Перевод «питбуль» на английский
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pit bull
Моя позиция заключается в том, что Фиби — не питбуль терьер.
My case is that Phoebe is not a pit bull terrier type.
Моя позиция заключается в том, что Фиби — не питбуль терьер.
My case is that Phoebe is not a pit bull terrier type.
Я абсолютно уверенно заявляю, что Фиби и Фрэнк — питбуль терьеры, подпадающие под действие этого закона.
I’m as clear as it’s possible to be that Phoebe and Frank are pit bull terrier types within the meaning of the act.
Защищайте женушек, Анну и Грейс, и морите голодом злодейку Бритни, пока она не станет злой, как питбуль.
Protect the wifeys, Anna and Grace, and starve our villain, Britney, until she is mean like a pit bull.
Эта дама говорит о своем потерянном питбуле.
This lady’s advertising for her lost pit bull.
Вследствие чего фунт сделал резкий скачок вверх, хотя некоторые трейдеры вполне могли пропустить это движение, отвлекшись на Дженнифер Лопес (Jennifer Lopez), Питбуля (Pitbull) и Клаудию Лейте (Claudia Leitte), которые участвовали в церемонии открытия чемпионата, а затем на матч Бразилии против Хорватии.
That sent GBP surging higher, although some traders may well have missed the move, distracted by Jennifer Lopez, Pitbull and Claudia Leitte performing in the opening ceremony, and then Brazil’s game against Croatia.
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АМЕРИКАНСКИЙ ПИТ-БУЛЬТЕРЬЕР порода служебных собак.
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > АМЕРИКАНСКИЙ ПИТ-БУЛЬТЕРЬЕР порода служебных собак.
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См. также в других словарях:
Pit bull — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Para otros usos de este término, véase Pitbull (desambiguación). Pit bull terrier americano … Wikipedia Español
pit-bull — ou pitbull [ pitbul; pitbyl ] n. m. • 1987; mot angl., de pit « arène » et bull « taureau » ♦ Chien de combat issu du croisement de bouledogue et de divers terriers. Les pit bulls sont très agressifs. pit bull ou pitbull [pitbul; pitbyl] n. m … Encyclopédie Universelle
pit bull — UK / US or pit bull terrier UK / US noun [countable] Word forms pit bull : singular pit bull plural pit bulls a type of small very strong dog, originally trained to fight other dogs … English dictionary
pit bull — n. a short, heavy, broad chested dog with large, powerful jaws and a short, smooth coat: also pit bull terrier * * * ➡ pit bull terrier * * * … Universalium
pit bull — loc.s.m.inv. ES ingl. {{wmetafile0}} TS cinof. → bull terrier {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: sec. XX. ETIMO: comp. di pit recinto da combattimento e bull (terrier) bull terrier … Dizionario italiano
Pit Bull — Pit Bull немецкая компания, занимающаяся выпуском одежды. Логотипом компании является оскаленная морда собаки породы питбуль. Одежду этой марки предпочитают носить рэп исполнители с Западного побережья США и европейские участники хип хоп… … Википедия
pit bull — pit ,bull or ,pit bull terrier noun count a type of small very strong dog, originally trained to fight other dogs … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
pit bull — n. a short, heavy, broad chested dog with large, powerful jaws and a short, smooth coat: also pit bull terrier … English World dictionary
pit bull — {{hw}}{{pit bull}}{{/hw}}locuz. sost. m. inv. ¡ Accorc. di pit bull terrier … Enciclopedia di italiano
pit bull — |pitebúle| s. m. 1. Designação dada a várias raças de cachorros, de porte médio, geralmente de cabeça grande e arredondada, com maxilas proeminentes. • s. 2 g. 2. Espécime dessa raça. ‣ Etimologia: locução inglesa … Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa
Pit Bull — This article is about the group of breeds commonly called Pit Bulls. For the specific breed from which the term is derived, see American Pit Bull Terrier or American Staffordshire Terrier. Pit Bull is a term commonly used to describe several… … Wikipedia
Англо-русский перевод PITBULL
transcription, транскрипция: [ pɪtbul ]
питбуль ( порода собак )
English-Russian dictionary of general lexicon.
Англо-Русский словарь по общей лексике.
11 лет назад
На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.
На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.
У них нет детей, только питбуль.
They don’t have kids, just this pitbull.
Мама, да ты настоящий питбуль.
Питбуль выпустил Planet Pit 21 июня 2011 года.
Pitbull released Planet Pit, on June 21, 2011.
То, что Питбуль мёртв, Дерек.
Питбуль провёл какое-то время за городом.
Pitbull spent some time in the countryside.
Клиентка Кувалды, та, которую пытался переманить Питбуль.
Hammer’s client… the one Pitbull tried to poach.
Питбуль сделал несколько ссылок на поп-культуру в песне.
Pitbull makes several pop culture references in the song.
В нём снялись Питбуль, Nayer и модели Саджья Кастаньеда, Мария Милиан, Анжелика Касаньяс и неизвестная девушка.
It features Pitbull, Nayer and models Sagia Castañeda, Maria Milian, and Angelica Casañas.
В нём снялись Питбуль и Lloyd.
It features both Pitbull and Lloyd.
В сингле приняли участие Питбуль, Trick Daddy и Рик Росс.
The single features Pitbull, Trick Daddy and Rick Ross.
Помимо песен для вечеринок, Питбуль также добавил политические треки в El Mariel.
Along with the usual party-oriented tracks, Pitbull also included politically themed tracks in El Mariel.
В феврале 2011 года Дженнифер Лопес выпустила альбом «Love?», на двух синглах из которого участвовал Питбуль.
In April 2011 Jennifer Lopez released Love?, which featured Pitbull on two singles.
Питбуль в песне также ссылается на альбом Jay-Z 1996 года Reasonable Doubt.
Pitbull also references Jay-Z’s 1996 album Reasonable Doubt in the song.
Потом Питбуль сотрудничал с Александрой Бёрк в сингле «All Night Long».
Pitbull then collaborated with Alexandra Burke on the single «All Night Long».
Питбуль также объявил, что он стал представителем компании «Voli Vodka», в которой у него есть доля, а Budweiser выбрал Питбуля рекламировать их линию пива Bud Light.
Pitbull also announced he has become the spokesperson for Voli Vodka, in which he holds a majority equity stake, and Budweiser has chosen Pitbull to promote its Bud Light line of beer.
