This Article is based on the Official Translations of the Light Novel series!
The Light Novel series is the source material for the adaptation of the Anime and Manga series. The information and terminology on the article will be based on the source material rather than the adaptions.
“ | Please believe me. I believe, I know you never committed any crime. You gave me medicine, saved my life and taught me what I needed to survive. You are the great Shield Hero, and I am your sword. No matter how rough the path, I will follow you. | ” |
—Raphtalia to Naofumi Iwatani in Volume 01, Chapter 23 |
Raphtalia (ラフタリア Rafutaria?) is the main heroine and Deuteragonist of The Rising of the Shield Hero series.
She is the first real companion of the Shield Hero Naofumi Iwatani. Although she was originally bought as a slave, she was never treated badly and the two forged a strong bond.
She later travels to another world and obtains the Vassal Katana, becoming the Katana Hero (刀の勇者 Katana no Yuusha?). Additionally, she becomes the Heavenly Emperor of Q’ten Lo after overthrowing the previous emperor.
Raphtalia is a young girl with long brown hair and reddish eyes. Being a demi-human with racoon and tanuki ancestry, she has fluffy red tanuki ears and a bushy tail. She takes after her father in having a lean build but has built some muscle from the demanding life of an adventurer.[20]
Over time, Raphtalia’s appearance has changed significantly. When she was first introduced, she was a young sickly child dressed in rags with an unkempt appearance. However, after she met Shield Hero Naofumi, he was able to bring her back to health and give her a suitable set of clothes for adventuring. After several weeks adventuring with Naofumi, Raphtalia started increasing her level. Being a demi-human, this accelerated her aging until she was a young adult. During this time Raphtalia switched her knife for a sword and donned a leather breastplate.[21]
Upon traveling to Glass’ World, Raphalia reverted to being a child of around 10 years old until she had leveled-up sufficiently. While she was escaping from enemy territory, she was selected as the wielder of the Vassal Katana and given a Miko outfit. The Vassal Katana removes the slave crest she had on her chest up to this point. Now she remains an adult when traveling between the two worlds.
When she is first introduced, Raphtalia is initially very shy, sickly child who was fearful for her life. Her village and family were just recently destroyed by the waves, she was captured by slave hunters and sold to a wicked noble. When she got deathly sick, she was sold off and expected to die. This left her in a very vulnerable state of health and mind which was actively worse by her constant nightmares at night. By the time she was bought by Naofumi, she was losing hope in the future.
Fortunately, Naofumi turned out to be a kind master who took care of Raphtalia. He treated her sickness, fed and sheltered her despite his own misfortune. His unexpected good treatment of Raphtalia allowed her to heal and gain hope in the future. Eventually, she was forced to face her trauma when they encountered the Two-Headed Dog which reminded Raphtalia of the Cerberus that killed her parents. Raphtalia was frightened stiff. With Naofumi’s help, Raphtalia was able to overcome her deep-rooted trauma and slay the beast.[22] From then on, she swore to stay by the Shield Hero’s side and be his sword — preventing others from experiencing the tragedy she had faced.
After a long time adventuring with Naofumi, Raphtalia got separated from him for the first time when they traveled to Glass’ World. Kyo had set a trap and Raphtalia was forced to escape a specialty prison with heroes from another world. While Raphtalia was worried about Naofumi and being separated from him, she showed a great deal of growth and independence as she led the prison break by herself. She became the Vassal Katana wielder which permanently removed her slave crest. Raphtalia worried about losing her slave crest since it was a symbol of her connection to Naofumi but upon reuniting, it became clear that it was no longer needed. Upon returning to her world, Raphtalia’s decisiveness and connection with Naofumi grew. Upon being targeted for assassination by her home nation Q’ten Lo, Raphtalia fights back for her own sake. She also eventually becomes the reluctant leader of that nation. Finally, after being ambushed by Takt, Raphtalia decided to stay behind to let her friends, and the critically injured Naofumi, to escape to safety.
Despite her mistreatment in the past, Raphtalia is a kind and compassionate person. When Naofumi has been at his lowest points, such as his duel against Motoyasu, Raphtalia has been there to comfort him. She is also willing to put herself in danger to protect those she cares about, such as when she’s gotten burned by the shield of wrath to prevent Naofumi from losing himself. When her village gets rebuilt, she takes on a «big sister» role to the villager children: being a role model and taking care of them, but also reprimanding them when they do something wrong. Raphtalia has even been shown to protect those who have mistreated her, such as warning her bullies before Naofumi enacts punishment[23] or saving Riyute Village when their nation enslaved her in the first place.
Ostensibly, Raphtalia doesn’t outwardly care for romance and being girly, but this comes from her desire to support Naofumi. At the beginning, he believed that such things should wait until after the waves. As a result, Raphtalia started to instead focus on efficiently and improving in combat though extensive training. Tragically, Raphtalia does harbour romantic feelings for Naofumi but has decided to wait out of respect for him. Raphtalia’s close friends have repeated encouraged her to try bolder steps to get his attention. At first, Naofumi felt himself unworthy of such relations but this has begun to change as he has begun to heal from his own trauma.
