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молоко, млечный сок, латекс, доить, подоить, молочный
существительное ↓
- молоко
mother’s [dried, new, condensed] milk — материнское [сухое, парное, сгущённое] молоко
evaporated milk — сгущённое молоко без сахара
milk foods [diet] — молочная пища [диета]
milk shake — молочный коктейль
milk pudding — молочный пудинг
milk chocolate — молочный шоколад
- млечный сок, латекс
глагол ↓
- доить
- давать молоко (о скоте)
the cows are milking well — коровы хорошо доятся
- извлекать выгоду (из чего-л.); эксплуатировать (что-л.), «доить» (кого-л.)
to milk the market /the street/ — амер. ком. жарг. успешно спекулировать ценными бумагами; наживаться на мелких конкурентах
they milked him of all his cash — они вытянули из него все деньги
he refused to be milked by the newspapermen — он отказался сказать что-л. репортёрам
to milk a wire /a telegram/ — перехватывать телеграфное сообщение
to milk the bull /the ram/ — заниматься бесполезным делом; ≅ ждать от козла молока
a glass of milk and a cookie — стакан молока и печенька
milk in a heavy lidded mug — молоко в кружке с тяжёлой крышкой
coco milk — кокосовое молоко
milk cow — молочная корова, дойная корова
milk-free diet — диета с исключением молока
milk tooth — молочный зуб
milk agar — молочный агар-агар
production of milk per capita — производство молока на душу населения
milk broker — посредник на рынке молока
milk carton — пакет для молока
cow in milk — дойная корова
milk producing ability — с.-х. удойность
Drink up your milk.
Допивай своё молоко.
I helped to milk the cows.
Я помог подоить коров.
Milk is good for you.
Молоко тебе полезно.
Cows give milk.
Коровы дают молоко.
The cat lapped up the milk
Кот лакал молоко.
They had risen at 5.30 to do the milking.
Они поднялись в 5.30, чтобы подоить коров.
Cook the milk over low heat.
Нагрейте молоко на слабом огне.
ещё 23 примера свернуть
Примеры, ожидающие перевода
The cream is skimmed from the milk.
I am milking this for all it’s worth
Do you take milk and sugar in your tea?
Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке ☰, напротив примера.
Фразовые глаголы
milk round — район, обслуживаемый молочником, маршрут молочника, развозчика молока
Возможные однокоренные слова
milker — дояр, доярка, доильная машина, молочная корова
milkiness — молочность, молочная белизна, облачность
milking — доение, дойка, разовый надой, доильный
Формы слова
I/you/we/they: milk
he/she/it: milks
ing ф. (present participle): milking
2-я ф. (past tense): milked
3-я ф. (past participle): milked
Milky Way — Тип: Кондитерское изделие Владелец марки … Википедия
Milky way — La Milky Way est une barre de chocolat produite par Mars Incorporated. La version américaine de la barre Milky Way est faite de chocolat malt nougat recouverte de caramel puis de chocolat au lait et est similaire à la barre Mars européenne. La… … Wikipédia en Français
Milky Way — es una chocolatina elaborada y distribuida por Mars Incorporated. La barrita original, disponible en Estados Unidos, presenta un centro de nougat y chocolate o vainilla, con caramelo en la parte superior, y está cubierta por una capa de chocolate … Wikipedia Español
Milky Way — Milky Milk y, a. 1. Consisting of, or containing, milk. [1913 Webster] Pails high foaming with a milky flood. Pope. [1913 Webster] 2. Like, or somewhat like, milk; whitish and turbid; as, the water is milky. Milky juice. Arbuthnot. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Milky way — Way Way, n. [OE. wey, way, AS. weg; akin to OS., D., OHG., & G. weg, Icel. vegr, Sw. v[ a]g, Dan. vei, Goth. wigs, L. via, and AS. wegan to move, L. vehere to carry, Skr. vah. [root]136. Cf. {Convex}, {Inveigh}, {Vehicle}, {Vex}, {Via}, {Voyage} … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Milky Way — n the Milky Way the pale white band of stars that can be seen across the sky at night … Dictionary of contemporary English
milky way — late 14c., loan translation of L. via lactea. See also GALAXY (Cf. galaxy) … Etymology dictionary
Milky Way — ► NOUN ▪ the galaxy of which our solar system is a part, visible at night as a faint band of light crossing the sky … English terms dictionary
Milky Way — the [transl. of L via lactea, transl. of Gr galaxias kyklos: see GALAXY] the spiral galaxy containing our sun: seen from the earth as a broad, faintly luminous band of stars and interstellar gas arching across the night sky, with the… … English World dictionary
Milky Way — This article is about the galaxy. For other uses, see Milky Way (disambiguation). Milky Way galaxy Image of the Milky Way s Galactic Center in the night sky above Paranal Observatory Observation data … Wikipedia
Milky Way — Pour l’article homonyme, voir MilkyWay. La Milky Way est une barre de chocolat produite par Mars Incorporated. La version américaine de la barre Milky Way est faite de chocolat malt nougat recouverte de caramel puis de chocolat au… … Wikipédia en Français
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Перевод и значение MILKY WAY в английском и русском языках
_астр. Млечный Путь
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141 tiger milk
142 a land flowing with milk and honey
143 a milk run
Bologna had been bombed. Bologna was a milk run. There had been no flak there at all. (J. Heller, ‘Catch-22’, ch. XIV) — Бомбы на Болонью сбросили. Вражеских зениток там не оказалось вообще. Полет прошел спокойно.
144 bring smb. to his milk
There ain’t anything that’ll bring you to your milk half so quick as a good. thrashing. (Suppl) — Тебя может образумить только. хорошая взбучка.
145 come home with the milk
Every party’s got to come to an end, and next day it doesn’t matter much if you went home with the milk or if you left while the fun was in full swing. (W. S. Maugham, ‘Complete Short Stories’, ‘Sanatorium’) — Каждая вечеринка рано или поздно приходит к концу, и на следующий день уже неважно, вернулись вы домой под утро или ушли, когда веселье было в разгаре.
146 cry over spilt milk
Don Manuel. was not one to cry over spilt milk. (W. S. Maugham, ‘Catalina’, ch. XXXVI) — Дон Мануэль. был не из тех людей, которые горюют о непоправимом.
Gwennie, it don’t do no good to cry over spilt milk. What’s done’s finished with but we can pick up the pieces. (D. Hewett, ‘Bobbin Up’, ch. 13) — Послушай, Гвенни, ну чего плакать, прошлого уж не вернешь. что было, то прошло, а жить все равно надо.