Питбуль на двух языках перекрикивает Trick и Luke (из 2 Live Crew).
Pitbull bilingually shouts out Trick and Luke (of 2 Live Crew).
Питбуль также принял долевое участие в сети ресторанов Miami Subs Pizza and Grill.
Pitbull has also purchased an equity stake in Miami Subs Pizza and Grill.
Для четвёртого студийного альбома Rebelution Питбуль выпустил «I Know You Want Me (Calle Ocho)» через Ultra Records после того, как обанкротился лэйбл TVT Records.
For his fourth studio album Rebelution, Pitbull released «I Know You Want Me (Calle Ocho)» through Ultra Records after his former label TVT Records went out of business.
Со слов PopMatters: «Listennn начинается с песни, в которой местные тяжеловесы Trick Daddy, Питбуль и Рик Росс повышают свой статус в качестве солистов на треке.
According to PopMatters: Listennn opens with the song, in which the local heavyweights Trick Daddy, Pitbull and Rick Ross reestablish their status as the leaders of the pack.
Питбуль принимал участие в начале лета в сингле Live It Up, сотрудничая в третий раз с Дженнифер Лопес и RedOne.
Pitbull was featured on the early summer single «Live It Up», marking his third collaboration with Jennifer Lopez and Redone.
Результатов: 136. Точных совпадений: 46. Затраченное время: 88 мс
Корпоративные решения
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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900
Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200
Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200
питбу́ль, -я
Рядом по алфавиту:
письмо́-обяза́тельство , письма́-обяза́тельства
письмо́-про́сьба , письма́-про́сьбы, с.
письмово́дство , -а
письмоно́сец , -сца, тв. -сцем, р. мн. -сцев
письмоно́сица , -ы, тв. -ей
письмоно́ска , -и, р. мн. -сок
пит , -а (участок компакт-диска)
пи́та , -ы (хлеб)
пита́ние , -я
пита́тель , -я
пита́тельница , -ы
пита́тельность , -и
пита́тельный , кр. ф. -лен, -льна
пита́ть(ся) , -а́ю(сь), -а́ет(ся)
питбу́ль , -я
питбультерье́р , -а
питека́нтроп , -а
пи́терка , -и, р. мн. -рок
пи́терский , (от Пи́тер – Петербург)
пи́терцы , -ев, ед. -рец, -рца, тв. -рцем
пи́терщик , -а (сниж.)
пити́ , нескл., с. и неизм. (суп)
пи́ти-ми́ти , и пе́ти-ме́ти, других форм нет, мн. (сниж.)
питие́ , -я́, тв. питие́м, предл. о питии́, мн. -я́, пити́й, -я́м
пито́мец , -мца, тв. -мцем, р. мн. -мцев
пито́мица , -ы, тв. -ей
пито́мка , -и, р. мн. -мок
пито́мник , -а
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pit bull
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Pit bull is a term used in the United States for a type of dog descended from bulldogs and terriers, while in other countries such as the United Kingdom the term is used as an abbreviation of the American Pit Bull Terrier breed.[1][2][3] The term was first used in 1927.[3] Within the United States the pit bull is usually considered a heterogeneous grouping that includes the breeds American Pit Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier, American Bully, Staffordshire Bull Terrier and occasionally the American Bulldog, along with any crossbred dog that shares certain physical characteristics with these breeds. In other countries including Britain, the Staffordshire Bull Terrier is not considered a pit bull.[1][4][5] Most pit bull-type dogs descend from the British Bull and terrier, a 19th-century dog-fighting type developed from crosses between the Old English Bulldog and the Old English Terrier.[6][7][8]
Pit bull | |
A selection of dog breeds sometimes classified as pit bull types. Clockwise from top left: American Pit Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier, American Bulldog, Staffordshire Bull Terrier. |
Origin | United States |
Dog (domestic dog) |
Pit bull-type dogs have a controversial reputation as pets both in the United States and internationally, due to their history in dog fighting,[9] the number of high-profile attacks documented in the media over decades, and their proclivity to latching on while biting. Proponents of the breed and advocates of regulation have engaged in a nature-versus-nurture debate over whether apparent aggressive tendencies in pit bulls may be appropriately attributed to owners’ care for the dog or inherent qualities.[10] Numerous advocacy organizations have sprung up in defense of the pit bull. Some studies have argued that the type is not disproportionately dangerous, offering competing interpretations on dog bite statistics. Independent organizations have published statistics based on hospital records showing pit bulls are responsible for more than half of dog bite incidents among all breeds despite comprising 6% of pet dogs.[11][12]: p. 18, 49 Some insurance companies will not cover pit bulls (along with rottweilers and wolf hybrids) because these particular breeds cause a disproportionate rate of bite incidents.[13] Dog bite severity varies by the breed of dog, and studies have found that pit bull-type dogs have both a high rate of reported bites and a high rate of severe injuries, compared to other breeds.[14][15]
Pit bull-type dogs are extensively used in the United States for dogfighting, a practice that has continued despite being outlawed.[7][16] A number of nations and jurisdictions restrict the ownership of pit bull-type dogs through breed-specific legislation.[1][4] A pro-pit bull lobby exists that spends millions of dollars a year promoting pit bulls as family pets, funding pro-pit bull researchers, and opposing laws that regulate their ownership.[12]: loc 762
It is believed all dogs that are now classified as pit bulls descend from the British bull and terrier, which were first imported into North America in the 1870s.[6][7] The bull-and-terrier was a breed of dog developed in the United Kingdom in the early 19th century for the blood sports of dog fighting and rat baiting, it was created by crossing the ferocious, thickly muscled Old English Bulldog with the agile, lithe, feisty Black and Tan Terrier.[6][7] The aggressive Old English Bulldog, which was bred for bear and bull baiting, was often also pitted against its own kind in organised dog fights, but it was found that lighter, faster dogs were better suited to dogfighting than the heavier Bulldog.[6][7][8] To produce a lighter, faster more agile dog that retained the courage and tenacity of the Bulldog, outcrosses from local terriers were tried, and ultimately found to be successful.[6][7][8]
As it was in the United Kingdom, dog fighting became a popular pastime in 19th century America and bull-and-terriers were imported to the New World to pursue the blood sport.[6][7] In the United States organised dog fights have been progressively outlawed in various states since 1874, culminating in federal legislation criminalising animal fighting in 2007.[16]
In the 1890s breeders of American pit bull-type dogs attempted to have their dogs recognised by the American Kennel Club, but because of the type’s association with dogfighting, the club rejected these entreaties.[6][7] Following this rejection, in 1898 breeders of American Pit Bull Terriers established a rival kennel club, the United Kennel Club. In addition to being a breed registry, the United Kennel Club also regulated dogfights.[6][7][17] In the 1930s the American Kennel Club was faced with a dilemma, whilst not wishing to condone dogfighting there was a desire to recognise a uniquely American dog breed for which over 30 years of breed records existed.[6][7][17] The solution was to recognise Pit Bull Terriers under a different name and prohibit these dogs from being used in organised fights and in 1935 the American Kennel Club recognised Pit Bull Terriers as Staffordshire Terriers.[6][7][17]
