Как пишется профессор дамблдор



Left pointing double angle quotation mark sh4.svg Альбус Дамблдор никогда не был гордецом или тщеславцем, он умел находить нечто ценное в любом человеке, сколь бы незначительным или жалким тот ни казался, и я думаю, что утраты, которые он пережил в ранние годы, наделили его великой человечностью и способностью к состраданию. Я не стану даже и пытаться описать, до чего мне будет не хватать его дружбы, однако моя потеря — ничто в сравнении с той, которую понесло волшебное сообщество. Не приходится сомневаться в том, что Дамблдор был самым ярким и любимым из всех директоров Хогвартса. Он умер, как и жил: трудясь во имя общего блага, и до последнего своего часа сохранил способность протянуть руку помощи мальчишке, переболевшему драконовой оспой — способность, которая была присуща ему еще в тот день, когда я впервые встретил его. Right pointing double angle quotation mark sh4.svg

Альбус Персиваль Вульфрик Брайан Дамблдор (англ. Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore) — один из главных персонажей Поттерианы, профессор трансфигурации, директор Школы Чародейства и Волшебства Хогвартс, кавалер ордена Мерлина первой степени, Великий волшебник, Верховный чародей Визенгамота, Президент Международной конфедерации магов. Известен как сильнейший волшебник своего времени.


Детские годы

О детстве Дамблдора известно очень немного. Он родился в июле или августе 1881 года [3] в Насыпном Нагорье. Позже, вместе с матерью, братом и сестрой переехал в Годрикову Впадину. Поступил в Хогвартс в 1892 году, где был определён в Гриффиндор.

С ранних лет отличался экстраординарными способностями к магии.

Молодые годы

Альбус Дамблдор и Грин-де-Вальд в молодости.

История семьи Дамблдоров трагична. Его сестра, Ариана Дамблдор, в шестилетнем возрасте (возраст первых проявлений стихийной магии) стала жертвой нападения трёх мальчишек-маглов, после чего девочка повредилась в уме. Вне себя от горя, её отец, Персиваль Дамблдор, отомстил маглам, за что и был заключён в Азкабан до конца своей жизни. Мать Дамблдора, Кендра, скрывала Ариану от других, боясь, что дочь заберут в больницу Святого Мунго и семья её больше никогда не увидит. Обычно спокойная, во время припадков Ариана была неспособна сдерживать свою магию и, как следствие, случайно убила Кендру.

В это время Дамблдор собирался по завершении обучения в Хогвартсе путешествовать по миру с Элфиасом Дожем. Но из-за смерти матери был вынужден остаться присматривать за младшей сестрой.

Летом 1899 года, после окончания Хогвартса Альбус подружился с Геллертом Грин-де-Вальдом. Они совместно строили планы подчинения себе мира, «ради общего блага». Для начала они хотели найти Дары Смерти. Дамблдор и его брат Аберфорт всё чаще ссорились из-за недостаточного ухода Альбуса за Арианой. И когда в пылу спора Грин-де-Вальд применил к его брату заклинание Круциатус, Альбус попытался остановить своего друга, возникла схватка, во время которой была случайно убита Ариана. Никто из них точно не знал, кто это сделал; страх, что именно его заклинание убило сестру, преследовал Дамблдора всю жизнь.

Карьера в Хогвартсе

Профессор Дамблдор в магловском детском приюте Миссис Коул

В первом десятилетии ХХ века Дамблдор поступает на работу в Хогвартс в качестве профессора трансфигурации (в начале 20-х годов он уже как преподаватель протестует против исключения Саламандера). Как специальный посланник он 1938 году приходит в сиротский приют миссис Коул, где живёт одиннадцатилетний Том Реддл, чтобы пригласить сироту в Хогвартс. С декабря 1956 Альбус занимает должность профессора ЗоТИ, а трансфигурацию начинает преподавать Минерва МакГонагалл. Незадолго до поступления в Хогвартс «мародёров» (приблизительно в 1969 г.) Дамблдор стал главой Хогвартса, заменив на этом посту Армандо Диппета[4].

Как директор, Дамблдор много сделал для улучшения преподавания в Хогвартсе. Во-первых, он тщательно подбирает преподавателей, не допуская к учительству жестоких людей. Во-вторых, с начала своего директорства он полностью отменяет телесные наказания. В-третьих, оставаясь всегда в курсе событий в Школе, Дамблдор старается пресечь проблемы в зародыше, вовремя реагируя на любой намёк на опасность для студентов или преподавателей. Увы, это не всегда ему удаётся.

Последние годы его директорства в Хогвартсе выпали на время второго восхождения Лорда Волан-де-Морта. Смерть Седрика Диггори на Турнире Трёх Волшебников окончательно подтвердила его догадки, что Волан-де-Морт вернулся. Дамблдор выступает с речью перед учениками Хогвартса, в которой сообщает о возрождении Волан-де-Морта[5]. Этим заявлением он вступает в конфликт с Министерством магии, которое не признаёт факт возвращения Тёмного Лорда, и в результате теряет свой пост Президента Международной конфедерации магов, а также пост Верховного чародея Визенгамота.[6]

Позже Министерство магии и вовсе отстранило его от управления Хогвартсом, назначив на директорскую должность крайне неприятную особу — старшего заместителя министра магии Долорес Амбридж. В конечном счёте, когда правда всё-таки всплыла, Дамблдор был восстановлен во всех своих должностях.

После смерти Дамблдора в 1997 году пост директора ненадолго перешёл к Минерве Макгонагалл, а затем достался Северусу Снеггу.

Орден Феникса

В годы первого прихода Волан-де-Морта Дамблдор основал и возглавил Орден Феникса, члены которого по-настоящему противостояли Тёмному Лорду. Половина волшебников, входивших в первый Ордена Феникса, погибла в схватках с Пожирателями смерти. Сразу после исчезновения Тёмного Лорда Дамблдор знал, что рано или поздно тот вернётся. И продолжал готовиться ко второму приходу Волан-де-Морта. Он собирает о Томе Реддле всю возможную информацию, внимательно следит за жизнью Гарри Поттера, просчитывает возможные планы Тёмного Лорда.

Уже через час после возрождения Волан-де-Морта Дамблдор собирает своих сторонников и основывает второй Орден Феникса, куда кроме старых членов (Грозный Глаз Грюм, Рубеус Хагрид, Римус Люпин, Минерва Макгонагалл, Дедалус Дингл, Наземникус Флетчер и другие) входят и новые.

Поиск крестражей и смерть

Северус Снегг и Альбус Дамблдор за год до своей кончины

Дамблдор давно ищет крестражи — спрятанные обломки души Волан-де Морта, без уничтожения которых невозможно победить его. Найдя Кольцо Марволо Мракса[7], Альбус понимает, что камень в перстне — это воскрешающий камень, который он искал когда-то в юности. Не удержавшись от соблазна увидеть родных, Дамблдор надевает кольцо… Только мастерство Северуса Снегга спасает старого директора от проклятия, что было на крестраже, да и то лишь временно — Альбусу остаётся жить максимум год, а его правая рука почернела, словно обугленная.

Весь последний год он даёт частные уроки Гарри Поттеру, на которых показывает юноше воспоминания разных людей. С их помощью Дамблдор и Поттер пытаются восстановить прошлое Волан-де-Морта, чтобы с большей долей вероятности просчитать его дальнейшие планы. Для старого директора было очень важно передать все свои знания о Тёмном Лорде и его крестражах Гарри, чтобы он закончил начатое.

Снегг убивает Альбуса Дамблдора

В конце отпущенного ему судьбой года Дамблдор пытается найти другой крестраж — Медальон Слизерина: поиски приводят его в пещеру, где он пьёт изумрудное зелье, чтобы достать заветный медальон и от этого теряет последние силы. По возвращении в Хогвартс обессиленный Дамблдор погибает от «убивающего заклятия» Северуса Снегга. Несмотря на многочисленные предупреждения Гарри и недоверие к бывшему Пожирателю смерти других членов «Ордена Феникса», Дамблдор безгранично доверял коллеге по известной на тот момент только ему причине. Поэтому убийство всеми любимого директора настроило против Снегга всех преподавателей Хогвартса. Позже выяснилось, что Дамблдор сам попросил Северуса убить его — дни директора и так были сочтены, проклятие Кольца Марволо было смертельным, и Дамблдор хотел, во-первых, подтвердить преданность Снегга Волан-де-Морту, чтобы Северус и дальше мог действовать «в тылу врага», во-вторых, спасти душу Драко Малфоя, получившего от Тёмного Лорда задание убить старого профессора (либо уберечь юношу от гнева Волан-де-Морта в случае провала) и вдобавок облегчить свою кончину (весьма вероятно, мучительную в случае попадания в руки Пожирателей смерти). Последние слова Дамблдора «Северус… прошу тебя…» — это не мольба о пощаде, а просьба выполнить данное когда-то обещание. Кроме того, Дамблдор нередко произносил фразы вроде «Для высокоорганизованного разума смерть — это очередное приключение».

Мёртвый Дамблдор

Волан-де-Морт взял Бузинную палочку из уже тронутых тленом рук Дамблдора

Он говорит, что главная ошибка Волан-де-Морта — это неспособность понять, что есть вещи похуже смерти.

Дамблдор умер на 116 году жизни от смертельного заклятия Северуса Снегга, с которым вместе и спланировал свою смерть.[8]

Достижения, награды, заметки

Дамблдор и Бузинная палочка

  • Дамблдор знаменит также как алхимик, который ещё в юности обратил на себя внимание Николаса Фламеля, известного создателя Философского камня. Одно время они вместе работали над созданием новых зелий, а узы дружбы связывали их до самой смерти.
  • Дамблдор открыл двенадцать способов применения крови дракона.
  • В 1945 году, на 64 году жизни Альбус Дамблдор победил в поединке Грин-де-Вальда, тёмного волшебника, с которым не встречался с того памятного дня смерти Арианы, в результате став хозяином Бузинной палочки.
  • Точно не известна дата, когда Дамблдор стал председателем Визенгамота. Возможно, это случилось после смещения с этого поста Барти Крауча (приблизительно через год после исчезновения Волан-де-Морта).
  • К моменту окончания Хогвартса Дамблдор уже был лауреатом Премии Варнавы Финкли за выдающиеся успехи в наведении заклятий и награждён Золотой медалью за эпохальное выступление на Международной алхимической конференции в Каире. Позже к его наградам прибавился Орден Мерлина первой степени (видимо, за победу над Грин-де-Вальдом).
  • Его Патронус принимал форму феникса.
  • Его боггарт, как сказала сама Роулинг на одном из форумов, — труп сестры. Также она сказала, что если бы Дамблдор посмотрел в Зеркало Еиналеж, то увидел бы живыми и счастливыми всех членов своей семьи.

Внешний вид

Гарри на церемонии распределения.[9]

Дамблдор описывается как высокий, худой и очень старый человек с серебристыми волосами и бородой (и то, и другое было таким длинным, что он вполне мог бы заправлять их за пояс). Голубые глаза светились ярким светом из-под очков со стёклами в форме полумесяца, сидевших на длинном носу, настолько крючковатом, словно его ломали по крайней мере раза два. Если верить его собственным словам, над его левым коленом расположен шрам, точно совпадающий со схемой лондонской подземки.[10]

Навыки и характер

Первые впечатления Гарри.[9]

Альбус Дамблдор выглядел убелённым сединами мудрецом, всё понимающим, всё прощающим… Тем не менее, даже несмотря на всё своё внешнее добродушие, некую экстравагантность и эксцентричность, он считался самым могущественным волшебником своего времени. В ярости он был очень страшен — в его глазах уже не искрились огоньки, а очки заговорщически не поблескивали, — от него исходила такая мощь, которую можно было ощутить физически, и от этого становилось жутко. Неудивительно, что Дамблдор — единственный, кого боялся лорд Волан-де-Морт.

Дамблдор в своём кабинете

На карточке от шоколадной лягушки о Дамблдоре сказано также, что он любит камерную музыку и игру в кегли. Он часто ставит в качестве пароля для входа в свой кабинет названия своих любимых сладостей. Например, его страстью является лимонный шербет.[2] Единственно, что он не любит — это драже с любым вкусом Берти Боттс: в юности ему попалась конфетка со вкусом рвоты. Он признался, что любит магловские схемы для вязания[2][11] и что никто никогда не дарил ему шерстяных носков.

Дамблдор никогда не говорит заведомую ложь. Но в щекотливых ситуациях строит фразы так, что собеседник принимает за правду свои собственные домыслы.

Постоянно демонстрирует свой экстраординарный талант волшебника. Свои магические способности сочетает с ловкостью и изобретательностью и с такими человеческими качествами, как доверие, любовь и дружба, чем ставит Волан-де-Морта в затруднительное положение.

Административный талант

Административный талант Дамблдора не заявлен прямо, но если присмотреться к тому, кого и на какую работу он ставит, это становится ясно.

Любящего всех животных Рубеуса Хагрида после его исключения из школы чародейства Дамблдор сначала делает лесничим, а после его реабилитации в глазах магического сообщества — преподавателем ухода за магическими существами. Великолепному зельевару Северусу Снеггу, который лишь по цвету или запаху зелья может определить, сколько и каких ингредиентов там не хватает или в чём был нарушен порядок приготовления, он даёт должность профессора зельеварения. Трясущуюся над книгами, как над собственными детьми, мадам Пинс он берёт библиотекарем, великолепно знающего все закоулки замка мистера Филча (в знакомстве со всеми закоулками Филча перещеголяли только Фред и Джордж Уизли) он ставит завхозом. Практически нет такой болезни или травмы, которую не смогла бы вылечить школьная медсестра мадам Помфри, нет такого заклинания, которого бы не знал профессор заклинаний Филиус Флитвик, и так далее, и так далее. И Дамблдор не обращает внимания на то, что, например, у Хагрида в жилах течёт великанская кровь, что Филч — старый желчный сквиб, что получивший должность профессора защиты от Тёмных искусств Римус Люпин — оборотень.

Пожалуй, из этого ряда выпадает Сивилла Трелони, которую никак не назовёшь хорошим профессионалом. Или очередной преподаватель защиты от Тёмных искусств Златопуст Локонс, который писал в своих книгах ложь. Но в первом случае Дамблдором движет доброта и забота о прорицательнице, способной, хотя и редко, на истинное пророчество. А во втором, зная, что Локонс так или иначе в конце года уйдёт (должность-то проклята), директор хотел сделать ученикам своеобразную прививку от тщеславия.

Доброта и доверие

Дамблдор верит, что в каждом человеке есть добро. Только иногда оно очень глубоко спрятано. Бывает, что только вера в человека пробуждает в нём его лучшие качества. Так, например, после раскаяния Северуса Снегга, бывшего до того Пожирателем смерти, Дамблдор полностью доверял ему и поручал ему важные задания. И это несмотря на скверный характер Снегга и на то, что Снеггу полностью не доверял никто из соратников Дамблдора.

Однако не стоит считать директора Хогвартса доверчивым простачком! Он великолепно разбирается в том, кто заслуживает доверия, а кто только пытается в доверие втереться.


Дамблдор ФК.jpg

Дамблдор также глубоко понимал силу настоящей любви. Ему понятна и материнская любовь Лили Поттер, и трагическая любовь Снегга, и братские чувства, связывавшие «мародёров». Определённые вопросы вызывает заявление Роулинг от 20 октября 2007 о том, что Дамблдор не только разделял взгляды Грин-де-Вальда, но и был влюблён в него (впрочем, безответно)[12].


Дамблдор известен своим причудливым юмором. Этот юмор иногда воспринимается как неуместный такими людьми, как профессор Макгонагалл, которая всегда серьёзна. Хотя, может быть, она и права, не позволяя Дамблдору рассказывать детям некоторые анекдоты… Юмор Дамблдора часто неожидан и нередко разряжает обстановку. Так, когда Министерство начало травлю его и Гарри Поттера, когда в «Ежедневном Пророке» постоянно появлялись статьи, где утверждалось, что Дамблдор — просто старый маразматик, когда его сместили с поста председателя Визенгамота, когда Министерство всё настойчивей стало вмешиваться в дела Хогвартса, в кругу встревоженных друзей Дамблдор заявил, что теперь для него самое главное — чтобы его портрет не убрали с карточек в «Шоколадных лягушках»! И, что самое необычное, Дамблдор способен шутить даже в очень тяжёлых ситуациях. Уже зная, что через несколько минут он умрёт, директор не потерял чувства юмора. На вопрос Амикуса Кэрроу «Что с вами такое, Дамблдор?», последний ответил: «О, пониженная сопротивляемость организма, Амикус, замедление реакции. Короче, старость… когда-нибудь она, возможно, постигнет и вас… если вам повезет…».


Конечно, нельзя назвать Дамблдора отрицательным персонажем, но и полностью положительным его назвать язык не поворачивается. Это и бросающая на него тень юношеская дружба с Грин-де-Вальдом, и, как выясняется, частое манипулирование своими соратниками, постоянные недомолвки, а то и прямое утаивание своих планов… Очень холодно и колко отзывается о Дамблдоре его брат Аберфорт: «Мой брат Альбус много чего хотел и, как правило, люди страдали ради исполнения его великих задач». Да, всё это верно, но… Блестящий маг, выдающийся психолог, гениальный стратег, он, если хотите, — полководец, ведущий многолетнюю и такую сложную борьбу с Тёмным Лордом. И если в этой борьбе приходится чем-то, а то и кем-то жертвовать ради конечной цели, Дамблдор идёт на эти жертвы. Даже если речь идёт о нём самом…

Под конец книги Дамблдор появляется опять. Он встречается с Гарри в некоем таинственном месте, куда Поттер попадает после своей смерти. И помогает юноше не только понять многие вещи, но и вернуться в мир живых. Эта последняя встреча со старым магом во многом примиряет нас с его образом и расставляет все точки над «i».

Педагогические неудачи

Дамблдор, по признанию многих волшебников, — лучший директор Хогвартса

Альбус Дамблдор хороший психолог и прекрасный педагог. Но и в его практике были просчёты и упущения. Вероятно, он чувствовал свою ответственность за то, что в своё время не сумел достучаться до души Тома Реддла, что позволил «славному мальчугану» стать ужасом всего магического сообщества.

Возможно также, что старый учитель винил себя за то, что поздно обратил внимание на четвёрку «мародёров».

Пытаясь защитить Сириуса Блэка и Сивиллу Трелони от грозящей им смертельной опасности, Дамблдор заключает их под своеобразный домашний арест. Причем, если Сириус хоть знает, почему он не может покинуть дом отца, то Сивилла совершенно не понимает, почему не может уволиться из Хогвартса. Оба «арестанта» начинают усиленно прикладываться к бутылке. Взрывной, непоседливый Сириус срывается спасать Гарри и погибает в битве в Министерстве магии. Вероятно, и в этой смерти Дамблдор винил себя.

Магическая сила

Дамблдор колдовством вызывает Огненный шторм

Дамблдор разработал метод посылки сообщений через Патронуса, и обучил этому умению членов ордена Феникса. Он обладает способностью становиться невидимым без использования мантии-невидимки, владеет окклюменцией и легилименцией, способен колдовать без палочки и в совершенстве владеет невербальным методом заклинания. Также он мастер боевых заклинаний и трансгрессии. Самый сильный маг XX века.





Альбус Дамблдор


Об отношениях Альбуса с родителями мало что известно. Смерть матери Дамблдора сделала его озлобленным и печальным, он оставил сестру Ариану на брата Аберфорта и углубился в свои мысли.

Позже, в беседе с Гарри, он признался, что по-настоящему любил всех и каждого из его семьи, но был ослеплен своими амбициями. Он намеревался использовать Воскрешающий камень, если когда-нибудь отыщет его, дабы вернуть своих родителей и сестру, чтобы извиниться перед ними. В конце концов, камень был найден, но использовать его он так и не смог, поскольку стал жертвой заклятия, наложенного на крестраж.

Ариана Дамблдор


Альбус был старшим братом Арианы. Хотя Альбус и любил свою сестру, он был раздражён, потому что после смерти матери ему пришлось отказаться от своих амбиционных планов и оставаться дома, чтобы присматривать за братом и сестрой. Когда Геллерт Грин-де-Вальд запланировал отправиться подчинять маггловский мир, он позвал Альбуса, тот, в свою очередь, позвал брата и сестру, однако, Аберфорт настаивал, что Ариана слишком слаба для путешествий. Это привело к трёхсторонней дуэли между Альбусом, Геллертом и Аберфортом. К несчастью, в дуэли была случайно убита Ариана. До конца своих дней Альбус жил с чувством вины и страха, ведь, возможно, именно он убил сестру.

С тех пор боггартом Дамблдора стал труп Арианы, а в зеркале Еиналеж он мог видеть всю свою семью живыми и невредимыми.

Аберфорт Дамблдор


Аберфорт был младшим братом Альбуса. Хотя Альбус и любил брата, они никогда не были близки, а после смерти сестры так и вовсе отдалились друг от друга.

Геллерт Грин-де-Вальд


Дамблдор впервые встретился Геллертом Грин-де-Вальдом, когда ему было семнадцать. Они познакомились благодаря двоюродной бабушке Геллерта Батильде Бэгшот, жившей, как и Дамблдоры, в Годриковой впадине. В конце концов, они подружились и загорелись желанием найти все три дара Смерти. Было заявлено, что Дамблдор имел романтические намерения в отношении Геллерта, хотя последний их не разделял[12].

Они ладили в течение двух месяцев, пока Аберфорт не стал упрекать брата в том, что тот мало времени уделяет сестре. Грин-де-Вальд потерял контроль над собой и вступил в драку с Аберфортом, Альбус попытался остановить своего друга, в завязавшейся схватке Ариана погибла. Сразу после этого Геллерт скрылся, прекратив общение с Альбусом.

Грин-де-Вальд провел долгое время в Европе, набираясь сил и опыта, в то время как Дамблдор обучал юных волшебников в Хогвартсе. Пока Грин-де-Вальд и его сторонники терроризировали Европу, Дамблдор наотрез отказывался встречаться с ним из опасения узнать, кто на самом деле убил Ариану. Но в конце концов Альбус не стерпел и вышел на легендарную дуэль с Грин-де-Вальдом, в результате которой заполучил Бузинную палочку, а его противник попал в тюрьму Нурменгард.

Том Реддл (Лорд Волан-де-Морт)

Том Реддл

Альбус лично посетил Тома в приюте Миссис Коул, дабы забрать мальчика в Школу Чародейства и Волшебства Хогвартс. По признанию самого Дамблдора, хоть он и не знал, что встретил самого опасного Тёмного волшебника, но Том безусловно его заинтриговал. Ещё когда мальчик начал учиться в Хогвартсе, Дамблдор стал пристально следить за ним. Альбус Дамблдор был единственным, кто подозревал Реддла в причастности к убийству когтевранки Миртл, но поскольку у него не было доказательств, он ничего не смог сделать. Когда Реддл окончил школу, он пришел в Хогвартс просить должность профессора Защиты от Тёмных искусств, однако, тогдашний директор Армандо Диппет отказал ему, сказав, что восемнадцать — возраст для учителя слишком незрелый, предложив при этом спустя несколько лет прийти снова.

Когда Том Реддл уже достаточно попрактиковался, он снова пошёл на собеседование с директором (которым к тому времени уже являлся Дамблдор), но опять тщетно. За это Реддл наложил проклятие на должность профессора ЗОТИ, после чего никто не мог продержаться на ней больше года. В ходе этого визита Том также спрятал в замке один из своих крестражей.

Дуэль Дамблдора и Волан-де-Морта

Встретились они вновь лицом к лицу в 1996 году, в атриуме Министерства магии. Завязалась дуэль, Волан-де-Морт пытался убить своего бывшего учителя, но не смог, Дамблдор успешно отражал все атаки. Дуэль завершилась ничем — Волан-де-Морт бежал. В этом же году Тёмный маг решил закончить начатое и приказал Драко Малфою убить своего директора, но Дамблдору и так оставалось недолго, поэтому он попросил о помощи Северуса Снегга, чтобы убийство совершил он сам, а не Драко, дабы тот не погубил свою ещё неокрепшую душу. И даже после своей смерти он продолжает, хотя и не так явно, помогать Гарри и его друзьям победить Волан-де-Морта.

Гарри Поттер

Гарри Поттер и Альбус Дамблдор перед входом в пещеру, где спрятан третий крестраж

На протяжении всего романа Дамблдор относится к Гарри тепло, по-отечески. Он не приемлет никаких формальностей, говорит ясно и просто, совершенно не боится произносить имя Волан-де-Морта и советует Гарри поступать также и не поддаваться предрассудкам.

В начале повествования именно Дамблдор принимает решение о том, что лишившийся своих родителей Гарри Поттер должен вырасти в семье своей тёти, никак не связанной с волшебным миром. Как потом убеждается читатель, это было весьма дальновидное решение.

Он приходит на заседание Визенгамота и выступает в качестве адвоката Гарри[13], которого обвиняют в использовании магии вне стен «Хогвартса». Дамблдору удаётся доказать, что Гарри применил магию не по прихоти, а в силу обстоятельств: ему пришлось защищаться самому и защищать своего кузена-магла от нападения дементоров.

В это время Министерство магии, пытаясь ограничить влияние Дамблдора, начинает вмешиваться в дела школы. Оно посылает в Хогвартс своего человека на должность преподавателя Защиты от Тёмных искусств — первого заместителя министра Долорес Амбридж, которая постепенно получает всё большие и большие полномочия. Она утверждает, что Волан-де-Морт по-прежнему мёртв и не представляет никакой опасности, а Дамблдор просто сеет панику, чтобы заполучить кресло министра магии. Из-за того, что Амбридж совершенно не учит практической защите, а ограничивается чтением на уроках скучных и бесполезных глав учебника, Гарри и его друзья создают подпольный кружок — «Отряд Дамблдора», на занятиях которого изучают настоящую защиту от Тёмных искусств. Когда об этом становится известно Амбридж, Дамблдор берёт всю вину на себя.

На протяжении всей жизни Гарри Поттера до самой своей смерти и даже после, Дамблдор терпеливо и планомерно подготавливает его к главному сражению и к главному выбору всей его жизни: «выбору между лёгким и правильным». Юноше тоже, как в своё время его наставнику, как ещё раньше — его матери, придётся выбирать: собственная гибель или гибель других людей. Причём Гарри должен добровольно отдать себя смерти не в отчаянной попытке спасти близкого человека, как это сделала Лили Поттер, не под давлением внешних непреодолимых обстоятельств, как это сделал умирающий Дамблдор, а вполне осознанно, понимая, что отдать свою только начавшуюся жизнь — это его моральный (и только моральный) долг, что он в любую минуту может сбежать и спрятаться, что никто не знает об этом его долге, и никогда не поставит ему в вину его бегство… Поэтому понятны слёзы радости, восхищения, гордости, безмерной любви, которые появляются на лице Дамблдора. Ко всему прочему, старый учитель испытывает законную гордость от того, что смог воспитать такого героя.

Рубеус Хагрид

Рубеус Хагрид

Альбус Дамблдор

Дамблдор сохраняет с Хагридом хорошие, доверительные отношения ещё с тех давних времён, когда Рубеус был студентом. Он единственный, кто верит, что тот не открывал Тайную комнату, позже он просит Армандо Диппета, тогдашнего директора, принять его на работу лесничим. Дамблдор даёт Хагриду важные и ответственные поручения, например, поручает ему забрать Гарри от Дурслей, доставить Философский камень, отправиться на переговоры с великанами, что еще раз доказывает, что Дамблдор полностью доверяет Хагриду. В 1997 году, когда Дамблдор умер, Хагрид был полностью опустошен.

Минерва Макгонагалл

Минерва Макгонагалл

Минерва Макгонагалл знала Дамблдора большую часть своей жизни. Она училась в Хогвартсе под его началом: он был её профессором трансфигурации. Позже, когда Альбус стал директором Хогвартса, она сменила его на этих постах. В школе она проработала с ним бок о бок долгое время.

Но они больше, чем просто коллеги, они — настоящие друзья. Минерва всегда поддерживала Дамблдора, но бывало, что и была против; например, она протестовала против того, чтобы оставить Гарри у Дурслей или против того, чтобы Поттер участвовал в турнире.

Минерва была в шоке, когда Дамблдор был убит в 1997 году, во время нападения Пожирателей смерти на Астрономической башне, и присутствовала на его похоронах. Через год, когда Гарри Поттер возвращается в Хогвартс с миссией, порученной ему Дамблдором, она не ставит под сомнение решение своего умершего друга и стремится оказывать Гарри всевозможную помощь.

Северус Снегг

Left pointing double angle quotation mark sh4.svg — Я шпионил ради вас, лгал ради вас, подвергал себя смертельной опасности ради вас. И думал, что делаю всё это для того, чтобы сохранить жизнь сыну Лили. А теперь вы говорите мне, что растили его как свинью для убоя…
— Это прямо-таки трогательно, Северус, — серьёзно сказал Дамблдор. — Уж не привязались ли вы, в конце концов, к мальчику?
— К мальчику? — выкрикнул Снегг. — Экспекто патронум!
Из кончика его палочки вырвалась серебряная лань, спрыгнула на пол, одним прыжком пересекла кабинет и вылетела в раскрытое окно. Дамблдор смотрел ей вслед. Когда серебряное свечение погасло, он обернулся к Снеггу, и глаза его были полны слёз.
— Через столько лет?
— Всегда, — ответил Снегг.
Right pointing double angle quotation mark sh4.svg

Снегг просит Дамблдора защитить Лили

Отношения между Снеггом и Дамблдором были весьма близкие. Вслед за тем, как Снегг случайно стал виновником того, что Волан-де-Морт отправился к Лили, он бросился к Дамблдору, чтобы тот защитил её. Альбус сделал Снегга членом Ордена Феникса и шпионом в окружении Волан-де-Морта.

Как шпион Ордена, Снегг тайно продолжал пребывать в рядах Пожирателей Смерти, передавая Дамблдору важную информацию. В свою очередь, Волан-де-Морт сделал его своим агентом среди обитателей Хогвартса. На долю Снегга выпала нелегкая ноша двойного агента. При этом Снегг полностью находился на стороне Дамблдора и каждый шаг, касающийся Пожирателей, он обсуждал с ним.

В 1996 году Дамблдор попал под действие проклятия, надев кольцо Марволо Мракса — крестраж Волан-де-Морта (Дамблдор надел кольцо, потому что знал. что в нем есть Воскрешающий камень, с помощью которого он мог бы поговорить с умершей сестрой Арианой). Северусу удалось затормозить действие проклятия, но он предупредил, что к концу года Дамблдор всё же умрет. Тем временем Волан-де-Морт замыслил убить Дамблдора руками Драко Малфоя. Понимая, что он неизбежно умрёт и при этом необходимо сохранить душу юного Малфоя, Дамблдор просит Снегга убить его, когда придёт время. В конце учебного года, когда Малфою всё же удается провести Пожирателей в замок, у Снегга не остаётся выбора. Он убивает Дамблдора.

Северус Снегг неоднократно просил у Дамблдора место преподавателя Защиты от Тёмных искусств. Казалось бы, полностью доверяя ему, Дамблдор мог и согласиться, ведь он-то знал, что обратно к Волан-де-Морту Снегг не вернётся, тем более, из-за такого пустяка. Но мудрый волшебник видел истинную подоплеку такой просьбы: для Снегга это была хорошо замаскированная возможность самоубийства. Как Пожиратель Смерти, он не мог не знать о проклятии и, вероятно, тайно мечтал ускользнуть от всех обязательств и от жизни заодно. Впрочем, такие мотивы могли двигать Снеггом вначале. Позже, когда появилась надежда отомстить Волан-де-Морту, эти просьбы стали не столь настойчивы. Лишь бы поддерживать слухи о том, что, дескать, Снегг просит должность преподавателя ЗОТИ, а Дамблдор опасается его на эту должность пускать.

Элфиас Дож

Элфиас Дож

Элфиас стал близким другом Дамблдора с первого дня пребывания в Хогвартсе. В некрологе Альбуса Дамблдора Элфиас написал, что Дамблдор был очень хорошим волшебником и великим человеком и что ранние потери близких наделили его большой человечностью.

Феникс Фоукс

Dumbledore and Fawkes.jpg

На протяжении всего романа просматривается связь, причём весьма ощутимая, между Дамблдором и его фениксом Фоуксом.

  • Они общаются друг с другом (Гарри: «— Профессор, — Ваша птица… Я ничего не мог поделать… Она… сгорела…
    — Да уж пора бы. Он был совсем плох последние дни. Я же говорил ему не тянуть с этим.»
    «Гарри Поттер и Тайная комната»).
  • С помощью Фоукса профессор посылает предупреждения (Дамблдор: «— Нам будет нужно предупреждение». На стол падает перо из хвоста феникса. «Это предупреждение Фоукса» «Гарри Поттер и Орден Феникса»).
  • Фоукс выполняет поручения Дамблдора, иногда весьма сложные. Он прилетает в Тайную комнату на выручку Гарри, принеся при этом Распределяющую шляпу, из которой мальчику удаётся выхватить в нужный момент меч Гриффиндора. («Гарри Поттер и Тайная комната») Он же уносит Дамблдора из замка, когда его пытались арестовать Корнелиус Фадж и Долорес Амбридж. («Гарри Поттер и Орден Феникса»)
  • После смерти Дамблдора («Гарри Поттер и Принц-полукровка») Фоукс навсегда покидает Хогвартс.
  • Думается, не случайно орден, основанный Дамблдором, носит имя «Орден Феникса». Это как бы второе имя самого Дамблдора.
  • Феникс является патронусом Дамблдора, а также мог бы быть его анимагической формой.