147 drink in smth. with one’s mother’s milk
If the Tiger died, Poincare would take his place; and the professors who had been scolding Clemenceau now had a sickening realization that he was a genius and a statesman compared with his probable successor, a dull pasty-faced lawyer who came from Lorraine, and therefore had drunk in hatred of Germany with his mother’s milk. (U. Sinclair, ‘World’s End’, ch. 30) — Если Тигр умрет, иметь дело придется с Пуанкаре, и профессора, которые до сих пор критиковали Клемансо, вдруг со страхом сообразили, что он все-таки человек большого государственного ума по сравнению со своим вероятным преемником, тупым толстощеким адвокатом, родившимся в Лотарингии и всосавшим ненависть к немцам вместе с молоком матери.
148 it is no good crying over spilt milk
Miss Pringle: «What are you going to do, then?» Norah: «It’s no good crying over spilt milk. I’ll look out for another situation.» (W. S. Maugham, ‘The Land of Promise’, act I) — Мисс Прингл: «что же вы будете делать?» Нора: «Слезами горю не поможешь. Буду искать себе другое место.»
The old woman who first said, ‘It’s no good crying over spilt milk’ was a philosopher in her way. For what did she mean by this except that regret was useless? (W. S. Maugham, ‘The Summing Up’, ch. 64) — Старая женщина, которая первой сказала «снявши голову, по волосам не плачут», была по-своему философом. Ведь она просто хотела выразить мысль, что сожаления бесполезны.
149 milk
150 milk and honey
151 milk and roses
Dainty of figure she was, with a face all milk and roses. (OED) — У нее была изящная фигура и румянец во всю щеку.
152 milk and water
‘Mystic need of worship!’, ‘Unknowable power for good!’ Words, words, words! Milk and water! (S. Lewis, ‘Elmer Gantry’, ch. XXIX) — «Мистическая необходимость обожания», «неизъяснимая сила добра»! Слова, слова и слова, лишенные всякого содержания!
153 milk the bull
154 milk the market
155 mother’s milk
Whisky is mother’s milk to old Jock. (CDI) — Старый пьяница Джок жить не может без виски.
156 pigeon’s milk
The custom at the time had degenerated into a senseless sport, the object being to take advantage of a person’s credulity by dispatching him on an impossible errand such as buying the «history of Eve’s mother», or pigeon’s milk or a similar absurdity. (L. Eckenstein, ‘A Spell of Words’, part V, ‘April Fools’) — К этому времени старый обычай выродился в бессмысленную забаву. Пользуясь доверчивостью человека, его посылали с немыслимым поручением достать «жизнеописание матери Евы», птичье молоко или что-л. столь же нелепое.
Boys and novices are frequently sent on the first of April to buy pigeon’s milk. (OED) — Ребят и новичков часто разыгрывают первого апреля, посылая купить что-либо несуществующее, вроде птичьего молока.
157 spilt milk
There is no help for spilt milk and Mr. Bunce could only retire to his own room. (A. Trollope, ‘The Warden’, ch. IV) — Но ничем помочь уже было нельзя: дело сделано, и мистеру Бансу не оставалось ничего другого, как удалиться в свою комнату.
If we could have packed the brute off with Georgina; but however, that’s spilled milk. (Ch. Dickens, ‘Our Mutual Friend’, book III, ch. XII) — Если б нам удалось тогда окрутить этого скота с Джорджиной! Да что толку: после драки кулаками не машут.
158 that accounts for the milk in the coconut
159 the milk in the coconut
160 the milk is spilled
См. также в других словарях:
List of Italian cheeses — This is a list of around 400 Italian cheeses. See List of Italian PDO cheeses for a list of those Italian cheeses which have Protected Designation of Origin under EU law, together with their areas of origin.A*Abbamare – Sardinia; a semi soft… … Wikipedia
Frappuccino — is the name and registered trademark of a Starbucks blended ice beverage and a bottled coffee beverage. HistorySome sources say that a very similar frozen coffee drink was invented by The Coffee Connection, a small Boston based chain later… … Wikipedia
Meal structure in Italy — This article is part of the series … Wikipedia
Nino Rota discography — Nino Rota discography Nino Rota Releases ↙Soundtracks 22 ↙Film scor … Wikipedia
List of Italian dishes — These dishes are representative of Italian cuisine.Dishes and recipesAntipasti* Insalata caprese * Insalata russa * Braciole * Bruschetta * Bresaola *Prosciutto e melone *Crostini con condimenti misti *Verdure in pinzimonio *Cocktail di gamberi… … Wikipedia
List of coffee beverages — See also: Coffee preparation#Presentation, Espresso#Espresso based drinks, and Espresso#Variations This article is about types of notable coffee beverages. Contents 1 Affogato 2 Baltimore 3 Black Eye … Wikipedia
Italy — /it l ee/, n. a republic in S Europe, comprising a peninsula S of the Alps, and Sicily, Sardinia, Elba, and other smaller islands: a kingdom 1870 1946. 57,534,088; 116,294 sq. mi. (301,200 sq. km). Cap.: Rome. Italian, Italia. * * * Italy… … Universalium
FOOD — The Biblical Period Diet in Ereẓ Israel during the biblical period was dependent mostly on the food supply of the closed agricultural economy. Most agricultural produce came from permanent settlements, and some wild plants were gathered, while… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Barcelona International Erotic Film Festival — A dancer at the 2006 FICEB For the Italian park and medieval town, see Gardens of Ninfa The Barcelona International Erotic Film Festival, or FICEB (Festival Internacional de Cinema Eròtic de Barcelona in Catalan) is an annual Spanish pornographic … Wikipedia
performing arts — arts or skills that require public performance, as acting, singing, or dancing. [1945 50] * * * ▪ 2009 Introduction Music Classical. The last vestiges of the Cold War seemed to thaw for a moment on Feb. 26, 2008, when the unfamiliar strains … Universalium
201 pasteurized milk
202 preserved milk
203 reconstituted milk
heat-treated milk — молоко, подвергнутое тепловой обработке
204 sanitary milk
205 sour milk
206 sweetened condensed milk
207 watered milk
208 whole milk
209 milk
210 milk chocolate
211 milk sugar
212 cry over spilt milk
213 a land flowing with milk and honey
214 milk and water
215 the milk is spilled
216 milk smb. dry
217 mother’s milk
218 spilt milk
220 milk teeth
См. также в других словарях:
List of Italian cheeses — This is a list of around 400 Italian cheeses. See List of Italian PDO cheeses for a list of those Italian cheeses which have Protected Designation of Origin under EU law, together with their areas of origin.A*Abbamare – Sardinia; a semi soft… … Wikipedia
