Как пишется ред булл на английском

- boulevard |ˈbʊləvɑːrd|  — бульвар, проспект

Родственные слова, либо редко употребляемые в данном значении

- avenue |ˈævənuː|  — авеню, проспект, аллея, путь, средство, дорога, широкая улица
- parkway |ˈpɑːrkweɪ|  — аллея, парковая дорога




8 лет назад

Англо-русские и русско-английские словари и энциклопедии. English-Russian and Russian-English dictionaries and translations

Русско-английский перевод РЕД БУЛЛ

Red Bull Racing

Русско-Американский Английский словарь.

     Russian-American English dictionary .

Когда мне нужен дикий бык, тогда я покупаю «Ред Булл» и целуюсь с ним.

Well, if I want a wild bull, I drink a Red Bull and kiss him.

Ред Булл организовал нечто вроде полевых учений.

Red Bull organized a field-trip for the two of us.

Ред Булл был прав, надо обратиться к профессионалу.

Red Bull was right I needed professional help.

Если Ред Булл что-то задумает, то он сто пудов это сделает. Но для начала надо было достать бабки.

The thing I like about Red Bull is that when he makes up his mind to do something he does it well.

Попьёшь что-нибудь, пока ждёшь? Сок, кофе, «Ред Булл»?

Is there anything I can get you while you’re waiting, like an orange juice or a coffee or a Red Bull?

Показать ещё примеры для «red bull»…





На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

Ред Булл

Красного Быка

красный бык


Red Bull

Ред Буллом

Красному Быку

There’s coffee, Red Bull and Cheezos around the corner.

Кофе, Ред Булл и конфеты за углом.

You know, at work today, he tried his first Red Bull.

Знаешь? Он впервые попробовал сегодня Ред Булл на работе.

Do you think the Red Bull likes card tricks?

Думаешь, на Красного Быка подействуют карточные фокусы?

Now there’s no way back and no way out but through the Red Bull‘s passage.

Теперь дорога назад закрыта, и мы можем выбраться наружу только через логово Красного Быка.

Where are the other unicorns, and what is the Red Bull?

Где остальные единороги, и кто такой Красный Бык?

But the Red Bull will know you when he sees you; so you are safer here.

Но Красный Бык узнает тебя, как только увидит, — и поэтому тебе здесь безопаснее.

All right, I put you some lunchables and Red Bull and lots of Nicorette.

Ладно, я положила тебе немного еды, Ред Булл и побольше Никоретте.

Okay, so, cupcakes, Red Bull, and a martini.

Значит, кексы, Ред Булл и мартини.

Because Lewis Hamilton said it’s just unbelievably quick following the Red Bull car.

Потому что Льюис Хэмильтон сказал, что машины Ред Булл невероятно быстры.

On 19 January 2012, Soriano moved to the Austrian Football Bundesliga with FC Red Bull Salzburg.

19 января 2012 года Хонатан Сориано перешёл в австрийский футбольный клуб «Ред Булл Зальцбург».

Red Bull organized a field-trip for the two of us.

Ред Булл организовал нечто вроде полевых учений.

Red Bull was right I needed professional help.

Ред Булл был прав, надо обратиться к профессионалу.

You never heard of Red Bull?

Lois, where is my Red Bull?

I got a Red Bull and a half a Sprite, but I can’t vouch for how long it’s been in there.

У меня есть Ред Булл и пол бутылки Спрайта, но не помню, сколько она уже здесь стоит.

But I was seized… by the soldiers of the Red Bull… who put me to school.

Но я был пойман… солдатами Красного быка… которые отдали меня в школу.

The current champions are Red Bull Salzburg.

Действующим чемпионом является клуб «Ред Булл» из Зальцбурга.

Hip Hop and Red Bull makes them crazy.

От хип-хопа и ред булла у них крыша едет.

I’ll have a Red Bull, please.

Only thing an 18-year-old should be doing is shotgunning Red Bull and texting her friends.

Единственное, чем должны заниматься 18-летние — это глушить Рэд Булл и писать смс-ки друзьям.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 305. Точных совпадений: 305. Затраченное время: 66 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Red Bull Energy Drink

Red Bull ice.jpg

Red Bull Energy Drink served in a glass with ice cubes

Type Energy drink
Manufacturer Rauch[1]
Distributor Red Bull GmbH
Country of origin Austria[2]
Introduced 1 April 1987; 35 years ago
Color Yellow
Ingredients Caffeine, taurine,[3][4] glucuronolactone,[5][6][7] sucrose and glucose, B-group vitamins, and water
Variants Red Bull Sugarfree
Red Bull Total Zero
Red Bull Zero
Red Bull Energy Shot
Red Bull Editions
Related products Krating Daeng
Red Bull Simply Cola
Organics by Red Bull
Website redbull.com

Red Bull is a brand of energy drinks created and owned by the Austrian company Red Bull GmbH. With a market share of 38%, it is the most popular energy drink brand as of 2019,[8] and the third most valuable soft drink brand behind Coca-Cola and Pepsi.[9] Since its launch in 1987, more than 100 billion cans of Red Bull have been sold worldwide,[10] including over 11.5 billion in 2022.[11]

Originally available only in a single nondescript flavor sold in a tall and slim silver-blue can, called Red Bull Energy Drink, numerous variants of the drink were added over the course of time. Its slogan, «Red Bull Gives You Wings»,[12] is considered one of the most popular and memorable advertising slogans in the United States, ranking at 16 out of 25 with a 59.3% slogan recognition rate according to a study by advertising and market research firm Survata.[13] Rather than following a traditional marketing approach, Red Bull has generated awareness and created a «brand myth»[14][15] through proprietary extreme sport event series such as Red Bull Cliff Diving World Series, Red Bull Air Race, Red Bull Crashed Ice and standout stunts such as the Stratos space diving project.[16] In addition to sport series, its marketing includes multiple sports team ownerships; celebrity endorsements; and music, through its Red Bull Records label.[17]

Red Bull traces its origins to a similar drink called Krating Daeng, which was introduced in 1976 in Thailand by the pharmacist Chaleo Yoovidhya. While doing business in Thailand, Dietrich Mateschitz purchased a can of Krating Daeng and claimed it cured his jet lag. Mateschitz sought to create a partnership with Yoovidhya and formulated a product that would suit the tastes of Westerners, such as carbonating the product.[18] In 1984 the two founded Red Bull GmbH in Fuschl am See, Salzburg, Austria.[19] When branding their new product Mateschitz referenced Krating Daeng’s name as in Thai, daeng means red, and a krating (known in English as a gaur or Indian bison) is a large species of wild bovine native to the Indian subcontinent. In 1987, the company sold its first can of Red Bull in Austria. In 1996 Red Bull began operation in the United States and has seen steady growth ever since.[20] Both Red Bull and Kraeting Daeng use the same red bull on yellow sun logo while continuing to market their drinks separately in the Thai and Western markets.


In front of the Potala Palace, Tibet: a large can of the Chinese version of Red Bull.

In 1976, Chaleo Yoovidhya introduced a drink called Krating Daeng in Thailand,[21] which means «red gaur» in English. It was popular among Thai truck drivers and labourers. While working for German manufacturer Blendax (later acquired by Procter & Gamble) in 1982, Dietrich Mateschitz travelled to Thailand and met Chaleo, owner of T.C. Pharmaceutical. During his visit, Mateschitz discovered that Krating Daeng helped cure his jet lag.[22] In 1984, Mateschitz co-founded Red Bull GmbH with Yoovidhya and turned it into an international brand. Each partner invested US$500,000 of savings to fund the company. Yoovidhya and Mateschitz each held a 49 percent share of the new company. They gave the remaining two percent to Yoovidhya’s son, Chalerm, but it was agreed that Mateschitz would run the company.[23] The product was first launched in Austria on 1 April 1987.[24]

In Thailand, energy drinks are most popular with blue-collar workers. Red Bull re-positioned the drink as a trendy, upscale drink, first introducing it at Austrian ski resorts.[25] Pricing was a key differentiator, with Red Bull positioned as a premium drink[26][27] and Krating Daeng as a lower cost item. In many countries, both drinks are available, dominating both ends of the price spectrum.[25] The flavouring used for Red Bull is still produced in Bangkok and exported worldwide.[25] Gary Smith is one of the co-CEOs of Red Bull. As a senior board member and corporate secretary between 2000 and 2007, Mr. Smith was also responsible for all day-to-day operations of the company as the COO, including sales, trade marketing, motorsports marketing, finance, information systems, legal, supply chain, operations, and human resources.[28]

During the 1990s, the product expanded into Hungary, Slovenia, Germany, the United Kingdom, and the United States.[29] It entered Germany and the UK in 1994, the United States (via California) in 1997 and the Middle East in 2000.[29] In 2008, Forbes magazine listed both Chaleo and Mateschitz as the 250th richest people in the world with an estimated net worth of US$4 billion.[30][31]

Mateschitz died on 22 October 2022 aged 78, following a long illness.[32]

Red Bull GmbH is headquartered in Fuschl am See, an Austrian village of about 1,500 inhabitants near Salzburg. The company is 51 per cent controlled by the Yoovidhya family who, for technical reasons, owns the trademark in Europe and the US.[25]


Nutritional value per 8.4 fl oz
Energy 460 kJ (110 kcal)



Sugars 27
Dietary fibre 0



Saturated 0



Minerals Quantity




105 mg

  • Units
  • μg = micrograms • mg = milligrams
  • IU = International units
Percentages are roughly approximated using US recommendations for adults.
Source: [33]

Depending on the country, Red Bull contains different amounts of caffeine, taurine, B vitamins (B2, B3, B5, B6, B12) and simple sugars (sucrose and glucose) in a buffer solution of carbonated water, baking soda and magnesium carbonate (substituted in some flavours with a trisodium citrate/citric acid buffer, each solution providing electrolytes).[34][35] To produce Red Bull Sugarfree, sugars sucrose and glucose have been replaced by artificial sweeteners, acesulfame K and aspartame or sucralose.[36]

Previous formulations of Red Bull contained 0.24% glucuronolactone (600 mg of glucuronolactone in a 250 ml can),[37] but this ingredient was[when?] removed.[citation needed]

Health effects[edit]

Claims about the drink’s effects and performance have been challenged on various occasions, with the UK’s Advertising Standards Authority imposing advertising restrictions in 2001 in response to complaints recorded as early as 1997.[38]