Имена Дамблдора (англ. Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbldore) могут быть интерпретированы как четыре символа Британских островов:

  • «Альбус» может быть мужским вариантом слова «Альба» (древнее название Шотландии). А латинское слово Albus означает «белый», цвет, который традиционно интерпретируется как сила Господа.
  • «Персиваль» (Percival) — легендарный рыцарь круглого стола короля Артура, связанный с историей о чаше Грааля. В Le morte d’Arthur Томаса Мэллори, Персиваль — прирождённый герой. Это имя, по всей вероятности, он получил в честь отца. «Персиваль» — также имя от старофранцузского, означающее «под покровом». Возможно, давая Перси Уизли имя, также полученное от «Персиваля», Дж. Роулинг провела между ними некую параллель, или наоборот, противопоставила их (вспомним сцену суда [13]), тем более, что у Дамблдора тоже были когда-то каштановые (или каштановые с рыжинкой) волосы.
  • «Вулфрик» (Wulfric) — англо-саксонское имя, найденное в англо-саксонских хрониках и может представлять Англию. Буквально Wulfric означает «мощь волка» и напоминает другое легендарное имя «Беовульф» (Beowulf), которое означает «мощь волка-медведя». Легендарный герой Беовульф уничтожил монстра Гренделя в юности, имя которого походит на имя Геллерта Грин-де-Вальда, которому Дамблдор нанёс поражение. Легендарный Беовульф был смертельно ранен драконом в морской пещере, и ему помог только его оруженосец, который был лишён родителей. Здесь просматриваются параллель с жизнью Дамблдора, который получил тяжелейшее отравление зельем из чаши с фальшивым крестражем, и которого вытащил из пещеры сирота Гарри Поттер.
  • «Брайан» (Brian) — имя легендарного ирландского короля и героя Брайана Бору, который нанёс поражение викингам при битве у Слонтарфа возле Дублина. Сам Дамблдор — ветеран не одной магической войны против тёмных сил.
  • Портрет Дамблдора

    «Dumbledore» (Дамблдор) — старинное английское слово XVIII века обозначающее шмеля. Возможно, выбрано потому, что Альбус любил ходить и напевать себе под нос, и эти звуки напоминали тихое гудение шмеля.

За кулисами

  • Альбус Дамблдор — единственный герой, являющийся связующим звеном между серией фильмов «Фантастические твари» и «Гарри Поттером». Дамблдор упоминается в трейлере ко второму фильму: сказано, что Альбус выступает против отчисления Ньюта из Хогвартса.
  • Роль молодого Дамблдора в фильме «Фантастические твари: Преступления Грин-де-Вальда» сыграл британский актёр Джуд Лоу.


Дамблдор пародировался во многих телепередачах и мультфильмах:

  • Так, в двух сериях «Волшебники из Вэйверли Плэйс» главные герои попадают в школу магии профессора Крамбса, прототипом которого является Дамблдор.
  • В 386-м эпизоде мультсериала «Симпсоны» Гомер читает Лизе книгу и, узнав о гибели персонажа (параллель со смертью Дамблдора), придумывает свою концовку. Позднее Лиза узнаёт настоящую концовку, но придуманная Гомером ей нравится больше.
  • В одном из эпизодов мультсериала «Робоцып» пародируется факт смены исполнителя роли Дамблдора в фильмах.

Характерные цитаты

В разговоре с Гарри Поттером в больничном крыле.[14]

Речь на заключительном пире[15]

Речь на заключительном пире[16]

В разговоре с Молли Уизли[17]

Альбус Гарри Поттеру во время встречи «на том свете».[18]

Перевод имени на различные языки


Альбус Дамблдор на золотой карточке из шоколадной лягушки (Гарри Поттер и Тайная комната (игра))

  • Гарри Поттер и Философский камень (Первое появление)
  • Гарри Поттер и Философский камень (фильм)
  • Гарри Поттер и Философский камень (игра)
  • Гарри Поттер и Тайная комната
  • Гарри Поттер и Тайная комната (фильм)
  • Гарри Поттер и Тайная комната (игра)
  • Гарри Поттер и узник Азкабана
  • Гарри Поттер и узник Азкабана (фильм)
  • Гарри Поттер и узник Азкабана (игра)
  • Гарри Поттер и Кубок Огня
  • Гарри Поттер и Кубок огня (фильм)
  • Гарри Поттер и Кубок Огня (игра)
  • Гарри Поттер и Орден Феникса
  • Гарри Поттер и Орден Феникса (фильм)
  • Гарри Поттер и Орден Феникса (игра)
  • Гарри Поттер и Принц-полукровка
  • Гарри Поттер и Принц-полукровка (фильм)
  • Гарри Поттер и Принц-полукровка (игра)
  • Гарри Поттер и Дары Смерти
  • Гарри Поттер и Дары Смерти: Часть 1 (Только в воспоминаниях)
  • Гарри Поттер и Дары Смерти: Часть I (игра)
  • Гарри Поттер и Дары Смерти: Часть 2
  • Гарри Поттер и Дары Смерти: Часть II (игра)
  • Гарри Поттер и проклятое дитя. Части 1 и 2 (Появление на портрете)
  • Гарри Поттер и Проклятое дитя (пьеса) (Появление на портрете)
  • Квиддич с древности до наших дней (реальная книга)
  • Сказки барда Бидля (реальная книга)
  • Фантастические звери и места их обитания
  • Фантастические твари и где они обитают: Оригинальный сценарий (Только упоминание)
  • Фантастические твари и где они обитают (Появляется в трейлере к фильму) (Только упоминание)
  • Фантастические твари: Преступления Грин-де-Вальда: Оригинальный сценарий
  • Фантастические твари: Преступления Грин-де-Вальда
  • Фантастические твари: Тайны Дамблдора
  • Гарри Поттер. Рождение легенды
  • Гарри Поттер. Мир волшебства. История легенды
  • Гарри Поттер: Ограниченное издание
  • Волшебные миры Гарри Поттера (книга)
  • Гарри Поттер. Герои. Маги и маглы
  • Гарри Поттер. Фантастические существа (Только упоминание)
  • Harry Potter: A Pop-Up Book
  • LEGO Гарри Поттер: Персонажи Волшебного Мира
  • LEGO Гарри Поттер: Построй свой Волшебный Мир
  • LEGO Гарри Поттер: годы 1-4
  • LEGO Гарри Поттер: годы 5-7
  • LEGO Creator: Гарри Поттер
  • LEGO Гарри Поттер (серия)
  • Гарри Поттер: Чемпионат мира по квиддичу
  • Музей Гарри Поттера
  • Волшебный мир Гарри Поттера
  • Гарри Поттер и Запретное путешествие
  • Официальный сайт Джоан Роулинг
  • Wizarding World
  • The Noble Collection
  • Гарри Поттер: Коллекционная карточная игра
  • Гарри Поттер для Kinect
  • Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery
  • Harry Potter: Wizards Unite
  • Гарри Поттер: магия и загадки


Оригинальное имя:
Albus Dumbledore
Альбус Дамблдор
«народный перевод»:
Албус Дамблдор
Марии Спивак:
Альбус Думбльдор

  1. «Он поднял волшебную палочку высоко над головой и направил её кончик в сторону хижины Хагрида. Что-то серебристое, словно призрак птицы, вылетело из неё и помчалось между деревьев.» — «Гарри Поттер и Кубок Огня» — Глава 28. Мистер Крауч сходит с ума
  2. 2,0 2,1 2,2 Подтверждено информацией о Дамблдоре с обновлённого Pottermore.
  3. В соответствии с цитатами из Волшебника месяца от Джоан Роулинг в сентябре 2007 года, где день рождения точно определяются где-то между июлем и августом
  4. Дата 1956 год, кажется спорной, взята из воспоминания Дамблдора в «Принце-полукровке». Упоминается, что от окончания Волан-де-Мортом школы (ок. 1946) прошло 10 лет. Кроме того, именно с 1956 года Минерва Макгонагалл начала вести трансфигурацию. Хотя эти факты и входят в некоторый конфликт с упоминанием Люпина о том, что Дамблдор стал директором примерно во время его поступления в Хогвартс. Подробней см. здесь.
  5. «Гарри Поттер и Кубок Огня» — Глава 37. Начало
  6. «Гарри Поттер и Орден Феникса» — Глава 5. Орден Феникса
  7. «Гарри Поттер и Принц-полукровка»
  8. Джоан Роулинг подтвердила это во время общения с читателями 2 августа 2006 года
  9. 9,0 9,1 «Гарри Поттер и Философский камень» — Глава 7. Распределяющая шляпа
  10. «Шрамы могут сослужить хорошую службу. У меня, например, есть шрам над левым коленом, который представляет собой абсолютно точную схему лондонской подземки.» — «Гарри Поттер и Философский камень» — Глава 1. Мальчик, который выжил
  11. «Гарри Поттер и Принц-полукровка (фильм)»
  12. 12,0 12,1 20 октября 2007 года, отвечая на вопросы поклонников, Джоан Роулинг открыто подтвердила давнюю догадку читателей Лента.ру.
  13. 13,0 13,1 «Гарри Поттер и Орден Феникса» — Глава 8. Слушание
  14. «Гарри Поттер и Философский камень» — Глава 17. Человек с двумя лицами
  15. «Гарри Поттер и Философский камень» — Глава 17. Человек с двумя лицами
  16. «Гарри Поттер и Философский камень» — Глава 17. Человек с двумя лицами
  17. «Гарри Поттер и Принц-полукровка» — Глава 5. Слишком много Флегмы
  18. «Гарри Поттер и Дары Смерти» — Глава 35. Кингс-Кросс


Статья Альбус Дамблдор является избранной
Её содержание и структура являются образцовыми для всей Гарри Поттер Вики.


Карьера Альбуса Дамблдора

Предшественник Должность ㅤПреемникㅤㅤ
Неизвестен Профессор трансфигурации
1928 — 1956
Минерва Макгонагалл
Армандо Диппет Директор Хогвартса
1956 — 1993
Минерва Макгонагалл (и. о.)
Минерва Макгонагалл (и. о.) Директор Хогвартса
1993 — 1996
Долорес Амбридж
Долорес Амбридж Директор Хогвартса
1996 — 1997
Минерва Макгонагалл (и. о.)
Неизвестен Верховный чародей Визенгамота
? — 1995
Неизвестен Верховный чародей Визенгамота
1996 — 1997
Неизвестен Президент Международной конфедерации магов
? — 1995
Неизвестен Президент Международной конфедерации магов
1996 — 1997



Преподаватели Альбус Дамблдор · Минерва Макгонагалл Books chapterart gof 37.jpg
Учебный материал Руководство по трансфигурации для начинающих · Трансфигурация. Средний уровень · Продвинутый курс Трансфигурации
Известные учёные Эмерик Свитч · Фалько Эсалон · Мирабелла Планкетт · Фаддеус Феркл
Известные заклинания Авис · Авифорс · Вермикулюс · Даклифорс · Драконифорс · Дуро · Инаниматус Коньюрус · Инкарсифорс · Лапифорс · Мелофорс · Мутацио Скулус · Орхидеус · Редуцио · Скрибблифорс ·Снаффлифорс · Спанджифай · Стилклоу · Фелифорс · Фера Верто · Хербифорс · Хистрифорс · Эбублио · Эванеско ·Энгоргио · Энгоргио Скулус · Энтоморфис


Орден Феникса

Основатель Альбус Дамблдор Books chapterart ootp 03.jpg
Лидеры организации Альбус Дамблдор (1980-июнь 1997)

Аластор Грюм (июль 1997)

Кингсли Бруствер (с конца июля 1997-май 1998)

Только первый состав Джеймс Поттер · Лили Поттер · Гидеон Пруэтт · Фабиан Пруэтт
Фрэнк Долгопупс · Алиса Долгопупс · Марлин МакКиннон
Доркас Медоуз · Питер Петтигрю (предатель)
Первый и второй состав Альбус Дамблдор · Минерва Макгонагалл · Элфиас Дож
Дедалус Дингл · Рубеус Хагрид · Сириус Блэк · Римус Люпин · Аластор Грюм · Эммелина Вэнс · Арабелла Фигг · Аберфорт Дамблдор
Только второй состав Кингсли Бруствер · Нимфадора Тонкс · Северус Снегг · Гестия Джонс · Артур Уизли · Молли Уизли · Билл Уизли · Чарли Уизли · Наземникус Флетчер · Фред Уизли · Джордж Уизли
и помогавшие
Люди: Олимпия Максим · Флёр Делакур · Тед Тонкс · Андромеда Тонкс · Тётушка Мюриэль · Ли Джордан · Ксенофилиус Лавгуд
Волшебные существа: великан Каркус · великан Грохх · гиппогриф Клювокрыл · фестрал Тенебрус · Кикимер · кентавр Флоренц · кентавр Бэйн · кентавр Ронан · кентавр Магориан
Организации: Министерство магии (1970-1981 и 1996-1997)
Отряд Дамблдора · Радиостанция «Поттеровский дозор»
Издательство журнала «Придира» (1995-1998)


Штат Хогвартса

Основатели Годрик Гриффиндор · Пенелопа Пуффендуй · Кандида Когтевран · Салазар Слизерин Books chapterart ootp 37.jpg
Директора Евпраксия Моул · Вульпус · Филлида Спора · Декстер Фортескью · Идэсса Сакнденберг · Амброуз Свотт · Эверард · Виндиктус Виридиан
Дайлис Дервент · Брайан Гэгвайлд · Квентин Тримбл · Лимеберт · Финеас Найджелус Блэк · Уолтер Арагон · Бэзил Фронсак · Армандо Диппет · Альбус Дамблдор · Долорес Амбридж · Северус Снегг · Минерва Макгонагалл
Заместители директора Минерва Макгонагалл · Амикус Кэрроу · Алекто Кэрроу
Деканы Филиус Флитвик · Минерва Макгонагалл · Гораций Слизнорт · Северус Снегг · Помона Стебль
Профессора Батшеда Бабблинг · Герберт Бири · Катберт Бинс · Чарити Бербидж · Алекто Кэрроу · Амикус Кэрроу · Альбус Дамблдор · Флоренц · Филиус Флитвик · Рубеус Хагрид · Роланда Трюк · Сильванус Кеттлберн · Златопуст Локонс · Невилл Долгопупс · Римус Люпин · Минерва Макгонагалл · Галатея Вилкост · Квиринус Квиррелл · Аврора Синистра
Гораций Слизнорт · Северус Снегг · Помона Стебль · Сивилла Трелони · Септима Вектор · Долорес Амбридж · Вильгельмина Граббли-Дёрг
Персонал Домашние эльфы · Добби · Аргус Филч · Рубеус Хагрид · Роланда Трюк · Кикимер · Огг · Ирма Пинс · Поппи Помфри · Аполлион Прингл · Винки


Волшебник месяца

2004 год Феликс Саммерби · Гвеног Джонс · Донаган Тремлетт
· Онория Наткомб · Урик Странный · Гленда Читток · Девлин Вайтхорн · Игнатия Уилдсмит
2005 год Дервент Шимплинг · Артемизия Лафкин · Мунго Бонам · Гондолина Олифант · Феликс Саммерби · Эльфрида Клагг · Чонси Олдридж · Бриджит Венлок · Гаспард Шинглтон · Фифи ЛаФолл · Шарлотта Пинкстоун · Боумен Райт
2006 год Джокунда Сайкс · Ярдли Платт · Дэйзи Доддеридж · Гроган Стамп · Фабиус Уоткинс · Дэйзи Хукам · Тарквин МакТавиш · Эрика Стейнрайт · Хамблдон Квинс · Идрис Оукби · Лоркан д`Эат · Лауренция Флетвок
2007 год Харви Риджбит · Мнемона Рэдфорд · Тилден Тутс · Магента Комсток · Пенелопа Пуффендуй · Салазар Слизерин · Годрик Гриффиндор · Кандида Когтевран · Альбус Дамблдор · Гарри Поттер


Турнир Трёх Волшебников · 1994

Коллегия судей Альбус Дамблдор · Барти Крауч · Игорь Каркаров · Корнелиус Фадж · Людовик Бэгмен · Олимпия Максим Books chapterart gof 16.jpg
Школы Дурмстранг · Хогвартс · Шармбатон
Чемпионы Виктор Крам · Гарри Поттер · Седрик Диггори · Флёр Делакур
Турнир Первый этап · Второй этап · Третий этап
Существа Акромантул · Боггарт · Василиск · Гриндилоу · Дементор · Драконы · Русалки и тритоны · Сфинкс
Пленники второго этапа Габриэль Делакур · Гермиона Грейнджер · Рон Уизли · Чжоу Чанг
Объекты Золотое яйцо · Кубок Огня · Кубок Турнира


Карточки из шоколадных лягушек

Золотые Аг Ненадежный · Бес малый · Бладвин Блад · Большая пурпурная жаба · Берти Ботт · Бран Кровожадный · Валлийский зелёный дракон · Венгерский хвосторог · Веретенница · Этельред Вспыльчивый · Гебридский чёрный дракон · Герпий Злостный · Гигантский кальмар · Гитраш · Глизень · Голиаф · Горный тролль · Гермиона Грейнджер · Гырг Грязный · Малодора Гримм · Годрик Гриффиндор · Альбус Дамблдор · Двупалый тритон · Дзю Йен · Армандо Диппет · Докси · Граф Влад Дракула · Единорог · Кельпи · Кандида Когтевран · Амарильо Лестат · Лукотрус · Мантикора · Корделия Мизерикордия · Моргольт · Монтегю Найтли · Норвежский горбатый дракон · Олгаф Отвратительный · Парацельс · Шарлотта Пинкстоун · Гарри Поттер · Пенелопа Пуффендуй · Румынский длиннорог · Леди Кармилла Сангвина · Руфус Скримджер · Летиция Сомноленс · Эдгар Струглер · Тролль · Сэр Герберт Уорней · Эаргит Безобразный · Фалько Эсалон · Феникс · Мамаша Хаббард · Циклоп · Энгист из Верхнего Барнтона · Баба-Яга PS C6.jpg
Серебрянные Андрос Неуязвимый · Освальд Бимиш · Венделина Странная · Альберик Граннион · Григорий Льстивый · Гвеног Джонс · Дэйзи Доддеридж · Керли Дюк · Киприан Йодль · Клиодна · Эльфрида Клегг · Королева Маб · Криспин Кронк · Гидеон Крумб · Артемизия Лафкин · Лаверна де Монморанси · Мопсус · Дунбар Оглторп · Чонси Олдридж · Гондолина Олифант · Мирабелла Планкетт · Боумен Райт · Ксавье Растрик · Феликс Саммерби · Леопольдина Смезвик · Бленхейм Сток · Сахарисса Тагвуд · Донаган Тремлетт · Альберта Тутхилл · Игнатия Уилдсмит · Джоселинд Уэдкок · Семь сыновей Фаддеуса Феркла · Фаддеус Феркл · Фулберт Пугливый · Димфна Фурмаг · Моргана ле Фэй · Цирцея · Гленда Читток · Дервент Шимплинг · Гаспард Шинглтон
Бронзовые Корнелиус Агриппа · Арчибальд Алдертон · Хиткот Барбари · Мусидора Барквиз · Флавиус Белби · Балфур Блейн · Беатрис Блоксам · Мунго Бонам · Кассандра Ваблатски · Девлин Вайтхорн · Бриджит Венлок · Стоддарт Визерс · Герман Винтрингам · Ганхильда из Горсмура · Миранда Гуссокл · Доркас Очаровательная · Мервин Злобный · Роланд Кегг · Элладора Кеттеридж · Грета Кечлав · Бердок Малдун · Бомонт Марджорибэнкс · Мерлин · Мертон Грэйвз · Мирон Вогтэйл · Гиффорд Оллертон · Орсайно Фрастон · Гленмор Пикс · Джастус Пилливикл · Родерик Пламптон · Ярдли Платт · Квонг По · Гулливер Поукби · Джокунда Сайкс · Ньют Саламандер · Хевлок Свитинг · Алмерик Соубридж · Гроган Стамп · Геспер Старки · Эдгар Струглер · Норвел Твонк · Тилли Ток · Селестина Уорлок · Адальберт Уоффлинг · Перпетуа Фанкорт · Гловер Хипворт · Уилфред Элфик · Энгист из Вудкрофта


Владельцы «Даров Смерти»

Бузинная палочка Смерть (создатель) · Антиох Певерелл · Эмерик Отъявленный · Эгберт Эгоист · Годелот · Геревард · Варнава Деверилл · Локсий · Аркус или Ливий · (нет точных данных кто именно) · Майкью Грегорович · Геллерт Грин-де-Вальд · Альбус Дамблдор · Драко Малфой · Лорд Волан-де-Морт (не подчинялась) · Гарри Поттер HP7-chapitre21.jpg
Воскрешающий камень Смерть (создатель) · Кадм Певерелл · Марволо Мракс · Морфин Мракс · Лорд Волан-де-Морт · Альбус Дамблдор · Гарри Поттер
Мантия-невидимка Смерть (создатель) · Игнотус Певерелл · Сын Игнотуса Певерелла · Иоланта Певерелл · (несколько поколений Поттеров) · Генри Поттер · Флимонт Поттер · Джеймс Поттер · Альбус Дамблдор · Гарри Поттер · Джеймс Сириус Поттер · Альбус Северус Поттер
Albus Dumbledore
Harry Potter character
Dumbledore and Elder Wand.JPG

Michael Gambon as Albus Dumbledore

First appearance Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone (1997)
Last appearance Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (2007)
Created by J. K. Rowling
Portrayed by
  • Richard Harris (films 1–2)
  • Michael Gambon (films 3–8)
  • Jude Law (Fantastic Beasts films)
  • Toby Regbo (young, film 7, Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald)
House Gryffindor
In-universe information
Full name Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore
  • Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (1960s–1997)
  • Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot (1978–1997)
  • Supreme Mugwump of the International Confederation of Wizards (1983–1995)
  • Transfiguration Professor of Hogwarts (1930–1956)
  • Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor of Hogwarts (c. 1910s–1930)
  • Percival Dumbledore (father)
  • Kendra Dumbledore (mother)
  • Aberforth Dumbledore (brother)
  • Ariana Dumbledore (sister)
  • Aurelius Dumbledore (nephew)
Significant other Gellert Grindelwald
Nationality British
Born 1881
Died 30 June 1997

Prof. Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore[1] is a fictional character in J. K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series. For most of the series, he is the headmaster of the wizarding school Hogwarts. As part of his backstory, it is revealed that he is the founder and leader of the Order of the Phoenix, an organisation dedicated to fighting Lord Voldemort, the main antagonist of the series.

Dumbledore was portrayed by Richard Harris in the film adaptations of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone (2001) and Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002). Following Harris’ death in October 2002, Michael Gambon portrayed Dumbledore in the six remaining Harry Potter films from 2004 to 2011. Jude Law portrayed Dumbledore as a middle-aged man in the prequel films Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald (2018) and Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore (2022).[2]

Rowling stated she chose the name Dumbledore, which is a dialectal word for «bumblebee»,[3] because of Dumbledore’s love of music: she imagined him walking around «humming to himself a lot».[4]

Character development

Rowling said she enjoyed writing Dumbledore because he «is the epitome of goodness.»[5] She said that Dumbledore speaks for her, as he «knows pretty much everything» about the Harry Potter universe.[6] Rowling mentioned that Dumbledore regrets «that he has always had to be the one who knew, and who had the burden of knowing. And he would rather not know.»[7] As a mentor to the central character Harry Potter, «Dumbledore is a very wise man who knows that Harry is going to have to learn a few hard lessons to prepare him for what may be coming in his life. He allows Harry to get into what he wouldn’t allow another pupil to do, and he also unwillingly permits Harry to confront things he’d rather protect him from.»[8] In a 1999 interview, Rowling stated that she imagined Dumbledore «more as a John Gielgud type, you know, quite elderly and – and quite stately.»[9] During his time as a student, Dumbledore was in Gryffindor House.[10] Rowling said in an interview that Dumbledore was about 150 years old.[11] However, on her website, she states that Dumbledore was born in 1881, making him either 115 or 116 at the time of his death.[12]

On 19 October 2007, Rowling was asked by a young fan whether Dumbledore finds «true love». Rowling said that she always thought of Dumbledore as being homosexual and that he had fallen in love with the corrupt wizard Gellert Grindelwald, which was Dumbledore’s «great tragedy»; Rowling did not explicitly state whether Grindelwald returned his affections.[13][14][15] Rowling explains this further by elaborating on the motivations behind Dumbledore’s flirtation with the idea of wizard domination of Muggles: «He lost his moral compass completely when he fell in love and I think subsequently became very mistrustful of his own judgement in those matters so became quite asexual. He led a celibate and a bookish life.»[16]


Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone

In the opening chapter of the first novel of the series, Dumbledore arrives at number four, Privet Drive in Little Whinging, Surrey. When the evil wizard Lord Voldemort kills Harry’s parents before being reduced to a lesser form, Dumbledore decides to place the now-orphaned Harry in the home of Vernon and Petunia Dursley. He knows that Harry will be protected by the special magic caused by his mother’s sacrifice. He reasons that they are the only family he has left with Petunia Evans Dursley being Harry’s aunt, who accepts her nephew into their home. This old magic of binding love renders Voldemort incapable of touching Harry. Dumbledore leaves Harry upon the doorstep of the Dursley home with a letter explaining the situation. He departs with the final phrase, «Good luck, Harry.»[17]

When Harry arrives at Hogwarts, Dumbledore tells him about the secrets of the Mirror of Erised, claiming that when he looks into it, he sees himself «holding a pair of thick, woollen socks.»[17] Harry later recalls in the final book that this was probably the only dishonest answer Dumbledore ever gave him. He is also responsible for somehow enchanting the Mirror so that it hides the Philosopher’s Stone and only someone who looked into the Mirror and whose desire was «to find the Stone … but not use it». The right person would receive it, as anybody else would only see themselves using the Stone due to the Mirror’s special magic. He is called out to the Ministry of Magic by a false message on the night when Harry, his classmates Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, and Hogwarts professor Quirinius Quirrell enter the dungeons to retrieve the Stone, but realises during the trip that he is needed at Hogwarts and returns in time to rescue Harry from Quirrell and Voldemort. He also has a final conversation with Harry after the events down in the dungeons and tells him that he is too young to understand why Voldemort is trying to kill him.

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

In the second novel, a younger Dumbledore appears in a series of flashbacks, seen by Harry in a diary once owned by Tom Riddle, the most gifted student in Hogwarts’ history — and the future Lord Voldemort. Through the diary, Harry sees Riddle’s memory of Dumbledore questioning him about a series of attacks on Muggle-born students. In the present, Lucius Malfoy forces the school’s other 11 governors to suspend Dumbledore as Headmaster in the wake of attacks by a basilisk in the school when the Chamber of Secrets is opened. Dumbledore is reinstated when the governors discover that Ginny Weasley was taken into the Chamber of Secrets and Lucius is found to have coerced the other governors into suspending him.

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

At the beginning of the third novel, Dumbledore is forced to accept Dementors onto his school’s grounds for the protection of his students from Sirius Black, a supposed murderer and accessory to murder, who had escaped from Azkaban. After Black’s breach into Hogwarts, Dumbledore issues orders to close every entrance to the school and grounds. After Harry falls off his broomstick during a Quidditch match because of the Dementors, Dumbledore becomes uncharacteristically angry with them and uses his wand to cause Harry to levitate safely to the ground. Later in that book, Dumbledore suggests that Hermione use her Ministry-approved Time-Turner to go back three hours to save Buckbeak the hippogriff and Black from their unjust executions.

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

In the fourth novel, Dumbledore introduces the Triwizard Tournament. He also serves as a judge during the entire event. When Harry’s name comes out of the Goblet of Fire, Dumbledore is not enraged, but remains calm; simply asking Harry whether he had himself, or had asked an older student to submit his name (although in the film version he does get angry to the point of manhandling Harry). When Harry answers no, he believes him. By the end of the book, Dumbledore’s fears are realized when Harry returns from his encounter with Voldemort clutching the dead body of Cedric Diggory and when Mad-Eye Moody (being impersonated by Barty Crouch Jr, through Polyjuice Potion) takes Harry away from Dumbledore and to his office inside the castle. Dumbledore immediately becomes suspicious and heads straight towards Moody’s office with Minerva McGonagall and Severus Snape to save Harry and to interrogate Crouch. Afterwards, Dumbledore listens to Harry’s eyewitness account about Voldemort’s return. Harry though, only wakes up later to find Minister for Magic Cornelius Fudge in the hospital wing arguing with McGonagall and Dumbledore about the situation of Voldemort’s return and the consequences that would follow should Fudge remain in denial of this fact.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

In the fifth book, Dumbledore is demoted from Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot, voted out of the Chairmanship of the International Confederation of Wizards, and is almost stripped of his Order of Merlin First Class due to his speeches regarding the return of Voldemort, although it is reported that he is unconcerned as long as he is not taken off the Chocolate Frog cards. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Magic does everything they can to discredit him and Harry – mainly through the Daily Prophet. At the beginning of the book, Dumbledore enrages Fudge when he stops by at Harry’s hearing with a witness (Arabella Figg) to ensure that he is not expelled. While Harry feels better when Dumbledore assists him, he becomes annoyed to the point of being angry that the headmaster refuses to speak to or even look at him.

During the following year at Hogwarts, the Ministry passes Educational Decree Twenty-two, allowing Fudge to place Dolores Umbridge to the post of Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher (after Dumbledore failed to find a suitable candidate). Through her, Fudge gradually gains power over Hogwarts and Dumbledore, who he fears is building an under-age wizard army to overthrow the Ministry. Umbridge forbids practical defence practice in her classes, forcing Harry, Ron, and Hermione to form Dumbledore’s Army (a defence group led by Harry) with fellow friends. When the Ministry discovers the D.A., Dumbledore, choosing to accept the responsibility, falsely claims that the organisation was his own subversive creation, and allows himself to be removed as headmaster (for the second time) rather than allow Harry to be expelled.

Dumbledore is not heard of again in the book until he arrives in the Department of Mysteries to aid the Order in the battle against Voldemort’s followers, the Death Eaters. He subdues all the Death Eaters, except for Bellatrix Lestrange, and binds them with an Anti-Disapparition Jinx to prevent them from magically escaping. He then saves Harry from the Avada Kedavra curse conjured by Voldemort and engages in a ferocious duel with the Dark Lord. This culminates in Voldemort’s attempting to possess Harry in an attempt to make Dumbledore kill the boy. Voldemort is forced to leave Harry’s body and flee with Lestrange after this ruse fails. Because several ministry officials witnessed the end of the battle, Dumbledore is reinstated as headmaster and retrieves all his distinctions. Towards the end of the book, Dumbledore explains to Harry that Voldemort chose him as his equal and that one must kill the other in the end, and confesses that his great affection for Harry has clouded his judgement.

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

In the sixth book, Dumbledore fetches Harry from Privet Drive and takes him to persuade Horace Slughorn to rejoin the Hogwarts staff. Harry notices that Dumbledore’s right hand is shrivelled and black. During the school year, Dumbledore teaches Harry of events in Voldemort’s past that he feels are of immense importance. Using the Pensieve, they visit the memories of others, which contain important information about Voldemort’s life and his genocidal rise to power. While using the pensieve, Harry sees a vision of Dumbledore’s first encounter with the young Tom Riddle; Dumbledore had known from the beginning that the boy was dangerous, but believed that Hogwarts would change him.

It is learned that Voldemort created six Horcruxes to gain immortality and that they must all be destroyed before Harry goes after the final piece of Voldemort’s soul in the Dark Lord’s body. Harry also repeatedly warns Dumbledore in most of their lessons that school bully Draco Malfoy is working for Voldemort. Dumbledore refuses to take any action against Draco, and instead tells Harry that he already knows more about what is happening than Harry does.

By the end of the book, Dumbledore and Harry set out to the cave where Dumbledore believes a Horcrux resides. In the cave, Dumbledore drinks a potion inside the Horcrux’s container; while drinking it, he begins to scream, seemingly enduring mental torture and being weakened. Dumbledore begins to call out for water after he finishes the potion, and Harry, realising he has no other choice, dips the goblet into the lake to give him a drink. When he does this though, all the Inferi that reside in the lake grab at Harry and attempt to drag him down and drown him in the lake. Dumbledore suddenly recovers, thanks to the water, and conjures a fire lasso around them. Dumbledore takes the horcrux (a locket) and both make their way back out of the cave and back to Hogsmeade. When they return, Madam Rosmerta informs them that the Dark Mark was conjured over the Astronomy Tower. In the tower, Dumbledore enjoins Harry not to interfere in the events that are about to take place there, and places him in a body-binding curse under his invisibility cloak. Hidden, Harry is unable to intervene as Dumbledore (now extremely weak) is disarmed by Draco. Dumbledore is conversing with Draco about the plot to kill him, when several other Death Eaters enter the tower and try to persuade Draco to kill Dumbledore. When Draco hesitates, Snape appears and performs the Killing Curse on Dumbledore, only after Dumbledore pleads with Snape saying, «Severus . . . please…». Dumbledore dies on Hogwarts’ grounds.