Frappuccino — is the name and registered trademark of a Starbucks blended ice beverage and a bottled coffee beverage. HistorySome sources say that a very similar frozen coffee drink was invented by The Coffee Connection, a small Boston based chain later… … Wikipedia
Meal structure in Italy — This article is part of the series … Wikipedia
Nino Rota discography — Nino Rota discography Nino Rota Releases ↙Soundtracks 22 ↙Film scor … Wikipedia
List of Italian dishes — These dishes are representative of Italian cuisine.Dishes and recipesAntipasti* Insalata caprese * Insalata russa * Braciole * Bruschetta * Bresaola *Prosciutto e melone *Crostini con condimenti misti *Verdure in pinzimonio *Cocktail di gamberi… … Wikipedia
List of coffee beverages — See also: Coffee preparation#Presentation, Espresso#Espresso based drinks, and Espresso#Variations This article is about types of notable coffee beverages. Contents 1 Affogato 2 Baltimore 3 Black Eye … Wikipedia
Italy — /it l ee/, n. a republic in S Europe, comprising a peninsula S of the Alps, and Sicily, Sardinia, Elba, and other smaller islands: a kingdom 1870 1946. 57,534,088; 116,294 sq. mi. (301,200 sq. km). Cap.: Rome. Italian, Italia. * * * Italy… … Universalium
FOOD — The Biblical Period Diet in Ereẓ Israel during the biblical period was dependent mostly on the food supply of the closed agricultural economy. Most agricultural produce came from permanent settlements, and some wild plants were gathered, while… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Barcelona International Erotic Film Festival — A dancer at the 2006 FICEB For the Italian park and medieval town, see Gardens of Ninfa The Barcelona International Erotic Film Festival, or FICEB (Festival Internacional de Cinema Eròtic de Barcelona in Catalan) is an annual Spanish pornographic … Wikipedia
performing arts — arts or skills that require public performance, as acting, singing, or dancing. [1945 50] * * * ▪ 2009 Introduction Music Classical. The last vestiges of the Cold War seemed to thaw for a moment on Feb. 26, 2008, when the unfamiliar strains … Universalium
101 milk and water
The conversation had so much of milk and water in its composition, that. — Разговор был настолько бессодержательным, что…
102 milk round
to have a milk round, to do one’s milk round — развозить молоко
The milk round has become an annual fixture in the student calendar. ( The Telegraph) — Ежегодные встречи потенциальных работодателей со студентами университетов и колледжей стали уже традиционными.
103 milk-and-water
104 sour clotted milk
105 sour milk
106 milk
107 sour milk
108 turn milk into butter
109 milk fever
110 milk gauge
111 milk jug
112 milk pail
113 milk sugar
114 milk-and-water
115 adulterated milk
116 cow in milk
117 milk run
118 to boil milk
119 (a) bottle of milk
120 coffee white milk
См. также в других словарях:
List of Italian cheeses — This is a list of around 400 Italian cheeses. See List of Italian PDO cheeses for a list of those Italian cheeses which have Protected Designation of Origin under EU law, together with their areas of origin.A*Abbamare – Sardinia; a semi soft… … Wikipedia
Frappuccino — is the name and registered trademark of a Starbucks blended ice beverage and a bottled coffee beverage. HistorySome sources say that a very similar frozen coffee drink was invented by The Coffee Connection, a small Boston based chain later… … Wikipedia
Meal structure in Italy — This article is part of the series … Wikipedia
Nino Rota discography — Nino Rota discography Nino Rota Releases ↙Soundtracks 22 ↙Film scor … Wikipedia
List of Italian dishes — These dishes are representative of Italian cuisine.Dishes and recipesAntipasti* Insalata caprese * Insalata russa * Braciole * Bruschetta * Bresaola *Prosciutto e melone *Crostini con condimenti misti *Verdure in pinzimonio *Cocktail di gamberi… … Wikipedia
List of coffee beverages — See also: Coffee preparation#Presentation, Espresso#Espresso based drinks, and Espresso#Variations This article is about types of notable coffee beverages. Contents 1 Affogato 2 Baltimore 3 Black Eye … Wikipedia
Italy — /it l ee/, n. a republic in S Europe, comprising a peninsula S of the Alps, and Sicily, Sardinia, Elba, and other smaller islands: a kingdom 1870 1946. 57,534,088; 116,294 sq. mi. (301,200 sq. km). Cap.: Rome. Italian, Italia. * * * Italy… … Universalium
FOOD — The Biblical Period Diet in Ereẓ Israel during the biblical period was dependent mostly on the food supply of the closed agricultural economy. Most agricultural produce came from permanent settlements, and some wild plants were gathered, while… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Barcelona International Erotic Film Festival — A dancer at the 2006 FICEB For the Italian park and medieval town, see Gardens of Ninfa The Barcelona International Erotic Film Festival, or FICEB (Festival Internacional de Cinema Eròtic de Barcelona in Catalan) is an annual Spanish pornographic … Wikipedia
performing arts — arts or skills that require public performance, as acting, singing, or dancing. [1945 50] * * * ▪ 2009 Introduction Music Classical. The last vestiges of the Cold War seemed to thaw for a moment on Feb. 26, 2008, when the unfamiliar strains … Universalium
dolce milk
1 Bovine Milk Lysozyme
2 Calcium Reduced Skim Milk Powder
3 Days In Milk
4 Fat Convected Milk
5 High Temperature Skim Milk
6 Human Milk Lysozyme
7 Non-Fat Milk
8 Simulated Milk Ultrafiltrate
9 Solid Collected Milk
11 Abnormal Milk Control Program
12 American Association of Medical Milk Commissions
13 American Dry Milk Institute
14 Anhydrous Milk Fat
15 Associated Milk Producers’ Information
16 Chocolate Milk Drinkers Of America
17 Cookies And Milk
18 German Milk Cow
19 Infant Milk Formula
20 Insufficient Milk Feeding
См. также в других словарях:
List of Italian cheeses — This is a list of around 400 Italian cheeses. See List of Italian PDO cheeses for a list of those Italian cheeses which have Protected Designation of Origin under EU law, together with their areas of origin.A*Abbamare – Sardinia; a semi soft… … Wikipedia
Frappuccino — is the name and registered trademark of a Starbucks blended ice beverage and a bottled coffee beverage. HistorySome sources say that a very similar frozen coffee drink was invented by The Coffee Connection, a small Boston based chain later… … Wikipedia
Meal structure in Italy — This article is part of the series … Wikipedia
