- playing,
мн. playings - play,
/ played
/ playing
/ plays
Склонение существительного playing
игра, проигрывание, разыгрывание
Common case
Possessive case
playing’s / playing’
Спряжение глагола play[pleɪ]
играть, выступать, заниматься
Все формы
IndefiniteContinuousPerfectPerfect ContinuousInfinitivesParticiples
Present Indefinite
I play
you play
he/she/it plays
we play
you play
they play
Present Perfect
I have played
you have played
he/she/it has played
we have played
you have played
they have played
Present Continuous
I am playing
you are playing
he/she/it is playing
we are playing
you are playing
they are playing
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been playing
you have been playing
he/she/it has been playing
we have been playing
you have been playing
they have been playing
Past Indefinite
I played
you played
he/she/it played
we played
you played
they played
Past Continuous
I was playing
you were playing
he/she/it was playing
we were playing
you were playing
they were playing
Past Perfect
I had played
you had played
he/she/it had played
we had played
you had played
they had played
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been playing
you had been playing
he/she/it had been playing
we had been playing
you had been playing
they had been playing
Future Indefinite
I will play
you will play
he/she/it will play
we will play
you will play
they will play
Future Continuous
I will be playing
you will be playing
he/she/it will be playing
we will be playing
you will be playing
they will be playing
Future Perfect
I will have played
you will have played
he/she/it will have played
we will have played
you will have played
they will have played
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been playing
you will have been playing
he/she/it will have been playing
we will have been playing
you will have been playing
they will have been playing
Conditional Present
I would play
you would play
he/she/it would play
we would play
you would play
they would play
Conditional Present Continuous
I would be playing
you would be playing
he/she/it would be playing
we would be playing
you would be playing
they would be playing
Conditional Perfect
I would have played
you would have played
he/she/it would have played
we would have played
you would have played
they would have played
Conditional Perfect Continuous
I would have been playing
you would have been playing
he/she/it would have been playing
we would have been playing
you would have been playing
they would have been playing
to play
to have played
to be playing
to have been playing
существительное ↓
- игра
first-class orchestral playing — первоклассная игра оркестра
playing of jets — игра фонтанов
Мои примеры
children playing with the family dog — дети, которые играют с домашней собакой
a group of old geezers playing cards — кучка старикашек, играющих в карты
with feet black from playing outdoors — с ногами, чёрными от игры на свежем воздухе
his playing is facile and unstrained — он играет легко и непринуждённо
playing card — игральная карта
game-playing machine — игровая (вычислительная) машина
playing machine — игровая (вычислительная) машина
pack of playing cards — колода (игральных) карт
game-playing program — программа ведения игры
playing space — пространство игры
limited playing time — т. игр ограниченное время игры
playing-card — игральная карта
Примеры с переводом
He is off playing golf.
Он уехал играть в гольф.
The band was playing salsa.
Музыканты играли сальсу.
The kids love playing in the water.
Дети обожают играть в воде.
The kids are playing up.
Дети капризничают.
He mimed playing a guitar.
Он изобразил руками игру на гитаре.
What do you think you’re playing at?
Ты хоть отдаешь себе отчет, к чему это может привести?
The kids were playing on the swings.
Дети играли на качелях.
ещё 23 примера свернуть
Примеры, ожидающие перевода
Playing well gives me a buzz.
The song was playing on the radio.
His playing stamps him as a Romantic
Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке ☰, напротив примера.
Возможные однокоренные слова
play — играть, исполнять, разыгрывать, игра, пьеса, спектакль, зазор, действие, люфт
playable — годный для игры, подходящий для игры
player — игрок, плеер, музыкант, спортсмен, актер, картежник
playful — игривый, шаловливый, веселый, шутливый
На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.
На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.
В 1964 выпустил свой дебютный альбом «Jazz long playing».
In 1964 at age 22 he released his debut album, Jazz Long Playing.
Начало она свое возвращение с эмоционального трэка «Playing».
The beginning of her return with the emotional track «Playing«.
Во-вторых, принцип обеспечения level playing field.
And second, to the level playing field principle.
Наша основная идея — one level playing field, то есть, одинаковые условия работы для бизнеса.
Our main idea is a one level playing field, that is, the same working conditions for businesses.
Например, попросите Alexa проиграть какую-то песню, и вы услышите «Now playing…».
Ask Alexa to play a particular song for instance, and it will announce «Now playing…».
