Как пишется на англ форсаж

- afterburner |ˈæftərbɜːrnər|  — форсажная камера

включать форсаж — to put in afterburner
набирать высоту на форсаж — to comb in afterburner
полный форсированный режим; полный форсаж — full afterburner
частичный форсированный режим; частичный форсаж — partial afterburner

Смотрите также

форсаж, форсировать (двигателя) — power augmentation

Родственные слова, либо редко употребляемые в данном значении

- afterburning |ˈæftərˌbɜːrnɪŋ|  — дожигание, догорание топлива
- forcing |ˈfɔːrsɪŋ|  — принуждение, форсирование, насилие, стимуляция, шприцевание


форса́ж, -а, тв. -ем

Рядом по алфавиту:

фор-сте́ньга , -и
форм-фа́ктор , -а (тех.)
формуля́р , -а
формфа́ктор , -а (физ.) [изменено, ср. РОС 2012: формфа́ктор, -а]
фо́ро , и фо́ра2, неизм. (возглас)
форозо́ид , -а (зоол.)
форони́ды , -и́д, ед. -и́да, -ы
форора́кус , -а
фо́рос , -а (по́дать, ист.)
форо́сский , (от Форо́с)
фо́рпи́к , -а
форпо́ст , -а
форс , -а (сниж.)
форс-мажо́р , -а
форса́ж , -а, тв. -ем
фо́рсинг , -а (спорт.)
форси́рование , -я
форси́рованный , кр. ф. -ан, -ана
форси́ровать(ся) , -рую, -рует(ся)
форсиро́вка , -и, р. мн. -вок
форси́стость , -и (сниж.)
форси́стый , (сниж.)
форси́ть , форшу́, форси́т (сниж.)
форсну́ть , -ну́, -нёт (сниж.)
форстери́т , -а

Англо-русские и русско-английские словари и энциклопедии. English-Russian and Russian-English dictionaries and translations

Русско-английский перевод ФОРСАЖ


Английский словарь для изучающих русский язык.

     Russian learner’s dictionary.

Лучший ответ

Вопрос — ответ



11 лет назад

Оно определённо пишеться как Forsazh
Или на англиском языке как Fast Furious

Остальные ответы




11 лет назад

Вообще The Fast and the Furious. Все части переводятся на русский, как Форсаж. Однако на английском языке, все они пишутся по разному.

Форсаж (англ. The Fast and the Furious);
Двойной форсаж (Форсаж 2) (англ. 2 Fast 2 Furious);
Тройной форсаж: Токийский Дрифт (Форсаж 3) (англ. The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift);
Форсаж 4 (англ. Fast & Furious);
Форсаж 5 (англ. Fast Five).

»Фрэнк» »Кастл»



11 лет назад





11 лет назад

The Fast and the Furious

Алексей Куликов



11 лет назад

Фаст Файв

Источник: Кинопоиск




11 лет назад

Forsazh …а перевод предлжения :The Fast and the Furious — быстрый и злой

Иван Багров



5 лет назад

The Fast and the Furous

Артём медовник



4 года назад

По англ пишется afterburner





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Fast and Furious


Fast And The Furious


2 Fast 2 Furious


Форсаж, Гризли, Нитро и Глицерин

They were all there — Afterburner, Grizzly, Nitro and Glycerine.

Форсаж — режим работы некоторых поршневых и реактивных двигателей, применяемый для временного увеличения тяги в случае необходимости (взлёт, разгон до сверхзвуковой скорости, манёвр воздушного боя).

The AfterBurner is a lighting solution for the Game Boy Advance system that was created by Triton-Labs.Originally, was a website created to petition Nintendo to put some kind of light in their Game Boy Advance system.

Операция «Форсаж» навредила карьере многих агентов.

«Форсаж» был позором для АТФ.

Его любимые фильмы «Скорость» и «Форсаж«.

Многие премиум приложения, такие как Форсаж и многое другое можно скачать бесплатно для.

Many premium apps such as Fast and Furious and more can be downloaded for free of charge.

Если вы чувствуете сильный прилив адреналина, просматривая фильм «Форсаж«, то представьте, какие чувства вы испытаете, опробовав настоящие гонки. Конечно, не стоит заниматься нелегальными гонками на улицах городов.

If you feel a strong adrenaline rush watching the film «Fast and Furious«, then imagine what feelings you will experience, having tested a real race. Of course, we should not engage in illegal racing on the streets.

Погиб в автокатастрофе актер известный всем по фильмам «Форсаж» — Пол Уокер!

Actor died in a car known to all the films «Fast and Furious» — Paul Walker!

Итак, мы все согласны, что Форсаж мог быть самым остросюжетным фильмом, так?

So we’re all in agreement that this Fast and Furious could be the most action-packed one yet, right?

Вы должны это известная игра: Форсаж 5 с Полом Уокером и Винс Дизель. Сыграйте в игру и закончить каждый миссию в момент так что вы можете перейти на следующий уровень.

You should this famous game: Fast and Furious 5 with Paul Walker and Vince Diesel. Play the game and finish every mission in time so you can move to the next level.

