Как пишется просекко на английском

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Celebratory glass of prosecco on me.

С меня стакан просекко, в честь победы.



Celebratory glass of prosecco on me.
С меня стакан просекко, в честь победы.

A fine mixture of Prosecco, vodka, lemon peel and lemon sorbet.
Из Просекко, водки, лимонной кожуры и лимонного сорбе.

Obviously, you bought this at another time, presumably from the liquor store on Atlantic where you purchased the case of Prosecco you have in your pantry.
Очевидно, что вы купили его в другое время, вероятно, из винного магазина в Атлантике, где вы приобрели ящик Просекко, стоящий у вас в кладовке.

Beer, prosecco and soft drinks included.
Пиво, шампанское и т.д. включено.

It’s, uh, Prosecco, Maggie’s favorite.
Это Prosecco, Мэгги любимое.


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  • 1

    Англо-русский толковый словарь «Вино» > Prosecco

  • 2

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > prosecco

  • 3
    Colli Euganei


    «Колли Югане»


    Colli Euganei Moscato, Veneto, DOC, Cabernet-Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc, Muscat, Merlot, Pinot Bianco, , vino rosso, vino bianco, Prosecco

    Англо-русский толковый словарь «Вино» > Colli Euganei

См. также в других словарях:

  • Prosecco — B Colline de Valdobbiadene Caractéristiques phénologiques Débourrement À compléter Floraison À compléter Véraison …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Prosecco — is a variety of white grape grown in the Veneto region of Italy, and also gives its name to the sparkling wine made from the grape.The grape is grown in the Conegliano and Valdobbiadene wine growing regions north of Treviso. Its late ripening has …   Wikipedia

  • Prosecco — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Prosecco (en esloveno Prosek), es una localidad del Carso (Kras en esloveno, Karst en alemán), provincia de Trieste (Italia). Se encuentra situada en una zona caliza de la provincia de Trieste, a siete kilómetros al… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Prosecco — (Prosecho), Dorf im istrischen Gouvernement Triest, an der österreichischen südlichen Staatsbahn (Nabresina Triest); 600 Ew.; baut den unter als Prosecco od. Proseccer Reinfall bekannten süßlichen, dunkelrothen Wein …   Pierer’s Universal-Lexikon

  • Prosecco — Prosecco, Dorf im Gebiete von Triest des österreichisch illyr. Küstenlandes, 7 km nordwestlich von Triest, am Abhang des Karstes, an der Linie Wien Triest der Südbahn gelegen, hat Weinbau (der Wein von P. war schon im Altertum hochgeschätzt) und… …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Prosécco — (Prosek), Dorf im Gebiet von Triest, (1900) 1058 E.; Weinbau (süßlicher Rotwein) …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

  • prosecco — /prō sek ō/ noun An Italian sparkling white wine ORIGIN: Ital …   Useful english dictionary

  • Prosecco — Rebhänge bei Valdobbiadene (Herkunftsgebiets des Prosecco) Prosecco war der Name einer weißen Rebsorte, die nur im Nordosten Italiens in einer kleinen Region der Provinz Treviso in der Region Venetien wächst. Aus ihr keltert man hauptsächlich… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Prosecco — Pro|sẹc|co 〈m. 6〉 italienischer Schaum od. Weißwein [ital.; zu secco „trocken“] * * * Pro|sẹc|co, der; [s], s, auch: …cchi [ital. prosecco, nach dem gleichnamigen ital. Ort]: italienischer Schaum , Perl od. Weißwein: drei P. (drei Gläser… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Prosecco — Prosek (en lengua italiana: Prosecco), es una localidad del Carso (Kras en esloveno, Karst en alemán), provincia de Trieste (Italia). Se encuentra situada en una zona caliza de la provincia de Trieste, a siete kilómetros al norte de la capital y… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • prosecco — pro·séc·co s.m. CO vitigno veneto di uva bianca coltivato spec. sui colli trevigiani | il pregiato vino bianco aromatico e lo spumante secco o amabile che se ne ricava {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: 1662. ETIMO: der. di Prosecco, nome di una località… …   Dizionario italiano

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На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

Перевод «Просекко» на английский


Из Просекко, водки, лимонной кожуры и лимонного сорбе.

A fine mixture of Prosecco, vodka, lemon peel and lemon sorbet.

В ходе истории эти две провинции сыграли решающую роль для производства Просекко.

Two provinces which have played a fundamental role in the history of Prosecco production.

Я бы согласился, будь кролик Просекко.

If that rabbit was a prosecco, I’d agree.

В 2013 году одна из каждых двух проданных бутылок игристого вина (за исключением шампанского), была Просекко.

In 2013, one in every two bottles of sparkling wine [excluding champagne] sold was prosecco.

Данный пакет услуг включает проживание в течение 2 ночей и бесплатную бутылку вина «Просекко» по прибытии.

This package includes two nights accommodation and a complimentary bottle of Prosecco on arrival.

Вино Просекко может стать отличным подарком.

Prosecco wine can be an amazing gift.

История Просекко уходит корнями вглубь веков, и относительно его происхождения выдвигаются различные гипотезы.

The history of Prosecco dates back centuries and there are many conflicting theories about its origin.

Каждый год производится приблизительно 150 миллионов бутылок итальянского Просекко.

Around 150 million bottles of Prosecco are produced every year.

Две тысячи лет игристого вина — история под названием Просекко

Two thousand years of bubbly, a story called Prosecco.

Просекко составляет серьезную конкуренцию шампанскому в последние несколько лет, особенно в среднем и нижнем ценовом диапазоне рынка игристых вин.

Prosecco has given Champagne some serious competition in the last few years, particularly at the mid and lower end of the sparkling wine market.

Просекко DOC производится на территории с уникальными природными условиями

Prosecco DOC was born in an area with unique environmental conditions.

Этот объект, расположенный на северо-востоке Италии, включает часть винодельческого ландшафта района производства вина Просекко.

Located in north-eastern Italy, the property includes part of the winegrowing landscape of the Prosecco wine production area.

По сравнению с другими игристыми винами, Просекко содержит мало алкоголя, всего от 11 до 12 процентов.

Compared to other sparkling wines, Prosecco is lower in alcohol, about 11 to 12 percent by volume.

Просекко, апероль, если оно у вас есть.

Prosecco Aperol, if you have that.

По закону, Просекко должно как минимум на 85% состоять из винограда Глера.

Prosecco must be at least 85% from Glera grapes.

Примо стал одним из пионеров в экспорте Просекко, предлагая мировому рынку игристое вино отличное от вин Шампани.

Primo Franco was one of the first pioneers to export the Prosecco and to introduce a different sparkling wine than Champagne into the international market.

В Венеции вы можете выпить бокал очень хорошего Просекко всего за 2 евро.

In Venice, you can have a glass of very good Prosecco for as low as 2 euros.

Начиная с прошлого века по территории Просекко DOCG были проложены тематические маршруты, полностью посвященные виноделию, чтобы помочь посетителям достопримечательности этих мест.

In the last century the area of Prosecco DOCG has been enriched by theme itineraries dedicated to wine, designed to help visitors to discover the beauty of the area.

Если вам не нравится шампанское, вы также можете выпить Просекко или Москато.

If champagne is not your thing, you can also have Prosecco or Moscato.

Ферментированный при низкой температуре Просекко развивает амиловые ароматы (фруктовые капли), хотя, возможно, они лучше смешиваются с фруктовыми соками, чем более строгое шампанское.