The name «Staffordshire Bull Terrier» was first used in Britain in 1930 in advertisements for bull-and-terrier-type dogs.[8] Organised dog fighting had been effectively eliminated in the United Kingdom by the Protection of Animals Act 1911, but devotees of the bull-and-terrier type continued to breed these dogs, predominantly in England’s Black Country.[8] Throughout the early 1930s attempts were made in England to gain recognition for these dogs with The Kennel Club, these efforts were successful in 1935.[6][7][16] In order to avoid confusion with the British breed, in 1972 the American Kennel Club changed the name of their American breed to the American Staffordshire Terrier.[7][17]
Despite criminalisation, illegal fights using pit bull-type dogs have continued to be widespread in the United States, in the 1990s in that country it was estimated 1,500 dogs died annually in organised fights and by the mid-2000s it was estimated over 40,000 people were involved in the illegal blood sport.[6][7][16] Pit bull-type dogs are also used by criminal organisations to guard illegal narcotics, and to intimidate and attack civilians, other criminals and police, the type becoming a status symbol in American gang culture.[16][18][19] On the other side of the law, pit bull-type dogs have been used by U.S. Customs and Border Protection as drug detection dogs.[20][21]
There is a lobby of animal rights groups that are spending millions of dollars to try to rebrand pit bulls as family dogs.[22] In efforts to counter negative perceptions about pit bull-type dogs, both the San Francisco Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and the New York City Center for Animal Care and Control have unsuccessfully attempted to rename the type.[23][24]
Studies have found that when people involved in dog rescue, adoption, and regulation identify the breed of a dog of mixed parentage, this identification did not always correlate with the DNA analysis of that dog.[25][26][27] Mixed-breed dogs are often labeled as pit bulls if they have certain physical characteristics, such as a square-shaped head or bulky body type.[28]
Dog attack and death risk
Pit Bull type dog with muzzle
A pit bull with cropped ears
A 2000 joint review project between researchers in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) and American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) found the data indicated that Rottweilers and pit bull-type dogs accounted for 67% of human dog bite-related fatalities in the United States between 1997 and 1998, and followed with «It is extremely unlikely that they accounted for anywhere near 60% of dogs in the United States during that same period and, thus, there appears to be a breed-specific problem with fatalities.» Pit bull-type dogs were identified in approximately one-third of dog bite-related fatalities in the United States between 1981 and 1992. The review notes that studies on dog bite-related fatalities which collect information by surveying news reports are subject to potential errors, as some fatal attacks may not have been reported, a study might not find all relevant news reports, and the dog breed might be misidentified.[29]
In a 2021 review of 19 retrospective dog bite studies from U.S. Level I trauma centers, pit bulls were found to inflict a higher prevalence and severity of injuries compared with other breeds.[30] A 2020 literature review in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery found that from 1971 to 2018 of all pure breed dogs in the United States, pit bull-type breeds were second, behind the German Shepherd, and ahead of Labradors, Chow Chows, and Rottweilers (in that order) for the most bites severe enough to require hospital treatment. The study found that the proportion of bites caused by German Shepherds decreased by 0.63 percent per year over that time interval while the proportion caused by pit bulls increased by 1.17 percent per year. The pit bull proportion of dog bites increased more slowly in Denver, Colorado, where breed-specific legislation had been in place.[31]
In a 2014 literature review of dog bite studies, the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) argues that breed is a poor sole predictor of dog bites.[32] Some controlled studies have not identified pit bulls as disproportionately dangerous, while others have found that compared with other dog breeds they are far more likely to attack unprovoked and often go off property to do so.[32][33] Pit bull-type dogs are more frequently identified with cases involving very severe injuries or fatalities than other breeds, but a 2007 study suggested this may relate to the popularity of the breed, noting that sled dogs, such as Siberian Huskies, were involved in a majority of fatal dog attacks in some areas of Canada.[32][34] Bite statistics by breed are no longer tracked by the CDC,[35] and are discouraged by the AVMA[36] and the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA).[37]
Pit bulls were originally bred for bull baiting and dog fighting, and because of this heritage, they often show a tendency to attack other animals with a remarkable ferocity that contributes to public stigma against the breed.[38] In fighting with dogs of other breeds, pit bulls, German Shepherds, Great Danes and Rottweilers were often the aggressor, and more than twenty percent of studied Akitas, Jack Russell Terriers and pit bulls displayed serious aggression towards other dogs.[39] Although there may be a connection between breed of dog and aggression towards humans, the difficulty of classifying dog attacks by specific breed after the fact has made this point controversial and debated.[38] Violent interactions between humans and canines have been studied by the U.S. government,[40] notably the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC),[41] as well as academic veterinary researchers.[32] The interpretation of these studies, breed identification and relevance[42] issues, and variable circumstances have given rise to intense controversy.[43][44] Additionally, researchers on both sides of the pit bull debate rarely disclose when they are being funded by lobbyists, leading to a risk that the scientific literature on pit bulls has been influenced by money.[31]: p. 1172
Pit bulls are known for their tenacity and refusal to release a bite, even in the face of great pain. A popular myth mischaracterized pit bulls as having «locking jaws.»[45] The refusal to let go is a behavioral, not physiological trait, and there is no locking mechanism in a pit bull’s jaws.[46] Pit bull-type dogs, like other terriers, hunting and bull-baiting breeds,[47] can exhibit a bite, hold, and shake behavior and at times refuse to release.[48][49][50] Pit bulls also have wide skulls, well-developed facial muscles, and strong jaws,[45] and some research suggests that pit bull bites are particularly serious because they tend to bite deeply and grind their molars into tissue.[51][52] Breaking an ammonia ampule and holding it up to the dog’s nose can cause the dog to release its hold.[49]
In animal shelters
Many people consider pit bulls undesirable, making it harder for animal shelters to adopt them out.[53] Surveys have found that animal shelter workers intentionally misidentify pit bulls to improve their adoption rates, or to avoid euthanizing them in jurisdictions where they are banned.[54] Animal advocates recommend that shelters stop labeling breeds to improve pit bull adoption rates.[53] Pit bulls also have higher rates of unsuccessful adoptions, and are more likely than other kinds of dogs to be returned to a shelter multiple times and eventually euthanized.[53] Whether pit bull adoptions fail more often than other types of dog due to breed behavioral traits, or due to public stigma, is not known, but in general the most common reasons why shelter dog adoptions fail are behavioral problems or incompatibility with the adopter’s existing pets.[53]
