Как пишется райкваза

Рэйкваза (яп. レックウザ Rayquaza, англ. Rayquaza) — легендарный покемон двойного Type Dragon.gif/Type Flying.gif-типа. Является членом Погодного Трио вместе с Кайогром и Граудоном.


Внешне этот покемон напоминает змею с трёхпалыми лапами. Близ головы видно четыре нароста, а на теле есть три утолщения с наростами. Покемон зелёного цвета с жёлтым узором.


Рэйкваза, кажется, очень агрессивный и территориальный покемон, показанный, когда он напал на Деоксиса. Тем не менее, его агрессия по отношению к Деоксису может происходить из убеждения, что Рэйкваза уполномочен защищать Землю от метеоритов и подобных угроз.

В мифологии региона Хоэнн говорилось, что Рэйкваза прекратил борьбу между Граудоном и Кайогром. Он известен своей яростной защитой своей территории. Примером этого может служить появление Деоксиса, упавшего из космоса в метеоре, Рэйкваза подумал, что Деоксис вторгается на его территорию, и поэтому атаковал его. Это было в Судьбе Деоксиса, 7-м фильме о покемонах.


Внутри тела Рэйквазы лежит орган, который обладает той же силой, что и Мега Камень. Ученый из корпорации Девон назвал этот орган органом микадо (по-японски ミ カ ド 器官). Поглощая метеориты по мере их прохождения через стратосферу, орган микадо будет наполнен достаточным количеством энергии, чтобы включить Мега Эволюцию.

Он может успокоить других членов погодного трио, даже в их Первобытных формах. Говорят, что Рэйкваза прожил сотни миллионов лет в озоновом слое, где питается водой и другими частицами. Рэйкваза редко замечается людьми; даже в полете его внешний вид неотличим от метеора. Рэйкваза охотится на миниоров в регионе Алола. Рэйкваза — единственный известный покемон, способный разучить атаку «Восхождение Дракона«.


Родом из региона Хоэнн. Он летает в озоновом слое далеко над облаками и его невозможно увидеть с земли. Он живет в стратосфере и часто спускается к Небесному Столбу. Он чувствует себя очень комфортно в озоновом слое. Он питается частицами воды, которые взвешены в воздухе, а когда ему нужно мега эволюционировать, он питается энергией метериоритов.


Рейкваза впервые появился в 7-м покемон фильме. А в 18-м покемон фильме был показан Шайни Рейкваза, способный Мега эволюционировать.

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По уровню


Ruby Sapphire Emerald FireRed LeafGreen Сзади
RS 384 front.png E 384 front.gif RS 384 front.png RayquazaBackSprite1.png
RSShinyRayquaza.png EmeraldShinyRayquaza.gif RSShinyRayquaza.png RayquazaBackSprite2.png
Diamond Pearl Platinum HeartGold SoulSilver Сзади
DP 384 front.png DP 384 front.png DP 384 front.png RayquazaBackSprite3.png
DPPtShinyRayquaza.png DPPtShinyRayquaza.png DPPtShinyRayquaza.png RayquazaBackSprite4.png
Black White Black 2 White 2 Сзади
Rayquaza BW.gif Rayquaza BW.gif Rayquaza BW Back Sprite.gif
Rayquaza BW Shiny Sprite.gif Rayquaza BW Shiny Sprite.gif Rayquaza BW Shiny Back Sprite.gif
X Y Omega Ruby Alpha Sapphire Сзади
Rayquaza XY.gif Rayquaza XY.gif Rayquaza XY Back Sprite.gif
Rayquaza XY Shiny Sprite.gif Rayquaza XY Shiny Sprite.gif Rayquaza XY Shiny Back Sprite.gif
GO Сзади
Sun Moon Ultra Sun Ultra Moon Сзади
Sword Shield Сзади

Спрайты мега эволюции

Интересные факты

  • Рэйкваза — единственный покемон, способный к Мега Эволюции, для которого не требуется мега камень (не считая Грениндзю Эша).
  • Рэйкваза — единственный член погодного трио, который имеет двойной тип, не считая Первобытного Граудона.


Дизайн Рэйквазы, вероятно, основан на китайском драконе и дождевом черве. Так же прообразом могли послужить и наги. Его роль похожа на роль Зиза в еврейских легендах. Рэйкваза соответствует описанию ацтекского бога Кецалькоатля, который был изображен как летающий змей и создал границу между землей и небом. Его способности обитать в небесах и жить там, в течение столетий питаясь ничем иным, как росой и частицами, также несет в себе аспекты легендарных китайских мудрецов-отшельников и восточноазиатских драконов.


Рэйкваза скорее всего происходит от слова «Raqiya» — небосвод, по-еврейски. Также он может быть комбинацией «Ray» — луч и «Quasar» — квазар, класс астрономических объектов, являющихся одними из самых ярких в видимой Вселенной. Также Рэйкваза может быть комбинацией «» (retsu) — жестокий, яростный, «» () — небо и «» (za) — место, локация. Это может означать «тот, кто находится в свирепых небесах«.

Название органа Рэйквазы, позволяющий ему мега эволюционировать, может происходить от «» (mikado) — император.


Rayquaza (Japanese: レックウザ Rekkuuza) is a Dragon/Flying-type Legendary Pokémon introduced in Generation III. It is the version mascot for Pokémon Emerald.

It is a member of the Weather Trio, alongside Kyogre and Groudon.



Rayquaza is a long, green, serpentine Pokémon with yellow eyes. It has pink lining in the mouth. It has yellow, linked, circular markings down its entire body. In Mega form, it has a Delta-shaped jaw on its mouth, yellow energy «ribbons», and an elongated serpent body. As Mega Rayquaza, it is more aggressive and powerful.

Shiny Rayquaza replaces all of the green with black.

As a natural ability, Rayquaza can float and control the speed, direction and altitude of its levitation. Despite not having used any of these characteristics in battle throughout its appearances in the anime, all Rayquaza have sharp claws on their hands, sharp teeth and a powerful constrictor body. It’s not known if Mega Rayquaza can use its energy whips/tentacles as weapons or if they are simply regular body parts. Naturally, given it can travel through the ozone layer safely and even higher layers of Earth’s atmosphere, it demands very little air to live and possibly none. If none, it could possibly travel through space, since the layer that intermediates the Ozone layer and the troposphere can hit -60 °C or -76 F. If the belief that Rayquaza is responsible for destroying meteors still in the higher atmospheric layers is true, it would have to be able to endure temperatures that can reach -100 °C, or even -148 F. It shows that Rayquaza have a great resistance to cold, which is ironic since it has double weakness to Ice typing. Despite its resistance, it is not known if Rayquaza can endure the -270 °C or -454 F of the absolute vacuum of space.

Due to its nature of absorbing ozone layer particles, if Rayquaza is in the Alola region, it is a direct predator of Minior, should the latter Pokémon die in its core form and become one with the universe, its absorbed particles left behind for Rayquaza to feed on.


Rayquaza seems to be a very aggressive and territorial Pokémon, shown when it attacked a Deoxys. Yet, its aggression toward Deoxys could derive from the belief that Rayquaza is commissioned with the natural duty of shielding Earth from meteorites and similar threats, as was hinted in the Delta Episode bonus in the Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire Pokémon games.

In the Hoenn region’s mythology, it was said that Rayquaza stopped the fight between Groudon and Kyogre. It lives in the ozone layer far above the clouds and cannot be seen from the ground. It is noted for protecting its territory fiercely. An example of this was when a Deoxys, which had fallen from space in a meteor, appeared, Rayquaza thought that Deoxys was invading its territory and attacked it.


Mega Rayquaza

Rayquaza does not evolve normally. Rayquaza can Mega Evolve however, after learning the move Dragon Ascent.

Game info

Battling Rayquaza in Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver.

Rayquaza is a Generation III Pokémon, first appearing in the Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire games. In 2005, Rayquaza became the version mascot for the Pokémon Emerald game. In all three games, Rayquaza can only be obtained at the Sky Pillar. It can be caught after the eighth Gym (but only for Pokémon Emerald), making for an easy victory over the Elite Four.

In Red Rescue Team and Blue Rescue Team, Rayquaza plays a key role in the story. Xatu warns all of the Pokémon in Pokémon Square that a large star is falling and is going to destroy the planet and says that the only way to get rid of it is to ask Rayquaza to destroy it. The main character must use Xatu’s teleporting stone to reach the Sky Tower, where Rayquaza dwells. When the main character meets Rayquaza, it is extremely enraged to see that Pokémon from the ground have come «where they are not supposed to be». When the player beats Rayquaza, it will realize its mistake. The star that will destroy the planet is coming near, so Rayquaza blasts it with its Hyper Beam. The blast is so overwhelming that the main character and his partner fall off the top of Sky Tower.

It can also be found in HeartGold and SoulSilver in Embedded Tower after the player obtains Kyogre (HeartGold) or Groudon (SoulSilver).


Version(s) Area(s) Rarity
Ruby and Sapphire Sky Pillar One
FireRed and LeafGreen Trade None
Emerald Sky Pillar One
Diamond and Pearl Pal Park None
Platinum Pal Park None
HeartGold and SoulSilver Embedded Tower One
Black and White Transfer None
X and Y Transfer None
Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire Sky Pillar One
Sun and Moon Transfer None
Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon Ultra Space Wilds (Cliff World; requires Groudon and Kyogre in your party) One

Side Game Locations

Game(s) Area(s)
Pokémon Pinball Ruby & Sapphire Bonus Field
Pokémon Trozei! Random Agent Cards, Mr. Who’s Den
Red Rescue Team & Blue Rescue Team Sky Tower Summit (9F)
Explorers of Time & Explorers of Darkness Sky Stairway (Summit)
Pokémon Ranger Fiore Temple (during mission)
PokéPark Wii: Pikachu’s Adventure Flower Zone

Pokédex Entries

  • Ruby

    Rayquaza lived for hundreds of millions of years in the earth’s ozone layer, never descending to the ground. This Pokémon appears to feed on water and particles in the atmosphere.

  • Sapphire

    Rayquaza is said to have lived for hundreds of millions of years in the earth’s ozone layer, above the clouds. Its existence had been completely unknown because it lived so high in the sky.

  • FireRed

    It has lived for hundreds of millions of years in the ozone layer. Its flying form looks like a meteor.

  • LeafGreen

    It has lived for hundreds of millions of years in the ozone layer. Its flying form looks like a meteor.

  • Emerald

    A Pokémon that flies endlessly in the ozone layer. It is said it would descend to the ground if Kyogre and Groudon were to fight.

  • Diamond

    It cannot be seen from ground level since it lives far up above the clouds in the ozone layer.

  • Pearl

    It cannot be seen from ground level since it lives far up above the clouds in the ozone layer.

  • Platinum

    It cannot be seen from ground level since it lives far up above the clouds in the ozone layer.