Fermented at a low temperature Prosecco develops amylic aromas (fruit drops), though these perhaps mix better with fruit juices than does the more austere Champagne.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 188. Точных совпадений: 188. Затраченное время: 139 мс


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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A bottle of Prosecco di Conegliano spumante extra dry and a glass of Prosecco frizzante, which stops forming bubbles soon after it is poured

Prosecco (;[1][2] Italian: [proˈsekko]) is an Italian DOC or DOCG white wine produced in a large area spanning nine provinces in the Veneto and Friuli Venezia Giulia regions, and named after the village of Prosecco which is in the province of Trieste, Italy.[3] It is made from the Prosecco grape (renamed Glera in 2009 within the European Union) but denomination rules allow up to 15% of the wine to be other permitted varieties.[4] Prosecco is almost always made in sparkling or semi-sparkling style (spumante and frizzante, respectively), but a still wine (tranquillo) is also permitted.[5] Within the larger designation are two small DOCG areas, Conegliano Valdobbiadene Prosecco in the hills between the towns of Conegliano and Valdobbiadene, and Asolo Prosecco around the nearby town of Asolo.[6][7] Prosecco Superiore is always spumante and comes only from these DOCG areas.[8]

In 2019, Le Colline del Prosecco di Conegliano e Valdobbiadene became a UNESCO World Heritage Site, in large part due to the region’s role in the production of Prosecco.[9][10] Since 2020, the DOC rules allow a rosé variety of Prosecco designated spumante rosé, which must contain Glera blended with 10–15% Pinot noir.[11]


The cover of the book Il Roccolo Ditirambo (1754), containing for the first time the exact word Prosecco

The poem where the term Prosecco appears for the first time within Il Roccolo Ditirambo (1754)

Vineyards in the Prosecco region of origin (UNESCO)

In Trieste at the beginning of the sixteenth century, the local wine «Ribolla» was promoted as the recreation of the Pucinian[12] celebrated by Pliny the Elder in his Natural History and praised for its medicinal qualities by Livia, the wife of Emperor Augustus.[13] The need to distinguish the «Ribolla» of Trieste from other wines of the same name, produced in Gorizia and at lower cost in Istria, led, at the end of the century, to a change in name. Following the supposed place of production in antiquity, the wine was referred to as «castellum nobile vinum Pucinum», after the castle near the village of Prosecco.[13]

The first known mention of the name Prosecco is attributed to the Englishman Fynes Moryson, who used the spelling Prosecho. Moryson, visiting the north of Italy in 1593, notes: «Histria is devided into Forum Julii, and Histria properly so called … Here growes the wine Pucinum, now called Prosecho, much celebrated by Pliny.» He places Prosecco among the famous wines of Italy: «These are the most famous Wines of Italy. La lagrima di Christo and like wines neere Cinqueterre in Liguria: La vernazza, and the white Muskadine, especially that of Montefiaschoni in Tuscany: Cecubum and Falernum in the Kingdom of Naples, and Prosecho in Histria.»[14]
The method of vinification, the true distinguishing feature of the original Prosecco, spread first in Gorizia, then – through Venice – in Dalmatia,[15] Vicenza and Treviso.[13]

In 1754, the spelling Prosecco appears for the first time in the book Il Roccolo Ditirambo, written by Aureliano Acanti in Novoledo, in the municipality of Villaverla located in the Province of Vicenza. The wine was then known by the local Slovene-speaking population as Prosegker or Prosekar and was grown on the Adriatic coast near the villages of Contovello, Prosecco, Santa Croce and the former Roman villa town Barcola.

The verses are: Ed or ora immollarmi voglio il becco Con quel melaromatico prosecco. Di Monteberico questo perfetto prosecco eletto ci da’ lo splendido nostro Canonico (in Italian), «And now I would like to wet my mouth with that Prosecco with its apple bouquet. From Monteberico this perfect favorite prosecco Our Priest give us. … Mr Priest Jacopo Ghellini brother of Mr Pietro and Mr Marco. Those cavaliers from their estate on the Mount Berico (Monte Berico) collect the Prosecco, that has the most rare qualities, that a wine could have from any other place.»[16][failed verification] Monte Berico is the hill of the city of Vicenza.

The wine was defined by the grape used to make it, glera, and the brand was not protected. The village of Prosecco was about 150 km from the growing areas, and had never grown the glera grape. British importers started to be interested in importing the wine in quantity; in response the Italian minister of agriculture expanded the «denominazione di origine controllata» (DOC) to cover far-away Prosecco. This was followed by claiming UNESCO world heritage status for «Prosecco Hills of Conegliano and Valdobbiadene» a few years later.[17][18] Prosecco was introduced into the mainstream US market in 2000 by Mionetto, now the largest US importer of Prosecco, who reported an «incredible growth trend» in 2008.[19] According to a 2008 New York Times report, Prosecco rose sharply in popularity in markets outside Italy, with global sales growing by double-digit percentages since 1998, aided also by its comparatively low price.[3][19] The UK became in the mid-2010s the biggest export market for Prosecco, consuming one quarter of all Italian production.[20] Production expanded massively, to €500m sales in 2019.[18]

Until the 2008 vintage Prosecco was protected as a DOC within Italy,[21] as Prosecco di Conegliano-Valdobbiadene, Prosecco di Conegliano, Prosecco di Valdobbiadene, and Prosecco di Colli Asolani. From 2009, these two area were promoted to DOCG status.[22] To further protect the name, an association of traditional Prosecco growers advocated a protected designation of origin status for Northern Italian Prosecco under European law.[3] Hence, since 1 January 2010, Prosecco is, according to an order of the Italian Minister of Agriculture of 17 July 2009, no longer the name of a grape variety (now to be called Glera), but exclusively a geographical indication. This was confirmed by EG-Regulation Nr. 1166/2009 of 30 November 2009.[23] The Colli Asolani Prosecco Superiore DOCG later changed its name to Asolo Prosecco Superiore DOCG in 2014.


Glera grapes on the vine in the Prosecco zone, pre-veraison

Unlike Champagne and Franciacorta DOCG, Prosecco is usually produced using the alternative Charmat–Martinotti method, in which the secondary fermentation takes place in large stainless steel tanks rather than in each individual bottle,[24] making the wine less expensive to produce, and the minimum production time is 30 days. Higher quality Prosecco using this method will ferment the wine over a longer period, up to around 9 months (Charmat Lungo). Nevertheless, the production rules for both the DOCG’s also allow the use of the traditional method of secondary fermentation in the bottle, known in Italy as Metodo Classico. DOC and DOCG rules allow up to 15% of Prosecco wine to be a blend of Verdiso, Bianchetta Trevigiana, Perera, Chardonnay, Pinot Bianco, Pinot Grigio, or Pinot Noir (vinified white).[4][25]

Approximately 150 million bottles of Prosecco were produced in 2008.[3] Huge subsequent growth meant this figure approached 600 million bottles in 2018.[26]

Since the 2000s, Glera grapes are cultivated and wine produced in other countries including Brazil, Romania, Argentina, and Australia.[3]

In the region of Conegliano and Valdobbiadene DOCG, there are more than 150 producers,[27] and together they form the Consortium for the Protection of Prosecco from Conegliano and Valdobbiadene (Consorzio per la Tutela del Prosecco di Conegliano e Valdobbiadene). DOCG also has its own consorzio, with 94 producers.

Prosecco DOC[edit]

Bottle of Prosecco showing the DOC designation on the label

Most Prosecco, whether DOC or DOCG, is made as Spumante sparkling wine or Frizzante (semi-sparkling). Prosecco DOC Spumante is the most famous and popular variety, with longer-lasting bubbles. Prosecco DOC Frizzante has less lingering bubbles. A small proportion is made as Tranquillo (still wine), with no bubbles.[5] Tranquillo amounts to only about five per cent of production,[21] and this wine is rarely exported.

Depending on their sweetness, in accordance with the EU Sweetness of wine Regulations for Terms used to indicate sweetness of sparkling wine, Proseccos are labelled «Brut» (up to 12 grams per litre of residual sugar), «Extra Dry» (12–17 g/L) or «Dry» (17–32 g/L).[28] Extra-Dry has been the dominant style made, but the amount of Brut is now increasing.