Самые популярные треки «Нёгё Шё Go», «Quasar» (использовались в качестве саундтрека к фильму «Форсаж 6») и «Rasputin» не раз играло легендарное трио Swedish House Mafia.

The most popular tracks «Here We Go», «Quasar» (used as the soundtrack of the movie Fast and Furious 6) and «Rasputin» were played by the legendary trio Swedish House Mafia.

Я один из героев фильма «Форсаж«.

Ну прям как в фильме «Форсаж 2″.

Ты никогда не видел «Форсаж«?

Фильм дебютировал на втором месте в топ-20 NPD VideoScan First Alert, уступив фильму «Форсаж 8».

The film debuted in second place on the Top 20 NPD VideoScan First Alert chart, behind The Fate of the Furious.

Форум «Форсаж» проходит с 2011 года.

The Forum «Forsage» has been held since 2011.

Я вот думаю, станет ли следующим фильмом Дэнни Бойла Форсаж 32?

I’m just thinking, is the next Danny Boyle film going to be the Fast And The Furious 32?

И, наконец, вещь, которую он любит больше, чем когда-нибудь меня куртка фанклуба «Форсаж» с автографом Вин Дизеля.

And finally, the thing he loves more than he ever loved me, his Fast And The Furious fan club jacket signed by Vin Diesel.

Дом Торетто, «Форсаж«.

Dom Toretto, «The Fast and the Furious

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 57. Точных совпадений: 57. Затраченное время: 39 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

форсаж — перевод на английский

форсажfast and furious

Смотрите, тут подпись Рэнди Скотт Кнобсон, парень, который написал сценарии всех фильмов Форсаж

Look, it’s signed by Randy Scott Knobson, the guy who wrote all the Fast and Furious movies.

Итак, мы все согласны, что Форсаж мог быть самым остросюжетным фильмом, так?

So we’re all in agreement that this Fast and Furious could be the most action-packed one yet, right?

Да, и почему бы им не снять сиквел к Заложнице когда чуваков из Мальчишника в Вегасе схватили а единственные, кто мог бы их спасти это Форсаж.

Yeah, and why don’t they make a sequel to Taken where The Hangover guys get taken and the only ones that could rescue them is Fast and Furious.

«Форсаж» был позором для ATФ.

Fast and Furious was an embarrassment to ATF.

Операция «Форсаж» навредила карьере многих агентов.

Fast and Furious damaged a lot of agents’ careers.

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Перевод «ФОРСАЖ» на английский


Мощный долгий форсаж и хорошая скороподъёмность позволяет им быстро перемещаться по полю боя.

Powerful long fast and furious and a good rate of climb allows them to move quickly across the battlefield.

Мишель Родригес угрожает покинуть «Форсаж» из-за сексизма продюсеров

Michelle Rodriguez is threatening to leave the «fast and furious» because of the sexism of the producers

Пока неизвестно, чем дальше займётся команда, но можно предположить, что Slightly Mad Studios уже работает над игрой по мотивам кинофраншизы «Форсаж».

While it is not known, the further the team will take, but it can be assumed that Slightly Mad Studios is already working on a game based on the film franchise «Fast and the Furious«.

Хотя в «Форсаж 4» и упоминается Доминиканская Республика, на самом деле снимался он не здесь.

Although the «Fast and the Furious 4″ and referred to the Dominican Republic, in fact, he did not filmed here.

Внезапно бомбардировщик установил максимальный угол стреловидности крыльев и включил форсаж, пытаясь оторваться от сопровождения.

Suddenly, the bomber set a maximum sweep angle of the wings and turned on the afterburner, trying to break away from the escort.

Во время полета выяснилось, что форсаж включается лишь на одном двигателе.

During the flight it was found that the afterburner is turned on only one engine.

Операция «Форсаж» навредила карьере многих агентов.

Ссора разгорелась настолько серьезно, что с трудом удалось завершить восьмой форсаж.

The quarrel flared up so seriously that it was difficult to complete the eighth fast and the furious.

Ты никогда не видел «Форсаж«?

Многие премиум приложения, такие как Форсаж и многое другое можно скачать бесплатно для.

Many premium apps such as Fast and Furious and more can be downloaded for free of charge.

Длинные выходные закончились, но «форсаж на танках» продолжает доминировать на больших экранах.

The long weekend is over, however the «afterburner on the tanks» continues to dominate on the massive screens.

«Форсаж 8»: продолжение киносерии будет масштабнее предыдущих фильмов

Fast and furious 8: continuation of the series will be bigger than the previous films

Но даже с тягой 14500 кгс на каждый двигатель, самолет способен перейти на сверхзвук не включая форсаж.

But even with traction 14500 kgs per engine, the aircraft is able to move at supersonic excluding afterburner.

Истребителям четвертого поколения для этих целей приходилось использовать форсаж.

Fourth-generation jets had to use the afterburner for the purpose.

«Форсаж 10» станет последним фильмом в серии

Следующим фильмом стал «Форсаж 6», где Рита сыграла роль камео.

The next movie was Fast and Furious 6, where Rita played the role of cameo.