Energy drinks have the effects that caffeine and sugar provide, but experts still argue about the possible effects of the other ingredients.[39] Most of the effects of energy drinks on cognitive performance, such as increased attention and reaction speed, are primarily due to the presence of caffeine.[40] There is evidence that energy drinks can increase mental[41][42][43] and athletic[44][45] performance. A study funded by Red Bull GmbH, which did not include a caffeine-only control group, found that performance during prolonged driving is increased after consumption of Red Bull.[43] Other tests for physical performance showed results such as increased endurance and power. Red Bull energy drink increased upper body muscle endurance during repeated Wingate tests in young healthy adults.[46] Excessive or repeated consumption of energy drinks can lead to cardiac and psychiatric conditions.[47][48]

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) concluded that exposure to taurine and glucuronolactone at the levels presently used in energy drinks is not a safety concern.[49] In a separate analysis, they also concluded that there is insufficient evidence to support a number of commercial health claims about taurine.[50] A review published in 2008 found no documented reports of negative or positive health effects associated with the amount of taurine used in energy drinks, including Red Bull.[51]

Caffeine content[edit]

The caffeine content of a single 250ml can of Red Bull is approximately 40–80 mg / 250 ml (15–32 mg / 100 ml).[52][53][33] The caffeine level in Red Bull varies depending on country, as some countries have legal restrictions on how much caffeine is allowed in drinks. As is the case with other caffeinated beverages, Red Bull drinkers may experience adverse effects as a result of overuse. Excessive consumption may induce mild to moderate euphoria primarily caused by stimulant properties of caffeine and may also induce agitation, anxiety, irritability and insomnia.[54][55][40]

The general population of healthy adults is not at risk for potential adverse effects from caffeine if they limit their consumption to 400 mg per day, which is the equivalent of 5 standard cans, with one can being 250 ml in volume.[56] Consumption of a single energy drink will not lead to excessive caffeine intake.[57][58] Adverse effects associated with caffeine consumption in amounts greater than 400 mg include nervousness, irritability, sleeplessness, increased urination, abnormal heart rhythms (arrhythmia), and dyspepsia. Consumption also has been known to cause pupil dilation when taken with certain antidepressants or SSRIs.[58][59] Caffeine dosage is not required to be on the product label for food in the United States, unlike drugs, but some advocates are urging the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to change this practice. (Red Bull voluntarily lists the caffeine content in each can along with the ingredient list.)[60]


Over the years, Red Bull has offered many variations of its drink, all based on the same formula but differing in taste and colour.[61]

Red Bull began offering variations on its drinks in 2003 with a sugar-free version of the drink with a distinct flavor from the original, called Red Bull Sugarfree.[62] In 2012, Red Bull released Red Bull Total Zero, a variant without calories.[63] In 2018, the company released Red Bull Zero, a different sugar-free formulation designed to taste more like the original flavor.[64]

In 2009, Red Bull unveiled a highly concentrated variant of its drink called Red Bull Energy Shot.[65] It comes in 2 oz (60 ml) cans.[66]

The company began expanding its flavor offerings in 2013 with the launch of Red Bull Editions. Initially available in cranberry, lime, and blueberry,[67] the Editions line has grown to include a variety of flavours, including some available only during specific seasons or in certain regions.[68][69]

The original three flavored Editions: red (cranberry), blue (blueberry) and silver (dry lime). Silver has since been discontinued, and red reformulated to a watermelon flavor.

Other products[edit]

Red Bull released a cola, called Simply Cola, in 2008. A new version of the cola was released in 2019, as part of Red Bull’s Organics line.

In 2018, the company launched Organics by Red Bull, a line of organic sodas with four flavours; bitter lemon, ginger ale, tonic water, and a new version of Red Bull Simply Cola.[70]

Market approval and legal status[edit]

Authorities in France, Denmark, and Norway initially kept Red Bull from being sold domestically.[71] However, as of 2021, it is on sale in all 27 member states of the European Union and in 171 countries around the world.[72][73]

The French food safety agency was concerned about taurine. A Red Bull drink that did not contain taurine was introduced. The French refusal of market approval was challenged by the European Commission, and partially upheld by the European Court of Justice in 2004.[71] The French food safety agency relented in 2008, because it was unable to prove a definite health risk, taurine-related or not.[74]


In 2013, Red Bull told the Redwell Brewery, a Norfolk micro brewery, to change its name or face legal action, because it sounded too similar to Red Bull. The eight-man brewery in Norwich was told its name could «confuse» customers and «tarnish» its trademark.[75] The two companies reached a settlement permitting Redwell to continue using its name.[76]

In 2014, Red Bull entered into a US$13 million settlement to resolve two consumer class action lawsuits in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York.[77] Named as plaintiffs were Benjamin Careathers, David Wolf, and Miguel Almarez[78] who had sued the company claiming breach of express warranty and unjust enrichment, alleging that Red Bull falsely asserted performance-enhancing benefits from the drink’s ingredients that were unsubstantiated by scientific studies.[79] On 1 May 2015 the Court approved the settlement, giving customers who had submitted claims the opportunity to receive a US$10 cash reimbursement or US$15 in Red Bull products[80] within 150 days of affirmance on any appeal.[81] Contrary to reports from some news outlets, the plaintiffs had not alleged that the drink did not give consumers actual wings.[82]

Advertising, sports team ownership, and sponsorships[edit]

Since 1997, Red Bull has been making commercials bearing its slogan «Red Bull gives you wings.»[83] Commercials usually were crudely animated and featured characters with constant squints.

Red Bull’s international marketing campaign is largely linked to extreme sports. These range from motorcycle racing, such as MotoGP, Dakar Rally,[84] motorcycle speedway, mountain biking,[85] aerobatics, BMX,[86] motocross,[87] windsurfing,[88] snowboarding,[89] skateboarding,[90] kayaking,[91] rowing,[92] wakeboarding,[93] cliff-diving,[94] parkour,[95] surfing,[96] skating,[97] freestyle motocross,[98] rallycross,[99] Formula 1 racing,[100] NASCAR racing,[101] to breakdancing.[102] Red Bull uses music and video games, and has enlisted celebrities, such as Eminem (sponsoring the Red Bull «EmSee Battle Rap championships»).[103] It hosts events like art shows and the «Red Bull Flugtag» (German for «flight day» or «flying day»).[104]

Red Bull owns football teams, with clubs in Austria,[105] Germany,[106] the United States,[106] and Brazil[107] featuring the Red Bull trademark in their names. By associating the drink’s image with these activities, the company seeks to promote a «cool» public image and raise brand power. The energy drink has created a market for over 150 related types of products.[108]

In the PlayStation 3’s social gaming platform, PlayStation Home, Red Bull developed its own in-game island, specifically advertising its energy drink and the Red Bull Air Race event (for which the space is named) released in January 2009.[109] In late November 2009, Red Bull produced two new spaces, the Red Bull Illume space, and the Red Bull Beach space featuring the Red Bull Flugtag, both released on the same day.[110] In January 2012, Red Bull released its first personal space called the «Red Bull House of Skate» featuring an indoor skate park.[111]

In 2010, the company enlisted Adrian Newey to design a prototype racing car, the Red Bull X2010, for the video game Gran Turismo 5.[112]

In 2022, Red Bull announced a full-on production of a hypercar called RB17, also designed by Newey.[113]

Red Bull Arts[edit]

Red Bull Arts is an art fellowship program launched by Red Bull in 2013 under the name Red Bull House of Arts.[114][115] The program has multiple locations, including Detroit, Michigan; São Paulo, Brazil; and formerly New York City.[114][116][117] The program typically consists of a three-month period during which six to eight participants will create new artwork to be displayed at a final exhibition.[116][118] During the fellowship, artists receive unlimited access to the galleries and a stipend for art supplies.[119] Some of the artwork has been used in Red Bull advertising campaigns.[114][120]

Sports and esports sponsorships[edit]

Red Bull has used sports sponsorships as an advertising vehicle for most of its existence. The company first started sponsoring athletes in 1989, initially focusing on Formula One racing and extreme sports such as windsurfing and hang gliding, and later growing to include more mainstream sports such as basketball and soccer.[121][122][123] As of 2016, the company sponsored more than 750 individual athletes and more than a dozen teams in various disciplines, including motorsports, soccer, and esports.[124]


Austrian Formula One driver Gerhard Berger was the first athlete to be sponsored by Red Bull in 1989.[125] Many of the company’s early sponsorships were in lesser-known or extreme sports, including Olympic rower Xeno Müller, who won a gold medal at the 1996 Atlanta Olympics in the single scull race and BASE jumpers Frank «Gambler» Gambalie, Miles Dashier, and Shane McConkey.[126][127] In the 2010s, Red Bull began expanding its athlete base to include athletes from more mainstream sports, including Austrian tennis player Dominic Thiem,[128] Brazilian skateboarder Letícia Bufoni,[129] American skier Lindsey Vonn,[130] and American Major League Baseball player Kris Bryant.[131] The company also started sponsoring video game players and esports athletes, including American Fortnite player Richard «Ninja» Blevins,[132] Spanish League of Legends player Enrique Cedeño «xPeke» Martinez,[133] and Swedish Super Smash Bros. player William «Leffen» Hjelte.[134]

Team ownership and sponsorships[edit]

The first team sponsored by Red Bull was ice hockey’s EC Salzburg during the 1987–88 season.[135] Red Bull acquired the club outright in 2000.[135] Since 2014, Salzburg has also hosted the company’s joint ice hockey and soccer academy.[136] Red Bull became the title sponsor of DEL team EHC München in 2012, and took full ownership the following year.[137] It also financed the team’s new arena, SAP Garden.[138]

In 1995, Red Bull sponsored its first motorsports team, the Swiss Formula One team Sauber and in 1999 started sponsoring the Flying Bulls, a Czech aerobatics team.[139][140]

In the 2000s, the company expanded its sporting team ownership to include several soccer teams, including the Austrian Bundesliga team SV Austria Salzburg (rebranded as Red Bull Salzburg), the Major League Soccer team the New York MetroStars (rebranded as the New York Red Bulls) in 2006, and the fifth-tier German team SSV Markranstadt (rebranded as RasenBallsport Leipzig) in 2009, which the company sought to move to the top of the German Bundesliga.[122] RB Leipzig has been divisive and the subject of protests by some fans but has also experienced rapid success, climbing through the German soccer divisions to get a place in the top-flight German Bundesliga and earning berths in the UEFA Champions League in 2017–2018 and 2019–2020, the latter trip ending with a semi-final loss to Paris St. Germain.[122][141] The company also sponsors the Los Angeles Clippers NBA team and Red Bull 3X, a series of men’s and women’s 3×3 basketball tournaments.[142][143]

In the 2010s, Red Bull began sponsoring gamers and esports organizations, including OG, G2 Esports and Cloud9, and founded the Red Bulls League of Legends team.[144][145][146]

In 2021, Red Bull sponsored Hoang Anh Gia Lai from V.League 1.[147]


Red Bull Flugtag 2010 in Stockholm

Current and former Red Bull events include ACF Nationals (2009), Air Race World Championship (2003–2019), Argentine motorcycle Grand Prix, Art of Motion, BC One, Big Wave Africa, Cape Fear, Cliff Diving World Series, Crashed Ice, Dolomitenmann, Drifting World Championship, Flugtag, Frozen Rush, Indianapolis motorcycle Grand Prix, King of the Air, King of the Rock Tournament, Last Man Standing, MotoGP Rookies Cup, Motorcycle Grand Prix of the Americas, New Year No Limits, Paper Wings, Rampage, Red Bull 400, Red Bull Joyride, Road Rage, Romaniacs Hard Enduro Rallye, Soapbox Race, Spanish motorcycle Grand Prix, Stratos, Street Freestyle World Champions (2019), Trolley Grand Prix, Unleashed (2015), Wings for Life World Run, X-Alps, Xcbusa, and X-Fighters.