Shortly after his death, Dumbledore’s portrait magically appears in the Headmaster’s office. His funeral is attended by students, Hogwarts staff, members of the Ministry of Magic, ghosts, centaurs, merpeople and others who wish to pay their respects. Shrouded in purple velvet, he is entombed in a white marble sarcophagus beside the lake at Hogwarts, and it is said that he is the only headmaster to be buried on the school grounds.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Rowling used several chapters in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows to reveal two major details concerning Dumbledore: his early life and his death. The book introduces his parents, Percival and Kendra Dumbledore, as well as his little sister, Ariana; his brother, Aberforth Dumbledore, was mentioned in previous books. At six years old, Ariana was attacked by three Muggle boys who had witnessed her performing magic. Because of this attack, Ariana was seriously traumatised and never able to control her magic again. Enraged, Percival attacked the Muggle boys (killing them in the film version), and was given a life sentence in Azkaban. After this, Kendra moved her family to the village of Godric’s Hollow. In one of her outbursts, Ariana accidentally killed Kendra at around the time that Albus completed his education. Albus became the head of the family and was forced to remain in his house with his sister while Aberforth completed his education.

Soon afterward, a young Gellert Grindelwald arrived in Godric’s Hollow to live with his great-aunt, Bathilda Bagshot, author of A History of Magic. The two young men took to each other immediately, and together they dreamed of a world ruled by wizards over Muggles by uniting the legendary Deathly Hallows. They believed that if they were forced to destroy a few along the way, it would still be «for the greater good», and the sufferings and losses would be rewarded a hundredfold in the end. However, this scenario would never happen, as an argument between Albus, Aberforth, and Grindelwald led to a duel that resulted in Ariana’s death. For the rest of his life, Albus felt guilty, never certain whether it was his own curse or another’s that had killed his sister. Grindelwald stormed back to Bagshot’s home and departed to begin his own rule, leaving the country hours later. As a result of his mistakes, Albus felt that he was not to be trusted with power and, because of this, never took the position of Minister for Magic, despite being offered it several times. Dumbledore returned to Hogwarts as professor of Transfiguration, and he served in recruiting students for the school.

Decades later, in 1945,[18] Dumbledore finally defeated the now-Dark wizard Grindelwald, who had come to possess the Elder Wand. Grindelwald’s defeat made Dumbledore the master of the Elder Wand, which remained his until just before his death, when Draco used the Disarming Charm on him.

Dumbledore had another Hallow in his keeping since the death of James Potter: the Invisibility Cloak, which he had borrowed to examine. When James died, Dumbledore kept the cloak and decided to pass it on to Harry, James’ son.

The truth about Dumbledore’s death is revealed through Snape’s last memories in the Pensieve. Harry learns that Dumbledore made a terrible error by placing a cursed ring on his right hand, sometime between the fifth and sixth book, forgetting the curses that must be on the ring. The ring held the Resurrection Stone, which Dumbledore hoped to use to allow him to apologise to his sister and parents. Dumbledore called Snape to help him; however, when Snape arrived and assessed the curse, all he could do was contain it. Snape told Dumbledore that he had little more than a year to live. After hearing this news, Dumbledore revealed to Snape that he knew about Voldemort’s plan to have Draco kill him. He asked Snape to use the Killing Curse on him when the time came because he did not want Draco to have to kill him, saying that the boy’s soul was still intact; Draco’s soul would have been damaged in killing Dumbledore out of malice, whereas Snape was fully aware that he would be merely sparing Dumbledore pain and humiliation. He also intended for Snape to be the one to kill him and for the Elder Wand to be buried with him, in order to prevent the wand from being passed on again.

Dumbledore’s spirit appears to Harry towards the end of the book in a limbo-like King’s Cross, after Harry is struck with the Killing Curse which was conjured by Voldemort. During the last book, Harry finds out that he must die because he is a Horcrux. When Voldemort conjures the Killing Curse, Harry does not fight back, which stops him from dying. When they meet again, the boy comforts Dumbledore as he confesses all of his many regrets. Dumbledore then informs Harry of the choice he still has: of moving on to the next life or returning to his body to face Voldemort one last time. After returning from the mystical King’s Cross and defeating and killing Voldemort, Harry has a short conversation with Dumbledore’s portrait in the Headmaster’s office about the fate of each of the three Deathly Hallows. He keeps the Cloak, leaves the Stone in the Forbidden Forest where he dropped it, and returns the Elder Wand to Dumbledore’s tomb (from which Voldemort had stolen it). In the epilogue, it is revealed that Harry names his second son Albus Severus Potter after Dumbledore and Snape.

Portrayals within films

In the film adaptations of Philosopher’s Stone (2001) and Chamber of Secrets (2002), Dumbledore was played by Richard Harris, who was expected to play the character throughout the series. Harris was not the producer’s first choice, the studio initially approached Sean Connery and Patrick McGoohan for the role. Connery, who disliked the film’s subject matter, turned down the role while McGoohan, who showed interest, stepped away due to his declining health.[19] Harris mentioned that he was originally not going to take the role, since he knew his own health was in decline. He accepted because his then-11-year-old granddaughter threatened never to speak to him again if he did not take it.[20] Harris was determined to portray Dumbledore again in Prisoner of Azkaban (2004), despite having been diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma, and asked David Heyman not to recast the role.[21] However, his death on 25 October 2002 necessitated recasting.[22]

Christopher Lee was the producer’s immediate choice for replacing Harris, but scheduling conflicts due to Lee’s commitments as Saruman in The Lord of the Rings trilogy and Count Dooku in the Star Wars prequels forced him to decline.[23] Ian McKellen was also offered the role, but he turned it down, having played the similar character Gandalf in The Lord of the Rings trilogy, as well as feeling it would have been inappropriate to take Harris’ role, as Harris had called McKellen a «dreadful» actor.[24] Harris’ family had expressed an interest in seeing Peter O’Toole being chosen as his replacement.[25] Harry Robinson, who doubled for Harris in the first two films, and who also lent his voice in the first Harry Potter video game, was also considered for the role of Dumbledore.[26]

Michael Gambon was cast as Harris’ replacement four months after Harris’ death.[27] Gambon was not concerned about bettering Harris, and he portrayed the character in his own way, putting on a slight Irish accent for the role,[28] as well as completing his scenes in three weeks.[29] Gambon reprised his role in all the remaining films.

Toby Regbo was chosen to portray Dumbledore in his youth in Deathly Hallows – Part 1 and Part 2, for flashbacks scenes which provide essential information on the character’s backstory.[30]

Jude Law played the role of a younger Dumbledore in the prequel films, Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald (2018) and Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore (2022).[31][32]



Albus Dumbledore is tall and thin, with silver hair and beard (auburn in his youth) so long that they can be tucked into his belt. He has a very long and crooked nose that looks as if it has been broken at least twice. (It is speculated that his brother’s punch during their sister’s funeral may have played a role in shaping his nose.) He is also said to have long and skillful fingers. His eyes are described as being a brilliant, soul-piercing shade of blue, and usually twinkled with kindness and mischief.

Dumbledore wears half-moon spectacles and a colourful array of robes, ranging from purple to bright orange. He once claimed to have a scar above his left knee in the precise shape of a map of the London Underground, but whether or not he actually does is unknown. His demeanour is often – if not always – serene and ethereal, and he usually speaks in a calm, pleasant voice even when Harry thought that he is actually furious.

During the last year of his life, Dumbledore’s right hand is scarred when he dons Marvolo Gaunt’s Ring, which was cursed. Had Snape not intervened with a counter-curse, Dumbledore would have died much more quickly. Regardless, the curse left his hand blackened and dead-looking, and no amount of healing could repair the appearance. According to Snape, the curse would eventually spread itself from the contained hand, and Dumbledore was doomed to die in no more than one year’s time. Whether this means the blackening dead-look appearance would spread throughout the entire body is unknown.


Considered the most powerful wizard in the world, Dumbledore is benevolent and wise, a good wizard in the style of Merlin.[citation needed] He exudes an aura of serenity and composure, rarely displaying intense emotions of anger or fear. Yet despite his benign nature, it is said that Dumbledore is the only wizard Lord Voldemort ever truly feared. Dumbledore is very eccentric and even slightly effeminate; he is very fond of knitting patterns and frequently wears flamboyant clothing (at one point, he is seen wearing a flowered bonnet). He is also known for his odd displays of whimsicality; he often uses humour to make people feel comfortable in his presence. As a supremely talented wizard, Dumbledore displays numerous examples of extraordinary powers. His abilities as a wizard are combined with a kind of cunning and subtlety of mind that allowed him to comprehend human nature and turn the better aspects of humanity (trust, love, and friendship) to Voldemort’s disadvantage in particular.

More than anything else, Dumbledore has a deep capacity for love, frequently reminding Harry that love was the greatest magic of all. Dumbledore believes in the good in everyone and insists on giving second chances. The greatest example of this is Dumbledore’s relationship with Snape, in whom Dumbledore is willing to place a considerable amount of faith because he showed remorse. Dumbledore is highly perceptive and emotionally intelligent; his knowledge of a person’s true personality goes beyond simply being a good judge of character. This is never more apparent than in his complex insights into Voldemort’s psyche, which he pieces together with Harry to deduce where Voldemort’s horcruxes are hidden.

Dumbledore’s appearance hides a more steely aspect, as seen when apprehending Barty Crouch Jr who was masquerading as Mad-Eye Moody:

«At that moment, Harry understood for the first time why people said Dumbledore was the only wizard Voldemort had ever feared. The look upon Dumbledore’s face was more terrible than Harry could have ever imagined. There was no benign smile upon Dumbledore’s face, no twinkle in the eyes. There was cold fury in every line of the ancient face; a sense of power radiated from Dumbledore as though he were giving off burning heat.»[33]

However, in spite of Dumbledore’s many extraordinary qualities, he is a flawed character. According to Rowling, «Although Dumbledore seems to be so benign for six books, he’s quite a Machiavellian figure, really. He’s been pulling a lot of strings.»[34] In a 2005 interview, Rowling commented: «Immense brainpower does not protect you from emotional mistakes, and I think Dumbledore really exemplifies that.»[35] Dumbledore’s greatest flaw, which he admits to Harry, is his desire for power. He eventually finds that those best suited for power are those who do not seek it. When he and Grindelwald first meet, they make plans to enslave Muggles and re-establish wizards as the natural rulers of the world. However, Dumbledore becomes disillusioned of this fantasy after his sister Ariana is killed during a duel between himself, his brother Aberforth, and Grindelwald.

Dumbledore is haunted by his sad family history. In particular, he is riddled with guilt over the circumstances surrounding the death of his sister. He feels enormous remorse for his selfishness in getting involved in the circumstances that led to her death, and is tortured for the rest of his life by the possibility that he might have been the one who cast the spell that killed her. When he looks into the Mirror of Erised, he sees himself redeemed in the eyes of his brother and his entire family alive and together.

Magical abilities and skills

Since a young age, Dumbledore has always shown great magical abilities. During his education at Hogwarts, Dumbledore was known as the most brilliant student to have ever stepped into the school, winning «every prize of note that the school offered», and in his N.E.W.T.s, «… did things with a wand [the examiner had] never seen before». Rowling has said that Dumbledore is primarily self-taught, although he «had access to superb teachers at Hogwarts,» and, as far as his education is concerned, «Dumbledore’s family would be a profitable line of inquiry.»[36] While he is not vain, Dumbledore also exhibits no false modesty, readily acknowledging that he is unusually intelligent and an exceptionally powerful wizard. He admits a number of
times to Harry in their occasional meetings in Half-Blood Prince that he makes mistakes, and since he is smarter than most men, his mistakes «tend to be correspondingly huger.»

Dumbledore is an expert at nonverbal spells and is famous as an alchemist who has worked with Nicolas Flamel, the only known maker of the Philosopher’s Stone, and is credited with discovering the twelve uses of dragon’s blood. His Patronus takes the form of a phoenix,[37] a recurring symbol in the books.

His knowledge of the most powerful kind of magic, love, is extensive. He taught Harry about its very essence, and the innate power of his ability to love his parents, which eventually helped Harry realise his destiny to kill Lord Voldemort.

He is known to be able to conjure Gubraithian fire (magical everlasting fire). He has claimed to be able to become invisible without using an invisibility cloak, which is a powerful Disillusionment Charm. Dumbledore is also skilled in Occlumency and Legilimency. Dumbledore is an expert at Transfiguration too, having taught the subject before becoming headmaster. He frequently creates complex objects like sofa chairs out of thin air (or from less comfortable chairs). Dumbledore is also proficient at Charms and Potions; according to the obituary written by Elphias Doge, his papers were published in journals such as Achievements in Charming and The Practical Potioneer. Dumbledore is famous for defeating Grindelwald, who is second on a list of Most Dangerous Dark Wizards of All Time only to Voldemort himself, in a «spectacular duel of legend», succeeding in doing so despite the fact that Grindelwald possessed the Elder Wand, which supposedly guarantees invincibility in duels due to its power. His skill at duelling is further shown when he calmly engages Voldemort in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, overpowering him and eventually forcing him to possess Harry to be spared from total defeat. (It is known in retrospect that Dumbledore possessed the Elder Wand when duelling Voldemort, having taken it from Grindelwald.) Unlike most wizards who make a distinct popping sound when they apparate, Dumbledore notably is able to apparate silently; the only other wizard shown to possess this skill is Voldemort. Dumbledore is known to be able to understand Mermish and Gobbledegook (Goblin language) and Parseltongue.[38]


Dumbledore’s office houses «a number of curious […] instruments.» Among them is a Pensieve, a stone receptacle used to store and review memories, which witches and wizards are able to extract from their heads as a type of fluid. Harry first discovers this device in Goblet of Fire, and it is frequently used for flashback scenes throughout the remainder of the series. In the first chapter of Philosopher’s Stone, Dumbledore is seen using the Deluminator, a device for removing and later returning light, and for use as a homing device. It is confirmed in Deathly Hallows when the object is inherited by Ron that the Deluminator is of Dumbledore’s own design. Dumbledore is the possessor and master of the Elder Wand, an extremely powerful object known also as the «Wand of Destiny» or the «Deathstick», and one of the Deathly Hallows. Unlike many of the wand’s previous owners, Dumbledore keeps its identity a closely guarded secret. He also has a pet phoenix named Fawkes. It is revealed in Philosopher’s Stone by Mr. Ollivander that Harry’s wand carries a phoenix feather as its magical core and that particular phoenix only gave one other feather, the one in Voldemort’s wand that gave Harry his scar. It is later revealed in Goblet of Fire that Fawkes was the phoenix whose feathers provide the magical core in Harry’s and Voldemort’s wands.


Through various interviews and discussions about the character, Rowling has established that Albus Dumbledore was born in July or August[39][40] 1881[41] to Percival and Kendra Dumbledore.[11] The character had previously referenced his brother Aberforth, and in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, it is revealed that Albus is three years older than Aberforth. The same book introduced their sister Ariana who, at six years old, suffers a vicious attack by three male Muggle youths who had witnessed her doing magic. Frightened, they first try to get her to repeat what they had seen, and upon her failure to recreate it due to her young age, they try to stop her from being «different». The severe trauma of the attack leaves Ariana unable to function socially or to properly perform magic again. It is not explicitly stated in the novel what form this attack took, but Percival is given a life sentence in Azkaban for tracking down and hexing the boys who traumatised his daughter. To prevent her being institutionalised in St. Mungo’s Hospital, or hurting someone accidentally with her uncontrolled magic, Kendra moves the family to Godric’s Hollow, and conceals Ariana’s illness. Their wizarding neighbours and acquaintances assumed that Ariana is a non-magical squib, and that Kendra is hiding her out of shame.

When Dumbledore and his friend Elphias Doge leave Hogwarts at the age of 18, they plan to take their «then-traditional» tour of the world. On the eve of their trip, however, Ariana accidentally kills Kendra during one of her uncontrolled outbursts of magic. Because Dumbledore’s parents are absent (his father in Azkaban and his mother dead), he becomes the head of the family and it becomes his duty to put food on the table, as the family’s misfortunes have left them poor. He is forced to remain in his house with Ariana while Aberforth completes his education. Aberforth knows of his brother’s resentment and offers to care for Ariana himself, claiming that she prefers him to Albus, but Albus refuses, stating that it is his duty as the eldest child to care for the family.

When Gellert Grindelwald arrives at Godric’s Hollow, he and Dumbledore become immediate friends, and the two dream of a new world order in which wizards rule over Muggles «for the greater good». Dumbledore and Grindelwald suggest that they have to leave the Dumbledore home to carry on their plans, but Aberforth protested against this, as Ariana’s condition would not allow her to be moved. The ensuing argument between Albus, Aberforth and Grindelwald turns into a duel, and as Ariana becomes more and more stimulated, she is caught in the crossfire and killed — though neither Albus nor Aberforth are sure whether one of them or Grindlewald caused her death. Stricken with grief and remorse, Dumbledore breaks ties with Grindelwald for good. According to the author, as a result of this, Dumbledore’s boggart becomes Ariana’s corpse.[42] In Philosopher’s Stone, he also mentions to Harry that the deepest desire of his heart, revealed by the Mirror of Erised, is to have a pair of woollen socks, but in the seventh novel, Harry realises that he and Dumbledore see the same thing in the Mirror: their reunited families.


The character of Albus Dumbledore has been compared to other archetypal «wise old man» characters. Dumbledore acts much like Merlin from The Sword in the Stone, in the manner of an «absent-minded professor»;[43] both Merlin and Dumbledore educate a story’s main character in a castle. As writer Evelyn Perry notes, «Dumbledore resembles Merlin both personally and physically; he is an avid lover of books and wisdom who wears flowing robes and a long, white beard.»[44] Dumbledore has also been compared with Gandalf from J. R. R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings.[45] Dave Kopel draws comparisons between Rowling’s writing and John Bunyan’s The Pilgrim’s Progress and states that, among the Christian symbols that Rowling has used in her books, Dumbledore acts like «the bearded God the Father» figure in which Harry puts his faith to be saved from Voldemort and his servants.[46] IGN also listed Dumbledore as their fifth favourite Harry Potter character, saying that «[f]or a character that was introduced into popular culture a mere twelve years ago, it speaks volumes that Professor Dumbledore has already taken his place among the great mentor figures in literature and film».[47] IGN’s Joe Utichi called Dumbledore his third favourite Harry Potter character, calling the revelation that he wasn’t so «infallible» one of the most heartbreaking themes of the final book.[48] Actor Michael Gambon received some criticism for his louder, more aggressive, portrayal of the character, who is depicted as exhibiting a more subdued, unflappable calm in the books. This has been attributed to Gambon’s policy of not reading the source material from which his films are adapted.[49]

As a main character of the series, major facts relating to Dumbledore have generated a vast number of essays and discussions. The death of Dumbledore at the end of Half-Blood Prince was discussed by fans and critics alike. A website named DumbledoreIsNotDead.com sought to understand the events of the sixth book in a different way and provided arguments to claim that the character did not really die.[50] However, Rowling confirmed on 2 August 2006 that Dumbledore was, in fact, dead, humorously apologising to the website as she did so.[51] Along with DumbledoreIsNotDead.com, a collection of essays, Who Killed Albus Dumbledore?: What Really Happened in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince? Six Expert Harry Potter Detectives Examine the Evidence, was published by Zossima Press in November 2006.[52] In NextMovie.com’s Harry Potter Mega Poll, Dumbledore’s death was voted as the most unforgettable moment in the whole series.[53]

In the Chamber of Secrets DVD interview, screenwriter Steve Kloves stated that he considers Dumbledore a fascinating character because of the wisdom he provides, but he feels that «Dumbledore bears such a tremendous dark burden, and he knows secrets and I think in many ways he bears the weight of the future of the wizard world» and the «only way that he can keep that at bay, the darkness, is to be whimsical and humorous».[6]


Rowling’s statement that Dumbledore was gay caused a great debate among critics. Melissa Anelli, webmaster of the fan site The Leaky Cauldron, told The Associated Press, «J. K. Rowling calling any Harry Potter character gay would make wonderful strides in tolerance toward homosexuality. … By dubbing someone so respected, so talented and so kind, as someone who just happens to be also homosexual, she’s reinforcing the idea that a person’s gayness is not something of which they should be ashamed.»[54] Entertainment Weeklys Mark Harris said «her choice to make a beloved professor-mentor gay in a world where gay teachers are still routinely slandered as malign influences was, I am certain, no accident.»[55] The stars and director of the Harry Potter films were supportive of Rowling’s revelation as well.[56] A spokesperson for Stonewall praised Rowling, saying «It’s great that JK has said this. It shows that there’s no limit to what gay and lesbian people can do, even being a wizard headmaster.»[57]

Some critics discussed the implications of this statement. The New York Times columnist Edward Rothstein said that «Ms. Rowling may think of Dumbledore as gay»; however, «there is no reason why anyone else should».[58] The East Tennessee State University’s student newspaper accused Rowling of lying, saying her answer was a publicity stunt.[59] Michelle Smith quoted the Death of the Author principle, stating that Rowling’s subsequent commentary is irrelevant to the understanding of the books.[60]

Slate quotes an attendee of the book talk who said, «It was clear that JKR didn’t plan to out Dumbledore. She just cares about being true to her readers.»[61] Mike Thomas of the Orlando Sentinel said that upon reflection, Dumbledore was gay from the beginning, and that this neatly explains the behaviour of his character and his relationship with Grindelwald. Thomas notes the skill Rowling displays in writing a gay character without having to put a gay label on him.[62]

Gay rights campaigner Peter Tatchell stated that «It’s good that children’s literature includes the reality of gay people, since we exist in every society. But I am disappointed that she did not make Dumbledore’s sexuality explicit in the Harry Potter book. Making it obvious would have sent a much more powerful message of understanding and acceptance.»[57]

Writing for Time, John Cloud, a gay man, argued that Dumbledore’s silence in the books about his identity amounts to him being ashamed of his sexuality:[63] «Why couldn’t he tell us himself? The Potter books add up to more than 800,000 words before Dumbledore dies in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, yet Rowling couldn’t spare two of those words to help define a central character’s emotional identity: «I’m gay.» We can only conclude that Dumbledore saw his homosexuality as shameful. His silence suggests a lack of personal integrity that is completely out of character.»

Regarding Dumbledore’s sexuality in the Fantastic Beasts series, Rowling said in 2016 that, «As far as his sexuality is concerned, watch this space».[64]


In 2011, Dumbledore was one of eight British magical figures, which included the wizards Merlin (from Arthurian legend) and Rincewind (from Terry Pratchett’s Discworld), and the White Witch (from The Chronicles of Narnia), that were commemorated on a series of UK postage stamps issued by the Royal Mail.[65]

In popular culture

Dumbledore has been parodied in several sketches and animated series:

  • In The Simpsons 2006 episode «The Haw-Hawed Couple», Lisa asks Homer to read her Angelica Button book to her for bedtime. Homer, learning that the character Headmaster Greystash will die (as Dumbledore did in Half-Blood Prince), hides the fact from Lisa by inventing a happier ending, though Lisa does read the real ending and decides that Homer’s was better.[66]
  • Dumbledore also stars in Neil Cicierega’s Potter Puppet Pals, in which he frequently strips completely naked, except for his hat, randomly in the story. Dumbledore also tends to use the exclamation «Alas!» in an apparently incorrect place, parodying Rowling’s love for unusual words. In the episode «Ron’s Disease», Dumbledore reveals himself to be «a gay android».[67]
  • Albus Dumbledore appears in some episodes of Robot Chicken, voiced by Seth Green. In «Password: Swordfish», when the threat of the puberty creature Pubertis is known, Dumbledore gives Harry a stone that might help him fight Pubertis. During this appearance, Dumbledore is an African-American who states that he is played by a different actor in each of the movies. Upon confrontation with Pubertis, Harry rubs the stone two times, which summons ghosts to punch it. When it comes to the third time, Dumbledore appears and tells Harry that the stone can only be warmed up three times a day (four if he takes a week off) and that Pubertis cannot be destroyed since it lives in everyone just like his own demon Wandus Limpus prevents him from having meaningful relationships. In «I Love Her», Dumbledore tells the students that Professor Snape suffered a «minor potion accident» and has enlisted Criss Angel as their substitute teacher.
  • In 2003, Comic Relief performed a spoof story called Harry Potter and the Secret Chamberpot of Azerbaijan, in which Dumbledore is portrayed by Nigel Planer, who wore the beard and costume of late Richard Harris.[68][69]
  • Dumbledore also appears in one of the Harry Bladder sketches in All That, portrayed by Kenan Thompson’s old character Principal Williame Banes Pimpell (who appeared as Headmaster Pimpell).
  • After the revelation of Dumbledore’s sexuality, the American skit comedy Saturday Night Live featured a sketch featuring Rowling (played by Amy Poehler) showing «deleted scenes» from Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban where Dumbledore (played by Bill Hader) acts stereotypically gay.[70]
  • In A Very Potter Musical (2009), Dumbledore is played by actor Dylan Saunders.
  • Dumbledore appears in an episode of Icons of Teen from the YouTube channel, Shut Up! Cartoons, voiced by Justin Roiland. As a teenager, Dumbledore liked to do magic and make robotic copies of himself. One day, he went scuba diving to earn his scuba diving badge for scouts. Dumbledore gets scared and stays on the boat while his crush Charlene and the scoutmaster go diving. They run into a giant sea monster and Charlene closes her eyes and says Dumbledore, a trick he taught her. Dumbledore receives her distress signal and dives in after them. He meets a talking dolphin who agrees to help Dumbledore if he can eat him in the end. Dumbledore suggests he eat the scoutmaster and the dolphin takes him to his friends. Dumbledore makes a robotic copy and sends it into the creature’s stomach, distracting the creature long enough for Dumbledore, Charlene and the scoutmaster to escape. Charlene thanks Dumbledore for saving them. Dumbledore makes a sexual comment but plays it off like she said it. Charlene asks where the scoutmaster is; Dumbledore says he’s gone somewhere, when really the dolphin ate him. Dumbledore then decides to build a robot copy of the scoutmaster to prevent anyone from finding out what happened to him.
  • Albus Dumbledore appears in The Lego Movie (2014), though his voice actor is not credited. He is seen among the Master Builders who meet with Vitruvius in Cloud Cuckoo Land, including a Lego version of Gandalf from The Lord of the Rings.


  1. ^ Hirsch, Anne-Christin (2008). Names and Their Underlying Mythology in J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter-Novels. Munich, Germany: GRIN Verlag. p. 7. ISBN 978-3-640-16412-7.
  2. ^ Kroll, Justin (12 April 2017). «Jude Law to Play Young Dumbledore in ‘Fantastic Beasts’ Sequel (EXCLUSIVE)». Variety. Los Angeles, California: Penske Media Corporation. Retrieved 12 April 2017.
  3. ^ ««Dumbledore» in Merriam–Webster». Machaut.uchicago.edu. Archived from the original on 17 October 2015. Retrieved 27 November 2011.
  4. ^ Sexton, Colleen A. (1 October 2007). J. K. Rowling. Twenty-First Century Books. p. 46. ISBN 978-0-8225-7949-6.
  5. ^ «Of Course J.K. Rowling Misses Dumbledore the Most». The Atlantic. 27 August 2013. Retrieved 12 May 2022.
  6. ^ a b Chamber of Secrets DVD: Interview with Steve Kloves and J.K. Rowling (DVD). February 2003.
  7. ^ «Living with Harry» — J. K. Rowling Interview». Christmas Special. 10 December 2005. BBC Radio4.
  8. ^ «J.K. Rowling at the Royal Albert Hall». MSN.com. 26 June 2003. Archived from the original on 12 November 2006. Retrieved 12 May 2022.
  9. ^ «J. K. Rowling Interview». The Connection. 12 October 1999. WBUR Radio.
  10. ^ Rowling, J. K. (1997). Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. London: Bloomsbury/New York City: Scholastic, et al. UK ISBN 0-7475-3269-9/U.S. ISBN 0-590-35340-3., page 106
  11. ^ a b «About the Books: transcript of J.K. Rowling’s live interview on Scholastic.com». Scholastic.com. 16 October 2000. Archived from the original on 23 April 2011. Retrieved 20 March 2011.
  12. ^ «Wizard of the Month Archive». J.K. Rowling Official Site. Archived from the original on 2 March 2009. Retrieved 20 March 2011.
  13. ^ «Rowling dubs Dumbledore of ‘Harry Potter’ books as gay». Daily News. New York City. 19 October 2007. Archived from the original on 21 October 2007. Retrieved 20 October 2007.
  14. ^ «J.K. Rowling outs Hogwarts character». Associated Press. 20 October 2007. Archived from the original on 21 October 2007. Retrieved 22 October 2007.
  15. ^ «JK Rowling says wizard Dumbledore is gay». Reuters. 20 October 2007. Retrieved 2 August 2008.
  16. ^ Amini, Adeel (9 March 2008). «Minister of Magic». Mugglenet.com. Archived from the original on 11 March 2008. Retrieved 14 March 2008.
  17. ^ a b Rowling, J.K. (1997). «Chapter XII: The Mirror of Erised». Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. London, England: Bloomsbury. ISBN 0-7475-3269-9.
  18. ^ This is mentioned in Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone.
  19. ^ «Harry Potter: The Actors Who Almost Played Dumbledore». ScreenRant. 1 January 2020. Retrieved 3 March 2021.
  20. ^ «Richard Harris turned down Harry Potter three times». The Guardian. 14 September 2001. Retrieved 16 March 2021.
  21. ^ Jensen, Jeff (28 October 2005). «A Look Back». Entertainment Weekly. Archived from the original on 14 October 2018. Retrieved 10 October 2007.
  22. ^ «Actor Richard Harris dies». BBC News. 25 October 2002. Archived from the original on 6 December 2002. Retrieved 3 March 2010.
  23. ^ «Harry Potter: The Actors Who Almost Played Dumbledore». ScreenRant. 1 January 2020. Retrieved 3 March 2021.
  24. ^ Hinman, Michael (29 November 2007). «No Regrets For McKellen in Turning Down Harry Potter». SyFy Portal. Archived from the original on 1 December 2007. Retrieved 30 November 2007.
  25. ^ Whitty, Stephen (15 July 2011). «‘Harry Potter’: The best could-have beens…» The Star-Ledger. Retrieved 2 January 2017.
  26. ^ «Oxford Harry Potter actor who played Dumbledore’s double has died». Oxford Mail. Retrieved 29 September 2021.
  27. ^ «Dumbledore and Sirius cast for Azkaban». Newsround. 21 February 2003. Retrieved 10 October 2007.
  28. ^ Vaughan, Johnny; Henry, Lenny (2004). Head to Shrunken Head (DVD). Warner Bros. Pictures.
  29. ^ Synnot, Siobhan (30 May 2004). «Olivier, Dumbledore and two broken ribs». The Scotsman. Retrieved 30 November 2007.
  30. ^ Martin, Michael (12 October 2010). «Toby Regbo». Interview.
  31. ^ Lee, Ashley (12 April 2017). «Jude Law to Play Young Dumbledore in ‘Fantastic Beasts’ Sequel». The Hollywood Reporter. Los Angeles, California: Eldridge Industries. Retrieved 15 March 2018.
  32. ^ «Jude Law cast as Albus Dumbledore in next Fantastic Beasts film». Pottermore. Retrieved 15 March 2018.
  33. ^ Goblet of Fire, p.439, text condensed
  34. ^ Adler, Shawn (12 October 2007). «Harry Potter’s Author J. K. Rowling Meets With L.A. Students, Plots Her Next Move». New York City: MTV. Retrieved 18 April 2008.
  35. ^ Spartz, Emerson; Anelli, Melissa (16 July 2005). «MuggleNet and The Leaky Cauldron interview Joanne Kathleen Rowling». mugglenet.com. Archived from the original on 12 June 2012. Retrieved 21 October 2007.
  36. ^ Spartz, Emerson; Anelli, Melissa (16 July 2005). «MuggleNet and The Leaky Cauldron interview Joanne Kathleen Rowling: Part 3». MuggleNet. Archived from the original on 11 October 2007. Retrieved 21 October 2007.
  37. ^ «J.K. Rowling at the Edinburgh Book Festival». J. K. Rowling Official Site. 15 August 2004. Archived from the original on 7 January 2005. Retrieved 10 May 2022.
  38. ^ «Webchat with J.K. Rowling», Harry Potter at Bloomsbury, 30 July 2007. Retrieved 21 October 2007.
  39. ^ «Birthdate: 1881 (JKR), probably in July or August. This date supersedes Rowling’s statement in 2001 that Dumbledore was «about 150 years old» (Blue Nose Day) and fits better with the dates that appear in Book 7. Regarding his month of birth, Rita Skeeter states in The Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore that Dumbledore was «nearing» his 18th birthday when he left Hogwarts in June, but was still 17 when he met Grindelwald (DH18). Basically, at some point during Grindelwald’s stay at Godric’s Hollow Dumbledore turned 18, so the month of his birth appears to be July or August.» [1] retrieved 10 July 2008
  40. ^ Time Line of Dumbledore’s Life retrieved July-09-2008
  41. ^ J.K. Rowling. «J.K. Rowling Official Site». Archived from the original on 31 March 2008.
  42. ^ J. K. Rowling Web Chat Transcript – The Leaky Cauldron
  43. ^ «Real Wizards: The Search for Harry’s Ancestors». Channel 4. 2001. Archived from the original on 18 October 2012. Retrieved 1 June 2007.
  44. ^ Perry, Evelyn M. «Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone Novel». Farmingham State College. Archived from the original on 24 October 2006. Retrieved 1 June 2007.
  45. ^ «Gandalf vs Dumbledore: Ian McKellen Talks Wizards». The Leaky Cauldron. 24 November 2007.
  46. ^ Kopel, Dave. «Some Random Facts About The Weasley Family». J.K. Rowling Official Site. Archived from the original on 24 June 2007. Retrieved 10 July 2007.
  47. ^ Linder, Brian; Pirrello, Phil; Goldman, Eric; Fowler, Matt (14 July 2009). «Top 25 Harry Potter Characters». IGN. Archived from the original on 19 July 2009. Retrieved 3 April 2011.
  48. ^ Utichi, Joe (3 November 2010). «The Top 10 Harry Potter Characters». IGN. Archived from the original on 6 November 2010. Retrieved 3 April 2011.
  49. ^ Rosenfield, Kat (18 November 2015). «A Brief History of the Worst ‘Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire’ Mistake Ever». New York City: MTV. Retrieved 27 November 2015.
  50. ^ Haber, David (19 July 2005). «Dumbledore Is Not Dead!». Beyond Hogwarts. Retrieved 21 March 2011.
  51. ^ «Dumbledore ‘definitely’ dead, says Rowling». HPANA. 2 August 2006. Archived from the original on 8 February 2011. Retrieved 21 March 2011.
  52. ^ Granger, John, ed. (2006). Who Killed Albus Dumbledore?: What Really Happened in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince? Six Expert Harry Potter Detectives Examine the Evidence. Unlocking Press. ISBN 978-0972322119.
  53. ^ Harris, Scott (14 July 2011). «‘Harry Potter’ Mega Poll: The Mega Results!». NextMovie.com. Archived from the original on 17 July 2011. Retrieved 25 July 2011.
  54. ^ «Dumbledore’s outing gives text new meaning». Today.com. 21 October 2007. Retrieved 4 August 2009.
  55. ^ Evans, Mark (30 October 2007). «Dumbledore: A Lovely Outing». Entertainment Weekly. New York City: Meredith Corporation. Retrieved 21 March 2011.
  56. ^ Masters, Tim (12 November 2007). «Potter stars react to gay twist». BBC News. London, England: BBC. Retrieved 21 March 2011.
  57. ^ a b «JK Rowling outs Dumbledore as gay». BBC News. London, England: BBC. 20 October 2007. Retrieved 13 August 2016.
  58. ^ Rothstein, Edward (29 October 2007). «Is Dumbledore Gay? Depends on Definitions of ‘Is’ and ‘Gay’«. The New York Times. London, England. Retrieved 29 October 2007.
  59. ^ «The Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore». East Tennessean. 22 October 2007. Archived from the original on 30 January 2010. Retrieved 21 March 2011.
  60. ^ Smith, Michelle (22 December 2014). «The ‘death’ of J. K. Rowling: Why it doesn’t matter what she has to say about Harry Potter». The Conversation.
  61. ^ Wamsley, Laurel (22 October 2007). «Bloggerson Stephen Colbert’s presidential run». Slate. New York City: The Slate Group. Archived from the original on 24 October 2007.
  62. ^ Thomas, Mike (22 October 2007). «So Dumbledore is Gay». Orlando Sentinel. Orlando, Florida: Tribune Publishing Company. Archived from the original on 22 May 2011. Retrieved 21 March 2011.
  63. ^ Cloud, John (25 October 2007). «Outing Dumbledore». Time. Retrieved 17 August 2021.
  64. ^ Robinson, Will (10 November 2016). «J.K. Rowling Addresses Whether Dumbledore Will Be Openly Gay in ‘Fantastic Beasts’ Sequel». Entertainment Weekly. New York City: Meredith Corporation. Retrieved 14 March 2018.
  65. ^ «Gallery: Royal Mail: Stamps from magical realms». The Guardian. Retrieved 22 September 2022.
  66. ^ «The Haw-Hawed Couple Epison Recap». tv.com. Archived from the original on 6 February 2008. Retrieved 15 July 2007.
  67. ^ «The Potter Puppet Pals». The Potter Puppet Pals Official Website. Archived from the original on 16 July 2007. Retrieved 15 July 2007.
  68. ^ «Harry Potter and the Secret Chamberpot of Azerbaijan». tv.com. Archived from the original on 2 November 2012. Retrieved 8 July 2007.
  69. ^ «French and Saunders: Harry Potter and the Secret Chamberpot of Azerbaijan». .frenchandsaunders.com. 19 February 2003. Retrieved 8 July 2007.
  70. ^ «SNL Videos». Bill Hader Online. Archived from the original on 25 March 2014. Retrieved 3 April 2011.