Nino Rota discography — Nino Rota discography Nino Rota Releases ↙Soundtracks 22 ↙Film scor … Wikipedia
List of Italian dishes — These dishes are representative of Italian cuisine.Dishes and recipesAntipasti* Insalata caprese * Insalata russa * Braciole * Bruschetta * Bresaola *Prosciutto e melone *Crostini con condimenti misti *Verdure in pinzimonio *Cocktail di gamberi… … Wikipedia
List of coffee beverages — See also: Coffee preparation#Presentation, Espresso#Espresso based drinks, and Espresso#Variations This article is about types of notable coffee beverages. Contents 1 Affogato 2 Baltimore 3 Black Eye … Wikipedia
Italy — /it l ee/, n. a republic in S Europe, comprising a peninsula S of the Alps, and Sicily, Sardinia, Elba, and other smaller islands: a kingdom 1870 1946. 57,534,088; 116,294 sq. mi. (301,200 sq. km). Cap.: Rome. Italian, Italia. * * * Italy… … Universalium
FOOD — The Biblical Period Diet in Ereẓ Israel during the biblical period was dependent mostly on the food supply of the closed agricultural economy. Most agricultural produce came from permanent settlements, and some wild plants were gathered, while… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Barcelona International Erotic Film Festival — A dancer at the 2006 FICEB For the Italian park and medieval town, see Gardens of Ninfa The Barcelona International Erotic Film Festival, or FICEB (Festival Internacional de Cinema Eròtic de Barcelona in Catalan) is an annual Spanish pornographic … Wikipedia
performing arts — arts or skills that require public performance, as acting, singing, or dancing. [1945 50] * * * ▪ 2009 Introduction Music Classical. The last vestiges of the Cold War seemed to thaw for a moment on Feb. 26, 2008, when the unfamiliar strains … Universalium
Теперь вы знаете какие однокоренные слова подходят к слову Как пишется по английски дольче milk, а так же какой у него корень, приставка, суффикс и окончание. Вы можете дополнить список однокоренных слов к слову «Как пишется по английски дольче milk», предложив свой вариант в комментариях ниже, а также выразить свое несогласие проведенным с морфемным разбором.
Морфемный разбор слова:
Однокоренные слова к слову:
Откройте возможности нейронного машинного перевода PROMT
PROMT.One (www.translate.ru) – бесплатный онлайн-переводчик на основе нейронных сетей (NMT) для азербайджанского, английского, арабского, греческого, иврита, испанского, итальянского, казахского, китайского, корейского, немецкого, португальского, русского, татарского, турецкого, туркменского, узбекского, украинского, финского, французского, эстонского и японского языков.
Смотрите перевод слов и устойчивых выражений, транскрипцию и произношение в онлайн cловаре. Словари PROMT для английского, немецкого, французского, русского, испанского, итальянского и португальского языков включают миллионы слов и словосочетаний, самую современную разговорную лексику, которая постоянно отслеживается и пополняется нашими лингвистами.
Изучайте времена и формы глаголов в английском, немецком, испанском, французском и русском языках в разделе Спряжение и склонение. Учите употребление слов и выражений в разных Контекстах. Мы собрали для вас миллионы примеров перевода на разные языки, которые помогут вам в изучении иностранных языков и подготовке домашних заданий.
141 tiger milk
142 a land flowing with milk and honey
143 a milk run
Bologna had been bombed. Bologna was a milk run. There had been no flak there at all. (J. Heller, ‘Catch-22’, ch. XIV) — Бомбы на Болонью сбросили. Вражеских зениток там не оказалось вообще. Полет прошел спокойно.
144 bring smb. to his milk
There ain’t anything that’ll bring you to your milk half so quick as a good. thrashing. (Suppl) — Тебя может образумить только. хорошая взбучка.
145 come home with the milk
Every party’s got to come to an end, and next day it doesn’t matter much if you went home with the milk or if you left while the fun was in full swing. (W. S. Maugham, ‘Complete Short Stories’, ‘Sanatorium’) — Каждая вечеринка рано или поздно приходит к концу, и на следующий день уже неважно, вернулись вы домой под утро или ушли, когда веселье было в разгаре.
146 cry over spilt milk
Don Manuel. was not one to cry over spilt milk. (W. S. Maugham, ‘Catalina’, ch. XXXVI) — Дон Мануэль. был не из тех людей, которые горюют о непоправимом.
Gwennie, it don’t do no good to cry over spilt milk. What’s done’s finished with but we can pick up the pieces. (D. Hewett, ‘Bobbin Up’, ch. 13) — Послушай, Гвенни, ну чего плакать, прошлого уж не вернешь. что было, то прошло, а жить все равно надо.
147 drink in smth. with one’s mother’s milk
If the Tiger died, Poincare would take his place; and the professors who had been scolding Clemenceau now had a sickening realization that he was a genius and a statesman compared with his probable successor, a dull pasty-faced lawyer who came from Lorraine, and therefore had drunk in hatred of Germany with his mother’s milk. (U. Sinclair, ‘World’s End’, ch. 30) — Если Тигр умрет, иметь дело придется с Пуанкаре, и профессора, которые до сих пор критиковали Клемансо, вдруг со страхом сообразили, что он все-таки человек большого государственного ума по сравнению со своим вероятным преемником, тупым толстощеким адвокатом, родившимся в Лотарингии и всосавшим ненависть к немцам вместе с молоком матери.
148 it is no good crying over spilt milk
Miss Pringle: «What are you going to do, then?» Norah: «It’s no good crying over spilt milk. I’ll look out for another situation.» (W. S. Maugham, ‘The Land of Promise’, act I) — Мисс Прингл: «что же вы будете делать?» Нора: «Слезами горю не поможешь. Буду искать себе другое место.»
The old woman who first said, ‘It’s no good crying over spilt milk’ was a philosopher in her way. For what did she mean by this except that regret was useless? (W. S. Maugham, ‘The Summing Up’, ch. 64) — Старая женщина, которая первой сказала «снявши голову, по волосам не плачут», была по-своему философом. Ведь она просто хотела выразить мысль, что сожаления бесполезны.
149 milk
150 milk and honey
151 milk and roses
Dainty of figure she was, with a face all milk and roses. (OED) — У нее была изящная фигура и румянец во всю щеку.
152 milk and water
‘Mystic need of worship!’, ‘Unknowable power for good!’ Words, words, words! Milk and water! (S. Lewis, ‘Elmer Gantry’, ch. XXIX) — «Мистическая необходимость обожания», «неизъяснимая сила добра»! Слова, слова и слова, лишенные всякого содержания!
