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Перевод «фрунзе» на английский
Фрунзе категорически отверг эти предложения и приказал удерживать города до последней возможности.
Frunze categorically rejected these proposals and ordered to hold the city to the last possible.
Адрес здания: улица Фрунзе, 38.
Address of the building is Frunze street, 38.
Он был расстрелян в парке имени Фрунзе.
Victor was shot in the park named after frunze.
Даже Фрунзе прихватил из загородного дворца эмира пару золотых сабель.
Frunze himself grabbed a pair of gold sabers from the emir’s country palace.
В 1948 году стал студентом художественного училища в городе Фрунзе.
In 1948 he became a student of art school in the city of Frunze.
Прибытие Фрунзе и всего командования восстановило боевой дух отрезанных частей.
The arrival of Frunze and the entire command restored the morale of the cut off units.
Фрунзе простил мятежников, даже убийц высокопоставленных лиц.
Frunze forgave the rebels, even the murderers of high-ranking officials.
Сегодня парк Фрунзе является одним из наиболее популярных мест среди приезжих и местных жителей.
Today, the Frunze Park is one of the most popular places among visitors and local residents.
Незабываемые эмоции, спокойствие и радость подарит неторопливая прогулка по парку имени Фрунзе.
Unforgettable emotions, calm and joy could be got during a leisurely stroll in Frunze Park.
Требования Фрунзе были неприемлемы для эмира, и переговоры кончились безрезультатно.
Frunze’s demands were unacceptable to the Emir, and the negotiations ended without result.
Его точка зрения по проблемам единой военной доктрины вызвала резкую негативную реакцию Михаила Фрунзе.
His point of view on the problems of a single military doctrine caused a sharp negative reaction of Mikhail Frunze.
Таким образом, войска Фрунзе не смогли окружить и уничтожить передовые ударные силы армии Сахарова.
Thus, the Frunze troops could not surround and destroy the advanced strike forces of the Sakharov army.
В итоге активные действия Фрунзе стали предпосылками для будущего успешного контрнаступления Красной Армии.
As a result, the active actions of Frunze became prerequisites for the future successful counter-offensive of the Red Army.
Поэтому его мэр Петру Фрунзе решил провести конкурс.
So the mayor, Petru Frunze, decided to hold a competition.
Мои родители прилетали во Фрунзе, в старый аэропорт, который сейчас уже не работает.
My parents came to Frunze, to the old airport, which is no longer working.
Её командующий Фрунзе получил почти полную свободу действий.
Her commander Frunze received almost complete freedom of action.
Он прибыл с новыми планами, которые существенно отличались от замысла старого командования фронта и Фрунзе.
He arrived with new plans that differed significantly from the plan of the old command of the front and Frunze.
Детские и юношеские годы провел во Фрунзе, с 16 лет стал заниматься в аэроклубе.
Childhood and youth spent in Frunze, 16 years became engaged in a flying club.
Фрунзе же спорил, считая, что именно технологический прогресс сделал необходимым готовить всё государство к войне.
Frunze had argued that technological developments made it necessary to organize the entire state for war.
Братское воинское кладбище, расположенное на улице Фрунзе между домом Nº 42а и больничным городком, образовалось еще в 1941 году.
Fraternal military cemetery, located in Frunze street between the house number 42a and hospital campuses, was formed in 1941.
Результатов: 476. Точных совпадений: 464. Затраченное время: 174 мс
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Согласно приказу, разработанному товарищем Фрунзе, наступление начинается сегодня, не позднее 12-ти ночи.
According to the order prepared by Comrade Frunze and approved by the Chief Commander, we start the offensive today, no later than 24:00.
Словосочетания (2)
- Сумское машиностроительное научно-производственное объединение им . М . В . Фрунзе — Sumy Frunze Machine-Building Science-and-Production Association
- Тимур Фрунзе — Timur Frunze
Согласно приказу, разработанному товарищем Фрунзе, наступление начинается сегодня, не позднее 12-ти ночи.
According to the order prepared by Comrade Frunze and approved by the Chief Commander, we start the offensive today, no later than 24:00.
«Фрунзе» («Адмирал Лазарев») был законсервирован, и согласно имеющейся информации, находится в очень плохом состоянии.