External links

  • Albus Dumbledore on Harry Potter Wiki, an external wiki
  • Dumbledore’s page at the Harry Potter Lexicon
  • J. K. Rowling defines Dumbledore’s sexuality
  • Nancy Podcast #5: There Are No Gay Wizards
Albus Dumbledore
Harry Potter character
Dumbledore and Elder Wand.JPG

Michael Gambon as Albus Dumbledore

First appearance Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone (1997)
Last appearance Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (2007)
Created by J. K. Rowling
Portrayed by
  • Richard Harris (films 1–2)
  • Michael Gambon (films 3–8)
  • Jude Law (Fantastic Beasts films)
  • Toby Regbo (young, film 7, Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald)
House Gryffindor
In-universe information
Full name Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore
  • Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (1960s–1997)
  • Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot (1978–1997)
  • Supreme Mugwump of the International Confederation of Wizards (1983–1995)
  • Transfiguration Professor of Hogwarts (1930–1956)
  • Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor of Hogwarts (c. 1910s–1930)
  • Percival Dumbledore (father)
  • Kendra Dumbledore (mother)
  • Aberforth Dumbledore (brother)
  • Ariana Dumbledore (sister)
  • Aurelius Dumbledore (nephew)
Significant other Gellert Grindelwald
Nationality British
Born 1881
Died 30 June 1997

Prof. Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore[1] is a fictional character in J. K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series. For most of the series, he is the headmaster of the wizarding school Hogwarts. As part of his backstory, it is revealed that he is the founder and leader of the Order of the Phoenix, an organisation dedicated to fighting Lord Voldemort, the main antagonist of the series.

Dumbledore was portrayed by Richard Harris in the film adaptations of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone (2001) and Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002). Following Harris’ death in October 2002, Michael Gambon portrayed Dumbledore in the six remaining Harry Potter films from 2004 to 2011. Jude Law portrayed Dumbledore as a middle-aged man in the prequel films Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald (2018) and Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore (2022).[2]

Rowling stated she chose the name Dumbledore, which is a dialectal word for «bumblebee»,[3] because of Dumbledore’s love of music: she imagined him walking around «humming to himself a lot».[4]

Character development

Rowling said she enjoyed writing Dumbledore because he «is the epitome of goodness.»[5] She said that Dumbledore speaks for her, as he «knows pretty much everything» about the Harry Potter universe.[6] Rowling mentioned that Dumbledore regrets «that he has always had to be the one who knew, and who had the burden of knowing. And he would rather not know.»[7] As a mentor to the central character Harry Potter, «Dumbledore is a very wise man who knows that Harry is going to have to learn a few hard lessons to prepare him for what may be coming in his life. He allows Harry to get into what he wouldn’t allow another pupil to do, and he also unwillingly permits Harry to confront things he’d rather protect him from.»[8] In a 1999 interview, Rowling stated that she imagined Dumbledore «more as a John Gielgud type, you know, quite elderly and – and quite stately.»[9] During his time as a student, Dumbledore was in Gryffindor House.[10] Rowling said in an interview that Dumbledore was about 150 years old.[11] However, on her website, she states that Dumbledore was born in 1881, making him either 115 or 116 at the time of his death.[12]

On 19 October 2007, Rowling was asked by a young fan whether Dumbledore finds «true love». Rowling said that she always thought of Dumbledore as being homosexual and that he had fallen in love with the corrupt wizard Gellert Grindelwald, which was Dumbledore’s «great tragedy»; Rowling did not explicitly state whether Grindelwald returned his affections.[13][14][15] Rowling explains this further by elaborating on the motivations behind Dumbledore’s flirtation with the idea of wizard domination of Muggles: «He lost his moral compass completely when he fell in love and I think subsequently became very mistrustful of his own judgement in those matters so became quite asexual. He led a celibate and a bookish life.»[16]


Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone

In the opening chapter of the first novel of the series, Dumbledore arrives at number four, Privet Drive in Little Whinging, Surrey. When the evil wizard Lord Voldemort kills Harry’s parents before being reduced to a lesser form, Dumbledore decides to place the now-orphaned Harry in the home of Vernon and Petunia Dursley. He knows that Harry will be protected by the special magic caused by his mother’s sacrifice. He reasons that they are the only family he has left with Petunia Evans Dursley being Harry’s aunt, who accepts her nephew into their home. This old magic of binding love renders Voldemort incapable of touching Harry. Dumbledore leaves Harry upon the doorstep of the Dursley home with a letter explaining the situation. He departs with the final phrase, «Good luck, Harry.»[17]

When Harry arrives at Hogwarts, Dumbledore tells him about the secrets of the Mirror of Erised, claiming that when he looks into it, he sees himself «holding a pair of thick, woollen socks.»[17] Harry later recalls in the final book that this was probably the only dishonest answer Dumbledore ever gave him. He is also responsible for somehow enchanting the Mirror so that it hides the Philosopher’s Stone and only someone who looked into the Mirror and whose desire was «to find the Stone … but not use it». The right person would receive it, as anybody else would only see themselves using the Stone due to the Mirror’s special magic. He is called out to the Ministry of Magic by a false message on the night when Harry, his classmates Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, and Hogwarts professor Quirinius Quirrell enter the dungeons to retrieve the Stone, but realises during the trip that he is needed at Hogwarts and returns in time to rescue Harry from Quirrell and Voldemort. He also has a final conversation with Harry after the events down in the dungeons and tells him that he is too young to understand why Voldemort is trying to kill him.

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

In the second novel, a younger Dumbledore appears in a series of flashbacks, seen by Harry in a diary once owned by Tom Riddle, the most gifted student in Hogwarts’ history — and the future Lord Voldemort. Through the diary, Harry sees Riddle’s memory of Dumbledore questioning him about a series of attacks on Muggle-born students. In the present, Lucius Malfoy forces the school’s other 11 governors to suspend Dumbledore as Headmaster in the wake of attacks by a basilisk in the school when the Chamber of Secrets is opened. Dumbledore is reinstated when the governors discover that Ginny Weasley was taken into the Chamber of Secrets and Lucius is found to have coerced the other governors into suspending him.

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

At the beginning of the third novel, Dumbledore is forced to accept Dementors onto his school’s grounds for the protection of his students from Sirius Black, a supposed murderer and accessory to murder, who had escaped from Azkaban. After Black’s breach into Hogwarts, Dumbledore issues orders to close every entrance to the school and grounds. After Harry falls off his broomstick during a Quidditch match because of the Dementors, Dumbledore becomes uncharacteristically angry with them and uses his wand to cause Harry to levitate safely to the ground. Later in that book, Dumbledore suggests that Hermione use her Ministry-approved Time-Turner to go back three hours to save Buckbeak the hippogriff and Black from their unjust executions.

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

In the fourth novel, Dumbledore introduces the Triwizard Tournament. He also serves as a judge during the entire event. When Harry’s name comes out of the Goblet of Fire, Dumbledore is not enraged, but remains calm; simply asking Harry whether he had himself, or had asked an older student to submit his name (although in the film version he does get angry to the point of manhandling Harry). When Harry answers no, he believes him. By the end of the book, Dumbledore’s fears are realized when Harry returns from his encounter with Voldemort clutching the dead body of Cedric Diggory and when Mad-Eye Moody (being impersonated by Barty Crouch Jr, through Polyjuice Potion) takes Harry away from Dumbledore and to his office inside the castle. Dumbledore immediately becomes suspicious and heads straight towards Moody’s office with Minerva McGonagall and Severus Snape to save Harry and to interrogate Crouch. Afterwards, Dumbledore listens to Harry’s eyewitness account about Voldemort’s return. Harry though, only wakes up later to find Minister for Magic Cornelius Fudge in the hospital wing arguing with McGonagall and Dumbledore about the situation of Voldemort’s return and the consequences that would follow should Fudge remain in denial of this fact.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

In the fifth book, Dumbledore is demoted from Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot, voted out of the Chairmanship of the International Confederation of Wizards, and is almost stripped of his Order of Merlin First Class due to his speeches regarding the return of Voldemort, although it is reported that he is unconcerned as long as he is not taken off the Chocolate Frog cards. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Magic does everything they can to discredit him and Harry – mainly through the Daily Prophet. At the beginning of the book, Dumbledore enrages Fudge when he stops by at Harry’s hearing with a witness (Arabella Figg) to ensure that he is not expelled. While Harry feels better when Dumbledore assists him, he becomes annoyed to the point of being angry that the headmaster refuses to speak to or even look at him.

During the following year at Hogwarts, the Ministry passes Educational Decree Twenty-two, allowing Fudge to place Dolores Umbridge to the post of Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher (after Dumbledore failed to find a suitable candidate). Through her, Fudge gradually gains power over Hogwarts and Dumbledore, who he fears is building an under-age wizard army to overthrow the Ministry. Umbridge forbids practical defence practice in her classes, forcing Harry, Ron, and Hermione to form Dumbledore’s Army (a defence group led by Harry) with fellow friends. When the Ministry discovers the D.A., Dumbledore, choosing to accept the responsibility, falsely claims that the organisation was his own subversive creation, and allows himself to be removed as headmaster (for the second time) rather than allow Harry to be expelled.

Dumbledore is not heard of again in the book until he arrives in the Department of Mysteries to aid the Order in the battle against Voldemort’s followers, the Death Eaters. He subdues all the Death Eaters, except for Bellatrix Lestrange, and binds them with an Anti-Disapparition Jinx to prevent them from magically escaping. He then saves Harry from the Avada Kedavra curse conjured by Voldemort and engages in a ferocious duel with the Dark Lord. This culminates in Voldemort’s attempting to possess Harry in an attempt to make Dumbledore kill the boy. Voldemort is forced to leave Harry’s body and flee with Lestrange after this ruse fails. Because several ministry officials witnessed the end of the battle, Dumbledore is reinstated as headmaster and retrieves all his distinctions. Towards the end of the book, Dumbledore explains to Harry that Voldemort chose him as his equal and that one must kill the other in the end, and confesses that his great affection for Harry has clouded his judgement.

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

In the sixth book, Dumbledore fetches Harry from Privet Drive and takes him to persuade Horace Slughorn to rejoin the Hogwarts staff. Harry notices that Dumbledore’s right hand is shrivelled and black. During the school year, Dumbledore teaches Harry of events in Voldemort’s past that he feels are of immense importance. Using the Pensieve, they visit the memories of others, which contain important information about Voldemort’s life and his genocidal rise to power. While using the pensieve, Harry sees a vision of Dumbledore’s first encounter with the young Tom Riddle; Dumbledore had known from the beginning that the boy was dangerous, but believed that Hogwarts would change him.

It is learned that Voldemort created six Horcruxes to gain immortality and that they must all be destroyed before Harry goes after the final piece of Voldemort’s soul in the Dark Lord’s body. Harry also repeatedly warns Dumbledore in most of their lessons that school bully Draco Malfoy is working for Voldemort. Dumbledore refuses to take any action against Draco, and instead tells Harry that he already knows more about what is happening than Harry does.

By the end of the book, Dumbledore and Harry set out to the cave where Dumbledore believes a Horcrux resides. In the cave, Dumbledore drinks a potion inside the Horcrux’s container; while drinking it, he begins to scream, seemingly enduring mental torture and being weakened. Dumbledore begins to call out for water after he finishes the potion, and Harry, realising he has no other choice, dips the goblet into the lake to give him a drink. When he does this though, all the Inferi that reside in the lake grab at Harry and attempt to drag him down and drown him in the lake. Dumbledore suddenly recovers, thanks to the water, and conjures a fire lasso around them. Dumbledore takes the horcrux (a locket) and both make their way back out of the cave and back to Hogsmeade. When they return, Madam Rosmerta informs them that the Dark Mark was conjured over the Astronomy Tower. In the tower, Dumbledore enjoins Harry not to interfere in the events that are about to take place there, and places him in a body-binding curse under his invisibility cloak. Hidden, Harry is unable to intervene as Dumbledore (now extremely weak) is disarmed by Draco. Dumbledore is conversing with Draco about the plot to kill him, when several other Death Eaters enter the tower and try to persuade Draco to kill Dumbledore. When Draco hesitates, Snape appears and performs the Killing Curse on Dumbledore, only after Dumbledore pleads with Snape saying, «Severus . . . please…». Dumbledore dies on Hogwarts’ grounds.

Shortly after his death, Dumbledore’s portrait magically appears in the Headmaster’s office. His funeral is attended by students, Hogwarts staff, members of the Ministry of Magic, ghosts, centaurs, merpeople and others who wish to pay their respects. Shrouded in purple velvet, he is entombed in a white marble sarcophagus beside the lake at Hogwarts, and it is said that he is the only headmaster to be buried on the school grounds.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Rowling used several chapters in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows to reveal two major details concerning Dumbledore: his early life and his death. The book introduces his parents, Percival and Kendra Dumbledore, as well as his little sister, Ariana; his brother, Aberforth Dumbledore, was mentioned in previous books. At six years old, Ariana was attacked by three Muggle boys who had witnessed her performing magic. Because of this attack, Ariana was seriously traumatised and never able to control her magic again. Enraged, Percival attacked the Muggle boys (killing them in the film version), and was given a life sentence in Azkaban. After this, Kendra moved her family to the village of Godric’s Hollow. In one of her outbursts, Ariana accidentally killed Kendra at around the time that Albus completed his education. Albus became the head of the family and was forced to remain in his house with his sister while Aberforth completed his education.

Soon afterward, a young Gellert Grindelwald arrived in Godric’s Hollow to live with his great-aunt, Bathilda Bagshot, author of A History of Magic. The two young men took to each other immediately, and together they dreamed of a world ruled by wizards over Muggles by uniting the legendary Deathly Hallows. They believed that if they were forced to destroy a few along the way, it would still be «for the greater good», and the sufferings and losses would be rewarded a hundredfold in the end. However, this scenario would never happen, as an argument between Albus, Aberforth, and Grindelwald led to a duel that resulted in Ariana’s death. For the rest of his life, Albus felt guilty, never certain whether it was his own curse or another’s that had killed his sister. Grindelwald stormed back to Bagshot’s home and departed to begin his own rule, leaving the country hours later. As a result of his mistakes, Albus felt that he was not to be trusted with power and, because of this, never took the position of Minister for Magic, despite being offered it several times. Dumbledore returned to Hogwarts as professor of Transfiguration, and he served in recruiting students for the school.

Decades later, in 1945,[18] Dumbledore finally defeated the now-Dark wizard Grindelwald, who had come to possess the Elder Wand. Grindelwald’s defeat made Dumbledore the master of the Elder Wand, which remained his until just before his death, when Draco used the Disarming Charm on him.

Dumbledore had another Hallow in his keeping since the death of James Potter: the Invisibility Cloak, which he had borrowed to examine. When James died, Dumbledore kept the cloak and decided to pass it on to Harry, James’ son.

The truth about Dumbledore’s death is revealed through Snape’s last memories in the Pensieve. Harry learns that Dumbledore made a terrible error by placing a cursed ring on his right hand, sometime between the fifth and sixth book, forgetting the curses that must be on the ring. The ring held the Resurrection Stone, which Dumbledore hoped to use to allow him to apologise to his sister and parents. Dumbledore called Snape to help him; however, when Snape arrived and assessed the curse, all he could do was contain it. Snape told Dumbledore that he had little more than a year to live. After hearing this news, Dumbledore revealed to Snape that he knew about Voldemort’s plan to have Draco kill him. He asked Snape to use the Killing Curse on him when the time came because he did not want Draco to have to kill him, saying that the boy’s soul was still intact; Draco’s soul would have been damaged in killing Dumbledore out of malice, whereas Snape was fully aware that he would be merely sparing Dumbledore pain and humiliation. He also intended for Snape to be the one to kill him and for the Elder Wand to be buried with him, in order to prevent the wand from being passed on again.

Dumbledore’s spirit appears to Harry towards the end of the book in a limbo-like King’s Cross, after Harry is struck with the Killing Curse which was conjured by Voldemort. During the last book, Harry finds out that he must die because he is a Horcrux. When Voldemort conjures the Killing Curse, Harry does not fight back, which stops him from dying. When they meet again, the boy comforts Dumbledore as he confesses all of his many regrets. Dumbledore then informs Harry of the choice he still has: of moving on to the next life or returning to his body to face Voldemort one last time. After returning from the mystical King’s Cross and defeating and killing Voldemort, Harry has a short conversation with Dumbledore’s portrait in the Headmaster’s office about the fate of each of the three Deathly Hallows. He keeps the Cloak, leaves the Stone in the Forbidden Forest where he dropped it, and returns the Elder Wand to Dumbledore’s tomb (from which Voldemort had stolen it). In the epilogue, it is revealed that Harry names his second son Albus Severus Potter after Dumbledore and Snape.

Portrayals within films

In the film adaptations of Philosopher’s Stone (2001) and Chamber of Secrets (2002), Dumbledore was played by Richard Harris, who was expected to play the character throughout the series. Harris was not the producer’s first choice, the studio initially approached Sean Connery and Patrick McGoohan for the role. Connery, who disliked the film’s subject matter, turned down the role while McGoohan, who showed interest, stepped away due to his declining health.[19] Harris mentioned that he was originally not going to take the role, since he knew his own health was in decline. He accepted because his then-11-year-old granddaughter threatened never to speak to him again if he did not take it.[20] Harris was determined to portray Dumbledore again in Prisoner of Azkaban (2004), despite having been diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma, and asked David Heyman not to recast the role.[21] However, his death on 25 October 2002 necessitated recasting.[22]

Christopher Lee was the producer’s immediate choice for replacing Harris, but scheduling conflicts due to Lee’s commitments as Saruman in The Lord of the Rings trilogy and Count Dooku in the Star Wars prequels forced him to decline.[23] Ian McKellen was also offered the role, but he turned it down, having played the similar character Gandalf in The Lord of the Rings trilogy, as well as feeling it would have been inappropriate to take Harris’ role, as Harris had called McKellen a «dreadful» actor.[24] Harris’ family had expressed an interest in seeing Peter O’Toole being chosen as his replacement.[25] Harry Robinson, who doubled for Harris in the first two films, and who also lent his voice in the first Harry Potter video game, was also considered for the role of Dumbledore.[26]

Michael Gambon was cast as Harris’ replacement four months after Harris’ death.[27] Gambon was not concerned about bettering Harris, and he portrayed the character in his own way, putting on a slight Irish accent for the role,[28] as well as completing his scenes in three weeks.[29] Gambon reprised his role in all the remaining films.

Toby Regbo was chosen to portray Dumbledore in his youth in Deathly Hallows – Part 1 and Part 2, for flashbacks scenes which provide essential information on the character’s backstory.[30]

Jude Law played the role of a younger Dumbledore in the prequel films, Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald (2018) and Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore (2022).[31][32]



Albus Dumbledore is tall and thin, with silver hair and beard (auburn in his youth) so long that they can be tucked into his belt. He has a very long and crooked nose that looks as if it has been broken at least twice. (It is speculated that his brother’s punch during their sister’s funeral may have played a role in shaping his nose.) He is also said to have long and skillful fingers. His eyes are described as being a brilliant, soul-piercing shade of blue, and usually twinkled with kindness and mischief.

Dumbledore wears half-moon spectacles and a colourful array of robes, ranging from purple to bright orange. He once claimed to have a scar above his left knee in the precise shape of a map of the London Underground, but whether or not he actually does is unknown. His demeanour is often – if not always – serene and ethereal, and he usually speaks in a calm, pleasant voice even when Harry thought that he is actually furious.

During the last year of his life, Dumbledore’s right hand is scarred when he dons Marvolo Gaunt’s Ring, which was cursed. Had Snape not intervened with a counter-curse, Dumbledore would have died much more quickly. Regardless, the curse left his hand blackened and dead-looking, and no amount of healing could repair the appearance. According to Snape, the curse would eventually spread itself from the contained hand, and Dumbledore was doomed to die in no more than one year’s time. Whether this means the blackening dead-look appearance would spread throughout the entire body is unknown.


Considered the most powerful wizard in the world, Dumbledore is benevolent and wise, a good wizard in the style of Merlin.[citation needed] He exudes an aura of serenity and composure, rarely displaying intense emotions of anger or fear. Yet despite his benign nature, it is said that Dumbledore is the only wizard Lord Voldemort ever truly feared. Dumbledore is very eccentric and even slightly effeminate; he is very fond of knitting patterns and frequently wears flamboyant clothing (at one point, he is seen wearing a flowered bonnet). He is also known for his odd displays of whimsicality; he often uses humour to make people feel comfortable in his presence. As a supremely talented wizard, Dumbledore displays numerous examples of extraordinary powers. His abilities as a wizard are combined with a kind of cunning and subtlety of mind that allowed him to comprehend human nature and turn the better aspects of humanity (trust, love, and friendship) to Voldemort’s disadvantage in particular.

More than anything else, Dumbledore has a deep capacity for love, frequently reminding Harry that love was the greatest magic of all. Dumbledore believes in the good in everyone and insists on giving second chances. The greatest example of this is Dumbledore’s relationship with Snape, in whom Dumbledore is willing to place a considerable amount of faith because he showed remorse. Dumbledore is highly perceptive and emotionally intelligent; his knowledge of a person’s true personality goes beyond simply being a good judge of character. This is never more apparent than in his complex insights into Voldemort’s psyche, which he pieces together with Harry to deduce where Voldemort’s horcruxes are hidden.

Dumbledore’s appearance hides a more steely aspect, as seen when apprehending Barty Crouch Jr who was masquerading as Mad-Eye Moody:

«At that moment, Harry understood for the first time why people said Dumbledore was the only wizard Voldemort had ever feared. The look upon Dumbledore’s face was more terrible than Harry could have ever imagined. There was no benign smile upon Dumbledore’s face, no twinkle in the eyes. There was cold fury in every line of the ancient face; a sense of power radiated from Dumbledore as though he were giving off burning heat.»[33]

However, in spite of Dumbledore’s many extraordinary qualities, he is a flawed character. According to Rowling, «Although Dumbledore seems to be so benign for six books, he’s quite a Machiavellian figure, really. He’s been pulling a lot of strings.»[34] In a 2005 interview, Rowling commented: «Immense brainpower does not protect you from emotional mistakes, and I think Dumbledore really exemplifies that.»[35] Dumbledore’s greatest flaw, which he admits to Harry, is his desire for power. He eventually finds that those best suited for power are those who do not seek it. When he and Grindelwald first meet, they make plans to enslave Muggles and re-establish wizards as the natural rulers of the world. However, Dumbledore becomes disillusioned of this fantasy after his sister Ariana is killed during a duel between himself, his brother Aberforth, and Grindelwald.

Dumbledore is haunted by his sad family history. In particular, he is riddled with guilt over the circumstances surrounding the death of his sister. He feels enormous remorse for his selfishness in getting involved in the circumstances that led to her death, and is tortured for the rest of his life by the possibility that he might have been the one who cast the spell that killed her. When he looks into the Mirror of Erised, he sees himself redeemed in the eyes of his brother and his entire family alive and together.

Magical abilities and skills

Since a young age, Dumbledore has always shown great magical abilities. During his education at Hogwarts, Dumbledore was known as the most brilliant student to have ever stepped into the school, winning «every prize of note that the school offered», and in his N.E.W.T.s, «… did things with a wand [the examiner had] never seen before». Rowling has said that Dumbledore is primarily self-taught, although he «had access to superb teachers at Hogwarts,» and, as far as his education is concerned, «Dumbledore’s family would be a profitable line of inquiry.»[36] While he is not vain, Dumbledore also exhibits no false modesty, readily acknowledging that he is unusually intelligent and an exceptionally powerful wizard. He admits a number of
times to Harry in their occasional meetings in Half-Blood Prince that he makes mistakes, and since he is smarter than most men, his mistakes «tend to be correspondingly huger.»

Dumbledore is an expert at nonverbal spells and is famous as an alchemist who has worked with Nicolas Flamel, the only known maker of the Philosopher’s Stone, and is credited with discovering the twelve uses of dragon’s blood. His Patronus takes the form of a phoenix,[37] a recurring symbol in the books.

His knowledge of the most powerful kind of magic, love, is extensive. He taught Harry about its very essence, and the innate power of his ability to love his parents, which eventually helped Harry realise his destiny to kill Lord Voldemort.

He is known to be able to conjure Gubraithian fire (magical everlasting fire). He has claimed to be able to become invisible without using an invisibility cloak, which is a powerful Disillusionment Charm. Dumbledore is also skilled in Occlumency and Legilimency. Dumbledore is an expert at Transfiguration too, having taught the subject before becoming headmaster. He frequently creates complex objects like sofa chairs out of thin air (or from less comfortable chairs). Dumbledore is also proficient at Charms and Potions; according to the obituary written by Elphias Doge, his papers were published in journals such as Achievements in Charming and The Practical Potioneer. Dumbledore is famous for defeating Grindelwald, who is second on a list of Most Dangerous Dark Wizards of All Time only to Voldemort himself, in a «spectacular duel of legend», succeeding in doing so despite the fact that Grindelwald possessed the Elder Wand, which supposedly guarantees invincibility in duels due to its power. His skill at duelling is further shown when he calmly engages Voldemort in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, overpowering him and eventually forcing him to possess Harry to be spared from total defeat. (It is known in retrospect that Dumbledore possessed the Elder Wand when duelling Voldemort, having taken it from Grindelwald.) Unlike most wizards who make a distinct popping sound when they apparate, Dumbledore notably is able to apparate silently; the only other wizard shown to possess this skill is Voldemort. Dumbledore is known to be able to understand Mermish and Gobbledegook (Goblin language) and Parseltongue.[38]


Dumbledore’s office houses «a number of curious […] instruments.» Among them is a Pensieve, a stone receptacle used to store and review memories, which witches and wizards are able to extract from their heads as a type of fluid. Harry first discovers this device in Goblet of Fire, and it is frequently used for flashback scenes throughout the remainder of the series. In the first chapter of Philosopher’s Stone, Dumbledore is seen using the Deluminator, a device for removing and later returning light, and for use as a homing device. It is confirmed in Deathly Hallows when the object is inherited by Ron that the Deluminator is of Dumbledore’s own design. Dumbledore is the possessor and master of the Elder Wand, an extremely powerful object known also as the «Wand of Destiny» or the «Deathstick», and one of the Deathly Hallows. Unlike many of the wand’s previous owners, Dumbledore keeps its identity a closely guarded secret. He also has a pet phoenix named Fawkes. It is revealed in Philosopher’s Stone by Mr. Ollivander that Harry’s wand carries a phoenix feather as its magical core and that particular phoenix only gave one other feather, the one in Voldemort’s wand that gave Harry his scar. It is later revealed in Goblet of Fire that Fawkes was the phoenix whose feathers provide the magical core in Harry’s and Voldemort’s wands.


Through various interviews and discussions about the character, Rowling has established that Albus Dumbledore was born in July or August[39][40] 1881[41] to Percival and Kendra Dumbledore.[11] The character had previously referenced his brother Aberforth, and in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, it is revealed that Albus is three years older than Aberforth. The same book introduced their sister Ariana who, at six years old, suffers a vicious attack by three male Muggle youths who had witnessed her doing magic. Frightened, they first try to get her to repeat what they had seen, and upon her failure to recreate it due to her young age, they try to stop her from being «different». The severe trauma of the attack leaves Ariana unable to function socially or to properly perform magic again. It is not explicitly stated in the novel what form this attack took, but Percival is given a life sentence in Azkaban for tracking down and hexing the boys who traumatised his daughter. To prevent her being institutionalised in St. Mungo’s Hospital, or hurting someone accidentally with her uncontrolled magic, Kendra moves the family to Godric’s Hollow, and conceals Ariana’s illness. Their wizarding neighbours and acquaintances assumed that Ariana is a non-magical squib, and that Kendra is hiding her out of shame.

When Dumbledore and his friend Elphias Doge leave Hogwarts at the age of 18, they plan to take their «then-traditional» tour of the world. On the eve of their trip, however, Ariana accidentally kills Kendra during one of her uncontrolled outbursts of magic. Because Dumbledore’s parents are absent (his father in Azkaban and his mother dead), he becomes the head of the family and it becomes his duty to put food on the table, as the family’s misfortunes have left them poor. He is forced to remain in his house with Ariana while Aberforth completes his education. Aberforth knows of his brother’s resentment and offers to care for Ariana himself, claiming that she prefers him to Albus, but Albus refuses, stating that it is his duty as the eldest child to care for the family.

