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На чтение 3 мин Просмотров 9.2к. Опубликовано 24.03.2021


  1. О команде
  2. История названия
  3. Игроки
  4. Игроки, которые покинули команду

О команде

О команде

Natus Vincere (Na’Vi) —  украинская команда по CS:GO, сильнейшая в СНГ и пятая в мировом рейтинге команд. Состоит из 2 российских игроков, 2 украинских игроков и игрока из Словакии. Образована в 2009 году, тогда состав команды состоял из таких игроков как Даниил «Zeus» Тесленко, Иоанн «Edward» Сухарев, Арсений «Ceh9» Триноженко, Сергей «starix» Ищук и Егор «markeloff» Маркелов. Этот состав установил мировой рекорд по Counter-Strike, выиграв 3 самых крупных чемпионата из 3 в 2010 году. С этого состава в наше время остались только двое: Даниил «Zeus» Тесленко (который и сейчас является капитаном команды) и Иоанн «Edward» Сухарев. Традиционно игроки Natus Vincere одеты в чёрно-жёлтую форму с логотипом команды.

История названия

Почему команда называется именно Na’Vi? Идея пришла спонтанно: игроки команды, так и не придумав названия, решили отдохнуть и посетить кинотеатр, где посмотрели фильм «Аватар». По сюжету фильма, Navi — язык на планете Пандора. Такое название понравилось ребятам, поэтому они расшифровали его и получилось Natus Vincere (с лат. «Рождённые побеждать»).


  • Егор Васильев, ник «flamie» (стрелок). Российский профессиональный игрок команды NAVI по CS:GO. Самый молодой в коллективе — 18 лет, но несмотря на это, точность Егора невероятна. Некоторые игроки считали, что flamie использует читы, но это слухи. Играет в роли стрелка. Ранее выступал за такие коллективы, как HellRaisers, dAt Team и USSR. Количество часов в CS:GO ~3.100 часов.

Егор Васильев, ник flamie

  • Даниил Тесленко, ник «Zeus» (капитан). Украинский профессиональный игрок команды Natus Vincere по CS:GO. Играет в роли капитана с даты основания команды и по сей день. Благодаря огромной проделанной работе и трудолюбию, добился успеха со своей командой как в CS 1.6 (выиграв 3 чемпионата мира из 3), так и в CS:GO. Его тактика — медленная и непредсказуемая игра, застающая врасплох даже чемпионов мира. Даниил всегда имеет большое количество вариантов разыгровок раундов, поэтому его действия сложно прочитать.

Даниил Тесленко, ник Zeus

  • Иоанн Сухарев, ник «Edward» (стрелок). Украинский профессиональный игрок команды NAVI по CS:GO. Вместе с Zeus являются самыми старыми игроками в команде — играют в ней с момента основания и по сей день. За свою крутую игру на пистолетах Иоанн получил прозвище «Пистолетный король». Играет в роли стрелка. Стабильный и очень опытный игрок, знает как правильно действовать в самых напряжённых игровых ситуациях.

Иоанн Сухарев, ник Edward

  • Денис Костин, ник «seized» (стрелок). Российский профессиональный игрок команды Natus Vincere по CS:GO. Играет в Na’Vi с 2013 года и уже успел набраться большого опыта. Стабильный и точный стрелок. Виртуозно контролирует автоматную очередь: с одной очереди способен убить троих оппонентов. Также Денис пробывал себя в роли капитана команды, но позже снова передал полномочия правления Zeus’у, сконцентрировавшись на собственной игре.

Денис Костин, ник seized

  • Ладислав Ковач, ник «Guardian» (снайпер). Словацкий профессиональный игрок команды NAVI по CS:GO. Непревзойдённый снайпер, который редко промахивается. По многим рейтингам Ладислав занимает 1 место среди всех снайперов в CS:GO. Хладнокровен и точен, имеет все качества, присущие настоящему снайперу.

Ладислав Ковач, ник Guardian

Игроки, которые покинули команду

  • Антон Колесников, ник «kibaken«, покинул команду.

Антон Колесников, ник kibaken

  • Егор Маркелов, ник «markeloff», перешёл в другую команду.

Егор Маркелов, ник markeloff

  • Арсений Триноженко, ник «ceh9», покинул команду и стал комментатором игр.

Арсений Триноженко, ник ceh9

  • Сергей Ищук, ник «starix«, покинул команду и стал её тренером.

Сергей Ищук, ник starix

Название придумали после «Аватара».

NAVI – самая популярная организация в CS:GO, а матчи с ней всегда набирают больше всего зрителей. Но вы задумывались, что означает эта аббревиатура? Она появилась случайно, но так всем понравилась, что прижилась на десятилетие вперед.