Например, предложение «Му Ьоу is playing below the table» подразумевает, что мальчик не касается стола.
For example, if I say «My boy is playing below the table,» then he’s not touching the table..
Ее стратегия в покере во многом зависит от чтения рук оппонента и того, что она называет «playing the player» («разыгрывать игрока»), а не основывается только на математике и теории.
Her poker strategy relies heavily on her hand reading and what she describes as «playing the player» rather than solely math and theory.
/ Это секция, вызывающая «playing«
/ this is a state called «playing«
«I was not playing football when the phone rang.» = Используем past continuous, чтобы выразить действие, которое не происходило во время другого действия.
«Was I playing football when the phone rang?» = We use past continuous to ask if something was interrupted when the phone rang.
Actor playing ‘Jamie’ (в титрах отсутствует)
as Actor playing ‘Jamie’ (uncredited)
Мортеза Мехрзад Селакьяни — самый высокий спортсмен за историю Паралимпиады Paralympics’ tallest ever competitor: ‘My life has changed playing sitting volleyball’ (неопр.).
«Paralympics’ tallest ever competitor: ‘My life has changed playing sitting volleyball’».
Вместо этого в статье Шеннона Programming a computer for playing chess от 1950 года было предложено, чтобы программы прекращали поиск раньше времени и применяли к состояниям какую-то эвристическую функцию оценки, по сути, преобразуя нетерминальные узлы в терминальные листья.
Shannon’s 1950 paper, Programming a computer for playing chess, proposed instead that programs should cut off the search earlier and apply a heuristic evaluation function to states in the search, effectively turning nonterminal nodes into terminal leaves.
Первая строка припева, «Sitting on a pebble by the river playing guitar», была написана Ленноном под влиянием видов реки Теннесси в Muscle Shoals.
The first line of the chorus, «Sitting on a pebble by the river playing guitar», was written by Lennon, inspired by the Tennessee River in Muscle Shoals.
Одна из его выдающихся работ, магнум опус ‘Практические правила игры на гитаре’ (‘Practical rules for playing the guitar’) 1817-го, которая уже долгое время пользуется уважением среди российских гитаристов, только недавно начала привлекать внимание международной общественности.
His magnum opus, the Praktičeskie pravila igrat’ na gitare [Practical rules for playing the guitar] (St. Petersburg, 1817), which has long been esteemed by Russian guitarists, is only now beginning to attract international attention.
Попробуйте «Ок Google, who is the author?» если вам нужна дополнительная информация, или «Ok Google, stop playing in 20 minutes», чтобы установить таймер чтения для сна.
Users can also try out commands like «Ok Google, who is the author?» or «Ok Google, stop playing in 20 minutes» to set a timer for bedtime reading.
Люди во всем мире были потрясены его игрой, в том числе Kirk Hammett из Metallica, который назвал Dave Hole, как одного из его любимых гитаристов, сказав «His slide playing kills me.»
Metallica’s Kirk Hammett named Dave Hole as one of his favourite guitarists, saying «His slide playing kills me.»
Название альбома является отсылкой к тому, что группа ушла от своего раннего блюзового звучания, о чем упоминается в оригинальном вкладыше к записи 1968 года: «This was how we were playing then — but things change — don’t they?»
The title of the album refers to the band moving away from its early blues-based sound, which was referenced in the original liner notes: This was how we were playing then-but things change-don’t they?
Диззи Гиллеспи не считал музыку Коулмана джазом («I don’t know what he’s playing, but it’s not jazz»).
Dizzy Gillespie, «I don’t know what he’s playing, but it’s not jazz.»
С правой стороны вы должны найти Playing Audio.
On the right-hand side, you should find Playing Audio.
Она также появляется в качестве бонус-трека на японской версии Playing the Angel.
It also appears as a bonus track on the Japanese version of Playing the Angel.
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Playing doesn’t tire us.
Игра нас не утомляет.
When playing a sound or running a file, one should specify the corresponding files.
При проигрывании звука и запуске файла необходимо указать соответствующие файлы.
Yet he is adept at playing the “Jewish card” to his benefit.
Тем не менее он мастерски обладает искусством разыгрывания «еврейской карты» к своей собственной выгоде.
played / played / playing / plays
So, should Vander play football?
Итак, можно ли Вандеру играть в футбол?
I used to play the Tivoli.