At times Raphtalia feels disappointed by Naofumi’s actions and wishes for him to be the hero she knows he is. She wants him to stop pretending to be the villain and be more straightforward about his motives. For example, she is disappointed that he did not remove his villagers’ slave crests upon purchasing them from the slave trader. She often objects when Naofumi does something distasteful, such as acting cruelly towards his enemies or creating the Chivalrous Thief Guild. Finally, Raphtalia is disappointed and slightly disturbed in Naofumi’s creation of Raph-chan and the Raph species which he created using her hair. She finds that the creature is based off her unsettling and is jealous is the abundant affection Naofumi gives towards them. She feels that he can sometimes be a bad influence and is worried about people like Ruft taking after his undesirable behaviour.
Raphtalia lived in a small coastal village in the country of Melromarc until the age of 10. This village was peaceful until the First Wave of Calamity laid ruin to the area. During the disaster of the first wave, Raphtalia and her parents fled their home to try and reach safety. Their family friend and protector Sadeena was out fishing at the time, which lead them to be largely defenseless against the wave. This led them to try and escape with their lives by attempting to flee to the sea. It was during this attempt to escape that they were cornered by the First waves boss Cerberus. This forced Raphtalia’s parents to save their daughter by sacrificing themselves to distract it while they pushed Raphtalia herself into the ocean. This act left Raphtlaia terrified as she witnessed here parents being eaten and killed by the boss.
In the end Raphtalia survived the fall and when she returned to the village the wave was already over. From here she looked for her parents which only confirmed that they had died protecting her. This led her to build their graves inside the village. From here she tried to bring the remnants of the village that had survived together, to try and rebuild the village themselves. This was a short peaceful time where they worked to try and rebuild their lives. This time was interrupted by a group of Melromarc Knights coming to the village. Who came and killed the adult survivors while capturing and selling the children into slavery.
This occurred due to Melromarc being a human supremist country. The village itself was only able to exist due to the Governor of Seaetto the territory the village was in. This territory was welcoming to demi-humans as the lord was striving for equality. This Governor was known as the Right hand of the Queen, sharing many objectives with her such as equality for the |Demi-Humans. Sadly this peace and territory fell apart after their death during the first wave where they scarified themselves to save the demi-humans. They were in charge of the entire country before this in the queens stead who was out of the country for international affairs. Leading to the human supremacist’s taking power and causing ruin to the Seaetto territory.
After being enslaved she ended up being purchased with several of her friends by Idol Rabier. Who pleasured himself by torturing innocent demi-human children. Eventually Raphtalia was forced to witness the death of her best friend Rifana. This final event caused her to have a mental breakdown after finally putting her over the edge. These series of tragic events left her traumatized. Over time she was sold and returned multiple times eventually ending up with slave dealer in Melromarc. This was due to her screaming in her sleep from her trauma and her deteriorating health from the same illness which killed her best friend. Eventually she ended up for sale in the capital of Melromarc. This led to her eventually being purchased by Naofumi Iwatani the shield hero. This one event would lead to her life being changed forever, as she became the primary companion of Naofumi and eventually becoming a hero herself.
- Her bond towards the Shield Hero has reached a point where she can often tell what exactly he is thinking with just his facial expressions. She often points it out and scolds him when he thinks of something very unreasonable.
- Raphtalia has a strong dislike for the Raph species, she finds it strange for a monster to be based on her genes.
- In the Anime Raphtalia is portrayed as far more naive than in the light novel. A well know example is the scene where Raphtalia thinks kissing Naofumi would get her pregnant.
- In the anime the otherworld arc is dramatically changed. For in the Light Novel Raphtalia is transported alongside Glass, L’arc and Therese instead of Naofumi’s group. This means she is not originally present for the beginning of the arc.
- Raphtalia’s POV from when she is separated from Naofumi is also exclusive to the Manga and Anime while it was not in the Light novel.
- The character who helps Raphtaia and gives her a Miko outfit in the Anime is completely original as she does not show up in the Light Novels. Instead I the outfit was chosen by L’arc.
- The whole reunion between Naofumi and Raphtalia is very different between the Anime compared to the light novel. In the Anime we see Naofumi find and protect her after she defeated Trash 2. While in the Light novel we see her, Glass, L’arc and, Therese meet up with Naofumi, Kizuna, Rishia, Filo, and Raph-Chan in a very emotional scene. Before the fight with trash 2 and his harem, army and divine beast clones.
- In the anime there was a lot more buildup to the battle with Trash 2 and his harem When compared to the Light Novel. The Light Novel itself had little to no buildup to the fight as we followed Naofumi’s view instead as Raphtalia’s POV is absent from it.
- The whole fight with Trash 2 played out out completely differently between each source. For In the Light novel It is a group battle between Trash 2 alongside his Harem with his Divine beast copies Fighting the combination of Raphtalia’s and Naofumi’s group. While in the Anime it’s a single battle where Raphtalia fights Trash 2 on her alone.
- In the Light novel Trash 2 dies to Raphtalia due to his own pride and ego when he does not heed Raphtalia’s warning to not move. While in the anime he does not move which spares ends up sparing his own life.
- In Light novel 22 When Naofumi asks her to stop calling him Mr.Naofumi and instead call him by his name alone. Raphtalia tries to do it but she is unable to do it an gets extremely embarrassed. Naofumi then says that she can one day drop the Mr prefix.
- In light novel 22 Naofumi teases Raphtalia about what he should call her once they get married. The joke name is Raphtalia Heavenly Empress Iwatani. This interaction makes Raphtalia extremely embarrassed and unable to speak properly for a moment.