Glera grapes made in a Prosecco style outside the DOC/DOCG has a non-protected designation, such as «IGT Veneto», are generally cheaper and of more variable quality and cannot be called Prosecco.[29] While all Prosecco is currently vinified white, a rosé version has been proposed, but only for the DOC, as it was rejected by the DOCG. It is likely that such a rosé, which would include a small proportion of Pinot Noir vinified red, will be adopted only at the DOC level from the 2019 harvest and therefore be available to buy from as early as January 2020.[30]

Prosecco Superiore DOCG[edit]

Prosecco valley, UNESCO World Heritage Site

There are two Prosecco Superiore DOCGs, divided by the River Piave, in the Treviso province of Veneto. Prosecco Conegliano Valdobbiadene Superiore DOCG is made on the hills between the towns of Conegliano, Valdobbiadene and Vittorio Veneto. Producers from Valdobbiadene have recently tended to skip mention of Conegliano on their front label, calling their wine Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore. The second DOCG is the smaller Asolo Prosecco Superiore DOCG, produced on the hills near the town of Asolo.[31] Currently, in addition to the usual range of Prosecco styles, Asolo DOCG can also make an «Extra-Brut» (0-6 g/L), and Conegliano Valdobbiadene is expected to introduce this style soon. While the bulk of Prosecco DOC is grown on low-lying plains in an extended area covering 23,300 hectares, the DOCG Prosecco Superiore is grown exclusively on hillside vineyards in two far smaller growing areas, 6,860 hectares for Conegliano Valdobbiadene and 1,783 hectares for Asolo.[32] The steepness of the hills means that everything, from pruning to picking, is principally done by hand. The manual aspect, especially for the harvest, further increases quality.[8]

Superiore di Cartizze subzone[edit]

The hill of Cartizze is a 305 metres (1,001 ft) high vineyard of 107 hectares (260 acres) of vines,[33] owned by 140 growers.[34] The Prosecco from its grapes, of which comparatively little is produced, is widely considered to be of the highest quality,[8][34][29][35][36][37] or even the «Grand Cru» of Prosecco.[28][38][39]

Theoretically, a hectare of Cartizze grape land was estimated to be worth in excess of 1 million US dollars in 2008[3] and its value was estimated to have increased to 1.5–2 million euros in 2015, the most for a vineyard in Italy.[8] The sparkling wine produced from Cartizze has recently been named by producers as Superiore di Cartizze, without mentioning Prosecco on the front label to further emphasize its territory.[40]

According to a local legend, Cartizze grapes traditionally were harvested last, as the vines were situated on steep slopes and hard to reach, which led to vintners discovering that this extended ripening period improved the flavour.[29] Nonetheless, in a blind tasting at the 2006 Vinitaly trade fair, Cartizze spumanti were ranked consistently behind «normal» Prosecco.[41]

Rive subzones[edit]

While Cartizze is a subzone at the top of the Prosecco Conegliano Valdobbiadene Superiore DOCG quality pyramid, their Consorzio has also introduced official Rive delimitations, i.e. 15 communes that can make 43 different Rive subzone wines. These are named after the individual hills where the grapes originate, though this adds complexity and adoption so far is patchy. The intention is to highlight the different microclimates and distinct terroirs found in the DOCG.[8][42] Asolo Superiore DOCG has not introduced subzones.

Col Fondo[edit]

Some winemakers are reviving the traditional Prosecco Col Fondo, refermented in the bottle but not disgorged, as the wines are left on their lees. This yeasty residue leaves fine sediment in the bottom of the bottle (fondo in Italian) that imparts more complexity, texture and flavour. They can be served either clear or cloudy. These wines are labelled Conegliano Valdobbiadene Superiore DOCG, or Asolo Superiore DOCG. Col Fondo generally has a lower Frizzante-style 250 kilopascals (2.5 bars) of pressure.[8]


Cheap Prosecco is also sold in cans.

In Italy, Prosecco is a ubiquitously used wine.[3] Outside Italy, it is most often drunk as an apéritif. As with other sparkling wines, Prosecco is served chilled.[34]

Except for Col Fondo and any Método Classico Prosecco, most Prosecco does not ferment in the bottle. Usually, it should be drunk young,[41] preferably within three to five years[43] of its vintage. However, high-quality Prosecco may be aged for up to seven years.[44]

The view that Prosecco cannot be aged has been challenged by other experts. A tasting in 2013 of wines produced between 1983 and 2013 demonstrated the longevity of the wines from one of their top producers.[45]

Prosecco has a minimum of 10.5–11.5% alcohol by volume, depending on the DOC/DOCG rules.[34] The flavour of Prosecco has been described as aromatic and crisp, bringing to mind yellow apple, pear, white peach, and apricot.[19][34] Most Prosecco variants have intense primary aromas[34] and are meant to taste fresh, light and comparatively simple.[28]

Most commonly Prosecco is served unmixed, but it also appears in several mixed drinks. It is the main ingredient in the original Bellini and Spritz cocktails, and it can also be used in others, such as the Mimosa.[28][19] With vodka and lemon sorbet, Prosecco is also an ingredient of the Italian mixed drink Sgroppino.

See also[edit]