Breed-specific legislation
Widely reported pit bull attacks have resulted in the enactment of breed-specific legislation (BSL) in several jurisdictions. In two cases, breed-specific bans have been reversed by city councils.[55][56]
Breed-specific legislation has been largely found to be ineffective at reducing the number of dog attacks.[57] Research has indicated that there is resistance by those who work in the adoption industry, applying a sharper distinction before allowing a dog to be labelled as a pit bull, as well as objections from veterinarians.[58][59][54]
Many of the jurisdictions that restrict pit bulls apply their restriction to the modern American Pit Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, and any other dog that has the substantial physical characteristics and appearance of those breeds. Such jurisdictions include the Canadian province of Ontario,[60] and the U.S. cities of Miami[61] and Denver.[62] However, a few jurisdictions, such as Singapore,[63] also classify the modern American Bulldog as a «pit bull-type dog». In the United Kingdom, a pit bull is an American Pit Bull Terrier.[64]
Courts in the United States[65][66] and Canada[67][68] have ruled that expert identification, when using published breed standards, is sufficient for the enforcement of breed-specific legislation.
Debates often center on whether apparent aggressive tendencies are the result of poor dog ownership or natural behaviors of the breed.[10]
In England and Wales, the Dangerous Dogs Act of 1991 prohibits the ownership of American Pit Bull Terriers, along with three other breeds; the Act also bans the breeding, sale and exchange of these dogs.[64] Similar legislation exists in Australia.[58] Under Irish law, American Pit Bull Terriers must be led by someone at least 16 years of age, kept on a short strong lead, be muzzled, and wear a collar bearing the name and address of their owner in public at all times.[69] In Germany the importation of pit bulls is banned.[70]
Commercial restrictions
Liability insurance
Dog owners in the United States can be held legally liable for injuries inflicted or caused by their dogs. In general, owners are considered liable if they were unreasonably careless in handling or restraining the dog, or if they knew beforehand that the dog had a tendency to cause injury (e.g., bite); however, dog owners are automatically considered liable if local laws hold an owner strictly liable for all damage caused by their dog, regardless of carelessness or foreknowledge of a dog’s tendencies. Homeowners and renters insurance policies typically provide liability coverage from US$100,000–300,000 for injuries inflicted by dogs;[71] however, some insurance companies limit their exposure to dog bite liability claims by putting restrictions on dog owners that they insure. These restrictions include refusing to cover dog bites under the insurance policy, increasing insurance rates for homeowners with specific breeds, requiring owners of specific breeds to take special training or have their dogs pass the American Kennel Club Canine Good Citizen test,[72] requiring owners to restrict their dogs with muzzles, chains, or enclosures, and refusing to write policies for homeowners or renters who have specific breeds of dogs.[71]
Owners of rental properties may also be held liable if they knew an aggressive dog was living on their property and they did nothing to ensure the safety of other tenants at the property; as a result, many rental properties forbid pit bull-type dogs and any other breeds if the rental property’s insurance will not cover damage inflicted by that type of dog. The dog breeds most often not covered by insurance companies include pit bull-type dogs, Rottweilers, German Shepherd Dogs, Doberman Pinschers, Akitas (Akita Inu and American Akitas), and Chow Chows.[73][better source needed]
In 2013, Farmers Insurance notified policyholders in California that it will no longer cover bites by pit bulls, Rottweilers and wolf-dog hybrids. A spokeswoman for Farmers said that those breeds account for more than a quarter of the agency’s dog bite claims.[13]
Air carrier restrictions
Several air carriers embargo certain brachycephalic dog breeds. The following table has a sampling of air carrier embargoes on dogs.
Airline | Reason | Details |
Air France | Safety | Category 1 dogs, as defined by the French Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry, are not permitted for transport in the cabin, or as baggage or cargo. These so-called «attack dogs» do not belong to a particular breed, but are similar in morphology to the following: Staffordshire Bull Terriers or American Staffordshire Terriers (pit bulls), Mastiffs and Tosas.[74] |
Alaska Airlines | Health | Dog breeds, including Staffordshire Bull Terriers, American Staffordshire Terriers and American Pit Bull Terriers, fly at their owner’s risk, with no additional compensation if the dog suffers injury or dies during transit. The airline may refuse to accept the dog if it feels that outside temperatures are too extreme for the animal’s safety.[75] |
American Airlines | Health | American Airlines will not accept brachycephalic or snub-nosed dogs as checked luggage.[76] |
United Airlines | Health | Will not accept reservations for the following brachycephalic (or short- or snub-nosed) dogs and cats and strong-jawed dog breeds*, out of concern for higher adverse health risks.[77] |
Delta Air Lines | Safety | «We have determined that untrained, pit bull-type dogs posing as both service and support animals are a potential safety risk», the airline said.[78] |
Notable pit bulls
- Sallie Ann Jarrett, the mascot of the 11th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment during the American Civil War.[79]: 39 [80]
- Nipper, a mongrel at times referred to as a pit bull, though commonly seen as a non pit bull-type terrier, is the dog in Francis Barraud’s painting His Master’s Voice.[81][82][83]
- Pete the Pup, a character from the movie series The Little Rascals, was played by pit bull-type dogs.[79]: 85–86
- Sergeant Stubby, a dog of disputed breed who served for the 102nd Infantry, 26th (Yankee) Division during World War I, has been called a pit bull.[84][85]
- 21st century dogs include Star, who, while protecting her owner, was shot by police in a video that went viral,[86] and Daddy, dog trainer Cesar Millan’s right-hand dog, who was known for his mellow temperament and his ability to interact calmly with ill-mannered dogs.[87][88][89]
As symbol
Owning dogs like pit bulls and rottweilers can be seen as a symbol of power.[90] In 2005, two American lawyers used a pit bull logo and the phone number 1-800-PIT-BULL in a television advertisement to convey that they were «especially fierce litigators». The Supreme Court of Florida ruled that this use was in breach of Florida Bar advertising rules.[91][92] White supremacist groups such as the Keystone State Skinheads have used a graphic of a pit bull as their logo. The Anti-Defamation League lists the pit bull under «General Hate Symbols.»[93]
Pit bulls have appeared in the logo of Brown Shoe Company. The above mentioned Nipper appeared in the logo of RCA.[94][95]
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На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.
