Как пишется радуга дэш

Элемент верности

Rainbow Dash Wonderbolt fantasy cropped S1E3.png




Морская пони

Лидер чудо молний






Female picto.png


Занятие Управление погодой и облаками над Понивиллем
Учительница Верности в Школе Дружбы (ранее)

Правит Эквестрией со своими друзьями.

Тренер Чудо-молний

Место проживания Понивилль, Клаудсдейл (ранее)
Русская Елена Чебатуркина-Греб (1-4 сезоны)
Лина Иванова (с 5 сезона)
Ольга Шорохова (версия на DVD)
Екатерина Кордас (Kidzone TV)
Татьяна Весёлкина (в кино)
Татьяна Шитова (в кино)
Оригинальная Эшли Болл
Русская песен Кристина Романская (6 и 8 сезон, Лучший подарок на свете)
Алёна Светлакова (7 сезон)
Отец Боу Хотхуф
Мать Винди Вислз
Сводная сестра Скуталу
Внешний вид
Окрас Грива Глаза

Трёхцветная молния, бьющая из облака

Rainbow Dash CM.svg

Для прототипа из человеческого мира, смотрите Радуга Дэш (ДиЭ)

Радуга Дэш (англ. Rainbow Dash) — небесно-голубая пони-пегас с радужной гривой и хвостом, являющаяся одним из главных персонажей в сериале. Она ответственна за поддержание погоды и расчистку неба от облаков в Понивилле. По её словам, она может очистить небо ровно за 10 секунд. Также она является большой поклонницей Чудо-молний и мечтает вступить в их ряды, что и произошло в эпизоде «Новичок Дэш». В серии Звуковая радуга, Рарити и Принцесса Селестия заявляют, что она лучший лётчик во всей Эквестрии. Из главной шестёрки она стала последней, кто завёл себе питомца — черепаху по кличке Тэнк. Радуга Дэш представляет элемент верности.

Разработка и дизайн

Лорен Фауст была вдохновлена созданием Радуги своей игрушкой детства — пегасом Firefly из первого поколения сериала. Радуга имеет общее имя и расцветку с Радугой Дэш из третьего поколения, однако Лорен дала ей личность своей любимой пони из первого поколения — Firefly.
Первоначально Лорен дала Радуге метку в виде двух синих молний как у Файрфлай, но затем дизайн сменили на одну трех-цветовую молнию, а после на текущий вариант — облако с немного изогнутой трёх-цветовой молнией.

358px-Lauren Faust G1 Firefly toy

Hay yeah by fyre flye-d4axgxd

Первоначальный набросок Радуги (с не изменённым знаком отличия)

Представление в сериях


Шэдоуболты проверяют верность Радуги, предлагая ей силу и славу.

В серии «Магия дружбы, Часть 1» Лунная Пони проверяет верность Радуги, создавая иллюзии элитных летунов, носящих название «Шэдоуболты». Они предлагают ей вступить в их ряды при условии, что она должна бросить своих друзей и предать их задание по нахождению Элементов Гармонии. Радуга решает остаться с друзьями. Когда они сталкиваются с Лунной Пони в руинах Замка королевских сестёр, Искорка заявляет о том, что Радуга Дэш олицетворяет элемент верности.

Верность Радуги проверялась в серии «Возвращение гармонии. Часть 1». Дискорд показывает ей видение того, что Клаудсдейл рушится без неё, принуждая предать своих друзей в лабиринте Кантерлота.

В серии «Радужные водопады» Радуге приходится выбирать между полётом с Престижными чудо-молниями и командой Понивилля во время трансляции лётного соревнования Эквестрийских Игр. Поначалу она тайком занимается с Чудо-молниями, но в конце-концов она решает остаться c командой Понивилля.

В серии «Знак отличия: Перезагрузка. Часть 2» в альтернативной временной линии, где Эквестрией правит Лунная пони, Радуга является одним из её верных стражников.


«Rainblow dry»

Радуга Дэш показывает свои таланты в полёте на протяжении сериала. В серии «История знаков отличия», она говорит что получила свой знак отличия когда исполнила свою первую звуковую радугу.

В «Приглашении на бал», мечтой Радуги Дэш является впечатление Чудо-молний на «Грандиозном бал Гала-концерте» своими трюками, такими как «rainblow dry», «super-speed strut», «fantastic filly flash» и «buccaneer blaze». Она встречает Чудо-молний в серии «Звуковая радуга» после того, как Принцесса Селестия провозглашает её чемпионом в состязании лучших юных летунов. В этой же серии она исполняет «звуковую радугу».


В «Пусть лучший победит!», Радуга Дэш выполняет опасные трюки, пролетая в Призрачном Ущелье прямо перед гнёздами Пещерных угрей и уклоняясь от падающих на неё камней.

Радуга Дэш очищает облачное небо в серии «Магия дружбы. Часть 1», пиная облака задними ногами. Она направляет капли воды из облаков в серии «Хвастунишка» и создаёт радугу над собой когда капли ударяются об неё. Радуга объединяется с остальными пегасами в серии «Последний день зимы» для создания вихря, который поглощает облака и снег из Понивилля, а также торнадо, которое затягивает параспритов в серии «Незваные гости».

В серии «Ураган Флаттершай» Радуга Дэш координирует и направляет команду пегасов Понивилля, отвечающую за создание урагана, который доставит воду для погодной фабрики Клаудсдейла на дождливый сезон. Во время подготовки, сила крыльев Радуги Дэш была оценена в 16.5 единиц, в то время как сила крыльев других пегасов едва заходила за десять единиц.

Радуга даёт советы Искорке.

Радуга Дэш помогает Сумеречной Искорке учиться летать в серии «Принцесса Искорка. Часть 1».

В серии «Экзамен на раз, два, три!» Радуга демонстрирует своё умение делать сразу несколько действий в полёте. Находясь в воздухе, она следит за землёй и за небом, дабы всё было в порядке. Также она запоминает всё, что видит и слышит. С этим талантом, Радуга сумела запомнить всё, что знала о истории Чудо-молний и пройти экзамен на присоединение к резервам Чудо-молний.


Радуга описывает свою страсть к победам в своём воспоминании в серии «История знаков отличия». В серии «Заносчивый грифон» она соревнуется несколько раз с Джильдой — старым другом детства.

Радуга соревнуется с Эпплджек.

В Осеннем забеге, Радуга проигрывает Эпплджек и говорит, что ненавидит проигрывать. Она вызывает Эпплджек на cостязание «Железная пони». В нескольких испытаниях она использует крылья, дабы дать себе нечестное преимущество. Во время осеннего забега, Радуга Дэш продолжает использовать свою хитрую тактику, даже когда её крылья были завязаны. Эпплджек мстит ей своими собственными трюками, в следствии чего они обе проигрывают состязание.

В серии «Радужные водопады», Радуга Дэш приходит к заключению, что хоть она и любит побеждать, но своих друзей она любит намного больше.


Радуга уверена, что победит.

Радуга Дэш демонстрирует свою уверенность в себе и в своих способностях в нескольких сериях. В серии «Хвастунишка», когда Эпплджек и Рарити критикуют Трикси за её магические фокусы и смотря вниз на других пони, Радуга добавляет, «Конечно, тем более, что всем известно, что самая талантливая здесь я».

В серии «Звуковая радуга», Радуга уверена в своих способностях перед состязанием лучших молодых летунов, но только до тех пор, как магические крылья Рарити получают больше внимания и похвал. Не смотря на свою неуверенность, Радуга успешно исполняет звуковую радугу и выигрывает состязание.

В серии «Таинственный защитник» Радуга Дэш почитается жителями Понивилля после нескольких героических подвигов. Она наслаждается вниманием жителей и фан-клуба, организованного Скуталу, в результате чего становится слишком самоуверенной в себе. Загадочная, облачённая в тёмную мантию пони начинает обыгрывать подвиги Радуги Дэш. В итоге она узнаёт о том, что загадочной пони были её замаскированные друзьями, которые решили преподать подруге урок о том, что бы она следила за своей гордостью.


Без доказательств обвиняет Дискорда.

Радуга Дэш и Эпплджек насмехаются над Искоркой во время соревнования в серии «Осенний забег», называя её «книгоедом» за присоединение к забегу без какого-либо опыта, исключая то, что она смогла прочесть в книгах. Радуга с неохотой и хмурым выражением лица позволяет Рарити сделать ей макияж в серии «Незваные гости». Когда Сумеречная Искорка пытается убедить Рарити в том, что она не посмешище в серии «Рождённая для успеха», Радуга Дэш тихо говорит, «Вообще-то, посмешище».

В серии «Поиски дракона» Радуга Дэш называет дракона «отстойным», (*после чего её шкурка оказывается подпалённой огненным дыханием другого дракона*). Также она дразнит Спайка в этой-же серии, однако Рарити останавливает её.


Радуга пытается рассмешить стражников.

Радуга Дэш пытается напугать своих друзей, когда те отправляются в Вечнозелёный лес в свой первый раз, утверждая, что ещё ни одна пони, которая вошла туда не вернулась назад. Репутацию шутника и проказника она получила в серии «Заносчивый грифон», где вместе с Пинки Пай подшучивают над остальными пони, что после продолжается в серии «Птица Феникс», где Радуга пытается рассмешить королевских стражей.

Радуга Дэш несколько раз разыгрывает Джильду в серии «Заносчивый грифон» используя шутки, которые она приготовила для её вечеринки, однако они не предназначались только для неё. Большинство времени, когда Джильда находилась в Понивилле, Радуга Дэш не подозревала о том, что грифон вёл себя бессердечно и грубо с другими пони, однако проказы на вечеринке доводят её до конца и она теряет свой нрав перед Радугой. После того как Радуга Дэш увидела «плохую» сторону её характера, она прогоняет Джильду за поведение и отправляет на всё четыре стороны.

Радуга после успешной шутки

Радуга использует облака для создания грома и молнии, дабы испугать Спайка в этом же эпизоде. Она проделывает тоже самое с Пинки Пай и с несколькими другими пони в серии «Затмение Луны», нося костюм Темномолний и смеясь над теми, кого ей удалось напугать. Она говорит Искорке что «это самая лучшая ночь в этому году для проказ» и что «это всё для развлечения остальных». После, она торопиться испугать других, и делает это до тех пор, пока принцесса Луна не наказывает её тем же. Также в серии «Давно пора» она пользуется взволнованностью Искорки, напугав её вместе со Спайком.

В серии «Полёт к финишу» Радуга Дэш реагирует сверхэмоционально, когда Мисс Харшвинни обращается к классу Чирайли, после чего та бранит Радугу за отсутствие профессионализма.

В серии «28 розыгрышей спустя» Радуга настолько увлекается любовью к розыгрышам, что подшучивает чуть ли не над всеми в городе: например, она притворяется злобным существом, чтобы напугать Флаттершай, подсовывает Кренки Дудлу вместо парика скунса, а также кладёт кирпич в сэндвич Мистера Пирожка. В ответ на её постоянные розыгрыши пони решают подшутить над Радугой, и только потом она понимает, что и у шуток есть свои пределы.

Навыки и умения

Стремление к успеху

Радуга Дэш-уверенная в себе пони любящая соперничество и соревнования.Во многих сериях она нам показывает свою уверенность.Она всегда стремится к успеху. Радуга знает о том что она , самоуверенная и иногда из-за этого волнуется.

Любовь к чтению

Основная статья: Читай и наслаждайся

Радуга за чтением

Радуга находит свое пристрастие к чтению в эпизоде «Читай и наслаждайся». Находясь в больнице, Искорка впервые предлагает ей прочитать книгу, но она отказывается и откладывает её в сторону, поясняя: «Я ведь спортсменка. Чтение для таких головастых как ты, Искорка». После нескольких сцен, показывающих скучное времяпрепровождение Радуги в больнице, она всё-таки решается открыть книгу и, неожиданно для себя, погружается с головой в захватывающее приключение героини книги – Дэринг Ду. Чтобы не показаться «головастой», Радуга скрывает своё новое хобби в тайне от друзей. К сожалению, к моменту выписки из больницы, она не успевает прочитать рассказ и предпринимает отчаянный шаг — пробраться назад и дочитать концовку истории. Но попавшись, ей приходится признаться, что вернулась она ради книги. Искорка отдаёт ей свою копию книги. Эпизод заканчивается тем, что Радуга дочитывает книгу и берёт из небольшой стопки другую, название которой гласит «Дэринг Ду и Кубок Грифона». Она читает книги Дэринг в сериях «Друг на всю жизнь» и «Слишком много Пинки Пай».

Приятный отдых за книгой

В серии «Спайк к вашим услугам», она упоминает, что пишет рассказ об «одном удивительном и невероятном пегасе, ставшим капитаном Чудо-молний». С сарказмом Рарити высказывает «предположительный» сюжет.

В серии «Дэринг Доунт» Радуга становится более заинтересована чтением как Искорка, рассказывая подробно сюжеты некоторых историй Дэринг, а так же с нетерпением ожидая выхода новой книги.

В серии «Честная сделка» Радуга сообщает, что почти собрала коллекцию первых изданий книг Дэринг, и собирается найти последнюю недостающую книгу на сходке торговцев-обменщиков. Она наконец-то достигает своей цели, но отказывается от неё, когда в результате сделки Флаттершай покидает Понивилль для тренировки Орфа. По дороге домой, Искорка отдаёт Радуге старую копию книги, которую она искала.

В серии «Страннее фанатских историй» она встречает ещё одного фаната книг о Дэринг Ду — Квиббла Пэнтса, который, в отличие от неё, скептически относится к позднейшим книгам из-за реализма.


«Внимательно слушает» лекцию Искорки.

Радуга носит солнцезащитные очки протяжении нескольких серий:

  • В серии «Нулевой урок», когда с подругами собирается на пикник;
  • В серии «Пусть лучший победит» во время рассказа Радуги о том, каким её питомец должен быть, а так же когда объясняет Искорке разницу между «замечательный» и «крутой»;
  • В серии «Таинственный защитник» во время рассказа о своём героическом поступке;
  • В серии «Слишком много Пинки Пай», когда загорает возле озера;
  • В серии «Радужные водопады» во время тренировки вместе со Спитфайр и Флитфут;
  • В серии «Экзамен на раз, два, три!» очками скрывает факт того, что спала на протяжении всей лекции Искорки;
  • В конце серии «Не ставь карт впереди пони» отдыхая в шезлонге.


Объявление об Эквестрийских играх

Радуга в своих воспоминаниях

В своих воспоминаниях, Радуга показывается жеребёнком без отличительного знака. Её сопровождает Рэйнбоу Блэйз, имеющий такую же радужную расцветку гривы и похожий отличительный знак, который имеется у взрослой Радуги. Они стоят в толпе, слушая объявление о месте проведения Эквестрийских игр. Когда Радуга узнаёт, что игры пройдут не в Клаудсдейле, она плачет от разочарования.

Это разочарование исчезает позже, когда Радугу избирает флагоносцем Клаудсдейла на открытии игр. Позже она заявляется, что «сделала с ним такой трюк, который никто никогда не видел и увидит».

Отличительный знак

Соревнование с хулиганами

В серии «Отличительные знаки» Радуга упоминает, что была самой первой в классе, кто получил отличительный знак  Она рассказывает искателям знаков отличия о том, как получила свой знак в серии «История знаков отличия». Её история начинается в летнем лётном лагере, где она вступается за Флаттершай и защищает её от нескольких хулиганов, называющих Радугу “Rainbow Crash”. Это прозвище так же упоминается Спайком в серии «У страха глаза велики». Один из хулиганов уже имел отличительный знак, когда Радуга и Флаттершай нет. Радуга бросает вызов двум хулиганам и предлагает сразится в гонке пегасов, где она открывает свои способности  в скорости и «победе». Продвигаясь через трассу, она выполняет свою самую первую звуковую радугу, из-за которой не только получает свой знак отличия, но и помогает своим будущим подругам получить их знаки отличия.

Звуковая радуга

Основная статья: Звуковая радуга (событие)

Самая первая Звуковая радуга.

В серии «Звуковая радуга» Радуга пытается выполнить свой коронный трюк — Звуковую радугу, чтобы победить на Состязании лучших юных летунов. Флаттершай поддерживает её, утверждая, что она способна выполнить этот трюк после многих тренировок и попыток. Через некоторое время, Радуга прибывает в Клаудсдейл вместе с Флаттершай, выступающей в качестве моральной поддержки.

К большому удивлению, их «бескрылые» друзья решили последовать за ними, и, благодаря заклинанию Искорки, они могут ходить по облакам. Однако Искорка так же дала красивые крылья Рарити, привлекающие всеобщее внимание. В результате, Радуга нервничает и откладывает её представление. Когда соревнование подходит к концу, она решается выступить в любом случае.

После долгих тренировок…

Радуга проваливает первые два этапа своего представления, врезаясь в ограждения и случайно отправляя облако в направлении принцессы Селестии. В это время Рарити, выступающая вместе с Радугой, начинает выполнять свой финальный трюк, смыслом которого является подлететь как можно ближе к солнцу и расправить крылья. Однако крылья, сделанные из росы и паутинки, загораются, в результате чего она начинает падать. Чудо-молнии пытаются спасти её, но Рарити случайно пинает и вырубает их.

Радуга, наконец, замечает, что происходит и ускоряется в их направлении, спасая Рарити с Чудо-молниями, а так же выполняя звуковую радугу. Как и в «Истории знаков отличия», ей это удалось из-за выставленных вперёд обеих передних ног (на тренировках она использовала только одну). Рарити очень благодарна за то, что Радуга спасла её, и извиняется перед друзья за свой поступок. Радугу объявляют победителем и она улетает, чтобы провести день со своими героями — Чудо-молниями.

В серии «Свадьба в Кантерлоте. Часть 2», сбрасывая свой наряд, она выполняет звуковую радугу в честь поженившихся Каденс и Шайнинг Армора по просьбе принцессы Селестии. Этот трюк не похож на другие два. Он выполнен гораздо быстрее и во время вертикально полёта вверх.

В серии «Знак отличия: Перезагрузка. Часть 1 и 2» Старлайт Глиммер отправляется назад во времени, чтобы не дать Радуге исполнить свою звуковую радугу, а заодно не дать главной шестёрке подружиться. За ней следят Принцесса Искорка и Спайк, пытаясь предотвратить это.

В фильме My Little Pony Радуга хвастается своим трюком перед Хитрым Хвостом и даже рвётся его исполнить, но тот отказывается. Позже она всё-таки делает это для Капитана Гарпии и её команды; к сожалению, из-за этого их местонахождение замечает Буря.


Её имя переводится как Радужный Рывок или Радужный Бег, однако из-за сложности перевода его обычно просто транслитерируют: Рэйнбоу Дэш. В официальных переводах на русский её называют «Радуга» или «Радуга Дэш» (последнее — в точности то, что выдавал Google.translate, пока сериал и не стал популярным и он не начал выдавать «Рэйнбоу»)

Искатели знаков отличия

Радуга преподаёт карате.

Радуга дает несколько советов Эппл Блум о том, как получить знак отличия в серии «Отличительные знаки», объясняя, что она и её подруги пытаются искать свои отличительные знаки в неправильном направлении. На протяжении серии Радуга свистит, выполняет спортивные трюки/упражнения, а позже появляется в спортивной одежде с черным поясом, когда Эппл Блум пытается научится карате.

Радуга является кумиром для Скуталу в серии «Искатели знаков отличия». Когда Эппл Блум и Крошка Бель являются сёстрами Рарити и Эпплджек соответственно, Скуталу никаких родственных связей с Радугой не имеет. Радуга называет её «малая» в сериях «Попытка ревности» и «Таинственный защитник», а так же появляется вместе с Рарити и Эпплджек, чтобы поздравить искателей знаков отличия с успешным выступлением в серии «Шоу талантов».


Радуга спасает Скуталу.

В серии «Неспящие в Понивилле», Скуталу приглашает Радугу в поход чтобы побыть вместе побольше. Однако, когда Радуга рассказывает страшную историю, у Скуталу начинаются ночные кошмары. Она скрывает это от Радуги, думая, что та посчитает её трусихой. Когда Скуталу уезжает на самокате поздней ночью, спасаясь от «безголовой лошади», она случайно падает в реку и, в итоге, оказывается на краю водопада и срывается вниз. Но вовремя подоспевшая Радуга спасает её, а после узнает причину того, почему Скуталу весь поход была такая нервная. Она поддерживает Скуталу, рассказывая, что в первый раз тоже испугалась этих историй, а после соглашается заботится, выступая в роли старшей сестры.

В серии «Полёт к финишу» Радуга поддерживает Искателей Знаков Отличия на конкурсе. Она носит кепку и свисток на протяжении большей части эпизода, как в сериях «Пусть лучший победит!» и «Ураган Флаттершай».


Уборка облаков.

Радуга отвечает за погоду в Понивилле. Она очищает небо от облаков на «Празднование дня Солнца», и, за исключением еженедельного дождя один раз в неделю, поддерживает прекрасную погоду в Понивилле. В серии «У страха глаза велики» Спайк утверждает, что она редко встаёт рано чтобы навести порядок. Она живет в доме из облаков возле Понивилля, который имеет схожий дизайн с её родным городом – Клаудсдейлом.

Радуга одна из тех пони, которые претендуют на второй пригласительный билет на Грандиозный бал Гала-концерт в серии «Приглашение на бал». Поводом этому служит возможность встретится с Чудо-молниями, которые обязательно будут выступать здесь. Она продолжает просить билет даже когда все остальные подруги отказываются от него. Чудо-молнии появляются на балу в серии «Самый лучший вечер», хотя их представление в эпизоде не показано, и обитают в VIP зале вместе с остальными гостями. Они не обращают внимания на Радугу, даже несмотря на её попытки.

Академия Чудо-молний

В костюме Чудо-молний.

Радугу принимают в Академию Чудо-молний на одну неделю. Там она заводит дружбу с Лайтнинг Даст и в паре с ней проходит упражнения тренировочного лагеря. Во время соревнований по разгону облаков, Лайтнинг пытается выполнить задание быстро, создавая торнадо. К сожалению, торнадо выходит из под контроля и сносит воздушный шар, на котором летели Искорка и остальные подруги. Радуга вовремя спасает их и ругает Лайтнинг за её безрассудство. Она принимает решения покинуть академию, считая, что здесь кадетов вознаграждают только за их безрассудство. Но Спитфайр догоняет её и уведомляет, что «быть лучшим ни в коем случае не значит рисковать жизнью других пони», а так же «нужно не только стремиться к большему, важно достигать цели достойно». Поэтому она делает Радугу ведущей пони.

В серии «Рарити идёт по следу!» Радуга состоит в резерве на случай, если кто-либо из Чудо-молний не сможет выступить. В конце серии она становится на место Винд Райдера.

Становление чудо молнией

В серии «Новичок Дэш» Радуга Дэш становится Чудо-молнией после ухода

Файр Стрика причём ей дают прозвище «Радуга Крэш», что вначале она воспринимает как обиду.


Самый лучший питомец!

Радуга — последняя из главных героинь сериала, представляющая своего питомца – черепаху Тэнка в серии «Пусть лучший победит!». Во время конкурса Радуга считает его медленным, неповоротливым или «не крутым» в отличии от других конкурсантов, однако берёт его с собой на последнее испытание. Когда другие конкурсанты пересекают финишную черту, игнорируя крики помощи Радуги, Тэнк поднимает камень, прижавший её крыло, и доносит её до финишной черты. По правилам конкурса, побеждал тот, кто пересекал финишную черту вместе с Радугой, поэтому победу одержал Тэнк.

В серии «Спасибо Танку за воспоминания» оказывается, что Тэнк впадает в зимнюю спячку, из-за чего Радуга Дэш расстраивается. После тщетных попыток предотвратить наступление зимы она окончательно впадает в истерику, пока её не успокаивают друзья.


В серии Последний урок показан разговор Радуги Дэш с Эплджек из которого можно предположить, что они живут вместе. Один из создателей сериала сказал «Каждый зритель должен сам решить кто они для друг для друга»[1]. В этой же серии показано, что Радуга стала тренером Чудо-молний. И сказано что Радуга вместе с своими друзьями правит Эквестрией.

Место проживания

Настоящий замок!

Дом Радуги впервые показан в серии «Заносчивый грифон». Она живёт в доме из белых облаков, висящим невысоко над землёй возле Понивилля. В нем присутствуют классические колонны и радужного цвета ручьи и водопады. В серии «Укрощение дракона» Радуга, используя ручей, делает себе разноцветную маскировку. В следующий раз её дом появляется в серии «День рождения» и имеет слегка другой дизайн по сравнению с дизайном во время первого появления, похожий теперь больше на облачный замок. Интерьер показан в серии «Незваные гости», а спальня в конце серии «Читай и наслаждайся».

Интерьер показан вновь в начале серии «Академия Чудо-молний». Изнутри дом был показан в конце серии «Дэринг Доунт», а в серии «Экзамен на раз, два, три!» его показали снаружи. Также, дом был показан в сериях «Спасибо Танку за воспоминания» и «Новичок Дэш».


В серии «Игры, в которые играют пони», во время воспоминания, Радуга, будучи жеребёнком, стоит на спине Рэйнбоу Блейза, имеющего похожую расцветку гривы и хвоста. Её родственные связи с ним, к сожалению, неизвестны. Родителями Радуги являются пони Боу Хотхуф и Винди Вислз, которые впервые появляются в серии «Родительская опека». Они активно поддерживают свою дочь, что смущает Радугу. У радуги нет не сестры не брата.

Генеалогическое древо

"Родословная Радуги Дэш"

Описание изображения


Появление в фильмах

Основная статья: Радуга Дэш (ДиЭ)

My Little Pony: Девочки из Эквестрии

Радуга Дэш в «Девочках из Эквестрии».

В фильме «Девочки из Эквестрии» Радуга Дэш сопровождает Искорку на первый приём её как принцессы в Кристальной империи и замечает Сансет Шиммер, которая крадёт корону Искорки. В альтернативном мире, в образе человека, Радуга оказывается ученицей в лицее.

My Little Pony Девочки из Эквестрии: Радужный рок

В сиквеле к фильму «Девочки из Эквестрии: Радужный рок» Радуга кратко появляется в Замке Дружбы, когда Искорка читает легенду о сиренах.

Другие описания

Самая главная и всепоглощающая страсть Радуги Дэш — полёты! И чем быстрее, тем лучше. Любой, кто видел в небе этого пегаса с гривой цвета радуги, с восхищением наблюдал за её скоростью, проворством и уверенностью. Способная и сильная, Радуга Дэш обожает приключения. Она уверена, что однажды сможет заслужить своё место в воздушной акробатической команде Чудо-молний. Но помимо амбиций, Радугу Дэш выделяет абсолютная преданность её друзьям.

Радуга Дэш — настоящая спортивная супер звезда школы Кантерлота. К тому же, она является капитаном почти всех школьных спортивных команд. Чтобы найти награду или трофей без её имени — придётся потрудиться. Но есть только одна вещь, которую Радуга Дэш ставит выше побед — это преданность. Теперь она объединилась с Сумеречной Искоркой и другими своими подругами, чтобы забрать корону у Сансет Шиммер и восстановить гармонию в Кантерлоте. А всё потому что, Радуга Дэш знает — в слове «команда» нет «я», но есть в слове «друзья».

Описание с сайта HubNetwork.com

«Радуга Дэш живёт приключениями! Когда есть проблемы, связанные с опасностью, дальними землями или мистическими событиями, она первая, кто спешит на помощь. Она сильная. Она храбрая. Она несколько настойчивая и любит подшутить, но спросите себя, какими бы вы были на её месте, если бы являлись самым быстрым пегасом в округе?»

Описание в «Teacher for a Day»:

«Радуга Дэш её имя, а приключение – её жизнь. Настоящий герой, пегас с радужной гривой является самым быстрым из всех, которые есть, летая в воздухе на сверхзвуковой скорости.»

«Атлетичная, храбрая и уверенная в себе, а так же немного озорная, она всегда появляется первой на месте происшествия, где присутствует опасность. Будь то полёты в далёкие земли или что-то мистическое и магическое — эта пони готова пристегнуть ремень безопасности и отправится на приключение всей своей жизни!»

Описание из игры Мy Little Pony:

Воплощение элемента верности. Радуга управляет погодой в Понивилле. Её мечта — вступить в ряды Чудо-молний.

Описание из журнала My Little Pony:

  • Спортивная
  • Атлетичная
  • Любит приключения

«Сильная пони живёт ради приключений! Радуга всегда в первых рядах добровольцев, готовых столкнутся с опасностью, а так же самая быстрая в Понивилле и является настоящим героем!»

Путеводитель по Элементам Гармонии:

РАДУГА ДЭШ имеет грандиозные правила в жизни: если летать — то ОЧЕНЬ БЫСТРО!!! Все пони, которые видели в воздухе пегаса с радужной гривой из Клаудсдейла, были поражены её скоростью, ловкостью и храбростью. Даже в молодости Радуга была отличным летуном выполнившим то, что другие не смогли в её возрасте – «Звуковую радугу»! Когда появляется любая проблема, будь она маленькая или большая, Радуга, вдохновлённая Чудо-молниями, спешит попасть в первые ряды добровольцев, готовых спасти день. Несмотря на её упрямство, подруги счастливы, когда Радуга присутствуют с ними в опасных путешествиях, где она не раз доказывает, что является хорошим другом и настоящим героем.


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Русский дубляж

С самого начала Радугу Дэш, как и Пинки Пай, озвучивала Елена Чебатуркина-Греб. Песни пелись самой же Греб. Всё это продлилось до 4-ого сезона, пока её не заменила Лина Иванова в следствии передачи прав на озвучку ВГТРК и начала продолжении дубляжа уже студией «СВ-Дубль». Это одна из двух главных персонажей, имя которой было адаптировано на русский язык (наряду с Сумеречной Искоркой).


А что такое элементы гармонии? И вообще, откуда ты узнала о Лунной пони? А? Ты что, шпионка? Ой!

– Магия дружбы. Часть 2.

Мне нужно полетать. Мне скучно стоять здесь просто так.

– Незваные гости.

Многие считали, что Звуковая Радуга – это всего лишь выдумка. Но в тот день, в день гонки, я доказала, что легенды сбываются жизни. Я сделала невозможное возможным!

– История знаков отличия.

Хорошая? Да она потрясающая! Эта книга безусловно, бесспорно очень интересная! Но меня отправили домой, прежде чем я успела дочитать её.

– Читай и наслаждайся.

Я тебе кое в чём признаюсь, но если ты кому-то расскажешь, буду всё отрицать. Когда я услышала эти истории, я тоже испугалась.

– Неспящие в Понивилле.

Я уважаю Ваше решение, мэм, но есть разница между стремлением к успеху и безрассудством. И если в академии поощряют безрассудство, и если это означает быть настоящей Чудо-молнией, тогда я в этом не участвую.

– Академия Чудо-молний.

Но в соревновании «Самая отважная пони» не может быть ничьей!

– Замко-мания.

Но то была я! А ты — это ты! И это неважно, умеешь ли ты летать или нет. Ваш номер был замечательным, потому что он олицетворял то, что делает Понивилль особенным. Вы ведь ещё помните, что именно?

– К Скуталу, Полёт к финишу.

Подумай про сок! Пони, пожалуйста, подумайте про сок!

– Летучие мыши!.

И неважно, в каком виде спорта, мы все выложимся по полной, потому что мы все внесём свой вклад в понивилльское золото!

– Эквестрийские игры.

Вы отлично справились!

– К Скуталу, Эквестрийские игры.

Кто сказал, что я срываю злость?! Я вовсе не срываюсь! И я не расстроена! И я не злюсь! Похоже, что я злюсь?!

– Спасибо Танку за воспоминания.

Что бы она без нас делала? Хе. Дайте подумать. [имитирует Рарити] «Дорогие, всё пропало, пропало, пропало!» [смеётся, нормальным голосом] Хе, я говорю её голосом!

– Новости Седельного ряда.


Rainbow Dash wings spread out S3E6.png

  1. Твиттер Porkchop Express (2020.02.20).

Character navbox Hasbro Rainbow Dash.png
Радуга Дэш

См. также Edit

  • Радуга Дэш на Equestria Girls Вики.
  1. ↑ Пони: Радуга Дэш. Hasbro.

For this character’s human counterpart or the song by Sia, see Rainbow Dash (EG), MLP, and Rainbow (song).

Rainbow Dash is a female Pegasus pony and one of the main characters in My Little Pony Friendship is Magic. She maintains the weather and clears the skies in Ponyville. As a huge fan of the Wonderbolts, she becomes a reservist member of the elite flying group in Testing Testing 1, 2, 3 and a full member in Newbie Dash. In Sonic Rainboom, Rarity and Princess Celestia both declare that she is the best flier in all of Equestria. Rainbow Dash has a pet tortoise named Tank, whom she chooses out of Fluttershy‘s offered animals in the episode May the Best Pet Win! She represents the element of loyalty.