Тег придумали Зевс и Эдвард после того, как посмотрели «Аватар». В фильме Джеймса Кэмерона так называлась раса инопланетян. Даниилу и Иоанну настолько понравилось звучание «На’ви», что они предложили его для названия организации. До этого она называлась Arbalet.UA. В фильме «На’ви» на языке инопланетян значит «народ», но Zeus и Edward вряд ли задумывались, как это переводится.

Но когда команда достигла успехов на международном уровне, ей потребовалась расшифровка. Тогда организация совместно с HLTV провела конкурс на лучшее название, связанное с NAVI.

Фразу Natus Vincere придумал португалец Бруно Хартик. В переводе с латыни она означает «Рожденные побеждать», что отлично описывало успехи команды – она выиграла 3 мейджора за год.

«Они сокрушали всех на своём пути, и для меня было очевидно, что они рождены побеждать. В этом заключалась основная идея, суть, которую я хотел передать, наблюдая за тем, как они играют один турнир за другим. Выбор названия основывался на моей любви к латыни, которую считают основой современных языков и цивилизаций по всему миру. Тогда я даже не думал, что NAVI выберут мое название, а эта фраза ляжет в основу позиционирования клуба. Дом чемпионов, рожденных побеждать», – вспоминал автор названия спустя много лет.

Он продолжал следить за успехами организации еще много лет. Например, в 2018 году болел за них на BLAST в Лиссабоне. Сам он не добился успеха в CS:GO, зато был профессиональным игроком в Overwatch, а также тренером и менеджером португальских составов в Valorant.

Расшифровка Natus Vincere была на старом логотипе команды вплоть до 2020 года, когда организация сделала ребрендинг и немного изменила лого. 

Впрочем, игроки CS:GO состава до сих пор используют ее в кричалке перед игрой. Кто-то один громко спрашивает: «Кто мы?» И вся команда громко отвечает: «Рожденные побеждать».

  • NAVI расшифровывается как Natus Vincere, в переводе с латыни – «Рожденные побеждать».
Natus Vincere

NaVi logo.svg
Short name NAVI

  • Apex Legends
  • Brawl Stars
  • Clash of Clans
  • Call of Duty: Mobile
  • Counter Strike: Global Offensive
  • Dota 2
  • FIFA
  • Fortnite
  • Halo Infinite
  • Mobile Legends: Bang Bang[1]
  • Paladins
  • PUBG: Battlegrounds
  • Rainbow Six Siege
  • Rocket League
  • World of Tanks

Founded 17 December 2009; 13 years ago
Location Kyiv, Ukraine
CEO Yevhen Zolotarov
Championships 1× The International (Dota 2)
1× Majors (CS:GO)

  • Puma
  • Monster Energy
  • Logitech
  • Nissan
  • Philips
  • Raid: Shadow Legends
  • AndaSeat
  • GG.BET

Website navi.gg Edit this at Wikidata

Natus Vincere (Latin for «born to win»),[2] commonly referred as abbreviated name NAVI (formerly Na`Vi), is a Ukrainian esports organization based in Kyiv. Founded in 2009, the organization has teams and players competing in various games, such as Counter Strike: Global Offensive, Dota 2, FIFA, Brawl Stars, World of Tanks, Paladins, PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds,Clash of Clans,Apex Legends, Rainbow Six Siege, Mobile Legends: Bang Bang, Fortnite, and VALORANT.[3][4]

Na’Vi’s Counter-Strike team was the first in history to win three premier tournaments—Intel Extreme Masters, Electronic Sports World Cup, and World Cyber Games 2010—in one calendar year. Their Dota 2 squad won The International 2011, becoming the most successful esports organization at the time.

Counter-Strike division[edit]


2009: Formation[edit]

In October 2009, Murat «Arbalet» Zhumashevich declared the creation of an esports organization during the Intel Extreme Masters tournament being held in Dubai. He was to provide the finances required to run the organization and also provide a place for players to train in, while starix, a Counter-Strike professional player, took up the duty of creating a lineup for the organization. On 17 December 2009, Natus Vincere, at the time with the name of Arbalet UA, was formed, based around their Counter-Strike team, which consisted of players Ivan «Edward» Sukharev, Yegor «markeloff» Markelov, Sergey «starix» Ischuk, Arsenij «ceh9» Trunozhenko and Danylo «Zeus» Teslenko, with ZeroGravity taking the position of manager. The abbreviation Na’Vi was inspired by the film Avatar, with its full form being decided by the fans through a competition.[5]

2010: Multiple championships[edit]

After a poor performance at the Arbalet Cup CIS 2010 (4th place), Markeloff, the team’s top player, decided to skip the next big tournament, ASUS Winter 2010, so that the team could prepare for the Arbalet Cup and the Ukrainian qualifications for the ESWC.[6][7] In the middle of May 2010, Na’Vi took 2nd place in the prestigious Arbalet Cup Europe 2010 in Stockholm, losing to Fnatic in the finals and earning $10,000 in prize money.[8] Na’Vi finally gained victory at ESWC Ukraine.[9]