  • icon Wine portal


  1. ^ «Prosecco». Lexico UK English Dictionary. Oxford University Press. Archived from the original on 16 April 2020.
  2. ^ «Prosecco». Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Retrieved 22 January 2016.
  3. ^ a b c d e f g Cortese, Amy (26 December 2008). «Italian Makers of Prosecco Seek Recognition». The New York Times. Retrieved 28 December 2008.
  4. ^ a b Robinson, J.; Harding, J.; Vouillamoz, J. (2012). Wine Grapes: A Complete Guide to 1,368 Vine Varieties, Including Their Origins and Flavours. Allen Lane. pp. 102–103, 853–854. ISBN 978-1-846-14446-2.
  5. ^ a b «Prosecco Types». Consorzio di Tutela delle Denominazione di Origine Controllata Prosecco. Archived from the original on 16 April 2020. Retrieved 14 April 2020.
  6. ^ «Conegliano Valdobbiadene Prosecco DOCG »». Italian Wine Central. Retrieved 30 November 2019.
  7. ^ «Asolo Prosecco DOCG». Italian Wine Central. Retrieved 30 November 2019.
  8. ^ a b c d e f O’Keefe, Kerin (25 September 2015). «The Superiority of Prosecco Superiore». Wine Enthusiast.
  9. ^ Kennedy, Rachel; Chadwick, Lauren (9 July 2019). «Italy’s Prosecco hills receive UN world heritage status». Euronews. Retrieved 9 July 2019.
  10. ^ Centre, UNESCO World Heritage. «Two cultural sites added to UNESCO’s World Heritage List». UNESCO World Heritage Centre. Retrieved 9 July 2019. Le Colline del Prosecco di Conegliano e Valdobbiadene (Italy) — Located in north-eastern Italy, the site includes part of the vinegrowing landscape of the Prosecco wine production area. The landscape is characterized by ‘hogback’ hills, ciglioni – small plots of vines on narrow grassy terraces – forests, small villages and farmland. For centuries, this rugged terrain has been shaped and adapted by man. Since the 17th century, the use of ciglioni has created a particular chequerboard landscape consisting of rows of vines parallel and vertical to the slopes. In the 19th century, the bellussera technique of training the vines contributed to the aesthetic characteristics of the landscape.
  11. ^ «Mipaaf». 28 October 2020.
  12. ^ «The Prosecco Wine Guide». 13 February 2015.
  13. ^ a b c Colombo, Fulvio (2014). Prosecco. Patrimonio del Nordest (in Italian). Trieste: Luglio Editore. ISBN 978-8868030636.
    Prosecco, perché? Le nobili origini di un vino triestino (in Italian). Trieste: Luglio Editore. 2012. ISBN 978-8896940877.
  14. ^ Moryson, F. (1908). An Itinerary. Containing His Ten Yeeres Travell through the Twelve Dominions of Germany, Bohmerland, Sweitzerland, Netherland, Denmarke, Poland, Italy, Turky, France, England, Scotland & Ireland. Vol. IV. Glasgow. pp. 80, 103.
  15. ^ Colombo, Fulvio (June 2014). «Storie di vini dell’Adriatico. Nuove indagini sulle relazioni tra il Prosecco e il Prošek dalmata» (PDF). La Ricerca. Bollettino del Centro di Ricerche Storiche di Rovigno (in Italian) (65): 11–13.
  16. ^ Studio Cattaneo & Ecmedia Web & Graphics. «History». Discover Prosecco Wine. Archived from the original on 24 March 2018. Retrieved 6 January 2013.
  17. ^ Ponte, Stefano (August 2021). «Bursting the bubble? The hidden costs and visible conflicts behind the Prosecco wine ‘miracle’«. Journal of Rural Studies. Elsevier BV. 86: 542–553. doi:10.1016/j.jrurstud.2021.07.002. ISSN 0743-0167.
  18. ^ a b Blyth, Mark (31 December 2021). «How the politics of prosecco explain what took the fizz out of the Democrats». The Guardian.
  19. ^ a b c d Dane, Ana (3 July 2006). «Pop the Cork on Prosecco». TheStreet.com. Archived from the original on 13 September 2015. Retrieved 29 December 2008.
  20. ^ Collins, Guy (17 May 2016). «Prosecco 2016 Output Seen Up as Much as 20% as U.K. Sales Surge». bloomberg.com. Retrieved 15 October 2017.
  21. ^ a b DuBose, Fred; Spingarn, Evan; Maniscalco, Nancy (2005). The Ultimate Wine Lover’s Guide 2006. Sterling Publishing Company, Inc. pp. 196. ISBN 1-4027-2815-8.
  22. ^ Natasha Hughes (28 May 2009). «Prosecco to become DOCG». decanter.com. Archived from the original on 14 December 2009. Retrieved 28 May 2009. The current Prosecco di Conegliano e Valdobbiadene [sic] DOC zone became a DOCG from the 2009 vintage. Announcing the move, Prosecco DOC director Giancarlo Vettorello said that the IGT zone, which lies in the plains between Friuli and Veneto, will be upgraded to DOC status.
  23. ^ EG Verordnung Nr. 1166/2009 of 30 November 2009
  24. ^ Matias, Neil (26 December 2008). «Bubbling over into ’09». The Herald News. Retrieved 28 December 2008.
  25. ^ «Grape Varieties». Consorzio di Tutela delle Denominazione di Origine Controllata Prosecco. Archived from the original on 17 October 2017. Retrieved 9 October 2015.
  26. ^ «Prosecco to produce 600 million bottles from 2018 harvest». 13 September 2018.
  27. ^ «Conegliano Valdobbiadene Prosecco Docg, Prosecco Superiore Dal 1876». Archived from the original on 24 September 2015. Retrieved 18 December 2012.
  28. ^ a b c d Atkin, Tim (11 November 2007). «The fizz that’s the bizz». The Observer. London. Retrieved 29 December 2008.
  29. ^ a b c LeSinge, Theodore (2003). ADAC Reiseführer Venetien/ Friaul (in German). ADAC Verlag DE. p. 78. ISBN 3-89905-116-5.
  30. ^ https://imbibe.com/news/prosecco-rosé-will-be-a-reality-by-2020 Archived 3 March 2021 at the Wayback Machine. Currently, Prosecco cannot be made in rosé form and be called Prosecco, it would be classified as an IGT Veneto and the name Prosecco cannot be used.
  31. ^ «Asolo Prosecco | Consorzio Asolo Montello». 12 October 2020.
  32. ^ «Italian Wine Central».
  33. ^ Cannavan, Tom (2004). «the Proseccos of Bisol». wine-pages.com. Archived from the original on 19 April 2012. Retrieved 1 January 2009.
  34. ^ a b c d e f Kinssies, Richard (10 July 2002). «On Wine: Proseccos sparkle on their own terms». Seattle Post-Intelligencer. Retrieved 29 December 2008.
  35. ^ Koelliker, Beat (2008). Die neue Hallwag Weinschule: Mit 13 Weinproben zum Weinkenner (in German). HALLWAG. p. 104. ISBN 978-3-8338-1221-7.
  36. ^ Difford, Simon (2007). Cocktails. diffordsguide. p. 398. ISBN 978-0-9556276-0-6.
  37. ^ Belford, Ros (2003). Rough Guide to Italy. Rough Guides. p. 282. ISBN 1-84353-060-0.
  38. ^ «- Venice Wine Tour Prosecco. The white sparkling from Veneto». — Venice Wine Tour.
  39. ^ Yarrow, Alder (14 July 2007). «The World’s Best Prosecco: Tasting Conegliano Valdobbiadene». Vinography.
  40. ^ «The Various Types». Consorzio di Tutela del Prosecco di Conegliano Valdobbiadene. Archived from the original on 19 July 2015. Retrieved 9 October 2015.
  41. ^ a b Burianek, Stephan (10 June 2007). «In dubio Prosecco». Der Standard (in German). Retrieved 29 December 2008.
  42. ^ http://www.prosecco.it/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/WBI_617_p52_53_rive.pdf[bare URL PDF]
  43. ^ Flood, Carlos (22 January 2021). «How Long Does Prosecco Last?». EulogyBar.com. Retrieved 11 March 2022.
  44. ^ Mitchell, Sandy. «Prosecco, Italy’s Sparkling Wine». Retrieved 7 May 2011.
  45. ^ Edwards, Michael (2015). «Primo Franco 1983–2013: Prosecco Resurgent». The World of Fine Wine (48): 74–75.

External links[edit]

  • Consorzio di Tutela del Prosecco di Conegliano Valdobbiadene DOCG
  • Consorzio Asolo Montello DOCG
  • Consorzio di Tutela del Prosecco DOC

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Prosecco.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A bottle of Prosecco di Conegliano spumante extra dry and a glass of Prosecco frizzante, which stops forming bubbles soon after it is poured

Prosecco (;[1][2] Italian: [proˈsekko]) is an Italian DOC or DOCG white wine produced in a large area spanning nine provinces in the Veneto and Friuli Venezia Giulia regions, and named after the village of Prosecco which is in the province of Trieste, Italy.[3] It is made from the Prosecco grape (renamed Glera in 2009 within the European Union) but denomination rules allow up to 15% of the wine to be other permitted varieties.[4] Prosecco is almost always made in sparkling or semi-sparkling style (spumante and frizzante, respectively), but a still wine (tranquillo) is also permitted.[5] Within the larger designation are two small DOCG areas, Conegliano Valdobbiadene Prosecco in the hills between the towns of Conegliano and Valdobbiadene, and Asolo Prosecco around the nearby town of Asolo.[6][7] Prosecco Superiore is always spumante and comes only from these DOCG areas.[8]

In 2019, Le Colline del Prosecco di Conegliano e Valdobbiadene became a UNESCO World Heritage Site, in large part due to the region’s role in the production of Prosecco.[9][10] Since 2020, the DOC rules allow a rosé variety of Prosecco designated spumante rosé, which must contain Glera blended with 10–15% Pinot noir.[11]


The cover of the book Il Roccolo Ditirambo (1754), containing for the first time the exact word Prosecco

The poem where the term Prosecco appears for the first time within Il Roccolo Ditirambo (1754)