When Gellert Grindelwald arrives at Godric’s Hollow, he and Dumbledore become immediate friends, and the two dream of a new world order in which wizards rule over Muggles «for the greater good». Dumbledore and Grindelwald suggest that they have to leave the Dumbledore home to carry on their plans, but Aberforth protested against this, as Ariana’s condition would not allow her to be moved. The ensuing argument between Albus, Aberforth and Grindelwald turns into a duel, and as Ariana becomes more and more stimulated, she is caught in the crossfire and killed — though neither Albus nor Aberforth are sure whether one of them or Grindlewald caused her death. Stricken with grief and remorse, Dumbledore breaks ties with Grindelwald for good. According to the author, as a result of this, Dumbledore’s boggart becomes Ariana’s corpse.[42] In Philosopher’s Stone, he also mentions to Harry that the deepest desire of his heart, revealed by the Mirror of Erised, is to have a pair of woollen socks, but in the seventh novel, Harry realises that he and Dumbledore see the same thing in the Mirror: their reunited families.


The character of Albus Dumbledore has been compared to other archetypal «wise old man» characters. Dumbledore acts much like Merlin from The Sword in the Stone, in the manner of an «absent-minded professor»;[43] both Merlin and Dumbledore educate a story’s main character in a castle. As writer Evelyn Perry notes, «Dumbledore resembles Merlin both personally and physically; he is an avid lover of books and wisdom who wears flowing robes and a long, white beard.»[44] Dumbledore has also been compared with Gandalf from J. R. R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings.[45] Dave Kopel draws comparisons between Rowling’s writing and John Bunyan’s The Pilgrim’s Progress and states that, among the Christian symbols that Rowling has used in her books, Dumbledore acts like «the bearded God the Father» figure in which Harry puts his faith to be saved from Voldemort and his servants.[46] IGN also listed Dumbledore as their fifth favourite Harry Potter character, saying that «[f]or a character that was introduced into popular culture a mere twelve years ago, it speaks volumes that Professor Dumbledore has already taken his place among the great mentor figures in literature and film».[47] IGN’s Joe Utichi called Dumbledore his third favourite Harry Potter character, calling the revelation that he wasn’t so «infallible» one of the most heartbreaking themes of the final book.[48] Actor Michael Gambon received some criticism for his louder, more aggressive, portrayal of the character, who is depicted as exhibiting a more subdued, unflappable calm in the books. This has been attributed to Gambon’s policy of not reading the source material from which his films are adapted.[49]

As a main character of the series, major facts relating to Dumbledore have generated a vast number of essays and discussions. The death of Dumbledore at the end of Half-Blood Prince was discussed by fans and critics alike. A website named DumbledoreIsNotDead.com sought to understand the events of the sixth book in a different way and provided arguments to claim that the character did not really die.[50] However, Rowling confirmed on 2 August 2006 that Dumbledore was, in fact, dead, humorously apologising to the website as she did so.[51] Along with DumbledoreIsNotDead.com, a collection of essays, Who Killed Albus Dumbledore?: What Really Happened in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince? Six Expert Harry Potter Detectives Examine the Evidence, was published by Zossima Press in November 2006.[52] In NextMovie.com’s Harry Potter Mega Poll, Dumbledore’s death was voted as the most unforgettable moment in the whole series.[53]

In the Chamber of Secrets DVD interview, screenwriter Steve Kloves stated that he considers Dumbledore a fascinating character because of the wisdom he provides, but he feels that «Dumbledore bears such a tremendous dark burden, and he knows secrets and I think in many ways he bears the weight of the future of the wizard world» and the «only way that he can keep that at bay, the darkness, is to be whimsical and humorous».[6]


Rowling’s statement that Dumbledore was gay caused a great debate among critics. Melissa Anelli, webmaster of the fan site The Leaky Cauldron, told The Associated Press, «J. K. Rowling calling any Harry Potter character gay would make wonderful strides in tolerance toward homosexuality. … By dubbing someone so respected, so talented and so kind, as someone who just happens to be also homosexual, she’s reinforcing the idea that a person’s gayness is not something of which they should be ashamed.»[54] Entertainment Weeklys Mark Harris said «her choice to make a beloved professor-mentor gay in a world where gay teachers are still routinely slandered as malign influences was, I am certain, no accident.»[55] The stars and director of the Harry Potter films were supportive of Rowling’s revelation as well.[56] A spokesperson for Stonewall praised Rowling, saying «It’s great that JK has said this. It shows that there’s no limit to what gay and lesbian people can do, even being a wizard headmaster.»[57]

Some critics discussed the implications of this statement. The New York Times columnist Edward Rothstein said that «Ms. Rowling may think of Dumbledore as gay»; however, «there is no reason why anyone else should».[58] The East Tennessee State University’s student newspaper accused Rowling of lying, saying her answer was a publicity stunt.[59] Michelle Smith quoted the Death of the Author principle, stating that Rowling’s subsequent commentary is irrelevant to the understanding of the books.[60]

Slate quotes an attendee of the book talk who said, «It was clear that JKR didn’t plan to out Dumbledore. She just cares about being true to her readers.»[61] Mike Thomas of the Orlando Sentinel said that upon reflection, Dumbledore was gay from the beginning, and that this neatly explains the behaviour of his character and his relationship with Grindelwald. Thomas notes the skill Rowling displays in writing a gay character without having to put a gay label on him.[62]

Gay rights campaigner Peter Tatchell stated that «It’s good that children’s literature includes the reality of gay people, since we exist in every society. But I am disappointed that she did not make Dumbledore’s sexuality explicit in the Harry Potter book. Making it obvious would have sent a much more powerful message of understanding and acceptance.»[57]

Writing for Time, John Cloud, a gay man, argued that Dumbledore’s silence in the books about his identity amounts to him being ashamed of his sexuality:[63] «Why couldn’t he tell us himself? The Potter books add up to more than 800,000 words before Dumbledore dies in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, yet Rowling couldn’t spare two of those words to help define a central character’s emotional identity: «I’m gay.» We can only conclude that Dumbledore saw his homosexuality as shameful. His silence suggests a lack of personal integrity that is completely out of character.»

Regarding Dumbledore’s sexuality in the Fantastic Beasts series, Rowling said in 2016 that, «As far as his sexuality is concerned, watch this space».[64]


In 2011, Dumbledore was one of eight British magical figures, which included the wizards Merlin (from Arthurian legend) and Rincewind (from Terry Pratchett’s Discworld), and the White Witch (from The Chronicles of Narnia), that were commemorated on a series of UK postage stamps issued by the Royal Mail.[65]

In popular culture

Dumbledore has been parodied in several sketches and animated series:

  • In The Simpsons 2006 episode «The Haw-Hawed Couple», Lisa asks Homer to read her Angelica Button book to her for bedtime. Homer, learning that the character Headmaster Greystash will die (as Dumbledore did in Half-Blood Prince), hides the fact from Lisa by inventing a happier ending, though Lisa does read the real ending and decides that Homer’s was better.[66]
  • Dumbledore also stars in Neil Cicierega’s Potter Puppet Pals, in which he frequently strips completely naked, except for his hat, randomly in the story. Dumbledore also tends to use the exclamation «Alas!» in an apparently incorrect place, parodying Rowling’s love for unusual words. In the episode «Ron’s Disease», Dumbledore reveals himself to be «a gay android».[67]
  • Albus Dumbledore appears in some episodes of Robot Chicken, voiced by Seth Green. In «Password: Swordfish», when the threat of the puberty creature Pubertis is known, Dumbledore gives Harry a stone that might help him fight Pubertis. During this appearance, Dumbledore is an African-American who states that he is played by a different actor in each of the movies. Upon confrontation with Pubertis, Harry rubs the stone two times, which summons ghosts to punch it. When it comes to the third time, Dumbledore appears and tells Harry that the stone can only be warmed up three times a day (four if he takes a week off) and that Pubertis cannot be destroyed since it lives in everyone just like his own demon Wandus Limpus prevents him from having meaningful relationships. In «I Love Her», Dumbledore tells the students that Professor Snape suffered a «minor potion accident» and has enlisted Criss Angel as their substitute teacher.
  • In 2003, Comic Relief performed a spoof story called Harry Potter and the Secret Chamberpot of Azerbaijan, in which Dumbledore is portrayed by Nigel Planer, who wore the beard and costume of late Richard Harris.[68][69]
  • Dumbledore also appears in one of the Harry Bladder sketches in All That, portrayed by Kenan Thompson’s old character Principal Williame Banes Pimpell (who appeared as Headmaster Pimpell).
  • After the revelation of Dumbledore’s sexuality, the American skit comedy Saturday Night Live featured a sketch featuring Rowling (played by Amy Poehler) showing «deleted scenes» from Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban where Dumbledore (played by Bill Hader) acts stereotypically gay.[70]
  • In A Very Potter Musical (2009), Dumbledore is played by actor Dylan Saunders.
  • Dumbledore appears in an episode of Icons of Teen from the YouTube channel, Shut Up! Cartoons, voiced by Justin Roiland. As a teenager, Dumbledore liked to do magic and make robotic copies of himself. One day, he went scuba diving to earn his scuba diving badge for scouts. Dumbledore gets scared and stays on the boat while his crush Charlene and the scoutmaster go diving. They run into a giant sea monster and Charlene closes her eyes and says Dumbledore, a trick he taught her. Dumbledore receives her distress signal and dives in after them. He meets a talking dolphin who agrees to help Dumbledore if he can eat him in the end. Dumbledore suggests he eat the scoutmaster and the dolphin takes him to his friends. Dumbledore makes a robotic copy and sends it into the creature’s stomach, distracting the creature long enough for Dumbledore, Charlene and the scoutmaster to escape. Charlene thanks Dumbledore for saving them. Dumbledore makes a sexual comment but plays it off like she said it. Charlene asks where the scoutmaster is; Dumbledore says he’s gone somewhere, when really the dolphin ate him. Dumbledore then decides to build a robot copy of the scoutmaster to prevent anyone from finding out what happened to him.
  • Albus Dumbledore appears in The Lego Movie (2014), though his voice actor is not credited. He is seen among the Master Builders who meet with Vitruvius in Cloud Cuckoo Land, including a Lego version of Gandalf from The Lord of the Rings.


  1. ^ Hirsch, Anne-Christin (2008). Names and Their Underlying Mythology in J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter-Novels. Munich, Germany: GRIN Verlag. p. 7. ISBN 978-3-640-16412-7.
  2. ^ Kroll, Justin (12 April 2017). «Jude Law to Play Young Dumbledore in ‘Fantastic Beasts’ Sequel (EXCLUSIVE)». Variety. Los Angeles, California: Penske Media Corporation. Retrieved 12 April 2017.
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  5. ^ «Of Course J.K. Rowling Misses Dumbledore the Most». The Atlantic. 27 August 2013. Retrieved 12 May 2022.
  6. ^ a b Chamber of Secrets DVD: Interview with Steve Kloves and J.K. Rowling (DVD). February 2003.
  7. ^ «Living with Harry» — J. K. Rowling Interview». Christmas Special. 10 December 2005. BBC Radio4.
  8. ^ «J.K. Rowling at the Royal Albert Hall». MSN.com. 26 June 2003. Archived from the original on 12 November 2006. Retrieved 12 May 2022.
  9. ^ «J. K. Rowling Interview». The Connection. 12 October 1999. WBUR Radio.
  10. ^ Rowling, J. K. (1997). Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. London: Bloomsbury/New York City: Scholastic, et al. UK ISBN 0-7475-3269-9/U.S. ISBN 0-590-35340-3., page 106
  11. ^ a b «About the Books: transcript of J.K. Rowling’s live interview on Scholastic.com». Scholastic.com. 16 October 2000. Archived from the original on 23 April 2011. Retrieved 20 March 2011.
  12. ^ «Wizard of the Month Archive». J.K. Rowling Official Site. Archived from the original on 2 March 2009. Retrieved 20 March 2011.
  13. ^ «Rowling dubs Dumbledore of ‘Harry Potter’ books as gay». Daily News. New York City. 19 October 2007. Archived from the original on 21 October 2007. Retrieved 20 October 2007.
  14. ^ «J.K. Rowling outs Hogwarts character». Associated Press. 20 October 2007. Archived from the original on 21 October 2007. Retrieved 22 October 2007.
  15. ^ «JK Rowling says wizard Dumbledore is gay». Reuters. 20 October 2007. Retrieved 2 August 2008.
  16. ^ Amini, Adeel (9 March 2008). «Minister of Magic». Mugglenet.com. Archived from the original on 11 March 2008. Retrieved 14 March 2008.
  17. ^ a b Rowling, J.K. (1997). «Chapter XII: The Mirror of Erised». Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. London, England: Bloomsbury. ISBN 0-7475-3269-9.
  18. ^ This is mentioned in Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone.
  19. ^ «Harry Potter: The Actors Who Almost Played Dumbledore». ScreenRant. 1 January 2020. Retrieved 3 March 2021.
  20. ^ «Richard Harris turned down Harry Potter three times». The Guardian. 14 September 2001. Retrieved 16 March 2021.
  21. ^ Jensen, Jeff (28 October 2005). «A Look Back». Entertainment Weekly. Archived from the original on 14 October 2018. Retrieved 10 October 2007.
  22. ^ «Actor Richard Harris dies». BBC News. 25 October 2002. Archived from the original on 6 December 2002. Retrieved 3 March 2010.
  23. ^ «Harry Potter: The Actors Who Almost Played Dumbledore». ScreenRant. 1 January 2020. Retrieved 3 March 2021.
  24. ^ Hinman, Michael (29 November 2007). «No Regrets For McKellen in Turning Down Harry Potter». SyFy Portal. Archived from the original on 1 December 2007. Retrieved 30 November 2007.
  25. ^ Whitty, Stephen (15 July 2011). «‘Harry Potter’: The best could-have beens…» The Star-Ledger. Retrieved 2 January 2017.
  26. ^ «Oxford Harry Potter actor who played Dumbledore’s double has died». Oxford Mail. Retrieved 29 September 2021.
  27. ^ «Dumbledore and Sirius cast for Azkaban». Newsround. 21 February 2003. Retrieved 10 October 2007.
  28. ^ Vaughan, Johnny; Henry, Lenny (2004). Head to Shrunken Head (DVD). Warner Bros. Pictures.
  29. ^ Synnot, Siobhan (30 May 2004). «Olivier, Dumbledore and two broken ribs». The Scotsman. Retrieved 30 November 2007.
  30. ^ Martin, Michael (12 October 2010). «Toby Regbo». Interview.
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  32. ^ «Jude Law cast as Albus Dumbledore in next Fantastic Beasts film». Pottermore. Retrieved 15 March 2018.
  33. ^ Goblet of Fire, p.439, text condensed
  34. ^ Adler, Shawn (12 October 2007). «Harry Potter’s Author J. K. Rowling Meets With L.A. Students, Plots Her Next Move». New York City: MTV. Retrieved 18 April 2008.
  35. ^ Spartz, Emerson; Anelli, Melissa (16 July 2005). «MuggleNet and The Leaky Cauldron interview Joanne Kathleen Rowling». mugglenet.com. Archived from the original on 12 June 2012. Retrieved 21 October 2007.
  36. ^ Spartz, Emerson; Anelli, Melissa (16 July 2005). «MuggleNet and The Leaky Cauldron interview Joanne Kathleen Rowling: Part 3». MuggleNet. Archived from the original on 11 October 2007. Retrieved 21 October 2007.
  37. ^ «J.K. Rowling at the Edinburgh Book Festival». J. K. Rowling Official Site. 15 August 2004. Archived from the original on 7 January 2005. Retrieved 10 May 2022.
  38. ^ «Webchat with J.K. Rowling», Harry Potter at Bloomsbury, 30 July 2007. Retrieved 21 October 2007.
  39. ^ «Birthdate: 1881 (JKR), probably in July or August. This date supersedes Rowling’s statement in 2001 that Dumbledore was «about 150 years old» (Blue Nose Day) and fits better with the dates that appear in Book 7. Regarding his month of birth, Rita Skeeter states in The Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore that Dumbledore was «nearing» his 18th birthday when he left Hogwarts in June, but was still 17 when he met Grindelwald (DH18). Basically, at some point during Grindelwald’s stay at Godric’s Hollow Dumbledore turned 18, so the month of his birth appears to be July or August.» [1] retrieved 10 July 2008
  40. ^ Time Line of Dumbledore’s Life retrieved July-09-2008
  41. ^ J.K. Rowling. «J.K. Rowling Official Site». Archived from the original on 31 March 2008.
  42. ^ J. K. Rowling Web Chat Transcript – The Leaky Cauldron
  43. ^ «Real Wizards: The Search for Harry’s Ancestors». Channel 4. 2001. Archived from the original on 18 October 2012. Retrieved 1 June 2007.
  44. ^ Perry, Evelyn M. «Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone Novel». Farmingham State College. Archived from the original on 24 October 2006. Retrieved 1 June 2007.
  45. ^ «Gandalf vs Dumbledore: Ian McKellen Talks Wizards». The Leaky Cauldron. 24 November 2007.
  46. ^ Kopel, Dave. «Some Random Facts About The Weasley Family». J.K. Rowling Official Site. Archived from the original on 24 June 2007. Retrieved 10 July 2007.
  47. ^ Linder, Brian; Pirrello, Phil; Goldman, Eric; Fowler, Matt (14 July 2009). «Top 25 Harry Potter Characters». IGN. Archived from the original on 19 July 2009. Retrieved 3 April 2011.
  48. ^ Utichi, Joe (3 November 2010). «The Top 10 Harry Potter Characters». IGN. Archived from the original on 6 November 2010. Retrieved 3 April 2011.
  49. ^ Rosenfield, Kat (18 November 2015). «A Brief History of the Worst ‘Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire’ Mistake Ever». New York City: MTV. Retrieved 27 November 2015.
  50. ^ Haber, David (19 July 2005). «Dumbledore Is Not Dead!». Beyond Hogwarts. Retrieved 21 March 2011.
  51. ^ «Dumbledore ‘definitely’ dead, says Rowling». HPANA. 2 August 2006. Archived from the original on 8 February 2011. Retrieved 21 March 2011.
  52. ^ Granger, John, ed. (2006). Who Killed Albus Dumbledore?: What Really Happened in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince? Six Expert Harry Potter Detectives Examine the Evidence. Unlocking Press. ISBN 978-0972322119.
  53. ^ Harris, Scott (14 July 2011). «‘Harry Potter’ Mega Poll: The Mega Results!». NextMovie.com. Archived from the original on 17 July 2011. Retrieved 25 July 2011.
  54. ^ «Dumbledore’s outing gives text new meaning». Today.com. 21 October 2007. Retrieved 4 August 2009.
  55. ^ Evans, Mark (30 October 2007). «Dumbledore: A Lovely Outing». Entertainment Weekly. New York City: Meredith Corporation. Retrieved 21 March 2011.
  56. ^ Masters, Tim (12 November 2007). «Potter stars react to gay twist». BBC News. London, England: BBC. Retrieved 21 March 2011.
  57. ^ a b «JK Rowling outs Dumbledore as gay». BBC News. London, England: BBC. 20 October 2007. Retrieved 13 August 2016.
  58. ^ Rothstein, Edward (29 October 2007). «Is Dumbledore Gay? Depends on Definitions of ‘Is’ and ‘Gay’«. The New York Times. London, England. Retrieved 29 October 2007.
  59. ^ «The Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore». East Tennessean. 22 October 2007. Archived from the original on 30 January 2010. Retrieved 21 March 2011.
  60. ^ Smith, Michelle (22 December 2014). «The ‘death’ of J. K. Rowling: Why it doesn’t matter what she has to say about Harry Potter». The Conversation.
  61. ^ Wamsley, Laurel (22 October 2007). «Bloggerson Stephen Colbert’s presidential run». Slate. New York City: The Slate Group. Archived from the original on 24 October 2007.
  62. ^ Thomas, Mike (22 October 2007). «So Dumbledore is Gay». Orlando Sentinel. Orlando, Florida: Tribune Publishing Company. Archived from the original on 22 May 2011. Retrieved 21 March 2011.
  63. ^ Cloud, John (25 October 2007). «Outing Dumbledore». Time. Retrieved 17 August 2021.
  64. ^ Robinson, Will (10 November 2016). «J.K. Rowling Addresses Whether Dumbledore Will Be Openly Gay in ‘Fantastic Beasts’ Sequel». Entertainment Weekly. New York City: Meredith Corporation. Retrieved 14 March 2018.
  65. ^ «Gallery: Royal Mail: Stamps from magical realms». The Guardian. Retrieved 22 September 2022.
  66. ^ «The Haw-Hawed Couple Epison Recap». tv.com. Archived from the original on 6 February 2008. Retrieved 15 July 2007.
  67. ^ «The Potter Puppet Pals». The Potter Puppet Pals Official Website. Archived from the original on 16 July 2007. Retrieved 15 July 2007.
  68. ^ «Harry Potter and the Secret Chamberpot of Azerbaijan». tv.com. Archived from the original on 2 November 2012. Retrieved 8 July 2007.
  69. ^ «French and Saunders: Harry Potter and the Secret Chamberpot of Azerbaijan». .frenchandsaunders.com. 19 February 2003. Retrieved 8 July 2007.
  70. ^ «SNL Videos». Bill Hader Online. Archived from the original on 25 March 2014. Retrieved 3 April 2011.

External links

  • Albus Dumbledore on Harry Potter Wiki, an external wiki
  • Dumbledore’s page at the Harry Potter Lexicon
  • J. K. Rowling defines Dumbledore’s sexuality
  • Nancy Podcast #5: There Are No Gay Wizards

Альбус Дамблдор — один из ключевых персонажей истории про Гарри Поттера, старый седой дедушка, который является также сильнейшим светлым магом и учредителем Ордена феникса. Сыграл ключевую роль в уничтожении двух тёмных лордов — Волдеморта и Гриндевальда. Был одним из обладателей бузинной палочки, которая входила в число даров смерти, которыми хотели завладеть величайшие злодеи. Являлся членом высшего суда волшебников, Визенгамота, участвовал в вынесении приговоров по делам бывших сторонников Волдеморта.

Дедче Дамблдор и его будущий убийца Северус Снейп

Ранняя биография[править]

Родился в семье с братом (Аберфорт) и сестрой где-то во второй половине 19 века, при этом сестра была скорбна духом и практически не умела даже разговаривать, то есть по сути была инвалидкой.

В молодости был близко знаком с магом Гриндевальдом (который приехал в Англию с Восточной Европы), с которым они узнали про дары смерти и приняли решение найти их, после чего использовать ради установления власти над магическим миром. Одно время были весьма успешны, но потом поссорились после того, как Гриндевальд впал в неадекват и случайно убил сестру Дамблдора, после этого Дамблдор разоружает Гриндевальда и проводит его магическую «депортацию» из Англии.

Дамблдор начинает выступать против Гриндевальда после их первого сражения, считает что путь того идет в никуда, и он станет банальным тираном, который может пошатнуть слабый волшебный мир. Долгое время избегает прямого сражения с тёмным магом, который за это время успел завладеть даже Старшей волшебной палочкой и стал практически непобедимым. Однако сражение таки произошло (в 1945 году), в результате эпичного боя Дамблдор победил Гриндевальда и стал официальным владельцем сразу пары даров смерти — Старшей палочки и Плаща-невидимки. Гриндевальд же был посажен в тюрьму на острове, где провёл остаток жизни, пока по его душу не пришёл лорд Волдеморт. С момента победы Дамблдор стал величайшим магом современности, наиболее мощным из всех известных волшебников мира, которого все уважали и боялись. О его подвиге в народе слагались легенды.

В Хогвартсе[править]

Дамблдор сделал неплохую карьеру среди магов, он стал работать в школе магии и волшебства Хогвартс, начинал с профессора по защите от тёмных искусств (которую преподавал в течение 20 лет), затем преподавал трансфигурацию (примерно 25 лет), наконец, стал директором школы и эту должность занимал почти 40 лет. Дамблдор был свидетелем поступления в школу сироты Тома Реддла, которого зачислять в школу ездил лично он. Дамблдор пристально приглядывал за Реддлом, который встал на скользкий путь. Когда тот после учёбы хотел устроиться в Хогвартсе в качестве профессора по защиту от тёмных искусств Дамблдор отказал ему, не особо обосновывая причину отказа. В скором времени Дамблдор встал у истоков Ордена феникса, который стал главным противовесом Волдеморту, который стремительно набирал свою мощь и готовился к захвату власти в волшебном мире. Дамблдор стал тем, кто управлял всем из-за кулис с целью поражения Волдеморта, в частности выращивал самого Гарри Поттера, который, согласно предсказанию, станет тем, кто убьёт Темного лорда. Он постоянно шёл на вынужденные жертвы во имя того, чтобы план работал. Например, намеренно определил Гарри в дом его дальних родственников с тем, чтобы сохранялась специальная защита, которой бы у Гарри не было, живи он у других людей (не имеющих родственной крови).

Именно в роли директора старикано встречает Гарри в первый раз. Он оказывается большое покровительство для Гарри и передает ему Плащ, который тот использует не раз для скрытного передвижения. Дамблдор обычно прямо не вмешивается в ситуации, которые происходят вокруг Гарри, но негласно всё программирует на начальном этапе. Именно он фактически помог Гарри одолеть Квирелла в первой книге, освободить Сириуса Блэка в третьей книге, а уже в конце пятой книги открыто выступает против Волдеморта и сражается с ним в Министерстве магии, но поединок прекращается, так как сам Волдеморт не желает его заканчивать. В шестой книге Снейп в ходе решающего штурма Хогвартса убивает Дамблдора, при этом его гибель заранее согласована (так как Снейп продолжал оставаться тайным агентом Дамблдора и входит в состав Ордена феникса).

После того, как Гарри оказывается поражён Волдемортом, но не умирает, а видит некое место, где находится большой поезд, останки Волдеморта и Дамблдор, который рассказывает всю суть истории и объясняет, что был уничтожен последний крестраж. То есть по всей видимости Дамблдор стал призраком или же каким-то образом продолжил жить после смерти. Однако в дальнейшем он уже не появляется.


В самих романах про ГП не упоминается ничего про ориентацию Дамблдора (и вообще никогда не встречаются вопросы гомоса), однако Джоан Роулинг в 2007 году (вскоре после выхода последней книги эпопеи о ГП) заявила, что «на самом деле» Дамблдор был слаб на задок и якобы потрахивал того самого Гриндевальда, великого тёмного волшебника, предположительно с России. В 2019 году старая домохозяйка вернулась к теме ориентации Дамблдора и уже начала смаковать подробности того, как кто кого жахал из двух молодых любовников. Сделано это было видимо в целях пиара в новые политкорректные времена. Фанаты отнеслись к такому странному каминг-ауту в целом неодобрительно.

Дополнительное чтение[править]

  • Флуд на тему того добро или зло на самом деле Дамблдор
  • Жизнь и обманы Альбуса Дамблдора (фан-творчество по мотивам одноимённой книги, написанной Ритой Скитер в рамках посмертной атаки на Дамблдора)
Deathly Hallows Sign.webp Гарри Поттер — известная сказка про волшебников
Суть Джоан Роулинг • Гарри Поттер • Фантастические твари и где они обитают • Фантастические твари: Преступления Гриндельвальда • Hogwarts Legacy
Основные персонажи Волдеморт • Дамблдор • Гермиона Грейнджер • Рон Уизли • Драко Малфой • Северус Снейп • Хагрид • Сириус Блэк
Второстепенные п-жи Геллерт Грин-де-Вальд • Семейство Мракс
Места Хогвартс • Азкабан • Хогсмид • Запретный лес • Годрикова впадина
Предметы Бузинная палочка • Дары смерти • Палочка Гарри Поттера • Кубок огня • Авада Кедавра • Империус • Круцио
Мемы Саурон и Волдеморт • Жукпук • Травля Гарри Поттера • Фанфики по Гарри Поттеру • Аристократофилия • Дамбигад • Анус Запеканус
Пародии Барри Троттер • Порри Гаттер • Таня Гроттер • Гарри Поттер и методы рационального мышления
Biden mara2.jpg Большой возраст-с
Основы Дед • Старичелло • Старый пердун • Старик • Пенсионер • Патриарх • Олдфаг • Старпёры
Дедки Леонид Брежнев • Юрий Андропов • Борух Ельцин • Джо Байден • Джозеф Байден • Дед Мороз • Збигнев Бжезинский • Сергей Сигачёв • Калвин Зиберт • Келебримбор • Том Бомбадил • Сенго Мурамаса • Валерий Пякин • Альбус Дамблдор • Опасный дед • Дамбигад • Си Цзиньпин • Роджер Пенроуз • Дамблдор • Сергей Сухинов • Хью Хефнер
Производные слова Дедовщина • Деды воевали • Старый софист • Старый ворчун • Возрастной
Эта статья является частью цикла статей о волшебном мире Гарри Поттера.
Персонаж мира Гарри Поттера
Albus Dumbledore
Майкл Гэмбон в роли Альбуса Дамблдора в фильме Гарри Поттер и Кубок Огня
Альбус Дамблдор
Пол Мужской
Цвет волос седые (серебристые), в прошлом — каштановые
Цвет глаз ярко-голубые
Факультет Гриффиндор
Чистота крови Полукровка
Сторона Орден Феникса, Хогвартс
Патронус феникс
Волшебная палочка Бузинная Палочка
Первое появление Гарри Поттер и философский камень
Роль в фильмах Ричард Харрис
Майкл Гэмбон

А́льбус Пе́рсиваль Ву́лфрик Бра́йан Да́мблдор (англ. Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, июль или август 1881—1997) — один из главных персонажей серии книг о Гарри Поттере английской писательницы Дж. К. Роулинг, был директором школы чародейства и волшебства «Хогвартс»(в настоящее время Минерва Макгонагалл), Верховный чародей Визенгамота (суда волшебников), кавалер ордена Мерлина первой степени, основатель Ордена Феникса, председатель Международной Конференции Волшебников.

На коллекционной карточке с изображением Дамблдора о нём говорится следующее:

Альбус Дамблдор, в настоящее время директор школы «Хогвартс». Считается величайшим волшебником нашего времени. Профессор знаменит своей победой над темным волшебником Грин-де-Вальдом в 1945 году, открытием двенадцати способов применения крови дракона и своими трудами по алхимии в соавторстве с Николасом Фламелем. Хобби — камерная музыка и игра в кегли.

Образ Дамблдора во многом похож на классические образы Мерлина и Гэндальфа. Это могущественный добрый волшебник, обладающий, несмотря на величественный вид и почтенный возраст, живым чувством юмора и недюжинной силой ума. Однако, после выхода в свет последней книги цикла, в которой описывается темное прошлое Дамблдора и раскрываются истинные мотивы некоторых его поступков, мнения читателей относительно него разделились. В частности, многие обвиняют Дамблдора в расчетливом и жестоком использовании Гарри Поттера и Северуса Снегга для победы над Волан-де-Мортом. Джоан Роулинг в интервью, состоявшихся перед 7-й книгой, отзывается об этом персонаже как о «маккиавелиевской фигуре», подчеркивая его неоднозначность.


  • 1 Происхождение имени
  • 2 Жизнеописание Дамблдора
    • 2.1 До рождения Гарри Поттера
      • 2.1.1 Семья Дамблдора
      • 2.1.2 Дамблдор и Грин-де-Вальд
      • 2.1.3 Дамблдор и Волан-де-Морт
    • 2.2 После рождения Гарри Поттера
      • 2.2.1 Противостояние Министерству
      • 2.2.2 Поиск крестражей
  • 3 Личность Дамблдора
    • 3.1 Внешность
    • 3.2 Характер
    • 3.3 Взгляды на жизнь
    • 3.4 Звания
  • 4 Дамблдор в кино
  • 5 Интересные факты
  • 6 Ссылки

Происхождение имени

Имя Дамблдора — Альбус по латыни — белый. Фамилия Дамблдор образована от староанглийского слова, означающее шмель.

Жизнеописание Дамблдора

До рождения Гарри Поттера

Вся нижеследующая информация становится известна читателю лишь в седьмой книге цикла («Гарри Поттер и Дары смерти»).

Семья Дамблдора

Персиваль Дамблдор Кендра Дамблдор
Альбус Дамблдор Аберфорт Дамблдор Ариана Дамблдор

Альбус Дамблдор родился в 1881 г. у Персиваля и Кендры Дамблдор. Три года спустя родился его брат Аберфорт, а вскоре после этого — сестра Ариана. Когда Ариане было шесть лет, на нее напали дети-маглы (после того, как увидели, что она использует волшебство). В результате этого нападения она стала душевнобольной. Отец Альбуса Персиваль отомстил им и был осужден на пожизненное заключение в Азкабане. Он не рассказал суду о причинах своего поступка, чтобы Ариану не поместили в госпиталь святого Мунго. После этого происшествия семья переехала в Годрикову впадину. Кендра тщательно скрывала дочь от посторонних глаз, откуда соседи сделали вывод, что Ариана — сквиб.