Development and design[]

Lauren Faust was inspired to create Rainbow Dash by her childhood toy G1 Pegasus pony Firefly.[1] Rainbow Dash shares her name and color scheme with a fashionista Earth pony from G3 and G3.5, however, Faust gave her the personality of her favorite G1 pony, Firefly. Faust originally gave Rainbow Dash a cutie mark of two blue lightning bolts like Firefly’s, which was changed to a single wide three-colored lightning bolt—used for one shot in Dragonshy, for part of one shot in The Mysterious Mare Do Well, and for some other material—and then to the current cutie mark design, a cloud with a slightly-curved three-colored lightning bolt. After Faust left the show, G4 Pegasus mare/stallion General Firefly was named after Faust’s Twitter and DeviantArt username «Fyre_flye»[2][3]/»fyre-flye», in turn named after G1 Pegasus mare Firefly.[4][5] Faust gave Rainbow Dash messy hair and straight eyelashes to hint at her dynamic nature.[6]

Lauren Faust‘s childhood Firefly toy.

Rainbow Dash shares her design and eye color with Daring Do and WCE Unnamed Mare — Jouster, her design with Skywishes, Sugar Grape, Lucky Dreams, Sweetsong, Breezie, Feathermay, Periwinkle, Star Dasher, and sometimes Ploomette and Banana Bliss, her mane and tail style with Holly Dash, «Doseydotes«, «Ballad«, Léon, and Roku-chan, her mane style with Andrea, her tail style with «Sunstone«, and her coat and eye colors with Shoeshine, Eclair Crème, Screwy, «Turf«, «Bloo«, «Tough Love«, and Micro 02 Unnamed Mare — Alicorn.

On January 13, 2015, Jim Miller and Jayson Thiessen were asked «is that orange hair on rainbow supposed to be there in the lower left?» and Jim Miller answered «Npt[sic] really, but it’s open to interpretation.»[7]

Depiction in the series[]


Equestria Games announcement[]

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Filly Rainbow Dash on Rainbow Blaze‘s head.

Rainbow Dash has a flashback in Games Ponies Play to an event in Cloudsdale where she is a young filly without a cutie mark. She is accompanied by Rainbow Blaze, a stallion who has similar rainbow-colored mane and tail as her and a similar blue coat, with a rainbow-colored cutie mark. They are standing in the crowd listening to an announcement about where the Equestria Games will take place. When Dash hears that the Games won’t take place in Cloudsdale, she cries out in disappointment.

This disappointment is somewhat assuaged later when young Rainbow was selected to carry Cloudsdale’s flag in the Equestria Games opening ceremony. She boastfully claims in Flight to the Finish that she «did tricks with that flag the likes of which nopony saw before and nopony’s seen since!»

Cutie mark[]

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Rainbow Dash, as a filly, in a Pegasus race.

Rainbow Dash mentions in Call of the Cutie that she was the first in her class to get her cutie mark. She tells the Cutie Mark Crusaders in The Cutie Mark Chronicles the story of how she got her cutie mark. Her story is set in summer flight camp, where she defends Fluttershy from a pair of bullies, who refer to Rainbow Dash as «Rainbow Crash», which she is also nicknamed by Spike in Bridle Gossip. One of the bullies, Hoops, already has his cutie mark, where Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy do not. She challenges the two bullies to a flying Pegasus race, and in the ensuing contest she discovers her passion for speed and for «winning,» in her words. Going through the race course, she performs her very first sonic rainboom, not only gaining her own cutie mark, but also inadvertently setting in motion the events that would cause Fluttershy and her future Ponyville friends to gain their own cutie marks.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders[]

Despite earning her cutie mark in an endeavor that came naturally to her, Rainbow Dash advises Apple Bloom to try out many different activities to gain her cutie mark in Call of the Cutie, leading the filly and her friends to pursue their cutie marks in the wrong avenues. When coaching Apple Bloom in Call of the Cutie, Rainbow Dash dons a sports headband, a whistle, and later a martial arts uniform with a black belt when Apple Bloom tries karate.

Scootaloo, the Pegasus pony of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, idolizes Rainbow Dash. While Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle are the younger sisters of two ponies from the main cast, Applejack and Rarity, respectively, Scootaloo is not related to Rainbow Dash.[8] Rainbow Dash affectionately calls Scootaloo «squirt» in The Mysterious Mare Do Well and Equestria Games, and appears alongside Rarity and Applejack to congratulate the Cutie Mark Crusaders for their performance in The Show Stoppers.

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Rainbow Dash saves Scootaloo.

In Sleepless in Ponyville, Scootaloo invites Rainbow Dash on a camping trip so that they can bond more. However, when Rainbow Dash decides to tell everyone ghost stories, Scootaloo begins to have nightmares about the frightening fables; yet she is too afraid to tell Rainbow Dash, since the filly does not want her to think she’s a wimp. When Scootaloo rides on her scooter in the middle of the night, trying to run away from the Headless Horse from one of the stories, she accidentally falls into the river and almost falls down a waterfall. Rainbow Dash rescues her, and then learns the truth about why Scootaloo has been acting nervous during the trip. She comforts Scootaloo, saying that even she was scared when she heard those stories, and she agrees to take care of her as a big sister figure.

In Flight to the Finish, Rainbow Dash coaches the Crusaders for their competition to carry the flag at the upcoming Equestria Games. She wears a baseball cap and a whistle during the majority of this episode, like in May the Best Pet Win! and Hurricane Fluttershy. When Scootaloo is unhappy with the fact she can’t fly, Rainbow Dash tells Scootaloo that she doesn’t need to fly to be awesome.

In Crusaders of the Lost Mark, Rainbow Dash joins Applejack and Rarity in congratulating the Crusaders for finally earning their cutie marks, personally telling Scootaloo how proud she is of her.

In The Washouts, Rainbow Dash tries to stop Scootaloo from idolizing Lightning Dust’s titular stunt team, only to make Scootaloo resent her. After rescuing Scootaloo on her debut as a stuntpony, Rainbow Dash makes amends with the filly.

Weather patrol[]

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Kicking clouds.

Rainbow Dash manages the weather in Ponyville. She keeps the skies free of clouds for the Summer Sun Celebration, and apparently, unless the weekly rainfall is scheduled for that day of course, makes sure that Ponyville has nice weather, although in the opening of Bridle Gossip, Spike states that she rarely gets up early in the morning to get a start on it.

The Wonderbolts[]

Rainbow Dash is one of several ponies badgering Twilight for the extra ticket to the Grand Galloping Gala, in The Ticket Master. Her reason is a chance to draw the attention of the Wonderbolts, who perform there every year. She persists, even when Twilight calls her out on it, and when all her other friends say they don’t need the ticket. The Wonderbolts attend the Gala in The Best Night Ever, where they mingle with the guests in a V.I.P. section. Dash doesn’t manage to secure their attention, despite her several attempts.

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Rainbow Dash as a Wonderbolt Academy cadet.

Rainbow Dash is accepted into the Wonderbolt Academy for a week. She makes friends with a Pegasus pony named Lightning Dust and is paired with her by the captain of the Wonderbolts, Spitfire, to complete the boot camp exercises. In the challenge of obliterating the clouds, Lightning Dust tries to complete the task quicker by creating a tornado. Unfortunately, the tornado almost hurts Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack and Fluttershy when they come to visit her in the hot air balloon. Rainbow Dash saves them just in time and chews out Lightning Dust for her recklessness. She decides to quit the academy, thinking that cadets are rewarded for being reckless. Spitfire soon catches up to her and informs her that being the best should never come at the expense of one’s fellow ponies. Being elite isn’t about pushing oneself, it’s about pushing oneself in the right direction, which Rainbow Dash has demonstrated. Because of this, she is promoted to lead pony.

In Rarity Investigates!, Rainbow Dash, being a reserve for the Wonderbolts, is chosen as a stand in for a show if a Wonderbolt is unable to perform. In the end, she takes part in the performance in place of Wind Rider.

In Newbie Dash, Rainbow Dash becomes a full-fledged member of the Wonderbolts, despite being saddled with her old nickname «Rainbow Crash».


Main article: Tank

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Tank «kissing» Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash is the last of the main ponies to have a pet introduced in the series, only gaining her pet, Tank the tortoise, in the episode May the Best Pet Win! in the second season. While at first Dash looks down on Tank for not being as fast, agile, or «awesome» as her other prospective pets, she eventually picks him over the others for his loyalty. While all the other prospective pets hurried to the finish line and ignored Dash’s calls for help, Tank rescues her by releasing her trapped wing from under a boulder. He carries her all the way to the finish line, and secures his place as her pet for being the only competitor that crosses the finish line with her, as she had specified before the race.

At the end of May the Best Pet Win!, Tank is fitted with a propeller and flight goggles so he can fly and keep up with Rainbow Dash. Rainbow maintains a mostly professional attitude about him around others and is embarrassed when he displays affection towards her in Just for Sidekicks. Despite this, she reciprocates Tank’s affection in the same episode but only does so when no one else is looking.

In Tanks for the Memories, Rainbow Dash displays a strong affection towards Tank, to the point where she is unwilling to accept Tank’s hibernation and tries to prevent it by stopping winter, though all of her efforts fail. She breaks down crying after Fluttershy bluntly states that she will spend her winter without a pet, but then she finally accepts Tank’s hibernation.



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The Shadowbolts test Rainbow Dash’s loyalty by offering her fame and power.

In Friendship is Magic, part 2, Nightmare Moon tests Rainbow Dash’s loyalty by creating an illusion of an elite flying team called the Shadowbolts. The Shadowbolts offer Rainbow Dash a position among them, provided that she abandons her friends and their quest to find the Elements of Harmony. Rainbow Dash chooses to stay with her friends. When they confront Nightmare Moon in the Castle of the Two Sisters, Twilight Sparkle declares that Rainbow Dash represents the element of loyalty.

Rainbow Dash, who could not abandon her friends for her own heart’s desire, represents the spirit of loyalty!

Rainbow Dash’s loyalty is tested in The Return of Harmony Part 1. Discord shows Rainbow Dash a vision of Cloudsdale falling apart in her absence, convincing her to abandon her friends in the Canterlot castle maze.

In Rainbow Falls, Rainbow Dash faces a choice between flying with the prestigious Wonderbolts and the Ponyville team at the Equestria Games‘ flying relay competition. She secretly practices with the Wonderbolts at first but ultimately decides to stay with the Ponyville team.

In The Cutie Re-Mark — Part 2, in an alternate-timeline Equestria ruled by Nightmare Moon, Rainbow Dash is one of her loyal royal guards. She demands that Twilight give Nightmare Moon the information that she wants to know.


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«Turns out the only thing I liked more than flying fast… was winning!»

Rainbow Dash describes her passion for winning in a flashback in The Cutie Mark Chronicles. She races several times with Gilda, her old friend from Junior Speedster flight camp, in Griffon the Brush Off.

In Fall Weather Friends, Rainbow Dash loses a game of horseshoes to Applejack, and says she hates losing. She then challenges Applejack in the Iron Pony competition. In several rounds, she uses her wings to give herself an unfair advantage. During the Running of the Leaves, Rainbow Dash continues to use underhand tactics even though her wings are tied down. Applejack retaliates with tricks of her own, and both end up tying for last place. They realize that their competitive streaks got the better of them, and apologize to each other and Princess Celestia before amicably running the race again. Despite this, she and Applejack fall back into being overly-competitive with each other many times more over the course of the series.

In Rainbow Falls, Rainbow Dash comes to the conclusion that even though she loves winning, she loves her friends «waaaaay more.»


Rainbow Dash displays confidence in herself and her physical abilities in multiple episodes. In Boast Busters, when Applejack and Rarity criticize Trixie for showing off magic tricks and looking down on other ponies, Rainbow Dash adds, «Especially when ya got me around being better than the rest of us.»

In Sonic Rainboom, Rainbow Dash is confident about her performance in the upcoming Best Young Flyer Competition until Rarity‘s magical butterfly wings get a lot of attention and admiration. Despite her insecurities, Rainbow Dash successfully pulls off the sonic rainboom and wins the competition.

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A crowd cheering for Rainbow Dash.

In The Mysterious Mare Do Well, Rainbow Dash is venerated by Ponyville after performing heroic deeds around town, one of which being saving Aura from a deserted well. She basks in the attention of the townsfolk and her official fan club (led by Scootaloo) and becomes over-confident in herself. A mysterious cloaked pony starts one-upping Rainbow Dash’s feats. Rainbow Dash eventually finds out that the cloaked pony was actually her friends in disguise, teaching her a lesson about keeping her pride in check.


Rainbow Dash and Applejack snicker at Twilight Sparkle for running a race with them in Fall Weather Friends, calling her an «egghead» for joining a race with no prior running experience except reading a book on the topic.

Upon seeing Rarity wear a scarf for a mountain expedition in Dragonshy, Rainbow Dash sarcastically says, «That’ll keep you nice and cozy.» Later in the episode, Rainbow Dash expresses her annoyance and frustration when Fluttershy panics over minor obstacles in the trail.

Rainbow Dash begrudgingly lets Rarity give her a makeover in Swarm of the Century with a frown on her face. When Twilight Sparkle tries to convince Rarity that she’s not a laughing stock in Suited For Success, Rainbow Dash bluntly says, «She kind of is.»

Rainbow Dash’s bluntness isn’t always called for, though. She calls a dragon lame after seeing it do a trick in Dragon Quest, but then gets her coat singed after nearly getting burnt by another dragon’s fire breath. She also teases Spike about his maid outfit in the same episode before being scolded by Rarity.

In both parts of The Crystal Empire, Rainbow Dash interacts gruffly and even aggressively with some of the Crystal Ponies, first when she and her friends are interviewing the locals on how to keep the Empire safe, and later when she scares them away from the fake Crystal Heart. Later on in the second half, in an effort to keep the Crystal Faire going, she forces a hesitant Fluttershy to joust with her, and even tries to guilt her into continuing when Fluttershy voices her discomfort. In Keep Calm and Flutter On, she calls both Fluttershy and Applejack «slackers» when she comes to fetch them upon Princess Celestia’s arrival, even though they were preoccupied with something to begin with.

Rainbow Dash has also been known to make snide remarks about Twilight’s interests and habits, such as in Three’s A Crowd when she calls the Star Swirl the Bearded Traveling Museum that Twilight was planning to attend with Princess Cadance «lame».


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In an effort to make the royal guards break their silence, Rainbow Dash tries silly faces.

Rainbow Dash tries to spook her friends when they venture into the Everfree Forest for the first time, claiming that no pony has ever made it back out of the forest. Her reputation as a prankster is established in Griffon the Brush Off, where she and Pinkie Pie prank various ponies, and is further enforced in A Bird in the Hoof, when she tries to make the royal guards laugh, and in 28 Pranks Later, when she pulls a continuous string of pranks on the ponies of Ponyville.

Rainbow Dash plays several pranks on her friend Gilda in Griffon the Brush Off, which were set up for Gilda’s party but are not specifically aimed at her. For the majority of the time when Gilda is visiting Ponyville, Rainbow Dash is unaware that the griffon is being callous and rude to the other ponies, but the pranks at the party get the best of Gilda, and she loses her temper in front of Rainbow Dash. After witnessing this side of her personality, she calls her out on her behavior and sends her on her way. Dash uses a cloud to create thunder and lightning to scare Spike in the same episode. She does the same to Pinkie Pie and various other ponies in Luna Eclipsed while dressed as a Shadowbolt, laughing at the ponies she frightens. She tells Twilight Sparkle that Nightmare Night «is the best night of the year for pranks» and that «it’s all in good fun». She then hurries off to scare another group of ponies, which she continues doing until Princess Luna gives her a taste of her own medicine in the end. She also displays this in It’s About Time, taking advantage of Twilight’s worrying to spook her, along with Spike.

In Flight to the Finish, Rainbow Dash acts overly enthusiastic in front of Ms. Harshwhinny as she addresses Cheerilee‘s class, causing Harshwhinny to scold her for being unprofessional.

In 28 Pranks Later, Rainbow Dash gets carried away with her love of pranks and targets nearly everyone in town; some of her more extreme jokes include disguising herself as a dragon-like monster to frighten Fluttershy, replacing Cranky Doodle Donkey‘s hairpiece with a live skunk, and putting a brick in Mr. Cake‘s sandwich. Only when her friends prank her back does Dash realize that pranks have their limits.


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«Rainbow Dash: super softie.»

Rainbow Dash is often self-conscious in regards to how she appears in front of others. She often dismisses things, activities, and certain mannerisms considered to be feminine, though this is at times merely a front. Near the end of The Last Roundup, Rainbow briefly cries over Applejack’s reconciliation with her friends, and she catches herself for «acting all sappy».

In Ponyville Confidential, Rainbow Dash laments over having a slanderous article printed about her in the Foal Free Press. In Just for Sidekicks, she only shows affection toward Tank when no one is looking.

In The Crystal Empire — Part 2, she eagerly agrees with Applejack’s suggestion to do a jousting demo for the Crystal Ponies, claiming that «seeing her awesomeness has a way of putting ponies into a pretty good mood». When her selected opponent, Fluttershy, is overwhelmed in the first round, Dash grudgingly assures her that she’ll «take it easy on her next time», then catches herself and adds, «But not too easy. I’ve got a reputation to maintain!»

Despite this, Rainbow Dash has moments in which she displays femininity, fragility, and culturedness, sometimes unintentionally. In Castle Mane-ia, she shows intense fear while exploring the abandoned Castle of the Two Sisters with Applejack. In Rarity Takes Manehattan, she has an appreciation for musicals. In Applejack’s «Day» Off, she enjoys pampering herself regularly at the Ponyville Day Spa.

Love of books[]

Main article: Read It and Weep

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Rainbow Dash develops her new interest in reading.

Rainbow Dash discovers her love of reading in the episode Read It and Weep. When Twilight first offers her a book to read during her stay at the hospital, she rejects it and testily tosses away the book, saying, «I’m a world-class athlete. Reading’s for eggheads like you, Twilight.» After a short boredom montage, she picks up the book and becomes immersed in the adventures of the book’s titular character, Daring Do. Not wanting to admit she is an «egghead,» she hides her new hobby from her friends. When she is discharged from the hospital, she tries to sneak back in and finish reading the book. She is chased and eventually caught, and she admits she was after the book. Twilight Sparkle lends her personal copy of the book to Rainbow Dash. The episode concludes with her finishing the book and excitedly picking up another one from a small stack, entitled Daring Do and the Griffon’s Goblet. She reads more Daring Do books in A Friend in Deed and Too Many Pinkie Pies.

In Spike at Your Service, she mentions that she’s writing a novel, one which is about «this awesome Pegasus who’s the best flyer ever and becomes the captain of the Wonderbolts»; Rarity sarcastically wonders about the «ingeniously woven intricate» tale’s inspiration.

In Daring Don’t, Rainbow Dash is as passionate about reading as Twilight; as they argue over whether or not to help the real Daring Do, they refer to the complex storylines of her books in detail.

In Trade Ya!, Rainbow reveals that she has an almost complete collection of first edition Daring Do books, seeking to get the final one at the Rainbow Falls Traders Exchange. She finally achieves this goal but decides against it, as the final trade required Fluttershy to leave Ponyville to train an Orthros. On the way home, Twilight gives Rainbow an old copy of the book she was seeking. Rainbow considers it just as good, as she can read it with all her friends.


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Rainbow Dash, with her shades. From Lesson Zero.

Rainbow Dash wears a pair of black-tinted glasses several times in the show; in Lesson Zero when Dash and her friends gather for a picnic, in May the Best Pet Win! when Dash states that her pet must have substantial «radicalness» and when she is questioned by Twilight Sparkle for not explaining the difference between «awesomeness,» «coolness,» and «radicalness», in The Mysterious Mare Do Well when she is bragging about her heroic acts, in Too Many Pinkie Pies while sunning herself by the lake, and in Rainbow Falls, while practicing with Spitfire and Fleetfoot. Rainbow uses her shades to hide the fact that she was sleeping during Twilight’s lecture in Testing Testing 1, 2, 3. Rainbow also uses her shades in order to «act casual» in Equestria Games. In Fame and Misfortune, she wears these shades to evade crowds of fanponies, and wears them during one shot of the song Flawless.

Dash wears a different pair of purple slotted shades in Tanks for the Memories.

Food and beverage preferences[]



Beginning with The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000, a recurring gag shows Rainbow Dash’s obsession with apple cider, more specifically, the cider produced by Applejack and her family at Sweet Apple Acres. Throughout the episode, she is always denied a single mug of cider due to circumstances beyond her control, whether it be the Apple family running out, or getting a Flim Flam brothers cider taken away from her. In Bats!, Rainbow’s priorities are made clear when she hears that after the last fruit bat infestation, there was not a single drop of cider. In Castle Sweet Castle, Rainbow perks up when Applejack mentions cider. In Shadow Play — Part 2, Rainbow shares some cider with Flash Magnus. This gag even extends into My Little Pony The Movie, where Applejack offers free samples of cider at the Friendship Festival, and Rainbow repeatedly grabs, and gorges down, multiple samples. In Ponyville Mysteries Issue 4, Rainbow pours cider straight from the tap into her mouth.


Rainbow Dash enjoys a piece of special apple pie in Micro-Series Issue 2, implicitly eats a pie during the Sisterhooves Social[9] in Brotherhooves Social,[10] has disliked pie for years as of Secrets and Pies, and states that she «do[es]n’t like it because it’s pie» in Friendship is Magic Issue 59.



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The «rainblow dry.»

Rainbow Dash demonstrates her remarkable talent for flying throughout the show. In The Cutie Mark Chronicles, she says she got her cutie mark when she performed her first sonic rainboom when she was a young filly.

In The Ticket Master, Rainbow Dash dreams of impressing the Wonderbolts at the Grand Galloping Gala with flying feats such as the «rainblow dry,» the «super-speed strut,» the «fantastic filly flash,» and the «buccaneer blaze.» She gets to meet the Wonderbolts in Sonic Rainboom after Princess Celestia declares her the champion of the Best Young Flyers Competition. She also performs the sonic rainboom in this episode.

In May the Best Pet Win!, Rainbow Dash performs dangerous stunts to demonstrate a flying course through the Ghastly Gorge. She flies through giant bramble patches and dodges attacking quarray eels.

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Rainbow Dash clears a cloudy sky in Friendship is Magic, part 1 by kicking the clouds with her hind legs. She leads water drops out of a cloud in Boast Busters, and creates a rainbow above her when the droplets splash against her. She teams up with other Pegasus ponies in Winter Wrap Up to create a whirlwind that sucks away clouds and snow from Ponyville, and she creates a tornado to vacuum the parasprites in Swarm of the Century.

In Hurricane Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash coordinates and leads the Ponyville Pegasi team responsible for creating a hurricane that lifts water to the Cloudsdale weather factory for the rainy season. During this time, Rainbow Dash’s wing power was measured at 16.5, while most of the other Pegasi’s wing power could barely measure more than 10.

Rainbow Dash helps Twilight Sparkle learn to fly in Princess Twilight Sparkle — Part 1.

In Testing Testing 1, 2, 3, Rainbow Dash focuses on several things at once while in flight. When she’s in the air, she monitors the ground and sky for trouble and makes note of everything she sees and hears. With this hidden talent of hers, Rainbow retains all that she learns about the history of the Wonderbolts and passes the entrance exam to join the Wonderbolts Reserves.

In Rarity Investigates!, Rainbow Dash states that she does not «have the endurance to go long distances.»

Sonic rainboom[]

Main article: Sonic rainboom (event)

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Rainbow Dash practicing for a sonic rainboom.

Rainbow Dash tries to perform a sonic rainboom in the episode Sonic Rainboom, in an effort to win the Best Young Fliers competition. Fluttershy confides to her friends that Rainbow Dash was unable to perform the move in her many practice trials. Nonetheless, Rainbow Dash heads to Cloudsdale to participate in the competition, accompanied by Fluttershy as moral support.

Much to their surprise, their wingless friends have decided to follow them with the aid of Twilight’s cloud-walking spell, easing Rainbow’s fears. However, Twilight had also given Rarity beautiful butterfly wings, which led her to steal the spotlight. As a result, Rainbow Dash loses her nerve and tries to delay her performance. As the competition draws to a close, however, she decides that she must perform anyway.

Dash messes up the first two rounds of her performance, hitting an obstacle and accidentally sending a cloud hurtling in Princess Celestia‘s direction. Due to time constraints, Rarity performs alongside Rainbow Dash, and delivers her grand finale, which involves flying up to the sun and beaming her wings. However, her fragile wings, made of «gossamer and morning dew», burst into flames, sending her plummeting towards the earth. The Wonderbolts try to save her, but Rarity hits them by accident due to her falling down and flailing, and they are knocked out.

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…after a third sonic rainboom.

Rainbow Dash finally notices the goings-on and accelerates towards the plummeting ponies, saving both Rarity and the Wonderbolts and performing a sonic rainboom in the process. This sonic rainboom, the one in The Cutie Mark Chronicles, and the one that Rainbow Dash performs in A Canterlot Wedding — Part 2 are performed when Rainbow Dash is leading with both front legs forward, while in her failed practice attempts she is leading with a single leg. Rarity is incredibly grateful that Dash saved her life, and apologizes to her friend for not minding her anxiety. Rainbow Dash is crowned the winner of the competition and leaves to spend the day with her heroes, the Wonderbolts.

In A Canterlot Wedding — Part 2, bolting her bridesmaid dress off, she performs a sonic rainboom for the marriage of Cadance and Shining Armor by the request of Princess Celestia. This rainboom, unlike the other two, comes within seconds of taking off, and Dash performs it while flying upward.

In The Cutie Re-Mark — Part 1 and Part 2, Starlight Glimmer goes back in time to prevent Rainbow Dash from making the first sonic rainboom to prevent the Mane Six from ever creating their special bond. Princess Twilight Sparkle and Spike follow her to attempt to prevent this from happening.

In the movie, Rainbow boasts about the rainboom to Capper, even offering to perform it, but he turns her down. She later performs it for Captain Celaeno and her crew; unfortunately, this gives away their position to Tempest Shadow.

In The End in Friend, Rainbow performs a smaller-scale version of the Rainboom while playing Buckball with Rarity.


In Games Ponies Play, during her flashback as a filly, Rainbow Dash stands on the back of an adult Pegasus stallion with a similarly rainbow-colored mane and tail. The stallion is unnamed in the episode, but he is named Rainbow Blaze and described as Rainbow Dash’s «dashing mentor» in Enterplay’s collectible card game and is also named Rainbow Blaze in the IDW comics.

Rainbow Dash’s parents are officially introduced in the season seven episode Parental Glideance. They are revealed to be overly supportive of their daughter and inadvertently embarrass her often, causing them to have a delicate relationship.


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Rainbow Dash’s house in Wonderbolts Academy.

Rainbow Dash’s Cloudominium is first shown in Griffon the Brush Off. She lives in a white cloud-house hanging low to the ground somewhere near Ponyville. It features classical columns and rainbow-colored streams and waterfalls. In Dragonshy, Rainbow Dash uses one of these streams to make rainbow-colored facepaint. Her home appears again in Party of One, with a slightly different design from the first appearance, resembling more of a cloud tower.

Depiction in Equestria Girls[]

Main article: Rainbow Dash (EG)

My Little Pony Equestria Girls[]

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Rainbow Dash in Equestria Girls.

In My Little Pony Equestria Girls, Rainbow Dash accompanies Twilight to her first princess summit in the Crystal Empire, and she witnesses Sunset Shimmer steal Twilight’s crown. In an alternate world, Rainbow’s human counterpart appears as a high school student.

Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks[]

Rainbow briefly appears in the sequel My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks at Twilight’s castle, where she hears the legend of the sirens.

Equestria Girls: Friendship Games[]

Rainbow appears as a pony in the film’s blooper reel giving her human counterpart a ride.

Equestria Girls: Forgotten Friendship[]

In Forgotten Friendship, Rainbow Dash appears on stained glass windows in Canterlot Castle.

Equestria Girls: Spring Breakdown[]

Rainbow appears in Ponyville talking to Stormfeather. When the latter notices a second Rainbow Dash behind her, he faints. When pony Rainbow Dash looks back, she just notices Applejack and waves.

Depiction in My Little Pony The Movie[]

In My Little Pony The Movie, Rainbow Dash and the Wonderbolts are in charge of weather for the Festival of Friendship in Canterlot. When the city is invaded by the Storm King‘s forces, led by Tempest Shadow, Rainbow and her friends escape to seek out the «Queen of the Hippos»—later specified to be Queen Novo of the Hippogriffs—for help. During their time on Captain Celaeno‘s airship, Rainbow convinces her and her fellow pirates to rebel against the Storm King and return to their swashbuckling ways, but she accidentally draws Tempest’s attention with her sonic rainboom. In the underwater kingdom of Seaquestria, Rainbow and her friends almost convince Novo to help them save their home from the Storm King, but Twilight’s attempted theft of Novo’s Pearl of Transformation gets them banished from Seaquestria.

Rainbow Dash and the rest of the Mane Six have a falling-out with Twilight over her actions, but they—along with other friends they made during their journey—return to Canterlot to rescue her when she gets captured by Tempest. After sneaking into the city and fighting past the Storm King’s forces, the Mane Six reunite and make amends, and they eventually succeed in defeating the Storm King. In the end, the Friendship Festival resumes, and Rainbow and her friends befriend Tempest.

Depiction in My Little Pony: Pony Life[]

Rainbow Dash appears as one of the main characters in Pony Life.

Depiction in comics[]

An alternate universe version of Rainbow Dash appears in the Template:Comic Reflections mini-comic «Elsewhere in alternate Equestria…»

In Wings Over Yakyakistan, Rainbow Dash is among the Wonderbolts who perform at an airshow in Yakyakistan only for it to come under attack by the dragons.

In Template:Comic, Rainbow struggles with Pinkie’s attempts to find a kind of pie she actually likes, with Rainbow eventually turning the tables on Pinkie. In Template:Scomic, Rainbow tries to entertain the Golden Horseshoe Gals with «extreme bingo».

In The Fast and the Furriest, Rainbow Dash takes part in the Draytona Breach 500 cart race, enlisting Big Mac as her trainer. After seeing Big Mac get challenged by his former friend Silver Streak, Rainbow accepts the challenge on Big Mac’s behalf. During the race, Rainbow unknowingly carries the Mangalese Drake, an artifact stolen from the Dragon Lands, in her cart. Sacks Roamer, the one who stole the artifact, smashes Rainbow’s cart trying to get it back.

In Template:Comic, Rainbow Dash chooses Spitfire, Lyra Heartstrings, Sweetie Drops, and Captain Celaeno to join her on a friendship mission to Celaeno’s home, the Parrot Peaks.

In Template:Comic, Rainbow Dash is invited to perform at the Diamond Dog kingdom of Dimondia by Trixie, who actually seeks Dash’s help in escaping her new role as queen.

Other depictions[]

Rainbow Dash is voiced by Brittany Lauda in PlayDate Digital’s app Power Ponies.[11]

Fyodor Golan’s Rainbow Wheel,[12] shown at London Fashion Week in February 2015, has fanart of Rainbow Dash licking.[13][14][15]

Hasbro.com description[]

Capable and athletic, Rainbow Dash lives for adventure! When any problem should arise that involves traveling to distant lands or dealing with a magical, mysterious beast, Rainbow is the first to volunteer! Brave and bold, anypony who has ever seen this rainbow-haired Pegasus in the air has been left in jaw-dropped awe of her speed, agility, and, well, her confidence. She’s quite positive she’s the fastest Pegasus pony alive, and truth be told, she probably is. Yes, she’s a bit proud, and a bit mischievous, and often lazy for somepony obsessed with speed, but when the chips are down, and danger is a-brewing, Rainbow Dash always, always comes through, proving time and time again that she is a true hero!

Hasbro.com second description[]

Rainbow Dash’s greatest, all-consuming passion in life is to fly – FAST! Anyone who has ever seen this rainbow-haired pegasus in the air can’t help but notice her speed, agility, and her confidence. Capable and athletic, Rainbow Dash lives for adventure. One day, Rainbow Dash just knows she’ll earn a position on the elite aerial-acrobatic team, the Wonderbolts! But beyond ambition, Rainbow Dash is known for being absolutely loyal to her friends!

HubNetwork.com description[]

Rainbow Dash lives for adventure! Whenever there’s a problem that involves danger, distant lands, and mysterious beasts, she’s the first to help. She’s bold. She’s brave. She’s also a bit proud and mischievous — but wouldn’t you be too if you were the fastest Pegasus around?

Teacher for a Day description[]

Rainbow Dash is her name and adventure is her game! A true hero, this rainbow-haired Pegasus pony is as fast as they come, flying through the air with jaw-dropping speed! Athletic, brave and confident, she is also a bit mischievous — and always first on the scene wherever danger is at hand. Whether traveling to distant lands or taking on mystery and magic, this pretty pony is ready to fasten her seatbelt for the adventure of a lifetime!