  • HeartGold

    It flies in the ozone layer, way up high in the sky. Until recently, no one had ever seen it.

  • SoulSilver

    It flies in the ozone layer, way up high in the sky. Until recently, no one had ever seen it.

  • Black

    It cannot be seen from ground level since it lives far up above the clouds in the ozone layer.

  • White

    It cannot be seen from ground level since it lives far up above the clouds in the ozone layer.

  • Black 2

    It cannot be seen from ground level since it lives far up above the clouds in the ozone layer.

  • White 2

    It cannot be seen from ground level since it lives far up above the clouds in the ozone layer.

  • X

    It lives in the ozone layer far above the clouds and cannot be seen from the ground.

  • Y

    It flies in the ozone layer, way up high in the sky. Until recently, no one had ever seen it.

  • Omega Ruby

    Rayquaza is said to have lived for hundreds of millions of years. Legends remain of how it put to rest the clash between Kyogre and Groudon.

  • Alpha Sapphire

    It flies forever through the ozone layer, consuming meteoroids for sustenance. The many meteoroids in its body provide the energy it needs to Mega Evolve.

  • Sun

    Rayquaza preys on Minior.

Super Smash Bros. Brawl

A Rayquaza close up

Rayquaza is the second main boss the player must fight in Super Smash Bros. Brawl’s Adventure Mode, The Subspace Emissary. Diddy Kong runs to find help for Donkey Kong, and comes across a large lake. He notices a destroyed Arwing nearby, and goes to investigate. Rayquaza appears out of the lake, angry that Diddy trespassed into its territory. It grabs Diddy, but Fox emerges from the Arwing and uses Fox Illusion to free Diddy Kong from Rayquaza’s grasp. The two quickly team up and defeat Rayquaza. Rayquaza’s appearance is also notable because it is the only boss in The Subspace Emissary who is fought by a group that does not include any other characters from its own series.

It is interesting to note that Rayquaza was found within the lake as opposed to its usual dwelling, the sky.

Rayquaza appears later in the Great Maze, as one of the eight bosses the player must face before completing the adventure.

Rayquaza also appears in Brawl’s stadium, in a mode called Boss Battles. Rayquaza is one of the ten bosses that the player must fight.


Rayquaza’s Stats






Sp. Atk


Sp. Def






Rayquaza’s Stats






Sp. Atk


Sp. Def










Rayquaza learns no moves via breeding.



RS 384 front

Rayquaza’s Ruby & Sapphire sprite

RS 384 front

Rayquaza’s FireRed and LeafGreen sprite

E 384 front

Rayquaza’s Emerald sprite


Rayquaza’s back sprite

Rayquaza’s Ruby and Sapphire shiny sprite

Rayquaza’s FireRed and LeafGreen shiny sprite


Rayquaza’s Emerald shiny sprite


Rayquaza’s back shiny sprite

DP 384 front

Rayquaza’s Diamond and Pearl sprite

DP 384 front

Rayquaza’s Platinum sprite

DP 384 front

Rayquaza’s HeartGold and SoulSilver sprite


Rayquaza’s back sprite


Rayquaza’s Diamond and Pearl shiny sprite


Rayquaza’s Platinum shiny sprite


Rayquaza’s HeartGold and SoulSilver shiny sprite


Rayquaza’s back shiny sprite

Rayquaza BW

Rayquaza’s Black and White/Black 2 & White 2 sprite

Rayquaza BW Back Sprite

Rayquaza’s back sprite

Rayquaza BW Shiny Sprite

Rayquaza’s Black and White shiny sprite

Rayquaza BW Shiny Back Sprite

Rayquaza’s back shiny sprite

Rayquaza XY

Rayquaza’s X and Y/Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire sprite

Rayquaza XY Back Sprite

Rayquaza’s back sprite

Rayquaza XY Shiny Sprite

Rayquaza’s X and Y/Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire shiny sprite

Rayquaza XY Shiny Back Sprite

Rayquaza’s back shiny sprite

Mega Evolution Sprites



  • Mega Rayquaza in the anime.

  • Shiny Rayquaza in the anime.

  • Shiny Mega Rayquaza in the anime.

Rayquaza makes its debut in the 7th movie MS007: Pokémon — Destiny Deoxys. Like all other Legendary Pokémon, Rayquaza is a truly powerful Pokémon. Four years before the main movie, Rayquaza had fought against Deoxys because it thought the Pokémon was invading its territory when the meteorite Deoxys used for travel landed on the earth. Rayquaza has also made its cameo appearance as in the beginning of the 9th move MS009: Pokémon Movie — Pokémon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea, but as having become the Team Rocket agents’ stolen and unethically experimented victim. It is unknown whether or not it has remained at or escaped from the Team Rocket base.

When Iris was leaving Blackthorn City with Axew and her newly captured Gible, she spotted Rayquaza flying through the clouds in the sky. A Shiny Rayquaza also appears in MS018: Pokémon The Movie — Hoopa and the Clash of Ages as an ally of Hoopa and Ash against Hoopa Unbound, while another appears in the Mega Evolution Specials.

  • Rayquaza (MS007)
  • Rayquaza (Mega Evolution Special)
  • Rayquaza (MS018)
  • Dream Cynthia’s Rayquaza
  • Brendan’s Rayquaza
  • Mirage Rayquaza
  • Rayquaza (SM124)


  • Rayquaza (Adventures)
  • Manabu’s Rayquaza
  • Ryū’s Rayquaza


  • Rayquaza is the only Pokémon boss in Super Smash Bros. Brawl.
  • Rayquaza is the only member of the Weather Trio to have a Mega Evolution instead of a Primal Reversion.
  • Rayquaza is the first (and only) Pokémon capable of Mega Evolution without a Mega Stone. Instead, it is caused by knowing its signature move, Dragon Ascent.
    • Rayquaza can’t Mega Evolve if it holds a Z-Crystal, even if it knows Dragon Ascent.
  • Mega Rayquaza is the first Pokémon to be banned from the Ubers tier, thus resulting in a new tier being made. This was due to its overpowered move Dragon Ascent (which could OHKO even Uber Tier Pokémon), as well as the fact that its lack of a Mega Stone meant it could hold stat-boosting items that could raise its already overly-powerful stats even more. As of now it is only allowed in the «Anything Goes» tier.
  • Mega Rayquaza is the tallest Flying-type Pokémon.
  • Rayquaza is one of the few Legendary Pokémon to Mega Evolve.
  • Rayquaza is the only member of the Weather Trio to have two types up until Gen VI, which introduced the dual-typed Primal reversion of Groudon.
  • Rayquaza is known to eat meteors in the sky.
  • Rayquaza is one of the collectable spirits in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.
  • Rayquaza ranked 8th, among all Pokémon, in the Pokémon of the Year 2020 poll by The Pokémon Company. It also ranked 1st among all Hoenn Pokémon.


Rayquaza is based on an East Asian dragon with elements of the Ziz from Abrahamic religion (as both are described as being masters of the sky) and the Aztec wind god Quetzalcoatl, who was often portrayed as a feathered serpent.


Rayquaza and Rekkūza come from «ray» (referring to the cosmic radiation it would likely be exposed to in its ozone layer habitat), «quasar» (the most distant celestial objects observed thus far, often theorized to be galaxies emitting high levels of radiation), and possibly «raqiya» (a Hebrew word that literally means «expanse,» but has been used to mean «sky»). They may also be derived from 烈 (retsu, Japanese for «furious»), 空 (kū, «sky», heaven, «air,» or «vacuum» in Japanese), and 座 (za, Japanese for «seat», but also used as a suffix for constellations), thus meaning «one who sits in the furious sky.»


384Rayquaza AG anime

384Rayquaza AG anime 2

384Rayquaza AG anime 3

384Rayquaza AG anime 4

384Rayquaza AG anime 5

384Rayquaza AG anime 6

384Rayquaza-Shiny XY anime

384Rayquaza-Mega XY anime

384Rayquaza-Mega XY anime 2

384Rayquaza-Mega-Shiny XY anime

384Rayquaza-Mega-Shiny XY anime 2

384Rayquaza Dream

384Rayquaza Dream 2

384Rayquaza Dream 3

384Rayquaza Mega Dream

384Rayquaza Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Red and Blue Rescue Teams

384Mega Rayquaza Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon

384Rayquaza Pokemon Colosseum

384Rayquaza Super Smash Bros Brawl

384Rayquaza Pokemon PokéPark

384Rayquaza Pokémon HOME

384Rayquaza Mega Pokémon HOME

384Rayquaza DBPR

384Rayquaza Masters

Rayquaza trophy SSBB

Rayquaza trophy SSBWU


Mega Rayquaza Pokken Tournament DX

384Rayquaza Pokemon Rumble U

384Mega Rayquaza Pokemon Rumble World

Rayquaza Undaunted

Mega Rayquaza Pokemon TCG XY Roaring Skies

Shiny Mega Rayquaza - Pokemon TCG XY Ancient Origins

PokePark-Blue Artwork

May and brendan bikes

Brendan and May encountering Rayquaza from Ruby and Sapphire.

Pokémon ORAS Delta Episode

Pokémon ORAS Mega Rayquaza VS Deoxys

See also

  • Pokémon.com Pokédex
  • Legendary Pokémon data
  • The Pokémon Database
  • Pokémon Dream Pokédex data
  • Psypokes Psydex data
v · d · eMega Pokémon
Generation I

Venusaur · Charizard · Blastoise · Beedrill · Pidgeot · Alakazam · Slowbro · Gengar · Kangaskhan · Pinsir · Gyarados · Aerodactyl · Mewtwo

Generation II

Ampharos · Steelix · Scizor · Heracross · Houndoom · Tyranitar

Generation III

Sceptile · Blaziken · Swampert · Gardevoir · Sableye · Mawile · Aggron · Medicham · Manectric · Sharpedo · Camerupt · Altaria · Banette · Absol · Glalie · Salamence · Metagross · Latias · Latios · Rayquaza

Generation IV

Lopunny · Garchomp · Lucario · Abomasnow · Gallade

Generation V


Generation VI


v · d · eLegendary and Mythical* Pokémon
Generation I

Articuno · Zapdos · Moltres · Mewtwo · Mew*

Generation II

Raikou · Entei · Suicune · Lugia · Ho-Oh · Celebi*

Generation III

Regirock · Regice · Registeel · Latias · Latios
Kyogre · Groudon · Rayquaza · Jirachi* · Deoxys*

Generation IV

Uxie · Mesprit · Azelf · Dialga · Palkia · Heatran · Regigigas
Giratina · Cresselia · Phione* · Manaphy* · Darkrai* · Shaymin* · Arceus*

Generation V

Victini* · Cobalion · Terrakion · Virizion · Tornadus · Thundurus · Reshiram
Zekrom · Landorus · Kyurem · Keldeo* · Meloetta* · Genesect*

