржуа[48].

Сегодняшний Монреаль

Сегодняшний Монреаль — высокоразвитый город. Крупнейший в Канаде информационный центр, один из крупнейших в мире финансовых, экономических центров. Крупнейший в Канаде текстильный центр. Один из важнейших и стратегически значимых городов страны; ультрасовременные транспортные магистрали соединяют Монреаль с другими городами Канады и США, в том числе Нью-Йорком и Торонто. Второй по важности транспортный узел Канады (после Торонто). Крупные заводы по производству военной техники. Монреаль уже давно прочно держится в списке наиболее благоприятных для проживания городов мира.

Панорама Монреаля из смотровой площадки на горе Мон Руаяль.

Панорама Монреаля из смотровой площадки на горе Мон Руаяль.

Летняя панорама


  • Флаг Алжира Алжир (фр. Alger, араб. الجزائر‎‎), Алжир
  • Флаг Иордании Амман (араб. عمان‎‎), Иордания
  • Нидерланды Амстердам (нидерл. Amsterdam), Нидерланды
  • Греция Афины (греч. Αθήνα), Греция
  • Испания Барселона (кат. Barcelona), Испания
  • Флаг Ливана Бейрут (араб. بيروت‎‎), Ливан
  • Израиль Беэр-Шева (ивр. באר שבע‎), Израиль
  • Бельгия Брюссель (фр. Bruxelles, нидерл. Brussel, валлон. Brussele), Бельгия
  • Румыния Бухарест (рум. Bucureşti), Румыния
  • Флаг Кубы Гавана (исп. Havana), Куба
  • Германия Ганновер (нем. Hannover), Германия
  • Флаг США Гонолулу (англ. Honolulu), Гавайи, США
  • Флаг Ирландии Дублин (англ. Dublin, ирл. Baile Átha Cliath), Ирландия
  • Флаг Армении Ереван (арм. Երևան), Армения
  • Флаг Колумбии Кали (исп. Santiago de Cali), Колумбия
  • Флаг Марокко Касабланка (араб. الدار البيضاء‎‎), Марокко
  • Флаг Перу Лима (исп. Lima), Перу
  • Франция Лион (фр. Lyon), Франция
  • Флаг Португалии Лиссабон (порт. Lisboa), Португалия
  • Флаг Великобритании Лондон (англ. London), Великобритания
  • Бельгия Льеж (фр. Liège, нидерл. Luik, валлон. Lidje), Бельгия
  • Италия Милан (итал. Milan), Италия
  • Флаг США Новый Орлеан (англ. New Orleans, фр. La Nouvelle-Orléans), Луизиана, США
  • Франция Париж (фр. Paris), Франция (город-партнер)
  • Флаг Республики Корея Пусан (кор. 부산 광역시, 釜山廣域市), Южная Корея
  • Италия Рим (итал. Roma), Италия (город-партнер)
  • Флаг Албании Тирана (алб. Tiranë, Tirana), Албания
  • Флаг США Гаррисберг (англ. Harrisburg), Пеннсильвания, США
  • Япония Хиросима (яп. 広島市), Япония
  • Флаг Китайской Народной Республики Шанхай (кит. упр. 上海, пиньинь: Shànghǎi), Китай


  1. 1 2 Population and dwelling counts, for Canada, provinces and territories, and census subdivisions (municipalities), 2006 and 2001 censuses — 100% data. Statistics Canada, 2006 Census of Population (13 марта 2007). Архивировано из первоисточника 30 мая 2012. Проверено 13 марта 2007.
  2. Old Montréal / Centuries of History (апрель 2000). Архивировано из первоисточника 30 мая 2012. Проверено 26 марта 2009.
  3. Island of Montreal. Natural Resources Canada. Архивировано из первоисточника 30 мая 2012. Проверено 7 февраля 2008.
  4. Poirier Jean Île de Montréal. — Canoma, 1979. — Vol. 5. — P. 6–8.
  5. real. Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law (10 октября 2007). Архивировано из первоисточника 30 мая 2012. Проверено 23 марта 2009.
  6. Population of census metropolitan areas (2006 Census boundaries). 0.statcan.gc.ca (4 февраля 2010). Архивировано из первоисточника 30 мая 2012. Проверено 13 апреля 2010.
  7. Estimation de la population des régions administratives, 1er juillet des années 1996, 2001 et 2006 à 2009 (découpage géographique au 1er juillet 2009). Stat.gouv.qc.ca. Архивировано из первоисточника 30 мая 2012. Проверено 13 апреля 2010.
  8. Население Монреаля. Архивировано из первоисточника 30 мая 2012. Проверено 30 января 2011.[1]
  9. Chapter 1, article 1, Chartre de la Ville de Montréal (French) (2008). Архивировано из первоисточника 30 мая 2012. Проверено 7 февраля 2008.
  10. Chapter1, article 1, Charter of Ville de Montréal (2008).(недоступная ссылка — история) Проверено 7 февраля 2008.
  11. Population selon la langue maternelle. Проверено 29 ноября 2010.
  12. Table 22.4 Language spoken most often at home, by census metropolitan area, 2006
  13. LIVING IN CANADA: MONTREAL, QUEBEC. Abrams & Krochak — Canadian Immigration Lawyers. Архивировано из первоисточника 30 мая 2012. Проверено 4 ноября 2009.
  14. Participatory Democracy: Prospects for Democratizing Democracy. — Montreal; New York: Black Rose Books, 2005. — P. 347. — ISBN 1551642247,1551642255 (paperback)
  15. Montreal, Canada appointed a UNESCO City of Design. UNESCO (7 июня 2006). Проверено 16 сентября 2009.
  16. Wingrove, Josh Vancouver and Montreal among 25 most livable cities. The Globe and Mail (June 9, 2008). Архивировано из первоисточника 30 мая 2012. Проверено 19 июня 2008.
  17. City of Toronto, History Resources. Toronto.ca (23 октября 2000). Проверено 13 апреля 2010.
  18. Place Royale and the Amerindian presence. Société de développement de Montréal (September 2001). Архивировано из первоисточника 30 мая 2012. Проверено 9 марта 2007.
  19. 1 2 3 Tremblay Roland The Saint Lawrence Iroquoians. Corn People.. — Montréal, Qc: Les Éditions de l’Homme, 2006.
  20. id=T3NQ1lsaHs0C&pg=PA214&lpg=PA214&dq=The+Disappearance+of+the+St.+Lawrence+Iroquoians&source=bl&ots=tq1jiNS2sf&sig=Z6z2g4fSPdAjHTc1KhG1dC-b8l8&hl=en&ei=CVdoS7jbAoWjnQfIv6CsBw&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=6&ved=0CBoQ6AEwBQ#v=onepage&q=The%20Disappearance%20of%20the%20St.%20Lawrence%20Iroquoians&f=false Bruce G. Trigger, «The Disappearance of the St. Lawrence Iroquoians», in The Children of Aataenstic: A History of the Huron People to 1660, vol. 2], Montreal and London: Mcgill-Queen’s University Press, 1976, pp. 214—218, accessed 2 Feb 2010
  21. Marsan Jean-Сlaude Montreal in evolution. An historical analysis of the development of Montreal’s architecture.. — Montréal, Qc: Les Éditions de l’Homme, 1990.
  22. 1 2 Ville-Marie (Colony). The Canadian Encyclopedia. Архивировано из первоисточника 30 мая 2012. Проверено 30 января 2011.
  23. Alanis Obomsawin, »Kanesatake: 270 Years of Resistance», National Film Board of Canada, 1993, accessed 30 Jan 2010. Nfb.ca (5 февраля 2010). Архивировано из первоисточника 30 мая 2012. Проверено 13 апреля 2010.
  24. Articles of the Capitulation of Montréal, 1760. MSN Encarta (1760). Архивировано из первоисточника 1 ноября 2009. Проверено 29 марта 2009.
  25. Montreal :: Government. Student’s Encyclopedia. Encyclopædia Britannica. Архивировано из первоисточника 30 мая 2012. Проверено 29 марта 2009.
  26. Lachine Canal National Historic Site of Canada (PDF). Parks Canada. Архивировано из первоисточника 30 мая 2012.(недоступная ссылка — история) Проверено 29 марта 2009.
  27. Visiting Montréal, Canada. International Conference on Aquatic Invasive Species. Архивировано из первоисточника 30 мая 2012. Проверено 29 марта 2009.
  28. UNA-Canada: A Sense of Belonging. United Nations Association in Canada. Архивировано из первоисточника 30 мая 2012. Проверено 29 марта 2009.
  29. Walking Tour of Old Montreal. Vehicule Press. Архивировано из первоисточника 30 мая 2012. Проверено 30 января 2008.
  30. Arnold, Kathy Montreal: a thrilling collision of cultures. Daily Telegraph (3 июня 2008). Архивировано из первоисточника 30 мая 2012. Проверено 29 марта 2009.
  31. DEPRESSION AND WAR 1930-1945. Montreal Archives Portal. City of Montreal. Архивировано из первоисточника 30 мая 2012. Проверено 29 марта 2009.
  32. 1 2 Conscription for Wartime Service. Mount Allison University (2001).(недоступная ссылка — история) Проверено 29 марта 2009.
  33. Camillien Houde. City of Montreal. Архивировано из первоисточника 30 мая 2012. Проверено 29 марта 2009.
  34. THE EMERGENCE OF A MODERN CITY 1945-1960. Montreal Archives Portal. City of Montreal. Архивировано из первоисточника 30 мая 2012. Проверено 29 марта 2009.
  35. Veltman Calvin Post-imperial English. — Mouton de Gruyter, 1996. — P. 206. — ISBN 9783110147544
  36. Canadian Climate Normals 1971-2000. Проверено 18 декабря 2006.
  37. www.weather.com
  38. First 20 degrees Celsius. Criacc.qc.ca. Архивировано из первоисточника 28 февраля 2008. Проверено 13 апреля 2010.
  39. www.weather.ca
  40. Table 4 The 10 most common non-official mother tongues in the six largest census metropolitan areas, 2006
  41. Новости, статьи, мнения, QUEBEC.RU — провинция Квебек, Quebec, Canada, Montreal, иммиграция в Квебек, иммиграция в Канаду
  42. University attendance: Montréal ranks first in relative terms and fifth in absolute terms in North America. Canada Economic Development for Quebec regions (1996). Архивировано из первоисточника 26 мая 2008. Проверено 4 февраля 2008.
  43. World’s Best Colleges: Top 400 — US News and World Report. Usnews.com (18 июня 2009). Архивировано из первоисточника 30 мая 2012. Проверено 1 сентября 2009.
  44. Turbide, Nadia Concordia University. Histor!ca. The Canadian Encyclopedia (2008). Архивировано из первоисточника 30 мая 2012. Проверено 25 июня 2008.
  45. English Montreal School Board. Emsb.qc.ca. Архивировано из первоисточника 30 мая 2012. Проверено 1 сентября 2009.
  46. Lester B. Pearson School Board. Lbpsb.qc.ca. Архивировано из первоисточника 30 мая 2012. Проверено 1 сентября 2009.
  47. Commission scolaire de Montréal. Csdm.qc.ca. Архивировано из первоисточника 30 мая 2012. Проверено 1 сентября 2009.
  48. http://www.csmb.qc.ca/ |title=Commission scolaire Marguerite-Bourgeoys


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«City of Mary» redirects here. For the city in Ukraine, see Mariupol.


Montréal (French)


Ville de Montréal

From top, left to right: Downtown Montreal skyline, Old Montreal, Notre-Dame Basilica, Old Port of Montreal, Saint Joseph’s Oratory, Olympic Stadium

Flag of Montreal


Official seal of Montreal

Coat of arms

Official logo of Montreal



«MTL», «The 514», «The City of Festivals», «The City of Saints», «The City of a Hundred Steeples», «Sin City», «La Métropole»[1][2][3][4]


Concordia Salus («well-being through harmony»)

Interactive map of Montreal

Coordinates: 45°30′32″N 73°33′15″W / 45.50889°N 73.55417°W[5]Coordinates: 45°30′32″N 73°33′15″W / 45.50889°N 73.55417°W[5]
Country Canada
Province Quebec
Region Montreal
Urban agglomeration Montreal
Founded May 17, 1642
Incorporated 1832
Constituted January 1, 2002
Named for Mount Royal


  • Ahuntsic-Cartierville
  • Anjou
  • Côte-des-Neiges–Notre-Dame-de-Grâce
  • L’Île-Bizard–Sainte-Geneviève
  • LaSalle
  • Lachine
  • Le Plateau-Mont-Royal
  • Le Sud-Ouest
  • Mercier–Hochelaga-Maisonneuve
  • Montréal-Nord
  • Outremont
  • Pierrefonds-Roxboro
  • Rivière-des-Prairies–Pointe-aux-Trembles
  • Rosemont–La Petite-Patrie
  • Saint-Laurent
  • Saint-Léonard
  • Verdun
  • Ville-Marie
  • Villeray–Saint-Michel–Parc-Extension


 • Type Montreal City Council
 • Mayor Valérie Plante
 • Federal riding


 • Provincial riding


 • MPs

List of MPs



 • City 431.50 km2 (166.60 sq mi)
 • Land 365.13 km2 (140.98 sq mi)
 • Urban


1,293.99 km2 (499.61 sq mi)
 • Metro


4,604.26 km2 (1,777.71 sq mi)
Highest elevation 233 m (764 ft)
Lowest elevation 6 m (20 ft)


 • City 1,762,949 (2nd)
 • Density 4,828.3/km2 (12,505/sq mi)
 • Metro


4,291,732 (2nd)
 • Metro density 919/km2 (2,380/sq mi)
Demonym(s) Montrealer
Time zone UTC−05:00 (EST)
 • Summer (DST) UTC−04:00 (EDT)
Postal code(s)


  • H1A, H1C-H3N, H3S-H3W, H4A-H4T, H4Z-H5B, H8R-H8Z, H9C-H9E, H9H, H9K
Area code(s) 514 and 438 and 263
Police SPVM
GDP (Montreal CMA) $221.9 billion (2018)[13]
GDP per capita (Montreal CMA) CA$48,289 (2022)[14]
Website montreal.ca/en/ Edit this at Wikidata

Montreal ( MUN-tree-AWL; French: Montréal [mɔ̃ʁeal] (listen)) is the second most populous city in Canada and most populous city in the Canadian province of Quebec. Founded in 1642 as Ville-Marie, or «City of Mary»,[15] it is named after Mount Royal,[16] the triple-peaked hill around which the early city of Ville-Marie is built.[17] The city is centred on the Island of Montreal, which obtained its name from the same origin as the city,[18][19] and a few much smaller peripheral islands, the largest of which is Île Bizard. The city is 196 km (122 mi) east of the national capital Ottawa, and 258 km (160 mi) southwest of the provincial capital, Quebec City.

As of 2021, the city had a population of 1,762,949,[20] and a metropolitan population of 4,291,732,[21] making it the second-largest city, and second-largest metropolitan area in Canada. French is the city’s official language.[22][23] In 2021, it was spoken at home by 59.1% of the population and 69.2% in the Montreal Census Metropolitan Area.[11] Overall, 85.7% of the population of the city of Montreal considered themselves fluent in French while 90.2% could speak it in the metropolitan area.[24][25] Montreal is one of the most bilingual cities in Quebec and Canada, with 58.5% of the population able to speak both English and French.[26]

Historically the commercial capital of Canada, Montreal was surpassed in population and in economic strength by Toronto in the 1970s.[27] It remains an important centre of commerce, aerospace, transport, finance, pharmaceuticals, technology, design, education, art, culture, tourism, food, fashion, video game development, film, and world affairs. Montreal is the location of the headquarters of the International Civil Aviation Organization, and was named a UNESCO City of Design in 2006.[28][29] In 2017, Montreal was ranked the 12th-most liveable city in the world by the Economist Intelligence Unit in its annual Global Liveability Ranking,[30] although it slipped to rank 40 in the 2021 index, primarily due to stress on the healthcare system from the COVID-19 pandemic.[31] It is regularly ranked as a top ten city in the world to be a university student in the QS World University Rankings.[32]

Montreal has hosted multiple international conferences and events, including the 1967 International and Universal Exposition and the 1976 Summer Olympics.[33][34] It is the only Canadian city to have held the Summer Olympics. In 2018, Montreal was ranked as a global city.[35] The city hosts the Canadian Grand Prix of Formula One;[36] the Montreal International Jazz Festival,[37] the largest jazz festival in the world;[38] the Just for Laughs festival, the largest comedy festival in the world;[39] and Les Francos de Montréal, the largest French-language music festival in the world.[40] It is also home to the Montreal Canadiens of the National Hockey League, who have won the Stanley Cup more times than any other team.

Etymology and original names[edit]

In the Ojibwe language, the land is called Mooniyaang[41] which was «the first stopping place» in the Ojibwe migration story as related in the seven fires prophecy.

In the Mohawk language, the land is called Tiohtià꞉ke.[42][43][44][45] “Tiohtià꞉ke” is an abbreviation of “Teionihtiohtiá꞉kon”, which loosely translates as “where the group divided/parted ways.”[44][46]

French settlers from La Flèche in the Loire valley first named their new town, founded in 1642, Ville Marie («City of Mary»),[15] named for the Virgin Mary.[47]

The current form of the name, Montréal, is generally thought to be derived from Mount Royal (Mont Royal in French),[16][48] the triple-peaked hill in the heart of the city. There are multiple explanations for how Mont Royal became Montréal. In 16th century French, the forms réal and royal were used interchangeably, so Montréal could simply be a variant of Mont Royal.[49][50][51] In the second explanation, the name came from an Italian translation. Venetian geographer Giovanni Battista Ramusio used the name Monte Real to designate Mount Royal in his 1556 map of the region.[48] However, the Commission de toponymie du Québec disputes this explanation.[50]

Historiographer François de Belleforest was the first to use the form Montréal with reference to the entire region in 1575.[48]


Pre-European contact[edit]

Archaeological evidence in the region indicate that First Nations native people occupied the island of Montreal as early as 4,000 years ago.[52] By the year AD 1000, they had started to cultivate maize. Within a few hundred years, they had built fortified villages.[53] The Saint Lawrence Iroquoians, an ethnically and culturally distinct group from the Iroquois nations of the Haudenosaunee (then based in present-day New York), established the village of Hochelaga at the foot of Mount Royal two centuries before the French arrived. Archeologists have found evidence of their habitation there and at other locations in the valley since at least the 14th century.[54]
The French explorer Jacques Cartier visited Hochelaga on October 2, 1535, and estimated the population of the native people at Hochelaga to be «over a thousand people».[54] Evidence of earlier occupation of the island, such as those uncovered in 1642 during the construction of Fort Ville-Marie, have effectively been removed.

Early European settlement (1600–1760)[edit]

In 1603, French explorer Samuel de Champlain reported that the St Lawrence Iroquoians and their settlements had disappeared altogether from the St Lawrence valley. This is believed to be due to outmigration, epidemics of European diseases, or intertribal wars.[54][55] In 1611, Champlain established a fur trading post on the Island of Montreal on a site initially named La Place Royale. At the confluence of Petite Riviere and St. Lawrence River, it is where present-day Pointe-à-Callière stands.[56] On his 1616 map, Champlain named the island Lille de Villemenon in honour of the sieur de Villemenon, a French dignitary who was seeking the viceroyship of New France.[57] In 1639, Jérôme Le Royer de La Dauversière obtained the Seigneurial title to the Island of Montreal in the name of the Notre Dame Society of Montreal to establish a Roman Catholic mission to evangelize natives.

Dauversiere hired Paul Chomedey de Maisonneuve, then age 30, to lead a group of colonists to build a mission on his new seigneury. The colonists left France in 1641 for Quebec and arrived on the island the following year. On May 17, 1642, Ville-Marie was founded on the southern shore of Montreal island, with Maisonneuve as its first governor. The settlement included a chapel and a hospital, under the command of Jeanne Mance.[58] By 1643, Ville-Marie had come under Iroquois raids. In 1652, Maisonneuve returned to France to raise 100 volunteers to bolster the colonial population. If the effort had failed, Montreal was to be abandoned and the survivors re-located downriver to Quebec City. Before these 100 arrived in the fall of 1653, the population of Montreal was barely 50 people.

By 1685, Ville-Marie was home to some 600 colonists, most of them living in modest wooden houses. Ville-Marie became a centre for the fur trade and a base for further exploration.[58] In 1689, the English-allied Iroquois attacked Lachine on the Island of Montreal, committing the worst massacre in the history of New France.[59] By the early 18th century, the Sulpician Order was established there. To encourage French settlement, it wanted the Mohawk to move away from the fur trading post at Ville-Marie. It had a mission village, known as Kahnewake, south of the St Lawrence River. The fathers persuaded some Mohawk to make a new settlement at their former hunting grounds north of the Ottawa River. This became Kanesatake.[60] In 1745, several Mohawk families moved upriver to create another settlement, known as Akwesasne. All three are now Mohawk reserves in Canada. The Canadian territory was ruled as a French colony until 1760, when Montreal fell to a British offensive during the Seven Years’ War. The colony then surrendered to Great Britain.[61]

Ville-Marie was the name for the settlement that appeared in all official documents until 1705, when Montreal appeared for the first time, although people referred to the «Island of Montreal» long before then.[62]

American occupation (1775–1776)[edit]

As part of the American Revolution, the invasion of Quebec resulted after Benedict Arnold captured Fort Ticonderoga in present-day upstate New York in May 1775 as a launching point to Arnold’s invasion of Quebec in September. While Arnold approached the Plains of Abraham, Montreal fell to American forces led by Richard Montgomery on November 13, 1775, after it was abandoned by Guy Carleton. After Arnold withdrew from Quebec City to Pointe-aux-Trembles on November 19, Montgomery’s forces left Montreal on December 1 and arrived there on December 3 to plot to attack Quebec City, with Montgomery leaving David Wooster in charge of the city. Montgomery was killed in the failed attack and Arnold, who had taken command, sent Brigadier General Moses Hazen to inform Wooster of the defeat.

Wooster left Hazen in command on March 20, 1776, as he left to replace Arnold in leading further attacks on Quebec City. On April 19, Arnold arrived in Montreal to take over command from Hazen, who remained as his second-in-command. Hazen sent Colonel Timothy Bedel to form a garrison of 390 men 40 miles upriver in a garrison at Les Cèdres, Quebec, to defend Montreal against the British army. In the Battle of the Cedars, Bedel’s lieutenant Isaac Butterfield surrendered to George Forster.

Forster advanced to Fort Senneville on May 23. By May 24, Arnold was entrenched in Montreal’s borough of Lachine. Forster initially approached Lachine, then withdrew to Quinze-Chênes. Arnold’s forces then abandoned Lachine to chase Forster. The Americans burned Senneville on May 26. After Arnold crossed the Ottawa River in pursuit of Forster, Forster’s cannons repelled Arnold’s forces. Forster negotiated a prisoner exchange with Henry Sherburne and Isaac Butterfield, resulting in a May 27 boating of their deputy Lieutenant Park being returned to the Americans. Arnold and Forster negotiated further and more American prisoners were returned to Arnold at Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue, Quebec, («Fort Anne») on May 30 (delayed two days by wind).

Arnold eventually withdrew his forces back to the New York fort of Ticonderoga by the summer. On June 15, Arnold’s messenger approaching Sorel spotted Carleton returning with a fleet of ships and notified him. Arnold’s forces abandoned Montreal (attempting to burn it down in the process) prior to the June 17 arrival of Carleton’s fleet.

The Americans did not return British prisoners in exchange, as previously agreed, due to accusations of abuse, with Congress repudiating the agreement at the protest of George Washington. Arnold blamed Colonel Timothy Bedel for the defeat, removing him and Lieutenant Butterfield from command and sending them to Sorel for court-martial. The retreat of the American army delayed their court martial until August 1, 1776, when they were convicted and cashiered at Ticonderoga. Bedel was given a new commission by Congress in October 1777 after Arnold was assigned to defend Rhode Island in July 1777.

Modern history as city (1832–present)[edit]

View of Lachine Canal in 1826, a year after it opened. It bypassed the rapids west of the city, linking Montreal with other continental markets.

Montreal was incorporated as a city in 1832.[63] The opening of the Lachine Canal permitted ships to bypass the unnavigable Lachine Rapids,[64] while the construction of the Victoria Bridge established Montreal as a major railway hub. The leaders of Montreal’s business community had started to build their homes in the Golden Square Mile from about 1850. By 1860, it was the largest municipality in British North America and the undisputed economic and cultural centre of Canada.[65][66]

In the 19th century, maintaining Montreal’s drinking water became increasingly difficult with the rapid increase in population. A majority of the drinking water was still coming from the city’s harbour, which was busy and heavily trafficked, leading to the deterioration of the water within. In the mid-1840s, the City of Montreal installed a water system that would pump water from the St. Lawrence and into cisterns. The cisterns would then be transported to the desired location. This was not the first water system of its type in Montreal, as there had been one in private ownership since 1801. In the middle of the 19th century, water distribution was carried out by «fontainiers». The fountainiers[clarification needed] would open and close water valves outside of buildings, as directed, all over the city. As they lacked modern plumbing systems it was impossible to connect all buildings at once and it also acted as a conservation method. However, the population was not finished rising — it rose from 58,000 in 1852 to 267,000 by 1901.[67][68][69]

Montreal was the capital of the Province of Canada from 1844 to 1849, but lost its status when a Tory mob burnt down the Parliament building to protest the passage of the Rebellion Losses Bill.[70] Thereafter, the capital rotated between Quebec City and Toronto until in 1857, Queen Victoria herself established Ottawa as the capital due to strategic reasons. The reasons were twofold. First, because it was located more in the interior of the Province of Canada, it was less susceptible to attack from the United States. Second, and perhaps more importantly, because it lay on the border between French and English Canada, Ottawa was seen as a compromise between Montreal, Toronto, Kingston and Quebec City, which were all vying to become the young nation’s official capital. Ottawa retained the status as capital of Canada when the Province of Canada joined with Nova Scotia and New Brunswick to form the Dominion of Canada in 1867.[citation needed]

An internment camp was set up at Immigration Hall in Montreal from August 1914 to November 1918.[71]

After World War I, the prohibition movement in the United States led to Montreal becoming a destination for Americans looking for alcohol.[72] Unemployment remained high in the city and was exacerbated by the Stock Market Crash of 1929 and the Great Depression.[73]

An anti-conscription rally in Montreal, 1917. During both World Wars, the city saw protest against the implementation of conscription.

During World War II, Mayor Camillien Houde protested against conscription and urged Montrealers to disobey the federal government’s registry of all men and women.[74] The federal government, part of the Allied forces, was furious over Houde’s stand and held him in a prison camp until 1944.[75] That year, the government decided to institute conscription to expand the armed forces and fight the Axis powers. (See Conscription Crisis of 1944.)[74]

Montreal was the official residence of the Luxembourg royal family in exile during World War II.[76]

By 1951, Montreal’s population had surpassed one million.[77] However, Toronto’s growth had begun challenging Montreal’s status as the economic capital of Canada. Indeed, the volume of stocks traded at the Toronto Stock Exchange had already surpassed that traded at the Montreal Stock Exchange in the 1940s.[78] The Saint Lawrence Seaway opened in 1959, allowing vessels to bypass Montreal. In time, this development led to the end of the city’s economic dominance as businesses moved to other areas.[79] During the 1960s, there was continued growth as Canada’s tallest skyscrapers, new expressways and the subway system known as the Montreal Metro were finished during this time. Montreal also held the World’s Fair of 1967, better known as Expo67.

The 1970s ushered in a period of wide-ranging social and political changes, stemming largely from the concerns of the French-speaking majority about the conservation of their culture and language, given the traditional predominance of the English Canadian minority in the business arena.[80] The October Crisis and the 1976 election of the Parti Québécois, which supported sovereign status for Quebec, resulted in the departure of many businesses and people from the city.[81] In 1976, Montreal hosted the Summer Olympics. While the event brought the city international prestige and attention, the Olympic Stadium built for the event resulted in massive debt for the city.[82] During the 1980s and early 1990s, Montreal experienced a slower rate of economic growth than many other major Canadian cities. Montreal was the site of the 1989 École Polytechnique massacre, one of Canada’s worst mass shootings, where 25-year-old Marc Lépine shot and killed 14 people, all of them women, and wounding 14 other people before shooting himself at École Polytechnique.