Я раньше выступал в Тиволи.
Do you play any sports?
Вы занимаетесь каким-нибудь видом спорта?
Go play a little pinball.
Заезжаем поиграть в пинболл.
Do not play the partner card.
Не нужно разыгрывать эту карту.
We want to play you one more selection.
Мы хотим исполнить для вас еще одну вещь.
Go ahead and play this one.
Проиграйте этот фрагмент.
Western media don’t have to play along.
Вообще-то западные СМИ могли бы ему и не подыгрывать.
When the group began to play live, it became Leningrad.
Когда группа заиграла живьем, она стала «Ленинградом».
As a result, Myanmar’s generals have been able to play one side off against another.
В результате генералы Мьянмы смогли переиграть одну сторону за счет другой.
другие переводы 7
Словосочетания (49)
- deck of playing cards — колода карт
- ensemble playing — игра в ансамбле
- Four dogs playing poker — Игра втемную
- game playing — ведение игры
- level playing field — равные правила игры
- playing a major part — главная роль
- playing a trick — надувательство
- playing ball — игра в бейсбол
- playing card — разыгрывать карту
- playing cards — играть в карты
Doing what, playing the harmonica?
Делать то, что, играя на губной гармошке?
Playing doesn’t tire us.
Игра нас не утомляет.
Well, it’s similar to playing to drunks.
Это как выступать для алкашей.
The whole orchestra is playing.
Весь оркестр занят игрой.
How about playing tennis this afternoon?
Как насчет поиграть в теннис сегодня после обеда?
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Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Playing
Playing Achieving Learning Speaking
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Playing Achieving Learning Speaking
Playing And Learning Skills
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Playing And Learning Skills
Playing Command And Conquer
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Playing Command And Conquer
Playing For Fun
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Playing For Fun
playing truant
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > playing truant
(massive multiplayer online role playing game) глобальная многопользовательская онлайновая ролевая игра
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > (massive multiplayer online role playing game) глобальная многопользовательская онлайновая ролевая игра
(role-playing game) ролевая игра
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > (role-playing game) ролевая игра
Advanced Role Playing System
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Advanced Role Playing System
Always Playing Roots
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Always Playing Roots
Are you playing long disco records?
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Are you playing long disco records?
Basic Role Playing
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Basic Role Playing
Empire Playing Game
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Empire Playing Game
Estoy Escuchando (Spanish: now playing)
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Estoy Escuchando (Spanish: now playing)
Fantasy Role Playing
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Fantasy Role Playing
Fantasy Role Playing Game
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Fantasy Role Playing Game
General Universal Role Playing System
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > General Universal Role Playing System
Generic User Role Playing System
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Generic User Role Playing System
Japanese Role Playing Game
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Japanese Role Playing Game
Live Action Role Playing
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Live Action Role Playing
- Следующая →
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
См. также в других словарях:
Playing — Play ing, a. & vb. n. of {Play}. [1913 Webster] {Playing cards}. See under {Card}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Playing — Play Play, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Played}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Playing}.] [OE. pleien, AS. plegian, plegan, to play, akin to plega play, game, quick motion, and probably to OS. plegan to promise, pledge, D. plegen to care for, attend to, be wont, G.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
playing — noun Playing is used before these nouns: ↑card, ↑career, ↑day, ↑field, ↑partner, ↑style, ↑time Playing is used after these nouns: ↑card … Collocations dictionary
playing — n. clean; dirty playing * * * [ pleɪɪŋ] dirty playing clean … Combinatory dictionary
playing — Synonyms and related words: acting, aflicker, aping, betting, bickering, blinking, buffoonery, business, cardsharping, casting lots, characterization, coquetry, dabbling, dalliance, dallying, dancing, dumb show, embodiment, enacting, enactment,… … Moby Thesaurus
playing — noun 1. the act of playing a musical instrument (Freq. 11) • Derivationally related forms: ↑play • Hypernyms: ↑musical performance • Hyponyms: ↑bowing, ↑piping, ↑st … Useful english dictionary
Playing the Angel — Álbum de Depeche Mode Publicación 17 de octubre de 2005 en Inglaterra 18 de octubre en Estados Unidos Grabación Varios lugares durante 2005 Género(s) … Wikipedia Español
Playing the Angel — Playing the Angel … Википедия
Playing with Fire (Kevin Federline album) — Playing with Fire Studio album by Kevin Federline Released October 31, 2006 (2006 10 31 … Wikipedia
Playing the Angel (álbum) — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Esta página ha sido borrada. El registro de borrado y traslados de la página se proveen debajo para más detalle. 18:05 22 nov 2009 Humberto (discusión | contribuciones) borró «Playing the Angel (álbum)» (borrado… … Wikipedia Español
Playing in the Shadows — Studio album by Example Released 4 September 2011 ( … Wikipedia
Kids can’t just play anywhere they want, because the yard is carved up into a whole bunch of, like, territories.