На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.
Пит Буль
Pit Bull
The killer latched on and shook like a pit bull trying to tear off the flesh.
Убийца вцепился как питбуль, пытаясь оторвать кусок плоти.
One of my brothers thought he was a pit bull.
Один из моих братцев думал, что он питбуль.
Having a 45-pound pit bull in the house has given me a lot of practical experience.
Наличие 45-фунтового питбуля в доме дало мне большой практический опыт.
And I rolled the compressor over the paw of my boss’s pit bull my first job.
И я проехался компрессором по лапе питбуля моего шефа на своей первой работе…
I went three rounds with a pit bull.
Left me alone with his pit bull when I was five.
Оставил меня со своим питбулем, когда мне было 5 лет.
Lois, you’re like a pit bull on a pant leg.
Лоис, ты похожа на питбуля, вцепившегося в ногу.
Kids want to rescue a pit bull from a shelter.
Дети хотят спасти питбуля из приюта.
You kicked out a pit bull and you let in a dragon.
Ты выкинул питбуля и впустил дракона.
Because she looks like a pit bull.
Потому что она выглядит как питбуль.
It’s like one of those videos where the pit bull swims with the baby chick.
Это прямо как в том видео, где питбуль плавает с цыплёнком.
You let a pit bull off his leash, he mauls a baby.
Ты спускаешь питбуля с цепи, он калечит ребенка.
Last week, my neighbor’s pit bull attacked me when I was carrying a pizza.
На прошлой неделе на меня напал соседский питбуль, когда я нёс пиццу.
I found out you’re like a pit bull.
Я выяснила, что вы словно питбуль.
Treatment of pit bull paid the woman he saved.
Лечение питбуля оплатила женщина, которую он спас.
Somebody has to be the president’s pit bull and I’m ready.
Кто-то надлежащий быть питбулем президента, и я готов.
Since the popularity of the breed was high, there were attempts to significantly improve the species characteristics of the pit bull.
Так как популярность породы была высока, происходили попытки заметно улучшить видовые характеристики питбуля.
Add to this the destructive power of his bite, and you will understand how dangerous the accustomed to aggressive behavior is pit bull.
Прибавьте к этому разрушительную силу его укуса, и вам станет понятно, насколько опасен приученный к агрессивному поведению питбуль.
When the man started to twist the woman hand a homeless pit bull lying nearby, responded immediately.
Когда мужчина начал выворачивать женщине руку, бездомный питбуль, лежавший неподалеку, среагировал молниеносно.
The desire to have a pit bull should always coincide with the possibilities.
Желание завести питбуля всегда должно совпадать с возможностями.
Предложения, которые содержат pit bull
Результатов: 546. Точных совпадений: 546. Затраченное время: 123 мс
Корпоративные решения
Справка и о нас
Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900
Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200
Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200
питбуль — перевод на английский
Если я и заведу собаку, это будет питбуль.
You going to give me a dog, give me a pit bull.
В общем… этот ребенок Гринбергов пытается выставить Эдди каким-то питбулем.
So… this Greenberg kid’s trying to make Eddie out to be some kind of pit bull.
Но он был питбулем.
But he was a pit bull.
Просто питбуль.
A pit bull.
Потому что она выглядит как питбуль.
Because she looks like a pit bull.
Показать ещё примеры для «pit bull»…
Раздвигаете ей ноги и отправляете туда питбуля?
You like hold her legs open and like send a pitbull in there?
Питбулем Крэйном?
Pitbull Crane?
Вообще-то, спасибо, что напомнили, боссик… мне сегодня нужно уйти пораньше, потому что мой психиатр купил нам обоим билеты на концерт Питбуля.
Actually, that reminds me, Ba-ba-ba-boss man… I need to leave early today because my shrink got me and him tickets to a Pitbull concert.
Показать ещё примеры для «pitbull»…
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This article is about the dog breed. For the family of dogs, including legal status worldwide, see Pit bull.
American Pit Bull Terrier | |||||||||||||||||||||
Other names |
Common nicknames |
Origin | USA | ||||||||||||||||||||
Foundation stock |
Dog (domestic dog) |
The American Pit Bull Terrier (APBT) is a dog breed recognized by the United Kennel Club (UKC)[1] and the American Dog Breeders Association (ADBA),[2] but not the American Kennel Club (AKC).[3] It is a medium-sized, short-haired dog, of a solid build, whose early ancestors came from the British Isles. When compared with the English Staffordshire Bull Terrier, the American Pit Bull Terrier is larger by margins of 6–8 inches (15–20 cm) in height and 25–35 pounds (11–16 kg) in weight. The American Pit Bull Terrier varies in size: males are normally about 18–21 inches (45–53 cm) in height and around 35–60 pounds (15–27 kg) in weight, while females are normally around 17–20 inches (43–50 cm) in height and 30–50 pounds (13–22 kg) in weight.[1]
According to the ADBA, the American Pit Bull is described to be medium-sized and has a short coat and smooth well-defined muscle structure, and its eyes are to be round to almond-shaped, and its ears are to be small to medium in length, typically half prick or rose in carriage. The tail is prescribed to be slightly thick and tapering to a point. The coat is required by the ADBA to be glossy, smooth, short, and stiff to the touch. Many colors, color patterns, and combinations of colors are acceptable to the ADBA, except that both the ADBA and UKC do not recognize merle coloring.[1][2] Color patterns that are typical in the breed are solid and tuxedo.[4][5]
Despite the colloquial use of the term «pit bull» to encompass a whole category of dogs and the legal use of the term to include several breeds in legislation, some conservative professional breeders of the American Pit Bull Terrier as well as some experts and supporters claim that historically the APBT is the only true «pit bull» and the only breed that should be denominated as such.[6][7][8][9]
Twelve countries in Europe, as well as Australia, Canada, some parts of the United States, Ecuador, Malaysia, New Zealand, Puerto Rico, Singapore, and Venezuela, have enacted some form of breed-specific legislation on pit bull–type dogs, including American Pit Bull Terriers, ranging from outright bans to restrictions and conditions on ownership. Several states in Australia place restrictions on the breed, including mandatory sterilization. Pit Bull Terriers are banned in the United Kingdom,[10] in the Canadian province of Ontario,[11] and in many locations in the United States.[12]
«Watchful-Waiting». World War I poster featuring a pit bull as a representation of the US.