Вскоре Дамблдор поступил в школу «Хогвартс», на факультет Гриффиндор и стал самым блестящим учеником в ее истории. Он получал все почетные награды, какие были учреждены школой, вступил в переписку с самыми знаменитыми волшебниками того времени, включая прославленного алхимика Николаса Фламеля, известного историка Батильду Бэгшот и теоретика магии Адальберта Уоффлинга. Некоторые его статьи были приняты к публикации такими научными журналами, как «Трансфигурация сегодня», «Проблемы чароведения» и «Практика зельеварения».

После окончания школы Дамблдор планировал отправиться в традиционное путешествие вместе со своим старым другом Элфиасом Дожем, однако этому помешала смерть Кендры, случайно убитой Арианой во время очередного приступа.

Дамблдор и Грин-де-Вальд

Став главой семьи, Дамблдор был вынужден оставаться дома вместе с Арианой, пока Аберфорт заканчивал свое образование. По его словам, он вернулся домой злой и несчастный. Дамблдору казалось, что на его блестящей карьере поставлен крест, что его жизнь загублена, и эти чувства пересиливали его любовь к родным. Поэтому когда по соседству с Дамблдором поселился молодой и не менее способный маг Геллерт Грин-де-Вальд, внучатый племянник Батильды Бэгшот, его идеи буквально воспламенили Дамблдора. Грин-де-Вальд был блестящим юношей, красивым, умным, а главное, разделяющим идеи Альбуса. Грин-де-Вальд выступал за подчинение маглов волшебникам «ради общего блага». Дамблдор обращал внимание на то, что такая власть налагает огромную ответственность, и выступал за применение силы лишь в пределах самого необходимого, но в целом соглашался со своим новым другом.

Инструментами в достижении этой сомнительной цели должны были стать Дары Смерти: Бузинная палочка, Воскрешающий камень и мантия-невидимка. Дамблдор планировал использовать камень для воскрешения своих родителей, чтобы те сняли груз ответственности за сестру и брата с его плеч.

Дамблдор уже планировал отправиться на поиски даров, однако Аберфорт решительно воспротивился этому. Он напомнил брату, что тот должен присматривать за больной и неуправляемой Арианой. Между Аберфортом и Грин-де-Вальдом разгорелась потасовка, в ходе которой Грин-де-Вальд использовал против Аберфорта заклинание Круциатус. Альбус встал на защиту брата. В ходе драки кем-то из троих была убита Ариана (Дамблдор подозревал, что нечаянно убил сестру сам, и боялся этого). После этого Грин-де-Вальд скрылся. На похоронах Арианы взбешенный Аберфорт обвинил брата в смерти Арианы и сломал ему нос. Тот не возражал и не пытался защититься.

Смерть Арианы стала переломным моментом в жизни Дамблдора. Он признал ошибочность своих идей и понял, что не достоин обладать как дарами Смерти, так и большой властью (и в дальнейшем неоднократно отказывался от поста Министра магии).

Вскоре Дамблдор вернулся в «Хогвартс» в качестве преподавателя Трансфигурации. Между тем Грин-де-Вальд стал обладателем Бузинной палочки и приступил к осуществлению своих планов о мировом господстве. Альбус до последнего момента избегал встречи со своим бывшим другом, боясь узнать от Грин-де-Вальда, что это он убил свою сестру . Только когда оставаться в стороне было уже невозможно, Дамблдор вступил с ним в поединок и нанес ему поражение. По словам Элфиаса Дожа, победа Дамблдора и ее последствия для всего волшебного сообщества считаются поворотной точкой магической истории. После поединка с Грин-де-Вальдом Дамблдор стал новым хозяином волшебной палочки . Сам Дамблдор сказал об этом так: «Мне было позволено владеть и пользоваться ею, потому что я взял ее не ради выгоды, а для того, чтобы спасти от нее других».

Дамблдор и Волан-де-Морт

Одним из поручений, данных Дамблдору в его бытность учителем, стало разыскать юного мага Тома Реддла, ставшего впоследствии Волан-де-Мортом, и предложить ему учиться в «Хогвартсе». Дамблдор был впечатлен способностями Реддла, однако заметил и тёмные стороны его личности и никогда ему не доверял. Когда Реддл вырос и изъявил желание работать в «Хогвартсе» преподавателем Защиты от темных искусств, Дамблдор убедил директора Армандо Диппета отклонить эту просьбу.

В 1956 г. Дамблдор возглавил «Хогвартс». Тем временем Реддл начал собирать вокруг себя последователей и стал называть себя Волан-Де-Мортом. Вскоре он вновь обратился с просьбой о преподавании в школе, но получил отказ, на этот раз от самого Дамблдора.

Для борьбы с Волан-Де-Мортом Дамблдором была создана организация под названием «Орден Феникса». Среди ее членов были родители Гарри Поттера Джеймс и Лили. Вскоре Дамблдор узнал о том, что у Джеймса есть мантия-невидимка, один из даров Смерти, передающийся по наследству. К этому моменту Дамблдор уже отказался от идеи воссоединить дары Смерти, однако соблазн взглянуть на ещё один из них и как следует изучить его был слишком велик, и он с разрешения Джеймса на некоторое время забрал мантию себе. После смерти Поттеров Дамблдор решил передать ее Гарри.

После рождения Гарри Поттера

С первых лет обучения Гарри в «Хогвартсе» между ним и Дамблдором установились теплые отношения. Дамблдор не раз приходил ему на помощь в трудную минуту: например, прислал ему своего феникса Фоукса и меч Годрика Гриффиндора в Распределяющей шляпе, без чего мальчик ни за что бы не справился с василиском («Гарри Поттер и тайная комната») или подал идею использовать маховик времени, чтобы спасти осуждённого на смерть Сириуса Блэка («Гарри Поттер и узник Азкабана»). Он спас Гарри Поттера в 5 книге. В то же время Дамблдор никогда не был полностью откровенен с ним. Он никогда не рассказывал мальчику о своем прошлом, долгое время скрывал от него содержание пророчества, где о Волан-Де-Морте и Гарри говорится, что «один из них должен погибнуть от руки другого, ибо ни один не может жить спокойно, пока жив другой», опасаясь за душевное спокойствие Гарри. Кроме того, Дамблдор утаивал от мальчика многие факты, касающиеся Северуса Снегга.

Противостояние Министерству

В конце четвертого года обучения Гарри в «Хогвартсе» («Гарри Поттер и Кубок Огня») Дамблдор выступает с речью перед учениками, в которой сообщает о возрождении Волан-де-Морта. Тем самым он вступает в конфликт с Министерством магии, которое не признаёт этот факт, и теряет пост Верховного чародея Визенгамота и главы Международной Конфедерации магов.

В начале учебного года Дамблдор появился на заседании Визенгамота и выступил в качестве адвоката Гарри, которого обвиняли в использовании магии вне стен «Хогвартса» (что строжайше запрещено). Дамблдору удалось доказать, что Гарри пришлось защищаться от дементоров (собственно говоря, так оно и было). Между тем Министерство магии начало в открытую вмешиваться во внутренние дела «Хогвартса». Оно добилось того, чтобы преподавателем защиты от темных искусств стала первый заместитель министра Долорес Амбридж и постепенно передавало ей все большие и большие полномочия. Амбридж утверждала, что Волан-де-Морт не представляет никакой опасности, а Дамблдор просто сеет панику, чтобы заполучить кресло министра магии. Гарри и его друзья создали подпольный кружок — «Отряд Дамблдора» (Dumbledore’s Army), на котором готовились к схватке с Волан-де-Мортом, изучая защиту от тёмных искусств. Когда об этом стало известно Амбридж, Дамблдор взял всю вину на себя, сказал, что якобы готовил бунт против Министерства, оглушил Амбридж и её приспешников и покинул школу. Новым директором «Хогвартса» стала сама Амбридж. Вскоре после этого в здании Министерства магии произошла дуэль между Дамблдором и Волан-де-Мортом. Она закончилась вничью, Темному Лорду удалось скрыться, однако после этого отрицать факт возрождения Волан-де-Морта было уже невозможно. Дамблдора восстановили на посту директора «Хогвартса» и верховного чародея Визенгамота.

Поиск крестражей

Таинственные свойства дневника Тома Реддла, уничтоженного Гарри на втором году обучения, и фраза, оброненная Волан-де-Мортом в ночь своего возрождения («Я, который дальше всех других прошел по стезе бессмертия»), заставили Дамблдора думать, что Волан-де-Морт создал некоторое количество крестражей, поместив в них осколки своей души, и принялся за их поиск и уничтожение. Летом, в промежуток между пятым и шестым годом обучения Гарри в «Хогвартсе», Дамблдору удалось обнаружить второй (после дневника) крестраж — кольцо Марволо. Обнаружив, что внутри камня находится один из Даров смерти — воскрешающий камень, Дамблдор потерял голову и надел его на палец в надежде вернуть своих родных. Однако сработало наложенное на кольцо смертельное заклятие, и, несмотря на то, что Снеггу удалось остановить распространение заклятия, Дамблдор был обречен.

Зная, что Волан-де-Морт поручил одному из учеников Слизерина Драко Малфою убить его, Дамблдор попросил Снегга сделать это вместо него. Этим он добивался нескольких целей: во-первых, спасти еще не до конца поврежденную душу Драко, во-вторых, оградить Драко от гнева Волан-де-Морта за невыполненное задание и, в-третьих, окончательно убедить Волан-де-Морта в преданности ему Снегга (который работал двойным агентом). В течение года («Гарри Поттер и принц-полукровка») Дамблдор рассказывал Гарри о прошлом Волан-де-Морта и о крестражах, однако не раскрыл ему своей договорённости со Снеггом. Самая же страшная истина, которую Дамблдор утаивал от мальчика, заключалась в том, что один из крестражей Волан-де-Морта — это сам Гарри и тот, следовательно, должен пожертвовать собой ради победы над Темным Лордом. Эту информацию Гарри должен был узнать от Снегга только после уничтожения всех остальных крестражей, за исключением Нагайны.

Все случилось именно так, как и планировал Дамблдор. При попытке добыть очередной крестраж, Дамблдор сильно ослабел и стал легкой добычей для Малфоя. Драко обезоружил его, но убить не смог, и это сделал Снегг (при помощи заклинания Авада Кедавра) (единственное, чего не предполагал Дамблдор, это то, что Бузинная палочка выбрала своим новым хозяином обезоружившего его Драко). Гарри отправился на поиски крестражей («Гарри Поттер и Дары Смерти»), постепенно уничтожил их, узнал от Снегга о необходимости пожертвовать собой и совершил этот нелегкий шаг. Тем не менее, Гарри не умер, так как небольшое количество его крови, защищенное магией материнской любви, текло в жилах Волан-де-Морта (Дамблдор предвидел это, но не мог сказать об этом Гарри, иначе самопожертвование не было бы полноценным, и осколок души Волан-де-Морта, находящийся в Гарри, не был бы уничтожен). Зависнув между жизнью и смертью, Гарри встретился с Дамблдором, который, наконец, поделился с ним всеми своими секретами. В последний раз на страницах книги дух Дамблдора общается с Гарри через портрет, висящий в кабинете директора. Гарри сообщает Дамблдору о своем намерении избавиться от всех Даров Смерти, кроме мантии-невидимки, а тот «наблюдает за ним с безграничной любовью и восхищением».

Один из сыновей Гарри, Альбус Северус Поттер, получил свое имя в честь двух директоров школы Хогвартс Дамблдора и Снегга.

Личность Дамблдора


Альбус Дамблдор появляется в первой же главе первой книги («Гарри Поттер и философский камень»). Он описывается как «высокий, худой и очень старый человек с серебристыми волосами и бородой (и то, и другое было таким длинным, что он вполне мог бы затыкать их за пояс). Голубые глаза светились ярким светом из-под очков со стёклами в форме полумесяца, сидевших на длинном носу, крючковатом настолько, что казалось, будто бы этот нос переломили по крайней мере в двух местах». Над его левым коленом расположен шрам в виде лондонской подземки.


Одна из главных черт характера Дамблдора — это то, что он не приемлет никаких формальностей, говорит ясно и просто, без боязни произносит имя Волан-де-Морта и советует Гарри поступать так же; при личных встречах со злодеем называет его настоящим именем «Том». Дамблдор чужд всяким предрассудкам, в том числе весьма распространённой идее о превосходстве «чистокровок»: так, он позволяет Хагриду, в жилах которого течёт великанская кровь, служить привратником и преподавать в «Хогвартсе» и говорит, что доверил бы ему свою жизнь. Он же принимает на работу оборотня Римуса Люпина, бывшего Пожирателя смерти Северуса Снегга и кентавра Флоренца.

Дамблдор несёт полную ответственность за учеников «Хогвартса». Он редко сердится на Гарри и позволяет ему задавать весьма неприятные для себя вопросы, но стоило Гарри однажды сказать, что Дамблдор часто покидает школу и оставляет учеников без присмотра, как Дамблдор рассердился и заявил, что во время его отсутствия ученики находятся под полной магической защитой. Гарри мгновенно умолкает, понимая, что перешёл некую незримую черту.

Когда они с Гарри обсуждали зеркало Еиналеж, Дамблдор сказал, что видит в нём «пару шерстяных носков», которых ему никогда не хватает. Однако позднее выясняется, что в действительности он, как и Гарри, видел в зеркале свою семью.

Будучи мудрым и гениальным волшебником, Дамблдор, тем не менее, способен на чудачества и странные в глазах окружающих поступки, во многом объясняющиеся его необычным чувством юмора (в особенности это порой раздражает Минерву МакГонагалл, отличающуюся строгим и серьёзным характером). Подтверждение тому — его речи на торжественной церемонии начала нового учебного года:

1-я книга:

«Добро пожаловать! Добро пожаловать к началу нового учебного года в „Хогвартсе“! Прежде чем начать банкет, я бы хотел сказать несколько слов. А слова мои будут такие: Олух! Пузырь! Остаток! Уловка! Всё, всем спасибо!»

4-я книга:

«Скажу вам только одно, — произнес он, и его звучный голос эхом прокатился по всему залу. — Ешьте

5-я книга:

«Нашим новичкам — добро пожаловать!
Нашей старой гвардии — добро пожаловать назад!
Придет еще время для речей, но сейчас — время для другого. Уплетайте за обе щеки!»

Взгляды на жизнь

Как утверждает сам Дамблдор, в начале своей жизни он мало чем отличался от Волан-де-Морта, ибо подобно ему искал способ победить смерть. В дальнейшем спокойное отношение к смерти стало одним из главных жизненных принципов Дамблдора. Вот лишь некоторые из его высказываний: «В конце концов, для правильно организованного сознания, что есть смерть, как не новое интересное приключение?» (в другом переводе: «Для высокоорганизованного разума смерть — это очередное приключение.»), «Воистину, твоя неспособность понять, что в жизни есть вещи куда хуже смерти, всегда была твой величайшей слабостью» (Волан-де-Морту). Другое фундаментальное его убеждение, постоянно высмеиваемое Волан-де-Мортом, состоит в том, что любовь сильнее всякой магии.


  • Кавалер ордена Мерлина первой степени
  • Величайший Волшебник нашего времени
  • Верховный чародей Визенгамота (было снято во время министерских нападок)
  • Президент Международной конфедерации магов (было снято по той же причине)

Дамблдор в кино

В первых двух фильмах Дамблдора играл Ричард Харрис. Однако в 2002 году он скончался, и с тех пор эту роль исполняет Майкл Гэмбон.

Интересные факты

  • Патронусом Дамблдора является феникс.
  • Дамблдор пародировался во многих комедиях и телепередачах, например, в одном из эпизодов «Симпсонов».


Профессор Трансфигурации
Минерва Макгонагалл
Декан факультета Гриффиндор
Минерва Макгонагалл
Армандо Диппет
Директор Хогвартса
Долорес Амбридж
Долорес Амбридж
Директор Хогвартса
Северус Снегг
Верховный чародей Визенгамота
Председатель Международной конфедерации магов

Волшебный мир «Гарри Поттера»

Книги: Предыстория • Философский камень • Тайная комната • Узник Азкабана • Кубок Огня • Орден Феникса • Принц-полукровка • Дары Смерти • Фантастические животные: места обитания • Квиддич сквозь века • Сказки барда Бидля
Фильмы: Философский камень • Тайная комната • Узник Азкабана • Кубок Огня • Орден Феникса • Принц-полукровка • Дары Смерти
Игры: Философский камень • Тайная комната • Узник Азкабана • Кубок Огня • Орден Феникса • Принц-полукровка • Чемпионат мира по квиддичу • Lego Creator: Гарри Поттер • Lego Creator: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Годрик Гриффиндор • Пенелопа Пуффендуй • Кандида Когтевран • Салазар Слизерин
Маги: Гарри Поттер • Гермиона Грейнджер • Рон Уизли • Джинни Уизли • Фред и Джордж Уизли • Невилл Долгопупс • Полумна Лавгуд • Драко Малфой • Альбус Дамблдор • Минерва Макгонагалл • Регулус Блэк • Сириус Блэк • Северус Снегг • Волан-де-Морт • Питер Петтигрю • Гораций Слизнорт • Рита Скитер • проф. Квиррелл • Римус Люпин • Аластор Грюм • Сивилла Трелони • Долорес Амбридж • Нимфадора Тонкс • Златопуст Локонс • Винсент Крэбб • Грегори Гойл • Чжоу Чанг • Седрик Диггори • Виктор Крам • Помона Стебль • Геллерт Грин-де-Вальд • Армандо Диппет • Перси Уизли • Руфус Скримджер • Гавейн Робардс • Долиш • Корнелиус Фадж • Пий Толстоватый • Кингсли Бруствер • Чарли Уизли • Молли Уизли • Билл Уизли • Артур Уизли • Мадам Помфри • Люциус Малфой • Нарцисса Малфой • Бартемий Крауч младший • Беллатриса Лестрейндж • Дедалус Диггл• Джеймс Поттер• Лили Поттер• Наземникус Флетчер• Вильгельмина Грабли-Дёрг • Габриель Делакур • Берта Джоркинс • Бартемиус Крауч • Ксенофилиус Лавгуд
Маглы: Дурсли • Том Реддл Старший
Сквибы: Аргус Филч • Арабелла Фигг
Полулюди: Рубеус Хагрид • Олимпия Максим • Филиус Флитвик • Флёр Делакур
Добби • Кикимер • Винки
Гоблины: Крюкохват • Кровняк
Олливандер • Грегорович
Гриффиндор • Пуффендуй • Когтевран • Слизерин
Дамблдоры • Уизли • Малфои • Реддлы
Прочие: Эпизодические персонажи мира Гарри Поттера • Сохатый, Бродяга, Лунатик и Хвост • Волшебные существа мира Гарри Поттера • Волшебные предметы мира Гарри Поттера • Волшебство мира Гарри Поттера • Фоукс
Организации: Хогвартс (Факультеты) • Министерство магии • Орден Феникса • Пожиратели смерти • Отряд Дамблдора • Ежедневный пророк • Придира • Клуб слизней • Г.А.В.Н.Э. • Инспекционная дружина
Защита от тёмных искусств • Зельеварение • Трансфигурация • Заклинания • Уход за магическими существами • Травология • Прорицания • Древние Руны • Арифмантика • Маггловедение • История магии • Астрономия
Локации: Локации мира Гарри Поттера • Большой Зал
Турнир Трёх Волшебников • Битва за Хогвартс
Пародии и
Порри Гаттер • Таня Гроттер • Ларин Пётр • Барри Троттер • Наука побеждать • АнтиГарриПоттер
Дж. К. Роулинг • Warner Brothers • Bloomsbury • Electronic Arts • Росмэн • Фэндом
HP Портал о Гарри Поттере

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Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore
Dumbledore in Professor McGonagall’s office at the end of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. («Dumbledore Returns»}
Born July or August 1881
Died 30 June 1997 at the Hogwarts Astronomy Tower
Species Human
Parentage Wizard father, Muggle-born mother
Family Members Percival Dumbledore, Kendra Dumbledore, Aberforth Dumbledore, Ariana Dumbledore
Affiliations Hogwarts, Order of the Phoenix
Hogwarts House Gryffindor
Wand First wand unknown, second wand Elder with Thestral hair, 15 inches (the Elder Wand)
Special Abilities Extremely powerful wizard, the only one Lord Voldemort ever feared.
Hobbies chamber music and ten-pin bowling

Albus Dumbledore was called the greatest wizard of his age, and was the headmaster at Hogwarts during Harry’s first year. He was remarkably kind and intelligent, and one of the main characters of the series.

As stated by himself in the foreword of Quidditch Through the Ages, he is a fan of the oldest and twenty-two time league winning Puddlemere United Quidditch Club.


Albus Dumbledore is Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He is an elderly man with bright blue eyes, silver hair and beard long enough to tuck into his belt. He wears half-moon spectacles and his long, crooked nose looks as though it has been broken at least twice.

In addition to Headmaster of Hogwarts, Professor Dumbledore holds the titles of Grand Sorcerer; Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot, and Supreme Mugwump of the International Confederation of Wizards. He has also been awarded Order of Merlin, First Class.

From the Story

Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone

Dumbledore using the Put-Outer at Number Four, Privet Drive. («Something Peculiar is Happening»)

Discovered in chapter 1, The Boy Who Lived

Albus Dumbledore appears at Privet Drive the evening after Voldemort disappears. He looks quite different from most of the people who live in the quiet suburb, with a long purple cloak and a beard he can tuck into his belt.

Dumbledore uses a strange device to extinguish all the lights on Privet Drive, then sits with Minerva McGonagall, who had been waiting for him there. He explains the events of the previous night: that Voldemort, having killed Harry Potter’s parents, tried unsuccessfully to kill Harry and then vanished. Although no one knows why Harry survived, Dumbledore has arranged for Harry to be brought to Privet Drive so he can be left with the Dursleys, who are Harry’s only living relatives. Dumbledore believes Harry will fare better growing up in the Muggle world where he is unknown, rather than the wizarding one where he is already a celebrity.

Discovered in chapter 7, The Sorting Hat

Professor Dumbledore is known throughout the school for being a brilliant and slightly eccentric wizard. When the “few words” he wishes to offer during the opening feast are “Nitwit, Blubber, Oddment, Tweak,” Harry asks Percy whether or not the professor is a little mad.

Once everyone has eaten, however, Professor Dumbledore gives the proper start-of-term notices. He informs the students that the forest within the grounds is forbidden and the third-floor corridor on the right-hand side is out of bounds to anyone who does not wish to die a painful death.

Discovered in chapter 12, The Mirror of Erised

During the Christmas holidays, Professor Dumbledore confronts Harry about his repeated visits to the Mirror of Erised; he explains that the mirror gives neither knowledge nor truth, but shows a person the most desperate desire of their heart, a vision that has been known to drive men mad. Professor Dumbledore tells Harry the mirror will be moved shortly, and asks him not to go looking for it again.

Professor Dumbledore at Harry’s first-year End-of-Year Feast. («The End-of-Year Feast»)

Discovered in chapter 17, The Man with Two Faces

The night that Harry, Ron and Hermione attempt to save the Philosopher’s Stone, Professor Dumbledore receives an urgent owl that appears to have come from the Ministry of Magic, and leaves the school. He realises when he gets to London that the message was false, and returns to Hogwarts, appearing in the underground chamber just in time to save Harry.

After Voldemort flees the school (leaving Professor Quirrell to die), Professor Dumbledore consults with Nicolas Flamel, the owner of the Philosopher’s Stone. Flamel and his wife, Perenelle, agree to destroy the Stone, set their affairs in order, and die. When Harry expresses amazement at this, Professor Dumbledore explains that to a well-organised mind, death is simply the next great adventure.

Professor Dumbledore also answers some of Harry’s remaining questions about the events of the year, revealing that he was the one who gave Harry the Invisibility Cloak at Christmas and explaining that Harry got the Philosopher’s Stone because he wanted to find but not use it. He also explains why Professor Quirrell couldn’t touch Harry’s skin without suffering unendurable pain. He declines to disclose, however, why Voldemort tried to murder Harry more than a decade earlier.

At the end-of-year feast, Professor Dumbledore awards points to Harry, Ron, Hermione for their skill and courage in the chambers, and to Neville for his bravery, which – to the elation of all but the Slytherins – grants Gryffindor the House Cup.

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Discovered in chapter 5, The Whomping Willow

When Harry and Ron crash a flying car into the Whomping Willow, Professor Dumbledore decides not to expel them; instead he leaves their punishments to Professor McGonagall as their Head of House. He does, however, write to their families to inform them of their rule-breaking.

Discovered in chapter 8, The Deathday Party

When an immobile Mrs Norris is found hanging from a torch bracket, it is Dumbledore who realises that she is not dead, but Petrified. He says that an attack of this kind takes very advanced Dark magic, but that a victim may be revived.

Discovered in chapter 10, The Rogue Bludger

Dumbledore helps to carry the Petrified Colin Creevey to the hospital wing. He says the attack is confirmation that the Chamber of Secrets is indeed open again, and that the question is not who opened it, but how.

Discovered in chapter 12, The Polyjuice Potion

Discovered in chapter 14, Cornelius Fudge

Lucius Malfoy tells Dumbledore that the Hogwarts governors have suspended him from his position as Headmaster after the attack on Hermione and Penelope Clearwater, a Ravenclaw Prefect. Before he leaves, Dumbledore says that he will only truly have left the school when none there are loyal to him, and that help will always be given at Hogwarts to those who ask.

Discovered in chapter 17, The Heir of Slytherin

Fawkes is called to Harry when he shows Dumbledore true loyalty in the Chamber of Secrets.

Discovered in chapter 18, Dobby’s Reward

Dumbledore is reinstated as Headmaster when it is believed that Ginny Weasley has been killed; several of the school governors seem to indicate to Dumbledore that they had only suspended him originally because Lucius threatened them.

Dumbledore surmises that it was Lord Voldemort controlling Ginny before Harry says so but he is interested to know how he managed to control Ginny, as his sources indicate that Voldemort is currently hiding in the forests of Albania.

Dumbledore declines to punish Ginny, Harry or Ron for the events and various rule-breakings throughout the year. He gives Harry and Ron two hundred points apiece for Gryffindor and Special Awards for Services to the School for their actions.

Dumbledore also assures Harry that despite the similarities between himself and Tom Riddle, only a true Gryffindor could have pulled the Sword of Gryffindor out of the Sorting Hat.

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban


Discovered in chapter 8, Flight of the Fat Lady

Dumbledore arrives in the corridor outside the Gryffindor common room, and moves towards the ruined portrait of the Fat Lady. He asks Professor McGonagall to find Filch and tell him to search every painting in the castle for the Fat Lady. When Peeves appears, Dumbledore asks him what he saw, getting Peeves to tell him the direction the Fat Lady disappeared in. Dumbledore asks Peeves if the Fat Lady mentioned who slashed the portrait, and is told that the culprit is Sirius Black.

Dumbledore sends the Gryffindor students back to the Great Hall, where they are joined ten minutes later by the students from Hufflepuff, Slytherin and Ravenclaw. He informs the students that the teachers will be conducting a search of the entire castle, and asks that they remain in the Great Hall for the night. He conjures up sleeping bags for every student.

Dumbledore returns to the Great Hall in the early hours of the morning. When Percy asks if Black has been found, Dumbledore says that he has not. He tells Percy the Fat Lady has been found in a map of Argyllshire on the second floor, and is still very distressed. Dumbledore makes it clear to Snape that he does not believe anyone in the castle helped Black to enter. He leaves to let the Dementors know that the castle has been searched, reiterating that whilst he is Headmaster of Hogwarts, no Dementor will ever cross its threshold.

Discovered in chapter 9, Grim Defeat

Dumbledore is furious when the Dementors appear at the Quidditch match. He runs onto the pitch as Harry falls, waving his wand, and slows Harry down before he hits the ground. Dumbledore makes the Dementors leave the stadium immediately, then magicks Harry onto a stretcher and walks with him up to the castle.

Discovered in chapter 15, The Quidditch Final

At the end of the match Dumbledore waits in the Quidditch stands, to present the enormous Quidditch Cup to the Gryffindor team.

Discovered in chapter 16, Professor Trelawney’s Prediction

Dumbledore tries to appeal the decision to execute Buckbeak, but fails. He tells Hagrid he is going to come to the execution, to give Hagrid some support. Dumbledore leads Fudge, the elderly Committee member and the executioner down to Hagrid’s hut at sunset.

Discovered in chapter 18, Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs

Dumbledore was always sympathetic to the fact that Remus Lupin was a werewolf, and didn’t see why Lupin couldn’t attend Hogwarts as long as certain precautions were taken. Under his instruction, the Whomping Willow was planted, and the tunnel and Shrieking Shack were built, to help Lupin during his transformations. Dumbledore encouraged the rumours surrounding the Shrieking Shack, in order to keep people from wanting to get near the building. Lupin says that Dumbledore had no idea that he was breaking the rules so carefully laid for him by roaming the school grounds and village at night, and that he had no idea Lupin’s three friends had become Animagi.

Discovered in chapter 21, Hermione’s Secret

Dumbledore enters the hospital wing as Madam Pomfrey is trying to evict Snape and Fudge. He tells her that he has spoken to Sirius Black and needs to speak to Harry and Hermione. He calmly asks the others to leave them. He assures an irate Snape that he hasn’t forgotten about the incident that occured between Snape and Sirius when they were students.

Dumbledore stops Harry and Hermione’s explanations, and tells them that it is their turn to listen to him. He reminds them that there is no evidence to support Sirius’s version of events except their own accounts, and that very few would believe the words of young children. He points out that Sirius has not behaved as an innocent man would. He looks at Hermione pointedly as he tells the pair that what they really need is more time. He tells them where Sirius has been imprisoned in the castle, and reminds Hermione that they must not be seen. Dumbledore tells Harry and Hermione that he is going to lock them in to the hospital wing; looking at his watch, he informs them that it is five minutes to midnight, and cryptically tells Hermione that he thinks three turns will suffice. He shuts the door behind him as he leaves the hospital wing.

Dumbledore enters Hagrid’s house with the rest of the Committee, and listens as Fudge reads the official notice of execution. He reminds Macnair to sign the notice just as the executioner starts to head towards the back door. He continues talking, seemingly unwittingly giving Harry enough time to free and hide Buckbeak. Dumbledore sounds more amused than surprised when Buckbeak’s disapppearance is discovered. He suggests that if Buckbeak has been stolen, the thief will have flown him away, quashing Macnair’s suggestion to search the grounds. Telling Hagrid he could do with a cup of tea, or perhaps a large brandy, Dumbledore returns to the house. Dumbledore and the Committee start to walk back to the castle just after Harry, Hermione and Crookshanks enter the tunnel at the Whomping Willow.

Discovered in chapter 22, Owl Post Again

Dumbledore backs out of the hospital wing as he gives Harry and Hermione their instructions, and gets his wand out to magically lock the door. He smiles when he sees Harry and Hermione running towards him, and quietly asks how they did. He beams when he hears that Sirius and Buckbeak have escaped, and congratulates Harry and Hermione. He listens intently for a moment, waiting until he hears Harry and Hermione using the Time-Turner from within the hospital wing, then lets them in, locking it behind them.

Dumbledore looks calm as he arrives in the hospital wing with Fudge and Snape. He tells Snape to think about his accusations, and points out that Harry and Hermione have been locked in the hospital wing since he left ten minutes before. He tells Fudge and Snape that as Harry and Hermione couldn’t have been in two places at once, they can’t have had anything to do with Black’s escape.

Dumbledore manages to convince Fudge that Lupin was trying to save Harry, Ron and Hermione, and that he wasn’t helping Sirius Black.

When Lupin resigns Dumbledore goes to his office to tell him that his carriage is waiting at the school gates. He is unsurprised to see Harry there with him. Dumbledore bids farewell to Lupin, but doesn’t accompany him to the carriage, at Lupin’s request. He and Harry remain in the office after Lupin has left. Dumbledore asks Harry why he is so miserable, as he should be very proud of himself after the previous night. He is surprised when Harry doesn’t seem to appreciate what he achieved, and reminds him that he saved an innocent man from a terrible fate. He listens as Harry tells him about Professor Trelawney’s prediction, and thinks that Trelawney might well have made a real prediction. He tells Harry that Pettigrew owes his life to Harry, and that a certain bond has been created between them because of that. He says that this is magic at its deepest and most impenetrable, and that Harry may be glad of it in the future.

Dumbledore knows about the three unregistered Animagi, as he was told by Sirius the night before, and is impressed that they managed to keep it a secret from him for so long.

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Discovered in chapter 12, The Triwizard Tournament

Dumbledore sits at the centre of the staff table as the students enter the Great Hall. He gives a very brief greeting after the Sorting Ceremony has taken place, telling the students to ‘tuck in’ as food magically appears on the previously empty plates on the tables. After the feast, Dumbledore gets to his feet, and starts to make various announcements. He is interrupted by the arrival of Alastor Moody in the Great Hall, whom Dumbledore introduces to the students as the new Defence Against the Dark Arts professor. Dumbledore tells the students that the annual inter-house Quidditch Cup will not take place this year, as the Triwizard Tournament is to be hosted at Hogwarts. He tells those assembled about the history of the Tournament, and informs them that there will be a few new restrictions on those entering the competition, including age. Dumbledore says that he will personally be ensuring that no underage student hoodwinks the impartial judge so that they can enter the Tournament, his eyes flickering over to Fred and George Weasley as he speaks.