Montreal was merged with the 27 surrounding municipalities on the Island of Montreal on January 1, 2002, creating a unified city encompassing the entire island. There was substantial resistance from the suburbs to the merger, with the perception being that it was forced on the mostly English suburbs by the Parti Québécois. As expected, this move proved unpopular and several mergers were later rescinded. Several former municipalities, totalling 13% of the population of the island, voted to leave the unified city in separate referendums in June 2004. The demerger took place on January 1, 2006, leaving 15 municipalities on the island, including Montreal. Demerged municipalities remain affiliated with the city through an agglomeration council that collects taxes from them to pay for numerous shared services.[83] The 2002 mergers were not the first in the city’s history. Montreal annexed 27 other cities, towns and villages beginning with Hochelaga in 1883, with the last prior to 2002 being Pointe-aux-Trembles in 1982.

The 21st century has brought with it a revival of the city’s economic and cultural landscape. The construction of new residential skyscrapers, two super-hospitals (the Centre hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal and McGill University Health Centre), the creation of the Quartier des Spectacles, reconstruction of the Turcot Interchange, reconfiguration of the Decarie and Dorval interchanges, construction of the new Réseau électrique métropolitain, gentrification of Griffintown, subway line extensions and the purchase of new subway cars, the complete revitalization and expansion of Trudeau International Airport, the completion of Quebec Autoroute 30, the reconstruction of the Champlain Bridge and the construction of a new toll bridge to Laval are helping Montreal continue to grow.[citation needed]


Montreal is in the southwest of the province of Quebec. The city covers most of the Island of Montreal at the confluence of the Saint Lawrence and Ottawa Rivers. The port of Montreal lies at one end of the Saint Lawrence Seaway, the river gateway that stretches from the Great Lakes to the Atlantic.[84] Montreal is defined by its location between the Saint Lawrence river to its south and the Rivière des Prairies to its north. The city is named after the most prominent geographical feature on the island, a three-head hill called Mount Royal, topped at 232 m (761 ft) above sea level.[85]

Montreal is at the centre of the Montreal Metropolitan Community, and is bordered by the city of Laval to the north; Longueuil, Saint-Lambert, Brossard, and other municipalities to the south; Repentigny to the east and the West Island municipalities to the west. The anglophone enclaves of Westmount, Montreal West, Hampstead, Côte Saint-Luc, the Town of Mount Royal and the francophone enclave Montreal East are all surrounded by Montreal.[86]


Montreal is classified as a warm-summer humid continental climate (Köppen climate classification: Dfb).[87][88]
Summers are warm to hot and humid with a daily maximum average of 26 to 27 °C (79 to 81 °F) in July; temperatures in excess of 30 °C (86 °F) are common. Conversely, cold fronts can bring crisp, drier and windy weather in the early and later parts of summer.

Winters in Montreal bring cold, snowy, windy, and at times, icy weather.

Winter brings cold, snowy, windy, and, at times, icy weather, with a daily average ranging from −10.5 to −9 °C (13.1 to 15.8 °F) in January. However, some winter days rise above freezing, allowing for rain on an average of 4 days in January and February each. Usually, snow covering some or all bare ground lasts on average from the first or second week of December until the last week of March.[89] While the air temperature does not fall below −30 °C (−22 °F) every year,[90] the wind chill often makes the temperature feel this low to exposed skin.

Spring and fall are pleasantly mild but prone to drastic temperature changes; spring even more so than fall.[91] Late season heat waves as well as «Indian summers» are possible. Early and late season snow storms can occur in November and March, and more rarely in April. Montreal is generally snow free from late April to late October. However, snow can fall in early to mid-October as well as early to mid-May on rare occasions.

The lowest temperature in Environment Canada’s books was −37.8 °C (−36 °F) on January 15, 1957, and the highest temperature was 37.6 °C (99.7 °F) on August 1, 1975, both at Dorval International Airport.[92]

Before modern weather record keeping (which dates back to 1871 for McGill),[93] a minimum temperature almost 5 degrees lower was recorded at 7 a.m. on January 10, 1859, where it registered at −42 °C (−44 °F).[94]

Annual precipitation is around 1,000 mm (39 in), including an average of about 210 cm (83 in) of snowfall, which occurs from November through March. Thunderstorms are common in the period beginning in late spring through summer to early fall; additionally, tropical storms or their remnants can cause heavy rains and gales. Montreal averages 2,050 hours of sunshine annually, with summer being the sunniest season, though slightly wetter than the others in terms of total precipitation—mostly from thunderstorms.[95]

Climate data for Montreal (Montréal–Trudeau International Airport)
WMO ID: 71627; coordinates 45°28′N 73°45′W / 45.467°N 73.750°W; elevation: 36 m (118 ft); 1981-2010 normals, extremes 1941−present
Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year
Record high humidex 13.5 14.7 28.0 33.8 40.9 45.0 45.8 46.8 42.8 33.5 26.2 18.1 46.8
Record high °C (°F) 13.9
Average high °C (°F) −5.3
Daily mean °C (°F) −9.7
Average low °C (°F) −14.0
Record low °C (°F) −37.8
Record low wind chill −49.1 −46.0 −42.9 −26.3 −9.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 −4.8 −10.9 −30.7 −46.0 −49.1
Average precipitation mm (inches) 77.2
Average rainfall mm (inches) 27.3
Average snowfall cm (inches) 49.5
Average precipitation days (≥ 0.2 mm) 16.7 13.7 13.6 12.9 13.6 13.3 12.3 11.6 11.1 13.3 14.8 16.3 163.3
Average rainy days (≥ 0.2 mm) 4.2 4.0 6.9 11.6 13.6 13.3 12.3 11.6 11.1 13.0 11.7 5.9 119.1
Average snowy days (≥ 0.2 cm) 15.3 12.1 9.1 3.2 0.07 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.72 5.4 13.0 58.9
Average relative humidity (%) (at 1500) 68.1 63.4 58.3 51.9 51.4 55.3 56.1 56.8 59.7 62.0 68.0 71.4 60.2
Mean monthly sunshine hours 101.2 127.8 164.3 178.3 228.9 240.3 271.5 246.3 182.2 143.5 83.6 83.6 2,051.3
Percent possible sunshine 35.7 43.7 44.6 44.0 49.6 51.3 57.3 56.3 48.3 42.2 29.2 30.7 44.4
Average ultraviolet index 1 2 3 5 6 7 7 7 5 3 1 1 4
Source: Environment and Climate Change Canada[96][97][98][99][100] and Weather Atlas[101]


Many colonial era buildings can be found in Old Montreal with several dating as far back as the late 17th century.

For over a century and a half, Montreal was the industrial and financial centre of Canada.[102] This legacy has left a variety of buildings including factories, elevators, warehouses, mills, and refineries, that today provide an invaluable insight into the city’s history, especially in the downtown area and the Old Port area. There are 50 National Historic Sites of Canada, more than any other city.[103]

Some of the city’s earliest still-standing buildings date back to the late 17th and early 18th centuries. Although most are clustered around the Old Montreal area, such as the Sulpician Seminary adjacent to Notre Dame Basilica that dates back to 1687, and Château Ramezay, which was built in 1705, examples of early colonial architecture are dotted throughout the city. Situated in Lachine, the Le Ber-Le Moyne House is the oldest complete building in the city, built between 1669 and 1671. In Point St. Charles visitors can see the Maison Saint-Gabriel, which can trace its history back to 1698.[104] There are many historic buildings in Old Montreal in their original form: Notre Dame of Montreal Basilica, Bonsecours Market, and the 19th‑century headquarters of all major Canadian banks on St. James Street (French: Rue Saint Jacques). Montreal’s earliest buildings are characterized by their uniquely French influence and grey stone construction.[105]

Saint Joseph’s Oratory, completed in 1967, Ernest Cormier’s Art Deco Université de Montréal main building, the landmark Place Ville Marie office tower, the controversial Olympic Stadium and surrounding structures, are but a few notable examples of the city’s 20th-century architecture. Pavilions designed for the 1967 International and Universal Exposition, popularly known as Expo 67, featured a wide range of architectural designs. Though most pavilions were temporary structures, several have become landmarks, including Buckminster Fuller’s geodesic dome U.S. Pavilion, now the Montreal Biosphere, and Moshe Safdie’s striking Habitat 67 apartment complex.[citation needed]

The Montreal Metro has public artwork by some of the biggest names in Quebec culture.[106]

In 2006 Montreal was named a UNESCO City of Design, one of only three design capitals of the world (the others being Berlin and Buenos Aires).[28] This distinguished title recognizes Montreal’s design community. Since 2005 the city has been home for the International Council of Graphic Design Associations (Icograda);[107] the International Design Alliance (IDA).[108]

The Underground City (officially RESO) is an important tourist attraction. It is the set of interconnected shopping complexes (both above and below ground). This impressive network connects pedestrian thoroughfares to universities, as well as hotels, restaurants, bistros, subway stations and more, in and around downtown with 32 km (20 mi) of tunnels over 12 km2 (4.6 sq mi) of the most densely populated part of Montreal.[citation needed]


Map of boroughs & neighbourhoods on the island of Montreal.

The city is composed of 19 large boroughs, subdivided into neighbourhoods.[109]
The boroughs are:
Côte-des-Neiges–Notre-Dame-de-Grace, The Plateau Mount Royal, Outremont and Ville Marie in the centre; Mercier–Hochelaga-Maisonneuve, Rosemont–La Petite-Patrie and Villeray–Saint-Michel–Parc-Extension in the east; Anjou, Montréal-Nord, Rivière-des-Prairies–Pointe-aux-Trembles and Saint-Leonard in the northeast; Ahuntsic-Cartierville, L’Île-Bizard–Sainte-Geneviève, Pierrefonds-Roxboro and Saint-Laurent in the northwest; and Lachine, LaSalle, The South West and Verdun in the south.[citation needed]

Many of these boroughs were independent cities that were forced to be merged with Montreal in January 2002 following the 2002 municipal reorganization of Montreal.

The borough with the most neighbourhoods is Ville Marie, which includes downtown, the historical district of Old Montreal, Chinatown, the Gay Village, the Latin Quarter, the gentrified Quartier international and Cité Multimédia as well as the Quartier des Spectacles which is under development. Other neighbourhoods of interest in the borough include the affluent Golden Square Mile neighbourhood at the foot of Mount Royal and the Shaughnessy Village/Concordia U area home to thousands of students at Concordia University. The borough also comprises most of Mount Royal Park, Saint Helen’s Island, and Notre-Dame Island.[citation needed]

The Plateau Mount Royal borough was a working class francophone area. The largest neighbourhood is the Plateau (not to be confused with the whole borough), which is undergoing considerable gentrification,[110] and a 2001 study deemed it as Canada’s most creative neighbourhood because artists comprise 8% of its labour force.[111] The neighbourhood of Mile End in the northwestern part of the borough has been a very multicultural area of the city, and features two of Montreal’s well-known bagel establishments, St-Viateur Bagel and Fairmount Bagel. The McGill Ghetto is in the extreme southwestern portion of the borough, its name being derived from the fact that it is home to thousands of McGill University students and faculty members.[citation needed]

The South West borough was home to much of the city’s industry during the late 19th and early-to-mid 20th century. The borough included Goose Village and was historically home to the traditionally working-class Irish neighbourhoods of Griffintown and Point Saint Charles as well as the low-income neighbourhoods of Saint Henri and Little Burgundy.[citation needed]

Other notable neighbourhoods include the multicultural areas of Notre-Dame-de-Grâce and Côte-des-Neiges in the Côte-des-Neiges–Notre-Dame-de-Grace borough, and Little Italy in the borough of Rosemont–La Petite-Patrie and Hochelaga-Maisonneuve, home of the Olympic Stadium in the borough of Mercier–Hochelaga-Maisonneuve.[citation needed]

Old Montreal[edit]

Old Montreal is a historic area southeast of downtown containing many attractions such as the Old Port of Montreal, Place Jacques-Cartier, Montreal City Hall, the Bonsecours Market, Place d’Armes, Pointe-à-Callière Museum, the Notre-Dame de Montréal Basilica, and the Montreal Science Centre.[citation needed]

Architecture and cobbled streets in Old Montreal have been maintained or restored. Old Montreal is accessible from the downtown core via the underground city and is served by several STM bus routes and Metro stations, ferries to the South Shore and a network of bicycle paths.[citation needed]

The riverside area adjacent to Old Montreal is known as the Old Port. The Old Port was the site of the Port of Montreal, but its shipping operations have been moved to a larger site downstream, leaving the former location as a recreational and historical area maintained by Parks Canada. The new Port of Montreal is Canada’s largest container port and the largest inland port on Earth.[112]

Mount Royal[edit]

The mountain is the site of Mount Royal Park, one of Montreal’s largest greenspaces. The park, most of which is wooded, was designed by Frederick Law Olmsted, who also designed New York’s Central Park, and was inaugurated in 1876.[113]

The park contains two belvederes, the more prominent of which is the Kondiaronk Belvedere, a semicircular plaza with a chalet overlooking Downtown Montreal. Other features of the park are Beaver Lake, a small man-made lake, a short ski slope, a sculpture garden, Smith House, an interpretive centre, and a well-known monument to Sir George-Étienne Cartier. The park hosts athletic, tourist and cultural activities.

The mountain is home to two major cemeteries, Notre-Dame-des-Neiges (founded in 1854) and Mount Royal (1852). Mount Royal Cemetery is a 165 acres (67 ha) terraced cemetery on the north slope of Mount Royal in the borough of Outremont. Notre Dame des Neiges Cemetery is much larger, predominantly French-Canadian and officially Catholic.[114] More than 900,000 people are buried there.[115]

Mount Royal Cemetery contains more than 162,000 graves and is the final resting place for a number of notable Canadians. It includes a veterans section with several soldiers who were awarded the British Empire’s highest military honour, the Victoria Cross. In 1901, the Mount Royal Cemetery Company established the first crematorium in Canada.[116]

The first cross on the mountain was placed there in 1643 by Paul Chomedey de Maisonneuve, the founder of the city, in fulfilment of a vow he made to the Virgin Mary when praying to her to stop a disastrous flood.[113] Today, the mountain is crowned by a 31.4 m-high (103 ft) illuminated cross, installed in 1924 by the John the Baptist Society and now owned by the city.[113] It was converted to fibre optic light in 1992.[113] The new system can turn the lights red, blue, or purple, the last of which is used as a sign of mourning between the death of the Pope and the election of the next.[117]


This section needs to be updated. Please help update this article to reflect recent events or newly available information. (January 2023)

Population history of Montreal

Year Pop. ±%
1831 27,297 —    
1841 40,356 +47.8%
1851 57,715 +43.0%
1861 90,323 +56.5%
1871 130,022 +44.0%
1881 176,263 +35.6%
1891 254,278 +44.3%
1901 325,653 +28.1%
1911 490,504 +50.6%
1921 618,506 +26.1%
1931 818,577 +32.3%
1941 903,007 +10.3%
1951 1,021,520 +13.1%
1961 1,201,559 +17.6%
1971 1,214,352 +1.1%
1976 1,080,545 −11.0%
1981 1,018,609 −5.7%
1986 1,015,420 −0.3%
1991 1,017,666 +0.2%
1996 1,016,376 −0.1%
2001 1,039,534 +2.3%
2006 1,620,693 +55.9%
2011 1,649,519 +1.8%
2016 1,704,694 +3.3%
2021 1,762,949 +3.4%
Note: Many boroughs were independent cities that were forced to be merged with Montreal in January 2002 following the 2002 municipal reorganization of Montreal.
Source: [118]

In the 2021 Census of Population conducted by Statistics Canada, Montréal had a population of 1,762,949 living in 816,338 of its 878,542 total private dwellings, a change of 3.4% from its 2016 population of 1,704,694. With a land area of 364.74 km2 (140.83 sq mi), it had a population density of 4,833.4/km2 (12,518.6/sq mi) in 2021.[119]

According to Statistics Canada, at the 2016 Canadian census the city had 1,704,694 inhabitants.[120] A total of 4,098,927 lived in the Montreal Census Metropolitan Area (CMA) at the same 2016 census, up from 3,934,078 at the 2011 census (within 2011 CMA boundaries), which is a population growth of 4.19% from 2011 to 2016.[121] In 2015, the Greater Montreal population was estimated at 4,060,700.[122][123] According to StatsCan, by 2030, the Greater Montreal Area is expected to number 5,275,000 with 1,722,000 being visible minorities.[124]
In the 2016 census, children under 14 years of age (691,345) constituted 16.9%, while inhabitants over 65 years of age (671,690) numbered 16.4% of the total population of the CMA.[121]


People of European ethnicities formed the largest cluster of ethnic groups. The largest reported European ethnicities in the 2006 census were French 23%, Italians 10%, Irish 5%, English 4%, Scottish 3%, and Spanish 2%.[125]

The panethnic breakdown of the city of Montreal as per the 2021 census was European[a] (1,038,940 persons or 60.3%), African (198,610 persons or 11.5%), Middle Eastern[b] (159,435 persons or 9.3%), South Asian (79,670 persons or 4.6%), Latin American (78,150 persons or 4.5%), Southeast Asian[c] (65,260 persons or 3.8%), East Asian[d] (64,825 persons or 3.8%), Indigenous (15,315 persons or 0.9%), and Other/Multiracial[e] (23,010 persons or 1.3%).[126]

Visible minorities comprised 38.8% of the city of Montreal population in the 2021 census.[126] The five most numerous visible minorities are Black Canadians (11.5%), Arab Canadians (8.2%), South Asian Canadians (4.6%), Latin Americans (4.5%), and Chinese Canadians (3.3%).[126] Furthermore some 27.2% of the population Greater Montreal are members of a visible minority group as of 2021,[127] up from 5.2% in 1981.[128] Visible minorities are defined by the Canadian Employment Equity Act as «persons, other than Aboriginals, who are non-white in colour».[129]


In terms of mother language (first language learned), the 2006 census reported that in the Greater Montreal Area, 66.5% spoke French as a first language, followed by English at 13.2%, while 0.8% spoke both as a first language.[130] The remaining 22.5% of Montreal-area residents are allophones, speaking languages including Italian (3.5%), Arabic (3.1%), Spanish (2.6%), Creole (1.3%), Chinese (1.2%), Greek (1.2%), Portuguese (0.8%), Berber language (0.8%), Romanian (0.7%), Vietnamese (0.7%), and Russian (0.7%).[130] In terms of additional languages spoken, a unique feature of Montreal among Canadian cities, noted by Statistics Canada, is the working knowledge of both French and English possessed by most of its residents.[131]


The 2021 census reported that immigrants (individuals born outside Canada) comprise 576,125 persons or 33.4% of the total population of Montreal. Of the total immigrant population, the top countries of origin were Haiti (47,550 persons or 8.3%), Algeria (43,840 persons or 7.6%), France (39,275 persons or 6.8%), Morocco (33,005 persons or 5.7%), Italy (30,215 persons or 5.2%), China (26,335 persons or 4.6%), Philippines (20,475 persons or 3.6%), Lebanon (17,455 persons or 3.0%), Vietnam (16,395 persons or 2.8%), and India (13,575 persons or 2.4%).[132]


The Greater Montreal Area is predominantly Catholic; however, weekly attendance in Quebec was among the lowest in Canada in 1998.[134] Historically Montreal has been a centre of Catholicism in North America with its numerous seminaries and churches, including the Notre-Dame Basilica, the Cathédrale Marie-Reine-du-Monde, and Saint Joseph’s Oratory.

Some 49.5% of the total population is Christian,[133] largely Roman Catholic (35.0%), primarily because of descendants of original French settlers, and others of Italian and Irish origins. Protestants which include Anglican Church in Canada, United Church of Canada, Lutheran, owing to British and German immigration, and other denominations number 11.3%, with a further 3.2% consisting mostly of Orthodox Christians, fuelled by a large Greek population. There is also a number of Russian and Ukrainian Orthodox parishes.

Islam is the largest non-Christian religious group, with 218,395 members, the second-largest concentration of Muslims in Canada at 12.7%. The Jewish community in Montreal has a population of 35,930.[136] In cities such as Côte Saint-Luc and Hampstead, Jewish people constitute the majority, or a substantial part of the population. As recently as 1971 the Jewish community in Greater Montreal was as high as 109,480.[137] Political and economic uncertainties led many to leave Montreal and the province of Quebec.[138]


Montreal has the second-largest economy of Canadian cities based on GDP[139] and the largest in Quebec. In 2019, Metropolitan Montreal was responsible for CA$234.0 billion of Quebec’s CA$425.3 billion GDP.[140] The city is today an important centre of commerce, finance, industry, technology, culture, world affairs and is the headquarters of the Montreal Exchange. In recent decades, the city was widely seen as weaker than that of Toronto and other major Canadian cities, but it has recently experienced a revival.[141]

Industries include aerospace, electronic goods, pharmaceuticals, printed goods, software engineering, telecommunications, textile and apparel manufacturing, tobacco, petrochemicals, and transportation. The service sector is also strong and includes civil, mechanical and process engineering, finance, higher education, and research and development. In 2002, Montreal was the fourth-largest centre in North America in terms of aerospace jobs.[142]
The Port of Montreal is one of the largest inland ports in the world handling 26 million tonnes of cargo annually.[143] As one of the most important ports in Canada, it remains a transshipment point for grain, sugar, petroleum products, machinery, and consumer goods. For this reason, Montreal is the railway hub of Canada and has always been an extremely important rail city; it is home to the headquarters of the Canadian National Railway,[144] and was home to the headquarters of the Canadian Pacific Railway until 1995.[145]

The headquarters of the Canadian Space Agency is in Longueuil, southeast of Montreal.[146] Montreal also hosts the headquarters of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO, a United Nations body);[147] the World Anti-Doping Agency (an Olympic body);[148] the Airports Council International (the association of the world’s airports – ACI World);[149] the International Air Transport Association (IATA),[150] IATA Operational Safety Audit and the International Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce (IGLCC),[151] as well as some other international organizations in various fields.

Montreal is a centre of film and television production. The headquarters of Alliance Films and five studios of the Academy Award-winning documentary producer National Film Board of Canada are in the city, as well as the head offices of Telefilm Canada, the national feature-length film and television funding agency and Télévision de Radio-Canada. Given its eclectic architecture and broad availability of film services and crew members, Montreal is a popular filming location for feature-length films, and sometimes stands in for European locations.[152][153] The city is also home to many recognized cultural, film and music festivals (Just For Laughs, Just For Laughs Gags, Montreal International Jazz Festival, and others), which contribute significantly to its economy. It is also home to one of the world’s largest cultural enterprises, the Cirque du Soleil.[154]

Montreal is also a global hub for artificial intelligence research with many companies involved in this sector, such as Facebook AI Research (FAIR), Microsoft Research, Google Brain, DeepMind, Samsung Research and Thales Group (cortAIx).[155][156] The city is also home to Mila (research institute), an artificial intelligence research institute with over 500 researchers specializing in the field of deep learning, the largest of its kind in the world.[157]

The video game industry has been booming in Montreal since November 2, 1995, coinciding with the opening of Ubisoft Montreal.[158] Recently, the city has attracted world leading game developers and publishers studios such as EA, Eidos Interactive, BioWare, Artificial Mind and Movement, Strategy First, THQ, Gameloft mainly because of the quality of local specialized labour, and tax credits offered to the corporations. Recently, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment, a division of Warner Bros., announced that it would open a video game studio.[159] Relatively new to the video game industry, it will be Warner Bros. first studio opened, not purchased, and will develop games for such Warner Bros. franchises as Batman and other games from their DC Comics portfolio. The studio will create 300 jobs.

Montreal plays an important role in the finance industry. The sector employs approximately 100,000 people in the Greater Montreal Area.[160] As of March 2018, Montreal is ranked in the 12th position in the Global Financial Centres Index, a ranking of the competitiveness of financial centres around the world.[161] The city is home to the Montreal Exchange, the oldest stock exchange in Canada and the only financial derivatives exchange in the country.[162] The corporate headquarters of the Bank of Montreal and Royal Bank of Canada, two of the biggest banks in Canada, were in Montreal. While both banks moved their headquarters to Toronto, Ontario, their legal corporate offices remain in Montreal. The city is home to head offices of two smaller banks, National Bank of Canada and Laurentian Bank of Canada. The Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec, an institutional investor managing assets totalling $248 billion CAD, has its main business office in Montreal.[163] Many foreign subsidiaries operating in the financial sector also have offices in Montreal, including HSBC, Aon, Société Générale, BNP Paribas and AXA.[162][164]

Several companies are headquartered in Greater Montreal Area including Rio Tinto Alcan,[165] Bombardier Inc.,[166] Canadian National Railway,[167] CGI Group,[168] Air Canada,[169] Air Transat,[170] CAE,[171] Saputo,[172] Cirque du Soleil, Stingray Group, Quebecor,[173] Ultramar, Kruger Inc., Jean Coutu Group,[174] Uniprix,[175] Proxim,[176] Domtar, Le Château,[177] Power Corporation, Cellcom Communications,[178] Bell Canada.[179] Standard Life,[180] Hydro-Québec, AbitibiBowater, Pratt and Whitney Canada, Molson,[181] Tembec, Canada Steamship Lines, Fednav, Alimentation Couche-Tard, SNC-Lavalin,[182] MEGA Brands,[183] Aeroplan,[184] Agropur,[185] Metro Inc.,[186] Laurentian Bank of Canada,[187] National Bank of Canada,[188] Transat A.T.,[189] Via Rail,[190] GardaWorld, Novacam Technologies, SOLABS,[191] Dollarama,[192] Rona[193] and the Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec.

The Montreal Oil Refining Centre is the largest refining centre in Canada, with companies like Petro-Canada, Ultramar, Gulf Oil, Petromont, Ashland Canada, Parachem Petrochemical, Coastal Petrochemical, Interquisa (Cepsa) Petrochemical, Nova Chemicals, and more. Shell decided to close the refining centre in 2010, throwing hundreds out of work and causing an increased dependence on foreign refineries for eastern Canada.


Montreal was referred to as «Canada’s Cultural Capital» by Monocle magazine.[29] The city is Canada’s centre for French-language television productions, radio, theatre, film, multimedia, and print publishing. Montreal’s many cultural communities have given it a distinct local culture. Montreal was designated as the World Book Capital for the year 2005 by UNESCO.[194]

Being at the confluence of the French and the English traditions, Montreal has developed a unique and distinguished cultural face. The city has produced much talent in the fields of visual arts, theatre, dance, and music, with a tradition of producing both jazz and rock music. Another distinctive characteristic of cultural life is the vibrancy of its downtown, particularly during summer, prompted by cultural and social events, including its more than 100 annual festivals, the largest being the Montreal International Jazz Festival which is the largest jazz festival in the world. Other popular events include the Just for Laughs (largest comedy festival in the world), Montreal World Film Festival, Les FrancoFolies de Montréal, Nuits d’Afrique [fr], Pop Montreal, Divers/Cité, Fierté Montréal and the Montreal Fireworks Festival, Igloofest, Piknic Electronik, Montréal en Lumiere, Osheaga, Heavy Montreal, Mode + Design, Montréal complètement cirque, MUTEK, Black and Blue, and many smaller festivals. The city of Montreal is also widely recognized for its diverse and vibrant night life, which is considered a vital part of the local cultural ecosystem.

A cultural heart of classical art and the venue for many summer festivals, the Place des Arts is a complex of different concert and theatre halls surrounding a large square in the eastern portion of downtown. Place des Arts has the headquarters of one of the world’s foremost orchestras, the Montreal Symphony Orchestra. The Orchestre Métropolitain du Grand Montréal and the chamber orchestra I Musici de Montréal are two other well-regarded Montreal orchestras. Also performing at Place des Arts are the Opéra de Montréal and the city’s chief ballet company Les Grands Ballets Canadiens. Internationally recognized avant-garde dance troupes such as Compagnie Marie Chouinard [fr], La La La Human Steps, O Vertigo [fr], and the Fondation Jean-Pierre Perreault [fr] have toured the world and worked with international popular artists on videos and concerts. The unique choreography of these troupes has paved the way for the success of the world-renowned Cirque du Soleil.