See also[edit]

  • Red Bull Stratos – stratospheric parachute jump 2012


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External links[edit]

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Red Bull.

  • Official website
Red Bull Energy Drink

Red Bull ice.jpg

Red Bull Energy Drink served in a glass with ice cubes

Type Energy drink
Manufacturer Rauch[1]
Distributor Red Bull GmbH
Country of origin Austria[2]
Introduced 1 April 1987; 35 years ago
Color Yellow
Ingredients Caffeine, taurine,[3][4] glucuronolactone,[5][6][7] sucrose and glucose, B-group vitamins, and water
Variants Red Bull Sugarfree
Red Bull Total Zero
Red Bull Zero
Red Bull Energy Shot
Red Bull Editions
Related products Krating Daeng
Red Bull Simply Cola
Organics by Red Bull
Website redbull.com

Red Bull is a brand of energy drinks created and owned by the Austrian company Red Bull GmbH. With a market share of 38%, it is the most popular energy drink brand as of 2019,[8] and the third most valuable soft drink brand behind Coca-Cola and Pepsi.[9] Since its launch in 1987, more than 100 billion cans of Red Bull have been sold worldwide,[10] including over 11.5 billion in 2022.[11]

Originally available only in a single nondescript flavor sold in a tall and slim silver-blue can, called Red Bull Energy Drink, numerous variants of the drink were added over the course of time. Its slogan, «Red Bull Gives You Wings»,[12] is considered one of the most popular and memorable advertising slogans in the United States, ranking at 16 out of 25 with a 59.3% slogan recognition rate according to a study by advertising and market research firm Survata.[13] Rather than following a traditional marketing approach, Red Bull has generated awareness and created a «brand myth»[14][15] through proprietary extreme sport event series such as Red Bull Cliff Diving World Series, Red Bull Air Race, Red Bull Crashed Ice and standout stunts such as the Stratos space diving project.[16] In addition to sport series, its marketing includes multiple sports team ownerships; celebrity endorsements; and music, through its Red Bull Records label.[17]

Red Bull traces its origins to a similar drink called Krating Daeng, which was introduced in 1976 in Thailand by the pharmacist Chaleo Yoovidhya. While doing business in Thailand, Dietrich Mateschitz purchased a can of Krating Daeng and claimed it cured his jet lag. Mateschitz sought to create a partnership with Yoovidhya and formulated a product that would suit the tastes of Westerners, such as carbonating the product.[18] In 1984 the two founded Red Bull GmbH in Fuschl am See, Salzburg, Austria.[19] When branding their new product Mateschitz referenced Krating Daeng’s name as in Thai, daeng means red, and a krating (known in English as a gaur or Indian bison) is a large species of wild bovine native to the Indian subcontinent. In 1987, the company sold its first can of Red Bull in Austria. In 1996 Red Bull began operation in the United States and has seen steady growth ever since.[20] Both Red Bull and Kraeting Daeng use the same red bull on yellow sun logo while continuing to market their drinks separately in the Thai and Western markets.


In front of the Potala Palace, Tibet: a large can of the Chinese version of Red Bull.

In 1976, Chaleo Yoovidhya introduced a drink called Krating Daeng in Thailand,[21] which means «red gaur» in English. It was popular among Thai truck drivers and labourers. While working for German manufacturer Blendax (later acquired by Procter & Gamble) in 1982, Dietrich Mateschitz travelled to Thailand and met Chaleo, owner of T.C. Pharmaceutical. During his visit, Mateschitz discovered that Krating Daeng helped cure his jet lag.[22] In 1984, Mateschitz co-founded Red Bull GmbH with Yoovidhya and turned it into an international brand. Each partner invested US$500,000 of savings to fund the company. Yoovidhya and Mateschitz each held a 49 percent share of the new company. They gave the remaining two percent to Yoovidhya’s son, Chalerm, but it was agreed that Mateschitz would run the company.[23] The product was first launched in Austria on 1 April 1987.[24]

In Thailand, energy drinks are most popular with blue-collar workers. Red Bull re-positioned the drink as a trendy, upscale drink, first introducing it at Austrian ski resorts.[25] Pricing was a key differentiator, with Red Bull positioned as a premium drink[26][27] and Krating Daeng as a lower cost item. In many countries, both drinks are available, dominating both ends of the price spectrum.[25] The flavouring used for Red Bull is still produced in Bangkok and exported worldwide.[25] Gary Smith is one of the co-CEOs of Red Bull. As a senior board member and corporate secretary between 2000 and 2007, Mr. Smith was also responsible for all day-to-day operations of the company as the COO, including sales, trade marketing, motorsports marketing, finance, information systems, legal, supply chain, operations, and human resources.[28]

During the 1990s, the product expanded into Hungary, Slovenia, Germany, the United Kingdom, and the United States.[29] It entered Germany and the UK in 1994, the United States (via California) in 1997 and the Middle East in 2000.[29] In 2008, Forbes magazine listed both Chaleo and Mateschitz as the 250th richest people in the world with an estimated net worth of US$4 billion.[30][31]

Mateschitz died on 22 October 2022 aged 78, following a long illness.[32]

Red Bull GmbH is headquartered in Fuschl am See, an Austrian village of about 1,500 inhabitants near Salzburg. The company is 51 per cent controlled by the Yoovidhya family who, for technical reasons, owns the trademark in Europe and the US.[25]


Nutritional value per 8.4 fl oz
Energy 460 kJ (110 kcal)



Sugars 27
Dietary fibre 0



Saturated 0



Minerals Quantity




105 mg

  • Units
  • μg = micrograms • mg = milligrams
  • IU = International units
Percentages are roughly approximated using US recommendations for adults.
Source: [33]

Depending on the country, Red Bull contains different amounts of caffeine, taurine, B vitamins (B2, B3, B5, B6, B12) and simple sugars (sucrose and glucose) in a buffer solution of carbonated water, baking soda and magnesium carbonate (substituted in some flavours with a trisodium citrate/citric acid buffer, each solution providing electrolytes).[34][35] To produce Red Bull Sugarfree, sugars sucrose and glucose have been replaced by artificial sweeteners, acesulfame K and aspartame or sucralose.[36]

Previous formulations of Red Bull contained 0.24% glucuronolactone (600 mg of glucuronolactone in a 250 ml can),[37] but this ingredient was[when?] removed.[citation needed]

Health effects[edit]

Claims about the drink’s effects and performance have been challenged on various occasions, with the UK’s Advertising Standards Authority imposing advertising restrictions in 2001 in response to complaints recorded as early as 1997.[38]

Energy drinks have the effects that caffeine and sugar provide, but experts still argue about the possible effects of the other ingredients.[39] Most of the effects of energy drinks on cognitive performance, such as increased attention and reaction speed, are primarily due to the presence of caffeine.[40] There is evidence that energy drinks can increase mental[41][42][43] and athletic[44][45] performance. A study funded by Red Bull GmbH, which did not include a caffeine-only control group, found that performance during prolonged driving is increased after consumption of Red Bull.[43] Other tests for physical performance showed results such as increased endurance and power. Red Bull energy drink increased upper body muscle endurance during repeated Wingate tests in young healthy adults.[46] Excessive or repeated consumption of energy drinks can lead to cardiac and psychiatric conditions.[47][48]

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) concluded that exposure to taurine and glucuronolactone at the levels presently used in energy drinks is not a safety concern.[49] In a separate analysis, they also concluded that there is insufficient evidence to support a number of commercial health claims about taurine.[50] A review published in 2008 found no documented reports of negative or positive health effects associated with the amount of taurine used in energy drinks, including Red Bull.[51]

Caffeine content[edit]

The caffeine content of a single 250ml can of Red Bull is approximately 40–80 mg / 250 ml (15–32 mg / 100 ml).[52][53][33] The caffeine level in Red Bull varies depending on country, as some countries have legal restrictions on how much caffeine is allowed in drinks. As is the case with other caffeinated beverages, Red Bull drinkers may experience adverse effects as a result of overuse. Excessive consumption may induce mild to moderate euphoria primarily caused by stimulant properties of caffeine and may also induce agitation, anxiety, irritability and insomnia.[54][55][40]

The general population of healthy adults is not at risk for potential adverse effects from caffeine if they limit their consumption to 400 mg per day, which is the equivalent of 5 standard cans, with one can being 250 ml in volume.[56] Consumption of a single energy drink will not lead to excessive caffeine intake.[57][58] Adverse effects associated with caffeine consumption in amounts greater than 400 mg include nervousness, irritability, sleeplessness, increased urination, abnormal heart rhythms (arrhythmia), and dyspepsia. Consumption also has been known to cause pupil dilation when taken with certain antidepressants or SSRIs.[58][59] Caffeine dosage is not required to be on the product label for food in the United States, unlike drugs, but some advocates are urging the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to change this practice. (Red Bull voluntarily lists the caffeine content in each can along with the ingredient list.)[60]


Over the years, Red Bull has offered many variations of its drink, all based on the same formula but differing in taste and colour.[61]

Red Bull began offering variations on its drinks in 2003 with a sugar-free version of the drink with a distinct flavor from the original, called Red Bull Sugarfree.[62] In 2012, Red Bull released Red Bull Total Zero, a variant without calories.[63] In 2018, the company released Red Bull Zero, a different sugar-free formulation designed to taste more like the original flavor.[64]

In 2009, Red Bull unveiled a highly concentrated variant of its drink called Red Bull Energy Shot.[65] It comes in 2 oz (60 ml) cans.[66]

The company began expanding its flavor offerings in 2013 with the launch of Red Bull Editions. Initially available in cranberry, lime, and blueberry,[67] the Editions line has grown to include a variety of flavours, including some available only during specific seasons or in certain regions.[68][69]

The original three flavored Editions: red (cranberry), blue (blueberry) and silver (dry lime). Silver has since been discontinued, and red reformulated to a watermelon flavor.