- In the Web Novel, she possesses the Vassal Hammer rather than the Vassal Katana. This may have been a late change due to the rushed nature of the ending of the web novel. Similarly, the web novel hinted at the existence of Raphtalia’s ancestral land, Q’ten Lo, but never explored the idea.
- ↑ Light Novel Volume 8, Chapter 18
- ↑ Light Novel Volume 14, Chapter 14
- ↑ Light Novel Volume 12, Chapter 14
- ↑ Light Novel Volume 14, Chapter 9
- ↑ Light Novel Volume 1, Chapter 9
- ↑ Light Novel Volume 1, Chapter 9
- ↑ Light Novel Volume 5, Prologue
- ↑ Light Novel Volume 2, Prologue
- ↑ Light Novel Volume 2, Prologue
- ↑ Light Novel Volume 8, Chapter 14
- ↑ Light Novel Volume 14, Prologue
- ↑ Light Novel Volume 1, Chapter 9 — Light Novel Volume 1, Chapter 20
- ↑ Light Novel Volume 2, Prologue — Light Novel Volume 8, Chapter 14
- ↑ Light Novel Volume 10, Chapter 1
- ↑ Light Novel Volume 8, Chapter 14
- ↑ Light Novel Volume 1, Chapter 11
- ↑ Light Novel Volume 1, Chapter 11
- ↑ Light Novel Volume 14, Chapter 14
- ↑ Light Novel Volume 21 Chapter 4
- ↑ Light Novel Volume 18 Prologue
- ↑ Light Novel Volume 1 Chapter 15
- ↑ Light Novel Volume 1 Chapter 16
- ↑ Light Novel Volume 1 Chapter 12
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Naofumi Iwatani | |
The Rising of the Shield Hero character | |
Naofumi Iwatani, as illustrated by Seira Minami |
First appearance | The Rising of the Shield Hero chapter 1: «A Royal Summons» (2013) |
Created by | Aneko Yusagi |
Voiced by | Japanese Kaito Ishikawa English Billy Kametz (season 1 and Isekai Quartet (season 2)) Stephen Fu (season 2–present)[1] |
Naofumi Iwatani (Japanese: 岩谷 尚文, Hepburn: Iwatani Naofumi) is a fictional character from the light novel The Rising of the Shield Hero written by Aneko Yusagi and illustrated by Seria Minami. Naofumi is a young man summoned into a parallel world along with three other young men to become the world’s Cardinal Heroes and fight inter-dimensional hordes of monsters called Waves. Equipped with the Legendary Shield, the character earns the title of «Shield Hero» (盾の勇者, Tate no Yuusha) and goes on a journey with hatred towards society after being falsely accused of sexually assaulting a princess.
Naofumi was written by Aneko Yusagi to be a character affected by morality and how he forges bonds with other characters to recover himself from the presented crime. The anime staff aimed to portray him carefully when dealing with the character’s relationships, most notably Raphtalia. He is voiced by Kaito Ishikawa in Japanese. In the English dub, he was voiced by Billy Kametz (season 1) and Stephen Fu (season 2–present).
Critical reaction to the character has been mixed based on his dark traits but multiple writers enjoyed his character arc presented in the story, most notably when dealing with his slave Raphtalia as the two grow close despite Naofumi’s initial characterization. Kametz’s voice acting earned him an award by Crunchyroll.
Creation and development[edit]
Naofumi was created by Aneko Yusagi. Yusagi stressed the importance of leading with one’s morality and the idea of negative effects or impacts on other people in the making of the character as Naofumi is accused of sex abuse.[2] Naofumi was written to come across as a composed otaku, but Yusagi believes he is stronger in the anime to the point he believes that Naofumi is seen from Raphtalia’s point of view. Throughout the first chapters Naofumi is comforted by Raphtalia, which Yusagi felt was one of the best adapted parts of the anime. Another important relationship Naofumi forges in the narrative is with L’arc Berg, who is made to act like his older brother despite often irritating him.[3]
Anime director Takao Abo aimed to portray him as the weakest of the summoned heroes due to his relative lack of aid when fighting. Screenwriter Keigo Koyanagi described these hardships as common in the isekai genre but described Naofumi as a different type of protagonist, aiming to make him come across as unique. Producer Junichiro Tamura elaborated on these difficulties and specified that ones Naofumi has to face involve unspecified dark areas as a more realistic hero. The anime staff elaborated on the difficulties of dealing with adapting the parts of the light novel when Naofumi buys Raphtalia as a slave, reminding the audience that since the character is aware he is hated by society, having a slave would not affect his popularity.[4] Abo considers Naofumi’s growthing relationship with Raphtalia and the rest of his allies as the concept of a family-like story he wanted to make.[2]
In regards to his fighting abilities, Naofumi was found interesting by the anime staff for how his only weapon is a shield and thus he has to rely on tactics as well as Raphtalia to fight. In order to make combat more appealing, the shield was animated to have multiple forms. The staff found it challenging to properly adapt the light novel’s details about Naofumi’s weapon.[4]
In the anime version, Naofumi is voiced by Kaito Ishikawa who expressed shock at how Myne falsely accused him of having assaulted her. Nevertheless, Ishikawa tried to give the character a more positive tone in order to contrast his poor state, and especially when the protagonist trains to become a stronger fighter. As a result of his brooding personality, Ishikawa tries having a mind in regards to Naofumi to portray him properly. Furthermore, when exploring Naofumi taking care of Raphtalia, the actor realized his character displayed a more charming personality. Nevertheless, he states that while he often does nice actions, he is unwilling to be open to himself and still pretends to act coldly.[5] In the English dub of the series, Naofumi is voiced by Billy Kametz for the first season.[6] After Kametz announced that he was taking a leave of absence from voice acting after being diagnosed with stage IV colon cancer, which ultimately led to his death on June 9, 2022,[7][8] Stephen Fu replaced him for the ongoing seasons.[9]
Naofumi is a university student who was summoned from another world after finding a book about the Four Heroes. Originally an open minded person, he becomes cynical and distrustful of others due to being looked down by his fellow heroes, subjected to religious prejudice from citizens, and being robbed and falsely accused of attempted rape by Malty. It is only after Raphtalia defended him and proclaimed her loyalty that Naofumi began to slowly open up to those around him and realizing his mistakes. Viewing his role as a Hero burdensome, having been summoned against his will, Naofumi shows little remorse in using underhanded tactics to ensure the survival of his party despite the criticism of his fellow heroes. Generally reluctant to trust strangers, often asking to be paid upfront or using slave curses to prevent lying, he tries his best to live up to the expectations of those who have placed their faith in him or treat him as an equal.