Frunze (now Admiral Lazarev) entered reserve in 1994, and is reputedly in very poor material condition.
Его силовая установка состояла из четырех реакторов КН-3. Эта модель использовалась в огромных тяжелых крейсерах класса «Киров», например, в тяжелом ракетном крейсере «Фрунзе».
Her propulsion system would have comprised four KN-3 nuclear reactors, a model originally used to power enormous Kirov-class battlecruisers, such as the heavy guided-missile cruiser Frunze.
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1) General subject: Frunze
2) Geography: Frunze
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(г.) Фрунзе
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Военная академия имени Фрунзе
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Военная академия имени Фрунзе
г. Фрунзе
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > г. Фрунзе
ни два ни полтора
neither one thing nor another; neither here nor there
Васька Глухов, и тот выбрал себе путь и стойко держится своего… Один он какая-то тряпка, ни два, ни полтора: то [училище имени] Фрунзе, то техникум… (Л. Соболев, Зелёный луч) — Vaska Glukhov had chosen his path and was keeping to it staunchly…. But he was like a limp rag, neither one thing nor another: one day for the college, the next for the merchant navy school…
Русско-английский фразеологический словарь > ни два ни полтора
См. также в других словарях:
Фрунзе — Фрунзе, Михаил Васильевич Запрос «Фрунзе» перенаправляется сюда; см. также другие значения. Михаил Васильевич Фрунзе … Википедия
Фрунзе — Фамилия крупного советского полководца Михаила Васильевича Фрунзе молдавского происхождения: фрунзэ лист . (Н). (Источник: «Словарь русских фамилий». («Ономастикон»)) Фрунзе Фамилия крупного советского полководца Михаила Васильевича Фрунзе… … Русские фамилии
Фрунзе — (до 1926 Пишпек), столица Киргизской ССР. Вырос на месте кокандской крепости Пишпек (основана в 1825) и русского военного поселения (основано в 1864). По плану 1872 приобрёл прямоугольную сетку улиц с небольшими кварталами главным образом … Художественная энциклопедия
Фрунзе — ФРУНЗЕ, город, столица Кирг. ССравни Крупнейший пром. и культурный центр Киргизии. Ж. д. ст. Нас. в 1939 – 93 тыс. чел. (в 1983 – 577 тыс. чел.). Металлообр., лёгкая и пищ. пром сть. В 1941 во Ф. – 17 пром. пр тий, многие из к рых… … Великая Отечественная война 1941-1945: энциклопедия
ФРУНЗЕ — Михаил Васильевич (1885 1925), политический, государственный и военный деятель. В революционном движении с 1904. В 1905 руководил Иваново Вознесенской стачкой. В 1909 10 дважды был приговорён к смертной казни. В Гражданскую войну командующий… … Русская история
фрунзе — Бишкек Словарь русских синонимов. фрунзе сущ., кол во синонимов: 1 • бишкек (3) Словарь синонимов ASIS. В.Н. Тришин. 2013 … Словарь синонимов
ФРУНЗЕ — на палочке. Жарг. мол. Шутл. ирон. Памятник М. В. Фрунзе на Арсенальной улице у завода «Арсенал» в Санкт Петербурге. /em> Бюст установлен на высоком и узком прямоугольном пьедестале. Синдаловский, 2002, 193 … Большой словарь русских поговорок
ФРУНЗЕ — название г. Бишкек в 1926 1991 гг … Большой Энциклопедический словарь
Фрунзе — Михаил Васильевич (1Р85 1925). Член партии с 1904 г. Участник Октябрьской революции 1917 г. в Иваново Вознесенске и Москве. В период гражданской войны командующий Южной группой войск Восточного фронта и Восточным фронтом при разгроме армии… … 1000 биографий
Фрунзе — Бишкек Географические названия мира: Топонимический словарь. М: АСТ. Поспелов Е.М. 2001 … Географическая энциклопедия
Фрунзе М. В. — Михаил Васильевич Фрунзе 2 й Народный комиссар по военным и морским делам СССР … Википедия
Русско-английский перевод ФРУНЗЕ
геогр. Frunze
Русско-Английский словарь общей тематики.