My Little Pony (mobile game)[]

Several versions of Rainbow Dash are playable characters in Gameloft’s mobile game, with Rainbow Dash herself serving as an enemy minion during the «Rarity’s Retro Revolution» event, a boss during the She’s All Yak event, and and a boss battle helper during the «Reflections of Harmony» event. Lunaverse Rainbow Dash, Sombraverse Rainbow Dash, and Future Rainbow are also boss battle helpers in their respective «Cutie Re-Mark» and «The Crowning Achievement» events. Future Rainbow Dash is also the protagonist of the «Prank to the Future Part Two» event. During the «Kid’s Play» event, Supersonic Rainbow Dash serves as an enemy minion, Rainbow Dash as a boss, and Young Rainbow Dash as a boss battle helper. Captain Dash serves as a boss battle helper during «The Rise of the Cyber Ponies» event.

Rainbow Dash:
Representing the Element of Loyalty, she is charged with keeping the weather. Her dream is to one day join the Wonderbolts.
Captain Dash:
Leads the crew of the Universal Rainboom on pulse-pounding interstellar adventures (in a story that Rainbow Dash made up).
Future Rainbow Dash:
It isn’t ours to speculate on Rainbow Dash’s future, but a captain’s bars and a good, honest life seem likely.
Lunaverse Rainbow Dash:
This version of Rainbow Dash had to trim down her mane so it would fit under her scary Lunar Guard helmet. Nightmare Moon is a terrible boss, but she DOES appreciate a close crop!
Nightmare Rainbow Dash:
Dreams of being permanently grounded, taken shape.
Pie-Hating Rainbow Dash:
She may only exist in Pinkie’s imagination, but one thing’s for sure: she hates pies with the burning passion of ten thousand suns.
Pirate Rainbow Dash:
Being a pirate is pretty much the awesomest thing Rainbow Dash has ever thought of. And she’s thought of a LOT of things.
Rainbow Bite:
Rainbow Dash’s new wings may be different than pony wings — but they’re just as fast, and nearly as awesome!
Rainbow the Flying Reindeer:
Heroine of Hearth’s Warming stories and songs-and owner of an extremely normal, non-shiny nose.
Retro Rainbow Dash:
Totally rocks one sick ‘hawk — more of a powerful statement than a fashion choice.
Sombraverse Rainbow Dash:
Rainbow Dash Prime would probably think her alt-historical counterpart’s cyborg wing is REALLY awesome—but it’s actually super itchy and needs constant oiling. War injuries are no joke, guys!
Supersonic Rainbow Dash:
The only thing Rainbow Dash is concerned with now is going really fast! Um… even more than usual, we mean!
Young Rainbow Dash:
Just as loyal—but a little more…well, little.

My Little Pony magazine description[]

  • Sporty
  • Athletic
  • Adventurous

This strong mare lives for adventure! Rainbow Dash is the first to volunteer for a dangerous task, the fastest pony in Ponyville and a true pony hero!

The Elements of Harmony guidebook[]

RAINBOW DASH has one great all-consuming passion in life: to fly—FAST!!! Anypony who has ever seen this rainbow-haired Pegasus from Cloudsdale in the air has been in awe of her speed, agility, and confidence. Even in her youth, Rainbow was a fantastic flier, achieving what no other Pegasus had before—the Sonic Rainboom, a rainbow that shot out behind her like a jet stream! When any problem, big or small, arises, this aspiring Wonderbolt is the first to volunteer to save the day. Despite the mischief she causes, her friends are happy to have her around when danger is a-brewing, as Rainbow Dash proves time and time again that she is a true hero and a true friend.

Volume II guidebook[]

Make way for Rainbow Dash! No, seriously, get out of the way—RAINBOW DASH IS COMING THROUGH! As the number-one flier in all Equestria, Rainbow Dash rules the skies as the Pegasus pony supreme. Without her, who’d make sure the weather was awesome all the time? But Rainbow Dash’s skills weren’t always astounding. Learning to focus on her strengths and not her weaknesses took a while. With the help of her friends, as well as her fellow Wonderbolts, Rainbow Dash is as competitive and self-confident as ever. Got an aerial challenge? She’s ready for it! She’ll even throw in a dollop of sass for good measure.

The Art of My Little Pony The Movie description[]

RAINBOW DASH has one great passion: flying—FAST! Anypony who has ever seen this rainbow-haired Pegasus Pony in the air has been in awe of her speed, agility, and confidence. She’s always up for a challenge and meets every adventure head on. Despite her love for stirring up mischief, Rainbow Dash proves time and time again that she is a true hero and a true friend.

Rainbow Dash represents the Element of Loyalty!


The one and only. Why? You’ve heard of me?

Hey. I could clear this sky in ten seconds flat.

And just what are the Elements of Harmony? And how did you know about Nightmare Moon, huh? Are you a spy?!

Nopony knows! You know why? Because everypony who’s ever come in… has never… come… OUT!

You… thank you for the offer, I mean. But I’m afraid I have to say no.

See? I’d never leave my friends hanging!

Time to take out the adorable trash.

You’re not an athlete, you’re a… well… you’re an egghead.

It needs to be about twenty-percent cooler.


Most people thought that the Sonic Rainboom was just an old mare’s tail. But that day… The day I discovered racing… I proved that the legends were true. I made the impossible happen!

I’m… hanging… with the… Wonderbolts!

Hey, now wait a minute! Just because I don’t have a pet now doesn’t mean I never want a pet!

What about super-ultra-extreme-awesomazing?

Danger’s my middle name. Rainbow ‘Danger’ Dash.

Reading’s for eggheads like you, Twilight. Heh, no offense, but I am not reading. It’s undeniably, unquestionably, uncool.

I hate to admit it to myself and would really hate to admit it to my friends, but… I love this story! I, I… I love reading! I’m an egghead.

I-I don’t even like cake!

No offense, but it’s not a real campfire story unless somepony’s shaky.

No disrespect ma’am, but there’s a big difference between pushing yourself as hard as you can, and just being reckless. And if being reckless is what gets rewarded around here, if that’s what it means to be a Wonderbolt, then I don’t want any part of it.


You can’t be tied for the most daring pony!

But that was me! You’re you! And it just doesn’t matter if you can fly or not. Your routine was amazing ’cause it represented exactly what makes Ponyville special. You do still know what that is, right?

Think of the cider! Won’t somepony please think of the cider?!

Wow, Applejack. I know your thing is honesty, but come on!

That pony is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an igneous.

[blows raspberry] Beneficial for eggheads!

And no matter what your sport is, we gotta give it our best because we all got a genuine shot at Ponyville gold.

Ya’ done good squirt!

Whoa, whoa, whoa! Is she for real?

Who said anything about anger?! I didn’t say anything about anger! I’m not upset! And I am not angry! Do I look angry?!

Duh! Because I’m a Wonderbolt!

What would she do without us? Huh. Lemme think. [imitating Rarity] «Darlings, I’m absolutely doomed, doomed, doomed!» [laughs, normal] I sound just like her!

Go, Scootaloo, go! Woo-woo-woo-woo! Uhh, I mean… [nervous laugh] This is the life.

Somepony is really gonna have to catch us up on what we missed.

Mom and Dad, I want you to know that I’m your biggest fan.

Is it MY fault that I don’t like pies? And not just Pinkie’s pies, all pies.

She’s Fluttershy! Everything makes her worry!

This is delicious! A pony could forget about flying again if these were on the ground.

Dodging all that flying pie was exhausting.

I just don’t like pie.

Wishing you a happy birthday Hub; from the bottom of my heart!

It’s time to pony up!

Okay, seriously, why does EVERYPONY grab me by the tail?

Wow, we’re calling HER in to help? Is the fate of Equestria really worth it?


Template:Gallery page

See also[]

  • Toys and merchandise
  • Rainbow Dash (EG)
  • Template:CCG
  • Template:Fan labor
  • Template:Gameloft
  • Template:Speculation
  • Ponies with a similar name: Rainbow Blaze, Rainbow Flash, Rainbow Harmony, Rainbow Swirl, Rainbow Swoop, Rainbow Wishes, Holly Dash, Island Rainbow, Rainbowshine, Snowdash, Nimbus Dash, Star Dasher, Stardash, and Dapper Dash.[16]


  1. Lauren Faust (2013-11-29). My Firefly. Inspiration for Rainbow Dash.. Twitter. Retrieved on December 2, 2013.
  2. Amy Keating Rogers (2014-04-05). KeatingRogers: @Half_theBattle Oh my gosh! …. Twitter. Retrieved on April 6, 2014.
  3. Amy Keating Rogers (2014-04-10). KeatingRogers: @UkeUkeable General Firefly …. Twitter. Retrieved on April 18, 2014.
  4. Lauren Faust (2010-11-15). Comment on *fyre-flye’s profile. DeviantArt. Retrieved on December 19, 2013.
  5. Amy Keating Rogers (2014-04-15). KeatingRogers: @karentheunicorn @Half_theBattle …. Twitter. Retrieved on April 18, 2014.
  6. PonyCon 2016 Character Development Panel with Lauren Faust. YouTube (2016-02-18). Retrieved on March 12, 2016.
  7. Jim Miller (2015-01-13). Big Jim on Twitter: «@no_good_names__ @goldenrusset Npt really, but it’s open to interpretation.». Twitter. Retrieved on January 14, 2015.
  8. Lauren Faust on Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo not being related. deviantArt (2011-03-04). Archived locally.
  9. Jim Miller (2017-10-14). 🎃Pump Kin🎃 on Twitter: «@CouchFromEQD I think she did in ‘Sisterhooves Social’.». Twitter. Retrieved on October 15, 2017.
  10. Jim Miller (2017-10-14). 🎃Pump Kin🎃 on Twitter: «@CouchFromEQD She ate it in the spirit of competition! She’ll do almost anything to win!». Twitter. Retrieved on October 15, 2017.
  11. Brittany Lauda (2014-07-17). Brittany’s Voice Roles — Brittany Lauda — Voice Actress. Facebook. Retrieved on July 18, 2014.
  12. Kaylie Nelson (2015-06-08). Hasbro_Licensing_Expo_2015_Lead_Release_FINAL.pdf. Retrieved on June 11, 2015.
  13. Rainbow Dash Licking Screen. DeviantArt (2012-07-11). Retrieved on June 11, 2015.
  14. images.zip (2015-06-04). Retrieved on June 11, 2015.
  15. Fyodor Golan AW15 Rainbow Wheel — Full Show Video. Vimeo (2015-02-25). Retrieved on June 11, 2015.
  16. Sethisto (2018-08-30). The Two OC’s From HASCON’s Raffle Were Animated in the Finale — Here They Are!. Equestria Daily. Blogger. Retrieved on August 31, 2018.

de:Rainbow Dash
es:Rainbow Dash
fr:Rainbow Dash
hr:Duga Jurić
id:Rainbow Dash
it:Rainbow Dash
gl:Rainbow Dash
ko:레인보우 대시
nl:Rainbow Dash
no:Rainbow Dash
pl:Rainbow Dash
pt:Rainbow Dash
ru:Радуга Дэш
sr:Rejnbou Deš
sv:Rainbow Dash
uk:Рейнбоу Деш
zh:Rainbow Dash

For this character’s human counterpart or the song by Sia, see Rainbow Dash (EG), MLP, and Rainbow (song).

Rainbow Dash is a female Pegasus pony and one of the main characters in My Little Pony Friendship is Magic. She maintains the weather and clears the skies in Ponyville. As a huge fan of the Wonderbolts, she becomes a reservist member of the elite flying group in Testing Testing 1, 2, 3 and a full member in Newbie Dash. In Sonic Rainboom, Rarity and Princess Celestia both declare that she is the best flier in all of Equestria. Rainbow Dash has a pet tortoise named Tank, whom she chooses out of Fluttershy‘s offered animals in the episode May the Best Pet Win! She represents the element of loyalty.

Development and design[]

Lauren Faust was inspired to create Rainbow Dash by her childhood toy G1 Pegasus pony Firefly.[1] Rainbow Dash shares her name and color scheme with a fashionista Earth pony from G3 and G3.5, however, Faust gave her the personality of her favorite G1 pony, Firefly. Faust originally gave Rainbow Dash a cutie mark of two blue lightning bolts like Firefly’s, which was changed to a single wide three-colored lightning bolt—used for one shot in Dragonshy, for part of one shot in The Mysterious Mare Do Well, and for some other material—and then to the current cutie mark design, a cloud with a slightly-curved three-colored lightning bolt. After Faust left the show, G4 Pegasus mare/stallion General Firefly was named after Faust’s Twitter and DeviantArt username «Fyre_flye»[2][3]/»fyre-flye», in turn named after G1 Pegasus mare Firefly.[4][5] Faust gave Rainbow Dash messy hair and straight eyelashes to hint at her dynamic nature.[6]

Lauren Faust‘s childhood Firefly toy.

Rainbow Dash shares her design and eye color with Daring Do and WCE Unnamed Mare — Jouster, her design with Skywishes, Sugar Grape, Lucky Dreams, Sweetsong, Breezie, Feathermay, Periwinkle, Star Dasher, and sometimes Ploomette and Banana Bliss, her mane and tail style with Holly Dash, «Doseydotes«, «Ballad«, Léon, and Roku-chan, her mane style with Andrea, her tail style with «Sunstone«, and her coat and eye colors with Shoeshine, Eclair Crème, Screwy, «Turf«, «Bloo«, «Tough Love«, and Micro 02 Unnamed Mare — Alicorn.

On January 13, 2015, Jim Miller and Jayson Thiessen were asked «is that orange hair on rainbow supposed to be there in the lower left?» and Jim Miller answered «Npt[sic] really, but it’s open to interpretation.»[7]

Depiction in the series[]


Equestria Games announcement[]

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Filly Rainbow Dash on Rainbow Blaze‘s head.

Rainbow Dash has a flashback in Games Ponies Play to an event in Cloudsdale where she is a young filly without a cutie mark. She is accompanied by Rainbow Blaze, a stallion who has similar rainbow-colored mane and tail as her and a similar blue coat, with a rainbow-colored cutie mark. They are standing in the crowd listening to an announcement about where the Equestria Games will take place. When Dash hears that the Games won’t take place in Cloudsdale, she cries out in disappointment.

This disappointment is somewhat assuaged later when young Rainbow was selected to carry Cloudsdale’s flag in the Equestria Games opening ceremony. She boastfully claims in Flight to the Finish that she «did tricks with that flag the likes of which nopony saw before and nopony’s seen since!»

Cutie mark[]

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Rainbow Dash, as a filly, in a Pegasus race.

Rainbow Dash mentions in Call of the Cutie that she was the first in her class to get her cutie mark. She tells the Cutie Mark Crusaders in The Cutie Mark Chronicles the story of how she got her cutie mark. Her story is set in summer flight camp, where she defends Fluttershy from a pair of bullies, who refer to Rainbow Dash as «Rainbow Crash», which she is also nicknamed by Spike in Bridle Gossip. One of the bullies, Hoops, already has his cutie mark, where Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy do not. She challenges the two bullies to a flying Pegasus race, and in the ensuing contest she discovers her passion for speed and for «winning,» in her words. Going through the race course, she performs her very first sonic rainboom, not only gaining her own cutie mark, but also inadvertently setting in motion the events that would cause Fluttershy and her future Ponyville friends to gain their own cutie marks.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders[]

Despite earning her cutie mark in an endeavor that came naturally to her, Rainbow Dash advises Apple Bloom to try out many different activities to gain her cutie mark in Call of the Cutie, leading the filly and her friends to pursue their cutie marks in the wrong avenues. When coaching Apple Bloom in Call of the Cutie, Rainbow Dash dons a sports headband, a whistle, and later a martial arts uniform with a black belt when Apple Bloom tries karate.

Scootaloo, the Pegasus pony of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, idolizes Rainbow Dash. While Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle are the younger sisters of two ponies from the main cast, Applejack and Rarity, respectively, Scootaloo is not related to Rainbow Dash.[8] Rainbow Dash affectionately calls Scootaloo «squirt» in The Mysterious Mare Do Well and Equestria Games, and appears alongside Rarity and Applejack to congratulate the Cutie Mark Crusaders for their performance in The Show Stoppers.

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Rainbow Dash saves Scootaloo.

In Sleepless in Ponyville, Scootaloo invites Rainbow Dash on a camping trip so that they can bond more. However, when Rainbow Dash decides to tell everyone ghost stories, Scootaloo begins to have nightmares about the frightening fables; yet she is too afraid to tell Rainbow Dash, since the filly does not want her to think she’s a wimp. When Scootaloo rides on her scooter in the middle of the night, trying to run away from the Headless Horse from one of the stories, she accidentally falls into the river and almost falls down a waterfall. Rainbow Dash rescues her, and then learns the truth about why Scootaloo has been acting nervous during the trip. She comforts Scootaloo, saying that even she was scared when she heard those stories, and she agrees to take care of her as a big sister figure.

In Flight to the Finish, Rainbow Dash coaches the Crusaders for their competition to carry the flag at the upcoming Equestria Games. She wears a baseball cap and a whistle during the majority of this episode, like in May the Best Pet Win! and Hurricane Fluttershy. When Scootaloo is unhappy with the fact she can’t fly, Rainbow Dash tells Scootaloo that she doesn’t need to fly to be awesome.

In Crusaders of the Lost Mark, Rainbow Dash joins Applejack and Rarity in congratulating the Crusaders for finally earning their cutie marks, personally telling Scootaloo how proud she is of her.

In The Washouts, Rainbow Dash tries to stop Scootaloo from idolizing Lightning Dust’s titular stunt team, only to make Scootaloo resent her. After rescuing Scootaloo on her debut as a stuntpony, Rainbow Dash makes amends with the filly.

Weather patrol[]

File:Rainbow Dash begins to clear the sky S1E01.png

Kicking clouds.

Rainbow Dash manages the weather in Ponyville. She keeps the skies free of clouds for the Summer Sun Celebration, and apparently, unless the weekly rainfall is scheduled for that day of course, makes sure that Ponyville has nice weather, although in the opening of Bridle Gossip, Spike states that she rarely gets up early in the morning to get a start on it.

The Wonderbolts[]

Rainbow Dash is one of several ponies badgering Twilight for the extra ticket to the Grand Galloping Gala, in The Ticket Master. Her reason is a chance to draw the attention of the Wonderbolts, who perform there every year. She persists, even when Twilight calls her out on it, and when all her other friends say they don’t need the ticket. The Wonderbolts attend the Gala in The Best Night Ever, where they mingle with the guests in a V.I.P. section. Dash doesn’t manage to secure their attention, despite her several attempts.

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Rainbow Dash as a Wonderbolt Academy cadet.

Rainbow Dash is accepted into the Wonderbolt Academy for a week. She makes friends with a Pegasus pony named Lightning Dust and is paired with her by the captain of the Wonderbolts, Spitfire, to complete the boot camp exercises. In the challenge of obliterating the clouds, Lightning Dust tries to complete the task quicker by creating a tornado. Unfortunately, the tornado almost hurts Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack and Fluttershy when they come to visit her in the hot air balloon. Rainbow Dash saves them just in time and chews out Lightning Dust for her recklessness. She decides to quit the academy, thinking that cadets are rewarded for being reckless. Spitfire soon catches up to her and informs her that being the best should never come at the expense of one’s fellow ponies. Being elite isn’t about pushing oneself, it’s about pushing oneself in the right direction, which Rainbow Dash has demonstrated. Because of this, she is promoted to lead pony.

In Rarity Investigates!, Rainbow Dash, being a reserve for the Wonderbolts, is chosen as a stand in for a show if a Wonderbolt is unable to perform. In the end, she takes part in the performance in place of Wind Rider.

In Newbie Dash, Rainbow Dash becomes a full-fledged member of the Wonderbolts, despite being saddled with her old nickname «Rainbow Crash».


Main article: Tank

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Tank «kissing» Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash is the last of the main ponies to have a pet introduced in the series, only gaining her pet, Tank the tortoise, in the episode May the Best Pet Win! in the second season. While at first Dash looks down on Tank for not being as fast, agile, or «awesome» as her other prospective pets, she eventually picks him over the others for his loyalty. While all the other prospective pets hurried to the finish line and ignored Dash’s calls for help, Tank rescues her by releasing her trapped wing from under a boulder. He carries her all the way to the finish line, and secures his place as her pet for being the only competitor that crosses the finish line with her, as she had specified before the race.

At the end of May the Best Pet Win!, Tank is fitted with a propeller and flight goggles so he can fly and keep up with Rainbow Dash. Rainbow maintains a mostly professional attitude about him around others and is embarrassed when he displays affection towards her in Just for Sidekicks. Despite this, she reciprocates Tank’s affection in the same episode but only does so when no one else is looking.

In Tanks for the Memories, Rainbow Dash displays a strong affection towards Tank, to the point where she is unwilling to accept Tank’s hibernation and tries to prevent it by stopping winter, though all of her efforts fail. She breaks down crying after Fluttershy bluntly states that she will spend her winter without a pet, but then she finally accepts Tank’s hibernation.



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The Shadowbolts test Rainbow Dash’s loyalty by offering her fame and power.

In Friendship is Magic, part 2, Nightmare Moon tests Rainbow Dash’s loyalty by creating an illusion of an elite flying team called the Shadowbolts. The Shadowbolts offer Rainbow Dash a position among them, provided that she abandons her friends and their quest to find the Elements of Harmony. Rainbow Dash chooses to stay with her friends. When they confront Nightmare Moon in the Castle of the Two Sisters, Twilight Sparkle declares that Rainbow Dash represents the element of loyalty.

Rainbow Dash, who could not abandon her friends for her own heart’s desire, represents the spirit of loyalty!

Rainbow Dash’s loyalty is tested in The Return of Harmony Part 1. Discord shows Rainbow Dash a vision of Cloudsdale falling apart in her absence, convincing her to abandon her friends in the Canterlot castle maze.

In Rainbow Falls, Rainbow Dash faces a choice between flying with the prestigious Wonderbolts and the Ponyville team at the Equestria Games‘ flying relay competition. She secretly practices with the Wonderbolts at first but ultimately decides to stay with the Ponyville team.

In The Cutie Re-Mark — Part 2, in an alternate-timeline Equestria ruled by Nightmare Moon, Rainbow Dash is one of her loyal royal guards. She demands that Twilight give Nightmare Moon the information that she wants to know.


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«Turns out the only thing I liked more than flying fast… was winning!»

Rainbow Dash describes her passion for winning in a flashback in The Cutie Mark Chronicles. She races several times with Gilda, her old friend from Junior Speedster flight camp, in Griffon the Brush Off.

In Fall Weather Friends, Rainbow Dash loses a game of horseshoes to Applejack, and says she hates losing. She then challenges Applejack in the Iron Pony competition. In several rounds, she uses her wings to give herself an unfair advantage. During the Running of the Leaves, Rainbow Dash continues to use underhand tactics even though her wings are tied down. Applejack retaliates with tricks of her own, and both end up tying for last place. They realize that their competitive streaks got the better of them, and apologize to each other and Princess Celestia before amicably running the race again. Despite this, she and Applejack fall back into being overly-competitive with each other many times more over the course of the series.

In Rainbow Falls, Rainbow Dash comes to the conclusion that even though she loves winning, she loves her friends «waaaaay more.»


Rainbow Dash displays confidence in herself and her physical abilities in multiple episodes. In Boast Busters, when Applejack and Rarity criticize Trixie for showing off magic tricks and looking down on other ponies, Rainbow Dash adds, «Especially when ya got me around being better than the rest of us.»

In Sonic Rainboom, Rainbow Dash is confident about her performance in the upcoming Best Young Flyer Competition until Rarity‘s magical butterfly wings get a lot of attention and admiration. Despite her insecurities, Rainbow Dash successfully pulls off the sonic rainboom and wins the competition.

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A crowd cheering for Rainbow Dash.

In The Mysterious Mare Do Well, Rainbow Dash is venerated by Ponyville after performing heroic deeds around town, one of which being saving Aura from a deserted well. She basks in the attention of the townsfolk and her official fan club (led by Scootaloo) and becomes over-confident in herself. A mysterious cloaked pony starts one-upping Rainbow Dash’s feats. Rainbow Dash eventually finds out that the cloaked pony was actually her friends in disguise, teaching her a lesson about keeping her pride in check.


Rainbow Dash and Applejack snicker at Twilight Sparkle for running a race with them in Fall Weather Friends, calling her an «egghead» for joining a race with no prior running experience except reading a book on the topic.

Upon seeing Rarity wear a scarf for a mountain expedition in Dragonshy, Rainbow Dash sarcastically says, «That’ll keep you nice and cozy.» Later in the episode, Rainbow Dash expresses her annoyance and frustration when Fluttershy panics over minor obstacles in the trail.

Rainbow Dash begrudgingly lets Rarity give her a makeover in Swarm of the Century with a frown on her face. When Twilight Sparkle tries to convince Rarity that she’s not a laughing stock in Suited For Success, Rainbow Dash bluntly says, «She kind of is.»

Rainbow Dash’s bluntness isn’t always called for, though. She calls a dragon lame after seeing it do a trick in Dragon Quest, but then gets her coat singed after nearly getting burnt by another dragon’s fire breath. She also teases Spike about his maid outfit in the same episode before being scolded by Rarity.

In both parts of The Crystal Empire, Rainbow Dash interacts gruffly and even aggressively with some of the Crystal Ponies, first when she and her friends are interviewing the locals on how to keep the Empire safe, and later when she scares them away from the fake Crystal Heart. Later on in the second half, in an effort to keep the Crystal Faire going, she forces a hesitant Fluttershy to joust with her, and even tries to guilt her into continuing when Fluttershy voices her discomfort. In Keep Calm and Flutter On, she calls both Fluttershy and Applejack «slackers» when she comes to fetch them upon Princess Celestia’s arrival, even though they were preoccupied with something to begin with.

Rainbow Dash has also been known to make snide remarks about Twilight’s interests and habits, such as in Three’s A Crowd when she calls the Star Swirl the Bearded Traveling Museum that Twilight was planning to attend with Princess Cadance «lame».


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In an effort to make the royal guards break their silence, Rainbow Dash tries silly faces.

Rainbow Dash tries to spook her friends when they venture into the Everfree Forest for the first time, claiming that no pony has ever made it back out of the forest. Her reputation as a prankster is established in Griffon the Brush Off, where she and Pinkie Pie prank various ponies, and is further enforced in A Bird in the Hoof, when she tries to make the royal guards laugh, and in 28 Pranks Later, when she pulls a continuous string of pranks on the ponies of Ponyville.

Rainbow Dash plays several pranks on her friend Gilda in Griffon the Brush Off, which were set up for Gilda’s party but are not specifically aimed at her. For the majority of the time when Gilda is visiting Ponyville, Rainbow Dash is unaware that the griffon is being callous and rude to the other ponies, but the pranks at the party get the best of Gilda, and she loses her temper in front of Rainbow Dash. After witnessing this side of her personality, she calls her out on her behavior and sends her on her way. Dash uses a cloud to create thunder and lightning to scare Spike in the same episode. She does the same to Pinkie Pie and various other ponies in Luna Eclipsed while dressed as a Shadowbolt, laughing at the ponies she frightens. She tells Twilight Sparkle that Nightmare Night «is the best night of the year for pranks» and that «it’s all in good fun». She then hurries off to scare another group of ponies, which she continues doing until Princess Luna gives her a taste of her own medicine in the end. She also displays this in It’s About Time, taking advantage of Twilight’s worrying to spook her, along with Spike.

In Flight to the Finish, Rainbow Dash acts overly enthusiastic in front of Ms. Harshwhinny as she addresses Cheerilee‘s class, causing Harshwhinny to scold her for being unprofessional.

In 28 Pranks Later, Rainbow Dash gets carried away with her love of pranks and targets nearly everyone in town; some of her more extreme jokes include disguising herself as a dragon-like monster to frighten Fluttershy, replacing Cranky Doodle Donkey‘s hairpiece with a live skunk, and putting a brick in Mr. Cake‘s sandwich. Only when her friends prank her back does Dash realize that pranks have their limits.


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«Rainbow Dash: super softie.»

Rainbow Dash is often self-conscious in regards to how she appears in front of others. She often dismisses things, activities, and certain mannerisms considered to be feminine, though this is at times merely a front. Near the end of The Last Roundup, Rainbow briefly cries over Applejack’s reconciliation with her friends, and she catches herself for «acting all sappy».

In Ponyville Confidential, Rainbow Dash laments over having a slanderous article printed about her in the Foal Free Press. In Just for Sidekicks, she only shows affection toward Tank when no one is looking.

In The Crystal Empire — Part 2, she eagerly agrees with Applejack’s suggestion to do a jousting demo for the Crystal Ponies, claiming that «seeing her awesomeness has a way of putting ponies into a pretty good mood». When her selected opponent, Fluttershy, is overwhelmed in the first round, Dash grudgingly assures her that she’ll «take it easy on her next time», then catches herself and adds, «But not too easy. I’ve got a reputation to maintain!»

Despite this, Rainbow Dash has moments in which she displays femininity, fragility, and culturedness, sometimes unintentionally. In Castle Mane-ia, she shows intense fear while exploring the abandoned Castle of the Two Sisters with Applejack. In Rarity Takes Manehattan, she has an appreciation for musicals. In Applejack’s «Day» Off, she enjoys pampering herself regularly at the Ponyville Day Spa.

Love of books[]

Main article: Read It and Weep

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Rainbow Dash develops her new interest in reading.

Rainbow Dash discovers her love of reading in the episode Read It and Weep. When Twilight first offers her a book to read during her stay at the hospital, she rejects it and testily tosses away the book, saying, «I’m a world-class athlete. Reading’s for eggheads like you, Twilight.» After a short boredom montage, she picks up the book and becomes immersed in the adventures of the book’s titular character, Daring Do. Not wanting to admit she is an «egghead,» she hides her new hobby from her friends. When she is discharged from the hospital, she tries to sneak back in and finish reading the book. She is chased and eventually caught, and she admits she was after the book. Twilight Sparkle lends her personal copy of the book to Rainbow Dash. The episode concludes with her finishing the book and excitedly picking up another one from a small stack, entitled Daring Do and the Griffon’s Goblet. She reads more Daring Do books in A Friend in Deed and Too Many Pinkie Pies.

In Spike at Your Service, she mentions that she’s writing a novel, one which is about «this awesome Pegasus who’s the best flyer ever and becomes the captain of the Wonderbolts»; Rarity sarcastically wonders about the «ingeniously woven intricate» tale’s inspiration.

In Daring Don’t, Rainbow Dash is as passionate about reading as Twilight; as they argue over whether or not to help the real Daring Do, they refer to the complex storylines of her books in detail.

In Trade Ya!, Rainbow reveals that she has an almost complete collection of first edition Daring Do books, seeking to get the final one at the Rainbow Falls Traders Exchange. She finally achieves this goal but decides against it, as the final trade required Fluttershy to leave Ponyville to train an Orthros. On the way home, Twilight gives Rainbow an old copy of the book she was seeking. Rainbow considers it just as good, as she can read it with all her friends.


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Rainbow Dash, with her shades. From Lesson Zero.

Rainbow Dash wears a pair of black-tinted glasses several times in the show; in Lesson Zero when Dash and her friends gather for a picnic, in May the Best Pet Win! when Dash states that her pet must have substantial «radicalness» and when she is questioned by Twilight Sparkle for not explaining the difference between «awesomeness,» «coolness,» and «radicalness», in The Mysterious Mare Do Well when she is bragging about her heroic acts, in Too Many Pinkie Pies while sunning herself by the lake, and in Rainbow Falls, while practicing with Spitfire and Fleetfoot. Rainbow uses her shades to hide the fact that she was sleeping during Twilight’s lecture in Testing Testing 1, 2, 3. Rainbow also uses her shades in order to «act casual» in Equestria Games. In Fame and Misfortune, she wears these shades to evade crowds of fanponies, and wears them during one shot of the song Flawless.

Dash wears a different pair of purple slotted shades in Tanks for the Memories.

Food and beverage preferences[]



Beginning with The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000, a recurring gag shows Rainbow Dash’s obsession with apple cider, more specifically, the cider produced by Applejack and her family at Sweet Apple Acres. Throughout the episode, she is always denied a single mug of cider due to circumstances beyond her control, whether it be the Apple family running out, or getting a Flim Flam brothers cider taken away from her. In Bats!, Rainbow’s priorities are made clear when she hears that after the last fruit bat infestation, there was not a single drop of cider. In Castle Sweet Castle, Rainbow perks up when Applejack mentions cider. In Shadow Play — Part 2, Rainbow shares some cider with Flash Magnus. This gag even extends into My Little Pony The Movie, where Applejack offers free samples of cider at the Friendship Festival, and Rainbow repeatedly grabs, and gorges down, multiple samples. In Ponyville Mysteries Issue 4, Rainbow pours cider straight from the tap into her mouth.


Rainbow Dash enjoys a piece of special apple pie in Micro-Series Issue 2, implicitly eats a pie during the Sisterhooves Social[9] in Brotherhooves Social,[10] has disliked pie for years as of Secrets and Pies, and states that she «do[es]n’t like it because it’s pie» in Friendship is Magic Issue 59.