After defeating Kyo and ending the threat of the Spirit Tortoise (the Cal Mira Wave in the anime), Naofumi is given control of Raphtalia’s hometown. He soon plans to rebuild and make a makeshift army to fight against the Waves and remaining Guardian Beasts, purchasing the original displaced inhabitants and other slaves to repopulate. He often enjoys pretending to be the villain, much to Raphtalia’s annoyance and the reluctance of his allies, and working as a merchant/craftsman in his spare time. Believing he’ll one day return home, he considers himself a foster parent to Raphtalia and Filo and desires to make sure they can protect themselves in his absence.
Although Naofumi has a slow start because of the public’s perception of him and being unable to attack enemies directly, he is still able to keep up with his fellow heroes and even outshine them due to unlocking a wide variety of shields that boost his allies and passive skills. Given his high defenses, he is able to shrug off most attacks and displays immunity to most poisons, being only vulnerable to attacks that use his stats against him such as Hengen Muso. His strongest shield: the cursed Shield of Wrath, allows him to counterattack opponents with black flames that rise with his anger at the cost of temporarily decreasing his stats and threatening to allow his inner darkness to take control. While the Legendary Shield is temporarily disabled in Kizuna’s world, he is chosen as the new Vassel Mirror Hero.
Outside The Rising of the Shield Hero, Naofumi, Raphtalia and Filo appeared as guest characters in the comical spin-off Isekai Quartet.[10]
Critical reception to Naofumi’s character has been mixed. In a review of the first light novel, Anime News Network found Naofumi’s hatred towards society for accusing him of a crime as too much to follow him, based on some actions, most notably buying Raphtalia as a slave. Nevertheless, the dynamic these two characters is well written as it helps to shows the gentle side of his personality rather than the initial cruel traits. As a result, she found Naofumi as a more unusual hero than the ones seen more commonly in other works.[11] Similarly, Theron Martin stated that «the series seems like it’s angling to build Naofumi up more as a folk hero than the famously brazen heroes we’re used to seeing in fantasy stories» and that «episode 3 gives the best argument to date for the series’ possible potential.»[12] Anime UK News found that while the initial parts of the series’ narrative might be hard difficult too in the anime form due to Naofumi’s actions, the way the relationship evolves makes the duo more likable protagonists.[13] The Fandom Post praised the setup provided by Naofumi as how twisted the premise becomes when Naofumi is accused of committing a crime and becomes a darker character to gain more power.[14] In a following review, ANN praised the author’s handling of Naofumi’s quirks as «His cynicism helps to drive the plot forward, and more importantly, it shows that he thinks about his actions and their consequences more than the other Heroes do».[15] Anime UK Network compared Naofumi’s dilemma with Mystara’s Penhaligon Trilogy of books by D.J Heinrich and said that while Naofumi initially treats Raphtalia poorly, he grows to care for her, resulting in one of the best scenes from the light novel; Raphtalia comforts a depressed Naofumi who states he has abused her but Raphtalia has grown to care about him too. As a result, Locksley refers to Naofumi as person seeking redemption as he grows into a more caring person despite his negative emotions displayed in the early chapters.[16]
Some critics focused more on the character’s portrayal in the anime form. Manga.Tokyo praised Naofumi’s character arc in the anime due to how decides to stay to protect his friends rather than returning to his own world as he thanks Raphtalia for his constant aid, something which made the reviewer look forward to them in form of a romantic relationship in a future season.[17] Anime UK News felt that Naofumi comes across as a more believable character in the anime than in the light novel referring to the latter as possibly bitter hero as a message from the author to explain a darker story he could not properly tell. Anime UK News felt Naofumi was given more scenes in the anime to be more likeable than in the light novel. Nevertheless, he criticized an early scene where Naofumi judges a princess.[18] The Fandom Post also felt that Naofumi became a more engaging character across the anime series as well as more powerful than the other heroes despite his initial weakness.[19]
Some critics were far more negative in regards to the character. Timothy Donohoo of Comic Book Resources heavily criticized how Naofumi comes across as an «overpowered protagonist who’s seemingly never wrong» and for the «socially contentious undertones», noting that «the series has gotten its fair share of well deserved flak». He speculates that some viewers may sympathize with the protagonist, noting that this would «justify the show’s label as an ‘incel fantasy‘«.[20] In retrospective, Anime News Network referred to Naofumi’s and Raphtalia’s relationship as the worst one in anime, claiming that despite Naofumi wanted to free her from being a slave, Raphtalia decided to keep this bond with her master.[21]
In the Anime Awards 2020 from Crunchyroll, Billy Kametz won the category «Best Voice Actor (En)» for voicing Naofumi.[22] Kametz expressed joy over this award and thanked the remaining members from the series’ cast for aiding him.[23]
FandomSpot author R. Romero ranked him as the 10th best Isekai protagonist in anime as, despite criticizing his disdain towards women, he becomes likable in the story thanks to his character arc.[24]
- ^ Stephen Fu [@That_Fu] (May 3, 2022). «Hey everyone! Thanks so much for all the support. I’m honored to be subbing in for Billy as Naofumi this season. I’ll do my best to make you proud» (Tweet) – via Twitter.