Other products[edit]

Red Bull released a cola, called Simply Cola, in 2008. A new version of the cola was released in 2019, as part of Red Bull’s Organics line.

In 2018, the company launched Organics by Red Bull, a line of organic sodas with four flavours; bitter lemon, ginger ale, tonic water, and a new version of Red Bull Simply Cola.[70]

Market approval and legal status[edit]

Authorities in France, Denmark, and Norway initially kept Red Bull from being sold domestically.[71] However, as of 2021, it is on sale in all 27 member states of the European Union and in 171 countries around the world.[72][73]

The French food safety agency was concerned about taurine. A Red Bull drink that did not contain taurine was introduced. The French refusal of market approval was challenged by the European Commission, and partially upheld by the European Court of Justice in 2004.[71] The French food safety agency relented in 2008, because it was unable to prove a definite health risk, taurine-related or not.[74]


In 2013, Red Bull told the Redwell Brewery, a Norfolk micro brewery, to change its name or face legal action, because it sounded too similar to Red Bull. The eight-man brewery in Norwich was told its name could «confuse» customers and «tarnish» its trademark.[75] The two companies reached a settlement permitting Redwell to continue using its name.[76]

In 2014, Red Bull entered into a US$13 million settlement to resolve two consumer class action lawsuits in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York.[77] Named as plaintiffs were Benjamin Careathers, David Wolf, and Miguel Almarez[78] who had sued the company claiming breach of express warranty and unjust enrichment, alleging that Red Bull falsely asserted performance-enhancing benefits from the drink’s ingredients that were unsubstantiated by scientific studies.[79] On 1 May 2015 the Court approved the settlement, giving customers who had submitted claims the opportunity to receive a US$10 cash reimbursement or US$15 in Red Bull products[80] within 150 days of affirmance on any appeal.[81] Contrary to reports from some news outlets, the plaintiffs had not alleged that the drink did not give consumers actual wings.[82]

Advertising, sports team ownership, and sponsorships[edit]

Since 1997, Red Bull has been making commercials bearing its slogan «Red Bull gives you wings.»[83] Commercials usually were crudely animated and featured characters with constant squints.

Red Bull’s international marketing campaign is largely linked to extreme sports. These range from motorcycle racing, such as MotoGP, Dakar Rally,[84] motorcycle speedway, mountain biking,[85] aerobatics, BMX,[86] motocross,[87] windsurfing,[88] snowboarding,[89] skateboarding,[90] kayaking,[91] rowing,[92] wakeboarding,[93] cliff-diving,[94] parkour,[95] surfing,[96] skating,[97] freestyle motocross,[98] rallycross,[99] Formula 1 racing,[100] NASCAR racing,[101] to breakdancing.[102] Red Bull uses music and video games, and has enlisted celebrities, such as Eminem (sponsoring the Red Bull «EmSee Battle Rap championships»).[103] It hosts events like art shows and the «Red Bull Flugtag» (German for «flight day» or «flying day»).[104]

Red Bull owns football teams, with clubs in Austria,[105] Germany,[106] the United States,[106] and Brazil[107] featuring the Red Bull trademark in their names. By associating the drink’s image with these activities, the company seeks to promote a «cool» public image and raise brand power. The energy drink has created a market for over 150 related types of products.[108]

In the PlayStation 3’s social gaming platform, PlayStation Home, Red Bull developed its own in-game island, specifically advertising its energy drink and the Red Bull Air Race event (for which the space is named) released in January 2009.[109] In late November 2009, Red Bull produced two new spaces, the Red Bull Illume space, and the Red Bull Beach space featuring the Red Bull Flugtag, both released on the same day.[110] In January 2012, Red Bull released its first personal space called the «Red Bull House of Skate» featuring an indoor skate park.[111]

In 2010, the company enlisted Adrian Newey to design a prototype racing car, the Red Bull X2010, for the video game Gran Turismo 5.[112]

In 2022, Red Bull announced a full-on production of a hypercar called RB17, also designed by Newey.[113]

Red Bull Arts[edit]

Red Bull Arts is an art fellowship program launched by Red Bull in 2013 under the name Red Bull House of Arts.[114][115] The program has multiple locations, including Detroit, Michigan; São Paulo, Brazil; and formerly New York City.[114][116][117] The program typically consists of a three-month period during which six to eight participants will create new artwork to be displayed at a final exhibition.[116][118] During the fellowship, artists receive unlimited access to the galleries and a stipend for art supplies.[119] Some of the artwork has been used in Red Bull advertising campaigns.[114][120]

Sports and esports sponsorships[edit]

Red Bull has used sports sponsorships as an advertising vehicle for most of its existence. The company first started sponsoring athletes in 1989, initially focusing on Formula One racing and extreme sports such as windsurfing and hang gliding, and later growing to include more mainstream sports such as basketball and soccer.[121][122][123] As of 2016, the company sponsored more than 750 individual athletes and more than a dozen teams in various disciplines, including motorsports, soccer, and esports.[124]


Austrian Formula One driver Gerhard Berger was the first athlete to be sponsored by Red Bull in 1989.[125] Many of the company’s early sponsorships were in lesser-known or extreme sports, including Olympic rower Xeno Müller, who won a gold medal at the 1996 Atlanta Olympics in the single scull race and BASE jumpers Frank «Gambler» Gambalie, Miles Dashier, and Shane McConkey.[126][127] In the 2010s, Red Bull began expanding its athlete base to include athletes from more mainstream sports, including Austrian tennis player Dominic Thiem,[128] Brazilian skateboarder Letícia Bufoni,[129] American skier Lindsey Vonn,[130] and American Major League Baseball player Kris Bryant.[131] The company also started sponsoring video game players and esports athletes, including American Fortnite player Richard «Ninja» Blevins,[132] Spanish League of Legends player Enrique Cedeño «xPeke» Martinez,[133] and Swedish Super Smash Bros. player William «Leffen» Hjelte.[134]

Team ownership and sponsorships[edit]

The first team sponsored by Red Bull was ice hockey’s EC Salzburg during the 1987–88 season.[135] Red Bull acquired the club outright in 2000.[135] Since 2014, Salzburg has also hosted the company’s joint ice hockey and soccer academy.[136] Red Bull became the title sponsor of DEL team EHC München in 2012, and took full ownership the following year.[137] It also financed the team’s new arena, SAP Garden.[138]

In 1995, Red Bull sponsored its first motorsports team, the Swiss Formula One team Sauber and in 1999 started sponsoring the Flying Bulls, a Czech aerobatics team.[139][140]

In the 2000s, the company expanded its sporting team ownership to include several soccer teams, including the Austrian Bundesliga team SV Austria Salzburg (rebranded as Red Bull Salzburg), the Major League Soccer team the New York MetroStars (rebranded as the New York Red Bulls) in 2006, and the fifth-tier German team SSV Markranstadt (rebranded as RasenBallsport Leipzig) in 2009, which the company sought to move to the top of the German Bundesliga.[122] RB Leipzig has been divisive and the subject of protests by some fans but has also experienced rapid success, climbing through the German soccer divisions to get a place in the top-flight German Bundesliga and earning berths in the UEFA Champions League in 2017–2018 and 2019–2020, the latter trip ending with a semi-final loss to Paris St. Germain.[122][141] The company also sponsors the Los Angeles Clippers NBA team and Red Bull 3X, a series of men’s and women’s 3×3 basketball tournaments.[142][143]

In the 2010s, Red Bull began sponsoring gamers and esports organizations, including OG, G2 Esports and Cloud9, and founded the Red Bulls League of Legends team.[144][145][146]

In 2021, Red Bull sponsored Hoang Anh Gia Lai from V.League 1.[147]


Red Bull Flugtag 2010 in Stockholm

Current and former Red Bull events include ACF Nationals (2009), Air Race World Championship (2003–2019), Argentine motorcycle Grand Prix, Art of Motion, BC One, Big Wave Africa, Cape Fear, Cliff Diving World Series, Crashed Ice, Dolomitenmann, Drifting World Championship, Flugtag, Frozen Rush, Indianapolis motorcycle Grand Prix, King of the Air, King of the Rock Tournament, Last Man Standing, MotoGP Rookies Cup, Motorcycle Grand Prix of the Americas, New Year No Limits, Paper Wings, Rampage, Red Bull 400, Red Bull Joyride, Road Rage, Romaniacs Hard Enduro Rallye, Soapbox Race, Spanish motorcycle Grand Prix, Stratos, Street Freestyle World Champions (2019), Trolley Grand Prix, Unleashed (2015), Wings for Life World Run, X-Alps, Xcbusa, and X-Fighters.