Nicknamed la ville aux cent clochers (the city of a hundred steeples), Montreal is renowned for its churches. There are an estimated 650 churches on the island, with 450 of them dating back to the 1800s or earlier.[195] Mark Twain noted, «This is the first time I was ever in a city where you couldn’t throw a brick without breaking a church window.»[196] The city has four Roman Catholic basilicas: Mary, Queen of the World Cathedral, Notre-Dame Basilica, St Patrick’s Basilica, and Saint Joseph’s Oratory. The Oratory is the largest church in Canada, with the second largest copper dome in the world, after Saint Peter’s Basilica in Rome.[197]

Beginning in the 1940s, Quebec literature began to shift from pastoral tales romanticising the French-Canadian country-side to writing set in the multicultural city of Montreal. Notable pioneering works describing the character of the city include Gabrielle Roy’s 1945 novel Bonheur D’Occasion, translated as The Tin Flute, and Gwethalyn Graham’s 1944 novel Earth and High Heaven. Subsequent writers of fiction who have set their work in Montreal have included Mordecai Richler, Claude Jasmin, Francine Noel, and Heather O’Neill, among many others.


The most popular sport is ice hockey. The professional hockey team, the Montreal Canadiens, is one of the Original Six teams of the National Hockey League (NHL), and has won an NHL-record 24 Stanley Cup championships. The Canadiens’ most recent Stanley Cup victory came in 1993. They have major rivalries with the Toronto Maple Leafs and Boston Bruins, both of which are also Original Six teams, and with the Ottawa Senators, the closest team geographically. The Canadiens have played at the Bell Centre since 1996. Prior to that they played at the Montreal Forum.

The Montreal Alouettes of the Canadian Football League (CFL) play at Molson Stadium on the campus of McGill University for their regular-season games. Late season and playoff games are played at the much larger, enclosed Olympic Stadium, which also hosted the 2008 Grey Cup. The Alouettes have won the Grey Cup seven times, most recently in 2010. The Alouettes has had two periods on hiatus. During the second one, the Montreal Machine played in the World League of American Football in 1991 and 1992. The McGill Redbirds, Concordia Stingers, and Université de Montréal Carabins play in the U Sports football league.

Montreal has a storied baseball history. The city was the home of the minor-league Montreal Royals of the International League until 1960. In 1946, Jackie Robinson broke the Baseball colour line with the Royals in an emotionally difficult year; Robinson was forever grateful for the local fans’ fervent support.[198] Major League Baseball came to town in the form of the Montreal Expos in 1969. They played their games at Jarry Park Stadium until moving into Olympic Stadium in 1977. After 36 years in Montreal, the team relocated to Washington, D.C., in 2005 and re-branded themselves as the Washington Nationals.[199]

CF Montréal (formerly known as the Montreal Impact) are the city’s professional soccer team. They play at a soccer-specific stadium called Saputo Stadium. They joined North America’s biggest soccer league, Major League Soccer, in 2012. The Montreal games of the 2007 FIFA U-20 World Cup[200] and 2014 FIFA U-20 Women’s World Cup[201] were held at Olympic Stadium, and the venue hosted Montreal games in the 2015 FIFA Women’s World Cup.[202]

Montreal is the site of a high-profile auto racing event each year: the Canadian Grand Prix of Formula One (F1) racing. This race takes place on the Circuit Gilles Villeneuve on Île Notre-Dame. In 2009, the race was dropped from the Formula One calendar, to the chagrin of some fans,[203] but the Canadian Grand Prix returned to the Formula One calendar in 2010. It was dropped from the calendar again since 2020, due to COVID-19 pandemic. The Circuit Gilles Villeneuve also hosted a round of the Champ Car World Series from 2002 to 2007, and was home to the NAPA Auto Parts 200, a NASCAR Nationwide Series race, and the Montréal 200, a Grand Am Rolex Sports Car Series race.

Uniprix Stadium, built in 1993 on the site of Jarry Park, is used for the Rogers Cup men’s and women’s tennis tournaments. The men’s tournament is a Masters 1000 event on the ATP Tour, and the women’s tournament is a Premier tournament on the WTA Tour. The men’s and women’s tournaments alternate between Montreal and Toronto every year.[204]

Montreal was the host of the 1976 Summer Olympic Games. The stadium cost $1.5 billion;[205] with interest that figure ballooned to nearly $3 billion, and was paid off in December 2006.[206] Montreal also hosted the first ever World Outgames in the summer of 2006, attracting over 16,000 participants engaged in 35 sporting activities.

Montreal was the host city for the 17th unicycling world championship and convention (UNICON) in August 2014.

Active professional sports teams in Montreal

Club League Sport Venue Established Championships
Montreal Canadiens NHL Ice hockey Bell Centre 1909 24
Montreal Alouettes CFL Canadian football Percival Molson Memorial Stadium
Olympic Stadium
1946 7
CF Montréal MLS Soccer Saputo Stadium 2012 0


Montreal is Canada’s second-largest media market, and the centre of francophone Canada’s media industry.

There are four over-the-air English-language television stations: CBMT-DT (CBC Television), CFCF-DT (CTV), CKMI-DT (Global) and CJNT-DT (Citytv). There are also five over-the-air French-language television stations: CBFT-DT (Ici Radio-Canada), CFTM-DT (TVA), CFJP-DT (Noovo), CIVM-DT (Télé-Québec), and CFTU-DT (Canal Savoir).

Montreal has three daily newspapers, the English-language Montreal Gazette and the French-language Le Journal de Montréal, and Le Devoir; another French-language daily, La Presse, became an online daily in 2018. There are two free French dailies, Métro and 24 Heures. Montreal has numerous weekly tabloids and community newspapers serving various neighbourhoods, ethnic groups and schools.


The head of the city government in Montreal is the mayor, who is first among equals in the city council.

The city council is a democratically elected institution and is the final decision-making authority in the city, although much power is centralized in the executive committee. The council consists of 65 members from all boroughs.[207] The council has jurisdiction over many matters, including public security, agreements with other governments, subsidy programs, the environment, urban planning, and a three-year capital expenditure program. The council is required to supervise, standardize or approve certain decisions made by the borough councils.[citation needed]

Reporting directly to the council, the executive committee exercises decision-making powers similar to those of the cabinet in a parliamentary system and is responsible for preparing various documents including budgets and by-laws, submitted to the council for approval. The decision-making powers of the executive committee cover, in particular, the awarding of contracts or grants, the management of human and financial resources, supplies and buildings. It may also be assigned further powers by the city council.[citation needed]

Standing committees are the prime instruments for public consultation. They are responsible for the public study of pending matters and for making the appropriate recommendations to the council. They also review the annual budget forecasts for departments under their jurisdiction. A public notice of meeting is published in both French and English daily newspapers at least seven days before each meeting. All meetings include a public question period. The standing committees, of which there are seven, have terms lasting two years. In addition, the City Council may decide to create special committees at any time. Each standing committee is made up of seven to nine members, including a chairman and a vice-chairman. The members are all elected municipal officers, with the exception of a representative of the government of Quebec on the public security committee.[citation needed]

The city is only one component of the larger Montreal Metropolitan Community (Communauté Métropolitaine de Montréal, CMM), which is in charge of planning, coordinating, and financing economic development, public transportation, garbage collection and waste management, etc., across the metropolitan area. The president of the CMM is the mayor of Montreal. The CMM covers 4,360 km2 (1,680 sq mi), with 3.6 million inhabitants in 2006.[208]

Montreal is the seat of the judicial district of Montreal, which includes the city and the other communities on the island.[209]

Montréal federal election results[210]

Year Liberal Conservative Bloc Québécois New Democratic Green
2021 48% 348,308 9% 64,857 19% 133,718 18% 132,395 2% 14,565
2019 48% 377,036 8% 63,376 20% 156,398 16% 129,517 6% 45,845
Montréal provincial election results[211]

Year CAQ Liberal QC solidaire Parti Québécois
2018 18% 119,806 38% 254,069 25% 164,153 13% 89,353
2014 11% 81,844 54% 414,477 14% 106,335 19% 149,792


Law enforcement on the island itself is provided by the Service de Police de la Ville de Montréal, or the SPVM for short.


The overall crime rate in Montreal has declined, with a few notable exceptions, with murders at the lowest rate since 1972 (23 murders in 2016).[212] Sex crimes have increased 14.5 per cent between 2015 and 2016 and fraud cases have increased by 13 per cent over the same period.[212] The major criminal organizations active in Montreal are the Rizzuto crime family, Hells Angels and West End Gang.


The education system in Quebec is different from other systems in North America. Between high school (which ends at grade 11) and university students must go through an additional school called CEGEP. CEGEPs offer pre-university (2-years) and technical (3-years) programs. In Montreal, seventeen CEGEPs offer courses in French and five in English.

French-language elementary and secondary public schools in Montreal are operated by the Centre de services scolaire de Montréal (CSDM),[213] Centre de services scolaire Marguerite-Bourgeoys[214] and the Centre de services scolaire de la Pointe-de-l’Île.[215]

English-language elementary and secondary public schools on Montreal Island are operated by the English Montreal School Board and the Lester B. Pearson School Board.[216][217]

With four universities, ten other degree-awarding institutions, and 12 CEGEPs in an 8 km (5.0 mi) radius, Montreal has the highest concentration of post-secondary students of all major cities in North America (4.38 students per 100 residents, followed by Boston at 4.37 students per 100 residents).[218]

Higher education (English)[edit]

Established in 1821, McGill University is the oldest operating university in Montreal.

  • McGill University is one of Canada’s leading post-secondary institutions and is widely regarded as a world-class institution. In 2021, McGill was ranked as the top medical-doctoral university in Canada for the seventeenth consecutive year by Maclean’s[219] and second in Canada and the 27th best university in the world by the QS World University Rankings.[220]
  • Concordia University was created from the merger of Sir George Williams University and Loyola College in 1974.[221] The university has been ranked as one of the top comprehensive universities in Canada by Macleans.[222]

Higher education (French)[edit]

  • Université de Montréal (UdeM) is the second largest research university in Canada and ranked as one of the top universities in Canada. Two separate institutions are affiliated to the university: the École Polytechnique de Montréal (School of Engineering) and HEC Montréal (School of Business). HEC Montreal was founded in 1907 and is considered one of the best business schools in Canada.[223]
  • Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM) is the Montreal campus of Université du Québec. UQAM generally specializes in liberal-arts, although many programs related to the sciences are available.
    • The Université du Québec network also has three separately run schools in Montréal, notably the École de technologie supérieure (ETS), the École nationale d’administration publique (ÉNAP) and the Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS).
  • L’Institut de formation théologique de Montréal des Prêtres de Saint-Sulpice (IFTM) specializes in theology and philosophy.
  • Institut d’hôtellerie et de tourisme du Québec (IHTQ) offers an Applied Bachelor in Hospitality and Hotel Management.
  • Conservatoire de musique du Québec à Montréal offers both a Bachelor and a Master program in classical music.

Additionally, two French-language universities, Université de Sherbrooke and Université Laval have campuses in the nearby suburb of Longueuil on Montreal’s south shore. Also, l’Institut de pastorale des Dominicains is Montreal’s university centre of Ottawa’s Collège Universitaire Dominicain/Dominican University College. The Faculté de théologie évangélique is Nova Scotia’s Acadia University Montreal based serving French Protestant community in Canada by offering both a Bachelor and a Master program in theology


Like many major cities, Montreal has a problem with vehicular traffic congestion. Commuting traffic from the cities and towns in the West Island (such as Dollard-des-Ormeaux and Pointe-Claire) is compounded by commuters entering the city that use twenty-four road crossings from numerous off-island suburbs on the North and South Shores. The width of the Saint Lawrence River has made the construction of fixed links to the south shore expensive and difficult. There are presently four road bridges (including two of the country’s busiest) along with one bridge-tunnel, two railway bridges, and a Metro line. The far narrower Rivière des Prairies to the city’s north, separating Montreal from Laval, is spanned by nine road bridges (seven to the city of Laval and two that span directly to the north shore) and a Metro line.

The island of Montreal is a hub for the Quebec Autoroute system, and is served by Quebec Autoroutes A-10 (known as the Bonaventure Expressway on the island of Montreal), A-15 (aka the Decarie Expressway south of the A-40 and the Laurentian Autoroute to the north of it), A-13 (aka Chomedey Autoroute), A-20, A-25, A-40 (part of the Trans-Canada Highway system, and known as «The Metropolitan» or simply «The Met» in its elevated mid-town section), A-520 and R-136 (aka the Ville-Marie Autoroute). Many of these Autoroutes are frequently congested at rush hour.[224] However, in recent years, the government has acknowledged this problem and is working on long-term solutions to alleviate the congestion. One such example is the extension of Quebec Autoroute 30 on Montreal’s south shore, which will be a bypass for trucks and intercity traffic.[225]

Société de transport de Montréal[edit]

Public local transport is served by a network of buses, subways, and commuter trains that extend across and off the island. The subway and bus system are operated by the Société de transport de Montréal (STM, Montreal Transit Society). The STM bus network consists of 203 daytime and 23 night time routes. STM bus routes serve 1,347,900 passengers on an average weekday in 2010.[226] It also provides adapted transport and wheelchair-accessible buses.[227] The STM won the award of Outstanding Public Transit System in North America by the APTA in 2010. It was the first time a Canadian company won this prize.

The Metro was inaugurated in 1966 and has 68 stations on four lines.[228] It is Canada’s busiest subway system in total daily passenger usage, serving 1,050,800 passengers on an average weekday (as of Q1 2010).[226] Each station was designed by different architects with individual themes and features original artwork, and the trains run on rubber tires, making the system quieter than most.[229] The project was initiated by Montreal Mayor Jean Drapeau, who later brought the Summer Olympic Games to Montreal in 1976. The Metro system has long had a station on the South Shore in Longueuil, and in 2007 was extended to the city of Laval, north of Montreal, with three new stations.[230] The metro has recently been modernizing its trains, purchasing new Azur models with inter-connected wagons.[231]


Montreal has two international airports, one for passengers only, the other for cargo. Pierre Elliott Trudeau International Airport (also known as Dorval Airport) in the City of Dorval serves all commercial passenger traffic and is the headquarters of Air Canada[232] and Air Transat.[233] To the north of the city is Montreal Mirabel International Airport in Mirabel, which was envisioned as Montreal’s primary airport but which now serves cargo flights along with MEDEVACs and general aviation and some passenger services.[234][235][236][237][238] In 2018, Trudeau was the third busiest airport in Canada by passenger traffic and aircraft movements, handling 19.42 million passengers,[239][240] and 240,159 aircraft movements.[241] With 63% of its passengers being on non-domestic flights it has the largest percentage of international flights of any Canadian airport.[242]

It is one of Air Canada’s major hubs and operates on average approximately 2,400 flights per week between Montreal and 155 destinations, spread on five continents.

Airlines servicing Trudeau offer year-round non-stop flights to five continents, namely Africa, Asia, Europe, North America and South America.[243][244][245] It is one of only two airports in Canada with direct flights to five continents or more.


Montreal-based Via Rail Canada provides rail service to other cities in Canada, particularly to Quebec City and Toronto along the Quebec City – Windsor Corridor. Amtrak, the U.S. national passenger rail system, operates its Adirondack daily to New York. All intercity trains and most commuter trains operate out of Central Station.

Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR), headquartered in Calgary, Alberta, was founded here in 1881.[246] Its corporate headquarters occupied Windsor Station at 910 Peel Street until 1995.[145] With the Port of Montreal kept open year-round by icebreakers, lines to Eastern Canada became surplus, and now Montreal is the railway’s eastern and intermodal freight terminus.[247] CPR connects at Montreal with the Port of Montreal, the Delaware and Hudson Railway to New York, the Quebec Gatineau Railway to Quebec City and Buckingham, the Central Maine and Quebec Railway to Halifax, and Canadian National Railway (CN). The CPR’s flagship train, The Canadian, ran daily from Windsor Station to Vancouver, but in 1978 all passenger services were transferred to Via. Since 1990, The Canadian has terminated in Toronto instead of in Montreal.

Montreal-based CN was formed in 1919 by the Canadian government following a series of country-wide rail bankruptcies. It was formed from the Grand Trunk, Midland and Canadian Northern Railways, and has risen to become CPR’s chief rival in freight carriage in Canada.[248] Like the CPR, CN divested itself of passenger services in favour of Via.[249] CN’s flagship train, the Super Continental, ran daily from Central Station to Vancouver and subsequently became a Via train in 1978. It was eliminated in 1990 in favour of rerouting The Canadian.

The commuter rail system is managed and operated by Exo, and reaches the outlying areas of Greater Montreal with six lines. It carried an average of 79,000 daily passengers in 2014, making it the seventh busiest in North America following New York, Chicago, Toronto, Boston, Philadelphia, and Mexico City.[250]

On April 22, 2016, the forthcoming automated rapid transit system, the Réseau express métropolitain (REM), was unveiled. Groundbreaking occurred April 12, 2018, and construction of the 67-kilometre-long (42 mi) network – consisting of three branches, 26 stations, and the conversion of the region’s busiest commuter railway – commenced the following month. To be opened in three phases as of 2022, the REM will be completed by mid-2024, becoming the fourth largest automated rapid transit network after the Dubai Metro, the Singapore Mass Rapid Transit, and the Vancouver SkyTrain. Most of it will be financed by pension fund manager Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec (CDPQ Infra).[251]

On December 15, 2020, CDPQ Infra announced another network, the REM de l’Est. None of its trackage will link to the initial network, although its inner terminus close to the city’s centre is to double as a passenger interchange. Covering the eastern half of the island, it is to be 32 kilometres (20 mi) in length with 23 stations. Plans to elevate its trunk segment through the eastern end of the city centre and an adjacent inner-city district, however, have become controversial, while the north-bound one of its pair of branches is to be tunnelled through suburban districts.[252] And by January 18, 2021, North Shore mayors of municipalities north of the Rivière des Mille Îles announced their desires to erect yet another REM network paralleling the river to link their North Shore communities between Oka and L’Assomption, a distance of roughly 70 kilometres (43 mi).[253]


Main articles

The city of Montreal is world-renowned for being in the top 20 most cyclist-friendly cities around the globe.[254] It follows that they have one of the world’s most successful bike share systems in BIXI. First launched in 2009[255] with Montreal-based PBSC Urban Solutions ICONIC bikes, the bicycle-sharing scheme has since grown its fleet to include 750 docking and charging stations across the different neighbourhoods with 9000 bikes available for users.[256] In what the STM states is a mission to combine different forms of mobility, transit card holders can now take advantage of their membership to also rent bicycles at select stations.

Notable people[edit]

International relations[edit]

Sister cities[edit]

  • Algiers, Algeria – 1999[257]
  • Brussels, Belgium[258]
  • Bucharest, Romania[259]
  • Busan, South Korea – 2000[260][261]
  • Boston, United States – 1995
  • Guadalajara, Mexico – 2004
  • Hanoi, Vietnam – 1997[262]
  • Hiroshima, Japan – 1998[263]
  • Lyon, France – 1979[264]
  • Manila, Philippines – 2005[265]
  • Melbourne, Australia – 2007
  • Port-au-Prince, Haiti – 1995[262]
  • Quito, Ecuador – 1997
  • Rio de Janeiro, Brazil – 1998
  • San Salvador, El Salvador – 2001[262]
  • Shanghai, China – 1985[266]
  • Tunis, Tunisia – 1999
  • Yerevan, Armenia – 1998[267]

Friendship cities[edit]

  • Paris, France – 2006[268]

See also[edit]

  • List of mayors of Montreal
  • List of Montreal music venues
  • List of shopping malls in Montreal
  • List of tallest buildings in Montreal


  1. ^ Statistic includes all persons that did not make up part of a visible minority or an indigenous identity.
  2. ^ Statistic includes total responses of «West Asian» and «Arab» under visible minority section on census.
  3. ^ Statistic includes total responses of «Filipino» and «Southeast Asian» under visible minority section on census.
  4. ^ Statistic includes total responses of «Chinese», «Korean», and «Japanese» under visible minority section on census.
  5. ^ Statistic includes total responses of «Visible minority, n.i.e.» and «Multiple visible minorities» under visible minority section on census.


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  9. ^ «Montreal (Code 0547) Census Profile». 2011 census. Government of Canada — Statistics Canada.
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  13. ^ Government of Canada, Statistics Canada (January 27, 2017). «Gross domestic product (GDP) at basic prices, by census metropolitan area (CMA)». www150.statcan.gc.ca.
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  19. ^ Poirier, Jean (1979), Île de Montréal, vol. 5, Quebec: Canoma, pp. 6–8
  20. ^ Government of Canada, Statistics Canada (February 9, 2022). «Profile table, Census Profile, 2021 Census of Population — Montréal, Ville (V) [Census subdivision], Quebec». www12.statcan.gc.ca. Retrieved June 20, 2022.
  21. ^ Government of Canada, Statistics Canada (November 15, 2017). «Illustrated Glossary — Census metropolitan area (CMA) and census agglomeration (CA)». www150.statcan.gc.ca. Retrieved June 20, 2022.
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  233. ^ «Mirabel airport bids final passengers farewell». CTV.ca. November 1, 2004. Archived from the original on December 2, 2009. Retrieved September 1, 2009.
  234. ^ Gazette, The (August 30, 2007). «It’s liftoff for AirMédic ambulance». Canada.com. Archived from the original on May 11, 2011. Retrieved September 1, 2009.
  235. ^ La Presse (May 14, 2007). «Mirabel redécolle». Lapresseaffaires.cyberpresse.ca. Archived from the original on September 30, 2008. Retrieved September 1, 2009.
  236. ^ «Hélibellule fleet». Helibellule.ca. Archived from the original on November 29, 2007. Retrieved September 1, 2009.
  237. ^ LeClerc, Martin (September 8, 2007). «Hélibellule fait revivre le transport des passagers à Mirabel» (in French). TC Media. Archived from the original on March 15, 2008.
  238. ^ «Aéroports de Montréal Passenger Statistics» (PDF). Admtl.com. Archived (PDF) from the original on June 23, 2018.
  239. ^ «Transport Canada TP 577 – Aircraft Movement Statistics Annual Report 2006» (PDF). Aviation Statistics Centre – Statistics Canada. Archived from the original (PDF) on March 4, 2009.
  240. ^ «Aircraft Movement Statistics». Statistics Canada. Archived from the original on July 25, 2015. Retrieved August 1, 2015.
  241. ^ «Aéroports de Montréal Passenger Statistics». Admtl.com. Archived from the original on August 4, 2008. Retrieved September 1, 2009.
  242. ^ «International destinations: Direct flights – Aéroports de Montréal». ADM. Archived from the original on June 18, 2015. Retrieved June 6, 2015.
  243. ^ «U.S. destinations: Direct flights – Aéroports de Montréal». ADM. Archived from the original on June 22, 2015. Retrieved June 6, 2015.
  244. ^ «Canadian destinations: Direct flights – Aéroports de Montréal». ADM. Archived from the original on June 18, 2015. Retrieved June 6, 2015.
  245. ^ «A Brief History». General Public. Canadian Pacific Railway. Archived from the original on September 7, 2009. Retrieved September 1, 2009.
  246. ^ «Where We Ship». Customers. Canadian Pacific Railway. Archived from the original on September 16, 2008. Retrieved August 2, 2008.
  247. ^ «Birth of Canadian National 1916–1923». Canadian National History. Canadian National Railway. Archived from the original on January 5, 2009. Retrieved August 2, 2008.
  248. ^ «Profits and Passengers – 1960–1979». Canadian National History. Canadian National Railway. Archived from the original on January 5, 2009. Retrieved August 2, 2008.
  249. ^ «Montréal Public Transport System». European Metropolitan Transport Authorities. February 2008. Archived from the original on May 11, 2011. Retrieved March 26, 2009.
  250. ^ «Electric light-rail train network to span Montreal by 2020». April 23, 2016. Archived from the original on November 23, 2018. Retrieved January 27, 2019.
  251. ^ «CDPQ announces $10B east extension of REM». December 16, 2020.
  252. ^ «North Shore mayors call for extension of REM commuter train». December 18, 2021.
  253. ^ cyclingmag (November 9, 2011). «Montreal In Top 20 Bicycle-Friendly Cities». Canadian Cycling Magazine. Retrieved September 9, 2021.
  254. ^ «Montréal Bike Share Program». PBSC Urban Solutions. Retrieved September 9, 2021.
  255. ^ Solutions, PBSC Urban (September 8, 2021). «PBSC Electrifies Transportation Globally with E-Bike Share Schemes in 15+ Cities». GlobeNewswire News Room. Retrieved September 9, 2021.
  256. ^ «Déclaration d’intention d’amitié et de coopération entre les Villes de Montréal et le Gouvernorat du Grand Alger (mars 1999)». Ville de Montréal. Archived from the original on February 23, 2009. Retrieved July 2, 2009.
  257. ^ «Discover Montreal» (PDF). www.mliesl.com. Muskoka Language International. 2007. Archived (PDF) from the original on March 4, 2016. Retrieved March 26, 2016.
  258. ^ «Cu cine este înfrățit Bucureștiul?». Adevărul (in Romanian). February 21, 2011.
  259. ^ Reid, Evelyn. «Sister Cities International: Montreal’s Sister Cities». Montreal About. About Travel. Archived from the original on July 5, 2015. Retrieved March 26, 2016.
  260. ^ Dynaic Busan (June 4, 2007). «Busan News-Efforts increased for market exploration in N. America». Community > Notice. Busan Dong-Gu District Office. Archived from the original on May 21, 2008. Retrieved June 25, 2008.
  261. ^ a b c «Liste – Protocoles et Ententes Internationales Impliquant La Ville de Montréal». Archived from the original on February 23, 2009.
  262. ^ Citizens’ Affairs Bureau (2001). «Sister City: The City of Montreal». International Relations Division, International Peace Promotion Department. The City of Hiroshima. Archived from the original on December 27, 2008. Retrieved June 25, 2008.
  263. ^ «Partner Cities of Lyon and Greater Lyon«. 2008 Mairie de Lyon. Archived from the original on July 19, 2009. Retrieved October 21, 2008.
  264. ^ Foreign Relations (June 24, 2005). «Manila-Montreal Sister City Agreement Holds Potential for Better Cooperation». The Republic of the Philippines. Archived from the original on December 5, 2009. Retrieved October 2, 2009.
  265. ^ «Window of Shanghai». Humanities and Social Sciences Library. McGill University. 2008. Archived from the original on May 22, 2008. Retrieved June 25, 2008.
  266. ^ «Yerevan – Twin Towns & Sister Cities». Yerevan Municipality Official Website. 2013. Archived from the original on August 19, 2014. Retrieved November 4, 2013.
  267. ^ Mairie de Paris. «Les pactes d’amitié et de coopération». Archived from the original on October 11, 2007. Retrieved October 14, 2007.