Generation VI

Xerneas · Yveltal · Zygarde · Diancie* · Hoopa* · Volcanion*

Generation VII

Type: Null · Silvally · Tapu Koko · Tapu Lele · Tapu Bulu · Tapu Fini
Cosmog · Cosmoem · Solgaleo · Lunala · Necrozma
Magearna* · Marshadow* · Zeraora* · Meltan* · Melmetal*

Generation VIII

Zacian · Zamazenta · Eternatus · Kubfu · Urshifu‎ · Zarude*
Regieleki · Regidrago · Glastrier · Spectrier · Calyrex · Enamorus

Generation IX

Wo-Chien · Chien-Pao · Ting-Lu · Chi-Yu · Koraidon · Miraidon · Ogerpon · Terapagos

Ultra Beasts · Paradox
v · d · eGeneration III Pokémon
  1. Treecko
  2. Grovyle
  3. Sceptile
  4. Torchic
  5. Combusken
  6. Blaziken
  7. Mudkip
  8. Marshtomp
  9. Swampert
  10. Poochyena
  11. Mightyena
  12. Zigzagoon
  13. Linoone
  14. Wurmple
  15. Silcoon
  16. Beautifly
  17. Cascoon
  18. Dustox
  19. Lotad
  20. Lombre
  21. Ludicolo
  22. Seedot
  23. Nuzleaf
  24. Shiftry
  25. Taillow
  26. Swellow
  27. Wingull
  28. Pelipper
  29. Ralts
  30. Kirlia
  31. Gardevoir
  32. Surskit
  33. Masquerain
  34. Shroomish
  35. Breloom
  36. Slakoth
  37. Vigoroth
  38. Slaking
  39. Nincada
  40. Ninjask
  41. Shedinja
  42. Whismur
  43. Loudred
  44. Exploud
  45. Makuhita
  46. Hariyama
  47. Azurill
  48. Nosepass
  49. Skitty
  50. Delcatty
  51. Sableye
  52. Mawile
  53. Aron
  54. Lairon
  55. Aggron
  56. Meditite
  57. Medicham
  58. Electrike
  59. Manectric
  60. Plusle
  61. Minun
  62. Volbeat
  63. Illumise
  64. Roselia
  65. Gulpin
  66. Swalot
  67. Carvanha
  68. Sharpedo
  69. Wailmer
  70. Wailord
  71. Numel
  72. Camerupt
  73. Torkoal
  74. Spoink
  75. Grumpig
  76. Spinda
  77. Trapinch
  78. Vibrava
  79. Flygon
  80. Cacnea
  81. Cacturne
  82. Swablu
  83. Altaria
  84. Zangoose
  85. Seviper
  86. Lunatone
  87. Solrock
  88. Barboach
  89. Whiscash
  90. Corphish
  91. Crawdaunt
  92. Baltoy
  93. Claydol
  94. Lileep
  95. Cradily
  96. Anorith
  97. Armaldo
  98. Feebas
  99. Milotic
  100. Castform
  101. Kecleon
  102. Shuppet
  103. Banette
  104. Duskull
  105. Dusclops
  106. Tropius
  107. Chimecho
  108. Absol
  109. Wynaut
  110. Snorunt
  111. Glalie
  112. Spheal
  113. Sealeo
  114. Walrein
  115. Clamperl
  116. Huntail
  117. Gorebyss
  118. Relicanth
  119. Luvdisc
  120. Bagon
  121. Shelgon
  122. Salamence
  123. Beldum
  124. Metang
  125. Metagross
  126. Regirock
  127. Regice
  128. Registeel
  129. Latias
  130. Latios
  131. Kyogre
  132. Groudon
  133. Rayquaza
  134. Jirachi
  135. Deoxys
See also

Generation I · Generation II · Generation IV · Generation V · Generation VI · Generation VII · Generation VIII · Generation IX

Generation III
v · d · eEvolutionary Line


Rayquaza (Japanese: レックウザ Rekkuuza) is a Dragon/Flying-type Legendary Pokémon introduced in Generation III. It is the version mascot for Pokémon Emerald.

It is a member of the Weather Trio, alongside Kyogre and Groudon.



Rayquaza is a long, green, serpentine Pokémon with yellow eyes. It has pink lining in the mouth. It has yellow, linked, circular markings down its entire body. In Mega form, it has a Delta-shaped jaw on its mouth, yellow energy «ribbons», and an elongated serpent body. As Mega Rayquaza, it is more aggressive and powerful.

Shiny Rayquaza replaces all of the green with black.

As a natural ability, Rayquaza can float and control the speed, direction and altitude of its levitation. Despite not having used any of these characteristics in battle throughout its appearances in the anime, all Rayquaza have sharp claws on their hands, sharp teeth and a powerful constrictor body. It’s not known if Mega Rayquaza can use its energy whips/tentacles as weapons or if they are simply regular body parts. Naturally, given it can travel through the ozone layer safely and even higher layers of Earth’s atmosphere, it demands very little air to live and possibly none. If none, it could possibly travel through space, since the layer that intermediates the Ozone layer and the troposphere can hit -60 °C or -76 F. If the belief that Rayquaza is responsible for destroying meteors still in the higher atmospheric layers is true, it would have to be able to endure temperatures that can reach -100 °C, or even -148 F. It shows that Rayquaza have a great resistance to cold, which is ironic since it has double weakness to Ice typing. Despite its resistance, it is not known if Rayquaza can endure the -270 °C or -454 F of the absolute vacuum of space.

Due to its nature of absorbing ozone layer particles, if Rayquaza is in the Alola region, it is a direct predator of Minior, should the latter Pokémon die in its core form and become one with the universe, its absorbed particles left behind for Rayquaza to feed on.


Rayquaza seems to be a very aggressive and territorial Pokémon, shown when it attacked a Deoxys. Yet, its aggression toward Deoxys could derive from the belief that Rayquaza is commissioned with the natural duty of shielding Earth from meteorites and similar threats, as was hinted in the Delta Episode bonus in the Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire Pokémon games.

In the Hoenn region’s mythology, it was said that Rayquaza stopped the fight between Groudon and Kyogre. It lives in the ozone layer far above the clouds and cannot be seen from the ground. It is noted for protecting its territory fiercely. An example of this was when a Deoxys, which had fallen from space in a meteor, appeared, Rayquaza thought that Deoxys was invading its territory and attacked it.


Mega Rayquaza

Rayquaza does not evolve normally. Rayquaza can Mega Evolve however, after learning the move Dragon Ascent.

Game info

Battling Rayquaza in Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver.

Rayquaza is a Generation III Pokémon, first appearing in the Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire games. In 2005, Rayquaza became the version mascot for the Pokémon Emerald game. In all three games, Rayquaza can only be obtained at the Sky Pillar. It can be caught after the eighth Gym (but only for Pokémon Emerald), making for an easy victory over the Elite Four.

In Red Rescue Team and Blue Rescue Team, Rayquaza plays a key role in the story. Xatu warns all of the Pokémon in Pokémon Square that a large star is falling and is going to destroy the planet and says that the only way to get rid of it is to ask Rayquaza to destroy it. The main character must use Xatu’s teleporting stone to reach the Sky Tower, where Rayquaza dwells. When the main character meets Rayquaza, it is extremely enraged to see that Pokémon from the ground have come «where they are not supposed to be». When the player beats Rayquaza, it will realize its mistake. The star that will destroy the planet is coming near, so Rayquaza blasts it with its Hyper Beam. The blast is so overwhelming that the main character and his partner fall off the top of Sky Tower.

It can also be found in HeartGold and SoulSilver in Embedded Tower after the player obtains Kyogre (HeartGold) or Groudon (SoulSilver).


Version(s) Area(s) Rarity
Ruby and Sapphire Sky Pillar One
FireRed and LeafGreen Trade None
Emerald Sky Pillar One
Diamond and Pearl Pal Park None
Platinum Pal Park None
HeartGold and SoulSilver Embedded Tower One
Black and White Transfer None
X and Y Transfer None
Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire Sky Pillar One
Sun and Moon Transfer None
Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon Ultra Space Wilds (Cliff World; requires Groudon and Kyogre in your party) One

Side Game Locations

Game(s) Area(s)
Pokémon Pinball Ruby & Sapphire Bonus Field
Pokémon Trozei! Random Agent Cards, Mr. Who’s Den
Red Rescue Team & Blue Rescue Team Sky Tower Summit (9F)
Explorers of Time & Explorers of Darkness Sky Stairway (Summit)
Pokémon Ranger Fiore Temple (during mission)
PokéPark Wii: Pikachu’s Adventure Flower Zone

Pokédex Entries

  • Ruby

    Rayquaza lived for hundreds of millions of years in the earth’s ozone layer, never descending to the ground. This Pokémon appears to feed on water and particles in the atmosphere.

  • Sapphire

    Rayquaza is said to have lived for hundreds of millions of years in the earth’s ozone layer, above the clouds. Its existence had been completely unknown because it lived so high in the sky.

  • FireRed

    It has lived for hundreds of millions of years in the ozone layer. Its flying form looks like a meteor.

  • LeafGreen

    It has lived for hundreds of millions of years in the ozone layer. Its flying form looks like a meteor.

  • Emerald

    A Pokémon that flies endlessly in the ozone layer. It is said it would descend to the ground if Kyogre and Groudon were to fight.

  • Diamond

    It cannot be seen from ground level since it lives far up above the clouds in the ozone layer.

  • Pearl

    It cannot be seen from ground level since it lives far up above the clouds in the ozone layer.

  • Platinum

    It cannot be seen from ground level since it lives far up above the clouds in the ozone layer.

  • HeartGold

    It flies in the ozone layer, way up high in the sky. Until recently, no one had ever seen it.

  • SoulSilver

    It flies in the ozone layer, way up high in the sky. Until recently, no one had ever seen it.

  • Black

    It cannot be seen from ground level since it lives far up above the clouds in the ozone layer.

  • White

    It cannot be seen from ground level since it lives far up above the clouds in the ozone layer.

  • Black 2

    It cannot be seen from ground level since it lives far up above the clouds in the ozone layer.

  • White 2

    It cannot be seen from ground level since it lives far up above the clouds in the ozone layer.

  • X

    It lives in the ozone layer far above the clouds and cannot be seen from the ground.

  • Y

    It flies in the ozone layer, way up high in the sky. Until recently, no one had ever seen it.

  • Omega Ruby

    Rayquaza is said to have lived for hundreds of millions of years. Legends remain of how it put to rest the clash between Kyogre and Groudon.

  • Alpha Sapphire

    It flies forever through the ozone layer, consuming meteoroids for sustenance. The many meteoroids in its body provide the energy it needs to Mega Evolve.

  • Sun

    Rayquaza preys on Minior.