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The «rainblow dry.»

Rainbow Dash demonstrates her remarkable talent for flying throughout the show. In The Cutie Mark Chronicles, she says she got her cutie mark when she performed her first sonic rainboom when she was a young filly.

In The Ticket Master, Rainbow Dash dreams of impressing the Wonderbolts at the Grand Galloping Gala with flying feats such as the «rainblow dry,» the «super-speed strut,» the «fantastic filly flash,» and the «buccaneer blaze.» She gets to meet the Wonderbolts in Sonic Rainboom after Princess Celestia declares her the champion of the Best Young Flyers Competition. She also performs the sonic rainboom in this episode.

In May the Best Pet Win!, Rainbow Dash performs dangerous stunts to demonstrate a flying course through the Ghastly Gorge. She flies through giant bramble patches and dodges attacking quarray eels.

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Rainbow Dash clears a cloudy sky in Friendship is Magic, part 1 by kicking the clouds with her hind legs. She leads water drops out of a cloud in Boast Busters, and creates a rainbow above her when the droplets splash against her. She teams up with other Pegasus ponies in Winter Wrap Up to create a whirlwind that sucks away clouds and snow from Ponyville, and she creates a tornado to vacuum the parasprites in Swarm of the Century.

In Hurricane Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash coordinates and leads the Ponyville Pegasi team responsible for creating a hurricane that lifts water to the Cloudsdale weather factory for the rainy season. During this time, Rainbow Dash’s wing power was measured at 16.5, while most of the other Pegasi’s wing power could barely measure more than 10.

Rainbow Dash helps Twilight Sparkle learn to fly in Princess Twilight Sparkle — Part 1.

In Testing Testing 1, 2, 3, Rainbow Dash focuses on several things at once while in flight. When she’s in the air, she monitors the ground and sky for trouble and makes note of everything she sees and hears. With this hidden talent of hers, Rainbow retains all that she learns about the history of the Wonderbolts and passes the entrance exam to join the Wonderbolts Reserves.

In Rarity Investigates!, Rainbow Dash states that she does not «have the endurance to go long distances.»

Sonic rainboom[]

Main article: Sonic rainboom (event)

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Rainbow Dash practicing for a sonic rainboom.

Rainbow Dash tries to perform a sonic rainboom in the episode Sonic Rainboom, in an effort to win the Best Young Fliers competition. Fluttershy confides to her friends that Rainbow Dash was unable to perform the move in her many practice trials. Nonetheless, Rainbow Dash heads to Cloudsdale to participate in the competition, accompanied by Fluttershy as moral support.

Much to their surprise, their wingless friends have decided to follow them with the aid of Twilight’s cloud-walking spell, easing Rainbow’s fears. However, Twilight had also given Rarity beautiful butterfly wings, which led her to steal the spotlight. As a result, Rainbow Dash loses her nerve and tries to delay her performance. As the competition draws to a close, however, she decides that she must perform anyway.

Dash messes up the first two rounds of her performance, hitting an obstacle and accidentally sending a cloud hurtling in Princess Celestia‘s direction. Due to time constraints, Rarity performs alongside Rainbow Dash, and delivers her grand finale, which involves flying up to the sun and beaming her wings. However, her fragile wings, made of «gossamer and morning dew», burst into flames, sending her plummeting towards the earth. The Wonderbolts try to save her, but Rarity hits them by accident due to her falling down and flailing, and they are knocked out.

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…after a third sonic rainboom.

Rainbow Dash finally notices the goings-on and accelerates towards the plummeting ponies, saving both Rarity and the Wonderbolts and performing a sonic rainboom in the process. This sonic rainboom, the one in The Cutie Mark Chronicles, and the one that Rainbow Dash performs in A Canterlot Wedding — Part 2 are performed when Rainbow Dash is leading with both front legs forward, while in her failed practice attempts she is leading with a single leg. Rarity is incredibly grateful that Dash saved her life, and apologizes to her friend for not minding her anxiety. Rainbow Dash is crowned the winner of the competition and leaves to spend the day with her heroes, the Wonderbolts.

In A Canterlot Wedding — Part 2, bolting her bridesmaid dress off, she performs a sonic rainboom for the marriage of Cadance and Shining Armor by the request of Princess Celestia. This rainboom, unlike the other two, comes within seconds of taking off, and Dash performs it while flying upward.

In The Cutie Re-Mark — Part 1 and Part 2, Starlight Glimmer goes back in time to prevent Rainbow Dash from making the first sonic rainboom to prevent the Mane Six from ever creating their special bond. Princess Twilight Sparkle and Spike follow her to attempt to prevent this from happening.

In the movie, Rainbow boasts about the rainboom to Capper, even offering to perform it, but he turns her down. She later performs it for Captain Celaeno and her crew; unfortunately, this gives away their position to Tempest Shadow.

In The End in Friend, Rainbow performs a smaller-scale version of the Rainboom while playing Buckball with Rarity.


In Games Ponies Play, during her flashback as a filly, Rainbow Dash stands on the back of an adult Pegasus stallion with a similarly rainbow-colored mane and tail. The stallion is unnamed in the episode, but he is named Rainbow Blaze and described as Rainbow Dash’s «dashing mentor» in Enterplay’s collectible card game and is also named Rainbow Blaze in the IDW comics.

Rainbow Dash’s parents are officially introduced in the season seven episode Parental Glideance. They are revealed to be overly supportive of their daughter and inadvertently embarrass her often, causing them to have a delicate relationship.


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Rainbow Dash’s house in Wonderbolts Academy.

Rainbow Dash’s Cloudominium is first shown in Griffon the Brush Off. She lives in a white cloud-house hanging low to the ground somewhere near Ponyville. It features classical columns and rainbow-colored streams and waterfalls. In Dragonshy, Rainbow Dash uses one of these streams to make rainbow-colored facepaint. Her home appears again in Party of One, with a slightly different design from the first appearance, resembling more of a cloud tower.

Depiction in Equestria Girls[]

Main article: Rainbow Dash (EG)

My Little Pony Equestria Girls[]

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Rainbow Dash in Equestria Girls.

In My Little Pony Equestria Girls, Rainbow Dash accompanies Twilight to her first princess summit in the Crystal Empire, and she witnesses Sunset Shimmer steal Twilight’s crown. In an alternate world, Rainbow’s human counterpart appears as a high school student.

Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks[]

Rainbow briefly appears in the sequel My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks at Twilight’s castle, where she hears the legend of the sirens.

Equestria Girls: Friendship Games[]

Rainbow appears as a pony in the film’s blooper reel giving her human counterpart a ride.

Equestria Girls: Forgotten Friendship[]

In Forgotten Friendship, Rainbow Dash appears on stained glass windows in Canterlot Castle.

Equestria Girls: Spring Breakdown[]

Rainbow appears in Ponyville talking to Stormfeather. When the latter notices a second Rainbow Dash behind her, he faints. When pony Rainbow Dash looks back, she just notices Applejack and waves.

Depiction in My Little Pony The Movie[]

In My Little Pony The Movie, Rainbow Dash and the Wonderbolts are in charge of weather for the Festival of Friendship in Canterlot. When the city is invaded by the Storm King‘s forces, led by Tempest Shadow, Rainbow and her friends escape to seek out the «Queen of the Hippos»—later specified to be Queen Novo of the Hippogriffs—for help. During their time on Captain Celaeno‘s airship, Rainbow convinces her and her fellow pirates to rebel against the Storm King and return to their swashbuckling ways, but she accidentally draws Tempest’s attention with her sonic rainboom. In the underwater kingdom of Seaquestria, Rainbow and her friends almost convince Novo to help them save their home from the Storm King, but Twilight’s attempted theft of Novo’s Pearl of Transformation gets them banished from Seaquestria.

Rainbow Dash and the rest of the Mane Six have a falling-out with Twilight over her actions, but they—along with other friends they made during their journey—return to Canterlot to rescue her when she gets captured by Tempest. After sneaking into the city and fighting past the Storm King’s forces, the Mane Six reunite and make amends, and they eventually succeed in defeating the Storm King. In the end, the Friendship Festival resumes, and Rainbow and her friends befriend Tempest.

Depiction in My Little Pony: Pony Life[]

Rainbow Dash appears as one of the main characters in Pony Life.

Depiction in comics[]

An alternate universe version of Rainbow Dash appears in the Template:Comic Reflections mini-comic «Elsewhere in alternate Equestria…»

In Wings Over Yakyakistan, Rainbow Dash is among the Wonderbolts who perform at an airshow in Yakyakistan only for it to come under attack by the dragons.

In Template:Comic, Rainbow struggles with Pinkie’s attempts to find a kind of pie she actually likes, with Rainbow eventually turning the tables on Pinkie. In Template:Scomic, Rainbow tries to entertain the Golden Horseshoe Gals with «extreme bingo».

In The Fast and the Furriest, Rainbow Dash takes part in the Draytona Breach 500 cart race, enlisting Big Mac as her trainer. After seeing Big Mac get challenged by his former friend Silver Streak, Rainbow accepts the challenge on Big Mac’s behalf. During the race, Rainbow unknowingly carries the Mangalese Drake, an artifact stolen from the Dragon Lands, in her cart. Sacks Roamer, the one who stole the artifact, smashes Rainbow’s cart trying to get it back.

In Template:Comic, Rainbow Dash chooses Spitfire, Lyra Heartstrings, Sweetie Drops, and Captain Celaeno to join her on a friendship mission to Celaeno’s home, the Parrot Peaks.

In Template:Comic, Rainbow Dash is invited to perform at the Diamond Dog kingdom of Dimondia by Trixie, who actually seeks Dash’s help in escaping her new role as queen.

Other depictions[]

Rainbow Dash is voiced by Brittany Lauda in PlayDate Digital’s app Power Ponies.[11]

Fyodor Golan’s Rainbow Wheel,[12] shown at London Fashion Week in February 2015, has fanart of Rainbow Dash licking.[13][14][15]

Hasbro.com description[]

Capable and athletic, Rainbow Dash lives for adventure! When any problem should arise that involves traveling to distant lands or dealing with a magical, mysterious beast, Rainbow is the first to volunteer! Brave and bold, anypony who has ever seen this rainbow-haired Pegasus in the air has been left in jaw-dropped awe of her speed, agility, and, well, her confidence. She’s quite positive she’s the fastest Pegasus pony alive, and truth be told, she probably is. Yes, she’s a bit proud, and a bit mischievous, and often lazy for somepony obsessed with speed, but when the chips are down, and danger is a-brewing, Rainbow Dash always, always comes through, proving time and time again that she is a true hero!

Hasbro.com second description[]

Rainbow Dash’s greatest, all-consuming passion in life is to fly – FAST! Anyone who has ever seen this rainbow-haired pegasus in the air can’t help but notice her speed, agility, and her confidence. Capable and athletic, Rainbow Dash lives for adventure. One day, Rainbow Dash just knows she’ll earn a position on the elite aerial-acrobatic team, the Wonderbolts! But beyond ambition, Rainbow Dash is known for being absolutely loyal to her friends!

HubNetwork.com description[]

Rainbow Dash lives for adventure! Whenever there’s a problem that involves danger, distant lands, and mysterious beasts, she’s the first to help. She’s bold. She’s brave. She’s also a bit proud and mischievous — but wouldn’t you be too if you were the fastest Pegasus around?

Teacher for a Day description[]

Rainbow Dash is her name and adventure is her game! A true hero, this rainbow-haired Pegasus pony is as fast as they come, flying through the air with jaw-dropping speed! Athletic, brave and confident, she is also a bit mischievous — and always first on the scene wherever danger is at hand. Whether traveling to distant lands or taking on mystery and magic, this pretty pony is ready to fasten her seatbelt for the adventure of a lifetime!

My Little Pony (mobile game)[]

Several versions of Rainbow Dash are playable characters in Gameloft’s mobile game, with Rainbow Dash herself serving as an enemy minion during the «Rarity’s Retro Revolution» event, a boss during the She’s All Yak event, and and a boss battle helper during the «Reflections of Harmony» event. Lunaverse Rainbow Dash, Sombraverse Rainbow Dash, and Future Rainbow are also boss battle helpers in their respective «Cutie Re-Mark» and «The Crowning Achievement» events. Future Rainbow Dash is also the protagonist of the «Prank to the Future Part Two» event. During the «Kid’s Play» event, Supersonic Rainbow Dash serves as an enemy minion, Rainbow Dash as a boss, and Young Rainbow Dash as a boss battle helper. Captain Dash serves as a boss battle helper during «The Rise of the Cyber Ponies» event.

Rainbow Dash:
Representing the Element of Loyalty, she is charged with keeping the weather. Her dream is to one day join the Wonderbolts.
Captain Dash:
Leads the crew of the Universal Rainboom on pulse-pounding interstellar adventures (in a story that Rainbow Dash made up).
Future Rainbow Dash:
It isn’t ours to speculate on Rainbow Dash’s future, but a captain’s bars and a good, honest life seem likely.
Lunaverse Rainbow Dash:
This version of Rainbow Dash had to trim down her mane so it would fit under her scary Lunar Guard helmet. Nightmare Moon is a terrible boss, but she DOES appreciate a close crop!
Nightmare Rainbow Dash:
Dreams of being permanently grounded, taken shape.
Pie-Hating Rainbow Dash:
She may only exist in Pinkie’s imagination, but one thing’s for sure: she hates pies with the burning passion of ten thousand suns.
Pirate Rainbow Dash:
Being a pirate is pretty much the awesomest thing Rainbow Dash has ever thought of. And she’s thought of a LOT of things.
Rainbow Bite:
Rainbow Dash’s new wings may be different than pony wings — but they’re just as fast, and nearly as awesome!
Rainbow the Flying Reindeer:
Heroine of Hearth’s Warming stories and songs-and owner of an extremely normal, non-shiny nose.
Retro Rainbow Dash:
Totally rocks one sick ‘hawk — more of a powerful statement than a fashion choice.
Sombraverse Rainbow Dash:
Rainbow Dash Prime would probably think her alt-historical counterpart’s cyborg wing is REALLY awesome—but it’s actually super itchy and needs constant oiling. War injuries are no joke, guys!
Supersonic Rainbow Dash:
The only thing Rainbow Dash is concerned with now is going really fast! Um… even more than usual, we mean!
Young Rainbow Dash:
Just as loyal—but a little more…well, little.

My Little Pony magazine description[]

  • Sporty
  • Athletic
  • Adventurous

This strong mare lives for adventure! Rainbow Dash is the first to volunteer for a dangerous task, the fastest pony in Ponyville and a true pony hero!

The Elements of Harmony guidebook[]

RAINBOW DASH has one great all-consuming passion in life: to fly—FAST!!! Anypony who has ever seen this rainbow-haired Pegasus from Cloudsdale in the air has been in awe of her speed, agility, and confidence. Even in her youth, Rainbow was a fantastic flier, achieving what no other Pegasus had before—the Sonic Rainboom, a rainbow that shot out behind her like a jet stream! When any problem, big or small, arises, this aspiring Wonderbolt is the first to volunteer to save the day. Despite the mischief she causes, her friends are happy to have her around when danger is a-brewing, as Rainbow Dash proves time and time again that she is a true hero and a true friend.

Volume II guidebook[]

Make way for Rainbow Dash! No, seriously, get out of the way—RAINBOW DASH IS COMING THROUGH! As the number-one flier in all Equestria, Rainbow Dash rules the skies as the Pegasus pony supreme. Without her, who’d make sure the weather was awesome all the time? But Rainbow Dash’s skills weren’t always astounding. Learning to focus on her strengths and not her weaknesses took a while. With the help of her friends, as well as her fellow Wonderbolts, Rainbow Dash is as competitive and self-confident as ever. Got an aerial challenge? She’s ready for it! She’ll even throw in a dollop of sass for good measure.

The Art of My Little Pony The Movie description[]

RAINBOW DASH has one great passion: flying—FAST! Anypony who has ever seen this rainbow-haired Pegasus Pony in the air has been in awe of her speed, agility, and confidence. She’s always up for a challenge and meets every adventure head on. Despite her love for stirring up mischief, Rainbow Dash proves time and time again that she is a true hero and a true friend.

Rainbow Dash represents the Element of Loyalty!


The one and only. Why? You’ve heard of me?

Hey. I could clear this sky in ten seconds flat.

And just what are the Elements of Harmony? And how did you know about Nightmare Moon, huh? Are you a spy?!

Nopony knows! You know why? Because everypony who’s ever come in… has never… come… OUT!

You… thank you for the offer, I mean. But I’m afraid I have to say no.

See? I’d never leave my friends hanging!

Time to take out the adorable trash.

You’re not an athlete, you’re a… well… you’re an egghead.

It needs to be about twenty-percent cooler.


Most people thought that the Sonic Rainboom was just an old mare’s tail. But that day… The day I discovered racing… I proved that the legends were true. I made the impossible happen!

I’m… hanging… with the… Wonderbolts!

Hey, now wait a minute! Just because I don’t have a pet now doesn’t mean I never want a pet!

What about super-ultra-extreme-awesomazing?

Danger’s my middle name. Rainbow ‘Danger’ Dash.

Reading’s for eggheads like you, Twilight. Heh, no offense, but I am not reading. It’s undeniably, unquestionably, uncool.

I hate to admit it to myself and would really hate to admit it to my friends, but… I love this story! I, I… I love reading! I’m an egghead.

I-I don’t even like cake!

No offense, but it’s not a real campfire story unless somepony’s shaky.

No disrespect ma’am, but there’s a big difference between pushing yourself as hard as you can, and just being reckless. And if being reckless is what gets rewarded around here, if that’s what it means to be a Wonderbolt, then I don’t want any part of it.


You can’t be tied for the most daring pony!

But that was me! You’re you! And it just doesn’t matter if you can fly or not. Your routine was amazing ’cause it represented exactly what makes Ponyville special. You do still know what that is, right?

Think of the cider! Won’t somepony please think of the cider?!

Wow, Applejack. I know your thing is honesty, but come on!

That pony is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an igneous.

[blows raspberry] Beneficial for eggheads!

And no matter what your sport is, we gotta give it our best because we all got a genuine shot at Ponyville gold.

Ya’ done good squirt!

Whoa, whoa, whoa! Is she for real?

Who said anything about anger?! I didn’t say anything about anger! I’m not upset! And I am not angry! Do I look angry?!

Duh! Because I’m a Wonderbolt!

What would she do without us? Huh. Lemme think. [imitating Rarity] «Darlings, I’m absolutely doomed, doomed, doomed!» [laughs, normal] I sound just like her!

Go, Scootaloo, go! Woo-woo-woo-woo! Uhh, I mean… [nervous laugh] This is the life.

Somepony is really gonna have to catch us up on what we missed.

Mom and Dad, I want you to know that I’m your biggest fan.

Is it MY fault that I don’t like pies? And not just Pinkie’s pies, all pies.

She’s Fluttershy! Everything makes her worry!

This is delicious! A pony could forget about flying again if these were on the ground.

Dodging all that flying pie was exhausting.

I just don’t like pie.

Wishing you a happy birthday Hub; from the bottom of my heart!

It’s time to pony up!

Okay, seriously, why does EVERYPONY grab me by the tail?

Wow, we’re calling HER in to help? Is the fate of Equestria really worth it?


Template:Gallery page

See also[]

  • Toys and merchandise
  • Rainbow Dash (EG)
  • Template:CCG
  • Template:Fan labor
  • Template:Gameloft
  • Template:Speculation
  • Ponies with a similar name: Rainbow Blaze, Rainbow Flash, Rainbow Harmony, Rainbow Swirl, Rainbow Swoop, Rainbow Wishes, Holly Dash, Island Rainbow, Rainbowshine, Snowdash, Nimbus Dash, Star Dasher, Stardash, and Dapper Dash.[16]


  1. Lauren Faust (2013-11-29). My Firefly. Inspiration for Rainbow Dash.. Twitter. Retrieved on December 2, 2013.
  2. Amy Keating Rogers (2014-04-05). KeatingRogers: @Half_theBattle Oh my gosh! …. Twitter. Retrieved on April 6, 2014.
  3. Amy Keating Rogers (2014-04-10). KeatingRogers: @UkeUkeable General Firefly …. Twitter. Retrieved on April 18, 2014.
  4. Lauren Faust (2010-11-15). Comment on *fyre-flye’s profile. DeviantArt. Retrieved on December 19, 2013.
  5. Amy Keating Rogers (2014-04-15). KeatingRogers: @karentheunicorn @Half_theBattle …. Twitter. Retrieved on April 18, 2014.
  6. PonyCon 2016 Character Development Panel with Lauren Faust. YouTube (2016-02-18). Retrieved on March 12, 2016.
  7. Jim Miller (2015-01-13). Big Jim on Twitter: «@no_good_names__ @goldenrusset Npt really, but it’s open to interpretation.». Twitter. Retrieved on January 14, 2015.
  8. Lauren Faust on Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo not being related. deviantArt (2011-03-04). Archived locally.
  9. Jim Miller (2017-10-14). 🎃Pump Kin🎃 on Twitter: «@CouchFromEQD I think she did in ‘Sisterhooves Social’.». Twitter. Retrieved on October 15, 2017.
  10. Jim Miller (2017-10-14). 🎃Pump Kin🎃 on Twitter: «@CouchFromEQD She ate it in the spirit of competition! She’ll do almost anything to win!». Twitter. Retrieved on October 15, 2017.
  11. Brittany Lauda (2014-07-17). Brittany’s Voice Roles — Brittany Lauda — Voice Actress. Facebook. Retrieved on July 18, 2014.
  12. Kaylie Nelson (2015-06-08). Hasbro_Licensing_Expo_2015_Lead_Release_FINAL.pdf. Retrieved on June 11, 2015.
  13. Rainbow Dash Licking Screen. DeviantArt (2012-07-11). Retrieved on June 11, 2015.
  14. images.zip (2015-06-04). Retrieved on June 11, 2015.
  15. Fyodor Golan AW15 Rainbow Wheel — Full Show Video. Vimeo (2015-02-25). Retrieved on June 11, 2015.
  16. Sethisto (2018-08-30). The Two OC’s From HASCON’s Raffle Were Animated in the Finale — Here They Are!. Equestria Daily. Blogger. Retrieved on August 31, 2018.

de:Rainbow Dash
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hr:Duga Jurić
id:Rainbow Dash
it:Rainbow Dash
gl:Rainbow Dash
ko:레인보우 대시
nl:Rainbow Dash
no:Rainbow Dash
pl:Rainbow Dash
pt:Rainbow Dash
ru:Радуга Дэш
sr:Rejnbou Deš
sv:Rainbow Dash
uk:Рейнбоу Деш
zh:Rainbow Dash

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    For this character’s human counterpart or the song by Sia, see Rainbow Dash (EG) and Rainbow (song).
    Rainbow Dash
    • Main

    • Future

    • Pegasus

    • Filly

    • Infant

    Rainbow Dash Wonderbolt fantasy cropped S1E3.png

    Rainbow Dash – element of loyalty

    Filly Rainbow Dash S1E23.png

    Rainbow Dash as a filly in The Cutie Mark Chronicles

    Rainbow Dash infant ID S7E7.png

    A photo of Rainbow Dash as an infant in Parental Glideance

    Future Rainbow Dash ID S9E26.png

    Future Rainbow Dash in The Last Problem

    Kind Pegasus
    Sex Female
    Residence Cloudominium over Ponyville
    Cloudsdale (formerly)
    Occupation Ponyville weather patrol
    Wonderbolt (trainee starting in S3E7; reservist starting in S4E21; full member as of S6E7)
    School of Friendship loyalty teacher (S8E1 onward)
    Council of Friendship member (S9E26)
    Other links
    • Rainbow Dash image gallery
    • Appearances gallery
    • Speculation forum
    More info
    Eyes Moderate cerise
    Mane Brilliant amaranth
    Brilliant vermilion
    Pale, light grayish olive
    Moderate harlequin
    Moderate cerulean
    Moderate purple
    Coat Pale, light grayish cerulean
    Birthday April 14[8]
    Nicknames Dashie, RD, Dash, Speedy, Rainbow Crash, Rainbow Wobble, Rainbow «Danger» Dash, Rainbow «Professionalism» Dash, Zapp, Captain Awesome, Dynamic Dash, Forthright Filly, Reading Rainboom, Care Mare, Rainbow Fash, Rainbows «The Best Flyer There Ever Was» Dash, Rainbows, Daring Dash, The Dashinator, Blue Begonia, Miss Dash ‘Bow, Dashinator, Rainbow Flash, The Dash, Rainbow Smash, Dashie-kins, Professor Egghead, Rd (The Periodic Table of My Little Pony)
    Relatives Bow Hothoof (father)
    Windy Whistles (mother)
    Cutie mark
    Blue-yellow-red lightning bolt with cloud
    Voice Ashleigh Ball (English)
    Lydia Lane[1][2] (​[​specify​]​, Flip & Whirl​[​citation needed​]​ talking toy)[3][4][5]
    Brittany Lauda (English, My Little Pony: Power Ponies)[6]
    Lin Peiling (Chinese for Taiwan, seasons 1-4, Equestria Girls)
    Chen Kaili (Mandarin Chinese for Taiwan, season 5 onwards)
    Fan Churong (Chinese for mainland China)
    Wei Yimeng (Chinese for mainland China, My Little Pony The Movie)
    Cheng Ka Wai (Cantonese for Hong Kong)
    Tan Meiqiong (Cantonese for Hong Kong, DVD version)
    Zuzana Hykyšová (Czech)
    René Slováčková (Czech, demo version)
    Annevig Schelde Ebbe (Danish)
    Karina Mertens (Dutch)
    Katja Sirkiä (Finnish)
    Melanie Dambermont (European French)
    Marianne Verville (Canadian French, My Little Pony The Movie)
    Giuliana Jakobeit (German, seasons 1-3, Equestria Girls and Rainbow Rocks)
    Tanja Schmitz (German, season 4)[7]
    Zita Gruber (Hungarian)
    Sri Hastuti (Indonesian, seasons 2-5)
    Siwi Dwi Iswanti (Indonesian, Equestria Girls)
    Clara Dewanti (Indonesian, season 6 onward)
    Federica Valenti (Italian)
    Izumi Kitta (Japanese, seasons 1-2 and Equestria Girls)
    Shinobu Izumi (Japanese, season 3)
    Cho Hyun-jeong (Korean)
    Nirayu Zuhdi (Malaysian, seasons 2-5)
    Anniken Marie Nielsen (Norwegian)
    Agnieszka Mrozińska (Polish)
    Sílvia Suzy (Brazilian Portuguese)
    Andressa Andreatto (Brazilian Portuguese, demo version; first line in S2E8)
    Raquel Marinho (Brazilian Portuguese, toy)
    Sandra de Castro (European Portuguese)
    Carina Chereji (Romanian)
    Raluca Botez (Romanian, Equestria Girls)
    Yelena Chebaturkina (Russian, seasons 1-4, Equestria Girls, and Rainbow Rocks)
    Lina Ivanova (Russian, season 5 onward)
    Tatiana Veselkina (Russian, The Movie)
    Aleksandra Širkić (Serbian, Minimax)
    Jelena Petrović (Serbian, Mini Ultra)
    Eva Ordeig (European Spanish)
    Analiz Sánchez (Latin American Spanish, TV version)
    Mariana Ortiz (Latin American Spanish, one quote in S1E9)
    Maggie Vera (Latin American Spanish, S1E3 (DVD and demo version) and promos)
    Frida Sandén (Swedish, demo version)
    Jill Wrethagen (Swedish, TV/retail version)
    Thunwa Pakdeeumnat (Thai)
    Patsaran Reuannaak (Thai, The Movie)
    Yulia Perenchuk (Ukrainian, seasons 1-3)
    Anastasia Zinovenko (Ukrainian, season 4 onwards, Equestria Girls and Rainbow Rocks)
    Tina Hänsch (German)
    Nabila Najwa (Indonesian, season 1)
    Hasmarina Ifa (Indonesian, Dance Magic backing voice)
    Renata Bertolas (Italian, seasons 1-3)
    Paola Della Pasqua (Italian, Find A Pet Song)
    Mônica Toniolo (Brazilian Portuguese, season 1)
    Andressa Andreatto (Brazilian Portuguese, season 2)
    Sívilia Suzy (Brazilian Portuguese, season 3)
    Corina Sabbas (Brazilian Portuguese, season 4)
    Veridiana Benassi (Brazilian Portuguese)
    Raquel Marinho (Brazilian Portuguese, toy)
    Carina Marin (Romanian, S1E11)
    Anca Sigmirean (Romanian, S4E7)
    Kristina Romanskaya (Russian, seasons 6 and 8, Best Gift Ever)
    Alena Svetlakova (Russian, season 7)
    Ana Milenković (Serbian, Mini Ultra)
    Anneli Heed (Swedish)
    Thunwa Pakdeeumnat (Thai, seasons 1 -7)
    Araya Marit (Thai, seasons 8-9)

    Rainbow Dash is a female Pegasus pony and one of the main characters in My Little Pony Friendship is Magic. She maintains the weather and clears the skies in Ponyville. As a huge fan of the Wonderbolts, she becomes a reservist member of the elite flying group in Testing Testing 1, 2, 3 and a full member in Newbie Dash. In Sonic Rainboom, Rarity and Princess Celestia both declare that she is the best flier in all of Equestria. Rainbow Dash has a pet tortoise named Tank, whom she chooses out of Fluttershy’s offered animals in the episode May the Best Pet Win! She represents the element of loyalty.

    Development and design

    Lauren Faust was inspired to create Rainbow Dash by her childhood toy G1 Pegasus pony Firefly.[9] Rainbow Dash shares her name and color scheme with a fashionista Earth pony from G3 and G3.5, however, Faust gave her the personality of her favorite G1 pony, Firefly. Faust originally gave Rainbow Dash a cutie mark of two blue lightning bolts like Firefly’s, which was changed to a single wide three-colored lightning bolt—used for one shot in Dragonshy, for part of one shot in The Mysterious Mare Do Well, and for some other material—and then to the current cutie mark design, a cloud with a slightly-curved three-colored lightning bolt. After Faust left the show, G4 Pegasus mare/stallion General Firefly was named after Faust’s Twitter and DeviantArt username «Fyre_flye»[10][11]/»fyre-flye», in turn named after G1 Pegasus mare Firefly.[12][13] Faust gave Rainbow Dash messy hair and straight eyelashes to hint at her dynamic nature.[14]

    Rainbow Dash shares her design and eye color with Daring Do and WCE Unnamed Mare — Jouster, her design with Skywishes, Sugar Grape, Lucky Dreams, Sweetsong, Breezie, Feathermay, Periwinkle, Star Dasher, and sometimes Ploomette and Banana Bliss, her mane and tail style with Holly Dash, «Doseydotes», «Ballad», Léon, and Roku-chan, her mane style with Andrea, her tail style with «Sunstone», and her coat and eye colors with Shoeshine, Eclair Crème, Screwy, «Turf», «Bloo», «Tough Love», and Micro 02 Unnamed Mare — Alicorn.

    On January 13, 2015, Jim Miller and Jayson Thiessen were asked «is that orange hair on rainbow supposed to be there in the lower left?» and Jim Miller answered «Npt[sic] really, but it’s open to interpretation.»[15]

    Depiction in the series


    Equestria Games announcement

    Filly Rainbow Dash on Rainbow Blaze’s head.

    Rainbow Dash has a flashback in Games Ponies Play to an event in Cloudsdale where she is a young filly without a cutie mark. She is accompanied by Rainbow Blaze, a stallion who has similar rainbow-colored mane and tail as her and a similar blue coat, with a rainbow-colored cutie mark. They are standing in the crowd listening to an announcement about where the Equestria Games will take place. When Dash hears that the Games won’t take place in Cloudsdale, she cries out in disappointment.

    This disappointment is somewhat assuaged later when young Rainbow was selected to carry Cloudsdale’s flag in the Equestria Games opening ceremony. She boastfully claims in Flight to the Finish that she «did tricks with that flag the likes of which nopony saw before and nopony’s seen since!»

    Cutie mark

    Rainbow Dash, as a filly, in a Pegasus race.

    Rainbow Dash mentions in Call of the Cutie that she was the first in her class to get her cutie mark. She tells the Cutie Mark Crusaders in The Cutie Mark Chronicles the story of how she got her cutie mark. Her story is set in summer flight camp, where she defends Fluttershy from a pair of bullies, who refer to Rainbow Dash as «Rainbow Crash», which she is also nicknamed by Spike in Bridle Gossip. One of the bullies, Hoops, already has his cutie mark, where Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy do not. She challenges the two bullies to a flying Pegasus race, and in the ensuing contest she discovers her passion for speed and for «winning,» in her words. Going through the race course, she performs her very first sonic rainboom, not only gaining her own cutie mark, but also inadvertently setting in motion the events that would cause Fluttershy and her future Ponyville friends to gain their own cutie marks.