See also[edit]

  • Red Bull Stratos – stratospheric parachute jump 2012


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  101. ^ «Archrival | Red Bull Racing in NASCAR». Archrival. Archived from the original on 9 March 2017. Retrieved 8 March 2017.
  102. ^ «Redbull Flying Bach tour brings Bach and breakdancing to Dallas in 2017». AXS. Archived from the original on 9 March 2017. Retrieved 8 March 2017.
  103. ^ Pajot, S. (3 November 2011). «Calling Battle Rappers! Enter Red Bull EmSee Miami and Win a Trip to the Finals in Atlanta». Miami New Times. Archived from the original on 9 March 2017. Retrieved 8 March 2017.
  104. ^ «Red Bull’s high-flying Flugtag competition to return to Nashville». The Tennessean. Archived from the original on 9 April 2022. Retrieved 8 March 2017.
  105. ^ «Austria – FC Salzburg». us.soccerway.com. Archived from the original on 22 March 2017. Retrieved 8 March 2017.
  106. ^ a b «Analysis | RB Leipzig’s Bundesliga debut is like a fairy tale in which the bad guys are winning». Washington Post. Archived from the original on 9 March 2017. Retrieved 8 March 2017.
  107. ^ «Brazil – Red Bull Brasil». us.soccerway.com. Archived from the original on 29 March 2019. Retrieved 8 March 2017.
  108. ^ «RED BULL HISTORY». speedace.info. Electrick Publications. Archived from the original on 25 July 2012. Retrieved 27 July 2012.
  109. ^ «Red Bull becomes first brand on PlayStation Home». Archived from the original on 9 March 2017. Retrieved 8 March 2017.
  110. ^ Fahey, Mike. «Red Bull Gives PlayStation Home New Things To Do». Kotaku. Archived from the original on 4 July 2018. Retrieved 8 March 2017.
  111. ^ «Red Bull House of Skate». YourPSHome.net. Archived from the original on 9 March 2017. Retrieved 8 March 2017.
  112. ^ «GTVault – Gran Turismo 5Setup for». www.gtvault.com. Archived from the original on 9 March 2017. Retrieved 8 March 2017.
  113. ^ «Red Bull Advanced Technologies announces the RB17». Red Bull. 28 June 2022. Retrieved 28 June 2022.
  114. ^ a b c DeVito, Lee (7 August 2013). «The house that Red Bull built». Detroit Metro Times. Archived from the original on 20 September 2021. Retrieved 15 September 2021.
  115. ^ Clifford, Tyler (11 July 2018). «Red Bull restructures, expands Detroit arts initiative». Crain’s Detroit Business. Archived from the original on 20 September 2021. Retrieved 15 September 2021.
  116. ^ a b Rigby, Claire. «Red Bull Station opens up downtown». TimeOut São Paulo. Archived from the original on 28 January 2015. Retrieved 15 September 2021.
  117. ^ Greenberger, Alex (4 December 2020). «Red Bull Closes Influential New York Art Space Home to Trendy Exhibitions». ARTnews. Archived from the original on 30 January 2022. Retrieved 15 September 2021.
  118. ^ DeVito, Lee (6 August 2014). «Meet the creative minds behind the Red Bull House of Art’s Cycle 8». Detroit Metro Times. Archived from the original on 14 August 2021. Retrieved 15 September 2021.
  119. ^ Trevino, Jessica J. (6 August 2014). «Meet the 6 local artists featured in the Red Bull House of Art exhibit». Detroit Free Press. Archived from the original on 6 October 2014. Retrieved 24 January 2015.
  120. ^ Lacy, Eric (27 January 2014). «Grammys 2014: Watch Detroit Red Bull House of Art ‘City of Soldiers’ commercial aired during show». MLive.com. Archived from the original on 28 January 2015. Retrieved 24 January 2015.
  121. ^ Radcliffe, J.R. (14 April 2021). «Watch: Donte DiVincenzo tries to decipher Milwaukee lingo for 414 Day with mixed results». Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. Archived from the original on 29 September 2021. Retrieved 28 September 2021.
  122. ^ a b c Bysouth, Alex (13 August 2020). «Leipzig – Germany’s most divisive club». BBC News. Archived from the original on 27 November 2021. Retrieved 22 September 2021.
  123. ^ Arlidge, John (5 December 2004). «Focus: How Red Bull woke up the teen market». The Guardian. Archived from the original on 29 September 2021. Retrieved 22 September 2021.
  124. ^ Medeiros, João (7 July 2016). «Inside Red Bull’s extreme bootcamp where athletes become winners». Wired UK. Archived from the original on 2 September 2021. Retrieved 22 September 2021.
  125. ^ Spurgeon, Brad (24 May 2013). «Meet the Red Bull Tribe». The New York Times. Archived from the original on 29 September 2021. Retrieved 22 September 2021.
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  129. ^ Reavis, Lily (23 September 2020). «Inside Skateboarder Leticia Bufoni’s Olympic Training». Sports Illustrated. Archived from the original on 29 September 2021. Retrieved 28 September 2021.
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  131. ^ Ngomsi, Vincina (21 July 2021). «Kris Bryant is teaming up with Red Bull to test a baseball skills challenge». Yahoo! Sports. Archived from the original on 29 September 2021. Retrieved 22 September 2021.
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  135. ^ a b Grill, Philipp (23 October 2022). «Wie Didi Mateschitz sein Sport-Imperium aufbaute». Kronen Zeitung. Mediaprint. Retrieved 6 September 2022.
  136. ^ «Red Bull Academy». redbulleishockeyakademie.com. Red Bull. Retrieved 6 September 2022.
  137. ^ «Red Bull München: Club». www.redbullmuenchen.de. EHC Red Bull München. 16 August 2022. Retrieved 6 September 2022.
  138. ^ Bernhard, Christian (23 August 2022). «München: Der neue SAP Garden – größer, schöner, teurer». Süddeutsche Zeitung. Retrieved 6 September 2022.
  139. ^ Constanduros, Bob (1995). «Formula 1 Review: Sauber». Autocourse 1995–96. Hazleton Publishing. pp. 80–81. ISBN 1-874557-36-5.
  140. ^ Schrader, Markus (13 September 2019). «Here Are All The Highlights Among The +200 Aircraft Attending Zeltweg’s AirPower 2019 Airshow». The Aviationist. Archived from the original on 29 September 2021. Retrieved 21 September 2021.
  141. ^ Doyle, Paul (18 August 2020). «RB Leipzig 0–3 PSG: Champions League semi-final – as it happened». The Guardian. Archived from the original on 21 April 2021. Retrieved 22 September 2021.
  142. ^ Wallace, Gregory (4 May 2014). «Red Bull picks up deal with Clippers». CNN. Archived from the original on 29 September 2021. Retrieved 29 September 2021.
  143. ^ Phillips, Amy (10 June 2021). «Hall of Fame hosting 2021 Red Bull USA Basketball 3X tournament». WWLP. Nexstar Media Group. Archived from the original on 29 September 2021. Retrieved 29 September 2021.
  144. ^ Ashton, Graham (28 July 2017). «OG Officially Partner with Red Bull, Unveils New Team Logo – ARCHIVE – The Esports Observer». The Esports Observer. Archived from the original on 29 September 2021. Retrieved 22 September 2021.
  145. ^ Newell, Adam (15 June 2018). «Cloud9 announce new partnership with Red Bull». Dot Esports. Archived from the original on 29 September 2021. Retrieved 22 September 2021.
  146. ^ Robichaud, Andrew (19 May 2017). «Red Bull announces League of Legends team – TSN.ca». TSN. Archived from the original on 29 September 2021. Retrieved 22 September 2021.
  147. ^ «Red Bull ký kết hợp tác với CLB bóng đá Hoàng Anh Gia Lai – Khởi động chương trình tuyển chọn tài năng bóng đá trẻ». Red Bull Vietnam (in Vietnamese). Archived from the original on 19 April 2021. Retrieved 11 March 2022.

External links[edit]

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Red Bull.

  • Official website

pine сосна, Pinus

Alaska pine тсуга западная, Tsuga heterophylla

Aleppo pine сосна алеппская, Pinus halepensis

Alpine stone pine сосна кедровая европейская, Pinus cembra

Apache pine сосна широкохвойная, Pinus latifolia

Arizona pine сосна жёлтая аризонская, Pinus arizonica

Australian pine казуарина хвощевидная, Casuarina equisetifolia

Austrian pine сосна чёрная австрийская, Pinus nigra

Balkan pine сосна румелийская, Pinus peuce

bark pine сосна Бунге, Pinus bungeana

bastard pine сосна ладанная, Pinus taeda

big-cone pine сосна Культера, Pinus coulteri

bishop pine сосна мягкоигольчатая, Pinus muricata

black Norway pine сосна жёсткая, Pinus rigida

black pine 1. сосна Жеффрея, Pinus jeffreyi; 2. ногоплодник метельчатый, Podocarpus spicatus

Brazilian pine араукария бразильская, Araucaria brasiliana

bristle-cone pine сосна остистая, Pinus aristata

British Columbia pine 1. лжетсуга тисолистная, Pseudotsuga taxifolia; 2. сосна жёлтая, Pinus ponderosa

brown pine ногоплодник высокий, Podocarpus elata

bull pine сосна жёлтая, Pinus ponderosa

Californian white pine сосна жёлтая, Pinus ponderosa

Canadian pine сосна смолистая, Pinus resinosa

Canary Island pine сосна канарская, Pinus canariensis

Caribbean pine сосна карибская, Pinus caribaea

Carolina pine сосна виргинская, Pinus virginiana

cedar pine сосна кедровая сибирская, «кедр» сибирский, Pinus sibirica; сосна виргинская, Pinus virginiana

celery-topped pine филлокладус ромбоидальный, Phylocladus rhomboidalis

cembra pine сосна кедровая европейская, Pinus cembra

Chilian pine араукария чилийская, Araucaria araucana

chir pine сосна длиннохвойная, Pinus longifolia

cluster pine сосна приморская, Pinus pinaster

common pine сосна обыкновенная, Pinus silvestris

cork pine сосна Веймутова, Pinus strobus

Corsican pine сосна чёрная калабарийская, Pinus laricio

Coulter pine сосна Культера, Pinus coulteri

Cuban pine сосна карибская, Pinus caribaea

cypress pine каллитрис сизый, Callitris glauca

dammar pine агатис, Agathis

deal pine сосна Веймутова, Pinus strobus

digger pine сосна Сабина, сосна белая калифорнийская, Pinus sabiniana

drops pine вертляница стройная, Monotropa procera

European pine пихта гребенчатая, Abies pectinata

feston pine плаун скальный, Lycopodium rupestris

foxtail pine сосна Бальфура, Pinus balfouriana; сосна ладанная, Pinus taeda

frankincense pine сосна ладанная, Pinus taeda

gray pine сосна Банкса, Pinus banksiana

gray-leaf pine сосна Сабина, сосна белая калифорнийская, Pinus sabiniana

ground pine живучка ёлочковидная, Ajuga chamaepitys

hard pine сосна смолистая, Pinus resinosa; сосна австралийская, Pinus australica; сосна широкохвойная, Pinus latifolia; сосна болотная, Pinus palustris

hickory pine сосна колючая, Pinus pungens

Himalayan pine сосна гималайская, Pinus griffithi

hoop pine араукария Куннингама, Araucaria cunninghamii

Hudson Bay pine сосна Банкса, Pinus banksiana

Indian pine сосна ладанная, Pinus taeda

insignis pine сосна замечательная, Pinus radiata

Japanese black pine сосна Тунберга, Pinus thunbergii

Japanese red pine сосна густоцветная, Pinus densiflora

Japanese stone pine стланик кедровый, Pinus pumila

Japanese white pine сосна мелкоцветная, Pinus parviflora

Jeffrey pine сосна Жеффрея, Pinus jeffreyi

kauri pine агатис новозеландский, Agathis australis

knobcone pine сосна утончённая, Pinus attenuata

knotty parana pine араукария бразильская, Araucaria brasiliana

Korean pine сосна корейская, сосна кедровая маньчжурская, Pinus koraiensis

Labrador pine сосна Банкса, Pinus banksiana

limber pine сосна гибкая, Pinus flexilis

loblolly pine сосна ладанная, Pinus taeda

lodgepole pine сосна скрученная широкохвойная (Pinus contorta var. latifolia)

long-shucks pine сосна ладанная, Pinus taeda

long-straw pine сосна ладанная, Pinus taeda

longifolia pine сосна длиннохвойная, Pinus longifolia

longleaf pine сосна австралийская, Pinus australica; сосна широкохвойная, Pinus latifolia; сосна болотная, Pinus palustris