153 milk the bull
154 milk the market
155 mother’s milk
Whisky is mother’s milk to old Jock. (CDI) — Старый пьяница Джок жить не может без виски.
156 pigeon’s milk
The custom at the time had degenerated into a senseless sport, the object being to take advantage of a person’s credulity by dispatching him on an impossible errand such as buying the «history of Eve’s mother», or pigeon’s milk or a similar absurdity. (L. Eckenstein, ‘A Spell of Words’, part V, ‘April Fools’) — К этому времени старый обычай выродился в бессмысленную забаву. Пользуясь доверчивостью человека, его посылали с немыслимым поручением достать «жизнеописание матери Евы», птичье молоко или что-л. столь же нелепое.
Boys and novices are frequently sent on the first of April to buy pigeon’s milk. (OED) — Ребят и новичков часто разыгрывают первого апреля, посылая купить что-либо несуществующее, вроде птичьего молока.
157 spilt milk
There is no help for spilt milk and Mr. Bunce could only retire to his own room. (A. Trollope, ‘The Warden’, ch. IV) — Но ничем помочь уже было нельзя: дело сделано, и мистеру Бансу не оставалось ничего другого, как удалиться в свою комнату.
If we could have packed the brute off with Georgina; but however, that’s spilled milk. (Ch. Dickens, ‘Our Mutual Friend’, book III, ch. XII) — Если б нам удалось тогда окрутить этого скота с Джорджиной! Да что толку: после драки кулаками не машут.
158 that accounts for the milk in the coconut
159 the milk in the coconut
160 the milk is spilled
См. также в других словарях:
List of Italian cheeses — This is a list of around 400 Italian cheeses. See List of Italian PDO cheeses for a list of those Italian cheeses which have Protected Designation of Origin under EU law, together with their areas of origin.A*Abbamare – Sardinia; a semi soft… … Wikipedia
Frappuccino — is the name and registered trademark of a Starbucks blended ice beverage and a bottled coffee beverage. HistorySome sources say that a very similar frozen coffee drink was invented by The Coffee Connection, a small Boston based chain later… … Wikipedia
Meal structure in Italy — This article is part of the series … Wikipedia
Nino Rota discography — Nino Rota discography Nino Rota Releases ↙Soundtracks 22 ↙Film scor … Wikipedia
List of Italian dishes — These dishes are representative of Italian cuisine.Dishes and recipesAntipasti* Insalata caprese * Insalata russa * Braciole * Bruschetta * Bresaola *Prosciutto e melone *Crostini con condimenti misti *Verdure in pinzimonio *Cocktail di gamberi… … Wikipedia
List of coffee beverages — See also: Coffee preparation#Presentation, Espresso#Espresso based drinks, and Espresso#Variations This article is about types of notable coffee beverages. Contents 1 Affogato 2 Baltimore 3 Black Eye … Wikipedia
Italy — /it l ee/, n. a republic in S Europe, comprising a peninsula S of the Alps, and Sicily, Sardinia, Elba, and other smaller islands: a kingdom 1870 1946. 57,534,088; 116,294 sq. mi. (301,200 sq. km). Cap.: Rome. Italian, Italia. * * * Italy… … Universalium
FOOD — The Biblical Period Diet in Ereẓ Israel during the biblical period was dependent mostly on the food supply of the closed agricultural economy. Most agricultural produce came from permanent settlements, and some wild plants were gathered, while… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Barcelona International Erotic Film Festival — A dancer at the 2006 FICEB For the Italian park and medieval town, see Gardens of Ninfa The Barcelona International Erotic Film Festival, or FICEB (Festival Internacional de Cinema Eròtic de Barcelona in Catalan) is an annual Spanish pornographic … Wikipedia
performing arts — arts or skills that require public performance, as acting, singing, or dancing. [1945 50] * * * ▪ 2009 Introduction Music Classical. The last vestiges of the Cold War seemed to thaw for a moment on Feb. 26, 2008, when the unfamiliar strains … Universalium
201 pasteurized milk
202 preserved milk
203 reconstituted milk
heat-treated milk — молоко, подвергнутое тепловой обработке
204 sanitary milk
205 sour milk
206 sweetened condensed milk
207 watered milk
208 whole milk
209 milk
210 milk chocolate
211 milk sugar
212 cry over spilt milk
213 a land flowing with milk and honey
214 milk and water
215 the milk is spilled
216 milk smb. dry
217 mother’s milk
218 spilt milk
220 milk teeth
См. также в других словарях:
List of Italian cheeses — This is a list of around 400 Italian cheeses. See List of Italian PDO cheeses for a list of those Italian cheeses which have Protected Designation of Origin under EU law, together with their areas of origin.A*Abbamare – Sardinia; a semi soft… … Wikipedia
Frappuccino — is the name and registered trademark of a Starbucks blended ice beverage and a bottled coffee beverage. HistorySome sources say that a very similar frozen coffee drink was invented by The Coffee Connection, a small Boston based chain later… … Wikipedia
Meal structure in Italy — This article is part of the series … Wikipedia
Nino Rota discography — Nino Rota discography Nino Rota Releases ↙Soundtracks 22 ↙Film scor … Wikipedia
List of Italian dishes — These dishes are representative of Italian cuisine.Dishes and recipesAntipasti* Insalata caprese * Insalata russa * Braciole * Bruschetta * Bresaola *Prosciutto e melone *Crostini con condimenti misti *Verdure in pinzimonio *Cocktail di gamberi… … Wikipedia
List of coffee beverages — See also: Coffee preparation#Presentation, Espresso#Espresso based drinks, and Espresso#Variations This article is about types of notable coffee beverages. Contents 1 Affogato 2 Baltimore 3 Black Eye … Wikipedia
Italy — /it l ee/, n. a republic in S Europe, comprising a peninsula S of the Alps, and Sicily, Sardinia, Elba, and other smaller islands: a kingdom 1870 1946. 57,534,088; 116,294 sq. mi. (301,200 sq. km). Cap.: Rome. Italian, Italia. * * * Italy… … Universalium
FOOD — The Biblical Period Diet in Ereẓ Israel during the biblical period was dependent mostly on the food supply of the closed agricultural economy. Most agricultural produce came from permanent settlements, and some wild plants were gathered, while… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Barcelona International Erotic Film Festival — A dancer at the 2006 FICEB For the Italian park and medieval town, see Gardens of Ninfa The Barcelona International Erotic Film Festival, or FICEB (Festival Internacional de Cinema Eròtic de Barcelona in Catalan) is an annual Spanish pornographic … Wikipedia
performing arts — arts or skills that require public performance, as acting, singing, or dancing. [1945 50] * * * ▪ 2009 Introduction Music Classical. The last vestiges of the Cold War seemed to thaw for a moment on Feb. 26, 2008, when the unfamiliar strains … Universalium
101 milk and water
The conversation had so much of milk and water in its composition, that. — Разговор был настолько бессодержательным, что…
102 milk round
to have a milk round, to do one’s milk round — развозить молоко
The milk round has become an annual fixture in the student calendar. ( The Telegraph) — Ежегодные встречи потенциальных работодателей со студентами университетов и колледжей стали уже традиционными.