- ^ a b «Behind the Scenes of The Rising of the Shield Hero: An Interview with the Director». Crunchyroll. October 5, 2019. Retrieved November 19, 2020.
- ^ «「盾の勇者の成り上がり」原作・アネコユサギ インタビュー「アニメはラフタリアの視点で物語を見ているようだった」». Newtype. Retrieved November 19, 2020.
- ^ a b «The Staff of The Rising of the Shield Hero». May 10, 2019. Retrieved November 19, 2020.
- ^ «Interview with the Shield Hero – Anime Voice Actor Kaito Ishikawa Speaks!». Crunchyroll. Retrieved November 19, 2020.
- ^ «Rising of the Shield Hero English Dub Debuts, Future Episodes to Debut Simultaneously With Japan (Update)». Anime News Network. February 13, 2019. Retrieved November 19, 2020.
- ^ Luster, Joseph (April 26, 2022). «Voice Actor Billy Kametz Reveals Stage IV Colon Cancer Diagnosis». Otaku USA. Retrieved June 11, 2022.
- ^ Hodgkins, Crystalyn (June 11, 2022). «Voice Actor Billy Kametz Passes Away at 35». Anime News Network. Retrieved June 11, 2022.
- ^ Mateo, Alex (May 2, 2022). «Crunchyroll Reveals The Rising of the Shield Hero 2 Anime’s English Dub Cast, May 4 Premiere». Anime News Network. Retrieved June 11, 2022.
- ^ Loo, Egan (October 5, 2019). «The Rising of the Shield Hero Characters to Guest-Star in Isekai Quartet Anime Season 2». Anime News Network. Retrieved October 6, 2019.
- ^ «The Rising of the Shield Hero Novel 1». Anime News Network. Retrieved November 19, 2020.
- ^ «The Rising of The Shield Hero ‒ Episode 3». Anime News Network. January 24, 2019. Retrieved April 14, 2019.
- ^ «The Rising of the Shield Hero Season 1 Part 1 Review». Anime UK News. 19 June 2020. Retrieved November 19, 2020.
- ^ «Rising of the Shield Hero Episode #01 Anime Review». Fandom Post. January 17, 2019. Retrieved November 19, 2020.
- ^ «The Rising of the Shield Hero Novel 3». Anime News Network. Retrieved November 19, 2020.
- ^ Locksley, Ross (April 8, 2019). «The Rising of the Shield Hero Vols 1 and 2». Retrieved November 19, 2020.
- ^ «The Rising Of The Shield Hero Episode 25 (Final) Review: The Rising Of The Shield Hero». Manga.Tokyo. 30 June 2019. Retrieved November 19, 2020.
- ^ «The Rising Of The Shield Hero Episode 25 (Final) Review: The Rising Of The Shield Hero». Anime UK News. 16 January 2019. Retrieved November 19, 2020.
- ^ «Rising of the Shield Hero Episode #24 Anime Review». Fandom Post. June 20, 2019. Retrieved November 19, 2020.
- ^ Timothy, Donohoo. «The Rising of the Shield Hero Is Absurdly Popular for NO Good Reason». Comic Book Resources. Retrieved November 19, 2020.
- ^ «5 Worst Anime Relationships». Anime News Network. May 17, 2020. Retrieved November 19, 2020.
- ^ Crunchyroll [@Crunchyroll] (February 15, 2020). «And the #AnimeAwards winner for BEST VOICE ACTOR PERFORMANCE (EN) IS… DestellosWATCH NOW:» (Tweet). Retrieved November 19, 2020 – via Twitter.
- ^ Billy Kametz [@BillyKametz] (February 16, 2020). «What!? I just won A Crunchyroll Award! This is such a huge honor! I absolutely love this show and I love that I get to tell Naofumi’s story. Thank you so much to the folks at @Crunchyroll, @BangZoom, the amazing cast and crew, and to all the amazing fans for loving this show» (Tweet). Retrieved November 19, 2020 – via Twitter.