«Форсаж» был позором для АТФ.

Режиссеру Джастину Лину пришлось бы начать подготовку к съемкам седьмой части одновременно с постпродакшеном фильма «Форсаж 6» (2013).

Director Justin Lin would have to start preparing for the shooting of the seventh part simultaneously with the post-production of the film «Fast and Furious 6″ (2013).

Звезда гоночной кинофраншизы «Форсаж» Джордана Брюстер снова стала мамой.

The star of racing franchise «fast and furious» Jordana Brewster again became a mother.

Я был на 3,200 метрах, зона 5, форсаж, ВН и…

I was at Angels Ten, zone 5 afterburners, CAVU and… just lost the bubble.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат ФОРСАЖ

Результатов: 495. Точных совпадений: 495. Затраченное время: 98 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Основные варианты перевода слова «форсаж» на английский

- afterburner |ˈæftərbɜːrnər|  — форсажная камера

включать форсаж — to put in afterburner
набирать высоту на форсаж — to comb in afterburner
полный форсированный режим; полный форсаж — full afterburner
частичный форсированный режим; частичный форсаж — partial afterburner

Смотрите также

форсаж, форсировать (двигателя) — power augmentation

Родственные слова, либо редко используемые варианты перевода

- afterburning |ˈæftərˌbɜːrnɪŋ|  — дожигание, догорание топлива
- forcing |ˈfɔːrsɪŋ|  — принуждение, форсирование, насилие, стимуляция, шприцевание


  • 1

    Русско-английский технический словарь > форсаж

  • 2

    Русско-английский большой базовый словарь > форсаж

  • 3

    power augmentation


    кратковременное повышение мощности или тяги двигателя. — power augmentation by the use of retrigerant or water methanol or water injection and exhaust reheating.

    — (дожиг топлива в форсажной камере) — afterburning, reheating afterburning (or reheat) is a method of augmenting the basic thrust of an engine.

    -, всережимный (всережим ной камеры) — fully variable ‘/modulated/ hoe регулирование форсаж- afterburnin

    -, полный (пф) (двиг.) — full reheat

    — тяги (двигателя) — thrust augmentation

    — тяги путем дожигания топлива за турбиной — afterburning, (exhaust) reheating

    увеличение тяги гтд путем подачи топлива в форсажную камеру или реактивное сопло. — а thrust-augmentation technique also known as tail-pipe burning wherein extra fuel is injected into the jet engine exhaust system.

    Русско-английский сборник авиационно-технических терминов > форсаж

  • 4

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > форсаж

  • 5

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Форсаж

  • 6
    Форсаж 4

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Форсаж 4

  • 7

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > форсаж

  • 8

    * * *



    power augmentation

    включа́ть форса́ж


    — put in [light, turn-on] the afterburner

    набира́ть высоту́ на форса́же — climb in afterburner

    с включё́нным или вы́ключенным форса́жем — with the afterburner on or off

    * * *

    Русско-английский политехнический словарь > форсаж

  • 9

    Новый русско-английский словарь > форсаж

  • 10

    Русско-английский морской словарь > форсаж

  • 11

    Русско-английский авиационный словарь > форсаж

  • 12

    Русско-английский аэрокосмический словарь > форсаж

  • 13

    Русско-английский научно-технический словарь Масловского > форсаж

  • 14

    Русско-английский глоссарий по космической технике > форсаж

  • 15

    Русско-английский военно-политический словарь > форсаж

  • 16

    Авиация и космонавтика. Русско-английский словарь > форсаж

  • 17

    управление форсажем

    power augmentation control

    Русско-английский авиационный словарь > форсаж

  • 18
    включающий форсаж

    Авиация и космонавтика. Русско-английский словарь > включающий форсаж

  • 19
    всережимный форсаж

    Авиация и космонавтика. Русско-английский словарь > всережимный форсаж

  • 20
    регулируемый форсаж

    Авиация и космонавтика. Русско-английский словарь > регулируемый форсаж

См. также в других словарях:

  • форсаж — а, м. forçage m. Ускорение, усиление какого н. процесса. БАС 1. Бомбардировщики шли на форсаже, коптили, но, как они не старались, скорость у них в половину нашей. Комс. 9. 7. 1990. Сердце резко переключилось на режим форсажа, Гимнаст не мог не… …   Исторический словарь галлицизмов русского языка

  • ФОРСАЖ — (Быстрые и неистовые, The Fast and the Furios), США, Universal Pictures, 2001, 106 мин. Боевик. Доминик Торетто гоняется по улицам Лос Анджелеса на своем автомобиле. Весь день он занимается капитальным ремонтом гоночных автомобилей, а ночью его… …   Энциклопедия кино

  • форсаж — сущ., кол во синонимов: 4 • режим (29) • увеличение (56) • усиление (45) • …   Словарь синонимов

  • ФОРСАЖ — кратковременное увеличение тяги (мощности) двигателя внутреннего сгорания (напр. реактивного двигателя) сверх максимальной (номинальной) для быстрого увеличения скорости и высоты полёта летательных аппаратов, сокращения длины их разбега при… …   Большая политехническая энциклопедия