103 milk-and-water
104 sour clotted milk
105 sour milk
106 milk
107 sour milk
108 turn milk into butter
109 milk fever
110 milk gauge
111 milk jug
112 milk pail
113 milk sugar
114 milk-and-water
115 adulterated milk
116 cow in milk
117 milk run
118 to boil milk
119 (a) bottle of milk
120 coffee white milk
См. также в других словарях:
List of Italian cheeses — This is a list of around 400 Italian cheeses. See List of Italian PDO cheeses for a list of those Italian cheeses which have Protected Designation of Origin under EU law, together with their areas of origin.A*Abbamare – Sardinia; a semi soft… … Wikipedia
Frappuccino — is the name and registered trademark of a Starbucks blended ice beverage and a bottled coffee beverage. HistorySome sources say that a very similar frozen coffee drink was invented by The Coffee Connection, a small Boston based chain later… … Wikipedia
Meal structure in Italy — This article is part of the series … Wikipedia
Nino Rota discography — Nino Rota discography Nino Rota Releases ↙Soundtracks 22 ↙Film scor … Wikipedia
List of Italian dishes — These dishes are representative of Italian cuisine.Dishes and recipesAntipasti* Insalata caprese * Insalata russa * Braciole * Bruschetta * Bresaola *Prosciutto e melone *Crostini con condimenti misti *Verdure in pinzimonio *Cocktail di gamberi… … Wikipedia
List of coffee beverages — See also: Coffee preparation#Presentation, Espresso#Espresso based drinks, and Espresso#Variations This article is about types of notable coffee beverages. Contents 1 Affogato 2 Baltimore 3 Black Eye … Wikipedia
Italy — /it l ee/, n. a republic in S Europe, comprising a peninsula S of the Alps, and Sicily, Sardinia, Elba, and other smaller islands: a kingdom 1870 1946. 57,534,088; 116,294 sq. mi. (301,200 sq. km). Cap.: Rome. Italian, Italia. * * * Italy… … Universalium
FOOD — The Biblical Period Diet in Ereẓ Israel during the biblical period was dependent mostly on the food supply of the closed agricultural economy. Most agricultural produce came from permanent settlements, and some wild plants were gathered, while… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Barcelona International Erotic Film Festival — A dancer at the 2006 FICEB For the Italian park and medieval town, see Gardens of Ninfa The Barcelona International Erotic Film Festival, or FICEB (Festival Internacional de Cinema Eròtic de Barcelona in Catalan) is an annual Spanish pornographic … Wikipedia
performing arts — arts or skills that require public performance, as acting, singing, or dancing. [1945 50] * * * ▪ 2009 Introduction Music Classical. The last vestiges of the Cold War seemed to thaw for a moment on Feb. 26, 2008, when the unfamiliar strains … Universalium
dolce milk
1 Bovine Milk Lysozyme
2 Calcium Reduced Skim Milk Powder
3 Days In Milk
4 Fat Convected Milk
5 High Temperature Skim Milk
6 Human Milk Lysozyme
7 Non-Fat Milk
8 Simulated Milk Ultrafiltrate
9 Solid Collected Milk
11 Abnormal Milk Control Program
12 American Association of Medical Milk Commissions
13 American Dry Milk Institute
14 Anhydrous Milk Fat
15 Associated Milk Producers’ Information
16 Chocolate Milk Drinkers Of America
17 Cookies And Milk
18 German Milk Cow
19 Infant Milk Formula
20 Insufficient Milk Feeding
См. также в других словарях:
List of Italian cheeses — This is a list of around 400 Italian cheeses. See List of Italian PDO cheeses for a list of those Italian cheeses which have Protected Designation of Origin under EU law, together with their areas of origin.A*Abbamare – Sardinia; a semi soft… … Wikipedia
Frappuccino — is the name and registered trademark of a Starbucks blended ice beverage and a bottled coffee beverage. HistorySome sources say that a very similar frozen coffee drink was invented by The Coffee Connection, a small Boston based chain later… … Wikipedia
Meal structure in Italy — This article is part of the series … Wikipedia
Nino Rota discography — Nino Rota discography Nino Rota Releases ↙Soundtracks 22 ↙Film scor … Wikipedia
List of Italian dishes — These dishes are representative of Italian cuisine.Dishes and recipesAntipasti* Insalata caprese * Insalata russa * Braciole * Bruschetta * Bresaola *Prosciutto e melone *Crostini con condimenti misti *Verdure in pinzimonio *Cocktail di gamberi… … Wikipedia
List of coffee beverages — See also: Coffee preparation#Presentation, Espresso#Espresso based drinks, and Espresso#Variations This article is about types of notable coffee beverages. Contents 1 Affogato 2 Baltimore 3 Black Eye … Wikipedia
Italy — /it l ee/, n. a republic in S Europe, comprising a peninsula S of the Alps, and Sicily, Sardinia, Elba, and other smaller islands: a kingdom 1870 1946. 57,534,088; 116,294 sq. mi. (301,200 sq. km). Cap.: Rome. Italian, Italia. * * * Italy… … Universalium
FOOD — The Biblical Period Diet in Ereẓ Israel during the biblical period was dependent mostly on the food supply of the closed agricultural economy. Most agricultural produce came from permanent settlements, and some wild plants were gathered, while… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Barcelona International Erotic Film Festival — A dancer at the 2006 FICEB For the Italian park and medieval town, see Gardens of Ninfa The Barcelona International Erotic Film Festival, or FICEB (Festival Internacional de Cinema Eròtic de Barcelona in Catalan) is an annual Spanish pornographic … Wikipedia
performing arts — arts or skills that require public performance, as acting, singing, or dancing. [1945 50] * * * ▪ 2009 Introduction Music Classical. The last vestiges of the Cold War seemed to thaw for a moment on Feb. 26, 2008, when the unfamiliar strains … Universalium
Теперь вы знаете какие однокоренные слова подходят к слову Как пишется по английски дольче milk, а так же какой у него корень, приставка, суффикс и окончание. Вы можете дополнить список однокоренных слов к слову «Как пишется по английски дольче milk», предложив свой вариант в комментариях ниже, а также выразить свое несогласие проведенным с морфемным разбором.