Super Smash Bros. Brawl

A Rayquaza close up

Rayquaza is the second main boss the player must fight in Super Smash Bros. Brawl’s Adventure Mode, The Subspace Emissary. Diddy Kong runs to find help for Donkey Kong, and comes across a large lake. He notices a destroyed Arwing nearby, and goes to investigate. Rayquaza appears out of the lake, angry that Diddy trespassed into its territory. It grabs Diddy, but Fox emerges from the Arwing and uses Fox Illusion to free Diddy Kong from Rayquaza’s grasp. The two quickly team up and defeat Rayquaza. Rayquaza’s appearance is also notable because it is the only boss in The Subspace Emissary who is fought by a group that does not include any other characters from its own series.

It is interesting to note that Rayquaza was found within the lake as opposed to its usual dwelling, the sky.

Rayquaza appears later in the Great Maze, as one of the eight bosses the player must face before completing the adventure.

Rayquaza also appears in Brawl’s stadium, in a mode called Boss Battles. Rayquaza is one of the ten bosses that the player must fight.


Rayquaza’s Stats






Sp. Atk


Sp. Def






Rayquaza’s Stats






Sp. Atk


Sp. Def










Rayquaza learns no moves via breeding.



RS 384 front

Rayquaza’s Ruby & Sapphire sprite

RS 384 front

Rayquaza’s FireRed and LeafGreen sprite

E 384 front

Rayquaza’s Emerald sprite


Rayquaza’s back sprite

Rayquaza’s Ruby and Sapphire shiny sprite

Rayquaza’s FireRed and LeafGreen shiny sprite


Rayquaza’s Emerald shiny sprite


Rayquaza’s back shiny sprite

DP 384 front

Rayquaza’s Diamond and Pearl sprite

DP 384 front

Rayquaza’s Platinum sprite

DP 384 front

Rayquaza’s HeartGold and SoulSilver sprite


Rayquaza’s back sprite


Rayquaza’s Diamond and Pearl shiny sprite


Rayquaza’s Platinum shiny sprite


Rayquaza’s HeartGold and SoulSilver shiny sprite


Rayquaza’s back shiny sprite

Rayquaza BW

Rayquaza’s Black and White/Black 2 & White 2 sprite

Rayquaza BW Back Sprite

Rayquaza’s back sprite

Rayquaza BW Shiny Sprite

Rayquaza’s Black and White shiny sprite

Rayquaza BW Shiny Back Sprite

Rayquaza’s back shiny sprite

Rayquaza XY

Rayquaza’s X and Y/Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire sprite

Rayquaza XY Back Sprite

Rayquaza’s back sprite

Rayquaza XY Shiny Sprite

Rayquaza’s X and Y/Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire shiny sprite

Rayquaza XY Shiny Back Sprite

Rayquaza’s back shiny sprite

Mega Evolution Sprites



  • Mega Rayquaza in the anime.

  • Shiny Rayquaza in the anime.

  • Shiny Mega Rayquaza in the anime.

Rayquaza makes its debut in the 7th movie MS007: Pokémon — Destiny Deoxys. Like all other Legendary Pokémon, Rayquaza is a truly powerful Pokémon. Four years before the main movie, Rayquaza had fought against Deoxys because it thought the Pokémon was invading its territory when the meteorite Deoxys used for travel landed on the earth. Rayquaza has also made its cameo appearance as in the beginning of the 9th move MS009: Pokémon Movie — Pokémon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea, but as having become the Team Rocket agents’ stolen and unethically experimented victim. It is unknown whether or not it has remained at or escaped from the Team Rocket base.

When Iris was leaving Blackthorn City with Axew and her newly captured Gible, she spotted Rayquaza flying through the clouds in the sky. A Shiny Rayquaza also appears in MS018: Pokémon The Movie — Hoopa and the Clash of Ages as an ally of Hoopa and Ash against Hoopa Unbound, while another appears in the Mega Evolution Specials.

  • Rayquaza (MS007)
  • Rayquaza (Mega Evolution Special)
  • Rayquaza (MS018)
  • Dream Cynthia’s Rayquaza
  • Brendan’s Rayquaza
  • Mirage Rayquaza
  • Rayquaza (SM124)


  • Rayquaza (Adventures)
  • Manabu’s Rayquaza
  • Ryū’s Rayquaza


  • Rayquaza is the only Pokémon boss in Super Smash Bros. Brawl.
  • Rayquaza is the only member of the Weather Trio to have a Mega Evolution instead of a Primal Reversion.
  • Rayquaza is the first (and only) Pokémon capable of Mega Evolution without a Mega Stone. Instead, it is caused by knowing its signature move, Dragon Ascent.
    • Rayquaza can’t Mega Evolve if it holds a Z-Crystal, even if it knows Dragon Ascent.
  • Mega Rayquaza is the first Pokémon to be banned from the Ubers tier, thus resulting in a new tier being made. This was due to its overpowered move Dragon Ascent (which could OHKO even Uber Tier Pokémon), as well as the fact that its lack of a Mega Stone meant it could hold stat-boosting items that could raise its already overly-powerful stats even more. As of now it is only allowed in the «Anything Goes» tier.
  • Mega Rayquaza is the tallest Flying-type Pokémon.
  • Rayquaza is one of the few Legendary Pokémon to Mega Evolve.
  • Rayquaza is the only member of the Weather Trio to have two types up until Gen VI, which introduced the dual-typed Primal reversion of Groudon.
  • Rayquaza is known to eat meteors in the sky.
  • Rayquaza is one of the collectable spirits in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.
  • Rayquaza ranked 8th, among all Pokémon, in the Pokémon of the Year 2020 poll by The Pokémon Company. It also ranked 1st among all Hoenn Pokémon.


Rayquaza is based on an East Asian dragon with elements of the Ziz from Abrahamic religion (as both are described as being masters of the sky) and the Aztec wind god Quetzalcoatl, who was often portrayed as a feathered serpent.


Rayquaza and Rekkūza come from «ray» (referring to the cosmic radiation it would likely be exposed to in its ozone layer habitat), «quasar» (the most distant celestial objects observed thus far, often theorized to be galaxies emitting high levels of radiation), and possibly «raqiya» (a Hebrew word that literally means «expanse,» but has been used to mean «sky»). They may also be derived from 烈 (retsu, Japanese for «furious»), 空 (kū, «sky», heaven, «air,» or «vacuum» in Japanese), and 座 (za, Japanese for «seat», but also used as a suffix for constellations), thus meaning «one who sits in the furious sky.»


384Rayquaza AG anime

384Rayquaza AG anime 2

384Rayquaza AG anime 3

384Rayquaza AG anime 4

384Rayquaza AG anime 5

384Rayquaza AG anime 6

384Rayquaza-Shiny XY anime

384Rayquaza-Mega XY anime

384Rayquaza-Mega XY anime 2

384Rayquaza-Mega-Shiny XY anime

384Rayquaza-Mega-Shiny XY anime 2

384Rayquaza Dream

384Rayquaza Dream 2

384Rayquaza Dream 3

384Rayquaza Mega Dream

384Rayquaza Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Red and Blue Rescue Teams

384Mega Rayquaza Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon

384Rayquaza Pokemon Colosseum

384Rayquaza Super Smash Bros Brawl

384Rayquaza Pokemon PokéPark

384Rayquaza Pokémon HOME

384Rayquaza Mega Pokémon HOME

384Rayquaza DBPR

384Rayquaza Masters

Rayquaza trophy SSBB

Rayquaza trophy SSBWU


Mega Rayquaza Pokken Tournament DX

384Rayquaza Pokemon Rumble U

384Mega Rayquaza Pokemon Rumble World

Rayquaza Undaunted

Mega Rayquaza Pokemon TCG XY Roaring Skies

Shiny Mega Rayquaza - Pokemon TCG XY Ancient Origins

PokePark-Blue Artwork

May and brendan bikes

Brendan and May encountering Rayquaza from Ruby and Sapphire.

Pokémon ORAS Delta Episode

Pokémon ORAS Mega Rayquaza VS Deoxys

See also

  • Pokémon.com Pokédex
  • Legendary Pokémon data
  • The Pokémon Database
  • Pokémon Dream Pokédex data
  • Psypokes Psydex data
v · d · eMega Pokémon
Generation I

Venusaur · Charizard · Blastoise · Beedrill · Pidgeot · Alakazam · Slowbro · Gengar · Kangaskhan · Pinsir · Gyarados · Aerodactyl · Mewtwo

Generation II

Ampharos · Steelix · Scizor · Heracross · Houndoom · Tyranitar

Generation III

Sceptile · Blaziken · Swampert · Gardevoir · Sableye · Mawile · Aggron · Medicham · Manectric · Sharpedo · Camerupt · Altaria · Banette · Absol · Glalie · Salamence · Metagross · Latias · Latios · Rayquaza

Generation IV

Lopunny · Garchomp · Lucario · Abomasnow · Gallade

Generation V


Generation VI


v · d · eLegendary and Mythical* Pokémon
Generation I

Articuno · Zapdos · Moltres · Mewtwo · Mew*

Generation II

Raikou · Entei · Suicune · Lugia · Ho-Oh · Celebi*

Generation III

Regirock · Regice · Registeel · Latias · Latios
Kyogre · Groudon · Rayquaza · Jirachi* · Deoxys*

Generation IV

Uxie · Mesprit · Azelf · Dialga · Palkia · Heatran · Regigigas
Giratina · Cresselia · Phione* · Manaphy* · Darkrai* · Shaymin* · Arceus*

Generation V

Victini* · Cobalion · Terrakion · Virizion · Tornadus · Thundurus · Reshiram
Zekrom · Landorus · Kyurem · Keldeo* · Meloetta* · Genesect*

Generation VI

Xerneas · Yveltal · Zygarde · Diancie* · Hoopa* · Volcanion*

Generation VII

Type: Null · Silvally · Tapu Koko · Tapu Lele · Tapu Bulu · Tapu Fini
Cosmog · Cosmoem · Solgaleo · Lunala · Necrozma
Magearna* · Marshadow* · Zeraora* · Meltan* · Melmetal*

Generation VIII

Zacian · Zamazenta · Eternatus · Kubfu · Urshifu‎ · Zarude*
Regieleki · Regidrago · Glastrier · Spectrier · Calyrex · Enamorus

Generation IX

Wo-Chien · Chien-Pao · Ting-Lu · Chi-Yu · Koraidon · Miraidon · Ogerpon · Terapagos