  • Форсаж 5 — У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Форсаж (значения). Форсаж 5 Fast Five …   Википедия

  • Форсаж 6 — Эта статья или раздел содержит информацию об одном или нескольких запланированных или ожидаемых фильмах. Содержание может меняться коренным образом по мере приближения даты выхода фильма и появления новой информации. У этого термина существуют и… …   Википедия

  • Форсаж 4 — У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Форсаж (значения). Форсаж 4 Fast Furious …   Википедия

  • Форсаж 3 — Тройной форсаж: Токийский дрифт The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift Жанр криминальный боевик Режиссёр Джастин Лин Продюсер …   Википедия

  • Форсаж 2 — Двойной форсаж 2 Fast 2 Furious Жанр криминальный боевик Режиссёр Джон Синглтон Продюсер Ли Майес Нил Мориц …   Википедия

  • Форсаж — У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Форсаж (значения). F/A 18A …   Википедия

  • ФОРСАЖ — Включать/ включить форсаж. Жарг. мол. Шутл. С шумом выпускать газы из кишечника. Максимов, 64 …   Большой словарь русских поговорок

Перевод «форсаж» на английский

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Ты никогда не видел «Форсаж«?
Didn’t you ever see «fast and the furious«?

Только то, что мы узнали из «Форсажа» — то есть все.
Only what we learned from The Fast and the Furious, — so everything.

Русские отнюдь не в восторге по поводу закупок первоначальной партии Су-57, поскольку эти истребители с пониженной заметностью на временной основе оснащаются турбореактивными двухконтурными двигателями АЛ-41Ф1 с форсажной камерой с тягой на форсаже 15 тысяч кгс, производимыми «НПО Сатурн».
The Russians are less than enthused at buying the initial version of the Su-57 is because the stealth fighter is currently powered by interim Saturn AL-41F1 afterburning turbofans producing 32,500lbs thrust each.

Могу точно сказать, что ты всё ещё думаешь о «Форсаже«.
I can tell you’re still thinking about The Fast And The Furious.

Одна из причин отсутствия большого энтузиазма у русских по поводу закупки первичной версии Су-57 заключается в том, что этот истребитель с технологией «стелс» в настоящее время оснащен двумя временными двухконтурными турбореактивными двигателями с форсажной камерой АЛ-41Ф1 НПО «Сатурн», мощность каждого из которых (на форсаже) составляет 15000 кгс.
One of the reasons the Russians are less than enthused at buying the initial version of the Su-57 is because the stealth fighter is currently powered by interim Saturn AL-41F1 afterburning turbofans producing 32,500lbs thrust each.


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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This article is about the first installment in the franchise. For the fourth film in the franchise, see Fast & Furious (2009 film).

The Fast and the Furious
Fast and the furious poster.jpg

Theatrical release poster

Directed by Rob Cohen
Screenplay by
  • Gary Scott Thompson
  • Erik Bergquist
  • David Ayer
Story by Gary Scott Thompson
Based on «Racer X»
by Ken Li
Produced by Neal H. Moritz
  • Paul Walker
  • Vin Diesel
  • Michelle Rodriguez
  • Jordana Brewster
Cinematography Ericson Core
Edited by Peter Honess
Music by BT


Universal Pictures[1]

Distributed by Universal Pictures[1]

Release date

  • June 22, 2001 (United States)

Running time

106 minutes[2]
  • United States[3]
  • Germany[3]
Language English
Budget $38 million[2]
Box office $207.3 million[2]

The Fast and the Furious is a 2001 action film directed by Rob Cohen from a screenplay by Gary Scott Thompson, Erik Bergquist, and David Ayer, based on a story by Thompson. The first installment in the Fast & Furious franchise, the film stars Paul Walker as Brian O’Conner and Vin Diesel as Dominic Toretto, with Michelle Rodriguez and Jordana Brewster in supporting roles. In the film, a recent spate of truck hijackings causes O’Conner, a police officer, to go undercover and befriend Toretto, a local street racer, to investigate the matter.

The Fast and the Furious entered development in late 1998, after Cohen and producer Neal H. Moritz read a Vibe article about illegal street racing in New York City.[4] Thompson and Bergquist wrote the original screenplay that year, with Ayer hired soon after.[5] Various actors were considered for the roles of O’Conner and Toretto, with Walker cast in 1998 and then Diesel in early 1999, with the pair attending actual street races in preparation for the film.[6] Principal photography commenced in July 2000 and finished that October, with filming locations primarily including Los Angeles and the surrounding area in southern California.[7] Trance DJ and record producer BT was hired to compose the score. The film’s title is borrowed from Roger Corman’s 1954 film of the same name.

The Fast and the Furious was originally set to be released worldwide in March 2001, but was postponed until the summer. It premiered at the Mann Village Theatre in Los Angeles on June 18, 2001, and was theatrically released in the United States on June 22, by Universal Pictures. The film received mixed reviews from critics, with criticism for its screenplay and characterization, but praise for the action sequences and Walker and Diesel’s performances, considered their breakthrough roles. The Fast and the Furious was a commercial success, grossing $207 million worldwide, making it the 19th highest-grossing film of 2001. It was followed by the sequel film 2 Fast 2 Furious (2003).