Macedonian pine сосна румелийская, Pinus peuce

Manchurian pine сосна корейская, сосна кедровая маньчжурская, Pinus koraiensis

maritime pine сосна приморская, Pinus maritima

meadow pine 1. хвощ полевой, Equisetum arvense; 2. сосна ладанная, Pinus taeda

Mexican stone pine сосна кедровидная, Pinus cembroides

Mexican white pine сосна мексиканская Веймутова, Pinus ayacahuite

Monterey pine сосна замечательная, Pinus radiata

mountain pine 1. сосна горная, Pinus montana ; 2. стланик кедровый, Pinus pumila

New Caledonian pine араукария колончатая, Araucaria columnaris

nigger pine сосна виргинская, Pinus virginiana

Norfolk Island pine араукария высокая, Araucaria excelsa

northern pine сосна Веймутова, Pinus strobus

Norway pine сосна смолистая, Pinus resinosa

nut pine сосна кедровидная, Pinus cembroides; сосна съедобная, Pinus edulis

old-field pine сосна ладанная, Pinus taeda

Oregon pine лжетсуга тисолистная, Pseudotsuga taxifolia

Parana pine араукария бразильская Araucaria brasiliana)

pinon pine сосна съедобная, Pinus edulis

pitch pine сосна жёсткая, Pinus rigida; сосна австралийская, Pinus australica; сосна широкохвойная, Pinus latifolia; сосна болотная, Pinus palustris; сосна ежовая, Pinus echinata; сосна виргинская, Pinus virginiana

pond pine сосна поздняя, Pinus serotina

pond(er)osa pine сосна жёлтая, Pinus ponderosa

poverty pine сосна колючая, Pinus pungens

prickle-cone pine сосна мягкоигольчатая, Pinus muricata

prickly pine сосна колючая, Pinus pungens; сосна скрученная широкохвойная (Pinus contorta var. latifolia)

prince’s pine 1. зимолюбка зонтичная, Chimaphila umbellata; 2. сосна Банкса, Pinus banksiana

pumpkin pine сосна Веймутова, Pinus strobus

Quebec yellow pine сосна Веймутова, Pinus strobus

red pine сосна смолистая, Pinus resinosa

river pine сосна виргинская, Pinus virginiana

rock pine сосна Банкса, Pinus banksiana; сосна жёлтая горная, Pinus scopulorum

rocky-mountain pine сосна гибкая, Pinus flexilis; сосна жёлтая горная, Pinus scopulorum

rosemary pine плаун булавовидный, Lycopodium clavatum

sand pine сосна закрытая, Pinus clausa

sap pine сосна ладанная, Pinus taeda; сосна жёсткая, Pinus rigida

Scotch pine сосна обыкновенная, Pinus silvestris

screw pine панданус полезный, Pandanus utilis

scrub pine сосна виргинская, Pinus virginiana

shore pine сосна скрученная, Pinus contorta

short-shucks pine сосна виргинская, Pinus virginiana

shortleaf pine сосна ежовая, Pinus echinata; сосна виргинская, Pinus virginiana

Siberian pine сосна корейская, сосна кедровая маньчжурская, Pinus koraiensis

Siberian stone pine сосна кедровая сибирская, «кедр» сибирский, Pinus sibirica

silver pine сосна горная Веймутова, Pinus monticola

single-leaf pine сосна однохвойная, Pinus monophylla

slash pine сосна ежовая, Pinus echinata; сосна Эллиота, Pinus elliotii; сосна карибская, Pinus caribaea; сосна ладанная, Pinus taeda

soft pine сосна Лямберта, Pinus lambertiana

southern mountain pine сосна колючая, Pinus pungens

southern pine ложная сосна (общее наименования для ладанной, голой и др. видов сосен Северной Америки)

southern pine сосна австралийская, Pinus australica; сосна широкохвойная, Pinus latifolia; сосна болотная, Pinus palustris; сосна жёсткая, Pinus rigida

spruce pine сосна гладкая, Pinus glabra; сосна Веймутова, Pinus strobus; сосна ежовая, Pinus echinata; сосна виргинская, Pinus virginiana

stone pine сосна итальянская, пиния, Pinus pinea

sturdy cypress pine каллитрис исполинский, Callitris robusta

sugar pine сосна Лямберта, Pinus lambertiana

swamp pine сосна ладанная, Pinus taeda

Swiss pine сосна кедровая европейская, Pinus cembra

table-mountain pine сосна колючая, Pinus pungens

Tasmanian pine атротаксис кипарисовидный, Athrotaxis cupressoides

torch pine сосна ладанная, Pinus taeda; сосна жёсткая, Pinus rigida

Torrey pine сосна Торрея, Pinus torreyana

turpentine pine сосна болотная, Pinus palustris

umbrella pine сциадопитис мутовчатый, японская зонтичная пихта, Sciadopitys verticillata

Virginia pine сосна виргинская, Pinus virginiana

western yellow pine сосна жёлтая, Pinus ponderosa

Weymouth pine сосна Веймутова, Pinus strobus

whistling pine казуарина узловатая, Casuarina torulosa

white pine сосна Веймутова, Pinus strobus; сосна горная Веймутова, Pinus monticola

white-bark pine сосна белоствольная, Pinus albicaulis

yellow pine 1. жёлтая сосна (общее наименование ладанной, голой и др. видов сосен Северной Америки) ; 2. сосна ежовая, Pinus echinata; сосна колючая, Pinus pungens; сосна жёлтая, Pinus ponderosa; сосна болотная, Pinus palustris

yew pine ель чёрная, Picea mariana

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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Red Bull GmbH

Logo of Red bull.svg
Red Bull Headquarters.jpg

Headquarters in Fuschl am See, Salzburg, Austria

Type Private
Industry Conglomerate including energy drinks
Founded 1 April 1987; 35 years ago
  • Dietrich Mateschitz
  • Chaleo Yoovidhya
Headquarters Fuschl am See, Salzburg, Austria

Area served


Key people

  • Franz Watzlawick (CEO Beverage Business)
  • Alexander Kirchmayr (CFO)
  • Oliver Mintzlaff (CEO Corporate Projects and New Investments)
Products Red Bull
Revenue Increase €5.044 billion (2018)[1]

Operating income

Increase €1.3 billion (2018)

Net income

Increase €650 million (2018)
  • Chalerm Yoovidhya (51%)[2]
  • Mark Mateschitz (49%)

Number of employees

12239 (2018)[1]
  • Red Bull Racing
  • Scuderia AlphaTauri
  • New York Red Bulls
  • New York Red Bulls II
  • FC Red Bull Salzburg
  • FC Liefering
  • RB Leipzig
  • Red Bull Brasil
  • Red Bull Bragantino
  • EHC München
  • EC Red Bull Salzburg
  • Red Bull Records
  • Red Bull OG
Website redbull.com

Red Bull GmbH (German pronunciation: [ʁɛt ˈbʊl]) is an Austrian private company known for its range of energy drinks of the same name.[3] It is also known for its sponsorship of a range of sporting events and teams. The headquarters of Red Bull GmbH are located in Fuschl am See, Salzburg.[4]


Austrian entrepreneur Dietrich Mateschitz and Thai businessman Chaleo Yoovidhya founded Red Bull GmbH in 1984. While working for German manufacturer Blendax (later acquired by Procter & Gamble) in 1982, Mateschitz traveled to Thailand and met Chaleo, owner of TC Pharmaceuticals. He found that the energy drink Krating Daeng, developed by Chaleo’s company during the 1970s, helped to ease his jet lag.[5] After seeing market potential in the drink, he partnered with Chaleo in bringing it to Europe. Under their agreement, the partners invested $500,000 each into founding Red Bull GmbH. In return, they would each receive a 49% stake in the company, with the remaining 2% stake going to Chaleo’s son Chalerm. They also agreed that Mateschitz would run the company.[6]

Between 1984 and 1987, Red Bull GmbH modified the formula for Krating Daeng to better match European tastes by carbonating the beverage and making it less sweet. In 1987, the company introduced their adapted energy drink into Austria under the name Red Bull. It found huge success there by marketing to young professionals. The brand expanded throughout Europe during the early 1990s, exploding into the United States market during 1997, grabbing 75% of the market within a year.[6] The wealth of Red Bull’s founders grew with the company’s success, and by March 2012, both Chaleo and Mateschitz had estimated net worths of over $5.3 billion each.[7][8] Expanding its distribution to over 171 countries, the company sold 5.2 billion cans of Red Bull in 2012, making it the world’s most-consumed energy drink.[9]

In 2018, Red Bull launched its line of organic sodas called Organics by Red Bull, most of it without caffeine.[10]


The Red Bull company also distributes and markets a number of other drinks including Simply Cola, the Carpe Diem range of herbal soft beverages and the Sabai Wine Spritzer (the latter in association with the Thai Siam Winery in Thailand).[citation needed]


Initially, Red Bull distributed free cases of the drink to college students in an attempt at viral advertising. This strategy was wildly successful, resulting in the rapid proliferation of sales. Red Bull has since become known for its sleek marketing targeted at young urban professionals through various sports and entertainment-based advertising campaigns. The current motto, «Red Bull Gives You Wiiings», directly plays on the stimulating properties of the beverage.