Russian-English dictionary of general subjects.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mikhail Frunze |
Frunze in 1925 |
People’s Commissar for Military and Naval Affairs | |
In office 25 January 1925 – 31 October 1925 |
Premier | Alexey Rykov |
Party Aliases | Mikhailov Arsenyev Trifonych |
Pen Names | Sergei Petrov A. Shuisky M. Mirsky |
Preceded by | Leon Trotsky |
Succeeded by | Kliment Voroshilov |
Candidate member of the 13th Politburo | |
In office 2 June 1924 – 31 October 1925 |
Personal details | |
Born |
Mikhail Vasilyevich Frunze 2 February 1885 |
Died | 31 October 1925 (aged 40) Moscow, Russian SFSR, Soviet Union |
Resting place | Kremlin Wall Necropolis, Moscow |
Nationality | Soviet |
Political party | RSDLP (Bolsheviks) (1903–1918) All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) (1918–1925) |
Spouse |
Sophia Alekseevna Popova (1917–1925) |
Children | Timur (son) Tatyana (daughter) |
Signature | |
Mikhail Vasilyevich Frunze (Russian: Михаил Васильевич Фрунзе; Romanian: Mihail Frunză; 2 February 1885 – 31 October 1925) was a Bolshevik leader during and just prior to the Russian Revolution of 1917. Born in the modern-day Kyrgyz Republic, he became active with the Bolsheviks and rose to the rank of a major Red Army commander in the Russian Civil War of 1917–1918. He is best known for defeating Baron Peter von Wrangel in Crimea. The capital of the Kirghiz SSR (modern Bishkek) was named in his honor from 1926 until 1991, when the Soviet Union was dissolved.
Life and political activity[edit]
Mikhail Frunze and his wife Sophia Frunze. Minsk 1917.
Frunze was born in 1885 in Pishpek (now Bishkek in Kyrgyzstan), then a small Imperial Russian garrison town in the Kyrgyz part of Russian Turkestan (Semirechye Oblast). His father was a Bessarabian Romanian para-medic (feldsher) (originally from the Kherson Governorate)[1][2] and his mother was Russian.[3] Frunze began his higher studies at Verniy (present-day Almaty), and in 1904 he attended the Saint Petersburg Polytechnical University.[3][4]
Frunze became active in the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party (RSDLP). At the Second Congress of the RSDLP in London (1903), Vladimir Lenin and Julius Martov, the two main leaders, confronted each other in an ideological split over party tactics (Martov argued for a large party of activists, whilst Lenin wanted a small group of professional revolutionaries with a large fringe group of sympathisers). Frunze at the age of 18 sided with Lenin’s majority, the so-called Bolsheviks («majoritarians»), as opposed to Martov’s minority, the Mensheviks (or «minoritarians»).
Two years after the Second Congress, Frunze became an important leader in the 1905 Revolution. He led striking textile workers in Shuya and Ivanovo. Following the end of the movement, Frunze was arrested in 1907 and sentenced to death; he was imprisoned and spent several months on death row awaiting his execution.[5] His sentence was commuted to life at hard labour. After 10 years in Siberian prisons, Frunze escaped to Chita. There he became editor of the Bolshevik weekly newspaper Vostochnoe Obozrenie (Eastern Review).
During the February Revolution of 1917, Frunze headed the Minsk civilian militia before his election as president of the Byelorussian Soviet. He later went to Moscow and led an armed force of workers to aid in the struggle for control of the city.
Russian Civil War[edit]
After the October Revolution of 1917, Frunze was appointed in 1918 as Military Commissar for the Ivanovo-Voznesensk Province. In the course of the Russian Civil War of 1917–1922, he was appointed as head of the Southern Army Group of the Red Army Eastern Front (March 1919). After Frunze’s troops defeated Admiral Alexander Kolchak and the White Army in Omsk, Leon Trotsky (the head of the Red Army) gave overall command of the Eastern Front to him (19 July 1919). Frunze drove out Basmachi insurgents and White Army troops from his native Turkestan. He captured Khiva in February and Bukhara in September 1920.
In November 1920, Frunze’s army took the Crimea and managed to push White general Pyotr Wrangel and his troops out of Russia. As commander of the southern front, Frunze also led the destruction of Nestor Makhno’s anarchist movement in Ukraine and the nationalist movement of Symon Petliura.