Ultra Beasts · Paradox
v · d · eGeneration III Pokémon
  1. Treecko
  2. Grovyle
  3. Sceptile
  4. Torchic
  5. Combusken
  6. Blaziken
  7. Mudkip
  8. Marshtomp
  9. Swampert
  10. Poochyena
  11. Mightyena
  12. Zigzagoon
  13. Linoone
  14. Wurmple
  15. Silcoon
  16. Beautifly
  17. Cascoon
  18. Dustox
  19. Lotad
  20. Lombre
  21. Ludicolo
  22. Seedot
  23. Nuzleaf
  24. Shiftry
  25. Taillow
  26. Swellow
  27. Wingull
  28. Pelipper
  29. Ralts
  30. Kirlia
  31. Gardevoir
  32. Surskit
  33. Masquerain
  34. Shroomish
  35. Breloom
  36. Slakoth
  37. Vigoroth
  38. Slaking
  39. Nincada
  40. Ninjask
  41. Shedinja
  42. Whismur
  43. Loudred
  44. Exploud
  45. Makuhita
  46. Hariyama
  47. Azurill
  48. Nosepass
  49. Skitty
  50. Delcatty
  51. Sableye
  52. Mawile
  53. Aron
  54. Lairon
  55. Aggron
  56. Meditite
  57. Medicham
  58. Electrike
  59. Manectric
  60. Plusle
  61. Minun
  62. Volbeat
  63. Illumise
  64. Roselia
  65. Gulpin
  66. Swalot
  67. Carvanha
  68. Sharpedo
  69. Wailmer
  70. Wailord
  71. Numel
  72. Camerupt
  73. Torkoal
  74. Spoink
  75. Grumpig
  76. Spinda
  77. Trapinch
  78. Vibrava
  79. Flygon
  80. Cacnea
  81. Cacturne
  82. Swablu
  83. Altaria
  84. Zangoose
  85. Seviper
  86. Lunatone
  87. Solrock
  88. Barboach
  89. Whiscash
  90. Corphish
  91. Crawdaunt
  92. Baltoy
  93. Claydol
  94. Lileep
  95. Cradily
  96. Anorith
  97. Armaldo
  98. Feebas
  99. Milotic
  100. Castform
  101. Kecleon
  102. Shuppet
  103. Banette
  104. Duskull
  105. Dusclops
  106. Tropius
  107. Chimecho
  108. Absol
  109. Wynaut
  110. Snorunt
  111. Glalie
  112. Spheal
  113. Sealeo
  114. Walrein
  115. Clamperl
  116. Huntail
  117. Gorebyss
  118. Relicanth
  119. Luvdisc
  120. Bagon
  121. Shelgon
  122. Salamence
  123. Beldum
  124. Metang
  125. Metagross
  126. Regirock
  127. Regice
  128. Registeel
  129. Latias
  130. Latios
  131. Kyogre
  132. Groudon
  133. Rayquaza
  134. Jirachi
  135. Deoxys
See also

Generation I · Generation II · Generation IV · Generation V · Generation VI · Generation VII · Generation VIII · Generation IX

Generation III
v · d · eEvolutionary Line


Rayquaza is not from Fantendo. However, this article may include related fan ideas.

These external sources may have official, more accurate information:

  • Bulbapedia
  • Nintendo Wiki

This article is free to edit. Please follow the article standards and respect good-faith contributions.

#384 Rayquaza
Category Sky High Pokémon
Original Region Hoenn
National Dex Nr. #384
Hoenn Dex Nr. #209
Generation 3
Pokémon Color Green
First Appearance Pokémon Ruby And Sapphire
Latest Appearance Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire
Type(s) Dragon/Flying
Ability/ies Air Lock
Average Height 23’00»
Average Weight 455.2 lbs.
#384 Mega Rayquaza
Category Sky High
Original Region Hoenn
National Dex Nr. #384
Hoenn Dex Nr. #209
First Appearance Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire
Latest Appearance Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire
Type(s) Dragon/Flying
Ability/ies Delta Stream
Mega Stone None; requires the move Dragon Ascent
Discovered In Hoenn

Rayquaza (Japanese: レックウザ Rayquaza) is a dual-type Dragon/Flying Legendary Pokémon.

While it is not known to evolve into or from any other Pokémon, it can Mega Evolve into Mega Rayquaza, but only if it knows the move Dragon Ascent.

Rayquaza is the version mascot of Pokémon Emerald, appearing on the boxart of the game. It serves to end the conflict between Kyogre and Groudon when Team Magma’s leader Maxie and Team Aqua’s leader Archie awakened them.

Along with Kyogre and Groudon, Rayquaza is a part of the weather trio, serving as its trio master. In Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, it plays an important role during the Delta Episode and is required to be caught there.


Rayquaza is a large, green, serpentine dragon. It has red-tipped, rudder-like appendages on its body, one pair behind its shoulders and two quartets below its torso and its waist. Ryquaza’s tail features similar appendages on its tip. Yellow ring-like symbols run across the length of Rayquaza’s body and it has an additional yellow ring on top of its head. Rayquaza has two limbs with three-clawed hands, and two long, flat, horn-like structures on its head, with two shorter horns along its jawline. It has small, yellow eyes with black pupils, prominent pink gums, and two discernible fangs in its upper jaw.

It is able to soothe the other members of the weather trio. Rayquaza can live for hundreds of millions of years in the ozone layer, where it feeds on water and other particles. Rayquaza is rarely seen by people; even in flight, its appearance is indistinguishable from that of a meteor.

As Mega Rayquaza, its body becomes longer and gains more features. Its head becomes longer with the Delta symbol appearing on its forehead. Its eyes now contain yellow pupils and red irises, and black, tree-like markings trail behind its eyes. Its red lips and teeth become gold, and the gold lines connect to those on its lower horns, which take on a broad, triangular shape. At the outer edges of its lower horns are long, golden, glowing tendrils that each extend to a green, fin-like structure; these tendrils have ring patterns that strongly resemble the yellow markings running along the length of Rayquaza’s normal form. Its two upper horns become longer with a gold line running over them in a V shape, and each upper horn has another glowing tendril that ends in a circular shape with a spike. Along the length of its body are golden, glowing orbs placed where its ring patterns used to be. The chin, part of the neck, and parts of its serpentine body are changed to the color black. The fins running along its body are now marked with gold lines. The fins on its tail become entirely yellow and substantially longer. Particles stream from the long tendrils that extend from its jutting jaw; these particles can control the density and humidity of the air, allowing Mega Rayquaza to manipulate the weather. Its green hide sparkles with an emerald-like quality.

Inside Rayquaza’s body lies an organ that contains the same power of a Mega Stone. A Devon Corporation scientist named this organ the mikado organ. By consuming meteoroids as it flies through the stratosphere, the mikado organ will be filled with enough energy to allow Rayquaza to Mega Evolve.


Stat Range
At Lv. 50 At Lv. 100
HP: 105
165 — 212 320 — 414
Attack: 150
139 — 222 274 — 438
Defense: 90
85 — 156 166 — 306
Sp.Atk: 150
139 — 222 274 — 438
Sp.Def: 90
85 — 156 166 — 306
Speed: 95
90 — 161 175 — 317
Total: 680   Other Pokémon with this total  
  • The minimum stats were calculated with 0 EV’s and IV’s, plus a hindering Nature, if applicable.
  • The maximum stats are calculated with 252 EV’s, 31 IV’s, and a helpful Nature, if applicable.

Stat Range
At Lv. 50 At Lv. 100
HP: 105
165 — 212 320 — 414
Attack: 180
166 — 255 328 — 504
Defense: 100
94 — 167 184 — 328
Sp.Atk: 180
166 — 255 328 — 504
Sp.Def: 100
94 — 167 184 — 328
Speed: 115
108 — 183 211 — 361
Total: 780   Other Pokémon with this total  
  • The minimum stats were calculated with 0 EV’s and IV’s, plus a hindering Nature, if applicable.
  • The maximum stats are calculated with 252 EV’s, 31 IV’s, and a helpful Nature, if applicable.


By level up

Level Move Type Cat. Pow. Acc. Effect
Start Twister Type Dragon.gif Special.gif 40 100% 20% chance of making the target flinch.
Start Fly Type Flying.gif Physical.gif 90 95% Prepares the first turn and strikes the next turn.
Start Scary Face Type Normal.gif Status.gif 100% Lowers the target’s Speed stat two stages.
Start Tailwind Type Flying.gif Status.gif Raises the Speed stat on the user’s team for 3 turns.
5 Air Slash Type Flying.gif Special.gif 75 95% 30% chance of making the target flinch.
15 Crunch Type Dark.gif Physical.gif 80 100% 20% chance of lowering the target’s Defense stat one stage.
20 Rest Type Psychic.gif Status.gif Sleeps for 2 turns, restoring HP and status problems.
30 Dragon Claw Type Dragon.gif Physical.gif 80 100% No added effect.
35 Dragon Dance Type Dragon.gif Status.gif Raises the user’s Attack and Speed stats one stage.
45 Ancient Power Type Rock.gif Special.gif 60 100% 10% chance of raising all of the user’s stats one stage.
50 Dragon Ascent Type Flying.gif Physical.gif 120 100% Lowers the user’s Defense and Special Defense stats one stage.
60 Hyper Voice Type Normal.gif Special.gif 90 100% No added effect.
65 Dragon Pulse Type Dragon.gif Special.gif 90 100% No added effect.
75 Extreme Speed Type Normal.gif Physical.gif 80 100% Strikes first.
80 Hyper Beam Type Normal.gif Special.gif 150 90% User must recharge the next turn.
90 Outrage Type Dragon.gif Physical.gif 120 100% Repeats for 2-3 turns then confuses user.


  • Rayquaza has many differences from the other members of its trio:
    • It is the only Pokémon with a base stat total of 680 that does not share the specific stat numbers with another Pokémon.
    • It is the only member without a Primal form, instead having a Mega Evolution.
    • It is the only member not to be directly sought after by a specific crime syndicate.
    • It is the only member that cannot learn an OHKO move.
    • It is the only member that cannot learn its signature move by level-up, as it can learn it by move tutor.
    • It is the only member that didn’t appear in the episodes Gaining Groudon and The Scuffle of Legends.
      • However, evidence says that it will come if Groudon and Kyogre are battling; in Pokémon Emerald, the player must get Rayquaza to stop the battle of Groudon and Kyogre in Sootopolis manually. This may mean that Rayquaza can only calm the two down but may not know when and where they are fighting.
  • Mega Rayquaza has the highest Attack and Special Attack stats and the highest base stat total of all Dragon-type and Flying-type Pokémon.
  • Mega Rayquaza is the tallest Dragon-type Pokémon and Flying-type Pokémon.
    • Mega Rayquaza is also the tallest Mega Evolved Pokémon.
    • Mega Rayquaza is the tallest Legendary Pokémon.
    • Mega Rayquaza is the heaviest Flying-type Pokémon.
  • In games prior to Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, Rayquaza has a catch rate of 3.
    • Rayquaza’s catch rate was raised to 45 in ORAS, likely due to it being a required capture during the storyline.
  • Rayquaza is the only legendary Pokémon that can be caught at a higher level than the Elite Four’s Pokémon before defeating the Elite Four. This only happens in Pokémon Emerald.
  • Rayquaza was the most voted Pokémon of all pre-Generation V Pokémon in the Korean Pokémon Global Link promotion poll.
    • Rayquaza was also the most voted on the 15th anniversary poll, which was for the version mascots of the core series Pokémon games, making it Japan’s favorite version mascot.
  • Rayquaza is misspelled as «Rayquayza» in Pokémon Team Turbo in every instance.
  • Even though Rayquaza uses Dig in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, it has no way of learning the move in any Pokémon game.
  • Rayquaza is the only Pokémon capable of Mega Evolving that does not require a Mega Stone to do so in the games.
    • Rayquaza is also the only trio master capable of Mega Evolution.
  • Mega Rayquaza is tied with both of Mewtwo’s Mega Evolutions for the highest base stat total of all Pokémon, with 780.
    • This makes it the only Pokémon with a base stat total above 720 that doesn’t require a specific held item.
  • Rayquaza’s battle theme in Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire is the only battle theme that can play while the player is capable of walking in the overworld; there is a brief period of time between the cutscene in which Zinnia summons it and the battle itself where the player must approach Rayquaza themselves.