- ^ Romero, R. «20 Best Isekai Protagonists In Anime (Ranked)». FandomSpot. Archived from the original on July 19, 2022. Retrieved September 25, 2022.
Raphtalia | |||||||||||||||
You are my sword, Naofumi-sama…
Raphtalia (ラフタリア, Rafutaria) is the main female protagonist of The Rising of The Shield Hero. She is a Tanuki-type Demi-Human who was the first real member of the Shield Hero’s party after he purchased her as a slave. She is now the Katana Hero (刀の勇者, Katana no Yuusha).
She is voiced by Asami Seto, who also voiced Akira Mado from the Tokyo Ghoul series, and Mai Sakurajima from Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai, and by Erica Mendez, also voicing Ryuko Matoi, Aggretuko, and child Jean Pierre Polnareff.
Why She Rocks
- Raphtalia is very loyal to Naofumi. Even after she found out the he is the most wanted criminal in the kingdom, she still accepted him. In return for Naofumi adopting and taking care of her.
- She sucessfully learned how to use a sword in some fights including creating an illusion on a blade thanks to her magic.
- Raphtalia went from being a helpless and fearful child to a strong girl who overcame her post traumatic experiences, became much more skilled and deadlier in battle, much bolder, opinionated, stronger-willed, and fiercely protective of her beloved Naofumi, earned her vengeance against her former master named Idol Rabier who tormented her during childhood, and coped with her parents’ and her childhood friend’s losses. Which made her character development go deeper.
- Raphtalia has also helped Naofumi to come to his senses and prevented him from being consumed by hate and anger.
- Despite being treated as his own daughter, Raphtalia wants to get Naofumi’s attention by trying too hard to be an adult, or wagging her tail.
- «Naofumi-sama! I’m not a kid anymore!»
Bad Qualities
- Raphtalia’s web novel/light novel/manga counterpart is very vengeful, attempting to kill the man who made her life a living hell, but her anime counterpart spared him and went through the «If I kill him, then I will be just like him.» cliche.
- Whenever Filo gets near Naofumi, Raphtalia gets jealous easily.
- Her bond towards the Shield Hero has reached a point where she can often tell what exactly he is thinking with just his facial expressions. She often points it out and scolds him when he thinks of something very unreasonable.
- Raphtalia has a strong dislike for the Raph species, she finds it strange for a monster to be based on her genes.
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«Arcane magic’s a weird thing…works in unusual ways. It’s not like I wanted to live. In fact…maybe I wanted to die. I wasted away, my flesh n’skin rotting…stewing in it. That’s when they came.»
Notable sewer-dweller of nigh-cryptid status, most can’t hold the revulsion back upon meeting the City of the Lost’s patron disgusting, homeless, helpless romantic Oracle-Witch known to some as Raphtalia. Her origins are unknown. Her scent is not.
Raphtalia has lovely, bright blue eyes, and a large, prize-winning, gap-toothed smile.
She is absolutely disgusting.
Her light, mousy, pallid brown hair is quite long- dry and brittle at some parts, and greasy in others. Her fingers and toes both have long unkempt nails, typically uneven, broken, and packed with dirt. Her legs are noticeably unshaven.
She wears a thin, thread-bare, rag of a dress, which is filthy, stained, and torn in several parts. She also wields a gnarled staff, which has a small, rat-boned, human-shaped effigy dangling from it. Her overall body is disgusting and unwashed, and she emanates an unpleasant odor.
Occasionally, if one stares long enough, bits of her skin seem to move and bulge, as if creatures move under the surface. This is correct, and it is not uncommon for her to cough up a small moth or centipede as her body festers and rots from the inside out. Part of her torso, near her ribs, has rotted away almost completely, and oozes slightly, the skin there dark and necrotic, and leaves a small part of her insides open to the air.
Small squeaks can be heard when standing close to her, as her rat familiar screeches from his comfortable spot inside her ribcage. Her voice is often shrill and unpleasant, and she speaks with a thick, cockney accent.
Very cheery, obnoxious, and perpetually oblivious, Raphtalia is far more positive than she should be, with great self esteem. She is almost constantly flirting with someone.
She adores sewer and slum life, and loves the vermin which inhabit those areas alongside her. Raphtalia often asserts that she, in fact, prefers the company of those same disgusting pests, and considers herself a proud fellow of theirs.
Her greatest desire is to find the love of her life, someone who will settle down, get married, and have a life with her.
She does not want to take a bath. Those who ask are met with dismay and extreme resistance.
As an oracle and a witch, she has a deep fascination with and is drawn to all magic, all things arcane and perhaps some things that many consider abominative. Her interests often delve into the rather shady parts of what can be done with arcane power.
She has little value of society or its rules, and her moral philosophy, while not considered strictly good, is at the very least, typically benign. She typically prefers being left alone to pursue her own devices.
Raphtalia is known to worship the goddess Urgathoa- while perhaps not the most strictly, as she is *not* a cleric, she seems to have some ties to the goddess that she generally leaves unspoken. She can sometimes be found perusing the book «Serving Your Hunger», one of Urgathoa’s unholy texts.
«Wha’s it matter t’you, eh?»
The sewer-dwelling rat girl is not very forthcoming on who she is or where she came from.
She insists this is who she is, and that the life she currently leads reflects her truest self- and more than anything, that she is very happy.