dolce milk
1 Bovine Milk Lysozyme
2 Calcium Reduced Skim Milk Powder
3 Days In Milk
4 Fat Convected Milk
5 High Temperature Skim Milk
6 Human Milk Lysozyme
7 Non-Fat Milk
8 Simulated Milk Ultrafiltrate
9 Solid Collected Milk
11 Abnormal Milk Control Program
12 American Association of Medical Milk Commissions
13 American Dry Milk Institute
14 Anhydrous Milk Fat
15 Associated Milk Producers’ Information
16 Chocolate Milk Drinkers Of America
17 Cookies And Milk
18 German Milk Cow
19 Infant Milk Formula
20 Insufficient Milk Feeding
См. также в других словарях:
List of Italian cheeses — This is a list of around 400 Italian cheeses. See List of Italian PDO cheeses for a list of those Italian cheeses which have Protected Designation of Origin under EU law, together with their areas of origin.A*Abbamare – Sardinia; a semi soft… … Wikipedia
Frappuccino — is the name and registered trademark of a Starbucks blended ice beverage and a bottled coffee beverage. HistorySome sources say that a very similar frozen coffee drink was invented by The Coffee Connection, a small Boston based chain later… … Wikipedia
Meal structure in Italy — This article is part of the series … Wikipedia
Nino Rota discography — Nino Rota discography Nino Rota Releases ↙Soundtracks 22 ↙Film scor … Wikipedia
List of Italian dishes — These dishes are representative of Italian cuisine.Dishes and recipesAntipasti* Insalata caprese * Insalata russa * Braciole * Bruschetta * Bresaola *Prosciutto e melone *Crostini con condimenti misti *Verdure in pinzimonio *Cocktail di gamberi… … Wikipedia
List of coffee beverages — See also: Coffee preparation#Presentation, Espresso#Espresso based drinks, and Espresso#Variations This article is about types of notable coffee beverages. Contents 1 Affogato 2 Baltimore 3 Black Eye … Wikipedia
Italy — /it l ee/, n. a republic in S Europe, comprising a peninsula S of the Alps, and Sicily, Sardinia, Elba, and other smaller islands: a kingdom 1870 1946. 57,534,088; 116,294 sq. mi. (301,200 sq. km). Cap.: Rome. Italian, Italia. * * * Italy… … Universalium
FOOD — The Biblical Period Diet in Ereẓ Israel during the biblical period was dependent mostly on the food supply of the closed agricultural economy. Most agricultural produce came from permanent settlements, and some wild plants were gathered, while… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Barcelona International Erotic Film Festival — A dancer at the 2006 FICEB For the Italian park and medieval town, see Gardens of Ninfa The Barcelona International Erotic Film Festival, or FICEB (Festival Internacional de Cinema Eròtic de Barcelona in Catalan) is an annual Spanish pornographic … Wikipedia
performing arts — arts or skills that require public performance, as acting, singing, or dancing. [1945 50] * * * ▪ 2009 Introduction Music Classical. The last vestiges of the Cold War seemed to thaw for a moment on Feb. 26, 2008, when the unfamiliar strains … Universalium
Как пишется дольче милк на английском
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PROMT.One (www.translate.ru) – бесплатный онлайн-переводчик на основе нейронных сетей (NMT) для азербайджанского, английского, арабского, греческого, иврита, испанского, итальянского, казахского, китайского, корейского, немецкого, португальского, русского, татарского, турецкого, туркменского, узбекского, украинского, финского, французского, эстонского и японского языков.
Изучайте времена и формы глаголов в английском, немецком, испанском, французском и русском языках в разделе Спряжение и склонение. Учите употребление слов и выражений в разных Контекстах. Мы собрали для вас миллионы примеров перевода на разные языки, которые помогут вам в изучении иностранных языков и подготовке домашних заданий.
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21 milk
milk for babes несло́жная кни́га, статья́ и т.п.
milk and honey ≅ моло́чные ре́ки, кисе́льные берега́
22 milk and water
23 milk farm
24 milk tank truck
25 milk tanker
26 milk yield
27 milk-and-water
28 milk-and-water girl
29 milk-brother
30 milk-float
31 milk-gauge
32 milk-livered
33 milk-shake
34 milk-sugar
35 milk-tooth
36 milk-white
37 new milk
38 acidophilus milk
39 caucasian milk
40 evaporated milk
См. также в других словарях:
List of Italian cheeses — This is a list of around 400 Italian cheeses. See List of Italian PDO cheeses for a list of those Italian cheeses which have Protected Designation of Origin under EU law, together with their areas of origin.A*Abbamare – Sardinia; a semi soft… … Wikipedia
Frappuccino — is the name and registered trademark of a Starbucks blended ice beverage and a bottled coffee beverage. HistorySome sources say that a very similar frozen coffee drink was invented by The Coffee Connection, a small Boston based chain later… … Wikipedia
Meal structure in Italy — This article is part of the series … Wikipedia
Nino Rota discography — Nino Rota discography Nino Rota Releases ↙Soundtracks 22 ↙Film scor … Wikipedia
List of Italian dishes — These dishes are representative of Italian cuisine.Dishes and recipesAntipasti* Insalata caprese * Insalata russa * Braciole * Bruschetta * Bresaola *Prosciutto e melone *Crostini con condimenti misti *Verdure in pinzimonio *Cocktail di gamberi… … Wikipedia
List of coffee beverages — See also: Coffee preparation#Presentation, Espresso#Espresso based drinks, and Espresso#Variations This article is about types of notable coffee beverages. Contents 1 Affogato 2 Baltimore 3 Black Eye … Wikipedia
Italy — /it l ee/, n. a republic in S Europe, comprising a peninsula S of the Alps, and Sicily, Sardinia, Elba, and other smaller islands: a kingdom 1870 1946. 57,534,088; 116,294 sq. mi. (301,200 sq. km). Cap.: Rome. Italian, Italia. * * * Italy… … Universalium
FOOD — The Biblical Period Diet in Ereẓ Israel during the biblical period was dependent mostly on the food supply of the closed agricultural economy. Most agricultural produce came from permanent settlements, and some wild plants were gathered, while… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Barcelona International Erotic Film Festival — A dancer at the 2006 FICEB For the Italian park and medieval town, see Gardens of Ninfa The Barcelona International Erotic Film Festival, or FICEB (Festival Internacional de Cinema Eròtic de Barcelona in Catalan) is an annual Spanish pornographic … Wikipedia
performing arts — arts or skills that require public performance, as acting, singing, or dancing. [1945 50] * * * ▪ 2009 Introduction Music Classical. The last vestiges of the Cold War seemed to thaw for a moment on Feb. 26, 2008, when the unfamiliar strains … Universalium
81 milk-powder
82 milk-punch
83 milk-white
84 pigeon’s milk
85 tiger’s milk
86 milk bottle capping machine
87 milk somebody bone dry
If Kipling was interested in a subject or a way of life, he could fasten himself on a man and milk him dry of all relevant information in an hour or less.