Дети не могут играть везде, где душе угодно, потому что двор поделён между бандами на территории.
The territories are all controlled by different groups who all have their own rules for who gets to play where.
Территории контролирует множество групп. У каждой свои правила насчёт того, кто может там играть.
They decide who can play there.
Они решают, кто может здесь играть.
Anyone can play there if they want— — The nerds can’t stop them.
Играть здесь может кто угодно, Задроты не запрещают.
But nerds tend to be really good Ju-Ji-Mon players, so the other kids are, like, scared to play there.
Но хорошие игроки, как правило, выходят только из ботанов. Поэтому другие ребята играть здесь побаиваются.
Показать ещё примеры для «играть»…
I think she thinks that I could’ve been trying to scare her, play a sick joke on her.
Она думает что я попытался ее напугать Сыграть злую шутку над ней.
— No, I want to play, too. — You?
нет, я тоже хочу сыграть.
— Play together?
-Вместе сыграть?
I know every note of it, and you haven’t played one of them.
И вы не смогли сыграть ни одной!
Почему бы двум старым приятелям не сыграть в криббидж?
Показать ещё примеры для «сыграть»…
They also control the soccer pitch, which means if you want to play there, you have to ask permission from Frankie and his crew.
Ещё они контролируют футбольное поле. И если вы решили там поиграть, нужно получить разрешение у Френки и его банды.
Shall we play again in the field after school?
Можно нам поиграть в поле после школы?
To feel the trout on your line… to play him, to reel him in.
Чувствовать форель на крючке… поиграть с ней, притянуть ее.
Let him play.
Нет. Дайте ему поиграть.
-l guess he wants to play. -Yes.
— Похоже, он хочет поиграть.
Показать ещё примеры для «поиграть»…
As a matter of fact, I’ve almost finished a play.
Между прочим, я только что закончил писать пьесу.
So that’s why at once when I read the play, I thought of you.
Может поэтому, когда я читал пьесу, то сразу подумал о тебе.
Jerry, it would be nice to think you’d remembered me all these years, particularly when you’ve written such a really beautiful play.
Мне было бы очень приятно, Джерри, если бы ты вспоминал меня все эти годы, особенно, когда ты написал такую прекрасную пьесу.
You see, it’d be a much better entrance for me, and I think it’d improve your play, too.
Это подчеркнуло бы мой выход и, думаю, улучшило бы пьесу.
He certainly can take a bow for his own play.
У него прекрасно получится выйти и раскланяться за свою пьесу.
Показать ещё примеры для «пьесу»…
I thought I’d never get to see United play again.
Что никогда больше не посмотрю игру Юнайтед*. *Манчестер Юнайтед — футбольный клуб
As competitive as he was, he believed in playing by the rules.
Как ни велика была его жажда победы, он верил в игру по правилам.
Come on, let’s go ahead and play art.
Давайте, продолжим нашу игру в искусство.
You don’t mind if I take a peek of his play?
Не возражаешь, если я вложусь в эту игру?
I appreciate that spirit of fair play, Mr. Haggerty… but you see, my office cabled me a copy of your little item.
Я ценю вашу игру по правилам, мистер Хаггерти…. но, видите ли, мне прислали копию вашего небольшого сообщения.
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Played me for a sucker, huh?
Спектакль для обсоска, да?
You know, old boy, I have a strong feeling that before the day’s out, somebody’s going to make use of that rather expressive, though somewhat old-fashioned term, «foul play. »
Не возражаете? Знаешь, старина, мне кажется, что еще до того, как закончится этот впечатляющий старомодный спектакль, кое-кто с этого поимеет.
The government feels it would be unwise to go on with this play.
Правительство решило запретить спектакль. — Как же так?
Since the day you left the clinic… you’ve played an ignoble comedy.
С того дня, как ты покинула клинику, ты разыгрываешь отвратительный спектакль.