Notable Relationships[]
Ratticus is her rat familiar and very best friend. He lives inside her torso, only occasionally gnawing at her innards.
Ozbourne Hoarfrost[]
«She knew all she needed to know about Ozbourne from the moment they met, in the dark, acrid waters.
A small bit of kindness, a small gesture of friendship…these small treasures meant everything. And from a man, so handsome, so effortlessly charismatic and beautiful…what light it brought to her small, dank, damp world, that felt as though it had been dark for so long.»
The man Raphtalia considers to be her true love.
While she is head over heels for him, he barely knows she exist in a romantic sense. Her love at first sight, she has unwavering commitment and devotion towards him, likely in an unhealthy manner.
More than anything, she desires to earn his everlasting love, and to marry him some day.
Adelaide Blanche[]
Silas Latzburg[]
Recent Activities[]
Raphtalia, as one of the few — perhaps only- persons to live in the sewers, occasionally pops up to notify people if she sees something…odd…happening amongst the dirty caverns.
Recently, she also attended a quest to explore a portion of the Mistwood with her beloved Ozbourne and a party of adventurers. The quest had several interesting occurrences of note, including the puppeting of several skeletons, she and her beloved turning to stone and then reviving with their party’s efforts, but perhaps none so well noted as the discovery of an ancient, largely decrepit temple to Urgathoa. The party made note of Raphtalia’s similarities to her goddess of worship, and made plans to destroy the temple to the evil, wretched goddess, but an oracle cannot stand idly by. Surely, Oz would understand what it feels like to have certain…obligations…
[ Under Construction ]
Dear Diary…[]
Raphtalia’s Diary and Short Writings
«Arcane magic’s a weird thing…works in unusual ways. It’s not like I wanted to live. In fact…maybe I wanted to die. I wasted away, my flesh n’skin rotting…stewing in it. That’s when they came.»
Notable sewer-dweller of nigh-cryptid status, most can’t hold the revulsion back upon meeting the City of the Lost’s patron disgusting, homeless, helpless romantic Oracle-Witch known to some as Raphtalia. Her origins are unknown. Her scent is not.
Raphtalia has lovely, bright blue eyes, and a large, prize-winning, gap-toothed smile.
She is absolutely disgusting.
Her light, mousy, pallid brown hair is quite long- dry and brittle at some parts, and greasy in others. Her fingers and toes both have long unkempt nails, typically uneven, broken, and packed with dirt. Her legs are noticeably unshaven.
She wears a thin, thread-bare, rag of a dress, which is filthy, stained, and torn in several parts. She also wields a gnarled staff, which has a small, rat-boned, human-shaped effigy dangling from it. Her overall body is disgusting and unwashed, and she emanates an unpleasant odor.
Occasionally, if one stares long enough, bits of her skin seem to move and bulge, as if creatures move under the surface. This is correct, and it is not uncommon for her to cough up a small moth or centipede as her body festers and rots from the inside out. Part of her torso, near her ribs, has rotted away almost completely, and oozes slightly, the skin there dark and necrotic, and leaves a small part of her insides open to the air.
Small squeaks can be heard when standing close to her, as her rat familiar screeches from his comfortable spot inside her ribcage. Her voice is often shrill and unpleasant, and she speaks with a thick, cockney accent.
Very cheery, obnoxious, and perpetually oblivious, Raphtalia is far more positive than she should be, with great self esteem. She is almost constantly flirting with someone.
She adores sewer and slum life, and loves the vermin which inhabit those areas alongside her. Raphtalia often asserts that she, in fact, prefers the company of those same disgusting pests, and considers herself a proud fellow of theirs.
Her greatest desire is to find the love of her life, someone who will settle down, get married, and have a life with her.
She does not want to take a bath. Those who ask are met with dismay and extreme resistance.
As an oracle and a witch, she has a deep fascination with and is drawn to all magic, all things arcane and perhaps some things that many consider abominative. Her interests often delve into the rather shady parts of what can be done with arcane power.
She has little value of society or its rules, and her moral philosophy, while not considered strictly good, is at the very least, typically benign. She typically prefers being left alone to pursue her own devices.
Raphtalia is known to worship the goddess Urgathoa- while perhaps not the most strictly, as she is *not* a cleric, she seems to have some ties to the goddess that she generally leaves unspoken. She can sometimes be found perusing the book «Serving Your Hunger», one of Urgathoa’s unholy texts.
«Wha’s it matter t’you, eh?»
The sewer-dwelling rat girl is not very forthcoming on who she is or where she came from.
She insists this is who she is, and that the life she currently leads reflects her truest self- and more than anything, that she is very happy.
Notable Relationships[]
Ratticus is her rat familiar and very best friend. He lives inside her torso, only occasionally gnawing at her innards.
Ozbourne Hoarfrost[]
«She knew all she needed to know about Ozbourne from the moment they met, in the dark, acrid waters.
A small bit of kindness, a small gesture of friendship…these small treasures meant everything. And from a man, so handsome, so effortlessly charismatic and beautiful…what light it brought to her small, dank, damp world, that felt as though it had been dark for so long.»
The man Raphtalia considers to be her true love.
While she is head over heels for him, he barely knows she exist in a romantic sense. Her love at first sight, she has unwavering commitment and devotion towards him, likely in an unhealthy manner.
More than anything, she desires to earn his everlasting love, and to marry him some day.