Further reading[edit]

  • Collard, Edgar A. (1976). Montréal: the Days That Are No More, in series, Totem Book[s]. This ed. slightly edited [anew]. Toronto, Ont.: Doubleday Canada, [1978], cop. 1976. x, 140, [4] p., ill. in b&w with maps and numerous sketches. ISBN 0-00-216686-0
  • Gagnon, Robert (1996). Anglophones at the C.E.C.M.: a Reflection of the Linguistic Duality of Montréal. Trans. by Peter Keating. Montréal: Commission des écoles catholiques de Montréal. 124 p., ill. with b&w photos. ISBN 2-920855-98-0
  • Harris; Lyon, Patricia David (2004). Montréal. Fodor’s. ISBN 978-1-4000-1315-9.
  • Heritage Montréal (1992). Steps in Time = Patrimoine en marche. Montréal: Québécor. 4 vol. of 20, 20 p. each. Text printed «tête-bêche» in English and in French. On title covers: «Montréal, fête, 350 ans».
  • Marsan, Jean-Claude (1990). Montreal in evolution. McGill-Queen’s University Press. ISBN 978-0-7735-0798-2.
  • Tomàs, Mariona. «Exploring the metropolitan trap: the case of Montreal.» International Journal of Urban and Regional Research (2012) 36#3 pp: 554–567. doi:10.1111/j.1468-2427.2011.01066.x.
  • «2006 Census of Canada». Statistics Canada. 2008. Archived from the original on October 10, 2008. Retrieved May 28, 2008.
  • «Montreal». 2006 Census of Canada: Community Profiles. Statistics Canada. 2008. Archived from the original on December 2, 2008. Retrieved May 28, 2008.
  • Natural Resources Canada (2005). Canadian Geographical Names: Island of Montreal. Retrieved August 29, 2005.
  • Michael Sletcher, «Montréal», in James Ciment, ed., Colonial America: An Encyclopedia of Social, Political, Cultural, and Economic History, (5 vols., N.Y., 2005).

External links[edit]

Spoken Wikipedia icon

This audio file was created from a revision of this article dated 26 April 2005, and does not reflect subsequent edits.

  • Official website
  • Geographic data related to Montreal at OpenStreetMap
  • Montreal at Curlie

«City of Mary» redirects here. For the city in Ukraine, see Mariupol.


Montréal (French)


Ville de Montréal

From top, left to right: Downtown Montreal skyline, Old Montreal, Notre-Dame Basilica, Old Port of Montreal, Saint Joseph’s Oratory, Olympic Stadium

Flag of Montreal


Official seal of Montreal

Coat of arms

Official logo of Montreal



«MTL», «The 514», «The City of Festivals», «The City of Saints», «The City of a Hundred Steeples», «Sin City», «La Métropole»[1][2][3][4]


Concordia Salus («well-being through harmony»)

Interactive map of Montreal

Coordinates: 45°30′32″N 73°33′15″W / 45.50889°N 73.55417°W[5]Coordinates: 45°30′32″N 73°33′15″W / 45.50889°N 73.55417°W[5]
Country Canada
Province Quebec
Region Montreal
Urban agglomeration Montreal
Founded May 17, 1642
Incorporated 1832
Constituted January 1, 2002
Named for Mount Royal


  • Ahuntsic-Cartierville
  • Anjou
  • Côte-des-Neiges–Notre-Dame-de-Grâce
  • L’Île-Bizard–Sainte-Geneviève
  • LaSalle
  • Lachine
  • Le Plateau-Mont-Royal
  • Le Sud-Ouest
  • Mercier–Hochelaga-Maisonneuve
  • Montréal-Nord
  • Outremont
  • Pierrefonds-Roxboro
  • Rivière-des-Prairies–Pointe-aux-Trembles
  • Rosemont–La Petite-Patrie
  • Saint-Laurent
  • Saint-Léonard
  • Verdun
  • Ville-Marie
  • Villeray–Saint-Michel–Parc-Extension


 • Type Montreal City Council
 • Mayor Valérie Plante
 • Federal riding


 • Provincial riding


 • MPs

List of MPs



 • City 431.50 km2 (166.60 sq mi)
 • Land 365.13 km2 (140.98 sq mi)
 • Urban


1,293.99 km2 (499.61 sq mi)
 • Metro


4,604.26 km2 (1,777.71 sq mi)
Highest elevation 233 m (764 ft)
Lowest elevation 6 m (20 ft)


 • City 1,762,949 (2nd)
 • Density 4,828.3/km2 (12,505/sq mi)
 • Metro


4,291,732 (2nd)
 • Metro density 919/km2 (2,380/sq mi)
Demonym(s) Montrealer
Time zone UTC−05:00 (EST)
 • Summer (DST) UTC−04:00 (EDT)
Postal code(s)


  • H1A, H1C-H3N, H3S-H3W, H4A-H4T, H4Z-H5B, H8R-H8Z, H9C-H9E, H9H, H9K
Area code(s) 514 and 438 and 263
Police SPVM
GDP (Montreal CMA) $221.9 billion (2018)[13]
GDP per capita (Montreal CMA) CA$48,289 (2022)[14]
Website montreal.ca/en/ Edit this at Wikidata

Montreal ( MUN-tree-AWL; French: Montréal [mɔ̃ʁeal] (listen)) is the second most populous city in Canada and most populous city in the Canadian province of Quebec. Founded in 1642 as Ville-Marie, or «City of Mary»,[15] it is named after Mount Royal,[16] the triple-peaked hill around which the early city of Ville-Marie is built.[17] The city is centred on the Island of Montreal, which obtained its name from the same origin as the city,[18][19] and a few much smaller peripheral islands, the largest of which is Île Bizard. The city is 196 km (122 mi) east of the national capital Ottawa, and 258 km (160 mi) southwest of the provincial capital, Quebec City.

As of 2021, the city had a population of 1,762,949,[20] and a metropolitan population of 4,291,732,[21] making it the second-largest city, and second-largest metropolitan area in Canada. French is the city’s official language.[22][23] In 2021, it was spoken at home by 59.1% of the population and 69.2% in the Montreal Census Metropolitan Area.[11] Overall, 85.7% of the population of the city of Montreal considered themselves fluent in French while 90.2% could speak it in the metropolitan area.[24][25] Montreal is one of the most bilingual cities in Quebec and Canada, with 58.5% of the population able to speak both English and French.[26]

Historically the commercial capital of Canada, Montreal was surpassed in population and in economic strength by Toronto in the 1970s.[27] It remains an important centre of commerce, aerospace, transport, finance, pharmaceuticals, technology, design, education, art, culture, tourism, food, fashion, video game development, film, and world affairs. Montreal is the location of the headquarters of the International Civil Aviation Organization, and was named a UNESCO City of Design in 2006.[28][29] In 2017, Montreal was ranked the 12th-most liveable city in the world by the Economist Intelligence Unit in its annual Global Liveability Ranking,[30] although it slipped to rank 40 in the 2021 index, primarily due to stress on the healthcare system from the COVID-19 pandemic.[31] It is regularly ranked as a top ten city in the world to be a university student in the QS World University Rankings.[32]

Montreal has hosted multiple international conferences and events, including the 1967 International and Universal Exposition and the 1976 Summer Olympics.[33][34] It is the only Canadian city to have held the Summer Olympics. In 2018, Montreal was ranked as a global city.[35] The city hosts the Canadian Grand Prix of Formula One;[36] the Montreal International Jazz Festival,[37] the largest jazz festival in the world;[38] the Just for Laughs festival, the largest comedy festival in the world;[39] and Les Francos de Montréal, the largest French-language music festival in the world.[40] It is also home to the Montreal Canadiens of the National Hockey League, who have won the Stanley Cup more times than any other team.

Etymology and original names[edit]

In the Ojibwe language, the land is called Mooniyaang[41] which was «the first stopping place» in the Ojibwe migration story as related in the seven fires prophecy.

In the Mohawk language, the land is called Tiohtià꞉ke.[42][43][44][45] “Tiohtià꞉ke” is an abbreviation of “Teionihtiohtiá꞉kon”, which loosely translates as “where the group divided/parted ways.”[44][46]

French settlers from La Flèche in the Loire valley first named their new town, founded in 1642, Ville Marie («City of Mary»),[15] named for the Virgin Mary.[47]

The current form of the name, Montréal, is generally thought to be derived from Mount Royal (Mont Royal in French),[16][48] the triple-peaked hill in the heart of the city. There are multiple explanations for how Mont Royal became Montréal. In 16th century French, the forms réal and royal were used interchangeably, so Montréal could simply be a variant of Mont Royal.[49][50][51] In the second explanation, the name came from an Italian translation. Venetian geographer Giovanni Battista Ramusio used the name Monte Real to designate Mount Royal in his 1556 map of the region.[48] However, the Commission de toponymie du Québec disputes this explanation.[50]

Historiographer François de Belleforest was the first to use the form Montréal with reference to the entire region in 1575.[48]


Pre-European contact[edit]

Archaeological evidence in the region indicate that First Nations native people occupied the island of Montreal as early as 4,000 years ago.[52] By the year AD 1000, they had started to cultivate maize. Within a few hundred years, they had built fortified villages.[53] The Saint Lawrence Iroquoians, an ethnically and culturally distinct group from the Iroquois nations of the Haudenosaunee (then based in present-day New York), established the village of Hochelaga at the foot of Mount Royal two centuries before the French arrived. Archeologists have found evidence of their habitation there and at other locations in the valley since at least the 14th century.[54]
The French explorer Jacques Cartier visited Hochelaga on October 2, 1535, and estimated the population of the native people at Hochelaga to be «over a thousand people».[54] Evidence of earlier occupation of the island, such as those uncovered in 1642 during the construction of Fort Ville-Marie, have effectively been removed.

Early European settlement (1600–1760)[edit]

In 1603, French explorer Samuel de Champlain reported that the St Lawrence Iroquoians and their settlements had disappeared altogether from the St Lawrence valley. This is believed to be due to outmigration, epidemics of European diseases, or intertribal wars.[54][55] In 1611, Champlain established a fur trading post on the Island of Montreal on a site initially named La Place Royale. At the confluence of Petite Riviere and St. Lawrence River, it is where present-day Pointe-à-Callière stands.[56] On his 1616 map, Champlain named the island Lille de Villemenon in honour of the sieur de Villemenon, a French dignitary who was seeking the viceroyship of New France.[57] In 1639, Jérôme Le Royer de La Dauversière obtained the Seigneurial title to the Island of Montreal in the name of the Notre Dame Society of Montreal to establish a Roman Catholic mission to evangelize natives.

Dauversiere hired Paul Chomedey de Maisonneuve, then age 30, to lead a group of colonists to build a mission on his new seigneury. The colonists left France in 1641 for Quebec and arrived on the island the following year. On May 17, 1642, Ville-Marie was founded on the southern shore of Montreal island, with Maisonneuve as its first governor. The settlement included a chapel and a hospital, under the command of Jeanne Mance.[58] By 1643, Ville-Marie had come under Iroquois raids. In 1652, Maisonneuve returned to France to raise 100 volunteers to bolster the colonial population. If the effort had failed, Montreal was to be abandoned and the survivors re-located downriver to Quebec City. Before these 100 arrived in the fall of 1653, the population of Montreal was barely 50 people.

By 1685, Ville-Marie was home to some 600 colonists, most of them living in modest wooden houses. Ville-Marie became a centre for the fur trade and a base for further exploration.[58] In 1689, the English-allied Iroquois attacked Lachine on the Island of Montreal, committing the worst massacre in the history of New France.[59] By the early 18th century, the Sulpician Order was established there. To encourage French settlement, it wanted the Mohawk to move away from the fur trading post at Ville-Marie. It had a mission village, known as Kahnewake, south of the St Lawrence River. The fathers persuaded some Mohawk to make a new settlement at their former hunting grounds north of the Ottawa River. This became Kanesatake.[60] In 1745, several Mohawk families moved upriver to create another settlement, known as Akwesasne. All three are now Mohawk reserves in Canada. The Canadian territory was ruled as a French colony until 1760, when Montreal fell to a British offensive during the Seven Years’ War. The colony then surrendered to Great Britain.[61]

Ville-Marie was the name for the settlement that appeared in all official documents until 1705, when Montreal appeared for the first time, although people referred to the «Island of Montreal» long before then.[62]

American occupation (1775–1776)[edit]

As part of the American Revolution, the invasion of Quebec resulted after Benedict Arnold captured Fort Ticonderoga in present-day upstate New York in May 1775 as a launching point to Arnold’s invasion of Quebec in September. While Arnold approached the Plains of Abraham, Montreal fell to American forces led by Richard Montgomery on November 13, 1775, after it was abandoned by Guy Carleton. After Arnold withdrew from Quebec City to Pointe-aux-Trembles on November 19, Montgomery’s forces left Montreal on December 1 and arrived there on December 3 to plot to attack Quebec City, with Montgomery leaving David Wooster in charge of the city. Montgomery was killed in the failed attack and Arnold, who had taken command, sent Brigadier General Moses Hazen to inform Wooster of the defeat.

Wooster left Hazen in command on March 20, 1776, as he left to replace Arnold in leading further attacks on Quebec City. On April 19, Arnold arrived in Montreal to take over command from Hazen, who remained as his second-in-command. Hazen sent Colonel Timothy Bedel to form a garrison of 390 men 40 miles upriver in a garrison at Les Cèdres, Quebec, to defend Montreal against the British army. In the Battle of the Cedars, Bedel’s lieutenant Isaac Butterfield surrendered to George Forster.

Forster advanced to Fort Senneville on May 23. By May 24, Arnold was entrenched in Montreal’s borough of Lachine. Forster initially approached Lachine, then withdrew to Quinze-Chênes. Arnold’s forces then abandoned Lachine to chase Forster. The Americans burned Senneville on May 26. After Arnold crossed the Ottawa River in pursuit of Forster, Forster’s cannons repelled Arnold’s forces. Forster negotiated a prisoner exchange with Henry Sherburne and Isaac Butterfield, resulting in a May 27 boating of their deputy Lieutenant Park being returned to the Americans. Arnold and Forster negotiated further and more American prisoners were returned to Arnold at Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue, Quebec, («Fort Anne») on May 30 (delayed two days by wind).

Arnold eventually withdrew his forces back to the New York fort of Ticonderoga by the summer. On June 15, Arnold’s messenger approaching Sorel spotted Carleton returning with a fleet of ships and notified him. Arnold’s forces abandoned Montreal (attempting to burn it down in the process) prior to the June 17 arrival of Carleton’s fleet.

The Americans did not return British prisoners in exchange, as previously agreed, due to accusations of abuse, with Congress repudiating the agreement at the protest of George Washington. Arnold blamed Colonel Timothy Bedel for the defeat, removing him and Lieutenant Butterfield from command and sending them to Sorel for court-martial. The retreat of the American army delayed their court martial until August 1, 1776, when they were convicted and cashiered at Ticonderoga. Bedel was given a new commission by Congress in October 1777 after Arnold was assigned to defend Rhode Island in July 1777.

Modern history as city (1832–present)[edit]

View of Lachine Canal in 1826, a year after it opened. It bypassed the rapids west of the city, linking Montreal with other continental markets.

Montreal was incorporated as a city in 1832.[63] The opening of the Lachine Canal permitted ships to bypass the unnavigable Lachine Rapids,[64] while the construction of the Victoria Bridge established Montreal as a major railway hub. The leaders of Montreal’s business community had started to build their homes in the Golden Square Mile from about 1850. By 1860, it was the largest municipality in British North America and the undisputed economic and cultural centre of Canada.[65][66]

In the 19th century, maintaining Montreal’s drinking water became increasingly difficult with the rapid increase in population. A majority of the drinking water was still coming from the city’s harbour, which was busy and heavily trafficked, leading to the deterioration of the water within. In the mid-1840s, the City of Montreal installed a water system that would pump water from the St. Lawrence and into cisterns. The cisterns would then be transported to the desired location. This was not the first water system of its type in Montreal, as there had been one in private ownership since 1801. In the middle of the 19th century, water distribution was carried out by «fontainiers». The fountainiers[clarification needed] would open and close water valves outside of buildings, as directed, all over the city. As they lacked modern plumbing systems it was impossible to connect all buildings at once and it also acted as a conservation method. However, the population was not finished rising — it rose from 58,000 in 1852 to 267,000 by 1901.[67][68][69]

Montreal was the capital of the Province of Canada from 1844 to 1849, but lost its status when a Tory mob burnt down the Parliament building to protest the passage of the Rebellion Losses Bill.[70] Thereafter, the capital rotated between Quebec City and Toronto until in 1857, Queen Victoria herself established Ottawa as the capital due to strategic reasons. The reasons were twofold. First, because it was located more in the interior of the Province of Canada, it was less susceptible to attack from the United States. Second, and perhaps more importantly, because it lay on the border between French and English Canada, Ottawa was seen as a compromise between Montreal, Toronto, Kingston and Quebec City, which were all vying to become the young nation’s official capital. Ottawa retained the status as capital of Canada when the Province of Canada joined with Nova Scotia and New Brunswick to form the Dominion of Canada in 1867.[citation needed]

An internment camp was set up at Immigration Hall in Montreal from August 1914 to November 1918.[71]

After World War I, the prohibition movement in the United States led to Montreal becoming a destination for Americans looking for alcohol.[72] Unemployment remained high in the city and was exacerbated by the Stock Market Crash of 1929 and the Great Depression.[73]

An anti-conscription rally in Montreal, 1917. During both World Wars, the city saw protest against the implementation of conscription.

During World War II, Mayor Camillien Houde protested against conscription and urged Montrealers to disobey the federal government’s registry of all men and women.[74] The federal government, part of the Allied forces, was furious over Houde’s stand and held him in a prison camp until 1944.[75] That year, the government decided to institute conscription to expand the armed forces and fight the Axis powers. (See Conscription Crisis of 1944.)[74]

Montreal was the official residence of the Luxembourg royal family in exile during World War II.[76]

By 1951, Montreal’s population had surpassed one million.[77] However, Toronto’s growth had begun challenging Montreal’s status as the economic capital of Canada. Indeed, the volume of stocks traded at the Toronto Stock Exchange had already surpassed that traded at the Montreal Stock Exchange in the 1940s.[78] The Saint Lawrence Seaway opened in 1959, allowing vessels to bypass Montreal. In time, this development led to the end of the city’s economic dominance as businesses moved to other areas.[79] During the 1960s, there was continued growth as Canada’s tallest skyscrapers, new expressways and the subway system known as the Montreal Metro were finished during this time. Montreal also held the World’s Fair of 1967, better known as Expo67.

The 1970s ushered in a period of wide-ranging social and political changes, stemming largely from the concerns of the French-speaking majority about the conservation of their culture and language, given the traditional predominance of the English Canadian minority in the business arena.[80] The October Crisis and the 1976 election of the Parti Québécois, which supported sovereign status for Quebec, resulted in the departure of many businesses and people from the city.[81] In 1976, Montreal hosted the Summer Olympics. While the event brought the city international prestige and attention, the Olympic Stadium built for the event resulted in massive debt for the city.[82] During the 1980s and early 1990s, Montreal experienced a slower rate of economic growth than many other major Canadian cities. Montreal was the site of the 1989 École Polytechnique massacre, one of Canada’s worst mass shootings, where 25-year-old Marc Lépine shot and killed 14 people, all of them women, and wounding 14 other people before shooting himself at École Polytechnique.

Montreal was merged with the 27 surrounding municipalities on the Island of Montreal on January 1, 2002, creating a unified city encompassing the entire island. There was substantial resistance from the suburbs to the merger, with the perception being that it was forced on the mostly English suburbs by the Parti Québécois. As expected, this move proved unpopular and several mergers were later rescinded. Several former municipalities, totalling 13% of the population of the island, voted to leave the unified city in separate referendums in June 2004. The demerger took place on January 1, 2006, leaving 15 municipalities on the island, including Montreal. Demerged municipalities remain affiliated with the city through an agglomeration council that collects taxes from them to pay for numerous shared services.[83] The 2002 mergers were not the first in the city’s history. Montreal annexed 27 other cities, towns and villages beginning with Hochelaga in 1883, with the last prior to 2002 being Pointe-aux-Trembles in 1982.

The 21st century has brought with it a revival of the city’s economic and cultural landscape. The construction of new residential skyscrapers, two super-hospitals (the Centre hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal and McGill University Health Centre), the creation of the Quartier des Spectacles, reconstruction of the Turcot Interchange, reconfiguration of the Decarie and Dorval interchanges, construction of the new Réseau électrique métropolitain, gentrification of Griffintown, subway line extensions and the purchase of new subway cars, the complete revitalization and expansion of Trudeau International Airport, the completion of Quebec Autoroute 30, the reconstruction of the Champlain Bridge and the construction of a new toll bridge to Laval are helping Montreal continue to grow.[citation needed]


Montreal is in the southwest of the province of Quebec. The city covers most of the Island of Montreal at the confluence of the Saint Lawrence and Ottawa Rivers. The port of Montreal lies at one end of the Saint Lawrence Seaway, the river gateway that stretches from the Great Lakes to the Atlantic.[84] Montreal is defined by its location between the Saint Lawrence river to its south and the Rivière des Prairies to its north. The city is named after the most prominent geographical feature on the island, a three-head hill called Mount Royal, topped at 232 m (761 ft) above sea level.[85]

Montreal is at the centre of the Montreal Metropolitan Community, and is bordered by the city of Laval to the north; Longueuil, Saint-Lambert, Brossard, and other municipalities to the south; Repentigny to the east and the West Island municipalities to the west. The anglophone enclaves of Westmount, Montreal West, Hampstead, Côte Saint-Luc, the Town of Mount Royal and the francophone enclave Montreal East are all surrounded by Montreal.[86]


Montreal is classified as a warm-summer humid continental climate (Köppen climate classification: Dfb).[87][88]
Summers are warm to hot and humid with a daily maximum average of 26 to 27 °C (79 to 81 °F) in July; temperatures in excess of 30 °C (86 °F) are common. Conversely, cold fronts can bring crisp, drier and windy weather in the early and later parts of summer.

Winters in Montreal bring cold, snowy, windy, and at times, icy weather.

Winter brings cold, snowy, windy, and, at times, icy weather, with a daily average ranging from −10.5 to −9 °C (13.1 to 15.8 °F) in January. However, some winter days rise above freezing, allowing for rain on an average of 4 days in January and February each. Usually, snow covering some or all bare ground lasts on average from the first or second week of December until the last week of March.[89] While the air temperature does not fall below −30 °C (−22 °F) every year,[90] the wind chill often makes the temperature feel this low to exposed skin.

Spring and fall are pleasantly mild but prone to drastic temperature changes; spring even more so than fall.[91] Late season heat waves as well as «Indian summers» are possible. Early and late season snow storms can occur in November and March, and more rarely in April. Montreal is generally snow free from late April to late October. However, snow can fall in early to mid-October as well as early to mid-May on rare occasions.

The lowest temperature in Environment Canada’s books was −37.8 °C (−36 °F) on January 15, 1957, and the highest temperature was 37.6 °C (99.7 °F) on August 1, 1975, both at Dorval International Airport.[92]

Before modern weather record keeping (which dates back to 1871 for McGill),[93] a minimum temperature almost 5 degrees lower was recorded at 7 a.m. on January 10, 1859, where it registered at −42 °C (−44 °F).[94]

Annual precipitation is around 1,000 mm (39 in), including an average of about 210 cm (83 in) of snowfall, which occurs from November through March. Thunderstorms are common in the period beginning in late spring through summer to early fall; additionally, tropical storms or their remnants can cause heavy rains and gales. Montreal averages 2,050 hours of sunshine annually, with summer being the sunniest season, though slightly wetter than the others in terms of total precipitation—mostly from thunderstorms.[95]

Climate data for Montreal (Montréal–Trudeau International Airport)
WMO ID: 71627; coordinates 45°28′N 73°45′W / 45.467°N 73.750°W; elevation: 36 m (118 ft); 1981-2010 normals, extremes 1941−present
Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year
Record high humidex 13.5 14.7 28.0 33.8 40.9 45.0 45.8 46.8 42.8 33.5 26.2 18.1 46.8
Record high °C (°F) 13.9
Average high °C (°F) −5.3
Daily mean °C (°F) −9.7
Average low °C (°F) −14.0
Record low °C (°F) −37.8
Record low wind chill −49.1 −46.0 −42.9 −26.3 −9.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 −4.8 −10.9 −30.7 −46.0 −49.1
Average precipitation mm (inches) 77.2
Average rainfall mm (inches) 27.3
Average snowfall cm (inches) 49.5
Average precipitation days (≥ 0.2 mm) 16.7 13.7 13.6 12.9 13.6 13.3 12.3 11.6 11.1 13.3 14.8 16.3 163.3
Average rainy days (≥ 0.2 mm) 4.2 4.0 6.9 11.6 13.6 13.3 12.3 11.6 11.1 13.0 11.7 5.9 119.1
Average snowy days (≥ 0.2 cm) 15.3 12.1 9.1 3.2 0.07 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.72 5.4 13.0 58.9
Average relative humidity (%) (at 1500) 68.1 63.4 58.3 51.9 51.4 55.3 56.1 56.8 59.7 62.0 68.0 71.4 60.2
Mean monthly sunshine hours 101.2 127.8 164.3 178.3 228.9 240.3 271.5 246.3 182.2 143.5 83.6 83.6 2,051.3
Percent possible sunshine 35.7 43.7 44.6 44.0 49.6 51.3 57.3 56.3 48.3 42.2 29.2 30.7 44.4
Average ultraviolet index 1 2 3 5 6 7 7 7 5 3 1 1 4
Source: Environment and Climate Change Canada[96][97][98][99][100] and Weather Atlas[101]


Many colonial era buildings can be found in Old Montreal with several dating as far back as the late 17th century.

For over a century and a half, Montreal was the industrial and financial centre of Canada.[102] This legacy has left a variety of buildings including factories, elevators, warehouses, mills, and refineries, that today provide an invaluable insight into the city’s history, especially in the downtown area and the Old Port area. There are 50 National Historic Sites of Canada, more than any other city.[103]

Some of the city’s earliest still-standing buildings date back to the late 17th and early 18th centuries. Although most are clustered around the Old Montreal area, such as the Sulpician Seminary adjacent to Notre Dame Basilica that dates back to 1687, and Château Ramezay, which was built in 1705, examples of early colonial architecture are dotted throughout the city. Situated in Lachine, the Le Ber-Le Moyne House is the oldest complete building in the city, built between 1669 and 1671. In Point St. Charles visitors can see the Maison Saint-Gabriel, which can trace its history back to 1698.[104] There are many historic buildings in Old Montreal in their original form: Notre Dame of Montreal Basilica, Bonsecours Market, and the 19th‑century headquarters of all major Canadian banks on St. James Street (French: Rue Saint Jacques). Montreal’s earliest buildings are characterized by their uniquely French influence and grey stone construction.[105]

Saint Joseph’s Oratory, completed in 1967, Ernest Cormier’s Art Deco Université de Montréal main building, the landmark Place Ville Marie office tower, the controversial Olympic Stadium and surrounding structures, are but a few notable examples of the city’s 20th-century architecture. Pavilions designed for the 1967 International and Universal Exposition, popularly known as Expo 67, featured a wide range of architectural designs. Though most pavilions were temporary structures, several have become landmarks, including Buckminster Fuller’s geodesic dome U.S. Pavilion, now the Montreal Biosphere, and Moshe Safdie’s striking Habitat 67 apartment complex.[citation needed]

The Montreal Metro has public artwork by some of the biggest names in Quebec culture.[106]

In 2006 Montreal was named a UNESCO City of Design, one of only three design capitals of the world (the others being Berlin and Buenos Aires).[28] This distinguished title recognizes Montreal’s design community. Since 2005 the city has been home for the International Council of Graphic Design Associations (Icograda);[107] the International Design Alliance (IDA).[108]

The Underground City (officially RESO) is an important tourist attraction. It is the set of interconnected shopping complexes (both above and below ground). This impressive network connects pedestrian thoroughfares to universities, as well as hotels, restaurants, bistros, subway stations and more, in and around downtown with 32 km (20 mi) of tunnels over 12 km2 (4.6 sq mi) of the most densely populated part of Montreal.[citation needed]


Map of boroughs & neighbourhoods on the island of Montreal.

The city is composed of 19 large boroughs, subdivided into neighbourhoods.[109]
The boroughs are:
Côte-des-Neiges–Notre-Dame-de-Grace, The Plateau Mount Royal, Outremont and Ville Marie in the centre; Mercier–Hochelaga-Maisonneuve, Rosemont–La Petite-Patrie and Villeray–Saint-Michel–Parc-Extension in the east; Anjou, Montréal-Nord, Rivière-des-Prairies–Pointe-aux-Trembles and Saint-Leonard in the northeast; Ahuntsic-Cartierville, L’Île-Bizard–Sainte-Geneviève, Pierrefonds-Roxboro and Saint-Laurent in the northwest; and Lachine, LaSalle, The South West and Verdun in the south.[citation needed]

Many of these boroughs were independent cities that were forced to be merged with Montreal in January 2002 following the 2002 municipal reorganization of Montreal.