Rayquaza is most likely based on the Hebrew legends of Ziz, the unconquerable primal master of the sky. Its counterparts were Behemoth and Leviathan. Rayquaza’s appearance also draws inspiration from other creatures of myth such as the Asian dragon and lindworm. Alternatively, Rayquaza matches the description of the Aztec god Quetzalcoatl, who was depicted as a flying serpent, and created the boundary between the earth (including the oceans) and the sky. Its trait of being capable of inhabiting the skies, and living there while subsisting on nothing but dew and particles for centuries, also bears aspects of the legendary Chinese xian hermit sages and East Asian dragons.

Name origin

Rayquaza most likely refers to Raqiya, the Hebrew word for «firmament». It also may be a combination of ray and quasar. Alternatively, it may be a combination of 烈 retsu (violent or furious), 空 kū (sky), and 座 za (seat or location), which can be taken to mean «one that sits in the ferocious heavens».

Rayquaza’s mikado organ refers to 帝 mikado (emperor), another name for the Emperor of Japan or 天皇 tennō in Japanese, which can be translated as either «heavenly sovereign» or «king of the heaven/sky».



Rayquaza from the Boxart of Pokémon Emerald Version.


Shiny Rayquaza

Shiny Rayquaza.


a 3D image of Rayquaza.

384Rayquaza ORAS

Rayquaza’s artwork from Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire

Rayquaza SSB4

Mega Evolution


Mega Rayquaza confronts Deoxys


Mega Rayquaza confronts Deoxys (transparent version)

Mega Rayquaza - Pokken Tournament DX

Navigation Templates
Jake's Super Smash Bros. logo sideways.png
Playable Characters
Achi Adachi Adeleine AiAi Airan Aisya Akiho Alexandra Alolan Grimer Alph Amy Apollo Arle Ashley Ayumi Baby Bowser Baby Mario Bad Box Art Mega Man Bald Bull Banjo Bashmaster Birdo Blue Bowser Bowser Bowser Jr. Callie Captain Falcon Captain Syrup Captain Toad CD-i Zelda Cetitan Chargin' Chuck Chibi-Robo Chihaya Cofagrigus Comal Coo Crazy Dave Crocomire Cyber Kong Daisy Dark Pit Dark Samus Dawn Deoxys Diancie Diddy Kong Dixie Kong DJ Candy Doc Louis Donkey Kong Donkey Kong Jr. Dr. Luigi Dr. Mario Dry Bowser Duck Hunt Eiscue Elma Emi Emily Falco Fay Fighter Foreman Spike Fox Funky Kong Ganon Ganondorf Garbodor Gex Gligar Go-Getters Club Goku Gooey Goomba Goombrat Gruntilda Hades Haggar Harmony Haruka Hero of Hyrule Hibiki Hilda Home Haruka Hongo Hydreigon Icarus Ice Climbers Ike Incineroar Iroha James Jessie Jigglypuff Jack Frost Jody Johnny Kairi Kapp'n Kat Kate Kid Kiddy Kong Kazooie Kine King Bob-omb King Boo King Bulblin King Dedede King K. Rool Kip Kirby Kohga Koopa Troopa Kraid Kritter Kumatora Kunoichi Kuros Lady Sia Lana Laylee Leaf Levi Lickitung Lin Link Linne Litten Little Mac Lubba Lu Bu Lucina Ludger Luigi Luigi Mario Lysithea Madotsuki Magearna Majima Maki Maria Marie Marin Mario Mario Mario Marx Mawile MC Ballyhoo Medusa Meloetta Meowth Meta Knight Metal Sonic Midbus Midna Miho Mike Mimi Mio Miura Monokuma Moon Morgrem Morpho Knight Mouser Mr. Game & Watch Mumbo Neku Nester Nikolai Noble Six Olimar Oliver Omega Metroid PAC-MAN Palutena Paperboy Paper Mario Peach Penguin Phoenix Pico Piglin Pikachu Pink Gold Peach Piplup Pipsy Pit Plum Pom Pom Professor Chops Pumpkin Purah Purple Wind Pythagoras Rabbid Mario Ragna Rash Raven Ravio Ray Mk II Redd Reporter Reika Richter Richtofen Rick R.O.B. Robirdo Rosa Roserade Rover Rudy Ryu Sable Saki Sakura Samus Scooby-Doo Sephiroth Shantae Shokora Shadow Mario Shiraori Sirfetch'd Skull Kid Snailicorn Snivy Sonic Spring Man Squirtle Steve Styla Sukapon Sylux Takamaru Tepig Tethu Tetra Thanatos The Arbiter Thomas Tiki Timber Tin Star Tiny Kong Toadette Tom Nook Toon Link Toon Zelda Torizo Tropius Tsubasa Tubba Blubba Twili Midna Ukiki Urban Champion Ursaluna Vespiquen Viridi Wanda Wario WarioWare Wart Wiggler Wii Fit Trainer Worker Xion Yarn Yoshi Yasuke Yooka Yoshi Young Link Yu Yuanji Yukimura Yuri Zelda Zero Suit Samus Zoroark Mii Mii
Alternate Characters
Alex Baby Luigi Corporal Paraplonk Dry Bones Iggy Koopa King Koopa Kurokuma Kylie Koopa Larry Koopa Lemmy Koopa Ludwig von Koopa Mabel Mayu Morton Koopa Jr. MeeMee Miranda Miu Monodam Monokid Monomi Monophanie Monosuke Monotaro Ms. PAC-MAN Rabbid Peach Rick Wheeler Roy Koopa Shirokuma Tethi Toad Usami Wendy O. Koopa Wii Fit Trainer (male) Zombified Piglin
Assist Characters

Abra Agitha Aparoid Appletun Arcade Bunny Articuno Galarian Articuno Attacky Sack Avalugg Barbara Bastiodon Bear Bewear Big Blacephalon Bleak Boldore Bomberman Bonkers Bonsly Bowser Bubbles Buizel Burrowing Snagret Cactuar Cang Captain Rainbow Carnivine Celica Chain Chomp Chandelure Charizard Chirp Chris Chunky Kong Chun-Li Cinderace Cluckboom Congazuma Conkeldurr Crabominable Creeper Cryogonal Cupid Cyndaquil Darkrai Daruk D.D. Dead Hand Decidueye Delibird Ditto Doom Slayer Devil Dillon Dragapult Dr. Kawashima Druddigon Dr. Wright Dunsparce Eggplant Wizard Electrode Elongated Crushblat Enamorus Dragonblood Prince Alolan Exeggutor Expresso the Ostrich Fauster Flapple Flurrie Forretress Franziska F-Type Gardevoir Ghirahim Goldeen GonGon Greedent Greninja Grovyle Gulpin Hammer-Bot Harry Hero's Shade Hitmonchan Hitmonlee Hum Gree Ice Hockey Player Illumise Inteleon Isaac Isa Jo Jill Jin Kamek Kamikaze Koopa Kasumi Kid Dracula King Daphnes Kiryu Kleavor Knuckle Joe Koffing Komaru Kosha Krystal Kyogre Lakitu Landorus Linkle Lord Fredrik Lucario Lucas Lunala Lurantis Mad Jack Mad Piano Magikarp Magnemite Magnus Makoto Mama Mamuta Alolan Marowak Maya Melmetal Metroid Mew Mewtwo Milla Mimikyu Mipha Misdreavus Moblin Mockiwi Mona Termina Moon Mother Brain Mr. Blizzard Mr. Mime Mr. Patch Musashi Musharna Ness Nickit Nightmare Nihilego N.M.E. Sales Guy Noibat Octorok Off the Hook Orbeetle Palkia Panzersoldat Pauline Phosphora Pichu Posse Pincurchin Pionpi Pirabbid Plant Prank Primarina Prince Peasley Probopass Puyo Pyukumuku Qbby Qwilfish Alolan Raichu Ray Mk III Raymond JSSB Character icon - Mega Rayquaza.png Red Resetti Revali Rhyperior Rillaboom Rockhopper Roland Saemonza Salazzle Alolan Sandslash Saori Satebô Seedot Serika Seviper Shadow Sherm Shinobu Sigilyph Smick Smoky Progg Snip and Clip Spinarak Spinda Stakataka Stonjourner Galarian Stunfisk Stunky Swooping Snitchbug Tangela Taranza T.E.D.D. The Prince Thundurus Tingle Tornadus Totodile Toucannon Toxtricity Kazanari Twin Wardens Urbosa Vanillish Venomoth Volleyball Player Waddle Dee Wesker Whacka Wobbuffet Xatu Xerneas Yama Zacian Zamazenta Zarude Zero Zigzagoon Zip