Promotional cars[edit]

In addition to this, Red Bull has developed the MET (Mobile Energy Team) program. The teams consist of mostly college students, who drive specially designed Red Bull «Racers». The racers are detailed with the Red Bull logo and most carry an oversized can of Red Bull on their chassis (Suzuki Vitara, MiniCooper, SportTrac, etc.). The METs complete daily missions that include sporting events, businesses, colleges, shopping centres, etc. The Mobile Energy Team is trained to know the properties of the energy drink thoroughly and present them to consumers.

Promotional aircraft[edit]

The company uses numerous historic fixed wing and rotary wing aircraft[11] in their promotions including:

  • Chance-Vought F4U-4 96995 (OE-EAS) (WWII Fighter)
  • Lockheed P-38L-5LO 44-53254 (N25Y) (WWII Fighter)
  • North American B-25J-30NC 44-86893 (N6123C) (WWII Bomber)
  • Douglas DC-6B (OE-LDM)

Music industry[edit]

The brand is promoted via various music-related activities. In 2007, the company launched its own record label Red Bull Records. It runs the Red Bull Studio recording facility, in Santa Monica.[12] The Red Bull Music Academy organises music workshops and festivals around the world.

The brand also organises and sponsors the famous Red Bull Batalla de Los Gallos. A freestyle competition of hip hop which takes place every year in many Spanish speaking countries.

In 2013, it started an artist development program called Red Bull Sound Select. Randy Randall, of No Age, said he was okay working with Red Bull as the company is not owned by a larger company and the branding of the events is relatively low key.[13] In the same year, the Red Bull Amplifier was launched with help from Sidekick Studios. It plans to assist digital startups by giving access to its audience, events, and facilities. In return Red Bull gets associated with trendy startups.[14][15]


Since the initial viral campaign, Red Bull’s efforts have included sponsoring extreme sport events including cliff diving, BMX, skiing, flying, downhill and free-ride mountain biking and skateboarding. In the 1990s, Red Bull sponsored the rower Xeno Müller, who won an Olympic gold medal in the single sculls in 1996.[16] Red Bull also owns and conducts the Flugtag («flight day» in German), a competition where entrants launch themselves off a 10-metre ramp in homemade «flying machines» into a body of water (reminiscent of the Birdman Rally); its own version of the soapbox derby called the Red Bull Soap Box Race; the Red Bull Crashed ice, a world tour, in the winter extreme sporting event, ice cross downhill, which involves downhill skating in an urban environment, on a track which includes steep turns and high vertical drops.

The Red Bull Art of the Can Competition, an international art competition in which artists are asked to create works using the Red Bull can; and the Red Bull BC One individual breakdance competition; also events such as the motorcycle Erzberg Enduro where less than two percent of entrants finish the course.

Red Bull has had a sponsorship presence in a number of sports for some time, especially in the world of motor sport, and has a presence in the Australian V8 Supercars sponsoring the 888 race team, DTM (Deutsche Tourenwagen Masters) especially the Abt Audi team, Dakar Rally sponsoring the KAMAZ Master, VW Race Touareg Team and Peugeot Sport, KTM’s Factory teams in various motorcycle racing series, British Superbikes (BSB) Red Bull Honda and HM Plant Red Bull Honda teams, World Rally Championship with the Citroën, Volkswagen, M-Sport Ford and Škoda teams, the SEAT team in the World Touring Car Championship, in Champ Car with Neel Jani and PKV Racing, Rhys Millen’s Pontiac in Formula D, sponsoring the GP2 Series team owned by Red Bull Racing team principal Christian Horner, Arden International. They previously sponsored and co-owned both the Sauber and Arrows Formula One teams, the Red Bull Cheever Racing Team in the IRL, and from 2007 to 2011 Team Red Bull competed in the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series. Also Red Bull is now sponsoring the Cyberathlete Professional League and formerly sponsored its own air racing event called the Red Bull Air Race World Championship which contested its final season in 2019.
The 2005 DARPA Grand Challenge, a competition for driverless cars, was won by a student team from Stanford. The Team’s robotically driven Volkswagen Touareg «Stanley» was sponsored by Red Bull.

Red Bull sponsors the Red Bull Rope Masters competition with the National Double Dutch League for the Annual Holiday Classic at the Apollo Theatre in New York City, an event often dominated by teams from Japan featuring fusion double-Dutch (set to hip-hop or contemporary music), and they sponsor other regional events in Memphis, TN and at Morgan State University, to name a few. There are several YouTube videos documenting these events.

Red Bull also has sponsored various racing drivers including NASCAR driver Brian Vickers and Kasey Kahne and Formula One drivers Christian Klien and Vitantonio Liuzzi. Red Bull is also sponsor to young Canadian racing prodigy Robert Wickens and teammate John Michael Edwards in the Champ Car Atlantic Series, as well as rally driver Travis Pastrana, MotoGP riders Dani Pedrosa, Marc Márquez, Maverick Viñales, Stefan Bradl and Jack Miller, American Superbike (AMA) riders Eric Bostrom, Ben Bostrom and Jake Zemke and British Superbike (BSB) riders Jonathan Rea, Eugene Laverty and Ryuchi Kiyonari. Red Bull is sponsoring two new NASCAR teams under 2007; racing under the new Toyota Camry label.
Aside from that, its Thai unit and its Philippine partner has been responsible in forming, licensing, and funding the Red Bull Barako basketball team in the Philippine Basketball Association (PBA) since 2000. It has become one of the more successful sports teams in the Philippines, winning three championships in the PBA.

Red Bull covers the costs to organise the Wings for Life World Run since its first edition in 2014. This permits that the entry fees for the participants can entirely be given to the nonprofit Wings for Life foundation.[17]

Red Bull Sponsorship FIVB Beach Volleyball World Tour.

They also sponsor several cyclocross riders including Wout van Aert and Pauline Ferrand Prevot. This most viable as both riders have Red Bull branded helmets.

They have also sponsored England Cricketer Ben Stokes, and their branding is visible on the back of his bat.

The sponsorship of Exeter Chiefs and England winger Jack Nowell has seen him become the first player with branding on a scrum cap.

Red Bull sponsors extreme cyclists Danny MacAskill and Fabio Wibmer.

Sport ownership[edit]

Red Bull has extended its presence to purchasing and entirely re-branding a number of sports teams.


In motorsport, these teams include Red Bull Racing (previously Jaguar Racing before which it was Stewart Grand Prix)[18] and Scuderia AlphaTauri, previously Scuderia Toro Rosso and before that it was Minardi F1 Team.[19] (Scuderia Toro Rosso is Italian for Team Red Bull.)[19] Both teams have scored Grand Prix victories, and Red Bull Racing won the Constructors’ Championship for the 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2022 seasons. Sebastian Vettel won four Drivers’ Championships in row in 2010, 2011, 2012, and 2013 while driving for Red Bull Racing. Red Bull Racing driver Max Verstappen won the 2021 and 2022 Formula One Driver’s Championship.

According to Red Bull Team Principal Christian Horner in F1’s Netflix original series Formula 1: Drive to Survive, Red Bull is in a unique position wherein they have four drivers (two at Red Bull Racing and two at Scuderia AlphaTauri). He also stated that the drivers in Scuderia AlphaTauri are Red Bull contracted drivers.

In motorcycling, Red Bull is a title sponsor of Red Bull KTM Factory Racing and main sponsor of Repsol Honda.

In 2006, Red Bull announced they would be sponsoring the NASCAR Team Red Bull. They debuted in the Nextel Cup Series at Lowe’s Motor Speedway. The team was shut down in December 2011 and its assets acquired by BK Racing.[20][21]

The Stock Car Brasil team WA Mattheis was sponsored by Red Bull between 2009 and 2016; Cacá Bueno has won the 2009, 2011 and 2012 championships. The Australian Supercars Championship’ Triple Eight Race Engineering has also been sponsored by Red Bull since 2013. Jamie Whincup has won three titles in 2013, 2014 and 2017 and team-mate Shane van Gisbergen won the championship in 2016, 2021 and again in 2022 at the Gold Coast 500.

Association football[edit]

The company has also been highly active in association football. On 6 April 2005, Red Bull bought the Austrian club SV Austria Salzburg and renamed it to Red Bull Salzburg, a move which has been heavily criticised by supporter groups within Austria and across Europe. They also purchased FC Liefering as Salzburg’s feeder club.

In 2005, Red Bull purchased the MetroStars, a team in Major League Soccer representing New York City, from Anschutz Entertainment Group and renamed the franchise; Red Bull New York is the name of the Red Bull subsidiary that operates the team, while the squad itself is known as the New York Red Bulls. Anschutz Entertainment Group was about to begin building the MetroStars their own stadium, but groundbreaking was delayed a month as AEG completed the sale of the team. The company paid for the team’s new stadium, Red Bull Arena, which had its match opener 20 March 2010.

In 2007, Red Bull established the lower-division Red Bull Brasil team in the city of Campinas, São Paulo. As the plan to reach the Campeonato Brasileiro Série A in 10 years failed, Red Bull became owners of Série B side Clube Atlético Bragantino in March 2019 and renamed the team to Red Bull Bragantino.[22] Red Bull Bragantino became the champion of the 2019 edition of Série B, and was promoted to the Série A for the 2020 edition.

In June 2009, the company purchased the soccer licence of German fifth division club SSV Markranstädt based near Leipzig, renaming them RB Leipzig for the 2009–10 season onwards. The company stated that its goal was to reach the country’s first division, the Bundesliga, within ten years; this goal was ultimately achieved, with RB Leipzig winning four promotions in seven seasons to secure Bundesliga football starting in 2016–17 season.[23]

The current Head of Global Football Operations is Oliver Mintzlaff.[24]

Ice hockey[edit]

The company purchased EC Salzburg, the city’s team in the Austrian Hockey League, in 2000 and renamed it Red Bull Salzburg. Furthermore, Red Bull took over DEL club EHC München, becoming the team’s title sponsor in 2012 before purchasing it outright in 2013.


In 2017, Red Bull announced the formation of their new League of Legends team, Red Bulls, which competed in the European League of Legends Challenger Series before folding in 2018.[25] Red Bull sponsors several fighting game players who compete in Tekken and Street Fighter,[26] as well as the Dota 2 team OG, winners of The International 2018 and 2019 tournaments.[27]


Red Bull Media House is a media company specialized in sport, lifestyle, music and games.[28]

The company publishes several magazines: The Red Bulletin (lifestyle), Servus (food, health and gardening); Terra Mater (nature, science and history); Bergwelten (alpinism) and Seitenblicke (celebrities).