Until the mid-19th century the now extinct Old English Terriers and Old English Bulldogs were bred together to produce a dog that combined the gameness of the terrier with the strength and athleticism of the bulldog.[13][14] This type of dog, which was bred in the British Isles, became known as the bull and terrier.[14] These dogs arrived in the United States in the late nineteenth century where they became the direct ancestors of the American Pit Bull Terrier.[1]
In the United Kingdom, bull and terriers were used in bloodsports such as bull baiting and bear baiting. These bloodsports were officially eliminated in 1835 when Britain introduced animal welfare laws. Since dog fighting is cheaper to organize and far easier to conceal from the law than bull or bear baits, bloodsport proponents turned to pitting their dogs against each other instead.[15] Dog fighting was used as both a bloodsport (often involving gambling) and a way to continue to test the quality of their stock. For decades afterwards, dog fighting clandestinely took place in small areas of Britain. These dogs arrived in America around 1845 to 1860, where the dog fighting practice had continuity.[16][17] On February 10, 1898, the breed was recognized by the United Kennel Club (UKC) named as American Pit Bull Terrier.[1]
For some time in the early part of the 20th century the UKC began to register the breed name with the word «pit» in parentheses (American (Pit) Bull Terrier), to facilitate public acceptance as an American Bull Terrier.[18] However this only lasted a short time and returned to the previous form.[1]
In the early 20th century, pit bulls were used as catch dogs in America for semi-wild cattle and hogs, to hunt hogs, and drive livestock, and as family companions.[13]
Pit Bull Terriers fill the role of companion dogs, working dogs, athletic sport dogs (weight pulling, French Ring Sport, Top Dog), police dogs,[19][20] and therapy dogs.[21] Pit Bull Terriers also constitute the majority of dogs used for illegal dog fighting in America[22] In addition, law enforcement organizations report these dogs are used for other nefarious purposes, such as guarding illegal narcotics operations,[23] use against police,[24] and as attack dogs.[25]
In an effort to counter the fighting reputation of pit bull–type dogs, in 1996 the San Francisco Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals renamed pit bull terriers «St. Francis Terriers», hoping that people would be more likely to adopt them.[26] 60 temperament-screened dogs were adopted until the program was halted, after several of the newly adopted pit bulls killed cats.[27] The New York City Center for Animal Care and Control tried a similar approach in 2004, relabeling their pit bulls as «New Yorkies», but dropped the idea in the face of overwhelming public opposition.[28][29]
The UKC gives this description of the characteristic of the American Pit Bull dog: «The essential characteristics of the American Pit Bull Terrier are strength, confidence, and zest for life. This breed is eager to please and brimming over with enthusiasm. Because most APBTs exhibit some level of dog aggression and because of its powerful physique, the APBT requires an owner who will carefully socialize and obedience train the dog. The breed’s natural agility makes it one of the most capable canine climbers so good fencing is a must for this breed. This breed does very well in performance events because of its high level of intelligence and its willingness to work.»[30]
The standard imposed by the ADBA and Old Family Red Nose Registry (OFRNR) considers human aggression a disqualification factor.[31] The American Preservation Dog Registry (APDR) standard points out that «the temperament must be totally reliable with people».[32]
In September 2000, the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) published a study that examined dog-bite–related fatalities (human death caused by dog-bite injuries) to «summarize breeds of dogs involved in fatal human attacks during a 20-year period and to assess policy implications.»[33] The study examined 238 fatalities between 1979 and 1998 in which the breed of dog was known. It found that «the data indicates that Rottweilers and pit bull–type dogs accounted for 67% of human DBRF (dog bite-related fatality) in the United States between 1979 and 1998» and that it was «extremely unlikely that they accounted for anywhere near 60% of dogs in the United States during that same period and, thus, there appears to be a breed-specific problem with fatalities.»[33]
This section needs expansion. You can help by adding to it. (November 2009) |
Due to their athleticism and diverse breeding background, the breed tends to be hardy, with an average lifespan of 12 to 14 years, longer than many breeds of a similar size. There are some genetic conditions to be watchful for. The breed tends to have bone diseases such as hip dysplasia, degenerative myelopathy and kneecap dislocation. The breed can also have skin problems, such as mange and skin allergies, because of its short coat. Other health ailments seen in the breed include thyroid and congenital heart defects.[34][35]
The breed tends to have a higher than average incidence of hip dysplasia.[36]
Culling for performance has helped eliminate this problem and others such as patella problems, thyroid dysfunction and congenital heart defects.[37] American Pit Bull Terriers with dilute coat colors have not had a higher occurrence of skin allergies as other breeds.[38] As a breed they are more susceptible to parvovirus than others if not vaccinated, especially as puppies, so vaccination is imperative beginning at 39 days old and continuing every 2 weeks until 4 months old. Then again at 8 months. Once a year after that, as recommend for all breeds.[39]
They are prone to Demodex Mange due to culling for performance. There are two different types of Demodex Mange, namely Localized and Generalized Demodex. Although it is not contagious it is sometimes difficult to treat due to immunodeficiency in some puppies. The Localized symptoms are usually loss of hair in small patches on the head and feet of the puppies. This type will usually heal as the puppies grow and their immune systems grow stronger. The second type which is Generalized Demodex mange is a more severe form of the sickness. The symptoms are more severe and include loss of hair throughout the entire body and the skin may also be scabby and bloody. Generalized are usually hereditary due to immunodeficiency genes that are passed on from Sire and Dam to their puppies. A simple skin scraping test will allow the vet to diagnose demodex mange. The most widely used method to treat Demodex Mange is ivermectin injections or oral medications. Since Demodex Mange lives in the hair follicles of the dog, Ivermectin will kill these mites at the source.[40]
The APBT has several bloodlines (strains), many originated in «professional» dog fighting throughout the 20th century, and others developed for the conformation shows of the United Kennel Club at the 80s.[41]
Colby Pit bulls[edit]
Colby’s Pincher, a great-grandson of the famous Lloyd’s Pilot. Weight 56 pounds. US, 1896.