In the final part of the ESWC, the team hit the highest seeding, along with SK Gaming, Fnatic, and mTw.dk.[10] On 4 July 2010, Natus Vincere achieved the highest accolade in the history of Ukrainian e-Sports, winning the ESWC (which previously could not be reached by any CIS team), defeating SK Gaming in the finals: 16:5 (de_train) and 16:4 (de_inferno).[11] During the tournament Na’Vi passed through the group stage thanks to fortune, but outplayed Fnatic and mTw.dk in the playoffs.[12]

After being victorious in the world championship, Natus Vincere announced their participation in 2 more tournaments—Arbalet Cup Dallas and GameGune 2010 (Bilbao).[13] On 18 July 2010, Na’Vi won Arbalet Cup Dallas beating Mousesports in the final match: 19:15 (de_dust2), 16:12 (de_inferno). After receiving $25,000, Na’Vi took the first place in quantity of prize money earned by European teams that year.[14] Na’Vi took 3rd place in GameGune 2010 and Intel Extreme Masters Shanghai.[15][16]

On 15 August, Na’Vi won the Ukrainian qualifications for the 2010 World Cyber Games and received a paid voucher to the finals in Los Angeles from 30 September to 3 October 2010.[17]

The next tournament for Na’Vi was ASUS Summer 2010, to which the team received a direct invitation. This tournament became first in the ASUS Open series, which was held at Kyiv gaming center «Kyiv CyberSport Arena». In the semi-finals Na’Vi lost to Kazakh team k23 and as a result took the 3rd place.

On 4 October 2010 Natus Vincere became the World Cyber Games world champions by defeating Danish team mTw.dk in the finals.[18] This victory made Na’Vi the first team in the world which had managed to hold the three most prestigious championship titles at once (IEM, ESWC, WCG). At the end of October 2010, ESL TV commentator Bakr «KinGSaicx» Fadl proclaimed that SK Gaming was going to invite the Ukrainian team to take place of its Swedish squad, but the manager of Natus Vincere declined this information.[19]

In early November 2010 Natus Vincere took part in the World e-Sports Masters tournament (WEM 2010), which annually gathers the best teams from all over the world in the Chinese city of Hangzhou. Among the eight participants of the tournament, Na’Vi took 4th place as well as $7,500.[20]

From the 25th to the 27 November 2010 in the Swedish city of Jönköping the largest LAN party in the world took place—DreamHack Winter 2010. To go to this tournament, Natus Vincere had to skip a major Russian tournament, ASUS Autumn 2010, since it was coinciding with DreamHack’s dates. After finishing the group stage Na’Vi consistently outplayed teams puta, Fnatic, Frag Executors, and mTw.dk in the finals, winning the tournament.[21] During the four playoff matches the Ukrainians lost only one time to Fnatic on the new map—de_mirage.[22][23] «Starix» (Serhiy Ischuk) received the tournament’s MVP award.

After winning DreamHack Winter 2010, the team established a new record: winning $220,000 in one year.[24] The previous record belonged to Swedish team Fnatic, who earned $189,000 in 2009 (before that, the record was held by Swedish team SK Gaming with earnings of $183,000 in 2003).[25]

In 2010, popular website HLTV.org had made rankings for the 20 best Counter-Strike players. Yegor «markeloff» Markelov was 1st place, Sergey «Starix» Ischuk 4th, Ioann «Edward» Sukharev 5th, and the captain of Na’Vi, Daniil «Zeus» Teslenko had 19th place, as well as «The best captain of the year».[26][27]


On 5 March 2011 Na’Vi defended their position in Hannover as the champions of the Intel Extreme Masters and earned $35,000. They defeated Polish team Frag Executors in the finals: 16:12 (de_train) and 16:10 (de_dust2).[28] $4,550 of the prize money was deducted (13% of the total) as a penalty for breaking the rules.[29]


Na’Vi reached the finals of DreamHack Open Cluj-Napoca 2015 where they were beat 0–2 by Team EnVyUs. Na’Vi won Intel Extreme Masters Season X — San Jose after beating Team SoloMid (Now Astralis) in the grand finals 2–0.[citation needed]


Na’Vi started off the year by winning DreamHack Leipzig 2016 2–0 over Luminosity Gaming (Now MiBR) on 22 January.[30] Na’Vi placed 3rd–4th at the Intel Extreme Masters Season X – World Championship. On 3 April, Na’Vi placed second at MLG Columbus 2016, losing 0–2 to Luminosity in the finals.[31]

Shortly after on 17 April the team placed second at DreamHack Masters Malmö 2016.[32] Na’Vi got second at the StarLadder i-League Invitational #1 after losing to Virtus.pro in the finals on 22 May.[33]