The borough with the most neighbourhoods is Ville Marie, which includes downtown, the historical district of Old Montreal, Chinatown, the Gay Village, the Latin Quarter, the gentrified Quartier international and Cité Multimédia as well as the Quartier des Spectacles which is under development. Other neighbourhoods of interest in the borough include the affluent Golden Square Mile neighbourhood at the foot of Mount Royal and the Shaughnessy Village/Concordia U area home to thousands of students at Concordia University. The borough also comprises most of Mount Royal Park, Saint Helen’s Island, and Notre-Dame Island.[citation needed]

The Plateau Mount Royal borough was a working class francophone area. The largest neighbourhood is the Plateau (not to be confused with the whole borough), which is undergoing considerable gentrification,[110] and a 2001 study deemed it as Canada’s most creative neighbourhood because artists comprise 8% of its labour force.[111] The neighbourhood of Mile End in the northwestern part of the borough has been a very multicultural area of the city, and features two of Montreal’s well-known bagel establishments, St-Viateur Bagel and Fairmount Bagel. The McGill Ghetto is in the extreme southwestern portion of the borough, its name being derived from the fact that it is home to thousands of McGill University students and faculty members.[citation needed]

The South West borough was home to much of the city’s industry during the late 19th and early-to-mid 20th century. The borough included Goose Village and was historically home to the traditionally working-class Irish neighbourhoods of Griffintown and Point Saint Charles as well as the low-income neighbourhoods of Saint Henri and Little Burgundy.[citation needed]

Other notable neighbourhoods include the multicultural areas of Notre-Dame-de-Grâce and Côte-des-Neiges in the Côte-des-Neiges–Notre-Dame-de-Grace borough, and Little Italy in the borough of Rosemont–La Petite-Patrie and Hochelaga-Maisonneuve, home of the Olympic Stadium in the borough of Mercier–Hochelaga-Maisonneuve.[citation needed]

Old Montreal[edit]

Old Montreal is a historic area southeast of downtown containing many attractions such as the Old Port of Montreal, Place Jacques-Cartier, Montreal City Hall, the Bonsecours Market, Place d’Armes, Pointe-à-Callière Museum, the Notre-Dame de Montréal Basilica, and the Montreal Science Centre.[citation needed]

Architecture and cobbled streets in Old Montreal have been maintained or restored. Old Montreal is accessible from the downtown core via the underground city and is served by several STM bus routes and Metro stations, ferries to the South Shore and a network of bicycle paths.[citation needed]

The riverside area adjacent to Old Montreal is known as the Old Port. The Old Port was the site of the Port of Montreal, but its shipping operations have been moved to a larger site downstream, leaving the former location as a recreational and historical area maintained by Parks Canada. The new Port of Montreal is Canada’s largest container port and the largest inland port on Earth.[112]

Mount Royal[edit]

The mountain is the site of Mount Royal Park, one of Montreal’s largest greenspaces. The park, most of which is wooded, was designed by Frederick Law Olmsted, who also designed New York’s Central Park, and was inaugurated in 1876.[113]

The park contains two belvederes, the more prominent of which is the Kondiaronk Belvedere, a semicircular plaza with a chalet overlooking Downtown Montreal. Other features of the park are Beaver Lake, a small man-made lake, a short ski slope, a sculpture garden, Smith House, an interpretive centre, and a well-known monument to Sir George-Étienne Cartier. The park hosts athletic, tourist and cultural activities.

The mountain is home to two major cemeteries, Notre-Dame-des-Neiges (founded in 1854) and Mount Royal (1852). Mount Royal Cemetery is a 165 acres (67 ha) terraced cemetery on the north slope of Mount Royal in the borough of Outremont. Notre Dame des Neiges Cemetery is much larger, predominantly French-Canadian and officially Catholic.[114] More than 900,000 people are buried there.[115]

Mount Royal Cemetery contains more than 162,000 graves and is the final resting place for a number of notable Canadians. It includes a veterans section with several soldiers who were awarded the British Empire’s highest military honour, the Victoria Cross. In 1901, the Mount Royal Cemetery Company established the first crematorium in Canada.[116]

The first cross on the mountain was placed there in 1643 by Paul Chomedey de Maisonneuve, the founder of the city, in fulfilment of a vow he made to the Virgin Mary when praying to her to stop a disastrous flood.[113] Today, the mountain is crowned by a 31.4 m-high (103 ft) illuminated cross, installed in 1924 by the John the Baptist Society and now owned by the city.[113] It was converted to fibre optic light in 1992.[113] The new system can turn the lights red, blue, or purple, the last of which is used as a sign of mourning between the death of the Pope and the election of the next.[117]


This section needs to be updated. Please help update this article to reflect recent events or newly available information. (January 2023)

Population history of Montreal

Year Pop. ±%
1831 27,297 —    
1841 40,356 +47.8%
1851 57,715 +43.0%
1861 90,323 +56.5%
1871 130,022 +44.0%
1881 176,263 +35.6%
1891 254,278 +44.3%
1901 325,653 +28.1%
1911 490,504 +50.6%
1921 618,506 +26.1%
1931 818,577 +32.3%
1941 903,007 +10.3%
1951 1,021,520 +13.1%
1961 1,201,559 +17.6%
1971 1,214,352 +1.1%
1976 1,080,545 −11.0%
1981 1,018,609 −5.7%
1986 1,015,420 −0.3%
1991 1,017,666 +0.2%
1996 1,016,376 −0.1%
2001 1,039,534 +2.3%
2006 1,620,693 +55.9%
2011 1,649,519 +1.8%
2016 1,704,694 +3.3%
2021 1,762,949 +3.4%
Note: Many boroughs were independent cities that were forced to be merged with Montreal in January 2002 following the 2002 municipal reorganization of Montreal.
Source: [118]

In the 2021 Census of Population conducted by Statistics Canada, Montréal had a population of 1,762,949 living in 816,338 of its 878,542 total private dwellings, a change of 3.4% from its 2016 population of 1,704,694. With a land area of 364.74 km2 (140.83 sq mi), it had a population density of 4,833.4/km2 (12,518.6/sq mi) in 2021.[119]

According to Statistics Canada, at the 2016 Canadian census the city had 1,704,694 inhabitants.[120] A total of 4,098,927 lived in the Montreal Census Metropolitan Area (CMA) at the same 2016 census, up from 3,934,078 at the 2011 census (within 2011 CMA boundaries), which is a population growth of 4.19% from 2011 to 2016.[121] In 2015, the Greater Montreal population was estimated at 4,060,700.[122][123] According to StatsCan, by 2030, the Greater Montreal Area is expected to number 5,275,000 with 1,722,000 being visible minorities.[124]
In the 2016 census, children under 14 years of age (691,345) constituted 16.9%, while inhabitants over 65 years of age (671,690) numbered 16.4% of the total population of the CMA.[121]


People of European ethnicities formed the largest cluster of ethnic groups. The largest reported European ethnicities in the 2006 census were French 23%, Italians 10%, Irish 5%, English 4%, Scottish 3%, and Spanish 2%.[125]

The panethnic breakdown of the city of Montreal as per the 2021 census was European[a] (1,038,940 persons or 60.3%), African (198,610 persons or 11.5%), Middle Eastern[b] (159,435 persons or 9.3%), South Asian (79,670 persons or 4.6%), Latin American (78,150 persons or 4.5%), Southeast Asian[c] (65,260 persons or 3.8%), East Asian[d] (64,825 persons or 3.8%), Indigenous (15,315 persons or 0.9%), and Other/Multiracial[e] (23,010 persons or 1.3%).[126]

Visible minorities comprised 38.8% of the city of Montreal population in the 2021 census.[126] The five most numerous visible minorities are Black Canadians (11.5%), Arab Canadians (8.2%), South Asian Canadians (4.6%), Latin Americans (4.5%), and Chinese Canadians (3.3%).[126] Furthermore some 27.2% of the population Greater Montreal are members of a visible minority group as of 2021,[127] up from 5.2% in 1981.[128] Visible minorities are defined by the Canadian Employment Equity Act as «persons, other than Aboriginals, who are non-white in colour».[129]


In terms of mother language (first language learned), the 2006 census reported that in the Greater Montreal Area, 66.5% spoke French as a first language, followed by English at 13.2%, while 0.8% spoke both as a first language.[130] The remaining 22.5% of Montreal-area residents are allophones, speaking languages including Italian (3.5%), Arabic (3.1%), Spanish (2.6%), Creole (1.3%), Chinese (1.2%), Greek (1.2%), Portuguese (0.8%), Berber language (0.8%), Romanian (0.7%), Vietnamese (0.7%), and Russian (0.7%).[130] In terms of additional languages spoken, a unique feature of Montreal among Canadian cities, noted by Statistics Canada, is the working knowledge of both French and English possessed by most of its residents.[131]


The 2021 census reported that immigrants (individuals born outside Canada) comprise 576,125 persons or 33.4% of the total population of Montreal. Of the total immigrant population, the top countries of origin were Haiti (47,550 persons or 8.3%), Algeria (43,840 persons or 7.6%), France (39,275 persons or 6.8%), Morocco (33,005 persons or 5.7%), Italy (30,215 persons or 5.2%), China (26,335 persons or 4.6%), Philippines (20,475 persons or 3.6%), Lebanon (17,455 persons or 3.0%), Vietnam (16,395 persons or 2.8%), and India (13,575 persons or 2.4%).[132]


The Greater Montreal Area is predominantly Catholic; however, weekly attendance in Quebec was among the lowest in Canada in 1998.[134] Historically Montreal has been a centre of Catholicism in North America with its numerous seminaries and churches, including the Notre-Dame Basilica, the Cathédrale Marie-Reine-du-Monde, and Saint Joseph’s Oratory.

Some 49.5% of the total population is Christian,[133] largely Roman Catholic (35.0%), primarily because of descendants of original French settlers, and others of Italian and Irish origins. Protestants which include Anglican Church in Canada, United Church of Canada, Lutheran, owing to British and German immigration, and other denominations number 11.3%, with a further 3.2% consisting mostly of Orthodox Christians, fuelled by a large Greek population. There is also a number of Russian and Ukrainian Orthodox parishes.

Islam is the largest non-Christian religious group, with 218,395 members, the second-largest concentration of Muslims in Canada at 12.7%. The Jewish community in Montreal has a population of 35,930.[136] In cities such as Côte Saint-Luc and Hampstead, Jewish people constitute the majority, or a substantial part of the population. As recently as 1971 the Jewish community in Greater Montreal was as high as 109,480.[137] Political and economic uncertainties led many to leave Montreal and the province of Quebec.[138]


Montreal has the second-largest economy of Canadian cities based on GDP[139] and the largest in Quebec. In 2019, Metropolitan Montreal was responsible for CA$234.0 billion of Quebec’s CA$425.3 billion GDP.[140] The city is today an important centre of commerce, finance, industry, technology, culture, world affairs and is the headquarters of the Montreal Exchange. In recent decades, the city was widely seen as weaker than that of Toronto and other major Canadian cities, but it has recently experienced a revival.[141]

Industries include aerospace, electronic goods, pharmaceuticals, printed goods, software engineering, telecommunications, textile and apparel manufacturing, tobacco, petrochemicals, and transportation. The service sector is also strong and includes civil, mechanical and process engineering, finance, higher education, and research and development. In 2002, Montreal was the fourth-largest centre in North America in terms of aerospace jobs.[142]
The Port of Montreal is one of the largest inland ports in the world handling 26 million tonnes of cargo annually.[143] As one of the most important ports in Canada, it remains a transshipment point for grain, sugar, petroleum products, machinery, and consumer goods. For this reason, Montreal is the railway hub of Canada and has always been an extremely important rail city; it is home to the headquarters of the Canadian National Railway,[144] and was home to the headquarters of the Canadian Pacific Railway until 1995.[145]

The headquarters of the Canadian Space Agency is in Longueuil, southeast of Montreal.[146] Montreal also hosts the headquarters of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO, a United Nations body);[147] the World Anti-Doping Agency (an Olympic body);[148] the Airports Council International (the association of the world’s airports – ACI World);[149] the International Air Transport Association (IATA),[150] IATA Operational Safety Audit and the International Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce (IGLCC),[151] as well as some other international organizations in various fields.

Montreal is a centre of film and television production. The headquarters of Alliance Films and five studios of the Academy Award-winning documentary producer National Film Board of Canada are in the city, as well as the head offices of Telefilm Canada, the national feature-length film and television funding agency and Télévision de Radio-Canada. Given its eclectic architecture and broad availability of film services and crew members, Montreal is a popular filming location for feature-length films, and sometimes stands in for European locations.[152][153] The city is also home to many recognized cultural, film and music festivals (Just For Laughs, Just For Laughs Gags, Montreal International Jazz Festival, and others), which contribute significantly to its economy. It is also home to one of the world’s largest cultural enterprises, the Cirque du Soleil.[154]

Montreal is also a global hub for artificial intelligence research with many companies involved in this sector, such as Facebook AI Research (FAIR), Microsoft Research, Google Brain, DeepMind, Samsung Research and Thales Group (cortAIx).[155][156] The city is also home to Mila (research institute), an artificial intelligence research institute with over 500 researchers specializing in the field of deep learning, the largest of its kind in the world.[157]

The video game industry has been booming in Montreal since November 2, 1995, coinciding with the opening of Ubisoft Montreal.[158] Recently, the city has attracted world leading game developers and publishers studios such as EA, Eidos Interactive, BioWare, Artificial Mind and Movement, Strategy First, THQ, Gameloft mainly because of the quality of local specialized labour, and tax credits offered to the corporations. Recently, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment, a division of Warner Bros., announced that it would open a video game studio.[159] Relatively new to the video game industry, it will be Warner Bros. first studio opened, not purchased, and will develop games for such Warner Bros. franchises as Batman and other games from their DC Comics portfolio. The studio will create 300 jobs.

Montreal plays an important role in the finance industry. The sector employs approximately 100,000 people in the Greater Montreal Area.[160] As of March 2018, Montreal is ranked in the 12th position in the Global Financial Centres Index, a ranking of the competitiveness of financial centres around the world.[161] The city is home to the Montreal Exchange, the oldest stock exchange in Canada and the only financial derivatives exchange in the country.[162] The corporate headquarters of the Bank of Montreal and Royal Bank of Canada, two of the biggest banks in Canada, were in Montreal. While both banks moved their headquarters to Toronto, Ontario, their legal corporate offices remain in Montreal. The city is home to head offices of two smaller banks, National Bank of Canada and Laurentian Bank of Canada. The Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec, an institutional investor managing assets totalling $248 billion CAD, has its main business office in Montreal.[163] Many foreign subsidiaries operating in the financial sector also have offices in Montreal, including HSBC, Aon, Société Générale, BNP Paribas and AXA.[162][164]

Several companies are headquartered in Greater Montreal Area including Rio Tinto Alcan,[165] Bombardier Inc.,[166] Canadian National Railway,[167] CGI Group,[168] Air Canada,[169] Air Transat,[170] CAE,[171] Saputo,[172] Cirque du Soleil, Stingray Group, Quebecor,[173] Ultramar, Kruger Inc., Jean Coutu Group,[174] Uniprix,[175] Proxim,[176] Domtar, Le Château,[177] Power Corporation, Cellcom Communications,[178] Bell Canada.[179] Standard Life,[180] Hydro-Québec, AbitibiBowater, Pratt and Whitney Canada, Molson,[181] Tembec, Canada Steamship Lines, Fednav, Alimentation Couche-Tard, SNC-Lavalin,[182] MEGA Brands,[183] Aeroplan,[184] Agropur,[185] Metro Inc.,[186] Laurentian Bank of Canada,[187] National Bank of Canada,[188] Transat A.T.,[189] Via Rail,[190] GardaWorld, Novacam Technologies, SOLABS,[191] Dollarama,[192] Rona[193] and the Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec.

The Montreal Oil Refining Centre is the largest refining centre in Canada, with companies like Petro-Canada, Ultramar, Gulf Oil, Petromont, Ashland Canada, Parachem Petrochemical, Coastal Petrochemical, Interquisa (Cepsa) Petrochemical, Nova Chemicals, and more. Shell decided to close the refining centre in 2010, throwing hundreds out of work and causing an increased dependence on foreign refineries for eastern Canada.


Montreal was referred to as «Canada’s Cultural Capital» by Monocle magazine.[29] The city is Canada’s centre for French-language television productions, radio, theatre, film, multimedia, and print publishing. Montreal’s many cultural communities have given it a distinct local culture. Montreal was designated as the World Book Capital for the year 2005 by UNESCO.[194]

Being at the confluence of the French and the English traditions, Montreal has developed a unique and distinguished cultural face. The city has produced much talent in the fields of visual arts, theatre, dance, and music, with a tradition of producing both jazz and rock music. Another distinctive characteristic of cultural life is the vibrancy of its downtown, particularly during summer, prompted by cultural and social events, including its more than 100 annual festivals, the largest being the Montreal International Jazz Festival which is the largest jazz festival in the world. Other popular events include the Just for Laughs (largest comedy festival in the world), Montreal World Film Festival, Les FrancoFolies de Montréal, Nuits d’Afrique [fr], Pop Montreal, Divers/Cité, Fierté Montréal and the Montreal Fireworks Festival, Igloofest, Piknic Electronik, Montréal en Lumiere, Osheaga, Heavy Montreal, Mode + Design, Montréal complètement cirque, MUTEK, Black and Blue, and many smaller festivals. The city of Montreal is also widely recognized for its diverse and vibrant night life, which is considered a vital part of the local cultural ecosystem.

A cultural heart of classical art and the venue for many summer festivals, the Place des Arts is a complex of different concert and theatre halls surrounding a large square in the eastern portion of downtown. Place des Arts has the headquarters of one of the world’s foremost orchestras, the Montreal Symphony Orchestra. The Orchestre Métropolitain du Grand Montréal and the chamber orchestra I Musici de Montréal are two other well-regarded Montreal orchestras. Also performing at Place des Arts are the Opéra de Montréal and the city’s chief ballet company Les Grands Ballets Canadiens. Internationally recognized avant-garde dance troupes such as Compagnie Marie Chouinard [fr], La La La Human Steps, O Vertigo [fr], and the Fondation Jean-Pierre Perreault [fr] have toured the world and worked with international popular artists on videos and concerts. The unique choreography of these troupes has paved the way for the success of the world-renowned Cirque du Soleil.

Nicknamed la ville aux cent clochers (the city of a hundred steeples), Montreal is renowned for its churches. There are an estimated 650 churches on the island, with 450 of them dating back to the 1800s or earlier.[195] Mark Twain noted, «This is the first time I was ever in a city where you couldn’t throw a brick without breaking a church window.»[196] The city has four Roman Catholic basilicas: Mary, Queen of the World Cathedral, Notre-Dame Basilica, St Patrick’s Basilica, and Saint Joseph’s Oratory. The Oratory is the largest church in Canada, with the second largest copper dome in the world, after Saint Peter’s Basilica in Rome.[197]

Beginning in the 1940s, Quebec literature began to shift from pastoral tales romanticising the French-Canadian country-side to writing set in the multicultural city of Montreal. Notable pioneering works describing the character of the city include Gabrielle Roy’s 1945 novel Bonheur D’Occasion, translated as The Tin Flute, and Gwethalyn Graham’s 1944 novel Earth and High Heaven. Subsequent writers of fiction who have set their work in Montreal have included Mordecai Richler, Claude Jasmin, Francine Noel, and Heather O’Neill, among many others.


The most popular sport is ice hockey. The professional hockey team, the Montreal Canadiens, is one of the Original Six teams of the National Hockey League (NHL), and has won an NHL-record 24 Stanley Cup championships. The Canadiens’ most recent Stanley Cup victory came in 1993. They have major rivalries with the Toronto Maple Leafs and Boston Bruins, both of which are also Original Six teams, and with the Ottawa Senators, the closest team geographically. The Canadiens have played at the Bell Centre since 1996. Prior to that they played at the Montreal Forum.

The Montreal Alouettes of the Canadian Football League (CFL) play at Molson Stadium on the campus of McGill University for their regular-season games. Late season and playoff games are played at the much larger, enclosed Olympic Stadium, which also hosted the 2008 Grey Cup. The Alouettes have won the Grey Cup seven times, most recently in 2010. The Alouettes has had two periods on hiatus. During the second one, the Montreal Machine played in the World League of American Football in 1991 and 1992. The McGill Redbirds, Concordia Stingers, and Université de Montréal Carabins play in the U Sports football league.

Montreal has a storied baseball history. The city was the home of the minor-league Montreal Royals of the International League until 1960. In 1946, Jackie Robinson broke the Baseball colour line with the Royals in an emotionally difficult year; Robinson was forever grateful for the local fans’ fervent support.[198] Major League Baseball came to town in the form of the Montreal Expos in 1969. They played their games at Jarry Park Stadium until moving into Olympic Stadium in 1977. After 36 years in Montreal, the team relocated to Washington, D.C., in 2005 and re-branded themselves as the Washington Nationals.[199]

CF Montréal (formerly known as the Montreal Impact) are the city’s professional soccer team. They play at a soccer-specific stadium called Saputo Stadium. They joined North America’s biggest soccer league, Major League Soccer, in 2012. The Montreal games of the 2007 FIFA U-20 World Cup[200] and 2014 FIFA U-20 Women’s World Cup[201] were held at Olympic Stadium, and the venue hosted Montreal games in the 2015 FIFA Women’s World Cup.[202]

Montreal is the site of a high-profile auto racing event each year: the Canadian Grand Prix of Formula One (F1) racing. This race takes place on the Circuit Gilles Villeneuve on Île Notre-Dame. In 2009, the race was dropped from the Formula One calendar, to the chagrin of some fans,[203] but the Canadian Grand Prix returned to the Formula One calendar in 2010. It was dropped from the calendar again since 2020, due to COVID-19 pandemic. The Circuit Gilles Villeneuve also hosted a round of the Champ Car World Series from 2002 to 2007, and was home to the NAPA Auto Parts 200, a NASCAR Nationwide Series race, and the Montréal 200, a Grand Am Rolex Sports Car Series race.

Uniprix Stadium, built in 1993 on the site of Jarry Park, is used for the Rogers Cup men’s and women’s tennis tournaments. The men’s tournament is a Masters 1000 event on the ATP Tour, and the women’s tournament is a Premier tournament on the WTA Tour. The men’s and women’s tournaments alternate between Montreal and Toronto every year.[204]

Montreal was the host of the 1976 Summer Olympic Games. The stadium cost $1.5 billion;[205] with interest that figure ballooned to nearly $3 billion, and was paid off in December 2006.[206] Montreal also hosted the first ever World Outgames in the summer of 2006, attracting over 16,000 participants engaged in 35 sporting activities.

Montreal was the host city for the 17th unicycling world championship and convention (UNICON) in August 2014.

Active professional sports teams in Montreal

Club League Sport Venue Established Championships
Montreal Canadiens NHL Ice hockey Bell Centre 1909 24
Montreal Alouettes CFL Canadian football Percival Molson Memorial Stadium
Olympic Stadium
1946 7
CF Montréal MLS Soccer Saputo Stadium 2012 0


Montreal is Canada’s second-largest media market, and the centre of francophone Canada’s media industry.

There are four over-the-air English-language television stations: CBMT-DT (CBC Television), CFCF-DT (CTV), CKMI-DT (Global) and CJNT-DT (Citytv). There are also five over-the-air French-language television stations: CBFT-DT (Ici Radio-Canada), CFTM-DT (TVA), CFJP-DT (Noovo), CIVM-DT (Télé-Québec), and CFTU-DT (Canal Savoir).

Montreal has three daily newspapers, the English-language Montreal Gazette and the French-language Le Journal de Montréal, and Le Devoir; another French-language daily, La Presse, became an online daily in 2018. There are two free French dailies, Métro and 24 Heures. Montreal has numerous weekly tabloids and community newspapers serving various neighbourhoods, ethnic groups and schools.


The head of the city government in Montreal is the mayor, who is first among equals in the city council.

The city council is a democratically elected institution and is the final decision-making authority in the city, although much power is centralized in the executive committee. The council consists of 65 members from all boroughs.[207] The council has jurisdiction over many matters, including public security, agreements with other governments, subsidy programs, the environment, urban planning, and a three-year capital expenditure program. The council is required to supervise, standardize or approve certain decisions made by the borough councils.[citation needed]

Reporting directly to the council, the executive committee exercises decision-making powers similar to those of the cabinet in a parliamentary system and is responsible for preparing various documents including budgets and by-laws, submitted to the council for approval. The decision-making powers of the executive committee cover, in particular, the awarding of contracts or grants, the management of human and financial resources, supplies and buildings. It may also be assigned further powers by the city council.[citation needed]

Standing committees are the prime instruments for public consultation. They are responsible for the public study of pending matters and for making the appropriate recommendations to the council. They also review the annual budget forecasts for departments under their jurisdiction. A public notice of meeting is published in both French and English daily newspapers at least seven days before each meeting. All meetings include a public question period. The standing committees, of which there are seven, have terms lasting two years. In addition, the City Council may decide to create special committees at any time. Each standing committee is made up of seven to nine members, including a chairman and a vice-chairman. The members are all elected municipal officers, with the exception of a representative of the government of Quebec on the public security committee.[citation needed]

The city is only one component of the larger Montreal Metropolitan Community (Communauté Métropolitaine de Montréal, CMM), which is in charge of planning, coordinating, and financing economic development, public transportation, garbage collection and waste management, etc., across the metropolitan area. The president of the CMM is the mayor of Montreal. The CMM covers 4,360 km2 (1,680 sq mi), with 3.6 million inhabitants in 2006.[208]

Montreal is the seat of the judicial district of Montreal, which includes the city and the other communities on the island.[209]

Montréal federal election results[210]

Year Liberal Conservative Bloc Québécois New Democratic Green
2021 48% 348,308 9% 64,857 19% 133,718 18% 132,395 2% 14,565
2019 48% 377,036 8% 63,376 20% 156,398 16% 129,517 6% 45,845
Montréal provincial election results[211]

Year CAQ Liberal QC solidaire Parti Québécois
2018 18% 119,806 38% 254,069 25% 164,153 13% 89,353
2014 11% 81,844 54% 414,477 14% 106,335 19% 149,792


Law enforcement on the island itself is provided by the Service de Police de la Ville de Montréal, or the SPVM for short.


The overall crime rate in Montreal has declined, with a few notable exceptions, with murders at the lowest rate since 1972 (23 murders in 2016).[212] Sex crimes have increased 14.5 per cent between 2015 and 2016 and fraud cases have increased by 13 per cent over the same period.[212] The major criminal organizations active in Montreal are the Rizzuto crime family, Hells Angels and West End Gang.


The education system in Quebec is different from other systems in North America. Between high school (which ends at grade 11) and university students must go through an additional school called CEGEP. CEGEPs offer pre-university (2-years) and technical (3-years) programs. In Montreal, seventeen CEGEPs offer courses in French and five in English.

French-language elementary and secondary public schools in Montreal are operated by the Centre de services scolaire de Montréal (CSDM),[213] Centre de services scolaire Marguerite-Bourgeoys[214] and the Centre de services scolaire de la Pointe-de-l’Île.[215]

English-language elementary and secondary public schools on Montreal Island are operated by the English Montreal School Board and the Lester B. Pearson School Board.[216][217]

With four universities, ten other degree-awarding institutions, and 12 CEGEPs in an 8 km (5.0 mi) radius, Montreal has the highest concentration of post-secondary students of all major cities in North America (4.38 students per 100 residents, followed by Boston at 4.37 students per 100 residents).[218]

Higher education (English)[edit]

Established in 1821, McGill University is the oldest operating university in Montreal.