Hazards Enemies Bosses
5-Volt · Arwing · Bandit · Bee · Bulblin · BowWow · Cheep Cheep · Chum · Death Egg Robot · Elgyem · Elline · FG II-Graham · Fish · Hothead · Jamano · Joulion · Marshal · Mr. Saw · Mr. See · Ruined Dragon · Slowpoke · Squirt · Treat Spider · Ultimate Chimera · Waddle Dee · Zero Adamant Suid · Ant Trooper · Arachnus · Bad Guy · Baron Brrr · Bob-omb · Bokoblin · Bullet Bill · Boom Boom · Capsule Machine · Chippy · Chompasaurus · Chuchu · Clown Acrobot · Clubberskull · Conga · Dodrio · Draglet · Driblee · Eggrobo · Exisal · Feline Clapper · Fire Demon · Flighty Joustmite · Fronk · Gabon· Galoomba · Gastly · Glalie · Grizzo · Guardian Stalker · Hammer-Bot · Hayreddin, the Territorial · Hefty Goonie · Jammerjab · Kobber · Lakitu · Lantern Ghost · Lynel · Magnemite · Magon · Medusal Slurker · Merenguy · Metroid · Mimicutie · Mingy Jongo · Miniblin · Monoeye · Mr. Chicken · Negative Man · Orne · Peek-a-Boom · Petilil · Porygon2 · Ptooie · Puffy Blowhog · Punch · Raven · Regigigas · Ringle · Schnautzel · Shotzo · Skuttler · Spiny · TAC · Tengu · Tiki Goon · Tinkerbat · Twilit Messenger · Ty-foo · Virus · Waddle Dee · Waddle Doo · Yariko Crazy Hand · Dark Emperor · Giga Mermaid · Matador · Master Hand · Metal Face · Orchid Palms · Petey Piranha · Rathalos · Ridley · Ultra Necrozma
Other Characters
Amul · Ann Takamaki · Argorok · Arsene · Axe Knight · Big Urchin · Blizzy · Black Kyurem · Blazing Bat · Blue Pikmin · Bob-omb · Boo · Boolossus · Boom Stomper · BowWow · Bravoman · Budew · Bumper the Badger · Bumpety Bomb · Burnya · Buruccho · Buzz-Buzz · Caeda · Carbuncle · Caterpie · Chao · Cutiefly · Dingpot · Dipple Drop · Don-chan · Dragoneel · Drippy · Drumstick the Rooster · Dusty · Elle Mel Marta · Ellie the Elephant · Enguarde the Swordfish · Expresso the Ostrich · Fierce Deity · F.L.U.D.D. · Fomantis · Fryguy · Garie Tūmān · Genie · Gil · Gohma · Goomba · Gordo · Greenie · Groundskeeper · Grrrol · Happy Mask Salesman · Hoofer · Hoppip · Item Shopkeeper · Javelin Knight · Jenya · Judge · Junior Clown Car · Kab-omb · Kamek · Karate Joe · King · King Dodongo · Kissy · K.K. Slider · Klaptrap · Koopa Paratroopa · Krunch · Leiur Darāhim · Litwick · Lloyd · Mace Knight · Majora · Manhandla · Mappy · Mareanie · Masked Dedede · Maya Fey · Mechakoopa · Mecha Kuri · Megaleg · Micha Jawkān · Mii · Missile · Morgana · Mr. Stevenson · Nanako Dojima · Needlenose · Neo Metal Sonic · Ninji · Nitpicker · Nudger · Parry the Parallel Bird · Peashooter · Perry · Phara Suyūf · Piddles · Pidgey · Pidgit · Pirate Goom · Poochy · Pooka · President Koopa · Professor E. Gadd · Proto Piranha · Black Puffle · Purple Pikmin · Rabbid Luigi · Rabbid Yoshi · Rambi the Rhino · Ram Bunkshus · Rattly the Rattlesnake · Red · Red Baron · Red Pikmin · Reshiram · Ribbon · Rock Pikmin · Rowlet · Runner · Ryuji Sakamoto · Sandy · Smasher · Rusty Slugger · Servbot · Sima Zhao · Snapjaw · Squawks the Parrot · Squitter the Spider · Super Sonic · Swanna · Tarosuke · Tatsu · Telly Vision · Thwomp · Timmy Nook · Tiptup · Toadsworth · Tommy Nook · Trident Knight · Tron Bonne · Trucy Wright · Tsukimaru · T.T. · Valkyrie · Venusaur · Virus · Waddle Dee · Wario-Man · White Pikmin · Wind Fish · Winged Pikmin · Winky the Frog · Wonder Momo · Xii · Yarr · Yellow Pikmin · Ziggy
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#384 Rayquaza
Category Sky High Pokémon
Original Region Hoenn
National Dex Nr. #384
Hoenn Dex Nr. #209
Generation 3
Pokémon Color Green
First Appearance Pokémon Ruby And Sapphire
Latest Appearance Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire
Type(s) Dragon/Flying
Ability/ies Air Lock
Average Height 23’00»
Average Weight 455.2 lbs.
#384 Mega Rayquaza
Category Sky High
Original Region Hoenn
National Dex Nr. #384
Hoenn Dex Nr. #209
First Appearance Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire
Latest Appearance Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire
Type(s) Dragon/Flying
Ability/ies Delta Stream
Mega Stone None; requires the move Dragon Ascent
Discovered In Hoenn

Rayquaza (Japanese: レックウザ Rayquaza) is a dual-type Dragon/Flying Legendary Pokémon.

While it is not known to evolve into or from any other Pokémon, it can Mega Evolve into Mega Rayquaza, but only if it knows the move Dragon Ascent.

Rayquaza is the version mascot of Pokémon Emerald, appearing on the boxart of the game. It serves to end the conflict between Kyogre and Groudon when Team Magma’s leader Maxie and Team Aqua’s leader Archie awakened them.

Along with Kyogre and Groudon, Rayquaza is a part of the weather trio, serving as its trio master. In Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, it plays an important role during the Delta Episode and is required to be caught there.


Rayquaza is a large, green, serpentine dragon. It has red-tipped, rudder-like appendages on its body, one pair behind its shoulders and two quartets below its torso and its waist. Ryquaza’s tail features similar appendages on its tip. Yellow ring-like symbols run across the length of Rayquaza’s body and it has an additional yellow ring on top of its head. Rayquaza has two limbs with three-clawed hands, and two long, flat, horn-like structures on its head, with two shorter horns along its jawline. It has small, yellow eyes with black pupils, prominent pink gums, and two discernible fangs in its upper jaw.

It is able to soothe the other members of the weather trio. Rayquaza can live for hundreds of millions of years in the ozone layer, where it feeds on water and other particles. Rayquaza is rarely seen by people; even in flight, its appearance is indistinguishable from that of a meteor.

As Mega Rayquaza, its body becomes longer and gains more features. Its head becomes longer with the Delta symbol appearing on its forehead. Its eyes now contain yellow pupils and red irises, and black, tree-like markings trail behind its eyes. Its red lips and teeth become gold, and the gold lines connect to those on its lower horns, which take on a broad, triangular shape. At the outer edges of its lower horns are long, golden, glowing tendrils that each extend to a green, fin-like structure; these tendrils have ring patterns that strongly resemble the yellow markings running along the length of Rayquaza’s normal form. Its two upper horns become longer with a gold line running over them in a V shape, and each upper horn has another glowing tendril that ends in a circular shape with a spike. Along the length of its body are golden, glowing orbs placed where its ring patterns used to be. The chin, part of the neck, and parts of its serpentine body are changed to the color black. The fins running along its body are now marked with gold lines. The fins on its tail become entirely yellow and substantially longer. Particles stream from the long tendrils that extend from its jutting jaw; these particles can control the density and humidity of the air, allowing Mega Rayquaza to manipulate the weather. Its green hide sparkles with an emerald-like quality.

Inside Rayquaza’s body lies an organ that contains the same power of a Mega Stone. A Devon Corporation scientist named this organ the mikado organ. By consuming meteoroids as it flies through the stratosphere, the mikado organ will be filled with enough energy to allow Rayquaza to Mega Evolve.


Stat Range
At Lv. 50 At Lv. 100
HP: 105
165 — 212 320 — 414
Attack: 150
139 — 222 274 — 438
Defense: 90
85 — 156 166 — 306
Sp.Atk: 150
139 — 222 274 — 438
Sp.Def: 90
85 — 156 166 — 306
Speed: 95
90 — 161 175 — 317
Total: 680   Other Pokémon with this total  
  • The minimum stats were calculated with 0 EV’s and IV’s, plus a hindering Nature, if applicable.
  • The maximum stats are calculated with 252 EV’s, 31 IV’s, and a helpful Nature, if applicable.

Stat Range
At Lv. 50 At Lv. 100
HP: 105
165 — 212 320 — 414
Attack: 180
166 — 255 328 — 504
Defense: 100
94 — 167 184 — 328
Sp.Atk: 180
166 — 255 328 — 504
Sp.Def: 100
94 — 167 184 — 328
Speed: 115
108 — 183 211 — 361
Total: 780   Other Pokémon with this total  
  • The minimum stats were calculated with 0 EV’s and IV’s, plus a hindering Nature, if applicable.
  • The maximum stats are calculated with 252 EV’s, 31 IV’s, and a helpful Nature, if applicable.


By level up

Level Move Type Cat. Pow. Acc. Effect
Start Twister Type Dragon.gif Special.gif 40 100% 20% chance of making the target flinch.
Start Fly Type Flying.gif Physical.gif 90 95% Prepares the first turn and strikes the next turn.
Start Scary Face Type Normal.gif Status.gif 100% Lowers the target’s Speed stat two stages.
Start Tailwind Type Flying.gif Status.gif Raises the Speed stat on the user’s team for 3 turns.
5 Air Slash Type Flying.gif Special.gif 75 95% 30% chance of making the target flinch.
15 Crunch Type Dark.gif Physical.gif 80 100% 20% chance of lowering the target’s Defense stat one stage.
20 Rest Type Psychic.gif Status.gif Sleeps for 2 turns, restoring HP and status problems.
30 Dragon Claw Type Dragon.gif Physical.gif 80 100% No added effect.
35 Dragon Dance Type Dragon.gif Status.gif Raises the user’s Attack and Speed stats one stage.
45 Ancient Power Type Rock.gif Special.gif 60 100% 10% chance of raising all of the user’s stats one stage.
50 Dragon Ascent Type Flying.gif Physical.gif 120 100% Lowers the user’s Defense and Special Defense stats one stage.
60 Hyper Voice Type Normal.gif Special.gif 90 100% No added effect.
65 Dragon Pulse Type Dragon.gif Special.gif 90 100% No added effect.
75 Extreme Speed Type Normal.gif Physical.gif 80 100% Strikes first.
80 Hyper Beam Type Normal.gif Special.gif 150 90% User must recharge the next turn.
90 Outrage Type Dragon.gif Physical.gif 120 100% Repeats for 2-3 turns then confuses user.


  • Rayquaza has many differences from the other members of its trio:
    • It is the only Pokémon with a base stat total of 680 that does not share the specific stat numbers with another Pokémon.
    • It is the only member without a Primal form, instead having a Mega Evolution.
    • It is the only member not to be directly sought after by a specific crime syndicate.
    • It is the only member that cannot learn an OHKO move.
    • It is the only member that cannot learn its signature move by level-up, as it can learn it by move tutor.
    • It is the only member that didn’t appear in the episodes Gaining Groudon and The Scuffle of Legends.
      • However, evidence says that it will come if Groudon and Kyogre are battling; in Pokémon Emerald, the player must get Rayquaza to stop the battle of Groudon and Kyogre in Sootopolis manually. This may mean that Rayquaza can only calm the two down but may not know when and where they are fighting.
  • Mega Rayquaza has the highest Attack and Special Attack stats and the highest base stat total of all Dragon-type and Flying-type Pokémon.
  • Mega Rayquaza is the tallest Dragon-type Pokémon and Flying-type Pokémon.
    • Mega Rayquaza is also the tallest Mega Evolved Pokémon.
    • Mega Rayquaza is the tallest Legendary Pokémon.
    • Mega Rayquaza is the heaviest Flying-type Pokémon.
  • In games prior to Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, Rayquaza has a catch rate of 3.
    • Rayquaza’s catch rate was raised to 45 in ORAS, likely due to it being a required capture during the storyline.
  • Rayquaza is the only legendary Pokémon that can be caught at a higher level than the Elite Four’s Pokémon before defeating the Elite Four. This only happens in Pokémon Emerald.
  • Rayquaza was the most voted Pokémon of all pre-Generation V Pokémon in the Korean Pokémon Global Link promotion poll.
    • Rayquaza was also the most voted on the 15th anniversary poll, which was for the version mascots of the core series Pokémon games, making it Japan’s favorite version mascot.
  • Rayquaza is misspelled as «Rayquayza» in Pokémon Team Turbo in every instance.
  • Even though Rayquaza uses Dig in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, it has no way of learning the move in any Pokémon game.
  • Rayquaza is the only Pokémon capable of Mega Evolving that does not require a Mega Stone to do so in the games.
    • Rayquaza is also the only trio master capable of Mega Evolution.
  • Mega Rayquaza is tied with both of Mewtwo’s Mega Evolutions for the highest base stat total of all Pokémon, with 780.
    • This makes it the only Pokémon with a base stat total above 720 that doesn’t require a specific held item.
  • Rayquaza’s battle theme in Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire is the only battle theme that can play while the player is capable of walking in the overworld; there is a brief period of time between the cutscene in which Zinnia summons it and the battle itself where the player must approach Rayquaza themselves.