On a deserted highway, a heist crew driving three modified Honda Civics assault a truck carrying electronic goods, steal its cargo, and escape into the night. A joint Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) and FBI task force sends LAPD officer Brian O’Conner undercover to locate the crew. He begins his investigation at Toretto’s Market and flirts with its owner Mia, sister of the infamous street racer Dominic Toretto, while Dominic sits in the back office reading a newspaper. Dominic’s crew—Vince, Leon, Jesse, and Dom’s girlfriend Letty—arrives. Vince, who has a crush on Mia, starts a fight with Brian until Dominic intervenes.

That night, Brian brings a modified 1995 Mitsubishi Eclipse to an illegal street race, hoping to find a lead on the thieves. Dominic arrives in his Mazda RX-7 and initiates a drag race between himself, Brian and two other drivers. Lacking credibility, Brian is forced to wager his car. Dominic wins the race after Brian’s car malfunctions, but the LAPD arrive before Dom can take the vehicle. Brian helps Dominic escape in the Eclipse, but they accidentally venture into the territory of Dominic’s old racing rival, gang leader Johnny Tran and his cousin Lance Nguyen, who destroy the Eclipse. After returning to safety, Dominic reiterates that Brian still owes him a «10 second car».

Brian brings a damaged 1994 Toyota Supra to Dominic’s garage as a replacement. Dominic and his crew begin the long process of restoring the vehicle, and Brian starts dating Mia. He also begins investigating Tran, convinced that he is the mastermind behind the truck hijackings. While investigating one garage at night, Brian is discovered by Dominic and Vince. Brian convinces them that he is researching his opponents’ vehicles for the upcoming desert Race Wars. Together, the trio investigate Tran’s garage, discovering a large quantity of electronic goods.

Brian reports the discovery to his superiors and Tran and Lance are arrested. The electronics are proved to have been purchased legally, and Brian is forced to confront his suspicion that Dominic is the true mastermind. Brian is given 36 hours to find the heist crew, as the truckers are now arming themselves to defend against the hijackings. The following day, Dominic and Brian attend Race Wars. There, Jesse wagers his father’s MK3 Volkswagen Jetta against Tran in his Honda S2000, but flees with the car after he loses. Tran demands Dominic recover the vehicle. He also accuses Dominic of reporting him to the police, causing Dominic to attack him, requiring security guards to break up the fight.

That night, Brian witnesses Dominic and his crew leaving and realizes they are the hijackers. He reveals his true identity to Mia and convinces her to help him find the crew. Dominic, Letty, Vince, and Leon attack a semi-trailer truck, intending it to be their final heist. The armed driver shoots Vince and runs Letty off the road. Brian arrives with Mia and rescues Vince. He is forced to reveal his identity to call in emergency medical care to save Vince. Dominic, Mia and the rest of the crew leave before the authorities can arrive.

Some time later, Brian arrives at Dominic’s house to apprehend him as Dominic is getting his father’s 1970 Dodge Charger R/T out of the garage. He demands Brian leave, since he is not running, but rather going to rescue Jesse who has no one else to look after him. Jesse suddenly arrives at the house and pleads for protection. Tran and Lance perform a drive-by shooting on motorcycles, killing Jesse. Brian and Dominic give chase in their separate vehicles, finding and killing Tran and injuring Lance. Brian then pursues Dominic, with them both eventually acquiescing to a quarter-mile drag race. The pair barely cross a railroad before a train passes, which ends the race in a draw, but Dominic crashes his car into a truck. Instead of arresting him, Brian gives Dominic the keys to his own car, asserting that he still owes him a 10-second car from their first race. Dominic leaves in the Supra as Brian walks away.

In the post-credits scene, Dominic is seen driving through Baja California, Mexico, in a 1970 Chevrolet Chevelle SS.


  • Paul Walker as Brian O’Conner:
    An LAPD police officer sent to infiltrate a crew of hijackers. Mia’s love interest.
  • Vin Diesel as Dominic Toretto:
    Leader of the heist crew and a professional street racer. He was banned from professional racing after a violent retaliatory attack on the man who accidentally killed Dominic’s father.
  • Michelle Rodriguez as Letty Ortiz:
    A member of Dominic’s crew and his girlfriend.
  • Jordana Brewster as Mia Toretto:
    Dominic’s sister and owner of the Toretto general store. Brian’s love interest.
  • Rick Yune as Johnny Tran:
    A Vietnamese gang leader and rival of Dominic.
  • Chad Lindberg as Jesse:
    A member of Dominic’s crew. Highly intelligent with math, algebra, and in computing, but he suffers from attention deficit disorder.
  • Johnny Strong as Leon:
    A member of Dominic’s crew.
  • Matt Schulze as Vince:
    A member of Dominic’s crew and his childhood friend. He harbors an unrequited love for Mia.