Vineyards in the Prosecco region of origin (UNESCO)

In Trieste at the beginning of the sixteenth century, the local wine «Ribolla» was promoted as the recreation of the Pucinian[12] celebrated by Pliny the Elder in his Natural History and praised for its medicinal qualities by Livia, the wife of Emperor Augustus.[13] The need to distinguish the «Ribolla» of Trieste from other wines of the same name, produced in Gorizia and at lower cost in Istria, led, at the end of the century, to a change in name. Following the supposed place of production in antiquity, the wine was referred to as «castellum nobile vinum Pucinum», after the castle near the village of Prosecco.[13]

The first known mention of the name Prosecco is attributed to the Englishman Fynes Moryson, who used the spelling Prosecho. Moryson, visiting the north of Italy in 1593, notes: «Histria is devided into Forum Julii, and Histria properly so called … Here growes the wine Pucinum, now called Prosecho, much celebrated by Pliny.» He places Prosecco among the famous wines of Italy: «These are the most famous Wines of Italy. La lagrima di Christo and like wines neere Cinqueterre in Liguria: La vernazza, and the white Muskadine, especially that of Montefiaschoni in Tuscany: Cecubum and Falernum in the Kingdom of Naples, and Prosecho in Histria.»[14]
The method of vinification, the true distinguishing feature of the original Prosecco, spread first in Gorizia, then – through Venice – in Dalmatia,[15] Vicenza and Treviso.[13]

In 1754, the spelling Prosecco appears for the first time in the book Il Roccolo Ditirambo, written by Aureliano Acanti in Novoledo, in the municipality of Villaverla located in the Province of Vicenza. The wine was then known by the local Slovene-speaking population as Prosegker or Prosekar and was grown on the Adriatic coast near the villages of Contovello, Prosecco, Santa Croce and the former Roman villa town Barcola.

The verses are: Ed or ora immollarmi voglio il becco Con quel melaromatico prosecco. Di Monteberico questo perfetto prosecco eletto ci da’ lo splendido nostro Canonico (in Italian), «And now I would like to wet my mouth with that Prosecco with its apple bouquet. From Monteberico this perfect favorite prosecco Our Priest give us. … Mr Priest Jacopo Ghellini brother of Mr Pietro and Mr Marco. Those cavaliers from their estate on the Mount Berico (Monte Berico) collect the Prosecco, that has the most rare qualities, that a wine could have from any other place.»[16][failed verification] Monte Berico is the hill of the city of Vicenza.

The wine was defined by the grape used to make it, glera, and the brand was not protected. The village of Prosecco was about 150 km from the growing areas, and had never grown the glera grape. British importers started to be interested in importing the wine in quantity; in response the Italian minister of agriculture expanded the «denominazione di origine controllata» (DOC) to cover far-away Prosecco. This was followed by claiming UNESCO world heritage status for «Prosecco Hills of Conegliano and Valdobbiadene» a few years later.[17][18] Prosecco was introduced into the mainstream US market in 2000 by Mionetto, now the largest US importer of Prosecco, who reported an «incredible growth trend» in 2008.[19] According to a 2008 New York Times report, Prosecco rose sharply in popularity in markets outside Italy, with global sales growing by double-digit percentages since 1998, aided also by its comparatively low price.[3][19] The UK became in the mid-2010s the biggest export market for Prosecco, consuming one quarter of all Italian production.[20] Production expanded massively, to €500m sales in 2019.[18]

Until the 2008 vintage Prosecco was protected as a DOC within Italy,[21] as Prosecco di Conegliano-Valdobbiadene, Prosecco di Conegliano, Prosecco di Valdobbiadene, and Prosecco di Colli Asolani. From 2009, these two area were promoted to DOCG status.[22] To further protect the name, an association of traditional Prosecco growers advocated a protected designation of origin status for Northern Italian Prosecco under European law.[3] Hence, since 1 January 2010, Prosecco is, according to an order of the Italian Minister of Agriculture of 17 July 2009, no longer the name of a grape variety (now to be called Glera), but exclusively a geographical indication. This was confirmed by EG-Regulation Nr. 1166/2009 of 30 November 2009.[23] The Colli Asolani Prosecco Superiore DOCG later changed its name to Asolo Prosecco Superiore DOCG in 2014.


Glera grapes on the vine in the Prosecco zone, pre-veraison

Unlike Champagne and Franciacorta DOCG, Prosecco is usually produced using the alternative Charmat–Martinotti method, in which the secondary fermentation takes place in large stainless steel tanks rather than in each individual bottle,[24] making the wine less expensive to produce, and the minimum production time is 30 days. Higher quality Prosecco using this method will ferment the wine over a longer period, up to around 9 months (Charmat Lungo). Nevertheless, the production rules for both the DOCG’s also allow the use of the traditional method of secondary fermentation in the bottle, known in Italy as Metodo Classico. DOC and DOCG rules allow up to 15% of Prosecco wine to be a blend of Verdiso, Bianchetta Trevigiana, Perera, Chardonnay, Pinot Bianco, Pinot Grigio, or Pinot Noir (vinified white).[4][25]

Approximately 150 million bottles of Prosecco were produced in 2008.[3] Huge subsequent growth meant this figure approached 600 million bottles in 2018.[26]

Since the 2000s, Glera grapes are cultivated and wine produced in other countries including Brazil, Romania, Argentina, and Australia.[3]

In the region of Conegliano and Valdobbiadene DOCG, there are more than 150 producers,[27] and together they form the Consortium for the Protection of Prosecco from Conegliano and Valdobbiadene (Consorzio per la Tutela del Prosecco di Conegliano e Valdobbiadene). DOCG also has its own consorzio, with 94 producers.

Prosecco DOC[edit]

Bottle of Prosecco showing the DOC designation on the label

Most Prosecco, whether DOC or DOCG, is made as Spumante sparkling wine or Frizzante (semi-sparkling). Prosecco DOC Spumante is the most famous and popular variety, with longer-lasting bubbles. Prosecco DOC Frizzante has less lingering bubbles. A small proportion is made as Tranquillo (still wine), with no bubbles.[5] Tranquillo amounts to only about five per cent of production,[21] and this wine is rarely exported.

Depending on their sweetness, in accordance with the EU Sweetness of wine Regulations for Terms used to indicate sweetness of sparkling wine, Proseccos are labelled «Brut» (up to 12 grams per litre of residual sugar), «Extra Dry» (12–17 g/L) or «Dry» (17–32 g/L).[28] Extra-Dry has been the dominant style made, but the amount of Brut is now increasing.

Glera grapes made in a Prosecco style outside the DOC/DOCG has a non-protected designation, such as «IGT Veneto», are generally cheaper and of more variable quality and cannot be called Prosecco.[29] While all Prosecco is currently vinified white, a rosé version has been proposed, but only for the DOC, as it was rejected by the DOCG. It is likely that such a rosé, which would include a small proportion of Pinot Noir vinified red, will be adopted only at the DOC level from the 2019 harvest and therefore be available to buy from as early as January 2020.[30]

Prosecco Superiore DOCG[edit]

Prosecco valley, UNESCO World Heritage Site

There are two Prosecco Superiore DOCGs, divided by the River Piave, in the Treviso province of Veneto. Prosecco Conegliano Valdobbiadene Superiore DOCG is made on the hills between the towns of Conegliano, Valdobbiadene and Vittorio Veneto. Producers from Valdobbiadene have recently tended to skip mention of Conegliano on their front label, calling their wine Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore. The second DOCG is the smaller Asolo Prosecco Superiore DOCG, produced on the hills near the town of Asolo.[31] Currently, in addition to the usual range of Prosecco styles, Asolo DOCG can also make an «Extra-Brut» (0-6 g/L), and Conegliano Valdobbiadene is expected to introduce this style soon. While the bulk of Prosecco DOC is grown on low-lying plains in an extended area covering 23,300 hectares, the DOCG Prosecco Superiore is grown exclusively on hillside vineyards in two far smaller growing areas, 6,860 hectares for Conegliano Valdobbiadene and 1,783 hectares for Asolo.[32] The steepness of the hills means that everything, from pruning to picking, is principally done by hand. The manual aspect, especially for the harvest, further increases quality.[8]