  • McGill University is one of Canada’s leading post-secondary institutions and is widely regarded as a world-class institution. In 2021, McGill was ranked as the top medical-doctoral university in Canada for the seventeenth consecutive year by Maclean’s[219] and second in Canada and the 27th best university in the world by the QS World University Rankings.[220]
  • Concordia University was created from the merger of Sir George Williams University and Loyola College in 1974.[221] The university has been ranked as one of the top comprehensive universities in Canada by Macleans.[222]

Higher education (French)[edit]

  • Université de Montréal (UdeM) is the second largest research university in Canada and ranked as one of the top universities in Canada. Two separate institutions are affiliated to the university: the École Polytechnique de Montréal (School of Engineering) and HEC Montréal (School of Business). HEC Montreal was founded in 1907 and is considered one of the best business schools in Canada.[223]
  • Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM) is the Montreal campus of Université du Québec. UQAM generally specializes in liberal-arts, although many programs related to the sciences are available.
    • The Université du Québec network also has three separately run schools in Montréal, notably the École de technologie supérieure (ETS), the École nationale d’administration publique (ÉNAP) and the Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS).
  • L’Institut de formation théologique de Montréal des Prêtres de Saint-Sulpice (IFTM) specializes in theology and philosophy.
  • Institut d’hôtellerie et de tourisme du Québec (IHTQ) offers an Applied Bachelor in Hospitality and Hotel Management.
  • Conservatoire de musique du Québec à Montréal offers both a Bachelor and a Master program in classical music.

Additionally, two French-language universities, Université de Sherbrooke and Université Laval have campuses in the nearby suburb of Longueuil on Montreal’s south shore. Also, l’Institut de pastorale des Dominicains is Montreal’s university centre of Ottawa’s Collège Universitaire Dominicain/Dominican University College. The Faculté de théologie évangélique is Nova Scotia’s Acadia University Montreal based serving French Protestant community in Canada by offering both a Bachelor and a Master program in theology


Like many major cities, Montreal has a problem with vehicular traffic congestion. Commuting traffic from the cities and towns in the West Island (such as Dollard-des-Ormeaux and Pointe-Claire) is compounded by commuters entering the city that use twenty-four road crossings from numerous off-island suburbs on the North and South Shores. The width of the Saint Lawrence River has made the construction of fixed links to the south shore expensive and difficult. There are presently four road bridges (including two of the country’s busiest) along with one bridge-tunnel, two railway bridges, and a Metro line. The far narrower Rivière des Prairies to the city’s north, separating Montreal from Laval, is spanned by nine road bridges (seven to the city of Laval and two that span directly to the north shore) and a Metro line.

The island of Montreal is a hub for the Quebec Autoroute system, and is served by Quebec Autoroutes A-10 (known as the Bonaventure Expressway on the island of Montreal), A-15 (aka the Decarie Expressway south of the A-40 and the Laurentian Autoroute to the north of it), A-13 (aka Chomedey Autoroute), A-20, A-25, A-40 (part of the Trans-Canada Highway system, and known as «The Metropolitan» or simply «The Met» in its elevated mid-town section), A-520 and R-136 (aka the Ville-Marie Autoroute). Many of these Autoroutes are frequently congested at rush hour.[224] However, in recent years, the government has acknowledged this problem and is working on long-term solutions to alleviate the congestion. One such example is the extension of Quebec Autoroute 30 on Montreal’s south shore, which will be a bypass for trucks and intercity traffic.[225]

Société de transport de Montréal[edit]

Public local transport is served by a network of buses, subways, and commuter trains that extend across and off the island. The subway and bus system are operated by the Société de transport de Montréal (STM, Montreal Transit Society). The STM bus network consists of 203 daytime and 23 night time routes. STM bus routes serve 1,347,900 passengers on an average weekday in 2010.[226] It also provides adapted transport and wheelchair-accessible buses.[227] The STM won the award of Outstanding Public Transit System in North America by the APTA in 2010. It was the first time a Canadian company won this prize.

The Metro was inaugurated in 1966 and has 68 stations on four lines.[228] It is Canada’s busiest subway system in total daily passenger usage, serving 1,050,800 passengers on an average weekday (as of Q1 2010).[226] Each station was designed by different architects with individual themes and features original artwork, and the trains run on rubber tires, making the system quieter than most.[229] The project was initiated by Montreal Mayor Jean Drapeau, who later brought the Summer Olympic Games to Montreal in 1976. The Metro system has long had a station on the South Shore in Longueuil, and in 2007 was extended to the city of Laval, north of Montreal, with three new stations.[230] The metro has recently been modernizing its trains, purchasing new Azur models with inter-connected wagons.[231]


Montreal has two international airports, one for passengers only, the other for cargo. Pierre Elliott Trudeau International Airport (also known as Dorval Airport) in the City of Dorval serves all commercial passenger traffic and is the headquarters of Air Canada[232] and Air Transat.[233] To the north of the city is Montreal Mirabel International Airport in Mirabel, which was envisioned as Montreal’s primary airport but which now serves cargo flights along with MEDEVACs and general aviation and some passenger services.[234][235][236][237][238] In 2018, Trudeau was the third busiest airport in Canada by passenger traffic and aircraft movements, handling 19.42 million passengers,[239][240] and 240,159 aircraft movements.[241] With 63% of its passengers being on non-domestic flights it has the largest percentage of international flights of any Canadian airport.[242]

It is one of Air Canada’s major hubs and operates on average approximately 2,400 flights per week between Montreal and 155 destinations, spread on five continents.

Airlines servicing Trudeau offer year-round non-stop flights to five continents, namely Africa, Asia, Europe, North America and South America.[243][244][245] It is one of only two airports in Canada with direct flights to five continents or more.


Montreal-based Via Rail Canada provides rail service to other cities in Canada, particularly to Quebec City and Toronto along the Quebec City – Windsor Corridor. Amtrak, the U.S. national passenger rail system, operates its Adirondack daily to New York. All intercity trains and most commuter trains operate out of Central Station.

Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR), headquartered in Calgary, Alberta, was founded here in 1881.[246] Its corporate headquarters occupied Windsor Station at 910 Peel Street until 1995.[145] With the Port of Montreal kept open year-round by icebreakers, lines to Eastern Canada became surplus, and now Montreal is the railway’s eastern and intermodal freight terminus.[247] CPR connects at Montreal with the Port of Montreal, the Delaware and Hudson Railway to New York, the Quebec Gatineau Railway to Quebec City and Buckingham, the Central Maine and Quebec Railway to Halifax, and Canadian National Railway (CN). The CPR’s flagship train, The Canadian, ran daily from Windsor Station to Vancouver, but in 1978 all passenger services were transferred to Via. Since 1990, The Canadian has terminated in Toronto instead of in Montreal.

Montreal-based CN was formed in 1919 by the Canadian government following a series of country-wide rail bankruptcies. It was formed from the Grand Trunk, Midland and Canadian Northern Railways, and has risen to become CPR’s chief rival in freight carriage in Canada.[248] Like the CPR, CN divested itself of passenger services in favour of Via.[249] CN’s flagship train, the Super Continental, ran daily from Central Station to Vancouver and subsequently became a Via train in 1978. It was eliminated in 1990 in favour of rerouting The Canadian.

The commuter rail system is managed and operated by Exo, and reaches the outlying areas of Greater Montreal with six lines. It carried an average of 79,000 daily passengers in 2014, making it the seventh busiest in North America following New York, Chicago, Toronto, Boston, Philadelphia, and Mexico City.[250]

On April 22, 2016, the forthcoming automated rapid transit system, the Réseau express métropolitain (REM), was unveiled. Groundbreaking occurred April 12, 2018, and construction of the 67-kilometre-long (42 mi) network – consisting of three branches, 26 stations, and the conversion of the region’s busiest commuter railway – commenced the following month. To be opened in three phases as of 2022, the REM will be completed by mid-2024, becoming the fourth largest automated rapid transit network after the Dubai Metro, the Singapore Mass Rapid Transit, and the Vancouver SkyTrain. Most of it will be financed by pension fund manager Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec (CDPQ Infra).[251]

On December 15, 2020, CDPQ Infra announced another network, the REM de l’Est. None of its trackage will link to the initial network, although its inner terminus close to the city’s centre is to double as a passenger interchange. Covering the eastern half of the island, it is to be 32 kilometres (20 mi) in length with 23 stations. Plans to elevate its trunk segment through the eastern end of the city centre and an adjacent inner-city district, however, have become controversial, while the north-bound one of its pair of branches is to be tunnelled through suburban districts.[252] And by January 18, 2021, North Shore mayors of municipalities north of the Rivière des Mille Îles announced their desires to erect yet another REM network paralleling the river to link their North Shore communities between Oka and L’Assomption, a distance of roughly 70 kilometres (43 mi).[253]


Main articles

The city of Montreal is world-renowned for being in the top 20 most cyclist-friendly cities around the globe.[254] It follows that they have one of the world’s most successful bike share systems in BIXI. First launched in 2009[255] with Montreal-based PBSC Urban Solutions ICONIC bikes, the bicycle-sharing scheme has since grown its fleet to include 750 docking and charging stations across the different neighbourhoods with 9000 bikes available for users.[256] In what the STM states is a mission to combine different forms of mobility, transit card holders can now take advantage of their membership to also rent bicycles at select stations.

Notable people[edit]

International relations[edit]

Sister cities[edit]

  • Algiers, Algeria – 1999[257]
  • Brussels, Belgium[258]
  • Bucharest, Romania[259]
  • Busan, South Korea – 2000[260][261]
  • Boston, United States – 1995
  • Guadalajara, Mexico – 2004
  • Hanoi, Vietnam – 1997[262]
  • Hiroshima, Japan – 1998[263]
  • Lyon, France – 1979[264]
  • Manila, Philippines – 2005[265]
  • Melbourne, Australia – 2007
  • Port-au-Prince, Haiti – 1995[262]
  • Quito, Ecuador – 1997
  • Rio de Janeiro, Brazil – 1998
  • San Salvador, El Salvador – 2001[262]
  • Shanghai, China – 1985[266]
  • Tunis, Tunisia – 1999
  • Yerevan, Armenia – 1998[267]

Friendship cities[edit]

  • Paris, France – 2006[268]

See also[edit]

  • List of mayors of Montreal
  • List of Montreal music venues
  • List of shopping malls in Montreal
  • List of tallest buildings in Montreal


  1. ^ Statistic includes all persons that did not make up part of a visible minority or an indigenous identity.
  2. ^ Statistic includes total responses of «West Asian» and «Arab» under visible minority section on census.
  3. ^ Statistic includes total responses of «Filipino» and «Southeast Asian» under visible minority section on census.
  4. ^ Statistic includes total responses of «Chinese», «Korean», and «Japanese» under visible minority section on census.
  5. ^ Statistic includes total responses of «Visible minority, n.i.e.» and «Multiple visible minorities» under visible minority section on census.


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Further reading[edit]

  • Collard, Edgar A. (1976). Montréal: the Days That Are No More, in series, Totem Book[s]. This ed. slightly edited [anew]. Toronto, Ont.: Doubleday Canada, [1978], cop. 1976. x, 140, [4] p., ill. in b&w with maps and numerous sketches. ISBN 0-00-216686-0
  • Gagnon, Robert (1996). Anglophones at the C.E.C.M.: a Reflection of the Linguistic Duality of Montréal. Trans. by Peter Keating. Montréal: Commission des écoles catholiques de Montréal. 124 p., ill. with b&w photos. ISBN 2-920855-98-0
  • Harris; Lyon, Patricia David (2004). Montréal. Fodor’s. ISBN 978-1-4000-1315-9.
  • Heritage Montréal (1992). Steps in Time = Patrimoine en marche. Montréal: Québécor. 4 vol. of 20, 20 p. each. Text printed «tête-bêche» in English and in French. On title covers: «Montréal, fête, 350 ans».
  • Marsan, Jean-Claude (1990). Montreal in evolution. McGill-Queen’s University Press. ISBN 978-0-7735-0798-2.
  • Tomàs, Mariona. «Exploring the metropolitan trap: the case of Montreal.» International Journal of Urban and Regional Research (2012) 36#3 pp: 554–567. doi:10.1111/j.1468-2427.2011.01066.x.
  • «2006 Census of Canada». Statistics Canada. 2008. Archived from the original on October 10, 2008. Retrieved May 28, 2008.
  • «Montreal». 2006 Census of Canada: Community Profiles. Statistics Canada. 2008. Archived from the original on December 2, 2008. Retrieved May 28, 2008.
  • Natural Resources Canada (2005). Canadian Geographical Names: Island of Montreal. Retrieved August 29, 2005.
  • Michael Sletcher, «Montréal», in James Ciment, ed., Colonial America: An Encyclopedia of Social, Political, Cultural, and Economic History, (5 vols., N.Y., 2005).

External links[edit]

Spoken Wikipedia icon

This audio file was created from a revision of this article dated 26 April 2005, and does not reflect subsequent edits.

  • Official website
  • Geographic data related to Montreal at OpenStreetMap
  • Montreal at Curlie

«City of Mary» redirects here. For the city in Ukraine, see Mariupol.

Montreal ( MUN-tree-AWL; French: Montréal [mɔ̃ʁeal] (listen)) is the second most populous city in Canada and most populous city in the Canadian province of Quebec. Founded in 1642 as Ville-Marie, or «City of Mary»,[15] it is named after Mount Royal,[16] the triple-peaked hill around which the early city of Ville-Marie is built.[17] The city is centred on the Island of Montreal, which obtained its name from the same origin as the city,[18][19] and a few much smaller peripheral islands, the largest of which is Île Bizard. The city is 196 km (122 mi) east of the national capital Ottawa, and 258 km (160 mi) southwest of the provincial capital, Quebec City.


Montréal (French)


Ville de Montréal

From top, left to right: Downtown Montreal skyline, Old Montreal, Notre-Dame Basilica, Old Port of Montreal, Saint Joseph’s Oratory, Olympic Stadium

Flag of Montreal


Official seal of Montreal

Coat of arms

Official logo of Montreal



«MTL», «The 514», «The City of Festivals», «The City of Saints», «The City of a Hundred Steeples», «Sin City», «La Métropole»[1][2][3][4]


Concordia Salus («well-being through harmony»)

Interactive map of Montreal

Coordinates: 45°30′32″N 73°33′15″W / 45.50889°N 73.55417°W[5]Coordinates: 45°30′32″N 73°33′15″W / 45.50889°N 73.55417°W[5]
Country Canada
Province Quebec
Region Montreal
Urban agglomeration Montreal
Founded May 17, 1642
Incorporated 1832
Constituted January 1, 2002
Named for Mount Royal


  • Ahuntsic-Cartierville
  • Anjou
  • Côte-des-Neiges–Notre-Dame-de-Grâce
  • L’Île-Bizard–Sainte-Geneviève
  • LaSalle
  • Lachine
  • Le Plateau-Mont-Royal
  • Le Sud-Ouest
  • Mercier–Hochelaga-Maisonneuve
  • Montréal-Nord
  • Outremont
  • Pierrefonds-Roxboro
  • Rivière-des-Prairies–Pointe-aux-Trembles
  • Rosemont–La Petite-Patrie
  • Saint-Laurent
  • Saint-Léonard
  • Verdun
  • Ville-Marie
  • Villeray–Saint-Michel–Parc-Extension


 • Type Montreal City Council
 • Mayor Valérie Plante
 • Federal riding


 • Provincial riding


 • MPs

List of MPs



 • City 431.50 km2 (166.60 sq mi)
 • Land 365.13 km2 (140.98 sq mi)
 • Urban


1,293.99 km2 (499.61 sq mi)
 • Metro


4,604.26 km2 (1,777.71 sq mi)
Highest elevation 233 m (764 ft)
Lowest elevation 6 m (20 ft)


 • City 1,762,949 (2nd)
 • Density 4,828.3/km2 (12,505/sq mi)
 • Metro


4,291,732 (2nd)
 • Metro density 919/km2 (2,380/sq mi)
Demonym(s) Montrealer
Time zone UTC−05:00 (EST)
 • Summer (DST) UTC−04:00 (EDT)
Postal code(s)


  • H1A, H1C-H3N, H3S-H3W, H4A-H4T, H4Z-H5B, H8R-H8Z, H9C-H9E, H9H, H9K
Area code(s) 514 and 438 and 263
Police SPVM
GDP (Montreal CMA) $221.9 billion (2018)[13]
GDP per capita (Montreal CMA) CA$48,289 (2022)[14]
Website montreal.ca/en/ Edit this at Wikidata

As of 2021, the city had a population of 1,762,949,[20] and a metropolitan population of 4,291,732,[21] making it the second-largest city, and second-largest metropolitan area in Canada. French is the city’s official language.[22][23] In 2021, it was spoken at home by 59.1% of the population and 69.2% in the Montreal Census Metropolitan Area.[11] Overall, 85.7% of the population of the city of Montreal considered themselves fluent in French while 90.2% could speak it in the metropolitan area.[24][25] Montreal is one of the most bilingual cities in Quebec and Canada, with 58.5% of the population able to speak both English and French.[26]

Historically the commercial capital of Canada, Montreal was surpassed in population and in economic strength by Toronto in the 1970s.[27] It remains an important centre of commerce, aerospace, transport, finance, pharmaceuticals, technology, design, education, art, culture, tourism, food, fashion, video game development, film, and world affairs. Montreal is the location of the headquarters of the International Civil Aviation Organization, and was named a UNESCO City of Design in 2006.[28][29] In 2017, Montreal was ranked the 12th-most liveable city in the world by the Economist Intelligence Unit in its annual Global Liveability Ranking,[30] although it slipped to rank 40 in the 2021 index, primarily due to stress on the healthcare system from the COVID-19 pandemic.[31] It is regularly ranked as a top ten city in the world to be a university student in the QS World University Rankings.[32]

Montreal has hosted multiple international conferences and events, including the 1967 International and Universal Exposition and the 1976 Summer Olympics.[33][34] It is the only Canadian city to have held the Summer Olympics. In 2018, Montreal was ranked as a global city.[35] The city hosts the Canadian Grand Prix of Formula One;[36] the Montreal International Jazz Festival,[37] the largest jazz festival in the world;[38] the Just for Laughs festival, the largest comedy festival in the world;[39] and Les Francos de Montréal, the largest French-language music festival in the world.[40] It is also home to the Montreal Canadiens of the National Hockey League, who have won the Stanley Cup more times than any other team.

Etymology and original namesEdit

In the Ojibwe language, the land is called Mooniyaang[41] which was «the first stopping place» in the Ojibwe migration story as related in the seven fires prophecy.

In the Mohawk language, the land is called Tiohtià꞉ke.[42][43][44][45] “Tiohtià꞉ke” is an abbreviation of “Teionihtiohtiá꞉kon”, which loosely translates as “where the group divided/parted ways.”[44][46]

French settlers from La Flèche in the Loire valley first named their new town, founded in 1642, Ville Marie («City of Mary»),[15] named for the Virgin Mary.[47]

The current form of the name, Montréal, is generally thought to be derived from Mount Royal (Mont Royal in French),[16][48] the triple-peaked hill in the heart of the city. There are multiple explanations for how Mont Royal became Montréal. In 16th century French, the forms réal and royal were used interchangeably, so Montréal could simply be a variant of Mont Royal.[49][50][51] In the second explanation, the name came from an Italian translation. Venetian geographer Giovanni Battista Ramusio used the name Monte Real to designate Mount Royal in his 1556 map of the region.[48] However, the Commission de toponymie du Québec disputes this explanation.[50]

Historiographer François de Belleforest was the first to use the form Montréal with reference to the entire region in 1575.[48]


Pre-European contactEdit

Archaeological evidence in the region indicate that First Nations native people occupied the island of Montreal as early as 4,000 years ago.[52] By the year AD 1000, they had started to cultivate maize. Within a few hundred years, they had built fortified villages.[53] The Saint Lawrence Iroquoians, an ethnically and culturally distinct group from the Iroquois nations of the Haudenosaunee (then based in present-day New York), established the village of Hochelaga at the foot of Mount Royal two centuries before the French arrived. Archeologists have found evidence of their habitation there and at other locations in the valley since at least the 14th century.[54]
The French explorer Jacques Cartier visited Hochelaga on October 2, 1535, and estimated the population of the native people at Hochelaga to be «over a thousand people».[54] Evidence of earlier occupation of the island, such as those uncovered in 1642 during the construction of Fort Ville-Marie, have effectively been removed.

Early European settlement (1600–1760)Edit

In 1603, French explorer Samuel de Champlain reported that the St Lawrence Iroquoians and their settlements had disappeared altogether from the St Lawrence valley. This is believed to be due to outmigration, epidemics of European diseases, or intertribal wars.[54][55] In 1611, Champlain established a fur trading post on the Island of Montreal on a site initially named La Place Royale. At the confluence of Petite Riviere and St. Lawrence River, it is where present-day Pointe-à-Callière stands.[56] On his 1616 map, Champlain named the island Lille de Villemenon in honour of the sieur de Villemenon, a French dignitary who was seeking the viceroyship of New France.[57] In 1639, Jérôme Le Royer de La Dauversière obtained the Seigneurial title to the Island of Montreal in the name of the Notre Dame Society of Montreal to establish a Roman Catholic mission to evangelize natives.

Dauversiere hired Paul Chomedey de Maisonneuve, then age 30, to lead a group of colonists to build a mission on his new seigneury. The colonists left France in 1641 for Quebec and arrived on the island the following year. On May 17, 1642, Ville-Marie was founded on the southern shore of Montreal island, with Maisonneuve as its first governor. The settlement included a chapel and a hospital, under the command of Jeanne Mance.[58] By 1643, Ville-Marie had come under Iroquois raids. In 1652, Maisonneuve returned to France to raise 100 volunteers to bolster the colonial population. If the effort had failed, Montreal was to be abandoned and the survivors re-located downriver to Quebec City. Before these 100 arrived in the fall of 1653, the population of Montreal was barely 50 people.

By 1685, Ville-Marie was home to some 600 colonists, most of them living in modest wooden houses. Ville-Marie became a centre for the fur trade and a base for further exploration.[58] In 1689, the English-allied Iroquois attacked Lachine on the Island of Montreal, committing the worst massacre in the history of New France.[59] By the early 18th century, the Sulpician Order was established there. To encourage French settlement, it wanted the Mohawk to move away from the fur trading post at Ville-Marie. It had a mission village, known as Kahnewake, south of the St Lawrence River. The fathers persuaded some Mohawk to make a new settlement at their former hunting grounds north of the Ottawa River. This became Kanesatake.[60] In 1745, several Mohawk families moved upriver to create another settlement, known as Akwesasne. All three are now Mohawk reserves in Canada. The Canadian territory was ruled as a French colony until 1760, when Montreal fell to a British offensive during the Seven Years’ War. The colony then surrendered to Great Britain.[61]

Ville-Marie was the name for the settlement that appeared in all official documents until 1705, when Montreal appeared for the first time, although people referred to the «Island of Montreal» long before then.[62]

American occupation (1775–1776)Edit

As part of the American Revolution, the invasion of Quebec resulted after Benedict Arnold captured Fort Ticonderoga in present-day upstate New York in May 1775 as a launching point to Arnold’s invasion of Quebec in September. While Arnold approached the Plains of Abraham, Montreal fell to American forces led by Richard Montgomery on November 13, 1775, after it was abandoned by Guy Carleton. After Arnold withdrew from Quebec City to Pointe-aux-Trembles on November 19, Montgomery’s forces left Montreal on December 1 and arrived there on December 3 to plot to attack Quebec City, with Montgomery leaving David Wooster in charge of the city. Montgomery was killed in the failed attack and Arnold, who had taken command, sent Brigadier General Moses Hazen to inform Wooster of the defeat.

Wooster left Hazen in command on March 20, 1776, as he left to replace Arnold in leading further attacks on Quebec City. On April 19, Arnold arrived in Montreal to take over command from Hazen, who remained as his second-in-command. Hazen sent Colonel Timothy Bedel to form a garrison of 390 men 40 miles upriver in a garrison at Les Cèdres, Quebec, to defend Montreal against the British army. In the Battle of the Cedars, Bedel’s lieutenant Isaac Butterfield surrendered to George Forster.

Forster advanced to Fort Senneville on May 23. By May 24, Arnold was entrenched in Montreal’s borough of Lachine. Forster initially approached Lachine, then withdrew to Quinze-Chênes. Arnold’s forces then abandoned Lachine to chase Forster. The Americans burned Senneville on May 26. After Arnold crossed the Ottawa River in pursuit of Forster, Forster’s cannons repelled Arnold’s forces. Forster negotiated a prisoner exchange with Henry Sherburne and Isaac Butterfield, resulting in a May 27 boating of their deputy Lieutenant Park being returned to the Americans. Arnold and Forster negotiated further and more American prisoners were returned to Arnold at Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue, Quebec, («Fort Anne») on May 30 (delayed two days by wind).

Arnold eventually withdrew his forces back to the New York fort of Ticonderoga by the summer. On June 15, Arnold’s messenger approaching Sorel spotted Carleton returning with a fleet of ships and notified him. Arnold’s forces abandoned Montreal (attempting to burn it down in the process) prior to the June 17 arrival of Carleton’s fleet.

The Americans did not return British prisoners in exchange, as previously agreed, due to accusations of abuse, with Congress repudiating the agreement at the protest of George Washington. Arnold blamed Colonel Timothy Bedel for the defeat, removing him and Lieutenant Butterfield from command and sending them to Sorel for court-martial. The retreat of the American army delayed their court martial until August 1, 1776, when they were convicted and cashiered at Ticonderoga. Bedel was given a new commission by Congress in October 1777 after Arnold was assigned to defend Rhode Island in July 1777.

Modern history as city (1832–present)Edit

View of Lachine Canal in 1826, a year after it opened. It bypassed the rapids west of the city, linking Montreal with other continental markets.

Montreal was incorporated as a city in 1832.[63] The opening of the Lachine Canal permitted ships to bypass the unnavigable Lachine Rapids,[64] while the construction of the Victoria Bridge established Montreal as a major railway hub. The leaders of Montreal’s business community had started to build their homes in the Golden Square Mile from about 1850. By 1860, it was the largest municipality in British North America and the undisputed economic and cultural centre of Canada.[65][66]

In the 19th century, maintaining Montreal’s drinking water became increasingly difficult with the rapid increase in population. A majority of the drinking water was still coming from the city’s harbour, which was busy and heavily trafficked, leading to the deterioration of the water within. In the mid-1840s, the City of Montreal installed a water system that would pump water from the St. Lawrence and into cisterns. The cisterns would then be transported to the desired location. This was not the first water system of its type in Montreal, as there had been one in private ownership since 1801. In the middle of the 19th century, water distribution was carried out by «fontainiers». The fountainiers[clarification needed] would open and close water valves outside of buildings, as directed, all over the city. As they lacked modern plumbing systems it was impossible to connect all buildings at once and it also acted as a conservation method. However, the population was not finished rising — it rose from 58,000 in 1852 to 267,000 by 1901.[67][68][69]

Montreal was the capital of the Province of Canada from 1844 to 1849, but lost its status when a Tory mob burnt down the Parliament building to protest the passage of the Rebellion Losses Bill.[70] Thereafter, the capital rotated between Quebec City and Toronto until in 1857, Queen Victoria herself established Ottawa as the capital due to strategic reasons. The reasons were twofold. First, because it was located more in the interior of the Province of Canada, it was less susceptible to attack from the United States. Second, and perhaps more importantly, because it lay on the border between French and English Canada, Ottawa was seen as a compromise between Montreal, Toronto, Kingston and Quebec City, which were all vying to become the young nation’s official capital. Ottawa retained the status as capital of Canada when the Province of Canada joined with Nova Scotia and New Brunswick to form the Dominion of Canada in 1867.[citation needed]

An internment camp was set up at Immigration Hall in Montreal from August 1914 to November 1918.[71]

After World War I, the prohibition movement in the United States led to Montreal becoming a destination for Americans looking for alcohol.[72] Unemployment remained high in the city and was exacerbated by the Stock Market Crash of 1929 and the Great Depression.[73]

An anti-conscription rally in Montreal, 1917. During both World Wars, the city saw protest against the implementation of conscription.