That play with Geiger’s stuff was terrible.
Спектакль с вещами Гайгера был ужасен.
Показать ещё примеры для «спектакль»…
This Magistrate role play will become your karma as it is.
Эта роль Магистрата может стать последней в твоей жизни.
— It’s a ridiculous role to play.
— Нелепая роль.
Here’s Pfeifer who plays the hero in the film… talking to Dupray.
Вот Пфайфер, который исполнил роль настоящего героя в этой истории. Он разговаривает с Дюпре.
Then Dobosh said to me, «Bronski, you’re going to play Hitler.» I thought that was the real start of my career.
— Когда Добаш дал мне роль Гитлера, я сразу понял: вот начало карьеры.
We know you want to play Mark Antony, but that doesn’t help us.
Роль Марка-Антония нам не поможет.
Показать ещё примеры для «роль»…
You should play too.
Ты тоже должен поставить.
You promised to play me some records, or don’t you remember?
Разве не помнишь, ты обещал мне поставить какие-нибудь пластинки?
You could play the record again, though.
Можете поставить пластинку еще раз.
— May I play another? — Of course.
— Можно поставить другую?
No, I got to play a record.
-Нет, нужно поставить пластинку
Показать ещё примеры для «поставить»…
But he never struck me like the man who would take the trouble to play fairy godfather to a young couple like you…
Но мне он не показался человеком, который стал бы разыгрывать из себя крестную фею для юной пары вроде вас…
Prince, you must risk something if you want to collect the chandeliers, playing the hunted doe, the abandoned woman.
О, князь, нужно уметь рисковать, чтобы получить желаемое, разыгрывать загнанную лань, безразличную женщину.
The show’s over now. You can stop playing big boss.
Ладно, шутки в сторону, нечего разыгрывать босса, мы тут вдвоем.
So you don’t have to play innocent with me.
И вам не нужно разыгрывать невинную, передо мной.
I didn’t want to play a role.
Я не хотела разыгрывать роль.
Показать ещё примеры для «разыгрывать»…
Play your cards right and we can live like this.
Притворяйся и предложат, то чего ты хочешь.
Don’t play the innocent, we have proof
Не притворяйся, у нас есть доказательство.
— Don’t play dumb!
— Не притворяйся наивным.
I won’t play the sap for you!
Я не хочу притворяться дураком ради тебя!
You have to be really brave to play the coward.
Надо иметь большую смелость чтобы притворяться трусом.
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“You sure he’s playing tonight?
Some of the soldiers were drowsing, others were playing games to pass the time.
”Gwyn said, playing with her hair, “I dream of my past, too.
He swung her a glance and started playing again.
“Where are you playing tonight?
He wouldn’t be able to rest, to focus, until he evened the playing field.
What role is he playing out here on the eastern fringe?
Cassian roared as he came, and the sound was the summons of a hunt, a symphony, a single clear horn playing as dawn broke over the world.
They’d been at the country club all day playing in a tennis tournament and would barely be home before they returned that night for the club’s annual gala.
Flashes of false recollection burst colourfully behind his eyes; children playing in the rainbow shadows of crystal domes.
I thought they were playing both sides, sneaking Fedgley’s children from beneath Worgon’s nose then taking the opportunity to get into the keep and put an extra bit of gold into their pockets.