In December 1921, Frunze visited Ankara, during Turkish War of Independence, as an ambassador of the Ukrainian SSR, and established Turkish–Soviet relations. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk valued him as an ally and a friend, to the extent that he placed a statue of Frunze as a part of the Republic Monument at the Taksim Square, in Istanbul.
In 1921, Frunze was elected to the Central Committee of the Russian Bolshevik Party. On 2 June 1924 he became candidate member of the Politburo and in January 1925, became the Chairman of the Revolutionary Military Council.
Frunze’s support of Grigory Zinoviev brought him into conflict with Joseph Stalin, one of Zinoviev’s chief opponents. They had previously been on amiable terms, as Stalin had displayed respect towards his fellow «old guard» revolutionary and former prisoner.[6]
Frunze’s funeral 3 November 1925
Frunze had been noted among communist leaders as possessing a very creative and almost unorthodox view on matters of implementation and policy. He gained the respect and admiration of his comrades thanks to his successful pursuit of complicated military objectives, and his endurance during the period when the Communist party was illegal. He had been considered as a potential successor to Lenin, due to his strength in both theoretical and practical matters of advancing the Communist party agenda, and his seeming lack of personal ambition separate from the party.[6]
Frunze suffered from a chronic ulcer. Although doctors recommended surgery, he favoured more conservative treatments. After an especially severe episode in 1925, Frunze was hospitalised. Stalin and Anastas Mikoyan both came to visit him, and impressed on him the need for an operation.[7]
Not long before his death, Frunze wrote to his wife: «At present I am feeling absolutely healthy, and it seems ridiculous to even think of, and even more-so to undergo an operation. Nevertheless, both party representatives are requiring it.»[8]
Frunze died during surgery on 31 October 1925. Given the internecine politics, there were rumours that Stalin or another rival had secretly ordered his death. While V. Topolyansky, in his 2006 book, said there is no evidence to support this,[9] a 26 October 2010 article in Izvestiya reported that Frunze had been administered a chloroform dose that exceeded the normal dose by sevenfold.[7]
Frunze was buried in the Kremlin Wall Necropolis. Today his grave is one of the twelve individual tombs located between the Lenin Mausoleum and the Kremlin wall.
In 1926, the capital city of Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, was renamed Frunze in his honour. It reverted to its former name in 1991, after dissolution of the Soviet Union. Frunze is still commemorated in the city: his equestrian statue stands in front of the main railway station. A street and a museum in the centre of the city are named after him. In addition, the museum contains his childhood home, a cottage that was installed inside a larger modern structure.
Shuya, Ivanovo Oblast is home to another memorial museum dedicated to Frunze.
Multiple villages in Russia were named for him. Streets in many Russian cities are named after him.
The Frunze Military Academy in Moscow, one of the most respected in the former Soviet Union, was named in his honour.
The Soviet 2nd Rifle Division was formerly known as 2nd Belarusian Red Banner Rifle Division in the name of M.V. Frunze.
There are stations named Frunzenskaya in his honour on the Moscow Metro, Saint Petersburg Metro and Minsk Metro, and a stone carving of his likeness stands at one end of the station.
The Nemyshlyanskyi District of Kharkiv, Ukraine, was formerly named Frunzensky District. In 2016 it was renamed to its current name to comply with decommunization laws.[10]
After his death, the first name for boys Frunzik (roughly «Little Frunze») became quite popular in the Caucusus and Soviet Turkestan. The most notable of these is probably Frunzik Mkrtchyan.[11]
The Russian battleship Poltava was renamed Frunze in his honour in January 1926, as was the second Kirov-class nuclear battlecruiser (now the «Admiral Lazarev») in 1981.
General Frunze is also honoured with a place right behind Atatürk, in the Monument of the Republic, located at the heart of Taksim Square, in Istanbul, Turkey.
Frunze is remembered by some for his military doctrine.[12][13] One author even ranks him next to Clausewitz.[14]
Literary depictions[edit]
Boris Pilnyak’s story «The Tale of the Unextinguished Moon» was based on Frunze’s death. His death also forms the central element of the first two chapters of Vasily Aksyonov’s novel Generations of Winter.