Na’Vi placed 5–8th at ESL One Cologne 2016. On 29 July, the team placed 3rd–4th at ELeague Season 1.[34]

On 4 August, Oleksandr «s1mple» Kostyliev replaced Daniil «Zeus» Teslenko on the active roster.[35]

On 2 September, Na’Vi became the champions of ESL One: New York 2016, defeating Virtus.pro in the finals.[36]


On 10 March, team coach starix stepped down from his role in the team. He is replaced by team analyst Andrey «Andi» Prokhorov.[37]

On 28 July, Denis «seized» Kostin and Ladislav «GuardiaN» Kovács stepped down from Natus Vincere.[38]

On 9 August, Mykhailo «Kane» Blagin was brought in and seized and Zeus returned.[39]

On 6 November, Na’Vi brought in Denis «electronic» Sharipov in place of seized who stepped down from the roster.[40]


On 8 July, Na’Vi ended up winning ESL One Cologne 2018 over BIG 3–1.[41]


On 9 September, Na’Vi announced that Zeus would retire after BLAST Pro Series Moscow 2019.[42] He retired on 14 September.[43]

On 20 September, Na’Vi acquired GuardiaN from FaZe Clan and Andrey «B1ad3» Gorodenskiy joined as a coach.[44] GuardiaN later stepped down and was replaced by Perfecto.[45]


On 12 September, Na’Vi became the 3rd team ever to complete the Intel Grand Slam after winning IEM Katowice 2020, IEM Cologne 2021, DreamHack Masters Spring 2021 and ESL Pro League Season 14. On 7 November they won their first CS:GO Major, PGL Stockholm 2021, defeating G2 Esports 2–0. Team Na’Vi placed 1st at BLAST Premier Fall Final 2021 and BLAST Premier World Final 2021.[46] Na’Vi also cooperated with Hator, producer of gamers oriented computer equipment, in coorganizing esport events in 22 cities of Ukraine.[47]


They proceeded to qualify for the Blast Spring Final[48] and made it to the playoffs of IEM Katowice 2022, being favored to win the event. On 1 March 2022, following the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Natus Vincere cut ties with their holding company, Russian esports conglomerate ESForce, saying that the company «publicly denies the horror that is now happening in Ukraine.»[49][50] Na’Vi CEO Yevhen Zolotarov stated his hope «that we are going to keep this roster and that the Russia-based players are going to relocate.»[51]

After qualifying to the Legends stage for the PGL Major Antwerp 2022 through the Europe Regional Major Rankings[52] they proceeded to go 3–0 in that stage, beating G2, BIG, and NIP.[53] They defeated Heroic 2–1 in the quarterfinals and ENCE 2–0 in the semifinals for their fifth major finals appearance. FaZe Clan won 2–0 for their first major victory.[54]

On 28 May, Boombl4 was removed from the active roster.[55] The organization said his removal was «related to high reputational risks for the club, and it is not the result of his game.». Na’Vi COO Oleksii «xaoc» Kucherov said that the other two Russian players, electronic and Perfecto, were relocating.[56]

Viktor «⁠sdy⁠» Orudzhev was brought in as a replacement for Boombl4 for Blast Premier Spring Final in Lisbon, and electronic became IGL.[57] His continued play for Na’Vi «depends on his performance in the upcoming tournament». Na’Vi went on to win the event,[58] beating Team Vitality in a dominant 2–0 in the final.[59][60] Following this success, sdy continued being the fifth player for IEM Cologne.[61]

While FaZe and Na’Vi had been the only teams occupying the HLTV #1 spot during the 2022 season, IEM Cologne 2022 had many viable contenders.[62][63] Many teams had a so-called «stand-in buff» during 2022, where many teams had success after introducing a stand-in or new player. Whether or not Na’Vi could continue after their success with their new player and IGL was uncertain. FaZe had dipped in form after the Antwerp Major, ENCE has been a playoff contender but had not lifted trophies, Cloud9 had won IEM Dallas and BIG had won Roobet Cup.

The quarter-finals were filled with unexpected contenders but the semifinal contenders were occupied by the top 2 teams, Faze and Na’Vi. Both teams won 2–0 in the semifinals to set up the grand final to «decide who the number one team is».[64] In a very close 2–3 finish, FaZe came out on top.[65][66][67]

The second half of 2022 started with Blast Premier Fall Groups 2022. Navi Junior AWPer headtr1ck stood in for s1mple for the group stage, who could not be in Copenhagen for personal reasons.[68] They lost the opening game to Complexity but won successfully went through the lower bracket to win their group.[69] They then qualified for the Blast Fall Final with a 2–0 victory over Vitality.