Перевод play с английского на русский
- играть (сыграть, исполнять, поиграть, выступать, разыгрывать, выступить, разыграть, исполнить, разыгрываться)
- воспроизводить (воспроизвести)
- проигрывать (проиграть)
- отыграть
- слушать
- заиграть
- play football (играть в футбол)
- play all day (играть целый день)
- play different roles (играть разные роли)
- play ice hockey (играть в хоккей)
- play musical instruments (играть на инструментах)
- play computer games (играть на компьютере)
- play a solo (сыграть соло)
- play classical music (исполнять классическую музыку)
- play billiards (поиграть в бильярд)
- play the ball (разыгрывать мяч)
- play better (выступить лучше)
- play the sound (воспроизводить звук)
- play voice (воспроизвести голос)
- play a concert (отыграть концерт)
3 формы глагола с транскрипцией
Base Form Инфинитив |
Past Simple 2-ая форма |
Past Participle 3-ая форма (Причастие прошедшего времени) |
Gerund Герундий |
play | played | played | playing |
[pleɪ] | [ˈpleɪd] | [ˈpleɪd] | [ˈpleɪɪŋ] |
[pleɪ] | [ˈpleɪd] | [ˈpleɪd] | [ˈpleɪɪŋ] |
Тренажёр спряжения для запоминая форм
Спряжение play в английском языке во всех временах, лицах и числах
Simple Tense — Простое (неопределенное) время
Present Simple
Простое настоящее
- I play
- you play
- he, she plays
- we play
- you play
- they play
Past Simple
Простое прошедшее
- I played
- you played
- he, she played
- we played
- you played
- they played
Future Simple
Простое будущее
- I will play
- you will play
- he, she will play
- we will play
- you will play
- they will play
Continuous Tense — Длительное время
Present Simple Continuous
Настоящее длительное
- I am playing
- you are playing
- he, she is playing
- we are playing
- you are playing
- they are playing
Past Simple Continuous
Прошедшее длительное
- I was playing
- you were playing
- he, she was playing
- we were playing
- you were playing
- they were playing
Future Simple Continuous
Будущее длительное
- I will be playing
- you will be playing
- he, she will be playing
- we will be playing
- you will be playing
- they will be playing
Perfect Tense — Совершенное время
Present Perfect
Настоящее совершенное
- I have played
- you have played
- he, she has played
- we have played
- you have played
- they have played
Past Perfect
Прошедшее совершенное
- I had played
- you had played
- he, she had played
- we had played
- you had played
- they had played
Future Perfect
Будущее совершенное
- I will have played
- you will have played
- he, she will have played
- we will have played
- you will have played
- they will have played
Perfect Continuous Tense — Длительное совершенное время
Present Perfect Continuous
Настоящее совершенное длительное
- I have been playing
- you have been playing
- he, she has been playing
- we have been playing
- you have been playing
- they have been playing
Past Perfect Continuous
Прошедшее совершенное длительное
- I had been playing
- you had been playing
- he, she had been playing
- we had been playing
- you had been playing
- they had been playing
Future Perfect Continuous
Будущее совершенное длительное
- I will have been playing
- you will have been playing
- he, she will have been playing
- we will have been playing
- you will have been playing
- they will have been playing
Conditional — Условное наклонение
- I would play
- you would play
- he, she would play
- we would play
- you would play
- they would play
- I would have played
- you would have played
- he, she would have played
- we would have played
- you would have played
- they would have played
Present Continuous
- I would be playing
- you would be playing
- he, she would be playing
- we would be playing
- you would be playing
- they would be playing
Perfect Continuous
- I would have been playing
- you would have been playing
- he, she would have been playing
- we would have been playing
- you would have been playing
- they would have been playing
Imperative — Повелительное наклонение
- you play
- we Let’s play
- you play
Проспрягать другие глаголы
disregard, shift, fret, draft, dance, delineate, lower, disintegrate, annex, repeat, initiate, proofread, perform, dye, notify, step, censure, adjust, tolerate, warn, congratulate, suffer, cover, confess, grow, borrow, apportion
существительное ↓
- игра
first-class orchestral playing — первоклассная игра оркестра
playing of jets — игра фонтанов
Мои примеры
children playing with the family dog — дети, которые играют с домашней собакой
a group of old geezers playing cards — кучка старикашек, играющих в карты
with feet black from playing outdoors — с ногами, чёрными от игры на свежем воздухе
his playing is facile and unstrained — он играет легко и непринуждённо
playing card — игральная карта
game-playing machine — игровая (вычислительная) машина
playing machine — игровая (вычислительная) машина
pack of playing cards — колода (игральных) карт
game-playing program — программа ведения игры
playing space — пространство игры
limited playing time — т. игр ограниченное время игры
playing-card — игральная карта
Примеры с переводом
He is off playing golf.
Он уехал играть в гольф.
The band was playing salsa.
Музыканты играли сальсу.
The kids love playing in the water.
Дети обожают играть в воде.
The kids are playing up.
Дети капризничают.
He mimed playing a guitar.
Он изобразил руками игру на гитаре.
What do you think you’re playing at?
Ты хоть отдаешь себе отчет, к чему это может привести?
The kids were playing on the swings.
Дети играли на качелях.
ещё 23 примера свернуть
Примеры, ожидающие перевода
Playing well gives me a buzz.
The song was playing on the radio.
His playing stamps him as a Romantic
Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке ☰, напротив примера.