88 milk somebody dry
If Kipling was interested in a subject or a way of life, he could fasten himself on a man and milk him dry of all relevant information in an hour or less.
89 milk bar
90 Milk Race
91 milk shake
94 milk
95 milk bush
96 milk-bar
milk-bar cowboy – человек, кот. проводит время в баре, завсегдатай молочного бара; milk-bar economy – диспропорциональное развитие экономики (гипертрофия сырьевой и перерабатывающей индустрии)
97 The land flowing with milk and honey
98 The land of milk and honey
99 curdled milk
100 milk
milk for babes — что-л. лёгкое для понимания (несложная книга, статья и пр.)
milk and honey — молочные реки, кисельные берега
the milk of human kindness — сострадание, мягкосердечие, доброта
to milk the bull / ram — ждать от козла молока
См. также в других словарях:
List of Italian cheeses — This is a list of around 400 Italian cheeses. See List of Italian PDO cheeses for a list of those Italian cheeses which have Protected Designation of Origin under EU law, together with their areas of origin.A*Abbamare – Sardinia; a semi soft… … Wikipedia
Frappuccino — is the name and registered trademark of a Starbucks blended ice beverage and a bottled coffee beverage. HistorySome sources say that a very similar frozen coffee drink was invented by The Coffee Connection, a small Boston based chain later… … Wikipedia
Meal structure in Italy — This article is part of the series … Wikipedia
Nino Rota discography — Nino Rota discography Nino Rota Releases ↙Soundtracks 22 ↙Film scor … Wikipedia
List of Italian dishes — These dishes are representative of Italian cuisine.Dishes and recipesAntipasti* Insalata caprese * Insalata russa * Braciole * Bruschetta * Bresaola *Prosciutto e melone *Crostini con condimenti misti *Verdure in pinzimonio *Cocktail di gamberi… … Wikipedia
List of coffee beverages — See also: Coffee preparation#Presentation, Espresso#Espresso based drinks, and Espresso#Variations This article is about types of notable coffee beverages. Contents 1 Affogato 2 Baltimore 3 Black Eye … Wikipedia
Italy — /it l ee/, n. a republic in S Europe, comprising a peninsula S of the Alps, and Sicily, Sardinia, Elba, and other smaller islands: a kingdom 1870 1946. 57,534,088; 116,294 sq. mi. (301,200 sq. km). Cap.: Rome. Italian, Italia. * * * Italy… … Universalium
FOOD — The Biblical Period Diet in Ereẓ Israel during the biblical period was dependent mostly on the food supply of the closed agricultural economy. Most agricultural produce came from permanent settlements, and some wild plants were gathered, while… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Barcelona International Erotic Film Festival — A dancer at the 2006 FICEB For the Italian park and medieval town, see Gardens of Ninfa The Barcelona International Erotic Film Festival, or FICEB (Festival Internacional de Cinema Eròtic de Barcelona in Catalan) is an annual Spanish pornographic … Wikipedia
performing arts — arts or skills that require public performance, as acting, singing, or dancing. [1945 50] * * * ▪ 2009 Introduction Music Classical. The last vestiges of the Cold War seemed to thaw for a moment on Feb. 26, 2008, when the unfamiliar strains … Universalium
341 milk-loaf
342 milk-pail
343 milk-powder
344 milk-producing
345 milk-punch
346 milk-toast
347 milk-warm
348 milk-water
349 moisturizing milk
350 new milk
351 non-fat milk
352 pasteurized milk
353 pigeon milk
354 pigeon’s milk
355 powdered milk
356 propeller milk meter
357 rice-milk
358 rich milk
359 rock milk
360 saccharate milk
См. также в других словарях:
List of Italian cheeses — This is a list of around 400 Italian cheeses. See List of Italian PDO cheeses for a list of those Italian cheeses which have Protected Designation of Origin under EU law, together with their areas of origin.A*Abbamare – Sardinia; a semi soft… … Wikipedia
Frappuccino — is the name and registered trademark of a Starbucks blended ice beverage and a bottled coffee beverage. HistorySome sources say that a very similar frozen coffee drink was invented by The Coffee Connection, a small Boston based chain later… … Wikipedia
Meal structure in Italy — This article is part of the series … Wikipedia
Nino Rota discography — Nino Rota discography Nino Rota Releases ↙Soundtracks 22 ↙Film scor … Wikipedia
List of Italian dishes — These dishes are representative of Italian cuisine.Dishes and recipesAntipasti* Insalata caprese * Insalata russa * Braciole * Bruschetta * Bresaola *Prosciutto e melone *Crostini con condimenti misti *Verdure in pinzimonio *Cocktail di gamberi… … Wikipedia
List of coffee beverages — See also: Coffee preparation#Presentation, Espresso#Espresso based drinks, and Espresso#Variations This article is about types of notable coffee beverages. Contents 1 Affogato 2 Baltimore 3 Black Eye … Wikipedia
Italy — /it l ee/, n. a republic in S Europe, comprising a peninsula S of the Alps, and Sicily, Sardinia, Elba, and other smaller islands: a kingdom 1870 1946. 57,534,088; 116,294 sq. mi. (301,200 sq. km). Cap.: Rome. Italian, Italia. * * * Italy… … Universalium
FOOD — The Biblical Period Diet in Ereẓ Israel during the biblical period was dependent mostly on the food supply of the closed agricultural economy. Most agricultural produce came from permanent settlements, and some wild plants were gathered, while… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Barcelona International Erotic Film Festival — A dancer at the 2006 FICEB For the Italian park and medieval town, see Gardens of Ninfa The Barcelona International Erotic Film Festival, or FICEB (Festival Internacional de Cinema Eròtic de Barcelona in Catalan) is an annual Spanish pornographic … Wikipedia
performing arts — arts or skills that require public performance, as acting, singing, or dancing. [1945 50] * * * ▪ 2009 Introduction Music Classical. The last vestiges of the Cold War seemed to thaw for a moment on Feb. 26, 2008, when the unfamiliar strains … Universalium
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