The Colby dogs are an ancient black-nosed bloodline that served as one of the pillars of the APBT breed. Considered one of the most important and one of the most famous bloodlines the Colby dogs were started by John Pritchard Colby in 1889, who acquired the best fighting dogs (bull and terriers) imported from Ireland and England.[42] One of the most famous dogs of his bloodline was Colby’s Pincher. Pincher was known as an invincible fighting dog and was widely used as a stud dog. For this reason Pincher is present in the pedigree of the vast majority of APBT specimens. Today, the Colby dogs bloodline remains preserved by the family of John P. Colby.[43]
Old Family Red Nose[edit]
Old Family Red Nose (OFRN) is an old strain or a family of bloodlines originating in Ireland, and known for their specific and unique reddish coloration. Many dogs of the OFRN strain has a copper-red nose and coat, red lips, red toe nails, and red or amber eyes.[44] But not every American Pit Bull Terrier with these characteristics is necessarily an OFRN, since for this the dog must have a high percentage of the recognized bloodlines of this family in its pedigree.
A regular male red nose Pitbull (APBT), not OFRN dog.
In the middle of the 19th century, there was a strain of pit dogs in Ireland that were known as «Old Family». At that time, all the bloodlines were closely inbred with each family clan. Since red is recessive to all colors but white, the strain was known as «Irish Old Family Reds». When the dogs began coming to America, they were already showing the red nose.[45][46] The «Old Family Reds» dogs found their way to America in the 19th century mainly via Irish immigrants though many in the United States did import the breed.[45][46]
Many strains have been crossed with the Old Family Reds at some time in their existence. Consequently, nearly any strain will occasionally throw a red-nosed pup. This means that not every red-nose dog is a true OFRN. The Old Family Reds produced more than their share of good ones unlike other strains are known. Old Family Reds were sought after for their gameness. The original strain continues to be bred.
It was once renowned for its gameness, but now it is bred to maintain its unique reddish color. Some of the most reputable breeders of the past, such as Lightner, McClintock, Hemphill, Williams, Menefee, Norrod and Wallace have contributed to the preservation and development of the strain. Finally, as McNolty said in his 30-30 Journal (1967) «Regardless of one’s historical perspective, these old amber-eyed, red-nosed, red-toe-nailed, red-coated dogs represent some of the most significant pit bull history and tradition that stands on four legs today.»[46]
American Staffordshire Terrier[edit]
In 1935 in England a Cradley Heath bull and terrier strain was accepted and registered as a purebred breed by The Kennel Club as Staffordshire Bull Terrier.[47] One year later in America the American Kennel Club (AKC) noted the growing popularity and acceptance of a similar breed already registered years earlier by the United Kennel Club (UKC), the American Pit Bull Terrier. The AKC finally decided to accept to register and recognize the American breed, but would rename the breed with the commitment that the associate breeders would not breed dogs for dogfighting.[48]
American Bull Terrier without the «pit» (a word that referred to dogfighting arenas) was the first name considered by the AKC, but quickly dismissed due to protests by English Bull Terrier’s breeders.[18] Yankee Terrier was another option, also dismissed.[18] The name «Staffordshire Terrier» was chosen with the claim that the breed originally came from Staffordshire in England.[49] On June 10, 1936, around 50 UKC dogs entered the AKC stud book under the name Staffordshire Terrier. Wilfred Truman Brandon founded the AKC Staffordshire Terrier Club of America (STCA). The Colby dog named Colby’s Primo was one of the first to be regarded as an ideal model of the breed standard in the AKC. The AKC stud book was opened a few more times until it was last closed around the 1970s. In 1972 the AKC changed the name of the breed to American Staffordshire Terrier[49] as it already intended to recognize the British Staffordshire Bull Terrier as a separate breed in subsequent years.[50]
Today a discussion persists whether the American Pit Bull Terrier and the American Staffordshire Terrier are two separate breeds or still the same breed.[49] The fact is that Pit Bull and AmStaff breeders have distanced themselves from each other by pursuing different goals over the last 30 years, producing dogs with physical and temperament differences. Since 2015, the American Dog Breeders Association (ADBA), which has registered the American Pit Bull Terrier since 1909,[51] considers the American Staffordshire Terrier to be a different separated breed.[52][53][54] The UKC is the only kennel club at the moment to accept to register American Staffordshire Terriers as American Pit Bull Terriers.[55][56] The UKC conformation champions are very similar to those of the AKC, as both clubs share many judges. The AKC has not accepted to register American Pit Bull Terrier as American Staffordshire Terriers since the late 20th century.[57]
To this day there are dogs called dual registered, dogs registered at the same time as American Staffordshire Terrier in the AKC and American Pit Bull Terrier in the UKC, due to past breeders who decided to keep the two pedigree registers parallel.[48][57] Since 2015 the ADBA classifies most (or all) of these dual registered (AKC-UKC) dogs as American Staffordshire Terriers.[53]
The ADBA conformation champion dogs differ greatly from UKC and AKC champion dogs. The AKC standard does not accept red nose dogs.[50] The UKC dogs and the AmStaff are generally heavier and more robust and bulky than the ADBA American Pit Bull Terrier dogs.[48]
American Pit Bull Terriers excel in many dog sports, including weight pulling, dog agility, flyball, lure coursing, and advanced obedience competition. Out of the 115 dogs who have earned UKC «superdog» status (by gaining championship titles in conformation, obedience, agility, and weightpull), 34 have been American Pit Bull Terriers, and another 13 were American Staffordshire Terriers.[58][59]
The American Pit Bull Terrier is a working dog and is suitable for a wide range of working disciplines due to their intelligence, high energy, and endurance. In the United States they have been used as search and rescue dogs,[60] police dogs performing narcotics and explosives detection,[61][62] Border Patrol dogs, hearing dogs to provide services to the deaf, as well as general service dogs, including therapy dogs.