Current roster[edit]

Natus Vincere CS:GO roster
Players Coaches
Handle Name Nationality
s1mple Kostyliev, Oleksandr Ukraine
electronic Sharipov, Denis Russia
Perfecto Zalutskiy, Ilya Russia
b1t Vakhovskyi, Valerii Ukraine
npl Kukharskyi, Andrii Ukraine
Head coach
  • Andrii «B1ad3» Gorodenskyi


  • (I) Inactive
  • (S) Suspended
  • Substitute player Substitute
  • Injured Injury / Illness


Latest roster transaction: 30 December 2022.

Dota division[edit]


In October 2010, the creation of a Defence of the Ancients (DotA) squad was announced, which included the best Ukrainian players. Initially the team was composed of Aleksandr «XBOCT» Dashkevych, Artur «Goblak» Kostenko, Bogdan «Axypa» Boychuk, Oleksandr «Deff» Stepaniuc, and Andriy «Mag~» Chipenko.[citation needed] However, in December 2010, Mag~ and Deff- left the team. The empty slots on the team were filled by Ukrainian players from DTS.Chatrix—Danil «Dendi» Ishutin, and Ivan «Artstyle» Antonov, who became the captain of this new squad.[citation needed]

A roster change on 17 June 2011 resulted in the replacements of Goblak and Axypa with Clement «Puppey» Ivanov and Dmitriy «LighTofHeaveN» Kupriyanov.[citation needed] In August 2011, Na’Vi was invited to The International, the first in a series of annual Dota 2 tournaments. The event featured 16 of the top teams from all over the world with an impressive amount of prize money—$1,600,000. Na’Vi was the ultimate winner, beating Chinese team EHOME 3–1 in the grand finals and winning a cash prize of $1,000,000.[citation needed]

On 13 October 2011, shortly after their victory, Artstyle left the team. The captain position was taken up by Puppey, and Sergey «ARS-ART» Revin, from Russian team Moscow Five, took the fifth slot on the roster.[citation needed]

2012 was a very successful season for Na’Vi as they won multiple tournaments throughout the year, including four consecutive seasons of Star Ladder’s Star Series, the premier tournament for the CIS region.[citation needed]

At The International 2012, Na’Vi attempted to defend their title where they ultimately placed 2nd, losing to the Chinese team Invictus Gaming 1–3 in the grand finals.[citation needed]

At the end of February 2013, ARS-ART was replaced by Gleb «Funn1k» Lipatnikov from Russian squad Team Empire. Kuro «KuroKy» Salehi Takhasomi from Mousesports also joined the team, while LighTofHeaveN went inactive. In April 2013, after his contract expired, LighTofHeaveN officially left for Team Empire. In June 2013, Na’Vi announced an all female squad.[citation needed]

The first half of 2013 was difficult for Na’Vi as they struggled to gain a footing in major tournaments with their new lineup. Their first major tournament win was against RoX.KIS at the first season of the ESL Major Series One in April. In July, Na’Vi competed against 9 of the best Eastern teams at the Alienware Cup. They defeated LGD Gaming.cn 3–2 in the grand finals, and became one of the few Western teams to win a major Chinese tournament.[citation needed]

In August 2013, Na’Vi once again reached the Grand Finals of The International 2013, but they lost 2–3 in a very close fifth game against the Swedish team Alliance.[citation needed]

In July 2014, Na’Vi was knocked out in the lower bracket knockout phase of The International by Cloud9, placing at 7/8th place and earning $519,208. This would be the first time Na’Vi would not make it to the Grand Finals of The International. Many fans attributed this to a lack of adaptation and even went as far to mark it as an end of an era. Soon after this, Kuro «KuroKy» Salehi Takhasomi and Clement «Puppey» Ivanov left the team.[citation needed]

On 13 February 2015, Gleb «Funn1k» Lipatnikov retired from the Na’Vi Dota 2 team.[70]

On 4 March 2015, DkPhobos joined Na’Vi, replacing Funn1k.[citation needed]

On 9 March 2015, DkPhobos left Na’Vi to rejoin ASUS.Polar.[citation needed]

On 25 March 2015, Goblak left Na’Vi with SoNNeikO taking his spot.[citation needed]

On 5 April 2015, Na’Vi announced the return of Funn1k and ArtStyle with VANSKOR moving to reserve after battling a long-term illness.[citation needed]

On 27 August 2015, Na’Vi announced the departure of captain Ivan «Artstyle» Antonov following a disappointing finish at The International 2015.[71]

On 2 September 2015, Artstyle returned, but as a substitute. The main roster spot was filled by acquiring M.Batbileg «Ra», and the second substitute spot was filled by Ilnur «Kudes» Khafizov.[72]

On 16 October 2015, Na`Vi announced the disband of their main roster.[73]

On 19 October 2015, Na`Vi posted on their website that Danil «Dendi» Ishutin and Akbar «SoNNeikO» Butaev will pick out the remaining 3 players for a new Na`Vi roster.[74]