Superiore di Cartizze subzone[edit]

The hill of Cartizze is a 305 metres (1,001 ft) high vineyard of 107 hectares (260 acres) of vines,[33] owned by 140 growers.[34] The Prosecco from its grapes, of which comparatively little is produced, is widely considered to be of the highest quality,[8][34][29][35][36][37] or even the «Grand Cru» of Prosecco.[28][38][39]

Theoretically, a hectare of Cartizze grape land was estimated to be worth in excess of 1 million US dollars in 2008[3] and its value was estimated to have increased to 1.5–2 million euros in 2015, the most for a vineyard in Italy.[8] The sparkling wine produced from Cartizze has recently been named by producers as Superiore di Cartizze, without mentioning Prosecco on the front label to further emphasize its territory.[40]

According to a local legend, Cartizze grapes traditionally were harvested last, as the vines were situated on steep slopes and hard to reach, which led to vintners discovering that this extended ripening period improved the flavour.[29] Nonetheless, in a blind tasting at the 2006 Vinitaly trade fair, Cartizze spumanti were ranked consistently behind «normal» Prosecco.[41]

Rive subzones[edit]

While Cartizze is a subzone at the top of the Prosecco Conegliano Valdobbiadene Superiore DOCG quality pyramid, their Consorzio has also introduced official Rive delimitations, i.e. 15 communes that can make 43 different Rive subzone wines. These are named after the individual hills where the grapes originate, though this adds complexity and adoption so far is patchy. The intention is to highlight the different microclimates and distinct terroirs found in the DOCG.[8][42] Asolo Superiore DOCG has not introduced subzones.

Col Fondo[edit]

Some winemakers are reviving the traditional Prosecco Col Fondo, refermented in the bottle but not disgorged, as the wines are left on their lees. This yeasty residue leaves fine sediment in the bottom of the bottle (fondo in Italian) that imparts more complexity, texture and flavour. They can be served either clear or cloudy. These wines are labelled Conegliano Valdobbiadene Superiore DOCG, or Asolo Superiore DOCG. Col Fondo generally has a lower Frizzante-style 250 kilopascals (2.5 bars) of pressure.[8]


Cheap Prosecco is also sold in cans.

In Italy, Prosecco is a ubiquitously used wine.[3] Outside Italy, it is most often drunk as an apéritif. As with other sparkling wines, Prosecco is served chilled.[34]

Except for Col Fondo and any Método Classico Prosecco, most Prosecco does not ferment in the bottle. Usually, it should be drunk young,[41] preferably within three to five years[43] of its vintage. However, high-quality Prosecco may be aged for up to seven years.[44]

The view that Prosecco cannot be aged has been challenged by other experts. A tasting in 2013 of wines produced between 1983 and 2013 demonstrated the longevity of the wines from one of their top producers.[45]

Prosecco has a minimum of 10.5–11.5% alcohol by volume, depending on the DOC/DOCG rules.[34] The flavour of Prosecco has been described as aromatic and crisp, bringing to mind yellow apple, pear, white peach, and apricot.[19][34] Most Prosecco variants have intense primary aromas[34] and are meant to taste fresh, light and comparatively simple.[28]

Most commonly Prosecco is served unmixed, but it also appears in several mixed drinks. It is the main ingredient in the original Bellini and Spritz cocktails, and it can also be used in others, such as the Mimosa.[28][19] With vodka and lemon sorbet, Prosecco is also an ingredient of the Italian mixed drink Sgroppino.

See also[edit]