The central cast is rounded out by Ted Levine and Thom Barry as Tanner and Bilkins respectively, members of the team that organized the investigation to place Brian undercover. Noel Gugliemi appears as Hector, the organizer of the drag race. Musician and rapper Ja Rule and car tuner R.J. de Vera also act as Edwin and Danny, fellow drivers at the drag race who race against Dominic and Brian. Vyto Ruginis plays Harry, an informant and owner of The Racer’s Edge. Reggie Lee portrays Lance Nguyen, Tran’s cousin, and right-hand man. Neal H. Moritz and Rob Cohen both appear in cameos; Moritz plays an unnamed driver of a black Ferrari F355 convertible who is given a challenge by Brian, while Cohen plays a Pizza Hut delivery man.



Director Rob Cohen was inspired to make the film after reading a 1998 Vibe magazine article called «Racer X» about street racing in New York City[4] and watching an actual illegal street race at night in Los Angeles, with the screenplay originally developed by Gary Scott Thompson and Erik Bergquist. The film’s original title was Redline before it was changed to The Fast and the Furious.[8] Roger Corman licensed the title rights of his 1954 film The Fast and the Furious to Universal so that the title could be used on this project; both films were about racing.[9] David Ayer was brought into the project to help rework the script. Ayer changed it from the «mostly white and suburban story» set in New York to a diverse one set in Los Angeles.[10]

Producer Neal H. Moritz, who had previously worked with Paul Walker on the film The Skulls (2000), gave the actor a script and offered him the role of Brian O’Conner. Eminem was offered the role, but turned it down to work in his own movie 8 Mile and Mark Wahlberg and Christian Bale were also considered for the role.[11] Originally, the studio told the producers they would green-light the film if they could get Timothy Olyphant to play the role of Dominic Toretto. Olyphant, however, who had starred in the previous year’s car-themed blockbuster Gone in 60 Seconds, declined the role. Moritz instead suggested Vin Diesel, who had to be convinced to take the role even though he had only played supporting roles up to that point.[6] The role of Mia Toretto was originally written for Eliza Dushku, who turned down the role and Sarah Michelle Gellar, Jessica Biel, Kirsten Dunst and Natalie Portman auditioned for the role.[11]


The film was shot in various locations within Los Angeles and parts of southern California, from June 26, to October 25, 2000. Key locations included Dodger Stadium (on the opening scene where Brian tests his Eclipse on the parking lot), Angelino Heights, Silver Lake and Echo Park (the neighborhoods around Toretto’s home), as well as Little Saigon (where Tran destroys the Eclipse) and the San Bernardino International Airport (the venue for Race Wars, which attracted over 1,500 import car owners and enthusiasts).[12] The entire last rig heist scene was filmed along Domenigoni Parkway on the southern side of San Jacinto/Hemet in the San Jacinto Valley near Diamond Valley Lake.

Prior to filming, both Jordana Brewster and Michelle Rodriguez did not have driver’s licenses, so they took driving lessons during production. For the climactic race scene between Brian and Toretto, separate shots of both cars crossing the railroad and the train crossing the street were filmed, then composited together to give the illusion of the train narrowly missing the cars. A long steel rod was used as a ramp for Toretto’s car to crash through the semi-truck and fly in mid-air.

An alternate ending titled «More than Furious» was filmed, in which Tanner drops Brian off at the Toretto home, where he encounters Mia packing, intending to move away. Brian reveals that he resigned from the LAPD, who let him go quietly, and that he wants another chance with her. When Mia tells him that it’s not going to be that simple, Brian tells her that he’s got time. This ending was released in the collection bundle DVD version.

During the filming of the movie, seventy-eight cars were wrecked both on and off-screen. Out of the seventy-eight cars, three cars were shown being destroyed in the film’s trailer alone.


The film’s score was composed by music producer BT, mixing electronica with hip-hop and industrial influences. Two soundtracks were released for the film. The first one features mostly hip-hop and rap music. The second one, titled More Fast and Furious, features alternative metal, post-grunge and nu metal songs, as well as select tracks from BT’s score.


Box office[edit]

The Fast and the Furious was released on June 22, 2001, in North America and ranked #1 at the box office ahead of Dr. Dolittle 2, Lara Croft: Tomb Raider and Atlantis: The Lost Empire, earning $40,089,015 during its opening weekend.[14] The film became one of the four consecutive Universal films of 2001 to gross $40 million in their opening weekends, with the others being Jurassic Park III, American Pie 2 and The Mummy Returns.[15] Its widest release was 2,889 theaters. During its run, the film has made a domestic total of $144,533,925 along with an international total of $62,750,000 bringing its worldwide total of $207,283,925 on a budget of $38 million.[16]

Home media[edit]

The Fast and the Furious was released on DVD and VHS on January 2, 2002.[17] The DVD release sold 2.1 million copies during its first day of release, making it the second-highest single-day DVD sales of any film, behind Pearl Harbor. The film also made $18.6 million in DVD rentals, which was the highest at the time, beating Cast Away.[18] It would hold this record for four months until it was surpassed by Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone that May.[19] More than 5.5 million home video units were sold by April 2002.[20] A second DVD, dubbed the «Tricked Out Edition», was released on June 3, 2003, and features The Turbo Charged Prelude for 2 Fast 2 Furious, a short film that set the tone of the film’s sequel. An abridged version of the short film is also on the sequel’s DVD release.[21]