During World War II, Mayor Camillien Houde protested against conscription and urged Montrealers to disobey the federal government’s registry of all men and women.[74] The federal government, part of the Allied forces, was furious over Houde’s stand and held him in a prison camp until 1944.[75] That year, the government decided to institute conscription to expand the armed forces and fight the Axis powers. (See Conscription Crisis of 1944.)[74]

Montreal was the official residence of the Luxembourg royal family in exile during World War II.[76]

By 1951, Montreal’s population had surpassed one million.[77] However, Toronto’s growth had begun challenging Montreal’s status as the economic capital of Canada. Indeed, the volume of stocks traded at the Toronto Stock Exchange had already surpassed that traded at the Montreal Stock Exchange in the 1940s.[78] The Saint Lawrence Seaway opened in 1959, allowing vessels to bypass Montreal. In time, this development led to the end of the city’s economic dominance as businesses moved to other areas.[79] During the 1960s, there was continued growth as Canada’s tallest skyscrapers, new expressways and the subway system known as the Montreal Metro were finished during this time. Montreal also held the World’s Fair of 1967, better known as Expo67.

The 1970s ushered in a period of wide-ranging social and political changes, stemming largely from the concerns of the French-speaking majority about the conservation of their culture and language, given the traditional predominance of the English Canadian minority in the business arena.[80] The October Crisis and the 1976 election of the Parti Québécois, which supported sovereign status for Quebec, resulted in the departure of many businesses and people from the city.[81] In 1976, Montreal hosted the Summer Olympics. While the event brought the city international prestige and attention, the Olympic Stadium built for the event resulted in massive debt for the city.[82] During the 1980s and early 1990s, Montreal experienced a slower rate of economic growth than many other major Canadian cities. Montreal was the site of the 1989 École Polytechnique massacre, one of Canada’s worst mass shootings, where 25-year-old Marc Lépine shot and killed 14 people, all of them women, and wounding 14 other people before shooting himself at École Polytechnique.

Montreal was merged with the 27 surrounding municipalities on the Island of Montreal on January 1, 2002, creating a unified city encompassing the entire island. There was substantial resistance from the suburbs to the merger, with the perception being that it was forced on the mostly English suburbs by the Parti Québécois. As expected, this move proved unpopular and several mergers were later rescinded. Several former municipalities, totalling 13% of the population of the island, voted to leave the unified city in separate referendums in June 2004. The demerger took place on January 1, 2006, leaving 15 municipalities on the island, including Montreal. Demerged municipalities remain affiliated with the city through an agglomeration council that collects taxes from them to pay for numerous shared services.[83] The 2002 mergers were not the first in the city’s history. Montreal annexed 27 other cities, towns and villages beginning with Hochelaga in 1883, with the last prior to 2002 being Pointe-aux-Trembles in 1982.

The 21st century has brought with it a revival of the city’s economic and cultural landscape. The construction of new residential skyscrapers, two super-hospitals (the Centre hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal and McGill University Health Centre), the creation of the Quartier des Spectacles, reconstruction of the Turcot Interchange, reconfiguration of the Decarie and Dorval interchanges, construction of the new Réseau électrique métropolitain, gentrification of Griffintown, subway line extensions and the purchase of new subway cars, the complete revitalization and expansion of Trudeau International Airport, the completion of Quebec Autoroute 30, the reconstruction of the Champlain Bridge and the construction of a new toll bridge to Laval are helping Montreal continue to grow.[citation needed]


Montreal is in the southwest of the province of Quebec. The city covers most of the Island of Montreal at the confluence of the Saint Lawrence and Ottawa Rivers. The port of Montreal lies at one end of the Saint Lawrence Seaway, the river gateway that stretches from the Great Lakes to the Atlantic.[84] Montreal is defined by its location between the Saint Lawrence river to its south and the Rivière des Prairies to its north. The city is named after the most prominent geographical feature on the island, a three-head hill called Mount Royal, topped at 232 m (761 ft) above sea level.[85]

Montreal is at the centre of the Montreal Metropolitan Community, and is bordered by the city of Laval to the north; Longueuil, Saint-Lambert, Brossard, and other municipalities to the south; Repentigny to the east and the West Island municipalities to the west. The anglophone enclaves of Westmount, Montreal West, Hampstead, Côte Saint-Luc, the Town of Mount Royal and the francophone enclave Montreal East are all surrounded by Montreal.[86]


Montreal is classified as a warm-summer humid continental climate (Köppen climate classification: Dfb).[87][88]
Summers are warm to hot and humid with a daily maximum average of 26 to 27 °C (79 to 81 °F) in July; temperatures in excess of 30 °C (86 °F) are common. Conversely, cold fronts can bring crisp, drier and windy weather in the early and later parts of summer.

Winters in Montreal bring cold, snowy, windy, and at times, icy weather.

Winter brings cold, snowy, windy, and, at times, icy weather, with a daily average ranging from −10.5 to −9 °C (13.1 to 15.8 °F) in January. However, some winter days rise above freezing, allowing for rain on an average of 4 days in January and February each. Usually, snow covering some or all bare ground lasts on average from the first or second week of December until the last week of March.[89] While the air temperature does not fall below −30 °C (−22 °F) every year,[90] the wind chill often makes the temperature feel this low to exposed skin.

Spring and fall are pleasantly mild but prone to drastic temperature changes; spring even more so than fall.[91] Late season heat waves as well as «Indian summers» are possible. Early and late season snow storms can occur in November and March, and more rarely in April. Montreal is generally snow free from late April to late October. However, snow can fall in early to mid-October as well as early to mid-May on rare occasions.

The lowest temperature in Environment Canada’s books was −37.8 °C (−36 °F) on January 15, 1957, and the highest temperature was 37.6 °C (99.7 °F) on August 1, 1975, both at Dorval International Airport.[92]

Before modern weather record keeping (which dates back to 1871 for McGill),[93] a minimum temperature almost 5 degrees lower was recorded at 7 a.m. on January 10, 1859, where it registered at −42 °C (−44 °F).[94]

Annual precipitation is around 1,000 mm (39 in), including an average of about 210 cm (83 in) of snowfall, which occurs from November through March. Thunderstorms are common in the period beginning in late spring through summer to early fall; additionally, tropical storms or their remnants can cause heavy rains and gales. Montreal averages 2,050 hours of sunshine annually, with summer being the sunniest season, though slightly wetter than the others in terms of total precipitation—mostly from thunderstorms.[95]

Climate data for Montreal (Montréal–Trudeau International Airport)
WMO ID: 71627; coordinates 45°28′N 73°45′W / 45.467°N 73.750°W; elevation: 36 m (118 ft); 1981-2010 normals, extremes 1941−present
Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year
Record high humidex 13.5 14.7 28.0 33.8 40.9 45.0 45.8 46.8 42.8 33.5 26.2 18.1 46.8
Record high °C (°F) 13.9
Average high °C (°F) −5.3
Daily mean °C (°F) −9.7
Average low °C (°F) −14.0
Record low °C (°F) −37.8
Record low wind chill −49.1 −46.0 −42.9 −26.3 −9.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 −4.8 −10.9 −30.7 −46.0 −49.1
Average precipitation mm (inches) 77.2
Average rainfall mm (inches) 27.3
Average snowfall cm (inches) 49.5
Average precipitation days (≥ 0.2 mm) 16.7 13.7 13.6 12.9 13.6 13.3 12.3 11.6 11.1 13.3 14.8 16.3 163.3
Average rainy days (≥ 0.2 mm) 4.2 4.0 6.9 11.6 13.6 13.3 12.3 11.6 11.1 13.0 11.7 5.9 119.1
Average snowy days (≥ 0.2 cm) 15.3 12.1 9.1 3.2 0.07 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.72 5.4 13.0 58.9
Average relative humidity (%) (at 1500) 68.1 63.4 58.3 51.9 51.4 55.3 56.1 56.8 59.7 62.0 68.0 71.4 60.2
Mean monthly sunshine hours 101.2 127.8 164.3 178.3 228.9 240.3 271.5 246.3 182.2 143.5 83.6 83.6 2,051.3
Percent possible sunshine 35.7 43.7 44.6 44.0 49.6 51.3 57.3 56.3 48.3 42.2 29.2 30.7 44.4
Average ultraviolet index 1 2 3 5 6 7 7 7 5 3 1 1 4
Source: Environment and Climate Change Canada[96][97][98][99][100] and Weather Atlas[101]


Many colonial era buildings can be found in Old Montreal with several dating as far back as the late 17th century.

For over a century and a half, Montreal was the industrial and financial centre of Canada.[102] This legacy has left a variety of buildings including factories, elevators, warehouses, mills, and refineries, that today provide an invaluable insight into the city’s history, especially in the downtown area and the Old Port area. There are 50 National Historic Sites of Canada, more than any other city.[103]

Some of the city’s earliest still-standing buildings date back to the late 17th and early 18th centuries. Although most are clustered around the Old Montreal area, such as the Sulpician Seminary adjacent to Notre Dame Basilica that dates back to 1687, and Château Ramezay, which was built in 1705, examples of early colonial architecture are dotted throughout the city. Situated in Lachine, the Le Ber-Le Moyne House is the oldest complete building in the city, built between 1669 and 1671. In Point St. Charles visitors can see the Maison Saint-Gabriel, which can trace its history back to 1698.[104] There are many historic buildings in Old Montreal in their original form: Notre Dame of Montreal Basilica, Bonsecours Market, and the 19th‑century headquarters of all major Canadian banks on St. James Street (French: Rue Saint Jacques). Montreal’s earliest buildings are characterized by their uniquely French influence and grey stone construction.[105]

Saint Joseph’s Oratory, completed in 1967, Ernest Cormier’s Art Deco Université de Montréal main building, the landmark Place Ville Marie office tower, the controversial Olympic Stadium and surrounding structures, are but a few notable examples of the city’s 20th-century architecture. Pavilions designed for the 1967 International and Universal Exposition, popularly known as Expo 67, featured a wide range of architectural designs. Though most pavilions were temporary structures, several have become landmarks, including Buckminster Fuller’s geodesic dome U.S. Pavilion, now the Montreal Biosphere, and Moshe Safdie’s striking Habitat 67 apartment complex.[citation needed]

The Montreal Metro has public artwork by some of the biggest names in Quebec culture.[106]

In 2006 Montreal was named a UNESCO City of Design, one of only three design capitals of the world (the others being Berlin and Buenos Aires).[28] This distinguished title recognizes Montreal’s design community. Since 2005 the city has been home for the International Council of Graphic Design Associations (Icograda);[107] the International Design Alliance (IDA).[108]

The Underground City (officially RESO) is an important tourist attraction. It is the set of interconnected shopping complexes (both above and below ground). This impressive network connects pedestrian thoroughfares to universities, as well as hotels, restaurants, bistros, subway stations and more, in and around downtown with 32 km (20 mi) of tunnels over 12 km2 (4.6 sq mi) of the most densely populated part of Montreal.[citation needed]


Map of boroughs & neighbourhoods on the island of Montreal.

The city is composed of 19 large boroughs, subdivided into neighbourhoods.[109]
The boroughs are:
Côte-des-Neiges–Notre-Dame-de-Grace, The Plateau Mount Royal, Outremont and Ville Marie in the centre; Mercier–Hochelaga-Maisonneuve, Rosemont–La Petite-Patrie and Villeray–Saint-Michel–Parc-Extension in the east; Anjou, Montréal-Nord, Rivière-des-Prairies–Pointe-aux-Trembles and Saint-Leonard in the northeast; Ahuntsic-Cartierville, L’Île-Bizard–Sainte-Geneviève, Pierrefonds-Roxboro and Saint-Laurent in the northwest; and Lachine, LaSalle, The South West and Verdun in the south.[citation needed]

Many of these boroughs were independent cities that were forced to be merged with Montreal in January 2002 following the 2002 municipal reorganization of Montreal.

The borough with the most neighbourhoods is Ville Marie, which includes downtown, the historical district of Old Montreal, Chinatown, the Gay Village, the Latin Quarter, the gentrified Quartier international and Cité Multimédia as well as the Quartier des Spectacles which is under development. Other neighbourhoods of interest in the borough include the affluent Golden Square Mile neighbourhood at the foot of Mount Royal and the Shaughnessy Village/Concordia U area home to thousands of students at Concordia University. The borough also comprises most of Mount Royal Park, Saint Helen’s Island, and Notre-Dame Island.[citation needed]

The Plateau Mount Royal borough was a working class francophone area. The largest neighbourhood is the Plateau (not to be confused with the whole borough), which is undergoing considerable gentrification,[110] and a 2001 study deemed it as Canada’s most creative neighbourhood because artists comprise 8% of its labour force.[111] The neighbourhood of Mile End in the northwestern part of the borough has been a very multicultural area of the city, and features two of Montreal’s well-known bagel establishments, St-Viateur Bagel and Fairmount Bagel. The McGill Ghetto is in the extreme southwestern portion of the borough, its name being derived from the fact that it is home to thousands of McGill University students and faculty members.[citation needed]

The South West borough was home to much of the city’s industry during the late 19th and early-to-mid 20th century. The borough included Goose Village and was historically home to the traditionally working-class Irish neighbourhoods of Griffintown and Point Saint Charles as well as the low-income neighbourhoods of Saint Henri and Little Burgundy.[citation needed]

Other notable neighbourhoods include the multicultural areas of Notre-Dame-de-Grâce and Côte-des-Neiges in the Côte-des-Neiges–Notre-Dame-de-Grace borough, and Little Italy in the borough of Rosemont–La Petite-Patrie and Hochelaga-Maisonneuve, home of the Olympic Stadium in the borough of Mercier–Hochelaga-Maisonneuve.[citation needed]

Old MontrealEdit

Old Montreal is a historic area southeast of downtown containing many attractions such as the Old Port of Montreal, Place Jacques-Cartier, Montreal City Hall, the Bonsecours Market, Place d’Armes, Pointe-à-Callière Museum, the Notre-Dame de Montréal Basilica, and the Montreal Science Centre.[citation needed]

Architecture and cobbled streets in Old Montreal have been maintained or restored. Old Montreal is accessible from the downtown core via the underground city and is served by several STM bus routes and Metro stations, ferries to the South Shore and a network of bicycle paths.[citation needed]

The riverside area adjacent to Old Montreal is known as the Old Port. The Old Port was the site of the Port of Montreal, but its shipping operations have been moved to a larger site downstream, leaving the former location as a recreational and historical area maintained by Parks Canada. The new Port of Montreal is Canada’s largest container port and the largest inland port on Earth.[112]

Mount RoyalEdit

The mountain is the site of Mount Royal Park, one of Montreal’s largest greenspaces. The park, most of which is wooded, was designed by Frederick Law Olmsted, who also designed New York’s Central Park, and was inaugurated in 1876.[113]

The park contains two belvederes, the more prominent of which is the Kondiaronk Belvedere, a semicircular plaza with a chalet overlooking Downtown Montreal. Other features of the park are Beaver Lake, a small man-made lake, a short ski slope, a sculpture garden, Smith House, an interpretive centre, and a well-known monument to Sir George-Étienne Cartier. The park hosts athletic, tourist and cultural activities.

The mountain is home to two major cemeteries, Notre-Dame-des-Neiges (founded in 1854) and Mount Royal (1852). Mount Royal Cemetery is a 165 acres (67 ha) terraced cemetery on the north slope of Mount Royal in the borough of Outremont. Notre Dame des Neiges Cemetery is much larger, predominantly French-Canadian and officially Catholic.[114] More than 900,000 people are buried there.[115]

Mount Royal Cemetery contains more than 162,000 graves and is the final resting place for a number of notable Canadians. It includes a veterans section with several soldiers who were awarded the British Empire’s highest military honour, the Victoria Cross. In 1901, the Mount Royal Cemetery Company established the first crematorium in Canada.[116]

The first cross on the mountain was placed there in 1643 by Paul Chomedey de Maisonneuve, the founder of the city, in fulfilment of a vow he made to the Virgin Mary when praying to her to stop a disastrous flood.[113] Today, the mountain is crowned by a 31.4 m-high (103 ft) illuminated cross, installed in 1924 by the John the Baptist Society and now owned by the city.[113] It was converted to fibre optic light in 1992.[113] The new system can turn the lights red, blue, or purple, the last of which is used as a sign of mourning between the death of the Pope and the election of the next.[117]


This section needs to be updated. Please help update this article to reflect recent events or newly available information. (January 2023)

Population history of Montreal

Year Pop. ±%
1831 27,297 —    
1841 40,356 +47.8%
1851 57,715 +43.0%
1861 90,323 +56.5%
1871 130,022 +44.0%
1881 176,263 +35.6%
1891 254,278 +44.3%
1901 325,653 +28.1%
1911 490,504 +50.6%
1921 618,506 +26.1%
1931 818,577 +32.3%
1941 903,007 +10.3%
1951 1,021,520 +13.1%
1961 1,201,559 +17.6%
1971 1,214,352 +1.1%
1976 1,080,545 −11.0%
1981 1,018,609 −5.7%
1986 1,015,420 −0.3%
1991 1,017,666 +0.2%
1996 1,016,376 −0.1%
2001 1,039,534 +2.3%
2006 1,620,693 +55.9%
2011 1,649,519 +1.8%
2016 1,704,694 +3.3%
2021 1,762,949 +3.4%
Note: Many boroughs were independent cities that were forced to be merged with Montreal in January 2002 following the 2002 municipal reorganization of Montreal.
Source: [118]

In the 2021 Census of Population conducted by Statistics Canada, Montréal had a population of 1,762,949 living in 816,338 of its 878,542 total private dwellings, a change of 3.4% from its 2016 population of 1,704,694. With a land area of 364.74 km2 (140.83 sq mi), it had a population density of 4,833.4/km2 (12,518.6/sq mi) in 2021.[119]

According to Statistics Canada, at the 2016 Canadian census the city had 1,704,694 inhabitants.[120] A total of 4,098,927 lived in the Montreal Census Metropolitan Area (CMA) at the same 2016 census, up from 3,934,078 at the 2011 census (within 2011 CMA boundaries), which is a population growth of 4.19% from 2011 to 2016.[121] In 2015, the Greater Montreal population was estimated at 4,060,700.[122][123] According to StatsCan, by 2030, the Greater Montreal Area is expected to number 5,275,000 with 1,722,000 being visible minorities.[124]
In the 2016 census, children under 14 years of age (691,345) constituted 16.9%, while inhabitants over 65 years of age (671,690) numbered 16.4% of the total population of the CMA.[121]


People of European ethnicities formed the largest cluster of ethnic groups. The largest reported European ethnicities in the 2006 census were French 23%, Italians 10%, Irish 5%, English 4%, Scottish 3%, and Spanish 2%.[125]

The panethnic breakdown of the city of Montreal as per the 2021 census was European[a] (1,038,940 persons or 60.3%), African (198,610 persons or 11.5%), Middle Eastern[b] (159,435 persons or 9.3%), South Asian (79,670 persons or 4.6%), Latin American (78,150 persons or 4.5%), Southeast Asian[c] (65,260 persons or 3.8%), East Asian[d] (64,825 persons or 3.8%), Indigenous (15,315 persons or 0.9%), and Other/Multiracial[e] (23,010 persons or 1.3%).[126]

Visible minorities comprised 38.8% of the city of Montreal population in the 2021 census.[126] The five most numerous visible minorities are Black Canadians (11.5%), Arab Canadians (8.2%), South Asian Canadians (4.6%), Latin Americans (4.5%), and Chinese Canadians (3.3%).[126] Furthermore some 27.2% of the population Greater Montreal are members of a visible minority group as of 2021,[127] up from 5.2% in 1981.[128] Visible minorities are defined by the Canadian Employment Equity Act as «persons, other than Aboriginals, who are non-white in colour».[129]


In terms of mother language (first language learned), the 2006 census reported that in the Greater Montreal Area, 66.5% spoke French as a first language, followed by English at 13.2%, while 0.8% spoke both as a first language.[130] The remaining 22.5% of Montreal-area residents are allophones, speaking languages including Italian (3.5%), Arabic (3.1%), Spanish (2.6%), Creole (1.3%), Chinese (1.2%), Greek (1.2%), Portuguese (0.8%), Berber language (0.8%), Romanian (0.7%), Vietnamese (0.7%), and Russian (0.7%).[130] In terms of additional languages spoken, a unique feature of Montreal among Canadian cities, noted by Statistics Canada, is the working knowledge of both French and English possessed by most of its residents.[131]


The 2021 census reported that immigrants (individuals born outside Canada) comprise 576,125 persons or 33.4% of the total population of Montreal. Of the total immigrant population, the top countries of origin were Haiti (47,550 persons or 8.3%), Algeria (43,840 persons or 7.6%), France (39,275 persons or 6.8%), Morocco (33,005 persons or 5.7%), Italy (30,215 persons or 5.2%), China (26,335 persons or 4.6%), Philippines (20,475 persons or 3.6%), Lebanon (17,455 persons or 3.0%), Vietnam (16,395 persons or 2.8%), and India (13,575 persons or 2.4%).[132]


The Greater Montreal Area is predominantly Catholic; however, weekly attendance in Quebec was among the lowest in Canada in 1998.[134] Historically Montreal has been a centre of Catholicism in North America with its numerous seminaries and churches, including the Notre-Dame Basilica, the Cathédrale Marie-Reine-du-Monde, and Saint Joseph’s Oratory.

Some 49.5% of the total population is Christian,[133] largely Roman Catholic (35.0%), primarily because of descendants of original French settlers, and others of Italian and Irish origins. Protestants which include Anglican Church in Canada, United Church of Canada, Lutheran, owing to British and German immigration, and other denominations number 11.3%, with a further 3.2% consisting mostly of Orthodox Christians, fuelled by a large Greek population. There is also a number of Russian and Ukrainian Orthodox parishes.

Islam is the largest non-Christian religious group, with 218,395 members, the second-largest concentration of Muslims in Canada at 12.7%. The Jewish community in Montreal has a population of 35,930.[136] In cities such as Côte Saint-Luc and Hampstead, Jewish people constitute the majority, or a substantial part of the population. As recently as 1971 the Jewish community in Greater Montreal was as high as 109,480.[137] Political and economic uncertainties led many to leave Montreal and the province of Quebec.[138]


Montreal has the second-largest economy of Canadian cities based on GDP[139] and the largest in Quebec. In 2019, Metropolitan Montreal was responsible for CA$234.0 billion of Quebec’s CA$425.3 billion GDP.[140] The city is today an important centre of commerce, finance, industry, technology, culture, world affairs and is the headquarters of the Montreal Exchange. In recent decades, the city was widely seen as weaker than that of Toronto and other major Canadian cities, but it has recently experienced a revival.[141]

Industries include aerospace, electronic goods, pharmaceuticals, printed goods, software engineering, telecommunications, textile and apparel manufacturing, tobacco, petrochemicals, and transportation. The service sector is also strong and includes civil, mechanical and process engineering, finance, higher education, and research and development. In 2002, Montreal was the fourth-largest centre in North America in terms of aerospace jobs.[142]
The Port of Montreal is one of the largest inland ports in the world handling 26 million tonnes of cargo annually.[143] As one of the most important ports in Canada, it remains a transshipment point for grain, sugar, petroleum products, machinery, and consumer goods. For this reason, Montreal is the railway hub of Canada and has always been an extremely important rail city; it is home to the headquarters of the Canadian National Railway,[144] and was home to the headquarters of the Canadian Pacific Railway until 1995.[145]

The headquarters of the Canadian Space Agency is in Longueuil, southeast of Montreal.[146] Montreal also hosts the headquarters of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO, a United Nations body);[147] the World Anti-Doping Agency (an Olympic body);[148] the Airports Council International (the association of the world’s airports – ACI World);[149] the International Air Transport Association (IATA),[150] IATA Operational Safety Audit and the International Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce (IGLCC),[151] as well as some other international organizations in various fields.

Montreal is a centre of film and television production. The headquarters of Alliance Films and five studios of the Academy Award-winning documentary producer National Film Board of Canada are in the city, as well as the head offices of Telefilm Canada, the national feature-length film and television funding agency and Télévision de Radio-Canada. Given its eclectic architecture and broad availability of film services and crew members, Montreal is a popular filming location for feature-length films, and sometimes stands in for European locations.[152][153] The city is also home to many recognized cultural, film and music festivals (Just For Laughs, Just For Laughs Gags, Montreal International Jazz Festival, and others), which contribute significantly to its economy. It is also home to one of the world’s largest cultural enterprises, the Cirque du Soleil.[154]

Montreal is also a global hub for artificial intelligence research with many companies involved in this sector, such as Facebook AI Research (FAIR), Microsoft Research, Google Brain, DeepMind, Samsung Research and Thales Group (cortAIx).[155][156] The city is also home to Mila (research institute), an artificial intelligence research institute with over 500 researchers specializing in the field of deep learning, the largest of its kind in the world.[157]

The video game industry has been booming in Montreal since November 2, 1995, coinciding with the opening of Ubisoft Montreal.[158] Recently, the city has attracted world leading game developers and publishers studios such as EA, Eidos Interactive, BioWare, Artificial Mind and Movement, Strategy First, THQ, Gameloft mainly because of the quality of local specialized labour, and tax credits offered to the corporations. Recently, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment, a division of Warner Bros., announced that it would open a video game studio.[159] Relatively new to the video game industry, it will be Warner Bros. first studio opened, not purchased, and will develop games for such Warner Bros. franchises as Batman and other games from their DC Comics portfolio. The studio will create 300 jobs.

Montreal plays an important role in the finance industry. The sector employs approximately 100,000 people in the Greater Montreal Area.[160] As of March 2018, Montreal is ranked in the 12th position in the Global Financial Centres Index, a ranking of the competitiveness of financial centres around the world.[161] The city is home to the Montreal Exchange, the oldest stock exchange in Canada and the only financial derivatives exchange in the country.[162] The corporate headquarters of the Bank of Montreal and Royal Bank of Canada, two of the biggest banks in Canada, were in Montreal. While both banks moved their headquarters to Toronto, Ontario, their legal corporate offices remain in Montreal. The city is home to head offices of two smaller banks, National Bank of Canada and Laurentian Bank of Canada. The Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec, an institutional investor managing assets totalling $248 billion CAD, has its main business office in Montreal.[163] Many foreign subsidiaries operating in the financial sector also have offices in Montreal, including HSBC, Aon, Société Générale, BNP Paribas and AXA.[162][164]

Several companies are headquartered in Greater Montreal Area including Rio Tinto Alcan,[165] Bombardier Inc.,[166] Canadian National Railway,[167] CGI Group,[168] Air Canada,[169] Air Transat,[170] CAE,[171] Saputo,[172] Cirque du Soleil, Stingray Group, Quebecor,[173] Ultramar, Kruger Inc., Jean Coutu Group,[174] Uniprix,[175] Proxim,[176] Domtar, Le Château,[177] Power Corporation, Cellcom Communications,[178] Bell Canada.[179] Standard Life,[180] Hydro-Québec, AbitibiBowater, Pratt and Whitney Canada, Molson,[181] Tembec, Canada Steamship Lines, Fednav, Alimentation Couche-Tard, SNC-Lavalin,[182] MEGA Brands,[183] Aeroplan,[184] Agropur,[185] Metro Inc.,[186] Laurentian Bank of Canada,[187] National Bank of Canada,[188] Transat A.T.,[189] Via Rail,[190] GardaWorld, Novacam Technologies, SOLABS,[191] Dollarama,[192] Rona[193] and the Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec.

The Montreal Oil Refining Centre is the largest refining centre in Canada, with companies like Petro-Canada, Ultramar, Gulf Oil, Petromont, Ashland Canada, Parachem Petrochemical, Coastal Petrochemical, Interquisa (Cepsa) Petrochemical, Nova Chemicals, and more. Shell decided to close the refining centre in 2010, throwing hundreds out of work and causing an increased dependence on foreign refineries for eastern Canada.