    The Cutie Mark Crusaders

    Despite earning her cutie mark in an endeavor that came naturally to her, Rainbow Dash advises Apple Bloom to try out many different activities to gain her cutie mark in Call of the Cutie, leading the filly and her friends to pursue their cutie marks in the wrong avenues. When coaching Apple Bloom in Call of the Cutie, Rainbow Dash dons a sports headband, a whistle, and later a martial arts uniform with a black belt when Apple Bloom tries karate.

    Scootaloo, the Pegasus pony of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, idolizes Rainbow Dash. While Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle are the younger sisters of two ponies from the main cast, Applejack and Rarity, respectively, Scootaloo is not related to Rainbow Dash.[16] Rainbow Dash affectionately calls Scootaloo «squirt» in The Mysterious Mare Do Well and Equestria Games, and appears alongside Rarity and Applejack to congratulate the Cutie Mark Crusaders for their performance in The Show Stoppers.

    Rainbow Dash saves Scootaloo.

    In Sleepless in Ponyville, Scootaloo invites Rainbow Dash on a camping trip so that they can bond more. However, when Rainbow Dash decides to tell everyone ghost stories, Scootaloo begins to have nightmares about the frightening fables; yet she is too afraid to tell Rainbow Dash, since the filly does not want her to think she’s a wimp. When Scootaloo rides on her scooter in the middle of the night, trying to run away from the Headless Horse from one of the stories, she accidentally falls into the river and almost falls down a waterfall. Rainbow Dash rescues her, and then learns the truth about why Scootaloo has been acting nervous during the trip. She comforts Scootaloo, saying that even she was scared when she heard those stories, and she agrees to take care of her as a big sister figure.

    In Flight to the Finish, Rainbow Dash coaches the Crusaders for their competition to carry the flag at the upcoming Equestria Games. She wears a baseball cap and a whistle during the majority of this episode, like in May the Best Pet Win! and Hurricane Fluttershy. When Scootaloo is unhappy with the fact she can’t fly, Rainbow Dash tells Scootaloo that she doesn’t need to fly to be awesome.

    In Crusaders of the Lost Mark, Rainbow Dash joins Applejack and Rarity in congratulating the Crusaders for finally earning their cutie marks, personally telling Scootaloo how proud she is of her.

    In The Washouts, Rainbow Dash tries to stop Scootaloo from idolizing Lightning Dust’s titular stunt team, only to make Scootaloo resent her. After rescuing Scootaloo on her debut as a stuntpony, Rainbow Dash makes amends with the filly.

    Weather patrol

    Kicking clouds.

    Rainbow Dash manages the weather in Ponyville. She keeps the skies free of clouds for the Summer Sun Celebration, and apparently, unless the weekly rainfall is scheduled for that day of course, makes sure that Ponyville has nice weather, although in the opening of Bridle Gossip, Spike states that she rarely gets up early in the morning to get a start on it.

    The Wonderbolts

    Rainbow Dash is one of several ponies badgering Twilight for the extra ticket to the Grand Galloping Gala, in The Ticket Master. Her reason is a chance to draw the attention of the Wonderbolts, who perform there every year. She persists, even when Twilight calls her out on it, and when all her other friends say they don’t need the ticket. The Wonderbolts attend the Gala in The Best Night Ever, where they mingle with the guests in a V.I.P. section. Dash doesn’t manage to secure their attention, despite her several attempts.

    Rainbow Dash as a Wonderbolt Academy cadet.

    Rainbow Dash is accepted into the Wonderbolt Academy for a week. She makes friends with a Pegasus pony named Lightning Dust and is paired with her by the captain of the Wonderbolts, Spitfire, to complete the boot camp exercises. In the challenge of obliterating the clouds, Lightning Dust tries to complete the task quicker by creating a tornado. Unfortunately, the tornado almost hurts Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack and Fluttershy when they come to visit her in the hot air balloon. Rainbow Dash saves them just in time and chews out Lightning Dust for her recklessness. She decides to quit the academy, thinking that cadets are rewarded for being reckless. Spitfire soon catches up to her and informs her that being the best should never come at the expense of one’s fellow ponies. Being elite isn’t about pushing oneself, it’s about pushing oneself in the right direction, which Rainbow Dash has demonstrated. Because of this, she is promoted to lead pony.

    In Rarity Investigates!, Rainbow Dash, being a reserve for the Wonderbolts, is chosen as a stand in for a show if a Wonderbolt is unable to perform. In the end, she takes part in the performance in place of Wind Rider.

    In Newbie Dash, Rainbow Dash becomes a full-fledged member of the Wonderbolts, despite being saddled with her old nickname «Rainbow Crash».


    Main article: Tank

    Tank «kissing» Rainbow Dash.

    Rainbow Dash is the last of the main ponies to have a pet introduced in the series, only gaining her pet, Tank the tortoise, in the episode May the Best Pet Win! in the second season. While at first Dash looks down on Tank for not being as fast, agile, or «awesome» as her other prospective pets, she eventually picks him over the others for his loyalty. While all the other prospective pets hurried to the finish line and ignored Dash’s calls for help, Tank rescues her by releasing her trapped wing from under a boulder. He carries her all the way to the finish line, and secures his place as her pet for being the only competitor that crosses the finish line with her, as she had specified before the race.

    At the end of May the Best Pet Win!, Tank is fitted with a propeller and flight goggles so he can fly and keep up with Rainbow Dash. Rainbow maintains a mostly professional attitude about him around others and is embarrassed when he displays affection towards her in Just for Sidekicks. Despite this, she reciprocates Tank’s affection in the same episode but only does so when no one else is looking.

    In Tanks for the Memories, Rainbow Dash displays a strong affection towards Tank, to the point where she is unwilling to accept Tank’s hibernation and tries to prevent it by stopping winter, though all of her efforts fail. She breaks down crying after Fluttershy bluntly states that she will spend her winter without a pet, but then she finally accepts Tank’s hibernation.



    The Shadowbolts test Rainbow Dash’s loyalty by offering her fame and power.

    In Friendship is Magic, part 2, Nightmare Moon tests Rainbow Dash’s loyalty by creating an illusion of an elite flying team called the Shadowbolts. The Shadowbolts offer Rainbow Dash a position among them, provided that she abandons her friends and their quest to find the Elements of Harmony. Rainbow Dash chooses to stay with her friends. When they confront Nightmare Moon in the Castle of the Two Sisters, Twilight Sparkle declares that Rainbow Dash represents the element of loyalty.

    «Rainbow Dash, who could not abandon her friends for her own heart’s desire, represents the spirit of loyalty!«
    — Twilight Sparkle

    Rainbow Dash’s loyalty is tested in The Return of Harmony Part 1. Discord shows Rainbow Dash a vision of Cloudsdale falling apart in her absence, convincing her to abandon her friends in the Canterlot castle maze.

    In Rainbow Falls, Rainbow Dash faces a choice between flying with the prestigious Wonderbolts and the Ponyville team at the Equestria Games’ flying relay competition. She secretly practices with the Wonderbolts at first but ultimately decides to stay with the Ponyville team.

    In The Cutie Re-Mark — Part 2, in an alternate-timeline Equestria ruled by Nightmare Moon, Rainbow Dash is one of her loyal royal guards. She demands that Twilight give Nightmare Moon the information that she wants to know.


    «Turns out the only thing I liked more than flying fast… was winning!»

    Rainbow Dash describes her passion for winning in a flashback in The Cutie Mark Chronicles. She races several times with Gilda, her old friend from Junior Speedster flight camp, in Griffon the Brush Off.

    In Fall Weather Friends, Rainbow Dash loses a game of horseshoes to Applejack, and says she hates losing. She then challenges Applejack in the Iron Pony competition. In several rounds, she uses her wings to give herself an unfair advantage. During the Running of the Leaves, Rainbow Dash continues to use underhand tactics even though her wings are tied down. Applejack retaliates with tricks of her own, and both end up tying for last place. They realize that their competitive streaks got the better of them, and apologize to each other and Princess Celestia before amicably running the race again. Despite this, she and Applejack fall back into being overly-competitive with each other many times more over the course of the series.

    In Rainbow Falls, Rainbow Dash comes to the conclusion that even though she loves winning, she loves her friends «waaaaay more.»


    Rainbow Dash displays confidence in herself and her physical abilities in multiple episodes. In Boast Busters, when Applejack and Rarity criticize Trixie for showing off magic tricks and looking down on other ponies, Rainbow Dash adds, «Especially when ya got me around being better than the rest of us.»

    In Sonic Rainboom, Rainbow Dash is confident about her performance in the upcoming Best Young Flyer Competition until Rarity’s magical butterfly wings get a lot of attention and admiration. Despite her insecurities, Rainbow Dash successfully pulls off the sonic rainboom and wins the competition.

    A crowd cheering for Rainbow Dash.

    In The Mysterious Mare Do Well, Rainbow Dash is venerated by Ponyville after performing heroic deeds around town, one of which being saving Aura from a deserted well. She basks in the attention of the townsfolk and her official fan club (led by Scootaloo) and becomes over-confident in herself. A mysterious cloaked pony starts one-upping Rainbow Dash’s feats. Rainbow Dash eventually finds out that the cloaked pony was actually her friends in disguise, teaching her a lesson about keeping her pride in check.


    Rainbow Dash and Applejack snicker at Twilight Sparkle for running a race with them in Fall Weather Friends, calling her an «egghead» for joining a race with no prior running experience except reading a book on the topic.

    Upon seeing Rarity wear a scarf for a mountain expedition in Dragonshy, Rainbow Dash sarcastically says, «That’ll keep you nice and cozy.» Later in the episode, Rainbow Dash expresses her annoyance and frustration when Fluttershy panics over minor obstacles in the trail.

    Rainbow Dash begrudgingly lets Rarity give her a makeover in Swarm of the Century with a frown on her face. When Twilight Sparkle tries to convince Rarity that she’s not a laughing stock in Suited For Success, Rainbow Dash bluntly says, «She kind of is.»

    Rainbow Dash’s bluntness isn’t always called for, though. She calls a dragon lame after seeing it do a trick in Dragon Quest, but then gets her coat singed after nearly getting burnt by another dragon’s fire breath. She also teases Spike about his maid outfit in the same episode before being scolded by Rarity.

    In both parts of The Crystal Empire, Rainbow Dash interacts gruffly and even aggressively with some of the Crystal Ponies, first when she and her friends are interviewing the locals on how to keep the Empire safe, and later when she scares them away from the fake Crystal Heart. Later on in the second half, in an effort to keep the Crystal Faire going, she forces a hesitant Fluttershy to joust with her, and even tries to guilt her into continuing when Fluttershy voices her discomfort. In Keep Calm and Flutter On, she calls both Fluttershy and Applejack «slackers» when she comes to fetch them upon Princess Celestia’s arrival, even though they were preoccupied with something to begin with.

    Rainbow Dash has also been known to make snide remarks about Twilight’s interests and habits, such as in Three’s A Crowd when she calls the Star Swirl the Bearded Traveling Museum that Twilight was planning to attend with Princess Cadance «lame».


    In an effort to make the royal guards break their silence, Rainbow Dash tries silly faces.

    Rainbow Dash tries to spook her friends when they venture into the Everfree Forest for the first time, claiming that no pony has ever made it back out of the forest. Her reputation as a prankster is established in Griffon the Brush Off, where she and Pinkie Pie prank various ponies, and is further enforced in A Bird in the Hoof, when she tries to make the royal guards laugh, and in 28 Pranks Later, when she pulls a continuous string of pranks on the ponies of Ponyville.

    Rainbow Dash plays several pranks on her friend Gilda in Griffon the Brush Off, which were set up for Gilda’s party but are not specifically aimed at her. For the majority of the time when Gilda is visiting Ponyville, Rainbow Dash is unaware that the griffon is being callous and rude to the other ponies, but the pranks at the party get the best of Gilda, and she loses her temper in front of Rainbow Dash. After witnessing this side of her personality, she calls her out on her behavior and sends her on her way. Dash uses a cloud to create thunder and lightning to scare Spike in the same episode. She does the same to Pinkie Pie and various other ponies in Luna Eclipsed while dressed as a Shadowbolt, laughing at the ponies she frightens. She tells Twilight Sparkle that Nightmare Night «is the best night of the year for pranks» and that «it’s all in good fun». She then hurries off to scare another group of ponies, which she continues doing until Princess Luna gives her a taste of her own medicine in the end. She also displays this in It’s About Time, taking advantage of Twilight’s worrying to spook her, along with Spike.

    In Flight to the Finish, Rainbow Dash acts overly enthusiastic in front of Ms. Harshwhinny as she addresses Cheerilee’s class, causing Harshwhinny to scold her for being unprofessional.

    In 28 Pranks Later, Rainbow Dash gets carried away with her love of pranks and targets nearly everyone in town; some of her more extreme jokes include disguising herself as a dragon-like monster to frighten Fluttershy, replacing Cranky Doodle Donkey’s hairpiece with a live skunk, and putting a brick in Mr. Cake’s sandwich. Only when her friends prank her back does Dash realize that pranks have their limits.


    «Rainbow Dash: super softie.»

    Rainbow Dash is often self-conscious in regards to how she appears in front of others. She often dismisses things, activities, and certain mannerisms considered to be feminine, though this is at times merely a front. Near the end of The Last Roundup, Rainbow briefly cries over Applejack’s reconciliation with her friends, and she catches herself for «acting all sappy».

    In Ponyville Confidential, Rainbow Dash laments over having a slanderous article printed about her in the Foal Free Press. In Just for Sidekicks, she only shows affection toward Tank when no one is looking.

    In The Crystal Empire — Part 2, she eagerly agrees with Applejack’s suggestion to do a jousting demo for the Crystal Ponies, claiming that «seeing her awesomeness has a way of putting ponies into a pretty good mood». When her selected opponent, Fluttershy, is overwhelmed in the first round, Dash grudgingly assures her that she’ll «take it easy on her next time», then catches herself and adds, «But not too easy. I’ve got a reputation to maintain!»

    Despite this, Rainbow Dash has moments in which she displays femininity, fragility, and culturedness, sometimes unintentionally. In Castle Mane-ia, she shows intense fear while exploring the abandoned Castle of the Two Sisters with Applejack. In Rarity Takes Manehattan, she has an appreciation for musicals. In Applejack’s «Day» Off, she enjoys pampering herself regularly at the Ponyville Day Spa.

    Love of books

    Main article: Read It and Weep

    Rainbow Dash develops her new interest in reading.

    Rainbow Dash discovers her love of reading in the episode Read It and Weep. When Twilight first offers her a book to read during her stay at the hospital, she rejects it and testily tosses away the book, saying, «I’m a world-class athlete. Reading’s for eggheads like you, Twilight.» After a short boredom montage, she picks up the book and becomes immersed in the adventures of the book’s titular character, Daring Do. Not wanting to admit she is an «egghead,» she hides her new hobby from her friends. When she is discharged from the hospital, she tries to sneak back in and finish reading the book. She is chased and eventually caught, and she admits she was after the book. Twilight Sparkle lends her personal copy of the book to Rainbow Dash. The episode concludes with her finishing the book and excitedly picking up another one from a small stack, entitled Daring Do and the Griffon’s Goblet. She reads more Daring Do books in A Friend in Deed and Too Many Pinkie Pies.

    In Spike at Your Service, she mentions that she’s writing a novel, one which is about «this awesome Pegasus who’s the best flyer ever and becomes the captain of the Wonderbolts»; Rarity sarcastically wonders about the «ingeniously woven intricate» tale’s inspiration.

    In Daring Don’t, Rainbow Dash is as passionate about reading as Twilight; as they argue over whether or not to help the real Daring Do, they refer to the complex storylines of her books in detail.

    In Trade Ya!, Rainbow reveals that she has an almost complete collection of first edition Daring Do books, seeking to get the final one at the Rainbow Falls Traders Exchange. She finally achieves this goal but decides against it, as the final trade required Fluttershy to leave Ponyville to train an Orthros. On the way home, Twilight gives Rainbow an old copy of the book she was seeking. Rainbow considers it just as good, as she can read it with all her friends.


    Rainbow Dash, with her shades. From Lesson Zero.

    Rainbow Dash wears a pair of black-tinted glasses several times in the show; in Lesson Zero when Dash and her friends gather for a picnic, in May the Best Pet Win! when Dash states that her pet must have substantial «radicalness» and when she is questioned by Twilight Sparkle for not explaining the difference between «awesomeness,» «coolness,» and «radicalness», in The Mysterious Mare Do Well when she is bragging about her heroic acts, in Too Many Pinkie Pies while sunning herself by the lake, and in Rainbow Falls, while practicing with Spitfire and Fleetfoot. Rainbow uses her shades to hide the fact that she was sleeping during Twilight’s lecture in Testing Testing 1, 2, 3. Rainbow also uses her shades in order to «act casual» in Equestria Games. In Fame and Misfortune, she wears these shades to evade crowds of fanponies, and wears them during one shot of the song Flawless.

    Dash wears a different pair of purple slotted shades in Tanks for the Memories.

    Food and beverage preferences

    AiP CM Feather.png

    This section should be expanded or updated. You can assist by editing it.

    Beginning with The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000, a recurring gag shows Rainbow Dash’s obsession with apple cider, more specifically, the cider produced by Applejack and her family at Sweet Apple Acres. Throughout the episode, she is always denied a single mug of cider due to circumstances beyond her control, whether it be the Apple family running out, or getting a Flim Flam brothers cider taken away from her. In Bats!, Rainbow’s priorities are made clear when she hears that after the last fruit bat infestation, there was not a single drop of cider. In Castle Sweet Castle, Rainbow perks up when Applejack mentions cider. In Shadow Play — Part 2, Rainbow shares some cider with Flash Magnus. This gag even extends into My Little Pony The Movie, where Applejack offers free samples of cider at the Friendship Festival, and Rainbow repeatedly grabs, and gorges down, multiple samples. In Ponyville Mysteries Issue 4, Rainbow pours cider straight from the tap into her mouth.


    Rainbow Dash enjoys a piece of special apple pie in Micro-Series Issue 2, implicitly eats a pie during the Sisterhooves Social[17] in Brotherhooves Social,[18] has disliked pie for years as of Secrets and Pies, and states that she «do[es]n’t like it because it’s pie» in Friendship is Magic Issue 59.



    The «rainblow dry.»

    Rainbow Dash demonstrates her remarkable talent for flying throughout the show. In The Cutie Mark Chronicles, she says she got her cutie mark when she performed her first sonic rainboom when she was a young filly.

    In The Ticket Master, Rainbow Dash dreams of impressing the Wonderbolts at the Grand Galloping Gala with flying feats such as the «rainblow dry,» the «super-speed strut,» the «fantastic filly flash,» and the «buccaneer blaze.» She gets to meet the Wonderbolts in Sonic Rainboom after Princess Celestia declares her the champion of the Best Young Flyers Competition. She also performs the sonic rainboom in this episode.

    In May the Best Pet Win!, Rainbow Dash performs dangerous stunts to demonstrate a flying course through the Ghastly Gorge. She flies through giant bramble patches and dodges attacking quarray eels.


    Rainbow Dash clears a cloudy sky in Friendship is Magic, part 1 by kicking the clouds with her hind legs. She leads water drops out of a cloud in Boast Busters, and creates a rainbow above her when the droplets splash against her. She teams up with other Pegasus ponies in Winter Wrap Up to create a whirlwind that sucks away clouds and snow from Ponyville, and she creates a tornado to vacuum the parasprites in Swarm of the Century.

    In Hurricane Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash coordinates and leads the Ponyville Pegasi team responsible for creating a hurricane that lifts water to the Cloudsdale weather factory for the rainy season. During this time, Rainbow Dash’s wing power was measured at 16.5, while most of the other Pegasi’s wing power could barely measure more than 10.

    Rainbow Dash helps Twilight Sparkle learn to fly in Princess Twilight Sparkle — Part 1.

    In Testing Testing 1, 2, 3, Rainbow Dash focuses on several things at once while in flight. When she’s in the air, she monitors the ground and sky for trouble and makes note of everything she sees and hears. With this hidden talent of hers, Rainbow retains all that she learns about the history of the Wonderbolts and passes the entrance exam to join the Wonderbolts Reserves.

    In Rarity Investigates!, Rainbow Dash states that she does not «have the endurance to go long distances.»

    Sonic rainboom

    Main article: Sonic rainboom (event)

    Rainbow Dash practicing for a sonic rainboom.

    Rainbow Dash tries to perform a sonic rainboom in the episode Sonic Rainboom, in an effort to win the Best Young Fliers competition. Fluttershy confides to her friends that Rainbow Dash was unable to perform the move in her many practice trials. Nonetheless, Rainbow Dash heads to Cloudsdale to participate in the competition, accompanied by Fluttershy as moral support.

    Much to their surprise, their wingless friends have decided to follow them with the aid of Twilight’s cloud-walking spell, easing Rainbow’s fears. However, Twilight had also given Rarity beautiful butterfly wings, which led her to steal the spotlight. As a result, Rainbow Dash loses her nerve and tries to delay her performance. As the competition draws to a close, however, she decides that she must perform anyway.

    Dash messes up the first two rounds of her performance, hitting an obstacle and accidentally sending a cloud hurtling in Princess Celestia’s direction. Due to time constraints, Rarity performs alongside Rainbow Dash, and delivers her grand finale, which involves flying up to the sun and beaming her wings. However, her fragile wings, made of «gossamer and morning dew», burst into flames, sending her plummeting towards the earth. The Wonderbolts try to save her, but Rarity hits them by accident due to her falling down and flailing, and they are knocked out.

    …after a third sonic rainboom.

    Rainbow Dash finally notices the goings-on and accelerates towards the plummeting ponies, saving both Rarity and the Wonderbolts and performing a sonic rainboom in the process. This sonic rainboom, the one in The Cutie Mark Chronicles, and the one that Rainbow Dash performs in A Canterlot Wedding — Part 2 are performed when Rainbow Dash is leading with both front legs forward, while in her failed practice attempts she is leading with a single leg. Rarity is incredibly grateful that Dash saved her life, and apologizes to her friend for not minding her anxiety. Rainbow Dash is crowned the winner of the competition and leaves to spend the day with her heroes, the Wonderbolts.

    In A Canterlot Wedding — Part 2, bolting her bridesmaid dress off, she performs a sonic rainboom for the marriage of Cadance and Shining Armor by the request of Princess Celestia. This rainboom, unlike the other two, comes within seconds of taking off, and Dash performs it while flying upward.

    In The Cutie Re-Mark — Part 1 and Part 2, Starlight Glimmer goes back in time to prevent Rainbow Dash from making the first sonic rainboom to prevent the Mane Six from ever creating their special bond. Princess Twilight Sparkle and Spike follow her to attempt to prevent this from happening.

    In the movie, Rainbow boasts about the rainboom to Capper, even offering to perform it, but he turns her down. She later performs it for Captain Celaeno and her crew; unfortunately, this gives away their position to Tempest Shadow.

    In The End in Friend, Rainbow performs a smaller-scale version of the Rainboom while playing Buckball with Rarity.


    In Games Ponies Play, during her flashback as a filly, Rainbow Dash stands on the back of an adult Pegasus stallion with a similarly rainbow-colored mane and tail. The stallion is unnamed in the episode, but he is named Rainbow Blaze and described as Rainbow Dash’s «dashing mentor» in Enterplay’s collectible card game and is also named Rainbow Blaze in the IDW comics.

    Rainbow Dash’s parents are officially introduced in the season seven episode Parental Glideance. They are revealed to be overly supportive of their daughter and inadvertently embarrass her often, causing them to have a delicate relationship.


    Rainbow Dash’s house in Wonderbolts Academy.

    Rainbow Dash’s Cloudominium is first shown in Griffon the Brush Off. She lives in a white cloud-house hanging low to the ground somewhere near Ponyville. It features classical columns and rainbow-colored streams and waterfalls. In Dragonshy, Rainbow Dash uses one of these streams to make rainbow-colored facepaint. Her home appears again in Party of One, with a slightly different design from the first appearance, resembling more of a cloud tower.

    Depiction in Equestria Girls

    Main article: Rainbow Dash (EG)

    My Little Pony Equestria Girls

    Rainbow Dash in Equestria Girls.

    In My Little Pony Equestria Girls, Rainbow Dash accompanies Twilight to her first princess summit in the Crystal Empire, and she witnesses Sunset Shimmer steal Twilight’s crown. In an alternate world, Rainbow’s human counterpart appears as a high school student.

    Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks

    Rainbow briefly appears in the sequel My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks at Twilight’s castle, where she hears the legend of the sirens.

    Equestria Girls: Friendship Games

    Rainbow appears as a pony in the film’s blooper reel giving her human counterpart a ride.

    Equestria Girls: Forgotten Friendship

    In Forgotten Friendship, Rainbow Dash appears on stained glass windows in Canterlot Castle.

    Equestria Girls: Spring Breakdown

    Rainbow appears in Ponyville talking to Stormfeather. When the latter notices a second Rainbow Dash behind her, he faints. When pony Rainbow Dash looks back, she just notices Applejack and waves.

    Depiction in My Little Pony The Movie

    In My Little Pony The Movie, Rainbow Dash and the Wonderbolts are in charge of weather for the Festival of Friendship in Canterlot. When the city is invaded by the Storm King’s forces, led by Tempest Shadow, Rainbow and her friends escape to seek out the «Queen of the Hippos»—later specified to be Queen Novo of the Hippogriffs—for help. During their time on Captain Celaeno’s airship, Rainbow convinces her and her fellow pirates to rebel against the Storm King and return to their swashbuckling ways, but she accidentally draws Tempest’s attention with her sonic rainboom. In the underwater kingdom of Seaquestria, Rainbow and her friends almost convince Novo to help them save their home from the Storm King, but Twilight’s attempted theft of Novo’s Pearl of Transformation gets them banished from Seaquestria.

    Rainbow Dash and the rest of the Mane Six have a falling-out with Twilight over her actions, but they—along with other friends they made during their journey—return to Canterlot to rescue her when she gets captured by Tempest. After sneaking into the city and fighting past the Storm King’s forces, the Mane Six reunite and make amends, and they eventually succeed in defeating the Storm King. In the end, the Friendship Festival resumes, and Rainbow and her friends befriend Tempest.

    Depiction in My Little Pony: Pony Life

    Rainbow Dash appears as one of the main characters in Pony Life.

    Depiction in Generation 5

    Rainbow Dash appears at the beginning of My Little Pony: A New Generation as part of an imagination sequence with Sunny Starscout’s figurines. Her cutie mark is also on a pin on Sunny’s satchel.

    In the My Little Pony: Tell Your Tale episode Foal Me Once, a painting of Rainbow Dash (in the style of real-life painting The Scream) appears on display in an art museum.

    Depiction in comics

    An alternate universe version of Rainbow Dash appears in the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Issue #20 Reflections mini-comic «Elsewhere in alternate Equestria…»

    In Wings Over Yakyakistan, Rainbow Dash is among the Wonderbolts who perform at an airshow in Yakyakistan only for it to come under attack by the dragons.

    In My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Issue #59, Rainbow struggles with Pinkie’s attempts to find a kind of pie she actually likes, with Rainbow eventually turning the tables on Pinkie. In Issue #70, Rainbow tries to entertain the Golden Horseshoe Gals with «extreme bingo».

    In The Fast and the Furriest, Rainbow Dash takes part in the Draytona Breach 500 cart race, enlisting Big McIntosh as her trainer. After seeing Big Mac get challenged by his former friend Silver Streak, Rainbow accepts the challenge on Big Mac’s behalf. During the race, Rainbow unknowingly carries the Mangalese Drake, an artifact stolen from the Dragon Lands, in her cart. Sacks Roamer, the one who stole the artifact, smashes Rainbow’s cart trying to get it back.

    In My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Issue #89, Rainbow Dash chooses Spitfire, Lyra Heartstrings, Sweetie Drops, and Captain Celaeno to join her on a friendship mission to Celaeno’s home, the Parrot Peaks.

    In My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Issue #94, Rainbow travels to Canterlot to help with the preparations for the Festival of the Two Sisters. In Issue #95. she attempts to undo the magical silence inflicted on Canterlot by using the Sonic Rainboom, but it fails.

    Rainbow and her team briefly appear in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Issue #96, dropping off Fluttershy’s team in Abyssinia before moving on to their own destination.

    In My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Issue #100, Rainbow’s team arrives in Orinithia, where they meet the royal family and learn of the Orinithian Elements of Harmony and the legend of the Knights of Harmony. Soon after, they are attacked by Ceridwen, one of the Knights. Rainbow reluctantly leaves her team in order to fly back to Equestria and warn Twilight that the Knights are coming. In Issue #101, Rainbow is seen having her wounds tended to by Mage Meadowbrook. In Issue #102, she aids her friends in the final battle with the Knights of Order.

    In My Little Pony: Friends Forever Issue #6, Rainbow Dash is invited to perform at the Diamond Dog kingdom of Dimondia by Trixie, who actually seeks Dash’s help in escaping her new role as queen.

    In My Little Pony: Generations Issue #1, she and the rest of the School of Friendship teachers struggle with the influx of new students, and welcome three new teachers – Violet Shiver, Black Belle, and Shadow Storm – unaware that they are artificial ponies created by the witches Grackle and Dyre. In Issue #3, she joins her friends in traveling through a portal to the G1 pony world. In Issue #4, she and her friends meet the Dream Valley ponies, and learn about their past encounter with their version of the Smooze. They then return to Ponyville with their new friends. In Issue #5, she witnesses Twilight’s experiment in curing the corrupted ponies, and also takes part in the final battle against the G1 Smooze.

    Rainbow Dash appears on the My Little Pony (2022 comics) Issue #1 cover RI. In Issue #2, she appears in flashback form, with Discord revealing that she and her friends created the Unity Crystals in order to ensure peace in Equestria.

    Other depictions

    Rainbow Dash is voiced by Brittany Lauda in PlayDate Digital’s app Power Ponies.[6]

    Fyodor Golan’s Rainbow Wheel,[19] shown at London Fashion Week in February 2015, has fanart of Rainbow Dash licking.[20][21][22]

    Hasbro.com description

    Capable and athletic, Rainbow Dash lives for adventure! When any problem should arise that involves traveling to distant lands or dealing with a magical, mysterious beast, Rainbow is the first to volunteer! Brave and bold, anypony who has ever seen this rainbow-haired Pegasus in the air has been left in jaw-dropped awe of her speed, agility, and, well, her confidence. She’s quite positive she’s the fastest Pegasus pony alive, and truth be told, she probably is. Yes, she’s a bit proud, and a bit mischievous, and often lazy for somepony obsessed with speed, but when the chips are down, and danger is a-brewing, Rainbow Dash always, always comes through, proving time and time again that she is a true hero!

    Hasbro.com second description

    Rainbow Dash’s greatest, all-consuming passion in life is to fly – FAST! Anyone who has ever seen this rainbow-haired pegasus in the air can’t help but notice her speed, agility, and her confidence. Capable and athletic, Rainbow Dash lives for adventure. One day, Rainbow Dash just knows she’ll earn a position on the elite aerial-acrobatic team, the Wonderbolts! But beyond ambition, Rainbow Dash is known for being absolutely loyal to her friends!

    HubNetwork.com description

    Rainbow Dash lives for adventure! Whenever there’s a problem that involves danger, distant lands, and mysterious beasts, she’s the first to help. She’s bold. She’s brave. She’s also a bit proud and mischievous — but wouldn’t you be too if you were the fastest Pegasus around?

    Teacher for a Day description

    Rainbow Dash is her name and adventure is her game! A true hero, this rainbow-haired Pegasus pony is as fast as they come, flying through the air with jaw-dropping speed! Athletic, brave and confident, she is also a bit mischievous — and always first on the scene wherever danger is at hand. Whether traveling to distant lands or taking on mystery and magic, this pretty pony is ready to fasten her seatbelt for the adventure of a lifetime!