On 23 February 2016, Na’Vi’s new team was finalized with the team moving forward in the Dota Pit tournament after a disappointing defeat in the final qualifying round for ESL Manila.[citation needed]

On 3 September 2018, Danil «Dendi» Ishutin noted that he was looking for a new team and players for that team, signaling his departure as team captain of Na’Vi’s DOTA 2 team.[75]

On 25 March 2021, Na’Vi’s DOTA 2 team decided to withdraw from the One Esports’ Singapore Major tournament due to COVID-19.[76]

On 2 September 2021, Na’Vi announced a new roster managed and coached by ArtStyle. It includes Alexey «Solo» Berezin, Ilya «ALOHADANCE» Korobkin and Victor «GeneRaL» Nigrini. Vladimir «No[o]ne» Minenko and Alik «V-Tune» Vorobei retained their places in the team.

Results of DPC EEU 2023 Tour 1: Division I: NAVI are relegated to the second division

Current roster[edit]

Natus Vincere Dota 2 roster
Players Coaches
Handle Name Nationality
V-Tune Vorobey, Alik Ukraine
No[o]ne Minenko, Volodymyr Ukraine
laise Lais, Vladyslav Ukraine
swedenstrong Zainalabidov, Georgii Russia
Solo Berezin, Alexey Russia
Head coach
  • Ivan «Artstyle» Antonov


  • (I) Inactive
  • (S) Suspended
  • Substitute player Substitute
  • Injured Injury / Illness


Latest roster transaction: 1 June 2022.

Tournament result[edit]

Tournament Location Date Placement Prize money
IEM 4 European Finals Germany, Cologne 15–17 January 2010 1st $1,250
Arbalet Asia Kazakhstan, Almaty 30–31 January 2010 1st $10,000
IEM 4 World Championship Finals[78] Germany, Hannover 3 April 2010 1st $50,000
Arbalet Cup Best of Four Ukraine, Kyiv 9–11 April 2010 1st $12,000
Arbalet Cup Europe Sweden, Stockholm 14–16 May 2010 2nd $10,000
Arbalet Cup Dallas 2010 United States, Dallas 16–18 July 2010 1st $25,000
Fragnet Summer Tour 2012 Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo 25–26 August 2012 3rd $500
Extreme Masters: Shanghai China, Shanghai 29 July – 1 August 2010 3rd $5,000
ASUS Summer 2010 Ukraine, Kyiv 28–29 August 2010 3rd $3,000
Dreamhack Winter 2010 Sweden, Jönköping 25–27 November 2010 1st $28,200
Intel Challenge Super Cup 7 Ukraine, Kyiv 19–20 March 2011 1st $5,000[79]
OSPL Spring 2011 Kazakhstan, Almaty 3 April 2011 1st $5,500[80]
ASUS Spring 2011 Ukraine, Kyiv 28–29 May 2011 1st $4,430[81]
DreamHack Summer 2011 Sweden, Jönköping 18–20 June 2011 1st $1,600[82]
Adepto BH Open Bosnia, Sarajevo 24–26 June 2011 1st $7,500[83]
GameGune 2011 Spain, Bilbao 22–24 July 2011 1st $4,000
ASUS Summer 2011 Ukraine, Kyiv 13–14 August 2011 1st $1,000[84]
The International 2011 Germany, Cologne 17–21 August 2011 1st $1,000,000[85]
e-STARS Seoul 2011 South Korea, Seoul 19–21 August 2011 3rd $9,200[86]
SEC 2011 Poland, Warsaw 06–9 October 2011 1st $10,000[87]
ESWC 2011 France, Paris 21–23 October 2011 1st $6,000[88]
DreamHack Winter 2011 Sweden, Jönköping 24–27 November 2011 1st $4,275[89]
IEM 6 Global Challenge Kyiv Ukraine, Kyiv 19–22 January 2012 1st $16,000[90]
IEM 6 World Championship Finals Germany, Hanover 06–10 March 2012 1st $20,000[91]
TECHLABS Cup 2012 Russia, Moscow 17–18 March 2012 1st $10,000[92]
Copenhagen Games 2012 Denmark, Copenhagen 04–8 April 2012 1st $6,200[93]
DreamHack Summer 2012 Sweden, Jönköping 16–19 June 2012 1st $3,600[94]
The International 2012 United States, Seattle 31 August – 2 September 2012 2nd $250,000[95]
Pro Gamer Series Exponor 2012 Portugal, Porto 10–14 October 2012 1st €4,000[94]
Alienware Cup China, online 16 June – 7 July 2013 1st $25,000[96]
RaidCall Dota 2 League Season 3 Spain, Valencia 20 May – 21 July 2013 1st $5,000[citation needed]
The International 2013 United States, Seattle 7–11 August 2013 2nd $632,370[97]
DreamHack Winter 2013 Sweden, Jönköping 28 Nov – 1 December 2013 1st $25,000[98]
SLTV Star Series Season 8 Ukraine, Kyiv 25 November 2013 – 19 January 2014 1st $62,000[99]
The International 2014 United States, Seattle 8 July 2014 – 21 July 2014 8th $516,131[100]
The International 2015 United States, Seattle 3 August 2015 – 8 August 2015 15th $55,289[citation needed]
IEM Season X — San Jose United States, San Jose 21 November 2015 – 22 November 2015 1st $115,000
SL i-League StarSeries Season 2 United States, Los Angeles 21 – 24 July 2016 1st $135,000[101]

PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds division[edit]

On 11 April 2018, the organization announced the acquisition of a PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) team. It includes four Russian players: Vadim «POKAMOLODOY» Ulshin, Ivan «Ubah» Kapustin, Dmitry «Shade1» Roshchin and Svyatoslav «Drainys» Komissarov.[102]

On 19 November 2018, a new PUBG team was announced.[103]

In April 2019, after unsuccessful performance at the LAN-tournament of the PUBG Europe League, which was held in Berlin (NA’VI at the end of the first phase of the tournament took 14th place out of 16 teams), the management of the organization decided to renew the team. From the previous squad only Vadim «POKAMOLODOY» Ulshin remained, who, however, lost the status of team captain. Alexander «BatulinS» Batulin, Dmitry «Recrent» Osintsev and Artem «Sadovnik» Danilyuk were sent to «inactive».[104]

On 1 October 2020, Natus Vincere signed a PUBG Mobile roster hence entering the PUBG Mobile Competitive Esports.[105]

On 5 October 2020, they received an invitation to Peace Elite Championship which boasted a massive prizepool of $1.7 million.[106]

On 26 October 2020, Na’Vi won the PUBG Mobile EMEA League and hence advanced to the PUBG Mobile Global Championship.[107]

On 20 November 2022, Natus Vincere team won PUBG Global Championship 2022 and earned $1,008,338.[108][109]

Current roster[edit]

Natus Vincere PUBG roster
Players Coaches
Handle Name Nationality
Mellman Levkin, Konstantin Georgia
alya Pirogov, Aleksandr Russia
xmpl Adarkin, Artem Russia
ubah Kapustin, Ivan Russia
Head coach
  • Vacant


  • (I) Inactive
  • (S) Suspended
  • Substitute player Substitute
  • Injured Injury / Illness


Latest roster transaction: 21 November 2022.

World of Tanks division[edit]

In July 2013 Russian–Ukrainian team Red Rush began competing under the Natus Vincere banner in World of Tanks.[110]

Na’Vi won the first Wargaming.net League of World of Tanks in Warsaw, Poland in April 2014[111] and won it again in April 2016.[112]

Rainbow Six Siege division[edit]

Natus Vincere made an entrance into Rainbow Six Siege Pro League by acquiring the German roster of Mock-it E-sports in February 2019.[3] The original Na’Vi Rainbow Six Siege roster was Pascal «Cry1NNN» Alouane, Lukas «Korey» Zwingmann, Jan «ripz» Hucke, Niklas «KS» Massierer, and Lasse «Lazzo» Klie. On 30 May 2019, The organisation announced that the Korey was to join another team and the rest of German roster had been released and Na’Vi would announce a new roster the following day.[113]

On 1 June 2019, Na’Vi announced that they had signed on the British roster of MnM Gaming shortly after it had qualified for Pro League Season 10.[114] The roster consisted of Ben «CTZN» MacMillan, Jack «Doki» Robertson, Luke «Kendrew» Kendrew, Leon «neLo» Pesić, Szymon «Saves» Kamieniak, and Ellis «GiG» Hindle as coach. On 11 October, Doki was banned by Ubisoft, the developers of the game, for severe toxicity and the ESL, the organizers of Pro League, chose to honor the ban and required NaVi to sign a stand-in for the duration of Doki’s ban which lasts until 11 April 2020.[115] Ellis «Pie» Pyart was announced as the stand-in for Doki four days later. With Pie, Na’Vi qualified for the Pro League Season 11 Finals, where they placed first and won $100,000. About a month after on 18 December, GiG left the roster and analyst Cyril «jahk» Renoud would be the team’s acting coach. This roster would remain until after the Six Invitational 2020 in February 2020, when Pie and CTZN both left Na’Vi.[116][117] On 13 March 2020, Byron «Blurr» Murray was announced as the stand-in for the remainder of Doki’s ban. On 21 March, Dimitri «Panix» de Longeaux joined the team as a permanent player.[118]

Current roster[edit]

Natus Vincere Rainbow Six Siege roster
Players Coaches
Handle Name Nationality
Nathan Sharp, Nathan United Kingdom
Kayak Morley, Jordan United Kingdom
Skiddy Diamond, Jamie United Kingdom
Leadr Fortunado, Jake United Kingdom
T3b Treglia, Edoardo Italy
Head coach
  • Alonso «Alo» Díez


  • (I) Inactive
  • (S) Suspended
  • Substitute player Substitute
  • Injured Injury / Illness


Latest roster transaction: 5 October 2022.