Montreal was referred to as «Canada’s Cultural Capital» by Monocle magazine.[29] The city is Canada’s centre for French-language television productions, radio, theatre, film, multimedia, and print publishing. Montreal’s many cultural communities have given it a distinct local culture. Montreal was designated as the World Book Capital for the year 2005 by UNESCO.[194]

Being at the confluence of the French and the English traditions, Montreal has developed a unique and distinguished cultural face. The city has produced much talent in the fields of visual arts, theatre, dance, and music, with a tradition of producing both jazz and rock music. Another distinctive characteristic of cultural life is the vibrancy of its downtown, particularly during summer, prompted by cultural and social events, including its more than 100 annual festivals, the largest being the Montreal International Jazz Festival which is the largest jazz festival in the world. Other popular events include the Just for Laughs (largest comedy festival in the world), Montreal World Film Festival, Les FrancoFolies de Montréal, Nuits d’Afrique [fr], Pop Montreal, Divers/Cité, Fierté Montréal and the Montreal Fireworks Festival, Igloofest, Piknic Electronik, Montréal en Lumiere, Osheaga, Heavy Montreal, Mode + Design, Montréal complètement cirque, MUTEK, Black and Blue, and many smaller festivals. The city of Montreal is also widely recognized for its diverse and vibrant night life, which is considered a vital part of the local cultural ecosystem.

A cultural heart of classical art and the venue for many summer festivals, the Place des Arts is a complex of different concert and theatre halls surrounding a large square in the eastern portion of downtown. Place des Arts has the headquarters of one of the world’s foremost orchestras, the Montreal Symphony Orchestra. The Orchestre Métropolitain du Grand Montréal and the chamber orchestra I Musici de Montréal are two other well-regarded Montreal orchestras. Also performing at Place des Arts are the Opéra de Montréal and the city’s chief ballet company Les Grands Ballets Canadiens. Internationally recognized avant-garde dance troupes such as Compagnie Marie Chouinard [fr], La La La Human Steps, O Vertigo [fr], and the Fondation Jean-Pierre Perreault [fr] have toured the world and worked with international popular artists on videos and concerts. The unique choreography of these troupes has paved the way for the success of the world-renowned Cirque du Soleil.

Nicknamed la ville aux cent clochers (the city of a hundred steeples), Montreal is renowned for its churches. There are an estimated 650 churches on the island, with 450 of them dating back to the 1800s or earlier.[195] Mark Twain noted, «This is the first time I was ever in a city where you couldn’t throw a brick without breaking a church window.»[196] The city has four Roman Catholic basilicas: Mary, Queen of the World Cathedral, Notre-Dame Basilica, St Patrick’s Basilica, and Saint Joseph’s Oratory. The Oratory is the largest church in Canada, with the second largest copper dome in the world, after Saint Peter’s Basilica in Rome.[197]

Beginning in the 1940s, Quebec literature began to shift from pastoral tales romanticising the French-Canadian country-side to writing set in the multicultural city of Montreal. Notable pioneering works describing the character of the city include Gabrielle Roy’s 1945 novel Bonheur D’Occasion, translated as The Tin Flute, and Gwethalyn Graham’s 1944 novel Earth and High Heaven. Subsequent writers of fiction who have set their work in Montreal have included Mordecai Richler, Claude Jasmin, Francine Noel, and Heather O’Neill, among many others.


The most popular sport is ice hockey. The professional hockey team, the Montreal Canadiens, is one of the Original Six teams of the National Hockey League (NHL), and has won an NHL-record 24 Stanley Cup championships. The Canadiens’ most recent Stanley Cup victory came in 1993. They have major rivalries with the Toronto Maple Leafs and Boston Bruins, both of which are also Original Six teams, and with the Ottawa Senators, the closest team geographically. The Canadiens have played at the Bell Centre since 1996. Prior to that they played at the Montreal Forum.

The Montreal Alouettes of the Canadian Football League (CFL) play at Molson Stadium on the campus of McGill University for their regular-season games. Late season and playoff games are played at the much larger, enclosed Olympic Stadium, which also hosted the 2008 Grey Cup. The Alouettes have won the Grey Cup seven times, most recently in 2010. The Alouettes has had two periods on hiatus. During the second one, the Montreal Machine played in the World League of American Football in 1991 and 1992. The McGill Redbirds, Concordia Stingers, and Université de Montréal Carabins play in the U Sports football league.

Montreal has a storied baseball history. The city was the home of the minor-league Montreal Royals of the International League until 1960. In 1946, Jackie Robinson broke the Baseball colour line with the Royals in an emotionally difficult year; Robinson was forever grateful for the local fans’ fervent support.[198] Major League Baseball came to town in the form of the Montreal Expos in 1969. They played their games at Jarry Park Stadium until moving into Olympic Stadium in 1977. After 36 years in Montreal, the team relocated to Washington, D.C., in 2005 and re-branded themselves as the Washington Nationals.[199]

CF Montréal (formerly known as the Montreal Impact) are the city’s professional soccer team. They play at a soccer-specific stadium called Saputo Stadium. They joined North America’s biggest soccer league, Major League Soccer, in 2012. The Montreal games of the 2007 FIFA U-20 World Cup[200] and 2014 FIFA U-20 Women’s World Cup[201] were held at Olympic Stadium, and the venue hosted Montreal games in the 2015 FIFA Women’s World Cup.[202]

Montreal is the site of a high-profile auto racing event each year: the Canadian Grand Prix of Formula One (F1) racing. This race takes place on the Circuit Gilles Villeneuve on Île Notre-Dame. In 2009, the race was dropped from the Formula One calendar, to the chagrin of some fans,[203] but the Canadian Grand Prix returned to the Formula One calendar in 2010. It was dropped from the calendar again since 2020, due to COVID-19 pandemic. The Circuit Gilles Villeneuve also hosted a round of the Champ Car World Series from 2002 to 2007, and was home to the NAPA Auto Parts 200, a NASCAR Nationwide Series race, and the Montréal 200, a Grand Am Rolex Sports Car Series race.

Uniprix Stadium, built in 1993 on the site of Jarry Park, is used for the Rogers Cup men’s and women’s tennis tournaments. The men’s tournament is a Masters 1000 event on the ATP Tour, and the women’s tournament is a Premier tournament on the WTA Tour. The men’s and women’s tournaments alternate between Montreal and Toronto every year.[204]

Montreal was the host of the 1976 Summer Olympic Games. The stadium cost $1.5 billion;[205] with interest that figure ballooned to nearly $3 billion, and was paid off in December 2006.[206] Montreal also hosted the first ever World Outgames in the summer of 2006, attracting over 16,000 participants engaged in 35 sporting activities.

Montreal was the host city for the 17th unicycling world championship and convention (UNICON) in August 2014.

Active professional sports teams in Montreal

Club League Sport Venue Established Championships
Montreal Canadiens NHL Ice hockey Bell Centre 1909 24
Montreal Alouettes CFL Canadian football Percival Molson Memorial Stadium
Olympic Stadium
1946 7
CF Montréal MLS Soccer Saputo Stadium 2012 0


Montreal is Canada’s second-largest media market, and the centre of francophone Canada’s media industry.

There are four over-the-air English-language television stations: CBMT-DT (CBC Television), CFCF-DT (CTV), CKMI-DT (Global) and CJNT-DT (Citytv). There are also five over-the-air French-language television stations: CBFT-DT (Ici Radio-Canada), CFTM-DT (TVA), CFJP-DT (Noovo), CIVM-DT (Télé-Québec), and CFTU-DT (Canal Savoir).

Montreal has three daily newspapers, the English-language Montreal Gazette and the French-language Le Journal de Montréal, and Le Devoir; another French-language daily, La Presse, became an online daily in 2018. There are two free French dailies, Métro and 24 Heures. Montreal has numerous weekly tabloids and community newspapers serving various neighbourhoods, ethnic groups and schools.


The head of the city government in Montreal is the mayor, who is first among equals in the city council.

The city council is a democratically elected institution and is the final decision-making authority in the city, although much power is centralized in the executive committee. The council consists of 65 members from all boroughs.[207] The council has jurisdiction over many matters, including public security, agreements with other governments, subsidy programs, the environment, urban planning, and a three-year capital expenditure program. The council is required to supervise, standardize or approve certain decisions made by the borough councils.[citation needed]

Reporting directly to the council, the executive committee exercises decision-making powers similar to those of the cabinet in a parliamentary system and is responsible for preparing various documents including budgets and by-laws, submitted to the council for approval. The decision-making powers of the executive committee cover, in particular, the awarding of contracts or grants, the management of human and financial resources, supplies and buildings. It may also be assigned further powers by the city council.[citation needed]

Standing committees are the prime instruments for public consultation. They are responsible for the public study of pending matters and for making the appropriate recommendations to the council. They also review the annual budget forecasts for departments under their jurisdiction. A public notice of meeting is published in both French and English daily newspapers at least seven days before each meeting. All meetings include a public question period. The standing committees, of which there are seven, have terms lasting two years. In addition, the City Council may decide to create special committees at any time. Each standing committee is made up of seven to nine members, including a chairman and a vice-chairman. The members are all elected municipal officers, with the exception of a representative of the government of Quebec on the public security committee.[citation needed]

The city is only one component of the larger Montreal Metropolitan Community (Communauté Métropolitaine de Montréal, CMM), which is in charge of planning, coordinating, and financing economic development, public transportation, garbage collection and waste management, etc., across the metropolitan area. The president of the CMM is the mayor of Montreal. The CMM covers 4,360 km2 (1,680 sq mi), with 3.6 million inhabitants in 2006.[208]

Montreal is the seat of the judicial district of Montreal, which includes the city and the other communities on the island.[209]

Montréal federal election results[210]

Year Liberal Conservative Bloc Québécois New Democratic Green
2021 48% 348,308 9% 64,857 19% 133,718 18% 132,395 2% 14,565
2019 48% 377,036 8% 63,376 20% 156,398 16% 129,517 6% 45,845
Montréal provincial election results[211]

Year CAQ Liberal QC solidaire Parti Québécois
2018 18% 119,806 38% 254,069 25% 164,153 13% 89,353
2014 11% 81,844 54% 414,477 14% 106,335 19% 149,792


Law enforcement on the island itself is provided by the Service de Police de la Ville de Montréal, or the SPVM for short.


The overall crime rate in Montreal has declined, with a few notable exceptions, with murders at the lowest rate since 1972 (23 murders in 2016).[212] Sex crimes have increased 14.5 per cent between 2015 and 2016 and fraud cases have increased by 13 per cent over the same period.[212] The major criminal organizations active in Montreal are the Rizzuto crime family, Hells Angels and West End Gang.


The education system in Quebec is different from other systems in North America. Between high school (which ends at grade 11) and university students must go through an additional school called CEGEP. CEGEPs offer pre-university (2-years) and technical (3-years) programs. In Montreal, seventeen CEGEPs offer courses in French and five in English.

French-language elementary and secondary public schools in Montreal are operated by the Centre de services scolaire de Montréal (CSDM),[213] Centre de services scolaire Marguerite-Bourgeoys[214] and the Centre de services scolaire de la Pointe-de-l’Île.[215]

English-language elementary and secondary public schools on Montreal Island are operated by the English Montreal School Board and the Lester B. Pearson School Board.[216][217]

With four universities, ten other degree-awarding institutions, and 12 CEGEPs in an 8 km (5.0 mi) radius, Montreal has the highest concentration of post-secondary students of all major cities in North America (4.38 students per 100 residents, followed by Boston at 4.37 students per 100 residents).[218]

Higher education (English)Edit

Established in 1821, McGill University is the oldest operating university in Montreal.

  • McGill University is one of Canada’s leading post-secondary institutions and is widely regarded as a world-class institution. In 2021, McGill was ranked as the top medical-doctoral university in Canada for the seventeenth consecutive year by Maclean’s[219] and second in Canada and the 27th best university in the world by the QS World University Rankings.[220]
  • Concordia University was created from the merger of Sir George Williams University and Loyola College in 1974.[221] The university has been ranked as one of the top comprehensive universities in Canada by Macleans.[222]

Higher education (French)Edit

  • Université de Montréal (UdeM) is the second largest research university in Canada and ranked as one of the top universities in Canada. Two separate institutions are affiliated to the university: the École Polytechnique de Montréal (School of Engineering) and HEC Montréal (School of Business). HEC Montreal was founded in 1907 and is considered one of the best business schools in Canada.[223]
  • Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM) is the Montreal campus of Université du Québec. UQAM generally specializes in liberal-arts, although many programs related to the sciences are available.
    • The Université du Québec network also has three separately run schools in Montréal, notably the École de technologie supérieure (ETS), the École nationale d’administration publique (ÉNAP) and the Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS).
  • L’Institut de formation théologique de Montréal des Prêtres de Saint-Sulpice (IFTM) specializes in theology and philosophy.
  • Institut d’hôtellerie et de tourisme du Québec (IHTQ) offers an Applied Bachelor in Hospitality and Hotel Management.
  • Conservatoire de musique du Québec à Montréal offers both a Bachelor and a Master program in classical music.

Additionally, two French-language universities, Université de Sherbrooke and Université Laval have campuses in the nearby suburb of Longueuil on Montreal’s south shore. Also, l’Institut de pastorale des Dominicains is Montreal’s university centre of Ottawa’s Collège Universitaire Dominicain/Dominican University College. The Faculté de théologie évangélique is Nova Scotia’s Acadia University Montreal based serving French Protestant community in Canada by offering both a Bachelor and a Master program in theology


Like many major cities, Montreal has a problem with vehicular traffic congestion. Commuting traffic from the cities and towns in the West Island (such as Dollard-des-Ormeaux and Pointe-Claire) is compounded by commuters entering the city that use twenty-four road crossings from numerous off-island suburbs on the North and South Shores. The width of the Saint Lawrence River has made the construction of fixed links to the south shore expensive and difficult. There are presently four road bridges (including two of the country’s busiest) along with one bridge-tunnel, two railway bridges, and a Metro line. The far narrower Rivière des Prairies to the city’s north, separating Montreal from Laval, is spanned by nine road bridges (seven to the city of Laval and two that span directly to the north shore) and a Metro line.

The island of Montreal is a hub for the Quebec Autoroute system, and is served by Quebec Autoroutes A-10 (known as the Bonaventure Expressway on the island of Montreal), A-15 (aka the Decarie Expressway south of the A-40 and the Laurentian Autoroute to the north of it), A-13 (aka Chomedey Autoroute), A-20, A-25, A-40 (part of the Trans-Canada Highway system, and known as «The Metropolitan» or simply «The Met» in its elevated mid-town section), A-520 and R-136 (aka the Ville-Marie Autoroute). Many of these Autoroutes are frequently congested at rush hour.[224] However, in recent years, the government has acknowledged this problem and is working on long-term solutions to alleviate the congestion. One such example is the extension of Quebec Autoroute 30 on Montreal’s south shore, which will be a bypass for trucks and intercity traffic.[225]

Société de transport de MontréalEdit

Public local transport is served by a network of buses, subways, and commuter trains that extend across and off the island. The subway and bus system are operated by the Société de transport de Montréal (STM, Montreal Transit Society). The STM bus network consists of 203 daytime and 23 night time routes. STM bus routes serve 1,347,900 passengers on an average weekday in 2010.[226] It also provides adapted transport and wheelchair-accessible buses.[227] The STM won the award of Outstanding Public Transit System in North America by the APTA in 2010. It was the first time a Canadian company won this prize.

The Metro was inaugurated in 1966 and has 68 stations on four lines.[228] It is Canada’s busiest subway system in total daily passenger usage, serving 1,050,800 passengers on an average weekday (as of Q1 2010).[226] Each station was designed by different architects with individual themes and features original artwork, and the trains run on rubber tires, making the system quieter than most.[229] The project was initiated by Montreal Mayor Jean Drapeau, who later brought the Summer Olympic Games to Montreal in 1976. The Metro system has long had a station on the South Shore in Longueuil, and in 2007 was extended to the city of Laval, north of Montreal, with three new stations.[230] The metro has recently been modernizing its trains, purchasing new Azur models with inter-connected wagons.[231]


Montreal has two international airports, one for passengers only, the other for cargo. Pierre Elliott Trudeau International Airport (also known as Dorval Airport) in the City of Dorval serves all commercial passenger traffic and is the headquarters of Air Canada[232] and Air Transat.[233] To the north of the city is Montreal Mirabel International Airport in Mirabel, which was envisioned as Montreal’s primary airport but which now serves cargo flights along with MEDEVACs and general aviation and some passenger services.[234][235][236][237][238] In 2018, Trudeau was the third busiest airport in Canada by passenger traffic and aircraft movements, handling 19.42 million passengers,[239][240] and 240,159 aircraft movements.[241] With 63% of its passengers being on non-domestic flights it has the largest percentage of international flights of any Canadian airport.[242]

It is one of Air Canada’s major hubs and operates on average approximately 2,400 flights per week between Montreal and 155 destinations, spread on five continents.

Airlines servicing Trudeau offer year-round non-stop flights to five continents, namely Africa, Asia, Europe, North America and South America.[243][244][245] It is one of only two airports in Canada with direct flights to five continents or more.


Montreal-based Via Rail Canada provides rail service to other cities in Canada, particularly to Quebec City and Toronto along the Quebec City – Windsor Corridor. Amtrak, the U.S. national passenger rail system, operates its Adirondack daily to New York. All intercity trains and most commuter trains operate out of Central Station.

Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR), headquartered in Calgary, Alberta, was founded here in 1881.[246] Its corporate headquarters occupied Windsor Station at 910 Peel Street until 1995.[145] With the Port of Montreal kept open year-round by icebreakers, lines to Eastern Canada became surplus, and now Montreal is the railway’s eastern and intermodal freight terminus.[247] CPR connects at Montreal with the Port of Montreal, the Delaware and Hudson Railway to New York, the Quebec Gatineau Railway to Quebec City and Buckingham, the Central Maine and Quebec Railway to Halifax, and Canadian National Railway (CN). The CPR’s flagship train, The Canadian, ran daily from Windsor Station to Vancouver, but in 1978 all passenger services were transferred to Via. Since 1990, The Canadian has terminated in Toronto instead of in Montreal.

Montreal-based CN was formed in 1919 by the Canadian government following a series of country-wide rail bankruptcies. It was formed from the Grand Trunk, Midland and Canadian Northern Railways, and has risen to become CPR’s chief rival in freight carriage in Canada.[248] Like the CPR, CN divested itself of passenger services in favour of Via.[249] CN’s flagship train, the Super Continental, ran daily from Central Station to Vancouver and subsequently became a Via train in 1978. It was eliminated in 1990 in favour of rerouting The Canadian.

The commuter rail system is managed and operated by Exo, and reaches the outlying areas of Greater Montreal with six lines. It carried an average of 79,000 daily passengers in 2014, making it the seventh busiest in North America following New York, Chicago, Toronto, Boston, Philadelphia, and Mexico City.[250]

On April 22, 2016, the forthcoming automated rapid transit system, the Réseau express métropolitain (REM), was unveiled. Groundbreaking occurred April 12, 2018, and construction of the 67-kilometre-long (42 mi) network – consisting of three branches, 26 stations, and the conversion of the region’s busiest commuter railway – commenced the following month. To be opened in three phases as of 2022, the REM will be completed by mid-2024, becoming the fourth largest automated rapid transit network after the Dubai Metro, the Singapore Mass Rapid Transit, and the Vancouver SkyTrain. Most of it will be financed by pension fund manager Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec (CDPQ Infra).[251]

On December 15, 2020, CDPQ Infra announced another network, the REM de l’Est. None of its trackage will link to the initial network, although its inner terminus close to the city’s centre is to double as a passenger interchange. Covering the eastern half of the island, it is to be 32 kilometres (20 mi) in length with 23 stations. Plans to elevate its trunk segment through the eastern end of the city centre and an adjacent inner-city district, however, have become controversial, while the north-bound one of its pair of branches is to be tunnelled through suburban districts.[252] And by January 18, 2021, North Shore mayors of municipalities north of the Rivière des Mille Îles announced their desires to erect yet another REM network paralleling the river to link their North Shore communities between Oka and L’Assomption, a distance of roughly 70 kilometres (43 mi).[253]


Main articles

The city of Montreal is world-renowned for being in the top 20 most cyclist-friendly cities around the globe.[254] It follows that they have one of the world’s most successful bike share systems in BIXI. First launched in 2009[255] with Montreal-based PBSC Urban Solutions ICONIC bikes, the bicycle-sharing scheme has since grown its fleet to include 750 docking and charging stations across the different neighbourhoods with 9000 bikes available for users.[256] In what the STM states is a mission to combine different forms of mobility, transit card holders can now take advantage of their membership to also rent bicycles at select stations.

Notable peopleEdit

International relationsEdit

Sister citiesEdit

  • Algiers, Algeria – 1999[257]
  • Brussels, Belgium[258]
  • Bucharest, Romania[259]
  • Busan, South Korea – 2000[260][261]
  • Boston, United States – 1995
  • Guadalajara, Mexico – 2004
  • Hanoi, Vietnam – 1997[262]
  • Hiroshima, Japan – 1998[263]
  • Lyon, France – 1979[264]
  • Manila, Philippines – 2005[265]
  • Melbourne, Australia – 2007
  • Port-au-Prince, Haiti – 1995[262]
  • Quito, Ecuador – 1997
  • Rio de Janeiro, Brazil – 1998
  • San Salvador, El Salvador – 2001[262]
  • Shanghai, China – 1985[266]
  • Tunis, Tunisia – 1999
  • Yerevan, Armenia – 1998[267]

Friendship citiesEdit

  • Paris, France – 2006[268]

See alsoEdit

  • List of mayors of Montreal
  • List of Montreal music venues
  • List of shopping malls in Montreal
  • List of tallest buildings in Montreal


  1. ^ Statistic includes all persons that did not make up part of a visible minority or an indigenous identity.
  2. ^ Statistic includes total responses of «West Asian» and «Arab» under visible minority section on census.
  3. ^ Statistic includes total responses of «Filipino» and «Southeast Asian» under visible minority section on census.
  4. ^ Statistic includes total responses of «Chinese», «Korean», and «Japanese» under visible minority section on census.
  5. ^ Statistic includes total responses of «Visible minority, n.i.e.» and «Multiple visible minorities» under visible minority section on census.


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Further readingEdit

  • Collard, Edgar A. (1976). Montréal: the Days That Are No More, in series, Totem Book[s]. This ed. slightly edited [anew]. Toronto, Ont.: Doubleday Canada, [1978], cop. 1976. x, 140, [4] p., ill. in b&w with maps and numerous sketches. ISBN 0-00-216686-0
  • Gagnon, Robert (1996). Anglophones at the C.E.C.M.: a Reflection of the Linguistic Duality of Montréal. Trans. by Peter Keating. Montréal: Commission des écoles catholiques de Montréal. 124 p., ill. with b&w photos. ISBN 2-920855-98-0
  • Harris; Lyon, Patricia David (2004). Montréal. Fodor’s. ISBN 978-1-4000-1315-9.
  • Heritage Montréal (1992). Steps in Time = Patrimoine en marche. Montréal: Québécor. 4 vol. of 20, 20 p. each. Text printed «tête-bêche» in English and in French. On title covers: «Montréal, fête, 350 ans».
  • Marsan, Jean-Claude (1990). Montreal in evolution. McGill-Queen’s University Press. ISBN 978-0-7735-0798-2.
  • Tomàs, Mariona. «Exploring the metropolitan trap: the case of Montreal.» International Journal of Urban and Regional Research (2012) 36#3 pp: 554–567. doi:10.1111/j.1468-2427.2011.01066.x.
  • «2006 Census of Canada». Statistics Canada. 2008. Archived from the original on October 10, 2008. Retrieved May 28, 2008.
  • «Montreal». 2006 Census of Canada: Community Profiles. Statistics Canada. 2008. Archived from the original on December 2, 2008. Retrieved May 28, 2008.
  • Natural Resources Canada (2005). Canadian Geographical Names: Island of Montreal. Retrieved August 29, 2005.
  • Michael Sletcher, «Montréal», in James Ciment, ed., Colonial America: An Encyclopedia of Social, Political, Cultural, and Economic History, (5 vols., N.Y., 2005).

External linksEdit

This audio file was created from a revision of this article dated 26 April 2005, and does not reflect subsequent edits.

  • Official website
  •   Geographic data related to Montreal at OpenStreetMap
  • Montreal at Curlie
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    Montreal noun г. Монреаль

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > Montreal

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    Персональный Сократ > montreal

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    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > Montreal

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    English-Russian base dictionary > Montreal

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    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > Montreal

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    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Montreal

  • 7

    (Quebec) Монреаль (Квебек, Канада)

    Англо-русский универсальный дополнительный практический переводческий словарь И. Мостицкого > Montreal

  • 8

    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > Montreal

  • 9

    г. Монреаль; г. Монреаль (пров. Квебек, Канада)

    * * *

    Англо-русский географический словарь > Montréal

  • 10

    * * *

    г. Монреаль

    * * *

    Монреаль (геогр.)

    Новый англо-русский словарь > Montreal

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    НБАРС > Montreal

  • 12

    Монреаль Город в Канаде, в пров. Квебек, на р. Св. Лаврентия. 3.1 млн. жителей (1991, с пригородами). Морской порт (грузооборот св. 20 млн. т в год). Международные аэропорты. Крупнейший промышленный и торгово-финансовый центр страны. Машиностроительная, химическая, нефтеперерабатывающая, пищевая, текстильная промышленность, цветная металлургия. Метрополитен. 3 университета. Музеи: замка Рамзе, изящных искусств. Церковь Бонсекур (17-18 вв.), замок (18 в.), семинария (17 в.); торговый и культурный центры (1960-е гг.). Постройки Всемирной выставки 1967. Игры XXI Олимпиады 1976.

    Англо-русский словарь географических названий > Montreal

  • 13

    English-Russian dictionary of technical terms > Montreal

  • 14

    Англо-русский современный словарь > Montreal

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    The Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary. > Montreal

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    English-Russian big medical dictionary > montreal

  • 17
    Montreal Stock Exchange




    Монреальская фондовая биржа, Фондовая биржа Монреаля



    * * *

    : ME

    фондовая биржа Монреаля: старейшая (основана в 1863 г.) и вторая по объему операций фондовая биржа Канады; на бирже идет торговля акциями, облигациями, фьючерсами и опционами; существует операционная связь с Бостонской фондовой биржей расчет по ценным бумагам — на третий рабочий день, по фьючерсам и опционам — на следующий день после сделки; торговая сессия — 9.30-16.00 (фьючерсы по госбумагам — 8.20-15.00);



    * * *

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > Montreal Stock Exchange

  • 18
    Montreal Stock Exchange



    Монреальская фондовая биржа, Фондовая биржа Монреаля



    The new English-Russian dictionary of financial markets > Montreal Stock Exchange

  • 19
    Montreal Exchange

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > Montreal Exchange

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    Montreal Exchange

    The new English-Russian dictionary of financial markets > Montreal Exchange


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См. также в других словарях:

  • Montréal — Montréal …   Deutsch Wörterbuch

  • Montreal — Montreal …   Deutsch Wörterbuch

  • Montreal — Skyline von Montreal …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Montreal — Montréal Pour les articles homonymes, voir Montréal (homonymie). Montréal …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Montréal, QC — Montréal Pour les articles homonymes, voir Montréal (homonymie). Montréal …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Montréal — Montreal Wappen Flagge …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • MONTRÉAL — Deuxième agglomération francophone au monde après Paris, Montréal affiche dans la Fédération canadienne de profondes originalités. Elle associe à merveille le cosmopolitisme de ses habitants à l’ambiance nord américaine et mêle harmonieusement… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • MONTREAL — MONTREAL, Canada s second largest city and home to the country s oldest and second largest Jewish community, one that is well known for the overall quality of its Jewish life. Until the 1970s the community was the largest and most dynamic in… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Montreal — – Gaspé train The Chaleur at Gare de Gaspé 13 October 2008 Overview Service type Inter city rail …   Wikipedia

  • Montréal no 4 — Montréal Saint Laurent Montréal numéro 4 puis, Montréal Saint Laurent. est un ancien district provincial du Québec situé sur l île de Montréal. Sommaire 1 Historique 2 Liste des députés 3 Voir aussi 3.1 …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Montréal no 6 — est une ancienne circonscription électorale provinciale du Québec située sur l île de Montréal. Sommaire 1 Historique 2 Liste des députés 3 Voir aussi 3.1 …   Wikipédia en Français

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