Other Red Bull Media House divisions are Red Bull TV, Red Bull Photography, Benevento Publishing, Red Bull Music Academy, Red Bull Records and Red Bull Music Publishing.

Sports championships[edit]

Auto racing[edit]

  • Formula 1 World Drivers’ Championships (6)
    • 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2021, 2022
  • Formula 1 World Constructors’ Championships (5)
    • 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2022

Association football[edit]


  • Austrian Bundesliga (13)
    • 2006–07, 2008–09, 2009–10, 2011–12, 2013–14, 2014–15, 2015–16, 2016–17, 2017–18, 2018–19, 2019–20, 2020–21, 2021–22
  • Austrian Cup (7)
    • 2011–12, 2013–14, 2014–15, 2015–16, 2016–17, 2018–19
  • Regionalliga West (1)
    • 2012–13

 United States[edit]

  • Supporters’ Shield (3)
    • 2013, 2015, 2018
  • United Soccer League Champions (1)
    • 2016
  • United Soccer League Regular Season Title (1)
    • 2016
  • National Premier Soccer League (1)
    • 2014


  • Regionalliga Nordost (1)
    • 2012–13
  • NOFV-Oberliga Süd (2)
    • 2009–10, 2014–15
  • Sachsenliga (1)
    • 2013–14
  • Bezirksliga Leipzig (2)
    • 2010–11
  • Saxony Cup (2)
    • 2010–11, 2012–13
  • Regionalliga promotion playoff 1 (1)
    • 2012–13
  • DFB-Pokal (1)
    • 2021–22


  • Campeonato Paulista Série A3 (1)
    • 2010
  • Campeonato Paulista Série B (1)
    • 2009
  • Campeonato Brasileiro Série B (1)
    • 2019
  • Campeonato Paulista do Interior (2)
    • 2019, 2020
  • Campeonato Paulista Group D (1)
    • 2020

Ice hockey[edit]


  • Austrian Hockey League (7)
    • 2007, 2008, 2010, 2011, 2014*, 2015, 2016, 2018*[29]
  • Continental Cup (1)
    • 2010
  • European Trophy (1)
    • 2011


  • Deutsche Eishockey Liga (4)
    • 2015–16, 2016–17, 2017–18, 2019–20 (RS)


Dota 2[edit]

  • The International (2, with OG)
    • 2018, 2019

F1 2019[edit]

  • Formula One Esports Series
    • 2019

F1 2020[edit]

  • Formula One Esports Series
    • 2020


  1. ^ a b «Red Bull the company – Who makes Red Bull? Red Bull Origin :: Energy Drink :: Red Bull». Retrieved 5 June 2019.
  2. ^
    Chalerm Yoovidhya & family Forbes. Retrieved 5 January 2020.
  3. ^ «Red Bull GmbH, Fuschl am See, Salzburg». FirmenABC.at. Retrieved 8 July 2020.
  4. ^ «Red Bull Energy Drink — Official Website». www.redbull.com.
  5. ^ «Selling energy». The Economist. 9 May 2002.
  6. ^ a b Kerry A. Dolan (28 March 2005). «The Soda With Buzz». Forbes. Archived from the original on 29 March 2005. Retrieved 20 June 2015.
  7. ^ «Dietrich Mateschitz, Forbes, March 2012». Forbes. Archived from the original on 13 March 2011.
  8. ^ «Yoovidhya Family, Forbes, March 2012». Forbes. Archived from the original on 3 September 2012.
  9. ^ «Red Bull company history, Red Bull GmbH corporate website». Red Bull.
  10. ^ Meyer, Zlati. «Red Bull launches its own line of organic sodas, most of it (gasp!) not caffeinated». USA TODAY.
  11. ^ «Photo Search Results». Retrieved 20 June 2015.
  12. ^ Lauria, Peter (1 April 2008). «Pump the Music». New York Post.
  13. ^ Tavana, Art (4 November 2015). «Why is Super-DIY Band No Age Playing a Corporate Sponsored Music Festival?». LA Weekly. Retrieved 16 November 2015.
  14. ^ Solon, Olivia. «Red Bull launches accelerator for music startups». wired.co.uk. Condé Nast UK. Retrieved 18 November 2015.
  15. ^ Lara, O’Reilly (8 March 2013). «Red Bull launches music startup accelerator». Marketing Week. Centaur Media. Retrieved 18 November 2015.
  16. ^ http://www.brownalumnimagazine.com/storydetail.cfm?ID=1731
  17. ^ «Help us raise funds for Spinal Cord Injury — Wings for Life World Run — Wings for Life World Run». Archived from the original on 29 March 2016. Retrieved 29 March 2016.
  18. ^ Red Bull snaps up Jaguar F1 team article
  19. ^ a b Red Bull swoop for Minardi deal article
  20. ^ Ryan, Nate (20 June 2011). «Lack of success drives Red Bull to pull out of NASCAR». USA Today. Retrieved 13 April 2014.
  21. ^ Gluck, Jeff (21 February 2012). «2012 Daytona 500 To Mark Debut Of Mysterious BK Racing Team». SB Nation. Retrieved 13 April 2014.
  22. ^ «Red Bull expands global football empire, takes over at Bragantino». SportBusiness Sponsorship. 28 March 2019. Retrieved 4 October 2019.
  23. ^ «RB Leipzig seal promotion to first division». Deutsche Welle. 8 May 2016. Retrieved 28 October 2016.
  24. ^ «The Boss July 8th, 2015″.
  25. ^ «Red Bull has a new League of Legends team». Retrieved 7 August 2017.
  26. ^ «Red Bull». Red Bull. Retrieved 23 August 2019.
  27. ^ O’Keefe, David. «OG fill us in on their epic TI8 victory». Red Bull. Retrieved 26 August 2018.
  28. ^ When a Brand Becomes a Publisher: Inside Red Bull’s Media House – Dorian Benkoil, Mediashift, 10 November 2014
  29. ^ [*] – seasons in which the Austrian Champion didn’t win the EBEL title

External links[edit]

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Red Bull.

  • Official website

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Перевод «ред булл» на английский

Было здорово так пройти оба «Ред Булл«, это будет одним из моих лучших воспоминаний от сезона.

It was superb to go past both the Red Bulls like that and it’ll be one of my best memories of the year.

Но будет большим сюрпризом, если «Ред Булл» не будет впереди всех.

However, it would be a surprise if the Red Bulls were not ahead of everyone.

«Ред Булл» — действительно хорошая команда.

I think Red Bulls is a very good team.

Ну, знаешь, с парой банок Ред Булл, чтобы не заснуть.

You know, with a couple Red Bulls so you don’t fall asleep.

Как и всегда, «Ред Булл» выглядят очень быстро, и будет тяжело сражаться с ними.

As always, the Red Bulls look very fast, and it’s going to be tough to challenge them.

Кроме того, у «Ред Булл» есть преимущество над нами, хотя этого и не видно по сегодняшним временам.

And the Red Bulls still have a performance advantage over us, even if it doesn’t show from today’s times.

Финиш позади двух «Ред Булл» — это почти как победа, отмечу также тот максимум, которого мы смогли добиться сегодня.

Finishing behind two Red Bulls almost tastes like a victory, as well as being the maximum we could have done today’.

Машина на первом комплекте шин вела себя фантастически, и мы смогли оторваться, но затем «Ред Булл» смогли отыграться.

The car was fantastic on the first set of tyres and we managed to pull away, but then the Red Bulls were able to reel us in later on.

На что надеяться соперникам «Ред Булл» в сезоне-2014

Четвертое место — это не так плохо, мы гораздо ближе к «Ред Булл», чем ожидали.

But fourth isn’t too bad; we’re a lot closer to the Red Bulls than we feared we might be.

Мы знаем, что наш болид уже стал гораздо стабильнее в быстрых поворотах, но нам пока трудно добиться уровня «Ред Булл» и «Феррари».

We know our car is already quite stable in the fast corners, but it’s difficult to match the Red Bulls and the Ferraris.

Мы знали, что «Ред Булл» будут недосягаемы, так что четвёртое место — это то, чего мы ждали.

We knew the Red Bulls would be untouchable, so to be fourth is more or less what we expected.

Этот фактор придаст дополнительную мотивацию для того, чтобы добиться хороших результатов в гонке, и постараться финишировать на подиуме, как мы надеемся, перед «Ред Булл«.

That will be a further motivating factor to get a good result and try and make it to the podium, hopefully ahead of the Red Bulls.

Конечно, был расстроен тем, что у нас было недостаточно скорости, чтобы бороться с «Феррари» и «Ред Булл», но этого можно было ожидать.

It was a little disappointing to see that we probably didn’t have enough pace to take the fight to the Ferraris and the Red Bulls, but that was to be expected, really.

Гонка была непростой, машина вела себя не лучшим образом, к тому же «Феррари» и «Ред Булл» были очень быстры.

It was a very tough race today — the car didn’t feel fantastic and the Ferraris and Red Bulls were very fast.

Мы были не так быстры, как Ред Булл и Грожан, так что четвертое место — наш максимум .

We weren’t as quick as the Red Bulls or Grosjean so fourth was the maximum.

Но очевидно, что у «Ред Булл» больше прижимной силы, чем у нас, особенно на втором секторе, и это доказывает, что нам надо добиться серьёзного прогресса, чтобы соперничать с ними в будущем.

But it’s clear that the Red Bulls have more downforce than we do, particularly in the middle sector, and it’s evident that we need to find a decent step in performance to keep up with them in future.

Мы приехали сюда, чтобы побить «Ред Булл», и мы добились этого, но я не ожидал, что мой напарник финиширует настолько впереди меня .

«We came here to beat the Red Bulls and we did, but I didn’t expect my team-mate to finish so far ahead of me.»

Ричард? Может быть, не стоит налегать на «Ред Булл«?

Richard, can I suggest you take it easy on the Red Bulls?

Знаем, что в квалификациях мы уступаем «Ред Булл» и «Макларену», но в гонке, где есть различные непостоянные факторы, такие как износ шин, нам могут представиться некоторые возможности.

We know that in qualifying we are behind the Red Bulls and McLarens, but in the race, when there are variables like tyre degradation, then we can exploit some opportunities.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 53. Точных совпадений: 53. Затраченное время: 52 мс


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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

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