Adelaide Blanche[]
Silas Latzburg[]
Recent Activities[]
Raphtalia, as one of the few — perhaps only- persons to live in the sewers, occasionally pops up to notify people if she sees something…odd…happening amongst the dirty caverns.
Recently, she also attended a quest to explore a portion of the Mistwood with her beloved Ozbourne and a party of adventurers. The quest had several interesting occurrences of note, including the puppeting of several skeletons, she and her beloved turning to stone and then reviving with their party’s efforts, but perhaps none so well noted as the discovery of an ancient, largely decrepit temple to Urgathoa. The party made note of Raphtalia’s similarities to her goddess of worship, and made plans to destroy the temple to the evil, wretched goddess, but an oracle cannot stand idly by. Surely, Oz would understand what it feels like to have certain…obligations…
[ Under Construction ]
Dear Diary…[]
Raphtalia’s Diary and Short Writings
Raphtalia is a swordfighter from the country of Melromarc from a parallel world. A half-racoon demi-human, she was saved by Naofumi at a young age. She was touched by his kindness and has accompanied him as his sword ever since. Honest and straightforward, she has dedicated herself to fighting against the oppression of people like her.
Leader Skill
Unlock |
Show/Hide Requirements : Unit Lv85 |
Materials | Cost | |
×30 |
500000 |
Show/Hide Requirements : None |
Level | Bonuses | Materials | Cost |
HP+87 |
×10 |
250000 |
HP+174 |
×10 |
400000 |
HP+261 |
×10 |
750000 |
HP+348 |
×10 |
1500000 |
HP+435 |
×1 |
5000000 |
Show/Hide Requirements : Gate of Envy Level 2 + |
Feint: Raises Evasion Rate | |||
The Raccoon Swordfighter: Raises Evasion Rate & MOVE +1 | |||
Level | Bonuses | Materials | Cost |
PDEF+14 |
×10 |
250000 |
PDEF+28 |
×10 |
400000 |
PDEF+42 |
×20 |
750000 |
PDEF+56 |
×20 |
1500000 |
PDEF+70 |
×2 |
10000000 |
Show/Hide Requirements : Gate of Sloth Level 2 |
Light of Dawn’s Heartbeat (old): Raises HP by 30%/Slash ATK Power by 30%/Evasion Rate by 10%/PATK Debuff Reduction by 40% for Light Units | |||
Light of Dawn’s Heartbeat (new): Raises HP by 30%/All ATK by 30%/Evasion Rate by 10%/PATK Debuff Reduction by 40% for Light Units | |||
Level | Bonuses | Materials | Cost |
HP+8 |
×10 |
250000 |
HP+16 |
×10 |
400000 |
HP+24 |
×20 |
750000 |
HP+32 |
×20 |
1500000 |
HP+40 |
×2 |
8000000 |
Show/Hide Requirements : Gate of Lust Level 2 |
Level | Bonuses | Materials | Cost |
HP+48 |
×10 |
250000 |
HP+96 |
×10 |
400000 |
HP+144 |
×10 |
750000 |
HP+192 |
×10 |
1500000 |
HP+240 |
×2 |
8000000 |
Show/Hide Requirements : Gate of Gluttony Level 2 |
Level | Bonuses | Materials | Cost |
HP+29 |
×10 |
250000 |
HP+58 |
×10 |
400000 |
HP+87 |
×10 |
750000 |
HP+116 |
×10 |
1500000 |
HP+145 |
×2 |
10000000 |
Show/Hide Requirements : Gate of Wrath Level 2 |
Level | Bonuses | Materials | Cost |
HP+175 |
×5 |
500000 |
HP+350 |
×10 |
800000 |
HP+525 |
×5 |
1500000 |
HP+700 |
×10 |
3000000 |
HP+875 |
×2 |
15000000 |
Show/Hide Requirements : Gate of Greed Level 2 |
Level | Bonuses | Materials | Cost |
HP+13 |
×10 |
1000000 |
HP+26 |
×15 |
1500000 |
HP+39 |
×5 |
3000000 |
HP+52 |
×10 |
6000000 |
HP+65 |
×2 |
30000000 |
Spirit Gear
Stat | Min | Max (at 100) | Avg per Lv | 60 | 65 | 75 | 80 | 85 | 99 |
158 | 792 | 6.40 | 535 | 567 | 631 | 663 | 695 | 785 | |
75 | 231 | 1.58 | 167 | 175 | 191 | 199 | 207 | 229 | |
72 | 211 | 1.40 | 154 | 161 | 175 | 182 | 189 | 209 | |
52 | 142 | 0.91 | 105 | 110 | 119 | 123 | 128 | 141 | |
38 | 38 | 0.00 | 38 | 38 | 38 | 38 | 38 | 38 | |
46 | 132 | 0.87 | 97 | 101 | 110 | 114 | 118 | 131 | |
48 | 162 | 1.15 | 115 | 121 | 133 | 138 | 144 | 160 | |
72 | 102 | 0.30 | 89 | 91 | 94 | 95 | 97 | 101 | |
58 | 115 | 0.58 | 91 | 94 | 100 | 103 | 106 | 114 | |
62 | 152 | 0.91 | 115 | 120 | 129 | 133 | 138 | 151 |
Limit Break
Default Skin
[[Category:Born in Error: Invalid time.]]