Возможные однокоренные слова
play — играть, исполнять, разыгрывать, игра, пьеса, спектакль, зазор, действие, люфт
playable — годный для игры, подходящий для игры
player — игрок, плеер, музыкант, спортсмен, актер, картежник
playful — игривый, шаловливый, веселый, шутливый
Перевод play с английского на русский
- играть (сыграть, исполнять, поиграть, выступать, разыгрывать, выступить, разыграть, исполнить, разыгрываться)
- воспроизводить (воспроизвести)
- проигрывать (проиграть)
- отыграть
- слушать
- заиграть
- play football (играть в футбол)
- play all day (играть целый день)
- play different roles (играть разные роли)
- play ice hockey (играть в хоккей)
- play musical instruments (играть на инструментах)
- play computer games (играть на компьютере)
- play a solo (сыграть соло)
- play classical music (исполнять классическую музыку)
- play billiards (поиграть в бильярд)
- play the ball (разыгрывать мяч)
- play better (выступить лучше)
- play the sound (воспроизводить звук)
- play voice (воспроизвести голос)
- play a concert (отыграть концерт)
3 формы глагола с транскрипцией
Base Form Инфинитив |
Past Simple 2-ая форма |
Past Participle 3-ая форма (Причастие прошедшего времени) |
Gerund Герундий |
play | played | played | playing |
[pleɪ] | [ˈpleɪd] | [ˈpleɪd] | [ˈpleɪɪŋ] |
[pleɪ] | [ˈpleɪd] | [ˈpleɪd] | [ˈpleɪɪŋ] |
Тренажёр спряжения для запоминая форм
Спряжение play в английском языке во всех временах, лицах и числах
Simple Tense — Простое (неопределенное) время
Present Simple
Простое настоящее
- I play
- you play
- he, she plays
- we play
- you play
- they play
Past Simple
Простое прошедшее
- I played
- you played
- he, she played
- we played
- you played
- they played
Future Simple
Простое будущее
- I will play
- you will play
- he, she will play
- we will play
- you will play
- they will play
Continuous Tense — Длительное время
Present Simple Continuous
Настоящее длительное
- I am playing
- you are playing
- he, she is playing
- we are playing
- you are playing
- they are playing
Past Simple Continuous
Прошедшее длительное
- I was playing
- you were playing
- he, she was playing
- we were playing
- you were playing
- they were playing
Future Simple Continuous
Будущее длительное
- I will be playing
- you will be playing
- he, she will be playing
- we will be playing
- you will be playing
- they will be playing
Perfect Tense — Совершенное время
Present Perfect
Настоящее совершенное
- I have played
- you have played
- he, she has played
- we have played
- you have played
- they have played
Past Perfect
Прошедшее совершенное
- I had played
- you had played
- he, she had played
- we had played
- you had played
- they had played
Future Perfect
Будущее совершенное
- I will have played
- you will have played
- he, she will have played
- we will have played
- you will have played
- they will have played
Perfect Continuous Tense — Длительное совершенное время
Present Perfect Continuous
Настоящее совершенное длительное
- I have been playing
- you have been playing
- he, she has been playing
- we have been playing
- you have been playing
- they have been playing
Past Perfect Continuous
Прошедшее совершенное длительное
- I had been playing
- you had been playing
- he, she had been playing
- we had been playing
- you had been playing
- they had been playing
Future Perfect Continuous
Будущее совершенное длительное
- I will have been playing
- you will have been playing
- he, she will have been playing
- we will have been playing
- you will have been playing
- they will have been playing
Conditional — Условное наклонение
- I would play
- you would play
- he, she would play
- we would play
- you would play
- they would play
- I would have played
- you would have played
- he, she would have played
- we would have played
- you would have played
- they would have played
Present Continuous
- I would be playing
- you would be playing
- he, she would be playing
- we would be playing
- you would be playing
- they would be playing
Perfect Continuous
- I would have been playing
- you would have been playing
- he, she would have been playing
- we would have been playing
- you would have been playing
- they would have been playing
Imperative — Повелительное наклонение
- you play
- we Let’s play
- you play
Проспрягать другие глаголы
censure, cover, disintegrate, warn, disregard, delineate, congratulate, notify, perform, fret, repeat, apportion, grow, borrow, lower, step, draft, suffer, adjust, tolerate, annex, dance, shift, dye, proofread, confess, initiate
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