Racing Champions released diecast metal replicas of the film’s cars in different scales from 1/18 to 1/64.[22] RadioShack sold ZipZaps micro RC versions of the cars in 2002.[23] 1/24 scale plastic model kits of the hero cars were manufactured by AMT Ertl.[24]


Critical response[edit]

On Rotten Tomatoes, The Fast and the Furious has an approval rating of 54% based on 154 reviews, and an average rating of 5.40/10. The website’s critical consensus reads: «Sleek and shiny on the surface, The Fast and the Furious recalls those cheesy teenage exploitation flicks of the 1950s.»[25] On Metacritic, the film has a weighted average score of 58 out of 100 based on 29 critics, indicating «mixed or average reviews».[26] Audiences surveyed by CinemaScore gave the film an average grade of «B+» on an A+ to F scale.[27]

Todd McCarthy of Variety called the film «a gritty and gratifying cheap thrill, Rob Cohen’s high-octane hot-car meller is a true rarity these days, a really good exploitationer, the sort of thing that would rule at drive-ins if they still existed.»[28] Kevin Thomas of the Los Angeles Times called it «an action picture that’s surprising in the complexity of its key characters and portents of tragedy.»[29] Vin Diesel’s portrayal of Dominic Torretto won praise, with Reece Pendleton of the Chicago Reader writing that «Diesel carries the movie with his unsettling mix of Zen-like tranquillity and barely controlled rage.»[30]

Other reviews were more mixed. Susan Wloszczyna of USA Today gave the film 212 out of 4 stars, saying that Cohen «at least knows how to keep matters moving and the action sequences exciting.»[31] Owen Gleiberman of Entertainment Weekly gave the film a C, saying it «works hard to be exciting, but the movie scarcely lives up to its title.»[32] Rita Kempley of The Washington Post gave the film a scathing review, calling it «Rebel Without a Cause without a cause. The Young and the Restless with gas fumes. The Quick and the Dead with skid marks.»[33] Paul Clinton of CNN wrote that Cohen «created a high-octane, rubber-burning extravaganza» but he criticized the film for «plot holes you could drive the proverbial truck through» and an «idiotic» ending.[34]


Award Category Nominee Result
AFI Award Cinematographer of the Year Ericson Core Nominated
ALMA Award Outstanding Song in a Motion Picture Soundtrack The Fast and the Furious for the song «Put It On Me» Nominated
ASCAP Award Most Performed Songs from Motion Pictures Ja Rule for the song «Put It On Me» Won
Black Reel Theatrical – Best Actor Vin Diesel Nominated
BMI Film Music Award BT Won
Golden Trailer Best Action The Fast and the Furious Nominated
Hollywood Breakthrough Award Breakthrough Male Performance Paul Walker Won
Golden Reel Award (Motion Picture Sound Editors) Best Sound Editing – Effects & Foley, Domestic Feature Film Bruce Stambler (supervising sound editor)
Jay Nierenberg (supervising sound editor)
Michael Dressel (supervising foley editor)
Steve Mann (sound editor)
Kim Secrist (sound editor)
Steve Nelson (sound editor)
Howard Neiman (sound editor)
Glenn Hoskinson (sound editor)
Tim Walston (sound effects designer)
Charles Deenen (sound effects designer)
Scott Curtis (foley editor)
Dan Yale (foley editor)
Golden Reel Award (Motion Picture Sound Editors) Best Sound Editing – Dialogue & ADR, Domestic Feature Film Bruce Stambler (supervising sound editor)
Jay Nierenberg (supervising sound editor)
Becky Sullivan (supervising dialogue editor/supervising adr editor)
Mildred Iatrou (dialogue editor)
Donald L. Warner Jr. (dialogue editor)
Robert Troy (dialogue editor)
Paul Curtis (dialogue editor)
William Dotson (dialogue editor)
Cathie Speakman (dialogue editor)
Nicholas Vincent Korda (adr editor)
Lee Lemont (adr editor)
MTV Movie Award Best On-Screen Team Vin Diesel
Paul Walker
Best Movie The Fast and the Furious Nominated
Best Male Performance Vin Diesel Nominated
Breakthrough Male Performance Paul Walker Nominated
Best Action Sequence The Fast and the Furious Nominated
Stinkers Award Most Intrusive Musical Score Won
Taurus Award Best Driving Matt Johnston
Mike Justus
Debbie Evans
Tim Trella
Christopher J. Tuck
Kevin Scott (semi driver)
Best Work With a Vehicle Christopher J. Tuck
Mike Justus
Best Stunt by a Stunt Woman Debbie Evans Won
Best Stunt by a Stunt Man Christopher J. Tuck
Tim Trella
Best Stunt Coordinator and/or 2nd Unit Director: Feature Film Mic Rodgers Won
Best Work With a Vehicle Jimmy N. Roberts Nominated
Hardest Hit Mike Justus Nominated
Teen Choice Awards Choice Movie: Sleazebag Rick Yune Nominated
Choice Movie: Hissy Fit Vin Diesel Nominated
Choice Movie: Fight Scene Paul Walker vs. Rick Yune Nominated
Choice Summer Movie The Fast and the Furious Nominated