    My Little Pony (mobile game) descriptions

    Rainbow Dash:
    Representing the Element of Loyalty, she is charged with keeping the weather. Her dream is to one day join the Wonderbolts.
    Breezie Rainbow Dash:
    A form that presents a sharp contrast to Dash’s usual gotta-go-fast ethos. (It’s good mental cross-training for her.)
    Camo Dash:
    NOT being noticed goes against most of what Rainbow Dash stands for, but desperate times call for desperate measures.
    Captain Dash:
    Leads the crew of the Universal Rainboom on pulse-pounding interstellar adventures (in a story that Rainbow Dash made up).
    Changeling Rainbow Dash:
    Once tried to shapeshift into a cheetah-peregrine-falcon hybrid in a attempt to set a new speed record! It didn’t go great!
    Dark Changeling Rainbow Dash:
    All those holes in her body really help keep wind resistance to a minimum on quick flights!
    Future Rainbow Dash:
    It isn’t ours to speculate on Rainbow Dash’s future, but a captain’s bars and a good, honest life seem likely.
    Kirin Rainbow Dash:
    Eager to test whether her new horn makes her more aerodynamic than before.
    Lunaverse Rainbow Dash:
    This version of Rainbow Dash had to trim down her mane so it would fit under her scary Lunar Guard helmet. Nightmare Moon is a terrible boss, but she DOES appreciate a close crop!
    New Year’s Parade Rainbow Dash:
    Watch the fireworks with a loyal group of friends.
    Nightmare Rainbow Dash:
    Dreams of being permanently grounded, taken shape.
    Nirik Rainbow Dash:
    Anger means adrenaline, and adrenaline means GOING EVEN FASTER.
    Pie-Hating Rainbow Dash:
    She may only exist in Pinkie’s imagination, but one thing’s for sure: she hates pies with the burning passion of ten thousand suns.
    Pirate Rainbow Dash:
    Being a pirate is pretty much the awesomest thing Rainbow Dash has ever thought of. And she’s thought of a LOT of things.
    Rainbow Bite:
    Rainbow Dash’s new wings may be different than pony wings — but they’re just as fast, and nearly as awesome!
    Rainbow the Flying Reindeer:
    Heroine of Hearth’s Warming stories and songs-and owner of an extremely normal, non-shiny nose.
    Retro Rainbow Dash:
    Totally rocks one sick ‘hawk — more of a powerful statement than a fashion choice.
    Sombraverse Rainbow Dash:
    Rainbow Dash Prime would probably think her alt-historical counterpart’s cyborg wing is REALLY awesome—but it’s actually super itchy and needs constant oiling. War injuries are no joke, guys!
    Supersonic Rainbow Dash:
    The only thing Rainbow Dash is concerned with now is going really fast! Um… even more than usual, we mean!
    Western Rainbow Dash:
    What she wears when she’s challenging a new-fangled steam train to a cross-country race.
    Young Rainbow Dash:
    Just as loyal—but a little more…well, little.

    My Little Pony magazine description

    • Sporty
    • Athletic
    • Adventurous

    This strong mare lives for adventure! Rainbow Dash is the first to volunteer for a dangerous task, the fastest pony in Ponyville and a true pony hero!

    The Elements of Harmony guidebook

    RAINBOW DASH has one great all-consuming passion in life: to fly—FAST!!! Anypony who has ever seen this rainbow-haired Pegasus from Cloudsdale in the air has been in awe of her speed, agility, and confidence. Even in her youth, Rainbow was a fantastic flier, achieving what no other Pegasus had before—the Sonic Rainboom, a rainbow that shot out behind her like a jet stream! When any problem, big or small, arises, this aspiring Wonderbolt is the first to volunteer to save the day. Despite the mischief she causes, her friends are happy to have her around when danger is a-brewing, as Rainbow Dash proves time and time again that she is a true hero and a true friend.

    Volume II guidebook

    Make way for Rainbow Dash! No, seriously, get out of the way—rainbow dash is coming through! As the number-one flier in all Equestria, Rainbow Dash rules the skies as the Pegasus pony supreme. Without her, who’d make sure the weather was awesome all the time? But Rainbow Dash’s skills weren’t always astounding. Learning to focus on her strengths and not her weaknesses took a while. With the help of her friends, as well as her fellow Wonderbolts, Rainbow Dash is as competitive and self-confident as ever. Got an aerial challenge? She’s ready for it! She’ll even throw in a dollop of sass for good measure.

    The Art of My Little Pony The Movie description

    RAINBOW DASH has one great passion: flying—FAST! Anypony who has ever seen this rainbow-haired Pegasus Pony in the air has been in awe of her speed, agility, and confidence. She’s always up for a challenge and meets every adventure head on. Despite her love for stirring up mischief, Rainbow Dash proves time and time again that she is a true hero and a true friend.

    Rainbow Dash represents the Element of Loyalty!

    My Little Pony Essential Handbook

    Rainbow Dash is a brave, loyal and competitive Pegasus. She loves zooming through the skies with the Wonderbolts and challenging her friends to races.


    See also: Character appearances
    Y At least one appearance where the character is the focus of a shot
    S At least one appearance where the character is the focus of a shot, without spoken dialogue or narration
    B Background appearance or an appearance where the character is not the focus
    F At least one appearance where the character is only in a flashback or fantasy-setting
    P No physical appearance, but appears in a photo, drawing, or figure
    M No appearance, but a mention by name or title
    N No appearance and no mention by name or title
    Season one

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    Season two

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    Y Y Y Y N B Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y N Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
    Season three

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    Y Y Y B Y Y Y S Y Y Y Y Y
    Season four

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
    Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y N Y N Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y
    Season five

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
    Y Y Y P Y N Y Y Y N Y P Y Y Y N Y Y Y N Y Y N Y Y Y
    Season six

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
    Y Y N N N Y Y Y Y Y Y S Y Y Y F Y Y F M Y M N Y Y Y
    Season seven

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
    Y Y N N Y P Y N N F Y N N Y N Y N Y Y P P N Y N Y Y
    Season eight

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    Y Y Y Y Y N Y N Y N N Y Y Y Y N Y Y N Y Y P N Y Y Y
    Season nine

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
    Y Y F Y N Y Y P M M M Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y B Y Y N Y Y Y


    «[So] Awesome!«
    — Multiple episodes
    «The one and only. Why? You’ve heard of me?«
    — To Twilight Sparkle, Friendship is Magic, part 1
    «Hey. I could clear this sky in ten seconds flat.«
    — Friendship is Magic, part 1
    «And just what are the Elements of Harmony? And how did you know about Nightmare Moon, huh? Are you a spy?!«
    — Friendship is Magic, part 2
    «Nopony knows! You know why? Because everypony who’s ever come in… has never… come… OUT!«
    — Friendship is Magic, part 2
    «You… thank you for the offer, I mean. But I’m afraid I have to say no.«
    — Friendship is Magic, part 2
    «See? I’d never leave my friends hanging!«
    — To Twilight Sparkle, Friendship is Magic, part 2
    «Time to take out the adorable trash.«
    — Swarm of the Century
    «I hate losing…«
    — Fall Weather Friends
    «You’re not an athlete, you’re a… well… you’re an egghead.«
    — Fall Weather Friends
    «It needs to be about twenty-percent cooler.«
    — Suited For Success
    — Sonic Rainboom
    «My life is ruined!«
    — Sonic Rainboom
    «Most people thought that the Sonic Rainboom was just an old mare’s tail. But that day… The day I discovered racing… I proved that the legends were true. I made the impossible happen!«
    — The Cutie Mark Chronicles
    «I’m… hanging… with the… Wonderbolts!«
    — The Best Night Ever
    «Hey, now wait a minute! Just because I don’t have a pet now doesn’t mean I never want a pet!«
    — May the Best Pet Win!
    «What about super-ultra-extreme-awesomazing?«
    — The Mysterious Mare Do Well
    «Danger’s my middle name. Rainbow ‘Danger’ Dash.«
    — The Mysterious Mare Do Well
    «Reading’s for eggheads like you, Twilight. Heh, no offense, but I am not reading. It’s undeniably, unquestionably, uncool.«
    — Read It and Weep
    «I hate to admit it to myself and would really hate to admit it to my friends, but… I love this story! I, I… I love reading! I’m an egghead.«
    — Read It and Weep
    «I-I don’t even like cake!«
    — MMMystery on the Friendship Express
    — A Canterlot Wedding — Part 2
    «No offense, but it’s not a real campfire story unless somepony’s shaky.«
    — To Scootaloo, Sleepless in Ponyville
    «No disrespect ma’am, but there’s a big difference between pushing yourself as hard as you can, and just being reckless. And if being reckless is what gets rewarded around here, if that’s what it means to be a Wonderbolt, then I don’t want any part of it.«
    — To Spitfire, Wonderbolts Academy
    — Multiple episodes
    «You can’t be tied for the most daring pony!«
    — Castle Mane-ia
    «But that was me! You’re you! And it just doesn’t matter if you can fly or not. Your routine was amazing ’cause it represented exactly what makes Ponyville special. You do still know what that is, right?«
    — To Scootaloo, Flight to the Finish
    «Think of the cider! Won’t somepony please think of the cider?!«
    — Bats!
    «Wow, Applejack. I know your thing is honesty, but come on!«
    — Rarity Takes Manehattan
    «That pony is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an igneous.«
    — About Maud Pie, Maud Pie
    «[blows raspberry] Beneficial for eggheads!«
    — Testing Testing 1, 2, 3
    «And no matter what your sport is, we gotta give it our best because we all got a genuine shot at Ponyville gold.«
    — Equestria Games
    «Ya’ done good squirt!«
    — To Scootaloo, Equestria Games
    «Whoa, whoa, whoa! Is she for real?«
    — The Cutie Map — Part 1
    «Who said anything about anger?! I didn’t say anything about anger! I’m not upset! And I am not angry! Do I look angry?!«
    — Tanks for the Memories
    «Duh! Because I’m a Wonderbolt!«
    — Newbie Dash
    «What would she do without us? Huh. Lemme think. [imitating Rarity] «Darlings, I’m absolutely doomed, doomed, doomed!» [laughs, normal] I sound just like her!«
    — The Saddle Row Review
    «Go, Scootaloo, go! Woo-woo-woo-woo! Uhh, I mean… [nervous laugh] This is the life.«
    — The Cart Before the Ponies
    «Somepony is really gonna have to catch us up on what we missed.«
    — To Where and Back Again — Part 2
    «Mom and Dad, I want you to know that I’m your biggest fan.«
    — Parental Glideance
    «Is it MY fault that I don’t like pies? And not just Pinkie’s pies, all pies.«
    — Secrets and Pies
    «She’s Fluttershy! Everything makes her worry!«
    My Little Pony Best Gift Ever
    «This is delicious! A pony could forget about flying again if these were on the ground.«
    — Eating a piece of special apple pie, My Little Pony Micro-Series Issue #2 page 21
    «Dodging all that flying pie was exhausting.«
    My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Issue #30 page 20
    «I just don’t like pie.«
    My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Issue #59 page 2
    «Wishing you a happy birthday Hub; from the bottom of my heart!«
    — A Hub promo celebrating the channel’s first anniversary of being on
    «It’s time to pony up!«
    — Hub ad bumpers
    «Okay, seriously, why does EVERYPONY grab me by the tail?«
    — Enterplay collectible card game The Crystal Games #118 C card Telekinesis
    «Wow, we’re calling HER in to help? Is the fate of Equestria really worth it?«
    — Enterplay collectible card game Absolute Discord #10 U card of Lightning Dust


    Rainbow Dash wings spread out S3E6.png

    Rainbow Dash image gallery

    See also

    • Toys and merchandise
    • Rainbow Dash (EG)
    • Rainbow Dash on the Collectible Card Game Wiki
    • Rainbow Dash on the Fan Wiki
    • Rainbow Dash on the My Little Pony Gameloft Wiki
    • This article’s speculation page
    • Ponies with a similar name: Rainbow Blaze, Rainbow Flash, Rainbow Harmony, Rainbow Swirl, Rainbow Swoop, Rainbow Wishes, Holly Dash, Island Rainbow, Rainbowshine, Snowdash, Nimbus Dash, Star Dasher, Stardash, and Dapper Dash.[23]


    1. Credits. Lydia Lane. Retrieved on 2018 October 8.
    2. LYDIA LANE. Spotlight. Retrieved on 2018 October 8.
    3. Lydia Lane (2013-06-26). I did a crazy and fun voice over…. Facebook. Retrieved on 2018 October 8.
    4. Lydia Lane. LinkedIn. Retrieved on 2018 October 8.
    5. Lydia Lane (2013-06-26). Lydia Lane on Twitter: «I did a crazy and fun voice over today…recorded the voice of the upcoming toy »Rainbow Dash» — my little pony…». Twitter. Retrieved on 2018 October 8.
    6. 6.0 6.1 Brittany Lauda (2014-07-17). Brittany’s Voice Roles — Brittany Lauda — Voice Actress. Facebook. Retrieved on 2014 July 18.
    7. Calpain (2015-02-12). Equestria Daily: The Struggle of Dubbing My Little Pony — A Behind the Scenes Look. Equestria Daily. Retrieved on 2015 February 12.
    8. 孩之宝商贸(中国)有限公司 (2019-04-14). 微博. Weibo. Archived from the original on 2019-04-15. Retrieved on 2019 April 14.
    9. Lauren Faust (2013-11-29). My Firefly. Inspiration for Rainbow Dash.. Twitter. Retrieved on 2013 December 2.
    10. Amy Keating Rogers (2014-04-05). KeatingRogers: @Half_theBattle Oh my gosh! …. Twitter. Retrieved on 2014 April 6.
    11. Amy Keating Rogers (2014-04-10). KeatingRogers: @UkeUkeable General Firefly …. Twitter. Retrieved on 2014 April 18.
    12. Lauren Faust (2010-11-15). Comment on *fyre-flye’s profile. DeviantArt. Retrieved on 2013 December 19.
    13. Amy Keating Rogers (2014-04-15). KeatingRogers: @karentheunicorn @Half_theBattle …. Twitter. Retrieved on 2014 April 18.
    14. PonyCon 2016 Character Development Panel with Lauren Faust. YouTube (2016-02-18). Retrieved on 2016 March 12.
    15. Jim Miller (2015-01-13). Big Jim on Twitter: «@no_good_names__ @goldenrusset Npt really, but it’s open to interpretation.». Twitter. Retrieved on 2015 January 14.
    16. Lauren Faust on Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo not being related. deviantArt (2011-03-04). Archived locally.
    17. Jim Miller (2017-10-14). 🎃Pump Kin🎃 on Twitter: «@CouchFromEQD I think she did in ‘Sisterhooves Social’.». Twitter. Retrieved on 2017 October 15.
    18. Jim Miller (2017-10-14). 🎃Pump Kin🎃 on Twitter: «@CouchFromEQD She ate it in the spirit of competition! She’ll do almost anything to win!». Twitter. Retrieved on 2017 October 15.
    19. Kaylie Nelson (2015-06-08). Hasbro_Licensing_Expo_2015_Lead_Release_FINAL.pdf. Retrieved on 2015 June 11.
    20. Rainbow Dash Licking Screen. DeviantArt (2012-07-11). Retrieved on 2015 June 11.
    21. images.zip (2015-06-04). Retrieved on 2015 June 11.
    22. Fyodor Golan AW15 Rainbow Wheel — Full Show Video. Vimeo (2015-02-25). Retrieved on 2015 June 11.
    23. Sethisto (2018-08-30). The Two OC’s From HASCON’s Raffle Were Animated in the Finale — Here They Are!. Equestria Daily. Blogger. Retrieved on 2018 August 31.

    v  d  e


    Leading characters (G4)
    Twilight SparkleSpike Applejack Fluttershy Pinkie Pie Rainbow Dash Rarity
    Twilight Sparkle • Spike Applejack Fluttershy Pinkie Pie Rainbow Dash Rarity
    Leading characters (G5)
    Sunny Starscout Izzy Moonbow Hitch Trailblazer Pipp Petals Zipp Storm
    Sunny Starscout Izzy Moonbow Hitch Trailblazer Pipp Petals Zipp Storm
    Supporting characters
    Cutie Mark Crusaders
    Sweetie Belle Apple Bloom Scootaloo
    Babs Seed
    Sweetie Belle Apple Bloom
    Babs Seed



    Princess Celestia • Princess Luna • Princess Platinum • Princess Cadance • Shining Armor • Prince Blueblood • Princess Amore • Prince Rutherford • Flurry Heart • Ember • Princess Skystar • Queen Novo

    The Apple family

    Big McIntosh • Granny Smith • Braeburn • Aunt and Uncle Orange • Hayseed Turnip Truck • Apple Strudel • Auntie Applesauce • Apple Rose • Goldie Delicious • Bright Mac

    The Sparkle family

    Twilight Velvet and Night Light

    The Pie family

    Limestone Pie and Marble Pie • Igneous Rock Pie and Cloudy Quartz • Maud Pie

    The Shy family

    Mr. and Mrs. Shy • Zephyr Breeze

    The Cake family

    Mr. and Mrs. Cake • Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake

    The Rich family

    Diamond Tiara • Filthy Rich • Spoiled Rich

    The Pear family

    Pear Butter • Grand Pear

    School-age ponies

    Silver Spoon • Twist • Snips • Snails • Sunny Daze and Peachy Pie • Pipsqueak • Featherweight • Rumble • Filly Guides • Zipporwhill • Tender Taps • Toola Roola and Coconut Cream • Wind Sprint


    Hoity Toity • Photo Finish • Sapphire Shores • Fancy Pants • Jade Singer • Daring Do • Prim Hemline • Trenderhoof • Coloratura • Zesty Gourmand • Songbird Serenade


    Shadowbolts • Boy Bullies • Diamond Dogs • Flim and Flam • Queen Chrysalis • King Sombra • Lightning Dust • Big Boy and Runt • Sunflower • Mane-iac (henchponies) • Suri Polomare • Lord Tirek • The Dazzlings (Adagio Dazzle • Sonata Dusk • Aria Blaze) • North Star • King Longhorn • Principal Cinch • Wind Rider • Svengallop • Gladmane • The Storm King • Cozy Glow • Sludge • Grogar
    Reformed: Gilda • Trixie • Discord • Ahuizotl • Garble • Larry • Sunset Shimmer • Snips and Snails • Buck Withers • Dr. Caballeron (henchponies) • Starlight Glimmer • Shadow Lock • Juniper Montage • Stygian • Tempest Shadow • Grubber • Wallflower Blush • Chancellor Neighsay • Vignette Valencia • Kiwi Lollipop and Supernova Zap


    Spitfire • Soarin • Blaze • Surprise • Fire Streak • Misty Fly • Silver Zoom • Fleetfoot • High Winds • Thunderlane


    Nurse Redheart • Dr. Horse • Dr. Fauna • Doctor Horse • Nurse ponies

    Pillars of Old Equestria

    Star Swirl the Bearded • Rockhoof • Mistmane • Flash Magnus • Somnambula • Mage Meadowbrook

    Young Six

    Sandbar • Gallus • Smolder • Yona • Ocellus • Silverstream

    Other pony characters

    8-bit • All Aboard • Angel Wings • Autumn Blaze • Barley Barrel • Blossomforth • Bow Hothoof • Bulk Biceps • Chancellor Puddinghead • Charity Sweetmint • Cheerilee • Cheese Sandwich • Cherry Jubilee • Claude • Clear Skies • Clear Sky • Cloud Chaser • Clover the Clever • Coco Pommel • Commander Hurricane • Cookie Crumbles • Coriander Cumin • Davenport • Double Diamond • Fawn Doo • Feather Bangs • Firelight • Flash Sentry • Flax Seed • Fleur de Lis • Flitter • Fluffy Clouds • Gaffer • Gallant True • Gizmo • Golden Gavel • The Headless Horse • Aunt Holiday • Hondo Flanks • Hoofbeard • Hooffield and McColt families • Mr. and Mrs. Hoofington • Inkwell • Inky Rose • Jack Pot • Jet Set • Joe • Junebug • Kerfuffle • Lily Lace • Auntie Lofty • Luster Dawn • Mane Allgood • Marcie Pan • Mare Do Well • Mayor Mare • Method Mares • Moody Root • Moon Dancer • Mr. Breezy • Mr. Paleo • Mr. Stripes • Mrs. Paleo • Ms. Harshwhinny • Ms. Peachbottom • Mudbriar • Night Glider • Open Skies • Party Favor • Petunia Paleo • Petunia Petals • Pickle Barrel • Plaid Stripes • Pony Pickers • The Pony Tones • Ponyacci • Power Ponies • Private Pansy • Quibble Pants • Radiant Hope • Randolph • Roma • Royal guards • Saffron Masala • Sassy Saddles • Sheriff Silverstar • Silver Frames • Silver Shill • Sky Stinger • Smart Cookie • Snap Shutter • Spa ponies • Spearhead • Starstreak • Steamer • Stellar Eclipse • Stellar Flare • Sugar Belle • Sunburst • Sunny Skies • Sunshower • Sunspot • Swan Song • Teddie Safari • Torque Wrench • Tree Hugger • Trouble Shoes • Upper Crust • Vapor Trail • Wheat Grass • Windy Whistles

    Non-pony characters

    Steven Magnet • Zecora • Little Strongheart • Chief Thunderhooves • Cranky Doodle Donkey • Matilda • Iron Will • Gustave le Grand • Mulia Mild • Seabreeze • Scorpan • The Smooze • Grampa Gruff • Greta • Thorax • Pharynx • Capper • Captain Celaeno • Terramar • Tree of Harmony • Sky Beak • Ocean Flow

    Equestria Girls characters

    Humans • The Rainbooms (Fluttershy • Pinkie Pie • Applejack • Rarity • Rainbow Dash) • DJ Pon-3 • Sandalwood • Micro Chips • Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon • Flash Sentry • Miss Cheerilee • Photo Finish • Cutie Mark Crusaders • Principal Celestia • Big McIntosh • Trixie and the Illusions • Granny Smith • Vice Principal Luna • Cranky Doodle • Lyra Heartstrings and Sweetie Drops • Bulk Biceps • Maud Pie • Pony Pickers • Violet Blurr and Pixel Pizzaz • Shadowbolts (Twilight Sparkle (Sci-Twi) • Sunny Flare • Sour Sweet • Indigo Zap • Sugarcoat • Lemon Zest) • Gloriosa Daisy • Timber Spruce • Canter Zoom • Chestnut Magnifico • Zephyr Breeze

    Animal companions

    Constance • Angel • Winona • Opalescence • Gummy • Philomena • Owlowiscious • Harry • Tank • Peewee • Spike • Smoky’s family


    Dragons • Griffons • Parasprites • Phoenixes • Windigos • Timberwolves • Cerberus • Changelings • Plunderseeds • Breezies • Seaponies and mermares

    Background characters
    Earth ponies

    Ace Point • Amira • Apple Brown Betty • Apple Bumpkin • Apple Cider • Apple Cinnamon • Apple Cobbler • Apple Dumpling • Apple Fritter • Apple Honey • Apple Leaves • Apple Munchies • Apple Split • Barber Groomsby • Beauty Brass • Berry Dreams • Berryshine • Bill Neigh • Blueberry Curls • Bumblesweet • Bushel • Business Savvy • Candy Apples • Candy Mane • Caramel • Caramel Apple • Cathy O’Mara • Charged Up • Chelsea Porcelain • Cherry Berry • Cherry Fizzy • Cherry Gold • Count Caesar • Crusoe Palm • Daisy • Dance Fever • Dane Tee Dove • Dr. Hooves • Eclair Crème • Eiffel • Emerald Green • Felix • Fetter Keys • Fiddly Twang • Florina Tart • Gala Appleby • Globe Trotter • Golden Delicious • Golden Harvest • Goldengrape • Green Jewel • Haakim • Half Baked Apple • Hughbert Jellius • Jeff Letrotski • Joan Pommelway • Jonagold • Lady Gaval • Lavender Bloom • Lavender Fritter • Leadwing • Lilac Links • Lily Valley • Long Shot • Luckette • Lucky Clover • Lucky Star • Lyrica Lilac • MandoPony • Meadow Song • Minty • Mjölna • Mr. Greenhooves • Mr. Waddle • Neighl Page • Noteworthy • Octavia Melody • Parcel Post • Parish Nandermane • Peachy Sweet • Pearly Stitch • Pegasus Olsen • Perfect Pace • Perfect Pie • Purple Wave • Pursey Pink • Raven Inkwell • Real Article • Red Delicious • Red Gala • Rivet • Roger Silvermane • Rose • Royal Riff • Ruby Splash • Sand Trap • Savoir Fare • Screwball • Screwy • Sealed Scroll • September • Serena • Shoeshine • Shooting Star • Silver Berry • Sir Pony Moore • Snappy Scoop • Spring Forward • Star Gazer • Star Spur • Strawberry Ice • Sweetie Drops • Tall Order • Tealove • Theodore Donald «Donny» Kerabatsos • Twilight Sky • Vidala Swoon • Walter • Wensley • Wisp • S01E26 Unnamed Earth Mare #1


    Big Shot • Buddy • Celena • Cloud Kicker • Compass Star • Crafty Crate • Derpy • Diamond Rose • Drizzle • Eff Stop • Fast Clip • Foggy Fleece • Helia • Honey Rays • Jack Hammer • Jetstream • Lilac Sky • Lily Blossom • Mane Moon • Meadow Flower • Merry May • Orange Swirl • Parasol • Pizzelle • Prim Posy • Rainbow Blaze • Rainbow Swoop • Rainbowshine • Sassaflash • Serenity • Silver Script • Silverspeed • Spring Step • Sprinkle Medley • Star Hunter • Starburst • Starry Eyes • Stormfeather • Strawberry Sunrise • Sugar Grape • Sunny Rays • Sunshower Raindrops • Surprise • Thorn • Tracy Flash • Warm Front • Whiplash • White Lightning • Whitewash • Wild Fire


    Amethyst Star • Apple Stars • Banana Fluff • Bittersweet • Blue Moon • Burning Heart • Cayenne • Charm • Cherry Spices • Citrus Blush • Comet Tail • Dark Moon • Diamond Mint • DJ Pon-3 • Electric Sky • Fine Line • Firecracker Burst • Four Step • Holly Dash • Juno • Lemon Hearts • Lemony Gem • Love Melody • Lyra Heartstrings • Magnet Bolt • Minuette • Moonlight Raven • Neon Lights • North Point • Peachy Pitt • Pinny Lane • Ponet • Press Release • Rainbow Stars • Rare Find • Royal Pin • Royal Ribbon • Sea Swirl • Silver Spanner • Star Bright • Sunshine Petals • Sunshine Smiles • Sweetcream Scoops • Top Marks • Twinkleshine • Whoa Nelly • Written Script

    Crystal Ponies

    Amethyst Maresbury • Autumn Gem • Bright Smile • Crystal Beau • Elbow Grease • Fleur De Verre • Ivory Rook • Night Knight • Rubinstein • Sapphire Joy


    Apple Flora • Aura • Bolt • Button Mash • Candy Caramel Tooth • Cotton Cloudy • Dinky Doo • Finish Line • Hairpin Turn • Liza Doolots • Mango Dash • Natural Satellite • Noi • Piña Colada • Princess Erroria • Rainy Feather • Ruby Pinch • Saturnalia • Shady Daze • Strike • Sweet Pop • Tornado Bolt • Truffle

    Non-pony characters


    Equestria Girls characters

    Derpy • Octavia Melody

    For this character’s human counterpart or the song by Sia, see Rainbow Dash (EG) and Rainbow (song).
    Rainbow Dash
    • Main

    • Future

    • Pegasus

    • Filly

    • Infant

    Rainbow Dash Wonderbolt fantasy cropped S1E3.png

    Rainbow Dash – element of loyalty

    Filly Rainbow Dash S1E23.png

    Rainbow Dash as a filly in The Cutie Mark Chronicles

    Rainbow Dash infant ID S7E7.png

    A photo of Rainbow Dash as an infant in Parental Glideance

    Future Rainbow Dash ID S9E26.png

    Future Rainbow Dash in The Last Problem

    Kind Pegasus
    Sex Female
    Residence Cloudominium over Ponyville
    Cloudsdale (formerly)
    Occupation Ponyville weather patrol
    Wonderbolt (trainee starting in S3E7; reservist starting in S4E21; full member as of S6E7)
    School of Friendship loyalty teacher (S8E1 onward)
    Council of Friendship member (S9E26)
    Other links
    • Rainbow Dash image gallery
    • Appearances gallery
    • Speculation forum
    More info
    Eyes Moderate cerise
    Mane Brilliant amaranth
    Brilliant vermilion
    Pale, light grayish olive
    Moderate harlequin
    Moderate cerulean
    Moderate purple
    Coat Pale, light grayish cerulean
    Birthday April 14[8]
    Nicknames Dashie, RD, Dash, Speedy, Rainbow Crash, Rainbow Wobble, Rainbow «Danger» Dash, Rainbow «Professionalism» Dash, Zapp, Captain Awesome, Dynamic Dash, Forthright Filly, Reading Rainboom, Care Mare, Rainbow Fash, Rainbows «The Best Flyer There Ever Was» Dash, Rainbows, Daring Dash, The Dashinator, Blue Begonia, Miss Dash ‘Bow, Dashinator, Rainbow Flash, The Dash, Rainbow Smash, Dashie-kins, Professor Egghead, Rd (The Periodic Table of My Little Pony)
    Relatives Bow Hothoof (father)
    Windy Whistles (mother)
    Cutie mark
    Blue-yellow-red lightning bolt with cloud
    Voice Ashleigh Ball (English)
    Lydia Lane[1][2] (​[​specify​]​, Flip & Whirl​[​citation needed​]​ talking toy)[3][4][5]
    Brittany Lauda (English, My Little Pony: Power Ponies)[6]
    Lin Peiling (Chinese for Taiwan, seasons 1-4, Equestria Girls)
    Chen Kaili (Mandarin Chinese for Taiwan, season 5 onwards)
    Fan Churong (Chinese for mainland China)
    Wei Yimeng (Chinese for mainland China, My Little Pony The Movie)
    Cheng Ka Wai (Cantonese for Hong Kong)
    Tan Meiqiong (Cantonese for Hong Kong, DVD version)
    Zuzana Hykyšová (Czech)
    René Slováčková (Czech, demo version)
    Annevig Schelde Ebbe (Danish)
    Karina Mertens (Dutch)
    Katja Sirkiä (Finnish)
    Melanie Dambermont (European French)
    Marianne Verville (Canadian French, My Little Pony The Movie)
    Giuliana Jakobeit (German, seasons 1-3, Equestria Girls and Rainbow Rocks)
    Tanja Schmitz (German, season 4)[7]
    Zita Gruber (Hungarian)
    Sri Hastuti (Indonesian, seasons 2-5)
    Siwi Dwi Iswanti (Indonesian, Equestria Girls)
    Clara Dewanti (Indonesian, season 6 onward)
    Federica Valenti (Italian)
    Izumi Kitta (Japanese, seasons 1-2 and Equestria Girls)
    Shinobu Izumi (Japanese, season 3)
    Cho Hyun-jeong (Korean)
    Nirayu Zuhdi (Malaysian, seasons 2-5)
    Anniken Marie Nielsen (Norwegian)
    Agnieszka Mrozińska (Polish)
    Sílvia Suzy (Brazilian Portuguese)
    Andressa Andreatto (Brazilian Portuguese, demo version; first line in S2E8)
    Raquel Marinho (Brazilian Portuguese, toy)
    Sandra de Castro (European Portuguese)
    Carina Chereji (Romanian)
    Raluca Botez (Romanian, Equestria Girls)
    Yelena Chebaturkina (Russian, seasons 1-4, Equestria Girls, and Rainbow Rocks)
    Lina Ivanova (Russian, season 5 onward)
    Tatiana Veselkina (Russian, The Movie)
    Aleksandra Širkić (Serbian, Minimax)
    Jelena Petrović (Serbian, Mini Ultra)
    Eva Ordeig (European Spanish)
    Analiz Sánchez (Latin American Spanish, TV version)
    Mariana Ortiz (Latin American Spanish, one quote in S1E9)
    Maggie Vera (Latin American Spanish, S1E3 (DVD and demo version) and promos)
    Frida Sandén (Swedish, demo version)
    Jill Wrethagen (Swedish, TV/retail version)
    Thunwa Pakdeeumnat (Thai)
    Patsaran Reuannaak (Thai, The Movie)
    Yulia Perenchuk (Ukrainian, seasons 1-3)
    Anastasia Zinovenko (Ukrainian, season 4 onwards, Equestria Girls and Rainbow Rocks)
    Tina Hänsch (German)
    Nabila Najwa (Indonesian, season 1)
    Hasmarina Ifa (Indonesian, Dance Magic backing voice)
    Renata Bertolas (Italian, seasons 1-3)
    Paola Della Pasqua (Italian, Find A Pet Song)
    Mônica Toniolo (Brazilian Portuguese, season 1)
    Andressa Andreatto (Brazilian Portuguese, season 2)
    Sívilia Suzy (Brazilian Portuguese, season 3)
    Corina Sabbas (Brazilian Portuguese, season 4)
    Veridiana Benassi (Brazilian Portuguese)
    Raquel Marinho (Brazilian Portuguese, toy)
    Carina Marin (Romanian, S1E11)
    Anca Sigmirean (Romanian, S4E7)
    Kristina Romanskaya (Russian, seasons 6 and 8, Best Gift Ever)
    Alena Svetlakova (Russian, season 7)
    Ana Milenković (Serbian, Mini Ultra)
    Anneli Heed (Swedish)
    Thunwa Pakdeeumnat (Thai, seasons 1 -7)
    Araya Marit (Thai, seasons 8-9)

    Rainbow Dash is a female Pegasus pony and one of the main characters in My Little Pony Friendship is Magic. She maintains the weather and clears the skies in Ponyville. As a huge fan of the Wonderbolts, she becomes a reservist member of the elite flying group in Testing Testing 1, 2, 3 and a full member in Newbie Dash. In Sonic Rainboom, Rarity and Princess Celestia both declare that she is the best flier in all of Equestria. Rainbow Dash has a pet tortoise named Tank, whom she chooses out of Fluttershy’s offered animals in the episode May the Best Pet Win! She represents the element of loyalty.