Rayquaza is most likely based on the Hebrew legends of Ziz, the unconquerable primal master of the sky. Its counterparts were Behemoth and Leviathan. Rayquaza’s appearance also draws inspiration from other creatures of myth such as the Asian dragon and lindworm. Alternatively, Rayquaza matches the description of the Aztec god Quetzalcoatl, who was depicted as a flying serpent, and created the boundary between the earth (including the oceans) and the sky. Its trait of being capable of inhabiting the skies, and living there while subsisting on nothing but dew and particles for centuries, also bears aspects of the legendary Chinese xian hermit sages and East Asian dragons.

Name origin

Rayquaza most likely refers to Raqiya, the Hebrew word for «firmament». It also may be a combination of ray and quasar. Alternatively, it may be a combination of 烈 retsu (violent or furious), 空 kū (sky), and 座 za (seat or location), which can be taken to mean «one that sits in the ferocious heavens».

Rayquaza’s mikado organ refers to 帝 mikado (emperor), another name for the Emperor of Japan or 天皇 tennō in Japanese, which can be translated as either «heavenly sovereign» or «king of the heaven/sky».



Rayquaza from the Boxart of Pokémon Emerald Version.


Shiny Rayquaza

Shiny Rayquaza.


a 3D image of Rayquaza.

384Rayquaza ORAS

Rayquaza’s artwork from Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire

Rayquaza SSB4

Mega Evolution


Mega Rayquaza confronts Deoxys


Mega Rayquaza confronts Deoxys (transparent version)

Mega Rayquaza - Pokken Tournament DX

Navigation Templates
Jake's Super Smash Bros. logo sideways.png
Playable Characters
Achi Adachi Adeleine AiAi Airan Aisya Akiho Alexandra Alolan Grimer Alph Amy Apollo Arle Ashley Ayumi Baby Bowser Baby Mario Bad Box Art Mega Man Bald Bull Banjo Bashmaster Birdo Blue Bowser Bowser Bowser Jr. Callie Captain Falcon Captain Syrup Captain Toad CD-i Zelda Cetitan Chargin' Chuck Chibi-Robo Chihaya Cofagrigus Comal Coo Crazy Dave Crocomire Cyber Kong Daisy Dark Pit Dark Samus Dawn Deoxys Diancie Diddy Kong Dixie Kong DJ Candy Doc Louis Donkey Kong Donkey Kong Jr. Dr. Luigi Dr. Mario Dry Bowser Duck Hunt Eiscue Elma Emi Emily Falco Fay Fighter Foreman Spike Fox Funky Kong Ganon Ganondorf Garbodor Gex Gligar Go-Getters Club Goku Gooey Goomba Goombrat Gruntilda Hades Haggar Harmony Haruka Hero of Hyrule Hibiki Hilda Home Haruka Hongo Hydreigon Icarus Ice Climbers Ike Incineroar Iroha James Jessie Jigglypuff Jack Frost Jody Johnny Kairi Kapp'n Kat Kate Kid Kiddy Kong Kazooie Kine King Bob-omb King Boo King Bulblin King Dedede King K. Rool Kip Kirby Kohga Koopa Troopa Kraid Kritter Kumatora Kunoichi Kuros Lady Sia Lana Laylee Leaf Levi Lickitung Lin Link Linne Litten Little Mac Lubba Lu Bu Lucina Ludger Luigi Luigi Mario Lysithea Madotsuki Magearna Majima Maki Maria Marie Marin Mario Mario Mario Marx Mawile MC Ballyhoo Medusa Meloetta Meowth Meta Knight Metal Sonic Midbus Midna Miho Mike Mimi Mio Miura Monokuma Moon Morgrem Morpho Knight Mouser Mr. Game & Watch Mumbo Neku Nester Nikolai Noble Six Olimar Oliver Omega Metroid PAC-MAN Palutena Paperboy Paper Mario Peach Penguin Phoenix Pico Piglin Pikachu Pink Gold Peach Piplup Pipsy Pit Plum Pom Pom Professor Chops Pumpkin Purah Purple Wind Pythagoras Rabbid Mario Ragna Rash Raven Ravio Ray Mk II Redd Reporter Reika Richter Richtofen Rick R.O.B. Robirdo Rosa Roserade Rover Rudy Ryu Sable Saki Sakura Samus Scooby-Doo Sephiroth Shantae Shokora Shadow Mario Shiraori Sirfetch'd Skull Kid Snailicorn Snivy Sonic Spring Man Squirtle Steve Styla Sukapon Sylux Takamaru Tepig Tethu Tetra Thanatos The Arbiter Thomas Tiki Timber Tin Star Tiny Kong Toadette Tom Nook Toon Link Toon Zelda Torizo Tropius Tsubasa Tubba Blubba Twili Midna Ukiki Urban Champion Ursaluna Vespiquen Viridi Wanda Wario WarioWare Wart Wiggler Wii Fit Trainer Worker Xion Yarn Yoshi Yasuke Yooka Yoshi Young Link Yu Yuanji Yukimura Yuri Zelda Zero Suit Samus Zoroark Mii Mii
Alternate Characters
Alex Baby Luigi Corporal Paraplonk Dry Bones Iggy Koopa King Koopa Kurokuma Kylie Koopa Larry Koopa Lemmy Koopa Ludwig von Koopa Mabel Mayu Morton Koopa Jr. MeeMee Miranda Miu Monodam Monokid Monomi Monophanie Monosuke Monotaro Ms. PAC-MAN Rabbid Peach Rick Wheeler Roy Koopa Shirokuma Tethi Toad Usami Wendy O. Koopa Wii Fit Trainer (male) Zombified Piglin
Assist Characters

Abra Agitha Aparoid Appletun Arcade Bunny Articuno Galarian Articuno Attacky Sack Avalugg Barbara Bastiodon Bear Bewear Big Blacephalon Bleak Boldore Bomberman Bonkers Bonsly Bowser Bubbles Buizel Burrowing Snagret Cactuar Cang Captain Rainbow Carnivine Celica Chain Chomp Chandelure Charizard Chirp Chris Chunky Kong Chun-Li Cinderace Cluckboom Congazuma Conkeldurr Crabominable Creeper Cryogonal Cupid Cyndaquil Darkrai Daruk D.D. Dead Hand Decidueye Delibird Ditto Doom Slayer Devil Dillon Dragapult Dr. Kawashima Druddigon Dr. Wright Dunsparce Eggplant Wizard Electrode Elongated Crushblat Enamorus Dragonblood Prince Alolan Exeggutor Expresso the Ostrich Fauster Flapple Flurrie Forretress Franziska F-Type Gardevoir Ghirahim Goldeen GonGon Greedent Greninja Grovyle Gulpin Hammer-Bot Harry Hero's Shade Hitmonchan Hitmonlee Hum Gree Ice Hockey Player Illumise Inteleon Isaac Isa Jo Jill Jin Kamek Kamikaze Koopa Kasumi Kid Dracula King Daphnes Kiryu Kleavor Knuckle Joe Koffing Komaru Kosha Krystal Kyogre Lakitu Landorus Linkle Lord Fredrik Lucario Lucas Lunala Lurantis Mad Jack Mad Piano Magikarp Magnemite Magnus Makoto Mama Mamuta Alolan Marowak Maya Melmetal Metroid Mew Mewtwo Milla Mimikyu Mipha Misdreavus Moblin Mockiwi Mona Termina Moon Mother Brain Mr. Blizzard Mr. Mime Mr. Patch Musashi Musharna Ness Nickit Nightmare Nihilego N.M.E. Sales Guy Noibat Octorok Off the Hook Orbeetle Palkia Panzersoldat Pauline Phosphora Pichu Posse Pincurchin Pionpi Pirabbid Plant Prank Primarina Prince Peasley Probopass Puyo Pyukumuku Qbby Qwilfish Alolan Raichu Ray Mk III Raymond JSSB Character icon - Mega Rayquaza.png Red Resetti Revali Rhyperior Rillaboom Rockhopper Roland Saemonza Salazzle Alolan Sandslash Saori Satebô Seedot Serika Seviper Shadow Sherm Shinobu Sigilyph Smick Smoky Progg Snip and Clip Spinarak Spinda Stakataka Stonjourner Galarian Stunfisk Stunky Swooping Snitchbug Tangela Taranza T.E.D.D. The Prince Thundurus Tingle Tornadus Totodile Toucannon Toxtricity Kazanari Twin Wardens Urbosa Vanillish Venomoth Volleyball Player Waddle Dee Wesker Whacka Wobbuffet Xatu Xerneas Yama Zacian Zamazenta Zarude Zero Zigzagoon Zip

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Pokemon Rayquaza




Предмет Название Количество Шанс
Изумруд 3-5 100%
Клык Дракона 1-2 50%
Драконий Самоцвет 1-2 30%
Сфера Жизни 1 10%




Калькулятор характеристик

Базовое Калькулятор
Здоровье 105 0
Атака 150 0
Защита 90 0
Сп. Атака 150 0
Сп. Защита 90 0
Скорость 95 0
Сумма 680 0



HP Atk Def SpAt SpDef Spd Sum

Атаки по уровням

Атаки от тренера




24 Дек

384 - Рейкваза (Rayquaza)

384 — Рейкваза (Rayquaza)

Покемон Райкваза – Pokemon 3 поколения под номером 384 в Покедекс. Он обитает в регионе Hoenn и относится к летающему и драконьему типу. Покемон Rayquaza не имеет эволюции.

Как найти и поймать Покемона Рейкваза?

Pokemon Rayquaza является легендарным Покемоном и на карте не встречается. Многие игроки поймали его после успешного рейда.


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