  1. ^ a b «The Fast and the Furious». AFI Catalog of Feature Films. Retrieved August 4, 2017.
  2. ^ a b c «The Fast and the Furious (2000)».
  3. ^ a b «Furious». British Film Institute. London. Archived from the original on February 8, 2009. Retrieved September 30, 2012.
  4. ^ a b Zakarin, Jordan (March 26, 2015). «Meet the Writer Who Made ‘The Fast and the Furious’ Possible». Yahoo! Movies. Retrieved May 4, 2017.
  5. ^ Archived at Ghostarchive and the Wayback Machine: «Vin Diesel: 7 Things You Don’t Know About Me». Variety. Retrieved February 24, 2019.
  6. ^ a b Ross, Robyn (April 12, 2017). «Vin Diesel Almost Wasn’t Dom in ‘The Fast & the Furious’«. Entertainment Weekly. Retrieved May 4, 2017.
  7. ^ Elvis Mitchell (June 22, 2001). «Getaway Drivers, Take Note: This One’s Made for You». The New York Times.
  8. ^ Interview found on the original DVD release
  9. ^ «Roger Corman: How I Made 400 Films, Mentored Coppola and Ended Up Fighting in Court for My Fortune». hollywoodreporter.com. February 25, 2016. Retrieved May 4, 2017.
  10. ^ «‘Fast and Furious’ Survived Because It’s About Empowerment». nofilmschool.com. May 4, 2021. Retrieved June 19, 2021.
  11. ^ a b «The remarkable evolution of the Fast and Furious movie franchise». CBSSports.com.
  12. ^ «Fast and the Furious, The : Production Notes». www.cinema.com. Retrieved May 4, 2017.
  13. ^ Gibbs, Jamie. «How many cars has the Fast and Furious franchise destroyed?». Confused.com. Confused.com. Retrieved July 12, 2019.
  14. ^ Reese, Lori (June 25, 2001). «The Fast and the Furious beats Dolittle 2«. Entertainment Weekly. Retrieved November 25, 2022.
  15. ^ «Box Office: Audiences Eat Up American Pie 2». ABC News.
  16. ^ «The Fast and the Furious». Box Office Mojo.
  17. ^ «DVD Sales are Fast and Furious». hive4media.com. January 8, 2002. Archived from the original on January 22, 2002. Retrieved September 22, 2019.
  18. ^ Gray, Brandon (January 18, 2002). «‘The Fast and the Furious’ accelerates DVD sales». Argus Leader. p. 37. Archived from the original on August 2, 2022. Retrieved August 2, 2022 – via Newspapers.com. open access
  19. ^ «‘Potter’ casts its rental spell». Ventura County Star. June 6, 2002. p. 67. Archived from the original on August 2, 2022. Retrieved August 2, 2022 – via Newspapers.com. open access
  20. ^ Wagner, Holly (April 24, 2002). «Universal Burns Rubber With ‘The Fast and the Furious’«. hive4media.com. Archived from the original on April 26, 2002. Retrieved September 20, 2019.
  22. ^ «Racing Champions Ertl Company Press Release». Archived from the original on October 11, 2004.
  23. ^ «Micro RC Cars: Mods – RadioShack ZipZaps – These Zaps Zip From Radio Shack». www.microrccars.com. Retrieved May 4, 2017.
  24. ^ «AMT Ertl – The Fast and the Furious». Archived from the original on November 2, 2004.
  25. ^ «The Fast and the Furious». Rotten Tomatoes. Fandango Media. Retrieved July 6, 2021.
  26. ^ «The Fast and the Furious» – via www.metacritic.com.
  27. ^ FAST AND THE FURIOUS, THE (2001) CinemaScore
  28. ^ McCarthy, Todd (June 21, 2001). «The Fast and the Furious». Variety. Archived from the original on September 14, 2012.
  29. ^ «Entertainment News – Los Angeles Times». Los Angeles Times. Retrieved May 4, 2017.
  30. ^ Pendleton, Reece (October 26, 1985). «The Fast and the Furious». Chicago Reader. Retrieved May 4, 2017.
  31. ^ «USATODAY.com – Car hoods rev up in ‘Fast and Furious’«. www.usatoday.com. Retrieved May 4, 2017.
  32. ^ «The Fast and the Furious». ew.com. June 22, 2001. Retrieved May 4, 2017.
  33. ^ The Washington Post – Fast Leaving Logic in the Dust
  34. ^ «CNN.com – Review: ‘Fast and Furious’ runs on empty – June 22, 2001». edition.cnn.com.

External links[edit]

  • The Fast and the Furious at IMDb
  • The Fast and the Furious at the American Film Institute Catalog
  • The Fast and the Furious at Netflix

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