    Development and design

    Lauren Faust was inspired to create Rainbow Dash by her childhood toy G1 Pegasus pony Firefly.[9] Rainbow Dash shares her name and color scheme with a fashionista Earth pony from G3 and G3.5, however, Faust gave her the personality of her favorite G1 pony, Firefly. Faust originally gave Rainbow Dash a cutie mark of two blue lightning bolts like Firefly’s, which was changed to a single wide three-colored lightning bolt—used for one shot in Dragonshy, for part of one shot in The Mysterious Mare Do Well, and for some other material—and then to the current cutie mark design, a cloud with a slightly-curved three-colored lightning bolt. After Faust left the show, G4 Pegasus mare/stallion General Firefly was named after Faust’s Twitter and DeviantArt username «Fyre_flye»[10][11]/»fyre-flye», in turn named after G1 Pegasus mare Firefly.[12][13] Faust gave Rainbow Dash messy hair and straight eyelashes to hint at her dynamic nature.[14]

    Rainbow Dash shares her design and eye color with Daring Do and WCE Unnamed Mare — Jouster, her design with Skywishes, Sugar Grape, Lucky Dreams, Sweetsong, Breezie, Feathermay, Periwinkle, Star Dasher, and sometimes Ploomette and Banana Bliss, her mane and tail style with Holly Dash, «Doseydotes», «Ballad», Léon, and Roku-chan, her mane style with Andrea, her tail style with «Sunstone», and her coat and eye colors with Shoeshine, Eclair Crème, Screwy, «Turf», «Bloo», «Tough Love», and Micro 02 Unnamed Mare — Alicorn.

    On January 13, 2015, Jim Miller and Jayson Thiessen were asked «is that orange hair on rainbow supposed to be there in the lower left?» and Jim Miller answered «Npt[sic] really, but it’s open to interpretation.»[15]

    Depiction in the series


    Equestria Games announcement

    Filly Rainbow Dash on Rainbow Blaze’s head.

    Rainbow Dash has a flashback in Games Ponies Play to an event in Cloudsdale where she is a young filly without a cutie mark. She is accompanied by Rainbow Blaze, a stallion who has similar rainbow-colored mane and tail as her and a similar blue coat, with a rainbow-colored cutie mark. They are standing in the crowd listening to an announcement about where the Equestria Games will take place. When Dash hears that the Games won’t take place in Cloudsdale, she cries out in disappointment.

    This disappointment is somewhat assuaged later when young Rainbow was selected to carry Cloudsdale’s flag in the Equestria Games opening ceremony. She boastfully claims in Flight to the Finish that she «did tricks with that flag the likes of which nopony saw before and nopony’s seen since!»

    Cutie mark

    Rainbow Dash, as a filly, in a Pegasus race.

    Rainbow Dash mentions in Call of the Cutie that she was the first in her class to get her cutie mark. She tells the Cutie Mark Crusaders in The Cutie Mark Chronicles the story of how she got her cutie mark. Her story is set in summer flight camp, where she defends Fluttershy from a pair of bullies, who refer to Rainbow Dash as «Rainbow Crash», which she is also nicknamed by Spike in Bridle Gossip. One of the bullies, Hoops, already has his cutie mark, where Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy do not. She challenges the two bullies to a flying Pegasus race, and in the ensuing contest she discovers her passion for speed and for «winning,» in her words. Going through the race course, she performs her very first sonic rainboom, not only gaining her own cutie mark, but also inadvertently setting in motion the events that would cause Fluttershy and her future Ponyville friends to gain their own cutie marks.

    The Cutie Mark Crusaders

    Despite earning her cutie mark in an endeavor that came naturally to her, Rainbow Dash advises Apple Bloom to try out many different activities to gain her cutie mark in Call of the Cutie, leading the filly and her friends to pursue their cutie marks in the wrong avenues. When coaching Apple Bloom in Call of the Cutie, Rainbow Dash dons a sports headband, a whistle, and later a martial arts uniform with a black belt when Apple Bloom tries karate.

    Scootaloo, the Pegasus pony of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, idolizes Rainbow Dash. While Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle are the younger sisters of two ponies from the main cast, Applejack and Rarity, respectively, Scootaloo is not related to Rainbow Dash.[16] Rainbow Dash affectionately calls Scootaloo «squirt» in The Mysterious Mare Do Well and Equestria Games, and appears alongside Rarity and Applejack to congratulate the Cutie Mark Crusaders for their performance in The Show Stoppers.

    Rainbow Dash saves Scootaloo.

    In Sleepless in Ponyville, Scootaloo invites Rainbow Dash on a camping trip so that they can bond more. However, when Rainbow Dash decides to tell everyone ghost stories, Scootaloo begins to have nightmares about the frightening fables; yet she is too afraid to tell Rainbow Dash, since the filly does not want her to think she’s a wimp. When Scootaloo rides on her scooter in the middle of the night, trying to run away from the Headless Horse from one of the stories, she accidentally falls into the river and almost falls down a waterfall. Rainbow Dash rescues her, and then learns the truth about why Scootaloo has been acting nervous during the trip. She comforts Scootaloo, saying that even she was scared when she heard those stories, and she agrees to take care of her as a big sister figure.

    In Flight to the Finish, Rainbow Dash coaches the Crusaders for their competition to carry the flag at the upcoming Equestria Games. She wears a baseball cap and a whistle during the majority of this episode, like in May the Best Pet Win! and Hurricane Fluttershy. When Scootaloo is unhappy with the fact she can’t fly, Rainbow Dash tells Scootaloo that she doesn’t need to fly to be awesome.

    In Crusaders of the Lost Mark, Rainbow Dash joins Applejack and Rarity in congratulating the Crusaders for finally earning their cutie marks, personally telling Scootaloo how proud she is of her.

    In The Washouts, Rainbow Dash tries to stop Scootaloo from idolizing Lightning Dust’s titular stunt team, only to make Scootaloo resent her. After rescuing Scootaloo on her debut as a stuntpony, Rainbow Dash makes amends with the filly.

    Weather patrol

    Kicking clouds.

    Rainbow Dash manages the weather in Ponyville. She keeps the skies free of clouds for the Summer Sun Celebration, and apparently, unless the weekly rainfall is scheduled for that day of course, makes sure that Ponyville has nice weather, although in the opening of Bridle Gossip, Spike states that she rarely gets up early in the morning to get a start on it.

    The Wonderbolts

    Rainbow Dash is one of several ponies badgering Twilight for the extra ticket to the Grand Galloping Gala, in The Ticket Master. Her reason is a chance to draw the attention of the Wonderbolts, who perform there every year. She persists, even when Twilight calls her out on it, and when all her other friends say they don’t need the ticket. The Wonderbolts attend the Gala in The Best Night Ever, where they mingle with the guests in a V.I.P. section. Dash doesn’t manage to secure their attention, despite her several attempts.

    Rainbow Dash as a Wonderbolt Academy cadet.

    Rainbow Dash is accepted into the Wonderbolt Academy for a week. She makes friends with a Pegasus pony named Lightning Dust and is paired with her by the captain of the Wonderbolts, Spitfire, to complete the boot camp exercises. In the challenge of obliterating the clouds, Lightning Dust tries to complete the task quicker by creating a tornado. Unfortunately, the tornado almost hurts Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack and Fluttershy when they come to visit her in the hot air balloon. Rainbow Dash saves them just in time and chews out Lightning Dust for her recklessness. She decides to quit the academy, thinking that cadets are rewarded for being reckless. Spitfire soon catches up to her and informs her that being the best should never come at the expense of one’s fellow ponies. Being elite isn’t about pushing oneself, it’s about pushing oneself in the right direction, which Rainbow Dash has demonstrated. Because of this, she is promoted to lead pony.

    In Rarity Investigates!, Rainbow Dash, being a reserve for the Wonderbolts, is chosen as a stand in for a show if a Wonderbolt is unable to perform. In the end, she takes part in the performance in place of Wind Rider.

    In Newbie Dash, Rainbow Dash becomes a full-fledged member of the Wonderbolts, despite being saddled with her old nickname «Rainbow Crash».


    Main article: Tank

    Tank «kissing» Rainbow Dash.

    Rainbow Dash is the last of the main ponies to have a pet introduced in the series, only gaining her pet, Tank the tortoise, in the episode May the Best Pet Win! in the second season. While at first Dash looks down on Tank for not being as fast, agile, or «awesome» as her other prospective pets, she eventually picks him over the others for his loyalty. While all the other prospective pets hurried to the finish line and ignored Dash’s calls for help, Tank rescues her by releasing her trapped wing from under a boulder. He carries her all the way to the finish line, and secures his place as her pet for being the only competitor that crosses the finish line with her, as she had specified before the race.

    At the end of May the Best Pet Win!, Tank is fitted with a propeller and flight goggles so he can fly and keep up with Rainbow Dash. Rainbow maintains a mostly professional attitude about him around others and is embarrassed when he displays affection towards her in Just for Sidekicks. Despite this, she reciprocates Tank’s affection in the same episode but only does so when no one else is looking.

    In Tanks for the Memories, Rainbow Dash displays a strong affection towards Tank, to the point where she is unwilling to accept Tank’s hibernation and tries to prevent it by stopping winter, though all of her efforts fail. She breaks down crying after Fluttershy bluntly states that she will spend her winter without a pet, but then she finally accepts Tank’s hibernation.



    The Shadowbolts test Rainbow Dash’s loyalty by offering her fame and power.

    In Friendship is Magic, part 2, Nightmare Moon tests Rainbow Dash’s loyalty by creating an illusion of an elite flying team called the Shadowbolts. The Shadowbolts offer Rainbow Dash a position among them, provided that she abandons her friends and their quest to find the Elements of Harmony. Rainbow Dash chooses to stay with her friends. When they confront Nightmare Moon in the Castle of the Two Sisters, Twilight Sparkle declares that Rainbow Dash represents the element of loyalty.

    «Rainbow Dash, who could not abandon her friends for her own heart’s desire, represents the spirit of loyalty!«
    — Twilight Sparkle

    Rainbow Dash’s loyalty is tested in The Return of Harmony Part 1. Discord shows Rainbow Dash a vision of Cloudsdale falling apart in her absence, convincing her to abandon her friends in the Canterlot castle maze.

    In Rainbow Falls, Rainbow Dash faces a choice between flying with the prestigious Wonderbolts and the Ponyville team at the Equestria Games’ flying relay competition. She secretly practices with the Wonderbolts at first but ultimately decides to stay with the Ponyville team.

    In The Cutie Re-Mark — Part 2, in an alternate-timeline Equestria ruled by Nightmare Moon, Rainbow Dash is one of her loyal royal guards. She demands that Twilight give Nightmare Moon the information that she wants to know.


    «Turns out the only thing I liked more than flying fast… was winning!»

    Rainbow Dash describes her passion for winning in a flashback in The Cutie Mark Chronicles. She races several times with Gilda, her old friend from Junior Speedster flight camp, in Griffon the Brush Off.

    In Fall Weather Friends, Rainbow Dash loses a game of horseshoes to Applejack, and says she hates losing. She then challenges Applejack in the Iron Pony competition. In several rounds, she uses her wings to give herself an unfair advantage. During the Running of the Leaves, Rainbow Dash continues to use underhand tactics even though her wings are tied down. Applejack retaliates with tricks of her own, and both end up tying for last place. They realize that their competitive streaks got the better of them, and apologize to each other and Princess Celestia before amicably running the race again. Despite this, she and Applejack fall back into being overly-competitive with each other many times more over the course of the series.

    In Rainbow Falls, Rainbow Dash comes to the conclusion that even though she loves winning, she loves her friends «waaaaay more.»


    Rainbow Dash displays confidence in herself and her physical abilities in multiple episodes. In Boast Busters, when Applejack and Rarity criticize Trixie for showing off magic tricks and looking down on other ponies, Rainbow Dash adds, «Especially when ya got me around being better than the rest of us.»

    In Sonic Rainboom, Rainbow Dash is confident about her performance in the upcoming Best Young Flyer Competition until Rarity’s magical butterfly wings get a lot of attention and admiration. Despite her insecurities, Rainbow Dash successfully pulls off the sonic rainboom and wins the competition.

    A crowd cheering for Rainbow Dash.

    In The Mysterious Mare Do Well, Rainbow Dash is venerated by Ponyville after performing heroic deeds around town, one of which being saving Aura from a deserted well. She basks in the attention of the townsfolk and her official fan club (led by Scootaloo) and becomes over-confident in herself. A mysterious cloaked pony starts one-upping Rainbow Dash’s feats. Rainbow Dash eventually finds out that the cloaked pony was actually her friends in disguise, teaching her a lesson about keeping her pride in check.


    Rainbow Dash and Applejack snicker at Twilight Sparkle for running a race with them in Fall Weather Friends, calling her an «egghead» for joining a race with no prior running experience except reading a book on the topic.

    Upon seeing Rarity wear a scarf for a mountain expedition in Dragonshy, Rainbow Dash sarcastically says, «That’ll keep you nice and cozy.» Later in the episode, Rainbow Dash expresses her annoyance and frustration when Fluttershy panics over minor obstacles in the trail.

    Rainbow Dash begrudgingly lets Rarity give her a makeover in Swarm of the Century with a frown on her face. When Twilight Sparkle tries to convince Rarity that she’s not a laughing stock in Suited For Success, Rainbow Dash bluntly says, «She kind of is.»

    Rainbow Dash’s bluntness isn’t always called for, though. She calls a dragon lame after seeing it do a trick in Dragon Quest, but then gets her coat singed after nearly getting burnt by another dragon’s fire breath. She also teases Spike about his maid outfit in the same episode before being scolded by Rarity.

    In both parts of The Crystal Empire, Rainbow Dash interacts gruffly and even aggressively with some of the Crystal Ponies, first when she and her friends are interviewing the locals on how to keep the Empire safe, and later when she scares them away from the fake Crystal Heart. Later on in the second half, in an effort to keep the Crystal Faire going, she forces a hesitant Fluttershy to joust with her, and even tries to guilt her into continuing when Fluttershy voices her discomfort. In Keep Calm and Flutter On, she calls both Fluttershy and Applejack «slackers» when she comes to fetch them upon Princess Celestia’s arrival, even though they were preoccupied with something to begin with.

    Rainbow Dash has also been known to make snide remarks about Twilight’s interests and habits, such as in Three’s A Crowd when she calls the Star Swirl the Bearded Traveling Museum that Twilight was planning to attend with Princess Cadance «lame».


    In an effort to make the royal guards break their silence, Rainbow Dash tries silly faces.

    Rainbow Dash tries to spook her friends when they venture into the Everfree Forest for the first time, claiming that no pony has ever made it back out of the forest. Her reputation as a prankster is established in Griffon the Brush Off, where she and Pinkie Pie prank various ponies, and is further enforced in A Bird in the Hoof, when she tries to make the royal guards laugh, and in 28 Pranks Later, when she pulls a continuous string of pranks on the ponies of Ponyville.

    Rainbow Dash plays several pranks on her friend Gilda in Griffon the Brush Off, which were set up for Gilda’s party but are not specifically aimed at her. For the majority of the time when Gilda is visiting Ponyville, Rainbow Dash is unaware that the griffon is being callous and rude to the other ponies, but the pranks at the party get the best of Gilda, and she loses her temper in front of Rainbow Dash. After witnessing this side of her personality, she calls her out on her behavior and sends her on her way. Dash uses a cloud to create thunder and lightning to scare Spike in the same episode. She does the same to Pinkie Pie and various other ponies in Luna Eclipsed while dressed as a Shadowbolt, laughing at the ponies she frightens. She tells Twilight Sparkle that Nightmare Night «is the best night of the year for pranks» and that «it’s all in good fun». She then hurries off to scare another group of ponies, which she continues doing until Princess Luna gives her a taste of her own medicine in the end. She also displays this in It’s About Time, taking advantage of Twilight’s worrying to spook her, along with Spike.

    In Flight to the Finish, Rainbow Dash acts overly enthusiastic in front of Ms. Harshwhinny as she addresses Cheerilee’s class, causing Harshwhinny to scold her for being unprofessional.

    In 28 Pranks Later, Rainbow Dash gets carried away with her love of pranks and targets nearly everyone in town; some of her more extreme jokes include disguising herself as a dragon-like monster to frighten Fluttershy, replacing Cranky Doodle Donkey’s hairpiece with a live skunk, and putting a brick in Mr. Cake’s sandwich. Only when her friends prank her back does Dash realize that pranks have their limits.


    «Rainbow Dash: super softie.»

    Rainbow Dash is often self-conscious in regards to how she appears in front of others. She often dismisses things, activities, and certain mannerisms considered to be feminine, though this is at times merely a front. Near the end of The Last Roundup, Rainbow briefly cries over Applejack’s reconciliation with her friends, and she catches herself for «acting all sappy».

    In Ponyville Confidential, Rainbow Dash laments over having a slanderous article printed about her in the Foal Free Press. In Just for Sidekicks, she only shows affection toward Tank when no one is looking.

    In The Crystal Empire — Part 2, she eagerly agrees with Applejack’s suggestion to do a jousting demo for the Crystal Ponies, claiming that «seeing her awesomeness has a way of putting ponies into a pretty good mood». When her selected opponent, Fluttershy, is overwhelmed in the first round, Dash grudgingly assures her that she’ll «take it easy on her next time», then catches herself and adds, «But not too easy. I’ve got a reputation to maintain!»

    Despite this, Rainbow Dash has moments in which she displays femininity, fragility, and culturedness, sometimes unintentionally. In Castle Mane-ia, she shows intense fear while exploring the abandoned Castle of the Two Sisters with Applejack. In Rarity Takes Manehattan, she has an appreciation for musicals. In Applejack’s «Day» Off, she enjoys pampering herself regularly at the Ponyville Day Spa.

    Love of books

    Main article: Read It and Weep

    Rainbow Dash develops her new interest in reading.

    Rainbow Dash discovers her love of reading in the episode Read It and Weep. When Twilight first offers her a book to read during her stay at the hospital, she rejects it and testily tosses away the book, saying, «I’m a world-class athlete. Reading’s for eggheads like you, Twilight.» After a short boredom montage, she picks up the book and becomes immersed in the adventures of the book’s titular character, Daring Do. Not wanting to admit she is an «egghead,» she hides her new hobby from her friends. When she is discharged from the hospital, she tries to sneak back in and finish reading the book. She is chased and eventually caught, and she admits she was after the book. Twilight Sparkle lends her personal copy of the book to Rainbow Dash. The episode concludes with her finishing the book and excitedly picking up another one from a small stack, entitled Daring Do and the Griffon’s Goblet. She reads more Daring Do books in A Friend in Deed and Too Many Pinkie Pies.

    In Spike at Your Service, she mentions that she’s writing a novel, one which is about «this awesome Pegasus who’s the best flyer ever and becomes the captain of the Wonderbolts»; Rarity sarcastically wonders about the «ingeniously woven intricate» tale’s inspiration.

    In Daring Don’t, Rainbow Dash is as passionate about reading as Twilight; as they argue over whether or not to help the real Daring Do, they refer to the complex storylines of her books in detail.

    In Trade Ya!, Rainbow reveals that she has an almost complete collection of first edition Daring Do books, seeking to get the final one at the Rainbow Falls Traders Exchange. She finally achieves this goal but decides against it, as the final trade required Fluttershy to leave Ponyville to train an Orthros. On the way home, Twilight gives Rainbow an old copy of the book she was seeking. Rainbow considers it just as good, as she can read it with all her friends.


    Rainbow Dash, with her shades. From Lesson Zero.

    Rainbow Dash wears a pair of black-tinted glasses several times in the show; in Lesson Zero when Dash and her friends gather for a picnic, in May the Best Pet Win! when Dash states that her pet must have substantial «radicalness» and when she is questioned by Twilight Sparkle for not explaining the difference between «awesomeness,» «coolness,» and «radicalness», in The Mysterious Mare Do Well when she is bragging about her heroic acts, in Too Many Pinkie Pies while sunning herself by the lake, and in Rainbow Falls, while practicing with Spitfire and Fleetfoot. Rainbow uses her shades to hide the fact that she was sleeping during Twilight’s lecture in Testing Testing 1, 2, 3. Rainbow also uses her shades in order to «act casual» in Equestria Games. In Fame and Misfortune, she wears these shades to evade crowds of fanponies, and wears them during one shot of the song Flawless.

    Dash wears a different pair of purple slotted shades in Tanks for the Memories.

    Food and beverage preferences

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    Beginning with The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000, a recurring gag shows Rainbow Dash’s obsession with apple cider, more specifically, the cider produced by Applejack and her family at Sweet Apple Acres. Throughout the episode, she is always denied a single mug of cider due to circumstances beyond her control, whether it be the Apple family running out, or getting a Flim Flam brothers cider taken away from her. In Bats!, Rainbow’s priorities are made clear when she hears that after the last fruit bat infestation, there was not a single drop of cider. In Castle Sweet Castle, Rainbow perks up when Applejack mentions cider. In Shadow Play — Part 2, Rainbow shares some cider with Flash Magnus. This gag even extends into My Little Pony The Movie, where Applejack offers free samples of cider at the Friendship Festival, and Rainbow repeatedly grabs, and gorges down, multiple samples. In Ponyville Mysteries Issue 4, Rainbow pours cider straight from the tap into her mouth.


    Rainbow Dash enjoys a piece of special apple pie in Micro-Series Issue 2, implicitly eats a pie during the Sisterhooves Social[17] in Brotherhooves Social,[18] has disliked pie for years as of Secrets and Pies, and states that she «do[es]n’t like it because it’s pie» in Friendship is Magic Issue 59.



    The «rainblow dry.»

    Rainbow Dash demonstrates her remarkable talent for flying throughout the show. In The Cutie Mark Chronicles, she says she got her cutie mark when she performed her first sonic rainboom when she was a young filly.

    In The Ticket Master, Rainbow Dash dreams of impressing the Wonderbolts at the Grand Galloping Gala with flying feats such as the «rainblow dry,» the «super-speed strut,» the «fantastic filly flash,» and the «buccaneer blaze.» She gets to meet the Wonderbolts in Sonic Rainboom after Princess Celestia declares her the champion of the Best Young Flyers Competition. She also performs the sonic rainboom in this episode.

    In May the Best Pet Win!, Rainbow Dash performs dangerous stunts to demonstrate a flying course through the Ghastly Gorge. She flies through giant bramble patches and dodges attacking quarray eels.


    Rainbow Dash clears a cloudy sky in Friendship is Magic, part 1 by kicking the clouds with her hind legs. She leads water drops out of a cloud in Boast Busters, and creates a rainbow above her when the droplets splash against her. She teams up with other Pegasus ponies in Winter Wrap Up to create a whirlwind that sucks away clouds and snow from Ponyville, and she creates a tornado to vacuum the parasprites in Swarm of the Century.

    In Hurricane Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash coordinates and leads the Ponyville Pegasi team responsible for creating a hurricane that lifts water to the Cloudsdale weather factory for the rainy season. During this time, Rainbow Dash’s wing power was measured at 16.5, while most of the other Pegasi’s wing power could barely measure more than 10.

    Rainbow Dash helps Twilight Sparkle learn to fly in Princess Twilight Sparkle — Part 1.

    In Testing Testing 1, 2, 3, Rainbow Dash focuses on several things at once while in flight. When she’s in the air, she monitors the ground and sky for trouble and makes note of everything she sees and hears. With this hidden talent of hers, Rainbow retains all that she learns about the history of the Wonderbolts and passes the entrance exam to join the Wonderbolts Reserves.

    In Rarity Investigates!, Rainbow Dash states that she does not «have the endurance to go long distances.»

    Sonic rainboom

    Main article: Sonic rainboom (event)

    Rainbow Dash practicing for a sonic rainboom.

    Rainbow Dash tries to perform a sonic rainboom in the episode Sonic Rainboom, in an effort to win the Best Young Fliers competition. Fluttershy confides to her friends that Rainbow Dash was unable to perform the move in her many practice trials. Nonetheless, Rainbow Dash heads to Cloudsdale to participate in the competition, accompanied by Fluttershy as moral support.

    Much to their surprise, their wingless friends have decided to follow them with the aid of Twilight’s cloud-walking spell, easing Rainbow’s fears. However, Twilight had also given Rarity beautiful butterfly wings, which led her to steal the spotlight. As a result, Rainbow Dash loses her nerve and tries to delay her performance. As the competition draws to a close, however, she decides that she must perform anyway.

    Dash messes up the first two rounds of her performance, hitting an obstacle and accidentally sending a cloud hurtling in Princess Celestia’s direction. Due to time constraints, Rarity performs alongside Rainbow Dash, and delivers her grand finale, which involves flying up to the sun and beaming her wings. However, her fragile wings, made of «gossamer and morning dew», burst into flames, sending her plummeting towards the earth. The Wonderbolts try to save her, but Rarity hits them by accident due to her falling down and flailing, and they are knocked out.

    …after a third sonic rainboom.

    Rainbow Dash finally notices the goings-on and accelerates towards the plummeting ponies, saving both Rarity and the Wonderbolts and performing a sonic rainboom in the process. This sonic rainboom, the one in The Cutie Mark Chronicles, and the one that Rainbow Dash performs in A Canterlot Wedding — Part 2 are performed when Rainbow Dash is leading with both front legs forward, while in her failed practice attempts she is leading with a single leg. Rarity is incredibly grateful that Dash saved her life, and apologizes to her friend for not minding her anxiety. Rainbow Dash is crowned the winner of the competition and leaves to spend the day with her heroes, the Wonderbolts.

    In A Canterlot Wedding — Part 2, bolting her bridesmaid dress off, she performs a sonic rainboom for the marriage of Cadance and Shining Armor by the request of Princess Celestia. This rainboom, unlike the other two, comes within seconds of taking off, and Dash performs it while flying upward.

    In The Cutie Re-Mark — Part 1 and Part 2, Starlight Glimmer goes back in time to prevent Rainbow Dash from making the first sonic rainboom to prevent the Mane Six from ever creating their special bond. Princess Twilight Sparkle and Spike follow her to attempt to prevent this from happening.

    In the movie, Rainbow boasts about the rainboom to Capper, even offering to perform it, but he turns her down. She later performs it for Captain Celaeno and her crew; unfortunately, this gives away their position to Tempest Shadow.

    In The End in Friend, Rainbow performs a smaller-scale version of the Rainboom while playing Buckball with Rarity.


    In Games Ponies Play, during her flashback as a filly, Rainbow Dash stands on the back of an adult Pegasus stallion with a similarly rainbow-colored mane and tail. The stallion is unnamed in the episode, but he is named Rainbow Blaze and described as Rainbow Dash’s «dashing mentor» in Enterplay’s collectible card game and is also named Rainbow Blaze in the IDW comics.

    Rainbow Dash’s parents are officially introduced in the season seven episode Parental Glideance. They are revealed to be overly supportive of their daughter and inadvertently embarrass her often, causing them to have a delicate relationship.


    Rainbow Dash’s house in Wonderbolts Academy.

    Rainbow Dash’s Cloudominium is first shown in Griffon the Brush Off. She lives in a white cloud-house hanging low to the ground somewhere near Ponyville. It features classical columns and rainbow-colored streams and waterfalls. In Dragonshy, Rainbow Dash uses one of these streams to make rainbow-colored facepaint. Her home appears again in Party of One, with a slightly different design from the first appearance, resembling more of a cloud tower.

    Depiction in Equestria Girls

    Main article: Rainbow Dash (EG)

    My Little Pony Equestria Girls

    Rainbow Dash in Equestria Girls.

    In My Little Pony Equestria Girls, Rainbow Dash accompanies Twilight to her first princess summit in the Crystal Empire, and she witnesses Sunset Shimmer steal Twilight’s crown. In an alternate world, Rainbow’s human counterpart appears as a high school student.

    Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks

    Rainbow briefly appears in the sequel My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks at Twilight’s castle, where she hears the legend of the sirens.

    Equestria Girls: Friendship Games

    Rainbow appears as a pony in the film’s blooper reel giving her human counterpart a ride.

    Equestria Girls: Forgotten Friendship

    In Forgotten Friendship, Rainbow Dash appears on stained glass windows in Canterlot Castle.

    Equestria Girls: Spring Breakdown

    Rainbow appears in Ponyville talking to Stormfeather. When the latter notices a second Rainbow Dash behind her, he faints. When pony Rainbow Dash looks back, she just notices Applejack and waves.

    Depiction in My Little Pony The Movie

    In My Little Pony The Movie, Rainbow Dash and the Wonderbolts are in charge of weather for the Festival of Friendship in Canterlot. When the city is invaded by the Storm King’s forces, led by Tempest Shadow, Rainbow and her friends escape to seek out the «Queen of the Hippos»—later specified to be Queen Novo of the Hippogriffs—for help. During their time on Captain Celaeno’s airship, Rainbow convinces her and her fellow pirates to rebel against the Storm King and return to their swashbuckling ways, but she accidentally draws Tempest’s attention with her sonic rainboom. In the underwater kingdom of Seaquestria, Rainbow and her friends almost convince Novo to help them save their home from the Storm King, but Twilight’s attempted theft of Novo’s Pearl of Transformation gets them banished from Seaquestria.

    Rainbow Dash and the rest of the Mane Six have a falling-out with Twilight over her actions, but they—along with other friends they made during their journey—return to Canterlot to rescue her when she gets captured by Tempest. After sneaking into the city and fighting past the Storm King’s forces, the Mane Six reunite and make amends, and they eventually succeed in defeating the Storm King. In the end, the Friendship Festival resumes, and Rainbow and her friends befriend Tempest.

    Depiction in My Little Pony: Pony Life

    Rainbow Dash appears as one of the main characters in Pony Life.

    Depiction in Generation 5

    Rainbow Dash appears at the beginning of My Little Pony: A New Generation as part of an imagination sequence with Sunny Starscout’s figurines. Her cutie mark is also on a pin on Sunny’s satchel.

    In the My Little Pony: Tell Your Tale episode Foal Me Once, a painting of Rainbow Dash (in the style of real-life painting The Scream) appears on display in an art museum.

    Depiction in comics

    An alternate universe version of Rainbow Dash appears in the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Issue #20 Reflections mini-comic «Elsewhere in alternate Equestria…»

    In Wings Over Yakyakistan, Rainbow Dash is among the Wonderbolts who perform at an airshow in Yakyakistan only for it to come under attack by the dragons.

    In My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Issue #59, Rainbow struggles with Pinkie’s attempts to find a kind of pie she actually likes, with Rainbow eventually turning the tables on Pinkie. In Issue #70, Rainbow tries to entertain the Golden Horseshoe Gals with «extreme bingo».

    In The Fast and the Furriest, Rainbow Dash takes part in the Draytona Breach 500 cart race, enlisting Big McIntosh as her trainer. After seeing Big Mac get challenged by his former friend Silver Streak, Rainbow accepts the challenge on Big Mac’s behalf. During the race, Rainbow unknowingly carries the Mangalese Drake, an artifact stolen from the Dragon Lands, in her cart. Sacks Roamer, the one who stole the artifact, smashes Rainbow’s cart trying to get it back.

    In My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Issue #89, Rainbow Dash chooses Spitfire, Lyra Heartstrings, Sweetie Drops, and Captain Celaeno to join her on a friendship mission to Celaeno’s home, the Parrot Peaks.

    In My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Issue #94, Rainbow travels to Canterlot to help with the preparations for the Festival of the Two Sisters. In Issue #95. she attempts to undo the magical silence inflicted on Canterlot by using the Sonic Rainboom, but it fails.

    Rainbow and her team briefly appear in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Issue #96, dropping off Fluttershy’s team in Abyssinia before moving on to their own destination.

    In My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Issue #100, Rainbow’s team arrives in Orinithia, where they meet the royal family and learn of the Orinithian Elements of Harmony and the legend of the Knights of Harmony. Soon after, they are attacked by Ceridwen, one of the Knights. Rainbow reluctantly leaves her team in order to fly back to Equestria and warn Twilight that the Knights are coming. In Issue #101, Rainbow is seen having her wounds tended to by Mage Meadowbrook. In Issue #102, she aids her friends in the final battle with the Knights of Order.

    In My Little Pony: Friends Forever Issue #6, Rainbow Dash is invited to perform at the Diamond Dog kingdom of Dimondia by Trixie, who actually seeks Dash’s help in escaping her new role as queen.

    In My Little Pony: Generations Issue #1, she and the rest of the School of Friendship teachers struggle with the influx of new students, and welcome three new teachers – Violet Shiver, Black Belle, and Shadow Storm – unaware that they are artificial ponies created by the witches Grackle and Dyre. In Issue #3, she joins her friends in traveling through a portal to the G1 pony world. In Issue #4, she and her friends meet the Dream Valley ponies, and learn about their past encounter with their version of the Smooze. They then return to Ponyville with their new friends. In Issue #5, she witnesses Twilight’s experiment in curing the corrupted ponies, and also takes part in the final battle against the G1 Smooze.