Discovered in chapter 14, The Unforgivable Curses

Moody says that Professor Dumbledore specially requested him to come and teach at Hogwarts that year.

Discovered in chapter 15, Beauxbatons and Durmstrang

Professor Dumbledore starts to clap as Madame Maxime exits the Beauxbatons carriage with her students. He greets Madame Maxime cordially, and invites the Beauxbatons delegations to enter the castle and warm up after their journey.

Professor Dumbledore waits outside the castle for the Durmstrang visitors to arrive at the castle. He greets Professor Karkaroff, the headmaster of Durmstrang, cordially, and shakes his hands.

Discovered in chapter 16, The Goblet of Fire

Dumbledore enters the Great Hall accompanied by Professor Karkaroff and Madame Maxime after all the students are seated. He remains standing after the teachers are all seated, and welcomes the new arrivals to Hogwarts. When the feast is over, Dumbledore introduces the judges to the students and explains the rules of the Triwizard Tournament. He tells the students that he will be drawing an Age Line around the Goblet of Fire to prevent students under the age of seventeen from trying to enter the Tournament.

Dumbledore is amused whe Fred and George attempt to cross the Age Line by taking an Ageing Potion. His eyes twinkle as he reminds the twins that he had warned against trying to fool the Line, and tells them to go to Madam Pomfrey in the hospital wing. He knows of two other students who attempted to fool the Age Line, though he says their beards are nothing like as fine as the twins’.

Dumbledore stands at the staff table behind the Goblet of Fire after the Hallowe’en feast is over, waiting for the Goblet to make its decision. When the first piece of parchment is ejected by the Goblet, Dumbledore catches it and holds it at arms length so that he can read the name. He does this twice more, revealing Viktor Krum, Fleur Delacour and Cedric Diggory as the three Triwizard champions. Dumbledore begins to make his closing speech after the three champions have exited the Great Hall, but stops speaking suddenly after the flames in the Goblet of Fire turn red once again. Almost automatically, he seizes the piece of parchment that is released by the flames. There is a long pause as Dumbledore stares at the slip of parchment in his hands; he then clears his throat, and reads Harry’s name out loud.

Discovered in chapter 17, The Four Champions

Professor Dumbledore calls Harry’s name a second time after Professor McGonagall has spoken to him, and waits as Harry walks towards him through the Great Hall. He doesn’t smile as he tells Harry to join the other champions in the room off the Great Hall. Dumbledore enters the room off the Great Hall followed by several other teachers. Dumbledore remains quiet as he is questioned by Professor Karkaroff and Madame Maxime, but interrupts as Professor Snape begins to accuse Harry of cheating his way into the competition. Dumbledore calmly asks Harry whether he entered himself into the Goblet of Fire, or whether he asked an older student to enter his name for him, and is satisfied with Harry’s denial. Dumbledore politely admits to Madame Maxime that he could have made a mistake with the Age Line, although it is unlikely. After much argument between the assembled teachers, he tells them that whilst they do not know how the situation occurred, they have no choice but to accept Harry as a Triwizard champion. After Mr Crouch has explained the rules of the First Task to the champions, Dumbledore asks the adults to join him for a nightcap, but his offer is not taken up by anyone. He encourages Cedric and Harry to go to their common rooms, knowing that their friends will be waiting to celebrate with them.

Discovered in chapter 18, The Weighing of the Wands

Dumbledore opens the broom cupboard where Harry and Rita Skeeter are talking and peers down at the two curiously. He tells Rita he found her article on the International Confederation of Wizards’ Conference enchantingly nasty, and particularly enjoyed her description of himself as an obsolete dingbat. He tells Harry that the Weighing of the Wands is about to start, and follows them back into the classroom for the ceremony. Dumbledore takes his place at the judges’ table, and introduces Mr Ollivander to the champions. After the ceremony is over, Dumbledore tells the students they can make their way to dinner, but they are all waylaid by The Daily Prophet photographer.

Discovered in chapter 19, The Hungarian Horntail

Sirius suspects one of the reasons Professor Dumbledore wanted an Auror at Hogwarts this year is because he knew Professor Karkaroff would be visiting.

Discovered in chapter 20, The First Task

Dumbledore awards Harry nine points out of ten after his performance against the Hungarian Horntail during the first task.

Discovered in chapter 21, The House-Elf Liberation Front

Professor Dumbledore hired Dobby and Winky the house-elves to work at Hogwarts. He is not worried that Dobby asked to be paid for his work, and originally offered the elf ten Galleons a week and every weekend off. He was beaten down by Dobby, and now pays him one Galleon a week and one day off a month.

Discovered in chapter 23, The Yule Ball

Dumbledore smiles as the champions approach the top table together for dinner. As the feast begins, Dumbledore looks carefully at his menu, then speaks his order of pork chops clearly to his plate, causing them to appear. Dumbledore is amused when Professor Karkaroff appears nervous about Viktor Krum giving the location of Durmstrang away. He disagrees with Karkaroff’s suggestion that a Headmaster knows everything about their own school, and tells him that in the morning he took a wrong turn on the way to the bathroom and found himself in a beautifully proportioned room that he’d never seen before, filled with magnificent chamberpots. When he went back to investigate later in the day, the room had vanished. He appears to give Harry a quick wink after telling his story.

When all the food has been eaten, Dumbledore stands up and asks the students to do the same. With a wave of his wand, he makes the tables zoom back along the walls, leaving the floor clear, and conjures a raised platform along the right-hand wall. Dumbledore joins the champions on the dance floor after a while, and waltzes with Madame Maxime, the top of his pointed hat barely reaching her chin. He later dances with Professor Sprout.

Discovered in chapter 24, Rita Skeeter’s Scoop

Dumbledore opens the door to Hagrid’s cabin, interrupting Hermione’s pounding on the door. He invites Harry, Ron and Hermione into the cabin, and conjures up a tea-tray for the table. He asks Hagrid whether he heard what Hermione was shouting earlier outside the cabin, and points out that the trio still want to know the gamekeeper. Dumbledore received letters from countless parents after Rita Skeeter’s article was published, telling him in no uncertain terms that there would be consequences if he chose to sack Hagrid. Dumbledore tells Hagrid that he refuses to accept his resignation, and expects Hagrid to be back at work the coming Monday. He leaves the cabin after asking Hagrid to join him for breakfast in the Great Hall on Monday morning.

Discovered in chapter 26, The Second Task

Professor Dumbledore crouches at the waters edge after the second task is over, talking to the Merchieftainess in Mermish. He calls a conference between the judges before the scores are read out, to relay the information the merpeople gave about the champions’ performances in the lake.

Discovered in chapter 28, The Madness of Mr Crouch

Dumbledore appears from his office having heard a commotion in the corridor outside. He doesn’t ask any questions after hearing from Harry that Mr Crouch is in the Forbidden Forest, and tells the boy to lead the way. As they reach the Forest he lights his wand, allowing the narrow beam of light to illuminate the ground, finally falling upon the unconscious body of Viktor Krum. Dumbledore realises quickly that Krum has been Stunned, and revives the Durmstrang student. He sends Hagrid to fetch Professor Karkaroff, and asks Professor Moody to search for Mr Crouch in the Forest. Dumbledore is accused of attempting to sabotage the Durmstrang Triwizard Tournament champion by an angry Karkaroff. When Hagrid angrily menaces Karkaroff, Dumbledore tells the gameskeeper to escort Harry back to the castle, and subtly asks Harry to wait to send an owl to Sirius until the morning.

Discovered in chapter 30, The Pensieve

Dumbledore tells Harry that he, Professor Moody and Cornelius Fudge will be making a quick examination of the school grounds following the disappearance of Mr Crouch, and asks the boy to remain in his office until he returns. In the Pensieve in Dumbledore’s office, Harry discovers three of the Headmaster’s memories: trials and hearings of suspected Death Eaters during and after the First Wizarding War. When Dumbledore returns to his office, he finds Harry watching the memories in the Pensieve, and gently pulls Harry back into his office, and the present day. Dumbledore is not angry with Harry for using the Pensieve, understanding the curiosity Harry must have felt when he noticed it. He tells Harry that he sometimes finds he has too many thoughts and memories crammed into his mind, and that he uses the Pensieve to place the excess thoughts, to examine them later at his leisure. He shows Harry how the process works, placing the memories of conversations with Harry, Professor Snape and a young Bertha Jorkins into the Pensieve. He listens to Harry explain about the dream he had about Voldemort and Wormtail in Divination class, and Dumbledore reveals that he already knows about the occasion over the summer where Harry’s scar hurt him, having been in correspondence with Sirius ever since he left Hogwarts at the end of Harry’s third year. Dumbledore believes that Harry and Voldemort are connected by the curse that failed, and thinks it likely that the events Harry saw actually happened. Dumbledore tells Harry more about what happened to Neville’s parents, but asks that he keep it a secret, to allow Neville to tell people when he is ready. He refuses to tell Harry any more about Professor Snape’s involvement with the Death Eaters, and his subsequent decision to change sides, saying that it is a matter between the Professor and himself.

Discovered in chapter 31, The Third Task

After the evening feast on the day of the third task, Dumbledore asks those assembled in the Great Hall to make their way down to the Quidditch pitch in five minutes time. He asks the champions to follow Ludo Bagman down to the stadium immediately.

Discovered in chapter 35, Veritaserum

When Harry is transported back to Hogwarts with the Triwizard Cup and Cedric’s body, Dumbledore is the first to reach him. He crouches over the boy, and is shocked when Harry tells him that Voldemort has returned. Dumbledore encourages Harry to let go of Cedric’s body, telling the boy that there is nothing more he can do, then lifts Harry from the ground, setting him on his feet. He tells Harry to stay where he is, and goes to talk to Cedric Diggory’s parents.

Dumbledore bursts into Moody’s office after Stunning the Professor. He tells Harry that the unconscious man is not the real Alastor Moody, and says that the real Moody would never have removed Harry from Dumbledore’s sight after the events that night. Dumbledore asks Professor Snape to fetch his strongest Truth Potion and Winky the house-elf, and sends Professor McGonagall to bring the black dog waiting in the pumpkin patch to his office. With the keys he removes from Moody’s robes, Dumbledore walks over to the trunk in the office, and methodically opens each of the seven locks. In the seventh layer, Dumbledore reveals the real Alastor Moody, imprisoned in the underground room of the trunk. He climbs into the trunk, falling lightly onto the floor beside the sleeping man, and covers Moody in a cloak to keep him warm. He picks up the hip-flask that stands on Moody’s desk and unscrews it, turning it over so that the liquid inside it splatters onto the floor, revealing it to be Polyjuice Potion.

Dumbledore and Harry wait in silence, watching the unconscious man on the floor, until the effects of the Polyjuice Potion begin to wear off, revealing the true identity of the impostor, Barty Crouch Junior. When Snape returns with the Truth Potion, Dumbledore pulls the unconscious man into a sitting position against the wall, and pours three drops of the potion into his mouth. He uses the spell Rennervate to awaken him, and begins to question him about how he came to be at Hogwarts, and how he escaped from Azkaban. He reveals through his questioning the truth behind Voldemort’s eventual return.

Discovered in chapter 36, The Parting of the Ways

Dumbledore stares at Barty Crouch Junior with disgust after he finishes telling his story. Dumbledore raises his wand once more and conjures ropes from it, which twist themselves around the criminal, binding him tightly. He asks Professor McGonagall to watch Crouch, and tells Snape to bring Madam Pomfrey to Moody’s office, then find Cornelius Fudge. Dumbledore knows that Fudge will want to question Crouch himself, and says that he will be in the hospital wing in half an hour’s time, should Fudge want him.

Dumbledore escorts Harry out of Moody’s office and towards his own, where Sirius is waiting for them. He beings to tell Sirius everything that Barty Crouch Junior had said, but stops after a moment, sitting down behind his desk, opposite Harry. He asks Harry to tell him everything that happened after he and Cedric touched the Portkey in the maze. He knows that letting Harry postpone having to think about the events that night won’t help him, and asks Harry to demonstrate his courage one more time, and tell them what happened. He and Sirius listen in silence as Harry tells them everything, Dumbledore raising his hand occasionally to prevent Sirius from interrupting. When Harry has finished, Dumbledore tells him that he has shown bravery beyond anything he could have expected, equal to those who died fighting at the height of Voldemort’s power. He takes Harry to the hospital wing with Sirius, and asks those waiting for them to allow Harry to sleep in peace.

Later that night, Dumbledore enters the hospital wing to find Cornelius Fudge, Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape arguing there. He is surprised to see Professor McGonagall there, as he had asked her to stand guard over Barty Crouch Junior. When he hears that Crouch has been given the Dementors’ Kiss, he stares at Fudge as though seeing him plainly for the first time. He is keenly aware that Crouch Junior can no longer testify as to why he killed those people, and tells Fudge that Crouch Junior was acting under Voldemort’s instructions. He refuses to allow Fudge to question Harry that night, his eyes blazing when Fudge questions the truth of Harry’s story. Dumbledore tells Fudge that Harry is sane as the two of them, and that he believes Harry’s account of the events at the Tournament.

Dumbledore tells Fudge that, now Voldemort has returned, there are several necessary measures the Minister has to take. The first he suggests is to remove Azkaban from the control of the Dementors. Dumbledore is certain that the Dementors will rejoin Voldemort as soon as he asks them, and that they will not remain loyal to Fudge. He knows that with the support of the Dementors and his old supporters, Voldemort could well regain the power he held thirteen years ago. He asks Fudge to send an envoy to the giants to extend the hand of friendship to them before Voldemort can persuade them to join him as well. Dumbledore is angry that Fudge doesn’t believe in the imminent danger the wizarding world is in, and accuses the Minister of being blinded by love of the office he holds. He thinks Fudge places too much importance on purity of blood, and thinks he should recognise that it is what someone grows to be that is important. The Headmaster tells Fudge that if he is determined to ignore the warnings, they have reached a parting of the ways. Dumbledore says that he will act as he sees fit, regardless of whether Fudge does the same.

After Fudge leaves the hospital wing, Dumbledore tells those left in the hospital wing that there is work to be done. He establishes the Weasleys’ position, and asks Molly to send a message to Arthur telling him what has occurred. He sends Madam Pomfrey to take Winky back to the kitchens, and asks Sirius to resume his normal form. He asks Snape and Severus to put aside their differences and work together, and sends Sirius to alert the ‘old crowd’ about what occurred during the third task. He leaves the hospital wing to find Mr and Mrs Diggory.

Discovered in chapter 37, The Beginning

Hagrid reveals that Dumbledore plans to prepare for a fight against Voldemort, hoping to stop the Dark Lord before he gets a good hold again.

Dumbledore gives a speech at the Leaving Feast on the last day of term. He makes a toast to the memory of Cedric Diggory, and makes the decision to tell the students the truth about his death: that Cedric was murdered by Lord Voldemort. Dumbledore says that the Ministry of Magic did not want him to reveal this fact, but that he believes the truth is preferable to lies, and that to lie would be an insult to Cedric’s memory. Dumbledore asks the students to toast Harry Potter, commending the boy for his bravery on the night of Cedric’s murder. Dumbledore tells those assembled in the Great Hall that in light of Lord Voldemort’s return, the ties created by the Triwizard Tournament are more important than ever, and says that every guest in the Hall will be welcomed back to Hogwarts at any time, should they wish to come. His eyes linger on the Durmstrang students as he says this, and reminds those assembled that they are only as strong as they are united, and as weak as they are divided. He encourages the idea that differences of habit and language do not matter, so long as their aims are identical and their hearts are open. Dumbledore asks them all to remember Cedric Diggory if ever there comes a time when they have to make a choice between what is right, and what is easy.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Discovered in chapter 4, Number Twelve, Grimmauld Place

Dumbledore is the founder of the Order of the Phoenix. He founded the secret society during the First Wizarding War, and the members of the society fought against Voldemort. Ron and Hermione reveal that it was Dumbledore’s idea to keep Harry in the dark about events in the wizarding world, although they do not know why the Headmaster chose to do this. Dumbledore has been busy over the summer, and has only visited Grimmauld Place twice since the Weasleys and Hermione arrived. The only thing he spoke to them about was to make them promise not to tell Harry important things in their letters, in case the owls were intercepted.

Discovered in chapter 6, The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black

Professor Dumbledore is the Secret Keeper for the Order of the Phoenix, and this protection extends to the location of their Headquarters at number twelve, Grimmauld Place. Nobody can find the house unless Dumbledore himself tells them the address — it was he who wrote the note that Mad-Eye Moody showed Harry the night before. Dumbledore visits number twelve, Grimmauld Place, on the evening before Harry’s hearing. He doesn’t ask to see Harry, but tells the adults that he thinks it a bad idea for Sirius to accompany his godson to the hearing.

Discovered in chapter 26, Seen and Unforseen

Dumbledore arrives in the Entrance Hall after Professor Umbridge orders Professor Trelawney to leave the castle, after dismissing the Divination teacher from her post. Dumbledore tells Professor Umbridge that although she has the right to dismiss any teacher she pleases, only he has the authority to send them away from the castle. He refuses to allow Professor Trelawney to leave the school, and asks Professor McGonagall to escort her back upstairs.

Dumbledore informs Professor Umbridge that he has found a new Divination teacher who will prefer lodgings on the ground floor, and reminds her that the Ministry only has the right to appoint new teachers if the Headmaster is unable to do so. He turns to the open front doors of the castle and happily introduces the new teacher, Firenze the Centaur, to the assembled students and teachers.

Discovered in chapter 27, The Centaur and the Sneak

Dumbledore is sitting behind his desk, his expression serene, when Harry and Professor Umbridge arrive in his office. He doesn’t look at Harry when Fudge asks whether he knows why he is there, but shakes his head a fraction of an inch to each side, giving a tiny nod when Harry denies knowing anything. Dumbledore surprises the Ministry officials by pointing out that the initial meeting in the Hog’s Head was not, in fact, illegal, as Educational Decree Number Twenty-four was only put into effect two days later.

When Professor Umbridge produces the list of students who attended the meeting that night, he points out the name of the group, ‘Dumbledore’s Army’, and falsely confesses to organising the meeting. Dumbledore cheerfully admits to the Minister that he has been plotting against him, but informs him that he will not be coming quietly, having no intention of being charged or being sent to Azkaban to await a trial. Dumbledore hexes the Ministry officials, including Kingsley Shacklebolt, rendering them unconscious on the office floor. He tells Harry and McGonagall that he will be leaving Hogwarts, but has no plans to go into hiding. Reminding Harry to practise Occlumency, Dumbledore grasps Fawkes’s long, golden tail, and the pair disappear in a flash of fire.

Discovered in chapter 35, Beyond the Veil

Dumbledore appears in the doorway from the Brain Room, his wand aloft, his face white and furious. He speeds past Neville and Harry and begins to fight the Death Eaters. He turns towards the dais as Sirius is hit in the chest with a curse from Bellatrix Lestrange.

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Discovered in chapter 13, The Secret Riddle

Dumbledore and Harry use the Pensieve in the Headmaster’s office to visit his memory of meeting Tom Riddle for the first time. They follow a younger, auburn haired Dumbledore down a bustling, old-fashioned London street to a grim-looking orphanage, and watch his interaction with Mrs Cole, the matron of the orphanage, and the eleven-year-old Tom Riddle.

In the memory, Dumbledore is questioned suspiciously by Mrs Cole about Hogwarts and his plans for Tom Riddle. After being asked about the school, and how Riddle was registered, Dumbledore slips his wand out of his pocket and hands Mrs Cole a blank piece of paper, surreptitiously waving his wand as he does so. The spell he casts causes Mrs Cole’s questioning to cease. Dumbledore asks about Tom Riddle, and about the boy’s parents. He is interested in her depiction of Tom, gravely listening as she mentions the incident with Billy Stubb’s rabbit being found hanged from the rafters after the two boys argued. He reminds Mrs Cole that Tom will need to return to the orphanage every summer at the very least.

Dumbledore is taken to Tom’s bedroom in the orphanage, and introduces himself to the boy. He informs Tom that he is a teacher at Hogwarts, that Tom has been offered a place at the school, and that it is a school of magic. He watches Riddle’s reaction carefully. When Riddle orders him to prove that he is a wizard, Dumbledore reprimands his rudeness, and promptly sets the wardrobe on fire with a flick of his wand. He ends the spell moments later, leaving the wardrobe undamaged. When a rattling noise comes from inside the wardrobe, Dumbledore asks Riddle to remove the small cardboard box on the top shelf, and asks if there is anything in it that shouldn’t be. When the boy reveals the stolen items in the box, Dumbledore sternly tells him that stealing is not tolerated at Hogwarts, and that by entering the wizarding world he must agree to abide by their laws. He gives Tom money for his school supplies, mentioning the fund at Hogwarts for students who require assistance, and surprisingly agrees to Tom’s suggestion that he visit Diagon Alley alone, giving him the directions to the Leaky Cauldron and platform nine and three-quarters. Dumbledore shakes Tom’s hand as he leaves, hesitating momentarily when the boy reveals he is a Parselmouth, and leaves the bedroom.

As the memory ends, Dumbledore and Harry return to the Headmaster’s office, and talk about the meeting.

Discovered in chapter 20, Lord Voldemort’s Request

Professor Dumbledore and Harry use the Pensieve in the Headmaster’s office to visit Hokey the house-elf’s memory of Tom Riddle’s visit to Hepzibah Smith. They watch as Hepzibah shows Tom her two finest treasures — Helga Hufflepuff’s golden cup and Salazar Slytherin’s locket. Once back in his office, Dumbledore explains to Harry that, two days after the visit, Hepzibah Smith was found dead and that Hokey the house-elf was convicted of her murder. Dumbledore believes that Tom Riddle murdered Hepzibah and modified Hokey’s memory, as he did to Morfin Gaunt. He thinks that the Ministry of Magic were predisposed to suspect Hokey, as they were with Morfin, hence why they didn’t investigate thoroughly.

Discovered in chapter 26, The Cave

Professor Dumbledore travels with Harry to find one of Lord Voldemort’s Horcruxes. The pair find and enter the cave, after Dumbledore makes a blood sacrifice to enter the inner chamber. He explains to Harry that the requirement is designed to weaken any enemies of Voldemort who enter the cave. When they find the boat to take them across the lake, Dumbledore explains that Voldemort enchanted the boat to allow only one wizard to cross the lake, but that he wouldn’t have expected an underage wizard to get this far, basing the enchantment on magical power. The pair travel across the lake in the boat and climb the island to the stone basin.

Dumbledore tries to touch the potion in the stone basin that conceals the Horcrux but meets an invisible barrier. He tells Harry the only way to drain the potion is to drink it, and reminds Harry of his promise to follow any command of Dumbledore’s on the trip. Dumbledore conjures a crystal goblet to scoop the Emerald Potion out of the stone basin.

Dumbledore drinks the Emerald Potion, his face beginning to twitch after his third gobletful. His grip on the goblet slackens, and he speaks in a frightened voice, pleading with Harry to make him stop drinking. He shakes and cowers as though invisible tormentors surround him, his limbs flailing. Dumbledore begs Harry to let him stop drinking and to kill him, but finishes the last of the Emerald Potion, collapsing immediately after. He asks Harry for water once revived, and is eventually given some of the water from the lake.

When Harry is attacked by the Inferi in the lake, Dumbledore rises to his feet, pale with fire dancing in his eyes, and conjures flames from his wand, encircling the creatures with the fire like a vast lasso. He scoops the locket from the bottom of the stone basin an leads Harry back to the boat, moving the ring of fire with them until the Inferi return to the lake. He and Harry enter the boat and travel back across the lake.

Discovered in chapter 27, The Lightning-Struck Tower

Professor Dumbledore sends Harry to fetch Snape once the pair have arrived at the Astronomy Tower. He silently immobilises Harry using a Freezing Charm when he hears someone running to the Tower, and is disarmed by Draco Malfoy.

Dumbledore questions Draco as to whether he is acting alone. When Draco reveals there are Death Eaters at Hogwarts, Dumbledore is mildly impressed that Draco found a way to let them in. Dumbledore tells Draco he is not a killer, revealing that he has been aware of Draco’s plans throughout the year, believing them to be feeble attempts at killing him. He accuses Draco, kindly, of being afraid to act alone, and doesn’t believe that the student will kill him. He talks about Draco’s plans through the year, guessing that Madam Rosmerta was his accomplice under the Imperius Curse. As they talk, Dumbledore slides further down the ramparts, the strength in his legs fading. He tells Draco that Snape is his double-agent, not Lord Voldemort’s, and that he trusts the teacher, and questions the boy further about the fight happening below in the school.

Dumbledore offers to help Draco if he comes to the right side, and offers the protection and safety of the Order of the Phoenix to him and his family. He calmly welcomes the four Death Eaters who appear on the Astronomy Tower, intrigued to see the Carrows and Fenrir Greyback. Dumbledore pleads with Snape when the teacher arrives at the Astronomy Tower and is hit squarely in the chest with the Killing Curse by his colleague. He arcs backwards over the battlements of the Tower like a great rag doll, falling out of sight.

Discovered in chapter 30, The White Tomb

Professor Dumbledore’s funeral is held at Hogwarts. The body, shrouded in purple velvet spangled with gold stars, is carried down the aisle between the chairs by Hagrid and placed on the marble table by the lake. The service is taken by a little man dressed in black; when his speech is over, white flames erupt around Dumbledore’s body and the marble table. The body is obscured by the flames, and white smoke spirals into the air in strange shapes. When the fire vanishes, a white marble tomb stands in the spot, encasing Dumbledore and the marble table.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Discovered in chapter 8, The Wedding

Ron’s Aunt Muriel reveals that Albus Dumbledore’s sister, Ariana, was believed to be a Squib. She mentions that Albus and Aberforth Dumbledore brawled at Ariana’s funeral, and that Albus did not defend himself.

Chocolate Frog card

Main article: Albus Dumbledore Chocolate Frog Card

Dumbledore is featured on a Chocolate Frog card. He seems quite proud of this achievement.

The text of the card reads:

Considered by many the greatest wizard of modern times, Professor Dumbledore is particularly famous for his defeat of the Dark wizard Grindelwald in 1945, for the discovery of the twelve uses of dragon’s blood and his work on alchemy with his partner, Nicolas Flamel.


See Also

  • Albus Dumbledore on the Harry Potter Wiki
Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore
Dumbledore in Professor McGonagall’s office at the end of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. («Dumbledore Returns»}
Born July or August 1881
Died 30 June 1997 at the Hogwarts Astronomy Tower
Species Human
Parentage Wizard father, Muggle-born mother
Family Members Percival Dumbledore, Kendra Dumbledore, Aberforth Dumbledore, Ariana Dumbledore
Affiliations Hogwarts, Order of the Phoenix
Hogwarts House Gryffindor
Wand First wand unknown, second wand Elder with Thestral hair, 15 inches (the Elder Wand)
Special Abilities Extremely powerful wizard, the only one Lord Voldemort ever feared.
Hobbies chamber music and ten-pin bowling

Albus Dumbledore was called the greatest wizard of his age, and was the headmaster at Hogwarts during Harry’s first year. He was remarkably kind and intelligent, and one of the main characters of the series.

As stated by himself in the foreword of Quidditch Through the Ages, he is a fan of the oldest and twenty-two time league winning Puddlemere United Quidditch Club.


Albus Dumbledore is Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He is an elderly man with bright blue eyes, silver hair and beard long enough to tuck into his belt. He wears half-moon spectacles and his long, crooked nose looks as though it has been broken at least twice.

In addition to Headmaster of Hogwarts, Professor Dumbledore holds the titles of Grand Sorcerer; Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot, and Supreme Mugwump of the International Confederation of Wizards. He has also been awarded Order of Merlin, First Class.

From the Story

Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone

Dumbledore using the Put-Outer at Number Four, Privet Drive. («Something Peculiar is Happening»)

Discovered in chapter 1, The Boy Who Lived

Albus Dumbledore appears at Privet Drive the evening after Voldemort disappears. He looks quite different from most of the people who live in the quiet suburb, with a long purple cloak and a beard he can tuck into his belt.

Dumbledore uses a strange device to extinguish all the lights on Privet Drive, then sits with Minerva McGonagall, who had been waiting for him there. He explains the events of the previous night: that Voldemort, having killed Harry Potter’s parents, tried unsuccessfully to kill Harry and then vanished. Although no one knows why Harry survived, Dumbledore has arranged for Harry to be brought to Privet Drive so he can be left with the Dursleys, who are Harry’s only living relatives. Dumbledore believes Harry will fare better growing up in the Muggle world where he is unknown, rather than the wizarding one where he is already a celebrity.

Discovered in chapter 7, The Sorting Hat

Professor Dumbledore is known throughout the school for being a brilliant and slightly eccentric wizard. When the “few words” he wishes to offer during the opening feast are “Nitwit, Blubber, Oddment, Tweak,” Harry asks Percy whether or not the professor is a little mad.

Once everyone has eaten, however, Professor Dumbledore gives the proper start-of-term notices. He informs the students that the forest within the grounds is forbidden and the third-floor corridor on the right-hand side is out of bounds to anyone who does not wish to die a painful death.

Discovered in chapter 12, The Mirror of Erised

During the Christmas holidays, Professor Dumbledore confronts Harry about his repeated visits to the Mirror of Erised; he explains that the mirror gives neither knowledge nor truth, but shows a person the most desperate desire of their heart, a vision that has been known to drive men mad. Professor Dumbledore tells Harry the mirror will be moved shortly, and asks him not to go looking for it again.

Professor Dumbledore at Harry’s first-year End-of-Year Feast. («The End-of-Year Feast»)

Discovered in chapter 17, The Man with Two Faces

The night that Harry, Ron and Hermione attempt to save the Philosopher’s Stone, Professor Dumbledore receives an urgent owl that appears to have come from the Ministry of Magic, and leaves the school. He realises when he gets to London that the message was false, and returns to Hogwarts, appearing in the underground chamber just in time to save Harry.

After Voldemort flees the school (leaving Professor Quirrell to die), Professor Dumbledore consults with Nicolas Flamel, the owner of the Philosopher’s Stone. Flamel and his wife, Perenelle, agree to destroy the Stone, set their affairs in order, and die. When Harry expresses amazement at this, Professor Dumbledore explains that to a well-organised mind, death is simply the next great adventure.

Professor Dumbledore also answers some of Harry’s remaining questions about the events of the year, revealing that he was the one who gave Harry the Invisibility Cloak at Christmas and explaining that Harry got the Philosopher’s Stone because he wanted to find but not use it. He also explains why Professor Quirrell couldn’t touch Harry’s skin without suffering unendurable pain. He declines to disclose, however, why Voldemort tried to murder Harry more than a decade earlier.

At the end-of-year feast, Professor Dumbledore awards points to Harry, Ron, Hermione for their skill and courage in the chambers, and to Neville for his bravery, which – to the elation of all but the Slytherins – grants Gryffindor the House Cup.

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Discovered in chapter 5, The Whomping Willow

When Harry and Ron crash a flying car into the Whomping Willow, Professor Dumbledore decides not to expel them; instead he leaves their punishments to Professor McGonagall as their Head of House. He does, however, write to their families to inform them of their rule-breaking.

Discovered in chapter 8, The Deathday Party

When an immobile Mrs Norris is found hanging from a torch bracket, it is Dumbledore who realises that she is not dead, but Petrified. He says that an attack of this kind takes very advanced Dark magic, but that a victim may be revived.

Discovered in chapter 10, The Rogue Bludger

Dumbledore helps to carry the Petrified Colin Creevey to the hospital wing. He says the attack is confirmation that the Chamber of Secrets is indeed open again, and that the question is not who opened it, but how.

Discovered in chapter 12, The Polyjuice Potion

Discovered in chapter 14, Cornelius Fudge

Lucius Malfoy tells Dumbledore that the Hogwarts governors have suspended him from his position as Headmaster after the attack on Hermione and Penelope Clearwater, a Ravenclaw Prefect. Before he leaves, Dumbledore says that he will only truly have left the school when none there are loyal to him, and that help will always be given at Hogwarts to those who ask.

Discovered in chapter 17, The Heir of Slytherin

Fawkes is called to Harry when he shows Dumbledore true loyalty in the Chamber of Secrets.

Discovered in chapter 18, Dobby’s Reward

Dumbledore is reinstated as Headmaster when it is believed that Ginny Weasley has been killed; several of the school governors seem to indicate to Dumbledore that they had only suspended him originally because Lucius threatened them.

Dumbledore surmises that it was Lord Voldemort controlling Ginny before Harry says so but he is interested to know how he managed to control Ginny, as his sources indicate that Voldemort is currently hiding in the forests of Albania.

Dumbledore declines to punish Ginny, Harry or Ron for the events and various rule-breakings throughout the year. He gives Harry and Ron two hundred points apiece for Gryffindor and Special Awards for Services to the School for their actions.

Dumbledore also assures Harry that despite the similarities between himself and Tom Riddle, only a true Gryffindor could have pulled the Sword of Gryffindor out of the Sorting Hat.