Marxist activist Tariq Ali featured Frunze in his 2017 biography of Vladimir Lenin, The Dilemmas of Lenin. Ali portrays Frunze as a significant figure in developing the military tactics of the Red Army during the civil war. He emphasizes Frunze’s concept of Marxist military tactics, which strongly influenced Soviet military organization.[15]
- «All that we do, every action, should correspond to the highest ideals of the Revolution.»
- «The Red Army was created by the workers and peasants and is led by the will of the working class. That will is being carried out by the united Communist Party.»
- ^ Robert Service (1995). «Lenin: A Political Life: Volume 3: The Iron Ring». Indiana University Press. p. 194. ISBN 978-0253351814. Retrieved 24 June 2013.
- ^ «КОММУНИСТЫ РОССИИ — ОФИЦИАЛЬНЫЙ САЙТ / Литература / Статьи / РЯДОМ С ВОЖДЯМИ. М.В.ФРУНЗЕ». komros.info. Retrieved 11 June 2021.
- ^ a b Martin McCauley, Who’s Who in Russia Since 1900, Routledge, 1997, ISBN 0-415-13897-3, p. 87-88
- ^ (in Russian)M.V. Frunze, Autobiography, 1921 from М.В. Фрунзе: Военная и политическая деятельность, М.: Воениздат, 1984, hosted at Militera project[permanent dead link]
- ^ Триумф и Трагедия — И. В. Сталин: политический портрет. (Triumph and Tragedy — I. V. Stalin : A Political Portrait) Дмитрий Волкогонов (Dmitri Volkogonov). Book 1, Part 1, pp. 127 Новости Publications. Moscow. 1989.
- ^ a b Триумф и Трагедия — И. В. Сталин: политический портрет. (Triumph and Tragedy — I. V. Stalin : A Political Portrait) Дмитрий Волкогонов Dmitri Volkogonov. Book 1, Part 1, pp. 127 Новости Publications. Moscow. 1989.
- ^ a b Who Killed Mikhail Frunze / Кто убил Михаила Фрунзе. Izvestiya, 26 October 2010
- ^ Триумф и Трагедия — И. В. Сталин: политический портрет. (Triumph and Tragedy — I. V. Stalin : A Political Portrait) Дмитрий Волкогонов Dmitri Volkogonov. Book 1, Part 1, pp. 128 Новости Publications. Moscow. 1989.
- ^ V. Topolyansky. Blow from the Past. (Russian: В. Торолянский. Сквозняк из прошлого.) Novaya Gazeta/InaPress. Moscow. 2006. ISBN 5-87135-183-2.
- ^ (in Russian) Kharkiv renamed 5 metro stations and four districts, RBC Ukraine (18 May 2016)
- ^ «Мкртчан Фрунзик (Мгер)». kino.ukr.net. Archived from the original on 23 October 2009.
- ^ A. Beleyev, «The Military-Theoretical Heritage of M. V. Frunze», Krasnaya Zvezda (Red Star), November 4, 1984, quoted in Odom, 1988
- ^ Gareev, Makhmut Akhmetovich (1988). M.V. Frunze, Military Theorist. Macmillan Pub Co.
- ^ Jacobs, Walter Darnell (2012). Frunze: The Soviet Clausewitz 1885–1925. Springer Science & Business Media.
- ^ Ali, Tariq (2017). The Dilemmas of Lenin. London: Verso.
Further reading[edit]
- Gareev, M.A. (1987). M.V. Frunze, Military Theorist. Washington, D.C.: Pergamon-Brassey’s. ISBN 0-08-035183-2.
- Jacobs, Walter Darnell (1969). Frunze: The Soviet Clausewitz, 1885–1925. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff.
External links[edit]
- Frunze Museum Atlas Obscura
- Frunze’s writings on military theory
- Newspaper clippings about Mikhail Frunze in the 20th Century Press Archives of the ZBW
Military offices | ||
Preceded by
Pavel Lebedev |
Chief of the Staff of the Red Army April 1924 – January 1925 |
Succeeded by
Sergey Kamenev |
Preceded by
Leon Trotsky |
People’s Commissar for Army and Navy Affairs 15 January–31 October 1925 |
Succeeded by
Kliment Voroshilov |