  • icon Wine portal


  1. ^ «Prosecco». Lexico UK English Dictionary. Oxford University Press. Archived from the original on 16 April 2020.
  2. ^ «Prosecco». Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Retrieved 22 January 2016.
  3. ^ a b c d e f g Cortese, Amy (26 December 2008). «Italian Makers of Prosecco Seek Recognition». The New York Times. Retrieved 28 December 2008.
  4. ^ a b Robinson, J.; Harding, J.; Vouillamoz, J. (2012). Wine Grapes: A Complete Guide to 1,368 Vine Varieties, Including Their Origins and Flavours. Allen Lane. pp. 102–103, 853–854. ISBN 978-1-846-14446-2.
  5. ^ a b «Prosecco Types». Consorzio di Tutela delle Denominazione di Origine Controllata Prosecco. Archived from the original on 16 April 2020. Retrieved 14 April 2020.
  6. ^ «Conegliano Valdobbiadene Prosecco DOCG »». Italian Wine Central. Retrieved 30 November 2019.
  7. ^ «Asolo Prosecco DOCG». Italian Wine Central. Retrieved 30 November 2019.
  8. ^ a b c d e f O’Keefe, Kerin (25 September 2015). «The Superiority of Prosecco Superiore». Wine Enthusiast.
  9. ^ Kennedy, Rachel; Chadwick, Lauren (9 July 2019). «Italy’s Prosecco hills receive UN world heritage status». Euronews. Retrieved 9 July 2019.
  10. ^ Centre, UNESCO World Heritage. «Two cultural sites added to UNESCO’s World Heritage List». UNESCO World Heritage Centre. Retrieved 9 July 2019. Le Colline del Prosecco di Conegliano e Valdobbiadene (Italy) — Located in north-eastern Italy, the site includes part of the vinegrowing landscape of the Prosecco wine production area. The landscape is characterized by ‘hogback’ hills, ciglioni – small plots of vines on narrow grassy terraces – forests, small villages and farmland. For centuries, this rugged terrain has been shaped and adapted by man. Since the 17th century, the use of ciglioni has created a particular chequerboard landscape consisting of rows of vines parallel and vertical to the slopes. In the 19th century, the bellussera technique of training the vines contributed to the aesthetic characteristics of the landscape.
  11. ^ «Mipaaf». 28 October 2020.
  12. ^ «The Prosecco Wine Guide». 13 February 2015.
  13. ^ a b c Colombo, Fulvio (2014). Prosecco. Patrimonio del Nordest (in Italian). Trieste: Luglio Editore. ISBN 978-8868030636.
    Prosecco, perché? Le nobili origini di un vino triestino (in Italian). Trieste: Luglio Editore. 2012. ISBN 978-8896940877.
  14. ^ Moryson, F. (1908). An Itinerary. Containing His Ten Yeeres Travell through the Twelve Dominions of Germany, Bohmerland, Sweitzerland, Netherland, Denmarke, Poland, Italy, Turky, France, England, Scotland & Ireland. Vol. IV. Glasgow. pp. 80, 103.
  15. ^ Colombo, Fulvio (June 2014). «Storie di vini dell’Adriatico. Nuove indagini sulle relazioni tra il Prosecco e il Prošek dalmata» (PDF). La Ricerca. Bollettino del Centro di Ricerche Storiche di Rovigno (in Italian) (65): 11–13.
  16. ^ Studio Cattaneo & Ecmedia Web & Graphics. «History». Discover Prosecco Wine. Archived from the original on 24 March 2018. Retrieved 6 January 2013.
  17. ^ Ponte, Stefano (August 2021). «Bursting the bubble? The hidden costs and visible conflicts behind the Prosecco wine ‘miracle’«. Journal of Rural Studies. Elsevier BV. 86: 542–553. doi:10.1016/j.jrurstud.2021.07.002. ISSN 0743-0167.
  18. ^ a b Blyth, Mark (31 December 2021). «How the politics of prosecco explain what took the fizz out of the Democrats». The Guardian.
  19. ^ a b c d Dane, Ana (3 July 2006). «Pop the Cork on Prosecco». TheStreet.com. Archived from the original on 13 September 2015. Retrieved 29 December 2008.
  20. ^ Collins, Guy (17 May 2016). «Prosecco 2016 Output Seen Up as Much as 20% as U.K. Sales Surge». bloomberg.com. Retrieved 15 October 2017.
  21. ^ a b DuBose, Fred; Spingarn, Evan; Maniscalco, Nancy (2005). The Ultimate Wine Lover’s Guide 2006. Sterling Publishing Company, Inc. pp. 196. ISBN 1-4027-2815-8.
  22. ^ Natasha Hughes (28 May 2009). «Prosecco to become DOCG». decanter.com. Archived from the original on 14 December 2009. Retrieved 28 May 2009. The current Prosecco di Conegliano e Valdobbiadene [sic] DOC zone became a DOCG from the 2009 vintage. Announcing the move, Prosecco DOC director Giancarlo Vettorello said that the IGT zone, which lies in the plains between Friuli and Veneto, will be upgraded to DOC status.
  23. ^ EG Verordnung Nr. 1166/2009 of 30 November 2009
  24. ^ Matias, Neil (26 December 2008). «Bubbling over into ’09». The Herald News. Retrieved 28 December 2008.
  25. ^ «Grape Varieties». Consorzio di Tutela delle Denominazione di Origine Controllata Prosecco. Archived from the original on 17 October 2017. Retrieved 9 October 2015.
  26. ^ «Prosecco to produce 600 million bottles from 2018 harvest». 13 September 2018.
  27. ^ «Conegliano Valdobbiadene Prosecco Docg, Prosecco Superiore Dal 1876». Archived from the original on 24 September 2015. Retrieved 18 December 2012.
  28. ^ a b c d Atkin, Tim (11 November 2007). «The fizz that’s the bizz». The Observer. London. Retrieved 29 December 2008.
  29. ^ a b c LeSinge, Theodore (2003). ADAC Reiseführer Venetien/ Friaul (in German). ADAC Verlag DE. p. 78. ISBN 3-89905-116-5.
  30. ^ https://imbibe.com/news/prosecco-rosé-will-be-a-reality-by-2020 Archived 3 March 2021 at the Wayback Machine. Currently, Prosecco cannot be made in rosé form and be called Prosecco, it would be classified as an IGT Veneto and the name Prosecco cannot be used.
  31. ^ «Asolo Prosecco | Consorzio Asolo Montello». 12 October 2020.
  32. ^ «Italian Wine Central».
  33. ^ Cannavan, Tom (2004). «the Proseccos of Bisol». wine-pages.com. Archived from the original on 19 April 2012. Retrieved 1 January 2009.
  34. ^ a b c d e f Kinssies, Richard (10 July 2002). «On Wine: Proseccos sparkle on their own terms». Seattle Post-Intelligencer. Retrieved 29 December 2008.
  35. ^ Koelliker, Beat (2008). Die neue Hallwag Weinschule: Mit 13 Weinproben zum Weinkenner (in German). HALLWAG. p. 104. ISBN 978-3-8338-1221-7.
  36. ^ Difford, Simon (2007). Cocktails. diffordsguide. p. 398. ISBN 978-0-9556276-0-6.
  37. ^ Belford, Ros (2003). Rough Guide to Italy. Rough Guides. p. 282. ISBN 1-84353-060-0.
  38. ^ «- Venice Wine Tour Prosecco. The white sparkling from Veneto». — Venice Wine Tour.
  39. ^ Yarrow, Alder (14 July 2007). «The World’s Best Prosecco: Tasting Conegliano Valdobbiadene». Vinography.
  40. ^ «The Various Types». Consorzio di Tutela del Prosecco di Conegliano Valdobbiadene. Archived from the original on 19 July 2015. Retrieved 9 October 2015.
  41. ^ a b Burianek, Stephan (10 June 2007). «In dubio Prosecco». Der Standard (in German). Retrieved 29 December 2008.
  42. ^ http://www.prosecco.it/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/WBI_617_p52_53_rive.pdf[bare URL PDF]
  43. ^ Flood, Carlos (22 January 2021). «How Long Does Prosecco Last?». EulogyBar.com. Retrieved 11 March 2022.
  44. ^ Mitchell, Sandy. «Prosecco, Italy’s Sparkling Wine». Retrieved 7 May 2011.
  45. ^ Edwards, Michael (2015). «Primo Franco 1983–2013: Prosecco Resurgent». The World of Fine Wine (48): 74–75.

External links[edit]

  • Consorzio di Tutela del Prosecco di Conegliano Valdobbiadene DOCG
  • Consorzio Asolo Montello DOCG
  • Consorzio di Tutela del Prosecco DOC

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Prosecco.

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Celebratory glass of prosecco on me.

С меня стакан просекко, в честь победы.



Celebratory glass of prosecco on me.
С меня стакан просекко, в честь победы.

A fine mixture of Prosecco, vodka, lemon peel and lemon sorbet.
Из Просекко, водки, лимонной кожуры и лимонного сорбе.

Obviously, you bought this at another time, presumably from the liquor store on Atlantic where you purchased the case of Prosecco you have in your pantry.
Очевидно, что вы купили его в другое время, вероятно, из винного магазина в Атлантике, где вы приобрели ящик Просекко, стоящий у вас в кладовке.

Beer, prosecco and soft drinks included.
Пиво, шампанское и т.д. включено.

It’s, uh, Prosecco, Maggie’s favorite.
Это Prosecco, Мэгги любимое.


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Перевод «Просекко» на английский


Из Просекко, водки, лимонной кожуры и лимонного сорбе.

A fine mixture of Prosecco, vodka, lemon peel and lemon sorbet.

В ходе истории эти две провинции сыграли решающую роль для производства Просекко.

Two provinces which have played a fundamental role in the history of Prosecco production.

Я бы согласился, будь кролик Просекко.

If that rabbit was a prosecco, I’d agree.

В 2013 году одна из каждых двух проданных бутылок игристого вина (за исключением шампанского), была Просекко.

In 2013, one in every two bottles of sparkling wine [excluding champagne] sold was prosecco.

Данный пакет услуг включает проживание в течение 2 ночей и бесплатную бутылку вина «Просекко» по прибытии.

This package includes two nights accommodation and a complimentary bottle of Prosecco on arrival.

Вино Просекко может стать отличным подарком.

Prosecco wine can be an amazing gift.

История Просекко уходит корнями вглубь веков, и относительно его происхождения выдвигаются различные гипотезы.

The history of Prosecco dates back centuries and there are many conflicting theories about its origin.

Каждый год производится приблизительно 150 миллионов бутылок итальянского Просекко.

Around 150 million bottles of Prosecco are produced every year.

Две тысячи лет игристого вина — история под названием Просекко

Two thousand years of bubbly, a story called Prosecco.

Просекко составляет серьезную конкуренцию шампанскому в последние несколько лет, особенно в среднем и нижнем ценовом диапазоне рынка игристых вин.

Prosecco has given Champagne some serious competition in the last few years, particularly at the mid and lower end of the sparkling wine market.

Просекко DOC производится на территории с уникальными природными условиями

Prosecco DOC was born in an area with unique environmental conditions.

Этот объект, расположенный на северо-востоке Италии, включает часть винодельческого ландшафта района производства вина Просекко.

Located in north-eastern Italy, the property includes part of the winegrowing landscape of the Prosecco wine production area.

По сравнению с другими игристыми винами, Просекко содержит мало алкоголя, всего от 11 до 12 процентов.

Compared to other sparkling wines, Prosecco is lower in alcohol, about 11 to 12 percent by volume.