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban


Discovered in chapter 8, Flight of the Fat Lady

Dumbledore arrives in the corridor outside the Gryffindor common room, and moves towards the ruined portrait of the Fat Lady. He asks Professor McGonagall to find Filch and tell him to search every painting in the castle for the Fat Lady. When Peeves appears, Dumbledore asks him what he saw, getting Peeves to tell him the direction the Fat Lady disappeared in. Dumbledore asks Peeves if the Fat Lady mentioned who slashed the portrait, and is told that the culprit is Sirius Black.

Dumbledore sends the Gryffindor students back to the Great Hall, where they are joined ten minutes later by the students from Hufflepuff, Slytherin and Ravenclaw. He informs the students that the teachers will be conducting a search of the entire castle, and asks that they remain in the Great Hall for the night. He conjures up sleeping bags for every student.

Dumbledore returns to the Great Hall in the early hours of the morning. When Percy asks if Black has been found, Dumbledore says that he has not. He tells Percy the Fat Lady has been found in a map of Argyllshire on the second floor, and is still very distressed. Dumbledore makes it clear to Snape that he does not believe anyone in the castle helped Black to enter. He leaves to let the Dementors know that the castle has been searched, reiterating that whilst he is Headmaster of Hogwarts, no Dementor will ever cross its threshold.

Discovered in chapter 9, Grim Defeat

Dumbledore is furious when the Dementors appear at the Quidditch match. He runs onto the pitch as Harry falls, waving his wand, and slows Harry down before he hits the ground. Dumbledore makes the Dementors leave the stadium immediately, then magicks Harry onto a stretcher and walks with him up to the castle.

Discovered in chapter 15, The Quidditch Final

At the end of the match Dumbledore waits in the Quidditch stands, to present the enormous Quidditch Cup to the Gryffindor team.

Discovered in chapter 16, Professor Trelawney’s Prediction

Dumbledore tries to appeal the decision to execute Buckbeak, but fails. He tells Hagrid he is going to come to the execution, to give Hagrid some support. Dumbledore leads Fudge, the elderly Committee member and the executioner down to Hagrid’s hut at sunset.

Discovered in chapter 18, Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs

Dumbledore was always sympathetic to the fact that Remus Lupin was a werewolf, and didn’t see why Lupin couldn’t attend Hogwarts as long as certain precautions were taken. Under his instruction, the Whomping Willow was planted, and the tunnel and Shrieking Shack were built, to help Lupin during his transformations. Dumbledore encouraged the rumours surrounding the Shrieking Shack, in order to keep people from wanting to get near the building. Lupin says that Dumbledore had no idea that he was breaking the rules so carefully laid for him by roaming the school grounds and village at night, and that he had no idea Lupin’s three friends had become Animagi.

Discovered in chapter 21, Hermione’s Secret

Dumbledore enters the hospital wing as Madam Pomfrey is trying to evict Snape and Fudge. He tells her that he has spoken to Sirius Black and needs to speak to Harry and Hermione. He calmly asks the others to leave them. He assures an irate Snape that he hasn’t forgotten about the incident that occured between Snape and Sirius when they were students.

Dumbledore stops Harry and Hermione’s explanations, and tells them that it is their turn to listen to him. He reminds them that there is no evidence to support Sirius’s version of events except their own accounts, and that very few would believe the words of young children. He points out that Sirius has not behaved as an innocent man would. He looks at Hermione pointedly as he tells the pair that what they really need is more time. He tells them where Sirius has been imprisoned in the castle, and reminds Hermione that they must not be seen. Dumbledore tells Harry and Hermione that he is going to lock them in to the hospital wing; looking at his watch, he informs them that it is five minutes to midnight, and cryptically tells Hermione that he thinks three turns will suffice. He shuts the door behind him as he leaves the hospital wing.

Dumbledore enters Hagrid’s house with the rest of the Committee, and listens as Fudge reads the official notice of execution. He reminds Macnair to sign the notice just as the executioner starts to head towards the back door. He continues talking, seemingly unwittingly giving Harry enough time to free and hide Buckbeak. Dumbledore sounds more amused than surprised when Buckbeak’s disapppearance is discovered. He suggests that if Buckbeak has been stolen, the thief will have flown him away, quashing Macnair’s suggestion to search the grounds. Telling Hagrid he could do with a cup of tea, or perhaps a large brandy, Dumbledore returns to the house. Dumbledore and the Committee start to walk back to the castle just after Harry, Hermione and Crookshanks enter the tunnel at the Whomping Willow.

Discovered in chapter 22, Owl Post Again

Dumbledore backs out of the hospital wing as he gives Harry and Hermione their instructions, and gets his wand out to magically lock the door. He smiles when he sees Harry and Hermione running towards him, and quietly asks how they did. He beams when he hears that Sirius and Buckbeak have escaped, and congratulates Harry and Hermione. He listens intently for a moment, waiting until he hears Harry and Hermione using the Time-Turner from within the hospital wing, then lets them in, locking it behind them.

Dumbledore looks calm as he arrives in the hospital wing with Fudge and Snape. He tells Snape to think about his accusations, and points out that Harry and Hermione have been locked in the hospital wing since he left ten minutes before. He tells Fudge and Snape that as Harry and Hermione couldn’t have been in two places at once, they can’t have had anything to do with Black’s escape.

Dumbledore manages to convince Fudge that Lupin was trying to save Harry, Ron and Hermione, and that he wasn’t helping Sirius Black.

When Lupin resigns Dumbledore goes to his office to tell him that his carriage is waiting at the school gates. He is unsurprised to see Harry there with him. Dumbledore bids farewell to Lupin, but doesn’t accompany him to the carriage, at Lupin’s request. He and Harry remain in the office after Lupin has left. Dumbledore asks Harry why he is so miserable, as he should be very proud of himself after the previous night. He is surprised when Harry doesn’t seem to appreciate what he achieved, and reminds him that he saved an innocent man from a terrible fate. He listens as Harry tells him about Professor Trelawney’s prediction, and thinks that Trelawney might well have made a real prediction. He tells Harry that Pettigrew owes his life to Harry, and that a certain bond has been created between them because of that. He says that this is magic at its deepest and most impenetrable, and that Harry may be glad of it in the future.

Dumbledore knows about the three unregistered Animagi, as he was told by Sirius the night before, and is impressed that they managed to keep it a secret from him for so long.

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Discovered in chapter 12, The Triwizard Tournament

Dumbledore sits at the centre of the staff table as the students enter the Great Hall. He gives a very brief greeting after the Sorting Ceremony has taken place, telling the students to ‘tuck in’ as food magically appears on the previously empty plates on the tables. After the feast, Dumbledore gets to his feet, and starts to make various announcements. He is interrupted by the arrival of Alastor Moody in the Great Hall, whom Dumbledore introduces to the students as the new Defence Against the Dark Arts professor. Dumbledore tells the students that the annual inter-house Quidditch Cup will not take place this year, as the Triwizard Tournament is to be hosted at Hogwarts. He tells those assembled about the history of the Tournament, and informs them that there will be a few new restrictions on those entering the competition, including age. Dumbledore says that he will personally be ensuring that no underage student hoodwinks the impartial judge so that they can enter the Tournament, his eyes flickering over to Fred and George Weasley as he speaks.

Discovered in chapter 14, The Unforgivable Curses

Moody says that Professor Dumbledore specially requested him to come and teach at Hogwarts that year.

Discovered in chapter 15, Beauxbatons and Durmstrang

Professor Dumbledore starts to clap as Madame Maxime exits the Beauxbatons carriage with her students. He greets Madame Maxime cordially, and invites the Beauxbatons delegations to enter the castle and warm up after their journey.

Professor Dumbledore waits outside the castle for the Durmstrang visitors to arrive at the castle. He greets Professor Karkaroff, the headmaster of Durmstrang, cordially, and shakes his hands.

Discovered in chapter 16, The Goblet of Fire

Dumbledore enters the Great Hall accompanied by Professor Karkaroff and Madame Maxime after all the students are seated. He remains standing after the teachers are all seated, and welcomes the new arrivals to Hogwarts. When the feast is over, Dumbledore introduces the judges to the students and explains the rules of the Triwizard Tournament. He tells the students that he will be drawing an Age Line around the Goblet of Fire to prevent students under the age of seventeen from trying to enter the Tournament.

Dumbledore is amused whe Fred and George attempt to cross the Age Line by taking an Ageing Potion. His eyes twinkle as he reminds the twins that he had warned against trying to fool the Line, and tells them to go to Madam Pomfrey in the hospital wing. He knows of two other students who attempted to fool the Age Line, though he says their beards are nothing like as fine as the twins’.

Dumbledore stands at the staff table behind the Goblet of Fire after the Hallowe’en feast is over, waiting for the Goblet to make its decision. When the first piece of parchment is ejected by the Goblet, Dumbledore catches it and holds it at arms length so that he can read the name. He does this twice more, revealing Viktor Krum, Fleur Delacour and Cedric Diggory as the three Triwizard champions. Dumbledore begins to make his closing speech after the three champions have exited the Great Hall, but stops speaking suddenly after the flames in the Goblet of Fire turn red once again. Almost automatically, he seizes the piece of parchment that is released by the flames. There is a long pause as Dumbledore stares at the slip of parchment in his hands; he then clears his throat, and reads Harry’s name out loud.

Discovered in chapter 17, The Four Champions

Professor Dumbledore calls Harry’s name a second time after Professor McGonagall has spoken to him, and waits as Harry walks towards him through the Great Hall. He doesn’t smile as he tells Harry to join the other champions in the room off the Great Hall. Dumbledore enters the room off the Great Hall followed by several other teachers. Dumbledore remains quiet as he is questioned by Professor Karkaroff and Madame Maxime, but interrupts as Professor Snape begins to accuse Harry of cheating his way into the competition. Dumbledore calmly asks Harry whether he entered himself into the Goblet of Fire, or whether he asked an older student to enter his name for him, and is satisfied with Harry’s denial. Dumbledore politely admits to Madame Maxime that he could have made a mistake with the Age Line, although it is unlikely. After much argument between the assembled teachers, he tells them that whilst they do not know how the situation occurred, they have no choice but to accept Harry as a Triwizard champion. After Mr Crouch has explained the rules of the First Task to the champions, Dumbledore asks the adults to join him for a nightcap, but his offer is not taken up by anyone. He encourages Cedric and Harry to go to their common rooms, knowing that their friends will be waiting to celebrate with them.

Discovered in chapter 18, The Weighing of the Wands

Dumbledore opens the broom cupboard where Harry and Rita Skeeter are talking and peers down at the two curiously. He tells Rita he found her article on the International Confederation of Wizards’ Conference enchantingly nasty, and particularly enjoyed her description of himself as an obsolete dingbat. He tells Harry that the Weighing of the Wands is about to start, and follows them back into the classroom for the ceremony. Dumbledore takes his place at the judges’ table, and introduces Mr Ollivander to the champions. After the ceremony is over, Dumbledore tells the students they can make their way to dinner, but they are all waylaid by The Daily Prophet photographer.

Discovered in chapter 19, The Hungarian Horntail

Sirius suspects one of the reasons Professor Dumbledore wanted an Auror at Hogwarts this year is because he knew Professor Karkaroff would be visiting.

Discovered in chapter 20, The First Task

Dumbledore awards Harry nine points out of ten after his performance against the Hungarian Horntail during the first task.

Discovered in chapter 21, The House-Elf Liberation Front

Professor Dumbledore hired Dobby and Winky the house-elves to work at Hogwarts. He is not worried that Dobby asked to be paid for his work, and originally offered the elf ten Galleons a week and every weekend off. He was beaten down by Dobby, and now pays him one Galleon a week and one day off a month.

Discovered in chapter 23, The Yule Ball

Dumbledore smiles as the champions approach the top table together for dinner. As the feast begins, Dumbledore looks carefully at his menu, then speaks his order of pork chops clearly to his plate, causing them to appear. Dumbledore is amused when Professor Karkaroff appears nervous about Viktor Krum giving the location of Durmstrang away. He disagrees with Karkaroff’s suggestion that a Headmaster knows everything about their own school, and tells him that in the morning he took a wrong turn on the way to the bathroom and found himself in a beautifully proportioned room that he’d never seen before, filled with magnificent chamberpots. When he went back to investigate later in the day, the room had vanished. He appears to give Harry a quick wink after telling his story.

When all the food has been eaten, Dumbledore stands up and asks the students to do the same. With a wave of his wand, he makes the tables zoom back along the walls, leaving the floor clear, and conjures a raised platform along the right-hand wall. Dumbledore joins the champions on the dance floor after a while, and waltzes with Madame Maxime, the top of his pointed hat barely reaching her chin. He later dances with Professor Sprout.

Discovered in chapter 24, Rita Skeeter’s Scoop

Dumbledore opens the door to Hagrid’s cabin, interrupting Hermione’s pounding on the door. He invites Harry, Ron and Hermione into the cabin, and conjures up a tea-tray for the table. He asks Hagrid whether he heard what Hermione was shouting earlier outside the cabin, and points out that the trio still want to know the gamekeeper. Dumbledore received letters from countless parents after Rita Skeeter’s article was published, telling him in no uncertain terms that there would be consequences if he chose to sack Hagrid. Dumbledore tells Hagrid that he refuses to accept his resignation, and expects Hagrid to be back at work the coming Monday. He leaves the cabin after asking Hagrid to join him for breakfast in the Great Hall on Monday morning.

Discovered in chapter 26, The Second Task

Professor Dumbledore crouches at the waters edge after the second task is over, talking to the Merchieftainess in Mermish. He calls a conference between the judges before the scores are read out, to relay the information the merpeople gave about the champions’ performances in the lake.

Discovered in chapter 28, The Madness of Mr Crouch

Dumbledore appears from his office having heard a commotion in the corridor outside. He doesn’t ask any questions after hearing from Harry that Mr Crouch is in the Forbidden Forest, and tells the boy to lead the way. As they reach the Forest he lights his wand, allowing the narrow beam of light to illuminate the ground, finally falling upon the unconscious body of Viktor Krum. Dumbledore realises quickly that Krum has been Stunned, and revives the Durmstrang student. He sends Hagrid to fetch Professor Karkaroff, and asks Professor Moody to search for Mr Crouch in the Forest. Dumbledore is accused of attempting to sabotage the Durmstrang Triwizard Tournament champion by an angry Karkaroff. When Hagrid angrily menaces Karkaroff, Dumbledore tells the gameskeeper to escort Harry back to the castle, and subtly asks Harry to wait to send an owl to Sirius until the morning.

Discovered in chapter 30, The Pensieve

Dumbledore tells Harry that he, Professor Moody and Cornelius Fudge will be making a quick examination of the school grounds following the disappearance of Mr Crouch, and asks the boy to remain in his office until he returns. In the Pensieve in Dumbledore’s office, Harry discovers three of the Headmaster’s memories: trials and hearings of suspected Death Eaters during and after the First Wizarding War. When Dumbledore returns to his office, he finds Harry watching the memories in the Pensieve, and gently pulls Harry back into his office, and the present day. Dumbledore is not angry with Harry for using the Pensieve, understanding the curiosity Harry must have felt when he noticed it. He tells Harry that he sometimes finds he has too many thoughts and memories crammed into his mind, and that he uses the Pensieve to place the excess thoughts, to examine them later at his leisure. He shows Harry how the process works, placing the memories of conversations with Harry, Professor Snape and a young Bertha Jorkins into the Pensieve. He listens to Harry explain about the dream he had about Voldemort and Wormtail in Divination class, and Dumbledore reveals that he already knows about the occasion over the summer where Harry’s scar hurt him, having been in correspondence with Sirius ever since he left Hogwarts at the end of Harry’s third year. Dumbledore believes that Harry and Voldemort are connected by the curse that failed, and thinks it likely that the events Harry saw actually happened. Dumbledore tells Harry more about what happened to Neville’s parents, but asks that he keep it a secret, to allow Neville to tell people when he is ready. He refuses to tell Harry any more about Professor Snape’s involvement with the Death Eaters, and his subsequent decision to change sides, saying that it is a matter between the Professor and himself.

Discovered in chapter 31, The Third Task

After the evening feast on the day of the third task, Dumbledore asks those assembled in the Great Hall to make their way down to the Quidditch pitch in five minutes time. He asks the champions to follow Ludo Bagman down to the stadium immediately.

Discovered in chapter 35, Veritaserum

When Harry is transported back to Hogwarts with the Triwizard Cup and Cedric’s body, Dumbledore is the first to reach him. He crouches over the boy, and is shocked when Harry tells him that Voldemort has returned. Dumbledore encourages Harry to let go of Cedric’s body, telling the boy that there is nothing more he can do, then lifts Harry from the ground, setting him on his feet. He tells Harry to stay where he is, and goes to talk to Cedric Diggory’s parents.

Dumbledore bursts into Moody’s office after Stunning the Professor. He tells Harry that the unconscious man is not the real Alastor Moody, and says that the real Moody would never have removed Harry from Dumbledore’s sight after the events that night. Dumbledore asks Professor Snape to fetch his strongest Truth Potion and Winky the house-elf, and sends Professor McGonagall to bring the black dog waiting in the pumpkin patch to his office. With the keys he removes from Moody’s robes, Dumbledore walks over to the trunk in the office, and methodically opens each of the seven locks. In the seventh layer, Dumbledore reveals the real Alastor Moody, imprisoned in the underground room of the trunk. He climbs into the trunk, falling lightly onto the floor beside the sleeping man, and covers Moody in a cloak to keep him warm. He picks up the hip-flask that stands on Moody’s desk and unscrews it, turning it over so that the liquid inside it splatters onto the floor, revealing it to be Polyjuice Potion.

Dumbledore and Harry wait in silence, watching the unconscious man on the floor, until the effects of the Polyjuice Potion begin to wear off, revealing the true identity of the impostor, Barty Crouch Junior. When Snape returns with the Truth Potion, Dumbledore pulls the unconscious man into a sitting position against the wall, and pours three drops of the potion into his mouth. He uses the spell Rennervate to awaken him, and begins to question him about how he came to be at Hogwarts, and how he escaped from Azkaban. He reveals through his questioning the truth behind Voldemort’s eventual return.

Discovered in chapter 36, The Parting of the Ways

Dumbledore stares at Barty Crouch Junior with disgust after he finishes telling his story. Dumbledore raises his wand once more and conjures ropes from it, which twist themselves around the criminal, binding him tightly. He asks Professor McGonagall to watch Crouch, and tells Snape to bring Madam Pomfrey to Moody’s office, then find Cornelius Fudge. Dumbledore knows that Fudge will want to question Crouch himself, and says that he will be in the hospital wing in half an hour’s time, should Fudge want him.

Dumbledore escorts Harry out of Moody’s office and towards his own, where Sirius is waiting for them. He beings to tell Sirius everything that Barty Crouch Junior had said, but stops after a moment, sitting down behind his desk, opposite Harry. He asks Harry to tell him everything that happened after he and Cedric touched the Portkey in the maze. He knows that letting Harry postpone having to think about the events that night won’t help him, and asks Harry to demonstrate his courage one more time, and tell them what happened. He and Sirius listen in silence as Harry tells them everything, Dumbledore raising his hand occasionally to prevent Sirius from interrupting. When Harry has finished, Dumbledore tells him that he has shown bravery beyond anything he could have expected, equal to those who died fighting at the height of Voldemort’s power. He takes Harry to the hospital wing with Sirius, and asks those waiting for them to allow Harry to sleep in peace.

Later that night, Dumbledore enters the hospital wing to find Cornelius Fudge, Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape arguing there. He is surprised to see Professor McGonagall there, as he had asked her to stand guard over Barty Crouch Junior. When he hears that Crouch has been given the Dementors’ Kiss, he stares at Fudge as though seeing him plainly for the first time. He is keenly aware that Crouch Junior can no longer testify as to why he killed those people, and tells Fudge that Crouch Junior was acting under Voldemort’s instructions. He refuses to allow Fudge to question Harry that night, his eyes blazing when Fudge questions the truth of Harry’s story. Dumbledore tells Fudge that Harry is sane as the two of them, and that he believes Harry’s account of the events at the Tournament.

Dumbledore tells Fudge that, now Voldemort has returned, there are several necessary measures the Minister has to take. The first he suggests is to remove Azkaban from the control of the Dementors. Dumbledore is certain that the Dementors will rejoin Voldemort as soon as he asks them, and that they will not remain loyal to Fudge. He knows that with the support of the Dementors and his old supporters, Voldemort could well regain the power he held thirteen years ago. He asks Fudge to send an envoy to the giants to extend the hand of friendship to them before Voldemort can persuade them to join him as well. Dumbledore is angry that Fudge doesn’t believe in the imminent danger the wizarding world is in, and accuses the Minister of being blinded by love of the office he holds. He thinks Fudge places too much importance on purity of blood, and thinks he should recognise that it is what someone grows to be that is important. The Headmaster tells Fudge that if he is determined to ignore the warnings, they have reached a parting of the ways. Dumbledore says that he will act as he sees fit, regardless of whether Fudge does the same.

After Fudge leaves the hospital wing, Dumbledore tells those left in the hospital wing that there is work to be done. He establishes the Weasleys’ position, and asks Molly to send a message to Arthur telling him what has occurred. He sends Madam Pomfrey to take Winky back to the kitchens, and asks Sirius to resume his normal form. He asks Snape and Severus to put aside their differences and work together, and sends Sirius to alert the ‘old crowd’ about what occurred during the third task. He leaves the hospital wing to find Mr and Mrs Diggory.

Discovered in chapter 37, The Beginning

Hagrid reveals that Dumbledore plans to prepare for a fight against Voldemort, hoping to stop the Dark Lord before he gets a good hold again.

Dumbledore gives a speech at the Leaving Feast on the last day of term. He makes a toast to the memory of Cedric Diggory, and makes the decision to tell the students the truth about his death: that Cedric was murdered by Lord Voldemort. Dumbledore says that the Ministry of Magic did not want him to reveal this fact, but that he believes the truth is preferable to lies, and that to lie would be an insult to Cedric’s memory. Dumbledore asks the students to toast Harry Potter, commending the boy for his bravery on the night of Cedric’s murder. Dumbledore tells those assembled in the Great Hall that in light of Lord Voldemort’s return, the ties created by the Triwizard Tournament are more important than ever, and says that every guest in the Hall will be welcomed back to Hogwarts at any time, should they wish to come. His eyes linger on the Durmstrang students as he says this, and reminds those assembled that they are only as strong as they are united, and as weak as they are divided. He encourages the idea that differences of habit and language do not matter, so long as their aims are identical and their hearts are open. Dumbledore asks them all to remember Cedric Diggory if ever there comes a time when they have to make a choice between what is right, and what is easy.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Discovered in chapter 4, Number Twelve, Grimmauld Place

Dumbledore is the founder of the Order of the Phoenix. He founded the secret society during the First Wizarding War, and the members of the society fought against Voldemort. Ron and Hermione reveal that it was Dumbledore’s idea to keep Harry in the dark about events in the wizarding world, although they do not know why the Headmaster chose to do this. Dumbledore has been busy over the summer, and has only visited Grimmauld Place twice since the Weasleys and Hermione arrived. The only thing he spoke to them about was to make them promise not to tell Harry important things in their letters, in case the owls were intercepted.

Discovered in chapter 6, The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black

Professor Dumbledore is the Secret Keeper for the Order of the Phoenix, and this protection extends to the location of their Headquarters at number twelve, Grimmauld Place. Nobody can find the house unless Dumbledore himself tells them the address — it was he who wrote the note that Mad-Eye Moody showed Harry the night before. Dumbledore visits number twelve, Grimmauld Place, on the evening before Harry’s hearing. He doesn’t ask to see Harry, but tells the adults that he thinks it a bad idea for Sirius to accompany his godson to the hearing.

Discovered in chapter 26, Seen and Unforseen

Dumbledore arrives in the Entrance Hall after Professor Umbridge orders Professor Trelawney to leave the castle, after dismissing the Divination teacher from her post. Dumbledore tells Professor Umbridge that although she has the right to dismiss any teacher she pleases, only he has the authority to send them away from the castle. He refuses to allow Professor Trelawney to leave the school, and asks Professor McGonagall to escort her back upstairs.

Dumbledore informs Professor Umbridge that he has found a new Divination teacher who will prefer lodgings on the ground floor, and reminds her that the Ministry only has the right to appoint new teachers if the Headmaster is unable to do so. He turns to the open front doors of the castle and happily introduces the new teacher, Firenze the Centaur, to the assembled students and teachers.

Discovered in chapter 27, The Centaur and the Sneak

Dumbledore is sitting behind his desk, his expression serene, when Harry and Professor Umbridge arrive in his office. He doesn’t look at Harry when Fudge asks whether he knows why he is there, but shakes his head a fraction of an inch to each side, giving a tiny nod when Harry denies knowing anything. Dumbledore surprises the Ministry officials by pointing out that the initial meeting in the Hog’s Head was not, in fact, illegal, as Educational Decree Number Twenty-four was only put into effect two days later.

When Professor Umbridge produces the list of students who attended the meeting that night, he points out the name of the group, ‘Dumbledore’s Army’, and falsely confesses to organising the meeting. Dumbledore cheerfully admits to the Minister that he has been plotting against him, but informs him that he will not be coming quietly, having no intention of being charged or being sent to Azkaban to await a trial. Dumbledore hexes the Ministry officials, including Kingsley Shacklebolt, rendering them unconscious on the office floor. He tells Harry and McGonagall that he will be leaving Hogwarts, but has no plans to go into hiding. Reminding Harry to practise Occlumency, Dumbledore grasps Fawkes’s long, golden tail, and the pair disappear in a flash of fire.

Discovered in chapter 35, Beyond the Veil

Dumbledore appears in the doorway from the Brain Room, his wand aloft, his face white and furious. He speeds past Neville and Harry and begins to fight the Death Eaters. He turns towards the dais as Sirius is hit in the chest with a curse from Bellatrix Lestrange.

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Discovered in chapter 13, The Secret Riddle

Dumbledore and Harry use the Pensieve in the Headmaster’s office to visit his memory of meeting Tom Riddle for the first time. They follow a younger, auburn haired Dumbledore down a bustling, old-fashioned London street to a grim-looking orphanage, and watch his interaction with Mrs Cole, the matron of the orphanage, and the eleven-year-old Tom Riddle.

In the memory, Dumbledore is questioned suspiciously by Mrs Cole about Hogwarts and his plans for Tom Riddle. After being asked about the school, and how Riddle was registered, Dumbledore slips his wand out of his pocket and hands Mrs Cole a blank piece of paper, surreptitiously waving his wand as he does so. The spell he casts causes Mrs Cole’s questioning to cease. Dumbledore asks about Tom Riddle, and about the boy’s parents. He is interested in her depiction of Tom, gravely listening as she mentions the incident with Billy Stubb’s rabbit being found hanged from the rafters after the two boys argued. He reminds Mrs Cole that Tom will need to return to the orphanage every summer at the very least.

Dumbledore is taken to Tom’s bedroom in the orphanage, and introduces himself to the boy. He informs Tom that he is a teacher at Hogwarts, that Tom has been offered a place at the school, and that it is a school of magic. He watches Riddle’s reaction carefully. When Riddle orders him to prove that he is a wizard, Dumbledore reprimands his rudeness, and promptly sets the wardrobe on fire with a flick of his wand. He ends the spell moments later, leaving the wardrobe undamaged. When a rattling noise comes from inside the wardrobe, Dumbledore asks Riddle to remove the small cardboard box on the top shelf, and asks if there is anything in it that shouldn’t be. When the boy reveals the stolen items in the box, Dumbledore sternly tells him that stealing is not tolerated at Hogwarts, and that by entering the wizarding world he must agree to abide by their laws. He gives Tom money for his school supplies, mentioning the fund at Hogwarts for students who require assistance, and surprisingly agrees to Tom’s suggestion that he visit Diagon Alley alone, giving him the directions to the Leaky Cauldron and platform nine and three-quarters. Dumbledore shakes Tom’s hand as he leaves, hesitating momentarily when the boy reveals he is a Parselmouth, and leaves the bedroom.

As the memory ends, Dumbledore and Harry return to the Headmaster’s office, and talk about the meeting.

Discovered in chapter 20, Lord Voldemort’s Request

Professor Dumbledore and Harry use the Pensieve in the Headmaster’s office to visit Hokey the house-elf’s memory of Tom Riddle’s visit to Hepzibah Smith. They watch as Hepzibah shows Tom her two finest treasures — Helga Hufflepuff’s golden cup and Salazar Slytherin’s locket. Once back in his office, Dumbledore explains to Harry that, two days after the visit, Hepzibah Smith was found dead and that Hokey the house-elf was convicted of her murder. Dumbledore believes that Tom Riddle murdered Hepzibah and modified Hokey’s memory, as he did to Morfin Gaunt. He thinks that the Ministry of Magic were predisposed to suspect Hokey, as they were with Morfin, hence why they didn’t investigate thoroughly.

Discovered in chapter 26, The Cave

Professor Dumbledore travels with Harry to find one of Lord Voldemort’s Horcruxes. The pair find and enter the cave, after Dumbledore makes a blood sacrifice to enter the inner chamber. He explains to Harry that the requirement is designed to weaken any enemies of Voldemort who enter the cave. When they find the boat to take them across the lake, Dumbledore explains that Voldemort enchanted the boat to allow only one wizard to cross the lake, but that he wouldn’t have expected an underage wizard to get this far, basing the enchantment on magical power. The pair travel across the lake in the boat and climb the island to the stone basin.

Dumbledore tries to touch the potion in the stone basin that conceals the Horcrux but meets an invisible barrier. He tells Harry the only way to drain the potion is to drink it, and reminds Harry of his promise to follow any command of Dumbledore’s on the trip. Dumbledore conjures a crystal goblet to scoop the Emerald Potion out of the stone basin.

Dumbledore drinks the Emerald Potion, his face beginning to twitch after his third gobletful. His grip on the goblet slackens, and he speaks in a frightened voice, pleading with Harry to make him stop drinking. He shakes and cowers as though invisible tormentors surround him, his limbs flailing. Dumbledore begs Harry to let him stop drinking and to kill him, but finishes the last of the Emerald Potion, collapsing immediately after. He asks Harry for water once revived, and is eventually given some of the water from the lake.

When Harry is attacked by the Inferi in the lake, Dumbledore rises to his feet, pale with fire dancing in his eyes, and conjures flames from his wand, encircling the creatures with the fire like a vast lasso. He scoops the locket from the bottom of the stone basin an leads Harry back to the boat, moving the ring of fire with them until the Inferi return to the lake. He and Harry enter the boat and travel back across the lake.

Discovered in chapter 27, The Lightning-Struck Tower

Professor Dumbledore sends Harry to fetch Snape once the pair have arrived at the Astronomy Tower. He silently immobilises Harry using a Freezing Charm when he hears someone running to the Tower, and is disarmed by Draco Malfoy.

Dumbledore questions Draco as to whether he is acting alone. When Draco reveals there are Death Eaters at Hogwarts, Dumbledore is mildly impressed that Draco found a way to let them in. Dumbledore tells Draco he is not a killer, revealing that he has been aware of Draco’s plans throughout the year, believing them to be feeble attempts at killing him. He accuses Draco, kindly, of being afraid to act alone, and doesn’t believe that the student will kill him. He talks about Draco’s plans through the year, guessing that Madam Rosmerta was his accomplice under the Imperius Curse. As they talk, Dumbledore slides further down the ramparts, the strength in his legs fading. He tells Draco that Snape is his double-agent, not Lord Voldemort’s, and that he trusts the teacher, and questions the boy further about the fight happening below in the school.

Dumbledore offers to help Draco if he comes to the right side, and offers the protection and safety of the Order of the Phoenix to him and his family. He calmly welcomes the four Death Eaters who appear on the Astronomy Tower, intrigued to see the Carrows and Fenrir Greyback. Dumbledore pleads with Snape when the teacher arrives at the Astronomy Tower and is hit squarely in the chest with the Killing Curse by his colleague. He arcs backwards over the battlements of the Tower like a great rag doll, falling out of sight.

Discovered in chapter 30, The White Tomb

Professor Dumbledore’s funeral is held at Hogwarts. The body, shrouded in purple velvet spangled with gold stars, is carried down the aisle between the chairs by Hagrid and placed on the marble table by the lake. The service is taken by a little man dressed in black; when his speech is over, white flames erupt around Dumbledore’s body and the marble table. The body is obscured by the flames, and white smoke spirals into the air in strange shapes. When the fire vanishes, a white marble tomb stands in the spot, encasing Dumbledore and the marble table.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Discovered in chapter 8, The Wedding

Ron’s Aunt Muriel reveals that Albus Dumbledore’s sister, Ariana, was believed to be a Squib. She mentions that Albus and Aberforth Dumbledore brawled at Ariana’s funeral, and that Albus did not defend himself.

Chocolate Frog card

Main article: Albus Dumbledore Chocolate Frog Card

Dumbledore is featured on a Chocolate Frog card. He seems quite proud of this achievement.

The text of the card reads:

Considered by many the greatest wizard of modern times, Professor Dumbledore is particularly famous for his defeat of the Dark wizard Grindelwald in 1945, for the discovery of the twelve uses of dragon’s blood and his work on alchemy with his partner, Nicolas Flamel.


See Also

  • Albus Dumbledore on the Harry Potter Wiki

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