    Rainbow Dash appears on the My Little Pony (2022 comics) Issue #1 cover RI. In Issue #2, she appears in flashback form, with Discord revealing that she and her friends created the Unity Crystals in order to ensure peace in Equestria.

    Other depictions

    Rainbow Dash is voiced by Brittany Lauda in PlayDate Digital’s app Power Ponies.[6]

    Fyodor Golan’s Rainbow Wheel,[19] shown at London Fashion Week in February 2015, has fanart of Rainbow Dash licking.[20][21][22]

    Hasbro.com description

    Capable and athletic, Rainbow Dash lives for adventure! When any problem should arise that involves traveling to distant lands or dealing with a magical, mysterious beast, Rainbow is the first to volunteer! Brave and bold, anypony who has ever seen this rainbow-haired Pegasus in the air has been left in jaw-dropped awe of her speed, agility, and, well, her confidence. She’s quite positive she’s the fastest Pegasus pony alive, and truth be told, she probably is. Yes, she’s a bit proud, and a bit mischievous, and often lazy for somepony obsessed with speed, but when the chips are down, and danger is a-brewing, Rainbow Dash always, always comes through, proving time and time again that she is a true hero!

    Hasbro.com second description

    Rainbow Dash’s greatest, all-consuming passion in life is to fly – FAST! Anyone who has ever seen this rainbow-haired pegasus in the air can’t help but notice her speed, agility, and her confidence. Capable and athletic, Rainbow Dash lives for adventure. One day, Rainbow Dash just knows she’ll earn a position on the elite aerial-acrobatic team, the Wonderbolts! But beyond ambition, Rainbow Dash is known for being absolutely loyal to her friends!

    HubNetwork.com description

    Rainbow Dash lives for adventure! Whenever there’s a problem that involves danger, distant lands, and mysterious beasts, she’s the first to help. She’s bold. She’s brave. She’s also a bit proud and mischievous — but wouldn’t you be too if you were the fastest Pegasus around?

    Teacher for a Day description

    Rainbow Dash is her name and adventure is her game! A true hero, this rainbow-haired Pegasus pony is as fast as they come, flying through the air with jaw-dropping speed! Athletic, brave and confident, she is also a bit mischievous — and always first on the scene wherever danger is at hand. Whether traveling to distant lands or taking on mystery and magic, this pretty pony is ready to fasten her seatbelt for the adventure of a lifetime!

    My Little Pony (mobile game) descriptions

    Rainbow Dash:
    Representing the Element of Loyalty, she is charged with keeping the weather. Her dream is to one day join the Wonderbolts.
    Breezie Rainbow Dash:
    A form that presents a sharp contrast to Dash’s usual gotta-go-fast ethos. (It’s good mental cross-training for her.)
    Camo Dash:
    NOT being noticed goes against most of what Rainbow Dash stands for, but desperate times call for desperate measures.
    Captain Dash:
    Leads the crew of the Universal Rainboom on pulse-pounding interstellar adventures (in a story that Rainbow Dash made up).
    Changeling Rainbow Dash:
    Once tried to shapeshift into a cheetah-peregrine-falcon hybrid in a attempt to set a new speed record! It didn’t go great!
    Dark Changeling Rainbow Dash:
    All those holes in her body really help keep wind resistance to a minimum on quick flights!
    Future Rainbow Dash:
    It isn’t ours to speculate on Rainbow Dash’s future, but a captain’s bars and a good, honest life seem likely.
    Kirin Rainbow Dash:
    Eager to test whether her new horn makes her more aerodynamic than before.
    Lunaverse Rainbow Dash:
    This version of Rainbow Dash had to trim down her mane so it would fit under her scary Lunar Guard helmet. Nightmare Moon is a terrible boss, but she DOES appreciate a close crop!
    New Year’s Parade Rainbow Dash:
    Watch the fireworks with a loyal group of friends.
    Nightmare Rainbow Dash:
    Dreams of being permanently grounded, taken shape.
    Nirik Rainbow Dash:
    Anger means adrenaline, and adrenaline means GOING EVEN FASTER.
    Pie-Hating Rainbow Dash:
    She may only exist in Pinkie’s imagination, but one thing’s for sure: she hates pies with the burning passion of ten thousand suns.
    Pirate Rainbow Dash:
    Being a pirate is pretty much the awesomest thing Rainbow Dash has ever thought of. And she’s thought of a LOT of things.
    Rainbow Bite:
    Rainbow Dash’s new wings may be different than pony wings — but they’re just as fast, and nearly as awesome!
    Rainbow the Flying Reindeer:
    Heroine of Hearth’s Warming stories and songs-and owner of an extremely normal, non-shiny nose.
    Retro Rainbow Dash:
    Totally rocks one sick ‘hawk — more of a powerful statement than a fashion choice.
    Sombraverse Rainbow Dash:
    Rainbow Dash Prime would probably think her alt-historical counterpart’s cyborg wing is REALLY awesome—but it’s actually super itchy and needs constant oiling. War injuries are no joke, guys!
    Supersonic Rainbow Dash:
    The only thing Rainbow Dash is concerned with now is going really fast! Um… even more than usual, we mean!
    Western Rainbow Dash:
    What she wears when she’s challenging a new-fangled steam train to a cross-country race.
    Young Rainbow Dash:
    Just as loyal—but a little more…well, little.

    My Little Pony magazine description

    • Sporty
    • Athletic
    • Adventurous

    This strong mare lives for adventure! Rainbow Dash is the first to volunteer for a dangerous task, the fastest pony in Ponyville and a true pony hero!

    The Elements of Harmony guidebook

    RAINBOW DASH has one great all-consuming passion in life: to fly—FAST!!! Anypony who has ever seen this rainbow-haired Pegasus from Cloudsdale in the air has been in awe of her speed, agility, and confidence. Even in her youth, Rainbow was a fantastic flier, achieving what no other Pegasus had before—the Sonic Rainboom, a rainbow that shot out behind her like a jet stream! When any problem, big or small, arises, this aspiring Wonderbolt is the first to volunteer to save the day. Despite the mischief she causes, her friends are happy to have her around when danger is a-brewing, as Rainbow Dash proves time and time again that she is a true hero and a true friend.

    Volume II guidebook

    Make way for Rainbow Dash! No, seriously, get out of the way—rainbow dash is coming through! As the number-one flier in all Equestria, Rainbow Dash rules the skies as the Pegasus pony supreme. Without her, who’d make sure the weather was awesome all the time? But Rainbow Dash’s skills weren’t always astounding. Learning to focus on her strengths and not her weaknesses took a while. With the help of her friends, as well as her fellow Wonderbolts, Rainbow Dash is as competitive and self-confident as ever. Got an aerial challenge? She’s ready for it! She’ll even throw in a dollop of sass for good measure.

    The Art of My Little Pony The Movie description

    RAINBOW DASH has one great passion: flying—FAST! Anypony who has ever seen this rainbow-haired Pegasus Pony in the air has been in awe of her speed, agility, and confidence. She’s always up for a challenge and meets every adventure head on. Despite her love for stirring up mischief, Rainbow Dash proves time and time again that she is a true hero and a true friend.

    Rainbow Dash represents the Element of Loyalty!

    My Little Pony Essential Handbook

    Rainbow Dash is a brave, loyal and competitive Pegasus. She loves zooming through the skies with the Wonderbolts and challenging her friends to races.


    See also: Character appearances
    Y At least one appearance where the character is the focus of a shot
    S At least one appearance where the character is the focus of a shot, without spoken dialogue or narration
    B Background appearance or an appearance where the character is not the focus
    F At least one appearance where the character is only in a flashback or fantasy-setting
    P No physical appearance, but appears in a photo, drawing, or figure
    M No appearance, but a mention by name or title
    N No appearance and no mention by name or title
    Season one

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
    Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y M Y N B Y B Y Y Y Y Y Y
    Season two

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
    Y Y Y Y N B Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y N Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
    Season three

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
    Y Y Y B Y Y Y S Y Y Y Y Y
    Season four

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
    Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y N Y N Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y
    Season five

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
    Y Y Y P Y N Y Y Y N Y P Y Y Y N Y Y Y N Y Y N Y Y Y
    Season six

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
    Y Y N N N Y Y Y Y Y Y S Y Y Y F Y Y F M Y M N Y Y Y
    Season seven

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
    Y Y N N Y P Y N N F Y N N Y N Y N Y Y P P N Y N Y Y
    Season eight

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
    Y Y Y Y Y N Y N Y N N Y Y Y Y N Y Y N Y Y P N Y Y Y
    Season nine

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
    Y Y F Y N Y Y P M M M Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y B Y Y N Y Y Y


    «[So] Awesome!«
    — Multiple episodes
    «The one and only. Why? You’ve heard of me?«
    — To Twilight Sparkle, Friendship is Magic, part 1
    «Hey. I could clear this sky in ten seconds flat.«
    — Friendship is Magic, part 1
    «And just what are the Elements of Harmony? And how did you know about Nightmare Moon, huh? Are you a spy?!«
    — Friendship is Magic, part 2
    «Nopony knows! You know why? Because everypony who’s ever come in… has never… come… OUT!«
    — Friendship is Magic, part 2
    «You… thank you for the offer, I mean. But I’m afraid I have to say no.«
    — Friendship is Magic, part 2
    «See? I’d never leave my friends hanging!«
    — To Twilight Sparkle, Friendship is Magic, part 2
    «Time to take out the adorable trash.«
    — Swarm of the Century
    «I hate losing…«
    — Fall Weather Friends
    «You’re not an athlete, you’re a… well… you’re an egghead.«
    — Fall Weather Friends
    «It needs to be about twenty-percent cooler.«
    — Suited For Success
    — Sonic Rainboom
    «My life is ruined!«
    — Sonic Rainboom
    «Most people thought that the Sonic Rainboom was just an old mare’s tail. But that day… The day I discovered racing… I proved that the legends were true. I made the impossible happen!«
    — The Cutie Mark Chronicles
    «I’m… hanging… with the… Wonderbolts!«
    — The Best Night Ever
    «Hey, now wait a minute! Just because I don’t have a pet now doesn’t mean I never want a pet!«
    — May the Best Pet Win!
    «What about super-ultra-extreme-awesomazing?«
    — The Mysterious Mare Do Well
    «Danger’s my middle name. Rainbow ‘Danger’ Dash.«
    — The Mysterious Mare Do Well
    «Reading’s for eggheads like you, Twilight. Heh, no offense, but I am not reading. It’s undeniably, unquestionably, uncool.«
    — Read It and Weep
    «I hate to admit it to myself and would really hate to admit it to my friends, but… I love this story! I, I… I love reading! I’m an egghead.«
    — Read It and Weep
    «I-I don’t even like cake!«
    — MMMystery on the Friendship Express
    — A Canterlot Wedding — Part 2
    «No offense, but it’s not a real campfire story unless somepony’s shaky.«
    — To Scootaloo, Sleepless in Ponyville
    «No disrespect ma’am, but there’s a big difference between pushing yourself as hard as you can, and just being reckless. And if being reckless is what gets rewarded around here, if that’s what it means to be a Wonderbolt, then I don’t want any part of it.«
    — To Spitfire, Wonderbolts Academy
    — Multiple episodes
    «You can’t be tied for the most daring pony!«
    — Castle Mane-ia
    «But that was me! You’re you! And it just doesn’t matter if you can fly or not. Your routine was amazing ’cause it represented exactly what makes Ponyville special. You do still know what that is, right?«
    — To Scootaloo, Flight to the Finish
    «Think of the cider! Won’t somepony please think of the cider?!«
    — Bats!
    «Wow, Applejack. I know your thing is honesty, but come on!«
    — Rarity Takes Manehattan
    «That pony is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an igneous.«
    — About Maud Pie, Maud Pie
    «[blows raspberry] Beneficial for eggheads!«
    — Testing Testing 1, 2, 3
    «And no matter what your sport is, we gotta give it our best because we all got a genuine shot at Ponyville gold.«
    — Equestria Games
    «Ya’ done good squirt!«
    — To Scootaloo, Equestria Games
    «Whoa, whoa, whoa! Is she for real?«
    — The Cutie Map — Part 1
    «Who said anything about anger?! I didn’t say anything about anger! I’m not upset! And I am not angry! Do I look angry?!«
    — Tanks for the Memories
    «Duh! Because I’m a Wonderbolt!«
    — Newbie Dash
    «What would she do without us? Huh. Lemme think. [imitating Rarity] «Darlings, I’m absolutely doomed, doomed, doomed!» [laughs, normal] I sound just like her!«
    — The Saddle Row Review
    «Go, Scootaloo, go! Woo-woo-woo-woo! Uhh, I mean… [nervous laugh] This is the life.«
    — The Cart Before the Ponies
    «Somepony is really gonna have to catch us up on what we missed.«
    — To Where and Back Again — Part 2
    «Mom and Dad, I want you to know that I’m your biggest fan.«
    — Parental Glideance
    «Is it MY fault that I don’t like pies? And not just Pinkie’s pies, all pies.«
    — Secrets and Pies
    «She’s Fluttershy! Everything makes her worry!«
    My Little Pony Best Gift Ever
    «This is delicious! A pony could forget about flying again if these were on the ground.«
    — Eating a piece of special apple pie, My Little Pony Micro-Series Issue #2 page 21
    «Dodging all that flying pie was exhausting.«
    My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Issue #30 page 20
    «I just don’t like pie.«
    My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Issue #59 page 2
    «Wishing you a happy birthday Hub; from the bottom of my heart!«
    — A Hub promo celebrating the channel’s first anniversary of being on
    «It’s time to pony up!«
    — Hub ad bumpers
    «Okay, seriously, why does EVERYPONY grab me by the tail?«
    — Enterplay collectible card game The Crystal Games #118 C card Telekinesis
    «Wow, we’re calling HER in to help? Is the fate of Equestria really worth it?«
    — Enterplay collectible card game Absolute Discord #10 U card of Lightning Dust


    Rainbow Dash wings spread out S3E6.png

    Rainbow Dash image gallery

    See also

    • Toys and merchandise
    • Rainbow Dash (EG)
    • Rainbow Dash on the Collectible Card Game Wiki
    • Rainbow Dash on the Fan Wiki
    • Rainbow Dash on the My Little Pony Gameloft Wiki
    • This article’s speculation page
    • Ponies with a similar name: Rainbow Blaze, Rainbow Flash, Rainbow Harmony, Rainbow Swirl, Rainbow Swoop, Rainbow Wishes, Holly Dash, Island Rainbow, Rainbowshine, Snowdash, Nimbus Dash, Star Dasher, Stardash, and Dapper Dash.[23]


    1. Credits. Lydia Lane. Retrieved on 2018 October 8.
    2. LYDIA LANE. Spotlight. Retrieved on 2018 October 8.
    3. Lydia Lane (2013-06-26). I did a crazy and fun voice over…. Facebook. Retrieved on 2018 October 8.
    4. Lydia Lane. LinkedIn. Retrieved on 2018 October 8.
    5. Lydia Lane (2013-06-26). Lydia Lane on Twitter: «I did a crazy and fun voice over today…recorded the voice of the upcoming toy »Rainbow Dash» — my little pony…». Twitter. Retrieved on 2018 October 8.
    6. 6.0 6.1 Brittany Lauda (2014-07-17). Brittany’s Voice Roles — Brittany Lauda — Voice Actress. Facebook. Retrieved on 2014 July 18.
    7. Calpain (2015-02-12). Equestria Daily: The Struggle of Dubbing My Little Pony — A Behind the Scenes Look. Equestria Daily. Retrieved on 2015 February 12.
    8. 孩之宝商贸(中国)有限公司 (2019-04-14). 微博. Weibo. Archived from the original on 2019-04-15. Retrieved on 2019 April 14.
    9. Lauren Faust (2013-11-29). My Firefly. Inspiration for Rainbow Dash.. Twitter. Retrieved on 2013 December 2.
    10. Amy Keating Rogers (2014-04-05). KeatingRogers: @Half_theBattle Oh my gosh! …. Twitter. Retrieved on 2014 April 6.
    11. Amy Keating Rogers (2014-04-10). KeatingRogers: @UkeUkeable General Firefly …. Twitter. Retrieved on 2014 April 18.
    12. Lauren Faust (2010-11-15). Comment on *fyre-flye’s profile. DeviantArt. Retrieved on 2013 December 19.
    13. Amy Keating Rogers (2014-04-15). KeatingRogers: @karentheunicorn @Half_theBattle …. Twitter. Retrieved on 2014 April 18.
    14. PonyCon 2016 Character Development Panel with Lauren Faust. YouTube (2016-02-18). Retrieved on 2016 March 12.
    15. Jim Miller (2015-01-13). Big Jim on Twitter: «@no_good_names__ @goldenrusset Npt really, but it’s open to interpretation.». Twitter. Retrieved on 2015 January 14.
    16. Lauren Faust on Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo not being related. deviantArt (2011-03-04). Archived locally.
    17. Jim Miller (2017-10-14). 🎃Pump Kin🎃 on Twitter: «@CouchFromEQD I think she did in ‘Sisterhooves Social’.». Twitter. Retrieved on 2017 October 15.
    18. Jim Miller (2017-10-14). 🎃Pump Kin🎃 on Twitter: «@CouchFromEQD She ate it in the spirit of competition! She’ll do almost anything to win!». Twitter. Retrieved on 2017 October 15.
    19. Kaylie Nelson (2015-06-08). Hasbro_Licensing_Expo_2015_Lead_Release_FINAL.pdf. Retrieved on 2015 June 11.
    20. Rainbow Dash Licking Screen. DeviantArt (2012-07-11). Retrieved on 2015 June 11.
    21. images.zip (2015-06-04). Retrieved on 2015 June 11.
    22. Fyodor Golan AW15 Rainbow Wheel — Full Show Video. Vimeo (2015-02-25). Retrieved on 2015 June 11.
    23. Sethisto (2018-08-30). The Two OC’s From HASCON’s Raffle Were Animated in the Finale — Here They Are!. Equestria Daily. Blogger. Retrieved on 2018 August 31.

    v  d  e


    Leading characters (G4)
    Twilight SparkleSpike Applejack Fluttershy Pinkie Pie Rainbow Dash Rarity
    Twilight Sparkle • Spike Applejack Fluttershy Pinkie Pie Rainbow Dash Rarity
    Leading characters (G5)
    Sunny Starscout Izzy Moonbow Hitch Trailblazer Pipp Petals Zipp Storm
    Sunny Starscout Izzy Moonbow Hitch Trailblazer Pipp Petals Zipp Storm
    Supporting characters
    Cutie Mark Crusaders
    Sweetie Belle Apple Bloom Scootaloo
    Babs Seed
    Sweetie Belle Apple Bloom
    Babs Seed



    Princess Celestia • Princess Luna • Princess Platinum • Princess Cadance • Shining Armor • Prince Blueblood • Princess Amore • Prince Rutherford • Flurry Heart • Ember • Princess Skystar • Queen Novo

    The Apple family

    Big McIntosh • Granny Smith • Braeburn • Aunt and Uncle Orange • Hayseed Turnip Truck • Apple Strudel • Auntie Applesauce • Apple Rose • Goldie Delicious • Bright Mac

    The Sparkle family

    Twilight Velvet and Night Light

    The Pie family

    Limestone Pie and Marble Pie • Igneous Rock Pie and Cloudy Quartz • Maud Pie

    The Shy family

    Mr. and Mrs. Shy • Zephyr Breeze

    The Cake family

    Mr. and Mrs. Cake • Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake

    The Rich family

    Diamond Tiara • Filthy Rich • Spoiled Rich

    The Pear family

    Pear Butter • Grand Pear

    School-age ponies

    Silver Spoon • Twist • Snips • Snails • Sunny Daze and Peachy Pie • Pipsqueak • Featherweight • Rumble • Filly Guides • Zipporwhill • Tender Taps • Toola Roola and Coconut Cream • Wind Sprint


    Hoity Toity • Photo Finish • Sapphire Shores • Fancy Pants • Jade Singer • Daring Do • Prim Hemline • Trenderhoof • Coloratura • Zesty Gourmand • Songbird Serenade


    Shadowbolts • Boy Bullies • Diamond Dogs • Flim and Flam • Queen Chrysalis • King Sombra • Lightning Dust • Big Boy and Runt • Sunflower • Mane-iac (henchponies) • Suri Polomare • Lord Tirek • The Dazzlings (Adagio Dazzle • Sonata Dusk • Aria Blaze) • North Star • King Longhorn • Principal Cinch • Wind Rider • Svengallop • Gladmane • The Storm King • Cozy Glow • Sludge • Grogar
    Reformed: Gilda • Trixie • Discord • Ahuizotl • Garble • Larry • Sunset Shimmer • Snips and Snails • Buck Withers • Dr. Caballeron (henchponies) • Starlight Glimmer • Shadow Lock • Juniper Montage • Stygian • Tempest Shadow • Grubber • Wallflower Blush • Chancellor Neighsay • Vignette Valencia • Kiwi Lollipop and Supernova Zap


    Spitfire • Soarin • Blaze • Surprise • Fire Streak • Misty Fly • Silver Zoom • Fleetfoot • High Winds • Thunderlane


    Nurse Redheart • Dr. Horse • Dr. Fauna • Doctor Horse • Nurse ponies

    Pillars of Old Equestria

    Star Swirl the Bearded • Rockhoof • Mistmane • Flash Magnus • Somnambula • Mage Meadowbrook

    Young Six

    Sandbar • Gallus • Smolder • Yona • Ocellus • Silverstream

    Other pony characters

    8-bit • All Aboard • Angel Wings • Autumn Blaze • Barley Barrel • Blossomforth • Bow Hothoof • Bulk Biceps • Chancellor Puddinghead • Charity Sweetmint • Cheerilee • Cheese Sandwich • Cherry Jubilee • Claude • Clear Skies • Clear Sky • Cloud Chaser • Clover the Clever • Coco Pommel • Commander Hurricane • Cookie Crumbles • Coriander Cumin • Davenport • Double Diamond • Fawn Doo • Feather Bangs • Firelight • Flash Sentry • Flax Seed • Fleur de Lis • Flitter • Fluffy Clouds • Gaffer • Gallant True • Gizmo • Golden Gavel • The Headless Horse • Aunt Holiday • Hondo Flanks • Hoofbeard • Hooffield and McColt families • Mr. and Mrs. Hoofington • Inkwell • Inky Rose • Jack Pot • Jet Set • Joe • Junebug • Kerfuffle • Lily Lace • Auntie Lofty • Luster Dawn • Mane Allgood • Marcie Pan • Mare Do Well • Mayor Mare • Method Mares • Moody Root • Moon Dancer • Mr. Breezy • Mr. Paleo • Mr. Stripes • Mrs. Paleo • Ms. Harshwhinny • Ms. Peachbottom • Mudbriar • Night Glider • Open Skies • Party Favor • Petunia Paleo • Petunia Petals • Pickle Barrel • Plaid Stripes • Pony Pickers • The Pony Tones • Ponyacci • Power Ponies • Private Pansy • Quibble Pants • Radiant Hope • Randolph • Roma • Royal guards • Saffron Masala • Sassy Saddles • Sheriff Silverstar • Silver Frames • Silver Shill • Sky Stinger • Smart Cookie • Snap Shutter • Spa ponies • Spearhead • Starstreak • Steamer • Stellar Eclipse • Stellar Flare • Sugar Belle • Sunburst • Sunny Skies • Sunshower • Sunspot • Swan Song • Teddie Safari • Torque Wrench • Tree Hugger • Trouble Shoes • Upper Crust • Vapor Trail • Wheat Grass • Windy Whistles

    Non-pony characters

    Steven Magnet • Zecora • Little Strongheart • Chief Thunderhooves • Cranky Doodle Donkey • Matilda • Iron Will • Gustave le Grand • Mulia Mild • Seabreeze • Scorpan • The Smooze • Grampa Gruff • Greta • Thorax • Pharynx • Capper • Captain Celaeno • Terramar • Tree of Harmony • Sky Beak • Ocean Flow

    Equestria Girls characters

    Humans • The Rainbooms (Fluttershy • Pinkie Pie • Applejack • Rarity • Rainbow Dash) • DJ Pon-3 • Sandalwood • Micro Chips • Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon • Flash Sentry • Miss Cheerilee • Photo Finish • Cutie Mark Crusaders • Principal Celestia • Big McIntosh • Trixie and the Illusions • Granny Smith • Vice Principal Luna • Cranky Doodle • Lyra Heartstrings and Sweetie Drops • Bulk Biceps • Maud Pie • Pony Pickers • Violet Blurr and Pixel Pizzaz • Shadowbolts (Twilight Sparkle (Sci-Twi) • Sunny Flare • Sour Sweet • Indigo Zap • Sugarcoat • Lemon Zest) • Gloriosa Daisy • Timber Spruce • Canter Zoom • Chestnut Magnifico • Zephyr Breeze

    Animal companions

    Constance • Angel • Winona • Opalescence • Gummy • Philomena • Owlowiscious • Harry • Tank • Peewee • Spike • Smoky’s family


    Dragons • Griffons • Parasprites • Phoenixes • Windigos • Timberwolves • Cerberus • Changelings • Plunderseeds • Breezies • Seaponies and mermares

    Background characters
    Earth ponies

    Ace Point • Amira • Apple Brown Betty • Apple Bumpkin • Apple Cider • Apple Cinnamon • Apple Cobbler • Apple Dumpling • Apple Fritter • Apple Honey • Apple Leaves • Apple Munchies • Apple Split • Barber Groomsby • Beauty Brass • Berry Dreams • Berryshine • Bill Neigh • Blueberry Curls • Bumblesweet • Bushel • Business Savvy • Candy Apples • Candy Mane • Caramel • Caramel Apple • Cathy O’Mara • Charged Up • Chelsea Porcelain • Cherry Berry • Cherry Fizzy • Cherry Gold • Count Caesar • Crusoe Palm • Daisy • Dance Fever • Dane Tee Dove • Dr. Hooves • Eclair Crème • Eiffel • Emerald Green • Felix • Fetter Keys • Fiddly Twang • Florina Tart • Gala Appleby • Globe Trotter • Golden Delicious • Golden Harvest • Goldengrape • Green Jewel • Haakim • Half Baked Apple • Hughbert Jellius • Jeff Letrotski • Joan Pommelway • Jonagold • Lady Gaval • Lavender Bloom • Lavender Fritter • Leadwing • Lilac Links • Lily Valley • Long Shot • Luckette • Lucky Clover • Lucky Star • Lyrica Lilac • MandoPony • Meadow Song • Minty • Mjölna • Mr. Greenhooves • Mr. Waddle • Neighl Page • Noteworthy • Octavia Melody • Parcel Post • Parish Nandermane • Peachy Sweet • Pearly Stitch • Pegasus Olsen • Perfect Pace • Perfect Pie • Purple Wave • Pursey Pink • Raven Inkwell • Real Article • Red Delicious • Red Gala • Rivet • Roger Silvermane • Rose • Royal Riff • Ruby Splash • Sand Trap • Savoir Fare • Screwball • Screwy • Sealed Scroll • September • Serena • Shoeshine • Shooting Star • Silver Berry • Sir Pony Moore • Snappy Scoop • Spring Forward • Star Gazer • Star Spur • Strawberry Ice • Sweetie Drops • Tall Order • Tealove • Theodore Donald «Donny» Kerabatsos • Twilight Sky • Vidala Swoon • Walter • Wensley • Wisp • S01E26 Unnamed Earth Mare #1


    Big Shot • Buddy • Celena • Cloud Kicker • Compass Star • Crafty Crate • Derpy • Diamond Rose • Drizzle • Eff Stop • Fast Clip • Foggy Fleece • Helia • Honey Rays • Jack Hammer • Jetstream • Lilac Sky • Lily Blossom • Mane Moon • Meadow Flower • Merry May • Orange Swirl • Parasol • Pizzelle • Prim Posy • Rainbow Blaze • Rainbow Swoop • Rainbowshine • Sassaflash • Serenity • Silver Script • Silverspeed • Spring Step • Sprinkle Medley • Star Hunter • Starburst • Starry Eyes • Stormfeather • Strawberry Sunrise • Sugar Grape • Sunny Rays • Sunshower Raindrops • Surprise • Thorn • Tracy Flash • Warm Front • Whiplash • White Lightning • Whitewash • Wild Fire


    Amethyst Star • Apple Stars • Banana Fluff • Bittersweet • Blue Moon • Burning Heart • Cayenne • Charm • Cherry Spices • Citrus Blush • Comet Tail • Dark Moon • Diamond Mint • DJ Pon-3 • Electric Sky • Fine Line • Firecracker Burst • Four Step • Holly Dash • Juno • Lemon Hearts • Lemony Gem • Love Melody • Lyra Heartstrings • Magnet Bolt • Minuette • Moonlight Raven • Neon Lights • North Point • Peachy Pitt • Pinny Lane • Ponet • Press Release • Rainbow Stars • Rare Find • Royal Pin • Royal Ribbon • Sea Swirl • Silver Spanner • Star Bright • Sunshine Petals • Sunshine Smiles • Sweetcream Scoops • Top Marks • Twinkleshine • Whoa Nelly • Written Script

    Crystal Ponies

    Amethyst Maresbury • Autumn Gem • Bright Smile • Crystal Beau • Elbow Grease • Fleur De Verre • Ivory Rook • Night Knight • Rubinstein • Sapphire Joy


    Apple Flora • Aura • Bolt • Button Mash • Candy Caramel Tooth • Cotton Cloudy • Dinky Doo • Finish Line • Hairpin Turn • Liza Doolots • Mango Dash • Natural Satellite • Noi • Piña Colada • Princess Erroria • Rainy Feather • Ruby Pinch • Saturnalia • Shady Daze • Strike • Sweet Pop • Tornado Bolt • Truffle

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    Радуга Дэш / Рэйнбоу Дэш /Rainbow Dash

    Данная статья написана специально для сайта www.YouLoveIt.ru, при копировании ссылка на сайт обязательна!

    Радуга Дэш – одна из главных героинь сериала Мои Маленькие Пони Дружба это Чудо. Дэш – пегас, одна из самых талантливых спортсменов во всей Эквестрии. Она представляет элемент преданности, ее питомец черепашка Танк (Тэнк).

    Радуга Дэш / Рейнбоу Дэш (Rainbow Dash)Характер

    Рэйнбоу Дэш очень спортивная и активная.  Она очень любит соревнования, но проигрывать она не любит. Скорее даже у Радуги просто страсть к победам, она мечтает всегда быть на пьедестале почета. И любой проигрыш, даже в самых мелких и незначительных соревнованиях приводит ее к апатии и депрессии, и конечно же желанию взять реванш.

    И хотя Радуга Дэш способна в считанные секунды очистить небо от туч и сделать другую работу пегаса очень быстро, она очень любит лениться и лежать на облаках. Друзья склонны считать это ленью, на самом деле это высокий уровень самоуверенности Радуги. Она на самом деле способна сделать сложную работу за считанные секунды и не считает нужным делать работу раньше времени.

    Рейнбоу Дэш хорошая подруга, но и у нее есть свои недостатки. Она никогда не скрывает своего неудовольствия по поводу поведения друзей. Иногда ее поведение можно назвать через чур надменным. Но именно Рэйнбоу Дэш символизирует преданность – как один из важнейших элементов дружбы. Она не бросает друзей когда им нужна помощь и поддержка.

    Еще одна интересная черта характера Радуги – это ее любовь к розыгрышам. Она любит устраивать для своих друзей веселые розыгрыши, пугать их и заставлять смеяться. В этом они сдружились с Пинки Пай, которая тоже не прочь повеселится.

    Радуга Дэш всегда была уверенна в том, что чтение это занятие для «батанов», каким по ее мнению является Твайлайт Спаркл. Однако, она изменила свое мнение, когда попав в больницу впервые открыла для себя мир приключений на страницах книг о пони Дэринг До. Радуга даже некоторое время пыталась скрыть от своих друзей тот факт, что ей понравилось читать, но потом призналась в этом и поняла что в этом нет ничего плохого.


    Радуга Дэш – пегас, и ее стихия полет. В этом ей практически нет равных. Она очень быстро летает и проявляет в воздухе чудеса маневренности. Она даже может высушить пони, летая вокруг нее с бешенной скоростью. Радуга Дэш первая смогла выполнить звуковой радужный взрыв (sonic rainboom) – очень сложный трюк, для которого пони нужно преодолеть сверхзвуковую скорость. У Радуги в запасе целый арсенал различных трюков один удивительнее другого. Но ее основная задача в Понивилле следить за погодой и расчищать небо от туч.

    Примечательно и жилище Радуги Дэш – это настоящий облачный замок, с радужными водопадами и воздушными колоннами. Замок парит невысоко над землей в Понивилле.


    Радуга Дэш – пегас с крыльями, ее тело окрашено в голубой цвет, глаза сиреневого цвета, ее грива и хвост окрашены в цвета радуги. Причем, челка окрашены в теплые цвета – оранжевый, желтый, красный, а часть длинных волос в холодные цвета. Ее особая метка (cutie mark) облако с радугой в виде молнии.

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