Просекко, апероль, если оно у вас есть.

Prosecco Aperol, if you have that.

По закону, Просекко должно как минимум на 85% состоять из винограда Глера.

Prosecco must be at least 85% from Glera grapes.

Примо стал одним из пионеров в экспорте Просекко, предлагая мировому рынку игристое вино отличное от вин Шампани.

Primo Franco was one of the first pioneers to export the Prosecco and to introduce a different sparkling wine than Champagne into the international market.

В Венеции вы можете выпить бокал очень хорошего Просекко всего за 2 евро.

In Venice, you can have a glass of very good Prosecco for as low as 2 euros.

Начиная с прошлого века по территории Просекко DOCG были проложены тематические маршруты, полностью посвященные виноделию, чтобы помочь посетителям достопримечательности этих мест.

In the last century the area of Prosecco DOCG has been enriched by theme itineraries dedicated to wine, designed to help visitors to discover the beauty of the area.

Если вам не нравится шампанское, вы также можете выпить Просекко или Москато.

If champagne is not your thing, you can also have Prosecco or Moscato.

Ферментированный при низкой температуре Просекко развивает амиловые ароматы (фруктовые капли), хотя, возможно, они лучше смешиваются с фруктовыми соками, чем более строгое шампанское.

Fermented at a low temperature Prosecco develops amylic aromas (fruit drops), though these perhaps mix better with fruit juices than does the more austere Champagne.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 188. Точных совпадений: 188. Затраченное время: 178 мс


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Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

  • 1

    Англо-русский толковый словарь «Вино» > Prosecco

  • 2

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > prosecco

  • 3
    Colli Euganei


    «Колли Югане»


    Colli Euganei Moscato, Veneto, DOC, Cabernet-Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc, Muscat, Merlot, Pinot Bianco, , vino rosso, vino bianco, Prosecco

    Англо-русский толковый словарь «Вино» > Colli Euganei

См. также в других словарях:

  • Prosecco — B Colline de Valdobbiadene Caractéristiques phénologiques Débourrement À compléter Floraison À compléter Véraison …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Prosecco — is a variety of white grape grown in the Veneto region of Italy, and also gives its name to the sparkling wine made from the grape.The grape is grown in the Conegliano and Valdobbiadene wine growing regions north of Treviso. Its late ripening has …   Wikipedia

  • Prosecco — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Prosecco (en esloveno Prosek), es una localidad del Carso (Kras en esloveno, Karst en alemán), provincia de Trieste (Italia). Se encuentra situada en una zona caliza de la provincia de Trieste, a siete kilómetros al… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Prosecco — (Prosecho), Dorf im istrischen Gouvernement Triest, an der österreichischen südlichen Staatsbahn (Nabresina Triest); 600 Ew.; baut den unter als Prosecco od. Proseccer Reinfall bekannten süßlichen, dunkelrothen Wein …   Pierer’s Universal-Lexikon

  • Prosecco — Prosecco, Dorf im Gebiete von Triest des österreichisch illyr. Küstenlandes, 7 km nordwestlich von Triest, am Abhang des Karstes, an der Linie Wien Triest der Südbahn gelegen, hat Weinbau (der Wein von P. war schon im Altertum hochgeschätzt) und… …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Prosécco — (Prosek), Dorf im Gebiet von Triest, (1900) 1058 E.; Weinbau (süßlicher Rotwein) …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

  • prosecco — /prō sek ō/ noun An Italian sparkling white wine ORIGIN: Ital …   Useful english dictionary

  • Prosecco — Rebhänge bei Valdobbiadene (Herkunftsgebiets des Prosecco) Prosecco war der Name einer weißen Rebsorte, die nur im Nordosten Italiens in einer kleinen Region der Provinz Treviso in der Region Venetien wächst. Aus ihr keltert man hauptsächlich… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Prosecco — Pro|sẹc|co 〈m. 6〉 italienischer Schaum od. Weißwein [ital.; zu secco „trocken“] * * * Pro|sẹc|co, der; [s], s, auch: …cchi [ital. prosecco, nach dem gleichnamigen ital. Ort]: italienischer Schaum , Perl od. Weißwein: drei P. (drei Gläser… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Prosecco — Prosek (en lengua italiana: Prosecco), es una localidad del Carso (Kras en esloveno, Karst en alemán), provincia de Trieste (Italia). Se encuentra situada en una zona caliza de la provincia de Trieste, a siete kilómetros al norte de la capital y… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • prosecco — pro·séc·co s.m. CO vitigno veneto di uva bianca coltivato spec. sui colli trevigiani | il pregiato vino bianco aromatico e lo spumante secco o amabile che se ne ricava {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: 1662. ETIMO: der. di Prosecco, nome di una località… …   Dizionario italiano

Предложения со словом «Prosecco»

Beer, prosecco and soft drinks included.

Пиво, шампанское и т.д. включено.

A fine mixture of Prosecco , vodka, lemon peel and lemon sorbet.

Из Просекко , водки, лимонной кожуры и лимонного сорбе.

How about some cold prosecco to kill the pain?

Как насчет охлажденного вина, чтобы унять боль?

Madam would like a glass of Prosecco , and, er… ooh, I think the seafood medley, which I presume means… they’ll be singing songs from the shows.

Мадам будет заказывать бокал просекко и…. о, думаю, Морское попурри, что, полагаю, означает… что они будут петь попурри из мюзиклов.

And in between the hair dresser — prosecco , butjust when those sweaty brick layers are around.

Между делом — парикмахер, вино просекко , но как назло по соседству потные каменщики.

My birthday weekend, greasy cheeseburgers, a roach infested motel, and a two dollar bottle prosecco .

Мой день рождения выходные, жирные чизбургеры, мотель, заселенный тараканами, и бутылка prosecco (итальянское вино) за два доллара.

This Prosecco’s making me frisky.

Это вино меня заводит.

Fun fact… this insulated pouch will keep a bottle of prosecco cold for an entire Wiggles concert.

Забавный факт… этот отдельный карман сохранит бутылку вина холодной на протяжении всего концерта группы Непоседы.

Celebratory glass of prosecco on me.

С меня стакан просекко , в честь победы.

Obviously, you bought this at another time, presumably from the liquor store on Atlantic where you purchased the case of Prosecco you have in your pantry.

Очевидно, вы купили её в другое время, предположительно в винном магазине в Северной Америке, где вы приобрели ящик просекко , который у вас в кладовке.

An Italian sparkling wine made from the Muscat grape uses the DOCG Asti and from the Glera grape the DOCG Prosecco .

Итальянское игристое вино, изготовленное из мускатного винограда, использует DOCG Asti, а из винограда Glera — DOCG Prosecco .

This production method is widely used in the U.S., in Italy, especially in the Asti province, and in Prosecco wines, and in Germany to produce cheap variants of Sekt.

Этот способ производства широко используется в США, в Италии, особенно в провинции Асти, и в винах просекко , и в Германии для производства дешевых вариантов секта.

просекко — перевод на английский

— Предпочитаете «Просекко» или «Кампари»?

What would you like? Prosecco or Campari?

Между делом — парикмахер, вино просекко, но как назло по соседству потные каменщики.

And in between the hair dresser — prosecco, butjust when those sweaty brick layers are around.

— Это только Просекко.

It’s just Prosecco.

Да, еще… я захватил бутылочку просекко, если ты хочешь попробовать.

Yeah. And, uh, also… I managed to smuggle in a little bottle of prosecco, if you want a taste.

Очевидно, вы купили её в другое время, предположительно в винном магазине в Северной Америке, где вы приобрели ящик просекко, который у вас в кладовке.

Obviously, you bought this at another time, presumably from the liquor store on Atlantic where you purchased the case of Prosecco you have in your pantry.

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