In some places they are often a favorite dog for catching feral pigs.[63] Although, the Australian Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) describes how this practice can be dangerous for the hunting dogs, noting that the dogs may experience severe injuries, «heat exhaustion, poisoning, vehicular trauma, snake bite, and accidental shooting».[64]
Breed-specific legislation[edit]
United Kingdom,[10] Brazil,[65] Australia,[66] Ecuador,[67] Malaysia,[68] New Zealand,[69] the territory of Puerto Rico,[70] Singapore,[71] Venezuela,[72] Trinidad and Tobago,[73] Denmark, Israel,[74] France, Germany, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Switzerland,[75] and Turkey[76] have enacted some form of breed-specific legislation on pit bull–type dogs, including American Pit Bull Terriers, ranging from outright bans to restrictions on import and conditions on ownership.[75][77] The state of New South Wales in Australia places restrictions on the breed, including mandatory sterilization.[78][79]
Certain cities in the United States have banned ownership of the American Pit Bull Terrier, as well as the province of Ontario, Canada.[75][80] In the United Kingdom, it is against the law to own, sell, abandon, give away, or breed a Pit Bull Terrier.[10] In recent years, restrictions have been declining with over 64 repeals since 2018.[12]
In 2014, new statistical evidence emerged regarding the province-wide ban on «pit bulls», more specifically the American Pit Bull Terrier and American Staffordshire Terrier, in the Canadian province of Ontario. Since the ban had been implemented, dog bites involving pit bull types, as identified by the owners or city investigators, had dropped considerably as the registered populations of these breeds decreased in the province’s largest city, Toronto.[81] However, «Toronto’s reported dog bites have been rising since 2012, and in 2013 and 2014, reached their highest levels this century, even as pit bulls and similar dogs neared local extinction,» and evidence published in Global News implicates several other dog breeds had contributed to the rise.[82]
See also[edit]
- Dogs portal
- List of dog breeds
- American Staffordshire Terrier
- Bull and terrier (ancestor of the APBT)
- Bull-type terriers
- Dog fighting in the United States
- Old English Bulldog
- Pit Boss
- Pit Bulls & Parolees (TV series)
- ^ a b c d e f «UKC Standard of the American Pit Bull Terrier» (PDF). 2017. Retrieved April 1, 2017.
- ^ a b «ADBA Standard of the American pit bull terrier» (PDF). 2018. Retrieved February 2, 2018.
- ^ «Official list of all American Kennel Club dog breeds». American Kennel Club. Retrieved March 14, 2019.
- ^ «Dog Coat Patterns – Caninest.com». 2018. Retrieved February 5, 2018.
- ^ «ADBA – American Pit Bull Terrier Color Chart Gallery». 2018. Retrieved February 5, 2018.
- ^ «A Note on the Use of the Term, «Pit Bull»«. The Real Pit Bull. Retrieved July 27, 2018.
- ^ «History of the Pit Bull – Facts and Myths About Pit Bull History». Diane Jessup. Retrieved July 27, 2018.
- ^ «What is a Pit Bull?». pitbulltruth.org. Retrieved July 27, 2018.
- ^ «Working Pit Bull». Diane Jessup. March 20, 2012. Retrieved July 27, 2018.
- ^ a b c «Controlling your dog in public». GOV.UK. Retrieved October 21, 2022.
- ^ «Information on The Dog Owners’ Liability Act and Public Safety Related to Dogs Statute Law Amendment Act, 2005». Ministry of the Attorney General. Archived from the original on December 24, 2009. Retrieved July 25, 2007.
- ^ a b «BSL Continues To Crumble». Pitbullinfo.org. Retrieved November 15, 2021.
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- ^ Curnutt, Jordan (2001). Animals and the Law: A Sourcebook. ABC-CLIO. p. 284. ISBN 978-1-57607-147-2.
- ^ Dickey, Bronwen (May 1, 2016). Pit Bull: The Battle over an American Icon. Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group. p. 25. ISBN 978-0-307-96177-8.
- ^ Janish, Joseph (January 2, 2012). American Staffordshire Terrier. i5 Publishing. p. 13. ISBN 978-1-59378-983-1.
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- ^ «The Dog Control Act». Retrieved September 30, 2018.
- ^ «List of Banned Dogs by Countries». PETolog. October 29, 2022.
- ^ a b c «Administrative report». Vancouver City Council. February 17, 2005.
- ^ «Tehlike Arz Eden Hayvanlara İlişkin Genelge» [Directive on Dangerous Animals] (in Turkish). Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. December 9, 2021. Archived from the original on December 9, 2021. Retrieved January 7, 2022.
- ^ «Vicious dogs». Dog bite law.
- ^ Barlow, Karen (May 3, 2005). «NSW bans pit bull terrier breed». Sydney, Australia: Australian Broadcasting Corporation. Retrieved December 23, 2009.
- ^ Hughes, Gary (October 20, 2009). «Pit bull bite prompts call for national approach to dangerous dog breeds». The Australian. Sydney, Australia. Retrieved December 23, 2009.
- ^ «Information on The Dog Owners’ Liability Act and Public Safety Related to Dogs Statute Law Amendment Act, 2005». Ministry of the Attorney General of Ontario. Archived from the original on December 24, 2009. Retrieved January 8, 2010.
- ^ Kay, Jonathan. (6 October 2014). «Vindication for Ontario’s pit bull ban». The National Post.
- ^ Cain, Patrick (February 20, 2016). «Toronto’s pit bulls are almost gone. So why are there more dog bites than ever?». Global News. Retrieved March 7, 2016.
Further reading[edit]
- Capp, Dawn M. (2004). American Pit Bull Terriers: Fact or Fiction: The Truth Behind One of America’s Most Popular Breeds. Doral Publishing. ISBN 0-9745407-1-4.
- Foster, Ken (2006). The Dogs Who Found Me: What I’ve Learned from Pets Who Were Left Behind. Lyons Press. ISBN 1-59228-749-2.
- Stahlkuppe, Joe (2000). American Pit Bull Terrier Handbook. Barron’s Educational Series. ISBN 0-7641-1233-3.
External links[edit]
- ADBA Heritage American Pit Bull Terrier Conformation Standard
- United Kennel Club American Pit Bull Terrier