Notable achievements[edit]

End Date Tournament Location Placement Prize
United Kingdom British Roster
2019-07-04 ESL Premiership Summer 2019 Group Stage United Kingdom and Ireland 1st Finals
2019-07-07 Dreamhack Valencia 2019 Valencia, Spain 9–12th $0
2019-07-27 ESL Premiership Summer 2019 Finals Leicester, United Kingdom 1st $5,488
2019-10-14 Pro League Season 10 EU Europe 1st Finals
2019-11-09 Pro League Season 10 Finals Tokoname, Japan 1st $100,000
2019-11-13 ESL Premiership Winter 2019 Group Stage United Kingdom and Ireland 2nd Finals
2019-11-23 ESL Premiership Winter 2019 Finals Manchester, United Kingdom 1st $10,268
2020-02-16 Six Invitational 2020 Montreal, Quebec, Canada 9–12th $80,000
2020-04-13 Pro League Season 11 EU Europe 4th $16,000
2020-06-07 European Open Clash Europe 3–4th $0
2020-07-20 European League Season 1 – Stage 1 Europe 5th $4,497
Germany Former German Roster
2019-04-26 Pro League Season 9 EU Europe 8th $3,000
2019-05-15 Twitch Rivals 2 – Europe Europe 2nd $4,250

Valorant division[edit]

Natus Vincere signed No Pressure on 16 July 2021, marking their entrance into Valorant.[4]

Natus Vincere VALORANT roster
Players Coaches
Handle Name Nationality
ANGE1 Karasov, Kyrylo Ukraine
Shao Kiprsky, Andrey Russia
Zyppan Eek, Pontus Sweden
SUYGETSU Ilyushin, Dmitry Russia
cNed İpek, Mehmet Yağız Turkey
Head coach
  • Erik «d00mbr0s» Sandgren
Assistant coach(es)
  • Oliwer «LATEKS» Fahlander


  • (I) Inactive
  • (S) Suspended
  • Substitute player Substitute
  • Injured Injury / Illness


Latest roster transaction: 8 November 2022.

Contribution to the development of Ukrainian esports[edit]

Na’Vi and former prime minister of Ukraine Mykola Azarov

In July 2010, Prime Minister of Ukraine Mykola Azarov met the team in the Cabinet of Ministers building in Kyiv. During the meeting issues pertaining to the development of the IT industry in Ukraine were discussed. The Prime Minister promised to hold the esports International Open Cup of Ukraine in 2011. Ukrainian players were enrolled in to the so-called «Gold Reserve», enlisting the support of the government.[119]


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  4. ^ a b Vincere, © 2008–2021, Natus. «Natus Vincere – NAVI completes VALORANT roster». navi.gg. Retrieved 13 August 2021.
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  63. ^ «IEM Cologne: No clear favorite going into the season finale». HLTV.org. Retrieved 23 August 2022.
  64. ^ «Perfecto: «This tournament will decide who the number one team is»«. HLTV.org. Retrieved 23 August 2022.
  65. ^ «FaZe take down NAVI 3–2 in mammoth grand final in Cologne». HLTV.org. Retrieved 23 August 2022.
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  78. ^ «Counter-Strike: Na´Vi top PiNG, win Arbalet Cup Ukraine». sk-gaming.com. Retrieved 30 October 2010.
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  108. ^ Jha, Ashish (20 November 2022). «PUBG Global Championship 2022 Grand Finals: Navi Crowned Champions, Check Overall Standings». EsportsGen. Retrieved 21 November 2022.
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  114. ^ «NEW NAVI RAINBOW SIX ROSTER». Natus Vincere. 1 June 2019. Retrieved 1 June 2019.
  115. ^ «Competitive ruling: Doki – Rainbow Six: Siege Pro League by ESL». pro.eslgaming.com. Retrieved 25 March 2020.
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  117. ^ Vincere, © 2008–2020, Natus. «Natus Vincere – NAVI Rainbow Six Siege roster changes». navi.gg. Retrieved 23 February 2020.
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External links[edit]

  • Official website Edit this at Wikidata
Awards and achievements
Preceded by


The International winner
With: Artstyle, Dendi, XBOCT, Puppey, LighTofHeaveN, and McDee (coach)
Succeeded by

Invictus Gaming

Preceded by

StarLadder Major: Berlin 2019

PGL Major Stockholm 2021 winner
Succeeded by

PGL Major Antwerp 2022
FaZe Clan

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